#the one loved money and the other a certain monk kid
It's cute how Chase is constantly gushing to Wuya about Omi even when Omi isn't there. Practically talks her ear off about his tiny apprentice. I love it.
Glad you like it! I think it would be a nice running gag if the show ever got a continuation haha
Actually, I'm currently working on a drawing that would present the idea Chase is gushing about Omi to Wuya even at night, not letting her sleep xDDD
I can't say it would be Wuya/Chase roommate au because tbh it's canon xD I was just curious how they put up with each other under the same roof lol
So, I thought that through and came to the conclusion they manage to get on with each other as long as:
Chase lets Wuya watch her favorite shows without interruption. He isn't allowed to tell her any spoilers. If he did that, Wuya most probably would start throwing pillows at him. He's gotta pay for this, y'know?
Wuya can spend Chase's money on new clothes/gadgets from time to time. However, this is only possible once she did her share of chores. (she hates that but she would do anything for the money and Chase's permission to go out without the concern he would complain about it later)
and last but not least! They have a deal they can talk with each other on ANY TOPIC and the other side is not allowed to say anything that would trigger an argument.
That is, if Wuya wants to talk about the show Chase hates, he would listen to her, make a few comments and that's it. If Wuya wants to show Chase what has she bought (with his money lol) he has to keep his mouth shut and patiently go through a long story about sales, shops, and annoying customers.
But as we know both sides of the deal must keep their promises. In exchange for all these material goods (and the possibility to live in a cool evil lair that is simply a paradise) Wuya has to put up with Chase's monologues about cats (any cats tbh. Their discussion is either about Chase's wild cats, which were born as wild cats and their silly antics or several cat species that Chase has remembered in his long life). Each cat description would take 5 pages long so Wuya feels as if she was attending a lecture lol But some of the stories are indeed interesting so she's not complaining. Well, she CAN'T.
However, Wuya's patience is running out every time she hears the first mention of Omi. This man has no boundaries when there are Omi's adoration hours. He won't let Wuya leave the room until he's done talking about Omi.
'But Chase I would like to take a shower first' -Wuya would beg
But the Prince of darkness knows no mercy. - ' No. You have to sit that through. I'll convince you he's a perfect candidate for an apprentice and I'll present my whole curriculum especially designed for Omi's needs.' - Chase responds
Wuya: I know you like him but please it'll take only 15 minutes. Once I'm done, I'm all ears.
Chase, thinking: ... No, later I'm feeding the kitties. We should have that conversation right now.
Wuya, defeated: (sigh) If you must...
The problem is, Chase has bad timing almost always. He can gush about Omi during breakfast or dinner. He could randomly storm into Wuya's room every time she's busy or 'not prepared for guests', that is when she's in the middle of her beauty treatments.... But Chase is the most irritating when he pays her a visit at 4 am. He disregards the fact he has just woken her up. He has approached a tired witch to make her listen. It's his property anyway so he can enter her room whenever he wants. And he makes sure to take an advantage of that! Chase is not a talkative person, but oh boy. It's so hard to make him change the subject or convince him the world doesn't revolve around him and his desire for illegal adoption lol
All in all, Wuya has to pay a certain price for the possibility of living a high life thanks to Chase. Listening to Chase gushing about Omi is a particular sacrifice she has to make!
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mejomonster · 1 year
The Blood of Youth ep 3
I'm crying omg!!!
3 minutes in. Wu Xin immediately beelines for Xiao Se. Alright ship i see u. Lei immediately tries to bodily shield Xiao Se behind him. Which looks like a child trying to protect a parent honestly.
I am suddenly wondering if this took any inspiration from Word of Honor particularly Wen Kexing, Zhou Zishu, and Zhang Chengling as their kid. Because Lei is a touch older and these 2 a touch younger, but Xiao Se is taking a very parental almost supervising role over Lei, since he came to check on him and keep his dumbass from continuing to fight and get hurt. Since Xiao Se is the man with secrets acting like he needs Lei for a burdensome money collection - which he does - but also like he may develop a soft spot for Lei over time. Despite being so cold and calculating now. Meanwhile you've got Wu Xin who's giving Wen Kexing vibes in terms of STRANGER DANGER BLARING so instinctively that Lei even felt the need in his pure innocent single minded heart to need to shield and protect Xiao Se in the first place. (And its Liu Xueyi known by me best for his shady roles as Xiao Hua and terrifying horror that is Bai Lin so I love that he's getting to play an intimidating guy here).
Meanwhile Wu Xin wakes up. Looks around then eyes Xiao Se and just LOCKS ON. "Oh hi, I'm wondering if you'd like to come somewhere with me~"
Xiao Se: no I don't.
Lmao. Xiao Se shut that down FAST. (And have I mentioned how much I love Xiao Se's character type as the lead of a wuxia? Someone who doesn't do martial arts in the smack center of a wuxia! Someone who counts property damage and has real life shit to do but is trying not to die in a wuxia battle as ppl fight on the carriage he's in and smash it, Someone immediately looked at and approached by God-Power-Level unknown monk guy that he was curious about before cause hey valuable, but is now like nah dude I'm not trying to die ill just leave. I love how he's both the straight man comedically and this very Like Us mundane dude in a very Over The Top superpower heavy wuxia.
Okay so again. I don't know if the novel and donghua this is based on is older than Word of Honor. And I don't know therefore if it could've been inspired at all. Maybe it's coincidence. I do think though perhaps the Instant "is this possibly bl" vibe hits though because of certain similarities. Wu Xin (at least so far) hasn't gone full on gay compliments galore of beauty and I wanna bang you (which made wen kexings crush anvil heavy obvious immediately), but he is visually approaching Xiao Se immediately the same kind of way Wen Kexing did. Singling him out visually, going right for "want to come with me?" And giving me the impression even though Xiao Se said no (like Zhou zishu did) that Wu Xin is still going to travel with him. And Xiao Se has his own kid he's hauling around (Lei) just like Zhou Zishu had Zhang Chengling. Even if the dynamics are bound to be unique as these characters already are, the sort of opening WoH did has some similarities here in character meeting.
Mildly related but it would be kinda fun if the new "trope" was very bl vibes parental units with a third person slightly younger, which makes it "brotherhood" as a big trio but has space to be kinda shippy as the writers desire since the third one is more like their kid then partner. Heroes sort of did this even, from the few eps I watched, with the main boy (and girl) being immediately painted as a bit younger and more naive than Bai Choufei and the guy in red (and girl in white). WoH of course did this, it's the story. Xena way back in the day actually did this a lot - first Joxer as a 3rd to the trio that the girls did not love romantically like they did each other but did love him familially, then the kids and later sort of students they'd pick up temporarily and mentor. Guardian didn't do exactly this obviously but the group investigation unit structure I do think helps have a found family vibe take the main stage and romances become less !!! If downplaying a relationship is desired (I imagine that's also true for The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty? Since it's very found family). Dmbj is not bl lol, but it's main structure of usually a trio and (wu xie you know it's true) wu xie being a bit super close to some guy (interpret as the reader desires depending on the book) works well in part cayse there's usually a trio to emphasize the overall found family/team dynamic, rather than all the focus going to 1 specific pair solely. (Alrhough dmbj is it's own beast... new stuff is purposely trying to put heihua alone pretty front and center, meanwhile xiaoge and pangzi read more as mentors of wu xie but they don't get shipped much instead wu xie shipped with one of them is the norm since he likes older men ). My point is!!! If you DO happen to have a couple in a show (or just a pair with couple potential for fans), there's a way to lean into that partner dynamic in writing without making it the Only Dynamic if say you can't pair those two. And that's by making a trio or bigger found family group, so there's an overall team dynamic going on. I'm just thinking to myself if that's an avenue where we might be seeing more bl like stuff or just fandom getting into stuff. My Roommate is a Detective leaned this route, as did Detective L (Detective L low key shipped the main lead man and woman but the trio element let them keep it from too much focus as they didn't want heavy focus on that, meanwhile mriad oppositely leaned heavy into the bl pair).
On another note. Xiao Se reminds me of Shang Qinghua in svsss a tiny bit, except if he was smarter sjjdjd
I just love Xiao Se okay. He's like a Nirvana in Fire prince got kicked out of politics, retired to run a little in to survive, and the entire jianghu of martial artists suddenly swarmed him like the plague with their super moves and flying fire and he was like... goddamn I'm just trying to get to Xueyue city for some money I inherited... I love deeply he doesn't do martial arts and yet that's the Genre hes in. It's like contemplating in Word of Honor if palace shit plot was going on with a bunch of totally mundane people, then like one just fell smack dab into jianghu martial politics. Like OOPS I shouldn't be here.
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misasimagines · 2 years
dates the genshin charas would take you on! pt 2
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included characters: Albedo, Xiao, Ayato, Scara, Rosaria, Beidou, Ningguang pt 1 has Diluc, Kaeya, Childe, Zhongli, Itto, Thoma rating: sfw warnings: none! gn reader
Albedo: Museum dates, especially a science and industry or art museum are his favorites. He spends a lot of time looking at paintings and sculpture and thinking about the composition and will be happy to tell you about his findings and thoughts. He probably knows a fair bit about the artists and likely even has something to say about the time period in which the art came to be (like how it was affected by the events of the era). In the science museums, even if the displays are geared towards kids and people with less knowledge than him, he finds the interactive things fun. He’ll make the big water tank create different waves and he’s :) about it he’s having a good time. Also suggests botanical gardens and if he’s able to, wants to sketch/paint plenty of pictures of you walking around through the flowers and trees.
Xiao: Prefers to stay at home, order delivery or takeout, and watch something or play video games. He gets to hang out with you in a safe place and that’s preferable to the anxiety of a big crowd at a concert or feeling like he stands out too much walking around a shopping center. If you do want to go out, he’ll agree...but not without his reservations. Like, he’s not going to be comfortable in a crowd, but he’ll be okay in the back of a movie theatre on a weekday. If you bring him somewhere that’s too crowded and then you go off on your own for something, he’s Vanishing he’s Gone he’s disappeared when you make your way back to where you left him. You can find him perched on a fire escape somewhere that doesn’t even have the ladder down how did he get up there???
Ayato: Did you want to be the mc in an indulgent romance novel where the love interest is the mysteriously rich business man because now you are. The restaurants he takes you to have tiny portions and there are about 20 dishes and the waiter tells you that they used smoke from the pipe of a monk who’s been dead 200 years to flavor your caviar. Ayato pretends to take it all seriously, but he’s making comments to you about the ridiculousness of it all whenever the staff is out of earshot. One second he’s saying that he’s had better cake from an Easy Bake his sister had as a kid and the next second he’s commenting on flavors that do not exist to the waiter for Points. He also likes taking you shopping to expensive places and has a habit of picking out things he wants you to wear. Kind of treats you like a doll sometimes,,, but he definitely won’t force you to buy/wear anything you aren’t comfortable with.
Scara: He texts you to come over and bring him whatever he’s craving and then you get there and he’s like :/ well I guess you can stay as long as you don’t bother me- I’m joking...kinda... He’s not the best at dates. Most of what he takes you on is because it’s efficient, he needed to pick up something and the restaurant is right next to the place he needed to do errands at so it’s practical. He was already going to a concert so he can shill out the extra money to let you come with. He’s not the most Thoughtful boyfriend to have and he’s certainly not going to have an easy time asking you go somewhere with him. He’ll drop a comment telling you he’s going somewhere on a certain day and that’s your cue to say you’re interested in going so he can pretend he’s annoyed about you going with him. He likes people watching in places and likes having you there to listen to him making up judgements about people. It’s not always mean-spirited, but he does assume the worst of people a lot.
Rosaria: Bad at planning dates, so most of it happens kind of suddenly, like she shows up at your door at 10pm and asks if you’re free. She’ll take you to places that other people don’t notice, like you’ll end up on the roof of some building watching the stars because there are shooting stars out that night and she wanted a place where you two wouldn’t be bothered. She’ll take you to a little cafe that barely even has a sign to announce it’s existence but you’ll get the best coffee/tea/smoothie you’ve ever had at that tiny little unassuming cafe. She doesn’t love going to places that families go to, like zoos or parks, it makes her a little too melancholy, but if they have nighttime options that are less crowded and/or more geared towards non-family groups, she’ll agree to go. There are also a few staple places you guys go to often where she knows what to expect.
Beidou: She likes to take you to little markets, farmers markets, craft fairs, etc, places where she ends up knowing a lot of the people running stands and knows where a lot of their products come from or developed from. It’s nice to walk around in the middle of a nice spring day and get some homemade snacks and talk to someone about the bees their honey comes from. She also likes walking around marinas and possibly taking you out on smaller boats/sailboats. Beidou can’t pull herself away from the water for long, and there’s something comforting about tossing some little fish flakes into the water for fishies who don’t have any fear for humans. She also likes festivals and is always invited to concerts and shows being performed by friends so you get good seats!
Ningguang: Like Ayato, she likes the finer things in life. She loves taking you shopping and letting you pick out whatever you want. She likes expensive restaurants where they put you two into VIP seating and bring endless expensive drinks and food. She likes going to see the opera and ballets and plays and sitting in her box seats up above it all. But she also has a soft spot for wandering around her community, checking in on smaller business owners, walking through farmers markets and putting her money into the hands of those who help her community thrive. She can’t not stand out because of status and, well, she’s gorgeous, but plenty of the people she visits regularly are comfortable enough with her to treat her more familiarly. And that’s when you get to see a softer side of Ningguang you didn’t know existed, when she’s sitting in a little family owned bookstore and the owner’s kids are excitedly telling her about what happened at school the other day and she’s smiling softly at them and just listening.
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tigerseye46 · 3 years
Some peachpigshiping with B6/13/58/60 and C30/41/60, please?
B6. “What if I told you that there’s a surprise for you outside?” B13. “I’m not the person you want in your life.” “Yes you are.” B58. “You look amazing.” B60. “I’ll continue doing this until you smile.” C30. “I love you, but I wish I didn’t.” C41. “Fuck you! Get out of my house!” C60. “Oh, now my opinion matters? I wish we had never met!”
I had fun with this one, here's some jealous Pigsy content!
Pigsy watches carefully as the two disguised monkeys interact with each other. Wukong says something snarky that the pig can barely catch, Macaque stutters and blushes then the king’s hand goes up to his mouth as he lets out a laugh. The scene makes Pigsy’s hand clench around the spoon he’s holding, tempted to throw it in between them.
Macaque has been around them for months, forced by MK and Wukong to join the group. At first the shadow monkey obviously loathed the idea at first, citing that being around the group was a fate worse than death, but he had gradually warmed up and repaired his relationship with Wukong.
Now the two monkeys were side by side most of the time, rarely did Pigsy see them alone together and he hated it with a burning passion.
He told Wukong that it was a bad idea to bring that monkey in and despite the fact that Macaque has changed, he still didn’t trust him. In fact, he wanted to murder that monkey when he had learned what he did to Xiaotian. That monkey could betray them at any moment! No way was he letting his guard down.
Although, he would be lying if the kid was the only reason he refused to trust Macaque. Wukong was his main reason. He had fallen hard for the king months before the other monkey had shown up.
They clashed for a long time, mostly due to Pigsy’s anger, before they were able to reach an understanding. He found things about the king that made his heart flutter, how beautiful poetic verses would slip out of his lips, how he was surprisingly thoughtful at times, his care for those around him, his determination and so many many things that showed why Wukong was so amazing, why he was so beloved.
But unlike most people, he saw Wukong, not just as a hero, but as a person.
He really likes the king and all he wants is the feelings to be returned.
The pig is brought back to reality when he hears more laughter, he lets out a sigh and furrows his brows.
Tang taps him on the arm. “Pigsy.”
He stares at the scholar. “What?” He hisses under his breath.
Tang giggles and comments, “If looks could kill, those two would be dead by now. Although, I’m sure Macaque is your intended target.”
“What are ya talkin’ about?”
The scholar places an elbow on the table, a hand underneath his chin as he gives a wide smirk. “That you like Wukong.”
He stomps his feet. “I do not! Shaddup, Tang.” He’s already told Tang about his feelings in private but no way is he letting Wukong overhear.
“You do,” Tang teases in a sing-songy voice.
“Quiet! They could hear!”
“Hear what?” Wukong questions as they walk up to them. Beside him, Macaque has his arms crossed, his chin puffs out and on his face is a smug smile. Pigsy growls, of course that six-eared bitch heard it.
“Nothin’,” he answers, sending the six-eared monkey a threatening look.
“Alright. When will the kid be back?” Oh, that’s right, the two had come here so they could get MK for training.
“A few minutes. The kid should be finishing his last order soon, if he doesn't get distracted, that is.” He chuckles then gestures to the seats next to Tang. “Sit down. I’ll make ya somethin’.”
“Okay.” The king’s smile makes his heart skip a beat. He turns around, not noticing the way the king gazes at with complete adoration and appreciation.
“Peaches,” Macaque starts, “remember that time we stole a whole bunch of candy and random items from that human village?”
Wukong snorts. “I remember. Didn’t one of those villagers throw a shoe at you?”
“And a barrel of hay!”
They laugh together which makes the pig fume. As he’s cooking, more stories and inside jokes are shared between them that he (and well, Tang) will never get. He wonders how many memories they’ve had with each other, he knows part of their history, how Macaque tried to replace Wukong to get him back for leaving, along with trying to replace his friends.
“You chose them over me?!” Macaque shouts with his teeth bared. “They’re pathetic!”
“Maybe so but they’re my friends! I won’t let you touch them!”
“You consider them your friends?” He gestures to four on the sidelines. They are a monk, horse, fish demon and a pig that has an aura that reminds him of his own. The group’s faces are a mix of panic and fear. “You’ve really downgraded, Peaches.”
“More like upgraded. Now, are we going to do this or not?”
The other monkey doesn’t answer him and instead wraps some shadows around himself, turning back into the perfect reflection of Wukong. They lunge at each other, confusing the others about who is who, the fight goes on, destroying rocks and creating cracks around their area.
At a certain point, one of them looks back at the group, concern and worry present in his eyes, and for a second, Pigsy can tell that’s the real Wukong. The scene feels so familiar, like he was there but that’s crazy, right?
He is brought back to reality when someone snaps their fingers, he turns and sees Tang with his fingers touching. “Uh, earth to Pigsy, you were kinda just standing there. You okay?”
“Hm? Yea, I’m fine.”
Wukong tilts his head and says, “Really? Because you haven’t even paid attention to your soup.”
“What?” The pot is almost whistling and the broth is bubbling way too much. “Oh shit,” he mumbles and lowers the heat. He finishes it quickly, pours it into two bowls, and adds the noodles. The smell wafts in the air. He passes it to the two monkeys. “Here.”
“Thanks, Pigsy,” Wukong says with a smile that shifts Pigsy’s cheeks to a tint of red.
“Yea, thanks Pigsy,” Macaque repeats with an eye roll. Pigsy ignores him.
They continue their stories while eating, Tang nods at certain points, laughing with them and commenting about different aspects. Pigsy enjoys getting to know more about the king but at the same time he’s boiling, like a volcano about to burst, it’s not a new feeling by any means. It’s probably the most familiar feeling out there for him, besides protectiveness, begrudging acceptance and masked contentment.
This whole thing is a reminder that he will never have this with Wukong. The king hardly notices him, sure, they talk and they understand each other now yet to the chef, he’s only a small presence, just acknowledged as the kid’s boss and not much else, barely a friend. He’s positive the king doesn’t give him much thought and that hurts the most, remembering that he’s considered one of the million unimportant people in Wukong’s immortal life. All he wants is to be part of Wukong’s world. A world that scarcely anyone is let into, somehow that includes Macaque, stupid monkey.
“Hey! I’m back,” MK greets as he walks into the shop and waves.
Wukong waves back. “Hey, bud. Ready to train?”
“Yep! Is that alright with you, Pigsy?”
The pig bobs his head. “Yea, go ahead, kid.”
“Thanks, boss!”
Macaque ruffles the boy’s hair. “Can’t wait to kick your butt in training.”
“Bring it!”
Wukong rolls his eyes. “Try not to hurt each other too badly.”
“I’ll try, Peaches.” They both ruffle the kid’s hair again and Pigsy notices how they look like a happy family, he absolutely despises it so much so that his knuckles turn white.
He hates Macaque, if he gave the monkey a chance maybe he would like him but he doesn’t want to. The pig is clouded by jealousy. Wukong and Macaque’s closeness makes him sick to stomach. The king is sentimental, blind to the fact that the six-eared monkey will no doubt stab them in the back, maybe he needs another reminder.
He grumbles as Macaque leaves with the kid while Wukong lingers. Wukong spins around and takes something out of his pocket, money. He holds it out for Pigsy. “Huh?” Since when has the king paid before? Delivery orders aside.
“It’s for the noodles.”
“Ummm… ya don’t have to do that.” Maybe not having to pay for noodles will make Wukong happy, it’s a small gesture.
“Really? Aren’t you the one who complains when people don’t pay?”
Tang slams his bowl down with a thud and whines, “Yea! You always get mad at me for not paying.”
“That’s because you’re a freakin’ freeloader, Tang,” he snarls. “It’s on the house, Wukong.”
Wukong raises an eyebrow. “Are you sure? Are you sick or something?”
“No, just in a good mood.”
“Yea, I can tell by the bright smile on your face,” the king jokes.
The pig emits a small ‘tch’ noise. “Wow, you read me well.”
The monkey grins at that comment and leans over to hug him, he sucks in his breath. Tang sips his soup in the background, letting them have their moment. The hug is warm and gentle, the chef’s stomach does a light flutter, briefly he can pretend he matters to Wukong. He doesn’t notice when the other slips the money in his pocket, preferring to focus on the warmth and his imagination. For a moment, he can think I matter to him. He cares about me.
That is broken when Macaque peeks his head in and calls, “Peaches!”
Wukong separates from him, he holds in his disappointment, his fingers twitching to pull the king into another hug. He receives a playful wink. “See you!” The second monkey puts an arm around the king’s neck and leads him out.
Pigsy scowls and grips the inside of his pockets, when he feels something foreign, he takes it out, rolling his eyes fondly when he finds the yuán Wukong slipped in. He goes back to work, attempting to push down his anger and longing then receiving a small jab to his chest when he remembers again about how he doesn’t matter to the king.
Weeks pass by and the longing continues, growing stronger with each passing minute, each passing day, as it has been for a while. He dreams of finally having Wukong’s smile, yearning for the day the king will call him his, that they’ll get closer eventually, at least enough to finally matter to Wukong. It blinds him to Wukong’s loving gaze along with the small and soft touches.
Despite Pigsy's gruff nature, he is a pure softie underneath, he makes sure to give Tang an extra bowl of noodles if the scholar is having a hard day, never kicking him out of the shop. He takes it easy on Xiaotian, making sure the kid takes care of himself and so many other things. That same softness applies to when he’s in love.
One day, all of them decide to hang out together and unfortunately, that includes Macaque.
They’re walking together, Pigsy is in the back with his arms crossed while Tang, Sandy, Xiaojiao and Xiaotian are in the middle and a disguised Macaque and Wukong are in front, smiling and laughing. The pig is absolutely glowering at the pair, his eyes soften when Wukong turns back and shoots the group a small smile because no way is it directed solely at him. The monkey goes back to focusing on Macaque, the pig’s stomach twists and turns.
He balls his fists and lets out a low hiss. He watches as Macaque nudges the other monkey, whispering something, how the monkey’s cheeks shift to pink and a triumphant smirk appears on the six eared monkey’s face.
Pigsy decides at that moment to storm off, he can’t be there, he can’t watch as Macaque flirts with Wukong.
He misses it when Wukong glances back again with his brows raised.
Pigsy goes far away from the group, getting lost in the crowd of people. “Pigsy,” a familiar voice yells. He shakes it off and keeps walking. “Pigsy! Pigsy!”
He growls and spins to see Wukong running up to him. “What?”
The monkey stops in front of him. “You okay? You left without saying anything.”
“Fine,” he answers while his teeth grind together in anger. He stomps towards the direction of the shop with Wukong following.
“Really? You seem angrier than usual.”
“I’m fine,” he repeats.
“Uh huh. Someone’s grumpy.”
He huffs. “Not in the mood.” Go away.
A look of concern flashes across the king’s feature before going to a wide and charming grin. “You know I forgot to say this earlier but you look amazing,” he compliments and gestures to the blue flannel.
Pigsy’s pulse quickens and he suppresses the rosy red. “Thanks,” he mumbles, a frown still present.
“What? That didn’t make you happy? I’ll continue doing this until you smile.”
“What? Botherin’ me?”
“Exactly. Now come on. Let’s go back to the others, it might cheer you up.”
He grips the pig’s hand, Pigsy gasps and yanks it away. “Don’t touch me,” he hisses.
The king’s palm remains in the air, his mouth agape, he shakes it off. “Sorry. So where do you want to go? We can go anywhere you want.”
“I’m goin’ back to the shop by myself.”
“Sounds boring. Hang out with me, just the two of us.”
Just the two of them? No, he’s not going to stay. “I… I’m good.”
The king seems almost disappointed but why would he be? “Come on! It will be fun! We can spend some quality time together!”
He opens his mouth to reject Wukong again when a “Peaches” rings in the air. Macaque is a good distance away from them.
Wukong gives him a small wave and a gesture to stay where he is. The pig scoffs. “You should go to him. After all, I know how much he matters to you,” his voice drips with venom.
“Huh? Of course, he matters to me, you all matter to me.”
“Yea, right.”
Wukong lifts a brow. “Pigsy, what’s wrong? You can tell me anything.”
“Why do ya care?”
“Because you matter to me.”
“No, I don’t.”
“Huh? You do. Is something wrong? I can make it better. I promise.”
He reaches for the pig again and the pig growls, “I said, don’t touch me!”
The king swallows roughly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you hated being touched. I’ll try not to do it again.”
Pigsy fumes, “Oh, now my opinion matters? I wish we had never met!” The last part slips past his mouth and he bites his lip.
The monkey’s ears droop. “Wh-what? Did I do something to upset you?”
No turning back now. “Yes!”
“What did I do?”
“Everythin’! Like makin’ my kid your successor and puttin’ him in danger!”
“Huh? I thought we were over that.”
“I thought we were too and it’s not just that. It’s every little bit of the things you’ve done. It’s how you laugh, your smile, your humor, every bit about you, includin’…” He clutches his chest. “Includin’ the way you make me feel. Bein’ around you makes me feel happier than I’ve ever been but at the same time it hurts. Knowin’ that ya don’t feel the same and never will. That there are a million other people you’d let into your world before me. That I’m so unimportant to you. That you look at Macaque more than you do me… that’s part of the reason I didn’t want him around because I knew you would rather be with him and I couldn’t bear it. Because… I love you but I wish I didn’t.
Something tightens in his gut at finally admitting this. He wrings his hands, focusing only on Wukong’s slacked jaw and widened eyes, not seeing the looks from people passing by them or Macaque’s smirk and crossed arms, head tilted in amusement.
Wukong is still like a statue and Pigsy feels like sinking into the ground where the king will never be able to find him. “Aren’t you goin’ to say anythin’?”
The king opens his mouth slowly. “Pigsy, I…” then he closes it.
Pigsy scoffs and lets out a laugh. “Gods, I knew it. I knew it would be this way.”
“No! Pigsy, I…”
“Don’t worry about it, Wukong. I already know your answer. Just confirms what I knew.”
“No! I-”
“It’s okay. I’ll… see you.” He rushes off, tears of frustration prick his eyes. When he gets back to his shop, he leans his head against the counter and sits there for ages.
Wukong doesn’t come to the shop for a few days and Pigsy’s mood sours significantly. He snaps more than usual and despite the others’ best attempts, he doesn’t open up to them, won’t smile.
He was aware of how Wukong would react, doesn’t make it hurt any less.
Pigsy is in his apartment when he hears knocking on the door. He growls and rubs his eyes. Who could be knocking at this time of night?
“Alright. I’m comin’. Hold your horses.” He opens it to reveal Macaque. He hisses, “Get out!”
“Nice to see you too and nice pajamas.” He snorts then pushes past Pigsy, he observes the place. “Interesting decor. We need to talk.”
He narrows his eyes and slams the door shut. “I don’t want to talk to you.”
“You don’t have much of a choice. Peaches is upset.”
“So? Shouldn’t you be with him then?”
“No. I should be with you. To tell you how stupid you are.”
Pigsy balls a hand into a fist. “Screw you!”
Macaque puts his hands up in defense. “Calm down. I meant no disrespect, well yes I did but that’s besides the point. You couldn’t have waited for Peaches to answer you?”
“I already knew his answer.”
“No, you didn’t. Peaches is an idiot. He wanted to answer but didn’t know how to start. Now he’s moping. It’s pathetic honestly. He misses you.”
“Why should he?”
“Because he likes you, idiot.”
“No, he doesn’t.”
“Yes, he does. Look I don’t get what you and Peaches think I have.”
“A relationship obviously. You like him, he likes you.” Macaque roars with laughter. “Why are ya laughin’?”
“You- you think Peaches and I are together? Oh my gods. You really are an idiot. No wonder Peaches likes you!”
He stomps his feet and points towards the entrance. “Fuck you! Get out of my house!”
Macaque cackles and wipes a tear. “Hear me out first. Look, I know you don’t like me but what I’m saying is the truth. Peaches likes you, gushes about you all the time. He and I are just friends. All we’ll ever be. But you, he loves you.”
He rolls his eyes and yells, “Sorry if I don’t believe the monkey who clearly has a habit of lying!”
“That was before. I’ve changed, I promise. And I’m trying to pay back Peaches’s kindness. He loves you a lot. I don’t think I’ve seen him happier.”
“That’s a lie.”
“It’s not. What if I told you that there’s a surprise for you outside?”
“A surprise?”
The six-eared monkey swings the door open to reveal Wukong on the other side, his tail and ears are droopy and his gaze cast down on the ground. “Peaches!”
Wukong perks up, his golden orbs sparkle when he fixates on the chef. He lunges forward to wrap the pig in a bone crushing hug. “Pigsy!” His tail thumps to the ground.
Pigsy’s face flushes and he rests a hand on the king’s back. “Wukong…”
The king steps back and rubs the back of his neck, Pigsy holds back a whine at the loss of warmth. “Sorry! You said not to touch you.”
Macaque watches them then shrugs his shoulders. “Alright. Have fun. I’ll be off.” He walks away, leaving them to their own devices.
