#this is so funny HE WASN'T EVEN THE DRUMMER YET
Fuck it post mcrs shared beefcake boyfriend on main
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killermchann · 2 months
mystik spiral rate youre music page
Icebox Woman
by Mystik Spiral
released 1998
recorded 1992 - 1997
2.33 / 5.0 from 70 ratings
Alternative Rock, Garage Rock, Post-Grunge
Grunge, Noise Rock, Power Pop, Indie Rock, Neo-Psychedelia
lo-fi, raw, angry, noisy, lethargic, introspective, dissonant, psychedelic, melancholic, energetic, depressive, self-hatred, nihilistic, existential, occult, rebellious, spiritual, pessimistic, male vocalist, LGBT, atonal
4 Reviews
i liked the part where those 2 guys howled like wolves that part was funny
takes me back…i used to play at the zon in the 90s & actually met the guitarist after a gig when i went to use the bathroom. nice guy. i think his name was jerry? he gave me a blowie in one of the stalls & sold me the CD for $20. great stuff! would recommend!
Pure drivel. I cannot recall a single moment during my first (and only) listen of this garbage where I wasn't appalled. HOW DID THIS TAKE 5 YEARS TO RECORD????? Let us delve into the musical septic tank...
Mystik Spiral is yet another perfectly mediocre post-grunge band that has decided to unleash onto the unwitting public the suburban angst they've carried with them and kept latent since middle school. My first question: What the fuck is a Mystic Spiral? Is it supposed to be a metaphor for their career? It sounds like the name of a Doors cover band. Initially I assumed the misspelling of the word "mystic" to be intentional, but after finishing the album I am fully convinced the members are all semi-literate. Take these lyrics:
"The universe is a cold, cold place, black and Bleak like outer space, the wind chill drops below sub-zero, it's not no time to be a hero."
Woooooow. Didn't know the temperature could drop "below sub-zero," or that poetry you wrote for your Language Arts class when you were twelve constitutes as genuine lyricism. And who still rhymes "zero" with "hero?"
Fortunately, Mystik Spiral is allergic to songs over two minutes in length, making this a much less tedious listen than expected. This compliment is backhanded, as the "songs" are excretions of verse-chorus crap that barely hit the one minute mark.*Yawn.* There is nothing in this album that resembles originality. Why bother writing memorable riffs when you don't even know how to fix that buzz in your amp? Wait, I'm getting ahead of myself.
The playing, if you can call it that, sucks. In spite of their apparent obliviousness to the concept of tuning, or practicing, so-called "guitarists" Trent Lane and Jesse Moreno have discovered an ingenious way to hide their sloppy guitar work: drown everything in as much feedback as possible. I cannot stress enough the fact that Mystik Spiral's sound is that of two college students arguing on top of TV static while someone living in their basement plays the drums. Props to the drummer, by the way, for managing to keep a simple 4/4 beat to this tuneless nonsense. I don't know why Mystik Spiral has a bassist, though. I could not hear him, except some songs where he starts playing too early & they decided not to do another take. It's like they're so ashamed to have him in the band they buried him in the mix until he was completely inaudible. Then I read that Mystik Spiral didn't even have a bassist until 1996, four years into the recording sessions...Who cares, man? It's called artistic liberty. Such is fate for so-called "alternative rock...." It should be illegal for bands to keep trying to emulate Nirvana and the Screaming Trees. Also, was it really necessary to include a 30-minute audio recording of a woman giving birth as a hidden track?
EDIT: After posting this review that took me a week to write I got a lot of messages insisting there was no childbirth recording & that I'm crazy. I swear to God it was there. It took up over half the album's runtime. How on earth is no one else hearing it?????
This album gave me the first erection I've had in 30 years
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rustbeltjessie · 4 months
I'm currently participating in a month-long intensive writing workshop from Selah Saterstrom/Four Queens Divination. Which is fantastic, by the way—if she ever offers the Write Now! workshop again, I highly recommend it. The project I'm working on is somewhat autobiographical, and the autobiographical parts all come from approximately spring 2003-spring 2005. It's kinda funny, though, to be writing about a time in my life when I was a self-destructive trainwreck, while I'm here now in a time when I wake up, do school stuff with the kiddos, make myself a small breakfast of yogurt + granola + banana, and then do my stretches, before I sit down to write. (To quote myself: My life is easier now, but it's also less shiny. Or to quote W/IFS: Sometimes I miss those days—that's right, you heard me. Other times I could not give a damn.)
As research for my writing project, I've been rereading journal entries from that time period. Some thoughts/observations I've had while reading through them include:
1 - Wowwwww, none of these pass the Bechdel Test. Haha, I know a personal journal entry can't be measured with the same criteria as a film or whatever, but still. For a couple years there, I was very much "The Ugly One" from Teen Girl Squad. You know:
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2 - I was actually surprisingly astute about my issues and patterns, even at the time. Astute enough to know how to stop them? No. But give me a break, I was in my early 20s.
3 - One thing that's the same as it ever was is that I am always lamenting about not writing enough. Like: I need to write more. Or: I've been writing a lot, but not as much as I want to. I think I'm just one of those people who, no matter how much time I spend writing, will always feel like it's not enough.
4 - I was reminded of an incident I'd—well, not forgotten about, but forgotten about an aspect of. So, for a couple months in the summer of 2004 I was traveling/couch-surfing. A., one of my roommates at the apartment I'd been living in prior to that, told me I could keep some of my stuff stored there until I found a solid place to live. When I did, I went back to get my stuff, and she informed me that while I'd been away, she'd had a party, and some of my stuff got stolen. Including my bike, and a bunch of my favorite records. In retrospect, I think she stole them, or gave them away, because she was a mean, fucked-up, vindictive person. And it just seemed really fishy. My stuff was the only stuff that got stolen; none of A.'s stuff got stolen, none of the stuff belonging to the person who'd moved in to take my place got stolen. Plus, it was only my most favorite records, not the ones I felt so-so about, and how would some random thief know what my most favorite records were or have the time to sort through the bin to find them? Anyway. That's not the part I'd forgotten about. What I'd forgotten is that when I got upset about it—and I wasn't even blaming her, I was just fucking upset—she called me something like a 'privileged crybaby' for being upset over 'little things like a bike and a few records.' Reading about that again just made me go: Uhhhh, what??? Like, I feel like getting upset about your bicycle and favorite records getting stolen is a pretty normal response for anyone to have in that situation? Especially when you're broke and can't afford to replace them?
In other, more recent news:
My oldest kiddo got an electronic drum pad for Christmas, but I asked him if I could mess around with it when he's not using it, and he's fine with that. So I'm teaching myself to play drums! That's like the only type of instrument I have no experience playing, so why the fuck not? I'm not good yet, but it's hella fun. And if I get better, and become a real drummer...well, if I'm an O.G. zinester and a drummer, I really will be the (nonbinary) girl Cometbus, haha.
I also found out that my county has launched a big harm reduction campaign re: drugs possibly being laced with fentanyl. They are giving out test strips, and Narcan, as well as doing one-off training courses in how to administer the Narcan. So I've signed up. Just because I don't do those type of drugs anymore doesn't mean I'm never around people who do, and I want to make sure I can help people if necessary. (I'm also really, really proud of my county for doing something like this. Harm reduction for the win.)
And, one last thing: I just discovered yesterday that if you type the word 'emo' on an Apple device, it suggests the black heart emoji. Amazing. 🖤
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muutos · 1 year
@dilffactory / / from here
the swell & sighs of the crowd behind her are akin to prison bars. cashmere pressed between the barrier before her, while small fingers clench it like her life depends on it. cannot say she had ever before been to a heavy metal show, that wasn't another christian act. not keen on preening her ears to listen to blasphemy from the lips of the ignorant. yet, here she is. woven between the painted masses with upside down crosses embellished upon their clothing. the sorts of people who make her afraid for her own safety, or for the judgement that might be brought upon her. the minority of straight edged, prim & proper -- even then, if you've seen her play the drums you've seen her potential to let go. their band not exactly easily identified as gospel, unless you pay attention to the words. her friend had evidently thought it hilarious. a non-christian, non band-mate. a friend she'd met on tour, & they had drug her here without pretense. delighting like the crowd in her mortified reaction, to realizing it had been the band of the man she had toured on the same bill, & of whom's eyes she's met. though, she had been almost reassured that he wouldn't remember her. she remembers the moment. like in a movie.. drink in her hand, curls swinging as she turns to meet his eye. giving a girlish, disinterested smirk - as if she couldn't believe he would look at her. like a mean girl! angering her, due to not understanding. making her scoff, & roll her eyes. irritated by his hubris. but deep down, she was truly annoyed by his ability to make her -- just for a moment -- feel a pull of curiosity. that she's been thinking about him, ever since. you're just the drummer. (he probably never even saw your band play). how wrong the lamb is, lead out to the slaughter & white knuckling her cage as she awaits the executioner. small wide eyed calf, those of which make the best tasting flesh. chin lowered, big wide eyes staring even wider at him from beneath the spotlight shined upon her. brightening each kink in mousy brunette hair.
each mention of the devil, each praise of his name. each inverted, blasphemous mocking of her deity and the god she so adored -- it made her sick to her stomach. fingers playing with crucifix pendant, clutching her chest or her friend's arm, who just watched her & laughed with each look of disbelief from the young woman. teeth worry her bottom lip, at that. brows narrowing, though she looks over her shoulder. expression shifting from wide eyed farm girl to pinched brows & pleading fear before looking back up at him. everything else around them is dampened - the shove of her small body as people crowd them. everything but his face out of focus, & everything besides his voice unclear. she can see his intent. he is not being funny, nor silly - nor even trying to offer her a good time. she doesn't say i can't, but she might as well have. it felt like she was being lassoed & carried to a public shaming.
couldn't say she wasn't curious. like there wasn't an electricity running through her veins.
mouth gapes, & shoulders heighten to make herself smaller, with a hand rising to her heart as the anti-pope sits before her. crowd pushing in on either side like waves. relaxing eventually, as she rubs back & forth at the fabric of her sweater. expression still worried, & innocent, as it meets his scrutiny. heart beats faster in her chest. you... you, you, you. slowly, arms slide around herself like a barrier. chin lowering even further, whilst she nods her head. her friend knocking into her from the side, & making her rock on her feet from the force. but she just blushes, & lets eyes fall away for a moment. "yes!" it's not enthusiastic. hesitant, called out with a visible cringe as she hugs herself tighter. shaking her head, when attention is stolen by an angry gesture on by her friend. looking back over to the singer. grandiose, in his glittering yet heinous garb. though, with each blink her expression evens out into wide eyed blankness, yet again. she winces at his demand, & tightens herself even tighter at the jeering excitement from the crowd. brows worriedly narrowed, while she looks up at him pleadingly. again. for how would she do that? but the next thing she knows, two security guards are grabbing her by her unfurled arms, & depositing her by the steps. to which she turns bright red, yet sheepishly thanks them with an arm on one of their shoulders, before similarly making her way forth, to him.. arms once again defensively hugging around her midsection.
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portaltothevoid · 2 years
Foolin’ (5/20) // eddie munson x ofc
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Summary: Kat gets bored on a Tuesday night and goes out. Eddie talks about it with her the next morning.
