#theyre both so romantic...what a nice ship
malacandrax · 4 months
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bladeweave for enigmaticfae!
(taking a break til next week for donation doodles!)
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mandycore420 · 25 days
my opinion on every saw ship i can remember off the top of my head (that nobody asked for)
chainshipping: the thing that got me hooked you really don't even have to get crazy about interpreting anything to reach the conclusion that lawrence is a repressed bi/gay man and then the embrace at the end it's not even a stretch id call it semi canon atp i love it there is so much potential for fluff for angst they can be apprentices together they can feel super guilty over what happened they're two polar opposites attracting the possibilities are endless top tier ship
shotgunshipping: the way their scenes are filmed is crazy there was no need for all that moaning and yet they delivered i think theres potential with the drug use, similarly to chainshipping one of them is poor on the margins of society and the other is a well off doctor so again opposites attracting, you can have lynn caring for and seeing potential in amanda to be a better person trying to pull her out of the jigsaw life you can have amanda try to pull lynn into the jigsaw life, and also theyre incredibly hot together so thats another point in favour
coffinshipping: it was an acquired taste but now they have infested my mind people have written essays on the coffin trap i think it will take a doctoral dissertation to get to the bottom of their fucked up cat and mouse game i should probably reread doztoevsky's entire catalogue now
pintshipping: i dont care for successful woman x pathetic failman but theyre nice them collapsing side by side but still surviving bc of eventual team work is cute
piranhashipping: it's a little crack idea i get every time i watch that scene because "that was even smoother in fact that was downright slick" exchange is sooo funny their faces are diabolical but otherwise i dont see it its goofy :3
john/amanda: ew get away from me disgusting saw 3 does have this element of her being super jealous over him which is kind of peak 2000s jealous girlfriend but theres room for interpretation and i choose to interpret it as far away from that as possible especially after saw x its pretty clear he is a father figure and a teacher maybe even a thought/cult leader type of figure to her so yeah
john/jill: first time im saying this about a straight couple but i wish we saw more of their past and i read a post about john building the coffin for jill and i forgot what their explanation was but the idea of the coffin being this romantic thing for both ships it makes me smile i dont think jill could be a full on apprentice but i think it would be cute if she knew all about the games and just tolerated them like you would tolerate your partner's funko pop collection shes leaving for work and gives john a little kiss while he's screwing together some contraption
hoffrigg: underrated i really like rigg he was the first victim of hoffman's weird way of saying "i love you" (putting your beloved in harm's way) hoffman trying to make him into an apprentice and "feel what i feel" there's definitely potential there BUT i feel if i started imagining a narrative with them they couldn't be endgame i think strahm would homewreck their shit every time
hoffdon/3dshipping: i think hoffman is sitting in that bathroom full of regrets he hasn't met gordon earlier since rigg failed his test and strahm got too close to the sun i think gordon would've been the next victim of his weird psychosexual games but alas the movie is bad and they have a minute and a half of interacting where larry just gets to be super cunty evil and reminisce about adam so i dont think he's on the same page
amanda/gabriella: i really like how amanda cares for her bc she sees her past in her and stuff wish they had more conversations it's a nice concept
amanda/laura: also a nice concept i love seeing amanda care for the victims but theres like 2 minutes of them interacting
strahm/perez: i think they work as exes who remain friends i kinda project me and my guy best friend on them so i don't really ship them but i can see why people would
adam/hoffman (pipeshipping?): i just don't care for the "characters who have never interacted" ships i need something to bite into and also adam would be an acab type of guy
adam/strahm: same as above BUT i kinda want to write them be ghost friends or whatever and also the concept of strahm shooting adam in the alternate saw 4 concept is delicious
adam/amanda: they're kittens from the same litter but at the same time she's way too cool for him
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debtdeath · 10 months
for the ship hcs ask game: flashfire (or just scout & pyro platonically) hcs? opinions? hotel?
(prompt: "Send me a ship + a word, and I’ll tell you the first headcanon that comes to mind!")
you absolutely sent me more material to work with than the prompt asked, which rocks. happy to talk about scout and pyro platonically and/or romantically tbh! for the sake of this being the first time i talk about them (i think) i'll keep it PG but feel free to follow up if you wanna hear NSFW stuff 👍
general opinion:
i think they're neat together! a lot of people are reluctant to ship them together romantically which is like, fair enough etc but it feels like that'd be overlooking their potential for both chaos for the sake of chaos (fun!) and true tenderness between two people who generally might feel pretty misunderstood and isolated from the rest of the team for various reasons (also fun!).
because theyre both on offensive roles i can see them interacting regularly On The Job as well which is always great to write imo.
i generally think scout and pyro are close friends even before becoming romantically involved or whatever...
i like the idea of scout being a bit scared of pyro at first because they're a big question mark, but because scout is this person who finds any challenge worth his time he takes it upon himself to be The First Who Befriends That Weirdo (affectionate).
he'll learn how to decipher pyro's mumbling and learn sign language (which also helps on the battlefield where it's often loud!).
scout is of course extremely curious about what's under the mask but he doesn't pry. none of his business. but if pyro ends up revealing themselves you know he'll be like 👀👀👀
pyro's just glad someone's willing to stick around with them! they don't mind being a loner but like, company is always nice.
they probably also feel pretty >:) about scout—this big talker jock and generally annoying dickhead—being actually nice to them. the power they hold over him... i reckon they feel pretty good about it.
scout strikes me as a romantic regardless of who he's paired up with, and pyro seems like a cuddler so i think their relationship as Lovers would be soooo sweet... inseparable and always goofing around and laughing and pulling (sometimes VERY dangerous) pranks on their teammates.
they're two fucked up little guys who somehow find each other in a weird fucked up world <3
now to specifically get to The Prompt from the ask LMFAO... hotel HUH...
i can imagine a scenario where they have to spend the night in some kind of motel for a duo contract or something and it's (gasp) a room with twin beds bc why would it be a double bed? fanfiction is contrived man (winks knowlingly at the person reading this)...
anyway scout checks in on his own bc he doesnt want pyro's Appearance to alarm the reception lady (little does he know that the lady would think absolutely NOTHING of it, she's seen worse, she's been workin this reception desk for 30 years you know), grabs the key and then gets both him and pyro in.
i think as soon as they get in they jump on the beds like trampolines because The Urge To Have Fun is too strong lmao.
i feel like they first sleep separately but then scout maybe notices pyro having bad dreams or tossing and turning so he just ends up snuggling up with pyro to comfort them :) or it could be the other way around if you want really, i think neither of them is truly free from insomnia, night terrors, and PTSD lol.
i feel like i could go on and just write a ficlet from just this idea but i'll stop here LOL thank you so much for indulging me!
