#then he acted like i was fucking stupid for assuming he was lying when he said that he had dinner at tgi fridays with an astronaut
heyitslapis · 1 month
what fucking makes me want o rip my hair out when it comes to the security guy at work is that i'll even try to COMMUNICATE WITH HIM!!!!! (i know for people like us communication can be difficult & we often need specific clear wording and even then we have layers to peel back) When i cant tell if he's being sarcastic, i'll ask him genuinely, because as ive told him multiple times before the way he says things it literally cannot be interpreted as a joke (even neurotypicals at work have agreed with me in front of him) and always seems like he's being serious. i tell him this all the time and he acts like its fucking funny that im genuinely mad about the fact that he wont communicate back with me. Verbatim i have told him on multiple occasions "i genuinely cant tell when youre being sarcastic or making a joke because your tone is so flat and your face is so serious and deadpan and usually people will laugh or crack a smile a few seconds after the joke but you just stand there not expressing anything, even after i ask if its a joke because i genuinely cant tell"
YET HE CONTINUES TO FUCKING DO IT and then has the fucking GALL to laugh at me or call me gullible or naive when IM LITERALLY TRYING TO COMMUNICATE!!! bitch how tf am i supposed to know whats a joke and whats real when you act like im asking a fucking statue every time you say a lie or joke
#id give him the benefit of the doubt cause i know he's very autistic but doesnt know it#BUT BITCH I LITERALLY HAVE ASKED & TRIED TO COMMUNICATE. NO NUANCE. LITERAL CLEAR COMMUNICATION WITH NO ROOM FOR MISUNDERSTANDING#then he acted like i was fucking stupid for assuming he was lying when he said that he had dinner at tgi fridays with an astronaut#still gives me shit abt it like ''i think its funny that you thought that was a lie'' & i still stand by what i told him that day#''i assumed you were bs-ing bc idk about you but i personally dont know anyone who's actually met an astronaut & you said it like a joke''#IM SO SOS O SO SO T I R E D OF ALL MY COWORKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#not Cam tho. he's cool & at least i can tell when he's being sarcastic & he doesnt try to pull me into his guru cult#i cannot fucking WAIT for the other auditor to finally retire. she's going down to 3 days a week in july & full retirement in june 2025#and im fucking COUNTING the days. ive had to put up with her bs for two years now#and the security guard has been thinking about quitting the security company that our hotel contracts & i keep encouraging him to#as a ''friend''. i just keep saying that if he's not happy he should prioritize that cause he has to look out for himself cause work wont#see i can be nice & offer level-headed advice even if i cant fucking stand someone. really i just want his bigoted ass GONE#he talks about how K (my coworker) doesnt see shes in a cult & in the same breath he preaches to me that im wrong & were all born with sin#ive been SO WELL BEHAVED at work yall dont even know!!!!!#and theres no one to be proud of me for being so brave & so nice & so well-behaved!!!!#ripping tearinig biting evily with my fucking sharp teeth#emma rambles#emma rants#work tag#fuck my stupid baka life tbh
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theemporium · 4 months
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[1.4k] in which a silly little prank sends quinn spiralling that he's the worst boyfriend of the year (based of a commented suggestion left by @huggybear13).
series masterlist
When you and Luke were kids, it was a reoccurring habit for Jack and Quinn to push you to the side. Not necessarily in a mean way, but in that classic sense that older kids always felt like they had a superiority, an understanding in stupid games that you two were just unable to grasp. 
It took one particularly annoyed seven year old Luke to start the tradition—for both of you to prank his older brothers. 
When you were young, it was stupid things that would cause them to huff and pout and run off to Ellen. Those kinds of pranks that would make the two of you snicker and giggle as you hid under his bed like that would protect you from everything and anything. 
As you got older, the pranks got a little more sly and convoluted. They became more impressive, the pranks you and Luke were pulling were more thought out and it was just another one of those things that bonded you two closer. 
The pranks eased up when the boys started going off to college and going pro. It never truly stopped, especially not when you spent the summer at the lakehouse all together again. But they weren’t as constant and not really as annoying as they were when you and Luke were young. 
But it was in your blood. It was like a part of you both urged you to mess with Jack and Quinn a little, like it was your life’s purpose. 
And maybe that wasn’t something that entirely stopped when you started dating Quinn too. 
Most of them were harmless and usually got him to crack a smile, finding the pranks more endearing than irritating like he did when he was younger. And after knowing you so much better than he did when you were kids, it was easy for Quinn to spot the signs, like that smile on your face that promised chaos and mischief before you pulled one of your attempts. 
That was exactly why it made you so much more determined to pull one over on him—this time your inspiration being a flurry of videos you had whilst scrolling through your phone.
It started that morning when you were sitting at the kitchen counter, eating your breakfast whilst Quinn rushed around the apartment to collect his things before heading off to morning skate. Truthfully, he was so wrapped up in not being late that he didn’t have time to question the way you swiped your mouth against the back of your hand after he kissed you.
It wasn’t until a few hours later when he came back from practice when he noticed, huddled in the kitchen making some lunch for the two of you when you came in. 
“To what do I owe this pleasure?” You teased as you walked towards him, wrapping your arms around his waist and peaking over his shoulder to see what he was making.
“Thought I’d make you something while you were studying,” he said with a small grin as he turned his head to look at you. He ducked down, pressing his lips against yours in a soft peck (his first one since he left earlier that day). 
“Thank you, baby,” you grinned at him before raising your hand, wiping the back of your palm over your lips again. 
Quinn paused, frowning a little at the movement. “You good?”
“Yeah, of course,” you said, looking at him as if he was the one acting weird. “How can I help? If I look at any more cell biology, I’ll hit my head against a wall.” 
Quinn laughed, but it was still a bit strained. “Chop the onions for me?”
“You got it, chef.”
But just when Quinn assumed he was losing his mind and hallucinating the whole thing, you had wiped your mouth again when he kissed you after placing your plate down in front of you. And you did it again when he kissed you before you headed back to the small office in the apartment to study. And you did it again when he kissed you after bringing you a snack and some water. 
He would be fucking lying if he said a part of his stomach didn’t twist bitterly every time you did it. 
He spent the rest of the day trying to wrack his head around the whole thing. He didn’t get it. You never used to do this before. Not even when you were really fucking pissed at him. You would have especially never done it so blatantly in front of him. 
Which, to Quinn’s spiralling thoughts, only meant one thing—he fucked up and forgot something big, and you were pretending you were okay. 
It was embarrassing how quickly he grabbed his phone, frowning at his calendar like it would have all the answers he needed. It wasn’t your birthday. It wasn’t your anniversary. Hell, it just seemed like an average day and that made his stomach drop ever more, because how could he forget an important day with you?
He didn’t even think twice before grabbing his keys, determined to try and salvage the day even if he wasn’t entirely sure what day he was saving in the first place. 
It was around an hour later when you heard someone softly swearing, frowning as you got up from the desk and began making your way towards the living area. However, you came to a stop when you saw the room completely decorated. 
There were colourful banners stuck to the wall, balloons covering the floor and ceiling with ‘I love you’ written all over them, and even a fucking cake sitting on the table. Quinn hadn’t even noticed you yet, frowning down at the pack of tealight candles he was struggling to open.
His head snapped up comically fast, his eyes widening like he wasn’t expecting you to leave the office so soon before a sheepish expression washed over his face. “Surprise?”
You let out a short laugh, a little disbelieving as you took everything in. “Surprise for what? What’s going on? What’s with the decorations?”
He looked at you with a cautious expression, almost like he was waiting for you to blow up at him. It only made you frown, brows furrowed together at his sudden shift.
“I’m sorry!” He blurted out before he had the chance to come up with some semblance of a thought out response. “I…I forgot what today was and I know you’re pissed, but I promise to make up for it—”
“Quinn,” you started, taking a step towards him. “What are you going on about? I’m not mad.”
He frowned. “But you’re doing the thing!”
You blinked. “What thing?”
“You keep…wiping my kisses away!” He said before wincing, as though he realised how whiny he sounded.
You paused before your expression softened, your lips twitching upwards when you realised just how quickly the boy spiralled. You were expecting Quinn to call you out on the kisses, expecting him to corner you until you finally broke and laughed about the whole thing. You never expected him to do anything like this.
“Baby,” you murmured before crossing the room, wrapping your arms around him tightly. “It was a prank.”
Quinn blinked. “What?”
“It was a prank, to just wind you up a bit,” you admitted with a sheepish expression. “You didn’t miss anything and I’m not pissed at you.”
It was like those words alone let his body finally sag in relief. “You’re not?”
“Not at all,” you assured him with a smile.
“And if I kiss you now, you won’t wipe it away?” He questioned.
You shook your head. “Promise—”
But you barely had a chance to finish speaking before his hands were cupping your face and he smashed his lips against yours. You let out a small whine, your hands gripping the fabric of his shirt in tight fists as his tongue darted against your bottom lip, practically begging for you to give him more and you happily did. 
He didn’t pull away until you were both panting, lungs burning for fresh air and cheeks flushed at how warm you both were.
“At least we have cake for dessert today,” he murmured after a few moments, grinning back at you when you let out a loud laugh in response. 
“All thanks to you,” you teased, though your arms tightened around his waist.
“More like, all thanks to those pranks of yours,” he muttered, acting like he was annoyed even though a huge grin was plastered on his face as he leaned down to kiss you again.
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bonefall · 2 months
Mapleshade Discourse O'Clock
It's that time again!!! SO I just kinda want to jot down all of my various thoughts about it as a story and just generally weigh in about Mapleshade.
I like the idea of Mapleshade more than the actual Mapleshade that is used throughout the books.
She has a really good gimmick-- to haunt Applekin though the generations. I don't like how they turn her into a generic "cat satan" for Tigerclaw's Fury and keep making her appear as a vain lackey demon.
I like her characterization in Mapleshade's Vengeance the most, of all her appearances.
But, I don't think my reading of the character depicted in MV is what the author intended.
See, I like MV as a story with no hero. The only blameless characters are the kittens who drowned and Perchpaw, while everyone else is some flavor of selfish, cruel, or vengeful. Everyone thinks they're in the right, but no one truly wins in the end.
Nothing about it was noble. Every tragedy that happened was utterly avoidable. In the end, everyone bears some responsibility for the pain and suffering that happened the day those children drowned.
BUT I'm pretty certain that the intended reading was that Mapleshade would be the one clearly in the wrong the whole time, as she justifies her own actions like a villain does.
Especially knowing how poorly the writers thought of similar female characters like Squilf and Leafp lying about the three, or Nightcloud being jealous her crummy husband is acting strange around another woman.
I feel justified in assuming that when Mapleshade is not happy she's being cheated on, or when she refuses to correct Frecklewish's record knowing it's unsafe if her kits are revealed as half clan, the writer really does think you're not supposed to take her side.
Because women should just not have emotions about being cheated on or something, and lying is unspeakably bad even if the truth puts you and your children in danger.
But. Y'know. We can all use the braincell for a moment and see that this is fucking stupid
SO when the book goes on to have Mapleshade ignore all the warnings about the swollen river, show both ThunderClan and RiverClan being obscenely cruel to her, and then walk across that bridge while insisting in her head that the deaths weren't her fault, I think the implication is obvious AND SHITTY.
Ergo I reject it completely. I can see what the book wants to say, and I think it says something trashy.
In spite of how badly the writer wants it to be Mapleshade's fault the kittens died, I say it was the asshole who threw a bunch of kittens out into the rain for being mixed race, actually.
Oakstar had the power here. Ravenwing had some power as well, but he makes it clear it wasn't his suggestion to throw the babies out into the woods.
And when it comes to Bridge Discourse, it was at least the afternoon, raining heavily, and Mapleshade was trying to get to RiverClan Camp. A straight shot across the stepping stones.
I think it is ridiculous to imagine an extremely emotional parent managing three very scared children, attempting to get out of the rain and dangerous wilderness before nightfall, would be rational enough to realize a large detour would be safer.
MAYBE the distance from ThunderClan Camp to the Bridge is equal to the distance to the Stones. But the distance between the bridge and RIVERCLAN Camp is longer.
I hope this goes without saying; but Frecklewish didn't deserve the Dark Forest.
Even in Banana World logic where she was sitting on the bank watching those kids doggy-paddle. Do not fucking jump in to save drowning people if you are not trained to do that.
I'm dead serious, this is the first thing you learn in any kind of water safety course. They WILL panic, you WILL get dragged down, you WILL become another liability someone else has to save instead of helping your initial target.
And that isn't even mentioning this being a flooded river. That's POOL safety.
In spite of how I think Mapleshade was right to lie, I do think Frecklewish being that upset and angry was understandable.
You're entitled to your feelings, but not how you treat people. She still attacked Mapleshade and called the kittens a slur.
That's what makes her interesting, though.
I don't think she deserves the Dark Forest, but Frecklewish's anger is an interesting trait. I don't like how a lot of defensive interpretations of her character end up downplaying how she acted at the exile
why does a woman being rightfully angry suddenly strike people as "unsympathetic." Girls can also say things in fury they don't fully mean. OR girls can rationalize their unjustified, ballistic response post-hoc out of pride.
Idk let girls be mad. Admit they were wrong without deserving HELL. I don't like the woobification impulse.
It's not really a hot take anymore I think, but Frecklewish is definitely only in the DF because the writing team judges women characters more harshly. Oakstar threw babies out in the rain in fury, and Ravenwing didn't stop it. But somehow only Frecklewish, a normal warrior, gets DF'd.
But what really rattles around in my head about the whole story is the way that the in-universe culture is able to suddenly value ethics like peace, forgiveness, and tolerance when MAPLESHADE is ready to throw those things out, but BEFORE then, it's well established that Clan culture is violent, vengeful, and intolerant.
One of our earliest scenes is Rainfall snarling at Mapleshade that he loves the way Birchface and Flowerpaw drowned. He's threatening that he'll kill even more ThunderClan warriors.
Over in ThunderClan, everyone is itching for revenge against Appledusk for those deaths, even though it seems to have been an accident. Oakstar even hates RiverClan well into sequel books for this.
But then later on, everyone acts Shocked Pikachu that Mapleshade actually went and GOT revenge.
And like, let's be real. This is a battle culture. Yes, by OUR standards Revenge Is Bad.
But in these books, so full of war and clan conflict...?
What I'm saying is that I wish the books let Mapleshade be a little more "controversial" in-universe. Like some cats actually frame the story very differently, and you can learn a lot about a person by who they think the hero is.
And how RiverClan responds to the drowned kids bugs me a lot tbh
We just established over in ThunderClan that there are people who think the babies were born filthy for being HalfClan.
We know everyone there stood by and watched as Oakstar threw them out into the rain-- only Ravenwing even seemed uncomfortable.
AND we know very well that in a few generations, TigerClan will rise. Which openly executed a HalfClan cat and wanted to kill 2 apprentices.
We KNOW the bigotry in Clan culture is deadly and unfair.
But then they go over to RiverClan and Darkstar is sad these three kids are dead? And RC is furious with Mapleshade for that?
Again, YES, you and me with OUR morals know that this bigotry is insane and spiteful. What I'm getting at is that IN-UNIVERSE half clan kittens and their parents face extreme discrimination. Even within this book.
It's odd to me that Darkstar refuses to let Mapleshade bury their bodies, sends her away for the death of the kids while saying it's "not the season for losing warriors" to Appledusk, and it's meant to come across as delusional that Maple thinks her babies were buried dishonorably
I wish more women in WC got so pissed off at the absolute injustice of it all that they went on a girl rampage. Perhaps it's my own taste, but I like it a lot more when the villain isn't entirely wrong and there's several angles you can read the story from. If she didn't do what she did, she would have been the only one who saw any consequences for anything that happened.
