#the seretonin levels in your brain increases
shyspider · 2 years
I honestly can't fucking wait. I am sitting here, vibrating after reading the latest chapter, holding my breath because ***yesssssss***
I'm right there with you. I've had enough of plot and angst. I just want to indulge and write sassy flirting and spicy whispers and romantic gazes upon some alien cars.
And I will, after we see what the mers are up to.
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tobeagenius · 7 years
Could you explain how antidepressants work, specifically SSRIs. I know they increase seretonin levels in the brain but how does that work?
Yes of course! So SSRI is an abreviation for Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor. Prozac is probably the most well known example of an SSRI medication used to treat depression, anxiety, eating disorders and sometimes PTSD. 
To understand how SSRIs work, we first need to look at where it takes effect. SSRIs work in your synapses; the gaps between neurones where neurotransmitters diffuse across to send a signal. And as I am oh so nice I’ve a made a some diagrams to explain:
Structure of A Synapse:
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As you can see, when an impulse travels along the first neurone (known as the presynaptic neurone), it is stimulated to release neurotransmitters, in this case serotonin, across the gap (known as the synaptic cleft). These neurotransmitters then move by diffusion across the gap and bind to their receptors on the next neurone, known as the post-synaptic neurone. If enough neurotransmitter binds in a given time, the signal will then be carried down through that neurone (keyword here is enough; there is a threshold and if that is not met/exceeded, NO impulse AT ALL will be generated in the postsynaptic neurone). Since serotonin is a neurotransmitter that contributes to feelings of wellbeing, this resulting impulse promotes a generally good mood. However, serotonin tends to lack in those with depression which means it is harder for them to generate such impulses (as it is harder to meet the threshold). So how do SSRIs fit in and work to compensate for this? 
The Process Of Reuptake
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You’ll remember SSRI stands for selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, in other words it stops serotonin from being absorbed back into the neurone it came from. This process is called reuptake. Reuptake happens through channels like the one shown in pink, where the serotonin molecules pass through so they can be used by the neurone again for the next impulse. 
The Action Of SSRIs
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What the SSRI does is block this reuptake channel, which leaves more serotonin in the synaptic cleft. As a result, more serotonin can bind to receptors on the post-synaptic neurone which creates a stronger signal more likely to exceed the threshold. The overall result is that the feelings of sadness and emptiness that are caused by depression are counteracted by the increased effect of serotonin. 
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athleticeatery · 7 years
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How Food Affects Your Moods (Webmd.com) The connection between carbohydrates and mood is all about tryptophan, a nonessential amino acid. As more tryptophan enters the brain, more serotonin is synthesized in the brain, and mood tends to improve. Serotonin, known as a mood regulator, is made naturally in the brain from tryptophan with some help from the B vitamins. Foods thought to increase serotonin levels in the brain include fish and vitamin D. Here's the catch, though: While tryptophan is found in almost all protein-rich foods, other amino acids are better at passing from the bloodstream into the brain. So you can actually boost your tryptophan levels by eating more carbohydrates; they seem to help eliminate the competition for tryptophan, so more of it can enter the brain. But it's important to make smart carbohydrate choices like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes, which also contribute important nutrients and fiber. #worldfoodday #worldfoodday2017 #goodfoodisgoodmood #tryptophan #carbohydrates #macros #protein #nutrition #sportsnutritionist #sportsnutrition #sportsperformance #eatinghabits #dietician #fruitsandvegetables #meatlessmonday #eatwell #foodmood #webmd #smarteating #healthylifestyle #cleaneating #refeed #cheatmeal #gym #fitness #exercise #foodlife #delicious #seretonin #aminoacid (at Toronto, Ontario)
