#they don't even see other ppl as ppl. but as objects to be saved or whatever. like ffs. that's SO
comradekatara · 3 months
So, we don't often see Sokka being really passed off at anyone in the show. We see him being angry with Aang when he burned Katara, with Han bc of course, but like, Katara gets mad quickly, and it frizzles out, but I feel like, actually angry Sokka is dangerous, and no one is willing to see how dangerous he is going to be.
I mean, sokka gets pissed off a lot. at idiocy, foolishness, incompetence, cowardice, rashness, cruelty, corruption, naïveté, illogic, callousness, heedlessness, and so on and so forth. he makes definite exceptions, but he’s constantly objecting to pretty much everyone and everything. besides the obvious blindspots in his judgment (usually father issues, occasionally a pretty girl) he is a ruthless critic chugging haterade at all times. even just mentioning your horoscope in his vicinity gets his heartrate spiking (and ppl wonder how/why he died relatively young). but you’re right, sokka isn’t really rageful in the way katara is.
it’s in fact crucial that while katara is motivated by blinding rage during her lifechanging fieldtrip/apotheosis, sokka is motivated by blinding guilt. sokka really only freaks out when aang hurts katara, hahn demeans yue (among other things), and azula threatens suki. and in all three scenarios, his rage overtakes him due to his own guilt. he feels that he, personally, has failed by “putting” katara, yue, and suki in danger.
as we know, sokka has deeply internalized the patriarchal logic that dictates that he must act a protector figure, especially towards girls. and sokka’s protectiveness is so entrenched in his identity that even when someone he cares for experiences harm in a way that is beyond his control, he feels directly implicated in their suffering, and the guilt plagues him. in the case of yue and suki, being imprisoned (metaphorically and literally) was a choice they made (obviously not an ideal choice, but an expression of their own duty, resigning themselves to suffering for what they believe to be the greater good). and yet, since sokka feels that it is his burden to carry all the world’s suffering for others (especially if those others happen to be a sibling, girlfriend, or parent), receiving definitive proof (and in the case of hahn and azula, deliberate taunts) clarifying that sokka is fundamentally unable to bear the brunt of everyone’s pain for them is what causes him to snap and physically attack them without first stopping to consider the consequences.
unlike katara, who is guided by impulse, sokka usually does first stop to think. very rarely does he let his rage overtake him the way she does. but occasionally, his own guilt complex is threatened to the point of overtaking his logic and letting his violent impulses take the wheel. this is magnified tenfold in the boiling rock, which is the ultimate expression of sokka acting rashly out of guilt. this time his failure isn’t even tangential, as he was actually responsible for the loss at the invasion that resulted in the imprisonment of those he has always most wanted to emulate, including his ultimate role model, hakoda. of course such overwhelming guilt would prompt him to feel as if he had no other choice but to save his father or die trying.
sokka is also full of rage, but unlike katara, his rage is only truly triggered when it is turned inward. katara blames others for her problems to a fault; only to aang does she ever actually apologize and take responsibility for her actions. sokka, on the other hand, internalizes blame to an absolutely absurd degree, and as much as it may seem like he is constantly finding fault with everyone around him, that ruthless criticism is really just a milder externalization of his own perpetual self-criticism, which is the sharpest and most ruthless of all.
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anamericangirl · 2 months
Uhhh hey you know queer folk are marginalized? Disabled queer here, and I’m aok coexisting with xtians and such as long as they are all coexsisting w me. But when ppl wish for my existence to be erased and for me to not marry my fiancé… that’s where there’s issues. I will always preach love, I adore churches. I anually go to xtian masses with my mother’s parents. I understand the message Jesus gave. And that was that all ppl should be allowed to exsist. At the end of the day Jesus was a probably queer poc Jewish man who hung out with prostitutes, disabled folk, queer folk, beggars? abd other impoverished down trodden and marginalized ppl.
I’m sorry you feel that we are not marginalized and that we are infringing on your rights. I’m sorry you look and see a mirror of actions on to us.
And I want you to do as Jesus would. And forgive you. Because all ppl are capable of compassion and understanding. And I hope that one day you will understand that too my friend
Hey so you actually don't understand the message Jesus gave at all and it sounds like you've never read the Bible. No offense but you're just objectively wrong about what Jesus preached and who he was.
His message was not "all people should be allowed to exist." His message was that we are all sinners and we are all living in sin and we need to repent from our sins and give our lives to him and follow him and accept his forgiveness and gift of eternal life that he paid for with his own blood on the cross and endeavor to no longer live in sin. Yes, even you.
His message was not co-existence.
However, no one, not even Christians, are actively trying to keep you from existing. People disagreeing with something you do with your life is not even remotely the same as trying to say you should not be allowed to exist and it's time to stop trying to conflate those things.
Jesus was not a "queer poc" man and that's blasphemous tbh.
Jesus also wasn't hanging out with thieves, beggars, the poor, prostitutes and the disabled because they were "marginalized" he hung out with them because they needed to hear the truth of his word and they needed to be saved and to repent of their sins.
He said himself why he hung out with them when he was confronted about it.
"And Jesus answered them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance." - Luke 3:31-32
So for you to try and rewrite that to fit your modern day narrative is, again, blasphemous.
I don't have a problem with you existing and I love you as a fellow human being and Jesus loves you but that does not mean everything you do is ok and that there is nothing God wants you to repent of and leave behind. In order to follow God, like we need to do, we all have things we have to abandon because they are sinful.
And you need to read the Bible and seek God's guidance to discover what aspects of your life are going against God's commandments and leave them behind.
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morkofday · 7 months
i find it so ironic how after becoming blind or, simply, disabled, day also turns invisible. suddenly, he's just not there, like it's not he who cannot see but he who cannot be seen.
ppl don't really talk to him, don't address him, barely give him any choices of his own. they talk over him and past him and around him, about him, surely, but not to him. it's like he's not there. he's this huge responsibility, but he's no longer a person. he's left to places like a dog or an object to wait for others to do all the things for him, and then he's just expected to agree with their plans. the same plans that still affect him and his life and future.
no wonder he's so angry and fed up with everybody. he wants to speak for himself. he wants to be heard and seen again. he used to enjoy having eyes on him – as a national athlete, there obviously were many (admiring, evaluating, assessing) eyes on him, and he liked the spotlight. he's obviously very proud of his own accomplishments and it must be frustrating to be suddenly reduced into nothing. like what he did never mattered. like who he is never mattered.
he is just this now. his blindness. someone who can be overlooked bc he cannot see it anyway. he's not far from being dead, as he puts it himself.
meanwhile, mork experiences the brutality of being abandoned over and over again. that's his wound. when his sister leaves, the pain gets the loudest, but even outside of that, he's hearing the same thing over and over again.
from what we got to know, no one ever really learned why exactly rung decided to kill herself. i assume it was the guilt over feeling like she failed mork, like she brought him more peril than was worth living for (debt?). she obviously wanted mork to have a good future, but i guess none of her actions ever translated to mork in that way.
