#the meltdowns the social awkwardness etc
millenianthemums · 1 month
parents of disabled kids will be like “we know our kid is disabled but we just won’t tell them about it. we don’t want them to think they’re less valuable than other kids. we don’t want them to feel limited by their disability, we want them to know they’re capable of anything.”
meanwhile those kids are growing up thinking “why is everything so much harder for me than it is for everyone else? there’s no reason i shouldn’t be able to just do this. i guess i’m just a failed, broken person.”
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cryptcatz · 2 years
i seriously hate when someone is like “well xyx could be related to this mental illness or neurodivergence” and someone feels the need to come in like “well *I* have depression/adhd/am autistic/etc. and i shower consistently, am not messy, understand social cues, am great in school and work, and am overall a functional and ‘normal’ person so it’s no excuse uwu” literally shut the fuck up lmao
like what do you get by shitting on other neurodivergent ppl who struggle more than you do? of course having something like autism isn’t an excuse to do whatever you want with no regards to others, but it can explain why you struggle with other things more so than neurotypicals do. give us a little patience and understanding. don’t act like just because YOU can “overcome” your conditions it means the rest of us are not trying hard enough or are being lazy or whatever.
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As an autistic person, I want to say something about The Good Doctor.
Over the last month or so - but especially the last two days - Twitter has gone nuts about dragging the absolute piss out of this show. Because autism representation is so rare in major television shows or movies, I’ve been finding myself questioning whether The Good Doctor is in fact “good” representation in the slightest or if I’m just clinging onto it because it’s one of the few shows out there with an autistic lead… and people dragging the shit out of it has made me even more unsure because I’ve only seen one and a half seasons of the show so far and so I can’t really speak on how the show has done recently in regards to portraying autism.
Personally, do I feel that Shaun in TGD represents me and how I am autistic? No. But to be honest, I wasn’t expecting him to because autism is a spectrum and the areas where my autism affects my life will be different to other people’s; it’s also worth noting that it’s been shown that autistic traits are different in girls than in boys, and that girls tend to mask more etc. Obviously this does not apply to ALL boys and ALL girls, but in general it’s thought that girls and women tend to have different traits to boys and men.
With this in mind, Shaun actually does remind me at times of a child at the school I’m currently at - again, not 100% the same but there’s similarities in regards to how they talk, what they say etc. However, that child is five-nearly-six, and Shaun is a grown man so… do with that information what you will. There have also been a couple of moments I’ve had so far watching the show where it’s seemed like lightening has struck and I’m like “Oh that’s me!” - namely the social awkwardness and a meltdown scene. It’s not every episode, it’s only on occasion, but it’s been nice to see nonetheless because the only other time I’ve witnessed that with an actual confirmed autistic character is Newt Scamander.
Obviously I don’t speak for all autistic people, and I’m very aware that many other autistic people have expressed dislike and criticism of the show - and I get it, I truly do. I do think the show isn’t exactly the best written (to put it nicely) and that it gives a very stereotypical representation of autism, namely “white boy/man autism”. I don’t want to bash the show too much because while I’ve seen complaints about it, I’ve also had some fellow autistic people say to me that they love the show and that they feel Shaun represents them - and that’s great.
I do want to express my discomfort about the fact that people have turned a scene where Shaun is having a meltdown into a meme. There is a very fine line between criticizing a piece of media for bad representation and then mocking autistic meltdowns - and I think a lot of neurotypicals are in fact just using it as an excuse to laugh at autistic people and mock us. It’s not just that scene either: I’ve seen people mocking clips showing how he stands, how he talks, how he interacts with people, and it very much feels like people just wanted a chance to make ableist comments about autistic people.
It’s also interesting that this show has so far had six whole seasons air, it’s got extremely high viewership, and yet it’s only now that people are taking offence to a scene that occurred at least four years ago. I know that Twitter has had a field day over another scene in the first season where Shaun at first struggles to understand why a trans woman is “she” (which, you know, is a whole other kettle of fish given that I’ve seen it claimed that autistic people are more likely to be trans/NB etc), and far right TERFs/bigots were using that scene as some kind of “gotcha!”… right up until it was pointed out that by the end of the episode, Shaun fully accepted the trans woman’s gender identity and used the correct pronouns.
Again, I’m not saying this was brilliant writing or anything, but it was several years ago and is only now being brought up, same with other scenes taken out of context in the show… Yes, autistic people have voiced grievances with it before, but were ignored - I don’t believe for one minute that the neurotypicals making the memes and being preachy give one shit about actually autistic people or care about us, because otherwise why were our voices ignored before? It’s only now that it’s been getting public notice for the trans episode that people are going “ohhhh this show sucks and is bad representation” as if members of the autistic community haven’t voiced that opinion for years. It just rubs me the wrong way quite frankly.
What I will say is that I’m tired of seeing people drag Freddie Highmore though. He’s a good actor, anyone who’s seen him in things he’s done since his childhood will know that, it’s not his fault if he’s given shit scripts to work with. I do also think Freddie means well with his portrayal, even if he’s (as far as we know) allistic and the fact he appeared in an Autism $peaks video (because of TGD/all the cast did it) - the man has zero social media presence whatsoever though and didn’t even know what Pokémon Go was, so I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt this time and assume he truly hasn’t been informed about how harmful that organisation is. Or maybe I’m just going soft on him because seven year old me had an age appropriate crush on him eighteen years ago, who knows at this point?
I’m hoping all of this talk will open up a dialogue about the show and about the representation of autism, if nothing else.
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pulsar-ray · 4 months
nobody asked but have my Branch headcanons :
boy has autism. i'd say level 1 . big sensory issues & needs VERY LIMITED amounts of input. poppy helps desensitize him but. i like to imagine him with little sunglasses & headphones. a little odd socially too . he was always an outcast but you know what? we ball . he balled. he made it.
it's MY headcanon so i get to assign him a delicious dash of paranoia. maybe ppd? probably not ppd. but still very paranoid. ocd perhaps or severe gad at the very least. he thinks everything will kill him or is against him, severely. he tends to isolate when he's nervous. he copes by talking things out with poppy who is always so understanding & encouraging of him to try new things. they r in love <3
severe depression, pdd or mdd . he has to take medication [do trolls have medication. probably. it's , uh, holistic] but poppy always reminds him & makes sure he's on track
ptsd from the abandonment & grandma thing. sorry singing killed your grandma brother.
