#the way those israeli monsters never will
sylvia-de-silva · 5 months
Reem, Reem
Soul of my soul
I weep no tears for you.
Love was always too weak
a word; and still God loved you
more than I; it's why
he called you from my arms,
so soon; just long
enough for a window,
into my Paradise; yet
not long enough to let
the world hurt you
any more than it has done.
Reem, Reem
light of my heart; I rejoice
for it will never be you
who bears this hurt
this agony, this world,
He loves you so much
He could never bear to
see you in pain for His glory
the way I am blessed to suffer.
I praise His name,
prostrate with gratitude,
I am in a grief glorious
for this gift of His love,
of your love, this howling love,
these hallowed flames
this blessing of a love
that would hurt this much.
Reem, Reem,
my angel on earth,
now you are one in Heaven.
God sings you lullabies
sweeter than I ever could,
cradles you more gently
than I ever would,
Spirited you into
an eternal dream
softer than I could ever
spin you.
Reem, Reem,
I know my tears
broke your little heart, you
never could stand to see them.
So I try to not let them fall.
But darling, if I fail,
don't be sad;
These are glad tears,
patient tears, blessed tears,
knowing because of you
my love for God is stronger
His shield over my soul truer;
that a love that gave me you,
will never keep us apart,
for longer than I can endure
Tw: video of small dead child cradled by grandfather in Gaza under the cut. In an interview he called her "the soul of my soul".
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itsbansheebitch · 23 days
Have some critical thinking, please and thank you
is it just me... or do Israel's government's supporters have the same vibe as:
"Actually, it doesn't matter that Jeffery Dahmer tortured and killed people, since he's gay, which makes him a saint actually. Those boys should have just gone to the police, not that that's necessary, since, again, he's a saint."
Like... that's literally the shit I hear every time you ask "So... why, again, was is necessary to kill tens of thousands of people?" and they SCREAM antisemitism, even when Holocaust survivors are saying that Gazans are facing similar conditions that they faced in the camps. Even when Jewish people chain themselves to the White House fence, ya'll will STILL talk over them.
When people say "Don't talk over minority groups, listen to what THEY have to say." THIS is what they mean. Don't talk over a minority group that is protesting the systematic torture and killing of another minority group.
It is really quite simple. You don't accidentally get taken to court for genocide accusations. You don't accidentally snipe CHILDREN. You don't accidentally murder over 30,000 people. You don't accidentally attack civilians when they try to get food.
When native people, Irish people, and South Africans ALL are on the same side, the one that says, "Stop killing Muslims (again, by the tens of thousands) and give the native people their land back" and you are AGAINST that side, you are pro-colonialism. Hell, Israelis are protesting their OWN government. Even under the threat of torture, they STILL get up and protest. Why can't you?
You are a reflection of your ancestors that took native people's land before you, and you will never be the end of your family's line of thinking UNTIL you question your own beliefs. UNTIL you decide that you aren't going to call children "fodder" and are going to let go of the idea that America just NEEDS it's grubby hands in the middle east. until you let go of those ideas, until you let go of your hate for Muslims, you will NEVER be anything more than a reflection of your colonizer ancestors.
The fact that you cheer on the death of tens of thousands of people, should be enough for you to know that. The fact that you proudly say that Muslims are "inherently violent" should be enough for you to know that you only stand up for minorities when it suits YOUR needs. You will ONLY have BLM in your bio if it goes with your blog's aesthetic. You will NEVER, in any meaningful way, be an ally.
Not to mention, you make Jewish people look like bloodthirsty monsters, like holy hell, is this a smear campaign or what???
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nerdylilpeebee · 4 months
Why are you pro Israel instead of pro Palestine?
A number of reasons:
First, Hamas, Gaza's elected government, attacked first and has been attacking for decades. And even before Hamas, the people who would later call themselves Palestinians along with several other Arab countries, attempted to kill the Jewish population of Israel. All of this, by every reliable source I can find, was done unprovoked. The original Israeli settlements did not displace anyone, and Israel only claimed the territory it has now due to the fact these two wars were waged (much of it was even given to them by these Arab Countries in order to prevent them launching a counter-offensive).
Second, sources within Gaza have been proven over and over and over to be lying. From using AI to add corpses to pictures to using photos of murdered Israeli children in collages of "missing Palestinian children." We can't even rely on their numbers for how many have died. The side that lies so thoroughly that you can't even trust when they say "this many people have died in this conflict" is not the side that's in the right. I have not seen anywhere close to this level of manipulation from Israel. Literally the worst I've seen from Israel is a few of their government officials talking in a way that dehumanizes Palestinians.
Third, one side is a historically oppressed group who has suffered CONSTANT attempts at their lives. Several genocides, many attempted genocides, and now one side of this conflict is ruled by people who openly declare they want to kill all the Jews. Even their propaganda piece openly admits that they want to kill all Jews GLOBALLY.
Fourth, falling in line with my last point, Hamas openly says that they view Gaza as a country of martyrs that they're willing to sacrifice. One side being a genocidal terrorist group that views the people of the country they're occupying as disposable fodder to achieve their goals is not the side that deserves to be supported.
