#this is actually! kind of a color study again. but also I just really wanna draw the girls
b4kuch1n · 2 years
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see, dearest, loving me did not save you. you scraped by just fine without. but it doesn’t hurt, does it?
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snippit-crickit · 7 months
Which artists had the most influences on your art/painting style? I really love your work and I wanna know where all those came from haha
Thankya! Honestly there are so many, i usually brainrot over a specific artist for a while and then i find another whose style i find just as intriguing....
But to name a few, when i first started drawing humans i was really inspired by wachtelspinat whose tf2 and midnight crew art i absolutely adore (i read homestuck because of their midnight crew fanart and i was solely disappointed that little chess guys arent actually that important, mayor my man)
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I also love shiyoon kim, especially their more sketchy works, you may recognise them because they drew spiderverse concept arts and much more i even have his brush set! You can buy it for 10$
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I also had a big phase for sergey kolesov's artworks that comes back to me every now and then, he used to be a concept artist for dishonored 2 and deathloop and the way he renders things in his paintings and his colors are just so,,,
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Lately ive been frustrated with my colors so im doing some studies of nathan fowkes's art, his colorkeys are so simple and the values are great and he seems to never use black yet it works
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I could go on and on, overall i find old children books inspiring as well, but more like the ones made in the eastern block,,,, same goes for the polish school of poster! heres a poster for alien and big lebowski
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i also get inspired by my friends, you know that kind of osmosis where youre buddies with someone and your styles merge together to the point where people cant tell your art apart?? Im kinda like that with my friend fel, they've been of the grid for a while but ill let people know if they ever feel like posting again, heres a drawing they made recently of their oc beaver
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247 notes · View notes
Can we have a deeper analysis in Sabo's shape language study please? It's amazing how you make him give different vibes with just his hair and I like to understand how does that work.
Oh. I'm SO glad you asked.
(The Post In Question)
Okay so this isnt the first post ive made about shape language,
Here are the others:
ASL Shapes Strawhats Shapes
i'm just gonna copy and paste the definition i have for shape language from those posts here so i dont have to write it all again.
Shape language is defined as “a concept used in art and animation to communicate meaning based on shapes we are familiar with” (source). This concept uses circles, triangles, and squares to convey an idea of the “personality” of the design without using any words.
In designs, using circles and rounded edges in your silhouette and detailing gives the design a soft and squishy look. They tend to be harmless, approachable, or changeable.
Designs using squares gives the design a solid, sturdy, and strong look. They are supportive, reliable, and inflexible
Lastly, triangle designs are sharp and directional. They are dynamic, dangerous, and unpredictable.
That's base level but here's more in depth description of each design for ya:
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this one is up first!
You may notice how in this design, his hair isnt in large clumps like the others are. His hair falls delicately and waves gently with little to no hard angles.
In this design, i was trying to convey the idea of "he wasnt born to fight, but he's molded himself into someone who will." I tried to depict that by making his hair all light and feathery, his facial features soft and rounded, but also showing how he's modified his body in a pointy and aggressive way.
I didn't want to only go hard edges with the piercings though because much like he's strayed from his mold of being delicate, he's also strayed from his mold of being a cruel noble. so some of his piercings are rings, AKA: Circles.
You may also notice the different in how I've drawn the collars of these guys. the collar of this Babo's black coat falls softly, and its' arc is rounded. The shoulders don't have any padding and it rounds at the corner.
This Man Is Round.
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Next up is this Freak
This is supposed to be Triangle Him.
His hair is in larger, hard angled clumps. Indicating that he probably cut his hair himself. He did... greattt. I already headcannon him as someone who cuts his own hair, but i dont think this one ever gets any better at it.
The hard angles on his teeth, his scar, his jaw, his collar, that line i forgot to erase on the left, and his coat all give indication that this guy is Dangerous and you probably shouldnt mess with him.
I didn't have any real deeper meaning to this version, I just wanted to make him look as opposing as I could. this guy is "what you see is pretty much what you get."
Even though he doesn't have a lot of deeper meaning, I think this one is my favorite of the designs. I really love these colors on him and his hair was really fun to draw. I think I wanna draw him again at some point. I think this version of him would be very funny paired with Koala. I'm chuckling thinking about it:
Koala and her Armed and On Fire kindergartener
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And lastly this guy
Sabo's base design is very rectangle coded. From his Hat, to his face shape, to his coat. So this version was very easy to make as I didn't actually need to change that much!
I think maybe I could've made his design a little more complex? But also I think there is a beauty in simplicity for this one. He looks straightforward, reliable, and kind. He seems like the kind of guy who gets his hands dirty, not because he likes doing it, but because he does what he must for the greater good.
I really love his hazel eyes, too. I think it brings a nice warmth to his design that is really nice.
Additional comments:
I love talking about this stuff. I love designing. I love art. I love drawing so much it's so fun
Everytime I get to sit down and make some funky doodles my brain feels like 🧠🤸🧘🧜🧚🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🧚💃💃💃💃💃💃
If you got this far thanks for reading :)
I usually have a description for my designs and my choices and stuff and I forgot to do one for this post, it makes me happy to see that it was missed :)
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trutrustories · 6 months
Part 6: Conclusion
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Since we're only a few days away from the last episode, I decided to COUNT DOWN everything we´ve got so far ( that can be interpreted very easily as romantic ) and discuss what the actual fuck is going on with second season. Because even though I shipped lokius practically from S1E2, I absolutely did NOT expect this kind of development. (Not that I´m complaining)
Warning: This is gonna be LONG post, lots of screenshots, lots of SPOILERS, lot of "oh-my-god-they-so-cute" language, and little bit of meta.
I originally thought that this post would be everything at once, but since I have just too many screenshots this time around, I´ll have to split it. so every post will be one episode. Color coding means:
IIIIIIIIII = anything, that coud potentialy be just acting choice.
IIIIIIIIII = everything else (tzn.: whatever was written, and/or carefully prepared by filmmakers. )
side note: I already wrote, about how amazing it is, that Mobius is unable to fight but fights anyway and how beautifuly, and ridiculously brave he is HERE. But this is about Loki/Mobius interactions, so I´ll try my best not to talk about THAT. (Even when I´m really happy, that s2 continues with this formula and Mobius is still his completely defenseless while aggressively brave self. I love him, btw.) Here is count down for every episode:
Sooooo 51 lokius moments, that were completely and utterly unexpected, but yet here they are. Why? Let´s start with over look at what we´ve actualy got: Things that could technically be just acting choices and Tom´s and Owen´s chemistry together:
unexpected exhibition of touches
Distressed God and his Happy Face (at O. B. office)
Loki finding Mobius´s joke amusing
Loki´s head tilt and smile at Mobius (in pie scene)
"They say opposites attract. NO."
Another exhibition of touches (ep 3)
"let´s be as close as we physically can" challange (at Timley´s spech)
Loki glow up (Loki fixing himself for Mobius/Don)
Loki being very nervous and stuttering while talking to Mobius/Don.
Loki gently helping Mobius/Don through the time door. Things that are deffinitely NOT just acting choices:
"Mobius It´s me!"