Anyway in conclusion uhhh idk murder is wrong. But Mapleshade's allowed to do it because she's a silly billy. Her greatest crime was not killing Oakstar also
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wriothesleysgf · 8 months
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SOAP — eren jaeger.
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cws: dirty talk, degradation, name calling, restraints, slight bratty!reader, dacryphilia, facial, possessive eren, mean eren, overstim, slapping, m.sturbation, denial, toy use.
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"for such a pretty fucking thing, you're real stupid, ain't ya?" eren spat, thankful that his friends had finally left.
you had both been hanging out with them, and he didn't like how close you'd gotten to jean. the sound of you laughing at his jokes, the view of you making eye contact with him— eren despised it. as you got up from your seat to get a drink, he pulled you down into his lap when you passed him, and that's where you stayed a while after.
there you were subject to his hand creeping up your thigh and under your skirt. he would kiss your neck every now and then, making sure that you felt his teeth on your soft skin if you were talking to anyone but him.
"'m not stupid!" you squeaked. it was a dumb decision, considering you knew exactly what you were in for when eren got like this. he always made it very clear that it would stop if you used your safe word, but you rarely did. the thrill of being claimed, of being used like his little toy, filled you with a rush that nobody else could replicate.
"sweetheart," eren cooed, tilting his head. he stalked over to you. you backed away, until your back hit the bedroom door. eren grabbed both of your wrists in one swift motion, and pinned them above your head. he towered over you. "you know what you were doing."
despite knowing roughly what would come your way, you chose to look at him like a confused puppy. as adorable as eren found such a sight, he chose to just open the door, pushing you inside of the room and not stopping until your back collided with the bed.
he situated himself above you, caging you in with knees on either side of your body. then he used one hand to maintain the grip on your wrists, and the other moved to unbuckle his belt. "don't make me fucking hit you with it, darlin',"
you'd be lying if you said that that threat didn't turn you on even more. although you tried to hide it, eren sees the darkened glint appear in your eyes. "nasty bitch," he spits. "you act like you won't be begging me to stop after a single lash,"
"nu uh," you whisper under your breath, assuming he won't hear. another mistake.
"you want me to slap you around a little, pumpkin? you just adore being bullied, how filthy."
eren then skillfully uses his belt to restrain your wrists, attaching them to the headboard. "stop fucking squirming, i haven't even touched you yet,"
you don't even care what he says, all you can think about is him bullying his cock into you. the sheer dominance that radiates from the man has you acting like a bitch in heat. short, pathetic begs fall past your lips.
"desperate slut," eren continued. he then takes his time removing your clothes, wanting to see how much you writhed under him. every touch was light, for he knew how much you craved his heavy, rough hands all over you. by the time he got around to sliding your panties off, there was a string of slick connecting your cunt to the thin material— which, of course, eren scoffed at.
"aww, baby," he cooes, his voice dripping with so much sweetness that you could easily decipher his attempt at sarcasm. "tell me what ya want, princess, and i'll give it to you, yeah? does my pretty girl want my mouth on her cunt? or does she want me to go get a couple toys, hmm? or is it dick she's craving?" he notices how you whimper at the mention of him filling you up. "want my cock, sweetheart? you always look adorable trying to take me, like that little cunt never gets used to me, no matter how many times i fuckin' use her. such an obedient doll for me, aren't ya? so fucking willing for me, what a good girl. maybe you deserve a reward for it. might just have to give in and stuff you full of my cum."
eren's continued dirty talk has your head spinning. he takes his stiff cock out, not even bothering to undress himself fully, and leans over you as he aligns himself with your entrance. you can feel the tip of him pressing against your hole, preparing to push in. it distracted you so much that you don't notice the saccharine person begin to wither away.
eren leans down, as though to place gentle kisses to your face. only then, he turned to whisper into your ear. "how stupid, how naïve. so needy that you forget i'm the one in control here. you misbehaved, let me remind you who owns you."
you were left whining as eren got up. the sound of you trying to free the belt he kept your wrists restrained with echoed around the room. he then went to the closet, grabbing something from a box — that's when you knew how much trouble you'd gotten yourself into.
"now, now, i'm not a cruel man, darlin'. i'll let you cum. with how much you're dripping, it'd be torture for me to sit and edge that already swollen cunt, no matter how tempting it is."
eren then finally takes his clothes off, throwing them to the floor without a care. he positions himself between your legs, resting on his knees. the next thing that you know, the sound of a slight buzzing echoes around the room. then, you can feel eren spreading your folds as he positions the head of a vibrator directly onto your clit.
instinctively, you squeal and squirm, but eren's firm hand on your stomach settles you. he doesn't mock, understanding it would be a little too cruel to bully you for adjusting to the sensation. as your face begins to contort in pleasure, he increases the speed of the toy.
you try your best to plead for his cock, craving being close to him more than the stimulation. instead of fucking you, however, he simply keeps the vibrator in place with one hand whilst fucking his fist. his legs are perfectly positioned to keep you in place, so there's really no escape.
tears begin to well in your eyes, and you find yourself begging for eren's cock. the incoherent babbles combined with how fucking pretty he found it when you cried only spurred him on.
"sweet, sweet girl, you want me to fuck you?" he waits for you to nod. "'s too bad. you see, my hand doesn't act like a brat all day and still expect to get what it wants." he chuckles darkly as you continue to cry out. "what was that? 's my princess about to cum?"
you nod eagerly, which only amuses him further.
"you're so fucking pathetic for getting off to me bullying you, you know? cumming so fast too, what an embarrassment. even all of those crocodile tears don't compare to how wet you are down here." eren then shifts the vibrator to it's maximum speed, watching you try to escape his hold as he subjects you to such intense stimulation. "come on, you can do it. cum for me like the stupid little whore you are."
he continues to jerk himself off while he watches you come undone, only pausing to place a couple of slaps to your already sensitive cunt. he doesn't stop nor dull the vibrations as you come down from your high, no. eren only continues the high speed, watching you transform into an overstimulated mess. the sight has him throwing his own head back in ecstasy.
"what a pretty fucking mess you are, doll. listening to your filthy cunt leak is music to my ears. and the sound of you crying? perfect," he groans lowly, and you recognize that as a sign he's nearing his own release. without even noticing yourself, there's another orgasm on your horizon too.
"baby, so fucking cute," eren rambles. you always found the way that he softens up before spilling his cum enamouring. he's stuck in his own mind for a moment, debating where to shoot. in the end, he selects what might have been the most degrading choice. "close your eyes, sweets," he warns, and you do exactly that.
the next thing that you can feel is eren's warm cum spilling onto your face. he has a decent load as per usual, so your makeup is now ruined by the salty ropes. one lands in your mouth, and you instinctively lap it up.
eren takes a moment for himself to recover, but is already semi-hard again from the view of your messy face and even messier cunt. you start begging for his cock again, and he decides to press the toy harder against your poor clit. you cum again, with hips raising off the bed and the sound of eren's belt buckle clinking against the headboard.
you assumed he would stop now so when he didn't you tilted your head as if to inquire that.
"what, did my stupid princess think i'd stop after she's only cum twice? sweetheart, we're going until the only thing in that tiny fucking peabrain of yours is my name."
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kyokutsu-sama · 5 months
Hear me out .. Friends with benefits with Kenpachi, Shunsui , Jushrio & Byakuya. 😩 Down bad for all of them & 🥰 Obsessed your writing!
A/n: Hi!! I'm grateful that you like my writings. Here is your request and I hope you like it ❤️
Tw: Nsfw, Suggestive content
Kenpachi :
I mean, he's the type that if he gets involved with someone, that person will necessarily be his property, especially because the marks he leaves leave no doubt. At first it's a little confusing because he thinks: Who the hell would fuck their best friend and then act completely normal? However, he didn't mind having a slightly more "intimate" friendship with you, something that only the two of you know. Even if it's just a few nights where you and him take a little escape from the world and visit each other's rooms from time to time, there is no fixed love relationship. However, he doesn't stop getting jealous when someone is talking to you or too close, he doesn't admit it but his eyes speak for themselves. You're still his even outside his bedroom. He is the one who takes you to his room several times, not only because you are someone who is very close to him, something that applies to few people, but also because if he is not in a good mood he turns to you to talk about something less pleasant than happened to him. Not only does he like having you lying underneath him, he also likes to rest his head on your chest to get some rest. Okay I definitely want this man now
Shunsui :
It's more common than it seems with this man. Firstly because he is not satisfied with just one woman because he is a pervert and a womanizer and secondly for the same reason as the first. He and you have been friends for some time and this concept came about when he invited you out for a drink one night and things started to get out of control and before you knew it you were already involved with him, more than you had planned but didn't regret it. But who could blame you for that? That man's charm is a danger You two try to appear discreet but everyone in the room already knows what's going on between you two, he doesn't even try to hide it, especially when he has the habit of holding your hand in the middle of the hallway or when he peeks under your skirt. He's the one who usually knocks on your bedroom door on some nights and with a silly smile and winks at you and you realize what he's coming for. He knows that despite everything, you are just two beautiful friends outside of your bedroom *cough* his bedroom *cough* the office *cough* among other places... He's going to have to contain himself a lot of times so he doesn't act stupid and kiss you in front of everyone, in the middle of the street.
Jushiro :
In his case, we can no longer say that it is something common. I don't see him being the type who would want a friend with benefits but it also wouldn't be something he would say no to. He finds it easy to talk to you and be close to you without mentioning this topic, unlike Shunsui who always seems to be trying something. Above all, he is a great friend and respects you a lot. Here you are the one who usually starts things just to see that pretty face change into something a little different from the usual innocent and smiling one. You loved seeing him lose his composure and blush. He won't tell anyone about it, and besides, he can't assume something that doesn't really exist. Just a few nights here and there. He will only do it if you agree. He would really like to have something with you and would be happy if you wanted it too.
Byakuya :
So, he never thought about being in a position like this of having a friend who isn't just a friend. At least he's good at keeping the situation confidential and following the rules, given his serious personality. He's the best at doing it and no one finds out that you two have something, not even Renji who found you in the hallway with your hair disheveled and your clothes a little ill-fitting. Byakuya knows what he's doing. It may not seem like it but he trusts you a lot as a friend and subordinate in his division, even having a certain higher level in relation to the others, something that he tries to control but sometimes it escapes him. In most cases, it's you coming into the office late at night and "giving him a break". He, in turn, only invites you to go to his room to punish you for doing it, even if he loves it but doesn't admit it. There are no bonds and he is good at controlling his emotions, these are just secret nights between both of you, no one needs to know. In my opinion I don't think I would be as good at controlling myself around him as he does.
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jongseongsnudes · 6 months
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twenty seven.
warning; 💥💥😲💥💥 1.5k words. masterlist.
“so i assume you both made up last night from all the noise i was hearing next door.”
“oh my god- leo!”
“i’m kidding but your face screams fucking guilty,” the laughing man ruffles your hair, amused at your mortified face and sunghoon’s eye roll. only leo would dare act this way in front sunghoon in this world.
after spending the night in sunghoon’s room, the three of you took the boat back to shore without the others right after breakfast. the itinerary for today was just not your cup of tea. naked painting and golf? yeah you’ll pass.
what you’re surprised is about sunghoon leaving too, especially with his unexplained relationship with soojin.
“oh my go-” your clumsy self almost misses the bridge over to shore entirely, but thank god for sunghoon’s fast reflexes. he grabs onto your arm before you could face plant into the water and aids you over the little thing. in one piece.
“are you stupid?” the man’s tone is laced with bitterness, his furrowed brows telling you that he was definitely annoyed with you.
out of habit, and definitely to your own surprise, your lips pursue into a pout towards him.
“you’re so daring all of a sudden,” he leans closer to you, his lips slightly brushing the tip of your ear as he spoke, “don’t provoke me.”
“oh look, it’s your lover boy.”
and true to leo's words, standing by the dock was none other than your fiancé who was supposed to be on an overseas business trip with his dad. the man looked noticeably tired, eyes heavy and hair slightly messy like he hadn’t slept in days.
“hi,” his tone is strangely different from the usual upbeat one, the absence of love at the end of his sentence something you picked up immediately. you can only assume it’s because he saw how quickly you suspiciously pulled away from sunghoon just a moment before.
“beomgyu i- i thought you were on a business trip?”
“i was but you didn’t pick up your phone all night so i got worried,” he says as he heads towards you, gently draping his jacket over your shoulders, “so i came here to pick you up first thing.”
“oh- it died,” you barely manage to lie but the way he’s looking right into your eyes tells you that perhaps he could already tell, that he knows you’re lying to his face.
there’s something that washes over his expression, as if he’s hurt. it made you instantly feel bad because the man truly cared for you more as of late.
you hold your breath when he suddenly leans in and embraces you, his arms circling comfortably around your frame.
“i’m just glad you’re okay,” he whispers, his finger softly threading through your hair, “i missed you.”
leo's random cough is what has beomgyu pulling away from you, the man now turning to face your step brother who had been quiet beside you the entire time.
“thanks for taking care of my fiancée,” beomgyu talks almost expressionlessly, his arm reaching for your suitcase from sunghoon. it’s a complete contrast of how he usually talks to sunghoon and you’re not sure if you preferred it. “lets head home, you must be tired.”
your eyes meets with your step brother’s for a second, seeing the rage in him appear as he watches beomgyu lead you away, none of the two saying a thing. it feels all too weird, the atmosphere heavy and suffocating even without words.
thankfully there’s no drama for the rest of the day or for the next two weeks for all that matters. it did worry you, but you spend your days all caught up in the wedding planning, so much so that you began to feel as though it really is your own wedding.
that you’re really getting married.
you try not to think too much about sunghoon, pushing him to the back of your mind but deep down you knew he was all you could think of. that’s why when his name finally appeared on your phone screen, you almost forgot how to breathe.
*ring ring ring*
[INCOMING CALL: park sunghoon]
“i’m ten minutes away. meet me at the front. we need to talk.”
“wait what-”
your words are cut off mid sentence, the man having hung up before you could even question him. typical.
you surprisingly find sound coming from the living room when you come out of your room, a sign that beomgyu was home even though you were so sure he had left earlier. the man is blankly gazing at the tv screen, his mind evidently elsewhere like it had been for the past few weeks.
“oh- hi,” he says with a gentle smile once he notices you, one that even you could tell was forced, “are you hungry? i was planning on getting your favourite for dinner.”
“i um- i actually need to head out for a sec gyu. you can eat without me.”
before you could even leave the living room, you feel a hand grab onto your arm, stopping you from going any further.
“don’t go,” his voice is soft, almost pleading as he wraps his arms around you from behind, bringing you back against his chest, “don’t go to him.”
“just for tonight...” he seems to be having a hard time speaking, his words trembling and broken. just like the man himself. “stay with me.”
you’re not even given the time to think it over as your phone begins vibrating in your hold. now you’re more concerned as to what the man blowing up your phone might do if you don’t appear downstairs soon, like he told you to.
the last thing you wanted was a confrontation between sunghoon and beomgyu but it seems as though the situation had gotten a lot more complicated recently. perhaps you were delusional but you swore beomgyu had been treating you very differently as of late, like a couple, his real fiancée.
you know you shouldn’t, that you should be keeping a distance instead to prevent misunderstandings... but the way he’s holding you so tightly, like he was afraid you’d run away and the desperation in his tone makes it hard for you to say no.
