#theodora crain imagines
open-hearth-rpg · 9 months
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The Worst Thing: Great RPG Mechanics #RPGMechanics Week One
“Imagine the worst thing possible, assume it's true, and go from there.”
— Theodora Crain, The Haunting of Hill House, Season 1: Open Casket
Strong collaboration in play has changed my gaming in the last two decades. I come from the tradest of traddy backgrounds, learning D&D at a wee babe in the late 1970s. I grew up in a gaming community split between roleplayers, miniatures grognards, and classical wargamers. Given how young I was, I almost always played with GMs older than me, in a position of narrative and rule authority. You might get to define your character’s backstory a little, but you had little wiggle room before they’d say, “that’s not how X is.” That became my model and I kept hold of that for years.
The cracks came when, while complaining about prep and the need to revise the campaign gazetteer, my wife pointed out I didn’t need to do that work. She asked me how much of that material meaningfully impacted the table vs. how much I made up on the fly. That was the first break in the dam. The second was Dogs in the Vineyard. That swept everything away with the idea that you could just not prep at all beyond a basic framing concept.
And once you’ve allowed yourself to improv– and trust your own instincts– you can begin to trust others. You can start to respect and even seek out their input. For me it starts with a basic writer’s characterization technique: having the players describe where their characters live. Then once they’ve painted that kind of scene, giving them the space to develop other meaningful features of characters and play.
Like the horrors which await them.
There’s a great admonition in horror that the thing you imagine behind the door is much scarier than what lies behind the door. We have to embrace that moment between the introduction of the horrific and the revelation of the truth. That’s where you get dread, the real horror feeling you can create via games, books, and movies.
Bluebeard’s Bride does this with a simple collaborative concept. The Shiver from Fear move sets this: name the thing you are most afraid will happen, the groundskeeper will tell you how it’s worse than you feared. It engages you, and everyone else, with this imaginative process. You get to set some of the stakes for the moment. And you begin a light, meta-competition with others. How bad can I make it? What can I handle? What would really spook me out?
Jesse Ross’ Trophy Dark takes and builds on this concept, making the whole table complicit in the building of the horror. Rather than a single move, the whole thing game stands atop this: When you attempt a risky task, say what you hope will happen, and ask the GM and the other players what could possibly go wrong. Then gather dice.
There’s a phase of the whole table digging into this question: what’s the worst thing which could happen? Now when you roll, you have a panoply of possible fates to dread. You know what fates could be in store for you. Now we have that dread. You will get to pick your fate, but that’s even worse, because of course you want to make it interesting– and you know what scares you.
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thespookybean14 · 10 months
So I made this AU a long time ago that combined The Haunting of Hill House (2018) and Lemony Snicket’s “A Series of Unfortunate Events” where The Crains join VFD and try to thwart Olaf’s plans of getting The Baudelaire’s inheritance, as well as just trying to help the kids in general. The Crains join after the events at Hill House under the recruitment of Aunt Janet (as well as Hugh, who thought VFD would protect them from harm). They leave VFD after The End. The Baudelaire’s end up in Shirley’s care. :)
If anyone wants to hear more about it- whether it’s their sibling dynamics, relationships with VFD as a organization, dynamics with The Baudelaires, who they’re friends with in VFD, etc. I’m all open for questions! I unfortunately don’t have a name for this AU? I’ve been calling it “VFD Crains” or “ASOUE Crains” but it doesn’t fit either way. Here’s some information about The Crains as well as moodboards. Enjoy!
Steven Crain [He/Him]:
Age: 40
Profession: Writer/Author
Side of VFD: Firefighter (formerly); Defected/N/A (currently)
Quote: “Apparently, historical fiction is out of vogue.”
Status/Last Seen: Alive; Writing in his office in VFD Headquarters.
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Shirley Crain-Harris [She/Her]:
Age: 39
Profession: Mortician
Side of VFD: Firefighter; Defected/N/A (currently)
Quote: "I'm not perfect, you know. I'm really not. So go ahead, tell me. Try again."
Status/Last Seen: Alive; reading in the common area of VFD Headquarters
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Theodora Crain [She/Her]:
Age: 37
Profession: Child Psychologist
Side of VFD: Firefighter (formerly); Defected/N/A (currently)
Quote: "Well, be sure to let your imagination get the best of you. That's the first step. Imagine the worst thing possible, assume it's true, and go from there.”
Status/Last Seen: Alive; in a cab headed far away from VFD headquarters.
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Luke Crain [He/Him]:
Age: 33
Profession: Artist; Arsonist(?)
Side of VFD: Firefighter and Firestarter; Defected/N/A (currently)
Quote: "Big boys know the difference between what's real and imaginary."
Status/Last Seen: Alive; somewhere on Mount Fraught
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Eleanor Crain [She/Her]:
Age: 33
Profession: Librarian
Side of VFD: Firefighter (formerly); Defected/N/A (currently)
Quote: “Our moments fall around us like rain.”
Status/Last Seen: Alive; walking through The City with four children who may or may not be The Baudelaires
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herithage · 2 years
Entry No. 38: I need to forgive my feelings
September 3rd, 2022
They're just feelings, after all. I can't help them. I also need to forgive myself for feeling those feelings. I thought of that while I pondered my issues with my parents. The main issue is, I don't think I should have issues with my mother. She supports me. She loves me. She accepts me. I am the problem. Well, my feelings are. Who wants to feel neglected, abused, abandoned, or hurt, right? I can't help my resentment. I can't help my fears. My mother loves me, but I am a wounded child. Still.