Warnings: lil bit of swearing, angst because it’s Kat, drinking/alcohol, the burn is still awfully slow...
Word count: 1.8k
Tag list: @munchabunch​ @madaboutmunson​ @riffcrusader @michele131
It was too quiet. It was too quiet at school, at home, everywhere. Kat couldn’t tell if it was just her anxiety, but she could feel that something wasn’t right. She just had no idea what it was.
It was a balmy evening. The sun had set early and Kat was sitting at the island in her aunt’s kitchen just pushing food around her plate. 
Alright, fine, so she was in fact bored. She’s only been in Hawkins for a month, but it was starting to get at her. She told herself she wasn't necessarily lonely, yet there were only so many nights she could watch movies or tv or do homework. What she really missed was going out, nightlife, having something to do.
When she returned back to her bedroom, she threw open her closet door hoping she would find some inspiration of what to do with her night. It dawned on her that it was Tuesday. Eddie had said The Hideout was the place to be that night, or something to that effect. There’s no way he would be there every Tuesday, right? She felt like if he was going to be there, he would have made some stupid comment about it. It was worth a shot to find out. No matter if she had to deal with him tonight or not, that felt like a better alternative than sitting at home alone.
After picking out her outfit, making her hair as big as she could get it, and doing her makeup, it was almost 8:00. She figured if there was live music, hopefully it would still be playing and this humdrum town didn’t completely shut down that early. The outfit of choice for her outing was a big oversized black sweater and a black miniskirt adorned with safety pins and her fishnet tights along with her Doc Martens. Before leaving her room, she thumbed through her cassettes needing to listen to something different on tonight’s drive. Eventually, she settled for the Sisters of Mercy album First and Last and Always.
Even if tonight is a total wash out, Kat at least had fun on the drive. The Hideout was a far cry from any club or even bar she had been to back home. There were a handful of cars scattered in the parking lot. Did any of these people here have fun past 9PM? She grabbed her wallet, making sure she had her fake Indiana ID just in case they cared enough to card here.
Getting out of the car, she could hear guitars blaring from the inside. From far away, the band didn’t sound all that bad. Kat made her way inside, trying to avoid people from seeing her. Just because she didn’t want to be home alone didn’t mean she wanted to mingle with bar flies. 
She made a beeline for the bar, taking a chance by ordering a whisky on the rocks. The bartender gave her a funny look, but shrugged it off and just handed her the drink. That earned him an extra good tip. Maybe it was the lighting, her Siouxsie Sioux inspired makeup look, or both that made her look old enough. Whatever the reason, she was grateful for it. Drink in hand, she wandered over to a table in the back. She could still see the stage perfectly, but was hidden in case anyone spotted her. 
The band that was on when she arrived ended their set when she was making her way to her table. A new band was setting up. She noticed the drummer looked awfully familiar. 
“Hey, uh, we’re Corroded Coffin and we would start if our guit–” The lead singer started, who also looked too familiar. 
“SHIT. Sorry, sorry. I’m here. God dammit!” Eddie’s voice was easy to hear as he tried to simultaneously save his balance and not trip over pedals. Kat controlled herself from slamming her head down on the table. Of course this was why he mentioned Tuesdays. She was going to need another drink for this one. Quickly downing her first one, she tried to make her way unseen to get a second. 
As far as she was concerned, it had worked. She made her way back to her little spot in the corner, second drink in hand. Maybe it was the whisky, but, as much as she hated to admit it, they were actually good. The more she listened the more she felt bad they all lived in the middle of nowhere. They might have had a shot if they were in a city like LA. Kat almost wanted to go over to the soundboard to help fix the bar’s awful set up. Then again, by the looks of this place, it was probably pointless to attempt.
She couldn’t help herself from bobbing her head to the fast beat of the drums. Her eyes barely strayed from Eddie. He was like a completely different person on stage. Clearly the most talented out of the band, he threw himself into the performance, taking center stage during his guitar solos. Kat watched as his ringed fingers danced delicately over the frets. His hair flying around him as headbanged and thrashed around the small stage. It surprised her how someone with that kind of presence seemed to fade into the background at school. Not that she could blame him for that. He did seem to be quite the target for those that deemed themselves better.
Kat wasn’t completely sure, moreso hopeful, that Eddie hadn’t spotted her, but of course he had. He could recognize that mane of hair and brooding energy anywhere. He did a double take when he first noticed her, but played it off as part of his stage antics. Kat was none the wiser. 
Already dreading being called out before math started tomorrow – or maybe even earlier if he made an appearance at her locker again – she made her way to the exit. Eddie got so lost in the music, when he looked up, she had gone. He decided he wouldn’t make a mad dash immediately after their set ended, but would go about as he normally would. If he happened to catch her, great. If she had in fact hightailed it out of there, there was always the next day at school.
Kat hastily made her way to her car. She didn’t trust herself if she actually had to interact with Eddie right now. There was no way she would give him the satisfaction of a compliment, not after how he acted earlier. She couldn’t stop thinking about how talented he actually was. It took her completely by surprise. Her head rested on her steering wheel as she couldn’t stand the thoughts swirling around in her mind. Instead of focusing on him, she honed in on her feeling of homesickness. That was easier to deal with, more familiar. She missed being around music constantly and around people who had dreams and ambitions. Something was sucking the life out of this town; she could feel it. Kat finally started the car and began singing along to A Rock and a Hard Place as made her way home. Meanwhile, Eddie had closed the doors to his van, having packed up his precious guitar. He turned to look just in time to see the taillights of Kat’s mustang fade out of sight.
The next morning Kat pulled into school and parked in her usual spot. Off in her own world, she was completely oblivious to the fact that Eddie had been standing outside his van smoking a cigarette, which he hastily put out to follow Kat inside.
When he caught up with her he sped around her, blocking her locker, causing her to jump at the sudden commotion. “Jesus. Christ! What is wrong with you?!” Kat exclaimed.
Eddie looked upwards as if he was searching for something. “Um, how much time do you have?” he asked, leaning back on her locker, crossing his arms over his jean vest.
Kat rolled her eyes. “What do you want? I need to get into my locker.”
“I just wanted to hear about how your night went last night,” he shrugged nonchalantly. 
“What? Why? No. Can’t you just. like, go away? Or leave me alone for once?” Kat knew this would happen, but she hoped she could hide in her irritation. 
Eddie put his hands on Kat’s shoulders, looking into her eyes. “Kat, it’s okay to admit you enjoyed yourself doing something in Hawkins. No one will think any less of you.”
This actually made Kat’s nostrils flare in anger. She knocked his hands off her shoulders and glared at him. “First, don’t fucking touch me. Second, if you knew where I was then why’d you bother to ask?” 
Her temper igniting made him step to the side and bring his hands to his chest in a little shimmy. “Ooh, she’s so angry today,” he commented while Kat stepped up to her locker, angrily putting in her combination. “Don’t I get some kind of credit for not bothering you last night? I could have, ya know. Almost did in fact.” Kat just glared at him sideways and huffed. “What made you go?”
He shook his head side to side, looking upwards again, as he mulled over her short response. “I’ll accept that. What were you drinking?”
“How did you… Whiskey.”
“That place is practically the size of a classroom and your mane of hair really isn't that discreet no matter the lighting,” he laughed. “Interesting. I didn’t think you’d be a hard liquor kind of girl. Good to know,” he mused, nodding in approval.
Kat tapped the photo of her partying he noticed last time. “What else did you expect?”
“How could I forget! Of course. Kat the wild party animal. So…what’d you think of the show?”
Kat slammed her locker shut. “I’ve seen better,” she shrugged, making her way to class. Eddie kept pace right at her side.
“No shit, of course you have, but it was the first time seeing or hearing anything from us.” 
Kat was about to give a mildly honest response, that was still nowhere near a compliment, but someone came up beside Eddie. “Munson. I, uh, need some advice on gardening,” they said.
Eddie glanced down at Kat. “Sorry, m’lady. I gotta take this. It is business hours and all. We’ll pick this up later,” he said to her. “Follow me to my office,” he said to the other student, ushering them to follow him.
Kat rolled her eyes, quickening her pace away from him. Dread seeped around her as she noted her irritation was now from their conversation being interrupted and how she felt little relief in its ending.
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backtotheshitshow · 3 years
Funny Feeling (Ashton Irwin x Reader)
Warning: angst, tears, yelling,
Summary: Y/n and Ash need to stay in the same room, but it's digital if there not in the same page.
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It's was about 6pm and Y/n waited in the lobby of the hotel for the rooms to be sorted. 5sos had just landed in Toronto and naturally as the opening act, Y/n had travelled with them.
Being the opening act for 5 seconds of Summer was a pretty good gig, all the guys were great. Except Ashton, he was confusing. He'd acted normal for a while and just when Y/n would think they were becoming good friends, he'd be a dick for no reason.
Y/n couldn't understand what she would do wrong for him to be like this towards her. According to the other guys, they thought she was caring and kind all the time, accompanied by her sarcastic attitude, that is. Even when Ashton was being intolerable, Y/n tried her best to not be rude.
Sitting in the hotel chair was beginning to get uncomfortable and scrolling on her phone could only entertain Y/n for so long.
"Hey Y/n" Calum called getting her attention. "I'm so sorry but there was a mix-up with the rooms." He informed.
"Oh. Is there not enough rooms?" Y/n asked, there wasn't a problem if she had to stay somewhere else. She didn't mined.
"Well...No there is enough rooms. But you'd just have to share a room with Ash." Calum expressed an apologetic face.
Y/n thought for a second, she was never one to flip out over little mixups, Y/n understood that people make mistakes and that these things can happen.
"Oh that's fine, I don't mined a-"
"Can we go, I got the key card." Ashton interrupted, grumbling like a toddler who hadn't gotten his way.
"I was actually talking to Calum, can you just give me two seconds." Y/N excused.
"Yeah i'll give the time that it takes for me to get in the elevator and for the doors to close." The drummer spoke. "We only got one key, so we gotta go together. Unless you're good with sleeping in the lobby."
Y/n sighed, so he's in the being a dick stage again, fun. "Alright then." Y/n turned to Calum, bidding him goodbye before following Ashton.
"Oh for fuck sake" Ashton huffed, seeing the room that he and Y/n would be sharing. A good view, Tv, nice bathroom, ONE bed.
"Oh, now I see why Cal seemed so sorry about telling me we had to share a room." Y/n thought out loud, setting her bags down so they would be out of the way.
"Why would he need to be sorry? What's wrong with having to share with me." The bit snapped a little offended.
"I don't know, mate. You're a real hoot to be around." Y/n sassed, causing Ashton to roll his eyes.
Although she travelled the world opening shows, Y/n was doing online university classes in physics. She was sat on the hotel room floor, laptop and textbooks in front of her, as she did her studies. Ashton sat on the be watching tv.
"Jesus Christ! Do you have to type so fucking loud?!" Ashton whined.
Everyone has a breaking point and Y/n had reached it.
"For fuck sake! It's typing Ashton, it's not that loud! And if it is that distracting, then fuck off!" Y/n snapped.
Truth be told, Ashton really liked Y/n. Yes, as cliche as is, there was something about how she managed to hold her own and present a witty comeback to anyone who pissed her off, while still being the sweetest person he'd ever met, that just made him feel all funny inside.
