#the little snarl.... and then the puppy eyes..... my doggy......
hellhoundlair · 11 months
will reblog every single gifset ever made of that shot from 12x02 its so good its so good its so good its so good its so good its so goos you guys dont understand that shots so good
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whitegoldtower · 1 month
My Nastiest Boy Yet
My embrace durge warlock, Maedhion.
A sweet strawberry blond thing in the original guise of a blacksmith (he was wearing a blacksmithing outfit on the Nautiloid) with freckles, puppy-dog eyes, a pretty face and a melodic Valleys-Welsh accent, he lulls everyone into a false sense of patronly, homely security... and then he strikes.
It started out as poor impulse control and gullibility, and descended into full-blown savage bloodlust.
He's excellent at persuasion and has a penchant for psychic damage; dissonant whispers and phantasmal force are his favourites, with a touch of psychic radiance.
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It's said that the devil is beautiful. That's what makes trusting him so tempting.
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He's done every naughty thing under the sun. He's such a cunt but I did think his reaction to the gnoll birth was kind of sweet (in a really fucked up way). Literally
*newborn gnoll crawls out of a corpse and starts snarling*
Maedhion: omg puppy. What a sweet doggy!!
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Personality-wise, he’s fucking diabolical. Think of Annie Wilkes from Misery mixed with Tea Time from Hogfather. Femboy Fatale.
Ngl Maedhion makes my skin crawl a little bit.
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mcx7demonbros · 1 year
Eater’s Bad Ending
Ft. Klein (my MC), Eater, Asmodeus
C/W. Mention of cannibalism. Angst
Summary. Eater retreats after losing to Jung Hi, only to meet someone who laughs at him. The fic takes place after the end of Jung Hi’s route.
Obey Me x Love Unholyc crossover
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“That damned cursed thing. That pink-haired guy, just you wait, when you become weaker due to the curse, I will come and take Mir away. Then, I’ll tear you into unrecognizable pieces.” Eater growled and tightened his fists.
“Do you think you still have the chance with her?”
Eater turned around to face the person questioning him with a mocking tone, his dogs barked loudly. The man standing before Eater and his dogs wore a huge black robe like a wizard, and a mask that came from a famous series named Tale of the Seven Lords.
“Quit pretending to be mysterious person, Klein the Evil Overlord.” Eater snarled.
“Ah, I have been found out.” Klein chuckled and he took off the TSL mask, revealing a handsome face with a pair of brown eyes.
“What are you doing here? Are you here to laugh at my misery?” Eater’s eyes turned red like an Unholyc.
“Precisely.” Klein stated the fact followed by a laugh.
“Die.” Eater waved his hand as a seemingly invincible rope tied Klein up.
However, Klein showed no sign of discomfort. He continued to talk as if Eater hadn’t done anything to him.
“FYI, that butler saved the pink-haired guy, what’s his name? Ah, yes, Jung Hi, that idol. So the guy became an Unholyc, retaining his special ability of preventing anyone from taking what’s his. Look like he’s not going to die anytime soon. Even if he does, his ability will remain and there’s no chance-
“ENOUGH!” Eater roared. “I’ll kill you and eat you. Yes, that’s right, maybe eating you will grant me a special ability to undo that guy’s ability. After all, you are the unique one who made pacts with the seven avatars.” Eater’s fingernails grew longer like sharp knives and he put them around Klein’s chest to the left side, ready to pull the boy’s heart out.
Suddenly, a strong force repelled Eater, forcing him to step back, away from Klein. When Eater looked at Klein again, there was not just the Overlord alone. There was a pair of eyes looking back at Eater fiercely, from behind Klein.
“You can’t touch him.” A high-pitched voice declared to Eater.
“AS-MO-DE-US! Don’t think you can stop me.”
“Ah, a puppy blinded by love, kicked by its lover and became completely ruined.” Asmodeus revealed himself. “I know this type too well.”
“Yeah, because you were the cause for many of their ruins, wasn’t it?”
“Aw, Klein, you complimented me.” Asmodeus smiled at the Overlord’s words. “But now, I only have eyes for you.”
The fact that Klein and Asmo flirting right in front of him pissed Eater off. He stopped thinking rationally and attacked the couple.
Asmo didn’t say anything, he stood before Klein and shielded the boy from harm. Eater threw his fist, covered with elemental energy, at Asmo. The Avatar of Lust didn’t even flinch, he raised one finger up and the attack was stopped.
“Listen here, doggy boy, Unholycs are descendants of demons, powers of the Unholycs you ate ultimately came from demons. They’re not going to work on us.” Asmo’s eyes brightened up with rose-yellow light like they had seen through Eater.
At that moment, Eater realized something was wrong, but it was too late. A big gate opened under his feet. Behind, or rather under the gate, were demons, thousands of them. They grabbed Eater’s legs and pulled him down. Eater’s dogs suffered the same fate, disappearing amongst thousands of demons within seconds.
Eater channeled his power to escape the gate of Hell, but with much difficulty. Some small demons, like the Little Ds climbed on Eater’s head and stomped their feet, pushing him further down.
“Hear me, denizens of darkness, you who are born of shadow and you who give birth to it. Hear me and do as I command. I call upon you to deter the movements of the abomination before me, let not it escape from the gate of Hell.” Klein chanted.
Eater screamed out as he became frozen. However, in that very last moment before Eater losing control of his body, a drop of tear managed to escape his eye, falling into Hell below.
“Bring him to the Circle of Pride, Lucifer would be interested in him after I and Solomon are done experimenting with him.” Klein ordered the demons. A Little D bowed to the Overlord, muttering an “understood”.
After Eater’s whole body had gone 100% in Hell, the demons just dropped him, letting Hell’s gravity do its job. As Eater fell into the depth of Hell, his eyes reflected the Evil Overlord’s wicked smile. The gate of Hell was then closed, with it, Eater’s hope was shut forever.
I do know Eater has a painful past (through clues in ss1 and ss2 of Love Unholyc, I haven’t played his route yet), yet I gave him a bad ending.
Aren’t I evil? 😈
@sparkbeast20 , here’s another story of my MC.
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midoriyas-wifey · 4 years
Okay, so this might’ve ended up more as a short story with some nasty thots ™ , but c’est la vie 😌
* Ok my size kink is about to jump out but I imagine the size difference between him and his lil bunny is that they only come up to his elbow. When I say lil bunny I mean LIL bunny 😈
* Also Y/N is a lop earred bunny bc I said so.
* Bakugou ADORES his bunny’s size; couldn’t be more happy (and smug 🙄) about it.
* Despite his typically rough and dominating nature, he will admit to being SLIGHTLY softer with his omega (don’t be fooled he follows them like a lost puppy, simping all the way)
* If someone even LOOKS at his bunny funny, he’s on them like white on rice. Ground shaking growls and snarls fills the air, ruff bristling with the intent to throw hands. And bite. Tbh he probably carries rabies.
* Only Y/N can truly calm him. His friends take full advantage, both metaphorically and literally tugging on the beast’s tail. Sometimes Y/N doesn’t soothe him just for laughs. His friends don’t find that funny thank you very much.
* With Deku it’s on sight. This wolf has less chill than canon Bakugou.
* It was almost cliche, how they met. Y/N was going on a jog in their local park, enjoying the short but lovely Sakura blossoming season.
* It just so happened that Bakugou was taking a MUCH needed lunch break, his tail wagging at the mere thought of digging into his ungodly spicy curry.
* He decided to enjoy the serenity of the park, plopping himself heavily on the bench that groaned under his massive form. However, it was no match for the deep growling groan bubbling deep in his chest.
* That’s when his (future) omega came around the bend, paying him no mind as they passed.
* He was struck, a primal urge within him roaring to life. His mind narrowed down to that of a predator.
* Chase
* His body sprung into action, intent on hunting his prey- his mate his mate hismate hismate HISMATE-
* Before either one of them knew what was going on, Y/N was scooped into his arms, tiny frame near squished from the possessive hold of the huge alpha.
* He stopped, taking a moment to bend down to sniff and whuff all over his bunny’s hair, burying his sensitive nose as deep as possible.
* Suddenly, as if snapped from a trance, Bakugou reared his head back in confusion at his own actions, before looking down with clear eyes at the little bunny cradled against him.
* Y/N’s nose was twitching a mile a minute in confusion and surprise, frozen in his hold.
* Y/N oddly didn’t feel much fear, instead mostly an apprehensive curiosity; waiting to see what this wolf would do.
* He couldn’t deny that the Omega’s twitching nose and heated face were more than adorable. He took another inhale and grinned, baring his large, sharp fangs in excitement.
* Ok now Y/N was a little spooked they can’t lie.
* He decided in that moment that this cute little bunny would be his, come hell or high water.
* So,, size difference.
* He lives and DIES for belly bulges and cumflation. It also goes without saying that he has a breeding and impregnation kink I mean cmon he’s a wolf hybrid alpha hellooooo
* Ass man til he dies. He’s fiending for those cakes, he wanna see them wobble and jiggle on his dick. And also loves to watch that cute tail bob and wiggle along with it.
* He dreams of nothing more than clappin and slappin cheeks. If he wasn’t a pro hero then he’d be a pro spanker and groper every time he can get away with it.
* Likes when you squeak out in surprise when he takes a swat at your ass
* I hc his dick to be about 4 inches flacid and grows to about 9 inches including his knot. He’s a grower not a shower for sure, but he’s smug about it all the same.
* It’s obviously a wolf shaped dick bc I don’t hold back. And neither does his hunny bunny 😏
* Speaking of, the first time they fucked he insisted on treating them like a porcelain doll, barely touching where they needed him. Finally they rolled over into doggy position, head resting on the pillow before wiggling their ass in a blatant invitation.
* He took hold of their velvety ears and tilted their head back in a show of total dominance, a fierce growl demanding their submission.
* He bred them until they passed out, drool, cum, and slick soaking the sheets. No matter how much he tried, no matter how big his knot inflated in his omega, there was just too much of his virile cum stuffing Y/N for it all to stay in.
* He could feast on their sex for hours, lapping it up like ambrosia, leaving his omega a shaking and crying mess
* Makes them ride his face he don’t care what size they are. If they’re bigger he lives for almost being smothered to death by their thick thighs. His tongue will fuck Y/N to infinity and beyond, greedy the whole way through.
* He just can’t get enough of his sweet lil bunny, and Y/N’ll take all the affection and pleasure he gives them. They have no choice in the matter. He’s the alpha and what he says goes, and if his omega forgets that? He’s more than happy to remind them.
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teratonasti · 3 years
Yandere Hound Dog using tracking your scent when you escape 👁👁
I’m a whore for Hound Dog and he needs more content so I am VERY HAPPY to oblige.
This fic includes: yandere Hound Dog, mentions of blood, NONCON, breeding, knotting, boi got a doggy cock w the knot and everything, mentions of pregnancy, fem!reader, some fear play, some pred/prey play as well
The river was freezing cold as you splashed through it, the tiny nightgown you’d been shoved into clings like a second skin as you’re soaked through. It’s a deeper river than you expect, water flooding your throat and making you splutter while you swim for shore. Being deep in the woods and not knowing your surroundings was such a danger, but this had been the only opportunity to run away from your captor.
Hound Dog, pro hero and pro stalker, had kidnapped you some time ago (the timing was unclear, you had no idea how long it had been). Today was the first time he’d made a mistake; he’d ended up forgetting to close your door completely and that had facilitated your escape. For weeks you’d been working at your bonds and gotten them weak enough to tear through with your teeth, then it was a matter of stalking through the large cabin towards the exit. Hound Dog’s treatment of you had made your more... Animalistic side come out. Every gesture of his was met with your blunt teeth snapping at one huge arm, and you had crawled out of your room low to the ground on all four limbs.
But once you breathed fresh air... Your humanity returned enough that you felt like yourself again. Even if you were still in full fight or flight mode.
