#this fic is technically me shitposting
2knightt · 3 months
5 things dallas winston hated about you.
—even when you were on his last goddamn nerve, you were still everything to him. is he still everything to you? after all he’s put you through?
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-> in no way is this me changing my style nor should this be taken seriously…i’m just bored. and sad. and bored. and i miss my boyfriend. posted on queue!! i’m probably either studying, working on asks + event, or sleeping. either one.
(I.your snarky remarks.)
“did nobody ever teach you how to properly play uno of all games?”
you asked, a chuckle in your voice as you held your one card in hand. dallas glared at you from across your table, holding 12 cards. this was the 5th game you two played. he was never one to accept defeat easily.
“this game is just fuckin’ stupid. n’ you’re a dirty lil’ cheater.” he grumbled, staring down at his all red cards, eyes shifting back to the green 3 that you had placed down. dallas wanted to say more not-so-nice words, but knowing you fully, you’d say something even worse back. he hated that about you. you always said that it was apart of your charm, he always disagreed.
“why would i ever need to cheat when you can’t seem to count?” you snapped back, brows furrowed. you referenced the fact that dallas tried to pick up only 4 when he had to pick up 6, thinking he was slick.
dallas just huffed, picking up another card from the pile before mumbling a small, ‘go.’ there was a tug at the corners of your mouth, causing you to grin a little too hard as you placed down the winning card. for the 5th time in a row. dallas threw his cards down, clicking his tongue in annoyance. he leaned back into the chair, his head turned away from you as his arms hung off the chair.
“stop bein’ a baby and help me clean this up.”
“no. it’s your house.”
“and you’re the one who’s bumming around in it. clean up with me before i let you walk those streets. again.”
(II.how important your looks were to you.)
you stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, fingers running through your hair as you starred at yourself in the window of a convenience store.
“are you serious, y/n?” he asked, pockets in hand. he stopped walking when you did. he said it was so nobody hit on you. in reality, he liked it better when he had his eyes on you 24/7. he likes knowing you were safe. even for a second.
“yes, dallas. i am.” you replied with an eye roll. you grabbed your pink lip gloss, re-applying it for the 4th time today. sure, you were willing to admit it slowed you down—your focus on your looks. but were you gonna change? no! if someone doesn’t like it, who cares?
once you were done, you continued walking, leaving dallas to rush to catch up. he walked beside you after speed walking behind you for a few seconds. your lips shined under the hot tulsa sun, eyes glowing along with them. dally couldn’t help but wrap an arm around your waist.
he grew more and more aware of the men around. he held you closer, even when they paid no mind to neither you or him. he felt almost threatened for a moment.
“are you even listening?”
you chimed in, breaking his train of thought. dallas nodded, head empty. he didn’t hear a single thing you said. was he going to admit it? no. he didn’t want these other guys to know about how terrible of a boyfriend he was.
you just hummed, walking to your house in silence. any insults, compliments, comments, or cries would fall to deaf ears as of now.
(III.how you were blindly loyal.)
“i cannot believe you right now.”
“i jus’ said she was pretty. god forbid.”
he muttered as he entered your car, sitting in the passenger seat. dallas knew it’d be a terrible idea to try and make you jealous. boundaries, you’d shout. boundaries!
“i’ve told you how many times on how uncomfortable that makes me.”
“m’sorry, doll. i…i know. it was the alcohol.”
dallas lied right through his teeth. in all honesty—he’d been hoping it’d make you want to show him off. he was stupid for ever thinking you’d so something like that.
your silence scared him. you usually would’ve spat something back at him without a single thought. a sigh left your lips as you started the car, finally speaking up.
“i know.”
you muttered quietly. goddamn, maybe loyalty was gonna be the death of you. he didn’t mind much, though. at least you knew where home was. with him…right? right, y/n? he wanted to ask over and over again. dallas wanted the reassurance. he needed the support.
for what? he didn’t know. he just wanted to make sure you still felt the same way he does.
(IV.the way you fought.)
“she got you good, y/n.”
“oh, shut up, dal.”
you muttered, washing your bloodied and bruised hands under the faucet. you stood there, spacing out, letting the water run off your hands. dallas tapped you on your shoulder, snapping you out of it.
he handed you a clean shirt, a couple of bandaids in the other. you ushered him out of your bathroom, closing the door to put the clean shirt on. ‘she got you good.’ what does that even mean? was there seriously no, ‘are you okay?’ you wondered to yourself as you opened the door.
dallas sat you down on the toilet, brushing the fresh blood that slowly streamed down your cheeks with his thumb as he placed bandaids all over your face. he kissed every single one after doing so.
he wanted to make sure you still knew he likes you. that dallas winston liked you a whole lot.
“you’ll be alright, doll.” he comforted, patting your head. he thought back to your several other fights. you fought strategically and with honour. something he’d never do. but, recently, you’d been fighting just for the fun of it.
when you fought before—he felt a little angry. he didn’t like seeing you fight, but he didn’t like knowing you were good at it. knowing you were at the same level as he was at something he took pride in hurt him. dallas was frustrated at you and himself.
maybe his bad habits were rubbing off on you. a way to remember him, as dallas thought about it. he said he’d talk to you later about it. he never did.
(V.how quickly you were able to move on. faster than he ever could.)
you realized you needed better. dallas didn’t treat you like he used to. why? you didn’t know. you tried to be the best girlfriend he’d ever have, so why did he have to ruin it? was it your fault?
you kept on asking yourself questions like this when the reality of it all sunk in. that same day, you left dallas winston.
he felt his world crumble before him. this whole, self-sabotaging thing that pony warned him about was catching up to him. dallas felt hatred for you. well, at least he wanted to. he wanted to feel angry. hatred for you.
he couldn’t no matter how hard he tried. even when he watched you move onto another guy. from afar, he’d see you giggle and flirt with him. like how you used to do with him.
even when you’re with someone else, you’re still everything ti dallas. would you ever forgive him if he said sorry? would sorry even fix the way he treated you?