I think about Haunting of Hill House a lot. It's probably my favorite series ever. I want so badly to write something like it. "What if the kids in horror movies grew up?" Hill House says, they grow up to be messed up adults. I love stories of trauma. I've been thinking of Nellie a lot. How she inherited her mother's suicide. I've used that concept in one of my poems. I think suicide is inherited or contagious. At its core, Hill House is a story of intergenerational trauma. I love the Crain kids. They are so messed up in their own little ways. I love thinking about their relationships with their mother. Steven the eldest who witnessed his mother's downward spiral, who realized he and his father were leaving Olivia in the house too. Imagine how that felt after his mother's suicide. His fear of succumbing to the ghosts of mental illness is so real to me. He thinks his father is the real spectral presence in the family—how he did and said nothing. He is so afraid of becoming like them, don't you see? Like his parents. He tries so badly to be different, to break generational curses. I feel so much for him. I love Shirley's anger. I love her guilt. I am perhaps most kinning to her. I think Shirley inherits more from their father than the mother. She wants to be the fixer. She doesn't say or express shit. She's just angry. A part of me wishes she (or one of the kids) was angry at the mother as well. I can see her resenting her mother for choosing death over them. It's one of those feelings that we don't normally publicize as human beings, but we truly feel. Theodora the walled-up mediator. She distances herself from everything that it turns her numb after touching Nell's body. I love, love her desparation to feel something from Nell. True bargaining. "Please, please, I just want to see something from her this once please please". Luke and the horrors that still follow him. Abigail's death. Ghosts. Nightmares. Suicides. Who wouldn't do drugs after all that shit? Lastly, Nellie. The one I said inherited her mother's suicide. When I think of killing myself, I think of my brother. I don't want the chances to be higher for him. Nellie's mother literally tried to kill her and Luke. That alone would be enough reason for most people to end everything. But Nellie was so good. She was sweet. She tried. She tried. No one picked up. No one believed. Suicide is terrifying. I don't want to miss any calls. I don't want to leave anyone on read. I can't regret anything when someone kills themself.
I'm scared of death. I'm scared of ghosts I cannot ever face. I'm scared of my feelings towards my mother and father. I'm scared of being alone.
My favorite song this week is Haunted House by Florence + The Machine. My heart is like a haunted house. I am not free at all. We never escape our ghosts. We don't get saved by the priest or the cops. We just learn to live and cope with their spectral presence hanging in our hearts. We are not free at all.
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scatteredmv · 1 year
Imagine the worst thing as possible
Assume it’s true and go from there
~Theodora Crain~
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dimitrescus-bitch · 4 years
Push (Theo Crain x Reader)
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You’d known Theo a lot longer than any other woman in her life. For the most part, there wasn’t any romance between the two of you. Sure, you slept together and stuff, but Theo hadn’t tried to give anything more than that. In fact, if you tried to further things, she’d always push you away. It hurt, but you understood that feelings were not her thing and she held herself in a certain way. 
It didn’t stop you from letting her in every single time. Most of the time, you had to wait for her to decide that she wanted you. Theo just had to get back into the mindset that you were like her, not for relationships. After she’d fooled herself like that, she came back to make a fucking fool out of you. 
“It’s looking like a dry night,” Theo said as she turned her back to the dance floor once again. The two of you had come out to the club so she could try to get laid, but despite the numerous women giving Theo the stare, she wasn’t noticing. In fact, she was actively ignoring every single person in that club that tried giving her attention. 
“I’m sure the four girls that you turned down are thinking the same thing,” you snorted. Theo set her drink down and reached out to touch your cheek. The gloves were a part of Theo, just as much as her skin in your eyes. She was always wearing them. It was a spectral sensitivity. At least, that was the name you’d given whatever power her mother had bestowed upon her. Maybe the reason that Theo had kept you close all these years was because instead of calling her freak or crazy when she told you about her hands, you were fascinated and did everything in your power to understand her. 
“Maybe I’m looking for something more familiar,” Theo said, pushing herself closer to you. You were partially trapped against the bar, but she gave you an easy way out. If, for any reason, you didn’t want her, Theo would understand and move on once she knew you were fine. It was weird because you knew she cared about you, but she wouldn’t love you. 
“At this point, you might as well just buy a bottle and come over,” you told her. She tilted her head and pulled you away from the bar. She paid for your drinks and then whisked you away out to the night air. You called the cab and she gave directions. It wasn’t often that you got to spend the night at her place, especially if Shirley was home. In fact, if Shirley was there, Theo would keep you as far away from her place as she could for as long as she could. 
“I love this song,” Theo said as she hummed along to the radio. You recognized it as something that’d played at prom. You remembered that night because it’d been the first time you’d ever kissed a girl. It was the first time you’d ever kissed Theo. 
“What do you think of when you hear it?” you asked her. 
“I guess I think of prom night after your date left with that stupid underclassmen because she was gonna put out for him,” Theo said, disdain in her voice. You reached out to hold her hand and she let you, humming contentedly as she leaned towards you. “You were so upset and then we started dancing. I didn’t know it, but that was when I figured it out, that I liked women because I was dancing with the most beautiful one in the room.” 
“Theodora Crain, are you being romantic?” you asked and Theo pushed your shoulder playfully. “I figured out that I didn’t like boys that night.” 
“When I kissed you?” Theo asked and you nodded. She leaned down and pressed a tentative kiss to your lips. “It was just like that, wasn’t it?” 
“The first one was. The one when our dance was over, but the ones behind the bleachers were not the same,” you said and Theo chuckled. “Still, even when you were pulling my hair a little and biting my lip because you wanted to know if it was sexy, you were more gentle than he was.” 
“Here’s our stop,” Theo said, completely distancing herself from whatever thoughts were causing the soft look on her face. She opened the door and helped you out of the cab. You paid the cabbie and then followed her inside. She made sure to keep you quiet until you were inside of the house. Then, she seemed to not care how loud the two of you were. 
She brought you straight back to her bedroom. There were certain things that Theo knew you loved, so she did them. She pressed you against the wall as she kissed you. She made sure to remove your clothes in a frantic manner as she led you back to her bed. She paid attention to what your body responded to with her touches and kisses. She stopped on her way between your legs to trace the intricate tattoo spanning across your hip bones. 
