#there's nothing inherently scary about these games
jaythelay · 7 months
Alot of people make the horror for themselves, it's kinda cute. Like being scared to play Resident Evil (any of them) or Bioshock.
Ya really do just have to make the horror of the unknown for yourselves. Trust me, none of these games are scary, they're just action comedies pretending to be serious. They have themes of horror, but they will never explore them.
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apollo-zero-one · 8 months
I'm fine now dw
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dorayakichan · 9 months
hello! may I request what jay, vinny, dom & minu + owen’s ideal type? thank you 🫶🏻
Windbreaker characters: Ideal Type headcanon (Part 1)
Pairing: Jay, Minu, Vinny, Dom, Owen + gn!reader
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Our favorite eunuch needs more than just a straightforward and extroverted person, to start having romantic feelings for. He needs someone who would be persistent and patient in their pursuit too. Someone who wouldn’t get discouraged easily just after some months. Yep, you will need to work hard to get our super rookie to fall head over heels for you. 
Speaking of appearance, Jay is not the kind to care for how someone looks. If he likes you he will like you for who you are not minding your physical appearance. On the other hand, if you want Jay to notice exactly that because you are extremely attractive. I’m sorry to inform you but you will be disappointed to see Jay’s disinterest. 
No matter how you look, breaking through Jay’s barrier would take more than just good looks and an extroverted person. Jay needs someone positive, who is always there for him, encouraging him and letting him lean on their shoulder when he can’t take it anymore. 
You should also be carefree. Having lived in a strict environment full of pressure and rules Jay needs someone who can help him forget about the harshness of life and who can show him that there is more to the world, basically, you have to become his safe place.
If you did break through the eunuch barrier after all that then yes, that’s when Jay would notice more things about you and finally fall for you. 
Minu’s ideal type is not that hard to be found, they just need to be kind. Minu would without a doubt fall for an inherently kind soul. Someone who is always there to help others, to offer a kind word, all those actions would get Minu's attention.
Especially if you show that kindness to him when he most needs it then our boy would be totally smitten. 
I think Minu also wouldn’t care about physical appearance, but if you have pretty eyes and a pretty smile, oh I think that would be a double strike straight into this guy's heart.
He would also like someone who will always be there cheering for him whenever he feels down, who would show him that no matter what he does, no matter what happens to him, and no matter his state they would never leave him.
Minu needs someone to show him that he doesn’t need to be cool or strong or invincible for them to fall in love with him, that he just needs to be himself. 
Last but not least he doesn’t mind if you are not interested and don’t know much about cycling. However, if you show interest and listen to him while he passionately goes on for hours about it then that would make Minu appreciate you even more than he already does.
Let me warn you in advance. This guy's walls are very high but once you enter you have to remember his heart is made of glass. You have to treat him carefully and nicely, no games, and no hurtful words. He is too weak to handle his most loved one not treating him right. Yep, he is a total softie behind the scary guy cover.
Also, I think he would definitely be more attracted to someone older or more mature, someone who isn’t that childish yet slightly playful. Who can sometimes tease him and make him blush. But can also be understanding and not pushy. 
You have to understand that the guy has been brought up in extremely tough circumstances so depending on your social standing he may sometimes feel inferior. On the other hand, if both of you have similar backgrounds, it’s not like that will make him open up but he will feel like you can both relate more to each other.
Vinny has been bullied since he was young, so hearing people insult him is nothing new, yet if they start talking about how he is not good for you and comparing you and him. Then, the guy would be heartbroken, he would believe he is not good enough and maybe even give up on trying to be with you. That’s where you will need to comfort him, to make him believe and see that it doesn’t matter what others say, he makes you the happiest and he is the right one for you. 
Dom’s ideal type is someone pretty. You have to be pretty for Dom to be attracted to you. He is also into short hair, if you are the type who looks pretty in short hair, the chances are high this guy will come up to you asking you out while throwing an extremely cringy punch line while looking at you with googly eyes.
He is also into someone who can punch some sense back to him when he needs to. Someone who is not going to give in to everything he wants when they see him overdoing something. 
He needs that kind of person who would be able to calm him down when he gets too into something. For example, when he gets into a fight you have to stop him or talk to him about the fact that he should not do it. Or else the boy will continue to do the same thing again and again. Or when he gets too engrossed with his training that he ends up skipping school for weeks you have to smack some sense into him or else he will not budge.
Basically, Dom is like a little child most times, who needs a mature, disciplined, and smart person to help him…. well, not lose his way. You will need extreme patience with this one. Good luck!
Well, you have to be a goddess for Owen to notice you. This guy cares about appearance quite a lot. So you will have to take care of your image if you want to attract this one.
You also need to understand how hard it was for Owen to move on from his first love Shelly. So don’t be jealous or insecure just because he loved her before it doesn’t mean you are less or he does not have feelings for you. It’s just a tough thing you will both have to deal with if you want to create a healthy relationship with him.
Owen can be mature, yet he would love it if around you he could let go and be a bit childish. If he does act like that, that means he feels comfortable being around you.
He is more on the cheesy side when dating so he would love it if you were fine with it if you agreed to wear matching clothes and jewellery. He would love to share one drink with two straws with you while taking a polaroid picture, which you suggested doing. So yeah he would bond so much with someone who is not afraid to be cheesy and show their love to him nonstop. 
If you were into bikes, then there would be another thing that would undoubtedly attract Owen even more. But if you were not it would still be fine he would ask you to hop on the back of his bike and take you everywhere you like. Like the little lover boy that he is. 
