#there may be deep cut stuff idk about
frosthetix · 2 years
I’m compiling all the “val kilmer says top gun is gay”/ ”val kilmer ships icemav” moments I could find:
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This Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Interview where he says that maybe Top Gun is his first gay role (pic taken from drrav3nb’s post)
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This Interview on Top Gun’s homoeroticism (x)
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still your wingman <3 insta post (x)
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when val posted an icemav meme on valentine’s day (x)
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val thinks about them every day, he just like us fr :) (x, x)
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next episode's architecture kinda gives me vibes to the japanese metabolists (but done with the ~brittish construction seal of quality~ way)(ie cheaply lol)
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with some straight-up retro-futurist ~tube transportation~
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
lowkey feel like im gonna throw up and idk if thats the anxiety or the chocolate from earlier LOL
#perhapeth a little of both jsdjflsdjf#iti's not like. not a BIG feeling just. JUUST ENOUGH#god idk why im so nervous LOL like damn the fic isnt THAT deep and serious or anything#but it's like. More Serious Than Usual and i DO feel more vulnerable w/this one#got dam started it sept 4 finishing it MAY 12TH WHOOPS#it's not even my longest fic it's like. my average i guess LOL#im like. scared of embarassing myself lol#SORRY im having a therapy session with myself in the tags here  I NEED THIS#i guess it's only been like a couple months ish since i last posted a fic so it hasnt even been that long but#in my mind it feels like forever#WHY are my arms shaking GOD i swear im like. nervous but it's not That Bad fljdksfjlksd#i probably sound so dramatic over like. fanfiction lskdfjsd#but man lately i have felt so very insecure about. doing things. and sharing things. being percieved when i make attempts at something#like both in general but extra when it's a personal attempt#and this fic!!!! felt personal!!!! im not fully sure why tbh#but it did#so i had emotional stakes in it. i wanted to do the topic justice and i want to be understood in the way i wrote things#but i didnt wanna spell it out completely either but i dont exactly have faith in myself to make implications clear#and im worried it doesnt work. im worried it ended weird. im worried some stuff didnt fit together. but thats just 2 bad llol#also directors cut: there was gonna be a part about jamil loaning sleepwear like a hoodie and sweatpants to azul#but thats part of what had me stuck for a while. i couldnt figure out hwo to make it work#eventually i decided it didnt fit and i had to cut it#so alas. clothes sharing and hair brushing for another fic one day maybe LOL#ok thats enough baring my soul to the internet for one night good bye lol 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️
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foreverxdaydreaming · 2 years
pretty much just a vent, you can keep scrolling and go about your way, nothin important here tbh. all the tw's are in the tags; always remember to filter the shit outta things, kids.👍🏻
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
If you are seeking soon to be dad Daryl, what about a fic where Y/n gets pregnant but she's scared to tell Daryl because what happened to Lori? Maybe she is finally able to tell him when they get reunited after the prison falls and by then she's already showing? Idk I know it says requests are closed but I saw your post!
Blessing in Disguise
Daryl Dixon x fem!Reader
Summary: After discovering that you are pregnant, you don't know what to do; being utterly afraid after what happened to Lori. You don't even have the chance to tell it your boyfriend, Daryl, because after the prison fell, you and Daryl get separated. Can you find him again and finally be brave enough to tell him?
Warnings: the usual TWD stuff, walkers, weapons, angst, mentions of birth and pregnancy, fluff!
Set in Season 4/5!
Word Count: 4,6k (Whopsies...)
a/n: I promised y'all a new Daryl fic and here it is! ☺️ Thank you for this wonderful request @starfirette ! ☺️ I loved, loved, loved to write this! 🥰 I hope you like it. ☺️ I changed the timeline a little bit - and I uh, may have ignored the existence of Mika and Lizzie, because I somehow struggled a lot to write them. I hope that's okay. 🙈
Tagging: @in-this-minute @thefemininemystiquee @hotgirlsshareaccounts @azanoni @lokisgoodgirl @goobysgoobers @fuseburner @fictive-sl0th @alexreadz07 @sweetpeapod
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Biting your lip nervously, you watched your friend from afar, loading stuff in a car. He was alone, so your only opportunity to ask was probably now - or never. Taking a deep breath, you bit the bullet and walked over to him. "Hey, uh, Glenn?" The black-haired man turned to face you. "Oh, hey Y/N. What's up?" He asked you, smiling. "Can... Can you please get me something from the drugstore you're going to?" "Sure thing, no problem. What is it?" You bit your lip again; shaky fingers handed over a small piece of paper. Glenn took it and slowly unfolded it. His gaze scanned the written words, eyes widening. "Y-Y/N this... This is-" "I know, Glenn, I know. Please, keep this to yourself, okay?" "Of course, but... You know that everyone says I'm bad at keeping secrets?" You sighed, rubbing the heels of your hands in your eyes. "Yes, but you're my best friend. I trust you." The Korean nodded, "You got a point there..." and stuffed the note inside his jeans pocket. "Don't forget it, please." "I won't, promise."
You spent the time walking from one place to the next. Your mind was restless, and so was your body. A billion 'What if...' questions were running through your head on lighting speed. It felt like your skull was going to burst any second. The wait for Glenn to return was almost unbearable. "Y/N? You alright?" Maggie's voice cut through the loud noises in your head. Blinking, you stopped in your motions; looking up to face her. "Y-Yeah, of course." The woman looked at you quite a bit sceptically. "Are you sure? You seem really... uneasy and nervous. Something wrong between you and Daryl?" You quickly shook your head at your friend's words. "No, no! Everything's perfectly fine! We're good. I'm good!" Maggie eyed you a second time doubtfully, "Alright." before she turned around to leave again. You breathed out relieved, closing your eyes. Gods... That was hell.
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About two hours later, Glenn and a few Woodbury people came back from the run. Subtly, your best friend handed you the small bag. "You got it?" He nodded. "Yeah. Brought three different brands." You stared at the bag, taking it into your hands. "Thank you." "Of course." You gave Glenn a small smile, which he returned. "You can talk to me about... You know. I-I'm always here for you." "I know - and I appreciate it so much." Before the Korean could even answer, you had pulled him into a big hug.
Now you sat in the cell you shared with Daryl - who was on a hunt at the moment, on the bed, staring at the bag in your hands. You had to do it. You just had to. You needed to know. So, you grabbed all three packages and sneaked into the prison 'bathroom'. Taking the tests were easy. Waiting five minutes for them to show a result was excruciating. Once again you found yourself walking up and down the room, hoping for once time would pass faster. At some point you couldn't take it anymore. You had to look; waited clearly long enough. Closing your eyes for a moment and taking a deep breath, you stepped over to one of the sinks - where you had placed all three tests, and taking a look at them. The first one. Positive. The second test. Positive. And the third result. Positive. "Fuck..." You were pregnant – without a doubt.
Shock wasn't the right word to describe your emotions right now. It wasn't really a shock, since you had the assumption; showing the typical signs for over a week now. Fear and panic were better words. In another world, you would've been happy. Having a baby with the man you loved was everything you ever wanted. Daryl was that man. The rotten, destroyed and dangerous world was a big problem, sure. Not just the walkers were a big threat. The disease, which roamed the prison had been a problem, but also other people out there. People like the Governor, for example. But now that you had the prison back and successfully defended your home against that psychopath, you weren't that concerned about the circumstances and surroundings. The prison was safe. What was a bigger problem and the cause for your main fear and panic, was what had happened only a few months ago... Judith's birth, and Lori's death. She died, birthing a child - and that was what gave you the chills. What if the same fate befell you? What if you were going to die as well, bringing yours and Daryl's baby into this world? Like Lori already once said… This wasn't a hospital. Sure, you had medical supplies - but not enough for a c-section or worse. If there would be complications, you were sure going to die - and you didn't want that. Despite that, it was already kinda hard enough to provide for one baby, but two? You didn't know. You really didn't know. What were you going to do now?
Driven by the panic coursing through your system, you went on search for Glenn. You needed to talk - and your best friend was your safe haven right now. Telling Daryl wasn't an option. Not just because he wasn't here at the moment anyway - which had left you worried sick enough, but also because you just were too afraid. You didn't want to do this to him. If you were really going to die during childbirth, you would put even more weight on his shoulders. He already had to carry enough.
"Glenn?!" You shouted up the guard tower, knowing that he was on watch at the moment. Seconds later, the door sprung open and his head appeared. "Y/N?" He shouted back. "Can... Can I come up?" You choked out; the tears on the brink of falling. "Uh, sure!" Quickly, you made your way up the stairs and through the doors. "T-Thanks." "Sure thing. Did you take the- You did." Glenn said, turning to face you and noticing the tears in your eyes immediately. "Is it... positive?" You nodded. Glenn's eyes widened. "You are... pregnant?" Once again you nodded; having lost the ability to form words. Without another sentence, Glenn bridged the distance between you and him and hugged you close. A big hug - exactly what you needed right now.
The two of you just stood there for a while, embracing each other. The only thing which could be heard, were your quiet sobs of desperation.
"W-What am I doing now, Glenn?" He pulled back from the hug, looking at you a bit confused. "What, uh, do you mean?" You blinked, staring at your best friend. Was he serious right now? He didn't get it? "Glenn, I... I can't have that baby!" And again the black-haired man's eyes widened. "Wait, what? You want to...?" Shrugging your shoulders, more tears started to fall. "N-No, but... I'm afraid of being pregnant; of birthing that baby. You know what happened to Lori! What if this happens to me, too!" Glenn immediately shook his head. "It won't, Y/N. Judith's birth went wrong, because Hershel wasn't with her. Lori was at the wrong place on the wrong time, unfortunately. It won't happen to you." You scoffed, not seeing this as easy as him. "That may be true, but what if Hershel can't be with me as well, huh? For any reason? And nevertheless, this ain't a hospital... It's a goddamn prison." The Korean sighed, tried to reassure you further, but it was no use. "I'm going to take you to Hershel now." He said, grabbing gently your arm and pulling you with him. "W-Why?" "Because maybe he can reassure you; and especially prevent you from having a panic attack." You said nothing; knew that he was actually right, so you didn't protest.
Passing by a lot of familiar faces on the way - due to the people from Woodbury your group had taken in in the prison, Glenn brought you to the small infirmary, where he was surely working.
