#this au is living rent free in my mind rn
supernovaa-remnant · 8 months
'The characters didn't do what I wanted' so true.
It makes me scratch my head that r!wil starts sort of worshipping r!dream without being aware of the fact that he is indeed, a deity.
How does it feel for dream? He can hear/feel prayers, we know that, but is it any different? Will he ever reveal his true self? Or more like, reveal who he is, I don't think it would be great for dream to show up one day in blinding light with thousand eyes.
Does their relationship affect anything or anyone else? For example, the world sensing one of its biggest lords is down, in the mortal part or maybe loyal worshippers / priests feeling different
aksljdgsjhkdlksjahghdjjslkdjhsks karo I am so glad you've asked about this au (this au is actually taking over my mind send help lmao)
also yeah I went into this thinking "yippee!! healthy dreambur dynamic!!" and then the dreambur in question cornered me in a dark alley and forced me to write unhealthy devotion and themes of obsession and possession.
r!wilbur worshipping r!dream without even knowing that they're residing in a temple dedicated to dream is soooo arkrjsghdkjshgdjhshdshdgs
it feels a bit, odd, for dream. in some ways, it feels like a rush of power. it's so much more intimate in a way that dream wasn't aware was possible. because, sure, he can hear prayers from just about anyone, but most of the big temples have smaller prayer areas in which the prayers go to some spirits/angels under dream's domain (they're blobs, btw, very important you should know this).
uhm, some background for the god system in this au. there's major gods and minor gods and spirits/angels. both major gods and minor gods have their own little spirits, but major gods can also have minor gods who are essentially in charge of a subsect of their domain (ex: foolish in this au is a minor god under dream's domain of creation).
so, the reason dream heard wilbur's initial prayer loud and clear is because he didn't have any spirits stationed to essentially intercept calls at the temple because it was long since abandoned.
anyway, when wilbur begins praying directly to dream rather than a nameless god, the prayers wash over dream in waves. it's almost overwhelming, the power it holds. it's so much more intimate when wilbur is praying to dream directly, and in some ways it feels as though their souls are actually brushing against each other. wilbur doesn't realize it, but dream can very very clearly feel the difference. eventually dream does reveal that he's a god, but I haven't thought super hard about it yet.
important thing to know about dream in this au: he was not born a god. he became a god by killing the previous god of creation. this greatly upset the balance of the world as it was the first time a major god had been killed, and it essentially set the world into a sort of "dark age." this happened ~ a millennia before dream meets wilbur.
so, dream is more accustomed to the mortal realm than some other gods may be (though it does greatly depend on the god). a god existing in the mortal realm doesn't really cause anything big, but the other gods do notice, especially when it's a major god. dream does disappear sometimes to take care of the bigger prayers or to deal with godly stuff, but he keeps coming back for wilbur, something almost baffling (and, depending on the individual, concerning) to the other gods.
as for the other worshipers, they feel a bit different, but they don't think it's out of the ordinary. the gods in general go through phases of being more or less attentive to their followers. it's pretty normal, but, of course, the worshipers are doing everything in their power to appease dream so that he becomes more attentive again lol. mortals are needy like that.
as for the other gods, they notice. kristin & philza keep an eye on it (they were there when dream killed the previous god of creation.. it was something that really shook the entire divine community). techno is concerned for dream, because techno was there for a lot of the aftermath of dream's past and is worried about him falling back into destructive habits.
so, yeah, I hope that answers your question <3
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Gusu Lan has 3000 rules pertaining to life and work and morals and pretty much every aspect of existence in order to guide cultivators to the right path
Yiling Wei on the other hand has one single rule: fuck around and find out.
Guess whose cultivators are less unhinged.
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teabutmakeitazure · 10 months
mother to grandmother about me: please remember her in your prayers and pray that she gets married somewhere nice that's all i worry about
me in the bg writing about a mass murderer/thief falling in love with an average girl: ヾ(^▽^*)))
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shepards-folly · 1 year
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A wc!birdsibs doodle cause they’ve been in my head. [alt without the wet cat text under the cut]
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sophsiaaa · 2 months
your bookstore employee/game store employee Shigaraki x reader AU is living rent free in my mind. I need to know if the reader ever tries to retaliate by going to the game store while Shigaraki is on-shift.
