#they're eerily accurate
analyzing hermes, emet-selch, the ancients and ascians, how they're written, and the fandom's reaction to them be like hm. emet-selch's role in this fuckery is compounded by the fact that his backstory as a genocide survivor is incongruous with his ruling a huge genocidal colonialist world power in the present da [ANTISEMITISM BLAST]
#ffxiv#ffxiv hermes#emet-selch#i have Posts in Me to write up about the subject but like you can maybe immediately start connecting some dots here lmao#hermes and the ancients lie at the intersection of A Lot of Shit That is Very Important to Me#the vast majority of it having to do with gaslighting in various different forms#one of those posts is going into how his story reminds me eerily of what Questioning Things in an abusive evangelical environment is like#and how the fandom instantly jumping straight to OH SO YOU THINK THE ANCIENTS SHOULD HAVE BEEN GENOCIDED IS THAT IT#YOU THINK THEY SHOULD BE INFANTILIZED AND CIVILIZED BY THE SUPERIOR MORALS OF YOUR OWN CULTURE IS THAT IT#and start throwing around words like 'sympathizer'; if you say 'hermes was right about some shit actually'#'what we see of the ancients' society is full of inexcusably horrific shit which does not get a pass for ~different values~'#smacks strongly to me of evangelical crybullying in the name of Cultural Sensitivity#and how people use 'well it's not my business what other cultures think is right or wrong' as an excuse to throw up their hands and#disengage from actually learning about or supporting the people in those cultures who know and are working within it to fight bigotry#amazingly enough 'racism and misogyny and queerphobia are bad' is not an idea exclusive to western cultures lmfao#your job if you engage is to seek out those people--across the spectrum of opinions and relationships to their culture's issues!#they're not a monolith!--and spread that information; and listen to what they ask of you when they tell you what kind of help they need#but that's complicated; and takes time and care and thought and effort and connecting to marginalized people#talking over activists and victims of the societal issues they live with; and telling them they're the same as colonizers; is easy-peasy#like i cannot stress enough here that hermes Is an Ancient. He Lives Here. He Knows His Society and Thinks About It a Lot#He Wants to Salvage It and is Specifically Fucked Up About Feeling Like He Can't Trust People Around Him for Input#WoL doesn't barge in and start telling the ancients what's what; they find the person who Cares and back him up that he's not crazy or alon#anyway there's a lot here but it is uh. a Lot. the ways in which the game blends up christianity and judaism here.#including the fact that between the two; the default cultural values and dynamics align more with christian associations of Conformity#(the game is by japanese creators and i feel like that's A Factor too; but there are Eerily Accurate evangelical things going on here)#and people cape for the ones who are Most Evangelical about it + the one whose Compelling Aspects are all antisemitic as fuck tropes#whereas the brown guy who grapples with his faith and worldview; who questions and challenges and argues with others in his ethnoreligion#and tries to look for perspective and deeper meaning + Improve Society Somewhat; gets torn apart in the worst faith possible by the fandom#ffxivtag#warning: worm grass
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hypewinter · 1 year
Danny decides to open a planetarium in Gotham. At first people only go there because it's one of the only neutral zones left (they're still trying to figure out how this human twig does it.) Then weird things start happening.
People start report seeing things during the shows. Little messages mixed with the stars. Some of the messages are simple like i'll always love you or it wasn't your fault or i miss you. But others are eerily accurate. Like don't forget to study for your upcoming physics test or you should move into those newer apartments. It'll be good for you.
Put simply Danny is doing something related to what he loves while also giving the departed of Gotham a way to say their last wishes to their loved ones. They in turn help him keep the planetarium safe. Not that he needs help but eh it's a nice win win scenario so he won't complain.
Too bad the bats don't see it that way. No clearly this guy is using some sort of mental manipulation hoodoo voodoo for some dastardly scheme. And they're going to get to the bottom of it.
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moondirti · 2 months
sorry, this was born out of a need to indulge myself featuring: gaz, ballerina!reader, stalking, intrusive thoughts, delusion, mentioned SA and kidnapping
Kyle first spots you on the Piccadilly line in London's underground.
He's usually wary of public transport – would really rather walk the hour from Knightsbridge to Hammersmith than risk the inevitable unsavoury interaction bound to happen in an overcrowded tube – but it was late at night, he'd just spent his day sitting in a hotel lobby gathering intel for Price, and the idea of ducking down narrow streets in the blistering cold was the last thing he wanted coming to fruition. That's how he ended up in a (thankfully empty) train car anyway; hoodie up and hands stuffed deep into his pockets, thumb brushing over the handle of a switchblade.
He's focused on the shady character stretched across three seats adjacent to him when you happen to prance in. Perhaps prance isn't that accurate an account either, but it's hard to attribute much else to you when you're dressed like a character from one of his sister's childhood storybooks. Angelina ballerina, or something of the sorts – mismatched leg warmers, knitted bolero sleeving a black camisole, basketball shorts over nude-coloured tights, and dance booties that look like little puffer coats for your feet.
The duffel bag slung over your shoulder concerns him briefly – it's hard to look at carryalls the same after serving the military, he finds – but the tired look on your face pacifies any suspicions he might have of your intentions. Wouldn't be wise to execute an offensive when one of your operatives is weary, especially given they're the only agent in sight. Regardless, he's hit with a distinct trepidation that takes a while to name.
You slide past the figure he'd been observing early, hop over Kyle's boots as well, fingers clasped over your behind as if to protect yourself from any wandering hands. The feeling rippling in his chest worsens, yet it's only as you slot yourself onto a far-away seat is he able to recognise it.
You shouldn't be here this late. This isn't the place for you.
With your hair neatly pulled away from your face, he's given full reign to ogle at your darling features. Round cheeks. Hydrated lips. Pretty thing. His molars grind against each other. There are no doubt men on this train that'd want to take advantage of that. Press your mouth open with a thumb on your tongue, rub themselves raw just to see cum decorate your lashes and drip over your brow. Barrack talk, the type of shit he hears floating between his comrades-in-arms when missions drag a little too long. Perversion brought on by desperation.
The intercom dings, and the lady with the soothing voice announces their arrival to Hammersmith. His stop, yet the thought of getting off and abandoning you is enough to keep him stuck to his seat. His stomach upturns as possibilities occur to him like frames in a technicolor film; none pleasant, all ending with you tied up in the trunk of some random van. Some part of him recognises his paranoia, the ridiculousness in his attachment to a perfect stranger (which chides him in a voice eerily similar to Price's, all gruff vowels and whispered consonants), but it does not change the fact that when the doors open to his station, he does not move.
Yeah. He stays on so long as you do – which fortunately is not an extensive length of time. You collect your stuff one stop later, standing to wait at the door once the lady announces Acton Town. He doesn't get up until you're a few seconds out though, slipping through the closing panels of the entryway to follow a few paces behind your heel. Up the escalator and down the block.
The night air nips at his nose, chilling his knuckles so they creak if he curls them. Are your nipples knotted under your layers? Or would they need the help of his fingers to perk up? His throat stiffens. He shakes the thought from his head.
You make a turn. Kyle stops for a second, breathes in, before veering left behind you. Heading towards the west part of town, now. It's a good place to live, all things considered. Still, he wonders if you deadbolt your doors, if you keep yourself safe online. You seem smart, but there are people who won't rest until they get their way. People like the one's he deals with at work – amoral men with biceps that could crush your head. Rotten, horrible men who are only rotten and horrible to cope with the tasks assigned to them. Depraved enemies, depraved friends. Only difference between the two being which flag they fight for.
You throw a look over your shoulder, shoulders shrinking as you wrap your arms tighter across your chest. He looks around, seeking the threat you seem to be so put off by. Nothing but brick-and-mortar storefronts and flattened cigarette butts.
He's compelled by the urge to shush you, to scratch your back as he tells you that there's no need to worry. He'll walk you all the way home. Make sure you get nice and situated, listen for the tell-tale lock of your deadbolt, watch for the dimming of your light. He'll stay until you fall asleep, then walk back to where he came from, take the returning line to Hammersmith – so when he flops back down into his own bed, he'll be reassured by the knowledge that you're safe a mere 4 miles away.
Might take a shower before then, though. Your arse looks great when you're speed-walking like this, pronounced even behind the loose material of your basketball shorts. He hopes the image remains as vivid when he's attending to the heavy mass between his legs later.
