#the way it was so anti capitalism
stardew-bajablast · 4 months
can 2024 be the year we stop calling stay-at-home moms stupid for being ‘financially dependent’ and risking being trapped in abusive relationships, and instead start addressing why there are no social safety nets in place for people who choose to leave the workforce to raise their children
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Brennan Lee Mulligan my beloved
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transmascissues · 8 months
i’m going to be starting a job soon where it looks like almost all of my coworkers/bosses are going to be cis women and i am…terrified. especially since this is the job i’m going to have to get time off from for top surgery.
if there’s one thing i’ve learned over the almost ten years of my transition, it’s that a situation where i’m the only guy there is one where my gender is guaranteed to not be respected. it really feels like far too many cis women realize they’re alone with a trans man and just see it as an opportunity to act out some sort of power fantasy where they get to stick it to the big bad evil men by taking out their anger on the first man they see without the power to fight back. that or they decide you’re “just one of the girls” and will not hear otherwise, but honestly, given where i’m at in my physical transition, i have a feeling the former is more likely.
there was a time when i felt safer around cis women than around cis men, but now it’s just a different kind of threat.
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uncanny-tranny · 7 months
It's so hard to fully encapsulate my rage at just how much people buy into the idea that capitalism will uniquely incentivize people to innovate when... it isn't about innovation. It is about profit, and those two things are not mutually inclusive ideas.
Maybe I'm getting too old, but all of these "new innovative" ideas were shit we had in ye olden days - movies, renting, delivery services, taxis, housing - we had all of those services, except now, it's exorbitantly more expensive because of price gouging.
You aren't witnessing innovation; you are witnessing the modern invention of the wheel behind a ludicrous pay wall.
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twilight-deviant · 2 months
Telling content creators it's wrong to explore artistic freedom and be independently funded by fans, and they should instead continue taking advertisement revenue from google* is
the anti-capitalism stance actually.
*(Yes, google owns youtube.)
#Watcher#This post is specifically and exclusively about the people who seem to have the capitalism bit wrong#It's almost fascinating how no one is hearing themselves speak#I feel like some of you don't understand WHY we support small businesses and are anti-monopoly#I've seen multiple posts saying “Shane is so anti-capitalism there's no way this was his idea.”#So... you think it's pro-capitalism to start your own business instead of relying on pennies from the exploitative mega-corporation?#Guys... we support small businesses KNOWING it will cost the consumer more#Stop thinking you're entitled to someone's product#That's what got us in this mess#I understand $6 is a lot for many many people but that is what makes certain things a luxury#Nothing used to be this way#Nothing used to be “free” so you can be monitored for your viewing habits and sold to advertisers#If you see a little guy trying to leave youtube/google and you paint them as the capitalist??? You. have. taken. a. wrong. turn.#I don't know how many more ways I can say it#It is better to support someone (if you can) than to pressure them into taking money from the trillion-dollar corporation#so that you can have what they put all their blood/sweat/tears into for free#If you want something badly enough you're going to have to pay for it#Them's the breaks#If you don't want it that badly then maybe it didn't mean enough to you personally#Thinking otherwise is how corporations like youtube take over and squeeze out small competitors#btw on monopolies: having almost every single video content creator (outside of tiktoks and video game streams) on youtube is BAD#You understand that's bad yes?#How tf are we going to diversify unless SOME CREATORS leave youtube???#It's almost the responsibility of larger creators to do so#Ironically what I said is backwards#In its ideal state‚ capitalism is supposed to inspire innovation and new business‚ giving every person a chance to succeed#But I think we all know that's not the reality we're experiencing#I just went with what everyone means when they say it
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epicwin64 · 28 days
The situation with Tango Gameworks makes me so angry. Capitalism has mutated to a point where the art that hundreds of people worked together to make means NOTHING according to the greedy corporations. I swear these people would rather be dead than NOT sabotage creativity (as if Coyote vs. ACME and Batgirl weren’t proof). What happened to Tango Gameworks and Hi-Fi Rush is like some alternate timeline where Nirvana just broke up a year after Nevermind came out. Whenever another company “welcomes” another into “the family”, DON’T GET EXCITED. People got excited when Disney bought 20th Century Fox because “THE X-MEN ARE IN THE MCU, FINALLY!”. No joke, people were rooting for the rich getting richer. Basically guys, capitalism is a joke and workers deserve more. Phil Spencer, you used to be cool, dude. What happened?