"Tell me, you recognize me!"
scene in in an elevator
Mobius and Loki talking to OB.
bickering, like married couple, part 1
"Mobius if I don´t make it back" and "You´ll make it back".
Mobius risking his life SKIN for loki and refusing to give up on him.
Loki saves Mobius in an epic fashion and they end up in a hug:
matching suits part 1
Loki defending /saving Mobius from Brad (with magic!)
Mobius and Loki struggling to assemble IKEA furniture- sorry Tapmad together
" And he knows..."
Loki being very concerned for Mobius after his outburst, saying that It´s okay, and then suggests having pie
Bickering like married couple (part 2)
The whole freaking pie scene!
Loki and Mobius: mischievous duo (Breaking Brad)
Loki, not following Sylvie (at the end of episode 2)
matching suits part 2
"And they lived happily ever after..." circle transition
Loki and Mobius enjoying popcorn:
Also... Bickering like married couple (part 3)
"You know sometimes I forget, that you are one of them... Blows my mind!"
Mobius supporting Loki in using magic...
Victor/Ravonna - the most transparent mirror ever:
Loki going with Mobius, not even thinking about it anymore.
changing clothes together
Bickering like married couple (part 4)
The "misunderstanding trope"
Pie scene number two
Shot with only two of them, right before the end of ep4
Loki looking for Mobius in PIE ROOM
Loki Time slipping to the theater room
Mobius/Don casually informing Loki, he´s a SINGLE dad and telling him his entire work schedule
Loki time slipping to Mobius again (right when he started to be hopefull and Happy, that O. B. will be able to help him.
Mobius/Don dropping everything and forgeting about his two mischievous sons so he can give Loki full attention
Wanna buy my wife´s jetski?
"A beautiful union of form and function"
"You saved my life, when I first arrived. You saw something in me, that I hadn´t seen in myself."
"I want my friends back. I don´t want to be alone."
"It was more about what I wanted."
"It´s not about where, when or why. It´s about WHO."
So... let´s scrap the theory, that romantic tention is created only by chemistry between actors (though it IS amazing and also key ingredient) and their acting choices. Because so far, screenplay, and cinematography was supporting their story as well. I feel, like I should clarify, that I do not expect Lokius kiss, or blatant confirmation to happen. I was here during Johnlock debacle. And I was here, when Destiel ended... the way it ended. And I refuse to put in creators (especially when it comes to marvel/disney) any hope, that I know can be crushed so very easily. I´m not doing this shit again. If it happens? WOW! I´m gonna be surprised. very pleasantly surprised. I will litteraly never shut up about it
But I do not expect it. Not even now, when I saw, what are creators of Loki able to put out in the world. Like this for example:
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Or this, very brutal death scene:
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And yeah, I am avare, Loki officialy CAN have male love interest, because it was confirmed in a text, that he´s a bi.
Also there was this (very misleading) article few years ago:
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Still. I can´t bring myself to hope for anything explicit. But I absolutely understand anyone, who have that hope. And I know, how great feeling it is, while it lasts. Anyway. I´m gonna look at all possible options, I can think of. Even some, I feel, are more possible then others. And maybe answer is not just one. It could be more things at once.
Explanation number one: Creators took notes on how season 1 was received. And they saw, that Mobius is very popular, well-liked character, his interactions with Loki were favorite moments according to majority of an audience, and decided to lean more into that, for viewer´s sake.
Same with sylvie. Once they saw her romantic relationship with Loki isn´t that popular, they decided to give her her own agency, own story instead.
Explanation number two: They genuinely think, they are showing deep friendship between two bros and nothing more. I mean... Loki getting close circle of friends and wanting to stay with them is a one of the bigest themes this season. They are trying to make a point about Loki changing bacause of them (and probably making sacrifice for them) But there is still very intentional difference between his relationship with Mobius and everybody else. Mobius is obviously the most important one of the bunch.
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Explanation number three:
Creators want romantic scene with Sylvie and Loki to be big surprise at the end, so they tried to show as much problems and conflicts between them, as they could and limited their screentime together.
But I personaly think, this would be stupid for many reasons:
Making Mobius and Loki focus this season caused people to rooth for them, and be invested in their relationship more.
They showed multiple times, that Sylvie wants from life very different things, then Loki and their philosophical views differ greatly.
It doesn´t look like creators put enough effort into building up this kind of ending to be satisfying. It would just feel like they´re trying to surprise / shock audience. Explanation number four: They think that what they are doing with Mobius and Loki is father/son dynamic. (I´m sorry, but this would be just hilarious. If this is the case, I would love to know, what they were thinking, when they decided to leave Owen´s line: "You´re just a little pussycat" in there. Or when they look at all those acting choices and said YES, THANK YOU. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT WE NEED.)
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Explanation number five: They´re queerbaiting the hell out of us. And their master plan is to make us all watch and having hope and then they will throw in the finale some last minute no homo explanation and wil laugh in our faces.
(I suppose I don't have to say how much I like this option *sarcasm*)
Explanation number six:
Creators would like to make Lokius canon, but they are restricted / they´re not allowed to. So they decided to go as far, as they can. To give us little (big) nods, to give us those beutiful scenes. To double down on everything lokius related. And they know what they can get away with before casual viewers notice that there is something gay happening. (I mean... it looks like they can get away with anything but kiss at this point :D Like seriously. I saw people talking about how beautiful Dean and Castiel´s friendship was EVEN after finale, so...)
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Explanation number seven:
They are doing Love triangle thing, where they will try ultimitely "please everyone" by giving us some scene that could be potentialy seen as romantic between Loki and Sylvie AND between Loki and Mobius (while leaving it for interpretation) In Czech republic, we call it: "when the wolf ate well, but goat is still alive."
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Explanation number eight: They ARE able to make Lokius canon, but they actually like podtext more, then posibility to make it transparent, and that is just the way, they want to tell this story.
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Explanation number nine: They were planning to make Lokius a thing (if not from the start, then after season one) and they made whole season this way, so more people would rooth for them. And it will end with some form of confirmation of their love story. ( as I mentioned above, I can´t see this happening, but that is my bad experience talking. If it happens, I deffinitely won´t be mad about being wrong here, I can promise you that :D )
I gues we will know more about their intent after episode 6. Right now, I´m actually just hoping, that story will stay consistent as much as it can. And characters won´t die. On the contrary I hope, they will end up happy, because they did earn it. I have to say, that I enjoyed this season even more then the first. And I really do hope, that finale wont make me change my mind. Regardles of intention, this show is high quality and it is obvious how much care was poured into every aspect of this season from effects, cinematography, costums, sets, music, acting... I think, that this show is a best thing marvel did in a long, LONG time.
Also please, pleaseeee let this season end at the place, where it will be possible to see Loki and Mobius in other MCU project (I would honestly watch anything, where they appear together)
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And lastly: If it doesn´t end the way you wanted, please please don´t let anger to rule your actions. Do criticize as much as you want, but please don´t harrass anybody. At the end of the day, creators of this show are also just people. Don´t say anything, you wouldn´t say into their faces. If it will end badly, watch your favourite, comfort gay show, celebrate how much Lokius fix-it fanfiction we´ll have! And how much art already exists because of those first five episodes.