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zoropookie · 5 months
♡ characters — salamander gang (inazuma)
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scaramouche: he is the highest paying steamer ever since 2020, amassing over 1 billion page views per day and 45 million viewers in a month. his fans are the worst people you can meet, because the person they watch is the blueprint. you can only imagine he primarily is famous because of his looks. he looks hot. very hot.
kazuha: he streams sometimes, you often see him in the background of scaramouche’s streams. very interested in music and making his own, you can even hear him practicing when it’s really quiet. because of how little he makes an appearance outside of streams, fans wonder if he’s hiding something, but he just wants privacy.
ayato: businessman and the owner of a brand named yashiro, a perfume company. he doesn’t stream a lot, but inazuma is being funded by him, so that makes him part of the group via association. you recently found out that lumine did a photoshoot with him, and ever since, you’ve been wondering why he ended up hanging with a bunch of chumps.
childe: scaramouche wants to claim that he made childe famous, but childe actually blew up for being at the streamer awards. he was the quirky host on the show, and ever since then, people have been actively watching his streams. meshing that funny attitude with egoism and playing games with scaramouche made him a tank, you barely see anybody being nice to him because he makes himself a target. that’s not to say he can’t dish anything out, though.
xiao: he’s not originally part of inazuma, but just like venti, you think he blew up because he was just as hot as scaramouche. there was nothing you could see that would inherently peak your interest other than his sly comments and the fact that he streams at his job. he’s a tattoo artist, and you could only imagine how much that fuels a teenage girl fantasies. but who knows? you don’t watch him enough to make a judgment, maybe he’s scaramouche’s competition in a way.
venti: he makes music with kazuha, they have a little duo going on youtube where they post covers of old songs and give it a modern twist. viewers actually really like them, and they’re suggested songs almost every day. he’s a lot more extroverted than kazuha, and he usually just streams the process of his song making while answering his chat. he does a lot of activities with the organization as far as you know.
ei: she is the main reason inazuma is the organization it is today, but she doesn’t get credit for it. scaramouche, yae, and her were the very first people to make the prototype for the logo, and the rest was history. nothing is too known about ei, but when she gets angry, fans are aware of it. very scary.
yae: don’t be fooled by yae miko’s quick comebacks on stream with the others, she can also put you in your place irl too. her streams are usually an hour long and that’s only because she always clearing up rumors about her and ei being more than friends by being as vague as possible. they have an odd relationship with each other.
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previous ♡ masterlist ♡ next
YOU ARE on your way to being one of the hottest streamer in your nation at the moment, racking a monthly average of 10 million viewers, but something specific bothers you about it. you know that a lot of people hate you, but there's this one account. one account that's been following you since the early days of your career. they leave a flood of rude comments in your stream, your moderators banned each account they made, but they keep making more. you are at the end of your tether. but you are yet to find out that this persistent cockroach is none other than your friend's friend (and the only other streamer that's bigger than you), scaramouche.
taglist ♡ @thystarsshine @veekoko @gumickajolli @simonisferal @kamiboo @justpeachyteastea (bold users means i'm having trouble tagging you)
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alpaca-clouds · 11 months
Where is all the Solarpunk media?
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Before reddit went to shit, I had posted this essay there, leading to some discussion. In the essay I spoke about my disappointment, that while Solarpunk started out as an idea for both a social movement and a fiction genre, most only know it as an aesthetic. And somebody said something interesting there: "You gotta see, that our equivalent to Cyberpunk's Neuromancer is a fucking yoghurt ad."
And this is true, kinda.
While Solarpunk traces its roots back to some climat fiction books and of course Studio Ghibli, there is barely any media in the Solarpunk genre. If you have a look at TV Tropes, you find only very few entries there and there is an argument to be had about half of them, whether they truly qualify as Solarpunk, as they might have the Solar-part down, but not the punk-aspect.
Sure, I could meanwhile offer a couple of examples myself that are not to be found on TV tropes (and maybe I am going to make a list here), but yeah... It is not much. And what there is in terms of actual Solarpunk fiction is mostly published by small publishers. Solarpunk games are all indie games. And Solarpunk movies... well, there are a couple of anime movies, but everything else I can think of are short indie movies.
And I think all of this is rooted in one or multiple of these three points:
Again, people struggle to imagine utopia. Not only writers/creatives, but even consumers. A lot of people consider utopian fiction "unrealistic" and "boring". Hence people do not know how to deal with this genre. On the side of creatives, on the side of the publishers and on the side of consumers.
Hope is scary. Both to the consumers, but also to the system. Because people, who have hope, are more likely to rebel. That sounds counter intuitive, but hopeless people will no longer fight, because they have nothing to fight for. This is why big companies, on whom we kinda rely for our media, might well have issues with Solarpunk as a genre. Especially as...
Solarpunk is inherently anti-capitalistic. So of course capitalistic companies that are behind any big, coporate media - no matter if it is AAA games or blockbuster movies - are not very interested in spreading the genre further. This is unquestionably also, why the genre and movement got boiled down to an aesthetic so much. Because Disney has no problem showing Solarpunk looking cities (Zootopia, Black Panther, some Star Wars), but they will most certainly not show a world that is no longer capitalist.
So... Solarpunk has kinda harsher conditions to start in as a genre.
Which is why I have started to write about this so much. Because I think, that fiction has power. And we should use it to inspire people.
Hope is important.
Hope is the future.
Support Indie creators!
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rosysugarr · 7 months
Talking about internet horror with a friend and like. I am begging, I am BEGGING internet horror creators to understand that what makes liminal spaces off-putting isn't WHAT IF THERE WAS A SPOOKY MONSTER. It's the sense of wrongness. The backrooms, for example, isn't scary because what if there is a spooky guy here, it's scary because it inherently shouldn't exist, because you should never have arrived there in the first place. It wasn't meant for you or anyone to see. It's inherently wrong and unnatural-- THAT is what makes liminal spaces upsetting. They're familiar, yet something feels distinctly, ominously off about them, something makes you feel as if you're seeing something that wasn't meant for your eyes. The backrooms in particular embodies that concept of liminal wrongness-- they're intended to be the result of a glitch in reality, a place you clip out of reality and fall into, like when you clip out of the map in a game and end up in some bizarre void where you can see the unmodeled undersides of mountains and the full roundness of the skybox around you, and you can't get back and you're trapped in this surreal place you were never meant to see. It wasn't made for you. It wasn't made for anyone.
Which to me also means that any other living thing you meet there should be as confused and frightened as you are, since nothing should occur there naturally-- it isn't a natural place. Maybe you'll encounter a hidden NPC placed under the map for later, but they shouldn't have any AI, right? The concept of hostile creatures in the backrooms never really made sense to me based on the original premise tbh, why would there be lively, hostile beings chilling outside the map?