They exchange glances. Wukong starts with “Pigsy, I missed you.”
The king missed him? “I… ummm…”
“Can we sit down?”
“Huh? Oh! Uh. Sure.” They sit down on the couch. “Wukong. I…”
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry. Did I really make you feel that way? That I didn’t care about you?”
“Well… ummm… Wukong. It’s not that you didn’t make me feel that way. It’s just I thought ya didn’t. It’s silly.”
“It’s not silly. Why did you feel that way?”
“Well, look at me. I’m not you. I didn’t go on a journey, become a hero. I’m just some angry pig demon that runs a noodle shop. I don’t have any amazin’ powers. I’m nothin’ special. I’m not the person you want in your life.”
“Bite your tongue! Yes you are. I don’t care what powers you have. You’re amazing just as you are and you are a hero. I hear what you’ve done for the kid and the others… and you’re great. Really. You mean a lot to me.”
“I do?”
“Yea. I think of you a lot. Too much if you ask me. Despite your grumpiness, you have a great heart and… you aren’t afraid to tell me when I’m wrong and stuff. And I like you a lot. When you mentioned that there are people I would let into my world before you, that’s so untrue. You are one of the people I let see the real me.”
“I love you, Pigsy. I really do. I’m sorry I didn’t say it back before. I was surprised. I didn’t think you felt the same way. I tried to show I was interested. Did you never notice the way I looked at you?”
Pigsy blinks slowly, recalling everytime Wukong has ever looked at him, it’s more than he thought, there was always something unrecognizable in the king’s eyes and now notes it as pure love. “No, I didn’t.” He smacks his forehead. “I’m… I’m an idiot.”
Wukong laughs, his laughter sounds sweet. “Yea, you are, my dear idiot.” Pigsy flushes slightly at the affectionate tone that comes with the nickname. “But I am too.”
“I’m sorry I got jealous and snapped at you.”
“Pigsy, it’s okay. Your jealousy was kinda cute, hot even,” he adds with a wink.
“Sh-shush. Gods, I feel stupid now.”
“Oh, you should.” He receives a smack to his arm and he laughs again. “After you confessed, I was thinking a lot. I wanted to give you space but I got sad at the thought of you never wanting to see me again since I never responded. I’ve been wanting to confess for a while and I bought you this.” He pulls out a box and unlocks it to reveal a round golden bracelet with two gems.
Pigsy is amazed at the object. “Wow. This is gorgeous. Is this a courtship bracelet?”
“Yep. If you want it that is.”
“I do, it’s absolutely gorgeous but are ya sure you want to give this to me?”
“There is no one else I would rather give it to. May I?” The pig bobs his head, the monkey slides the bracelet onto his wrist and holds his hand. “Beautiful. It looks wonderful on you.”
“Tha-thanks. I love it.”
Wukong kisses his head. “I’m glad.”
“Ummm… Wukong, you kinda missed.”
Pigsy cups his cheek. “Yep.” He kisses him on the lips, he can taste the peaches that no doubt has resided on the king’s mouth.
They separate and lovingly stare at each other. “I’m sorry again.”
“Don’t be. I love you.”
“I love you too. Y’know maybe I’ve actually started likin’ Macaque after all.”
Wukong chuckles. “He’ll be glad to hear it especially now that I’m not “moping” as he puts it.”
“I’m glad you’re happy.”
“I’m glad you’re happy,” Wukong mimics and smooches him for a second time, his tail swishes from side to side. “You mean the world to me.”
“You do too.”
They kiss a few more times and as Pigsy leans against Wukong’s chest, it fills him with unspeakable joy to recognize how much he matters to the king, his boyfriend.
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Happy Birthday, booksandeverlark!
Our sincerest apologies for the delay on your gift, @booksandeverlark​! We hope your birthday back on October 22nd was a wonderful one, and that you got exactly the presents you were hoping for. To bring your party feels back around, the lovely @mega-aulover​ has written a monster of a fic just for you!
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RATED E - For sexual situations and trigger warnings for manhandling and mild violence.  Some Hunger Characters are off Cannon for the purpose of the story. 
a/n Peeta Mellark is one of the worlds most recognizable stars, and he needs a break. He goes missing and is hiding in plain sight because he has fallen for Katniss Everdeen who is raising a tween Prim. Everything goes according to plan until one day Hollywood comes a’callin  
- special thanks to @norbertsmom who beta’d this monster of a story. 20K sorry to Booksandeverlark for the lateness of the story I hope you had a belated birthday.
Pete Holly Golightly 
“Where the hell is the kid?” Haymitch growled. 
“He’s in his bedroom,” his red-haired assistant said, popping her gum not even looking up from her phone.
Haymitch opened the door, and saw red.  He took his phone and called the kid, and the phone began ringing. There was a buzzing sound coming from behind the ensuite bathroom. The younger generation never went anywhere without their phones. The kid was no exception. 
“Kid,” Haymitch marched into the room and banged on the door. 
He had a bone to pick with the kid. The junket was a roller coaster. The kid was barely coherent during the second half of the interviews.  His co-stars did the heavy lifting.  Haymitch did everything in his power to get the kid in this movie, and he was brilliant, an Oscar worthy performance, but now the kid was burnt out.
The phone began buzzing again. 
“Come on Peeta. I know you’re in there I can hear the phone buzzing.” 
It was silent on the opposite side of the bathroom door. 
“Kid,” Haymitch said once more. Peeta was one of the most responsible people. Today was so out of character for him. Yet again, the pressure by the press lately made the kid feel like a guppy in a bowl full of piranhas.
A few weeks ago, some not-so-distinguished members of the press broke into the kid’s home. Peeta’s privacy was smashed when he found out it was his own mother who gave the pap’s the key to his house for a cool $100K. Ever since then the kid changed.
Haymitch was worried. The pressure was getting to Peeta. He was no longer having fun. His smiles never reached his eyes anymore. Haymitch was just about the only one who could tell when Peeta became Peet-the-movie-star. No one could distinguish the polished, charming, and funny persona from the genuine affable, fiercely loyal, kind kid Peeta was at the core of his being. 
After the press junket was over the kid gave him the slip. Normally they talked about the next project or movie. Opening the door, Haymitch cursed when he saw the kids’ phone on the bathroom counter with a note next to it.
“Haymitch, I’m just exhausted. I need a break. I promise I’ll be at the world premiere of the movie - Holly Golightly.” 
Haymitch crushed the note in his hand. He laughed bitterly at the code name the kid gave himself whenever he checked into a hotel. The kid loved the movie Breakfast at Tiffany’s.
Thankfully, this was the last appearance Peeta had to make before the movie premier in less than a week. But a week later, when Peeta didn’t make it to his movie premiere, the entire industry went up in arms.
Peeta's disappearance was the talk of the town. Even three weeks later the fury hadn’t died down. Every paparazzi fueled by the promise of the mini fortune for the first picture of Peeta Mellark was now hunting down the kid. The good boy gone missing had every tabloid spinning articles and fake sightings. Peeta had gone into the Elvis Presley stratosphere of speculation. Everything from aliens, to he became a monk. One thing for certain, the pap’s were seeking Peeta like a struggling dieter seeking a rich German chocolate cake.
“You got any proof you saw Peeta Mellark?” Claudius questioned Judy Morphling.
“You got the cash?” the thin girl with the dark circles under her eyes asked.
Claudius showed Judy the white envelope filled with a couple of hundred-dollar-bills. She was a junkie. And he took advantage of her broke status to make a quick buck to fix her addiction. Claudius slipped the envelope back into his pocket. He wasn't fooled by kids like these.
He’d spent the past four weeks hunting down dead ends. People willing to sell their left arm for money. True, there were other pursuits where he scored a couple of thousand. The hottest going ticket in tinsel town was finding the whereabouts of Hollywood's golden good boy Peeta Mellark. The movie he was in had gone to number one for the past four weeks. It was driven by the mystery of his disappearance, and the phenomenal acting performance in the movie about race. It was a true story, a love story about a man who moved heaven and earth for the love of his life, a freed slave. 
“Okay,” she said.
“Now the proof,” Caludius demanded. 
He was familiar with his informant's story, all too well. Judy won a popular game show when she was in college. She became an instant national sweetheart. During her 15 minute of fame, she was invited to every single hot Hollywood party. Subsequently, she got hooked on alcohol and drugs. One of the bellhops tipped him off that she was in the hotel where Peeta was having the junket and that she had seen him the day he disappeared.
She looked side to side nervously reaching into her pocket to whip out her phone. "Here."
With detached indifference he looked at the picture. It was hard to tell, the guy had on a baseball cap and sunglasses. Claudius swiped the screen and saw that trademark chiseled chin his ex fawned over. It was him. Still, knowing the kid had walked out of the junket didn’t help him. He wasn’t ready to part with his money for just any reason.  “This could be anyone,” he said.
Judy lifted an eyebrow. “A friend of mine that works at a gas station said he also saw him.”
Claudius took a step back. “Sorry Judy. I need real proof.”
“I just need something to tide me over...please...look I have a friend... my friend’s name is Morph.”
“Morph like in the TV show?”
“His mom was a big into 1970’s reruns.” She shrugged, though the light trembling in her lips let Caludius know she was desperate. 
“Okay look.” He took out a twenty and showed it to her. Her eyes went wide as she stared at the money. “Give me this guys information. If it proves to be fruitful, I’ll pay you what you asked for.”
“Okay,” she held out her hand. “I’ll text you his information.”
His phone buzzed. He looked down at the information. “That’s out of State?”
“Yeah.” Her eyes were on the money. 
“You say he works at a gas station?” Claudius enjoyed taunting his informants. He waved the cash, like a cat and mouse game. 
“Near the border.”  
Claudius withdrew the folded bill. He needed assurances that she wasn’t just talking to get the money and not coming through with information vital to him. The payout for finding Mellark was nearly 200K. Judy licked her lips as her eyes followed the money reaching out with her hand.
“I’ll text Morph to give you an exclusive.” 
“Text him now.”
“Okay, okay.” Judy’s fingers moved quickly over the screen of her phone. She even included him in the group chat. When the reply came back as “no problem”, Claudius was satisfied. 
“Here ya go,” Claudius said, giving her the twenty bucks. He walked away; he needed to make the trip to Peeta Mellark’s last known position. He hummed as he got into his car, thrilled for the chase. 
Gale Hawthorne glowered from underneath the tree in his backyard as District Twelve’s newest resident, that blond painter Pete Golightly, made a move on Katniss Everdeen. He was supposed to be taking out the trash when he saw them by the curbside.
They stood so close in the dark that she was swallowed up by the guy's physique. But they weren’t touching, and although that was a relief, he wasn’t going to leave anything to chance. 
He liked Katniss. No, that was an understatement. He more than liked her, he could see that there was a potential between them. She was smart, he wouldn’t call her pretty, hell she never smiled. But she made sense to him, she was practical, determined, efficient, loyal, punctual, and some much more. Katniss never looked at him like a piece of man meat. A lot of girls looked at him that way.
Frankly it was great, but sometimes, Gale sighed, sometimes he wanted to have an honest conversation with a girl. With Katniss he could, he’d talk, sure she didn’t say much, but she listened and that’s what he wanted. He held a candle for her so long that watching her with the new guy made him grow tense. He wanted to punch a wall.
The nerve in his temple drummed making his headache even worse. 
Rubbing his temple he wondered what the hell a guy like Golightly had that made Katniss, and for that matter, every single woman within a fifty mile radius act like a cat in heat.  Even his own mother talked about how handsome the painter was. And of all of the available girls, the douche chose Katniss to hang around. 
The peal of girlish laughter reached his ears. Gale walked closer, using the darkness to hide himself. He wanted to hear what they were saying. He crouched by her car. From this position he could see them. Pete dipped his head low near hers. Gale knew that hovering move, it was a move he used to get close enough to kiss a girl. 
Gale furled his fist. He watched Katniss reach up and smooth Pete’s golden locks away from his face. 
Katniss didn’t do that. She didn’t touch people, hell she didn’t like to be touched. He recalled how she recoiled when he tried to touch her. She did the same thing at Greasy Sea's whenever someone touched her by accident. Gale loved it when she scowled at them.   
Then she leaned up on tiptoe.
“No, no, no,” Gale ground out.  He then stood agog as Katniss lifted her head up to kiss Pete Golightly. 
It wasn’t a long kiss. It was really a peck, but Gale could see that both parties enjoyed the kiss. Her hand was perched on his chest and his hand covered it while the other one cupped her chin. This guy was a smooth operator.  Gale’s head pounded as he saw red. 
Pete separated from Katniss and gave her a soft kiss on the forehead before he walked away to his car. Once he pulled out, Gale stood to his full height. 
“I thought you didn’t have time for that.” The words slipped out of his mouth before he could stop them.  He stomped over to her, his fists curling and uncurling. He was trying to keep his calm. 
Katniss turned around and gasped her eyes wide and silvery in the moonlight. “What the hell are you doing, Gale?” 
She had the look of a girl who was properly kissed and that drove Gale insane. “You chose that pasty faced wimp?”
Her face transformed into that steely scowl of hers. She walked around him. 
Gale followed. “I’m talking to you.”
She ignored him as she moved forward. 
When she reached the front door of the garage apartment she rented from his mother, he turned her around, leaning down toward her. “What, you don’t have anything to say?”
Katniss looked up at him and narrowed her eyes. “It’s none of your damned business.” 
Gale was going to say something to her when she opened the door to the apartment and quicker than a fox stealing eggs from a henhouse she slipped inside and shut the door in his face. 
Gale pounded on the side of the door. This wasn’t over. 
-80’s QUEEN
“Prim,” Katniss hollered through the bathroom door of the small studio apartment.
The apartment was basically a portion of Hazel Hawthorn's garage. There was no privacy except for the small airplane sized bathroom. She jiggled the bathroom doorknob. Prim was going to be late for the bus.
“Katniss!” Prim screeched from the other side.
She rolled her eyes at her baby sister's dramatic response. “You’re going to be late for school.”
The door opened and Prim stood there pouting, her blond hair a riot. Katniss did not dare gasp. Prim was a tween and Katniss knew how vicious kids could be at school. Instead she sighed, “Okay, what can I do to help?” 
“It’s 80’s day at school today and I need to look like that,” Prim pointed to the picture on her phone of Christie Brinkley. 
“We’re going to need a lot of hairspray and a brush,” Katniss rolled up the sleeves of her shirt.
“But I’m going to be late to school!” Prim cried.
Prim was twelve and at this age everything was a crisis. Katniss wasn’t as dramatic as Prim at that age, though she was moody. “Hey, I’ll give you a ride into school. It will be alright,” Katniss smiled over Prim’s head, their reflected images showed a united front. They were as different as night and day, but both girls had their dad’s smile and their mom’s button nose. 
"Thanks Katniss," Prim said in a small voice. She was almost a teenager, but still very much a little girl.
"Okay, let's rock this." Hair and makeup wasn’t her strong suit but Katniss had a crash course having to take guardianship of her baby sister at the age of eighteen. When their parents died, Katniss fought tooth and nail for her sister. She didn’t want Prim to go into the foster care system. She elected not to go to college and found a job. She sold their parents’ house, paid off the debts and made a home for herself and her then 10-year-old sister. 
It was a rough learning curve, but somehow Katniss made it work. 
Taking a brush, she quickly brushed and smoothed her sister's hair. She took a portion of Prim's beautiful wavy blond hair and put it in a side ponytail. The rest of her hair Katniss curled and teased into perfect 80's puffiness. Combined with her ripped jeans and oversized sweatshirt she borrowed, Prim was perfect to go back in time. 
They were rushing out of the house. Katniss started her beat up Camry and began to make her way down the mountain. The mountains of Panem’s District Twelve were a beautiful blue grey. A lot of the residents lived in the high hills because they were cooler than the valley below. It was private and no one got a house in the hills unless it was passed down by family inheritance or in her case, a rental by a friend of the family. The school was a good half-hour away from the entrance of the steep hill, but as they drove, the car began to shake as they made their way down a steep incline. 
Her palms were sweaty as she frantically pressed on the brakes as they made their way down to a small plateau. She pulled the heaving, trembling Camry to the side of the road.
“No, no, no,” she uttered as it began to smoke. Katniss sighed and hoped that it wasn’t something costly. “I’m going to take a look.”  She popped the hood. Getting out, she went to the hood and released the latch. She jumped back as a waft of billowy hot plume of smoke wafted from the engine. 
“Dagnabit,” Katniss muttered.
“Is it fixable?” Prim asked out of the window.
She grimaced before she looked toward where her sister sat in the car, at this rate Prim was never getting to school. Her knowledge on cars was limited. She knew how to change the oil, change a tire, and do the necessary upkeep for a car. However, it was the more complicated stuff like identifying which of the hoses that broke causing her car to overheat, was out of her scope. That would mean she’d have to deal with Gale, a mechanic by trade.
Gale was obsessive about her, something that Katniss hated. They were once friends until Gale stopped looking at her as a friend, but something to be possessed. He didn’t acknowledge they were too alike, in temperament and personalities. To Katniss it didn’t matter Greasy Sae said Gale was sex on a stick, she just didn’t like him like that.
Her appetite for men ran in a different direction. Sighing, she gave the car a bewildered look. The odds were not on her side. 
“Katniss, I'm going to miss school,” Prim said desperately from the window of the passenger seat.
Katniss felt bad. These were the times she felt guilty for not being a better sister / guardian to her sister. Prim was a good kid and deserved better. Looking down at her watch, time was running out.  Squaring her shoulders Katniss vowed she was going to get her sister to school. “Come on,” Katniss said, reaching down and grabbing Prim’s knapsack. “We’ll be late, but we can walk to school.”
“We can call Pete,” Prim said quietly.
Katniss couldn’t help the flush that crept up to her cheeks at the mention of their new hunky neighbor. Those darned butterflies began whizzing around her stomach. Katniss wanted to hush them or at least put them on a leash whenever Pete was around. 
Pete lived on the mountain with them. He was quiet, and he and her sister got along like chicken wings and buffalo sauce. Pete was the different her appetite was hungry for. Her mind replayed the soul stirring kiss they shared. They said a kiss was a window into a person’s heart, and if that kiss was an indication of what was in Peeta’s heart it was a three alarm fire that burned for her.
However, the kiss was something she wasn’t going to share with her twelve-year-old sister. Hell, that wasn’t something she wanted to even think about. “Prim.”
“Katniss,” her sister’s eyes glittered with mischief. The little imp knew what she was doing.
“I don’t need a man to come rescue us. We can walk to the school.”
“I know we don’t need a man, but we’re not even halfway down the mountain and I’m more than half-an-hour away from school. Pete is about two minutes away.”
Her sister’s logic was infallible, and Katniss knew it, but loathed to admit. “Fine, call Pete.”
Peeta drove exactly three minutes from his home to see the old dark Camry with the hazard lights on. His gut clenched when he saw the petite fiery woman with the olive skin tone, eyes the color of a raging storm, and cute pert nose. They were seeing each other, not in an official I’m dating you way, but definitely in the, there was something going on between them.
Peeta was used to women fawning all over him. Not Katniss, and he’d fallen for her harder than a sledgehammer hitting concrete. They’d kissed last night. Not a gentle peck on the lips, but the type of kiss that proved the earth was round, because your world shifted on its access. One moment you were standing on the floor and the next you were standing on the ceiling.
He’d been a star since the age of six months. A casting agent walked into his parents’ failing bakery and spotted him sitting in a high chair. The agent convinced his father to put him up for one of those national baby advertisements. Yet none of the accolades he received compared to winning a small smile from the woman standing on the side of the road.
“Hi,” Katniss said pushing her long rope of braided raven hair over her shoulder.   
“Hi,” Peeta said, climbing out of his truck. 
“Hi Pete,” Prim greeted, her eyes alight with joy.
“Hey, little duck.” Katniss' sister Primrose was as infectious as sunshine after a rainy day. She was the one person Peeta was sure Katniss would put her life down for. He had never seen that type of devotion and love before. In the industry he was in there wasn’t much room for any sort of relationship. Everything was colored by money.
His own mother was the poster girl for how money corrupts absolutely. When that casting agent walked into the family’s failing bakery his mother doubted he would get casted; she often said he was an ugly baby. His mother was wrong. Peeta won the contest. His round little face with his priceless blue eyes was soon appearing on every jar, can, and package of that brand of baby product. His mother got bit by the show biz bug, or rather the money that he made from it. She became his manager, and without anyone’s knowledge, took money from Peeta. As he became older and less easy to control his mother became abusive.
Peeta longed for a normal semblance of life. Despite not having two pennies to rub together, Katniss was raising Prim on her own and she was doing it all right. Not once did he hear Katniss lose her temper with her baby sister.
“Hi,” Katniss waved back, her face a deep shade of purple. She slipped her hands into the pocket of her pink diner waitress uniform Greasy Sae made Katniss wear. Her white sneakers shuffled back and forth.
Peeta got out and slipped his sunglasses off. He opened the cab door and held it for Prim and Katniss.
Katniss rolled her eyes at him.
They had this discussion before, about how he didn’t have to hold the door open for her. Peeta knew Katniss was more than capable of opening her own doors, but he was a romantic. He believed in Arthur and the Round Table and a knight’s code. His friend Finnick often told him he was born in the wrong era. He stood up when a lady walked into a room, held doors open, and walked little old ladies across the street.
“Seat belt,” Katniss reminded Prim who already had her earbuds in.
“K,” Prim replied.
“Oh, your lunch,” Katniss said, taking out a brown paper bag littered with glittery stickers from her brown leather messenger bag.
“Katniss, pink panda bears?” Prim huffed.
“I thought you liked them?”
“I do, but these stickers scream six-year-old kid.”
“Okay next time I’ll do a plain brown bag.” Katniss put on her seat belt.
Peeta caught the way Prim’s fingers went over the stickers with awe and reverence. Once more he couldn’t help loving the way the sisters were a unit.
For the whole of his life Peeta longed to be accepted and loved by his family. His older brothers were self-involved and didn’t give a flying fig newton about him; he was just their meal ticket. His mother was abusive and money hungry. His father was a simple man who couldn’t stand up to his wife.
His dad failed to protect Peeta.  
The lesson he learned growing up was that no one needed him. They needed his bank. That last stunt was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Peeta needed a way out and he found a way. His friend, mega star, Finnick Odair helped him get it. Starting over was worth breaking a few rules. He made a few withdrawals, put it in a new bank account and when the time was right, he left.
The trek to the small country of Panem that sat between the Canadian border and the United States border took less than 19 hours including a 90-minute ferry. Panem was a small island, with little islands scattered around it. District twelve was the smallest of the islands and had the smallest community. He chose this small island because it was so far removed from everything that reminded him of Hollywood.
He could have continued travelling but stopped when he met Prim and subsequently her older sister, Katniss. Peeta stayed far longer than what he wanted to because he was fascinated by Katniss.
Once they were on the road, Katniss kept on sneaking looks at him. It was when he caught her gaze going down to his mouth that he knew he was in danger, by the way he stiffened in his jeans. He looked back at Primrose in the seat and the pressing problem in his jeans shriveled.
“You okay?” 
“Yeah,” Katniss said, clearing her throat. She picked up her phone and called the school and her husky voice on the phone made him uncomfortable once more.
Peeta told himself to keep himself in check. Peeta wasn’t a lady’s man, but that didn’t mean he was a saint. However, he was the type who liked to be in a relationship. In his opinion, the best sex was had when he was emotionally connected with someone. When it was used just to blow off steam or to scratch an itch, he found it empty and meaningless, so he stayed clear of women who only promised that sort interaction.  By Hollywood standards, he was a virgin. Compared to him, Katniss was a unicorn.
He respected her and if she knew his thoughts she’d no doubt shoot him through the eye with her bow. To be fair, he was terrified of Katniss, especially when she was in what he called the ‘Hunter Mode.’ Her scowl combined with her glittering silver eyes promised pain and certain death to whomever was in her crossfire.
There were two things he learned not to mess with, one her sister Primrose, and the other was her personal business. Katniss was an extremely private person. Peeta sighed as they sped toward Prim’s school.
“Prim,” Katniss said. “I let the school know we’re on our way.”
“What about Greasy Sae?” Peeta asked.
“Greasy was the first person I called while Prim called you.”
They approached the school and there were a few stragglers, parents rushing to get their kids into the school building. Katniss jumped out of the car.
“Katniss, I'm not a baby. I can make it into school by myself,” Prim whined.
“Prim I have to sign you in, and that will continue straight up through high school.” Katniss' matter of fact tone of voice let Prim know this wasn’t the time for a pre-teen hissy fit.
“Fine,” Prim said quietly.
Peeta grinned. “I’ll wait here while you get her sorted.” 
Katniss nodded, a look flitted through her eyes. She had been avoiding him, and in a way he had been avoiding her as well. He knew the kiss was a dangerous thing and with everyday he stayed put, there was a chance he could be discovered.
He pulled his hat lower and slipped on his sunglasses. Even though he’d let his natural blond hair grow out, there was a chance people would recognize him, his eyes were legendary. The only thing he was grateful for was that his mother despised his blond locks. 
To the public at large, he had brown hair. For the majority of his career Peeta dyed his hair and eyebrows. He purposefully didn’t take movies where he had to be a blond. After his parents’ stunt, he had begun to let it grow out. Cinna, his stylist, helped him wear a wig whenever he needed to make a public appearance. 
It was easy to slip on some glasses and walk out of the hotel. About halfway through the interviews Peeta had his double sneak in, so that he could escape. No one could make out the difference, well no one but Haymitch. 
Peeta felt guilty for duping his manager and mentor. The wrap on the window pulled him out of his thoughts. Katniss stood on the other side, her eyes were staring at his hands. He didn’t realize the white-knuckle grip he had on the steering wheel. He felt the blush creeping up the side of his neck. Leaning over he quickly jumped out and opened the truck door for her.
“Pete,” Katniss mumbled under her breath.
“You’ve got your quirks, and this is one of mine.” He could see the beginning of a small smile on Katniss face and that right there was the reason he kept on coming back to see her. When she smiled it was better than Christmas, better than fresh baked cookies, and better than a greasy bacon double cheeseburger after a night out knocking back beers with Finnick.
He got into the car and drove out of the school parking lot.
“Look,” Katniss grimaced.
Peeta sucked in a breath. Here it came, the excuses passed off as rationalizations. Peeta dreaded the speeches that ranged from it was a mistake, we should forget that it happened, and his least favorite, it’s not you it’s me, I’m sorry I’m just not that into you.
“I don’t do that,” Katniss said. Her eyes were focused on her hands. 
Peeta sat back waiting patiently for Katniss to continue.
Her cheeks were tinged with a warm red color.  She wrinkled her nose and bit her bottom lip, all signs of her nervousness. Peeta found it endearing. 
“I don’t go around.” Her leg began shaking now. “...kissing, I don’t go around kissing...”
“I know.” He put his hand next to hers, but didn’t touch her. Yet, the nearness of their hands caused butterflies to make an appearance in his stomach. The connection between the two of them was electric. He hoped she felt the same way.  He saw her look turn from trepidatious to one of suspicion. He cleared his throat. “What I mean is you take care of your sister. She’s your whole life. You don’t have time for romantic entanglements.” 
Her eyes opened.    
“You have to worry about putting food on the table, a roof over your heads, plus everything that comes with raising a tween.” They came to a stop at a stoplight.
She blinked.
Peeta opened his mouth and shut it. He sighed and nodded; her actions proved refutably, his words were wrong. He didn’t hear her moving  across the cabin, or the way her hands braced his face before she kissed him.
Peeta’s heart exploded like a redstone rocket leaving the mission pad into the atmosphere. Her lips were warm and supple, and they tasted of ginger and mint. His hands gently cupped hers. 
Katniss pulled away. Her lips plump, her eyes were a dark stormy gray, from their kiss. She smiled at him shyly. “Thank you.”
“I think I should be thanking you.” The light turned green and he began driving. He couldn't hide the ear to ear grin.
Katniss raised an eyebrow and gave him a chaste kiss. “I like you Pete Golightly.”
Hearing his fake name sat like sour milk in his stomach. Peeta wanted to come clean to Katniss but didn’t know how. Katniss wasn’t anyone who trusted people easily, and she let him get close. He felt guilty for not being honest with her. But he held onto the idea that he was going to be leaving soon. He also told himself that the less people knew about his secret the easier it was for him to be able stay incognito.  
He gently let go of her hands and he missed her touch when she pulled away.  “I like you too, Katniss Everdeen.” 
“You want to come overnight,” Katniss asked.
“As long as you let me make you and Prim dinner.” 
She looked indecisive.
“Look, you’re going to be late picking up Prim tonight, and when you get to the apartment you’re going to focus on Prim and her homework while making dinner. Since today is Wednesday you do the laundry.” 
Wednesday is the most dratted day...it runs a close second to Sunday night. Katniss hated laundry. She hated the separating, the folding, the waiting well just about everything except for the smell of the fabric softener. She said it reminded her of a spring meadow on a warm day.
“Okay,” she said. Laughter bubbling up from her lips. “How do you know me so well?” 
Peeta winked slowly. “I always take notice when you’re in the room Katniss.” He enjoyed the blush that blossomed on her cheeks.
Less than two days later Claudius unfolded himself from his car. He pulled into the gas station near the border of Canada and Panem to fill up his tank. 
A young family got out of the rest stop right next to him. The girls got out and  were talking about Peeta. There was a billboard of the movie hanging right in front of them. Claudius followed them inside, he went to join the line, he had cash to pay for the gasoline. The girls queued up behind him.
“He’s so cute,” the young girl said, pointing to the tabloid with the picture of Peeta Mellark. The headline read he was taken by aliens. 
Claudius glanced behind him, and estimated the girl must have been sixteen.
The other one who looked to be fourteen said, “He’s so yummy. Too bad mommy wont let us see his movie.”
“I know,” the sixteen year-old grumbled.
“Do you think his parents had something to do with his disappearance?”
“I don’t know,” the older sister said. 
Claudius reached the front of the line and paid forty for gas. He walked outside into the sunlight. It had been a long ride from the junket to this small town. He had to stop halfway there and rent a hotel room for the night. After a complimentary stale pastry and tepid tea for breakfast, he was back out on the road. He was finally just outside the small town.
He walked toward his car and began to pump gas.  The girls came out of the small convenience store and sat down in the small shaded picnic area next to the gas stop.
