#the middle head was broken and it was GROSS but I immediately had the idea to turn it into this
aria-greenhoodie · 1 year
Liquid Dream Basin
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joe9cool · 3 months
Collide- Epilouge 3- A New Life
A/N: The usual, do not steal my work. You do not have permission to post or steal my work. This is fiction, I do not know or affiliate with the Chargers, all characters are mine.
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Justin raced in and out of traffic, cursing himself for even going to the golf tournament. He knew it was a bad idea, even though Sara insisted that he go. Justin should have known his wife was stubborn, even more now in her condition.
Taking the back streets he knew so well from childhood he pulled up to the house, seeing the cars of his mom and the team that Sara wanted present. As he walked up to the door he was shaking. This was it, they were now going to be a family of three. The last nine months flashed before his eyes. Their surprised reaction to the positive test, the Hyperemesis Gravidarum Sara suffered, hiding from the media. The joys of telling friends and family. Late nights of nervousness wondering if they could be good parents. Setting up nurseries in California, Eugene, and Wexler. The overall football season and the gross intrusion of the media.  Finding out the sex of their first child. It all led up to this moment. They were finally going to meet their baby girl. 
Taking a deep breath, Justin opened the door and the first thing he saw was the tarp on the floor of the living room which was pushed around for space, and the huge birthing pool that was filled with water. The house was quiet, which was weird considering there was a laboring woman and her birthing team present. All of the sudden he heard a loud yell from upstairs and he immediately ran towards the sound. "Sara?!"
"In the bedroom!" His mother called as he walked in the room. His wife was bent over the bed in one of his t shirts as the midwife had her hands on her lower back. Holly was wiping a cool washcloth on her head.
 "That was a good one." Elizabeth, a kind, middle aged woman who was highly experienced in Nurse Midwifery smiled encouragingly at Sara. She noticed Justin there. "Dad is here." His wife turned towards the side. "Hi." She grimaced and he immediately went to grab her hand. "Sara honey it's okay to yell." Holly spoke. "I cursed Mark out when I had all three of my kids."
Justin laughed. As Sara calmed from the contraction she addressed him. "Did you call my family?"
He nodded. "Yes, your mother is en route on Bella's plane." The plan was put into place so it wouldn't tip anyone off.
Elizabeth cut in. "She's only at a three, and her water hasn't broken. Usually first babies take a bit so we could be here for hours. "It also looks like back labor, since her uterus is a bit titled."
Sara groaned. She was the biggest baby when it came to back pain. During all of her periods she didn't have cramps, but the back pain was hell. So of course she would have back labor. 
The doula, Jane, set up a bar over the bed she could hold onto for support. Sara moaned as she felt another wave of pain wash over her. "Oh god this is so painful."
"Are you sure we can't give her anything?" Justin asked Elizabeth and Jane. He was never a fan of the homebirth plan Sara had wanted. When the topic of a birth plan came up, Justin was shocked and upset that she didn't want to give birth in a hospital. They agreed since it was the offseason the baby would be born in Oregon away from the noise. But to give birth at home? Where there was no emergency medical equipment on hand in case something went wrong with Sara or the baby? Justin nearly had a panic attack when she told the family of their plans.
Sara, honey I know you hate hospitals. But I don't think it's safe.” her mom told her when she was intown making a birth plan . Justin had never agreed so much with his mother in law.
“mom, my midwife says everything is fine, there is no reason why I can't deliver at home.” Justin shook his head. “I agree. With LA traffic delaying a possible trip to the hospital I think its too risky.”
She glared at him, not happy he was taking her mother's side. “For your information she will be born in Oregon. Our midwife got everything cleared with the state and the nearby hospital.” Justin's eyebrows raised. This wasn't something he was comfortable with, and he was a little hurt that she did this without him.
Justin remembered that day clearly. What was supposed to be a conversation when they were alone turned into an argument. Both yelling and stubborn over their stance, they both ended up apologizing. Justin decided to give into the home birth even though he wasn't happy at all.
He was broken from memory as he felt his hand being squeezed. He remembered the lamaze classes they took and coached her through the breathing techniques. Once the wave was over Sara looked at him. “thank you for this.”
“hmm?” She smiled. “for supporting me, I know you aren't the biggest fan of me giving birth at home.”
Justin kissed his wife. “You're right, I am not, but I'm doing what a husband is supposed to do. I can't thank you enough for going through this to have our daughter.”
Tears gathered in her eyes. “God you are going to be an amazing dad.” He smiled and kissed her. “We're going to be amazing parents.”
She nodded, before making a face and squeezing his hand as another contraction washed over her.
“It looks like you're still only at a four.” Elizabeth tried to be encouraging as labor has slowed down since. It was now hour ten and almost midnight. Sara groaned as she was on the bed, in one of Justin's teams shirts. Cathy held up a cup of water for her to sip on. She had arrived a few hours prior. “It's been hours and she's in a lot of pain. Is this normal?” Justin spoke, worried and ready to call an ambulance.
Elizabeth knew the new dad to be was very concerned. “Yes, first babies can take quite a while.”
“Mom, weren't you only in labor for three hours with me?” Sara looked at Cathy for comfort.
“Yes honey, but you have to remember you were my last. With Katie I was in labor for twenty eight hours.”
Sara's eyes widened. “Dear God.”
“Are you sure there isn't anything we can give her pain?”
Jane shook her head. “The point of this Is that this is all natural birth. We can try other breathing techniques, play some music.”
None of those sounded appeasing to Sara at all. Her sisters words echoed in her head.
Don't be stupid sis, go to the hospital and get the drugs.
It didn't help that their daughter was more than likely an eight pounder thanks to her father.
Why couldn't I have procreated with an average person.
“babe what?” She looked up and saw the room was smiling. Sara realized that she voiced her thoughts out loud. Her cheeks flushed red and Justin laughed. “Hey babe, you knew when you married me that our kids might be bigger than normal.”
Sara sighed. “Yeah I didn't think that far ahead.”
He laughed. “Too late to back out now.”
She had been in labor for 18 hours. Justin had paced back and forth every time the nurse checked Sara and checked on the baby's heart rate. “This isn't normal, she has to be in some sort of distress.” Referring to their daughter.
“You know you can call her by her name, since we are going to know soon.” Cathy cut in, hoping to ease some tension. Justin glared at her. “Let's focus on delivering her safely"
Elizabeth checked the baby's heart rate.  “Her heart rate is normal, no sign of distress.” Sara took a sign of relief. She felt bad that Justin was panicking a little bit. “Hey you're supposed to be comforting me. I'm pushing an eight pounder out of my crotch.” She joked.
That seemed to calm him as he was back by her side. “I'm sorry.” He kissed her slightly clammy forehead. “I love you,and thank you for delivering her, and other future babies.”
She huffed. “Yeah depending on this one it's not looking too hot for more kids.” On cue she grabbed his hand and squeezed as another contraction came on. It was a long one, and once she came down she looked at him.
“Yeah its not looking good.” —---------------------------------------------------------------
“Okay, you ready to start pushing?” Elizabeth smiled. It was finally time, after twenty one hours she was in the pool, and ready to push.
While her body may have been ready, she certainly wasn't. “No” She moaned. 
Birth was weird. It felt like her body wasn't hers, it had a mind of her own. She wasn't in any pain, thanks to being in a squatting position in the water, but it was a weird sensation. Like she was about to have the biggest shit of her life and she couldn't hold it.
Elizabeth was kneeling in the water, hands underneath her ready to catch, while her doula was waiting with the towel. Holly and Cathy were supporting her so she didn't fall over. Sara was glad that her mother in law and mom were both involved. Her original plan was to have her sisters as well as her best friend, but Justin reminded her that she might get overwhelmed and overstimulated, and she was glad her husband knew her so well.
Holly had cried when they asked her if she wanted to be present for the birth of her first grandchild, and she was grateful, despite some hesitancy from Justin that they were doing this at home in Oregon away from the flashes of cameras and fans who were actively searching out clues to what hospital she might be staying at.
“Okay Sara, I need you to start pushing.” Elizabeth instructed and her body took over.
The next ten minutes were a blur as she pushed with all her might. Everyone's words of praise surrounding her. Finally, she heard a loud cry, and she was gently eased into a sitting position. 
“Baby girl is here!” Elizabeth called loudly as Justin and Sara saw their screaming daughter being held up. For a couple that didn't believe in love at first sight, they were in love. She truly had no words as the still screaming baby was placed on her chest. She felt Justin's lips against her forehead. “I'm so proud of you honey.” 
Sara glanced around to see the smiles and tears of the women who surrounded her. But for some reason she couldn't speak, like she was being silenced. In fact, her body didn't feel real, she didn't feel real. 
It was weird, but she just focused on the weight on her chest and in her arms.
“She was all warm and cozy in momma. So she isn't too happy.” In a flash, Jane took the baby off her chest, explaining that she needed to be weighed and tested. Justin went over to their set up station with the baby as Elizabeth explained the process of delivering the after birth.
It was then, the moment of happiness would change for the worse.
Justin took in the scene around him.
He was officially a dad. The one thing he wanted most in life he had it in front of him. This was the princess that knew everything about football plays, their parents favorite foods, the cats. She knew everything about Justin, yet he knew nothing about her, and he loved her more than anything in the world. Guess it was love at first sight.
He had never been so proud of his wife, who had been a champ throughout not only delivery, but the entire nine months. She grew an entire human, and a large one as the scale weighed her at 8lbs 7oz and 21in. Baby girl was long.
“aren't you being a little rough with her?” Justin asked out of concern as Jane wiped her down. The doula laughed as she knew the concern of the new dad. “Mr. Herbert, she's going to cry no matter what. She's cold and wants to be back in the womb.”
Justin was going to respond, until he heard Elizabeth call for more supplies. “We got a heavy bleeder!”
He didn't like the words, or tone. He looked behind her to see his wife being helped by their moms out of the tub. As she was being lifted, a massive gush of blood had came out, and Sara had collapsed, nearly weighing down the older women.
“Sara!” He ran over to see his pale wife had passed out.
Elizabeth had taken over and pulled Sara out to set her on the tarp. “call 911.” Her voice was calm, compared to the chaos of the room.
Holly was already on the phone. Explaining that Sara was bleeding very heavily after birth.
Not too long after, the ambulance arrived and had Sara unconscious body on a stretcher, and the baby in the ambulance. Justin, still not comprehending what had just been happening, was in a car behind them with Cathy driving. Holly was going to make Justin and Sara things and meet them up.
“She's going to be okay.” Cathy kept repeating as she drove behind the lights. After the fifth time, Justin looked over. “Do you really think that?” Tears were coming down his face.
Cathy nodded as her tears were no longer controlled. “I truly do, she's a fighter.” Her voice was shaky.
“Have you ever seen that before?” Justin had to ask and torture himself with the answer he already knew. “No, I haven't. The midwife didn't sound panicky or anything. My baby's in good hands with them.” She gestured. “And my grandbaby.”
He nodded. They pulled into a separate guest parking lot as the ambulance went to the emergency unit. Justin and Cathy ran inside, only to be told to go up to maternity and they would have more details. Justin couldn't help but notice people staring at him, and at that point he knew there was no way people wouldn't know that his wife was hospitalized.
When they walked into the hospital doors Justin was Fighting hard to keep it together, a staff member escorting them to a labor and delivery wing. They apologized as they hadn't been preparing for a celebrity to be Admitted, but they did give Sara her own room as the doctors worked on her.
“Is there any update?” Justin choked out between tears. The nurse smiled sympathetically. “Her blood pressure is low, and she lost a ton of blood. We call it postpartum hemorrhaging. It's rare, but it happens.”
“Was there anything we could have done to prevent it?” Cathy chimed in. Then spoke to herself. “I knew I should have talked her out of that stupid home birth.”
“No, there's no indication that it is going to happen until it happens. Mrs. Herbert is in very good hands, and your daughter passed all of her tests, and is doing well. Would you like to see her?”
They both nodded, before Cathy stepped Back. “I'm sorry, Justin I think you should g-”
“Please, I can't go alone.” Justin cried, wondering where his parents were. Cathy nodded before they both followed the nurse. —----------------------------------------------------------
Justin sat in the rocking chair in the nursery. They were behind one of the partitions to give them some privacy. His daughter had been wiped down, wrapped Up with a pink cap on her head.
She looked like a sleeping angel.
Justin studied her features. It was too soon To tell who she favored in the looks, he hoped she favored Sara.
speaking Of, they hadn't heard an update. It had been a half an hour. He almost worked Himself up to a panic attack earlier and Cathy had to calm him down until the nurse wheeled the little plastic bassinet carrying his daughter, and even though there was still panic, the little girl already had her dad wrapped around her small baby fingers.
“You both did so well.” Cathy smiled as she took in the sight. Justin looked up and smiled at his mother in law. Cathy took a shaky breath. “No Matter if it's my 1st or 10th grandchild, it's still such an amazing feeling. She's so beautiful.”
Justin smiled, feeling proud and emotional he gestured her to come near him, and she sat on the chair as he passed the baby to her grandmother. Cathy was in tears as she held her. “Oh my baby girl. Grandma loves you so much. Sweet little girl.”
“Ella.” Justin blurted out. Deciding that she should know before everyone else. Over the years he and Sara had kept her from a distance, still feeling pain from her past mistakes. However, she had been truly amazing throughout all of this, and he had felt really bad when all she wanted to do was be a grandmother. “We decided on Ella Kate Herbert”
Cathy smiled. “After Jerry's daughter Kate?” Justin smiled, recalling the memory of the Bar owner Getting choked up when he and Sara revealed her name a few months prior to honor his late daughter. “Yeah.”
The older woman's tears were falling harder. “Thank you.” She whispered.
“Mr. Herbert?” They both looked up to see a doctor heading in their direction. Justin and Cathy stood up. “How is she?” Justin took a sharp intake of breath.
The young woman smiled. “Sara's stable, and she is awake. A little out of it. But we had to do a few rounds Of blood transfusions considering she lost alot. But we will monitor Throughout the day, and it looks like we are not seeing any damage.
“Can we see her?” Justin took the biggest breath of his life. Knowing that his wife was okay. The doctor nodded and Justin addressed Cathy, who spoke first. “Go, your family is here. I'll deal with them and then call my family.” He nodded in thanks and followed the doctor.
He wasn't sure what he was expecting when he entered the room. Sara was awake, her bed was positioned upwards slightly. She looked pale, and weak, with oxygen and an IV. She smiled weakly and he matched it. Justin grabbed her hand. “Oh my god I'm so relieved.” The tears were coming freely. His lips met hers, and they both tasted the saltiness of their tears combing together. “How's Ella? Is she okay?” There was a slight panic in her voice.
“She's perfect, and healthy.” On cue, the door opened and a nurse wheeled the bassinet in. Sara broke down crying as the nurse handed her the baby. “When you get a moment, we can fill out her birth certificate with the official name.” She left, leaving the new family of three alone for the first time.
“Hi Ella Kate,” Sara whispered as the baby opened her eyes. Justin helped with supporting the baby's body as his wife was weak. “We are so happy you're here with us princess.” Justin placed a kiss on her forehead, then Sara's. “My girls” He whispered. Relieved that everyone was alright and safe.
“Are you ready to meet everyone Princess? I know they have been dying to meet you.” Sara whispered as she was dressing Ella for her big debut. It had been a month since she made her appearance and it felt the time was going slow and fast at the same time. The first week of them being home was filled with panic and shedding tears of being overwhelmed and sleep deprivation. Justin had adjusted to fatherhood with no issue, while Sara felt like she was drowning.
She had never been more grateful to have both sets of moms with them. Cathy stepped in to deal with her publicists badgering of releasing baby photos. Getting into an argument with the sharp minded woman telling her. “My granddaughter isn't public property. They will release details when they want!”
The Chargers social media team had posted a tweet of congratulations only announcing the birth and that she was healthy.
Holly had been eager to help with her first grandbaby. Mark made meals on the grill to bring them over. Sara ate everything up as she was breastfeeding a baby who had an appetite like her father apparently.
Mitch and Isabelle, along with Patrick and Carly had flown In the night before, but Justin and Sara agreed that they would come over for lunch and meet their niece.
So far the day had been a bit chaotic. Ella had been fussy in the early hours of morning, While Sara had a clogged duct that she had to take a hot shower to unclog (it was more painful than childbirth itself)
Justin was feeding Ella as Sara got dressed. She had never been so grateful that she found a husband who understood that they were partners in the relationship, and that they shared all of the duties of having a baby.
After she was burped and a messy diaper change (which included a new outfit) Justin opened the door to his mom carrying groceries for them. Her son immediately grabbed the bags.
“You certainly remember grandma.” Sara cooed to her baby as Holly sat next to them. Immediately Sara handed the baby off to her mother in law, who cooed at Ella and tried to get some reaction out of her. “Everyone will be here in about 20 min, but I decided to sneak in a little early for some alone time.” Sara laughed as Justin teased his mom. “Oh yeah, since you have been so deprived of that.”
Holly glared at her son. “Hey this time goes by fast, and you guys will be in Pittsburgh, and then back in Los Angeles.”
“I'm sure you and dad have already planned out what days you're coming to visit already.” Holly's silence confirmed Justin's theory and Sara laughed.
After another fifteen minutes there was a knock at the door, and Justin opened it to see Mark, followed by Carly and Patrick, and Mitch and Isabelle.
“We got a sushi tray! Courtesy of my idea” Patrick announced loudly. Totally Forgetting about the baby in the room
“Patrick!” Mitch scolded and Sara laughed. “Don't worry she is up and alert.” Checking on the baby, she was right as she met her daughter's eyes. She looked down at the huge assortment of sushi placed in front of her. “This is the sweetest gift I have ever gotten.” She teared up at her brother in law’s consideration.
Then she realized she was crying over sushi. “sorry my emotions are out of whack” She laughed and went to get up to hug Pat but then she felt dizzy and sat down, hoping no one knew.
“Easy baby.” Of course her husband saw it. He was next to her in a flash. “Let me get your water.”
“Don't worry Sara, I can hug you sitting down.” They hugged and the rest all followed suit.
The star of the show began to cry, voicing her displeasure at not being the center of attention.
“Oh you guys.. she is beautiful.” Isabelle cooed as she looked over Holly's shoulder. As Ella couldn't calm down, she was handed off to Sara as Justin got her bottle ready. “She has an appetite like her dad.” She laughed. “ Thank God I got a heavy milk supply!”
“God help her if she has our height.” Patrick laughed. “Get her into sports fast!”
“She can do whatever she wants to do” Justin cut in as he handed his wife the warm bottle. Immediately Ella settled as she took her food.
The day seemed to go by quickly, and before the couple knew it it was just them two and their daughter.
Sara woke up and rolled over to grab her phone. Adjusting to the light she saw it was 3am. Which meant Ella had to have Woken up at least once, and she had slept through it. In a panic, she ripped the covers and stood up in a hurry.
She didn't even notice the space next to her was empty as she walked into her daughter's nursery.
A beautiful sight stopped her at the door.
Justin was seated in the love suite rocking chair, the cats at his feet.The soft glow of the nightlight illuminated his face as he took in the baby in his large arms. Sara could see that Ella was awake, her eyes fully locked on her dad's face as he spoke to her, and she realized that he was telling her the story of how her parents got together
“And then by grace of God, mommy took daddy's sorry ass back.”
Sara giggled, causing Justin to look up and smile. “Sorry if we woke you, she finally calmed down.”
She shook her head and came over as Justin made room for her to sit on his lap. “I didn't even hear you guys.. God I'm such a terrible mom.”
“Don't say that. You deserve rest. You had a hard labor and you have been Getting up with her almost every night.” He adjusted Ella's tiny body in his one arm as he wrapped the other one around Sara. They both studied her features as her eyes darted from parent to parent. “She's all you babe.” Sara Whispered. Justin smiled. “She has my eye color and shape. That rest is you.”
“Well I didn't almost die delivering her for no reason.” She laughed and Justin frowned. “Please do not joke about that. That was the scariest moment of my life.”
He felt her press her lips against his head. “I'm sorry. That was in very bad taste of me. I love you so much, and you're never getting rid of me. Cause even when I pass on in sixty years if you're still alive I'm haunting your ass.”
Justin laughed, and the move disturbed Ella who was now wide awake. “Well shit I've got to start over again.” They both laughed.
It was quiet until Justin Picked up his phone. “Maybe our song will get her to sleep.”
The chords of Collide began playing, and in habit Sara began singing. Ella's eyes slowly began to close and Justin looked at Sara.
“We did good babe, we did good.”
Sara smiled, "How do you feel about number two in six months?"
Justin shook his head. "Absolutely not, not at least until Ella is a year old. I'm surprised you want to go through delivery again after all the complaining you did."
Sara laughed and ran her finger down the babies face. "We do make beautiful babies though. I wouldn't mind a couple more." All of the sudden Ella jolted awake, and began crying. Justin looked at Sara.
"Let's wait until she is at least a year."
A.N. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR PATIENCE AND LOVE. I know this has been a long time coming. I might do another one shpt documenting the pregnancy with Ella. Guys I am so emotional posting this! Keep an eye out for other imagines.
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nobodyfamousposts · 3 years
My-Crack-Ulous: FOP Crossover
*Coughs* Ahem.
Fairly Odd Parents.
Oh, but not what you think! We’re not getting Cosmo and Wanda for a sad Marinette or Adrien. Oh, no...that would be easy.
No, no. Instead, we’re getting Norm the Genie.
Norm the Genie who wants to be free of his lamp but needs a magical stooge to trap in his place and, hey! Kwamis are magic, aren’t they? Not that he knows much about them since they predate the known universe and even Norm isn’t that old, but still!
So somehow Norm’s lamp ends up in Paris. And just happens to end up in Lila’s hands.
Lila, of course, tries to use it to her advantage.
It goes about as well as you should expect...
It took a few years before Norm’s lamp found itself back in the human world. And of course, it was only a matter of time before it ended up in someone’s hands.
Granted, he hadn’t expected to end up in Paris, France.
Or for his new beneficiary to wear an incredibly unfashionable jacket and have sausages in her hair.
Oh wait, that was her hair. As sausages. Gross.
“So you’re a genie?” She asked.
Norm had to avoid rolling his eyes.
Teenagers. They thought they were so special, so smart. That if something were to happen to them, that it was only for good and because they deserved it somehow. And for how smart they liked to think they were, none of them ever really questioned what the catch was. Or if their wishes were something they should make at all.
This one was no different.
“And you can grant me any wish?”
“ANY wish?”
“I just said for the seventh time, yes. Any wish. Three of them. Rule-free.”
Not that she knew what Da Rules were, but meh. Details.
“Then I get sucked back into the lamp.”
Of course, he didn’t mention his propensity to twist the wishes for fun. Seriously, if these people were stupid enough to just take advantage of his powers without considering consequences. Or the complete lunacy of just expecting a magical creature to grant them whatever they wanted for no reason just because they ask for it.
Seriously, these chumps never learn.
Now all that remained was for this latest chump to start and he can begin his fun of finding the best ways to twist her wishes for entertainment…
Lila smirked.
“Well then…I wish for Ladybug to be beaten and forced to bow before me!”
Norm raised an eyebrow.
He shrugged.
Suddenly, there was a POOF!
And when Lila blinked, there before her was the image of red with black spots.
By which is meant the lowercase insect “ladybug” kind instead of the uppercase superhero “Ladybug” kind, much to Lila’s disappointment.
As if to further insult her, the bug proceeded to point in her direction, in a facsimile of a bow.
Lila stared.
Norm sighed.
“Ya know, kid, normally people don’t make it this easy. I barely even had to do anything. I feel kind of cheated.”
“WHAT IS THIS?!” Lila demanded, gesturing to the insect.
“It’s your wish. Duh. I mean, I knew people made stupid first wishes but...wow. This is actually worse than the sandwich.”
She wasn't even going to ask.
“My wish was about Ladybug! Not just a normal ladybug! I’m talking about the superhero, Ladybug!”
Norm shrugged. “Well you should have been more specific.”
She practically growled. “Who else would I be talking about?!”
Norm, for his part, was less than impressed.
“I’ve been in a lamp. How should I know?”
Lila huffed before storming over to her computer and turning it to face Norm, showing a picture of a heroine in a red leotard with black spots in mid-swing between buildings.
“THIS is Ladybug. A magical do-gooder who protects the city from Hawk Moth. I want to see her destroyed. Brought low in every way that matters and forced to beg me for mercy.”
“I see.” Norm said, not really getting it at all.
Kids these days, was he right?
“So grant my wish.” She demanded. “I wish for Ladybug, the superhero, to be beaten and kneeling before me.”
Upping it, wasn’t she?
He shrugged. “Fine.”
Some distance away, in the middle of an akuma fight, an injured Ladybug was sent flying back into a delivery van full of discarded papers to be shredded for recycling, scattering the papers around her. Winded, she fell into a kneeling position. It just so happened that one of the many papers that on the ground right in front of her was a poster of Lila from one of her photo shoots with Adrien.
Ladybug took no notice of this, being much more concerned with the akuma attack. She quickly pushed herself up and leapt back into the fray.
Lila and Norm watched this on a television from the safety of her apartment some distance away.
“What the hell was that?!” Lila demanded, spinning on Norm.
“Your wish.” He answered bluntly. “She’s beaten. She kneeled.”
“But not to me!”
“Technically, she did.” He corrected her, gesturing to the TV where the now rumpled and sad-looking poster of her image rested where Ladybug had once been. It seemed the hero had even stepped on it once as she took off. Norm bit down the smirk at the unintended irony.
Lila glared at him.
Then she seemed to realize something as she suddenly gained a thoughtful look.
“Can I wish for more wishes?”
Oh, NOW she starts asking smart questions.
Norm stared at her, considering.
He should lie.
He really should lie and say she couldn’t.