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Mob Psycho 100 for fandom! And Amy from Sonic for character~
omg hello thank u niru c:
obligatory link back to the original ask game
Mob Psycho 100
sorry that alot of these repeat and probably arent like insane thoughts, i was only big into mp100 when i was like 16 and finished the anime like a year ago 😭
Favorite character: Serizawa c: hes a 6w5 so legally i must enjoy him but also i just like him ... he has curly hair and is cool OH AND TOME !!!! shes fun :) i dont fully remember my interesting thoughts on her but i enjoy her and how she works for reigen post canon. i think her weird girl charms get to me
Least Favorite character: uhhhh probably mogami or shous dad... theyre both just annoying like whateverrr stop being a dumb adult stop beefing with 15 year olds losers...
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): 1.... serirei?? is that the ship name. serizawa and reigen. basically canon ? 2. mobteru again basically canon 3. . um . theres not much ships i really have with this show so idk if i can do 5 but i can at least do three bc i think tome and mezato is cute :) i briefly became obsessed w them for a bit after season 2 .... i think the ship of the two claw guys . the like sword one and the other guy is pretty cool...
Character I find most attractive: serizawa. who would have guessed.
Character I would marry: nobody everyone here has many red flags also theyre 90% children
Character I would be best friends with: if i was a teenager there is a non zero chance i genuinely would be besties with tome but also maybe slightly find her annoying. but also maybe i would become besties with mob. in normal life none of them bc i would never talk to children or the adults in the show
A random thought: i think reigen is one of the last tumblr sexymen before that term really became used as meaning: character im sick of seeing so much of... but also i could be wrong. also can everyone stop drawing serizawa with straight hair ... i know they do in the manga/anime but if he had curly hair before they cut and washed him then it wouldnt go away. thats not how hair works and i should know as ive lived with it for like years.
An unpopular opinion: mogami arc wasnt that good, stop using it as an excuse to be weird abt child characters plsss
My canon OTP: nothing is canon :/ so
Non-canon OTP: serirei as i said above ☝
Most badass character: mob :] hes cool and awesom... but also i do think
Pairing I am not a fan of: idk if its bc i dont remember much but i cant see shou and ritsu as much more than besties but also obvs im not at all a fan of the . weirdly large amount of reigen and mob stuff like whats wrong with you all im killing you . i also just dont care too too much about ships between teenage characters so many of the ships in the fandom are like yea thats alright, also can see them as just besties, u kno?
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): i didnt realize how little there was of serizawa in the manga or the anime .. i feel like he had more when i first read it ???? anyway he should be there more .
Favourite friendship: i think mob and reigen are fun as friends :) especially as they grow older, i think the dynamic would be fun. also teru and ritsu are fun when theyre together. worlds most dramatic 12 year olds.
amy will b under the cut
amy rose :)
How I feel about this character: I like her !!! i feel like shes not talked about much outside of ships which is a shame because i feel like if people came together on her character (this includes people writing canon) then there could be a compelling character here that wouldnt deny her roots or just stay the same sort of trope she used to be. I cant deny i do enjoy that they occassionally dip into her little interest in tarot :) its nice to see that trait remembered.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: sonic of course, shadow, blaze a bit?, metal sonic anddd... yea thats it
My non-romantic OTP for this character: i think her with silver or knuckles is always fun :) idk why i think its because they bounce off of each other well. equal levels of no braincells happening here at least with silver. and with knuckles i feel like they could have a fun brother sister dynamic.
My unpopular opinion about this character: what is the popular opinion on her .... idk ill just use this as more of me talking about her character in general. i wish people would use her abandonment issues more, or at least like integrate that into her character since i think its a trait that shows up a bit in the little visual novel and in sonic frontiers and i think that makes sense as a trait for her
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: if she was ever playable again . I HAVENT played the sonic frontiers dlc but i think giving her a little spin off game ala the princess peach games would be fun. maybe then her team from sonic heros can be used again and i could like care about big and cream outside of them being sparingly used in canon .. and big not just being a joke ... also i just want more development for herrr im always begging for development or character in this series i know its for children but plsss also i wish they would like actually like .. fully deal with her whole thing with sonic... it feels like they wanna pretend her obsession just never happened and wasnt like the main thing with her character before they basically turned her into sally acorn.
My OTP: honestly ive really come around on amy x metal sonic :) i think mainly bc i cant see her with sonic at all (<- sonadow truther) and also i think it could be interesting if i thought about it more deeply
My OT3: amy x sonic x blaze i know i just said i cant see her with sonic but this is the exception, if i had to have an ot3 it would be this .. otherwise idk if i would have one.
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itafushin · 1 year
🎭 🍑: 1, 7, 19, 23, 30
im assuming the masks are for macaque so !! for the ship game
1) What's their love languages?: wukongs love languages are definitely gift giving, physical touch, and acts of service. macaques are spending time together, words of admiration, and also physical touch. theyre both touch starved as hell idc what anyone says
7) Who is the more romantic one?: theyre both a little romantic just in different areas, i think. wukongs real into making big, grand gestures and being outwardly romantic and showy while macaque is good with his words and can woo someone with just a few sentences. to me personally, id say wukong is the more romantic one rather than mac because wukong puts a lot more into his gestures than macaque does.