Oh I already made a post where reader goes to the game store here.
I wanna add more to it but I’m in such an inspo slump rn lemme go back to work in a couple of days and think of something else to write about this😭
Although, I will say shigaraki defs gets nicknamed ‘hentai-guy’ by your coworkers at the bookstore and he overhears this name when he tries to return the erotic manga he bought. So best believe that when you next find yourself in his game store, he and his coworkers (or coworker - spinner - the only one he likes) are thinking of a nickname for you too.
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dyketectivecomics · 2 months
hey, i have a question, how would you write Cassie and Jinny's relationship?
would jinny be on young justice, will it be long distance, what would their dynamic be?
My gut instinct was to say that I’d probably want to focus on them in those first/awkward stages of dating? Half the fun of reading for me sometimes is just enjoying the journey of two idiots figuring things out. Sometimes ya just want some sickly sweet fluff!
But the more that I think abt Cassie having a fraught history dating Kon/Tim, the metas abt comphet & okay also CassieRose visits my mind a LOT, not rent-free just as a surprise guest atm… also Jinny still on the heels of finding her last gf cheating & when we last saw her doin the road-trip thing with her friend (now kinda-sister???)
I’m like 👀 there’s some messy potential here AND I LOVE IT
But to circle back & try to answer in mostly the same order:
If DC were to give me the reins to write a run today, I’d def want to know what Outsiders is gonna do with Jinny first & make sure I’m not stepping on too many toes obvsly. I rlly hope that they’re picking up on the road trip from the end of her Special, but the premise isn’t leaving me super hopeful that there’s any editors left at DC to pay attention to that kind of thing 🙃 also there’s speculation rn abt a new YJ book with a diff cast so I don’t think either of them are gonna be part of YJ here pretty soon 😅
For fic writing tho, the beauty is that we can Licherally do whatever we want, so I can be as canon-compliant or noncompliant as possible so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ in that respect it’s a matter of when I would want that potential fic to take place (or ig what setting 👀 YJ college au request in my inbox I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN YOUUUU)
Long distance I think doesn’t really factor when one of the pair is able to fly so uh 😅 change in setting would have to be more of a factor to consider that? (Again, college AU I might consider it for its conflict potential 🤔) (also what qualifies as long distance bc I’ve got a friend who’s dating a guy that’s like 3hrs away, but that’s Texas distance so it’s nbd for them to see each other on weekends but I know some ppl would consider Not Living in the Same City as long distance so aksjsks) idk, distance just isn’t a big deal to me in Gen tho too. Like, You Find A Way to make it work or you don’t and that’s where delicious Conflict™️ can take root lol
And ahh dynamic… that age-old question… who’s Red/Blue, the Grump/Sunshine, who falls first vs who falls harder, god there’s so many things to consider. I do think I fall back on thinking of them as the Opposite Worlds Attract kinda dynamic (wait no, now I’m thinking of night at the museum and zom made that gemhex, not wonderhex I’m 😭😭😭)
It’s FINE, there’s not much new under the sun 😂 but yea, wonderhex is something I love a lot, would love an excuse to write for them 👀👀👀 I just need a nudge 👀
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spuukinightmares · 5 months
I drew him… again.
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Darkened his fur colours a bit bc I felt it fit him more. He was going to have a shirt but then I ended up drawing the best masculine body I’ve ever drawn in my life (without a reference too like ?!?!??) and I was like there’s no way I’m covering this up. I’ve never been good at drawing masc bodies this is an achievement that I must display. Also love how much fluffier I was able to make him this time :3
And then there’s more doodles bc I’m losing my mind. Being a wolf doesn’t stop him from being my meow meow
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He is actually living in my head rent free maybe even more than canon mondo rn. atp I should just write the damn au
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merlyn-bane · 4 months
I'm too tired rn to think of a specific au related question so! what are you working on now that you're really excited about?
