#they're the reason i made this blog in the first place and got involved with fandom culture in general
ginnyweatherby · 2 months
bad news for normal people: I've been watching Big Bang Theory clips and it's reignited the dormant brainrot in me. I fear for what may happen next.
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shakingparadigm · 21 days
Hi hi.
Hi para! I'm writing you to share some theories I got! Since you're one of my favorite blogs.
Hope to not be glogging your asks section...
Luka is an observant calculative person (other than not feeling genuine emotions and empathy like Vivinos made us understand from his behaviour towards the opponents,Hyuna's brother,Hyuna herself etc...) .He has an idea of Till's method to win. I'm talking about what he did in round 2. Then he saw a drastic change in him after Mizi went missing.And again,he knows that Ivan's death has become a trauma for everything that happend in that round. My guess is: Till will be depressed and Luka will manipulate him the same way he did with Mizi,to not let him interrupt the chosen song with another.Just to make sure he will win if he prepared one. And to see his opponents loose their minds and feel satisfied with himself and kiss...their bloody hands I guess. Something may convince Till to not die and fight. In the 7th round there may be a ''fast forward'' in which they show Mizi and Hyuna as prisoners.The aliens may have decided to let them live to obtain informations of the rebels. Till may find out that Mizi is being tortured and go to save her with a parallel similiar to IvanTill ''escape plan''... Luka's knowledge of Hyuna's presence may be a problem too. He may do a mistake and not feel in control. Prioritize Hyuna and say fuck to the Alien Stage. In result we will have a fierce Till tired of everything who clings on the hope to meet Mizi and avenge Ivan.
I'm really curious about your opinion. Please let me know!!! Oh! Do you think the 7th round will be the last? Did vivinos said something about it other than having worked on it for a long time?
It's always a pleasure to scroll and see what you post! Having said that,bye bye!
Hi!!! Hello!!! Thank you so much for this! I fold this ask gently like paper and tuck it into my heart.
This theory is genuinely so cool! I agree with a lot of it as well. Since we didn't get Hyuna and Mizi's interference in ROUND 6, we're most likely going to see it in ROUND 7, just not in the way we hoped we would. I've stated before that I didn't see a reason for them to keep Hyuna and Mizi alive if they were found, but now that you mention it... they're literally the perfect torture tools for Till and Luka. Everything lines up just a little too perfectly.
Honestly, Till finding Mizi again is also the only way I can see him regaining strength. He was actually supposed to see Mizi at the end of ROUND 6 (in the first draft, at least)! I know some people insist that Ivan's sacrifice was to shake Till out of a stupor or encourage him to fight (through anger?), but I just couldn't see it that way. In fact, it seems like his situation just worsened. Genuine rock bottom. He's lost everyone.
I think the only way Till can pick himself up again in such dire and urgent circumstances is if Mizi is involved. Everything in him would reignite in an effort to save her, to sing for her. Her absence was the reason he lost himself in the first place, so it makes sense that she's the only cure for his current predicament. If he saw her, if he knew she was alive and this was his only chance to reach her.... Till is literally going to mega-evolve LMAO. I'm not trying to downplay Ivan's sacrifice, though. I know Till is affected by it too even if he didn't love Ivan the way he loved Mizi. It would be amazing if Till's swan song was a heavy rock piece dedicated to screaming out not only his love, but all his hurt and confusion as well.
The song will no doubt be suited to Luka's taste since Till can be forced to adjust to Luka's style, but I couldn't ever see Luka adjusting to Till's. I have a feeling the song will start out slow with Till at a disadvantage, but a shift happens (Till sees Mizi) and suddenly he starts performing with an overwhelming passion.
Luka losing control because of Hyuna is an incredible thought. I do think he'd lose composure, but not exactly in the panicked way. Instead, I think he'd feel overwhelmed with some kind of intense feeling and maybe even perform in a more crazed manner if he finds out she's been caught. Now both Luka and Till have a strong reason to go all out. After seeing Mizi and Hyuna, they'd need to win. It's impossible for Luka to be an easy or "weak" opponent, and I don't think the sight of Hyuna would necessarily incapacitate his abilities. He's already seen her, after all. He knows she's still alive and that she would inevitably have come back. I feel Luka is a bit more calculated in his approach, so maybe he'd find other ways to get her in his grasp. Maybe if he won Alien Stage again, he'd be granted the privilege to choose a certain prize...
I think ROUND 7 is the last round, but definitely not the last episode (there is a possibility of the ALNST makers finally getting pissed off and throwing Hyuna and Mizi into the ring for another round, though. Not sure if it's a solid and likely possibility, but it's a possibility nothenless). There might be more to tackle regarding the Human Rebellion and the whole pet-alien conflict they seem to be setting up with the story. I believe the original Alien Stage synopsis states that the humans gather to "regain their free will and shape their destiny". We're focused on this particular season of Alien Stage for a reason, and it's most likely because it's the last. Shit hits the fan from here.
This is all just speculation though!! I'll be able to make more educated guesses once they start releasing more ROUND 7 related content. For now, they seem to be taking a well-deserved break.
Thank you for the ask anon!! This was such a wonderful idea to think about.
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duckduckhjonk · 2 months
Ok off I go infodumping, yes, once again Mayhem related, they're forever in my brain and I cannot get them out
Note! This is long... And a mix of silly and not so silly... Take warning at that :3
I've colour coded them so you know which is which dw!!
Ok so to start off I wanna give a bit of my interpretation of the order they all joined the band in(silly headcanon)
The obvious is Teeth and Floyd were first, but I think maybe like one night while they were in a crummy motel or staying at a rented place for a bit is when Animal was dropped off with Floyd. Next I think Janice joined, like I've said on my rp blog, she was a waitress and watched them play a small show and immediately felt like she had to join. So she quit her job and did so. Then Zoot, again going off the rp blog, he was found on the side of a diner trying to get a bit of money. Lastly, of course, Lips joined. I like to think still he was introduced via the Muppet show. At first he was just supposed to be one of the guys in the orchestra, but the band liked him(I plan on writing a fic about him officially joining) and asked him to join.
My next topic would probably be moreso what I plan to do with Floyd's parents in my writing of season 2.(Serious headcanon)
I was originally going to be a bit more extreme with this, but given some of my other plans, I'd rather save that for a possible season 3 if I get there. I still wanna introduce his family though. A lot of it is projecting my issues onto him, of course my family issues aren't nearly as bad as the ones I gave him, but y'know, there's some projection within this.(Note; the projection is the favouritism my parents show, nothing else really)
Floyd's parents are overly militaristic. Made him enlist, was the reason he stayed for so long, y'know. But he never cared for it. He knew his destiny was music all along, that's why after he was fed up with it, he got himself discharged. Afterwards he cut mostly all contact except for with his sister. I imagine his sister is a tech kid and was the only one to show interest in military, hence her being much more The Favourite Child. The only reason he ever did still contact her was she never bullied and belittled him as bad as their parents did. He was fully pushed to cut contact with his sister the night he got Animal. He knew if he told her, his parents would get involved and possibly take Animal from him, and he wanted nothing to do with that.
3rd topic time! I wanna discuss Zoot's weird powers. I know it could just be Regular Muppet Bullshit but shut up I wanna talk about it in depth.(Silly Headcanon)
So I mostly have boiled it down to around 3 options. Godhood, Alien, or learned magic as a kid. The 3rd option is prob the least likely imo, I already have full backstory planned for Zoot, it wouldn't fit much. Although the other 2 seem a whole lot cooler. Alien would be interesting because that'd be two camera using blue muppets played by the same guy who just so happen to be aliens of some sort. I also like the thought of godhood. Imagine a god who had their memory completely wiped and got sent to earth. He knows nothing and just learns how to play sax and joins a band after much struggle to get accustomed to living in the mortal world.(By struggle I absolutely will discuss that in the backstory)(Prob not today but you'll get it in mayhem season 2) It would probably be the best option to explain some of this stuff, like I imagine him accidentally gifting his shoe with life and just going along with it. Would the other gods ever come to get him? Maybe but they think he's doing fine down there.
That's it for now, I've said a lot and got a lot off my mind about these losers, I love them btw.
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mayathescientist · 11 months
hey tumblr! may I interest you in a guy who
1) lived with manfred von karma and kinda took care of the von karma kids
2) was a medical professional, a prosecutor, a criminal and a postman at different points in his life, some of it simultaneously
3) is a huge failure of a person and willingly a walking comic relief
WARNING: this post is about 2k words long so like Buckle Up. also this a followup to the post I made about him on this blog before! because a lot of people seemed to like it huh ( @aceoflilies) (drawing by @nebravsky I have my own drawings of him but hers is the best)
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his name is umaru keigo (first name second name), I don't establish his exact age for my own comfort, but let's just say his backstory involves around fifteen years with mvk and he was already in his twenties when it started.
so, what happened exactly?
manfred didn’t actually want to take him in – at first. imagine, if a witness from your trial came to you on a recess, fell down on their knees and begged you for protection – protection from a criminal organization they _knowingly_ betrayed by testifying against. they are right in from of you, crying and shaking, saying they have nowhere to go, saying they'll be murdered, asking for your help – any help you can give. you don't have to let them stay with you – but they'll be useful if you do. but you are _manfred von karma_, just back from your vacation of shame you had to take after dl-6, your shoulder pain is still eating you alive, it's the first case you take after a vacation and you don't want it turning into a disaster and bring the entire mob into this – you've got enough on your plate already and enough reasons to refuse. the most obvious one is – it's only their responsibility they'll be eaten alive after trial, and court is not a place where things like this are resolved. but then this pathetic mess on the floor repeats they'll be of help and can repay you – they have skills – they're a doctor. then you stop for a second and consider. you don't need medical intervention – in fact, you actively avoid it – but your children might, and it would be pretty handy if you didn't have to send them to a public clinic each time. every time you stayed in a public hospital since the start of your career, a thousand eyes were glued to you. what if your children just recover quietly each time and don't have to show their imperfection? what if you had a _private medic_?
it didn't sound so bad, so manfred von karma decided to let him stay for a while – for as long as he would need to get back on his feet, which theoretically shouldn't be that much time. but if he has to stay for longer, he'd have to prove his worth and usefullness.
umaru didn't really have much of a choice, let's be real. either you get stomped to death by sharks with baseball bats or stay with this man and work for him. move to germany with him. spend years upon years slowly growing your roots into him.
the truth is, umaru wouldn't get back on his feet on his own. he got into crime in the first place, because he couldn't get employed after getting a diploma and now had to find something else to do and adjust to everyday life in the city he studied in – which wasn't his native city, but he couldn't go back to his hometown having failed his family. they had no place for an adult jobless man. they were raising new young kids and barely making it for themselves. he had nowhere to go back to and no considerably better option, than working for manfred von karma.
he had others things to do except working, – cleaning the house, even though it wasn't formally his responsibility, doing laundry, dishes, sometimes even cooking for von karma's children, if they were hungry and mvk himself wasn't home; chatting with the other housekeeper, a german lady, frau iren, making out time for his hobbies – for example, his herbarium, bowling and his favorite books; secretly steal books from von karma's shelves. but pretty soon he realized, that he was trapped.