19) How do they silently/subtly express their love for each other?: macaque is a pretty reserved guy, preferring to keep quiet and to himself because thats what hes used to, so i think hes the type to show he cares through little house chores. he cooks for wukong, cleans for him, helps watch over the mountain, things like that. it keeps mac busy and it helps lessen any stress on wukong so it works out for both of them. Wukong, i think, is a lot less subtle in everything he does so most of his caring gestures are him bringing macaque something that reminded wukong of him. but when theyre alone together, just having wukong there to listen is enough to show macaque he cares.
23) Do they like pickup lines?: YEAH YEAH YEAH WUKONG ESPECIALLY !! wukong looooves using pickup lines on macaque and they always. work. macaque gets so flustered over them and he thinks theyre stupid and corny but thats not gonna stop wukong !!!
30) Free space!: macaque LOVES to steal wukongs clothes, like all the time. i headcanon macaque to be shorter than wukong so in my head wukongs clothes would be a little more baggy on macaque especially if theyre already baggy on wukong. macaques a hoodie stealer and even a shirt stealer and he only ever takes wukongs favorite articles of clothing because that means he wears them alot which equals nice, good ol wukong smell. (i headcanon wukong smells like peaches, rain dew, and dirt. he has this really earthy smell and macaque cant get enough of it) wukongs perfectly fine with macaque taking his clothes, he encourages it half the time, he just wishes mac would stop taking the ones he wears the most because he needs them
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leebgutz · 2 years
nadja x the guide rambles because I’m mentally ill over a ship with close to no actual canon chemistry and I need to make myself feel better via headcanon:
- I just want a scene where nadja and the guide are forced to be alone on a mission and they actually connect quite a bit in a way they haven’t before to the point the guide actually catches massive feels. this actually is the ‘ unsuspected crush ‘ the writers were talking about I’m keeping myself blissfully oblivious to the fact she’s canonically crushing on guillermo - she can have two crushes ok !
- if they were in a relationship nadja would hype up her little anxiety-ridden loserwife so much and she’d help the guide come out of her shell a lot more and get past some of the insecurities she previously had. nadja would be the person in the guide’s life helping her push herself to be more confident and self-loving, while the guide might even help nadja understand humans more and help her be less cold to everyone
- nadja and the guide first start seeing each other and they delve into this passionate “secretive” love affair where they think they’re being so sneaky but everyone finds out literally the second it’s official because they’re not slick about it at all. the others have to pretend like they have no clue what’s going on when nadja makes some bullshit excuse like “ um we have to go. do council stuff it’s very urgent! “ and then she grabs the guides hand and they run off giggling. only nandor is like “ 🤨 but we aren’t on the council anymore “ and everyone else just stares at him tiredly
- they paint each other’s nails/do each other’s hair and talk about all the scandalous things they’ve done over the centuries. the guide is nervous about spilling her secrets at first because of all the shame that’s built up and all the repressed memories but nadja eventually helps her feel more lighthearted about it all and learn to laugh at her past and maybe even feel a little nostalgic instead of guilty
- nadja teaches the guide how to be more aggressive/assertive flat out while the guide teaches nadja how to be more unsettling and ominous. nadja gives her lessons on how to confront people in the loudest and most scary possible way while the guide gives nadja lessons on how to make people shit their pants when she sneakily and mysteriously enters a room. the guide learns how to make people stand down with a single threatening stare and hiss while nadja learns how to jumpscare people through turning into smoke
- theyre passionate and flirtatious 24/7. It’s worse than nadja and laszlo. they’re CONSTANTLY touching and giving each other goo-goo eyes and batting eyelashes and randomly leaving during important meetings just to go make out somewhere or even just enjoy each other’s company in private without any strictly romantic stuff. occasionally you will see the guide sitting in nadjas lap at house meetings or the other way around. they’re constantly attached at the hip and if they’re not then they’re having a couples squabble. no you know what even then they still probably hold hands they both just refuse to look at each other and appear cross despite the fact they can’t stop touching because they’ll get too lonely if they do that
- laszlo is chill with all of this. no, really. “ this is my lady wife nadja and this is her lady partner the guide. “ - laszlo probably, holding nadjas hand while nadja holds the guides hand
- nadja asks laszlo to teach her about psychology and when that inevitably obviously fails she asks (demands) guillermo what he knows about it so she can understand the guide better and even help her through bad ocd/general anxiety moments. she becomes weirdly supportive and gentle and it freaks everyone out
- the wraiths set up nice small cliche dates for them where they dine upon blood in goblets under candlelight on a nice round table with flowers on it in a little vase. they do this at least once a week and nobody else is invited and all they do is vent to each other and hold hands
- nadja helps the guide regain part of her past self and it makes the guide more of a spontaneous party animal at random times and it’s just nadja being like “ YES BABE SLAY! “ while everyone else watches in fear as the guide swings from a very expensive chandelier
this post is getting quite long so I’ll leave it at that but I have so many thoughts about this guys it’s actually insane
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waywardsalt · 6 months
ship thoughts bc im trying to untangle what i want to do with this (not limited to tags this time yippee)
ok so like. bellum x linebeck is a weird ship and the only ship i have in my small little collection thats Like That
i mean. the other ones are like…
damibeck is soft oc x canon its my canon linebeck ship theyre boyfriends theyre husbands damien is his childhood friend and they are very close from the get go for various reasons its like. generally normal romance its a comfort thing at times but also something i can make interesting or at the center of a conflict
ganonbeck is a fun crackship sort thing that started as a joke but turns out to have genuinely interesting ideas you can use with it so its probably the most versatile in how i use it
bellum x linebeck is the only one where they canonically meet and good lord idk how to convert my weird abstracts ideas and thoughts (and joke ideas) into coherent ship ideas but ill try here
