#the voices in my head told me to draw this.
bunnys-kisses · 2 days
aperol spritz
captain john price
cw: summer fic, rich!price, pwp/smut, bulky!price, cowgirl position, seduction tactics, retired!price, age gap (reader is in her 20s), afab!reader, nipple/breast play, in birth control we trust, mid/plus sized!reader, italian summers here we come,
bunny says: here comes the sunshine! happy summer everyone <3 written while listening to "italian vintage summer"
you met him at last call in a party that you and your friend snuck into. it was in a terrace in a decently sized town in southern italy. you weren't looking to meet anyone that night, let alone anyone during your entire trip. it was your last vacation before you finished your university diploma. you were more interested in sight seeing than wealthy british men who offered to buy you a drink.
"you look a little lonely." he remarked.
you chuckled, "my friend is chatting up a local." the drink was placed in front of you. you took a sip of it, the coolness of it compared to the heat of summer felt good.
you looked over at the man who was trying to chat you up. he was taller than you, short brown hair, blue eyes, interesting facial hair choices. his skin looked tanned from too much time in the sun, the sight of his larger arms was enticing. he noticed you staring.
"the name is john, john price."
you reached over to shake his hand, "you sound like a bond character with that name."
he shook it gently, calloused hands touched your own, "maybe i am. maybe i'm on a secret mission to find the most beautiful woman in all of italy... to of course save the world."
you gave him a look and playfully nudged his shoulder, "alright sweet talker. i guess you haven't found her yet?"
he shook his head, "actually ma'am. i have." he placed his hand over yours, a bold move. he leaned in a little closer, "she's standin' right in front of me."
in hindsight, maybe ending up in bed with a british man on a breezy italian night wasn't the brightest idea. but the way he looked at you, the draw of his voice.
"well, don't ya look lovely." he said as he sat on the edge of the bed and started to untuck his white button up out of the waistband on his slacks.
you stood there, close to the doorway to the bedroom. you were in nothing but a matching pair of white bra and panties. it wasn't the most existing garments ever, but the way that price's eyes raked across your semi-naked body made your pulse jump.
he unbutton his shirt and kept his eyes on you. the faint breeze off the water came through the window. you leaned a little further against the door way, your thighs pressed together and your arms crossed.
"c'mere." he said in that thick accent of his, "i want to see if this is real or my imagination after too many rum and cokes." he laughed as he took the shirt off his body, leaving him in a white undershirt.
you swallowed at the sight of him with less clothing on, you got a good look at the strength in his arms and chest. you licked your lips to compose yourself before you got closer to him, "so." you stood in front of him, staring down at him, "why are you in italy?"
"didn't you already guess? i'm a secret agent."
you chuckled, "right, right." your eyes scanned across his body, "i guess it's all top secret."
he stood up and suddenly loomed over you. he undid his belt and dropped it to the floor, followed by his pants coming off. he then placed both his hands on your shoulders and said, "well, i guess i can let you in on a little secret."
you placed your hand on the front of his undershirt, "i love a good secret."
"former british army, captain and all." he chuckled. he leaned in and kissed you on the lips gently, "now that i've told ya." he picked you up by the middle and lifted you off your feet. he beamed at you, "i have to kill ya." then placed you on the bed.
you burst into laughter, "no one has ever really picked me up that easily." you covered your face to hide your embarrassment as your laughed.
he took off the undershirt and said, "well, you haven't meet people like me." which was followed by his underwear, "picking you up was like holding an expensive bottle of wine." he caught you in his arms as the two of you softly kissed.
"a big, strong, handsome britishman? i think i've seen a few of those." you joked and were met by another round of kisses that made you melt.
you two kissed on top of the white sheets, that felt nice against your heated skin. he held you by the back of the head as he deepened the kiss. he was a lover in a lot of ways. to be flirted with by someone so handsome was something that made you warm all over.
he took his time getting your undergarments off, he peeled your bra off of you like you were a fine treat that he needed to unwrap. once your chest was bared to him, he kissed at your breasts. his large hands fondled them as he licked across your left nipple.
"beautiful." he said softly, his blue eyes gazed up at you, "so perfect." his smile grew, as did yours. you combed your fingers through his hair as he worshiped and played with your breasts.
your legs mingled with his as he kissed and sucked at your breasts. your felt jitters pool in your gut from the feeling that raced in your body. he felt like a dream, your mouth went dry when he dragged his tongue lazily from the top of your breast all the way to your nipple.
"ah, john."
"you sounds perfect saying my name." he purred in response. his motions continued until you were soaked, he brushed his knee against your slick folds and made a soft sound against your breasts. he then looked up at you with those daring blue eyes, "are ya ready, love?"
you cupped his face and looked at him. you noticed the lines in his face and the grey in his hair. your heart leapt, despite the probably drastic age difference. he was undeniably handsome. you craned your neck to kiss him before you said, "c'mon captain price, show me what all that service can do."
he chuckled and rose up against you. his strong arms wrapped around you once more, you felt the muscles move against your torso, "call me captain again, love. and you'll be in a world of trouble."
you fought the urge to call him that again. instead you rolled yourself on top of him and prayed to the birth control gods that your daily pill worked like it should.
he gazed at you like you were a marble statue there for his worship. his strong, rough hands grasped onto your hips. feeling the fat on them. he said softly, "i understand why they craved statues of women with curves." he chuckled at his comment before he met your gaze, "because they are more beautiful than any other art created."
you covered your face once more, "oh my god."
he laughed, "see, i like that. i know you're hot all over. i can feel it." his cock was so close to slipping inside of you, "i want to know if that cunt is as warm as the rest of you."
you pulled your hands away from your face and positioned yourself on top of him. he held onto you and you held onto him as you sank down on his impressive size. you almost felt your stomach in your throat as you fully seated yourself onto him.
"that's it, love. just like that." his words were encouraging as the two of you moved to establish a pace. it was like your bodies knew exactly what you both wanted, if not needed. the connection was strong and the hum of pleasure in the back of your mind kept you going as you thrusted.
"ah. john." you whimpered as you rolled your hips. you held onto his chest, the hair between your fingers as you moved up and down on his cock.
the breeze cooled your heated back and your nipples remained hard. his chest hair and over all strength felt good against your body. it was a feeling of being fully protected. he engulfed your like a comforting flame as you re-positioned yourself to get the best angle with your movements.
"that's my girl." he purred, "my darlin' girl. you look so good. i wish i found ya earlier in my trip. we could've had a lotta fun on the coast." he beamed at you.
his hands dug further into the meat of your hips as he met your thrust with the same lust hat you carried. the metal frame of the bed squeaked under your movements and the headboard rocked against the pink painted wall.
you fucked with all the windows to the hotel room were open. you moaned like the sounds didn't make it street level. but you didn't care. the rush that went through you as you moved up and down onto his cock.
your cheeks felt swarmed with warmth as you felt his hands move up and down you sides, getting a feel for the angel on top of him. you traced your nails down his chest, feeling the muscle.
