#this gif set is for me and like one other person if im being honest. you may not understand
housewifebuck · 5 months
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POV: you're gay in a hardware store
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tannieastrology · 5 months
Synastry/Composite Observations 🌠
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(These are just some of my experiences and I really just wanna share what I learned with yall)💕
💙✨ Saturn square Venus can really just throw off the timing of a relationship. Well its less the timing and more of the fact of that the two people cant ever make their minds up and mature up for one another. And there are for sure alot of barriers that come withing this aspect one of them being that other people can set these two apart. In the couple that i saw this in the guy was Saturn and the woman was Venus. Venus was led on for almost 2 years while Saturn chased a different woman in that time. Until in may 2023 they started talking but their communication was off so Saturn broke it off. Now in december everyone finds out Saturn wants her back but Venus has moved on. So in their case it was a lack of maturity and indecisiveness.
💙✨ Venus conjunct Pluto makes the Venus person SO obsessive ESP if the Venus person has scorpio in their natal chart. Remember the Saturn guy from the first bullet point? He was the guy ive had a crush on for the past 3 years and in my scenario with him, hes the pluto in this case. Sadly it was unrequited but man this guy had me in a chokehold which was weird because I never wouldve thought id be attracted to someone like him. Its like no matter how far I go I cant ever forget about him its so frustrating. My Venus was conjunct his Pluto in Capricorn in my 3rd house so the way we talked to each other was very agressively but strangely we find comfort in it? Talking to him was easy too but lemme tell you when we argued WE ARGUED like it was HEATED. Our friend group always felt so uncomfortable whenever we went back and forth with each other. So yeah i would say really look at what house this conjunction happens in because for me it affected my house of mind, communication, and friends but if it falls in a deeper house like the 8th house the affects would be like 10x more magnified. Alot of people say its a sexual aspect but I really just think it depends on where it lands. I fell hard because im a plutonian person in general i have a Scorpio Moon and Lilith conjunct in the second house and my Venus in the 8th degree.
💙✨ Venus conjunct Moon brings alot of understanding and patience in a friendship/relationship. So ironically the Pluto guy also had his Capricorn Moon conjunct my Venus nd while we did argue alot and made me cry often I always had a soft spot for him. I felt like I understood him and we had many times where we joked around and laughed often. However Venus conjunct Moon can sometimes amplify your emotions to each other if theres other planets in contact with it. In a case like mine BOTH his Pluto and Moon conjuncted my Venus so most of the times our interactions stirred up obesessive and deeper emotions in me. Sometimes he triggered my trauma and i felt judged by him often but as me and him are getting older and are maturing more we stopped attacking each other and started being more honest with how we feel about things. I tell him about my personal struggles and he helps by giving me logical advice. Because of the fact that our aspect was in Capricorn it took us almost 4 years to have proper communication and be able to share our traumas with each other. I trust him alot even though we bicker often and even if he might not like me back hes still such a understanding friend and was there for me when i needed him and that itself is something to appreciate.
💙✨ If one persons Venus doesnt have alot of contact with your planets in your synastry but the other persons Venus has many aspects it may be unrequited. In my instance with the Pluto guy my Venus conjuncted his Moon, Pluto, and Jupiter and trined his Virgo Mars and Saturn while the only aspects his Leo Venus made to my planets was Venus opposition Sun and sextile Vertex. From the guy I really do believe he should have atleast some type of contact with your big six in order for him to feel something.
💙✨ So going back to the Venus and Saturn couple they also had Venus conjunct Lilith in Saggitarius and she was the one who got away. So like i said she was obsessed with him and everybody knew it too. I mean when she found out I also liked him she started hating me even though i never acted on my feelings and tried to supress it. He was the Lilith in this case and you can really see that hes attracted to her but theyre lowkey toxic sometimes. He blew hot and cold to her multiple times and everytime she got a boyfriend he wants her back like what?? She wouldve done anything for him but nah he sold. Theyre never gonna forget about each other and this aspect in my opinion has a very “the one that got away” type feel to it.
💙✨ Even if your planets dont make an aspect you can still feel it sometimes. I have a Gemini Mars and Pluto guy had a Virgo Mars and lemme tell you our arguements were BAD even though they didnt make an aspect. He always knew how to retaliate to whatever i said and always had a slick comment to throw in and my fucked up Gemini Mars self found that interesting which looking back at im hella concerned. I also cant forget that his Mars conjuncted my Saturn and my Mars squared his Saturn so the intensity came from all ends not just the signs.
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Onto Composite!
(Just a Disclaimer all of these observations are made off of me and the Pluto guy)
💙✨ Having a Taurus Sun in composite can mean that both people are stubborn. Im just gonna use my experience to explain this but having Taurus in the position of Sun can be either bad or good. Me and Pluto are young we’re both still in highschool so i know this wont be how we are gonna act forever but our relation to each other was a very slow process. It took YEARS for us to get out of the arguing with each other/ insulting each other phase since the 6th grade but damn sometimes i really feel like he doesnt ever get what im trying to say. We move so SLOW when it comes to our friendship and also communication because our Mercury is Conjunct the Sun in Taurus too. I read on a blog named awda on here that Taurus Sun couples never expect to catch feelings and its so true. To start with I never really liked him when i saw him back in middle school but in 8th grade i caught feelings bad nd since then i havent been able to forget about it. And weirdly alot of people ship us too. Ive read online that this placement means comfort with each other and while yes i have felt it sometimes, i feel that the comfort aspect of Taurus Sun in composite only applies if the chart is filled with trines and sextiles. Our composite is just squares and oppositions everywhere so we feel the stubborness and uncompromising aspect of the Taurus energy more than anything else. Ive done everything I possibly can to try to move on but im honestly stuck with him for a while now. Thats how Taurus Sun feels in my opinion. Its long lasting and not something you can run away from. People will ship you as a couple and yall might be like nooooo i would never but then boom one day you actually catch feelings. And who knows maybe one day he will I mean thats what my our older mutual friend tells me. I have no clue how he ever feels and I know its because of his natal Capricorn Moon but ive always held a soft spot for him deep down. Ive always wanted to look after him and wanted him to put his trust into me but it was never like that i guess. Maybe one day it will progress into something more who knows?
💙✨ Venus square Mars was another aspect that we held in alot of our midpoint charts like the progressed composite, the regular composite, and the davison chart. When i tell you how potent the energy of this aspect was to us even though we had Venus trine Mars in synastry. Ive always asked him why do you like arguing with me? Why do you like bothering me? But hes never really been able to give an answer. And i think thats just how this energy is. You start to find comfort in the disagreements and in a way it kept us stimulated. It was a way for me and him to connect and become friends. Dont get me wrong there were times where we genuinely got on each other nerves but with time we got more mature and learn how to talk things out and respect each others boundries. We still bicker obviously i really feel like thats never gonna go away lmao but its wayyyy more toned down now. Im not even trying to be delusional but i sometimes feel like hes always fixated on me the most in social situations and many people have pointed it out to me. Even if it might not be romantic it can still make the two people infatuated with each other. You know the saying “theres a fine line between love and hate” this is literally that aspect in a nutshell. You just have to figure out how to express your feelings for one another in a healthy way otherwise you can start to find the other person to be annoying and irritating. This aspect had me all over the place man liking someone and hating them at the same time was crazyyy.
💙✨Make sure you check your progressed composite too. Obviously relationships change and i think the progressed version of the chart is more realistic in how things are in the present time. In our regular chart we have Venus in Libra which i was like eh that doesnt really match us that well. But when i saw the progressed chart it showed that we have Venus in Scorpio conjunct Mercury in the 10th degree and it makes muchhhh more sense. The twisted way we talk to each other and the deep conversations feel more fitting to Scorpio than Libra. We recently started to open up to each other more and this progression happened in 2023 compared to in 2019 when we first met Mercury was conjunct the Sun in Taurus. So we went from stubborn arguements to being more comprehensive but snarky nonetheless. Also it explains me not losing feelings too lmao. Im only really speaking from my side ive had no clue how he felt but I know that he was just as clueless as me. In our original composite we had Sun square Mars and Mercury opposition Venus and we were like cats and dogs back then. Now, in 2024 we have Mercury conjunct Venus and Sun sextile moon along with Moon trine Venus and Mercury. The Sun square Mars aspect went away and were on the same wavelength alot more now. Its really interesting to see how it changed you should definitely check it out if you get the chance to.
💙✨Just something that I observed but all the girls he liked they had an aspect of venus trine moon and some type of positive aspect from venus and mars. All of them were weirdly unrequited though and i still dont know how to figure out how people get stuck in the friendzone using composite but i think it depends on the house and peoples natal charts. I dont have their birth time so i couldnt figure the house things out but look to see where the big six fall and what sign the ascendant is in.
I know I dont post on here anymore but I really hope yall enjoyed this!! See yall next time💕
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serenefreakgeekao3 · 1 year
I have one!!!
Jim Halpert x gn!reader with fluff prompt
“Sad…I have a blanket with all this room and no one to share it with.”
With that episode ‘After Hours’ (yes I looked it up 🥲) where Jim is trying to get Cathy out of his hotel room so Dwight helps, but then Jim gets stuck with Dwight. So R comes to Jims rescue and offers him to stay with them in their room.
Summary: Jim is sent on a business meeting along with a few other prospective candidates for Vice President. When everything begins to spiral out of control, Jim doesn’t know who to turn to next //AU where Jim and Pam never got together, Pam went through with her marriage and the two children she has are with Roy, Pam is a sales associate, and Reader is the receptionist / being used as Nellie’s personal assistant Warnings: Use of Y/N, switching POV (between reader and Jim), use of the word ‘whxre’ (not at anyone), Author's Note: I’ll be completely honest my friend, I’ve completely forgotten who Cathy is! If she worked as the receptionist for Dunder Mifflin Scranton, then no she didn’t! In fact she’s not from Scranton at all cause reader doesn’t know her so how about that, there we go. Did I go back and rewatch the episode you mentioned? Yes. did i hate myself for it? Maybe a little bit. But it was during work so what else was i supposed to be doing? Work? Nah (ok look i wrote literal notes for this fic like it was a damn english project in school ok pls love this for me) Also on a side note, there needs to be more fics of Jim Halper x Reader ok I am literally dying without them. picture im like a dehydrated person in the desert just dragging my body around ok I need more fics
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Arriving at the hotel in Tallahassee should’ve been a lot smoother than it turned out to be. They were all told that Dunder Mifflin had it ‘handled,’ which should’ve been your first clue. What really tipped you off was the number of rooms available.
“What do you mean? There should be one extra-”
“That’s all the rooms we have on record, sorry.”
“No,” You sighed, rubbing your face with your hands, “No, I know. It’s not your fault at all. Just- do you have any extra available rooms? I’ll pay for it out of my own pocket.” It’s not as if you were being paid millions to be a receptionist at Dunder Mifflin, but you’d rather not have to ask to bunk with anyone. Everyone here were adults, and half of them seemed dead set on performing some sort of sexual act for the evening.
You had driven over with Nellie after she insisted you both carpool to cut costs. Then you had to suffer an entire car ride about how pent up she was, how she just wanted to get laid and she wasn’t above using her decision on who will be the new VP to get herself into bed. You tuned out before she could start listing names since there was nothing in the world you wanted to know less than what kind of guy Nellie was into.
“I’m sorry, it looks like we don’t have any extra rooms available.”
You were about to speak when you were bumped into, turning around to see the large crowd of Dunder Mifflin employees lining up behind you. You start handing out the proper keys to their proper rooms, having Dwight snatch his key cards out of your hand before immediately pouncing on Nellie. You were extremely thankful when Jim finally squeezed his way to the front. You hand over the card you labelled with his name, then sighed, looking back to the woman behind the counter.
“It does seem like there are a few rooms that have been reserved but haven’t been checked into yet. Their estimated check-in times are varied, so if you wait here there is a possibility that I could get a room for you at some point tonight.”
“I would really appreciate that, thank you,” You mumble over to her, then lean closer to Jim when he starts insistently tapping your shoulder.
“Can you be my new Tallahassee buddy? Stanley keeps going on and on about how we’re both bachelors and I’m pretty sure he’s wanting to get laid tonight. And I’m so not about to be around all of that anymore.” You chuckle at the similarities, shaking your head.
“That’s horrible. It’s like there’s something in the air here. Nellie was saying the same stuff during the car ride!” It was hard to talk with the loud crowd, but you weren’t complaining about how close Jim was standing next to you. “Unfortunately, I won’t be much of a buddy today. I would, but the company messed up, they didn’t reserve enough rooms!”
“They didn’t mess up!” You jump at the foreign voice, spinning around to see Nellie sliding up close to you, practically hanging on your shoulder. She already had Dwight and Packer trailing her closely from behind. “I told them the correct number of rooms, I swear it!”
“There’s not one for me-”
“Yeah, because I told them you didn’t need one!” You furrow your brows in confusion, watching her for a moment. “I figured you’d bunk with me! We’d be bunk buddies!”
“Nellie,” You hesitate, eyeing the men behind her before leaning forward, “There is absolutely no way in hell I’m sharing a room with you, considering what you talked about on the way up here.” Nellie stood there for a moment, obviously confused before suddenly jumping and spinning around to see the men trailing her. She laughs loudly, winking at them before turning back to you.
“Oh! Good idea!”
You watch Nellie just say this, then turn and leave. You sigh again, shaking your head and turning toward Jim. “If things can get settled in time I’d love to, Jim, but I-”
“Sorry, I couldn’t help but overhear,” A woman sidled up close, brushing herself against Jim’s arm. You watched the man jump, then turn and furrow his brow at this woman.
“Yes! It’s so good to see you, Jim! If you need a new Tallahassee buddy, I am willing and available.” You choked on your spit at the innuendo, watching her practically rub herself again Jim. You watched him try to take a step back, then bump into the counter behind him. You could feel something burning your chest at the way she was acting toward him. Much too forward, in your opinion, though maybe that’s what Jim likes? Should you do that, would that gain his attention?
“Oh, well, that sounds fun-”
“Great! So we can-”
“Hello?” You turn quickly at the receptionist’s insistence, raising your eyebrows toward her in a gesture that you were listening. At this she smiles back, looking back to her computer. “So the first one that may be available should be checking in within the hour. If by the top of the hour they don’t get here, I can make a phone call for you.”
“Oh, thank you so much. Really, I appreciate it.”
“Of course!”
You turn back to Jim, watching the woman walk away with a sway to her hips. You chuckle, shaking your head. “So you know her?”