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firestorm09890 · 3 months
my 2023 new years resolution was to learn to draw men. this was code for "draw lexaeus/aeleus kingdomhearts". well. i did not learn how to draw men but here he is
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Oooh Oliver murder go brrrrrr! The art reminds me of Pumpkin March (kinda funny thing is my HC has them with Fukase and Oliver being together but Len having a crush on Fukase so it would essentially be the other way round Lmfao-) -🌟
yes 😩💅 slay british boy slayyy (SORRY JK)
and oh worm haha i see it lolol, tho i wasn't intending to reference that lmao, just generally was thinking "uhhhh what's most halloweeny.. night time... giant pumpkin.. candy???"
and wack!! hcs are fun like that hkjhJKGK
that trio is very fun, special to me lmaoo (i think theyre the three that i consistently use the most for memes but dont quote me on that i could be wrong); there's a lot going w/ them sometimes depending on the storyline but generally for my hcs they're kinda... hmm
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sansundertale14x1 · 2 months
why NauseAxe_404 loves your writing so much…
based on this silly tweet, I’m gonna use ‘Nick’ for this- for ease of writing (and for my poor poor hands.)
no pronouns but ‘you’- little post cuz I haven’t written in a while.- use of the in-game website: "Dumblr", no it's not a typo;-; Proshippers DNI
word count: 878
content warning: brief explanations of canon violence, creepy stalker-ish behavior (NOTHING SEXUAL ATTACHED), Nick being a weirdo honestly.
vvv that isn't my art, and this entire writing is a fanfic for a game " Monster x Mediator" made by HeadLocker! I really recommend playing the game or watching the gameplay, cuz it's really fantastic!
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Story under cut :3
Nick’s in love with your writing…(if you already couldn’t tell), but it’s difficult for you to understand why.
Usually, when you'd open up your laptop, it was after a tough shift at your crap job and you just wanted to do something to fill in the time after dinner and before bed. It was always on the shorter side, 100 words each, and was normally just a quick and crappy self-insert fic to satisfy your creative urges from doing a boring-ass job all day. You never really thought your tiny one-shots would attract any attention, but the man you've been staying with proves otherwise.
"NauseAxe_404" is what he called himself, but you've just been calling him 'Nick' for now. He had been reading your old Dumblr blog for who knows how long, and he's taken a major interest in your little shitposts...So much, so that he had taken the time to print out every single one of your posts and personal information pinned to his room's walls. It's extremely creepy...but also sort of charming?
For the last few days or so, you've been held in Nick's hotel room, practically glued to a desk with a typewriter...slowly making your way through a 100-paged fic that he specifically requested of you. Though you technically could stand up and leave...you'd really prefer for your skull to stay in one piece...and not have a bullet put through your temple.
Nick has been staring at you almost the entire time...which only certified in your mind that he is not human. Every time you turn to see if he's still there...like an unmoving fortress, he always is. It's been a solid 8+ hours of you sitting there and writing...and your stomach starts to emit loud sounds of hunger. You pray he didn't hear that, and continue to type away at the dated machine. However, to your dismay, his deep voice chimes in.
"...What page are you on...?"
Nick asks, seemingly trying to speak quietly for you, but his naturally booming voice isn't giving you any favors.
You take a moment to review what you have done...it doesn't look like much but it feels like it took AGES to write out...
"About...10? It's not a-"
"That's wonderful, Superstar!"
He cuts you off just as you begin to speak.
Of course, he's going to be ecstatic. You can't fathom why he seems to be so hopelessly in love with whatever you slap on the paper. You're curious..so you begin to speak.
"...uhm...Nick...why do you..take interest in my writing?"
You softly speak, trying to be careful with your words...you can't afford to overstimulate this man.
For a chatty guy...Nick was oddly silent at the ask of this question…or at least for a few seconds.
“I was trying to find a way to ease the boredom and loneliness of this fucking hotel, so…huff…I joined Dumblr and started to search for writing…that was…huff….purposeful…and that could fix me..”
No way in hell your crackfics could change this man...He must've come out of the womb like that. (or...however the hell he was made..)
"...I came across your first post years ago..huff...and fell in love with the way you wrote your love interest....huff...I knew you were talking about me when I wrote all those comments~"
You never looked at comments due to embarrassment...and you honestly didn't think anyone would even care to comment in the first place.
"....you weren't responding to me...huff...so I might've found everything about you in the meantime...huff...just so I could notice you in a crowd...I always will~"
Okay, now it's getting creepy. You hope that by just turning back around and continuing to write maybe he'd shut up...You guess it's sorta your fault for striking up a conversation with the creep.
"All the other writers don't know shit about writing...huff...1k word counts...huff...long and complicated stories that don't make any fucking sense..."
There goes the rambles. You stop typing for a moment to process what the hell he just said. He either is really balls-deep into this fantasy of you being a perfect human...or he's just trying to fluff you up so you'll continue writing for him. He's really delusional, that's it. It's seriously hard to believe your crap was life-changing for Nick.
“Simplicity is the most important part…huff…not describing some stupid walk sequence for 3 sentences…huff…it’s a waste of space..”
"....maybe you just like simpler writing...?"
You softly reply, yet again praying that you didn't accidentally strike a chord with this guy. He stares you down, and even if you aren't looking back at him, you can still feel the burning of his eyes on the back of your head.
"That's possible."
Oh, it's highly probable. He gets so emotional over the tiniest bit of anything, so...He just doesn't need too many words to evoke a reaction...It checks out because you also like to write a straight-to-the-point sorta piece.