A howl in the darkness behind you stopped you cold, eyes wide over your shoulder. He had found you. Now you were thankful for the river washing away your scent- maybe you could get further away from Hound Dog if he couldn’t find the trail. That hope fueled a second wind as you crawled up the bank and your limbs heated as you raced through the woods. Tree branches slapped your cheeks and drew small beads of blood, but the pain didn’t matter. All that was in your mind was the hope, the possibility of escaping his clutches and finally being free.
It took him fifteen minutes to catch your scent from the river. Fifteen minutes to hunt you down from the small drips of blood that decorated the forest floor. You’d slid on a sharp rock and cut open your palm, blood dripping the entire time you ran for your life.
His teeth were bared in a feral smirk when he spied you caught in the branches of a fallen tree. You’d tried to haul yourself over the thing and got your hips stuck halfway over the trunk, cunt bared in the itty bitty pink panties he’d put on you in the morning. He stalks close, huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf he was, and his claws catch your panties. Your shriek sounds like music when they tear away and he kneels down to bury his long tongue in the sweetness of your pussy.
“Puppy... Why did you run?” he snarled between your thighs, fangs digging into the soft skin. You sob and shake your head, fists banging against the wood and trying to get away from Hound Dog’s touches. The thick drool and spit that he licks into your cunt slicks your cunt up enough for him to tease the pointed tip of his cock just inside your body. You’re slicked even more by the copious pre that pumps out from him and then it’s stuffed deeper in your cunt when Hound Dog slides inside. A deep, bone rattling groan sounds from above and his nails dig into your hips.
You’re shaking against the wood as tears drip down both sides of your face- this wasn’t how your escape was supposed to go! You were supposed to be far away from his hold and in the back of a kind farmer’s truck on your way back home! But instead, you’re being fucked over a fucking tree trunk by a maniacal dog.
“You’re not gonna... Rrrrrun away that easy, puppy,” Hound Dog growls against your neck, his hand slapping down hard on your ass. “You’re my little mate- grrrr- I’m not letting you get away from me.” His voice is a deep, deep snarl while he rams inside your cunt and makes your nightgown tear against the rough bark under your belly. You’re still sobbing as Hound Dog wraps a big hand around the back of your neck and pushes your head down against the dirt so he can get deeper inside your guts.
The stretch of his knot is a familiar beast- it stretches your cunt wider than the rest of his cock and makes your body ache. Hound Dog doesn’t even warn you (like he normally does) before slamming his knot inside your cunt. It makes a dull pop inside your brain when he forces it all the way in and you let out a high pitched whine at the feeling. He’s still humping away, knot moving by half inches to make you pant and squirm while he works himself to orgasm.
“Going to brrrrrreed you, puppy. Give you a litter and keep you for myself- never give you another chance to escape ever again.”
True to his word, Hound dog’s balls give a hearty jump and you feel the hot rush of his load spilling in your guts. His knot twitches as he empties his balls inside you and the pointed tip of his cock kisses right up against your womb. There’s no way you’re escaping without being knocked up from this; the knowledge makes you sob unhappily, lip wobbling as you droop against the tree trunk under your body.
Hound Dog stays locked inside your body for another half hour; during that time he pumps you full with two more loads of watery dog cum, and forces at least three orgasms out of you. Now that you were limp in his grasp, he was able to pull out and carry you back to his cabin. His fingers stayed pressed inside your cunt to keep his cum from dripping out while he walks, tongue rubbing up one of your flushed cheeks so he can get the tear tracks off your skin.
“Rrrrrr... You’re so cute like this, puppy. You’ll be even more cute with my pups growing in your belly, though. Once we’re back home I’ll- rrrrr- fill you up more. Promise.”
You sniffle, eyes shutting tight, as his thumb circles your clit slowly. There wasn’t any escape after this; it was your only shot to get away from him, and you had blown it. Everything would be locked down further; hell, you even worried Hound dog would break one of your legs to make sure you didn’t get away again. That’s when you hoped you would get pregnant.
He wouldn’t hurt the mother of his pups- would he?
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Obey Me! Brothers as Werewolves
Gonna remind everyone now that alpha theory was disproven and actual wolf packs act as family units
That being said - alpha, clearly
Not because he's the strongest (though he is) but because he's the most nurturing
Considers all his brothers (and you) to be his responsibility and under his care
Second biggest in wolf form (next to Beel)
Thick, dark fur, great in winter but in summer hates how hot and itchy it gets. Shedding his winter coat is an EVENT. Scratch him and fluff just falls out by the handfuls
Hates how patchy he looks when shedding, very grumpy when its happening
Refuses to ask for help when it comes to brushing out his coat, but if you're somewhere private he is very happy to just lie there whilst you brush out all that itchy loose fluff
Also just very nice to pet in general, but rarely let's you outside of softer moments :/
Not outwardly aggressive - when correcting his brothers behaviour hes more likely to just growl softly instead of going for a full snarl. If he actually shows his teeth then things are serious and you might want to have some final words with your jugular
Isn't very affectionate in public, but is very protective - wherever you go, if hes in his wolf form hes by your side, or at the very least is keeping an eye on you
If anyone he doesnt like the look of approaches you, he calmly places himself between the two of you. If that isn't enough trust me, a staring contest with those eyes isn't going to last long
Pretty boyyo
White fur thats not nearly as thick and long as Lucifer's but still has a substantial ruff
Uses his wolf form to run away from loan sharks a lot (hey, four legs are quicker than two, right?)
Also loves the attention he gets from girls - he knows he's handsome in both forms, but girls say it more when they think he can't understand them
Sheds the least of all the brothers, but since his coat is so pale his hair is more noticeable so he still gets flack for getting it on the furniture
Hes still needy as a wolf
You know those videos of huskies throwing massive tantrums??? Yeah, hes on that level, his dramatics only kept in check by his tsundere nature
Loves it when you pet him. He'll pretend he doesn't, but the second you stop hes gonna start whining
(Doesn't) hate it when you baby-talk him
Not generally aggressive within the pack, just prickly - maybe a growl or a huff here and there, maybe a snap if someone's really pushing his buttons
He is possessive tho
Will physically put himself between you and other people to get your attention. If the other person doesn't take the hint, then he's showing teeth
If you don't let him sleep in the room with you, you'll open your bedroom door the next day and find him curled up outside
Definitely wants to put his head in you lap and have you stroke him til he falls asleep but refuses to admit it
Gets jealous if you're petting another brother at the same time as him and will throw a tantrum and try to shove them away from you
He was your first pact, which means he has first dibs on all cuddles!!!! What do ya mean that's not a rule??? Thats totally a rule!!!!
'Hes not dog friendly'
Spends very little time in his wolf form (its hard to game without opposable thumbs)
Does sometimes shift out of shock tho
Like, if you kiss him unexpectedly, poof! There's a wolf infront of you, who's blushing lobster red underneath all that fur
Will hide under the bed
✨separation anxiety✨
Glued to your side in wolf form, because he doesn't like or trust other people or wolves (and definitely NOT because he likes your company and wants you to maybe pet him 😳😳😳)
Kinda likes that you can't see him blushing when he's in wolf form
Will lie next to you and wait for you to initiate pets. Especially loves it when you scratch him behind the ears.
Because hes a shut in and doesn't spend a lot of time in his wolf form, his fur is the messiest - patchy winter coat, small tangles, really just needs a good brush (but only if you do it)
Not really aggressive to others, just not friendly. Maybe a growl every now and then, and sometimes a tantrum gets thrown, but thats it
Still quite cat-like
Hes not going to be throwing any loud husky-like tantrums
Doesn't like that he can't read books in wolf form (difficult to turn pages without hands) but does enjoy the emotional release for his anger when it comes to hunting Hell-Hinds and other demonic deer.
Fur is short, sleek, a lovely pale gold and well-kept (when it isn't bloodied by his most recent hunt)
When he isn't hunting he does enjoy stretching out infront of a fireplace and warming his fur
Is unopposed to being brushed when he's in the position, and may even allow you to pet his head gently, but thats it
Might lay his head in your lap tho
Sheds the least of all the brothers
Still tries to control his temper in wolf form, but you better hope he maintains it because those teeth can issue you a one-way ticket to the afterlife
Sometimes snaps or growls at his brothers, but is more likely to just leave the room if they're annoying him. If they're in his room then they're getting chased out with their tail between their legs (except Lucifer who wouldn't invade his space like that)
Who's a pretty boy???? Who is???
Its him!!!!!!
Friendliest of all the brothers, if only because he loves the attention people give him
Will walk up to you and just wait for the compliments (not unusual, tbf)
Doesn't love the hunting side of being a wolf - mud???? Blood??? Sweat???? In MY fur??????? I don't think so
Only really partakes when necessary, or if he's decided to go for a roguishly disheveled look that day
Uses his wolf form as an excuse to get affection that would be less appropriate in his human form - belly rubs, giving you puppy-dog eyes to be let up onto the bed, getting you to give him a bath - stuff that Lucifer would be more likely to reprimand him for when he wasn't a wolf
Softest fur of all the brothers - sleek, silky and always throughly brushed out, even when shedding. Plus, loves being pet so long as you don't mess up his fur too much.
The biggest of boys, the goodest of boys
Loves being in wolf form because its even easier to get food from people
You think his puppy eyes are bad NOW??? WAIT UNTIL HES AN ACTUAL PUPPY
Very comfortable in his wolf form, spends the most time out of all the brothers like that
Has absolutely no shame begging food from people's tables, no matter where you are. Also has no shame stealing food from people's tables, but will whine and act ashamed if they yell at him
Dont yell at him. He's baby.
Incredibly fluffy red coat, that and the amount of muscle underneath makes him the biggest wolf in the pack by far
Big doggy grin that could melt any heart
So tall that when he wags his tail you have to make sure it doesn't sweep everything off the table
Also loves being pet and doesn't mind baby talk at all. You can treat him like an actual dog and he won't get mad - he'll play fetch with you if you really want, but as a warning, the stick might end up more than a little chewed
Will, however, also go digging through people's bins
Also kinda slobbery
Is pretty much never aggressive, but then again, who would be stupid enough to provoke something with that much muscle and teeth???
If you scritch the right spot behind his ear his leg kicks out. He's not ashamed. More scritches pls.
But his favourite spot for scritches are under his jaw and his chin
Smallest of the wolves
Enjoys sleeping in wolf form because the fur adds an extra level of cosiness
You will just find him curled up in a nest of pillows with his nose tucked under his tail. Or flopped across a sofa, until Lucifer yells at him to get off the furniture
Has that intense stink-eye that some huskies are capable of.
Sometimes forgets to shift, or can't be bothered and will just wander around attempting to do people things until he realises hes in the wrong body - you ever gone to brush your teeth and then realised you need hands for that???
Definitely walks around holding his cow pillow in his mouth, or sometimes a plushie
Or dragging a blanket
Honestly its very cute
Does enjoy being gently pet as his drifts of to sleep
Which is good because his fur is always mussed up from his last nap
But if he falls asleep on you???? You're not moving. Sorry not sorry. This is your life now.
Little wolf bleps when he sleeps ➖👅➖
Has definitely vomited in Lucifers shoes as a wolf at least once, simply out of spite
Thick fur, but not long. Sheds a lot, but his fur is so dark you don't see it as much.
Lets out little muffled woofs and yips when he sleeps, and twitches when he dreams of running
If you scratch the right spot when hes sleeping, his leg will kick out the same as Beels, but if you do it when hes awake he'll get embarrassed and either leave, or give you a warning nip
The most aggressive with other pack members - hes just kinda bratty. Huffs a lot and is quick to give out little nips when he isn't happy, though he isn't much of a growler and never goes farther than that
Won't play fetch like Beel, but if you're REALLY lucky, he'll bring you a plushie of your own when he joins you for a nap
(Also, im relatively new to the game, I know there was a vampire event, if there was a werewolf event im unaware of it atm, but this is just for fun anyway)
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writinglizards · 4 years
for the spotify wrapped prompts! 24 and laiden! if you’re not big on laiden, geraskier 💖
I’ve actually never written laiden before??? A gross oversight. This was a GREAT exercise lovely, thank you! It’s. Uh. NSFW.