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k-s-morgan · 6 months
Just finished reading the new chapter. I'm so excited about the "mafia" game! Thank you for posting it despite the circumstances.
Sebastian is so petty. I want to see him change his mind about Young Master. When will he learn that Ciel will always be special?)) The stakes of the new game are high - true name and loosing blood. I can't predict how the game will turn out. Who will win? There are so many possibilities. Ciel can't win or he will learn the true name, and that would change a lot, right? Draw again? Or will it be Sebastian, but even if he didn't drink a lot of blood to truly hurt Ciel, his win would still prove Ciel wrong and I can't picture that: Sebastian truly relies too much on reading souls. Well, you can picture how I have no idea! Again, your writing is gripping.
This passage got me:
Were we aware that Randall has a daughter?” Ciel asked out loud, still watching them.
How Ciel is used to addressing Sebastian about everything. And how he says "were WE aware." Gorgeous. Truly felt it when Ciel got sad and lonely without the usual conversations and banters.
For a moment, he’d forgotten that Sebastian wasn’t with him. He thought they could discuss…
Ciel seemed so mature in this chapter. He was so patient with Sebastian giving him space and time and even some comfort. Unfortunately, it looks like this soft part wasn't appreciated by Sebastian...
I wonder if Sebastian missed their routine, feeling miserable and hollow without exciting arguments and confusing actions. Was he scaried when he couldn't feel Ciel's soul. I hope we will see these next chapters in Sebastian's pov too?
Thank you again for making my day so much better 💕
Thank you, I'm so happy that you liked this chapter and the premise of its second half!
Sebastian really has a very long way to go still, even though he made a lot of progress. He finally acknowledged his attachment but now he's more than happy to find an excuse to explain it away - in this regard, Gremory gave him ammunition that made him regress, at least temporarily.
I can't spoil the outcome of the game but I can say that it will probably be surprising! Neither Ciel nor Sebastian can imagine what's coming, so they'll both encounter challenges and they'll both learn some lessons.
The funny thing about "were we aware that Randall has a daughter" is that I wrote this passage, then I didn't have time to write for a long while. When I went back to it, I re-read everything because I forgot it all, and before approaching this line, I thought that Ciel needs to ask this exact question :D So basically, I had the same idea both times, which shows that Ciel is really used to relying on Sebastian for everything. Without him, nothing is the same, and while Bard can be good company, Ciel doesn't perceieve him as his equal.
And yes, we'll see these chapters from Sebastian's POV eventually! Right now, he's torn between what he wants and what he thinks he should want. Worrying about Ciel, craving his company has become an inherent part of his life. He misses it and he often acts on instinct. But as long as he has time to remember what's happening, he grows cold and dissatisfied once again, thinking that Gremory must be right and that he fooled himself into overestimating Ciel's value.
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thydungeongal · 1 month
0E and BECMI also had pretty detailed rules for travel and naval combat and siege and faux-feudal politics and such. And while 5E PHB doesn't have them, yes, but it's not that focused on dungeons either.
I agree that ultimately it's action game but I feel like saying that it's inherently about adventures in uncharted lands when out of the box it very much can be about hard-boiled detectives or some kind of military leaders (including revolutionary rebels) is too reductive.
It's trashy heroic fantasy that shouldn't be used for like romcom but it's equally suited for all stock heroic fantasy plots
I mean, I disagree to an extent, but it's an issue of can vs should. D&D can be about hard-boiled detectives: should you use D&D to run a game of hard-boiled detectives when the game has barely any systemic support for investigation beyond "do you find the trap/secret door?" D&D can be about military leaders: should you use D&D to run a military game when the game provides absolutely nothing in the way of systemic support for leading a military and when its combat system is fine-tuned towards small skirmishes?
I very much think that RPGs are about what their systems are about. D&D 5e's system is concerned, beyond resource management, with:
How well characters can see in dark places.
Specific movement rates for measuring movement very granularly, and once you go into the DMG you find that the map scales start with "Dungeon" and go up from there.
Interacting with a variety of traps and hazards.
Now to be fair, when I talk about D&D being a dungeon game I don't mean it's good for just dungeons, but that it's good for Dungeons. A dungeon is a scary underground place with monsters, a Dungeon is a gameplay construct which is a part of the fictional world where Characters Can Start Shit In. But D&D is very clearly a Dungeon Game in that in addition to having rules for dungeons, it very much assumes Dungeons as part of its gameplay.
Also I emphatically disagree that D&D is equally suited for all heroic fantasy plots: D&D is a genre almost of its very own that is often conflated with heroic fantasy as a whole because of D&D's status, but it is inaccurate of D&D as a whole. Most editions of D&D, due to their obsession with depletion in a way that actually resists narrative convention (and the games themselves tell you that the point of the games is to deplete character resources!), are extremely poorly suited to heroic fantasy! In fact, the best edition for heroic fantasy, 4e, is the one whose design was explicitly rejected by 5e. (4e is still very much a dungeon game in my opinion, but it is the closest D&D has ever been to a pure heroic fantasy action game than a dungeon-crawling resource management game).
Anyway, D&D is not only poorly suited to many types of stories, the game itself actually suffers when bent to stories it doesn't have the mechanics for supporting. That's why I'm very much D&D as a challenge-focused dungeon game advocate: D&D is really good for that particular genre! Even D&D 5e, despite the fact that it has some instances of very unfocused design. D&D by its very shape resists conventional narrative structure and is more interested in telling stories about a bunch of assholes getting their heads kicked in in a hole in the ground, and it's actually really good for that type of story.
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arcadekitten · 1 year
Please read!
Hi guys! I just wanted to make a little statement and I won't waste your time with introduction-fluff so I'm just gonna get right into it.
I feel like I have to make this statement every few months and recently I feel like I have to make it every few days. And I think when I say it you guys think I'm just being humble.
