#this is poorly made ik
zenona-5 · 1 year
how a mere 5 eps got me feeling
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kaliido-s · 11 months
Being into Palaeontology and Biology now means I can’t look at WoF the same way again because the amateur scientist in my brain is freaking out over how much stuff happens in such a short amount of time. You’re telling me these dragons diversified, evolved, and adapted into multiple different tribes throughout the span of a few thousand years, and at two different points in time??? Yeah right. Hell when you think about it, the history of the tribes and what they describe create the implication that it only took a few centuries. That’s insane. How am I supposed to insert spec evo into these fantasy dragons NOW Tui?!??!?!?!
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multifandomaceflux · 1 year
I'm kinda late for this, but anyways
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Lestrade got tired of being constantly outsmarted >:)
@r2y9s made it first and better with our two Watsons [link]
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gifti3 · 6 months
Is there any canon info about belphie being able to give people the best dreams (or the worst nightmares) theyve ever had in their lives?
i think a belphie induced dream would feel real to life but everything good would be dialed up to 100. while for nightmares its the same but for everything bad to the point where you can actually feel pain
Anyways I was imagining him giving MC a forehead kiss while theyre napping and they wake up later amazed like
Wow i had the most amazing dream and it was so vivid too....how do i go back?
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professional-termite · 8 months
alr so i tried to turn the hm 2023 hhg designs into modern human dudes bc i need them for my mall cop au but OMG I CANT TAKE THEM SERIOUSLY WHO DECIDED THEY WOULD LOOK LIKE THAT!!! apologies if these designs are garbage, i tried 😭😭😭
(i do not consider these guys the same characters as the ones from the rides, the comics, or the 2003 movies btw, theyre too different in shape/facial language to be the same guys, end of discussion)
anyways yeahh uh in my au these sillies live together in the same apartment complex as bruce, ben, constance, the mariner, and some other haunts that im gonna turn into human designs later. they play d&d with kent sometimes and their car keeps breaking down (hence the whole hitchhiking thing)
-phineas probably does business or finance or something that makes him need to travel a lot (he still lives w ezra and gus because living alone in your mid 50s/60s is lonely, and honestly good for him)
-this ezra looks like a fashion guy or smthn, idk he fancy ill figure it out later. he doesnt look like spamton in this movie and it makes me sad
-gus is their roommate who has been to prison multiple times and cant hold down a job. they keep him around because they love him and he "mysteriously conjures" free tickets to local plays a lot
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(i will give phineas and ezra their hats + phineas his coat back i promise but i needed a ref of their hair/casual attire, so no hats/coats just yet)
heres the ref i used btw (i brightened it in app im too lazy to export it tho)
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mangora · 5 months
Not to talk about internet drama on main but I really think you guys should just ignore Scepterno, he clearly gets some kind of smug satisfaction from being so widely hated and I don’t think anyone’s going to change his mind at this point
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
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Not sure I like the way Engage handled Sigurd... at all. Aside from using “wise, intelligent, thoughtful Sigurd” which never existed in the entirety of FE4 except for like two or three optional lines at one point almost at the end of the game, which doesn’t count because Ghost!Sigurd is not really the Sigurd we spent half the game with,
lost his most important battle? Uh, no, he literally won his most important battle. He was literally returning home and stopping by the capital first. His battle was wholly over as far as what his king ordered for him and as far as stopping the rebel nobles. Just because things went awry after his final battle doesn’t mean he lost his most important/final battle?
Like... these writers clearly did not play FE4 and do not care about it at all to constantly write one lord, who was naïve and emotional, as super wise and reasonable. Then they wrote the other lord in Heroes, who was in his own game super casual and not really a formal person, as a very formal and wise individual despite that he was neither of those things even by the end of the game. He was sweet, gentle and casual, but definitely not wise (hence why he has someone at his side to give him wise advice, as he is not aware of such things on his own), and not formal either.
If they can’t write the two main lords of the game, and considering they can’t write Lachesis either, for one example, correctly either in Heroes even if they’re different writers, I really am just sick of my favorite game’s characters being botched by newer FE content. It’s supposed to be fanservice and it fails at doing even that.
Unfortunately they won’t care because all of a sudden lately people are goo goo gaga over it despite nobody caring about it before (and don’t say nobody had access to it because lol. It’s been accessible for quite a long time via emulation even before the latest patch creators, and SNES emulators run on even very weak, non-gaming computers). People don’t care if the characters are written ooc because uwu it’s FE4 so who cares, it’s still content even if it’s not even remotely the same content!