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milesmoerales · 5 years
listening to nobody by mitski is like you're depressed as fuck but your brain still wants to increase seretonin levels
0 notes
the-smolartist · 7 years
What is it? Ecstasy is an hallucinogenic stimulant. It is a man-made drug with both hallucinogenic and amphetamine-like properties. The chemical name for ecstasy is 3,4 Methylenedioxymethylamphetamine – or MDMA in short form. It’s chemically similar to two other synthetic drugs, MDA and methamphetamine. Medicinal uses None. Use of Ecstasy Ecstasy has only been used as a drug of abuse in the UK since the mid 1980’s. It is now very common and is taken regularly by many thousands of people. It’s mainly associated with the dance culture or disco scene and so is often perceived as a ‘party’ drug, or a ‘weekend’ drug, unlike for example heroin or amphetamines, which are usually taken more regularly. This perception can give rise to a false understanding that ecstasy is safe to use. This is simply not true – as the long term effects are largely unknown. Ecstasy is seen in tablet or capsule form, or very rarely as a powder. Slang jargon includes ‘E’, ‘Eccies’, ‘Love Doves’, ‘Disco biscuits’ etc., although tablets are sold under a variety of so-called ‘brand names’ and are often embossed with a logo. A single dose costs 10-15 Pounds Sterling. The type of tablets available changes from week to week, and counterfeit tablets are common. According to police analysis, half of all Ecstasy tablets seized contained no MDMA (the active ingredient). Some tablets contained LSD, amphetamine, MDA, and Ketamine, others had no drug content whatsoever. How does it work? Ecstasy interferes with the concentration and action of seretonin in our brains. Serotonin is a ‘messenger substance’ or neurotransmitter that affects the peripheral and central nervous systems. It acts through ‘receptors’ that are located on the outside walls of cells. Amongst other things it’s involved in the regulation of mood, sleep, sexual behaviour, temperature and appetite. Ecstasy acts to increase the natural level of seretonin. The result is a change of mood, repression of libido and appetite, mental stimulation and increased body temperature. What effect does it have? Ecstasy produces a relaxed, euphoric state without marked hallucinations. It takes effect 20-40 minutes after taking a tablet and wears off after about 3-4 hours. The peak effects are felt 60 to 90 minutes after taking the drug. A user first feels rushes of exhilaration that can be accompanied by nausea. Sensations of sight, sound and touch are enhanced. Music – particularly when it contains a strong repetitive rhythm – exerts a powerful influence on the user. Users report that the experience is very pleasant and highly controllable. Even at the peak of the drug’s effect, people can easily bring themselves down to deal with an important matter. The effect that makes Ecstasy different from other drugs is the sensation of understanding and accepting others (it should be remembered that this is a drug-induced sensation and does not correspond to reality!). Users feel as though interpersonal barriers have disappeared and are likely to feel uninhibited. Side effects Many of the side effects users encounter with Ecstasy are similar to those found with the use of amphetamines and cocaine. They include increases in heart rate and blood pressure, nausea, blurred vision, faintness, chills and sweating. Psychological problems such as confusion, depression, insomnia, severe anxiety, paranoia, and psychotic episodes can occur. Consequences of ecstasy use Consequences for health Ecstasy is not physically or psychologically addictive. However, the drug can often take on great importance in the lives of users. A major risk to health from taking ecstasy is hyperthermia – or heatstroke. Some people who have died after taking this drug died as a result of the body overheating, which can cause failure of vital organs. Overheating is particularly likely to occur when the drug is taken at a music venue or disco, where the user is dancing. The stimulant effect of ecstasy can enable people to dance vigorously for long periods, leading to exhaustion and heatstroke. When an ecstasy user dances to music with a repetitive rhythm, it seems that the person can ‘lock in’ to that repetition and simply go though the same movements over and over again for hours. This is a bit