A young boy about their age walked by them and they were giggling and laughing. 
“Girls,” their mother called out. “We’re leaving.”
“Okay mom,” the girls yelled out in unison. As they stood up from the shaded area. They looked up at the billboard. And continued to speak about Peeta Mellrak. 
Claudius smirked at the girl's conversation. The actions of the young star were a mystery to Claudius and to the entire world. 
Why leave all of the money and power behind, Claudius wondered? That question is what drew him to the story, he’d discovered. The kid was clean, didn’t do drugs, didn’t drink, he wasn��t broke.  The kid had millions in the bank. 
In his last movie, Peeta, was involved in the producing, directing, and script writing. The success of the movie had everyone clamorning to work with him. The kid was on the cusp, he had the ability to make more money and have the kind of power to make his own movies. They billed him as the next Ron Howard. Why would the kid throw all of that way? No one was that crazy. Claudius knew of one person who left it all behind at the height of their career, Dolores Hart. Dolores starred opposite Elvis Presley, and some of Hollywood's top male actors of the time. She left Hollywood to become a nun.
Claudius wondered if Mrs. Mellark had anything to do with Peeta Mellark’s Agatha Christie stunt. The Mellarks were a mess. The kind that were a paparazzi present wrapped up tightly with bright ribbon under the Christmas tree. His older brothers were sleeze balls. His oldest brother was in hot water for making several statements that were deeply offensive to a number of people. The middle Mellark was a mainstay in Vegas. He was a gambler and rumored to have connections with the mafia. He was seen with the daughter of notorious mobster Seneca Crane. 
His mother, she was a joy, a really Betty Croker, complete with shark teeth. The woman sold her son’s privacy for 100 grand. The reporters entered his house and took detailed pictures of his home. The best was his color coordinated underwear draw. Everyone knew he was a boxer brief guy. His father was a patsy, with the personality of a limp wet towel. 
Claudius wondered if they were the reason he left Hollywood? But then again, Peeta had nothing to do with his family. They lived separate lives. Peeta didn’t even have pictures of his family in his house. Only gorgeous paintings that were discovered to have been painted by Peeta himself. If his family was the reason, it didn’t matter to Claudius. He wanted to be the first to find Peeta Mellark.
It’s why he was in the border town looking for Judy’s friend Morph.  
Katniss watched Peeta with her sister. Her heart raced a thousand miles an hour, a common occurrence whenever he was around. He was washing the dishes with her sister as she folded laundry. 
Prim introduced them, and Katniss hadn’t wanted to be his friend. She didn’t want to be with anyone. She had to raise Prim. Her sister took the priority in her life and few people understood the pressure that came with being so young and raising a child. She was still only twenty, and they were visited by a fastidious case worker Effie Trinket whose sharp eyes never missed a thing. If there was speck of dust on a lampshade Miss Trinket would spot it.
It’s why she stayed away from men. They complicated her simple drive to protect and provide for her sister. Pete however never imposed his person on hers. He never demanded that she pay attention to him. Instead he slowly and politely became her friend. She hadn’t wanted to face him after the kiss, but after fate brought them together, and she spoke to him in the car she couldn’t help but kiss him again. 
That second kiss caused Katniss to realize maybe she was ready for more with Pete. He was kind, gentle, intelligent, witty, funny, and sexy. The last word caused her to blush, because she chose that moment to stare at him. As if sensing her stare, he looked up and his eyes darkened. His gaze dropped down to her lips before they moved up once again. 
He was thinking of their kiss and Katniss squirmed in her seat. 
Prim said something funny and he laughed. 
“That’s just as bad as Gale making a pass at my sister.” 
“No way?” Pete said gazing at Katniss.
He was curious about Gale. Katniss told him she didn’t have any romantic feelings about Gale. 
“Way,” Prim said. “Gale thinks Katniss should date him because he’s so,” she said holding up her fingers in the air to make quotations. “...great.”
Pete didn’t say anything. 
“They were friends and then my parents died. Gale expected my sister to fall at his feet. He kept on coming to the house to try to help, to make it known Katniss was his girl.” Prim’s face soured like that time she drank bad milk. 
They never spoke about that time after their parents died. Katniss preferred to move forward.
 “After the funeral he tried to make his move.”
“After the funeral, you mean the day you were…”
Katniss stopped folding the clothing. She had no idea Prim had overheard. She thought her sister was in their old home.
“Can you believe it!” Prim shook her head. “I was in the tree house hiding. I saw him grab my sister by the shoulder and try to kiss her, but Katniss pushed him away. She told him she wouldn’t have time for him, because she needed to petition the courts for me. Gale told her that raising me was a mistake. My sister kicked him in the nuts.”
“Did she?” Pete asked, his eyebrow quirked. Katniss could see his admiration, not for kicking Gale in the nuts as Prim said, but for sticking to her guns to take care of her sister.
Prim giggled, “He never saw it coming.” 
“So how did you guys end up living in their garage?”
“Katniss had to sell our house to pay for the bills and for the lawyers and court fees.”
Katniss stood up and sighed. “Gale’s mother is the real estate agent that helped me sell our house. She offered the garage as a way for her to make extra money after her divorce from Gale’s dad.” Katniss shrugged,  “She needed the extra income, and I needed a place to live. It was a mutual agreement.” 
"Katniss worked really hard to make the garage homey."
Katniss watched Pete look around the apartment as if he’d never really taken a good look. His focus was always on Prim or herself. To be fair he wasn’t someone who took notice of the disparity they lived in. Gale constantly offered to fix things for her, including her person. It was like that perfect backhanded compliment. You look nice in a dress, you should wear one more often, or the one that always made her see red. Your face is pretty when you smile and wear makeup. 
Katniss wanted to hurt Gale every single time he said something stupid and asinine. 
Gale’s harsh words didn’t extend only to her person, they also extended to the apartment. Gale made her feel insecure about her flea bargain finds, dollar store buys, and hand-me-down furniture. He thought the colors dull, and her paint job was poor, but never offered to help paint. 
Katniss could see all of the gaff’s she made painting. Katniss decorated their small home with calm earth tones, wanting it to convey peacefulness, warmth and be inviting. When they moved here Prim was ten and Katniss wanted to make sure her sister felt like everything was going to be alright. 
The studio was small with a loft. Katniss gave her sister the loft so that she could have privacy. Prim was growing up and Katniss understood the need for space. Katniss went through those awkward years with their parents, their door was always open. It’s why she made a bedroom for herself in the nook below the loft.  Katniss used shutters for a wall near the entrance and creatively used a tension rod between two bookshelves to make an entry to her makeshift bedroom.
Yet in Pete’s warm blue eyes she saw what could be considered admiration. 
“You are amazing,” Pete said simply.
Katniss could feel the onslaught of warmth that rushed from her heart to her cheeks, because unlike Gale’s thinly veiled insults which hailed from a vain superficial perspective. Gale could only see beyond his own needs whereas Pete's hailed from deep within. 
“Yes she is and she needs someone just as amazing,” Prim piped up, and Katniss was mortified. What came out of Prim’s mouth next however made Katniss want to bury her head in the sand. “Someone like you, Pete!”
Katniss thought she wanted to strangle her sister, but her feet were rooted to the floor. She glanced up and found herself staring at Pete’s lips. She wanted to be alone with him and kiss him once more but she couldn’t do anything in front of her sister. 
“Prim I think you sister is more than capable of making her own decisions about who she wants to date.” 
Pete’s words were commendable, and given the way his blue eyes looked darker and the fact that his eyes were gazing at her lip was a clear indication that Pete was thinking of the same thing, that kiss. 
“You two are perfect for each other.” Prim’s gaze switched between Katniss and Peeta’s. “I am going up to my loft, put my noise cancelling headphones on and listen to my favorite K-Pop band really loudly in case you two want to kiss,” Prim wiggled her eyebrows with all of the mischievous and impish power she held. 
“PRIM!!” Katniss gasped.
Prim’s peal of laughter exploded in the apartment as she ran up her loft ladder. 
If Pete hadn’t been standing next to her she would have chased her sister.  She turned slightly to Pete who stood with his hands in his pockets. 
“I,” Katniss uttered, unsure what to say.  The mood was ruined by her impish sister.
“Katniss, we can just hang out,” Pete suggested. “Maybe watch a movie? Or even fold laundry.”
Katniss wanted  to roll her eyes at his suggestion to fold laundry.
“You doubt my folding abilities? I will have you know I know the secret of folding a fitted sheet, it’s a family secret but I may have to kill you unless you’re willing to die for it," Pete said wiggling his eyebrows.
"You know I am an excellent archer." Katniss narrowed her eyes in mock anger.
His instant grin and mischievous glint in his blue eyes caused a small fire to begin in the pit of her stomach. She couldn’t explain the butterflies that sprung in her stomach whenever she was near him. Or the way she couldn’t stop staring at his nearly translucent eyelashes. She swallowed thickly as she stared at his lips and recalled how sweet he tasted, and the insane need, no scratch that, desire to walk up to him and kiss him. 
“Oh hell,” Katniss breathed before she walked up to Pete and kissed him hard. Her hands reached up to cup his face while standing on tiptoe. She groaned the moment his arms wound around her, bringing her closer to him. Warmth spread from the deepest part of her chest and spread throughout her body. 
The kiss wasn’t forceful, but man did it do things to her insides. Katniss disengaged and took him by the hand, dragging him to her makeshift bedroom. 
“Katniss,” Pete raggedly uttered her name.
Katniss wasn’t even sure if what she was doing was correct. She didn’t have much, okay, in reality she knew zilch, zero, a big old donut hole about intimacy. The laws of attraction didn’t lend themselves to her until the day Pete Golightly came into her life.
She sat on the bed and scooted backward, trying to convey silently for Pete to come to her. Katniss wasn’t sure where this coquettish side to her came from. But Pete did things to her that made her want everything.
Her eyes scanned him as he stood by the foot of the bed, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. If this were Gale he would have been the aggressor and that would have been like being thrown into a frozen lake in the middle of winter.  It’s not that Pete couldn’t be aggressive, he was massive.  His hands were warm and large, he was broad shouldered, strong, and taller than she was. Pete could probably bench press her caveman style, but he was sweet and polite, and  that drove Katniss wild.
She sat up on the bed and crooked her finger at him. 
Swiftly Peeta moved, coming to lay on top of her. She felt the moment he melted into her and she reveled in the power. They both gasped and moaned at the sensation of their bodies being pressed into one another. 
Katniss tilted her head slightly to kiss him and little currents of pleasure flowed from her mouth to her belly and  further south. Her hands grasped his face so that she could do something she’d heard about, kissing with tongue. It should have felt weird to have her tongue in his mouth. She instinctively sought entrance to his mouth and Pete gasped then angled his head and slowly opened his mouth for her. Her toes curled the moment his tongue greeted hers. Kissing was phenomenal, her new found favorite sport. Yes, it trumped archery. 
Her hands released his face and began to roam as they kissed. Katniss had a sneaky suspicion that Pete was some sort of athlete because his chest was firm. Her hand snaked under his shirt and she felt the ridges of his abdomen. Pete moaned and pulled away, his blue eyes wide. He looked dazed, a flush spread up to his cheeks.
She wasn't the type of girl who noticed that a guy was hot. Not that she was blind. Even though she didn’t like Gale. Katniss could admit to herself Gale wasn't an ogre. He was actually good-looking in that tall, dark and too handsome for his own good sort of way. She was just not attracted to him. She was one hundred percent attracted to Pete. And at this moment, all the naughty things she never thought of, never thought she would ever want to do, and had no time for, were rushing through her mind like one of those poorly written super trashy novella's Delly was so fond of reading. 
Katniss wanted the shirt to come off, she wanted for it all to come off, she wanted him naked. The word naked should have terrorized her, but in actuality it didn’t. She sat up and tugged up on his shirt. Pete pushed her hands down.
“Katniss we can’t.” Pete sounded like he had run up the steep hill carrying one of those 100lb crates of potatoes Greasy Sae had delivered to the restaurant. He sat back on his haunches. His eyes traveled over her and he shook his head. Katniss sorley wished she knew how to seduce. 
"Katniss," he said before he grimaced.
She frowned. 
“Your sister,” Pete said pointing up at the loft above. 
She’d forgotten about her impressionable baby sister. “Dagnabit!”
Pete smiled gently.
“I hate adulting.” 
“We all have to be adults.” 
She fell backwards onto her pillow, frustrated. Selfishly she did not want to stop. Realistically Pete was correct. Prim was a scant few feet away. She couldn't act like a typical 20-year-old. She had to be smarter, which is why she tucked all of those awakened me-want-sexy-time thoughts into a corner of her brain. A place where boring things resided, like matching clean socks, cleaning the oven, or pumping gas.
"Talk to me." Pete laid down next to her, not touching her, but just looking at her. It was comfortable, it was nice and yet those butterflies were acting like they were banging spoons and pots in her stomach. 
Talking was not her thing. As her court appointed family psychologist said, she was introverted, thoughtful and not someone who could eloquently speak unless pressured. This was partly because talking could lead to trouble. Katniss always reminded herself that until her sister turned eighteen, she had to be careful.
“You’re right,” Katniss sighed. “I can’t get carried away.”
“Believe me, it’s not easy walking away, but I get that you’re not ready for some things.” 
“You do something to me,” Katniss blurted. “There are these butterflies I get in my stomach whenever you’re around.”  She then realized how childish that sounded, she was twenty and not a thirteen year old girl.
He laughed. 
Yep Katniss thought, Pete thought her crazy.
“I get butterflies in my stomach whenever I am around you too.” 
“You do?” she was surprised.
“I do. You’re the sweetest most beautiful, bravest woman I have ever met. You are amazing.”
“I don’t know how to take that?” She was awestruck. She didn’t consider herself any of those things. Especially beautiful. She was not beautiful.
“Slowly like breathing. Let the words penetrate your heart slowly.”
Katniss nodded. “I just, I’ve never been with anyone. I don’t have the least idea about what or how I am supposed to act.”
“To be honest there isn’t one way to act; you just be yourself. If you’re not comfortable with something you tell me no or stop. Just like I pulled away and you respected my decision to pull away. I know this sounds like a cheesy movie line, but I like you, Katniss, I like you a lot. You are, and I keep saying this word, amazing, because I’m in awe of you.”
Words shouldn’t be that powerful but the way Pete wielded them caused her to want to rip his shirt and pans off and do stuff. What stuff she wasn’t sure, but stuff that people did in bed. She closed her eyes briefly and wondered what happened to the girl who a few weeks ago was grossed out at seeing two people make out in public. 
 He smiled and his blue eyes glowed. “I think you did a great job decorating too.”
“Now I know you’re crazy.”
“Given what you had to work with, you did amazing. Besides I’ve seen Prim’s loft…” Peeta grinned, the loft was a riot of baby blue, pinks, and purples. “Believe me you did a great job, even with your sister's space. Just enough chaos but enough organization to help a budding genius.”
“Oh no, she’s got you watching Pinky and the Brain?”
“Ugh,” Katniss said.
“What? I’m not a Brain, I’m more of a Pinky. Prim is the Brain.”
“Sometimes I am afraid about how smart Prim really is.” Katniss sighed. “Do you know she knew her periodic table before she turned three? She can spout all of the weights of the elements and is in advanced calculus and physics in school. I’ve asked her if she wanted to move on, you know, to a higher grade, but she said no because she wanted to grow up normal.” Katniss sighed. “She’s had so much disruption in her life. I just want her to have as typical a childhood as possible.”
Pete leaned in and kissed her soundly. Katniss sighed. 
He leaned away. “I would like to take you out on a date.”
“When?” She scooted closer to him.
“What about Friday?” He scooted closer to her.
“S’okay.”  She moved closer, so close she could see the pale specks in his blue eyes.
“Cool.” He gently enfolded her in his arms. 
She’d never been held before, and it was better than ice cream on a warm July evening.
It took Claudius the entire day to track down Morph. Even with a stupid name, no one in this forsaken side of town knew the scrawny strung out kid. He went to every single gas station and no one could identify him. 
Claudius was frustrated. Viciously glad the only thing he wasted was chump change. He was going to pack it up when he came upon a run down gas station near the border. It was a sad place. The kind of place people were murdered or bodies appeared. With a broken lamp and one gasoline pump because the other one had a white paper taped to it with the words ‘out of service’ hastily scribbled on it.
Claudius went inside and was struck dumbfounded when there sitting behind a laminated counter sat Morph.
“Morph,” Claudius said.
“Judy sent me.”
“Oh, yeah,” Morph nodded. His eyes looked unfocused and even in the dim light of the interior his irises were fully dilated.
Crap, Claudius thought, the idiot is high.
“Judy,” Morph said grinning.
“Do you remember why Judy sent me here?” Claudius wondered if this was going to be another dead end.
“Oh.” Morph waited a moment. “Yeah.”
Claudius would rather get shot during a root canal.  “Look kid, have you seen him,” Claudius took the tabloid from off the wrack and pointed to Peeta.
Morph blinked. “He was here, he paid for gas, cash.”
“He did?” 
Morph held out his phone screen to Claudius. The thrill of the chase running through his veins. He showed him the picture of Peeta’s side profile. He was wearing the same baseball cap and sunglasses he wore in Judy’s picture. Morph then pulled his phone back and stared blankly.
“Can you tell me what direction he took?”
Morph turned his head. “Yeah.”
“He headed toward Panem.” 
“Panem?” Claudius was struck. “Are you sure he didn’t head toward Canada?”
Morph took out his phone and swiped. 
There on the screen was a picture of Peeta’s car with the license plate heading toward the Panem border. Claudius took the idiots phone and sent himself the pictures. He slapped a 20 on the laminate counter. 
Claudius pumped his gas but mentally he chanted, “Gotcha.”
“Good morning,” Prim said from over her bowl of cornflakes.
Pete grinned. The time on the microwave read 5AM. Rubbing the back of his head, he said, “Morning Prim.”  He and Katniss fell asleep in her room. He hadn’t woken up until this moment. Katniss was still sleeping. 
“So you and my sister,” Prim wiggled her eyebrows.
She grinned then made little kissy faces.  
“First, you are too young to think that way. Secondly, I respect your sister far too much…well, to push her into something she is not ready for.”  
“Please, there’s no need for an explanation. I know you guys didn’t do anything. I came downstairs around eleven and both of you were snoring. You, by the way, drooled on her pillow.”
Peeta rubbed his face. He had a sinking suspicion Prim was going to hold this over him. 
Prim smiled but as she continued slurping her milk.  
“Your sister,” Peeta said, sighing. “I really…I...like her alot, more than a lot actually.”
“Listen Peeta,” Prim said. “You make my sister happy and she makes you happy.”
“Prim,” Peeta hushed Prim. “You can’t use my real name.”
Prim rolled her eyes. 
She was the only one who had figured out who he was within seconds of meeting him. She waited until they were alone and then she began to grill him like a well done steak. He had been going to Sae’s diner for one of her infamous soups, but he also liked to watch Katniss. She was graceful. The way she walked around people without making sound or spilling drinks or bowls. He had been trying to gather the courage to speak to her. 
One day Prim showed up and his entire ruse was over. 
Katniss wasn’t the only Everdeen to be protective. Prim was like a mama bear around Katniss.  Her attitude toward her older caused Peeta to have a deep appreciation for Katniss. That she sacrificed so much for her sister was humbling. Peeta wished he could use all of his money and connections to help out the sisters. 
However as he got to know both of them, he knew neither sister would take money from him. These two were fighters, they were a team. When Prim figured out he wasn’t playing with her sister’s heart, she was a mini bulldozer pushing them together. Prim was, as Katniss stated, frighteningly intelligent.  
“You mean Peeta?” Prim said it louder.
“Prim, keep it down.” 
“My sister sleeps like the dead. And you owe me cheese buns.”
Peeta sighed. He’d forgotten the bet, which Prim won. Last night they did end up making out. He couldn’t help the buzzing in his body at the memory of the way Katniss silver eyes turned like liquid mercury when she was aroused. “Okay, we’ll have to go over to my place.”
“Why?” Katniss walked into the kitchen, her hair askew. Her sleepy face was adorable. 
Peeta walked to her and planted a sweet kiss on her lips. “Good morning. I’m making cheese buns.”
“Why?” Katniss yawned.
“Because, you should never make a bet against an Everdeen.” Prim winked. “I’m going to grab my clothing and stuff. I’ll pack something for Katniss too.”
Katniss frowned, watching her sister walk toward the loft. 
Peeta couldn’t help himself. He cupped her face and properly kissed Katniss. She hummed, groaned and moaned all at once. 
She gazed up at him with awe and with the embers of desire. “I lost a bet to Primrose, and now I owe her cheese bun.”
“She shouldn’t be doing that, but your buns are well worth it.”
“You like my buns?” Peeta hoped she meant something else entirely.
Katniss slipped her hand around to his butt and squeezed him briefly before sassily winking at him. “Yup I just love your buns.” 
Peeta laughed. And kissed her swiftly, feeling like he had come home.
Gale wanted to rip the backyard tree from it’s trunk when he woke up to see Pete coming out of the apartment early this morning.  They were laughing and holding hands. 
Hi misery could only be accompanied by the rage he felt. 
Katniss was supposed to his girl. 
Gale closed his eyes momentarily as pain shot through him. He opened them to see the lovers wrapped up in each other. What hurt the most was that, this wasn’t sex, they weren’t fucking for fun. The way they held one another as they kissed, denoted tenderness, deep care, gentleness, and soft yielding toward the other. 
Gale tore his eyes away. He loathed Pete Golightly for taking the one girl he thought belonged to him. The one girl he wanted. 
Katniss might never be his, but he was never going to accept them as a couple. 
Peeta Mellark was smart, but Claudius was smarter. With the plates he was able to trace the car.  Peeta had turned his car into this obscure car rental in Panem’s Capitol. While he couldn’t confirm that Peeta rented a car, he showed the girl the picture from Morph’s phone. It was imperative he got that first picture of Peeta Mellark. It was now worth nearly 300 Grand. And Claudius wanted to sit on a throne made of money.
“Yeah, I’m trying to trace down my nephew. My brother had a heart attack and my nephew he’s on one of those retreats you go wireless.”
The perky blonde’s eyes widened. "Oh my goodness, are you alright?”
Bingo! Claudius said to himself. People were inherently good, well unless you were a bastard like him, but in reality they wanted to be helpful and that’s where he, the bastard, preyed upon them. “I am okay, my brother,” he added enough emphasis on the word brother to allude that he was mortally grave. “I just hope to find my nephew before…” He trailed off.
“Oh, I can’t give you information, because it’s private.”
Claudius grinned, “Yeah, of course,” he said pumping something close to sincerity in voice. “Could you tell me if someone has seen him if I describe my nephew to you?”
“Sure I can totally do that.” 
“Great, you have no idea how much this means to me.” 
Gale walked into Greasy Sae’s. He found Katniss briskly walking between tables, serving coffee.
He sat in her section, at the counter and waited patiently as the crowd thinned and she came behind the counter.
“Gale,” Katniss said, her lips were thinned into a tight smile. “What can I get for you today?”
“Coffee,” Gale’s eyes slid down her form. He recalled what she looked like in a pair of shorts and a tank top. She had a slight build, small breast and a small ass too. He thought before that outfit she had a boy's body, but he was wrong.  That was the summer before her parents died. “And you.”
Katniss plopped the coffee saucer on the table and then said, “I’m not on the menu.”
“Well you’re sure on Golightly’s menu.”
Her eyes widened before she narrowed them. “That’s none of your damned business.”
“What? That you’ve been whoring yourself to him?”  He reached out and snagged her wrist.
“Let go of me.” she tugged.
He tightened his grip, now that he had her, Gale couldn’t let go. He was fascinated by the silvery color of her eyes, the way her pert nose wrinkled. Once again, he thought she wasn’t beautiful, hell, she wasn’t even pretty, but there was this pull about her. One he could not let go, even though she was with that man.
“You’re hurting me,” Katniss whispered struggling.
“Gale Hawthorne,” Delly Cartwright said, slapping him upside the head.
Gale blinked and released his hold on Katniss. He frowned looking at the fat cow Cartwright.
“You let her go or I will call my cousin to arrest you for manhandling.” Delly’s voice was high and squeaky.
He realized everyone was looking at him. Embarrassed he pushed back his hat and said, “I don’t want anything from the likes of her.”
Katniss held her wrist protectively. Her eyes were a glittery silver. Her scowl was in place and he knew that if she had her bow she wouldn’t hesitate to use it.
“You okay?” Delly asked Katniss.
Gale scoffed looking at Katniss's wrist. “She’s not even bruised.”
“Get,” Delly said.
Gale saw that a few of the other residents stood up, their demeanor letting him know that they were backing the girls.
“I’ll be back.”
“No you won’t, I’m going to tell Greasy, and when she hears about this you’ll be banned,” Delly put her finger at the center of his chest.
Gale left, but he swore Katniss was going to pay for embarrassing him.
Katniss was nervous. She looked at her wrist, glad she didn’t have a bruise after Gale manhandled her at work yesterday. She sighed and put the incident behind her. She wanted to focus on her date tonight with Peeta. Twirling to the side she fretted about the dress, was it too short, was it too revealing? She wasn’t sure about the color. 
“You’ve got to relax, Katniss.”
Katniss swung around to face her sister. “You’ve got everything?”
“Yeah,” Prim said, rolling her eyes.
“Prim,” Katniss forgot to worry about her date with the worry about her baby sister.
“Katniss,” Prim grabbed her cheeks between her hands. “I AM GOING TO BE FINE!”
Katniss frowned. It was a night of firsts. She was going on a date with Pete, and her sister was going to her first slumber party with her friend Ginnee at the new girl Coral’s house. Katniss had met Coral’s parents yesterday when Prim came home with the coveted birthday party invite. Coral’s parents were from District Four and they thought a slumber party would help Coral make new friends at her new school.
Katniss thought Coral was okay, it was Ginnee, she didn’t trust. Ginnee had older sisters and brothers. She was astute and as slippery as a snake. Katniss frankly did not trust the intrepid twelve year old girl who would soon turn thirteen. “If anything even remotely happens or you feel uncomfortable you will…” Prim gave her a look that caused Katniss to amend her choice of words. “…can call me.”
“I will.”
There was a horn outside.
“Stop grimacing. It’s just Ginnee.”
“Ginnee,” Katniss muttered under her breath. “Just be careful, and have a good time.”
Prim grinned before she slipped her backpack on her back and sprinted out toward the waiting car. 
Katniss stood outside looking like the proverbial mother hen with one arm wrapped around her middle the other lifted in a half-hearted wave. She couldn’t stop her sister from growing up.
As she stood there, Pete’s car pulled up. He came out wearing a nice dark blazer, white crisp shirt, and khakis. He clutched in his hands a bouquet of wildflowers. Where and when he got them she didn’t know. All she could think about was the shy yet sizzling smile Pete sent her way. And the breath she held when Prim left wooshed out of her.
“Hi,” she croaked.
“You look great,” he gushed.
Katniss looked down at the orange wrap dress Prim demanded Katniss splurge on and buy for tonight. “Thanks. You look nice.”
He grinned at her and that was how her control snapped. She stepped up to him and kissed him wildly. She moaned when his arms wrapped around her, pulling her close to him. She was correct; kissing Pete was better than the thirty-one ice cream flavors Baskin Robbins boasted. “Oh Pete…”
Pete pulled back and sighed. “If we don’t get out of here now, I am going to carry over my shoulder and bring you inside, Katniss.”
Katniss raised an eyebrow, feeling emboldened and brazenly she said, “That wouldn’t be a bad thing.”
Pete groaned.
“But,” Katniss said, liking how her words affected him. She wickedly said, “I suppose if you want to spoil me for a nice meal, before I plunder you later on…”
“Do you not understand I am trying to be a gentleman?” His eyes were wide and wild.
Katniss wanted to sound coquettish, but she ended up telling him the truth in a rushed tortured tone of voice. “You’re not the only one holding on to restraint.”
Katniss watched the bob of his Adam’s apple as he swallowed. “I am trying to think of everything that is disgusting and unappealing to make me come down back to earth and continue with dinner.”
“You are?”
“Katniss my brain short circuits any time you’re near, and when you kiss me I can’t even function. I have to literally sing the twelve days of Christmas in my head to calm down.”
“The twelve days of Christmas?” She couldn’t help the way a smile formed on her face.
“I have to keep on telling myself that you’re not ready, that this is moving way to fast-“
She didn’t let him finish. “What if I am ready to be with you?” It was impulsive and she was not sorry she said the truth.
“Are you sure?” He looked scared, almost reverent.
“I am, but if you’re not ready, then I’ll wait,” she said into his lips because he kissed her fiercely and such intensity that she was left breathless.
“Food,” he muttered when he pulled away. “Need food to keep up.”
He took her hand and tugged her along. The dinner that followed was uncomfortable in that they both wanted to go home and tear each other’s clothing off. Katniss couldn’t recall what she chose or what he ordered. The only thing she wanted wasn’t on the menu. 
When they got to her apartment the thin wall of restraint broke and they were kissing wildly.
“Slow, must go slow,” Pete said as he struggled with pulling off his shirt without unbuttoning it.
Katniss chuckled at his eagerness. A smooth operator Pete was not, but she didn’t mind. She slowed him down by putting her hand on his chest and tugging his shirt down. Quietly she undid the buttons. His breath was labored while hers was calm. She was more than turned on, her underwear were ruined, to be fair, and her nipples stood at attention in her bra. She was the inexperienced one, but at that moment, Pete was the one with jumbled nerves and that made her feel excited, yet calm.
His eyes darkened when she removed his shirt and her hands slid up his chest. Her heart was a riot inside of her chest. Her blood pressure, no doubt, through the roof. Her mouth watered at the sight of his abs. She understood why when women said six-pack they went haywire. On impulse she kissed his chest and licked his pec and Pete roughly called her name.
“Off,” she said, tugging his pants.
Pete's hands flew to his pants and her eyes were riveted to his hands as the zipper came down. Katniss shivered now she began to pant. Her mouth opened and her eyes widened at the sight of him. “OH,” she said. Her hands reached out to touch him, but she glanced up to see if this was alright.
Pete tersely nodded.
Her hand wrapped around him and she sighed along with his groan. He was long and thick, and his tip wept with pre-cum.
“Katniss, I want to see you,” Pete’s voice sounded low and dangerous and she shivered.