pretty soon he found, that he was irrevocably losing parts of himself. was fading away.
the past without von karma, not even that distant yet, began to seem like a life that he never lived, felt like a fever dream. if it weren't for the von karma kids, he would have felt his life is absolutely pointless.
after all, the entire point of it was to help people. and manfred doesn't need help. (says he doesn't need help.) working in a public hospital is not an option after all his problems with law and a previous failure. and he just isn't good for anything else, really – just healing, jestering and bowing to kings.
manfred was his new king. umaru was grateful for his help, looked up to how manfred did his job and immensely respected him as a prosecutor, feared him and knew that manfred is the biggest person in his life right now. but there was one thing he couldn't overlook despite all of that. just like the previous king, manfred von karma was evil. keigo saw how he treats his children, setting them up to be rivals on a race to perfection, and couldn't interfere – could only be there for the kids and subtly let them know _he_ doesn't need them to be perfect, knowing its not enough – knowing that he is forever cemented as complicit.
that's why he did the best he could by putting on a clown face and just being their little jester to lighten up the mood. miles always just sort of tried to stay away from him, his offerings of help and silly jokes, but on the inside grew to really appreciate the fact that this person is always around; franziska kinda made him a scapegoat for all her anger as a child, since he was in a vulnerable position and the house and was such a person to just laugh it off anyway, but even though she would always give him the "foolish fool" treatment, she'd sometimes leave her pride at the door and come to him for help (mostly for medical issues).
he depended on their well-being to be okay and loved them too much for someone who was not really supposed to even speak with them unless they were sick. he watched them grow up and smiled at their victories.
and eventually, they Grew Up. eventually, everything came to turnabout goodbyes. and in one day, in a blink of an eye, without knowing or fully understanding why, umaru lost his job, his wall of protection from those who sought to revenge him, his normal everyday life and his illusion that he ever really knew manfred von karma.
shortly after aa1-4, miles told him to leave and, ideally, forget all the years he was forced to spend in this house. (miles didn't want him to know what he's going to do. thats partially why.) franziska has almost convinced herself she didn't need anyone's help by that time, so she acted like she didn't care. (it actually just wasn't The straw that broke the camel's back. it actually did hurt.)
and so, he really left!
in truth, when he was sneaking away books from von karma's shelves, he ended up reading a lot of law books – first on accident, then on purpose. he watched manfred von karma fight crime and deep inside himself, harbored an unachievable dream of one day becoming a prosecutor just like manfred to finally get his previous kings behind bars. he thought that maybe, if he would eventually be able to do this, he would redeem himself even a little. he held back for years, convinced by von karma he would most definitely just die on the streets if he ever left. but now he was ready to give it a shot, since he had nothing left to do. he went to a country with flexible politics regarding student age (its probably germany in that universe, considering how both franziska who became a prosecutor at 13 and klavier gavin, who had in 17, studied there). he took the law major.
when he comes back from studying, (phoenix is not disbarred and he won't be, this is my au I do what I want), and the events of a fancase unfold. this is the first case in court umaru ever takes, and his actions are controled by another person. miles was hurt during the investigation of it, and so keigo takes the case instead of him and takes care of him while he's not in court or investigating. but here's the thing – miles edgeworth still wanted to factually run the case. so all the facts discovered in the investigation umaru just reported to him without really making a case of his own, and then miles would make a theory for umaru to go to court with and after trials umaru would come to him with updates so that he could build a new theory. you can all imagine what his performance in court using someone else's theory you cant easily make changes to would be like; he tried to compensate by being funny about it and getting the defense to talk about unrelated (usually medical) things, but that didn't help hide the fact that he didn't do a single bit of thinking of his own. phoenix didn't even know he can be That annoyed by a prosecutor and just met him after a trial and said can you please go back to being a doctor. I call it umaru's puppet prosecutor era and I didn't really have to include it but I just! like it a lot
then the events of another fancase (like four of them actually?) unfold and it's too long and complicated to fully explain, especially in this already very long post, its just an au ive been doing with my brother who is absolutely wonderful, – what I wanted to say is, then the events of another fancase unfold, and umaru helps expose a part of the truth about that crime organization he betrayed while also publicly revealing his connection to them, blowing the minds of miles and franziska in the gallery. after that trial, he's not a prosecutor anymore; for his less than pleasant past and connections he really swiftly gets his badge taking away and is assigned correctional labor as punishment. he can't reveal any more truth about them in court, even if he wanted to, but he hands it over to miles and phoenix, knowing they can do this. and so, losing his badge and his entire reputation, umaru starts his life anew for the third or fourth time now – as a postman.
theres so much more I didn't get to tell here, like that story about how he came to love bowling, his emotions behavior jokes breakdowns throughout all of that, the fact that he's a trans man and his transition process, all of the personal relationships he developed outside the von karma kids, with gumshoe with phoenix with lana skye, I didn't even get to tell you more about how the von karma kids reacted to their childhood caretaker and also kinda actually a friend being freshly from the criminal world when he first found himself on their doorstep, how von karma helped him fake his documents, this is all just a really basic outline of the story he has but it has so much more! I just hope that with this long abomination of a post I got you to care about this guy even half as much as I do!!
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jihyocentric · 1 year
Hello Lumi!! I went across your blog some time ago and I love every piece that you’ve writing!! I am personally a huge shipper of JiTzu <3 I love how Jihyo just takes care of Tzuyu and always checks up on her and make her feel involved!!
Could you write a fluff of JiTzu about them going on a holiday (or a picnic/sleepover if you prefer)? I remember Jihyo mentioned involving Tzuyu in one of her family outings and it was so sweet of her ><
thank you for passing by and for the request! jitzu are the cutest <3 i made them go camping if you don't mind!
one thing about jihyo was that she loved camping but hated the part where there were bugs everywhere.
that was the main reason why tzuyu was there: to protect her, always making sure to shoo the bugs away, or if really needed, put an end to them. saying that she was scared of going without tzuyu was jihyo's tactic to make tzuyu accompany her every time she went camping with their friends, and it never failed.
it was already late, the girls were still drinking and talking, and tzuyu was nowhere to be seen. jihyo left their friends when she realized tzuyu didn't come back, finding her girlfriend looking for something inside a bag in their tent.
"tired already?" jihyo asks, getting in. the tent was only big enough to accommodate the two of them, so tzuyu had to give her some space.
"not yet," tzuyu mumbles, taking the equipment out of the bag. "there's something i want to show you. it's the perfect time, we can see it clearly now."
"i didn't see you bringing this," jihyo laughs, surprised that tzuyu managed to bring her dissembled telescope without her noticing.
"it fit in your trunk," tzuyu smiles innocently, taking jihyo's hand. "let's go outside, you'll love it."
the sky was clear and dark, the perfect condition for tzuyu to show jihyo what she wanted. it was what jihyo got for dating a nerd, having to listen tzuyu talking about astrophysics (or whatever that was called, jihyo didn't know much about it) became her routine. she didn't understand a single sentence tzuyu said, but it was always endearing to hear her talking about the things she liked.
tzuyu places the telescope on the ground outside, far enough not to hear their loud friends, placing a camping chair next to it. jihyo shivers, the cold weather getting to her quickly when they're no longer next to a campfire.
"cold?" tzuyu asks when she notices jihyo is hugging herself. she wraps her own coat around jihyo when the older nods, making jihyo pout when tzuyu forgets about herself.
"no fair. what about you?" jihyo moves closer, hugging tzuyu, trying to cover her up too.
"i'm not cold," tzuyu laughs softly, but jihyo doesn't let go of her. "wait, i have a solution for that." she sits on the chair, bringing jihyo to sit on her lap.
"much better now," jihyo mumbles, nuzzling into tzuyu's neck, making sure she's just as warm as her. she could really fall asleep like that, on tzuyu's lap where she was safe, knowing no bugs would reach her and danger was far away.
but tzuyu has better plans, moving the telescope closer, using her own eyes to find what she was looking for in the sky, and then slowly zooming in with the lens.
"wow!" tzuyu squeals, making jihyo flinch on her lap as she was nearly falling asleep. "sorry, this is the first time i see it so clearly. the sky is never this dark in the city. come here, take a look!"
jihyo sighs, mumbling something about tzuyu being a nerd and that she's lucky she loves her, before she fixes herself on tzuyu's lap and looks into the lens of the telescope.
"you know what tzuyu, i've never dated someone who took me to see the stars before." jihyo squints, seeing nothing but spots of brightness in the dark sky. "this is quite romantic, i'll admit, but what am i supposed to see?"
tzuyu holds her waist, chin on jihyo's shoulder, looking up to see it without her telescope.
"it's pointing at one of the closest galaxies to our own," tzuyu explains excitedly, and then jihyo sees it. it doesn't look as clear as the pictures from science books and it's a let down for jihyo, but tzuyu seems to be amazed by it. "it's beautiful, isn't it?"
jihyo pulls away, making herself comfortable on tzuyu's lap. "mhm," she hums and nods. "tell me more about it, baby."
tzuyu wraps her arms around jihyo's waist, holding her tight as she looks at the sky, hearing jihyo's breathing and the light sound of their friends' voices, but barely. jihyo doesn't really try to stay awake, too cozy where she was, with her head tucked on tzuyu's neck, and it didn't help that tzuyu caressed her back tenderly as she spoke.
"...and although it's one of the closest ones, we would never be able to reach it, but it is reaching us! one day it will collide with our galaxy and destroy life as we know it. but we won't be here when it happens, because..." tzuyu rambles, telling jihyo about everything she's learned, only to hear her snoring in the middle of her explanation. "because it'll take billions of years."
she smiles at the way jihyo relaxes completely on her lap, and instead of stop talking, she keeps telling jihyo everything she knows, knowing it helped her sleep. at some point she brings jihyo back to their tent, covering themselves with a warm blanket, and jihyo scoots closer, lying her head on tzuyu's chest.
"you're such a smart girl, tzu, thank you for showing me that. i love you, baby." jihyo mumbles, voice coated with sleepiness, but tzuyu hears it perfectly.
instead of replying with words, tzuyu smiles and hugs jihyo tighter, closing her own eyes then, letting herself fall asleep, eager to wake up next to the woman she loved the next day.
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strawhatsoraya · 2 years
Hi my lovely! Your blog is so good, I love it!
For your summer prompt, I would like to request a Megumi or Yuuji x reader (choose the one you think suits this request best) with Mistaken Identity with dorm, infect and slap 🤍
Thank you 💖
Hey hey!! I have your request right heeeere and I had a blast writing it. I love an opportunity to write some humor and the mistaken identity is such a fun trope. I chose Yuuji for this piece and there's a lot of Nobara too because those two are a set in my opinion. I was going to make a pretty banner but I didn't want to be distracted by photoshop.
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YUUJI X FEM READER WORD COUNT: 2k (I got carried away cause I was having fun oops) CONTENT WARNINGS: No smut. They're teens after all!! At most inappropriate mentions of panty sniffing, and pictures of penises. Some violence because kids will be kids. A SUMMARY: Y/N has just moved into the dorms of Jujutsu High and gets roomed with the charismatic Nobara. Nobara catches her up on the current problem: a panty thief! And warns her to be on her guard. Y/N didn't expect to be face to face with said panty thief only on her second day at the dorms.