"Hershel?" Glenn called out, trespassing the big doors with you. "I'm here." You heard the elder man call out, before he stepped out of one of the cells turned hospital rooms. "Glenn, what can I- Oh, hello Y/N." Neither of you said a thing, causing Hershel to look confused at the both of you and get closer. "Is everything alright?" Glenn turned to face you, squeezing your shoulder gently. "I'll leave you to it." With those words and a smile, he disappeared through the doors again, leaving you alone with Hershel. "Are you not feeling well, dear?" "Y-Yes." What were you saying? "N-No, I-" Even more overwhelmed now, you took a deep breath, trying to get yourself together. Hershel could see how you struggled; that you were rattled and of course, that something was bothering you. "Come, Y/N, let's sit down." The older man gave you a soft smile and gestured for you to follow him. He guided you into an empty room, in which he told you to sit on the small bed. "I'll be right back." You nodded, still too shaken up to form words.
A few minutes later, Hershel came back with a water bottle, handing it over to you. "Drink." You nodded once again, twisted the cap open and took a few big sips. "Good. Now take a few deep breaths and tell me what's wrong - if you feel up to it." You did what Hershel instructed you to do; took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down. You needed that. You didn't know it, but you needed that. "Thank you." The man nodded at you, giving you another small smile. "O-Okay, so... Um, I... I wasn't feeling that well for the last few days. Always tired, no matter how much I slept. Sometimes, I had a bit nausea and mood swings... A-And I had to pee more often." You paused for a moment, fiddling nervously with your hands. A look into Hershel's face told you that he already knew what you were trying to say. After all, he was a doctor, but he didn't interrupt you; let you speak on. "W-Well, I counted one and one together and... Glenn brought me three tests. I just took them and..." "They're positive?" You nodded, clenching your jaw in order to suppress the upcoming tears. "W-What do I do now, Hershel?" The older man reached his hand over to gently place it on yours. "Be happy about it. This is a gift. A wonder." You scoffed, controlled by your fear once again. "It wasn't a gift for Lori, was it?" Hershel sighed, knowing exactly what you meant. "What happened to Lori was an accident. It was the wrong place and the wrong situation." "That may be true, but what if I'm going to die, too? What if this baby decides to come in the wrong place and the wrong situation as well?" "That won't happen." "Why are you so sure of that? This just isn't a world to have children anymore." It was a back and forth and throwing arguments - until Hershel shook his head and gave your hand a squeeze. "Now listen to me, Y/N. I know very well that this must be not easy for you. I can understand; given what happened to Lori. But Lori had Carl through a c-section, so the chances were pretty high she needed to have Judith with a c-section as well. You on the other hand have very good chances for a natural birth." He said calmly, pausing for a moment to let his words sink in. "Despite, you are such a strong woman. You've got Daryl by your side. You've got all of us by your side. A safe place with the prison..." He gave you a smile. "We're going to make this."
Hershel's words managed to calm you down a bit and take away some of your anxiety - quite to your surprise. "Y-You think?" "Yes." You nodded and stayed quiet for a moment, before the next thought hit you. "B-But what if Daryl doesn't want this?" A low, hearty chuckle rumbled through the elder man's chest, causing you to look at him confused. "Y/N... That man would do anything for you and that baby. You know just like me how adamant he was to keep Judith alive and healthy. He was the first one who reacted, went immediately out on a run to get her formula. Daryl would never reject that baby, trust me. He is going to be a great father." He squeezed your hand again, giving you another smile, which you couldn't help but return. "Now let's get you checked up and make sure to start on the prenatal vitamins."
And for a short moment, everything was perfectly fine. Sure, you still had your doubts and fears, but the voices in your heads became quieter, due to Hershel. Unfortunately, your happy phase didn't last even three days. Suddenly everything turned sour, when Hershel and Michonne vanished, the Governor returned to take the prison by brutal force with the two missing people in tow as hostages, murdering Hershel in front of yours and everyone's eyes – and the fall of the prison in the end. It happened so fast. Within minutes, everything was heading south with walkers flooding the place and a war breaking loose. Suddenly everybody around you was crying and yelling, while you just tried to hold on to Daryl - but it was no use... In the end, you lost him, got separated from him and ended up with Tyreese, who had saved baby Judith - and who absolutely wasn't bad at all, but Tyreese wasn't Daryl. The prison was destroyed, your family split up, not knowing who survived and who didn't. Your boyfriend and still unbeknownst to him, father of your child was probably dead and you had absolutely nothing left. Within a blink of an eye, you had a mess on your hands.
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"We have to go back!" You shouted after Tyreese, as he walked on through the woods, further away from the prison. "We have to go back and look for him!" Your friend gave you no answer, just continued to walk on. With a cocktail of anger, hurt, frustration and sadness coursing through your veins, you quickly caught up to him. "Tyreese!" He stopped suddenly abruptly in his tracks. "We can't, Y/N! We can't! Don't you see? Our home is destroyed, overrun with walkers! Going back there would be suicide!" "I don't care! I have to find him!" Tyreese sighed, bouncing Judith in his arms to keep her asleep and quiet. "I know this is hard for you and I am truly so, so sorry, but we have to look after Judith now. Make sure she survives." A part of you knew that the man was more than right, but your heart just couldn't accept this. You had to made sure that the man you loved was alright. So the emotions inside you exploded, causing you to reveal your 'secret' to your friend. "And I have to make sure that the father of my baby is alive!" Your eyes widened immediately after the words had left your lips, realisation dawning on you. Tyreese's eyes widened as well; his jaw dropping. "You... You are pregnant?" You nodded; tears threatening to fall. "Please, Tyreese, please..." Your voice was quieter and softer now, on the verge of begging. The man sighed once again, before placing a free hand on your upper arm, squeezing reassuringly. "No. It's too late." You wanted to speak up again, but Tyreese was quick to cut you off. "It won't change a thing if we are going back there." "Fine. Then I'm going alone." You wanted to turn on your heels and go, but Tyreese stopped you; grabbed your arm gently. "I can't and won't let you, Y/N. You are pregnant! I'd never forgive myself if something would happen to you. We stay together. Maybe we find Daryl somewhere around here. He is a survivor, you know that." Those words seemed to finally do the trick and convince you to not go back. Instead, you fell into Tyreese's arm, hugging his side and crying against his shoulder.
"Y/N!" Daryl looked around frantically, scanning his surroundings, while taking out several walkers on his way. "Y/N!" He couldn't see you. He just couldn't see you. "Y/N!" The tank, standing in the yard distracted his search for a moment, as he made sure to push a grenade down the gun, causing the man inside to jump out, before the tank exploded. Daryl was quick in driving an arrow through the enemy's chest; looking once again around. "Y/N!" The archer was on the edge of despair, so afraid to lose you. He had held your hand so tight and nevertheless, you were just suddenly gone, vanished into thin air, just because he had to use the hand which was clasping yours to kill an approaching walker. It was a mistake. He should've never let you go and rather just waste an arrow. Feeling the tears coming up in his eyes and witnessing more walkers storming the destroyed home they had built up, he screamed out your name from the top of his lungs for one last time. No response. No you. "Fuck!" He cursed, throwing his weapons to the ground and rubbing the heels of his hands in his eyes - until a familiar voice spoke up behind him.
"Daryl!" The archer spun around. His gaze landed on a young woman with blonde hair. Beth. "I was trying to find the kinds to get them on the bus." Daryl shook his head. "I lost Y/N. I can't find 'er. I can't find 'er." Beth looked at him compassionately, taking his hand. "I'm so sorry, Daryl." The man was quiet for a moment, until he ripped his hand loose from the teenager's soft grip. "You gotta Beth, you gotta go. Get yourself to safety." The young woman's eyes widened. "No! I-I... What about you?" "I can't leave. I need ta find Y/N. I can't lose her." Beth frantically shook her head. "You can't, Daryl. If you stay, you're going to get yourself killed! There are too many walkers!" "Don care. Gotta find 'er." He wanted to walk past Beth, but she held him back with a hand pressed against his chest. "No! Y/N wasn't inside the prison. I didn't see her. You couldn't find her outside. What if she was inside the bus, or left already with someone else?" Daryl's eyes flickered, the gears in his head turning. "Please... If you go in there now and get yourself killed, Y/N is the one who is going to suffer. You don't want that, do you?" Daryl swallowed, shaking his head. "No." "See? Now come on. We have to go. We'll look for her, I promise!" He nodded and followed Beth, still not sure if this was the right decision.
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Time passed. Day after day went by. While you, Tyreese and Judith found Carol on your way, Daryl lost Beth to god knows who and found Rick, Carl and Michonne somewhere on the way. They weren't you, but he was relieved to see that other members of his family had survived. Unfortunately, they didn't know what happened to you as well, leaving the archer still in the dark. It was torturous. But so it was for you.
At some point, you lost track of time, couldn't tell if the weeks had already turned to months or not. What you knew was, that the baby living inside you, must be there already for at least three months, since you lately started to show, having a small baby bump now. Carol quickly counted one and one together as well, making sure together with Tyreese that you were safe and protected.
Well... And then Terminus happened. While Daryl tried to stay alive with the others, Carol went on a rescue mission. You wanted to accompany her at all costs, but of course she didn't let you. She didn't want to risk your life and with that the baby's life as well. So, you stayed behind in that little hut with Tyreese and Judith, making sure that this strange man you took hostage didn't escape. Let's put it this way... Not every part of it went according to plan, but in the end everything turned out to be fine. More than fine, actually...
"I'm not digging around with this crap. We just made it out." "The fences are down. They'll run or die." Daryl listened in silence to the group and Rick's arguing, biting his lower lip - until he heard the leaves of the forest ground crunch, alerting him that someone - or most likely rather something must be there. He was right. But it wasn't something. It was someone. Carol. Daryl couldn't believe his eyes, seeing his best friend standing there, only a few feet away. He didn't think he would ever see her again. Not after she had been banished by Rick. But there she was. Daryl didn't hesitate, ran over to her and pulled her into a big hug. That attracted the others attention as well. Everyone was exhausted to the core, but undeniably happy to see Carol. Rick as well. He approached the two friends. "Did you do that?" Carol nodded meekly, on the verge of tears. Rick went immediately to hug her, wrapping both his arms tightly around his friend. "Thank you." The grey-haired woman retreated from the hug, smiling softly. "You have to come with me."