“o- okay beomgyu...”
you’re not sure how long you both sat silently on the couch for, but the man ended up falling asleep on your lap, with your fingers gently threading through his hair for comfort.
even now that you were caught off guard by how handsome choi beomgyu truly was, a man whose face looked perfect from every angle it seemed. no wonder why he was so popular with the ladies, you can’t even blame him.
but there was an obvious change in beomgyu recently, you could see it the more you spent time with him. compared to the man you first met, this one was the complete opposite.
the man hardly went out after dark anymore, often enough spending that time with you at home instead. whether it was watching movies or cooking up random recipes, he always kept you company, making sure you never felt alone in his massive home.
this beomgyu had you sometimes questioning...
would it be so bad if you did marry him?
if it wasn’t for your messed up relationship on your step brother, you reckon you would’ve fallen for this beomgyu and lived out your own arrange marriage trope with him. but life is unexpected.
the faint sound of the new’s theme song playing was what woke you up hours later. several hours later you assumed from how bright it had gotten outside the windows.
what almost got you squealing though was the sight of beomgyu when you finally looked upwards, only to realise you were currently lying on his lap. a completely switch from your positions before you went to sleep.
“morning,” he smiles gently, this time seemingly more genuine compared to the one last night. it somewhat puts you at ease seeing him like that, even though he refused to tell you why there had been a shift in his mood lately.
*new’s theme song*
“and for today’s business related news, we have breaking news. it has been reported at 9am this morning that park sungjoon of park corp has taken a step back to let his only son, park sunghoon take over the CEO position. the abrupt change over has taken the business world by storm but with a surprise majority stockholder vote, park sunghoon is already a favourite and expected to do well after his father,” the reporter says as another appears on the screen, “it is also reported that sunghoon’s unexpected first move as the head was to sever ties with choi corp, ending their decade long partnership and the upcoming wedding been choi beomgyu and park-”
you were no longer listening, the news reporter’s mention of your own name becoming a blur in the background. you couldn’t believe it, sunghoon had kept his promise but this was definitely not how you expected him to do it... but judging by the look on beomgyu’s face, you’re almost certain that he already knew this was coming.
taglist; @jeonjungkookkk @soobsbby @astra-line​ @shine-your-light​ @02zprotector​ @byunhoebaek​ @artgukkx​ @nowrosesaredead​ @abdiitcryy​​ @y4wnjunz​ @enhasengene​ @enhacolor @my5colors @kyutiepeachy​​ @miixsh @vantxx95​ @1115phile​ @outrologist @axartia​ @bunhoons​​​ @3nh4luvr​ @duckieanon​​ @lix-freckle3​ @uuwonnie​​​ @emoworu​​​ @kyoyangwon​ @sunshine-skz​ @paolennenicole​ @ahnneyong​ @hhganyu​ @duolingofanaccount​ @hseungi​​​ @omgjwon​ @jays-blue​ @jaykedpotato @gobighee​ @jiawji​ @taekbokki​​​ @mavlogist​@thedemonundernikisbed ​ @rosie-is-everywhere​​​ @kuleo26 @ii4enha-jwn​ @thejjrl​ @taytaymuse @cococake​​​ @sunooslover​ @muffinminnie​ @yoonjin96 @choibeomgogi​ @flower-lise @princesjy​​​ @she-is-dreaming @n-wjns​ @mimikittysblog​ @letapostropheesgo​​​ @f0rlov3rs @skzenhalove​    
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You Belong Here - Dean Winchester
My Masterlist
Enemies to lovers undertones, hurt/comfort, angst 
Word Count: 2.7k Warnings: Injury, descriptive injure, blood, canon violence. Not proofread.
Prompted by: “Let’s just say that if I saw you bleeding out on my kitchen floor, I’d act like I hadn’t seen you.” #31 on this amazing list. When I say this prompt took on a life of it’s own I am telling you WHAT 
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"Would you two calm down?" Sam sighed in irritation, walking into the kitchen. Dean and I were at each other's throats again-for the second time that day-over a hunt he and Sam had gone on without even telling me. They had then called me up in a panic asking to be picked up. I had panicked too then, because they had told me they would just be at some bar, not going on a werewolf hunt.
"No, we're in this as a team, aren't we? I know you didn't want me to go, but you could have at least told me you were going out on a hunt instead of blatantly lying to me like that!" I argued.
"I didn't want you to go because a third person would just get in the way." Dean hissed.
"Oh, so I'm just the third wheel now?"
"Always have been." Dean was suddenly indifferent now, turning to take a swig of his beer.
"Then who would've saved your ass back there, Winchester?" I narrowed my eyes at him, voice dangerously low.
He shrugged. "I'll admit, it's convenient to have you around."
"And I'm sure you wouldn't go out of your way to help me out, would you?"
"Let's just say that if I saw you bleeding out on my kitchen floor, I'd act like I hadn't seen you." He said indifferently.
"I never really was a part of this stupid team bullshit." I spat, getting to my feet and stalking off. "I should've known that from the start."
Loading my gear up into my car, I slammed the trunk shut with more force than necessary, leaning onto my elbows and heaving a sigh. I ran my hands through my hair. I was trying not to be impulsive about this.
"Fuck it." I muttered. Those two idiots may not have been able to take him, but I knew how they approached things. I'd be more sneaky about it. Plus, they had already injured it, giving me a head start.
I climbed out of my car at the cabin, tucking my silver knife into my boot and patting my hip to make sure my gun with the silver bullet was strapped to my belt. Satisfied, I stalked off into the woods, slinking around the cabin and taking notes of the rooms with lights on. I peered into a window in confusion. There wasn't any movement. Not even the flash or changing colors of a TV screen.
I was only able to gasp in surprise as I was suddenly tackled to the ground. With a grunt, I rolled away from my attacker, scrambling to my feet and yanking the knife out of my boot. My eyes took a moment to focus, but when they did, I could make out the heaving figure of a man in front of me. He wasn't completely shifted, half of his face covered in dense fur, and his arms as well. He narrowed his eyes at me.
"I knew there would be another of you coming." He growled.
"You guessed right, mutt." I spat at him, ducking underneath his sudden swing and sinking the blade of my knife into his arm. He howled in pain as the silver burned into his flesh. It served as a doubled edged sword when he tried to pull it out, as the hilt and handle were crafted with silver, too. Smoke rose from his furry hand as he ripped the knife from his bicep and tossed it into the brush, a low growl emanating from his throat.
I took a step back, expecting him to be writhing in pain by now. I hadn't really dealt with werewolves, and from what the Winchester brothers had told me, he should have been almost incapacitated at my silver blade. No wonder they hadn't been able to take him out. Now that I could take his face in more clearly in the moonlight, I saw several scars, new ones crossing over old ones, and I noticed a blood spot on his tank top that certainly hadn't been there before. I assumed that was where Dean had said he had shot him.
Eyeing his wound, I lunged at him, digging my fingers into it. He made a strangled sound, and in a blur, I managed to pin him to the ground. I fumbled for my gun, my hands shaking with adrenaline, and in that small window of time, he had flipped me onto my back and, with a sickening crack, landed an inhumanly strong punch to my ribs. I groaned, fighting the urge to scream out. His features shifted wildly before he completely turned. He went absolutely wild, tearing at the tender flesh of my stomach with long, sharp claws, and ripping into my bicep and shoulder with his teeth. My hands scrambled for my gun and continued to fumble with it through the reddish haze of my vision, before I finally managed to off the safety with a click, and shoot him in the heart.
I rolled his body off of mine with a whimper, struggling onto all fours. I could feel my blood pouring out of the wounds I had sustained, and it was already weakening me substantially. I staggered to my feet, clutching onto a tree for support. I stumbled to my car which, although wasn't far, felt like miles in my current state. By the time I had slumped into the seat, I was struggling to stay conscious. The blood loss was getting to me. Quick.
My drive back to the bunker was a blur, and I fumbled with the keys multiple times before I found the right one. I didn't even consider knocking; I already knew I wasn't welcome anymore. I never really had been.I would bandage myself up and be gone by morning.
They were always a sibling team, and there was never any room for another person. Although, at one point, I had liked Dean, and I almost thought he returned it. But it was obvious enough to me now that he didn't-and probably never had-felt that way about me. Sam was like a brother to me, but I'm sure he was only tolerating me too; he was probably just too nice to say anything about it.
As soon as I made it in, I immediately made for the kitchen. I thrusted my forearms under the cool water of the sink, letting out a sound something halfway between a sigh and a whimper as the crimson water ran down the drain. My exposed flesh stung horribly. A dripping trail of blood had followed me across the floor, and was now beginning to pool around my feet. I slumped tiredly over the counter, before turning and sliding down the cabinets, weakly holding my shredded arm to my chest. I knew I was bleeding out fast, but I didn't have it in me to care.
I told myself I was just regaining my balance, I'd get up as soon as the room stopped spinning so dizzyingly. I made a pathetic effort to put pressure on my stomach wounds, my hands shaking. Voices followed by the slamming of a door and rapid, urgent footsteps made me snap my head up, which had fallen forward in exhaustion. I tried to make myself smaller, curling into the cabinet that I was leaning against and shaking. My heart pounded in my ears.
I startled back into consciousness as a hand came into contact with my shoulder, shaking me awake. I scrambled to get away from them, panicking when my back hit a wall. My eyes darted around wildly before they were met with frightened green ones.
"Dean?" I coughed, blood bubbling up in my throat.
"It's me, sweetheart. Stay with me." His hand briefly cupped the side of my face, before he hastily turned to grab something, muttering a curse under his breath. He wadded up a dish towel before pressing it to my stomach. I cried out, struggling against him as he carefully laid me on the floor. I kicked my legs helplessly, gripping onto his hands with a petrified look in my eyes. In my confused state, I genuinely thought he was trying to kill me.
"Sam!" He called out over his shoulder. Rapid footsteps came down the hall, and I heard Sam's voice before he came into view.
"What the fuck happened??" He asked, immediately turning on his heel and leaving the room.
"Sam," I mumbled, thinking he was leaving me. "No."
"Don't worry, he's just going to get some things to stitch you up. Don't do that." He added as I struggled onto my elbows. His hand pressed against my chest, forcing my back down to the floor. "God, you're fucking freezing." He added.
"She's cold." I heard Dean tell Sam when he came back into the room. I cracked my eyes back open, fingers feeling for my pulse. I groaned in protest.
"Shit, you're right. Okay." I heard things rustling. The pressure on my stomach lessened and I visibly relaxed in relief. It didn't last long though, before a burning sensation spread through my flesh. I squirmed in discomfort at first, until it became even worse, and I let out a low moan of pain.
"Shh, it's okay. I'm sorry." Dean's voice was uncharacteristically soft. Caring, even.
"I killed it." I mumbled, forcing my tired eyes open. His eyes were glossy as if he was crying, but he had a sort of breathless smile on his face. The burning subsided, and gauze took its place.
"Good. Good job, I'm proud of you." He praised me, holding my face in his hands. I sighed, unintentionally leaning into the warmth and comfort of his palms. I'd enjoy it while I could, either before I left, or for however long until I inevitably lost my hold on consciousness and slipped into the hands of death.
"You've never said that to me before." I sighed.
"I know, I should have. You're an amazing hunter." Finished, Sam got to his feet with a nod to Dean, leaving the room. I raised my head weakly to follow him, before giving up and returning my attention to the older Winchester.
"'m not." I argued, my words slurring. "'m going to die from a fucking werewolf."
"You're not going to die." He said sternly.
"What happened to letting me bleed out on the kitchen floor?" I asked him, changing the subject and struggling to keep my eyes open.
"I changed my mind." I felt him slide his arms underneath me. My eyes fluttered shut, a feeling of safety washing over me. I relaxed against him, ignoring his orders to stay awake.
I woke up from a fevered, restless sleep, rolling onto my side with a moan and beginning to shiver violently. Despite the fact I was sweating profusely, my senses told me otherwise, and I curled into the warmth at my back with another shudder, squeezing my eyes shut and wrapping my arms around myself. The dim light of the room was familiar and easy on my pulsating headache. I laid there, beginning to fall asleep again, as memories of the event returned to me. Movement at my back made me freeze in realization. I turned my head slowly, praying I was wrong.
Dean's face was inches from mine, and he shuffled in his sleep, frowning. He slung an arm over my waist. I began to struggle onto my elbows, trying to put some distance between us. This was too much.
His green eyes opened in alarm as I wiggled out of his grip.
"Sorry. I'm sorry." I mumbled out an apology as I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, resting my elbows on my knees and pushing back a wave of dizziness with a groan. I felt the mattress shift, and he was beside me with his arm around my shoulders. I unconsciously leaned into him.
"For what? Sweetheart, you have nothing to be sorry about." He gently rubbed my uninjured arm.
"No, I've always just been the third wheel between you and Sam. I just keep getting in the way and fucking things up."
"You're no-" He began.
"You've said it yourself, over and over again. I get it. You don't have to lie to me just because I almost got myself killed." I muttered out the last part, pulling away from him.
He leaned forward on his knees, head in his hands. "You don't actually- God, I really fucked up." He mumbled under his breath before turning his gaze back to me. "Look, I didn't mean it. I never did." He explained. "I'm so sorry." He apologized softly. Any and all trace of cockiness or sarcasm was gone. He was genuine.
"It's a little late for that, Winchester. I'm leaving. I already planned on it."
"You can't just make decisions like that on a whim-" He protested.
"I'm not. I've been thinking this over for a while now. For months. It's for the best. No hard feelings." I reassured him. There were definitely hard feelings-ones that were incredibly hard to face.
"I love you." He admitted suddenly. "I care about you. That's why I don't want you to hunt with us."
"You can't say shit like that on a whim just to get me to stay." I retorted harshly, ignoring the fluttering in my gut at his confession.
"I'm not. I- I don't want you to get hurt. What we do is dangerous, I'm sure you know that. I don't want you to get caught up in all of this, I'd rather push you away than- than lose you." He choked out the last part, meeting my gaze intently.
"I call bullshit. You know I'd still hunt whether I was with you guys or not." I said as flatly as I could.
"Exactly." His eyes were pleading. He was slowly chipping away at my armor.
"You just want me here to bail you out when you need it." I argued.
"I want you here for so many more reasons than that."
"You're a liar, Winchester."
Our faces had been inches apart, and he suddenly closed the distance, his lips meeting mine. I sighed, reveling in the feeling for a heartbeat before I pushed him away, wincing.
"Is that proof enough for you that I'm not lying?" He asked breathlessly. I longed to close the gap between us once again.
"Stop." My voice cracked. "You're making this harder than it needs to be."
"Then don't go." He pulled me into a hug against his chest. I didn't fight him, I only leaned into him and gripped onto his shirt with a silent sob, ignoring the faint protests of my injuries. I must have been on painkillers, or I knew I would be in much more pain. His hands found the small of my back, and he tenderly rubbed them up and down that vulnerable spot.
"I can't stay." I choked out into his shirt.
"Why not?"
"I love you. I love you so much it fucking hurts." I admitted. "And when you started being an asshole to me, it hurt even more."
"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry sweetheart." He mumbled into my hair.
"I've never belonged anywhere, and I thought I had finally found somewhere I did and then I don't- I can't-" I continued to drunkenly confess.
"Shh, calm down." He soothed me as I drew in a shaky breath, struggling to hold back my tears. "This is exactly where you belong, for as long as you want it."
"Promise?" I mumbled absurdly.
I felt his lips in my hair quirk upwards into a smile. "Promise."
