#thinking about loony tunes back in action
spookysspoons · 4 months
Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck as well as Tom and Jerry are queer platonic change my mind.
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girlbossblackbeard · 7 months
brain thoughts whilst watching s2 ep1
if u saw me post some of these as their own posts no u didnt
-y'all are so smart for predicting that the steard HAD to be a fantasy/dream sequence
-"I never made you leave him. You did that yourself" *stede kills him* hmmmmmm definitely not a metaphor for stede trying to kill/silence the part(s) of himself and his actions that he hates and is ashamed of and that story arc DEFINITELY isn't a parallel to Ed's comatose dream journey we see later in ep 3 when he confronts Hornigold's ghost only to realize that it's actually a manifestation of Ed's self-hatred. this is just a silly little pirate show with silly little fake sword battles that's all :)
-Okay. We know this is a fantasy. We know this is a silly little pirate show. We know it's a haha funny comedy with two of the best comedic actors the world has ever seen in the starring roles. And Yet. The ungodly heartbreaking "Ed" that Stede yells the second time just before running to him is so gut-wrenching, so full of desperation, so overwhelmingly breathtaking in the undeniable agony laced throughout that one syllable, I wish god had put me in Izzy's place instead bc it would've been a thousand times less painful to literally be stabbed directly through my abdomen than to hear Stede say Ed's name like that while tears well up in his eyes
-watching stede and ed run like that gave me the ick im so sorry yall i wanted to be brave about it but i just cant be
-okay but WHY am i blushing when Ed looks directly into the camera for his lines in the fantasy sequence.........how in the hell did stede not spontaneously combust the second those stupidly big brown beautiful doe eyes made eye contact with him
-"I knew you'd find me, babe" "You're not mad?" "I knew you'd find me, love" "So, we're good? About everything?" "Fuckin' love the beard, mate" Even in Stede's dreams Ed does not confirm that everything is alright between them. I'm starting to think this dream sequence is actually a nightmare sequence because he gets confronted by his fears by not only Izzy throwing it in his face that Stede left Ed of his own volition but Ed steadfastly refusing to answer Stede's questions about their relationship being okay
-in stede's dream ed has his full beard because that's a marker of the last time/era stede remembers being truly happy with ed before he ruined everything at the naval academy and broke ed's heart so severely it turned him into the very monster the rest of the world always wrongly made him out to be
-"can't be worse than you moaning 'ed, oh ed' all night long" black pete my beloved
-GOD stede's hair and scruff look so GOOD on him what the HELL
-stede's silly little thumbs up to the swede as jackie makes him throw that ass in a circle reblog if u agree
-stede talking to the patrons at spanish jackie's is just a typical customer interaction working in the service industry
-ayo i think spanish jackie's is serving food now?? guess that overhead issue she mentioned to geraldo in s1 is no longer an issue bc that place is popping
-if ricky was able to clock stede immediately and doesn't think he's dead even after his very public and very loony-tunes-esque death then how many people in barbados actually believe he's dead??? does the whole town just kinda know he faked it and have accepted that he abandoned his family, became a pirate, came back home, drunkenly bisexualized his ex(??) wife's new boo thang, then faked his death so he could abandon his family again???
-"Demon? I'm the fuckin' Devil" I can't accurately put into words how hearing this line so softly spoken paired with seeing Ed's beautiful kohl-covered eyes as the guitar and xylophone from the song kicks in has affected me but I can say with 100% certainty it is the root cause of my new mental illness, whatever that may be
-LOVE LOVE LOVE the freeze frame with the day of the week overlay it is SUCH a visually excellent component of those scenes
-i know we're all supposed to be very sad and upset at ed shooting a guy (that was BASICALLY ALREADY DEAD) but for the love of GOD that man has never served so much princess babygirl gender in one cocking and shooting of a gun as he did in that scene
-the immediate stoppage of the music with the smash cut to the crew trying to process the trauma that they've been through is so fucking funny, the editors have absolutely mastered the science of comedic timing
-"i dunno, i've never really been to a wedding before so i've got nothing to compare it to really" archie my beloved
-"i've never seen blackbeard like this. he didn't even bat an eye when ivan got killed" i don't have the energy to really put all my thoughts about this into coherent sentences, so all i'll say is that i'm really disappointed this is how they chose to deal with ivan not being in the show anymore. idk what went down with guz khan and whomever made the decision not to invite him back for s2, but at the very least i feel like they could've either written him off in some other way or simply not mentioned him at all. killing him off in one sentence that gets immediately interrupted with a comedic line just doesn't sit right with me
-"i lock the box and then i don't open it again" frenchie just like me fr
-i know stede did NOT just say "he's just blowing off some steam" in response to olu pointing out that ed has been committing so many crimes they literally had to start listing them on the back of the wanted posters. it's giving "girlfriend whose boyfriend acts like a massive asshole to her in front of her friends but she tells them he's actually soooo sweet when it's just the two of them together"
-"well, we can't turn up with any old ship. we need to look good" stede you literally haven't touched clean water in who knows how long, i think pulling up to the revenge in a dope af whip might need to be a little lower on your priority list babe
-the way ed gently strokes that cake topper before stuffing it in his jacket right above his heart like he used to do with the red silk bc stede's entire being eclipsed the silk when he became ed's whole heart. cinema
-i said it before and i'll say it again: izzy looks like a sad clown with his rudy giulliani lookin ass hair dye dripping down his face and the black panda rings around his eyes as a sad excuse for war paint
-when watching the first ep for the first time, i found myself becoming extremely uncomfortable and even anxious at times watching ed doing drugs and having a very public spiral that he takes out on the crew. massive props to taika and the writers for being able to make me genuinely a little terrified of Blackbeard in those scenes
-conathan o'neill. words cannot describe how enrapturing every single second of screentime you get is. every pixel of your performance is pure perfection. every tear that glimmers in your eye but refuses to fall is gloriously gut-wrenching. every laugh out of izzy's mouth is uniquely, ineffably uncomfortable in ways that should be futilely studied by science. also u look really hot when you're leaning on the rigging in the storm
-the swede shaking his head "no" at stede trying to warn him not to talk back to jackie when she steals their savings. he was trying to help his friends :(
-"i know that guy, we had breakfast together :D" "you'll be having a lot of breakfasts together" "oh okay :))" the swede my beloved
-buttons opening his mouth when it starts raining. buttons my beloved
-"im afraid your...your life is better without me" is SUCH an amazing line read from rhys, the way stede's voice hitches and you can hear the tears in his throat as he tries to voice his deepest fears is so incredibly moving which is why i got both the ick and medically diagnosed whiplash when he busts out that extraordinarily cringe ed voice to RESPOND TO HIMSELF. idk what's wrong with that man but it's not in ye olde DSM-5
-the fact that, once again, in stede's own imagination ed is not refuting stede's fears but is rather confirming them in the case of him talking to ed's wanted poster about how he's worried ed's life is better without stede in it and stede responding "could be...could be mate" in "ed's" voice is actually really desperately tragic and heartbreaking when you think about it ! :)
-"i know everything about you" i truly hate to say it but SOME of us, and im not saying who (me), are unfortunately extremely ricky-coded. it's giving "hi kevin" in spongebob
-someone smarter than me should do an analysis on how quickly stede's attitude towards ricky flipped once ricky told stede he was his hero and the gentleman pirate saved his life and how stede maybe saw a lot of his past self in ricky and is intimately aware of how the mundanity of living a life that's been prescribed to you from birth with expectations you could never live up to can drive you to the edge unless you choose to do something drastic to change your situation and how stede already feels like such a failure because of both the situation with his family/old life AND with ed/his new life that he took the opportunity to be the kind of gentle guide he could've used when he was starting out in the same situation ricky is before stede met ed and started to learn the ropes more. so if ur reading this please get on that thx <3
"my time with jackie has been the happiest of my life. her love has helped me locate parts of myself i didn't even know existed" (his prostate) "and reclaim others that i had long missed" (his teeth and nails)
-"but...i owe you a life debt and i am bound to honor it" something something mary telling stede "we made a contract in front of god and i am bound to honor that" something something stede being told by multiple people he cares about that the only reason they're dealing with him is because of societal convention
-i was gonna start this post off with "sorry" but i actually will not be apologizing for the unabated foaming-at-the-mouth level of hedonistic intoxication i experience every time i look at ed in his warpaint. if you have any issues with this that's between u and god buddy
-"i have...love for you, edward" actually made me gasp so hard i choked
-"i heard that you think the vibe here on the ship is poisonous" ed said VIBE CHECK and then took izzy's leg
-fang whimpering is actually illegal
-ed asking blackbeard about the vibes on the ship was such an incredibly well done performance from taika because i was genuinely so uncomfortable watching that go down i almost had to look away
-frenchie shaking his head "no" at izzy after izzy yells at ed to stop with his insane blackbeard monologue about the vibes on the ship is such a tiny moment but speaks VOLUMES about how trauma-bonded that crew has become under the kraken's rule. frenchie doesn't want to see izzy get even more hurt than he already does on a daily basis but i think he also knows it's already too late
-god the way ed just casually turns away and shoots izzy the second he hears the first "st" syllable of stede's name is so chilling
>>>side note: does ed look away because he can't watch himself actually hurt izzy THAT badly? he later turns his back to izzy in the hopes izzy will shoot him and when he doesn't, ed leaves before izzy shoots himself
-izzy's resigned inhale and small smile before starting to say "your feelings for stede bonnet" is so unbelievably heartbreaking because he knows. he knows he's about to get majorly fucked up for what he's about to say but he's tired of everyone walking on delicate shards of glass around ed
-the fucking joke of "how are you so good at this" because he's literally doing the swedish massage. credit goes to my friend shane for realizing this right away when it would've taken me 20 rewatches to come close to getting it
-"I can't believe how well this is going" black pete my beloved
-"this is where you went wrong with the whole gentleman pirate thing. details like this are important to build a brand" she's an influencer
-"i cant believe you guys robbed jackie. wow. so bad" the swede my beloved
-wee john covering his nose as jackie says she's about to get more noses for her nose jar
-"aint you that soup bitch" "im the money bitch" well im gay and i want them both to step on me
-"it's okay sexy dutchman"
-ed crying on the bow of the ship is sooooooooooo insane to me like i keep getting reminded of the fact that he's literally been crying every single night for MONTHS over stede
-"never going back to land. we're gonna sail, rob, and raise hell forever and ever without end" "sounds like a plan" frenchie's face as he realizes he's probably gonna spend the rest of his life on that ship may have actually caused heart damage
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bruinhilda · 3 months
So, with all the talk about Steamboat Willie becoming public domain, I realized a couple of things.
First, that I'd never actually seen Steamboat Willie. Never saw it as a kid, never got around to looking it up even after all the copyright talk started again. (I have recently watched it. Didn't think it was bad or meh or anything, but I just don't seem to "connect" with it.)
And after some thought...I don't think I've seen ANY Mickey Mouse short in my life. Ever. I can't recall ever seeing them on TV. I remember seeing some Donald Duck, and maybe one or two Goofy shorts...but not Mickey Mouse. In fact, I don't think I actually saw Mickey in anything other than clips or bumpers until Fantasia was re-released in theaters in the 1980s.
Loony Tunes and Tom & Jerry? I would be shocked to find one I haven't seen many many times. That was a good portion of my childhood. But the Disney stuff? It's more that I was aware of it existing, without having seen a lot of it.
That might be because Loony Tunes was everywhere, on multiple channels all the time...and Disney had a single one-hour program once a week where they mostly showed boring live-action programs I'd turn off five minutes in. Later on they were on cable. Premium cable that of course my family was not going to pay for, we're broke as shit, count yourself lucky you got to see basic cable for 5 months before we cancelled it and got the giant antenna you have to stand outside and turn around every time you change the channel.
The movies were also rarely shown on TV. Certainly not the "good" movies...those were kept in the Vault and would only be re-released to theaters for a couple of weeks every 12 years. Your elders will talk about how amazing they are, so prepare to be underwhelmed by most of them when you finally have a chance to see it for yourself.