That funny feeling scared Ashton a bit, it wasn't something he knew how to deal with yet. And that made him angry that he could process his own emotions. As a result he'd just block it out. Just like he was now blocking out the odd hurtful feeling he got after Y/n had yelled at him.
"Why are you being a bitch for?!" Ashton shouted getting up off the bed, Y/n standing up from the floor.
"Because I'm sick of your shit Ashton." Y/n explained in a calmer voice compared to her previous tone. " you're mean to me all the time and I don't understand why. I try to be as nice as I can, I really do. But when you're mean all the time i-"
"Well maybe I just don't like you no matter what you 'try' to do" Ashton blurted, without thinking about the weight of his words.
Y/n stopped, her socks very quickly became her main focus. Filled with anger at himself the drummer left the room without a word.
"....it hurts" Y/n finished her sentence, letting a tear fall and soak into the carpet.
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eryiss · 3 years
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Ship: Freed x Laxus [Fraxus]
Rating: Teen
Alternate Links: Fanfiction, Archive of our Own
Request: Something based off the official Rockband Raijinshuu art.
Summary: Being a rockstar, Laxus had to endure far too many chat shows. Usually he would grin and bear it, let the pointlessness of it roll off his back, but not this time. He was alone, forced to keep his budding relationship with Freed secret, and done with it. Fucking done with it all! But he had a way to fix it, and all it would take was a little courage.
Notes: This was a request by @fuckyeahfraxus. Just a warning, it has a bit of homophobia near the end, but nothing too vicious. I hope you enjoy it.
The Life Of A Song
Fuck chat shows. Fuck their hosts. Fuck their producers. Fuck their directors. Fuck their too-hot lighting, their stupid uncomfortable sofas, their tiny changing room's, their cramped green rooms with too many camera, their always cheering audiences and their utter lack of anything interesting or unique. Fuck the whole damn thing.
But Laxus' opinions on the matter weren't important. What did matter was that he smiled, laughed, told anecdotes and sat in a way that showed off his thighs and crotch just enough so that his Twitter stans - what a shitty word - made him trend once it was over.
Still, fuck chat shows.
This particular show, Late With Jase, was one of the worst. The host was young, overly enthusiastic, and his name was Jason rather than Jase which pissed Laxus off more than it should. He'd somehow dragged an audience of Netflix only watchers back to mainstream, with a mix of meme crap that Laxus cringed at, and celebrity gossip that would make a tabloid envious. But the ratings were skyrocketing, celebrities who went there usually got a boost in sales of their latest projects, and Laxus' manager had insisted he take his turn.
It would have been fine, were he not alone. If Ever, Bix and Freed were with him, they could take the responsibility and he could fade into the background. They had been a band for years, and that was how they always dealt with interviews. But they weren't there, because according to their management, Laxus was the moneymaker and all they needed.
"So Laxus," Jason turned in his chair to look at him. "Let's talk about Thunderstruck. What a success that's been? You must be thrilled.”
"It's doing well, yeah," Laxus nodded. He wanted to cringe at his words.
"It's doing more than well. You can hardly escape it," Jason laughed, and the crowd laughed with him. Laxus chuckled, even though he didn't find it funny. "But this is the first song that you've written, isn't it? And it's one of the most popular you've had. Must feel good."
"Well, it wasn't just me," Laxus swallowed slightly. "Everything we make is collaborative. Freed worked with the lyrics a lot, and Ever composed it."
"They're your bass player and electric guitar player, right?"
"I wouldn't call them mine," Laxus mumbled slightly.
There was a beat of awkward silence, and Laxus relished it just a little. Jason recovered quickly, which was annoying, and flashed a happy smile. Laxus would have preferred the man to stew in the uncomfortable silence, it would be a fitting response to him being dismissive of the band's contributions, but perhaps it was a childish way to think of things.
"Well we'll be hearing the song live at the end of the show," Jason continued, and Laxus' eyebrow twitched. The rest of the band were in the damn building and yet were being treated like shit. "But let's talk a bit about how you came to write it. Heavy rock and love songs have a troubled history, and you managed to make a hit out of it."
"Just lucky I guess," He shrugged. "Got good people around me too."
"Don't be so modest," Jason dismissed. Laxus wasn't being modest; luck was the dominant factor in successful music and without the band, Laxus would be fucked. "So, take us back. Where did the idea start."
"Well, hard to pinpoint I guess," Laxus murmured. "But, I suppose it was at the end of our last tour."
Performing live was indescribable. It was an assault on all his senses, in the very best way.
Everything was exhilarating. The feeling of vibrations on the stage, the cheers, roars and singing from the crowd, the sweat running down his back, the roar of his voice cutting through his throat as he sang. It all flowed through him, removing any sense of doubt or self consciousness he might have. On stage, before a stadium of fans, he was Laxus Fucking Dreyar. King, God and Dragon. Nothing was better.
They were on their last song of the set, a roaring anthem that the crowd could sing along to. It was thrilling to hear a song he'd worked on sung by thousands. Freed's words were being screamed at them, with the passion and love of their fan base. It was indescribable.
"We are The Thunder God's Tribe," Laxus yelled into the microphone as the instrumental began. The crowd roared in response.
Freed, Ever and Bix held the crowd's attention, and Laxus looked over the gathered mass of thousands. They were all there for them, because they loved them and wanted to experience them in person. A loud roar of appreciation cut through the stadium as Bickslow finished a drum solo that always brought the house down. How he managed to do that night after night while never screwing it up was beyond Laxus, but it was incredible.
Laxus sang the final verse, putting his whole heart into the performance. It was the last show of the tour, the last time they'd sing in front of a crowd like this for two years. He loved songwriting, but this was the best part of his work. The crowd, the music, the experience.
God he would miss this. This high. This buzz.
The lights died around them as the song ended, plunging them into darkness as the crowd roared their appreciation. The four of them could still see their fans as they cheered and yelled, and they took a few moments to appreciate it. He would miss this.
As they were taken from the stage, the adrenaline didn't waver. Laxus could run a marathon, deadlift any weight, swim any ocean in those moments. It was pure euphoria.
Evergreen trailed off to her dressing room first, scraping her nails down her bodyguard's chest before dragging him in with her. They were no longer pretending they were simply platonic anymore; Bickslow walking in on them must have removed any hope they could keep their relationship a secret. Good for them; Ever worked hard and deserved a big man to fill her bed.
Bix's groupies appeared out of nowhere, two men and a woman. They clung to the drummers bare chest instantly, and he cackled as he was dragged away for a night of depravity and booze. Laxus grinned; the party boy really had hit his stride this year.
Glancing at Freed, he saw the man looking equally amused.
A shared moment of eye contact sent a pulse of heat through Laxus. They stared at one another for a moment, and Laxus found his eyes crawling over Freed's shirtless torso without shame before he could stop it. Hard muscle and flexing abs were fully shown, and the heat in Laxus' face settled down lower. The rush of the performance was still running through him and he knew he wasn't in his right mind, but dammit Freed looked fucking hot in that moment. Tousled, sweating, shirtless; who could fucking resist that?
Laxus had always known Freed was hot. They spent hours upon hours together, it couldn't be missed. But he'd never thought too hard about it. You didn't fuck your badnmates. You didn't fuck your male bandmate.
And if he weren't coursing with adrenaline and dunk off of the cheers, he might have stopped.
With a stride, he surged forward and wrapped a hand around the back of Freed's neck. He pulled the man against him, pressing their lips together in a passionate, needy, energetic kiss. Freed dragged him back, pushing himself against the wall and taking Laxus with him. Hands were roaming over his chest, and Laxus groaned as they slid lower.
"Wait," Laxus whispered, pulling apart. A string of spit hung between them, and Laxus felt a twisted form of delight at it.
"What?" Freed asked, and his husky voice ran down Laxus' spine.
"We better take it inside," Laxus murmured, and Freed grinned.
They snuck into the nearest changing room, locking the door behind them. It was only in the next morning, when Laxus' mind was focused on something other than mindless, unadulterated pleasure, that he began writing a song. That he felt the need to write in a way that he'd never felt before.
Because kissing Freed was music. A high unmatched by anything else, and one that Laxus would find himself addicted to.
"And how did it come about?" Jason probed. "You've never written before. Did you find your muse?"
He had. But Jason didn't get to know it. Not that their manager would let it happen.
"Well, you know how bands work. You tour, make an album, then tour with the album," Laxus shrugged, reaching for his glass of water. "Your mind goes into production mode, I guess. You see things a little different, put a little creative spin on the things happening around you. Something struck me and I started writing," He laughed, awkward. "Not that interesting, really."
Not the fake story he'd been told to say, anyway.
The audience didn't seem to care about how crap the anecdote actually was, and applauded his words for some reason. Jason forced out a laugh, as if his statement had been a self-deprecating joke rather than a simple fact. What he'd been told to say wasn't interesting.
"Well, maybe you weren't struck by some divine intervention, but whatever happened it certainly worked out well," Jason continued, and the small screen beside him showed the album cover. Laxus hated the cover, it was just him. Not the four of them. It should be the four of them, or none of them at all. "It shot to the top of the charts and seems like it'll be there for a long time. That must feel good."
"It's incredible," Laxus agreed, and it was.
"So talk us through the writing process," Jason promoted, grinning. "I can't imagine you hunched over a desk night after night?"
"Well, the first draft only took a couple hours, really," Laxus confessed, blushing a little. The lights would cover it, but it was still embarrassing. "But me and Freed spent a couple nights together, and it became what you've been hearing."
"You always this tried?" Laxus chuckled, placing a takeout cup of coffee beside Freed.
The bassist blinked slowly up at Laxus, removing his face from its resting place against his arm. He glanced towards the coffee he'd been given with a thankful smile. Laxus smiled a little as Freed sat up straight, running a hand through his loose hair and letting it flow over his shoulders. He had bags under his eyes and a yawn split open his lips.
Laxus found himself slightly transfixed by the sight of Freed picking up the coffee, bringing it to his lips and drinking it in large gulps. His throat bobbed, pale skin stretching and chords tightening.
"Better to be tired that not focused," Freed smirked a little as he placed his coffee down.
"I think me looking at you is exactly the kinds focus we need," He grinned, and Freed chuckled.
The two of them were writing alone. After a fair amount of hesitation, Laxus had shown Freed the draft lyrics he'd written, and Freed had instantly presented ideas on how to fine tune it. He hadn't been patronising - nor had he teased Laxus about the fact he'd written a damn love song about him - and instead decided to encourage and help him make it a hit. They'd spent three subsequent nights in their studio, completely alone, and Laxus was loving it.
He'd never written a song before. Words weren't his forte, at least not the writing of them, and he much preferred to show passion through performance. But hours of Freed and him in the studio, bouncing ideas off each other, was thrilling.
Laxus suspected any time alone with Freed would be thrilling now.
Walking behind Freed to get to his own seat, Laxus leant down and pressed a soft kiss atop his head. Freed made a small sound and leant back against his chair to get closer to Laxus. He chuckled, ruffling Freed's hair slightly as he sat beside him.
"You made any progress?" Laxus asked, stretching slightly. He didn't miss Freed's eyes roaming over his chest. "What were you saying about being distracted."