“Oh, she works with the company.” He tears his eyes away from her, smiling down at you once more. “She’s willing to sit with me so I don’t have to deal with Stanley all weekend.”
“Oh good!”
“Of course, unless you would like to sit with me?” Jim smiles, and you could tell he was trying to charm his way into the seat next to you. If only he knew you would do anything for him.
“If I’m there in time, definitely. But this whole hotel business is turning into a real-” You’re interrupted by a phone call, cursing quietly and smiling apologetically to Jim. “I’m so sorry- I’ll just be a second,” You answer the phone, stepping aside to deal with some business for Nellie. You miss Jim giving you a longing stare before he finally turns around and begins making his way toward the bar.
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  Jim felt lonely. He was almost excited to go on this trip, to get away from Scranton and all of the normalcy and monotonous days and maybe even spend some time with you outside of work for once. Or, as outside of work as he could get. But instead, he was sitting at the bar while nursing a drink and wishing you weren’t busy. Your hotel room hullaballoo lasted throughout the entirety of the company meeting, Nellie having complained that she had to take her own notes, and they still haven’t found a spare room for you.
Jim even offered to bunk with you, but then you had mentioned that there was only one bed in every room that was given out, and you had asked with raised eyebrows whether he was fine with sharing a bed with you. Jim- who obviously was more than okay with sharing a bed with you- had stuttered and mumbled and eventually the consensus landed in the field of no, you wouldn’t end up rooming with him. Nor did you have time to be his Tallahassee buddy. Which was extremely unfortunate, since the majority of the reason he had been excited about this trip was you.
Jim jumped at a weird noise, glancing over to see Packer blowing onto Nellie’s face with Dwight making what was probably supposed to be seagull calls into her ear. Sighing, he finished the rest of the drink he was nursing and mumbled something to himself before getting up and heading for his room. Maybe the sooner they’re back in Scranton, the sooner he’ll be able to talk to you again at the receptionist desk like normal. That would be 100% better than anything that was going on in this hotel at the moment.
When he got to his room he had turned on the tv, flipping idly through until he landed on the channel showing an NBA game. He leans back, watching for a little while. He’s not really sure what else to do, he didn’t exactly plan anything aside from ‘See what Y/N is doing and follow them around while they do it’ except you had said waiting in the lobby of the hotel room was extremely boring and you wouldn’t want to put him through that. He had acquiesced- for some reason- and had wandered back to the bar. Thinking back on it now, if you were bored down there then the best thing he could do would be to sit with you and entertain you. How had that thought only just crossed his head?
He was reaching for the remote to turn the tv off when he heard a knock at the door. Redirecting his attention, he left the remote for a moment and went to go see who could possibly be visiting him.
“Hey!” Jim’s brows furrowed seeing Cathy standing there in front of him. “The heating in my room is going a bit wonky, do you think I could hang out here while they fix it?” Without waiting for an answer, Cathy pushes past Jim and into his room.
“O-okay,” Jim drags out the word, closing the door slowly and hesitantly following Cathy into his room.
“What do you have on? Some kind of game?” She jumps onto his bed, scooting near the middle with her back against the bedframe. Jim hesitates, nodding toward the tv.
“Yeah, y’know. The NBA.”
“O-oh, sounds fun,” She sings back, patting the spot beside her. Jim slowly lowers himself onto the corner of the bed, then lets himself continue sliding until he’s sitting on the floor in front of the tv.
“Yeah. Fun.”
“So how’s the night going? Retiring early already?” Jim felt a tap on his shoulder and glanced up to see Cathy laying on her stomach, her head at the foot of the bed and close to Jim. He clears his throat, subtly trying to scoot away. “Didn’t know you were such an old man, Halpert!”
“Yeah, well. You know me. Old man Halpert.”
“Maybe we could stay up a little longer together? Have a little fun?”
Jim jumps up, taking a few steps back from the bed with a stutter. “Oh, you know, actually I was planning on heading down to the lobby-”
“I can come?” She asks, pushing herself up to sit on her legs.
“No, I just meant-”
Another knock on the door interrupts him, and thanking god under his breath he practically ran to the door. “Stanley! You do not know how glad I am to see you!”
“Mmhmm,” Stanley hums, pushing past Jim and walking into his room.
“You should stay! We’re watching the NBA, it’ll be like a party!”
“I’m just here ‘cause I ran out of refreshments in my room.” Stanley straightens up, carrying every single little bottle of alcohol that the hotel provided Jim’s room. Jim watched him look directly at Cathy, then back at Jim with raised eyebrows. Stanley immediately begins his exit, calling out behind him, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”
Jim glanced back toward Cathy on his bed, who only taps the bed beside her in an indication to sit down. Jim takes a big sigh, looking back to the tv immediately. He wanders over slowly, taking his position back on the floor.
“Oh! I wonder if you have-” Jim doesn’t hear the rest of it, glancing over to see what Cathy was doing only to be met with her rear-end as she completely bends over at the waist, digging through Jim’s closet. He turns his eyes to the ceiling of the hotel room. What was he supposed to do? Just kick her out? Why was he such a nice person that he didn’t want to hurt her feelings about all of this?
After some time, and Cathy making herself comfortable on Jim’s bed once more, Jim begins to stand and attempt his well-thought-out exit strategy once more.
“Actually, Cathy, I think I’m going to head down to the lobby-”
“Why?” Cathy stood on her knees on the bed, walking over toward the edge and placing a hand flirtatiously on his chest. “Is something the matter with your room?”
“Well- uh, no-”
“Then everything’s good! Come, sit with me!” Cathy jumps back once more, throwing the covers back and settling back in her spot, patting the open area next to her. Jim chokes for a moment, unsure what to do before pulling out his cell phone, and holding a finger up toward Cathy as if asking her to wait.
His plan to call Dwight into action, claiming he had seen a bed bug, hadn’t really worked out exactly as planned. If the plan had been for both Cathy and Dwight to be naked in his hotel room, then it actually went exactly as planned.
Jim was stepping outside of his room for a breather when he finally spotted you. He let out a long sigh, a fond smile lighting up his face without his permission. He wasn’t too worried about it anyway when a matching smile appeared on your face. You were standing near some person who looked to be wearing a hotel uniform, and he jogged over as the person entered the hotel room. “Hey! Did they get you situated finally?”
“Not completely sure?” You hesitated, shrugging at him. “They said they’ve been having some sort of appliance malfunctions on this floor so they need to make sure the room is okay for me to stay in. I asked to tag along, just in case.”
“Well, I hope it works out! Then you’ll be just down the hall from me!”
“Yeah! You could have a visitor for once!” You tease unknowingly, giggling. Jim’s face crashes though, and as he raises a hand to rub his face you begin to grow concerned. “Is everything alright?”
“Well if you count having a naked Dwight in my bed as alright-”
He’s cut off by your laughter, though you’re clearly trying to hold it back. You raised a hand to cover your mouth, and Jim can’t help but smile seeing you act so cute. You finally speak through your laughter, trying to hold yourself together. “Oh, well congratulations I guess? I gotta say, I didn’t see that coming. You and Dwight-”
“No, no, no,” Jim interrupts, laughing himself and shaking his head. You finally dissolve into laughter, and Jim lets the moment last a bit longer before finally explaining. “No, Cathy came into my room.”
“Cathy came by, and now you have a Dwight naked in your bed?” You seemed curious but confused, and Jim could feel his nose scrunch in adoration for you.
“Well, Cathy is naked in my shower so-”
“Oh!” You interrupt, and he could see your cheeks lighting up red. “Oh, I didn’t realize. You two-”
“No!” Jim calls out, probably a bit too loud and too quickly. He clears his throat, leaning closer to you and slumping his shoulders. “No, I mean, she obviously wants to. She told me her room was having heating problems and then has done everything in her power to flirt with me since pushing herself into my room. I’ve tried everything to be polite, I really don’t know what else to do.”
“And,” You begin, narrowing your eyes at him, “I’m still failing to see how a naked Dwight comes into play.” He laughs, then watches as your smile widens as he does.
“Well I kept trying to tell her I needed to leave, but she kept insisting I stayed. Then Stanley came by and stole my alcohol, and he was absolutely no help at all. So I called Dwight. Told him I saw a bed bug in my bed. He came through tearing my room apart, and Cathy said she was going to go take a shower in my room?” He rubs a hand across his face, shrugging. “Everything kinda devolved from there. He started stripping, saying he needed all the skin access he can have, that his body heat was going to attract the bed bugs to his body.”
“The bugs that- aren’t there?” You question, raising an eyebrow. He nods along and you laugh, shaking your head. You’re both quiet for a moment before you take a step toward him. Jim could feel his heart rate beginning to spike at your closeness. “But, help me out here. All this just because what? You don’t want to have sex with her?” Jim watched some sort of emotion cross over your face, though it was brief enough that he couldn’t quite catch it. “I mean, she seems like a good person?”
“She’s not the one I want though,” Jim mumbles, staring into your eyes. ‘Woah there, Jimboy,’ He thinks to himself, taking a deep breath to calm himself but only inhaling more of your scent, setting butterflies fluttering in his stomach. “I- I just mean, well. I like someone. And it’s not her.”
You were just opening your mouth to say something- ‘Anything, say anything,’ Jim pleaded in his head- when you were interrupted before you could even start.
“I tried my best, but I couldn’t get it to work. I don’t think this room is hospitable. I’m sorry.” You had turned around, taking a step away from Jim. He could finally breathe normally now, though he would still much rather be in your orbit than face the possibility of going back to his room to deal with things.
“Oh, that’s alright. I guess I can go see Tara back at check-in and see if she has anything else.” The disappointment in your voice had Jim’s chest clenching, and he reached forward to take your hand before you could walk away.
“My offer is still open, you know.” You laugh at him, shaking your head and pulling your hand away gently.
“What, stay with you and your two naked roommates?” Jim could feel his face begin to blush, and you shook your head once more. “Go have fun, Jim.” You walk away with an audible sigh, and Jim knew he would have done anything to make you happy again.
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  ‘Go have fun, Jim,’ You mock back at yourself, shaking your head. ‘Yes, just tell your crush to go have sex with someone ‘willing and available,’ that’s the exact thing you need to be doing.’ You were currently sitting on the uncomfortable furniture in the check-in waiting area, balancing your briefcase on your knees and hoping desperately that everyone in Scranton that wanted your attention via phone had finally gone to bed. You hadn’t received a ‘super important’ not-so-important phone call for the last thirty minutes, so your hopes were beginning to look up.
“Excuse me, Y/L/N?”
“Yes?” You stumble as you stand, fumbling with your briefcase before finally catching it and dropping your phone. Thankfully, Tara waits patiently for you to pick up your phone as well before you rush over to her desk. She had been so helpful, and it had only taken you an hour of being in her company before remembering it was polite to ask about names.
“I’ve just got off the phone with-” She hesitates, glancing at her computer and scanning it before huffing and turning her attention back to you, “Well, doesn’t matter. They aren’t showing up, they told me as much. So we finally have a room available to you! I sent Max back up to check the room again, but if I remember correctly then this isn’t one of the ones having problems!”
“Oh, Tara, thank you so much!” You lean across the counter, and thankfully Tara meets you halfway for an awkward hug. She giggles as she backs away, leaning over and placing a card key on the counter.
“And it’s on the house, darling.”
“What? No, I couldn’t do that to you, Tara!”
“Look, with the whole misunderstanding, and then you having to stand here for hours and just wait around while that cute guy kept coming back trying to get your attention-”
“Wait, who, Jim?” You ask breathlessly, sliding the card into your hand. You laugh, though Tara seems unconvinced. “Oh, no, we’re just friends. It’s nothing like all that-”
“Sure, darling. Just take the room.”
“Thank you again!”
You back up, turning to quickly run into the room and almost knock directly into the camera guy that seems to have taken the position of following you around constantly. You sigh, nodding at the guy behind the camera before taking off quickly.
Your room was in the same hallway as Jim’s, and you weren’t sure yet whether you were going to curse the fact or thank Tara with an entire fruit basket. You were about to find out, though, now that you’d set your briefcase down and had taken a cursory look through the room. Making sure to have your card key on you, you exit the room at the end of the hallway and begin what felt like a walk of doom to where you knew Jim was staying- the room he had exited earlier in the night when you had almost been given a room and he had seen you.
As you were getting closer, you started hearing some kind of commotion. It sounded like muffled yells- then extremely loud screams as Jim’s door is flung open. A woman- Cathy- comes running out with a bedsheet held around her body, screaming and waving her free arm around her head as she pushes past you and runs down the hall. You hesitate, then take a few steps closer, just in time to hear Dwight’s mumbled voice.
“It’s not safe in here, Jim. I think you should room with Cathy for the night.”
You knock on the open door, peaking your head in to see Dwight with a facemask and large rubber gloves, holding two different spray bottles with some weird coloured liquids inside. Dwight was practically in Jim’s face, though at your knock they both turn to look at you. Dwight with exasperation, and Jim with nothing but relief.
“Y/N! Yes, please, save me from this nightmare.” He rushes toward you, taking one of your hands with both of his and practically drowning you with puppy dog eyes. You take in a quick breath before Dwight begins to crowd the both of you.
“No! Nope! No more bodies need to be added to the situation, go flirt outside.” Dwight slams the door closed behind the two of you, and you couldn’t help the small laugh that bubbles up.
“So, naked Cathy and Dwight turn into-”
“Naked Cathy running away clutching a bedsheet and a fully decked-out Dwight spraying my room with mysterious chemicals? I guess so.” You both laugh and you could feel your cheeks heating up at Jim’s attention. “But, seems like I just lost my room.”
“Oh, what a shame,” You mumble, waiting for him to look back into your eyes before your smile grows wider. “So sad… I have a blanket with all this room and no one to share it with.”
Jim’s face lights up and he starts looking up and down the hallway as if your room number would just jump out in front of him. “Wait you finally got a room? That’s amazing, Y/N!”
“We finally got a room,” You insist, then hesitate as he locks eyes with you again, “I mean, if you’re still-”
“Yes!” Jim jumps in, grinning. “I would love to. Should’ve said that to begin with.” You both laugh, and you lead him down the hall to your room. Once inside, Jim begins to take a look around while you grab the remote, pushing yourself onto your bed and settling your back against the bedframe. As you turn on the tv, you start flipping through the channels.
“Shouldn’t you go back and rescue your stuff from Dwight’s wrath?”
“I think I’ll give it a night to air out,” Jim mumbles, settling himself slowly at the head of your bed, scooting in to sit next to you. You settle your channel-flipping on some sort of basketball game. You didn’t know much about it yourself, but nothing else seemed interesting and you knew Jim liked the game.