Kyle halts right in his tracks.
What is he doing?
You're nearly running now, shrinking away from him at an exponential rate, and duck another corner when you look back to see that he's no longer in pursuit. Completely out of sight.
His Captain’s voice comes to life once more, echoing in the part of his brain he has yet to compartmentalise.
You draw the line wherever you need it, Sergeant.
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grandlinedreams · 8 months
TIMELOOPS ARE SOOO GOOD YOU GET IT. the ideas of resetting the time just to try to prevent ace's death are so great but also... imagine using these abilities to save law during dressrosa
like maybe doffy actually kills law for real which ultimately prompts reader to go back in time to not let this and other nasty events to happen (they can be a strawhat nakama or one of the heart pirates or idk)
they're always seemingly shy and thoughtful which doesn't go unnoticed by law, they seem to know what's going to happen in mere seconds but everyone brushes it off as some super advanced haki... so yeah(´-`)
(actually this made me to think about toki's df, like can it grant the ability to reset a time if it's awakened)
OUGH YES DRESSROSA WAS ALREADY PAINFUL BUT LETS MAKE IT MORE but also i tried like six times and writing it as an entire oneshot was not cooperating so it's a detailed lil hc
[Heads up!: spoilers for dressrosa, time loops, a tiny bit of angst, strawhat!reader]
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The first couple times you say something at the same time as one of your crewmates or before they actually can, Law brushes it off as coincidence. They're your crewmates after all and when you spend all day every day around people you start picking up on their habits.
When it stretches to people's actions and seeming to have knowledge that you shouldn't, especially considering you've never set foot on Dressrosa and never seen anyone who lives there, that's when he starts getting suspicious.
Questioning Luffy and the others doesn't get him much of anywhere because they've gotten used to it and they just write it off as haki that you've somehow honed into eerily accurate predictions, but Law knows there's got to be more to it.
He doesn't pick up on how deep it goes until the second reset, the haunted way that you look at him, spooking when he talks ㅡ at first he thinks maybe he's done something wrong because you've not always been that jumpy, have you?
It takes a lot to wheedle the truth out of you and quite frankly, it isn't until everything is said and done that you admit it what's actually going on.
When you tell him that you can reset time, it takes him a little bit to accept it. Even with what he knows devil fruits are capable of, the idea of being able to manipulate time like that is hard for even him to grasp, much less that you're doing it on the behalf of your crew ㅡ and him.
He doesn't truly want to know about all the things that went wrong, but he asks how many times you've had to reset this entire ordeal. He doesn't ask what pushed you to do it each time, but from the way color drains from your face when you look at him, he can guess.
"I don't do it every time something happens that I don't like," you tell him, "just...to protect people I care about."
He knows that he can't guarantee his safety all the time, but knowing what you've done for him and the others makes him think about his attitude towards his own life and how ready he's been to sacrifice it in the name of getting things done.
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astroboots · 1 year
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Where does Boa hide these around the house to best fuck with Santi?
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Summary: Santiago is on a mission to take out your army of freakishly ugly mutant toys that you keep placing on his desk.
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They're back again.
Santiago stares at the horrifying toy creature. Half husky and half--- penguin? Is that what it fucking is?!
He can't keep his eyes from the small miniature toy, its hauntingly blue piercing eyes and dog-like snout, its two flappy wings held against its protruding belly and standing on two webbed feet.
He doesn't know. Doesn't know where you managed to find this godless toy. Doesn't know what the toy manufacturer was thinking when they greenlit this for production. Doesn't know what kind of hallucinogenic drugs the designer must've been on when he made it.
Only thing he knows, is that it's fucking hideous is what it is.
Narrowing his eyes at the abomination, he glares at it in indignant anger where it sits perched on his desk. He threw this out last week. Stealthily took it out on the day it was Frankie's turn to take out the trash, so you couldn't find it and stop it beforehand.
So he doesn't know how it's back. Or worse, he doesn't know how now there's not only a husky penguin but right next to it there's also malformed sad looking half-tiger, half-squirrel.
He thought there was only the one. But with the appearance of this second one... fuck it can't be.
... Fuck.
You have the whole fucking line up hidden somewhere don't you?
And if he throws these two away... he's pretty sure like the fucking mythical Hydra of Lerna, there's going to be four of them lined up on his desk by tomorrow.
That won't do.
But he also doesn't want to sit here, looking at schematics for his latest consulting project, and having to stare up at these hideous crimes against nature and god. No, he needs to get rid of them...
But there's no way out of this that doesn't end in an escalation until his desk becomes a gathering ground of these horrifying mutant toys... Unless he takes it out by the source. Destroy the nest so that it cannot breed more... Sniff out where you've hidden this mutant-freak toy army and get rid of them before you'll ever see him coming.
Santiago glances up at the clock. 4.30pm, you'll be home within the hour, he still got time. Pushing his chair away from his desk, he skulks down the hallway to the guestroom where you tend to store all your junk. All the crazy shit you keep dragging back home from the antique stands and farmers market you drag him to at ungodly early hours on Sunday morning. The haunted porcelain dolls, the joke taxidermy--with mice wearing human clothes and squirrels that are in a boxing match-- and the collection of inappropriately sexy Christmas baubles you got in a moving box on the shelf.
He continues to root around, in the empty shoe boxes stored under the guest bedroom. The first one contains--- more sexy Christmas baubles, one that looks eerily alike Michael Bublé that makes his skin crawl. The second--a bunch of old photo albums. The third-- just a bunch of brightly colored socks, that shouldn't be stored there in the first place. He digs around and-- Bingo.
In the very bottom, inside a sealed plastic bag he finds what he is looking for. It's the rest of the pack. A confused looking zebra-kangaroo, a lion-gerbil?! (or is it hamster, jesus-- it's horrifying). And finally a face that will haunts his nightmares until the end of time... The face of a gorilla staring up at him, eerily detailed and accurate, with the body of an elephant.
Actually forget seeing this in his nightmares, Santiago doesn't think he'll ever sleep again after seeing this. He shakes his head as he pulls up the bag pinched between his thumb and index finger, not even daring to clutch it in his hand, as he tucks it inside his sweater, closing the lid before leaving the room and heading down towards the garage.
He's not taking any risks, he's heading straight into the car to the junkyard himself to make sure these things aren't recovered by some deus ex machina intervention.
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"Santiago have you been going through my stuff?" you ask.
Santiago doesn't look up from the pages of his book, as he takes another sip at his piping hot coffee. "What do you mean sweetheart?"
He doesn't need to look at you to know the look that will be in your eye. The way you're narrowing your eyes at him in observation, the way a detective would pin down their suspected perpetrator in an interrogation room.
"My stuff in the guestroom," you clarify.
"No clue." He has to bite the inside of his cheeks to tamper down the grin that's threatening to escape.
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What follows is your usual morning routine after breakfast. When he says bye by the front porch, you throw him a quick kiss goodbye, but you linger for longer than you normally do. Your eyes squinting down on him, a silent accusation of, "I know what you did."
Santiago doesn't say shit.
Instead he waves you off like a young maiden in an old timey black and white movie waving off their husband to war with a handkerchief, as he turns back into the house, smiling like a loon. The feeling of victory surging bright in his veins.
Santiago practically skips on each steps up the staircase back to his office, humming, and if he could be any happier he would be floating.
He opens the door, the refreshing spring breeze flowing in through his window. The morning sun spilling across the length of his desk when he sees it.
His smile drops.
Fuck no.
You gotta be kidding.
They're back again.
Standing in a neat tidy line in front of his computer screen, the whole family is gathered. Husky-penguin, Tiger-squirrel, Zebra-kangaroo, Lion-gerbil/hamster and the most nightmare inducing of them all... Gorilla-elephant.
He doesn't understand.
He drove them there.
Personally chucked them into a bag and into the junkyard where it can never be retrieved. But...
They're all back... and they brought friends.
He threw away five, and now there's ten....
He stares at them, the whole of the line up. At each ugly, deformed, mutant, hybrid animal toy creature, eyes lingering in particular at the horrifying shark with four slim and graceful legs and hooves.... And he doesn't even know what to say.
He doesn't even know what the fuck this is.