(Send me a number between 1 and 100 and I’ll write a ficlet based on my that song in my spotify wrapped playlist!) 
Also on Ao3
Song: Mess Me Up - Neon Trees - I think I know how these things go / If you’re gonna mess me up, don’t do it slow
It doesn't mean anything.
Lambert's never had anyone, not really. Eskel had Deidre, at least for a time. Geralt has his bard, his sorceress, his child surprise, Ciri. Lambert's had...no one.
Not until Aiden.
Aiden had come in like a whirlwind, worked his way under Lambert's defenses with his quick wit and his easy smile, made him feel things. And then he'd been gone. And he kept doing it.
It was a fucking tease, and Lambert didn't appreciate having his head and his feelings messed with.
"Lovely seeing you here, wolf," Aiden grins, sliding into the seat across from him at the tavern. He snaps up Lambert's ale before Lambert can protest and downs the dregs.
"Fuck off, cat." Aiden just smiles. It makes Lambert's stomach flip pleasantly.
"Mm, you don't mean that." His canines glint in the low light as he grins wider. Lambert forces aggressive eye contact instead of letting his attention linger on his mouth. Aiden's eyes crinkle anyway, amused.
"What are you here for anyway, fucker?"
"The griffin contract, same as you I'm sure. Wanna lend a helping hand a split the coin, puppy?" Lambert snarls at the pet name and Aiden laughs, delighted. "Oh, you do."
"I'm gonna let it eat your ass, just for that."
"Promises, promises." Lambert glares harder, hates that his chest feels tight, that Aiden knows his pulse is elevated. Aiden's not unaffected either, flushed and grinning.
It means nothing or he would stay, after.
They agree to share a room and hunt the griffin in the morning, on the pretense of saving coin. It's a thinly veiled excuse.
"Fuck, wolf," Aiden laughs, breathless when Lambert slams him up against the door of the room, pinning him with his body.
"Shut up," he growls out, slipping his fingers up into the short hairs at the base of Aiden's skull and tugging. Aiden arches with the tug, making a pleased little rumble of noise as Lambert bites at his throat, right over his pulse point.
"Shit," Aiden squirms against him, hikes a leg up to wrap around Lambert's waist, presses his growing hardness against Lambert's hip, "Really know how to make a guy feel wanted," he teases.
I do want you, he thinks. All the time. Always. Lambert doesn't say that, just fumbles the clasps of Aiden's armor open, slips him out of it as quickly as his slightly shaking fingers can manage. They always end up here and it's still not enough.
"Yes," Aiden praises when Lambert pulls back to wrench him out of the chest armor before descending on his newly exposed collarbones with more teeth than is strictly necessary. He feels Aiden's own hands on his armor, stripping him just as franticly. His fingers scrape nails through his hair when he tugs Lambert's mouth away from his skin long enough to peel him out of his armor, too. "You know I love your mouth, puppy, but I'd like to get on with it sometime today."
Lambert growls, deep and menacing as he shifts backward to let Aiden finish working his chest piece off him. "Keep calling me that and I'll fuck you into next week, kitten." The grin on Aiden's face tugs at something in Lambert's chest and the moment he's free of his armor he locks his arms under Aiden's ass and lifts.
"Fuck, that's hot," Aiden laughs, hands fumbling out for Lambert's shoulders to steady himself just before Lambert tosses him on the bed. He lays where he lands, fingers alternating between playing with the ties of his trousers and pressing against the bulge of his cock as Lambert hastily undoes his own, standing in the vee of Aiden's splayed legs. "You gonna get up here and give me that gorgeous dick, wolf?"
"Where's the oil?" Aiden just waves the little vial at him playfully. The grin on his face is in contrast to the way his pupils are blown wide, the way his heart thumps faster than any witcher's should outside battle, his elevated breaths. "Turn over."
Blessedly, Aiden keeps the 'doggy style' comments to himself, although Lambert can practically see them run through his head. The way his grin slips a little wider tells him he knows Lambert knows, which is somehow worse. He shimmies out of his trousers and rolls over, slow and seductive.
Without Aiden's gaze on him, he can almost do this. He loves to watch the play of his muscles as he moves, the way his scars bunch and shift in response. His dick pulses near painfully when Aiden moans, rutting against the sheets.
"No," Lambert grits out, tugging on his hips until Aiden has his knees under him, cock hanging beneath him.
"Aw, Lambs--"
"No," Lambert repeats, firm, "or you can get yourself off." Aiden whines, presses his forehead to his folded arms, but doesn't attempt to drop his hips again. Lambert rewards him with a little pet to his thigh, free hand uncorking the vial. He pulls away to slick his fingers before recorking the little vial and tossing it aside.
He presses the pad of his fingers against his hole, rubbing firmly before slipping two fingers in. Aiden freezes, keening. "Fuck, fuck Lambert, that's perfect." He doesn't give him much time to adjust before he's pumping them in and out, scissoring them with purpose. Aiden likes it when it burns, when he can feel it (and what does it say about Lambert, about whatever the fuck this is, that he knows that?)
"You want the whole inn to know how badly you want it?" Lambert asks, slipping a third finger in and deliberately avoiding his prostate. Aiden nods viciously, rocking back on his fingers.
"Please, Lambert," he pants, "give it to me. Let me have you."
His chest clenches. You already have me. Stay. He slicks his cock with quick, efficient strokes before he's holding him open and pressing in, slow but insistent. Aiden fumbles a hand out from under his head to reach back and clutch at Lambert's scarred thigh, haul him in closer.
"You have no fucking patience," Lambert grunts as he bottoms out. Like this his head presses right against Aiden's prostate and Aiden gaps, the hand on his hip flashing to wrap around his wrist where he holds Aiden's hips steady.
"Not for this gorgeous dick, puppy. Now fuck me." And Lambert doesn't have to be told twice.
He fucks him hard and fast, bed creaking with each movement. He angles each thrust for Aiden's prostate just to watch him shake and gasp, watch the way he falls apart under Lambert's hands. He molds himself along Aiden's back, mouths along his shoulder blades, traces his scars with his tongue.
"Lambert, fuck, come on--"
"Ready, kitten?"
"Yes, yes, please, I want--"
He doesn't let him finish, just wraps his hand around Aiden's dick and strokes, hips still working. It doesn't take much until he's coming, teeth buried in his own forearm to cut off the cry he makes when he does, hips stuttering between Lambert's fist and his cock.
He works him through the aftershocks until he's nearly shaking before he pulls out, intent to finish himself off, but Aiden's already rolling over, limbs weak with pleasure.
"Lambert, come 'ere," he rasps, voice gone low and fucked-out. It sends a shiver down Lambert's spine, "lemme finish you off."
Aiden's laying square in the middle of the mess he made, but he doesn't seem to mind. He drags Lambert down on the comparatively clean linen beside him and wraps his fist around him.
"You're so good, Lambs. Come on, let me make you feel good." He twists his wrist on the upstroke the way Lambert likes, presses his lips against the curve of his shoulder, only teasing with the blunt pressure of his teeth. It's almost enough.
"Yeah, that's it. Come for me, Lambert." And that's all it takes.
They hunt the griffin in the morning and split the coin.
"Well," Aiden says when they've made their way back to the inn to collect their things, "you're good for more than just a quick fuck after all, Lambs."
"Shut it," he says, without heat. He knows Aiden's teasing, but it hurts. They've fought together, they've fucked together, and now he'll leave, like always. It doesn't mean anything.
"Mm," he's hovering too close and smiling when Lambert turns around, "Keep that pretty face safe Lambs. ‘Till next time." He surprises him by ducking forward to catch Lambert in a quick kiss, too soft compared to the frantic, heated way they fuck.
He's out the door and gone before Lambert can recover.
It doesn't mean anything.
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brandstifter-sys · 4 years
Word Count: 1922                     (Ao3)
Pairing: Dukexiety
Characters: Remus, Roman, Virgil
Rating: T
Warnings: food, innuendo
Remus gets turned into a dog and the only way to break the curse is true love’s kiss. So he’s ready to live as a pooch. Until he encounters Virgil and learns something new.
When she wasn't planning for their next LARP session, or trying to defeat the prince in said sessions, the Dragon Witch was actually quite a lovely lady. She kept the imagination running smoothly for the twins when Thomas needed them. She was fun, and usually up for brainstorming sessions. But it wasn't all that rare that the brothers pissed her off, usually Remus. That's why he was in this predicament. 
There was something about being tiny that really unsettled the unsettling duke. But Remus couldn't let a little discomfort stop him from getting to the kitchen! He trotted through the common area, his fluffy tail bouncing over his haunches, hoping that no one else was around to see him at this hour.
The kitchen was in his sights but his blood ran cold when he smelled someone in there with turkey cold cuts. He sneezed and went for it, no one would know it was really him so he could handle some baby talk if it meant he could steal a sandwich. 
"What the—" Virgil said as the telltale sound of claws tapping on the floor caught his attention. He turned around from the counter and his jaw dropped. 
"He needs to take better care of his pets," he sighed and squatted, holding out his hand. Remus stepped forward and sniffed his hand, just to keep up the act. 
"How'd you get out, little guy? Did Princey forget to close his door?" Virgil asked in a calm voice. Remus couldn't help but growl. Just because he was a small white puffball did not mean he was Roman's! He made tiny dogs all the time, and not just the three-headed ones! 
"Easy, Pup. Are you with Remus?" Virgil asked and leaned back just a bit. Remus wagged his tail and yipped moving so he could paw at the emo's leg. He wanted food! 
Virgil smirked and scooped him up with one hand, cradling him to his chest. Remus wagged his tail and licked his cheek as he got up. 
"Alright, alright," Virge giggled, "You're as bad as the duke! And just for that–" he turned and grabbed a few pieces of lunch meat from the counter, "–you can have four pieces of turkey instead of three." 
Remus happily ate the food when Virge brought it to his face. His tail was going nuts and he was ready to kiss that emo over and over, in a puppy kind of way. Mostly.
"I'll let you have some more in a bit. I'm not up for cleaning up vomit," Virgil said and picked up his sandwich. He took a bite and carried his new buddy to the common area and sat on the couch. He let go of Remus and turned on the TV. 
"So do you have a name, Pup?" he asked and took another bite of his sandwich. Remus stared up at him and let out a confused whine. Virgil paid it no mind and put the Twilight Zone on. 
"I guess you aren't one of the talking dogs, huh?" Virgil said and mindlessly pet the dog on his lap. Remus practically melted at the touch, no wonder dogs went nuts for pets! 
He lost track of time, floating in the bliss from human contact. He was comfy, curled up against Virgil's tummy, partly covered by the emo's hoodie. Remus didn't even realize he was drifting off to the sound of the show's theme music until it stopped and something cool and delicious bumped his nose. 
"Still hungry?" Virgil asked and bumped the last bit of sandwich against his nose. Remus sniffed it and snatched it, gobbling it up without ceremony. 
"Damn, doesn't the duke feed you?" Virgil huffed and resituated them so he was laying on his side with the doggy duke pressed against his chest. 
Remus could hear his heartbeat, slow and relaxed. He always did like hearing it, being close to Virgil. They were best friends before Virgil left and maybe Remus realized that Virgil meant so much more than that to him. He was just thrilled to be on speaking terms with him again, so this situation was heavenly. 
"I shouldn't doubt him like that. He loves his creations and babies you guys," Virgil sighed and idly stroked his fur. Remus let out a pitiful whine and crawled towards his face.
"Yeah, your buddy Remus is a good guy. He takes care of the things he really loves and he's so upbeat. You're lucky to be one of his, he'll treat you right, even if he's a little eccentric," Virgil yawned and let his eyes fall shut. He was unfairly pretty.
Remus yipped and inched closer, heart hammering in his ears. Virgil wasn't the guy who gave out compliments readily, especially about him. He licked Virgil's nose and cuddled closer. 