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You never expected to be attending Tokyo Jujutsu High. Although you had some background with the paranormal, your family wasn’t one made of sorcerers. So when you accidentally met Gojo Satoru while getting caught up with a curse you didn’t even understand, you were even more confused about your true nature. He had promised to teach you more, to guide you and to place you in a school where you felt you belonged.
You weren’t sure if that weird white haired man was someone you could trust but you were willing to give it a shot.
It was your first night at Jujutsu High, and you had been assigned a roommate named Nobara. She had a cool chic vibe you could only dream to emulate. You run your fingers through your hair as you watch her toss her own out of her face. Would you look good with a bob as well?
“You can use these,” she says in a song, dramatically gesturing with two hands to one side of the dresser. She stands there as if presenting an award except you were pretty sure there was no money in any of the drawers. “The other half is mine.” You nod, finding her generosity unsettling. You didn’t trust many people, and you had no reason to doubt her sincerity. Still, you decide to keep your guard up for a bit longer just in case.
You open your suitcase on the bottom bunk bed, and begin moving over your clothes. Nobara hums as she sees you stuff your panties and socks in the top smaller drawer.
“By the way,” she starts, dragging her vowels as she leans on the opposite of the dresser. You look up through your lashes, your hair falling partially around your face like a curtain. Nobara grins. “I should warn you. There’s a little bit of drama going around. Just a bit.”
You say nothing, unsure if you even want to get involved on your first night but Nobara continues anyway. It seems she isn’t the type who needs you to respond to anything.
“There’s some creep going around stealing underwear,” she says with her elbow on the top of the dresser. She leans back and tilts her chin up, her hair falling to the side. You blush slightly, entranced by the way her glossy locks catch the light. “Big big pervert, if you ask me. Who knows what he’s doing with them!” She finishes by standing up straight and bringing her hands up as she shrugs, palms facing up. Her face is comical: twisted into an expression of feigned innocence.
You had a feeling Nobara hadn’t been anything close to resembling innocence for a very long time.
“I’m saying,” she interrupts your movements, by placing three fingers on the pair of panties you were just slipping into the drawer. You don’t move. It feels imminent that you don’t as you look up at her hazel eyes. “You should be careful. I can’t protect you from every pervert out there.”
You refrain from commenting immediately. The last thing you wanted was anyone’s protection. You were here with the purpose of growing stronger, enough that you didn’t have to rely on anyone. 
“Don’t worry,” you tell her, letting go of your underwear. Nobara grew bored of it, and tucked it in place before closing your drawer. “I can handle myself,” you finish and she looks up at you, hands on her hips. Her perfectly groomed brows knit together, and her bottom lip sticks out ever so lightly.
Sure, it was a childish expression, but it seemed even Nobara could make that kind of thing endearing. You spend the rest of the night talking about an assortment of things; or rather, Nobara taks. You nod here and there and give short responses where it feels necessary. If Nobara knew you were hesitant about opening up she certainly didn’t let you know. Her voice filled your head as you drifted off to sleep.
The next day, Nobara had taken it upon herself to give you a school tour. She showed you all her favorite spots, and the ones she disliked the most. She caught you up on everyone that she knew–who it was safe to interact with and who to avoid. Nobara even made time to bad mouth your instructor before she suddenly remembered she had a hair appointment. She waved you goodbye at the gate and you sighed in relief.
There was just so much of that girl you could take at once. The solitary quiet of the dorm seemed like a welcoming relief. So you carry your tired body towards it. You’re walking towards your dorm room, and notice the door is slightly cracked, yellow light spilling into the corridor. You soften your steps and press closer to the wall, heart in your throat.
Yuuji had half the mind to stop talking to Nobara and Megumi. He couldn’t believe she would betray him like this. It had been a silent alliance: him and Nobara versus Megumi. That’s how things should have been, you know, in order to keep the balance. But then Nobara thought it would be funny to draw a bunch of dicks on his sleeping face. She also thought it would be funny to rope a bored Megumi into it. On top of that, she had taken polaroid pictures! Not only was that antiquated but also wrong. He could go on and on about the problems he had with it; however, he had more pressing issues to address at the moment. For example: where the hell did she keep those pictures? He checked under the mattresses at first and found it silly. Those were very obvious places. So he looked through her shoes just in case she stuck something somewhere but found nothing but moth balls. Yuuji spots the dresser and begins going through the drawers, one by one.
You stop at the door. Your breathing comes in short, and tight. You blink quickly, trying to sort your thoughts. The last thing you expected was for someone to break in the very next day of your arrival. You thought Nobara had told that tale just to freak you out. You thought wrong. Fists shaking at your side, you push the door open gently with your shoulder.
The sound of rustling fills your ears. The drawers creak as they open and close. There is a figure standing before the dresser wearing a black baseball cap, and matching black jersey jacket and track pants. 
You try to think back on your self defense classes. Was anything useful at this moment? Was it still self defense if you attacked first? It isn’t until you see his gloved hand fist a pair of yellow lacy panties that you stop hesitating.
“Hey!” you yell, seeing red and your hand flies through the air. It lands on his cheek as he spins around, the sound of the smack startling you more than you expected. It must have startled the intruder as well because he tumbles backwards into the dresser. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” You demand from him, voice growing shrill. 
His big brown eyes look back at you in surprise. You swallow and set your jaw. There was no amount of doe eyed looks he could give you that would make you regret slapping him; maybe.
“Who are you?” he asks you, holding a hand against his swollen cheek.
You think about slapping him again but resist.
“You got some nerve asking me that. You are the one with my panties in your hand!” you yell furiously, pointing repeatedly at the yellow fabric peeking in between his fist. 
He looks down at his hand, as if it didn’t belong to him. He stares before shaking his hand with a surprised yelp, dislodging the panties from his finger. They fall to the ground in a crumpled heap.
“I-I-It’s not what it looks like!” he stammers, holding his hands up, palms facing you. You advance towards him and think maybe, just maybe, you wouldn’t mind strangling him.
“Oh no?” you ask him, with a tilt of your head. Your sarcasm is deadly; a sharp knife you like to throw at any given opportunity. Your father liked to remind you of your vice every change he got. “So you don’t look like a creepy panty sniffer at all? Huh?”
There’s redness that creeps up his neck. You watch it swallow his face whole.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” he yells back but you know his heart is not in it. He is holding on the dresser for support. You wonder if he thinks that will protect him from your anger.
“You don’t know? Are you infected with some amnesia parasite?” you ask him, well aware you have reached the point of reason. You are so mad you feel yourself shaking. You should talk yourself down, but the longer he stands there looking like a bumbling fool, the angrier you get. “Then, maybe if I mess you up a little bit you’ll remember.”
Yuuji stares at you blankly. His mouth opens in protest but you’re on him, bringing him into a headlock. His hands slap against your arms, and you tighten your hold. His baseball cap falls off to reveal a full head of pink waves. You weren’t expecting that. In your moment of surprise, your hold on him losens, and he wrestles you to the ground.
It isn’t until he has you by the wrists, pinning them above your head while he sits on you that Nobara walks in, saying something about a forgotten wallet.
Your breathing is heavy, matching the boy above you. You glare up at him, and try to rip your hands away but he is strong. His fingers grip you tighter. You look around him at Nobara.
“He’s the panty thief! He’s the one!” you yell, kicking your legs. Yuuji sits his butt on your knees to keep you from moving further. 
“Absolutely not!” Yuuji protests, a flush still on his cheeks. Yuuji stops frowning down at you long enough to glance over his shoulder towards the door threshold. Nobara is standing there, leaning on the door with a crooked smile on her face. “Where are the pictures, Nobara?”
“As if I would tell a panty thief anything,” Nobara retorts seriously. It doesn’t last long and her laughter is explosive. It takes up the expanse of the room, and you feel its heat graze against your cheeks. It sets your skin on fire. “He’s no thief. He’s just Yuuji,” she says at last, pushing herself off the door. “Get off,” she commands gently, tapping Yuuji’s shoulder.
He lets go of your wrists and moves off your legs, dropping himself on the ground next to you. You immediately crawl away to a corner where you felt safer. You wish the ground would open up and swallow you whole or maybe a curse would come through the wall and end it all. That would be infinitely more preferable than having to look at Nobara and the boy named Yuuji in the eyes.
“You should apologize,” the pink haired boy says, one leg up, an arm draped over his knee. His frown is deep set despite the softness of his eyes. “It isn’t nice to accuse people of things like that. I have a reputation, you know.”
“Yeah,” Nobara chimes in, crossing her arms in front of her chest. She is leaning on the dresser looking down at you. “His reputation is that of an idiot. You can’t go around changing it.”
Yuuji says something mean, maybe a cuss word, you’re not sure and Nobara is cackling. All of a sudden it feels like the issue is forgotten. You look from face to face as they bicker and tease each other. 
“Sorry,” you mumble at last, feeling your eyes burning. Yuuji’s frown instantly flips, and he smiles at you: bright and warm.
“No biggie,” he claims. He touches his cheek as an afterthought. “Although, you owe me a meal for the slap. That really stung!”
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Hi i just discovered your blog, may i get something short similar to your first post for Wales?
Wales x Reader II "I like the Smiths..."
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Your eyes slightly grew when the sound of a familiar song reached your ears. The blonde guy next to you was listening, full volume to this familiar song you liked. Fortunately for you, his headphones weren't noise cancelling. The melody and few lyrics could be heard through the headphones.
Dylan was still looking away from you, like most people being in an elevator with someone else brought up awkward feelings. He chose to stay focused on the song itself.
You took your chance to finally talk to Dylan, as you never really managed to ever do so. « Smiths ? », you blurted out as you slightly turned to him, slightly enough for Dylan to nod silently. He turned back to his focusing point unbothered. It took you a second to catch the song playing in his headphones, 'Oh please, don't ... home Because it's not my home, it's their home.. And- I'm welcome no more ..' The voice in your brain sang, and your body reached closer to listen clearly to the song coming out from his headphones then you clearly spoke loud enough for him to hear : « I love the Smiths ».
The blonde was focused into the song until he heard your voice going through the headphone's music in his ears, quickly he took off the black headphones, gift of Berwald a few years ago to him. Dylan was really involved into the youth of his country, he monthly goes on awareness campaigns around the country, in high schools and universities. There he meets thousands of students, and they gladly share recommendations with him about music, artists and the many things they're involved in. They did recommend him those ancient headphones from that unpopular Swedish brand to him. He asked Berwald about the company during a world meeting that took place in his place few weeks later. Next thing Dylan knew, those headphones became his favourite ones since then.
The sound wasn't particularly great, but he got used to it. The headphones hang on his neck, as you repeated yourself again to be clear. « I said i love the Smiths.» You smiled slightly after the statement.
Dylan looked at you dumbfounded for a second, you quickly caught this moment to keep expressing your thoughts, « You have good taste in music ». Suddenly Dylan smiled to you, understanding the situation. He asked you again, just to be sure « You like the Smiths ? » You let out a breathy « Yeah. » starting to look again back in front of you, avoiding his eyes. He was fully turned to you smiling. For some reason, the headphones being around his neck made now the song even louder than before, covering the short silence in between you. This silence was really short as you started singing, or more like mumbling the lyrics. « To die by your side is such a heavenly way to die... I love 'em. » You kept mumbling catching the number of your floor on the black screen facing you, meaning you had to get off soon.