“So,” You begin, turning your position to face Jim fully. “Tell me all about what happened.” He laughs in response, raising a hand to rub the back of his head.
“Oh, well. I basically told you everything already. After you left I went back to my room and Cathy had apparently decided not to put on any clothes and just jumped under the covers on my bed like she owned the place. I got really sick of all of her flirting, so I tried telling her straight to her face, ‘Cathy, I’m sorry but I’m not interested.’”
“Really? Appropriate, given the circumstances.”
“Yeah, I thought so too. She just looked at me like I was crazy and asked if that’s what I thought of her. If I thought she was a whore.” You gasped at the name and Jim nodded, turning to look at you more directly as well. “Of course, I said no. Then she just said ‘Okay good, that’s settled,’ and then continued to flirt with me!”
“No!” You gasped, laughing again. “You did everything including telling her you weren’t interested and she still kept pressing on!”
“Yeah! So I called Dwight back. He came running in with those spray bottles and she tried insisting she didn’t see anything, but when Dwight asked ‘Where’s the bug?’ I didn’t even think about it, I just pointed straight at her.” You widened your eyes, unconsciously scooting closer. You watched Jim track your movement, his grin widening. “She screamed when he started spraying her and jumped off the bed and I thought to myself, ‘Well she got that far, I wonder if she’ll go all the way?’ So then Dwight asked if I saw it and I kept pointing at the sheet she was clutching around herself and-”
“That’s why she ran screaming from your room!” You blurt out, placing your hand on his arm, and then you both begin laughing. “That’s horrible!”
“I know! How could Dwight do something like that!” You laugh harder, shaking your head. After you both manage to calm down, another thought strikes your mind.
“So,” You begin, biting your lip and unsure how to phrase this. “You kept saying that you were sending signals that you obviously didn’t want to do anything with her, right?” You look up toward him, watching his eyes track your lips, realising you're biting them again.
“Uh- well, yeah. Yeah, I did that. It was like she was blind or something.” Jim mumbled, the tips of his cheeks were turning pink and it looked way too nice on him. “Or just, y’know, deliberately ignoring them.”
“What were they?” You ask- mumble, more than anything. Jim hesitates for a second, tilting his head.
“What were the signs?” You could see the moment it registers what you’re asking in his eyes when they slightly widen.
“Oh, well. When she originally came in, she jumped on my bed and patted the spot next to her. I ended up sitting on the very corner of it,” He turned to point at the corner of your own bed as if you needed an explanation, then turned back toward you. “But even that felt a bit too much like giving in so I just ended up sort of sliding onto the floor. The entire time she was there I was either standing or sitting on the floor at the end of the bed watching tv.”
“Oh,” You whisper, trying to keep a smile tampered down at the fact that Jim had unflinchingly sat right next to you at the head of the bed. “Well, what else?”
“She tried to bend over directly in front of me.”
“No,” You gasp, laughing again. You hear Jim chuckle a bit before he continues.
“Yeah. I just looked up the whole time, I didn’t want to disrespect her or anything. Then there were the innuendos.”
“O-oh,” You drew out, smirking at him. “Saying innuendos to one Jim Halpert. I’m surprised you could resist her.” He’s quiet after, staring into your eyes. You begin to worry you said the wrong thing before he finally speaks up, his voice sounding a little rough.
“Yeah, maybe if it wasn’t her saying them.” You bite your lip, watching him momentarily before looking away and pretending to watch basketball.
“So what kinds of things did she say then?” As you finally glance back Jim just shrugs, looking quickly at the tv. Was he trying to pretend he wasn’t staring at you? Had he been staring at you? You bite your lip once again, thinking hard. “Ohh, I’m just so cold.” You tried to push your voice into a sultry tone and felt satisfied when Jim turned suddenly, his eyes wide and cheeks red.
“That was one of the things she tried, right?” You asked, indicating what you had meant by saying that. You could feel Jim slowly relaxing against you and- wait, against you? When had the two of you got so close that your arms were resting against each other? Your faces were even closer than you remembered and you were beginning to get lost in his eyes.
“Y/N?” You blink a few times, realizing you had zoned out for a moment. If he had answered you, you had definitely missed it.
“Yeah?” You couldn’t help how breathless your voice sounded, and you could only hope that Jim wouldn’t realize why and then leave.
“Are you cold?” His voice was low and rough again and distracted you from the words he said for a few beats too long. Even after, his words had your brain scrambling to a halt, and you could feel your mouth opening and closing- gaping like a fish. How attractive. And yet, through all this Jim maintained how close he was to you. How he was slightly hunching over, his face closer to yours than it maybe should’ve been.
“I- yes,” You answer, nodding your head slowly, in obvious disbelief. “Yes, I’m cold.”
“Would you like help to warm up?” Jim was already shifting slowly, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you in closer to him.
“Yes, I- I would,” You stutter out, pushing yourself slowly down to lay your head on his chest. Once the both of you were settled, you were essentially laying together on your hotel bed and were cuddling. You were laying on Jim, you could feel his chest rising and falling with breath, and you had your arms wrapped around him to hold him close and he was letting you.
Maybe this trip didn’t turn out so bad after all.
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lunajay33 · 1 year
The Quiet One
Summary: Y/n has always been the quiet one of the group but she was strong and had courage, the only person she confided in or even talked to really was Daryl and for a special reason
Set in Alexandria!
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I was walking around the streets of Alexandria snacking on a cookie Carol gave to me, surprisingly it was good, it was a beautiful day the kids of the town were playing, the birds were chirping and the sun wasn’t beating down on us for once
As I was walking I noticed Daryl on the street working on his bike so I walked on over hoping for some alone time together, I always cherished any moments I could get with him when the others were out
He wasn’t chatty like the others and I found comfort and peace in that, he made me feel alright when every shitty thing would happen, he was my rock to be honest with my self
I sat down on the side walk next to where he was working catching his attention
“Hey, watcha got there?” He asked as he tightened something in the bike
“Cookie, Carol made them, I can go get you one!” I said, he was the only one I talked to this much because I felt safe with him
“Nah ‘s alright” he smiled
He kept working and I sat there just enjoying his presence, it happened often and it was never awkward
“Hey guys!” I looked up to see Michonne and Rick approaching us
Michonne was my best friend, sure I barely talked much but damn could she read me like a book that’s what I lived about her, she never pressured me
I smiled as the finally stopped in front of us
“What are you two love birds up too?” Rick asked and I felt my heart sink, I looked at Daryl and his looked red
I looked down as the went on past that into a normal conversation but I couldn’t stay I felt so embarrassed
I got up and left back into the house and into my room in the basement next to Daryl’s
I heard a knock on my door and I quickly wiped my tears
I got up and opened the door to see none other than Daryl
“Can i come in?” I nodded and stepped aside allowing him in
“Ya okay?” He asked as he sat on my bed
“Im fine, Why?” I asked trying to brush off what happened outside
“Mm he shouldn’ ave said that out there, embarass ya like that, wouldn’ righ’”
I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks again
“Im sorry I embarrassed you like that” I said feeling responsible for all of this
“Ain’t yer fault sunshine” he smiled
“Is it obvious?” I asked fiddling with my fingers as I sat next to him
“That I have feelings for you, everyone else knows and is always nagging on me about it, you must know” I said finally looking up at him and he looked shocked
“Ya like me?”
“I….yeah I do, I have for a long time, you’re everything a girl wants” I smiled seeing his cheeks blush
“I feel….i like ya too sunshine” he smirked as he held my hand
We sat there for a while just enjoying the moment of finally being able to feel for each other openly
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bingoboingobongo · 1 year
task force 141 + new years
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Characters: Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, John Price, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra
Warnings: none
A/N: um the pre new years depression is hitting me hard so im gonna listen to the same music a hs boy would to make it better. see you guys next year :)
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alright so good lord i don't think anyone in the task force can really accept that it's already new years oh god
like they're all really busy all the time and so the year has a tendency to just fly by
that being said the task force is more than ready to say goodbye to 2022 and say hello to 2023
of course soap is the first to propose a new year's party
complete with lots of champagne, new years resolutions, and of course lots of celebrating
and yes they will all be passed out and hungover come morning
simon "ghost" riley:
alright so even though he isn't a party person in the spirit of growth ghost decides to attend the entirety of soap's little party
and you know what it was a really good idea
his new year resolution this year was to try and open up a little more
obviously he's still gonna be ghost when it comes to work, but with the people he loves he's gonna try and lower his walls a little
anyways it turns out to be a pretty fun decision
leading up to midnight he's still pretty much his old ghost self
not really getting into the party too much, sorta just lurking in the corners, you get it
but after the ball drops and everyone else is getting even more and more drunk
ghost lets himself loose a little
definitely starts drinking and interacting more
and by the end of the night he's almost completely out of his shell
turns out with enough alcohol even ghost becomes just another regular guy
he's cracking really bad jokes, laughing at everyone else's really bad jokes, and generally just having a really good time
and yes if you guys are together he will give you a new years kiss
even if he has sneak away to do it
john "soap" mactavish:
alright so soap is really hyped for new years
he's pregaming way before he needs to pregame let's be honest
and when the festivities do start you know soap's gonna be the life of the party
he's definitely getting into way too many drinking games than he should lol
it doesn't take him very long to get stupid drunk
when midnight comes he's screaming the loudest during the countdown
he's had enough of this year and he is more than ready to send it off
and when the ball drops he is screaming as loud as possible
will definitely immediately give you a kiss too
this year soap's new years resolution is to make the most out of every day
it's kinda a cop out resolution he'll admit but that's the one he sets pretty much every year so it's practically tradition at this point
besides he thinks he does a pretty good job completing it
he's a lot more familiar than he would like with how easy it is to die
i mean he is in life or death scenarios like every other week
so it's just important for him that he goes out with no regrets
kyle "gaz" garrick:
alright so gaz gets pretty introspective during the new years
like before all the partying and the alcohol comes out he likes to take the time to step back and really analyze the year
he tries to make each year better than the last and so he always looks at last year's shortcomings to see where he needs to improve
this year his new year's resolution is to fall out of less helicopters
just kidding
his resolution is to try and spend more time with you and his family
this year gaz is all about showing the people he loves just how much he cares about them
after his many near death experiences, he's realized that the next day really isn't promised and it's important to let people know how much you love them
that being said when it gets to the party any introspective is gone for the night
gaz is ready to get drunk and have a good time
he's definitely doing karaoke after a few drinks
and when the ball drops get ready to experience the most mind blowing kiss ever
john price:
alright so like gaz price tends to get pretty introspective during the new years
part of it is just who he is and part of it comes from his military training
he's always trying to be better and improve
and so his new year's resolutions are chances for him to do that
this year his resolution is to increase his mentorship when it comes to the task force
he trusts that ghost can be a good successor if he dies, but he also wants to make sure gaz and soap are prepared as well
ik it's kinda a bummer way to start the year, preparing for your own death, but it's the military what can i say
that being said any pre new years angst is out the window when it's time to start the party
price may be prepared to die but he's also prepared to start the year off right
he's very very happy counting down the seconds with a drink in his hand and his arm wrapped around you
and you can feel him smile against you as he gives you your new years kiss
alejandro vargas:
alright so tbh idk where the origins of this superstition come from but ive heard of a lot of hispanic people doing it so ig it fits
but alejandro is definitely getting under the table and eating his grapes
him and rudy too because they've done it together every year since they met
honestly he's not too big on new years resolutions just because he feels like he always ends up being so busy with work he ends up forgetting
so he just lets his grape wishes do the work for him lol
some of the things he's wishing for is being alive (duh), wealth, love, etc.
i mean it's really all the classics
when it comes to the party alejandro is ready to get drunk and have a good time
definitely cheers pretty loudly once it strikes midnight
is also a big fireworks enthusiast
you'll have to sit under the table with him if you want a new years kiss tho sorry
he'll give you a quick peck, eat all his grapes, and then give you a better kiss once he's done
rodolfo "rudy" parra:
alright rudy's definitely the kind of guy to get sad during new years
and honestly me too rudy me too
idk man rudy just feels like the years go by way too fast
so this year his new year's resolution is to make more memories to make the year seem longer
like alejandro he also gets under the table and does the grape thing
it's something alejandro taught him when they first met and it's one of his favorite traditions
he gets very stressed about eating all the grapes tho
but usually if he rushes he can get them all in
he'll kiss you once he's done with his grapes that way he can focus all his attention on you
and the party is honestly a great way for him to start of his new year's resolution off right and fight off the new year depression
because it's pretty hard to be depressed when he's around a group of people as amazing as you and the task force
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obscureother · 2 months
🌑 ˚x'˙ intro. . ??
Hello. . !! im new to tumblr, so sorry if wonky things happen while im setting this up. im still trying to figure things out guys-
i lurk on other accounts for general content but im closeted n shy so i made this one to yell about things instead so i don’t expose myself to people i know lolol
if you know or find other profiles i own, i request you not expose it for those reasons before im comfortable to.
so this is just an f/o blog/journaling. . thing. I'm not entirely sure what content will be here, but it will be centered around f/os, self-shipping, and its just to give me a place to yell about the people that live in my/your brain rent-free and know they don’t exist but we pretend they do anyway for comfort reasons and serotonin, dopamine, uhh what other things feel good and ok??
some of it will be for you if I happen to think of something, other times it is for me to explode over my fixation f/os!!
youre also welcome to come yell about your f/os if you just need someone to talk to them about!! dont think i know em?? COME OVER and INTRODUCE THEM. you can come in DMs, asks, or however you want to!! id be happy to know your f/o or listen to you talk about them if no one else will :00
This is a comfort blog to me, so there wont be any room for meanness or intended offenses here. Dont come to me with troublesome things or somehow twist/morph my content into something its not, we're just here to have a cool time with our fictional people, bro. . :((
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ok who r you tho:
To be honest, I don’t have a name or something to go by as of posting this, I might get one later or just make a new comment all fancy for the pin. . For now you can just call me whatever you deem good or just go off my blog/username!! Don’t be mean tho. i may take one you guys think of or figure it out on my own.
im 21 yo. (if youre a minor, i dont mind you coming to say hello, but do look below the other stuff content for what you need to look out for. you should also know some of you goofy kiddos have energies i dont know how to respond to sometimes, so dont worry if i get awkward or something, its not your fault lolol.)
im in college, so forgive me if im slow, im also just not on tumblr very often :v i dont ghost people on purpose i swEaR-
i might post my f/os on a whole list, idk yet, but theyll prolly be mentioned sometimes to the very least. you can def ask of them tho!! (edited: i made an f/o list if you want to see them.)
i dont know if ill post content of my own f/os or me/my sona for them, but it could be there.
i dont mind sharing f/os!! id love to yell about them together. if you dont like that, then its ok!! i either wont talk about them with you so you can be their person when we talk of them, or you can just block/not interact. ill be sad i dont get to meet you, but its ok.