From what he’s seen of her so far, this girl seemed a few wires short of a Crock-pot, and speaking of, he was starting to get some flashbacks. His previous time working with Crocker reminded him full well why it was a bad idea to let the humans know they could wish for additional wishes. Plus this girl was already giving him the feeling that the sooner he was away from her, the better.
…but he had spent years as a urinal cake and given what Lila had told him about magical-based superheroes, well, how could he turn away from an opportunity?
“Sure.” He finally answered, much to Lila’s glee.
“Then I wish for three more wishes!” She exclaimed. “And for my first wish, I wish that Ladybug—the superhero Ladybug whom you just saw would be forced to kneel before myself—the me that is right here before you.”
Lila smirked, figuring that it was specific enough that there was no way this could be turned against her.
How little she knew.
The POOF of Norm’s magic was immediately drowned out by complete chaos as something came crashing through the wall and into Lila’s bedroom.
Lila screamed as she was blown back, and covered her face in a limited ability to protect herself from further onslaught.
Coughing could be heard, but it wasn’t just Lila. She dared to peek through her hands and…
Of all people, it was Ladybug crouched on the floor of her room, coughing and waving away the dust and debris.
And sure enough, her position of trying to regain her bearings had her turned in Lila’s directions, head bowed and on her knees. Just as Lila had asked for.
But not in the way she had wanted.
Norm had conveniently vanished from sight, so there was no one else for Ladybug to see besides Lila. Realizing where she was and who she was in front of, Ladybug couldn’t hide her initial scowl before she was able to mask the expression and focus in on the task at hand.
“My apologies, civilian.” She bit out. “Akuma attack. Just stay here and stay safe for now. This won’t take much longer.”
And without another word, she shakily got to her feet and turned back to the attack.
Given Ladybug’s state, Lila could have been in a perfect position to try to interfere. Grab her. Maybe even get her earrings.
But the crash had sent Lila herself falling back, and she was even more unsteady than Ladybug.
She tried to push herself up, but realized that in the chaos, some debris had landed on her leg, preventing her from moving.
Of all the rotten luck!
Ladybug left without further ado and Lila was stuck in her room with a hole in her wall and no way to move from her spot on the floor.
Conveniently, Norm reappeared once she was alone.
“Soooo…just a suggestion, kid, but maybe you should try wishing for something else. Something that doesn’t involve superhero ladybugs.”
“Shut up.” She groused as she struggled to push the broken bits of her desk off her leg and grunting in pain.
Norm, of course, did not shut up.
“I take it you want to use your second wish to restore your room? And your third to wish for more wishes?” He asked, but it was clear he wasn’t actually asking.
The sooner the better.
With another POOF, her room was restored and her leg, while still injured, was no longer pinned. Cautiously, she rose to her feet, hanging onto her bed for stability.
As if to further mock her, it seemed that Ladybug had successfully defeated the akuma as the Miraculous Cure swept through the area, restoring everything else.
Norm blinked in surprise.
“Huh. Didn’t know that could happen. Well, that was a waste of a wish, huh?”
Lila twitched.
“Okay. Okay.”
She had thought about this long and hard.
Much to her frustration, it seemed wishing anything against Ladybug directly was doomed to failure. Lila attributed it to Ladybug’s magic and natural luck. There could be no other reason for it. Lila’s phrasing and intentions had been fool-proof.
Norm’s smirks and passive aggressive comments didn’t mean a thing.
As such, Lila reluctantly turned her focus away from her arch nemesis to the more civilian side of things and decided to target someone who had no such protection.
The only one to figure out she was a liar: Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
She didn’t know how the other girl knew so quickly. Or what led her to the truth.
And Lila didn’t particularly care.
Marinette was just another thorn in her side. Not nearly as irritating as Ladybug, but still enough to want her gone. And since Lila had a genie and three more wishes to use to her advantage, it seemed Marinette would serve as the perfect way to test it.
And so, Lila made the first of her next three wishes.
“I wish that Marinette Dupain-Cheng was forced to leave Francois Dupont.”
A bit on the extreme side, admittedly. If she was being honest, Lila would have preferred to keep Marinette around and wish her to be miserable in some other way instead. But she had the power of a genie at her command and given Marinette’s annoyingly clever and intrusive nature, it would likely only be a matter of time before she caught on to Lila’s new advantage and tried something to relieve her of it.
So the brat had to go.
And oh, what a wonderful scene it was when two serious and official looking men stepped into the classroom to ask for Marinette to go with them to the Principal’s office. The goody-goody left the room looking scared. Everyone whispered and looked to each other in confusion, questioning why and what happened. Who were those men and what could they want with Marinette?
Lila practically felt downright giddy at the sight! She couldn’t wait to see the other girl in tears!
It was almost two hours later when Marinette was brought back to the room by Principal Damocles. Both looked pale and fatigued. But Marinette in particular looked almost tearful.
“Pardon us, Ms. Bustier, but Marinette is just here to gather her things.”
Lila had to hold herself back from grinning and instead put on a fake look of concern.
“Oh no! Marinette, are you all right?”
"Girl, what happened?" Alya asked, worriedly.
“What did those guys want?” Adrien questioned in concern.
Marinette shook her head. "I'm being transferred.”
Here, Lila did smirk even as everyone else around her gasped in dismay.
Damocles patted Marinette’s shoulder, his fatigue giving way to cheer. “Those gentlemen were representatives of one of the most highly acclaimed private art schools in Paris, and they came to interview Marinette for a place in their program!”
Any smirk Lila did show immediately dropped.
“They saw my hat at the fashion show and other designs from my website, and once they heard that I was complimented by Audrey Bourgeois, they decided to offer me a scholarship to come to their school." Marinette explained, looking a mix of excited and anxious.
“That’s wonderful!”
“You deserve it, Marinette!”
“That’s right! It’s a great honor!” Damocles continued. “Of course, they were rather insistent about arranging the transfer, but it’s early enough in the school year and—”
Lila didn’t pay any attention to anything further of Damocles’s prattling and barely even noticed the way everyone else in the classroom cheered and showered Marinette in congratulations and praise.
Nobody paid much attention to Lila for the rest of the school day. Which was just as well, as it allowed her to skip out and storm back home.
Where she found Norm. Sunbathing on her balcony. And messing with her laptop.
He only noticed she was there when she slammed the door open.
“What?” He snarked. “Not what you wanted?”
“Undo it. NOW.”
“You sure?” He asked. “I mean, she’ll still be gone. There’ll be no one to call out your depressingly obvious lies. And with her not being around as much, your little followers are bound to lose touch with her over time and be all yours to screw with.”
“The point is for her to be miserable! UNDO IT!”
The next day, it was with some disappointment as Marinette informed her classmates that while the school had wanted her, the school only had limited slots and apparently the men who came to interview her hadn't been aware the vacancy had already been filled.
"It was still a bit too early for me to start there anyway." Marinette added. "I double checked, and they're a fully fledged lycee. They were apparently figuring I could skip ahead a grade and start there sooner."
"But impressive!"
"Yeah, you totally deserve it, dudette!"
"You'll just have to try for next year." Alya said, moving to wrap an arm around Marinette’s shoulder. “But I’m glad you’ll be with us for a while longer.”
Marinette smiled back, happy and relieved. “Yeah!”
Lila glared at the happy group from around a corner.
So this fell through. But next time would work.
She was smarter than some shut-in genie. She was bound to find a way to make a wish that would give her exactly what she wanted.
And when she did…
Lila smirked.
Ladybug would be as good as gone.
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joestarwhore · 3 years
Risotto Nero - A Price to Pay
{Being the only girl in the Bucci Gang has its perks. Your familia loved you, & were fiercely protective- but what’re they supposed to do when another Capo decides to have you to himself? He’s gotta have you.}
{one way or another.}
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“Bucciarati were almost to Napoli, should I head straight for the city or the safe house?”
Fugo’s sharp voice woke you from your nap. You & the team have been traveling for days tracking three stand users who’ve been smuggling contraband out of Passioné’s grasp. So far, the trail has led to Napoli- and to make it worse, no one knows what they look like. But luckily, you had the name of the man in charge of the operation.
“Go to the safe house. They’re not going to move anything in broad daylight, & we haven’t been able to stop for an actual break.” Bruno circled the location on Fugo’s map. “We can spare a few hours.”
You looked to your right to see Mista asleep against the window, drool slowly coming out of his mouth. You would’ve laughed if you had any right to, with the glimpse of yourself you caught in the rear view you were surprised no one woke you up with a camera flash.
You stretched your neck side to side, your movements slowly bringing your body back to life. You could hear Giorno, Abbachio, and Narancia gently start stirring to life as Bruno continued to talk about the location, not being able to keep in their loud ass yawns. Well, honestly, that was only Narancia’s problem.
Bruno swiveled the seat to face the back, his perfect black bob not moving an inch while he does it. “Now that we’re in Napoli, it’s time to be debriefed about our current situation. Would one of you please wake Mista?”
Abbachio wasted no time to slap Mista in the back of the head, causing Mista to lurch forward with a yelp. His hand immediately went to the back of his head as he whipped around towards Abbachio. “What the hell, you dumbass!! What was that for??”
“For debriefing you idiot, pay attention.”
You giggled, resulting in a hearty “Shut up!” from Mista. After Bruno’s scolding, he started to explain the facts.
“The intelligence we received stated that the man controlling the contraband operation is a Capo. His name is Risotto Nero, the leader of La Squandra. He’s been known to defy the Familia before, so it’d make sense that he would be the one running this show.”
Bruno’s face slowly grimmed as he continued, pausing after he spoke. “While he is a traitor to the Familia, he is also one of the most powerful Capo’s in the organization. Not just because of his title, but because of his stand.”
The tension grew substantially.
“What’s his stand, Boss? Does anyone have an idea?” Narancias question rung in the air like a bell.
“No. Because no ones lived to tell about it.”
The chill that ran down your spine was unnerving. No one knows what his stand is?? No one has even the slightest idea?? How can that be?
“Boss, how’re we supposed to find this cazzo when all we have to go on is a name?” you ask, “How’re we supposed to defend ourselves against a stand that no one has ever beat?”
“By keeping your stand close. Giorno’s Golden Wind can sense life, and Narancia can track anything that breathes. Abbachio’s Moody Jazz could very well be our ace in the hole, if we can simply find where he’s been- but that’s hard to do when you’re following a ghost.”
God, that wasn’t reassuring.
Soon, Fugo’s road rage landed you at the safe house, a 3 story cabin in the middle of the woods. Mista’s excitement blossomed as soon as he saw the giant flatscreen through the window, everyone else’s did when they finally got to leave the stuffy ass van.
Abbachio helped you out of the car, letting you hang on to his arm until you’ve cracked all the bones you needed to feel relief. “Thank you Abba, I’ve been needing to do that for a while now!”
Abbachio threw you a smirk. “Yeah yeah don’t get gross on me.” He could throw up any facade he wants- you see right through his badass tough guy wall. You gave him a grin back, & grabbed your duffel bag out from under your seat. You looked back to see that the other boys had already made it inside, Bruno & Giorno already setting up the radio & laptops to start working.
Bruno def wasn’t playing around when he was looking for a place to buy. This was the nicest cabin you had ever seen, pure dark wood walls with marble flooring, a grand staircase with a BEAUTIFUL bay window?? Capo DEFINITELY had perks.
[3:33 AM]
You bolted awake as thunder and lightning surrounded your bedroom. Your mind frantic as the open curtains revealed howling winds and light flashing through the skies.
You took some deep breaths and calmed yourself down. It’s only a storm, nothing to- why was your door open?
Adrenaline started to churn in your stomach as you swung your legs over your bed. You stepped carefully towards the hallway, peeking down to see that everyone else’s doors were open too. You tip toed down, peering into Bruno & Abbachio’s rooms, seeing them both empty; and upon further inspection, so were Giorno’s and Mista’s. Narancia and Fugo’s following suit.
Where the fuck is everyone, and why are you not with them?
You back tracked down the hall, your legs shaking as you slowly walked down the stairs.
Were you being attacked?
The lightning lit your path down the stairs as you kept your eyes peeled for anything out of place. As you came down to the first platform, the stench of blood overwhelmed your senses, making your eyes grown wide and your hand go over your mouth and nose. This cannot be real, why is blood in the air??
“You know when I first saw you, I thought you were an angel among the saints & sinners of Napoli.”
Your hand gripped the banister as you stood in defense, looking everywhere for the source of the deep voice. Who was that?? Where the fuck is your team??
“& Then I saw Ghiaccio getting in a fight with another Mafioso. I thought it was just one of Bucciaratis boys, but oh was i so close yet so wrong.”
You slowly made your way down stairs, “I guess your a big fan of mine then, quite a shame I can’t see where you are for such occasion.”
A deep chuckle resonated through the estate. “Our life together will be wonderful, I am very sure.”
“The fuck are you-“
Your stomach dropped.
The blood. The gashes. The gore.
All of the boys were hanging by their hands, bloody chains protruding from their wrists and connecting them to the ceiling. Blood oozed from Fugos mouth, while Narancias unconscious form clearly had a broken nose and extreme loss of blood. They all were simply.. hanging by a thread.
“Jesus fucking Christ.. you’re fuc-fucking kidding..”
Invisible hands hold onto your sides as your body freezes in shock, the pressure and heat of them telling you they were quite large. Your heart beater out of your chest as you felt a muscular set of abs press against your back, those hands weaving over your chest to hold down your arms.
“Do you see, Amore? Do you see how powerful I am compared to them?” Your eyes tore away from the bloodied boys, closing them as tightly as you could. “When I saw how powerful you were and how you carried yourself, I knew we were soul mates. I had to have you. I had to have your body, your mind,” His hand rubbed gently against your clothes crotch, shooting heated adrenaline to your core, “& your pretty little cunt just full of my kids.”
Your cheeks turned violently red as you staggered to breathe. “Who..are you..”
Lips pressed against your temple as a deep chuckle vibrated your body. “Darling, I’m the whole reason you’re out here.”
Your heart froze.
“Risotto?? It’s you?!”
Suddenly two black clothed muscular arms appeared around you, one of them tilting your chin back to reveal two black and red eyes staring straight at you. “Surprised, Cara?”
You started to panic, the danger of your situation settling in. Bruno, Giorno, all of the boys, were out of action. There was no help for you, and you couldn’t summon your stand like this. Was this simply the end? Was he just saving you for last for his sick fantasy??
“Please.. what do you even want from me??”
Risotto put your hands behind your back and tied them together. “What I’ve wanted since I saw you; a life. With just you & me.” He placed you on a chair, kneeling before you with his hands tracing you and your skin. Your breath hitched as he ran over certain spots, his eyes growing darker and darker the more you react. You had to do something, you couldn’t let your family be killed over someone’s obsession over you.
“I’m going with you whether I like it or not, right?”
Risotto chuckled a humorless laugh. “A smart one! Oh i like that, I like that. Maybe our kids will get that trait.”
Dread sunk in your stomach. There’s no escape, is there?
“If I go with you, willingly with no struggle- will you allow me to use my stand on them so they atleast don’t die of their injuries?”
Risotto stared at you, looking for any sign of betrayal, but he wasn’t gonna find anything. You knew there wasn’t a way out, and you knew you didn’t stand a chance in hell against him. Atleast if you can save the boys, there wouldn’t be any death.
“Fine. But one slip up, Amore, and I’ll make your condition worse than theirs.”
Risotto unbinded your arms, helping you stand up and get your balance again. You walked towards the boys until you were a few meters away from them. You could sense their shallow breathing from your powers, you knew if you were gonna do this you had to act fast.
“Iron Maiden.”
A steam punk victorian girl emerged behind you, wielding a glowing white scythe, its jet black hair flowing behind her.
“Scythes Blessing.”
Iron Maiden hovered to the front of you, your scythe glowing bright white as it swung a mass of energy towards them all. Their wounds mended together, the blood returning to their bodies. After the act was done, the boys passed out on the floor, surely to wake up in a few hours.
“Now, we start our life, my sweet angel.”
Tears silently went down your cheeks as you turned to the beautiful, evil man. His eyes showed a softness towards you as he extended his giant hand. Your dainty one took his, holding it as he led you to the door.
“Where are you taking me?”
Risotto swung open the huge doors to reveal the storm still actively raging, his matte black sports car in the circle drive. “Home, cara. Our home.”
You hurried to get in his front seat, Risotto closing your door and going to the drivers door. He got in, revving the car to life and pulled the car out of the drive way. Risotto placed his hand on your thigh as he took you away from the estate. Your heart hurt for your boys, but this was for the best, right? Atleast this way they’re safe. They’re safe.
“Say your goodbyes Cara. Your life starts over with me.”
“Only me.”
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ecto-american · 3 years
Upon their arrest by the GIW together, Valerie learns something interesting about Phantom and herself that make her question just how human both herself and Phantom are.
note that this isn’t a phic phight thing, just something i wrote literally months ago for Lexx but forgot that i wrote
on FFN and AO3
They didn't even have the decency to arrest her before Mr. Lancer's class. Being arrested for...well, the Guys in White were never really clear as to why they showed up to Casper High to arrest her. But whatever the reason, that would have been one hell of an excuse as to why she was not just missing, but why she couldn't turn in that book report that she not only didn't do, but hadn't even read a single page of yet. Valerie had an inkling she knew why, but she remained completely silent the entire march out the front doors of the school. She wasn't an idiot after all.
The agent to her left opened the door, and the agent to her right put his hand on her head to duck her into the white SUV. The door closed, and Valerie glanced to see just how tinted the windows were, as well as the police-style framing of the windows and the separation between the driver and passenger as well as the backseat dwellers.
"Oh, I was wondering why we stopped here."
That familiar voice made her jump, and she turned to see Phantom. He was in the exact same predicament. Hands behind his back, leaning against the seat, though she could immediately tell that his handcuffs were much clunkier and glowed. Obviously anti-ghost.
"You!" Valerie hissed. She immediately leaned into the window, lifting her leg up, and she began to kick him repeatedly. "What the hell are you doing here!?"
"Ow!" Phantom hissed as she got him in the shoulder, and then his rib. She didn't stop, and she didn't miss. "AH! Fuck, stop it! OW!"
"Knock it off!" one of the agents boomed. The sudden, strict tone made Valerie pause. She kicked him one more time, square in the face, before finally stopping.
Phantom made a weird wheezing noise, and she saw him shift to rub his nose on his upper arm and shoulder. He frowned.
"My nose is bleeding," he complained.
"I hope your nose is broken!" Valerie snapped back at him.
Phantom glared at her. He made a weird noise in his throat, and it took Valerie a moment to realize what he was doing. Preparing spit. And indeed, the ghost teen stuck his tongue out, drool instantly dripping, and he leaned in. Valerie instantly leaned away from him.
"Ew! Gross! Get away from me!" she complained.
"Nu-uh!" Phantom replied, his tongue still out as he continued to scoot. He got close enough to open his mouth, and some of his saliva dripped onto her knee.
"Gross, gross, gross!" she shrieked. Valerie kicked him in the side, and Phantom let out a pained wheeze.
"Knock. It. Off," the other agent snapped at them. They had gotten into the driver and passenger's seat, and both were glaring at them.
"She started it!" Phantom accused. The driver frowned at him, obviously not amused. Phantom scooted back to his side of the backseat. Valerie stayed pressed against the window and door. She could hear the drive mutter something about hating kids before turning the vehicle on, and they drove off.
They made the duo sit in the interrogation room for three hours, according to the clock. They had, thankfully, just connected the teenagers to the table via a long chain and handcuffs, so that they could at least be a bit more comfortable, even though Phantom, and for some reason her, were both given anti-ghost bracelets to wear. A box of tissues were also tossed onto the table, and Phantom had spent the first half hour tending to his bloodied nose. He stuffed all the used tissues, grossly, into his pocket, though she suspected why he did that. It had his DNA on it.
Phantom nor her attempted conversation. Neither were stupid. They essentially stared at each other and the walls, their only words were occasional out-loud wondering of when somebody was going to show up to question them already.
Obviously her more pressing question was why the hell they were still together. For some reason, Phantom was with her every step of the way of their weird little field trip. They got escorted in together, processed together, and now were sat at the exact same interrogation table. Why? She had absolutely no idea. Didn't they normally separate people they arrested?
At exactly 6:38 PM, somebody finally opened the door, and she and Phantom sat straight up.
The agent that sat before them was a large man, muscular and tall with big hands and sunglasses that fully blocked any chance of the teens from seeing what he was looking at.
"We know you're both half-ghost."
Valerie's mind instantly went to Vlad. That must have been what he was...she had been debating with herself for weeks now as to what he was. A ghost disguised as a human? A human who had ghost powers?
She pushed those aside to look at Phantom. To her surprise, he was pale. Nearly as white as his hair, with anxiety sweat drops beginning to form. Her interest peaked instantly. Silence hung in the air. The man said nothing, simply keeping his attention intensely on them. Valerie
"That's ridiculous," Valerie finally said something. She nearly added that the entire idea itself was ridiculous too. Well, it kind of was. It was so weird to grasp, but it wasn't really something that she wanted to think too hard about these days, and especially now. There was nothing more that she'd love to do than to throw that manipulative old bastard under the weird half-ghost freak bus. However, not only was it probably not a good idea to start beef with a literal superpowered-villain billionaire...but Dani was still out there.
"Don't lie to me." The man sounded agitated. "Both of your ectoplasmic readings are abnormal."
Ectoplasmic reading? Her? Valerie stared at him as if he had grown a second head.
"I shouldn't have any ectoplasmic reading," she pointed out. "I'm alive. Alive people don't have ectoplasmic readings."
The man opened up his folder, pulling out a few choice pieces of papers to slide her way. Phantom silently watched them, his eyes wide and his face looking utterly blank yet...so fearful. Valerie opted to ignore him for a while, accepting the papers to hold as she read through them.
She was familiar with how to read ectoplasmic readings, charts and monitors by now. Green eyes scanned the data, frowning in confusion as she checked the details, and she could see out of the corner of her eye Phantom leaning in to read too. She adjusted her position so that he couldn't.
This description was definitely her, and...she was giving off ectoplasmic readings. Not really in the same way as a normal ghost; there was something distinctively different about hers that any set of trained eyes could pick up on. But how?
"I don't understand," Valerie spoke slowly. "I'm alive." She put the documents back down on the table. "You can take a swap or slap some ghost goop stuff on me. Hell, prick my finger." Valerie held her palm out to the man. Her anti-ghost bracelet sparkled a bit in the light of the room. At least she now knew why they made her wear the bracelets too. "I'm not dead."
The interviewer stared intently at her hand. He gave a neutral hum of acknowledgement, swooping the papers back up.
"Testing and experiments will be reserved for a later time," he replied. Valerie got instant goosebumps. Testing and experiments? "Maybe a few hours in holding will help you realize why you should just come clean to us."
"Can I get some water first?" Valerie asked. The agent snorted in amusement as he stood up.
"Ghosts don't eat or drink."
She felt numb, and she had no idea how to respond to that. Two more agents came into the room, and they silently took the teenagers further into the building until they reached a door. The third agent opened it, and Phantom and Valerie were ushered inside.
The room almost immediately led into bars, and the first thing Valerie could think of was just how much it looked like jail. Two uncomfortable looking bunk beds on either side, a toilet in the middle, a small sink, and no windows. The light was dim, and the room was cold.
Phantom was pushed in first, and then Valerie, and the bars clunked as they closed. She turned to see the bars begin to glow as the bars were locked.
And there was no goodbyes. The agents were eerily silent as they filed out, and the door was shut behind them. She could hear the faint click as it also locked.
Valerie turned to see Phantom's reaction, and he still looked shaken and pale. She already suspected the answer, but she needed to hear it.
"So...are you?" Valerie asked.
"No!" Phantom's answer was way too quick. "What about you? Don't you hate ghosts?"
"I'm not half ghost!" she snapped back. "I have no clue why they'd think that."
Phantom studied her for a moment. His eyes lit up.
"Your suit!" he declared. "The one Technus gave you. It must make your reading wonky."
The second he reminded her, she felt a cold shiver. Suddenly her heartbeat felt off, and she assumed she was colder than usual because of...ya know. That couldn't be true. It had to be wonky readings. The suit was so nice...so much nicer than the suit that she had made herself. It was so much more powerful, so much nicer, just flat out cooler.
She put her heart over her chest. She still had a heartbeat, right?
"What's your excuse?" she asked. Phantom didn't say anything. He turned his attention to the wall, staring blankly at it.
"...Why would they let us stay trapped in here together?" Phantom changed the subject. Valerie narrowed her eyes at him, but she had to admit. It was a good point. "Especially knowing that we'd just plot our escape together."
"Pump the breaks, Phantom. I'm not escaping," Valerie scoffed. "They'll realize their mistake and just let me go."
"Well, they're not gonna let me go," Phantom frowned. "The Guys in White don't exactly play nice with ghosts. And I'm not leaving without you."
"Not my problem," Valerie replied. She raised an eyebrow at him. "Unless...of course there's a reason for it to be my problem."
"You can't just do it out of the kindness of your heart?" Phantom sounded sarcastic, despite staring at her desperately. Valerie crossed her arms. "Please?"
"Give me one good reason to escape with you."
And thus began a staring contest. Phantom shifted from foot to foot, and he glanced at the floor. A lightbulb made the realization click. The GIW knew her identity. They arrested her at school. But they didn't know Phantom's. Nobody probably did. This was likely a ploy to get them to reveal themselves to each other. How or why, Valerie wasn't sure. But now it was glaringly obvious to her.
Phantom was half-ghost. Just like Dani. Just like Vlad. The Guys in White don't play nice with ghosts, and she had a strong feeling that they didn't care much about playing nice with humans either. Especially if they suspected that there was ghost within them.
"Nevermind," Valerie sighed. Phantom stared at her, and he...looked scared. "I can destroy ghosts…" But I really can't take part in destroying a human.