like. bellum isnt much of a character while linebeck is a great character so off the bat i kinda have to figure out. what bellum is like. but i think he generally finds linebeck interesting and is civil in a post game setting for a handful of reasons, including that curiosity abt linebeck and a vague respect for him. i think linebeck has a shaky understanding of bellum as well as a similarly weird respect, but would need a little more time to really trust him, but they both start off with some weird comfort bc like. they probably know each other p intimately already
like with bellumbeck stuff bellum likely learns a lot abt linebeck through that, and going with the ideas i have abt what goes on during that, linebeck learns a lot abt bellum, too, so they have a baseline understanding of each other. i want to keep empathy out of it generally, esp on bellum’s side of things (i hc linebeck as being low empathy but with bellum specifically its either low emparhy too or no empathy at all, problem being i have a hard time like. recognizing empathy vs no empathy like idk what the difference is if that makes sense. i want bellum to actively choose to be nice or w/e instead of just like. feeling bad or w/e, idk what part empathy might play in recognizing that you have similarities with something)
like i dont want to spill the beans on a lot of linebeck and bellum backstory stuff bc id rather do that through fic stuff, but they have a general understanding of each other through like. vague. situation comparison (with linebeck its like. minor dot connecting and some stretches of imagination but that doesnt do it all for him while for bellum its a kinda oh shit moment), and bellum just finds linebeck interesting in the unconventional (and frustrating) way he had to deal with him and how and why he failed to 1) fully control and convince him of certain things and 2) linebecks survival is something he did not anticipate at all so for bellum theres this fascination in linebeck as hes a guy who broke every rule bellum thought was in place with this thing he’d done before and is just like. hey man what the fuck. in that curiosity. in a strange sense linebeck is untouchable to bellum bc of this (not literally but. yknow)
like i dont think id want to write this as some kind of explicit or conventional romance, just some weird relationship thing that slips into romantic, into sexual, into intimate, and then back out into that weird nebulous area
damien is there. this is in post ph context. damien is very much there and interested in bellum as well but its very different i just wanted to bring it up bc it does slip into polycule territory in post ph
theres probably walls and walls of text i could write abt this while untangling what i might want to do with bellum x linebeck but uuuuugh im tired
like on the physical side of things tho its. really weird like linebeck has strict boundaries and in a sense bellum has broken them before and so they have a bit of a tricky physical relationship bc linebeck has a hard time sorting his feelings towards bellum out and bellum can be kinda touchy feely with him at times, and the strangeness that comes with sorting things out with his lil demon form and with his humanoid form
also the tentacle stuff
im very much thinking abt the tentacle stuff
i dont. im not familiar with that kind of stuff
its been the biggest barrier for me in thinking abt this ship and generally its just bellum using em as arms and to grab and hold stuff and different ways they can apply when he interacts with linebeck like hes got a bunch of different clingy stuff idk. he can do weird hugs. while experimenting with damien linebeck figures out he kinda has a thing for being tied up and then (both he and bellum) have to face the fact that they likely know either when that might have started or that it complicates things a little further
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
Sexuality Headcanon: either straight or like. she just Generally has a type (soft, sweet, poor little meow meow -) and therefore does not care about the gender of her partner.
A ship I have with said character: REGIN SUWEN/MARONE FOR THE WIN. i just think they make sense together!!! their personalities mesh really well.... marone is all headstrong and regins more passive yes but theyre also both very earnest sweet people and they balance each other perfectly <3 i also love how marones become regin's vet assistant (her love of animals too T^T her growing fond of ground dragons more after being saved by frufoo...)!! and the tsuchigumo (this little spider-looking spirit iirc from one of the otto related side stories, for those who dont know) is BASICALLY THEIR CHILD NOW.... i love their little family i hope marone and regin get happily married <33
A BROTP I have with said character: OTTO AND MARONE OF COURSE. bad luck buddies who get really headstrong <33 aaa just theyre very sweet!! and similarly to regin, otto is also. More Submissive, in a sense. so of course otto and marone balance each other nicely - and i just think marone's "number two" nickname for otto IS SO SWEET ITS SO. URHGHG I FEEL LIKE IM INHALING SUGAR FROM HOW SWEET IT IS. it makes my little heart melt T^TT and i love the backstory of their little chance encounter where they escape from the bandits trying to sell them into slavery, and then the fact that marone doesnt want to go too far from her hometown so she can find otto again!!! aaa T^TT love them. i also just really like how much otto/regins designs look alongside marone!!! her red hair vs their calmer colors and ottos green is so <333
A NOTP I have with said character: i dont really have any that im very Insistent on.... ig like otto/marone (romantic)? bc they WOULD NEVER.... otto knows his brother is head over heels for her and otto and marone give me sibling energy. they're future siblings in law anyway!!!!!
A random headcanon: MARONE. MAYBE GETS REGIN TO QUIT SMOKING. I DONT KNOW IF FANTASY WORLD CIGARETTES HAVE HEALTH CONSEQUENCES BUT LIKE. MY DUDE YOU ARE A DOCTOR. HAH. regin and otto out here with smoking and drinking respectively as their vices.... they need anxiety meds or something i swear.
additionally.... in pride and wrath if of course, otto becomes a debt slave. i like to think that marone becomes interested in the idea of saving other people from slavery / almost slavery like what otto did for her...... we know that otto saved her months before the start of like. arc 1 i think?? so its like. that event still happened in pride and wrath if. and we know that otto eventually dies in pride if.... im sure the suwens found out about his death somehow, especially if hes just not talked to them for a While... maybe marone could help find out what happened to otto? because im sure it is Worrying when the person in the family with notoriously bad luck has been Completely Silent for a little too long. i doubt pride/wrath otto would contact any of them - he wouldnt want them getting involved. but marone seems like the type that would get involved!!! i think shes smarter than she looks!!!!