like Pavlov’s dog – a reflex reaction. It is particularly dangerous as the user may be unaware of impending heatstroke. Although many discos provide ‘chill-out’ rooms for dancers to cool off in, the availability of such facilities does not make the act of taking ecstasy safe. Some users have died from drinking fluid in excess to combat the overheating caused by ecstasy and made worse by dancing. A few ecstasy users have died from brain haemorrhages, which have been caused by the increased blood pressure and heart rate associated with this drug. Some others have died from unknown reasons after taking ecstasy. The long-term effects of ecstasy use are not yet known. Ecstasy’s chemical cousin, MDA, destroys cells that produce serotonin in the brain. These cells help to regulate aggression, mood, sexual activity, sleep, and sensitivity to pain. Methamphetamine, also similar to Ecstasy, damages brain cells that produce dopamine. It is quite possible that ecstasy can also damage brain cells. Scientists have found that ecstasy makes the brain’s nerve branches and endings degenerate. It also makes them re-grow abnormally – failing to reconnect with some brain areas and connecting elsewhere with the wrong areas. These reconnections may be permanent, resulting in damage to various brain functions, changes in emotion, learning or memory. Legal consequences Ecstasy is a Class A drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act. It is illegal to produce, supply or possess it. The offence of supply – in the eyes of the law – can be committed by giving a single tablet to another person. Penalties are high. Prepared by Paul Roberts in UK http://www.darvsmith.com/dox/drugtypes.html http://eliterehaballiance.com/drug-types-from-stimulants-to-tranquilizers/
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Prepared by Paul Roberts in UK http://www.darvsmith.com/dox/drugtypes.html #Stimulants #Depressants #Analgesics #Hallucinogens #Alcohol #Amphetamines #Barbiturates #Cannabis #Cocaine #Ecstasy #GHB #Heroin #Inhalants #LSD #Methadone #’Magic’ Mushrooms #Tranquilizers
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ga('send', 'event', 'drugaddictioncourse2' , 'Pageviews' , '/feed/'); Source: http://eliterehaballiance.com/ecstasy/
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fantaisie-pastorale · 7 years
What is it? Ecstasy is an hallucinogenic stimulant. It is a man-made drug with both hallucinogenic and amphetamine-like properties. The chemical name for ecstasy is 3,4 Methylenedioxymethylamphetamine – or MDMA in short form. It’s chemically similar to two other synthetic drugs, MDA and methamphetamine. Medicinal uses None. Use of Ecstasy Ecstasy has only been used as a drug of abuse in the UK since the mid 1980’s. It is now very common and is taken regularly by many thousands of people. It’s mainly associated with the dance culture or disco scene and so is often perceived as a ‘party’ drug, or a ‘weekend’ drug, unlike for example heroin or amphetamines, which are usually taken more regularly. This perception can give rise to a false understanding that ecstasy is safe to use. This is simply not true – as the long term effects are largely unknown. Ecstasy is seen in tablet or capsule form, or very rarely as a powder. Slang jargon includes ‘E’, ‘Eccies’, ‘Love Doves’, ‘Disco biscuits’ etc., although tablets are sold under a variety of so-called ‘brand names’ and are often embossed with a logo. A single dose costs 10-15 Pounds Sterling. The type of tablets available changes from week to week, and counterfeit tablets are common. According to police analysis, half of all Ecstasy tablets seized contained no MDMA (the active ingredient). Some tablets contained LSD, amphetamine, MDA, and Ketamine, others had no drug content whatsoever. How does it work? Ecstasy interferes with the concentration and action of seretonin in our brains. Serotonin is a ‘messenger substance’ or neurotransmitter that affects the peripheral and central nervous systems. It acts through ‘receptors’ that are located on the outside walls of cells. Amongst other things it’s involved in the regulation of mood, sleep, sexual behaviour, temperature and appetite. Ecstasy acts to increase the natural level of seretonin. The result is a change of mood, repression of libido and appetite, mental stimulation and increased body temperature. What effect does it have? Ecstasy produces a relaxed, euphoric state without marked hallucinations. It takes effect 20-40 minutes after taking a tablet