Phantom grew a bit pale again, as they both knew the unspoken words. He took a deep, shaky breath. His reaction was all she needed to know, that this wasn't some weird lie or ploy.
"So. What's our game plan?" he asked.
Valerie studied their surroundings. She reached out to touch the bars of their shared cell, taking immediate note that she wasn't shocked.
"Well, obviously there's that big shield outside," Valerie lightly mused.
"I can get past that shield," Phantom spoke up. "Under the...right circumstances."
Valerie nodded. If Phantom was able to turn human away from the prying eyes of cameras and more, they could both obviously escape right out the front door. Hell, they could likely utilize both Phantom and his? Human? Side? Whatever he was called.
"This facility was designed for ghosts, not humans," Phantom continued. "If we worked together, we can probably make a quick exit." Valerie hummed in agreement.
"That's not just enough," Valerie replied. "I'll just get arrested again. They know who I am. Like, they know Valerie Gray is the huntress." Phantom frowned, and he thought for a moment.
"We could maybe delete their evidence files or something?" he suggested. Valerie paced their cell for a moment.
"There has to be some kind of computer security room somewhere," Valerie spoke aloud to herself. "If we can find it, we can probably wipe evidence and also fully take down the shield."
Phantom leaned against the back wall of the cell.
"I don't think that's enough," he replied. Valerie stopped pacing to stare at him. "We need to make sure the Guys in White don't do this again. Ever. Never even have the chance to get to this point again." Valerie scowled.
"They help hunt ghosts!" she protested.
"And they'd consider Danielle a ghost and rip her to shreds," Phantom countered. The reminder of that little girl hit her straight in the gut. She sighed.
"I don't know," she said slowly.
"They're a government organization, they'll rebuild," Phantom pushed. "We just need to stall them long enough to buy time for us to figure out how to keep you, Danielle and I safe."
She hated it, but...yeah. She wasn't really in the best position either. Valerie had no clue what was going on with her, but the Guys in White were incredibly persistent...and she knew her dad wouldn't be able to afford a lawyer for her anymore.
Valerie held her wrist up. Her suit's bracelet was basically hidden underneath the anti-ghost one, but she could still feel it there. Her suit wasn't gone. She could still access it, and that made her feel more confident in that she was still human. Which she had to be. Right?
Valerie activated her suit, and she held her wrist up to read the screen. She pressed a few buttons.
"I think I can figure out a map of this place," she said. "And from there we can see where's what."
Her forearm glowed brightly as it gathered data. It took a few moments of calculating, but soon, she had her results. Phantom was soon peering over her shoulder, both of them studying the map.
"How accurate is this?" Phantom questioned.
"It tends to be fairly decent. Sometimes it's hit or miss with collapsed buildings, but overall it's spot on," she replied. She adjusted the screen, zooming it out. "I can only get the floor we're on though."
"That looks like it could be some kind of utility room," Phantom pointed to a specific room. Valerie zoomed in on it, studying it.
"Yeah," she said slowly. "Yeah. Gotta be. It's got a lot of power coming to or from there. Has to be a source, or at the very least some kind of major technology area."
"Either way, we should destroy it," Phantom said. Valerie frowned.
"I don't know," she hesitated.
"I mean, you can't even summon your powers."
Phantom glanced down at his wrists, glancing curiously at them before setting his sights on Valerie's arms.
"Can you shoot them off?" he asked.
Valerie tried to summon one of her weapons. She waited. And she waited. Nothing came, and her gut became queasy. She couldn't get her ghost weapon. None of them would summon. This had to be a bad sign. Or was it just the GIW prepared against humans too? That was the most logical explanation. She couldn't be…But also she could be...after all the ectoplasmic readings...
"Um, actually, I think I can…" Phantom's voice caused her to truly look at him again. The ghost was fiddling with his wristbands, using his knees to lock it in place as he attempted to slip his wrist through the band with no success.
"Here, let me try," Valerie interrupted him. Phantom glanced up at her.
"Can you shoot them?" he asked. Valerie forced a weak smile, but she held up a screwdriver.
"Got something even better. My travel tool kit," she replied. After too many breakdowns in the field, she had replaced a small pouch that previously held smoke bombs, something she rarely used, with a few small tools. It was easily one of the best choices she made.
Phantom held his wrist out to her, and she turned the bracelet around. Eventually she managed to pry a piece of the metallic covering off, exposing screws and a few wires. Valerie didn't undo or cut anything right away, both her and Phantom silently trying to make sense of the connection and mechanics behind it. Would really suck to find out the hard way that disconnecting a certain wire would trigger an alarm, after all.
"I think you shouldn't touch the red wire," Phantom lightly mused. "Pretty sure that's a power, and if you turn it off it'll be bad news."
"Mmm, yeah," Valerie agreed. "I think I can just unscrew this though, and we should just be careful to not slip the wires off."
Phantom nodded, and he waited patiently as she did just so. After twenty minutes of careful disconnecting, Phantom had two hands free, and he flexed his hands with a happy sigh.
"God, that just feels so much better," he told her. He motioned for her to hand him the screwdriver. "Here, I'll do yours." Valerie shook her head.
"I can't leave. I won't say anything if you escape, but they know my identity."
Phantom frowned.
"I'm not leaving you here. Come on, you saw your map. We can destroy their power. We can destroy this entire building," he began, only for Valerie to cut him off.
"And do more destruction? Is that all you think about?" she snapped. "You're safe. They know my identity. You want me to get more charges or something? I can't risk it. I'll just stay here. They'll figure out soon enough that I'm fully human." A full human who apparently had mixed logic as to whether or not they could use their ghost hunting suit. If she was fully human, she could summon those weapons, right? Unless it was specifically preventing any ghost weapon, regardless of the user, use it.
"Red, I don't think you understand," Phantom told her. "They're not going to go easy on you. Even if you prove you're human, they're not going to believe you. You heard them. They already denied you contact to the outside world."
That reminder sent a chill down her spine.
"Then tell my dad," she told him. Phantom stared at her. He began to unzip his suit, and she instantly began to look away. "Dude, what the hell?"
"Valerie, look at me," he demanded.
"You're naked!" she protested.
"I'm not naked, just look."
She decided to humor him with the intention of taking a quick peek. But when she saw him, she felt a cold sweat hit her. Phantom had only zipped enough to expose his chest, and there was a distinctive Y-patterned scar on his chest that stood out against the other scars.
"This is what happened last time I was trapped here. I'm not going to leave you alone here," he stated. He suddenly looked away, and he quickly zipped his suit back up. "There's no way in hell I'm going to risk this happening to you. Red, you need to come with me."
That urgent gut feeling of needing to go finally crashed into her. The GIW would never believe her. Not just because of stubbornness, but...Valerie herself wasn't even sure anymore.
She swallowed dryly, and she nodded. Her right wrist was offered to him.
"Do you know what to do?" she asked. Phantom scowled.
"I just watched you do it," he reminded her. She rolled her eyes, but held her wrist up for him, and a half hour later, she too, was free.
She wasn't sure if she was more concerned or relieved to instantly feel that distinctive rush of power back. The second Phantom removed her bracelet, she knew that she could summon any of her ghost weapons now at her fingertips. But she could still summon her suit regardless, and activate her GPS abilities. Was this normal? Valerie had no clue what this meant anymore.
"So, next step, I think we can escape through here."
Valerie looked up to see Phantom was now floating by the vent at the top of their cell. He was already using her screwdriver to undo the vent cover. She pulled her map back up on her forearm, glancing at it and studying it.
"I'm pretty sure the vent will go straight to that electric room," she told him.
"Oh, now you're finally seeing the big picture?" Phantom lightly teased, glancing over his shoulder as he popped the vent cover off. She nodded at him, but didn't crack a smile.
"...You and Dani may look just alike, but I never want you two to have matching scars," she said. Phantom's smile dropped, and he nodded in agreement.
He placed the vent covering on the top bunk, handing Valerie back her screwdriver. She slipped it back in it's pouch.
"Here, I'll give you a boost up," Phantom offered, pressing his hands together. She nodded, stepping a foot onto his hand. With ease, Phantom pushed her up, and she grabbed onto the vent, pulling herself in. It was surprisingly fairly roomy yet not, and she managed to get comfortable on her stomach, pulling her map back up.
"Ready to commit several federal crimes?" Phantom's voice half joked. She looked behind her the best she could to see the ghost right behind her. She snorted in amusement.
"Ready as I'll ever be," she replied. "Just follow me. It's time to give these idiots hell."
And hell they did. Who knew that the Guys in Whites headquarters could cause such a colorful explosion.
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bitch-out · 4 years
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OKAY i know you didn’t ask for a full length fic but... i couldnt help myself. here it is: 
Four times Alex saw signs that the world was changing to become more accepting of people like him, and the one time he actually realized it.
After finishing practice for the night, the band walked into Julie’s house. Luke immediately walked into the kitchen, wanting to see what meal her dad was whipping up. His obsession with watching lifers eat was starting to get a little concerning. Reggie followed after him, wanting to hang out with Julie’s dad. That was also a little concerning.
Julie plopped down on the couch next to her little brother, Carlos, who was watching a TV show that she didn’t recognize. Alex hopped over the couch and took a seat next to her, looking at the screen intently.
“What is he watching?” Alex asked, reclining into the couch.
Julie shrugged in response. “I’m not sure…”
Carlos looked over to her with a questioning expression. “Huh?” Oh crap. She needed to stop talking to the boys while other people were around. It made her look absolutely bonkers.  
“…what you’re watching! I’m not sure what you’re watching.” She said quickly, trying to avoid any awkwardness. “What is it?”
He seemed to buy it, letting her weirdness go. “Oh, I’m watching this new show. I forget what it’s called. It’s about this girl who accidentally gets musical superpowers after getting stuck by lightning.”
“Cool,” she answered, settling into the couch. She and Alex watched for a few minutes before looking at each other in confusion. They had absolutely no idea what was going on in the show. They looked at the screen as the main character sighed dramatically, slamming her door while running out of her house. “I’m lost. What’s happening? Why is she so mad?” Julie asked.
Carlos rolled his eyes. “She’s in a fight with her dads right now because they won’t let her go to this big party. Now shhh! It’s getting juicy!”
Luke’s eyes went wide as the scene switched to the main characters dads, who were sharing a tender moment while discussing their child. Two dads? On television? Without it being played off as a joke? He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the screen.
Julie looked at him inquisitively, noticing his surprised expression. She raised an eyebrow.
“I see.” A soft smile settled on his face. “Cool.” He bit his lip and leaned back.
“Cool.” She agreed. She almost said something, but then decided it would be better for her to wait for him to tell her.
“People watching in 2020 is way better than people watching in the 90’s.” Reggie stated as they walked through downtown LA. They were killing time while Julie was at school. They passed a man in a superhero costume who was taking pictures with tourists.
“I know right?” Luke agreed. “I love looking over people’s shoulder and watching what they’re doing on those… high tech cellphone things.”
“Smartphones,” Alex offered.
“Smartphones, right.”
Reggie ran over to a middle aged guy in a suit sitting on a bench who was looking intently at his phone. “Look at this guy! He’s looking at an article called ‘How to tell if you have foot fungus’.” He wrinkled his nose. “Gross. You might wanna get that checked out, buddy,” patting his shoulder, his hand passing right through.
Luke looked around for someone else to observe. “Okay see the one over there in the blue striped shirt eating a chili dog?” He pointed over to his left to a man walking away from a hot dog stand.  
The man went to take a bite out of his chili dog but dripped it all down the front of his shirt. “Oooooh…. Missed his mouth on that one,” Luke said, cringing.
“That’s nasty,” Alex chimed in.
A guy who looked to be around their age speed walked past them, looking down. He brushed his shaggy blonde hair out of his face as he grinned down at his phone. He was obviously walking with a purpose.
“This guy is hustling! Cmon!” Reggie grinned, jogging after him. Luke and Alex ran over to catch up, all three of them following in pursuit. They all looked over his shoulder to read his text messages. He was texting someone he had named “babe <3” in his contacts.
Can’t wait to see u, his text read, im right around the corner
Reggie whistled. “His girlfriend’s probably a complete hottie if he’s that excited to see her-”
As they turned the corner, the blonde stranger they were following put his phone away as he caught sight of someone. He broke into a run and bear hugged the person, wrapping his arms around them and lifting them off the ground. As he pulled away, it was revealed that the person he was hugging was a brunette guy around the same age as them.
The brunette murmured something, his lips quirking into a smirk. The blonde teen let out a laugh, then pulled him into a kiss.
Alex nearly gasped in surprise, looking around to notice that… not a singular person was looking over. Everyone was just going about their day as normal. No glares, no sneers, not even a scoff.
It felt like the breath was sucked out of his lungs. Was this… normal? The couple broke apart and joined hands, continuing down the street. Alex couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. No one had even batted an eyelash at the public display of affection.
To him, it hadn’t been that long ago since 1995. When even looking at someone for too long would get you called a slur. When his own father would call him a-
“Alex? You good?” He was broken out of his thoughts by Luke looking over at him concernedly.
Alex opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off by someone else.
“There you guys are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!”
They turned around in tandem to see Julie standing there, her eyes sparkling. And they continued with their day, moment forgotten.
Alex found himself once again alone with Julie, hanging out with her in her room. He was the only member of the band she would let hang out with her in here, which filled him with an odd sort of pride.
They were currently listening to one of her Spotify playlists. Julie was doing homework on her bed and Alex was tapping his drumsticks on his knee, following the beat of the song they were listening to. He was getting into the groove of the song “This song has a good beat!” he exclaimed. “What is this?”
She grinned at him. “It’s called ‘Girls like Girls’ by Hayley Kiyoko!” She stood up on her bed, dropping her homework and singing into an imaginary microphone as the chorus hit. She belted at the top of her lungs, “Girls like girls like boys do, nothing new~” She laughed as she flopped back onto her bed.
He gaped at her, surprised that she was treating it with such nonchalance. In the 90’s, this would have been music you listened to at 2 am when your parents were asleep. “Is this a… popular song?” he asked.
“Yeah, I mean it’s from like 2015 so it’s basically ancient but it’s still pretty popular.” She turned back to her homework and picked up her pen. “I think the music video has like over 100 million hits on YouTube or something like that.”
His jaw dropped even further “100 million?”
The timer on her phone went off. The words BAND PRACTICE blared across the screen with the chime of her ringtone. “I’ll show it to you later! But we have to go to rehearsal right now.”
He shook his head and followed her out of the room.
As both his friends were pulled away by girls saucily dancing in feathered blue outfits, Alex stood awkwardly like a fish out of water. Covington slid up to him with a sly smirk on his face. “Come now. You can’t be the only one not dancing.”
“No, I… I know.” Alex sputtered. “I’m just…” Not into dancing with girls? No, he couldn’t just say that. He didn’t want to cause a scene. He pointed over his shoulder. “I’m looking for Willie,” he finished lamely.
Covington seemed to read him like an open book. He smiled and gestured with open palms. “Dante! Fuego!” Two handsome men slid up to either side of him. “Meet Alex.” The linked arms with him.
Alex looked at them, surprised. How did he know? Is this like a theater thing? Or… “You’re welcome,” Covington smirked, ducking down. Is this normal here…?
His thoughts were cut off as he was lifted up over Covington’s head and pulled into a fast-paced dance.
“Slow down Willie!” Alex shouted, running after his brunette friend as he skated through lifers and tore down the street.
Willie laughed and hopped off his board, picking it up off the ground. He waited for Alex to catch up with him “Relax, we’re almost here…”
Alex was too busy catching his breath to realize they were in the middle of a giant crowd. Lifers walked through them every few seconds like it was nothing “Wh-What is this?” Alex asked, looking around. Everyone was wearing colorful clothing and most were wearing some kind of glitter.
The skater laughed and grabbed his hand, pulling him toward the street. “We’re skating the floats, dude.” He pointed at the bright floats that were parading down the street.
Was this some kind of festival or something? Alex wondered. “Why is everything so… colorful?”
Willie looked at him like he was missing something obvious. “It’s June. Pride month.” Alex didn’t know what that was. He looked around, trying to figure it out. “You’ve never seen a pride parade before?” Willie questioned. Then, he realized. “Right. Right, you’re a 90’s ghost. I keep forgetting about that.” He slapped his forehead.
Then, he realized what this was. Alex turned to his right and saw two women kissing. A couple of guys his age were holding hands right next to him. Signs as far as the eye could see read ‘here and queer’ and ‘all you need is love’ and ‘love is love’ and countless other sayings. His breath stuttered in his chest “This is…”
“I know. Pretty cool, right?” Willie asked, sounding pretty nonchalant. He was scouting out the floats, focused on his task.
“And this is all for…” Alex hesitated, “For gay people?”
“All LGBTQ+ people, technically, but yeah dude.” Willie clarified. He grinned, his eyes set on a float just down the road. He found the perfect route.
“So it really is different now, huh?” Alex asked, his voice cracking slightly. Willie looked back in alarm, not realizing how much this was impacting the drummer beside him. A tear rolled down his cheek, but his smile could not be bigger. Alex continued, “Like I had hoped it was, and there’s been some signs, but this is…” He covered his mouth to hide a sob.
Willie walked over to his side, dropping his skateboard and taking his hand gently. “Yeah, Alex. It’s different. Better. Not perfect, but... a lot better.” He squeezed his hand.
“It’s amazing.” Alex said, wiping the tears from his eyes with his sleeve and grinning. He let out a laugh as a drag queen passed by and waved at the crowd, blowing kisses.
The skater couldn’t take his eyes off of Alex. He was absolutely glowing, basking in the atmosphere of the parade. “You know what? Let’s forget the skating.” Willie decided, taking his skateboard from the side of the street and tucking it in an alley.
“Huh?” Alex was confused. Willie wanted to... not go skating?
“It’s time to get your pride on, Alex.”
Together, they spent the rest of the day exploring every area of pride, ducking through crowds and sneaking onto floats. There was even one point where they ran through a huge glitter cannon, getting absolutely covered in glitter.
After it was all done, Willie teleported back to Julie’s house with him to drop him off.
“That was the most fun I’ve ever had.” Alex admitted, his smile seemed to be permanently glued to his face.
“Me too. I’ve been to tons of pride parades, but none of them were as fun as this one.” Willie admitted.
“Really? What was different about this one? Was it the glitter cannon? It was probably the glitter cannon-”
“It was you, Alex.” The skater said quietly, brushing a couple stray pieces of glitter off of the taller boy’s cheek.
“Oh,” Alex breathed, looking down at Willie. His heart was racing a mile a minute. He hadn’t realized they were standing so close together.
Willie hesitated for a moment. Was this the moment? He didn’t want to rush Alex. He was probably overwhelmed enough after experiencing his first pride. He smiled up at the blonde and patted him on the shoulder. “Goodnight, Alex.” He stepped away and turned to leave.
He was just about to teleport when he heard “Wait!”
Willie turned around Alex kissed him.
He stiffened at first, surprised. Before he could respond, Alex pulled away and looked at him in panic.
“I’m so sorry, I thought-”
Willie grabbed him by the lapels and dragged him down, kissing him heatedly. Alex responded with enthusiasm, wrapping his arms around his waist.
“ABOUT TIME!” someone hollered from behind him.
They broke away to see Luke and Reggie beaming. They both ran over and hugged them both in a group hug. “We thought you two would never figure it out.” Luke said, causing Reggie to laugh. 
“Happy pride, Alex”. Willie murmured, squished up against his side. And Alex couldn’t have been happier.
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On Family
An excerpt from Memoirs of a Flesh Eater, never published
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One question that I see asked in the news a lot is why there are still any ghouls left. We have a distinctive, high-impact feeding habit that requires us to stay within human society, where we are both outnumbered and outgunned. This has essentially been the case since the development of automatic firearms, and you’ve continued to develop more and more effective methods of killing us since then. How are we not extinct?
The talking heads always have lurid theories to propose. My personal favorite one, which comes up every couple of years or so, is that the government is secretly breeding us so that they have an excuse to send secret police out into the general populace for nefarious purposes pretending to be exterminators. As if they’d need the excuse {Editing Note: I’ve gotta keep my political views out of this except where they directly pertain to ghouls. No unnecessarily alienating people}. The most commonly accepted one seems to be that we just have a lot of children to compensate for our high mortality rate. Spatha calls that an R strategy, I think. Scarlet calls it the Rabbit Theory. Whatever you call it, it’s wrong. Our species has survived off the strength and compassion of our families.
Contrary to popular impressions, our “nuclear” families are pretty small. My understanding is that 1-4 children is the typical range. I’m the only confirmed only child in my friend group. Scarlet’s the youngest of three, Scorpio’s a middle child, Spatha avoids talking about her home life, and Kestrel doesn’t know her biological parents. There’s a couple of pressures that keep our family sizes small. First, it’s challenging to feed too many ghouls at once, especially ghoul children, who we don’t want worrying about where they’re going to get their meals. Second, the majority of ghoul parents are going to end up as single parents before their kids are fully grown. Either one of them is going to get killed, or they’re going to have to separate to go on the run from the exterminators; and, of course, we do still break up and get divorced sometimes.
These pressures are exaggerated by our general lack of an extended family. It’s not that all of our aunts and uncles get hunted down - even if they did, we’d still have cousins - but it’s not safe for us to have traceable extended families. When exterminators identify a ghoul, the first thing they do is put out a bulletin for all known blood relatives. The most common tactic to avoid this is, when multiple siblings make it to adulthood, at least one of them changes their identity and moves away. This isn’t always done, but it’s done often enough that document forging is a widespread and well-respected profession in the Society. It’s useful for dodging exterminators in other circumstances too. My mom and I changed our names and moved cities after exterminators killed my dad when I was 4.
Between that and the sheer number of out-and-out orphans in our Society, it should come as no surprise that we’ve developed a new family structure to fill in the gaps. The terminology we use for this structure is variable, but the term I’ve always used is “household”. A household is a sort of adopted extended family, typically formed by and centered around one particularly resourceful ghoul called a patron. The patron takes whichever ghouls they choose under their wing, introduces them to each other, and helps them coordinate their talents and resources so that they all have everything they need. Most obviously, this means making sure they all have a supply of flesh, but there are numerous other kinds of support a household can provide. I doubt I need to emphasize again how valuable a reliable source of companionship and safety is, but patrons typically have access to connections and contacts that can help the other members of the household accomplish their goals.
My household, for example, was founded by our patron Yaga. It consists of her, her adopted daughter Kestrel, my mom and I, my friends Scarlet and Scorpio and their immediate families, and four other older ghouls. There’s also Spatha, who has been reluctant to fully join the household but acts like a member in most contexts. Three of our members have reliable flesh sources, and Yaga coordinates with other ghouls to find supplementary sources to ensure that she always has a surplus on hand. This keeps all of us well-fed and lets her distribute the rest to those in need in exchange for favors and cachet that the rest of us can use for our own advancement. In turn, the rest of us pitch in for odd jobs here and there, mostly on flesh-gathering jobs of one kind or another, and we look out for each other. I’ve done a bit of babysitting with Kestrel, for example, and Yaga was able to get me and Scarlet summer jobs to save up for college.
Babysitting, by the way, is one of the most valuable services a household can provide to a ghoul parent. Given our mortality rate, it probably isn’t a surprise that there’s a good bit of cultural pressure to have children, and have them quick. Ghoul children are… a lot. When we’re newborn, we’re pretty much like human babies. Ghoul babies can nurse from ghoul mothers for awhile, which is a relief. They need to switch to flesh before their teeth come in, though, so that means flesh slurry, which is more complicated to make than you might think. For best results, you want a mix of blood, muscle tissue, organ tissue, and bone, especially marrow. We get better at pulling all our nutrients from just flesh as we mature, but babies aren’t as developed. Getting those varied tissues is a little more complicated than just getting flesh. Bone especially is challenging - more mature ghouls have no need for it, and it’s honestly kinda gross. You just have to hope that whoever you’re getting flesh from can start holding some bones for you. Not every source has easy access to bones. 
{Editing Note: I think I wrote bone too many times - it looks fake now. Bone. Bone.}
We get our ghoul teeth at the same time as our baby teeth. Our ghoul teeth fall out and are replaced too, but we keep growing new ones our whole lives, kinda like sharks. Funnily enough, I don’t think we grow extra human teeth, which seems like a strange way for evolution to take us, but what do I know, I’m not a biologist. At that point we can start eating regular flesh, and parents have the unenviable task of explaining to toddlers that they can’t just slide their teeth out whenever they want. Our other features come in a bit later - claws between 4 and 6, eyes with puberty. Let me tell you, the claws hurt coming in. I couldn’t hold a pencil for a month. My mom told the elementary school that I was deathly sick so she could keep me home, but I think Scarlet just pretended he’d broken both his hands and went in splints. I don’t envy him - stretching my claws did a lot to relieve the pain.
I’ll admit freely that, by our standards, I had a pretty charmed childhood. I fit into human society pretty easily, I had a mom who loved me and could provide for me, a patron and household to help pick up the slack, and ghoul friends my own age. I had the discipline to keep my true nature hidden from my human peers, and I don’t think I was even particularly traumatized by the pressure of performing humanity that much. I can safely attribute that to the fact that I had safe spaces throughout my life to let the charade drop. Most ghouls at least have that. Most, but not all.
Our integration into human society also means that we inevitably become entangled in human society. We become invested in the lives of our human peers, we befriend them, care about them. Sometimes we fall in love with them. Eating people seems like kind of a big secret to keep from a potential romantic partner - I certainly couldn’t manage it - but some ghouls form romantic relationships with humans nonetheless. Maybe some of these human partners eventually discover the truth and are willing to overlook it for the person they love, but I doubt it happens often. I’ve certainly never heard of it. I’ve heard of it going the other way, though, a human partner discovering the truth and reacting poorly. Someone always dies when that happens. I personally know a few ghouls who’ve dated humans, or are seriously involved with them. Frankly, it scares the hell out of me. I get that the heart wants what it wants, but some wants aren’t worth the risk.