Katniss leveled a look at him as she placed her hand on the ties of her wrap dress. He placed his hand on top of hers.
“May I?”
“Okay,” she gasped, dropping her hands. She was by this point unable to talk. The anticipation was getting to her.
Pete’s eyes were hooded and dark as his hands tugged on the knot at the front of her dress. “I’ve been thinking about this all evening.”
Her dress slid open and it slid off her skin smoothly like chocolate melting in one’s mouth.
Pete made a strangled cry at the sight of her. Emboldened by his reaction she reached behind her back and unclipped her bra, letting the straps fall slowly revealing her breasts to him. His hands trembled when he reached out to touch her, but he sought her permission. 
“May I,” his voice sounded hoarse.
She nodded, but he just stood there staring at her. Unwilling to wait anymore she took his hand and slid it to her waiting breast. His touch sent her over the edge and her head snapped back and she moaned his name.
His free hand brought her closer and the press of flesh to flesh was an explosion more powerful than any force of nature. Their mouths met greedily, wildly, taking, giving, needing, and raising the temperature between them. She was a blaze for him and he was ablaze for her. He picked her up and mouths still fused, her fingers in his soft wavy hair. She pulled and played with the strands as they somehow landed on her bed. His mouth disengaged from hers once they were laying on the bed him on top looking down at her wantonly.
His lips began a decent down, his tongue tasting, lapping, tracking a path downward leaving her to be a wriggling mess. She called his name fervently as a tight coil wound deep within her womb. He paused at the juncture of her thighs. She could feel his hot breath on her inner thigh. When his fingers brushed along her soaked panties, she jumped.
“I want to taste you,” he said. His eyes flickered from her face to the crotch of her panties.
Katniss fisted her hands into the sheets. She’d accidently read about this in one of Delly’s books. She’d picked it up one day curious as to why Delly found them so appealing. What she read shocked her men kissing a woman between their legs sounded unsanitary. But right now, in this moment, with the way Pete was looking at her as if she was the most delicious plate of food it was the one thing she wanted. “Please,” she gasped.
Pete inched her panties down as if he was unwrapping a present and Katniss was relieved when her underwear were off and lay bare with her legs spread before him. He looked predatorial and yet worshipful. His hands slid up her thighs and a thousand points of electric pleasure raced to her core. And when she kissed her there, and she felt his tongue taste her and she yelled and thrashed wildly, her body shaking as he tasted her.
“Perfect,” he muttered, “delicious,” were words he repeated when he gasped for air.
Katniss didn’t care as she felt herself burn brighter and brighter, the coiling sensation whirled within her until her skin burned and she combusted with a loud sound and moisture seeped out of her.
She was barely back to herself before Pete began his onslaught again. This time, adding a finger, then another and like a dam, she burst over and over until she was a raw nerve, quaking needing more, desiring him to fill her empty spaces. The ones in her heart, mind, soul and body.
She called out his name, pulling him up to her so she could kiss him. His hands touched her and explored her body as they rolled around in the bed. Her hands also drifted over him. Her short nails scraping over his body, soft but hard, brushing over the hair that traveled down his belly button, downward to his cock. She grasped him, but Pete pulled away.
“I want you,” she growled.
His grin was instant. Then he said, “condom…”
Katniss was frustrated when he pulled away to find the offensive item that took Pete away from her. She was bereft without his warmth, and his heavenly body.  
When he returned back to her his eyes focused on her body. With fire she opened her legs, an open invitation.
“Fuck,” Pete said. His hand ran through his hair, and once more his lips descended upon her center until she was screaming his name. And when he crawled up pinning her to the bed she was a disarray of sensations primed and ready. With gentleness he lined them up before his body dipped into hers. Tears slipped from her eyes as she felt cherished, wanted, and loved.
His eyes conveyed that and more as she was split open and her mind flashed to the first moment she saw him come into the diner. The way he looked lost and bewildered when he first set eyes on her. The way his hands shook after their first kiss.
“Katniss are you alright?”
Katniss was sure, “Yes.”
“I’m not hurting you?” he gasped as she flexed muscles she didn’t know she had.
She shook her head. And with that he began moving within her and stole her breath away. Being with Pete was more than a treat, it was life altering, soul shaking. He was trying to make her feel good and there were a few times she felt the stirring, but her body was too raw and frayed to really be engaged.
“Katniss,” he panted, “you’re not with me.”
“It’s okay, let go,” she urged.
“But..” he groaned.
She gripped his butt and scraped her nails and he shouted.
She loved to watch him. It didn’t matter that she didn’t come again. She was well satisfied when she saw him lose his mind when he came. That was her new favorite memory. A memory to remove all of the bad ones.
Nothing else mattered because she had fallen in love with Pete.
Haymitch ran his hands through his hair. Whoever said there was no such thing as bad publicity should have been stuffed with the food from the first episode of that food network show America's worst cooks.
A month and a half had passed and still Peeta’s name was on the lips of every single exec, studio chief, or big time producer. They wanted Peeta to be in their next production. The Oscar talk in tinsel town was at a fevered pitch and with only one person leading the pack, his client, the kid.
He sat back in his chair. He had other clients, but the kid, he was special. Because unlike the other butter nutters that he dealt with, Peeta was a good kid. He was wholesome. Too darned good for this business.
His secretary buzzed in, “Mr. Abernathy.”
“Yeah,” Haymitch bit out.
“They are calling,” his secretary said with resigned annoyance.
 Haymitch gritted his teeth. The studio was calling.
“Fudge,” Haymitch said. He’d given up his two favorite pastimes, drinking and swearing. The drinking because when he found himself lying on top of a train track in the middle of nowhere with a train horn blasting in the distance. It had been time to get help. Two the cursing, it reminded him of the bars. There was something about a good curse word that brought images of a smooth malt whisky. So as part of his sobriety, he gave up cursing.
“You want me to tell them you’re not here,” his secretary sounded giddy as if she wanted to tell them what bridge they can use to take a flying leap from.
“No. Put them through.” He could only imagine what they wanted.
“Ravenstill,” Haymitch greeted.
“I just wanted to tell you that this Agatha Christine stunt is the best thing that has happened. We are two months away from the Oscar Nominations; his name is like gold. Not to mention the movie has been number one for six weeks and has done phenomenally well internationally.”
Haymitch could hear P. Ravenstille the Third calculating the money in his head. To men and women like Ravenstille it was all about the money, not about the kid who had had enough to leave. 
“I just want him found before the Oscar nomination,” Ravenstill said.
“Is that all?” 
“Yes, good job. I’m sending a few clients your way, Abernathy. See what you can do for their careers.” 
With that Ravenstill was gone. 
Sighing deeply, Haymitch thought to himself, it was time to begin some digging of his own. He needed to find the kid.
A few days later Pete made her scream so much that the tension rods gave way and fell. Maybe it was the force of the bed hitting the wall, but it didn’t matter because coming with him buried deep within her walls shook her world. She couldn’t form a simple sentence afterwards. She was glad that afternoon, Prim had been next door playing video games with Vick and Rory.
It all came about because of laundry. She was making plies gearing up for laundry day. By the time she mentioned dryer sheets her underwear was hanging from the corner of the refrigerator. Peeta had a serious kink about laundry.
When Prim came home, she stopped and looked at both of them, as they made dinner. Her eyes narrowed. She looked suspicious.
“Why is your hair wet, Pete?” Prim asked.
Pete looked so embarrassed that he couldn’t come up with a single word.
“Prim go wash up. Dinner will be done in a few minutes,” Katniss shooed her away needing to quickly redirect her sister.
“But his hair is all wet,” Prim said.
This was going to be harder than corralling baby chicks. “We were playing with water Prim,” Katniss said.
“Wait, you had a water fight and didn’t invite me!” Prim sounded outraged.
“I’m sorry, you were so busy playing victory of something or other with Vick,” Katniss teased. It wasn’t a lie; she and Pete did play with water. A steamy game of hide the soap.
Prim twisted her face, and sounded like Daffy Duck, “You’re despicable.”
“I know,” Katniss winked. “Now go wash your hands.”
Pete raised an eyebrow.
Katniss felt the way her cheeks stung as she blushed. “I didn’t lie, we were playing with water.”
Pete’s throaty laugh made her wish they were alone.
“Haymitch darling!” Caesar Flickerman's excited voice made Haymitch want to stand in the center of oncoming traffic. The man was so cheerful it gave him a toothache.
“Flick, I’ve got an exclusive.” Haymitch said, jumping in his car.
“Rrrreally,” Caesar rolled his r’s like a cat purring. Caesar's real name was Pertanio Rodriguez, he changed his name to sound more commercial. But he emulated Walter Mercado, a famous and beloved astrologer. Despite his Liberace-like appearance, Caesar was one of the smartest interviewers.  
“Let’s just say I’m cashing in that favor, you owe me.” Haymitch slipped his glasses on. The black and white grainy pictures of a blond Peeta Mellark and a dark haired beauty were on his passenger side.
“You mean you know where Peeta Mellark is?”
“Yeah, I want you to get ready to move, and I mean move fast.” Haymitch knew everything, thanks to Finnick. He followed Pete Golightly to District Twelve and that’s where he found him playing house with a girl. Haymitch needed to spin this fast, because he guessed if he found Peeta this fast there were others who were on his trail. “The kid’s in love, and it’s why he left. To help his lady love.”
“OHHHHH,” Caesar said.
“Yeah, star crossed, flipping flip flop, lovers.”
Claudius was tired, but he knew he was getting close. He could taste it as he drove off the ferry into District Twelve. The island was small, mostly filled with rocky hills. This was the type of place where cousins kissed and everyone was related.
His proof? As he drove into town all he could see was tan and olive-skinned people, with slick black hair and light eyes. Yep, he was in an inbred clusterfuck. It was evening, and the sun was dipping low, closing on another day. It was starting to get cold.
The rented car needed gas; he drove it through the Capitol and eleven of the thirteen districts. He wanted nothing more than to find a hotel, get a hot meal, and a shower.
Pulling into the gas station a taller version of the inbred came out.
“Forty dollars regular.” Claudius offered the kid the two bills. He was looking at his emails. There was still no sight of Peeta Mellark.
He scowled. “You’re tearing the engine with regular.”
The growl snapped Claudius from perusing his phone. The kid looked like he could bench press him. “Fine.”
 “Ass,” the hot-tempered giant said.
“Look, I'm looking for someone. He’s medium height, blue eyes, broad shoulders…a chin that makes women swoon.”
The kid raised an eyebrow.
“Look, he kinda looks like Peeta Mellark the movie star,” Claudius doubted the giant had two brain cells that held a note of intelligence. “Do you know anyone who looks like that?”
The giant’s eyes widened and he growled, “I do.”
“You do, great!”
“Who the hell are you?”
Suddenly Claudius saw the kids eyes turn cold and calculating, and Claudius thought huh, he was wrong, the giant was smart.
“I’m a reporter, my name is Claudius.” Claudius took out his card and gave it to the giant. “I’m looking for him, you know where he is?”
“How much is it worth to you?”
“Sure, 50K,” Claudius said.
“100 Grand,” the giant countered.
“60..” the kids hand curled into a fist, and Claudius raised his price, his voice going up an octave. “70…5…75 Grand.”
“Good, name’s Gale.”
“Gale,” Claudius said, not sure if this kid was going to lead him to Peeta Mellark or  into the mountains and skin him alive.
“Meet me tomorrow,” Gale said scribbling the address on the back of his receipt.
“If this is…”
“You want Mellark, right?” Gale asked.
“Yeah, well meet me there tomorrow morning. Early, or you won’t catch him.”
Claudius knew there was a story here, “Why?”
“Look, this district is so small about half a dozen people already know that you’re here. The news will get to him quickly and he’ll leave. Do you want that?”
“No.” Claudius felt like he was back in third grade being chastised by his thick legged hairy teacher Mrs. Gaul.
“Good, then drive four miles, make a left on Chicory lane and stop at number 451, and tell the goat man I sent you. He’ll take care of you tonight. Meet me tomorrow before five at this address.
Katniss awoke slowly, she was surrounded, cocooned in a delicious warmth and manly scent. Their first date led to her sleeping with him. Heat spread throughout her body as she recalled the way it felt to have him deep inside her, the way her body split and widened to accommodate him. His look was a blend of worry and bliss. Seeing him come undone was one of her new favorite things to do.
Of course Pete confessed his favorite thing to do was making her orgasm over and over.
“How is it you’re not sleeping?”
His sleep roughened voice caused gooosebumps to appear up and down her body.
“Well, I have to go get Prim, she’s at Coral’s house.”
“Right,” Pete rubbed his eyes.
“Pete, you don’t have to go.”
Pete looked at his phone, “Katniss it’s not even five in the morning.”
“It isn’t?” Katniss looked at his phone. “I forgot the whole time-change thing.”
Pete laughed, “Well that gives us time...”
Katniss turned and saw him leering at her and she gasped and laughed as Pete attacked her lips.
Gale couldn’t believe his nemesis was none other than the ‘goody-toO-shoes’ Hollywood star; Peeta Mellark was Pete Golightly. It was the same blue eyes, chin, build, height, even his smile was the same. Only his hair was different. Peeta’s blond hair didn’t look like a bottle dye job though. He looked like a natural blond. Either way, Gale wanted to smack himself on the back of his head. His anger had blinded him and he hadn’t made the connection; the missing Hollywood star was hiding here in District Twelve, and now that Hollywood star had seduced the one clueless girl on the entire island that he, Gale, desired.
Gale looked at his phone. Claudius, the reporter was late. Gale had googled the guy last night. Claudius was legit. He worked as an independent photographer for Snow Incorporated; Coriolanus Snow owned several tabloid magazines, and a few reputable newspapers. 
For once Gale was glad Katniss' sister wasn’t at home. He knew Prim wasn’t in the apartment. Vick, his little brother said she was having a slumber party this weekend. Prim shouldn’t have to pay for her sister's indiscretion. 
A cold breeze slipped by. It was cold outside, and it looked like snow was on the way.
Pete or rather Peeta, was inside with Katniss.   
Gale wondered if Katniss knew who Pete really was and if that was why she’d let him into her inner circle. Maybe she was attracted to his fame and fortune. If that was the case, and Katniss turned out to be one of those girls, then what chance did he, a mechanic, have. She would never go for him. And that is why he was waiting for the reporter.
He wanted her to hurt the way he hurt.
He wanted her to be embarrassed the way he was embarrassed at her denial of what he wanted.
He wasn't an idiot. He was smart.
And with the money he was about to make he certainly didn’t want a cheap hussy like Katniss by his side. He was going to get himself a good girl, a girl who wanted him for more than just his looks and money. 
Gale spotted the reporter’s car as it pulled up silently.
“What kind of Blair Witch Project kind of road is this? I swear I was afraid I was going to fall into a ditch and die a few times.” 
“You made it, didn’t you?”
Claudius sighed, “Yeah.”
“You got the money?”
“I need the goods,” Clausidius said.
“Look, I know you think I’m some backward hick living in a hole in the wall, but I know that if you don’t pay me, the best picture you’ll get of Mellark is a picture of him from behind, leaving this house. What I got planned is going to make you notorious.” Gale held up the extra set of keys to the rental. 
The reporter grimaced, but looked at the keys. “Fine,” Claudius said. He got out of his car and pulled out a messenger bag full of  money and handed it to Gale. 
“That's half, that's all I have with me,” Claudius said. 
“Once I get the picture, I’ll get you the other half.”
“Then let's go,” Gale said, striding forward.
Peeta lazily let his hands drift over Katniss’ arm. They were cuddling, spooning. Her delicious backside was pressed up against his front. She was half-asleep, lulled by their last round of love making. 
Prim told him last night that he needed to tell Katniss the truth.  He was scared. But as Prim said, Katniss knew him. She knew the real him and not the poster board flashy grinning guy he had to portray in the media. Everything was pretend in Hollywood and over the top. He wanted something real and he found it in her. 
His heart melted for her. He was in love for the first time in his life. He loved and was in love with Katniss and this morning he was going to tell Katniss the truth about who he was.
“Katniss,” he whispered into her cheek. 
“Mmmm,” she moans sleepily.  
“Come on, Everdeen,” he nipped at her neck, chin, and earlobe. 
“Go away,” she snuggles into the bed. 
“Katniss,” he tried again. “I’m going to make you cheese buns.”
“Mmmm, cheese buns.”
“And my real name is Peeta Mellark,” he said quietly. 
Her eyes opened, just as the curtains to her room opened and the flash of a camera went off. 
“PEETA MELLARK,” Cluadius shouts as he takes pictures. “Is she what made you leave Hollywood!”
Peeta took his shirt and covered Katniss before he leapt from the bed and pushed Caludius out of the bedroom and out of the apartment.
“Gale?” Katniss asked behind him. 
Peeta saw the tall lanky neighbor with a pleased grin in the shadows as Claudius took pictures. His first instinct was to punch the idiot, because he knew it was Gale that sold them out. His second instinct was to call in the calvary, Haymitch.  
"My sister. They're going to take my sister away," Katniss whispered, pacing back and forth.
��Katniss, I am sorry about this,” Pete says, running his hand through his blond hair. 
She can’t stop the worrying. Then she paused and stared at the man she’d fallen in love, the man who lied to her. “You were trying to tell me...before that...that.”
“I wanted to be honest with you.” He stood and came to stand near her. 
Suddenly she was filled with questions, all of them starting with the word, why. "How did you come up with your name Pete Golightly?”
“Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Audrey Hepbrun’s name is Holly Golightly. It’s the name I use whenever I check into hotels. I changed my name slightly and used Golightly. Only one person knows my alias, a fail safe in case someone needs to reach me in an emergency.” 
“Huh,” Katniss cocked her head. She didn’t like old movies and frankly had never seen it. But she was familiar with the posters of Audry Hepurn standing in front of the jewelry store.  “Breakfast at Tiffany’s, the girl with the black dress.”
“That’s the one.”
“Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"Because." He waits a beat before he says, "I was in hiding. I didn’t want to burden you with  knowing. Besides, no one needs me."
Katniss couldn’t help the gasp that escaped her lips. How could anyone not want him, need him.
“But you’re a movie star?” Katniss whispered, wondering how she missed out on the reality that he was Peeta Mellark, the movie star. She had a poster of him when she was younger. But she blinked to focus. Pete was really Peeta. She furrowed her eyebrows as she thought about what she knew about him. She'd seen him during these last few weeks, tested his metal. Carefully she made a list of the things she knew about Peeta, the man. He was smart, strong, generous, kind, sweet, good. At the last word she stopped. Peeta was beyond, just, plain ol' good. He had an inherent goodness that was at the center of his being, and people didn’t see it because they were taken in by the fame.
“Exactly.” He gave her a pointed look. “They need my money, notoriety, fame...but no one needs me. My family,” his voice sounds bitter laced with disappointment. "They only need me and use me for the money in my bank account. My mother sold the spare key to my house for a fee to the tabloids. They went through my home and splayed it in Snow’s publications for the world to see.  When I asked why, my mother said it was because I was a selfish, weak chinned, dumbass who she was going to sue for lost wages. As we speak her lawyers are filing paperwork.” 
He sighed and his eyes saddened. Katniss could see how broken and lost he was, and Katniss reached out to touch his hand. She wonders what kind of woman would do that to her own child.  Katniss had no idea. she didn't read the tabloids or watched shows about movie stars and their sordid lives. She was too busy trying to put food on the table and keep a roof over her and her sister’s heads. 
Sad blue eyes met her fiery silver ones. Katniss wanted to tuck him away and keep him safe.
“I left Hollywood because I was burnt out. I thought no one cared for me. I do not need attention, as Haymitch will attest to, I hate the attention, but I love the work. However, people want the movie star.  They don’t want me Peeta, the guy who would rather hang out, paint or experiment with food. I only have two friends Haymitch, which you’re about to meet and I am apologizing for what Haymitch is, and Finnick Odair.  Yes, that Finnick Odair who runs around in his movies, half naked, half the time."
Kathiss wrinkled her nose at the image of the guy with the Jason Mamoa body, and the devil may care grin. He was, in Delly's words, melt your panties hot. But Katniss didn't find him interesting. "I've been forced to watch a few of his movies."
His eyes lighted and his lips formed a smile at the word forced. 
"Delly." Katniss shrugged. "She thinks he is sultry, but he's not my type." She watched his eyes process the information. "So if you don't have that many friends..." her voice drifted. Gleaning his information about his family, she formulated the question. Katniss didn't have a lot of friends. There was only Delly and Madge. But she also had Prim, her only family,  and even her pacifist her sister would punch bees for her. "What do you do?"
"I sit home most of the time doing laundry. Perfecting my fitted sheet fold."
"You have a thing about laundry."
"Just yours," his heated look caused her pulse racing.
"Peeta," she chastised. He smiled mischievously and picked up the bra that she'd been looking for.
Intense heat flooded her cheeks. She imagined she had to be redder than the child of a tomato and a cherry. She snatched it from his hands. "You need to get back to Hollywood...and why you left."
Peeta cleared his throat. "I really don't do the whole Hollywood thing. I don't party. I don't drink and I don't do drugs. Most of my nights I hang out with Finn and his wife Annie. I do a lot of laundry for Annie. They have an adorable lil boy, a toddler, named Finian. Fin for short, who loves mud. I do their laundry for fun. But outside of them, like I said,  I have no one and I know that no one wants me, so I walked away. I didn’t think anyone would hunt me down. I am sorry.”
Katniss didn’t have a voice momentarily, so she continued to listen.
“I came here, intending to hide out for a few days and then head to District Thirteen. Then I walked into Greasy Sae’s and I couldn’t breath when I saw you and weirdly parallel stalked you…and then I met Prim.”
“What about Prim?” Katniss needed to know everything. It would serve her right that, her super intelligence off the charts, baby sister would figure who Pete really was.
“Prim knows, she figured me out. Within seconds...she knew all of my media history. She's tough, made me sweat.”  
Katniss chuckled. Her baby sister could be exasperating and could be terrifying when she turned on, what Katniss called her smart factor. Prim was a computer able to make calculations about all sorts of things. Katniss was the only one who could match her sister when engaged. But it also reminds Katniss of the pictures of her naked with Peeta.  "Oh the pictures. This isn't good Pete...Peeta."
"Katniss trust me, we'll figure a way out. I swear. My manager Haymitch will know what to do.” Peeta's voice was reassuring.
“No, you don’t understand the state; they will see this as me being irresponsible. They will take my sister away and put her in foster care.” Katniss couldn’t help the way her voice rose. Everything was spinning out of control.  She couldn’t help the tears that fell from her face.
“Listen to me. Haymitch is almost here. He said he has a plan.” He gathered her in his arms and she sighed and trembled. 
All she ever wanted was to make her sister feel safe. She wanted to make her sister feel as if nothing else could go wrong. She closed her eyes. Now she couldn’t do that because a paparazzi had taken naked pictures of her and Pete...Peeta. Naked pictures that would be splashed and splayed all over tabloids and news media outlets.  
Pictures that weren’t Peeta’s fault, but Gale’s. 
Gale sold Peeta out.
“Pete, I mean Peeta,” Katniss couldn’t hide her misery. “Those pictures, they’re going to use them against me. They are going to use them against you too.”
His eyes warmed. 
His cell phone beeped.  He looks at his phone. “Delly’s here.”  Delly was bringing Prim home. There was another ping. He frowned looking at the phone then said, “...and so is Haymitch.”
He gave her a look, as if pleading with her to trust him. He looked so vulnerable. Katniss expelled a breath. She’d question if she should trust him. A single word enters her mind. Together.
Taking his hand in hers. "There isn’t anyone I would rather do this with."
He chuckled. "You’re so fierce, like an Amazon."
Katniss grinned. "You haven't seen me with my bow."
"You’re so amazing."
Their hands threaded together. She was going to protect Peeta because the whirlwind of pain stopped here.
Let the storm commence.
"Together," Peeta said with hope.
Peeta opened his mouth to speak as Haymitch entered the garage. The kid’s text message that Claudius broke into the girl's apartment and took pictures of them in-flagrante had him calling in the troops. He had less than an hour to spin and control the narrative. Naked pictures of the kid wouldn’t have meant anything to Haymitch if it were another client, but the kid had a stellar track record. It meant the world. He sent a text to his contact, another favor. The kid was going to owe him big.
"Save it, kid," he said gruffly. He needed a drink, hell, he needed an entire bottle of whisky.  "Flipping burnt flapjacks, kid, if you needed a break." His eyes scanned the small interior. His car was bigger on the inside than this place. "I could have helped you."
"Haymitch," Peeta looked behind him at the girl and her sister.
"I'm sorry," Prim said quietly. "I wanted to tell you. But Peeta needed to feel safe."
"I know." Katniss nodded curtly. 
Peeta's love interest had the personality of a dead slug. His phone pinged. Haymitch hid his eavesdropping. His eyes focused on Peeta. The kid was more than just a client; he was like family. 
Haymitch lowered his voice. "I know this had to do with your family. So I let you go, my mistake. And I'm not letting anyone ruin you for a paycheck. Now introduce me."
"Haymitch, this is Katniss Everdeen and her sister Primrose.
It only took Haymitch seconds for him to assess the situation.
The little sister Primrose was sugary sweet, adorable. Her wide baby blue eyes held intelligence and goodness. The world was going to love her. 
His grey eyes met the girl. "Listen Sweetheart, if you’re going to survive this, you've got to listen to me."
His grey eyes watched the kid with the girl. He hid his grin when she scowled at his nickname for her.  He could see her bristle, before her eyes shuttered closed, almost like a camera lense quickly shifting to block out light. "Okay, lovebirds, Cinna is here. And Caesar is waiting outside to interview you both." 
"Haymitch," Peeta said, taking a step forward to protect both of the women in his arms. This behavior he expected from the kid.
Sweetheart’s behavior though surprised him. When Katniss glanced at Peeta, she transformed into a fiery creature that is so pure and majestic. Haymitch realized Sweetheart was a lot like him. Tender hearted, fiercely loyal, with a tough exterior. Haymitch knew the girl was smitten with Peeta himself, and not the Hollywood facade. This he could work with. 
"Haymitch, Katniss is Primrose's guardian. The pictures Claudius took are salacious and damning." Peeta glanced back at Katniss before moving forward. “She can't afford to have them come out. We need to make sure they are protected."
"Look, I can sell this star-crossed lover." As expected Sweetheart scowled. Good, Haymitch thought; he wanted her to go into combat mode. "You guys will tell Caesar the truth." As Haymitch spoke he was furiously typing on the keypad of his phone. "He's broadcasting it onto a live audience. People love a good love story. Any pictures Claudius has will be seen as intrusive."
Haymitch opened the door to Cinna who arrived with the prep team. 
"How long do we have?"
"15 minutes tops," Haymitch said.
Cinna nodded. The team hauled in dresses, makeup, lights, and things Haymitch was sure the Everdeen women had never seen. 
"What the hell is going on here?"
Haymitch turned to meet a woman who looked to be six feet tall. Her sharp eyes glance at Sweetheart. Haymitch guessed this was landlady by her agitated face. 
"Hazelle," Sweetheart said, and he could see that she wanted to cry, but she built up a wall. This wasn't a friend, but the woman was an authority figure. Someone Sweetheart looked up to. 
“Katniss what is going on? Why are all these people trespassing? Gale called me and said that you had all of these people here.”
Sweetheart was easy to read.  She was pissed at the name Gale. He quietly glanced at the kid who’s eyes ticked also at the sound of Gale’s name. 
“Who is Gale?” Haymitch abruptly asked, not caring about the woman before him. He knew Gale was related to Hazelle but he wanted to know what part this idiot had in this fiasco.
“Gale is my son, and this is my property.”
Sweetheart looked agitated, and he wondered if this Gale was the reason he was here. The reason the kid and sweetheart were in this mess.  Peeta mouthed Claudius to him and confirmed his suspicions. “You rent to her?” Haymitch narrowed his eyes. 
“Yes.” Hazelle bit back. “I want…” 
Haymitch got in her way, stopping her torrent of words. His phone pinged, and he got what he was waiting for, the pictures, from an insider at the tabloid Claudius sold the pictures to.  As he's suspected, the money shot wasn't of Peeta, it was of Peeta with Sweetheart. Haymitch then saw why Peeta was upset. Because the pictures showed how vulnerable the kid's other half was. It was Sweetheart’s whose life would be ruined. Her name raked through hot coals and muck. This was the intention of Hazelle’s son, and Haymitch scratched the words 'Hazelles son' and for the first time in years he cursed, that rat bastard. “Then you know your son allowed a paparazzi into your renter’s apartment and let him take pictures of my client and his girlfriend while they were asleep?”
Her eyes widened with shock. “My son would never…”
“Really,” Haymitch held his phone up and. “I believe that is your son in the background with a smug grin on his face. He violated the renter’s agreement to be notified before entering the residence. He also is a slimy, no good worm for doing that to her.” Haymitch said, “Hope you’re proud of your son.” 
Hazelle’s eyes lost her indignation. "I..."  
"I suggest you lawyer up. I've just sent the information to my client’s lawyer, Johanna Mason. I suggest you call your son and tell him he can kiss the money he made goodbye." 
"Johanna?" Peeta questioned.
Haymitch grinned wickedly. Peeta hadn't wanted to do anything about his mother, but Haymitch went behind his back to procure Hollywood's number one ball busting lawyer Johanna Mason. She gleefully was preparing the paperwork against Snow; the woman loathed the man. She already had an injunction against the images. "Don't worry Kid, she's doing this pro-bono. Now go get pretty. You go live with Caesar in less than ten."
Caesar Flickerman was like a circus ringleader. Literally dressed like a ringleader with a red jacket, black lapels, and gold trimming. His hair was jet black and his smile was a little too crazed for Katniss' liking. She squared her shoulders, looking at Haymitch who raised an eyebrow and his eyes slid to the camera letting her know she was not acting like the doting girlfriend. It caused her to gaze at Peeta who took her hand and squeezed it. The butterflies that were eerily silent until this very moment were having a championship hockey match inside of her stomach.
She was so uncomfortable. In ten minutes she’d been waxed, pealed, and poured into clothing with price tags that made her head spin. The jean’s she wore cost more than her rent. She and her sister were sitting on either side of Peeta. Primrose looked beautiful, her blonde hair combed and styled to perfection. Cinna and his assistants dressed her in a graphic t-shirt dress and distressed jacket. She wore lace up black ankle boots. Prim was excited for the fashion and Katniss' heart twisted because she could never afford to give her sister any of this. 
