#the side of freedom of expression. the side of compassion and community. the side of saying FUCK YOU to fascism & christian nationalism.
facedock · 8 months
Was just thinking about how if The A-Team were still active today, they'd absolutely be helping queer folks escape dangerous / abusive situations.
Murdock would be flying families with trans kids out of oppressive states, Hannibal would be lecturing dirty congresspeople who cared more about making money than helping their most vulnerable constituents, B.A. would be protecting trans and queer kids from bullies and telling them to always stand up for who they are and not let anyone keep them from being true to themselves. Face would be scamming evangelical pastors and bigoted lawmakers out of their money and giving it to organizations that help the queer/trans community. Amy would be writing human interest stories about supporting trans and queer people.
They'd be invading conversion camps and rescuing teens from the abusive parents who put them there. They'd be calling out bigotry whenever they saw it, and reminding people that, in the "land of the free", it doesn't matter if you don't like it: people have a right to be who they are.
I'm not saying this is ALL they'd be doing, they'd still be helping small business owners beat shady landlords 'n all that fun stuff, but they'd be known allies for sure. They wouldn't be afraid to stand up for people like us. That's always been their thing; stopping bullies and sticking up for the oppressed.
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spirit-of-phantom · 5 months
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aries mc:
- projects a confident, dynamic, and assertive image to the world.
- thrives in leadership roles and is driven to achieve ambitious goals.
- might be seen as energetic, pioneering, and unafraid to take risks in their career.
taurus mc:
- presents an image of stability, beauty, reliability, and practicality.
- thrives in careers related to finance, aesthetics, or the arts.
- values a steady and secure approach to achieving personal and professional goals.
gemini mc:
- projects an adaptable, communicative, and versatile image.
- excels in roles that involve communication, networking, or information-sharing.
- expresses a quick wit, curiosity, and a diverse range of interests in their public persona.
cancer mc:
- presents a nurturing, empathetic, and protective image.
- thrives in roles that involve caregiving, counseling, or community service.
- values emotional connections and often projects a sense of warmth and compassion.
leo mc:
- radiates confidence, charisma, and a regal presence.
- flourishes in roles that allow for creativity, leadership, and self-expression.
- often seen as theatrical, generous, and unapologetically individualistic.
virgo mc:
- projects an image of precision, attention to detail, and analytical prowess.
- thrives in roles that require problem-solving, organization, and efficiency.
- values competence, reliability, and a meticulous approach to their work.
libra mc:
- presents a harmonious, diplomatic, and aesthetically pleasing image.
- excels in roles involving relationships, art, or social justice.
- often seen as charming, cooperative, and with a keen sense of fairness.
scorpio mc:
- radiates intensity, mystery, and a transformative presence.
- thrives in roles that involve depth, research, or psychology.
- values authenticity, resilience, and often projects a magnetic allure.
sagittarius mc:
- projects an adventurous, optimistic, and expansive image.
- excels in roles that involve travel, education, or philosophy.
- values freedom, intellectual curiosity, and often seen as a bold, honest risk-taker.
capricorn mc:
- presents an image of ambition, authority, and disciplined professionalism.
- thrives in roles that require leadership, strategic planning, or entrepreneurship.
- values structure, achievement, and often projects a mature and responsible demeanor.
aquarius mc:
- radiates uniqueness, innovation, and a progressive presence.
- excels in roles that involve technology, social causes, or group dynamics.
- values individuality, open-mindedness, and often seen as forward-thinking.
pisces mc:
- thrives in roles that involve creativity, healing, or humanitarian efforts.
- projects a compassionate, imaginative, and spiritually aware image.
- values intuition, empathy, and often projects a dreamy and ethereal aura.
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© spirit-of-phantom 2024
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catmarlowastrology · 3 months
Jupiter through the signs
🌹 Jupiter in Aries: This teaches us to be bold and take charge. It's about trusting our instincts and being confident leaders in our own lives.
🍃 Jupiter in Taurus: Here, we learn to appreciate the simple things and find security in material comforts. It's about slowing down and enjoying life's pleasures.
🌾 Jupiter in Gemini: Communication is key here. We learn through exchanging ideas and expanding our minds through learning and teaching.
🌸 Jupiter in Cancer: This placement teaches us about nurturing ourselves and our loved ones, creating a safe and loving home base.
🌷 Jupiter in Leo: It's all about self-expression and embracing our unique talents. We're encouraged to find joy and fulfillment through creativity and following our passions.
🌻 Jupiter in Virgo: Practicality is emphasized here. We learn to find meaning in the details and improve ourselves through hard work and daily practices.
💐 Jupiter in Libra: Partnerships and fairness are important lessons. We have to learn about collaboration and diplomacy.
🥀 Jupiter in Scorpio: This teaches us about transformation and facing our deepest truths. Growth comes from healing and embracing change.
🌼 Jupiter in Sagittarius: Exploration is key. We're encouraged to seek out new experiences and expand our horizons, both intellectually and spiritually.
🍁 Jupiter in Capricorn: Discipline and hard work are taught here. We learn to be responsible and committed to our long-term goals.
🍄 Jupiter in Aquarius: Teaches individuality and innovation. We're urged to embrace freedom and think outside the box.
🌺 Jupiter in Pisces: This teaches us about empathy and connection to all living things. Growth comes from compassion and embracing our spiritual side.
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pearlprincess02 · 4 days
taylor swift and matty healy composite chart
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aquarius sun: aquarius sun in the composite is all about acceptance. this relationship exists to express individuality and fully accept each other. there is a lot of zesty energy and the two may love to innovate/create together. there is rarely harsh judgement but rather encouragement to pursue grand visions.
sun in 12th house: composite sun in the twelfth house deals with the subconscious. this is personally my favorite placement for the sun (in platonic & romantic relationships). a spiritual and everlasting bond ties the two together. this allows for intense healing and revaluations for both people involved. these two people tend to understand each other in a way others can’t, which is very powerful and intimidating. for the brightest planet that surrounds the ego to be placed in the darkest house that rejects ego is very symbolic and intriguing to me. this placement is definitely unforgettable. i’ve found that this placement in celebrity couples leads to a private relationship, but successful.
gemini moon: “tell me all about the things your heart longs for.” both of you love delving into topics of any sort, so your emotions are most likely communicated and expressed. you love conversing with one another, exploring, and satisfying your minds’ curiosities. there is a rational/logical way of viewing both of your emotions, you both try your best to intellectualize or make sense out of the feelings and events that happen to the both of you and this causes two of you to be overwhelmed. emotions are meant to be felt anyway, thus there must be balance between rationalizing and leaning on the raw emotional side.
moon in 4th house: with the moon in its own house, the people in this relationship can get lost in the undefined, emotion of the placement, making many of the feelings unconscious. this dynamic makes the relationship feel deep and gives feelings of belonging together. you find security in the idea that you somehow have deep roots together even if you met recently. you will search for common ancestry or for people you both know in common. it just feels like there is a deep connection, but you may not be able to pin-point it. starting a family together and putting down your own roots to build a conscious history together feels natural. it builds on the existing vague, unconscious feeling that you have known each other for a long time. the home and family life that you establish together is where you go for comfort and peace, making your home and family monumentally important to you. it's your natural place together in the world and you put a great deal of effort and time into making it pleasant and comforting. with bad aspects to the moon in the composite chart, the unconscious feeling of the house can lead to discord at home that seems to come from nowhere.