Those are my reasons, tho I will add one thing: I may be pro-Israel, but I fully believe Palestine also has a right to exist. Gaza and the West Bank should both be free to govern themselves. A 2-state solution is the only way forward.
But this kinda requires eliminating Hamas and every other extremist group that decides to break the peace every time it's achieved. Gaza and the West Bank cannot have their freedom if every time they get it a terrorist group steals all their international aid and uses it to fuel their genocidal campaign. They will never live free so long as they're under the yoke of monsters.
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matan4il · 6 months
Feel like I live in an alternate reality or something cause why is the left NEVER talking about how Arabs repeatedly rejected the two state solution? Sure, hold Israel responsible for their treatment of Palestinians. But are we supposed to ignore Palestine's refusal to find a middle ground that would put an end to decades of violence? Are we supposed to ignore that they voted for a terrorist group that wants to wipe Jews from the face of the earth?
Hi Nonnie! Thank you for this ask.
I wouldn't put it only on the left, there are right wing white supremacists who also use anti-Zionism as a means to attack Jews. But yeah, the difference is people on the left were supposed to care about Jewish lives, too. Instead, the anti-Israeli crowd conveniently leaves out huge chunks of the history, and then uses that false narrative to justify the massacre of Jews:
That Jews were systematically oppressed, discriminated, persecuted and even repeatedly massacred in the Land of Israel for centuries before the State of Israel was established
That Jews repeatedly tried to make peace with the Arabs even before establishing the State of Israel
That in Nov 1947, Jews accepted the UN's two state solution, known as the partition plan, while the Arabs rejected it
That in Oct 1947, the secretary general of the Arab League promised a "war of extermination" against the Jews in Israel... just 2.5 years after the end of the Holocaust
That the local Arabs were the ones to attack the Jews in Nov 1947, then the Arab armies joined them in May 1948. Arabs tried to genocide the Jews in Israel, not the other way around
That despite this, Israel absorbed 160,000 Arabs as citizens when it was established (the ones who did not flee, nor used violence against the Jews), and even offered to take back tens of thousands of the Arabs who had fled
That Arabs were a part of governing Israel from the start, with three Arab elected parliament representatives in the first Knesset
That during its entire history, Israel only expended its borders once, following a defensive war, and it then gave away the overwhelming majority of those territories for peace (with Egypt, with Jordan, and then unsuccessfully with the Palestinians)
That Israel made repeated attempts at reaching a final peace agreement with the Palestinians along the years, and has made offers that gave the Palestinians the exact amount of territory they were demanding
And that Jews ARE native to Israel, with native rights here
Does that mean Israel is perfect? No. But it's far from the monster the anti-Israeli crowd depicts it as. The story is not the simple projection of colonizers vs colonized that these people are selling to those who don't know the history of the conflict. And now, this false narrative has been used to justify the beheading of babies, and rapes that were so brutal, they broke bones...
I hope you're taking care of yourself, Nonnie! Sending you hugs and love! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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hero-israel · 1 year
Here's the thing about this narrative that Palestinian resistance no matter what form is acceptable. Jewkilling cannot exist in a bubble. It cannot be politically neutral. 1000 years of European (and Arab) antisemitism culminating in genocide have ruined that. Sorry to Palestinian activists but that's just how it works. You can't murder a Jew without it being a tragedy, without it contributing to the continued global oppression of Jewish people.
And all that said, that's just if Hamas and others only targeted soldiers and police (or at least tried as best they could). The IRA didn't go out of its way to purposefully target noncombatants. Why? Probably because there isn't thousands of years of history of English people being seen as subhuman, there isn't thousands of years of anglophobic propaganda showing English people as twisted monsters preying on children and secretly undermining Irish society. The Irish national movement was not born because English refugees returned to their historical homeland and challenged the notion of Irish Supremacy. It was a pragmatic liberation movement. Resist military occupation, undermine military infrastructure designed to oppress the people. The descendants of English and Scottish settlers would even be allowed to stay if they had won. Imagine that.
These things are all tied up in each other. I'm against police brutality, I'm against the escalation and the militarization and the mistreatment of Arabs in Israel and in Judea & Samaria and Gaza and Golan and everywhere. But killing Jews can never be righteous. Sorry to anyone who feels that way but it can't. Antizionists NEED to understand that. Jews will always feel defensive and ready themselves for retaliation because of history, because of that context. Jews keep saying "prove to us a post zionist society where we all share the land won't be antisemitic" and their concerns are completely brushed off.
There's no empathy at all. A little girl can be stabbed to death and antizionists celebrate because she was a "settler," and that brave Palestinian man was defending his indigenous homeland, by targeting the weakest of his enemies. And since Israel has mandatory military service the antizionist can surmise that no Jews are Innocent. An Israeli Jew cannot be a noncombatant. They have to, otherwise the only other explanation for why Jewkilling is acceptable to them, or even feels good to them, is that they hate Jews. And as of right now, the optics are still against that. I have a sinking feeling the optics won't be against them much longer. I inherently don't trust a "liberation" movement that's all too eager to make murdering Jewish civilians praxis. I'm sick of the internet falling for this bullshit.
One of the best asks I have ever received. Thank you for sharing it and I agree with every word.