Dylan found himself smiling at you as you walked off the elevator, all he could mutter under his breath with a thick welsh accent was a dumbfounded « Holy shit ».
♡ Thanks for the request :)
♡ Song: There is a light that never goes out - The Smiths (Remaster)
♡ Scene from the movie: 500 Days of Summer
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aris-ink · 11 months
The problem with multis like you it's not that they like other groups no one cares about that, it's that they always throw bts under the bus to defend their other groups, and that's what you did, you always write about bts but never post anything about their songs or defend them, only when BP is mentioned you threw them under the bus, they're like characters for you nothing more
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let's get through your points properly, so that hopefully, this is the last ask I have to answer on the matter.
1) I mentioned, for the 100th time, since this is a freaking BTS BLOG, that the boys have made their mistakes too, but you're still here, clearly, aren't you? and so am I. so, I am allowed to also believe in someone that isn't from BTS, and it's not fair to judge that so harshly. that is NOT throwing anyone under the bus, that is a goddamn fact, but people threw themselves at me and got offended that I dared to mention bts and bp in the same sentence. it was literally an example I used. please don't put words in my mouth. not to mention the audacity of some people to come onto my blog and tell me what I'm "allowed" to say and what I'm not.
2) does this look like a bts fan blog to you guys? dedicated to their gifs, interviews, music? this is a writing blog. dedicated to horror fiction. I don't know how long you've been here, but I've had plenty of conversations back and forth with sweet anons about indigo, our biases, Tae's selfies. I have plenty of beautiful things saved in my likes. I don't even have to explain myself in the first place for what I choose to put on my blog, but I'm tired of this.
3) frankly, do you see me reblogging or talking about bp? I've had a lot to say when flower came out, I was excited for born pink, etc, etc. but again, this is just a fanfiction blog for bts, so I don't say anything.
4) just like I didn't share my excitement for any upcoming debuts or music for bts (besides asks) or bp, I also don't defend them here, you say. look. I see stuff on tiktok. I see Jungkook apologizing for his new piercing. I see Taehyung being fed up with comments on lives. I see Yoongi being tired. I see poor Jimin having to deal with the most awkward and disappointing fancall in the world.
just like I see Rosé being (baselessly, ofc 💖) accused of doing drugs, Jennie getting called lazy all over the place, Jisoo "untalented/stiff" (lmao). have you ever seen me bring any of this up?
no. because first of all, nothing I say here, on this blog that not many people even know exists, is going to either ease their pain, or change anything in their lives, and I always tried to keep this a positive space instead, filled with love and support.
the first and only time I ever defended anyone here was Jennie, but that was because someone came into my inbox attacking her. I would do the same for the rest of the girls, and I would do the same for all of the boys, but there was never a need to before, as no one came here to insult any of them. she got attacked, so I said something. it's literally that simple.
5) this whole drama is the exact reason why this blog remains a fanfiction blog only. everything gets turned into discourse. I have said multiple times I don't involve myself in the fandom because I can't stand all the wars and hatred and delusional behaviors. I have clearly said that I love bp, I love bts, I support them and their music but I refuse to dive into the community, since this is how it looks like.
but even without all that, it's my choice to have a fanfiction blog, my choice what I put on it. if any of you think I don't love the boys just because the blog isn't filled with banners that say that, or because I defended bp, you can keep thinking that and let's part ways.
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cubic-porygonal · 1 year
oh right, should make an intro post
so yeah, welcome to my blog! i probably shouldnt say too much detailed info about myself for privacy reasons, but heres a bit i can share. my name's private but i go by Cubic, i live in Unova (Castelia City, specifically), i like computers, games, and my pokemon.
speaking of, lemme tell yall about em!
first up, my Porygon Vertex! it's my first pokemon, and it was a birthday gift from my siblings. apparently they spent a whole month searching for one, and we've been the best of friends ever since. it's part of how i can even do my job in the first place, actually! it likes playing games of all kinds, and you might even heard about it in speedrunning circles. somehow, it always manages to find new and bizarre glitches in whatever games it plays, and some of them are pretty good for skips. it's also surprisingly catlike compared to most other Porygon i've seen. not that i mind, though. whatever makes it happy!
next up is Proto, my Rotom pal! not only are they part of my team, but they're also the Rotom that powers my phone. (i do have a normal backup battery though, just in case of an emergency.) i met them one night when there was a blackout, but my computer somehow hadn't turned off. turns out they'd been living in there for over a week without me noticing! it took all night, but i finally managed to get the little guy to trust me enough to come out... and then they immediately climbed into my phone. but it's been well over 3 years since then, and we've made great progress since! they're a but jumpy and shy, but they generally mean well!
Vi is my Eevee! i got her as a thank-you gift for helping out the local pokemon center with a Rotom infestation, and she's just the sweetest thing. ...when she's not knocking over everything on my desk and stealing my chair, that is. despite that, she's still great. she's not that interested in evolving, so i've made sure to get her an everstone to make sure it never happens by accident. she likes to sit on my head/shoulders while i walk around the city, which has gotten more than a few pictures from tourists. (youve probably seen some if you follow a few travelers from Sinnoh, they tend to be the ones who are most excited by it for some reason) if you ever see me with her, feel free to say hi!
Woshua is my faithful Dewott (named when they were younger, but they refuse to let me change it now) who i bumped into while on a short business trip down to Nuvema Town. they had climbed into my bag when i sat down to rest, and i couldn't convince them to climb out no matter what i tried. eventually i gave up and just carried on. while on the way out of Nuvema, i stopped by Professor Juniper's lab to see if she knew what to do with this random Oshawott. she was out, but her assistant, a girl named Bianca, told me that she'd been looking everywhere for the little scamp. the second she saw their face though, she told me that it'd probably be better in the long run if i kept them with me, so i ended up taking them home. they're pretty headstrong, but they get along well with Vertex at least!
this one's, uh... kinda a weird story? they're not actually one of my pokemon, per se, but i like to think we're friends now. for the sake of not having every world government, evil team, AND this particular pokemon get on my case, im just gonna say i accidentally stumbled across a not-so-human-friendly psychic pokemon while taking the extremely scenic route in a forest im not gonna name. (i definitely wasn't lost, i swear.) we just kinda looked at each other for a minute before i turned around and walked away, because im not stupid enough to mess with a random pokemon that was telepathically threatening to disintegrate me. theres a bit more to it that came later, but everything after that interaction is gonna have to be redacted for the sake of everyone involved, human and pokemon alike.
aaaand thats about it! if you have any questions, feel free to ask me anytime!
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TW: depressive thoughts, thoughts of death, rants about corporatized American society.
I just listened to A Supplemental Story: You Never Walk Alone for the first time in a very long time.
"You and I, if we're together, we can smile."
This is probably still my favorite line in their discography. YNWA is probably higher up on my favorites than I give it credit for. I've been feeling really down and depressive recently. I was involved in a hit and run which has left me handicapped and out of work for the time being, and that in itself is very frustrating. I feel useless. And looking at the hospital bills... I almost wish I had been killed instead; it would have been much cheaper.
I'm scared. Like. Really, really scared.
I want to cry thinking about it. This world fucking sucks. There is literally no reason why we have laws in place MEANT TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC, but someone can just pass someone a couple hundred dollars, a couple thousand dollars, some insider knowledge, a fucking trip overseas or seats to the goddamn opera and they'll turn a blind eye to doing their fucking job. I don't like being "the cost of doing business." My life isn't a toy. It isn't fair that hospitals have been corporatized. That government has been corporatized. That even fucking job searching has been monetized. it's depressing to think that I only work to make someone else rich, meanwhile I'm stretching nickels into dimes.
But it had been nice to listen to BTS for the first time in longer than I'd like to admit as a fan. I've been listening to their solo projects, but I haven't touched their group albums such a long time. 화양연화/The Most Beautiful Moment in Life (I like the Korean so much it's hard to remember the English) made me so happy. I forgot how much of their lyrics I knew! It felt so good to be able to sing along to more than just the English bits, even if it was still random bits. And then I got to the WINGS/YNWA album and 2!3! played and Outro: Wings and, finally, A Supplemental Story: You Never Walk Alone.
I have actually never looked up the lyrics to this song beyond a translation of "너와 나 함께라면 웃을 수 있으니까:" You and I, if we're together, we can smile. It might be somewhere on this blog. Or my other one. And maybe on twitter. I ought to get it tattooed xD But yeah, I read the lyric translations and just. They're so... I dunno. As much as I'm sitting here feeling sorry for myself, I am so, so proud of them. And as cliche as this sounds, they won't like to hear me wishing I had died instead of surviving and continuing on with my family. So yeah. I should shift my focus into doing what I can. I've been -- hopefully -- on leave of absence from my job since mid-February. I've been in good condition medically since about mid-March. And for the past two weeks, I have been weight-bearing on one leg. I can at least find online work, as difficult as that is. But it is manageable. It's a lot more manageable than turning a startup music label into a multi-billion dollar giant. Things are going to be alright. Just like we as fans put enough faith and good energy into BTS to raise them into superstars, I need to keep enough faith in myself and the people around me to ensure things turn out well. I don't need to come out flying; standing tall and jogging will be enough for me.
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sincerely-krp · 3 months
just here to apologize to the removed mun for everyone responsible at their krp that is probably never gonna own up to what they did. this stuff makes me sick to my stomach, because i was you a few months ago before sincerely was able to prove i was right.
that never made it to the blog here because the admin didn't publicly involve sincerely, and after sincerely took down the original anon and finished their look-over to see that the conversation was baseless they didn't post any anons about it on their blog, much less a post for no reason. i wanted to speak up because it's true things like this can be handled in silence, but i'm sorry that yours wasn't, and that it feels like so many people are just here to prove they're innocent instead of caring about what happened to you. no one called me things like vile or said i had malicious intent but the anxiety i had about krp still hits me when i think about it. so i just... can't fathom what you've been going through, seeing how much stuff was being held back.
like you, my situation was all in krp and only then got extended to the vent blog when people got involved with sincerely in dms, but it never actually became successful in using it. this is kind of how i know that if this blog was never included publicly to the events that they probably wouldn't have said anything, because it's not like they went to the krp and told them i was innocent lol, they just confirmed in dms the accusations were baseless after looking through what we all sent them and that was all their part was. their job is just to see whether or not they allow a conversation on their blog, not to get involved with the krps themselves, and they've mentioned this in response to people telling them to actively reach out to admins as part of their process, and so i hope by adding my perspective i can prove that sincerely didn't unnecessarily get involved just for drama.