regresses as a way to cope because :3 i said so. the 'stuff' [pacifier] is LITERAL!!!! he only told poppy [he didn't tell her. she found out when he had an involuntary episode in front of her. she was confused but she loves him so it went well] & she is :3 about it. "ohoohoo my baby branch my bitty b ... yes you are" she thinks it is so cute but he is embarrassed . in tbt he revealed it a little to his brothers. &
john dory - doesn't really get it but likes seeing him be a little guy
bruce - just treats him like one of his kids tbh
clay - no way he also regresses. they are buddies
floyd - overprotective big brother mode all the way.
totally has meltdowns from overstimulation & poppy just. takes him to a dark quiet room & he thrives in there .
john dory - big 'i hate you... bro' type of relationship. they don't get along but they respect each other. if my opinion of john dory changes maybe they will get along better. not now though/
bruce - COOL OLDER BROTHER!!!! branch looks up to him but he really also looks up to branch like.... bro survived on his own like that.....:cry: they are a little awkward sometimes but bond over engaging in activities together
clay - "hey buddy" "hey pal" ":}" ":}" very chill around each other. just calm. clay has similar symptoms in his autism so they get each other
floyd - besties for life... as much as he;d never admit it branch is So emotional so they talk things over & bond over deeper things like trauma & missing family. they are besties GENERAL
gets greyer some days & poppy ALWAYS makes an extra effort on those days to make sure he knows he's loved
hates the sensation of sneezing so much that he chooses to avoid new flowers/textures in case of allergies/dust [autism, baby]
can't really sleep. struggles with feeling alone at night but if he's with poppy he feels. odd & strange. why is there Somebody in my bed ?!
because of that last one he just passes out everywhere. boy is the eeper for real
had a crush on poppy the whole time since movie 1.
lowkey wishes he was 'normal' & cries about it sometimes. does this lead to meltdowns? occasionally.
was absolutely not a biter as a baby. mouth textures BAD!!!!
in the same vein, very picky eater. literally will starve instead of eating the same meals every week. mad respect for that branch i'm the opposite
hates gum with a passion. the texture the taste the noise is all terrible
gets very destructive when overwhelmed. like. screaming crying yelling hitting. but! poppy did a seminar on neurodiversity for those guys in there so they . kind of get it. they help branch not to get overwhelmed
i may do a part 2 if i remember more categories/hcs. god bless you branch
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seeker-of-stories19 · 6 months
Autistic Jaime Reyes Headcannons
(Warning for descriptions of autistic meltdown)
- Bonding with Khaji makes his sensory issues so much worse at first but eventually they work it out and Khaji learns that enhancing his senses doesn’t actually keep him safer because he gets so overwhelmed he pays less attention to his surroundings and not more
- Jaime realizes that Khaji can manipulate his sensory experience, they can’t completely stop him from having a meltdown (or more accurately they won’t because cutting off sensory information completely leaves him vulnerable) but they start tuning out background noises when they feel it’s safe
- It won’t stop him from having meltdowns completely but it makes it so he can usually hold it together until he gets home or somewhere safe
- Takes a lot of stress off of him about how people perceive him as an autistic Latino male and the danger that comes with that
- There’s definitely a few instances where Jaime does get negative attention and it is a fight to keep Khaji from transforming him because that’s not going to make some racist ableist asshole feel less threatened by him
- Misses being in Gotham where he could stim way more and people didn’t care, everyone was so desensitized to craziness that anything short of an imminent threat to there lives was unremarkable
- He could flap his hands, mumble, bounce etc. without anyone even glancing up
- Sometimes he forgets how different Palmera is and does something that brings a lot of attention to them which always makes Milagro tease him intensely, only to turn on anyone else who so much as looks at him wrong
- Everyone thinks Jaime is the only autistic one in the family but whenever anyone says it he just stares at Rudy pointedly
- He’s so obviously autistic but completely clueless
- Secretly though Jaime is grateful because he thinks his dad knew how to help him as a kid because he grew up with Rudy
- Got diagnosed in seventh or eight grade when he had a really good teacher who stuck out the whole public school process with his family because everyone else dismissed them
- It probably saved his life in high school to know he wasn’t losing his mind even though it legitimately felt like it
- Does decent in professional interactions and with adults but cannot for the life of him make friends, the only people he knows at school are through Milagro or kids he knew growing up
- Isn’t very interested in kids his age anyway because he doesn’t relate to them and even when he likes someone he’s not good at pursuing a friendship
- Doesn’t have much of a social life but gets perfect grades and has a job to save money for college
- Is definitely really lonely but struggles to sustain relationships even though he wants friends
- Milagro, Rudy, and his dad are his best and only friends which makes losing him even harder because he’s so close to his family
- College is a real game changer for him though, he’s still awkward but he can find a lot more people who want to talk about his interests and generally more people who are accepting or even just used to weirdness because again, Gotham
- He has more casual friends and goes out from time to time which makes his family really happy but a part of him is always a little lonely
- Being bonded to Khaji is absolutely remarkable because for the first time someone understands him without him even needing to explain things
- And Jenny is also an anomaly, she’s the first one outside of his family who he really bonds with deeply, at least outside of symbiotic relationships with alien tech
- She’s neurodivergent as well and they balance each other out really well, Jenny helps Jaime get out more because she’s very social but naturally communicates in a way that makes sense to him and helps include him in social situations
- Khaji will sometimes use the suit as sort of a weighted vest to apply firm pressure to his body, there are times it’s too overstimulating during a meltdown but sometimes it really helps him
- The first time he has a meltdown after fully bonding with Khaji is after getting back to Jenny’s dads house with his family, Khaji can feel something is really wrong with him and is freaking out a bit about not being able to put a name to it when Jaime collapses in the shower crying, rocking, and pulling his hair
- Khaji absolutely looses their shit but when they try and control Jaime and make him stop it only increases his distress and after he gets so panicked and overwhelmed he throws up Khaji stops trying to interfere even when he slams the heels of his hands into his head
- When he finally cries himself out he stays curled up at the bottom of the shower until Rudy comes to bring him clothes
- He seems to understand what happened and gets Jaime dried off and into cleanish clothes, tucking him into bed
- Jaime’s thoughts are so jumbled even Khaji can’t make sense of them and he passes out pretty quick and sleeps twelve hours only to not get out of bed the next day, scrolling through Instagram and barely communicating with Khaji for two days while his family brings him meals and he barely moves
- But the time he’s feeling more normal Khaji is losing their shit and he ends up having to explain the technicalities of autism which goes better than any other time he’s had to explain it because Khaji could feel everything already and just didn’t have the technical understanding to support him