"I like you too, Pup. You're a sweet little guy, just like him," he mused and wrapped his arm around the dog, "but at least I can tell you aren't secretly just trying to get in my pants." 
Remus lowered his ears and whined, licking his cheek sadly. He was horny and flirty, sure, but he cared about Virgil! He didn't just want to get at that sweet, sweet ass! He wanted to have quiet moments like this too! 
Virgil lazily pushed him back by the snout and snorted, "Too much, Puppy. It's alright, I just have to get over my feelings before I let him try anything. It's not easy, he's such a great guy—energetic and upbeat, and sure he's unsettling sometimes, but he gets me. He knows how to shock me out of my panicking and he always manages to cheer me up when I'm down. I get all mushy when he smiles at me with this one calm grin he's got and I keep throwing insults because he makes me nervous. It's stupid how much I just want to hold him when he isn't interested in me that way. I'm an idiot for falling for my best friend and rambling about it to a dog I just met." 
Remus blinked up at him cutely, trying to will his eyes open with his mind. He needed Virgil to look at him! He would find a way to get Virgil to see that he wanted that too, that Virge wasn't an idiot—okay maybe he was for falling for the duke, but he was the good kind of idiot! 
Virgil didn't spare him a glance. Instead he scooped up the little dog and rolled onto his back. Remus squirmed in his grasp and managed to escape. 
"He has feelings for me!" Remus thought and stared at that sleepy emo. That snarky witty man was so important to him. He just wanted to kiss him all over and cling to him like a koala. Since he couldn't do that, he settled for giving him a few licks on the cheek and nose before settling down to sleep. He was happily surprised when Virgil leaned up and kissed his nose. 
"Don't tell anyone about that," he mumbled, "Can't let anyone think I went soft." Remus laughed in his head and got cozy. He wouldn't tell a soul not when he was special enough to see this side of Virgil.
"Well isn't this precious!" 
Remus grunted and blinked away the remnants of sleep. He sent a half-hearted glare at the source of the cooing, and growled. Roman was standing there, more amused by his reaction. 
"You know, when she said she turned you into a dog I had no idea that her curse would be lifted so quickly!" 
"Lifted?" Remus grumbled, and froze. He could speak again! And someone was hugging him! 
"Yes! And now you're snuggling your true love! That would be the only way to break the curse, mind you, and I have never seen something so precious! And I've seen Janus blepping!" the prince practically squealed.
"True love? Who the hell would—?" Remus grumbled and checked to see who he was sleeping on. His face heated up at the sight of one incredibly peaceful emo. That's who the hell would love him. 
"Oh shit that wasn't just a dream!" he yelped, making Virgil hold him tighter. He squirmed and thrashed and escaped, only to fall on the floor with a thud. 
"What the hell?!" Virgil shouted and sat up abruptly. He took in his surroundings and his eyes landed on the happy prince. 
"Where is he?" Virgil snarled. Roman shrugged, despite his shit-eating grin. 
"Who are you looking for?" 
"Don't pull that shit, Roman. The Bichon Frise from Remus' side. Where is he?!" 
"He's on the floor, trying to process the implications of certain circumstances," Roman hummed, "So I'll let you two work things out while I make breakfast." He skipped off while Virge looked at the floor. Remus was on his back, staring at the ceiling in shock. 
"Okay so were you able to tell me you were a dog or did you just want to get too close?" 
"I couldn't talk. It was a curse," Remus said distantly, "A fairytale curse." He looked at Virgil, eyes wide and anticipating the worst. The emo's face twisted in thought and he studied the duke. Remus was flustered and in shock, and it took a lot to shock him. 
"Don't consider this an invitation to makeout whenever," he huffed and swung his legs around so his feet touched the ground. Remus blinked as Virge hoisted him up and cradled him on his lap.
"True love is weird," Remus mumbled, stunned and thrilled to be in those strong arms.
"So are you, Pup. But are you sure it's that?" 
"I hope so! You gave me your sandwich and cuddled me and you said those things about me! And I kinda have a giant heart boner for you! And a regular one! You have no idea how many horrible horrible things I would go through for you! I miss you so much and it hurts and I just want to be disgustingly sappy with you and then suck your—" 
"You mean it?" Virge asked shyly and looked away. It made Remus incredibly soft. 
"Yeah. Every word, Scare Bear," he said, "I didn't think you would be into me like that. I'm a mess and a menace. I was gonna keep my trap shut but then you told me all that stuff last night!" Virge winced and hid his face in his hands. 
"I won't tell a soul," Remus breathed and hugged his emo, "as long as you don't tell Patton I ate the cookie dough he left in the fridge." 
"That was mine, you ass," Virgil scoffed and hugged him back. 
"And it was as sweet and mouth watering as you!" he giggled, "and I won't tell a soul about that too, in exchange for a smooch!"
Virge snorted and leaned away from the hug. Remus stared at him questioningly and wiggled his mustache at the darker eyeshadow under Virgil's eyes. What did he have to be anxious about? 
And then Virge cupped his cheek and sighed, only to surge forward and kiss Remus with a flood of longing and passion. He had wanted to do that for some time, and Remus mirrored those feelings in full. The duke kissed back, getting lost in his true love. 
 "Isn't this precious! Patton is going to love having this in his scrapbook!" Roman squealed and put away his phone. Remus and Virgil jolted apart and glared at him. 
Roman ran.
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hanadolphieron · 3 years
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warnings; none
genre; fluff
pairing; kim jungeun x gender neutral reader
word count; 1.5k
summary; you meet a squad of surfers while eating your lunch and one of them, the woman, the myth, the legend, kim jungeun, ends up teaching you her craft.
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“jo serim, eat my fries one more time and i will squirt ketchup all over your precious hair.”
“i’m hungry, sihyeon~”
“you ate about fifteen slices of bacon this morning. there is no way you’re hungry.”
your two best friends have already commenced their arguing and it’s only 12 o’clock in the afternoon. you sigh loudly, stealing one of sihyeon’s fries while she’s busy berating serim for her love of savory food. 
serim, of course, sees you and alerts sihyeon, but siheyon, of course, thinks serim is lying and gets her tomato paste weapon ready.
you heckle at them and grab sihyeon’s arm, making her set the ketchup back on the table. she reluctantly lets you, warning that you could be next. 
your take a bite out of your burger. your eyes wander around the restaurant’s patio. it’s small, with the average sets of tables and chairs seated on it. the ordering area is right in your line of vision and you see a pack of girls walk up to it.
it’s a bunch of surfers. looks like they’ve come straight of the beach. one of them appears about ready to snarl at her hair- the sand just does not want to be dusted off.
one of the girls in the front catches your eye. she looks to be the quietest one in the group, standing off the side, the epitome of a tsundere girl crush. you catch her eye as she zones back in to her friends’ conversation and then orders her food.
you smile at her. she looks a little surprised and awkwardly grimaces back.
“the people here are so nice,” serim gushes next to you, “everyone i’ve seen so far has either waved, smiled, or made eye contact with me! i feel so appreciated!”
“yeah,” sihyeon agrees, “must be the food. anyone who gets to eat this good of a burger every day should be excruciatingly happy.”
the irony of the situation almost makes you laugh. you smile despite your slight embarrassment at the girl’s reaction to your normal, humane greeting. your friends take it as a sign that you agree with their observations.
the flock of surfers sit down at the table next to you. the girl you smiled at seems to tense up as she sits down. probably because of the close proximity of strangers. that always seems to be the case of nerves in detached types.
you continue eating your burger, finishing up the last few bites. sihyeon’s ready to go back up for more ice cream. serim’s complaining that she didn’t even have enough time to drink all of her lemonade and it won’t taste good with dairy!
sihyeon’s about to grab serim’s arm and manhandle her up to the counter, but before she can, one of the surfers next to you interrupts, saying, “hey, do you guys want to come down to the beach with us?”
“sure!” onda says happily without hesitation, looking ready to jump up and down.
“yeah,” you and sihyeon chorus at the same time, a little after serim.
“good, it’s getting boring. no one our age ever hangs out here, they’re all at muri beach.”
“why don’t you go down there then?” sihyeon asks curiously.
“it’s a bay, so there’s no waves. too calm for surfing.” the girl responds, tying her hair up in a ponytail and stretching. “anyways, the name’s heejin. i’m the swaggy one in this group.”
“never say the word ‘swaggy’ again,” another one responds, “i’m yves, by the way,” she adds as an afterthought before stuffing a fry into her mouth.
“i’m hyunjin.”
“my name’s jinsoul.”
you and your flock of friends introduce yourselves as well, and everyone slowly gets up, grabs their stuff and shuffles down to the water.
everyone talks comfortably, the easy vibes from the surfers seem to have osmosis-ed over to you. 
“wait, i need to grab my dog. my mom dropped him off,” yves says before turning around and running back up the restaurant.
“her mom just left the dog unattended?” you ask.
“yeah,” jungeun responds, “it’s a nice dog.”
“understandable. that makes complete sense.”
jungeun senses your sarcasm at her dry response and rolls her eyes. she opens her mouth to retort, but the sound of crashing waves drowns out the noise. you hadn’t realized how loud the ocean was until you were standing right in front of it.
“that’s loud!” serim shouts.
“yeah,” jinsoul yells back, “let’s move further back so we don’t have to yell!”
the group turns around and moves away from the water to set up camp. 
everyone rolls out their towels. serim is very happy with her hello kitty one and shows jinsoul excitedly. jinsoul is endeared by this.
yves comes flailing down the beach, fluffy puppy struggling to keep up with its speedy bird of an owner. 
“doggy!” serim screams. sihyeon is close behind, audibly keyboard smashing. you jump up too, trying not to hide your smile but failing miserably. there goes your cold, sarcastic first impression.
the three of you collapse onto the dog, who is thoroughly enjoying the attention and is about to wag its tail off.
“what’s its name?” sihyeon says, looking at yves who is doting on the puppy as well.
“IT”S SO CUTE!” serim screams, frightening the dog.
“you scared it!” you scold playfully, picking up stealing haru and running back to the group.
“give him back!” serim sounds appalled as she chases after you.
“nope!” you say, and continue running, falling down onto a towel, canine in hand. serim falls on top of you, almost squishing the doggo but he manages to wriggle out of your grips before anything detrimental happens.
you giggle at serim’s attempts to fight you and tickle her sides. she shrieks in your ear and you shove her off, revealing a figure standing in your line of vision. 
“uh, hi?” you say, a little embarrassed because why in the world is she staring at you with such a weird look on her face?
“hello. that’s my towel.”
“oh, i’m so sorry, i was just uhm, trying to outrun serim here, and ended up collapsing on it.” you stand up quickly, brushing some sand off.
“no, i mean you can still use it, i’m about to head over and start surfing, so i won’t need it just yet, i was just a little surprised.”
there’s an awkward silence. you open your mouth to say something, but jungeun asks, “do you want to come with me?”
“surfing?” you say.
“yeah. i could teach you.”
“sure,” you agree, shrugging your shoulders. surfing can’t be that hard.
“good luck,” jinsoul tells you, “surfing’s tough. especially with jungeun teaching you.”
“i thought you were an expert?!” you exclaim at your newfound surfing mentor.
“i am, jinsoul just doesn’t know true talent when she sees it.”
“it’s okay jinsoul, i’ll be there to make sure she doesn’t kill y/n or something,” heejin sighs.
“have fun!” serim encourages before going back to intensely focusing on digging her toes into the sand.
*      *      *
“are you 100% sure about this? my life’s feeling a little threatened.”
“you’ll be fine, y/n. i’m here to protect you,” jungeun comforts you with a wink. 
heejin rolls her eyes at the two of you, “i’m going to surf over there and leave you two by yourselves. holler if y/n dies. i don’t care what happens to jungeun, as long as i’m not going to be blamed for it.”
you and jungeun snort as heejin swims away.
