#tvp discourse
nerdylilpeebee · 4 months
Why are you pro Israel instead of pro Palestine?
A number of reasons:
First, Hamas, Gaza's elected government, attacked first and has been attacking for decades. And even before Hamas, the people who would later call themselves Palestinians along with several other Arab countries, attempted to kill the Jewish population of Israel. All of this, by every reliable source I can find, was done unprovoked. The original Israeli settlements did not displace anyone, and Israel only claimed the territory it has now due to the fact these two wars were waged (much of it was even given to them by these Arab Countries in order to prevent them launching a counter-offensive).
Second, sources within Gaza have been proven over and over and over to be lying. From using AI to add corpses to pictures to using photos of murdered Israeli children in collages of "missing Palestinian children." We can't even rely on their numbers for how many have died. The side that lies so thoroughly that you can't even trust when they say "this many people have died in this conflict" is not the side that's in the right. I have not seen anywhere close to this level of manipulation from Israel. Literally the worst I've seen from Israel is a few of their government officials talking in a way that dehumanizes Palestinians.
Third, one side is a historically oppressed group who has suffered CONSTANT attempts at their lives. Several genocides, many attempted genocides, and now one side of this conflict is ruled by people who openly declare they want to kill all the Jews. Even their propaganda piece openly admits that they want to kill all Jews GLOBALLY.
Fourth, falling in line with my last point, Hamas openly says that they view Gaza as a country of martyrs that they're willing to sacrifice. One side being a genocidal terrorist group that views the people of the country they're occupying as disposable fodder to achieve their goals is not the side that deserves to be supported.
Those are my reasons, tho I will add one thing: I may be pro-Israel, but I fully believe Palestine also has a right to exist. Gaza and the West Bank should both be free to govern themselves. A 2-state solution is the only way forward.
But this kinda requires eliminating Hamas and every other extremist group that decides to break the peace every time it's achieved. Gaza and the West Bank cannot have their freedom if every time they get it a terrorist group steals all their international aid and uses it to fuel their genocidal campaign. They will never live free so long as they're under the yoke of monsters.
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nerdylilpeebee · 2 months
I respect human life, zionists aren't humans. Y'all are lower than roaches. At least roaches will survive a good nuking, hopefully Israel won't.
Nuke Israel and you'd kill the people you're pretending to care about. You do realize that Palestine is right fucking next to Israel and neither are so large you could nuke them even once without destroying a large portion of the other.
Frankly, stop pretending you care about human life when you say shit like this.
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nerdylilpeebee · 4 months
This blog’s a dumpster fire, mate. There are countless posts with you arguing with feminists (not even radfems most of the time) for calling out misogyny and quite frankly it’s disgusting. You continually discuss misandry while mocking those who do the same for misogyny, or telling them that they’re using misogyny as a ‘justification for their misandry’. I know you hate women but try and make it a little less obvious, yeah?
Except I don't hate women, and every instance of me doing what you describe is a genuine, valid criticism of what they're doing. You trying to take them out of context to paint them as misogyny is hilarious, but still stupid.
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nerdylilpeebee · 1 month
So i been seeing your post recently and...well.....do you not think whats hapening in palestine is a genocide?
No, I don't.
Firstly, the numbers of how many have died comes from Hamas. And I refuse to believe they can name every dead kid but can't name how many hostages are alive. And even if we humor the idea they're telling the truth, 30k is an INCREDIBLY small number in terms of conflicts like this and most likely includes Hamas fighters, who are dressed as civilians and of whom Hamas does not differentiate when counting these numbers, so the civilian death toll is far more likely to be around 15k, and that's a generous high-roll. It's also not really possible they'd mostly be women and children. Cuz if they were, this would mean either every man in Gaza is a Hamas fighter (unlikely) or most men in Gaza has somehow avoided death. An incredibly unlikely option, especially given Pro-Pals insistence that Israel is "carpet bombing" Gaza. If you're carpet bombing an area, it's not possible that adult men could almost all avoid death. XD that's just not possible.