and wears off after about 3-4 hours. The peak effects are felt 60 to 90 minutes after taking the drug. A user first feels rushes of exhilaration that can be accompanied by nausea. Sensations of sight, sound and touch are enhanced. Music – particularly when it contains a strong repetitive rhythm – exerts a powerful influence on the user. Users report that the experience is very pleasant and highly controllable. Even at the peak of the drug’s effect, people can easily bring themselves down to deal with an important matter. The effect that makes Ecstasy different from other drugs is the sensation of understanding and accepting others (it should be remembered that this is a drug-induced sensation and does not correspond to reality!). Users feel as though interpersonal barriers have disappeared and are likely to feel uninhibited. Side effects Many of the side effects users encounter with Ecstasy are similar to those found with the use of amphetamines and cocaine. They include increases in heart rate and blood pressure, nausea, blurred vision, faintness, chills and sweating. Psychological problems such as confusion, depression, insomnia, severe anxiety, paranoia, and psychotic episodes can occur. Consequences of ecstasy use Consequences for health Ecstasy is not physically or psychologically addictive. However, the drug can often take on great importance in the lives of users. A major risk to health from taking ecstasy is hyperthermia – or heatstroke. Some people who have died after taking this drug died as a result of the body overheating, which can cause failure of vital organs. Overheating is particularly likely to occur when the drug is taken at a music venue or disco, where the user is dancing. The stimulant effect of ecstasy can enable people to dance vigorously for long periods, leading to exhaustion and heatstroke. When an ecstasy user dances to music with a repetitive rhythm, it seems that the person can ‘lock in’ to that repetition and simply go though the same movements over and over again for hours. This is a bit like Pavlov’s dog – a reflex reaction. It is particularly dangerous as the user may be unaware of impending heatstroke. Although many discos provide ‘chill-out’ rooms for dancers to cool off in, the availability of such facilities does not make the act of taking ecstasy safe. Some users have died from drinking fluid in excess to combat the overheating caused by ecstasy and made worse by dancing. A few ecstasy users have died from brain haemorrhages, which have been caused by the increased blood pressure and heart rate associated with this drug. Some others have died from unknown reasons after taking ecstasy. The long-term effects of ecstasy use are not yet known. Ecstasy’s chemical cousin, MDA, destroys cells that produce serotonin in the brain. These cells help to regulate aggression, mood, sexual activity, sleep, and sensitivity to pain. Methamphetamine, also similar to Ecstasy, damages brain cells that produce dopamine. It is quite possible that ecstasy can also damage brain cells. Scientists have found that ecstasy makes the brain’s nerve branches and endings degenerate. It also makes them re-grow abnormally – failing to reconnect with some brain areas and connecting elsewhere with the wrong areas. These reconnections may be permanent, resulting in damage to various brain functions, changes in emotion, learning or memory. Legal consequences Ecstasy is a Class A drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act. It is illegal to produce, supply or possess it. The offence of supply – in the eyes of the law – can be committed by giving a single tablet to another person. Penalties are high. Prepared by Paul Roberts in UK http://www.darvsmith.com/dox/drugtypes.html http://eliterehaballiance.com/drug-types-from-stimulants-to-tranquilizers/
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Prepared by Paul Roberts in UK http://www.darvsmith.com/dox/drugtypes.html #Stimulants #Depressants #Analgesics #Hallucinogens #Alcohol #Amphetamines #Barbiturates #Cannabis #Cocaine #Ecstasy #GHB #Heroin #Inhalants #LSD #Methadone #’Magic’ Mushrooms #Tranquilizers
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eliterehaballiance · 7 years