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oifaaa · 11 months
hello! if it's alright to ask and know, what are the anti-semitic ties that the court of owls has? i'm not informed about this and i need help being educated and informed
Ho boy am I definitely not the right person to answer this question considering I'm not Jewish but the good news is there's a post I can link by a Jewish person which does explain the anti semitic aspects of the court of owls which you can read here
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littlegildedswallow · 9 months
radfems, here's some all rounded perspective about prostitution, poverty, child trafficking (and how the rich are involved in all of it), organ harvesting and forced labor in India.
MASSIVE trigger warning, obviously. This woman is an activist who has rescued thousands of women from prostitution/fast fashion factories etc. and we've never heard of her.
in the end, it all comes down to male depravity and poverty. this was a horrifying and eye opening watch. there's english subtitles, even though they're not great.
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slightlyemoelephant · 3 months
i NEED to ramble about the ‘tiktok brainlets sayinf goth/punk aren’t music based subcultures’ topic from @dreamspring ‘s post because it is ITCHING my autistic little brain
they want to be part of the ‘aesthetic’ without doing any of the actual work (ie. listening to music they don’t like) or understanding where it came from. these mfs do NOT know that Crass refused to sell their records for profit and have NOT listened to a second of bela lugosi’s dead. they’re just stuck in this infuriating little trend cycle that consists of black clothes and shein chokers.
the POINT of these genres is that they aren’t intended to be digestible. they aren’t supposed to fit into a box. late stage capitalism is suppressing the meaning of subculture while churning out endless piles of consumerist junk for people to buy to call themselves alternative. you could argue that this all started during the ‘2020 tiktok alt’ phase where people started wearing demonias and listening to 100gecs. this aesthetic didn’t exist outside of the internet- it had no grounding in real life.
i’m not gonna say that the tiktok alt bunny hat demonia monster energy 100gecs bollocks is cringe because sometimes when you’re a teenager (particularly a queer one) you go through weird phases. it happens to the best of us. but what i WILL say is it sparked so much debate about ‘what counts as alt’ from bunny hats to lace code ??? (yeah ppl liked to bring that one up as some kind of gotcha or i-know-more-than-you thing).
the difference here is that goth and punk ARE and WERE real life. they started as subsections of society with attitudes, clothes, ways of living, and MUSIC. the music and clothes are expressions of attitudes and they’re too connected to separate.
it’s like this weird chicken and egg situation for them when in reality they should just get a grip and TRY listening to some of the music. TRY going to a show or doing a bit of DIY. it’s more than just a little sticker you can put on your lil peep spotify playlist.
and at the end of the day, you don’t HAVE to be a punk or a goth to have left wing views!! it’s fine if you aren’t! and you can try different things out and maybe … learn something new … outside of the tiktok hyper consumerist bubble! what!!! no way!!! it’s almost like the app is designed to monopolise your time and thoughts and categorise everything into neat little sellable aesthetics !!!
it’s all just so WANK how these ppl are afraid they might overstep or do something wrong or somehow appropriate something. if this is the case for you then KILL THE POSER IN YOUR MIND.