Looking down at her hands, she thought this was all surreal. 
There were cameras, glaring lights, this fuzzy long thing that hung right above her head. It was hot and uncomfortable. It was also live.
Caesar was speaking to the camera about them. 
It was too much. Those butterflies that were playing hockey now drove dune buggies. Her eyes looked for an exit. She didn’t know how Peeta did it, being on center stage. 
Sensing her discomfort, Peeta put his arm around her shoulders, bringing her closer. Katniss sighed, looking up at him. The sooty lashes that Peeta's prep team glued to her lids stuck together and she blinked to  separate them; this is why she didn't wear makeup.
Peeta might have read the wrong signal because he leaned in and brushed a kiss on her lips. Then his lips trailed from the cleft of her lips to her cheeks to her ear. "You okay?" he whispered.
Katniss could feel heat flush her face as she realized Peeta had found a way to communicate without breaking the charade. Katniss whispered, "My fake lashes keep on sticking together. And I loathe make up!"
The low rumble in his chest meant he was caught off guard.
She wanted to hide her grin, and he wiggled his eyebrows. There was the loveable goofball who had an unnatural love of all things laundry. Say the words fabric softener and he became a puppy with a favorite toy.
He roughly whispered, "You're amazing!"
He gently brushed her lashes and adjusted the troublesome lash before moving away.
"Look at you two, what a beautiful couple!" Caesar gushed.
For those few seconds Katniss was grateful for the man's exuberance; it's as if he was on their side.  
“So what happened Peeta?” Caesar said with notes of sincerity. “Why did you walk away?”
Peeta leaned forward and Katniss slipped her hand in his. 
“It was the whole thing with my parents.” Peeta’s voice hid nothing of the pain; he shared it with the world. “My mother sold me to the highest bidder, and,” Katniss squeezed his hand. “They went through my home. I felt violated, and unable to feel safe.”
Caesar said, “I recall that wasn’t that long ago.”
“The pressure, sadness, and betrayal were eating me up and I needed to step away.  I am not a drinker or a guy who enjoys partying.” Peeta shrugged. “I’m a homebody. I’m more domestic.” 
Katniss thought of his love of laundry and the butterflies in her stomach settled.   
Caesar laughed. “Domestic.”
“He makes great pastries,” Prim said. Her eyes were wide and lovely. 
“Pastries?” Caesar asked. 
“Here you want some?” Prim held up a bag of cookies. “They are heavenly.”
“PRIM,” Katniss huffed. “I’m so sorry.”
Peeta grinned.  “You see Caesar, this is what I needed.”
Caesar laughed. “Tell me who are these lovely ladies…”
“This is Primrose Everdeen,” Peeta introduced. 
“Hi Caesar,” Prim said. “Seriously though you need to try these cookies.” Prim opened the brown bag and handed one to Caesar.
“Well, alright,” Caesar looked at the cookie as if tasting it was going to make him gain three hundred pounds. 
“It’s gluten free, dairy free, and nut free,” Prim smiled. 
The camera zoomed into Caesar’s face and Katniss witnesses the power of Peeta’s bakery take down another person. The celebrity interviewers face turners into one of pure rapture. “Peeta, you must give me the recipe.”
“Sorry his baked goods are all mine,” Prim said. 
Caesar laughed. “Oh she is precious. But tell me who is this sitting next to you?”
“Caesar this is Katniss Everdeen.”
The butterflies were back and they had jackhammers. 
“She’s the reason I stayed actually. They aren’t the reason I walked away, but they are the reason I didn’t go back” Peeta confessed. His voice softened, his eyes held notes of tenderness as he spoke, “These two women mean the world to me.”
Even the hardened Hollywood crew sighed at Peeta’s words. 
“I met him first,” Prim said. “But I needed to make sure he had good intentions toward my sister.” 
“Katniss,” Caesar asked, “You’ve been so quiet.”
Katniss glanced at her sister and then at Peeta, unaware of the way her face transformed and caused the world to fall in love with her. She transcended into something fierce and wildly beautiful. 
The camera scanned down to the way her hands were intertwined with Peeta’s. 
“When did you fall for him? Did you know who Peeta was?”
Katniss couldn’t stop staring into Peeta’s blue eyes. “I didn’t know who he was; I was clueless.” Her voice trembled, “All I know is that he was so kind and generous.” She stared, not at the camera but at Caesar. “And when I found out who he was and what happened I just couldn’t understand why any mother would want to hurt their child like that.”   
Peeta smiled softly then he looked at Caesar, “Now you know why I stayed.” Peeta then placed a kiss on her lips and then said, “What I didn’t expect was another invasion of privacy.” 
“You alright?” Peeta tucked a strand of her hair behind Katniss' ear. She looked gorgeous. Cinna had outdone himself. She wore a red dress that looked like poured molten fire on her skin. Peeta couldn’t wait to get back home and strip her out of it. 
“I am.” 
He watched her hands shake. The Oscars was the superbowl of the movie industry. Peeta held her hand. Outside the limo, there were about a thousand reporters and wall to wall fans.  This was overwhelming for her and he was the professional. He could just imagine what it was like for a girl who would rather sit in the chair of a sadistic dentist sans novacaine than to be thrust into the controlled mêle that existed outside the limo’s door.
“You don’t have to go in with me; you can stay in the car. You can go back to the hotel, rent a movie, jump on the bed, steal all of the toiletries in the room, and if you are feeling dangerous," Peeta lowered his voice an octave, "rip the tags off the mattress.”
Katniss narrowed her eyes at him. He watched her struggle to keep the laughter she wanted to expel over his ridiculous suggestion. He, of course, made reference to the small argument they were having over her purity. 
It started with Finnick doing his whole Daniel Craig, James Bond thing where he came out of the water. Finnick was messing with her and Katniss disliked him. She proceeded to give Finnick, ‘if he were in her woods he'd be in big trouble’ looks throughout the barbeque. 
Peeta told her, Finnick was only messing with her because she was pure.  And Katniss bristled, and fought that she wasn't pure. But Peeta didn't mean it in a sexual way. He meant it in the way that she was pure of heart. Katniss had a pure heart. Like the hero's of old, she was valiant and although tough as nails, she was forgiving. Gale betrayed her and she was mulling over forgiving him.
After Caesar's interview, Peeta and Katniss’ relationship was cemented in the public eye. Haymitch was able to control the narrative since Katniss led a normal life and wasn't like Finnick, who had so many hidden skeletons in his closet. Haymitch was taking care of the Everdeen women, mentoring them. He had an affinity for Prim and Katniss. They understood one another because Haymitch had lost his family as well, and he had tried to raise his brother, but they were separated and sent into foster homes. 
Haymitch hired Johanna to help Katniss retain her custody of Prim. They were seeking visas for all three of them. Peeta to travel in and out of Panem, and For Katniss and Prim. 
Johanna, spurred by the public outcry over the second violation of his privacy, wanted Snow and his tabloids prosecuted for invasion of privacy of someone who wasn't in the limelight. Gale and Claudius were arrested for, breaking and entering and some other misdemeanor charges. Claudius was facing a harder climb because he was an outsider. Because of Katniss, there was clemency for Gale. And that brought him back to why Katniss was pure. She didn't even know the effect she had on people or how she inspired others.  
Peeta reached out and put his hand on top of hers. “No, I can do this,” she said.
He knew this was not easy, but as she sat perched at the edge of her seat, he thought about how Katniss became his family. How she encouraged him to take on meaningful roles, and to pursue directing and production. They were both still young, but he knew from the moment his eyes met hers in Greasy Sae's diner he was a goner. His feelings for Katniss multiplied as time passed and they worked through each hurdle together. 
Looking at her, Peeta knew without a doubt Katniss had strong feelings for him as well. She wasn't someone who used words; she spoke with her actions. Katniss fought by his side. Simple things she did. Like making his tea the way he liked it without sugar and milk. Opening the window before they went to sleep because she knew he liked to sleep with a window open. Googling how to make natural paints, then going out into nature and gathering supplies to make the paint for him. It spoke volumes.
"I love you," the words slipped out of his lips. 
Her eyes widened.
"You don't have to say it back to me, because I know that you care about me. You do a hundred little things in the day to show me the depths of your emotions toward me." 
He watched as a smile curved her lips. Her silvery eyes sparkled, greater than sunlight glittering on the surface of water. She stole his breath away. All he ever wanted was to be needed, loved, and here was the personification of that need.
"I need you Peeta," she rasped. He could hear and see the depth of emotion in her eyes. "I love you." 
He leaned in and with shaking hands cupped her face. Suddenly he didn’t want to be at the Oscars. Peeta wanted to be in a private room to show her with his words, his mouths, his hands, and his body just how much he loved this woman. “Screw the Oscars, let's get out of here.” 
Her eyes turned mischievous, “Oh hell no. I wasn’t plucked, creamed and stuffed into this dress like a holiday turkey by Cinna and his prep team just to turn around and leave. We’re going to walk that carpet, we’re gonna sit in our seats, and do this shindig, because as much as I like pissing off Haymitch, I don’t think we should give him a heart attack by not showing up.”
Peeta laughed. There she was pushing her own discomfort for him. “And afterwards?”
“Win or lose, Pete Golightly, you’re taking this dress off with your teeth.” She threw him a mischievous look, “And then we’re going to grab some fabric sheets and sniff them.”
The door opened and Peeta was stunned by her description. Heat and desire poured through his veins. He now had a boner. Then a slow smile spread on his face he was going to go home a winner no matter what.  Laughter erupted from his lips, though from the fabric sheets comment and the sheer joy on his face was the picture that was captured by the press.
Peeta did win the Oscar, and he did go home, and he did tear off her dress with his teeth. And afterwards they did laundry all night long. He was after all, a man of his word. 
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sparkles-and-trash · 3 years
Modern ATLA AU Headcanons Meme
Reblog this post, and your own answers!
I love myself some modern AU's, and I love how different they all are, so, I made this so we can all share, and feel free to add characters if you want, and just not do any of these if the character isn't important to you!
Bending? Yes! Always!
Monarchy? Nope
Our world or theirs? Their's all the way
Animals? Boring ones from our world, it's what I know the best lol
Tattoos? yes, always, and I keep the inspired by the ones in the movie (the movie is awful but the tattoos are cool and actual rl inspired?
Home life/family/upbringing? I usually go with him being raised by Monk Gyatso, and keep everything else kind of vague
Major/job? I go back and fourth, but I like him as a tattoo artist, or as a vet, anything with animals, or as a nurse, preferably a pediatric nurse!
Hobbies? Skating, in any form, yoga, meditation, painting and art
Vegetarian or Vegan? I think he's be cruelty free as far as it's possible
Appa and Momo? Big, fluffy rescue dog and small, shifty cat
personality compared to canon? Pretty similar, maybe a tad less traumatized considering the war didn't happen, but he's still the Avatar, and he still suffered great loss very young
how long have they've known the Gaang? Toph since always, water sibs since middle- or high-school, Zuko either middle school or uni, spending on the story, Suki in high school when she dates Sokka
some random headcanon(s)? he doesn't drink, but he does occasionally enjoy some ouíd at parties or when others drink
Home life/family/upbringing? Their mother died when they were really young, and Hakoda married his lifelong best friend, Bato. They're generally a happy family.
Major/job? I love doctor Katara, and vet Katara, but also Katara in Politics, working hard making the world a better place!
personality compared to canon? Extremely similar, kind, brave, not afraid to speak her mind, awkward in certain situations, a pesky but loving younger sister, etc.
how long have they've known the Gaang? meets Aang and Toph early high school, Suki pretty fast after, Zuko late high school or uni
Hobbies? Sporty, likes to play all sports but doesn't do any seriously, swimming, surfing, writing, reading
some random headcanon(s)? she very good in school, but she's not a goody-two-shoes, she likes a good party as much as anyone
Home life/family/upbringing? Their mother died when they were really young, and Hakoda married his lifelong best friend, Bato. They're generally a happy family.
Major/job? I always like him as some type of engineer, but anything clever and creative is cool!
personality compared to canon? Similar, but maybe a little less... insecure? in that he never had to protect for his entire Tribe very young, and he did very well in school and had lots of talent, but also he has enough struggles to not be a dick? Extremely competitive and protective tho.
how long have they've known the Gaang? meets Aang and Toph early high school, starts dating Suki soon after, Zuko late high school or uni
Hobbies? Surfing in summer, skating, always, drawing and painting, gaming
some random headcanon(s)? has ADHD, is a bi-king, very comfortable with that, and is somehow good friends with all of his exes
Home life/family/upbringing? Similar to canon, just a modern rich asshole version of Ozai, who's either a huge criminal or just inherited a lot of money, Ursa out of the picture, Iroh as caretaker from a young age, but still lived kinda sheltered and was very lonely in his kid and teen years
Major/job? I like tons of stuff for him, either him managing a Jasmin Dragon, preferably with him adding a book café, but also a writer, photographer or tattoo artist
personality compared to canon? very similar, but since I usually write them uni aged or older, he's more mature? But he does still have some anger management issues, can be oblivious to social settings, awkward, brash and has very little knowledge of some basic stuff due to growing up rich. But he's also very loyal, loves his friends so much, and wants everyone to be okay, all the time.
how long have they've known the Gaang? Aang either middle school or late high school, Toph from a young age, and the others either late high school or uni.
Hobbies? Writing, photography, reading, fan fiction, musical nerd, bad gamer
Scar story? Ozai, in some way, preferably when Zuko speaks against something evil he did in front of the wrong people, so similar to canon
some random headcanon? used to have a pretty bad stutter, and even tho it's almost not noticeable anymore, he's very insecure about it
Home life/family/upbringing? Extremely sheltered, barley got to go to public school, snuck out a lot, moves out the second she can and has a tense relationship with her parents
Major/job? I never know tbh, so many possibilities, but I like her as some sort of teacher, either in earth bending, or martial art!
personality compared to canon? Pretty much similar as canon? Loud, unapologetically herself, fiercely protective over her friends, funny af
how long have they've known the Gaang? Toph and Aang since childhood, water sibs since early high school
Hobbies? passionate about good music, is a talented drummer, knows piano from childhood, is a fairly popular youtube gamer/streamer
some random headcanon? demiromantic bisexual, she teaches Zuko how to play the piano and he loves it sm it's their thing
Home life/family/upbringing? Was raised by a single mom and has a bunch of siblings, not poor, but lower middle class, but comes from a loving home
Major/job? Professional athlete of some type, then a coach when retired
personality compared to canon? The same as for what we know! Good attitude, including, funny, very passionate.
how long have they've known the Gaang? most of them from high school when she starts dating Sokka!
Hobbies? Surfing, gaming, material arts, music, plays the bass
some random headcanon? flannel bi, has lots of freckles and big, green eyes
Home life/family/upbringing? Similar to canon, but her mom divorced her father around the start of high school, and they had it a lot better then. She loves her little brother a lot, he's pretty similar to her and looks up to her a lot.
Major/job? Forensic Science major, usually
personality compared to canon? Similar, very similar. Quiet and calculating, but loves her friends and family dearly. Witty, in a quiet way.
Hobbies? plays the violin, reads a lot, goes to a lot of concerts
some random headcanon? I think of her as a lesbian, but I like aro ace Mai, too
Home life/family/upbringing? Same as Zuko, but she moves in with Iroh a little later than him. No contact with her father after that tho, goes on the fitness stand against him after the Zuko thing. Very protective of Zuko, and she doesn't hide it, but she can be ruthless with him, too.
Major/job? Leadership, of some kind
personality compared to canon? She's definitely still Azula, she's amazing at reading people, can be cunning, and mean, but not cruel. Had a major psychological breakdown a few years after their father got sent to jail, a reaction to pushing everything away for. so long, and spent some time in a psychiatric hospital, and dealt with a lot with the therapists and doctors there. A very loyal friend.
Hobbies? material arts, advanced fire bending, fashion and reading
some random headcanon? was the leader of the debate club in high school, became a straight up legend in that crowd.
Ty Lee:
Home life/family/upbringing? Basically the same as canon
Major/job? professional gymnast
personality compared to canon? Same as canon
Hobbies? Dancing, cosplay, fashion
some random headcanon? Knows everyone's name, always.
Idk, tag a few people if you wanna, but no pressure to ever do it!
@flamelo @littlespoonsokka and literally everyone who wants to sorry I'm so bad at tagging jslkgg
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a-d-curtis · 4 years
Haggling the High Stakes
Everyone knows that Aang loves to haggle.
It certainly had become a running joke among their friends at least. Thankfully Aang’s haggling abilities had improved in spades from the first time Katara had witnessed him trying to negotiate with a pirate. Skills improved, he still brought just as much enthusiasm to it now as he ever did.
Katara found it pretty ironic, that for a guy who put so little stock in “worldly possessions”, the act of bartering brought him such great joy. Truthfully, Aang really did care little for “possessions” – he didn’t own a lot of things, keeping his life almost monastically lean. But there was something about the act of haggling -- the game and theatrics involved in getting the best price -- that would bring out the shrewdest of tradesmen in him.
Aang “talked price” in a way that was so obviously airbender. The way he and the vendor would flit from topic to topic, bantering good-naturedly, talking about seemingly unrelated topics that would then circle around to either drive up or down the price. The way he would feign interest in another item at the stall to, in a round about way, pull down the cost of the original. Or even walking away to examine another vendor’s wares to then be called back by the first seller, who suddenly appeared more willing to part with a product he earlier claimed he couldn’t bear to part with. Aang’s tactics weren’t as directionless as they might appear from the outside; he knew the price he planned to end at, he just employed a lot of weaving and schmoozing and crafting in the getting there. It was rarely strait forward and involved a lot of dramatics, but in the end, almost always, Aang walked away with what he wanted and for a price few others could hustle.
It was not uncommon for Aang to spend forty minutes or more wrangling price with a vendor at a bazaar, only to turn around and give whatever he had bought away without thought. “It’s the quest, Katara! Not the prize…”
Since Aang rarely shopped for himself, he was notorious for offering his “skills” to others, to spend their money for them. “Oh, Suki… I saw you looking at that saber over there. Want me to negotiate a good price for you?!” “Hey Sokka, I see that bag does look great with your new boots, but don’t buy it unless they throw in the belt for free!” “Toph, let me help you out here. I’m sure I can find something here for better quality and half the price!”
It was not unknown for him to approach perfect strangers in an effort to keep them from paying too much. “What’s the problem, Katara?! That peddler was clearly gouging that guy! I’m pretty sure it’s part of my duty as the Avatar to keep people from getting ripped off!” “Sure, sure, Aang,” she’d placate him as she’d steer him away from other people’s shopping business.
The glow on Aang’s face after cutting a great deal was almost Avatar State-esk – a wide toothy smile, self-satisfied smugness, lots of backslapping and handshaking post-haggle with any truly artful hawker. Katara found it hard to hold back a laugh with how truly pleased her boyfriend got after “whittling a great bargain”: chest puffed up, arms swinging proudly as he would recount the play-by-play of the exchange, his footsteps barely touching the ground.
Aang claimed that he had learned from the best. “Monk Gyatso didn’t love things, but boy did he love the process of bargaining for things! And no one was better at it, Katara! Monk Gyatso was a real master of the art. Wish you could have seen him in the zone!”
A nostalgic, far away look coming to Aang’s smiling eyes, “Did I ever tell you about the time Gyatso traded his glider for a couple of hopping lamas? Well he bought them from a one-legged butcher who thought Gyatso’s glider staff would make a perfect crutch. Well Gyatso took the lamas and sold them in the next town over to a soybean farmer for twenty whole silver pieces! The farmer’s fields had gotten infested with chokeweeds (and everyone knows hopping lamas LOVE to eat chokeweeds!). The farmer was so happy he gave Gyatso a big batch of his fresh made Tofu as a bonus!
“Well Gyatso took the twenty silver pieces to the local carpenter and bought a mahogany peg-leg (complete with a built in boot) which he took back to the one-legged butcher to trade for his glider back. The butcher was super happy! Gyatso gave him some of the tofu too (with a suggestion that it made an excellent substitute for meat). Not only did Gyatso save two hopping lamas from certain death, get a big basket of fresh tofu, AND help out a cripple, he did it all without loosing a shilling!
“But that was just the beginning! Gyatso took the tofu to the All-Nomad Airball Tournament and gave it to Cook Lhakyi to add to the pre-games feast. Gyatso knew that Monk Sangyal, one of the Head Monks from the Northern Air Temple, had a thing for tofu, but he also knew it gave him some serious gas. You see, Monk Sangyal was scheduled to referee the match between the Southern and Northern Air Temples, but we all knew he never called a fair game for the South. But once he’d loaded up on tofu, let me tell you there was NO WAY Monk Sangyal could stay in his seat when he was gassy – we’re talking shooting ten feet in the air every time he, you know, uh, broke wind… so he had no choice but to bow out of that match as referee, which left Monk Dhondup as the backup referee (and he was always more fair). PLUS with Monk Dhondup refereeing, it freed up his front row seat for Gyatso, which is what Gyatso wanted all along! PRIME spot to watch the championship tournament, which was why he went to the market to buy the lamas in the first place! I tell you, the man was a haggling Master…”
Occasionally Aang would get so caught up in nattering a deal, however, that he would completely loose track of his larger goal. Once at the end of shopping for traveling supplies (and taking way too long to do it in Katara’s opinion) Aang proudly held up what looked like a pair of pirate eye patches he had just spent the last twenty minutes negotiating for. “Look what I got, Katara! I really walked away with a steal for these! Not only did I get a great price, but I got the guy to throw in the second one free of charge!”
“What are you going to do with one eye patch, Aang? Let alone two!” Katara asked in exasperation.
Sokka joined in, “Yeah, wouldn’t two eye patches kind of defeat the purpose? I mean, if you need patches for BOTH eyes, why not just wear some dark glasses?”
“Or go all natur-al – like me,” Toph added pointing a confident thumb to her blind eyes.
Aang’s posture deflated as he looked down at the patches in his hands. “I guess I just got a little caught up in the moment…” he admitted.
“No point in being a cheapskate chaffer if you end up buying useless junk, Twinkletoes.”
But Katara had laughed out loud a moment later when she turned to see Aang and Momo both wearing matching eye patches and chittering out of the sides of their mouths like pirates together. Katara was beginning to think that it wouldn’t matter how much older Aang got, he was likely to be a kid-at-heart forever.
And admittedly, she loved him all the more for it.
But when the two decided to get married, and it came time to negotiate the bride-price, Katara began to dread Aang’s affinity for haggling with a new kind of apprehension.
Honestly, the fact that paying for a bride was still a tradition at all in her village rankled her. But it was common practice in both Water Tribes for the prospective groom to pay a bride-price to the woman’s family upon engagement.
“It’s archaic, Dad!” Katara had argued heatedly. “Not to mention humiliating! To be… bought… like a good canoe or a new polar-bear dog saddle?! Its completely demeaning.”
But Katara’s Gran Gran had stepped in and put her foot down, “It is tradition! Tradition as old as memory in our culture. Paying the bride-price is a covenant that helps to solidify a marriage union, to make it a promise between more than just a man and his wife, but between the couple and their tribe. And you will not rewrite thousands of years of history in one fell swoop, Katara!”
And so the couple had begrudgingly agreed to go through the motions of negotiating the bride-price, which was done in a sort of ceremony, in front of the whole tribe.
The sun was just setting over the horizon as the tribes people gathered in the large rounded gathering hall for the negotiation. Given the high profile of who was getting engaged tonight, the turn out had been nearly comprehensive – most of the village’s families were in attendance to Witness. The tribes people sat close together, shoulder to shoulder with their children on their laps, all straining to see and hear the impending negotiations. The prospective bride and groom would enter last.
Aang flew in on Appa just a few minutes before the negotiation was scheduled to begin, giving the couple little time to talk before it all began.
As the two entered the assembly chamber Katara grabbed Aang’s elbow whispering in exasperation, “Cut it a little close, didn’t you Aang?!”
Aang shifted the knapsack on his shoulder and kissed her forehead in apology, “Sorry! I got held up gathering… well never mind. I’ll tell you later.”
As the two entered the packed room, the chatter quieted down, all eyes on them. Chief Hakoda sat on a mat to the east of a fire in the center of the room; Gran Gran knelt by his side on the south. Katara looked at the empty place by Hakoda’s side, knowing that if Sokka weren’t at Kyoshi Island today he would be sitting with their father. For a fleeting moment, she missed her brother terribly; feeling that somehow if he were here then perhaps he could help diffuse this feeling of dread in her chest.
Aang was directed to sit on a mat directly across the center fire from Chief Hakoda. Katara knelt down next to her Grandmother; Kanna reaching out a withered old hand and gripping Katara’s hand in hers. “It will all be okay, my little Snowflake,” Gran Gran whispered.
But Katara was not feeling like it would be okay. Her stomach clenched in nervous dread. She had no idea what to expect from tonight. Traditionally, a bride price would be paid in trade: a good pair of sled dog-foxes, or a two-week supply of tiger-seal meat, perhaps a leather handled hunting spear thrown in for finesse. However, with the end of the war, and the prosperity and commerce that had returned to the South Pole, money exchanges had become more common. And given that Katara’s father was the Chief (and Aang unlikely to pay in meat), a money price would be the most likely exchange.
To date, the prices in coin generally ranged from twenty to thirty gold pieces, although last month a man from the North had paid the unheard of price of forty-five gold pieces to secure the hand of a girl from Katara’s tribe!
Katara looked over at Aang and groaned. He didn’t look at her, his face serious in the flickering firelight as he regarded her Father. She thought she could see his brain figuratively warming up for the negotiations ahead; preparing for the haggle of a lifetime! She had to look away.
Katara imagined Aang driving such a hard bargain that he would manage to buy her hand in marriage for a warm winter blanket. Inexplicably the thought made her chin tremble as she bit back tears of shame. This whole thing was so humiliating!
Katara knew that these events were anything but quick. Sometimes, when an agreement could not be decided upon right away, they would retire and continue the negotiations the following evening. Katara sighed thinking of Aang’s incredible bargaining stamina, and wondered how many days this would take. As the ceremony began, she tried to prepare herself for a long night…
A large basin of water and a small ceramic jug were brought in and set on the floor opposite the fire from Katara and her Grandmother. Aang and Hakoda both dipped their hands in the water: the washing of hands symbolizing the washing away of any past ills between them. Then both drank from the jug, first Hakoda, then Aang, as a promise to bring no deceit to their bargain and as a show of goodwill between the two parties.
Hakoda cleared his throat, preparing to recite the traditional opening words. He spoke as much to the gathered tribe as to the man seated across from him, “Avatar Aang, what brings you to sit at the fire with me this night?”
Aang responded also from rote, “Chief Hakoda, I sit with you this night to ask for the honor of marrying your daughter,” Aang’s silver eyes caught hers for a moment, “the esteemed Master Katara.”
Everyone there knew of their history. How she had left the village to rescue the Avatar, had helped to teach him to waterbend, had fought with him to end the Hundred Year War, and how they had fallen in love in the process. The two had been a couple for years now, this moment coming as a surprise to no one. But tradition called for certain sentiments to be expressed regardless.
Hakoda spoke up boldly: “Katara is my only daughter, my strength and support, my one great reminder of her mother who I loved with all of my heart. To part with her would be to loose a piece of my own soul. What merits do you claim, Avatar Aang, to be worthy of the hand of my daughter?”
Although she knew this type of speech was all part of tradition, Katara was nonetheless moved by the genuine emotion behind her father’s words. Back strait and tall, Hakoda sat with the confidence of a proven chief. But even with his chin held high, Katara could see that his eyes were soft, even a little sad.
This tradition was part of protecting his daughter, of ensuring that she would be cared for. Although she still did not like the idea of a bride-price, Katara began to appreciate the value in the ceremony. For her Father’s heart, if for nothing else.
All eyes now turned to the Avatar. It was his turn to respond. To build himself up, to lay out the many reasons that he could and would be a suitable match for Katara. To prove that he was powerful enough, capable enough, to protect her and provide for her needs.
But Aang said nothing.
Katara’s eyes darted to his face as he stared into the flickering fire, trying to read his expression, to understand the unexpected pain behind his furrowed brow.
She was fairly well acquainted with Aang’s griefs, and she had a pretty good idea what kind of insecurities he was wrestling with right now. She knew that he worried for her safety, that he worried that somehow her affiliation with him might put her in danger. Aang had worked hard to forgive himself for running away before the war, knowing that he had been just a child, afraid and lonely. But the knowledge that whether he had run away or not, he was the reason his people were massacred, plagued him. As much as she tried to reassure him otherwise, he worried that she would somehow be the same. His anxieties had gotten so bad a couple of years ago that he had even tried to cut ties with her; to break up in a half-baked attempt to keep her safe. Of course she hadn’t bought it, and truthfully he hadn’t really wanted her to, but it had dug up some intense buried pains for both of them. Sometimes she wondered if he would ever be free of his twin demons: grief and guilt.
After an uncomfortable silence Hakoda cleared his throat and asked again, this time his voice a bit softer, “Aang, what makes you worthy of my daughter?”
Aang looked up, locking eyes with Hakoda, and spoke quietly, “I’m not.”
Hands covered mouths as whispers were exchanged among the Witnesses, an audible murmur rippling around the room. Katara was sure she could hear her brother slap his forehead in exasperation all the way from Kyoshi Island!
“Aang…” Katara started to speak, but was silenced by her Gran Gran’s firm hand on her own. Of all the times to leave your Air Nomad humility behind, Aang, it would be now! Be Water Tribe and proudly proclaim who I know you are!
“I am not worthy of Katara,” -- another murmur rippling through the crowd -- “But I will do everything in my power to keep her safe and to make her happy. She means everything to me…” Then sitting up straighter, he added with conviction, “And there is no one who would love her more than I do.”
Although this was a discussion of marriage, it was strangely taboo for declarations of love to be expressed. This event was more about practicality than sentiment. Katara could see some people shifting uncomfortably in their seats.
Even though it was supposed to be Aang trying to convince Hakoda of his merits, Hakoda spoke up for his soon to be son-in-law, helping him to save face in front of the Tribe. “I know, Aang. I do not doubt either you capabilities nor your motives.”