"yeah, that's it." he said softly, the heat in his face went all the way down his neck, "you feel so good, love." he chuckled then his jaw tensed as pleasure rolled through him.
you reached for his face and held it to face you, your eyes met and you pulled him in for another searing kiss. your heart thumped in your chest as the kisses became sloppy and the two of you edged closer to your orgasms.
his facial hair brushed against your cheeks, you felt so warm on the inside. it was like gooey caramel had melted in the pit of your stomach. you pulled away to catch your breath and placed both hands on his chest once more.
the pleasure filled the room, the heat that clung to your skin and the sweat at your temples. price's words were filthy with how much he thought you were so beautiful. you had never been buttered up like this before.
his grip grew harder and he took a bit more control of the pace. his cock hit against your most sensitive parts as the bed continued to creak. it wasn't long before you were panting.
your toes curled and light bulbs flashed behind your eyes. pleasure washed down like heavy rainfall and the air left your lungs. you managed to squeak out, "holy shit." before you relaxed and found comfort on your lover's chest.
price continued to hit your sweet spots with his cock. but the weight of you on top of him only made pleasure seep through his bloodstream. his head felt heavy with lust as he gave it a felt more strokes before he finished inside of you. for a moment, he realized that he never asked about protection. but he was in too much of a state of bliss to let his mouth ask the questions.
you both laid there, enjoying each other's company. he moved your head and kissed you once more on the lips. the kiss was sloppy and eventually led to a second round in bed.
the a third, followed by a speedy fourth. by the end of it you were both bone tired and you knew you wouldn't be walking right once you got up.
"that's my girl." he drew before he fell asleep on his back and his hand across his bulky abdomen.
when price was well and asleep, you slipped out of bed. you collected your clothing without making too much noise. you redressed in the hallway of the room before you walked out with your heels in hand.
that was quite the story to tell your friends back home. your face stung with a blush by the thought of it as you walked down empty streets before sunrise.
a month later you got a text message while you were back at home enjoying your new semester in school. you almost choked on your drink when you saw who it was from.
'hi, love. it's john price. we met in italy a while back. i was wondering if you wanted to go back, expect you don't leave in the middle of the night.'
it didn't take long before there was money being deposited into your paypal with the note 'for our little vacation'. maybe it wasn't the brightest idea to end up back in bed with a man like price. after all, you never gave him your phone number or paypal information.
but you thought about those arms, his kisses and the strength of his fucking. so it didn't take long before john price nabbed himself a pretty young thing.
xoxo, bunny
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estellan0vella · 2 days
Little Oracle ❀ Sukuna Masterlist
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The morning sun filters through the leaves, casting dappled light on the garden. You're sitting on a stone bench, the cool surface a stark contrast to the warmth of the day. A delicate breeze rustles the flowers, carrying the sweet scent of blossoms. Before you, your crystal ball rests on its ornate stand, catching the light and refracting it into a myriad of colors.
Lost in the depths of the crystal, you trace your fingers over the smooth surface, your mind drifting through visions of what is, what was, and what could be. The future dances before you in fragmented images, a kaleidoscope of possibilities. Sometimes it feels like a beautiful, intricate tapestry; other times, it's an overwhelming storm of information.
You're so absorbed in your trance-like state that you don't notice the figure approaching. Sukuna's presence is a commanding one, but even he can't always pierce through the veil of your concentration. He stands a few paces away, watching you with an intensity that would make others tremble, but which you find comforting.
"My little oracle," he says, his voice a deep rumble that sends a shiver down your spine. "Lost in your visions again?"
You blink, coming back to the present. Your eyes meet his, and you smile, a dreamy, slightly distracted smile. "Sukuna," you murmur, the name filled with affection and reverence. "I was just... there was something important. Something about... oh, it's gone now."
He chuckles, the sound rich and warm. "You need to be more careful, my queen. One of these days, you'll fall into that crystal ball and never come out."
You giggle at the absurdity, but there's a hint of truth in his words. Sometimes you do get too lost in your visions. But you know he would always find you, no matter where you wandered.
Standing, you gather your skirts and the crystal ball, carefully placing it in the basket you always carry. As you do, you lose your balance slightly, your clumsiness making itself known. Sukuna's hand is instantly at your elbow, steadying you with ease.
"My little dove," he says softly, looking at you with a mixture of exasperation and fondness. "What would you do without me?"
You smile up at him, eyes twinkling. "I'd probably end up in a ditch somewhere," you admit with a laugh. "Or stuck in a hedge, trying to read the future in the patterns of the leaves."
His grip on your elbow tightens for a moment before he lets go, and you both start walking through the garden. It's a meandering path, your steps light and slightly aimless, Sukuna's sure and purposeful. He doesn't mind your wandering, though. In fact, he seems to enjoy it, like you're some rare, enchanting creature that he's fascinated by.
As you walk, you pull out your tarot cards, shuffling them with practiced ease despite your usual clumsiness. You spread them out on a nearby table, your fingers gliding over the worn edges. Sukuna watches, his eyes never leaving you. There's a soft smile playing on his lips, a rare sight that only you ever get to see.
You draw a card, the image of The Lovers coming into view. You glance up at Sukuna, who raises an eyebrow in amusement.
"Does that mean we're fated to be together?" he teases.
You tilt your head, considering the card. "It means we are two parts of a whole," you say thoughtfully. "Two halves that complete each other."
He leans down, his face close to yours. "I could have told you that without the cards," he murmurs, and then his lips brush yours in a tender kiss.
It's moments like these that you cherish the most. Despite his fearsome reputation and his often harsh demeanor, with you, he's gentle and caring. He treats you like you're the most precious thing in the world, and you can't help but love him all the more for it.
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Later, you find yourself in the tea room, your teacup in hand as you stare intently at the leaves. The future swirls before you in the patterns they create, but your focus is broken when you hear Sukuna's laughter. He's standing in the doorway, watching you with that same affectionate smile.
"Lost again, my little oracle?" he asks, coming to sit beside you.
You nod, setting the teacup down. "The leaves were trying to tell me something, but it was all jumbled."
He takes your hand in his, his thumb tracing circles on your palm. "Maybe it's not the leaves you should be listening to," he says softly. "Maybe you should just trust in us, in what we have."
You look at him, your heart swelling with love. "You're right," you whisper. "I don't need to see the future to know that we're meant to be together."
He pulls you into his arms, holding you close. "My queen, my seer," he murmurs into your hair. "I'll always be here for you, no matter what the future holds."
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As the days go by, your routine remains much the same. You spend your mornings in the garden, your afternoons with your tarot cards and tea leaves, and your evenings with Sukuna. He's a constant presence in your life, grounding you when you get too lost in your own head.
One day, as you're wandering through the estate, you find yourself hopelessly lost. The corridors all look the same, and your mind is still half occupied with a vision you had earlier. You turn a corner and find yourself in an unfamiliar hallway.
Just as you're about to despair, you hear his voice. "There you are, my little oracle."
You turn to see Sukuna striding towards you, his expression a mix of amusement and concern. "I told you not to wander off without me," he chides gently, taking your hand.
"I got lost," you admit sheepishly. "I was thinking about the vision, and..."
He sighs, but there's no real annoyance in his eyes. "What am I going to do with you?" he mutters, pulling you close.
"Love me forever?" you suggest, looking up at him with a hopeful smile.
He laughs, the sound echoing through the hallway. "Yes, my queen," he says, kissing your forehead. "I'll love you forever. And I'll always find you, no matter where you wander."
With his hand firmly in yours, he leads you back to familiar territory. You walk in comfortable silence, the bond between you unspoken but ever-present. You know that with him by your side, you can face anything. And as you look up at him, your heart full of love, you know that the future, no matter how uncertain, is something you can look forward to.