Or take that frustration and turn it to motivation: maybe you can create something better!
I was there in 2017.
Please just don´t let TV show ruin your whole year and your creativity.
for people who got here and read it all: I really appreciate it! Thank you! 💚
PS: Sorry for my english and all the grammer mistakes I´m aware it´s not ideal 😅
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Vee's Studies!
(scroll to the end for timelapse :3)
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I'm like, kind of obsessed with them lmao. While I've drawn Vox quite a lot (I've been working on a Vox animation thing over the last month-ish) I hadn't done much of anything when it came to Val and Vel. I knew I'd want to do something with them all later on, but I wanted to get a good understanding of their designs, shape language, and the differences between the three of them so I can play a lot more when it comes to doing them (heh) in my own style.
So, since I was most familiar (and most obsessed with out of the three lol), I started with Vox :3
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While I've been working on the animation project, it had kind of been an 'adjust-as-I-go'/'let's-bullshit-this' process, rather than doing the work of understanding why certain things looked more correct than others, so I still learned a LOT from this one study. (Plus the scene makes me wheeze and I happily took the excuse to use that moment as his study reference haha)
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Obviously Val is... an asshole, to really undersell it. But this is hell, his character is interesting and his design is immaculate. I think I had the most fun with studying him tbh. Without his santa wings-coat he- *coughs* - yeah. Uh. Good design. I can actually believe that Angel fell for him at one point. Manipulative bastard - sorry tangents. ANYWAY! XD
VERY fun to draw, and a very good balance within these designs of showing off character attributes but also not taking themselves too seriously (The HATS these boys wear! *wheeze* did Velvette just give up fighting them on it? I've gotta know haha)
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I missed color too much by this point to make them all match perfectly, and frankly - trying to draw canon Velvette without hue differentiation is AWFUL she has so many details and overlapping elements. If I ever have to draw Vel from 1x03 again I might cry.
Something about her 1x03 look actually makes me feel viseral irritation just by seeing it (like, even b4 I made myself draw it), but then I see her in 1x08 and I wanna draw her forever???? She's so fucking cool? So fucking cute????? The duality of man ig lmao
Anyway, the TLDR is that actually being conscious of how things are represented when drawing a character can lead to surprisingly immense insight... I feel like I not only understand so much more about how to represent their characters, but also a much firmer grasp about how the shape language in the show works.
These designs are immaculate and I had so much fun. I actually have a lot more I could say about this, but my period came today and I'm tired and this post is already massive so I'll leave things here for now! But yeah! Hopefully more Vee's in the future bc I love them!
Wishing you all well! <3
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jellyaibo · 1 year
breaking my silence...i fuckng hate this "genre" of object show gijinka and im tired of acting like it isnt . bland
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(using ii gijinkas as my guinea pigs for this, considering i really ONLY see these kinds of gijinkas in the ii side of the osc)
they are just. all the same build, usually same hairstyles and fashion theres NOTHINGGG that differentiates one persons gijinka from another because thats how similar they look to me, also if i were to color these do u think it would make it more obvious who is who? (if u cant already tell who is who obvs. its tt, fan & pickle but ohhhh my god THERESS NO SAUCE)
this might just sound fucking insane on my part but also even though these gijinkas dont have natural skintones (obvs trying to match the objects) they completely lack any features that say they ARENT white (i mean like very eurocentric) finding one with afro hair is like looking for a needle in a haystack (im being so serious ive barely seen any . kind of diversity like that)
and not even just diversity in races too, because 99% of them are all tall and skinny they just completely lack any body diversity (once again, very eurocentric yk yk) and because of that they have. awful silhouettes (unless they have VERY defining features which is fucking rare, so unless you have a really unique design a lot of people probably can't tell who is who unless you either squint really hard or have them be colored in)
my point is . these gijinkas just dont look good like at all. (im not gonna kill anyone for making gijinkas like this btw but ill def squint at you rlly hard but thats just me) and i think people should try to go and experiment with more expressive and fun designs that can make these blokes rlly stand out more!!! (something as simple as just, giving them acne, making them shorter/taller than they actually are, wacky hair n cool disability aids etc. just fucking go nuts!!! diversity just. makes better designs imho)
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i designed these kinda on the spot (im sorry pickle) and like. even if they might look a little bland imo they have way more personality than the designs above!!!!!!!!!!! its not hard lichurally all u need to do is get an idea n try it
also i didnt know where to put this but like. another example of why i think these gijinkas just fucking suck: i uhhhh made my loser gijinka into one
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her joy? her happiness? her personality and transsexual swag? GONE. SUCKED AWAY FROM HER BEING. she is a HUSK
my final note(s) on this is like. just go experiment brah im sooo tired of seeing these ohh please im so exhausted...EVEN IF U ARENT CONFIDENT IN UR DESIGNING SKILLS . GOING AND TAKING THAT FIRST STEP IS GOOD please just go nuts ohhh u wanna go nuts so fucking bad . theres many many references for different bodies n details n shit AND U DONT EVEN HAVE TO LIKE. STUDY EVERYTHING TO BECOME "GOOD" at this . just . freaking go for it
and my final (final) note is uhmm very petty but idc but the artist that popularized this kind of object show gijinka isnt the best person so like. yeah that is one of my top reasons on why i dont like em LMAO
uhhh and yeah thats it thats pretty much all sorry for rambling im just a tired little biracial boy oohh im so tired heres a lollipop 🍭
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alexthesillybilly · 4 months
What if springtrap x reader but I write it from springtraps POV idk I wanna study him this is rlly similar to another thing I wrote btw if it feels familiar :P idk why but I love writing this exact scene lmao
God, how long has it been? Months? Years? Decades? How was I supposed to know? I haven't spoken to anyone since I was left in here, and I probably never will again. I'm still trying to figure out what to do to pass the time. At first my methods were a little more about escaping, but clawing at the walls and slamming my self against the door was both very painful, and was also not doing anything for me, so I stopped doing those pretty quickly. Then I remembered there were arcade machines in this room! But then I remembered that this is the parts and service room and they were out of order. And very unplayable. But that didn't stop me, I ended up disassembling and putting them back together a few times.
That got boring, too.
Now I'm not really sure what to do. I spend a lot of my time either fidgeting with loose wires or pacing around like some kind of scared animal. After I stopped having the indescribable dread of realizing I was trapped here, it changed to craving something. Anything, really. Whether it was hearing music from outside, seeing a color other than pitch black, feeling anything other than the freezing cold tile floor and my own pain.
I think I mostly craved company, though.
I was never into psychology, but speaking from experience, I'm pretty sure that completely depriving a human of any communication or entertainment for years (decades??) will fuck someone up.
There's some sort of noise around the door. It's happened a few times, usually someone who broke in trying to get into the room before discovering it's boarded up. I don't know who boarded up this room, but I'd like to have a talk with them. Only a little murder included. So I don't get my hopes up too much. They're not going to get in.