to him, rung left after deciding that mork just wasn't worth it. she took "the easy way out" after realizing that fighting beside mork and tolerating his behavior just weren't worth the effort. mork really wasn't making the best choices, but i don't think he was ever "beyond saving". mork just thinks this is how it all went.
and then he keeps hearing the same thing from others:
after being in jail, his friends abandon him even if he took part in that fight for them. he wasn't enough for them to stick around (not that they were actually that good company, but he knew them, spent time with them, relied on them on some level)
porjai broke up with him bc mork was prioritizing his friends over his girlfriend. which porjai points out humorously, as is part of their friendship as exes, but which lands as a stab anyway. "you weren't enough as you are," it says. "you should've done better to not have me leave you."
no one wants mork to work for them bc all they can see is his past mistakes and not him trying to presently correct them. his skills aren't enough to overshadow what he did. him trying to be better cannot erase those mistakes he already made. "you should've been better to begin with," it says. "there's nothing you can do to change that now."
ppl keep turning their backs on mork, leaving him behind, labeling him unworthy or simply not good enough. even day's family does this, looking at him once and going, "you obviously do not belong here."
day disagrees. on some level at least, he disagrees. bc mork actually sees him. after all this time, someone actually sees him again.
meanwhile, well. we had that whole montage at the end of the episode to tell us how badly mork wishes to believe that someone is finally giving him a chance to prove he isn't a lost cause, that he is worth something.
my expectations for the second ep are that these two are going to learn just how bad it actually feels when someone is able to see you and how hard you will have to work to prove yourself to those who barely wish to listen.
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silver-wield · 2 months
Hi! I feel like I've found my people in you. After beating Rebirth, I've had extremely complicated feelings towards the ending and though it's slowly marinating with me. One of the reasons why the ending has been bothering me is because I've just felt off about Aerith's characterizations.
I was endeared by Aerith in remake but in rebirth I totally see the qualities that some people in og did with just how tone deaf she can be. In a way, I find that her character is interesting since she's flawed but her pushiness to cloud just rubbed me the wrong way. If ppl get Aerith in chapter 8's date we see Cloud clearly mourning Jessie and the only thing she cares about is if Jessie was a gf...like girl come on. Do people not see how this comes off?
Which brings me to say, I just don't get Aerith. The devs portray tifa and aerith as close so clearly she knows about Tifa's feelings and even seems to push the two together at times but then she constantly seeks Cloud's affection and even says they went on a date in front of Tifa? That's where her character loses me. Her constant seeming to push CT together yet constantly seeking Cloud's affections despite knowing Tifa has feelings for him and a shared history just doesn't sit well with me.
I can appreciate Aerith recognizes she doesn't know the real Cloud but this is why I'll never understand why Cleriths are so insistent that CA are "romantic" - she dies so she *never* gets to see who the real Cloud is. They clearly have a deep bond that helps enrich the story but the fact that Tifa's role was greatly expanded on in part 2 should be telling but some fans and Cleriths just straight up ignore that. Cloud is also the one who initiates everything with Tifa...the only time he's ever vulnerable and VERBALLY opens up his true feelings is with Tifa (Gongaga) and it baffles me how Cleriths just bypass this entirely. It makes me realize they're just here for the ship and not for the overarching story.
I just feel like I'm being gaslit by Cleriths or some fans who insists that Cloud loves both girls. I'm definitely not denying that the og had more leeway with this but in Remake and Rebirth? I would say the opposite. Tifa is the best suited for Cloud *and* he feels the same way. I am all about shipping whoever you want but CA's are always spewing nonsensical things. The theme songs, the over analyzing hand holding debacle and bringing up japanese culture as if a kiss isn't the most intimate thing between two people regardless of culture. Ignoring the most central theme of the songs which are regret (Cloud's guilt in hollow of failing to save her) ...Yes NPTK is about Aerith TO Cloud but we never see anything from his perspective TO Aerith. Guess who does? Tifa. Cleriths also conveniently ignore that Tifa was pushed to the forefront the entirety of rebirth until the final 2 chapters for obvious plot reasons and they all dismiss Gongaga's near kiss between CT.
Then there's Aerith's dream date at the end...Cloud has no agency in that date, he can't even choose the items himself! It's HER dream and things are predetermined for him. And is it just me or is Aerith basically re-creating her date with Zack in CC? I get why CA's think that dream date is romantic but objectively it doesn't read romantic at all...it just reads tragic because Aerith knows she's about to die - one last ditch effort for her which just doesn't amount to anything other than Cloud caring deeply for her as a person/friend. Or am I just not seeing something that "everyone" else is? Aerith herself sounds unsure how she feels towards him. Yes she has feelings for him but she's never been able to fully define them ("There's liking and there's liking"...huh?) This is also the perfect opportunity for the devs to have both girls in equal footing and cloud still doesn't kiss her or makes his supposed romantic feelings known. I like to understand the "bigger picture" in the narrative and the bigger picture to me is just obviously spells out Tifa in the end - just from a pure narrative standpoint.
And do Cleriths not see how Cloud reacts to Aerith? As someone who actually likes Aerith minus her pushiness to Cloud, even I was surprised at how he straight up told her to stop calling it a date in Costa Del Sol. Cleriths argue it's "cute banter" but this is where they lack media literacy because lmfao if anyone said this to me irl I'd be mortified because Cloud really does not give any indication that he's "joking." And Cloud doesn't even remotely have any kind of dialogue like that towards Tifa at all...even all of Tifa's optional choices are sweet at best and neutral at worst but you can straight up be an ass to everyone else including Aerith.
I just hope that in Part 3, the devs just kill the LTD with finally cementing CT and tying everything nicely with them and Aerith and Zack. Zack is one of my favourite characters ever and I feel like they did him so dirty in this game...having Marlene straight up tell him to his face that Aerith loves Cloud like???? He deserves his happy ending and perhaps WHEN Aerith and him reunite (cause they're both dead they have to right?) then it'll all click to her.
Also, Cloud is a really well written character and I really do not think he'd go after his dead best friend's girl who he just remembered. It's such a disservice not only to Zack but to Cloud's own character. The fact that Cloud says "Zack fair, head over heels for Aerith" is telling, no? Objectively and narratively CT and ZA make the most sense but again I feel like I'm constantly being gaslit into seeing CA when I really don't and the only thing CA has going for them are the last 2 chapters which are Aerith heavy for a reason because you know...she dies lol.
Sorry I didn't mean for this to be long but just wanted to have some engagement on the topic (I know you always get asks but just wanted to get something off my chest!) Thank you so much!
Couple points: hollow isn't about Aerith in any capacity. Hollow is set before Cloud arrives in Midgar and an instrumental of it plays in the wasteland outside Kalm near where Zack died, so yeah, not about her.
And nptk is about zack. If it wasn't then why tf is she crying at the end? If it's about Cloud then why doesn't he acknowledge this obvious confession in her date or any other? Why does he take Tifa's hand? Literally the opening verse about how she didn't know how much time passed until she saw someone who reminded her of Zack is the only part featuring Cloud and it's hardly complimentary. It highlights she only took an interest in him because he reminded her of Zack. Idky anybody would want something that skeevy.