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I'm a slut for soft Sukuna. Sue me
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sparklingchim · 22 hours
Can we get a very short drabble (the way you answer asks, that's perfect too) on jk and Nabi being obsessed with oc's mommy milkers
You feel the tiny dig of a finger at your chest before a small hand tries to tug the front of your top down.
"Nabi, baby," you scold, making her let go of the lacy material. "I thought I told you many times already."
Nabi pouts at you, sad and grumpy. But she's also extremely mischievous — perhaps because you love to spoil her, which may have led to some bratty tendencies. But how could you not? She's so tiny and cute and has the same doe eyes as Jungkook. That's reason enough — so she moves her hand back to your chest.
"Don't try to take my top off." You raise your brows. "We've talked about this so many times, missy."
You gently remove her hand from your chest again, adjusting her little body on your hip as you continue stirring the food on the stove.
"Talked about what?"
Both you and Nabi turn to Jungkook’s voice.
"Jungkook," you beam. Your legs move on their own toward him. Nabi utters happy little sounds.
He gives you both a forehead kiss, taking Nabi from your arms when she impatiently wriggles to get his attention and be held by him.
"What was she up to again?" he asks, his sparkly eyes focused on Nabi, who is currently giving him her brightest smile. Jungkook tickles her tummy, and she squeals.
You get back to stirring the pot. "Just, you know, she's been obsessed with taking this off again." You point to the lacy camisole you're wearing.
He chuckles deeply. "I'm obsessed with them too. She takes after me." You roll your eyes at his silliness.
Jungkook pecks your neck. One hand grabs your waist. He sneakily brushes his fingers up your sides, gently tracing over your ribcage until his hand squeezes the supple flesh of your chest.
You draw a sharp breath. "You're too much, Jungkook," you tease, your cheeks turning hot as you gently push him away.
Jungkook grins. He can't keep his hand to himself. They naturally land on your waist again.
"Just missed you." He kisses Nabis head. "You too." He watches you cook, fingers somehow managing to slip underneath your top and draw little circles on your skin. "The kids at boxing class have missed you too. They asked why my pretty assistant wasn't here today."
You giggle. "They really said that?"
When you visited Jungkook at work the other day, he was giving a class for the children, and he decided to put you in boxing gloves and called you his assistant for today's class.
"Yeah, and I told him to knock it off because you're my girlfriend. And then they all giggled and said that was really obvious because I kept smiling when you were around," Jungkook says. "And because Jia saw us kissing."
"Jungkook, why are you picking up fights with 8-year-olds?" You laugh, shaking your head, incredulous at his antics. "You're unbelievable. But I'd love to visit again if you'd want me to."
"I'd love that." He plants a kiss on your temple. "I love having you around me."
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citruswriter · 3 days
Bayverse Turtles x Animalistic Reader
A/N - This will be broken up in four different parts. Each turtle will have a reader with animal traits that I feel like just kinda... matches them. Like "yes that adds up".
Listen with me! ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯
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Your eyes fluttered open as you groggily groaned. "What time is it?" You yawned to yourself, hand sleepily finding your alarm clock. 2:30AM is what it read and you rolled over, groaning loudly. You tried to lick your lips but realized that your mouth was incredibly dry. Pulling yourself out of bed, you stumbled to the kitchen for a drink. Grabbing a glass, you briefly glanced at the bowl on the island only to do a double take. April's keys were gone. Checking your phone as you drank, you didn't see a text from her telling you where she might have been. "Where the fuck is this bitch?" You mumbled, going to check Life360. Her location? In an abandoned sewer. Oh fuck. You immediately thought. Did she go out for a nighttime walk only to be abducted? Was she dead? Your mind was going a million miles a minute as you tugged on shoes, grabbed your bike, and lugged it down the stairs. You cycled as fast as you could. When you reached your destination, you looked around. You couldn't find her... Fuck is she IN the sewer? I swear to god, if she's still alive I'm chewing her out. You thought bitterly. Lifting the manhole, you shimmied down the latter, drawing the manhole back over you.
"Uh guys? Somebody's in the sewers". Donnie spoke up, interrupting Mikey from whatever tangent he had been talking to April about. Everybody sprang up to look at the cameras. "Shit". April cursed and Leo looked at her, "Friend of yours?" He questioned and the brunette rubbed her temples. "Yeah. They're my roommate. Fuck I must have forgotten to turn off my location." She groaned. "April?!" Your voice called and April sprang into action. "Hey roomie!" April said, sprinting out before you could see the turtles. You hugged her tightly. "Oh my god, thank goodness your alive. I saw your location in the abandoned sewer and I immediately thought the worst. Never do that to me again." You sighed. "Hey uh... You moving into the sewer or something? I know rent is crazy, but come on. The sewer?" You teased, pushing past the beaded curtain. The turtles held their breath as they sort of hid in a corner. You turned back around to April to grin. "Look um, you can't exactly be here". She muttered and your expression immediately dropped to a glare. "April I adore you but maybe next don't, oh I don't know, GO TO AN ABANDONED FUCKING SEWER IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT?!" you yelled.
"Yeah I guess you're right. I should have told you, texted you that I was ok". She agreed guiltily, rubbing her arm. You sighed in frustration, muttering something about her going to be the death of you. "Look you really should leave". She said, tone more firm. "Absolutely not. You're going to explain yourself because ain't no way you're setting up some cool underground hideout and then just not tell me about it," you shot back. "You really think it's cool?" A voice said excitedly. Spinning around, a sight beheld you.
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Leonardo x Reader 🧡
Reader is: A wolf
A/N - Idk why but I feel like a wolf-like partner would suit Leo. Loyal and on guard but also caring and fun loving.
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Ears pinned back, you bared your fangs and growled at the creatures in front of you. "Thought I smelled reptiles," you growled, golden irises eyeing the creatures in front of you. "Is that supposed to be an insult?" The one with a blue headband questioned, tone cold and threatening as he rounded you. Lowering your stance, you made sure to keep him in your sights. "If the shoe fits," you said, ears still pinned back. "Woah, woah, woah!" April yelled, planting herself in front of you. "They're friends, (Y/N)! Ok?! Friends!" She said. Lifting your head, you sniffed the air. Her scent was quite strong in the lair. She had been here many times before. Relaxing you stood back up, ears perking back up as you wagged your tail softly. "Sorry. You know how I feel about strangers," you said sheepishly. "Yeah well, cool it. Because I don't need you and Leo fighting." She said, letting out a stressed sigh. "Leo?" You tilted your head, looking at the giant turtles. "Wait. Ok. Are these your old turtles? Like, from the lab?" You asked with a shocked laugh. Leo seemed to have relaxed and approached you, "That's correct. The mutagen that her father was working on ended up mutating us and Master Splinter," he confirmed.
He eyed your outfit, blue boxers with a grey tank top and loose lighter grey jacket. "You didn't get dressed before you left, did you?" He questioned and you immediately got embarrassed, looking down at your outfit. "Ah- no. I was kinda focusing too much on making sure that April wasn't dead or kidnapped," you replied, one of your ears drooping to match your embarrassed facial expression. Leo couldn't help himself, he touched one of your ears, scratching it lightly. You leaned into his touch, tail wagging happily. Quickly he withdrew his hand, "I apologize. I shouldn't have touched you without consent". He said, bowing softly and you laughed, a sound he thought sounded absolutely melodic. "Oh please. You're perfectly fine, just don't tug on anything. I joke that I'm April's dog since we can't afford one," you assured him and April laughed at your words, rolling her eyes before going to sit on the couch with Mikey. Leo shook his head and chuckled softly.