The entire progressive intersectional social-justice frame has failed Jews (or, alternately, has succeeded in excluding them), due to being intellectually colonized by a clearly fascist ideology of incessantly hating the Jew as a poisonous alien. Try to get an online activist to critically deconstruct the social assumptions they were raised with about Jews in their Muslim, Christian, or very slightly post-Christian society... it won't go well. Funny how Jews have lived in India and China for thousands of years yet you will look in vain for examples of bitter bloodthirsty kill-your-nextdoor-neighbor antisemitism in those societies. That's because the origin, the core, of Chinese and Indian societies was not "We're the people who are better than Jews."
From a review of Richard Landes' new book "Can the Whole World Be Wrong?":
[During the Second Intifada] Israelis were described at the time as the new Nazis. But the malice that was unleashed was even worse. As Landes writes, “It was mostly about being freed from a sense of obligation to the Jews, a chance to take up again the Jew-baiting so long denied Europeans by a politically correct post-Holocaust sobriety.” Landes quotes a poisonous comment made by a member of the House of Lords and reported in the Spectator, “Well, the Jews have been asking for it, and now, thank God, we can say what we think at last.” During that time, I was told something horrifyingly similar to my [=the reviewer's] face.
Your example of Irish nationalists not going out of their way to murder British children is a good one. The oft-reached comparisons between Palestine and South Africa are frivolous for many reasons as I have explained here before, and the ANC advocating and normalizing a vision of enduring racial diversity and equality is high on the list of reasons (made possible because black African identity is not predicated on a thousand-year history of hating and oppressing whites). The case of Rhodesia is even more instructive. Robert Mugabe - ROBERT MUGABE! - pleaded with the whites to stay, to live as equals, as brothers, and work together in building a better society in Zimbabwe. Ian Smith, last white PM of Rhodesia, agreed with him and stayed in Zimbabwe. If a so-called "liberation" movement is more openly dedicated to straight-up exterminating their enemies than Robert Mugabe ever was, maybe, just maybe, it shouldn't be described as "liberation" at all.
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will80sbyers · 3 months
Brett unapologetically believes what he believes. This makes criticizing him less worthwhile to people, cuz if it doesn't affect him, then what's the point?
With Noah, it's clear he's a lot more apologetic about what he believes. We've seen how quickly he backtracks and it's cuz his beliefs were never that strong in the first place. He's a total sponge. He's not confident about his beliefs whatsoever in the same way Brett is because his beliefs largely stem from the beliefs his loved ones have, who he trusts to have good beliefs. This makes tearing him down a lot more entertaining to people that love a good downfall.
I remember after 10/7, there were a few days where Noah did not say anything. So many people were waiting for the ball to drop. I was curious how his Israeli friends were reacting, and low and behold they both had instagram stories that were very obviously directed at him, crying and saying how they were disappointed that someone who they thought cared about them, who has millions of followers, hadn't said anything. And predictably, the next day he started being vocal about it.
And now we just saw how quickly he took down his copypasta after filming started. Im guessing all it took was a few days filming on set among the cast, away from his family and inner circle, for them to talk some sense into him, because he. is. a. sponge!!
It's crazy to think how much appeasing the people around him has probably played a big role in this. And how him now backtracking is only going to make them hate him now too, all the while not even getting the people that hate him already to even consider forgiving him anyways.
I agree with you I think he's VERY easy to suggestion from other people and that's what brought him to say certain things, I feel like propaganda does work and people just undermine that or like to talk about it theoretically but then when they see someone that actually did fall for it or that feels pressured to do things and is clearly influenced they don't take it into consideration and start jumping to the worst possible conclusion that they are heartless monsters etc even when they didn't idk commit direct crimes themselves because of it
I also feel like ignoring that there are LOTS of people that take the meaning of Zionism with a complete different meaning than what we take it as (because of what it is doing in the practical way of expressing that philosophy) is being disingenuous
In the same way that people saying that "from the river to the sea" means that you're saying that you want Jewish people dead is disingenuous
There are two different meanings that people have and not all of them mean that in the sense that they want to kill or keep opressing the other side EVEN if that is born from that, you know people don't mean it in that way, especially people that are not even living in those places themselves, like if you know that - you have to explain to them why that name to you has the same connotation as for example "fascist"
If you think about it, the words fascist and other similar words of political movements are not born with the people giving them inherent negative meaning but that meaning got attached there because of what they did as a movement, which is the same thing that happens with Zionism, but people that are born inside that culture where you get told that that word has a different meaning OBVIOUSLY are not going to tell you that they agree with the negative meaning unless they have been freed from propaganda and can actually see that there can be no distinction anymore because of what they have done... But again we're talking about deprogramming someone, it is just not easy to do!