{Editing Note: That last line feels… tense. Emotionally charged. Why? And should I change it?}
In my opinion, the gravest of these risks is what happens when a human and a ghoul decide they want to build a life together, but kids are already in the equation. The human-ghoul mixed family is probably the most toxic environment that a ghoul child could be raised in and conceivably survive. All that pressure of hiding your true nature from your peers as you grow up? That feeling of isolation that follows you everywhere you go among humans? All of the most crushing emotional turmoil I’ve described in this book so far? Imagine if there was no relief for that even at home with your family. I frankly have no idea how ghoul parents manage to feed themselves and their children without being caught, or how they manage to perform humanity so flawlessly and constantly that their literal immediate family never catches on. I don’t know how those children manage to survive to adulthood, but I imagine they have some seriously fucked up mental health problems by the time they do. Factor in the suspicion that they would inevitably face from our Society when they finally are able to join it properly - after all, who more likely to become a Judas or be Lost than a ghoul raised by humans? - and I’d be willing to bet most of them don’t make it out of their twenties.
Before we move on entirely from families in general and mixed families in particular, I’d like to take a quick aside to talk about “half-ghouls”. You hear about them in horror media fairly often, the biological child of a human and a ghoul. Authors love to ascribe all sorts of traits to these hypothetical creatures - greater and more monstrous than the sum of their parts, supernaturally strong and vicious, impossible to detect within human society, sometimes with traits that are blatantly impossible, like telepathy or mind control or just plain magic. All of that is obviously untrue, but it’s something of a point of contention as to whether or not a “half-ghoul” is even possible. None of the ghouls I’ve talked to seem to agree about whether it can happen, and a search of human medical literature was similarly inconclusive. Humans, at least, seem to think that it might be theoretically possible, but have never been able to verify it by observation or by medical experiment. Of the ghouls I know that have been romantically involved with humans, none of them have ever gotten a kid out of it. It’s one of those things where we just don’t know. If it were possible, I’m not even sure what the implications would be.
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seiyasabi · 3 years
Ugly Bastard
(This is a Yandere Milluki Zoldyck x Rabbit Female Darling :))
I’m really sorry if this wasn’t what you wanted, but this is my interpretation of his character, and my interpretation is that he’s considered the ugly bastard and a neckbeard :/ I hope you enjoy this. 
TW: Aged up!!, Forced heat!, !technically noncon!, !dubcon!, He’s rlly gross!, daddy kink!, objectification!!, breeding kink!, typical neckbeard behaviour, mate literally doesn’t wash himself (I’m so sorry) or clean his room!, he fucks you while you hold a comfort object, etc.. 
I don’t normally say this, but please, please proceed with caution! This got really dark and disgusting :/) 
Giggling to himself, the short haired man holds a glass vial up to the light, the amber liquid inside sloshing violently. A grotesque smile paints his chubby face, thick fingers holding it so tightly that his knuckles are turning white, “Thank you, Illu-nii! She surely can’t resist me now!” 
The oldest Zoldyck looks down at his younger brother with disgust, wondering how exactly he became this way, “Of course… But, if she was giving you so much trouble, why not take her-?” 
Milluki shakes his head, holding the vial close to his breast, “No! I can’t do that, are you crazy?” Illumi raises a perfectly shaped brow, unimpressed by his grease ball of a brother, “I’m not the ugly bastard in this story! I’m her handsome prince-” 
Illumi tunes him out, rolling his eyes. Of course his brother doesn’t have morals, he just wants you to bow to his every whim. 
Although the eldest brother couldn’t critique the younger too much, he still couldn’t shake the overwhelming repugnance he feels towards him. 
He’s seen the room you’re trapped in, seen the harsh way Milluki tugs on your ears and tail, seen the- he shivers at the memory of the short haired man forcing you to feed him. The excessive way he chews with his mouth open, trying to get a reaction out of you, makes the tall man’s blood boil. He has no idea how you’re able to keep calm, but he can applaud you for it. 
“-So this is my last resort! Thanks to you, Illu-nii, we can now continue to Zoldyck like!” Illumi can’t help but shiver in disgust at the idea of Milluki reproducing. 
“Yes, yes, of course. You go do that,” With quick feet, the slim man hurries away, hoping to escape this conversation as quickly as possible. 
Glancing at the vial in his hand, Milluki squeals in delight, a gross smile on his greasy face. 
Tonight is going to be a night to remember. 
Hearing the door open, you immediately look up from your clean spot on the bed. In your arms you hold your stuffed rabbit, cradling it to your black bodysuit clad breast. 
Seeing your captor waddling into the room, you jump to your feet to greet him. Putting on a fake happy smile, lifting your ears, and shaking your tail, you start to gush over him, “Daddy, welcome back! I’m so happy to see you!” You hop over empty Mountain Dew Liters filled with piss, wrappers of empty food containers, broken games that disappointed Milluki, and his dirty clothes. You try to clean up, you really do, but Milluki is one of the sloppiest people to ever live.
His ugly face grins at your beautiful form, your pretty face, and cute voice, “What a good bunny, coming to greet her Daddy!” He opens his arms for a hug, making you breathe through your mouth. Landing on his large stomach, you lay your head against his breast, trying your best to block out his grease, musk, and food stains. 
This bastard fills you with so much disgust and anger. He tells you that you need to lose weight, dress up pretty, put on a lot of makeup, keep clean, and be well shaven. Yet, here he is, looking like a goddamn catastrophe. 
“I missed you so much! Me and Hoppy,” You raise their stuffed animal, “Were waiting for you all day!” 
He rubs a sweaty hand over your exposed shoulders, “You’re so cute, Bun. Daddy has a special present for you today,” He uses the hand that once rubbed your shoulders to reach into his pocket, withdrawing a certain amber filled vial, “Be a good girl, and drink this all. You’ll do that for me, right?” 
You pull away from him to look at what he’s offering, feeling dread weigh down on your heart, “What is it, Daddy?” 
He tuts condescendingly at your question, releasing you from the awkward side hug you were in. His thumb and forefinger grip your chin, a suddenly serious look on his face. Fuck, you forgot that rule, “Bun, you know how Daddy feels when you question him! Good girls don’t question their Daddies, we always know what’s best for them.” 
You want to scream ‘no’ at him, but unfortunately, you’d rather not receive a brutal punishment tonight. Nodding your head, you smile up at him, “Okay! I’m sorry for questioning you, Daddy.” 
He squeezes your tail, before grabbing your hand, and forcefully placing the vial into it, “Good, Bun Bun! Now, drink this!” 
Rolling the warm glass in your hand, you scrunch your nose slightly at the weird smell of the contents inside. But, feeling his warning glare on your figure, you quickly uncap it, and throw it back like a shot. 
It tastes horrible! 
You can’t help but gag at its vomit esque taste. Covering your mouth with a hand, you stare down at the vial in both shock and disgust. Luckily, you’re able to choke it down, but you’re only barely able to. 
“Good Bunny, I’m proud of you,” He runs a moist hand through your hair, making your stomach lurch. 
“Thank you, Daddy,” Milluki drags you to his bed, disregarding the trash you have to step on with your bare feet. Once at the bed, he tries to push you onto his side. You don’t allow yourself to fall forward, instead opting for your designated sliver of the bed. No matter what you try, no matter how many times you change your sheets, Milluki’s side always ends up absolutely filthy! His grease, food stains and…… unspecified stains discolour any colour of sheets, even black ones! So, you only stay on your side, trying not to get a skin infection. 
He makes a noise of disapproval behind you, but quickly flops down on his side, his arms squeezing your middle tightly. His right hand lays over your tummy, squeezing slightly. Thinking that he was going to critique your looks, you whimper slightly, “I’m sorry, Daddy, am I gaining weight? I can go on another diet-“ 
“No! No! You’re doing great, Bun! If anything, I think you’ll need to be a little bigger…” He trails off, increasing your nerves. Is that why you’re sweating? It’s suddenly very hot in here. 
“Daddy, is the heater on?” You lay your free hand on your forehead, the other gripping Hoppy in an ironclad grip. Are you getting sick? That could be a problem. Your diet since getting here has changed drastically, along with your sleeping pattern, cleanliness or your environment, and your stress level. Hopefully he’ll cast you into a separate room, leaving you to your own devices. 
“No, why?” He removed your hand from your forehead, and replaced it with his own. Is this supposed to happen? He isn’t too sure how heats are supposed to happen. 
“I-I think I’m getting sick, Daddy. Should I go take a cold bath?” 
“No! I mean, uhm, no, that won’t be necessary. Just stay right here,” He tightens his hold even more, you can feel your ribs creak underneath his fingertips. 
You say nothing, starting to curl into yourself at the feeling of cramps in your abdomen. Could you be starting your period? 
“I think I started my period,” You don’t see him look at you in disgust, but you can feel it. 
“Then get up, I don’t want you dirtying the sheets,” You had to stop yourself from laughing. You? Dirtying the sheets? Says the man who has turned them rancid! You set your bunny stuffie on your clean pillow, trying to keep it away from any dirt. 
Hurrying to your feet, you move quickly towards the bathroom. Once inside, you flick on the light, showing its pristine condition. He almost never comes in here, leaving it clean. 
Unzipping your outfit, you pull your tail out of its hold, and shuck it down your legs. Once bare to the room, you open the toilet seat lid, and sit. 
Once done with your business, you wipe, expecting something to be different, but not what you see. The piece of toilet paper is absolutely drenched, and not in what you think. 
You slick is practically drenching your entire hand, scaring the shit out of you. What on Earth is happening to you?! And why did the feeling of your wiping feel so good?!
Grabbing baby wipes, you wipe down your pussy and ass, cleaning yourself up as much as possible. You stand up on shaky legs, closing the lid, flushing the toilet, washing your hands, but the pain becomes too much.  Tears bead your eyes as your fear and pain take over, causing you to curl into a ball on the marble floor.
A burning feeling of arousal pools in your belly, making the urge to touch yourself grow exponentially. What the hell did Milluki give you? And aphrodisiac? You’ve never had a heat in your life! 
Milluki knocks on the door after a long period of silence, the only thing he hears is your crying, “What’s wrong, Bunny? Is everything alright in there?” 
You whimper in response, prompting him to open the door. The sight of your naked body made him do a double take. And, upon seeing a growing puddle of arousal around your hips, he can’t help but salivate. 
“Is my little one in heat? How precious! Cute little bunnies need their Daddy, and if you ask nicely, I’ll be happy to assist you!” Milluki bends down to grab you, but finds difficulty when his large stomach stops him halfway. Grunting slightly, he crouched down, finally able to grab one of your arms and heft you into his own. Once secure, he stands to his feet, stumbling to your bed. 
He tosses you in the middle, much to your disgust, and flips you onto your back. He gazes down at your perfect body, practically salivating at the sight of you. 
Your pussy is drooling onto the dirty sheets, cleaning away his dirt in its midst. Perfect teats are pebbled, chest heaving in deep breaths. Your ears hang high above your head, curling slightly, looking adorable. Your little tail above your cute butt looks so nice to pull. A thin sheen of sweat is present on your skin, and as much as he wants to be disgusted, he can’t. You’re just too perfect like this. 
“Do you need Daddy’s help? Come on, you need to beg for him,” Your body locks up in revulsion. You don’t want his nasty cock anywhere near you! For all you know, he’ll give you a bacterial infection! 
“Nu-no, Daddy. I just-I just need to sleep, I think!” Looking over your shoulder, you see a dark present on his face. 
“Are you disgusted by me?” His voice comes out deeper than normal, anger slowly starting to become apparent. 
“No! No! Nothing like that, Daddy!” You force your aching body up, crawling towards him. You’re on your knees before him, holding onto his dress shirt pathetically within your pretty hands, “I just-you know I want to wait until we’re married,” You look down in an attempt to be bashful. Telling him that lie at the beginning really saved your ass, but right now, it seems that he’s tired of waiting, “I promise that that’s all! Because what if I get pregnant? I want to ensure my baby is taken care of-“ 
He grabs your hands, yanking you towards him, your naked chest smashing into his fat. He cups your face with gross hands, gaging your reaction. When all he sees is anxiety, he sighs overdramatically, “There’s no need to worry about all of that. Mama said I can marry you, so we can make a baby now!” His words make you gush with unwanted arousal, the last thing you want is him to fuck you, “See?” He releases your face with one hand, using the other to scoop up some of your arousal, “Why are you stopping yourself? Daddy’s cock is more than sufficient to fill you up.”
Try as you might, the smell of his arousal and your heat clouded mind are starting to drive you wild. He’s the closest fertile male, making your instincts go into overdrive to mate. 
A pathetic whine leaves your throat, making him giggle horribly, “Even all teary eyed, you still look so cute. Good thing all of your makeup is water-proof, because if they weren’t, you’d look so ugly right now.”
You’re so aroused, that his words don’t make you furious like you usually would be. 
“Now, take out my cock, Bunny. Suck me well, and I’ll breed your pretty pussy well,” In your mind, you don’t want to. You don’t even want to touch him with a ten foot pole. But, instinctually, you’re ready to jump his bones. 
With shaking hands, you grab his belt, unlooping it with ease. Sliding it off, you move to his button and fly. Unbuttoning his pants is a bit difficult, due to it barely containing his large body, but you manage. Once done, you move on to his drawers, gross, white stains cover the front of them in a crusty topcoat. 
Shivering in disgust, you pull them down, revealing his decent sized cock. Milluki smiles down at you, and grabs your ears in a makeshift ponytail, egging you on. 
Deciding not to look to close at his repulsively unwashed cock, you close your eyes, and suck on his precum coated tip. It tastes awful. If you thought that heat inducing elixir was awful, this is 100 times worse. 
Withholding your gags, you take him further down your throat, praying you don’t get strep throat. Using your tongue, you rub the vein on the bottom of his shaft. Hollowing out your cheeks, you suck him hard, bobbing your head quickly in the hopes of him finishing. 
Gripping your ears even harder, he groans and pants as he bucks into your mouth. Milluki can’t believe it! His waifu is sucking his cock willingly! 
That thought has him busting a fat, chunky load down your throat, causing you to almost throw up for real this time. He quickly pulls you off by your ears, looking down at you in awe. 
The puddle around your cunt only grew bigger, and your fucked out expression is so endearing! 
“Good girl for making Daddy cum! Do you want him to cum in that cunny? To make the hurt go away?” You nod eagerly, making a piggish smirk cross his features, “Beg for me, Bun Bun, beg for me nicely, and I’ll do it.”
 You grasp his cloth covered hips in a tight grip, resting your chin on his large stomach, “Please, Daddy! Please make it stop! Please fill me!” 
“Hmm, I’m not sure if I’m convinced,” Whining at his words, you turn around in his hold, pressing your slick cunt against his already hardening cock. Rubbing lightly, you keen at the pressure. 
“Please, Daddy, I’m begging you! Please fuck me!” Milluki can’t hold back anymore, immediately forcing his cock inside your soaked pussy. Screaming in pleasure, you push yourself harder against him, tail tickling the underside of his tummy. 
“Shit, you feel amazing,” He bucks his hips into yours hard and fast, not caring about your pleasure, “Don’t you see? This is your purpose; a little Bun like you is meant to be my cock sleeve, my little baby maker.”
You can’t bring yourself to respond, only pathetically fucking yourelf into his thrusts. He groans at your tight and wet walls, loving the way your cute, bunny body clings to him. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” He lifts one of your ears to whisper into it, “You want my babies? You want me to cum inside?”
You nod your head rapidly, disregarding the slight pain of his tugging, “Uh-huh, please fill me up, Daddy! Make me your house wife! Make me have your baby!” 
Your words send him over the edge. Slamming himself deep inside you, he releases his disgusting cum inside your womb, bloating your tummy slightly. 
The large man leans on your smaller form, smushing your face into the dirty sheets. Within moments, the burning feeling and pain is gone, leaving you disturbed and revolted. 
“Wha-what do good girls say to their Daddies?” You wanted to throw yourself out of a thirty floor window. 
“Thank you, Daddy. Thank you for giving me a baby,” He pets your head with a moist hand, rolling out and off of you, in favour of lying behind you. He wraps an arm around you, pulling you close to his soft body. 
Milluki falls asleep quickly, allowing you to cry quietly to yourself. 
Outside the door, Illumi stands motionless. He can hear your crying, and for the first time in his life, he truly pities someone. 
He can only hope his father will reject you as Milluki’s spouse. 
Otherwise, you’ll be stuck with the ugly bastard for life. 
Requester: @milluki-simp--i-guess 
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masonscig · 3 years
i like it when you sleep
pairing | mason x sofía
word count | 2.2k
warnings | mention of anxiety, and general murphy nightmares. shameless smut. minors dni
author’s note | had an idea last night and was possessed by some kinda writing gods so here u go! my prompt fill for day five of hot in wayhaven, temperature. this is set sometime in the future where they’re not official and not living together, but they’re a lot more comfortable w each other – idk what book they’re gonna get together so have this vague scene mwah (i have not proofread this so enjoy the mess) also THIS TITLE IS SO LAST MINUTE SJDFJKKDFJ bc of that one song by the 1975 with a full sentence title that is v them 
She hasn’t had vivid dreams in a long time, and she’s not sure if she likes it that way or not.
Her dreams are just vague sensations with colors and shapes that never fully form, sometimes comforting ones that guide her through the night till she naturally wakes.
Other times, the creeping anxiety’s broken her into a cold sweat till she jumps awake, left with the distant feeling of Murphy’s fangs deep in her throat, her scar throbbing, the skin there hot.
Tonight’s one of those nights where she’s already woken up panting after outrunning something without a face or distinct features.
The room’s stifling already, but the air conditioning is on full blast. The old system isn’t nearly strong enough to cool down the apartment to her liking.
She shifts under the sheets again, trying to find a cool patch on the bed.
Can’t get comfortable. Can’t cool down. Can’t sleep.
She rolls onto her back, tracing lines from bump to bump on the popcorn ceiling. Her eyes are dried and each blink is scratchier than the last. Her lids are heavy, but her brain’s fighting sleep.
Mason’s next to her, arms folded behind his head, face gentle – his snores are soft and followed by sighs. He’s at his most peaceful like this.
Grabbing the cup of ice water from her nightstand, she takes a few refreshing gulps, tracing her fingers through the condensation on the outside of it, before tapping her cold fingertips to her cheeks.
There’s not much she can do besides lie there until her brain stops working overtime. Maybe then she’ll slip into the dreamless sleep she so desperately wants.
“Sofía?” He rasps groggily, his voice crackling.
It still gets her when he uses her name so casually.
“I can’t sleep,” she smiles weakly, making no move to curl up to his side.
“Didn’t you take some of that sleep shit before you laid down?” He asks, peering at her through a squinted eye, the other one squeezed shut.
It’s true she’s relied on sleep aids for a long time – but something about this summer’s made her immune to them. The drops she puts in the glass of water she chugs before bed are completely ineffective.
“I guess they just stopped working.”
Mason frowns, kicking the sheets off his legs. He’s wearing the soft shorts she bought him, the ones she picked because she knew the fabric wouldn’t make him want to claw his skin off.
“Did I wake you up?” She asks, rolling onto her side. She shakes her bangs away, brows furrowed.
He shrugs. “Not your fault. It doesn’t take much to get me up anyway.”
“It was the fucking water… I was drinking too loudly,” she murmurs, propping her head up with one hand. “I’m sorry.”
“Nah, I’ve got my fill. I’m rested.” A soft smile tugs at one side of his mouth. “Thanks for letting me crash here.”
“You’re always welcome here. You know that.”
He rolls his eyes. “I don’t say thanks often, and when I do it goes unnoticed.” He stretches, the taut muscle rolling beneath his freckled skin.
Her eyes widen. “Oh wow, you really did. Four leaf clover moment.”
He shifts so that he’s on his side, too, inches away from her. “Nothin’ lucky about me.”
“Now’s the part where you say ‘I’m lucky to know you, Sofía’,” she jokes, squishing his cheeks together with her free hand, his brow quirked while she’s tugging his jaw open and closed.
“That’s a given, sweetheart.”
Closing the gap between them with a grin, she presses a kiss to his parted lips, giggling when he darts his tongue out to lick her.
“You’re so annoying,” she laughs, trying to roll away from him, but he just wraps his arms around her, nuzzling his nose into her neck.
“Don’t I know it.”
They spoon for a little while (she’s not sure how long), the ceiling fan whirring above them, the grasshoppers chirping relentlessly outside of her window.
The sweat’s still coming, even more so now that she’s cuddled up to him.
She tries and fails to reach her phone that’s on the other side of the nightstand, so Mason leans forward to tap her dark screen. The time is in big bold letters at the top of the screen, and despite her reading it four or five times just to be sure, it doesn’t change.
“I’ve gotta be up in a couple hours anyways,” she sighs, fully planning on brewing a pot of coffee and inhaling it throughout the entire day. “Might as well get up and finish the book I was reading.”
“How many hours?” He asks against her neck, kissing the scar there to punctuate his question.
“Three, I think.”
“You can fit a good nap in right after,” he chuckles, still buried in the dark sea of her hair between them.
“After what?” She asks, but it comes out more of a sigh when he suckles and nips her shoulder.
“After I fuck you senseless.” Her stomach flutters, her thighs clenching. He doesn’t beat around the bush, that’s for sure.
“Mason, you don’t have to, really. I’m a big girl – I can handle being tired for a day.”
“You’ve gotta patrol tomorrow, right?” His lips are pressed against her ear now, and his hands are splaying across her stomach.
He’s right. Tina’s cousin is visiting from out of town, so she jumped at the chance to relieve her for the night. Should be a huge regret, honestly, but she can’t bring herself to feel that way.
She sucks in a breath when his fingers inch past the waistband of her shorts, past the elastic of her underwear, past the trimmed hair above her folds, settling there with a slow swirl of his middle finger.
“Yeah, I do,” she’s already panting like a fucking fool – she can’t help what he does to her, though.
No one’s touch has ever made her feel this way.
“Gotta be well rested to protect the town.”
“Mhmm,” she agrees, groaning low when he adds two more fingers and picks up speed, rubbing her off at a furious pace.
She should be embarrassed by how fast he makes her come, but considering orgasms with Bobby were few and far between, she’s greedy with them now.
Once she got a taste of being thoroughly fucked and pleasured, she became shameless in collecting them from Mason.
Sucking her earlobe into his mouth, he nibbles the soft skin with a soft pant of his own. Her hand’s on his cock already, palming him through the thin fabric.
He slows his hand, setting an agonizing pace this time, and she’s rolling her hips to try and climax, but it isn’t working.
“Mason, please –”
“Begging already? We haven’t even gotten to the good part yet,” he breathes into her ear, pulling his hand from her shorts and bringing it to his mouth, sucking his glistening fingers over her shoulder.
She whines, barely able to see his tongue dart in between his fingers from her peripheral. “I wanted to come –”
“Impatient ass. You will soon enough,” he smiles into her shoulder, kissing the freckled skin there this time.
She feels the warmth of his hand between her legs, and she’s expecting them to sink into her, but instead he’s hastily tugging her shorts and underwear to the side, hiking her leg in the air.
The fabric rips, and he’s got the audacity to chuckle like he didn’t just ruin her favorite pajama bottoms.
“Hey, those are my favorite –” she barely finishes her sentence when he teases her with his tip, running it up and down her heat.
His hand’s holding up her leg from the knee when he pushes into her.
The sweat rolls down the small of her back – the heat had become an afterthought the second he touched her cunt.
He circles his free arm around her waist, tugging her back till they’re skin to skin.
His hips begin to roll, stroking in and out rhythmically, and all she can do is lie there slack-jawed.
“Oh fuck, that’s so good.” She’s praising him in his favorite way – complimenting him through the pleasure – and that always excites and motivates him.
“Yeah? You like when I fuck you like this? Tell me,” he huffs shakily while he tries to keep his voice even.
She knows she’s got just as equal of a grip on him as he has on her. He’s begrudgingly admitted in the afterglow that he’s never fucked like this before, with both lust and affection intermingling.
“Yes, yes, please, just like that,” she chants, eyelids fluttering shut when his hips snap harder and harder, his arm tightening around her waist.
She digs her fingernails into his arm to anchor herself while he fucks her relentlessly, and he grunts into her ear when she starts bucking her hips, fucking him back.
Her sleeping shirt’s almost completely damp on the back, and it’s gross. Thankfully, they’re in sync, so he helps her slip it over her head, immediately cupping her tits and toying with her nipples.
He’s still fucking her like their lives depend on it, and he’s pressing hot, wet kisses to her back, shoulders, neck… and tweaking her nipples with an expert hand… 
It’s too much, and she’s overstimulated, clenching around him. “Shit, oh my god –”
With a quick maneuver, he’s tugged her underneath him, flat on her stomach, and rolls his hips into her steadily.
She’s open mouthed moaning into the pillow and he’s hitting all the right spots with the new angle and she’s clenching her legs so she feels tighter –
He’s singing his praises above her, shifting till he’s on his elbows on top of her, not a breath of space between them. The cool surface of his crystal necklace skims her back, raising goosebumps on her arms. 
He’s pressing the weight of his chest onto her back, sinking her further into the pillows.
He’s everywhere.
He’s all she can hear. All she can feel.
Any coherent thought of the long patrol and her uneasy dreams are long gone, and there’s him. Only him.
“You’re so good for me, sweetheart. Get your face out of that pillow. Let me hear you.” She’s already putty in his hands, nodding along to whatever he gravels in her ear, so she obliges.
The noises she’s making aren’t flattering in the slightest. They’re an awful mixture of whines and groans, the cadence of them matching the slap of his hips against her ass.
“Fuck,” he huffs as she raises her hips to meet him, lifting them barely an inch or two off the bed.
