#they’re holding hands btw sksksks
bruciemilf · 1 year
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J: You should be addicted to shutting the fuck up
Y: You wanna be Diana’s son so bad it makes you look stupid
(Click for better quality lol)
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sugawarassoulmate · 2 years
Here me out, I'm gonna be horny on main for just a second. Loser!kuroo where a he hears someone talking shit when bully!reader ain't around and he do a lil something something about it. And then after the fact he come storming up into your place wanting to eat you out to feel better. You feel me?
BTW I love you so much.
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me: *doesn't write about kuroo for like 3 days* y'all: feel like pure shit 🥲 just want him back sksksksk
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words: 591 cw: fem!reader, misogynistic language, oral (f receiving), angry loser!kuroo, tetsuro kuroo: defender of women sksksk, minors dni or i’ll bite ur kneecaps
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sometimes kuroo is amazed at how easy it is for him to slip under people’s radar despite being “obnoxiously tall” as you put it. like right now, he’s getting food in the dining hall after his class ended and going over his notes when he overhears his name in conversation. that wouldn’t have been so bad if your name hadn’t come up as well.
“if she lets that loser hit, she’d definitely fuck anyone,” he heard someone say, voice thick with a smugness that seemed undeserved. “i’ve been trying to get her attention but she’s playing hard to get.”
someone else snorts. “yeah, she’s stuck up as fuck, but i heard her head game is crazy. wouldn’t mind a try either.”
it goes on like that—mindless and disgusting. it’s already bad enough that they’re talking about a woman, or anyone, like that. but they’re talking about you. kuroo knows you don’t care about stupid boys saying stupid shit about someone they wish they could have, but he won’t stand for it.
getting up, kuroo dumps his half-eaten food—he lost his appetite after hearing what they said—and goes up to the table, standing tall in front of the two guys. he recognizes them from one of your classes and they’re shocked to see the six-foot volleyball captain staring directly at them, gritted teeth and heavy breathing.
“got anything else you wanna say, man?” kuroo keeps himself in check, he learned a long time ago how to not let his emotions get the best of him. no matter how much his fist is twitching.
one of the guys holds his hand up in defense. “hey, bro. we were just talking shit. we didn’t mean none of it.” his voice cracks, the self-confidence he had just moments ago is nowhere to be seen. he gestures to his friend to back him up, but gets nothing. the other boy is too nervous to say a word.
kuroo rolls his eyes. “be fucking careful with your words next time. i won’t be as nice.” they nod and quickly grab their stuff to get the hell out of dodge. kuroo likes knowing he scared them, but he wonders what else they might have said about you that he wasn’t around to hear. the tightness in his chest doesn’t leave and kuroo feels like he needs to punch something.
no, he needs to calm down. he needs you.
he blindly heads to your dorm, doing anything he can from resisting that anger festering inside him. it’s only when he sees your face that kuroo can finally calm down. you didn’t have class today and were still in your pajamas, rubbing the sleep from your eyes after waking up from your midday nap.
“did you run here? why are you breathing so hard?” you ask, scowl on your face as you take in the sight of the man before you.
“i just…” kuroo can’t form words and instead just pulls you into a kiss, pushing you into the room and shutting the door. you let out a sound of surprise, but don’t push him away, fingers tangling in his hair as you let him drop you to the bed. “i’m sorry, i’m sorry i just need you right now…”
kuroo pulls your shorts down and you think he’s going to fuck you, but he dives straight for your pussy, lapping at your slit and groaning at the taste. it’s confusing how he so quickly threw himself upon you, but you’re not one to ask questions when you’re being spoiled.
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©sugawarassoulmate 2022 all rights reserved - please do not repost/translate my work on other platforms!
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mirakeul · 4 years
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Hiya love! Thank you for requesting afshkjksa i am so happy sksksksks,, you’re also amazing, anon!!! ily uwu u do know who u are HAHAHAHA sksksks
HC: Bakugo, Kirishima, and Kaminari with an overly sweet s/o who gets taken advantage of
warnings: none, again just bakugo being bakugo
Bakugo Katsuki
okay, you see
people are actually asking how
like u’re very sweet
and bakugo is,,,,
u kno
but ig it works???
he does do things for u he never does for those stupid extras
like he cooks for u
and boy, was it YUMMY delicioso~
and he definitely holds ur hand
but he says it’s so the damn extras know u belong to him
(read: he likes ur hands, so soft)
and he loves ur sweet nature
i mean, duh
it’s kinda what made him fall in the first place
but ofc that’s a story for another time *wink wonk*
u guys are the weirdest couple
like u’d be 😊😊😊
but katsuki is 😠😠😠
like again, how?????
katsuki is actually v sweet (not around other people ofc)
but he’s a tsun-tsun
so when in closed doors, u always cling to him first
while in your room,, (not doing the diddly doo)
u were doing more work than ever
and u look all frustated and stuff
so obv, being the good boyfriend he is *cough* simp *cough*
“what are you doing?”
