#this is going to be post acowar pre acofas
threshholdofescape · 27 days
Me: minding my own business, getting ready for work
Brain: Feyre x bat boys foursome
Me: sighs, not right now ffs
Brain: Rhys sitting calmly in a chair with a drink in his hand while he slowly loses his mind with lust watching Az and Cass worship Feyre
Me: .... I'm listening
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princessofmerchants · 2 months
Hey ! first of all: I recently discovered you blog & totally fell in love with it🥺, especially after my "Nessian Hangover".
I know this might be a bit off-topic from your usual content, but there's something about Cassian's relationship with Mor that really irks me...and I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.
His actions, like pulling away from Nesta's hand in ACOWAR, left me feeling frustrated and sympathetic towards Nesta. And then there's that whole thing in Wings and Embers where he's all secretive about Nesta with Mor and doesn't wanna tell her about Nesta, which gave off major mixed signals?? I mean, describing Mor as something between a lover and a friend, while also being like family? That was so confusing, how can she be all three to him? it just felt so ... inappropriate and I felt so bad for Nesta bc obviously she deserves someone who has only eyes for her.
But then in SF he says all romantic feelings turned into familial bonds after the incident so what was that about then in WaE and pulling his hand away in ACOWAR?
Also in WaE it sounded like he primarily slept with Mor out of jealouy but in SF it does seem like he did had romantic feelings towards her ? :/ ...
And when he thought in SF about how hauntingly beautiful Mor is and how it takes his breath away and that she is lovely and perfect .... it just drove me mad tbh because this sounded very romantic coded to me which made me feel so bad for Nesta.
it has been all so confusing and inconsistent to me and also just frustrating how he talked so poetic about a woman he slept with (or did he also call Nesta also hauntingly beautiful or lovely or perfect and I'm not remembering it?), or how he didn't wanted to show Mor that he has feelings for Nesta?? :/ - so I just wondered what you thought about all of that, in hopes to calm me down or clarify bc it really almost ruined him for me (maybe I was misinterpreting stuff?).
hope that's not a weird question bc of how spesific it is haha
BTW I love your love for Nesta bc same🖤.
I love this ask, Anon, and how detailed and specific it is. It is a question after my own heart! My response is long so it's after the break.
Thank you for saying you love my love for Nesta - that means the world to me. What I especially like about your ask is, it is about canon Nesta, who is the Nesta I most treasure, and by extension about canon Nessian. I sometimes feel like a lone voice in the drafty moors of Tumblr with my deep and abiding love for canon Nessian, so the fact that this ask lets me talk about them in canon makes me happy!
I have given this a lot of thought since receiving your question, and I'm not sure how satisfying parts of my answer will be, so my apologies in advance for the fact that I am not actually going to offer an explanation for how and why all the details you listed can co-exist in a single, utterly comprehensive whole for the Cassian-Mor relationship when Cass is unquestioningly Nesta's by the end of ACOSF.
Instead, here's why the lack of things utterly lining up for these three doesn't bother me in the long run, and only slightly bothered me during the pre-ACOSF / post-ACOFAS era.
It is clear to me as a reader that SJM pivoted in a significant way between ACOMAF and ACOWAR when it comes to Mor.
I came across a post recently that explains exactly my thoughts on this. The post focuses on the current ship war but the evidence in it describes how during ACOMAF it was clear Moriel (Mor and Azriel) was likely to be endgame, but then SJM shifted Mor's arc to where she was more attracted to women, which meant needing to retcon a lot (and unfortunately a lot of Mor's charm and nuance was collateral damage that I am still hoping SJM repairs).
I think Cassian in ACOMAF needs to be read in the context of a planned future love triangle of sorts between Azriel-Mor-Cassian, into which I do think SJM planned to throw Nesta as a big bomb that beautifully blows up Cass's corner of the triangle. But the parts in "Wings and Embers" where Cass says to the reader he is worried about what Mor will think about his fixation on this human woman, I think were meant to preserve some kind of angsty triangle for the next book, which SJM (thankfully) jettisoned. I hate love triangles so I honestly would not have been a fan if that had been where SJM landed.
Now, in ACOWAR and ACOFAS, I think the Mor stuff with Cassian gets a bit more confusing, so I agree with you there. Cassian doesn't know for sure Nesta is his mate until she screams for him during the Battle of Hybern at the end of ACOWAR, so the stuff before that - e.g., him removing his hand from hers - I read in a few ways. I think being buffer to Mor with Azriel all those years messed with his head a lot, and in a way, Mor finally coming to terms with her sexuality is a really solid catalyst for her beginning to distance herself from the triangle dynamic she was a part of for 500 years, which I think was more healthy for everyone involved.
But remember, Nesta is still proud and surly in ACOWAR, not in any inherently bad way but in a way that probably didn't signal to Cassian she was particularly interested in him, even as he was drawn to her like a magnet and couldn't keep away because part of him loves her claws so much. Cass rightly protects his own heart when he has the foresight to do so in ACOWAR and ACOFAS. I always knew they would work their shit out eventually, but during the messy process of doing so I don't begrudge him a little distance when Nesta, in her trauma response to what was happening to her and around her, sometimes lashed out at the strongest individual in her vicinity who she knew could take it like a boulder weathers the storm - that person was always Cassian for her.
When I first read ACOSF, I absolutely assumed going in that Mor was going to be catty about Nessian finally starting to get together. When she wasn't, it was jarring to me. But once I finished my first reading of ACOSF, I came to a striking conclusion about Mor, ACOSF, and SJM:
The story SJM needed to tell in ACOSF would not have been aided or forwarded by Mor intervening in the Nessian dynamic in a catty way, or being a foil to anything about Nesta in that story's arc.
In other words, SJM could have written a version of Nesta and Cassian's book that included Mor challenging Nesta's right to be with Cassian, but that was unequivocally NOT the book SJM wanted or needed to write (hopefully my double negative landed correctly here, lol).
So, SJM pivoted, and sent Mor to Vallahan, so SJM could write the story she needed to write. As a writerly choice, I adore everything about it - Nesta didn't need to be fighting with another woman over rights to her mate, she needed women friendships that were pure and gloriously blank slates upon which and with whom to write and tell her and their collective story - so SJM introduced Emerie and Gwyn. SJM even brought in Mor later to teach Nesta the waltzes, and their brief exchange in which Nesta called her Morrigan and Mor invited her to call her Mor, and Nesta accepted the invitation to do so, is another breathtakingly vulnerable moment for Nesta that fills my heart right up. To this end, the promise that Mor will begin to train with the Valkyries in the next book has me so excited.
Now, there are two lines in ACOSF I still want to comment on (then I'll reign in this very long post, lol). First, I agree that Cassian's observation in his pov of how breathtakingly beautiful Mor is at the cafe toward the start of the book can come off romantic coded, though for him at this point I don't think it is. But whether it is or not, we need to remember he and Nesta still have a whole book's worth of stuff to work through with their romantic relationship.
I suspect SJM included that moment in part to set up some stakes for the Nessian arc - that, although Cassian hasn't had sex since he met Nesta, he is still a man who is drawn to admiring a beautiful woman inside and out. If Nesta had already won his exclusive attention in this regard before any of their arc began in that book, what would be the point of the book? (By the end, I do think Cassian only has eyes for Nesta, and it is absolutely because they claim each other - I don't think in the long run he would have been able to settle for less, and nor should he have.)
And, since Nessian aren't in a relationship at that point in the cafe at the beginning of the book, I'm not mad at him for admiring Mor's beauty per say. I think if Nesta invited it then, he would admire hers a lot more, and with a much more deep seated attraction. ACOSF is about them both letting their inner barriers down to allow the other to love them, so that kind of attraction still needs to be earned between them at that point in their story. His observation about Mor's beauty is in a different category entirely from where Cassian eventually lands with Nesta, so there is nothing threatening about it for me.
The other line that feels weird to me most times I read it, is when Mor baldly tells Nesta early in ACOSF that she would have sent Nesta to live in the Court of Nightmares. The only explanation I have for this moment and exchange is that for SJM it was more in service of Nesta's arc, and less about making sense coming from Mor. What I mean here is, at that moment Nesta feels wretched and all things terrible about herself, and it's a feature of that kind of disordered thinking that others around you either seem to echo what you're thinking about yourself, or sometimes do echo it in reality, if through a trauma response you've hurt those around you (*she says from personal experience*), or if through their own trauma response those around you respond in kind (as I think may have been happening with Mor in this scene).
Do I love that Mor says something so cruel to Nesta in that moment early in Nesta's healing journey? No, I do not. Do I see why it helps to heavily charge these early scenes for Nesta as she truly hits rock bottom regarding her feelings about herself? Yes, I do.
Which leads me to how I'll conclude this. I hope SJM intentionally develops Mor's story so she isn't just a device in the story arcs of others. For better or worse, some kind of reckoning between her and Az needs to happen, likely in the next book, for either to truly move on. But I hope Mor gets the attention a character like her deserves in future books.
I am A-OK with her mostly-absence from ACOSF because I don't think she would have been a productive part of Nesta's healing arc, and at the end of the day that is the heart and soul of ACOSF for me - Nesta healing.
The reason ACOSF-Nessian has my whole heart is because, it's so clear to me the ways Cassian supports Nesta's healing and is the catalyst for a lot of her growth into a person who loves herself and sees herself as worthy and deserving of love and happiness.
If he was a bit of a hot mess in the period between first meeting Nesta and getting to finally be with her as accepted mates, I don't begrudge him that.