"but don't let your mind wander for...huff...too long...my superstar...you've got at least 90+ pages to go~"
Shit, he was right...time to get back to work.
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charmac · 2 months
My casual sunny friend sent me ur post about rob following you back and then asked if i think rob reads fic ur so famous
LMAO. Listen on some level I am glad it’s technically not allowed for them to read fanfiction… but deep down I know he would like it… I just do. My fic has a Philadelphia Phillies tag for crying out loud, if that doesn’t peak his interest just enough to click…
For real though? This is weird. I’m scared. Though this will not stop me from publishing the multiple shitposts I’ve prepared to promote the new chapter, so it’s probably Rob who should be scared
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thatswhatsushesaid · 6 months
i will add this info to my pinned post as i get myself more organized, but for now, here is a list of other public places online that you can for sure find me doing more or less what i do here in the event the lights go out here on tumblr:
while i am technically on not-twitter, i don't see myself migrating there from tumblr, so i'm not going to bother dropping a link to my account. if you really want it, you can pm me i guess lol
middlemarchingfic @ ao3, where i've been doing my fic-writing nonsense for years already;
thatswhatsushesaid @ bluesky; i've done literally nothing here yet but thank you very much to @missveryvery for the invite 🙏🙏🙏
ragweed @ plurk; this is a locked personal account that i use for staying in touch with dwrp people tho, so i may create a separate public one for fandom nonsense. still, if we're mutuals here, feel free to add me if you want;
middlemarching @ mastodon; i have no idea how this platform works slkfdjas but i'm here!!! let's go team!!
sibilantepicurean @ reddit; mostly i just lurk here and haven't done.. much of anything with the account, but maybe that will change.
i plan to create a dedicated dreamwidth account just for my mdzs-specific meta, shitposts and screencap art, but it's going to need a little bit of time to put together since i'm not sure at the moment how much cross-posting functionality exists between dw and tumblr. anyway once i figure out what i plan to do, i'll update my pinned post with the details.
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avephelis · 4 months
Now that we're entering into 2024, I'm asking some artists and writers that I follow:
1) What is the one piece you're most proud of from this past year?
2) What are some pieces that you would have liked more people to see? If you can include links, I'd love to go check them out!
3) What were your top three favorite pieces (art, comics, fics, etc) that someone else has made this past year?
(As always, no pressure to respond! Feel free to just ignore, or let me know if you'd rather I not send you these kinds of asks in the future.)
ermmm don'tknow... maybe the ghibli study i did with tamper? really proud of that one (lots of detail and very different from my usual style with the thin lineart!). but ALSO doing a two for one because i finally posted one of my stupid shitpost animations this year and i think i peaked with hate criming leonardo ninja turtle.
MY DND NPC GAYBOY i'm super fond of that piece (but understandably my oc art doesn't get as many notes lol). also technically scottie's post but embryo magical girl lives in my head forever... OH! and the spidersona mass attack i did for artfight i spent forever on that.
GYAHH I DUNNO THERE'S SO MANY... @sodaquail's to your joy i tether comes to mind that fic changed my brain chemistry i think. umm jaime @routeriver's fucking everything (LOOK AT THIS SHIT. LOOK AT IT.) and jay @oh-lordy-lord-save-me's everything (amazing times a million billion). AND! scottie @wiiwarechronicles always forever but also the drawing he did of my ocs is soo.. aaugh.. AND @cpunkhobie's RONIN PLURAL AU FUCKING IN MY BRAIN FOREVER. there's way more than that but this is getting super long lmao
i think 2023 was a great year with art for me. super excited about 2024!! all the best for everyone reading this too!!
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munchkin1156 · 9 months
There’s my brother to blame for that, feel free to ask for context, keeping it until I change it back :D
. . .
Now that that's out of the way...
Who am I?
❤️My name is Munchkin! I'm your casual g/t enthusiast, and I do writing, art and also some irl stuff making! If you see someone going by the name ✨anon✨ on your blog, offering you cookies, then that's me. I enjoy content, and sometimes do my own! Right now, I'm mainly obsessed with Mcyt g/t (which is either dsmp, or when I come back from hiatus, hermitcraft as well) or oc stuff :D Nice to meet you, viewer/reader!! :D ❤️
What is g/t?
G/t stands for giant/tiny, and it's a community for people who enjoy being (you guessed it) giant or tiny! Usually, it's a form of comfort, feeling the need to protect or be protected, but it can also be used as a kink. That is NSFW G/T. This blog is strictly SFW G/T. I will not hesitate to block you if you do that, for it makes me uncomfortable and I am not okay with it. (Sorry if this description is bad, there are better ones-)
Do I do g/t vore?
Nope! To be clear, I am perfectly fine with the concept and anyone who posts it, (occasionally reading it as long as it's safe) though I am aware some of my followers are not, so I will not be posting/talking about vore on this blog.
Do i take requests, and if so, what kind? (REQUESTS ARE ✨OPEN✨)
Yes. I take writing and art requests, including fake fic titles, prompts, au ideas, headcanons, etc. Do not pressure me to finish your request though, it will not help at all and will make me more stressed. If I am uncomfortable with your request, it will be deleted.
Now, my posts so far... (Stories/art and other posts under cut-, most of this is old writing, again once I'm back I will probably add some more stuff that is new and better! Enjoy!)
. . .
(Note: Most of this work rn i find old and not very good. There will be better stuff eventually...)
My main au!
✨Upon Clouds we Dream...✨
Chapter One and Chapter Two is out, but Chapter Three is non-existent. (yet)
Then there's the other au that I have stuff for, but I'm not sure what it is or where i was going with it and i'm pretty sure it's dead but oh well-
Make new friend's but keep the old
Chapter... One? Chapter... Two? Maybe?