That was exactly what they all did. They followed Carol to the little hut… "They're back! Y/N they're back!" Tyreese exclaimed, watching their family approach the hut through one of the windows. "Really?!" You literally jumped up from where you sat on the ground beside Judith's makeshift crib. "Yes!" "Daryl! Can you see Daryl?!" Tyreese turned to face you, smiling. "Look for yourself." You sprinted to the window, seeing familiar and also a few unfamiliar faces. Among them, was Daryl. Seeing him kickstarted your heart, sending waves of pure happiness through your veins. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh," you splattered out, before moving over to run out of the hut. "Daryl! Daryl!" The archer's eyes shot up, landing directly on you. For the second time within minutes, he couldn't believe his eyes. He had already lost hope, thinking he was never ever going to see you again. "Y/N..." He breathed out, letting his crossbow fall to the ground and running towards you, meeting you halfway in a hug. You literally jumped into his arms, wrapping both your arms and legs around him. "Daryl..." You sobbed, burying your face in his neck. "Y/N..." You could tell that Daryl was crying as well. His voice quivering and unsteady. The world around you faded. Just you and Daryl existed in that very moment. "I-I thought I lost you. I thought I was never going to see you again." You stammered, still clinging to him. "Me too. I couldn't find ya. I searched for ya, but I just couldn't find ya." "I'm here now." You whispered with a smile, peppering the skin on his neck with small kisses. "I am never going let ya out of my sight again, I promise. 'M gonna protect you better, I swear." You shook your head. "You always protect me as best as you can. This wasn't your fault. Stop blaming yourself, please. It was the Governor's fault. Nobody else's." Daryl just nodded against your shoulder, relieved that he had you back in his arms. That was everything what mattered in that moment. You held him for another while, before you untangled yourself from around your boyfriend and backed up a bit, just enough to look into his blue, greyish eyes. Though, one eye was slightly swollen and red. All in all, he looked quite battered and bruised, causing your heart to ache. Gently, you cupped his scruffy cheeks, looking at him with furrowed brows, worried. He noticed that of course, "M fine. Don worry." and started immediately to rub reassuring circles in the clothed skin of your hips with his thumbs. "You don't look fine, Daryl." The archer shook his head. "M fine, really. Jus' a black eye and a few cuts and bruises... How are you? You alright?" His question reminded you suddenly of the baby, growing in your womb. His baby. You swallowed. Now was the time to tell him, wasn't it?
"Y-Yes, I am, b-but there's something I need to tell you, I-" "We need to go." Rick's voice suddenly cut through the air, loud enough to catch both, yours and Daryl's attention. The archer looked at his brother, an arm still protectively wrapped around you. He hadn't noticed your small baby bump yet. "Yeah, but where?" He asked. "Somewhere far away from there," answered Rick, everybody shuffling around to get ready for moving along. Daryl nodded, thinking the same as Rick. "You two coming?" "Yes, just give us a minute. We'll catch up." You jumped to answer your friend, before Daryl could. You had to tell him. Now. "Alright. Just don't stay behind. We'll make sure to look out for you." You nodded, giving him a smile. "Thanks." The others went to follow Rick, leaving you and Daryl on your own - for now. The archer's gaze met yours again, fear and worry clouding his blue-grey orbs. "What is it?" Daryl asked, eyes suddenly widening. "You didn't get bit, did ya?!" You quickly shook your head. "No, no! It's not that! I didn't get bit!" He closed his eyes for a moment, breathing out relieved. "Thank fuck. What is it then?" You took a deep breath. Now or never. "I-I'm pregnant." Daryl blinked, looking at you incredulously. "W-What?" You bit your lip, gently reaching for his hand and placing it on your small baby bump for him to feel. "I-I'm pregnant." An audible gasp left his lips; emotions getting stuck in his throat and tears blurring his vision. "P-Pregnant? Y-Yer pregnant?" You nodded, having to fight the tears once again as well. "Oh Y/N..." Daryl sobbed, engulfing you in another hug.
"Since when do you know?" You swallowed hard, knowing that this question would come. "A few days before the prison fell..." "W-What?" He was shocked. "Why didn't you tell me?" "I'm sorry. I-I wanted to, but I was so afraid because of what happened to Lori a-a-and I dunno... Before I could tell you, everything went south. I'm so sorry." "Damnit, Y/N... Jus' imagine what could've happen if you ended up alone out there? Ya could've died!" "But I didn't! I found Tyreese and Carol. They took care of me. They always made sure I was okay." Daryl scoffed, but took your hands into his. "Don scare the shit outta me again, woman, I swear…" You had to smile softly at his words, shaking your head, "Promise." and stood on your tiptoes to kiss him lovingly. "Let's catch up to the others. You stay close ta me. I don't want ya out of my sight, understood?" You nodded. "Yes, Sir." "Good." The archer intertwined your fingers with his, grabbed his crossbow and gently pulled you with him, in order to catch up to the others - what you did in the end. "So, you're not mad at me, that I'm, well... Pregnant?" Once again, he shook his head. "Why should I? This is wonderful, actually. Maybe not the best time, but we're gonna make this. Judith made it, too." You smiled up at him, your heart full and content with love. "I love you." "I love ya too, sunshine - and I promise I'm goin' to look after you and that kid."
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daddyfordaeddy · 2 months
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Pairing: Sugar baby! Wooyoung x Sugar mommy! f! yn
Word Count: 2064
Warnings: cursing, inaccurate medical tool use in the beginning, smut warnings under cut
Genre: Smut, established relationship au, sugar mommy au (hardly mentioned), E for explicit
Summary: After your first roleplay sparked a deep want for more, you and Wooyoung finally are able to act out your next desires.
Smut Warnings: roleplaying, dom/sub (reader dom, wooyo sub), handjob, oral (m), edging, riding, overstimulation, nipple/breast play, dick piercing, dirty talk, degradation (directed towards woo), unprotected sex (do? no), creampie, multiple orgasms, single mention of the colour system (woo says green once)
so when @sanjoongie wrote her fff day 20 (wooyo roleplay) I was...a little obsessed (I literally went feral in her dms). and so we ended up talking about a sequel with the aforementioned nurse/patient roleplay and I may or may not have ended up writing it in a single day but you didn't hear anything about that okay🔫 please enjoy and halfway through I forgot it was a roleplay so please ignore everything inaccurate about doctor stuff idk
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“Hello, Mr Jung. I’ll be your home nurse. Is there anything I can help you with before we get started with the tests?” You raise an eyebrow as you lean forward, letting the doctor’s coat covering your torso slip just the slightest bit to tease your cut-out nurse costume you got from some sketchy website. You see Wooyoung’s eyes follow the skin and land on the hint of cleavage and you have to hold back your laughter. “Water, a cough drop?”
“Ah, I don’t think I’ll need anything else, ma’am. But you know, I’ve been feeling pain around my hips. I wasn’t sure if that’s something your little stethoscope could figure out?”
You bite your lip to keep the laughter from bursting out for real. Wooyoung is a lover of knowledge and research, it’s hilarious to see him blatantly ignore how a medical tool is used just to get his dick harder and wetter.
“Oh my, that’s not good,” you purr, reaching out to let your hand slide down his firm chest and dip into his slacks, the tips of your fingers barely kissing the hem of his briefs. You can feel the muscles tense underneath your touch. “Can you describe exactly what you’re feeling?”
Wooyoung groans, feigning pain. “Just an ache, and a slight burn. Can’t you check it out, ma’am?”
You hum, leaning in further and relishing in the way Wooyoung subconsciously follows your movement in an attempt to get closer. “Let’s see,” you hum sultrily as you push down his sweats, revealing his half-hard dick in his briefs. You tug the stethoscope from your neckline, pressing it against his twitching member and Wooyoung bites back a moan at the cool feeling of the metal even through his undergarments.
“I think I’ll need a closer look,” you tease, hooking a finger under the waistband of his underwear and tugging it down slowly, his cock springing free. The head of it is glistening with sticky precum, his king’s crown piercing practically sparkling with the sheen of the clear liquid paired with the overhead lights. God, it was so hard to resist fucking him properly in the seven months when he first got it (you paid for it, of course, how could you resist?), and you bite your lip in anticipation. This little roleplay is the first time you're actually getting to fuck him in months and you can't wait.
Without warning, you dip a finger into the tip and Wooyoung can’t hold back his moan this time, throwing back his head and whining. “Ma’am–” he chokes out and you chuckle.
“I think this needs some more hands-on tests,” you say thoughtfully, tapping the head of his dick with your index finger, amused by how Wooyoung squirms. “I’m going to need you to tell me exactly how you’re feeling, Mr Jung.” You punctuate it by tugging lightly on his piercing and Wooyoung’s hips jump.
“Ah– Fuck– Yes, ma’am,” Wooyoung cries out, already so, so sensitive. You chuckle at how needy he is already.
“I need you to be good for me, Mr Jung. That means no whining, no begging, and most importantly, do not come. It’s for your own health after all, you see,” you hum, tilting your head and letting the glasses sitting on your face slide down your nose bridge the way Wooyoung likes. “Do you understand me?”
Wooyoung nods frantically and you swat lightly at his cock.
“Use your words.”
“Fuck! Yes, yes, yes, I understand,” Wooyoung cries, tears already forming as he bites his lip. “Please, more.”
You tsk, moving your hand to slap his thigh harder, eliciting a gasp from Wooyoung. “What did I just say, Mr Jung? You’re not being very good right now.” Your hand grips the base of his cock tightly as you move your other hand to fondle his balls. “Will you listen to me or do I need to restrain you?”
Wooyoung’s eyes shine as his gaze flickers from your hands to your face. Either idea appeals to him, and you hold back a smirk. “I…I’ll be good,” he half-whines-half-begs. “I’ll be good, ma’am.”
You give a little hum of approval before pressing the stethoscope to his cockhead, coating it in his precome. “What are you feeling right now?” you ask, a pleased little note adding to your voice.
“Fuck, it’s aching,” Wooyoung babbles, his words slurring into each other. “Feels so good.”
Your grip on the base tightens and Wooyoung lets out such a loud moan his throat vein pops and you have to refrain from leaning in to lick a stripe up it. “Hm, that’s a bit contradicting, no? Perhaps we need to a little more in-depth.”
Before Wooyoung can react, you lean forward to press your lips against the tip of his dick, spreading the precome around your mouth like lipgloss. Wooyoung chokes as he does his best to hold still lest you punish him, his thighs shaking with the exertion. “Fuck, noona,” he moans, forgetting his part in this roleplay, and you let it slide, too busy enjoying the bitter taste of his cock mixing with the metallic piercing.
He’s not too thick, nor too long, but there’s something about easily being able to fit his entire cock in your mouth, or how you can wrap one hand around it with ease that makes you addicted. Your body is heating up and you shrug off the doctor’s coat, revealing far too much skin for a “nurse” and you sigh around Wooyoung’s length at the cool air hitting your body.
At this point, you could care less about keeping up appearances and you start to suck on Wooyoung’s cock with such a ferocity that his hands fly down to grip your hair. You’ll ignore the direct disobedience for now, too busy focusing on the absolute treat of having his cock in your mouth. The perfect weight of it resting on your tongue makes you moan as your thighs clench.