If her sounds are getting him off, then his are sending her into another realm.
There’s something practically indescribable about getting another person off without trying to. Mason’s probably felt this high a million times in his existence, but it’s new to her.
With a few swivels of her hips, she’s got him just as worked up as her, and he lets her know.
“God, you’re fuckin’ gorgeous – so fuckin’ tight around me. Your cunt’s perfect for me, Sofía, oh my god,” he pants into her hair, gathering it in one hand at the nape of her neck.
He gently tugs her head to the side so he can kiss her, her eyes are already fluttering shut, her mouth parted as she’s nearing her high.
“What do you need, sweetheart? Tell me,” he murmurs, still watching her profile while she concentrates on the orgasm on the horizon.
“Just – fuck me like that – a little harder – and talk to me –” she manages a few broken demands.
“You’re doing so well taking my cock like that – can’t wait to feel you squeeze around me when you come,” he pants, curling his hips so he’s deeper in her, and she all but cries out, slapping a hand over her mouth.
“No, no, let me hear you – wanna see your pretty lips when you say my name –” his hips are stuttering. He’s close.
Thankfully, she gets there first, calling out his name, clenching her thighs to ride it out while he still pumps in and out of her erratically. He’s not far behind her.
When he comes in her, he groans this whiny groan like he’s the one being fucked into oblivion.
He slides out of her gently before plopping onto the bed next to her, tugging her to his side.
“I don’t know if I’ll wake up in 2 hours like I’m supposed to,” she murmurs, eyes heavy and half lidded from getting her back blown out in the dead of night.
“So I did a good job then?” He smirks, pressing a kiss to her sweaty bangs.
“A perfect job. You should just recreate this every time,” she sighs, pressing a kiss to the skin nearest to her, right on his outer chest.
“You’re asking me to fuck you like that every night? Don’t know if I can recreate it perfectly, but I’m up for the challenge,” he laughs, running a palm down her side.
She can’t remember what she says after that, as she’s fallen asleep topless, sweaty, and in ripped pants almost instantly.
He stays – watches her as she sleeps this time. And he thinks that she’s the most peaceful he’s ever seen her.
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miyaniacs · 4 years
Tumblr media
this will be so much fun!!!
(repost bc it took too much time to write this to not show up in the tags numbers of failed attempts: 2 )
warnings: I guess slight nsfw and me being tipsy while writing this , all characters are 18+
characters: Kurro, Akaashi, Kenma, Oikawa, Bokuto, Ushijima, Iwaizumi, Osamu, Atsumu, Sakusa
HC The boys find out their crush is a cam girl / has an onlyfans account
it was late at night and he couldn’t sleep so ... there is one thing he hasn't tried yet...
now he’s on some popular cam girl website and scrolling through the different cams
then he stops
this one girl seems familiar
he clicks on it and
JACKPOT ?! its YOU ??? HIS CRUSH ???!
but OMG. he had the best night of his life sweety
but still.. he will now definitely ask you out on a date tomorrow.
after seeing your beautiful body and the way you moan and move
other than that he probably thinks it’s hot af that you are a cam girl
I mean Kuroo aka pornstar
he loves the fact that you the sweetheart for anyone else but could be the pornstar just for him
smug af the next day he sees you from afar
shy af the second you come over
he did tho but HE DID NOT OKAY?
so anyway - his browser magically opened his one website
and he just hear someone talk
he recognised the voice but - NO... this can’t be you right?
yeah jokes on him
he chocked on his on salvia when you walk in the view of the camera wearing nothing but some sexy black lingerie
but now he knows you aren't
you definitely aren't
but he now wants you to be his babygirl
and he wants to look away.. but he can’t
soooooo ..... yeah. he had some fun that night
wasn’t sure how to look into your eyes the next time he saw you tho
he did not find you
Kuroo did
and yes he immediately sent him the link with a voice memo of him basically just screaming
the said link lent to an onlyfans account
despite the fake user name, he instantly recognises the birth mark on your arm
yes the many times he watched you when you all were out with friends made him recognise this stuff
so did he pay to see the rest of the pictures and videos?
was he embarrassed?
oh hell yes.
was he still enjoying it?
is he now able to look into your eyes?
Kuroo has to do all the magic to make him speak to you now - because you are, despite the account you got, still a shy bean who can’t talk to her crush
screams in the middle of the goddamn night
you - you just brought him chocolate a few hours ago?
and now your stripping in front of him? I mean you don't know that he's watching since you just do it in front of the cam
his little oik-oik is growing
he thought you were innocent?
will sent the link to IWA-CHAN
after your lingerie is off and you took out a toy he sent another message
he will be all cocky tho when he sees you the next time
you walk up to him, saying a cute and shy “hello” and he’s just
“you haven’t been this shy last night”
you panic and run away which results in him panicking running after you screaming apologises
He is hyped
Poor Akaashi will probably know about all of this too
he has so much fun watching you online - imagining that you are here with him at this moment doing all of this just for him
which you secretly do since you’re also imagine him watching this
will open this website more often the following days then he would admit
i’m not sinning that much to actually write down the stuff that’s going on in his head
the next time he sees you
he does question if it was really you who he saw online
you are nothing like the girl he saw there
SOOOOOOO he straight up ask you
“hey y/n !!! are you (your username)” he smiles and tilts his head
you just black out
again poor baby
Tendou and Semi told him to visit this site - hot farmers advice
this baby thought he’d actually learn something he could tell you - his crush - since you recently TOLD HIM that you try to grow some tomatoes
but when the site finished loading
with nothing less than lingerie, an oversized plaid shirt AND a straw hat
you’re on all fours and the way you move and moan and talk to the camera
he wasn't really taking note of where his hand is wandering rn
soon after, you are now without a bra, he finds himself rock hard
the next day you tell him about your tomatoes WHICH ARE GROWING (!!!) he gets red af and just leaves
you look confused at a laughing Semi and Tendou rolling on the floor
he usually doesn’t do this stuff... but... it was some time until he got some
and he just wants you - so he doesn't want to hook up with some random girl
you’re pure and innocent and he accepts this and will wait for you too feel comfy enough so he can ask you out on a date
anyways he’s at this random website
and switches trough the channels to find someone he likes
and he chocks.
he actually was about to text Oikawa but then stopped because Oikawa
he starred at the screen not even blinking
his hand is moving so fast
and all the things you say and the way you tease your viewers
he really wants to fuck some manners in you okay?!
awkward af the next day he sees you tho
yes talking about blushing IWA-CHAN
his Laptop was broken
so he used Atsumu’s
WHO left this tab open
he let out a small scream, his normally stoic face falling
now he sees that it’s an only fans
but hey.. Atsumu’s not home... and he told him it’s okay to use his laptop..
a few minutes later he’s already worked up watching your beautiful body, his eyes following every movement of yours
he can’t really comprehend that you are the same girl that always comes to his shop, always stuttering and nervous while talking to him?
and those pictures of you in this maid uniform.
his imagination went wild
“OY i see you’re enjoying my present?” - Atsumu came back home
I mean it’s canon that he watches porn and is paying for some cam girls right?
so he’s looking for some now that look more like you - his crush.
someone cute and innocent
Gosh he loves it how easily you get flustered when he flirts with you
this one looks promising he thinks
and hell was it promising
it was you
surprise surprise
he was blushing for a whole minute baby
how tf have you hid that all the time?
SO many dirty thoughts
will def call Osamu to his room
after he finished this lil problem down there obviously
Osamu is grossed out - he thought you are cool  and now he can’t look at you the same way
Atsumu tho - wont get that much sleep that night, your body and all the thing’s he’d do to you circling in his head keeping him up
is Atsumu enjoying this way too much the next day he sees you? Obviously YES
he will walk up to you, flirting, and when he’s about to leave he adds
“How about you skip todays stream and put on a show just for me?”
Ratsumu sent him a link
our poor boy thought it was about volleyball and not something so dirty
with the cleaning product you suggested to him
and now he sees you on his phone also cleaning
but with - with NOTHING ON ?!
he dopes the products and sits down on his bed - he knew you are beautiful but damn.. this hits different.
you with some MR. PROPER and WINDEX
PUHHH his fantasy is running wild WILD now that he sees you.. move .. and cleaning some of your toys and well
.... he needs to change the sheets and cleans again afterwards
ok so the next day... Atsumu already told you that he knows about your dirty little secret and that he sent it Sakusa to “help you two ”
Sakusa came and looked at you disgusted “You're dirty even tho you’re cleaning? that wasn't the way you’re supposed to uses those items.” he adds
“Then make me pure again?” you return ( @tendouthighs​​ about Sakusa) “- and show me how to properly use them”
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karlajoyner · 3 years
Stamps (Luke Patterson x Reader)
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A/n: Hey guys so this one was rather long. I don’t know if I liked it very much but that’s just me being critical of myself. Anyways I hope you enjoy it!
Requested by: kennice1 (Wattpad)
Warnings: None
My eyes opened slightly to see my boyfriend laying beside me in his suit from the night prior.
We had done it.
We played the Orpheum.
And got rid of Caleb stamps.
Now we were here the very next day in Julie's garage like we'd been the past couple weeks feeling better than ever.
"Good morning beautiful" His raspy voice spoke as he to was barely opening his eyes.
"Good morning Luke" I replied staring up at the ceiling.
The bright sun rays hitting many different points of the studio since it was probably near mid day now.
"Morning? It's afternoon" Another voice in the room spoke making my head whip in their direction.
"Well then good afternoon my dear brother" I grinned sitting up only to see Reggie still passed out on the barkin lounger.
"Has Julie come in today yet?" Luke asked sitting up as well, pulling my body into his.
"Yeah. Said she was gonna go have breakfast and get dressed before coming back for practice. She also said she'll bring us something back"
"Oh to have breakfast. What a privilege we now have" I said stretching out my body.
"I sure did miss pancakes. I hope we have that" Reggie spoke in his morning voice.
"Look who's awake"
"Afternoon" I corrected him standing up.
"Where are you going?" Luke pouted.
"To get dressed for practice too. In case you haven't noticed I need to get out of this thing" I spoke pointing down at the long royal blue dress that sat tightly on my body.
"Or you could just stay in it. Maybe rip it up a bit make it more fitting" Luke suggested pushing the dress up my leg.
"Can you not try to sexualize my little sister in front of me?" Alex spoke.
"Sorry" Luke apologized.
"My boyfriend can sexualize me all he wants" I argued making my way towards the exit.
"I think it's endearing" Reggie said making me giggle.
"I'm gonna go see if Julie has anything I can barrow. And maybe a sewing machine. I think you were onto something there Lukey" I teased the boy watching a smirk take over his face before I walked out.
I giggled deciding to surprise Julie at her front door for the first time as an actual human being again.
Since I couldn't just poof into rooms anymore.
A grin formed on my face as I reached the front porch being careful to avoid any windows up the driveway.
"Look at you y/n. Looking as lovely as you did last night"
An all too familiar voice spoke from behind me before I could press the doorbell.
My heart immediately dropped as I spun around coming face to face with the devil himself.
"Caleb" I whispered.
"What are you doing here?"
"Oh I just came to pay a little visit.... Tell me how does it feel to be alive again. Oh it must feel great"
"Just leave us alone. We've already defeated you and we're not joining your stupid house band" I bravely spoke watching as he inched closer.
I gulped nervously backing up until my back hit the door behind me and he was only a few feet away.
"That's not very nice of you to say. I've offered you and your boys everything and this is how you repay me. With insults. Nice try trying to be brave sweetheart but we both know your scared out of your mind. Scared that I'll hurt you. Or your little bandmates. Am I wrong?"
"Leave us alone" I repeated attempting to stand my ground
"I can see why Luke's so infatuated with you. Your strong headed like him. Too bad you won't make it home for breakfast"
My eyes widened as he grabbed ahold of my shoulders. My eyes rolling the back of my head.
"I have a fight too" I smirked hearing footsteps coming up the pathway.
My eyes fell upon a face I recognized to be none other than Nick. Julie's crush she'd been telling me about for weeks.
"Oh there's someone here" He said noting my presence.
"Hey, you look familiar. Wait. Aren't you that other girl in Julie's hologram band?" He asked hopefully.
"That's me" I smiled at the boy.
"I'm y/n" I said sticking my hand out for him to shake. He took it smiling back at me.
“I’m Nick”
"So your here to see Julie?" I asked ringing the doorbell for the two of us.
"Uh yeah. I didn't get to see her last night after the show so I thought I'd bring her these" He said showing me the flowers in his hand.
"How sweet. The broken hearted teenager fighting for his girl" I spoke mischievously raising an eyebrow.
"I'm sorry what?" He asked.
"Julie's told me about you Nick. It seems she's canceled on you a few times now hasn't she?"
"Well yeah but that's just because she was busy"
"Are you sure about that? In all honesty she just doesn't seem that interested if you ask me"
"R-really?" He asked looking down with a frown.
I cheekily bit my lip as the front door opened.
Taking my chance and caught the boy off guard, pulling him in for a passionately rough kiss.
Making sure that he fell into the trance. The flowers in his hand fell to the ground as he held my waist pulling me closer.
"N-Nick? Y/n?!" Julie's voice rang through my ears.
"Oh Julie. I-uh didn't see you there" I panted pulling away.
Slipping a note into Nicks hand before his eyes went from purple swirls back to his normal eyes color.
"J-Julie" he stuttered going to pick up the flowers.
"I-I don't know what happened"
"I think I can explain what's going on here. Nicks just not that into you Jules. Sorry. Anyways don't tell Luke about this. Wouldn't want anyone to get hurt now would we? See you later" I smirked walking down the front path of the house. Leaving the two dumbfounded.
I made sure I was out of sight before poofing away to the one place I called home. Awaiting for my revenge.
Julie's POV
I stood there in shock as y/n walked away. Leaving Nick and I standing on my front porch.
"Julie I- I can explain. She just- She was here and we started talking. I didn't even know her. I though she was your friend"
"I did too" I mumbled in confusion. What was wrong with her?
"She left me this. It probably her number but I don't want it. Your the only girl I want Julie" He said throwing the paper on the ground.
"I-I don't know what to say Nick. I um- can we talk about this later?"
"Of course. Take all the time you need"
"I will"
"These are for you by the way" He said sticking his hand out holding a bouquet of flowers.
"Thanks" I muttered watching as he too walked down the same path out the front gate. I picked up the paper Nick dropped. Confusion coursing through me. Until I opened the paper.
She's home at last. But alone. Don't make this any harder and come join my house band or else....
~Your friend at the HGC
I read to myself. Everything making sense now. I had to show the boys.
Y/n's POV
I glared at Caleb who sat across from me. Specifically at the same table we were seated at the very first night we entered this dump.
"They're not gonna come" I stated crossing my arms.
"Really? You think so?"
"They're not that stupid"
"Y/n you underestimate your bandmates. Your Luke's girlfriend, Alex's sister, and Reggies bestfriend. Of course they're coming for you. And when they do they'll be gifted with a new stamp. Just like you" He grinned at me making me scoff.
As if on cue someone flashed into the middle of the room making me audibly groan in frustration.
"Seriously?!" I shouted.
"Told you" Caleb spoke making me roll my eyes.
"Boys welcome home"
"This isn't our home. We came for my sister and we're leaving" Alex spoke up.
"That doesn't seem to be on my schedule for the day. Why don't I have Dante help get you boys settled into your new rooms?"
"Y/n let's go"
"She's not going anywhere. She can't yet"
"Why not?"
"Show them" Caleb said as I glared dagger through him.
"Oh now you don't want to speak. Don't be rude y/n show them what I've gifted you" Caleb encouraged me again.
I simply kept quiet with my arms still crossed.
"Fine then I'll show them" I let out a scream as my arms separated from each other turning until my wrist was finally viable to the three boys in front of me.
"What did you do?" Reggie asked as they inspected the golden stamp on my wrist.
"This my dear pal Reginald is a new stamp and once activated will send shocks through y/n here once again. Only this time it'll hurt just about three times as bad. That is until you agree to become apart of my house-band. Or you could just leave her here on her own it's your choice really" Caleb spoke tapping my wrist.
My eyes widened as the stamp began to float in the air before placing itself back on my wrist.
Suddenly an excruciating pain coursed through my body immediately making me drop to my knees.
"You have until tonight's show to make up your mind" He spoke before flashing out leaving us alone in the empty ballroom. Immediately I was engulfed by a pair of strong arms as the pain tingled on my wrist.
"Y/n! Baby are you okay?" Luke asked wiping away the stray tears that had escaped my eyes
"What happened? How'd Caleb get to you?"
"It was in front of Julie's house this morning. I went to ring the doorbell. I didn't even get to do it before Caleb showed up, possessed my body, made me kiss Nick in front of Julie, and then brought me here"
"He made you do what?!" Luke shouted.
"Uh- did she not mention that?" I asked sheepishly.
"She did not"
"All she said was that you were acting really weird and that you left this note" Alex said pulling out a folded up letter from his back pocket.
"Then forget, I said it" I quickly spoke attempting to move the conversation along.
"We'll talk about his later. We need to figure out how to get this stamp off your wrist" Luke said inspecting it closely.
We sat in Julie's garage trying to come up with an idea on how to get the stamp off which wasn't going so well since it still was sending electric shocks directly through my body.
I groaned in pain as another jolt course me evidently leaving me weaker as the time passed. It was getting dark out and we were running out of time.
"Guys it's almost 8:30. The show starts at 9:00" Julie said showing us her phone screen.
"We've got to figure out how to get this thing off" Luke shouted in frustration at the rest of the band.
The three of them expressing concern on their faces.
"Okay we have to think. What happened last night? What did we do to make your stamps disappear" Julie asked as Luke helped me sit up.
"Easy. Julie said she loved us. We said it back then we hugged"
"That's it! Julie said she loved us. She connected with us and we did with her"
"So your saying Julie has to say it again and hug y/n?" Reggie asked.
"We could try it" Julie suggested walking over to me.
I nodded standing up immediately falling back down as I was zapped once more. The stamp on my wrist tingling afterwards.
"Baby are you okay?" Luke whispered holding me in his arms.
"I-I'm fine. Let's just get this over with" I spoke standing up once more.
I looked at the girl in front of me seeing her eyes filled with hope.
"I love you" She spoke softly pulling me in for a hug.
"I love you you too Jules" I whispered in her ear. We pulled back seeing the stamp flatly sitting upon my skin.
"It- it didn't work"
"Do it again" Luke demanded.
"It's not gonna work Luke"
"It has to. Do it again" He ordered. I shook my head no looking at the girl in front of me. Her eyes beginning to tear up.
"It's okay Julie. I'll be okay" I whispered wiping away the single tear that left her eyes.
"Don't worry about me"
"How could I not? I can't lose you a second time y/n. Your like my big sister and I really do love you"
"I love you too. But I guess it only worked the one time" I said before another shock hit me.
"We could always figure out your unfinished business" Reggie suggested as I regained my posture.
"We don't have time"
"I have to get the Hollywood ghost club before that show or I'll become thin air"
"I'm coming with you" Luke said standing up.
"No your not. You are staying here. With Julie. Where your safe"
"Julie's not my girlfriend you are. So I'm going with you whether you like it or not. I'm sure Caleb wouldn't mind anyways"
"Luke Patterson you are not going anywhere"
"He's not but I am" Alex spoke.
"I am too"
"Not you guys too" I groaned looking at Julie for help.
"Do you understand what'll happen if you guys come back with me? Calebs going to brand you for life"
"So what?”
"So everything we've accomplished up to now would've been for nothing"
"It's going to be nothing if your not here with us" Reggie spoke.
"Julie a little help here"
"You guys need to go with her" The girl said letting out a breath.
"No Jules. You need them here with you. It's not Julie and the Phantoms without the Phantoms"
"Forget about the band right now y/n. You need them with you. You can't live whatever life you have left without your friends, your family, and your true love" I sighed looking at the girl who smiled softly at me.
"You guys brought music back into my life and for that I'll be forever grateful. And with Flynn I'll get through this. But I will never forgive myself if I separate you from your boys" She said making my eyes water.
"Our boys" I corrected her pulling her in for a tight hug.
I sighed in content as the rest of the boys joined our hug one last time.
"I love you guys"
"We love you too"
And that's when I felt it.
The feeling from last night. I was no longer week. The tingling had stopped.
"Your shining!" Julie gasped pulling away first.
Smiles formed on everyone's faces as the stamp arose form my wrist dispersing into thin air.
"W-we did it!" We did it!" Alex shouted jumping up and down excitedly.
"It makes sense now. I didn't just hug one of you. I hugged all of you!"
"I guess love really does conquer all" Luke stated pulling me into his arms, making sure to leave space so I could still look up at him.
"We did it baby"
"We did it" I confirmed pulling him in for a loving passionate kiss with everyone cheering in the background.
Up Next: Charlie Gillespie x Reader
Jeremy Shada x Reader
Charlie Gillespie x Owen Patrick Joyner x Reader
Reggie Peters x Reader
Charlie Gillespie x Reader
Reggie Peters x Reader
Carrie Wilson x Reader
Sunset Curve x Reader
@lolychu @headheartbellarke @bookish0918 @kcd15 @ifilwtmfc @moviesbooksandfandoms @lovesanimals @lavender-writer @kaitieskidmore1 @morganayennefertyrell @iloveteenwolf @ghostofmgg @jammi13 @theravenclawlife
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Harper Alexander x Fem!Reader || Oneshot, [Part 2]
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Title: The Fake Love Of My Life [PART 2]
I'm just realising Harper and Y/N's relationship is very like Dimitri and Anastasia haha XD
Plot: Fake fiancés, impending murder victims who are actually quite lovely, dancing, jealousy, and engagement rings- oh my!
Warnings: Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? Jealousy?
"Wait... you two? Are together???"
The words coming out of an 'honoured guest's mouth, aimed at Harper and I as he comes on into the bar, pressing a kiss to my temple on his way past. The guests, especially the one that rode in with that blonde Harper made off with earlier, do not miss it despite its subtlety - given more for the towns folk around us then anything else, obviously, - . And suddenly the fact that Harper just went off flirting with another woman, hits us both in the face.
Well... fuck- and the rest of the town catches it, too; Freaking out also, on the inside. I glance up unsurely at Harper who is still standing close to my seat, but force a tinkering smile that just makes me look perplexed, and that doesn't meet my eyes.
Which, you know, works. Because if we were a real couple, and I didn't, in fact, know perfectly well that he had to seduce these girls then I would look like this; Oblivious. And that's exactly what the guests think is happening.
Trying not to show my nervousness at the situation, a shield that I've mastered at this point, I decide to play the clueless-type. Thoughtlessly blinking and smiling, I tilt my head at the guy. "Yeah," I hold up the back my left hand, and show off the engagement ring (Which so happens to be Harper's actual mothers ring, so I take very good care of it even if it doesn't totally feel like mine, nor will it ever- seeing at the engagement in the first place is a total hoax) and beam. "We're engaged, actually!"
"Uhhh... " The guy's eyes flicker nervously from me, to Harper where his glance becomes hard. You can tell that he's struggling not to tell me out right what my 'fiancé' has been up to, and is gouging what kind of reaction Harper might give if he does do that right now. Still looking blissfully oblivious, I look between the two with wide, confused eyes. "Dude."
Knitting my brows together, I play my part well. A hand on Harpers arm and a teetering tone to my voice completes the act. "Harper?"
"Ah. Y/N!... " He picks up my hand off his arm, and holds it in his own, playing his own part with a side of guilt sitting beside a big serving of regretful douchebag. He doesn't meet my eyes completely, just flickers over them, leaning his shoulder slightly between me and the guy. "Its nothin', don't worry about it. Okay?"
"Hey, its not nothing!" The guy actually shoves Harper out of his way, and my own blow open wide at it as Harper flashes a dark glare his way, silently. "Girl- " I blink up at this man, who's pointing directly at me after that show of violence and I hand him all my attention. Because oh- wow- direct! Okay, yes? I mean I know he's going to be dead in a couple of hours and he's the enemy but wow. He points behind him with a thumb, at Harper. "This guy's been cheating on you. I saw him go off with my girl friend, Jess- and I know her. The way she was lookin' at him... oof," He shakes his head. "They fucked, or something, man. I'm sorry."
Miss Peaches and Boone flash eachother a smirky, secret glance at that while most people are looking at me for a response or glaring at Harper like some of the guests are, Buckman's watching this whole scene like a show at the theatre and he's on the edge of his seat, Hucklebilly is silently urging me with his eyes to do something already. Like hurry. Hurry up. Hurry! Hurry!!
Dragging my gaze away from Huck's, I make myself slowly look from the guy that 'told me'... to Harper. Before a new expression can take hold on my face, I ask, in a deadly tone; "... what?"
Harper immediately comes forward again, looking desperate and pissed off- though its not me, he's angry at. "I don't know what he's talking about, Y/N, I swear- "
I get up from my seat and he steps - stumbles? - back at the terrible glare on my face. As terrible as I can muster, when I want to laugh at his reactions. You know? Sometimes this pretending thing can be a lot of fun. Taking a deep breath, I take off the ring he gave me, and under the gaze of the man that told me Harper was 'cheating'- I hand it back to him. Then I clear my throat, as he looks from it... to me. And does 'heartbroken' so well. "... Um- whether you did, or not. I- I cant wear this... u-until, I know. You know? Um... sorry."
Then I manage to slip past him and out the bar door, into the empty square before a smile fights onto my face and giggles topple out of me. I collapse against the side of the building, letting the laughter come out as I cover my face. Oh god... the looks on Harper's face! Oh, he was good.
He must have run out after me a moment later - after the appropriate amount of staring heartbrokenly at my empty seat, I'm sure, - because then he's poking around the corner, finding me, and enfolding his hands into his pockets as he saddles lazily up to me.
But he does not fool me- he's pretty damn amused too, I see, as when I glance around my fingers; Theirs a grin on his handsome face.