“Y/n,” Theo said as she sat up a little bit. You propped yourself up on your elbows and looked at her. 
“Is something wrong?” you asked her and she shook her head. 
“Do you think I could use the strap this time?” Theo asked and you nodded. She smiled and the two of you quickly traded places. Theo was definitely a giver, but there was a rule when she topped you with the strap-on. She went first so you could make sure that you got to do something for her. You didn’t rush, but you didn’t move slowly with her. Theo was antsy to fuck you and patient wasn’t a word you’d come to associate with a horny Theodora Crain. 
Any time spent between her legs was good in your eyes. It was one of the few times that you could physically show her how much you loved and appreciated her without getting pushed away. She accepted every bit of your love that way and you felt complete for a little while. You could make her feel good and forget about the hardships she’d faced for a bit. 
“Y/n,” Theo moaned as your tongue found her clit. She threw her head back in pleasure when your fingers joined the mix. You started to move your tongue in more intricate patterns and her back arched. She pushed her hips up and ground herself against your tongue. You pushed with your tongue a bit more and twisted your fingers up a bit inside of her. 
Her bedroom quickly filled with moaning as she inched closer and closer to cumming. As she approached her climax, you lightly used your teeth to give her that extra little push and she snapped then and there. You guided her down from her orgasm with your fingers as you sat back and watched Theo shake. She composed herself as quickly as she could and then laid you back on the bed. 
“There’s almost no point in checking if you’re ready,” Theo said as she sat in between your legs. She had her hands on your thighs, rubbing ever so slowly up and down. You bit your lip as she moved closer to your center each time. Finally, you felt her middle finger barely push inside of you and she smirked. “But that doesn’t mean I won’t.” 
“Fuck Theo.” Your voice was a bit gruffer than usual, but she made you that way. It was like your entire body was anticipating the pleasure that’d be making you scream out later. Theo was a show-off when it came to the bedroom. If you tried to keep yourself quiet, she’d do something that made you lose control of yourself, just a little bit. 
“That, like you, comes later after I get a taste,” Theo said as she shifted backwards a bit. She leaned down and licked over your entrance. She hummed and you choked on whatever you had been planning to tell her. She teased you a bit more and then when your body was practically buzzing from excitement, she left you. You snapped out of your near-sex haze very quickly and in an almost panicked manner, scrambled to the edge of the bed to watch her. Theo wasn’t dragging anything out, but you felt like she was. 
“Come on, you can’t just leave me like that,” you whined as Theo walked back over to the bed. She leaned down to kiss you and you scrambled backwards. You laid with your head against the pillows and Theo hovered above you. She grabbed your thighs and slid her hands down to your hips. She held onto your hips as she slid into you. 
“I would never leave you like that.” It was a lie, Theo had done it so many times before. Some of them had been intentional, but others had not. Theo could be a tease and sometimes you got to be like her test subject when she found out about something new to try. You didn’t mind it, but you were not there for the delayed gratification phase Theo tried out. Psych majors. 
Theo started slowly, but once she was sure you had adjusted well and were ready for her to give more, she sped up. Her thrusts gained more depth and there was a bit more force. Theo moved one of her hands up to cradle your head before moving to grab onto the headboard. Your arms wrapped around her neck and you went to kiss her. Normally, that wouldn’t have been acknowledged, but Theo kissed you back as she continued to fuck you. As you got closer to cumming, you dropped your arms and Theo moved her hands so they were right next to either side of your head. 
Theo didn’t stay in bed with you for very long after the two of you were finished. She kept herself busy and you decided to get ready before she came back. It hurt less to be pushed away by Theo Crain when you were wearing pants. It was a lot less humiliating on your end at the very least. She seemed confused when she came back to see you getting dressed though. 
“Where are you off to?” Theo asked as she set a cup of tea down on the bedside table. “Normally you want to stay.” 
“Normally you push me away,” you said and Theo pulled you back over to the bed. “What’s different about tonight?” 
“I’m not sober enough to push you away like an idiot,” Theo said and you rolled your eyes. “That was a very strong drink at the club.” 
“Must have been some beer.” You decided to play along with her, at least for tonight. “Hopefully strong enough to last until tomorrow. I expect breakfast ma’am.” 
“You can have me and pancakes, in that order,” Theo told you and you liked the sound of that. “But first, take your clothes back off and lay down with me. It’s warmer when you’re naked and I just turned the AC on.”
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Theo Crain
Disarmed - @ververa
Do you hate me? - @stcrrywrites
Late night guest - @naturalxselection
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Hangover- Theo Crain
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Pairing: Theo Crain x Reader
Characters: Theo Crain
Warnings: N/A
Request: N/A
Word Count: 449
Author: Charlotte
It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence for Theo to go out for most of a night and return stinking of alcohol. She wasn’t afraid of drinking more than her share and although sometimes it did worry you with how much she drank, you had seen that she cut down recently and was getting better. You couldn’t blame her for coming home in the early hours of the morning today or for the fact that she emptied her stomach over the bathroom floor, having missed the toilet.
There had only been a day of coming to terms with the fact that her baby sister Nellie was dead. Everyone grieved differently and Theo turned to alcohol and went out partying. She didn’t want to talk about death or her feelings, she wanted to be numb and pretend to be happy and seen as there hadn’t been anytime to rationalise her grieving process, you let her have the night.
You had barely slept, worried about her and then when she came home you were taking the roll of her nurse. You helped her into some fresh pyjamas, taking her to bed before going to clean up the bathroom and the complete mess that she had made. By the time you had disinfected every surface the morning sun was high in the sky and the day was beginning again. There was no point in going back to bed so instead made Theo some dry toast to help soak up the alcohol and grabbed some painkillers and water.