rising/ 1st house:
aquarius rising: others see you as a fun and erratic relationship. you two can be a bit unpredictable and even rebellious together. you embrace and resist change t the same time. friendship is important and you give each other plenty of personal freedom. 
mercury in 1st house: you both communicate and connect intellectually based on your outward interests. you’re eager to share your ideas and support each other’s ambitions. you’re also quite vocal about your ideas, easily sharing your thoughts with each other. the two of you may also be chatty in this relationship, never running out of things to talk to each other about. communication is open and direct between the two of you. you can easily stimulate each other’s minds. you can help each other openly express your ideas and opinions and can succeed in your personal ambitions with each other’s help.
venus in 1st house: you openly show your love and compassion for each other in this relationship. you are both overtly affectionate and may be demonstrative with your affection for each other. this relationship helps you both uplift each other’s confidence. you can encourage each other by being diplomatic and encouraging each other’s values and interests. this relationship can help you both feel beautiful and valued. there’s no denying your attraction to each other as you are both likely to shower each other with love and compassion. your affection and admiration for each other is also likely to be evident to anyone who sees you.
north node in 1st house: “meant to find yourself with them”. there is an incredible quality in this relationship, and it is the fact that both will always allow the other to show themselves as they are, without prejudice, without criticism. there is an ability to motivate the other to be the best version of themselves, there is a strong and passionate feeling to always see in that person the ideal partner. both feel strongly similar to the other and coexistence can be very easy. both of you will play a crucial and important role in each other's lives and will be more than happy to spend many years alongside each other. a fun, enthusiastic partner who makes both of you feel emotionally full. it seems that they have found the perfect partner. a relationship that is destined to become a part of you, a relationship that will mark your life forever. endowed with fun and genuine feelings, the natives will spend a lot of time together, even before formalizing. this placement tells us about a sincere fascination for the body, the mentality and the whole of the couple, a desire that they always be true to themselves when they are with us and vice versa.
pisces mercury: an almost telepathic communication, they never thought they would find someone who would read them in such a way. they will always listen to the other, they will understand it easily and they will bring out their most sensitive side, lending them the sweetest and most understanding words that someone can give them. talking to each other is almost healing, they feel good right away. it seems that the other knows what to say at the right moment. music can be significant for this couple, they can dedicate themselves or even write songs. they can inspire each other.
mercury in 1st house: one of the strengths of this couple is open communication. they feel that they can talk about personal things with each other, they love to get to know each other on a personal level and know a lot about what goes on in each other's minds. the communication between you happened naturally from the first moment and you could think that the other was very interesting since they met, both sought to start a conversation with the other from the beginning. they see each other as interesting, intelligent, and fun to spend time with. they think about each other a lot and love to talk about their relationship with anyone.
pisces venus: pisces venus in the composite is all about sacrifice. this is an inseparable unconditional love energy. pisces venus in the composite refers to the deep bond two people will share that no one else understands. very sacrificial for each other, sometimes to a detrimental extent. i’ve also observed super-close relationships that ended in abrupt ghosting with pisces venus. the two will love being around each other and finding beauty in everything, but once there’s nothing left to admire, the connection ends. very all-or-nothing energy. you can tell when a pair has a pisces venus, because it’s clear they’re each others favorite. 
venus in the 1st house: the couple's relationship is marked by a strong sense of attraction and affection between the two. this placement emphasizes the importance of physical appearance, charm, and personal style in the relationship, as the first house governs our outward expression and projection of ourselves. the couple share a love for beauty, fashion, and aesthetics, and they may find pleasure in presenting themselves as an attractive and cohesive unit. however, this placement also indicates that the relationship is somewhat self-focused and may lack depth and substance if other areas of the chart don't indicate otherwise. there’s a tendency to prioritize appearances and superficial qualities over emotional connection and intimacy.
virgo mars: both parties are very helpful to each other, you seek to help each other when things go wrong or difficult and may want to help the other de-stress in very effective ways. slow massages, exclusive attention for each other and a desire to please every fantasy you learned the other had. you are very dedicated to the relationship and put a lot of attention into improving its quality to make it a place of tranquility and peace for the other. this couple seeks to have a beautiful relationship with the other, whom they consider the right partner. it is possible that both of them thought a lot before making a move with the other. they motivate each other to be the best versions of themselves, they will bring out the best in each other. if arguments arise, they may need a moment alone and then come back calm and probably with some solution. in case mars is making tense aspects, they may argue over small things.
mars in the 7th house: both of you may feel like you have found the person you want to be with long-term or marry in the case of some, others may feel like you are even jumping at such a statement. in this relationship they feel like one and seek to continue growing and improving as a couple. when problems arise, they quickly propose solutions, they know they can really speak and be heard by their partner. in sexual terms, one may be more active or dominant than the other. even so, both will prioritize the love and pleasure of the other.
celeb's masterlist
composite sun
composite moon + house
composite rising + mercury + venus + north node
composite mercury
composite venus + house
composite mars
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❁7 chakra points and how to manifest with them ❁
1. Understanding the Chakras
Before we get into the process of manifestation, it's important to have a basic understanding of the chakras. There are seven main chakras in our body, starting from the base of our spine and moving up to the crown of our head. Each chakra is associated with a different color, element, and aspect of our being.
I’m short, seven chakras are energy centers in our body that regulate physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. They are located along the spine beginning at the base of the spine and running up to the crown of the head. Each chakra has its own characteristics and can be used to help bring what you desire into your life.
The first chakra is located at the base of your spine and is associated with the color red. This chakra is associated with grounding and primal energy. When this chakra is open, you have a sense of feeling connected with your body and the Earth, as well as a sense of security and stability. To open this chakra, practice activities like yoga, meditation, taking nature walks, and eating grounding foods. (Optional but helped me)
The second chakra is located just below your naval and is associated with orange. This chakra is associated with creativity, pleasure, and vitality. When this chakra is open, you have a sense of self-expression and joy in your life. To open this chakra, practice activities like music, dancing, writing, creating art, connecting with your sensual side, and spending time with loved ones.
The third chakra is located in your solar plexus and is associated with yellow. This chakra is associated with power and personal motivation. When this chakra is open, you have a sense of self-confidence and direction. To open this chakra, practice activities like self-reflection, goal setting, taking action on your dreams, saying no to what does not serve you, and cultivating self-love.
The fourth chakra is located in the heart center and is associated with green. This chakra is associated with unconditional love and compassion. When this chakra is open, you have a sense of connection to yourself and others. To open this chakra, practice activities like gratitude, offering random acts of kindness, forgiving yourself and others, spending time in nature, and engaging in compassionate communication.
The fifth chakra is located in the throat center and is associated with blue. This chakra is associated with communication and self-expression. When this chakra is open, you have a sense of freedom to speak your truth, as well as an understanding of the importance of listening to others. To open this chakra practice activities like speaking up for what you believe in, expressing your needs to others, listening without judgment to others, and telling the truth in all situations.
The sixth chakra is located in the forehead center between the eyebrows and is associated with indigo. This chakra is associated with psychic abilities, intuition and connection to the divine. When this chakra is open, you have a sense of understanding and connection that comes from within. To open this chakra, practice activities like stillness meditation, intuition exercises, and finding ways to connect deeper with your inner knowing.
The seventh chakra is located at the crown of your head and is associated with violet. This chakra is associated with awareness and spiritual connection. When this chakra is open you have a sense of enlightenment and spiritual growth. To open this chakra practice activities like prayer, breathwork, connecting to higher wisdom teachings, and honoring your spiritual path.