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Oooh thanks for playing, @ferretrade 🥰🥰🥰
So I'm gonna start with the first one!! I think the two things I'm the most excited to work on right now are me and @meebles dinosaur cowboy au, which we are planning to start planning out real soon, and my T4T sapphic werewolf au<3 both of them live in my mind rent free. I've still gotta put up the WIP poll (hopefully soon, I just wanted to finish up the Foelu snippets first), but I'll be working on these two regardless just because they're so near and dear to me.
A quick funfact about the dinosaur cowboy au is that the working title of the document is Dinosaur Brokeback Mountain, and also, Obi-Wan's that let me show you some pictures of my baby guy, but his baby is an approximately 1000 pound spoiled rotten bear bird.
The general vibe to me, the way the werewolf au feels in my mind, is heavy rain on a tin roof, very statically space Julia Child recordings playing on the holoscreen in the kitchen, and Cody curled up all cozy with the Very Large and warm wolf that happens to also be her gf.
And my brain is totally fried right now, so the only thing coming to mind as far as worldbuilding for things I've already posted is for Foelu, and I think I hinted at it but I don't know how explicitly I stated it. The Stewjoni people in that universe are actually matriarchal, and social factors such as hierarchy can also cause them to shift reproductive systems just as much as population discrepancies if they aren't on the enzyme blocker--which is why Obi-Wan shifted to a 'female' biology on Melida/Daan when he went through puberty, as he was one of the leaders of the Young.
I'll be taking asks all day, so come hang out with me<3
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Helloooo hope u r doing good!
I'm at school rn and I just JUST finished reading We’re Running Out of Hope and Time. I'm sorry if this is a bit awkward cause the fic is pretty old by now but idc because I'm so glad I found it, honestly it's one of the best readings I ever enjoyed. I swear I absolutely loved every word of it and the entire au. It and BJ Deetz will live in my head and my heart rent free for months, I can assure you. It made me cry it made me laugh it made my mind explode and I can only say thank you, and so I wanted to show you these doodles I made just now of the last few chapters and something else because RAAAAHHH I LOVE THIS AU.
Anyway thank u for reading and yeah I hope u have a lovely rest of your day :3
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i love these!!!! thanks for taking the time to say something, its very cool to know ppl are still reading that story..!
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youngblood-182 · 2 years
best fanfics I've read for the Naruto universe
OKAY OKAY SO HEAR ME OUT I got big thoughts and I have a list going on in my phone rn and I wanted to share in case I see any Obito stans
The Beach: Obito Uchiha x Fem!Reader by @sleepysnk
This fanfic lives rent free in my mind at all hours of the day, every song I listen to has somehow become a revolving door of this fanfic. Summer is amazing at describing each and every character, the relationships, the interactions are like top tier. Absolutely adore this story and will wait on hand and knee for the next chapter.
The Burnouts AU Series by @the8gates
The first book made me feel SO MANY feelings, the drama, the romance?? The intricate characters and their development. This world was so easy to fall into, and when reading these books I actually feel like I am in their world. A definite read if you enjoy modern au naruto world. I have re-read the first book multiple times, and I am waiting on the edge of my seat for what will happen next. Definitely a big Obito fan in this book. A must read.
The Butterfly Effect Series by @sunarinnies
This is another series that I have become obsessed with, this book absolutely messes me up in the best way possible. The author presents each and every character so perfectly, especially Hiruzen. I adore the way they present him in this series. Plus I love Chiyuki, she is an amazing OC and I wish this series was published as an anime. The author really said "let me just take the series and make it my own" If you like watching the timeline go in different directions this is a must read. P.S. Shikaku in this book makes my heart melt.
The White Wolf of the Woods by @pinkrelish
I legitimately love the way this author writes, I have read multiple of their stories "I Tripped and Fell In Love With You" is another amazing fic by this writer. The beautiful long chapters, the slow burn romance, the way the reader falls slowly and the way Obito does too. This book makes my heart beat out of my chest. Only one chapter left before it is done and it almost makes me sad thinking that the book is almost over. Overall, this author writes fantastic Obito content and I'm 1000% here for it!