“it’s nothing, katsuki”
with a sweet tone, mind you, but an annoyed look on your face
ur phone kept buzzing the last few minutes
so obv he becomes annoyed as well
he snatches it from u and he can see texts from your classmates
“hey y/n, can you help me with this?”
“hey l/n, can i ask for a favor?”
“hey, is this right?”
“help me pls!!!”
and so on
he’s pissed
why do these damn extras ask you for so much?
and why do you keep saying yes????
“katsuki, it’s nothing”
“KATSUKI!” u shouted, wide-eyed when he turned off your phone and throwing it to your bed
“stop it, dumbass”
“just say no to those stupid extras, you’re obviously overwhelmed”
“but i can’t--”
say no to this (hamilton amirite)
“dumbass, i’ll say no for you”
“but, katsuki-!”
he pulled you to his lap
oh wow
“don’t overwork yourself, dumbass”
u pouted
and ofc he smooched u
“now, we sleep”
he pulls you in and i swear
he has the strongest hold on u
u really couldn’t stand if u try
the next day
in other words: she’s tired, my baby, the love of my life, is tired, so don’t bother my baby
u just stood there
like the pikachu meme u know
where pikachu’s just 😯
“katsuki i--” 😚😚😚
“tch, dumbass, let’s go” 🙄🙄 (he’s blushing btw)
Kirishima Eijiro
now this boi right here
he’s a simp for u and u only
bystanders aww at u
they be like,,
“so cute”
i mean duh,,,
you’re too sweet
and kiri is also v sweet
so ofc when u became a couple
u were the “it” couple
like overly sweet
bakugo is this 🤢🤢🤢 when he sees you both
but he can’t escape 
bcuz u’re in the bakusquad
n e ways, you were in the dorm’s common room
when kaminari approaches u
“y/n, are you busy? i need some help”
now, kiri notices u were hesitating
and u look really troubled
so being the good boyfriend that he is,,
“bro, can you just ask yao-momo? my s/o’s busy”
“oh, of course dude! sorry!”
when he left, kiri looked at u
and he notices u were looking more tired
“baby, are you okay?”
“it’s nothing, eiji. i’ve been caught up by favors lately”
“then say no, y/n”
“i can’t-- what if they think bad of me if i turn them down?”
“baby, they’re your friends, if they do not understand that you can’t keep saying yes then you should look for new friends”
he pulls you closer to his and lets u snuggle him
“baby, if you ever get tired like this, say no or lead them to me and i’ll say no for you”
there was just silence
he looks down and u were sleeping
he places a kiss on your forehead
and snuggles with u
he sleeps and reminds himself to do something later
mina finds u guys and ofc does not hesitate to take a picture
who ofc sends it to the class gc
later, when you woke up in your bed
huh, eiji must have brought you to bed
u were met with messages from your friends
“sorry for asking too much, y/n! hope you’ll rest well!”
“i’ll ask yao-momo next time!”
“thank you for your help but it’s fine if you’re busy!”
“rest well, y/n! kiri’s told us of the situation and we understand!”
u immediately went to find eiji 
and jumped on him
“i love you, eiji!”
“i love you too, y/n!” 🥰🥰🥰
Kaminari Denki
okay,, first off
idk how this happened
like he literally said
“my love for you is like diarrhea, i just can't hold it in.”
which made u laugh out loud
in a sweeter way ofc
and he swears
he saw angels come down bcuz of ur laugh
and he’s ecstatic bcuz u never rejected him outright
u just laughed and told him
“stop it, kaminari”
and boy, did he not stop
he’d throw pick up lines everyday
so u obv fell for him
and u were really sweet!!!
like, denki’s confused how but he’s happy
one day, you were walking with him when sero approached you
“hey, l/n! i need your help, are you busy?”
he genuinely looked confused since you never hesitated
but he did see why
there were bags under your eyes
and your voice doesn’t really sound happy anymore
are you okay?