Tbh I hate both songs. They're shit.
Gaslighting is what those dumdums do. They don't play the game, they skim YouTube and lie about the clips they saw.
The best thing to do is block and ignore them.
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emblazons · 1 year
I think the thing that makes me sometimes "doubt" Byler endgame is how the writers seem to treat Will in the narrative by either making him nonexistent, sidelined and unimportant overall with often minimum screentime. Idk. A lot of ppl tried to explain why it was necessary for him to be sidelined but that resulted in the audience thinking that Byler has no chance of becoming canon and that Will is just a useless background character. Add the monologue moment in S4 and Mike constantly talking about all in S4, how do you explain the duffers will make the narrative fit in what they have showed so far in the show? Most ppl will think Byler came out of nowhere and if Will gets a huge moment regarding fixing/saving the world ppl will think it came out of blue and there was no buildup. It takes really pains to prove Will's importance and Mike's love for Will. And not sure if the writers will manage that.
—so I’ve answered some version of this kind of doubt several times on this blog before, so I’m going to direct you to those posts, so as not to reinvent the wheel:
Will's Taking a Backseat in S3 + Dustin companion piece
The Duffers, Show v Tell, and people missing subtext
The Duffers Aren't Writing "Casual TV"...they're writing for themselves and people like them
Why people assume ST is written poorly (like other shows)
General Audiences, Media Literary, and "Catching" Byler
Why I Don't Understand "Duffer Doubt"
On: "Objective" Byler (and ST) Commentary
The Duffers, the "GA," and how your value system affects how you go about interpreting (or missing things in) media
Mike & Will's 3 season arc (and how it fits in the wider narrative)
On: M&R being "2 Straight White Guys" writing a queer story
+ a cut for more thoughts about how Will really wasn't all that sidelined lmao
That said: if I’m honest, I fundamentally disagree with the premise that the duffers somehow need to “make the narrative of Will fit into s5,” as though he hasn’t been integral to the Hawkins connection to the UD since literally day one.
That, combined with the fact that he was barely even in season one outside of flashbacks (and yet still managed to carry all of S2) + hasn’t really been sidelined at all if you know how to read emotional beats and not just “action” ones? Like, sure, him not being front and center was true in S3, but given that he is the center of all of Mike’s emotional decisions across all of S4 and is now quite literally holding the “main relationship” (which it’s not, but we’ll let that go) together…saying he’s not central to what’s to come given his active connection to El, Mike, every single Byers, the rest of the Party and now Henry/Vecna as we file back into Hawkins is insane.
IMO, the real problem (and at the risk of sounding like every byler critic on the internet) is that the show is made of an ensemble cast who have all had their rounds in the spotlight over the seasons…which means that Will is not going to always be at the fore front of the action, because this is not The Will Show and not every season is written with his story as its primary narrative core. That said, if you are paying attention to the emotional and even supernatural beats of the show, you can clearly see where they’ve set Will up to hold an important and even critical role in the final season—
—especially given that characters like Henry and Vecna didn’t even technically exist 2 seasons ago, and yet now hold primary weight in the story and in the minds of this “general audience” people love acting like matter most to the Duffers (even tho they have repeatedly said they don’t lmao).
I personally do not give a damn about what “the GA” thinks is possible given that half of them were mad when Will was central to the story in S2 (the 'S2 was my least favorite season / the season I don't watch much of people) and half of them couldn’t even tell he was gay, despite being plain as day to anyone who doesn’t need every single beat of the story spelled out for them….and that the duffers literally and repeatedly make fun of people for doing I throughout the show.
All that said...I respect your right to doubt, but…of all the things I could doubt The Duffers being able to pull off in the minds of this nebulous “GA” everyone thinks is so stupid they haven't picked up on any subtext or plain narrative (which I could make a strong case they aren't...which is why they pitch such a bitch lmao), making Will central to the 5th season after all the pains they’ve taken to flesh out both his connection to the UD and his romantic feelings/sexuality is not one of them.
It's not as nearly "blindsiding" as people seem to think it is—because the second you stop thinking everyone is heteronormative, you realize a lot of people who just aren't as loud as the naysayers on the internet see it plain as day.
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jess-the-vampire · 2 years
So there's been a theory going around that Caleb voluntarily left for the Isles leaving child Philip behind, as indicted by the portrait in Hollow Mind, and Philip found his way to the Isles as an adult to find him. Personally I'm rooting for this theory, because it goes to show how similar Caleb was to Luz in both positive and negative traits, both their mutual love of magic and leaving behind loved ones without any regard to their feelings. What's your opinion?
i think that theory does make Caleb out to be far more flawed as a person, the situation itself to be far more tragic for everyone involved, and overall to be a good parallel for him and other characters within the series.
because at this point in time it's so easy to sorta see Caleb as a flawless victim in all of this and while he didn't deserve his fate it's unlikely he's as flawless as fans tend to see him.
I think to an extent Caleb had his issues, bad stuff he had to grow out of, but this adds a whole other layer to it. That Caleb might of been looking to escape earth and live freely, something that lines up with flapjack's goals, but making this one selfish decision, like luz, didn't turn out how he'd thought it would.
Because toh explores the real impact luz's choice has, that there are reprecussions to living out this whimsical fantasy, and her mom is a clear example of it...because luz really hadn't considered at the time what it would do to her.
And same would go for Philip, arguably worse if Caleb was Philip's primary caretaker and if he was very young when it happened. It kinda makes you feel worse for Philip, because in this kinda circumstance...Philip might of thought his brother was killed, or kidnapped, mind warped, or that his brother really abandoned him for years....for witches.
And Caleb might not of fully understood the hurt that caused because he was so happy with his new life.
There's a likelihood Caleb had no idea how to get home so it was out of his control, but at the same time if he didn't even TRY to get back to his brother....how exactly does that come off to Philip?
That his brother didn't care about him? That they did something to him? Was this even his brother at all?
Caleb wanting to be free of his situation is not a bad thing, he would of been clearly making a selfish choice for himself, but leaving Philip behind in a clearly messed up community without a possibly good influence might not of really crossed his mind as a being a problem.
It'd be an unfortunate situation where caleb was doing something for himself but in return left someone behind to get worse without him, making his death an unfortunate circumstance of his actions.
i think it's an interesting take on the situation that sorta humanizes both philip and caleb a little more as characters?
because i love the idea of them both going in together, that makes for far more fun story ideas of them getting into shenanigans, but most ppl who tackle that idea usually have caleb almost be objectively good and philip objectively bad (Outside of those who had the idea of philip going from good to bad and caleb from bad to good).
and that's fine if you wanna do that, but i think it adds more to them as characters if caleb can have more moments of screwing up and philip has more moments of sympathy, it makes them feel more like people and their fates more tragic then one brother just being good and one just being bad.
So yeah, i kinda don't mind this idea, i'm personally not really crazy fond of philip sorta being seen as evil from the very beginning and that he always was a bad seed, i think it's far more interesting if you show him as a person and how he came into his opinions and the ways in which he regressed.