Art for it
Becky ask!!! (small infodump)
✨I have fallen (but have faith, for I shall rise once more)✨ (mcyt g/t au)
Brick ask :D
✨Dystopian au✨ (mcyt g/t au)
Becky ask (technically infodump)
He started it!
Horror and HELP
✨Other- (stuff like wips, fake fic titles, art, oc's that i have drawings of, hc's, irl stuff :])✨
Wip game thingy
Munchkin character sheet
It's- a stick figure. In a hamd.
Taming the beast
G/t headcanons (Zombie apocalypse style)
Borrower house no.1 (not very good)
Borrower house no.2 (better)
shitpost (and my first post)
shitpost (not my first post)
shitpost (honestly how many do i have?)
shitpost (another one??)
shitpost (:D)
stuff that freaks me out in g/t #1
stuff that freaks me out in g/t #2
✨My tumblr fam✨
My Tumblr mom, the wonderful @.I-am-beckyu, my Tumblr aunt's, @.brick-a-doodle-do and @.a-xyz-s.
@.orchid-harmony, @.da3dm, @.krazycat49, @.justarandomsloth and 🕶️ anon are my siblings :D
Aaaaaand that's about it! Will update when I should!
❤️ You made it to the end! ❤️ Great job, dear viewer/reader, have some more cookies! 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
-Your neighborhood Munchkin
…spams bread
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quasaricsouls · 3 months
zamn!!! these idiots plural!!!
[pt: zamn!!! these idiots plural!!!]
welcome to the silly corner where the people in here (our sys) shitpost and just be silly. we are a traumaendo (we think we may actually be protogenic sooo) system of about 20-21. we use sysmates atm but this may change. it/they collectively
BODILY A MINOR. [pt: bodily a minor.]
this blog is technically a side blog, we're currently not comfortable sharing our main one for safety & personal reasons. if you know, don't tell anyone. please.
we are very much so fictive heavy. please treat everyone like they're normal people. they are not their source.
basic dni criteria apply here, as well as anti-kin (including KFF. we're chill w them existing here), transmeds, sexualize agere/petre/littles/extranths, nsfw-focused blogs, etc. people whose blogs focus on unreality are on thin ice. proship/fic are allowed to interact, however please know that we do not care about ship discourse and are chill as long as you don’t bring anything problematic to us.
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more about our sysmates under the cut :3
EPHAI/ASTRO core, host // it/she the idiot who's somehow the host here (trust me, i dont know either)
vulturekin & argentaviskin, do not refer to me as human! i am stressed out incredibly easily, interact with care as i can be unstable. tag is #ephais stargazing
FRENZIE chaosnaut, adhd holder, fictive // it/xey our resident adhd holder and chaos gremlin! it shitposts a lot. that is all
tag is #frenzies shenanigans
FIVE PEBBLES role term discomfort, fictive // he/kit/meow the guy who's the reason we found out we're a system. whoops. anxiety man & we're pretty sure he's a pet regressor
tag is #5pebbles rambles, you can also find him at @pebblesrambles
GOURMAND role unlabeled, fictive // he/they fat fuck. somehow, one of the only two sane ones here asides from avanna. posts probably won't be common from him!
tag is currently undecided
AVANNA some type of protector, fictive/kinform(?) // she/they/plant neos girlkisser? girlkisser. but yeah. fun fact: before our syscovery, i (ephai) thought she was a fictotype. Yeah, no.
tag is #avannas garden
HURRICANE role unlabeled // he/storm/strat literally the only one frenzie fears. will add more later
tag is currently undecided
LIBERTY/LUCY semi-fictive // she/it will add later
tag is currently undecided
MAGNIFICENT fictive(?) // she/her will add later
tag is currently undecided
NEBULA tba, fictive // it/its where the fuck did you come from. hatsune miku fictive.
tag is currently undecided
NO SIGNIFIGANT HARASSMENT tba, fictive // sie/he/she prefers to go by sig. HEAVILY divergent and a bit disconnected from source. will add more later (sie’s ALSO a pet regressor???)
tag is currently undecided
EVEREST tba, fictive // she/her will add later
tag is currently undecided
PHARYNX chameleon(?), fictive // he/it will add later
tag is #pharynx talks
SERPHELIUS puppetmaster, fictive(?) // any pronouns will add later
no tag
WENET rabbitrunner, fictive // she/lun will add later
tag is #wenet posting
LOOKS TO THE MOON tba, fictive // she/her will add later
no tag, you can go annoy her at @looks-to-the-soup
SLIVER OF STRAW(/SKYE) fuck if i know, fictive // she/they/it has zero rizz, that’s all im saying.
tag is currently undecided
BOBCAT caretaker (curadere), octive // they/she local strombonin and frenzie’s partner. usually only fronts alongside regressors.
tag is currently undecided
If you encounter a sys-mate who goes by Qhualhul, do not interact with him. He is not safe to be around.
(note: add isabela, suns, ui/cloud, squiddo, dolores, and moon/luna later)
[ Astralis Sidesystem posts are tagged with either #astralis sidesys or #this post was brought to you by the astralis sidesystem ]
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justsomeoneunordinary · 11 months
Why You Should Reblog Creative Work
Here’s the thing about tumblr and reblogs: A lot of tumblr olds will tell you how reblogging is the only way for a post—especially when it comes to creative work such as art, gifs, fics etc.—to be seen by other people in the first place, as tumblr doesn’t have an algorithm.
This is not quite true anymore. Tumblr does have an algorithm and it’s a pretty well working one, too. I actually do use the ‘For You’ page every now and then and it always shows me a few posts that absolutely are of my interest. Hell, it even shows me untagged posts, it even shows added commentary in reblogs that are relevant to my interest.