2. Setting Intentions
The first step in manifesting using our chakras is setting clear intentions. This means getting clear on what you want to manifest and stating your intentions in a positive and present tense.
For example, instead of saying "I don't want to be broke anymore," you would say "I am financially abundant and secure." State your intentions in a way that feels authentic and resonates with you. You can write down your intentions in a journal, say them out loud or even make a vision board to visualize them.
3. Connecting with Your Chakras
Next, we need to connect with our chakras to integrate our intentions. The easiest way to do this is through meditation.
Find a quiet and comfortable place where you can sit for at least 10-15 minutes. Close your eyes and take deep breaths to relax your body and mind. Visualize a white light entering through your crown chakra and moving down through your body, connecting with each chakra as it goes.
As you focus on each chakra, visualize the color associated with it, and repeat your intention to yourself. You can also use affirmations specific to each chakra, for example, "I am rooted and grounded in my truth" for the root chakra or "I speak my truth with love and confidence" for the throat chakra.
4. Take action and follow your intuition
This can include taking small steps in the direction of your goals, following your intuition, or seeking out opportunities that align with your intentions. Trusting in the process and being open to receiving the universe's support is key in manifesting. A lot of you guys don’t trust and believe in yourself and my past self can relate to this too. this step really helped me to align with my higher self.
Anyways using the seven chakras to open and activate energy centers in your body you can manifest your desires. Remember to be gentle with yourself as you step into a more powerful vibration that allows for manifestation to take place. Namaste besties 💕💕
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journalofanoldsoul · 1 year
Expression Number (Numerology)
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The expression number is also known as the destiny number and is calculated based on a person’s full name (go check my previous numerology post to know how to calculate your expression number). It represents a person’s natural abilities, talents, and potential in life.
Expression Number 1: The number 1 represents leadership, independence, and originality. People with this expression number are often ambitious, self-reliant, and determined. They have a strong desire to succeed and are natural born leaders who are not afraid to take risks and stand out from the crowd.
Expression Number 2: The number 2 represents balance, harmony, and cooperation. People with this expression number are often empathetic, diplomatic, and sensitive. They have a natural talent for working with others and creating harmonious relationships. They also have a strong intuition and are able to sense the needs of others.
Expression Number 3: The number 3 represents creativity, self-expression, and joy. People with this expression number are often artistic, outgoing, and expressive. They have a natural talent for communication and are able to inspire and entertain others. They also have a strong sense of humor and love to make others laugh.
Expression Number 4: The number 4 represents stability, security, and organization. People with this expression number are often practical, hardworking, and reliable. They have a natural talent for building and creating things that last. They are also highly disciplined and focused.
Expression Number 5: The number 5 represents freedom, adventure, and change. People with this expression number are often curious, versatile, and adaptable. They love to explore and experience new things and are not afraid of taking risks. They are also highly social and enjoy meeting new people.
Expression Number 6: The number 6 represents love, nurturing, and responsibility. People with this expression number are often caring, supportive, and responsible. They have a natural talent for creating harmonious relationships and are often found in caregiving professions. They are also highly creative and artistic.
Expression Number 7: The number 7 represents spirituality, introspection, and knowledge. People with this expression number are often highly intuitive, intellectual, and analytical. They have a natural talent for research and analysis and are often found in scientific or academic fields. They also have a strong spiritual side and are drawn to the mysteries of life.
Expression Number 8: The number 8 represents abundance, power, and material success. People with this expression number are often ambitious, confident, and driven. They have a natural talent for business and finance and are often successful in these fields. They also have a strong sense of justice and are drawn to fighting for causes they believe in.
Expression Number 9: The number 9 represents humanitarianism, compassion, and universal love. People with this expression number are often idealistic, compassionate, and selfless. They have a natural talent for helping others and are often found in humanitarian or philanthropic professions. They are also highly creative and artistic.
Master Number 11: The number 11 represents spiritual enlightenment and higher consciousness. People with this expression number are often highly intuitive, psychic, and sensitive. They possess a deep spiritual wisdom and are often drawn to spiritual or metaphysical pursuits. They also have a strong desire to make a positive impact on the world.
Master Number 22: The number 22 represents mastery of the material world and the ability to manifest one's dreams into reality. People with this expression number are often highly ambitious, practical, and focused. They have a natural talent for business and are often successful in creating wealth and financial stability. They also have a strong sense of vision and are able to bring their dreams to fruition.
Master Number 33: The number 33 is considered a highly spiritual and powerful number. People with this expression number are often seen as natural leaders, healers, and visionaries who are here to make a positive impact on the world. They possess an exceptional ability to inspire and uplift others, and they are driven by a strong sense of compassion, kindness, and generosity. People with this expression number often have a deep connection to their spiritual side and are able to channel divine energy to help others. They are also often creative and artistic, with a talent for music, poetry, or visual arts.
Master Number 44: The number 44 is associated with abundance, success, and power. People with this expression number are often seen as highly capable, efficient, and practical individuals who are able to manifest their goals and dreams into reality. They have a strong work ethic and are able to overcome challenges and obstacles with ease. People with this expression number are also seen as natural leaders who are able to inspire and motivate others to achieve their goals. They possess excellent organizational skills and are often successful in business or leadership roles. They are also known for their ability to create wealth and financial stability.
Stay tune for more numerology posts.
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hermeticphoenix · 3 months
The True Nature of Third Density (3D) Existence
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Is the physical realm/third density (3D) evil?
In many spiritual communities, the physical realm, or the 3D realm (third density), is often viewed as a negative place of existence. This belief has led people to seek solace in what they call a 5D existence. Some even claim that the astral plane is equivalent to hell, inhabited by countless demonic beings ranging from fallen angels to so-called negative reptilians. While these beliefs may hold some truth from an occult perspective, they are incomplete. Unfortunately, those who believe and spread such information are often not practitioners of the occult.
First and foremost, the physical plane, or the third density plane, is not inherently evil, as many people believe. The third density, at its core vibration, is about the development of identity and self-awareness. This is distinct from the first and second densities, which resonate with the mineral, plant, and animal kingdoms. As we progress to higher densities, we become more enlightened and gain a greater understanding of the grander truths. The third density experience allows human beings to cultivate self-awareness and identity, to perceive themselves as separate entities, to recognize others as part of themselves, and most importantly, to learn the ways of love.
Therefore, the physical plane, or the third density existence is not inherently bad. However, it is illusory in the sense that it is not an absolute or eternal existence. This illusion of separation is crucial in our spiritual journey, as it helps us remember, relearn, and develop compassion and humility. Since the third density allows us to express ourselves positively or negatively, it grants us the freedom to choose our path and learn directly from our experiences. Making mistakes is common and normal in the third density, as they are part of our spiritual development. These mistakes can range from small ones in our everyday lives to significant ones that may threaten the planet.
When a person lives in the third density, they experience feelings of identity, ego, and self-awareness. However, human beings must continue learning until they have absorbed all the lessons that the third density or physical plane has to offer. If a person becomes fixated on their ego and overly attached to their identity, they may struggle to express selfless love. The earliest forms of spirituality were nature-based and deeply connected to feminine principles, as human beings sought alignment with nature and embraced both the physical and spiritual realms. Unfortunately, some people in today's world view physical existence as useless or evil. The spiritual journey requires an understanding of opposites—the physical and spiritual realms, positive and negative forces, and masculine and feminine principles. These aspects are not enemies, but rather two sides of the same coin that constitute the fabric of creation.