Cause at the end of the day, Philip is a tragic character in a way, he objectively thinks he's saving others and in turn he basically ruined his own life for no reason. It's not an excuse, he is at fault for how he handled all of this despite having the time to grow out of it, but it's sad his society and it's views are kinda one of the main reasons he has nothing now and he did all of this horrible stuff for it because he couldn't shake it and now he has nothing. it's a bad combination of his poor actions and the world around him making him worse, things he can't control and things he could've but didn't.
i think that's far more interesting then simplifying his character as just being a dick or just being evil, or caleb just always being good and knowing right from wrong.
So if they go for this, i think it'd be some interesting nuance for the show.
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androdragynous · 10 months
slightly strange question, feel free to ignore if it's too weird/makes you uncomfortable in any way.
hi i'm also a mobility aid user who loves character customization and also video game design. i kinda. collect? posts ppl make where they talk about how character customizations have excluded them or failed to account for the true range of human experience (ex, weight sliders that go from thin to not-quite-as-thin, lack of black hairstyles, lack of mobility aid options, no limb difference options, no hearing aids, etc). and i know that no character customizer could ever TRULY cover the entire range, but i also am fueled by spite and don't like assholes telling me what is and isn't possible.
so. with that as the background, i would genuinely love to know 1, what kind of mobility aid you use, 2, other grievances you have found with character customizers in the past, 3, other things you don't think are included often enough even if it's not something that applies to you/that you would ever use, and 4, anything else you don't see enough of in terms of video game accessibility
no pressure to respond, of course, and feel free to only respond to some of these (again, zero pressure at all!) but i love collecting data from ppl who don't see themselves in character customizers, and i love knowing what can be done to help 💖
I don't mind answering, at least the basics!
At the moment I have a cane and a rollator, though I'm hoping to get a wheelchair for prolonged outings; I mainly end up just using the cane when I go out for transport convenience, to the chagrin of future me
I don't think I have any unusual sentiments on character creators. I don't usually try to make myself or specific characters, so I'm usually just messing around with what I'm given rather than trying to replicate options that don't exist. Don't like that eye patches usually take up the single head accessory slot, even though you can stack them with other things in real life, including other eyewear.
The ones you mentioned are definitely ones missing a lot. I don't think I've ever seen a game that lets you have a service animal even purely cosmetically, like a seeing eye dog. Not a lot of options for facial asymmetry. I think it would be neat to be able to select the amount of facial expression your character does in games where that's shown, like Dragon Age or Fallout, or to be able to select sign language for your character rather than speaking.
Is "everything" a sufficient answer for missing accessibility? Honestly, there's not a lot that's in there to start with. Flash / strobe toggles, distortion filter toggles, particle effects toggles, UI and caption font + scaling options. Hmm. Button mapping obviously. Motion controls or one handed controls when possible. Sound cues for collisions with walls / objects, or sound cues to indicate you're on the right path to a destination or something important is nearby (Nirnroot, for all of the jokes about it, makes a good example). Color / contrast adjustments beyond just overall brightness scaling - being able to darken the backgrounds so objects and NPCs stand out more, for example. Spoken UI options. Sound effect + directional captions. Saving at any time and pausing at any time. Volume scales broken down into sections instead of just one master volume slider. Ui dark / light modes. Icon-heavy UI having text along with the symbols. Warnings for anything that might have to be toggled (like flashing) so it doesn't come as a surprise later. UI for accessibility settings being clear and accessible in itself - if I can't find the settings for limited vision because I have limited vision, it's not accessible.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head; hope it's useful to you!
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rival-the-rose · 3 months
Eating disorder rambling under cut
Eating disorder etiology is so weird. I've been sick again, so I've had another baby relapse. Or, another dip in my larger trend down since my peak recovery in early December and then getting sick end of December. It's just like clockwork, I get a fever or go on antibiotics or vomit and then every eating disorder urge hits even if I've been recovered for months. And I know the pop culture (and even psychiatric) understanding of eating disorders is skewed and shitty but it's somehow still surprising to me when my thoughts are not centered on my body or health or whatever. Like, I think people expect safe foods for ed ppl to be salads or whatever, but today the only food I've been able to eat is old stale tortilla chips that probably should've just been thrown out. It's still "virtuous" food, like morality is still the criterion by which the food is considered "safe", just a different system of morality I guess? And typing out the implications of that morality system makes me sad (ie, the only food I'm worthy of eating is just short of garbage, but my brain presents it as... idk. Something less depressing than that. Like this is gonna help save the world, but it doesn't come with wanting a system to only eat food like that or feed others like that). It's just so weird to go from pretty happily eating three meals a day to feeling morally repugnant if I feel full. Or even right now my usual coping method of thinking of the cheapest meal that is still a complete diet just seems both overwhelming and like I don't deserve that. Like I don't deserve beans and rice with salsa+sour cream, and also that meal is too hard to make.
And there are body thoughts but those feel more conscious somehow. Like the fact that I can barely wear the size 2 pants I bought when I came back this fall really really bothers me but those thoughts almost come as a reaction to whether or not I'm eating. Idk. I just feel like right now I can see how organic and insane it all is, but usually I can't see that on my own. Which either means progress or I'm extra crazy RN. It really makes me wonder what about the illness is triggering - my inactivity+lack of productivity leading to feeling like I don't deserve food? That would make sense but would have to happen at a higher order of thinking than I think this is. Just missing a meal? Maybe I'm constantly closer to relapse than I think and one meal is enough to throw it all off. But sometimes it feels like there actually something physical that changes when I get sick like my brain falls into an old rut that sick me is too tired to yank it out of.
I wonder if someday I'll be able to look back on this the same way I do the pica I had when I was anemic - raw meat and cigarette butts hold zero appeal for me now but were so enticing at the time and it felt so normal. I hate the idea of still struggling like this in another 15 years. But I don't know how to stop being terrified of gaining weight, or to stop soothing that fear with the thought that actually I do know how to lose weight and it's relatively easy. I've never truly had a healthy relationship with food or exercise but I hope I can soon. The idea of spending my entire life like this, of being like the 80 year olds in the hospital, is horrifying. Objectively, the thought of spending my youth like this is even more horrifying (even though my current agreement with myself is to stop this behavior when I'm 40). And on having that thought, I asked myself to get up and eat, and I couldn't do it.
Anyway. I'll pull my shit together soon esp since we're going out of town which usually will make it way easier to eat.
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desudog · 4 months
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???????? I kind of hate the "being a hater for sport" type of bloggers on here recently
Literally also "no standards" is such a cope when pokemon fans are recognized by game freak themselves as willing to eat Literally Any Slop They're Given. Like I'm a pokefan too but "no standards" and "bad taste" is kinda synonymous with "pokemon fan" it's not like it's anything other than video game junk food.
Also just like, cope harder. A game in early access that just dropped is more fun for most ppl involved and also has less issues on launch and the team who made it literally didn't know anything about unreal engine and "learned as they went" meanwhile s&v had falling through floor glitches on professional launch. Put that in your juice box and suck it.
