#the sentinel upn
fearlessjones · 11 months
‘November 5th’ this, ‘EVERY’ that… Back in my day we had to walk 9 miles uphill both ways in the snow just to ascertain a HINT of acknowledged homoeroticism in any tv show that wasn’t cable! In 1999, UPN’s The Sentinel (of Sentinel/Guide trope fame) had their lead partner characters literally merge souls while liplocked in CPR mode and they ‘no homo’ queerbaited the fans so hard that they spring-boarded us into a new century of online slash fic sharing. 😂 Amidst all the current fandom drama, be grateful for this beautiful era of openness, is all this Fandom Old is saying lol.
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vintagegeekculture · 1 year
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“Homeboys in Outer Space” (1996) which aired on UPN (the Republic Pictures of the television networks). The premise was surprisingly similar to the later “Futurama,” about an interstellar delivery service run by two hapless best friends, and a female computer named “Loquatia.” 
UPN initially began as a network with a lot of science fiction shows (Deadly Games, the Sentinel, Nowhere Man, Legend) which ran on the coattails of their initial “killer app,” Star Trek: Voyager. However, the only two shows from the network’s first year to survive were Voyager (obviously) and also “Moesha,” a sitcom star vehicle for musician Brandy aimed at black audiences. Thus, in their second year, it stands to reason that UPN believed a successful path forward would be in a scifi show....that was also a sitcom aimed at black audiences. 
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
SaveOFMD reminds me of the only fan campaign I was able to be involved with. The show was the Sentinel. The catchphrase was Damp Not Dead because it was canceled on a cliffhanger of the second main character apparently having been drowned in a college campus fountain. The main action was mailing towels of all sizes to UPN. It took a while but it worked and our anthropologist was rescued! Keep up the hope and efforts. They can work!
Oh nice! That's so cool that you got a renewal for Sentinel that way! I absolutely love that kind of protest/activism, actually sending physical stuff! It's amazing how much studios actually read/receive. Thank you for the encouragement anon! I think we're all in at this point and in it to win it. Definitely keeping up the hope-- this helps so much! Thank you! <3<3<3
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snycock · 2 months
Weekly chat reminder
Please join us for the weekly TS chat on Saturday, March 9th, at 7 pm Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)/19:00 UTC. That could be as early as 11 am if you’re on the west coast of North America, or 2 pm if you’re on the east coast, or 7 pm in the UK, or early Sunday morning in Australia or New Zealand.
We’re in the usual place: http://us25.chatzy.com/81935648447483. There’s nothing to download or install, just choose a name and a color and click on “join chat.”
Curious as to what chat is all about? Read Chat 101 below!
We’ve been meeting weekly (more or less) since 2006 to chat about all things Sentinel. We tried a couple of different days and times before settling on Saturdays at 7 pm Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)/19:00 Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). While it’s not ideal for every time zone – it’s very early in the morning in Australia, Japan, and China – it’s the best fit for most, including fans across the International Date Line.
We stay on Greenwich Mean Time/UTC all the time, which means that the time of chat shifts when Daylight Savings Time starts and again when it ends. If we tied it to any other specific time zone, fans in the opposite hemisphere would experience a two-hour shift in start time. It can make things a little confusing, especially when DST has started or ended in some places but not others, but a quick check of a time zone converter will set you straight – just remember that we are ALWAYS at 7 pm GMT, and you can find out when that is where you are.
We meet on Chatzy.com and the link is above. One of the nice things about Chatzy is that the chat remains even after we all leave. If you’d like to come and check things out outside of the regular chat day and time, feel free! But do beware – we get bots coming in and leaving links, usually to porn. I try to clean those up before chat starts, but if you are popping in at an irregular time, you may catch some of them.
We’re usually around for two to three hours, so feel free to drop in at any time and stay as long as you can. Chime in with the conversation or just lurk, anything goes. And we are always happy to revisit a conversation: if we said something interesting twenty minutes previously that you want to follow up on, say something!
Our schedule is as follows:
First Saturday of the month: we watch an episode together. Chatzy has a built-in video program that allows us to watch and chat at the same time. Currently we’re watching the episodes in order; we started with Switchman 63 months ago, and in May we’re going to be finishing up with The Sentinel by Blair Sandburg. In a total coincidence, that’s going to be the 25th anniversary of when that episode aired on UPN, so we’ve got some special plans for that watch.
Second Saturday of the month: we trade off between reading a fic and discussing it one month, and doing concrit the next. For concrit we usually have a prompt, and folks who want to participate write a piece of no more than 1000 words. We upload them to a Google Drive folder and then give feedback during the chat.
Third and Fourth Saturdays of the month: we have various discussion topics. These can range from Jim’s backstory to favorite tropes to Shaman!Blair to what would have happened in a fifth season. They’re meant to start discussion, not limit it, so we don’t adhere to them rigidly, and in fact we often stray. Fic recs are always welcome!
