#the other shoe to drop
battling-my-demons · 7 months
Always on alert for another bad thing to happen. Nothing good ever happens to me. Who else waits for the other shoe to drop?!
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The orange guy's trying to forge a crime fam'ly like he was a Borgia A brand new indictment (plus one for incitement) Mean the Devil will go down in Georgia
[Don Stitt]
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bluegiragi · 2 days
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i'm sorry, john.
early access + nsfw on patreon
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offbrandtoaster · 5 months
Aabria: You enforced your will on these people, killed their leaders without talking to the other stoats who treated you with kindness, and cast a spell that forces your will on said allies. You fucked up.
Also Aabria: You guys are so fucking charming I can't stay mad at you
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archivistofnerddom · 2 years
A Human author once classified Earth (and its residents) as Mostly Harmless.
By the time the rest of the galaxy realized that is a joke, it was too late. Earth was considered to be relatively mild and not much of a threat because Humans, the planet’s dominant species, classified their cradle world and species as such. Most aggressive species in the galaxy considered it to be an easy target for conquest. They had no idea how wrong that assumption was.
It took one ill-timed and easily stopped planetary invasion for the Cprix, generally accepted as the galaxy’s boogeymen species, to fear Humans and their cradle world. By the time word got out that the Cprix had launched an attack on Earth and for a response to be mounted, the invasion had been repelled. The Cprix fleet was retreating from Earth’s solar system at a fast rate.
No Cprixen would ever disclose what happened or what caused them to be defeated.
No Human gave the same answer about what happened. Some said the invaders made the mistake of landing in Australia or Canada or the Amazon or in the Yellowstone super caldera. Some said it was the honey badgers or some deep sea creature. A few even joked about more obscure (possibly cryptid) Earth creatures were involved, such as the chupacabra or the kraken or the mama bear/mom friend. There was discussion about natural phenomenon, like hurricanes and volcanoes. Some cited the variety of military technology that was so low-tech or outdated by comparison to the rest of the galactic standards. The only thing that Humans would agree on was that they didn’t know why the Cprix fleet was afraid of them. Earth was just Mostly Harmless, after all.
Those answers from the Humans generally prompted more questions. Earth suddenly received more interested visitors from their alien friends. That’s when the other species began to realize that Earth was far more frightening than they had previously realized and Humans more deadly.
A self-professed Mostly Harmless death world is still incredibly terrifying by most generally accepted metrics. Only a Human would call their cradle world Mostly Harmless.
They had no reason not to see it as anything other than that.
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bigfatbreak · 1 month
Hi! Does Alya really assume the worst of Mari in this particular chapter (like, quite often yes, she does, but in this case)? Or is it Marinette's interpreting it like that? P. S. Love your work!
A bit of both! Alya doesn't naturally think the worst of her, but Lila is good at manipulating her and the class into assuming Marinette is "messing up" pretty frequently, and Marinette's pessimistic attitude due to trauma means every time no one stands up for her against Lila, it just proves her own insecurities right and she considers it fact. When Alya jumped into lecture mode, it came from a genuine place of worry - but lecturing someone who already thinks you hate them won't lead to any good conclusion, just further hostilities, or putting her on the defensive.
While Marinette's feelings are valid, they're not 100% rational, but no one's proven her WRONG yet, since Lila plays the part of cuckoo so well. If Alya thought the worst of Marinette, she wouldn't have come to her for help during her argument with Lila - but as you'll see in the next update, Alya and Marinette had a blowup argument in the past that was pretty messy on both sides, leading to this cold attitude from Marinette.
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anna-scribbles · 7 months
remember in the titan's curse when you first meet nico di angelo and he's this sweet excitable and sort of awkward kid. and then he finds out so many awful things about his life and his family in such a short period of time that it sort of breaks him and then he's not that sweet little kid anymore. okay now think about adrien agreste
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spielzeugkaiser · 10 months
Lovechild AU idea: I would like to suggest adding Vespula and Radovid into the found family mix! Vespula has the aunt vibe of "I could never be mad at you sweetie, have a cookie, anyway, whAT THE FUCK JASKIER." (I know Yen probably has that role but the kid is allowed to have cool aunts) and Radovid probably bonded with him while he and Jaskier were dating, like out of all the people his dad dated, he's the stepparent he liked the most. Anyway, I'm just hashing out ideas bc I love those two and want to see our sweet baby boy interact with them!