Next; I don't think most of the people who's played and enjoyed the game are convinced they do have good taste. Every streamer I've seen play it opens the stream with not high hopes and gets genuinely surprised at it being fun. I don't think anyone goes into this game twirling their mustache and tipping their top hat thinking they're better than ~mere pokemon fans~ and like, shocker alert. Most of us who enjoy it are... pokemon fans. The only people who I've seen not like pokemon but like palworld are ppl who don't like pokemon because of labor and quality concerns but still hold the creatures dear.
But like, are we gonna pretend there's no enjoyable and original designs in pw? I mean, let's take a look.
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(Apparently the argument for the last one is that is a "bootleg of absol". ???.)
And pokemon? Who has been literally just reusing old pokemon people have nostalgia for as new ones with redesigns? You don't like the lack of creativity of the inspired pals? What about these? What about the pokemon who genuinely look like shit? The ones that "just look like [animal/object]" with no creative spin? If any of these were palworld designs pokefans would be out their ass posting about how uninspired they look.
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(I had more pics but mobile image limit and they saved as unusable files)
Nintendo and Gamefreak both take pokemon very seriously and also do not care about the consumer. It's blatantly obvious the past few years they're just squeezing pennies from us like an old towel and think release quality doesn't matter because we're pigs who will eat any slop. Palworld is a genuine parody/joke game with indie dev team that "just wants to make games people will enjoy, not break any new ground." Nobody is convinced it's a gourmet meal. It's literally the game of people who haven't even used the engine it was coded in before.
Like look, I get it you're autistic. We're all fucking autistic on this website. You took it personally when change happen. You feel unstable in your SpIn because of the recent quality drops. First of all, chill, fucking POKEMON will not be outcompeted by a dev team that includes someone still in SCHOOL and a bunch of people who literally saved every version to a thumb drive bc they didn't know what they were doing. The competition will be good for GameFreak. 2, stop taking it out on random Japanese people you have only seen through fucking machine translated Twitter tweets. If you don't like the game, just walk away. Maybe reblog 1 or 2 lighthearted memes about it. Ranting in the tags and being a cock is just not necessary. I don't like Hazbin Hotel, I'm not going into the tags and shitting on it regardless of how bad quality I think it is or if i yhink the fans have bad taste- because that would be a cock thing to do. Bitch about it privately in dms or post replies, pin a printed out picture of it to your wall to throw darts at, I don't care! Being a dick to someone for enjoying something that you don't just makes you look petty and soulless. And stop grabbing at any even semblance of a claim agaisnt them that you see regardless of truth. Stop desperately looking for ways to ensure the ruin of an indie japanse team. It's literally just a game designed to be silly with elements they know people like, and with their attention to details commonly complained about and improved on in their own game, probably games they also love.
Also getting mad bc some designs are "furbait" is so unaware. Nintendo also does that shit on purpose they just act like it's not. Grow up. If anything you should be happy all those yucky porn artists have a new tag to divide their time with. Also getting mad about one of the actual heavily inspired pals for being too horny when it's literally based off the "horny lizard that beats its partners and forces them to join its harem" pokemon is just stupid its genuinely stupid. They're animals bro.
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(Gamefreak fucking makes a pikaclone every release its kinda a thing. And their past few releases literally revolve around recycling nostalgic old designs cus they know their real fanbase is 20 to 30 year olds who would buy the next game even if it was literally comprised of flat pngs like bad gmod mods.)
The only criticism I can genuinely agree with is that drawing inspiration aledgedly from a fan made pokemon is bad and the effected pals need to be redesigned.
Behold- innovation!
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(Also on the topic of gamefreak unoriginality, are we gonna pretend pokemon didn't get in legal trouble after basing a pokemon after a real person orrrr)
That person is entitled to their opinion but I haven't thought pokemon fans have standards in the past few years either. Genuinely so many people will suck off gamefreak so hard its cock tip is poking out the seat of their pants and then get mad at people for going haha ark with pokemon. Stop covering for Nintendo, you will not be rewarded. You will just continue to be exploited. Have some fun. You were that kid in school who shat on Digimon when someone else brought up liking it. The people who play palworld are still gonna buy pokemon games. Nintendo won't feel this at all. Gamefreak will keep on making shit games unless someone like palworld enters the scene to force them to up their quality. The worst case scenario is Nintendo doesn't even pay them any mind and keeps making games that are fucking near unplayable on launch.
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asavt · 2 years
So uhhhhhhhh my dumb ass didn’t realize that confined hoopa was psychic/ghost as I thought they were pure psychic and gained dark typing when in unbound form
Anyways, that opens the door to ghost related shenanigans and pranks, good luck Lear,
Hoopa just fucking phases through the walls instead of going through doors and scares the shit out of everyone 
Hoopa just randomly disappearing and appearing to scare the shit out of ppl
Hoopa making shit float (either by ghost powers or psychic powers)
Halloween time is the worst no one is save (unless you give hoopa donuts)
On the cute side of things, N isn’t the only one that can understand Hoopa! So can allister!
Do you think Hoopa has accidentally knocked stuff over when going through one room to the other with this ability? I think maybe a few times. Poor Lear.
I remember that one post of like, someone comenting how psychic-types can make things float and trainers seeing their pokemon in the "I'm levitating things" pose with no object floating around visible and the trainer going "WHAT ARE YOU MAKING FLOAT THIS TIME. WHAT IS IT." I think Hoopa would do that.
Oh please, even if Hoopa was just a psychic-type I don't think anyone would be safe.
Though Hoopa is not death... I'm unsure if Allister would be able to actually talk to the little devil, since I think the thing with ghost-type trainers being able to talk with ghost-type pokemon is that what they are seeing is... well, spirits of people that have already passed away, like, a these trainers have a connection to the "other-life" or something alike.
Pointing this out... makes me wonder if Hoopa, the confined version of the actual pokemon, is some kind of like... projection of the actual pokemon. Not really meant to be a thing that you could touch, just something you can see... hm...
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broodsys · 6 months
smth clicked just now, the reason that morality and redemption and irredeemable narratives in media have been on my mind for so long
so this is personal and heavy
cw: suicide of a family member
so, abt two years ago my brother killed himself here at home. it was very difficult, obviously, but the reason I bring it up in relation to these subjects is bc he had an absolutely black and white view of morality
personally, I don't believe objective morality exists. functional morality, sure, the stuff that keeps societies together, that keeps theft and murder and violence limited, the social stigma and shame attached to it, but objective morality is more of a religious thing, a very christian thing. that ppl Are good or Are bad ties in with objective morality. black and white views ties in with it
now, my brother was always frustrated by depictions of complex villains. he wanted Evil Bad Irredeemable Ppl to lose against Good Pure Never Failing Ppl. if it was only impacting what kind of shows he liked, whatever, but it wasn't - it was in his perception of himself
he was autistic. he had violent intrusive thoughts. he had violent outbursts when he was younger. and even tho he didn't want to be, he was chained to concepts of christian heaven and hell. he saw the world as good and bad without nuance, and he was "bad" - without nuance
he had been trying to kill himself for a long time. afterwards my oldest brother went thru a document on his computer titled suicide note, but it was really an expansive journal. he'd been making attempts for quite a while. but he was also afraid of going to hell. he wanted to kill himself so he would never hurt anyone, but was scared of being tortured for eternity bc a) he was bad and b) suicide is a sin
can you see why I want nuance? why I value it?