Fifth Saturday of the month: on the rare occasions that we have a fifth Saturday we do Pimp Your Fandom, which is where people talk about what they have been reading or watching recently and why Sentinel fans would enjoy it.
So that’s the 411 on chat! Any questions, feel free to let me know. I hope we see you there!
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sentinelmania · 1 year
Sentinel commercials from UPN .mp4
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elfyourmother · 3 years
I’m not even sure I can explain the sentinel to younger ppl in fandom because even though it was such a seminal fannish tv show back in the day it’s like...gone from memory
it was this action mismatched buddy cop show on a very fledgling UPN with vague sf/f elements, the main character was this ex soldier type who was lost in the jungle for ages and developed super senses from it which were then repressed when he came back to civilization he became a cop and then the super senses woke back up. then there was this nerdy hippie professor dude who had been studying the phenomenon and teamed up with them and They Fought Crime
and like NOBODY watched that show except ladies writing slash about those 2 dudes. nobody even heard of it. It was...not a good show except for their chemistry. hell a fair chunk of fic writers literally didn’t even watch it. it was wild
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jessicakhan · 4 years
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hzmsth · 4 years
Day 4. Ten interesting facts about yourself.
Ini kayanya bukan hal yang menarik sih, tapi kita coba aja. Here we go!
1. Aku si cerewet dan banyak omong
Yes, keliatannya kalo baru kenal mah diem banget. Tergantung situasi hati kalo mau ngajak kenalan orang baru akutu wkwkwk. Tapi kalo udah kenal?? Kesel pasti sama cerewet dan banyak omongnya aku. Kadang ngeselin juga soalnya.........
2. Aku si insecure sama diri sendiri
Insecure kenapa? Karena aku gak cantik, gak modis, gak sesempurna cewek lain wkwkwk. Apalagi dari segi fisik, terutama muka. Kalo badan, aku punya tinggi 167 dengan bb 57-60an, tapi muka ku sangat oily dan jerawatan sekali :))). Aku pernah ke dokter kulit pas kuliah, alhamdulillah cocok, tapi you knowlah harganya, gak mungkin aku tiap bulan kesana, abislah duit jajanku wkwkwk. Sampe akhirnya pernah coba segala macam skin care dari yang murah sampe mahal dan hasilnya kaya gak keliatan gitu. Sampe aku akhirnya mau gak mau balik ke dokter kulit dan bisa bayar pake gaji aku wk wk wk. Karna gak mau terlalu ketergantungan aku kadang gak pake obat dokter itu, jadilah suka muncul-muncul lagi nih jerawat. Apalagi kalo udah stresssssss berat, kaya sekarang :”). Sampe aku pernah mikir “aku gak akan punya pacar ganteng, aku nya aja jelek ko....” Gilak yak? Wkwkwkwk.
3. Aku si Cuek tapi Perasa
Aku adalah orang yang tergolong cuek banget. Aku sama pacarku aja kontak-kontakan seadanya, kalo gak kangen banget atau dia gak maksa buat vcall, aku kadang gak mau hahahaha. Apalagi setelah kita sama-sama kerja, jauh dan cuti nya roaster, kadang kita cuma modal doa aja biar bisa cuti barengan. Sama bapak ibuku aja aku jarang kontakan, chat WA aja seminggu sekali udah bagus, apalagi telponan, kalo gak penting banget gak bakal telpon, karna sinyal juga jelek sih jaman kerja mah wkwkwk, suka capek juga abis kerja pengennya tidur. Bapak ibu ku tipe yang ngerti banget sama keadaan anaknya, gak pernah ngelarang atau ngekang atau manjain. Aku pergi kerja di Melak Kaltim yang plosoknya minta ampun aja bapak ibuku YOLO banget. Tapi dibalik cueknya aku, aku adalah si perasa yang misterius hahahaha. Aku kadang bisa aja diem tapi pikiran sama hatinya kemana-mana wkwk. Kadang kalo dulu pas kerja suka bahas keluarga tuh kaya pengen nangis gitu, apalagi dulu aku pulang 3 bulan sekali, sekali pulang di rumah cuma 13 hari :”)
4. Aku si Ambivert
Sebelum aku tau tes MBTI, aku udah bisa nebak kalo aku ambivert. Terus pas tau MBTI, pertama kali tes keluarnya Ekstrovert, agak kaget tapi aku mikir mungkin aku sudah berubah. Eh ternyata pas aku tes 1-2 tahun kemudiannya, aku jadi Introvert wkwkwk. Dan aku liat-liat rate ekstrovert sama introvert aku tuh gak pernah lebih dari 60%, jadi kaya 50an aja. Nah abis itu karna kepo, aku jadi sering tes MBTI dan selalu hasilnya kadang ektrovert kadang introvert dan selalu hasilnya di golongan Sentinels (ESTJ, ISTJ, ESFJ, dan ISFJ) wkwkwkwk.