What is it? Ecstasy is an hallucinogenic stimulant. It is a man-made drug with both hallucinogenic and amphetamine-like properties. The chemical name for ecstasy is 3,4 Methylenedioxymethylamphetamine – or MDMA in short form. It’s chemically similar to two other synthetic drugs, MDA and methamphetamine. Medicinal uses None. Use of Ecstasy Ecstasy has only been used as a drug of abuse in the UK since the mid 1980’s. It is now very common and is taken regularly by many thousands of people. It’s mainly associated with the dance culture or disco scene and so is often perceived as a ‘party’ drug, or a ‘weekend’ drug, unlike for example heroin or amphetamines, which are usually taken more regularly. This perception can give rise to a false understanding that ecstasy is safe to use. This is simply not true – as the long term effects are largely unknown. Ecstasy is seen in tablet or capsule form, or very rarely as a powder. Slang jargon includes ‘E’, ‘Eccies’, ‘Love Doves’, ‘Disco biscuits’ etc., although tablets are sold under a variety of so-called ‘brand names’ and are often embossed with a logo. A single dose costs 10-15 Pounds Sterling. The type of tablets available changes from week to week, and counterfeit tablets are common. According to police analysis, half of all Ecstasy tablets seized contained no MDMA (the active ingredient). Some tablets contained LSD, amphetamine, MDA, and Ketamine, others had no drug content whatsoever. How does it work? Ecstasy interferes with the concentration and action of seretonin in our brains. Serotonin is a ‘messenger substance’ or neurotransmitter that affects the peripheral and central nervous systems. It acts through ‘receptors’ that are located on the outside walls of cells. Amongst other things it’s involved in the regulation of mood, sleep, sexual behaviour, temperature and appetite. Ecstasy acts to increase the natural level of seretonin. The result is a change of mood, repression of libido and appetite, mental stimulation and increased body temperature. What effect does it have? Ecstasy produces a relaxed, euphoric state without marked hallucinations. It takes effect 20-40 minutes after taking a tablet and wears off after about 3-4 hours. The peak effects are felt 60 to 90 minutes after taking the drug. A user first feels rushes of exhilaration that can be accompanied by nausea. Sensations of sight, sound and touch are enhanced. Music – particularly when it contains a strong repetitive rhythm – exerts a powerful influence on the user. Users report that the experience is very pleasant and highly controllable. Even at the peak of the drug’s effect, people can easily bring themselves down to deal with an important matter. The effect that makes Ecstasy different from other drugs is the sensation of understanding and accepting others (it should be remembered that this is a drug-induced sensation and does not correspond to reality!). Users feel as though interpersonal barriers have disappeared and are likely to feel uninhibited. Side effects Many of the side effects users encounter with Ecstasy are similar to those found with the use of amphetamines and cocaine. They include increases in heart rate and blood pressure, nausea, blurred vision, faintness, chills and sweating. Psychological problems such as confusion, depression, insomnia, severe anxiety, paranoia, and psychotic episodes can occur. Consequences of ecstasy use Consequences for health Ecstasy is not physically or psychologically addictive. However, the drug can often take on great importance in the lives of users. A major risk to health from taking ecstasy is hyperthermia – or heatstroke. Some people who have died after taking this drug died as a result of the body overheating, which can cause failure of vital organs. Overheating is particularly likely to occur when the drug is taken at a music venue or disco, where the user is dancing. The stimulant effect of ecstasy can enable people to dance vigorously for long periods, leading to exhaustion and heatstroke. When an ecstasy user dances to music with a repetitive rhythm, it seems that the person can ‘lock in’ to that repetition and simply go though the same movements over and over again for hours. This is a bit like Pavlov’s dog – a reflex reaction. It is particularly dangerous as the user may be unaware of impending heatstroke. Although many discos provide ‘chill-out’ rooms for dancers to cool off in, the availability of such facilities does not make the act of taking ecstasy safe. Some users have died from drinking fluid in excess to combat the overheating caused by ecstasy and made worse by dancing. A few ecstasy users have died from brain haemorrhages, which have been caused by the increased blood pressure and heart rate associated with this drug. Some others have died from unknown reasons