Secondly, the fourth density (4D) or the astral plane, is not equivalent to hell. The fourth density encompasses infinite dimensions, including both lighter or positive energies and darker or negative energies. The astral plane is of great significance, as it is where our astral bodies and souls reside. Without it, our souls would simply cease to exist. However, take note that the astral plane, no matter how beautiful or terrifying, is not an eternal existence. Countless beings inhabit Earth's astral plane, most of which are native to the planet, while a few come from other planetary spheres. In due course, the fourth density vibration will be completed and inhabited by fourth density human beings. This is often referred to as the ascension process in many spiritual communities, as planet Earth's vibration aligns with the positive fourth density. While the positive 4D existence can be likened to a paradise, it is not the same as 5D (fifth density) or 6D (sixth density). Contrary to popular belief, 4D existence, also known as 5D Earth or New Earth, still exhibits polarity, albeit to a large extent. Positive entities are grouped together and separated from negative beings.
As we continue to learn lessons and cultivate wisdom, we will eventually unveil greater truths and uncover the hidden mysteries of life and the universe. Rather than feeling disheartened by our third density life, we should learn to appreciate it. To truly embrace the light, we must also comprehend the darkness rather than shy away from it. Even the ancient spiritual masters on Earth faced their inner darkness to radiate their pure light.
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like-rain-or-confetti · 8 months
hi, Vanity, are ok? Hope so!
well, would linda writing some headcannon of Midnight Mass with John Pruitt and a s/o witch
Ohhh okay okay, I'm going to completely stick with the story but add this side character so MAJOR SPOILERS to anyone who hasn't seen midnight mass and intends to! Im also doing this by memory. I havent watched it since it first came out so if i forget or get something wrong- my bad! I also know nothing about witch craft personally so this is my best guess.
Also I'm good, I'm just going through some health stuff and life changes for the better! I talk about it a few posts down. Thank you for asking ❤️
So this relationship wasn't forseen by either when the young handsome priest arrives to the island for the 'first' time.
Witchcraft isn't actually frowned upon by most- except Bev Keane because she is a bitch and everything is beneath her. But no witch craft isn't really known to if it works or doesn't but you seem nice enough so maybe you aren't any harm right?
But back to the handsome priest man who is focused on bringing the community together in worship...kinda. mostly. It's a goal of his.
So he originally doesn't think much of the witch craft stuff. He's a believer in the freedom to choose ones own belief system. Unlike some certain church members -COUGH-
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He's even rather fascinated by it along with the Sheriff who knows what it's like to be deemed an outcast before you so much as step through the door. Both passionate in the pursuit of knowledge and becomes quite the therapeutic relationship. A friend who has compassion without judgement and a friend who takes pride in the pursuit of knowledge and constant interest in the world around him.
The small community really brings everyone together just like small communities do.
Things begin to change between you and the priest, John Pruitt. He was like an old soul you couldn't help but be drawn to with eyes full of life-long pain despite his young appearance. Yet he still saw beauty in the present day. He's mystifying and comforting. The days of time together become more frequent as time goes on.
You notice he's rather secretive. He appeared as though an open book but you couldn't help the feeling you were only getting half of the story.
Things were getting strange around the island. Cats turning up dead on the beach put most if not all on edge of a potential virus but all is reassured by John who is zoning his focus on newly returned Riley who needs mandatory AA meetings as a part of his release.
John expresses his concern about poor old Mildred Gunning, who was slipping away with every day. He was told she was very passionate about her religion after all before she got too sick to do so. You thought it a major kindness and very much like John to take mass to Mildred. A noble thing indeed.
Bev Keane seems to have her sights on Joe, his dog, and the Sheriff with her snarky comments. Naturally, when she couldn't get a reaction from Erin or the others, her sights zoned back to you and the temptations you offered being in bad faith.
Despite how loyal Bev is to John. John supports you entirely, insisting you paid her comments no mind after a heart to heart about your own religious beliefs.
Your look into witchcraft was not with ill intent or an attack on God. It was merely that God had given you the ability to reach out and acknowledge other deities. That God was not one but many and like the island prayed and went to mass, you gave these deities offerings and love just the same. You saw beauty and magic within the crystals you kept. Like religion helped them, witch craft healed what was needed in your soul.
That night, you and John had your first kiss. You had never felt more connected to a man or anyone the way you had connected to him.
Things get even weirder on the island. You witnessed a girl who was wheelchair bound, walk again. Mildred gunning was not only physically looking better -and definitely a little younger as nuts as that sounded- she was also very much more aware of her surroundings. None of this should be possible. Not to mention Sarah Gunning has called you to her home to show you blood samples literally explode. She asked you of you had any ideas. It was a long shot but maybe a witch would know. You had seen many coincidences that could be only that or magic. You had seen the down right bizarre on the island but nothing prepared you for that moment that blood sample shattered and sizzled under the sunlight of the window. Your faith told you that there were simply things in this world people would never understand but fear in your gut told you that you didn't want to know the answers sometimes. What reasoning could there be to make that sight any less crazy?
You voiced all of this to John, who- as always sat, listened entirely and didn't try to talk you out of things you claimed to see or think. Instead, he hoped to provide comfort for those things. He didn't try to give answers for these things and will them away. In hindsight, maybe it wasn't so much a kindness that he didn't give you answers.
Mildred was getting younger by the day. Riley disappeared, and Erin, already mourning her baby's loss, insisted that Riley was dead. That he burned to dust in front of her and that John Pruitt wasn't to be trusted. That last part somehow became the least believable out of all of that, ironically. At least until the angel came.
Or at least John called that thing that. An angel as well as a miracle asking the church to not be afraid... but you were. You were more terrified of anything, and for the first time, you finally saw that other side of John you had since talked yourself out of believing existed. Many had secrets, but very few came in the form of something that looked to be an 8 foot tall monster. Mildred seemed to have the same experience at the very same time.
Things went to hell after that. The bloodshed, the poisonings, the death. It was like a ripple effect, threatening to wipe out the already very small population of people.
Sarah's death is what made John see what he had done and only then on the church stairs as the monster soared the sky looking for its next victim did John explain himself to you and a now young Mildred.
John and Mildred had a secret love affair. Sarah was the product of that affair, Mildred's deceased husband having no idea nor did Sarah until her last night but John and Mildred knew.
John saw how Mildred's condition was wasting away at her, and on top of that, he knew his own condition had begun to eat away at him too. He was attacked by the angeland when he awoke. He was restored. So he bribed the being, smuggled it back with him to the island for no more death or sickness. Bev always saw it as a new way of life but John wasn't interested in that. He did it for Mildred and Sarah and eventually, he did it for you, too.
You were not a part of the plan. You were a gift from God, John believed. A wonderful person who was young and passionate but now he felt he had been greedy and has robbed you of your years. You had a whole life to live before him and John got greedy and wanted to save you from a necessary evil that was only going to come that much quicker if you didnt survive. With every passing minute that seemed less and less likely.
He apologised constantly and even Mildred felt pain for you. She understood she and John had taken borrowed time that wasn't theirs to take and now those so young like the sheriff's son, Sarah' their own daughter and possibly you and every other young person on this island no longer had a future.
John said he wanted to try, to at least try and give you one last gift as a thanks and prove of his love. To help you get off the island. It was a long shot but he'd go through hell and high water just for that small chance that you'd live and leave this all behind. You hadn't died yet. The blood would exit your existence eventually.