"Until you wear looser fitting clothes, you don't get to talk about me being distracted," Freed smirked.
"Maybe I'd agree to that if I didn't know how uncomfortable those jeans you're wearing are," Laxus smirked. "Flatters the ass but crushes the balls, right? Regretting it yet?"
Freed didn't answer, but blushed a little and Laxus cackled.
They quickly fell into step, working on the song again. They were focusing on the second verse, which Laxus had dubbed the catalyst chapter. It had initially been a torrent of ways to describe how explosive his kiss with Freed had been - though names were vague enough for nobody to know that. With Freed's help, it had turned into a well written lyrical explanation to the first flushes of a romance. The burning passion, the fire between the two people, the erotic rush that could ignite from a simple glance. Watching Freed write, Laxus had to hope he was writing about his own feelings for Laxus.
He also had to stop himself from jumping the man, because Freed knew how to write a hot song. A really hot song…
Taking his espresso and gulping it down, Laxus looked away from his lover. Perhaps if Freed were anyone else - if he weren't a guy, or if he weren't in the band - Laxus might have given in and kissed him. He wanted to, but couldn't,
Once they'd been signed, te band had been given a long speech about how you couldn't screw your bandmate by their manager, how it could ruin things and screw up the dynamic. When Laxus had discovered he was bi, and wanted to come out as such, multiple crisis meetings were held. Not only had Laxus not been allowed to speak about his sexuality, with the risk of his contract being terminated immediate held over him, but he'd also been forced to stage pictures with a woman so he looked to be dating.
There had been backlash even then. His fans were vicious to the poor model, many seemed angry at him for supposedly betraying them by dating someone, it was fucking insane, and Laxus hadn't known hot to take it, but it had scared him off relationships for years.
So, he couldn't date. Definitely couldn't date bandmates. Certainly couldn't date men.
And knowing that, he'd still come back to Freed. Slept with him after their tour, then in the hotel later that night, they'd even fumbled about in the tour bus to the airport when everyone else was sleeping. They'd been in dates - or as close to dates two famous men could get - and a week prior had sat down and talked. They didn't care about the rules, because their budding romance was too damn good.
Never let it be said Laxus kept things comfortable for himself.
"Stop that," Freed scolded.
"Stop what?" Laxus asked, looking from the song and towards Freed.
"Torturing yourself," Freed explained, taking Laxus' hand and stroking it. "It'll do you know good. Certainly not when we're trying trying to write a ballad about the two of us."
"Sorry," Laxus hunched.
"Don't be, I think about it too," Freed admitted, leaning towards Laxus and against him. "But drowning in what ifs and self doubt is hardly going to make things better. We might as well enjoy what we have while it's still between the two of us, and deal with the fallout should it present itself.”
"You're right," Laxus nodded, blinking himself back into focus. "Not sure I can write tonight, though. Not in the mood."
"You don't want to write sonnets about how much you want me? Should I be offended?" Freed smirked, and Laxus laughed. "Or perhaps should I see it as a challenge to refocus your attention."
A hand ran down Laxus' inner thigh, and his breath hitched slightly. "Really?"
"Well, the song needs to be finished eventually," Freed hummed a little. "The sooner the better, I'd say. So getting your mind back on me seems the only thing that makes sense,"
"Really," Laxus tried to make his voice sound seductive, but Freed's wandering hand made him crack slightly. "H-how d'you think you'd do that."
"Well, let's say that in five minutes you find yourself in the instrument store down the hall," Freed mused aloud. "And let's say you find me already there, and I happen to be kneeling there waiting for you. Well, we can hardly be blamed if we find ourselves distracted."
Laxus swallowed. "Here? You sure?”
"There's no one around," Freed shrugged far too nonchalantly, and then grinned a devilishly handsome grin. "And I must admit, making you come undone in here has been a fantasy of mine," His hand squeezed Laxus thigh, before he stood up, and all flirtation was gone. "I should find a guitar, we can hardly write without practice. Perhaps I'll see you in there."
And then he was gone, walking away with his ass hugged perfectly in his jeans. All doubts about his future with Freed disappeared, replaced by the uncomfortable tightness in his boxers.
He found himself grinning, and a few minutes later he found himself in the instrument room, panting and moaning.
"It was pretty normal," Laxus continued, not looking to Jason. "We wrote, we practiced, we rewrote."
"Keeping your secrets close to your chest, I see," Jason laughed. "Now, speaking of secrets, the rumours have been flying on Twitter about who this is written about."
"I hadn't heard about that," Laxus tried to dismiss the statement.
"I'm sure you haven't," Jason nodded almost patronisingly, clearly not believing him. It was fair, Laxus supposed. #WhoIsThunderstruck did trend for a week. "But you have to admit, a virgin songwriter making something so powerful on their first try, and in a song so distant from anything else you've ever made, does seem to suggest maybe you've found someone to inspire you."
"I'm around a lot of talented people," Laxus shrugged. "They know how to make a hit."
He was squirming now, and not because of Jason. Their manager was seating in the front row of the live audience, and a quick glance his way showed Laxus a glare. This was a topic he had to avoid, because his fans needed to think the song was about them. It was patronising, Laxus thought, but they'd found success with their manager for a reason.
"So," Jason continued. "Have you found yourself a special lady?"
And then something ridiculous happened. Laxus found himself furious.
Such a simple statement, so innocuous and normal for Laxus' life, had opened the floodgates for Laxus. Because why had he assumed it would be a woman? Why had he assumed he could ask a question like that? Why was Laxus in a position where he couldn't answer something so simple when he really fucking wanted to?
Every ridiculous injustice seemed to swarm over him at once. How was it fair he had to parade himself on shows like this, on his own despite how his band deserved as much love and respect as he did? How was it fair that he'd known he wanted to be with a man for five years, and he'd never allowed himself to indulge before Freed? How was it fair that he'd been forced to endure meeting after meeting about how 'stupid' he was being for hooking up with Freed? How was it fair that he couldn't go out for a fucking pizza with his boyfriend without starting a ridiculous internet scandal? It was all so bullshit.
"Nah," Laxus answered, leaning back in his chair. The anger gave way to confidence; every interview he'd been on edge, but not any more. "Not a girl."
"So nobody's tamed the dragon slayer then?"
"Not a girl," Laxus repeated. "A guy. I'm bi, and for the last couple months I've been dating Freed," There was silence, and Laxus grinned and turned to Jason. "Bet you wished you'd gotten him on stage with me now, huh?"
"You're…" Jason seemed at a loss for words.
"Screwing the bassist, yeah," Laxus laughed, exhilaration flooding through him. "Inevitable really. I've known I liked guys for five years, and there's a load of fan pages who talk about how hot Freed is, so it was bound to happen," He grinned, running a hand through his hair.
This felt so good. Fuck, he didn't know how much he needed to do this.
"So," Jason tried to recover. "Well, erm, we have r to go to break now. Maybe we'll talk about that when we get back, I really don't know."
The moment the cameras cut, people began approaching Laxus. His manager, his PR team, and most importantly, his band. Ever and Bix attempted to run interference on their management team, but the angry man and his cronies pushed through them with fury on their faces. Still, Freed met him first, and wordlessly grabbed Laxus by the collar and brought their lips together. It was more passionate and desperate than any of their kisses had been.
"I'm so proud of you," Freed whispered. "And we are definitely talking about how you know those fan sites exist."
"Who d'you think made 'em," Laxus grinned, and Freed laughed.
Their small, shared moment ended when a throaty cough cut through them. Their manager was looming over them, and Laxus met them with a cruel grin, knowing it was too late: that was the problem with live TV.
"Problem?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow.
"What the hell were you thinking?" The manager snarled. "You just fucked all of us, do you understand that? How fucking selfish are you. You've ruined this album, you know that? You think your bandmates will forgive you?"
"Nothing to forgive," Bix said immediately.
"You're a dick for not letting him do it before," Evergreen agreed.
Their manager seemed to flounder for a moment, before narrowing his glare at Laxus again. "Do you think your fans will want to see that?" He growled again, voice getting louder now. "You think they'll still want you now they know that. Now they have to think about you being with… with him!" He motioned to Freed disparagingly. "They'll leave you. You've fucked yourselves, you know that."
Silence filled the soundstage, and their manager seethed. Laxus grinned, then looked past him towards the audience, half of whom had their phones pointed towards them.
"Since you're always talking about PR," Laxus smirked. "How d'you think you'll look once this hits Twitter?"
Their manager halted, then slowly turned. He turned sheet white, and it was brilliant.
"Oh, and in case you're worrying about your little threat to drop us if I came out, don't," Laxus smirked, though looked up to his band, who all nodded. "Yer fired, so fuck off."
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gloomyhearts · 3 years
Mellillla || Owen P. Joyner
Chapter one~ I'll be dead
High school sweethearts as their friends called them but they were never in a relationship. Several years passed them when their life moved on. Will their paths meet again?
AN: Hey guys.. so here's my first Owen Joyner x fem!OC. Hope you enjoy it :)
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The brunette girl hurried through the hallways to her next class, many other students stood by their lockers chattering with one another. Her flow was interrupted as someone grabber her arm making her stop.
"Why are you running, Dahl?" A breath of relief escaped her lips when she saw Lilith.
"We have a class in like two minutes," she argues.
Lilith let out a chuckle. "We have lunch you idiot" her chuckle grow into a loud laughter.
"What really?" Dahlia turns her left wrist to see the watch.
"What the.."
"You're hilarious," her hand resting on her abdomen from laughing.
"That's not funny," Dahlia's index pushed her glasses further on her nose.
"Come on, let's get you some food," the red haired girl grabbed her wrist pulling her to the cafeteria.
When they arrived there her graze felt on her group of friends sitting on one of the tables near the wall as always.
"You made it, D. Finally," Samuel raises his hand for her to high five it.
She came to a halt and her hand met a wet one.
"Why.. what was that," she groans bringing her hand up to her nose. It didn't smell at all.
"Chill it was just water" he holds his bottle up.
Dahlia rolled her eyes while sitting down.
"So what's your plan for the weekend?" Chloe asks.
"Well, I have volleyball on Saturday and Sunday there's this school play where the bands playing," Dahlia explains as she steals some carrots from Lilith.
"And after that?"
"Serious? After that I'm dead" she knitted one of her brows.
"There's a campfire at Josh's," Jacob suggests.
"Feel free to go" she gestures with her hand.
"Not without you D." He states.
"I'm not coming"
"Please Dahl," Emma had her puppy eyes as she pleaded.
"Guys.. fine, maybe" Dahlia grabs her backpack.
"Where you're going?"
"The break is over in a few. I'm just eluding the big crowd." She winked at them and made her way over to the door.
"She really left. What a girl" every single one at the table began to laugh.
After her last class the brunette had her last rehearsal for the show on Sunday. Her feet steps into the room and her eyes laid abruptly on this special person.
His cap was turned around and held most of his hair back yet single strands of his blonde hair were falling into his face as he played enthusiastic the drums.
She walked over to the piano and took a seat. Her finger run softly over the ivories. A shy small smile suited her lips, deep in her thoughts. Dahlia didn't noticed that someone walked over to her, she shrieks slightly as the shadow laid over her.
"Hey gurl," the familiar voice spoke.
"Val," Dahlia was on her feet again throwing her arms around her.