[MASTERPOST] Oh gosh...
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The thing is, I DON'T TRUST RADOVID AT ALL. not yet at least. So if he exists in this AU... they're not having a good time.
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kiekiecarrera · 9 months
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1x03 || 2x06
+ bonus
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mitskijamie · 10 days
Roy obviously knows that Jamie admires/respects/looks up to him but I like to think there's some part of him that wants Jamie to think he's like. Cool. On some level he's just a middle aged man who peaked in his 20s and craves validation from his cool gen Z coworker. I'm not like a regular coach I'm a Cool coach
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l-just-want-to-see · 3 days
the thing about Jason. Is that even if he’d survived Ethiopia. Even if he’d never even gone to Ethiopia. He would’ve stayed himself - in the sense that the disagreement between Batman and Red Hood began long before Ethiopia. I think the thing about Jason is that the death, the revival, none of it mattered much; that he was a sweet kid, that he was an angry kid, all of that didn’t matter because something in Jason directly opposes something else in Bruce. It’s easy to pin point Jason’s death as the cause of why “everything went wrong” between them, but that’s not really the truth.
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thoughtfulchaos773 · 7 months
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Oh just Carmy expressing his utter devotion to Sydney. It was all for Sydney.
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citizen-zero · 2 years
What makes today’s entry so completely chilling is that. It’s extremely true to life. In the sense that if an abuser wants to keep their victim isolated, helpless, and dependent, taking away their documents and any other resources that might help them escape is a key tactic. (I feel like “abuser” is too light a word for Dracula’s role in all this—“torturer,” really—but it suffices to get my meaning across.)
And look at what documents Jonathan specifically points out as being missing: “[his] memoranda relating to railways and travel, [his] letter of credit, in fact all that might be useful to [him] were [he] once outside the castle.” I assume this includes things like maps of the region, his polyglot dictionary, identity documents (such that might’ve existed in the 1890s). What stands out to me in particular is the letter of credit—if you don’t know, these were essentially predecessors to traveler’s checks and credit cards. Gone is his ability to get money from a bank…where have we seen this before?
Additionally! He’s taken Jonathan’s clothes, as well as his overcoat and…rug (I’ll be honest, I couldn’t for the life of me find or figure out what a rug is in clothing but I assume it’s Victorian outerwear). Which reduces his ability to go anywhere by making it dangerous, since he’s completely exposed to the elements. I’ve been reading ahead and I know the other shoe has yet to drop on this one so I’ll leave this here for now.
So Dracula’s not only hindered his ability to navigate the region, he’s made sure it’d be dangerous for Jonathan to go out since he’d have very little clothing protection, and he’s also ensured that he’s not going to be able to seek shelter indoors or get further than the nearest town because he straight up has no money to afford a hotel or a transportation. Like holy SHIT.
Again, I don’t think “abuser” is a strong enough word but my god, the vampire part is secondary at this point—the true horror is being isolated and alone with someone you know means to harm you, someone who has just knowingly and completely hobbled your ability to successfully escape.
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ghouljams · 3 months
"I gotta get this man out of the military", the ghoul friend says, before immediatly throwing said man into a new deployment.
I'm stupid(jk)
I actually was thinking that because of the deployment issue. It's all well and good to have Ghost sticking around being a stray cat, but he is technically on leave. Deployment is the sword of Damocles for canon-adjacent fics, always hanging just above our heads, waiting to fall. The rope can't hold forever.
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apple-piety · 2 months
If you can’t look towards the future with hope, look towards it with curiosity.
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respectthepetty · 7 months
If y'all only knew all the ways I have to hype myself up each week to watch I Feel You Linger in the Air, y'all would fully understand just how brave I'm being about this show.
What supernatural scary shit is gonna happen?
What historically accurate scary shit is gonna happen?
Who is gonna get hit this week for the sin of being poor?
What is Robert gonna be pissed about this week for no good ass reason?
Who's gonna have to play the buffalo for this kid who is going to turn into the antagonist from Kindred any minute (if you know, you know)?
What is the narrative going to do to my boy Ming? WHAT?!
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I'm not God's strongest solider, and this is Until We Meet Again times four.
I'm gonna go be basic with a pumpkin spice chai latte and get sadder thinking about queer repression and persecution now.
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"Alexa, play Johnny Cash's 'Hurt' because I NEED TO FEEL PAIN!"
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