#this can be read as either platonic or romantic tbh but i'd like to think of it as 'roommates to lovers'-esque
yuffi369 · 9 months
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P03 x GN!Reader
In which P03 realizes that, for as much crap as he's talked about for you not appreciating his game design, you may actually know what you're talking about, sometimes.
Since you'd managed to keep a back-up of Inscryption's files after... everything, P03 had managed to worm his way onto your computer system's drive. At first, he acted a lot more maliciously; accessing permissions to just about everything, your webcam, your microphone, any files... he looked through just about everything, and began to make moves to even take over your computer entirely.
You were smart, though. You'd managed to get to where the backup copy of Inscryption and all of its files were, and upon threat of deletion, he cooperated. He agreed to only hang around your computer and not tamper with any of your files, or compromise your computer's integrity, but he still wanted to hang around. You didn't mind this for two reasons; one, it did seem rather cruel to keep him locked up in the files with nothing to do, and two, you didn't mind the company anyhow, seeing as most of your friends were over long distance.
One evening, you'd decided to get some work done on a campaign you were running for your friends. The game was in two weeks, so you had plenty of prep time, but there were some maps you had to make, encounters to plan, and you had to figure out some plot ahead of where they were going. The next session would be taken up in the first half by traveling, so it was mostly technical things like potential encounters, which was probably your least favorite part of game writing. You didn't hate any part, necessarily, but your strong suit lied in the story parts.
You were so lost in your struggling thoughts, staring at the VTT interface with a stumped expression, you almost forgot P03 was there. "Hey, idiot, you going to move the mouse, or are you going to let the computer screen fall asleep?"
You blinked rapidly, sitting up straight. "Huh?" You looked down at the tiny P03, who was staring at you as he stood on top of your task bar. "No, I was just thinking."
"What're you even doing, anyway?" he asked, looking at the grid on the screen.
"Writing encounters for my next game session," you replied, scrolling through another webpage you had open where you had access to stat blocks available to you.
"You write games?" he said, incredulously.
"Oh, right, I haven't had a session since you've come around and started living rent-free on my desktop."
"What do you want me to do for money, use your graphics card for crypto mining?"
"No," you replied, curtly.
"Anyway, given your criticisms about my game design, I didn't think you knew a thing about game design." He crossed his arm over his body, rolling his eyes.
"This isn't exactly a card game," you replied. "It's a tabletop roleplaying game. It's based on war gaming, with roleplaying added in. So it's a mixture of tactical gaming and story-based gaming. Not quite a card game like Inscryption."
"Interesting," he replied.
He continued to watch you work- or, well, the more accurate words would be struggle to work. You tried, several times, to put down tokens on the map, only to take them back off after a few minutes of deliberation. Sick of watching you struggle, P03 hovered up to your cursor, dragging it around to get your attention. "Hurry up. I'm sick of the ambient work music you've had in the background for the last hour."
"Sorry, P," you sighed, genuinely feeling a bit bad that he'd watched you do basically nothing this entire time. "I'm not exactly the best at planning encounters..."
"Lemme help, then. Pull up the webpage with the stat blocks."
"Fine. But aren't you programmed to write for Inscryption, not this?"
"I'm a fast learner." He scrolled through the webpage, looking through the stat blocks. After looking over a few stat blocks, he pulled up a stat block for an undead creature, that had an interesting mechanic. "Here. This should keep your players from falling asleep."
You took one look at the stat block and shook your head. "No. I can't use that."
He looked at you with exasperation. "Well why the f#%& not?" he said, the little beep censoring his cursing through the speakers.
"Those are undead creatures," you explained, using your cursor to point at the stat block's creature type. "They're just traveling through grasslands. I can't justify a random group of these just showing up out of the blue."
"I dunno what to tell you. This stat block's probably your best bet for an interesting mechanic that's low-level enough to not kill your players. Maybe have them, I dunno, take a shortcut through a graveyard, or whatever."
"Shortcut through a graveyard..." you repeated, under your breath. After a brief moment, you bolted upright in your seat, pulling up your document and beginning to write at an accelerated pace. P03 probably clocked you at about 90 WPM at your fastest. Once you were satisfied with the narrative text you'd written out for yourself to read upon arrival to the location, you pulled up the VTT and began placing things all around the map, taking your time to make sure things were placed in logical, good-looking locations, making sure to add terrain in places for your rogue to hide behind and take advantage of. Finally, you put the group of undead creatures on the hidden layer to pull up later, and then typed out what loot was to be found in the graveyard as well as on the bodies of the creatures.
Once you were satisfied with your work, you leaned back in your chair, gazing upon the zoomed-out map with pride. "Wow," P03 let out a whistle-like beep, looking at the map with you. "Once you got started, that only took, what? An hour? I would've been able to make the fight really easy, but all that other stuff probably would've taken me the better part of an afternoon."
"Well, I mean, it does take me a while to write something good. But when inspiration hits, I sort of just... go, and don't stop. But I don't have those moments often, or at least not enough for my liking."
P03 turned and glared at you. "Take the damn compliment."
You laughed. "Alright, alright, geez. Thank you."
"Now, let's celebrate with a movie." He pulled up a window with a video player, ready to play the file.
You raised an eyebrow. "Where did you get that?"
"Downloaded it off yarhar.net while you were writing."
"What? I scanned it for viruses, it's clean. What do you want me to do, pay for Netflix? With what money?"
You just laughed, shaking your head. "Let me go make some popcorn."
"And I'll... pull up a jpeg of popcorn, I guess."
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theminecraftbee · 1 month
Just out of curiosity, do you know any alternative ways of showing types of relationships that could be used on ao3? I find the & and / method to be very constraining, especially with ambiguous or multi-dimensional relationships. & for platonic and / for romantic does not allow for a proper representation of nonstandard relationships, for example an enemy/loathing or polyamorous relationship. (Homestuck quadrants are their own thing and are not what I am asking for/about.)
answer that answers your question:
yes and no. if you just want another category of markers to exist, i know you said no homestuck quadrants, but those are probably most commonly used, although they're all synned to the / tag. i've seen some exchanges that want to differentiate use /& together, i've seen ? be used, and i've seen some invent their own tag (largely exchanges use these for matching purposes and it's rare but i HAVE seen it). however, there's no unifying convention, and ao3 will eventually syn all of these to either the / or & tag (usually the / unless the wranglers have a very good reason to think it's the & tbh). so know that even if you use your own symbol, it will show up in the relationship tag it ends up synned to.
one of the most common solutions to this is to use the symbol closest to what you want--personally i tend to just use the & unless there's fic content i think gen fans would really hate, since & is the tag that covers the much wider spectrum of relationships in my head, although some people will differ--and use freeform tags to disambiguate. for example, last days has the & tag for joe and cleo, along with a "queerplatonic relationships" tag! i believe "ambiguous relationships" is also a canonical tag, and you don't have to use canonicals if you can't find the one you like! the world is your oyster.