So, saying “a like does nothing on tumblr” isn’t true anymore. As I’ve already seen, you don’t even necessarily need to tag your posts anymore (text posts at least—I don’t believe it’d work with images) to reach your audience.
But, and there is a But, capital letters and all that jazz, tumblr is first and foremost a blogging website. You all have blogs, and when you post here you blog. The reblogging function is a deeply ingrained, essential feature of this site, and when bloggers stop using it, creators will stop creating. A lot of them have already stopped—it’s one of the reasons why I for example, as well as a lot of other writers I know, don’t post fics on here anymore and merely share a quick link to AO3.
This is a blogging website and people are killing it by not using it the way it’s supposed to be used. Yes, you can, technically still reach your audience even if you’re not being reblogged at all, but apart from the fact that a lot of tumblr olds don’t even look at the ‘For You’ page, nothing will spread creative work as fast as reblog chains will. Nothing will make sure your work will be seen at all, except when people reblog it.
Not to mention that the ‘For You’ page (or the ‘Based on Your Likes’ function which is mostly garbage unlike the ‘For You’ page tbh) will never be able to show you older work that could interest you too, and bring the creator joy by getting attention on something that’s already years old again. Only sharing the work and spreading the joy will work.
Also, because likes were pretty useless until recently, most tumblr users don’t see likes as in “hey, I liked this!” but more in a “I saw this” manner. Hell, that’s how I use the like button. Sure, I leave a like on things I do like (I wouldn’t leave it on a post I dislike, that makes no sense), but the like is mostly meant for me to remember I saw this already. To show appreciation I reblog/queue the post. Because that’s what reblogging to most of us means. It means “hey, I like this and I appreciate it and I want to share it so others see this amazing thing too!”
If you leave only a like and no reblog follows it eventually, to most of us it means “yeah, I liked this but not enough to have it on my own blog and share it with others”—and that’s discouraging as fuck. It’s like saying that the work we created isn’t good enough.
Obviously, you don’t have to reblog every art/gifs/fics/etc. you see if they don’t even interest you. But naturally, you wouldn’t leave a like on something you don’t like either, would you?
There’s, of course, also always this small portion of Big Artists who claim that reblogs aren’t that important and likes are just as appreciated, but those are usually the kind of artists who reach hundreds of reblogs, get lot of commentary on the work, kind asks and so on and so forth. Maybe once people stop interacting with their work they would change their tune, but as long as they don’t struggle with receiving appreciation for the creative work that took them hours and was created with passion and love, their opinion doesn’t really matter, as they’re in a huge minority with that view anyway.
(I am talking about creative work specifically here because honestly, no one gives a fuck if you reblog shitposts or not, as they don’t take even remotely the same amount of time as a single art piece does for example, and aren’t made with the same passion either. Ironically though, shitposts are the kind of posts that get the most reblogs anyway.)
At the end of the day, it’s really not that hard to reblog other people’s work. You don’t have to leave a comment in the tags/reblog either, as not everyone has the time and spoons to do so—I do promise you though that if you leave kind commentary underneath a creative work, you will make OP’s day—there’s even a quick reblog resp. a quick queue option on mobile and desktop, which takes you just as long to click as the like button. Literally just a second.
You can also always make (a) sideblog(s) for anything you don’t want to mix with the other things you post/reblog.
And it doesn’t matter if you have no followers or not many who would see the things you reblog either. OP doesn’t know that—all they do know is that someone appreciates the creative work they posted. And a reblog even with no commentary will always be more meaningful than a like.
Maybe it’s not important anymore on tumblr to get reblogs to reach an audience, but the reblogs are still necessary to keep the community alive. And by discarding the reblog function we’re effectively killing that community until there won’t be any creative work anymore and well… probably only memes and shitposts on here.
So instead of getting all prissily and calling creators “entitled” for asking for reblogs, as if it is such a hardship to click the button, you should maybe ask yourself why you’re so reluctant to reblog work that took hours to create in the first place, hm?
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gilmore-angel · 1 year
bays 1000 follower party !!
closed !!
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yall👀 the fact I'm at 1000 is so insane, especially considering the fact all I do is shitpost💀. I'm so so thankful for all of u!!! I plan on posting some more fics soon!! right now I have about five wips I'm trying to finish lol. also, i technically hit 1000 in December but im just now getting to this, so thank yall for being so patient with me!! here are some basic rules regarding this celebration !!
send only one event (?) per ask !!
please look at my character list before requesting and involving a character !!
please be patient !!
anyone can participate (moots, followers, non-followers, anons) !!
send as many asks as you want !!
this will be open from Feb 25th - March 1st
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navigation | character list
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here's the party playlist 🤭
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➽🎉party favor🎉
give me a character and I'll tell you what I think being in a relationship with them would be like (lmk if you want sfw or nsfw) !!
➽💋late night kisses💋
give me the link to a fic and I'll read and talk about my favorite things in it !!
➽🍸only one more🍸
tumblr games (cym, kmk, fmk, this or that) !!
➽✨️body glitter✨️
give me a character and I'll make a moodboard based off of them !!
➽🚬outside smokers🚬
(moots only) I'll make a three pic moodboard and tell you some things you remind me of !!
send me a character and a letter from the NSFW alphabet and I'll write about it !!
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tagging my hot sexy moots !!
@imabee-oralizard @alex-mcnugget @meadowscarlet @rafesmuse @miss-celestial-being @labradorite-princess @siriusblackstwin @morwap @fleurfairie @jamespottersmommy @masivechaos @evermoreal @ohwowimlonley @blackthunder137 @lanawinterscigarettes @pumpkinpiedano
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doyouknowthemossinman · 8 months
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So, pack up your car, put a hand on your heart Say whatever you feel, be wherever you are We ain't angry at you, love You're the greatest thing we've lost
Danny's memory of Mike being at his graduation in LW ch. 16 was so transformative for me for NO reason.... ANYWAY
Context for the first image is Danny packing for college and saying bye to the Fazgang... I realize that cutting the rest of the images left that out. And by proxy the second one is Mike's appearance at his graduation!