Sighing, I calm down and press my head back into the wood. "That was good! You did well!- Coulda cried, though. I mean, you were being left by me, after all."
Rolling his eyes, making me giggle again, Harper sets his jaw. "You sure think a lotta yourself, don't ya?" His slow drawl is back to normal, no longer desperate like he was acting before. Perfectly, annoyingly shirty. He leans in towards me, giving me a raised eyebrow-look. "I didn't see you cryin', neither, Y/N. Not even one, stray, tear."
"Hm. Not even I am that good an actress, Harper."
He smirks back at me, and for a moment , before returning to his straight standing position, and sighing. He looks back at the building, his mouth twisted into a displeased, put-out frown. "Well, I guess we're fightin', now... Should we be yellin'?"
Scrunching up my nose, suddenly tasting something gross in my mouth, I scowl at him. "Do we want to be the kinda couple that screams and yells?"
"Well, it is just an act."
"Yeah, but still."
"Hmmm... " Harper, looking dissatisfied with my objections, looks away again and thinks. "Okay. How about we just say we fought, then? You can jog in place for a minute and look like you just ran a marathon or something when we get back in."
Gaze flickering up to him, my eyes narrow. "Oh I am only running, if you let me squeeze your cheeks to make it look like you got red-faced."
He does not look like he likes that idea, at all. "... Okay. What if I didn't find you, then? 'N instead I walked around looking for you for a while. You can go back in now and I'll wait out here for a while before comin' back in."
"Yeah, lets do that." I push off the wall and ready myself to go back in their, looking all down, when Harper pulls something out of his pocket and tries to give it back to me. As soon as I realise that its the ring though, I shake my head good naturedly and push his hand back. "You hold onto it, until this is all over. I don't want it falling out of my pocket." It was his mothers, so its important, and if anything in this relationship is real its our shared devotion to keeping that ring safe. I would die if I lost it.
Harper stalls for a moment, displeased by my response if I didn't know better, before shoving it and his fist back into the pocket of his trousers. "Alright then... Until this is all over."
"Right." I assure him, awkwardly. Before patting his shoulder and passing him by. "See you back in there!"
Its nearly 45 minutes before Harper comes back into the bar, a sullen look on his face still, like normal. I look away almost immediately, pointedly- returning to the conversation I'm having with Miss Peaches. "... As I was saying, yeah we are having nice weather toda- "
The guy from earlier - the one that had informed me of Harper's 'infidelity'. I think his name was Matt? - suddenly pushes out of his seat a few tables over, seeing Harper come in also and saddles right beside my chair. I cut off again, and look up to him. Hello? Mister?
Not looking at me, rather glowering Harper's way, Matt offers his hand to me. Shoving it right in front of my face. I blink, surprised at its presence and the gesture. "Miss? Would you like to dance?"
"Uh- " What? I look from him, with wide, surprised eyes to Miss Peaches who just looks pretty darn amused at it - in other words, entirely unhelpful, - , as I feel quite put on the spot and unsure. What is he doing?? The whole room seems to still once again, noticing the scene that Matt is creating, and I glance Harper's way.
His sullen look has just begun to look hazardous to anyone standing near to him and I fight not wince under its power, myself.
Matt breaks his gaze from its locked position with Harper's, and looks down to me; His gaze softens, a bit, and I understand that he's only trying to make me feel better. And if this whole thing wasn't fraudulent in the first place I would probably be grateful. So letting out a careful breath, letting go of my nerves and surprise at being put in a position like this, I place my hand in his and let him guide me up to my feet.
Oh god- now I just really want everyone to stop looking, at us. At me. Stop, stop, stop-
A booming clap sounds throughout the room, and just like that everyone's attention is stolen clean away by our enigmatic mayor, who's stood up and grinning. "What a good idea! Go on everyone, lets have ourselves a good old-fashioned hoedown. Grab a partner and get to the dance floor!"
As everyone immediately starts liking that idea and getting up from their seats, and music starts play from the little wooden stage in the corner, I let myself relax. Thank god. Bless that man. Long live the mayor.
"Hey, so, are you okay?" I'm broken from my relieved thoughts, as Matt walks me to the middle of the dance floor and guides me in front of him- setting one hand on my waist while the other holds my hand. His words are sweet and low, so no one else really hears, and damn- I'm going to sure be mournful when he dies. Even if he is a yank.
Offering him a small, strong smile as we begin to dance to the reasonably paced guitar music, I set the hand of mine that isn't holding his securely up onto his shoulder. He's just wearing a sleeveless under shirt, so I feel a bit of the skin of his shoulder which is odd but I've long since given up holding new-comers to any of the same expectations we have. "I'm holding up, thank you. I just never thought he would do something like that... its so not Harper... "
Speaking of Harper, I glance around the room slowly to see where he is now, and catch his glare from the side of the room with Miss Peaches. Evidently she's asking him if he wants to dance with her while I'm busy, but he seems unresponsive. Too busy playing jealous.
I quickly look away. Matt shrugs. "Yeah well, you can never really tell with douchebags. Sometimes they're real nice guys, until they aren't."
"Yeah... I guess so... "
"Anyway," Matt suddenly lets go of my waist, carries my hand up to above our heads, and spins me. A cant help the delighted giggle that tumbles out of me at the move, my skirts flying around me before he pulls me back to his body. He flashes me a grin back, and as the music's tempo speeds up, so do we- the dance becoming faster, and more fun. "Lets see if I can distract you from that bullshit for a little while."
Smirking back to him, I feel like forgetting about who I'm supposed to be, now - engaged and heartbroken, - in order to just have some fun. Because damn, it has been a long time. Yes at parties I dance with men - Lester, Hucklebilly, Buckman. Even Granny, though she isn't a man, - but that's not really the same. That's like dancing with my brothers, or my father - or mother, - . Theirs nothing quite like dancing with a man you don't know, not because you want him to court you or because he wants to court you, but just for fun.
"Lets see if you can."
A couple of hours later I finally sit back down again, a beam on my face and my cheeks warm - aching for a glass of water or twelve, - as Matt excuses himself to go to the bathroom- but promises that he'll be back. "Take your time, I'll be here!"
He smiles, patting my shoulder comfortingly, before turning and heading off out of the building.
Its a few moments later, after I've acquired a drink of water and am sipping at it at the bar, that Harper slips into the seat next to me. I turn and- immediately, catch myself. I was about to smile, and ask him how his night is going.
But I remembered just in time that I am supposed to be mad at him, and take a deep breath; Looking away again.
Without saying a thing to me, he orders himself a shot of whiskey- a heavily grumpy look on his face. I glance at him, wondering what's going on in his head and if he's had any fun at all tonight or if he's been preoccupied acting like a jealous bastard the whole time. I worry that its turned his actual mood sour.
I hope not.
"So... " He finally speaks, still not looking at me. "You been havin' a good time, with that yank?"
"Um... " Glancing around us, I see a group of the yankee girls nearby within hearing distance, and look nervously at Harper. Because for whatever reason, I get the inkling that he isn't acting anymore, and I don't want him thinking that anything that comes out of my mouth, is true. "That's... not, really, any of your business- is it?"
Finally he looks at me, and theirs a pissed off gleam in his brown eyes as he looks down on me. "Oh yes it is. You're my fiancé, ain't ya?"
My jaw nearly damn well drops. Has he been drinking before now?? I didn't see him dancing at all throughout the night. What's wrong with him? Theirs definitely something odd about what he's saying; How he's looking.
Not even Harper is this good of an actor.
"Harper... " Lowering my voice and leaning closer, I tug gently at the side of his clean white shirt. "Are you alright? Do you want to leave and talk?- "
"What's happenin' here, huh?" Oh for fucks sake- I turn to see Matt suddenly back, on my other side and standing over both Harper and I- but turning his stony, protective, angry look on my 'fiancé', obviously. I mean, I appreciate the efforts but you really have the worst timing, Mathew-
Harper doesn't back down even an inch from the more imposing figure that is my dancing partner for the evening. In fact he just pulls up his whiskey to his lips, letting his hand dangle lazily before him as he raises his brows at Matt. "I'm talkin' to my lady, a'course. What are you doin'?"
"Oh, your lady?" Matt scoffs, and I feel like red lights should be flashing and alarms should be blaring. Their tones are dangerous. "First of all, this is the twenty first century man so she has a name. Second of all- did you mean Y/N or the girl two seats down from you?"
Oh, hell. My eyes widen as that particular dig leaves Matts lips and, knowing Harper's already prickly personality, turn slowly to him. A flickering of a tiny - dangerous, - smile flashes across his lips as he nods and looks away, before taking the whole contents of his glass in one go. Then he turns to me - to me! - , an only marginally softer look in his eyes. "Y/N, lets go."
"Uh- " I cut myself off, unsure of how to respond. He continues to look at me, waiting impatiently for my response, and Matt looks swiftly down at me before picking up for, me.
"Y/N's not going anywhere with you if she doesn't want to, man. So back off."
"My apologies, was I talking to you?" Harper turns his gaze up to Matt again, and my eyes tear around the room for some help, but for the first time today no one, is stopping to witness the drama.
Hell, violence could be ensuing, and no one here cares?? Seriously?! How drunk is everyone?!
"No, but someone has to be good to Y/N."
Harper doesn't flinch but you can tell that he wanted to, as one of his eyes slowly squints, and the frown lines in his face deepen. "... do you wanna take this outside?"
Immediately I whip around to face him fully. A hand slamming down on the table between us and I am deeply concerned. "Harper do you even see the size of this man!?"
"Love to, but I don't feel the need to remedy all my problems with violence, mate." Matt smirks, crossing his arms. And first of all, thank god, but also- the look on Harper's face at hearing that is horrifying. How could this man have made things worse, by not punching Harper in the face?! Now I kind of wish they had gone outside.
"Okay!" Before Harper can respond, or take out the sharp throwing object I know he has in his pocket, I get up out of my seat and back off from them both. "You both need to stop this, before it becomes a dick measuring contest. First of all, Matt, I had a really lovely night so thank you, but I'm leaving now, so goodbye. Harper- " The moment I turn to him, I stall, and calm down. And I mean it, when I say; "I'll talk to you, later."
Then I turn around and head for the door so that I can walk out into the night and go home- when I suddenly hear a horrible hitting noise and a crash, followed by gasps and Buckman yelling 'HELL'- and whip right back around. My eyes blow open wide the moment that I see Matt, fallen into a chair behind him holding his jaw, and Harper shaking out his fist, still managing to look tough even as his fist must be killing him, looking down on Matt. I gape, about to say something - or yell something, - but Harper suddenly turns to me, and grabs my hand on his way storming through the horrified crowd and out of the building. I just try to keep up so he doesn't tear my arm off.
Once we're down the road a bit, I manage to rip my arm back away from him, and get glare in response. I tough it out, though, and scowl back at him. "Harper what the hell?? I mean I know we're kind of invested in our scheme but you're acting weird, now. And- you- you hit him! Why would you do that??? What is wrong with you??"
"'It's what my 'character', woulda done," He almost growls, through grit teeth.
"You really don't have to go that far, Harp!" He really, really, doesn't!
Rolling his eyes up into his skull, I watch as he finally takes in a deep breath- hands on his hips, bracing himself. After a moment of silence, and I'm thinking he's calming down now thankfully, his gaze flashes to me and I see clearly that he's still burning.
Reaching over to me, he once again takes my hand in his and drags me off. Not quite so angrily this time, so I don't fear that my arm will be removed from my shoulder at all at least, but I'm still totally lost. Where are we going, now??
We don't go far, as it turns out, and he quickly presses me against a wall between two houses close by to where we were, and in the darkness I can just make out a clearer look entering his eyes, finally. Like his sight is finally, - finally, finally! - not so clouded by fury anymore, as he breathes in fresh night time air. Silently, I watch, waiting for him to speak first.
Is he okay??
Taking his hands off of me, he runs a hand back through his hair, and finally lets his shoulders relax. "... Okay. Okay. I'm fine, now. Sorry for makin' you uncomfortable."
"Are... are you sure you're alright? Do you want to talk about what just happened??" Because I definitely think we should-
"My character just got away from me, that's all. I got too into it... I apologise." Yeah, he says that, but he still isn't looking me in the eye. Everywhere but my eye, actually. And an idea occurs to me that makes my heart start to beat louder, in my ears. Carefully, I reach up, and lay one hand on his shoulder while the other curls up into his hair.
I literally feel his body relax more, under my touch. A sigh escapes him, that I'm sure he would've preferred me not hear. So he looks stony, again.
Letting go of my bottom lip, as I had nervously been chewing it, my gaze flickers up to his face. "Um, would it help, if... my character, were to, 'forgive', you?" Still against his better judgement I'm sure, Harper perks up, at my suggestion. I set him with a focused, serious look. "Because she does. She knows that you have to touch other girls and its not because you want to, and in fact it has nothing to do with her. Me."
"... yeah?"
I nod. "Yes." Giving him a smile, I start to take my hand away from him and step away. "So don't fret! We're okay. Still engaged, and in 'love'- "
Suddenly, before I can get away completely, Harper grabs my hand again and tugs me back- and further, to his lips, where he presses a passionate kiss. A moan is torn out of me immediately and my eyes quickly fall shut, reciprocating before I can think better of it.
This happens a lot, now; The kissing. It helps us get into character, I suppose. Makes us feel like two people who are actually in love, rather then Y/N and Harper who just pretend to be. And it feels really, really good.
He pulls back not even an inches worth of space for a moment, solely for air, and my eyes crack open a tiny bit; Enough to see him gulping down air so he can come back. "Harper... "
He presses right back quickly, guiding me forward back into the wall behind me. Wood digs into my spine but I cant bring myself to care, too wrapped up in the body of the man kissing the hell out of me and my endeavour to taste him back, and maybe gouge a moan or two from him. Because I want to hear it. I don't know why, but I need to. I feel like all I ever see from him is spite and crankiness and I need to know he has more, for me. Especially, for me.
Tugging gently on some of his hair seems to win me what I wanted, as I swallow the vibrations of his groans. Then I slowly pull back, my heels finding the ground again and opening my eyes delicately, and look up at him as he sighs; Understanding that its over as he still leans over me.
Tilting my head, breathing slowly in order to return to former breathing patterns, I catch his gaze. "... Feeling better?" My voice is low, talking carefully as I look up at him from beneath my eyelids.
"... almost."
"Hm?" What else can I do? I'm just wondering what else it could possibly be that he, or his character, wants from me when to my surprise Harper slips down to one knee before me. My eyes widen slightly, looking down at him and wondering what he is doing. "Harp? Your knee hurt?"
He takes my hand in his and, not looking me in the eye as my heart starts to beat unbelievably louder- the sound reverberating hot in my ears. "I just figured, that, our engagement is missin' something."
Oh... Harper takes his mothers ring back out of his pocket, and slips it back onto my fourth finger; Where it now lives. "Y/N L/N, we've known eachother a long time now, basically our whole lives... unfortunately, I think I've only just cracked the surface of what their is to know when it comes to you... and I'd sure like to spend the rest of my life trying to learn the rest."
"Aw... Now, I kinda regret that we didn't do this in front of people. You did that really, well. And telling me my last name! Nice touch." I tell him, because its true, but adding a little joke because I have to as I slip my hand out of his grasp and examine the ring back in its place. My ring.
It really is pretty.
"I ain't done." My eyes snap back to Harper's and my cheeks heat up even more then they had been already, and close my mouth quick.
Flashing a little smile that looks so good on him, he tilts his head. I nearly forget that this is fake. "Will you marry me?"
Breath hitching, because that is the softest, least disapproving-of-me thing he has ever said and it makes my stomach drop- In a good way. But I hope that he does not see how mushy he's made me- because that might complicate things.
He might think I'm falling for him... And I'm not...
I try to keep it out of my voice as I respond, even as a gentle smile warms onto my face. "Yes, Harper Alexander... I will marry you. Now get back up here."
He smirks and gets up, and I lean up to press a quality kiss to his lips, in thank you. When I pull back, he picks up my left hand in his and I catch a serious and forlorn look cross his face as he looks at the ring. His voice is quiet but firm when he speaks. "... I don't want you ever taking this ring off, again. I didn't care for that, at all."
"Well it was just for show... "
His jaw clenches. "I know."
"Hey- " I grab his arm, pulling him gently but abruptly from whatever angry place he was disappearing back into, and flash him a comforting grin. "How about we don't go back to the bar. We can just go back to my house, and avoid the headache. Alright?"
"I'd like that." He grins, a lovely grin that we very rarely see on on him anymore unless he's faking it, a hand hovering over the small of my back as we turn and start heading off to my house.
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whump-a-la-mode · 3 years
A Rather Odd Heist AKA The Trophy Room
Hi! I don’t know what this is and I have (at the time of writing) work in four hours! I had this idea in a daydream and just had to get it down in writing.
I apologize if the formatting is weird. I usually write in the tumblr text editor but this was written in docs.
CW//Threats, talk of injury, talk of disease, poison, death threats, descriptions of pain, restraints, medical emergencies, collars, chains, dehumanization, being kept as a trophy
    The wound felt like disease.
    It was a long slash, started at the front of Hero’s chest, just below the clavicle, and extending to the middle of their shoulder blade. The pain was white hot, tearing through skin and into sensitive flesh below, but more than that, even as the wound was carved, the feeling of infection, of poison, seeping in was overwhelming. 
    They lost the balance from the pain alone, slamming into the worn tile floor of the subway platform with a crack from their cheekbone. 
    Their assailant, on the other hand, landed with far more grace, on their feet. Hibou’s claws, wicked constructions of metal that had clearly recently been to the whetting stone, curled inwards towards their palm. Not far, though. The twelve inch long weapons constricted their movement, not that they minded. The aluminum feathers attached to their rust-painted goggles twitched with amusement.
    “I really thought they’d sent someone with a little more skill in… standing.” They smirked, though it stretched their mouth far too wide, enough to make Hero uncomfortable. “Do they not teach you that at HQ?”
    Hero grumbled out a half-hearted reply that even they were unable to make out. After a moment of catching their breath, they scrambled to their feet; every movement of their shoulder sending a new wave of agony through the marred flesh. 
    They met Hibou’s gaze (or, at least, the black lenses of their goggles), holding it for a long moment. The world around them took a shuddering breath as a weak gust of wind managed to find its way into the abandoned subway tunnel. 
    Through Hero’s mind ran half a dozen half-baked plans. Diversions and threats they could carry out, attacks they could make. None would work, certainly, but it occupied their panic-addled mind until the footsteps sounded behind them.
    They dared not spin around and let Hibou out of their sight, but they were acutely aware of the two pairs of feet, one on either side, approaching to surround them.
    “This one was spying.” Hibou glanced to one of the unseen figures, the one on Hero’s right. “And you know what they thought would be a good hiding spot? You wanna know?”
    “Course we wanna know.” The voice had a snakelike quality to it, hissed out between fangs.
    “The catwalk! The broken down catwalk. You always said that if anyone ever walked up there it’d fall, and guess what! You were right.”
    A barrier of cackling penned Hero in on all sides for a moment. The slash on their shoulder didn’t seem to be bleeding, but the pinpricks of disease refused to stop.
    “So, that begs the question.” Hibou continued. “What are we going to do with them?”
    Hero felt as though a wire was tightened around their neck. In a motion that surprised even themself, they leapt onto the tracks, running along the rusty metal for a moment before attempting to struggle their way out of the other side.
    The cold, scaly hand gripped them before they had any chance to do so. With a horrifying strength, and a bold show of it, the hand threw them up, slamming them onto their back. A clawed hand pressed to their chest, foot-long blades threatening to prick into their skin. Those rusty goggles stared down at them in a way that seemed almost playful.
    It was supposed to be a simple mission, they couldn’t help but recall as they lay there, well-sharpened blades likely only a few inches of flesh away from their rapidly beating heart. 
    Despite their seniority within the Heroes’ Organization, the amount of solo missions they were assigned to was low. Extremely so. Even lower than that of some of the recruits and cadets. Most would have been bothered by the fact-- fearing that their superiors thought them to be worthless or not good enough. That fear didn’t apply to Hero, however.
    No. They knew exactly why they spent most of their days stalking around base, chatting with the medical staff or the engineers.
    After all, healing powers wouldn’t get you very far in a fight.
    Hell, they hadn’t even been supposed to go on this particular spying mission in the first place. Yet, of course, the cadet who was meant to take the simple job had broken their leg in a training accident. 
    It had sounded simple. Almost deceptively so-- as if there should have been something more to the whole thing. But, no. It was exactly as easy as it had been drawn out to be. Sneak into the villains’ temporary base, find out their numbers and exactly what kind of weaponry they possessed, and report back.
    They could have done it in an afternoon. But they just had to have taken the chance with the catwalk. They could have run, they’d had the chance, but…
    They’d been too scared. That was the other reason they were always stuck at base. They were a coward. The mission directors knew it.
    “What, hey, don’t die on me yet. That’d be boring.”
    Hibou’s voice cut through their swirling thoughts. Their eyes focused on the empty goggles looming above them.
    “And I hate when things are boring. So, answer my question.”
    “I- w- wh-”
    “Ugh. I said, what should we do with you?”
    “L- L-”
    “Come on, use your words.”
    “Let me go.” It croaked out of their parched throat like a forced tear. “Please.”
    “Oh, well, since you said please…” They rolled their eyes. “How about this. Let’s put it to a vote. This is a democracy, after all.”
    Next to Hibou’s goggled face appeared two more. One sharp and scaled around the eyes, the other with hair that hung down in wet mats. Akula and Zema. 
    “So, guys, what do you think? What should we do with them?”
    Hero felt to be a rabbit surrounded by cats.
    “Hey, boss?” Zema-- the scaled one-- spoke up. “What’s that on their shoulder?”
    “Hm?” Though their eyes could not be seen, Hero just knew that, in that moment, they lit up. “Oh, that. Now that is a good idea, Zema.”
    “Wh- What did you do to me!” Hero fought to jerk upwards, but was only met with a sharp hand forcing them back down. 
    “Oh, you know…” Hibou raised their other hand, the one not holding their captive down. The claws curled into as close to a fist as they could get. “When you came in to interrupt me and my work, I was just finishing up a special batch of… hm… what would a layman call it. A biopoison, I believe.”
    Hero choked.
    “Oh, you don’t like the sound of that, huh? That’s what you get for interrupting my work.”
    “So… they’re just gonna die?” Akula questioned.
    “Hm? Oh, I mean, without intervention, yes. Not immediately, though I could arrange that.” Ever so slightly, the claws moved towards Hero’s neck. “I guess we should probably just do that.”
    “W- Wait!” Hero gasped. “If it’s going to, uh, if it’s going to kill me anyways, then why not just let me go? It doesn’t matter either way, right?”
    Hibou smiled that horrible, wide smile.
    “You know, the little coward has a point. That’d be a lot more fun. You don’t want to die, though, do you?”
    One of those claws curled beneath Hero’s chin, forcing it upwards with the blunt end. It didn’t cut, but they knew that with any false move, it would.
    “No.” They managed to croak out.
    “So… hm. There’s something you want, and you can only get it from me. And, well, now that I think about it, there might just be something that you have that I want. Now, that sounds like a fair trade, doesn’t it?”
    “What is it? Please, anything. A- anything.”
    “That’s what I’d hoped you’d say. Hero, I think you know exactly what I want.”
    “N- No. I don’t.”
    “Of course you do.” The claw pushed their chin up even further, pressing the back of their head against the tile. “I want my kid back.”
    Hero’s eyes widened. They felt bile rise in their throat.
    “I can’t.”
    “Well, then, you’ll die. Easy as that.”
    “W- Wait-”
    “To me, it sounds like a very fair trade, Hero. We’ve had to spend so long watching our friend suffer… slowly rot away. And now, your friends will have to do the same. It’ll be easier for you, though. Your eyes will melt out of your skull far before the real gross stuff happens.”
    Hero gulped, feeling their throat press far too close to Hibou’s claws.
    “Is there any other way?”
    “Hmm… No. I don’t think so. Here’s my final offer, right now: You bring me my kid back. They’ll know where to find me. Then, I give you the antidote. Either that, or I cut your head off, here and now. I’ll even mail it back to your HQ, just as a little gift.”
    Hero felt their chest shudder. The sweat dripping from their forehead had long since dampened their hair. It was supposed to be a simple mission. Just some recon. Just a simple mission.
    “Okay. I accept.”
    The pressure lifted almost immediately, finally allowing Hero to once again breathe. They scrambled to their feet, and were almost halfway out of the abandoned platform when they heard Hibou yell from behind:
    “The rash should start in about twelve hours! Just so you know!”
    It was the nature of a hunter to keep trophies of those that they had killed.
    Of course, not in the wild. In the wild, animals were simply content to fill their bellies. The only trophy needed of their hunting was the fact that they were still well and alive.
    Humans, however, did not have such a luxury. Survival was not a prize to be shown off. So, other methods had to be found. Trophies had to be taken. 
    Taken and displayed.
    No one questioned the scarf that Hero had wrapped tightly about their neck, despite the fact that it was the dead of summer. They had no time to question it. The other inhabitants of the Headquarters of the Heroes’ Organization had their own duties to complete, and not a second to spare in completing them.
    So, Hero found no difficulty in walking through the front doors, every step they took threatening to aggravate the already agonizing wound on their shoulder. 
    After a few steps, they found themself in the center of the entrance lobby, legs stiffened. Hibou’s words echoed in their mind, sharper than their blades, as their head tipped upwards. Their gaze raised to the trophy room.
    That was what everyone called it, anyways. It wasn’t so much of a room as much as it was a glass cylinder, sticking out from the railing of the upper floor. On first seeing it, cadets often panicked, fearing that it would fall at any moment. It appeared simply that precarious, even though it was, supposedly, practically indestructible. Even the glass itself was rated to withstand nuclear attack.