"You look good in blue by the way," he murmured and you went to hide your face in your jacket sleeves. "Shut up or I'm smacking you," you muttered back and he just laughed. "As if you could hurt me, blossom," he replied, going to sit down on the couch. You followed, sitting in his lap and swinging your legs over April. He looked at you curiously and you flicked your ears at him. "Blossom, hm?" You teased as he went to pet your ears once more. Now it was his turn to become flustered. "Shut up. It slipped out." You couldn't help but giggle.
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Raphael x Reader 🧡
Reader Is: A cat
A/N - I'm sorry but this is absolutely perfect for him and your about to see why.
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You unleashed your claws, nails becoming pointed as you swung forward in a fight or flight reaction. A hand grabbed your wrist. "Kitten's got claws," a gruff voice spoke up, an edge of amusement to his tone. "Let me go," you growled, tail bristling. "And why should I? Hm kitten?" The tall turtle in red teased, smirking down at you. You hissed, ears finding a way to flatten themselves even more. "Raphael please let (Y/N) go. They will find a way to claw your eyes out." April mused, going to the kitchen to get a snack. Raph let you go and your pupils narrowed to slits. "Raphael?" You questioned. "Don't wear it out, kitten". He replied and you turned to April, pointing to her and then to the turtle and she could only shrug and nod. "Wait your dead serious? These things are the old turtles?" You scoffed in bewilderment. "That's right, kitten. Little April here found us in the rubble and set us and Master Splinter free in the sewer. Little did she know, the mutagen mutated us," he said, relaxing on the couch once more.
You stalked to stand in front of him, studying his body. "Like what you see, kitten?" He teased, smug smirk drawing up the corners of his lips. You growled and flattened your ears once more. "I know I'm enjoying my view," he said, nodding to your jammies. Red lace bra you didn't feel like battling off your body and black sweatpants. You felt your cheeks heat up and you crossed your arms, growl vibrating through your chest. "Gotta say, kitten. Red looks good on ya. Mind if I add some more?" He taunted. You tried to be pissed, really you did. But you couldn't help but absolutely lose it. Laughing at his flirtatious comments, fangs glinting in the low light of the sewer. "Aren't you cute? You that desperate?" You teased back, causing Raph to become flustered. "Get burned!" Mikey called from the kitchen, causing Raph to snap at him. "Relax, big red." You said with a roll of your eyes, plopping down on the couch beside him, tail brushing against his arm. He grabbed it and softly twisted it around his hand to pet it, causing you to purr. "Look at you, kitten's not as ferocious after some pets, huh?" He said, causing you to glare at him. "Do me a favor and shut your fucking mouth." You snapped, leaning your head back onto the couch and closing your eyes. You went to pull your tail away but he gently brought it back to keep petting it.
"How about you make me, babydoll?" He challenged and you cracked your eyes open to side eye him. "Maybe another day. Preferably one where I'm not dead tired". You replied, causing Raph to chuckle in understanding. And so the two of you just sat side by side. Him watching whatever show was on TV and you asleep beside him, tail curled around his arm and chest vibrating with a loud purr.
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Donatello x Reader 🧡 (💚 if you squint)
Reader Is: A moth
A/N - This man is an absolute night owl so um, hello? Nocturnal bug? Perfect right? Also I feel like it would be funny for this giant hunk of a man to have a partner that could easily reach his level bc the bitch can fckn fly.
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You let out a loud moth squeak and almost fainted at the sight in front of you. "Woah there!" April said, rushing forward to keep you from dropping. "Chill out, roomie". She said and you almost flipped, antenna twitching in annoyance. "Chill out? April they're GIANTS! They could easily squash me like the bug I am!" You said, voice high pitched from panic. "(Y/N)! Calm down! Besides, you know them". She said softly and you tilted your head in confusion, taking deep breaths to calm yourself. "Remember my old pets? The four turtles and the rat?" She questioned and you vaguely remembered the project her father had been working on. "Y-Yeah. Um, Project Renaissance right? They injected the animals with these serums. But then the entire facility went up in flames." You recalled. "Well thanks to the mutagen, and April setting us free from the rubble, the mutagen well... mutated us," a voice spoke up and you turned to the tallest of the four, a purple bandana under his glasses. "Donatello?" You questioned softly, squinting up at him. "Or just Donnie." He said with a grin.
"You good now?" April asked gently and you nodded. She nodded back and went off to play a video game with Mikey. "This is so cool..." You marveled, moth wings expanding so you could flutter up to his height. "D-Did you not get dressed before you left the house?" Donnie stuttered out and you looked down at the purple boy shorts and baggie grayscale gradient hoodie you wore. Cheeks heating up you hid your face. "Oh my gosh, no I didn't. I was kind of too focused on finding April." You confessed and you laughed in embarrassment. "Could be worse though. Usually I sleep in less." You added before fluttering over to the other side of his head. "This is all super fascinating. Who knew the mutagen would transform some pets," you said in wonder and Donnie chuckled. "You're quite the fascinating creature yourself," he confessed and you giggled, landing gently onto your feet. "Thank you. I'm not sure why I'm... like this. I've been this way for as long as I can remember," you confessed, brows furrowed in thought. "I'd love to study you. If you'd allow me," he said sheepishly, moving towards his desk. You followed him and looked at all the gadgets he had, staring at them all with child-like wonder. "How's your sight? Moths aren't exactly known for their 20-20 vision," he asked and you glared up at him. "Neither are you from the looks of it," you retorted, making him laugh, a sound that made your heart flutter like the wings on your back. "Fair enough."
He raised a hand above your antenna, "May I?" He questioned and you tilted your head towards him, giving him silent consent to touch them. He gently brushed his fingers along them, rubbing them between his fingers. You jerked your head back, biting your fingers. "Ok so bad idea. Maybe don't touch them," you said, turning your face to hide your flustered expression, chest slightly heaving. "So they're sensitive to stimuli". The turtle muttered under his breath, jotting down a quick note. "Can I touch your wings?" He asked and you fluttered your wings softly. "Maybe not today. I'm not used to my moth bits being touched and that alone was a bit overstimulating. I'm sorry," you apologized, gently brushing at your antenna as if to calm them. "Oh no don't apologize! Here, why don't I show you some trinkets I'm working on?" He reassured, quickly changing the subject.
You perked up, fluttering up to sit on his leg. He swallowed, not expecting the move but he quickly relaxed as he began to essentially infodump on you. You listened intentionally, moth appendages occasionally twitching or fluttering with fascination. He couldn't help but feel happy that somebody took an interest in his little gizmos. It was nice. He could get used to this.
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
Michaelangelo x Reader 🧡
Reader Is: Avian (large white feathered wings and pointed elf like ears)
A/N - I love how Mikey called April angelcakes in the movie and we just RAN with it. So what better partner for Mikey than an actual real life "angel"?
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Fluffing up your wings in a defensive measure, you backed away a few steps. "April what the FUCK?!" you said, tone bordering on a shriek. "Woah babes! Cool it! I swear we're super chill!" Said one of the turtles. He was the shortest with an orange bandana. You looked at the other turtles. Blue, red, purple, orange. "These guys kind of remind me of those pet turtles you had," you muttered to your roommate, and she gave an anxious laugh. "Well actually... they are my pets," she replied back and you let your wings soften, turning to look at her. "Come again?" You said, shocked. "Yeah dude! So like, after the building burned down, April took us and Master Splinter and saved us by sending us down the sewer. And then we grew up and became super cool ninjas!" Mikey said excitedly and you turned to him, ears drooping slightly as you relaxed.