I don't think I was impressed by a Disney movie until I saw Fantasia, and I wasn't absolutely wowed by one until Lion King. Everything else was just...kinda there. Snow White is back in theaters, it's an event, we're gonna go see it. And I'm going to forget half of it 5 minutes after leaving the theater, because it's just not speaking to me.
I don't know why most of the Disney stuff just doesn't connect with me the way a lot of other animation does. I don't see them as bad or anything. They just...don't move me, for the most part. There's a handful I love. There's a bunch that I find just...okay. Not going to complain that it's playing in the background, might watch some of it...might just wander off.
And the rest, like Mickey Mouse...I've never actually seen. I have no real plans to see. Sometimes I think about looking up this or that...but have no real motivation. I'm sure a lot of it is good. I'm probably missing a few gems that WOULD connect with me the way I'd want.
It's kind of making me once again feel out of step with the rest of the world. People gushing about this or that pop culture thing...and when I admit lack of exposure to it, they're not just surprised, they're AGHAST. Sorry. I'm sure Mickey Mouse is fine and funny. I just haven't seen that for myself yet, and these days I don't have the spoons necessary to correct that situation.
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spiked-mall-goth · 9 months
ummmmm guys. i have had a day let me tell you. super long diary like entry lol
i had to get up early to go see my papa and help him move some furniture, and although i was running on a total of 2 1/2 hours of sleep i was excited. he lives out in the city and its about an hour and a half drive but the highway is completely surrounded by trees so that was a fun ride. listened to lots of music and talked about barbies with my dad. we counted 21 total yard sales on the trip.
got home and ate lunch after unloading some beds. my papa wanted some old twin beds out of his house so we took them home. i have a new mattress now!! which hopefully means far less daily back pain!!
after lunch we decided to go to a few of the yard sales we passed by. and let me tell you i got a HAUL. i got a pair of really nice pajama pants that have little skulls on them, then at the next one they had SO MUCH STUFF!!! like guys.. i got a sweater for 25 cents.. GUYS. i got a little black sweater, a flowy black summer top, a fucking black velvet CAPELET, and the most gorgeous black 80s prom dress; although sadly it does not zip and needs alterations but its WORTH IT!!! it has really big poof sleeves and a massive flower sash omg guys its AWSOME. at the same place i also got a little fake ivy for my kitchen :D it desperately needed a little life, a big ass puzzle to work on with my brothers, and they had MOUNDS of vhs tapes... for FREE. soooo uh yeah. may or may not have come home with like twenty new tapes. oh yeah did i metion that i only paid like a total of six dollars so far?? i made out like a Bandit. final yard sale and the woman was like 'uhhhh $1.25.'. so for a $1.25 i got a peanuts drinking glass (i think from mcdonalds..), the entirety of firefly on dvd, and a ceramic angel. normally i do not go for religious imagery in my decor, but. it was like 102F.. i hadnt slept since my two hour night.. i was severely dehydrated.. heat exhaustion was setting in a little bit.. and i dunno, she just called to me. she reminded me of laura palmer.
okay, so i get home and unload all my of goodies, then i start cleaning my room. i have to disassemble my old bed frame and clean under my bed and shit. i already have a pounding headache at this point but i have schedule to keep. beds gotta be moved b4 tmrrw. so i am FIGHTING trying to get the frame apart, i'm all sweaty and gross and i finally get it!! :D i feel some stuff falling over behind me and b4 i can even look up i get whacked right upside my head loony tunes style with a huge metal beam :( i start feeling kinda funny and i vaguely remember talking to my brother who told me to lie down. i pass out cold and hard on the couch for about an hour. vague memories of seeing something in the room with me. not really important i just think you should know.
wake up to my brothers shaking me to make sure i havent DIED. i lived! yayyy!! ate dinner, and then it was time. i have been looking at this online auction for over a week now and it was ending in a matter of minutes. i did when some some stuff! i got the directors cut of JTHM, revenge of the filler rabbit, and some other comic which i cannot remember rn.. but anyways it was 5 bucks! and then i bought a snoopy wallet for a few dollars. although i did miss out on a clear phone.. so sad. but overall i had a very good shopping day today idk why. everything just like fell into my lap at affordable prices... like wow..
after the auction i still had not moved my new bend in (ya know.. bonk on da head) so i fight forever to get it put together. but yippeee!!! its al here! and i was given a new blanket to put on it which is very soft :3
anyways now im here after showing and watching x files for a bit.
if you read all of that.... wow. ily <3. i normally dont like to just like info dump about my irl daily stuff, but today was just so like action packed it was kinda bonkers. anyways i have to go to bed bc i have more stuff going on tmrrw.... and i honestly might just cancel them.. i am TIRED.
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commenter2 · 8 months
What if Warner Bros. owned Roger Rabbit and co.
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A “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” review video pointed out how though the movie was very popular when it was first released as it is today, Disney never did much with the franchise afterwards when it came to animation. Sure there were 3 shorts, a scrapped sequel, and a reference in Aladdin 3 (I’m not counting that Chip and Dale movie as everything was referenced in that) but I still think they gave up on it pretty quickly. That’s why it was a surprise when I realized that their rival Warner Bros. has done more stuff with the Who Framed Roger Rabbit franchise by parodying and referencing it in shows like Animaniacs, Tiny Toons, and even Superman: The Animated Series.
It does make sense as along with WB liking their bunny characters while Disney cartoons (especially back then) are more aimed at children and families, Warner Bros. cartoons like Looney Tunes are more aimed at everyone to enjoy to a point they are more mature in comparison. This got me thinking of what things would have been like if Warner Bros. had owned the rights to Roger Rabbit and co. the whole time and made the characters part of the Looney Tunes franchise.  Long text warning.
Roger would likely have had a Goofy like role as though not dumb, his habit of being clumsy and not paying attention can lead to trouble, like he will lose an important item by making it fall into a mail truck and would spend the who episode trying to retrieve it from the very dedicated mailman. I could picture him being a protégé of Bugs Bunny as from time to time the latter would teach Roger his ways of Looniness. Roger also could have been the bane of Bugs, as Roger would accidently cause Bugs pain, good for when there are moments when Bugs goes too far with something or when Bugs has to be the target of slapstick for the episode.
Roger’s inclusion could also have been a way to bring a twist to some of the franchises most popular stories. I could picture one where Roger gets involved in a rabbit season/duck season debate and while Daffy would still get shot, somehow Roger would get Bugs shot as well and similar to Daffy maybe Bug’s tail would fly off and do things like form a toupee or beard/mustache on Bugs, Elmer, or another animal. In another, similar episode I could see Roger having a gag where he constantly mentions his wife and in the end Jessica would arrive revealing she is the Park Ranger of the local area. She then clarifies that it’s neither rabbit or duck season as hunting season ended a week ago and Elmer is technically breaking the law, so she takes him away to be fined. Bugs and Daffy then bring up why Roger never mentioned his wife was the Park Ranger and he just simply says they never asked.
Another cartoon idea is that the rabbit community wants another rematch with the turtles. The turtles choose Cecil to represent them and while Bugs is confidant he would be the one to race, the others choose Roger given Bug’s past with Cecil. Roger states that though he will try his best, he’s going to have fun as he states winning isn’t everything. This of course makes the other rabbits nervous so they force Bugs to help Roger win the race no matter what or they will take out their anger about losing on him. Throughout the episode Bugs tries to aid Roger but his actions always lead to Roger falling behind and make Cecil mock Bugs which annoys the bunny. Bugs eventually gives up near the finish line but this causes Cecil to take a moment to mock Bugs which causes Roger to catch up and win the race surprising the two. Bugs then mocks Cecil for losing but sadly his fun is short lived as footage of the race makes it look like Bugs was trying to make Roger lose, causing an angry mob to form alongside another mob of turtles who are mad at Cecil for losing in a manner like in the fable. The episode ends with Cecil and Bugs teaming up to escape the mobs while Roger enjoys his win with Jessica. 
Maybe Roger could have played the main role of a “Peter Rabbit” parody episode, as maybe he is challenged to get a rare vegetable or lost ball from a highly secured garden.
Jessica Rabbit could have been a nice addition as along with being another female character, it would have been interesting to have a human cartoon character play a role that isn’t as antagonist or always a side character. Sure she would still have been the eye candy but along with how that didn’t stop WB from doing that in other shows for many years, she would still be as clever as she was beautiful and use that cleverness to clearly stop the antagonist of the episode she is in
I could see her having episodes where a just as talented female character always gets jealous of Jessica being chosen for something (like up for a promotion or will be the opening act of someone) and the rival always tries to ruin Jessica’s gig but Jessica always seems to get out scott free unlike the rival. Ironically Jessica would always treat the rival like a friend the whole time and maybe in some cases gives the thing to the rival, getting a win from time to time. Obviously she and Roger would have many episodes together, like where they go on dates but some guys always try to flirt with Jessica so she uses her wits to make them go away in funny ways before Roger finds out. These kinds of episode would end the same way as Roger would always see one of these guys with Jessica and we discover that Jessica was doing these things to “protect them” as Roger would go all chivalrous and uses his toon powers to make the guy go flying away from them, which Jessica doesn’t like as she hates it when her sweet husband gets all tough though she is quick to forgive him since he always goes back to his normal self. 
Just like with Roger interacting with other Looney Tunes characters, I like the idea of making her the owner of the cat character from the Pepe Le Pew cartoons, where she would use her wits to prevent Pepe from getting to her cat. I could see her doing things like give Pepe a heavy anvil to hold while he is climbing up a ladder or she just so happens to have a anti skunk collar for the cat to wear, making Pepe flee every time he got close to the cat. Course she isn’t always like this as I can picture one scenario where in an episode where she is a vet, she does a surgery that gets rid of Pepe’s stink which instantly makes all the female animals attracted to him. Another is that she pairs Pepe up with a raccoon that loves smelly things thus giving Pepe a happily ever after ending.
There could be an episode where Yosemite Sam, after realizing he is the only criminal to not tie a lady to some train tracks, decides to do it on Jessica but she keeps outsmarting him causing Sam to be the one to get hit by trains. The episode ends with Sam giving up but surprised that everyone is cheering for him, as apparently other criminals have tried the same thing with Jessica but they all ended up dying, so the fact that he survived makes him a legend.
Another possible episode is one where Jessica gets turned into an actual toon rabbit like Roger. We see her react and use the new form to handle a threat but the vast differences between species starts causing her to act abnormal (in this case sillier) as a side effect, so Roger has to try and change her back before it's too late.
The Toon Patrol, which I can see being renamed “The Weasel Gang” could have been an upgraded version of that cartoon crime duo of the small boss and the big, dumb henchman. They would be the troublemakers would commit crimes only to get stopped by another toon. I could picture a few episodes where Bugs messes with them such as after the gang steals all the carrots in the area so people would have to buy from them or when he discovers the weasels are going to dig a tunnel going through his house in order to rob a bank. They likely would have gone through the most changes, especially when it comes to some of the characters names and designs such as having Smartass just be called Smarty or Boss, Psycho would likely be given an outfit that matches his crazy personality like wearing a tutu with swim shorts and a Christmas sweater, and Wheezy would be replaced with someone else like a weasel with a sugar or screen addiction.
Baby Herman would have been made a man who looked like a baby. His main gag (which I think Looney Tunes did before) would be that he is a criminal or escaped convict that would disguise himself as a baby or in later episodes a boy in order to lose the cops. However while in the disguise he would suffer either cause the adults that adopted him were very stupid and irresponsible or he would get in trouble while trying to escape the school he is pretending to attend. Later on I could see him getting a redesign where he looks like an fully grown man but with a baby like head, picture that Babyface villain from Batman: The Brave and the Bold. His new gags would be that people try not to laugh at his appearance and that occasionally he will act like a baby such as crying when he gets caught by the police.
This also makes me wonder how their inclusion in Looney Tunes shows and movies would have changed them. 