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other stuff:
Nothing explicit/detailed will normally be posted. but: The worst there will be is just being hormonally silly from kind of "rrr ovaries go brr, chew on theM-" energy of my f/os. i will try to create a tag to mark it with so you can exclude honky content if you want or need to later, tho. from what i know, you can "block" tags. . so i think that will work if you like the other goofy stuff on the blog??
(edited: I DID IT, I DID THEM, LOOK: 🌑obscure tags list for the obscure blog )
NSFW talk can be in DMs, tho.
DO NOT come to me with those concepts if youre a minor tho, oh dear GOD. honky grown-up talk is not for you goofy child-folk.
LGBTQ+ friendly!! im nonbinary and love everybody. youre ok too. 💙
i do roleplay sometimes, but only in dms n please dont go exposing our roleplays to others. . i would be very not comfy :"0
if you want to roleplay, you can dm me to ask but i dont have to say yes or i might not be able to. im slow too dfsdf=
i may or may not make a side blog once i figure out how to do stuff, but know that until then, im going to just post whatever on this one til i know how to do things on tumblr lolol.
forgive me if some of my content gets deleted, edited, whatever as we go. like i said, this whole thing is very new to me and its not very organized for now. its just there. its gonna get wonky over here on my side for a bit.
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• tiny bat gif •
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cfr749 · 4 months
I totally, totally agree with your view of their relationship. The Barnes episode is one I can’t watch and I just pretend it doesn��t exist. The whole situation with Chris and Ashley was just…unnecessary and written horribly. I feel like Tim treated Lucy better when he was her TO and respected her and didn’t treat her like a child which is mainly what he does now. He became more patronizing AFTER she was no longer his rookie. Additionally, he didn’t say anything after Lucy told him he would do great in Metro - just gave her a half smile and left. He acted like a teenager during the Valentine’s episode when he gave her the silent treatment when he found out she did the five-player trade. And it ended with LUCY apologizing and Tim never once apologizing for his immature behavior. He also treated her horribly in the episode when Isabel came back. He invited her to LUCY’S apartment without asking Lucy, gave her a half-hearted apology only when Isabel was AT THE DOOR and then proceeded to joke around with his ex-wife ABOUT Lucy and IN FRONT of Lucy and then regressed to his TO voice with his “Chen!” later at the station, right after making fun of Lucy trying to help him relax. Like, hello, that’s your girlfriend! Why are you snapping at her when she didn’t do anything??? Chris was absolutely a shitty partner but Tim is a becoming a very, very close second. He treated her better when she was his rookie and especially before they dated. And im so bummed about it because I had such high hopes but the way they write Tim’s character is just ruining it for me.
Hi anon!
First off, I'm glad you got to get all of that off of your chest 😂. I know how isolating and frustrating it can be to have all of the feelings about choices the show is making, but feel like you can't share those frustrations without pissing people off or experiencing backlash. So while I can't control anything other than my own response, I'll just say, you're always welcome to vent to me!
I'll be honest and say I didn't notice / react to all of the things you mentioned in the same way, but I can see your points and understand why those moments may have rubbed you the wrong way. Especially since, like I mentioned in my last post, the issue isn't any 1 isolated incident. The issue is a repeated pattern in the storytelling and messaging.
Something I want to be clear about before I go any further though:
This is not about my head canons or what I'd like to believe the writers were trying to convey.
Of course I think the idea of Lucy liking Tim more than Tim likes Lucy is ridiculous. That's why I can't figure out what on earth the writers were doing.
Of course I don't hate Tim (I literally could never!!) --- I love both of these characters deeply, and close to nothing excites me more than the idea of the two of them falling in love.
This is specifically about choices the writers made and what we actually saw unfold on our screens.
And if my takes seem to be more pro-Lucy, that's specifically because, IMO, the way the story unfolded was much more favorable to Tim that it was too Lucy.
Which isn't even surprising. Women often get the short end of the stick. Women of color almost always do. And that is literally the entire point of why this conversation is important. It's why shrugging off repeated instances of Lucy's character being eroded in service of the ship or maybe just as a result of the thoughtlessness of the writers really bothers me. It's why I'm not the only one who feels this way.
So, anon, for now, I'm just going to dig into the first item you mentioned as one of the first examples of this pattern -- the Katie Barnes of it all (sorry Katie - you were lovely - I promise it's nothing personal 😂). Setting aside the confession prank in 3x09 (which is it's own essay), this was the first time I started to really question the direction the show was going with making the ship canon. At the time, I hoped it was a blip, because we all remember that look in 3x14, and... yeah.
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I believe this was the first appearance of jealous Lucy. And don't get me wrong, I have no problem with using jealousy to tell a story -- as long as it serves a purpose and as long as it's not completely 1-sided.
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But instead of moving Chenford forward, this actually moved them several steps backward for me.
Like you mention anon, in seasons 1 and 2, despite Lucy being his rookie, I felt that they were very much portrayed as equals. They helped each other in different ways. I’d argue Lucy often showed she was more emotionally intelligent than Tim and used that to help him navigate through the end of his marriage, and Tim obviously poured everything he had into getting her as ready as she possibly could be to move on to the next step in her career.
But this scene in 3x11 managed to re-assert the Rookie - T.O. dynamic in a way that slapped me harder than any moment when he was actually her T.O. -- asserting Tim's view of Lucy as someone he needed to teach not how to be a capable police officer, but someone he needed to teach about the world.
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He said this to Lucy. Lucy! LUCY!
If you don't understand why this is categorically absurd, please go re-watch season 1 right now.
The fact that it was couched in compliments and we got to see Lucy go squee over his praise doesn't make this any less patronizing.
Literally, I don't need to hear any man say this to any woman ever. I especially don't need to hear a white man saying it to a woman of color. And I sure as hell did not need to hear Tim say it to Lucy.
So where'd we end up?
Lucy took some major hits to her character, blurring the lines between personal and professional by accusing Tim of giving Katie special treatment because he found her attractive, and ultimately came off as jealous, immature, insecure, and unprofessional amongst probably some other less than flattering things. And note, I'm not saying I think she is these things. I'm saying she was portrayed to the general audience as being these things.
Tim, on the other hand, got a windfall -- not only did he get to be the wise, all knowing teacher (let's not forget his deep love of meditation), he got to have all his past sins erased under the guise of helping sweet Lucy understand the world is a scary place.
So obviously you mentioned a bunch of other examples, but this is already too long and probably not at all what you were looking for in a response, so I'm going to wrap up here. I got another ask about the Valentine's Day plot, so I'll tackle what I did and didn't like there eventually (yes, I am capable of liking things. it's rare, but possible).
Thanks for the ask! 🥰🥰🥰
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rain-waifu · 6 months
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be kind, but dont feel bad when these fuckers all drown
small vent on under the cut, as you can tell im not good at animation, i've barely made some little animations with flipaclip back on the day, but i was never good at it, but this has been stuck on my mind for some time i had to made it so i could sleep in peace.
Im very happy for the little community of followers i have, for the people that has come for a certain fandom, yet stayed anyway. I read all of your tags, and comments, i take screenshots of them and read them cause they make me happy, im very thankful for each one of you both in the art blog and the personal blog, however i cant cover the sun with a finger.
Everthing has been so hateful lately, i dont feel good anywhere. I've come to realize that i dont really fit anywhere, althrough there are places i feel comfier than others, im happy tumblr has come that kind of safe spot, i like uploading art and i like answering questions, but i cant manage to pull myself up together sometimes. I feel good here, but when i turn my back, i just see people picking on other people's art, being mean, disrespectful, disrespecting people's characters, oversexualization, etc. It breaks my mind everytime, and its an unstoppable force.
I dont feel comfortable with my irl circle, i love them, but im not myself. Im not myself anywhere, im not saying it like 'wow im so different!' type of manner, i just feel like a misfit cause everyone else in my world have their feet set on earth. They dont care about me gushing about fictional characters, but for me its a little part of me very few people has accepted. They cannot understand my comfort, and i cannot blame them, im too deep into the internet culture and the selfship that i just cannot blame them for ignoring or raising their eyebrows when i say something stupid about a fictional character.
I want to be kind, but i dont feel kindness going back my way, aswell as i realize that not everyone deserves my forgiveness, they've left me with scars that will stay with me forever, as they keep going with their lives and im stuck in the vortex, blaming myself for not overcoming traumas i didnt know were that deep. I love the fictional characters i always talk about, i love my self inserts, i love doing art, i love the people that has been tagging along in these blogs. We're like 134 followers, and im dead happy about it, honest. But for now, i just want to sleep.
Remember to scream for Palestine, for Congo, for Sudan, Syria, its horrific, please stand by them, use the tiktok filters, use the sounds, spread awareness, keep yourself informed. Share everything you see about these situations, specially tiktok, its the platform everyone is using and the one that makes the most revenue, find creators that do donate to these causes. Stay strong, and never forget and honor those who arent with us anymore. Scream for freedom. I love you all from the bottom of my heart.
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lunagojo · 2 years
Hello can i ask for a mitsuri x inumaki! Reader and if possible also iguro? Its totally okay if you dont want to this is my first time doing a request so i dont know if im doing this right. Btw i love all your demon slayer posts 💕💕
a/n: Thank you so much for the lovely compliment! I'm glad you like them! And I would be happy to do your request! I hope you enjoy <3
Mitsuri Kanroji & Obanai Iguro w/ a S/O That's Like Inumaki
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Mitsuri is a very purehearted person, no matter who she meets she always tries to see the good in them
When she met you she thought you were the cutest, was constantly stealing glances at you, making excuses to be near you
Though...she was a bit confused when she tried to talk to you and you didn't really respond?
"Hello! I'm Mitsuri Kanroji! You must be the new initiate named Y/N, right?"
"Kelp, salmon." (Hello, yes), you replied.
"Y--You want food? Me too!" She said with a bright smile.
Though when you were finally able to explain properly why you weren't able to speak normally, she completely understood
It didn't take long for her to decipher what the few words you could say meant
She thinks your powers are amazing and that you're able to help so many people with them, though a part of her is a bit sad that you can't speak properly because of it (out of fear of hurting someone innocent)
"Y/N! You look very cute today!" She'd say, her eyes shining
You were happy your blushing face was covered by your high collar
You've both basically had huge crushes on each other since the beginning and when you finally got together, it was basically the mushiest gushiest relationship you could think of
If you're not cuddling, you're always holding hands or touching in some way. Mitsuri lives for PDA, she wants everyone to know who's hers and who she belongs to
She loves to make you blush, even if it's just a simple brush of her fingers through your hair or her hugging your arm, it makes her soft to see you react to her affection like that
She always dreamed of finding a significant other that would accept her for who she is, someone she would never have to change herself for, and you're that person
She just loves you so much. If any demon were to set their sights on you, they'd be dead before they could even lay a finger on you. Mitsuri doesn't play around when it comes to people who are important to her
You're the first to truly love every part of her, even the things she was made to feel insecure about. For that, she will never ever ever let you go <3
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At first, Obanai was a bit hesitant about you
He kind of tends to separate himself a bit from the other Hashira (Mitsuri excluded from that, of course)
So when you went out of your way to be around him, he was a bit mistrusting toward you at first
Kaburamaru seemed to like you, though...which was a bit surprising to Obanai
It took awhile, but he was finally able to trust you a bit more, even though you didn't speak all that much, and when you did, it was...riceball ingredients?
Obanai was smart enough to figure it out for himself and realized what each word meant without you telling him directly
"I see...you don't want to hurt anyone with your cursed speech so you choose to say harmless words to relay what you feel? Interesting..."
Despite his initial mistrust toward you, he did eventually warm up considerably
In fact, when Mitsuri teased him about you, he would end up stammering and blushing. He didn't want to admit that he liked you
Though it was kind of painfully obvious
You knew it too, to be honest, but you didn't want to embarrass him by telling him you knew
That's why when he eventually confessed you were relieved, you didn't have to keep tiptoeing around the subject
Nothing much in your relationship really changed after that, though, except Obanai was a bit more affectionate
He did have a hard time initiating it at first, he wasn't used to being touched or seen in a romantic way
At most to begin with he would just link one of his fingers with yours and stay that way for a bit, it was simple but it was still grounding and calming for him
I think he is extremely touch starved, so once he gets a bit of an idea what it feels like to be cuddled or embraced, he just wants more of it
It's an odd feeling, but not bad, and it's something he grows to enjoy from you, especially since it's one of the only ways you can express your love for him
Though, just being around you is more than enough for him
"Hey, Y/N."
"Salmon? (Yes?)"
"...I really do love you."
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honoringthehorrific · 2 years
I watched Orphan: First Kill and heres what i thought…
Spoilers under the cut 💕
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God can I just say i loved this movie? What a fucking prequel! I went to a theater in a whole other city to see it and let me say it did not disappoint. The movie sets itself in 2007 and while there are some drawbacks i have with this later on, for now i think the timeline tracks. Sarne institute gets a deeper look as they introduce a woman coming for art therapy. I personally think Sarne got a killer update in terms of looks (obviously in the first we only see them briefly) we see how the facility handles Leena (soon to be Esther) and her attempts to escape or be violent. We see that Leena hates being regarded as a child, in-fact so much so that she would kill over it. To be honest I love Leena’s blood lust and will to survive. One of my favorite kills of the movie was her bashing the perverted guard’s head into a splatter on the wall.
In terms of effects i think first kill out did itself. While it is obvious the actress aged its really easy (for me at least) to over look especially with the mastery of camera angles and special shoes aiding in keeping the illusion. I also have seen people explain it away as Leena is not as good at makeup in this earlier timeline as she was when she met the Colemans. Visually the kills are great and the effects on honestly everything look peachy! I can say with my whole chest that i don’t think there was a kill the whole movie i looked at and said “that looks lame” even if theres potentially CG (I’m not certain) its not outright noticeable at first watch for someone like me who is an avid disliker of CG fx in horror (practical all the way baby!)