As though worried that Aang might declare his adorations again, Hakoda quickly pushed forward the process. “As you know my daughter is dear to me, and her leaving my household will be a great loss to us all. In a demonstration of your capabilities to care for my daughter, and as a small way to alleviate our disadvantage at her loss, I propose that we agree to seventy-five gold pieces as a bride-price for your engagement to Katara.”
There was a loud buzz of surprise from the onlookers. Seventy-five gold pieces?! Starting a negotiation this high was unheard of! Katara looked at her father in surprise. Why?
The noise grew steadily until the tribe members shushed one another loudly to hear the Avatar’s response.
Katara knew this was when the counter offers would begin. Somewhere well below the first offer but with room to go up in price as the two parties would parry back and forth until landing somewhere in the middle.
“Chief Hakoda,” Aang began, his voice carrying throughout the room, “No, I couldn’t pay seventy-five gold pieces…”
Katara’s forgotten embarrassment returned as she looked down to her lap, remembering why they were here, waiting for “Aang the Haggler” to begin bargaining in earnest.
“… I simply could not feel right about paying any less than five hundred gold pieces.”
There was a collective gasp from the room… before it exploded in noise!
Some people got to their feet, some yelling out, still others sat in astonishment, mouths hanging open stupidly. Cries of “Has he lost his head!?” and “Clearly this foreigner does not understand!” and “FIVE-HUNDRED GOLD PIECES?!” could be heard.
Hakoda himself sat back in silent bewilderment.
Katara, finally overcoming her own shock, hissed at Aang, “Do you even HAVE five hundred gold pieces?!?” before her Gran Gran slapped her hand again with a “Hush!” and “It is not your place to speak in this!”
Aang, face stoic, (although the edge of his mouth showing the slightest hint of a grin) looked at Katara and nodded, almost imperceptibly. Then, reaching into the rucksack at his side, he pulled out two full drawstring pouches, and set them before Hakoda with a heavy jangle.
Hakoda looked down at the bags in silence, then up at Aang like he would protest, but couldn’t seem to find his voice. Aang sat at the ready, as though prepared to offer more. Surely this was the strangest bargaining in the grand history of bride-price talks! This night was destined to go down in tribal history: a story to be told, and retold, for generations to come!
Aang spoke again, “No amount of money or treasure could ever compare with the privilege of spending my life with Katara. No matter the agreed upon price, I will forever be in your debt. But I hope you will accept my offer -- but a fraction of what I wish it was -- that I may receive your blessing and permission to take your incredible daughter, Katara, as my wife. I promise to honor her, and respect her, and to cherish her with all that I am until my soul moves on from this life to my next.”
The room was still loud and chaotic as Hakoda, his voice seemingly still unrecovered, looked back down at the bulging coin bags in a stupor. Then nodded once. Twice.
And that was that.
Technically, the bride-price was agreed and the engagement was official. Too bad there was too much disbelief and chaos in the room for the usual congratulations to be extended.
Gran Gran pulled on Katara’s elbow, leaning into her with a husky laugh, “One thing I like about your Airbender, Katara – he never ceases to surprise me!”
Katara couldn’t agree more.
Having received Hakoda’s nod of approval, Aang wasted no time in grabbing Katara by the hand and pulling her out of the hubbub of the still startled and excited crowd. Running and giggling the two stole out into the chill night, only slowing once the din from the assembly hall became but a distant hum.
The moon shone her beautiful beaming face brightly upon them, as though sending her congratulations. They listened to the music of the back and forth of the waves on the icy shore. For a time they just walked in silence, holding hands and bumping shoulders, smiling widely. The glances they shared were, for some reason, unexplainably coy, like their new official change in relationship status hadn’t had time to feel real yet.
At long last, Katara broke the silence with a tease, “Not your most impressive performance as a haggler back there, Aang.”
Aang, unable to hold back his radiant smile, looked down and laughed. “Ah, but even a good haggler would never low-ball a truly fine treasure when he finds it. I could never insult your Father with an offer so far below its worth.”
Unable to hold back her smile, Katara raised a flirtatious eyebrow at him, “Oh yeah?” She couldn’t help but feel important, and so, so loved. Contrasted with the humiliation she had felt earlier at the idea of being bargained for, the difference was stark.
“Yeah.” Aang sighed with a dopy grin as he pulled her close, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist. “Besides,” he began, his mouth close to hers, his breath coming in warm puffs on her lips, drawing her own mouth to tilt upward seeking his.
“I still walked away with a steal!”
A/N: I must admit that I based some of this on my own love of haggling =) So… how much for a review, eh? ;)  ;)
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Treasure Bin- Chapter 1
Summary: MK hears about his great-aunt’s passing, Macaque gets back in contact with some old friends, and MK gets a call from his sister.
Notes: @watermelonjuicee wrote a fic based on one of my posts and I’ve been riding that happy high since yesterday. Go check it out.
MK woke up to come down to a quiet restaurant.
That wasn’t unusual at the early hour and Tang only on his second bowl, he had been finding out. He had been falling asleep faster at night, which had been allowing him to wake up earlier. It had been agreed that this was due to his increased physical activity as the Monkie Kid. (Pigsy, much to his delight, had been giving him bigger portions of food to help.)
But this was a different silence. He opened his mouth to ask when his eyes landed on the newspaper. Tang grabbed it, but it was too late.
He froze, heart not sure whether it wanted to sink or start running like a rabbit. He knew the woman that the article was talking about. 
For a moment, MK was back to feeling a wrinkled hand run through his hair, an aged voice cooing You’re our most precious treasure, starshine-
It was Pigsy’s voice, calm and certain, that drew him back. MK tried a shaky smile. (The chef noticed the shakiness and added it to the mental list of ‘reasons to look up therapists’.) “Sorry.” He nodded to the article. “Great- She- dead?” Tang, thankfully, understood.
“Three days ago.” He thought before offering the article, relief passing over his face when the younger man shook his head. “They kept it secret until she could be buried.” Pigsy snatched it away, crumbling it up and throwing it at the recycling.
“C’mon kid, it doesn’t matter. Kitchen.”
“Yes sir.” MK said, thoughts already moving away from his former family and to helping Pigsy prepare.
Well, his thoughts attempted to move away.
He was stuck puzzling over Great Aunt Tetra all day. He greeted Mei when she poked her head in, did deliveries, and took orders, but it was all on autopilot. Sure, he didn’t like the woman- no. Dislike wasn’t the word to describe it. But he had known her.
Eventually, he had some free time to slip away to Flower Fruit Mountain. As he climbed the peak, he considered every angle until his brain landed on one question.
How was Bao taking it?
Princess Iron Fan was careful.
Being careful was often the only thing saving you from the forces of Heaven or whatever came. That was the lesson she had taught Red Son. So, as the world changed, both of them were careful with money. Both of them were careful with resources. And Iron Fan, most of all, was careful with places.
The small palace that the Demon Bull family now inhabited was the same palace DBK had lived in centuries ago, back when they were preparing for his strike against the Monkey King. The same strike that ultimately landed him under a mountain. His wife and son had lived there for a few years before moving to the city, but Iron Fan had been careful to keep a few servants in the hidden complex to keep it updated.
After the mess that the last lair had been left in, everyone was glad for that one.
Especially Red Son.
He sat in his room, staring at a bracelet. It was a cuff bracelet, made out of gold with one small ruby. The jewel itself matched the headband of a certain boy. He twirled the piece absently, considering the implications that hadn’t filled his head when he had started crafting the gift.
There was a knock on the door. Red let out a yelp, trying to both stuff the bracelet into his pocket and scramble off the bed. "Come in!" He managed out eventually, smoothing his shirt down.
The door opened, revealing a servant. He straightened, trying to look like the cool and confident prince he was. “Your parents request your presence.” they said with a bowed head. Red Son nodded, not trusting his voice.
He stalked out of his room, keeping his head high. It was probably to talk over plans, he supposed. There had been some silent agreement to not talk about the White Bone Spirit at the moment. But his thoughts kept wandering.
To his enraged father.
To the cry of traitor.
To MK-
A chuckle broke him out of his thoughts. Red Son looked around, confused and a little wary due to the said spirit. There was a tap on his shoulder and he let out a shout. On instinct, his fist slammed out before slamming into a hand. There was another chuckle.
“Jumpy, kid?”
He drew back. “Macaque.” he said, giving a respectful bow of his head. The dark-furred immortal chuckled, eyes glowing. “Excuse me. I...”
“We weren’t expecting you here, Macaque.” His mother’s voice broke the tension as she strode down the hallway, his father following. Her face was frozen into one of politeness and he couldn’t blame her. Given his and Monkey King’s past...relationship, it was hard to determine if he was now friend or foe. “What brings you.”
Unannounced was the word Iron Fan didn’t use.
“Iron Fan!” Macaque said, striding forward to meet her. He grabbed her hand to press a chaste kiss to it. “Can’t a guy come visit some old friends?” She drew her hand away. “Anyway, I’ve heard about your difficulties.”
“There are no difficulties at the moment.” his mother said stiffly.
Macaque chuckled. “Denial. But I’ve brought all of us a chance.” He pulled out a jar, full of what Red Son could only describe as slime. “One of the few sorceresses in the world left us three days ago.” Everyone stared at the information as Macaque swirled the jar. “But she did manage to leave us this.” He snapped his fingers. “And we still have a guide.”
Out of the shadows, probably carried by one of his shadow clones, a girl tied up was thrown. She looked to be a few years older then Red, dressed in a teal sweater and white leggings, and covered in soot. She also looked completely pissed. Macaque stepped forward, ignoring how she was struggling against her bonds, and pulled out the gag.
She coughed, clearly getting used to the freedom of speech, before ignoring everyone except Macaque. “I told you already, I have no idea exactly what that does! It could make the Monkey King loopy or it could kill him! It could blow us up! I! Have! No idea!”
His mother grabbing her shoulder stopped the struggles. “Ah ah ah! Except you do!” Macaque pulled out an aging journal. He paused. “Excuse me, I’m being rude. Everyone, meet the Monkie Kid’s older sister, Bao.”
MK had an older sister?
“And you better not touch a hair on his head!” Bao yelled, struggling against her bonds again. “Look, I might know what that stuff is supposed to do, but I have no idea if it does and you f-”
Macaque pulled out his staff.
She went silent.
“This stuff,” He explained to his audience, holding up the glowing jar. “Is a special spell that her great aunt developed. For lack of a better word, it’s a virus that loosens their controls, like under the influence of alcohol. Which means that they’re easy to catch and control.”
Red stepped forward, considering the jar. “And what do you want?” he voiced.
Macaque grinned harder. “Simple. To work with you to create a trap for both Wukong and MK. She,” Bao grunted as he gave her a kick. “Is the current owner of a huge warehouse full of magical artifacts. Artifacts that will be useful to you and...” He leaned forward, eyes lighting up. “Especially to the brat. I get Wukong to undo whatever that monk did to him. You get MK-”
“Shutting up.”
“As I was saying, you get MK for whatever you want.” Macaque said, smoothing back his hair from where it had fluffed up. Red Son's thoughts whirled, all circling around the bracelet in his pocket. He didn't move, however. Instead, he watched his parents before Iron Fan finally nodded. “Great! As for you!”
Bao winced as he reached...to untie her. She blinked when the bonds came loose and he pulled out a phone. “Call your brother. I told you, you’ll come with us but at the end of it, you’re going free.”
She glared but typed in the number.
“My great aunt’s dead.”
Wukong let out a yelp. MK couldn’t blame him- it had come out of nowhere. They were in the middle of after-spar meditation, but he couldn’t keep it down. “I...” the immortal said after a moment. “I’m sorry- wait, no. Your great aunt, from what I saw, was a bitch.”
“I know!” MK said it in a burst. “God, I hated her when I left. But she’s still my blood and I...I don’t know? Feel sad?” He stood, starting to pace. “She thought I couldn’t do a thing for myself, just because I couldn’t do magic like her or Bao or my parents! But she...I don’t know.” He sat back down, staring at his hands. “She still loved me. Kinda.”
His mentor stared before letting out a sigh. “Kid...you shouldn’t think about this. You left because she was your family and she was unhealthy. You shouldn’t let the family part weigh you down-”
There was a ringing. MK pulled out his phone. The number niggled at his memory, but he didn’t remember where. With a shrug at Wukong, he answered. “Hello?”
“Star- MK?”
“BAO?!” On instinct and encouraged by Wukong’s frantic waves, MK moved to end the call.
“Wait, wait, wait- I left!”
He paused. “What?”
“I left Mom and Dad. And...that’s why I’m calling you. Auntie left the shop to me.”
He blinked before moving forward. “That’s great. But I don’t want you in my life, so...”
“I want to make amends.”
He paused again. “What?”
“I...I’m calling. Because I want to make amends.” The words were awkward and the silence was long. Long enough that MK could barely make out a few taps, repeating over and over again. “The White Bone Spirit’s still loose, right? There’s some artifacts here that could help you.”
More tapping. A pattern, repeating over and over again.
“Okay.” MK hadn’t realized he had said it before Bao was talking again.
“Great! That- that’s great! Most of it is in this other warehouse, down north, but Auntie had a portal. I’ll leave instructions and I’ll meet you there, cool?”
He nodded before realizing she couldn’t see. “Yeah. Cool. Bye.”
“...Bye. Dress up warm!” Then the call was over and MK was left staring at his phone. Wukong let out a whistle, startling his student.
“Well, that was a trainwreck-”
“Bao’s in trouble.”
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baegarrick · 4 years
hi hello so i’m coming to you because you’re the only person in the zukka fandom that i’ve seen blogging about the old guard and i love that movie SO MUCH and i can’t stop thinking about immortal zukka..... aang as either nile or andy bc i can’t choose, andy wouldn’t lose her immortality, and no one would betray anyone bc i say so 😌 how do you think an atla/the old guard au would work?? (zukkababey)
ok i rly love the idea of immortal everyone but tbh!!! i really dont know enough about asian history to like... go into detail about this honestly and I really didn’t want to come off as racist by fudging some stuff, but here r some bulletpoints about Things
(also u can slide into my dms 2 talk about this if u want, or if u have a discord, sorry it too so long I literally cant stop writing when I get on Topics. I'm so sorry if this gets off topic)
Sokka & Katara
In this au they’re not biologically related, but are both Inuit
Sokka dies first in a skirmish with another group of indigenous people in northern Canada (Inuit Nunangat) sometime prior to 1800
He knows he died, his people saw him die, and he doesn’t understand what’s happening (I really don’t know enough about the Inuit people to say whether they would have rejected him or tried to help him understand what happened to him)
however, I’d like to think they’d at least tell him to talk to the angakkuq, the shaman, and would probably see this as a positive thing
Eventually his band of people would whittle down to just a dozen or so, after long winters and harsh climates, and they were forced to assimilate with other bands who didn’t have ancestors who were there when Sokka died in the first place, so he has to move on.
He travels around for a while, trading and learning and staying in bands for a few years before moving on to another group, until it’s the 1800s
Around this time, Katara is born (and dies)
She refuses to stand down against a white French hunter who wanted to take one of the young women in her village as a wife, and she’s killed, and the woman is taken anyway.
When she wakes up, she’s furious, and before she can understand what happened to her, she finds the man and kills him. She’s arrested and set to be killed when Sokka finds her.
They aren’t biological siblings, but they come from the same people, and the world is changing rapidly and they’re the only people they know who are like this. The idea of marrying Katara is the worst thing that Sokka can think of-- look at her, she’s just a baby!!-- so they call each other siblings and travel together.
ok again i know literally 0 things about chinese history like i googled “female chinese warriors” for suki and got like 100 things for mulan
Zuko is old, probably one of the oldest of the (living) group, but younger than Aang
he was the first son of the second son of the emperor in a time of political conflict in China. His father, the prince, was at war with his own brother who Zuko considered a father figure.
zuko speaks out against his father and is killed for being a traitor, but, guess what, he doesn’t die!!! his father does it again for posterity and uhhhhhh still doesn’t die. (or rather, dies, and comes back)
here’s where my uhhhhhh lack of knowledge is Bad
would his father banish him for being cursed? for somehow being against the gods?
or would he force him to fight in his armies, against his uncle, because he can’t die?
I was going to go with “banished” but fighting for decades in a fight he doesn’t want to be in is so! much! worse!
his father wants to know the secrets of his immortality and when he can’t share it he’s tortured and tested for years, and eventually sent out to fight as an immortal soldier who can’t die.
eventually he escapes, and leaves china for a long time (he doesn’t return for centuries)
he is highly distrustful of anyone for years bc of his father!! he wanders around for years like he does in Zuko Alone (or like Quynh before Andy finds her) and while he sees small bits of humanity, he has little faith in it and their wars, because he is Not One Of Them
For money he joins bandit groups or warlords or mercenaries, because why does any of that matter to him? Everyone dies.
Eventually he meets Aang, who is Humanity Personified, and Aang asks him if he thinks they can be friends-- but they’re on opposite sides of this conflict and Zuko is too disillusioned to want that. (they part ways)
He meets a man, Iroh, who reminds him of his uncle. They travel together for far longer than Zuko normally would, because he likes having a father figure, and because Iroh lost a son about Zuko’s age. They travel for years and Zuko never ages, so eventually he has to leave. Iroh finds him a few years later, greyer and slower, but tells Zuko that he knows about Zuko.
Zuko reacts poorly to this, lashing out, but Iroh is calm. Zuko breaks down and tells him he can’t give Iroh what he wants. (what Zuko assumes he wants-- what they all want, immortality)
But Iroh’s like, why would I want that? it sounds like a curse, son. Why would I want to never see my son again?
He tells Zuko: we’re not meant to be alone
After Iroh passes a few years later, he tries to track down Aang but can’t find him. He, however, has dreams about the others.
alternatively///////// japanese zuko?????? RONIN ZUKO???? love it but im too tired to think of More Than That after typing all the chinese zuko stuff up, although im Sure a ton of it would cross over bc im vague as Hell
he’s the oldest of the group but you wouldn’t know it!!!!
Roku was his mentor, the first immortal that any of them know of. He’s thousands of years old when Aang meets him. (He’s also the first to die. He shows Aang that All Things Must Die)
Aang is Tibetan, a Buddhist monk, one of the earliest, maybe the 7th century?
He dies in a temple fire
here again my complete and utter lack of knowledge is Bad
according to Dzogchen, individuals can transform their body into an immortal rainbow light, so there’s some mention of immortality in certain parts of Tibetan Buddhist culture, but idk how widespread that is since wikipedia didnt even have a source for it
he becomes a missionary and travels around asia for decades before Roku finds him
Roku!!! he’s an Old Immortal, and probably wants to die a little bit at this point, and he eventually does!! but for awhile he and Aang travel around together, and butt heads a bit bc Aang’s pacifist nature, and Roku thinks Aang Will Change as he gets older
aang is absolutely devastated by the Mongol invasion of Tibet in the 13th century
roku dies about a hundred years after he meets aang, and aang travels around a little aimlessly for awhile, learning all kinds of things and befriending people he’ll outlive. it dampens his spirits a bit.
eventually he meets Zuko, who’s far more jaded than Roku was, even, and wants to be friends, but respects Zuko’s decision otherwise.
Eventually, aang travels with the Norse to Canada in the 15th century, but when they leave they don’t take him with them. Instead, he ends up frozen ala steve rogers. Katara and Sokka find him a few hundred years later.
alternatively////// Aang IS the newest kid. he’s the Nile of the group. He’s still a Tibetan monk, and views this as a teaching/learning opportunity. He would also probably like everyone to stop killing each other. Sokka rolls his eyes at him constantly.
toph is a struggle bc how do you deal with an IMMORTAL BLIND GIRL
I’m gonna stick w her show backstory: rich, blind daughter of a wealthy Chinese family
Is kidnapped and her throat is slit when she’s young (maybe an older teenager) and the kidnappers panic, leaving her body. She’s found, namely unharmed, and resumes life despite the fact she knows she died.
However, being a privileged young girl, she’s kept under watch and it quickly becomes known that she’s immortal.
She’s regarded as a living deity for centuries until she meets Suki, who rescues her from the place and teaches her to fight. (she becomes a myth, later, rather than a historical fact)
alternatively//////// she could have been first generation chinese-american, and therefore the youngest
Suki was a third generation female warrior of her family who guarded the boarder during the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127), and trained from a young age in martial arts. (insp by the story of Mu Guiying)
She’s a war orphan, and leads an army of war widows and orphan women, but meets her untimely end with some of her sisters in a reign of arrows. She’s buried by some of her sisters before she wakes up again, and has to claw her way to the surface.
Her sisters don’t know how to react to her (a lot like Nile’s soldiers) so she eventually leaves them.
After her death, she hears rumors of a living goddess (Toph) and goes to see if there really is another person like her, and finds one of the people from her dreams (Toph)
She trains Toph to fight despite her being blind, and the pair become an unusual duo for a couple hundred years.
eventually, they start dreaming about a pair of siblings in the New World (not that new!! people live there!!) and book passage there in the 1800s with the first major wave of Chinese immigration
They dream about each other. it happens a lot at first, but it tapers out over the years. it grows stronger whenever a new one (katara) is born, but Katara and Sokka have NO desire to leave their homeland to go look for these strange people until they find Aang. (what languages might they have in common? russian??? the russians came to settle alaska, I know bc my stepmom is native alaskan and russian--- the Mongols invaded TIbet and Mongolia is right next to Russia, so Aang might know it??)
When they find Aang, Suki and Toph start dreaming of them again, and so does Zuko and they all start making their way to San Francisco. The Chinese wouldn’t arrive in Canada until around the 1850s (according to google) so Sokka probably wouldn’t speak any Chinese (mandarin???? i dont know things), but Zuko might speak some English or Russian. [really just gonna be a bunch of chinese, inuit, and tibetan people speaking russian to each other, isn’t it??]
Aang greets Zuko like an old friend, and Zuko Does Not know what to do with that. he’s skirtish and shy and hasn’t really been around a lot of friendly people. Sokka does NOT trust him. At all!! (he wants Katara to stay FAR AWAY from him. stick with the harmless monk we found at the bottom of a lake, katara.)
They find Suki and Toph in a bar. Toph hustling people for money, and Suki drinking at the bar. It’s very strange to have all of them around, and it’s like, 1830. they all decide they like each other, after they get some good old fashioned stabbing in-- Katara is the only woman Sokka has been around whos like him, and she’s like his little sister, and all he wants to do is Protect Her, so he doesn’t know what to do with women who known knives. (get his ass handed to him, thats what)
I want Zuko to be a broody mess but honestly he’d probably revert back to yelling at people/things in ancient Chinese (mandarin? I’m not really sure what period he’s from exactly). He’s still got that Good streak in him, esp since he’s like, a hundred years off his adopted uncle Iroh.
and you know what? 1830 america is NOT a cool place for anyone!! least of all asian immigrants, native americans, or women of either group
So the Gaang take to helping those people out any way they can. (Aang wants Peace, but you know white people, we don’t listen). They actively get involved in the underground railroad, eventually the civil war, and also helping out native americans, as well as chinese immigrants working on the railroads.
also so sorry I know the ask was about Zukka but I had to write a million words about their backstories first
Zuko + Sokka eventually come to a truce as the only dudes in this entire group who are willing to fight. Sokka is interested in both men and women, but he’s never really shared his life with anyone, and it’s the same for Zuko. Sokka, because he was regarded as an elder with his people, and after that he could only stay a few years. He had lovers, like Yue, but they all eventually died and Sokka couldn’t do anything about it!! Zuko, because while he also had lovers, he couldn’t really bear to be around humanity for a long time after what happened to him. (he’s vehemently opposed to slavery)
I think they get together at first just kind of because there isn’t really anyone else. Suki + Toph are kinda their own thing (are they lovers? sisters in arms? who knows), Katara is like Sokka’s sister (and if Zuko touches her Sokka will end his destiny permanently), and Aang is... aang.
It’s sorta a friends-with-benefits thing, except its an immortal warrior reluctant companions-with-benefits thing because can you really call this a friendship?? (its a family, eventually). Eventually it’s just kind of always been a thing. Sokka checking Zuko first when he comes back to life, counting down the second to make sure Zuko comes back at all. Zuko tells people he’s the only one allowed to kill Sokka, because lets be honest, the first couple of months with rowdy immortals meant killing each other a lot. When Sokka is killed violently in the Civil War, he wakes up half an hour later (slow, slow), to find a field of bodies and Zuko sitting next to him with his dao blades in the dirt, waiting for him. Sokka tries to make a joke, but it just makes Zuko mad, because what if that was the last time. (sokka jokes that he’s young, yet, not like Zuko)
They don’t really talk about it, partially because they don’t live in a world where it’s acceptable. What kind of title fits when you can only use it with 5 other people? But this time, when Zuko was afraid Sokka might not wake up, thirty years after they met, after lifetimes of being alone for both of them?? Sokka has to let Zuko know he loves him. Loves him!!! He’s not just here for the meantime.
thats all I have rn bc its 9pm and I’ve been writing this for like 3 hours. again if u wanna slide into my dms or if u have a discord and wanna talk about this/other stuff hmu. so sorry this got off topic.
also, the order I had them born in is:
roku --> aang --> Zuko --> suki --> toph --> sokka --> Katara
which may or may not be accurate to my timeline lol
Sokka probably speaks all of the Inuit languages, as well as French, English, and Russian, being alive for long enough to learn it all.
Katara refuses to learn French. Hates it. Never wants to learn.
She and Sokka personally keep Inuit traditions and languages alive as elders of their community, though it’s so much harder in modern times to stay connected to their culture bc they don’t age!!
disclaimer: bc the show was written as a complete mashup of several cultures I had to like..... pick where ppl were from. I picked china for Zuko/Suki/Toph bc they have a beautiful culture and a lot of dynasties I have heard a lot about recently while half watching the history channel. I really, really don’t know a lot about non-white culture as a white american from FLORIDA (so like, literally the farthest place you can get from the Inuit people and still be on the same continent). if you know more about these cultures than I do and I said something blatantly wrong pls let me know and I will change it.
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starsfic · 3 years
Treasure Bin- Chapter 1
Summary: MK hears about his great-aunt’s passing, Macaque gets back in contact with some old friends, and MK gets a call from his sister.
Notes: Reposted from my old blog. @purble-turble
MK woke up to come down to a quiet restaurant.
That wasn’t unusual at the early hour and Tang only on his second bowl, he had been finding out. He had been falling asleep faster at night, which had been allowing him to wake up earlier. It had been agreed that this was due to his increased physical activity as the Monkie Kid. (Pigsy, much to his delight, had been giving him bigger portions of food to help.)
But this was a different silence. He opened his mouth to ask when his eyes landed on the newspaper. Tang grabbed it, but it was too late.
He froze, heart not sure whether it wanted to sink or start running like a rabbit. He knew the woman that the article was talking about.
For a moment, MK was back to feeling a wrinkled hand run through his hair, an aged voice cooing You’re our most precious treasure, starshine-
It was Pigsy’s voice, calm and certain, that drew him back. MK tried a shaky smile. (The chef noticed the shakiness and added it to the mental list of ‘reasons to look up therapists’.) “Sorry.” He nodded to the article. “Great- She- dead?” Tang, thankfully, understood.
“Three days ago.” He thought before offering the article, relief passing over his face when the younger man shook his head. “They kept it secret until she could be buried.” Pigsy snatched it away, crumbling it up and throwing it at the recycling.
“C’mon kid, it doesn’t matter. Kitchen.”
“Yes sir.” MK said, thoughts already moving away from his former family and to helping Pigsy prepare.
Well, his thoughts attempted to move away.
He was stuck puzzling over Great Aunt Tetra all day. He greeted Mei when she poked her head in, did deliveries, and took orders, but it was all on autopilot. Sure, he didn’t like the woman- no. Dislike wasn’t the word to describe it. But he had known her.
Eventually, he had some free time to slip away to Flower Fruit Mountain. As he climbed the peak, he considered every angle until his brain landed on one question.
How was Bao taking it?
Princess Iron Fan was careful.
Being careful was often the only thing saving you from the forces of Heaven or whatever came. That was the lesson she had taught Red Son. So, as the world changed, both of them were careful with money. Both of them were careful with resources. And Iron Fan, most of all, was careful with places.
The small palace that the Demon Bull family now inhabited was the same palace DBK had lived in centuries ago, back when they were preparing for his strike against the Monkey King. The same strike that ultimately landed him under a mountain. His wife and son had lived there for a few years before moving to the city, but Iron Fan had been careful to keep a few servants in the hidden complex to keep it updated.
After the mess that the last lair had been left in, everyone was glad for that one.
Especially Red Son.
He sat in his room, staring at a bracelet. It was a cuff bracelet, made out of gold with one small ruby. The jewel itself matched the headband of a certain boy. He twirled the piece absently, considering the implications that hadn’t filled his head when he had started crafting the gift.
There was a knock on the door. Red let out a yelp, trying to both stuff the bracelet into his pocket and scramble off the bed. “Come in!” He managed out eventually, smoothing his shirt down.
The door opened, revealing a servant. He straightened, trying to look like the cool and confident prince he was. “Your parents request your presence.” they said with a bowed head. Red Son nodded, not trusting his voice.
He stalked out of his room, keeping his head high. It was probably to talk over plans, he supposed. There had been some silent agreement to not talk about the White Bone Spirit at the moment. But his thoughts kept wandering.
To his enraged father.
To the cry of traitor.
To MK-
A chuckle broke him out of his thoughts. Red Son looked around, confused and a little wary due to the said spirit. There was a tap on his shoulder and he let out a shout. On instinct, his fist slammed out before slamming into a hand. There was another chuckle.
“Jumpy, kid?”
He drew back. “Macaque.” he said, giving a respectful bow of his head. The dark-furred immortal chuckled, eyes glowing. “Excuse me. I…”
“We weren’t expecting you here, Macaque.” His mother’s voice broke the tension as she strode down the hallway, his father following. Her face was frozen into one of politeness and he couldn’t blame her. Given his and Monkey King’s past…relationship, it was hard to determine if he was now friend or foe. “What brings you.”
Unannounced was the word Iron Fan didn’t use.
“Iron Fan!” Macaque said, striding forward to meet her. He grabbed her hand to press a chaste kiss to it. “Can’t a guy come visit some old friends?” She drew her hand away. “Anyway, I’ve heard about your difficulties.”
“There are no difficulties at the moment.” his mother said stiffly.