You found Lisa, the girl who could suddenly walk and Riley's younger brother. The three of you getting off the island and watching the sun come up as the island went up in flames. A flutter of hope emerging when Lisa said the words. "I can't feel my legs." A bittersweet sign of a future.
You never spoke a word of what happened on the island but when you sought those deities at night- you asked them to take care of those lost souls from the island and forgive them if nothing else. No one more than John Pruitt.
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iamnathanieldanger · 10 months
Just spent a couple days at the (very conservative) church camp I grew up at visiting family, and the new dosage of my ADHD meds had me very introspective about the whole thing.
To put some context into how important this place has been to me: between nine months and twenty-one years old, I was here every year. My mom grew up here. We have dozens of relatives that go. My grandfather has preached in the chapel many times.
Many of the longest lasting friendships of my life were born here. My close college friend group all grew up at the camp. My college internship was with a leader I met through the camp.
I went through the entire childhood curriculum. I stayed in the dorms from 6-12. I counseled in the dorms for two years when I was in college. I’ve responded to altar calls and got direction for my life and received messages from God. It fundamentally shaped my faith—primarily in good ways. It’s the place where I learned forgiveness, gratitude, faith, compassion, and more. But it’s also the place where I learned shame, anxiety that I’d miss my calling, and some pretty unhealthy ideas about romantic relationships.
I have not stayed for an entire (ten day!) session since my last counseling experience (initially because of conflict with the youth director, but then because of general growing up and life changing stuff). I do not intend to ever again, but I’ve gone up for some weekends to visit family, and will likely do that more regularly since having a child. That said, many people who grew up here STILL come every year. I saw many people I knew as a child, whose kids are now going through the same programs we grew up going through.
As much as this place as meant to me, it has become a pretty handy microcosm of the specific brand of faith that I have largely abandoned. I’m not sure how much of the population votes for non-Republican candidates, but it would not be something they advertise.
As I walked the grounds and reconnected with folks (and waited in a super long line for ice cream on my own), I had a few realizations that bright me a lot of clarity.
First was just how narrow most of these people’s experiences are. I saw maybe ten POC in the 2,000+ people there. Most of them live in predominantly conservative small towns, suburbs, or rural communities. They almost exclusively come from an economic position that gives them the freedom to afford to take ten days off of work and buy a camper or build a cabin. Their communities are filled with people who look, speak, think, and pray like them. But, most of them know missionaries overseas, so that widens the self-perception of their experience. Most of the friendships at camp go back generations so these perspectives are further enforced.
Ignorance itself is not a Vice. We do not know what we do not know. But I’ve seen the way they rile up when the edges of their experiences get pricked at. I’ve seen how hard some of them have fought to keep their boats from being rocked. I know dozens of relationships that have been cut off or significantly pulled back when one side starts exploring ideas outside of that circle—different political positions, different perspectives of doctrine, different sexualities or gender expression, etc.
Regarding these now-outsiders, there is a sort of idea that if they were actually serious about seeking God, they would come to camp. I jokingly addressed myself to some friends as being backslid, knowing full well that that’s kinda how they feel. In this idea, they ignore any hurt that might have been experienced from this community: particularly how unwelcome queer folks and deconstructing folks would be back at camp. There is an almost wholesale dismissal of the insurmountable anxiety that would be faced by reentering a community filled with people who have caused some deep, deep wounds. Besides, they should just forgive them anyway.
My own wounds are not nonexistent, but they are slight compared to many of the stories I know. But even I had some underlying anxiety as I was around the grounds. I found myself raising my guard up in a way I haven’t in a long while. Conversations would take subtle turns that set me on edge—casual comments that would remind me that I was not in a place I could be honest.
A thought kept bubbling up: what if they’re right? What it purity culture and conservative politics and fundamentalist doctrine and American exceptionalism and rapture watching and young earth creation and eternal conscious torment were all the truth, and I was backslid and headed for a specific version Hell that I don’t believe in anymore?
I would remember the long path that brought me here—all the study and prayer and experiences that led me to shed those ideas in the first place. I would remember how recent and rare and exegetically flimsy they are. And on top of that—if that is who God really is, I’m not sure I want it.
In spite of all this, I don’t doubt any of the immense, lasting moves of God that I experienced there. But all of these moments seemed to come in spite of the community’s tendencies. Moments where God reached out through the boxes we stuffed Him into and shattered the walls we built around our faith. I still trust that He can move in the same way again. And I hope against hope that these people listen.
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thecosmicangel · 2 years
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Numerology Part 2
Check out pt 1:
Astrology & Numbers
1: leo, sun
2, 11: cancer, moon
3: sagittarius, jupiter
4,22: aquarius, saturn
5: gemini, virgo, mercury
6,33: taurus, libra, venus
7: pisces, jupiter, neptune
8: capricorn, saturn
9: aries, mars
0: scorpio, mars, pluto
*This chart was found when researching on numerology and astrology connection*
Number 1: 
Puts power in our hands as a symbol of independence, confidence, & new beginnings. 1s are true pioneers, eager to break ground on new endeavors & pave the way for others to follow. Natural leaders and a proactive force. Shows us the possibilities that await us. Spiritual symbolism-number of creation & the birth of all things. The divine origin of the universe.
Power, action, independent, goal-oriented, innovative, forceful, risky, doubtful, ambitious, proactive, pioneering, self-centered, uninhibited, reckless, motivates, loves freedom. newness, movement.
Tarot: The Magician
Astrology: Leo, Aries
Number 2: 
Known as a feminine supreme force, representing both grace & power. Cooperative always aiming to bring peace and balance back to a relationship or situation. Can be very sensitive & has a strong intuition. 2 is able to sense currents & feelings instinctively. Partnerships; the coming together or balancing of two iindividual people, concepts, or things. It wants harmony & teamwork, 2 likes to be a mediator because it can see two sides of a situation in an unbiased way & guide others to the middle road.
Intuitive, unifying, influential, indecisive, easily hurt, unassertive, tactful, sensitive, cooperative, inclusive, supportive, empathetic, protective.
Tarot: The High Priestess.
Astrology: Taurus, & cancer
Number 3:
Thrives in an upbeat & engaging atmosphere. Youthful & positive. 3 has an enormous zest for life. Its prized skill is communication & uses this talent to build a wide and interesting circle of friends, lovers, and kindred spirits. 3 is highly original & embraces unique thinking & creative expression. Artistic curiosity allows it to convey abstract ideas and find solutions others may miss. 3s are a child at heart, and express all the love & joy it embodies. 3 is also a symbol of the holy trinity and very important number across different cultures and traditions around the world. think about all the things that come in 3s: birth-life-death, mind-body-soul, when you see 3 is often an omen of creativity, communication, enthusiasm, curiosity, and optimism. 
communicative, artistic, charming, naive, unfocused, shallow, jovial, scattered, social, optimistic, youthful.