“bro, she’s helping me study tonight, maybe ask kiri?”
he then turns to you, all serious
wow so serious
“y/n, love, are you okay?”
and when you tell him
he literally texted everyone to stop asking you for favors then and there
he’s like 
“hi guys, my queen 🥰🥰 is v tired with all the help you’re asking her so can you let her rest?”
so your classmates and friends understood
and they were surprised because kami seemed serious
so they did
they let you rest and stopped asking you even for the minor inconveniences
u were all 🥺🥺🥺 at kaminari
and he looked so proud you were his
so u thought it was the perfect opportunity
“hey, denki?”
“yes, my queen?”
“you must be tired because you've been running through my mind all day”
and boy, he combusted
like when he overuses his quirk
u were wide-eyed and called for help
bcuz he can’t help it
he really loves his queen
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01010010-posts · 5 years
— swear you're not gonna replace me.
requests: since your clothes shopping request i’ve been thinking of what if the boys s/o did go shopping for technology like i wanna see them get jealous of a damn roomba sksksk
Hi, I really love your work. It's so amazing! I was wondering if you could do one where the reader has a robotic pet. Something obviously not sentient, like a mechanical animal or maybe something clearly robotic like a cute spider robot that climbs and hops around.
How about the RKs reacting to their s/o who cares for animals (both android and real) to the point that strays follow them and just sees them as a parent that they need to protecc? ~Feather (Btw, your blog is a m a z I n g)
For the 3 bois: Reader doesn't know what to get her s/o as a birthday gift. So she impulse buys a pet that she thinks matches the personality of her s/o (EX: Connor = Corgi and RK900 = Banded Sea Krait. These examples don't have to be the pets, pick whatever you want.) The bois react to it, keep it, and forms a relationship with it (Whether adoring, salty, etc. you decide.)
RK900 really is THAT man huh im also having an existential crisis so im sorry if i lumped these requests together thought they would be qt
• he thinks he can do it • he thinks he’s prepared • he’s an adult he’s mature enough • actually he’s not but nvm • besides isn’t it the same as when Hank calls his car “baby” when it’s throwing a ‘tantrum’? yeah it’s prob the same he can FUCKING do it • “do we,,,, really need a fridge that can speak? don’t humans hate that kind of odd thing? for examples, 1998’s Furbies are–” • “.......... listen, love, for the last time. it’s just a fridge!” • “BUT it can speak! can we.... I don’t know, buy another model?” • “gosh, we’ve rehearsed this conversation, baby, no. it’s the last they’ve got in stock and we don’t have much money, plus i can’t order one and wait a week, food’ll go bad otherwise” • “but it can speak....” it’s the only feeble lament that comes out of connor’s mouth before propping his head against the passenger’s seat, visibly worried • “it will just say a couple of lines like ‘ice is ready beep beep’, don’t think about it too much, okay?” • it’s already weird you have to reassure him about this topic • ok you love connor & you might be an androidfucker but it doesn’t MEAN you’re going to start a romantic story with a fridge! • what has your life come to if you’re having such thoughts • “I can say ‘ice is ready’ too!” • you bet he can say beep beep too • “.... i know and i love you for that, honey, but you can’t keep my yogurt cool” • “can,,, try?” • softly “don’t.”