These were supposed to be the ending parts to a longer comic-looking part that included the rest of the chorus of the song, but I hated it so much!!! You can literally tell that I spent so much more time on the second part but it's the one that's more emotional anyway??? So I'm ok with it lol
On a wayyyy more personal note my little journey drawing and writing for these two has been so so so healing for me. I just moved up to University and dealing with that has been as tough as it probably is for everyone else, but this has become my outlet for it I guess! Mike just being The Way He Is helps a lot!! Especially the way he treats Danny and Max in canon. I guess I imprinted on Danny because he's technically the series' everyman, but his anxiety and gentleness is something I relate to. I, too, was once a sixteen-year-old trying to hold down a job in food service... I'm really glad I came back to this series when I did. I would re-read Devil's Spine every few months as a pick-me-up bc I love Mike in that fic, but coming back and re-reading the series as a whole (and as an adult with a better reading comprehension lmao) gave me a new appreciation for the rest of the cast, too, and especially Danny obviously. My appreciation for the whole series and for its wonderful author knows no bounds!!!!! I can't put into words how much love I have in my (albeit small) being that is directed at KGA and @charlieslowartsies; I have to stim it all out but you can't see that, so I have to try words anyway 😭
HEY. Just because I wrote this big-ass confession or whatever doesn't mean I'm done with making content for the KGA!!!! I have a to-do list and by god I will do maybe at least half of it!! I just wanted to put my personal shit on the Really Good artwork instead of the shitposts that are coming down the pipeline ;P
[Seriously, the LOML]
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dirtyoldmanhole · 7 months
today in "krad continues to be very normal about gunter fire emblem" i hyper-analyze 3H's teatime preferences to divine up gunter's favorite teas and a few other fun facts ~ :D
so, context:
in Three Houses (FE16), there's a teatime minigame where your avatar drinks tea with selected characters, and try to guess their favorites / favorite conversational topics / etc for bonding points. FE's pretty big on character archetypes across the games (nabarls, jeigans, etc); while it's never a 1:1 as the series does like to subvert the stories and character arcs in some fun ways, you can generally trace a pretty direct line across them a la 'wow innes and shinon sure share more than a few surface-level similarities' and 'man OG!Jeigan, Gunter, and Marcus are cut out of the same cloth at least appearance wise huh'.
tl;dr -- it's easier than you'd think to pick a few 3H characters that echo gunter's archetype/arcs.
since i've played through 3H a few times, the three characters i figured gunter would share at least a higher-than-background-average similarity in archetypes + taste were:
Hubert - loyal advisor that does the dirty work behind the scenes in black to a charismatic royal. definitely holds a not-entirely platonic flame for said princess who had a Fucked Up past. has a tendency to be the disciplinarian for the others. (also both characters are hellaciously kinky bastards but that's just me)
Jeritza - strict instructor turned surprise(!) villain yandere paladin with a more complex backstory than you'd think. even has the black armor in his alter ego, and dislikes talking to others / prefers being alone. (seriously does that sound familiar or what.)
Hanneman - older (ie, definitely over his sixties versus all of the other babies in age) classic jeigan archetype and another instructor, kind but keeps to himself as well.
I could see people debating Hanneman vs Gilbert on technicalities but whatever, this is my post, I'm sticking to this list. :P
so, next step! looking at serenesforest.net's teatime preferences chart, we find out the favorite teas of the previous characters are (common teas in bold) ...
Hubert - Dagda Fruit Blend, Cinnamon Blend
Jeritza - Albinean Berry Blend, Southern Fruit Blend, Honeyed-Fruit Blend, Sweet-Apple Blend
Hanneman - Bergamot, Sweet-Apple Blend, Honeyed-Fruit Blend, Cinnamon Blend
... and surprisingly, there was a very high level of crossover! :o holy shit i was kind of not expecting that lmao. I checked a few of the other characters just to make sure it wasn't the same 5 teas over and over again, and no, these were pretty rare. that to me, reinforces that hunch that says looking into these patterns was worth it.
therefore, it is in my very humble opinion that (in 3H's style), Gunter's favorite teas would be generally the fruitier-sweet flavored ones, plus cinnamon.
fucking hell i love this so much. omg.
it makes so much sense in hindsight; i mentioned before how FE has a lot of fun playing with the archetypes/subversions, and there's something kind of hilariously adorable about the old strict "traditional" masculine dude fucking loving his fruity teas :D;;
gunter's already (ime) an interesting case of wildly subverting his archetype expectations so this is just yet another fun super-stealth easter egg nod.
to that note---you know what that reminds me of? this meme (below) of the bodyguard and the chick swapping drinks so he can have the fruity one and she can have the beer. :D
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absolutely hilarious fun bonus fact in hindsight:
i almost had this as a scene in the gunter x fcorrin slowburn fic a while back, (yes, seriously, even before this post) but it ultimately got cut out for being ever so slightly gimmicky/meme-y in tone versus the rest of the fic which is played more seriously.
... this would make for an A+ drawing shitpost or a standalone fic tho. :D
no i'm not secretly smug af my instincts were on fireeeee why r u asking lolololol
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bitegore · 1 year
“what is a "gender", I am a car”
for the wip ask game?
okay so that wip is my fic where I take a human anthropologist and throw them at the various Decepticon combiner teams as a device to analyze shape-as-gender through the lens of a whole bunch of aliens who don't really grok human gender but sure do have their own social roles as defined by the way they're shaped, in ways that some like and find comfortable more than others. Which makes it sound, like, deep, or like I have a point to make, but actually it is also just a stupid shitpost running on women-and-gender-studies software.