General Opinion over said character:
SHE IS SO SWEET. I ADORE HER. SHE LOOKS LIKE SHE'D GIVE GREAT HUGS... I LOVE HER PASSION... i wish the best for her <3 and i think she should get to go insane. shes like... she seems all happy go lucky but her backstory of like :( being sold to bandits as slaves because the people in her town had to give some women over so the city wouldnt get attacked... and then she was there for a while and got saved by otto T^TT and then tsuchigumo stuff happens and she literally just goes "let me tell you about my (totally not tragic) anime backstory to lighten the mood!! :DDD" and then EVERYONE thinks shes bad luck after that.... poor girl :(( but also she is SO STRONG for still being so determined and passionate!! like she KNOWS otto saying he killed bandits on accident is complete and total bullshit. she knows he gave her his own money and not "bounty money". AND THEN SHE LITERALLY SAYS THAT SHES TIRED OF HIDING AWAY AND WAITING AROUND AND TAKING THE WEIGHT OF CRIMES SHE DIDNT COMMIT AND HOW "That frail lady logic isnt my thing at all!" shes so. there may not be too much to her because shes like. a Pretty Minor character. but whats there is so good with the small amount of screentime she has. she eats up every scene shes in. her like Surprising sharpness with how shes fed up with Bullshit (ottos bullshit... and going out to go and do something about the tsuchigumo situation...) is such a neat contrast to her softness too (and makes her a great character to balance out, say, regin or otto)!! shes so cool. i admire her always.
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dogboycolumbo · 2 years
not an aleheather stan but your post makes me intrigued. specifically the last line - "nuanced," "realistic," and "best." Nuanced, you kinda already covered - Heather uses the relationship to her advantage, whereas Alejandro ends up letting the relationship control his actions. But I don't get the realistic part, especially on Alejandro's side. Could you elaborate on that. As for "best," well, I feel like you should compare it to other TD ships, say Duncney or Shasmine. (1/2)
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post this is referencing
OKAY, i sat on this for a few days bc im rewatching island and wanted to give a good response to the part about duncney. i hope this is what ur looking for.
aleheather is realistic as in it’s well developed over the course of the season, and they both have to grapple with wanting to date or wanting the money. i think aleheather represents that choice and the cognitive dissonance nicely, falling for each other when knowing you won’t be able to win if you do. theyre both really competitive too, they won’t be satisfied to just cooperate in the finale. they have to honestly win, but have to stay rivals to feel they have honestly won.
on alejandro specifically: he was bored of people. he didn’t see them as anything but things to be manipulated in his quest for the million. very first episode of world tour we specifically see he doesn’t see heather as a threat: “Compared to me, Heather’s a saint!”
But. She really fucking wasn’t. she was unexpected and an incredible competitor—alejandro felt seen and understood and most of all challenged by her in a way he wasn’t by anyone else. he found an equal, someone just as ruthless (so he thought) and good as him at winning. he fell head over heels with her, the first person he saw as an equal. she kept surprising him in the finale, too :-)
for why aleheather’s the best: because of that nuance and realism and consistency in their portrayal thru world tour.
TD has a big problem with consistency, but aleheather for an entire season develops in a realistic and nuanced way that we don’t see in other ships. neither duncney nor jashawn are given that same time to develop. duncney was just a one off thing—they didn’t know each other, and when they got to know each other, they hated each other. they have an interesting sort of opposites attract dynamic, but i can’t see them working out long term without a willingness to compromise that we saw from neither of them in-show.
jashawn is great! i love it a lot, and i love both endings of pahkitew, but they only had 13 episodes, and they were not spent well. they go through some classic romantic tropes of miscommunication on the zombie thing, a few hiccups, but the reason shawn doesn’t want to split the money with jasmine is because they don’t really know each other. great ship, and i really like them individually and together, but in the time we see them, theres no sense that it’s anything more than a budding relationship. it’s a new, fragile thing and they never fought or competed with each other like aleheather did.
competing isn’t necessary for a romance, obviously, but it adds a lot to it. by battling each other honestly and with their all, alejandro and heather learned the worst things about each other, faced serious betrayal, and loved each other in spite of it. their relationship is stronger and more rooted than most on tv, and clearly the most out of any total drama ship.
theres nothing unrealistic about aleheather’s development except for the reality tv show environment theyre in. theyre both clever and love to be challenged, and love that they found themselves on equal levels—true partners. their relationship stays fresh because of how they find ways to rival each other, but ultimately their core values align.
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mutedeclipse · 6 months
Hey sorry about the delay on this post but here is the phantom bomber ship dynamic breakdown post
I will not pull any punches and i will be blunt, if i forget anyone its because ive litterally never seen them shipped before, this post is also under the assumption that all of the characters listed are 18+ (covering my bases here, ykno?)
Starting out with ol' reliable phantom/blue. This ship dynamic is the most canon fueled and widely shipped out of the dynamics ive seen.. for good reason! They make good foils for eachother in a way that meshes really nicely and that can make for undeniably sweet n cute moments. Beit blue snuggled up and snoozing while phantom does late night work or simply the homoerotic tension that comes from blue beta testing his code and absolutely exploiting every bug, i think blue would be quite healthy for him. 5 stars. Good ship.
While discussing the bomber siblings, ill address a ship dynamic i have been told ive forgotten in the past. Being phantom/black, a ship I've seen that presumably cites the credits of sbr1 on the grounds of them seeming to interact post R. While i didnt pay much mind to it, i can see the merit given that interaction in canon is like looking for water in the Sahara desert. Black, being blunt... Is a dumb bitch (affectionate) which could bounce off phantom pretty well, likely the two bonding over a fondness of the theatrical... if feelings do develop i cant shake the feeling that phantom would be the first to engage.. i think phantom would engage as hes the least awkward about romance out of the two by default. And i think black would be hesitant and have a crisis about "oh my god am i gay???" (No honey youre bisexual its ok) . The entire relationship hinges on whether or not you think they could both get past their own egos and not beat eachother to death about it. ultimately could be a decent ship! I think they work better as friends personally. 3 stars.
Ok, now onto the dastardly bombers oriented ships, these will probably get a little controversial
phantom/magnet is a ship that i find VERY funny because i think itd not work at all romantically. Sorry to the exactly one person ive seen ship this but im taking R at face value for this post, they would constantly squabble and could honestly not stand eachother in any intimate situation besides the bedroom and even then i think that wouldnt be satisfactory for either of them lmao. Magnet would INSIST on topping and it would suck really bad. 1 star. Not a fan they seem more like friendly rivals instead tbh
phantom/golem on the other hand would make a GREAT dynamic imo, always pops into my head every now and then. Golem, despite not really speaking much is a kind and gentle soul. Making for a great anchor to phantom. I tend to think of them more platonic, but i DO think they'd have good romantic chemistry. They like to hang out and sit near eachother like cats and simply enjoying eachother's company... Phantom could study his mane of flora and tell him about every little insect that inhabits his garden and i think golem would happily listen making inquisitive beeps about things. And i personally headcanon phantom tends to have issues remembering to maintain himself in his working hours, i think golem takes time to remind him to. Sweet dynamic. 4 stars. One of my favorites.