Making your way into your bedroom, you sat down on the edge of the bed, the tray of breakfast on your lap as you gently rubbed Theo’s arm to gain her attention. Theo grunted, rolling over to look at you with narrowed eyes. She still had some of her makeup on, you had struggled terribly in removing it when she returned, and her hair was still up, but now in a far messier state.
“Y/N,” she groaned. “My head hurts.”
You nodded your head. “That’s what happens when you drink too much.”
She let out another grunt, letting her head sink back into the pillow, hoping that you and her pain would disappear.
“You’re not going back to sleep yet,” you demanded. “Come on, eat something so that you can take your pain killers and hopefully it’ll help.”
Theo was reluctant but slowly sat up, taking the tray from you. She barely took one bite of the toast before she popped two of the pain killers and finished the rest of her water. It was going to be a long day but you didn’t care, you wanted to be there to support her through this trying time.
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amwritesitall · 4 years
This is What Love Feels Like
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Prompt: Person A lightly kissing Person B’s forehead as B falls asleep on A’s shoulder
I hope you guys like this short little imagine with Theo!
Words: 220
Theodora Crain had never fallen in love. She didn’t know what it was supposed to look or feel like, but all of that changed once she met you.
When she saw you that night in the club, it wasn’t supposed to turn into this. It was only supposed to be a simple one-night thing, but here you are curled into her side, sitting on the couch with the rest of the Crain children around the two of you.
It was late into the night and all of the children of the family have been tucked into bed leaving Shirley, Nell, Luke, Steven, and their significant others in the living room talking in front of the fireplace. Theo’s arm is wrapped around you as you lean your head on her shoulder. The conversation reaches a point where it has come to a loll and your eyes grow heavier.
You try to keep up with the conversation Theo, Nell, and Shirley are having, but before you know it you doze off, comfortably situated in your lover’s embrace. 
Shirley looks at you and Theo and smiles softly. Theo gives her a confused look and Nell gestures to you sleeping on her shoulder. 
Theo looks down at you and smiles before kissing your forehead. 
She thinks to herself, ‘This is what love feels like.’
You might like:  Dating Theodora Crain in University Would Include
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the-fandom-abyss · 4 years
Theodora Crain Masterlist
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[Fluff ♡] [Angst ❀] [Smut ☆]
📍The House ❀
one | two
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herhaunt-a2 · 3 years
sc           ,      @everstride​​​        ➝     𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚗𝚎𝚠 𝚌𝚒𝚝𝚢,     𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚜𝚔𝚒.
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    ❝  i think my life is losing momentum ,     i think my ways are wearing me down .   ❞
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I just binged your blog A) I love you and all your stories and message responses are the greatest things I’ve ever fucking read. B) Wanted to request a Theo imagine where you’re a childhood family friend that has always been into her and they smoke and it gets flirty or tense/whatever you are feeling because after your morning after one now I can’t get her smoking weed out of my head and I would absolutely love to smoke with her!
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“Theo Crain?”
Theo winced at the sound of her own name being called and slowly turned around.  She had nearly made it to the edge of the bar’s parking lot and had thought she was alone, hence the lighter and joint in her hand.  
“Hi.  I don’t know if you remember me-”
“Y/N?” she interrupted you as recognition crossed her features, along with a smile.  “Holy shit, I almost didn’t recognize you.”
“Yeah, same here,” you replied, rubbing the back of your neck.  In all honesty, you had spent more time than you cared to admit staring at her from across the bar before you realized that the beautiful woman you were trying to build up the courage to talk to was in fact one of your childhood friends.  “You, um, you look amazing, by the way.  Love the update on the gloves.”
Theo looked down at her gloved hands and blushed at the comment before remembering the reason she had slipped out of the crowded bar.  
“Oh, uh, thank you.  Do you wanna partake?” she asked, holding up the joint she had rolled before leaving her house for the night.  
“I would love to.”
Another smile crossed Theo’s features as you accepted her invitation.  Your heart started to flutter as she reached forward, placing the joint between your lips and lighting it.  You did your best to calm yourself down and not read into the way that her eyes lingered on your own once you inhaled and passed the small cylinder back to her.
“Thanks,” you said, smoke billowing from your nose and mouth with the word.
“No problem.  I happen to remember you being the very first person to smoke me up back in high school, so I’m really just returning the favor.”
“Wow.  You have a far better memory than I do, I guess,” you laughed, despite the fact that it was a lie.  You remembered just about every moment that you had spent with Theo growing up.  She was the first girl that made you question your sexuality and you had often wondered if she had felt the same at some point during your friendship.
“So, are you married like every other person we graduated with?” she asked eventually.  As she handed you the joint again, you shook your head and rolled your eyes.
“Nah.  Haven’t found the right woman, I guess.”
Based off of the way Theo arched an eyebrow at you, she was either surprised at the statement or surprised that you had actually made the statement.
“You and me both.”
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Why am I only finding out now u write for hill house??????? UHHHHH BISH PLZ tell me a scary story 😍im not pikey I love all the craines! ❤❤❤
Scary Stories
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Theo Crain x Reader  -  218 words  -  part 1 of 1
Note: I thought I’d save this as a request but then ended up free writing this cute little head cannon so here ya go! Hope you like it. 😊
Theo never liked scary stories. Her whole life was one never-ending scary story- even at work, even when she covered up and hid behind her gloves: the world around her refused to give up it’s horrors.
Before you, she never saw the point in watching scary movies. The real world, especially the one she worked in, was filled with death and ghosts. She’d dealt enough with them for an entire life time, to the point that she had no desire to fill her spare time with them as well.
But you? You fucked that up immediately- you fucked up all her plans immediatly. The second your eyes met across the bar- she no longer wanted to walk through the world behind her gloves and she didn’t want to keep moving around anymore. And now curled up together at home your favorite slasher flick playing o the TV, she gave up on that plan too.