• “look, i think it matches your personality”  • “.... babe it’s a roomba” • “i know right? you just already have so much in common!” • “BABY” • “oh don’t worry! it’s deviant!” • he’s,,,, going to collapse there and then • “why did you even gift me something like this” • “why? because you’re always doing chores and, although you can’t be physically tired, you deserve to at least not spend time sweeping the floor” • OK that was a nice thing to say but you’re NOT getting away so EASILY • “but I like doing them!” • “.... you do?” • “yeah, I mean– they’re relaxing, I don’t mind doing them” • you adjust your position on the couch and smirk, but to him it appears as a kind smile “now you’re saying that because you’re jealous of a roomba taking your place as the only android in this house but no one likes doing chores trust me” • “no, no, no– you trust me. I do like them, in fact I love them! folding, sweeping, wiping, washing, all of these repetitive gestures, they’re calming and– and.... and not to mention that doing them for you.... I love that too, I love laundering your clothes because you’re so cute when you’re happy about putting on a pretty outfit or– or I love cooking for you, because you eat with so much content that I–” • he becomes aware of how his soliloquy is affecting you as soon as his eyes lands on your face • and he stops • and he blushes, i’m not joking, he blushes HARD • and he fakely clears his throat  • “come here” you whisper, moving your index back and forth • he steps closer, then slowly leans onto your features “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to–” • “shh” you silence him with a kiss, holding his collar with your fingers “sorry about what? that was lovely af” • he chuckles, lighter, relieved because of your sweet moment • “now, I don’t really find any use in me adhering to human customs and having a birthday but– how to say.... next time we’ll choose my gift together? couple technology shopping? if you’re okay with such request” • he adores you so much he could even accept an eternity of ugly weird gifts if that pleases you GOSH THIS MAN!!!! • “.... you’re a dumb baby but i love you especially because of this” • “excuse me what do you–” • “that was not your real birthday gift don’t worry, it was a joke!” • “I swear I’m” • good thing his real birthday gift is something else /winkwink • yeah im,,,, talking about cuddles and a red&white sweater 
• it was a pretty strange series of events, really, that lead to adopting a cute little mechanical bird • the main one was that he found it on a road’s corner, ‘wounded’, and didn’t have the ‘heart’ in him to ignore such pitiful thing and its cries for help, because, certainly he hadn’t been denied ‘help’ either when he was in a similar situation • he decided, of course, that it was his ‘mission’ to repair it • and he put the utmost care in the process • because of this reason, well, he naïvely & humanly thought that the tiny creature would have been somewhat grateful to him, maybe worshipping his figure if not as a god but as a caretaker • probably because that’s what happened to him but • but his expectations are surely not met when the chirping friend behave as.... an android • in all honesty it’s a bit discouraging • but he’s not given the opportunity to explore this worry as his ‘new’ ‘emotions’ takes most of his thinking hardware • “I’m not jealous at all, it’s just that he follows you everywhere! I can’t believe it!” • “yep. that sounds like something a jealous person would say” you attempt your best at hiding the giggling growing on your mouth, your ‘pet’ placidly resting on your right shoulder • “okay maybe I’m jealous. an insignificant amount tho” he pouts, leaning to see what you’re cooking by using his left hand as a lever • he’s probably also looking at you but that’s a secret well kept • “you shouldn’t be, love.” you joke, giving him a wink but still not facing his side until you’re ready to continue speaking “i mean, i only have eyes for you” • he chuckles, unable to contain his usual playful attitude, especially when he’s with you  • “oh but it’s not you who I’m jealous about!” • mh? you ponder a moment, smiling “ahh so this baby chick is the sole object of your attention! woe is me!” • he can’t help but laugh along with you and place a kiss on your cheek • and then one on the tiny chirping child’s tiny head
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jokerownsmysoul · 4 years
for the f/o ask: #1, #2, #6, #7 (of course!! 😉❤️), #13, #19 ? ☺️ sorry for so many, i'd just love your thoughts on all these!
all about your f/o ask game
read more because I’m very chatty for Artie 🥰 except when I have to finish editing my pieces lmaooo
1. How would you describe their eyes (their color, how they make you feel)?
Okay first of all, I’ll never saw eyes most beautiful than his. Saying that he has the most beautiful eyes of the multiverse is an understatement.💙 Every time I look at them I wonder how in the world such marvel can exist, they are surreal. His eyes were the first thing that impressed me about him, the first thing that made me fall in love with him. Every time I look at them, I get disoriented, and at the same time it’s like I’m coming back home. I get lost as I find myself when I look at them, they are both my death and what gives me life. His eyes are green, they look like coral reef or like those areas on the bottom of the sea where the water looks greener than the surface. 
Depending on the light and the weather, sometimes they seem slightly blue and it’s fun to wake up in the morning and wonder if that day they will be more blue or greener. In any case, even if the imperceptible shade of his color changes, its bright light color is always there, emeralds glowing eyes. His eyes are paintings framed by two thick, dark eyebrows, I’ve never seen eyebrows match two eyes as well as his. They’re so noticeable and the combination of the dark color of his eyebrows with the light color of his eyes makes his face otherworldly and he looks like an angel. His eyes always have a twinkle inside that makes them  shine like shooting stars, and yet, they are also full of pain. I’ve never seen eyes that can make a person fall in love and happy with just one look being so full of pain and carrying inside sorrows that every man should never feel. It’s said that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, and looking at his eyes we immediately understand that his is a precious soul that in life has suffered more than he can bear, his eyes are an eternal plea to be loved and seen and the most beautiful gemstone I’ve ever seen in my life and I’ll ever see. Ugh I got carried away as usual 👀