"The mutagen that my father had injected in them ended up turning them into mutants," April said, answering your question before you even asked. "I'm way too tired for this..." You groaned out, rubbing your eyes. "That's ok, angelcakes. Why don't you sit on the couch? You can play Mario Kart with me!" Mikey said excitedly. You yawned and stretched, wings expanding to their full length. Mikey couldn't help but step forward and gently grab one of them.
"These are so cool..." Mikey murmured, rubbing the bone with his thumb, his other hand petting the fibers of your wings. You groaned and your wings twitched under his grasp. "Oof. That actually feels really good," you sighed out. "Hey, you know how to preen wings?" You questioned, half joking. "That's like, removing broken off feathers right?" He questioned and you eyed him. "And straightened out any feathers that might be tangled, yeah". You confirmed and Mikey got excited. "Yeah sure, I can give it a try!" Leo and April looked at each other before laughing softly at his antics. Mikey snagged a beanbag chair and plopped it up in front of the couch. "For you, my angel," he said with a dramatic bow and you couldn't help but laugh. Mikey looked over to his brothers with an excited expression. Oh boy. He's already head over heels.
"Nice outfit, by the way. I think orange looks very flattering on you, birdie," he teased and you stared down at the orange sports bra and light grey sweatpants you were wearing. "Pervert," you said with a playful smack to his arm. You sank into the beanbag chair, letting your wings drape over and expand slightly. Mikey sat on the couch and got to work. Surprisingly, he was very good at preening. Your ears would occasionally twitch or droop in relaxation. You would sigh against his touch when he got a particularly sore spot, humming in delight when he fixed it. A few minutes passed by but eventually Mikey gently rubbed the bones of your wings. "Alright I think I'm all done". He said proudly and you stood up, yawning and fluffing up your wings. "ugh that feels so much better. Thank you so much, Mikey," you said, crawling onto the couch and resting your head and arms on his lap, one wing extending down your body and the other dropping off the couch.
"O-Of course, angel," he stammered back, trying to hide his chirp as you got comfy and sleepily snuggled into him. "Sounds like somebody's happy," you teased, closing your eyes as you chuckled. "I have no idea what you're talking about," Mikey argued with a flustered expression, picking up his controller to resume the game he had previously been playing before you entered the lair. "It's ok. I do it too sometimes," you murmured. "That would be cute to hear," he said but you didn't reply. Glancing down, he saw you fast asleep. Looking over at his brothers he pointed at you, "They're so freakin beautiful," he whisper yelled and April couldn't help but giggle at him. How cute.
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I feel like this is just more than a tiny bit cringy and I'm crying. Anyways, should I expand on it at all? You guys remember those like, boyfriend scenarios on Quotev and WattPad? Bet I could turn these kind of into one of those. But mini. Like confessing, going on a date, when you're in danger, maybe a smut. It would probably help me with my sharpening my writing skills. Idk if I write them well at all but I legit tried. Anyways hope you guys like this um...... goodbye.
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uceyjuceyyy · 1 day
Can we get a smutty Jey 🥵
Maybe something like make up sex after a argument
A/N: I actually enjoyed writing this, thanks for requesting!🫶🏽
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Paring: Jey Uso x Fem!reader
Warnings: Smut, Language, body fluids, A bit of Angst, 18+
Word Count: 1,792
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Your pov-
As my eyes adjusted to the dim morning light. I tentatively lifted the hem of my shirt, revealing my bare legs and the thin strap of my black thong underwear. Slowly, I turned my head to the side, heart pounding. There he was. Back home after the fact ive waited for him until 1am.
Jey lay next to me on his back, muscular arms folded casually behind his head, rising and falling with each deep breath. His smooth, tattooed skin seemed to glow in the soft light. Though relaxed in sleep, his full lips retained their natural deep pink hue. I studied his face and body, simultaneously hoping and fearing that if he had his dick up some groupie, I’d beat his ass.
As if sensing my gaze, Jey's eyes fluttered open. He turned his head to look at me drowsily. "Mornin'," he mumbled, stifling a yawn. 
"When did you-?" I began, but couldn't bring myself to finish the thought aloud. 
"Get home?" Jey interjected bluntly. "3am." 
He sat up, the sheets falling away to reveal his chiseled abs. I couldn't stop my eyes from wandering along the deep grooves and curves of his torso. 
"You always stay out so damn late" I said, a defensive edge in my tone.
Jey's eyes narrowed slightly in annoyance. "Bruh, i told you sometimes i'm late cause the show lasts till 11, 12 at most."  
I bristled, anger rising hot inside me. "Fucking excuses!"
Scoffing, Jey raked a hand through his tousled hair. "You childish as hell," he muttered derisively. 
Now I was livid. I rose up on my knees in the bed until I was hovering over him. "I'm childish?" I retorted. "I ain't the one coming home all hours of the night even when I'm not at damn work!" 
Jey's expression shifted, eyes softening. "Chill ma," he said gently. "I got caught up in some shit, ion wanna do this wit you."
I wanted to cling to my anger, but it was already dissipating in the face of his unexpected sincerity. Still, I wasn't ready to forgive. "Whatever," I huffed dismissively, looking away.
"I mean it. I know I get back late but it aint never on no sneaky shit."
My emotions churned wildly out of control. Before I realized what I was doing, I had straddled his waist and wrapped a hand around his throat, squeezing. I thought I had power over him, but quickly he mirrored the action, his large hand encircling my slender neck. We stared into each other's eyes, faces inches apart. 
"I hate you," I ground out through clenched teeth, gripping him tighter.
Jey's eyes darkened, his full lips drawing back to reveal his grillz. "Say that shit again," he growled.  My heart pounded erratically as I repeated the words. "I hate you."
Jey's fingers flexed against my throat. I could feel him hardening beneath me, and despite our anger, desire coursed through me like electricity. Our breaths came harsh and fast, bodies tense. But underneath the rage simmered a passion that terrified and exhilarated me. I wasn't sure if I wanted to kiss him or kill him. Maybe both.
His lips came crashing down onto mine, forcing my mouth open as his tongue invaded past my teeth. Our tongues wrestled for dominance as he deepened the passionate kiss. I couldn't stop myself from giving in to the forbidden desire that raged within me. Lust and adrenaline coursed through my veins as our lips meshed together. 
Suddenly, he broke off the steamy kiss, his dark eyes narrowing as they bore into mine. "Say it again," he demanded, his voice low and gravelly. I placed my hands on his firm chest and gave him a forceful shove, causing him to fall back into the pillows with a soft thud. Before he could react, my hand came down in a stinging slap across his cheek. 
"I hate you!" I yelled, my chest heaving. A sly smirk spread across his face at my words, his eyes growing even darker with illicit need. His strong hands grasped my hips roughly and guided my body to grind against the hard bulge in his pants. I couldn't stop the breathy moan that escaped my lips at the feel of his huge, pulsing dick pressing against my most sensitive area. The friction felt so unbelievably good that I found myself grinding down harder, my body betraying how much I craved his touch despite my words.