“Shit, gonna come,” Wooyoung babbles and right as his dick throbs, you squeeze it tight, only a little drop of release beading out the tip, which you lap up quickly, twisting your tongue around his piercing.
It takes you a second to get back into character but when you do, you lift your head and level Wooyoung with such a stare that he has the decency to look ashamed. “What did I tell you, Mr Jung?”
“Ah…not to come.”
“What else?”
“No whining.” Wooyoung’s face is red and his eyes are on the brink of tears, but his cock is still throbbing and he’s made no move to stop you. “‘M sorry.” He ends with a loud sniff, turning his head away, and you feel a little bad. But he broke the rules.
“Mr Jung, eyes on me.” It takes him a moment to start to move again but it’s not fast enough for you and in the blink of an eye you’re crawling up to him, taking a firm grip of his chin. “What we’re going to do, is let you come. I’m going to ride you. And you will come properly. Again, and again, until I’ve had my fill. Okay?”
Wooyoung nods, but your fingers dig into his jawline just barely. “Y-yes, ma’am,” he murmurs, and without prompting, “green.”
“Good boy,” you hum, leaning in to brush your lips against his just barely, smiling when he tries to chase your lips subconsciously. “Sit up for me, okay?”
It takes Wooyoung a little to follow your orders, his legs are like jelly, but he manages it before your impatience kicks in. As he catches his breath, you slide down until his cock presses against your bare cunt, having forgone underwear for this little roleplay.
You don’t let it enter you just yet, only rutting against it and letting it catch on your clit repeatedly, making you moan breathily and grip Wooyoung’s shoulders to stabilise yourself. Wooyoung keeps his teeth worked into his lips, trying not to whine at both the lack of and over-stimulation you’re giving him. He’s almost making them bleed before you move his head down to your tits, pulling the keyhole of your costume down to expose your nipples.
Wooyoung looks up at you, waiting for permission first and when you nod, he immediately latches onto the stiff peaks, sucking and nibbling at your sensitive skin.
“Ah, fuck,” you sigh in pleasure, closing your eyes for a moment and enjoying the feeling of him worshipping your chest.
Small whimpers leave Wooyoung’s busy mouth, and you reach back, grabbing his cock and finally fitting it inside you. The feeling of the blunt head pressing inside you and the piercing dragging against your walls makes you sigh. “Ah, you fit inside me so well,” you hum, hands gripping his firm thighs to steady yourself as you start to grind down. “God, I’m going to milk you fucking dry. Your small cock so perfect to be used and used until there’s nothing left.”
Wooyoung’s hands grip your waist, his fingernails digging into the skin and making you gasp as you arch your back, driving his cock deeper and pushing your tits into his face. Wooyoung moans into your breasts, his warm breath ghosting over your nipples and you feel him spill into you, searing hot come staining your throbbing walls.
“Shit,” you gasp, your head dropping in the crook of Wooyoung’s neck, mouthing at the skin as your cunt clenches, drawing a few more drops of come out of Wooyoung. Your hips stutter, but you hold back your orgasm, slowing your movement to help keep yourself from coasting right over the high. “God, already came, and this is only your first round. You’re precious, Wooyoungie.”
As you speak, you start moving up and down, building speed as Wooyoung mouths at your chest, more out of comfort than lust at this point. He’s in for a long night, and from the look in his eyes, he’s perfectly willing to be your toy.
You don’t know how long you’ve been riding Wooyoung’s cock, enough times for his come to be leaking out of your cunt constantly and your legs to be shaking as you continue to bounce and grind onto him. Drool is spilling out of Wooyoung’s mouth and down your chest, and as much as Wooyoung has been fucked dumb, you’re right there with him. You’ve held back all your orgasms thus far, but now you’re too far gone to care and you fall into his lap with a groan, his cock spearing into you.
“Fuck…” you groan bordering on a whine. “Gonna come, baby, fuck, you’re too perfect.”
You can hardly move and Wooyoung tries his best to help, using his grip on your hips to hold you still as he grinds weakly inside of you. It’s the smallest movement, but after this long, anything, even a breath ghosting across your lips, could push you over the edge. And that minimal movement does, your broken cry the only warning you can offer Wooyoung before your cunt squeezes him so tightly that Wooyoung comes dry.
Even as you come down from your high, your hips still move slightly, pulling a few more moans out of the two of you. You’re sure you both look a mess, but neither of you care, just letting your bodies relax and collapse onto the bed.
And just as long as it took you to come, it takes the two of you to regain enough energy to check in with each other.
“You good, baby?” you ask, your hands cupping Wooyoung’s face as you press your cheek against his. “It wasn’t too much?”
Wooyoung sighs, nuzzling further into you and throwing his leg over your hip. “It was a lot, but I like it that way,” he reassures you, pressing a wet kiss to your face. “How about you? I know domming that heavily can make you tired.”
You groan, arms moving around his waist and squeezing slightly. “Yeah. It’s good. You’re good.”
Wooyoung laughs. “Only for you, noona. Maybe we can make this a regular thing.”
Without looking, you just know he’s wriggling his eyebrows and you pinch his side, eliciting a laugh from him. “Mmh. We’ll talk about that later. For now, I want to nap and then clean all the dried come off me. Gross.”
Wooyoung snorts. “That’s not what you were saying when you were fucking me over and over.”
“Shut up. Sleep.”
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simpinformonkies · 11 months
Hiiii I love your writing! May I request some MK and Wukong who are their normal selves until the reader gets threatened/hurt/captured/idk and they go absolutely ballistic
I got you bro
-First off, Wukong loves you so fucking much that it physically hurts him sometimes. Not in the 'oh im in pain', but more in the 'heart repeatedly struck by cupid's arrow'.
-Or maybe that just makes him a simp, idk
-Wukong definitely takes you nice but casual places- be it quiet but quality diners, a picnic in his hidden grotto, a field of flowers to relax in (read: a field that he uses so that he can nap on your legs and cuddle you while basking in the sun)- just the whole nine yards, really
-So imagine his indescribable rage when he finds you've been kidnapped, and later follows your scent (he has it memorized by this point, plus he scents you, its obvious that he can find you) to see you getting attacked by demons, your clothes ripped and fresh wounds that drip droplets of crimson to the beautiful flowers and green grass below, staining them red.
-And just like that, Wukong fucking lost it- he flew off the handle so hard that his mind blacked out, and he only 'came too' when the demons were half dead covered in their own blood, his hands and claws stained the very same crimson.
-As soon as Wukong came too, he's checking you over worriedly, careful not to aggravate your wounds further.
-He didn't even notice his glamours dropped until you said something, and before he could even attempt to slip them back on, you cup his cheek and tell him how beautiful he is, both with and without the glamours.
-You even smiled, "Your eyes really do gleam like rubies and gold, huh?"
-Wow, way to catch his heart again, damn.
-...Wukong stops wearing glamours around you, dropping them as soon as the two of you are alone, and he's always cuddling you in some way or form.
-He will not lose you again.
-He refuses too.
-First off, let's get it out of the way that MK is the most loving and sappy boyfriend ever, who is either rizzing you up or being controlled by his anxiety. It depends, really.
-He's always doing the most basic but sappy couple stuff, and despite how cheesy it all is, it's genuinely flattering.
-MK is also incredibly protective of you- he tries not to control you with his protective instincts, and let's you do as you please because you're his beloved, and you deserve to do as you please.
-You're both adults! It's fine! He can handle this!
-He cannot.
-It's post S4 when MK gets notified of a demon causing problems, and goes to take care of it when he sees who the demon has as a hostage.
-You. Chained up, with ripped clothes, deep cuts, and teary eyes.
-Oh, MK fucking loses it.
-He goes full monkey at the drop of a dime, and is scratching and punching the villain (the bastard) that dares hurt his beloved.
-MK is a merciful hero that loves to help!
-But even HE has a limit to his compassion and mercy.
-Once the villain is gone, MK picks you up and just... holds you in his arms, hissing and just staring people down if they come anywhere near you- his tail curled around your leg and puffed, eyes slit and ready to attack at any given moment.
-It takes nearly an hour to get through to him, but when you do, you're treated by Sandy as MK sobs in your lap about not protecting you well enough, while you simple pet his hair gently, careful not to tug or snag on his hair as you stroke it.
-MK... is a lot more protective of you from then on- but he doesn't force himself into your activities. More so watches than anything else.
-If it keeps you safe, he'll do whatever he needs too.
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mumblemysoul · 7 months
steddie fandom is wild because sometimes I'll be reading a fic and for some reason Robin is more of a friend to Eddie then she is with Steve.
Which is hilarious because the most emotional conversation they had with each other in the show is Robin criticizing Eddie's music taste as NOT music.
Head Cannon all you want but, I think she is firmly staying on her own side side of the music vibe chain. Not even if you have your punk or rock steves, which are fun au's but often feel like changing Steve to fit Eddie.
Steve is a bitchie sports dude that is great at being a baby sitter, (has lingering high school hierarchy personality but pretty much seems to pretty done with that).Wishes for everyone to be safe and will decimate himself in the process to achieve that, (and may accidentally be overprotective at times)he maybe isn't the smartest buckaroo in the room but will notice the things people miss and can make a makeshift plan in tight situations. Also painfully durable, at a certain point I'm pretty sure he can take a grenade to the chest and come out with some small cuts on his chest. He is thoroughly invested with his friends and wants to get them to be the best them they want to be,talking to Robin about the girl she always likes, watched star wars with Dustin and thinks the fact he has a girlfriend is great (even if he doesn't believe it). Alongside that he is a very gossipy individual and is very mean girl oriented.
Eddie is loud and greatly theatrical, he loves going against the man and the social system as much as he can. (Despite his wishes for going against the norm he also has a habit of also putting people in boxes, which he learns to practically not do over the course of season 4 due to his experience with steve and Chrissy). He has a habit of being soft and silly to try and make situations less tense and make people smile. He is extremely skittish despite his slightly mean persona that his friends are normally accustomed to. (As seen with his rough push for Dustin and Mike to find a replacement as he considers Lucas to have joined "the dark side",Dustin and Mike also seem scared before they have to tell the news too). After the Chrissy scenario he is extremely tense and for a long time skittish and uneasy as he currently being hunted. When he learns of the final battle he seems show his soft side to Dustin and overcome his skittishness in a last stand with vecna that ultimately leaves him dead.
These both characters intercept at their deep relationship with Dustin and wanting Dustin to be the best Dustin could be. What makes their relationship in fanon work is Steve's relentless drive to protect, be selfless while be a mean girl who gossips at the same time(looking badass during it). Steve to Eddie is someone by technicality, going against the norm in a unexpected way. In a way not even he can expect, and that he in a large way, he admires(while also admiring Steve's chest). While Steve can admire Eddie's ability to be Eddie, to bring out the part of Dustin that Steve can't quite understand but firmly supports.