The structure I got is pretty simple, too, it's four vignettes (four teams) with a set of five interludes in between. The human anthropologist is a graduate student in the newly-created branch of the humanities labeled something along the line of Human-Alien Sociology, and she's here to ask why there's no girl Decepticons. She gets to get onto the Nemesis to have a free pass to interview Decepticons because Megatron is trying to woo the physics branch at her college so he can steal their hadron collider for Schemes.
quite a bit more below the cut :D
(Interlude 1 is the intro: the Human is here to interview your team for an experiment! Let me know when that's a good time :D this interview is just answering questions (cue an audible sigh of relief from Scrapper, who is used to Shockwave's style of experimentation) and it shouldn't take too long :D. scrapper says come back later because we're busy. human is like aight and goes to bother someone else)
First the Stunticons are up, because they're a bunch of idiots who don't have any work they're trusted to do and who also know jack shit about Cybertronian gender (not built on Cybertron) and who comparatively know the most about human gender (they watch TV sometimes; i did not say a lot). Featuring: arguments over which pronoun is "the cool one, for cool people", featuring different definitions of "cool", and Racecar And Woman Is The Same Gender, I Know Because I Watched Fast And Furious
(interlude 2: "hey advisor, it's me, I need some uh... advice. Um. The Decepticons don't have women. No, not like they left them back on their homeworld, I think they have... yeah I. Let me fax you my notes, I don't think they know what a woman is. ........Yeah I don't know what to do with this. I'm still here so I'm going to finish the interviews but-- what do you mean, it can't be that bad? I'm writing a paper about feminism in the Decepticon Army, and if they don't have-- look, just read the papers when I send them to you. They had an argument about which pronoun eats the other ones. I don't know what to do with this. Thanks, bye, talk to you later")
Then the Combaticons, whose collective gender is "military" and who don't care to explain that much, with a side of "hey human. this isn't technically against the rules to tell you. have you ever heard of loyalty coding. hey. we're bringing this up for no particular reason. make sure you put it in your paper. what does it have to do with us? uh :| haha, nothing :| hail megatron". The human anthropologist finds them very frustrating because they are really not that interested in explaining how their job is their shape is their identity and their current shapes are NOT the ones they're used to (see: g1 combaticon intro episode, Onslaught's line, "why are we in these crude corpses" and Blast Off's "I wouldn't want to be seen by anyone I know in this getup", the premise doesn't like that much), so they keep changing the subject, and their answers are really vague anyway because they keep expecting the human anthropologist to Get It and she absolutely one hundred thousand percent does not.
(I have to put something here but I still haven't decided what. Maybe just Anthropologist calling a friend back in the US going "hey, can you do me a solid? You got a line to the Autobots, right? as part of your exchange program? Yeah I'm having a weird one and I'm not sure what to make of it, can you get them to define some terms for me?")
Then the Terrorcons, who are barely cooperative at first because they're not really that interested in Megatron's approval and don't care that much about the project, but who also are full-fledged Cybertronians who nonetheless have a sort of different cultural and social role than the others, being not just combiner team members but also guys who turn into animal-looking things instead of vehicles. The vast majority of them are Not Even A Little Bit Interested but Hun-grr, Sinnertwin and after a little while of discussion Rippersnapper are willing to actually have one-third of a productive conversation. Human anthropologist has to tell them to stop making cracks about eating her first, though.
(interlude: phone call from Scrapper: "Yes you can come talk to us now." Hang up. Phone call from Soundwave, 'research coordinator': "why are you on the ship. What on earth are you up to." VERY HURRIEDLY hang up. Phone call from advisor, who was called by Soundwave. "DId you tell them you were in the sciences?" "THE SOCIAL SCIENCES!" "oh honey no they don't know what that means. you should probably leave" "but i just got the go-ahead to talk to the last group" ".......girl, you are going to get killed in real life, you are going to get seriously injured" "no i'm not the maneating space dinosaurs said they really liked me and Sinnertwin is walking alongside me as we speak" "............well, uh... Good luck I guess. You can't do any research if you die, so try not to do that.")
Finally the Constructicons, who are normal ass Cybertronian people, do an interview. They explain some misconceptions the anthropologist has picked up and are very confused as to why this is the experiment but perfectly happy to talk. Weirdly happy to talk, actually. Everyone but Hook is like really excited for some reason, and they keep stealing glances at this sourpuss surgeon in the back and then using him as examples in their descriptions of simple and basic things about Cybertronian gender. This is because Scrapper only agreed because he's frustrated with Hook and knows Hook is going to be pissed about wasting this much time on something this stupid and it's funny to everyone else because they all get along fine but it's still fun when Hook is being a bit of a prat to be a bit of an asshole back. This one is minimally bullshit compared to the others but the joke is largely in the form of:
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then of course the final interlude is the human anthropologist taking their complete array of notes to their advisor. who looks through the approximately 40 pages of hastily-scribbled notes about Cybertronian gender conception, at least half of which is transcribed arguments between two idiots who dont know what "she-her pronouns" actually denotes and is trying to figure it out. The advisor is like [strained smile] yeah our department is women's studies. Uh. Yeah I know you're doing an inter-departmental thing but please take this to someone else. This is like. This is not our business. Maybe take this down the hall to the guy who does that newfangled "queer studies" thing in hir free time, I don't know what to do with this". end scene.
all this because i think "attack helicopter" could be a coherent gender for a robot that turns into an attack helicopter. and i wanted to make a shitty transphobic joke about the robots in the kind of way that would piss off every homophobic transformers redditor bro and tf2005 guy at once
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cadmusfly · 4 months
1, 3, 13!
Fanfic Asks for the New Year!