2. What’s their favorite article of clothing they own?
Lmao probably I'm projecting 😂 but in the movie we see him wearing his red/chestnut sweater veeery often, so this makes me think that it's one of his favorite articles of clothing, maybe one of those which makes him feel comfortable in his own skin, you know, one of those clothes with which you feel good, for one reason or another. And he likes wearing red so 🥰 And also he'd love it because I myself love him on this sweater, so he'd always wear it to make me happy 🥰🥰 And truth be told, he’d always wear not only to make me happy, but also to tease me. It would be a silent question of being cuddled, a secret way of telling me that he needs me, because he knows that when he wears this sweater my hands are attracted to his fabric, I can't help it. 👀 So he would wear it as if it were my personal siren call to tell me he wants me to lay love on him without actually tell me out loud because is still insecure, although I would teach him that when he wants my touch and cuddles he doesn’t need to ask my permission, I am his, and I would want his touch as much as he does, he doesn't need to ask me to love him.
When he wears this sweater I can’t help but caress him more studiously, my hands were made to caress his body and this fabric makes him so cuddly. The fabric of his sweater is almost as soft as his skin, it absorbs the heat of his body and when I touch it is so heated that it feels like it's boiling like a bonfire. His sweater totally smells of him. His scent is so intense that if I lay my nose on the sweater his smell fills my nostrils, it’s like that the fabric itself was embroidered with the fragrance of his odorous skin. Arthur’s scent is gentle, soft, one of those shy but strong fragrances that linger on your skin all day long, like when you wear a perfume in the morning and once you came home at night you find out that it's still lingering on your skin after all this time. His scent is as much intense and delicate as these kind of perfumes. In the sweater there is always a faintest hint of cigarette, and this combination of smoky smell with the sweet one of his skin creates an addictive, intoxicating fragrance.
Arthur smells of kindness and smoke, and the sweater is a tangible element that carries the olfactory sign of his smell itself, it is an object through which his smell becomes bodily and palpable. I yearn to embrace him as he wears it, lay my cheek on his skin, left uncovered by the V-neckline after unbuttoning the buttons of the sweater, and kiss the taut muscle of his sternum and the point where his collar bones meet. I yearn to breath him in, my hands wandering on his body covered in red and cotton, feeling his muscles underneath the sweater stretching as my love envelops him. I love that this sweater has buttons at the ends of the sleeves, too, and he also loves it, because when the buttons are unbuttoned (and they are most of the time) allow me to kiss his wrist, and ngl he'd probably leave the button unbuttoned on purpose so as to have his wrists kissed all the time. He can be sly pff 👀 He adores it when I lift the sleeves up along his arms to uncover his skin and kiss the soft inside of his arms, rubbing the baby hairs of his arms (which drive me crazy as hell btw), and he adores even more wearing this sweater because he knows that sooner or later I will take it off to enfold him completely with kisses and caresses, usually it doesn’t take long for me to take off his sweater btw 👀 
Also, his mustard hoodie and his white socks. It looks like he can’t help but wear them, and I can’t help but watch him wear them either. His mustard hoodie is so worn, but I can tell how much important it is for him. He carries it everywhere he goes, and I’m sure he went throught a lot of things wearing it, that hoodie carries in its fabric so many memories and life. And his white socks sksksk I’ve a thing for them ngl. I don’t know why, but there’s something so cute and adorable in his socked feet, I’ve never had a fetish for feet but his? Ugh girl they’re so cute. must kiss and love and squeeze 🥺 and ngl, it’d be sooo erotic taking his socks off slowly, very slowly as i’m uncovering his ankles, my gaze locked with his, eventually kissing the back of his foot, his ankles, before blowing him. there, I said it. and my sock-y wip might be about that uups 👀  