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booksandabeer · 1 year
Hi. First of all, you’re amazing and you’re doing God’s work for us. Second, could you please recommend me some time-travel fics? I think I already read a few well known ones, and was wondering if there’s more? Also, it’s usually both or Bucky who time-travels, is there fics where Steve goes alone instead?
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Hello Stranger!
Thanks for the ask and your very kind words. I live to serve! 😉
Now. The first thing I need to do here, is to point you towards this excellent rec list by @voylitscope There are a lot of very good fics on it and I strongly recommend you check it out.
I also want to apologize again for the long wait. I had a busy week and when I finally sat down to put together this list, I realized fairly quickly that almost 90% of it was comprised of some sort of EG-Fix-It fics. Just the idea of writing up my thoughts on all of them felt exhausting and saddening to me, so I scrapped the whole thing and started over. So without further ado, here are 7 fics featuring timey-wimey stuff that I have read and very much enjoyed and 3 more that I've yet to read, but can't wait to get to because they look amazing:
sun peeking through the sky series by dontcallmebree | M, 16K (2 Parts)
Author's summary: Steve clears his throat, curling his hands into fists to hide them. “Alright, say I believe you. Hell, you’re here. So what?”
Scott pins him with an unshakable stare, alive and unyielding. He never realized Scott could be so intense. Sam was the one who knew Scott better, but then again, Sam was always the better one of the two of them. “Look, the place I was in—the quantum realm—it messes with time, it lets you go back.”
Steve wants to throw him out.
A post-IW, twice-over canon divergent series. In the first part, Scott and the Ant Fam (or what's left of it post-Snap) burst into a heavily depressed Steve's existence and slowly turn it into something resembling a life again, and together they hatch a plan to save the world. What that plan entails? I'm not going to spoil it here, but let's just say it's much more clever and original, not to mention more logical and emotionally satisfying than anything that happened in EG. It's a quietly humorous, suspenseful, heartbreaking, and at times brutally tender series about finding and accepting second chances when you least expect them.
To Live It Again Is Past All Endeavor by trinityofone | T, 21 K
Author's summary: Time travel bodyswap! Present-day Steve and Bucky wake up back in their old bodies in 1938, while past Steve and Bucky wake in a future where they're both built like comic book heroes and Bucky's got what he thinks is a swell future robot arm. Adventures are had, and the ethics of time travel are debated. Also, everyone trash talks Willem de Kooning.
A story that really drives home some hard emotional truths while never entirely losing its light touch. Accompany Steve and Bucky as they travel into the future AND the past, and discover their once and future selves. I call this fic "the clairvoyant one" because it features Steve and Bucky contemplating staying in the past and a subsequent discussion of the ethics and purpose of time travel that had me frantically scroll back up and check that, yes, this fic was indeed written all the way back in 2014. I then proceeded to lose my mind a little bit because it is such an eerily specific and accurate rebuttal to Steve's EG ending that I'm more than half convinced the author has clairvoyant abilities.
Where All Roads Lead by DrowningByDegrees | E, 46K
Author's summary: When Steve Rogers inadvertently touches a relic in the course of a mission gone sideways during WWII, he’s catapulted seventy years into the future. Before he's even sure where he's ended up, his search for help puts him in contact with Bucky Barnes, a historian and college professor who has built a career around studying Captain America. With Bucky's help, Steve means to find out how exactly he ended up in 2017, and solve the bigger mystery of how to get home. There's just one problem. The closer they get to their goal, the less certain Steve is that he wants to go home.
A Shrunkyclunks AU where Steve accidentally time travels straight from WW2 to the 21st Century. It's funny and heartbreaking, well-written and cleverly plotted. Also features beautiful art by alby_mangroves that not only beautifully augments the story, but actually is a part of it, too.
The Restoration Artist by superheroresin | E, 109K
Author's summary: As a conservator of rare oil paintings for The Met, Steve Rogers thinks of himself part scientist, part archaeologist, but hardly an artist in his own right. Only when he’s faced with the daunting task of restoring a frozen painting from a recently unearthed Nazi art hoard does he start to feel his passion for the craft return. Before he has a chance to understand what that means, Steve is transported to the 1940’s, where he meets both The Winter Soldier himself, and his own destiny.
A Shrinkyclinks AU in which art conservator Steve travels through time to save Bucky... who has been trapped in a painting...? Mystery! Romance! Art Talk! I practically inhaled this thing in one go, despite the length. This is a really lovely story, full of clever ideas and twist and turns that will keep you guessing. And on top of that you'll learn a whole lot about art restoration! What's not to love?
the world on fire by burlesquecomposer | M, 62K
Author’s summary: Steve loves old vinyl records, doodles on his files, and cannot remember a time that he didn't serve the TVA. And that suits him just fine—that is, until stray variant Bucky Barnes, fresh out of HYDRA's grasp, drops into his time theater and makes Steve question everything he believes in.
A really well written fic that has time travel and variants and alternate timelines and parallel universes and... you get it. A whole lot of timey wimey stuff, but the author keeps track of it all and ties up everything beautifully in the end. A super fun premise, clever plotting, wonderful characterizations, and a firm grasp on the SteveBucky dynamic in every incarnation/iteration/variation. It's a really lovely fic and I think it deserves a lot more love and attention.
On the Cover of Dawn by adeepeningdig | T, 6K
Author's summary: “Listen,” Bucky says again, and pads to Steve, book still in hand. “I’d sell my soul for that/fawn/of a boy night walker/to sound of the ‘ud & flute playing/who saw the glass in my hand said/“drink the wine from between my lips.” He kisses Steve then, insistent, tongue sweeping into his mouth, body to body. Steve buckles beneath it. Two stories. One poem.
I'm cheating a little with this one... maybe. To be perfectly honest, I don't really know what's going on here even after I read this several times. Is it time travel? An alternate universe? Reincarnation? None of it at all? The thing is, I'm not sure the reader is meant to definitively know or understand what exactly is happening, and ultimately, it doesn't really matter. What does matter is the poignancy, the beautiful, at times lyrical language, and the reassurance that Steve and Bucky will find and love each other in every possible universe and incarnation. Also features one of my favorite George Barnes scenes ever.
From Tralfamadore, With Love by newsbypostcard | E, 106K | Part 1 in From Tralfamadore series
Author's summary: In 2018, Steve, Sam, and Bucky embark on a mission to explore a Hydra-owned warehouse when a kid with mutant powers sends Steve 18 years into the future. Steve's just as in love with Bucky as he was when he left, but for Bucky it's been a long 18 years. As he gets used to life in 2036 and the flaws in Bucky's idyllic life expose themselves, Steve also has to manage a suspiciously ubiquitous security force, a Brotherhood of Mutants, and old competing loyalties among his aged friends. There's a Bucky in 2018 waiting for him to come home, but if he does that, it means leaving this Bucky behind for a third, unforgivable time. How can he choose?
Yes yes, I recced this not too long ago, I know. But there is simply no way in hell that I'm going to put together a time travel rec list and NOT include this fic. The summary is pretty self-explanatory, and I really don't want to reveal anymore than that. Much of the tension and emotional drama in this fic comes from not knowing what's going to happen, and from desperately guessing at how on earth the author is going to solve Steve's impossible dilemma. I loved the way the author explored the relationship of a Steve and a Bucky who have been separated for two seconds and 18 years, respectively. Also, possibly the best use of a Fleetwood Mac song in fanfic ever.
🕰 +3 To Reads:
Savage God by PottersPink | M, 36K
Author's summary: Past, present, future, Steve knows Bucky Barnes. It’s why he recognized him when he found him in that alley in April of 1942, even though Bucky was older, stronger, wearier; he called himself The Asset, and had a metal fucking arm. The Asset was only with Steve in 1942 for a few days, but it’s enough to change the course of Steve’s life forever.
Seventy years later, Steve wakes up in the twenty-first century, and he doesn’t know whether to be heartbroken or hopeful when some of the things Bucky revealed to him in 1942 start falling into place.
Every You, Every Me by Starshot | E, 48K
Author's summary: Desperate to follow when Bucky ships out to war in 1943, Steve volunteers for Project Rebirth, an experimental program meant to turn him into the world’s first super-soldier. Instead it fails, leaving him with a condition dubbed “Chrono-Impairment” which sees him travelling uncontrollably through time, to random points in both his and Bucky’s lives.