I long to feel more of him, to connect with him fully, body and soul. Reaching down in desperate need, I pull his boxers off, exposing him completely. He responds in kind, tearing off my thong in one swift motion. His dick stands erect before me, thick and proud, covered in pulsing veins that speak to his arousal. I estimate him to be nine inches or more, capped with a blushing pink tip. Unable to resist any longer, I press my aching pussy against his rigid dick. He lets out a guttural moan at the contact, gasping "fuuuuckk..." As I begin to rock my hips, enveloping him in my slick heat, his eyes flutter closed in ecstasy. 
"I want you, I need you inside," I plead breathlessly, my movements becoming more urgent. He looks up at me through heavy lids, his full lips parted in pleasure. "I know, I know," he groans, even as his body tenses with restraint. 
He rises up to meet my lips in a kiss both soft and sorrowful, an acknowledgement of our predicament. I wrap my legs tightly around his waist, clinging to him as we find a rhythm together. Our bodies melt and fuse, skin slick with sweat, hearts pounding with frustrated passion. I am dripping with need, ready to come undone, as he throbs hot against me. 
Jey’s pov-
This woman gon’ be the death of me, I swear. I gaze into her tantalizing, chocolate brown eyes, getting lost in her sexy ass. I can't help but admire her voluptuous form in all its glory. Yea, im lookin’ at yo fine ass, lookin’ at every curve and contour. I need to fuck you, cuz you mine and mine only. I know I fuck up and pissed her off, but seeing the fire in her eyes makes me wanna fuck her non-stop. I desperately need to feel her body against me, to be inside that pretty pussy. 
"Daddy needs this pussy," I moan huskily, overcome with lust. Her eyes flutter shut as she lets out a breathy moan, the faintest whisper of my name escaping her lips. She grinds against me harder, driving me wild with need. She’s soaked with anticipation, her juices flowing freely on my dick. "You can hate me all you want, but Daddy gotta claim this pussy again, mama," I growl possessively, my need for her overwhelming me. Imma make her feel it, take over this pussy, protect her and fuck the anger outta’ her. Fuck them consequences. She has this type of power over me that I can't control, body and soul, and I ain't stoppin’ ‘til I get every inch of her. I need her.
Her body jolted as I gently slid into her, our flesh merging into one entity. A soft gasp escaped her lips, her eyes fluttering as we became whole. "Josh..." she breathed, voice thick with desire, that shits sexy as fuck i wanted to nut in her already. I grip her ass, guiding her along my dick, our rhythmic dance building momentum. My palm caressed her cheek, turning her gaze to meet mine. "this yo dick, you hear me? And dis my pussy, imma make dat shit known," I growled, primal need taking over. She moaned, “It- yes- this your pussy, fuck,”  her agreement, writhing beneath me. I flipped us over, pinning her with my weight, our bodies working in perfect sync. We moved as one, her gasps and my grunts harmonizing. I thrusted deeper in that pussy, determined to make her fully and completely mine.
As I begin to slowly grind my thick, swollen dick into her soft, wet pussy, I tease her with long, circular motions, eliciting a deep moan from within her chest. "Mmm, that's it ma... Daddy deep inside his pussy," I groan through gritted teeth. She lets out a desperate whimper in response, her voice breathy and needy, "Yes Daddy, please... I've needed you so bad." My dick twitches inside her with excitement at the way she's talking to me. "Mmm fuck yes, keep talking like that baby. You gettin’ Daddy's dick so fucking hard," I tell her, my voice gravelly and filled with lust. 
her walls grippin’ me like fuck. She's so fucking sexy, so beautiful... and I keep fucken up. Out of everyone, I had fucked up with, her - the one person who actually deserve my time. I know I need to tell her how I really feel, right here and now. As I continue my steady, deep strokes within her, I caress her cheek softly, our eyes connecting. "It's gon’ be okay, baby. We gon’ be okay. I ain't going nowhere, I promise you that, I'm sorry" I confessed to her. Her eyes begin to water slightly at my words as she gazes up at me vulnerably. "You promise?" she whimpers, her voice shaky with emotion. I press my body against hers fully, driving myself even deeper within her. "I promise, baby. I promise," I assure her, meaning every word.
Your pov-
He thrusts deeper and faster into me, consuming my entire being. I cried out in ecstasy, gasping as I clawed at his back. "You gonna cum for daddy?" he growled, increasing his pace. "Oh god, yes!" I screamed in pleasure. "Cum with me, please!" I begged him desperately. I rocked my hips to meet his urgent rhythm. The sounds of our colliding bodies and wetness filled the room as he drove himself into me repeatedly until I couldn't take it anymore. "I'm cumming!" I cried out. "Me too," he groaned, the sound sending shivers through me. Our hearts pounded as we climaxed together. Breathless, he collapsed on top of me, his release pulsing inside. Finally he rolled off and lay by my side. Jey gently pulled me to his side so that I was laying on his warm chest. I began to run my hand up and down his chest, “do you mean it?” I asked him as I shot my gaze towards him. He sat up just a bit to see me, “I am mama. We gon’ be okay. Imma do better baby.” he said. I sat up to meet his face as my lips met his. “I love you,” I said. “I love you more baby,” he replied.
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monster-disaster · 2 days
[vampire] Eva
vampire!Eva x human!male!Reader Good to know: mention of smut, blood sucking
Summary: You wake up to your wife coming home after work.
A/N: We met Eva before here and here (I recommend reading these two if you are new to my blog, so you can understand Eva's story a bit better.). And you can read Reg's story on my Patreon.
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It’s still dark when you wake up to the rumble of a car. The familiar sound ripples through the quiet street as it parks down in front of the house. The brightness of the headlights streams through the windows, casting a yellow hue over the matching furniture for several seconds. Shadows stretch across the room and quickly disappear as you turn onto your other side, blinking lazily at the dark wooden door. Your mind is foggy from sleep, but you still recognize the sound of the entrance opening and closing with a muffled thud, followed by high heels echoing loudly in the silent house as they clank rhythmically up the stairs. You glance at the clock on your nightstand with a yawn. It’s not even four yet. The sun is still behind the horizon, and the streetlamps are still on while you listen to your wife's movements outside, doing her usual routine.
The sound of the shower running on the other side of the wall almost lulls you back to sleep. You melt deeper into the bed as you close your eyes and let the steady stream of water become a soothing background noise until the bedroom door opens and the fresh, clean scent of your wife reaches your nose. Rose and honey with a hint of spice.
Her steps are soft on the plush carpet, and the mattress dips under her weight as she climbs onto the bed beside you. She gently brushes a strand of hair from your forehead, her touch light and tender. Her long nails graze over your temple.
When you open your eyes and smile at her, she reciprocates the gesture. She wears black lingerie that barely reaches the middle of her thighs with lacey details and thin straps over her shoulders.
"Hey," Eva whispers. "Did I wake you?"
You hum, letting her rest her head on your arm as you pull her closer against your body. She is soft and warm under your caressing fingertips as you draw slow circles on her shoulder blade, moving up on the delicate curve of her neck and raking through her still-wet hair. The dark brown locks curl around your fingers, and you play with them with half-closed eyes.
“It’s fine,” you tell her. “You know I don’t like sleeping without you.”
And it’s really unfortunate since Eva works at night, and you need your sleep to function in daylight like a normal human being.
“How was your day?” she asks, sneaking her arm around your middle while her leg slips between yours, and she clings to you with every delicious inch of her body.
“Boring,” you tell her. “The usual. And your night?”
You don’t even have to see her face to know she is smiling into the crook of your neck. “I went over to the antique shop to talk with Reg’s girlfriend.”