    There was a reason for that.
    The cylinder was rather large, maybe 20 feet in diameter. However, the vast majority of it was taken up by chains-- four of them, one from each side. Heavy iron things, each link likely too heavy to be lifted on its own. The four chains all converged at one point in the center.
    The trophy.
    Villain wasn’t a particular strong person. They may have been before their capture, but any strength they had had been long since drained away. They weren’t particularly tall, to begin with, but from the angle, they looked miniscule.
    The iron collar around their neck, resting heavily on their shoulders and collarbone, was the center point of the chains. Each hooked onto one side of the collar.
    Villain’s seated position pulled the chains practically completely taut, the weight of iron resting completely and totally on their neck. The pressure would have been less had they stood, but they had stopped doing that a long time ago.
    The grey cotton prisoner uniform had about as much color to it as their face.
    Hero couldn’t say they knew the story of Villain’s capture, nor what had warranted it. The trophy room had been there as long as they had been part of the organization. They supposed it was odd, just how quickly they had gotten used to it. The trophy room and the trophy it held were simply a part of HQ.
    If Villain were to disappear for a second, everyone in the building could and would notice it. 
    Hibou’s kid… Of course, they were truly related. They seemed about the same age. But the fondness with which those horrid villains spoke about their friend…
    Hero shook their head. If they kept acting like this, they’d get dragged to the infirmary with a thermometer shoved in their mouth in an instant. They began forward again, headed towards the staging room.
    They didn’t have any missions scheduled for the day, not that they knew of at least, and they were glad for that. Still, they had their unofficial duty, preparing the other heroes for their missions. 
    The staging room sat behind a pair of steel doors, requiring a retina scan to pass through, which Hero passed easily. The doors slid open as they stepped through, already feeling a dozen pairs of eyes lock to them. 
    Colloquially, the place was often referred to as the locker room, both literally and as a joke. Lockers lined the walls, while benches filled the rest, except for at the very front, where a pair of tables were well stocked with snacks, drinks, and basic medical supplies.
    After a second, most of the heroes looked down, having been satisfied that there was no threat. The only one that kept their head up was Teammate, who quickly waved Hero over. They obliged without thinking, sitting next to them on their bench. 
    “What’s up?” Hero questioned. Teammate didn’t respond for a moment, as they were pulling a sweater off over their head. When they were finished, they replied:
    “Eh, I’m good. What’s with the scarf?”
    “‘Tis called fashion.”
    “Fair enough.”
    “Where are you headed out to?”
    “Patrolling a hospital, they had a threat or something. You?”
    “I don’t do missions.” They did their best to accompany it with a smile.
    “You did yesterday, didn’t you?”
    “How’d that go?’
    “Eh, it was fine. Spying missions are boring.”
    “There’s no lie there. Anyways, um, when I was fighting yesterday I kinda got this cut-”
    “Right here, on my leg.”
    Teammate leaned down, rolling up one of their pant legs to knee height. Sure enough, across their shin, a wicked scar carved its red mark. Hero hardly thought about it as they placed a hand on the wound.
    A green glow emanated from their palm, flowing and wrapping around the injured leg. The wound’s ragged edges solidified with scar tissue, before knitting themselves together.
    It was so simple. A grievous wound, dealt with in an instant.
    Of course, that was all they could do. Healing powers weren’t magic, not really. They couldn’t bring back the dead. They could only accelerate what the body already had the ability to do. A cold? Gone in a second? A biopoison?
    Well, they couldn’t bring back the dead.
    The wound finished its knitting, and Hero withdrew their hand. Teammate offered a quick smile, speaking:
    “Thanks so much, see ya’ later!”
    Before running off. Off on a mission. Off doing something important.
    Something good.
    Hero slumped forward on the bench, feeling a horrible exhaustion overtake them. When the call for their help came, they weren’t exactly surprised. It was quick, short, simply:
    “Is Hero here? I need Hero.”
    They raised their head, expecting to see a cadet who had hit their arm or something.
    Instead, standing halfway in the doorway, face a mask of panic, stood a person in a lab coat. They clutched themself, arms around their chest, trembling visible from halfway across the room. They met Hero’s gaze.
    “Come on, come on. Quickly, please.”
    There was nothing in their voice but panic. Even urgence was drowned out by sheer fear. Hero was on their feet in an instant, on the heels of the doctor who was moving at the same speed. They ran, together, all the way to the medical wing, on the other side of the floor.
    From there, they moved along a small catwalk, leading to-
    Hero didn’t even look up to realize the destination until they were already there.
    The only access to the trophy room was a small, horribly narrow catwalk. A horde of doctors was already flooding it, but they moved out of Hero’s way without question. The first doctor stopped in front of the door to the glass cylinder, which was sealed with just about every type of lock known to man.
    “They’re unresponsive.” The explanation was quick, curt. “Do you know how to put on a hazmat suit?”
    “Do you know how to put on a hazmat suit?”
    “Here, here, I-”
    “Why do I need a hazmat suit!”
    “It’s not safe in there, you can’t go in without one.”
    Hero’s gaze darted to the interior of the cylinder. Half of the chain had gone taut, while the other two were slack, on account of the fact that Villain had slumped over, all their weight supported only by the collar around their neck. In the little visible skin that the collar revealed, horrible red marks could be gleaned.
    “They look like they’re dead.” They whispered in horror. “Why do I need a hazmat suit?”
    “Their powers, they’ll hurt you.”
    “Even when they’re unconscious?”
    “Well, no, but-”
    Hero’s hands latched onto one of the padlocks, straining against it, trying to pull the metal apart. It did nothing, of course. They didn’t have superstrength. But it simply felt like the right thing to do.
    Eventually, someone handed them a key, then another, and another after that, until every lock on the door was opened. They swung it open, leaping inside, heart in their ears. Every panicked beat sent a new shock of diseased pain through their shoulder.
    Ducking and stepping over chains, they maneuvered until they were at Villain’s side. Their first thought was to check for a pulse-- it was weak, but there.
    They gritted their teeth.
    Hero was going to save Hibou’s kid, and by god, neither of them were going to die.
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ateezmakemeweep · 4 years
Tumblr media
you’re the one that i want (part 17)
word count: 6k
(part 16) (series masterlist)
tag list: @chogiout ; @psshwa ; @yeocult ; @seongghwaa ; @cherryeonii ; @chaoticbanqtan ; @8teenee ; @nczenniez ; @atinyarmyx1 ; @mingtopiaa ; @chubsluda ; @joongiebug ; @mochibabycakes ; @jisungity ; @skz-on-my-mind ; @nlost21 ; @myonlyaurora ; @closer-stars ; @kuaenam3g ; @byungaji ; @floweryjh ; @joeycheungg ; @lostscenarios ; @atinyxtopia ; @sanisms ; @kpopnightingale ; @simpforhyunjin ; @89staytinyzen21​ ; @lokicaramel ; @ttalgimin ; @sakura-uji ; @songsoomin ; @toffee-hwa ; @deobitiful ; @hyunjeansuniverse ; @clown-teez​ ; @i-know-you-know-lee-know ; @tiny-whatsername ; @fairieofeternity ; @yixing-jaehyun ; @sleepyseonghwa ; @revehosh ; 
time went on but the pain never went away. it dulled, for sure, with san incessantly telling you that you deserved better and the piles of work that were being assigned to you.
but you were also doing everything in your absolute power to ignore seonghwa. 
you never lingered before or after homeroom and made sure to never even look in his direction. you drowned out the sound of his voice in class or entire presence when you passed him the hallway. you and san even started to break the school rules and went out for lunch so neither of you had to be reminded of that table.
the one time seonghwa dared come to the cafe, san forced you into the back room and gave his ex friend a piece of his mind. you thought for sure you were gonna have to run out and separate the boys but seonghwa just looked completely...empty and defeated. 
it seemed as if he took san’s words to heart, the blonde speaking them so lowly and harshly you still don’t exactly know what he said to this day. you just know that when you and seonghwa’s eyes met through the small glass window, he looked as sad and broken as you felt inside - but for very different reasons. 
he was upset with himself while you were upset with the both of you. at him for acting the way he did and denying you once again but also at yourself for letting it go on for so long. you should’ve been stronger and made it known he was hurting you from day one, not just avoid him for the sake of saving yourself more pain and suffering.
you’ve switched between feeling sad, angry and vengeful so much during these weeks that you don’t even know how you feel anymore; you just know you’re hurting and know it’s because of him.
“okay but you can’t not go because of him,” san whines. you were both sitting at the cafe during your wednesday night shift, the shitty, rainy weather outside keeping you free of any customers. 
“san,” you whine back, looking at your friend in annoyance; he’d been harassing you for days to go to his friend’s party on friday, a group of boys from another school he’s been friends with since 5th grade.
“look, i was honest and told you he’d probably be there to warn you,” he tells you honestly, taking a sip of his hot chocolate. “but if you’re gonna make me go through it by myself, that’ll be really mean.” 
you roll your eyes at the pout on his lips, feeling yourself frown when he adds, “because you know, i’m avoiding one of them too.”
you both know it’s a low blow and san has to resist the urge to smirk knowing he did just play a little dirty. but it doesn’t lessen his actual anxiety over it, knowing he’s gonna be around alcohol in a party atmosphere where stupid decisions are almost always made.
“that’s not fair,” you say with a pout, kicking against the counter with a groan. 
“c’monnn, love, i’m gonna need you there.” 
you let out a sigh, looking at the boy with a pained expression; it would be the perfect time for you to get out and party though, you think, given the fact that your parents told you just this morning they’d be going away for the weekend. 
things at home had been surprisingly...civil, only a few fights and slaps here and there that do little to break your spirit. because it’s already pretty crumbled, eating quickly with them before rushing into your room to do homework.
you never thought you’d say it but schoolwork and projects and essays were actually saving you these days, distracting your mind from just how badly your heart was hurting. 
and what better way to further distract yourself than by getting drunk for the first time? 
“for the first time?” san yelps when you tell him you’ve never drank before. 
“kind of, yeah,” you tell him with an amused smile, the utter shock on his face all too endearing. “i...got tipsy over the summer,” you say quickly, grazing over the memory before you tell san you’d only had one drink. 
“oh, that won’t do,” san says with a shake of the head. 
you watch with a raised eyebrow and a cup of tea to your lips as the blonde prances over to the cabinets, looking inside before smirking at the extra box of jello he knew was laying around back here. 
“we’ll start you off with jello shots and then move you up to the real stuff. get ready for friday, biiiitch.” 
you let out a snort and warm tea spews from your mouth, dripping down to your chin and onto the floor as you let out a choking fit of laughter. san yells that he just mopped the floor and insists that you’re doing it this time, your eyes only rolling at him.
“i’m about to choke and die and you’re worried about the floor.”
“you can’t choke and die, we have to go to this party first.”
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the jello shots had gone down easily, your personal favorites being the strawberry and raspberry. but now, the straight vodka sitting in one of san’s many shot glasses is proving to be a challenge. 
“i think i’m drunk so i don’t need to do-”
“cheers!” san yelps, taking your glass from the table and forcing it into your hand. you let out a sigh as you watch the boy down his 4th one with ease, looking at him with concerned laced in your eyes. 
“san, if you’re gonna puke tonight, i’m gonna be really-”
“i’m not gonna puke,” he whines, “we ate so much before this and i’ll drink water. but you have to start little lady. we only have an hour!” 
“okay i will but i’m just warning you that i’m gonna hate every moment of this and-”
he rolls his eyes before pushing the shot glass toward you, snorting when you take down the vodka with a sneer and gag. but by the third, the burn gets almost manageable and you and san mentally prepare one another for what’s about to come. 
you tell him to not take wooyoung’s shit, that if the boy even dares to signal for him to go outside so they could be alone, he points his middle finger at him and goes off to dance and have fun. 
he tells you that if seonghwa tries to corner you and suck another hickie onto your neck, (the blonde had been so irritated at that, the possessiveness and boldness in the action making his blood boil) you knee him between the legs and kiss the closest person next to you. even if it’s him.
you laugh at that very unlikely circumstance as you stumble out of his house and into the uber, both of you determined not to let those two handsome but horribly cruel boys get to you. 
you try to keep the slurring of your words quiet so the driver isn’t alarmed by the drunk underaged kids in his car, whispering back and forth about what songs you’re gonna sneak onto the aux.
you thank the man as he pulls up to the house, big and beautiful with a wrap around porch and a few kids littered outside. and then even in a drunken daze, you feel your stomach knot with nervousness. the unfamiliar crowd, the loud booming music coming from the house, the thought of seeing seonghwa in this state, now all too daunting. 
but san notices your discomfort immediately and grabs your hand, saying hi to a few people in passing as he leads you into the house. he tells you to stay close and to not let go of him, your eyes widening at the amount of people in this house; what kind of high school party is like this?
“oi felix!” 
a boy with blonde wavy hair turns around and smiles at san, walking over and fist bumping him; you bit your lip to hide your smile, secretly wondering who’s hands were smaller (it’s me, the author, i am wondering). felix notices you standing beside san, your intertwined hands catching his eye before his face lights up. 
“who is this? is she your-”
“friend,” san clarifies, pulling you into him affectionately. “but she is very much single if anyone is interested.”
“san,” you whine as you disconnect your hands and hit his arm, felix laughing quietly before he holds out his. you take his hand with a small smile, mumbling your name before three boys barrel right into him. 
“san!” they all scream in unison, excited cheers as they run toward the boy and grab him in a hug. you giggle as you wait off to the side in fear of getting trampled, felix looking at you apologetically. 
“sorry,” he says, his voice so deep and full it makes your eyes widen. and maybe it’s because you have alcohol coursing through you that you show your surprise, looking around like you’re scared someone’s gonna watch you before leaning in. 
“your voice...is very deep.” 
a loud chuckle leaves his mouth as he nods his head, talking more and leaving you in amazement. 
you don’t even hear san and the other boys conversing behind you, you and felix talking about the blonde-haired boy. you tell him that you work at his parents cafe and also see him in school every day, giggling sweetly when felix’s face turns into a grimace as he commends your ability to deal with the loud, whiney boy five days a week.
the very same boy who, little to your knowledge, is trying to set you up. but it’s not his fault, he rationalizes in his head, the idea just fell into his lap really.
“hey, who’d you come with?” hyunjin asks san, the two blondes turning when they hear your giggle pierce the air. 
the taller boy can’t help but smile softly at the sound, thinking it’s the cutest thing he’s heard since he got here; he wasn’t even gonna come tonight, always put off by the gross group of people and loud, terrible music.
“that’s y/n, my new friend,” san says, smiling when he sees hyunjin’s intrigued gaze. 
he’s known the boy for years, one of his first friends from middle school who proved time and time again how sweet he was. everyone had always been intimidated by his good looks and tall figure but he was just as a soft-spoken as he was kind; he’d be the perfect distraction for you tonight. 
it’s why he drags hyunjin over to you, planting the boy in front of you and your head snaps away from felix. “i was just telling him how you always-” a pair of dark, unfamiliar eyes looking at you cause the words to stop, your breath catching in your throat at the man in your presence. 
his blonde hair hangs in his face, a black headband over his forehead just a few inches above the prettiest pair of light brown eyes. he’s taller than san and felix and it only adds on to how much your sad little heart flutters, your usual sober nervousness replaced with a drunken fascination. 
“oh. hi.”
and then when his lips quirk up into a smile, your heart nearly threatens to pound out of your chest. 
“hey. i’m hyunjin.”
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you sat with the boy for most of the night, your legs grazing as you stayed on the couch and gave him playful slaps to the arm when you drunkenly giggled into him. you quickly discovered he was just as funny as he was kind and handsome and if you didn’t know any better, you’d think you had a little bit of a crush on him.
that the happy, fluttering feeling in your chest was something you hadn’t felt in a while, your shy smiles back and forth only making you more giggly. or it could also be the sips you took from san’s spiked seltzer that might have something to do with it. 
because one second you and hyunjin were debating whether goldendoodles or chihuahuas made better pets and then the next, you were both charging over to san for the final decision. but he yelped excitedly, having not seen you both all night because you were so lost in each other, and threw his arms around you. 
“don’t look now, love, but asshole one and two just got here.”
you pull back and look at san with wide eyes, the blonde only nodding his head with a calming look in his eye. he had thought you guys had gotten lucky and the four boys weren’t gonna show up but leave it them to waltz in a few minutes before midnight, their eyes searching the crowd before a brown pair of narrowed eyes caught his attention.
san avoided the boy’s gaze to look at seonghwa, watching his eyes roam over the crowd before landing on you. his handsome face immediately drops, his jaw tightening and eyes narrowing as he watched you and hyunjin laugh together. 
the tall blonde’s hand was resting on your hip, this thumb running over the exposed skin between your jeans and shirt as you two laugh with hyunjin’s friends.
to seonghwa, it looked as if he was trying to make a move on you. that he was slowly enticing you until his hand traveled lower and lower and just the thought of it causes anger to rip through him. like an anger he’s never felt before.
because he would do that to comfort you. 
to calm your nerves and ground you if you were feeling upset and anxious, like you typically did around crowds or unfamiliar groups of people. but you looked awfully cozy next to the boy in the loud, chaotic environment, smiling up at the boy so prettily it makes him growl lowly in his chest.
“what the fuck was that?” mingi asked the boy, his eyes following seonghwa’s dark gaze before his face morphed into one of surprise. 
“ohhh shit.”
“shit,” you said under your breath, hyunjin hearing the frustration in your voice and looking down at you curiously. 
but you and san don’t look away from one another, trying so hard to remember what you said earlier. that you’re gonna ignore them and pretend they’re not even here, that you both deserve better and should move on to bigger and better things.
that if, given the opportunity, maybe it wouldn’t be a terrible idea to distract yourself with other people. and what better way than in the arms of a long haired blonde boy with the prettiest face you’ve ever seen?
“what’s wrong?” you hear his voice mumble in your ear, turning around and sucking in a breath when you realize you’re a lot closer than you thought. his eyes look over you with a soft concern, watching your drunken hazy eyes look back at him.
“no-nothing, someone’s just here who i...don’t wanna see,” you settle on saying, not needing hyunjin to know all of your baggage and nonsense drama. 
he looks at the new group of boys who just entered, recognizing them immediately and waving; he’s mostly friendly with yeosang but has seen the other three before, the dirty blonde boy eyeing him with such distaste he can only assume that’s who you’re having a problem with. 
but if you don’t wanna see him, then he’s gonna make sure you don’t. 
so he smiles down at you, his finger tapping you on the nose playfully and smiling when you giggle quietly. he’s happy to see a smile back on your face, the lingering anxiousness in your eyes making his stomach sink. 
“then i can promise he won’t be anywhere near you.”
the words send warmth through your body, your heart fluttering and cheeks turning pink as you bite your lip to hide your smile, hyunjin’s hand reaching down to interlace your fingers. you don’t miss the way the blonde’s face warms a little bit too in the dark room, turning your body and resting your head on his shoulder lazily as you talk with san and the rest of the boys.
you miss the way yeosang and mingi hold seonghwa back from charging over there, the shorter boy looking at his friend in confusion. “what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he snaps, pulling the boy back by his shirt. “we just got here. you’re not about to start shit.”
“i’m not gonna start anything, i just have to-”
“stop,” wooyoung says firmly, knowing all too well the feeling seonghwa is experiencing right now; but he also knows nothing will come of acting on it. of charging over there and tearing you away from the blonde, of growling out that you’re his and shouldn’t be with other people. 
the dirty blonde snaps his head to wooyoung and resists the urge to punch him in the mouth, letting out an annoyed huff before shrugging himself away from yeosang and walking toward the kitchen to grab a drink. a drink that he holds on to for the next thirty minutes of the party, keeping the same cold bottle in his hand so people don’t ask why he’s not drinking.
he hates this shit. 
drinking and partying and mingling, passing a poorly rolled joint around like all of this is gonna make him wanna be here when really, it’s the last thing he wants. he can’t believe he’s been sitting here as long as he has, leg bouncing as he watches you smile up and chat with hyunjin as a blush spreads on your cheeks. 
there’s a hot burning feeling of anger and rage and possessiveness growing in his chest, something you brought out in him within the first few weeks of meeting. and he knows he deserves to feel this way, that he hurt you and made you feel bad and basically pushed you into another man’s arms. 
but that doesn’t mean he’s not mad. and that doesn’t mean he won’t stop it because how could he watch that? how could he sit here and watch you with someone else when he wants you to be with h-
“hyunjin,” you giggle drunkenly, feeling his breath tickle the skin of your neck. 
you both had been watching san and his friends banter back and forth, the boys loud and talkative and crazy as they relive their middle school memories. about the pranks they pulled on teachers and how much trouble they always got into. 
about how san and changbin had gone from absolutely hating each other to becoming the closest in the group; san thought changbin was mean and scary and changbin thought san was annoying and soft - and perhaps you could see what both of them were saying. 
because changbin did have a darker look in his eye, easily getting annoyed and shoving his friends around but also blocking their falls when they were about to smack into the wall. it’s nice to see san hanging out with a group of rowdy boys since these past months, he’s only been with you - a emotional, baggage-filled teenage girl. 
“what?” he whines lowly, squeezing at your hips again and causing your heart to stutter in your chest. 
it feels nice to have someone touch you again, touch you in a way that warms your body and makes you feel liked and desired. you’d gotten so used to it with....him and it’s almost like for the time being, your fragile heart is temporarily healing. 
you know the feeling is different and you know you don’t like it as much but at least hyunjin is sweet.
because you also you know tomorrow, or maybe even in a few hours, you’ll go back to normal. sad that you have to ignore the boy you love and mad that he’s making you do it in the first place. confused and irritated at just how much your head was in the clouds this summer.
but for tonight, you don’t care about any of that. you only care about that way this other boy is making you feel, someone who was a stranger when the night started but made you so comfortable so fast. made you happy and giggly and acted as the perfect distraction from the eyes that have been piercing into you all night. 
you made sure not to to look anywhere but the corner you and the boys were in, turning in hyunjin’s hold and reaching up to play with his long blonde hair.
“you...shouldn’t ever cut this,” you hiccup, a cute smile crossing the boy’s face at the sound of it.
“you like it?” he mumbles, biting down on his lip at the way your nails graze his scalp. 
he’d been on his best behavior all night, shy smiles and innocent touches as he got to know you and saw you come out of your shell bit by bit; it probably helped that he was just as nervous and uncomfortable as you.
but now, with a few drinks in him and the way you’re looking at him, he feels himself losing it. losing the resolve to be good and just wanting feel your lips against his for a second; nothing more, nothing less. 
“i like everything about you,” you say teasingly, your hand moving down to twist his necklace around your finger. the metal pulling at his neck causes his adams apple to bob, his eyes falling to your mouth at the exact moment you slip your tongue out to wet your dry lips.
the music is blaring and you think a group of kids are fighting but you can only hear the ringing in your ears and the pounding of your heart, cocking your head to the side when the eyes that have been so soft and sweet turn dark and hungry. 
“everything about me?” 
and with the way his voice drops and a pretty smirk crosses his mouth, like he knows exactly what’s he’s doing, you twist the chain between your fingers and pull him closer to you. 
his large hand moves to your face, the sound of your breathy exhale causing desire to hit him. every reaction you have is so cute and innocent despite the boldness behind them, your lingering eyes and lips pulled into a smirk making him wanna do this all night.
have your hair tangled in his hand, pulling you closer until your lips finally meet and part on one another. your tongues colliding and moans being swallowed as he presses you against the wall. hearing you sigh out his name and make sure you want to see him and kiss him.
but he doesn’t get the chance. 
because just before your lips can meet, he's harshly grabbed by the back of his shirt and shoved across the room. your eyes pop open when you nearly fall forward if not for the hard chest you bump into as seonghwa towers over you; his eyes hot and blazing and face so tense it makes your stomach swoop in nervousness.
"y/n," he growls and you immediately feel your heart start to pound, narrowing your eyes at him.
"what do you want, seonghwa?"
"what the fuck," you hear hyunjin shout, watching as the blonde stomps toward him. seonghwa rolls his eyes upon hearing it, turning around and catching the quick fist flying his way. it shocks hyunjin as much as you but the boy doesn’t show his reaction reacts, sneering at him as he asks what the hell is his problem is.
"has nothing to do with you so back off, hyunjin."
"she said she didn't wanna see you," he retorts, ripping his hand from seonghwa's grasp and pushing at him. he hits the back of the wall and you wince at the loud sound, standing in front of hyunjin as you see the dirty blonde make his way over.
"st-stop," you drunkly whine, pressing yourself back into hyunjin and causing seonghwa to growl out your name lowly. 
"no. he's right. i didn't wanna see you."
he bites the inside of your cheek when those words leave your mouth, your heart sinking at the way his face every so slightly drops and eyes twinge with hurt.
"just give me five minutes. i need it."
"and i need you to leave me alone. i've given you almost three months, what's so different now?"
you were with someone else, he thinks, you were with someone else and there's nothing he hates more than seeing his girl with a guy who's not him. he's had to watch it all fucking night and it's killing him, making him so god damn angry and jealous he thinks he's about to explode.
but if you guys kissed, he'd be over. he would've gone over and beat the shit out of the long, blonde haired boy watching you two right now with curious eyes.
"y/n," he growls again.
but you only roll your eyes because it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with his pride. he saw you with someone else while you haven't looked his way, smiling and giggling and trying to forget him in the arms of someone else.
and it was working, it really was working. your heart feel like something other than the breaking, crumbling mess it's been since the moment you left your aunt's house. since the stupid boy looking at you like you're the one hurting him started this mess in the first place.