So maybe I get a little excited when for the first time, I actually DO hear the door crack open and light pour in.
Holy shit, it's happening.
I can finally get out of here.
I felt nearly manic at the sight. So imagine my thoughts when someone walked in.
I freeze. What do I do?
There is so much I want to say.
Can I even talk?
I don't know anymore.
Who is this?
I try to look at them without moving. Nobody I recognize. That's probably a good thing.
If I move, I might scare them.
On one hand, then I'd be able to leave.
But on the other hand, I need to talk to someone, ANYONE, so bad that I can't let then leave already.
So I stay still while they approach.
They must not be deterred by the sight of me, surprisingly, because they crouch down beside me like I'm not... like this.
"What the hell are you?" They laugh under their breath. Wow, okay. First words spoken to me in this long. I deserve that, though.
I need to talk so bad but how am I supposed to talk to anyone now? I don't even remember how it works, let alone if I physically could. I pray they'll ask a yes-or-no question soon.
They stand back up.
No. No, no, no, not already. They can't leave. I have to risk it.
I try my best to tell them not to go. It comes out as more of a noise you'd make on your deathbed, but it's enough to get them to stop in their tracks.
"No. Nope, I am NOT being your horror movie protagonist who dies first, nope. Not today." They turn to run out the door. This time I'm prepared. Kind of.
"No-" I manage to choke out before realizing how much it hurts to speak, and very pathetically falling against the wall in pain. I have to get the message through, though. "Don't go."
"Hooly shit." The person stares at me in horror. "I have so many questions."
Talking hurts so bad, but nothing hurts worse than my indescribable loneliness, so I'll just have to deal with that later. I have to say something.
"Me too."
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boyswhowawa · 7 months
Artificer Design!!
Or at least me working on it!!
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This is the last drawing I did, and I think it really shows off the design well!!!! I really love this design I came up with, and it's with heavy inspiration from @snickerdoodlesart, so a bit more on that, and the design! under the cut
First things first, the reason I chose to take inspiration from Snickerdoodles' design is, because it's just super fucking rad and gender, ajsd;flkkjas;fkldjadkl;sfja
HOWEVER, I understand completely if taking inspiration like this is not okay, and I would be fine with deleting this design and restarting should you say so, Snickerdoodles, genuinely
regardless, some fun stuff!
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first things first, I did some studies of Snickerdoodles' design, just simple ones, because I wanted to figure out what it was that I really felt was so like... fantastic about it???
(the answer ended up being "god everything comes together so well, the shapes and the dynamics of the scars and how the explosive things interact with it all just make for such a wonderful design that is like, the PURE energy of the character it comes from, in such a sincere way that I feel like this IS the character in every facet of what they could be")
but what I learned was that like, I wanted to try to have fun with the scars! so that's what I went for!
So then I started sketching, and I had this idea with the face
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I wanted the eye scar to be like, totally bright similarly to Snickersdoodles' (admittedly a lot of the face scar comes from snickerdoodles...)
but I knew with some bits *around* the eye I wanted to have these extra little cuts, that sort of just... idk i like doing cheek markings and I thought this was a creative way to do it!! also the eyebrow is just three lines that are sometimes meshed together<3
I really really liked this face, so I keep it going forward
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this is the next sketch I did, to figure out where I wanted the scars to be placed!!
this is kind of where I slightly decided I wanted Arti's head kind of hunched forward at all times, big huncho boyo, she's great
I also wanted just, a BIG burst spot on their tail, and like...
then I was like "oh i'm gonna finish this sketch actually"
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then I--- inked on the wrong layer. aj;sdlkfja;klsdfjakl;j
so it got stuck like this and I couldn't do anything about it....
I think when I do color my arti properly again, I wanna have it lean over to a reddish dark purple rather than this
also i think the cherry bomb thing being like woven into the spear cloth was too much, and doesn't really work for arti's bomb spears ?
i just messed up a lot, basically
Oh! Also this is where I was like "oh I can put extra little light spots in Arti's scars...."
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then I did this to sort of vaguely show what an explosion from Arti might look like, or more accurately, Artificer 'Igniting', rather than just doing bursts, I imagine this Arti revving up and just being extremely hot for a while, letting out bursts of energy still, but not able to do it as easily from a neutral, unignited state
this was SO fun to do, using pink and yellow is really fun when i'm trying to do something with strong energy
this also is where I feel I figured out everything I felt I needed to still figure out with the design, the scar placements, the scar styles, the shapes I wanted, etc. etc.
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and then finally, I did a sort of pseudo ref for Arti!
and while I am super happy with this, and super proud
more importantly than that, I want to be sure that this is *okay* with Snickerdoodles, it wouldn't be right of me to just, steal things from your design for my own sake, and it's not like I'm starving for design ideas, I can probably think something else up if I try hard enough, so there'd be no harm done, and if you're at all uncomfortable with me taking inspiration like this, just let me know as soon as you can
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otrtbs · 3 months
Hiii ! I had already asked that question, but I will ask it again because you didn't respond to it last time but at the same time it's harmless (I think), and if you don't respond again then I guess it isn't harmless 😭
I was wondering how you got into art ? Have you ever made art yourself like painting, drawing, and sculpture and decided to study that, or do you really just love art history and never had touched a pen to draw in your life? And how did your family react ?
And another question was were you in school, or work when you were writing AHB (I mean in general when you are writing actually) and if so, how did you find time to write and read? Because as a writer I feel like an important part is to read but when I do write I don't read, and I know that a big part of that is just school and I don't have time, but maybe you got a magic trick or smth?
hi! yeah it is harmless i am just SEVERELY behind on answering asks these days but i am not intentionally ignoring you/anyone. i am just behind on asks, sorry! also i get rambly under the cut so this is a warning!
as far as how i got into art, i used to volunteer at my local art museum when i was in high school!! and during that time i got to talk to a bunch of curators and educators and i was like,,,,, 'yeah. i wanna do this'
i am NOT artistic at all,,, i can't draw or paint to save my life el oh el. i had to take a fine arts course as an undergrad in uni which was fairly rudimentary ,,, just exploring different art mediums,,, color theory,, etc. and i was SO BAD at it,, so. bad. we had to bring in our art projects for critique and i still have nightmares about that...oof.
as far as my family support,,,, also el oh el. uhm,, no one was very thrilled with my life decisions to say the least...but i do not care! it's my life to live! then when my sister went to uni and said she wanted to be a biomedical engineer major n maybe go to med school,, well they put all their attention on her so we move!
also yes!! i was in school while i was writing ahb! i was in my final year of undergrad, i worked full time as a resident assistant at my university and i worked part time at a call center (<- WORST JOB OF MY FUCKING LIFE) and sometimes i would pick up extra shifts at my university's campus store because i was paying my own way through undergrad and so honestly.... the truth is i hardly slept. which is not healthy and i do not recommend that you do that at all. by any means. thankfully, because it was my final year i had some easy "blow off" classes in addition to upper division art history courses so the workload was lighter than previous semesters.