They will refute that idea because it's a complete shift of the belief system you had since your were born... It's obvious to me that you can't just throw them in a box of "evil" just because they fight to make peace with that idea or refuse it
And online there's a jump from rightly asking for clarification or an apology with accountability when necessary to literally wanting that person dead or in complete misery immediately and never forgiving them or at least letting them live their own life without abuse and harassment
No matter what they actually did or didn't do, like a serial killer is put on the same plane of someone that says a fucked up thing and to me that's kind of insane... I feel like we lost measure (?) idk how to explain this in a better way I just have started feeling like it's all too much online it wouldn't be how you help people to change in the actual real world
And to be clear I'm not against people being called out and having to demonstrate that they did change, (I'm not even a "non violent" person... when needed. Like, I would punch a nazist if I needed to for example) but I feel like now the type of harassment is extreme no matter the "crime"
and instead of it being about helping our world to get better it has become about piling on to pile on and have the most liked post at the same time and these people don't care at all if that person changes or not, they are in the "evil" list now and there they must stay
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softdedue · 6 months
Honestly as a Jewish person I understand that it’s easy for a lot of Jewish people to feel defensive right now—we have been raised to feel persecuted at every turn, after all, and why should this situation be any different—but it is so important to step back and take stock of the actual events that are occurring.
The actions of Israel are not justified. The creation of Israel was never justified. Any Jewish person who disagrees with either of those statements on any level, any Jewish person who still believes that the situation with Israel is in any way “complicated” with regard to morality, is complicit in this genocide and deserves to face the consequences of that. Jewish people who support genocide do not deserve to have their hands held any more than any other person who supports genocide. Having suffered through a genocide as a people ourselves should only make us more horrified by what these monsters are claiming to do in our people’s name.
I saw a post yesterday that said global antisemitism made the actions of Israel “understandable”. How could we expect Jewish Israelis to feel safe anywhere other than their own country if the rest of the world hates them? Well, I challenge you this: how could you live with yourself if you felt pride for a country that could do such things?
I am an American. I am hated by many people for being an American. I think those people are entirely justified in hating me for being an American, and I agree with their criticisms of my country, because I know my country fucking sucks. Any Israeli who doesn’t feel critical of their country deserves my hatred. That’s kind of the point.
Obviously we need to talk about the spread of antisemitism in response to this horrific tragedy. We should not hate Israelis for being Jewish, and we should not hate average Jewish people around the world for being Jewish. But we also need to acknowledge the Jewish role in this tragedy as well, and to keep the true victims—the people of Gaza—at the forefront of our minds. It is understandable that there would be antisemitic backlash at this time. We must have grace with a world who is reeling in the horror of us—yes, us—slaughtering their children by the thousands.
This is not our moment to speak out about injustices done against our people. This is our moment to apologize, and to distance ourselves from the monsters who have condoned this, and to speak out in support for our Palestinian brothers and sisters who are facing adversity that makes the acts currently being committed against us look like nothing.
Free palestine
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eretzyisrael · 3 months
by John Podhoretz
I have lost count of the number of times the phrase “I have never felt like this before” has been spoken in my ear, texted to me, or sent to me in an email, in the three months since the Hamas attack on October 7, 2023.
When I talked with Israelis on a trip in November, the phrase described a gut emotion few under the age of 50 said they had ever experienced—the sense that they were personally vulnerable to outside attack in a manner more like an extended military invasion than a terrorist blow. They had lived through years of ineffectual rocket fire that was all but magically extinguished by the Iron Dome and Arrow anti-missile systems. Those interceptions had provided a feeling of near-divine protection. No longer. Israelis feel raw now, and such vulnerability is never momentary or transitory; one might say the opposite. Once it seizes you, it might take years before you wake up one morning and notice suddenly it’s no longer there.
I experienced that blissful moment once in my life, in New York City in 1998, when I was walking alone late at night across Central Park and realized I was doing something I simply would never have done before in my 37 years as a native Manhattanite. The feeling in the gut of every New Yorker of my age—the need to protect oneself from some sudden onslaught, in part because everyone we knew had been attacked in one way or another—was just no longer there, and I had never felt it disappearing. Because of the crime drop, because of increased police visibility, because of the presence of others like me in exactly the same place at exactly the same time, this new sense of freedom was now my new reality.
I am not saying Israelis ever felt secure in quite that way before October 7. They had, of course, lived through 60 years of terrorist attacks (the Palestine Liberation Organization was founded in 1964 as a violence-worshipping gang designed to attack civilians on the model of the anti-colonialists in Algeria) and several short wars over the past half century. But through the 2010s and early 2020s, the sense of immediate danger for Israelis had split in two—and might therefore have seemed, oddly enough, twice as weak.
The threat had either become too geopolitically large to affect their quotidian existences (like the existential risk posed by Iran’s nuclear program) or could have only come so suddenly and unexpectedly that it would have been absurd to disrupt your daily life taking personal countermeasures (Palestinians engaged in a bus-stabbing spree at one point; how do you defend against that?).
These kinds of perils were certainly haunting, and they played a significant political role in Israeli elections and Knesset debates, but they were more theoretical to 9 million Israelis than actual.
So, now, when an Israeli says, “I’ve never felt like this before,” what he’s describing is a loss of stability, as though the very earth under his feet is no longer truly solid but might crumble beneath him. This is why the Hamas action, though not a terrorist attack in the traditional sense, may have been the most effective strike against Israel in the history of the Jewish state. It has destabilized people internally, which is terrorism’s goal. It also helps us understand the ongoing traumatic effect of the continuing crisis involving the hostages in Gaza. They have been held in unknown conditions for months now by monsters whose vicious acts on October 7—and sadistic conduct during the captivity of those hostages who have been released—makes the thought of what they might be going through utterly paralyzing and terrifying when it crosses your mind even for a second.