(here i'll also note: the & doesn't require them be like... friends. it just requires the fic be about their relationship in some way, and for this relationship to not be romantic or sexual. enemies is absolutely covered here, as is like, weird coworkers, or even tags like "hero & the public".)
(similarly, the / tag doesn't require they like each other, it just requires it to be a "ship"; enemies who have a ton of sexual tension goes under this, as do things like abusive romantic or sexual relationships; just make sure you're using your warnings and additional tags appropriately!)
the other most common solution is to tag both the / and & tag and use a tag like the "ambiguous relationships" or "this can be read as either" or "queerplatonic relationships" or whatever other disambiguating tag you think it needs. this is less common in the mcyt fandom because of the mcyt fandom's history of being SUPER WEIRD about shipping, but it's often the most common solution in fandoms that aren't this one.
"i want ao3 to have a ship tag that is neither & nor /, and is not considered synonymous with either" unfortunately this doesn't exist and isn't going to. like i'd love to say there's a way to make it exist but it Won't because of how ao3 was designed to work on a backend level and also ao3 does NOT change quickly, for better or for worse. you're going to have to pick between "make up a symbol and it will probably be synned to /", "use the tag you think you like best", or "use both". i wish there was another option too, if it helps, but the additional tags are really useful here!
"use no relationship tag" is also always an option; the relationship tag is not a required tag!
answer that answers your two examples, neither of which really fit the question as i understand it, hence me separating them out:
a fic about the relationship between two enemies is either the & tag if you just want the one that is actually meant to be used or the / tag if you mean for it to be like, the kind of enemies that have sexual tension. use additional tags to additionally disambiguate (example: just put in the tags the canonical tag "enemies" and you're good to go). the & tag is for ANY kind of platonic relationship, it does not require the two characters like each other, only that the fic is about their relationship! you can use the homestuck <3< if you REALLY wanna make it clear but that's synned to /, so like, up to you. if you're super worried someone will misunderstand the & tag you can also just not tag a relationship, relationships aren't mandatory tags.
i have no idea why you're asking about polyamory because that has a solution that's entirely unrelated to the problem you propose: you just tag the ship. ship tags with more than two names in them are legal tags, as long as it doesn't go over ao3's tag character limit you're good. if you do hit the limit, just use more than one tag! this is totally fine and follows ao3 conventions, don't worry. if it's the kind of polyamorous relationship with metamours, where not everyone is dating everyone, this is where more than one overlapping relationship tag REALLY helps. plus: you can mix / and & tags! not all of them will be canonical yet, but that's true of ANY ship tag you're originating! i have seen the form of "character/character & character" in many fandoms before, it's totally valid and will disambiguate! (also, the ensemble tags may help you here if you're doing like, a polyhermits thing; "hermitcraft ensemble/hermitcraft ensemble" is a legal tag and i think what polyhermits is probably synned to.)
so yeah, hopefully this helps some! good luck out there!
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xenonsdoodles · 2 months
2, 12, and 15? :D
ooh, fun ones!
2. OT3?
tough one... there are a lot of good trios in this cast, but I'm either going to struggle to think of one where I can see them all as romantic with each other at the same time OR to pick one option out of the many many possibilities if I open my mind a little more. so I'm going to pick my top three and they are:
dimitri/byleth/dedue (even though my default is reading dedue's feelings towards dimitri as platonic devotion) aka the royal faerghan cuddle pile, because they're my dream team and they can all read each other's minds by the end of AM
dorothea/mercedes/ingrid, because this is among the best and most distressing things that could possibly happen to ingrid and it would be good for her. and for all of them really
dimitri/sylvain/felix. because of vibes and because they're funny. when they aren't tragic anyway.
12. What's the funniest or craziest AU idea you've ever come up with?
I cannot claim all or even most of the credit for bugvain, but he does live in my head and I think about him every time I see an isopod. here I drew him
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15. Have you noticed your style change over time?
yeah, definitely. I think it's pretty much inevitable if you create for long enough. I don't think of my style as changing moment to moment (I try new ideas and vary techniques plenty, but that's not a complete style shift), but looking back on my old art/writing is like… wow. a lot has changed since then huh. though I'm not sure where I'd draw the line between "style change" and "technical skill improvement" tbh
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page551 · 10 months
I saw someone talking about how with the scenes added in the ebook and with the scenes in the ongoing side story, with emphasis on that one scene where LHH talks about the heroine of ORV, DokSoo might become canon. And while they did mention that they read the side story, I thought that that particular scene pretty much sunk many ships?
oh boy ngl i was a bit reluctant answering this ask but imo this is just fans' wishful thinking rather than singshong walking through a doksoo route.
the doksoo scenes added to the ebook arent really so fundamental to the point that theyre the closest ship to become canon. in fact I'd say that the main reason to make them canon would be that it's a (well-developed) straight ship tbh. in the 1863rd turn, theres an added smoking-on-the-roof scene. kdj tries smoking and immediately has a coughing fit. hsy asks him if she did well in this round. this added scene is a direct parallel to kdj telling her that she did well during the enemy of the story arc
another scene is during kaizenix. yjh and kdj decide to try the romance route and bcs yuri was in love with ricardo, it's kdj who writes the letter "write a story that's for me and me alone" this is also a foreshadowing to what we learn in the epilogue lol. to expand more on kaizenix, we also have yjh telling kdj that his writing skills are terrible despite him reading so much, kdj tells him that with his face he certainly didnt have any problems with courting. yjh then goes on a thinking tangent about how he could not care less about the looks of someone he likes (and we know who is called ugly throughout the book)
as for the lhh part where he talks about orv's heroine (kdj's love interest in this context) he is 100% not referring to han sooyoung. he says that the character he had in mind didnt have as much screentime as the other leads. the main women in orv when it comes to screentime are hsy jhw uriel and ysa. going by lhh's logic and IF his words represent singshong's stance, then hsy is immediately ruled out. i also wouldn't consider jhw for the role either, not only bcs i didnt really see their scenes with a romantic undertone but also why would singshong write kdj's romantic interest love someone else (lhs) romantically?
with uriel, unless you consider kdj/uriel to be a direct parallel to 999yjh/999uriel then i dont think shes The candidate either. now for ysa, im a bit iffy when it comes to her bcs sure she doesnt have as much as screentime as lets say yoohankim but shes also not someone you would consider neglected (like lsh for example) also i genuinely think that romance would undermine doksang's bonds. i think theyre so good BECAUSE theyre platonic
singshong have told us in multiple ways that orv is not a story about a canon romance so you can interpret the ending however you want just dont mis-label the novel's genre (this includes both het and gay romance). plus i just dont think they would shoot themselves on the foot and risk "angering" the largest active part of the fandom (general statement). i dont want to sound arrogant but you cant deny that joongdok shippers are the backbone of orv fandom and joongdok artists have been the only ones to be recruited to promote orv. alter (the official artist before blackbox) is a danmei artist, blackbox is a joongdok shipper, haban (taiwanese release cover artist) has a danmei history, the artist of the simplified cn version release has jd porn on their twitter and so on. certainly singshong are aware that orv didn't get this big bcs some guy recommended it in solo leveling's comment sections
speaking of guys, not every dudebro out there ships doksoo anw, some like doksang, some dont ship anything. the same can be said about the female audience too. not everyone ships joongdok. some ship doksoo, some yoohankim, some nothing thats not canon. im not part of the latest group since i could not care less about a ship's canon status lol
this got WAY too long. if you want a TL;DR refer to the first paragraph
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canyon-tale · 11 months
Long time no see :3
I come with new questions!