Ok so. I think phantom/karaoke *could* work... But phantom/pretty could not. You feel me? Like hands down theyre good friends either way, but karaoke amd phantom have a little more of a spark there. since pretty is... Bland in R. To say the least. Im not a fan i can see her visiting him and them holding good conversation, nothing more really. But karaoke has classic pretty mannerisms, being quite charismatic and flirty in a way i think could absolutely decimate him. Like after a long ramble about his latest project she would stare him dead in the eye after picking up about half of what he said and asking him if he wants to make out or something to fuck with him and he would go bright purple. Decent ship. 1 star for pretty but 3 for karaoke. Round it down to a 2 if you want
Ok onto the ship i think i may have brought into existence... phantom/plasma, I honestly think plasma would also make a good supportive anchor to phantom, similar to golem but in a more active way. I think they'd mesh well personality wise, theyre both seemingly quite good natured at heart if the snippets from R can be trusted, i think their shared compassion could breed understanding and trust between the two, trust blossoming into something more down the line. Not a relationship that would happen over night but one that i honestly am a sucker for. They should curl up together and watch movies in the cold winter. Good comfort ship. 5 stars. Fight me over this im not budging.
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I love him. That is all phantom ships. Goodbye.
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obitv · 1 year
i dont go here (here being ur fandom) but i love reading about ship dynamics so for those lil revenant ppl: 16, 27, and 30 :)
16. What’s their favorite “domestic bliss” moment? Do they cook/clean together? Do they like to go out shopping together?
william soooo teaches ashe how to cook. shes still pretty shit at it considering the most complex thing shes ever made is buttered noodles but she likes watching will cook at the very least. AAAND they sit on the couch together and read stupidly old books on the supernatural together. this is romantic to them. and me
27. Who would propose? What would their wedding be like?
given theyre 17 and both ticking time bombs of supernatural curses this is never reasonably happening. ashe has a wedding pinterest board though not that theyd ever tell william about it or think abput it genuinely but its like a gender thing and like a . positive outlook i wont die/be possessed forever by the time im 20 type deal you get me. william "falls in love with everyone who says something nice to him" wisp has daydreamed of weddings with literally every crush hes ever had but never taken it seriously esp after. yknow. Dying
30. Free space! Say something about this ship that you want to say!
THEYRE SO IN LOVE THEYRE SOOOO IN LOVE DO YOU UNFERSTAND. THEYRE BOTH CURSED AND EVERY DAY IS AN UPHILL BATTLE BUT THEY LOVE EACHOTHER!!!!!!!! theyre the only ones who can balance eachother out - if williams powers overtake him or the wisps abandon him permanemtly ashe is the only one who can go to the spirit world and drag him home. and ashe w the trickster i mean. who else can pull souls out of the body and neutralise demons. theyre so in love
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squeakheart · 7 months
what's Bebe's dynamic with the Blackbeard crew like? Obviously you ship her with Blackbeard but is she also shipped with the others?
ok insane rambling and some nsft soooo .. this post is going under the cut but
i mainly ship her with blackbeard buuut .. i feel like a lotta casual sex goes on in that crew so stuff w the others inevitably just happens lol? never planned to make bebe polyamorous bc i am very much not polyamorous irl but it just sorta started making sense once i started making bebe less of 'me' and more of her own character
bebe and blackbeard have a little lovey dovey thing going on bc i really like the gap moe of a big scary guy like him having a soft spot for my little mouse ^_^ not that hes not also rough and dominant with her too but. yknow. they have a special bond bc when they first meet he says some stuff that makes a big impact on her aaaand she baked him a real nice cherry pie so hes totally ride or die for her lol. i dont feel like retyping my whole ass backstory so heres bebe wiki screenshots
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needless to say. important to her.
slightly less going on with the others but i would say yeah i still ship her with them
burgess and her sleep together for SURE bc um. hes hot as fuck. his huge muscles and confident charisma have captivated her .. hes an irresistable guy. i think her dynamic with him is more playful than her dynamic w teach and theres a lot of likeee him tossing her in the air and chasing her and pinning her down 🥰🥵 shes a weak little mousey but she really enjoys it
doc q and bebe are like genuine bffs bc theyre both sick forever .. chronic illness solidarity. their dynamic hovers somewhere between "platonic" and "holding each others cocks while they pee" its a special bond. they definately fuck nasty style but only when theyre not both too unwell lmao. bebe/doc started out genuinely just platonic but every day i realise more and more how fucking handsome he is so uh. call me in a week and ill probably tell you shes in love with him
van augur .. hm .. yknow i dont actually think about him and bebe that much bc i know a couple of people who ship their ocs with him already and their ocs usually spring to mind for augur before bebe! a lotta the stuff i have for her and augur is just her teasing him for being a big nerd hehe .. but sitting down and thinking about it .. sure. bebe and augur can kiss with tongue ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ if i do think about bebe/augur i usually think about my husbands transfem augur AU bc something about augur with tit growth does it for me lol
laffitte and bebe are mainly like. gossipy brunch friends who meet up for coffee and make fun of everyone else lol. also passive agressive to each other constantly. hes my least fav so they probably have the least romantic tension out of the original crew. something sexual going on tho. i think laffitte gets a little jealous of anyone who's close to blackbeard and they have weird sex about it where laffitte makes sure to let bebe uhm. know her place on the crew. hes taking his "chief of staff" position very seriously i guess
i have some stuff brewing for the later additions to the crew too but our household rewatch is only just up to impel down so i want to let myself mull them over more before i commit to any dynamics hehe
thanks for reading if u read this far. take this post timeskip bebe from my sketchpad as some kinda reward
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sukifoof · 9 months
Ooooh! 8 and 18 for the ask game if you don't mind?