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pencileraser1 · 3 months
pencil eraser one. you word your long posts about dps very well so im pointing my frustration with media-ly illiterate people in your direction. im constantly seething with rage at this podcast episode i listened to a very long time ago abt dps bc they said neils suicide was STUPID and OVERDRAMATIC. and i just. i wanna throw up that boy killed himself and ur calling himnoverdramatic what do i even do. i am high a little and this is very much affecting me i cant get up from this couch 🎀
you're completely correct for this i actually have a few thoughts about this so uh bear with me for a second
theres something that sucks so much about this specific type of criticism of this movie in particular to me because of how much i relate to neil. i watched dps for the first time when i was 17, severely depressed and borderline suicidal and i related So Much to him. i didn't write off his suicide or criticize it because i'd Been There.
generally i feel like this criticism probably stems from lack of understanding Why he would do what he did, and there's a number of reasons that that this could be although that would be leaning a bit too much into psychoanalysis and assuming things i don't know about them so i'm not going to go into it really
up until it happens, neil seems like he's doing mostly okay, and particularly if you haven't seen the movie before i could see how to certain people his suicide might seem overdramatic since it's a bit of a sudden shift from mostly okay to suicidal. but the thing is that up until this point, neil has just been doing a very good job at hiding that something is wrong.
my interpretation of the movie has always been that he'd struggled with some form of depression as well as dealing with some amount of suicidal ideation before the movie and had just generally been good at masking it. during the events of the movie he is the happiest he has ever been because of the combination of the poets, acting, and keating. so when at the end of the play his father suddenly takes away all three, and his options are either to confront his father (something that he feels is impossible to do- even if it technically isn't, the fear he has surrounding it of his father listening but not caring, or making things worse than the are, or anything else, prevents him from doing it) or suffer through 10 years of medical school away from anything he actually cares about, he decides to remove himself from the situation entirely instead.
(theres something about the way his suicide is framed within the movie where in some fucked up way his suicide more than anything else is his carpe diem. he's seizing control of his life in the only way he is physically capable of anymore)
neil's suicide isn't rational but that doesn't mean it doesn't make sense or that he's overdramatic. just because logically waiting out the 10 years until he's away from his dad or leaving as soon as he graduates high school or turns 18 or whatever it is is a better option doesn't mean that 1. he'd have the idea to run away early or more importantly think it doable (he tries so hard to not directly disobey his father the whole movie and after doing it one time is now stuck in This situation, additionally, while this is the 50's and in general shit costed less/jobs were easier to get/etc. he is financially dependent on his father and running away without any support is not the smartest decision) and 2. that he'd be physically capable of enduring the 10 years. because 10 years is a long time Especially if it's 10 years studying to become a doctor, something that is both generally difficult and also something he Doesn't Want To Do. and so the sudden switch from happiest time of his life to suicidal throws people off and they don't understand why he wouldn't have done any of the other options that they thing are the logical ones but to him probably didn't seem physically possible.
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klbwriting · 3 months
Not Romeo, Not Juliet
Chapter 6 - Life's Key
Fandom: Red Hood
Pairing: Jason Todd x f!reader
Warnings: none, this is just friendship building fluff
Summary: Jason goes to meet YN at the playground
Keep thy friend / Under thy own life’s key.
Jason spent most of Saturday getting new gear together. He wasn’t going to let one run in with some thugs stop him from keeping Crime Alley, or just YN in general, safe. He needed to update somethings, get a kit he could keep on him at all times, and get something sturdier than an old hockey mask. He called around, finding some grappling equipment, smoke bombs, a couple knives, and finally a helmet that he could wear that would protect his whole head. It took about 2 hours to gather everything and hide it in the garage where Dick wouldn’t go looking. And Dick was a suspicious fuck at the moment.
“So, this fight, was it the same jock again?” Dick asked over breakfast on Sunday morning after spending all Saturday at a work function and just generally avoiding Jason. He assumed that Dick was waiting for him to come to his big brother to talk, but after his disparaging remarks against YN Jason didn’t really want to do that.
“Yup,” he said, emphasizing the p. Dick sighed at the curt answer, so Jason elaborated, having had time to flesh out this story. “I was leaving school after practice, they were leaving after some football thing, guess they still keep going even though the season is over, and the one from before threw his helmet at me, that is where this is from.” He motioned to the bandage on his face. Dick worried his jaw, looking like a cow chewing grass.
“And you didn’t go to the hospital?” Dick asked. Jason stared at him. When had any of them ever gone to a hospital? Jason was pretty sure he was still considered legally dead in some places. Dick sighed. “Ya, that was dumb, realized that when I said it.” They sat in silence for several minutes, Jason pushing Dick’s horrible eggs around on his plate.
“I’m going to run lines tonight with some of the seniors from Hamlet,” he said, wanting to make the concerned look on Dick’s face go away. Let him think he had made friends with those assholes. “Thought you weren’t big fans of them after that whole open mic night prank?” he asked. Jason shrugged.
“I’m not, but they’re fine to work with on the play, plus there’s this junior playing Gertrude who is pretty, she’s going to be there,” he said. He wasn’t lying, the junior was pretty, but he had no interest in her. Plus, there wasn’t really a practice session going on that night anyway, he just needed an excuse to be out of the house that night.
“What is she like?” Dick asked. Shit, Jason hadn’t expected this. He scrambled.
“Um, she’s pretty, blonde, kind of a badass, carries a dagger, likes the Yankees, ya know, weird in a school full of douche bags,” he said, describing as best he could to describe Annabeth from the Percy Jackson series. If you going to describe a fictional crush might as well pull a real book girlfriend you wish you’d had. Dick nodded.
“Sounds like your type,” he said, smiling. “Glad you’ve found someone in your school.” Jason kept his face neutral but was confused. He never thought Dick was the classist type, but maybe that was why he was so against Jason spending time with YN. Would be a real dick move considering that Jason himself was once from that same gutter. Just because he got lucky (or stupid) and stole a couple tires didn’t mean he was anything better than YN. She was going to Gotham Academy for a reason, scholarship or maybe an arts grant if her acting was as good as her singing, so she definitely wasn’t just a random person on the street. None of this made sense to Jason and that made him angry.
“I have to do some homework, I’m going to head out, its stuffy in here,” he said, throwing a look to Dick. Dick looked confused but just nodded. Jason grabbed his back of tricks and his phone, checking again for another message from YN as he headed to the garage. She had sent the one message to meet and then stopped, not even confirming she’d gotten his reply. He wanted to go check on her, but once again, he wasn’t going to be a stalker, so he went to a nearby park instead.
After several hours of actually catching up on homework and reading through The Turn of the Screw for a lit class he let curiosity get the better of him. He pulled out his laptop again and booted up some of the software that Dick thought he didn’t know about. Nightwing needed to find people, and Oracle knew all the tricks, so Jason copied Dick’s hard drive and took them. Red Mask (name to be changed, that one still sucked) needed to find criminals too. He searched up YN’s name and found…nothing. She had a mother, no father listed, an address, no social media, no outstanding warrants, no bills even. The only person who had anything was her mother, who had ridiculous medical bills, but no rent to pay. Jason frowned. This screamed a mysterious benefactor. Who was helping them and why? He looked at his phone, seeing that he needed to head over to the playground, so he closed up shop and headed off, making sure to pick up some tacos on the way.
YN was sitting at the top of the slide when he arrived, climbing down the dumbwaiter shaft that used to seem a lot bigger when he was small. She smiled when she saw him, but quickly pretended to yawn, not looking in his direction anymore. He smiled a little, maybe he wasn’t the only one with a crush. She looked at her phone before sliding down.
“You’re late,” she said, crossing her arms. He held up the bag. “What is that?”
“Tacos?” he offered, holding it out to her. She opened it and moved to where her things were, sitting down on a blanket. “Thought we could eat first, and these are the best in Bludhaven.” She took one and handed him back the bag, producing two water bottles from her bag and cookies.
“My mom sometimes bakes on good days,” she said. Jason looked at the cookies and then at her, a questioning look on his face. He knew her mom was sick, but she didn’t know that. “My mom is sick, cancer, but some days she’s really active and today was one so I just thought I’d bring a snack…”
“Thank you,” Jason said, taking a cookie and biting it. He made a face. O these were amazing. “Holy shit.” She laughed.
“Ya, that’s typically the reaction,” she said, eating some of the taco. “Jesus, these are good too.”
“Ya, but I didn’t make those, although mine would be better,” he said. She gave him a quizzical look. “Hey, I cook a lot, when I lived with Bruce we had Alfred and he taught me everything I know.”
“Was he like the in-house chef?” she asked, finishing one and grabbing another as he chowed on the cookies. Jason shrugged.
“He was kind of everything. We didn’t have like a big staff or anything, just Alfred, everyone else came once a week or something to do cleaning or the gardens and shit,” he said. “Fuck I sound like such an ass.” YN shook her head.
“No, you don’t, that’s what you lived, you’re not an ass about it. Not like you’re bragging that you made this Alfred clean your dirty underwear or something. He taught you to cook, that’s nice,” she said. Jason smiled at her. “Now, how are your rehearsals going?”
“Trying to spy on the competition?” he asked. She raised her eyebrows at him. “They’re fine, although pretending to even Chelsea is difficult.” She laughed and pulled out MacBeth. “How are yours?”
“They’re fine, I’m having some trouble though, do you mind pretending to be my husband?” she asked. He chuckled.
“You ask me that without a ring?” he teased, walking over to her, taking the script she offered. Scene 1, Act 7. “Remember, I have only read this so my MacBeth will probably suck.”
“You can’t be any worse than the guy playing him at school,” she said. Jason nodded and let himself slid into the roll of the king tortured by destiny. YN was amazing as Lady MacBeth, and then Ophelia, or Horatio, or Polonius, she was a chameleon. After an hour or so of practicing they sat on the swings, competing to see who could jump off further. Then it was tag around the playground. Jason hadn’t let himself have fun like this since…well since he was playing there as a child. They finally settled back on the blanket sitting and leaning against each other.
“You’re amazing you know that?” he said suddenly, looking down at her leaning to his shoulder. “And just because you’re the best actress I’ve ever seen.” She blushed deeply.
“Thank you,” she said, taking the compliment easily. He watched her as she stared straight ahead, not looking at him. “You’re so flawless when you act,” she said softly. “Its like you can just sink into being another person, it’s a little scary honestly.” Jason sighed.
“When I was living with Bruce it was like I had to be two different people. He was most of the time an alright dad, but when he was in a mood, mostly when he was trying to teach me something, I had to be like a perfect son, a little carbon copy of him. It was like slipping into a mask, hiding who I was or who I wanted to be,” he explained, telling her things he’d only ever told his therapist. “And then I died…” He stopped and she looked at him.
“You…died?” she asked softly. He sighed.
“Yea, this past summer, the um accident I had, I died for a few minutes and it wasn’t Bruce’s fault, but I think afterwards he just, wasn’t right. Didn’t want to bother with my antics anymore. It broke something so now I’m still just trying to figure out who I was when I was his son and who I am now,” he said. “And Dick has been great, trying so hard to be a good brother and almost father, but even with him, I have to wear a mask still. The only person I really feel like I can be me around is you.” He felt a hand on his unbandaged cheek, he leaned into it.
“I feel similar,” YN said. Jason nodded for her to continue. “My mom, I have to be brave, even though she’s going to die, and soon, and I don’t have anyone else. I don’t know who my father is, we have no other family that knows I exist. Apparently, my mom was still a teenager and had some kind of affair with a married man. And despite the fact that she was raped by an adult her family blamed her so now its just us. And when I’m around her I have to be perfect, like after the open mic when those guys threw water balloons of Kool-Aid at me and I was covered in red sticky goo pretty much, when I got home, I had to pretend everything had been amazing so that she wouldn’t get sicker from stressing out about me. I don’t really have anyone to talk about that stuff with.” Jason turned her face to look at him.
“You have me,” he said softly. She nodded and, in that moment, he could have kissed her, could have taken another step, but he could see that wasn’t what either of them needed. At that moment they didn’t need the romance that was there, they needed the friendship that was also there, just as important and just as powerful. He pulled her into a hug, holding her close for several minutes until his phone went off.
“My brother wants me home to get some sleep,” he said. She nodded. “Let me walk you home.”
“Sure,” she said. She stood, taking his hand. He held it as he walked her back to her apartment. “Are you going to be safe?” she asked.
“Ya, my bike is just down the street actually,” he said, pointing towards an alley nearby. “So, I don’t want to stress your mom out, but maybe I could come to your place next time?” She nodded.
“And if you ever want to, you can come to mine too,” he said. “If you ever get over to Bludhaven.” She smiled and leaned up, kissing his cheek over the bandage gently.
“I’ll talk to you tomorrow?” He nodded and watched her get inside before driving home, feeling several pounds lighter and freer than he had in years.
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itsjustfire4 · 3 months
Double Moon; pt. 3
The classroom emptied and the two boys stayed seated. James and Peter had offered to stay but McGonagall told them it’d only take a few minutes. She approached them with no anger or irritation in her step or features.
“I’m assuming there’s a reason you both were late?” She looked between them before Sirius pulled out the note from Madame Pomfrey. She was silent as she read the note. When she looked up again she addressed Remus, “and everything is normal?”
Remus nodded casually and Sirius furrowed his brows at him. Remus looked at him questioningly and Sirius raised his eyebrows in silent communication. Normal? He seemed to say, Remus met his gaze with an unamused look. Yes. Normal. I’d rather not talk mention it right now. He communicated back, rolling his eyes. Sirius sighed and leaned back in his seat as their professor was looking between them once again.
“Is there something you’d two like to share?” She asked, a frown pulling at her lips. Remus shook his head and she eyed him suspiciously but said nothing. She looked at Sirius expectingly but he didn’t speak so she moved on. “If you need anything my door is open.” She dismissed them and they headed to the lake in silence.
“is-“ Sirius spoke up as they reached their usual spot under a tree, “is that really normal or did you just not want to tell her?”
“It’s normal for a double moon,” Remus admitted, he technically wasn’t lying to the teacher. He was laying in the grass next to Sirius, eyes closed and feeling the heat of the spring sun. When Sirius was quiet for to long he opened his eyes to find silver eyes looking at him intently. Sirius was searching his face, concern filling his beautiful eyes. Remus opened his mouth to speak but he was beaten to it.
“When you’re ever in as much pain as you were in this morning, I want you to at least tell me.” Sirius commanded, “I want you to please come to me when something’s wrong, okay?”
Remus wanted to argue, tell him that he was fine and that he was used to this, but the look Sirius was giving him made him weak. Instead he nodded sheepishly and avoided Sirius’s gaze.
“Thank you,” Sirius smiled that reserved smile again and laid down next to Remus. The former interlocked their fingers making the scarred boy blush and face away from his friend. The warmth of Sirius’s hand in his made him smile. He really is a star Remus thought, embarrassingly. He shoved that thought down and tried to think of something else.
The sun felt nice on his pained skin, the warmth helped ease his aching muscles. It was washing away the pain of the moon as long as he laid under it. He wished he could sleep but the feeling of eyes on him didn’t help. Slowly, he opened his own eyes to see who was watching him. He wasn’t surprised to see those silver eyes once again staring at him. He raised his eyebrows questioningly at the the boy who didn’t look away even after being caught.
Sirius moved a little closer to him, not breaking his gaze. Remus felt his cheeks heat up even more as he earned a signature smirk. He broke the eye contact to look up at the leaves above him as if they were the most interesting thing in the world. Sirius laughed and pressed a soft kiss the the back of Remus’s hand. The act earning impossibly more blush from the taller boy.
Deciding that was enough embarrassment he took his free hand to cover his face. That only made Sirius laugh more though and Remus thought that was the most beautiful sound. God he needs to get this crush under control, cause this is just getting fucking stupid.