but my RA job would put me "on call" which meant i was the one an entire building of 500+ college girls would call if there was emergency of any kind (could be something serious like a fire or a strange man in the girls dorms or someone needing serious medical attention to something miniscule someone's fire alarm running out of batteries). and we would be on call for 24 hours on the weekends or 5pm to 8 am on weekdays. and if you missed a call because you were asleep you would be fired immediately no questions asked. and bc i got my housing and a lot of my income from that job,,,, i would get so paranoid and stressed abt missing a phone call that i wouldn't sleep at all when i was on call. so i did a lot of my writing for ahb! during those times at like 5am while i was on call. i was also required to work 10-15 hours a week at the front at my university through my RA position and it was a 24 hour desk and i got the night shift where literally nobody would come in. i'd work 10pm-2am on tuesdays and thursdays and then a few hours on saturday (But those were normally busy). and i would write my fanfic then!!! (should've been doing school work ,,, but alas) <- so for the "sHE CoULd'vE aT lEasT EdiTed iT" crowd who have beef with ahb!,,, i was too busy trying to graduate uni and working 3 jobs to do anything but post. so eat dirt.
additionally, i didn't read fanfic when i was writing ahb! for the most part. i was reading a ton before i started writing and then i think i was only able to keep up with the choices updates and picked up heavy fanfic reading again once ahb! was finished.
so no magic tricks from me unfortunately :(( i think it was only feasible bc i was operating on like zero sleep and my course load was light the final semester, and i got lucky with my job hours !! otherwise,, i didn't really do anything else. like i stopped reading, stopped watching shows,, etc,, if i had free time i would be on the google doc hahaha
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themetalvirus · 11 months
how did u get so good at understanding characters and how theyd react in situations and how theyd think about things /gen i wanna do that too
idk man, im just glad people find my insane ramblings about sonic characters enjoyable. i think i have some inaccurate takes on things the characters say or do, and pretty much all of my opinions on the characters are subjective. as much as i may dislike some interpretations of how sonic characters should act, one must accept that different people's different individual experiences will color their way of viewing fiction and thus their interpretations of it
i think what i do is just. ask WHY the character does x or y thing or holds some kind of principle and keep asking until you hit a dead end for some reason or another. that also requires a lot of personal interpretation and you really end up putting pieces of yourself in what you think sonic is like. i've said this before, but sonic being "the hero" means that every single individual's interpretation of what being a hero means to them is going to affect how they think sonic would or should act. it's honestly all just interrogating your own relationships with the texts laid out before you. at least thats my pretentious take on the whole thing
basically just ask Hey Why Does She Do That. either look thru the text for answers, ask Sonic Loremasters for help if you're not sure about the lore (or make some shit up if youre into that, its fun making shit up), or y'know, make stuff up. if you want your interpretations to be text-accurate, you have to ask WHICH text you want it to be accurate to. preboot archie, reboot archie, the meta era of games, sonic adventure era of games, frontiers' characterizations, the manga, sonic x, whatever other infinite canons are out there. you're going to have to study That Specific Text and ask why writers and artists made the decisions they did. take mental or even actual notes of quirks with the writing, recurring themes or jokes or catchphrases, what you think is lacking and what you think is fantastic
text-accurate sonics are difficult, but for certain people, they are very rewarding. for me, i like to mush together stuff i like from a bunch of different canons and discard whatever i dislike. again, a very personal process which is different for everyone. it's a combination of media analysis, media literacy, and personal exploration. and i think it's fun also. i just think it's fun
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apompkwrites · 2 years
hhhhhhhh I wanna make some designs for the black sheep so badly but I would need to expose myself and rip myself of my anonymity (which is fine I don't care much) also I have school and ap classes suck so I'll probably do them over the weekend if I don't forget and don't have too much hw
anyways meanwhile I wanted to share some things I would like to add to my designs as sort of pre-design notes feel free to ignore this I just wanted to share this
Short white hair with red highlights: I know that Riddle has red hair however the queen of hearts (also known as the red queen) had a sister in the original piece of fiction, her name was the white queen who has a daughter named Lily who is a pawn piece and she befriends Alice. The red highlights would be for family resemblance meanwhile the white hair could serve as a connection between them and the white queen.
Some clarification, both the red queen and the queen of hearts were originally two different characters but many different adaptations of the original work of fiction merged them together, some adaptations also merged the Queen of hearts with the character "The Duchess" though this isn't very often and often times the duchess doesn't exist or isn't mentioned in different adaptations. also interestingly there is a character named the March Hare who works for the white queen as her chef (as opposed to the White hare who led Alice down to wonderland and works for the Queen of Hearts)
White Hedgehog named Lily: self-explanatory
short but slightly taller than riddle: I don't know why I just think it would look nice (Riddle only being taller than his little sibling using his heels is extremely funny to me) also I imagine that they had the same dietary restrictions as Riddle did making them smaller and thinner than the average person it makes sense to me.
Brown eyes: again with the white queen connection; the white queen in through the looking glass had dark brown eyes
Dead-looking eyes: They have no light or seemingly any emotion reflected in them
I imagine that instead of looking like their mother Little Rose took after their father instead.
Long brown hair: longer than Leona's maybe like lower/mid-back, kind of scruffy/messy like they haven't really brushed it in a while or like they were doing something that messed up their hair
Brown eyes: some resemblance to Cheka I'm not sure if Cheka got his appearance from his mom or Falena but I'm assuming Falena for this
shorter than Leona taller than Ruggie: they're still growing
Smells better than Leona does probably
this is more of a personal headcanon but I imagine that Kingscholar would like to read like it doesn't seem in character but I find the gap between the charade that they have and their real self just being really low-key and just enjoys reading in their spare time (not that they would let anyone know) and they're actually more smart then the elders give credit for (also they get really salty if anyone interrupts them while reading) (also they get good grades on almost every test even though they don't study much
Similarly dead eyes: slightly less, they've been through some shit though they try to show some emotions in it after all they can't let anyone know how weak they actually are
I also want Rosehearts and Kingscholar to share eye colors cause I am in love with the idea that Kingscholar dislikes Rosehearts when they first meet because they remind them of themself and I thought that making them have the same eye colors would add more to that (since the eyes are the window to the souls according to some )
Long eyelashes:
Pale blue medium-length wavy hair: hair like Azul's but longer
Green eyes: it would make with some Morgana connections though not 100% just a nod to it since they don't act like each other at all
more pretty than handsome: I want them all to look pretty gender neutral with all of them not really having gender-specific qualities however with Azul having a more handsome and mature face it would make a nice contrast with his little sibling having a more pretty baby face
Deadly scowl: no thoughts on this just thought it would contrast nicely with their baby face
Same height as Azul:
Quick to blush
Long White hair tied together in a braid: thought it would look nice
Red eyes: like Kalim does
Like Ashengrotto, more pretty than handsome: no reason just thought it would look nice
Probably has henna tattoos (done by Jamil)
like an inch shorter than Kalim
Accidentally walked in on Kingscholar reading a romance book, still thinks about it often
Smells really good like wow.