- It’s still rough to find a balance between them of handling Jaime’s challenges, sometimes Khaji accidentally makes it worse by interfering too much but they learn how to manage things together
- When he’s overstimulated and he needs complete silence he flies to space until he’s grounded enough to come home
- He wasn’t a runner as a kid but his parents would turn around and he’d be in a tree or on a roof
- Would literally climb anything in his sight, even at University he snuck into the roof with a weighted blanket, headphones, and comics whenever he needed a moment
- He’s a major nerd, a lot of his special interests are anime and video games, and of course justice and law
- Even being aware of the injustice in the world and having faced it his whole life as a disabled immigrant he still believes in people and he can get really down when he can’t help everyone both through his job and being a superhero
- He never had a lot of vocal stims as a kid but since bonding with Khaji he’s constantly making clicking and humming noises
- It drives Milagro crazy but Rudy thinks it’s cool
- It takes a year or two before he goes back to school and when he does he stays in Palmera city this time to be close to his family and be able to watch the city
- He graduates with honors and his family is actually able to come this time
- Was incredibly obsessive about his schoolwork and is no better with his actual job once he finds one
- He won’t except a job from Jenny at Kord Industries but he regularly helps her out with looking over legal stuff and sometimes gets in way too deep
- He can’t ever leave anything unfinished and it drives Khaji crazy
- Khaji spends more time combatting Jaime’s interoception issues than protecting him from supervillains, they’re constantly reminding to eat, drink, sleep, and go to the bathroom
- His eyes will flicker yellow as he starts getting overwhelmed and turn gold before having a meltdown which helps his family try and get him somewhere safe where he can calm down
- Although it’ll sometimes happen for other reasons too which can confuse people
- Gets so overstimulated after sex, he will literally just curl up in bed for hours and sleep or watch YouTube
- Jenny and Khaji take good care of him, making sure he’s staying hydrated and keeping the sensory environment as controlled as possible so he can rest
- At first he’s nervous about how Jenny will feel but it becomes a running joke that they have to clear their afternoon after having sex
- Jaimes family are always trying to find ways to help him move through life easier but it doesn’t stop his mom from freaking out when she realizes Jaime goes on the roof less because he’s flying to space instead
- Khaji becomes Jaimes biggest confidant because they’re the only one who can truly understand what’s happening in his head
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sethcertified · 1 year
slashers : various
wrd count : 1.2k
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⊹˚.⋆ synopsis . . . how slashers would react to their fandoms
⊹˚.⋆ starring . . . patrick bateman, bo sinclair, vincent sinclair, billy loomis, stu macher, brahms heelshire, & billy lenz
⤷ patrick bateman
okay this is going to be fun
his (already huge) ego gets boosted sm by the like "sigma" edits and shit of him
not to be cliche but the “I bet paul allen doesn't ___” sort of comments make him feel so high and mighty
and seeing how many people find him hot? god he would become even more insufferable
he delves more into the patrick bateman edits and stuff and that's when he finds the satirical shipping, cutesy edits, etc
he sees himself and the word "babygirl" put together and has a full blown meltdown
god it’d be so funny cause it's literally 50/50 in the fandom so he couldn't separate one from another if he even tried
oh, he would just be gagging at the louis x himself ships
idk I feel like he would go "take this down now 🤬”
he's so edgy 12 year old boy yk
patrick practically passing out when he seems himself edits with anime blush and cat ears
his masculinity was already bruised by the ships and now this?
he 100% posts some of the edits about him on his socials
he also sends the links to these vids to people he dislikes to prove his "fame"
the fame goes to his head but he gets humbled when he sees everyone calling him "my pathetic malewife bbg 💕”
⤷ vincent sinclair
I just love vincent sm and so does his fandom
I have not once met someone who hates vincent
he is so insecure and humble and just deserves to see everyone complimenting him and his wax figures
he loves his fandom to say the least
and they absolutely adore him
definitely gets confused by some of the compliments he gets
example a: "If he doesn't want me to slut him out, why waist so slutty?"
^^ yes I did find that on here
is in disbelief ppl can find him attractive let alone say things sexual about him
he has rlly rlly low self esteem okay
if he ever tried to interact with his fandom online I have two different directions in my head
typos and everything
but it's so sweet
"THank yu 🙂"
he has big fingers and struggles to type ^^ or if he gets adjusted it's perfect grammar "I appreciate you for this. Thank you so much."
hes just a big ol boy getting the praise he deserves
⤷ bo sinclair
this one is a bit tricky
he isn't too phased by the compliments unlike his brother
he knows he hot
so "daddy" "so hot" compliments r not new to him
BUT I think stuff like | want to see him whimper" will make him feel VERY FLUSTERED
like awkward coughing and hiding his face flustered
but he doesn't get a bigger boost in his ego
I feel like it doesn't go to his head cause he is already pretty confident in his looks yk
but seeing people appreciate him for his personality?
like talking about how charming and husband material he is
it definitely gives him more hope that he's worth more than his looks & that he means something
this one is short but he wouldn't interact with the fandom
or he’ll barely scrap the surface so he doesn’t see the weird stuff…
like he seems so Facebook dad to me
basically he is tolerates his fandoms cs he’s only seen the tip of the iceberg
⤷ billy loomis
billy is so tricky for me tho
honestly it goes to his head
seeing ppl in awe about him ^^
he's a slasher fan too so he is more active in other fandoms if that makes sense
but he does like to delve into theories and discussions about ghostface and the scream franchise with members of his fandom
rlly enjoys knowing he is considered one of the "well known" slashers
honestly he feels threatened by danny johnson from DBD because when u search ghostface a lot of content surrounding him pops up a long with stu and billy
billy wants everyone to know he’s the ghostface
he loves the fame basically
I do get the feeling he hates the image ghostface has tho
like the "thirst traps"
he's just the type of guy who calls people "posers" and "fake fans"
so that rily irritates him
if you know a lot about slashers/ghost face he's chill
he likes his fandom but there's definitely outliers with the people who know ghostface but not who's behind the mask
he wants the notoriety
⤷ stu macher
he loves being worshipped by his fandom
all compliments, all fanart, all of it he loves
teases Billy sometimes about the posts
sends scream memes to his friends
feels guilty tho when he sees posts about his and Tatum's relationship
like that's the only downside for him
he responds to fans, tells "insider" stuff, etc
Stu is very active in his fandom
he thrives off of it essentially
definitely set up a cameo or something at one point and says his iconic lines from the movie
+ try's to get fan service out of Billy
hes like an obnoxious youtuber
edits? yes
fanart? yes
he's not rlly sad either that billy gets more attention than him cs if you love stu you LOVE stu
calls his fandom "machiacs"
cause macher + maniac
but he does think he's more famous than he actually is
like if someone doesn't recognize him he'll go "I'm THE stu macher"
fanservice king!!!