A Lethal Weapon Series by ZariaKnox
If you are a fan of time travel, trust me this book will make you feel things. Hanako is a fantastic OC and I am eagerly awaiting the next installment of this book. It is an Itachi x OC reader fic, and it is very rare someone writes Itachi as perfectly as the author of this fanfic does.
Love Me Mercilessly by akamikazae
This fanfic is wonderfully written, it's a bit sad but I love the strong themes that are incorporated into this book. The author also updates quite regularly, and it makes me very happy when I open my browser and find another chapter of this book has been posted. Strong Kakashi x OC. Please read.
I hope this list was received well, these are just my favorite fanfics out there currently and I cannot wait for more content from each of them <3
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jazzerdoc · 1 year
FIC REC “FRIDAY” - combo edition. I’ve been tagged (twice now) by @xthelastknownsurvivorx & once by @cha-melodius for this share. Thank you. I’m behind. My apologies. It’s finals week. It’s not Friday. I’m sorry. I’m traveling and I don’t know what day it is. Also that made me miss the Wordle & stop my winning streak at 128 and I’m kind of upset rn.
Tagging @welcometololaland for the master list.
So now it’s TWO THEMES - the fic that makes you laugh or smile whenever you think of it & the fic that lives in your mind rent free.
THEME ONE: funny/smile:
RWRB. This fic is outrageous in all the best ways: a college au, it’s hilarious, hot, memorable, 0-60. Henry is goaded into being filmed while trying to squash a watermelon between his THIGHS and Alex is out of his mind before/during/after. It’s FULL-CONTACT, written by one of my loves, @clottedcreamfudge All I can say, readers, is you’re welcome. 🍉
I would add here that @stutteringpeach ‘s WELL, WE’RE NOT HERE TO FUCK DUCKS aka fuck study (already tagged by @xthelastknownsurvivorx ) is also on my giggle-fest list. 🦆
THEME TWO: fics that live in my mind rent-free.
BUCKLE UP. This is really hard, because several do live in my mind ALL THE TIME. I’m going to add some favorites by my favorites, but I first have to say that @rmd-writes’ TO THE VICTOR THE SPOILS & its prequel, WHAT, LIKE IT’S HARD? are definitely on this list but @cha-melodius already tagged it. They are genius and I do love me a good lawyer au. Below are all RWRB but one, but it’s RWRB-infused, so.
@clottedcreamfudge I could say A SPORTING CHANCE, which you know I adore, but I’m going to say NEVER DID RUN SMOOTH, because I’m obsessed with how the love story plays out in this reality dating show romp & the title is a line from my favorite Shakespeare play, A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM. 🌴
YOUNG ROYALS (w/RWRB crossover) fic by my sweet love @the-amber-fox This prince/rock star/Sweden/US epic au is lovely and fun and just a great way to showcase Wilmon’s love story. PERFECT CRIMES OF THE HEART. 👑
My IG bestie @cinnamoncoffees has written YR & RWRB fics (some FOR me & others I’ve helped with), but this one is sooo good. I think it’s her best. It’s a vampire au and I don’t particularly like vampires necessarily but it is soooo good. Did I mention how good it is? 😋 A SLIGHTLY HYSTERICAL VAMPIRE FANTASY MOMENT. 🧛🏼‍♂️
RWRB fic: you may know my lovey @cheesecurdsgravyandfries as the writer of extremely hot, explicit RWRB & SCHITTS CREEK fics, but did you also know she is hilarious and sweet? I don’t completely know why, but I’ll never forget this adorable and clever stripper au told from Henry’s dog’s perspective. THE GOODEST BOY, HIS HENRY, AND THE OTHER GUY. 🥹 (Fun fact: this is the only G rated fic in my list.) 😏
RWRB+: I’ve got lots more RWRB favorites, but this list of fics-that-live-rent-free-in-my-mind would be incomplete without @everwitch-magiks’ HASHTAG SOULMATES. This beauty is a fan fic must-read. It combines the best of rwrb’s contemporary lgbtq fiction and all the romance tropes. Genius. 🪐
Tagging @cheesecurdsgravyandfries @the-amber-fox @cinnamoncoffees @clottedcreamfudge @everwitch-magiks @stutteringpeach @rmd-writes ONLY IF YOU WANT TO. And anyone else. This was fun but it took a while. Also, please tag @welcometololaland, who’s evidently keeping a list.