But with Bucky brainwashed into working for HYDRA, and Steve living life on the run, torn between his own time and Bucky’s, will they ever find the happy ending they so desperately desire? (AKA the Stucky AU based on the book, "The Time Traveler’s Wife" by Audrey Niffenegger)
a day in the life by powerfulowl (StuckyFlangst) E, 20K
Author's summary: Steve wakes to the sound of someone moving about in the kitchen below him. He lies for a few moments, trying to recall—a dream?
He looks over at the nightstand and there is a piece of card propped up there. He reaches out to take it.
You are Captain America. You are Steve Rogers. It is 1956. You are married to Peggy Rogers, nee Carter. You live in New Jersey. Sometimes you have trouble remembering.
Steve Rogers wakes up on Tuesday October 30 1956, and doesn't seem to remember his life that well. Why does every day feel so familiar? And why does he keep getting visited by tall, dark, handsome men who remind him of Bucky?
You can always send more asks for fic recs if you want. I love inflicting my taste on everybody else!
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rogueolight · 1 year
One thing that has always annoyed me about the fandom is this whole.. standby lesbians thing with rosemary. This has been said so many times before but I'm saying it again cause it's STILL annoying and people still do it so like. . Often they're just sort of. Being there. In the background of other(mostly MLM) ships, serving as this prop. Like when people draw davekat/dirkjake/pepsicola/etc they're always doing something like talking or cuddling or shopping or it's like a shitpost about divorce or something or whatever. But very often when i see rosemary it's like. They're just eerily standing next to one another and smiling. Like almost the entire fandom agrees that it's a good ship, but literally no one actually wishes to understand their personalities or their bond beyond that. It's just. Prim and proper lesbian rep to fill in the gaps. Much of their tags on social media are filled with this very bland fanon version of them, and very often it's accompanied by a different, more characterized ship as the main focus of the post. They're just kinda there to sit still and look pretty. Like I've seen people crackship yaoi just for the sake of yaoi and call it the ship of the century but the same group would tell you that rosemary is boring because uhhhhh smart words and uhh girl read book. The ao3 tag is also atrocious. I need to break my neck to find good content for one of the only canon pairings in HS 💀
sadly this doesn’t just happen in homestuck, this happens in almost every fandom. and then ppl ask why sapphic creators are so LOUD???. someone has to provide the actually accurate awesome stuff… it’s so funny because whenever i read a wlw fic with an mlm side pairing they still do them justice… i feel like a wlw fic author will drop the best interpretations of mlm couples and then an mlm fic writer will just like make the background wlw characters sit there and do nothing most of the time.
but that might just be me tbh idk i don’t keep track of every thing i read. i dont really understand why every single fandom has this weird imbedded mysogeny its like i can’t find any content of ships i like without them being either objectified or simplified yk. i also have beef with the fact that there is NOT!! ENOUGH!! well written PLATONIC dynamics ever like that’s the most fun thing to me like i actually need dave and kanaya duo content desperately.
i feel like a lot of authors lack the crucial understanding that everyone is always going through something. when characters aren’t in a certain scene they’re still doing something in the story. like where is the background tea. where is the nasty deets. things dont always happen in a linear clear perfect way like i think while dave is figuring out what touches are in which quadrants we should have rose and kanaya start gaslighting karkat into believing he is made of earth crab. let rose fake her own death with kanaya and have terezi conduct a case while davekat suck face yk. we’re all a little silly
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gritsandbrits · 1 year
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Tweevils 😈👿
Mother of pink! Am I seeing double? With the tweevils around there's sure to be trouble!
I still can't believe it: after 18 years we are finally getting official Tweevil merch! I loves the faces they look accurate to the show and eerily so. Though I wish their basic dresses included more embellishments - maybe a gem belt for Kirstee and ribbon straps for Kaycee? Also wish Kaycee's bandaid was molded instead of painted. Slight nitpicks aside, the creators did a great job in capturing their likeness. Since they're Barbie parodies they're not supposed to look like normal Bratz. Makes them stand out more and emphasize they are their own characters.
From what I've gathered they use entirely new sculpts which feature larger noses and different lips. I hope MGA utilizes these sculpts in future releases; I'd love to see Bratz dolls with big, pudgy noses (since i have one irl). They're also set to come with a second outfit, accessories and a poster. My prediction for the second outfit is the ones they wore in the tiktok videos
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With the release of the Tweevils, will this mean we could see an official doll of the REEIIIGNING Queen of Fashion? 🙏
Article with photo source
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alwayscobrakai · 9 months
finally going to make a post expanding on the familiar assignments from this post
again, quick lore summary: everyone is born with a magic seed, they plant this seed when they hit puberty and eventually it grows and blooms into an animal companion (familiar) that they spend the rest of their lives with.
the blooming is generally agreed on to happen when the person 'finds themself' which usually happens in the 16-22 age range but it can be known to happen later or in rare cases, never.
The animal has to be one the person has seen before with their own eyes. zoos and international safari trips are very popular with teens who want to try and get cool animals.
Another note is the 'intelligence' of the familiar relies on how their person treats them. The more human they're treated, the more human they'll act and vice versa. Silvers for example acts eerily human and seems like shes seconds away from speaking english at any moment while Miyagis is indistinguishable from a regular animal from its species.
i'll note down character - familiar - approx. age of acquiring - and reason (if i have one) for all the ones i have figured out below the cut
so. start out with the obvious:
Daniel has a mongoose. specifically a yellow mongoose. he got it after the castle fight in tkk2. Mongoose was obvious for the mongoose vs cobra thing ofc but I also just really associate especially tkk Daniel with a small scrappy animal. If I didn't go with mongoose I think I'd go with something like a weasel or a ferret. Something small and twisty and flippy.
Johnny has a hornet. I think I modelled the one in the drawing after an Asian giant hornet. Something Big. He gets his a lot later, when he's in his mid 20s ish. A little later than Normal but not so late it's strange. I went with a hornet for a few reasons. First, gold and black are so johnnys colours. Second, I wanted him to have something a little Unconventional and bug familiars usually tend to be (but it still had to be something appropriately badass). Hornets can also be solitary but also it isn't weird for them to be in pairs or groups and I felt like that's fitting for Johnny.
Kreese has a prairie falcon. He got it during that brief window right after he enlisted but before he was sent away when he had a Girl and a Purpose and everything seemed to be going his way. I wanted Kreese to have something that appeared unassuming but was a dangerous predator and my wife and I decided on a bird of prey of some kind. We figured during his youth he likely wouldn't have seen too many exotic animals so something native to his general area would be best and we further narrowed down to a prarie falcon from there. They're a fast and highly accurate falcon with rlly good eyesight and the idea of a piercing glare staring down at students along with Kreeses own stony look felt right. (They're also known for hunting snakes <3)
Silver feels like another very obvious one, he has a King Cobra. Clearly the model for the cobra kai logo <3. He got his after they returned from Vietnam, when he started trying on different personalities to see what fit. (This means his was also fairly late). Silver is a lot more slippery and sleek than Kreese and a snake felt much more fitting as his familiar. (He also has less direct Snake Pit Trauma so still thought snakes were cool). As a young adult, his familiar would've been out on show 24/7 but I think as he grows older, he hides her in his clothes or leaves her at home to maintain his image as relaxed and chill philanthropist. Until of course, he's called back to the action.
Amanda has a leopard. She got it in her early years of college, during her bleach blonde self cut bobcut era and according to everyone who knew her at the time, during her "rebellious phase". But whatever she was going through, she mustve known exactly who she was through it. I gave her a leopard because I felt like something big and elegant that could absolutely rip your throat out would be perfect for her and I could also just see her lounging around with it like it's a regular housecat.
Miyagi has a koi fish. He got it during his teen years and carried it in a bowl with him to America when he left Okinawa. He currently keeps it mixed with the regular koi in his koi pond and the only way you could pick it out is the size of it compared to the others. Miyagi having a fish felt right. It's a simple but beautiful creature which I think fit his ideals well. He doesn't treat it as anything special (something a young Daniel finds appalling) but just gives it the respect he would give any living creature in his care.
Bobby gets a ram. His also was post high school, I wanna say midway through his degree. Ram felt right for Bobby for a few reasons. First, the obvious lamb=god=pastor connection. Rams are also notoriously stubborn animals that are aggressive in a fight which is Very Bobby imo. But sheep in general have a reputation for being very gentle creatures and Bobby fits that too.