* what claims does Error have?
* what do the bad sanses think of Cross and Epic being together? Especially since they don't have kids together
* i'd love to hear more about Blue, i haven't asked much about him
* is Ink romantically involved with anyone? is he aroace like canon?
* does Geno exist? what is he like? does he have a brotherly bond with Fresh and Error?
* do dragons follow the rule of males being more colorful to attract females?
Happy to see you back, I always love answering your questions :D
Gonna stick them under a Read More again, but enjoy and let me know if you have any follow up questions! <3
What claims does Error have?
Error is a bit of a mix bag of magic elements tbh, mostly cuz I want to include all his eye colours XD His main claim is Carnage, and he is a demi god of that element to aid the Maid of Bones. He has a light and water sub claims as well, most likely due to either carrying or having absorbed magic items. He also has a slight connection to the Void, but he’s also terrified of the Void realm and magic.
What do the bad Sanses think of Cross and Epic being together? Especially since they don't have kids together
They were VERY suspicious about Epic when they realised who he was and that Cross had picked him as a talonmate. Epic is technically Cross’ first mate, he just didn’t talk about Epic to the others because while he loves them it was also kind of nice to disconnect from the Nights and Stars from time to time. Cross is probably the most relaxed and dorky when with Epic because Epic gives the same energy back.
When the other’s did find out about their relationship they were all basically like over protective parents, following Epic around, doing background checks, questioning him once Cross actually invited him to the dens, etc. Epic was none too phased about it, but Cross was a bit embarrassed XD
Even while they were all cold towards him at first they all eventually warmed up to him. Nightmare was the last, but when Cross came to him to ask if he could help with Epic’s eye and nightmares he kind of developed a soft spot for him.
Epic actually ends up joining the Night flight eventually! The other’s are very relaxed and open minded so they never take issue with them becoming heartmates despite not wanting eggs together.
I’d love to hear more about Blue, i haven't asked much about him
Blue is a lightning guardian! He was very determined to join the royal flight and capture a human someday, but those ideas changed when he came across a few books about dragons and human riders. He’s been enamoured by the idea of having a human partner ever since, but he still keeps up the act of wanting to fight one instead.
His brother is a fire scout who was sure Blue would end up as a nurse due to his sweet and caring character, and was a little alarmed when Blue started growing scales and became a guardian. Little Blue is very determined to be a royal guard after all uvu
Is Ink romantically involved with anyone? Is he aroace like canon?
He is aroace! He’s technically talonmates with Dream and Blue, but it’s more a queer platonic relationship and doesn't follow the traditional definition of talons. He’s of course also thornmates with Error, and I’m playing with the idea of him being at least wingmates with Cross since I like the two of them having some kind of bond.
Does Geno exist? What is he like? Does he have a brotherly bond with Fresh and Error?
He does! He’s stuck in the Void but I haven’t thought too much of his side of the story yet. I think I’d like him to have some kind of connection to Fresh and Error, probably mostly Fresh at the start since I can see Error being terrified of the Void.
Do dragons follow the rule of males being more colorful to attract females?
No, mostly cuz there are no biological males and females since the dragons are hermaphrodites. There’s definitely dragons with similar traits though, they’re just more randomly genetic than anything else.
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laufire · 5 months
I'd like to hear your opinions on jaysteph & jayeddie no pressure though :)
Have a nice day!
I've enjoyed it in fandom; I remember reading some really good fics way back when (like, either pre-reboot days or soon after the reboot was implemented. I know the film version of utrh had already come out). As things are right now I wouldn't want it to happen in canon; for one, I also have some qualms about how their friendship is written, even if I'm glad it... actually exists lol. But my interest in them is quite low-key.
Re: a plot I might write for them... hmm. I have three WIPs* where Jason-Stephanie is an important, if not always central dynamic. So far it's been platonic but really, it would be easy to turn it the other way -it's a ship that's easy to see working, IMO.
*said WIPs are a.) amnesiac!Jason (also known as "@ gotham war's writers, hold my beer -it CAN be more fucked up"); b.) Jason's Journals (kind of a post/war games AU where Stephanie finds journals Jason wrote** during his time with Bruce, and she, Tim, and Cass, aka the post-Jason kid/teen heroes, have feelings about it); c.) Jason Survives The Joker, where they develop a close friendship. As of now, I have no intentions of introducing romance in any of these, for various reasons, but it wouldn't be a stretch tbh.
**idea taken from detective comics #555, an issue narrated by (pre-crisis) Jason's failed attempt at journaling.
Probably the Jason ship that has awakened my curiousity the most. Nothing wild (that's next to no canon material does to a canon-adjacent motherfucker like myself), but I think it's telling that the only WIP (so far) where I might veer into a romantic direction for Jason's character is theirs.
(and I think that answers the other question!)
SEND ME A DCU SHIP (from any and all versions, canon or not) and I'LL GIVE YOU MY THOUGHTS ON IT. and maybe an idea for a plot between them that I'd enjoy.
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beansterpie · 3 months
B, D, J, L, T, U
Thanks for the ask moth!! <3
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
LMFAO Agohiru from ES21 😂 I remember when I first got into es21 back in highschool, Hiruma was my fav, but I didn't think much of Agon other than 'wow what an asshole!' and didn't like him. (Also I was a big Hirumamo shipper at the time, and I'm the type who clings onto One Ship for a character and isn't too interested in anything else lol) It wasn't until I got back into it in the last couple of years that I've come to appreciate how much fun it is to bat that asshole around, and just how loaded Hiruma and Agon's ~history~ is.