You groan.
“What? Me or Boss. I think I was the better option,” she reasons, amused.
“You both are like gossiping old ladies.”
Eva chuckles quietly but doesn’t argue. “I needed to know.”
“So you didn’t believe me?” you ask her. Your voice is still hoarse from sleeping.
“You and your gossip,” she says, and you can’t help but grin at her retort.
“Riel told me.”
The vampire woman in your arms laughs again. “As I said, you and your gossip.”
You can’t argue. Grimbrook is a small town, and people tend to care a bit too much about each other’s business, especially when it has anything to do with the pub on the main street.
“So?” you ask her after a few seconds, knowing well enough that you are a hypocrite. “What did you find out?”
Eva, not moving away from the warmth of your neck, hits your chest without any strength. Her red nails glint under the dim light of the streetlamp in front of the house, filtering through the windows.
“You were right,” she replies. “They plan to come on Friday.”
You huff, trying to suppress your laughter. “Told you so.”
Your words are followed by another swat you barely feel.
“It will be fun,” Eva grins, and you scoff, knowing her too well.
“I don’t think they are ready for you, my love,” you tell her, smoothing your palm over her upper arm. “Reg made it clear that she is off limits.”
“Yeah,” Eva sighs with a hint of disappointment. “His girl told me something similar.”
You can’t blame them, though. Their relationship is still new, and the demon’s possessiveness is understandable, while his girl has never been in the pub before. They are definitely not ready for Eva.
“I’m sure you will find someone else,” you tell her with amusement in your voice. “Give that poor girl some time.”
“Don’t tell me you’re not curious,” Eva hums. Her voice deepens with each word that fans over your neck. A shiver ripples through your spine when you feel her fangs grazing your skin where your pulse is.
“I could play with her in so many ways.” Her hand slips down from your chest to rest between your legs. “I bet she tastes good… in both ways.”
Feeling the tips of her fangs punches a ragged breath out of your lungs, but otherwise, your body stays in its tired, lazy state. Her delicate fingers curl around your dick through your pants, rubbing over the head with her thumb teasingly.
“Wouldn’t you—” Whatever she wants to say gets stuck in her throat when she notices the lack of your reaction.
“I’m sorry,” you break the silence with an uncomfortable strain in your voice. You can feel the heat creeping up your cheeks with embarrassment and shame.
Even though the image of your wife with another woman is always arousing, your body is too tired to get the memo your mind tries to send to it. The bed is too warm and too comfortable, and your muscles are sore from work. To be honest, you are too content holding Eva against yourself right now. No matter how much you want to get in the mood, your lower region doesn’t agree with you.
“Don’t,” your wife says, gliding her hand up your body until her small palm rests on your cheek. The soft pad of her thumb ghosts over the skin under your eye. “It happens.”
“Don’t,” she cuts in with a bit more power in her voice. “We have been married too long to feel bad about things like this. It’s too early anyway, and you’re tired. I understand.”
Pulling her closer, you tilt your head to kiss her shoulder. “I love you.”
Eva grins. “I know. And because you love me, you should definitely surprise me with something sweet from the bakery.”
A lazy, knowing grin pulls at your lips as your eyes slowly fall shut. “Or I could offer something better.”
“You don’t want to wake up early, huh?”
You laugh but don’t deny it. If you have to go to the bakery, there is no reason for you to fall asleep.
“Fine,” she says. “Just because I love you.”
“You mean my taste.”
Eva hums. “That too.”
When morning comes barely a few hours later, you wake up still a bit sleepy and disoriented, with your wife plastered against your body. The room is filled with the soft light of dawn, casting a gentle glow over your lying forms on the bed. The faint chirping of birds outside filters through the closed windows, mixing with the noises of your awakening neighbors. Eva's cheek rests on your chest, and her arm is draped over your stomach. Her hair is a tangled mess, and her lips are slightly open as she sleeps. Her steady breathing matches the slow rhythm of your heartbeat, and, risking falling back asleep, you stay where you are, under the warm blankets with Eva in your arms. You gently run your fingers through her hair, careful not to wake her. The soft strands slip through your fingers like silk.
She fidgets a little, snuggling closer, and your hand freezes in her hair. "Good morning," she hums. Her voice is hoarse from sleep.
"Good morning," you reply, continuing to play with her brown locks.
"If you don't get up, you will be late," Eva warns you but does nothing to untangle herself from you, and you don't move either.
"Nobody cares," you tell her. Owning a car repair shop with your best friends has its perks. "Besides, I promised you something."
When Eva stops breathing for a second, a knowing half-smirk pulls on your lips. "So? What do you say? Or should I get up and go to work?" You tease her, and her arms tighten around your middle instantly. "Thought so," you laugh.
"Don't invite the vampire if you don't mean it," Eve hums, grinning.
In the calmness of your bedroom, bathed in the soft morning light, your heart flutters in your chest the same way it always does when you offer yourself to your wife. Her hand from your stomach slips up to your face. Her nails trace the line of your jaw as she tilts your head to the side, giving herself more access to your neck. Your pulse quickens from the small show of strength. It feels like the beat of your heart echoes off the walls and not just in your ribcage. Eva's presence shimmers in the cool morning air, sending shivers through your tensing body. You can do nothing with your reaction. Even though your mind knows that you are safe, your body still urges you to fight against the predator leaning above you, even if said predator smells like lotions and home.
A gasp bursts out of your closed mouth when her lips ghost over the spot under your ear, going down until she hovers above your pulse. Your chest heaves, and Eva giggles beside you. It's a low sound that pushes your nerves to the edge.
"Are you still afraid, husband?" She teases. Her hold on your jaw eases when you don't move. Her thumb rubs over your stubble in small circles.
Your throat tightens but it's not necessarily fear that keeps you from answering. There is a mix of feelings in the pit of your stomach, urging you to do something, yet keeping you frozen on the soft sheets of the bed.
A hiss follows your silence when Eva's lips part, and you feel the wet touch of her tongue on your skin. The anticipation from both of you is palpable in the air. Your exhale is ragged and heavy. She licks and nibbles the junction of your neck and shoulder. It's not enough to hurt, but still reminds you of her sharp fangs you felt on and in yourself so many times through the years of your relationship with the petite vampire woman.
As she sinks her teeth into your flesh, there is a brief sting that surges through your body. Your fingers curl into fists, and a throaty moan escapes your lips. Every sucking motion of her lips and lick of her tongue sends you spiraling into pain and pleasure. Your heart slows down a little, and the rapid beat in your chest picks up the rhythm of the pull of your wife's soft lips on your neck. You can feel your muscles relax and you melt against the bed even more while Eva drinks with pleased sighs and moans. The sound of her voice ripples through your spine, going straight between your legs with an aching throb. Her body against yours is pliant and warm.
The intimate moment between you and the vampire doesn't last long. Eva has to make sure you won't spend your whole day in bed just because she couldn't stop herself in time. Slowly, she withdraws her fangs but still stays close to lick the small wounds several times. Your body tingles with every small, delicate touch of her tongue and brush of her lips.
When she is done and you can turn your head to look at her, you can't help but be in awe at the sight in front of you. Her dark hair is a curly mess, framing her delicate features and the light blush spreading across her cheeks. Her eyes gleam with a new shine, and her lips are deep red even without her usual lipstick.
"How are you feeling?" She asks, brushing your hair out of your forehead.
"'m good," you hum, still a bit dizzy.