Dutch my boy Dutch <3 got a gaboon viper. He got it during high school, peak cobra kai era. His senseis were very impressed with his dedication to the dojo. He was one of the first ones I thought of something for. I wanted him to have a snake for sure and a big thick chunky snake like a gaboon viper just felt so right for him. (Note about familiars with venoms and poisons, the toxicity is very diluted. So his snake can still make you feel awful with a bite but it won't kill you)
Tommy gets a hyena. His was also during high school, I feel like he was the first of the gang to get one. Hyenas are a pack animal and Tommy very much feels like One of the pack. He also seems to have a higher pitched laugh which is very hyenacore so it just felt right for him.
Jimmy has a chocolate labrador. I feel like his was post high school but before he started college. Domestic dogs and cats are very common familiars and Jimmy, as much as I love him, is our most basic boy. I've also just made jokes abt dogboy Jimmy since before I made the au so it was a natural fit.
Ali also gets a dog, this time a cinnamon border collie. Hers comes in college, either her first or second year, I haven't fully decided. While she is conforming to the norms by having a dog, she's standing out a little in her family by having a working breed, something highly intelligent and driven, rather than a pretty lapdog thats just for show. She needed something that matched her intelligence and drive and a border collie fit that.
Lucille has a house sparrow. I haven't thought too much about when she got hers but I imagine it was a fairly typical presentation. I wanted to give her something more common and something that was always moving and a sparrow felt right for that. Always flitting around with lots to say.
Chozen gets an Okinawan rail. His familiar doesn't bloom until s3 of cobra kai, after he's reconciled with Daniel. He had resigned himself to a life without one and was very shocked by it.
Now for some more CK era characters
Carmen has a beetle. I haven't figured out specific type yet, I was tossing up between some kind of jewelled beetle or a horned one. She and Johnny initially bond over both having bug familiars (Johnny is used to girls being like ewww a bug) #bugsquad
Miguel gets a jumping spider. I imagine his comes just after his Mexico trip. Even though it was an incredibly messy time in his life, that trip gave him enough closure that the pieces clicked into place. He's Very pleased to join the bug squad. Jumping spider felt like a good match for him, especially with how bouncy he is when he fights.
Robby has a fly. He actually got his fairly young, before the events of the show started. He is Less pleased to be in the bug squad. As a kid he always felt invisible and small like a fly and as he grew he started to embrace that feeling as it helped with his CrimeBoy Antics. We wanted to give Robby something that had a link to Johnny and in a previous au with this setting we had a pickpocket with a beetle familiar who used the familiar to help steal so we reused that concept here bc it worked well.
Samantha gets a crane. I haven't decided exactly when she gets hers but I'm thinking it's sometime during s2/3. She's got somewhat mixed feelings about it due to not wanting to be her dads mini-me but also its nice to have that connection to her grandpa. Cranes I feel combine the elegance of amandas familiar with the iconicness/irony of Daniels and the vibe of it in general just felt like a good fit for Sam.
Eli ofc gets a hawk. Nothing clever about that. He doesn't get it until after winning the tournament though.
Demetri gets a rabbit. His comes around s3/4ish and at first he does Not get it at all but eventually comes to vibe with it. Rabbits are an animal I've associated with Demetri since I got into the fandom and I just feel like it's very fitting for him. Something flighty and unassuming but that Can pack a nasty kick if needed. And I rlly like the idea of Demetri picking up thumping his foot from the rabbit when he's agitated its fun <3
Stingray is another obvious one <3 he gets a stingray. It happens the night after coyote creek. He's Very late to have one bloom but is absolutely ecstatic and is very enthusiastic about the salt water tank he had to set up for it. Please ask him about his salt water tank.
Tory doesn't have one yet. At her point in the story I just haven't felt she's hit that right time but I think she's getting close. I do think however that she has a pet tarantula that she tells people is her familiar to scare them.
Anthony also doesn't have one, he's too young. But I'm getting a bird vibe.
Yasmin has me and my wife Really torn because we want her to have something Unconventional that She thinks is the most beautiful creature in the world and we're leaning towards an Australian animal bc of where she spends half the show which keeps leading us to joking that Yas gets a fucking. Cassowary. And it's so funny
Louie has a raccoon and he puts a little bowtie on it and keeps bringing it into work and getting into trouble for scaring customers.
Anoush has a little otter and he is Allowed to bring him into work and the customers all find him very charming and it makes Louie seethe with jealousy.
A few quick ones that don't have much reasoning behind them:
Kyler: German Shepard
Moon: red deer
Burt: pika
Mike Barnes: a large monkey of some sort. One of the scary ones
SORRY for how long this is thank you so much if you read to the end I love you <3 please let me know what u think I crave validation
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little gift for those who read to the end <3 some tiny car salesmen
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lithium-91 · 3 months
i just realized emo (and its associates) must be the first major subculture completely documented by the internet. like, the internet existed in the 90s but most people weren't living there in the way they started to by the 00s. so while in earlier subcultures you had to learn by directly finding the people or the zines or by reading whatever bullshit the mainstream media had to say, for emo there's this complete living record of selfies and livejournals and webcomics and memes and sparkly images ripped from defunct myspace pages.
which i think is why the emo revival kids are so eerily accurate, at least wrt the image and the language. i see some of you guys's selfies and i'm looking at the angles and the details like "are you SURE you took this in 2024 and not 2004??" (there is one giveaway: your camera quality is way better now lmao). LOVE the blogs you've got now dedicated to stamps and sparkly bar images, i can just scroll through those for an instant kick of nostalgia even though they're being made on request RIGHT NOW. must be because all that information is RIGHT THERE for you to find, vomited out from our dark and twisted minds into the formaldehyde jar of the internet. you're welcome, i guess?
rawr XD
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Q:Will the crowns certain witches have be addressed in Agatha's show?
A: No crown lore in AGATHA I'm afraid! IIRC someone official said that Wanda gets a crown bc of her Creation magic or something.
Q: Can you share any information about the Wonder Man series?
A: Sorry, sources have been eerily quiet on Wonderman.
I'll share whenever I hear anything though.🙃
Q: any update on spiderman 4? (tom) Marvel v. Sony is still the last I heard on it. It'll take some time before they hash this out
Got some interesting info coming soon for that R-rated animated project Sony is cooking though 👀
Q: Any other F4 villains/ antagonists besides Galactus and Silver Surfer?
A: Too early to tell currently. (Is Galactus and SS even confirmed??) Last I heard is that the script was still being touched up.
Q: How big is Bullseye's role in Born Again?
A: It's substantial but not a HUGE role.
Q: Can you tell us if anything has been cancelled? (Disney+ shows, future movies)
A: I haven't heard of anything getting canned from any of my sources 🤷🏽‍♀️
Q: What do you think will be the best upcoming what if season 3 episode
A: Nice try Imao. The mech episode will be a lot of fun though
Q: Any more exciting Agatha news soon? 👀
A: Actually got quite a bit of Agatha news coming VERY soon 👀🤔
Q: Will the darkhold make an appearance in Agatha?
A: It can't make an "appearance" since Wanda destroyed them all, but it's certainly mentioned.
Q: Any update on when Eternals characters will return?
A: Check recent posts.
Q: Any details on what if…? Season 3 release? Spring? Summer?
A: it's been reported that it was planned for release this year, but it's unclear if that's still the case.
The lot of you will be the first to hear if I get any word on it
Q: What was your favorite movie from 2023?
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2023 was killer. Besides the obvious answers like Barbie and Oppenheimer, I thought these two films were amazing.
Q: Is Mysterios what if return as a cameo or a main focus?
A: More than a cameo forsure.
Q: Will we see more of Joe Locke in mcu after Agatha 👀👀
A: 100%. Billy has a lot to do
Q: niche question lol but do you know anything about John Walker's arc in Thunderbolts?
A: My sources have said that he's been doing his best to redeem himself.
If his best is the "right" way is to be determined…
Q: Will we ever get a strange academy? I just got done reading the comics!
A: I've heard whispers of something inspired by Strange Academy, AND Zelma Stanton is appearing in Ironheart
Q: X-Men
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Q: Is there any updates with Ironheart dates?? I swear I read they finished filming a while bak
A: They finished filming ages ago but I heard they're reworking things and will reshoot soon if they haven't started already.