6. When was the exact moment you knew you were in love with them?
I answered here, it’s too long to copy and paste it sksk
7. What do their hands feel like?
Home, protection, safety. His hands are rough, his fingers callous, but Arthur’s touch is gentle and delicate. He caresses as if you were an instrument to play and through his fingers would compose a melody on your skin. When he caresses you the callousness of his fingertips collides with the smoothly of his touch and the warmth of his skin, creating a wonderful contrast that takes your breath away and warms you inside to your soul. When he rubs his hands on your body you feel the friction of the folds on his fingers on your skin, leaving you hungry and at the same time feeding you with this sweet contradiction that are his hands. Rough, but soft. Worn, but of a young touch. When he touches you, you’d say nothing could ever touch you with the same delicacy, not even a feather. The back of his hand, like every part of his hands and body as well, is soft and always smells of him, but it’s dusted with baby, soft hairs which look like brown flower’s stems blooming on his skin, and when you place your fingers on the back these light hairs wandering on its surface tickle your fingers, a perfectly contradictory soft friction. In his fingers and especially in his fingertips there is always a hint of the stale smell of greasepaint that always remains in his hands even if he washes them very often. I yearn to pass my fingertips on the swollen veins running through the back of his hands as if they were roads to travel along his warm and odorous skin, I yearn to trace the protruding tendons from under his skin with the tips of my fingers and lick and suck his thick, boney fingers, feeling the aftertaste of smoke and the hint of the cigarette he just smoked on my tongue. There are black patches on the back of Arthur’s hands, they look like snowflakes fell on his skin in a winter to keep warm, a speckled map that shows you the exact path you need to travel to stroke his hand wholly. His wrists are breakable and fragile, they need gentle touches and soft kisses. In the center of his right wrist he has a wound, right on the most sensitive part of his wrist, where there are the small superficial veins. I yearn to kiss the most sensitive part of his wrists, to lay my lips on the pulsating spot where I can feel his heartbeat go faster because someone is touching him. His body, his subtle essence, his heart, would never be as close to mine as they are when I kiss his pulsating wrist. Whey they tremble I hold his writs in my hand, I kiss them and I trace the colored lines of his veins along his wrist and arms soothingly. I only want to be held, and his hands would always be there to hold me.
13. What’s one thing that surprised you about them after you got to know each-other? 
He makes me feel comfortable. I’m veeeeeeery shy and insecure, it takes me months, years, to be 100% comfortable with a person, actually iI’ve never been so comfortable with a person to be myself, yet with him it is different. With him I know that my fears and insecurities would take a step back, I know that I wouldn’t be afraid to show myself for what I am because he would understand what I feel or, if he didn’t understand it, he would listen to me anyway, and be close to me even if the topic is bigger than us. And that was matter. I never looked at a person and thought "with you my fears would be empty", I never believed it possible. I’ve always given up living because of my security and God knows how many good things I’ve missed because of myself, I’m always so afraid of everything, of love, of touching someone, of living, but when I look at Arthur I only feel this warm feeling of protection, security, trust. I was surprised by the fact that Arthur overcomes my anxiety, he gives me the possibility of being vulnerable and brittle in front of him, I always try to hide my fragility but he’d see it. With him, I’m sure, I would feel comfortable and I could love and show myself totally and he’d look at me and at everything I show him. I wouldn’t be afraid to reveal myself in front of him 💙
19. What are they like in the kitchen (clumsy, focused, pro level)?
Focused, totally focused. Arthur is a neat man who loves to get everything right 💙 He never takes his eyes off the television when Murray starts and he’s headed to bed, and that’s enough to understand how much attention and dedication he puts into everything he does. When he cooks he is my opposite lmaooo. I am very clumsy, I always make everything dirty even if I have to do a single meal. I don’t know how I manage to do it, but e.g, when I have to do a simple sandwich I dirty thousand of pots and I mess up lmaoo, and I’m very distracted ngl. He is all the opposite: he is very attentive, dedicated, devoted to every move. When he cooks he hums soft tune with parted lips in a low voice and likes to sway with his hips, his head is elsewhere in a dreamy world made of music only, this scenario seen from the outside can be mistaken for distraction by those who don’t know him, but actually in those moments when he hums and swings to a music that only he knows he is very devoted to what he’s doing, he wouldn’t take his attention away from what he does for nothing, it’s something I adore about him. Despite being so devout, however, it is very easy to make him unfocused and bring him back to us by caressing him suddenly or giving him a kiss on his shoulder blades, embracing him from behind or even just standing next to him. He would turn his face right away, a guilty smile on his face, and loving eyes. He’s a focused person with everything he does, yet the only thing he never takes his eyes from, ever, it’s the person he loves, he’s always focused on his one and only all the time, 24/7, and it’s the only thing he could never be unfocused from 💙
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