Israelis have the sense that, but for the slightest accident of timing and location, any of them might have been one of those hostages. And they hear the air-raid sirens, and they run to the shelters and do not do so in the almost lackadaisical way most of them did before October 7. The larger threat to Israel’s existence, and their own existences, has moved from the theoretical to the actual. After all, Hamas actually invaded Israeli territory and roamed on Israeli soil for three days before the Gaza envelope was cleared of them. Fail to finish them off now, and it could, it would, it will, happen again.
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svartikotturinn · 5 months
Why I have deemed Hbomberguy to be a monster without empathy:
If your reaction to civilians being shot dead is to immediately use it as a slanderous dunk, with no expression of empathy, you’re a sociopath.
To be clear, he has repeatedly demonstrated that he can hunker down and do the research when he wants to (see: all of his videos). Shortly after the October 7 Massacre, he said he would do that before responding. Since then he has:
deliberately taken quotes and other info out of context
retweeted bullshit takes that only sound smart about international law
flagrantly dismissed any attempts by anyone to reason with him about the ‘arguments’ he was platforming
and at one point claimed that a woman who wants her fallen long-time partner’s sperm to make a child with him (you know, the way people usually do with people they love) is macabre cringe comedy (and never responding to those who think it’s ‘ethnonationalism’ like what the fuck).
But this? This is a new low, even for him.
So heads up, @theabigailthorn: this lack of empathy will eventually reach you.
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menalez · 5 months
How are you going to blame Israelis for being paranoid when they underwent a genocide that killed off two thirds of their population barely eighty years back and are surrounded by countries that waged a war to wipe out Israel hardly fifty years back? Also Hamas has professed the same ideas about killing off the Jewish population as the Nazis and yet majority of the Palestinians support them. Do you think if Israel disarms itself and withdraws, Hamas will disband and there will be peace? What is Israel even supposed to do with such an enemy next door that shelters itself in civilian areas? Sit back instead of risking striking civilian populations and let Hamas arm itself and launch attacks? All these people sitting in comfort in Washington and London have never lived under the shadow of regular terror attacks and rockets falling on them yet they feel comfortable virtue signalling about wiping out Israel.
??? ISRAELIs faced that genocide? so are all jewish people israelis now or what? and “being paranoid”… i mean thats a nice way of putting “supporting genocide” & using the holocaust which has affected jewish ppl overall not israelis specifically (& occurred before israel existed) to defend supporting genocide and wanting even worse mass-killings of palestinian civilians is vile! meanwhile a huge portion of holocaust survivours and their descendants live in poverty in israel:
Tumblr media
meanwhile many jewish ppl who either survived the holocaust or descended from holocaust survivours are speaking vocally against israel’s terrorism on innocent civilians:
“what is israel supposed to do with such an enemy next door?🥺”
well, for one, israel’s government could’ve perhaps not funded hamas or not helped hamas get into power. but i dont think feeling threatened after the monster u supported attacks justifies killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians in less than 2 months, idk i tend to consistently oppose genocide but it seems like thats something ur incapable of. do u think if palestinians exist several decades from now, that israel’s actions today would justify them committing a genocide in the future? bc if u want to be logically consistent, thats the natural conclusion of ur disgusting genocide supporting stance ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Goyim goysplaining shit to me is why I don't write Jewish characters anymore. "Well actually that name is this AGAB so the character isn't NB they're *insert AGAB here*" "well actually according to Google you shouldn't have used the word candle you should have said this" "well actually goy is a slur and it's not bad of commenters to use 'Hebrews' to refer to all Jewish people even though I *will* get mad if you call Catholics 'Latins' in response" "well actually it's a kippah not a yarmulke you can't use the word yarmulke it's a kippah" "well actually Jewish people are white so why is this Beta Israeli character not white Jewish = white" "uh excuse me but your Jewish characters didn't exchange Hebrew names that's really unrealistic" "uh excuse me why is your character breaking kosher to stay alive? everything I see on TV says Jews would rather die than break kosher and live - no I don't know or care that pikuach nefesh is a thing I just wanted to correct you on the proper way to write a Jewish character" etc. Whether it's goyim commenting on Undertale fanfics to say all Jewish people would be Red souls (because we don't have individual souls, personalities and colors like the non-Jewish characters, that'd be silly) because we survived the Holocaust or goyim saying Jewish Bruce Wayne makes sense because Jews have all the money, or being confused on how you can headcanon anyone as Jewish who isn't white because Jewish people are white (which is a surprise to my Iranian Jewish self but go off I guess) there is always someone there to tell you that you're not human like other people. These people would never go "oh Latinos all have Red souls and the same personality, definitely" or "Muslim Bruce Wayne makes sense, those people all have oil money" but they'll say antisemitic shit right to your face and then have the gall to be annoyed when you don't like it.
This is why I pulled all my fic without leaving copies up for archives. "B-but I love your fic it's the only multichaptered one for this rarepair!" Well you didn't respect me enough not to say Jews have all the money, so fuck you. "Nooo I loved that fic it had such a good magic system!" Yeah well I didn't love being told my "race" shares a single personality type/soul color so tough shit.