Long eyelashes
cannot glare been if their life counted on it, just isn't in the genes
Just a personal headcanon but they like to play video games in their free time and share game recommendations with Shroud
has worked retail (don't know why they just have)
Layered shoulder-length blonde hair with purple tips: Vil family resemblance
Another more pretty than handsome
plump lips: very kissable (according to Kingscholar)
blushes easily
Purple eyes: like their older brother
Shorter than their brother, same height as Kingscholar+lowrise heels
smells amazing
long eyelashes gang
spends time reading with Kingscholar sometimes
all that I can think of right now
Sunlight? what's that?
goes outside more than their brother does though does not have a friendly look to them like Ortho has
short flame hair: family resemblance and they actually somewhat care about their appearance
Yellow eyes: again it seems to be a family trait
Shares game recommendations with Al-Asim and book/manga recommendations with Kingscholar
shorter than Idia but taller then Kingscholar
more strong than one would expect
Sharp teeth
Short black hair: Like their brother, they have black hair though they cut it regularly and don't like it when it gets too long
Green eyes: family resemblance
a talented mage though not as strong as their brother: they are still young and they are kind of behind their brother's level from when he was their age
socially awkward but gets along easily with people
people are more likely to approach them since they have a less dangerous aura around them
inches shorter than their brother (around 6ft)
sometimes gives Rosehearts rides on their shoulders
absolute deadly glare, if looks could kill whoever they glared at wouldn't even be just dead
these are just somethings I wanted to take note of before I start actually designing them
i would love to see your interpretations for them :OO and your notes already sound so good!!!
giving rosehearts!(name) a lil hedgehog friend melts my heart. like imagine them going back to their room and just watching little lily because they feel so happy just watching lily lives its life. and i feel like (once they have a sibling bond), riddle would definitely go "i'm still wearing heels around you".
i love the idea of kingscholar!(name) doing their hair then just giving up halfway through. they just throw their brush and are like "whatever. hair's done" unlike falena who has to have his hair a certain way. also kingscholar!(name) reading because escapism? more likely than you would think
ashengrotto!(name) joining azul in having pretty privilege. just a lil baby <33 also just them having a deadly scowl on their face but when they're around people they trust they're just the sweetest lil octo you've ever met!!
al-asim!(name) having a braid would allow them to have sibling bonding!!! like braid train time :OO hhh but like imagine they have all these accessories and stuff they "shouldn't have" but they do it for attention from their parents :((
schoenheit!(name) is the only one i've actually fully drawn and i agree with the fact they should have blond hair and purple tips :OO just the schoenheit signature look. vv kissable lips (according to kingscholar!(name)). they def put a lot into their appearance because of their celebrity family but they're naturally pretty like vil
shroud!(name) does not go outside if they can help it. just shroud sibling things :) i love the idea of shroud!(name)'s hair flaring up on occasion idk i think its cute. and sharp teef!! just like their brothers <33
draconia!(name) at one point definitely grew their hair out to try and match malleus'. only to realize that they don't want to take care of it,,, but!!! imagine their horns <333 just lil baby horns for a good while until they start growing out!!! and they put flowers on them sometimes when they're bored <3333
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geezmarty · 2 years
I love your art and comics, so i gotta know...
How do you create all these comics?? What is your process into making them?
I don’t really do anything fancy, as most people do I go:
outline (writing the story in just general beats without too much detail) > from here depending on how much I want to flesh out before I draw I might do a script (writing the entire dialogues/logistics out) > but sometimes if I’m feeling more confident in the outline as it is I might go from it directly into thumbnails (basically the pages themselves but drawn really really crudely, just to figure out the panelling/composition and where the balloons go, which is very important, as well as making sure there’s not too much dialogue in a single page + the pacing feels right). 
Once that’s done the skeleton of the comic is pretty much in place and all I have to do is ink and sometimes color depending on the comic. Some people have an additional sketch phase between thumbnails and inking which I also do sometimes, especially if the thumbnail is very rough, but the way I do it is panel by panel as I ink because I don’t necessarily want to go through the whole comic again when I only need to sketch out the panels that are more complex before I ink them.
This is just how I do things and if you’re just starting out I wrote some additional tips under the cut which were my initial answer before I reread the ask and figured out that’s not what you were asking lol, figured I’d share anyway!
Make comics about things you want to see. You ever get an idea and you're like "man, I wish there was something like this out there that I could read, it's bonkers that no one ever thought of this I wanna read it so bad". THAT'S the sort of stuff you want to make. No one else is going to make it like you would because each one of us has a set of unique life experiences and things we draw inspiration from.
Don't be a perfectionist. If you're just starting out there's a very real possibility that your comic is going to suck. (Or at least you'll think it does. Speaking from experience.) This is going to be true of every single comic you're going to make in your life, at some point in the process, forever, until you die. The best thing you can do to yourself as an artist is push past the feeling of "if this isn't perfect toe to tip it's not worth making or reading and I should just give up" WRONG!!! Finish it!! It's literally the only way you can learn and get better. Please for the love of god finish it.
Start small. To make sure you actually finish it you have to set realistic goals for yourself which means don’t start with an entire graphic novel because do I even need to say it. That’s so many pages please don’t do that to yourself on your very first project. As little as three or even just one page is totally fine! It will build up your confidence and you’ll start the next one by having learned a little something.
Adjacent to above: just start. Just make comics. I've been an artist for about 10 years now. I've read hundreds of advices from all kinds of more experienced artists, I've read comics with the intent to study them, I've read books, I've done my research. The SINGLE one thing that made me better at comics, the only strategy that ever really worked was to sit down and make a comic. Literally every single time I finish a comic I learn something and the next time I'm making a comic I'm faster, better, and at the same time I learn a new thing so the next time I make a comic after that I'm even faster and even better. Sit down and make a comic when you have time. Activity of the summer.
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all54321 · 1 year
My Sporlingsona!
@bluiex @spacecatdet
I decided to join in and make my OC as a sporeling. Prior to being infected, she was a journalist and loved writing (I had to connect her to me in some way). After being infected, she spends her free time documenting all species of mushrooms out there. She has an extensive collection of observations she’s made on the mushrooms in their territory, and of how the people are infected by those mushrooms.
Her fungi is a violet webcap. She will occasionally emit a cloud of spores unintentionally. She can do it intentionally, but doesn’t see a reason to. She prefers hanging around with other sporelings (mostly studying the mushrooms) then going near “normal” humans, so there’s not much reason to. She is also a dragon hybrid.
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I decided to also write a thing about how she got infected as well. This takes place in my Father Spore Spy AU, really early on. It would feel wrong to write my sporelingsona outside of this AU, really. So she is talking to Scar here. This is before he became well known as Father Spore, hence why she didn’t know what to call him.
I twirl my pen, staring out into the forest. Technically I shouldn’t be this close to the… whatever this is. But I really need a good story to keep my job, so investigating the weird mushroom place it is.
I duck under the police tape they put up, walking down the road to the forest. I look around as I officially enter the ‘corrupted’ area. It’s boring, for a lack of a better word, not anything story worthy. Not this close to town.