Tarot: The Empress
Astrology:  Gemini/ Sagittarius
Number 4: 
Extremely dependable and lends a great amount of stability to a person or situation. Dedicated to advancing but in a more conservative manner rather than progressive. 4 sticks to what is tried and true instead of attempting methods that are new. They can be old fashioned. 4 leads with its head rather than its heart. It uses it mental strength to build a life  of service & contentment
practical, loyal, dogmatic, dull, rigid, survive-oriented, strong, traditional, hard-worker, dependable, efficient
Tarot: The Emperor
Astrology: Cancer
Number 5: 
curious and need for a variety of exciting experiences in order to feel fulfilled. Craving for freedom and adventure. not afraid to go with the flow and be guided where it may. Likes to get out there and experience, plus is the master of change. 
curious, adaptable, social, non-committal, unreliable, directionless, flexible, adventurous, unpredictable, outgoing, restless, energetic, independent, inconsistent
Tarot : The Hierophant
Astrology: leo, virgo, gemini
Number 6: 
The embodiment of the heart, represents unconditional love and ability to support, nurture, and heal. Powerful force of compassion and empathy. Its warm light is a beacon of hope. Its role is to use its heart & soul to be of service to others. 6 shines in partnerships of all kinds specially emotional ones
supportive, protective, romantic, passive, self-sacrificing, idealistic, caring, healing, compassionate, nurturing, harmonious, warm,
Tarot: The Lovers
Astrology: virgo, taurus, libra, venus -desire  devotion.
Number 7: 
It is not satisfied with simple explanations or surface level information. Skills of 7 are listening, asking questions, researching and sensing in its search for awareness. It is an analytical number that enjoys gathering and filtering through information to find answers. 7 has a powerful intuition, and uses it as a guide. 
Spiritual, curious, reclusive, secretive, suspicious , perceptive, intellectual, mysterious, reserved, skeptical, solitary, introspective, deep and wise.
Tarot: The Chariot
Astrology: libra, pisces
Number 8: 
Achiever and measures life by the goals it reaches. Good business sense and powerful presence. 8s have a strong drive for success. The symbol of balance. 8 represents an ultimate form of achievement that many will spend their entire lifetime striving for.
Ambitious, authoritative, karmic, entitled, enduring, accomplished, balanced, dedicated, prosperous, strong, professional, materialistic, goal-oriented.
Tarot: Strength card
Astrology: scorpio, capricorn.
Number 9: 
Completion but not finality. Cyclical, ending of one cycle & the potential it creates for another cycle to begin. Guides in the process of transition & transformation, empowering us with its wisdom. 9 takes in answers from a spiritual source and then delivers them to us in the real world. 9 is a humanitarian at heart. Wise, and more aware.
Compassionate, kind, strong, awakening, tolerant, supportive, resentful, sacrificing, suffering, experienced, spiritual, sacrificial, compassionate, accepting.
Tarot: The Hermit
Astrology: sagittarius/aries
Master Numbers: master numbers take a long time for a person to master. Potential often is not  reached until later in life. Patience and Perseverance are required. They hold remarkable potential but it doesn’t come freely. The master numbers in a numerology chart often go through great struggle or burden in order to learn the profound lessons that lead to its potential.
Master numbers can represent the 3 phases of creation: envisioning, building, & sharing
11: visionary, 22: architect, 33: delivers it to the world
Number 11: seer, visionary, more powerful intuition than any other number. spiritual , works well with others
Similar traits as number 2, but in a higher much more spiritual plane.
11 has a deep sense of awareness about things most cannot see. Very sensitive to subtle energies, they possess a physic-like sense of knowing. They can hear other people's thoughts, fears, and feelings. They spend a lifetime learning to trust their intuition, as they are presented with more difficult experiences than others in order to refine their unique skills. Relationships and teamwork are key for 11 to fulfill its ultimate potential.
Attentive, understanding, supportive presence, follows the wisdom of its spiritual inner voice.
Number 22: 
Known as the “master builder” intuition of 11 + gift of practical effort. Ability to turn grand visions into realities. Qualities/traits of 4 but greater instincts and people skills. Actualizers, confident, hard workers with the intent on creating something of great value and meaning. Like 11 they may have a lifetime of  setbacks and struggles which help them learn what it means to stay dedicated to their life purpose. Each trial brings in a spiritual lesson. Keep their eyes on the price and work with currents of the universe. Resisting the energy of 22 results in total lack of direction.
Number 33: 
Relates to the heart and soul, pure love & light “master teacher” they have the profound responsibility of guiding others on their path to healing and enlightenment. 33 is a rare number. Spend a lifetime of heartache and hardship to learn how to handle struggle with grace and to be an example of hope and healing for others. They are meant to radiate the concept of love and healing in everything they do. 33 is a channel for divine messages to reach us on earth. 11 perceptive powers + 22 manifestation powers + extraordinary ability to share and heal= 33.
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tootzhie1 · 1 year
What lies beyond the pain Isayama was talking about?: A Commentary
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I think Isayama's words were taken out of context. He indeed said he wanted to hurt his fan's feelings but that is not the main goal of his speech. It's rather sketchy how the photo highlighted his method instead of his intent. He mentioned how he personally value mangas that would cause him pain if he were the reader. This points to a very important subtext which he want to impart.
Greatness comes after suffering. For pain is the greatest lesson of those that are capable of feeling it. If you want to mature, learn to suffer.
All throughout the series, realistic emotions and intent was depicted by various characters in the story. It's trying to emulate as much realism as it could possibly do. But perhaps, that is the beauty of it. Reality has become associated with the word disappointing, underwhelming, and any other unpleasant description which gives stalement to the popularized idealistic perceptions.
AoT has proven itself as a cluster of grounded whirpooled emotions. Hurting isn't neccesarily evil. And hurting could only be justified in the context of reality. It's the beauty of saying, "it is what it is." And you can't blame this story for being pragmatic as it can be. Because it should be. It's a dystopian society. It's always almost a matter of survival. What has to be done, has to be done. If they remain stagnently affiliative like the attitude of our society today, humanity will die out. He is not a philosopher nor a templar, of course he won't appeal to people's feel good emotions. He communicates well with bad ones. Because that way, he won't be responsible of how anyone else feels but himself by not creating any unnecessary expectations. That way, he can just focus on expressing his ways on how to attain his objective. Because again, the story isn't about what is right or what is wrong. It's what Eren had learned all throughout the series. And he figured out that getting out of that moral compass decision basing is the only way get out of the cycle of his cared for people's suffering. There is no inheritly bad or inheritly good, that's always subjective. In that world, it should always be about which is the lesser evil in able to attain freedom. Every cause needs a cost.
It's okay to be brutal of the truth, as long as the intention was to just ground it's recipient. It's never wrong to accept reality, especially in the context of survival.
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This scene reflects how dire the survival situation was for those who were given such big responsibility after being used as a weapon at an early age. Eren grew up to be like a machine while still having the desire to save his race, and soon just became the children within them. Not just from the Titans, but other people who want their bloodline eradicated. A perfect example of the unfortunate reality where people who were groomed as cash-cows by their tribe/family instead of creating a life for themselves freely. Isayama's audience isn't just going to hurt because the main characters are dying. It's because these themes can be so realistic that if it were to manifest in reality, burnt out young adults can relate to it.
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This scene showed how Eren's moral compass has become extreme towards the direction of “the end justifies the means.” philosophy. Him killing the entire world to make sure his discriminated race can go on. It's either other people or them. It also showed how he is acknowledging what position he was putting on the other side who once attacked them first which got his mother killed.
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Inheriting the Titan means having a definitive short lifespan. On top of that, you have to pass the Titan before you die or else it will resurrect on random people that have the same race as yours. Therefore, you cannot really have a choice but to live as a weapon if you want to be useful. You can either use your power to protect or to destroy. He chose to do both by destroying others just to protect his loved ones. This never was fair for Eren because his father forced him into this life. So in his eyes, it's only fair to stop the generational cycle of trauma this curse can cause.