I have rooted for Esther this entire time, from the first movie to the first kill. Something in me wants this woman to win. We see it more sort of in this one. It does numbers for her. We see that she really is just a grown woman almost trapped in this body and act. She wants a normal life, she wants romance, and possibly even a family of her own but it is thrown in her face repeatedly that this will never happen. Especially by the (in my opinion) true antagonists of the movie. While it is disturbing and unnerving to see what is visually a little girl chasing after older men again and again its also sort of tragic. Even with all shes done to preserve herself and her existence Leena will never be her own adult…
Which brings me to the antagonists of this movie. If Leena isn’t the bad guy then who the hell is?! The Albright family…well not the entire family. This psycho mother and her Norman Bates vibes of a son are the plot twist of the movie. See this mother knew Leena was a fraud the entire time, but how could she know that? Mother’s intuition? Does Leena look too different? No my friends its because her son killed the real Esther, and instead of turning him into the police, she helped him hide the body because she would rather lose one baby to murder than two to murder and prison. Meanwhile the only person in this family i feel bad for is the dad. He loved his daughter so much and you can tell. Getting to do art with Leena is big for him, and his bond with our Esther is what saves her skin when it comes to getting outed.
Throughout the movie we see Leena fall in love with the paternal figure and while we know its doomed from the start (not just because he sees her as his missing daughter but we know theres a whole other movie following this) Its sad to see how the mother teases Leena and holds it over her head that its her husband and that Leena will never have a husband. Its also sad that when the abuse from the mother and the son begin, the father is the only one she can run to and he goes out of town part way through the abuse.
The abuse makes the kills all the more satisfying, and I cant lie I got a little rowdy in my chair when it came to cheering Esther on. I have a few qualms with the movie, like why the mother had an iphone (im aware they released 2007 and this is a wealthy family but it felt a bit jarring for something set to 2007) i am mildly upset with how certain parts were touched once and never again. For instance Leena finds Esther’s diary and instead of using it to her advantage uses it to call the mother mommy instead.
However I loved the call backs we did get. We get Esther storing photos in her decaying bible from sarne, we get her false teeth being more of a prominent thing (it being what blows her cover to Allen at the end. They also get knocked out a few times. We hear her listening to a song that she sings in the next movie to John Coleman during the seduction scene, and we find out where Esther learned to paint with black light.
Over All
I adored this movie. It made me want more, I love Leena and I love rooting for her. Im still a firm believer that horror movies can bring characters back from the dead any time they’d like, and i think it would be fun and interesting to see Esther’s story continue or see more of her origins and what landed her in sarne.
Either way this is a killer good watch and while not all too scary in my opinion. The kills and the character development is worth it alone
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may-25 · 2 years
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AARON Z x Fem Reader
Camping trip AU pt. 1
It was finally time for our camping trip. 4*TOWN had been planning to go on one together for years, but due to promotions, it became a struggle to even fit in a time for one. Finally, they were allowed on a months break. Since I am close to them, being the only girl in their friend group, they invited me onto the camping trip.
I helped to load the bentley up with gear for the trip outside of the member's dorm, and it was almost time to leave. We planned to drive nearly 7 hours across the desert to a landmark, which is when we will stop and set up our campsite. To be honest, I'm so nervous. I've liked Z for ages, and I'm actually going to be close to him for the first time in a while.
Z stepped outside, and helped me load the last bit of gear. "All done here?" He softly spoke, with his gaze on me. "Yep, all loaded, should we start heading off?" I replied back to Z. "mhm" he mumbled while walking back inside to gather the members out.
"KAY BOYS GET OUTSIDE WE'RE HEADING OFF" I could hear T shout in the most Aussie accent ever, and with that I heard rumbling coming from inside, as the boys burst through the door, with Z following behind.
"Okay who's sitting where? I dibs the front with Jesse!" Tae exclaimed, with a bright look on his face. "I DIBS WINDOW BITCHES!!" T shouted extremely loud, causing everyone to shriek and cover their ears. "T, chill." Jesse said. "Okay Jesse I'll be following you with the gear in the other car. Just wave your hand out the window if you are going to stop, or want to say something." Robaire said to Jesse. Robaire then left and hopped into the other car, which is the one I loaded earlier with Z. We all hopped in the car together, just as I realised I was going to quite literally be sitting in between Z and T. Oh god, this is going to be insane.
We began to drive off, leaving the dorm behind us. I was so stiff, trying not to touch Z in any from, until I shook up when he brushed his leg against my leg. (accidentally of course) I attempted to ignore it, and talked to T for a while, maybe even a couple hours. I eventually got tired and put my headphones on and played my favourite songs.
"y/n" i heard, as i felt nudging on my left shoulder. "y/nnnn" I heard again and my eyes shot open. "Huh, w-wha? what happened?" I mumbled to myself, but I realised I was leaning on someone's shoulder. Oh my god, was I leaning on Z's shoulder?! How stupid of me, this is so embarrassing!!
"y/n, you alright?" Z softly mumbled to me, looking down at me leaning on his shoulder. "O-oh uh I'm fine, I-uhh fell asleep...." "Oh, okay, don't worry it's alright" Z mumbled, and continued looking out the window.
By the time we arrived at the campsite, everyone in the car had settled down and kept quiet. We were all exhausted from the road trip, so finally it was time to get some fresh air. As we hopped out of the car, I opened the boot up and started unloading our bags, as Robaire drove up behind me with the camping gear in his car.
"Hey y/n, how was the road trip? Did T settle down, or was he hyperactive the whole trip?" Robaire asked me, as he got out of the driver's seat. "Oh, yep, he definitely did. It did take a couple of hours for him to settle, but I eventually fell asleep, so thank god!" I exclaimed to him. He seemed intrigued and laughed along with me. I helped him unpack the gear from the car, and we moved it to the campsite. But funnily enough, the only person awake was Z. Tae, Jesse and T had all slouched down on the logs around the campfire, and fell asleep. Robaire and I looked at eachother and giggled.
Eventually, all of the gear had been moved to the area, which was great. Now all we had to do was unpack, and set up the tents. However, I forgot to pack my OWN tent. I looked at robaire, with shaky hands, and said,"Uhh, Robaire?"He turned his head towards me instantly with a '?' look on his face.
"I, forgot to bring my own tent.."
"Y/n... what are we gonna do? Im sleeping in a tent with Jesse, T and Tae are sleeping in a tent together, and Z is sleeping in a tent by himself..." Robaire said to me, with a worried look on his face.
Just then, Z walked up to us and said, "I'm cool with sharing a tent, its fine, where is she gonna sleep anyways? We can't run the car all night, so I'm cool with it." Z said softly, and turned towards me.
"A-are you sure? You sure your cool with being in a tent with a girl?" I questioned him. He nodded. "I've slept with my sisters and brothers in tents before, I'm used to it." And then he walked away.
Robaire turned towards me, "Okay, let's get onto setting up the tents then" With a grin on his face. We set up all the tents with the help of the other members, and we were finally finished. Jesse got the cooking gear out and him and Tae started preparing dinner. It was getting very cold, very fast. Since It's the desert, at night the air is freezing. I decided to hop into my sleeping bag, and rug up, but I didn't realise I was falling asleep again.
4 hours later, 12:03 AM.
My eyes jolted open, as I heard a loud rumble outside. Flashes of light all around me, breaking into a cold sweat. Is this, a thunderstorm? I have a huge fear of storms, and this was no help. I started breathing frantically, and shaking. Just then, I heard a rustling next to me, so I covered my ears with my hands, and curled into a ball. Then, there was a warm hand touching my arm, I look over. "mmmmh, Y/n, you alright?" Z mumbled sleepily. I had forgot Z was in my tent for so long, I just woke him up!! WHY.
"Z-Z?! I forgot you were in here, I'm so sorr-" Just then a bright flash followed by a loud crash came about, and I shrieked and curled up. Z seemed to understand what was going on. "Here, come in here." He opened his sleeping bag cover with a small mattress under it, he had a swag (a sleeping bag mattress thing, google it) instead of a sleeping back. I quickly shuffled into it and he laid the blanket over the two of us. Not knowing what was actually happening, my panic attack basically blocked any romantic feelings off. I was shaking frantically, and he put his arms over me, as I curled up into his chest.
"Shh, shhh, It'll be alright, I'm here" Z softly spoke, while he was rubbing his hand up and down my back to calm me down. I didn't expect him to be so caring, there's like, a whole other side to him.
I settled down, and drifted off, luckily he doesn't snore. I fell asleep, as he also fell asleep too.
Sunrise, 7:01 AM.
I heard something unzip the tent door, it was T coming to wake us up.
"Oh, my, GOD", a loud yell came from T's mouth.
At that point I was half asleep, and I got up, realising i was LITERALLY cuddling Z and sleeping in his BED. "ROBAIRE, ROBAIRE COME HERE, COME HEEERREEE!!" T screamed across the campsite. Robaire rushed over and put his hand over his mouth. "Someone, quick, take a photo." T whispered. I jumped out and immediately started apologising. "It's NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE, PLEASE, LET ME EXPLAIN!" I screamed at them. Z woke up and looked confused. T started chanting, 'There's a girl in Z's bed! there's a girl in Z's bed!'.
Just at that moment, I turned over to Z, only to be greeted with his face as red as a bloody tomato. It was like steam was coming out the top of his head, like in anime. I bury my face into my palms out of embarrassment. What was I going to do now? I probably just ruined every chance of Z liking me. I wasn't even ready for this, and now I have to deal with rejection. Ah, this fucking sucks man.
I grabbed my toiletries and ran out of the tent, just as Z was about to put his hand on my shoulder. Tears flowing down my face, how can I face this truth? What was I thinking for falling for a celebrity, let alone a BOYBAND member! I ran all the way to the women's bathroom across the road from the campsite, and fixed my hair, brushed my teeth, put on some music to calm myself down from crying as well.
Thoughts running through my head, not much to say out loud. My plans ruined, having a crush is just, so, so hard.
I just leaned on the bench, in front of the mirror, and sobbed. I can't even leave! Just at that moment when I was crying out loud, someone stepped into the bathroom. I didn't take much notice, just thought it could be a person camping locally.
Until I looked up into the mirror, and saw Z standing behind me.
I hurriedly turned my head behind me, and there he was.
"A-ah, please don't cry, I didn't mean to upset you.... I scolded T for acting like a bitch, it's okay..."
Z grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a warm hug. He was soft, and his hugs were amazing. I rested my forehead on his chest. I looked up to him, and he wiped my tears away with his thumb.
"Look, I might be really cold to other people on the outside, but I would never leave someone to cry alone.. The reason why I 'did' what I 'did' last night, is because when I was younger, I also had a fear of storms. I know what it's like, and I knew I didn't want you to feel any more panic."
Just after he finished talking, he placed a kiss on my forehead.
"Z, do you even like me more than a friend?" I said quietly, and looked down at the floor.
"I do, I've always liked you, I was going to tell you but that idiot T opened the tent before I could wake you up and talk to you. I'm cool with you not liking me back, but please just don't make a big deal about it" Z said in the sweetest, most soft voice to me.
"You DO?!" I yelped, he nodded quickly. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him so tightly.
"Z, of course I like you more than a friend, I've liked you for a really long time, but I thought you never did because I could never tell!" I excitedly said to him.
"You cool with talking a little bit, and hanging out more during the trip before we call it official? I wanna get to know you a lot more, before anything." Z asked me.
I nodded and grinned at him, and we hugged and spun slowly.
We walked back to the campsite together, and T ran up to me frantically apologising over and over again, with robaire laughing in the distance.
At night, when the day was over, it was time to go to sleep again. Robaire turned the camp light off, and we all walked back to our tents. Z and I talked for a while, before deciding it was time to sleep.
"Hey, uh, wanna sleep in my swag with me tonight? it's really chilly.." Z asked me, while whispering (because the other members were next to us). I climbed out of my sleeping bag and hopped into his swag. He wrapped his arms around me, and we were in a spooning position. I shuffled a little bit backward, so I could be closer to him, but he groaned a tiny bit. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing" Z replied. "You sure?" I asked once again,
He grabbed my shoulders, and turned me over on my back, with him hovering over me. "Y/n, I gotta say, you have been a big impact on me for the last few years." He placed his fingers under my chin, and lifted my head up. He took that hand and creeped it up my shirt.
End Of Part 1 😵
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sturnioloobessed · 6 months
I Say Whatever I Want.
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Matt sturniolo x fem reader.
Summary-The reader will say whatever she wants to anyone and wont let anyone disrespect her,matt,a complete stranger to her has to drag her away from the person she was arguing with.
Reader is purple
person she is arguing with is pink
Matt is blue
I poured my self a full cup of vodka,i wanted to get fucked up tonight,I’ve not been like drunk drunk for ages
It was a halloween party,i was in a short black dress with tights which were tinted black but see through with black Louis Vuitton heels with my matching Louis Vuitton bag,i had a fluffy black halo on,smokey eye look and my hair was curled i was a fallen angel to be honest it was last thought costume.
I wasn’t in the mood at all,my friend ditched me and didn’t even come to the party i was so pissed.
What the fuck some girl just fuckin’ dirty looked me amd laughed to her friends what is her problem.
Oops sorry,slut..
She fuckin’ pushed me and throw her drink onto my shoes and my legs.
What the fuck is your problem you stupid bitch?
I pushed her back,i was so mad the fuck is this girl’s problem.
I say whatever i want..
I do whatever i want..
I suggest you shut the fuck up before i smash your face in you stupid blonde bitch
The cheering got louder as more people crowded,shouting.
Yeah,i dont be givin’ no fucks (not one)
I’d love to see you try
This bitch being foreal? I started taking out my hoops and getting my hair tie but someone stood in front of me shooing everyone away and telling the girl to go away.
Are you okay?hello?
hm?im fine,why would you stand in-front of me!
‘Cause im not havin’ people fight at my party,especially girls they do it all the time.
hm k whatever
I walked away,sitting on the kitchen counter scrolling through my phone.
Hey why’d you walk off hm?
Needa air why else?
oh oh okay then..
He put his hands up in defence,sitting next to me.
Thank you though actually,i shouldn’t been trying to fight someone drunk
He chuckled looking at her as she scrolled through her phone.
Mhm didn’t want your pretty face to get hurt ya know.
He nudged her shoulder softly as she giggled putting her head against his bicep.
your such a goof,your cute though not like ehh he’s cute i guess like he’s cute cute.
He laughed at her putting his arm around her.
mhm kid whateves,your cute aswell..erm
She huffed before finishing his sentence.
Y/N,ma names Y/N .. And youu?
Matthew,but its matt i dont like being called me full name.
She just hummed in response tiredly,slowly closing her eyes.
She heard the buckled of a seatbelt open as she was lifted softly out of this car seat,fast asleep,knocked out from the amount of drinks she had.