“This is such a horror movie cliche,” I murmur, heading into the forest. “But it’s not like there’s some beast here that’s actually eating people,” I continue, studying the trees. They’re completely covered in mycelium, it spreading like spiderwebs. Mushrooms grow out of them.
“Well, I certainly don’t eat people.”
I shout, jumping as I drop my pen and notepad. A man? is suddenly in front of me… staring. “Hi…?” I try, carefully taking in his appearance. He definitely fits in here, considering he’s completely covered in mushrooms himself, his eyes are also glowing an eerie green color.
“What brings you out here?” He asks, eyes never wavering from mine.
“I… wanted to write about what’s happening here. For, uh, the newspaper.”
“So you came out here, all alone?”
“I can’t have anyone taking my story, I kinda need it to keep my job,” I explain, for some reason feeling like I should be honest to it. To him? “Wanna answer some questions?” It hasn’t tried to attack me either way, so it can’t hurt to ask.
“You came all the way out here to keep your job?” His interest seems to have perked up a lot at that. A worrying level, really.
He grins, “well I have an offer for you!”
“You do?” I ask, dropping down to grab my pen and notebook again.
“You can continue fighting for your job, or you can join us and never have to worry about it again.”
“Us?” I repeat, more intrigued than I probably should be.
“Yes, us,” he gestures a hand around them, “the mycelium would love you to join us.”
“Sounds like some kind of creepy cult thing…”
He seems almost offended at the notion, “we are not a cult. We have just been enlightened to something much better.”
“Yeah… sounds like a cult.” He stares at me silently, as if deciding what to do, definitely making me realize I probably messed up. “If you’re not a cult then what are you?” I ask, hoping to be spared from… whatever he might do to me.
“Joining us, joining the mycelium, is a gift better than life,” he says instead. “It gives you a connectedness no normal person can ever feel.”
I stare at him, trying to figure out a good way to respond to… whatever that is. For some reason, it feels compelling to agree. “So, say I agree to join this… mycelium. If I wanted to leave later, can I?”
His grin almost looks sharp when he replies, “I can assure you that if you want to leave, you can.”
“Alright, sure,” I eventually reply. Whatever happens with this, at least it will make a damn good story.
In this world, people infected by the mycelium are unable to want to leave it. It doesn’t matter what would happen if someone wants to leave, because they can’t even fathom the idea of leaving. If someone is resilient to joining and thus more likely to want to leave, the mycelium forces their mind to not consider it by making them mostly mindless. Aka those who are the mindless drones. Also my gal has totally unknowingly inhaled a lot of spores, her clear thinking is definitely starting to fade.
This story is technically canon to the Father Spore Spy AU, but it doesn’t hold a major impact thus it isn’t really important to the story. I guess this is just some more insight onto some things.
Additional character notes: This is my standard self insert OC, she’s basically a template for anything I want to do that I can’t use other characters for. She’s technically not fully self insert since she doesn’t look like me, but she basically is outside of that. I also never named her, so she’s kinda nameless. She is also my Minecraft skin, lol. Just with some tweaks here.
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Ship Song Tag Game!
(do we have a name for this I dunno that sounded so awkward)
I’ve had a week, but I’ve been looking forward to sharing my favorite Redacted songs! Thank you, @bratty-telepath , for the tag 💜
I didn't care much how long I lived/ But I swear I thought I dreamed her/ She never asked me once about the wrong I did
Erik tried to kill my Alexis/Christian dreams, but too bad, I’m a Pisces. Y’all know not the escapist denial I am capable of. I love all Hozier songs, but I especially love listening to this from Alexis’s point of view, her being at her deepest and lowest and being loved no matter what.
I ask if you play D&D/ And your face lights up like you've woken up/ From this endless fucking nightmare of pretending this is you/ This is us, this is me and this how we're meant to be
This is the Freelancer/Lasko song, and it’s also just so beautiful. It’s literally about two awkward, lonely people breaking through societal convention and small talk and getting to the real parts of each other; I love it.
Hi/ I'm your friendly neighborhood poltergeist/ Nobody ever looks at me twice/ I'm used to being see-through/ But it feels so bad when it happens with you/ Wish you'd see me the way I see you
This is just Regulus pining before he reveals himself to Doll, and it’s so good.
You were red and you liked me 'cause I was blue/ But you touched me and suddenly I was a lilac sky/ And you decided purple just wasn't for you
My favorite Marcus/Love song. I actually based some of my Love design off this song where their eyes are a glowing, bright, cybernetic blue before the code activation and pink during it. After the osmium undone, their eyes stay purple and can’t be changed back.
But here's a map, here's a shovel/ Here's my Achilles' heel/ I'm all in, palms out/ I'm at your mercy now and I'm ready to begin/ I am strong, I am strong, I am strong enough to let you in
This is a song specifically about Type 8 Enneagram, which I do think Sam and Darlin both are, about having had to be strong and tough and solid your whole life and having the courage to be soft and vulnerable with the people who love you. It’s also gorgeous, it really builds.
They don't know you/ Not like I do/ Only you and I were meant to be
I love a good, heckin yandere song more than the next person, and this one is my favorite. It fuckin bops and is a great Ivan/Baby song.
Take me back to the night we met/ And then I can tell myself/ What the hell I'm supposed to do/ And then I can tell myself/ Not to ride along with you
Now hear me out- Listen to this song. Imagine it from Sam’s perspective. Imagine it from Alexis’s. Think about how they’re both different but both so sad, and get back to me. It’s haunting and melancholy, and I love it.
Get hitched in a chapel in Vegas/ Maybe get rich, life is a craps game/ And I take my cue, from you/ On what you wanna do 'bout a last name/ It's not so bad to be a Watsky
A fun song I really like that I think also works for Vincent/Lovely. It just kind of gives the vibe of him knowing that they’ve been through a lot, that this isn’t how he wanted their love story to go, but he’s in, he’s behind them and so is his whole family.
You could kill me and you should/ I'm an idiot for thinking/ This was anything but blood/ On the wall, on the couch/ On the corner of my mouth/ You must like being the victim/ You've done nothing to get out
Quinn and Darlin’s “dalliance” was almost definitely really toxic and bloody and sexy, and this is the soundtrack to it, and I want to see it.
Then I see you, you're walking 'cross the campus/ Cruel professor, studying romances/ How am I supposed to pretend/ I never want to see you again?
I am going to put a Bee/Lasko song on here, because I am the controller of my destiny and my blog. Lasko is the cutest dude on the DAMN campus, and I just like making my little empathy daemon pine for him it’s sweet~
Tagging: @k9rage @angelnoodlesoup @just-call-me-angel and anyone who hasn’t been tagged yet!
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trutrustories · 6 months
Part 5: Science/Fiction
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Since we're only a few days away from the last episode, I decided to COUNT DOWN everything we´ve got so far ( that can be interpreted very easily as romantic ) and discuss what the actual fuck is going on with second season. Because even though I shipped lokius practically from S1E2, I absolutely did NOT expect this kind of development. (Not that I´m complaining)
Warning: This is gonna be LONG post, lots of screenshots, lots of SPOILERS, lot of "oh-my-god-they-so-cute" language, and little bit of meta.