I'm not. Stop putting me on a pedestal. It's not flattering, it's scary. I don't like you guys raising me so high up to a point that it's gonna break my neck when I fall off. When I speak my words I speak them true: I am not above anyone else. I'm not any kind of special person with more inherent value than anyone else. I'm just a girl trying to have fun with my ocs. That's it.
Secondly, forgive me if this sounds a little too brutal, but I don't know how to say it without sounding like it:
We are not friends. I don't know you.
You do not love me.
You love the image of me you created in your head.
When people tell me they like my games/works and they mean a lot to them, I'm truly flattered. But when people, especially anonymous people, tell me in my askbox "I love you!" it rings very hollow. You don't know me, you don't love me. You love the image of me you created in your head based on the way I present myself online and what you take away from my works. That's not love, it's admiration and infatuation, and if you keep conflating it with love it will only be detrimental to you in the end.
Thirdly, on the topic of us not being friends:
I think you guys have been starting to get a little too friendly in my askbox. I enjoyed answering the occasional silly nothing-burger ask, especially if it felt like things had been dry lately and I just wanted to be active online in some way. But it's starting to get to the point where, again, you guys are sending me asks like they're a text message you're sending to a friend. I'm not comfortable being viewed as your friend who "just doesn't know it yet!" I'm not comfortable having you guys tell me things about your personal life or putting me in a position where I'm now responsible for your emotions. It's incredibly damaging for the both of us whether you see it that way or not.
From this point on, please try to keep your asks more focused on my games/characters/works, with the occasional question about me if you must. It's what I'd rather be answering after all!
Thank you for understanding.
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calextheneko · 9 months
Mind Flayer Transformations, the Soul, and the Self
So before we get started, this is gonna be nerdy, breaking down some details about how a monster works and is created in DnD. It's also going to contain some Baldur's Gate 3 spoilers which I will put a warning about once we reach that point.
So Mind Flayers... The opening scene of Baldur's Gate 3 has you have a mind flayer stick a tadpole that crawls under your eye into your brain and yeah that's horrifying. Even more terrifying is the fact that in a matter of days, the tadpole will transform you into a mind flayer, and the person you are now will cease to exist and your new body becomes part of the hive mind.
Now, here's where things get really scary and why the situation is so dire in the game for those who don't know DnD lore. Turning into a Mind Flayer is a fate worse than death. They're like vampires but worse. Vampires need blood but have the option to feed on non-sapient creatures. Mind flayers will literally die of hunger unless they eat the brains of sapient creatures. If you somehow manage to keep your sense of self after the transformation, there is no moral lifestyle you can live. You are an inherently destructive creature that can only survive by brutally murdering other sapient creatures. You can try to go after evil people only but, how much can you trust your judgement? How long till you make a mistake? And do you have the right to act as judge, jury and executioner? Is your own morality so well defined that you have the right to decide who lives and who dies.
Now... Moving on from that, there's an even more terrifying fact. And this is the fact that when you become a Mind Flayer your souls is destroyed. ZIp, gone, poof. Nothing remains. This means the second you become a mind flayer you are barred from the afterlife forever. Which we have multiple confirmed afterlives in DnD so you know... This is something where it is a definite loss. Instead of an eternity of paradise (or punishment if you were evil) you just flat out cease to exist. No reincarnation for you, no afterlife. No soul. Of course, for some evil people, this might make the transformation appealing, seeing it as a way to avoid an eternity in Hell. Because much like lichdom this will keep them from dying of old age and could in theory allow them to live forever escaping punishment for all their evil deeds.
Except there's a key difference between a mind flayer and lich. A lich still possesses their soul. It's simply not in their body, but kept in a safe place that they have access to. This means if a lich is destroyed properly their soul will go face its eternal judgement. A mind flayer has no soul at all.
And here we come to the horrifying implications about Mind Flayer transformations. The transformation is lethal. A soulless body is just a husk, you can see this in this universe in spells that steal a soul and just leave an empty body with nobody home assuming the body isn't destroyed in the process. Your soul is who you are. So what does it mean to not just lose your soul but to have it destroyed and yet still somehow retain your sense of self?
Simple, you're not yourself. You're dead. You no longer exist. But, the mindflayer is a newborn. If they were just born, and are not connected to the hive mind through an Elder Brain, then the only thing they have to go on about who the are would be the memories storied in the brain that was used to create them. In short, when you become a mind flayer the real you dies. What is left is a mind flayer that believes it is you because it has all of your memories and experiences so concludes that must be its identity. This is sort of like Buffy vampire rules. When someone becomes a vampire, soul is gone and a demon inhabits the body that can retain aspects of the original person's personality but is still just a demon wearing their face. That's what a mind flayer with a sense of self is. Just a demon wearing the face of the person whose body they stole and soul they erased.
And this is why the stakes in BG3 are so high for your characters personally. You're not just trying to stop the transformation and survive. You're trying to avoid being completely erased from existence.
And now we start the actual spoilers.
There are a couple of 'friendly' mindflayers you can meet throughout the game who claim to be the original selves. As stated earlier, without a soul this isn't possible. They would be beings who simply believe themselves to be the original, unaware themselves that their creation erased the original from existence. It's like... If someone made a clone of you then killed the original you, the clone exists and claims to be you but the real original you is gone.
And there are signs.
Let's discuss the Emperor first. At first glance, he seems to be helpful. But, he's also extremely manipulative and is all take and no give. He stresses the need for trust, but never actually trusts you while demanding you trust him unconditionally. If you try to keep anything secret from him he will force his way into your mind and pry out the secret from your mind. Throughout the game he will show a complete lack of empathy for your situation, a complete failure to understand why you might take any issue with the morality of his methods, excusing it as pragmatism which he does some pretty evil acts. He's keeping a a person imprisoned for all eternity so he can siphon their power. And they're aware of it. That's messed up.