“so, first you’re going to jump on the board and sit on it. you need to learn how to balance before you do anything.”
you groan as you haul yourself up on the board. everybody say yay for public embarrassment!
luckily, you’re still in shallow water and jungeun is holding your board so you don’t get obliterated by the waves just yet.
you sit on the board. “what now?” you ask, conflicted between looking digruntled and attentive.
“now, you’re going to stand up,” jungeun is trying not to grin maniacally. you’re resentful but still listening so well and it’s the most endearing thing she’s ever seen.
“quit smiling like that. i know you’re trying not to laugh at me,” you whine.
jungeun just shakes her head. you have no idea.
with wobbly legs, you squat on your board and slowly stand up. however, your limbs decide to mutiny against you and you lose your balance, falling into the water.
“let’s try that again,” jungeun says, helping you up.
this time, she grabs hold of your hand as you try to stand up again. you’re still for a few seconds before your legs get wild once again. however, jungeun rests her hand on your waist in order to center you. 
this gesture causes you to lose focus even more. normally you’re chill about people being touchy with you or even flirting, but for some reason jungeun is making you internally combust. must be the way her eyebrows quirk up whenever she speaks to you, or the subtle touches, or her natural commanding persona, or how she tries really hard to look cold but you just know she’s a big softie, or-
“hey, you good? you look murderous.”
“yeah, i’m fine,” you pause for a second, recalling where you are.
“wait, i’m standing up!” you exclaim.
jungeun chuckles at your realization, “good observation.”
“can we try actually surfing now?”
“sure, you might fall again, but you seem to learn fast.”
“it’s okay, the water will catch me.”
“i guess it will,” jungeun shrugs, and the two of you swim into the open ocean together.
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@catgirlkimlip​ put many thots in my head
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theangrycomet-art · 3 years
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Early Mornings at the Atoms
Kaiden stirred, a drowsy fog over his mind as a familiar- but nevertheless strange- sensation drug him from his sleepy mindscape. Moist but not wet sandpaper rasped along the bottoms of his feet, wiggling in between his toes.
Blinking, his brain slowly registered that is was coming from not one, but three separate areas.
“ARrgh- BLT!” He griped, exasperated as he pushed her fuzzy heads away with a slobbery foot. “GROSS.”
BLT jumped back a step, unperturbed.  Bacon yipped, Lettuce nipped, and Tomato yawned at him as she stretched, tail rattling with excitement. Lettuce grabbed at his pajama pants, tugging them. 
She snorted as he pushed her away again. 
“Knock it off,” he groaned tiredly, burying his face in the pillow. Too soft, as usual, he felt as though he were drowning in the bed. Thinking of his quilt at home, he glared at the comforter covering most of him, slinking his foot back underneath. 
Maybe he could just stay in bed until the Weekend had come and gone. 
Patting the space beside him, BLT hopped beside him and launched off the bed. Running circles, her claws clacked loudly against the floor. Her barks echoing a bit against the bare walls, she slid to a stop beside his door. 
Nosing at the desk chair situated beneath the door handle, she whined, licking at the brass door knob. 
So much for that. 
“I’m coming.” Sitting up, he palmed at the night stand, waiting until his glasses clicked in his hand. With a yawn he shoved them on his shirt, not bothering with putting them on. 
Wasn’t like there was anything he wanted to see in this house beside BLT.
Kaiden tried to ignore the tightening in his chest as the sounds of the house made it to his ears. 
With a low whine, BLT exchanged a look between her heads before meandering over, nosing his leg. Smiling weakly, he scratched at the base of her neck.
His body at this point decided that it was in fact awake and that it needed to be tended to. He groaned again, cursing the near empty water bottle on his nightstand as he shuffled his way across the floor. 
BLT’s saliva made his feet sticky against the flooring, but he didn’t particularly mind. It was just some sealed stone, just like the rest of the house. It’s not like it would stain or anything. 
Moving aside the simple wooden chair, BLT wriggled in excitement, tail rattling as he unlocked the door. Once it was open, she still. Poking her heads out, Bacon looked left, Tomato looked right, and Lettuce checked the ceiling. When she’d decided the hallway was safe, she trotted happily to kitchen. 
“Good girl.” He said, trying to ignore the conversation from the opposite end of the hall as he closed his door, locking it behind him.
Feet padding silently, he forcibly steadied his breath as BLT waited for him at the kitchen entrance. The scent of caramel coffee drifted along the air, almost too sweet on his nose. She waited until he was nearly at the entrance before checking the room, same as she did the hallway. 
He managed a smile- 2 in one morning, that had to be a new record- and followed after her as she signaled the clear.
“Morning, Mr. Grim.” Relaxing, Kaiden waved at the skeleton reading the news as he sipped his coffee. How he did so without lips, much less a digestive system alluded him. However, he did not have to figure out the visual conundrum, seeing as the great Grim Reaper had his human disguise on. “Hair cut?”
“Very funny.” He said dryly, though his teeth flashed him a wry grin as Kaiden rummaged through the cabinets for some plain coffee. Flicking, the tied back dreads, he mused. “But I do think I like the new look.”
BLT sat next to him hopefully, eyes large and pleading as she begged for some eggs.
“I like it- it suits you better than the last one.” Poking his head from behind the wooden door, Kaiden held his chin theatrically, amused. “It’ll be a real hit with the ladies.”
“Oh hush and enjoy your nasty black coffee.” He chastised, smiling as he flipped out his newspaper. Watching him out of the corner of his eyes socket, his smile faltered, staring at the inky marks splattering up the young mans neck.
Frowning, he opened his mouth, before shutting it with a clack of teeth. 
No, better wait him out. Neither Kaiden or KD liked being interrogated. They’d come to him eventually. Still, if he was right, he should say something. 
“Any plans?”  He asked instead, assessing the boy as he punched the little plastic cup of grinds into the machine.
Tomato licked Grim’s knee as Lettuce and Bacon had yet to take their eyes off the plate.
“Just practicing evasive maneuvers, as usual.” Kaiden answered with a strained cheerfulness. The coffee dribbled out just as he slid his mug beneath. Glancing at the silver machine, he frowned at his reflection before adjusting his shirt higher up his neck. “You?”
“Dunno- it’s my day off. I might have me some fun.” 
“Good luck. Bon Bon has plans and I’m pretty sure your gonna be dragged into them if you aren’t fast enough.” His voice echoed as he brought the mug to his lips. “BLT, no begging. What do good doggies do?”
BLT whined and begrudgingly spun in a circle until she was facing Kaiden. Sitting with poise, she lifted her paw and tilted her heads cutely. 
“Good girls.” Smiling, he reached into his pocket and pulled out three bone-shaped biscuits, tossing one to each head.
“Blegh.”  Glancing at the hell hound, Grim sighed and split his remaining eggs into three. “Here, you mutt. I don’t have time for them if I’m gonna avoid that brat’s chores.”
Rattles filled the air as BLT’s tail helicoptered, taking the eggs with abandoned glee. Kaiden chuckled as he made his way out of the kitchen. 
“If you rinse that off I’ll wash it later,” he said as Grim straightened, popping his back. “You get out of here while you still can- I’ll stall Pinky and the Brain for as long as I can.”
“You’re such a good kid,” Grim watched Kaiden wave his hand in acknowledgement as he made his way down the hall. Once out of sight, the bringer of death kneeled down to the hell hound. 
“Keep an eye on him,” he ordered, scratching each set of ears before he took the plate back, rinsed it off, and made his escape.
Kaiden, for his part, surpressed a groan as he made his way down the narrowish pathway, all too familiar voices teetering down the hall. He ignored the pictures along as the bored holes into his back, gripping his mug tightly. Taking a sip, he let the drink burn his tongue as he made his way to the bathroom. 
Kaiden’s nose pinched at the scent of espresso and the ever current smell of ancient algae that came with Drake’s presence. It wasn’t his fault, and Kaiden knew he did his best to cover it and that most people couldn’t even detect it. But with his sense of smell, it was all Kaiden could do some days to stand near him. 
Making his way to the doorway, he raised an unimpressed brow at the spectacle. 
“For the last time if you don’t put your nasty tentacles away I’ll make you.” Bonnie snarled. 
She had been up for at least an hour, seeing as her hair was in a presentable state as opposed to a frizzy rats nest. Headband keeping the orange strands in place, he glanced at the mirror to find her- surprise surprise- glaring at Drake. 
For his part, the Nergling remained understandably unimpressed by such sentiments as he sipped his coffee. Politely ignoring her, he continued getting ready, his tentacles handling trivial things such as brushing his hair and pulling up his pants as he reserved his hands for more important things, such as his caffeine intake. 
“Mornin’, Drake.”
The one holding up his hoodie perked up at seeing Kaiden. Drake whipped his head around to see his brother yawn, fangs flashing.
“Kay! Well this is a surprise!” He said in delight, handing over his cup to a tentacles, empty-handed now that his pants had been taken care of. “Normally you try and sleep the day away.”
“You mean hide away in his room.” Bonnie frowned suspiciously at her eldest brother.  
“Good morning to you too Bonnie, see you’ve woken up on the wrong side of the bed per norm.” He resisted the urge to slip into his customer service mode as he remembered something helpful. Sipping his coffee, he leaned in the door way, nodding to Drake. “Hey, do you still have that theater brunch thing at the Diner this weekend?”
“Uh- yeah.” Eyebrows flying up, Drake tilted his head in confusion, expression as exaggerated as ever. His tentacles paused, turning towards Kaiden. “It’s in an hour, why?”
Yeah Kay, why? He wasn’t really sure if it was KD or Kaiden chastising him. Swirling the dregs of his coffee, he scrambled for an answer that would keep him busy.  
“If you want I can drop you off-” Kaiden internally cringed as Drake lit up. 
“REALLY?!” Kicking himself, he watched him buzz with happiness. Fluttering around the bathroom, retreating tentacles knocked Bonnie into the counter. 
He was worse than a puppy with the zoomies.
Why on earth is he so excited for a ride on his bike? Marveling, Kaiden blinked wide eyed as Drake made incomprehensible noises. It was too early for this- and yet he had signed himself right on for it. 
Bonnie, for her part seethed. Smacking the tentacles out of her face, she crossed her arms, scarlet irises glaring up at him in spite of the step stool. 
“Since when do you offer rides on your stupid bike?” She asked bluntly, crinkling her nose.
God why can’t she be stupid? KD griped as Kaiden scrambled for an excuse. Luckily, he didn’t have too.
“Shut up!” Drake hissed at her. With an irritated huff, he continued, poking her in the chest. “It’ not stupid it’s dashing!”
Kaiden raised an eyebrow as Drake turned back towards him, continuing as though the exchange didn’t happen. 
“I would LOVE a ride.” Flashing a sharp smile, he glanced at his hoodie. “I just need to find the proper jacket!” 
With a giggle, he... there wasn’t another word for it, scampered off to exchange his clothes, nearly tripping on BLT in his rush.
“Sorry baby girl!”
Scratching his head, Kaiden watched Drake disappear into his room, clothes being flung out into the hall way.  
“He is way to excited for 5 minute drive.” he deadpanned, before glancing at Bonnie, who continued her death glare. 
In spite of the concrete slab of dread settling in the pits of his stomach at the oncoming drive, he smiled at her around his mug. 
“Now, now, Bon Bon, don’t be jealous.” Her glare intensified as she began to sputter in outrage. Waving to her dismissively as he walked down the hall, he smirked. “Green isn’t a flattering color on you after all.”
“I am NOT jealous.” Stomping her foot, her stool toppled out from under her with a clatter. Yelping as she hit the ground, she scowled at the doorway as both her brothers chorused.
“This is why you don’t stomp on your step stool.”
“Oh when I get my growth spurt.” she muttered, pushing herself back up. 
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Leave No One Behind
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Ch5: Doggy Style Co written with @icanfeelastormbrewing​
Episode Summary: Everyone at the resort feels the aftermath of the blow up from the night before…and they welcome a new member to the team.