Changing any of the two characters a lil too much can feel like copping out or kind of getting rid of what makes that character that character. Also, Robin is her own character too and needs more nuance then being seemingly changed to fit into a eddified box.
Idk maybe I'm big dumb and looking too much into things. I have a habit of also not understanding stuff either so, I'm sorry
No bad will to anybody, I like au's. I want oreos
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phantomoftheorpheum · 8 months
my favorite book to show changes in Shelter
*obviously spoilers for the first season of Shelter, as well as the trilogy, though I will be putting anything that relates to plots they may do in later possible seasons below a cut.
The Friendship Group - I really, really like the way they updated the friendship dynamics for the show. This is probably my absolute favorite change. In the books, Ema & Mickey are very much besties and the center of the story, while Spoon often feels like an addition, and Rachel doesn't have much content. While they do technically end up as a group by the end, there are very few scenes with the 4 of them and the main dynamic focused on is Mickey & Ema's.
Shira Bolitar - in the books, Mickey goes to live with his uncle Myron, and Shira doesn't exist. Myron is fine in the books (and he clearly exists in the show, even though we don't meet him), but I like the added focus on Shira (and Hannah, who also isn't a character in the books). They do give Shira some of Myron's material from the books, but she also has a lot of new stuff for the show. I guess some audiences might not think her added material is necessary, but I liked her being a more fleshed out character (I mean, Myron has his own books, which I haven't read, so he's probably very fleshed out in those, but he doesn't have much going on in these books).
Spoon - I think they nailed Spoons characterization, like he feels very much like his book counterpart (aside from a couple of repeated jokes/comments in the books that I didn't love and I'm glad that they didn't use in the show), but there's so much more of him in the show. He honestly does not have enough scenes in the books. I'm glad they recognized his potential in the show.
Dylan Shakes (spelled Shaykes in the books) - This one isn't that big of a deal, but I like that they threaded that mystery into the main plot of the show. This character has a (less fleshed out) very similar plot in the books, but it's very background and his disappearance doesn't feel that important to the town.
Ema's Romantic Arc - Whitney doesn't exist in the books. Ema has other stuff going on romantically in the books, I'll go a little more into this in the more spoilery section of the post.
One thing I think the books did better than the show is that Ashley and Mickey know each other for several weeks before she goes missing, as opposed to literally one day. While I understand that the show addresses that there's some transference going on with Mickey and his desire to save Ashley when he couldn't save his father, his fixation feels weirder in the show than in the books, where he'd gotten to know her a little bit better and they were tentatively dating.
*****spoilers for some book plots that could come into play in additional seasons of the show below!!*****
Ema & Mickey - Okay, honestly, this is a big one for me. It could be because I watched the show first and had that dynamic in my head going into the books, but I was very much not a fan of Ema & Mickey's feelings for each other in the books. While they never actually get together (unless he's going to write more?), we get confirmation that they both have feelings for each other and both know it. I don't know. This just didn't work for me. Maybe, partially, because Mickey spends a lot of the books being jealous whenever Troy & Rachel are brought up, but then will flip into being jealous about Ema liking someone else and back and forth so much. It might be realistic (since Mickey is mainly just like distracted by how hot he thinks Rachel is a lot), but it kind of taints the vibe of "Ema & Mickey are so emotionally connected and their bond is so deep" that it feels like we're supposed to believe at times. IDK. I very much prefer their friendship in the show.
Rachel - Show Rachel is so superior to the book version of Rachel. And it's not that book!Rachel is bad, it's just that she really doesn't get much time on the page, despite being central to the second book mystery, which basically revolves around her family dynamics. While her season 1 plot is pretty similar to her book 1 plot, that's about all the action we really see out of her in the books, and I think that the show did a great job increasing her presence and agency.
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xxlemon-chanxx · 2 months
ok so I'm wondering how belos/philip would react to their partner asking to some kinky stuff like bondage or roleplay and whatnot, I figure with Philip he would like absolutely NOT wanna do it coz puritan or whatever but uhh idk I don't know words I forgot what else I was gonna say
So I actually have some thoughts about this—
NSFW under the cut
So with Philip, it would have to be an INSANELY specific situation. Either he's already married to S/O and is more warm and receptive to experimental things His partner wants to try, or Philip And S/O are unmarried and S/O suggests something to him that REALLY appeals to him. He probably has a worship kink buried somewhere deep inside. SO role-playing and treating Philip like some beautiful, infallible protector while they’re on their knees warming him with their mouth would be a magnificent stroke to his ego.
But, again, it would have to be a VERY specific situation that led up to that, and if he agrees to that it’ll be easier to convince him of something else. Something more... “Sinful.”
Remember, it's all about baby steps. Philip may not be as old as Belos, but he’s still an old man—he’s in his sixties. He's not exactly jumping for joy at the idea of experimenting with something as heathenistic as sex.
Belos is more open to that sort of thing in general, but he's still slow to accept it. Think of it like introducing a goldfish to a tank. You don't just throw the fish in immediately, you have to set the bag in the water and let it acclimate first. So, body worship might be something he's keen to try, and then after you perform on him for a while, you ask if he's ready to perform on you, and then you let that Segway into jacking the other off, and then you let jacking off Segway into oral sex.
Baby steps. You’ll get there eventually. It might take a decade, but you’ll get there.
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arcadia345 · 11 months
Who’s watching you?🌺🔞
Pic a pile 1→2
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My first time doing a pull for the collective, hope it resonates!🩷cress to art owners!
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✿ Pile 1
Okay pile one I feel like you’ don’t know this person personally, like you’ve never spoken a word to them💀 or maybe you’ve cut contact with them so they have no other choice but to watch you from a distance, if so you and them both have undergone significant changes in your lives. I’m seeing they could see you in public often but they just don’t say anything???They could’ve done you wrong in the past but trust they are getting their karma especially now and it’s like they don’t understand why all this bad stuff is happening to them like they didn’t do it to themselves. I’m seeing a lot of fixed energy here but especially Scorpio/Libra. Even thought you could be on bad terms I see their feelings not being too harsh but still deep as a Scorpio is. They see you as nurturing and level headed, a little moody too. but you guys could have complemented each other very well and understood each other’s emotions on a level they find hard to get to with other people
Channeled song:Moving on-BTS
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✿ Pile 2
Pile 2 first off this person is having a 💩tyy time without you love to see it. And they seem to be stubborn and greedy, they’re a hard worker so they could care more about their materiel possessions then they do about themselves 😬 so they could look rough most Im of the time/low maintenance. Also they like to spend ALOT💀 just money money money with them. You two could be dreaming of each other, they could know where you live or they could catch you in public. When they lost you they could’ve lost some opportunities that came with you, some may resonate with being used by them but I really don’t see that they had evil intentions towards you you just really helped them be successful, you guys could been in each others life for a long time so losing you really jumpstarted a journey that they could be undergoing
Channeled song: Stay Woke -Childish Gambino
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✿ Pile 3
Pile 4 333 I’m seeing that this connection may have not been very deeply but still there’s really good energy here. You two have good memories together but someone here gaf to leave abruptly. This is someone who’s lost their job or is on the verge of quitting/losing it. Or they have lots of opportunities coming towards them that it’s hard for them to stay in one place for long. They could’ve been a fling also?🌝 Heavy Gemini energy but also fire signs.
Channeled songs: Ass like that-Victoria Monét
I did another pull for this pile, this person (or you)is someone who’s used to settling for less, feeling like there’s no better options and they’re fed up because they know they deserve better. I see the being blunt but not in a harsh way they just speak their mind and they have a good head on their shoulders. The vibes seem good here they could also be an empath and very creative. You’ve been on their mind heavy especially at night reminiscing 👀 they could be a night owl and also I’m getting strong Air sign energy especially Libra, Gemini, Pisces, and Cancer hhhm it’s 1111 as I type. I’m seeing you could be getting communication soon, this could be someone from your past thats coming back which wouldn’t be surprising since the Venus rx is coming up. But whoever it is I see them wanting to spill some beans about something
All night- Bree Runway
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✿ Pile 4
Pile three there’s two people here both at your workplace/school the first person seems more emotional so maybe youve had a relationship with one of them in the past. 222 as I type this they could have Virgo/Scorpio/Aries placements they’re a workaholic. I feel like they could be reminiscing/ comparing you to other options. There’s a third wheel energy here like “what about me?🥺”towards you 💀. They feel bad like really bad and idk who’s the bad guy here them or you but they’re Sade you guys can’t hang out anymore they’re definitely missing you but I don’t see them coming in with communication anytime soon but their emotions run deep for you
This other person 🤨 they’re having trouble in paradise it doesn’t necessarily involve you I see maybe they could have a child? TAURUS CAPRICORN Aries and Leo energy, I also don’t see them making any moves soon. They could idolize you in a way?? Like things would be better if they were with you, but like I said they don’t plan on doing anything because they’re playing it safe🤨
Channeled song: Partition- Beyoncé
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✿ Pile 5
Pile 5 this is someone who’s could be a ex friend, a feminine energy. Mean girl vibes even tho they could be very beautiful and dreamy. This is someone who didn’t respect your feelings/they feel like you didn’t respect theirs. This situation has and friend group/ trio energy to it and they could be feeling left out but I don’t see any real resentment so maybe some time has passed and I see them reminiscing on good times. I saw two red birds while doing this reading so maybe you guys could be in competition with each other lowkey but this feels one sided since one of the the red birds was a picture and the other one was real👀First thing that came to mind was a friend who gives backhanded compliments but that may not resonate with everyone. Big Taurus energy here. This person doesn’t see the error in their ways💀 they really live in there own world, Pisces and Aries placements also I do see them wanting to reach out but they seem really stubborn and haven’t learned their lesson(s) so I wouldn’t wait on it but when they do they could message you to get together and converse
Channeled song:Love/paranoia- Tame Impala
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✿ Pile 6
Ouu pile 6 the tea is hot, I just want to say whoever this is needs to be left in your dust. But this seems to be very recent if it haven’t happened already. This is someone who’s very good at lying and not getting caught, they’re charismatic and charming on the surface, childish and narcissistic on the inside. You two could be in separation atm but I do see them love bombing you plenty. They seem to be stuck in the middle between two love interests and unsure on who to choose/ how good their options really are. Wouldn’t be surprised if this is someone close to you , LEO LIBRA gemini Sagittarius
Channeled song:Words to me-Sugar Ray
Hope you enjoyed!🩷 click here to book a personal reading
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buntress · 11 months
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[All IDs in alt text]
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⸸ Unholy Omninoun ⸸
[PT: Unholy Omninoun]
A type of Omninoun. When one has a deep connection to the word Unholy and uses it in their identification fully or partially. One may use this word as an honorific, name, pronoun, title, or any other way they wish to use this word.