But it gets worse. If you decide to go evil, and at the end of the game decide to hijack the Netherbrain and take over the world. If you do so with the Emperor's assistance, he reveals he had already considered the idea. His reasons for being against it aren't on any moral basis. No, they're because doing so would put you at war with the gith that would only end when one side was wiped out a war he's not sure he could win. In short, self-preservation is the only reason he doesn't want to take over the world. If you convince him you can win, he will enslave the Netherbrain, but not stop there... He will transform you and your party all into his thralls completely under his control despite insisting he was a friend. Even if you romance him. There's no morality here, just a monster who needs pawns outside the prism he's in to survive, and would gladly become the main villain himself given the chance. In fact, should you not 100% agree to go with his version of the plan, he will immediate betray you join the Netherbrain and show up in the final battle, dominating your forces to serve the Netherbrain. This is a far cry from the hero he was before his transformation in attitude. And brings into question a lot of things you know.
Furthermore... You can get some interesting bits out of him should you anger him enough. His previous lover... If you make him angry enough you can get him to admit he actually made her his thrall. And if you argue with him a lot he will specifically refer to you as his puppet. The Emperor doesn't understand morality. He has no soul, how could he? He understands what he needs to survive, and so long as that equation include you then he will keep you on your side.
Next up, I forget his name... But there's the mind flayer you meet in the Underdark. Now, we don't get to know him as well but he says a lot of rather scary things if you take the time to think about it. When you ask him about how he survives his hunger, he talks about how he had an arrangement with a lich.
"The lich needed souls and I needed brains."
He helped feed souls to a lich to acquire brains. And while he says the agreement broke down because of moral disagreements.... Like, feeding a lich souls so you can then eat the brains is already crossing the moral event horizon.
Now he says he feeds on those who act against the interest of the Society of Brilliance while working on a way to find a way to survive without brains. Now this might sound good at first... But remember the Society is... kind of terrible. And has official experiments like... Let's kidnap an unborn gith child while they're in an egg so we can raise them away from their people and see what happens. So, if you're morally opposed to kidnapping unborn children. Congrats, you're acting against the interests of the society and now free game to be a brain snack. The Society is a group of scientific discovery but not one restricted by morality. This means a lot of innocent people can wind up dead simply for refusing to participate in experiments. After all, if you get the gith egg for the Society you'll most likely have to kill off all the caretakers in the nursery to get it.
Now, there's also your player character if they become a Mind Flayer. So... Again, they act like themselves, but again no soul, you ceased to exist. At this point you are someone who thinks they are you because they have their memories and your original character is gone. Can even see some hints of this in the ending with possible dialog options where they think about ending themselves... Or completing embracing what they are and eating all the brains that they can want.
Finally, Prince Orpheus himself, the Comet Prince, last hope of the Gith. And probably the closest thing we have to an actual moral mind flayer should he transform. The second he does, as established Orpheus is dead, what stands before you is an Orpheus clone with his memories and thinks he's him but isn't.
And some may ask well what's the difference. And I point back to the clone point earlier. If someone makes a copy of you and kills you, the copy going on to live doesn't mean you live. Just a copy. So, Orpheus like all mind flayers his original self is dead and someone with his memories is born.
The reason I say he's the most moral. All of Orpheus' memories point to him seeing mindflayers as the ultimate evil, things that should be destroyed on sight. Since he believes these are his memories and personality. He kills himself once the final battle is over. His memories recognize the urges he feels and recognize him as a being of pure evil that he's become and so he ends his own life rather that allow that evil to exist. If anyone else without such strong memories and thoughts about how evil mind flayers were and how uncontroillable their urges were, things could end much worse... Like some endings with a player character mind flayer and like what the Emperor becomes.
So... Yeah... There is no Mind Flayer version of you after the transformation. You're gone. Freaking Jergal himself confirms mind flayers don't have souls. Wait, I mean Withers. (Spoiler alert, Withers is Jergal) And as the original god of the death who has domain over all souls he's a bit more in the know about what does and doesn't have a soul than a mind flayer. So much so that he mocks the Dead Three in the ending for their plan being flawed from the start. Talking about how their plan was self-defeating. They hoped to control a bunch of souls by infecting them with mind flayer tadpoles and collecting those souls for power. But since the second the mind flayer transformation occurs those souls cease to exist, their plan would not result in them getting an ounce of power to bring themselves back properly or act out future plan. There's a reason I prefer to call them the Dead Twats.
So um yeah... This conclude my Ted Talk on Mind Flayers and why no, you do not want to become one, because doing so is instant death. Thanks for coming, and have a good one.
Oh shoot all my post are DnD and Baldur's Gate related but one right now. I better start posting some Pathfinder lore and content posts before people mistake me for a 5e Player.
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polaroidcats · 4 months
hi cat!! 2, 6, 23, and 30 for the question game 🧸🤸
hii skyee 💖
2. show us a picture of your handwriting?
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(idk why some of my As look like Es hahah)
6. what’s the best and worst part of being online/a creator?
the best part of being online is feeling part of a lovely community and being able to talk to and connect with people from all over the world, the worst part is that those people from all over the world do not, in fact, live closeby :(
23. say 3 things about someone you hate
I hate how much he hates certain groups of people and thinks some people have somehow inherently a higher value than others
I hate his populist far right rhetoric and how scary it is how many people agree with him
I hate how someone can just so openly hate other people and have so many supporters
(these are all abt a right winged austrian politician, we have elections later this year and reading the news.. isn't fun atm)
30. what’s one thing that never fails to make you happy/happier?
Apollo being cute and making cute noises or just looking cute or just doing nothing and still being a perfect little (big) kitty. ❤
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hollowsart · 9 months
We all know about how jumpscares aren't inherently scary and are often used too much which causes them to lose any actual scare factor. however, there's another aspect to horror games that isn't talked about enough:
Having hyper realistic graphics in your game doesn't necessarily make it scarier. making your scenery mostly dark and all old and abandoned also doesn't necessarily make it scarier. I mean. look at a bunch of liminal and dreamcore/weirdcore pictures. they're all bright and usually very clean (which is why some backrooms games are eerie on their own, the spotless pool rooms, the neat and tidy play rooms etc). it does not need to be dark with a limited flashlight (if there is a flashlight at all) and the scenery all dingy, dank, and decrepit.