"I thought you wouldn't come"
"I can't miss this. You know" she rolled her eyes with a smile on her lips.
"Didn't saw you during break" she points.
"I came just for this" the blonde explains.
"Cause I couldn't do this without you"
"We're just rehearsing," Valerie laughs.
"I couldn't do it either," she retorts.
"I know."
"Please take your seats," the teacher shouts.
"We begin with song 3 cause y'all suck at it."
Dahlia was the first to play in this, she nervously let her fingers fly over the keys again. Then the drummer began quietly, giving it all a rhythm and then the rest. Their teacher was somewhat disgusted but also kinda hopeful that her class could do it just good.
"Dahlia, a little louder please," the named girl hit the keys a little harder and her teacher send her a thumb up.
The chords of the last song echoed through the room and the students as well as their teacher seemed pleased.
"Great guys. Go home and get some rest before sunday," the teacher suggests suggests as the music stops.
All the students gathered around the drums giving the person behind various compliments. Dahlia herself moved to the door already out of the room as her teacher calls after her.
"What's wrong?" She arrived at the table.
"You sure about the scholarship?" He questions.
"Yeah, I think I suck too much. I wouldn't make it in the business," Dahlia insists.
"Whatever you say sweetie. I don't wanna push you into something," he states.
Her graze falling on her hands.
"But it'd be a loss," Dahlia's view rose up.
"Thanks but.. I really don't know," she shrugged her shoulders.
"It's okay, Dahlia, really," he gave her a resuring smile. Dahlia nodds and waved to her as she made her way out.
"What did he wanted?" Valerie throws her arm around her shoulder guiding her to the exit.
"Just the scholarship thing"
"Just? Are you serious? Are you stupid? Actually don't answer. I thought we'd have a girl night. At 7 at mine?"
Dahlia nodds as an answer and went to her mother's car.
"See you baby," Valerie shouts after her, Dahlia just winked at her.
"Hi mom," she opens the passenger door and threw her backpack in, following it shortly after.
"Hey hun."
"Can I sleep over at Val's?"
"Yeah of course but don't forget your game tomorrow"
"She'll drive me there."
Actually Valerie is a senior like most of the people in the band but Dahlia is allowed, due to her outstanding grades and well playing, to be in the band. At first her parents were suspicious because the kids were all two til three years older than her innocent Dahlia.
But surprisingly the others hadn't a problem with her joining the band they were even keen. Mostly all of them.
"Can you maybe bring me to her?"
"Your sister said she's going to a friend too, she'll drop you there," she explains.
"Great," she comments. Well since Dahlia joined the band at the end of her freshman year, her sister hears her name more often from her friends having no spare time of her.
"I don't know where your problem is"
"Well since I joined her some of her friends in the band she hates me."
"She doesn't mean it like this. I think she's scared you're stealing her friends."
"That was a year ago and I haven't, not even one. Just Val," and that was the point.
Valerie and Serena were friends, best friends until high school started for them but Valerie and Dahlia became friends after two years off their "break up".
It wasn't pretty , it was filthy to be honest but it was Serena's fault mostly but that's yesterday's news.
"You're breaking the news to her," the young girl says as she exits the car.
When Dahlia entered her room the first thing she does is to put her glasses into its case, the second thing is to pack her suitcase for the weekend, during the drive home she clarified that she'd stay the whole weekend at her friend's house.
"I'm not driving you there," her sister rushes into the room.
"Well good afternoon to you too, sister," she comments.
"But it's literally on your way. You're even driving her road," dahlia adds.
"But I have to stop right in front of her home," Serena argues.
"I'd jump out the car," the brunette suggests.
"That's a great idea," she turns around and leaves as fast as she got in.
She's so dump Dahlia thought.
"I'm leaving on 6.30" Serena shouted through the door and a smile creeped on Dahlia's lips. She continues to push her things into the suitcase.
"You're moving out?" Her younger brother questions as she wandered to the stairs.
"Shut up."
"Just that you know. Mom says if you blow up the house she puts you up for adoption," she announced as her feet steps on the first stair.
"You ready?" Dahlia nodds and followed her sister behind.
The car ride was covered with silence, neither of them said a single word until they arrived at the front of Valerie's house.
"Thanks for driving me Serena," Dahlia gave her a weak smile as she grabs her suitcase and moved the way to the front.
"You're finally here," Valerie throws the door open and pulled her inside.
"Had Serena really droped you here?" Dahlia nodds, waving Val's parents as they walked past them.
"Hello dear. Nice to see you again," her mother greeted the brunette.
"You'll find us upstairs," she tells them.
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ringobean · 4 years
New chapter:
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Butlins camp part2 (smut, adult content)
We're back in the bungalow, it was time to prepare for the evening, after a good shower, I combed my hair in cascade on the side, waving it slightly with an iron, I put a line of eyeliner, mascara and a sensual red lipstick I wore a pretty mini black and white pencil dress, and black heels, we were finally ready, we went to eat at the camp restaurant, then came concert time, my friends were already very excited, and I was delighted to see my handsome suitor again!
The band went up on stage, my friends and other girls began to scream like hysterics, Ritchie sat behind his drums, he was very elegant, well combed with a pretty pink suit to match the other musicians. He looked at me and smiled, and I smiled at him too. they started playing, they were really good, the audience was dancing, the girls were crazy, Rory announced that it was time for "Starr time" and Ritchie started singing "boys" a song of the Shirelles behind his drums, and I was very surprised to hear how well he sang for a drummer! Then they finished their set few minutes later!
They barely had time to get down from the stage, when the girls threw themselves on them to ask for autographs, to photograph them, to ask for kisses, I admit to being a little jealous to see all these girls around him so I moved away from all this madness, the concert hall turned into a ballroom, when suddenly I felt a hand firmly grabbing mine.
"hey, I hope you haven't forgotten me, pretty (y / n), you promised to spend time with me!
"No, I haven't forgotten, I'm glad to see you"
"me too, so did you like the concert?"
"yes, it was great you sing very well!"
"thank you love, do you want to dance?"
I nodded and he take me to the dance floor, in addition to being an excellent drummer, and having a great voice, he danced really well, after an hour of dance and fun, he invited me to go for a short walk, he bought 2 bottles of lemonade, after several minutes of walking, he noticed that I was shivering a little, the night was fresh, he put his jacket on my shoulders and offered to sit in his car to be warmer.
He saw me a little hesitant and ashamed and he smirked.
"Don't worry love, i'll never force you to do things you don't want"
I smiled shyly at him and he opened the passenger door for me, before sitting down.
"see we're better here"
"yes it's just that I'm not too used to it ..."
"yes, I noticed, you're a good girl,"
Well, I still passed for a serious and boring girl again, when he was really fun and super cool.
"yes you must be used to girls who takes more initiative"
"I used to have fun with girls who want to have fun, but I can also be very serious with a beautiful serious girl"
I thought I melted in my seat, his voice, his smell, his eyes, his smile, drove me crazy, he stroked my hair and then my face, and put his forehead against mine, looking me in the eyes.
"You're so pretty (y / n) and so different from the other girls i used to hang out with, i would hope to meet a nice serious girl, who doesn't think only about sleeping with me because i play in the most popular band of Liverpool, i really like you"
"I think, i like you too"
I put my lips on his, and he parted them to kiss me, our lips synchronized in a tender kiss, our tongues brushed against each other, then tangled together, we stayed a little while in his car kissing us and get to know us better, then he took me back to the bungalow kissing me one last time.
We saw each other every day, he was funny, kind, respectful, not a single inappropriate gesture, but the more the days passed, the more he drives me crazy and the more I wanted him,I was really in love with him, I resisted thinking of my mother's words, but one evening a few days before the end of the vacation, while he was kissing my neck caressing my back, in the back seats of his car, I couldn't help but stop him.
"I've done something wrong?"
"No Ritchie, it was great ... but I want you.
He looked at me surprised, and said to me:
"I really want it too, but love, I don't want you to experience your first time in the back of a car! You really deserve better."
God, it made me even more in love with him, besides being handsome, sexy, nice, funny, he was a real gentleman.
"If you still want it tomorrow, i can manage to have the bungalow just for the two of us."
I nodded, then he kissed me and took me home.
The next day, after the concert he took me back to his bungalow, he had arranged with his bandmates to leave us alone all night!
"sorry, it's not the most romantic place in the world, but it's already better than a back seat"
He had tried to tidy up as best he could, and had added candles to make the place a little more romantic.
"thank you Ritchie, it's really perfect, I love you"
"I love you too, are you sure you really want to do it?"
I nodded then he led me to the bed, and helped me to lie down with him, he took me in his arms and kissed me gently while running his hands along my body, he unhooked his lips from mine to kiss me on the neck, then the neckline, he gently lifted my dress while stroking my thighs, looking at me to make sure he doesn't go too far without my consent, then he gently removed my panties, he kissed my thighs and put his hands under my butt, I shivered with pleasure, running my fingers through his fluffy hair, his mouth gently touched my womanhood, his tongue was quick to move back and forth on my clitoris, I threw my head back against the pillow, moaning softly, my back arched under the pleasure of his licks which would accelerate more and more, after a few minutes a funny sensation exploded completely invading my body which was sensitive to my first orgasm I gasped trying to catch my breath. He went up next to me, turning me slightly to the side and positioning himself behind me, he pulled my hair from my neck and kissed it.
"It's okay? you're ready, aren't you too scared?"
"Yes, i'm a little scared but i'm ready."
"It'll hurt a bit at first, but I'll be as gentle as possible."
I felt him unzip the zipper of his pants, then I felt the tip of his cock brushed my entrance. He caressed my clitoris which was still very sensitive which made me moan again then he entered a finger and a second to stretch my walls a few minutes then he took them out, he looked at me with a smile, he pushed the tip of his cock into my pussy all by massaging my clitoris, he observed me, let me get used to him, gently he sank a few more inches while caressing me and kissing my neck to make the moment as sweet as possible, he continued like this until entering all his length, it hurt, but he did me so much good that the pain was secondary. He began to move gently while continuing to massage my clitoris, and kissing me, then he gradually increased the speed of his back and forth movements, after a few minutes the pain was completely gone, giving way to a well-being feeling, my second orgasm didn't take too long to come while feeling his cock hit on my spot. He withdrew just after. he had planned a towel in advance knowing that I would bleed and he wiped us both.
He got up to lie on top of me, and I saw his huge erect cock, and he noticed my impressed face, he smirked.
"That's why I didn't want you to see me naked before I started, I didn't want to scare you."
"Yes and you were right!"
I laughed with him, then he kissed me again, now that I was completely comfortable with him he unbutonned my dress and took it off and my bra exposing my bare breasts to his view.
"damn you're so gorgeous (y/n)"
"you're pretty handsome too, Ritchie
He also undressed in turn, the tan had made him even sexier, highlighting his muscles and his beautiful blue eyes. The warm sensation of his bare skin against mine made me even crazier with desire for him, he caressed my breasts and sucked my nipples, he made me feel so good, that I wanted to please him too, I pushed him to make him lie down on his back, I kissed him, then his chest, until I went down to his huge erect manhood.
"baby, you don't have to ..."
He had not had time to finish his sentence that I had half of his cock in my mouth, I wasn't yet good at sucking him properly, but it already seemed to please him, he touched my hair groaning and biting his bottom lip.