In Space Jam since Jessica would be in it, that version of Lola Bunny would likely have had a different personality which in turn could have been a better step in the right direction to giving us her Looney Tune Show version. That or maybe Jessica would have been a cheerleader that distracts everyone XD
In Looney Tunes: Back in Action, after it is pointed out that without Daffy, Bugs doesn’t have someone to argue with someone gets Roger to fill in the role which leads to Bugs being shot by Elmer in that alternate rabbit season skit I talked about earlier. Though this team up is well received it makes the company a bit less money than what they are used to, so the VP that fired Daffy goes out to get him with Bugs following. Jessica Rabbit could have been the toon partner of the spy at Yosemite Sam’s casino and helps Daffy and the others escape town.
For Animaniacs, maybe its implied that Hello Nurse is Jessica’s cousin or niece.
I could have seen the characters have a big impact in Tiny Toons as that show was full of references and shout outs to Who Framed Roger Rabbit. One would be that Roger would be the founder/principal of Looniversity, something that was actually joked about in one episode, but again fits with the idea of him being a protege of Bugs as I brought up before. Maybe the show could have had a character/characters that were the kids of Roger and Jessica. Tiny Toons did have an episode where Babs Bunny wishes there was a female cartoon role model she could look up to so maybe it leads her to meeting Jessica who then introduces Babs to the other female Looney Tunes characters like Granny and Witch Hazel, maybe even Dot from Animaniacs. Either way the episode would end with Babs going from zero role models to several role models and realizing that if she works hard enough could be a female cartoon character for future female toons to look up to.
Ignoring all the bad shows we get to The Looney Tunes show. Roger and Jessica could be new neighbors in Bugs and Daffy’s neighborhood. At this point I would see Roger and Jessica wearing normal clothes but more on that in a bit. Roger would be a rising comedian as he is known for using all kinds of props in his routine, some that even parodies some old Looney Tunes gags like a projector will show stars and birds in one of his skits when he gets hit by “heavy” objects or his show will end with a hollowed out prop shaped like a anvil falling on him. Jessica would be someone that works at city hall and would be a great way for the characters to find out what is going on in the city. When working I could see Jessica wearing a business suit but outside of it would wear something casual, and her iconic dress would be worn on date nights or special/fancy occasions.
One episode could have Bugs being jealous of everyone liking Roger’s jokes and after fearing that he could be the new funny guy tries to out funny him. Another could have Jessica being in charge of keeping an eye on Daffy and Lola after the latter are forced to help out at City Hall.  In one episode where the Rabbits celebrate their wedding anniversary not only does this make Daffy wonder what his wedding would be like (even going out to wear wedding dresses) but this gives Lola the idea of becoming a wedding planner and being surprisingly good at it.
You know with Warner Bros. being in a Looney Tunes making role lately what with making Looney Tunes shorts again and the Tiny Toons reboot, along with Disney losing a lot money recently, I bet WB could easily buy the rights to those characters and implement them in future works. Heck while watching the Tiny Toons reboot this week (spoilers) there was an episode where a green liquid was used to harm toons by effect their Looney DNA, which reminds me of the "Dip" from Who Framed Roger Rabbit. This again just proves my point but its just a fun idea in the end.
What are your thoughts about all of this? 
Roger Rabbit is owned by Disney Warner Bros logo is owned by such company base by HopetectiveR35
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crackedlemonade · 1 year
Urkel Menace To Society 1.5 (Last Urkel Post for a while)
So this is a follow up to my Urkel Menace to society post. The Original post was an overview of Urkel's interactions with the show from season 2 when he started up until the introduction of Myra in season 4. The original purpose of me re-watching Family Matters was to actually see the point in which Judy disappears and in watching that I started to make these observations about Urkel.
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Truth be told there's a lot to unpack in those first seasons and probably much more to unpack later. Unfortunately, I just discovered that Family Matters moved from Hulu to HBO Max meaning that the likelihood of me watching the show moving forward has dramatically decreased. If I get lucky thrifting one day, that likelihood may increase.
I didn't get as far as the introduction of Stefan Urkel watching and honestly it may be interesting to re-watch but it might not. What really bothered me when re watching was that Steve was presented as this lovable character in the show. There's even a Christmas episode where Laura becomes Urkel and Steve becomes a Winslow. In that episode Urkel plays Stefan before the character of Stefan is introduced. Laura gets the clumsy gene and for some reason that the show never explains loves Steve with all her heart, which I guess was written to be more sympathetic with the character of Urkel, but it feels very undeserved.
As a character Steve Urkel is basically the live action version of Pepe Le' Pew from Loony Tunes. Urkel is hyper focused on getting a date with Laura he ignores consent, he ignores personal space and he puts himself and others in danger in the pursuit of a date. He tries to cook something for Laura and somehow sets fire to Rachel's business which could have killed both him and Laura in the process. The first couple of seasons with Urkel is quite honestly a dude harassing and traumatizing a girl in his neighborhood and nobody stepping in and doing anything about it. Based off of that I really don't think that Laura should have ever dated Steve or that after he found a reason to not constantly be around the Winslows, should have been brought back.
Aunt Rachel was a problematic character. One thing that's discussed is Judy's disappearance from the show suddenly. One thing I feel that is constantly overlooked is that Aunt Rachel left the show around the same time that Judy disappeared and left her son Richie with Carl and Harriette. Something that I overlooked when I called Rachel meddlin ass Aunt Rachel in the first post was that she put herself, grandma Winlow and Harriette in danger one episode by not minding her business. There is an episode where Carl goes undercover on a drug bust and gets a young attractive woman as his partner in the Undercover job. Rachel spends the episode sewing seeds of doubt in Harriette's mind until Harriette, Rachel and Grandma Winslow follow Carl to the location of a drug deal that he's making and almost ruin the whole operation.
In the show, Urkel almost froze to death sitting on the Winslow's roof in a lawn chair to date Laura. Laura also repeatedly said no to Steve in regards to dating, it was completely messed up and unwise for Rachel's advice to be that Laura missed Steve once he wasn't constantly around. Had that interference not happened, we wouldn't have the weird Steve, Laura and Myra triangle which was layered in problems. Laura wasn't a character that was doing bad in the show relationship wise, the problem was that since the show required Steve to pursue Laura as a plot point everyone that Laura dated was ultimately a horrible person. Another problem created with the introduction of Myra was that Urkel was no longer single to pursue Laura so they had to write the drama in a way that Steve wasn't immediately the bad guy which forced the villain position to have to be filled by either Laura or Myra.
I'm not sure if I did I great job painting that picture in that first post. There's honestly a lot to unpack from multiple characters in that series and I would recommend going back and watching it, if you can. Also don't let any of my observations ruin your enjoyment of the show. I'm just a rando on the internet analyzing random shows. I low key wish that Family Matters was still on Hulu because I kinda wanted to talk about Carl Winslow as a cop at some point.
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year
Fuffy, Spangel, Dawn/Connor, and Angel/Riley for the ship bingo!
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I do enjoy Fuffy as a good fix-it fic because it's nice when Faith is able to not go down a bad path that leads to prison and gets a cute girlfriend too. But their canon relationship is so fascinating to me too, I've gotta admit.
I genuinely think that, canonically, Faith's in love with Buffy. But she's just so screwed up and let down by the adults in her life that Faith can't deal with it. She goes after guys that are infatuated with Buffy too - Angel, Xander, Riley, Spike, Robin - but she's not really happy unless she's the center of Buffy's attention. And when things go bad, well... if she can't have positive attention, she'll take the negative.
I... really do enjoy villains that are in that vein don't I? (Eobard Thawne, the Master from Doctor Who...)
That said, Faith is pretty devoted to Buffy, which we see both before and after her little jaunt on the dark side.
On Buffy's part, her actions towards Faith really do read as someone with a crush, pre-accidental manslaughter incident. Her feelings were probably too different from what she was used to for her to recognize the crush for what it was. But especially knowing that Buffy has at least one lady lover in the comics (that I've heard of anyway?) it makes a lot of sense to me that she had a crush on Faith. Faith was good at keeping up this veneer of being everything Buffy wished she could be - free of expectations and comfortable with being the Slayer.
So while their canon relationship is... a mess, I do think there was a window of opportunity where, had things gone a bit differently, they could have been girlfriends.
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They've definitely had sex during their fanged four days. They're exes. They're divorced (yet still married). They love each other. They want to murder one another in convoluted loony tunes style plots.
They're Spangel. And they bring out the best and the worst in each other. If I were in more of a mood for vampires, I'd probably feel the need to go through their ship tag but I'm currently too focused on other fandoms.
I think one of my favorite ship fics for these two had Angel saving Spike's life and it caused him this moment of perfect happiness because the idea of perfect happiness was tied to what the caster of the curse believed it to be, deep down. And since the last time Angel had his soul shoved back into his body it was a Willow who'd lost Tara... very poignant but also now they've got Angelus around and his idea of love was... um...
Okay, so maybe I do need to dig that one up and re-read it now. :D
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Since they never met in canon, I don't really have a lot to say about them. I do think they'd have an interesting dynamic - they're both of weird origins and struggle with being not normal - and I've liked fics that included the ship. But they're very much ships that pass in the night.
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Canonically these two very much bring out the worst in each other. Angel got his hackles up over Riley being the first guy Buffy was serious about after him. And Riley straight up accuses Buffy of cheating on him with Angel - admittedly likely out of guilt that he'd unwittingly had sex with Faith in Buffy's body and was dealing with having basically suffered rape by deception, so I do cut him some slack even if the accusation was incredibly shitty of him.
While I think scenarios where the two of them become friends would be interesting, with Angel actually acting older and wiser for once and seeing in Riley someone who is suffering and pushing the people who love and support him away... I just don't see anything romantic between them and I don't think I'd ever really want to either.
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Chapter Thirty: The Puppeteer
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Rated: PG-13 (Themes of insanity, graphic imagery, and violent thoughts. This is sort of an age gap relationship but keep in mind that the physical ages of both parties differs from their cognitive age. Martina is cognitively 20 and Jack is cognitively 18.)
(Author's note: Remember that Martina manipulates emotions...)
~I counted the stars tonight Oh, how they shine so bright I gather them all, so we perfectly align
While we gaze from far away And separately watch the day Come rising across the horizon in our minds
But now I know my heart is strong Where you belong is by my side So will you hold? 'Cause time is cold But in your soul, I'm standing by~
"It's okay, Jack. It's a crooked kind of perfect. I think I like it better now."
Then she turned and left the shed and Jack buried his head in his hands. Guilt was a crushing thing and now it was crushing him.
Why hadn't he gotten there sooner? If he had, then she wouldn't have gotten hurt. Max had led them to four wrong sheds before they finally found this one. But that wasn't on her. Max had just been trying to help. It was his fault. Jack had been the one to rush off and leave her all alone. He had promised that he would never leave her but he'd broken his promise! Would Marty hate him now?
Jack thought about the way she had looked when the fight was over.
Marty had looked like she had the day they had found her. She looked absent, detached, vacant, alive but not awake. Like the lights were on but no one was home. It wasn't the same as when she had purposefully demonstrated that emotionless act like she had earlier; like there wasn't even a person inside. This was a different kind of emptiness. It was more like Marty was hiding because she didn't want to face what had happened, and then she was lost because she couldn't find herself again. He had seen that emptiness before, on a hunt.
Sam had called it shock.
Marty hadn't even flinched when she picked up that vampire's head. There hadn't been much emotion in her when she had talked about the former owner of that head. Nor when she had talked to the head like it was some sick sort of ventriloquist dummy. But Jack had seen her eyes, and in them, he'd seen hate among the emptiness.
Just thinking of what Marty had said about the vampire she'd called Boyd made Jack's blood boil beneath his skin. The thought of that thing - that monster - touching her, made him angry. That thought made him so angry he didn't even have the words to express it.
The anger - the rage - the sheer undiluted hate that Jack felt coursing through his veins couldn't be described. He had never felt hate so strongly before, not even for the monsters or the angels in the apocalypse world. This kind of hate was new. It made him want to do something horrible. This hate burned him. This hate made Jack want to hurt the monster that had hurt Marty. Not just hurt it - no, no - that wouldn't be enough for him. This hate pushed him to do more than just hurt or kill. This hate was more than a want or an urge - this hate inside him was a craving. The kind of pain that Jack craved to inflict upon that monster was downright unfathomable, unthinkable, vile to the absolute purest definition of the word. Jack craved to make that monster pay.