I think this is one reason why a lot of people tend to think horror games nowadays aren't scary anymore. they reuse the same old same old with very little to actually make it scary, always using the elements listed above.
you can have a horror game that is all bright and well lit, very clean and new, little to no jumpscares at all and no need for a flashlight, as well as having the art style for the game being something unrealistic and cartoon-y.
it's all in how you go about it. there's always more than one way to scare someone, to elicit fear and horror.
You also don't need any chase sequences, no monsters coming after the player character, and no gore either!
You can still have one or two of these elements tho, I'm not saying you can't have any. Sometimes a more subtle horror is better. If you leave enough room for imagination, the player of your game can actually be your star element to make it truly scary as nothing is more powerful in eliciting fear than the human imagination.
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Darkolai for the ship game
Darkolai 💖💖💖💖
1) So LB gives us NOTHING absolutely NOTHING about how these characters ever thought about each other, or if they did at all. Even in KoS and RoW when they actively interact, she tries to skirt around giving them an established dynamic as much as possible. Probably because it would make it super clear how little political worldbuilding there is and how flimsy her existing groundwork is. But like I find it impossible to believe that they never had the vaguest opinions about each other?? Sure Nikolai went off to “university” and hadn’t seen Aleksander in ages but he literally grew up in Os Alta lmao, he’d at least encounter him in his father’s orbit. I find it so fucking funny and interesting that he grew up with this weirdo goth vampire wannabe just… there! I feel like we can pretty much guess Aleksander’s POV (entirely, high handedly dismissive) but like what does Nikolai think! Especially when he’s old enough to at all consider politics. He’s not stupid. He can see there’s this scary, very pretty, majorly untrustworthy, IMMORTAL wizard with an entire separate army running the country for his shitty-not-actual-father, who’s at least a century overdue on pulling a coup. Like what are the vibes!! I’m shaking LB by the shoulders to tell me about the vibes!! Anyway I find the above prospects very intriguing and fun!
2) I love the resentment inherent to it! Like I said, I think it’s really easy to surmise that Aleksander just never remotely considered Nikolai a threat. So I think there’s some really entertaining bitterness to him being brought down so low and meanwhile Nikolai has succeeded him as Tsar. Or there’s even a lot that can be done with him returning to life entirely powerless, and yet some of his power still lies dormant in Nikolai? There’s a lot of room for raging, fixated jealousy. That brief period in RoW where Aleksander’s in his little Hannibal Lector glass prison thing is so good. I want an entire book about him being the really mad, pet villain Nikolai has stashed away in a zoo. The fucking indignity of it all sjdhfffdehdhd
3) I’m also obsessed with the Sea Whip segment tbh. Who even first thought to approach the other? Did Nikolai-as-Sturmhond get his people to seek him out? Was it Aleksander’s bright idea to hire him?? What was his reaction when, well after the fact, he realized he’d enlisted a fucking prince of Ravka. Did he feel stupid? I hope he felt stupid. Aleksander camping out in the woods for a couple days because he wanted to time his big dramatic attack on Nikolai’s birthday hits a similar note for me. I just love the idea of them getting into fucking coyote and road runner shit but over like the fate of the fucking country lmao
Send me a ship and I’ll list three things I like about it regardless of my overall opinion about the ship
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sleepsentry · 1 year
for the ask game, number 8: unpopular fandom opinion(s) regarding gravity falls. also, love your work. ^_^
Thank you! ^^
Of course these are based on my assumptions about what's popular and these are takes I haven't seen around in the wild.
This kinda just devolves into a headcanon list towards the end. haha ^^'
OK so hmmmm oh boy there's a lot:
Gravity Falls is NOT the best thing ever it just had a bunch of really talented people working on it who made it super fun. But it's far from a golden standard and I don't think it should be held up as a standard, that idea is reductive and creatively stifling.
I don't like comparing Amphibia, Owl House, Duck Tales (2017), Inside Job and many others to Gravity Falls. The similarities are superficial and those shows shouldn't be living in Gravity Fall's shadow. They deserve to stand tall and cast their own.
On that note Alex Hirsch is just some guy and I don't like his stuff on its own that much. He's not that funny or interesting to me, but he is just some guy. Hope he doesn't turn out to be a shitty dude. *shrug*
Stanley is overrated (I love him but jeez guys. He's not that endearing.)
Rick and Morty x Gravity Falls is a terrible crossover, tonally, technically and thematically. (I also am just very unimpressed by rick and morty in general)
Stanchez is bad. Rick can eat my shorts. Stan "deserves better". Obviously the fan creations are good. But they don't change my mind about the base idea.
The stans both did nothing wrong ever and I love them deeply without comparing them. (joke I know they fuck up, but they fuck up together.)
Fiddauthor is mid and boring. It comes off as amatonormative and people overall are very exclusionary over it wich is just being a dick and using a ship preference to justify it. (I dont mean to be mean but yeah, you guys are doing fine you can take some salt.)
Ford and Fidd are more like siblings than a couple.
Ford and Fidd both dismissed eachother and the miscommunication was on both of them. (Similair to stan and ford it's no one character's fault)
Ford and Fidd's relationship has more emotional weight viewed through the platonic lense of fidds being older than ford by two or three years and "adopting" him as a "little brother" in college, and how that followed them into their 30s even when the age gap had long become irrelevant. Rather than just "gay sad nerds have marital issues" as fun as that sounds.
Fiddleford is a crazy, scary, adorable, kind, stupid, genuis. This man contains multitudes, I try my best not to flanderize him into one over the other. He can be all those fun things.
Fiddlestan is inherently more funny and compelling than fiddauthor. (To me, to me.)
Fillbrick wasn't the devil incarnate he was just a shit dad, wich fair enough is very bad. Haha (idk there isn't enough of him for me to truly hate and I'd rather not assume the worst, I deal with abusive parents enough in my day to day I don't need to add one to my fav silly show haha)
Billford isn't "toxic" it's too bizarre for that, and much is left to be inferred about both characters and their dynamic. (Again, assuming the worst instead of something more fitting and fun) It's obviously bad for ford but I thought everyone hated him when he isn't nice to stan or being shipped with fidds so it should be cool. (Sarcasm)
Dipper and mabel fuck up equally and mabel is generally more empathetic and aware of the world around her than dipper who hyperfocuses. (Been there pal.)