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acourtofthought · 5 months
regarding your previous anon I just wanted to say that in a fairly recent livestream/interview deal she did in the last few years she said 'not much has changed since my initial drunken ramblings in the beginning' I'm paraphrasing there, but I don't think she's gonna make any big ship changes when she's close to wrapping up the series (also it was so funny to see e/riel's being all over that like it was ever planned from the beginning lololol)
If you ever find out exactly which one that was, I would love to know because I remember hearing that but have since forgotten where so I was never able to include a screenshot or link in my posts. She said "not much has changed from that initial pitch but the world has now expanded".
If we think back to that drunken rambling and when she pitched her ideas to her then editor, we were told a few things.
She said she knew who the first two spin-off books would be about but she was keeping the third open. For the third, she was debating between 5 possible ships and was considering a book set Pre ACOTAR.
That particular drunk lunch took place in 2016 (I'm guessing) as she was still drafting ACOWAR.
If, in 2016, she knew who the first two spin-off books would be about then logically, who did that mean?
Nesta and Elain. Especially when she says in multiple interviews she would love to tell the sisters stories one day and we know she had already done research for Elain's book while pregnant with her first child who was born in June of 2018.
Who also had the most buildup as a possible love interest for the sisters in ACOMAF / ACOWAR? (around the same time she said she knew who she wanted the first two books to be about?).
Cassian and Lucien hands down. Lucien's ENTIRE story in ACOWAR was based around worrying for Elain's safety, fighting his way to be by her side, helping her through her depression, going after an army based on her vision, giving her time to deal with her engagement to Graysen, running all the way from the shore to find her after battle, his having met her father, her inviting him back to Velaris, him standing beside her during the meeting at the end of the book.
Az and Elain might have had a few "moments" in ACOWAR that E/riels use for their proof of endgame but Az was still 100% in love with Mor when you consider that he still looked at her with hunger in ACOFAS while Elain was sitting in the room with him. The question at the end of ACOWAR was not "will Elain and Az get together" but "what will Elain and Lucien do about her mating bond now that she invited him back to Velaris". When the author wasn't sure who was getting the third book and everything suggests Elain was getting the second, all signs pointed to Elain and Lucien as the main POV especially when you consider that as an individual Lucien also had way more buildup than Az in ACOWAR. He was SA by Ianthe, chased out of his home in Spring, was feeling sadness over not having a home when Feyre slipped into his head, guilt over Jesminda, the pull to Elain, the reader (but not Lucien himself) finding out Helion is his actual father, and he fought in his first war. SJM left us with too many unresolved plots for Lucien to not give him a book.
It wasn't until after the release of SF and she was discussing it that she made the comment above "my plan for the intial spin-offs didn't change but the world expanded."
And you know what expanded?
Az suddenly got a bit more of a mysterious background, he got a bonus with hints of a possible mating bond, and SJM introduced the possibility of time-travel what with Merrill's research and the Trove's ability to open doors between worlds. Az ended up connected to the crossover.
THEN it was later announced that she was contracted for additional books (and maybe a new series).
If her intial plan didn't change then Nessian and Elucien were always going to be resolved first and now Az's romantic arc / journey is the direction she decided to take things after finishing the main story of the Archern sisters.
Yes, Az and Elain nearly kissed and had a harmless flirtation going on but it never got off the ground did it?
Ever since the Elucien bond snapped into place, the real question has not been "will Elain and Az end up together" but "will Elain and Lucien end up accepting their mating bond?" And just as SJM had Nesta share experiences with others before ending up with Cassian, she had Elain attempt to have an experience with Az but I don't think he was ever meant to be more than a slight detour in the Elucien journey so as to make their path to one another a bit more tension filled. And I think the reason SJM introduced Az's possible mate in his bonus is that she didn't want readers to feel bad for him for too long because even though she's on track for an Elucien endgame, we know that Az isn't going to be sad for very long as he's got his own mate waiting in the wings.
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lily-thesuriel · 5 months
Some Thoughts post ACOSF and pre HOFAS
I have just finished my re-reading of the Acotar saga and I come to make a "brainstorming" of data and ideas that I want to put down in writing before HOFAS
there is a lot of repetition of the dates "more than 10000 years ago" and especially in Acosf "since 15000 years ago" I suppose that they will be to match the dates of the world of Acotar with the world of CC, although there are certain things that do not fit at the moment.
There are several data that change from ACOWAR to ACOSF , why ? Because I believe that they will be relevant in the future, these data are (that I have seen) 1 that in ACOWAR Lucien does not arrive until the lake of koschei but in ACOSF it is said that yes he has arrived / 2 the recap of what happened in Sangravah / 3 the subject of Illyria and the difference between the teaser of ACOFAS and the first chapter of ACOSF
to this day I still don't understand Rhys's "you-always-have-a-choice" behavior in ACOSF, sorry I don't
The secret winged baby and Renesme 2.0 plot continues to be horrible.
I do not understand how people do not shipe Vassa and Jurian, simply with the phrase "do not call her queen that goes to her head" (not the literal phrase, I'm writing from memory do not eat me) I'm already sold, I can understand the ship of Jurian-Vassa-Lucien, I do not share it but I understand it but leave out the banter that has Vassa with Jurian? No,sorry
I don't want Rhys as High king, and I don't know why I think that because of the decline of Tamlin that it will happen.
Bryaxis hello ??? Where is he? He appeared in ACOFAS and then was never heard from again , and who or what was he before he was Bryaxis ???? Fionn??
I need to know the full story of Eris, I need to know what she hides, right now you tell me that ACOTAR5 is from her POV and I'll be happy to read it (very unlikely I know).
Why the carved beasts of hewn city are the same as the "beast form " of Rhys and at the same time are the same as the Hounds of the Great Hunt ?? And why is no one talking about this? I need answers
Narben, where are you ??? (maybe it is Danikq's sword ???)
Nesta can still use the 3 trove ???? Yes ? No? Will Elain use them ? Will Bryce use them ?(I think so ) what will happen when the 4 troves are united ????
The shipons and invoke stones work with firstlight, that "pure" and raw magic that the Illyrian have is actually firstlight, are they a failed experiment of the Daglan/Asteri ? Yes
Daglan= Asteri
Enalius died in a battle against the Daglan trying to protect Ramiel's black stone (or monolith), what is that???? Whyyy?
Ramiel is hollow (and has the Daglan palace??)
Touching Ramiel's stone when winning the great rite heals all the wounds of the one who touches it, Emerie's wings are healed ???? Will she fly again? I hope she will be healed (by Ramiel stome or by Thesan) because she said she was in pain from time to time.
The only thing this fandom agrees on is that Mor and Emerie are going to end up together and they haven't even spoken to each other (that we have seen) just because Emerie called Mor beautiful.
Controversial topic, I understand partly the Elriels. Does Azriel like Elain? Yes, in Acosf that is clear, in Acofas it is intuited although he still likes Mor. Does Elain like Azriel ? Yes, she does. Now I think they will end up together ? No. Why? Because of the scene in Acosf where Az says that the troves have a darkness that Elain shouldn't get close to and Cas responds but Nesta should ? (Not literal phrases, I'm writing without looking at the book ) sorry but what I like about the Maas guys is that they give you options, do you want to do something dangerous ? I don't really like it but if you do I support and help you , the ultimate example of this is Rhys. If you take away that possibility of choice for me that couple loses all appeal (that's why I haven't put up with Rhys half of Acosf) now well if the book ends up being Elriel ?(Which I don't think so and as of today I don't want to ) congrats to them, sure Mass makes me fall in love with their story too. (But at the level of the overall plot if what was said in 2021 is maintained, that the two remaining books of acotar were to be narrated each by a couple, it makes no sense that acotar5 is Elriel because then the trilogy closing ? Whose is it? Lucien's and Vassa's ? And you spend the last book (confirmed for the moment) without any POV of the IC, sorry but it does not attract me at all)
Elain, I really want Elain Book i need her Pov, I still think that Elain is going to end up with his mate ? Yes, that Elain doesn't want anything to do with Lucien ? Yes too. Why do I think they will end up together ( and that their story will be a sort of marriage of convenience / force proximity ) because when Cassian reveals his mate bond to Nesta, Nesta resents the word Mate because it would mean giving up the last of her humanity, Nesta. Now imagine the trauma of Elain who not only didn't want to be Fae but was also engaged and the first thing she learns is that she has become FAE (and therefore goodbye to her life as a human ) and that she has mate (which takes her away from her engagement ). To me Elain doesn't reject Lucien because of her persona, but because Lucien means accepting 100% that she is FAE and I think that's something Elain has not yet done.
Maas highlights interactions where Gwyn and Az appear and does not highlight any interaction between Az and Emerie (compare the two scenes when they go to cut the ribbon) why does she do that ? Well, let everyone draw their own conclusions
ACOTAR 5 : Azriel +gwyn
ACOTAR 6: Elain + Lucien ( koschei dies here , in charge of killing him Elain and Vassa )
Characters that I think are going to die in this saga: 1 Helion (sorry I love you but you have all the ballots to die ) 2 Amrem and Varian, I explain myself, I think the IC is not going to survive whole again, I think Azriel and Cassian are not going to die, Mor has a story to tell (from what is sensed in Acofas and Acosf) and the novella I think will be hers, so the options to die are Feyre and Rhys (who could because they already have an heir, but Mass loves Rhys so I doubt it) and finally Amrem who I think is the one who will die (this time for real) and Varían will also die because separating lovers is very cruel.