I'm not saying it would have "fixed" him, but if society wasn't so focused on redemption arcs being a bad thing that glorifies bad ppl, if society wasn't so focused on christian values of absolute objective morality and the stark division btwn Good Ppl and Bad Ppl, if society was willing to grapple more openly with ppl who do bad things but choose to break those cycles and live in the world, maybe he could have found something to inspire him to a different outlook. at the least, he wouldn't have been constantly fed the narrative of absolute governing morality as a core, unchangeable behavior. the narrative that to make a bad enough mistake once in your life precludes you from ever being good and that it's useless to try and make up for it
I want redemption arcs. I want them of the worst ppl you can imagine. I want them of ppl who have done immense, deliberate harm. why? because they're important, because they show alternatives, and because they don't paint with a broad brush. to have a piece of media say Yes, This Person Did Monstrous Things, And Now They're Changing The Course Of Their Life, And It Doesn't Undo The Harm But It Stops Them Doing More Harm, And This Decision Has Value is CRUCIAL for so many ppl
also, sympathetic villains are a reminder to everyone who considers themselves a Good Person that this can be you, too
there is no objective morality. there is no inherent goodness v. evil in a person. there's no emotion or skill that "saves" someone from being cruel or selfish. empathy is frequently cited in this way, but low/no empathy ppl can still make decisions that do not hurt others. higher empathy ppl can also be selfish and self-serving because of their high empathy and the burnout of experiencing strong emotional reactions based on other's reactions. empathy =/= morality =/= goodness
it's easy to say Well If Ppl Were More X, Then Things Would Be Better, but it's always an oversimplification and a massive overgeneralization. humanity is extremely nuanced. someone who's jaded and mistrustful and has no empathy can still make kind, well reasoned choices in how they behave; someone who's warm and soft and sympathetic can make their life small and self-centered to avoid getting hurt
and these generalizations always hurt the ppl who aren't rly the intended target. my brother had intrusive thoughts that he became convinced told him the truth of himself. it didn't seem to matter that he loathed those thoughts, that part of the reason he killed himself was to spare others - he had Bad Thoughts so he was a Bad Man. this is where these generalizations lead. this is where objective morality leads
and in the opposite direction, ppl who are cruel, who are causing harm, can go around being convinced that they're good ppl. someone who has the "right" feelings or the "right" behavioral reactions is exempt from possibly being bad... even tho that's patently untrue. the only thing we can do that's good or bad is in our actions (including inaction); thought crime is not real, feelings crime is not real, there's no response or lack thereof that makes you bad. but cruel choices are cruel choices; kind choices are kind choices. there can be differences between the intent and impact that are worth noting, too, but it's still the case that choices are all that determines our functional morality within society
it's tempting to simplify these matters but simplifications will always, ALWAYS backfire
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micechicken · 1 year
you should share some about your hatty time au >:) i think the ppl should know
⚫u⚫ okai
Extended Subcon AU
This AU was inspired by both Shane Frost comics of the original plot, some of the beta content, and even a little moleman with my own interpretations and headcanons. Not any shapeshifter or birds stuff since it has no use in this AU.
The concept is post game and is meant to focus on MANY of the characters not just the subcon ones. Although it does go into The Prince and Vanessa as moon jumper's whole thing is sorrow, however MJ is not born of any subcon character's sadness, he is born of the subconscious and nightmares.
But the idea is. One day a mysterious being comes to loom over subcon and the residents are quiet upset and look to Snatcher who is basically their king anyway. Snatcher is rightfully upset this random spirit is upsetting the dead, but is not certain on what to do seals Moon Jumper in the the horizon so that he can't hurt anyone until something is figured out or understood. ("Not this bitch again")
But over time Moon Jumper gains more and more power as he approaches the moon and overtakes lands leading characters to flee their homes for safety and end up stuck together only making matters worse (Moon Jumper basically feeds off negativity and even ruins good things to get more).
Instead of just being a manifestation/spirit of someone, Moon Jumper is something that exists regardless and latches onto someone and uses them as a power source and takes on their appearance.
In this case Mustache Girl is the one trapped.
We don't actually see Hat Kid for most of the parts about them fleeing as she arrives after they send for her and Bow Kid. And she must get to Mustache Girl in order to defeat Moon Jumper and save the planet.
As to why it's Mustache Girl, this is going down the route of if Hat Kid/Bow Kid doesn't give the Timepiece to Mustache Girl at the end. So Mustache Girl is upset and wants to get her home back and Moon Jumper sorta makes a deal with her but it's not really what she wanted.
Also unlike The Prince or Neth, Mustache Girl goes unharmed thanks to everybody :3
It features my OCs Nicole, Wolfie, and my other unnamed one (ferrywoman). And also some of my sister's cause why not. But they are mostly for comedy and world and are not heavy focus.
I'll also mention some Subcon things cause it's part of it.
Subcon often gets random objects appearing inside it so there's a bunch of random stuff around subcon come say it's just Snatcher taking things from others (with some otherworldly power), but often Snatcher packages them for his Minions as gifts to put in their mail. It's sorta implied they are physical manifestations of things people want or miss that Subcon creates.
In the original plot the ice came from Moon Jumper, and in this case, it sorta does at least indirectly at first. Because Moon Jumper existed behind the scenes and indirectly lead to The Prince's death as he drained Vanessa of joy and instilled fear making her grow cold and cause the ice that killed the children and made her lock The Prince up.
He just funnels the power into Vanessa until he gets Mustache Girl to have a more physical form and to Jump the moon and incasing the planet in ice. Moon Jumper just wants to destroy all good and create only bad.
Since the time keepers don't interfere with this world Moon Jumper was not sealed by them like in the original, instead he didn't manage to get the Prince when he died and took form as Snatcher, so he sulked around waiting for a call of hate in his weakened form.
Any of the moleman influence has to do with the Time Keepers and the Moon children which Hat Kid and Bow Kid are but it's not a big aspect of it.
Also Snatcher is obvious no longer a shadow who was abandoned since this is post game which follows canon, MJ only tried to use the Prince but failed because Snatcher was too strong of a form to overtake.