⤷ billy lenz
no shame at all
he will repost smut/hentai of him
loves his fandom cause they're as equally as horny as he is
but I think he does see that he is desirable in more ways when he finds like fluff imagines
loves his fanart the most
he would try and redraw the fanarts but they turn out horribly
he 100% try's to interact with his fandom
key word is try
he doesn't type but does the voice to text thing
so all his replies and post end up
his poor phone can't keep up :(
he doesn't understand the fandom but he loves them
"billy boy my beloved ❤️”
^^ those are his favorite types of fandom interactions
⤷ brahms heelshire
refuses to have internet
straight up refuses
but I feel like he's the only one who would dislike his fandom
and i mean actively dislike
if he saw how many people call him "stinky wall boy"
let's just say he would have a fit
only thing he would like is people saying he's better than other male characters
but literally that's it
hates everyone and everything about his fandom
he thinks of them as lowly or without class
its just best if he never finds out about his fandom
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✎ notes . . . yes, this is a repost. tumblr deleted my old acc >:( ◯  🖖🏻  ⭒  ⧆
©️ sethcertified 2023
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autisticgirliesbracket · 11 months
What makes Futaba Sakura from Persona 5 the autistic girlie ever of all time? Here's what the people have to say:
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Futaba-related asks/reblogs: x This post will be updated after each round!
Image ID in alt text and under the readmore.
[Image ID. White slide with a screenshot of Futaba in the bottom left corner. She is surrounded by text boxes which read,
"She’s a hikkikomori and a hacker genius. She initially has bad social anxiety due to trauma and does not leave her room."
"She's just like me fr fr (im autistic girlie)"
"Generally described as being incredibly introverted and socially anxious, however having no problem opening up if the conversation is about something that interests her. She also has a deep interest in hacking and computers (if the protagonist claims to have built his own PC, she asks for the specific details on it, such as GPU, CPU, RAM, ect.) There are more details I feel are autistic but I'm not sure how to word them !!"
"Talks in Video Game references and wired expressions. At one point she leaves a conversation because an Anime she wanted to watch was on. Helped me come to terms with my own Autism. Covered her face with a weird mask and a towel (separate events) because she didn't want to show her face in Public. Gets pissed off that someone messes with the her Neo Featherman Figure (basically the Persona equivalent of Power Rangers or Super Sentai). Overall just a massive nerd."
"First of all: The way she sits . little gremlin girl. Second of all. Social awkwardness (she has SO MUCH). Third. She's 15 years old and an international hacker, i mean come on, you cant DO THAt unless youre at least a little autistic. 4. Constantly tries to wear things over her head to avoid being looked at. Five. Her room is the dirtiest place on the planet, filled with snacks and figurines etc. Sixth. Look come on please shes autistic"
"She has social anxiety, doesn't really understand social norms and relates a lot of her real life experiences to video games. She also hyperfixates on the things she's working on and says a lot of strange things without thinking about it."
"Futaba is intensely afraid of social interaction (living in her room for years, unable to exit the house without a meltdown), including her almost constantly wearing headphones (which, to be, read as sensory comfort items). She's only really comfortable around her close friends and family, around who she becomes a lot more excitable and energetic. She has deep and passionate interests in the things she loves, and tends to become hyper focused on whatever shes tasked herself with, even neglecting her own health during which. It's very easy to equate her love of video games to a special interest, as it influences the way she sees the world, to the point where she calls the main character her "key item", since he helps her agoraphobia, saying she needs to "level up" to improve her social skills. To top it all off, her voice actress, Erica Lindbeck, has stated that she played Futaba as if she was autistic."
"Girl had so much autism stored in her body."
"It is very obvious in nearly everything she does that they intended for her to be autistic. Literally just watch almost any cutscene with her and you'll see it (well. Ideally after her palace is taken care of since she's going through stuff and the 'tism is less obvious as a result)"
"she is soooo autism girlswag coded. When you first befriend her and hang out, the characters all have trouble sort of connecting with her, but once they realize they are being way too obnoxiously formal/normal they start asking her about stuff she is interested in, which then she talks very excitedly about. Im sort of passively watching someone play persona 5 so i might have gotten something wrong but eee she is so coded to me <3 and not in a bad way imo ik sometimes things can be TOO stereotypical but yknow yknow"
"Struggles with social interactions, special interest in computers and video games, her English voice actor intentionally played her with the idea that she's autistic."
"She's obsessed with and so good with computers she was a world reknowned hacker before the story even began, she struggles with interacting with people and was bullied through out her entire childhood for being "weird" and being able to memorize books and other things. Her outfits almost always include her wearing headphones (which i personally hc to be to reduce sounds) and there are scenes where she experiences sensory overload that turns into panic attacks. A lot of her character arc is about how after a personal tragedy she completely isolated herself from the outside world and now shes trying to ease back into interacting with people with the support of her family and new friends. When trying to connect with her, the quickest way they got her to relax and open up was when one character got her talking about an in universe sentai show she loves. Also her English voice actor said in interviews that she performed Futaba with her being autistic in mind because everything abt her character just reads as autistic and seeing someone struggle w the same issues I did was super important to me when i got into p5."
"Futaba is incredibly autistic-coded. She couldn’t leave her room or speak to strangers due to trauma, but she also was “quirky” before the trauma. She’s a computer genius and can get so obsessed with her work that she doesn’t hear or acknowledge other people. She wears headphones almost all the time and sits with her knees up (odd posture). Lastly, her mother was known to also be “odd” and was also very absorbed in her work. Autism is often inherited, so my personal read is that both of them are autistic. I’m missing lots of things I’m sure but she’s the best."
"All of her interests are special <3, major social anxiety, partially nonverbal (just like me fr), one of the only people she's constantly jokingly mean to is also very autistic coded which idk if that's a me experience but i can only be joke mean to other autistic people. allistics wouldn't understand. She cannot sit properly!!! Very important she has that autistic ball sitting position"
"She’s a genius hacker nerd who up until certain events in the game never left her room or her house due to trauma. She’s gets nervous and overwhelmed very easily once she starts expanding her comfort zone, but she doesn’t let that stop her. At certain points when she has to interact with people she isn’t comfortable with she puts on a disturbing doll head mask. At one point she has a miniature meltdown in the middle of a crowded store, because she tried pushing her boundaries a little too fast and got overwhelmed until the protagonist was able to find her. She loves anime and collects figurines and gets annoyed when her display of them is messed with. Her personality is socially awkward and kind of bratty when she’s comfortable and I don’t mean that in a negative way at all, she’s great!"