NICE I WAS HOPING FOR 8!!!! tbh in my heart all the characters i like are aro BUT there are some i feel Really strongly about and thats flowey and femt (unsurprising) i feel like. flowey is probably understandable. given his. Everything. but with femt i feel like it just fits with his character. guy who hates "normal" and seems to struggle to bond with anyone and considers himself a freak. also whatever THIS was
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"whats ur type" "i dont know i dont CARE just. be funny when ur suffering i guess." i love femt hes SO funny i think flowey and femt are the only characters ever
some other characters i like that i think are aro are haruka kokonose, mahiru shiina (milgram), and mr itto genshin. for haruka i think the fact that he feels so isolated from everyone else and how he gets Weird about the few friendships he has And how he desperately tries to understand what friendship Is is so. ohhh i love him.. and mahiru is just. the obsession with love and her trying to Define love and how she seems to think being in a relationship will fix her somehow. i have a really specific relationship with being aro and these characters just kinda Hit what its like to feel that way as an aro person <3 love them dearly. also i do not have any reasons for itto i just feel it in my heart <3
and 18!! i tend to avoid shipping mostly cuz i guess i dont really care for it?? it doesnt really make sense to me and i much prefer to explore character analysis and how traumatized characters react to those around them. if i Do end up shipping anyone its almost always in qpr way
YUUTA SAKURAI SECTION!!!! i never get to talk about him but this is a PERFECT time to talk about him. everyone watch net juu no susume IMMEDIATELY its one of my most favorite shows and severely underrated. i think yuuta is such an interesting character. so much of his character is him wanting to get closer to people but he has an emotional wall up both because of his parents deaths and because of his Various Past Experiences involving people wanting him romantically and him not at all feeling that way.
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i really like how they write his misunderstanding of how hes perceived and that hes convinced that hes going to get in the way of others relationships... thinking about the idea of people wanting to take up as little space as possible because they feel unworthy of being loved and i wanna shake his head and be like NO everyone LIKES YOU SO MUCH!!!
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i think his relationship with moriko is really special because theyre the only people they feel they can truly rely on. both of them have been so lonely and i just think a lot about how they both put so much importance on their friendship and partnership it just means a lot to me that the romance aspect feels more like an afterthought to their friendship because i rarely see that... i also really like how this handles the idea of wanting to be seen as Someone Else because firstly i like it in an aro way but also this show is. so good for trans people
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i just think a lot about the way he understands his relationships around him and how he hates being lonely and very rarely has people understand him in the way he wants i just love yuuta so much hes one of my most favorite characters <3 on that note i think him and moriko. they are so qpr to me
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imagine i have my head in my hands i am desperately begging people watch this show its only 11 episodes i love it so much... thank u for the ask these were fun to answer :)
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pansy-picnics · 2 years
*Steeples my hands like I'm about to ask you a question at a job interview* Thoughts on a Siluka and Kasumi friendship/ship-ship?
kasumi is VERY strict to her schedule and incredibly straight forward. she knows what she wants to do and how shes going to do it and she doesn’t take shit from anyone. but she also tends to expect too much of herself and has really bad imposter syndrome so she often tends to bite off more than she can chew.
siluka is super laid back and free spirited and mostly goes about her life on a day to day basis, she has a very straightforward view on herself and her needs and doesnt often overwork herself (much of this i feel is because she physically CANT do very much due to executive functioning issues and she often feels guilty because of it but thats umm mostly just me projecting). but siluka can also be very naive and spacey/is easily manipulated because she always has her head in the clouds.
siluka most of the time has iluka looking out for her, but as much as they would like to they cant be there for each other all the time. i feel like in some cases siluka wouldn’t really click well with people unless theyre doing the talking or iluka is there to talk for her (ex. yuzuki is so quiet that i dont think the two of them would bond much unless hinata or iluka was there to lead the conversation, but NOT both bc then theyd just get distracted and end up talking to each other while yuzuki and siluka sit there in silence).
but i think with kasumi siluka would be able to get along with her pretty well even without iluka there with her. maybe komari introduces the two but id like to imagine kasumi sticks up for siluka at some point while visiting the cafe, because iluka talks a LOT about men trying to hit on siluka while their advances go straight over her head. after the fact kasumi would go on this long rant about her hatred for men and siluka is jsut like “lmao What are u talking about /affectionate”
siluka would be a bit of an anomaly to kasumi at first. like Why are u like that. but as confused as she may be she finds silukas up-in-the-air personality to be somewhat endearing. its kind of a nice change of pace. and siluka tends to be drawn to that firm takes-no-bullshit demeanor because iluka is a lot like that and iluka is her Person she feels really safe around her. OH and silukas aura reading and interests in medicinal herbs would be really interesting to kasumi as well!!! kasumi is always craving knowledge and would be eager to listen to silukas long rambles about local plants and how they can be used + what kind of auras things have.
kasumi would teach siluka self defense skills shell Never remember to use but siluka enjoys learning anyways. she would be really interested, however in kasumis poetry and calligraphy skills. i can see them both becoming really good buddies kasumi would help siluka manage her time and assist her with certain tasks like iluka and ludus often do and siluka would remind kasumi to rest and help her relax/find more peace within herself rather than just burying herself in her work.
i can see a friendship between them devolving really easily into a romantic relationship too. siluka would bring kasumi lots of little flowers and cool shells and stuff like shes a little crow. kasumi would lose her Mind whenever siluka falls asleep on her shoulder. kasumi is really clueless when it comes to romance ESPECIALLY with another girl while siluka doesn’t care about Anything and is super blunt about her emotions (how she perceives them at least) and i think that dynamic would be HYSTERICAL. silukas just staring at kas while shes talking and shes randomly like “…..ur rlly pretty” and kasumis like “WHAJDJVKGKKJDSNANF?!??”