Q: Is there any validity to the Plastic Man movie rumours?
A: I've been told no, but I want them to be true 😭
Q: Do you think part 2 of Born Again will happen?
A: Yes I do.
Q: What marvel character would your ideal film, series, or special presentation be about?
A: Specifically Joe Fixit 👀👀👀👀
Q: Should we worry about Captain America 4?!
A: I wouldn't be worried. Marvel is doing to Cap 4 what they did to DDBA:
They saw what they had, and are putting in the time and money to make it better.
Q: Will Thunderbolts be Rated R?
A: Nah I would highly doubt that.
Q: will we ever see daredevil in a comic accurate costume
A: Yes. He was supposed to get a new suit in the old finale (classic Marvel TV fashion, I know). Not sure about the new finale tho. Might be saved for part 2.
Q: Will DD:BA have a mature tone, and show the religious side of Matt like the Netflix show?
A: Yes. It was reworked to bring more of that mature tone back, especially in the action.
Q: Any future plans for Zemo in Thunderbolts or the MCU moving forward?
A: In Thunderbolts? No. In the MCU moving forward? Yes.
Q: Do we know who is on the table with the tag on the toe in Agatha?
A: The toe tag says W. MAXIMOFF 👀
Q: Do you know if we will see Mephisto in the MCU soon?
A: Mephisto will appear in Ironheart
Q: Is Wonder Man among the cancelled projects Bob Iger is referring to?
A: No. Don't expect anything that is already filming to get cancelled.
Q: will the survivors from the what if zombie episode be in marvel zombies?
A: Yes.
Q: Is Vision Quest still in the works?
A: The last i heard it was still in the works.
Q: Will we see blade in live action before his movie?
A: Unlikely. But we'll see him in animation at least 😭
Q: DDBA is releasing this year so what time of this year should we be expecting it to release
A: DDBA is NOT releasing this year
Q: Will Agatha and Rio have an stable romantic relationship in the series?
A: More like the opposite of stable 👀 💜
Q: Why did you lie about the Agatha series being titled Agatha All Along? D+ reveals its just Agatha
A: That's like asking Disney why they lied when they originally announced the series to be Agatha: House of Harkness 😭😭
My source was certain so I reported it Imao
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theflybitteneye · 6 months
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Fun fact about Furby, but because I adopt seniors with disabilities only I usually feel too bad to change their name.
The shelter I got both my boys from does already as a little extra just distance from their old lives. (My other rescue Duckie was dropped off at a vet to be euthanized. He was severely neglected. Close to death from untreated diabetes and his old owners not giving a single shit about him his whole life. There's even some question as to exactly how old he is because his teeth are so bad the vet deduced he was either much older than they said or he had profoundly poor nutrition for a long time. Left to suffer. They didn't want to pay to have him recover. Vets will sometimes get owners like them to sign papers relinquishing ownership, promise to put the pet down, then call around to see if any shelters have the room to get an animal like him into recovery. Whoever used to have him, as far as they know, he's been dead for years. Changing his name gives the vet a bit of cover in the event his old owners see a picture of him on social media and recognize him. Like, Duckie has some pretty distinct markings on his face, but like, as far as they'd know it's just as likely a eerily similar cat to the one they abandoned. What they did is totally legal, but, for some reason people get weirdly pissed to find out the animal they left to die alone is doing well and has a better life.) But by the time I get them, they've usually been in the shelter for a while. Special needs senior animals are hard to adopt out, obviously. It usually feels a bit mean, you know? Third name change after all that.
However, I made an exeption for Furby. Unfortunately since the shelter gets so many cats and they all have to be named different shit, some of them end up with real bad ones. Furby's shelter name was apparently a model of German car, hard to pronounce, and un-fucking-spellable for my dyslexic ass. I literally don't even remember what it was, and can't spell it accurately enough for Google to guess. Because of that he had a million nicknames and basically responded to anything anyway.
When I saw Furby, I fucking fell in love instantly. He doesn't seem to be all Persian, but he's clearly at least a good chunk Persian. I love Persians. I've loved them every since my little 12 year old Warrior Cat kid ass was instantly taken by best girl hag queen Yellowfang. This is no judgement to people who get pets from breeders, but, personally, I'm uncomfortable with supporting the pet breeding industry even as it pertains to "ethical" breeds, let alone unethical ones. And for those of you unaware, as gorgeous little gremlins as Persians are . . . At best, they're on par with pugs. It depends on what kind and how severe their face squish. And even before all that, just personally, in today's current pet trade market it's shelter or bust (in terms of cats and dogs, not other kinds. But even for rabbits and stuff I feel it's good practice to always check shelters first.) Persians are expensive, fancy cats, unlikely to end up in a shelter at all, and if they do, they'll be adopted out in a blink of an eye. Which is good, don't get me wrong, but, I try to always go for the ones who nobody but me would want. That's why Furby just seemed fated to be mine. Old? Needs special medical care? Tragic backstory? Completely unwanted and stuck in foster care for ages? That's MY KIND OF PET, BOyo. That he has this stupid short muzzle that makes him look like he's sucking on a lemon perpetually since he has no teeth and this big fat forehead that makes him look like a toddler about to fly into a temper tantrim was a special treat. He sits on the back of the couch with his front paws crossed and looks like the snobbiest little shiteating twink and I fucking love him with every cell in my body.
He looks exactly like the 1998 Furby I had as a kid. The white one with black spots. I collect furby stuff, as I am a toy collector and modder obviously, so the name seemed absolutely perfect. . . Too perfect. Profoundly far too perfect. In what I can only describe as a cosmic troll-job, he happens to also have something else very much in common with the 1998 Furby I had as a kid.
He. Never. Fucking. Shuts. Up.
In his distinct high pitched wail (if you've heard a Persian meow before, you'll know what I mean) he cries incessantly. Dare I not pay attention to him when he demands it, nothing but screaming. Unfortunately like an idiot, I've reinforced the behavior by accident. The more annoying he is the faster I'll drop everything to get him to stop with food or pets, so now he just goes full Final Girl to get what he wants as fast as possible. The only way he isn't like his name sake is that he has no batteries to remove in a desperate bid for peace. Like all cats, he's an agent of chaos unrivaled by any other animal on the planet. The degrees him and his brother can cause mischief in my daily life is unparalleled.
That sounds all extremely negative, but like, believe it or not this is exactly what I love about cats. I went through a very long battle with what felt like and endless cascade of health problems I'm only now starting to actually recover from over the past three years, and I don't think I would have survived it without my boys. No matter how sick or depressed or lost in a endless mental fog I got, these little pissbabies managed to get me to interact with them or there would be hell to pay. They managed to be as charming as ever charm me even while they caused all the fucking mayham they could.
Even when I felt like staying in bed until I rotted and died, Furby screamed until I got up. Duckie sent stuff crashing to the ground until I snapped out of my haze.
Non-cat people think cat lovers are insane, but like, it's never a fucking dull moment with them around. The will of cats is infamous, and in a lot of ways I think the real reason I managed to survive all I did was because it was inconvenient for my two little goblin kids to have to find another forever home if I kicked it, so they made sure that didn't happen.
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finchmarie · 1 year
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I've decided I'm just going to start sharing sketches of varying degrees of polish alongside some serious info dumping on my OCs so I can get some of it out of my brain!
General info about my canon so far (basically at the moment it's starting stories to Ossus while I flesh stuff out then I'll mover further along)!
My main eight characters, main eight class play throughs, are Alliance founders who for the most part meet when coming together against Revan. There are many other faces in my Legacy but these eight were caught in carbonite by Zakuul within six months of each other. They're also the most fleshed out and tend to be the lighter side folk.
Anyways a bunch of info dumping in 3...2...1:
Pictured top left are my pub folks: Winter, Jedi Knight, is Alliance Commander. Charlie, Smuggler, works alongside Hylo as a procurement specialist. She spends a lot of time in combat. Leyliana, Trooper, works alongside her cat husband. Esskelle, Jedi Consular, was assigned as right hand to Lana Beniko and they eventually end up married.
Leyliana and Charlie tend to butt heads as they're just fundamentally different in regards to things like following orders and not shooting before asking questions.