There was something cathartic about the movie, how all that pain wasn’t Theo’s and didn’t have to be. She would never admit it to you of course, but these movies grew on her. It helped that each time the music cue played or there was a scare that you’d nestle into Theo’s arms. You had a habit of making even the scariest things, okay.
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myriadimagines · 4 years
would you write something for theo crain with nr 15 from the Christmas prompts? I miss her and I'd love to read smth for her🙈 if you're still taking requests
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Characters: Reader x Theodora Crain
Warnings: alcohol consumption
Prompt: 15. “So, are you going to be my New Year’s kiss?”
Word Count: 480
A/N: this and the following two drabbles were sent to my personal blog @jedisreys for some reason and the anon never resent them after i directed them to this blog so i resent the requests myself so here we are! idk why i felt like i needed to share that but!
want to request a drabble/be part of my fandom family? Read this post!
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You see her across the club, unable to peel your eyes away from her the second she steps in. Her eyes scan the room, examining every detail, studying every face as if it’s an instinct, and you only force yourself to look away when her gaze finally sweeps over you, not bold enough to unabashedly stare back at her as your eyes lock. She’s captivating, you think, unlike anyone you’ve ever seen before, especially at this too loud club which you wish you could quit, but never truly do.
Her dark hair tumbles down her back in luxurious waves, not a single strand of hair plastered to her forehead with sweat, despite the borderline insufferable heat radiating from the dancing bodies. She’s dressed in all black, tight fitting jeans that hug the curves of her hips and thighs and a black top that looks like it was made for her, perfectly fitting and showing her off in the best possible way. Her most striking accessory is her gloves, sleek and black snaking all the way up to her elbow, but by the time you try and sneak a glance over your shoulder to get a better look at her, she’s gone. 
You frown, shoulders sagging with disappointment as you focus back on your drink, gulping it down before turning to face the dance floor, full of eager faces ready to celebrate the rapidly approaching New Year. Squaring your shoulders, deciding you’re drunk enough to dance, you saunter your way towards the crowd, moving your hips to the music as you run your hands through your hair. 
You jolt as you feel a body slide up next to yours, and you turn, eyes widening as you see it’s her. She’s smiling at you, an expression full of warmth as if the two of you have known each other for years, and you feel electricity jolting from your skin to hers as her fingers brush your arm, her gloves now gone as you can see them shoved into the pocket of her jeans. You’re so transfixed by her smile you almost don’t hear the DJ announcing to the crowd the countdown for the New Year, and she leans closer to you, her lips brush you ear as she asks, “So, are you going to be my New Year’s kiss?”
Your heart flutters in your chest, and as confetti explodes from above, you choose not to respond, pulling her closer to you by her waist as you kiss her, feeling her fingers dance up your arm before she caresses your face, deepening the kiss. You pull away, breathless and beaming, before you introduce, “y/n.”
“Theodora.” she responds, grinning at you as she takes you by the hand, guiding you deeper into the dance floor. Flashing you a smile that you can already feel yourself falling for, she continues, “Let’s dance, y/n.” 
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onegayastronaut · 5 years
More Than A Friend (Theo Crain x Reader)
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Requested by anon: Theo Crain x reader? Maybe the pair have been friends a long while and R is always this happy go lucky person but something happens and she shows up at Theos apartment a mess one night? Theo helps R in the best way she knows how? Smut if you don't mind with fluffy ending please?
Words: 1046
You were one of the best people to ever come in Theo’s life. Scratch that, you were the best person she had ever known. Every time Theo touched you, she felt so happy that she thought her world was filled with light, even if it was just for a moment. This made Theo want to be with you all the time. The only problem was that she didn’t know for sure if you felt the same way. She was preparing to tell you how she felt, she simply didn’t know how.
Because you were so happy all the time, the last thing that Theo expected was you showing up at her door crying. It was alarming for her to see you like this because out of all the people she knew, you were the light of her life. “(Y/N)? What’s the matter?”
“Nothing seems to be going right in my life. My girlfriend just broke up with me, and I don’t know what to do. Everything seems to be going wrong.”
“Okay, come here.” Theo took your hand and led you inside her apartment. After sitting you down on her couch, she got you a drink and sat next to you. She frowned as her fingers traced patterns on your face and fingers. This was the first time that she felt sadness when she touched you. “Want to talk about what’s going on?”
“Not really. I just want to feel better and not feel sad.” You turned the now empty glass around in your hands.
“Well, I have something in mind that might make you feel better.” Theo slide closer to you as she talked.
“Oh yeah? And what might that be?”
“Showing is better than telling, or at least that’s what I’ve been told.” Theo leaned over and kissed you on the cheek.
You drew back a little. “I didn’t think you liked me like that.” You hated the way you blushed whenever Theo looked at you, and your stomach seemed to be full of butterflies whenever you talked to her. You never thought that she felt the same way about you.
“I’ve liked you ever since we first met. And from the way you feel whenever I touch you, you feel the exact same way about me.” Theo gave you another one of her confident smirks, but you could tell that she felt afraid that she had somehow overstepped a boundary. However, instead of pointing anything out, you leaned over to kiss Theo back because despite everything, you really did like her too.
This was all Theo needed to take control of the situation. Pushing you back down on the couch, Theo went ahead to kiss your neck. At this point, you were so turned on that all thoughts of your ex went out of your mind, Now that you think about it, your ex never made you feel this way. Before you could actually do anything, Theo was already unbuttoning your shirt and was making steady progress of kissing her way down your body. When she moved to take off your pants, you stopped her. Theo seemed surprised, but stopped to hear you out.
“I want to make sure you really like me. Because I really like you and I don’t want this to be just a one time thing that we never talk about again. I don’t want this to cause any awkwardness or tension between us.”