Episode Warnings: Bad Language words. Tiny bit of smut via flashback- like blink and you miss it (NSFW no under18s)
 Episode Pairings:  Ari Levinson x OFC Hannah Horowitz 
  Leave No One Behind Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 4
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 When Hannah woke up the following morning her eyes were swollen and sore from crying. She winced at the rays of sun that hit her mercilessly and shut her eyes again as she stretched and sat up on her bed. Her head was pounding and she didn't feel like seeing anyone that morning, she was pissed at everyone. Well not everyone. Rachel and Jake hadn't wronged her in any way since they had met. On the contrary, Rachel had been the sister she had never had, her only girl friend in a place brimming with testosterone in a country hostile to women. She’d sat with Hannah, comforting her for a while the previous night, rubbing her back and calming her down till she had stopped sobbing. And Jake had been nothing but friendly and kind with her, he had made her laugh and had showed her the wonders of Red Sea bottom
 The revelation of what Andy had done had sideswiped her greatly. Maybe that out of everything was what had hurt her more and what was worse, there was nothing she could do about it no matter how angry she felt, no face to punch either. She knew she had to move forwards and that there was no point dwelling in the past because as her mama always said, You can't change the past, but you can make your future. And she was determined to follow her mother's wise words but, that said, she still was ready to kill someone along the way. Starting with Sammy and she would probably have killed Andy too if he was there. She certainly wanted to rip Max's tongue off and feed it to the fish. And then there was Ari. Ari ... well, where to even start with that?
She pushed her evil thoughts aside as she got up and pulled a pair of shorts and a top. She brushed her teeth and headed out, deciding to go for a walk before taking a shower. She strolled in the kitchen and grabbed herself a coffee, greeting Rachel good morning and blatantly ignoring Max, who was eating toast. 
"Don't you forget I need you to help me with the aerobics class, Han." Rachel reminded Hannah, looking between her and Max.
"Sure. I'll be back on time." Hannah said as she took her mug and headed off down the shore.
She walked mindlessly for five minutes, enjoying the early morning sea breeze and the calming feeling of the beach sand under her feet and between her toes. The walk took her to her favourite spot just where the shore curved round the bay. It was a huge crop of rocks which were ideal for sitting in between and hiding. It was almost like a little cave, her cave, with two large rocks either side and a flat one which formed a sort of roof. It reminded her of a dolmen, ideal for sitting under and cleansing one's mind and spirit.
She was lost in her thoughts, dwelling on how she was determined to take the reins of her own life from that moment on and fuck the world, as her eyes scanned the ocean in front of her. Then, suddenly, something cold, then warm and wet nudged her hand. She gave a little yell and jumped as she thought it had been a jellyfish. But she didn't feel any itching or irritation, so she then thought it must have been some sort of fish or eel, something that was washed up.
Not that it was a more comforting thought.
Hannah looked around and saw a small, hairless dog cowering in the inner corner of the cave. Or at least it looked like a dog. She approached the animal cautiously to verify it was indeed a dog and not some other random form of life and was pleased to see her initial identification was correct. 
"Hey puppy." she said gently, holding her hand out.
The dog was tentative. He looked at her hand but didn't move a muscle so she stayed still allowing him time to move and sniff her and then his tail gave a small wag and she reached out to scratch his ear. The dog then wagged his tail a little stronger.
"I like you too, buddy." Hannah said softly, smiling at him. 
At the sound of her voice the dog came nearer and put his paws on her legs, wagging his tail before he sat down close next to her, his head resting against her legs. She noticed then the dog needed a bit of patching up as he had a few wounds over its back. He must have been a stray dog living in the cave, she thought, and she had intruded his safe place.
She drank her coffee in silence with the dog beside her. Then she got up and headed to the resort in order to take a shower and help Rachel with the damned aerobics class, but when she looked down she realised the dog had followed her instead of staying behind his home. Her mind travelled then to Cocoa, the dog they had as a kid. A chocolate Labrador who used to growl at Sammy whenever he was teasing her or messed with her dolls. Cocoa used to follow her all over, he was like her shadow and had never let her down. Of course he hadn't because dogs are better than people. They're loyal, which is not something many people at the resort could claim.
And that was that, she was keeping the dog. She made up her mind there and then. This dog had appeared when she most needed something to rely on and maybe he needed her too.
 When Hannah entered the resort, followed by the dog, everyone was sat on a table at the patio, before the guests awoke fully and the busy hours of the day began.
 "Oh my God! Whose dog is this? Hi fella?" Rachel said, immediately spotting the dog.
 "Suppose he’s mine now." Hannah shrugged as she took a seat next to Jake and left the coffee mug on the table.  "Found him on the beach...or he found me."
"We're not keeping a dog...are you keeping him? Seriously?" Sammy asked, raising her voice with every question.
Hannah merely glared at him, she didn't say a word. She turned to Rachel instead before saying "I think I might keep him.”
Simon then pottered over to Max, sitting down beside him, his ears forward, looking at his food.
"The dog wants my food." Max deadpanned.
"Give him some then." Hannah said, rolling her eyes.
Max hesitated before grabbing some beef bacon from Ari's plate and gave it to the dog.
"The dog wanted your food not mine." Ari protested, before taking a sip from his coffee.
He looked at the dog as he wolfed it down and then jumped up, paws on Max's leg, tail wagging so hard his butt was moving.
 "Hey!  He likes me." Max chimed.
"He is kinda cute..hey buddy..." Jake said as he gave a sharp whistle and fed him a slice of toast.
"There's some leftover chicken in the fridge..." Rachel offered, seeing as the dog would guzzle all their breakfast if they let him.
 "Oh, cool, he's hungry...poor thing..." Hannah said standing up.
She slapped her leg and the dog followed her unconditionally.
Once she was gone Sammy started his usual campaign against anything new.
"She can't keep him." he groaned.
"She's so keeping it." Jake snorted.
Ari who was now smoking a cigarette, his left arm leaning on the chair's back, asked "Why can't he stay?"
 "He reminds me of Ethan...no hair" Max joked, with his signature grin. Rachel slapped him on the back of his head and everyone bar Sammy snorted.
"Seriously, Ari, she can't keep it. We're on a mission." Sammy tried again.
"You fucking tell her then..." Ari growled, not bothering to look at him.
"Chill out, it's only a dog. And what's wrong with you two?" Jake asked, looking between Sammy and Ari.  "You're throwing daggers at each other."  He then turned to Max "And you, you're being weird too."
Ari decided then he had had enough and stubbed out his cigarette on the ashtray. He too was pissed at Sammy and Max and wasn't in the mood to answer any of Jake's questions whatsoever.  "I'm going for a run." he said as he got up.
"Yeah. Get the fuck out of here..." Sammy snarled.
Ari stopped on his tracks and glared at him "I'm going now before I punch YOU in the jaw...and you wanna upset your sister again, be my guest, because I can't and I won't."
"Yeah, you've never been able to say no to her have you, Ari?" Sammy raised his voice again.  
“Ok, what have I missed?" Jake asked, his eyes darting between Sammy, Max and Rachel.
Ari just shot Sammy another glare, more like a death stare, thinking how he would love to drag him over the table and smash his face in.  But he simply left, his hands turning into fists.
 "Just leave it" Max whispered, leaning over Jake.
The first guests started appearing in the dining room just as Rachel switched seamlessly into Angela, welcoming them. Max, Jake and Sammy stood up and cleared the table they had been having breakfast at. Hannah came back, the dog on her tail after having been fed and patched up, and greeted the guests in a perfect Spanish accent. 
 "Buenos días" she said to the woman she had spoken Spanish to the day before, and then ignored everyone and headed to her hut. 
Just as she was about to reach her door she bumped into Ari as he emerged from his in his running gear complete with Walkman.
"Sorry firefly didn't see you..." Ari apologised.
"It's ok, I was distracted..." she said softly, taking him in but not daring to look him in the eyes.
Ari was in no better position and ran his hand through his hair struggling for words while she checked him out. And suddenly the dog jumped up at him.
"Hey pal..." Ari kneeled down to gently pat the puppy's head and scratch him behind his ears.
"Think he likes you." Hannah said, giving him a small smile.
Ari looked up, and saw Hannah was smiling, and he'd be damned if it wasn't a genuine smile. His eyes locked on hers for a second before he looked back at the dog who was now licking his face. 
"Where did you find him?" he asked softly.
"My rocks." she said, pointing to the curve of the bay. Ari squinted his eyes and then he spotted the place she was pointing out. "I think I might call him Simon."
Ari laughed at the random name. "Simon?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. Hannah shrugged and just then he let out a snort as he realised "Still hoping Simon Le Bon is gonna come rescue you?"
"Well if you can't have Simon Le Bon, Simon Le Bone will do. What do you think, buddy?" Hannah cooed, bending to give him scratches.
"A substitute for the real thing?" Ari quipped. He sensed Hannah was in good spirits and decided it was worth giving a shot.
"Well, we don't always get what we want." she replied, looking up back at him.
Ari swallowed, remembering the dream he had had the other night and her saying those exact words to him on her 21st. His face then fell and though he tried to collect himself quickly Hannah noticed.
"What's wrong?" she asked, studying him.
"Nothing Firefly, just....I'm sorry." he answered quietly.
"Yeah, you said." she shrugged as she looked down at the dog who was now rolling on the sand. She looked back at Ari and could see the pain was still in his eyes even though he had rearranged his face. She swallowed before admitting "I'm sorry too, Lobo."
"What for?" he frowned. Now, that was a surprise.
"Being so angry at you...I know you're hurting too." she looked into his eyes, just to check they were still in turmoil.
Ari couldn't find the words, he didn't think he deserved her forgiveness. He knew he didn't. The only thing he could come up with was looking at her shrugging before stepping forward and in an automatic response, hugging her. He didn't even think about the possibility of her rejecting his touch, even his nearness. But, surprisingly, she rested her head against his chest as his hands gently rubbed at her back and he decided in a bold movement to kiss her head and whisper into her hair "I'm so sorry, Han."
"I know." she whispered back.
They stood there until a moment later she pulled back and wiped her eyes "Look I have to help Rachel with the tourists. Can you keep an eye on Simon?"
 "So we're actually calling him that?" Ari snorted.
"We?" Hannah asked, arching her eyebrow.
Ari simply smiled "I've got you on this, I like him."
"Let me guess, the others want him to go." Hannah asked him, crossing her arms over her chest.
"No, just Sammy." Ari confessed. But just as the words left her mouth he internally face palmed himself realising he may have just made it worse between the siblings.
"Well Sammy can jump. I'm done letting him take things from me." she said, her eyes burning with determination.
Ari saw her open her mouth to say something, but she shut it almost instantly as she apparently had changed her mind and after a few seconds she spoke again "I don't think there's anything on this afternoon, do you wanna take me into Port Sudan? Simon's gonna need some stuff if he is staying, I was gonna go diving but..."
Ari's mind went directly to Jake and his diving experience the previous day and blurted out  "No!" and noticed Hannah's surprised expression before correcting himself "I mean, yeah, I'll take you...sure."
"Thanks, so you're ok watching him whilst I help Rachel?" she checked.
Ari looked at the dog who glanced up at him, tongue lolling out before replying "Sure Firefly."
Ari was in the dining area, reading the American paper they got once a week if they were lucky, with Simon led by his feet when Sammy walked in. 
"Oh fuck me..." he said, stopping when he spotted the dog.
Ari looked at him, deciding if it was worth trying to speak to him or if he was actually in the mood to do so when Simon sat up and growled at Sammy.
"Oh look at that..." Ari grinned "He doesn't like you either."
"Fuck you Ari..." Sammy rolled his eyes "She convinced you, didn't she?"
"The dog stays, Sammy." Ari said sternly, his eyes on the newspaper.
"She did." Sammy said, shaking his head as he scoffed.
"Like I said, the dog stays." Ari looked at him again. "End of discussion."
"You're an idiot." Sammy spat.
"It's just a dog Sammy." Ari sighed "What's the issue?"
"You really can't say no to her can you?" Sammy asked as a response to Ari's question.
"Again Sammy?" Ari groaned as Sammy glared at him.