She was set on a bed as she woke up abit.
shh its okay just get undressed you can change into one of my hoodies and my joggers if you want? just that dress looks uncomfy to sleep in and i didn’t wanna leave a drunk pretty girl alone.
oh oh okay thank you.
She quickly got dressed and tucked her self under the covers tiredly yawing,she felt the other side of the bed dip as the light switched off.
Yes Y/N
Cuddle me please
mhm, come here.
She snuggled into his embrace her head on his chest with his arm around her waist and the other one under her head.
Night Y/N
Mhmmm m’ight matt..
He chuckled kissing her head as they both drifted off.
The End.
Hope you enjoyed!!
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Fetus matt 😍😔
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apocalyptic-morals · 1 year
A ramble of my life-
I simply need to get this out in some way.
There are very few people in my life who would accept me 100% for who i truly am. but to be honest i find myself asking, why does it even matter? what does their acceptance do for me? i am fake- i am a mirror reflecting what i think other people want, and therefore to them that is who i am. i am who they think i am to them, a small fragment of their life story in their head. this is the first time i am being honest to anyone other than myself. i simply lack empathy for most people. im not stupid, im not socially inept. i know what reactions matter to what topics, i know when to act sensitive, when to seem warm and open. i know how to make myself cry at funerals, i know when to laugh at peoples jokes. i know when i should seem to care.
alas, i am not completely emotionally empty. the only emotionally bonding experience i am able to have is with animals, such as cats, dogs, birds, anything. i have absolutely no clue why this is the way it is for me. i have bear witness to many morbid obscurities, as a matter of fact i am pursuing forensics since blood and g*re doesnt bother me. however, the first time i felt any tears on my face in many years was actually recently, when i put my dog down. i cant remember the last time i felt happiness.
i truly wish i wasnt this way. in the same way people try NOT to care about things, ive done all i can to force myself to care. im not even considered a loner- i initiate social interactions all the time. i have a partner, a family, friends. i feign these interactions because it seems like it should be normal- if i didnt, my family would be worried, and would try and seek me help. this honestly seems like a hassle over something that cannot be tamed, out of convenience i am a mirror to their views on me. to everyone i am me, to me i am no one. i was raised to care about the people around me, i was raised to be kind and loving, to be normal and so as to keep up this façade, i do everything i can to live up to their expectations.
at the same time, i know its not normal to not react to things properly. if i had it my way, id be a hermit. very few things make me feel happiness, very few things make me feel sadness. very few things bring emotion out of me. this lack of emotions would make me seem like an asshole in many settings. for example, at work, someone who had a dairy allergy received cheese on their sandwich. even though i knew and understood the severity of the situation, i just simply couldn't care. in my head, i made the situation right for me, out of my own convenience. i could even go so far as to say had that lady taken a bite and something terrible happened, i still wouldn't care. any tragedy in my life that has occurred regarding people, i just don't feel anything about. im j hollow all the time.
my partner and mines bond is the closest to a genuine bond ill ever have with a human- its because they are kind enough to try and figure me out. they are the only person to make me want to continue life, and thats good enough for me to keep trying for them. however, i have absolutely no clue what love is. i don't think my partner would want to stay with someone like me for very long when they have so much affection to give, so theres no point in searching for answers. if they stay, they stay. if they go, good for them. they are the only person ive discussed this with. i dont know if they want to fix me, or what they want, but for now i don't mind their presence. living with them is convenient anyways, to say the least.
to put an end to this rambling, theres only one more thing id like to mention. whether or not theres a reason why i am the way i am, it doesnt matter. i am who i always have been, and i cant change. someone i do look up to is the character from dexter, dexter morgan. other than the fact i have 0 interest in pursuing homicide as a hobby, hes someone i see myself in in a sense where his sense of self is very similar to my own views. he fakes it till he makes it, and goes after his motives and goals (even though theyre completely different from my own). i look up to him because he eventually is able to form somewhat genuine relationships with others, and throughout the series you see a plethora of emotions shine through him. i simply hope i can do the same.
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thecontumacious · 2 years
Your writing is so good!! (*/ω\*)
Can you maybe do a luxiem bois with a reader that's getting burnt out from work and the bois trying to help them? (*˙˘˙)♡
"Come, rest with me a while."
a/n: i told you guys i'd go a bit crazy with fics hehe ALSO ANON IM RLY SORRY I'M SO SO LATE IN DELIVERING THIS TO YOU
reminder that all my work and others in the fandom are purely fiction and intended to entertain, not to be projected irl. 
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quick disclaimer: i based all these burnouts on my own personal experiences as burnouts are different for everyone!
Vox Akuma 👹🌹
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man is hands on dropping everything upon noticing the tiniest of signs (´・ᴗ・ ` )
without much being said, vox is obviously no stranger to this and after centuries, he's pretty much already mastered the art of preventing the dreaded burn out
so when he sees you staring head on at your work, your fingers set on the side doing nothing, your gaze just a bit emptier than usual, he knows
"what's wrong, love? exhausted from work?" he coos, wrapping his arms around you from behind. vox immediately feels the strain on your shoulders, further indicating you were definitely close to your limit
if anything you already were
vox is one to just sit down and calm you down with words, coaxing you to take a mental break for yourself
it almost didn't matter if you were hungry or not
he's straight to the kitchen to cook something up for you
it could be a comfort food of yours, something of his or something completely new he's been wanting to try in a while
either way, you're eating all of his delicious foods
"but vox, i already ate though..."
"you don't want this food to go to waste now, do you?"
if you're the type to sit quiet during burnouts and rather not talk about the daunting mental block, vox is absolutely fine with it and would probably just stuff your mouth with his food
oh and his lips ;D
ah yes the sussy jokes and pickup lines
god pls have mercy(″ロ゛)
"my, my, if your lips are going to stay frowning like that, mind if i give it a smile with my own?"
"or would it better if i put them to better use?"
anyway 💀
if the day had been extremely cruel to you, your work piling over, the expectations ever so towering but your mind at a fucking dead end all until your sanity results to tears
"oh dear, shhh, shhh, sweet thing. come here," vox whispers, sitting next to you and bringing you immediately against his chest. "it's alright to let it out, my dear. cry as much as you want. but i'll stay here with you."
if this were me i'd be crying even harder yall 😭
slight mother instincts kicking in, he'll literally just baby you as you weep away your woes. it won't be super obvious but know that deep down, he cares so much about you
he'll just rock you back and forth wherever you are, stroking your hair gently while whispering things your heart needed right now
"all will pass, love. i promise it'll be alright."
"n-no it won't, vox..."
"really? what makes you think that?"
"j-just everything! look at me, i'm failing everything..."
"i'll be honest with you," he smiles, wiping a fallen tear. "i don't see that happening. to me, all i see is your body asking you to rest. it's telling you to take some time off."
"trust me, dear," he leans down, bringing you closer against him as he placed a chaste kiss at the top of your head. "i believe you to be strong. but there will be times you need to take a break to make yourself even stronger next time. do you understand?"
once you've settled down, he's stuffing your face with more food (´ ω `♡)
no matter how long you're healing yourself, vox will always be there every step of the way. he's holding your hand, he's hugging you, he's kissing your tears away
and by the time you're back on your feet again, the light in your eyes a bright glow and your fire of passion burning through, vox will just proudly smile as you recount today's achievements
"vox, vox, look! i finally got it done! and the results for that other thing i'm doing came back positive!"
when he promised he will do anything to protect that beautiful smile of yours, he meant it with every fiber of his body.
he laughs, pulling you in to place a kiss on your lips, "well done, sweet thing. i knew you could do it."
other boys utc!
Mysta Rias 🦊🔶
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i think it'd take a while for mysta to rly notice what was going on (despite being a detective yes)
initially, he thought you were just in a bad spot today. bad day? bad mood? one of those short term emotional breaks is all
but when he catches sight of you continuing to sigh in front of your work, groaning even more often and the many times your face lost its color from constant hopelessness
yes he notices
but he's actually hesitant to rly take action upon it
mysta is very used to seeing you be so positive and happy about things, telling him about your day, even if it was a terrible one
in short, he was used to seeing you smile
but even as one tiny joke didn't manage to bring that back on your face, mysta was extremely worried
was his joke funny? did it offend you more than it should've healed you?
he was nervous to talk you about it, afraid he'd take the wrong step
sooo i will have to ask you to be one opening up to him. at least tell him what's going on and what's been bother your mind to affect your moods like this(>_<)
mysta will appreciate you so much for doing that and once he understands what it is you're going through exactly, he'll definitely offer you all sorts of help
"burnout huh? they suck a lot," he sighs, taking your hand in his and rubbing your knuckles with his thumb. he smiles, kissing it, "it's okay, babe. that means you just gotta take a break, right?"
"as simple as that sounds, mysta, i don't know if i can right now... work is piling all over me."
"huh, what assholes to be overworking you right?"
you snort a bit, shaking your head.
phase one: get them to smile at least a bit. complete.( ◡‿◡ *)
"okay, okay, listen," mysta scoots closer, squeezing your fingers on the way. "i just saw this new (anime/show) come out and a few episodes have been posted. so many people have been saying it's good. up to binge?"
that is his go to way of cheering you up
mysta will immediately try to make you forget what it is that is troubling you, preferably through some entertainment like games or movies.
if it goes back to bother you again, he's quick to make a joke about it in hopes you won't feel as intimidated by it
oh and he's more than glad to take you to the grocery store to pick up a whole new stash of snacks <3
tbh mysta is a big snackie so it's also an excuse to be munching on some lmao
"wait why are we getting ice cream again, mysta? don't we already have some at home?"
"to your stomach?"
phase two: get snacks and movie plans. complete.(ง ื▿ ื)ว
he will not care how many snacks and or movies it will take to bring you back again mentally. he's there to handle the remote on what you're watching for the rest of the night and he's the one getting up on his feet to grab more snacks
but as soon as mysta sees the tears fall out and you're breathing a lot heavier then before, he can't help but want to cry too
honestly he becomes a mess with you at this point
"hey, hey.. d-don't cry, i-i'm gonna cry too now.." he tries coaxing you, his eyes pricking. he held your shaky hands in hopes to find stability within himself
but yeah it doesn't rly work
"goddammit," he mumbles to himself, sniffling
serious time: he feels rly useless when he can only sit there and watch you cry, especially when he finds himself crying too
"babe, babe, look, it's gonna be okay, right?" he tries but it makes you cry even worse
you don't mean to make him feel even worse, honest!
so what's the solution now?
well... cry together until one of you calms down┐(~ー~;)┌
most times, you're the one calming down first so when you cease your weeping and see that mysta was upset as well, you're the one comforting him.
you know what they say: to cheer yourself up, cheer someone else up.
mysta will just look into your swollen red eyes with the biggest pout in the world, "i-i'm fine, i promise, babe."
you giggle, leaning in to kiss his cheeks. "why are we such a mess, mysta?"
"we're destined to be together is all."(//ω//)
and then it's back to movies and snacks until dawn
once you're back on your feet, laughing, smiling and scolding mysta for something he's done, he knows you're okay again
when you show him an achievement you've gotten, sparkles in your eyes, he'll just grin at you while patting your head, "good job, baby. you're so, so strong. i love you."
Luca Kaneshiro 🦮🔆
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not immediately but the moment he starts talking to you and your responses are not like usual, he knows something is up
although not necessarily assuming it was burnout
you're always putting on a smile for him or at the very least giving him more extensive responses to his questions and comments
instead of those, he's only getting 'hm's
his metaphorical puppy ears and tails droop down
"honey? is everything okay?" luca asks you gently while frowning
if you're the type to push people away during these rather dark times, i'm gonna have to apologize on luca's behalf bcs he's the type to push you until he knows you're okay
of course it's not so forceful it's toxic
but just know that luca is genuinely worried about you and if he doesn't know what's up, he's afraid he'll step on a landmine
"honey please? just tell me how you're feeling. was it a bad day?"
to be honest though, with luca's natural adorable charm, it's sorta hard to look away without giving in to him (biased asf lmao)
however if you still aren't in the right place to be speaking, luca will just sigh and give you a kiss to the temple, smiling gently, "alright then. just find me if you're ready to talk okay? i'll always be here to listen."
˚‧º·(′̥̥̥ o ‵̥̥̥)‧º·˚
he'll be so happy once he sees you approach him, tugging on his sleeve although still a bit sad(╯_╰)
"yes, honey?" luca smiles, putting away his work
i mean bro come on doesn't his smile alone just give you relief?
your heart feels a bit lighter and then you start to spill everything, informing him that it was probably burnout from all the work you've been doing
"oh, honey, come here, come here," luca is the one coming to you tho
you happily receive him in your arms, wrapping yourself in the comforting scent of luca kaneshiro
he starts stroking your hair, rocking you back and forth while humming a soft tune
"how about we hang out for the rest of the day? i'll clear up my schedule, no problem!"
and as much as you insisted that you just wanted a sliver of his time, he's not listening to you anyway and requesting his secretary to clear up any meetings today
he also even went as far as tweeting that he'll be cancelling the stream if he hasn't already
dw, us lucubs are nice! >:3
luca is the type to try and make you forget about your burnout like mysta although a little bit more active
games, movies, a night out, cooking together if you haven't eaten
i think the one thing luca won't ever forget to mention to cheer you up (especially in these dire times) is skin care!! ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭
he's not afraid to be seen with cute bunny hair band to put his long hair away and have cucumbers on his eyes 🥒
i mean why would he? he always feel so nice afterwards
can't a mafia boss clean himself up too(。•̀ᴗ-)✧
always ready with a stash of skincare, from face masks, hair masks, lip scrubs, undereye masks, waxing, nail care--i could go on tbh and luca would prob still have more
or if you'd like, luca is more than glad to be bring you to a spa to get yourself done but honestly, he likes doing it at home with you because he think it's more intimate ;)
"careful babe you're gonna get it all over my eyes!!"
"i heard smoothies from these ingredients make your skin feel good from the inside."