in conclusion: if you can’t at least TRY a LITTLE BIT to explore a subculture style in a way you’re able to (outside of the tiktok comment section) then PISS OFF you little poser. xxx
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calamitydaze · 2 months
long tag ramble below u have been warned
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#ok i feel like i should say Something before i start being active again#but i dont want it to be a Statement which is why i’m putting it in the tags#(also bc i procrastinated doing this for weeks so i know this is a very stale topic by now#but i also haven’t been on tumblr literally at all so this is 100% my organic authentic opinion lmao)#so read if you gaf and ignore if you don’t#anyway: george def could’ve done more to ensure she was comfortable#and as someone who has also gotten in over my head with older men and regretted it#her hurt is valid and i’m deeply sorry she feels the way she does about that night#but with that said i see no reason to believe george Should have known how she really felt#or that he deliberately took advantage of either her youth/inexperience or her discomfort#and that’s the most important thing for me— he fucked up and misread a situation but that doesn’t make him an evil person#and i hope they can both move on and grow and heal#as for my future in the fandom: i honestly dunno how active i’ll be going forward#i was already becoming pretty disconnected so this might’ve just sped up the process? i’m tired of being put through the wringer#but i also don’t really have a fandom to replace this so i might just continue casually participating in the way i have been#either way rest assured i will never become a rabid anti. that shits embarrassing#i got HORRIBLE drolo rsd the other day when tommy’s mom needed clout and vagued him so like if nothing else. droloisms are forever#also as a last thing— this feels kinda silly and self centered to say but i will anyway#sorry for not opening up my blog as a forum for discussion again the way i did with the drituation#i know i helped a lot of people sort out their feelings and that was (and is) really really important to me#but it also tanked my mental health (mostly as a result of the fallout and not the act itself but still)#plus my life irl was pretty stressful at the time when everything was first going down#so i just didn’t feel up to putting myself through that again#but i’m sorry if anyone wanted to discuss w me but wasn’t able to#anyway. i think that’s all i have to say!#i don’t want to turn this into a capital D discussion but as always my askbox and dms are open#love you all tons! i hope you’re having a good day 🫂🫶#bella talks
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thedreadvampy · 1 year
christ almighty some people are sad fucking miseries huh
#red said#all art that is rewarded by capitalism must be actively preventing you resisting Hegemonic power abloobloobloobloo#fuck me get over yourself#is art a powerful tool for propaganda subject to corporate capture? yes#is art necessary to be human? also yes#all art carries the weight of the society it exists in. and yes revolutionary art is either buried or defanged by the power it protests#so no you're unlikely to see like. Art That Smashes The System on a large scale. the revolution will not be televised.#art is not going to change the world but art can change you. and you change the world be existing in it.#and you are changed and resonated with in ways that are many and unpredictable bc people resonate differently with different things#capitalism isn't. a conspiracy. it's an ideology and system of power.#it's human. and can we be real if there's one thing I'm learning from this EEAAO thing it's that people are really blind#to messages that fully don't land with them#capitalism isn't some infallible godking who foils your every move. art that moves you can still move you#the criticism that art which is lauded by the authorities cannot be truly anti-capitalist art is one thing#to extend that to say art which is lauded by the authorities cannot be positively meaningful AT ALL and can only be counterrevolutionary#is HOG FUCKING WILD like. first off. think about any work of art you can name from the last 1000 years.#guess what. probably a product of the patronage of power. political philosophy too. making art costs. gaining an audience costs.#we exist within a network of systems of power. even within underground and independent art scenes structures of power play in#nonetheless. we require art.#and art is not just for direct political confrontation. art is an act of connection and resonance.#never mind art that's inadequately revolutionary - art that's entirely capitalist is ALSO capable of positive political impact#because a) it acts on people. and politics. is a frame around people. the point of opposing unjust hierarchy is to achieve wellbeing#like. why are you doing politics if not for people? who is it for? for the abstract symbolism of moral purity?#and b) because art is a frame for building your sense of the world. And you bring your own stuff to that.#if you're radically inclined then reading idk les mis can leave you with the idea that revolution is futile.#or with the sense that there's deep vitality and importance to holding your ground against unjust power despite the knowledge of the odds#or with the sense that revolution is personal not political#or with the sense that the personal is metaphorical for the political and that our drive is to act against the law to protect each other#it depends what you bring to the text