if sincerely had posted all the things they didn't i feel like people wouldn't have things to say like 'why did you get involved you're just a vent blog' and 'you overstepped' because then they would have things to say like 'if you had proof being sent to you why did you post anything to begin with' or 'this blog is so toxic blah blah' and that's what gets to me. i can't understand how everyone sees the volume of shit sincerely has been going through and even BEGIN to say they overstepped. multiple people from hqrise including the admin reached out to sincerely with proof for sincerely to review or asking for proof that sincerely had. multiple people reached out in anon to try and spread hate at one member, have a discussion about the krp, etc, throughout the whole week. hqrise thought they were SUCH an active part that the admin dmed sincerely saying 'i know people from my krp have been talking to you' and then INCLUDED THEM in their official post. it's clear from sincerely's response that this blindsided them, and they were not done doing what they were trying to do. this blog had no idea they would be dragged into this, they just got a shit ton of messages spewing hate at someone ,that probably came from a post of an admin they explicitly told that person was innocent.
i just want to remind everyone that sincerely-krp is not a court of law, they don't bang a gavel and say 'woohoo you're innocent they're not' to the world. they see if something is proven to be right or wrong and that's how they decide what goes on to their blog. it's not on them if a krp decides they are, it's also not on them if a krp wants proof given to sincerely that was never for them in the first place. their responsibility is only to what they choose to post on this blog, but that includes the context of what they're keeping out when an admin BLAMES them. this literally can't be sincerely's fault because one anon calling an admin lame over major overhaul decisions is like nothing. it literally got taken down the next day. if just that was so nuclear to the admin they were going to shut down a whole krp, that's their decision for their comfort. knowing sincerely was stopping so much of their community from saying other shit would have been game over no matter what because surely if one anon using a term like lame is enough to shut a krp down, multiple anons calling someone who left worse things and even threatening them is more than enough?
if sincerely posted everything else that was in their dms not only would the admin look really fucking shitty but their whole community would look even more shitty because of those that came to the blogs. and that would have been on sincerely for not adhering to their guidelines AND the krp itself. you can't blame sincerely for everything because the krp is the one that is giving them the info to begin with. most krps have rules about vent blogs now, it's on the members to accept and follow them. and even if rise had no rules, their admin was fine with members talking to sincerely and driving traffic here too.
anyways. what i'm trying to say is. i know for a damn fact that most of the people in the krp are going to be so busy with trying to prove they weren't on the blogs, or feeling offended if they weren't involved that they were being associated with this, or they're just the admin still trying to blame sincerely, but whatever it is they're going to try to make that seem like the biggest issue because that's all that matters to them when it comes to drama.
just looking through this stuff and i see like barely two people calling for an apology. innocent people in rise are clearly on this blog defending themselves, why aren't they also calling for the right people to apologize to the removed member? why aren't they acknowledging how shitty it is someone or people in their krp were trying to be THIS toxic on this blog? why aren't they calling out their admin for them blaming a gossip blog that had receipts to prove it wasn't them, but part of the admin's own community that would have caused their downfall? why are they reading everything, and not also feeling the deep pain that i'm so clearly feeling? the people supporting you are strangers in the krpc instead of the people you probably plotted with and joked around with. it sucks. but this is the truth, because even if they're trying to prove they had nothing to do with this, they're considering themselves more important than the victim by choosing to interact, but only about them. it's unfortunate because it just makes them a bigger part of the whole thing, since now everyone knows innocent muns at rise were here too for a fact.
and this is more to them than to you:
i can hear the protests already because i've heard it all before. things like 'well i don't want to add to the drama unnecessarily' or 'i did it in private that's what matters' but the truth is they don't think it's worth adding to a public conversation, the way they think it's worth to try and fight a couple generalized comments about themselves. interacting with a vent blog is immature and just blowing things up until they get even the slightest bit read and then it's so important to defend themselves they just have to say things. i want to ask them how it feels to be just generalized in a comment not even targeting them really but the people that sent in hate. i want to ask them how they think you feel having faced so much more than that. why aren't they also sending things for you since you're in this too? why is it just them? why are they asking sincerely to be perfect when they're just as selfish as any other party here?
rise's situation isn't special, we alrdy saw this happen with myshuno and paradigm where even saying you were part of those groups feels like you're associating with something bad. but that's because it is. trying to defend yourself as a part of rise as opposed to disengaging from the community instead is not a good look. your admin knew people were coming to sincerely with a theory: is that not representative of the community? imo the admin stopped being a victim the moment they used sincerely in their official post, endorsing them and sending sincerely more traffic. and then even moreso when they decided to blame sincerely to try and avoid catching heat for their obvious part in this. this admin's actions are one thing, but their reactions are what make them not a victim.
admins like the ones at hot sugar do the right thing, by encouraging their members NOT to engage with gossip blogs, and staying away themselves unless absolutely necessary or for harm reduction.
the only people from myshuno or paradigm that no one beefs with are the people that just quietly disengaged from it all, or, like the removed member, were victims of the communities there. but to be honest those guys are silent anyways.
back to you:
if no one had come to sincerely in the first place, you would've gotten your proof, been on your merry way, and then the issue with the krp the admin tried to tackle would never have gotten to the point where people were sending sincerely mass amounts of posts thinking the admin confirmed it was you. not to mention, they would have felt a lot less brave sending things that called you such bad things. we'll never know what would have happened, but you wouldn't have been the target of such vile, malicious people, after doing all the right things. i'm sorry such a crucial victim here is being forgotten.
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hoghtastic · 6 months
I was told that some Stans allegedly think J reads this blog and some of her posts are intended to troll us. Apparently Stans find it enjoyable, because to them the fans who don’t like her are just jealous and haters anyway. And therefore J parading Alex, teasing and hinting isn’t that concerning but rather funny when we're angry or annoyed. OK.
First, let's assume she actually reads this blog and responds to criticism by posting his apartment and „unofficially“ officially says she moved in for example, like she did while he was in Paris. That would be a huge red flag for me. J has no reason to actively seek out and troll critical voices from the fandom in general. Her Instagram comments are positive. As far as I know, there were only 3-4 instances of fans writing something critical under her maaaaaany maaaany posts this year. And one fan asked her about the art she copied, that’s not critique or hate but just the truth exposed. Only three people or so from the 2.2m fans he had (mostly female) who criticized her publicly on IG, that’s almost nothing. It’s a very very mild reaction. Three people from the 2.2m fans are 0,000136%. (Even if it would be more it wouldn’t be a lot) And if anyone wants to talk about her DMs.
I personally don't care what happens in J's private messages. Firstly, she can set it up so that she doesn't see messages from people she doesn’t know personally and she doesn't have to read anything from followers she doesn't know personally anyway. Secondly, J could tell us anything, we ourselves can't look at her messages. So I don’t care. I care about what I can see and her public comments are all positive for her. I recall Stans excusing her „you snooze you…“ stunt with her responding to hate. Made no sense to me too. A : show me the shit storm she got that justified a revenge and B: what type of revenge is it to demonstrate your „power“ over the fans by demonstrating that she is in charge of Alex content? What type of character would do that?
Ok now we come to the fact that she wants to troll us with her stories. No, people, that sounds so stupid, I can't process it. Why should she? She has everything she wanted, right? She has a dream relationship with a man that is out of her league (my opinion) and her career is suddenly going places. If trolling us brings her joy, although she has a good life, she's a bad person period. And if I imagine that Stans celebrate that behavior, I find it disappointing too. For me, J's behavior is already pathological. She takes advantage of his fandom and Alex, takes over everything he has in high speed and triumphantly parades each step on social media but in a sneaky not too obvious way. But if I really believed that she posts certain things on social media specifically to make us angry or sad, I‘d additionally consider her evil. At the end of the day, we all love Alex, some more, others less. I can't speak for everyone, but for me, I think J will do him a lot of harm (in the grand scheme of things). That's why I'm not happy about them, but rather worried. And the Stans celebrating her trolling us would be weak of them in my opinion. 🤷🏼‍♀️.
Finally, I have to say I don't think she's reading this blog anyway. How would she know this blog? Most fans don’t even know about it.
I believe she is posting what she is posting because she's simply craving the attention she gets from the new followers and because they're all there because of Alex, she clings to him and his things like Gollum to his ring. As we could see, she had to claim his apartment publicly as her apartment because he was giving attention to his fans after a long time. She saw it on IG and she wasn’t involved. It bothered her. And one story wasn’t enough to show who’s boss but several stories in a row topped by a post reminding his fans that she was in Paris with him a year ago. I believe all the other pictures were just a pretense. I don’t think she came to this blog and saw some anonymous comments and therefore confirmed their living situation.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this, anon, in a very well put manner. 😊 I absolutely agree with everything, especially that I also don't believe Johanne knows of or is reading the blog, and even if she was, to be bothered by and actively trolling a bunch of anonymous people on the internet would be kind of childish and I dare say plain sad, even for her. She's a public figure, she's put herself in a position that made some people dislike her, and she has to accept the fact that not everyone will adore her. No one is 100% liked by everyone and that's life. Which leads me to question, why are the stans bothered by this so much? Why do they automatically assume that those who don't like her are hateful and jealous? People are allowed to have an opinion, whether it's positive or negative, and shouldn't be afraid to share it or bullied for it. And that's exactly why this blog was created for, to grant everyone a safe, neutral space to voice their opinions. It was never meant to be a "hate blog" about Johanne, as some stans may see it, but the fact that most comments here are negative, in comparison to Instagram, where there's mostly praise, leads me to believe that people don't feel free to share them there, because everyone who dares disagree with them is automatically attacked and deemed a "hater", "not a true supporter", etc... Which is something I don't agree with. And the fact that the stans still stalk this blog and allegedly come up with such theories (that Johanne reads the blog and responds to criticism in a trolling manner), even finding them enjoyable and an adequate response, is in my opinion laughable to say the least. Why do they take personally what some anonymous people think about a person they support, but doesn't even know them? Why do they want everyone to love Johanne as much as they do? It was never that serious and personally, I couldn't care less that they love her so much. People are free to like or dislike whoever they want, so why don't they do the same? It reminds me of that saying about people with and without tattoos — "the only difference is that people with tattoos don't care if you don't have them".
But at the end of the day, Johanne is living her best life and we're all just a bunch of people commenting and gossiping for the fun of it. No one is going to hell for having a negative opinion, and no one will become her best friend or win a medal for adoring her and fighting every stranger online who doesn't like her. 🤷‍♀️ So yes, I'm an apologist for "live and let live" as long as we're all being respectful to one another, and can't really understand why the stans are always so serious about such matters.
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thejustmaiden · 3 years
So out of nowhere I was tagged and quoted by a SR shipper for a blog of mine posted in August of last year. Talk about throwback but, hey, gotta appreciate that level of snooping. 😉
Back in the day I actually used to encourage discourse amongst Inuyasha fans- both shippers and antis alike- but I've since realized that it's a lost cause. But for you, @feministmetalgreymon , I'll grant this exception. Just 'cause it's been a while so why the hell not. haha
I want to assure you, however, that nothing you say will ever convince me that Sesshomaru and Rin are meant to be together romantically or that the story intended it so. Nor will you find any validation here. You can ship them for all I care, but please for all that is good and holy while I have your attention try- I mean really try- to understand why it is so many of us Inuyasha fans are so against this pairing in the first place (newsflash: it's not about ship wars), and why we believe a romance between the two of them is completely and utterly out of character.