[PT: A type of Omninoun [Link]. When one has a deep connection to the word Unholy and uses it in their identification fully or partially. One may use this word as an honorific, name, pronoun, title, or any other way they wish to use this word. End PT]
Possible Pronouns under the cut.
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If you enjoy what I create, consider leaving a tip on Ko-Fi (link)! /nf
Tagging: @radiomogai @hypnosiacon @blood-moon-night-coining (idk how ya feel about unholy stuff but i know you love heretic stuff, so thought you might like!)
Possible Pronouns:
[PT: Beast/Beasts, Cor/Corrupt, Da/Damn, Dae/Daem, De/Dem, He/Hell, Si/Sin, Six/Six, Un/Unholy, 👿/👿s, 😈/😈s, 🤘/🤘s, ☦️/☦️s, 💀/💀s]
Possible Titles:
The Unholy
The Sinner
The Heretic
The Prince* of Hell
The Hellhound
[PT: The Unholy, The Sinner, The Heretic, The Prince* of Hell, The Hellhound]
*Use whatever title you like here!
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saturnskyline · 1 year
hi. so i saw this gifset on the dash, and it's entirely too late for me to be awake doing this but i am now spiraling over kim's outfits. so anyway here goes nothing 👍
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(below the cut is my descent into madness. you have been warned)
now when i saw these gifs i began musing in the tags, as one does, so here they are for context:
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(feels truly unhinged to screenshot my own tags but oh well)
so once i started thinking i found it impossible to stop (as often is the case with this gay mafia business) and i decided to go through and look at each of kim's outfits. for science
now i know the fandom has looked at wardrobe stuff before, so it's very possible that someone has gone through this already. BUT! i'm already in way too deep here so i'm just gonna go ahead with this dfsdhgjsdf
kim's wardrobe is, to me at least, very interesting. you get a mix of things, depending on how he is presenting himself. for example:
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(here we have wik, kim, and what seems to be something in between)
it's hard to differentiate between these styles at times, and i think that's purposeful bc kim appears to dart between personas: beloved singer, distant son, solo detective... the list goes on
so first things first! i was largely right about the jacket thing! in most every one of his outfits, he has some kind of jacket on. however, the first time we actually see him without a jacket is actually in this scene where he gifts chay with the guitar:
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(hasty screenshot to prove my point and yet jeff is still doing the jeff thing. bless)
okay so i was wrong about that. i think the jacketless look is definitely intentional on his part – to help him seem unguarded, especially since he is giving a gift – but the first instance is still not the scene i thought it was. however!!! there is one thing i'm really excited about, and it's about the next thought i had in the tags...
every time kim wears white it relates to chay.
now you may be thinking, wren. is that really the case, or is this claim a bit of a stretch? and now i answer.... *gestures helplessly* some of this may be a stretch! but i can explain, and i will!
let's look at the instances of kim in white then, shall we?
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this, to me, is a quintessential wik look. far more approachable than the full black leather, and even his typical sleuthing fits (although a lot of it is in his mannerisms tbh, remember that withering look he gave big?). now this one miiiight be a stretch... but to me it still fits my thesis bc i feel like kim dressed this way for chay on purpose so he would look more like one of his peers. just my two cents
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first sleuthing scene where white is involved. here, kim is investigating porsche's (and therefore, chay's) parents, and he gets a call from chay, which he ignores. everything and nothing in this scene is about chay; he's not in it but he actually is. (now if you're thinking, wren, that doesn't make any sense... you are not the only one. idk what i'm talking about. let's carry on)
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our boy in songwriting mode! worth noting that, with the combination of the shirt and the pants, there is more white going on here than usual. here, instead of avoiding chay, he actively remembers him and even looks a little.. fond? *gasp*
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the confession scene :') this one is particularly interesting bc it's the same jacket kim wears when he's in full dark mafia mode (more on that later). like most instances of kim in white, it's a dark jacket with white peeking through, and this scene might be the best instance of that. he reaches back when chay offers his feelings, and opens the door to.. a relationship? idk but something with emotions
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(jeffrey, sweetie, i'm so sorry about the screenshot quality. consider it retribution for your gender crimes?)
NOW. here is the look that made me start this deranged analysis in the first place. not only is it sans mafia jacket, but it is a full white shirt! he cuddles chay on the couch! they talk (?) about their feelings (?) ... well i mean, he's clearly having a hard time being vulnerable, but at least there is progress being made :)
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(bad screenshot, bad moment. they r matching)
would you believe the next white-wearing instance is THIS MISERABLE SCENE. the jacket's back on, he's desperately trying to put up his guard again, and he blatantly lets chay think that he never had feelings for him (lies lies and more lies... we all hate it here :D)
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look. i'm aware this is the biggest stretch yet bahaha. i mean my man is dressed for SCHOOL. however. the focus of this scene is him learning that chay didn't show for his audition, so it still fits in my book!! idc idc
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(if you look at chay's hair here, this scene also has bisexual lighti- *gets shot*)
pretty self-explanatory, he shows up to the bar to fight chay's friends and confront chay. about as chay-related as you can get
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finally! the Human Shirt™ !! about as on-the-nose as you can get, really. while wearing a white shirt that reads "human" and no jacket, kim has, demonstrably, his most human moment in the show: he breaks down crying over chay. cue jeff acting his heart out while his own song plays in the background (why don't you stayyyy~)
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it's a flashback scene, but we see kim watching chay in the studio. he's mostly guarded, but a little white comes through. good stuff
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putting these together bc they are two different moments but the same outfit. 1) kim learns that porsche and chay have disappeared, and 2) he contemplates the state of things after korn's "death". i put the family moment here too especially bc of what he tells kinn: "you don't have time to think about other stuff anymore", basically "eyes on the prize". now perhaps this only applies to his older brother, but in the case that we apply it to him.. we can't really be sure whether he is sticking to his personal main goal or breaking from his own advice. i suspect the former bc at this point, he seems to see chay as his main priority, despite his family's situation (again idk if this makes sense, but just. go with it. lol)
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dare i say? the sexiest example?? no mafia jacket, full white shirt, and yet, unlike the other white shirt instances, this one isn't about his emotional vulnerability with chay. no no, here he takes out six guys without much difficulty, in an attempt to protect chay (and then he leaves the bodies, but still! the love is there!)
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(a gif for fun! worth pointing out that kim also acts to protect chay the first time he wears that white shirt... :0)
in conclusion... idk what i am talking about, and frankly, if you are still reading this post i am very impressed lol. but yay kim's clothes and motifs, fashion as a disarming tactic, and white as a color of vulnerability!
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lunar-knight84 · 11 months
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Cheater Marc Spector x reader, Steven grant x reader
Summary: you and Marc had an amazing relationship but suddenly he leaves without a word. What happens when you meet one of his alters years into your new life and he finally tells you the truth about the past and present ? What happens when everything is left unsaid and yet you feel something new in your heart for that special alter that you met?
N/A: this may be really bad i'm in my feelings and this is what came out lmao. This also took me a long ass time and idk how it is. I’m sorry if it’s terrible! Also feel free to leave a comment!
warning/stuff inside: the use of the word girl/girlfriend and she/her pronouns, Angst, not an accurate representation of DID, OOC, not proof read, Let me know if I missed anything!
Kind of inspired by the song back to black by amy winehouse
When you first marc you truly thought he was a free single man. The way he lifted you up in his arms that night and kissed you with such passion it felt like he was single and ready to take on the world with you. So of course when he asked you out on a date you said yes, of course you said yes when he said he could only call late at night. Of course you didn't mind when he told you he could only go to your place on random days while you could never go to his place. You were in love with marc…blinded with love I guess you can say. One day Marc just stopped seeing you. Completely. You called and texted him wondering where he was or what you could have done to upset him. You waited and waited till finally you gave up…your tears finally dried and you decided to live a new life in london. That was a few years ago and now you work as a bounty hunter in london, you have completely started a new life without Marc but never forgetting the scar that he cut deep in your heart. You were currently on your way to a museum that was filled with Egyptian artifacts and history, which honestly made you kind of excited. Of Course you were there for a specific reason, which was to stalk your bounty who was going to take a tour of the museum. As you walked into the museum you found your bounty and began taking the tour while watching your victim closely. You eyes watched but also looked around at the museum as you took in all of the artifacts and history. You stop in your tracks as you see a familiar and heart crushing locks of curls standing away from you in the gift shop. You can feel your heart beating in your ears like a drum as you walk up to the gift shop and grab a random candy placing it on the counter as you look at the cashier. The cashier looks at you and greets you in a British accent ¨well hello! Im steven! What can I do for you today?¨ he says with a smile as you continue to stare at those familiar romantic brown eyes. The eyes that would stare at you in between your legs, the eyes that you saw making you dinner on tired nights, the eyes that left you… alone and heartbroken. ¨uh miss are you okay?¨ Steven asks you curious and a bit nervous as to why you're staring at him. You swallow hard as you slide the candy over to him and give him 3.87 pounds as you continue to stare at him. Steven is nervous but as he looks down to put the cash away marc calls him from the reflected surface of a mirror nearby ¨ Steven do not talk to that woman…you need to just give her the candy and then leave¨. Steven looks at Marc confused as you suddenly speak ¨you said your name is steven? Is that correct?¨ Your eyes are blank and your voice is low and alluring as you speak to steven. Steven just nod as his nerves are getting to him as he hands you the candy. ¨well then steven… you must have a twin cause i used to know a fellow name marc who looks exactly like ya …you seen him lately..¨ you say as you stare down steven determined to figure out what the hell is going on. Steven tenses as you mention Marc as he stutters when he speaks ¨h- how do you know marc?¨. Marc calls out again in a stern but worried tone ¨ Steven dont… you dont need to know.. Stop talking to her!¨. You smirk as you lean forward ¨oh..he's just…an old friend..¨ you say as if the words are like honey on your tongue. Steven hears your words and is unsure of what to say next as he turns to you but before he can speak you give him your phone number. ¨heres my number steven…let me know when marc is around… tell him an old friend wants to speak to him.. Bye now..¨ you say as you walk away leaving Steven unsure about his feelings while marc is suddenly silent. That night Steven calls you. ¨ h-hello?..¨ he says nervously ¨hi steven…have you finally reached marc for me?¨ you say gently. ¨how do you know marc?...¨ he asks again a bit more strongly as he is determined to figure out how you know marc. You chuckle ¨he's an old friend…¨ you say slowly.