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chrimsonfoxdon · 2 months
“They don’t make things like they used to” yes grandfather it’s because of capitalism
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arrozaurus · 6 months
In order for multinational corporations to protect their freedom to pollute the atmosphere, peasants, farmers, and Indigenous people are losing their freedom to live and sustain themselves in peace. When the Big Green groups refer to offsets as the “low-hanging fruit” of climate action, they are in fact making a crude cost-benefit analysis that concludes that it’s easier to cordon off a forest inhabited by politically weak people in a poor country than to stop politically powerful corporate emitters in rich countries—that it’s easier to pick the fruit, in other words, than dig up the roots. The added irony is that many of the people being sacrificed for the carbon market are living some of the most sustainable, low-carbon lifestyles on the planet. They have strong reciprocal relationships with nature, drawing on local ecosystems on a small scale while caring for and regenerating the land so it continues to provide for them and their descendants. An environmental movement committed to real climate solutions would be looking for ways to support these ways of life—not severing deep traditions of stewardship and pushing more people to become rootless urban consumers. [...] Geographer Bram Büscher coined the term “liquid nature” to refer to what these market mechanisms are doing to the natural world. As he describes it, the trees, meadows, and mountains lose their intrinsic, place-based meaning and become deracinated, virtual commodities in a global trading system. The carbon-sequestering potential of biotic life is virtually poured into polluting industries like gas into a car’s tank, allowing them to keep on emitting. Once absorbed into this system, a pristine forest may look as lush and alive as ever, but it has actually become an extension of a dirty power plant on the other side of the planet, attached by invisible financial transactions. Polluting smoke may not be billowing from the tops of its trees but it may as well be, since the trees that have been designated as carbon offsets are now allowing that pollution to take place elsewhere. The mantra of the early ecologists was “everything is connected”—every tree a part of an intricate web of life. The mantra of the corporate-partnered conservationists, in sharp contrast, may as well be “everything is disconnected,” since they have successfully constructed a new economy in which the tree is not a tree but rather a carbon sink used by people thousands of miles away to appease our consciences and maintain our levels of economic growth.
—Naomi Klein, This Changes Everything (2014)
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queers4years · 2 months
Indigenous Hawaiians really had a good system going: wake up reaaally early and do most of the days work while it's cool and by the time the sun was up and it got hot the work was done and you're free to surf and socialize. I wish the white people realized they themselves could work smarter and not harder and get time to relax. Instead of calling Hawaiians lazy (and being genocidal about it)
#Ik this happened in most if not all tropical regions that got colonized#they were so pissed that these 'lazy' people got all sorts of fruit and natural bounty 'handed to them'#when those indigenous people were just working before the colonizers woke up and felt no need to kill themselves in midday heat#Which is what's natural for an apex predator: lazing around#Like u see lions in big cuddle puddles during the hottest part of the day. And they have the privilege of laziness by being the top predato#Idk if lions have a specific time they hunt but ik they will hunt at night when people can't observe them#Also Europeans failed to recognize indigenous agriculture and the /purposeful / cultivation of helpful plants (done w/out clearing the land#And even if they were only foraging. Like. If you love the earth and care for it (and not clear it) the earth will love you back idk#Gah! It's just like we coulda eradicated capitalism in its cradle if Euroamericans werent so arrogant and sure their way of life was correc#Like what if they were explorers and not conquistadors and colonizers. And there was a true cultural exchange#Would it have been better if the Europeans never crossed the ocean (even if they weren't there to colonize)? yeah probably#Like while the disease thing wasn't on purpose (initially) Europeans did inadvertently kill a lot of people bc they had no immunity#But I also acknowledge the human desire to explore and see what's out there#But I wish it was like#Europeans: here's some horses and metal tools#Indigenous people: thanks. Here's a way of life more in harmony with nature and an understanding that we're part of the ecosystem#Europeans: oh cool let me bring these ideas back to Europe. Maybe we won't deforest all of England#(I say Europeans but eventually when Canada and America became independent entities they also were responsible for these things)#Capitalism#capitalism is hell#anti capitalism#Colonization#colonialism#colonial violence#Imperialism#conquistador#age of exploration
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
I was always enraged at the way capitalism has devalued some of the most important labour in human history, but now I'm even more angry since I have started getting more into crafts.