"i feel like painting my nails today... i still can't get the hang of painting my right hand tho... "
"ooohhh this one smells so nice, honey! come on come on let's do this one."
at the end of the night, luca will have you snuggled up against him watching a gentle movie
he'll also just brush away at your face, deciding to bring up your case of burnout now that your heart is in a much better place
"hey, about your burnout. i know it sucks being in this phase of your life right now but listen to me," then he'll cup your cheeks and squish them. "i know you well enough that something like this is just another obstacle. and even if you have trouble going through it, i'll kick its ass down with you. you hear me?"
you don't even remember about your burnout, knowing your (yellow) knight in shining armor is good on kicking some ass down with you
you clasp your hands onto luca's, leaning up to kiss his nose
he frowns, "but honey you missed..."
laughing, you try again. this time, properly.
luca giggles, "i love you."
and once you're back on your feet again, luca has never been more proud of you. he'll hug you tightly, spin you around in the air and probably invite you for a night out at your favorite restaurant
Ike Eveland 🖋💙
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notices immediately and already knows what to do
although not as experienced as vox, ike tends to keep himself busy a lot so he has no shortage of burnouts
he's tried different ways of healing himself, from the internet from asking people
it can be super hard going through these things alone, so when he sees you in this state, with symptoms he himself is so familiar with, his heart aches and he reaches out to you so that you don't have to go through the same thing he did often
safe to say that he'll be very serious about this⊂(▀¯▀⊂ )
sure, jokes can help from time to time but i think ike is the type to rly take things head on
ike knows you super well so he knows if you'd like some space right now, or if you need some company
if you feel more reserved and "to avoid" him, he knows to back off for the time being. but he doesn't just go back to his work until you've cooled off
ike wants you to know (although indirectly) that he's there for you still
so what he does is step out of the room and place a drink of your choice near you
"remember to hydrate yourself, okay?" he gently tells you
and when you thank him, giving him a small smile, ike touches your hand like he's asking for permission
if you don't react much, ike will just lean down and place kisses all over your face
to rly rly rly rly remind him that you're not alone, despite all your problems and flaws(˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )
when the day is very bad, your heart just wanting to break and your mind shattering to pieces from the emotional distress, ike would prefer to be with you rather than give you space
seems disrespectful of what you rly wanted at the time, but pls bear in mind that ike wants to make sure you're okay
it's not that he doesn't trust you either
he just... doesn't like it when you're hurting, alone especially
"please let me stay with you," ike will tell you when you push him away
don't tell me you have the heart to rly refuse this soft king :<
he'll just hold you without saying much, stroking your hair, wiping your tears, kissing them away at the right times
if you want to ramble and rant about everything, telling him how work rly sucks, how you've been failing everything and just being in a terrible mental state, ike doesn't mind either
he's definitely the listener type, absorbing in all of your words like a sponge
so it seems as though he always had the perfect words to say at times like these
i mean.
he's a novelist, he writes songs--
his philosophy is bound to be different from others. or at the very least, word the most common phrases in a way it seemed so original????
you can't tell me otherwise that he'll be singing to you to make you feel better :D
he's slightly shy about it (this cute bby istg) but once he comes to terms that he was doing this for you and to hopefully make you smile again, he'll start humming a song
something he liked, something you liked, something he was working on
it never fails to put your heart and mind at ease
ike eveland will sit, sing, hold you etc etc for hours on end if it meant seeing you stand back up again
seeing as he's super used to burnouts, i think he actual has some concrete ways of slowly getting you back up there
he totally understands if you're not ready yet, but the way he persuades you--
yeah, sometimes you wonder if it's a blessing or not to be dating ike eveland
i'm just kidding it's always a blessing†_(゚ー゚*)β
he'll even set aside his own work to help you do yours, even as simple as organizing your papers, cleaning up your soft files and all the mundane things your work has you do
you'd be lying if you said that wasn't such a big big help
and before you knew it, you're back to being productive in a lesser time than usual
when you show ike that you've cleared up your work list and or the results of your hard work, he feels more fulfilling knowing that you were saved from the spiraling misery of burnout
he pats your head, brings you onto his lap and presses a very passionate kiss to your lips
then you pull away to see his slightly teary eyes, "i'm so, so proud of you älskling."
Shu Yamino 🔮✨
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would notice you acting differently, say like staring off into your laptop but doing nothing or sighing just a bit more than usual
shu would def start speculating something is going on and he tests his own theory out by talking to you
"hey there baby," he coos, his eyes sparkling
"mhm," and although you were smiling, shu could tell it was half hearted
yep, something's going on
unlike luca though, he'll be a lot gentler when coaxing you to tell him
he would like to use his spells to spill out of you but he knows super well that's not rly nice so he'll just keep on asking you without using any underhanded tricks
after the third time asking, he'll just sigh and cuddle you silently, holding your hand
"it's alright if you don't wanna tell me. just let me stay with you okay?"
his soothing voice and the way he pleaded a little bit was hard to refuse :<
but just know that shu doesn't want to leave you alone like this, even if he doesn't know for sure what it is you're going through
shu kinda already had a hunch that it might've been burnout but he wants to you tell him himself
after a while, you finally tell him what's going on and he's more than glad to open his arms for you if comfort is what you need
shu is also super calm and smiling throughout the entire thing
it's a trick he learned somewhere
when you're handling something (especially if it's stressful), if one person is smiling, other people just tend to calm down a lot more
you'd be lying if you said it hasn't worked out with him :3
i think is all about reassuring you mentally
he wants to rebuild you back again before he can move onto other things
so he wouldn't immediately try to distract you from the stress
to him, it's important you recognize what you're feeling and learn how to face it head on instead of running away from it first (ofc this doesn't apply to everyone, you do you readers^^)
"take a deep breath for me."
"clear your head first and focus on my voice, okay? close your eyes if you need to."
he has the habit of pressing between your eyebrows if it furrows so it's just a super cute way to remind you that you should relax
٩꒰ ˘ ³˘꒱۶~♡
after you're calm, shu will simply smile at you and start telling you about your past achievements, about all the good things about you, about how strong you are and basically the wonderful being you were born as ٩(◕‿◕)۶
but if you're feel more broken apart this time and you can't help but tear up, shu will admittedly freeze up first
this was the one thing shu was so afraid of happening, exactly why he wanted to reassure you mentally first
he'll be at a loss of words on what to do next, he himself not knowing what to do
seeing you cry breaks his heart okay
but shu yamino is a keeper of his words so if he said that he's gonna protect your smile, he will do exactly that even if it daunted him
he'll cup your cheeks so that you're focused on him and you can see he's trying to maintain a strong smile for you despite the tears
shu will just kiss away your tears, each one getting longer every time
after you've calmed down, shu will finally kiss you on the lips and say, "there you are. hi."
he'll then bring you into his embrace, so tightly against him as if he was afraid that you'd actually disappear from him, that something would take you away from him
something not even his jujutsu magic could do
"it's all gonna be okay. i'm right here to go through it with you," he whispers, rubbing your back.
"when have i ever gone back on my word, babe?"
that he was correct about
you just sigh and melt into him, snuggling into his chest
and for the rest of the day, it really is healing time for both you and him
you're not allowed to be touching anymore work by shu (not directly but by unwilling to let you go hsakjshk) so you have the time to rly just relax and save yourself from further destruction
and as for shu?
it becomes a reminder for him that he should take care of you more often
not in a way that you can't handle yourself
but the fact that he couldn't prevent you from getting these burnouts in the first place, maybe he should've stopped you from working too much
then you suddenly touch his face
shu looks up at you
you're smiling now
"there you are. hi, shu."
he can't help but tear up and cry at the same time, leaning into your hands
it's definitely the little things with you and shu
and once you've picked yourself up again with the sorcerer's help, you're back to laughing and making corny jokes with him, you're in a way reminding shu that he's saved you all over again
"shu, shu, look! i got rly good feedbacks on these!"
ah, that glimmer in your eyes...
he leans in and places a kiss on your temple, "good job, cutie."
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allywritesforfun · 2 years
Can I please please please have more Wilbur x reader domestic fluff?
yes ofc! im sorry this took so long thank you for requesting <3
{Starting Off} Wilbur Soot x Reader
pronouns: not mentioned
word count: 1153
trigger warnings: swearing, caps
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regular masterlist
wilbur masterlist
anon list
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You and Wilbur have decided that it would be cheaper to get an apartment as a starter home before dropping a bunch on some house that you will probably move out of. You two had connected pretty well in some line at a coffee shop. Since then, every night you two would call and rant to each other about each other’s day. Surprisingly enough, there were some actual deep conversations, not just messing around. But the nights that you had messed around were fun. Filled with many dick jokes and Wilbur getting deep with you.
You really appreciated him being open and honest with you. A lot of people saw him as an asshole musician, but you knew better than that. Deep down he really did care. He checked up on you just like he checked up on his streamer friends.
One night you told him about your financial struggles. You ran out of loan money and had no job due to the fact that you didn't have time..
“Look y/n, I care very much about you. I mean, you make me laugh when the days are rainy, you mellow me out when I’m stressed, and overall have just improved my mental health so much,” Wilbur told you.
You felt a light blush form on your cheeks. Even when you weren't in person he still made you flare up, “Awe thank you, Wil. You mean a lot to me too. I don't think I would’ve made any friends or even been enjoying my life as much right now if it weren’t for you.”
Wilbur smiled at you, “I hate seeing you struggle like this. Out of everyone in the world, you deserve it the least. You are so hard working, and generous, and you don't even expect anything back. Well I wanna give back to you. How about you move in with me and we can find an apartment?”
And just like that, the rest of your life has settled. You were going to live with Wilbur. It didn't take long for you two to get everything settled. Wilbur has had this planned for quite a while and had a few places to choose from. You chose the middle of the three, mainly because you wanted Wilbur to have an office for his streaming.
Within a week, you got your paperwork all set with the and had moved in. There was very little furniture so far, mainly just extra chairs that your family had donated, but the two of you had made it work.
“I figure we should go to the shop and get some food and stuff that we might need,” You suggested.
“Yeah, that would be a good start.”
You two grabbed a tram to the nearest supermarket, the ASDA. It was a pretty large store, which meant it would have everything that the two of you needed.
Wilbur grabbed the trolley before you could even reach out for it, “Are you sure you can handle that, Wilbur?”
He huffed, “Well of course, y/n, why wouldn't I be able to?”
You laughed to yourself, “Just be careful, be respectful of people.”
“Do you really think I won't be able to handle a fucking trolley?”
You looked away in response, avoiding the question. Soon enough Wilbur was already trying to ride it like a scooter. There was nothing in it yet, so he popped a “wheelie” and nearly fell down.
“BWHAHAHBA!” You bursted out, not even concerned that he might’ve hurt himself. “W-Wilbur! Let me take the trolley! I won't crash it like you will!”
Wilbur recenterd himself and pushed your offering hand away, “No need y/n. I am a gentleman and will not allow a fine woman like yourself to push a trolley around. I am fully capable.”
You and Wilbur were both bad shoppers. You two tried to prevent unnecessary purchases by making a list of essentials. But even getting to the grocery section was enough of a hassle.
Your first unnecessary stop was because of you. But it was right in your own mind, “Wilbur look! Their candles are on sale! We have to stock up now before they inflate!”
Their one wick candles were originally 10.81 pounds but are now 50% off! What a deal! You made Wilbur smell a variety of candles, to which he replied to every single one, “It smells like a penis.”
“Wilbur, how do you know what a penis smells like?”
“W-W-Well I-I, y-you know…”
“That's enough now, I'm gonna pick out the four that I like. So if you have a preference tell me now,” You warned.
“Get whatever you want, love,” Wilbur stated very non-chantly.
How could he just say that out of nowhere? Ah god, I’m flaring up again. He doesn’t have to do that to me now.
You two moved onto the actual groceries. You two developed a really good system of rationalizing what to get and what to hold back on. You prioritized the things that could be made very easily in the microwave, then foods that you both liked, then multi-purpose food (like bread), and lastly, you each had two snacks that only you could eat.
Your favorite type of water was on the top shelf. Normally you would ask Wilbur to grab it for you, but he went off looking for the milk. You didn't have the best climbing shoes on, and in all honesty, didn't think you could handle the weight of the pack when it was above you and you weren't sturdy enough.
Your first try of trying to get it down was to knock it over and catch it. You did your best to maximize your jump by using your non-dominant hand to push up on the shelf, but you still could only get a few fingertips on it.
You looked around and tried to think logically, there must be a step stool somewhere around. There wasn't. You went back to the jump strategy again, but it was just insanity.
You were originally against the idea of climbing, but you were running out of options. You carefully placed your feet on the bottom shelf and slowly gained courage to climb up. You were stopped by a pair of hands around your waist. You jumped in your spot and looked back.
Wilbur smiled at you, “Do you need some help?”
“Y-Yeah, I do,” You admitted.
“Okay, one...two…” and on three Wilbur gave you a boost, You snached the pack in one go and he gently set you down, “Thank you.”
“Any day, that's why I’m tall,” He joked.
You playfully shoved him, “Is there anything else you need?”
Wilbur shook his head, “Just to go home with you.” He gave the trolley a little push and directed it with his one hand. The other, he offered to you. You gladly took it and went off to the check out.
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taglist: @boiled-onionrings @wistahood @neptunebabes @just-that-bi-girl@wiseflamingoqueen @anarchyanon @rainduosupremacy @pixviepie @nightmarefox15
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megalony · 2 years
My counsellor, my lover
This is a Rafael Barba imagine that is going to have a few follow up parts and is based around the book My Sister’s Keeper. I hope you all like it.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie​ @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr​ @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6​ @rogertaylors-lipgloss​ @sj-thefan​ @omgitsearly​ @luckytrashgooprebel​ @scarsout​ @deaky-with-a-c​ @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac​ @vousmemanqueez-blog​ @jonesyaddiction​ @ambi-and-sunflowers @milanosaurus @httpfandxms​ @saint-hardy​ @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls​ @mrsalwayswritex​ @rogerina-owns-me @hellsdragon​ @im-an-adult-ish​ @crazylittlethingg​ @allauraleigh @onceuponadetectivedemigod​ @ceres27​ @thereisa8ella​ @qardasngan​​
Part 2
Summary: Rafael takes on (Y/n)’s case when he learns she was forced to be a donor and learns what she went through and a relationship soon develops.
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"Okay, you have my attention. What can I do for you?" Rafael's voice hit the squad room like a marching band making their entrance.
All eyes set on the rather dashing-looking ADA who had a prize winning smirk plastered on his face and a brow rose in intrigue. He had one hand stuffed into his pocket, his other hand holding his usual briefcase and his dark navy blue blazer was unbuttoned. Showing off his black tie with pink spots and his rather flashy burnt yellow suspenders.
Rafael cast his eyes around the large office before he pinpointed Olivia walking towards him with a cup of coffee in each hand and her usual, welcoming smile on her lips.
He had to admit that he didn't know why he was here but what little information he had been given had reeled him in like a fish on a hook. Olivia had told him that it wasn't their usual kind of case but the victim wanted SVU to deal with it and she wanted Rafael specifically to be the one to push this case through. It made him feel a bit big-headed that someone was asking for him personally and he liked the unusual type of cases.