And then afterwards of course they write "Jewish Batfam" fic where there's 1 line in the entire thing where one character mentions Hanukkah once and they pat themselves on the back for being such good, diverse, inclusive writers. They're so woke and accepting and galaxy brained, devoid of prejudice, aren't you going to pat them on the back for clogging up Jewish related tags with fic where skipping one line could erase all presence of Judaism from it? No? Well then why don't you go write your own fic then?!
It's a rhetorical question, but here's the non-rhetorical answer: I don't go write my own fic because I'm tired of having to hear Jewish people talked about the way y'all talk about Tolkien's elves or Undertale's monsters and having to advocate for the idea of treating Jewish people like people is exhausting work.
Literally the only fandom I've ever been in that didn't go "oh well that's just fandom! if you don't like it don't write fics lol" was Star Trek. And even then, you venture outside of AO3 at your own risk.
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quinloki · 4 months
"I didn't say or speak on anything about Gaza for weeks because I knew Nothing, and didn't want to assume anything. It took me a long time to form a stance and then take action based on that. It's a complicated issue. (that had been going on for WAY longer than I even realized.)"
So..... what stances did you come to? Regarding Israel? Regarding Palestinians?
I almost don’t want to answer this because I feel like there’s no good answer, but I’ll be as concise as I can and honest.
Israel is a shit government, but a terrible government does not mean its citizens are all evil. Israeli people deserve life and happiness.
Hamas is a terrorist organization. The why and how of how it came to be and why it does what it does is irrelevant.
The existence of Hamas is no excuse to vilify and murder Palestinians.
I don’t care for Hamas or the Israeli government, but my life is not on the line, my family, freedom, and well-being are not jeopardized. My opinion on either does not matter.
What matters is that people like me, ordinary humans trying desperately to have ordinary lives, are irrevocably changed by both organizations. Those people deserve support, food, safety, shelter, and protection.
Palestine deserves to be free.
Israelis deserve humanity and life.
We are seven billion people doing our best to survive in a world controlled by people who are heavy with anger and greed and fear. Fear that always consumes the most innocent among us.
If I thought donating to the Red Cross would provide one person succor I would do it without hesitation or remorse. It doesn’t matter who is soothed by it. I’m not wise enough, courageous enough or powerful enough to make those choices.
I have struggled against myself and my own country to survive for 42 years. Sometimes I have to look away to maintain peace enough to even be able to help.
If that makes me a monster in the eyes of some, there’s nothing I can do about that. We’re all out here doing our best. There is no morally pure choice, person, or ideal, because absolutes and purity are impossible concepts in a real world.
I donate where I can. I do the best I can. I’m sure I’ve donated to questionable places before. Inefficient help is better than no help, if I thought I was sending a feast and someone only got a sandwich then I imagine that is better than starving.
I hope this resolves and Palestine does not become a memory as other countries have. I hope that Israeli citizens don’t have to live in fear for their lives as people retaliate against a government they can’t control.
I hope we never have to wonder what country will be the next target for annihilation as the cost of some power hungry, fear soaked troglodyte’s ambition.
That, is the best I have to offer.
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matan4il · 23 days
hey, are you Israeli/do you speak Hebrew? what is Israeli media saying about how Netanyahu has handled relations with the US? or at least his decision to cancel the DC trip after the UN vote?
Hi Nonnie!
I am, and I do. But I'm not sure how well I can reply to you. You know that joke about how, if you ask 2 Jews about something, you'll get at least 3 opinions? Yeah, so imagine the range of opinions, many of them contradicting each other, in a state full of Jews. Add to that the opinions of non-Jewish Israelis, which also have a variety of view points. Now imagine the opinions expressed by those who end up working in the media, meaning the most opinionated and outspoken ones. IDK that I can condense it all into one coherent reply.
But basically, any opinion you can imagine, someone expressed it. I will say that most did seem more upset with the US, for allowing what's seen as an anti-Israeli resolution to pass at the UN unvetoed, because the harm from that is real, massive, and could affect us for years, maybe even in ways we can't yet foresee. So keeping in mind that the UN resolution is harmful to Israel, and that the US was absolutely making a political point by allowing it to pass, most understand Netanyahu's reaction in that context.
That said, even with that context in mind, there were a lot of different opinions and reactions on whether it was the right move.
Personally, I do not like Netanyahu and have never voted for him. I used to dislike him because I thought he was anti-peace. It took me time, but I realize that actually, the biggest issue with him is that more than anything else, he wants to stay in power. He doesn't actually have (IMO) an ideological spine. At the same time, I won't demonize him, either. I very much hold him to be the person responsible for a lot of terrible things that have happened to Israel, to a great degree because he chooses to believe that if something didn't go wrong so far despite him not doing anything about it, then it will continue that way and he can go on ignoring it, but I don't believe that he would actually willingly sacrifice masses of Israeli civilians just for his own sake. In other words, I do think he is guilty of neglecting many things until they get to the point where people pay with their lives (while convincing himself it won't get to that), but I don't think he's an unfeeling monster who will intentionally get people killed.
So... let's put it this way. I was not surprised he canceled the trip, and I was not surprised that he re-instated it about a week later.