5. Aku si Eneagram 3 a.k.a The Achiver
Eneagram itu tipe kepribadian kaya MBTI gitu tapi bentuknya pola dan geometri bersudut 9 dan tiap sudutnya ada angka dan artinya gitu (coba cek di gugel ya gais hehe). Nah aku dapet nomer 3 yang itu adalah The Achiver. Kalo di tanya ke diri sendiri, emang iya aku the achiver?? Jawabannya, iya. Aku baca dari artikel di google kalo nomer 3 sangat berorientasi denga “pencapaian” dan “sukses” dan juga “pengen diliat” gitu. Dan tbh aku adalah anak yang sangat menjunjung tinggi “kesuksesan” dan “pengen diakui” sama beberapa orang yang pernah sedikit merendahkan aku dan memandang aku sebelah mata. Mungkin aku kaya gini karna pengaruh “lingkungan” yang dulu “nuntut” aku secara gak langsung buat membuktikan kalo aku emang bisa.
6. Aku si Ambis(?)
Beberapa mungkin mandang aku sangat “ambis” atau emang aku yang gak ngerasa? Ini ada hubungannya sama eneagram nomer 3 itu juga sih, soalnya sifat Ambisius itu ada di eneagram nomer 3, plussssss aku si Scorpion Girl, yang mana scorpio juga dianggap sebagai orang yang agak ambisius. Mungkin kalo dari aku perasaan ambis itu ada kalo emang ada “sesuatu” yang bikin aku harus ambis(?) Jadi semacam ke trigger gitu...... Contohnya jaman sekolah (SD-SMA) aku selalu masuk 2 besar, sekalinya ada di nomer 2, segala pertanyaan tuh muncul di kepala “apa sih yang salah? Aku kenapa?” Padahal orang tua ku sama sekali gak pernah nuntut buat aku jadi nomer 1, 2, 3, yang penting anaknya bisa dan mampu lewatinya, itu aja. Tapi dasar akunya..... ambis ya(?)
7. Aku si yang (katanya pintar) tapi ditolak Universitas Negeri
Nyambung sama yang atas, aku emang selalu jadi juara, tapi juara “di kandang” aja. SMA aku swasta dan aku tau kalo peluang aku ke Univ Negeri yang aku mau itu kecil (karna track record dari angkatan sebelumnya). Tapi aku tetep usaha, tetep les, tetep belajar, tetep milih univ itu walopun semacam udah tau jawabannya. Sampe akhirnya bener, aku di tolak di SNMPTN, aku coba di SBM dan hasilnya gagal, aku coba ikut jalur Mandiri di Univ nya dan hasilnya gagal lagi, sampe terakhir ikut Tes Univ Negeri gabungan gitu (ada Undip, Unsoed, apalagi gitu 5/6 Univ tapi jurusannya tuh sisaan) dan hasilnya gagal lagi dan lagi. Biar gak penasaran, aku ditolak di UGM, IPB, Brawijaya, Diponegoro sama Unsoed (kalo gak salah). Sedih bat waktu itu tuh....
8. Aku si gak sengaja jadi Engineer
Kenapa bisa jadi Engineer? Jadi karna tau kalo peluang aku kecil ke Univ negeri, jadilah aku harus cari cadangan di Swasta. Tibalah sebelum SNM dan SBM temenku tiap minggu ke Jogja, ternyata dia tes buat masuk Geologi/Tambang/Minyak di UPN (waktu itu UPN masih swasta ya gais, jadi tiap minggu ada tes gitu). Mereka cerita kalo tesnya gampang, tapi kenapa gak pernah lolos(?) Dari situ sisi “ambis” aku ke trigger, penasaran kan tes nya kaya apa wkwkwk. Kebetulan waktu itu bapak ibuku mau ke Jogja nengok mbakku yang kuliah disana (dia di UII). Sempet ditawarin buat tes juga di UII tapi aku gak mau, soalnya dari TK sampe SMA sekolah aku sama mbakku tuh sama terus, ya kali kuliahnya sama lagi, sekalipun disuruh beda jurusan wkwkwk. Tes lah aku di UPN ambil Geologi sama Minyak. Eh gak lolos cuy... Pulanglah aku sama ortu. Sampe akhirnya mau SBM aku masih belum punya pegangan Univ Swasta. Nah karna tes SBM aku mau di Jogja aja biar bisa ambil Univ agak leluasa (dulu jamanku beda peraturan gitu), jadilah aku 10 hari di Jogja bisa SBM, UM UGM sama tes UPN (lagi) wkwkwk. Pas tes UPN kali ini aku ambil Geologi sama Tambang, karna bapakku minta ganti jadi Tambang dan kebetulan Minyak juga udah tutup karna kuota penuh. Eh pas tes keluar hasilnya ternyata aku diterima cuy!!! Dari situlah aku bisa jadi anak Tambang wkwkwk walopun sempet mikir “kuat gak ya...” dan sempet kecewa karna jadinya kuliah di “Swasta” tapi ternyata Allah punya rencana lain, UPN jadi Negeri di akhir tahun 2014 wkwkwkwk Alhamdulillah jadilah aku kuliah di Negeri.