Winter and Charlie are my loves. These little white haired babies were brought together after they both lost their families in the sacking of Coruscant. Charlie was younger than Winter and drawn to her at first simply because of their matching hair. They were street kids for awhile together with Winter watching over Charlie. When Winter's force sensitivity was detected and she was taken off for training Charlie was left behind. This set her into stealing her first ship, and subsequent 'life of crime', to follow after Winter. It took a few years to find her but she did and by the events of the game they're in close contact. Charlie would and has taken blaster shots for Winter and is fiercely loyal to her.
Fun fact 90% of the jewelry Winter wears is from Charlie, as Winter was admittedly a little vain as a child. When she got the scars on her face, during a gang related robbery, she was devastated. Without too much gruesome detail Charlie made herself match in an effort to make Winter feel better, resulting in the vertical scar on Charlie's face. The horizontal is from a speeder crash that came way too close to decapitating her. Charlie often follows her guts vs her brains. She's not known as a thinker, and much of her success comes from her instincts being eerily accurate.
Charlie and Theron make me a bit feral. They're my "Good at everything but each other" trope. They haven't gotten their cute post Nathema proposal as Charlie is not quick to forgive or forget. Though they eventually end up married the timing in my story is just a bit different.
Winter marries Doc Kimble (she apparently likes to surround herself with a type) who Charlie works with like oil in water. Likely because they're so similar, though he's got her beat on book smarts, they're both over confident but very skilled with over inflated egos. She's done combat medicine more than once where the two ended up nearly coming to blows over her 'butcher jobs'. Despite this because of a shared love of Winter they make an effort to tolerate each other.
Esskelle and Lana are my 'slow burn' trope. They're making me crazier the more I flesh them out. Initially their vibe = Esskelle "I can make her better". Lana: "I can make her worse". They both kind of succeed.
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phoenix-d-shunko · 4 months
Whispering Inferno, Part 12
Sick so the quality might be a little...heh.
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In the dimly lit alleyways of the city, the shadows danced eerily as Zeke, known as the Cimmerian in the world of supervillains, fixed a menacing glare on the fake headquarters of the hero agency. The narrow alley, adorned with graffiti-covered walls, echoed with the distant sounds of the city nightlife. Unbeknownst to Zeke's legions, the structure before him was a clever ruse, designed to minimize collateral damage while still appeasing the bloodthirsty desires of those who admired his destructive prowess.
As Zeke approached the fake hero agency headquarters, the night air crackled with tension, and the distant hum of traffic added an urban soundtrack to the impending confrontation. His eyes glowed with a fiery intensity, revealing the storm of emotions within. Grant, a shadowy figure with a knack for gathering information, whispered strategic insights into Zeke's ear, the secrets shared amidst the ambient sounds of the city.
"They're here, My Lord. Galeon's squad is formidable, but we have the element of surprise," Grant murmured into the concealed communication device, his voice calculated and precise, weaving seamlessly into the night.
"I guess I'll play with them before I make them do what I want... but then it's that arrogant fool," Zeke muttered, his frustration mingling with the cool breeze that swept through the alley.
Meanwhile, inside the hero agency's fake headquarters, Galeon, the charismatic leader of the superhero squad, gathered the team. The room's artificial lighting cast a stark contrast to the dark streets outside, and the air was charged with a mix of anticipation and apprehension.
"We divide into three. Team 1 - Tempisol, Citlalin, and Cor Magia, you're with me. We'll weaken him to the best of our capabilities. Team 2 will step in only if we need backup. Ama, Cruift. Bring Valorian and Nocturna's clones with you. With that, we'll have a good number of hitters and support with healers. That should take care of Cimmerian. We'll hit them in the heart, and that should make those scum retreat," Galeon directed, his voice a rallying call in the confined space.
"You're taking him way too lightly. It's the Cimmerian. There's going to be way more damage. And even if these buildings are fake, they still do have people in them," Amateral spat out in anger, her frustration at Galeon's arrogance palpable. The room's atmosphere tightened with the tension between the two leaders.
"Then form a team 3 and let Stella, Psyren, sound kid, and Lumi help with the boring stuff. It'll make the newbies look good in papers too," Cruift added with a smirk, the subtle insinuation hanging in the air. The "newbies" swallowed their pride, resigned to their assigned roles.
"Yeah, that sounds good. Team 1, follow me." Galeon's confidence resonated as he led her team into the dark streets turned battlefield. The Cimmerian stood alone, a silhouette against the backdrop of the city's night. The fact that he stood unaccompanied irritated Galeon deeply.
"You'll need more people if you want to storm the agency." Galeon's steely gaze met Zeke's, his declaration hanging in the air like a challenge.
"Hmm, I don't see anyone worthy enough of trying to stop me," Cimmerian mused, reveling in the ease with which Galeon played into his hands.
"You'll know it after this hits you!" Galeon boomed, the skies tearing apart instantly, making way for a lightning bolt that crackled around Zeke, engulfing him. Galeon had orchestrated the move perfectly. Perfectly for him.
"Now to deal with the biggest threat here," Zeke muttered, his movements swift and purposeful. In one fluid motion, he dove towards Tempisol, charging with Galeon's lightning and impaling him in the stomach.
"Surprised, Galeon? Faraday cage, remember?" Zeke's cold voice cut through the chaos, the revelation leaving Galeon stunned. The reports about Cimmerian's lethality in anger were proving accurate.
"Can't ever forget that annoying trick of yours," Galeon bit back, attempting to regain composure. But his brave façade faltered as he found himself unable to move.
Citlalin, sensing Galeon's hesitation, summoned a crystal binding on the Cimmerian. Simultaneously, Cor Magia attempted to heal Tempisol, only to realize the emotional turmoil within him.
"I can't... do it... he's... he's The Cimmerian is so filled with anger... I can't help but produce venom!!... I'll poison Tempisol if I try healing him with a potion now!" Cor Magia's almost desperate cry resonated in the room, his emotional vulnerability laid bare.
Citlalin, aware of Cor Magia's susceptibility to emotions, doubled the thickness of his bounds for good measure. The atmosphere in the room was thick with a cocktail of fear and determination.
"At least someone's rightfully scared," Cimmerian taunted, his enjoyment of the situation evident in his tone.
"It's not the only thing I'll do," Citlalin replied, launching a barrage of crystal shards at the Cimmerian. Galeon, breaking out of his fear-induced halt, conjured wind blades and fired them from all angles.
However, the Cimmerian effortlessly blocked every assault, his hands bound with an unsettling ease that frustrated Citlalin and fueled Galeon's anger.
"This got boring too quick," Cimmerian yawned teasingly. "Let's get to the point, shall we?" With one quick motion, Citlalin's bounds shattered into tiny, glittering pieces. In the next second, Galeon found himself pinned by the shoulder using a massive skewer, and Citlalin was pushed to the ground, skewers sticking out in all directions.
"Now, I'm not here for you, Galeon. Bring me Incendra, and your squad can walk away intact," Cimmerian walked menacingly towards a writhing Galeon.
"I don't care what you want me to do. I'm not doing it," Galeon retorted defiantly.
"Could you not be stupid for once? I'm giving your squad a chance to walk away free. I'm asking so little of you," Cimmerian retorted, frustration tinging his tone.
Galeon looked away in protest, prompting Cimmerian to seize the opportunity and grab Galeon's comms.
"Seriously, Ama, you gave up squad leadership to this?" With that, he took the comms and smashed it into pieces in his fist.
"Galeon..." A small voice cried out, breaking through the chaos. Both the Cimmerian and Galeon whipped their heads around to see who it was.
"Do... what he says... he's too angry..." It was Cor Magia, his form huddled in a corner, emotionally shocked.
"What? No! Why should I listen to you? You idiot. You didn't even do anything," Galeon blurted out, offended that a squad member had dared to look down on him.
"... no... Nooooo... you made him angrier..." Galeon whipped his head back to see a snarling Cimmerian.
"He's right... you're scum. Hero? You? What a wicked joke. It's people like you... like you who leave injured civilians behind... like her, like that Incendra. You defeat the very purpose you seem to stand for!" Zeke wanted to knock the daylights out of Galeon, making his gauntlet heavier, wanting to leave a mark. A mark that would remind Galeon that even a villain took him for scum for ages to come. But at the very last moment, he felt his fist being held back. It was a strand of sunshine, melting his gauntlet off, slowly.