Macaque chuckled. “Denial. But I’ve brought all of us a chance.” He pulled out a jar, full of what Red Son could only describe as slime. “One of the few sorceresses in the world left us three days ago.” Everyone stared at the information as Macaque swirled the jar. “But she did manage to leave us this.” He snapped his fingers. “And we still have a guide.”
Out of the shadows, probably carried by one of his shadow clones, a girl tied up was thrown. She looked to be a few years older then Red, dressed in a teal sweater and white leggings, and covered in soot. She also looked completely pissed. Macaque stepped forward, ignoring how she was struggling against her bonds, and pulled out the gag.
She coughed, clearly getting used to the freedom of speech, before ignoring everyone except Macaque. “I told you already, I have no idea exactly what that does! It could make the Monkey King loopy or it could kill him! It could blow us up! I! Have! No idea!”
His mother grabbing her shoulder stopped the struggles. “Ah ah ah! Except you do!” Macaque pulled out an aging journal. He paused. “Excuse me, I’m being rude. Everyone, meet the Monkie Kid’s older sister, Bao.”
MK had an older sister?
“And you better not touch a hair on his head!” Bao yelled, struggling against her bonds again. “Look, I might know what that stuff is supposed to do, but I have no idea if it does and you f-”
Macaque pulled out his staff.
She went silent.
“This stuff,” He explained to his audience, holding up the glowing jar. “Is a special spell that her great aunt developed. For lack of a better word, it’s a virus that loosens their controls, like under the influence of alcohol. Which means that they’re easy to catch and control.”
Red stepped forward, considering the jar. “And what do you want?” he voiced.
Macaque grinned harder. “Simple. To work with you to create a trap for both Wukong and MK. She,” Bao grunted as he gave her a kick. “Is the current owner of a huge warehouse full of magical artifacts. Artifacts that will be useful to you and…” He leaned forward, eyes lighting up. “Especially to the brat. I get Wukong to undo whatever that monk did to him. You get MK-”
“Shutting up.”
“As I was saying, you get MK for whatever you want.” Macaque said, smoothing back his hair from where it had fluffed up. Red Son’s thoughts whirled, all circling around the bracelet in his pocket. He didn’t move, however. Instead, he watched his parents before Iron Fan finally nodded. “Great! As for you!”
Bao winced as he reached…to untie her. She blinked when the bonds came loose and he pulled out a phone. “Call your brother. I told you, you’ll come with us but at the end of it, you’re going free.”
She glared but typed in the number.
“My great aunt’s dead.”
Wukong let out a yelp. MK couldn’t blame him- it had come out of nowhere. They were in the middle of after-spar meditation, but he couldn’t keep it down. “I…” the immortal said after a moment. “I’m sorry- wait, no. Your great aunt, from what I saw, was a bitch.”
“I know!” MK said it in a burst. “God, I hated her when I left. But she’s still my blood and I…I don’t know? Feel sad?” He stood, starting to pace. “She thought I couldn’t do a thing for myself, just because I couldn’t do magic like her or Bao or my parents! But she…I don’t know.” He sat back down, staring at his hands. “She still loved me. Kinda.”
His mentor stared before letting out a sigh. “Kid…you shouldn’t think about this. You left because she was your family and she was unhealthy. You shouldn’t let the family part weigh you down-”
There was a ringing. MK pulled out his phone. The number niggled at his memory, but he didn’t remember where. With a shrug at Wukong, he answered. “Hello?”
“Star- MK?”
“BAO?!” On instinct and encouraged by Wukong’s frantic waves, MK moved to end the call.
“Wait, wait, wait- I left!”
He paused. “What?”
“I left Mom and Dad. And…that’s why I’m calling you. Auntie left the shop to me.”
He blinked before moving forward. “That’s great. But I don’t want you in my life, so…”
“I want to make amends.”
He paused again. “What?”
“I…I’m calling. Because I want to make amends.” The words were awkward and the silence was long. Long enough that MK could barely make out a few taps, repeating over and over again. “The White Bone Spirit’s still loose, right? There’s some artifacts here that could help you.”
More tapping. A pattern, repeating over and over again.
“Okay.” MK hadn’t realized he had said it before Bao was talking again.
“Great! That- that’s great! Most of it is in this other warehouse, down north, but Auntie had a portal. I’ll leave instructions and I’ll meet you there, cool?”
He nodded before realizing she couldn’t see. “Yeah. Cool. Bye.”
“…Bye. Dress up warm!” Then the call was over and MK was left staring at his phone. Wukong let out a whistle, startling his student.
“Well, that was a trainwreck-”
“Bao’s in trouble.”
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I've been thinking (because I'm quarantined and bored, sorry )..how it could be possible for Jack to form a good friendship? ...I mean even if a person shows affection, good intentions or a real interest on his stuff... the chance of Jack's betrayal is still there. I don't know I'm wondering ..if he can have a healthy friendship.
*cackles*  Jack Spicer, as he is in XS, is not capable of forming a stable and healthy relationship, despite the fact that he desperately wants and needs one.  And if that ain’t the tragedy of the whole series.
The Jack of Showdown
Just when Jack finally starts to actually warm up and be open and honest about his feelings with others, he either gets grossly mistreated (“The Deep Freeze,” “The Apprentice”) or is presented with the choice of being loved and accepted, despite who he is and what he’s done, or giving in to his baser instincts and double crossing his new would-be friends to get praised by someone who could not care less about him (“The Apprentice”).  It’s difficult to tell if Jack feels he doesn’t deserve to be happy for some deep and personal reason, or if he’s so focused on being seen as EVIL™ and not good; that he believes he must take any and all opportunities to prove his evil worth.  Whatever the reason, the Jack in XS would need someone that will stick by his side no matter what decisions he makes, or what actions he takes to push that person away.  Someone who unconditionally supports him and wants to be by his side.  The problem is, that’s more of a pet and has the potential to become quite toxic.
The Jack of Chronicles
As for the Jack of XC, he has some boundaries, and he’s not quite as ruthless.  He knows he’s kind of a loser, but he still really wants a girlfriend to help boost his sense of masculine ego.  But more importantly, he just wants a friend, to the point that he was willing to pay people to hang out with him (just like in XS “Something Jermaine,” “Judging Omi” and XC’s “Magic Stallion and the Wild Wild West,” “Buddy Blue Ray and the Golden Bunnies,” and “Heal Me”).
Jack enjoys Wuya’s company, but she gets frustrated with his lack of action in favor of building capital or just having fun (the Golden Toilet arc, “Super Cow Patty,” “Tokyo Madness,” and “Omi Saves the Holidays” among many others).  Jack seems to have moved out of his parent’s basement, and is now in his own warehouse/factory, so he’s really trying to focus on starting up his Evil Business idea and often refers to himself as an “evil entrepreneur” throughout the series.  While Wuya appreciates the “go get ‘em” spirit, she still feels that Jack isn’t doing enough to help her, which is the whole reason they teamed up in the first place.  Because of her nagging attitude and matriarchal approach to the relationship, Jack often feels smothered and refuses to act.  However, he still has boundaries and refuses to do certain things if they are not in his interests as well (“Back in the Flesh Again”).
Jack and Shadow
With Wuya as Jack’s pseudo-mother, he needs a datemate to call his own.  Gone is his curiosity in Kimiko (though he does seem to think she’s still cool), but if it’s any other girl, he will do his best to impress her.
Case in point Willow--who he tried to ask on a date if he won the Showdown Trio in “The Fall of Xiaolin.”  She strongly states that she isn’t interested in him in the least, and because the two never see each other again, I would assume Jack dropped the pursuit.
Shadow on the other hand, he likely sees a lot of himself in her.  They’re both evil, admire Chase, they seem about the same age, and... that’s about where the similarities end.  Shadow’s actions say that she is repulsed by Jack, but she never pushes him away, and even praises his “doo-hickies” (“The Laws of Nature,” “Rocco”).  With the use of camera drones, Jack witnessed a lot of the private behavior and abuse between Chase and Shadow, and even some of the abuse in person ( “Tigress Woo,” “Rocco”).  Even the cold open of “Who Shrunk Master Fung?” features Jack being very careful not to harm a strange bird, who is later revealed to be Shadow.  Case in point, the Jack of XC has a streak of kindness in him, and it is unclear if Shadow sees that and resents Jack for having it, or if she admires that aspect of him.  Regardless, after the events of “The Laws of Nature,” where Jack effectively double crosses Chase (and her by extension), Shadow likely made the choice to never trust Jack completely.  She double crosses him at the end of their wonderful team up in “Back in the Flesh Again.”  And Jack doesn’t even get upset or angry about the loss and betrayal.  He’s even more smitten and tries to brag to Omi and Ping Pong before realizing they aren’t into it and flies off.
Overall Jack and Shadow have feasible grounds for a relationship--even a romantic one--if they could both create some honesty and trust between each other, but neither is willing to do that, despite Jack’s over sharing (literally every time he opens his mouth around Chase).  For further reading on Jack’s relationship with Shadow and Chase, check out this post.
Jack doesn’t interact with Tigress, Kimiko’s older sister, much, but he does bother to keep tabs on her and warns Kimiko about her sister’s more nefarious activities (“Tigress Woo”).  It’s unclear if he did this in an effort to get closer to the Monks as a friend, or if he was stalking Tigress because he was attracted to her.  In either case, Tigress is never seen again or mentioned by Jack.
Jack’s Other Interests
There are a handful of episodes in XC that revolve around Jack seeing or meeting another evil-doer and fixating on them, often trying to model himself after them in some fashion.  He does this with PandaBubba to a lesser extent in “Magic Stallion and the Wild Wild West,” then goes full blown fan for Super Cow Patty (in his self-titled episode) and later Le Mime in the same episode, making fan videos and full costumes with personas for both his fixations.  In both instances with the truly evil characters (PB and Le Mime), Jack was looking for a sense of acceptance by an Evil Businessman and entrepreneurial peer, and a sense of belonging to a larger community with Le Mime and his henchmen.  That desire for belonging to a larger community is reiterated earlier in the series with “Heal Me” and Reverse!Jack’s cult.
However, when presented with an actual fan of his, Tiny Sim, Jack is actually somewhat reluctant to have the fan tag along with him.  And maybe that was for the best, as Jack soon discovers that the fan he inspired to become Evil is actually a lot better at it than he, himself, is (“Drawn to be Evil”).  In retaliation, Jack confines the fan to being just a creative idea intern.  Jack is essentially taking credit for all of Tiny Sim’s ideas, and not paying the kid a thing.  Sim, either because he’s doing what his idol taught, or because he feels cheated, makes it a priority to take a Wu or two when he can out of Jack’s stash (“Mark of the Dragon Spirit”).  Sadly, the series ended before the relationship between these two could be further developed.  It wouldn’t have been healthy, but at least it would have been something.
Another important note, Jack does make the clear distinction in both series that the gallery of sellswords he pays to be around him are only in it as long as there’s money for them to be had.  They are not his friends, they will never be his true friends, they’re just people he pays until the money runs out (“Something Jermaine,” “Judging Omi”).  So Katnappe, Tubbimura, Cyclops (after their initial debut), and to a lesser extent Vlad will never truly be Jack’s friends.  Vlad does make a return in XS’s “The Demon Seed” to try and cheer Jack up (not that he’s very good at it), but he doesn’t seem to want anything from Jack other than to do evil things and pal around.  This is a bit of a departure from their first encounter where Jack was presumably paying Vlad to be his hired muscle and inside man (“The Deep Freeze”).
Jack’s Robots
Jack’s relationship with his various Jackbots and other robots is an interesting one.  It’s possible that he created them out of a sick sense of wanting to have friends that he could control, but it comes back more to how the bots are presented in both series.
The Jackbots of XS seem to have a hive mind of sorts, as they will blindly (and sometimes literally) follow their master’s commands.  Those that fall are replaced as if nothing happened to the fallen Jackbot; their numbers are legion.  The bots are later programmed with emotions and feel sadness, but not fear.  This is interesting, because Jack is shown having temper tantrums from time to time, but he doesn’t break things, only tosses them around (“The Journey of A Thousand Miles”).
Jack’s relationship with the more “custom” humanoid robots is split into a binary.  On the one side are the bots that went rogue and have tried to annihilate him or simply want nothing to do with him: Chameleon Bot, Robo!Jack, and the patent-pending Shen Gong Wu Detect-o-bot.  On the other side are the bots he grew very attached to: Yesbot, his Cheerbot squad, and the Shen Gong Wu Detect-o-bot before it went rogue.  Both Yes~ and Detect-o~ allow Jack to be more of a child, as he is depicted being held like a scared child with both of them (if I remember correctly.  “Oil in the Family,” “The Demon Seed”).  He treats them like the parent he doesn’t have around.  The Cheerbots are his hott Barbie dolls that he gets to dress up and maintain.  He doesn’t go much farther than projecting personalities and life problems onto them.  Eventually they are absorbed into the Jackbot hive.
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Remember how Jackbots don’t show or know fear in XS?  XC opens with Jack having a tantrum, and many of his various designs of bot run away from him.  Jack is left cornering Chefbot, who has darts sticking out of his chef’s hat.  Rather peculiar for robots to be afraid of their master, especially since they are meant to be hoards of drones.  As Chefbot is developed as a character, Jack comes to respect his creation more, but Chefbot says he has no interest in hanging around someone like Jack; he wants to go places and be a real chef!  He can’t do that if he’s making paltry snacks for Jack.  Chefbot’s last appearance in the series is on a cooking show (either on TV or YouLook) making pizza, while Jack follows along from his RV.  Jack seems quite relaxed and at ease, even using the Banyan Twister Shen Gong Wu to stretch his body and the pizza dough.  It is never stated, but perhaps Jack is proud of his creation accomplishing it’s dream.
Thank You for Being a Friend
In conclusion, the Jack of XS is incapable of having a healthy friendship with anyone, either because he thinks he doesn’t deserve it or because he really is just a terrible person and pushes everyone away.  He would need someone to stand by and support him no matter what he does and no matter how horribly he treats that person.  Such a relationship has the potential to become toxic if boundaries are not set and if Jack doesn’t grow as a person.
The Jack of XC is desperate for a single friend, but 98% of the cast sees him as a pathetic loser, and not worth a second of their time.  Those that do see value in Jack’s companionship have all been hurt by Jack’s betrayal and lack of trust, or have betrayed Jack, because they have no trust in him (often from a previous encounter).  For this Jack to form a stable friendship, he needs someone who he can talk to honestly, openly, and not be judged for his feelings, and he seems to want someone who talks the same way to him.  He’s ready for a relationship, he just doesn’t have the rapport or trust built up with anyone.
Jack lacks basic trust in all his relationships.  He would need someone he can constantly count on, while also setting healthy and reasonable boundaries with that person.  If honesty and trust--ABSOLUTE TRUST--is there, Jack can have a friend, maybe even something more.
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fulgensun · 4 years
; about Spira - through the Fiends Tales
I said I would have done it, and here it is. While not being a very good in-game mechanic, one which can even be soft-locked in case YRP level up too fast, the Fiend Tales in FFX-2 aren’t completely silly, or useless in my opinion. They offer much to think about, mostly because they do reflect a non-idealized vision of Spira -- contrary to what Tidus’ POV may offer us, before shifting into something else, something bigger and closer to reality. The Fiend Tales are, in fact, stories of Spirans, people who died somehow and turned into monsters -- some before, some during and some other even after the events of both FFX and FFX-2.
They narrate their tales to Yuna, presumably (she has to catch them, after all), and find a way to either ascend to the Farplane or to avenge their death, if violent one. They are common folk, priests, heretics, Al-Bheds, elders, children even -- !  What I found fascinating was that their tales did offer slices of common life of all major Spiran cities, routines, dangers for certain workers and habits, even traditions... all part of a Spira we haven’t really seen in-game; for what use is a firework festival in Besaid to a future Summoner or their Guardians ready to eradicate Sin, for example hmm ?  Yet it exists, in the FFX universe. SO. I decided, for rp sake and to also make things a tad tidier, to list and explain here some of the things about these Spiran Tales that I consider cute, funny, important or worth some more thoughts. I’ll leave the specific Tales next to the info, too.  
   --  Children in Spira attend a school, the Temple School. Obviously founded by the Temple, it makes sense it provides a basic education while indoctrinating them to Yevon -- which isn’t hard to do anyway, before and during FFX; orphaned children are also taken by the Temple / Temple schools, most likely trained to either become priests or warrior monks in adulthood. Monks, specifically, are trained to what gets called ‘Yevon Academy’, which prepares them for military life; its volunteers move to this academy and don’t see their family till they graduate, but can write them letters.  [ Doggo the Coyote, Big Mama the Protochimera, Jaws II the Xiphactinus, Happy-Birb the Peregrine ]
   --  The Tale of Happy-Birb is very sad, and refers to children and temple. I feel it gives us a good example of how hard life could be, for... a rather gifted kid.        “ I always kept to myself in a tiny room in the temple, staring outside my window. I had no friends, no family to look out for me. If I were to suddenly vanish one day, would anything be different? Since I was supposedly orphaned after an attack by Sin, I was raised in the temple of Kilika. They tell me my parents were killed by Sin, but I know it’s a lie. Why would I be the only one to survive? The monks told me I had to be strong to provide hope for the future of Spira. I didn’t want to go on living in such a sad world. So I decided to take a gamble. One night, I fled the temple. [...] But when I encountered a fiend in the woods, I froze. I don’t want to die, I screamed. I truly wanted to live. ” Don’t the monks’ words sound familiar, to you? It’s speculation, but it sounds like this child exhibited the potential to become a Summoner, his family refused to let him train as one and they were disposed of -- so that the child could come into the “custody” of Yevon and ‘provide hope’. Summoner potential isn’t hereditary, mind that, but you kinda get the mentality that might have made Braska think Yuna wasn’t safe in the religious capital of Spira. The boy, here, was just ten years old.
   --  Spira has a considerable amount of criminals, for a world that should - utopically, be united by the tragedy Sin represented for everyone. Thieves considering burglary their very ‘grand career’; killers having no remorse in deceiving old people to obtain their inheritance; Al Bhed hitmen sent to kill Yevonite children in temples or wandering priests, children kidnappers, kids thieves in Luca killing one another for money, etc.  [ Bulbasaur the Purpurea, Mittens the Couerl, Brick the Bicocette, Bolt Josh ]
   --  Engagements are a quite serious thing, considering a family could not bless the union if the suitor was of a lower class (even between relatively common people), or just too poor to be deemed worthy. A refined girl from a well-to-do family in Bevelle was forbidden, for example, to love a young sailor. Engagement rings are also a thing, and the Moonflow riverbanks are lovers’ favorite dating spot.  [ Frosty the Flan Pallido, Boko the Chocobo, Venom the Gucumatz  ]
   --  So many Tales from children, it kinda gives off a very sad vibe considering they too can turn and not reach the Farplane. Many are attacked by monsters, some lost in the desert, way too many others have drowned by the Moonflow when left unsupervised. One Tale tells even of a young thief, a child, who died in jail. Being Spiran kids seems dangerous.  [ Lesser Josh, Squelch the Amorphous Gel, Scooter the Vespa, Nexus the Dark Elemental, Widow the Black Elemental ]
   --  The Tales narrate of children’s stories and legends. To make their children behave, tell them to stay put and be good, else ‘they will turn into fiends’: the more they misbehave, the uglier their monster form will look. Another old legend says spirits of people who died a violent death make their way to the Moonflow to bloom with the moonlilies. I found this last one is very similar to the old bedtime story in the FFX novel, where Old Spirans believed the souls of the dead bloomed as flowers in the Farplane. With the advent of Sin, though, and the spread of religion, this tale was forgotten.  [ Petal the Ochu, Cyanide the Assassin Bee ]
   --  The Temple of Macalania is sinking, as Shiva’s Fayth is no more and there is nothing to freeze the lake now. Many people remained trapped in their rooms inside and died during the sinking, like some wives and children of Macalania priests, for example. The few survivors performed their funeral .  [ Mayo the White Elemental ]
   --  Apparently, people living near Gagazet have a rite of passage for adulthood, which takes place as a boy reaches 20 years of age. He must climb the peak of the mountain alone in the dead of the night and bathe in the first morning lights. Needless to say, it’s quite dangerous, but the Tale is pretty funny.  [ Wuff the White Fang ]
   -- The excessive usage of machina, by the time of FFX-2, is starting to pollute the water and air. It is said fish and birds are starting to suffer because of it.  [ Daisy the Haize ]
   --  The punishment for murder, in Spira, is execution. Hissss the Kukulkan was sentenced to death, mistaken for the killer when he was a mere witness of said murder. He spent one year in the cell of Bevelle -- most likely Via Purifico ones (all monsters in Via Purifico are people who were executed nearby -- aside from Omega who was taken to the ruins), to then being sent to the gallow.
   --  Malboros have very long lifespans. Their average one is about 300 years, and a legend says the insides of a Malboro over 500 years old are linked to the divine. There’s a legend of a monk who was swallowed by a 700-years-old Malboro, survived the digestive fluids and returned to his people with his battle garb still on.  [ Vape Nation the Malboro ]
   --  In Luca, if the Goers win Blitzball matches, pubs and bars offer everyone free drinks. In Kilika, instead, barmaids also dance, which is seen as quite the spectacle. Men usually flock to those bars to drink and also bring gifts to the most beautiful dancers, even ending up in fights for their attention.  [ Jub Jub the Archaeothyris, Venom the Gucumatz ]
   --  Religious Spirans believe in reincarnation. Yuna mentions it in the Ultimania too, referring to her father, and theorizing if, one day, she’ll ever have the chance to meet his soul again, born anew somewhere in Spira. It kinda goes against the principle of souls dwelling in the Farplane, but it’s useful to remember those are mere illusions anyway. A tale says that ‘when looking into the water of an oasis after a sandstorm, you can see yourself in a past life’.  [ Venom the Gucumatz ]
   --  Footage of Zaon becoming a Fayth exist, and are stored inside long-gone and deactivated machina still found near Zanarkand Ruins, which once served to protect the couple during the Machina War. One of these footages shows Zaon embracing Yunalesca, and her promising him her love and to return safely.  [ Punt the YAU71 ]
   --  Music seems important in Spira. Yevon Maesters hire musicians, since the most popular music seems to be Yevonite one -- religious, solemn type, played with harps, horns and strings. There seems to be an annual Yevonite concert for the Maesters too. Still, Spira’s most rebellious teens have started rejecting such old-fashioned music and guitars are spreading among youth nowadays. [ Casper the Lich ]
   --  At some point in Braska’s pilgrimage, the trio arrived in Bikanel and got separated. A Cactuar and Jecht met at the oasis; the man taught the friendly fiend how to play Blitzball and signed its ball.      “ A guy with a huge sword wandered into the oasis. He had strayed from his traveling mates, and he stayed with me for three days. He taught me how to blitz! We didn’t speak the same language but I had fun. I’m clumsy, so it takes a lot of practice to get better. He used to say ‘The only thing the untalented can do is practice!’ with a big laugh. [...] I heard a rumor that said he was dead, but it’s just a rumor, right? ”  [ Needler the Cactuar ]
   --  A Besaid Festival exists, and it includes a fireworks moment. While Luca has a Eating Contest, where the competitors have to eat 200 crispy-outside, juicy inside Luca sandwiches. The local champion was poisoned before the contest started. [ Akao the Sahagin Prince, Mr Creosote the Anything Eater ]
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lligkv · 3 years
almost calculated to rivet the reader
I was recommended the book The Bestseller Code: Anatomy of the Blockbuster Novel by another editor at the publishing house I work for, who was impressed at the thought of an algorithm that could predict whether a book would be a bestseller with 72 percent accuracy.
As someone who reads “literary” novels, has a disdain for tech evangelists bordering on the visceral, and regards the development of data-driven publishing with mistrust, I expected to be annoyed by the book. But it’s ultimately not quite as offensive to those sensibilities as it might seem. Rather than a “code” to help people write novels that’ll sell, or an algorithm of some kind that might drive book acquisitions in years to come, The Bestseller Code is about exploring why bestsellers like The Da Vinci Code or Fifty Shades of Gray appeal the way they do. And it offers support, through text mining (the process by which one discovers and extracts particular textual features from a book) and machine learning (the way one might process those features by feeding them into a machine that goes on to make predictions about, say, whether a given manuscript will achieve bestseller status or not), for research that was already done by folks like the scholar Christopher Booker, who read hundreds of books over decades, the old-fashioned way, and identified seven main plots for fictional narratives that authors Jodie Archer and Matthew Jockers find are corroborated by their own data.
Granted, there’s a bit of Jennifer Weiner-type “the commercial lit popular authors write keeps getting badmouthed by critics and the Literary Establishment!” stuff in the book. There’s also one baffling moment where Archer and Jockers make a claim that “the range of existential experience was much greater in bestsellers,” and defend that claim by talking about particular verbs that appear more often in bestselling novels than in non-bestsellers: “bestselling characters ‘need’ and ‘want’ twice as often as non-bestsellers, and bestselling characters ‘miss’ and ‘love’ about 1.5 times more often than non-bestsellers.” Verbs and isolated actions do not existential experiences make! But at root, Archer and Jockers’s research is the product of curiosity about what makes mainstream bestsellers sell the way they do, and whether readers have figured something out that acquisitions editors at big houses may not have yet.
As it turns out, there’s a degree of technical sophistication in Fifty Shades of Grey or The Da Vinci Code in the way these books follow a plot arc that manages to perfectly satisfy a commercial-fiction reader’s desire to be thrilled by dramatic stories and the fantasies they play upon. Specifically, for these books, it’s the “rebirth” plot, in which a character experiences change, renewal, and transformation. Which doesn’t sound revolutionary. But if you look closely at the plot structure, and the sequence of emotional beats in both novels, you see a rollercoaster shape that’s almost calculated to rivet the reader: these peaks of high, low, a high-high, a mild low, another smaller high, a low, and a final high (unless, like Fifty Shades, you need another low to set the reader up for the sequel). Authors and readers alike seem to have stumbled on such perfect, sophisticated structures. The writers happen upon them, rather than consciously being educated in them or consciously crafting them as more literary writers often do; readers seem to hunt them out by instinct: the books that best follow one of the seven plot structures are the ones that rise to the top.
There’s also one moment in The Bestseller Code that’s genuinely affecting, in the context of a discussion of Maria Susanna Cummins’s novel The Lamplighter, which in its time was scorned by Nathaniel Hawthorne and James Joyce. As Archer and Jockers put it, bestsellers and commercial novels are set in emotional terrains, more so than public ones. That is, they’re about their characters as they feel and act, within a world that’s taken as a given, rather than what novels classified as “literary” are often about—characters having to navigate a sociopolitical world that is itself a subject for the author’s comment, or an author’s self-aware exercise of and experimentation with language. And these novels “work for huge numbers of readers not because of what they say to us but what they do to us.” As such, these novels “need no shaming”: they just exist on a separate plane from the literary ones.
In the end, I didn’t mind getting this dispatch from that plane. I make occasional trips to other such planes: sometimes I’m in the mood for, say, Joe Abercrombie’s brand of fantasy, and I’ve read all the Harry Dresden novels; I also love some books that are the literary equivalents of summer blockbusters, like the Expanse series. But I know I won’t descend to the bestseller plane very often—and I do consider it a descent. To my mind, craft and thrill alone don’t give novels the most merit. I don’t read just to be entertained or to be moved, which is what bestsellers offer. I read in order to be made to think, in precisely the ways those literary, public-terrain, sociopolitical novels make me think. And I value them because they linger. They don’t just do things to me, work on me, crash over me like a wave and then recede; they speak to me, just as Archer and Jockers say, and what they say to me lives inside me for years to come.
What’s more, I already suffer enough with the tendency to “identify” with the characters in books I read without venturing into ones that indulge or depend upon that instinct as bestsellers do.
Finally, while Archer and Jockers’s algorithm does a fine job anatomizing bestsellers in a way that speaks to the merit they do have and the function they do serve, I don’t know that I’d trust its recommendations even if I were a passionate reader of bestsellers, considering the book the algorithm picked as the absolute best representation of what it considers a bestseller is Dave Eggers’s The Circle.
Which does reinforce that what an algorithm can’t understand is context. What keeps The Circle from being a bestseller, to my mind, is that the conceit—a woman who goes to work for a tech firm and is schooled in the particular inhumanities she needs to adopt in order to succeed in that increasingly human environment—is not the most engaging. The story may be too close to a specific reality, as opposed to the everyday worlds (e.g., in John Grisham, Jodie Picoult, or Danielle Steel) or the heightened settings (e.g., in The Da Vinci Code or Fifty Shades) in which bestsellers are best set. Perhaps the world in which The Circle takes place is so specific, and its concerns so urgent, that it doesn’t even need to be fictionalized to be of most interest; it seems that representation of Big Tech in memoir, like Anna Wiener’s Uncanny Valley, does better in the marketplace. And finally, Eggers himself is more a literary than a commercial author, something buyers of commercial fiction might be mindful of and trust less than one of the established names in the bestseller market. And he represents a different, past era in even literary fiction. We’re not in the age of the “Brooklyn Books of Wonder” anymore—the humorous triumph over adversity, the twee search for meaning and for love that characterized books of a certain time in the early 2000s. Really, all Eggers’s attempts to succeed beyond that trend—Zeitoun, What Is the What, The Monk of Mokha, A Hologram for the King—seem to me to have been tepidly received. The culture has moved on from his particular moment, and it moves in vogues an algorithm can’t always track.
I’ll also say that, seeing how Donna Tartt’s The Secret History, another book I reread recently, did so well in its day, and how it holds the fuck up—the plot and writing remain absorbing, and the atmosphere as seductive and pleasurable as ever; and that it gets namechecked so often in trends like dark academia suggest teens are exercising their beautiful prerogative to learn all the wrong lessons from that book to this day—I’ll say it’s a safe bet you can write a literary bestseller too, if you wanted to.
Anyway. Perhaps you’re reading this piece hoping to learn how to write a bestseller yourself. If so, here’s the skinny:
Keep your primary focus on two or three themes. And keep those themes basic. Archer and Jockers list ones like “kids and school”; “family time”; “money”; “crime scenes”; “domestic life”; “love”; “courtrooms and legal matters”; “maternal roles”; “modern technology”; “government and intelligence.”