He sat on the floor of the shed with his fists clenched as tight as his jaw, staring steadfastly at the corpse of the vampire that had hurt his friend and contemplating the reattaching of that vampire's head and subsequent resurrection of the thing just so he could watch as he slowly burnt it alive and twisted its horrid limbs into knots. How dare that thing lay one rotten finger on her. Jack desperately wished he could kill it again.
Because Marty was his.  She was his sister and even if she couldn't be anything more, he felt the need to protect her like she was. Jack decided that no one else should ever get to touch her.  Ever. From now on, that was how it was going to be. That was the new rule. Nobody gets to touch Marty except for him.
Jack wanted to go find her now. The thought of that vampire touching her made Jack want to touch her and make that thing's touch go away. Jack needed to go find her and make sure she was okay. But his family was talking about her so he decided to stay a little longer to listen.
"This is wrong," Dean muttered as he looked over the mess of scattered corpses Marty had left behind, "No way one kid does all this. No way."
"Did you see Martina's eyes?" Cas asked, shaking his head at the thought. "When she picked that vampire's head up and talked to it like it was a puppet, did you see her eyes?"
Dean nodded. "Yeah." If Jack didn't know better, he would have thought Dean sounded scared.
"They looked like a demon's," Cas added. This time, Dean shook his head.
"No, not like a demon's - not evil like a demon's, not necessarily. No, just... empty. Just empty, like Sam's when he lost his soul..." Dean trailed off, shaking his head while Sam just sort of stood there, looking uncomfortable.
"A soulless empath?" Cas questioned, "Is that even possible?"
Dean shrugged.
"I dunno, man! I dunno," He said with a huff, "All I do know is that there somethin' very dark inside that kid." He shuddered.
"D-dark? What-what do you mean?" Sam cut in.
"For her to do this -" Dean gestured to the carnage "- all by herself... Sammy, I don't know if she's souless or not, but there sure as Hell is something broken in there.  This  ain't self defense. This was rage. I don't know what's goin' on with that girl, but Marty ain't right in the head."
"But we can't let her go now." Sam's voice might have been quiet but its tone was made of iron.
"I dunno, Sammy..."
"We made her a promise, Dean! We can't break it!" Sam argued, "So what if she's a little broken? We all are! But there is good in her just like there's good in all of us."
"Look around you, Sam!" Dean gestured to the corpses. "I'm not talking about depression or a hero complex here. We're talkin' bonafied nuts! Full-on Loony-Tunes!"
"Based off of Martina's behavioral patterns, we could very well be dealing with a sociopath," Cas spoke up calmly.
"Even if that's the case, she's still just a kid! " Sam said, pleading. "A-and, you know what? So what? We've dealt with worse threats than a sociopatic-empath-kid! And since we found her, Marty's been getting better. Every day she get's better - I've seen it! Jack makes her better. He brings her out of things like this. Maybe he can fix her. I think he should talk to her, you know, s-see if she's okay."
"No." Cas shook his head, firmly.
"W-why not?"
"Because I said no," Cas repeated.
"Cas, you've seen how she responds to him. If one of us goes out there, we might just make it worse," Sam reasoned.
Jack stood and left the shed then. Marty needed him and he wasn't going to waste any more time listening to them argue.
"Jack wait!" Cas called out.
"I said wait!" The angel's tone was a command, not a request.
Jack did not stop. "And I said no!"
Cas reached out and snagged Jack's arm, yanking him back. "We don't know what Martina is truly capable of! This may be just the beginning."
"I don't care! Marty's my friend," Jack ripped his arm free from Cas's grip. "And if I can help her, the rest doesn't matter."
Jack left his family standing in the shed with the vampire corpses, bewildered that Jack had just disobeyed.
"Did he just hit his terrible two's or is this the rebellious teenage years?" Dean asked the others after Jack had left.
Jack found Marty rather easily. She was sitting in the snow curled up with her chin on her knees and her back pressed against the shed's metal siding. She stared at the rose that she twirled between her fingers.
"Hello," Jack said, raising his hand. Marty didn't reply, she just stared at her rose. "Are you alright?" He tried again.
Marty sighed, yet still, she didn't move. She just considered the bloody rose like it meant something greater than it did like it held the answers.
"Do you think I'm crazy, Jack?" She asked him, her voice soft and childish. Jack hesitated.
"Well, do you?" He returned, carefully. Marty's lost yet tranquil expression crumpled into a frown.
"I don't know," She whispered, laying the rose lightly on the snow, "I didn't used to think so but..." She trailed off, gazing into the middle distance with an almost imperceptible shake of her head.
"But what?" Jack sat down beside her and noticed the frosty trail of a tear on her pale skin. He brushed it away.
The simple action was enough to send a shiver down the angel boy's spine. Although the rosy hue tinting the tip of Marty's nose and cheeks was a testament to the frosty temperature; the shiver that ran down Jack's spine, leaving residual sparks lingering in his fingertips, had nothing to do with the cold. Jack studied Marty's winter-nipped rosy complexion. She looked very pretty and something about it made Jack's chest warm.
"But I don't know anymore." Marty seemed to come out of her trance, eying him warily. "Is that bad?"
Jack shook his head. "I wouldn't know."
"They think I'm crazy." Her voice broke and so did Jack's heart. "Cas and Dean - I heard them say I'm broken."
"No! You're not broken, you're amazing!" Jack grabbed her hands but she shook her head, averting her gaze.
"I killed them," She mumbled.
"You had to; they were monsters."
"So, I'm not broken?" Marty asked. Jack shook his head, offering her a reassuring smile.
"I don't think so. At least, no more than anybody else is," He replied, "No more than I am."
She nodded and was silent. Acting completely on impulse, Jack reached out, wrapping his arms around her torso, he pulled her into his lap. Marty didn't complain.
"Jack?" She spoke up a while later.
"What's wrong with me?"
Jack sighed. Was this what talking to him was like?
"Nothing is wrong with you, Marty. You're perfect." He stated it like it was a fact and to him, it was.
"So, why don't I feel guilty?" She shook her head. "I killed them and that should earn me some measure of guilt, right? But instead of feeling bad, I don't feel anything. I should feel scared or shocked or angry but I don't. I don't feel anything."
Jack frowned. "Sam says that numbness can be part of shock."
She shook her head again, her eyebrows pulling together.
"No, this isn't numbness. It's not that I feel empty, I just feel indifferent." Marty's breath caught and panic rose into her voice. "It's like I'm back in Copper Harbor again. I couldn't feel anything there either! I want to feel something but I can't and there's just nothing! I wanna feel something but I can't feel anything!"
"Whoa, whoa! Hey! You're okay!" Jack tried to calm her but his efforts were futile. She shot up from his lap, stumbling forward in a discombobulated state of panic. Marty gasped for breath, her chest heaving as she raked her hands through her jet-black hair and tugged at the roots as if trying to tear it out.
"I didn't feel anything till I met you guys and I don't wanna go back to nothing! Why did I never feel anything? There has to be something wrong with me!" Marty twisted to face him. Her grey eyes were dark and turbulent clouds just before a great tempest. Not angry, but powerful and natural, beautiful in a way that commanded respect. Yet she was still vulnerable, her eyes brimming with tears.
"Jack, what's wrong with me?! "
She gazed at him with wild desperation in her eyes and Jack felt his heart sinking in his chest. He had no words for her and he felt useless. Jack couldn't give her the answer. So, he just shook his head and pulled her close again, guiding her face into the crook of his neck and holding the sweet girl in his arms like she was made of glass. Feeling Marty's body flush against his ignited those sparks inside of him but he tried his best to ignore them.
"You're okay, just focus on me!" He said, rubbing circles on her back like Castiel sometimes did for him. Marty's breathing seemed to even out a little.
"Jack, I'm scared," She whimpered against his neck. He could feel her lips brushing against his skin and he felt this tugging sensation in his stomach. It felt good, Jack realized. The sparks exploded inside of him. He wanted more. But he pushed it down. Marty needed him and he had to focus. It took quite a bit of effort to ignore it.
"Why are you scared?" He asked, trying to keep his voice even.
"I think I'm going insane."
Jack wasn't sure about that, but Marty's lips moving against his neck was definitely driving him insane. It felt so good, so unbelievably  right! Ugh! Why couldn't he just focus on the moment at hand? He caught a strand of her hair and started twirling it around his finger in an attempt to both calm her and distract himself from this blissful feeling. It didn't work. Marty made a sound that was somewhere between a sigh and a sob, her warm breath fanning against his neck. Jack's hands acted on their own accord, gripping her waist tighter. He simply couldn't stop himself and he found that, honestly, he didn't want to. Jack liked touching Marty this way. This new feeling that was sprouting inside him felt amazing. But it was hard. Keeping his breathing under control nearly caused him physical pain.
"W-why would y- um- you think that? O-other than Dean and- a-and Cas?" It was too difficult for him to focus. He  had  to put some distance between their bodies, but that was hard when distance was absolutely the last thing he wanted. With all the willpower he had, Jack tried to gently push Marty away, just enough to look at her. But Marty didn't want to move, she clung to his shirt like it was a lifeline and Jack simply didn't have the strength to try to push her away again.
"I'm forgetting things, Jack," She choked out.
Jack's heart kept on breaking for her but these sparks inside him were making him ecstatic. He couldn't help it. He felt  so  bad and  so  good at the same time. It was  so  frustrating! Would it really be so wrong to indulge this feeling? Maybe if he gave the sparks what they wanted, then they would calm down?
Jack tangled his fingers in the hair at the base for her neck, tugging a little because it felt right and he wanted to. He turned his face towards her hair and took a deep breath. He had taken the blood away when he'd healed her and her hair smelled perfect. It made him smile.
"What are you forgetting?" He asked softly, speaking into her ear.
"I remember being kidnapped but then - nothing. There's nothing after that! It was like I woke up out here and then I heard them say that I'm broken and I think I really am!" She was panicking again, her breaths quickening against his neck. It was maddening. His grip on her waist tightened again.
"No, no! Shh! It's okay, you're okay!" He tried to calm her. Jack did have to admit that what she'd said didn't sound good. Memory gaps are never a good thing, at least in his experience.
"No, I'm not! I'm not okay! Jack, I can't remember what I did!" Marty clutched onto him even tighter, anguish filling her voice. "I know I killed them, I just can't remember doing it! That's why I can't feel anything! And this isn't the first time this has happened!"
Marty pulled away from him then, and Jack's breath caught in his throat.
'When did you get so beautiful?' He thought. Even with tears streaming down her face, Jack couldn't remember seeing a more beautiful girl. She was perfect. How had he not noticed this before?
Jack let his eyes roam over her face, drinking it all in.
She was so wonderful and she didn't even know it. How little she saw of her own beauty. All Marty could see were her flaws but Jack thought they made her even more beautiful. If only she could see it.
Marty opened her mouth to speak but Jack pressed a finger to her lips. He tried his best not to think about how soft they felt under his finger and focus instead on what Marty needed from him.
"Don't talk," He said, "It's okay to be scared, Marty. But you are an amazing person, and you're so pretty and I wish you could see that. So, if you're broken, then you're the most beautiful broken thing I've ever seen. Whatever is happening to you, we're gonna find a way to fix it. I promise."
Marty shook her head, closing her eyes like she couldn't even look at him. "I think I'm losing my mind."
The response tumbled from Jack's lips before he'd even thought about it.
"Then I'll help you find it again."
Marty looked up at him then, furrowing her brow like she couldn't believe anyone would say that to her, let alone mean it. She was like a porcelain doll, her perfection was a delicate illusion. Jack could see the fractured glass of Marty's soul through her eyes. Broken pieces like shattered glass just waiting for someone to mend them; Jack felt like that sometimes.
"What if you can't? What if you can't fix me? Jack, I don't think this is something you can fix," She sniffed, wrapping her arms around herself like she was holding herself together. Jack smiled gently at her.