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My sex Magic only gets more and more infinitely potent at manifesting. My sex Magic only gets more and more infinitely derangeder, insaner and unhinged at manifesting. My sex Magic only gets more and more infinitely powerful at manifesting. My sex Magic only gets more and more infinitely staggeringly magical at manifesting. My sex Magic only gets more and more infinitely effective at manifesting. My sex Magic only gets more and more infinitely capable at manifesting. My sex Magic only gets more and more infinitely efficient at manifesting. My sex Magic only gets more and more infinitely powerful. My sex Magic only gets more and more terrifyingly powerful. My sex Magic only gets more and more infinitely undefeated. I only get more and more infinitely spot-on psychic. My psychic presence only gets more and more infinitely spot-on psychic. I'm rigged to never put my life on pause. My psychic presence only gets more and more infinitely controlling. My psychic presence rigs every single situation they're into my favor. My psychic presence is their kryptonite(chills). I'm the insurmountable kryptonite. I'm their insurmountable weakness. I'm rigged to stay razor-sharpest laser focused on my intentions. There's not a damn unfortunate in my story. Each day everyday I only get more and more infinitely colossally satisfied in the exact way I prefer and desire. My within never scares me. My within is rigged to never scare me(chills). It tangibly makes sense I'm instantly a Zillionaire. My Magic and Power is rigged to know where I am in my own story. I'm rigged to trust my Magic's working. I'm rigged to never operate from lack. I'm rigged to operate from the Zillionaire Superstar version of me. My desired intentions are rigged to devastatingly overpower everything. I'm rigged to do unbelievable human feats each day and each passing moment. I'm unbelievably a Zillionaire Superstar. My amygdala doesn't activate. I'm rigged to colossally achieve all of my dreams. My accomplishments are rigged to never be slept on. I'm an avalanche. My commentary surpasses first place. I'm so beautiful. Everything I touched on the planet turns to staggering gold(chills). I'm rigged to choose myself. In my within I choose myself. Everyone starts geeking about everything I do. All over the world I got aunties and uncles ready to ride for me at any moment (chills). Everytime they see my face they stop. My within relentlessly boosts my ego. Everytime I talk they believe everything I say is 100% accurate and complete information. They protect me at all costs. To my own benefit I give them what they're all longing for. The 3D is rigged to never go against my within. I'm coincidence in the flesh. I'm in-sync in the flesh(chills). Everyone eerily senses the connection between me and Laika is overpoweringly tangible and palpable. I'm rigged to never have reasons to give up. Laika squirts everytime she touches my pussy. I'm who they need to talk to. Even unconsciously my desired intentions are put in(chills), moving me to desired reality at rapid speed. It's never too late for me, in fact it's always too early(chills). Wow. I profoundly see why movies are real life. I attract not envy but profound palpable awe-inspiring admiration when I make out with Laika because our passion.. my connection with Laika is so unbelievably strong. Laika's connection to me is so unbelievably strong. I'm tangible chills in the flesh. Laika has severe Poliosis and it shows in her hair. I'm tangible instant Magic. I'm tangibly the Holy Ghost. I'm tangibly the psychic realm. I'm tangibly the spiritual realm. I'm tangibly the financial realm. I'm tangibly the energetic realm. I'm tangibly the quantum leaping realm. I'm tangibly the reality shifting realm. I'm tangibly the Magic realm. I'm tangibly the supernatural realm. I only get more and more infinitely supernatural. My powers only gets more and more infinitely supernatural. Fucking me is passionately Laika's religion. Laika and I have astonishingly amazing sex and romantic dreams of each other every night.
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fridayisbestday · 2 years
Lenny stood there on the eerily quiet, empty sidewalk. He only wanted one drink before his date, you know, to still his nerves and all. So why the actual fuck, is he staring death right in the fucking eye?
Earlier that night…
Usually after a good gig, he would hang around, sign a few autographs, some small talk with a few of his adoring fans who would often buy him drinks, thinking that it would keep him for a while longer, they're usually right.
But tonight after the gig he was gonna meet Midge, so he scribbled down his name down a few times and kept the small talk short not wanting to get drunk without her, limiting himself to a singular drink.
He wanted to meet her at her gig but she said it was a shitty gig with a club full of ‘horny middle aged misogynistic assholes who live with their mothers’, so she's gonna meet him here, have some drinks, and if the drinks go well enough maybe dinner. And if dinner goes exceedingly well, they'll share an innocent kiss goodnight and go their separate ways. But, if he's lucky (which he often isn't but a man can wish, can't he?), and he means really fucking lucky tonight, then the innocent kiss turns to a more bluer shade, with significantly less clothes and messier hair, and maybe waking up to the sight of kiss swollen lips in his new, shiny apartment the next day. Maybe springing extra for dinner might not be such a bad idea he thought.
He took a drag of his smoke, "Mr Bruce?" A softer voice interrupts his thoughts.
"Lenny please. Mr Bruce ‘s my mother." He quipped as he tapped off bits of ash into the ash tray, turning to match the voice to the face. It was a blonde, short haired, curvy woman in a rather tight fitting red dress with a low cutting neckline, that left very little to the imagination.
She chuckles at his quip, laughing more than it should've been, "Well, Lenny," she drawled on his name, "I'm Linda,” she introduced with a flirtatious smile, “you were, really funny tonight." She shifts closer to him, he could smell her perfume, smell was the wrong word, suffocating, or drowning would be more accurate.
"That was the plan." He breathed as he not so subtly shifted away from her, please get the fuck away from me.
“Speaking of plans,” she said, dragging her finger across the rim of her drink as she took the seat next to him and leaned in, "do you have any plans tonight?-"
"Yep." He quickly replied, turning away to take a sip of his drink, allowing his nostrils to take a break.
"And tomorr-?" She continued.
"Yep." He fired, paying no mind to her or her unwanted and unwelcome advances.
"What about-?"
Will Midge smell this on me? “Yep.” He answered.
"How about some day…" She continues as Lenny ponders, who am I kidding? Anyone with a working nose within a 10 feet radius could smell this shit.
“Look lady,” he cut her off before she could continue further, just wanting this interaction to end before Midge arrives, wanting to avoid any misunderstandings that could possibly happen, "I'm sure you're nice, but I'm really not interested." He snapped at her politely, stubbing his smoke out, well if you could snap at someone politely.
He quickly polished off the last of his drink, threw down his drink ticket and walked out, he'll just meet Midge outside of the club, the street outside was surprisingly quiet, which he finds that he doesn't really mind it actually, plus it's not like it's freezing out, it's a rather nice night, with soft gentle breeze and everything. Maybe they’ll walk to the restaurant rather than take a cab, only if she’s wearing the right shoes of course, the last thing he wants is her getting hurt.
"Hey." A rougher voice shouted clearly, Lenny turned his head, now facing a rounder man but before Lenny could respond, the guy clocks him right in the fucking jaw, "That's for disrespecting my girl!”
Are you fucking kidding me?
"Hey! What the fuck man! It was your girl who came on to me!-" The rounder man swung at him again before he could explain, but Lenny dodges this one by a hair, feeling the air move across his face.
"Hey! At least let me finish!” He exclaimed, either the man didn't hit him hard enough or hit him too hard, 'cause immediately after, he thought of at least 3 good gags about coming and finishing he could say, but then what kinda kick would Mr Punch First Ask Later get from it.
"What's up your ass? I’m just standing here waiting for my friend!” He heard his jaw click as he yelled in disbelief, rubbing the welt that was already forming.
Lenny has never been the greatest fighter, although he’s been in a fair share of fights over his years, it’s usually for things he saw coming, but this one, was not his fault, and shit, could this guy pack a punch. So in con-fucking-clusion, yeah no, there’s no chance in hell he could win this one.
Then the guy pulled out a pipe of sorts outta the club's garbage, man is he fucked. "Sorry, I'm just doing my job." The guy explains, 'his job'?
Ok Bruce. When the guy starts swinging, run. Just run. Even if it’s the completely opposite direction to where Midge is, she’ll understand, hopefully, assuming her type isn’t a limp corpse-
And before Lenny could finish his thought, the guy swung at him at full speed pipe in hand, but before he could bolt the fuck outta here he heard a familiar voice shout behind the man, "Hey, Nicky!" She greeted with a tone laced in friendliness and familiarity.
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