Secondly, Hamas has been proven to be lying. They lied about Israel bombing a hospital pretty early (they claimed Israel bombed the hospital and 500 people died, but in truth, one of their missile misfired and hit the parking lot of the hospital they claim was hit), and ever since I have either seen multiple lies from Hamas or Pro-Pals claiming this building or that was destroyed, but a quick Google search of the building either provided oodles of proof it was not destroyed or that it wasn't even in fucking Gaza. I refuse to believe the side lying their asses off will be accurate when calling something a genocide. This doesn't mean I think Israel has never lied, but they have not engaged in nearly the same level of manipulation that Hamas and the Pro-Pal side have.
Thirdly, Hamas has been launching unguided missiles into Israel for over 20 years. This necessitated the Iron Dome, and Israel in the areas that were bombed even has alarms in every neighborhood and a bomb shelter in every house. Even so they have killed thousands over the years in this campaign of slaughter. They then capped this off with October 7th, a terror attack that claimed almost exclusively civilian lives. They raped, butchered, and even recorded themselves doing these things (which is of course ignored by Pro-Pals). They had journalists involved who warned no one and even posed with Hamas leaders and took pictures of themselves with grenades. Apparently there were even members of the UNRWA involved, tho I haven't seen full proof of that bit yet. This was a terror attack that killed 1400 people, innocent people who were just taking part in a music festival. Then they kidnapped over 230 more innocent people, all civilians, many of which weren't even Israeli's, and while yes they gave SOME back during the ceasefire for hostage exchange, they kept a lot of infants (yes, INFANTS) they took, separating them from their mothers, and didn't give back all the hostages, rejecting the offer to keep the ceasefire going in exchange for them all. And now, they won't even name how many as still alive!
And after this terror attack they retreated to Gaza, even taking some corpses of the people they killed, and went into underground tunnels so any reprise against them would hit innocent civilians. They even said on live TV that they view Gaza as a country of martyrs they're happy to sacrifice. And yet despite all of that, we get to point 4.
Fourthly, Israel warns people before attacking. This is unprecedented. Militaries the world over call it a stupid move, cuz tactics-wise, it is very fucking stupid since inevitably Hamas gets the warnings too. But Israel does it anyway in an attempt to prevent civilian deaths, with Hamas refusing to let a lot of the civilians evacuate so they don't die. And the ones that did? They followed them to Rafah, bringing hostages with them, making Rafah, by law, a military target.
Fifthly, Hamas steals the aid that gets in, Palestinians have even testified to this, forcing Gazan civilians to starve and get desperate. The most recent consequence of this is the "flour massacre" in which starving Gazans swarmed an aid truck, and the aid workers inside ran a lot of them over in a bid to escape. Pro-Pals of course spread the lie that Israel butchered them all.
And finally point 6, having to do with the hostages: Hamas lies about the hostages. They claim they're treated well, even forged a thank you letter. But one interview with a released hostage demonstrates that this is a blatant lie, the family of the hostage the letter was from even said it was a lie!
I refuse to believe a genocide is happening when all of this is true. People facing genocide don't engage in this level of manipulation. They don't take innocents hostage, rape them and kill their families and neighbors.
Yeah, Gaza military-wise is weak compared to Israel. And their government has no interest in protecting them whatsoever. But one side being weak does not make a war a genocide. One side's government choosing to hide in underground tunnels, launch missiles from civilian buildings, hide weapons and hostages in hospitals, schools, and children's bedrooms does not make it a genocide.
What is happening is awful and it needs to stop. but it's a war, not a genocide.
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nerdylilpeebee · 3 months
Rafah was being bombed while white people were watching the Super Bowl and Israel payed for an anti Palestine superbowl commercial.
Let that sink in.
Significantly more than just white people watched the Superbowl, the Commercial wasn't anti-palestine (it wasn't even only pro-israel), oh and yeah,
The world doesn't need to stop just because something bad is happening. It didn't stop with Ukraine, or China genociding the Uyghurs (I think that's how you spell it), or for the Armenian Genocide, or or or or. It's not gonna stop because a war is happening between Israel and Palestine.
Stop acting like it needs to. You weren't this outraged that people loved their lives when Hamas butchered Israeli's, so stop being so performative Hun.