Mabel is more similar to Ford and Dipper is more similar to Stan
Dipper is a good boy but a bit on the boring side for me. He's fine. I like him well enough.
Mabel is more relatable to me, but I relate to dip's anxiety disorder so bad.
Dipper would NOT grow up to look like Ford. He'd look like shermy or stan.
Mabel would grow up to be bigger and broader than dipper. She'd also be the one to get glasses and look more like ford. She's already halfway there with the hair and jumpers (sweaters)
Jokes about ford failing to impress girls are cringe, heteronormative and bad. And ford doesn't like anyone. (Bill is his own can of eldritch worms)
Dipper doesn't like girls in the way he thought he should and that's why his crush on wendy played out the way it did, it was never really about her, it was about his relationship to her. How she helped him find someone to admire, and was kinda his first real friend who he felt was cool and understood him, heteronormativity made him think he liked her romantically. He so obviously didn't that it hurts my soul.
Mabcifica is underrated as hell and more interesting than dipcifica. That being said.
I do ship dipcifica but in a queer way. You guys don't get it. They're queer.
The cis/heteronormative takes where pacifica and dipper have children together and dipper looks older but Pacifica is just her kid face on a sexy lady bod make me uncomfortable.
And that's why Dipper, Mabel and Pacifica could grow up into a polyamorous "Vee" relationship. [When one person is dating two people who aren't dating eachother, in this case obviously cause they're twins. It forms a "V" from Pacifica to the Pines twins ^^]
What was this ask originally about?
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theoldtherebeforehq · 1 month
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✗ CONFIDENTIAL TRIBUTE FACILITY SIGN UP SHEET records the attendance of SMITH BRICK, a TRIBUTE from DISTRICT TWO. The applicable authorities may note, that the 19 year old MALE (HE/HIS) is PROUD, SOCIABLE, ENERGETIC, but has also been known to be ANTAGONISTIC, IMPULSIVE, AGGRESSIVE. Similarities in appearance can be seen with CHARLIE GILLESPIE. According to previous reports, they’re often associated with THE EARLY DAWN FOLLOWING A BAD NIGHT OUT AND BLOODY, BRUISED KNUCKLES AFTER ONE TOO MANY DRINKS.
Smith Brick–blink and you’ll miss it. As the resident shit-stain on the family name, it’s hard to believe that he stands alongside his brothers, Miller and Mason. While his parents had worked hard to bring up the Bricks as the institution it is today, Smith’s very existence seems to be contrary to the name altogether. His father may have stressed how important their legacy is, but the troublesome middle child had other plans. Not that Smith cared to listen to the guy who treated his children like trophies. No, he’d sooner follow his brothers into war than hear what his parents had to say. Despite their differences, Smith couldn’t imagine not having both Mason and Miller by his side through it all. 
Hot-headed and temperamental, Smith always thought that he got the short end of the stick. They might have been hard on Miller with all the responsibilities they put on the poor guy and they got on Mason’s case cause the kid was too soft, but Clayton and Paloma looked at Smith as if he were nothing more than dirt on their all-too expensive shoes. Then again, he wasn’t one to argue if they were funding his lifestyle. So what if he set a fire or two and became a regular in the Peacekeeper’s holding cells? The two never expected much from him anyway. 
Everyone said the Hunger Games used to be scary–bad, even. That kids from Two worried about hearing their names called to the stage. Smith, on the other hand, didn’t give a shit. What did he care about people from his district volunteering for their deaths? With so many kids offering themselves as tributes, it wasn’t as if he’d seen it as a threat. Those idiots could chase the glory if they wanted–Smith Brick had better things to do.
Maybe that’s why it made being at the Career Academy all the more a pain in Smith’s ass. Well, not that he had much of a choice. Smith struggled during his time there, constantly getting into fist-fights with other students and landing himself in detention more often than he attended class. He might have been a gifted fighter but Smith lacked the focus and discipline as a Career. The training was pointless when violence seemed inherent in the Brick bloodline.
After pulling Miller out of the Career Academy, Smith was naturally next in line as a potential volunteer. As fucking if. Clayton Brick being on his deathbed was not his problem. All he had to do was coast by like he always had at his family’s expense until he could collect his inheritance. Shocking just about everybody, the old man got better and his parents returned to their old ways. Miller, heir apparent, was moved up the ladder in the family company while Smith remained an afterthought.
When the 25th Hunger Games came around, Smith was dealt a crushing blow–Mason would be leaving for the Capitol as District Two’s new escort. A cause for celebration for the newly announced Quarter Quell but, to Smith, it meant being left alone with his parents. Even though he wasn’t jumping at the chance to join them, the thought of being the only kid to deal with his father’s harsh criticisms made it that much worse. As his older brother was already implanted among those rich snobs and his younger onto bigger and better things, it was clear that Smith wasn’t deemed worthy enough to stand alongside them after all.
Or, so he thought. He learned that his father planned to send him to the Capitol when his brother called his name during the reaping. Smith Brick would be a tribute for the first Quarter Quell, voted in by his neighbours. It was a miracle that his father managed to wrangle up the votes and keep it under wraps, but Smith wouldn’t put anything past him. With two sons involved in the Hunger Games for the first time, it was inevitable that they would throw the disposable child into the fold. And, of course, Smith wasn’t going to volunteer. No, his father would just have to do it for him. Clayton would get his victor one way or another.
As a Career, he understands the importance of strategy and technique but isn’t afraid to hit below the belt if he has to. As skilled as he is in a bare-knuckle brawl, Smith’s at his best with a mace or club in hand. Known as “Smit-head” in Two, his need for attention (as the typical middle child) comes at the cost of looking like an asshole. Though, you might catch his sentimental side at the mention of his brothers. It would explain why he brought a ring from Two, stolen from his brother’s desk, to remind him what he’s fighting for. None of that shit his father wants him from him. ‘Cause if Smith has to play the game, fuck it, he’s going to play it his own way.