(1.) Do you have a word-count goal for the upcoming year?
Absolutely not lol, I mean it’d be nice to get back into writing and finishing a long form original novel piece at some point (brain stalled with SbS but I guess technically with 60k words done it could count as one novel out of three maaaybe) and I’d ideally like to cultivate a consistent writing habit that’s daily or weekly but I am not good at discipline or habits
And also I’m not feeling long form multichaptered pieces right now, but I want to feel it again and I am afraid the only way to feel it is to force it and I am lazy right now after graduating for the second time in my life
(3.) Do you anticipate writing for a new fandom this year? Which one?
Not really because in relative terms I’ve only recently started really writing for the 26 Eight-Year-Olds Napoleon’s Marshalate fandom, (very proud of my last fic which is Peak Cad Weird Poetic Rambling) because only small obscure fandoms tickle my brain and long dead French generals have hijacked my brain with all their drama, tragedy and comedy. Why did nobody tell me before now that dead Frenchmen were so entertaining and catty bitches to each other
(13.) Aside from fanfic, are there any other fan works you’d like to try creating? Fanart, or fanvids, gifsets, or podfic? 
Having made the ambitious shitpost of the tag yourself with 26 drawings of dead Frenchmen - because I thought it would be funnier with my shitty drawings
I have an extremely silly thing I’ve been digitally drawing that I’ll post in the next few days, maybe even tomorrow
Here’s a sneak peak.
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I do generate a bunch of fun surreal weird AI stuff with the dead Frenchmen as inspiration as well, I don’t really post them out of anxiety, but they’re meaningful to me personally and I enjoy the process of creating these works as much as I enjoy writing and drawing - and it is an extended process because I want very specific things dammit, oh man I need to jump back into photoshop to edit and implement ideas before I lose access to it forever
Oh yeah! The other big fannish thing I do! Painting tiny men! I am going to order more tiny men and paint them oh man I want to order this and recreate this painting but tiny and on my desk and maybe on my cat
Probably the big reason I’ve been writing a tiny bit more is because I’m away from home temporarily and thus away from my paints and tiny men and I can’t just default to painting tiny men all the time and honestly painting tiny men has taken over my life a bit I love them so much and I want to get someone I know to take Good Quality Photos of them
Anyway thank you for the asks!
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fanficfish · 3 months
i'm working on a fic so i hope y'all don't mind if i cracktype my nation headcanons and thoughts. I'm sure they're not original but i haven't seen them yet soooooooooo (rhen again i only really come on here to shitpost random things and like nordic five stuff)
also theres def some things i got from reading stuff but it's all scattered around idk where so kudos to everyone that had posts that gave me ideas
Okay so my thoights are that in the hetaliaverse it's an open secret. Like moat of them won't really go out blaring about it but they'll answer if you ask. Like France, he'll just kinda hang out in his place and be another friendly guy, but if you come up to him and ask if he's France he'll say yes. A few countries with more questionable populations will keep it more on the down low for security and then there's America, Poland, and Canada, who don't give a ahit and run active YouTube and Twitch channels and and quite happy to hang out with the modern day crowd sure why not.
most people don't really know though, like if you know who to look for you can find America's youtube feed but if he goes drinking with the boys he'll probably just call himself Alfred sk it's less weird.
Most of them have some kind of governmwnt job because it's the 21st century and it's too troublesome to explain things sometimes. Especially for younger looking nations, like Hong Kong and Latvia and Iceland, who have all at one point or another had to explain that they aren't homeless minors. And especially Latvia, kid's tiny lol. Arthur (and Sweden) had to explain a few memorable times to CPS that no, Ladonia and Sealand do not need to go to school. A good few nations have just given up and have all the documents ready in a pile when someone comes knocking because some new neighbor gave them a tip about unsupervised children or "shady activity".
also, Amwrica really doesn't want to have to keep explaining all the stat3: and territories under him sometimes.
anyways so yeah human names are mosstly rhe countries picking something to go by, usually their governmeent knows but it's more just to keep it easy at Starbucks. With each other they'll use country names, unlesss they're mad in which case UNITED FUCKING STATES OF FUCKING AMERICA YOU BETTEE SIT YOUR ASS DOWN RIGHT THIS INSTANT YOUNG MAN-
i like that headcanon, i know i got that one from a post somewhere. Also got the one about bcountries being able to go into a kind of second "world" where things are a bit closer, so for example America could just open a door into Canada's house and take a quick boat ride to get to England's. And then to get into the regular world they have other doorways, like America can jump states by going into different doors and popping out in the state capital of choice in his office or whatever. And then a select few, like Cuba, can just
teleport. Hop, if you will. It's a selwct ability. Whole different bag of worms.
also theres stares, regions, and provinces, but not anything less then that. We don't need LA as a personification. One florida is enough. Especially the US, since each state is it's own mini country technically.
anyways yeah. Tldr most people think of the nations like myths, a bit like say hearing "my great great great great granddad was the assistant to George Washington" or something, but a bit more tangible.
unless you're norway and switzerland in whoch case you won't be actually meeting anyone you will be sitting at home or in a forest ifnoeing everyone and everything that isn't part of youe inner circle.
Oh and i love that idea that citizens of a country can kinda sense their country and vice versa but won't really realize who they met unless they figure it out they'll just get a vague "you're familiar", and countries will know because well. Country.
edit 1: i forgot to add some countries probably take less interest in their goveernemtn happenings. Like Iceland is more invocled with his tourism, like that boy has one goal in Paint it White and that's to get tourists. But then you have America who's kinda just there, probably lets democracy do its thing and just hangs outt and just does stuff relating to personifications. And heaven knows Estonia's too busy blogging to do much. ThereMs some logistics to nations and international relations but whatever not my thought process today lol
idk i'll add more if i think of it
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