I originally thought that this post would be everything at once, but since I have just too many screenshots this time around, I´ll have to split it. so every post will be one episode. Color coding means:
IIIIIIIIII = anything, that coud potentialy be just acting choice.
IIIIIIIIII = everything else (tzn.: whatever was written, and/or carefully prepared by filmmakers. )
side note: I already wrote, about how amazing it is, that Mobius is unable to fight but fights anyway and how beautifuly, and ridiculously brave he is HERE. But this is about Loki/Mobius interactions, so I´ll try my best not to talk about THAT. (Even when I´m really happy, that s2 continues with this formula and Mobius is still his completely defenseless while aggressively brave self. I love him, btw.)
38) Loki looking for Mobius in PIE ROOM Hey... this is starting to be suspicious. is this room actual Heart of the TVA, that we didn´t know about ??? Why does everyone accidentally end up here???
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39) Loki Time slipping to the theater room (where he had his first long, table converstation with Mobius.)
I´m gonna cry 😭
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40) Mobius/Don casually informing Loki, he´s a SINGLE dad and telling him his entire work schedule (not that it´s important for anything, but Mobius is sooo damn handsome in that blue west!!! ) Also Loki staring at him through the window ?! And then being so distracted by him, that it took him interestigly long time, before he realized / accepted that Mobius doesn´t remember him (AGAIN). And he should have know this right away, because he already talked to Casey/Frank.
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41) Loki time slipping to Mobius again (right when he started to be hopefull and Happy, that O. B. will be able to help him.
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42) Loki glow up - or Loki fixing himself up, to look sexy not threatening fo Mobius/Don. I mean... this is just straight out of romantic movie, I´m sorry. Interesting acting choice there🤣
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43) Loki being very nervous while talking to Mobius/Don.
Mobius: "You live around here, or did you follow me home? 😉" Loki: "Oh... no... hahahaha 😅 ... No no. I was... 😳I was actually on my way to the 👉👆👇☝️uh. And... 😨 And I happend to see you, so I... I... I 🫣 just thought I´d just come and say that I´m sorry that I... I... 🥵couldn´t... stick around back there. I was... um... 🤯 I was in a bit of a time crunch. 😅😅😅"
Said God of Mischief.
I´m sorry, but he´s acting here like stuttering schoolgirl with a crush. What exactly are you trying to accomplish, Tom ??? Anyway... I love it xD
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44) Mobius dropping everything and forgeting about his two mischievous sons so he can give Loki full attention
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45) Wanna buy my wife´s jetski? - oh by the way, she´s long gone, and worst thing about it is the fact, that one of these beauties doesn´t have a rider.
would you wanna ride it with me? let´s jump up on these bad boys
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46) "A beautiful union of form and function"
The fact, that Loki remembers that line from S01E02 and that he echoes it back at Mobius, who doesn´t remember him... Like... WHAT? This thing is romantic as fuck. also finaly someone, who will gladly listen to Mobius braindumping about jetskis!!!! YES PLEASE. He deserves it! 💚 they litteraly made for each other!
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47) Loki gently helping Mobius/Don through the time door. - while O. B. is struggling with heavy prototype of tempad...
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48) "You saved my life, when I first arrived. You saw something in me, that I hadn´t seen in myself."
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Can you believe he said that??? Because I don´t. I´m still processing 😭 Also, see? He IS his friend... but O. B. is not. He WILL be (eccept O. B. knows Mobius much longer xDD ) I´m ok 49) "I want my friends back. I don´t want to be alone."
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This scene is honestly so tragic. Sylvie helps him realize his true motivations and he looks so desprete. TVA: place, that he should hate is home now. Where he belong. And that´s why he cared so much and tried so hard to save that place. And thing he wants the most are his friends. Their company. (And if it wasn´t obvious, it means primarily Mobius. The man, he called friend several times this season) It´s him, who Loki doesn´t want to lose in the first place.
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Loki looks so fucking sad here! I can´t! 50) "It was more about what I wanted."
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Not only he says it while we are watching Mobius, but let´s take in the fact, that he says it at all! Like... come on!!! Can´t he be just happy? As soon as he starts thinking that his actions are selfish, Loki will actualy choose what he thinks is better for Mobius and tries to let him go...
The character development in this show is just unbelievable
And finaly: 51) "It´s not about where, when or why. It´s about WHO."
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... said Loki, after very, very, VERY long look at Mobius. --------------- Anyway. That´s the check-list. In total, I counted 51 Lokius moment, but if anyone caught something I didn´t, feel free to correct me! the more, the better! 😁 It´s a hella lot of Lokius content. especially since I didn´t expected, like... not even third of it. So yeah. Last part will be kind of a conclusion. I will try to look at possibilities, what could all this mean. What could be the actual intent of writers and filmakers etc. And, simply put it, asking: WHAT THE FUCK 😳
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lemeute · 2 years
your standard "tag 10 people you want to know better" :) 
@pilferingapples tagged me bc she is a gem
relationship status: single and vibing with it
favorite color: dark green!!! also really rich or vibrant browns, and teal/turquoise
song stuck in your head: well currently I'm listening to Be by Hozier so that's what's in there now? but a song that's been stuck in my head a lot lately is "Work to Be Done" by MaMuse, which is a favorite of mine? (it's also on youtube etc, but I'm giving this link because it also has separate recordings of all the counterpoint lyrics!!)
last thing you googled: uh, the site I just linked 😂😂
time: it is 1:28pm which is Pleasant Sunny Hours but very soon it will be Oh Fuck I Should've Eaten A More Substantial Breakfast Now I Gotta Eat Real Food Hours
dream trip: ah man there are so many trips I'd love to take but lately it's mostly been like I want to see mountains again [Bilbo voice] mountains Gandalf, and I've never been to the Rockies? so I would really love to spend some time there, or some really good time on a section of the Appalachian trail
but like if this is a Right Now In The Middle Of Summer trip then weather is gonna be a consideration and damn I would also love to see far-north Canada, for some reason that's been on my mind a lot--Nunavut or the uppermost parts of Quebec? I don't think I'd wanna live somewhere with midnight sun but I do feel a draw to see it
also on my list of trips I dream about taking, some more explicably than others
enough time in Paris to go to a fuckton of museums
some kind of language study abroad program if I can find a not-terrifyingly-expensive way grownups get to do that (I am open to this being for....many different languages 😂😂)
the Caucasus Mountains
the Mongolian steppes
there's also a number of trips I'd like to take in order to pitch in with ongoing activist struggles but that's a very different type of trip, like, "dream trip" is a kinda specific category y'know even if I do dream about this category too so. yeah.
tagging some people!! @secretmellowblog @betweentheheavesofstorm @keynoi @everyonewasabird @tolstoyshchik @mandaloriandy @kcrabb88 and uhh wow tumblr doesn't look like it's actually gonna let me mention anybody so I'm gonna stop and see if this works? do the thing if you want!!
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