“(Y/N), I’ve liked you for a few years now. I know you’ve liked me too, even when you were dating someone else. The feelings have always been there, we have just never admitted them out loud before.”
Reassured from the sincere look in Theo’s eyes, you laid back and let Theo take off the rest of your clothes. You felt very turned on despite having been upset not too long ago.
Theo was better than you could have ever expected. The things that she did with her tongue was magical to say the least, and the way that she held your hips down as she ate you out only made you more turned on than ever. You were sure that her fingers would leave marks on your hips tomorrow, but you didn’t care because you wanted this moment to last forever.
As you came to learn, Theo can last for longer than anyone that you knew. She wouldn’t let you go until your legs started shaking, and when she finally got up all she gave you was a smirk.
“Wow.” That was all you could say as you stroked your fingers over her face. Theo finally climbed up and laid her head on your chest. This was the first time you saw Theo so relaxed when touching someone, and you didn’t want her to move. You didn’t remember the last time you felt this safe with someone, and you knew that you wanted to feel this way forever.
“How do you feel, (Y/N)?” Theo sounded sleepy as she traced patterns over your skin.
“I’ve never felt this good before.” Your hand went down her body and rested on her hip. Theo shifted a little bit so that her body fit you better.
“I meant what I said earlier, you know. I’ve liked you for a really long time.” Theo lifted her head away from your chest and looked at you. You could tell that she was absolutely serious when it came to her feelings for you.
“I really like you too. But I don’t think I’m ready to move on from my ex just yet. I think I’m going to need some time to get over her.”
“I’m ready to give you all the time you need to heal.” Theo kissed your hand. “You are so important to me, and I am willing to do anything for you. I’ll wait for you as long as it takes.”
You felt tears forming in the corners of your eyes, and you furiously blinked them away. No one had been this sweet to you, and you didn’t know what to say in response to her words. All you knew was that you didn’t want Theo to leave, so you held her tighter to your chest. This night came out better in ways you never expected.
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fanficimagery · 5 years
Imagine being there for Luke when things get rough.
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GIF credit: @bruce-wayne 
Luke X Reader
Being abruptly woken up is something you absolutely loathe, except for when it's an emergency. So when you realize it's your cellphone ringing that's brought you into the land of wakefulness, it's like all your grogginess instantly vanishes.
The number calling isn't one programmed into your phone, but the area code is local so you answer without hesitance. "H-Hello?"
"Y/N? I-It's Luke. I need y-your help."
Holding the phone to your ear between your head and shoulder, you kick off your blankets and scramble out of bed. "Where are you? I'll come get you." Knowing full well that Luke should be in rehab and the number he's calling from is not the facility he was last at, you know something is terribly wrong. You hurry to your closet and pull on pants, then shoving your feet into a pair of random sneakers.
"I-I messed up. My f-friend left and I- I tried to help, but she.. I'm so sorry."
"You don't have to explain yourself to me, babe. Just tell me where you are."
"I'm so- I'm so cold. M-my arms and legs.. they're stiff." His chattering teeth and stuttering voice absolutely breaks your heart. His voice is thick with emotion that has your own throat tightening in response. "It-It-It's like withdrawal," Oh crap, "but I- I didn't use. I wa- I wasn't using, but I- but I feel it anyway. You- you believe me, right?"
"Luke? Luke, listen to me. I need to know where you are so I can come get you."
"Please tell me you be-believe me, Y/N."
You pause by your apartment door, heart pounding and your soul aching for your friend. "I believe you, Luke. Ever since I found you again after all the years we missed together, you never once lied to me. Now where are you?"
Luke prattles off the address to some street corner and what the buildings near him look like, and you quickly grab your keys off the hook by your front door. As you're racing down the stairs, forgoing the elevator completely, the call disconnects. You frantically make it to your building garage and after getting into your car you speed off to where you have an idea Luke's at.
Throwing your car into park near the sidewalk, you leave the engine running and pop the trunk. Climbing out, you grab a blanket before jogging towards your friend who's huddled on a bench. Right away you notice he has no shoes and when he glances up, you gasp at the abrasions on his face.
"I-I'm so cold," he stammers.
The plain tee and thin warm-ups do nothing to prevent the cold from chilling him down to his bones, but his face is sweaty so you have no idea what's going on. Still you wrap the blanket around his shoulders before sitting next to him on the bench and pull him down so his head is in your lap. "It's okay. I'm here now." You smooth your hand over his forehead, fighting back tears as you lean over him to kiss his forehead. "Sshh. I'm here now."
A set of headlights wash over you and you hunch protectively over Luke. Two people get out of the car, but only one approaches. "Luke?"
"H-Hey, Steve. You remember Y/N?"
Luke's older brother stares at you in surprise and you weakly smile at Steven- the eldest of the Crain brothers. "Hey, Steve. Long time no see."
"Mhm. Circumstances could be better, I guess. I'm guessing Luke called you either before or after me."
"I wasn't aware you and Luke-"
"We met again in rehab." Steven goes quiet and understanding seems to dawn in his features. You shrug. "I've been seven years sober. I just hang around the facilities to talk to the newbies and offer them some encouraging words."
"I have so many questions, Y/N, but I really need to get Luke-"
"Yeah, no. Go ahead." You help Luke sit up and your heart breaks all over again at his bowed head and hunched shoulders. Steven mumbles something to him before pointing him in the direction of a woman standing near their car, and Luke goes without uttering another word as he rubs at his neck. When Steven turns back towards you, you frown. "Is everything okay?"
Steven sighs. "No. Everything is just so- it's Nell, Y/N. She's dead."
Tears immediately spring to your eyes again. "W-what?"
"It happened yesterday. We'd been trying to get a hold of Luke, but he left the facility and.. Shirley has her now. Tomorrow's the viewing if you want to stop by. Luke's going to need someone he trusts."