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 5 months
hey! i saw ur style authors recommendations, and was wondering if you had any creek ones?? If you don’t read creek that’s fine lol
I do in fact enjoy creek (admittedly I haven’t been as into it lately I’ve been preferring style and other Kyle ships wayyyyyy more for a hot minute lmao)
I don’t actually have many creek author recs that I can think of off the top of my head rn unfortunately, especially any that I know of on tumblr, but @wintergrew has one of the best sot AU’s of all time with a creek plot I ABSOLUTELY ADORE THE THIEF TRILOGY OK!!!
Sry thsts kinda it lmao I got sot on the brain (thief trilogy lives rent free in my mind always btw)
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tbyfandoms · 1 year
Heavily missing Cannes ‘22 today. Like we had it so good last year! New austin pictures, finding out about the 12(!!!) minute standing ovation for elvis, getting all those cast interactions (*ehem* that one iconic aus and olivia moment that lives rent free in my mind), cute kaia and austin videos, we were really LIVING! The times are truly tough rn
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jovenshires · 7 months
i just finished sunflower and omg katie that was so good you're so talented !! i have SO many thoughts about spidey spencer i am going crazy ... also the way you write tommy is just amazing !! i can't believe by the end he still doesn't know spence is spidey, pls tell me u have plans to continue this au omg its so wonderful
AHH tysm!! spidey spencer is now living in my mind rent-free at all times so ik the feeling xoxo and aw ty <3<3<3 means the world fr. DNKNFKFNLK is it unrealistic for tommy not to piece that together? probably. but tommy bowe is self-diagnosed lil dummy so i think he's just like. willfully ignorant.
i DO plan to continue!! i would like to make it a lil series of ficlets i think. maybe i'll do a long-term multichap but i don't see that in the cards for rn. i will say the scene where tommy does find out........ im ruminating. but anyway, in order to do that i gotta flesh out some of the other spiderman characters in my brain (i mentioned briefly yesterday but like ex: i wanna figure out what to do with oscorp), so i'll have to start figuring that out djnfjngngkl but either way we will be getting more spidey au content at some point yes!!
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
Hi, I hope this isn't too random, but you seem like a good person to ask for fic recs. Ignore this if it's too much of a bother, but if not what are your favorite Seb and or Charles-centric fics? Hope you're having a good day :D
Hello dearest anon! Thank you so much for asking me this and giving me a way to decompress after my exams, and also, thank you for trusting in my taste about my favorite vroom vroom boys <3 I will put the recs under the cut, because it's going to get long. Many (if not all) of these are slash fics, and most of them will probably be Sebchal (because I am trash about them), but I'll include pairings and some details, but please mind the tags and warnings in fics :) also these are the ones I remembered off the top of my head rn after 2 exams (read: fics that live in my head rent free all the time)
sebchal/cheb fic recs first!
an evolutionary theory of the soul by Anney
sebchal soulmates au. my absolute favorite, one of my ultimate comfort reads, the most perfect thing i've read and one of the first ones i've ever read. i re-read it often, and it also contains links to the moments described in the fic, so i use it for research (and comfort) on top of it all <3
Down in the Depths We Make Our Home by my dearest @antimonyandthyme
a pacific rim au that made me almost miss roc22 race because i was so invested in it, i couldnt even stop reading it. pacific rim is one of my all time favorite movies, and this is just. so, so bloody beautiful. athy is a master wordsmith, and this fic is. i don't know how to describe it. transcendental. ephemereal. everything. <3
here comes the sun by the lovely @wdcseb
aka the fic ive read probably top 3 most times out of them all. sometimes i go and just read that japan part and melt and die all over. seb comes back as ferrari's team principal after retiring. charles still drives. idek where to start with how wonderful this fic is. i can quote half of it by now. <3
Everything I do, I'm gonna think of you by @misonikomi
beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. seb still races, but charles is a disillusioned model. its such a lovely story of acceptance and of two different worlds crashing, but not really. it has some of my favorite descriptions, and seb's character is wonderfully done throughout. also, there is a sequel from charles' pov, which is equally lovely. i reread it a lot.