"come here love, I want you"
He laid me on my back and put himself above me he had no trouble to shove his cock into my pussy which was soaked with desire for him, he penetrated me gently letting me get used to him, it hurt a bit at first, but his reputation didn't lie, he made love really well, pleasure came quickly, he looked me straight in the eyes, he increased  his pace, I wrapped my thighs around his waist and tighten my walls around his cock,
"damn, your little pussy is so tight"
My pussy got screwed  against the mattress, I yelled his name, moaning with pleasure unable to say anything else, he was groaning loudly my name too, he made me cum, a third time with such a powerful orgasm that I thought I would pass out, and he withdrew just in time to spread his hot cum against my belly.
"Fuck baby, it was too good"
I thought about my mother's recommendations about my virginity, and I didn't really care about preserving myself for an imaginary future husband, I was just happy to have been able to live my first time with a man I loved, I didn't know if our story would last longer than holiday time, but whatever, I just wanted to enjoy him until the end of the stay and see what the future holds for us!
The orgasm was so overwhelmed me that I was unable to respond!
He helped me to wipe myself then came to collapse next to me, I snuggled in his arms against his chest, we spent the rest of the night  cuddling, saying sweet words to each other and making love.
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v1rg1nvodkasprite · 5 years
Hard Liquor Mixed with a Bit of Intellect →Roger Taylor
Roger had always been known to be hotheaded and fearless whenever it came to fighting but you were known to be worse. A well-known actress with a mind of her own. Roger is intrigued by you and invites you home one night. A month later, you call him and tell him, “I’m having your baby, it’s none of your business. He knows he’s going to pay for this
Warnings: cocaine usage, excessive smoking, excessive drinking, mention of pregnancy, mild smut
Notes: thank u to @rencontre-moi-dans-le-couloir for sending in this amazing idea. i had a lot of fun writing it. enjoy!! x
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I opened the pack of Marlboro, taking another cigarette from the box after putting the one that was just in mouth out. The glass of Macallan whisky in my hand was about to run out. The last year had been great for me. Two academy awards under my belt and some others with two signed deals with some of the biggest movie producers in the business.
"Could I maybe get you another?" A long haired blond man asked me. I knew him as Roger Taylor, apparently one of the best drummers in the world and a reputation of having multiple groupies when on tour.
"I can get my own, thanks," I told him, pushing myself from leaning against the doorway. "Wait," he said, grabbing my arm. I turned to him, almost glaring.
"Congratulations on wining... those um awards," he stumbled over his words. I'm sure that probably was the first time someone refused his offer. "Thank you but excuse me, I have another drink to refill."
I smirked, swaying my hips just a little to tease him. Maybe if he tried hard enough, I'd let him in. He was hot and I wouldn't mind playing with him. I just wasn't drunk enough for that yet.
"Y/N L/N!" Is that you?" Freddie Mercury said, in his roaring voice, "Why yes it is. Hello darling, it's been a while.
"Yeah, Fred. It has," I said, hugging him. Freddie and I met at mutual friend's party, throwing back shots and doing lines of cocaine. "How are you, love?" I asked him, smiling.
"Amazing, but I want to know about you. Any men you've done yet? Some I might know?" he asked, looking over my shoulder as he raised his eyebrows. I looked to where his eyes trailed to and was met with a Roger Taylor. I laughed. "Not yet, you know nothing isn't fun without a chase," I smirked.
"Of course, darling. Refill?" he asked, grabbing my drink from me and I nodded. "Friend of Fred's? Funny how we haven't met," Roger said from behind me and I sighed. "Hello, Roger. Yes, how funny," I said, turning to try to find Freddie.
"Let me get you a drink, I promise you won't regret it," he said. "Freddie has got that down already. You're too late," I told him. "Rog! So you've met Y/N, here is your drink. I've got to talk to an old friend but I'll catch up with you later, Y/N?" Fred said, handing me my drink with a wink. I winked back, smirking.
"How about you score some coke and meet me in the limo outside and I'll give you a tour of New York, yeah?" I asked, sipping my drink. "Already got one, I'll grab my jacket and meet you there," he smirked and I nodded.
I left my drink on a table, leaving it to be cleaned up later and got in the limo. "Robert, here's a list of places me and my friend would like to go tonight and then after that take us to mine. I think tonight will be an amusing night," I told the driver after scribbling a list of places down a piece of paper. "Yes, ma'am."
I reached over and took off the lid of the jars of liquor, pouring myself a glass. The car door opened and Roger slid in right next to me. "You ready, Rog," I asked and he nodded, pulling out a small, plastic bag of coke. "Are you ready?" he asked and I smirked, taking the bag from him.
I took a sip of the liquor and then set it down. I grabbed the cross on my necklace, taking it apart and dipping the end of it into the bag. I unbottoned his shirt a little more than it already was, revealing his chest. He looked at me confused, "Got no where to put it," I mumbled to him and he smirked. I pushed him back so his chest was more horizontal and tapped the powder onto him.
I frantically found a credit card and dollar from my purse, straightening out the line. I rolled the dollar up quickly. Making eye contact with him, I lightly licked his chest making him sigh and then snorted the short line. I threw my head back, moaning.
"You're ravishing, sweetheart. My turn," he said, grabbing the end of the broken cross from my neck, doing the same as I did, setting up the line on my thigh. He leaned down, placing a couple kisses right before the line before taking the rolled dollar from the floor and snorted the line.
He groaned, sniffing a bit before going back to kiss my thigh. I smirked, grabbing his shirt and pulled him up to roughly kiss him. He moaned into my mouth and I pulled him closer. Abruptly, I pushed him away, fixing my lipstick.
The limo came to a stop and Tobert came around, opening the door. "Thank you, Robert," I said, slipping him a twenty and he nodded.
"You took me to a ditch?" Roger asked confused and I cocked an eyebrow. "No, I took you to a pub," I told him and he looked at me as if I was crazy. "Sorry, sweetheart but I don't see a pub," he said. I grabbed his hand, leading him down some stairs and knocked on the door.
"Name?" a man asked from behind the door. "Y/N L/N," I told him and the door opened. I had gotten a reputation around here and it wasn't because of my movies or because of the Oscars I had won. "What are we doing here?" Roger asked. I leaned into him, setting my lips against his ear, "You'll see."
There was a small stage in the back of the club that I headed towards, dragging him along with me. I pushed him down in a chair right in front of the stage. I winked at him before turning around, walking up onto the stage, swaying my hips a bit.
I danced slowly, running my fingertips from my hips, dragging them upward. Whistles and howls came from the crowd making me smile. Making eye contact with Roger again, I slowly dropped to the floor and stood up again, pushing my ass out. He shifted slightly in his seat, adjusting his pants. I laughed, getting off stage and grabbing his hand.
"You've got a little something, Roggie," I said, pulling him further into the crowd. "You want to fix it for me, love?" he asked, growling and almost begging. "Maybe later but I still have some more places to show you," I said, kissing his cheek. "Could we hurry it up?" he whined and I laughed. "You're driving me crazy but some how I'm into it," he said, pulling me into a kiss.
I pulled away, licking my lips and smirked. "If you want to hurry this tour up, I suggest we get out of here and move on," I whispered into his ear and he smirked, leading me out of the club.
He opened the door to the limo and I got it, pulling Roger in with me and kissed him roughly. I enjoyed the feeling of his soft lips against mine. I was getting hungrier and hungrier by the second. I pulled away from a whining Roger and tapped on the window. Robert rolled it down, without looking into the back, knowing better that when I had a man in the car that whatever we were doing was most likely not meant to be seen.
"Take us home. I think our tour of New York is over," I said, chuckling as Roger slid his hand up my thigh and kissing my neck. He nodded, rolling the window back up as I turned back to Roger. I straddles his lap, kissing down his neck. Grinding roughly into his lap, I could feel his prominent buldge from underneath me. His soft moans in my ear were like music in my ears.
"Roggie, wouldn't you want to wait until we get back to my place? We'd have so much more fun and time there with all the toys I have," I whispered and he growled, removing me from his lap.
"Then it'd be best if you didn't make me cum in my pants. Then there wouldn't be any fun at all," he said, kissing my cheek.
Once we got home, the sexual tension had built up so much that it couldn't be cut, even with the sharpest of knives. He pushed me up against my door, once he had slammed it closed. Moving us to the bed as quickly as possible.
The rest of the night consisted of three rounds of moaning, groaning and growling. I woke up and Roger was still asleep next to me. I sighed, changing quickly and scribbling down a short note to Roger that I was going to be out for the day and that I expected him to be up and out by the time I got back.
Weeks passed by and I had started to feel sick and my period was late. I was on birth control and had been the night Roger and I slept together. I silently cursed, grabbing a pregnancy test I stashed in the back of my medicine cabinet.
After waiting for a few minutes, I turned over the test after taking it and showing as positive. I sighed, dialing up Freddie. "Hello, darling! What are you doing calling me at this hour," he greeted me. I laughed, "Is Mr. Mercury seriously not up by now? It's 3:00pm."
"Well after the last night I had, it called for some sleeping in and a hangover cure. Now, what can I do for you?" he asked, groaning a bit. "Roger's number, please. I promise to tell you all about our rendez-vous later when you aren't in so much pain," I explained and he laughed. "Sure, darling. Whatever you wish," he told me and then proceeded to inform me of the phone number. I bid my goodbye after saying thank you and quickly dialed up Roger.
"Hello?" he answered, groggily. "Jesus, is everybody sleeping past 12:00 and hung over?" I sighed. "Y/N! I wasn't expecting you to call," he said with a sudden enthusiasm. "Listen, I'm having your baby and it's none of your business," I told him, bluntly. "Woah, wait. This is getting crazy. What do you mean you're having my baby? I think I'm losing it," he mumbled under his breathe. "You're not. You heard correctly. Goodbye Roger," I told him before hanging up, abruptly. "I'm going to pay for this," I mumbled.
@rrrogah-tayluhh , @simplyvictoria-93 , @johnrichardsondeaconn , @satanspaghetti , @rogersrager , @rogahmtaylah , @johnricharddeaconn
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immiesradio-blog · 5 years
You’re My Best Friend ~ Roger Taylor x OC 7.1
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Chapter 7.1
September 1968 Barbara's P.O.V
"Here, I've got you breakfast," I hear Stella mumble, her voice was faded and quiet as I had still not woken up yet physically from the night before, "Barb."
My eyes flickered and blinked quickly, opening my eyes and seeing a blurry, kind of disfigured Stella standing over my bed with a tray of food. Her hand reached towards me and lightly shook me until my eyes widened, "Stella!"
"What? I was just waking you up," she explains, laughing a little when she sees my unamused facial expression, "With food."
I can't help but smile a little at her kindness, "Thank you, I'm sorry, I had quite the night last night."
She placed the tray of breakfast on my lap as I sat myself up so that my back was resting against the head board. Stella then took a seat at the foot of my bed, lifting her feet up onto the bed, "I can tell."