"Well, I suppose if you cannot look on the bright side, then I will sit beside you in the dark," He said, quoting what she had said to him the night before. Their talk by the lake house seemed so long ago now.
"Ironic," She huffed, laughing just the slightest bit.
"What is?"
"That quote," She answered, shrugging, "The Mad-Hatter says it. He's crazy."
"Oh." Jack knew who the Mad-Hatter was; he had seen Alice in Wonderland, the Disney cartoon at least. He guessed that probably wasn't the best thing for him to have said.
"I like him though. He's my favorite book character." She frowned again. "Guess I know why now; I'm just like him."
"No, you're not." Jack shook his head. "You don't wear a top-hat!"
Marty rolled her eyes and shook her head, cracking a wry smile. "Yeah, okay."
Jack felt the sparks shooting through him as he pulled her close again. Unfurling his massive, powerful, metaphysical wings, he wrapped them around Marty's tiny, fragile body, encasing her in their warmth and softness. It felt right. This was where she was supposed to be. He wanted to keep her there forever.
Jack wanted to keep her forever.
"Even if you do go crazy, I'm not going to leave you," He breathed, petting her hair, "I'm gonna be here every step of the way."
'I'm never gonna leave you again.' He silently vowed.
The sun sank lower until it dipped below the white Kansas horizon as Sam, Dean, and Castiel worked to remove the vampire corpses from the property of whoever owned the shed. Jack made sure to block the bodies from Marty's view, instead directing her gaze upward.
"Marty!" He nudged her gently and she glanced up at him, "The stars are out."
Marty angled her head towards the night sky and Jack grinned as he watched that wonder-filled expression bloom across the girl's face, just as it always did whenever she looked out into the cosmos. Her eyes reflected the starlight from above and so did her soul. Jack could see the soft, pure light, twinkling and pulsing within and around her, just like a star. Marty's soul could have been made of starlight.
"They're beautiful here," She said, her voice soft.
"What do they remind you of tonight?" Jack asked. Marty's face scrunched up as she thought and Jack waited, patient and eager, to hear whatever thought's her beautiful mind would give him.
"You," She sighed after a while, "Tonight they remind me of you."
Jack's brows pulled together, expressing his confusion. "Me? Why me?"
"Because you're ninety-three percent stardust," She replied. Marty shared a secret smile with the sky, tilting her head a little and keeping her eyes on the stars above. "
"Oh," Jack said, his tone laced with surprise and a bit of confusion. "Thank you."
Marty shook her head. "No, Jack. Thank  you. "
"For what?"
"For saying that you'll stay with me, no matter what," She sighed, "And coming to rescue me. And for telling me I'm okay." Jack shrugged.
"Anyone would have done that."
Marty shook her head.
"No, not anyone. That vampire who claimed to be my friend - she never rescued me. All of her promises were empty."
Jack didn't know what to say, so he opted for a silent nod.
"Ik hou van je, zoet wezen," Marty whispered, her voice so quiet he almost didn't catch it.
"What does that mean?"
"It's Dutch."
"Okay." He nodded like that was an acceptable answer. "But what does it mean?"
"Not telling!" She smirked up at him. He shrugged and nodded before tilting his head down to whisper in her ear.
"Ego autem semper defendat vos, stella-puella."
He promised because he meant it.
Marty twisted around to face him, a playful frown pulling at the corners of her mouth.
"Okay, what was that?" She asked. Jack shrugged innocently and hoped the dim starlight would hide the fierce blush spreading across his face.
"You're not the only one who can speak another language!" He defended. Marty didn't look amused.
"Latin's a dead language," She claimed.
"No, it's not."
"Yeah, it is."
"No, it's not."
"It totally is."
"Well, I speak it and I'm not dead." Jack grinned at the glare she was giving him.
"So what's it mean then, oh wise half-angel one?"
"Not telling!" He chirped. He should have known better.
Marty huffed and rolled her eyes before turning away again. Then she jabbed her elbow straight back into Jack's stomach.
Jack groaned, rubbing his side.
Marty had very boney elbows. It was very painful.
"Moron," She chuckled under her breath.
"I can hit you again."
"Please don't."
~I counted the stars tonight Oh, how they shine so bright I gather them all, so we perfectly align
While we gaze from far away And separately watch the day Come rising across the horizon in our minds
And now we know, our hearts are strong Where we belong is side by side And so we'll hold each other close And in our souls, we're standing by~
Lyrics from: Standing By by Pentatonix
Ik hou van je, zoet wezen = I love you, sweet creature
Ego autem semper defendat vos, stella-puella = I will always protect you, star-girl
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looneyllama-archive · 3 years
Fixing Raggedy Ann and Andy: a Musical Adventure
I recently discovered this gem of a film, and I’ve fallen in love with these funky little rag dollies! Raggedy Ann and Andy: a Musical Adventure has stunning animation, incredible music, and charming characters. That said, I can certainly see the flaws in the story, characters, and musical structure of the film, so I’ve written up what I would change to make it stronger.
Under the cut, because this got looooong.
• Theme: this film is actually not far off from having a solid story, if you think of the film being about love and happiness, rather than about the literal adventure. Every character’s goal is to find happiness. The captain thinks that claiming Babette as his bride, as if she’s a pretty trophy to show off, will make him happy. The Greedy follows a similar line of thinking, as he believes finding a sweetheart to add to his collection of sweets will make him happy. Even though both are desiring people, they demonstrate the idea of finding joy in ownership, rather than in interaction. Babette and the Camel are both trying to get home, with the former wanting to go to Paris and the latter wanting to join a camel caravan. They place all of their hopes for happiness on finding a certain place, instead of trying to make the best of where they are. Sir Leonard Looney thinks that joy comes from playing pranks on others and laughing at them. Finally, Raggedy Ann and Andy know that happiness comes from being with your loved ones.
• Characters: to start, notice that I left King Koo Koo off the list of characters discussed in the theme section. This decision is due to the fact that his goal is confusing; he also tries to find joy in the misery of others, but that’s to serve another goal, making himself bigger (which just ends up being disturbing in the film). I say that this character should be scrapped entirely. In terms of theme, Sir Leonard makes him redundant, and in terms of plot, it’s not difficult to write him out (more on that later). The other major character that needs an overhaul is the Captain. I get what they were going for; he’s supposed to be desperately lonely inside his snowglobe—even though he seems to have an entire pirate crew—which is why he kidnaps Babette. At the end of the film, he’s supposed to be redeemed, but he still comes across as acting creepy toward Babette, and he never even apologizes! I would tweak this character. First of all, he should be entirely alone in the snowglobe save for Queasy; this doesn’t justify his actions, mind you, but it at least makes him a little more sympathetic. Most importantly, he needs to come to the realization on his own that what he did was wrong. Instead of having him complain to Queasy in the brig about losing his “prize,” have him admit that he messed up; he can’t cure his loneliness if he treats other people like trophies, rather than showing them respect. The Captain also needs actually apologize for his actions—it’s hardly fair to have Babette apologize for causing trouble, but then for the person who started the whole mess to get off scot-free! Additionally, to lessen the creep factor, I would also have him no longer be “in love” with Babette at the end of the film, but instead show him respecting her as a friend.
• Songs: I love most of the songs in this film, but there certainly are too many—there’s 19 songs on the soundtrack! The first fix is to eliminate all of the Twin Penny jingles. These mini-songs are unnecessary, always bringing the story to a screeching halt and interrupting the flow of dialogue. Also, the Twin Pennies get the first song of the film, which hardly makes sense! That brings us down to 16 songs. The second obvious fix is to get rid of any background songs, or any songs that aren’t actual musical numbers in the film. That scratches “A Miracle” and “the Abduction & Yo-Ho,” which are both played behind dialogue during the kidnapping scene; the latter song doesn’t even end properly! I would also include “Camel’s Mirage” among these songs, and change that to an instrumental version, since the lyrics don’t contribute much impact anyway. 13 songs now. If we apply the change I made under the characters section, the elimination of King Koo Koo, we can get rid of "Hail to Our Glorious King” and "It's Not Easy Being King,” bringing us down to 11 songs. The final fix would be to combine songs whenever there’s two back-to-back. The film already does this anyway, having the final song “Home” transition into a reprise of “Candy Hearts and Paper Flowers,” so it wouldn’t be difficult to do it for a few other songs. The first instance of this is “Rag Dolly” and “Poor Babette.” Since “Poor Babette” is a pretty weak tune anyway, let’s just make Babette’s lament into another verse of “Rag Dolly!” Just switch it to a more dismal sound and change the lyrics—I’m thinking something along these lines: “Oh, I’m just a poor dolly, stranded so far from Paris / such a miserable dolly, trapped in this strange nursery / I feel melancholy, knowing I can’t get away / so this French dolly, scared and alone, has no choice but to stay.” The other two songs I would combine would be “Hooray for Me” and “You’re My Friend.” This one is even easier, since both songs are already call-and-response; just rearrange “Hooray for Me” as follows: “Hooray for me! Hooray for she! / Babette of Paris! She’s captain, see! / What joy, what glee! What joy, what glee! / When our voyage ends / once we’ve crossed the deep blue sea / we’ll reach Paris! We’ll reach Paris!” That makes our final count 9 songs: “I Look, And What Do I See,” “I’m No Girl’s Toy,” “Rag Dolly,” "Candy Hearts and Paper Flowers,” “Blue,” “I Never Get Enough,” “I Love You,” “You’re My Friend,” and “Home/Candy Hearts and Paper Flowers reprise.”
• Setting: now, I love how surreal the settings are, but I’ll readily admit that it doesn’t make much sense. The film says that Ann and Andy just go into the woods, and yet they run into a Taffy Pit and a Looney Kingdom out there! To help with suspension of disbelief, I say that instead of going out the window to chase the Captain, they go into Marcella’s drawings.
• Plot: with all of these changes in place, let’s play out the story! The beginning goes the same until we get to the Captain’s escape. Ann still helps him get out, but instead of him already having a ship and a crew inside the snowglobe, he goes up to one of Marcella’s drawings, a pirate ship on the sea, and orders the crew to jump out and help him kidnap Babette. The pirates then escape into a drawing of a starry sky over a desert sticking out of Marcella’s backpack. Ann and Andy follow them in, and the meet the Camel. He was abandoned in the lost-and-found at the school and ended up climbing into the drawing to look for his caravan. He agrees to help Ann and Andy, but gets distracted by the camels in the sky; the three ride right off the edge of the page and into a different drawing, this one showing candies and sweets galore. The encounter with the Greedy plays out as in the original film, and the trio escapes into another drawing, this one showing a castle. They run into Sir Leonard Looney, who intends to keep them in Looneyland for his own entertainment, but they get him and the other Loonies distracted by throwing pies and escape into the sea drawing. Sir Leonard is the one who calls up Gazooks to pursue them, hoping to get the last laugh. The three use the H.M.S. Koo Koo to get onto the ship and find Babette has become Captain. Crucially, we see the Captain showing remorse for his actions while he’s in the brig. While Babette is tying up Ann, Andy, and the Camel, the Captain spots Gazooks sneaking up on the ship through a porthole; he breaks out of the brig and gets on deck to warn Babette. Babette realizes she’ll have to give up on reaching Paris to keep her new friends safe. She commands her crew to turn the ship around. Gazooks attacks, tickling all of the crew as well as Andy and the Camel. While they’re being shaken around, Andy and the Camel drop joy buzzers and gum balls that got caught up in their clothes/wrinkled knees in the Taffy Pit and the Looney Kingdom. Ann, Babette, and the Captain pick up these items, and use them to load up a cannon and fire at Gazooks. The explosion knocks the toys out of the drawing. The Captain lands on a shelf by his snowglobe, but the Camel goes out the window and lands on the ground. Ann, Andy, and Babette nearly fall as well, but manage to hang onto the curtain. Ann is terrified for Babette, who will shatter if she falls. Just as the three think Babette is going to drop, Marcella comes in. She grabs her silly dolls, scolds them for playing near an open window, and puts them back in their proper places before leaving again. (I’m writing this scene with the original stories in mind; the original Marcella always seemed fairly aware that her dolls were getting into trouble behind her back, and would just scold them and save them as necessary.) The dolls are relieved to be home, and we get the Captain’s apology, and show him respecting Babette as a friend, as well as quite an impressive pirate Captain herself! Meanwhile, the Camel is left outside. He sees the caravan once again, but unlike in the original film, it leads in the opposite direction of the house. He stares at them longingly, but forces himself to turn away, and goes for the playroom window instead. Of course, he’s welcomed into the family, and we get our happy ending at last.