Sorry for any mistakes english is not my first language
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Almost everything is on AO3 under Daughterofthesea ✨
Promise ACOSF/ACOFAS fix-it fic (Complete) I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV
Just Give Me Tonight Cassian works through his feelings for a mortal Nesta. Set mid-ACOMAF. (Complete) I, II
The Grand Tour Cassian once dreamed of showing Nesta the world. Now he can. Just Give Me Tonight spin-off. (Complete) I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII
Untitled (sort of Nessian, anti-IC) drabble
Overture After seeing her dance, Cassian fills the symphonia with Nesta's favourite songs. (Complete)
Carynthian Cassian watches Nesta through a mirror during the Blood Rite) (Complete) I, II
Dance, Let it Be Set post ACOSF, there's only one thing that will take Nesta's mind off the horrors of the Blood Rite and Feyre's labour. (Complete)
Hold You Till Forever Cassian made Nesta a promise on the battlefield. In the immediate aftermath of the war, Nesta goes searching for him to make him a promise of her own, having realised a few things in their brush with death (Complete)
Semper Eadem Elizabethan AU. It’s 1575 and Nesta Archeron, lady-in-waiting and favourite of Queen Elizabeth I is trying to forget the bastard nobleman who, eight months ago, stole her heart and left. Now, at a pageant thrown in the queen’s honour, Cassian is back and trying to win Nesta round— but there’s no way she’s going to let him off easy. (Complete) i, ii, iii, iv, v
Through the Dark When the ravens attack the library, Cassian suppresses every violent instinct he has in order to give Nesta what she needs. (Complete)
The Bargain People whisper about the god that lives in the forest, that grants wishes to the desolate and the desperate, but when Nesta Archeron takes it upon herself to enter the forest and ask the god to save her family, she gets much more than she bargained for. (Complete)
Heirs to Empty Thrones In the absence of the king, Nesta finds herself carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders, and there's only one knight in the world that can take her mind off it. Medieval AU. (Complete)
How The Light Attaches to a Change of Heart It’s been three years since Rhys demanded Nesta move to the House of Wind or be exiled to the human lands. That day, she walked away and never looked back, choosing a new life for herself on the continent. But something’s not right, and when she returns to Velaris for Elain’s birthday, she figures out what she was missing all along. (In progress)
A Final Poison Kiss Delivered Gently Nesta Archeron is a renowned and ruthless fae warrior, but she gets far more than she bargained for when, in the midst of battle, she finds herself up against the most fearsome General. Retelling of the Achilles/Penthesilea myth. (Complete? Maybe? Maybe not?)
How Could You Think, Darling, I’d Scare So Easily? Set post-acofas and pre-acosf. Each night Cassian sits on the roof of the building across the street from Nesta’s apartment, waiting for a light in her window. (Complete)
Nevermind Twelve months to the day since she and Elain were thrown in the Cauldron, Nesta finds herself at one of Feyre’s dinner parties, trying to wrestle with an entire year’s worth of grief— until Cassian holds out a hand. (Complete)
Begged & Borrowed Time Stuck in a loveless marriage, Nesta meets Cassian at entirely the wrong time. ACOMAF AU. (In progress) Prologue, I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, IXX, XX, XXI, XXII, XXIII, XXIV, XXV, XXVI, XXVII, XXVIII, XXIX, XXX, XXXI
A Liar, A Fool Cassian pulled away from Nesta's touch, but when she fled, Azriel followed. ACOWAR fix-it) (Complete)
A Part of Me That Will Never be Mine It's Solstice Eve, and in the wake of Cassian's Solstice gift to Mor, Nesta flees the town house, but instead of Cassian walking her home, it's Azriel. (Complete)
A Taste of the Divine Returning from a mission, the Night Court’s spymaster arrives back in Velaris in need of a stiff drink above all else, but after seeking out Velaris’ seediest tavern, Azriel gets more than what he bargained for when he finds Nesta inside. Post-ACOWAR, pre-ACOSF. 
The Light I Need Set mid-ACOSF, Cassian finally notices Nesta's aversion to fires. Wanting nothing more than to help the woman he loves, he turns to the brother who he knows has faced similar trauma in the part. Soft three-part Nessriel fic. (Complete) (I, II, III)
The Gold in the Flame (Burns Brighter Now) Nesta had always been too sharp for their liking-- for her sister and Rhysand's Inner Circle. But during the Solstice celebrations at the Hewn City, Nesta dances with Eris in Feyre's place and learns that, perhaps, being sharp isn't always a bad thing. (For Nesta Week 2023 day 2: sharp). (Complete)
A Rose Without a Thorn Growing tired of all the barriers between them, Elain finally snaps during one of Lucien’s visits to the River House. Set post-acosf.
That one little snowball fight fic I wrote that doesn't have a title
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bookofmirth · 2 years
Did sjm really debunked Azriel's book theory? I thought she didn't utter his name
Y'all, no. No she did not.
What she said was that she likes when the men take a backseat and women are in the forefront, and that she sometimes forgets what to do with them.
Honestly, that is not news. If anyone was surprised by that statement, then I worry for their fucking reading comprehension and Aelin, Manon, Elide, Feyre, Nesta, and Bryce would all like to have a word with you. I am willing to bet that a huge portion of this fandom likes acotar, and sjm, specifically because of how she centers female protagonists in her stories. This is not news.
So anyway, since people are busy pretending to be stupid, here is a reminder:
Heir of Fire - Dorian, Chaol, and Aedion's chapters were one of the three main narrative strands in that book, along with Aelin and Manon. They are men.
Empire of Storms - Rowan is being a sad man at the end
Tower of Dawn - Chaol's book (he's a man)
Kingdom of Ash - Chaol is back and manlier than ever! Dorian also gets his own chapters when he's trying to steal from Maeve. He uses his manly wiles.
Acowar - Rhys had a POV. He is a man.
Acofas - Cassian chapters. I think we've established he's a dude.
Acosf - Azriel gets a chapter. He is also a dude!
I mean... the pattern here is that the farther she goes into a series, the more likely she is to include a guy's POV. That's not interpretation, that's just literal fact. ToG and CoM? No guys. HoF? They start to enter the picture and their presence increases. Acotar and acomaf? No male POVs. Acowar? They start to enter the picture and their presence is increasing.
The first chance that SJM gets to show us Elain away from her sisters' eyes, and how does she do it? Not by centering Elain. No, that chapter follows the actions of A MaN. I'm sorry but how do people think that sjm, she of the "I forget about the men sometimes" is going to frame Azriel's chapter from a guy's POV instead of Elain's on accident, like... idk did she forget to write it from Elain's POV instead? We knew pre-release that it was Azriel's chapter, it was marketed as Azriel's chapter, it follows his actions. What the fuck is not clicking???? This paragraph is sort-of beside the point, but honestly - do people think that e*riel is going to happen, and that the first time we see them they are from the man's perspective, and that that somehow jives with sjm saying she forgets about the men? lolololol I'm dead.
Obviously she can and will and HAS WRITTEN A DUDE'S BOOK and multiple times has had men take over a good chunk of the narrative. If she had never ever done that before, I would say yeah, doesn't sound good for Az. But please: see above.
The thing is, none of the arguments that people have today are different than the arguments that they had last week. You know why? Because we got literally jack shit about Az, Elain, Lucien, or anyone else that we didn't already know. She didn't say Az's name, or Lucien's. She struggled to talk about Elain. So people are taking the opportunity to double down, I guess.
I feel like this post was honestly pointless because you guys, we knew all this shit already. I wouldn't take a bunch of crowing from people who thought Gwyn was a child with any amount of credibility.
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ae-neon · 1 year
With whom do you ship Elain the most? Missed your post so happy you are back!
🌷hello anon
I think I posted once about how difficult it was for me to fully visualise Elain ships because I don't fully see or understand her character.
Elain in book 1 has this whiny, bratty and even manipulative side to her that I find really entertaining, in ACOMAF pre Cauldron she is essentially who Feyre became in her High Lady persona. Post Cauldron she becomes this ghostly, traumatized and sorta eerie character. Again very interesting.
But from ACOFAS onwards I don't know Elain, if that makes sense.
So I tend to use her relationship with Graysen a lot in my AUs, I default to that rather than fall into a Elucien/Elriel camp. That's probably really unpopular but Elain really stands out to me when I think of the sisters as a unit - Feyre and Nesta are similar but opposing whereas Elain is a sort of wildcard element.
So it's hard for me to picture her future if that makes sense. So when thinking of ships I default to her past.
In my mind, Elain either keeps alive the human connection by being with Graysen or if I have to go from ACOWAR onwards I picture her alone - more focused on magic and witchy stuff than romance.
But again this is probably very unpopular and would probably change if I knew or understood her character better.
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nessian queen i need help
*falls to knees*
just read some acotar and mor was being rlly annoying
can you give me some therapy and maybe write a fic where mor is kinda maybe like subtly insulting nesta the way she did in acowar and cassian catches her and like legit just tells her “mor shut the fuck UP” bc I really need that pls like rlly badly for my sanity and mental health n wellness
*blows u a kiss*
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I mean how could I say no to an ask like this? I’m very interested in that period of time post-war, pre-ACOFAS so that’s where this little scene is set. Hope this clears your skin of the troubles you’ve been through
“She talked to Elain yesterday,” Feyre sighed, swinging her legs over Rhys’ lap on the overstuffed couch. “So that’s something.”
“I still don’t understand why she moved out,” Cassian adjusted his wings. They were mostly healed, but still got stiff if he let them settle too long.
“It didn’t surprise me she wanted her own space,” Feyre smiled sadly up at Cassian. “That’s just Nesta. She’d never let others see her struggling. What gets me is why she chose to go to that awful little place across town when the townhouse is completely empty.”