So many people are alienated from the world to such an extent they don't realize how fucking important textiles and construction and art and culinary labour is, because its all ubiquitous under capitalism: it is all profit, and if it isn't profit, then it is worthless. People don't realize just how revolutionary all of the labour was, how important it is, and was, to our survival. And that enrages me.
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mossy-aro · 2 years
"Essentially love is a profoundly social emotion. At all stages of human development love has in different forms, it is true, been an integral part of culture. Even the bourgeoisie, who saw love as a “private matter,” was able to channel the expression of love in its class interests. The ideology of the working class must pay even greater attention to the significance of love as a factor which can, like any other psychological or social phenomenon, be channeled to the advantage of the collective. Love is not in the least a “private” matter concerning only the two loving persons: love possesses a uniting element which is valuable to the collective. This is clear from the fact that at all stages of historical development society has established norms defining when and under what conditions love is “legal” (i.e. corresponds to the interests of the given social collective), and when and under what conditions love is sinful and criminal (i.e. contradicts the tasks of the given society).
From the very early stages of its social being, humanity has sought to regulate not only sexual relations but love itself. 
In the kinship community, love for one��s blood relations was considered the highest virtue. The kinship group would not have approved of a woman sacrificing herself for the sake of a beloved husband: fraternal or sisterly attachment were the most highly regarded feelings. Antigone, who according to the Greek legend risked her life to bury the body of her dead brother, was a heroine in the eyes of her contemporaries. Modern bourgeois society would consider such an action on the part of a sister as highly curious. In the times of tribal rule, when the state was still in its embryonic stage, the love held in greatest respect was the love between two members of the same tribe. In an era when the social collective had only just evolved from the stage of kinship community and was still not firmly established in its new form, it was vitally important that its members were linked by mental and emotional ties. Love-friendship was the most suitable type of tie, since at that time the interests of the collective required the growth and accumulation of contacts not between the marriage pair but between fellow-members of the tribe, between the organizers and defenders of the tribe and state that is to say, between the men of the tribe, of course; women at that time had no role to play in social life, and there was no talk of friendship among women). “Friendship” was praised and considered far more important than love between man and wife. Castor and Pollux were famous for their loyalty to each other and their unshakable friendship, rather than for the feats they performed for their country. For the sake of friendship or its semblance a man might offer his wife to an acquaintance or a guest.
The ancient world considered friendship and “loyalty until the grave” to be civic virtues. Love in the modern sense of the word had no place, and hardly attracted the attention either of poets or of writers. The dominant ideology of that time relegated love to the sphere of narrow, personal experiences with which society was not concerned; marriage was based on convenience, not on love. Love was just one among other amusements; it was a luxury which only the citizen who had fulfilled all his obligations to the state could afford. While bourgeois ideology values the “ability to love” provided it confines itself to the limits set down by bourgeois morality, the ancient world did not consider such emotions in its categories of virtues and positive human qualities. The person who accomplished great deeds and risked his life for his friend was considered a hero and his action “most virtuous” while a man risking himself for the sake of a woman he loved would have been reproached or even despised.
The morality of the ancient world, then, did not even recognize the love that inspired men to great deeds – the love so highly regarded in the feudal period – as worthy of consideration. The ancient world recognized only those emotions which drew its fellow-members close together and rendered the emerging social organism more stable. In subsequent stages of cultural development, however, friendship ceases to be considered a moral virtue. Bourgeois society was built on the principles of individualism and competition, and has no place for friendship as a moral factor. Friendship does not help in any way, and may hinder the achievement of class aims; it is viewed as an unnecessary manifestation of “sentimentality” and weakness. Friendship becomes an object of derision. Castor and Pollux in the New York of London of today would only evoke a condescending smile. This was not so in feudal society, where love-friendship was seen as a quality to be taught and encouraged."
From ‘Make Way For Winged Eros: A Letter to Working Youth’, by Alexandra Kollontai (1923) x
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