"very bad with people, obsessed with programing and Nerd Shit, i love her and she is very cool"
"she has a massive special interest in technology, her entire character arc is helping her learn to socialize, she sits like a GREMLIN"
"she is a epic hacker gamer girl so we are within the margins for trans and autism, she has a hard time with eye contact, she has intense social anxiety and wahooooooo she has the special interests !! on a side note she has chronic fatigue so damn just like me fr!! and shes so fun!! ack!!!" End ID.]
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fuu-miku · 2 years
Gus Porter is autistic - Meltdowns and self-esteem.
 So. Season 2 episode 18, Labyrinth Runners, huh. Tbh I’ve never seen Gus as autistic even tho I saw a short headcanon post here and there, but this new ep? Holy hell guys. This is as canon as it’s going to get, I cannot be convinced otherwise, and I’m pretty much convinced it’s intentional. This single-handedly made me love Gus much more, and I now hold him dear to my heart. If you wanna skip to the new ep stuff, go to the keep reading section.
First of all, let’s have a rundown of possible autism traits Gus has shown so far: 1- Like the others, he’s somewhat of a misfit and doesn’t have many friends. 2- Special interest in humans. Leads to rambling/infodumping and excitement, I’m specifically thinking of the whole “human” nickname scene but there are tons of examples of that. 3- His special interest in human culture is driven by a curiosity, the want to amass knowledge about it, and he likes to makes theories about it, like why humans get wires to their teeth. It’s kind of like a puzzle, but it’s also a whole rich world and culture to explore and, relatable. I couldn’t find a clip of it but iirc he explains what he likes about illusion magic at some point and it felt very in that same vein as well. 4- Speaks to himself pretty regularly. (Irl with asd it’s usually either to help sensory/emotional processing, but can also be because of a lack of awareness of social norms or even control) 5- Socially awkward gifted kid nerd trope. Self-explanatory. 6- Sometimes says rudely blunt things, seemingly not knowing it’s the wrong thing to say. Ex: Willow: “We weren’t going to leave you behind.” Gus: “I was.” Willow: “Gus!” -elbows him- (important to note it wasn’t in a sassy or bitter manner) / “Don’t worry, we’ll get you out, dead or alive!” -Willow looks at him and shakes her head. Gus sees that, his eyebrows rise and his expression shift- “Okay, alive!” / Even thought it’s magic, the “Better luck next time!” and “goodbye forever!” messages feels like an instance of this as well 7- That goes hand in hand with not being able to read a room. Ex: Willow, worried/horrified: “Luz is in a witch’s dual!” Gus, excited: “Yeah, and she can win it all! Yeah yeah!” -epic finger guns- 8- Generally a stickler for rules and knows a lot about cultural history of the Boiling Isles. He can remember specific rules and dates, etc. 9- Strong moral code, thinking of the illusion graveyard ep specifically. (that’s not a diss, rigid morality and unlikeliness for corruption really is extremely common in autism and a diagnosis trait) 10- A certain social obliviousness. With overcrowding Willow, getting betrayed by fellow illusion coven students, and I couldn’t find a clip of it but iirc most Human Club members weren’t as excited about human stuff as much as he thought 11- ”Gus chomp”? This boy just dissed every existing social norm ever 12- Self-esteem issues due to social problems and perfectionism, as well as feeling like his special interest/skill (illusions) is useless/dumb and wanting to change that about himself. Here’s a good compilation to see many of those in clips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISSkcKdzN6s&ab_channel=Milasia
Ok. Um... I didn’t think that’d be so long. Well that used to not be enough evidence to sell me on the headcanon, so below the cut we get to the new ep! Beware spoilers! 
The angst? Delicious. Relatable. 
There’s obviously the obliviousness and naivety + hard time reading people of Gus thinking he’s friends with a classmate after they teamed up to work on 1 project together once and said classmate left all the work to him. Gus didn’t notice him/think much of him not working on the assignment at all and said “we’re practically best friends now!” before he learned the truth from accidentally eavesdropping. To think you’re best friend-level getting along with someone who was obviously using him, like let’s be honest the dude didn’t look like he’s a very good actor and the vibes are very much rather that Gus is very easy to fool, especially since Gus says he “did it again”. “Why does this keep happening?”. This isn’t a “kid learns a lesson that some people will pretend to be his friend for their own gain” thing, this is a “it happens again and again but Gus can’t see the warning signs”. He’s confused. He doesn’t get it. This is a fundamental social thing that he cannot identify, that he does not learn from no matter how often it happens to him. “What’s wrong with me, why can’t I learn?”. I’m sobbing y’all. Undiagnosed autism right there. He knows something is wrong, but social cues just do not click, and he doesn’t have the tools or knowledge he needs to know why he can't read them. He can’t tell when someone likes him or not, leaving him to wallow or overanalyze social interactions or friendships sometimes, like when he was sad over overcrowding Willow.  And it’s not like he never got any trust issues either, after all he pushes away Willow at first, and wouldn’t believe Hunter’s comfort until he did the breathing exercise.
The confusion, the trauma, the anxiety, the sheer emotional turmoil of hurt and betrayal and the crushing of self-esteem for not being able to tell. “Everyone thinks I’m the smart one, so why do I keep acting so dumb?” “I can’t even trust myself [my perspective of what’s happening] anymore.”
Meltdowns share similarities with anxiety and panic attacks, because it comes from what I listed just above. This? Is a meltdown.
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This isn’t just a panic attack. This is an outburst, a coping mechanism, even if it is characterized by intense emotions and stress and a loss of control.
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Source: https://www.rdiconnect.com/what-is-an-autism-meltdown/ (don’t mind it being mainly written for autism moms) It isn’t necessarily written the best way for the purpose of highlighting Gus’ situation, and meltdowns can also be from sensory overload and others, but Gus’ is obviously because of an emotional overload. Hunter coming in with the breathing exercise shows that he had to calm down for it to stop as well. This may be one of the most powerful visual representations of a meltdown I’ve ever seen. Meltdowns cause you to explode and often lash out, it’s not just internal or even crumbling down alone in a corner, it’s compared to temper tantrums and you can hurt others. Which is why the illusions are affecting others as well, not just him, despite them being caused by him because of his emotional state, and that he doesn’t want it to happen. It sucks for everyone involved and it’s very overwhelming.
As an autistic who only got diagnosed at 18, who learned that she had 0 friends when she thought she was bestie with all her classmates because everyone pretended, who when I look at memories of being tricked I can see obvious signs of dishonesty when it just didn’t register at the time, this resonates so, so much. Result: I got social anxiety, but overanalyzing everything and bending myself for other people didn’t help, I still got taken advantage of and thought of as annoying, though self-improvement and learning more about social stuff did help as I grew up. I was a gifted kid academically, but couldn’t tell who’s a bff and who literally could not wait to get away from me. Time and time again. And yeah, most of the time I learned through accidentally hearing something they didn’t want me to.