after taking ecstasy. The long-term effects of ecstasy use are not yet known. Ecstasy’s chemical cousin, MDA, destroys cells that produce serotonin in the brain. These cells help to regulate aggression, mood, sexual activity, sleep, and sensitivity to pain. Methamphetamine, also similar to Ecstasy, damages brain cells that produce dopamine. It is quite possible that ecstasy can also damage brain cells. Scientists have found that ecstasy makes the brain’s nerve branches and endings degenerate. It also makes them re-grow abnormally – failing to reconnect with some brain areas and connecting elsewhere with the wrong areas. These reconnections may be permanent, resulting in damage to various brain functions, changes in emotion, learning or memory. Legal consequences Ecstasy is a Class A drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act. It is illegal to produce, supply or possess it. The offence of supply – in the eyes of the law – can be committed by giving a single tablet to another person. Penalties are high. Prepared by Paul Roberts in UK http://www.darvsmith.com/dox/drugtypes.html http://eliterehaballiance.com/drug-types-from-stimulants-to-tranquilizers/
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Drug Addiction
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Prepared by Paul Roberts in UK http://www.darvsmith.com/dox/drugtypes.html #Stimulants #Depressants #Analgesics #Hallucinogens #Alcohol #Amphetamines #Barbiturates #Cannabis #Cocaine #Ecstasy #GHB #Heroin #Inhalants #LSD #Methadone #’Magic’ Mushrooms #Tranquilizers
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liberallifeblog · 7 years
Optimum Garcinia Plus Reviews
Being overweight will increase your chances of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and a host of other illnesses. It is essential that your weight is kept at a healthy norm to reduce your risks of becoming ill. There are several methods that you can implement to lose weight, and using weight loss pills is one of them.
Optimum garcinia plus has taken the weight loss industry by storm. It is currently considered the best weight loss pill on the market. Scientific studies have found that participants lost approximately 5.4 percent of their body fat, in comparison to those who were on a placebo tablet.
Click Here to get a Free Trial of Garcinia Cambogia >
Hydroxycitric acid is the main active ingredient in optimum garcinia plus. It works by blocking the enzyme citrate lyase which is responsible for fat production within the body. It increases the levels of seretonin in the brain. Seretonin is a mood enhancer that assists in controlling emotional eating, and reduces cravings for sweet foods. This also leads to a reduction in belly fat because it suppresses the stress hormone cortisol. Increased levels of cortisol within the body leads to excessive weight gain. Optimum garcinia plus makes it easier to for the body to utilize glucose, producing lower levels of insulin. Research has also found that it assists in lowering triglycerides, LDL (the bad cholesterol) and HDL (the good cholesterol).
Each bottle contains a one months supply of 120 capsules, you are to consume two tablets three times per day. Take the tablets on an empty stomach, 30 minutes to one hour before food consumption. It is imperative that you don’t take more than 3,500 mg per day, anything more than the recommended amount, no matter how much weight you desire to lose can have harmful negative side effects.
Optimum garcinia plus contains is made up of two natural ingredients, 60 percent hydroxycitric acid, and 500 mg of garcinia cambogia. Garcinia cambogia, also referred to as malabar tamarind is a tropical citrus fruit grown in South East Asia, Indonesia and Africa. The fruit resembles a small pumpkin, and is a combination of yellow and green in color. It is renowned for it’s healing properties, treating conditions such as bowel problems and rheumatism. In recent years, it has become a popular weight loss supplement because of it’s ability to curb the appetite and to reduce the bodies ability to produce fat.
One of the major health benefits associated with garcinia is it’s ability to speed up the metabolic rate. One of the active ingredients within the fruit is hydrocytric acid, research has shown that it is effective in eliciting healthy weight loss. It enhances the glucose function, and increases seretonin levels within the brain. Hydrocitric acid also shifts the bodies preferred source of energy from carbohydrates to fats.