Silence took over as I remembered the events of last night, seeing Roger again for the first time in years. I thought that maybe it had been some silly dream, but I now knew that it wasn't. I felt consumed by confusion, happiness, nervousness, terror, all of these emotions took over me as I thought about the idea of being able to talk to him again, but I was also in a state of panic due to the fact that I was very sure that he had forgotten about me. I wanted to talk to him, to hug him, to forget about our petty fight, that stupid argument, but what if he didn't feel the same if I confronted him? I'm pretty sure I'd lock myself in my own wardrobe and stay there for the rest of my life.
I just wanted my best friend back.
"Barb? God you're all shook up, what happened last night?" I can hear Stella worry about me, leaning forward as she places a hand on my arm, "I'm worried about you, you came back so early last night."
I frowned, looking down at the tray of food on my lap, avoiding any kind of eye contact that would give anything away, I also shook my head quickly, "I'm fine, Stel, it's okay."
"It's not, you can talk to me, you know that right?" She asks as she reaches for the tray, moving it off of my lap and placing it beside me, "You're not fine."
I stayed silence, keeping my eyes on my fidgety fingers beginning to grow uncomfortable about the lack of response or words from Stella, "Tell me, please."
I let out a groan, defeated as I begrudgingly places my hand over my forehead, "Fine, fine, I- er, I saw him."
She squinted her eyes at me, extremely perplexed, "You're not making sense. You saw who?"
I rolled my eyes, "Roger."
"Who's Roger?" She asks, still with the same confused expression on her face, leaning further forward.
I groan again in annoyance, not wanting to go into further depth about the guy, it was not something that I was willing to talk about at all, "Stella, I've told you about him, remember? The day I went on that date with Freddie. My old best friend? The argume-,"
Her mouth comforts into an 'O' shape, her eyes widening, "Him?!"
"Why are you upset? That's amazing?" She asks, a smile broke out onto her face as she grins, "This could be a great opportunity for you."
"I-, I don't kno-,"
"what do you mean you don't know? Can you imagine the amounts of people who have lost their best friends to you know, something like death?" She explains, her face becoming serious, "Some people don't have the chance to rekindle with a loved one, let alone speak to them."
She was right, very right and I couldn't deny it whatsoever, so I agreed, nodding as I grabbed a pillow and held it in front of my face, head butting it, "I know, I know," I reply in a defeated tone.
"Is there anyway you'd be able to see him again, talk to him?" She asks, her voice raising in pitch, hoping for the best, "How did you even end up seeing him in the first place?"
I raise my eyebrows, thinking aback, still in disbelief at the coincidence of seeing him again, and the connection that had been made by Freddie with Roger, "Well, er, he's the drummer in the band that Freddie has been talking about for months, and he also just so happens to be friends with Freddie, the other person working at the stall."
"Jesus Barbara, you couldn't get more of a perfect scenario," she replies, a smile forming on her lips as she begins to giggle.
"What's so funny?" I say, trying to keep a straight face, but becoming amused at how funny she looked.
"I- I don't kn-know, maybe j-ust the fact th-at he has been p-practically under you-r nose this - wh-whole time," she lets out in small fits of giggles, her hand pressed against her chest, "Wow."
"Wow indeed."
"We must go to the stall immediately!" She suddenly squeals, standing up on the bed and jumping up and down.
"No, no, no, not today!" I shout, reaching for the tray of food next to me, holding onto it to stop it from ripping off of the bed.
She groans, falling onto the bed, "Why not?"
"I don't know, I just, I need a day to cool down," I reply, letting go of the tray and steadying myself.
"Tomorrow?" She asks, her eyes widening. I loved how supportive she was of me, how thoughtful and interested she was of my life and my happiness, "We need to go anyway, I miss Mary and Fred, additionally, money to pay for rent."
I exhale, "Tomorrow."
She squealed excitedly, clenching her fists, trying to keep the happiness from bursting out of her. For the first time I smiled to myself, trying to think positively about talking to Roger after not seeing him properly in so long.
For the rest of that morning I had been psyching myself up for reuniting with him tomorrow and had tried not to think about a certain possibility that when he'd see me, he may be angry and ignore me, or worse, he may just not recognise me at all.
Me and Stella had received an unexpected visit from Freddie today too, he wanted to make sure that I was okay after my sudden exit out of the bar last night.
"Me and Barbara would like to come to the stall tomorrow, if that's okay?" I hear Stella ask Freddie from the kitchen as I sat down beside the radio, listening to the latest news.
"Of course, Mary would be delighted, she misses you dearly," I hear Freddie say, and their voices become more distinct and clear as they appear at the door frame, walking into the room with grins on their faces, "I'm sure my new friend will be just as delighted too."
My face flushed as Stella glanced at me knowingly, "Likewise."
"Are you perfectly sure that you are okay there Barbara dear?" Freddie asks, snapping me out of the bubble that I had created, just me and the radio next to me.
"Oh yes, I'm okay Fred," I answer him, my voice a little more high pitched than usual at the sudden question, he didn't look too convinced, "How has Mary been? I haven't seen her at Beba recently."
He waited a few seconds to reply, taking a sip of the coffee that he and Stella had made, "She was a little under the weather."
"Poor thing, I've missed her."
Freddie motioned for me to sit in the space between him and Stella, who was lighting herself up a cigarette. I rolled my eyes playfully as I picked myself up and walked over to the two of them, dropping myself onto the space in between the two of them, causing them to jump up slightly.
"Silly creature you are," Freddie mumbles, "You had me worried sick last night."
"You don't need to worry Fred, I told you, I suddenly felt a little sick," I lie, but my tone stays serious as I keep a straight face, but I could hear Stella giggle lowly at my response towards him.
"Hm, okay," he mutters, leaning away from me so that he could take a good look at me, "Just making sure."
I offered him a cigarette as an attempt at an apology, or the start of one. He gladly took it and reached for the lighter on the coffee table in front of the three of us.
We all sat back as far as we could, staring up at the ceiling, "How's the band going?"
"It's okay, taking a small break, Design has been a fuckwit."
"Boy same, you're not lying."
Freddie didn't stay too long after that, we were all feeling extremely tired even though me and Stella didn't really have a valid reason to be. He hugged the both of us at the same time, tightly, grinning as he did so, "I love you both too much and I'll see you bright and early tomorrow."
"Until then Fred," I reply as I follow him towards the front door, he quickly pressed a friendly kiss to my check before leaving the apartment.
"Right, are you ready to leave for class, Stella?" I ask her, peaking my head into the living room.
She immediately turned her head to look up at me, her brows furrowed and her eyes squinted, "I thought we weren't going there today," referring to uni.
"We haven't got anything else planned at all have we?"
She replied with a shake of her head, "No, not anymore."
"Well then, let's get some work done."
Tomorrow soon became today, last night I had found it hard to fall asleep, thinking too much about Roger and what was to happen when I see him, if it were to be a joyful moment, or a horrific one. My head wandered to the wild times that we had shared as young teenagers on the beach and dancing to the radio, what I'd give to turn back time and live one of those days all over again. I smiled to myself, beginning to think more positively, perhaps this was where me and Roger's friendship would unpause and play. These were the thoughts that helped me fall into a deep sleep as nervous jitters course through my body.
"Wake the fuck up Ba-ba! It's your time to shine baby!" I wake up to Stella's squealing in the morning, she rolls forward onto my bed, bouncing herself until I was sitting up and hitting her repetitively with my pillow.
"Fuck off!" I shout, laughing and snorting at the same time, pushing her off of the bed before lying back down, "How dare you interrupt my beauty sleep."
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I know how much you need that, ugly!" She groans, holding herself up as she jumps onto my bed again, "Just kidding!"
I hold myself up on my elbows, "You better be."
"I swear, now get up," she replies, reaching for one of the pillows that I had thrown at her before before chucking it back at me, hitting my head.
"Fine," I say, "I suppose you're helping me with my outfit today then?"
"You bet your ass I am, I'm going to grab something for you," she states, smirking as she leaves the room before running back in around seven minutes later with a tight dress.
"Wait- Stella, no, can I pick my outfit this time please?" I ask, silently praying to the gods above, putting on a fake frown and attempting to look cute in order to get my way.
She practically growls, "Fine, but I have to approve of it."
In the end, the outfit that I had picked out which had been approved by her and myself, it was simple, a pink top with a purple patterned skirt, purple tights, a navy jacket to go over the top along with knee-high black boots. Stella ended up doing my hair, pulling it up into a neat bun before taking a step backwards, "You look so stunning, I'm jealous. I really need to get myself ready now."
I looked myself a few times more in the body length mirror that me and Stella had managed to pay for one month where everything was much less stressful. I smiled at my appearance, this was just a normal outfit I'd wear day to day maybe, the skirt was one of my favourite items of clothing that I owned overall. Almost looking forward to leaving for Kensington, I really wanted to get this over with and get there in order to rid the nervousness that I was feeling at the tension building, the thought of seeing him.
"Can you hurry up?!" I call out after about fifteen minutes of waiting, "I'm practically a skeleton at this point."
Very soon after, she waltzed our of her room, mumbling something along the lines of 'drama queen' as she reaches for her handbag which was hanging by her coat, "Here's your satchel," she says, handing over my pastel pink smallish bag before taking her own and placing the strap over her shoulder.
I quickly checked through my bag, making sure that I had everything with me, keys, cigarettes, some extra ones for Freddie and Mary in case they didn't have any, money and a whole lot of bravery, because I needed much of that.
"Let's go," Stella says, opening up the apartment door and waiting a little to the side in order for to walk past her so that she could lock the door, "And you know the address don't you?"
"Yes, got it all memorised, don't you worry," I reply, stepping quickly down the two little steps in front of our apartment door.
"You sure?"
"Very sure, I've got an astoundingly good memory Stel, now keep me occupied with some entertaining stories, or I'm going to shit myself," I explain as she catches up with me, her footsteps as quick as mine.
"Calm the fuck down, he's not going to kill you."
"But what if he wants to?"
"He's your best friend Barb, and you're his best friend, why on earth would he want to murder you?" I hear her ask as we reach our nearby bus stop, kicking at the floor a little to calm myself down a bit more.
"I can think of one thing for sure."
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whereareroo · 2 years
R.I.P. P.J.
WF THOUGHTS (2/16/22).
P.J. O'Rourke died yesterday. He was 74, and he fought a long battle with cancer.
As you might guess from his name, P.J. was Irish. His full name was Patrick Jake O'Rourke. He preferred "P.J."
Unlike most Irishmen, including myself, P.J. was brilliant. He shared his wisdom through his writing. He had uncanny powers of observation, and he could explain complicated topics in smooth, readable, paragraphs.
Like most Irishmen, P.J. started at the bottom of the heap and fought his way to the top. From his humble beginnings at National Lampoon magazine, P.J. went on to write analysis and commentary for top political magazines. Three of his 16 books reached the top of The New York Times Best Seller List. I always enjoyed his magazine pieces. He never lost the sense of humor that he cultivated at National Lampoon.
Unlike most Irishmen, who tend to lean towards the progressive side of the political spectrum, P.J. was a conservative with a libertarian streak. He marched to his own drummer.
Do yourself a favor. Go online and read some of the magazine stuff by P.J. It's worth the time.
P.J. was alway funny and insightful at the same time. He are some classic examples:
▪"The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then get elected and prove it."
▪"You can't get rid of poverty by giving people money."
▪"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences."