If you’ve watched She-ra and the Princesses of Power or you know a fair bit of pop culture, you can see huge similarities in Gus and Entrapta, who is confirmed to have been intentionally written as autistic. And that similarity is the confusion when it comes to social situations and betrayal. It’s not that they’re not trying, or that they’re dumb, it’s that they genuinely can’t tell when someone likes them or not and such. In both cases, it causes deep self-esteem issues and trauma. It’s honestly heartbreakingly relatable to see their eyes widen in realization when the bubble gets popped and it becomes obvious and explicit that the friendship they thought they had was a lie. It’s even more heartbreakingly relatable when statements such as “I’m supposed to be smart, so why do I keep acting so dumb” and “I can’t even trust my vision of the events” and “I just wasn’t suited for friendship” be like... True, y’know? It’s not just an exaggeration of their feelings or 1 bad experience, it’s how we are, and we just have to cope with it, accept it and find a good entourage we can trust. This is a good compilation of Entrapta angst if you’re interested, huge spoilers beware: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrW54RZFTAQ&ab_channel=tlr748
Also on the note of several main characters showing numerous signs of autism or other neurodivergences: Neurodivergent people tend to gravitate to each other, which makes our main TOH cast of misfits all/most having some neurodivergence not surprising or “unrealistic”. A diagnosis shouldn’t make them any less loveable to you. Though, of course, we’re all entitled to our own opinions and visions of them & that’s valid. /gen
Thank you The Owl House, for keeping delivering with the great rep
Not me crying writing this, no u, nothing more to see here
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whentherewerebicycles · 5 months
wow the day was SO much fun—we watched the the extended versions which I hadn’t seen since I was a teenager so it was a LONG day but the couple hosting had planned out a whole LOTR-themed menu where we ate first breakfasts, second breakfasts, elevenses, etc every time we switched the DVD. so I am extremely full but they were fantastic company and it was so much fun. I originally intended to stay for just a movie and a half, maybe two, because it was my first time hanging out with them without our other mutual friends present and I thought it might be too intense to spend like 12+ hours together, but actually it ended up feeling like the kind of intense bonding you do when you’re on a super super long road trip with people you don’t know that well?? like it felt like the extremely prolonged proximity meant we were able to get through the awkward early phase of hanging out with new people and now I just feel totally comfortable in their company, a stage that usually takes me a REALLY long time to get to. also they had one of their close friends there who I have met a couple times before and he’s very nice but also I think kinda awkward and shy so I felt less weird being kinda awkward and shy too because clearly they don’t mind hanging out with people who are sort of quiet sometimes in social settings. anyway it was so fun 😭 anyway I am feeling the euphoric high of extended social time with friendly people (why am I constantly having to relearn that I’m not as much of an introvert as I imagine myself to be lol) and I feel like there is real friend potential there which I am determined to capitalize on.
then I came home and listened to the baby’s heartbeat again… I have decided to let myself do that for 30 seconds or so every night if I need to until he’s big enough that I can feel him moving. I find it intensely reassuring and also I think it is helping me get through the loss-related block I had for basically the whole first trimester where I wouldn’t let myself think of him as a baby at all because it felt too scary. but now I can listen to him and hear my heartbeat next to his fast little galloping heartbeat and it is helping me picture him as a real little being in there. god also I don’t know if it’s the HB monitor or the first trimester hormone surge tapering off but I feel SO much less depressed and frantic than I did. on my drive home I was thinking gosh I need to remember this because I suspect I will be a likely candidate for postpartum depression/anxiety… I need to remember how much the hormones fuck with my head and I maybe need to be a bit faster about taking action instead of letting it slowly escalate to crisis/meltdown mode. I am hoping that having an established therapist relationship will help with that!! and maybe I can eventually come up with a plan with her for riding out those surges without losing my entire goddamn mind. idk I feel like the last couple days it’s felt like I had my brain back a little bit… like I was more myself than I’ve felt in a long time. I hope it sticks 😭
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thatkinkyautistic · 7 months
I used to hate my autism because I thought I was broken. Now I understand that the meltdowns/social awkwardness/overstimulation/etc etc don't mean that my autism is bad.
It's not at fault here,the world is just very harsh for autistic people,it's built against us. It's not my autism's fault that I struggle because of my speech impediment and sensory issues and cravings etc etc,it's just a lack of proper accommodations and ignorant/misinformed/rude/toxic people that make life as an autistic woman so difficult.
The symptoms wouldn't be so much of a problem,if more people were more patient,understanding and well informed about them.
If things were better then I would still be disabled,I would still be autistic but it would be so much easier to be autistic,without all the ableism holding me back and weighing me down.
I would still continue to need a lifelong caretaker,but I would've not been traumatized by all this ableism I experience and I wouldn't have to worry about sensory overload and other scary,and even dangerous things.
So,with that all being said:
It's okay to be autistic. It's okay to love your autism, even in the face of adversity. It just makes you who you are. You're not "faking it" just because you don't want to be cured.
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caninekidd0 · 9 days
A bit of a serious one, how does autism affect you?
I struggle with fitting in with others, talking to people and understanding social cues. I'm better at reading body language than people's words. If im not close with someone it's very hard for me to tell when they're joking, which made my customer service job very hard since I relied on getting tips. I couldn't understand when people were joking and it made things awkward. I tend to shut down and go nonverbal (it genuinely feels like I can't speak, and forcing myself to is uncomfortable and distressing) when overwhelmed or overstimulated. I stim a lot and tend to repeat people/my animals (the way someone says something I will repeat over and over, or when my cats meow at them I'll meow back and mimic the sound!) I tend to have meltdowns and I end up hitting myself and I hate being touched in those moments, even my clothes touching me is too much and enough to make things worse! I only enjoy being touched when I want it/from close ppl (which is mostly just my bf and nephew >< hugs from other family members can be uncomfortable) I've known I was different since I was a kid, but never knew why and took me a while to realize I was being bullied. I have a hard time with controlling my volume, and im very shy and anxious in real life. I'm light/sound sensitive and going out for a long period of time is very draining. Honestly if I didn't have to speak I'm not sure I would :') that's called masking! Masking my traits to seem more neurotypical is very common but very draining. I'm learning how to unmask and be myself and it feels so much better. I tend to have a hard time controlling my facial expressions, and I've gotten bullied for it before for making "bad" expressions. Online friendships are a lot easier for me to have than in person ones since it's just texting, but there's problems with those too bc tone is very hard to read over text which is why I use tone tags! (/j for joking, /srs for serious etc.) I'd say I'm someone who has less needs than others, (instead of saying high functioning bc I don't like those labels)
Thank you for the ask anon!! <33
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psychofrogpondwater · 14 days
I've been going over stuff that's happened in my life and I am amazed by a few things.