You sniffle and nod frantically. "Y-Yeah. I just- I'm so.. wow." You exhale deeply, choking back a sob. "Oh, Nellie."
Steven wraps you in an awkward hug as you work to contain your grief. "I know." After a few moments, he releases you. "I really should get going. I still have to tell Luke before taking him to Shirley's. Dad's flying in as well."
"Of course. Give my condolences to the family and let Luke know I'll be waiting by my phone. I'll see you guys tomorrow."
As Steven turns away you quickly wipe away your tears. Then heading back towards your car, you wave at Luke who's watching you very closely. Steven waves at you as well and you climb back into your car while letting your tears freely fall again before you carefully drive away.
The following afternoon is a tough one. After Steven had taken custody of Luke, you later got a phone call from Luke as he sobbed about his twin and the fact that he wasn't there for her when she needed him the most. Apparently Nellie had hung herself in their old house and Luke kept going on and on about how he felt it- that, that was why his neck and limbs were so stiff. You cried with him on the phone until Steven finally made him hang up, but he only hung up after you promised you'd be there for the viewing that was open to the public.
Suffering through the drive later that evening in a newly purchased black dress, you collect yourself as much as you can as you drive closer and closer to the funeral home.
Then when you finally get there, your heart is pounding erratically as you slowly pull open the door and slip inside. Just inside the door is a small sitting area before you enter the main room where all the chairs and casket reside, and Luke is sitting there among several other individuals. Under the fluorescent lights the markings on his face look a lot worse.
Steven notices you first, you smiling and sheepishly waving before he nudges Luke. Then when Luke spots you, he's up out of his seat within the blink of an eye which startles everyone but Steven.
Luke's entire frame dwarfs you as he wraps you up in a hug and you return the embrace as best as you can. You can feel him shaking slightly and you squeeze him tighter before smoothing your hands up and down his back.
"I wasn't aware Luke had a girlfriend."
Glancing to the side to see who muttered that, you spot the culprit. When you pull free from Luke, you wipe at the corner of your eye while staring at his sister. "Not his girlfriend. Though if I remember correctly, I'm pretty sure you and Nellie married Luke and I when we were kids."
His sister's eyes widen as she stares you up and down. "Y/N?"
"Nice to see you too, Theodora."
She gapes before stepping forward hesitantly and you smile at the fact that she still wears the gloves. When she cautiously embraces you, it leads Shirley to do the same with a watery laugh. She then introduces you to her husband, Steven hugs you in greeting after, and all eyes turn to who can only be their father Hugh.
Time has not been kind to Hugh, especially given what everyone is gathered for, but you still muster up a smile for him. "Hey, Mr. Hugh. I'm so sorry about, Nellie."
"Y-Y/N." Hugh stumbles forward, his hands falling to your shoulders as he looks you up and down. Then releasing a breath he'd been holding, he chuckles softly before embracing you. "It's so good to see you, kiddo. How did you know about-"
"I- I called her last night," Luke says. "Y/N works part-time at the rehab I was at. She e-encourages us to stay on the straight on narrow."
Every Crain looks to you and you shrug. "Seven years sober. All the other addicts look up to me." You see their smiles falter and the pity enter their eyes. "Don't." You shake their head at them. "I messed up. I owned up to my mistakes and cleaned up after all my siblings abandoned me. Mom and Dad were the only ones who stuck it out, and now I'm working three jobs to pay them back for all the shit I put them through."
"You're just one tough cookie, aren't you?" Hugh muses.
"Only sometimes, but today is not about me," you say. "Right now we are here to remember all the good times we had with Nell and celebrating her life. Then later, later you can ask all you want." That seems to pacify the Crain's and one by one they leave to take their seats. Luke stays behind and you glance up at him, reaching up to rub your thumb lightly against one of his abrasions. "You holding up okay?"
"Mostly. Thank you for coming."
"It's Nellie." You smile sadly. "She was my friend as much as you were." Reaching for his hand, you squeeze it before holding tight. "Now come on. Lets go share some of our fondest memories before we say goodbye."
After a very tearful remembrance, tensions between the Crain's seem to explode after all the guests leave. You want so bad to stay and support Luke, but the family has long buried anger that's apparently coming out on tonight of all nights. So after quietly bidding Luke a good night, you take your leave after promising him to call you when he got to wherever it was he was staying.
Nearly two hours later as you're getting ready for bed you get a phone call, but it's not from Luke. It's from Steven and Luke's gone missing, he having taken Shirley's money and Theo's vehicle. They think he's going to slip and you immediately want to help, but Steven tells you to stay put. If worse comes to worse and Luke seeks you out after, they rather have you at home where you can intercept him instead of him wandering the streets again.
Another few hours later and Steven calls. Luke's overdosed.
You so badly want to break down, but you know you need to keep yourself together in order to get to the hospital. So after jotting down what hospital they've taken Luke to, you quickly get dressed yet again and race down to your car. Then driving to the hospital as fast as you can, you park haphazardly before racing for the front desk.
But before you can reach the desk, Theo's intercepting you. "Y/N! Over here."
When you reach her, you grasp her shoulder and make sure to not touch skin. "What happened?"
"It's that house. That stupid, stupid house," she mumbles. You stare at her and she rolls her eyes, huffing. "Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. That house was alive and you know it. We all did, but we didn't want to believe it."
You blink back tears. "I never told anyone, but I saw.." You trail off and clear your throat, shaking your head clear of one of your most terrifying childhood memories. "I just- I get it. Is he okay now?"
Theo's lips quirk to keep them from trembling. "Steve had to revive him. He was- technically he was dead, but Nell- Steven got him up."
"Can I see him?"
"Yeah. Come on."
When you get to the room, the door is already opened. Shirley and Steven are on either side of the bed as they quietly speak with Luke, but when they spot you they both vacate their spots.
"Thank you for coming," Shirley says, kissing your cheek in greeting. "He's been asking for you."