siluka would also find this HILARIOUS bc unlike ppl like hinata or lisette who are consistently morons kasumi seems smart most of the time. its only when siluka compliments her or leans on her in a particular way ect that kasumis brain goes haywire and the funniest part is siluka doesn’t even KNOW shes flirting and neither does kasumi. bc kasumi thinks siluka just Does That and like she does but also its different in this case yk!!! kasumi would confide in komari about this whos like “. Girl. shes into u” and kasumis like “NO SHES NOT i know shes not bc she would tell me if she was.” which in her defense IS TRUE but also siluka literally hasn’t figured out her own feelings yet.
iluka would go to siluka like “hey. yk if you want any help confessing to kasumi lmk like i know shes kinda dense /lh” and silukas just “??? Wdym lol” “…are you not flirting with her” “no” “.What”
anyways eventually siluka figures it out and confesses and kasumi has to have a mini arc figuring out her internalized homophobia but once thats over they start dating and they are both so stupid and so soft. another win for the lesbians
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boypussydilf · 1 year
top three with. doctor who. talk about the silly little doctors Now
LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tbh id kind of forgotten i reblogged that
3 male characters I love:
12th doctor. the doctor is never male and i like them in general but 12 is probably my favorite
um. uh. um. um. uhhhhhh. christ theres GOTTA be someone i like more than mickey or rory i mean theyre good but theyre not top favorites. WILF. RIGHT. WILF. WILFRED MOTT. GRANDPA WIN
3 female characters I love:
DONNA NOBLE!!!!!!!!!
Ahh god. Fuck. Theres too many I could put here. uhmmm. Ok im going to say rose tyler. She MIGHT. have a slight edge over bill potts. but ouuugghh i love bill. im not sure,. one of them. WAIT WHAT ABOUT MISSY. theres too many incredible women and girls in doctor who. If i had to pick one ummmm i guess I’ll say rose though. she’s classic
3 romantic ships I love:
the doctor and the master whatever the fuck they have going on
2/jamie this clown and scottish dude are gay as hell
uhhh. yeah lets say doctorrose. they too are classic
(Honorary mention to Ace and all of her Girlfriends Of The Week <3)
3 platonic dynamics I love:
probably seven & ace… uncledadpa moments
christ i had something a second ago and then i lost it. why are amy and rory suddenly all i can think of THEY ARE MARRIED. ok i think im gonna say 11 & amy not a big fan of…. ALL the ways they were written in the show…… but the overarching concept of. to the doctor amy is always the little girl he accidentally left behind and he needs to make it up to her & to amy the doctor is always her childhood imaginary friend and they’re both trying to live in a fairytale and it is NOT actually ideal for them. It’s good
3 favorite moments in canon:
OUT OF SIXTY FUCKING YEARS OF TELEVISION?!?!?!?!?!?! ok lightning round off the top of my head
the scene in the unicorn and the wasp where the doctor gets cyanide poisoned and has to play charades with donna and agatha christie to try and tell them what he needs
in the god complex where the doctor amy and rory all get startled by people showing up and everyone is talking at once and the doctor goes IVE NEVER BEEN THREATENED WITH A TABLE LEG BEFORE! NO WAIT I TELL A LIE…. while rory is going ITS OKAY, WE’RE NICE! and amy looks at him like hes insane. i find it very funny
when ten sacrifices himself to save wilf but first he has to have a little mental breakdown about it because he knows what the right thing to do is but he’s also kind of fucked in the head and feels like he deserves to live. and then as hes very slowly dying of radiation poisoning we get that kinda cheesy montage that goes on WAY too fucking long of him doing little secret things to help out all the companions he’s had since the start of the revival series and it’s so self indulgent and wrung out and it kinda slaps
theres so many others and probably a lot of scenes i like way more than these but these r the first ones that came to mind so i will restrain myself
3 favorite headcanons:
gender and sexuality r different for time lords. bc theyre aliens. so of course it would be. but the doctor is also queer by their standards
erm. uh. fuck. shit. what else is there.
Susan is still alive and doing fine <3
Christ i dont know. I got nothin. Doctor who canon is so fucked i could probably take something that’s technically canon and then call it a headcanon anyway. Uh. No i got nothing there either.
K9 is a good dog. There
3 least favorite things about it:
(…….exceptions made for when daleks are used for comedy i may say it annoys me when they get watered down but i still think its great when theyre funny. also that one new years special was actually a very good occasion to have a dalek without it meaning anything but that’s besides the point okay anyway)
basically i hope for a future where doctor who writers actually take to heart the whole “Moving Forward and Embracing Change” part of the show. if you bring back stuff that hasn’t appeared since classic who be sure you’re DOING something with it that means anything and not just going “Look! This species still… exists!”. write good stories instead of having recognizable villains show up because they’re recognizable. and FORGET ABOUT THE TENTH DOCTOR ERA ALREADY. DAVID TENNANT WAS GOOD. HIS DOCTOR WAS GOOD. MOST OF THE SHOW FROM THEN IS GOOD. AND ITS OVER. ITS BEEN OVER FOR TEN YEARS. STOP MILKING THE TENTH DOCTOR AND PUTTING ALL THE FOCUS ON HIM. PLEASE. PL
doctor who good :)
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ofpd · 2 years
🏳️‍🌈 aang
lucy has managed to convert me to the aroace aang agenda yes it's true..... i don't think that's necessarily Thee correct opinion but it's rlly nice. his and katara's relationship is so very like. not quite romantic not quite platonic. theyre everything to each other and im not against ppl shipping them (though i do think their romance in the show was handled mediocre) but imo they're just. each other's Person in a way that's not really romantic exactly.
i also definitely used to have opinions on aang being trans im trying to remember rn.... mostly just that i think the air nomads would be chill about transgenderism and i think it's neat. it's also very interesting how his gender intersects with him being the last airbender - how he's perceived as feminine by those around him but in reality he acts like a typical air nomad boy. also specifically in the ember island players episode how he reacts strongly towards being played by a woman despite not being a misogynist or feeling uncomfortable with femininity, both because of how the play is racist in part because of how it's trying to insult him by implying he's a woman, and because he doesn't want to be considered a woman possibly for trans reasons also.
send me a 🏳️‍🌈 and a character and i'll tell you what i think their gender/sexuality is
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