Though I guess no one person specifically changed my mind, unless you count past me vs present me lol. OH actually, what changed my mind was the fic "Independent Variable" on ff.net. I think I got back into es21 and was like 'you know, hiruma/agon totally has potential' and so was looking up fics of that pairing, and then I read that fic and was lost.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
Hmmmm oh, Merther (Merlin/Arthur) lol. Their set up as a ship is extremely juicy (two sides of the same coin?? fate ties them together??? conflict because their initial world views are diametrically opposed????) and there's soooo much fic for them, but. I just. I don't like Arthur 😭 Like, I mean, he's FINE. But the writing of the whole show is so inconsistent and there's entire seasons where he's just so shitty to Merlin for no damn reason in a way that I'm supposed to take as funny and silly which pisses me off more.
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
I mean, most shows that have mainstream popularity that I never checked out lol, though I think one that I've seen a lot of shipping art for on my dash is Star Wars? I've seen the main movies, but I think this is from.... Clone Wars, or the Obi-wan show or something. I see a lot of Obi-wan shipped with... one of the clone guys I think lmfao.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves.
Hmmmm this isn't even a character I dislike, but whatever-- Judeau! I like him a lot tbh but I also find him shady 😂
I like how his 'friend who gives good advice and just has your best interests at heart' vibe is subverted by his personal biases and emotions, even if he'd probably deny that lol. He's flawed and it colors the advice he gives, and he even has moments that I'd argue are kind of judgy. It's what makes him interesting!
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
Yes! Main one coming to mind rn because I've been thinking about Hiruma (ES21) a lot, is that Hiruma is on the ace spectrum! I'm usually pretty take-it-or-leave-it when it comes to sexuality headcanons, like I can buy most interpretations but I generally don't feel strongly about them, but with Hiruma I really struggle to see him as anything else.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
OOHHHH. Well in Berserk, it's legit a tie between Guts and Griffith. I wouldn't like either one of them as much without the other in their orbit, and Berserk is one of those rare stories where both characters are really complex and compelling in their own way, and bring a lot of significant baggage into their dynamic lmfao. With Guts I love how sensitive he is, and the various ways in which he subverts and deconstructs the Macho Male Power Fantasy™ archetype, how at the end of the day he just wants someone to care about him and find worth in his existence. With Griffith, I love his ideals and his fragility in the face of the sacrifices those ideals demand from him, I love how much he cares and how much he gouges himself for caring, and how all of his stress and guilt and obligation still aren't any match for his love for Guts. And with both of them, I love how their upbringing informs their decisions so well to ruin everything even though they care about each other so much :')
w/ ES21, it's Hiruma lol which might be basic because he's everyone's fav, but for good reason! He's just fucking fun! I love how unhinged and demonic he is, I love the borderline slapstick loony-tunes tyle antics he gets up to, and I love his shamelessness. But I also love how accepting and realistic he is about his limitations, and how that doesn't stop him from striving for the top and going for what he wants. And like, for such an anime-level strategic genius type character, I love that such a core part of what makes him great is that he brings people together and uses teamwork and creativity to overcome everyone's various limitations. He's just-- so much fun!
And because this list is depressingly male lemme throw in a wild card-- Chase from Midnight Furies! It's a webcomic that I recently read for the first time, and Chase is the deuteragonist and a Hiruma expy lol. Which you can definitely tell, they both have the unhinged vibe and shark teeth, as well as the mysterious past and having a lot of cards up their sleeve, but I also think they're quite distinct. Obviously, Chase is a butch lesbian (which really does just add to her cool factor), but also I feel like Midnight Furies is a more grounded story compared to ES21, despite there being supernatural elements lol, and so Chase feels more grounded and realistic as a character. She's a bit more raw in her relationships to other people, and she shows vulnerability more, but she's also much more of a direct physical threat than Hiruma is. Because of that, she has moments where calculation gets thrown out the window in favor of a good ol' beat down, which of COURSE I love to see. And I think she has the capacity to be more ruthless. ANYWAY, awesome character, A+++ (please read Midnight Furies)
[alphabet ask meme]
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floralcrematorium · 3 months
1, 10, aaand 4 :3
Thanks for the ask!!! I uh. Go on a big ramble so I'm throwing everything under the cut!
Do you relate to your favorite character(s)?
Yes and no.
My fondness for China and Norway isn't one based on their characters because I haven't fleshed them out (yet) in my head. I have no idea how to write for either of them! I genuinely would love to spend a day cooking, painting, or just talking with Yao. I yearn for platonic companionship and Yao isn't chaotic and we share similar interests. Our aesthetic interests are very different, but oh well!
I don't know what Lukas has to offer tbh, he's entirely eye candy to me (sobbing).
My fondness for France and Ukraine has to do with self imposed headcanons.
My Francis is honestly probably ooc -- but I don't care. I have taken these guys and run away with them. A lot of my Hetalia writing is Human AU because I have a hard time connecting with immortal creatures as someone who cannot see what even the next year of their own life looks like. I guess what Francis and I share is a fondness for food and art (like with Yao), but those aren't activities I would want to do with Francis. We can both be dramatic, I will over-dress just to go out with a friend, and we're both a bit pathetic. While my Francis isn't like early canon France (you know what I mean...), he's still a romantic. I am not.
I don't think it's a necessarily rare headcanon, but I see Miss Ukraine as fat. She's plus size to me and that's something we share. I've been wanting to write a Kateryna centric oneshot about the difficulties and mental struggles that come with shopping as a fat person, but I haven't been in a reading/writing mindset recently and this topic would be a bit taxing on me. One day, though!! I'm still formulating my characterization of her... CanUkr oneshot is STILL in development hell.
TLDR: Yes because I impose bits of myself onto Francis and Kateryna for RP and writing purposes and also for comfort. No because a good handful of my favorites (including some not named) are just little guys I'd like to put in a shoebox and shake around.
10. How long have you been in the fandom? What's your lore?
In 7th grade a friend told me I might like Hetalia because I liked geography and history was my strongest subject in school. I cannot remember when exactly I checked it out, but I definitely was into by Spring 2014. I literally have emails from back then of memes we exchanged...
My best friend and I met online at the end of that school year and we actually started talking because he played this video over skype screen share. Fast forward to the summer and I'm drawing, writing fic, and we made our Hetalia Instagram account. There were three of us. It was essentially just a repost account because we were all in middle school. I never really interacted with others from the fandom other than the two friends I ran the account with, both of whom I still talk to <3
Our instagram account died off sometime around 2018. We deleted it around 2020-2021.
I came back to Hetalia by a freak accident. I was going through my old google drive and rediscovered the three-way-POV fic my friends and I wrote and immediately ran into our group chat. It was a bad fic. Basically Hetalia in the setting of Outlast meets FNAF vibes. Yes, it was a Wattpad fic... (now deleted). We made the joke of rewriting it, but that thought only lasted for one night. Then out of curiosity I got back into listening to the official character songs, and that's what did it for me... (shoutout to "Aiyah, 4,000 Years," "Mein Gott," "Overflowing Passion," "Maji Kandou ☆ Hong Kong Night," and the Hetaloid song "Brother Complex").