9. Aku si mau jadi apa aja wkwk
Aku lulus tuh ada aja lika liku nya, di tumblr ini aku cerita ko soal sakit dan wisudaku huhuhu. 1-2 tahun sebelum aku lulus aku tuh kerjaannya keluar-masuk rs doang. Sampe akhirnya Alhamdulillah aku lulus tepat waktu dan diwaktu yang tepat (harga batubara lagi baik hehe). Aku berdoa terus biar aku cepet dapet kerja karna bapak udah mau pensiun. Jujur semua lowongan yang bisa aku apply, pasti aku apply, selama aku bisa dan mau, aku apply. Sampe aku dapet panggilan jadi Freelance CS di Ruangg*ru Jogja aku mau, aku jalanin. Baru masuk minggu ke 4 aku keterima as an Engineer di Kontraktor kecil dan aku mau (itu yang di Melak). Sampe disana aku belajar banyak, dari yang awalnya blaster engineer, sampe akhirnya aku dipercaya buat jadi mine plan, ngerjain kerjaan yang lumayan bikin tidur tuh gak tenang wkwkwk. Tapi jujur aku masih cari tempat berlabuh yang lebih baik (sisi ambis aku ke trigger kayanya wkwk) karna disana ada beberapa hal yang bikin aku “harus move” biar aku berkembang, ini murni bukan soal kerjaan ya, jujur aku fine-fine aja sama kerjaanya hehehe. Tibalah akhir tahun 2019 Allah jawab doa aku buat move ke perusahaan yang bener-bener lebih baik! Tapi Allah ternyata punya jalan lain. Maret lalu aku resmi jadi pengangguran lagi hehe, kalo udah gini aku tetep jadi aku si mau jadi apa aja ko. Bukan berarti setelah pernah jadi “engineer” aku harus jadi engineer lagi. Aku mau jadi apa aja selama aku bisa dan mampu, selama pekerjaan itu halal. Semoga setelah Covid ini berakhir, aku bisa nemuin kerjaan yang lebih baik lagi. Aamiin.
10. Aku si gak jago bahasa Inggris
Aku emang gak jago bahasa Inggris dibanding temen-temen dan anak-anak jaman sekarang. Aku bisa baca dan tau maksudnya, tapi buat grammar apalagi speaking, wow lemah sekali :”) Kalo listening “agak” lumayan karna mungkin suka dengerin lagu. Jujur suka amazed sama beberapa orang yang nulis lancar banget pake bahasa Inggris, suka iri liat yang cas cis cus ngomongnya, suka minder sendiri aku tu.... Tapi kalo boleh jujur juga, sampe detik ini aku selalu belajar dan terus usaha biar “nambah” ilmunya, entah grammar atau speaking nya atau apa aja. Aku kadang belajarnya baca dari artikel atau Tumblr orang-orang, terus dari game grammar atau game yang berbau bahasa Inggris. Doakan aku teman-teman biar aku gak malas, aamiin.
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yumawrites · 5 years
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nerdcorp · 6 years
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Your Woman Crush for this Week is Jeri Ryan!
The stunningly beautiful 50 year old actress was born in Munich, West German (now just Germany) the daughter of a master sergeant in the United States Army.  When she was born until she was 11, she moved around to Kansas, Maryland, Hawaii, Georgia and Texas until her father finally retired from the military. 
She began competing in beauty contest during her third year in college, winning the 1989 Miss Illinois, before going for the 1990 Miss America Pageant where she finished 3rd runner up.  That same year she graduated from Northwestern with a Bachelor’s degree in Theater. 
She began her acting career appearing in “Who’s The Boss” after she graduated.  She then began appearing in shows like “Seinfeld”, “Melrose Place”, “Matlock”, and “The Sentinel”.  She landed a big role on “Dark Skies” an alien conspiracy series but the show only saw one season.
Her biggest break came in 1997, when she landed on “Star Treky: Voyager” as Seven of Nine.  The show was UPN’s flagship and her character’s introduction garnered much main stream attention.  The character reinvigorated the franchise, and added a depth to the franchise that was previously not seen to this degree.
Since then she’s worked regularly over the last twenty years, appearing in shows like “The O.C.”, “Law and Order: SVU”, “Psych”, “Warehouse 13″, “Body of Proof”, “Helix” and “Arrow”.  The mother of two also has another passion; cooking.  Ryan is is an avid aficionado of gourmet cooking, and even worked in kitchens during her time with “Boston Public”.  She’s tremendously talented in the many aspects from singing, to cooking, and acting; so for all these reasons and more she’s your Woman Crush of the Week.