“I don’t understand why we end up talking about this every night.” Mor lifted the wine bottle from the Center of the low table and refilled her glass. “She left for the same reason she does everything else. Spite.”
“That’s not fair, Mor.” Feyre shook her head. Cassian only brushed the hair out of his eyes. He was starting to feel like he was living in a time warp.
Mor had a point, honestly. They had this same conversation every night. Feyre and him tried to brain storm ways to get Nesta back, Amren refused to say anything, Rhys kept his mouth shut but sometimes let a laugh out at Mor’s jibes. Then Feyre got mad at him and they all dropped the topic. Until the next night.
“It’s true,” Mor shrugged. “I’m tired of talking like it’s some big mystery. Nesta is being spiteful. Whatever. Nothing new.”
Feyre frowned, but said nothing. A muscle in Rhys’ neck pulses like he was holding back from nodding in agreement.
Maybe he didn’t have a right to be annoyed, but he ducking was. He was exhausted and frustrated and annoyed and just wanted to talk to her.
But he couldn’t. She wouldn’t let him. So, he talked about her. And Mor knew that. He knew that she knew.
“Well maybe Feyre and I are tired of you being nothing but negative while we are trying to come up with actual solutions,” he finally snapped.
Mor’s jaw went slack, a few drops of red wine dribbling down her chin.
Rhys let out a low whistle.
“My solution,” Mor drawled, “is to stop talking about that plague of a girl and get on with our lives.”
Cassian breathed in hard enough that one of his freshly healed ribs sent a sharp pain through his chest.
“That’s not what you said when it was me.” Mor swallowed, shifting in her seat. “When I was a fucking mess after the last war. When all of us were drinking and sleeping around and fighting for a decade. When I-“ Cassian stopped himself short. What he’d done in Illyria was not a story Feyre should learn about like this. “You weren’t so flippant when it was me, Mor.”
“Because you deserve better!” Mor threw her hands up in the air. “You were going through something, but it wasn’t who you are. Nesta has been nothing but nasty and spiteful and horrid since she got here!”
“Shut up!” Even Cassian was surprised when the words spilled out of his lips, but he found he couldn’t stop speaking them. “Just shut up for once! Please. You hate Nesta, fine. I don’t really care, but you don’t need to go on and on about it every fucking night. Feyre and I have asked you to cut it out so many times. Just give it a fucking rest, Mor.” He shook his head, breathing out a long, slow sigh. “Feyre and I are going to talk about her. We are going to talk about trying to help her. You don’t have to like it and you don’t have to listen to it, but you do have to just shut up. Or leave.”
Mor blinked. “This is why I say it every night,” she pointed a finger at him hard. “This is why I won’t give it a rest!” She set her glass down and pushed to her feet. “Because someone needs to remind you what she is. You want to help her? Where was she when you were healing? Where was she when the fighting ended? She will never care about you like you deserve! Either of you. She isn’t capable of it.”
“You have known my sister for less than a year,” Feyre spoke quietly. “All of you have.” She shook her head, “I have my problems with Nesta, but I have a right to. You have known her in the months after her very life and humanity were torn away from her and she still fought in our war.”
“She did everything in her power not to!” Mor cried, “she fought training and attending the High Lord meeting and even stepping on to the battle field until the last second every time!”
“But she did it,” Cassian broke in. “She did train. And she did warn us about the wall. And she did speak to the High Lords and she nearly died to draw Hybern out.”
“She nearly sacrificed you, you mean.”
“I wouldn’t even have been alive to face Hybern without her.” The room froze. Everyone went entirely still and silent with that single sentence that grazed against two things they never spoke of. Cassian’s guilt regarding his legions, and the reason Nesta was able to pull him from the sky at all.
“You don’t have to like her,” Cassian repeated. “But just shut up about it.”
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vidalinav · 3 years
Empathetic Nesta
I have a headcanon/theory/analysis that Nesta is the most empathetic, genuine, and loving one of the IC/not IC and that that part of her starts really being more accessible when she’s able to let her guard down. She’s the one who feels so much, who’s gone through so much, and wasn’t able to process that really well and then wasn’t really validated on behalf of her own trauma.
I kind of envision her being better at helping people through more difficult times, because well look she gave Elain what she needed during her own hard time, a safe space to heal unencumbered by other people’s wants, wishes, or ideals that again is not attributed to her fairly as being generally kind and loving. 
Part of the reason, I feel, that this “sisterhood” with Emerie and Gwyn feels so genuine, is because all of them are very open about having an ugly past, but there is no judgement, no ill will. It’s a safe place for them, but she was the one who started this. She was the one who offered this to the priestesses. She was the one who sent those spices to Emerie, because “Emerie needs good spices” but also because she understood that training might be helpful for her too, because they were similar in some sense. An unspoken understanding. I feel even Cassian has a more genuine personality around Nesta than he does even with the IC. He was allowed to step out of that role of being just the general, just the comic relief. He was able to be vulnerable. I’d say that even him saying horrible things to Nesta, is a way in which he is allowed to be an ugly, flawed person, because you notice he doesn’t do that with anyone else. Also, we have to keep in mind that Cassian in most all books, has been described as having that irritating smirk, not being serious, but in this book he can’t hide his emotions. They’re plastered on his face for everyone to see, which I think is very interesting that it’s attributed to Cassian always being genuine and an open book, when in ACOMAF-ACOFAS, he seemed to be not that open. He swiped that hand away after that intimate moment, he ran to his room after the whole gift thing, he wouldn’t talk about Nesta and no one talked to him about her, he tended to dismiss Feyre when she brought her up, but we also get these instances where Cassian is the comic relief. He’s the dumb one, the troublemaker, the unserious one. He plays that role for Mor and Azriel and the other characters assign that title to him. Not to go off on a different tangent, but this is why I also think the IC not validating Nesta’s trauma is very IC thing to do, since they don’t seem to do it for themselves, and to really fit into this group, you’d need to sweep yourself under a rug and I think that’s why it seemed to be almost an outright attack when Nesta wouldn’t do this. We see now many more instances where going against the group exhibits the most dramatic response (i.e. telling Feyre about the pregnancy, Azriel and his want of Elain, Cassian being concerned about looking for the Dread Trove). But regardless, I think Cassian is a allowed to be a more natural person around Nesta than he is around the IC or about the IC. 
And then we also get this constant reference to Nesta just not judging people right off the bat. Amren likes her for this. Azriel treats her normally because of this. Both of which are said to be such an unnatural response, because everyone but Nesta will judge them immediately. Then we have that solstice scene, where she goes to Azriel who’s sitting out in the corner, because he’s alone and they, both, even from the beginning have this sort of understanding about each other and what they hide/don’t hide. Even when she thinks of Mor, she’s not harsh like Mor is, she calls her a hypocrite and moves on. When Mor literally is super verbally aggressive in ACOWAR twice, she just goes on her way. Like Cassian, I think it’s fascinating that everyone has a problem with Nesta, and that we see some of the ugliest qualities of these characters because of Nesta, because they don’t chill for five seconds as part of the group dynamic. Individually, we did see Mor not be so bad. So that’s also interesting too. It might be the whole, rather than its parts. 
Let’s not forget that Nesta is inherently good, no matter how “angry” she is and she’s very protective of the people she loves. She was the one who fought for those humans to the Queens and then to the High Lords, wanted to protect their right to live, who acknowledged those children in ACOWAR who’d died, and those who could die. She defended Gwyn from Merrill, then Gwyn and Emerie during the Rite. Elain all of her life, as evidenced by the memory of the dance, Nesta’s favoritism, and then Elain’s change to being fae arc. She defended Feyre to Tamlin, both in ACOWAR and in ACOSF, then you know sacrificed her powers, but she also literally tried to cross the wall to get Feyre back and then when Feyre came back she told her be free, because you have that opportunity and we won’t hold you back. She helped in that war that she was scared to be in. She defended Cassian, protected Cassian on numerous occasions pre ACOSF and then now in ACOSF. This is why I think that no matter how much some of the characters want to be mad at Nesta, it almost seems foolish to be. Almost ignorant. Very selfish to be quite honest as if their inconvenience is bigger than her pain. 
But, because all of this, is centered around Nesta, I have a feeling that this genuineness is more because of Nesta than it is because of other people towards Nesta. I think that her ability to create an environment that is judgement free, coupled with this idea that she feels so much, alongside the fact that she is very protective of people and the idea of goodwill, would make her more empathetic to people and their pain. I would love if post-healing arc that’s where Nesta’s personality is taken. I don’t want to her fully assimilate to the IC or maybe she should just to shake things up--maybe she should because she could probably be more helpful than the IC’s quack tendencies of telling each other to quietly persist in their own trauma without acknowledging the other person’s pain, though this would be MESSY. I just do feel that Nesta could end up being the most loving, and I would like to see more of her just being caring in a carefree way. Love freely given, I mean. Because I hated that this book almost made love seem to have to be deserved or earned. (an analysis for another time I suppose)
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courtofwingsandruin · 3 years
Does anyone else ever think how we know that originally, Lucien and Nesta were supposed to end up together, not Cassian and Nesta? And how that means that this bond between Lucien and Elain probably was a very sudden idea SJM had when writing ACOMAF out?
She decided to change it because this relationship wouldn’t work. I’m not gonna lie that this is slightly perplexing to me. Lucien, especially ACOTAR-era Lucien, probably could’ve gotten along with Nesta quite well. I know SJM knows her characters better than us, but I just can’t see why they wouldn’t work, y’know?