▪"The proper behavior all through the holiday season is to be drunk. This drunkenness culminates on New Year's Eve, when you get so drunk you kiss the person you're married to."
▪"The 1960s was an era of big thoughts. And yet, amazingly, each of those thoughts could fit on a T-shirt."
▪"The French are a smallish, monkey-looking bunch and not dressed any better, on average, than the citizens of Baltimore."
▪"When I was fifteen, I dreamed of living in the big city, as many a young person does if he is artistic and sensitive. By 'artistic and sensitive' I mean short, skinny, sunkissed, bad at sports, and carrying a C average in high school."
▪"Israel is smaller than New Jersey. Moses in effect led the tribes of Israel out of the District of Columbia, parted Chesapeake Bay near Annapolis, and wandered for forty years in Delaware."
▪"Term limits aren't enough. We need jail."
▪"The idea of a world where all people are alike--in wealth or anything else--is a fantasy for the stupid."
▪"Feeling good about government is like looking on the bright side of any catastrophe. When you quit looking on the bright side, the catastrophe is still there."
▪"I wasn't cut out to be a Chinese Tiger Mom. I'm more of an Irish Setter Dad."
▪"The two most frightening words in Washington are 'bipartisan consensus.' Bipartisan consensus is when my doctor and my lawyer agree with my wife that I need help."
▪"I think the Baby Boom does have a tendency to get its nose in everything. The Greatest Generation had a better tendency to leave people alone. Of course, they also had a better tendency to hate everyone's guts."
▪"The problem with public school is not overcrowding in the classroom. The problem is not teacher unions. The problem is not underfunding or lack of computer equipment. The problem is your damn kids."
▪" The weirder you're going to behave, the more normal you should look. It works in reverse, too. When I see a kid with three or four rings in his nose, I know that there is absolutely nothing extraordinary about that person."
▪"Even very young children need to be informed about dying. Explain the concept of death very carefully to your child. This will make threatening him with it much more effective."
I could do P.J. quotes all day long! He was full of golden nuggets.
There won't be another Patrick Jake O'Rourke. He was truly one of a kind. Rest In Peace, PJ. Thanks for sharing your wisdom, your humor, and your mastery of the written word.
0 notes
forkanna · 7 years
It took me all night to stop feeling embarrassed about the scene Knives caused. Maybe deep down, I really did feel flattered that she cared this much, but it was buried under so much shame and annoyance that I couldn't even feel it accurately. Where did she get off inserting herself into my life as some weird kind of protector? Especially since I didn't need any protecting. At all. That was just some random crap I made up to make it clear that I wasn't interested in her hanging around and making me feel better. Not my fault she was too dense to realise.
A few days later, I saw her again. Just enough time to forget that the whole incident happened before I was freshly reminded because she came barging back into my life. Great.
"Are you stalking me?"
"What?" Knives asked, trying to casually drop down from the tree branch. She landed with a quiet tmp against the little patch of grass around the trunk, a would-be innocent smile playing across her lips. "Noooo… not at all."
"Because it feels like you're stalking me. And what's with that?"
"Nothing!" Her hand whipped to one side, throwing the binoculars so hard that they disappeared into the sky with a brief gleam. "Nobody was watching you since you left the house this morning, don't be silly!"
Sighing, I continued walking down the pavement. She kept pace with me; now that I'd found her out, apparently she had decided there was no point in keeping a low profile anymore. My hands clenched into fists in my hoodie pockets. "Fine. What do you want?"
"Well… I'm trying to do surveillance."
"Yeah, I got that."
"For the challenges? You know… see if I can tell from the outside anything more about what I'll face on the inside. So far, nothing obvious. But I wanna be ready!"
"For the imaginary challenges? Wow, quelle surprise."
"Are they imaginary though?" she breathed with a slight squinting of her eyes.
"Dude… you are so weird." For some reason, that made her grin at me, and I rolled my eyes. Didn't seem to be any point in trying to get rid of her anymore, so I just said, "I'm going to work. You won't have anything to do there but watch me watch old movies."
"I love old movies! Like, like… the first Harry Potter!"
Inwardly, I died a little.
                                                      ~ o ~
This manic chick actually came with me to the video rental store. I shouldn't have to tell you that in this millennium, especially after the first decade of it, there's really no point in even having a video rental store anymore, so we had no customers. It was literally hours of sitting around and watching movie after movie, while maybe one guy came in and asked where 'the good stuff' was kept. My glare sent him packing.
"So was it that bad wherever you went for uni that you ended up slumming it back here again?"
"Not bad," Knives told me as she sat on the counter, spinning the orange she had gotten from a convenience store on the way in her hands. It was the last thing either of us had to eat after we made our way through some cheesy Nineties rom-com. "Just not home. Toronto is just, you know? Like… everything's so cool here."
"Yeah, it's freezing."
"Not right now. Summer in Toronto is like, the best. Plus my friend Tamara lives here, I was hoping I'd see her."
There was something about how genuine Knives was that reminded me of Scott when we first met. That could probably play a role in why they were attracted to each other in the first place, and I might be more certain of that if I were some kind of TV pop-psychologist. As in, Scott saw something of his younger self in Knives, the way he was before he broke my heart and Envy broke his in turn. Yadda yadda.
Maybe that's why I hadn't thrown her out yet. Nostalgia.
"What?" I snapped, since I had been snapped out of my stupor.
"The movie's over."
"Oh…" Ducking my head, I reached over to pull the DVD of 'The Mystical Head' out of the player. "Shit…"
Head tilted to one side, Knives asked me, "What would you be watching if you had to pick? Right now?"
"Zombie Corpse Mutilator IV: The Zombining."
"Really? Is it any good? I don't watch very many scary movies…"
With a long sigh, I stood up and stretched my arms over my head. Knives tried to balance the orange on the bridge of her nose, failed, and caught it before it fell very far. "You probably just want me to put on some drivel like 'Let's Hope There's A Heaven,' don't you?"
"No," she laughed easily. "What about… 'Seven Shaolin Masters'? I like action, but not like, just a bunch of stuff blowing up. And I heard that one's supposed to be pretty authentic, it was done by a Chinese director."
The way she looked all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed reminded me of a squirrel spotting a nut it hadn't cracked yet. Maybe I was the nut. Who knows? But for some reason, her excitement and complete disregard of whether or not I crapped all over her good mood was getting past my defenses. So much so that I said…
"Sure. Think we have a few copies."
We watched it. Not a bad flick. I guess I like it about as much as I like anything, really. Not high praise, but you get the picture. Knives was eating it up. Really… the weirdest part is that she never complained about having to sit there on the counter, just hopped down once in a while to stretch her legs and lean against it instead. Like we had been doing this for years: her coming to hang out with me while I 'worked'. Felt like the plot of some low-budget indie film, shot in black-and-white to be 'ironic'.
About halfway through, she did go to the lavatory, and when she came back she stayed behind the counter. I started to tell her she wasn't allowed, but decided I didn't care enough. Maybe I'm getting soft at the ripe old age of twenty-four.
"Hey," I suddenly asked, during a boring part in which the main character was meditating.
"What are you doing?"
"Watching a movie."
"No… I mean like, going to uni. What's your whole deal?" I cringed; that was a pretty crappy way to ask the question. But, as usual, Knives didn't seem to mind.
"Not really sure. Just want to figure out what I'm doing. My mom wants me to be a doctor, but that is so not happening. Like… I kinda want to found a martial arts school. Super cliché, but I've never really been good at anything else, except fangirling. Which isn't really a 'job' I can get."
"Sure you could. Rent yourself out as a professional fangirl."
Her eyes went round. "You can do that?!" But for once, she seemed to get that I was teasing and smiled. "Aww, silly Kim. But… actually I wonder if there'd be any interest in it… maybe I could start a whole new thing!"
"What about you?"
That caught me off guard. "Huh? I'm a drummer."
"Yeah, but you aren't really in a band right now, right? You said you and Neil's sister are just kind of trying stuff."
"It's none of your-" But I cut myself off. This wasn't an interrogation, and Knives wasn't trying to pry. Wasn't trying to. "I just… am trying to figure that out. My life got kicked in the butt by a few events and I need a rebuilding year."
"But it's already been a year since your last band-"
She fell silent, turning away to finish the movie. She looked guilty, which wasn't really what I wanted; I just wanted her to take the hint that it's not the most fun subject to bring up for me right now. But I didn't know how to tell her that without getting all sappy and feelsy, so I didn't try.
When Comeau came in to relieve me, we split, and she followed along behind like a good puppy. A good stray puppy. One I never wanted, but for some reason, I didn't mind her there. We did start getting along toward the end of Sex Bob-omb's career, I guess.
"You wanna get some food? It's about dinner time. Or you probably have plans, huh?"
Shrugging, I managed to mutter, "Eh." I didn't have any plans. I never had many plans anymore; met up with Stephen once a week, or less. Steph wasn't so much a friend as a colleague… which I guess was where both of them stood with me. Where did everybody go?
"Cool. Wanna get Sneaky Dee's?"
"Ugh… too noisy. Not in the mood."
"Poutine? Sushi?"
I started to make a very vaguely racist joke about sushi being the wrong food for her, but decided it would be more hurtful than funny. Especially to Knives, who only seemed to get the most obvious jokes. "Poutine works. I could use some gravy-laden goodness."
"Cool. Let's do it!"
She skipped off down the path, hair bouncing on the breeze. I didn't notice before that she was still keeping it short, I was so focused on the fact that she stopped dyeing it in the front. Kind of a compromise between who she had been before Scott and who she was after, maybe.
Not that I knew why I was noticing now. I must really have been bored. "Wait up, you dumbass," I grumbled under my breath as I trudged after her.
                                                      ~ o ~
Somehow, grabbing dinner with this almost-a-stranger was fine. She gushed about college life, about some group of friends she found online and really connected with or whatever. I was only half paying attention while I chewed. Between bites she was drinking a ginger ale, and kept setting it down so hard that a few droplets would fly up and land on the table, or even on her face. That annoyed me, but it was also kind of… cute somehow. Maybe I needed therapy.
Once we finished up, we walked to the bus stop that would take her back in the direction of her house. It was awkward. There was no real reason for it to be awkward but it was; she looked down at her boots, rocking back and forth with her hands in the small of her back.
"U-um… do you mind if I drop by more? You seemed kind of unhappy to see me at first. If you really want me to leave you alone forever…"
"Yes. I do."
"Okay. S-sorry, Kim."
Now I felt like I was kicking a puppy. She wasn't really that bad; I just hated being forced to endure the company of anyone besides myself and my inner demons. "Ugh… just don't make a big deal about it, and shut up if we get too busy, alright? God."
Her mopey face turned into a wide smile over the course of the following five seconds. "YAY!" No seriously, she said 'yay'. And meant it. What the fuck was she even? Her arms sprang forward, and before I could tell what was about to happen, she had me caught in a crushing hug.
"Let GO. Dude, seriously! Off!"
"I'll see you tomorrow! Oh man, this is gonna be a great summer!" Without any further ado, she pranced over to the bus stop, walking backward so she could wave at me the entire time. Anybody could have predicted that she would trip over the old man's dachshund, but she picked herself up right away with a light giggle, apologising to both of them before waving again.
Our definitions of "great summer" don't have much overlap.
                                                       To Be Continued…
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