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Started my 8 mile walk at 7:30 this chilly morning. Hat: The Sentinel UPN. Podcast: It’s The Pictures That Got Small. Miles walked since Mar. 1: 534. #hatwatch2020 #UPN #richardburgi (at Atlanta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_-QAQUplSS/?igshid=cnqrljzv4r86
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wbwest · 7 years
New Post has been published on WilliamBruceWest.com
New Post has been published on http://www.williambrucewest.com/2017/02/10/west-week-ever-pop-culture-review-21017/
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review - 2/10/17
Last night, my friend Mike and I went to check out The Lego Batman Movie. Seeing as how we were the only two people in the theater, I’m not quite sure what its weekend box office is gonna look like. I bet John Wick: Chapter 2 takes #1, since that’s where everyone seemed to be heading. Anyway, I LOVED the film. First up, it considers EVERYTHING canon. If you saw it onscreen, then it happened in that universe. The whole thing is kind of surreal, as the movie focuses on Batman’s loner status, while also confronting his complicated relationship with The Joker. On the Batman Beyond cartoon, there’s an episode where old Bruce Wayne and his protege, Terry McGinnis, go to a Batman-themed musical. Bruce can’t get over how goofy the whole thing seems, but I feel like this film is the movie version of that musical. It doesn’t have the camp of the ’66 show, but it’s a movie that never really takes itself seriously. I loved the liberties they took, like making Jim and Barbara Gordon people of color (voiced by Hector Elizondo and Rosario Dawson). It doesn’t hurt the story any, while bringing some diversity to the Lego world. I also liked how it tied in concepts from The Lego Movie, such as the fact that Batman is a Master Builder. I’m not going to spoil the movie for you, but I feel like it’s strong until the middle of the second act, at which point it switches from a Lego Batman movie to a Lego Dimensions movie. Trust me, you’ll understand when you see it, and I think you’ll agree that the story gets a bit weaker at that point. In any case, I can’t wait for it to hit Blu Ray, so I can rewatch it a thousand times to catch all the Easter eggs.
This week, we got a trailer for a new season of Arrow. Wait, what? That was actually for Iron Fist? Huh. Yeah, I was really underwhelmed by that trailer. Finn Jones doesn’t seem like a great actor, there’s not a lot of Kung Fu on display, and it seems like it’s more focused on corporate takeover, as Danny Rand tries to reclaim his family’s business. Since it’s a Netflix Marvel show, there’s also Rosario Dawson and another damn hallway fight. I welcome the former, but I’m SO over the latter. I’ll get around to watching it, but the days of me binge-watching a Marvel season the weekend of its release are long gone. Considering I still need to watch Daredevil season 2 and Luke Cage, I’ll be lucky to get around to it in 2017. That said, I know a lot of y’all will binge it that day, and will tell me if it sucks or not.
In other TV news, it’s rumored that NBC wants to spin Saturday Night Live‘s Weekend Update segment into a weekly 30-minute show. I guess they looked at John Oliver and Samantha Bee, and realized they might be leaving money on the table. Still, Jost and Che as “polarizing”, at best, and I’m not sure if that segment has the legs to air 30 minutes every week, in the same format. Plus, would it also remain a part of SNL, or would it be excised completely? I think this would’ve been a good idea in an election year, as there’s just so much news to cover, but now that all that is behind us, I’m just not sure this is going to work. And then what happens? If it does leave SNL, would it come crawling back next season, with its tail between its legs? The difference between Last Week Tonight/Full Frontal and Weekend Update is that those cable shows are actually smart, with smart hosts. Plus, they can get away with a bit more because cable. Weekend Update has gotten a lot more biting since Trump was elected, but is it too little, too late? Are the SNL writers up to the task of this project? I just feel like it’s a bad idea that will dilute the Weekend Update and SNL brands.
It was also announced that Viacom will be rebranding Spike TV as the Paramount Network. In my lifetime, I don’t think I’ve witnessed a network go through as many format changes as that one. As far back as I can remember, it was The Nashville Network. Then, to appeal to a wider audience, it became The National Network. Then, to appeal to dudebros, it became Spike TV. Now, I don’t even know who they’re targeting. I also don’t know why they chose this particular name. It’s like they have short memories or something. After all, there’s already been a Paramount Network. Sure, most of us referred to it as UPN and not the United Paramount Network, but that’s what those letters stood for. And it was the definition of “failed experiment”. Sure, it hobbled along for about 10 years, but its legacy is basically Star Trek: Voyager, America’s Next Top Model and Girlfriends. Outside of that, it gave us such critical darlings as Shasta McNasty, Homeboys In Outer Space, and The Secret Diary of Desmond Pfeiffer. Hey, let’s see how many shitty (that means all of them) UPN shows I can list without looking them up: DiResta, Legend, Platypus Man, Hitz, Good News, Sparks, Dilbert, Marker, The Watcher, The Sentinel…yeah,that’s enough to make my point, which is you probably don’t remember any of these. UPN did NOTHING for the Paramount brand, and its effects are still being felt 11 years after its demise. So why, WHY would Viacom want to go down this road again? Anyway, the early plans for the rebranding call for the network to be a warehouse for hit Viacom programming from their other networks. It’s basically just gonna be the Now That’s What I Call Viacom Channel, posting the highlights from MTV, Nick, Nick Jr, etc. In fact, there are no concrete plans for the future of other Viacom networks, such as VH1, CMT, and TVLand, but reports say that there’s no immediate push to shut them down.