Mind you the vast majority of people who seem to uwu love FE4 in recent years are the same people who refuse to play it unless it gets an uwu remake, which means they don’t actually love it because they don’t actually know the game itself. Clearly the writers are no different because they don’t even actually reference anything besides the same few topics in every single instance of using its lords, despite there being other things/characters just as important to them.
Also if this somehow gets into Tumblr’s search system and you wanna argue, don’t bother because you’ll get ignored and get an instant block. I’m not here to argue, I’m expressing my own feelings, untagged in the main tags, on my own blog.
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tastytoecheese · 2 years
I had a dream and had to make it reality
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(I read an article about a boy who got a frozen sausage in his bum before I went to sleep and apparently it was in my mind)
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vaugarde · 2 years
remember seeing a post on here that was like “best wishes and xy are both really flawed seasons but they mirror each other on what exactly made them flawed, as best wishes relied too much in an overarching story that ended up being canceled and then rearranged bc they didnt know about bw2, while xy opted to not have a myth arc at all which made its base season really boring” and idk abt the xy half there, ill see once im there, but damn yeah as of rn it holds up
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thealphabetcultleader · 2 months
Yk what? Fuck you. *throws my Uzi kinsona from Gacha Life 2 at you*
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earlgreybocchan · 4 months
Ik in the past decade or so anime adaptations have tried to adapt mangas exactly and even gone back and done other versions of anime just to make sure to adapt the source material and that's a good thing and definitely has its place, but also I genuinely think we should let people make up 100+ filler episodes again
#there are sooo many concepts that i feel like would lend well to the sailor moon format of do fuck all#like no anime lately can just have two dumb ass episodes in a row where they put on plays.#bsd could have so many mini mystery episodes. it could be like wan 80% of the time and on manga plot 20% of the time#and i don't think that every anime that diverges from the source material is necessarily ruining the source material#ik i went on about bb 2 a lot last year and there is a lot i disagree with but ultimately idc bc the manga and anime are separate to me#but for one thing some anime try so hard to just adapt the manga and the story doesn't lend well to the 12 ep format and it makes a story...#...feel like it's just starting and that's all a story gets and there are times i feel like animes in those positions could benefit from...#...having closure if some sort even if the source material is a little bent. especially some romance ones.#and also there are situations like utena where someone can play with your source material and make something new and interesting from it#without fully forsaking your story#i also feel like people need to be more open to original anime? ik a fair amount are made but here especially and on mal they are poorly...#...received and it's like. no one will have any fun with anime any more. they won't watch anything silly or filler and it's so disappointing#getting into 90s anime has really broadened my perspective here and i am not talking about what yana posted earlier#ik i mentioned her on this post bc i can't shut up about bb but. this has been on the brain a while unrelated to her.
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worldofgoo · 1 year
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ablednt · 1 year
Hi - trans woman here
The idea that women can’t use the word ‘woman’ when speaking about their experiences, ‘cis’ or not is just vile and has nothing to do with trans identities. Please don’t vilify the community more than it already has been - not all of us are so misogynistic
Hey, that post is over a year old and was a vent post I made (my main problem was tagging it but I didn't expect it to blow up, naively.) specifically in response to the extreme amounts of transphobia I was having to put up with from the cis women in my life. The post was never meant to Literally Suggest they Never Use The Word Woman Ever but pointing out how they Only Ever said women and then if you pointed out that this also pertained to you they just would go "yeah whatever you're included too we're just never going to mention you fucking ever"
It was literally just going hey, a lot of the shit y'all think are exclusively a (cis) woman experience really fucking aren't and I'm tired of the way that cis feminists completely fucking ignore trans and nonbinary people other than a cursory "oh they're valid [we just are never going to address them ever in our goddamn life and act super bothered when they ask to be acknowledged during a discussion]"
Was the post well worded? Absolutely not but now that I've had time to reflect on everything I do think it's really fucking weird how when I started getting harassment over that post from transphobes trying to misgender me and calling me slurs and shit the main reaction people had was "ugh you made a poorly worded post you're an embarrassment to trans people you're making us look bad you deserve to be harassed" (<- heavily paraphrased it's been over a year but at the time I felt extremely guilty for the crime of not wording a post in a hard to strawman perfectly unproblematic way on tumblr dot com)
Like yeah the post wasn't great but why are you, over a year later, bringing this up and assuming I'm a misogynist based off of that one post? It's bizarre to me.