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nerdylilpeebee · 3 months
This blog is so embarrassing, its a fantastic example of why greasy fandom shut-ins don't have politics grounded in the real world.
You're the equivalent of a syphilis-infected Victorian fawning over pulp novels and publicly praising the Congo Free State. New century, same idiots. I'm Jewish, and I want you to keep any comments about my people out of your fucking mouth.
I hope the coming decades prove to you how backwards of a stance you have on Israel. When you're much older, you will feel a chill to your very core. I want you remember how many opportunities you had in 2024 to do what was right. I hope it haunts you forever. Maybe, one day, it will hurt enough to make you treat beaten-down, colonized people with some empathy. You're a fucking demon.
Nah, when I'm much older and I see how this conflict has either gone one of two directions: The destruction of Hamas and the 2 state solution, or the far more unlikely destruction of Israel and mass genocide of the Jewish people...
I will know I was one of the people who didn't fall for terrorist propaganda. I will know I will not be one of the people who have to try to backtrack and act like I couldn't possibly have seen Hamas butchering every Jew in Israel coming the second Israel no longer had the power to defend itself.
I will know I stood with the Jewish when they needed me to. And I will be fucking proud of that. And disgusted with all of you, who belittled and insulted everyone who saw Hamas' lies for what they are. Who sided with terrorists, attacked Jews across the world and cheered when Israeli's were butchered.
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nerdylilpeebee · 3 months
Jews are not indigenous to Palestine any more than white people r indigenous to Africa and you're a sick racist justifying colonialism and blatant white supremacy. Hope when Israel is abolished and history looks back at this period of time you lower your fucking head and know you supported racist fascist genociders
The Jewish aren't white, they are indigenous to that area and comparing white Europeans in Africa to the Jewish in the region that, up until Arab Colonization, contained a country known as "Judea" is just fucking hilarious. XD
It's like saying "the Japanese aren't native to Japan." Fucking clown.
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nerdylilpeebee · 3 months
palestine can not exist without israel being removed. stop fighting, the land belongs to the natives and this is colonialism, not antisemitism.
If it belongs to the Natives, then only the Jewish get to live there, i.e. Israel is the only state with a right to exist.
Or did you conveniently forget the Arabs are only in the middle east because of their own colonialism? That they conquered Judea and the regions around it?
Like it or not "Palestinians" are not the natives. The word Palestine didn't even exist until the Romans used the bloody term for the region that contained Judea. "Palestine" did not exist until the British Mandate of Palestine. "Palestine" is not even an Arab word!
So no, actually, it is antisemitism. Erasing their nativity is antisemitic.
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nerdylilpeebee · 2 months
A non binary Teen by the name of Nex attacked and died by peers in the school bathroom.
In 1996, a gay man was beaten and left for dead on Wyo. Fence.
It’s 2024 and nothing has fucking changed.
“Palestine hates queer people!”
Except it's not legalized to kill us here, you freak. There is a difference between some people being pieces of shit and STATE-SANCTIONED FUCKING MURDER.
Edit: DO NOT LOOK IN THE NOTES OF THIS POST. I'm working on trying to remove it or something but someone posted pictures of dead and mutilated children. Seriously, do not look in the notes!
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nerdylilpeebee · 2 months
Saying “not all men are like that,” to women is like saying “all lives matter,” to people of color.
It’s a slap in the face and so backhanded.
Plus if you immediately jump out of your seat to defend yourself and say “not all,” you are probably the person we are talking about.
It’s extremely sus and it’s becoming a dog whistle.
No, it really isn't.
First of all, All Lives Matter was started by Natives and Latinos who wanted to have their victimhood at the hands of police acknowledged too, but was dismissed as "white supremacist" because "all" includes white people, and white people knew this and parroted it too. It's also just an objectively true statement.
Secondly, "not all men are like that" is ALSO an objectively true statement. You do not get to generalize just cuz you're a fucking woman. That is sexism.
Thirdly, no, it does not mean that! People do not like being falsely accused or lumped in with the bad ones! People jumping up to tell you "hey, don't fucking generalize" are not suddenly the people you're talking about! That's not how it works, you sexist asshat.