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
it makes me so glad u like my saeru post bc honestly i get so scared sharing my kagepro opinions in this cold world but like yeah it's makes zero sense whenever i see people try to view saeru the same way they view the other characters bc that's seriously not the point😭. saeru is like sad from an objective standpoint but in kagepro's narrative alone he's what is holding the characters back from developing and gaining happiness. like the only thing abt him is that he's a fabricated shallow version of what being human is like and even then hes only the horrible parts bc he was created from despair. he's meant to be azami's, and by extent all of the mkdn and co's trauma holding them back. if someone tries to find any understanding in his actions then it defeats the whole purpose of his character. a true saeru fan wouldnt try to find empathy in his character but that sounds a bit crazy uhm. anyway sorry for the long ask just kagepro's narrative is so special to me so it makes me a bit insane. *closes the door to my cage and locks it*
1. i totally get you. ive been into kagepro for almost 10 years, ive grown up with it but only started sharing my content when i made this blog (like 5 years ago) and while ive always been loud abt my opinions i think im only NOW like REAAAAAALLY letting loose. i know what it's like to be nervous abt sharing ur opinions lol but u should keep doing it even if u think no one is listening bc someone IS listening and even if someone isnt WHATEVER i love living in delusion talking to myself that's what i do best
2. EXACTLY EXACTLY IT IS SO SO REFRESHING TO SEE SOMEONE GET IT SO PERFECTLY AND PUT IT INTO WORDS SO PERFECTLY TOO like i barely have anything to add because u just say it so perfectly. saeru IS a tragic character in the way it is created from despair like u said but the fact is that since it cannot feel anything like love u can never truly feel bad for it when it dies... it never wanted to help kenjirou, or save hiyori, or give haruka his life back. its purpose through and through is to keep killing everyone precisely because it brings tragedy. like sure it wants to live forever etcetcetc but what it wants to do is bring misery bc that's what it is
i think ppl are generally bad with characters like these because they try to give everyone a humanity?? like with alien characters for example. like it's such a pet peeve to me that people always wanna apply human principles and feelings to characters that are not... human. and the whole point is that they don't understand it and have to learn it or they just understand it differently or like in this case are straight up incapable of it. like this is so interesting. it is so interesting to have a character u will NEVER truly understand fully precisely because of your existence as a human vs their fictional non human existence. THAT'S the kind of thing that's so fun and interesting abt fiction and writing stories and characters, i think. srry that's kind of an unrelated rant that could apply to dozens of characters but here specifically it's like... yeah. there is definitely something interesting in humanizing saeru and making it be one of these characters who learn what love is and etc but that comes at the expense of kagepro's message and the question is why do u even wanna do that so bad. saeru is not THAT lovable anyway fuck that guy fr
because in my professional kagepro experience and here i am about to get a little bitter, 90% of the time it comes from being horny over omg posessed sexy anime boy bc ive never seen ANYONE objectifying clearing when its in kenjirou's body‼️‼️‼️ personally, that's also why im so UGH EYE ROLL at ppl sympathizing saeru but that's more personal lmao. *shakes fist* like mamoru miyano was 1000% chosen as haruka's va thinking primarily of saeru, secondarily of konoha, and haruka as the oh well he's here too ig. i am so sure. i am so DAMN SURE. u got sexy anime voice guy???? are you SERIOUS??? AND THE FACT HE VOICES SAERU EVEN WHEN NOT POSESSING KONOHA AND SOUNDS...LIKE THAT... MAKES IT MORE THAN CLEAR. THEY WANTED PEOPLE TO OBJECTIFY SAERU SO BAD. AND THE WORST IS THAT IT WORKED AND I WILL ALWAYS HATE IT FOR IT.
...........anyway. yes. i love long asks ty for writing to me and reading my tags and also for writing that awesome post (bow bow bow bow)🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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zaruba-needslove · 4 months
At the very last part of that "Michinaga did nothing wrong" ask.
I concur with the other anon. It appears Buffa's narrative underwent retconning subsequent to his rise in popularity. Initially, his impetus stemmed from seeking retribution against all the Riders, attributing fault to them for his friend's demise, even those unaware of the circumstances.
However, it seems his objectives shifted towards attempting to "rescue" each Rider from their arrogance? I find it implausible, especially considering his actions in the heaven or hell game.
Yeah i agree.
It's the part i disliked about his writing near the end part of Yearning arc and the first half of Creation arc. Like when he dropped Keiwa to their death death he practically gloated about it and felt no guilt for killing Keiwa and Ace later on.
And suddenly later on he act like he's all good by just destroying other players core IDs? I don't think Buffa's aware about the whole player who lost the game/got forcefully retired will lose their gleams/will to even wish for their lost desires. Or even if he did, he probably never considered the possibility of people like Taira who wished to be able to save their son to exist and how losing their gleams may affect them so I can't see his actions to be justified. To which, that was reasons why Michinaga would not be able to understand Keiwa's rage when he broke Sara and Neon's core ids or understand Keiwa's reasoning to pursue his 'world peace' ideals.
Also yes i agree on how badly the show try to force Buffa's redemption. Seriously the whole 'wanna protect other ppl's happiness while sacrificing himself' was kinda pretentious considering the things he did during the JGP. The duplicity... pfft.
Still, the show did make Michinaga apologise to Keiwa (and Sara) and get the guy bashed to pulp by Beroba so I can't complain abt that XD those are the parts i enjoy lots.
(Also I'm never aware at what point Michi's chara get popular and how that affect his writing so there's that. My eyes can only see KeiAce and TsumuWin 😂😂😂)
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plan-d-to-i · 2 years
About that Anon that talked about white middle-upper class white westerners and classicism in the fandom, I agree, but only to a certain extent (there's definitely a lot of that, I bet). However, I personally think that there is a much more simple explanation as to why there are so many JGY and JC stans, and that is their attractiveness in the adaptations. I don't believe for a second that all those people would even try to justify these characters' actions if they looked like Sect Leader Yao or Sect Leader Ouyang. And because of virtue culture, they can accept liking someone who is a villain and did the things those characters did, so they bend themselves backwards trying to justify them. They use 'morally gray' as a shield (very wrongly, I might add. In my opinion, there is only one character in the story I would call morally gray and it's neither of them) because they can't accept how shitty these characters really are. I'm fine with people liking villains. Good of them for those who can like the characters warts and all, but I just can't stand those who try to take the moral high ground by shitting on other people, when their characters are literally murderers, rapists and all around shit people. Sorry for the rant haha
(btw, I’m a white westerner, but from South America and poor as shit, so I always get triggered every time someone says that JGY is a working class hero or a hero of the people WHEN WWX IS RIGHT THERE!)
Re THIS post.
Hahah rip Yao and Ouyang. u were just ugly 😪 xx
I agree with the "virtue culture" and crop dusting morally gray over all the characters both to make WWX look worse and make jc/jgy everyone else look "acceptable". I can see JGY (zzj) objectively being too pretty in cql for JGY, but wzc?!! He looks like he's suffering his way through every scene 🙃. I doubt he'd have the same fans if he'd been cast as Su She. There must be something about his whiny, needy tantrums that's making him appealing to his stans.
I also think for all that people want to think of themselves as unique and the most special these days, they're actually very drawn to groups/groupthink. The way the pile on others, or the way they just reblog/repeat things mindlessly, with no fact checking or due diligence. I suppose it makes sense that they feel threatened & criticize a guy like WWX, who is very certain of his own morality and doesn't mind standing on his own, against everyone for what he knows is right. I mean wayyyy too many people in this fandom criticize WWX for trying to save innocent ppl and not reading the room, kissing everyone's asses. Those takes that are like : " it was actually morally right to exterminate the Wens! >:-/". ?!!! Makes no sense.