IDK I just think the way a lot of people targeted me (who both at the time and currently now still IDs as a woman?) for wording something poorly and not being the picture of eloquence to the point where apparently there are still people mad about this in 2023 feels a tad bit misogynist in of itself lmao.
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mmmm-bitch · 2 years
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God it took me forever but i finally finished this? I saw a markiplier tweet with pics of him in these poses and that was the tweet message and my brain decided Kirishima fit those poses so i made this? It’s poorly drawn as i only have a mouse; and the coloring sucks but i did it. 😤
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mysicklove · 1 year
THE THOUGHT I JUST THUNK!! modern! tanjiro with braces?? with a mean/bully reader that teases him for em? they’re always sticking their fingers in his mouth, and poor tanjiro can’t help but get hard even though you’re making him cry 🥺
Sub! Tanjiro x Bully! Gn! Reader
CW: mean/bully! reader, sadist reader?, reader likes watching tanjiro in pain so yeah, fingers in mouth, knee pressing/knee humping, heavy degradation, pinning tanjiro to a wall, jawing gripping, praise at the end, sobbing/begging/pleading (yknow, the usual)
A/N: got me in shambles. ashi girly u may not be into this one...made this a little too self indulgent and ik u aren't too much of a hard dom. sadistic side came out so um poor tanjiro. my poor baby. also this is kinda rushed so oops (wow another poorly made content by mello! not suprised!)
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"they hurttt," he complains to inosuke the second time today. he had gotten his braces tightened yesterday, and they have been throbbing for the past day. his hands reach in his mouth to touch them, whining when another flash of pain hits him.
you happen to overhear him, raising your eyebrows at the complaint and planning what to do next.
not even thirty minutes later you have him pinned him to a wall, snickering at his wide eyes. "O-Oh....Y/N. Whats--Whats up?" he asks, trying to ignore your malicious gaze. His stares at the ground, playing with his hands awkwardly.
your hand grips his jaw and he flinches when you force him to look at you. "ah metal mouth, heard you got them tightened. wanna see them," you coo, rubbing your thumb across his lips while he whimpers.
he knows what's bound to come. you always do these sort of things.
"noooo. please, t-they hurt!" he whines, shutting his eyes when he feels the tip of your finger touching the sensitive bracket.
"relax, ill be gentle. open your mouth." you know he doesn't want to obey, his eyes glance up at your nervously and pleading.
but, he listens. he hesitantly opens up his pink lips for your awaiting fingers. one hand grips his jaw, forcing him to look at you, and the other prods your pointer and middle finger into his mouth.
you slide your finger over the first bracket, and he jumps backward, hitting his head on the wall behind him. you ignore it, and push your fingers to the back of his mouth.
tears leak from his eyes, as they often do when you are around, and he sniffles. you use your pointer to gently tap on the molar, and he whimpers. "gentle! it hwurts!!"
"shhh stop whining. I know, I know," you mumble, and by accident begin to trail your eyes downward. you grin when you see the bulge in his pants, and you begin to laugh.
his eyes squeeze shut at the sound, knowing that you found out. he trembles before you, and his face is hot in embarrassment. "you're pathetic tanjiro. getting hard from me putting my fingers in your mouth."
he whines at the words, and more tears begin to stream down his face, and onto the ground. you push him further into the wall, and his hands wrap around your wrist in a plea. but you ignore it, and instead press your knee into his cock.
his eyes snap open at the feeling, his gaze trailing to your leg. a huffed breath comes out of him, and you run your finger over another bracket. his eyes snap toward you in an instant, in both fear and embarrassment.
"I thought "it hwurts!"." you mimic and he cringes at his own words. "are you that disgusting that you are getting off to your own pain? or is the thought of my fingers in your mouth making you so desperate?"
he tries to shake his head, but the knee rubbing onto him is making him dizzy. his ears are burning up, and he has begun to hiccup from his cries.
and then he begins to grind himself onto your knee. its shaky with his trembles, and he scrunches his eyes shut to help ease the embarrassment. you laugh again, and the sound seems to spurr him on. "look how wet you are. you're like a bitch in heat, humping me like that."
you press your fingers deeper, and he gags, drool dripping down his chin. his eyes flutter open, watery and pleading. "'m not!" he sobs, and you grin at him.
his movements become frantic, the grinding harder and faster. his pants begin to darker and his tongue laps at your fingers. "yes you are. so desperate, its sickening. are you going to cum in your pants?"
he tries to shake his head again in embarrassment. but he knows that you're right. hes going to cum in his pants because you. his bully.
your fingers continue to press down on the teeth and he tries to wither himself away from you, but it fails considering how close the two of you are together. "admit it tanjiro, you're pathetic."