Ain't nothing sus about it and it's not a dog whistle. People not letting you be a sexist and opposing generalizing 50% of the human population is not a dog whistle.
It's literally the definition of opposing sexism.
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nerdylilpeebee · 4 months
Successful suicides are a product of impulsivity and easy access to lethal means, not greater distress. The fact that males die more from suicide is a natural consequence of their greater impulsivity and therefore tells us nothing about how much males suffer. I'm sorry if facts offend you.
It's not that this offends me, it's that you're just being stupid thinking that wanting to kill yourself and actually trying is not an indicator of a high level of suffering, regardless of how impulsive someone is or not. Impulsiveness means nothing about how much you're suffering.
Literally all it means is you're more likely to act upon your suicidal tendencies.
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nerdylilpeebee · 1 month
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Ya know, you're bordering on harassment at this point. XD
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How many you plan on sending? Need to know so I can know to report you or not. :P
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nerdylilpeebee · 28 days
What is it with Pro-Pals and starting shit only to immediately block?
I genuinely don't get it, why come on to someone's post hating and being aggressive only to block the second they respond to you???
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nerdylilpeebee · 3 months
people used to be able to boycott entire transit systems…. nowadays ask someone to boycott mcdonalds or starbucks and here they go talking about how “it’s my comfort food!” “it’s hard to break out of coffee habits!!” “but it’s close to where i live!!”
Like seriously there is soo many mom and pop shops that need support and are sooo much better then StarBucks and McDonalds! You just have to look hard.
There is no excuses to keep funding genocide.
Permanent ceasefire!
From the river to the sea Palestine shall be free!
How could boycotting anything stop a foreign war we aren't a major player in? It seems like an empty gesture meant to make you feel like you're doing something whilst not actually doing anything to help. The Palestinian people also have not asked for boycotts or anything. So why do you think it's gonna help?
And a permanent ceasefire has been rejected by Hamas. Just as they have over and over for decades. How do you suggest a permanent ceasefire happen when the Palestinian governments do not want one?
This statement is actually a call to genocide and the actual translation is "from the water to the water, Palestine will remain Arab."
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nerdylilpeebee · 2 months
What is it with all these TikTok/Twitter feminists idolizing and defending Aileen Wuornos?
“I love her she’s the best!”
“She did what she had to do!”
“She was defending herself,”
I bet money that in the same breathe, they will condemn and call out anyone who idolizes people like Jeffery Dahmer and Ted Bundy and mock them openly and rightfully.
But Aileen gets a free pass?
Just because she had a horrible childhood?
I don’t agree with her getting the Death penalty.
But other than her first victim, as far as we know, her victims were innocent.
Was she handed a bad hand? Yes. Did she deserve to heal? Yes.
But is she a hero? No.
She was a troubled woman with a bad past and made terrible decisions just like the rest of these damn serial killers.
“You shouldn’t idolize serial killers! People who crush on them are disgusting and they are usually white!”
The hypocrisy is astounding!
Sorry had to get that off my chest.
I mean, yeah, there's always a double-standard when it comes to female... anything, really, but ESPECIALLY serial killers. They always try to come up with some reason she was justified or some way she's "not as bad" as her male counterparts.
No one wants to admit a female serial killer is still a serial killer and thus just as much a monster as male serial killers.
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nerdylilpeebee · 5 months
I don’t understand how people can support Israel.
Gaza's elected government, Hamas, has bombed children too. And theirs was intentional, not as a byproduct of their opponent using human shields.
They also kidnapped children during their massacre of over 1000 people, many of which were babies (something there is no precedent for in international hostage exchange standards) and often use AI to put corpses into pictures of rubble (meaning their claims of how many children Israel has apparently killed in their bombings cannot even be taken as fact! We cannot trust anything coming out of gaza).
The reason people support Israel is because they are not the side killing children intentionally. They are not the side with a history of suicide bombings. Or who have broken every ceasefire to date. Or who openly declare genocidal intentions and call their citizens martyrs they're happy to sacrifice.
People support Israel because Hamas is the villain here. Neither are good guys, but Hamas is the villain.
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