Hydroxycitric acid aids in the production of lipolysis, which promotes the synthesis of Acetycholine (ACH). ACH is a neurotransmitter within the body responsible for muscle contraction. An enhancement in the synthesis of ACH improves athletic performance by boosting endurance. Hydrocytric acid is also effective in the treatment of conditions such as insomnia, migraine headaches and depression.
You can read the avalanche of optimum garcinia plus reviews that have all confirmed these claims.
Studies have shown that garcinia cambogia contains antibacterial properties that protect the immune system, providing the body with strength to fight against illnesses, diseases, and infection. It also contains a high proportion of vitamin C which helps to protect the cells within the body and keep them healthy. Vitamin C assists in healing wounds, it also boosts iron absorption from plant sources such as sprouts, broccoli, spinach and kale.
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects against dangers caused by free radicals. It also protects against pollutants and toxic chemicals such as such as cigarette smoke. A lack of vitamin C within the diet can cause scurvy, gum disease, joint pain, bone pain and lethargy.
The hydroxycitric acid present in garcinia cambogia causes a decrease in the amount of lipids in the blood stream. Lipid is responsible for the production of good cholesterol, and the reduction of bad cholesterol within the body. It also lowers blood pressure which reduces your chances of contracting heart disease within the future.
There have be several optimum garcinia reviews by elated customers who have confirmed these health benefits.
You can only purchase optimum garcinia tablets directly from their website, it is not available through any other retail outlet.
The product is made by the name of the product which is Optimum garcinia plus, and it is manufactured in the United States. You can contact them via phone or email. You can locate this information on the contact page of their website.
Optimum garcinia plus has a dual effect, if you want to use the product for weight loss purposes, you will also experience several health related benefits.
One of the best features about the product outside of it’s outstanding weight loss benefits is that the manufacturors are so confident about the results that they offer a money back guarantee for dissatisfied customers. They will provide a full refund on all products, you simply have to call their toll free number which you will find located on their website.
From all the research conducted, we have come to the conclusion that optimum garcinia plus is an excellent weight loss pill. It’s claims are valid. There are multiple optimum garcinia plus reviews by satisfied customers who all say they have experienced dramatic weight loss results in a short time from using the product. They have also commented on the wide range of health benefits associated with the tablets.
I can spend hours telling you how great the product is, but until you try it yourself, you will never really know. So now that you have done your research, you have read the optimum garcinia plus reviews, why not purchase a bottle yourself and see if they work for you. It is advised that prior to taking any weight loss supplements that you consult your physician to ensure that you do not have any health care concerns that may cause an adverse reaction to the use of this product.
Click Here to get a Free Trial of Garcinia Cambogia >
First Posted @ Optimum Garcinia Plus Reviews
Optimum Garcinia Plus Reviews posted first on http://ift.tt/2kDxLY4
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healthbulletin · 7 years
Optimum Garcinia Plus Reviews
Being overweight will increase your chances of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and a host of other illnesses. It is essential that your weight is kept at a healthy norm to reduce your risks of becoming ill. There are several methods that you can implement to lose weight, and using weight loss pills is one of them.
Optimum garcinia plus has taken the weight loss industry by storm. It is currently considered the best weight loss pill on the market. Scientific studies have found that participants lost approximately 5.4 percent of their body fat, in comparison to those who were on a placebo tablet.
Click Here to get a Free Trial of Garcinia Cambogia >
Hydroxycitric acid is the main active ingredient in optimum garcinia plus. It works by blocking the enzyme citrate lyase which is responsible for fat production within the body. It increases the levels of seretonin in the brain. Seretonin is a mood enhancer that assists in controlling emotional eating, and reduces cravings for sweet foods. This also leads to a reduction in belly fat because it suppresses the stress hormone cortisol. Increased levels of cortisol within the body leads to excessive weight gain. Optimum garcinia plus makes it easier to for the body to utilize glucose, producing lower levels of insulin. Research has also found that it assists in lowering triglycerides, LDL (the bad cholesterol) and HDL (the good cholesterol).