Make sure your book has a central conflict—and make sure your protagonist is an active agent in that conflict and in her life generally, knowing what she needs and going for it, acting and speaking with a degree of assurance. Characters in bestselling novels grab, think, ask, tell, like see, hear, smile, reach, and do. Characters in lower-selling literary novels, on the other hand, murmur, protest, hesitate, wait, halt, drop, demand, interrupt, shout, fling, whirl, thrust, and seem.
Shape your story to fit one of the seven archetypal plotlines the authors identify:
A gradual move from difficult times to happy times
The reverse, a move from happy times to more difficult ones
A coming-of-age story or rags-to-riches plot
A “rebirth” plot in which a character experiences change, renewal, and transformation
A “voyage and return” plot in which a character is plunged into a whole new world, experiences a dark turn, and finally returns to some sort of normalcy
Another “voyage and return” plot in which the character herself voyages into the new world, fights monsters, suffers, and finally completes some sort of quest
A story in which your protagonist overcomes a villain or some threat to the culture that must be eliminated so she can change her fortunes back to the good
And make sure you time the emotional beats of your story to follow the curve of your plotline. For instance, The Da Vinci Code and Fifty Shades both follow the “rebirth” plot, and the respective authors ensure the arcs of the romances in both books match the curve of the plotline too, keeping the reader hooked in a way that’s, ultimately, structural.
Be sure to pepper your plot with scenes in which characters are intimate in casual ways. Much is made in The Bestseller Code of the intimacy reflected in a tactic John Grisham uses in a couple of his novels, which is to have his protagonist go over to a love interest’s house with wine and Chinese to just hang out and let her in on how he’s feeling.
Sex that doesn’t drive the plot forward doesn’t go over well. Avoid it. Even in romance novels (as opposed perhaps to erotica), sex is usually in service of the storyline.
Seek for a balance between features in your prose that speak to the more literary, refined style that often comes from institutions of education and letters, and the more journalistic, conversational, everyday style of writing one might intuitively associate with commercial fiction (shorter sentences, snappier prose, with more conversational and casual writing, more words like “okay” or “ugh”). These aren’t especially rigorous categories, I’m aware. Just use your best guess; you’ll probably be fine.
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thenixart · 4 years
Unedited dorohedoro fic- Chapter 1 part 2
A/N: Characters will get names when I come up with names. I am open to suggestions.
When Ton wakes he’s warm and comfortable and kinda hungry. The horror of the last day felt almost like a bad dream. He turns over ready to go back to sleep and maybe have a better dream when he sees it and the dam bursts. On his bed stand is a photo of people he’d half forgotten and a calendar date that he still very clearly remembered. 
Today was the day that his father died. Today is the day his family was shattered.
What a cruel place to dump him. 
Forcing himself to leave the lovely warmth of his covers he grabbed the framed photo. It was his family… his first one that is. He’s at the center of the picture sitting in his father’s lap and his father is in turn sitting on the ground and leaning on his pet hog. His mother behind them looking proud. On their left was Ushishimada being picked up by his mom and mighty devils was it weird to see him with hair again. And flanking them their many aunties and uncles and the other kids. Not blood but family all the same.
His eyes burned and tears fell onto the glass of the picture frame. After some hesitation Ton takes the photo and gently folds it before putting it into his pajama pocket. Real or not he wanted to keep it with him this time.
He doesn’t want to get out of bed. His inner child offers up the suggestion that maybe nothing bad will happen if he’s not there to witness it. But Ton knows better than that.
Ton slinks out of bed and is immediately thrown by how different his body is. So small and soft and unmarred by the stresses of homlessness and starvation that are waiting in his future. He really is just seven years old again.
He sees his childhood home on the day of the end with the eyes of a battle hardened warrior and not an already grieving child. The entire farm is tense with the quiet before a battle. A siege is what it looks like as he sees from the window uncle [Animal transformation magic] setting traps on the perimeter. His auntie [temperature control magic]’s forge putting out tons of Smoke as she pushed herself much harder than usual while Ushishimada raced back and forth from the forge to the field carrying pieces of armor to auntie [animal control magic] fitted the bigger animals with it. 
As Ton passes rooms that would normally be crammed with the sounds of people he notices the emptiness. People’s things are packed up and there’s barely any humans or magicless mages left on the premises. Humans… What was his family’s dealings with humans? The answer didn’t come readily to his mind, only that there’d been humans and others without magic who came and went for reasons he was never really told. Ushishimada had been older, maybe he knew?
He left the children’s house to cross the yard to the main house. Ton noted the absence of the chickens which would normally be crowing at this time or running around begging for treats. The sows and cows were gone too. One of the hunting dogs clad in pointy, scribbled on armor greeted him enthusiastically before being called back over to auntie [animal control magic]’s side. Her door, there was no mistaking the elegantly carved wood with the hand painted looking singing animals covering it, was steadily dissolving by the door. Unbidden a chuckle came to him at the mental image of a bunch of farm animals getting dumped in the Hole for their safety. Hmm well, certainly whoever the enemy was they probably wouldn’t be able tell the difference between their humans and sorcerers who couldn’t do magic amongst so many like them.
The main house (damn his family really had some money and he never noticed before) was a house in mourning. Ushishimada’s mom was on the couch in the sitting room with his cousin [tiger mask human cousin] and her human friend, Akane. [Ushi’s mom] was putting the finishing touches on some masks for them, a black tiger and red hen respectively. It was as equally clear that she’d been crying recently as it was that the older kids were very much pretending that nothing was wrong. And from the hatchets strapped to the woman’s armor it was also clear that she expected fighting to start soon.
They greeted him warmly if concerningly affectionate. Like they may never see him again… and well... he never did see them again did he?
He heads towards his parents’ room slowly. Something about the hush making him want to tread quietly. And he wants to put this off as much as possible.
At the almost closed door he overhears a private conversation.
“At least I’ll see the bastard in Hell,” A voice like a walking mountain rumbles. Quietly Ton brushes away the tears that started falling fresh. From the richness of the baritone and the subtle clacking of tusks on tusks there was no mistaking his father’s voice for anyone else. The man’s breathing sounds labored even from a distance.
A woman’s voice… his mother’s voice responded. Low and thick and sharp like molasses. “That may be what happens, but that’s not remotely fair. And damn the devils for it.”
“You know, you can go to jail for saying such things,” His father half chuckled and half wheezed. “And Hell’s no place for a sweet thing like you.”
She snorted incredulously and playfully swatted his arm, “Really? Flirting at a time like this? What a pig.”
“Wild boar, thank you very much.” He retorted. It was a routine clearly familiar to them. Ton saw through the crack in the door their fingers intertwining. His father’s pale chubby ones slotted into his mother’s dark work roughened ones looking almost like a piano.
His mother leaned in conspiratorially and asked in a tone he strained to hear, “Your magic… could you…?”
His father’s magic? To be honest Ton couldn’t remember what kind of magic his father had at all. Nor his mother’s for that matter.
“Hmmm no,” his father answered after some thought. “That mushroom bastard killed Kokuo. Without a proper anchor… I wouldn’t be able to stay myself. I’d only end up causing more harm than good.” He sighed wistfully, “Besides, with this kind of magic… it’s best to go when your time’s up.”
“I suppose that’s true.”
“Tell me again… what happens to humans when you die?”
You? Was his mother…?
“Well, now, unlike you sorcerers none of us has the power to revive the dead.So no one really knows for certain. Lots of folks think that if you are an evil person you go to a hell for a while and if you are a good you get to be reborn as something or someone else. There’s also the heavens, where good people go for like, eternal rewards of some boring shit like that. Some of the monks think that if you’re like, holy enough you stop being reborn and simply cease to be? Spiritually? Or something?”
“I don’t really get the appeal. Of just ceasing. Why not just live different lives for all of eternity?”
“That does sound nice. Far more lenient than our fate.”
“Course there’s always stuff like ghosts and limbo and all that.”
“It's a kinda state the dead enter sometimes before they move on. A nowhere place where ghosts are born. Angry souls that refuse to rest or simply folks that have some business to finish before they do. No one ever really makes happy stories about it. ...I wish I could meet you again in my next life.” 
His father hummed, “That would be lovely.”
Before he could catch himself Ton sniffled.
“Hey pigglet! Come give yer daddy a hug!” His father boomed like his lungs weren’t failing him. Ton pushed open the door to see his mother helping to prop up his father so that the big man’s back was against the headboard. Right, somehow his mind impressed the date of his father’s death but the method had slipped into the sands of time. There was something extremely unnerving seeing a good portion of the man’s chest just… crumbling. Large portions of it were bendaged as best as possible but the web of cracks extended past the edges, the affected skin dry irritated and flakey. Bits fell off when his father breathed just a bit too deeply, creating what Ton could imagine was just the worst bed experience of crumbs in your sheets but grosser. In the places where the magic had completely eaten through the skin he could see shiny white pockets of fat crisscrossed with fungal hyphae. There is no shortage to the horror that settles into Ton’s gut that his father would have likely died days ago if he were a leaner man.
It also doesn’t escape him that his mother is dressed for war. Combat boots and sections of scale armor over her hunting clothes. The vital bits of course, the major organs of the torso and places with large arteries like the neck, upper arms and thighs. Her crossbow, and a full quiver of arrows, her hunting knife (a beautiful knife he needed to commission someone to make him a copy at some point it was fucking watered steel!), and a pair of pistols… emergency weapons. 
Ton had nothing against guns, he was a damn good shot himself but he’d hunted with his mother. Guns were noisy and dulled your ability to hear after using them. And the smell of gunsmoke dulls the nose (not that you could actually smell anything but the boss when fighting at his side). His mother was fond of saying that any of your senses could provide you with life saving information so it was best to avoid impairing them unless you had no other choice. 
And it looked like his mother was expecting the worst.
At her hip was her mask that looked like she’d given the black leather a fresh shine. The snarling panther maw was a thing of beauty, something his father thought as well as his tattoo of it still shone proudly on his father’s remaining properly intact shoulder. Mask...human. Huh. Actually if his mother was human then so was his cousin [tiger mask] and her friend Akane too. Ton supposed having masks in this world were useful to humans, they’d be mistaken for mages and less likely to be attacked or sold. But why wear it to a fight? It wasn’t a helmet like Tetsujo’s mask, it didn’t offer up much protection.
His mother kissed him softly on the forehead and the gleam of her necklace caught his eye. Speaking of things that weren’t very helpful on the battlefield… the necklace was more like thick twine dyed black with colorful beads, fine enough. But then there was the claw hanging from it that had to be about as long as a uni-bear claw and curved like a cat’s. Ton didn’t know if it was real, it kinda looked like it was made of stone of some kind, but it certainly looked sharp. Sometimes Ton’s brain liked to throw the image of her accidentally getting stabbed or cut by that claw because sometimes brains are assholes like that. It never did as far as he could recall, according to her it was a good luck charm. She’d once told him that it saved her life.
A frown crosses his face. Ton had no idea if his mother survived this day or not.
His father gave him an affectionate side hug that looked like it clearly caused him pain but the man was grinning through it. 
“Dad… you’re dying aren’t you?” Ton hates how the voice that comes out of his mouth sounds like a child. He hates that he feels like a child. Hates that he’s in the body of a child who can’t join the coming fight or steal some healing smoke to save anyone. He hates that they look at him like he’s a child even if he technically is at the moment. 
He hates what’s coming next.
One thing he is thankful for is that his parents never lied to him. That he’d forgotten that his mother was human or what they’d done for a living was on him not asking that many questions. His parents didn’t sugarcoat it when they confirmed that yes his father was dying. That everyone dies eventually. That his mother may die fighting the bastards who hexed his father. That some of his aunts and uncles may face the same fate.
Of course Ton knows that death isn’t anything to fear so long as you’ve got a cause worth dying for.
“Do you want to die?” Asked Death as she stood on the other side of his parent’s bed waiting for his father to kick the bucket. Instead of the terrifying gas masked firefighter skeleton soldier was a black-skinned woman, not Black as in brown like his mother but black as in a crisp winter night during a blackout. Her clothing was also black but more like the black of black jeans washed at the wrong temperature and looked rather cozy. 
Natsuki was not with her.
“Your Partner is safe.” Death said like she heard his thoughts. “This is not a place for her. I ask again, do you want to die?”
Did he? He looked at his parents and his younger self frozen in time. Ton hadn’t died gloriously in an ultimately futile battle against powerful sorcerers trying to change the world or even protect something important to him. (And suddenly he feels like he failed his parents at that thought.) He’d been killed like an annoyance by someone he admired. Betrayed. And gotten his comrades killed by the grief that his death caused.
...and Tetsujo was still alive the last he’d seen. It was still up in the air if Dokuga was still kicking or if the bo--if Kai’d eaten him as well. If Tetsujo was still alive he’d certainly try to save Ushishimada and Saji’s heads to revive them. Ton knew for a fact that his own corpse was unsalvageable, the massive chunk taken out of his temple certainly contained his devil tumor and without it… he didn’t really know how one would go about reviving without it. And…
So long as some of his loved ones were still alive… isn’t that something worth staying around for?
“I don’t want to die,”Ton said and knew for certain. As sure as the worry slithering in his gut. “If I can help my comrades in any way that’s what I want to do.”
“So that is your choice?” 
Reality blacked out again.
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done-dm · 5 years
Talks Machina Summary: Episode 78
We begin with an opening sequence worthy of a budget Doctor Who episode:
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There will not be an episode of Critical Role on Thursday, October 3rd. As a result, there will be no episode of Talks Machina on October 8th. However, there will be a sponsored one shot run by Sam Riegel.
There will be a huge update on critrole.com tomorrow, so be on the lookout for that.
Critrole Stats
"To Zadash!" was declared 12 times during the course of the episode.
The Mighty Nein have had 21 steeds, 5 of which are still with them.
Jester and Nott tie for the second most natural ones with 52. Beau has the most with 60.
Beau and Fjord have the most natural twenties with 78 and 55 respectively.
Beau is still running from her past, so she got thrown off her rhythm when it suddenly became relevant. She's trying not to care about her family or hometown, but it's difficult not to at least be concerned after learning they could be in danger.
When asked why Travis decided to take on the Wild Mother as his patron deity, he said that he didn't take her reaching out to Fjord lightly. He talked with Matt about it, and it made sense for him to take her up on the offer. As for why he chose paladin, it seemed like a cool class to show Fjord's development of not knowing much about the arcane to gaining agency and deciding to use it for good.
The gang jokes about Fjord's initial mission to reach the Soltryce Academy (in hindsight, not the best of plans).
It was weird for Marisha to hear Beau's Dad as he hasn't said anything in the show up to this point. She thought he "kind of sounds like a shmuck."
When asked again about the particulars of Fjord choosing the Wild Mother, Travis pointed out that there was no Vasselheim in this game to make god selection easy. The other deities that he was somewhat familiar with (the Traveler, the Storm Lord, etc) were not the best fit for him. Fjord especially liked the warm ocean imagery that she appealed to him with as opposed to Uka'toa's cold and cruel approach.
Marisha Thoreau's superstitious attitude was part of Beau's backstory from the beginning, not an improvised bit. Marisha likened it to the butterfly effect and how it all came together to influence Beau's life.
Travis hasn't considered the fact that Fjord is now worshipping a deity that's illegal in the empire. Travis/Fjord isn't really sure where the group stands in the whole empire/dynasty conflict as they're traipsing around in "enemy territory." Marisha confirms that the group doesn't know what's going on. They've been overwhelmed by all the things that need their attention and aren't sure of their path.
Marisha takes excellent notes, Travis does not. Also, Sam takes great notes, who knew?
Thoreau's encounter with the fortune teller has a lot to do with how Beau felt about Molly initially.
Fjord has no clue how to serve the Wild Mother. For now, it's business as usual and he's just winging it.
Fjord and Beau don't know how they feel about following Obann to the Lotus Den. Fjord doesn't want to encounter them because they lost badly last time, but he also doesn't want them to accomplish their goals. Their odds of winning a fight seem lopsided against them, so best case scenario is get to the Lotus Den before Obann and his group do to avoid an encounter altogether.
Beau is aware that Yasha is under some kind of influence, so she (at the moment) does not see Yasha's massacre of the Cobalt Soul as something that can never be redeemed. Be that as it may, she is irritated and suspicious about how much Yasha knew about this prior to getting controlled as she didn't reveal much about her time after Zuala.
When Travis was asked if Fjord would be willing to kill Yasha in a fight based on his mistrust, he said that there's not much time to make judgements in a fight and things happen. Fjord doesn't know limits of what's happening to Yasha, so if there's no inclination that she's still in there... well, we'll have to wait and see.
Beau isn't bothered by the fact that the Mighty Nein trashed her reputation at the Cobalt Soul. It wasn't much to start with anyway, and Beau was egging them on.
When asked about Fjord's newly visible tusks, Travis said his reasoning for letting them grow out was partly Jester's encouragement, Travis being inspired by Nott's struggle with her body, and getting rid of the sword.
When asked if Beau thought getting banned was a fair punishment, Marisha's response was "f*ck your authority." Beau knew she was breaking rules. She has an ego and knows what she was doing is bigger than a petty miscommunication. If she actually wanted the group to be serious about the situation they would have stopped.
Travis was asked what it was like to have a magic sword that didn't speak, to which he responded that we don't know that yet.
Sam calls in while folding his kids' socks.
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Beau thought it was nice to revisit some of the spots from the early campaign. But, as Travis noted, they didn't really go for a stroll through memory lane
The gang laughs at absolutely nothing.
Beau's mother was a rich woman that her her father initially pursued for love. He didn't come from money, and it was his love that pushed him to seek out the fortune teller. Beau didn't say much about her mom because she was more of a neutral figure in her childhood. She would back Beau up to a certain point, but would be quiet when things became intense between Beau and her dad.
The book Caleb shared with Fjord mostly got forgotten about in the recent chaos. Travis said it's a cool book and isn't sure whether to use it now or hang on to it for a little bit.
Playing a monk is the equivalent of drinking tequila.
Travis has an eye on a particular paladin oath, but didn't say which one.
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kakusu-shipping · 4 years
Overwatch Self-Insert plots
Ah yes, can’t breath, can’t see, perfect time to write down the overarching Multi Universe plot that is my Overwatch Self-Inserts.
This post is gonna be just like my DR SI post from the other day, only without drawings cause all my F/Os from Overwatch are Omnics and I can’t draw and also I’m like 70% blind rn so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
All of my Self-Inserts stem from the same baseline story, and branch off depending on certain plot points. I’ll cut off at branches as necessary. To anyone who cares enough to read, good luck following along. And thankyou.
Before the Omnic Crisis, my family operated a large branch of Omnic engineering and repairs, engineering many of the modern Omnic servant models, and offering near perfect repair services. I was raised in the Omnic crisis, and still mastered Omnic repair and care.
After a peace agreement passed in the USA, my family’s business went under, as the creation of new Omnics was considered illegal. And while they could still run a repair service for Omnics, they grew a hateful bias twords Omnics and refused service to any non-servant Omnics.
I, however, saw my work on Omnic repairs closer to that of a Doctor than a Mechanic. I didn’t agree with my family’s refusal to help Omnics unless they were owned like property. So, I made a plan to leave. (Branch begin)
Option A:
Pack up all I own and head across Country, serving and caring for Omnics I find injusticed.
Upon leaving my home in Kentucky, I traveled West blindly, eventually landing on Route 66, right in the middle of a gang fight.
I’ll admit, I’m short. It’s no surprise the Cowboy styled gang assumed as I was a child. It is surprising, however, that they cared enough to have the large Omnic, BOB, stop attacking to grab me and take me to cover.
When the Gang returned to the hide-out the Omnic had carried me too, I had already finished repairing any bullet wounds he’d taken while running off. I thanked them for saving my life, and apologized for getting in the way. In return I repaired their other injured Omnics as I explained my situation.
Both Ashe and McCree invited me to stay in Deadlocke. I may not have the firepower the rest of the gang had, but my engendering was top notch, and it turns out poor BOB takes a lot of hits.
I was more than happy to find somewhere my skills could be helpful, even if it meant I had to dress like a Cowboy. (End branch)
Option B:
Steal enough money from my family and purchase a plane ticket to the Omnic Monk village in Nepal to learn from Mondatta.
I am shit at directions.
Despite landing in Nepal, and getting very specific instructions on how to get to the Omnic village on the mountain top, I still got lost.
I wasn’t exactly dressed for mountain weather, either, so it’s no wonder I ended up passing out in the snow. I would have died out there if not for the Omnic who found me, Zenyatta.
Upon awaking in the Monk village, I over thanked my savoir, before immediately pleading my case. I wanted to meet Mondatta, and offer him my services. I wanted to do good for Omnics, and assist in any way I could.
Mondatta was very welcoming, even allowing me to stay in his own home. I was the only human in the village, and everyone had questions. I suppose I caused a bit of a stir my first few weeks.
On top of general check-ups and repairs, I also spent much of my time keeping the village clean. And while it took time to learn that spiders are free to build and keep nests in the sanctuary, I eventually settled into the customs.
It wasn’t long before I began to form a crush on the Omnic who saved my life.
Not JUST because he saved my life, mind you. Though yes, originally I may have caught feelings to him for just being my hero, I was willing to allow those feelings to fade over time. But they didn’t. They simply grew.
I watched Zenyatta wander the village in thought, or take walks with Mondatta as the two discussed the deep thoughts. I saw him pull harmless pranks on his brothers and sisters, play with the children from the human village down the mountain. I saw him laugh, and dance, and admire the world around him.
He was so full of life and love. He was so.. cute.
I suppose Brother Mondatta must have caught wind of my feelings, as whenever I needed to go to the village down the mountain for supplies, he would sent Zenyatta with me as some sort of escort. To make sure I wouldn’t get lost of course.
Then, we met Genji.
He arrived at the village the same way I did, passed out in the snow and discovered by Zenyatta.
He stayed with us at first very begrudgingly, he had no where else to go and no money to his name. We set him up above the stable near Town center, so he was close by both Zenyatta and myself.
I nticed very quickly how... poorly made his prosthetics were. His chestplate stabbed into his flesh, nerve wires hung loosely off his head, his legs had knives in them for pete’s sake! He couldn’t even wear a pair of jeans in those!
While examining him for frost bite or other injuries, I carefully brought up the topic of his cyborg body. He was defensive. I let it go.
After I while I noticed he spent more time around Zenyatta, rather than just holed up in his room. He even came with us to the village down the mountain. He still didn’t speak to me much, but I did drag him into a snowball fight against the village kids with me. We got our asses beat, but it was fun.
One day, he came to me, with a piece of paper and a request. He didn’t want to look like this anymore. He asked if I could fix him, make his body feel more.. complete. I was happy to assist.
I took him though every step. We designed and purchased the parts together, I took his measurements and planned a day for his surgery. We were lucky enough to have quiet a few Omnics from the medical field on hand to help with the human parts.
Genji changed after getting his new body. He was happier. He continued learning from Zenyatta, and the three of us spent a lot of free time together. He taught me how to throw a Shuriken, I taught him how to hit a baseball.
Being such close friends, we of course eventually spilled our guts on our crushes... which happened to be the same person. And in true solidarity, we both chose not to take action. If Zenyatta liked one of us back, he’d make the first move. We’d both simply pine together.
To bad Zenyatta assumed Genji and I had feelings for one another, and decided not to throw his own feelings into the mix.
Eventually, Genji returned to Overwatch, and life went on.
When Mondatta died, the village lost a lot of color.
The monks fell quieter. They mourned in silence and went on about their lives, but no one laughed, or joked, or gathered anymore.
I couldn’t stand living in Mondatta’s house anymore, knowing he’d never return, knowing he’d never walk though the door again, knowing I could never hear his wisdom again.
I stopped sleeping. I began to wonder the village late at night until the sun came up. I’d pass out in the flowers in the sanctum, or on the stairs to Genji’s room. I just couldn’t be in that house.
Eventually, Zenyatta caught me wandering at night, cold and exhausted. He invited me to his own home. He made us tea, though he couldn’t drink his own, it made him feel more human to hold the cup in his hands.
I had mentioned in passing all the Omnics in the village had a tune. They’d play it softly while meditating, wither they noticed it or not, and a group of the monks sounded like a beautiful choir.
Zenyatta asked me.. if I remembered Mondatta’s song.
I’m glad he asked me. I was the only one who ever heard Mondatta’s tune, it would have died with him if I’d forgotten.
After that night, I began to live with Zenyatta. The village eventually recovered from Mondatta’s loss, and we were once again smiling, and laughing, and singing.
(Branch begin)
Outcome A:
Zenyatta loves me
(This arc takes place in my Overwatch everyone lives together AU)
A few months later, we celebrated my birthday. The monks weren’t a mortal possession people, so there were no gifts. But we did have a cake, and some silly decorations. Sense most Omnics were made in batch on the same day, they didn’t normally celebrate birthdays, so this was a special occasion.
And while I love the monks, they can get a bit rowdy. After all they’re all in their 20s, they can get rather hyper. I ended up sitting outside with a piece of cake, staring at the stars.
Zenyatta came to join me, with his own slice of cake, despite not being able to eat it. We sat together and watched the stars, we joked. I may have elbowed him and made him drop his cake on accident.
Zenyatta laughed it off, and said he had a confession. He went against the rules, just this once... And got me a birthday present.
You can imagine my surprise when Zen handed me a Pachimari plush doll. Really, I almost cried. To live with the monks I had to leave all of my stuffed animals behind, and I talked constantly about my abandoned comfort teddy back at home. To think he really listened....
I hadn’t planned on confessing my feelings for Zenyatta, I really was going to stick to the pack Genji and I had made but... it was all too sweet. And really, at this point, Zenyatta already knew. He was just waiting for me to say it.
When Genji returned to Nepal, he had one request; For Zenyatta to join Overwatch with him. The newly awakened team needed him, and it was the chance to change the world Zen had been waiting for.
I’d be lying if I said Zenyatta leaving didn’t break my heart a little bit... But I could hold on. He was changing the world.
In the meantime, there was plenty of Zen and Genji themed merchandise to buy.
After nearly two years of being away, Zenyatta and Genji had some time off to return to Nepal. It was only while boarding the plane did Zenyatta learn Overwatch had a Family plan for allowing Partners and family to live on base. So that was exciting news to bring home.
Despite being in Nepal after we got together, Genji was still blissfully unaware that Zenyatta and I had started dating. So you can imagine his surprise when I can sprinting at them as full speed, jumped into Zenyatta’s arms, and kissed him strong on the faceplate.
He was... a little mad I went against our oath. Though Zen took most of the fall by saying he confessed first. So he let it slide, and continued to be my greatest friend.
I end up moving onto the Overwatch base with Zenyatta, and work on Omnic repairs with Brig and Torb. I make a lot of friends living in Overwatch, and getting to spend more time with Zenyatta is always a bonus. (End Branch)
Outcome B:
Zenyatta loves Genji
(This arc takes place in a semi-everyone lives together AU)
When Genji came back to Nepal to ask Zenyatta to join Overwatch, I begged to come along. I couldn’t stand the idea of being left behind, to be unable to help and provide assistance.
Join Overwatch, most of my effort is keeping Genji in working condition, as he refuses to let Angela or Brig look over his armor, even though I gave them copies of the blueprints. He just doesn’t trust anyone else. Angela says he was like this in Blackwatch too, though back then he trusted her at least.
I also spend time learning from Brig and Torb the workings of older Omnic models. Hana even teaches me about her Mech and how it’s put together.
I spend a lot of spare time with the younger group of Overwatch agents; Hana, Brig, Lucio, Junkrat, Lynx17, and Tracer. Mei and Genji also tend to wane in and out of group activities.
On Hana’s birthday, Lucio, Jamie, and I were tasked with keeping her distracted while the rest of the crew sets up a surprise party for her. So, we take Hana out on the town, and let her decide what we do.
We find ourselves in a Casino, with a bet, and a months worth of laundry on the line. We all start with $50, the person with the least amount of money at the end looses.
I take a seat at a Poker table next to an extremely attractive Omnic. Poker was the only gambling game I knew how to play, and while I wasn’t perfect at it, it should be enough to land me in at least third.
The Omnic next to me took interest in the crew I’d slumped in with. He asked questions, and I answered, more focused on my winning streak than what I was saying.
Eventually I had a good enough chunk of change I felt confident in my placement and started to get up, but a robotic hand on my knee stopped me. “One more game” turned into two more games. Then three. Four.
I played till I was out of money, all because Maximilian asked me to stay.
When I went over the amount I had to gamble, the Omnic payed my debt, and took me on a walk. Up some stairs, down a hall, and into his office. He just wanted somewhere more private to chat.
I sat on his lap and we continued to talk, about Overwatch, what I did, his Casino, the expensive chocolates he had, Talon, everything. He was in control of the situation, and I was oblivious.
At the end of the chat, he asked for my number, and I happily gave it to him, already crushing hard on the mysterious Omnic. He promised to call, and hoped to set a date to meet again.
Hana and Lucio were both over the moon excited to hear about this Max guy, and while Jamie was quick to bully me for my attraction to Omnics, he was just as enthusiastic.
Our first date was the classiest restaurant in town, and I was SHOOK. I didn’t own anything NICE. I basically had to beg Jack for a forward on my next paycheck so I could afford a suit. 
Almost every date after was somewhere I never thought I’d be, classy restaurants, extravagant parties, high end movie premiers. And while at first Max was putting forth all this energy to gain an inside man at Overwatch, it slowly turned to a real relationship he put effort into because he really wanted it to work.
It was after my first on the field mission that I really learned who Maximilian was. Brig, Torb, Zenyatta, and I went to Germany to safely scrap the discarded Bastion units. Zenyatta was there to say a final resting prayer for the passing Omnics, I scanned for good parts, and Brig and Torb took the bots apart.
Suddenly, one of the units powered up, and upon sensing human presence, opened fire. I took a majority of the first round, luckily nothing immediately fatal, though I did black out instantly. Brigitte managed to get her shield up before any rounds hit herself or Torbjorn. Zenyatta, being the only one not targeted, took his fellow Omnic out to save our lives.
I was placed on medical leave from Overwatch duties for months. I spent those months at Max’s home, and got most of my care though Talon, mostly Moira.
When my medical leave ended, I didn’t return to Overwatch. I was offered a much safer position with Talon, one Max encouraged me to take, worried for my safety with Overwatch.
I worked as a medic for Talon’s Omnic recruits. I never saw field work, and remained mostly blissfully unaware of what Talon was really plotting. (End Branch)
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