And now, with the whole 3 brothers/3 sisters thing...I’m wondering if that’s part of the reason why. If SJM realized she wanted Lucien to have some connection to one of the three (a mating bond, rather than a romantic relationship), but doesn’t get with them. Because in the end, she had these two Bat Bois sitting right here who would work with them just as well, if not better, than Lucien could with either of them—and it would give her a future story to tell with the three brothers/three sisters and Koschei storyline.
I feel this can be reinforced by the fact that SJM has been planning Elain’s specifically but also Nesta’s story since ACOMAF. She made a lot of decisions while writing ACOMAF and began preparing things for the future books she wanted to write. Choosing not to have Nesta and Lucien get together, instead the tension between Cassian and Nesta the moment they meet. The way Elain and Azriel seem to click and focus on each other the moment they meet, too (if you reread that first meeting I promise you’ll see it. Elain specifically looks to Azriel, not her newly-fae sister, not the High Lord, not the much louder Illyrian right next to Az—not even Nesta. She looks to Azriel every single time when she was unsure, and he’s constantly reassuring her that she’s good to speak up and try). I don’t think that was a coincidence.
Not to mention that if she was planning for Elain and Lucien to be together, she would’ve most definitely given them at least one romantic coded moment together. The closest thing I’ve seen is when Lucien is leaving once and Elain nearly steps down the stairs to say something to him but he’s already gone. And honestly, I blame that completely on the bond. We know they can feel each other’s emotions, Rhys and Feyre can feel each other’s even with their mental shields up (or are supposed to be able to at least)—and we see that Lucien had “longing and sadness” in his eyes just before he disappeared there, which was when Elain almost stepped down. Then Lucien had winnowed away, and she walked away without any other care (likely because the farther away he was the less strong the pull of the mating bond, so she couldn’t feel him as strongly then). This is chapter 34 of ACOWAR. This is the only scene we see that seems like it has slight potential of Elucien in canon.
However, we have many, many scenes to support Elain and Azriel. Their friendship started in ACOMAF, was seen throughout ACOWAR, throughout ACOFAS, and even though we don’t see them even in the same room together but three or so times in ACOSF, there is some kind of tension between them every time (Azriel’s clear protectiveness of Elain when his shadows gathered in the corners to strike, the clear liking of each other when Elain looked away from Azriel’s smile, Nesta noticing a charged look going between them). As well as the many scenes where Azriel and usually Cassian discuss Elain and Azriel’s protectiveness comes back up. As a disclaimer, I don’t like that Azriel is also supporting not allowing Elain to go on these missions and try to prove herself. But every single other couple in the books is protective of each other. Cassian didn’t want Nesta to even let go of his hand to get the harp. Rhys had multiple occasions where he was angry and protective over Feyre doing something dangerous—when instead of going to the townhouse she fought in the streets of Velaris, when she went to find the Suriel during the war. Saying “oh but they’re mates” ignores the fact that it’s said most all males are possessive and protective like this in their world, regardless if it’s a mating bond or family or love. And it also ignores the very plausible theory of Azriel being Elain’s second and/or true mate. I won’t get into that right now though.
And then, of course, the bonus chapter proved that Elain and Azriel’s feeling definitely are not just platonic, and they both have a lot going on behind the scenes. I won’t get into the chapter much because I have plenty of other posts on my blog where I or someone else dissected and discussed it. But they definitely have both romantic and sexual interest in each other.
I truly, truly don’t see why SJM would set that up over the course of three novels and one novella to suddenly not put them together. Especially knowing that she’s said she doesn’t like couples that were built up over long periods of time (4 books is a very long time) and then don’t end up together. I don’t think she introduced Gwyn to be a romantic interest—I do think she included Gwyn in his extra chapter to confuse us and cause panic and chaos, sure, SJM is like that, remember when we first met Emerie? And then Emerie turned out to have no connection to Cassian other than him being her mentor/trainer and she being Nesta’s friend? I don’t think Gwyn will have any actual potential as a romantic partner. This also parallels Cassian and Nesta’s story—with them both mentioning another girl pre-getting together and (likely) nothing actually comes of it. She does parallel things a lot, and I don’t think she did this on accident.
To round this out, I’d like to bring us back to Lucien and Nesta. If she originally had them together, I think there can definitely be an implication there that she had considered them working some. And Cassian and ACOTAR-era Lucien are similar, as well as...well, Nesta and Vassa. The firebird and the silver flames. A human Queen and the Queen of Queens. Vassa has shown a great backbone, will openly bicker with people (we hear about her and Jurian fighting a lot), she’s just this woman who seems like she could be similar enough to Nesta to warrant the idea that Nesta/Lucien could’ve possibly worked if Nesta was a little more like Vassa or Lucien was a little more like Cassian.
I also want to clarify that I’m not against the Elain and Lucien ship, nor am I against Gwyn and Azriel. I actually ship Elain and Lucien—just not as much as I ship Elain and Azriel, because I’m 99.9% certain that Elriel will be endgame (always leave room for error). And once the next book is out and this whole mess has cleared up, I could definitely get behind Gwyn and Azriel as a non-canon sorta-crack ship. I read about pairings that completely disregard canon all the time (Feycien is hardcore slept on). But I can’t find myself supporting Gwyn and Azriel right now, not while this ship war is happening, because I feel right now is the time to actually look at canon and focus on what’s obviously there—not what, to me, is more of just a fun little ship that could work in theory and fanfics and that’s about it.
And that’s all. End rant. I’m so sorry if you actually read all this. This stuff has been on loop in my head for days and I had to word vomit again.
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rayonfrozenwings · 5 years
Hey mutuals, followers and p0rn bots, 
Its my blogs 3rd birthday! 
I’ve been lurking, posting, ranting in the SJM fandom on tumblr for three years and that’s kinda Crazy to me. 
So here are some fun Facts that kinda evolve into an appreciation post… and then an anecdotal history of this fandom I’ve been a part of. So thanks for hanging round and talking shit with me. :D
if ur tagged it’s just like a thanks or when I met you - lol you don’t have to read the whole thing... 
and the rest is under the cut.... 
I only liked posts for the First month, I never reblogged. It was my first time on tumblr.
I’ve had the same URL since the start
The first post I reblogged and commented on was @miladyaelin ‘s post about a Volcano in the Frozen Wastes - such a wasted opportunity for World destruction that was not used to full potential at all in KoA hahaha - maybe a spin off series? joke.
The first person to reply to one of my asks was abookandacoffee or @bookofmirth 3 months after I joined tumblr and that’s kinda scary because that means we have been speaking longer than we realised. 
@propshophannah​ thanks for letting me go nuts about theory with you!
The Big blogs in the SJM fandom change, and it's cool that being in the fandom for so long means that I get to talk with all these people and make some real friends.
I made read friends from reading books and talking about them - How Cool Is That!
I had fun making shit posts about Dorian’s couch, Rowan’s relationship status after EoS and seeing my friends come up with some pretty clever memes too. 
The Art is amazing, and actually getting to talk to artists about their art is something I didn't think would happen ever. So I’m so grateful to tumblr for that.
I want to tag a lot of people but - having been here so long means that urls change and I lose touch - plus I think I would go over the “50 tag limit” easily. 
The first kiwi blog who I talked to was @verifiefangirl and we bonded over the Old El Paso advert of “why not both”. 
I want to thank those who encouraged me to write my theories, and I did that for the first year on here. 
I want to say thank you to the people who told me “You know, you can write your theories as fic and people don't get as angry.” Because you were right! And so that started my writing of fan fic, and thank you to those people who wanted to be tagged and let me know what was up - sorry I haven’t written in a while. 
Thank You to @faenet and my Faenet Fam. I joined to share theories, switched it up to write fic, and then evolved into Edits. I was able to learn how discord works and be a part of a team and learn new photo editing skills - I knew nothing before I joined and it's so cool to have become a part of that community.
Thanks to my BookClub brotp - It’s been the best getting to know you all over the last year, discuss books and life. And just have fun. I honestly wouldn't have connected with you guys if we just relied on tumblr because it often requires me to say something first, and i'm not good at that. @theyretheirthere​ sorry I had to tag you twinnie. :P 
Some Fandom History for those who have been here a while ... (well for as long as I have been in the fandom, I know there was a time before this).
Phase One - POST EOS Theory and Beach Scene Debate, Elorcan exists now even tho People still HATE Lorcan (not me but lots of people did). ACOMAF love, nickname of Tam the tampon takes off. 
Phase Two - PRE ACOWAR, Moreil Hype, Fandom super excited, Acomaf love, Rhysand love.
Phase Three - ACOWAR IS AWFUL - Dumpsters on Fire, lots of fandom people left. The ones who stayed had discourse about Moriel, Mor’s sexuality, Nessian, the ending and how it was rushed, Azriel is a smol cinnamon roll who deserved better - lots of Az fics and the birth of Elriel started here. 
Phase Four - TOG FANDOM ARE MAD because Chaol’s novella turned into a Novel. Cyber bullying of Chaol lovers in fandom led to a lot of blogs leaving - just be kind to one another, you can talk about stuff without personal attacks.   
Phase Five - WE ARE ALL GOING STIR CRAZY, Someone released a TOD mock cover and there was a lot of ableist stuff going on. Bad time in fandom. 
Phase six - TOD Came out - Lots of people refused to read, other people felt vindicated about theories, other people were shocked about Maeve. Praise and Hate towards the book and for how SJM handled race and disability. Was she being sensitive or appropriating? Mixed Reviews, again fandom got a little smaller. Acotar Fandom was taking off in terms of fics. 
Phase Seven - Acotar Fandom PRE ACOFAS Fan Fic Mania. Most of us re-read acotar, acomaf, acowar and Fix-it fics, Nessian Fics, Feysand Fics, Lots of Fics. Lots of Art. I noticed the ACOTAR fandom kinda took off while the TOG one floundered.