The four marauders had been sitting in the common room for around an hour, all doing their own thing. Remus was reading, Peter was playing Chess with some fifth year, James was attempting to get Sirius to do his work, and Sirius was doing anything but his work. The silver eyed boy was waving his best friend off telling him he’ll do it later if he shut up. The latter eventually gave up and started on his own work.
“What are you reading there, Moonray?” Sirius asked, sitting down next to him.
“The Picture of Dorian Gray” Remus answered, watching from the corner of his eye as Sirius’s brows furrowed.
“Haven’t you already read that one?” He recalled, always asking about Remus’s books.
“I have, i just wanted to read it again,” Remus turned the page in his book, he wasn’t far from being done.
“You’re adorable,” Sirius smirked, reaching over and ruffing Remus’s hair. “How many times have you read this?”
“Three or four, it’s a pretty good book,” Remus said, “I’m think I’m going to finish this chapter then head to the dorm though, I’m pretty tired.”
That caught James’s attention, apparently that was more important than his potions essay. “You okay, Moony?” He asked only half teasing.
“Yeah fine,” Remus lied, his bones were aching from not having moved in an hour and all the noise from throughout the castle. After finishing the page he was on he bunny eared the next page and got up. Before he walked upstairs he turned to Sirius, “can I talk to you?”
Sirius looked confused for a moment, taking in Remus’s nervous habits. He seemed to understand and jumped up, “sure!”
As soon as they were out of earshot Sirius gave him an expecting look.
“Hold on there’s people up there,” he point at the the top of the staircase, “I’ll tell you in the dorm.”
Sirius nodded understandingly and waited patiently for Remus to catch up a bit as he was slower than usual. Nothing was said until they closed the door to their room.
“So?” Sirius asked, “what can I do for you, Mon loup?”
Remus shot him an unimpressed look, but the smile pulling at his lips betraying him. Suddenly remembering what he was going to ask, he felt embarrassed. Sirius smiled and ducked his head to meet Remus’s eyes that were trained on the floor.
“I- uh-“ Remus stammered, “um- can you- can you maybe, if it’s not a problem- can you go to sleep with me?”
The blush was deep on the werewolf’s face as he refused to look the other boy in the eye. When Sirius hadn’t answered Remus quickly started to ramble.
“I mean you don’t have to!” He quickly reassured, “it’s just- everything kind of hurts and I’m always cold so it makes it worse. And you’re always so warm so you help and I don’t know- I-“ his rambling was cut off by Sirius’s warm hands on his cheeks.
“Sure, moonrise” Sirius was smiling, with the smile only Remus saw. Remus was blushing furiously but let out a relieved sigh. “Now come one! Let’s go cuddle and sleep” Sirius grinned, patting the taller boys face before spinning around and crossing to his bed to get ready for bed.
Even though Sirius seem pretty enthusiastic about what Remus had asked, the latter still felt really embarrassed for asking. Thoughts started to plague his mind of wether or not Sirius was actually comfortable doing this. Though he was the one the mentioned cuddling, maybe he just thought that was what Remus was implying. Maybe Sirius was just pitying Remus. Maybe Sirius didn’t know how to tell Remus no after he had said that he was in pain and that he helped. Maybe Sirius-
“Moony, get out the bathroom already, I know you’ve started worrying I don’t actually want to cuddle,” Sirius said, rudely interrupting his self-deprecating thoughts, “Honesty I sleep a lot better when I’m with other people so you’re helping me too.”
Remus threw on his jumper and opened the door, “sorry,” he said tiredly, when had Sirius been able to read minds? Sirius narrowed his eyes at a blushing Remus who was avoiding eye contact. Sirius quickly engulfed his friend into a hug, holding onto his waist and burying his face in Remus’s chest. It felt nice, Sirius was warm and his old, stretched-out, band tee was soft. He was sorter than Remus, coming up to his nose, making him even nicer to hug.
Sirius gave good hugs, not that Remus could ever explain how, but they were some of the best hugs Remus had ever received. The werewolf was never the type to seek out affection but he enjoyed it from certain people. Especially from Sirius, not because he was incredibly in love with him, no. Okay maybe that was partly the reason, but he’d always enjoyed Sirius’s affection over others. That didn’t mean he was always in love with him. Okay no that’s a lie he probably was. But It didn’t matter, he just enjoyed it when he got affection from his best friend.
When Sirius stepped back he didn’t completely let go of Remus. He held his hand and pulled him, gently, to Remus’s bed.
“You know,” Sirius started as they were getting into the bed, “if you want affection, you can just hug me or hold my hand or whatever. You don’t have to be scared to touch me.”
“I-“ Remus cut himself off, bemused. Was he reading minds again? Sirius chuckled, moving closer to Remus and wrapping his arms around his torso.
“You basically sink into me every time I so much as touch you,” Sirius exaggerated, “honesty it’s like no one’s even patted you on the head, not that I mind of course.” He added that last part on quickly. Why did this boy have to know the other so damn well? Thats annoying.
“Do I?” Remus blinked, did he really do that without noticing?
“You’re like me in our first few years here,” Sirius whispered, his head on Remus’s chest, “I know you get nervous about seeking it out with people, Trust me, I know, just- don’t be with me? I always love a good Moony hug.”
Remus felt himself blush at that last bit, he didn’t know how Sirius always managed to do that. He smiled, “okay, I’ll try.”
He felt Sirius smile on his chest as he focused on the shorter boy’s heartbeat. His heart was beating fast, getting faster when Remus ran his fingers through his soft, raven hair. He heard his heart skip as he pressed his lips to the top of Sirius’s head. He didn’t understand why but he reacted like that. It could be a coincidence that that happened, his mom’s heart skipped a lot, but it was nice anyways.
A pain shot through his knee making him hiss. Sirius moved immediately, “sorry did I do something?”
“No no, sorry, it was my knee,” Remus shook his head immediately, “you didn’t do anything.”
Sirius adjusted again laying on his side and putting one hand under the pillow and the other around Remus’s waist. He was still incredibly close, Remus turned towards him, running his fingers through his hair gently. Sirius hummed contently, absentmindedly drawing circles into Remus’s side with his thumb. Warmth spread through his body, replacing the pain with ease. He hoped Sirius never let go of him again. His eyes started to feel heavy despite his splitting headache and loud noises surrounding him. He closed his eyes, hoping to fall asleep, almost there- nope. An owl hooted, making him alert once more.
He huffed a sigh, “why can’t wizards have headphones,” he said under his breath.
“..what are headphones?” Sirius asked, hesitantly.
“I’m not explaining this right now,” Remus sighed shoving his head under Sirius’s chin. “They’re a way to listen to music, essentially.”
“Oh,” Sirius hummed, “I can put on some music, close your curtains and use a silencing charm? Would that work?”
“Silencing charm!” Remus exclaimed, “why did I never just cast a bloody silencing charm!?”
“Want to explain?” Sirius asked, actually asking if he felt like explaining what he meant.
“My senses are heightened an immense amount closer to the moon,” Remus explained, “I can hear the owl sitting on top on the Gryffindor tower and everyone in this fucking castle that is speaking.”
Sirius shot up, apparently that was new information, “Really?!” He questioned, genuine interest in his beautiful gray eyes. Huh, maybe the werewolf really doesn’t share any informantion with his friends. Whoops.
“Yes, it’s absolutely horrible and gives me a massive headache,” Remus huffed, “and I can smell everything too, which is nauseating.”
“Merlin,” Was all Sirius seemed to be able to say. He reached for his wand, closing the curtains and casting a silencing charm.
“I love magic,” Remus smiled, Sirius laughed lightly before returning to his previous position.
“Is that better?”
“So fucking much,” This time his sigh was a happy one, “now all I hear is you.”
“Oh?” Sirius squeaked, uncharacteristically flustered, “I- what can you hear?”
Remus hummed in consideration, “your heartbeat, breathing, blood flow, basically everything indicating you’re alive.”
Sirius’s eyes were wide with amazement, but he never raised his voice above a whisper, “that’s insane,” Sirius went silent for a moment, seeming to realize something. Then he shook and head as if to rid the thought, “so, do you listen to my heartbeat on a regular basis?”
“Shut up, sleep now,” Remus waved his hand, closing his eyes hoping desperately that his blush wasn’t visible. Sirius was laughing quietly, but didn’t say anything else and just moved closer to Remus again. They were so close that if they moved their heads, their noses would brush.
The dorm was quiet when James and Peter finally got up there. They had walked up as slowly and quietly as possible in case their friends were sleeping. It was around one in the morning, and they would’ve gone up sooner, but they wanted to give the other two enough time to talk.
James didn’t see Sirius in his bed, which meant that he must’ve fallen asleep in Remus’s. That happened more often than Sirius or Remus would ever admit, but they both had a hard time falling and staying asleep almost nightly. Sometimes one will have a nightmare and they’ll go to each other, but only ever each other. James knew that both boys trusted him and Peter with their lives but there was always something different between the two of them. A different level of trust, maybe because they both understood the difficulty of not feeling safe where they should. James wasn’t sure, and he wouldn’t ever ask, but he knew it was different. He also knew that they loved each other, not in the same way they loved him and Peter. He knew that they had no idea their feelings were mutual and James couldn’t do anything about it. He loved his friends but they were both so dumb sometimes. It was obvious they were in love and that those feelings were returned, but for some reason everyone in the castle knew except each other. For these reasons it was no shock when he saw, through the crack of Remus’s curtain, both boys cuddled up with each other.
Remus had one hand tangled in Sirius’s hair, which only Remus was ever aloud to do. Sirius never let anyone other than the tall scarred boy touch his hair. James knew there was a reason for it, other than their romantic interest in one another, but he didn’t know what. And it wasn’t his place to ask unpromted. The raven had a hand just above Remus’s waist. They were sleeping peacefully, unusual for both of them as they were normally restless.
They must have put a silencing charm up because their movements didn’t wake Remus up. They got ready for bed, careful not to wake their friends up —just in case, then went to sleep themselves like usual.
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eastgaysian · 6 months
thinking myself in circles about the astarion and gandrel interaction because there's so much unnecessary bad stupid shit at the same time as there's hints of interesting stuff. like the fact that astarion assumes that cazador is sending people to hunt him down already, with enough information to know his approximate area, and he's wrong. he believes cazador is inescapable so cazador must be inescapable. but cazador doesn't actually try anything until astarion's in baldur's gate, and if you talk to cazador without astarion he's wholly secure in the belief that astarion will inevitably come crawling back to him, so there's not much point in putting more effort into retrieving him.
but then also, it's a bit stupid that it wouldn't occur to astarion that the people whose children he kidnapped would probably go looking for him of their own accord. you could argue he's lying about his suspicions to avoid mentioning the kidnapping thing but i really don't think there's anything to indicate he's being dishonest. again, though, his kneejerk reaction is to assume cazador must be looking for him, it's not totally logical.
the racism is just so fucking unnecessary and stupid though. it doesn't actually add anything of substance to the cazador suspicions. you can't further talk with or confront him about it. and it's not even like. carried over into act 3 when you run into ulma and gandrel again. considering the 'kidnapped your children' thing astarion can have a pretty normal conversation with her about killing cazador and there's an epilogue ending, if cazador wasn't defeated, where he teams up with ulma and the rest of the hunters. so like. Why the fuck did you make me sit through all that then.
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TWEEK: Mister
TWEEK: Tinfoil
TWEEK:  What
KENNY: His names Stan
TWEEK: I'm not gonna remember that
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TWEEK: You said you had
TWEEK: A bunker
TWEEK: Right?
STAN: Yeah
CRAIG: Dog shit covered ahhh barn 💀
TWEEK: Why is he saying Skull emoji out loud
TOLKIEN: Not even WE know at this point
KYLE: We gotta get him to stop that
KYLE: It's more annoying than KYLE: ….Whatever….. Stan's got going on
CRAIG: Omg not you slandering me 💀
CRAIG: Don't even rn you look like the Goodwill shat you out
KYLE: Fuck you
KYLE: You know that Supreme hoodie isn't even real Supreme, right?
CRAIG: Lmao what
CRAIG: Me when I lie
KYLE: Nonononono
KYLE: Look look look
KYLE: It says “Souprem”
KYLE: It's fake merch dude
KYLE: Its as fake as those fucking yeezys
KYLE: …Dude?
CRAIG: No that's my other hoodie
KYLE: Are you fucking serious
KYLE: You aren't even rich stop acting like you are
CRAIG: Nuh uh
TOLKIEN: Kyle, just give it up
TOLKIEN: Trying to convince Craig he isn't rich is like trying to convince a toddler to wipe their own ass
TOLKIEN: It's not worth it
CLYDE: …. CLYDE: Why do I feel like that was directed towards me?
TOLKIEN: Because It was, Clyde
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STAN: Hmmm
STAN: At my barn we could like
STAN: Use my dad and my sister
STAN: As like
STAN: Food
KYLE: Dude no
KYLE: I am not resorting to cannibalism
CARTMAN: Kahl, you’ve eaten animals, that's basically like eating people
KYLE: Okay mr “forty big macs in one day”
CARTMAN: Uhm, actually they're vegan chicken patties KYLE
CARTMAN: ALSO did you just ASSUME my GENDER????
KENNY: Actually studies show that most human meat is similar taste wise to chicken
CRAIG: I thought it was pork
CRAIG: Deadass
CRAIG: Like pigs
CRAIG: Like deadass pigs
KENNY: We know what pork is CRAIG 
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STAN: Yeah
STAN: So we’re fucking set
CARTMAN: Uhhh no thanks, i’d rather be one with the animals and eat dirt and hay
STAN: We don't even have animals
CARTMAN: I’ll just eat the weed then
STAN: What
KYLE: What
CARTMAN: What???
CARTMAN: It's like eating catnip
CARTMAN: Besides its environmentally friendly
STAN: What's your source
CARTMAN: Wikipedia
STAN: Ooooof course it is
STAN: The internets lying to you, you know
CARTMAN: Fuck off, Stan, Queermo
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TWEEK: HhhhuGiyhvfdeiohjd
TWEEK: Awesome
TWEEK: Great
TWEEK: Dandy even!
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TWEEK: Everyone
TWEEK: Lets hold hands
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CRAIG: I am not touching Clydes fucking shitstained hands
TWEEK: I’ll hold Clyde's hand
TOLKIEN: Why do you wanna touch Clydes hands thats fucking nasty
CRAIG: For real
CRAIG: Preach 🙏🙏🙏
TWEEK: I don't care
TWEEK: It's just for a bit TWEEK: I can wash my own hands afterwards
CLYDE: Aww… really?? :D
TWEEK: Whatever
CLYDE: Nobody other than Tolkien has wanted to hold my hand before! :DD
TOLKIEN: Was that before or after I figured out you don't wash your hands
TWEEK: Who else is fine with
TWEEK: Touching Clyde
CRAIG: Stop making me have gay thoughts, Playboi Carti
TWEEK: I don't
TWEEK: I'm not
TWEEK: Hold hands
TWEEK: You all have socks on
TWEEK: I think
TWEEK: So it's not gay
CARTMAN: Uhm erm erm erm
CARTMAN: Actually
CARTMAN: That's a homophobic statement
TWEEK: WHAT???????