Got back into reading fic. Somehow I went through my original stint in the fandom without reading "Gutters" and that's what pulled me back into fanfic. Made an A03. Eventually figured, why the hell not, and made a Hetalia Tumblr so I could stop using my personal account.
I did have that hiatus, but I guess I could say I've been into Hetalia for 10 years now, which is nuts. I definitely had a period of regret and revulsion from 2019-2022, but still kept up with "oh, they made a new season" or revisiting some old art.
4. What's a headcanon you need to work out?
A lot of my headcanons have to do with Human AU FACE fam because I use them to cope with things, but I guess something that's been on my mind lately is the Tudor dynasty. My senior thesis, far before I got back into Hetalia, was actually supposed to be about the Tudors, but I abandoned it for something else. I recently got a book about the entire dynasty for my birthday and have yet to take a peek at it. I would love to write a fic where France or Marianne visits England over several Christmases to explore the relationship of Arthur/Francis or Alice/Marianne as England & France's relationship changes through the changing of the monarchs and especially as Henry VIII cycles through wives like calendars. I have to do research about it, though. I need to see how realistic it would be considering the on-again-off-again relationship between England and France (1520 The Field Of The Cloth Of Gold meeting vs Henry wanting to prove his military strength and trying to invade France). Funnily enough, I know almost nothing about France in the 15th and 16th centuries outside of :
1. Mary Tudor's [Henry VIII's sister, not his daughter, Mary I] brief stint as Queen Consort of France & Anne Boleyn's subsequent time at the French court as a lady in waiting to Mary
2. how Henry VIII repeatedly used war against France as an attempt to prove his strength [eyeroll]
To be honest, that fic is entirely an excuse to explore the different influence each of Henry's queens has over the court through various means. I don't think anyone else would really be interested though, so it may be something I keep to myself.
Hetalia Ask Game
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imhereforscm · 1 year
I love love the friendship and ships between the Gods! Like you said, even if MC isn't present all the time, we still get to see the relationship between the Gods and honestly I enjoy it a lot ❤️❤️. We can see that despite the fights and arguments, they all truly care for each other and will help if needed. I also enjoy it when we get to see MC and the Gods just hanging around together, like MC teaching them the human ways ✨️✨️✨️✨️
I also love how the Gods have human characteristics; they're not perfect and have their own interests ✨️✨️✨️. Just like you said, the characters have depth and I always love reading stories where they all are just chilling and experiencing human life 😂
Speaking of ships, tbh I kept it somewhat a secret cause I didn't want to get more hate. I didn't want to be annoying about it either, so I kinda kept quiet. But anyway, I do enjoy many ships (leokarno, zygscorpio, scorpiodui, zygkarno, etc) and brotp too! For me, I enjoy their relationships, be it platonic or romantic 😂✨️
Omg look at me rambling again haha 😂, sorry for the bother and I hope you have a wonderful day ❤️
Sorry for the late reply, sweetie!! Your ask just kind of dived into the depths of my inbox and I just found it🤭😅
I could scream about my love for this game for DAYS!!
There are times when there are parts in the plot that I'd prefer them done differently, but the characters are so well written and developed, that even if the summary was: "They woke up. They went for a walk. They fell asleep." It would still be interesting, because it's them!✨❤️
Like- each god has his own personality and way of doing and thinking things as well as expressing himself, therefore everything is interesting. Even the simplest plot is lovely to observe, because we get to see them reacting and not being a bunch of sexy bunching bags to the plot.
One god might wake up and whine that it's morning.
One might wake up and skip to the kitchen singing and dancing happily to the sound of the birds.
One might wake up on the floor and wonder how he got here.
One might not wake up at all, until someone comes to collect him.
One might walk around with another god.
One might walk around thinking.
One might make little hops in his steps.
One might walk slowly.
The other quickly.
Someone will smell the flowers and someone else will look at the clouds.
I love our zodiac gods so much!! They're all so interesting and lovely. They all have their flaws, but they overcome them as best as they can and set an inspiring and hopeful example for us watching them and falling in love with them.
Personally, I have three gods I kin. (Huedhaut, Zyglavis and Krioff), a husband (Scorpio), a comfort character (Scorpio again lol), a child (Dui), a brother (Krioff), a bestie (Partheno) and all that is thanks to the attention that's been put in those characters and the care they've been carved with.
They have this curiosity about them towards human things, even if some of them refuse to admit it and it's so cute.😊💖💖💖
Also, I TOTALLY agree with you on the ships!!! Every single one you've listed is
So there's no reason for any of you to feel shy if you ever want a god × god fic😚😚 I accept any ship, nothing's "weird".
I have my own "weird" ship as well, so don't chu worry children!!✨✨✨✨✨✨ You won't find judgment here!!
And btw, all of you are free to break into my inbox and be excited with me about anything!!💖💖💖💖 You're always welcome to ramble all adorably like that, you're not bothering me at all!❤️💖❤️💖❤️💖
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tealeavesandthorns · 6 months
Name / Alias: Laura (she/they)
Are you over 18? :Yes / No
  – W R I T I N G –
Are you selective about who you write with? : No (anyone) / Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people) / Private (mutuals only). --
Are you selective about who you follow? : No (anyone) / Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people).
If your muse is canon, how much do you adhere to canon? : Not at all / A little / Some / Mostly / Strictly / Not Applicable.
What post lengths do you write? : One-Liners / Single-Para / Multi-Para / Novella / All of the aforementioned. (I prefer single/multi-para for general rp and then cracky stuff and the occasional one liner I enjoy).
Do you use icons and/or GIFS? : No / Gifs / Icons / Yes / Sometimes. (Depends on the thread and such)
Do you write on other platforms? : No / Yes (I've tried it, discord and IM makes me uncomfortable so I'm just sticking with tumblr).
What level of plots do you write? : Unplotted / Open-Ended Plots / Semi-Plotted / Fully Plotted Epics / All of the aforementioned - Honestly I really like just having a sort of general idea of what we want and then seeing where it takes us.
How quickly do you usually respond to threads? : Very Slow (more than a month) / Slow (3-4 weeks) / Average (1-2 weeks) / Fast (less than one week) / Very Fast (less than three days) - This depends entirely on how my brain is working, if I'm in a good place and excited and stuff it can be the same day a bunch of times....
What types of themes do you like? : Adventure / Romance / Fluff / Angst / Violence / Tragedy / Domestic / Family / All of the aforementioned - I love everything but I have to say that romance, fluff, adventure are all my favs
What genres do you like? : ( Feel free to add! ) High Fantasy / Supernatural / Science Fiction / Historical / Horror / Comedy / Romantic / Drama / Action / Smut / Adventure / Espionage / Dark / Emotional / All of the aforementioned - it just depends what I'm in the mood for, smut I'm not a huge fan off tbh, I'd rather write drabbles for that.
