#these are so. amazingly good
h20milk · 2 months
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✦ don't you want to be changed? to be molded into someone who is loved? ✦
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loupy-mongoose · 2 months
Sorry, I just... I just got onto my old laptop and was looking through old doodles and junk.
And. uh.
Lookit these dorks
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I didn't mean to end up with a "Then vs. Now" comparison. XD
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tiny-chubby-bird · 4 months
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oh my god
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blanketsarecozy · 8 months
me, crying after todays entry: oh my god that was so well done now i’ll go recover—
karim: oh what a thrill it would be~ 🎶
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echosong971 · 7 months
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galaxyhanart · 2 months
if there could be like your dream scene or moment in ninjago (whether changing a pre-existing one or adding one), something that you desperately would want to happen - what would it be?
oh man that's. such a hard question because i'd do so much HGKJDFSHKJGFHDKJG
i think if i had to pick ONE specific scene, it'd be the one in seabound where jay launches himself at kalmaar for hurting nya
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first things first, i know why jay wasn't able to absolutely Kick Ass in this moment - he had just recovered from dry drowning and could barely STAND just a minute ago, but he was so furious and full of adrenaline that he just acted. and immediately got his ass handed to him
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makes sense. it's impressive he was even able to do THAT and hold off kalmaar as long as he did before benthomaar stepped in. BUT. YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS RIGHT WHEN JAY STANDS UP
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so what i would PERSONALLY change here is that the lightning strikes jay and gives him a boost. so he's able to use wojira's own power to fight her handler. idk i just think that'd be really fuckin cool and i wanted it to happen soooo bad so if i could personally change ONE scene in ninjago it'd be this one
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vii-doodles · 5 months
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Let me present to you the coolest art collab I've ever had the chance to be a part of! 🫶
This was suggested by Micah and the result is just *chefs kiss*. I adore every single artist here and I need you all to go to their blogs and look at their gorgeous art!
From left to right :
@vii-doodles(me :D) @ajitanparmesan @jaarijani @doodledue @mitamicah
||Bojan on his own under the cut ||
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hizerain · 6 months
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i'm not really on here anymore, or any virtual platform for that matter. The past few months have been tumultous and I have changed, fundamentally, intensely, a deliberate effort to rebuild and reshape the clay of the earth.
I've reached a greater level of mathematical maturity through ego reduction, I've found an undocumented life to be better, for me. Above all, I've decided the self is a network, it's always moving. Who I am cannot be reduced, it cannot be simplified, it is what I do and what I do is all encompasing and ever changing.
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triona-tribblescore · 6 months
*Grabs you by your hoodie, places you on my bluffy back and rolls in to a bread*(like a cat)
Good night Triona, we Mimir together
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Wish this was irl :'(
so soft and content, thank you for the warm vibes Kredena <3
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a-finnish-janitor · 7 months
I really have to hand it to Remedy for how they handle their moments of "the player does something while Old Gods of Asgard plays in the background". The first time around it was pretty simple, first time they did it. Fight off hordes of enemies with Barry on stage while the music plays.
The Ashtray Maze is something just so special. You have the moments of the great gameplay fighting off hiss, but for the most part its just taking in and being awestruck by the Oldest House moving and shifting around you, as the song guides you through the maze. I greatly appreciate the fact they made the arcade game in AWE so you could go revisit it whenever you wanted to.
And then we have the two different moments in Alan Wake 2. The musical number, a moment of absurdity and surrealism amongst all of the horror. Plus I love the little bit of fourth wall breaking when Alan sings near the end "can you help me out?" as you then go to the plot board.
And then we have Dark Ocean Summoning, very reminiscent of the Children of the Elder Gods sequence from the the first Alan Wake game. But you have two people helping you, Casey and Estevez, calling out enemy locations, destroying darkness shields and supplying ammo. With the Old Gods of Asgard right there with you this time. The stakes just seemed so much higher in that fight, so much more tension about what was about to happen.
Just such unique pieces all centered around a rather simple idea. Love them for it.
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russellius · 5 months
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MOTOR SPORT: Never pushed harder: Russell seeks positives from miserable F1 season
I could comfortably lift my foot off the gas pedal and drive a percent below the limit and I could sit here right now and tell you that I wouldn’t make a single mistake. And probably when I sit through my championship years, I probably wasn’t being pushed as much as I’m pushing myself now. I’m purposely trying to push myself further and beyond, and I’m not satisfied with just being on par with my team-mate in qualifying or whatever it may be.
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synthshenanigans · 6 months
I feel like it was a mistake putting these two against each other in the first set of rounds...
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Instrumental Links:
[Reblog for more of a sample size of you'd like]
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user-name-h3re · 4 months
If Nurf ever does ONE horrible thing or ever so slightly CONSIDERS hurting Preston in the new episodes i'm going to projectile vomit and gouge my eyes out the ENTIRE REASON HE WENT TO CAMP WAS TO BE BETTER WHY IS HE THE ONLY ONE THATS HASN'T GOTTEN BETTER WH-
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talesofwhimsy · 2 months
I'm 100 pages into Moby Dick and they just got on the goddamn boat
This book actually kinda fucks hard it's great?
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the-npd-culture-is · 3 months
NPD culture is crashing all fuckign day and doing one thing youre proud of and someone saying it looks ‘silly’ abd now you can’t breathe from crying so hard ecause it was the only thing you were confident in -🐍☀️(i think thats the order im sorry if its not)
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sergle · 9 months
Now I’m curious, what breeds are on your list?
✨Golden Retrievers✨ Pomeranians Samoyeds Rottweilers Irish red setters German Shepherd (I like the black ones) Rough Collies and Shelties Great Pyrenees Bernese Mountain Dogs Cocker Spaniels St. Bernards Borzois and probably more that I forgot to list!! These are all dogs that I Especially want to cry when I see them, and that I could see myself loving / being able to meet the particular needs of their breed. I've expanded my Range a little in the two years since I brought Hugo home, since he's taught me a lot about dogs, and I could potentially take care of a baby with very different needs from the ones that he had. I'm still by no means a dog expert but. Yanno. You learn small things over time! In the end, when I was searching for a dog a few years ago, I had a few qualifications I didn't want to budge on. I needed a dog that's trainable, but not stubborn, a dog that's gentle and considerate with my cats and my niblings, a dog that's not too reactive, a dog with soft fur, and a dog that is affectionate. So... Hugo is all of those things!!! He picks up skills quickly and listens (I gotta work on his Recall though), he takes extreme care around the cats and is so careful that he can be left alone with kittens and baby chicks, so being sat on / bothered / tugged on by small kids isn't even a challenge. He has never growled at anyone or anything in Irritation in his life. He's never bared his teeth. He doesn't bark at strangers or at odd noises, he doesn't snap as a response to being surprised. He's extremely pillowy soft, and his fur doesn't irritate my skin or pierce my clothes. He is extremely, extremely sweet and loving, frankly to the point that he would easily fall in love with a new owner if he was kidnapped lmao. You can maybe see why I like goldens so much. I got REALLY close to adopting a Pomeranian, which I'll continue to Think About, basically forever... but as someone with a predisposition for migraines, I don't want to set the dog up for failure if I'm not ready to hear bark bark bark bark bark bark bark all day. That's the ONLY downside. Maybe I invest in some noise cancelling headphones? They're beautiful dogs though, I love an animal that looks like a little rat. You ever see one of them after a bath? My god.
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