It was also rumored that there are already talks of an American Idol revival, but this time on NBC. Now, keep in mind the show just ended its run on Fox last year. The idea is that The Voice would be reduced to one cycle a year, and then they would slot Idol in one of its old slots. I feel like NBC sees the value in that show in that it actually creates household names – something The Voice has failed to do after 11 seasons. The focus is too much on the judges, and the winners have gone nowhere. Quick, name a winner of The Voice without looking it up. Hell, I watched the first season, and I can’t even remember that guy (I looked it up: Javier Colon. Who? Right). So, there’s definitely something to be gained from acquiring the franchise. That said, though, I also feel like a network only gets one of those shows. Fox had Idol, NBC had The Voice, ABC had Rising Star, and CBS had some show that got canceled that I forgot. Fox hurt Idol by double-dipping and picking up The X-Factor. That show never caught on in the US, and it hurt the Fox singing competition brand. If NBC picks up Idol, it’s going to do the same to The Voice. I mean, how much longer does America want to see Blake Shelton and Adam Levine bicker at each other? Sure, there’s a new dynamic now that Blake and Gwen Stefani are dating and both judges, but unless the show breaks them up, I don’t know how engaging that���s gonna be. And Miley Cyrus as a coach? Now, let me say that Bangerz was a great album. I’ve written about how awesome it was. But I don’t think Miley is established enough as a singer to be coaching anyone. She’s more known for her antics than her music. Then again, Paula Abdul was a has been, judging the talent of tomorrow, but that was intrinsic to the formula. Ultimately, America chose the Idol, and the show brought in established stars as coaches. The Voice has an unnecessary layer. They have talented judges, but then they also have the coaches, and then America. As Idol showed us, ANYBODY cane a judge, which is going to be an important thing for NBC to remember once it comes to for contracts to be renegotiated. Anyway, I think Idol needs to rest a few more years before they dust it off. It was once a powerhouse, but television AND music changed over time. Let the industry figure out its next steps before trying to reenter it.
I don’t know about you, but I grew up with women, which meant I did a tour of duty with soap operas. I started with Days of Our Lives back in the late 80s, then shifted to The Young and the Restless, and then shifted back to Days in the 00s. And besides Victor Newman, there is no soap villain quite as diabolical as Stefano DiMera. Well, the actor who portrayed him, Joseph Mascolo, died back in December, but his final filmed episode aired yesterday.  Although Mascolo had been battling Alzheimers for the past few years, he had portrayed the character for around 30 years. For some reason (I haven’t watched in a while), he was in prison (he’s killed/led to the death of a lot of folks. But they typically come back after contract negotiations), and at the end of the episode, he escapes! What a beautiful ending, knowing that he will be forever “in the wind”, as they can’t really catch him again unless they recast him. Seeing as how the rumor is Days is coming to an end this year, they won’t even have time to do that, with scripts written about 6 months in advance. So, here’s a toast to one of the greatest villains to ever grace the television set. You will be missed, you evil son of a bitch.
Let’s get a little controversial, shall we? This week, comedian George Lopez got in hot water for kicking a woman out of one of his shows when she objected to a racially-charged joke he told. Basically he said, “There are only two rules in the Latino family: Don’t marry somebody black and don’t park in front of our house.” Apparently, a woman gave him the finger after that joke, to which he began to tell her to “sit [her] fucking ass down or get the fuck out.” Now, comedians are on his side because they say he was just shutting down a heckler. Meanwhile, the general public is on her side because they’re offended by the joke, and don’t see why he had to kick her out for objecting. Here’s my take: First of all, he’s told variations of this joke for years. He used to joke about how his grandmother wouldn’t even want President Obama in her house. If you’re familiar with his material, then his joke the other night shouldn’t surprise you. Now, for the folks offended by the joke: was he wrong? All I know is my own life experience. I dated a Cuban, and as polite and Ivy League-educated as I could be, I was still the Black guy who could only illicit grunts from her father. And I don’t know anyone named Esmeralda Jenkins or Manuela Johnson. Growing up where I did, Black guys didn’t get Latinas or Asian girls. Those girls’ families weren’t gonna stand for that! So, this is one of those jokes that’s grounded in truth. It might rub some folks the wrong way, but it’s not necessarily untrue. Where I stand, I don’t think he really did anything wrong. After all, that’s how comedians handle folks who they feel are interrupting their show, and the joke itself was par for the Lopez course. I wouldn’t say it was “haha funny”, but it wasn’t wrong.