"It's Luke. I'll always be there for him." Shirley smiles even brighter at that and steps out, Steven following her. Then stepping up to the bed, your small smile falters at the sight of the dark bags under his eyes and the needle mark in his arm. "Oh Luke."
"Shh. I'm okay." He tries to comfort you as you start to cry and you immediately reach for his hand closest to you. Sandwiching his hand between your own, you hunch over and lay your head against his abdomen. "I'm sorry. I didn't want-"
You choke on a sob and he quiets down, and you straighten back up. Then wiping away your tears with one hand, you offer him a shaky smile. "Don't apologize. Theo explained," you say.
"Will you stay?"
"Of course."
"Will you help me get my bed back at rehab?"
You huff a quiet laugh. "Do you even have to ask?"
Luke smiles. "I'm really glad we reconnected, Y/N."
"As am I. Now stay put, I'm going to go stock up on snacks before making myself comfortable." Leaning further up over the bed, you lean down to kiss his cheek. But Luke turns at the last second and you catch his lips, and you jerk back in surprise. Your eyes widen and after a moment passes, Luke smirks. You narrow your eyes as you say, "You did that on purpose." He feigns innocence. Then pursing your lips in thought, you eventually sigh. "Hold onto that thought. We need to get you on a good path before we try to pursue anything."
Luke nods. "I'll keep that in mind."
Chuckling quietly, you then take your leave. And outside the room all the Crain siblings are smiling at you.
"Not a word," you tell them as you narrow your eyes.
But Theo being Theo, she just has to say something. "You two are adorable. My younger self was totally right about you."
"Theodora!" You groan. "I just- you- ugh!"
The siblings chuckle as you stomp off, Theo's voice following you. "Love you too, sister-in-law."
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dimitrescus-bitch · 5 years
Family (Theo Crain x Reader)
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Relationships had never been your strong suit. If you found a good one, you managed to fuck it up by the time you met the family. Theo was different. Theo was a bit fucked up too, but eventually the two of you had figured out enough to be together. You loved her and she loved you, something that shouldn’t have been too hard for either of you. Now, you were getting to the hard part, meeting the family. You hadn’t really met any of them before, so you were terrified about this. No matter how much Theo had assured you that it’d be absolutely fine.
“They’re here,” Theo said, turning to you excitedly. “They’re going to love you, especially once they see this wonderful meal you’ve made.”
“I’m a chef at a restaurant, if I couldn’t cook, I think my business would be in the hole,” you said with a small chuckle.
“Hot, can cook, and has a sense of humor. Get me a ring,” Theo said, leaning in to kiss you. You could have stood there kissing her for hours, but the doorbell rang and Theo was over there instantly. She got the door and you could hear her chatting with somebody for a bit about something before she came into the kitchen with a man. “This is my brother Luke. Luke, this is my girlfriend, Y/n.”
“Nice to meet you,” Luke said, offering his hand for you to shake.
“Likewise,” you said, shaking his hand. Theo dropped a couple of seeds for a conversation between the two of you to sprout and luckily for everybody, they did. You had a lot in common with Luke, both of you had been troubled at one point and lost somebody significantly close to you. By the time that Steve and Shirley got to Theo’s, you had begun a friendship with Luke. “Excuse me for a moment.”
“No problem,” Luke said, sitting back on the couch. You ran into the kitchen with Theo, who was leaning against the counter with a glass of wine in her hand. She opened her arms and you walked right into them, letting her hold you tightly.
“You two seem to be getting along,” Theo noted. You nodded and she kissed your temple. “Everybody is going to love you.”
“Hopefully,” you mumbled against her chest. Theo sighed and rubbed your back soothingly. She pushed you away at the sound of the doorbell ringing. You let her go get it, getting yourself something to drink. You were careful to grab a nonalcoholic beer instead of an alcoholic one. You joined Theo and Luke in the living room, immediately attaching yourself to Theo’s side.
“Hi, I’m Steve.” You shook Steve’s hand and introduced yourself. There wasn’t as much for you and Steve to talk about, but he seemed nice enough. Theo had expected as much and kept you more towards Luke until Shirley arrived. 
“So, Y/n, Theo hasn’t told us anything about you. What do you do?” Shirley asked, keeping her tone light.
“I’m the assistant head chef at this new restaurant downtown,” you said and Theo began to brag on you. The entire time, you were blushing and trying to hide yourself behind her.
“All this food talk is making me hungry, let’s eat!” Theo said, trying to hide her nerves. You set up everything at the table and got everyone sat down. You took the brief grilling from Steve and the more polite grilling from Shirley, who you feared more than anybody else at the table, and then Theo directed their attentions elsewhere. Steve left first, something about a book signing. Shirley left after she’d helped clean up and got an invitation to come into the restaurant and get a free meal on you. Luke was the last to leave and you had walked out with him while Theo started getting ready for bed.
“It was nice meeting you Luke,” you said, shaking his hand. He took your hand and pulled you into a hug.
“I can tell that I don’t have to tell you to take care of her. Thank you for making her happy,” Luke whispered in your ear before he let you go. You smiled at him and nodded. “I guess I’ll be seeing you around.”
“Definitely, stop by the restaurant sometime. Or here, normally one of us is home sometime,” you said and Luke nodded, letting out a little laugh. You watched him drive away and then went back inside. You got ready for bed as well and then joined Theo. “I think they liked me.”
“Definitely, I think you got a new best friend,” Theo said and you raised an eyebrow at her. “Luke, it’s nice to see you two getting along so well. You might want to butter Steve up a bit though.”
“He’ll see how much I love you and come around to me,” you said, leaning in for a kiss. Theo kissed you and you pulled her onto your lap. The two of you laid back on the bed and fell asleep with your limbs tangled together. You felt safe and happy with Theo, knowing that you had a family once again.
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