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CLYDE: I forgot CLYDE: What holding hands felt like
KYLE: Woah
KYLE: This reminds me of the first episode of My Little Pony
KYLE: Where
KYLE: Twilight and her friends
KYLE: Find the friendship trinkets or whatever
KYLE: And they reverse the curse on them that turns them into stone
KYLE: And they used them to like
KYLE: Defeat Nightmare Moon
KYLE: Turning her back into Princess Luna
KENNY: That was so fucking gay
KENNY: I feel like I'm gonna vomit rainbows because of you
CARTMAN: Kenny stop being homophobic
CARTMAN: I will cancel you again
KENNY: Fuck off I know that blue hair you wear online is a wig
CRAIG: Slllaaa-
TOLKIEN: Actually, you’ve lost speaking privileges
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TWEEK: Alright
TWEEK: Is everyone holding hands
CRAIG: yeah its like Kumbaya frfr
TOLKIEN: Stop talking
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TWEEK: Alakazam
TWEEK: Alakazane
TWEEK: Im sending you off this mortal plane
KYLE: Wait wha-
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CRAIG: Like And Subscribe! Like And Subscribe! Like And Subscribe! Like And Subscribe! Like And Subscribe!
KENNY: Yoooo
CRAIG: Like and Share! Like and Share! Like and Share!
TOLKIEN: Was that
TWEEK: Magic Trick
TWEEK: Hey you have a lot of free time when you live in a dumpster
CRAIG: Copy link! Copy link! Copy link! Copy link! Copy link! Copy link!
TOLKIEN: Whatever, please for the sake of our brain cells, never do that again
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KENNY: I dunno
KENNY: I thought that was pretty cool
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TWEEK: Alright
TWEEK: Humans
TWEEK: Freaks
TWEEK: Whatever your names are
TWEEK: Get in the fucking barn
TWEEK: Now, quoting the safety psas from Estella,
TWEEK: Don't open the door for strangers, Don’t investigate any random noises, don't take any offers from strange men in white vans, don't help anyone, if anyone says they're friends of your parents do not trust them
TWEEK: And for goodness sake,
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CRAIG: I'm addicted to Takis! I'm addicted to Takis! I'm addicted to Takis! I'm addicted to Takis!
STAN: One, what are we, five?
STAN: Second
STAN: It's a backup bunker, not  a barn
STAN: ….
TWEEK: Kay…..
TWEEK: Just…..
TWEEK: Get in the barn
STAN: Fineeeee
STAN: Whatever
STAN: Fuck you
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CRAIG: [ Gotta sleep in fucking pig shit this sucks fuck this ]
CLYDE: Hey CLYDE: Hey Tweek
TWEEK: Arrrghhh…What….
CLYDE: Do you
CLYDE: Do you think
CLYDE: Do you think we CLYDE: Do you
CLYDE: Do you think we could
CLYDE: Maybe
CLYDE: Go to like
CLYDE: Dennys
CLYDE: After this???
TWEEK: Whats
TWEEK: What's Dennys?
CLYDE: Maybe we could like
CLYDE: Go to Olive Garden then?
TWEEK: What's an olive?
TWEEK: And what's a Garden?
CLYDE: Oh you poor
CLYDE: Sweet
CLYDE: Summer child
Tumblr media
CLYDE: You know what
CLYDE: I'm gonna take you to the Olive Garden
CLYDE: And you're gonna have the time of your fucking life
Tumblr media
CLYDE: Alright
CLYDE: I’ll see you there babe
Tumblr media
TOLKIEN: Don’t fall for that shit
TOLKIEN: He doesn't wash his hands
TOLKIEN: Or his ass
TWEEK: Why's that relevant?
TWEEK: …Whatevs
(edits made by @pissblanket)
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threesoot · 8 months
*puts down a little wooden box and stands on it*
Spot attacked Pav’s universe and caused the building to fall which (would have) caused his canon event
But remember, spot was created as a side effect of Miles becoming spiderman, which wasn’t supposed to happen.
If Miles didn’t become spiderman and fuck up his timeline, spot wouldn’t exist, and therefore wouldn’t have been attacking in Pav’s universe when he did
All other canon events occurred within the confines of each spiderman’s universe, to the best of our knowledge
On that same note, if miles was never supposed to be spiderman, why does doing so automatically mean he will have a canon event?
Also, why the FUCK would Miguel tell Miles about the canon events if his haven’t happened yet? Every media I have ever consumed which utilizes time travel says you SHOULD NOT TELL YOURSELF THE FUTURE, especially the bad parts. I know universe hopping and time travel are different but I’d assume the same logic applies to both. Miguel isn’t stupid why did he do that.
I’ve talked to people about this and they’ve said “he was trying to protect him” or “he didn’t know miles would react like that” okay Miguel’s family died and he fucked shit up trying to fix that for himself why does he think telling a kid “hey ur dad is gonna die” won’t make him try and stop it? Don’t tell me if Miguel was told “ur daughter is gonna die lol” he wouldn’t go crazy trying to keep her inside of some kind of safety bunker.
Same thing with Gwen. She didn’t act as irrationally but that doesn’t mean she couldn’t have fucked it up when the time came because she knew it would happen.
Point is, Miguel is either lying, withholding information, or completely wrong.
Also, please stop sexualizing him it’s so weird
*gets off my soap box*
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pierrotwrites-hc · 4 months
cliffhanger-tastic chapter 46 preview
The bandit with the crossbow emerged from the shadow of the trees. The light caught on the buttons of his prison uniform and traveled up to flash on teeth bared in a grin. As he took in Luca, the grin widened.
Hodge had made the bad mistake of crawling out of his tent. Seeing the bandit, he tried to retreat, but the crossbow swung around to point at him.
“Out you come,” said the man. “Hands over your head, now. There’s a good fellow.”
Toby stumbled out of the wood, held at crossbow-point by another bandit. Two more men emerged behind him. One was a Northman, his hair almost as pale as Luca’s. He was armed with a sword—Saunders’s sword, Luca realized belatedly. He was wearing Saunders’s boots, too.
The fourth bandit was wearing the Steward’s coat. His hands were shoved in the pockets; he swaggered out from the trees, whistling a high, bright tune. When he saw Doran, he lit up as if he’d seen an old friend.
“Doran! It’s me, Harry Riggs. We met a few weeks back. Did you miss me?”
“No,” said Doran hoarsely.
Riggs looked genuinely crestfallen. It was an act, and a mocking one, but he had the sort of elastic face that could pull itself into a convincing facsimile of any expression.
“No, he says! And after we went through all this effort to track him down. That’s no way to treat a pal.”
“Want me to shoot him?” offered the bandit whose crossbow was still pointed at Toby.
“Not yet, Murdock. Let’s hear what he has to say for himself.” Riggs turned an elastic smile on Doran. “You can start by explaining why you lied about the other slaves in your company.”
“Dunno what you’re talking about.”
“Lying again? You’re only digging the hole deeper, you know. Well, let me remind you. You told us you were traveling with two other slaves, a cook and a scribe. I assume the fellow with the ladle is the cook.”
He nodded at Connell, who’d thrown his hands up when he saw the bandits; he was still holding the ladle he’d been using to stir the pot of soup which bubbled away over the campfire.
It’s going to burn, thought Luca absently.
Stupid of him. As if the soup mattered now.  
“Plausible enough,” said Riggs after a moment. “But if he’s the cook, that little barbarian is the scribe. And this is where I start to doubt your story, Doran. That boy is no scribe.”
Hodge spoke up, words tripping together in his eagerness.
“He was General Balkas’s bed-boy. The King’s before that. Check his brand.”
Connell threw the ladle at him. But it was too late. A hand came down on Luca’s shoulder. The Northman’s; it was almost as big as Ged’s. He threw Luca down as if he weighed nothing at all.
Luca landed on his hands and knees. He had only a moment to register that this was a bad position to be in before the Northman was on him, yanking his tunic up. The wind was cold on his back, but the heat of the hand tracing the brand between his shoulders offered no comfort.
“He’s got the False King’s mark,” said the Northman, breathless with excitement. He pinched the scarred skin hard enough to make tears spring to Luca’s eyes. “The stinking lily of Solas. Shame to mar a thing so fine with such an ugly mark.”
Luca bit back a gasp as the Northman shoved a knee between his legs, forcing them open. The man’s beard scraped his neck.
“Pretty little barbarian bitch,” he murmured. “This is a good position for you. Did the False King fuck you like this?”
Rough hands slid over his chest to pluck and twist at his nipples. Another knee joined the first, spreading Luca wider and forcing him to arch his back in some awful parody of invitation.
Distantly, he heard Doran shouting.
“Stop it! For gods’ sakes, stop! You can’t do this, you said you’d free us, you swore—”
“Should’ve gotten it in writing,” said Riggs with a shrug. “Besides, you lied. If we had a contract, it’s void now.”
The Northman thrust his hips forward, rubbing his crotch against Luca. Luca could feel the shape of him. He could imagine the taste, the weight of it in his throat. Already he felt it choking him.
“How’s his ass feel, Jacken?” called the bandit holding the crossbow on Toby.
“Expensive.” A thumb teased the seam of Luca’s breeches. “Wonder what it feels like from the inside.”
Doran started towards them. Riggs made a small movement; a switchblade glinted in his hand.
“Ah, ah. None of that, Doran. Stay where you are; we haven’t finished talking. And you can take that pigsticker from your belt and drop it. I don’t trust you not to try something you’ll regret.”
Doran laid his dagger down. His empty hands flexed at his sides.
“We made a deal, damn it.”
“With conditions, Doran. With conditions.”
“I did what you told me to! Saunders, the Steward—”
He broke off, realizing what he’d said.
In a low voice, Connell said, “For gods’ sakes, Dor, what did you do?”
“Go on, Doran,” said Riggs. “Tell your friend what you did.”
“I killed them,” said Doran, tearing the words out of himself. “I had to. He said—you, Riggs, you said it was a test, you said—if I wanted to be free and fight for Kenever, I had to prove it, I had to—and I did—”
“Yes, but there was a second part of the test, wasn’t there? You were supposed to bring us the two free men left in your party.”
“I couldn’t! Not when you wouldn’t tell me what you were going to do to Toby—”
“What’s so special about this Toby, then?” asked Riggs. “Is he your lover?”
“I’m his brother,” said Toby, ignoring Doran’s muffled noise of surprise. “He might not like me very much, but he still likes me too much to kill me.”
“Brothers, eh? That explains a thing or two.” The knife flickered over Riggs’s knuckles in a lazy figure-eight. “Too bad you’re not my brother, Toby. I certainly don’t like you too much to kill you.”
The bandit holding the crossbow on Toby drew back the arrow. The click was so loud it jolted Luca’s heart, as if the arrow had lodged there.
“Wait, for gods’ sakes!” Doran shouted. “He’s important, I swear to you. His father—our father was Duke of Chesten.”
This was enough to distract Jacken from rubbing off against Luca’s ass.
“That means his mother’s Princess Amelia. Riggs, that’s Kenever’s half-sister!”
“I know,” said Riggs shortly. His mouth was turned down at the corners. He narrowed his eyes at Toby. “So I’m to believe you’re Kenever’s nephew.”
“I am,” said Toby—and oh, he was so brave; his voice only trembled a little. “Kenever came to our house once. Mother was terribly rude to him. I thought he was nice, though, even if his mother was from Guye.”
“That tracks,” said Jacken. “Amelia’s a bitch, by all accounts, and she hates the True King.”
“Then again,” said Riggs, “he could be lying.”
“He’s not lying, I swear to you,” said Doran. “On my life, I swear it.”
Riggs’s mouth lengthened into something like a smile.
“On your life, eh?”
“He gave me a coin,” said Toby quickly. “Kenever, I mean. A very old coin from Guye. It’s in my pack, in the pocket with the geometry proofs and the mouse skeleton.”
One of the bandits rifled through Toby’s pack. He produced the coin, along with the proofs, the skeleton, and some very odd mushrooms. The mushrooms he discarded with a grimace. The coin he flipped to Riggs, who studied it before shrugging.
“He could’ve gotten this anywhere,” he said, tucking the coin into his pocket. “It doesn’t prove anything.”
Toby’s cry of “Then give it back, you thief!” was drowned out by Doran bellowing, “What more do you want, you murdering bastard? Scald the land, he’s a prince, I tell you!”
Riggs made a sign. The bandit who’d pointed his crossbow at Luca swung it round to point at Doran. There was a click as the arrow notched into place.
The clearing went still.
“Ah, what a shame you keep making trouble for yourself, Doran,” said Riggs, clucking his tongue. “Now it’s time to choose.”
“Choose what?”
“You or Toby. One of you leaves here alive. Your choice.”
Doran didn’t hesitate.
“Me,” he said. “Kill me.”
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dallasurr · 9 months
i feel so hurt and upset about Simon he needed to heal too
i can't sleep at night sometimes
I know this is so random but i don't care i feel so hurt by the idea of everyone healing but him dead and bound to be forgetten. .. i want him feel good i want to get him out of there.
I've said this before but as much as I'd like to see the series to its planned end, I'm not that unhappy about not getting season 5. It would be really hard for me to see Amelia get a redemption or her exit when she went on the train as a fully mature adult in her 30s, and did wayyyy worse things than Simon did. Although she was mentally unstable at the time she got on the train, it doesn't seem like she had a history of mental illness before Alrick died.
What Simon did to Grace and Hazel was fucked up, I can wrap my head around his justification for killing Tuba and I'm not the person to debate about this bc I straight up didn't like Tuba. She went out of her way to kidnap and scare Grace and Simon, who would have probably found the exit to the car and went on their way the next day without her interference, and I'm of the opinion that she put both herself and Hazel in danger with her little prank. I know we wouldn't have a story without it, and it doesn't justify her death, but literally from their first interaction she showed Simon she can be hostile and dangerous. And while she warmed up to Grace (according to Grace lol I didn't see much friendly interaction between them at all, just Grace enjoying/admiring the way she interacted with Hazel), Simon always got attitude from her, I can't blame him for not warming up to her.
Simon might have been 18 at the time of his season but let's be honest, both he and Grace were very immature and justifiably so. They only had each other and their delusions for years and years before they became guardians themselves. The train has proven itself to be dangerous, and proved how high the stakes are when he died, but people act like he was a fucking monster for doing what he thought he needed to protect himself, grace and hazel from a perceived threat. He could have been a little more tactful with explaining what happened, or lied about it, but like tbh as a neurodivergent person myself who sees Simon as someone who is on the autism spectrum, I REALLY struggle with lying and deceiving people so I can understand why he just blurted out the truth without any thought.
I do think one of the most irredeemable things he did was dehumanize Grace and trap her in her memories, whether or not he knew it could kill her (I assume he didn't bc the Cat as usual didn't explain shit to him) the way he pushed her over and walks away makes me nauseous.
But I certainly don't think he deserved to die for that, and I think the series would have been a lot better if instead of kicking her off the train again (which at this point in the scene felt kind of slapstick i'm ngl), Simon finally broke out of his paranoid and delusional thought patterns and they were able to drag everyone back into the mall car for a heart to heart.
In my head in episodes 9 and 10 he's a lot like Catra in The Portal episodes, but instead of getting 2 more seasons after his fall from grace (lol) to recover and heal and fix his issues, he just got killed instead.
And it sucks because dude was clearly mentally ill and traumatized, and as someone who has mental illness and trauma that can make me act out sometimes too, who also struggles to read the room and understand what people want from me if they don't tell me directly, who ALSO had parents that didn't have my best interests as even a consideration to whatever they could gain from me, it kind of reinforces my anxiety which tells me that I deserve to suffer because of x y z stupid thing I did or said 5, 10, even 20 years ago.