I see NT people acknowledging autism, or someone that's autistic, then criticize them when they don't understand things. They try to help them, and theres continued difficulties, the NT give up, then criticize, and even start accusing the ND person that they're doing it intentionally to get a rise out of them.
Somehow it is easier to believe that the ND individual are actually perfectly fine, and have, for some reason, decided that the best way to get what they want (socializing, attention, pity etc) is to go out of their way to feign ignorance about something that "everyone knows" and ask repetitive questions, all to get a rise out of others for their enjoyment. Sharing tragedies like a family members died, loss of employment are considered cries for attention, excitedly sharing good news about buying a home, or getting a car is bragging, trying to empathize with someone by giving an example of a similar experience is the ND trying to bring the spotlight onto themselves. And when they're having a total meltdown, their attempts to placate themselves, or explain what's causing their pain, is met with harsh criticism, called selfish.
Somehow, to some NTs, this person is perfectly able bodied and of sound mind, and made active decisions to take the most obtuse, painful, difficult and awkward methods to live by. Like they looked at all the available options, and constantly decides to use the worst options possible, because it will work eventually. Despite it causing all forms of trauma, from sexual abuse, bullying, losing friends, lovers, family, jobs, career chances.
Somehow that's easier to believe than they legit have difficulty with socializing, that the confusion and anxiety isn't an act.
Though, to be fair, I can understand the frustration. I have been on both sides, and it hurts either way.
After trying to help someone, eventually patience runs low, difficulty understanding where the gaps in the knowledge is at, and the other person seemingly forgetting lessons learned. Constantly leaning on you, when you get frustrated, falling back on it's my ND diagnosis.
In the end, it's not fun for either person, and it takes a lot of effort from both parties to get along. Sometimes you need to take a break, and some distance between before you can try to rebuild a bridge.
If it can be rebuilt.
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andromedasummer · 26 days
been very slowly going through the phryne fisher novels (on blood and circuses rn) and its reminded me of one of the episodes in season 2 of the tv adaptation (i think? maybe season 3) where the plot revolved around university students at a Melbourne college abd the murder of a professor, and one of the main characters who is briefly posited as a murder suspect is an autistic woman working as a student helper to the professor (its not like. explicitly said bcos the show is set in the 1930s) and its somehow... one of the more accurate and sensitive depictions of an autistic person ive seen in tv media? shes shown to be stand-offish and awkward and uncomfortable in social situations and the character that torments her about this is very clearly The Bad Person And Asshole. When questioning her about the murder Phryne actively finda a way to talk to her in a way shes comfortable with (both nose to nose against a wall, some distance from one another, not making eye contact, speaking quietly because this entire situation has pretty much sent her into a meltdown ). when they realize shes at risk of being harmed phryne has her stay at her home. shes shown to be incredibly passionate about her area of study in the university (a bit of it plays into the savant stereotype which is one of the few issues prevalent in media about autistic people like the good doctor, etc, but uts not presented as like "oh shes autistic BUT shes really smart about this thing and basically a superhero so its okay") shes shown to have specific dietary requirements shes adamant about (jam sandwiches only.) and the other characters are like "oh! weird. actually, thats not my business. let me grab you one." and she develops a really lovely friendship with phryne that ties into the whole plot and motive for the murder (another professor killing the murdered professor so he can prevent information which disprove his biological and sociological research which is based entirely on eugenics and psuedoscience, which the murder victim found disgusting and didnt want taught when his assistants existence literally disproved that bullshit) and i don't know how to finish this i guess i wasnt expecting a genuine attempt at properly representing autistic people in this show about murders in the 1930s
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fakestorchestra · 27 days
i didnt want to put a whole rant in the tags of someone elses post but. i have some opinions on the whole sharing thing. i am one for communicating clear boundaries regarding sharing and i myself have some feelings about sharing f/os, but i think talking about the nuances of why and how is important... long rambles under cut sorry. it's just my PERSONAL thoughts on why i'm iffy with doubles.
i adore being the one to be associated with my f/os, especially because they're such obscure characters, but i surely cannot be the only one who loves them in the same way and i love that other people can find that same feeling as i do in them. initially seeing shared f/o content puts me a little bit on edge without a warning, and i am guarded due to a multitude of reasons - one is dealing with overly possessive people who have vagued and stalked me in the past, and the other is impostor syndrome and not wanting to get in the way of fans or other self shippers, or a fear of misinterpreting the character (a 'what will others think of me?' situation).
essentially, i acknowledge that a majority of it is my brain making up a guy, and a lot of it boils down to intense social anxiety. the discomfort stems more from underlying factors or being a jittery person by nature and not with the idea of sharing itself, i would rather not actively talk to people who do share (unless i already am familiar with them) until i can sort this out or i have confirmation that my fears are indeed unfounded. tl;dr 'i have to gently sniff your hand before i decide it's ok. i'm fine with doubles following and interacting/reblogging my stuff, but please keep in mind our versions are separate.'
the other factor is just not liking others making flirty comments about my f/os on my own posts or when i'm talking about them, especially from strangers. this is more common over discord, but it's awkward and uncomfortable to have someone go 'i am looking respectfully' or talk about how horny they are for the character when i am talking about them as my f/o or as it pertains to my self ship. admittedly this is far, far more of an irritant when it's a) people i have never interacted with before and b) people who are unfamiliar with the character or source material, because even if i don't think those feelings are a bad thing and the characters are very attractive, i do NOT want that to be my first interaction with a person. it's fine if it's just talking about the character in general or 'i love (character)' conversations in a general fandom sense, but if it's when i am talking about something personal... that just makes me feel euugh.
me talking about a character i f/o or posting art of them on my main blog and getting "they're hot" etc response -> i am mostly OK with this. i agree! if i drew one of them to be attractive that is the intended response.
me talking in self ship spaces or on this blog, posting an image or infodump about said character and getting "they're hot" etc response -> please don't do this! the feelings involved are more personal so i would rather not have those types of comments unless i know you and i've said it's okay.
that said, having public meltdowns and being uncomfortable sharing to the point where you will vague and threaten others who share, proclaiming any self ship doubles your enemy no matter what, and controlling who your friends and mutuals interact with? absofuckinglutely not ok. i used to be the type of person who acted on instinct and hated the idea of sharing itself, but i was a very immature (and unmedicated) person and taking those feelings out on others does not help anyone in the slightest.