If you made it this far, please let me know what you think of my fixes, and what you would change about the film!
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bleachanimefan1 · 3 years
Oblitus Part 35
Brother My Brother
28 Days Left Until Extermination...
Michael was now sitting on the couch in the lobby. He had finished eating his sixth sandwich that Anna had made for him.
"Can I have some more?" he asked. Anna laughed.
"You know, there are other kinds of food besides sandwiches."
"Maybe later then?" Michael suggested.
"Maybe," Anna smiled. "So, how did you make my parents have me when they couldn't?"
"Your parents are still your parents. I just helped give them a little nudge," Michael explained. "I gave them a blessing and here you are!"
"So, is that an angel thing? To give blessings?" Alastor snickered as he leaned against the couch beside Anna.
"I wouldn't be laughing if I were you," Michael smirked. "If I recall, your mother had the same problem as well." Alastor immediately froze. Michael continued, thinking. "Judging from your expression, I've must have hit something. What was her name? Oh, it was Rose Hazbin! So, unfortunate how she died. That would make you her son, correct? Your real name is Alastor Hazbin! You're the serial killer in Louisiana, that was killed in the 1930's due to an unfortunate dog accident!"
Anna's eyes widen as she looked at Alastor. She knew that Alastor really did not liked to talk about his past. Michael was crossing very thin lines at this moment. But, she couldn't help but find it strange that Michael only mentioned Al's mother and not his father. Was he not in heaven with Alastor's mom?
Alastor's eyes began to glow a deep shade of red as he stared at the angel with a strained smile on his face. How dare this charlatan talk about his mother?! He growled, clenching his fist tightly that his nails drew blood as he did. Anna grew tense when noticed a look in Alastor's eyes. She knew that look anywhere. He looked like he wanted to rip the angel sitting beside her in half.
"So, how long does the blessing take for the hotel?" Anna interrupted, sliding in front of Alastor, blocking himself from Michael.
"It'll take a couple of days," Michael replied.
Suddenly, the group heard the front door close. They turned their head to see Charlie walking in, along with her father. As the two of them approached, Lucifer froze when he saw Michael sitting on the couch. Michael gasped as he saw him.
"Luci!" the angel got up from the couch and made a beeline over to him, to hug him. Lucifer stepped to the side and stuck his cane out, tripping the angel instead, making him fall on the floor face first.
"When my daughter said that she had an interesting guest," Lucifer said. "I didn't think she was talking about you. What are you doing here?"
"I suppose, Charlie, told you what happen, right?" Michael groaned, as he sat up from the floor. "It seems our other brother has gotten the wrong idea and thinks that your secretly raising an army to overthrow dad." he explained.
"So, when are you gonna leave?" Lucifer growled.
"I can't on the account of my damaged wing," Michael replied. "Once, it is healed and I give my blessing to the hotel-"
"No, you're not!" Lucifer spatted out, angrily, as michael stared at him with wide eyes in shock. "I don't want any of that shit around my daughter!" Michael cringed as Lucifer continued to curse at him.
"Dad!" Charlie stepped in. "He's trying to help with my hotel program. Why can't you accept that?"
"Oh really? Then where was his help when your grandfather cast me and the others out? Where was he when your grandfather left me and your mother stranded in exile? Hmm?!" Anna and Alastor, who had an amused look on his face, watched as the two went back and forth with each other, arguing.
"Luci, I know anything that I say won't change the past. But, you have to let it go," Michael replied, calmly. Then he looked at him, defiantly. "But, you have to live with your actions. It was you who chose to upset father! It was you who decided to rebel against him! You have no one to blame but yourself!" The next thing, Lucifer slammed Michael against the wall, by his hand on his throat.
"Dad!" Charlie shouted.
"If it wasn't for my daughter standing here right now, I would kill you," Lucifer growled. Then he released Michael from his grip and he fell to floor, coughing as he rubbed his throat. "But, I also don't want to start a war, not with my family is in danger. So, go ahead put up your silly little protection spell. But, stay away from, Charlotte." Lucifer's eyes glowed bright red, angrily as he stared down at Michael. "Do we have an understanding?"
"You're as crazy as ever!" Michael shouted. Lucifer ignored his brother's outburst and turned to everyone else who was in the room, who had come running in to see what the yelling and shouting was about.
"I also have another announcement to make," Lucifer said. "To celebrate my daughter's hotel program, for redeeming half of the clients, we shall have a party! What do you have to say about that?"
Anna stared at the king with an puzzled look. He yells at his brother then decided next that he wants to throw a party? This guy is a loony tune. However, Alastor noticed that there was an suspicious look in Lucifer's eyes for a second as he looked at him then glanced over towards Anna.
Just what was he up to?
It was later on that evening, that the party was held inside of the hotel. Everyone was gathered inside of a large ballroom completely dapper and dressed up. Some demons and clients were dancing and chatting with each other. Niffty and Baxter were dancing with each other. Charlie was talking to her mom, while Angel was wearing an non revealing chest dress for once, to everyone's surprise. He had claimed that he wanted to wear something different for once, but Husk noticed that there was something going on that Angel wasn't telling everybody. But, decided to drop it for now.
Anna wearing the same dress that she wore to sponsor Niffty. She was resting after finishing her last dance with Alastor and was now talking to Michael.
While everyone else was doing their own thing, Alastor was leaning against the wall, looking around the room, watching. Waiting for something to happen. Lucifer decided to approach him as he stood next to him.
"I don't know what you're planning, but-" Lucifer laughed.
"But, nothing Alastor," he smiled, wickedly. "My plan's already in motion."
Alastor's eyes widen when he noticed that Lucifer's pet snake, that was on his hat, was missing.
Where's the snake?!
He saw Lucifer smirk and turned his head in his direction to where he was looking at. Alastor felt everything froze around him as he saw the purple snake, slithering it's way over to where Anna was standing. It opened it's jaws and bit into Anna's ankle. It slithered away as Anna fell backwards collapsing onto the floor. The whole room went silent as everyone gathered around her some screaming while some yelling wondering what had happen. Alastor ran over to her, leaving Lucifer behind who had an evil smirk on his face, as no one noticed it.
"Take her to the infirmary!" Charlie ordered.
A few minutes later, Anna was lying on a bed as everyone gathered around, to hear some kind of news that she would be okay. Baxter was examining her and checking her pulse.
"Is she going to be okay?" Niffty asked, worried.
"Her pulse is weakening and her heart rate is slowing down," Baxter explained. "And her skin feels cold like death."
"But, she's going to be okay, right?" Vaggie asked. "Can't you come up with something to wake her up?"
"I can't if I don't know what caused her to collapse in the first place!" Baxter shouted, frustrated.
"Well, you better think of something quick, Look!" Angel pointed out. Everyone looked back at Anna to see that her skin was turning more sickly, becoming more and more pale to the point it was almost turning to a lighter shade of grey.
"Shit!" Baxter cursed.
"I'll figure out something to slow the process," he told them, walking out of the room to grab more medical supplies. "In the mean time, find out what happened before the accident."
Charlie nodded and everyone left, while Alastor and Lucifer stayed behind. Alastor glared at the fallen angel standing beside him, as they did. Just as the door shut, Alastor pinned Lucifer against the wall.
"What have you done?!" he demanded. Lucifer smiled.
"I've done nothing. That was all you, my dear boy." He smirked evilly. "I just gave a little nudge to speed up the process."
"I swear, if she dies, I'm going to disembowel you!" Alastor threatened. "What do you want?"
"Stop, hotel's program, like we've agreed to. No more of this silly redemption nonsense." Lucifer explained. "In return, I'll give you this-" he pulled out an small apple shaped vial with some yellow colored liquid inside of it. "I'll give you the cure to save her. Do we have a deal, radio demon?"
"And what if Charlie finds out that it's you, or your wife!?" Alastor argued. "And when they do, how do you think they're going to take it? Knowing that you betrayed them, by going behind their backs!"
"They're not going to find out. Because if they do, then I'll just destroy the only thing that can save that woman, lying on her death bed, right now."
"Clock's ticking, Alastor," Lucifer laughed.
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cartoonqueen21 · 4 years
Looney Tunes back in action Daffy’s story
Looney Tunes back in action was a really enjoyable and fun movie that I enjoyed when I was young, the Loony Tunes more enjoyable and for me I liked it more than Space Jam. I like those more action packed and it was far more of an adventure film. 
But Looking back i wish it had more.
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Though there was one scene in this movie that stuck out to me and remain in my memory for such a long time because I had so many feelings towards it. And that scene was the campfire scene.
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When everyone gets a little closer, while the leading human characters do the love interest things I was more interested in Daffy. Bugs tries to convince him to come back to the studio and he says he doesn’t want to. 
This entire movie starts with Daffy explaining that he feels discriminated against and abused all for someone else’s success.
so I felt really sorry for Daffy when he looks back, all sad and says “why am I talking to you for all you have to do as munch on a carrot and people love you”. Made me feel so sad for him that feeling of being worthless and unloved honestly made me cry a little bit. The movie continued to just go off into the spy movie.
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Although I was more curious to Daffy's end of it. And then I just came to mind that it’s a Looney Tunes movie all they care for is just making a simple classic comedy no emotional or intellectually deep story just comedy. I honestly wanted the movie to continue with more of an emotional arc for Daffy and Bugs to get closer, and to connect more. I can’t be the only one who thought of this who felt bad for Daffy.
And let’s face it sometimes Bugs Bunny is kind of a villain, and Daffy has to fight for himself when everything gets tough. I think we’ve all been there where we had a classmate or co worker who was more popular than us. Who was far more loved, anytime they walked through the door everyone paid more attention and praise  while you feel invisible. Or even a sibling who was kind of a golden child who achieved more than, someone else was better than you. It’s understandable that Daffy may feel a little comparison. When Robin Williams died I didn’t know a comedian could be depressed, but now I understand. And despite the fact Daffy is a cartoon character. I think it’s possible for Daffy to go through that. I think there was one other film that puts Daffy in a sympathetic light which I believe was the Christmas film, Bah Humduck. I hope this concept  comes up again, I believe Daffy is possibly a deeper character. With hopefully a shoulder to cry on, in my mind it’s Bugs Bunny who should feel bad about his actions.
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
All in the Family
Chapter 105: Luna Lovegood
Last co-authored with Tiffiny Smith, thanks for all your help!
Regulus found himself tangled in something - the branches of a tree? After a moment of panic making sure it wasn't the Whomping Willow, he disentangled himself and peeked out at the ground below, where the other seven were getting their bearings.
What caught his attention, however, was the giant tower not ten yards away. Despite its forbidding appearance, it had some wide, decent-sized steps leading up to a door with an eagle-shaped knocker, the whole affair had some pretty windows, and there was a well-maintained path with a sign (or maybe three) on it leading to the road some distance away. Regulus couldn't read the sign (it was facing the road), but Potter made a beeline for it.
Then he stopped and stared.
"Well?" Sirius hollered. "What's it say? Where are we?"
"Whose place is this?" Alice asked, staring at the tower.
"The Quibbler," said Potter. "Editor, X. Lovegood. Anybody heard of him?" The pureblood name rang an old bell in his head, but he'd never met one personally.
"Lovegood?" said Frank, furrowing his brow in confusion, the same running through his own mind. Had his mum ever mentioned an oddball named Lovegood in school?
"Don't ask me!" Potter said back. "Listen to this: pick your own mistletoe. And Keep Off the... dir..igg...ibble plums."