"no!" he hiccups.
a squeeze to the jaw. he cringes, letting out a high pitched whine. "say it."
you glare at him, and he trembles under it. you press your knee harder and he grips onto your shirt. he babbles something into your fingers, and frown. feeling nice, you remove them from his mouth, and relax your hold on his jaw.
he heaves, his head falling on your shoulder with the newfound air. you begin to let out another teasing remark, when he cuts you off. "Im pathetic! Im so pathetic! let me cum. pleaseeee" he babbles, his body raking with sobs.
your eyes light up at the noise, and you grip his hair, pulling him backward. the two of you make eye contact and you smile at him. him with a fucked out expression, and you with a teasing grin. "good job! my good pathetic boy. cmon, you can cum."
his eyes widen at the words, and his orgasm seems to hit him like a train. his head hits the wall and he keens, quick shaky breathes escaping his lips. his fingers grip onto you, while his whole body trembles in front of you.
you chuckle through it all, watching his pants darken and the liquid begin to seep through and onto your leg.
when he comes back from his high he stares at you. long and hard, while trying to catch his breathe.
you pull away from him with a grin, "I'll see you around metal mouth."
he doesn't say anything, just continues to stare with burning cheeks, replaying the two words you told him. "Good job."
and so tanjiro found something that turns him on even more. when you praise him.
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green-alien-turdz · 4 months
i want you to go over each and every small character detail you add and explain i love your mind and your art dude no homo
Okay, here we go
STAN: Peace sign pin on his hat n sometimes wears preachy shirts about environmentalism bcuz he's an ecofag. He has faint old scars on his arms n thighs cuz he used to cut. He's often covered in bruises bcuz the CD shows are tightly packed n he will inevitably get hit at least once.
KENNY: Covered in shit load of scars bcuz dead as hell. He's missin a visible top tooth bcuz it got cracked as shit n asked the gang to pull it out for him, which they very poorly did. While he doesn't care about havin nice clothes, he likes comedy shirts bcuz he'll lose his mind if he can't make someone at least chuckle.
CARTMAN: Stretch marks bcuz he a big bitch. His hair is the exact same bcuz he got so used to it as a kid n now has anxiety about changin it (he will never admit this). He also likes wearin funny shirts bcuz Kenny got him goin on that. Bro also wears tight or more showin clothin when he feels cuz he couldn't give less of a shit about how other view his body.
KYLE: Mouth scars from Human Centipad (he just kinda ignores the scars now. He couldn't come to terms with them, so he just numbed himself to them), sh scars bcuz that bitch ain't well. Jewfro in full bloom as he just doesn't care n he REALLY needs to take better care of it bcuz it's so matted. CD shirt 95% of the time bcuz it's like his #1 comfort item.
MARJORINE (or Butters if we're goin by show name): She keeps her hair at that very specific length bcuz it's long enough to where she feels more feminine, but short enough to where her parents don't suspect anything (but gettin allowed to grow it that long took a lot of convincing). He eye left eye is scarred n not able to move much due to the throwin star incident (she is blind in that eye). She does have old sh scars from middle school when she had to come to terms with bein trans n she was extremely confused n conflicted about all of it. She likes wearin skirts bcuz it makes her feel more feminine, but has to get dressed once out in public, so it's somethin she can quickly get on and off if need be.
IKE: Long hair/mullet adjacent bcuz he is just likin the look right now n after Sheila made him keep his hair short for majority of his childhood, he's just kinda feelin out different things. I gave him freckles bcuz in Cartman Get's an Anal Probe, Kyle calls him a 'freckly kid'. Bro got them glasses bcuz he grew up on the computer. His front tooth is cracked n brown bcuz he n Kyle were wrestlin n Ike hit a table. And while it's not completely uncommon for people to start growin facial hair in middle school, Ike started to bcuz Canadians hit puberty earlier.