"Barba, thanks for coming." Olivia held out a cup of coffee for him which he gladly took, eyeing his friend suspiciously when she didn't say anything more.
"Hmm, now what's this case that I can't pass up?"
"It's not a rape or assault case, but she is a special victim that we know personally. Come on, she's through here."
With a charming yet unsure kind of smile, Rafael took a sip of his coffee before he followed Olivia through to one of the back rooms where they would talk to victims, not suspects. They had been lucky that Rafael didn't have another case lined up yet and if this was worth his while he would take the case straight away. He knew SVU wouldn't have called him for something they didn't think was worth trying to prosecute or someone whose story was full of holes and who could be torn down on the witness stand.
But the moment Rafael followed Olivia into the room, his lungs came to a short stop and the coffee trickling down his throat caused a heckling cough to leave his lips in shock.
She was one of their newest detectives here at the squad and if Rafael was being honest with himself, she was someone who had perked his interest- and not just in a friendly kind of way either.
Olivia couldn't be telling him that something had happened to (Y/n), nothing bad could have happened to her. A million questions, rapid thoughts and horrid worries sparked through his mind before Olivia brought him out of his thoughts and back to the present.
"Barba, why don't you take a seat and I'll leave you to talk?" Olivia's voice was comforting and she could no doubt see the shock on Rafael's face and almost hear his thoughts screaming out.
"Thanks Liv." (Y/n) tangled her fingers together that were itching from how much she was sweating. Just the thought of this moment had her stomach churning and her heart going into overdrive but now it was happening. Barba was sat here in front of her, slowly removing his jacket and getting out a notepad and pen.
She could see that he was almost as anxious as he was but as the seconds ticked by he managed to compose himself well until he was back to his usual composed, confident self. (Y/n) didn't know what it was about Barba that made her nervous, being close to him sent her heart reeling in her chest, talking to him made her flush and look around as if she was doing something too daring by even speaking to him.
"So... what's happened?" Rafael couldn't put it any other way but bluntly but his green eyes were soft as he looked across at (Y/n).
"I don't know how to say it... it's not something you can easily prosecute, counsellor."
"Let me worry about that. Liv said it wasn't a rape case, were you assaulted?"
It hurt Rafael to even contemplate the thought that someone had tried to harm (Y/n) in any way. There were a number of scenarios that could have happened, someone could have drugged her, beaten her, tried to attack her or kidnap her or hold her hostage. She could have been involved in something or been a witness to a crime, the thoughts just went on and on until Rafael was almost drowning in worry.
"No! No, nothing like that." (Y/n) shook her head and her hands to stop Barba from thinking anything like that. She liked the counsellor and she didn't want him even thinking any scenarios like that. "I want you to prosecute my parents for what they've put me through."
"Y-your parents? Okay, why don't you tell me everything from the beginning, leave nothing out."
The notepad in Rafael's hand was set down on the coffee table in front of him before he leaned back in the armchair and held his hands together on his lap, crossing one leg over the other. They were friends, he knew (Y/n) felt calm enough around him to talk to him about anything which made it easier for her to be able to tell him about what was going on with her.
Rafael was far beyond the point of intrigue now, he was delving into the deep end wanting to know what (Y/n) was talking about and what had happened to her. Being an ADA meant that Rafael was one of the few people who could actually be nosey and ask questions and learn about what people had gone through. He was a nosey person at times but with his job it was different, he had to know everything to have the best possible chances of helping.
"My older sister, Leigh, she was diagnosed with leukaemia when she was five. No one in the family was a match and the donor list was long so my parents had me... I was genetically engineered to have the same genetics as Leigh. I was her personal donor bank, I gave her blood, stem cells, bone marrow, you name it she had it from me. I never had a choice, Barba, I didn't have a childhood..."
(Y/n) tipped her head down to look at her feet, trying to compose herself and carry on but it was so hard to admit that this was her life, her childhood.
It was hard to admit that she wasn't born out of love and that she wasn't wanted to add to their family, (Y/n) was wanted for spare parts. She was their donor, not their child. She was Leigh's lifeline and knowing she was only alive to serve that purpose put cracks in the foundations of (Y/n)'s life that she could never fix.
"Leigh's in kidney failure, if I don't give her one of my kidneys she will die. I want to sue my parents for abuse of power and forcing me to give my life away. I know it sounds petty but I haven't been able to live... all my life, I couldn't do sports, I couldn't go abroad, I had to make sure I was safe and healthy for Leigh, no cuts or infections, no going out unsupervised. I did my learning at a hospital. Everything they took from me was against my will and now they want to take my kidney too."
Rafael let out a deep sigh before he started to rub his hand over his jaw.
He could see what (Y/n) was saying, she wasn't at risk of being forced to give up her kidney now because she was over eighteen and had complete rights to her own body. But it was the fact she was still being pushed to do this and she had lost out on her life. When he learned everything she had to tell him, (Y/n) knew he would understand that she was broken because her life wasn't full of love, it was full of expectation.
"I can charge them with abuse of legal power, coercing a minor and negligence of a child. I need to know your life, access to your medical records, everything. Okay?"
"Y-you'll do it?"
The shock on (Y/n)'s face made Rafael's heart suddenly beat that little bit quicker and it caused him to take in a sharp breath. She really thought he would shake his head and say she was wasting his time. Liv had told her he would listen and Rafael wouldn't come here and listen if Liv didn't think it was something he would or could do.
"Of course, why don't you come down to my office next week and we can get started?"
This was really happening.
"Morning Barba."
Rafael's head tipped up and his eyes locked onto (Y/n)'s frame entering his office, a smile lighting up her nervous face that only enticed him and made him shiver.
His eyes were glued to watching her every movement whenever they were in the same room. Like last week after their discussion and Rafael hung around to talk about the ongoing SVU case, he couldn't help but keep glancing over at (Y/n). She somehow seemed like a shining light that he had to look at, he couldn't manage to look away from her for long no matter how hard he tried.
And now, as he watched her enter his office with her hips swaying a little more than he normally noticed, he felt his skin prickling and his stomach tensing and pulling inwards. He watched with surprise but nevertheless a smile as (Y/n) placed down a cup of coffee and a bag of takeout food down on his desk. But he jumped up straight in his seat when she suddenly dumped a rather large red binder folder down on his desk that must have weighed more than three bricks put together.
"Good morning, what's this? And you can call me Rafael, you know." He knew they were past her calling him counsellor and calling him Barba- as much as it was a nickname he did prefer, made them seem just like colleagues.
He was always professional with the people he stood and worked for like this but (Y/n) was different. He didn't want to be professional, he didn't want to seem like a fell coworker, he wanted to be her friend, he wanted to be more than her friend.
"You said we might be here for a while and I know what you're like so I brought lunch... and that's my medical records, you needed those, right?"
(Y/n) sat down on the armchair in front of his oak desk, crossing her legs beneath her before she reached out for one of the takeout containers from the bag. She knew Rafael was like her, a workaholic and as much as he took care of himself, his work was important and he often left food until he had a spare minute to get some.
"This is your records?" Barba's wide eyes looked between the file and (Y/n) before he grabbed the other container since he was actually starving right now.
A comfortable silence enveloped around them like a blanket while Rafael took a few bites to eat whilst simultaneously skimming through the files that he would have to go through in detail soon.
"Okay, well we have time so why don't you run me through your life and tell me about these files. I need as much as you can tell me to make our case."
The way he said 'our case' made (Y/n) smile and though she tried to bite her lip to stop herself, she couldn't. He was taking her seriously, he thought they had a chance of winning or in the very least, of getting her parents to understand what they had done to her. He was in this with her, it wasn't (Y/n) alone in life anymore fighting to push through, Rafael was fighting for her.
(Y/n) ran her hand through her hair, ruffling the strands and pushing them from her face as she tried to think where she should start. All her life (Y/n) had grown up thinking she was only alive for Leigh.
It wasn't until she managed to get into SVU that she realised her life had potential, that it was hers to live and do with as she pleased. (Y/n) realised with the job that she could do what she wanted, she could live her life, have a relationship and even a family of her own someday. She was not alive just to be there for Leigh, it may have been why she was born but it wasn't why she was alive.
No one was just alive to wait around and be a bag of spare parts.
"I was treated like property all my life, I mean, when I was little I was their daughter but I wasn't at the same time. They made sure I knew I was Leigh's saviour, her lifeline and I couldn't do anything that would ruin that. I was there to give her blood, bone marrow, stem cells, I harvested cells for her and at some point in my life... I knew I was her spare organs too."
Rafael watched the smile slowly slip from (Y/n)'s face and her eyes briefly lost their unique sparkle before she seemed to come back into focus and look at him. She took another bite of her food and forced a smile in his direction.
"When did the donating start, how old were you and how often did it happen?"
Grabbing his pen, Rafael got his notebook out ready whilst he continued to eat using his other hand. He needed notes, he needed (Y/n)'s full life story on his pages so he could come up with questions to ask her to get the jury to feel for her. He needed questions to ask her family to show how they were thinking of one daughter and not the other. He needed everything.
"When I was two minutes old." 
(Y/n) watched the way Rafael stopped writing and looked up, his green eyes wide as he tried to tell if (Y/n) was joking or not.
"They took the stem cells from my umbilical cord, that's what they needed at the time."
"Stem cells, right, what was next?"
"They started to take blood, I think I was three when they started that. It was a pint of blood each time, either for white blood cells but a lot of the time it was for plasma and platelets."
"It says here about hormones, what did that entail?"
Rafael didn't miss the way (Y/n) shivered at that thought. She had been three when it started and even at that age, (Y/n) could remember the procedures, she remembered everything she had ever gone through and that was awful when she was so young.
"T-they would inject me with growth hormones, big needles went into my thigh or even my hip and then I'd go back a few weeks later and then they'd extract the hormones and blood and give it to Leigh."
(Y/n)'s eyes followed Rafael when something seemed to spark in him and he jumped up from his seat and scanned around for a certain book on the mass of shelves behind him. When he found it, he didn't take long to find what he was looking for before he was jotting down more notes. Every note he took sparked life into (Y/n)'s veins because she was getting closer and closer to getting justice for her life. Rafael was making this happen.
"That's good, you weren't at a safe age to do that so I can talk about the risks it meant for you and your lack of understanding at the time. What was next?"
"Bone marrow, have you ever donated?"
"Not a big fan of needles, to be honest."
"Me neither, bone marrow was the worst one, if you look for when I was seven in the file, you'll see an X-ray of my hips... yeah that's the one. You see that black spot there?"
Tilting back in his chair, Rafael held the X-ray up so he could see it properly, it was of (Y/n)'s pelvis and hip bones from when she was seven-years-old. He nodded when he noticed the promenant black dot on the white of (Y/n)'s left hip. His eyes drifted from the picture to (Y/n) when she got up and sat down on the edge of his desk to be closer to go through things with him. She liked being closer to Barba, it made her nerves spark and tingle in a way she hadn't felt before.
"That's from the needle."
"What? Did the procedure go wrong?"
"No, when you donate marrow, they puncture a thick needle into your hip, twist it right into the bone and extract the marrow from the middle. When they do that, your bone won't heal so on X-rays you get a hole."
Rafael did not know that.
It sickened him to think that a young girl less than ten had gone through such a procedure and she was left with a hole in her hip. To feel a needle twisting into your bone must have been excruciating for a child.
"I was seven when they did that the first time, then by the time I was fifteen I'd given marrow four times. I couldn't walk for a few days after the procedures and I was left prone to infections and reactions. Then they always needed something else and I'd go back again and again."
A small smile formed on (Y/n)'s lips when she felt Rafael resting his hand on hers when he noticed her mind was beginning to drift away with her again.
He couldn't imagine what it must have felt like to go through that, all that pain, the time spent recovering and getting better only to go back and do it all over again and again until pain was a daily part of life. Nor could he get his head round the fact that for (Y/n), the pain had no upside. She wasn't going through labour and getting a child at the end of it, she wasn't giving one organ and then seeing someone benefit from that for the rest of their life. She was giving and giving but knowing that it was never going to be enough.
Whatever (Y/n) gave wasn't life saving, it was extending. (Y/n) was the life support that Leigh lived on.
(Y/n) had been asleep for the procedure in her hip but when she awoke the pain was excruciating, especially for a seven-year-old. She had to take things steady, she couldn't walk for a while and when she did she had to be careful due to the pain. And what was worse was that (Y/n) didn't know the pain was going to be bad, all she knew was that she was helping Leigh, that's all she ever knew.
"I never knew it was going to be bad, I got promises of ice cream or sweets like they were taking me to the dentist."
(Y/n) locked eyes with Rafael as tears began to fall down her face. It was as if every time they were just taking (Y/n) to the dentist for a check up like any other regular kid, not that they were going to put needles into her bones and take blood or put her under anaesthetic. It was no big deal to anyone but (Y/n) but when Leigh was having surgery or having the donations they were waiting for the world to collapse until she was stable again.
"You know, when I was fifteen and I had my last bone marrow extraction, I got sepsis. I was on oxygen, I was struggling to breathe, couldn't walk, I was at risk of losing my leg if my hip tissue got infected. And all the time my parents were fussing over me, it was the most love I'd ever gotten in my life, but it wasn't about me. If I lost my leg or if I had died, Leigh would have lost her donor. They were worried for Leigh, not me."
That had been the worst part of (Y/n)'s life.
Feeling her parents love, having them gush around her bedside, smooth down her hair, help her when she threw up, cuddled her to keep her warm and stayed with her almost twenty-four-seven. She felt loved, she felt wanted and needed. But then it dawned on her when her parents were talking to the doctor, if she lost her leg she would be prone to infections and all surgeries would be off the table. If she died, Leigh would be on the donor list again and could die too.
Everything for Leigh depended on (Y/n), as long as Leigh lived (Y/n) was needed.
"How blindsided they must have been, not to see what was right in front of them."
Rafael didn't know what came over him, he really didn't. One moment he was leaning back in his chair looking up at (Y/n) with a mix of sorrow and yearning in his eyes. The next he was cupping her face in his hands and lightly touching her lips with his, just dipping his toe in the water to see where he stood with it.
(Y/n) was surprised by the action. It was something she had been desperate to do since the first moment she set her eyes on the counsellor but she never had the courage or the nerve to do anything about her feelings. To have Rafael making the first move right when she was yearning for touch, for someone to tell her that they wanted her, they needed her and that she had a purpose was more than she ever wanted.
She didn't know how it happened but within seconds that felt like hours, (Y/n) was straddling Rafael's lap, her knees pressing into his thighs and her arms deadlocked around his neck as his hands dug into her hips.
This was not where either of them thought this day was heading.
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