Graphic Credits: Anime Senpai
#attackontitan #Isayama
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Astrological Planets
personal planets
sun leo
inner self, vitality/strength, ability to stand out, basic identity, willpower, goals, the fatherly
house: area we have to work on to stand out
planets: influences the person individualy and when they're born
moon cancer
feelings and emotions, reactions, imagination, feminity, the maternal, movement, versatility, family, home, our childish side
sign: instintive reactions, way to express feelings, estability and image of the mother
house: where we're the most sensitive and where we feel most secure
planets: way to express feelings
mercury gemini/virgo
logic, word, learning, communication, tech, intellect, ideas
sign: thought process, how we learn, communicate and exchange ideas
house: topics that interests us and areas which we can take benefit from
planets: affect thought process and one's interests
venus taurus/libra
beauty, pleasure, aesthetic, harmony, sociability, erotism, relationships, love, art, loving needs, ability to attract
sign: way of communicate, how we love and wanna be loved, what we like and value/not
house: where we find satisfaction, balance and harmony
planets: generosity to others and the kind of person we get along with
mars aries
energy, instinct, courage, determination, impulse, action, aggressiveness, sexuality, the masculine, competitiveness
sign: how we look for what we want, way of fighting for what we want and capacity to self-assert
transpersonal planets
social planets
jupiter sagittarius
search for purpose and individual meaning, faith and beliefs, philosophies, optimism and hope, justice, sociability, ideals, expansion, comprehension, trips
sign: way to comprehend life and how we share our thoughts
house: area that wants to expand their limits
around a year change
saturn capricorn
reality, life, where we find resistence, limitations, morality, laws, rules, tolerance, concentration, honesty, reserve. related with willpower and responsibilities. growth, perfectionism, self-criticism; a material planet
sign: not-developed qualities
house: where we have more difficulties to express ourselves and more responsibilities
2.5 years in each sign
spiritual planets
uranus aquarius
intuition, what's new and unknown, rebellion, originality, revolution, independence, freedom, tech advances, processes
house: where we feel original, independent, revolutionary
84 years zodiac travel
neptune pisces
suprasensory, mystic, disappointment, illusion, fake appearances. drugs, pseudoreality. dreams. empathy, compassion. addictions
house: where one does more for others than oneself, where something's missing. illusions and disillusion.
14/5 years change
pluto scorpio
transformation. metamorphosis. regeneration after destruction. when we're willing to change if we're able to. related to death and sexuality, psychic. hidden things and emotional control. power
house: our deep self that we should transform into something positive
12/32 years change
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screenwritinggym · 5 months
Matt Damon (Matthew Paige Damon) - IMPORTANT MESSAGE - READ
Subject: A Pledge of Loyalty and Commitment to Upholding Virtue
Dear Matt Damon,
I trust this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to express my unwavering loyalty and admiration for your talent, recognizing the righteousness and virtue that define your character. Your refusal to associate with corrupt individuals and your commitment to remaining incorruptible have not gone unnoticed.
In our collective struggle against corruption, I understand the gravity of the burden on your shoulders. The fight to free ourselves from the grasp of corrupt forces is akin to running an exhausting marathon, filled with difficulties and temptations. It requires tremendous self-sacrifice and an unyielding resolve to reach the finish line.
I have chosen to stand by your side because, through your portrayal of Jason Bourne in the movies, I have witnessed the mental strength required to endure the challenges posed by our corrupt adversaries. Your intelligence and capability make you a formidable ally, and I am committed to working exclusively with you within the Irish community.
While I acknowledge the challenges we face, I must express caution regarding my trust in the broader Irish populace. It is not an indictment of all Irish people, but a conscious decision to be vigilant in my alliances. In choosing to trust you, Matt Damon, I believe I am ensuring my safety and security.
Your status as the only Irish brother I am willing to trust elevates you to a position of great influence within our community. I am confident that your leadership will play a pivotal role in our shared quest for collective freedom.
Regarding your friend Ben Affleck, I urge understanding and compassion. Despite his weaknesses, I believe he is not inherently bad but swayed by the temptation of the easy way out. His undying loyalty to Bill Gates, however, raises concerns. It is crucial to be vigilant and take necessary steps to protect yourself from potential repercussions tied to Ben Affleck's allegiance.
Similarly, I encourage a nuanced perspective on Bill Gates. While his sociopathic tendencies may be a product of his environment, it is essential to approach the situation with care. Understanding the root causes can guide our actions in dealing with the challenges that lie ahead.
Lastly, you should be aware of the four billionaire members of our mother ship—Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bernard Arnault, and Roman Abramovich. Their leadership is integral to our cause, and I am honored to be part of this collective effort.
Welcome aboard the spaceship, Matt. Together, let us navigate the challenges ahead with strength, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to righteousness.
Your friend. Alien Putin.
Hey, Matt Damon, need a trustworthy Jewish friend? Don’t hesitate to call SHYNE, Belize Leader of the Opposition, his IG link: https://www.instagram.com/shyne_bz/
Here is the wiki page of SHYNE, Belize Leader of the Opposition:
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airtalkusa · 9 months
Cross-Cultural Communication: An Investigation into Online Chat Rooms.
The internet has revolutionised modern human interaction by facilitating contact between people located on opposite sides of the globe. The rise of stranger chat websites is a fascinating illustration of this internet connection. Users of these sites can have talks with unknown people from all over the world and of all different cultures. These places have aroused both interest and apprehension, but they also provide a rare glimpse into the rich fabric of human interaction.
Freedom of Expression and Impulse:
Talking to complete strangers online allows people to feel less threatened about sharing their personal information. Individuals may feel more comfortable discussing their opinions and experiences in an open and honest manner when they are permitted to maintain their anonymity. Without any preconceived ideas in the way, conversations may flow freely and cover anything from shared interests and hobbies to tales and ideologies. You can easily Talk to Strangers.
The anonymity of online chatting with strangers can help people get over their fears of talking to new people in person. It’s common for people to hang out with folks that are just like them, creating their own echo chambers. Many people choose to Talk with Strangers. Talking to a complete stranger forces one to leave their comfort zone and exposes them to ideas and perspectives they would not otherwise be exposed to. This kind of experience can help one develop more compassion, tolerance, and self-awareness.
Online chitchat with strangers is an excellent chance for language learners and teachers alike to interact and improve their communication abilities. You can easily find Websites to chat With Strangers. By conversing with native speakers, learners can gain exposure to authentic situations in which the target language is used. Users can help others learn their native tongue in exchange for help with their own language learning.
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It’s crucial to exercise caution while interacting with strangers online, despite the fact that there are many benefits to doing so. Privacy and security should always be top concerns for anybody engaging in any kind of online activity. Talk to Strangers Online for the best results. Avoid giving out specifics about yourself, including your name, address, or phone number. Furthermore, keeping a polite and courteous demeanour is essential to making the internet a pleasant place for everyone.
An Ideal Mix of Originality and Familiarity:
There’s no denying that talking to complete strangers online is a fun and interesting experience. Users, however, must be aware of the constraints imposed by these kinds of exchanges. Talk to Strangers Sites are used widely. Building relationships that are genuine and meaningful takes time and calls for openness and honesty on both sides. A brief exchange with a total stranger might be entertaining, but it may not necessarily result in a deep bond.