KAREN: She has a birth mark on the left side of her face (did this in placement for the weird maybe dirt stain she has in the show). Her hair is long n all over the place bcuz she doesn't really brush her hair (you can blame Kenny for the influence) n she cuts it herself but is not too great at layering. Growin up impoverished n around the ideologies that Stan n CD always talks about made her rather angry in the sphere of politics n human rights, so she is very vocal about her opinions of the shit she sees (which is why she always writes shit on her clothes). She can also sometimes be seen wearin a rasta coloured beanie, which was Kevin's before he died.
CRAIG: Usually wearin his work hoodie (Fagoccini's Pizzaria) bcuz mf doesn't care to put in effort outside of that seein as he works so much. Bro wears a similar hat to the one he did as a kid bcuz it brought him a lot of comfort, n now that his hairline is recedin n he's baldin a lil bit at 18, he wears it bcuz he's a lil insecure. He doesn't give a shit that his teeth a crooked n gapped cuz it doesn't effect shit, but he does have a bit of an underbite that pisses him off bcuz he swears up n down that's what makes his voice sound so nasally.
TWEEK: Hair all fuckin wild bcuz he cuts it himself, n loses patience quickly n starts choppin. He also has white streaks in his hair which started appearing after his parents got arrested n durin his very long detox (from the stress of the info and on his body cuz of the dependency). He's got scratches all over his face n body from stress scratchin, meltdowns, n a few mishaps here n there. Bro also got sh scars bcuz bro got a lotta shit that went down n his brain chemistry is FUCKED.
WENDY: She cuts her hair short bcuz she wants to have a more androgynous appearance, but is still very confident with bein feminine n shit like that. When she started to become more human rights n social justice oriented, she started to get into boxing (as well as wrestling in school). She thought it would be a good to know how to fight if it came down to it. Plus she could already kick ass before, n she just thought it would be best to hone that ability.
BEBE: Started changin quite a bit after she had a whole moment of thinkin that she would turn out exactly like her mom (she has nothin wrong with her, just doesn't want that life). While she's still into things like cheer, she also started lookin into things that weren't what she was used to. She ended up findin Pink Flamingos, n became obsessed with Divine ever since. She dyes her cuz she feels better with it. n while she still does her makeup conventionally, she likes doin a more dark colour palet.
CLYDE: He's just Clyde. Dude's appearance didn't change that much bcuz he didn't change much. Some mfs just kinda be like that.
TOLKEIN: His mom suggested he try different hairstyles to be more connected with his culture bcuz he was havin a moment where he felt a lil blah bein the only Black dude his age in the area. He doesn't do upkeep as much as he should though, so things are a lil messy, but he doesn't see a problem as workin on the farm makes everythin messy so much faster anyway.
JIMMY: Bro just dresses casually. He doesn't really care about clothes or shit bcuz he can get people's attention with his comedy. Ladies man as fuck
HENRIETTA: Always has the best outfits bcuz she got into sewin so that she could start makin shit that she specifically wanted. She has a few tattoos- some are stick n pokes she did with her friends, others her mom signed off on when she was still under 18. She tries to ward people off with her makeup, which works rather well in South Park. She has both old sh scars from her emo moment (where she was just doin it cuz that's what she was told emo's did), n ones from later on where she was just feelin super empty n couldn't find a way to romanticize it like done previously.
FIRKLE: He's still in middle school so he doesn't go AS out there with his fashion bcuz he doesn't have the in-school support of his friends anymore. But still does dramatic makeup which he gets in trouble for all the time.
MICHAEL: Simple clothes that he's comfortable in, but not so simple that he feels like he's conforming. Pierced his ears up n down bcuz he was told he couldn't. Pierced his own eyebrow 3 different times bcuz it keeps growin out. Knee brace due to arthritis, unfortunately. A shit load of sh scars bcuz he always tries to act so stoic n unbothered around everyone else, that it led to him breaking down all the time in private bcuz he wasn't allowin himself to feel things.
/\ They have a matchin stick n poke 'nevermore' tattoo bcuz they thought it'd be pretty dope n they wanted to connect themselves with eachother via blood usin the same needle (don't do that, it's not great to get other people's blood in ya) \/
PETE: Dude's mom is extremely supportive of him bein goth, so much so that she was the one dyin his hair as a kid bcuz he asked. He has a very specific style that he likes n sometimes he goes through his grandpa's old shit to find stuff to wear (usually altering it to be more dark in appearance).
(There are others I have designs for, but bcuz I haven't posted them much, imma just stop here.)
Enjoy this fuckin novel, bro. Thank you. And I'm sorry, but I'm a full homo kind of guy
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