Phase Eight - A New Novella for ACOTAR, ACOFAS - lots of hype. Lots of mixed reviews - “it had no plot” or “I love it” or “I don't like how the first pov changed depending on the character” or “Yay christmas!!!” or “boo wall scene” or “yay Wall scene!!” Again - more fics and art came from it. Snowball fight was a highlight, art was gorgeous, Amren as a snowball was also good. Fandom was flourishing again, yes we lost some people but we also had a resurgence in creative content.
Weird non-phase - Catwoman: Soul Stealer, was released but wasn't a “must read” for many people.
Phase Nine - Pre KoA, Fandom was Hyped! We were all doing our re-reads, theories came out again, discussions about favourite quotes of things we had forgotten were shared. Again - Some good ToG fic came out because people had it fresh in their minds again  - we were preparing. Edits were great, lots of Edits, Lots of Art. 
Phase Ten - KoA Came out and destroyed us. Fandom was relatively quiet while people abandoned tumblr to read it. Anti’s came out in force, they had more to say about it that the fans did. Fans didn't see this immediately because they weren't on tumblr. About a month after release, We got Meta and discourse on KoA and what it means and what Aelin’s story has meant to us personally. Edits started taking off again. This Phase is still ongoing even a year later. Personally I am in Awe of that book and what it managed to achieve, I wanted to re-read it straight away but it still has so many parts that HURT to read. 
New people slowly trickle into fandom, or pick up the books, its sweet, but as a veteran sometimes seeing the same arguments gets tiring and so I dont comment as much as I used to. I’m still here reading, but I don't really want to write another essay like the ones I've previously written to defend a point so i’m quiet. 
Where I think it will go next? 
Most of the people who remain in the fandom are good at looking at things with a critical eye but saying “I can still enjoy a book”, which I like. 
We will get hyped as a fandom for Crescent City which was pushed back to March 2020, even if we are unsure it’s what we want, I don't think we can help ourselves. 
ACOTAR 4 is in the works with no confirmed release date, just vague mention that it was being pushed back - twas supposed to be 2020 but I'm doubtful, especially if other titles are pushed back first like CC:HOEAB - it was by three months from Jan to March. 
WOTOG was also pushed back, first from release with EoS, then from release with ToD and now from release with KoA (those are all goodreads dates as I was waiting for it and keeping an eye out, but we also had novels added and other books like acofas - goodreads also isn't the best at staying on top of release dates)…. we have had mention of it that it will include art and is co-authored by Lynette Noni, so It is still being made at least - I mean I don't have to cry about it being cancelled just yet. And So I have to stay around for those. I became invested in the World building of TOG to not wait for WOTOG. 
So yeah, it’s been a wild 3 years. <3
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“To the blessed darkness from which we are born, and to which we return.” /// Here’s what I did today! (Well, this and cleaning and FINALLY de-Christmasing my room.) I actually picked ACOFAS up again the other day because I wanted something short and familiar to try and help me get back into reading. And it may have worked? I mean, when I wasn’t reading I was thinking about the—my—characters and feeling some feels, and now that I’m done I have FEELS. And I haven’t had that since I don’t know when. Maybe I’ll hop back into my TOG reread and finally get to TOWER OF DAWN and EMPIRE OF STORMS? (We all know THOSE characters will definitely getting me going too.) /// As for the book itself...I liked it! There were some really nice bits to it, but its fault is that it’s a blip. It’s a peek of what’s happening to my Night Court post-ACOWAR and pre-whatever the hell is next. Because of that it lacks a real plot and major substance. It’s very nice to be back—do NOT get me wrong. And it’s definitely worth the read. But good gosh. I just. want. more. #bookstagram #bookgram #booknerd #booknerdigans #bookish #instabook #igreads #epicreads #bookstagramfeature #bookishfeatures #bookishglee #libraryofinstagram #libraryofbookstagram #amreading #currentlyreading #read #acourtoffrostandstarlight #acourtofthornsandroses #sarahjmaas #thenightcourt #squadgoalsforeverrr #takemetovelarisbaby #itsgoodtobebackdarling (at Velaris) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7ungBeg62c/?igshid=lhxx18rv5zeu
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rhysand-vs-fenrys · 6 years
Nesta in ACOFAS: My Overall Opinion
Below the cut is my stance and interpretation of everything Nesta and surrounding Nesta in ACOFAS. I’ve been as exhaustive as possible in my answer because I’m only making this one post to go through it all.
It is broken up into 5 sections (with subcategories):
How the trauma built
How it manifests
Rhys & Feyre’s responses (with some overall references to the IC here)
Cassian’s role
Nesta overall
The TL;DR of what follows is that I support the direction SJM is taking these characters and it is completely logical as they have been presented to us.
How the Trauma Built
This is to the people saying Nesta was OOC because of her PTSD (though again, Maas is these character’s God and Creator, it’s impossible for her to write OOC).
Nesta was isolating herself quite a bit in the beginning of ACOWAR. She wanted nothing to do with anybody, and also isolated Elain with her. She had a sort of ally in that regard.
Over the course of ACOWAR, Nesta started reaching out more and engaging more with Prythian and the other members of the Inner Circle. She even came close to reconciling with Feyre (more on that with “Rhys and Feyre’s Responses”). 
For Nesta at that point, being alone to process her thoughts and then becoming more immersed in Velaris and Prythian was the right path. It helped her find the ground again after her trauma in the Cauldron, which is very much described in WAR as a violation with similar descriptors to being raped (feeling that their body did not belong to them anymore). 
And then Nesta killed Hybern.
She was built as being incredibly resistant to even the idea of war, and never wanted to fight (More on that later in “Cassian’s Role”). The IC were the fighters, she wanted to maintain the sort of innocence that came from not surrounding herself in blood.
Not only did Nesta kill Hybern, but she killed a dying man. Elain struck the fatal blow- the knife through his neck. He was done for. Because of what he’d done to their father and to Cassian, Nesta snapped and literally sawed off his head while he was still alive.
ACOFAS builds around Nesta’s thoughts of that moment, the last words Cassian thought he would ever say to her, and her own fears during that time. 
I think Nesta would have been alright if “just” the Cauldron happened (not that that was a weak blow). She was finding her way and her strength, she’d accepted that at her core nothing was different. She was still the same Nesta she’d always been- imperious and not someone to fight a war. 
But then she was the one who ended it, and that shattered her sense of self and with it any progress Nesta had made against the trauma of the Cauldron. After 1 traumatic event, it is hard enough to find your footing. After two, spaced far enough apart that some semblance of recovery had been made? Utterly devastating. 
How it Manifests
The Drinking
The IC has always processed things with the assistance of alcohol. Rhys’ answer to Feyre’s marriage to Tamlin was a plan to get blackout drunk. Cassian having a bad meeting with Nesta in MAF meant he went for the liquor when he came home. Feyre fighting with Nesta in WAR earned advice from Mor that it was fine to drink directly from the bottle.
Giving Nesta space to drink all she wanted might not have seemed entirely wrong (at least, at first). Fae healing probably means over-drinking isn’t as much of a threat to their health, and it took them a while to realize and accept that Nesta wasn’t just drinking off stress, she was well on her way to becoming an alcoholic.
I hesitated there to say that she is an alcoholic mainly because she wasn’t showing signs (in her PoVs) of an addiction mindset. She never seems to crave alcohol, and I think overall rather than an addiction it’s an expression of her trauma and attempt at self-medication of sorts (not to say it hasn’t morphed into full alcoholism). 
Again, that isn’t a denial that it’s alcoholism, just a hesitation in assigning the term in this circumstance without more data.
The Sex
If you haven’t read the ACOMAF excerpt “A Court of Wings and Embers” about Cassian and Nesta’s meeting, it revealed something about her back story that she (and Cassian) never mentioned in the core trilogy or FAS: When Nesta broke up with Thomas Mandry, he attacked her and nearly raped her. He got as far as tearing her dress before she managed to escape.
In “Wings and Embers”, Nesta is even sensitive to Cassian’s normal taunts and demeanor because of that experience, she has a bit of a flashback of sorts while they’re talking and he realizes what must have happened. Nesta refuses to give him the name of the man who tried to hurt her (because he promises very sincerely that he will kill him).
For Nesta to go from that to unchecked anonymous sex ties directly into her references in ACOFAS to feeling completely numb inside. I think in forcing herself to bed some random stranger- which “Wings and Embers” makes clear is unacceptable to her- she was trying to trigger some kind of shame or horror response in herself. 
She was trying to feel anything. Even if that feeling was fear.
The IC has always been sex-positive, and they didn’t have that critical piece of knowledge Cassian alone holds about Nesta’s past. So they had no hope of catching Nesta’s behavior early on as the cry for help it is.
In that vein, some people do use sex as a coping mechanism after stress or a traumatic experience (This one being killing Hybern). Nesta was lost and needed to figure out who she was after her self-image was shattered. The sex alone might not be the best way to handle it, but it didn’t raise flags for Feyre and the IC because they didn’t know the piece of Nesta’s story Cassian was pledged to secrecy over.
I did not see slut-shaming anywhere in ACOFAS. If anything, Feyre dwells on it because it’s the piece that really doesn’t fit for her. Nesta used Feyre’s sexual relationship with Isaac as fodder to make her miserable. Nesta is the one who slut-shames in TAR and even leans towards it in MAF when she’s snapping at Rhys (More on that in “Rhys and Feyre’s Responses” next).
Feyre isn’t sitting there going “Wow Nesta is a slut”, she’s trying to connect the dots, again while missing the piece of information that would reveal exactly how Nesta was using that sex in her PTSD. 