The trip had to happen, because a total break in communications is against Israel's interests, and becuase Israeli and American officials sitting together in person to talk about the Rafah operation is the best way to figure out an action plan that fits both. It was therefore in Netanyahu's interest for the trip to happen, but also in his interest to take some stand, and show the White House that their UN move is very upsetting to Israelis, enough for even him not to ignore.
I hope this kind of helps! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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igneouswyvern · 6 months
I'll never understand so much of internet activism. Like I definitely see the value in spreading informational posts, lists of places to donate, or details on the boycott, but I'll never understand people who are like "we HAVE to keep the tags at the top of trending!!! Spam posts about Palestine!! Reblog every Palestine post you see or else you're a monster siding with the Israeli government!!!" Like ??? Who does this help. Putting #freepalestine at the top of tumblr trending tags is not going to do a damn thing for the people being bombed in Palestine are you insane. Whether or not I choose to reblog a post is not going to mean the life or death of a Gaza resident these things change NOTHING.
I see it time and time again, no matter what terrible thing is happening in another country. People on the internet become convinced that they can do something just by posting. They use guilt tactics and post spamming and sit back and think they've accomplished something. In reality while spreading info is a good thing, there is a hard limit on the amount of impact posting and reblogging can actually do for the issues we're trying to address.
This is your official pass to not feel guilty about not reblogging all those guilt-tripping posts about Palestine or any other issues, by the way. Call your representatives or donate if you can. Don't buy from the boycott companies. That's about all you can do here at home, and don't let the internet's view of activism poison your mind and make you feel undue guilt for something that doesn't matter.
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mightyflamethrower · 6 months
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Proportionality in war is a synonym for lethal stalemate, if not defeat.
When two sides go at it with roughly equal forces, weapons, and strategies, the result is often a horrific deadlock—like the four years of toxic trench warfare on the Western Front of World War I that resulted in 12 million fatalities.
The purpose of war is to defeat the enemy as quickly as possible with the least number of causalities—and thereby achieve political ends.
So, every side aims to find superior strategies, tactics, weapons, and manpower to ensure as great a disproportionate advantage as possible.
Hamas is no exception.
Its savage precivilizational strategy to defeat Israel hinged on doing disproportionate things Israel either cannot or will not do.
First, Hamas spent a year planning a preemptive butchery spree inside Israel. Its ruthless murdering focused on “soft targets” like unarmed elderly, women, children, and infants, mostly asleep at a time of peace and holiday. Second, it sought to collectively shock Israel into paralysis by the sheer horror of decapitating civilians, burning babies, mass raping, and mutilating bodies. Another apparent aim of such premodern barbarity was to blame Israel’s “occupation” for turning Gazans into veritable monsters, with hopes of derailing the renewed Abraham Accords. Third, the gunmen took more than 240 hostages back with them to Gaza.
Again, that was a disproportionate tactic designed to meter out the release of captives in exchange for “pauses” and “cease-fires” to save Hamas.
Additionally, Hamas made implicit threats of gruesome executions of captives unless Israel ceased their retaliation for October 7.
Fourth, all the while Hamas shot rockets into Israel, more than 7,000 in total, and all aimed at civilians.
Not one launch was preceded by dropping leaflets or sending text messages to Israeli civilians to vacate the intended target areas—a protocol often used by the Israel Defense Forces.
The unapologetic aim was to kill thousands of Israelis at random and disproportionately.
In fact, in just the last few four weeks, Hamas has launched more than twice as many rockets into Israel as Nazi Germany managed to launch V-2s into Britain in five months.
Fifth, Hamas sought to create a multibillion-dollar tunnel city beneath Gaza. The labyrinth’s sole purposes were to stockpile weapons and ensure safe havens for terrorists to shoot rockets and regroup after their terrorist missions. Sixth, the subterranean headquarters of Hamas elites, along with weapons depots, were strategically placed under hospitals, mosques, and schools to “shield” them from Israeli attacks.The expectation was that the IDF would be hesitant to target such “civilian” and “humanitarian” areas in a way Hamas never would
.Seventh, Hamas forced the civilians of Gaza to remain among the street fighting. They often shot those who resisted.
They also killed Gazans who fled the city. Hamas sought to increase civilian fodder as collateral damage from Israeli attacks. Such deaths were to be broadcast worldwide to win sympathy for Hamas terrorists and force a cease-fire.
Eighth, Hamas bragged that it could repeat strategies 1-7 endlessly on the supposition Israel would tire, the world would turn against it, and it at last could murder enough Jews to end Israel altogether.
Israel in turn seeks its own disproportionate response to defeat Hamas.
First, it seeks to single out and kill the actual Hamas terrorists, and especially the 2,000 or so killers of October 7.
Second, it tries to warn civilians to flee anywhere that Hamas masses. Just as Hamas wants its own civilians killed for propaganda purposes, so Israel seeks to avoid killing them. Third, by targeting Hamas and warning civilians to keep their distance, Israel does not deny that there will be collateral damage. But it hopes to convince the world that any civilian deaths are mostly the fault of Hamas and not the IDF. And to the degree that Gaza City is left in rubble, Israel wishes to remind its enemies that the wages of murdering Jewish infants unfortunately will be a disproportionate response, whose full effects will deter any future attack. Fourth, Israel understands that a country of 9-10 million is facing a virulently hostile 500 million-person Arab Middle East. The United Nations is on the side of Hamas. A now anti-Semitic Europe has been hijacked by immigrants from the Middle East. Israel’s sole patron the United States is buffeted by a hard-left new Democratic Party that is not a reliable partner.