Things You Might Have Missed This Week
An animated series based on the Castlevania video game is coming to Netflix later this year. Hopefully it will star gay Simon Belmont from Captain N: The Game Master.
Kate McKinnon will voice Ms. Frizzle in Netflix’s reboot of The Magic School Bus
Speaking of Netflix, Love, The OA, and Trollhunters have all been renewed by the streaming service.
Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin, announced that she’s retiring after her next album is released.
After 25 years over covering the Olympics, Bob Costas announced he’s handing the reins over to Mike Tirico
Entertainment newsmagazine show The Insider has been canceled after 13 seasons.
Formerly of USA’s Satisfaction, Blair Redford has been cast as the first mutant in Fox’s X-Men TV series
Not to be outdone by Beyoncé, it was announced that George and Amal Clooney are expecting twins. Those Hollywood In Vitro clinics are working overtime these days!
Speaking of babies, Jason Statham proved he’s the Transporter of Sperm, as he announced he’s expecting a baby with girlfriend Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
I don’t like Tom Brady. Don’t like a thing about him. I find it odd that you can be suspended for cheating AND win the Super Bowl in the same damn season. That said, that was a Hell of a comeback during Sunday’s Super Bowl LI. Somehow, the Atlanta Falcons blew a 25-point lead, allowing the New England Patriots to mount an amazing comeback and win their 5th Super Bowl title. It was the first Super Bowl to go into overtime. There was Edelman’s amazing catch. Some are calling it the most exciting game of football ever. But in the end there can only be one winner, and that was the Patriots. So, with that in mind, the New England Patriots had the West Week Ever.
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sentinelmania · 1 year
The Sentinel UPN Promo 1998 TV Ad Commercial
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mikethomasjr · 7 years
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March 28, 2017
Monthly Feature: Cartoon Month
Daily Feature: X-Men
The show features X-Men similar in look and line-up to the early 1990s X-Men drawn by Jim Lee (specifically, Cyclops's Blue Team, established in the early issues of X-Men: Legacy), composed of Cyclops, Wolverine, Rogue, Storm, Beast, Gambit, Jubilee, Jean Grey, Professor X, as well as an original character, Morph (an adaptation of previous X-Men member Changeling).[6] The series deals with social issues, including divorce ("Proteus"), Christianity ("Nightcrawler" and "Bloodlines"), the Holocaust ("Enter Magneto", "Deadly Reunions", "Days of Future Past" and "The Phalanx Covenant") and AIDS hysteria ("Time Fugitives"), and feelings of loneliness ("No Mutant Is an Island"). Television was satirized in the episodes "Mojovision" and "Longshot". X-Men crossed over with the animated series Spider-Man, when Spider-Man seeks out the X-Men's help to stave off his progressing mutation. In the abbreviated form of the Secret Wars storyline, the Beyonder and Madame Web selected Spider-Man to lead a team of heroes including Storm against a group of villains. An earlier draft of "Secret Wars" involved all of the X-Men, but transporting the voice cast to Los Angeles where production for the Spider-Man animated series was based from Canada had been too costly in previous crossovers, so the episode was re-written to include only Storm, whose actress, Iona Morris, lived in Los Angeles. Hulk and She-Hulk were excluded from the episodes because the Incredible Hulk animated series featuring the characters was airing on rival network UPN. The first season of the show brought the X-Men into conflict with human conspirators building mutant-exterminating Sentinel robots, Magneto and his attempts to instigate a human-mutant war, and the powerful mutant Apocalypse's plans to eradicate the weak, both human and mutant alike. Other storylines including X-Men member Morph's death at the hands of Sentinels, Beast's incarceration, and an assassination attempt on US senator Kelly by Apocalypse's minions to turn human sentiment against the mutants. The second season sees Cyclops and Jean get married and become the targets of Mister Sinister, who hopes to use the genetically perfect combination of their DNA to create an army of obedient mutants. Morph returns, having been rescued by Sinister and brainwashed into forcing the X-Men apart. The season also features the growing rift between humans and mutants, spearheaded by the Friends of Humanity, an anti-mutant group who lead the persecution of all mutants. Apocalypse also returns, developing a deadly plague to be blamed on mutants, fueling mutant hatred. The third season focuses on the cosmic force, the Phoenix, which merges with Jean Grey and eventually turns her into the malevolent and powerful Dark Phoenix. The season also introduced the Shi'ar Empire who want to stop the Dark Phoenix, including Lilandra and Gladiator. Other storylines include the introduction of Wolverine's former lover turned mercenary, Lady Deathstrike, former X-Men member Iceman, and the villainous Shadow King.