For those of you interested in reading this, the blog of mine in question that the above shipper mentions in their counter-argument is here for reference. It's titled "Jaken = Rin's Dad?" I'm going to try and keep this short, but I'm also making no such promises. After all, I'm not exactly known for my brevity. haha Now let's get crackin'!
Like you, feministmetalgreymon, did for your recent blog here where you took screenshots of mine to address certain parts, I will be doing the same and dissecting yours accordingly.
[Snippet 1]
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I worked with kids for many years as a teacher, and many people in my family have too or still do. Two of them happen to be just over 5 feet which is quite short for the average adult woman living here. I've also worked alongside many a women of short stature, and never did I hear any of them complaining of issues with their students having difficulty differentiating them from their own peers just because they were short as well. I'm sorry but that's just ridiculous. Kids are quite smart and pick up on a lot more than you seem to give them credit for. Height is not the only characteristic they look at to determine who's an adult and who's not, and it's foolish to suggest otherwise. So unless you're a babysitter who's still in their teens and/or who has very childlike features or behavior then I'm afraid what you're getting at is total hogwash. This is just another example of how you shippers offer nothing of real substance to your reasoning, it's only ever cherry-picking or strawmanning from you guys. Stop deflecting from the real issues please, because this certainly isn't one and only winds up being a complete waste of time for all parties involved.
[Snippet 2]
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Okay, calm down now. I wasn't insinuating that relationships between parents and children can't change over time in terms of how they get along. Of course that's possible, as all families experience their fair share of estrangement and abuse. What I was speaking about was in reference to the overall dynamic between the two. Because a bad mother or father can still be viewed as a parental figure to their child even if say they're not in said child's life anymore. Since Sesshomaru and Rin share a healthy bond- and just a friendly reminder that in my blog I even said that he doesn't have to necessarily be labeled her father but that a romantic relationship later would still be inappropriate- I didn't deem it necessary to address what you brought up. Plus, it kinda, umm, misses the point?? Please, let's stay on topic. And it's not captured in the screenshot, but stop acting like there isn't a small part of them that idolizes their parents at some point during childhood. Just like you mention later on how it's normal for kids to have innocent crushes on adults that they eventually grow out of? Well, guess what, the same concept applies here. Kids eventually learn that their parents are far from perfect and make mistakes too. Rin is so damn young in the OG series though that we never even get to see her reach that maturity level.
[Snippet 3]
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LOL! Alright, okay, so the "unbreakable bond" bit you're mentioning was actually me quoting you sessrinners. Did you not catch that? I literally spelled it out. *sigh* The whole point I was making is that shippers like yourself make hypocritical and contradictory statements all.the.goddamn.time. One moment you guys claim that Sesshomaru and Rin were essentially strangers and meant very little to each other, only to say in the same breath a few seconds later that they were destined to be together and their bond is like no other. I agree, their bond is special, but why must that mean they're going to fall in love?
That is the root of the matter here. Too many animes/mangas have romanticized this older adult man & young girl growing up falling in love trope that it's become way too normalized and widely accepted across the world- and yes, in some cultures more than others. Sadly, you lack the awareness to recognize how this all works. You know how we know that? When we see that you shippers are so desensitized to sexualized images of girls in the media that you share posts like this one below which *subtly* imply a future romance although one half of that pairing is still just a child in the pic and then try and pass it off as cute. That's like super fucking problematic and it scares me that you can't see that (or deny you do). 🤢
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After all that's said and done, Sesshomaru leaving Rin in the village with Kaede is to me the strongest indicator more than pretty much anything else he's done for Rin that proves he is her adoptive father. It's so funny to me how you somehow see the exact opposite though. 🤔 What I think is happening is that you got yourself on some squeaky clean ass shipper goggles fresh out of your little echo chamber. Because I hate to tell you, but what you're fantasizing is what you want to see and not what's actually there on screen or was written into the story. I'm strictly talking about Inuyasha and the manga of course. [For the TL; DR version skip to the last paragraph.]
Parents looking after their kids is what parents are supposed to do. A good parent will do anything to keep their child safe and ensure they are cared for, so what he did for her by leaving her there was in her best interests clearly. Besides, as a babysitter, you more than most people should understand that parents aren't always able to be there for their kids so sometimes others gotta step in to help. Haven't you heard of the saying, "it takes a village to raise a child?" Which in Rin's case is literally true! 😂 Sometimes kids are even sent off to stay with grandparents and that's who raises them instead. Or maybe they have to temporarily live with an aunt or uncle because their single parent's job requires they work out of town 4-5 days of the week so they're hardly home. But that doesn't mean that the parents care or love their kids any less, and it's foolish to assume that Sesshomaru must have thought very little of Rin simply due to the fact that he made the decision to leave her in the village. Come on, y'all are acting like he abandoned her there!!
It's just given the circumstances Sesshomaru finally came to learn that Rin traveling with him was no longer safe. I also like to think it's because he wished for her to live a more normal life and to learn how to fully trust humans again. Plus, continuing to travel with him as young as she was would have proven dangerous and unwise. Now for you to know all this and still manage to turn his past actions towards her while she was just a child into a romantic gesture is what boggles my mind. Regardless of how you look at it, from my perspective or your own, Sesshomaru is in the wrong. Either he's a father figure who impregnates his daughter at the young age of approximately 14. OR he's this man she used to travel with who maybe isn't a father to her but who nonetheless basically rapes her since kids her age can't consent to sex with an adult. Idk about you but it sounds to me like nobody here wins with either scenario we're given. In other words, you should be just as mad as we are. If only one side didn't choose to forsake their morals they know we both have in common for the sake of a ship. Welp. 🤷‍♀️
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I agree, incest is disgusting but that's not the only problem we have with this pairing. A romantic bond forming between Sesshomaru and Rin would also constitute as grooming.
You realize that over the years he visited her in the village that he brought her gifts too and essentially watched her grow up right before his very eyes, right? I mean, I know you do, but I really shouldn't have to explain further why pursuing a romantic/sexual relationship with each other is plain and simple wrong. And before you say it's not because he didn't have any malintent, please understand that considering their history and power dynamic up to then that yes this is still considered grooming even if Rin supposedly "wanted it" or "made the first move." Whether you consider him her father or not, as the adult who took on a role resembling that of a caretaker in her early life- a critical developmental time for a child- Sesshomaru is obligated to turn down any advances by Rin and most definitely should not initiate any himself. As the first close adult figure she's had in her life since her parents died, it's unfathomable to imagine how Sesshomaru could go through with taking advantage of this young girl who was under his care and supervision since they met. To think he could be capable of betraying that trust sickens me to the core.
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This. Now THIS is how a parent/guardian or a similar adult caretaker (babysitter, teacher, etc.) talks to a child. And, in turn, this is how some young children talk to adults. You'd be insane and delusional to deny it! We see it in our everyday lives, do we not? From where else do you think our stories draw most of their inspiration? Yes, obviously these fictional universes have aspects of fantasy that don't exist in the real world, but so how then do you suppose we're able to relate to them? The reason for that being is because these stories are written by people for people, so naturally there are going to be real life aspects embedded throughout. Sure, a little escapism doesn't hurt as we don't need to take everything so seriously, but ultimately we all need to recognize that the messages in the stories we tell matter. Most stories possess a combination of both light and dark themes, but when it specifically comes to the latter we gotta be careful with how we tackle this in children's media since kids are far more impressionable.
So if at the center of a story we have two of the main protagonists whose mom is basically their same age and to top it off she knew their dad when she was just a girl and who just so happened to help raise her, wouldn't you say that's beyond fucked up or at the very least so fucking weird? Like why would we think it's even remotely okay for our children to watch this garbage?? Really think about it. Try and be objective for once and think about how it would sound explaining this storyline to an outsider who's never watched IY or HNY. Well, antis have tried this before many times and we always get the same reaction: Ewww!
Like I said earlier, if you wanna ship it then fine, but 1) please stop seeking our approval or trying to change our minds - your ship wish came true didn't it, so why do you need us to validate it? 2) even though it's not canon, respect that we don't support this sequel portraying pedophilia in a positive light. It's harmful af to not only allow but glorify the continuation of sexualized images of young girls everywhere. And I shouldn't have to say this, but just because this trope is popular as you say does not make it right. Lolicon themes in the media have been an issue forever and it needs to stop. Yes, even some people in Japan or "the East" would agree. Shocker!
We're pissed off and rightfully so because Yashahime's TV rating is 14, not to mention it airs at the prime time kids in Japan watch TV after getting home from school. That's Towa and Setsuna's age, true, but if Rin being the mom when she's like only a year older than them (please don't argue w/ me about the math- antis have so far been right every time with it) is straight-up disgusting and not something we should be supporting or endorsing. Rin's a whole ass child!! Please don't start with the "but times were different then so her having kids at 15 is acceptable" argument either, because we've already debunked that and every other single excuse you guys throw at us. Besides, how or why would you expect young viewers to know these historical "facts" anyway, especially if as you suggest fiction doesn't affect reality so what does it matter? Yet here we are, arguing over a fictional show in real life almost a year and a half into the "Sesshomaru fucks?" sequel being announced. My ass, your ass, hell all our asses fiction doesn't affect reality!
Look, I do apologize if the tone of this blog came off as snippy or condescending at times. I do not wish you any ill will, it's just I'm not really sure what you expected to get out of all this besides maybe getting on my nerves perhaps. haha A lot of you shippers have been desperately scrambling to interact with us, lurking in our tags, jumping onto our posts screaming canon and getting so defensive even though you sought us out first. We've been sticking to our tags, so how about you stay in your lane too. By the way since we're on the topic, have you seen Twitter or Reddit?! SR shippers there are the actual worst and many Inuyasha fans (not just antis) have complained of not feeling welcomed to engage in fandom spaces anymore. Shippers swarm them and scare them off simply because fans don't like your ship and refuse to accept it. It's pathetic, really. No one should ever be bullied or harassed just because they don't like something you might. We're all fans of Inuyasha, aren't we? So let's act like it. Yashahime on the other hand, you guys are welcome to that pungent heap of trash. Fans have a right to criticize it too, but if you like it then good for you, so keep on liking it and don't mind us.
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I'm almost done, but real quick back to Jaken! Let's not forget about how the official Yashahime website- which came out after my blog, mind you- described Jaken. This translation isn't the best one available but it's the only version a fellow anti friend could track down. They do recall a better one done by a native Japanese speaker who was also an anti, and that member confirmed that Jaken is indeed called Rin's babysitter. So you see, I was right in my interpretation. In the original post I did compare Jaken to a brother, but after talking to others (some comments can be found under said post) I did acknowledge that he's more of a reluctant babysitter who's not related. And if he's not at least a brother to Rin, then he's definitely not her father.
At the end of the day, the creator Rumiko Takahashi has the final word. Which is guess what? Hogosha. 💖 Probably should've just started out with that and saved us all the trouble, huh? Good day/night to you.
Papamaru bids you adieu now. 🤞
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destielficarchive · 3 years
@kiwilapple said: Yo wtf if the author is deleting their shit that usually means they want it gone, not secretly passed around like a high school joint.
Normally I'd probably completely ignore this comment, but 1. this is the second time this week someone has said something like this to me, and 2. I am running on fumes due to a full week of insomnia and high pain, so fuck it, I'm answering.