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andromede-ayne · 2 years
Reasons why i headcanon El Hopper as autistic, by an autistic Stranger Things fan
1. issues with social skills
- isolation or autism? okay so I know a large part of the reason she has trouble with social cues is the fact that she was isolated in a lab for many of her formative years, but I think it goes deeper than this. She wasn't completely alone. There were other kids in the lab and obviously all of the kids from the lab are going to have stunted social development and stuff, but even when she was with the other kids in the lab, she was a bit of an outcast. This was shown in the flashbacks in season 4, where she was getting bullied for being "slow" and she was much quieter than the other kids. We also saw Kali as an adult, and even though she was still an outcast, her social skills seemed pretty average. the issues she did have were pretty clearly a direct result of her trauma, whereas El seemed to have issues connecting with others in the lab even before she was traumatized.
- in the real world So up until season 4 we don't really get to see El interacting with other kids her age, aside from the people who she is friends with. In season 4, when she goes to high school in CA, she is very clearly an outcast. although we don't see exactly why or when the bullying started, i think it's pretty clear that it's because they think she is awkward and doesn't fit in completely
2. emotional regulation
- the most prominent example of this in the show is her anger issues. when El gets upset, she often reacts very strongly and gets fired up pretty quickly. she often resorts to using her powers in intense scenarios when emotions are running high. This is shown many times during the show, one example is her argument with Hopper where she loses control of her powers and breaks all the windows. This specific instance is also intertwined with her trauma from the lab and her being overstimulated, but I think throughout the show there are plenty of examples where something similar happens, like when she hits Angela.
- She also acts largely on emotion in general, this is less of a regulation issue and more just a general character trait that she has. it's not a negative thing either, i just notice that she is not the type the think long and hard before doing something, she reacts pretty quickly to things and doesn't really "think before you speak/act"
- related to this, as well as overstimulation (mentioned later) she is shown having a meltdown/shutdown when emotions are too intense
- she also shows her emotions pretty openly on her face, once again tho this isn't specific to autism It is pretty common to be overly expressive
3. Routine
- in season 2, Hopper tells Elevn different schedules and plans, and whenever he breaks from this she gets pretty upset. For example she gets mad that he is late for their movie night. There are several instances of this
- She also eats eggos regularly (more on that later) amd watches tv shows with Hopper. While these things aren't specifically stated to be done on a schedule, I think we can assume that they are routines, since meals happen routinely and television at the time would have operated on a daily schedule.
4. black and white thinking/morals
- "Friends Don't Lie" is probably the best example of this. El hears this mantra when she first meets the boys and ever since then it's been a pretty important part of her moral code. She believes this fully, with almost no exceptions. although she does start to deviate from this in season 4, I still think this is a pretty good example of the black and white morals common in autistic people
5. echolalia
- she repeats words a lot of the time, for example repeating phrases she learned from other people and using them repeatedly "mouth breather" "bitchin'" etc
- in conversation with people, she will often repeat back parts of their sentences ("give him a taste of his own medicine" "give him the medicine?" and "you're going to dump his ass" "dump his ass")
6. picky eating/sensory stuff
- eggos: although it's not clearly stated that she has an issue with any other foods, she has a very clear preference for eggos which is similar to how a lot of autistic people have specific foods that we are comfortable eating.
7. stimming
- mentioned earlier with the echolalia, but I think repeating words and learning new words is a self-soothing thing
- I'll have to look back at the show a little bit more but I'm pretty sure she tends to rock back and forth sometimes? could be wrong about this tho
8. difficulty with language
- although this has largely been influenced by the lab and her coma, her speech issues do parallel struggles that many autistic people also have
- she is partially non-verbal, although she becomes more and more verbal throughout the show. she still does go quiet in some situations though
- her general speaking cadence is just. very autistic. each word is spoken very deliberately and precisely.
9. overstimulation/meltdowns
- she sometimes gets overwhelmed when there is a lot going on, for example in season 2 when she is arguing with Hopper, and in season 4 when she is being surrounded by people in the roller rink.
- every time she uses her power she has a low battery, although I don't think this was intentional I think it's a pretty good metaphor for being overstimulated and how much energy a meltdown takes out of you
10. fashion sense
- she generally is not super aware of fashion trends, and dresses more for physical and emotional comfort than to be trendy. once again not specific to autistic people but a very common trait for us.
That's all i can think of for now, but if there are any other ideas people have please let me know
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mortoxtea · 3 months
Do you think Bill broke up with her a year ago? She posted the last picture in October 2022. Or did she have pictures with him at some point in her story?
My theory on this (and I can't exactly prove it) is as follows.
I think that he either actually did break up with her or attempted to break up with her in 2017 or 2018. Many people think they broke up right after that trip to Disney where he looks like he's walking around with his mother. There were (reports) that he unfollowed her and she unfollowed him etc then there was silence for months and suddenly she popped back up and she was pregnant which shocked basically everyone.
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He "stayed" with her because of the baby probably trying to work things out or something then in either in late 2021 or early 2022 he broke up with her again (or tried to). This was when the rumors surfaced that he was dating that producer on Boy Kills World (or having an affair with her). This was also when Alida had that huge meltdown on Social, had that week long birthday party binge, posted the nudes of Oona, and then randomly flew to SA for like a week like she was trying to track down Bill (though there was never any proof she saw him or was around him when he was filming).
Shortly after that she appears on that Safari trip with him which was a production wrap party for BKW but you can see that Bill is more friendly with that Producer than Alida. In this time a lot of people were convinced they were broken up and Alida was desperately trying to get him back. There was some weirdness and suddenly, she's pregnant (again). Just like it happened the first time.
As to what is going on currently, I don't know. Last year (2023) there were only three photos of them together. They were either awkward (or miserable) or both. The first was from her birthday where he's kind of giving the camera a side eye (and sat pretty far away from her). The second wasn't until August at the Fares Fares premiere and they both look like they are about to cry in it. The third came in October (once again at Disney) where he looks like he's on a death march and she looks pleased with herself. He failed to be photographed with her at a party they both attended between August and October. She did not attend the Stellan event (even though he did) and he did not attend Valter's premiere even though somehow she got into it.
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[The only three photos of them in order from 2023. Birthday in January, Premiere in August, Disney in October]
This is the most broken up they've seen since the point in 2022 when he was in SA and it appeared that he was dating that producer. If this is officially the end or just the most serious split he's done yet (and she's not been able to worm her way back in) I don't know but I do think this is the end considering in 2023 he was barely around her, seen with other women at a festival, posed in photos with other women (co-workers), and attended tons of events and parties that she was not invited to. Her birthday is today so I guess we'll have to see what comes of that and if she posts anything with him or not.
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