"Don't even think of getting near her again Ari." Sammy threatened him.
"Fuck off Sammy." Ari bit back feeling his temper fray as he stood up and stormed out of the dining area, pushing past Sammy and headed towards the beach, Simon following him. 
He nearly missed Max who was about to walk in the door and moved out of the way of Ari and looked at Sammy puzzled before saying "Wow, everyone loves you today, don't they?"
"Oh shut up Max." Sammy rolled his eyes and walked into the resort.
"Yeah, that's what I should have done." he muttered. He looked at Ari who was now walking down towards the ocean and turned to follow him.
"Ari..." he called, "Wait up buddy."
Ari stopped and turned and saw Simon ran towards Max as he stood with his hands on his hips, waiting for the man to reach his side.
"Yeah, I ain't got no food now pal...you ate it all.”
Ari called Simon by his name to stop bothering Max and Max looked at him "Simon? Let me guess, Duran Duran..."
"You know Hannah." Ari snorted "Simon Le Bone, meet Max...or Irving...he's Maltese..."
"Le Bone?" Max laughed "Good call..."
"Yeah I thought so too." Ari smiled.
"Look, Ari.I want to apologise. I swear when I told Andy well, I didn't think he would go and do that..." Max spoke, looking at him shyly.
"Well, he did." Ari shrugged.  "But it doesn't matter anymore."
"Doesn't it?" Max asked. Not believing for a moment his leader was going to let him get away with it. But Ari just sighed. "I know you Ari, and I know Hannah too." Max insisted.
"Well, in that case why don't you tell me if it matters or not then Max?" Ari asked, a little tetchy.
"You know it does Ari." Max shrugged and patted him on the shoulder. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry man."  he added before leaving.
Ari breathed out and looked down at Simon before muttering "Everyone's fuckin' sorry... Well, except Sammy that is."
Simon just looked at him. The dog hadn't got a clue of what was going on so he happily headed down to the ocean, sticking his paws in the water. 
Ari drove the truck down the main road heading towards Port Sudan. Neither of them were talking much, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. Both of them were glad to get away from the atmosphere that had descended on the Red Sea Diving resort, even if they were partially responsible for it despite that not being totally their fault.
Hannah was simply looking out of the window, every so often taking something in, an interesting landmark, an animal, whatever it was they passed by. Her passenger side window was opening, causing the strands of hair that had fallen loose from her bun to blow around her face. Ari stole a glance at her, taking in her profile, smiling softly to himself thinking it was probably a good job her eyes were covered by her shades because he really should be focussed on the road…
“Why are you looking at me Ari?” Hannah questioned as she turned to face him. He hastily averted his attention to the road as he gave her a sheepish smile.
"Was just thinking, it’s been a while since we've been alone in a car." he said, his elbow leaning on the door frame.
"Yeah well this ain’t gonna end the same way as the last time that happened." she said taking a deep breath as she looked back out of the window.
"What do you mean?" Ari frowned.
She turned to look at him "You forgotten that night after the McDonalds drive through?"
Ari tossed the scrunched up cheeseburger wrapper into the paper bag as Hannah did the same, before he turned and dropped the trash into the rear foot well of his chevvy behind his seat. Hannah reached over for her coke, taking a large drink as she glanced out of the window.
“So tell me, mi Lobo…did you park this far away from everyone else for a reason?” she asked, turning to him.
“Firefly, I resent that accusation…” he said, shifting slightly so he was side on in his seat, facing her, one arm sneaking round the back of her headrest.
“You’re so full of shit…” she looked at him, and he arched an eyebrow.
“Ok, you got me…” he said, his other hand falling to her thigh just above where her long, over-knee socks finished “I just wanted to make sure no one dented the car…” She let out a laugh and he grinned, leaning over and pressing his lips to hers, his hand sliding up over her skin and under the hem of her tartan mini skirt.
“Been driving me crazy sat in the theatre next to you, wearing this…” he muttered into her mouth, as his fingers reached the top of her thighs. She let out a soft moan as she shifted slightly, his hand gently skating over her panty clad core. “I wasn’t concentrating much on the movie.”
“Kinda the point…” she whispered, his eyes locking onto hers.
“You know you give off this sweet, little innocent girl vibe when really you’re nothing but fucking minx…” he mumbled, his lips crashing onto hers as his fingers moved her underwear to one side and he found her hot and wet and so fucking ready. It hadn’t taken him long, as his fingers coaxed her gently he nipped at her neck, lavishing her with the praise and soft dirty talk she loved and just as she’d let out a soft cry of his name and arched her back as she came, wrapping her hand around his wrist, there was a sharp banging on the window which startled them both enough for Ari to jerk upwards, cracking his head on the roof of his car.
“Fuck!”  he said, massaging his head before he moved as Hannah straightened her clothing and he wound his window down.  
“Officer…” he greeted the Cop who looked at him, then to Hannah, then to the back of the car and Ari glanced around, spotting for the first time that the windows had misted up. “We were errr…” “I know exactly what you were doing…” The officer looked at him “Take it home kids.”
“Kids…” Ari scoffed, watching him go. “I’m twenty-fucking-eight!”
Hannah laughed, “Must be your boyish good looks Lobo…”
“I’m not a boy, as well you know Firefly…” he shot her a look as he readjusted his pants and turned on the ignition to the car.
“Awww, would it make you feel better if I stroked your ego and told you that you were all man?” “You can stroke somethin’…” he quipped, shooting her a dirty grin as he pulled out of the parking lot and she laughed, and turned those blue eyes on him as they flashed in the dim street lighting.
“Well take me home and I will.” Yeah, he remembered that very well. And thanks to that memory, his not so little problem from yesterday morning was well on it’s way to reappearing.
"Well, I imagine with the sand and the dust around the place, getting the windows as steamy as we did then would be a challenge." he said, clearing his throat.
Hannah gave a laugh "We nearly got arrested.”
“Why break the habit of a lifetime, sweetheart?” he laughed and Hannah shook her head as her chuckles subsided and she once more fell silent.
Ari glanced at her again before he turned his eyes back to the road. It wasn’t long after that, 2 nights in fact, that following the Surgery Inauguration Party Sammy had turned up on his doorstep and punched him in the jaw, warning him off. Lost in his own thought, he nearly missed the almost whisper from Hannah a little while later when she spoke again.
"Thank you."
Ari frowned "What for firefly?"
"For backing me up with Simon." she turned to look at him.
“Like, shall I count the amount of times you backed me up since we came here?" 
"I backed you up those times Lobo because you were right." she shrugged.
"Yeah, well and so were you about Simon." he said simply, his eyes back on the road.
"Well thanks anyway..."
"You're welcome Han. Besides, I kinda like him." he said, smiling at her.
At that she gave a snort "Sammy doesn't."
Ari rubbed at his eye, “Sammy doesn't like anyone, well not at the moment."
She let out a cheeky laugh, before she grinned and Ari looked at her again "That's part of the reason I wanted to keep him." she said, drawing a loud laugh from him.
Jake entered the reception area in his diving gear and was about to say something but shut it closed when he realised only Rachel and Jake were there sorting some schedule for the following day.
"Where the hell is Hannah?" he asked them, his hands on his hips.
"She went with Ari to Port Sudan." Rachel deadpanned without taking her eyes from the folder.
"What the fuck?” Jake cursed, making both Rachel and Max lift their eyes to look at him. "I was gonna take her diving..."
Not missing the whiney tone to his voice, Max vaulted over the reception counter and put an arm round Jake "Come on man, I'll tell you a story..."
They walked towards the seafront part of the resort, the dog behind them. Hannah had instructed Max to babysit Simon while she was away. In fact her exact words had been to take care of her puppy and keep it as far away from Sammy as possible. As long as he didn't turn his whiney bitch mode on, in which case Max was fully allowed to unleash the dog on Sammy having been told by Ari about his little growling incident before. 
Max explained to Jake everything he needed to know about the big fuck up that had taken place nearly nine years before and which was still altering their lives. Jake listened carefully, slack-jawed as he ran a hand over his face from time to time.
"Whoaa, talk about a fucked up story." was all Jake could muster as realisation of what had been happening in front of his own eyes hit him. "So, Ari and Hanna..." he trailed and Max nodded in reply.
Then they abruptly stopped talking realizing Simon was gone. They looked around, turning and walking frantically, searching for the dog but he was nowhere to be seen.
“Cracker is so gonna kill us…” Max groaned as they ran back to the resort. "Have any of you seen the dog? We can't find him." he asked, bending over his body and panting as they emerged into the reception area.
"What?" Rachel shrieked.
"We got distracted for a minute and bam, he gone. We lost him." Jake explained as he tried to steady his breathing.
"What the fuck do you mean you lost him?" Rachel asked fuming. "Find him.  Now!"
"Yeah, you better do it fast before mama bear comes back and rips your head off." Sammy snorted. He would be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying the show Dumb and Dumber were putting on.
"Yeah mama bear and wolf daddy." Max laughed.
Both Sammy and Jake glared at Max.
"Let's have a look around the buildings." Jake said, still pissed at Max's comment. He hadn't forgotten the fact that Hannah had bailed on him. That said, he was still quite fond of his head so didn’t want to give her any excuse to be pissed at him, so together they headed out looking for the dog at the front side of the resort but there wasn't any trace of him there either.
 "You know it's a stray..." Jake sighed "He could have just fucked off home..."
"Yeah, I think he did...look" Max said, pointing to Simon who was stood outside Hannah's hut just like he was chilling. He looked at them, his ears pricking up, almost in a greeting. Yo guys. 
 "Fucking dog." Jake hissed.
They tried calling him to them, both relieved, but the dog showed no intention of moving from his spot. He just observed the two sweaty men looking at him with squinting eyes and their hands on their hips.
"If he's waiting for Hannah, he won't move." Jake said. "Unless..." and he turned to look at Max with a hopeful grin.
So Max rushed to the kitchen to fetch some food for the dog and quickly came back, showing it to him. Simon then got up and headed over to Max wagging his tail.
"Like, if this is Hannah and Ari's kid..." Jake snorted "Does this make Sammy his uncle?" he asked as Max fed the dog.
 "Grumpy uncle..." Max snorted, looking at Jake.
"Then you must be food uncle..." Jake offered and Max grinned satisfied with his title. “What am I?”
“Shit shirt uncle?” Max quipped, as Jake shot him a look before the three of them headed back to the main building.
Ari had to hand it to Hannah, she hadn’t lost a shred of that tenacity she’d possessed years ago. She was currently stood in a little pet shop on the high street describing Simon to the man behind the counter. The guy spoke really bad English, but had given a yell to someone who had wandered through from the back, who was now attempting to translate.
“No, no hair…” Hannah was saying “Grey, with pink patches…big ears.” “Ahhh…nem, nem!” The man said, and he hurried out from behind the counter and gestured for Hannah to follow him. Ari watched as she did, and he pulled a book from one of the shelves and thumbed through until he found the page.
“Yeah!” Hannah grinned, giving him a thumbs up “Sukran…” The man beamed and nodded, leaving her with the book whilst he went to ring up the total for the dog bowls, the basket bed, food, collar and leash Hannah had picked out.
“You find him?” Ari asked.
“Yup.” she said, as he looked over her shoulder at the page. “He’s an Abyssinian Sand Terrier, also known as an African Hairless dog…” “Sand Terrier is much better.” Ari said, “Makes him sound much more mysterious…” “Says here they are fearless, loyal and willing to please…” Hannah mused.
“Sounds like someone I know.” Ari quipped and Hannah looked at him, rolling her eyes with a small smile on her face as she closed the book on Dog Breeds and placed it back on the shelf. She moved to the counter and pulled out her purse but Ari gently placed his hand on hers and shook his head.
“I’ll get it…” “Ari, no,it’s…” “I’m gonna ring it through on expenses.” Ari grinned “He’s a guest after all…” She looked at him before she shrugged “Good luck explaining that to Ethan.” “I think Ethan would like him, like Max said, they both have the same amount of hair.” Hannah laughed and Ari grinned and he paid the man, giving him a tip as a thanks for his help before they gathered the things and headed back to the car. They placed the stuff in the back and Hannah went to the passenger side to climb in, but Ari stopped her when he spoke.