From an outside standpoint, Maas was using it to show another way PTSD manifests. Feyre and Aelin both manifest as being hollow inside and completely shutting down. Some people affected by PTSD don’t have that “quiet” route, and so Maas is opening up and exploring another form. 
The sexual aspect of Nesta’s PTSD is specifically to show that fundamental difference in how her trauma needs to be treated (more on that in “Nesta overall”).
Rhys and Feyre’s Responses
This section alone could be a novel, so I’m going to try and keep it fairly linear timeline-wise, but still separate Rhys and Feyre later on.
Think about how we’ve seen Nesta in ACOTAR and ACOMAF:
In ACOTAR, she’s a frigid, cruel bitch to her baby sister. She slut shames her, insults her, finds insults that literally make Feyre flinch and digs in harder, and does everything in her power to sabotage Feyre because Nesta is mad at their father. For years she makes Feyre’s life a living hell and even contributes to Feyre’s own psychological issues that Tamlin actually heals in TAR (props where props go).
Feyre has zero hope for life in the beginning of TAR, she even tells her father hope doesn’t exist because she genuinely believes that. It is tied almost exclusively to Nesta’s abuse or things that result from her abuse (if Nesta had helped Feyre instead, they might have been able to find a better footing in their poverty, or at least had a home Feyre didn’t dread returning to).
When she returns to the mortal lands, before venturing out to save Tamlin(’s ungrateful ass), Feyre finds a sort of peace with Nesta and starts to realize why Nesta was so horrible to her for so long. The key here is that there is no reconciliation, just a beginning step towards one.
In ACOMAF, Feyre returns from Prythian almost expecting that same quasi-peace she and Nesta found, only to find Nesta as viciously mean and cruel as she was in TAR (probably because of Cassian, but also her own prejudice against Fae and all that their presence might represent (war)). 
Again, a bit of understanding is reached by the end of the book-
then Nesta and Elain are thrown into the Cauldron.
And guess how Nesta treats Feyre in WAR when she returns? Like shit. Again.
Each time the slide back to cruelty makes sense- TAR --> MAF it is the introduction of the fae element and knowing Feyre’s involvement makes the war inevitably an Archeron problem. MAF --> WAR it is the incredibly traumatic event Nesta and Elain went through, Feyre not being there to help them on the other side, and Nesta feeling as if she and Elain were abandoned to the care of near strangers after such a horrifying event (that again is always described along the same vein psychologically as being raped).
Still, even though it makes sense where she is coming from, Nesta does always return to the evil bitch role and never apologizes to Feyre (though she does come close).
He’s first because he’s easy.
People are harping on Rhysand for how he treats Nesta in FAS but it’s totally in line with canon. Feyre snaps at him in WAR for little offhand comments he makes against Nesta. He’s never had a particularly warm image of her.
Rhys brings out receipts for Nesta’s treatment of Feyre pre-ACOTAR, specifically sending her out to hunt in the forest. Remember what happened to Rhys’ little sister when the older sibling didn’t protect them? And she was meeting him somewhere that should have been perfectly safe, she wasn’t entering a dangerous area armed.
On top of that, he’s seen Nesta slut-shame her sister, and even from a non-Feyre side of things, Nesta has a habit of landing hard blows on his entire IC. His best friends who have helped him through horrible trauma, and she attacks them and repeatedly belittles them. 
From his PoV, even if he wasn’t in love with Feyre, Nesta is just downright evil.
Nesta is always going back-and-forth. Even Feyre cannot predict when Nesta will strike a blow (metaphorically) or when she’ll be somewhere in the vicinity of pleasant. She defends Nesta to Rhysand (in MAF, WAR, and FAS), but even so whenever Nesta opens her mouth to say something Feyre flinches or anticipates something horrible.
She doesn’t want Rhys to speak ill of her family because they are all she has left of her mortal life, and she had to literally risk her life to keep them fed for years. She couldn’t let grudges grow, because if she did she might just walk into the woods and leave them to starve. They are her family, and so she feels an obligation to protect both Nesta and Elain (more on Elain in a moment).
That doesn’t mean she isn’t affected by how she was treated, or that old wounds aren’t there. She just doesn’t want to get into it. It makes Feyre more dismissive of Nesta, but she is still trying. She’s just lost the strength to try as hard as she would for Mor or Cassian or even Elain- people who actually show her kindness and love.
Elain and the IC
Mor sees Nesta as a nasty thorn in Feyre’s side, but she knows what it is to deal with horrible family (to a much harsher degree). She supports Feyre and her stance, and that’s it. She tried making friends with Nesta and had her head bit off, so she’s not reaching out.
Amren and Azriel you all know.
Elain is where Nesta isolated herself wholly and completely.
In WAR, Nesta had Elain with her as they processed their trauma. Elain was worse off than she was, completely shut down, and so the isolation seemed like a good idea (you may remember in WAR it was not a good idea when it came to Elain, she needed to be around others regularly to open up).
After WAR though... Elain accepted Prythian. She doesn’t fully accept that things are over with Grayson, and doesn’t entirely acknowledge that she is fae, but she accepts Prythian and Velaris and Night. She accepts the world, even while ignoring her circumstance... and Nesta resents her for it.
Elain was always side-by-side with her, but as Elain settled and Nesta raged, she couldn’t count on her younger sister anymore to just be there and understand. Elain started having her own life and hobbies. She found a way to start processing her pain and deal with it. She wasn’t set back by the death of Hybern because Elain accepted that it had to happen and she was protecting her family and avenging their father. 
Elain is very much the one to let go of grudges, while Nesta holds them in a vice-grip. Nesta resented Elain’s peace, and so she distances herself from even Elain, while still leaving a door open for the sister she always favored (at least for a while in FAS Elain is the one who can get Nesta to do stuff).
Cassian’s Role
From the very beginning of WAR, Cassian has known Nesta isn’t like her sisters.
He wanted Nesta to train, he taunted her over it repeatedly, trying to goad her into it. Cassian’s approach to Nesta has always been the closest to how Nesta needed to be approached. He has a fundamental understanding of her and her personality.
Cassian was once someone without a place in the world, and so he carved it out himself. He wants that for Nesta, but he also knows she has to be the one to take it. He tries to help Nesta while giving her her space, and he also seems to accept that while Vealris treats Nesta as if she’s his (brought up by Nesta herself in FAS), she is still her own person and free to be with whoever she wishes or live as she chooses.
Cassian is trapped between wanting to help Nesta as much as she will allow, and minding that line so she knows he isn’t trying to force his presence or himself on her. He is dismissed and ignored by Illyrians as a bastard and is touchy about that, but he endures dismissal when it comes from Nesta so that she knows he is always there for her.
Still, as much as he clearly loves her and cares about her, he can only take so many hits at a time before old wounds become too raw. That is why he will push more forcefully, but in the end he always leaves it to Nesta to take the final step herself.
Cassian is watching her more closely than the others, and he knows that missing piece about her sexual history. He is trying to help her as much as he is capable, but he also knows she needs something different. She needs real help, and Cassian doesn’t have any right to be the one to drag her bodily off to get the treatment she needs. He also knows she wont open up to some doctor.
I’m not doing a lot on Cassian’s stance because that’s what the next novel is going to be. Cassian honestly sees the same pain on Nesta that he had, and he knows her personality very well. She needs the fight, and she needs to feel like she’s earned and carved her own spot in the world.
She needs training as an Illyrian, a position he has always held when it comes to Nesta.
Nesta Overall
Contrary to how some tumbrs have been spinning it, the IC and Feyre never outright abandoned Nesta.
Even Nesta acknowledges at one point that the IC tried giving her jobs or pulling her along in their group to get her to engage. They tried to help her through her PTSD the same way they did for Feyre, Rhys, Mor, even Elain (given a job early on of designing the Townhouse garden). Rhys has offered her duties or positions, Feyre’s tried to help find hobbies for her, and yet Nesta is resistant to all.
As I said before, Maas is showing another form of PTSD, one that requires a completely different path of treatment. The IC try to heal Nesta the way they healed others, but she was never going to be able to walk that same path, not after what happened with the King of Hybern at least (remember, Nesta accepted the role as Ambassador to the Human Lands in WAR as she recovered from what the Cauldron did to her, then wanted nothing to do with it in FAS).
The IC didn’t abandon her, they just couldn’t understand her, and Nesta cannot express herself to show them how best to help her. 
She’s always been barbed and defensive, and in this case when she needed people to gather around her all the more and see through it, they were pushed back because of her own past actions. The IC cannot help her, because she burned bridges with them time and again and they’re just done taking her punches.
Cassian sees what is happening, and he tries to reach for her- but Nesta doesn’t need him alone to make that leap. Even if she loves Cassian desperately and they are endgame mates (that’s not an ‘if’ that’s a fact), she needs to know the others care.
She needs to know that she is genuinely wanted, that her presence is appreciated and accepted with no other thought than “Nesta’s here, I’m so happy” (why Cassian reacted so strongly when Feyre made mention of the almost buyer’s bargain with Nesta coming to Solstice).
Feyre’s exhausted when it comes to her sister. Rhys and  most of the IC have no reason to reach out for her very much because of her own personality and how it hides deep rooted insecurities. Rhys in particular has dealt with horrible people his entire life and he’s not willing to keep them around that much, not if he believes there is nothing redeeming inside them. 
Nesta is screaming for help in her own way, but unfortunately it’s a case where no one else speaks the language, save Cassian. And knowing Cassian understands makes Nesta feel ashamed and weak, open and judged, so she uses every weapon at her disposal to push him back.