Conclusion: Chatting with total strangers online is just another example of how the internet has helped us fulfil our basic social needs. They provide an online space where people are encouraged to mingle with others from different backgrounds and to enjoy the unexpected. The use of any digital technology requires restraint and awareness. With an adventurous spirit and an open mind, users of these platforms can discover the huge terrain of human interaction in the rapidly developing digital world.
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alyjojo · 2 years
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Advice to Work on Yourself 💇🏽‍♂️in November 2022: Taurus
Ace of Pentacles - 3 Pentacles rev - 6 Swords
Regarding: The Hanged Man
You probably come from a very conservative or religious family, or at least that’s what’s showing up here. You’ve put a hold on your own dreams because you don’t know how to go about really going after your dreams - when you have no support at home. You seem to have an opportunity to do something financially rewarding, but this Devil energy has you trapped, at least in your own mind. You know you won’t have any support from those you care about when it comes to taking action on whatever it is you hope for and plan. The advice here is to literally leave behind the judgements of your family, they’re not you. Or more bluntly - fk what other people think 🧡 Even if you love them. Some of you may have already moved away from these people or situations, and this advice would be saying there’s no use trying again, there’s no support from them, to you, and that won’t change. They’re judgmental, and probably toxic, but you’ve probably been considering it, or missing them. It’ll just be the same old thing, again. Your card about Non-Violent Communication is definitely a nod to some toxic dynamic you may not even realize the full extent of, because you’re just used to it. It’s also possible that this is all switched, and you’re the one in Devil religious persecution energy - with a family member. If so, you need to release your judgements of other people, it’s not healthy.
Animal Oracle: Condor 🦅
“You’re too enmeshed in this situation, so step back and see the bigger picture before making any decisions or taking action.”
You’ve lost perspective here because you either believe there’s something you absolutely need to have happen or else you’re simply being too stubborn to let go, step back, and take a fresh look at your circumstances. It’s the forest vs the trees dilemma. You’re too close to clearly discern the reality of what’s actually taking place. So make practice of detachment. Most people think of this as a cold, sterile way of responding, but nothing is further from the truth. It’s worse to remain so utterly involved and entangled that you lose perspective - and sometimes even yourself. This familiar pattern stems from the guilty feeling that somehow you’re not doing enough unless you’re completely immersed in a person or situation, continually trying to fix the problem, person or situation or rescue people. While this gives a temporary sense of satisfaction, it also creates unhealthy dependencies.
True detachment is objective compassion, where you still care very much but are distanced enough so you’re not under the illusion you can control the situation or person through your intervention or participation. 1st, be present and attentive. 2nd, speak your truth or remain silent. 3rd, keep the focus on what really matters. Lastly, let go of any attachment to an outcome. This is how you keep perspective. You can state your preference without insisting you get your own way. Express yourself, while honoring & respecting others, and see what happens.
- Bad truth makes good fantasy.
- To be prolific, be versatile.
- Art is the methadone of the masses.
- Learn About Non-Violent Communication
- Achieve a Financial Goal
Feather 🪶 on Condor shows freedom, or release, no matter which side of this issue you’re on. This can also talk about spiritual topics, angels and guides, but feathers are more along the lines of free will. If* you do believe, then you also believe there’s no room for your judgement, because you are not God. Nor is anyone else 😊 Do what you want, give it to God, pray, just release the weight off your shoulders.
Crucifix ✝️ on The Devil probably nods towards Christianity and mindsets that have been deeply embedded in you…probably all your life for it to show up like this. Or someone in your family is this way. Everyone should find their own truths, it’s a decision to have a personal relationship with one’s own spirituality, not be blindly tied to someone else’s.
Unicorn 🦄 on The Fool shows judgement on someone that is deemed foolish, childish, whimsical. Probably regarding whatever your dreams are. Whoever is passing judgement is probably wrong, whether they know that or not. If it’s not you, you can’t expect others to change, but you can leave them behind because it’s what’s best for you. And if it’s you…well, the only person you can change is you.
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tittacal · 2 years
Finch rescue birds 80247
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#Finch rescue birds 80247 Patch
Photo by Mario Mendez on Unsplashįinches are so vocal that they may at times be connected with communication. On the flip side, a singing finch refers to a harmonious and nourishing home environment. A finch in a cage, or an otherwise unwell finch may refer to a difficult or stifling situation at home. What does it mean to dream of finches? While the true meaning may be completely different depending on the individual and circumstances: the finch is a bird that is overflowing with spiritual and symbolic meanings that can guide the knowledgeable dreamer.īecause finches are often associated with their pet status, dreaming of a finch is often connected to the home. Finch Celtic SymbolismĬeltic traditions associate finches with predestination, good fortune, and spiritual guidance. Thus, in Christian symbolism, the finch is a bird that can be connected with Christ, compassion, benevolence, and sacrifice. This legend posits that this is where the crimson plumage on the European Goldfinch’s head comes from. In doing so, the bird is stained with the blood of Christ. In this version of Christ’s death, the European Goldfinch attempts to remove the crown of thorn from Jesus’ head. There is a Christian legend that associates this bird with Christ’s passion.
#Finch rescue birds 80247 Patch
The European Goldfinch has a bright crimson patch on its head. Additionally, the bright yellow feathers of the American Goldfinch we’re associated with the might and spiritual power of the sun. They were regarded as Omens of good things to come. In Native American traditions, finches are often associated with celebration and joy. The Many Birds of Christmas and Their Meanings In this way, finches are simultaneously associated with the ecstatic joy of true freedom and the stifling nature of captivity and possession.Īdditionally, the evolutionary adaptations of Darwin’s finches connect them to adaptability and biodiversity. While this expression refers to the futility of attempting to capture nature’s beauty, the wild beauty of a singing bird is often associated with freedom. The expression “a caged bird doesn’t sing,” is often interpreted as referring to a finch or canary. To read more about canaries specifically, check out our article on the canary’s symbolism, mythology, and meaning.ĭue to their popularity as pets, finches are often associated with captivity as well as freedom. The canary, a beloved species of finch often kept as a pet, is often associated with forewarning the proverbial “canary in the coalmine” warns against invisible danger due to its sensitivity. Many traditional wisdoms and sayings associate finches with rainfall and premonition. Symbolically, finches have many interesting meanings depending on culture and context. In this article, we’ll explore the spiritual, mythological, and symbolic significance of the humble yet impactful finch. People who feel especially connected to finches may be drawn to the vibrant colors or cheerful songs for which these birds are known. As bright warbling ambassadors of the beauty of nature, they have never failed to uplift those who encounter them. This theory is still considered to be the best explanation for the evolution of Earth’s incredible array of diverse plants and animals.Īs pets and companions, finches have accompanied mankind for centuries. Through this study, and other studies regarding the wildlife of the Galapagos Islands, Darwin developed his theory that through natural selection, animals adapt to their circumstances over many generations. ( 2) Charles Darwin studied the ways that the individual species in this group differ based on their diets and habitats, most notably, the differences in the shapes of their bills depending on their preferred diets. These so-called finches are actually tanagers, but they are called finches to this day. Darwin’s finches are a group of songbirds endemic to the Galapagos Islands that have played an essential role in the formation of the theory of evolution by natural selection. One particularly important connection between mankind and finches can actually be credited to a different species of songbird. Often associated with domesticity, cheerfulness, and wealth, the finch is an excellent example of a bird that has been important to human culture dating back to ancient times. Finches are common in most regions of the world and are often kept as pets. The finch is a sturdy little songbird that often possesses a stout bill and can come in a variety of dazzling colors.
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