¨what does that mean?¨ Steven asks, unsure of how to proceed as Marc suddenly speaks to him from another mirror in Steven's home. ¨ dont steven…stop before you make this worse..¨ Marc says urgently, steven only moves the mirror away, dead set on figuring out who you are exactly. ¨it means what it means steven… now let me talk to marc..he must be near you if you called me¨ you say a bit annoyed. Steven chuckles a bit and mumbles ¨if only you knew…¨ . ¨what do you mean?¨ you asked confused ¨first you tell me who you are then i'll let you speak to marc¨ he says. You sigh as you say ¨i was marcs girlfriend? I guess you can say girlfriend but it was more of me being his entertainment…¨ you say with a bit of anger. ¨wait what?... Marc had a wife..well ex wife now..¨ Steven says deeply confused as it's only silence on your side of the call. Soon steven hears a laugh ¨the fucker was using me to cheat? Fuck! I guess I should've known..¨ you say in a surprised but hurt tone. Steven went quiet as he was unsure of what to say as he heard your voice again ¨who are you steven? Are you marc and have you just been fucking with me?¨ you say with anger as your voice is harsh. Steven panics as he quickly says ¨no no i'm not marc! You see we have DID.. which means i'm another personality of Marc’s …¨ steven says nervously as he just hears another round of silence from you. He finally hears you sigh as you say ¨i see…so can marc hear me and everything? I'm sorry if that's a rude question. I don't know how all of this works…¨ you say gently and with a hint of kindness. Steven smiles a bit being appreciative that you're worried that you're offending him by asking your question ¨he can hear you and don't worry it's okay to ask..it's better then just assuming.¨ he says gently. ¨i see…well steven did he tell you about us…like me and him?..¨ you say a bit nervously. “No he didn’t…he just told me about his ex wife…” Steven says with a slightly nervous tone “well would you like to know about me and Marc…” you say in a whisper as if the words were too much. “Steven, stop talking to her…you don’t want to know!” Marc says from another reflective surface as Steven ignores him and instead says “yes tell me…about you and Marc…”. You sigh “when I first met Marc I didn’t know he was married at all…back then I really thought it was just me and him…and yeah there was some weird stuff like he wouldn’t let me go to his place and such but i guess I was blinded by love that i didn’t really care to see any of that strangeness…” you say with your tone changing into a subtle sadness. You continued on “one day Marc just stopped…he stopped coming by, he stopped texting me, calling me, he stopped everything…”. “I’m sorry…” Steven says unsure of what else to say as Marc had gone quiet. “I truly did believe It was me and marc…” you said quietly. Steven sighed he was unsure of what to say as you cut him off before he could say anything “look Steven…it's fine” you hang up quickly leaving Steven with his head filled with confusion and silence from marc.
A few days passed and Steven couldn't get you out of his head. Marc had not spoken to him either and after learning what he did to you and his ex wife, Steven did fully believe that Marc would do that. Steven decided that he would have a chat with Marc and get all of this sorted out once and for all. ¨ Marc, can you hear me?¨ Steven said as he stared at the bathroom mirror waiting for marc. ̈ Marc, come on, we have to talk about this mate…¨ Steven said hoping Marc would finally show. A few minutes passed and Steven was about to give up when Marc finally spoke ¨you had no right doing that…¨ he said obviously upset. Steven turned to Marc in the mirror ¨I had no right? You're off your rocker for saying that! You had no right cheating on your wife with that girl! That poor girl had absolutely no idea that you were married and then you got up and left her?! Not to mention your poor bloody wife-¨ ¨ Steven shut the hell up!¨ Marc says loudly as Steven listens to him. ¨you don't understand-¨ ¨well then help me understand mate cause it seems you broke that poor girl's heart along with your wife… did she even know?¨ Steven asks while cutting Marc off. Marc sighs ¨of course she didnt fucking know steven…look…that poor girl your talking about her name is Y/N..and i loved her…I may still even love her…” Steven chuckles as he cuts marc off again ¨you love Y/N and yet you were still with your wife you wanker!¨ Steven says getting upset. ¨ Steven if you let me explain-¨ ¨no you're going to talk to Y/N tomorrow and explain all this bloody mess to her¨ Steven says as his tone is full of anger. Marc just sighs ¨fine steven..fine¨ he says with a frustrated tone as he leaves steven alone in his flat. The next day comes and You receive a message from Steven to meet him in front of the museum and that Marc will talk to you. You begrudgingly get out of bed and start yo get ready for the emotional storm that you were about to head into. You soon make it to the museum and see Steven standing there as you go up to him. ¨hey steven…so um…i don't want to make you feel uncomfortable or anything but how will i speak to marc?¨ you say gently and a bit nervously. ¨Oh we just switch out from the front..but before i give control to marc…just know everything is going to be okay..¨ Steven says gently and with a reassuring smile. You felt a bit of heat coming to your cheeks as you saw Stevens smile. Steven is different then Marc but yet that smile will always bring warmth to your cheeks as your lips curl up in a small smile ¨ thank you steven…¨ you say gently as you rest your hand on his arm gently.
You soon see his light and cheerful demeanor change into a tense and guarded demeanor as his face becomes tighter and his smile fades into a frown. ¨uh steven you okay?...¨ You say gently, a bit worried about what happened as you remove your hand from his arm. ¨Y/N…¨ was all he said as that chicagoan accent stopped your breathing as you immediately knew who you were with. ¨marc…¨ you said softly. You both just stared at each other unsure of what to say. You finally say “what the fuck Marc…” as you feel your rage take over your initial surprise. Marc just stayed silent, which only seems to anger you more. “You were using me to cheat on your damn wife and you made me believe that we were actually gonna be something together…do you realize how fucked uo this all is…and not make matters worse I met Steven and he ended actually making me feel better about the gaping hole you left in my heart.” You say angrily as you are dangerously close to him. Marc still was silent. “What the hell marc are you gonna fucking talk to me or are you gonna be silent…” you say annoyed. Marc looks at you…with those same romantic eyes…as you feel your knees weaken just by looking at them. “I’m sorry…” he said very softly. You look at him with all the hurt you’ve kept inside after he left you. “ you don’t understand what I have felt for years without you Marc….you don’t the anger the sadness the foolish hope that you’ll come back…and now all of this…” I say with a frustrated sigh “I don’t know what to do in this this situation….”I say conflicted. Marc just stood silently as his demeanor changed again to Steven’s light and relaxed demeanor. “Zoey?…” Steven asked carefully. You look at Steven again and give out a angry growl. “What the fuck! What the fuck Marc! Why won’t you talk to me!” You say with tears as you yell at Steven seemingly forgetting that he was Steven. Soon you felt warmth spread as you realized Steven was hugging you. As soon as you feel Steven’s warm safe embrace you just let out all the unknown tears you had for years as you cling onto him as if he was your only hope. You felt your heart beating again…it seemed it was beating for Steven…or was it beating for Marc? You were unsure…all you knew was that Steven grant gave the Best hugs.
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xoxoemynn · 5 months
Hi friend! I appreciate your fighting spirit and hope for S3. As much as I'd like for it to be renewed, I think it deserves more than max would give. I'd prefer someone else to pick it up who would give them their 10 episodes and the amount of time they need.
Would it be more beneficial to campaign at potential buyers for a rescue rather than pleading with someone who's already made their decision? I feel like the BBC at least already had enough interest that they brought the broadcasting rights, and they have no problem with short running (3-5 season), 10-episode series. They also have an MO to run programming that is representative of the license fee payers.
Idk, as a UK resident this is the best scenario I can think of. I'm not as familiar with other companies, and I know viewer opinions do carry weight as pretty much everyone in the UK is taxed to fund the BBC. They have a televised show, Points Of View, which is entirely for people to contact with their feelings about currently airing programs.
I don't expect you to have the answer, just thinking out loud! (I did contact renewasacrew about this but haven't heard anything back yet). Regardless, I did contact the BBC myself saying why it'd be beneficial for them to rescue it the day after we got the news.
(They also have a good track record for releasing stuff on DVD)
Yeah, I agree that OFMD is too good for Max. To have a show do THAT well, and then receive a 40% budget cut for its second season, and then get canceled before it can complete its story? Insulting.
I have no industry knowledge, so this is me just wondering out loud, I keep going back and forth on what would be more likely, Max reversing its decision or another streamer picking it up. On the one hand, reversing the decision would be a blow to Zaslav's ego. Men like that don't like admitting they made a mistake. On the other, I imagine there would be more red tape to go through selling the show elsewhere? I don't know! I just wonder. And I just really want that final season!
I don't know a ton about BBC, but from what you say here, it seems like a solid option! And from what I've been hearing, reaching out to specific services (as opposed just tagging all of them in every post) is the way to go. Make it more personalized, make them see the benefits, etc.
Now that @asneakyfox has won me over, my preferred choice at the moment is AppleTV. There's an international audience, they don't seem as IP hungry as Max (Ted Lasso was also anticipated to be three seasons from the beginning, and that's what they got), they appreciate unique, quality shows that value storytelling that may not be picked up elsewhere, such as Severance. They don't seem as strict on run times, so it means we may be able to get longer episodes with Taika and Rhys doing bits! And there are a good amount of parallels between OFMD and Ted Lasso (feel-good comedies that go surprisingly deep, found family, discussions of mental health) that OFMD could very much fill that void Ted Lasso left behind.
But we'll see what happens! The important thing for now is to just continue making it clear how beloved OFMD is and how any platform would be smart to pick up a show with such a passionate, loyal fan base.