Each bottle contains a one months supply of 120 capsules, you are to consume two tablets three times per day. Take the tablets on an empty stomach, 30 minutes to one hour before food consumption. It is imperative that you don’t take more than 3,500 mg per day, anything more than the recommended amount, no matter how much weight you desire to lose can have harmful negative side effects.
Optimum garcinia plus contains is made up of two natural ingredients, 60 percent hydroxycitric acid, and 500 mg of garcinia cambogia. Garcinia cambogia, also referred to as malabar tamarind is a tropical citrus fruit grown in South East Asia, Indonesia and Africa. The fruit resembles a small pumpkin, and is a combination of yellow and green in color. It is renowned for it’s healing properties, treating conditions such as bowel problems and rheumatism. In recent years, it has become a popular weight loss supplement because of it’s ability to curb the appetite and to reduce the bodies ability to produce fat.
One of the major health benefits associated with garcinia is it’s ability to speed up the metabolic rate. One of the active ingredients within the fruit is hydrocytric acid, research has shown that it is effective in eliciting healthy weight loss. It enhances the glucose function, and increases seretonin levels within the brain. Hydrocitric acid also shifts the bodies preferred source of energy from carbohydrates to fats.
Hydroxycitric acid aids in the production of lipolysis, which promotes the synthesis of Acetycholine (ACH). ACH is a neurotransmitter within the body responsible for muscle contraction. An enhancement in the synthesis of ACH improves athletic performance by boosting endurance. Hydrocytric acid is also effective in the treatment of conditions such as insomnia, migraine headaches and depression.
You can read the avalanche of optimum garcinia plus reviews that have all confirmed these claims.
Studies have shown that garcinia cambogia contains antibacterial properties that protect the immune system, providing the body with strength to fight against illnesses, diseases, and infection. It also contains a high proportion of vitamin C which helps to protect the cells within the body and keep them healthy. Vitamin C assists in healing wounds, it also boosts iron absorption from plant sources such as sprouts, broccoli, spinach and kale.
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects against dangers caused by free radicals. It also protects against pollutants and toxic chemicals such as such as cigarette smoke. A lack of vitamin C within the diet can cause scurvy, gum disease, joint pain, bone pain and lethargy.
The hydroxycitric acid present in garcinia cambogia causes a decrease in the amount of lipids in the blood stream. Lipid is responsible for the production of good cholesterol, and the reduction of bad cholesterol within the body. It also lowers blood pressure which reduces your chances of contracting heart disease within the future.
There have be several optimum garcinia reviews by elated customers who have confirmed these health benefits.
You can only purchase optimum garcinia tablets directly from their website, it is not available through any other retail outlet.
The product is made by the name of the product which is Optimum garcinia plus, and it is manufactured in the United States. You can contact them via phone or email. You can locate this information on the contact page of their website.
Optimum garcinia plus has a dual effect, if you want to use the product for weight loss purposes, you will also experience several health related benefits.
One of the best features about the product outside of it’s outstanding weight loss benefits is that the manufacturors are so confident about the results that they offer a money back guarantee for dissatisfied customers. They will provide a full refund on all products, you simply have to call their toll free number which you will find located on their website.
From all the research conducted, we have come to the conclusion that optimum garcinia plus is an excellent weight loss pill. It’s claims are valid. There are multiple optimum garcinia plus reviews by satisfied customers who all say they have experienced dramatic weight loss results in a short time from using the product. They have also commented on the wide range of health benefits associated with the tablets.
I can spend hours telling you how great the product is, but until you try it yourself, you will never really know. So now that you have done your research, you have read the optimum garcinia plus reviews, why not purchase a bottle yourself and see if they work for you. It is advised that prior to taking any weight loss supplements that you consult your physician to ensure that you do not have any health care concerns that may cause an adverse reaction to the use of this product.
Click Here to get a Free Trial of Garcinia Cambogia >
First Posted @ Optimum Garcinia Plus Reviews
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