"Yeah," she grins, running her eyes down on your body. "I see that."
Following her gaze, you notice the bulge between your legs, the same time the pleasure throbbing in your body gets more demanding for your attention, and a smile pulls on your lips, similar to your wife's. Bracing yourself on one of your elbows, you reach for Eva with your other hand. Your fingertips barely brush over her arm when she pulls away.
"You will be late," she says, enjoying herself a bit too much at your expense. "Come home early," she hums, letting her gaze linger on your sweatpants-covered erection. "And I will see what I can do about it."
You groan, sitting up to grab her by the back of her neck. Her laugh vibrates on your lips as you press a searing, playful kiss on her mouth.
"Minx," you grunt.
You listen to her laughing even when you leave the bedroom to take a quick shower.
A cold one.
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damastorrr · 6 months
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Fuck it. Trans dingo forever.
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saturniade · 1 year
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me when in... the toy... store?
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altrdecho · 10 months
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This piece of art came to me in a dream! At 10:30PM!! Idk what it's supposed to represent. The Voices wanted Something so i Delivered.
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vita-divata · 2 years
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And now I'm happy 😌
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yellowistheraddest · 2 months
people on internet say use references when drawing, and im tired of being stubborn for no reason this is the end of yellow as you knew me
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askblueandviolet · 6 months
DF: Not even 24 hours later and I have 6 asks in the box XDDDDD. Well I suppose I'm glad you are all interested. And some of these questions, I think Mayor would have... An interesting time answering.
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Ask box is closed for now (for my own sanity) but I swear that it will be open again... Maybe Wednesday?? Depending where you live, that might also be Tuesday.
Thanks for everything guys! If you had a question please know that I'm sorry and that you still have a chance :)))
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d34d3434m0v33d · 6 months
towelie as limp bizkit jumpscare
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blujayonthewing · 2 years
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[holds onto this feeling with both fucking hands]
#'why am I drawing ruszca instead of my friends' PCs or my actual canon dnd ships or--' BECAUSE I FELT LIKE IT AND I'M ALLOWED#because I like her and I wanted to idk!! and it was fun and it felt good and now I wanna ALSO draw that other stuff!!#instead of the entire concept of drawing anything feeling too guilty and bad to engage with at all!!#also I do happen to know that the Disappointed Friends In My Head are not in fact ENTIRELY fictional strawmen : )#my dad has told me it hurts his feelings that I don't draw kethri cause she's my character in the campaign we're in together#and like. okay it hurts MY feelings that 2/3s of the time we play that campaign you don't bother to engage at all#so the overall experience doesn't feel that rewarding to me despite my husband being the best DM I've played with :)#but yeah ngl there was definitely a little My Dad Voice in my head when I was drawing the mistletoe one like#'you never draw my PC/ your brothers' PCs though this should be one of them instead :('#and I had to just. kick that voice to the curb. that's not HELPFUL it just makes art feel bad so I don't wanna do it at all#I counted once and there are... nearly 70 PCs and Major/ Beloved NPCs I Could Be Drawing at any given time between all my campaigns#there is ALWAYS someone whom I'm neglecting I LITERALLY cannot win in that regard#ANYWAY. man. would you believe I actually draw a lot more stuff when it feels fun and rewarding and I'm not paralyzed by guilt#about me#my art#posts from twitter
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rainbow-sparks · 1 year
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I saw Jay's playthrough of Sally Face today and it made me remember how much I love this game, so I drew Sal :))!!
#seriously I just ahafgz I'm going to be so annoying about this game now I'm sorry (lying)#(everytime I say/read/etc the word seriously I read it in Ocean's voice when she's singing What The World Needs omfg)#his hair looks like that because........uhmm#cute :33 but also I just..can't draw straight hair ://#in pigtails specifically. idk why it just two ponytails so I don't know WHY I can't...#my dad is saying I HAVE to go to school or he won't pay the wifi bill uhmm apparently it 2 months behind?? uhh yeah...? oof guess I'll#fucking kms instead because if I have to be at that DAMN HIGHSCHOOL AGAIN#I am only a freshman and I already wanna bash my head into the desk#MY GYM TEACHER DIDN'T EVEN KNOW MY FUCKING NAME#AND I have to deal w/ shitty fucking allergies on top of that because my mom SUCKS and I didn't think to grad the medicine when I was#leaving yesterday morning mostly cause her BITCH ASS EX WAS THERE IN THE LIVING ROOM (that's connected to the kitchen; where the medicine#was) because she can't kick him out and she has work so she need him there anyway because free babysitting because she had this stupid#fucking kid with him 4 years ago ://#what am I talking about???#sorry for ranting babe hehe <3 back to being a silly little guy ^^!!#so my friend wants me to play D&D with her and her other friend (idk who they are?? she never told me their name)#so that's cool :)#anyway I listened to Sanity Falls again I fucking love those songs god Idk y I stopped listening to these what was wrong w/ me damn :DDD!!!#gonna queue a few post so they go up while I'm either asleep or at school#probably school cause my dad said if I'm asleep he'll beat me awake :/ so yeah...not new whatever :/#can't even complain; cause according to my parents it isn't abuse to hit you're CHILD and they had it worse so stfu and I hate you' like#WTF WAS THAT? BRO?? ughh like okay yeha I get it I've been out for a bit but like...really? has Hitting use worked EVER? no? THEN WHY ARE#THEY STILL DOING IT??........ugghhh fuck#night dude :p#omfg I ranted to much I forgot to tag#sally face#sal fisher#sally face sal
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foldingfittedsheets · 2 months
Something that literally changed my life was working with a friend on a coding thing. He was helping me create an auto rig script and was trying to explain something to me but his words were just turning into static in my brain. I was tired and confused and there was so many new concepts happening.
I could feel myself working toward a crying meltdown and was getting preemptively ashamed of what was about to happen when he said, “Hey, are you someone who benefits from breaks?”
It broke me.
Did I benefit from breaks? I didn’t know. I’d never taken them.
When a problem frustrated or upset me I just gritted my teeth and plowed through the emotional distress because eventually if you batter and flail at something long enough you figure it out. So what if you get bruised on the way.
I viscerally remembered in that moment being forced to sit at the table late into the night with my dad screaming at me, trying to understand math. I remembered taking that with me into adulthood and having breakdowns every week trying to understand coding. I could have taken a break? Would it help? I didn’t know! I’d never taken one!
“Yes,” I told him. We paused our call. I ate lunch. I focused on other stuff for half an hour. I came back in a significantly better state of mind, and the thing he’d been trying to explain had been gently cooking in the back of my head and seemed easier to understand.
Now when I find myself gritting my teeth at problems I can hear his gentle voice asking if I benefit from breaks. Yes, dear god, yes why did I never get taught breaks? Why was the only way I knew to keep suffering until something worked?
I was relating to this same friend recently my roadtrip to the redwoods with my wife. “We stopped every hour or so to get out and stretch our legs and switch drivers. It was really nice. When I was a kid we’d just drive twelve hours straight and not stop for anything, just gas. We’d eat in the car and power through.”
He gave a wry smile, immediately connecting the mindset of my parents on a road trip to what they’d instilled in me about brute forcing through discomfort. “Do you benefit from breaks?” he echoed, drawing my attention to it, making me smile with the same sad acknowledgement.
Take breaks. You’re allowed. You don’t have to slam into problems over and over and over, let yourself rest. It will get easier. Take. Breaks.
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