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more self-indulgence!!
one part headcanons one part this is just how they are in my AU probably—uh... watching a parade? idk actually. i just. drew them.
because... i felt like it.... there are still missing characters because spider-man has five million supporting characters which is truly both a blessing and a curse (also like, i didn't include any foes or villains lmao but rest assured at least two of peter's rogues are queer...)
i decided this is like 2019 or something for?? no real reason other than i guess a lot of the adults finally being out or whatever... idk... that would make peter and his friends around 30-32 on average (well no felicia would be like 34) so still youngish but also definitely Adults™...
the kids are meant to be late teens early 20s but drawing that very specific age group is like, way difficult... also all the youths are short compared to peter's friend group of exclusively 5'9" to 6' people XD (well gwen and harry are shorter so i guess it's fine XD)
some of these are more firm than others. like. should randy be straight? i dunno. is aunt may straight or are all the alive parkers bisexual lmao? idk. what about literally all of the teenagers except andi? i have no clue and a lot of the stuff with them is waaaay later and I am not anywhere close to, so i just put them all in rainbows cause why not! but i do think janine is a token heterosexual in this instance lmao—see, not ALL of my AU versions of characters are queer, just most of them
also i'm going to put a few close-ups/crops below the cut just because it's hard to see them in the lineup without zooming in or w/e
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obviously felicia and peter are bisexual and flash is... probably also bi? but i'm really still not sure... but she is trans :) and they're probably poly together but even after writing man-spider i'm genuinely... not actually sure if felicia is peter and flash's girlfriend or not 😂 they've got SOMETHING going on with the three of them but what it is, idk... i think peter is definitely polyamorous regardless, it's just a question of whether their relationship is or not.
red and blue hearts on peter's cheek technically poly but double as spider-man LMAO—plus earplugs cause pride is loud…
obviously felicia's also into leather and bdsm and stuff (and so is peter...) so i included some little hints of that... but didn't bother including any of the kink flags cause there's only so much i can fit tbh a collar works well enough.
i made his tie teal satin because of the teal ribbon for sexual assault awareness. but just a hint, cause i don't think he would be comfortable being public about that. he's out and proud as a bi jewish dude with a trans wife but he's really not out about being a survivor to anyone except a few very close and trusted friends/family. similar for kaine. so a teal necktie is just something for him. he's been through a lot in his life but he's happy 🙂
anyway i think i made flash's hair shorter than it's supposed to be here but it's fine, maybe she got a trim or something
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supportive aunts!! i already established like 3 years ago or something in some offhand line that MJ's aunt is an Eccentric Lesbian (huh wonder where she got that from—) so i'm sticking with the lesbian spinster aunt there. I don't know about Aunt May though. I always kind of waffled there on whether she's like straight, or bi... cause I like the thought of old ladies in love. I think maybe they have some kind of queerplatonic thing going on or something... either way she is proud of her boy :>
MJ I never know so I just go with the umbrella—she's Queer. What kind? Gender? Sexuality? Yes, (relatable)
What matters is that she is always Glamorous.
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i don't have any deep reason for making Glory bi, i just thought it would be fun, and also cause I like Glory/MJ... they are so fun... they compliment each other so much... I know that can be a just straight gal pals thing but listen, i like it
Gwen is the lesbian who's a teeny tiny bit bisexual but mostly into women. Also: not dead. lmao.
Harry is 100% gay (and divorced) but I still don't know when/if he ever comes out. Liz will def be out as a lesbian by the late 20-teens though cause I think she starts exploring her sexuality w/in 3-4 years after she and harry get divorced... also cause i thought it would be funny if liz and lily (who i did not draw) hooked up LOL
i didn't draw the babies because i ran out of steam for that but they would be... what... i think normie might actually be in like 5th grade or something at this point now that i think about it... stanley would be like... 5 though
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Hobie is bisexual almost entirely because when I read the newspaper strip and the prowler showed up, he and Peter were giving me Flirtation Vibes so he is bi, and also punk because I enjoy the aesthetic Spider-Punk has going on, so even though that's not going to be a thing in this universe, I still like to make some little nods to it. also it just feels like a fun combo. he's a kind of alt guy, he's not very straight, he's not very normal, he's had issues in his life trying to figure out who he wants to be... it feels like it just fits well... i like it
he gets MORE punk AFTER college and shaves half his head etc. (instead of having his twist-out), which is funny to me but you know, it takes time to figure shit out sometimes... i didn't draw his girlfriend Mindy (wife? idk if/when they get married in this AU...) cause like i said, omg, so many people to draw... also idk if she's like, straight or what. probably? there's gotta be SOME straight people XD how does she feel about hobie's fro-hawk...? hmm
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ah, cain and abel ben (and janine)
Ben is bisexual... like Peter. They both prefer women to some extent, but they have slightly different tastes (...well maybe not SO different) and Ben is more uh, subby? LOL—at least with Janine. Switchy. Unlike Peter, Ben has/had? a crush on Robbie LMAO but that's more of a like, mentor/mentee admiration kind of thing... not like a "i wanna make out with you" situation. Robbie is far too old for him. and also happily married.
In my notes I have that Ben was ofc also abused by Warren but a lot of his was medical and psychological (some physical as well), but... i would think there is an undercurrent of medical sexual abuse there nonetheless esp as much of this w/ warren hinges on sexual power dynamics and control, but i won't get into that here as it's partly still being developed and I don't want to get TOO heavy on this post lol
Kaine is, like I mentioned, a little complex and i'm not 100% sure about (also aracely painted his nails) I think that he's ~bi/pan in general? but maybe not? could be only into men? or not into anyone at all. but the thing about Kaine in this universe is that he's got a difficult relationship with sex and sexuality because of what he was put through by Warren, so while I don't necessarily think he's asexual I do think in this universe he's a little bit sex-averse or sex-repulsed and has a difficult time dealing with that stuff. He also just really desperately wants to be loved and he doesn't care who as long as it's someone, which is toxic in a lot of ways i think... being around Aracely would imo help him a lot in coming to terms with having like, normal, platonic, non-sexual, non-romantic, healthy (or at least healthier) interpersonal relationships, and understanding things like that... idk where he's at by 2019 though, mental health-wise... but yeah i wasn't really sure what colors or patterns to put on his clothes so i went with the dark purple and gray tones since they are the kind of common recurring colors on a lot of ace-spec flags including repulsion and related stuff.
as a sidenote as someone who has a kind of aro and ??? relationship w/ my own bisexuality etc. (idk if i consider myself ace necessarily but it's not totally irrelevant) i also don't want to like, Just Make Him Ace because trauma (but obv betty is aro at least) cause it's not that simple etc etc etc but also there absolutely are people who consider themselves asexual from trauma or for whom it's informed by trauma (though trauma would inform any aspect of interpersonal relationships, of course, and for kaine it does)... idk idk kaine is always like, much to think about for me. He's def not like... "normal" in the eyes of cishet patriarchal culturally christian society. I mean he's disabled for one thing,
ofc peter has many similar traumas esp after meeting kaine and HE'S def not asexual (though peter is also disabled)
idk idk i am always thinking about it and never quite sure. kaine has a very complex and largely negative relationship with his body.
i was also considering genetic mosaicism (46,XY/47,XXY) but i did not include any intersex colors etc. because a lot of this wasn't fully hammered out yet when i drew this. I think Kaine is probably intersex though. It's not necessarily obvious to anyone who looks at him, but it's also not something that comes as a huge surprise to him.
obvs the tiny hint of a teal ribbon is the same as for Peter, sexual assault/abuse awareness, and it's small and easily hidden. probably was given to him by someone trying to be supportive (ben and janine maybe? idk)—i mean ALL of it is from other people really. the sticker on the noise cancelling headphones? def from Aracely or someone else. his presence in the first place? dragged out of the house by a 19 year old girl. he didn't even have time to do his hair and he would rather be drinking coffee in a dark room alone :/
Anyway, Janine. Less complicated.
I decided at some point Janine is straight (but not narrow, as they say) so she gets an ally shirt lol. Like Peter and Kaine, I put her in some teal including a little ribbon bow on some satin ballet flats—obviously her history as a sexual abuse survivor etc. is very, very public in contrast to peter and kaine (and arguably ben, though i don't think he necessarily conceptualizes his abuse by warren in the same way, in part because it was very medicalized) but... it's not like she would want to draw a lot of attention to that. but i also do just like teal so i think it looks nice.
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like those are just genuinely cute shoes 😂 but also it's to tie it all together.
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the kids, the teens, the youths,
i really don't... feel like i know enough about them to figure out sexualities or if any genders are involved, and I'm a million years away from including them in any fics so a lot of that stuff simply has not been built out right now cause finer details aren't relevant to me yet (like. i'm in 2007 rn? miles is like... 8. lmao), so I just put them in some fun rainbow-y stuff. teens like going to pride and wearing rainbows right??? i mean i did.
i'm SURE miles and ganke have got something going on i just don't know What Exactly. nerdy friends...? nerdy boyfriends?? something else??? miles is wearing a tracksuit to hide his spider-man costume lol.
aracely is an enigma, i don't think anyone knows what's going on with her tbh. she is there to have candy thrown at her. she seems to like boys at least a little though.
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i actually do know what's up with Andi cause she's actually supposed to first appear in 200...8? when she's like. 10. she is trans, and she is also why Flash was able to accept herself more and also why Flash transitioned. Flash wanted to be a good role model to help Andi feel good about herself and to not make her feel like there was something wrong with her, and then later re: transitioning, Flash saw how happy Andi was and wanted to also... be happy like that even though she was scared. and Andi herself really was (will be, idk i never know what tense to use for this stuff) helped a lot by Flash trying to self-improve, by having a supportive babysitter, and a dad who loves her, and so on and so forth... makes a big difference!
Andi and Flash are kind of intentional contrasts here in that, where Flash took until her late 20s to really fully be able to accept herself, Andi is the kid who goes on puberty blockers in high school and knew right away she wasn't what everyone said she was. (Flash had like, hints of that, but really didn't even realize until around ~19 years old and wasn't able to act on it for like... 9 years whereas Andi just really got motoring lol)
also Andi is a lesbian 💖
As far as Betty! I wasn't sure about her at first but I was chatting with Kita and I was like, thinking about her relationships and stuff and thinking, you know, she seems kinda aro... and then i was like... I can just do that. If I want. So I did. so now Betty is aromantic (at least, in my little alternate universe) and ALSO bisexual 😂 Peter's social circle is just a bunch of quirky bisexuals. bi4bi4bi
also dolled the fuck up. Betty said "overdressed? i don't know her. a pearl necklace goes with everything." (...😜)
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I also am not sure about Randy (he also just has not come up yet i guess...) but I was thinking, you know, IDK, maybe he's straight as well. two whole straight people. i know he's dated a couple of girls in 616 (...i mean... so have most of the male characters lol) including like, Norah... but I'm not 100% sure what I would do there. I did end up making him a little bit of a hipster 😂 he's probably like... heteroflexible or smth... 🤔
Maybe Randy is ALSO bisexual??? or queer of some flavor.............. at least seems to KNOW about community stuff
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idek what the hell is going on with these four but Robbie and JJJ sure do run a bisexual-ass newspaper (...well now that i think about it peter doesn't technically work for them anymore by 2019 but i'm sure he drops the occasional photo) (still a lot of bisexuals)
jk jk there are plenty of other employees of presumably various sexualities including straight ones AND gay ones (probably?) but like, betty, glory, ben and peter are all bi here which struck me as amusing. Two 60-something year old men supportive by way of having a bunch of homos working at their newspaper. Also because it's funny to me to have Jameson be actually very chill about The Queers. something something "you don't tell me what to do in my private life, and i don't tell you what to do in yours!"
anyway that's it. have a gay day 🌈
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