Are there any themes you’re uncomfortable writing on your blog? : (Not triggers) No / Yes / Sometimes
Do you have any triggers? How do you request it tagged? : I honestly don't think there are many things that I find uncomfortable to write, or read, if the subject is handled well. I do struggle with some things though, and some topics and subject matters.
  – S H I P P I N G –
What types of relationships are you open to? : Romantic / Platonic / Familial / All of the aforementioned
What types of pre-established relationships are you open to? : Romantic / Platonic / Familial / All of the aforementioned
Do you have OTPs? : No / Chemistry Only / Yes
Do you have NOTPS? : No / Yes
What is your muse’s sexual orientation? : Heterosexual / Heteroflexible / Bisexual / Pansexual / Homoflexible / Homosexual / Demisexual / Sapiosexual / Asexual / Still trying to figure it out / Depends on the muse you’re asking
What is your muse’s romantic orientation? : Heteroromantic / Heteroflexible / Biromantic / Homoflexible / Homoromantic / Panromantic / Demiromantic / Sapioromantic / Aromantic / Still trying to figure it out / Depends on the muse you’re asking
Are you comfortable writing smut? : No / Selectively / Yes
How early in a relationship do you ship romantically? : Autoship / During plotting / After a couple IC interactions / Several IC interactions / Slow burn / Plot dependent / Never - It really just entirely depends.
Are you open to toxic ships? : No / Selectively / Yes / I am not sure (but they must be handled with care and I need the other mun to be open to talking about our muses oc if I have questions. And there must always be to option of dropping the ship if either one had grown uncomfortable with it. - keeping this from Krys' answer because it's so true!)
Are you open to problematic ships? : No / Selectively / Yes / I am not sure
Are you open to polyamory shipping? : No / Selectively / Yes / I am not sure
Are you an exclusive shipper? : Never / Sometimes / Yes - very very rarely do I exclusively ship, I'd rather just be open to stuff and then potentially I sometimes have favourites.....
Does crack shipping ever happen? : Nope / Yes / depends
Stolen from @asoulunbound tagging: YOU!!
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What kind of people do you think Kristoph is particularly drawn to (both romantically and non-romantically, not counting Phoenix)? Do you also think he can feel some form of sympathy for someone else's suffering/despair and, if able or given the chance, want to help them (perhaps if it hits him on a personal level)? Part of me thinks he's drawn to the more naive/docile/innocent types, though his pride + reputation gets in the way of pursuing such relationships, but I wanna hear your thoughts.
I tend to read Kristoph as the sort of person who has lived his life according to fairly rigid expectations of himself. These may be self-inflicted or may be the result of his upbringing--but more likely is a combination of both.
He is the sort of person who probably decided (or was told to) that he would become a lawyer at a fairly young age. And he has let this sort of logic dictate his life in both large and small matters.
(ex: "I must to do well at school so that I can get into the best law program and then get the best internship post-graduation and then have the most successful lucrative and prestigious career. Therefore, I can't afford to let myself get distracted by anything that will not directly contribute to my ultimate success. Even if said thing might make me happy or help me realize that my end goal isn't necessarily the right path for me.")
As a result, Kristoph has spend most of his life living "for other people"--not in the selfless, compassionate way, but strictly in the sense of "this is the sort of thing that I am supposed to do and supposed to want. it's what everyone says and knows so they must be right and I must strive for it."
He distrusts his emotions and does his best to ignore or counter them (which of course makes him even more volatile and blind of how they impact him anyway).
Because Kristoph has such rigid expectations for himself, I think he would paradoxically be drawn to his "opposite" in those respects. He keeps himself "caged" so he is fascinated by people who are "free" unlike him. People who "know themselves" because they weren't afraid to be spontaneous or emotional or contradictory. People who don't necessarily have to be "comfortable" in their skin all the time--but who aren't uncomfortable either.
This is a key part of his attraction to Phoenix for me. Phoenix "allows" himself to be emotional and impulsive--often to the point of recklessness--which Kristoph can't help but find fascinating even he doesn't quite understand it and would never give himself permission to try living that way.
I occasionally ship Kristoph with Lang ( I ship everyone with Lang tbh. And why wouldn't you? The good wolf boy deserves all the smooches from everyone. ) and I think there's sort of a similar self-possession and"freedom to feel" with him as with Phoenix. I've also been curious about Kristoph with Blackquill, Ray Shields, Godot, and Dhurke. And while I'd say that none of them are quite to the "I know who I am and I accept it and let myself be me" that Phoenix and Lang are, they are still nevertheless much more self-aware, self-resigned, and self-determined than Kristoph himself is--which would make them compelling to Kristoph.
I think this aspect may also have "platonic" appeal to Kristoph in addition to romantic. I would argue that while Klavier is not as "free to be himself" as he could be (and that a lot of his public persona is a facade and defense mechanism), he is still leaps and bounds beyond Kristoph in "allowing" himself to feel emotions and try things--which is simultaneously compelling and terrifying to Kristoph.
I know I probably talk too much about zarla and bardic's Gavin Brothers Frozen AU (but believe me, it deserves it.) But "Dangerous to Dream" (one of Elsa's new solos from the Stage Musical) really captures how I see Kristoph's view of his and Klavier's relationship perfectly. I've shared a few lines below:
"I have to be so cautious, and you're so extreme. We're different, you and I...."
And then later.
"I can't be what you expect of me./And I'm not what I seem./But I would love to know you."
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shzmluvrs · 1 year
Here's A Proper Intro lol
So, if you haven't gathered this fact by now, this is a shared account with two users. We're gonna try to be as active as possible, but please be aware we...have lives outside of Tumblr, so-💀.
But anyhow, we're very welcoming and encourage you to explore our page and do whatever you want (except leave any type of hate/negativity, that's unessecary, we'll block you♡). And, we're always looking to make new friends, so, DMs are always open, even if you just want to vent :).
And finally, common account rules; if you don't like it, don't read it - if you don't like our content, block us - if you wanna join us, DM us - all that jazz. Anyways, here's our personal intros. Love y'all <3 !!
~ Moon🌙 & Star✨️
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Name: Star✨️
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
/Aquarius🔆 Cancer🌙 Leo⬆️/
Hai! I'm just gonna be real simple about this...I do most of the writing and headcanons and writing-related-whatnot on this account. Ofc, Moon is always giving me ideas and inspo, she was my main motivator to even do this account with her, after all😌💅🏽.