"i don't wanna talk to you!" you whine loudly, stomping the few steps toward him and pushing him back with all the force you can muster; but given your size difference and drunken state, he doesn't go far. he only clenches his jaw and wraps his hand around your wrist, dragging you outside despite you telling him to stop manhandling you.
you don't know where san is, thinking those two conspiring assholes made their moves on you at the same time, and you hear hyunjin's friend telling him not to cause problems with them. but you don't wanna be anywhere near him, especially in this vulnerable state.
because you know you're gonna end up crying and you're so fucking sick of crying. so sick of saying the same things to him and then hearing his lousy apologies over and over again. having the memories of your summer play in your mind when he says a certain word or gives you a familiar look.
you're so sick of him and a part of you wishes you never met him. that you just spent your summer quietly inside or at the beach with your aunt so you didn't realize you were capable of being loved by a man like him, even if it was just for a short time and in private.
even if everything might've been a lie. because it's the memories of him that makes this so hard, remembering how the same boy who could look so unbothered about you was the same boy who'd mumble into your skin that he loved you.
the same boy who now dragged you outside, the crisp night air cooling your warm, flushed skin. you cross your arms as you look up at him with your face pinched in anger, tears of frustration already pricking your eyes.
"what is wrong with you!" you yell, your hands balling into fists as you resist the urge to stomp your foot and smack him. his eyes narrow and he steps forward, his large hand taking your face in his hold. his thumb rubs at your hot skin gently, anger coursing through him at himself.
this is his fault. this is all his fault and now you're sad and drunk and ready to cry.
"you're drunk," he states obviously. you roll your eyes at his statement, biting the inside of your cheek so you don't say the vengeful comment that wants to leave you.
but because you are drunk and pissed and not in your right frame of mind, you say it anyway.
"so what," you snap at him. "if you're thinking that's why i was about to make out with hyunjin, then you're absolutely-"
anger flares in his eyes and he tugs you closer to him, tightening his hold on you. everything inside of you is screaming to push him away and yell at him, tell him he doesn't get to do this anymore; that you're not his and you never were.
but you can't find the words in your fuzzy brain, looking up at his dark gaze and feeling a sense of pride in how angry that made him, especially when his words are lowly growled at you.
"you better fuckin' stop, y/n."
"i don't think i will," you say, pressing your body closer to him and moving your finger over his lips. "i think i'll kiss you both and see who does it better." his jaw tightens at the same time his hands on your wrist and hip do, growling another warning "stop it," in your ear. 
"why? at least hyunjin was gonna kiss me in front of people.”
your words are powerful and biting but the hurt in them is obvious. hurt that's been building up for months and festering. "he even talked to me all night in front of people. and you just watched from a-far, as usual," you hiccup, "like you didn't even know me."
his eyes soften at your tone and he drops your wrist from his hold, looking down at you carefully in case you're gonna try to flee. but your vengeful look is quickly changing to sadness, seeing him stand in front of you with his gaze softening by the second.
"y/n, baby, i would talk to you but-"
"but nothing," you snap, your eyes shooting to his. "i am so fucking sick of us having this conversation, seonghwa. just admit i wa-wasn't anything to you and we can move on with our lives."
"stop. fucking. saying that," he says, taking your face in his hands and holding it tightly. his warm hands on your skin makes tears prick your head, his chest heaving as he tries to control the emotions ripping through him.
"stop giving me hope," you cry out, "stop making me think you're gonna admit that you love me. that you loved me at all and actually considered giving us a chance."
the more you get worked up, the more you start to hiccup and the tighter he holds you. he hates seeing you like this and it's obvious in the way his stomach is sinking, how he just wants to take you back to his house and mumble apologies against your skin until you give him another chance.
"i do love you."
"w-we knew each other for two months, that's not enough time to love.”
because that’s another thing you started to think. maybe you both were just confused about what you felt, so consumed by teenage lust and fascination that you convinced yourselves it was love; you didn’t think that was the case for you, but maybe for him.
maybe it wasn’t enough time for him to love.
"yes it is," he growls, pushing you back until you hit the brick wall behind you. you swallow nervously at how close he's pressed up against you. he can smell the alcohol on you mixed with the scent of your perfume and he remembers it so vividly.
lingering when you would pass him on the beach, faintly on the case of his pillow after you would sleep in his bed, tickling his nose when you would fall asleep on his shoulder; even when you were sick and smelt like sweat, you had that scent.
"don't fucking tell me it's not enough time when you're the only person i've ever felt like this about," he says lowly, his voice low and deep and so full of certainty, your stupid little heart lifts again. "and i know you feel the same way."
you swallow the lump in your throat and tears are burning your eyes at the way he's so close to you. his hand’s right next to your head and his body is right against yours, finding comfort in the feeling you were so trying so hard to forget.
but because you know seonghwa would never hurt you and welcome his presence despite everything, you don't realize how bad this position looks.
not until an unfamiliar, feminine voice speaks up.
"hey! get the hell away from her!"
"jojo, they might be-"
"she's about to cry, that's definitely fucking not-"
"okay, relax!”
the small girl with long brown hair looks at you with sympathy swarming in your eyes, her friend eyeing seonghwa suspiciously and looking ready to fight him.
"hey, are you okay?"
your lip wobbles at the soft kindness of the girl's voice, the one named jojo looking between you and seonghwa. "ye-yes," you hiccup, shooting the girls a small smile as they narrow their eyes. "i promise, i'm okay. we're just....talking."
"why are you pinning her against the wall?" the girl asks, feisty and eyes blazing; seonghwa can smell the alcohol on her breath but has a feeling she's usually this bold without the liquid courage.
"i'm just talking to her."
“you can’t talk to her without towering over her?”
seonghwa looks at girl with an annoyed look, throwing his hands up innocently before taking a few steps away from you.
the girl looks at you and you nod your head to confirm that it’s okay and you are just talking, eyes shining with gratitude despite the tears in them. the two girls look at you for a few silent moments before nodding their heads.
"we'll be around, if you need help call out."
"thank you but i promise i'm okay," you hiccup, the girl giving the tall boy one last dirty look before walking away.
"you can't just do that shit, jo. you have to be careful."
"oh please, what were his chicken legs really gonna do?"
you wanna laugh at the girls comment but can only feel sadness in your chest, you and seonghwa looking at each other as his hands run through his light hair. your eyes train on the floor and he lets out a long exhale, looking at your dejected, drained figure.
"i was never more honest about my shit than when i was with you this summer, y/n," he finds himself finally saying truthfully. 
he was happiest with you, he wished he could be like that all the time and wanted nothing more than that. wished he could believe every day of his life that he was good for you and treat you as such.
you swallow the lump in your throat and the tears are stinging your eyes so badly at the way he's saying this. how his words always sound so true and genuine and make your heart soar.
"but now you're lying," you squeak out shakily, your watery eyes meeting his and making his lips turn into a frown. "you're lying and it's hurting me. i feel like...i feel like i don’t even know what the truth is anymore.” 
he swallows the lump in his throat at your words, watching your eyes roam his face before a tear runs down your cheek. 
"i wish i never met you," you blurt out honestly, your words breathy and full of sadness. "because you've hurt me so badly and have made me so sad but i still..." you can't say the words that you still love and want him because it's so stupid.
"come here," he says, his voice low and pained but direct as he looks at you. a whimper leaves your mouth as you shake your head at him, trying to back away from him but only pushing yourself further into the wall.
"no," you brokenly whisper, voice small and shaky as you feel all the giddy drunkenness drain from you. now it's like every sad and heartbroken emotion you've felt hits you tenfold, your chest and stomach physically paining you.
"please, baby," he says lowly, his voice making your stomach twist even more.
"we're gonna figure it out but, please baby, for now, i need you with me. i'm here with you. we're both here and we have time left together."
you stay planted against his shirt until your tears stop falling, nodding your head against him and feeling your face flush with embarrassment. you hadn't meant to avoid him all day but you were just so sad when you realized how many days you had left with him. until you were ripped apart and wouldn't see other for god knows how long.
"i know it's hard and i'm not mad at you," he says again when he sees guilt and shame in your eyes. "but i'm here. how many times did i have to say it, pretty girl," he hums lowly, his hand running softly through your hair as his tone is laced with slight amusement.
"you can't call me that," you say, shaking your head as tears continue to blur your vision. "or look at me like that. it's not fair."
his eyebrow quirks up and he takes another step toward you, his heart dropping at the way your face falls even more. you know he's about to reach out and hug you and pull you into his arms and you're gonna crumble. cry into his chest and have him stroke your hair and tell you everything's gonna be okay.
but it's not okay. how he's treated you isn't okay. how he's discrediting everything you guys had isn't okay. and it's not okay that every part of you is gonna be willing to forgive him.
"none of this is fair," you say when he leans closer, voice dripping with anger and sadness as you smack at his chest. "you're hurting me and you could give a shit and i wish i never fucking met you. why did you do this?" 
you knock your fists into his chest and he takes every single one as he wraps his arms around you and pulls your body closer.
he shushes your muffled cries against your head, muttering that he's so sorry over and over again. sorry that he knew he wasn't good for you but allowed this to happen anyway and sorry that he can't say he wishes he never met you.
because meeting you was quite easily the best thing that ever happened to him and he thinks it's about time he proves that to you. he holds you until it seems as if every last tear is out of your system, your body slumping into his chest before he hears your breaths even out.
(part 18)
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actress4him · 3 years
ahhh I'm so excited for the whump bingo series! can you do pidge in either 'caught in a snare' or in 'clawing at own throat'? ^^
This one...fought with me. I knew right away what kind of trap I wanted to use once I saw it online, but I had a hard time figuring out what scenario exactly to use that made sense and wouldn’t be too long or too short. But here it is, I finished it, and I hope it’s to your liking, Anon!
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Prompt: Caught in a Snare
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Warnings: near drowning, death mention
“I hate the outdoors.”
“Yeah,” Lance replies drily. “You mentioned that. A few times.”
Growling, Pidge kicks at a piece of rotting wood in her path. “It’s getting more and more true by the minute.”
The trek continues in silence for a minute, though she hardly notices the lack of conversation for all the rustling and tweeting and whatever other disgusting natural noises are going on around them and all of the furious thoughts pouring through her head. That is, until Lance decides to speak up again and say,
“You know you’re supposed to be like, the Guardian of Nature, right?”
“Shut up, Lance, I literally never asked for that title!” she hisses, narrowing her eyes at him briefly before returning her gaze to the path. Her luck, she’d end up tripping over something. “I mean don’t get me wrong, I love Green, but I’m much more into the curiosity and technology part, not the nature part.”
Silence again. “For what it’s worth,” he offers after a minute, “I’m not enjoying the situation, either.”
She rolls her eyes. “I’d be concerned if you were.” After all, when the two of them had agreed to come here to look for some rare fruit Allura and Coran wanted to trade with another potential Coalition planet, having all of their electronic devices - including Green - fail them so that they had to hike through the freakin’ jungle was not exactly part of the plan.
Her head and ribs still hurt from the rough landing. Nothing broken, thankfully, but she’s pretty sure she’s got some nice looking bruises. So, sue her if she’s a little grumpy. She feels she has the right.
And what jungle is cold, anyway? Not cold enough that she needs to keep her helmet sealed, but much colder than a jungle should be.
Space is so weird.
“Hey, I think I hear water over there.” Lance points somewhere to their right, through the endless trees. “If it’s a river or a creek we should try following it.”
Sighing, Pidge nods. It’s a good idea, and she’s not sure she would have thought of it. Wilderness survival isn’t really her forte. “Yeah, okay. Maybe luck will be on our side for once today and we can get a drink, too. I’ve still got that tester thing Coran gave me to see if it’s safe.”
“A drink sounds amazing right about now.”
There is a river, a rather large one at that, and it doesn’t take them long to find it. The vibrant turquoise color is a little off-putting, as is the steep embankment, but Pidge is determined to test it anyway and try to get them that drink they’re both craving.
“Over here, I see a path down.” She heads out in front of Lance, picking her way through the underbrush to a spot where it’s slightly less overgrown. Likely either animals or locals have been using the spot to get their own drinks from the river.
“Don’t fall!” Lance calls good-naturedly from a few yards behind.
Pidge is just about to throw a snarky response over her shoulder when something latches onto her ankle and her feet are suddenly yanked out from underneath her. Her already sore body slams backwards onto the ground. Vaguely she can hear Lance cackling at her, but she doesn’t have time to focus on it.
There’s some kind of twine wrapped around her ankle, and there’s a boulder tumbling down the embankment next to her toward the water, and somehow the two are connected and she’s being dragged swiftly down the hill with them.
It all happens in a matter of seconds. She throws her hands out, grasping at plants and roots and anything else she can find, but all she ends up with is a fistful of purple leaves and a ripped glove.
Right before she reaches the water Lance’s laughter turns into yelling. Then the boulder hits the surface with a loud splash, and she follows right behind it. It’s like being plunged into an ice bath. Automatically her mouth opens to gasp from the cold, but she stops herself just short of actually inhaling.
The river is deeper than it looked from above. The rock is still sinking, and it’s still pulling her with it. Down, down, where the water becomes less turquoise and more murky grey. Pidge fights against it, tries to swim upward, back to the surface, but the rock is far heavier than she is. Even when she kicks on her jet pack, it just sputters and barely halts the downward progress. There’s no way she’s going to be able to tug the rock back up with her.
Looking down, she can just barely see the twine where it wraps around her ankle and disappears into the darkness. If she can’t swim back up with that attached, then obviously she’s going to have to get rid of it.
Her lungs are already starting to ache.
Releasing a few bubbles, she bends over and pulls at the twine, but it’s so tight it would be cutting into her ankle if not for her armor. She can’t get even a fingernail underneath it.
A muted splash echoes through the water, and she lets a little bit more air out when she looks up to see Lance diving swiftly toward her. His eyes are wide behind his sealed faceplate. Pidge gives a pointed tug on the twine, and he nods, swimming with practiced ease down to her feet. Grabbing it with both hands, he attempts to break it, then moves up to her foot and finds out the same thing she did, it’s too tight to slip off.
There’s not much air left in her lungs, and most of what’s there slips past her lips without her permission. Her chest is beginning to burn.
Lance is making weird motions at her with his hands, but she’s having a hard time focusing on them past the black dots dancing in front of her eyes. Those are...probably not a good sign.
Finally he swims back up next to her, patting her hip as he leans in close to her ear. “Bayard!” she barely makes out.
Oh. Yeah. She’s gonna blame the lack of oxygen for not thinking of that herself.
She can barely see anymore, but she summons her bayard to her hand and attempts to lean down toward her foot. At this point she’s gonna be lucky if she doesn’t slice her leg off accidentally. But then Lance’s hands are wrapping around hers, and he’s guiding her downwards. Just before the black spots completely take over and her body goes limp, she feels the tension on her ankle release.
The next thing she’s aware of is lying on her side in a patch of dirt, coughing violently and spitting out gross river water while something slaps her on the back. She only realizes that the something is probably Lance’s hand when he leans over into her face.
“Oh, thank goodness! I thought I was gonna have to do rescue breaths and put my lips on your lips and I just -”
“Lance, please.” She coughs again, and wonders briefly if maybe she swallowed some seaweed or a fish or something because it feels like there’s one stuck in her chest somewhere. “I’m trying...not to throw up right now. I don’t...don’t need that visual.”
“Yeah. Same.” He falls back onto his butt, staring at her with traces of fear still on his face. “I would have done it, though, to, you know...save you. That, uh...really scared me. I barely got it cut before you passed out and the bayard went back to neutral and then you were like, dead...well, not actually dead, obviously, but you looked dead and then you weren’t breathing and I -”
“Lance.” Another cough, and a shiver racks her body. “Thank you.”
He screeches to a halt, then relaxes into a smile. “You’re welcome. Sorry I, uh...kinda laughed at you. I thought you had fallen down right after I said ‘don’t fall down’, and...yeah.”
The shivers are getting worse now. “Technically I...did. Just...not my fault.”
Lance’s smile morphs into a frown. “We’ve gotta get you dried off and warmed up somehow.”
Finally gathering her energy, Pidge pushes herself up to sit, wrapping her arms around her body as if it’ll somehow help dispel the ice that has taken over. “N-not sure how that’s...gonna happen...in the middle of the...quizn-nacking jungle.”
Glancing back over his shoulder as if a solution will magically appear - and well, they are in space, stranger things have happened - Lance sighs and moves to stand up. “Maybe we should keep moving. That might help you warm up, and eventually we have to run into some civilization, right? Coran said there were sentient aliens on this planet.”
“Yeah, and s-somebody had to have set up th-that trap.” Moving is the last thing she wants to do right now. Her headache from before has multiplied exponentially in strength, and her ribs did not appreciate all the coughing she just did. She wants to curl back up on the ground and not move again for a century or two. But she allows Lance to throw her arm over his shoulder and pull her up to her feet, even if she groans dramatically in the process.
“Well, I think we should just keep following this river - not quite so closely this time - and see wh-”
This time he cuts off without an interruption from Pidge, and she looks up to see what he’s staring at. It’s aliens. A whole pack of them, bipedal and four-armed in multiple shades of green fur that almost blends in with the trees, and they’re armed with spears and axes.
They’re probably the ones that set the snare, and now they’ve come to see what they caught. Which, unfortunately, is them.
“Uh, hi guys,” Lance squeaks. “We’re, um. We’re the Paladins of Voltron. Any chance you’ve heard of us?”
This sets off an immediate wave of whispers through the group. The alien in front straightens from their defensive position and steps forward. “Voltron? The rumors are true, then? Voltron lives?”
Pidge can feel the tension leave Lance’s body. “Yes! Yes, Voltron has returned! We came here in one of the Voltron Lions to look for supplies, but something on your planet has interfered with our devices. We need help to contact our team and to find what we’re looking for.” He glances over at Pidge, whose teeth are clenched tightly to keep them from clacking together. “And she needs to get warm before she gets sick.”
The lead alien turns to have a whispered consultation with the others before nodding at Lance. “Very well. Follow us, and we will assist you.”
Another removes their heavy-looking cape and approaches carefully, draping it around Pidge’s shoulders. Immediately she melts into the warmth. “There will be a fire waiting for us in the village.”
“S-sounds great,” she manages.
Lance smiles, pulling her in a bit tighter. “Thank you.”
Instructions for requesting a square here!
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sh1tbird-shantytown · 3 years
Billy is a bit terrified by this sassy child, but will fight if someone looks at her wrong.
you know. i thought immediately of erica? like if billy joined the scoops troop he’d despise and adore her altogether. a little scared and very intimidated, but he’d give her all he’s got.
uh, so, here :)
Billy had only been in the shop for three minutes. Just in his tank and red swim shorts and flip flops. Shivering a bit from the cold of the ice cream parlor. And then...he was shoved aside as a quick little figure darted past him and up to the counter. No apologies thrown or gifted.
“Steve!” the pipsqueak of a girl rang the little silver bell relentlessly, turning more than a few heads in the store.
Then, Billy heard a familiar voice as the back door to the break room flew open, “What is it now, Erica?”
Erica leaned onto the counter and spoke in a whisper that could probably be heard by half the parlor’s customers, “Any updates?” Steve pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed something so incredibly exhausted Billy almost sympathized.
“No, Erica, we may not even need you to do this, it’s too dangerous.” Steve leaned his hands on the counter and Erica reached up and grabbed hold of the little red handkerchief. So much so that you could see Steve’s dark chest hair. He was forced to lean down as Erica spoke in a lower tone, but that was probably just for effect. She sure got it though, Billy was close to stepping in to save Harrington.
“I was promised adventure, Steve. I want to do something, so go back there and tell Buckley and Henderson that I want in.” She let go of Steve’s uniform gruffly and twirled around only to be faced with a bemused Billy. She glared at him something fierce, “What are you looking at, Blondie?” she raised her eyebrows sassily. Now this wasn’t what Billy had come to deal with, but it sure was interesting.
“What are you looking at?” he retorted. Sure it wasn’t the most original but this child looked to be nine so excuse him.
“I’m looking at you because you are staring at me, freak.” She didn’t even look fazed when Billy crossed his arms and tossed back a warning expression. “Plus, Steve and Robin are busy right now.”
“Oh yeah?” he planted his feet a little, “With what?”
“Important business,” she crossed her own arms and tilted her head along with the syllables.
“I need to see Harrington stat,” he snapped his fingers and Erica stared at him in twisted disgust.
“I’m not their visitor escort,” she theatrically stomped to the back room. And as the doors opened and closed he heard Harrington’s voice.
“We are not letting her do that, Ro— Erica, this is not a kids area. Out!” Steve blocked the door before Erica could continue through the doorway and placed his hands on his hips.
Erica wasn’t moved in the slightest and Billy inched his way closer to them, “Dustin is in there with you so if that were true you’re doing an awful job.”
Billy snorted and that caught their attention, they both glared at him so he shrugged innocently, “She’s not wrong, Pretty Boy.”
Robin showed herself, on her toes and searched over Steve’s shoulder. She caught sight of Billy and he waved with fake enthusiasm. “Oh,” Robin snorted, “It’s you again.”
“Shove it,” he discreetly flipped her off. Erica, on the other hand, stomped right up to Billy and poked him right in the middle of the chest sorely.
“What do you want?” she demanded.
Billy raised a brow, “I have input on my father’s whereabouts,” he watched as Steve paled, Robin disappeared with a hand covering her mouth, and Erica stepped back with a loaded amount of understanding to her eyes.
She nodded and stepped a little out of the way of the door with a sweep of her arm, “After you.”
Going to an abandoned warehouse with just the five of them was maybe, possibly, just about the worst idea they’d ever had a group. And, to be fair, they hadn’t been in a group for more than 24 hours. So there shouldn’t have been much expected.
“It’s gross in here,” Erica stepped closer to Billy and away from the dripping pipe poking out of the ceiling. “Acid could fall on us at any point!” she called up to Steve and Robin in the front. The words echoing distortedly. Dustin, who was between the two duos with a flashlight, lifted said flashlight up to look at the ceiling.
“Hey!” Steve yelped and snapped his fingers attentively, “Light please!” his voice was more quiet than Erica’s had been. Billy appreciated that much.
Dustin ignored it though, “It’s just water, Erica, what you should worry about is the rats. I saw a few in the front.”
“Rats?” Steve asked, his voice pinched and high.
“Yeah?” Dustin laughed nervously, “Why?”
Steve looked right at Billy and Billy furrowed his brow, “We need to get out of here now,” Steve ordered and pushed Robin forward back where they came from. “We shouldn’t have come here so late in the evening. Let’s go find Hopper and tell him what you said, Hargrove.” Robin stopped allowing Steve to push her but she didn’t disagree.
“What’s up now, Steve?” she asked him. Steve looked fearfully around, feet tapping against the concrete as he motioned to move.
“Rats are never a good thing, Robin, rats carry disease. Like- like,” he waved his hand floppily in the air, “That plague. The Black Plague, rats are not a good sign and with all that shit going on with the pumpkin fields last season?” He shook his head and pointed forcefully, “So we are going!”
All of them were still for a carried out moment, “I’m with Harrington,” Billy decided and flicked Erica’s shoulder when she pouted. She punched his arm in retaliation with vigor that made Billy grunt. There was a squeak from below them and a scream from Erica the next second.
“There’s something by my foot!” she yelped and stayed still in shock. Billy, in a flash, picked her up and ran with her in his arms back the way they came. She was still screaming but he ignored any complaint she had until he saw the light of the opening hole they’d come through. “Billy, wait for the others!” she whacked his shoulder blade. He slowed down and looked behind him to see Robin and Dustin sprinting towards them.
Dustin waved his arms, “Steve’s coming, go!” Billy took that and tossed Erica out before squeezing through himself.
He got a kick to the shin, “I could’ve gotten out myself, bastard!” she scolded. Billy winced and leaned down to rub the sore spot on his leg. He was caught in two little arms and a face full of textured hair and bumpy beads. “But thank you,” she said and backed away. She stared at him a moment and then watched Dustin and Robin emerge from the broken driftwood hole.
“Where’s Harrington?” Billy asked after a minute or so passed with no sound of the other man.
Dustin was chewing on his thumb, “He was right behind us, I swear he was.”
Robin stepped towards the hole again with a mix of hesitation and determination set on her shoulders, “I’ll go search it out.”
Erica rolled her eyes, “I’m small for conveyance and Blondie,” she pointed at Billy, “Is bulky enough for similar reason. I say me and him go in and look for Sailor Boy,” she glanced pointedly at Robin. And then elbowed Billy harshly when he didn’t say anything in agreement.
“Ow,” he muttered under his breath, “Yeah, yeah,” he rolled his own eyes in pathetic defeat, “Let’s go, he probably just got water on his head and freaked out.”
“Hey, no, I’ll go, he’s my friend,” Dustin directly addressed Billy with his eyes.
Robin folded her arms, “Well then I might as well go in,” she debated. Billy took notice of Erica sneaking through the hole while the two bickered unhelpfully. He tip toed around them and followed her in, and then continued to follow her into the warehouse again.
“Hey!” Dustin’s voice echoed, “Wait for us!”
Erica scoffed and stomped one of her feet, “You two are useless right now, keep watch or something!” She tugged on Billy’s wrist and started jogging down the dim hall. The floor was a little wet and it sounded like she could have been jumping in puddles. She screamed suddenly and Billy sprinted down and saw three huge rats blocking the doorway back into the main room where Steve must have been. “Steve?” she yelled as she carefully kept an eye on the black rodents four feet away from her pink sneakers.
“Erica? Go back out, Sinclair, I got this covered!” Steve’s unbodied voice carried along the walls.
“Harrington!” Billy roared and pulled Erica slowly behind him and away from the stationed rats. “Get your lanky ass back here!”
“Can’t really do that man!”
“And why the hell not?” Billy watched as the rats took a sort of running stance. He heard a pained grunt from the other room and then—
“Your dad’s here.” Billy bit his lip hard to contain a gasp of surprise he was sure he didn’t even feel.
He pushed back at Erica gently, “Run, Sinclair. I’ve got your back.”
And so she ran and Billy planted his damn feet.
second part here
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