The result is that Israel still cannot conduct a fully disproportionate war without endangering its source of military resupply in the United States, and a wider conflict with the Islamic world.
And so, the war continues.
Hamas strives for a more disproportionate terrorist agenda to prolong the war. And Israel strives for a more disproportionate retaliation to end it.
The anger arises at Israel mostly because it is Jewish, and thus far its conventional disproportionality is proving more effective than the terrorist disproportionality of Hamas.
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dragoneyes618 · 5 months
Proportionality in war is a synonym for lethal stalemate, if not defeat.
When two sides go at it with roughly equal forces, weapons, and strategies, the result is often a horrific deadlock—like the four years of toxic trench warfare on the Western Front of World War I that resulted in 12 million fatalities.
The purpose of war is to defeat the enemy as quickly as possible with the least number of casualities—and thereby achieve political ends.
So, every side aims to find superior strategies, tactics, weapons, and manpower to ensure as great a disproportionate advantage as possible.
Hamas is no exception.
Its savage precivilizational strategy to defeat Israel hinged on doing disproportionate things Israel either cannot or will not do.
First, Hamas spent a year planning a preemptive butchery spree inside Israel. Its ruthless murdering focused on “soft targets” like unarmed elderly, women, children, and infants, mostly asleep at a time of peace and holiday.
Second, it sought to collectively shock Israel into paralysis by the sheer horror of decapitating civilians, burning babies, mass raping, and mutilating bodies.
Another apparent aim of such premodern barbarity was to blame Israel’s “occupation” for turning Gazans into veritable monsters, with hopes of derailing the renewed Abraham Accords.
Third, the gunmen took more than 240 hostages back with them to Gaza.
Again, that was a disproportionate tactic designed to meter out the release of captives in exchange for “pauses” and “cease-fires” to save Hamas.
Additionally, Hamas made implicit threats of gruesome executions of captives unless Israel ceased their retaliation for October 7.
Fourth, all the while Hamas shot rockets into Israel, more than 7,000 in total, and all aimed at civilians.
Not one launch was preceded by dropping leaflets or sending text messages to Israeli civilians to vacate the intended target areas—a protocol often used by the Israel Defense Forces.
The unapologetic aim was to kill thousands of Israelis at random and disproportionately.
In fact, in just the last few four weeks, Hamas has launched more than twice as many rockets into Israel as Nazi Germany managed to launch V-2s into Britain in five months.
Fifth, Hamas sought to create a multibillion-dollar tunnel city beneath Gaza. The labyrinth’s sole purposes were to stockpile weapons and ensure safe havens for terrorists to shoot rockets and regroup after their terrorist missions.
Sixth, the subterranean headquarters of Hamas elites, along with weapons depots, were strategically placed under hospitals, mosques, and schools to “shield” them from Israeli attacks.
The expectation was that the IDF would be hesitant to target such “civilian” and “humanitarian” areas in a way Hamas never would.
Seventh, Hamas forced the civilians of Gaza to remain among the street fighting. They often shot those who resisted.
They also killed Gazans who fled the city. Hamas sought to increase civilian fodder as collateral damage from Israeli attacks. Such deaths were to be broadcast worldwide to win sympathy for Hamas terrorists and force a cease-fire.
Eighth, Hamas bragged that it could repeat strategies 1-7 endlessly on the supposition Israel would tire, the world would turn against it, and it at last could murder enough Jews to end Israel altogether.
Israel in turn seeks its own disproportionate response to defeat Hamas.
First, it seeks to single out and kill the actual Hamas terrorists, and especially the 2,000 or so killers of October 7.
Second, it tries to warn civilians to flee anywhere that Hamas masses. Just as Hamas wants its own civilians killed for propaganda purposes, so Israel seeks to avoid killing them.
Third, by targeting Hamas and warning civilians to keep their distance, Israel does not deny that there will be collateral damage.
But it hopes to convince the world that any civilian deaths are mostly the fault of Hamas and not the IDF.
And to the degree that Gaza City is left in rubble, Israel wishes to remind its enemies that the wages of murdering Jewish infants unfortunately will be a disproportionate response, whose full effects will deter any future attack.
Fourth, Israel understands that a country of 9-10 million is facing a virulently hostile 500 million-person Arab Middle East. The United Nations is on the side of Hamas. A now anti-Semitic Europe has been hijacked by immigrants from the Middle East. Israel’s sole patron the United States is buffeted by a hard-left new Democratic Party that is not a reliable partner.
The result is that Israel still cannot conduct a fully disproportionate war without endangering its source of military resupply in the United States, and a wider conflict with the Islamic world.
And so, the war continues.
Hamas strives for a more disproportionate terrorist agenda to prolong the war. And Israel strives for a more disproportionate retaliation to end it.
The anger arises at Israel mostly because it is Jewish, and thus far its conventional disproportionality is proving more effective than the terrorist disproportionality of Hamas.
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