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Do you know of any games that are circus themed, or would be able to handle a traveling circus’s worth of npcs alongside the player characters? I have a very specific idea and I’m not sure DnD is the best system for it
THEME: Circus, or Circus-like.
These are games that are either built around the idea of a circus, or are tangentially related to a circus in some way. Some are more specific than others, but in any case they will certainly get you in the right headspace!
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Clowning Around, by Bemia.
You are a Clown with a capital c, joking and laughing are in your DNA. Yet the people have stopped laughing, they aren’t even scared anymore. Find what makes them indifferent to your existence if you want to return to your old clownish ways.
This hack of Honey Heist (by Grant Howitt), lets you create clown characters to solve the sadness among humanity in an easy way. The game itself is rules-light and even comes with a character sheet. There is a "sadness reasons"  table included, but you can of course come up with your own. The game allows for both a happy-go-lucky and a creepy clown game. 
Clowning Around is a silly game in which you play clowns trying to figure out why people don’t find you funny (or scary) anymore. Your mission: to make them react, in one way or another. You have two stats, Human and Clown, that you will use to complete your mission. When it comes to relationships with a larger circus, there’s nothing in the game that inherently supports it - rather, you would have to do some worldbuilding. Perhaps the sad, sad apathy has overcome your fellow circus-folk! If you want a silly, goofy game, then consider Clowning Around.
Thy Words Inspire, Thespians, by MagiCole.
Make your theater company worthy of fame, captivate your audience with every moment, complicate your characters’ lives and to aspire to greatness.
Firebrands games are all about entangling your characters' lives in drama, so why not add the element of... well, drama?!
Play as a Performer, an Aesthetic, or a Stagehand through a variety of mini-games all aimed to build up your theater and to make a name for yourselves!
This is a game of interpersonal drama built upon the Firebrands system, which relies on a series of mini games to tell a narrative of romance, drama, and putting on a show. If you want to tell the story of a circus, you can probably re-imagine the acts as different performances by different circus folks. When you build your theatre, you also include the NPCs involved and what their job is within the theatre, so there’s definitely an expectation that you’ll be making a number of characters to fill different roles. If you like the idea of having a number of different scenes building up to the night of a big performance, this is the game for you!
The Traveling Circus, by Bone Mouse Productions.
“There's no such thing as bad publicity." - P. T. Barnum
Look anywhere - the spheres will always have room for a traveling circus. Come one, come all, to the magnificent sights and wonders that only a pack of fools can procure! This short document contains 6 backgrounds for Troika! that will astound you!
This isn’t necessarily required to run a circus in Troika, but it gives you some inspiration for writing up characters. NPCs don’t need a lot of stats for you to run them in this game, which means it’s also pretty easy to write them up! Keep in mind that most of Troika’s rules tell you how combat runs, which is a problem you might be trying to circumvent from Dungeons & Dragons. However, the rules are light enough, and the inventory list varied enough that you can probably write up an adventure that involves moving through a circus ground and figuring out how to placate numerous NPCs, using nothing but your wits and that exciting necktie that you wear during your performances!
You can also check out Eldritch Courts of Some Repute by Alan Szczepańcyk, if you want some inspiration for more NPCs, Fae Courts, and a different kind of combat - status combat!
Goblin Market, by Eliot Silvarian.
Every solstice, the veil thins between the worlds, merging mortal world with fae realm. Some time ago, the goblins started a market on the solstices to encourage friendship, trade, and storytelling between the worlds. Play to get to know your characters, meet fae beings, and ultimately decide where you belong.
Goblin Market is a 1-4 player GMless game meant to be played in one 2-4 hour session. To play, you'll need a deck of cards and a way to write.
Goblin Market is character driven and narrative heavy, and you can collaboratively decide if you want to use the narrative to lean fun and whimsical or a little darker and more intense. You should also decide together if your playthrough is set at the summer solstice or winter solstice, as well as a general setting, e.g., modern, historical, a certain style of fantasy.
This game is GM-less, but if you’re used to GM-ing, you might want to take on the role of the facilitator. In this game, your characters aren’t part of the Goblin Market, but rather a visiting party. Each character will have a reason for going to the Market, as well as a personal struggle that they may be trying to overcome. It would likely take very little work to re-skin this game in such a way that the Goblin Market is more like a Carnival or a Circus, rather than a fae bazaar. Because it’s a GM-less game, the NPCs that reside in the Market are going to be group-generated, rather than GM-generated. That being said, this is a good solo game if you want a tool to help you determine what the Circus looks like!
Under Hollow Hills, by Meguey & Vincent Baker.
There is a traveling circus under the Hollow Hills.
It travels by moonlight, small wagons creaking in the night silence. It travels lost roads, where fireflies and whisps hover to watch it pass, where goblins peer down from their treebranch perches, and owls. It travels the night world and the day world, fairyland and the living earth, and places otherwise, and no border can keep it. It has mysteries to pose, drama to perform, it has music, juggling, acts of death-defying peril, pratfall comedy. It has dangerous secrets to tell.
In Under Hollow Hills, you play the performers, planners, and crew of a traveling circus. You’re fairies and mortal humans, of various kinds and descriptions, but one and all you’ve found your way to the circus and now you travel with it. You make your way through fairyland and the human world, performing wherever you go, in street fairs and crossroads markets, in vacant lots, fairy palaces, amphitheaters, and among the standing stones. You perform for great and small, and to you, a child’s birthday in a town park is as important as the command of the the great Crowned Heads of fairyland.
With 13 core playbooks, your characters have so many choices there is bound to be an option that sticks out for each player. Much of the play options are fae, but there are also a few options for human characters that ended up in the circus one way or another. Under Hollow Hills is recognizable as a Powered by the Apocalypse game, with a few changes, including the fact that the GM rolls dice, and there is no mechanical character advancement. There’s also a play sheet for A Playbill in which you determine what characters will be performing, and what the audience is like. This means that the game is centred around the ways characters interact with each-other - if you want a game that is all about connections between characters, this game is for you.
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