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zonezerogeek · 7 years
Classic (-ish) TV Shows: Volume 2 --- Sliders
      The year was 1995 and it was quite a year for television. The History Channel was launched, Hercules: The Legendary Journeys first aired, Star Trek Voyager debuted on UPN (remember UPN?), Xena: Warrior Princess first aired and Sliders premiered. That’s the part I want to focus on today: Sliders, which first aired on March 22, 1995 and ran for five seasons, was one of the best shows to come out of the 1990s. The first three seasons were on Fox and the last two were on SciFi Channel, before it “transformed” in to Syfy. It was one of the best science fiction shows of the mid to late 1990s. It had all the great elements: including action, science, fantasy, adventure and a cast that meshed so well together you couldn’t help but feel a connection to them like you were part of the team. After the first episode aired an article in the Orlando Sentinel said “The show builds such good will, through its engrossing plot twists and its likable stars, that you sit back and enjoy the ride.” 
This post may include spoilers, but for a show that ended over sixteen years ago I don’t know if a spoiler warning makes sense anymore.
    The premise of Sliders was that there were an infinite amount of parallel worlds. Where you are still you but everything else is a little bit different, as the opening says. Can we all take a moment to remember a time when shows had real opening credits? It is something lost in today’s television. Why? For more advertising time? It surely isn’t for more storyline time. But, back to the topic…
    In the worlds of Sliders, green lights suddenly mean stop, Elvis can still be alive, geeks are the jocks of the world and adults over the age of thirty are second class citizens. A version of the Earth for every scenario that could happen to a situation. Quinn Mallory, played by Jerry O’Connell, is a highly intelligent college student who, while working on a machine in his San Francisco basement, inadvertently develops a portal to a parallel universe. While demonstrating this to a professor, Maximillian Arturo played by John Rhys-Davies, and his friend Wade Welles, played by Sabrina Lloyd, something goes wrong. When they jump through the portal it also pulls in a singer Rembrandt Brown, played by Cleavant Derricks. Before this scene, Quinn is visited by himself from another world, that wants to give him some pointers but isn’t able to finish telling him an important detail about the timer used to open the wormholes to go home. When Quinn, Arturo, Wade and Remy get to world in the state of nuclear winter they are supposed to stay for an extended period of time. Quinn, not knowing the potential repercussions, resets the timer to go through the wormhole to get back home sooner. This causes the setting to get out-of-wack. They come out of the wormhole to a world that looks similar to home but is very, very different. They need to keep sliding in order to find their way home. All of that, and the first episode wasn’t even halfway in. I could keep going. 
    The original four main cast members worked amazingly together and made the show what it was. Jerry O’Connell is a great lead and is perfectly supported by the amazing John Rhys-Davies, who was an unexpected addition to a sci-fi/fantasy show but a pleasant surprise. Sabrina Lloyd provides a vital role of the inquisitive best-friend who allows for the lead character to explain things to the audience. The believable friendship of O’Connell and Lloyd’s characters is another element of the show that makes it so great to watch. The curve ball of the group is soul-singer Remy, played by Cleavant Derricks. While unexpected, his character just works. Derricks and Rhys-Davies develop a type of bromance on the show, before we called it that. They really played well off each other and Derrick’s character has a great way of interacting with all of the characters. They all do, in fact. Each character has a unique connection and relationship to each of the others. It was part of what made the show work so well. While other actors came in, like O’Connell’s brother Charlie, and some left the show, like Rhys-Davies, the show was still compelling. That being said, this original cast was the best combination the show ever had. 
    Sliders was a show that could grab your imagination and keep you engaged episode after episode. The stories were compelling and entertaining. The first three seasons, by far, were the best. After the third season the show took a bit of downturn in storylines and lost its former glory. This is really surprising, given the move to SciFi Channel from Fox. In an article from Cult Times, in 1998, the decision behind this downturn was described to be an unfortunate move. “Unfortunately, to fulfill its enormous potential, Sliders would have to be revamped… Consequently, when the show’s third season premiered… viewers were treated to an action-adventure series which bore little resemblance to the show’s earlier offering.” While I don’t benchmark this change to season three, or at least not until the later half, this isn’t far off. The show was a fantastic show and it truly had the potential to have lasted even longer if it hadn’t been for that shift. Those first three seasons, though. They were gold! Amazing stories and wonderful acting. We need more shows like Sliders. 
Cult Times Article
Orlando Sentinel Article
IMDB - Sliders
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© Zone Zero Geek & Sabrina Klein, 2014-2017
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sentinelmania · 1 year
UPN Promo #4: The Sentinel
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