(and before anyone says simon had all the chances to change and grow that grace did, please rewatch the season, he absolutely did not and all of the events that led to grace growing as a person happened when simon wasn't around, yes he was immature in a lot of moments but dude literally did not have a normal adolescence and to expect him to act like a fucking adult all the time after that is ridiculous)
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danganronpafan777 · 1 year
Saw this happen once in a anime but imagine DRA Cast Boys S/O being put in a theater play as the Princess or Prince or In distress and the one who plays the Knight was S/O Cheater Ex who still in love S/O even thought there in a relationship and have move on then during the climax of the play where the Knight kiss S/O the knight remove there Helmet to Reveal to be S/O DRA Boyfriend who had help from there classmate to take the Knight Role from the Cheating Ex
E/n is ex name This took a while, so I hope you like it! Also, requests are now open! 
Haruhiko Kobashikawa:
Nothing could have excited you more than being able to play the princess/prince in your favorite play of all time!
Haruhiko auditioned for the role as the knight originally because he thought it sounded romantic, even if it was cheesy and he wasn't a great actor
When you read who got the role as the knight, your heart immediately dropped
"Y/n? What's wrong? I thought you got the part!?" 
"Yeah, I did, but..."
You hesitated, not knowing whether to let him be happy for you or totally ruin the moment 
Haruhiko stared at you worriedly and you decided to just rip off the bandaid
"I know I probably didn't get the part but-"
"E/n got the role of the knight." 
Your boyfriend looked devastated for a moment, before being straight up pissed.
"Of all people!? It had to be him!?"
"That's right."
The two of you whipped around to see E/n, a cocky grin on his face. Haruhiko wanted nothing more than to punch him. 
"What the hell do you want!?"
"Oh, I just wanted to congratulate Y/n on the role of the princess/prince! Can't wait for our big kissing scene!" 
You shook your head. "Fuck this. I'm switching roles." 
"What!?" The two boys exclaimed. 
"Y/n, you worked so hard for this part, you can't let this asshole ruin it for you!" Haru put a hand on your shoulder.
"Never thought I'd agree with that idiot, but yeah, you can't just quit now." 
"What did you just say!?"
You sighed to yourself. Your boyfriend, not your ex, was right. You had worked too hard for the role just to give it up now.
Here it was, opening night. The day that was supposed to be one of your happiest, you were now dreading. You always refused to kiss your ex during the dress rehearsals, no matter how hard he tried to convince you otherwise. You hated how that lying bastard was ruining something you were looking forward to all year. 
Haru hated it just as much as you did. He hated how you were forced to spend time with a guy that had broken your heart and somehow thought he was still entitled to it. Haruhiko is a simple (and kinda stupid-) guy, who doesn't really come up with complex ideas outside of airplane tricks and video games, but he could make an exception for this, Teruya, Kiyoka and Satsuki by his side.
... You were annoyed to say the least. The whole night so far, it seemed like your idiot of an ex could barely remember his lines, always quietly signaling for you to take over. 
It was stupid. You had seen him at every dress rehearsal, and he even made a point to always remind you that he was there. And suddenly he has amnesia? Was it stage fright? Was he trying to screw up the whole play just to piss you off?
Well, it wasn't working. You memorized every line in the play, and was easily able to cover up whatever the hell he was doing and make it look completely intentional. In fact, it seemed to make you stand out even more. Considering this was Hope's Peak, you could only assume that many important people in the acting industry were here. If this was an attempt to make you look bad, it was doing the complete opposite.
By the end of the first act, you were completely the star of the show, even though you were literally supposed to be the damsel in distress. You got quicker in fixing your knight's mistakes, and actually had fun with it. Oh how you and your boyfriend would tease him about this.
Speaking of boyfriends... where was he? Did he... forget? 
It hurt a bit, knowing your significant other wasn't here for one of the best nights of your life. No, it hurt a lot. 
The play reached its climax, and you fell into your knight's arms, mentally preparing for the kiss. You could sense an eager smile under the mask. Son of a bitch.
As the knight took off his helmet, you didn't have to fake your shock.
"...Hey Y/n." He whispered. (He forgot about the mic on the side of his face and literally everyone heard him)
You blinked a few times, before grabbing him by the chest and placing your lips on his. 
This was definitely better than with your ex.
Teruya Otori:
"Y/n! Is the casting out yet!?" Teruya asked excitedly.
You giggled to yourself. 
"The teacher is going to put it up in a minute." 
Teruya was just as excited for the play as you were. He wanted to play a minor role, but... then he got jealous that you were going to have to kiss another guy, so he decided to audition for the role of the knight. Whether it was the knight or another character, he was happy to be apart of it.
Your teacher put up the casting sheet and everyone in the hallway shoved past each other to see it. After making some room in front of you so your boyfriend could see, you looked at the paper to see if you got the role.
"Y/n! Ya did it! Yer da princess/prince! I knew you could do it!"
As the hallway cleared out, your ecstatic boyfriend threw his arms around you. You giggled to yourself and kissed him on his forehead. He nuzzled your neck in response.
"Damn, Y/n. Remember when that was us?"
You and Teruya immediately recognized the voice of your asshole of an ex. Seriously, what did you see in him?
"H-Hey! Don't ruin da momen'!" Teruya exclaimed, pulling himself closer to you. He fought the urge to stick his tongue out. 
"I'm not ruining anything, I wanted to check my role too, "partner."" He mocked Teruya's accent. You put your arm around Teruya and flipped E/n off with the same hand, so your innocent boyfriend wouldn't have to see it. "Looks like I got the role of the knight. Are you excited for our kissing scene?"
You and Teruya immediately looked back to the board, just to find out, your ex did indeed get the part. 
"Screw that. How much of daddy's money did you have to spend to get the role?" You retorted.
E/n's face turned to anger. "You know, this is why I kissed them, Y/n. I love you and you love me, but sometimes you say some of the most annoying shit." 
"Shu' up! Ya no good cheat'r!"
He scoffed, "See you at rehearsal Y/n."
You used to love play rehearsal, but now you dreaded it every week. Great, another thing your ex ruined for you. Teruya tried to hide his own hate of it, but it was clear that he was still bitter. He'd always wait for you after play rehearsal and let you copy his math homework (you're gonna have to help him with everything else-). 
The two of you usually go back to his house, where he'll play with your hair while you complain about your ex and the stupid shit he did to win you back. If there wasn't time for a cuddle session before his dad came home, then you two would just watch a movie together. 
Dealing with your ex every week sucked, but the two of you tried to make the most of it. He eventually found himself complaining about it to Haruhiko and Satsuki, and both of them told him not to give up so easily.
"What'd ya mean?"
All he got were two mischievous grins in response.
... At opening night, your ex wasn't as much of a pest as you'd thought he'd be. Sure, he forgot his lines a lot, and also seemed shorter for some reason, but he hadn't bothered you yet or tried to steal the show from you. You didn't even see any of his asshole friends in the crowd!
Speaking of the crowd, you couldn't see your boyfriend either. Teruya made it clear that he wouldn't miss the play for the world, so where was he? Did his dad make him work a late shift at Otori Mart? No, his father loved you, and was probably in the crowd as well. (He was)
Was he backstage waiting for you and you missed him? Maybe. Maybe he got lost as well?
Weird, while also pretty disappointing. Either way, the show must go on. 
As your knight in shining armor saved you, you smiled at him thankfully, preparing yourself to kiss your ex and flip him off as soon as the curtain fell. 
When he took off the mask, you couldn't hide your surprise.
He stifled a giggle at your shocked face.
You bounced back quickly, smiling back at him and pulling him into the kiss. 
God knows what Satsuki and Haru were doing with your ex, but the two of you were living in the moment, illuminated by the stage lights.
Tsurugi Kinjo:
"Y/n? Did you get the part?" 
You looked back at your boyfriend, Tsurugi, who had been waiting for you after the roles had been announced. 
Tsurugi didn't care much for plays, but he was still going to see it to support you.
"Yeah, I got the role of the princess/prince."
He raised an eyebrow. "I figured that you'd be more excited."
"Yeah, well it turns out that E/n is the knight." 
"Hey, Y/n." Your ex winked at you.
"Fuck off." You and Tsurugi said at the same time. He scoffed in response. 
"That's no way to treat your-"
"If you're about to say future boyfriend, then it's gonna be your understudy's lucky day." You cut him off. 
"Y/n, baby. I know we-"
"Shut your mouth. You had your chance with Y/n and you broke their heart. You have thirty seconds to leave." 
He rolled his eyes, but didn't push his luck. "Whatever. See you at rehearsal." 
He probably wanted to say more, but you had a literal cop for a boyfriend. There was probably at least one time where your ex tried to say something to you and got his ass whooped. Still, that didn't stop him from harassing you when your boyfriend wasn't around.
Over the next few weeks, Tsurugi rarely left your side. He would wait for you after rehearsal and would walk you home each day, making sure your ex wasn't anywhere near you. You would always try to coax him into staying for dinner with your family, but he rarely gave in. Still, each day you would show him your appreciation and mostly avoid talking about your asshole of an ex as opening night got closer and closer.
Tsurugi knew about the kissing scene, and he was pissed. He was already dreading seeing you kiss another guy, but it being your ex, he wanted to punch him. He'd never blame you for it, of course, since you loved acting and this was part of the job, but the thought of you kissing someone that wasn't him made his stomach churn, no matter how much he tried to suppress his emotions. He mentioned his feelings to Yamato and Yuki, some of the few people he actually trusted. Yuki gave comforting advice and told Tsurugi to support you, Yamato on the other hand, seemed to have other plans... …
You sighed as another person shook their head. No matter where you looked, Tsurugi was nowhere to be seen. The play was going just as you thought it would, the only difference being that your ex wasn’t harassing you. It was truly a perfect night, except for the fact that your boyfriend wasn’t there. 
You saw your classmates in the crowd, and they just laughed to themselves when you asked them if they saw him. You knew Tsurugi didn’t like crowds that much, but theres no way he decided to ditch you like this. Sure, work was important to him, but he promised you that he would come see you! 
Your ex noticed that you were looking for your boyfriend at one point, but you told him to screw off, to which he seemed surprised for a moment, before returning to a small smile. What the hell is going on?
As one would say, the show must go on. You pushed through the first and second act, preparing yourself for the kiss as the climax neared. Your knight seemed to stumble a bit, as if he hadn’t gone to the rehearsals to harass you every week for the past few months, before saving you.
You continued with the script, swooning over your hero. Was he blushing? 
Slowly, your knight removed his helmet. 
You gasped in shock, before smiling widely. Tsurugi was supposed to kiss you now, but his face was beginning to burn knowing how many people were watching you both. You gazed into his eyes, before cupping his cheek and kissing him. 
He seemed to relax, kissing back without hesitation. The audience clapped and your classmates cheered, preparing themselves to make fun of his acting skills for the next week. As the curtains fell for the final time, Tsurugi pulled a single rose from behind his back and gave it to you.
Twirling the rose between your fingers, you kissed him once again. 
Utsuro greeted you with an approving nod, already knowing his luck got you the part
"Hey babe! I got the part!" You said anyway. You were aware of his divine luck, but you assured him that you would never take it for granted, even thanking him for what he does.
A small ghost of a smile twitched at his lips, but besides that he closed his eyes and gave a satisfied hum. You didn't mind his small reaction, just walking over to him and kissing him on the cheek.
"Wow, Y/n. You chose this emotionless weirdo over me?"
You and Utsuro turned in annoyance. Way for your ex to ruin the moment...
Utsuro hated your ex, but for some reason, no matter what his luck did to keep him away from you, the bastard just wouldn't give up. 
"Fuck off, E/n. At least he's loyal and not a cheater like you." 
"Ouch, Y/n. Are you really going to go there now? Did you even tell him about our kissing scene?"
Utsuro, who was honestly just waiting for his luck to get this loser away from you, snapped out of his thoughts and raised an eyebrow. You looked just as confused as he did. 
"Oh? You didn't know? I got the part as the knight." E/n grinned. Utsuro just glared at him, willing his luck to get rid of your ex's stupid grin, which only grew as your eyes widened. 
Your ex tried to step closer to you, but Utsuro calmly got in front of you. He wasn't one to get jealous, but this pest was starting to annoy him. Before anything could happen, the bell rang, and E/n suddenly found himself late for his class, giving you a small, cocky wink before running to his next class, soon getting himself caught by Ishimaru. 
Utsuro seemed indifferent over the fact that you were going to have to kiss your ex. He would wait for you after play rehearsal and make sure your ex didn't try anything, but he didn't seem worried about it. Frankly, he knew you wouldn't cheat on him or ever love that bastard again, and thanks to his luck, something was probably going to happen which would make him lose the part. He could see it in your face that you secretly wanted that, and because he did too, it was sure to happen.
...So why did it not feel like enough? Was he jealous that another guy was gonna end up kissing you even if it wasn't your ex? Why did you always make him feel such stupid emotions? Did he... seriously want to go through all this trouble?
Yamato, being the smartest guy in the class and constantly trying to befriend Utsuro, eventually caught on to what was happening. Utsuro tried to dismiss it whenever Yamato tried to talk with him about it, but his luck kept making the two of them run into each other. 
Did he seriously want to talk about this? With Yamato of all people?
It was less than a week before the play when Utsuro finally told Yamato about how you were going to have to kiss your cheating ex. Yamato asked him how he felt about it, to which he shrugged. Unfortunately, Yamato did not accept that answer. ...
The play was going... fine overall. E/n was acting strangely, he barely talked other than to say his lines, and his movements seemed more.. stoic than usual. A huge contrast to his overconfident personality. Nonetheless, nothing else unusual has happened, your ex didn't harass you, but your boyfriend was nowhere to be seen. 
Yeah, being invisible was something Utsuro enjoyed, but... he at least would make his presence know to you. He wasn't tired of you yet...right? 
You searched the crowd and backstage a few times. You had honestly been expecting to see E/n somehow drop out of the play, thanks to your boyfriend's luck. You didn't want to feel disappointed that it didn't happen, after you swore to yourself to never take Utsuro's luck for granted, but you didn't want to think he left you either.
A part of you wanted to ask your classmates, but if you didn't know where he was, there's no way your classmates did. You asked Akane about him during intermission, but she didn't respond. Was he... really leaving you? 
...Did you bore him? With the play reaching its climax, you forced yourself to smother the thought. You had to focus on acting right now. You could cry about your boyfriend possibly leaving you later. 
It took everything to pretend like you were swooning over the guy who had carelessly broken your heart, but you forced yourself to do it. You wanted to cry and deck E/n across the face at the same time. 
Then, your knight lifted the mask.
Your eyes widened and a smile stretched across your face. Your beloved boyfriend was right in front of you the whole time!
"Utsuro...." You found yourself whispering his name.
He gave a small nod, a rare smile twitching at his lips. You laughed to yourself before grabbing him by the shoulders and placing your lips on his. 
He didn't pull away, wrapping his arms around you and kissing back with just as much passion.  He may not say it, but he'll never leave you.
Yamato Kisaragi:
"Y/n! Y/n! Did you get the part!?" You heard your boyfriend call out. You smiled as he caught up with you.
He looked like he just ran over, probably lost himself in his work before remembering roles were being revealed today, and if you were getting your dream role, he wanted to be the first to know all about it.
While Yamato was handsome and a pretty good actor, he was pretty sure the school had learned their lesson with putting him in a play, after one of his inventions grew self aware and tried to mind control the entire school. You reassured him that a zombie apocalypse version of Midsummer Night's Dream would have sucked anyway. 
"Yeah! I got the part!" 
Yamato's eyes lit up in the most adorable way possible.
"That's grea-...You don't look too happy, is something wrong? Did you change your mind? Are you getting stage fright already!? Don't worry Y/n, I'll go to every sho-"
"That's not it. I'm happy to have the role... it's just... the knight..."