Anyways, I'm happy to write whatever for whoever, as long as I've got the proper ideas to work with (so make your requests specific/detailed and as long as you want, I don't mind. In fact, I'd adore it😼). I literally have no other boundaries other than that tbh (at least, not any that I can think of right now), so go nuts😭✋🏽.
Oh, and you'll always know it's me addressing you because I usually write (or at least, start off) in purple or I'll just sign off with my name, so yee.
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Name: Moon🌙
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
/Gemini🔆 Taurus🌙 Capricorn⬆️/
Hey y'all! So I mostly make cute lil' aesthetic pics/collages/gifs/wallpapers/backgrounds, and edits! I also sometimes make up headcanons (mostly for Freddy, cuz he's my manz 😽💙)- but I'm obvi not only limited to making headcanons for him. Feel free to request a specific collage/wallpaper, aesthetic pic, edit (e.g. Freddy and Anthea edit with *insert song here*. Or e.g. Billy and Freddy collage platonically, obvi. //NO SHIPPING BILLY AND FREDDY IN A ROMANTIC WAY, YOU WILL BE BLOCKED, PERIOD 💅🏻.//) (I agree with this btw, THEY'RE BROTHERS, IT'S GROSS😾🙅🏽‍♀️), or headcanons of any Shazam characters! Occasional shitposter 😃. (Me and Star are also shifters n' spiritual gals, so if you're open to that kinda stuff, feel free to dm us because we need Shazam-shifting-friends lmao). AND, I also post doodles so that's cool!!
Huge thanks to Star, my literal soulmate, for making this acc (y'all it's literally so slay- my girlie is creative n' talented af, you'll see ✨), and giving me the actual motivation to write this 🩷!!
Anyway, you'll know it's me cuz I'll either type in pink, or sign off as Moon🌙! Much love, angels <333
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Anyways, now that intros are done, here's the Master List where everything is...!! -
Master List lol
Anyways, that's about it, we're pretty sure! So byeee <3.
~ Moon🌙 & Star✨️
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husbandomail · 1 year
I was reading up on Persona 3 Portable, and, uh…
Why does the female protagonist get so many quality of life features that the male protagonist doesn’t, Social Links-wise?
The male protagonist’s Social Links with his potential love interests inevitably turn romantic at specific ranks, while the female protagonist gets to choose whether she stays platonic with her potential love interests or not, without hindering how far they can go.
She also gets Social Links with the male party members that the male protagonist doesn’t? Even though she gets SLs with the female party members, no problem?
Why didn’t the devs go back and write up SLs for the male protagonist and the male party members, and rewrite the ones with the female party members so they can be romantic or platonic?
This is a very bizarre design decision the developers made. They seem to be entirely separate characters, so at least the different personalities make sense, but that raises some unfortunate questions about how the male protagonist thinks of his teammates.
yep yep
p3p was released after p4, so I'd imagine some of those decisions were a result of feedback based on p4, like how femc can decide if her links are romantic or not. the original p3 was only about two years before p4's release, 3 years before p3p, and the psp was weaker hardware, so if I were developing a port of a game that quickly,, I'd probably ignore rewrites of an existing route too tbh, especially with having to add a new route as well.
and then ofc there's the whole tarot theming,, I don't think the original 3 was made with plans of a femc in mind for later. I do think that if she'd been planned from the get-go, the social links probably would've been very similar for both players. I don't know anything about tarot decks, but from my very basic knowledge, isn't 5 the only one that strays from a 'traditional' deck? so even if 'extra' cards exist, 3 wasn't using them yet, so to rewrite Minato's links would require like,,,,,,, either dropping existing ones or changing the tarot deck, right?
I hope this makes sense dfghjhgfd
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tohisprettyc00l · 8 months
Hello! I never did this, but can I get a romantic/platonic match up with a toh character?
-I am 15 years old.
-I'm bisexual. (More leaned towards boys. Its like 65% boys and 45% girls.)
-I am a November Sagittarius.
-My MBTI is ENFP 7w6.
-If I play D&D I'm always a bard,no question asked.
-Being someone with an ADHD is very interesting (thats me,hi).
- I'd say I'm hardworking and determined,but I have a low motivation.
- Sometimes I feel like I don't have any self-esteem at all (being always the weird kid has its effect for the long run.)
- I feel that I am sometimes the smartest person in the room and the dumbest the same time.
- I love memes,dank memes and overly people say I am a fun person to be around.
- Being the oldest daughter I love to care about people who deserves it.
- I love listening to peoples dreams/what they want from life or just rambling about anything.
- My hobbies are listening some music (any kind really), writing fanfictions,reading and drawing.
- I love dogs,cats,raccoons,reptiles, bees really anything. Even spiders. Just don't jump on be.
- I am easily scared by loud voice or jumpscares. I hate horrors :c
So thats it💛
And thank you for ur work.
(And sorry about my grammar,english isn't my first language)
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I romanticly match you with: Luz Noceda!
-Luz loves D&D and no one can convince me otherwise. She would 100% play with you if you wanted.
-Fun fact: she also had ADHD! (like canonically) So she can relate to you when it comes to that.
-She literally moved dimensions because she was seen as "Weird" and that definitely contributed to her season 3 self-esteem issues. So with that being said she can be and is a great help with boosting your confidence.
-You'll wake up to like 50 texts from her and they're all memes.
-She may not be the oldest (Vee's a year older) but when she cares it is clear. She goes all out showing her affection.
-Bro if you are okay with listening to rambling get ready to know every detail about The Good Witch Azura. You'll know just as much if not more than people who have read the whole series.
-Girl loves writing fanfic and reading it! If you're in the same fandom as her and you post your fanfic she'll happily be your beta reader.
-If you think you like animals like spiders or things people don't usually like you've seen nothing yet. The weirder the animal the more Luz likes it.
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I platonically match you with: Vee noceda!
-She would love to play dnd with you.
-Yeah Vee can relate to the motivation thing :/. So I mean y'all can talk to each other about it.
-Vee loves memes tbh. But she doesn't really understand any of them.
-Vee doesn't really think about her future. Mainly because it gets overwhelming for her because she isn't used to a 'normal' life. But being able to talk about to someone even if it is a one-way conversation.
-She cares for animals a lot, she finds them very neat.
-Vee likes spooky stuff but in a more fun way. But if you don't like that either she's fine not looking at spooky stuff when you are around.
I hope you like it!
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venihime · 1 year
for ask game - rendoc & 5, 15 and 39 maybe?
i really enjoy reading your thoughts on them, idk i just like the way you see them
ueeee thank-you, i care them deeply and im glad someone else agrees w how i Percieve them :'D
5. Do they argue often? If so, what do they argue about?
I don't think they argue often tbh. Like them bickering and disagreeing over silly things isn't uncommon, but I wouldn't call it arguing in the slightest LOL. The biggest dispute they've had in their relationship is the whole,, Doc declaring the Perimeter independent while Ren was king.