You're wrong.
I'm sorry, but you're very wrong. There are as many reasons to delete as there are people, but there's an apparent belief among the people who delete for one specific reason - namely, because they want it gone forever - that everyone is like that.
They're not, and that people like you assume it causes more problems than it solves.
Actual reasons I know of that people have deleted:
1. they've left the fandom and they just don't want to be involved anymore, but don't care what people do with their work.
2. they've left all fandom, and don't want to risk an employer or family member or whoever finding their work, but they're proud of what they're created and they're more than happy to have some version of it shared after they leave, as long as it can't be tied to their identity.
3. the website they posted the work on changed their policies (looking at you, fucking LJ) and they just can't be fussed to re-post it to a different place.
4. having it up makes them sad, reminds them of a time when they were more able to write, brings back memories of friends who've left fandom, etc, but again, they don't mind if people read it, they just can't bear to see it any more.
5. they don't realize orphaning is an option (or they didn't post on AO3 in the first place) and think it's the only way to get the content not associated with them.
6. they're suffering depression or other mental issues, and they think everything they've ever done is absolute shit and should disappear from the world (a proxy for self-immolation, perhaps?) and then two weeks or two months or two years later when they feel better they regret it.
7. THEY didn't delete it - they're accounts were broken into or otherwise accessed by people who want to harm them, and THOSE people deleted.
8. they got a book deal to convert the work into original fiction, and distribution of the fanfic would be a violation of their contract terms, so they need it deleted and copies buried.
9. And, yes, some people delete because they want the work gone and they don't want anyone to have it for any of who-knows-what-other-reasons.
All of these, and any other reason people have, are valid! But if they don't tell us their preferences then we don't fucking know them, because no one can read your fucking mind and this bare assumption that "the only reason to delete is because they never want it seen again" is, using the nicest vocabulary I can manage right now, simplistic and reductionist.
Unlike you, I don't make that assumption - instead, I actually fucking investigate to try to find out because - again - not everyone is the same as you and not everyone does things for the same reason you would.
I make posts like the deathbanjo post, and others, because, unlike what your ill-thought-out two-second comment suggests about your actual interest and level of engagement in this topic (and hey, I don't know you any more than you know, if you're actually deep in this shit good for you and I'm glad to hear it but I'll own atm I'm extremely skeptical), I actually do give a shit what an author prefers and - when I'm able to get a hold of them at all - about as many say "do whatever you want" as say "please don't." And, if clearing houses of information like this side blog of mine (hi, my main is @unforth) don't exist, then no one fucking knows that the author even has a fucking preference, especially if they've eschewed social media and haven't made an announcement. Like, seriously, how do you see my post begging for information about their preferences and go from there to "secretively passing it around" when that's literally the exact fucking opposite of what I'm doing.
You know what happens if something like this post doesn't go around, and no word is heard from the author?
Everyone who has it shares the work, covertly, through whatever means they can. You know, like you're accusing me of doing by commenting on my (checks notes) extremely public post saying "I won't distribute if they say don't distribute" that has 700 notes.
Downloading works is an inherent function of AO3, and the instant an author chooses to post there, they lose the ability to control what happens to copies of their works. Honestly, asking preferences as I do is a fucking courtesy, and one that I personally think is really fucking important, which is why I do it, and why I insist that people who interact with me and who ask for resources from my archive respect those preferences. But if an author really never wants a PDF made they should never upload to AO3 in the first place, because the ability to convert any fanfic into an e-book is literally a single button click that cannot be disabled, and the vast majority of people in fandom don't make a fraction as much effort as I do to be respectful.
I know I'm being repetitive, and swearing too much, I'm sorry, I got less than 3 hours of sleep and I'm a fucking mess and, unlike you who get to make a pithy comment and then fuck right off and never think about it this again, I've been wrangling with the ethics of how to handle this for four fucking years and I'm also the one who fucking routinely has to tell people, "sorry, I won't make an exemption, even for you, because the author has said 'don't distribute.'"
The existence of my post, and my archive, is literally the opposite of what your fucking idiotic comment suggests. In a vacuum of information, common practice is that everyone shares whatever they have and they have virtually no recourse to find out the author's preference even if they care. I
I've created a single, well-known, ever-growing resource that conserves stories for a specific ship in a specific fandom, organizes them, stores them, maintains them, investigates deletions, publicizes issues, outreaches to authors, and then once I know I do my absolute fucking damnedest to both spread the news about their preferences and enforce their request. Also, if I find out (for example) that they've chosen to sell convert the work to original fiction, I help boost and spread the word that their original work exists, and if someone asks me for the fanfic, I say, "no I won't give it to you but here's the link to where you can buy the edited, original fic version1"
So, which of us do you think is doing more to help authors maintain autonomy of their works? To gain monetary remuneration for their efforts? To protect fic, promote writers, and support readers as well? Tell me, what the fuck do you think is the better alternative to "Hey I found out this is deleted, I'm gonna spend a month trying to find out more information, and if I hear even a whisper of don't distribute, I won't, so don't even ask" cause hey, I'm all ears. I'd love to hear more of your bullshit-stupid-ass opinions.
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roach-rising · 2 years
I know I replied to the post but!! I would really love to hear more about the circus! Who’s running it, what the goal might be in keeping it? Or perhaps if any performers have tried/are trying to break free?
w hee zes oh boy this is a big one so i apologize in advance for however long this gets, and i'll probably also put it under a read more just for the sanity of anyone stumbling across my blog c':
s o, to get into the whys of the circus, I have to talk a lil bit about what came before! The whole gimmick with my clan is that it's the same territory (ish) over a long period of time, and the circus is one of the most modern versions of the clan. The whole story is told from the point of view of Aroshi, an immortal entity that's taken an interest in the story of these dragons in particular (thus my lore tag being Aroshi's storybook), and there's lots of time traveling shenanigans to be had, so! Barnaby's circus came after a great deal of history, to say the least.
The tl;dr of the clan lore that came before is that whuh-oh, clan got too overzealous with their experiments into magic and trying to manipulate life itself, they all cause a minor catastrophic explosion of magic, the shade infects those involved, giant war breaks out, almost no one is left standing, and among the ashes of it all, there's Barnaby and their few remaining clanmates.
Barnaby, who's been studying necromancy but isn't quite adept enough to resurrect those they love; Barnaby, who wants nothing more to be able to make their clanmates smile again; Barnaby, who by sheer force of will, created a safe pocket in the world where they can learn to live again.
And that's the start of the circus, to put it simply! It was quite rough in the beginning, and not exactly a circus at all, just Barnaby and a few others trying to make ends meet while Barnaby continued to study necromancy, but over time, as they became a more proficient magic user (and recruited the help of others), the circus started to take shape!
So, as you might be able to guess at this point, Barnaby pretty much runs the show! They're the one that keeps everything going, from animating the large majority of their actors to making sure their living members have a safe place to call home.
Along with them is their long-time boyfriend, Averill, who helps to oversee... pretty much everything? He's not much of a social sort, so he doesn't do much on the outwardly social front, but he's got a great grasp on charms, and is pretty much the one that makes sure no one leaves the circus with a bad review, if you catch my drift :p (these blorbos can hold so many morally grey actions) He's also the secondhand man that Barnaby relies upon whenever they need another opinion on anything! The two of them are quite close, and it's fair to say that the circus wouldn't run nearly as smoothly without Averill around.
There's a few other important members, but I think those two are the most relevant!
The goal in keeping the circus is... a complicated question (positive), simply because as time has trekked on, even Barnaby has started to lose sight of the reasons they made the circus in the first place. It's an odd place, the sort that muddles time and thoughts of even the sharpest dragons, and all the magic clouding the air makes it quite hard to remember to ask oneself "Why?"
They know they started the circus to make others smile, and as a way to remember their clanmates that they lost, but at some point... they realized it was easier to recruit more readily available spirits instead of trying to track down those they had once known. What was once a steady plan to bring a new golden age to the Clan Astraia became a struggle to remember the name of the place Barnaby once called home.
Perhaps it's easier to say that the reason Barnaby likes to make sure no one questions anything too closely is because they no longer remember the answers. Some things exist simply because they're the echo of a dream that was lost long ago, treading on within their skeleton not because they wish to, but because they've forgotten any other alternative.
When it comes to the performers, yes and no! There's some... complicated cases askdfjh
Amongst the living members of the circus, they've never indicated any desire to leave for the most part. There's one exception to that but he's a whole essay of his own so I won't get into detail about that here lol
It's a little harder to say when it comes to the dead performers! Depending on the spirit, some are much more sentient than others; some are fully in control of themselves and actively wish they were able to leave the circus (Clemens). Others are on the opposite end of things and have long since lost sentience, so it's hard to say what exactly they think about all of this (Astrophel). Then, there's some curious cases like Loreley, who believes herself to be alive, but is stuck in a time loop that always ends in her at the circus, reaping the souls of anyone that attends her rare performances.
Most of those that don't leave the circus alive don't stay at the circus as spirits, either; Barnaby, Averill, and Raven (the complicated case I mentioned above in the living members of the circus, also quite adept at wrangling rogue spirits) will usually carefully select who will make a good addition, and the rest of the dragons will have their energy drained and sent on to... wherever they end up (Barnaby isn't about to try to find out). So, majority of the time, if a spirit seems like the sort that would want to cause trouble, they aren't going to stay around for long! Clemens is an exception simply because Barnaby has not realized that ey exist, but that's... also a long story so I won't get into it here aksdfj
Most of the dragons I've mentioned here have some sort of bio going on, so I can probably link em all in a reblog if anyone wants to read some of the more "official" lore I've written for them!
also sorry if this makes No Goddamn Sense lmao i am. very much just rambling what comes to mind instead of writing things in a particular order but!! thank you so much for the ask it's made my day :3
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milkttea · 3 years
don't be scared,don't ask to ask for something about the pee oh the poop.
I would like to request a request about a quirkless!college! AU where hawks is an idiot fuckboy scumbag who harasses the reader and bullying him until the reader can not bear it anymore and decides to take revenge (dom!reader,femdom and ¿¿mommy kink i guess??).
few days ago I read some fics(NSFW)so they involve dabi and hawks some of them were misogynous incels and other they 2 bullied the reader,they all have something in common,the reader defends himself and puts them in their place until they're begging and pleading,yes,it involves dom!reader.
and I loved it,it was very satisfactory to read them and I was a little disappointed when I no longer find more fics like this,where the reader does justice by his own hand.
That is why I was looking for a blog with open orders,to ask for more of this content and feel a pleasant satisfaction,but if this is too much for you then ignore it,just let me know.
Idk your pronouns so I’m gonna refer to you as anon,, anon you are too kind to me 🥺
Now for pure filth😈 I saw the request and just OOOOO I BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE I will gladly put hawks in his place like the bratty little bottom he is.
Warnings: NSFW, smut, mommy kink? Mommy kink, hawks being a sub, femdom, no condoms on oops wrap it before you tap it y’all.
(If you want this to be gender neutral it could be read that way too ☺️, Mommy and Daddy can be used for both genders sometimes👀👀)
Everyone is 20+ remember to stay safe everyone!
𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙏𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙞𝙨 𝙈𝙮 𝙂𝙡𝙚𝙚
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College wasn’t going to be easy and knowing Takami Keigo, or as he commonly went by Hawks (though you never called him that), only made the experience even worse for you. Having known him for the worst part of four years meant that you’ve seen him through his phases of late high school and early college.
He hasn’t changed much, if his douchebag tendencies and fuck boy antics have anything to say about it. You truly couldn’t stand him and would rather not see his face ever again and you really thought you could escape him, but of course life decided to fuck you over once again and have you both go to the same college.
He would personally make it his mission to tease you about being a prude and boring and never doing anything that would bring any danger. Usually these comments wouldn’t bother you, you’d ignore them for two years already, but something about it irked you even more this time.
So you ignored his existence, no responding to his comments, no yelling at him, nothing. It bothered him more than you knew that his favorite little toy wasn’t responding. This is why he wanted to find you at the school library since he knew you would be there and he was right, of course he was right he’s always right.
He went there during the lunch period when he knew you would be there, it was less crowded and you preferred to be in a quieter place where you could watch whatever without judgement. He spotted you walking into one of the private rooms and made his way over to most likely harass you again as he usually does. However, he was stopped as he noticed a guy that followed after you and shut the door.
Said guy was a friend of yours who also happened to have a common friend with Keigo, he was inviting you to a party that would be happening later that day. Now it was a Friday, so that meant no classes the next day and normally you would decline but considering how stressed you were feeling you decided to give in and accept the invitation.
Your friend had left after telling you about the invite, little did he know he was being watched by Keigo the entire time. Keigo enters your room soon after as you sit at the desk in the room with your lap top open working on your latest assignment. You had your headphones in so you didn’t notice him at first since you were so focused, until his feather necklace went over your screen as he leaned over you.
“So, who was that?”
You raised an eyebrow at him before letting out with annoyance.
“Who was what?”
He just stared down at you, the tension in the room raised with something you couldn’t quite put your finger on. You just didn’t know why he cared so much about who your friend was, not like he was close with you or anything, he was more of a constant annoyance to you if you were being honest.
“Don’t act coy with me (Y/n), who was that guy who was just talking to you?”
You stared at him before letting out a scoff.
“Aw Keigo, that’s so sweet of you to see who I’m interacting with but, it’s none of your business sweetheart,” the pet name had heat rushing through Keigo with the way you said it in such a demeaning way, “now run along before I make you.”
He was frozen if he was being honest, the way you told him off just did something to him, not that you’d notice as you went back to your work. Getting out of his stupor he left the room quietly without a glance in your direction. Odd to say the least, but it was Keigo what else can you expect.
The interaction you’d had hours before had slipped completely from your mind as you were getting ready to go out to the frat party. You got ready pretty quick, not wanting to take too long unless you wanted your friend to drag you out by your hair.
Arriving at the house that the party was at was as you expected, loud and obnoxious with the smell of alcohol and cheap liquor all around. Truly the college experience. That was for the newbies though, there was always a tamer side where the upperclassmen could be and indeed there was.
You soon found yourself nursing a random alcoholic drink that you poured yourself while you chat with some people you were friendly with. Honestly you weren’t expecting much to come out of this, but the universe just loves to ruin your expectations and lo and behold Keigo Takami was here talking to some random girl. Why it bothered you you didn’t know.
Maybe it was because you knew he was a sleaze or the fact that you wished he could some form of humanity towards you. Truly you don’t know.
He makes eye contact with you and by some weird force of nature you follow him to a secluded area in the hallway, you curse inwardly towards yourself for following him. You’re a fool.
“Well if it isn’t (y/n), didn’t know these kinds of party’s were your thing?”
He holds a drink in his hand, most likely a beer of some kind judging from the lack of variety in the drinks that were in the fridge.
“Well I was invited by a friend and it’s not like I had anything to do today, I’m for once caught up with all my work, ‘m actually a little ahead.”
You took a sip from your cup with a slight smack to your lips as you licked away some of the slight residue of your drink. Keigo eyes the way you lick your lips before tilting his head and focusing on your face. You notice as you lift an eyebrow toward him in confusion.
“I can’t figure you out.”
Your eyebrow goes down as you narrow your eyes at him.
“What do you mean?”
He scoffs, as if to say that you should know the answer already.
“I just know there’s got to be something you like about me, maybe not my personality cause it’s shit and I know it, but I just gotta know what you like about me.”
You let out a scoff of your own as you take a tentative sip of your drink once more, eventually letting out a sigh with your response and with an almost regretful statement you continue with your speaking.
“You want me to be honest? You’re hot.”
Keigo, who had been taking a sip as he waited for your response, choked a bit on his drink as he let out coughs. He honestly was not expecting your response, he knew he was attractive but he wasn’t sure if you thought so.
“Really? You really think so?”
“I’m not blind Keigo, your attractive. Honestly if you weren’t such a brat I’d have fucked you already, but for some reason you just hate me.”
His eyes widen and he has to take a moment to double back and think about your words. Just hearing you call him a brat and thinking about you fucking him sends heat straight to his crotch.
“You think I hate you?”
“HA! I know you hate me, why else would you torment me all throughout high school and through college. You would go out of your way to make sure I was just having a shitty time.”
He gets closer to your form and backs you against the wall of the hallway before whispering in your ear with as much breath as he could.
“Maybe I just wanted attention from you,” and with a particularly breathy moan he says, “Mommy.”
You shiver involuntarily and reach back to the back of his head and grab his hair and pull back, hard, drawing a slight moan from the man in front of you.
“Well baby boy, maybe if you would have asked nicely I would have given it to you.”
He lets out a shiver of his own, his knees buckling slightly as you keep a firm grasp on his hair and pull the feather around his neck. The action seems to spur him on as he grabs your waist and lets out an almost silent moan. To anyone else it may have looked like he was crying and that you were comforting him, but oh they should know better.
You place your knee in between his legs and rub it it up and down his growing erection, as he lets out more whines and whimpers.
“I always knew you could be a bottom Keigo,“ you let out with a coo. He just continues to whine and you knew that you needed to do something quick before this went any further in a hallway within a frat house of all places.
“Baby boy,“ he nods, “I need you to listen to me alright? Your going to walk out of this house and wait outside for me and I’m gonna follow in a couple minutes then we’re gonna head out of here together, okay. Then I’m going to take really good care of you, you’d like that right honey?“ 
He lets out a louder whine as you put your hand around his throat to quiet him and then with a last slow rub on his crotch, pushed him off of you in a slightly rough manner. He takes a minute to compose himself and leaves to tell one of his buddy’s that he’s going to head out, not something out of the ordinary since he dips out more often than not.
You stay true to your word and tell one of your friends that you’ve had your fun and decided to head home, they trusted you to be home on your own, you only had the one drink you’d poured yourself. After waving a final goodbye to the small group you were talking to, you head out the door and look for Keigo, finding him hunched over on a bench nearby. You calmly walk over and see him with his dick in hand and stroking it fast.
“Oh baby, you couldn’t wait for me could you? Well sweetheart, you’re gonna be punished for this, but you know that right,” he let out a strangled whine as you took his hand off his cock and put it back in his jeans very softly making him cry out.
Not soon enough you end up back at your house after a very long, not really only 5 minutes at most, uber ride. The poor uber driver, you made sure to tip him more as Keigo had no shame in moaning in your ear about how badly he wanted you and how badly he needed you to touch him and take care of him. The Uber driver put the music up louder after a pointed stare.
After arriving at the house and exiting the car, with a very sorry look to the driver, you entered your house with Keigo trailing painfully behind you. The minute that you were in your house and locked the door, Keigo had pushed you against the wall with his arms next to your head.
“Don’t tease me, little mouse. You and I both know I could easily ruin you,” he says to you as he stares you in the eyes with a flushed face.
You simply stare back and watch him react as you put your hand on his throat and squeezed slightly. He immediately became responsive as his arms slacked and fell to your hips as you put your mouth near his ear and hummed slowly. The action spurred him to drag you through the house as you pointed out the direction of your room.
Once you reach your room you lock the door and tell Keigo to sit on your bed which he immediately does.
“The safe word is peacock, anything you’re not comfortable with tell me now,” he says nothing and repeats the safe word out loud making you nod your head.
“Get on your knees, now.”
He acts quickly as he assumes his position in front of you and waits for further instruction.
“You know Keigo, you’ve caused me a lot of pain, why don’t you make it up to me hm? Can you do that for me baby boy?”
He nods as he pulls down your pants and looks at your underwear, a growing wet spot forming that he kisses and sucks on making you pull his hair from the root slightly. Realizing that you’re getting a lot of pleasure he keeps going, making you moan out his name as he moved your underwear out of the way to pay close attention to your clit.
He continues his motions as he goes lower and licks and sucks there as well as your clit. Bearing your orgasm, you push head against you and hold it there as he keeps going steady and then when you finally release everything you let go of his head. He stops with a gasp as he drinks every bit of you and looks up at you with hazed eyes, looking drunk off of you.
“Look at you, pleasuring mommy like the good little boy you are? Want me to return the favor?”
He nods his head, too deep in sun space to form words and you coo at him.
“Get on the bed and take off everything baby boy.”
Moving quickly Keigo strips and sits on the bed waiting for you to do whatever you want to his body.
You walk to him and straddle him, leaning down to plant kisses on his neck as you leave marks. His moans fill the room and he whines when your hand makes contact with his dick and starts to rub slowly, up and down. Not fast enough for his liking, but he doesn’t voice his complaints not wanting to be punished.
“You’re such a good boy, doing exactly what I want. Do you want to cum, sweetheart?”
He nods fervishly as he moans louder when your thumb rubs the tip and swipes the precum down his shaft.
“Use your words, Keigo.”
He tries to let out a word, but doesn’t get the chance as his voice dies when you massage his balls too. The action making him buck his hips up to get more friction from your hand. You instead squeeze his dick as a warning.
“Naughty boy.”
You slip off the bottom portion of your outfit and sit down on him. Moving up and down slowly as Keigo lays back and pushes his head into the sheets as he moans loudly.
You continue riding his cock as he just moans and lets out grunts of your name. He nears his edge and you figure as his back arches and his dick hits a spot inside you that makes your head go back as your eyes close in pleasure.
“Mommy, mommy please move I’ll be so good to you, please just ride me!”
You chuckle as you do as he says and start bouncing up and down making him get closer and closer to orgasming. You stop moving once you also start to get to your high and he cries as you do so.
“Please, please keep moving!”
At this point he’s crying as tears start falling on the sheets. The sight makes you more horny and you bounce faster as you tell him to thrust up and match your rhythm.
He does so immediately and you find yourself cumming sooner as you use your fingers to mess with your clit and massage your nipples. You clench on Keigo, the sensation of both seeing you visibly tense up and then release has him cum harder than he ever has.
He lets out a series of grunts and moans as he comes down from his high. His hands grab your hips as you stay seated on him and rock slowly to get every drop of him out. A moment of silence passes as you both realize what exactly happened.
Yet, you both don’t mind as you both are in your room panting and waiting for your breaths to calm down. The air has shifted and both of you are glad for it. All those years of sexual tension went into this room and moment and it was euphoria.
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