She needs both isolation and acceptance. Nesta cannot open up enough for that, and the rest of the IC doesn’t speak that language. They aren’t wilfully ignoring it, they honestly have no idea how to process it and are frustrated by that lack of understanding.
The minute she got up and went to the dying King of Hybern, this became completely inevitable. Nesta isn’t someone who can be strengthened and forged like Feyre or even Elain- surrounded by gentle love and kindness. She needed to be shattered and re-forged, and when she is she will be stronger, more confident, and happier for it.
The next book is going to be incredible.
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sarah-bae-maas · 6 years
Hello I'm an anti (the same one who wrote you that I like you & the way you deal within debates) & I wanted to ask you for some advice. I've recently had a debate with a stan regarding controversial issues inside acofas (mostly the treatment of Nesta-the account said that she deserves worse & is not worthy of Cassian & was insulting her as a 'slut' & shipping her with Tamlin) and throughout the debate I've not once insulted the person & stayed respectful, but of course expressed that I (1/2)
didn't think it's suitable to be slut-shaming Nesta as she is dealing with PTSD & can do whatever she wants as it is her body. The 'stan' then proceeded to insult me, not regard my points at all and publicly started shit-talking me with her followers. I don't really know what to do right know, because even though I am not vulnerable enough to be hurt by this, I am still astonished at their behavior. Which is why I contacted you, since you've had your fair share of similar situations (2/2)
I shall call you annie, because you’re my anti-anon.
And first of all I am stuck on the shipping Nesta and Tamlin thing. I just... I am in shock. Lord knows I’ve thought about what his relationships post-acowar but it’s all been very separate from Feyre and Co. Feel free to send me the link to those posts because I think I need to see this with my own eyes before even being able to comprehend it. 
Okay, firstly I’m going to give my thoughts, and then advice at the end. This is just so I can wrap my head around it and then hopefully express something that helps. 
The first question I have to ask because I’m not sure from your ask, is whether it’s the stan calling Nesta a slut/slut shaming her or whether it’s your/their/ whoever’s interpretation from the book that she was being slut shamed. For any points you want to make on that, I would refer to this post here. I think it sums up the argument pretty well, and in a mature way as well. 
It seems this stan doesn’t like Nesta, which honestly I understand. It wasn’t until ACOFAS that I even started seeing her as anything other than a weak, one dimensional character. I still don’t like her, but that doesn’t mean I don’t now appreciate her character. What might be important to note in this situation is that there’s a difference between not caring about a character, and wanting justice for that character. When I say justice, I mean that they’re character is written well, not that they get a redemption arc or all their wants/desires/etc. For example, if Nesta died I don’t know if I would mind very much. Pre-ACOFAS, I might even have rejoiced. BUT at the same time if she had been unreasonably slandered by the IC and Elain started to hate her, I wouldn’t have liked it because it would have been OOC for the others, for her, and it wouldn’t have served justice to the character SJM had initially written. 
And boy I HAVE HAD MY FAIR SHARE. OH YES. I, too, am often baffled by some of thee things that get sent to me. Once upon a time I responded to every ask, and by once upon a time I mean like last week, but a wise friend was sharing some of her anons with me, and then telling me that she was just deleting them. That’s when it occurred to me that I could do the same thing. It eased my mind so, so bloody much once I let myself do that. If the same anon came back not on anon, I would likely answer their ask, but if you’re going to be disrespectful they can give me the curtesy if knowing who I am talking to. 
Does she know who you are? Like, do her friends and her have your blog name? If so, I would honestly just block them. If not, and you’re on anon, I would stop interacting with her. You have to choose your battles, and some people can’t be reasoned with. 
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bookofmirth · 2 years
hey!! do u happen to know if sjm has done any interviews like deep diving into acotar, acomaf, acowar or acofas?
idk i feel like we glossed over acosf way too quickly ?? like i need interviewers to stop asking about elriel and ask questions about feysand and about nessian like they never get talked about in interviews anymore !!!! i need to know why cassian doesn’t say i love u or why nesta was the 2nd female mc to lose her powers in the acotar series when no male character ever has !!
i feel like i need the interviewers to be asking the juicy questions instead of just elriel this azriel that like at least ask about elucien from time to time 💀💀
i know sjm doesn’t owe us any insights or explanations but i used to feel so much more connected to the series when she would answer questions on facebook and random cute questions about the couples or why she made the writing choices she did, now it’s all who’s azriel going to end up with like girl i couldn’t care less !!!!
anyway the release of acosf is a literal fever dream like even in the interviews ABOUT acosf the interviews were just hounding on az ?? and gwynriel or elriel ?? like god damn i need some archeron sister questions like feyre is never mentioned and she’s the literal mc ??
it really makes me feel like acosf just exists as a gateway for sjm to add lore that made the crossover possible. everything nesta did (dread troves etc) was literally just connecting acotar to cc more. really makes me sad to see nesta’s story be glossed over like that and then end up powerless as well and then we got no interview questions at all with sjm talking about her !!! it’s so frustrating to see feyre and nesta brushed to the side in interviews all the time i need more content about them
anyway if elain gets the same treatment as nesta in her book where she just has a half assed story i’m gonna be reallll mad 😭😭😭😭😭
Hello! Basically yes, she has talked more about the actual substance of her books in the past, but pre-COVID, those things weren't usually recorded. You just had to either go to the event yourself, and/or someone would make a really big post with a recap of the events. There are still some floating around here. They always got lots of notes because it was our main way of getting news from events.
EDIT - I meant to also say that I went to the Tower of Dawn event in London in 2017 and during that, she talked about her process of writing Chaol's trauma and stuff. So yeah, she does talk about these things! It's just not as easy to access that info for books pre-acosf.
I was disappointed in a lot of the acosf events :( I know that she talked about how her own experiences fueled Nesta's journey, which is okay, fine, so I guess you don't actually self-destruct in the way that Nesta did because that was like nowhere in acosf. Good to know, I guess. I would love more about Nesta and Cassian and how she decided to create their journey with them having so much tension (and sometimes downright hostility) but I guess we have to fill in the blanks ourselves.
now it’s all who’s azriel going to end up with like girl i couldn’t care less !!!!
Honestly, same haha! The fandom has sucked so much of the joy out of this series for me, my fucks are critically low. For Az especially. Yeah I have my clear preferences for what happens, but at the end of the day? I am experiencing an increasing amount of Do Not Give A Fuck. For so many reasons. This series is like crack, and I mean that in the most affectionate and derogatory ways.
it’s so frustrating to see feyre and nesta brushed to the side in interviews all the time i need more content about them
I would add that in addition to a lot of stuff lately just being about the crossover, she talks about the sex in the books just... too much for my tastes. I don't give a shit about wingspan. The sex talk is fine generally, but it annoys me when it *replaces* discussions of stuff like... the pregnancy plot. Or Nesta's drinking. Or how Feyre is finding herself in the role of High Lady. Or where Elain's head is at.
Re: Elain, I am hoping that by the time we get there, all of the logistics of the crossover are well established and won't distract from her story. A girl can dream.
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desdaemonda · 5 years
i am not excited for the nessian novels and here’s why: a ramble 
i’ll start off with a little disclaimer. this post is nowhere near as eloquent as this one here but i'm still making it. i’m not particularly fond of nessian as a ship. i think the development their dynamic gained over the course of acowar and acomaf was tossed out the window in acofas for the worse. i also love and adore both nesta and cassian, as individual characters, and find them really sympathetic. most of this i write from my own experience and relationship with trauma and loss. so. onwards, then.
we’re already off to a bad start with the acofas epilogue. making decisions about your sister’s living conditions without her consent (sound familiar?) isn’t ................ great. as we all know from experience, unless you and i read different versions of acomaf.
but then you decide to put her in a situation that might otherwise kill her if she didn’t have a single person (cassian) to rely on, therefore forcing a relationship that neither of them are, in my opinion, ready for. forcing a relationship does not work. it will not last, and it will only hurt the people involved.
everyone deals with trauma differently. everyone processes & recovers differently. nesta’s coping methods are, for the most part extremely unhealthy. and you know what? so were feyre’s! did feyre’s support structure force her into an environment where she would ultimately break? no! they all pitched in to support her in her recovery. shipping your sister off into an extremely hostile environment (yknow, the place that if the winter doesn’t kill you, the society will, and let’s not forget the impending civil conflict if not a full-blown revolt) where she is forced to hold onto a single lifeline just because she doesn’t want to talk to you and because you can’t be bothered to talk to her like a fucking adult about her gambling debts and alcohol tabs (boohoo mr and mrs moneybags can’t be bothered to hop down from their piles of money like a pre-guillotine french aristocrat) isn’t how you help facilitate a person’s healing. trauma and healing is not about how it inconveniences other people— something feyre and the rest of the inner circle (except maybe amren, who has the braincelle of the group) 
i honestly want to know what sjm was thinking. was it something along the lines of hmm, let’s send a person traumatized by war............into a war camp...................with a man who will primarily be acting as a war general..........................so she can, what, fall in love? kick ass as a quasi-trained quasi-illyrian warrior? is it not enough that all nesta wants is peace? why does she have to go through hell and back, twice, because of feyre’s meddling?
hopefully im wrong! hopefully my expectations of these upcoming books are completely wrong. hopefully nesta ultimately finds her own path without anyone shoving her down one, without anyone holding her hand. nesta deserves better.
tl;dr: feyre makes the most boneheaded of moves yet, abuses her position as high lady to force nesta, a trauma survivor, into an environment that will do more harm than good, and by doing so makes nesta go through the same cycle she did in acotar
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