Though I think it's good that they don't really ARGUE that often since I think an argument between the two of them would be. Well. Either they'd either be completely fine OR there'd be tension and hefty miscommunication bc they can both have quite big heads and while they don't usually let that affect their relationship at all, it has the potential to affect them in a very bad way depending on how both of them feeling upset and their defense mechanisms clash.
15. How do they keep in contact when they're apart? Do they write letters, talk over the phone, or simply wait out the time?
I feel like when they're apart, having no contact is always completely unintentional on both sides. Neither of them actively avoid social contact, let alone each other, so they will shoot each other a message or call if they realize they haven't talked in a minute and they REALLY miss each other, but in general I feel like they usually just. Wait out their time apart? Like I'd consider them both pretty comfortable in their relationship so they know that sooner or later one of them will reach out when they're done focusing intensely on whatever project they're working on and it's never been much of an issue. Though I do think Ren is much more likely to reach out to Doc and seek that connection bc he's very direct while Doc is more likely to wait for Ren to seek him out if Ren needs his alone time bc he is fine waiting until Ren is ready, even if he rly misses him yk?
39. When and how did they admit that they loved each other? If they haven't yet, why?
Ough,,, okay so. I actually don't think they've directly said I love you yet!! Not in like a directly romantic sense? They've had feelings for each other for like four seasons, and they've had an entire thing going on for at least three seasons but I don't think it's something they've ever made official.
Not bc they're afraid or unsure, but bc they're both comfortable within the dynamic they have where they love each other and care for each other in their own ways, and they just don't know how to go about having a conversation that could change what they already have since theres just no way they both aren't at least somewhat aware their relationship isn't completely platonic. They drift somewhere comfortably between friendship and more, where they have and do say they love each other but they haven't established/defined their relationship officially I guess :D
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ERI!! I love you so much! I have a question that's been bugging me and I was wondering if you would please answer but also feel free to ignore if it makes you uncomfortable. I am truly just genuinely curious, some might say way too curious. But anyway I mean nothing weird or offensive by it, I swear!
You write Uncle Wayne so well and he is always such a staple in your work. I know the dynamic you have for him is very father/daughter when writing eddie x reader or even talking about yourself. So again sorry if this squicks you out. But my question is simply would you date Wayne? Be taken out and treated wonderfully and then of course all the other things that come with dating someone or being in a relationship.
This is of course assuming you've either never met Eddie or see him only as a friend. I'm not asking if you'd cheat on Eddie with his Uncle. 🤮 I'm asking do your strong feelings of love and comfort when it comes to Wayne extend far enough that you could see him in that capacity or is that a straight up "No, he's my Dad" Which is totally valid. I just honestly really love seeing you make content about OUR Uncle and your adoration of him is so fucking sweet. ❤❤❤
Hiiii nonnie!! I love you tooooo ~ !!!! I got this ask a few days ago and I've been thinking about it ever since. I have so much to say! First, I'm definitely comfortable to answer this, it made my heart squeeeeeeze when I read this😭😭😭😭I didn't take this ask as weird or offensive, I find it very sweet and tbh I've been ITCHING to talk about my feelings about Uncle Wayne. But I gush about him all the time so I was, uh... stockpiling it???? Until I felt like I could talk about it again, but this ask is the perfect way for me to use up the stockpile!!!!😍🙏
Thank you so much, that means a lot to me! My Munson family content (Eddie x reader ft. Uncle Wayne) is very special to me; those are my comfort pieces and I'm so happy that so many of you connect with the fics as much as I do!!!💖The dynamic I try to capture in the Munson family fics is definitely familial, between Uncle Wayne and Eddie, between Y/N and Uncle Wayne, and balancing that with Y/N and Eddie's romantic dynamic is a lot of fun. It's a lot of love, a lot of comfort and want and yearning. It both soothes and excaberates that cosmic Eddie-sized hole in my chest.
But my question is simply would you date Wayne? Be taken out and treated wonderfully and then of course all the other things that come with dating someone or being in a relationship.
If I'd never met Eddie or if he didn't exist or if I only saw him platonically... hm. This was difficult to think about because I genuinely can't imagine either Munson without the other (😭💔), but I keep circling back to saying no. I love Wayne Munson so fucking much, so much, the character has literally stopped me from quitting uni every damn time I've wanted to this year (three times already this semester and we're only three months in😂💀), but I wouldn't date him. It's not even like he's my dad, he's... More than that?
Like, Uncle Wayne isn't just Eddie's Uncle. He's everyone's Uncle. For me, he's the one you go to before you speak to your parents, he's the one you look to for guidance when it's five am and you're late with a deadline and you need someone older than you to tell you that it's okay, you can fix this. He's the one who you speak to when you don't feel safe with anyone else, the one you find comfort and solace and comfort in. Uncle Wayne is like my dad but he's more than that, too. He's like the dad, uncle and grandad figure all in one. He's warm and gruff but soft and angry yet kind and he cares he cares he cares and he loves Eddie so much, he's his nephew's protector and shield and guardian and Uncle Wayne inspires me.
I feel like I'm not explaining this properly but before I got out of bed this morning, today I have work and then I have to go to my aunt's and then I have a late evening university lecture which I usually fall asleep during because I'm just so tired from work (can't attend the day lectures because I'm working 💀), and I didn't wanna get out of bed so I just... Watched Uncle Wayne's scenes in episode two, I scrolled through looking for him specifically, and I was up and out of bed getting ready so fast I made myself a little dizzy because he makes me want to try. I got out of bed because I felt like he wouldn't accept anything else, even if he understands it, and I want to make him proud.
So no, I wouldn't date Wayne Munson. Maaaaaaaybe if he was literally just Wayne Munson and Eddie didn't exist, because in any universe where Eddie Munson exists, I would choose him every time. But even then, I struggle to see it. Uncle Wayne is too familiar for me. And, as you say, I love and adore him so much that very often, I cry when I see him because he makes my chest all tight and warm and I turn into someone who just wants to be told she's doing well and "it's okay, kid, keep tryin', you'll get there". And also, he really does remind me of my grandad, who I lost too damn young. I will never again have a connection with someone the way I connected to my grandad and I miss him every day.💔
I can't call him Wayne without feeling disrespectful because I dropped the "Uncle" beforehand. It just sounds odd because Uncle Wayne is... He's our Uncle Wayne. In all ways and all things. I just adore him a whole lot.🥺💖 I'd do anything to open up to him like this the way I have with you.🫂
I hope this satisfied your curiosity, anon!!!!🫂 Thank you for the question and excuse to gush about Uncle Wayne!!! It took me a few days to puzzle out a response; I admittedly had to examine my feelings for him but I feel happy that I've done that here and hopefully everything is portrayed correctly.💖
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