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genshinobsession · 3 years
About the sentience au, i have no idea if u take request/ consider ideas so feel free to ignore
I got some thoughts so i hope u don't mind me ranting here hehe
But here's the thing, if the character somehow got to our world and found out that their life was created by someone for ppl to pass time and entertain themselves, what would be their reaction to the fandom (fics, ships, reader insert stuff, fanart and other fan made stuff), the creator (and them getting profit or being responsible for their suffering and creating them the way they are? Like flaws/ appearance/ personality n that shit), the gatcha, other characters that they knew, and just generally to the whole thing about them being a fictional character from a game in a different world
Thank you for coming to my ted talk <3
Sentience Au
characters included:
(More is coming after, I just didn’t want there to be do much scrolling to get to the character you want)
“So, what you’re saying is I’m from a video game, and I am a very desired character. And because of this many people draw pictures of me.” He asks, standing with his hand on his chin as he tried to process this.
You nodded and you got your phone and looked up a simple
“Diluc fanart”
And showed him the results.
He was a little put off now knowing that there were so many people watching him at all times. Not only were they were watching him but they liked him enough to draw him.
“Well, they all are very talented, but why is this one titled ‘Daddy Diluc’ with my shirt off?” He asked, and you snatched your phone from a him as quick as possible and closed out of whatever file or photo album he scrolled to.
With a nervous laugh you turned back to him hiding your phone, not wanting to admit to what he had seen.
“How about we look at some fanfics instead.” You suggested, changing tabs on your phone. You showed him the Tumblr thread as he began to scroll.
“And these are-?” He asked as he looked back at you.
“Stories about you and other characters, or somethings you and the person reading. Those are called self inserts.” You explained, he nodded, slightly understanding until he had scrolled to an NSFW story.
“What does NSFW stand for?” He asked, you shot up from your chair and smacked the phone out of his hand as quickly as possible.
“Okay maybe that’s not a good idea either.” You laughed nervously again as Diluc stared at you curiously. As far as he was concerned NSFW was just a couple of meaningless letters thrown together, but your reaction makes him think it was obviously more than that.
“How about I explain it this way. Because you’re a very desired character, many people are attracted to you,” You began. He nodded, understanding.
“myself included,” you mumbled, he didn’t catch it so you cleared your throat and continued.
“Many of them make art of you and other characters together and more often than not it’s because of a ship.”
Right at that moment you completely lost him. He looked at you confused,
“What do boats have anything to do with this?” He asked, his eyebrows were furrowed together as he tried to think of a logical way that a mode of water transport would have anything to do with him and other characters.
“No no, this kind of ship is a pairing of you and another character, like a relationSHIP.”
Diluc nodded in response,
“So wait, people pair me with other characters? Like who?” He asked, you sighed knowing the question was going to come up sooner or later.
“Well-“ you began as you listed off every person he had been shipped with. As you went on Dilucs face began to contort out of confusion and slight disgust.
“Just... don’t ask and we can both forget about it.” You suggested and he nodded in agreement.
“Well this is... interesting.” The blue haired man muttered as he had scrolled through the object that he held in his hands.
He had just seen it lying face up on the counter and his curiosity got the better of him.
And he was very surprised by what he saw.
Just, pages and pages and pages of him in different poses with different people, in varying levels of... intensity.
He was very confused at first, unsure of how to respond but as he wen through he realized each post had a red heart underneath it.
What could that possibly mean?
As he scrolled through he eventually got into the works of writing, all with the same ‘Kaeya x reader’ underneath their titles.
Before he could scroll any farther he heard the door creak open as you walked into the room with a warm joyous smile on your face.
Well until you saw Kaeya with your phone.
“Kaeya, why do you have my phone?” You asked, he looked down at the bright object then back at you.
“So that’s what it’s called, well you did just leave it open so I decided to have a look.” He admitted with a shrug.
You quickly snatched it from him and looked at it realizing he had been through all your posts that you had saved under the label ‘Kaeya’.
Your heart pace quickened out of embarrassment,
“How much did you see?” You asked, he chuckled and moved closer to you, he lightly lifted you chin so you’d look at him, he leaned into your ear and whispered,
“You seem to like me in some interesting positions.” He teased, and let go of your face.
You covered your face, not wanting to look at him.
“Oh, don’t be shy now, its quite cute that you like me that much. I find it, oddly endearing.” He admitted, patting your head lightly.
You finally took your head out of your hands as you looked up at him. He smiled at you as he leaned in close to your face yet again.
“Although, you should be more careful about having your ‘phone’ open to such a... suggestive image.” He teased yet again as you backed up from your face and walked out of the room.
You looked down at your phone which screen has been dimmed a bit, as you raised the brightness you saw a picture of Kaeya you definitely would not be able to unsee for a long while.
Zhongli is definitely a fan of stories,
But the stories he found were definitely not the ones he had in mind.
You didn’t know how to explain to Zhongli that he’s from a game and people all over the internet love and adore him, without showing him.
He doesn’t even know what technology is, let alone the fact people use it to create artwork of him.
“Traveler, I apologize if this is a bit odd, but I saw you looking at some paintings of me on your phone item. How do you have so many? Did you make them also yourself? You’re quite talented if so.” He asked, as you looked from him, to your phone, then back up to him.
He was just patiently standing infront of you, waiting for an answer.
You sighed slightly as you put down whatever you were doing and grabbed your phone.
“Oh, I’m sorry, was that not something I was supposed to bring up?” He asked, confused by your reaction.
You shook your head as you patted the spot next to you, gesturing for him to sit down next to him.
“No no, you were going to find out sooner or later.” You said as he politely sat down next to you and faced you, ready to listen to whatever story or explanation you were going to give him.
As you explained he asked a few questions, which you answered as best you could.
After you explained how the world Zhongli came from was not exactly real, he was just a character in a video game, and because of that, many people around the world love him and make things to show their love and appreciation for him.
He nodded, trying to understand,
“Well that’s definitely not what I expected. I’ve always had some sort of following but this, admittedly was not what I expected. So all of these people know about Rex Lapis?” He asked, to which you nodded in response.
“I see, well. There’s not much I can to about it now I suppose.” He said, turning back to you with a slight sigh. All the effort putting into hiding and it was, somewhat for nothing.
Liyue was going to have to learn how to be on their own regardless, so leaving wasn’t going to affect them to much, which was comforting to him.
“Thank you, traveler, for answering my question. I understand it was probably hard to explain this to me but I believe I understand now.” He thanked, you nodded accepting it and smiled at him.
However, your smile faltered when you saw Zhongli so lost in thought. You supposed it was because he basically left behind the only thing he’s every known.
You lightly put your hand on his shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts.
“Hey, Why don’t we make some tea, I feel like you’d want to try these flavours.” You said, as he looked back over to you, he recognized this as a way to cheer him up and appreciated it.
“That would be wonderful.”
(Next part coming out is ‘they escape Part 2 pocket edition’)
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