He put a hand on your shoulder. "Hey, it's okay, Y/n. It's part of acting! I know you love me, and the role means a lot to you, so-"
"Wow, you really don't care if she kisses another guy? Yet you hate me because-"
E/n seemed to appear from nowhere, but Yamato was quick to shut him up.
"Stay out of this! This has nothing to do with you. Let me talk with my S/o!" 
"Nothing to do with me? I was just saying I'm surprised you're okay with me kissing Y/n. She's going to leave you for me anyway." 
Yamato was confused for a second, but he connected the dots quick.
"Y/n... please don't tell me."
Yamato sighed to himself. 
Your ex began to talk more, but Yamato calmly took your hand and walked you to class. He knew better than to engage with this asshole, not matter how much he tried to taunt him. 
Yamato is a sweet and friendly guy, but he has no tolerance for people that are mean to his loved ones. He'll never forgive or befriend the bastard that broke your heart and wanted to play you all over again.
Yamato made it clear that he wasn't happy with your ex being the knight, even making a few complaints to the school for it and telling them what your ex did, but he would always put you first. He'd wait for you after every play rehearsal and would take you out to dinner (or just get dessert) after it, letting you complain about your ex as much as you want. 
If your ex was close by, he'd intentionally nuzzle, hug you, or pick you up and kiss you. It wasn't actually meant to make your ex jealous (but the fact that the both of you enjoyed his reactions to it were a bonus), it was to remind you that you weren't with that bastard anymore. You were with him! A sweet guy that would never cheat or break your heart!
Yamato knows that you'll never cheat on him, and he'll always offer to cuddle while you rant. As annoying as the situation is, Yamato was still proud of you for getting the part. Yamato is smart enough to come up with an idea to sabotage your ex on his own, but he still brought it up to as many of your classmates as he could (since he's friends with everyone). Taking their advice, help, and a scolding from Mikako and Tsurugi on what he was about to do, Yamato prepared for opening night.
The play was basically a total trainwreck. It was partly satisfying how well your ex seemed to screw everything up, forgetting some lines and wandering onto the stage at random times. 
(He knew what he was doing, he just wanted to make you laugh)
But it still got annoying at times knowing it was your lying, cheating scumbag of an ex. Still, you enjoyed yourself, placing your heart and soul into acting, and no matter how badly your ex messed up, he never interrupted you and interfered with your scenes. It was like he actually cared about your dreams.
You searched everywhere for your boyfriend, believing that he might have gotten lost backstage somewhere. You saw Mikako in the crowd during intermission, but she just smiled and said she had no idea where Yamato was. Odd…
When the knight in shining armor face planted during the climax, you held a hand in front of your face to keep yourself from laughing, before helping him up and pretending to fall in love with him. 
As the knight took off his helmet, you were met with the same charming smile that you knew and loved. It made your heart skip a beat as everything came together.
With a growing smile, you grabbed him by the shirt and placed your lips on his. He smiled into the kiss and pulled you closer, not letting go even when the curtains fell. 
Kinji Uehara:
Kinji was waiting for you in the courtyard, enjoying a cup of tea and awaiting the good news. You worked hard for the part, so he was sure you would get it. When you saw him and ran over to him with a smile on your face, he already smiled back.
"I assume you got the part, Y/n?"
"Yep! I did it! I really did it!"
He was happy for you, and talked with you about the role as you sat down next to him. It was a nice moment between the two of you, up until E/n showed up.
"Hey Y/n." He winked. You flipped him off when you were sure that Kinji couldn't see it. 
"That's rude, but I'm glad to see your excited about our upcoming kiss."
Kinji raised an eyebrow, "Pardon?"
"Not with you, with Y/n!"
"Yes, I know what you meant, but what do you mean by kiss?"
"Yeah, E/n. What the hell are you doing now?"
He grinned, "You didn't see? I'm your knight in shining armor. Just like the good ol' days!"
"...You've got to be shitting me." 
"Language, Y/n." Kinji told you. E/n rolled his eyes.
"Remind me again why you like this guy?"
"I follow the Lord, including his commandment of adultery being a sin." 
"You son of a-"
"Screw off, E/n. Leave me and my boyfriend in peace." ...
Kinji always keeps a calm face, but that doesn't mean he enjoys this. Not at all. The thought of your cheating ex makes him angry by itself, but the fact that you had to kiss him just to follow your passion made him feel an amount of anger he never experienced before. You meant a lot to him and you deserved the role after how much work you put into it, but your ex took the role of the knight just to make what was supposed to be the highlight of your school life miserable.
Kinji always walked you home after rehearsal and let you vent to him. He kept telling you that he wasn't that bothered, that he just wanted you to enjoy yourself. He just wanted you to continue doing what you loved. He...definitely wasn't bothered by the idea of you kissing your ex.
He mentioned his troubles to Kakeru and Kanata, who were at his side in an instant. They gave him advice, like comforting you and telling the director what your ex did, but it seemed like your classmates (plus some kids at the orphanage) had a better idea...
The play was... oddly uneventful. Your ex was much more quiet, not to mention he didn't harass you once. It wasn't bad, you were able to put your own hatred aside and focus on the play, performing better than ever. After months of being teased and brought down by E/n during play rehearsal, you could finally just enjoy your passion. 
Your only wish was that your boyfriend was there. 
You knew that Kinji wouldn't miss the play. He made it clear that he was going to be there no matter what. Still, you couldn't see him in the audience anywhere... 
You eventually found Kakeru and Kanata during intermission, but when you asked them about him, they seemed to smile to themselves. What is going on?
It stressed you out. The moment things are finally going your way, your boyfriend isn't there for you to enjoy it with... Your ex tried to approach you a few times, but you motioned for him to leave, not willing to deal with his bullshit.
As the climax of the story neared, you told yourself that you probably just missed him somewhere. There's no way he ditched you like this. Not him. 
You forced yourself to swoon over the knight in shining armor who saved you, and mentally imagined your ex's cocky grin. 
To say you were a bit surprised to see your kind, soft spoken boyfriend under the helmet instead would be the understatement of the year.
Kinji smiled at your shocked face, before gently cupping your cheek and pulling you in for the kiss. 
Your shock washed away, placed with relief knowing your boyfriend hadn't only came for your big night, but also made it much better.
Kakeru Yamaguchi:
"S-So..Y/n, did you get the part?" Kakeru asked you, shuffling his feet. He would have joined you and looked at the casting list, but there was too much of a crowd around it for his taste. You completely understood. 
"...Yeah. I got the part." You were hesitating. Kakeru was confused, he thought you wanted the part?
"I..That's great!..Right?"
"Yeah, it's great, but um..." You hesitated again. How were you supposed to tell Kakeru that your ex got the part of the knight?
Kakeru was anxious around people to begin with, so being in the play was out of the question for him, and he had a fair share of insecurities, and this information would not help hi-
"Hey N/n." 
"H-Huh!? E/n?" You and Kakeru turned to see your ex leaning on the wall beside you both. 
"So, did you tell your giant brute of a boyfriend about our kiss?"
Kakeru whipped around to look at you, betrayal clear on his face.
"Y/n...? What is he..?" 
"E/n got the role of the knight! The son of a bitch auditioned without us knowing! He's talking about the kiss scene in the play. That's all. I'm never gonna leave you for that pig." 
Kakeru felt relieved, before the panic and insecurities came back to him. What if you decided that he was too big for you? What if you decided that he was a giant brute after all? What if the kiss made you love your ex again?
He felt you put your hands on his shoulders.
"Kakeru, listen to me. I love you. Way more than I ever have or ever will love that loser."
"I'm right her-"
"Get out of here E/n or you'll get to see the real brute in this relationship."
Kakeru was extremely insecure. He's wait for you after every practice, wondering if you were going to suddenly decide to leave him for your ex. He'd still listen to you vent and rant on how much you hated the guy and how you can't believe you ever loved him, but the insecurity still stood. You caught on pretty quick and always made sure to reassure him how much he means to you, which he's always grateful for. Sometimes your ex tries to take advantage of his insecurities, but like hell are you going to let him manipulate your sweet boyfriend! 
Kakeru eventually admitted everything to Kanata and Kinji. They told him to tell the director of the play about your ex and what he was doing to you, but it still didn't work. Kanata and Kinji still comforted him throughout the whole ordeal the same way he comforted you (which made him feel bad because you were the one who had to literally kiss your ex). Eventually, the rest of the class heard about it, and came up with a better solution...
Opening night was here and it wasn't nearly as bad as you thought it would be. For once, your ex wasn't harassing you, or even looking you in the eyes. It was funny, he worked so hard for the role, and even looked like he worked out for it or something (because he was definitely larger than you remember) just for him to forget most of his lines.
 At the times he made eye contact, he would stammer and stutter over his words, which you would usually enjoy, seeing him embarrass himself in front of this giant crowd, but it just reminded you of your boyfriend, who was nowhere to be seen. 
You searched the crowd and looked backstage a few times, but he wasn't there. You saw Kanata and Kinji in the audience, so he had to be somewhere. E/n found you looking for him, but you told him to screw off, to which he looked genuinely hurt for a moment. 
You knew Kakeru wouldn't miss your play, and assumed you were just missing him. As the climax of the play played out, with your ex awkwardly saving you, you pretended to swoon over him, making him act even more flustered. Weird. He would usually soak up this kind of attention.
As your knight lifted off his helmet, you audibly gasped. 
Kakeru's face was bright red, and he was too flustered to speak.
You found yourself smiling, his face saying everything that he couldn't. Without hesitation, you cupped his cheek and brought him in for the kiss, not letting him go until the curtains had long fallen. 
Mitch Higa:
"Hey! HEY! Everyone! Move!" Mitch practically commanded. Having a famous boyfriend had its perks, one of which being how most people admired and listened to him blindly, giving him the power to shoo people away and clear a path for the two of you to see the casting list. 
You saw your own name just as your boyfriend elbowed someone in your way.
"Mitch! I did it! I got the part!" 
"Hell yeah! I knew you could do it! You'll be just as famous as me one day!" He grinned, taking you by the hand and leading you out of the crowd. As the two of you rounded a corner, away from prying eyes, he kissed you on the forehead.
"Maybe even more." 
You giggled in response, reaching up to ruffle his hair. He smiled and leaned into your touch. 
"Wow, this is what Mitsuhiro Higa is really like? Didn't think you even cared for Y/n when you’re away from the cameras." 
You and Mitch turned to see E/n beside the two of you, having obviously followed you both here.
"Fuck off. What the hell do you want?"
"I wanted to see how Y/n felt about our big kissing scene."
"WHAT!?" Mitch's yell of anger nearly drew a crowd over.
"What the hell are you talking about!?"
With the cockiest grin, your ex replied, "I'm the knight."
 He knew about the kissing scene, and didn't hesitate to tell you that he hated it, and was secretly thankful how much you reassured him over it. But was it seriously gonna be this guy!? 
You swore a few times, not liking this any more than he did and with your ex's continuous snarky comments, you nearly had to hold your boyfriend back a few times.
Mitch made it clear that he hated your ex and his role as the knight. He complained about it just as much as you did, and while he would never admit how jealous he was, he wouldn't shut up about how angry he was about it. Of course, he would still comfort you and listen to you vent about your ex, throwing out a snarky comment here and there. He'd also walk you home and take you out on dates more often, not that he thought you might leave him for that loser. But still, after two days your whole class knew about it. 
Some offered condolences for your situation, but others decided to help Mitch with a better idea...
Mitch hated the fact that he was going to have to go behind your back for this, but like hell was he going to let this asshole kiss you!
By the end of the second act, you officially wanted to murder your ex. Sure, it was funny how he slipped up most of his lines, and seemed to forget half the script, but that didn't stop him from trying to get as close to you as possible, to which you'd shove him off as soon as the audience couldn't see.
He attempted to approach you at intermission, to which you told him that you'd never love him and that he better stay the hell away. It disturbed you how he seemed to appreciate that. 
There was also the fact that your boyfriend wasn't here to support you. Sure, he was famous and had hundreds of fangirls and better things to do, but he wouldn't skip out on your big night...right?
Every insecurity you ever had about your boyfriend seemed to come pouring out, even though you tried to lose yourself in your acting. Even your ex seemed worried about you. Still, you shoved him aside, and prepared to get the kiss scene over with. 
You forced yourself to swoon over the entitled asshole who broke your heart, begging for him to lift up his helmet. When he did as the script said, (for once)
Your eyes widened. Mitch chuckled to himself and winked at you, before cupping both of your cheeks and pulling you in for the kiss. You had no objections.
He dipped you during the kiss as the audience cheered, much to your embarrassment.
As the curtain fell, and the two of you broke the kiss for air, he told you that he wouldn't have missed your night for the world.
Dra Yuki Maeda:
You skipped over to your boyfriend happily. He was equally happy to see you, waiting for the good news on a nearby bench. 
"Hey, Y/n! Did you get the part?"
"I did it, Yuki! I freaking did it!"
He smiled, "I never doubted you for a moment, Y/n." 
You sat down beside him and nuzzled into his neck. He wrapped an arm beside you and leaned his head on your shoulder. A part of him wanted to ask who the knight was, knowing about how'd you'd have to kiss them, but this moment was about you, not him.
"Hey, Y/n. I heard you got the part." 
The two of you sighed at the familiar voice. Once again, this moment was supposed to be about you. 
"Yeah, I did. Now screw off."
"Why would I do that?" He's smiled innocently, getting in between you and Yuki. "Especially since we have our kiss scene coming up. We should practice, shouldn't we?"
"K-Kiss scene!? You're the knight?" Yuki yelped. E/n's grin in response was enough to make you want to punch him. 
Yuki hated every moment of knowing that you would have to kiss your cheating ex. He was fine with you kissing a guy for the part, knowing you were loyal and passionate about acting, but the fact that it was your ex, who was milking every bit of it, made him angry. Still, he put aside his own feelings for you. You were the one who needed to be comforted here, not him! 
He would actually go to dress rehearsals with you every now and then and would offer to walk you home. He never hesitates to defend you from whatever your ex says to you, and is always fine with you venting to him about it. He makes it his main priority for you to enjoy your first big role, wanting you to have fun without worrying about having to kiss that jerk.
That being said, he mentioned it to his classmates a few times (he's also friends with pretty much everyone-) who told him that he should "put his luck to good use." When he asked what that meant, Yamato and Haruhiko cleared off a table, slapped some paper down on it, and got the class to come up with a plan
The play seemed to be going fine. Your ex seemed to give you some space, and even though there was the occasional struggle with remembering his lines, nothing big really happened. The night was going pretty much exactly how you we're hoping it was going to, exactly except for the fact that your boyfriend was nowhere to be seen. 
You had assumed he would meet you backstage or something, but you couldn't find him. You searched the crowd to only find your classmates. When you approached them during intermission, you only got a grin from Haruhiko, to which Akane and Satsuki seemed to drag him away for. 
You knew that Yuki wouldn't miss the play, so what was happening? Did your ex do something to him!? He did seem quieter than usual!
You probably would've confronted your ex about it, had it not been the end of intermission, and you found yourself preparing for the dreaded kiss. 
When the play reached its climax, your knight took off his helmet, revealing the face of your missing boyfriend. You smiled, biting back a laugh. 
He smiled back at you, before holding your hands and pulling you in for the kiss. You kissed back, and somehow the kiss was sweeter than any the two of you had ever shared.
The two of you continued to kiss as the curtains fell.
"I..um, left some flowers for you in your dressing room during intermission. I don't know if you saw them..."
You giggled, "No, idiot. I was too busy looking for you."
He laughed a bit in reply, before pulling you closer and kissing you once more.
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