With you I'm in real danger by wonderful @jean----ralphio
seb sells antique books in Monaco. charles is a pornstar. i am IN LOVE with this. the way their rl personalities and issues apply to how they are in this au is magnificently written and just all around amazing. also, very hot :)
postcards from places that miss you by @streetlightsky
i screamed about this fic so much, like so so much. the postcards have one of the best confrontation scenes ever. the showing and not telling really comes through here, and it just. it makes me feel happy whenever i read it.
all of these authors have other fics that you should definitely check out, but these are my favorites by each of them! all of these are also completed bcs I rarely bother with unfinished work, but there is a wip i follow religiously: To be wild, to be free by anonymous author (if you by any chance happen to read this, i adore your fic <3!), where in a twist of fate or magic or whatever, Charles wakes up and Seb is young, and only starting his F1 career as a rbr driver :) and nobody remembers older Seb except Charles. i've re-read what's published like. 5 times so far or sth, i love it so much.
for seb-focused fics, the first, ultimate, and only fic that comes to mind is dearest @kritischetheologie 's Everybody Wants To Rule The World, which is a NicoR/Seb fic and has some of the absolute best characterisation of Seb i've ever seen. it made me so feral, i couldnt write anything for a week because it took over my brain and every time i thought of anything else, i just couldn't. i adore it <3
i will also self-promote here, because my first foray into f1 rpf was a seb-focused fic Red Gods of Old, which is a 2nd person pov magical realism diary entry that focuses on seb in ferrari :)
honorary mention to my ultimate comfort sewis fic I've Got You by @loveyouhomex which made me cry with how perfect it is, and i've only read it twice, because it devastates me in the best way out there. it spans their whole acquaintance in f1, and its so, so beautiful.
there is another wip i follow, which really explores sebs character in a fascinating way, and the self deprecation we've all witnessed, transformed through the superpower au. it's a simi fic by @creampuffjiggle called Six Feet From Ice and i am entranced by it! tho i did binge read it just as the last chapter published turned out to be a hearbreak <3 wholehearted rec!
for charles-focused fics, there are so many lovely ones in the pierre/charles tag on ao3, though most of them are extremely angsty. the ones that i love, and that come to mind instantly are these:
whatever our souls are made of (his and mine are the same) by empireofclouds - a soulmate au with heavy mythologizing that i fucking ADORE;
 hopefully, one day you will love me back by @sebchalex - where monaco gets kicked out of eu and pierre and charles marry and somehow still pine over each other;
If I were proper, I’d have a chance; not with you, but somebody else by @deepdowninshipperhell - an a/b/o which i literally have open on my phone at all times for comfort because its just perfect.
in the end, i will include my own fics here too, because first of all why not, and second of all i do write about seb and charles most often :)
Monaco - sebchal, monaco gp 2022 as it shouldve been;
Taller In Another Dimension - piarles, montreal 2022 date as i choose to believe it went;
By The Same Blade - sebchal, magical realism ft hanahaki disease 5+1.
thank you so, so much for asking anon, i love you for this <3
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localcapricosimp · 8 days
Thinking about Leovil so hard rn....
This ship lives rent free in my mind it is unhealthy at this point and I love it.
C'mon devs. Give them more duo magic together I beg of ye.
Also I rewatched Once Upon A Time a while back (last year at some point over the summer) and like...Emma and Killian's relationship at some points made me think "oo, Leovil coded." LIKE THERE WAS SOME FLAVOR.
....this is giving me an AU fic idea.
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