Sirius darted over to a bush with radish-like fruits on them and threw one at Potter, who caught it and looked confused.
Regulus decided watching them was a waste of time and set about searching for the book, which was wedged in a windowsill just barely out of reach. He Accio'd it and started reading. Well, Luna was either the wife or kid of this X., and judging by the fact Harry was back off to school, either were likely. Either a student Harry was about to meet or the new DADA teacher.
It wasn't as if he was anxious to be away from here, at least he was finally in a respectable pureblood home again, only the second since all this madness had started counting his own. Yet, for the first time in his life, he didn't care. He had no inclination to get to know these people just because his parents would have wanted him too, not knowing who else they wanted him to befriend, Bellatrix at the top of his list he may start avoiding right along with Sirius now. Best to focus on the part of getting them out of here instead.
Right off the bat Harry was having bizarre dreams. His parents were mentioned, and Potter came back from the sign to join the others. Sirius's mouth was wagging noiselessly at the notion that Mrs. Weasley would cry over Kreacher's dead body. Out of it all, Ron and Hermione wearing crowns was about the most normal part of Harry's dreams, and the dark corridor with a door at the end stood out only because of how irrelevant it was.
Harry woke up, and everyone brightened immediately at the prospect of going to Hogwarts.
"Nothing too bad can happen there, right?" said Potter cheerily, and Regulus rolled his eyes at him. He wasn't the only one. Had he been listening to the past four books?
The hustle and bustle of getting ready to leave was a sharp contrast to the tranquility of the garden. Mother's shrieking, which nobody was bothering to silence, and which Regulus winced slightly at having to read aloud, only added to the distinction.
Then Sirius showed up in dog form, managed to insist his way into Mad-Eye Moody's guard (which was one short) and Molly worried on and on about everything (which Regulus was beginning to understand she thought of as her solemn duty, surpassed only perhaps by Mad-Eye) and causing Harry to liken her to Aunt Petunia, which raised instant protest from Lily.
"Mrs. Weasley is nothing like that vile woman!" the redhead fumed. "Their attitudes may be similar, but they spring from polar opposite motivations."
No one had the death sentence in them to argue with her even if they disagreed, which none did.
The group proceeded to the train until it was time to depart, and Padfoot said his goodbyes to Harry in far too human-like fashion, but it was absolutely ruined by Mrs. Weasley using his real name instead of Padfoot, or even Snuffles. Regulus still couldn't help pausing over the scene regardless as his mind wrapped around every oddity of it. Sirius, as a dog, which he still wasn't used to the idea of. Sirius giving a fond farewell to a godson he'd arguably spent more time worrying about than his own brother. He wanted to talk to him, the urge growing more desperate with every page, but there was a streak of pride deep in him that made the idea loathsome. Sirius would only listen to him now because he was starting to agree with him rather than just wanting to talk to his brother again, Regulus would just have to figure this out for himself.
Once on the train, at least Harry's problems took an easy center stage, Ron and Hermione mock-abandoning him for their prefect duties and leaving him in the company of Ginny, Neville, and the pre-acclaimed 'Loony' Lovegood, per Ginny's introduction.
She certainly did start off a sight, and only got more interesting the longer she talked. Loony did seem to support her, between the butterbeer cork necklace and wearing vegetation as jewelry. This odd paper, the Quibbler, was once again referenced in Luna's own hands, but rather than finally getting a peek at that article mentioning Sirius, Harry instead turned to Neville and they began chatting about some plant.
He admittedly would have grown rather bored with that very fast, if it didn't send some slime all over the whole compartment just as Cho Chang walked in.
Regulus nearly fell out of the tree laughing at the mental image, and even as he caught his breath back and glanced down he saw he wasn't the only one. Peter had been scaling the tree, to join him presumably, but was now only halfway up and clutching a branch precariously for support. Sirius had fallen into the dirigible plum bush and looked covered in them like he was trying to add to Luna's fashion statement.
Literally all of them had gotten a laugh out of it, even that Muggleborn Evans. He smiled to himself and reached down to offer Peter a hand to help him the rest of the way up, watching patiently as he got himself a more steady branch before continuing.
Regulus listened with some unfamiliar dread in his stomach as the two prefects returned to the carriage and explained their new duties, as well as explaining Malfoy was the Slytherin one, to no one's surprise. His parents were already talking about the party they'd be throwing when he got that badge come next summer, and they'd given Sirius a whole new level of shit when he hadn't gotten one. Neither boy had even thought that was possible until they'd seen it in action. Sirius had acted as if he hadn't even cared, and for the first time Regulus squirmed at his fate pressing in on him even sooner than he'd imagined. Now it was next summer that would be the real test instead of even waiting until he was of age and letting his parents down he didn't necessarily want what they did. He certainly had no desire to be a prefect, how would they take that news?
"Hey, you alright?" Peter asked quietly. He'd been picking off leaves and shredding them for his own amusement, he'd even been considering moving a branch over into a patch of sun and maybe closing his eyes and really enjoy this brief respite of anything horrifying happening to them or Harry, but he couldn't very well do that when Regulus started chewing on the inside of his cheek over something as silly as the prefect badges.
Regulus met his eyes in surprise for several moments, before smiling kindly and answering honestly, "I've been better." He glanced down at his brother though and kept reading instead of elaborating, and Peter nodded to himself, Sirius did feel like the problem and the answer on most given situations.
Sirius was too busy still laughing to even notice Peter had ditched them again, let alone Regulus was trying to catch his eye from ten feet above him. Luna Lovegood was a hoot, he wished she was alive and in school with them now! She'd be as much fun to pull pranks on as Evans, this blonde may even laugh along at them!
James was listing against him for support as they all heard the article about Sirius presumably being some singing sensation. "Well go on then Stubby!" James wheezed. "Give us a tune and I'm sure the Ministry will never look twice at you again!"
"Don't encourage him," Remus rolled his eyes, but far too late, Sirius began singing the last Sorting Hat song they'd heard verbatim.
Lily, Alice, and Frank didn't think he could make the next top charts or anything, but they were reasonably impressed he even remembered the thing from the beginning of their year.
Regulus seemed to be ignoring them above anyways and didn't let them have any more fun with it, predictably, as he kept reading the next article as well, something about Fudge murdering goblins into pies, it was just too funny! Sirius still hadn't climbed out of the bush.
"Oh stop you idiots," Lily finally had enough, her temper snapping, they literally could not take anything seriously! "In case you've forgotten, Sirius is a wanted man for multiple murders! How is laughing at this poor girl helping that?"
"Haven't forgotten," Remus scowled at her, instantly insulted she seemed to think otherwise.
"No harm in laughing off this drivel in the meantime," James finished, completely unrepentant as he grinned at her.
Lily glanced down and saw Sirius Black was still smiling, the first time she knew of he'd done so in the face of this bleak future ahead of him, and hesitated saying anything back.
Regulus hadn't really thought much of the article, no sane person would believe that long enough to hear anyone out, and yet the real story was just as convoluted. Instead he'd kept going, now killing any pretense of a good mood as Malfoy barged into the compartment. His blood chilled at the parting words he left, not in fact more arrogance, but a sly observation of apparently having noticed Sirius on the platform!
His idiot brother was already safe back at Grimmauld place though, he quickly soothed himself, whether he wanted to be or not. Malfoy, Lucius or Draco, were no match for him even if he wasn't.
His mouth was still much more dry than usual though as he forced himself to keep going, but Sirius' snort of disbelief echoing up below wasn't as comforting as he would have thought.
Things only got more grim as Harry got off the train, and Hagrid of all people was absent from his usual post. None of them could even imagine it, the giant of a man had been there every year for the lake ride, now even that was changing. Would nothing in this future remain the same?
Clearly not, as even the carriages were now being pulled by beasts! What was happening to this school?
Peter saw Regulus's disturbed look as he read about the description of those ghastly horse-like things, and shouted loud enough that Stoatshead Hill had likely heard. "Ha! Take that you arseholes, I wasn't making them up!"
"Huh," was all James and Sirius could manage to say to that, while Remus's eyes widened with just as much excitement as if he were hearing about Blast-Ended Skrewts all over again.
"Fascinating, I'm so f'ing sorry Peter! What do you think they even are? Why can only you see them?"
"I can too," Frank frowned at the lot, but even Alice gave him a look of shock for the declaration.
He shrugged and looked just a bit shy at all attention suddenly on him. "What? Hadn't come up."
"How about all the ruddy times the 'horseless carriages' were mentioned!" Lily accused. "What on Earth are they?"
"Don't know," he frowned and tensed his shoulders as still everyone was looking at him now. "I've tried looking them up, but as Harry's said himself, it's a pretty big library when you don't know what you're looking for."
"What kind of Ravenclaw are you?" Sirius scowled.
Peter just smiled that finally his friends didn't think he was playing some weirdly elaborate prank on them any longer. It was no wonder to him his dormmates often thought he was soft in the head, seeing things they couldn't. Now the next time he swore he saw one in the forest, they'd actually believe him!
"What does it say that this Loony girl can see them too though," Sirius grinned and looked up at Peter obviously. He flipped him off, and Sirius laughed.
James and Remus released a breath both of them had been holding for a painfully long time, things really were going back to normal.
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sunshine-zenith · 3 years
I dunno if I‘ve talked about this dream in the past but I just randomly remembered it, so I’m gonna talk about it now.
I had this dream in high school, I think during the summer between freshman and sophomore year. I dreamed I was on a class field trip to see this play on Accepting Nudism or Nudists Are People Too, but all the actors were wearing censor bars, which if you ask me kinda diminished the impact of the message (also the cast was the cast of the POTC movies for some reason and I remember they all looked super confused)
My friend tapped my shoulder during the play to get my attention and pulled out this Mickey Mouse comic. I looked down at it for barely a second when my old ag-earth science teacher appeared out of nowhere. He was giving us the most disappointed look I’ve ever seen on his face, which really stung because he was such a Fun Teacher type. He then told us that since we were disrespecting the cast by not paying attention to the play, we were getting detention until we graduated high school.
Naturally, since I’d never gotten detention before, and now I had about three years of detentions to look forward to, I was kinda freaking out. After the play, I met with my friends and I got pissed at them for not sticking up for me (which, yeah, a bit unreasonable. I mean, I only looked down for a second, put if the teacher was being that harsh, I can’t say I blame them for not knowing what to say, if they wanted to help). Anyway, in disgust, I walked away from them.
The theatre where the play was taking place was in a art museum, so I started exploring it. Eventually, something- I think some zombies?- started chasing me, so to avoid them I jumped into the paintings, which took me into all these different worlds (kinda like that museum chase scene from Loony Tunes: Back In Action, I guess?). After a while I managed to outrun them, but then I found myself at this pool with these two old men with shark teeth growling at me, so I jumped into one final painting.
I found myself at this natural hot springs kinda place, and in one of the hot tubs were Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daisy, and Goofy. Mickey and Daisy were facing off against Minnie and Donald in a splash fight, while Goofy only had his feet in the water. They all seemed to be having fun. Beside them was a sign that said “Christians and Athiests Can Get Along”
I woke up very confused, and to this day I can’t tell if the sign was implying Goofy was an atheist or not.
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weedle-testaburger · 5 years
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‘the whole thing is so crazy it’s starting to make me think I’M crazy!’ ‘well it is a little crazy how much you keep talking about the mummy’ i mean, it’s good and stuff, but is it really a better brendan fraiser movie than george of the jungle or looney tunes back in action?
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jq37 · 5 years
When you have time, can we get breakdowns for epusodes 3 and 4 of Bloodkeep? I'm going to be honest: I thought for sure that having a fight thousands of feet in the air was going to go about as well for Brennan as having a fight in an active volcano, but I was surprised
**spoilers for airship ambush**
I am not completely caught up on CR and I likely never will be because that backlog is truly stunning but I do know that Matt had a ship battle this season that one player (Taliesin I think) derailed completely. Now idk if that was before or after this was filmed but I have to imagine whichever one happened second had Matt flashing back to whichever one happened first. 
I really appreciate all the work Brennan puts into all the unique mechanics for all of his fight, specifically the ship stuff in this ep.
Sohkbar putting the potion in a cone of beef like he has a dog and not a horrifying monster abomination.
Efink being like, "Why did we let Galfast live?" and everyone being like, "Your??? Dumbass???? Husband???????"
Are there ever gonna be siblings on D20 who don't want each other dead? Marcus can join Adaine in the, "My sibling can go straight to hell," corner. (Kristen’s brothers don’t count, they had like zero screen time). 
"Ye shall pay for it."/"Aw come on." I love Mike.
Efink's spirit guardians are freaking Elven paparazzi.
Maggie being BFF's with John is my fave.  
Sidenote, I really love how all of these guys reskinned their attacks to make them fit their aesthetic and the campaign more.
Everyone applauding the Lord of Shadows.
A Brennan soundboard: Hell Yeah! Incredible. Bud.
"Who wore it better? Tom Cruise or this Mystery Bird?"
Marcus being like, "Yeah, I come from a pirate city. We're basically all bad guys."
Lilith takes a cue from Marcus and works on recruiting a SECOND eagle. And she rolls a 26!
John throwing a pocket square at the other-other eagle.
"Don't do it Leiland! You have so much to live for."
I love it when a player rolls, nods approvingly, and then is like, "Right, that's a [terribly low roll]."
Leiland being the personification of that John Mulaney gif as he falls off the ship: You know those days when you're like, this might as well happen?
Did the card for Hellish Rebuke actually say, "Set someone on fire if they hurt you"? Because if I got a card that vague as a newbie PC I'd be like, "Well he emotionally hurt me. Does that count?"
Matt using his reaction just to yell, "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!"
"Because you have spent a good couple of sessions establishing yourself as extremely materialistic, this object is a close personal friend of yours."
That is is one of my favorite DnD sentences ever.  
Efink rolled two, twos and I had Naddpod flashbacks. Shout out to the two crew!
The annoying thing about DnD is that you can just roll total garbage for an entire session. True randomness means that, sometimes, you just can't hit anything for a full 2 hours.
"Tokyo drifting your airship."
I've said this before but it's really a shame Matt doesn't get to play more. He's a great DM obviously, but he's such a stellar player too.
Wild Nat 20 from Leiland and then he tells LIlith to CUT THE CHAIN THAT’S KEEPING HIM FROM FALLING.
The Vingury showing up is one of my favorite things. Players being forced to face the direct consequences of their own RP actions is the best. 
I think the lesson on D20 is Spirit Guardians are Good.
One-liner king Trapp purposely whiffs the easy one liner.
"There is a slim chance that all goblins in the Bloodkeep have a bomb in them. Just a slim chance."/"WHAT?"
"Did we put them there? Is that on us?"
What was Brennan on when he came up with that mechanic?
One of my other fave DnD things is having a lengthy, pointless conversation as a giant battle is happening.
lol, Efink is a cleric. I also forgot.
Poor Leiland being in the radius of her Turn Undead. Buddy.
"You're making doors! You're doing that which you hate."
Boss use of druidcraft by Lilith. I like it when people use mainly flavor spells for combat.
"You could dramatically go above decks and jump OR you can just walk through the giant hole belowdeck."
"WOT IS HAPPENING? DID SOMEONE CLOSE A DOOR ON THE SUN?"/"I thought you liked that. I'm so unclear."
Leiland is getting straight Roadrunner'd by Hamhead and it's wild. (I forgot that the players also made a Loony Tunes ref and they did it right as I was writing this line).
“Puddles of fire.”
Just waves upon waves of enemies this fight, huh? I think that’s a good DM move because it means you can gauge how it’s going and send out more or less depending on if you’re players are getting murdered or if they’re totally breezing through it.
And while we’re talking about the fight, I guess sometimes you womp the terrain and sometimes it womps you and this was a scenario 2. I also think Brennan might have been more prepared this time with like the rooting Ents and the sturdy dwarf and the waves of enemies. 
The indignity of not only getting slayed by J'er'em'ih (or however you spell that) but specifically by his butt hands. Wild. You’d think Marcus would care more about not getting the killing blow but, actually, this is almost better because it’s not even a cool, noble, aesthetic pirate death. 
Trapp: Lol. Wouldn't it be cute if it was like J'er'em'ih was flying the boat?
Brennan: No, he needs to do that. Roll.
Everything Brennan says about J'er'em'ih is equal parts fascinating and horrifying.
Parachute J'er'em'ih is just so wild.
"Just barely better than J'er'em'ih at driving."
"Oh, you're negging me, I see."
I always forget that Leiland is floating everywhere like he's on a freaking hoverboard.
The running thing of Leiland being useful but no one being able to see it is so so good.
LOTR needed more parachuting. I mean, I assume. I've never seen LOTR.
"It seemed super metal at the time."/"As a religious choice, it makes sense but saying it's for cleanliness doesn't make any sense." These guys are so good at improv. So consistently dropping gold.
"How does physics work?" Mike Trapp asks, as if that's something that has a hard and fast answer in DnD.
"I will actively go prone to sit where I am and pout." What a whole-ass drama queen.
lol Amy finally found Brennan's limit.
Even though they didn't do it, I love how down Rekha was for the insane airship plan.
Lilith treating Leiland like her adult disaster child is my fave.
"Please push harder."
Leiland drops darkness and the Goblin rolls a nat 20 to blow up the ship. Is there a moment more encompassing of this dude's existence?
"I understand that everyone here wants to rob me of my joy." DM mood. (Matt: I genuinely feel you there [and I’m reminded of that CR ship battle.])
The last shot of everyone falling out of the sky is so nice.
Anyway, as I was finishing this up, I got an ask about the next ep which is a doozy and prob my fave of the season so far. I’ll answer it as soon as I have another block of free time!
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jacereviews · 5 years
Review: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse
Theatrical Showing
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Spider-Man has had a good year. While I can’t speak from a comic perspective, as a multimedia star he’s had quite the run. Many people are in love with Tom Holland’s portrayal of him in the MCU and his starring role in Avengers: Infinity War. Marvel’s Spider-Man for the PS4 is (allegedly) fantastic and even got a game of the year nomination. So here we are, last month of 2018 with one more Spider-Man. I’ve heard many people complain about Spider-Man movie fatigue, so is yet another new Spider-Man worth it? Let’s Rock. STORY: Peter Parker’s career as Spider-Man is at its peak. You know the stories, we all do. This isn’t Peter Parker’s story however. Miles Morales is moving to a new elite high school, the son of a cop and a nurse, he lives in a New York where Spider-Man is swinging up and down the roads. However an incident with a mysterious spider bite pulls him into the world of heroes, a world shaken up by the Kingpin trying to break down the walls between dimensions. Thrown into chaos, Miles must work with those brought in from other dimensions to try to restore order and figure out what it means to be Spider-Man. This shouldn’t and probably won’t be your first Spider-Man movie. It references a lot of Spider-Man culture and is a fanservice romp for long time fans, yet is still a refreshing tale. The plot isn’t particularly deep or complex, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s simple, yet effective. Going through the logical order of a superhero story, yet packing some surprises along the way. I want to give bonus points for the story being told in a way that’s aware of the trailers and intentionally tries to subvert some preconceptions established by the trailers. While I may not be able to give this much credit on originality or freshness, I can compliment the ability of the story to deliver the emotional payoffs it needs. Some of the harder hitting moments are done fantastically and work within the simplicity of the tale. Story-wise I think my only real complaint was the climax being a bit too straightforward. The way the story is told shines brightly though, especially in its use of spider-man tropes and parallels. Since my format doesn’t have a spot for it, I’ll go ahead and discuss the humor and comedy here. The movie can be damn funny when it wants to be, not only in simple jokes, but in twisting expectations, pop culture comedy, and a lot of inside jokes for spider-man fans. The gag character of Spider-Ham manages to stay amusing throughout the whole film and never gets grating.
8/10. Simple yet effectively told. Also funi movie make me laugh.
CHARACTERS: Let’s start with Miles himself. He’s discontent with his new high school, trying to flunk out so he can move back in with the people. He’s got some issues with his family, mostly looking up to his Uncle Aaron, who’s not always on the good side of the law. While like Peter Parker he’s got a good brain and some social troubles, he’s less of a nerd wish fulfillment type. His dynamic with his Dad and Uncle is unique from Parker and is a strong point throughout the movie. While not shockingly new or interesting, Miles is a strong central character. The other spiders are also strong. Peter B. Parker is a late career Spider-Man, one movies never show us. He’s arguably washed up and the constant life toll of Spider-Man has clearly gotten to him. I found this take to be rather unique, and also relatable as we see the youths around him reminding him of what he once was. While some people may not like his negativity, I found him to be rather engaging as the group senior. Gwen Stacy brings the main cast into an effective trio. Being slightly older than Miles, she’s got a good dynamic of banter with him despite her claim to not keeping friends. She’s pretty prominent in action scenes and in general has a strong energy that puts her in the movie spotlight. While I can’t claim she has too much interesting going on, I think in large part that’s simply because it isn’t her movie. As for the other 3 spiders, they feel like a lower tier in prominence. While there, they don’t have much individual bits outside of their backstories (which get told together.) Peni and Noir were quite interesting, and I honestly felt like we really just didn’t get enough of them. If I can claim any problem here, it’s a utilization issue, but that’s something to be expected out of a one off movie. You can’t give every character the full spotlight they could use. As far as villains go the only one I can really discuss is the Kingpin. While maybe not needed, the movie did go the extra mile to give him a borderline sympathetic backstory. I was a fan of how his story kind of paralleled miles with his downfall being his inability to learn from his mistakes. All in all a pretty strong cape movie villain even if he’s not my favorite Kingpin. I also want to give a shout-out to this movie’s Aunt May. Being a spider-veteran she’s just freaking awesome in this film.
7/10. Some nice ideas and strong characters. Any real complaints are kinda inherent to the medium.
VISUALS: Oh boy is this a treat. I feel like the real appeal of the movie is the frankly amazing art direction. Pretty much every aspect is spot-on. The framing, design, movement, colors, etc. I can just keep singing the praises of this film. Miles’ street art is taken full advantage of. The use of the dimension clashing is rendered in some gorgeous design. The City at Night is rendered in some gorgeous neon colors and the costumes pop. I love how some of the characters from other timelines come in their own distinct art styles. The visual storytelling here is also amazingly done. The scene where Miles leaps from the skyscraper as a full Spider-Man, yet glass sticking to his fingers is an amazing scene. The comic book aesthetic of displaying internal thoughts and backstories is also super nice. I could keep going on but basically it all boils down to YES! YES! YES! The only real complaint I can muster is I noticed when the frame rate would change and that was kind of jarring. 
10/10, Why would you do something in animation when live action is more accessible? Because you can get art design like this!
SOUND: I went in expecting the movie to look as good as it did, I didn’t expect it to sound this good. The music track is full of bops, and not just the non-diegetic tracks but the diegetic ones too. This movie makes near perfect use of both diegetic and non-diegetic music for some absolutely amazing effect. I want this soundtrack! The voice acting was also on point. Everyone sounded great and it all came together nicely. Specific shout-out to John Mulaney as Spider-Ham for sounding the Loony Tunes part. The sound effects flowed perfectly, this isn’t a movie to just see, but to listen to.
9/10, the only faults I could really come up with are things that I’d have to set aside for an album review of the OST, and that’s one hell of a compliment.
This isn’t just another Spider-Man movie. It’s a Spider-Man movie for those who’ve seen too many Spider-Man movies. It’s one of the best comic book movies in a world too full of them. Not only that it’s a case study in aesthetic utilization, the art and sound design are beyond on point. It takes full advantage of the animated medium to be as visually unique as it can be in the best of ways. It’s a full recommendation not only for superhero and animation fans, but for any fan of film. While this could be your first spider-man film, I’d definitely recommend watching it with more familiarity of the character and his lore. All in all one of the best animated films in the west, and one hell of an entry in the repertoire of a character dominating the media world. PS: This movie wishes you a Merry Christmas! 
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