“Whilst we’re here, why don’t we head to the Souk and then the market? I’m not in any particular rush to get back…that is unless you want to?” “No, a walk sounds good.” She smiled, her hands shifting to the scarf that was round her head, making sure it was adjusted properly.
Together they made their way through the relatively busy dusty street and found themselves in a large market place, which led in turn to smaller alleys off which the found the various Souks and Bazars. Ari allowed Hannah to direct, as they spent a bit of time looking at the clothing and the jewellery, a particular piece caught Ari’s attention due to the shape but before he could say anything Hannah’s focus was on a perfume stall which seemed like you could basically mix your own. After smelling a few components, some nice, some really not, they wandered back to the market place and there they spent a little more time at the food stalls. It was fun, they walked around, taking the free samples of the local breads, cheeses, meats and fruits they were offered along with pastries and sauces and dips…and once they’d decided what they liked at Ari’s suggestion they picked up a selection as a treat for the team later when they settled down for their usual end of day chat and drinks. Ari felt encouraged when Hannah agreed, that she was amenable to actually being round a table with Max and Sammy gain gave him hope that she was feeling a little less hostile towards the pair of them.
On their way back they passed a local café and Hannah stopped and asked Ari if they could grab a drink. Given that they’d been in the heat and sun most of the afternoon he conceded it was probably a good idea and they settled at a table, Ari lighting up a cigarette as they drank some form of sweet, iced tea. Hannah made some joke about how Max would be pissed about missing out on free food samples and Ari grinned, agreeing. For the most part, however, he was silent, simply letter her talk as he was happy she was relaxing and the Firefly he knew was coming back to him. It wasn’t just that though, his mind was clouding a little as she was stirring deep feelings, emotions he had been trying to ignore since she admitted the other night that she had loved him.
It had shocked him, it truly had. As it was something that neither of them had ever said to one another, they’d never admitted to the feelings being that strong.
And now he was kicking himself for not doing so when he had the chance.
Mind you, to do so he would have had to have admitted it to himself and at the time he hadn’t. The old adage of not knowing what you had till it was gone had never been more apt.
“We should probably go if we want to get back to help with Dinner Service” Hannah said softly, glancing at her watch “Damned it…is that the right time?”
She held her wrist out and Ari then glanced at his and shook his head “No, it’s short by 30 minutes…”
She groaned “I only set it again this morning. Think it’s on its way out. Mind you, what do you expect when it only costs you 5 bucks huh?” “So it’s not a real Tag?” Ari raised an eyebrow, teasing and she gave him a look of mock indignance.
“That is a genuine fake I’ll have you know, Lobo.” she snorted before she sighed “I’ll get one, one day.”
Ari tossed down some money, thanked the guy who had served them and they headed back to the truck. As they made their way back, the sun was starting to dip, and with it Hannah’s mood as the closer they got to the Resort, the more withdrawn she started to get again.
"Do you regret it?" she suddenly blurted out.
"What?" he frowned.
"Regret being with me all those years ago?"
“Hannah…” he sighed “Why do you keep doing this to yourself? Raking over it all…” “Because I don’t understand Ari.” She looked at him, “Before on the beach, when you said you were sorry…I just wonder sometimes if...” she trailed off, “It doesn’t matter, forget it.” “It clearly does matter.” Ari said, his voice carrying a level of frustration. “Spit it out.” “If I’d have told you I loved you, back then, would it have made a difference? Would you have fought harder?”
Ari took a deep breath. "Han I hate the way we ended, I really do...and it tears me apart thinking about why it happened and there's a part of me that will never forgive Sammy for what he did, but he did it because he thought he was protecting you, and I know that doesn’t make it ok..." He cut her protests off before she could launch into another rant about her brother, continuing as he attempted to get his point across. “But I knew he was right. I wasn’t good for you. I was a selfish asshole, still am according to you remember?”
“I shouldn’t’ have said that…” she dropped her gaze to her hands which were clasped in her lap.
“But you’re right.” he shrugged “So I didn’t fight because I believed what Sammy was saying, I still do in some ways but do I regret anything that happened between us? No, not a damned second and I’d do it all again in a heartbeat.”
His words hit Hannah like a lightning bolt as she turned everything over in her mind. Over the course of less than 3 days she’d gone from believing that Ari had left because things were getting too serious for him and that he had gotten what he wanted and so cast her aside, to then believing that he had in fact been warned off by her brother and didn't fight because he didn't care enough but now she truly understood. He actually believed everything that Sammy had said. He genuinely thought he wasn’t good enough for her. So had done what in his mind was right, broken her heart to save it in the long term.
“I suppose it worked out for you in the end.” she said gently “You found Sarah, had Maya.”
Ari sighed “Yeah, and I wouldn’t change any of that in the world…but you know, you got Andy…”
He instantly knew he had said the wrong thing as her face darkened again and she looked out of the window.
"Han, don't be too angry at him..." he pressed.
"Angry? I'm fucking furious Ari.” she turned to him, tears in her eyes “I feel betrayed...like...well, my entire relationship happened because he broke us up. It’s like the whole thing was a fucking sham." 
"Don't say that." Ari shook his head "You loved him Hannah, and he did what he did for a reason. He loved you."
"Well I loved someone else back then." she wiped at her face "And he hardly knew me either at that point so he didn't have a right to do anything. It's like he saw me as some prize to be won in some fucked up competition"
“Hey, come on…” he reached out for her left hand which had fallen to her knee and he gave it a quick squeeze “I know it hurts, and I know you’re angry but everyone did what they did because they thought it was right.” “It should have been my choice though Ari.” she looked at him, shaking her head “And you all took that choice away from me whether you meant to or not.” “I know, and I’m sorry…” “I know, I know.” she said softly “And I believe you, I do…” she took a deep breath and she shook her head “Suppose you’re right…not like we can change any of it anyway, unless you’re hiding a TARDIS somewhere...” “Sorry Firefly, you’re The Doctor not me.” She looked at him, before her face creased up and she let out a huge howl of laughter.
Thankfully, the conversation took a lighter turn, Ari getting the impression that Hannah was as tired of being angry and bitter about things as he was and he hoped that she was ready to stop torturing herself over the past. He hated seeing her so upset and withdrawn.
Eventually they got to the resort and once the car had stopped, Hannah climbed out and grinned as Simon came trotting over to greet them, his tail wagging furiously. As Hannah stooped to greet him, Ari was pondering at how the dog seemed to actually be that bonded with her already considering she had found him only that morning, when his attention went to Sammy and Rachel who were emerging from the side entrance.
“Where the hell have you been? You've been gone for hours.”
"Hello to you too Sammy..." Ari rolled his eyes
"I didn't realise we were being timed" Hannah stood up and folded her arms. "Did I miss my curfew?" she asked sarcastically. "Ignore him." Rachel shot Sammy a look before she walked towards the truck where Hannah was now reaching into the back for the bags.
"Gladly" Hannah mumbled. Rachel took one of the bags from her, looking inside and immediately started cooing over the stuff they had bought, informing them that it looked great. Hannah started to tell her all about the fabrics and the perfumes at the souks as they walked inside, Simon mooching behind them.
Ari watched them go, ignoring Sammy and then smiling at Jake who had also emerged to help.
“Need a hand?”
“Yeah…thanks.” Ari said as Jake grabbed the bag of dog biscuits. Ari tossed the smaller pet items into the basket before he removed it from the truck, shutting the door with his hip. He nodded at Max who was leaning in the doorway eating a sandwich as he entered the resort.
“Where do you want this Firefly?” he asked. She turned to face him and placed the bag she was carrying down, fishing in her pocket.
“Can you take them to my hut?” “Sure.” She crossed towards him, placed the key in the basket he was carrying and he gave her a smile as he headed back outside and down to the hut that was 2 along from his. Unlocking the door he walked inside, placed the basket on her bed and stood up, taking a quick look around. The familiar vanilla notes he associated with her surrounded him and he simply took a deep breath before he turned to go, which was when he noticed that there was frame on her bed side table which was face down. He knew he shouldn’t look, but he couldn’t help himself and he gently picked it up. It was a photo of her and Andy in her Mama’s garden. Hannah was sat on his knee, smiling at the camera as Andy gently kissed her cheek. Fuck, she’d really, really taken what the man had done badly.
Captain fucking obvious, Levinson….
He understood where she was coming from, he really did, but she’d been happy with Andy. He had been a good guy, what he had done was selfish but he wasn’t a selfish man, not by nature…hell, he’d given his own life to save Ari’s…but as he stood there, Ari suddenly started to wonder whether there had been more to that. Had Andy felt some sort of guilt?
No, no. It had been a split, in the moment decision, one any agent would do for another. That was all.
Not wanting to think about it anymore, he replaced the photo so that it wouldn’t appear to have been moved and left, locking the door behind him and heading back to the dining area.
As usual everyone chipped in to help serve dinner to the guests, and then that was it. Their duties over for the day and they were free to do what they wanted. As the Guests started to thin out, either heading to the beach or to their huts the staff-slash-agents retreated to a table outside with a bottle of wine and the stuff Ari and Hannah had brought back. The chat was easy and it was comfortable, which Ari was thankful for. Rachel, in her full Angela role informed them they were booked now until the start of April, at which point Ari, or Guy, nodded and suggested that might be a good time to go scouting again for more diving locations…in other words, their next mission. They all nodded, and he agreed he would clear it upon his trip back to the US (Israel) to chat to their sponsors (Ethan).
“Well, before we go scouting anywhere…” Max spoke, in his Irving voice “It’s Rosa’s 30th…” There were subdued cheers around the table, and Hannah groaned.
“Don’t remind me…” she said, her accent impeccable as always.
“You know we should throw a party…” Sammy said “A proper beach one, like they do back home, in Aus…” Hannah looked at him, and then shook her head. Rachel looked at her “Oh come on!” “A party could be fun, Red.” Jake grinned at her and she sighed.
“Fine, but I am not going naked diving.” she pointed at him “Regardless of whether it’s a birthday tradition in the diving world…” “Isn’t that a 100th Dive Tradition?” Ari looked at Jake, raising an eyebrow. Jake shrugged, mischievously.
“You lying bastard!” Hannah scoffed, slapping his arm. Jake grinned and she shook her head.
“And on that note, I’m calling it a night.” he yawned “I have a double diving tour tomorrow morning.”
“Yeah, I should really sort some paper work too, ready for the check out tomorrow.” Rachel said, as they both stood up. Jake bid them all goodnight and Rachel headed into the resort, presumably to the office just behind the reception desk. Hannah watched as Sammy’s eyes trailed after her for a second before he too sighed and said he was heading to bed leaving Max, Hannah and Ari at the table. Hannah glanced down at Simon who sat up at the commotion, cocking his head to the side, his blue collar settled on his neck.
“Think I’ll take Simon for a little walk before bed” she rose from her seat. “Night boys.” “Good night Cracker.” Max smiled.
“Night.” Ari nodded and with that she left.
Ari watched her walk off down the sand. Simon trotting at her heels. The loose, pale yellow top she was wearing blew slightly in the breeze as she walked, barefoot and bare legged thanks to those navy blue shorts…
He turned to Max, the two of them striking up a conversation about Port Sudan, until Ari suddenly interrupted, unable to get the thought that had sprung up as Hannah walked off out of his mind.
“Think she’ll be ok?” Ari turned to Max. Max simply looked at him. “Hannah, you know, with the military being around…” Max considered Ari for a moment before he leaned forward “Why don’t you go keep an eye on her?”
“No, I don’t think she’d appreciate it.” Ari shook his head.
“She might.” Max shrugged.
Ari looked at him again, before he gave a nod and headed out. He couldn’t see Hannah, but he had a good idea where she would be, he remembered her talking about the cave she had found Simon in, just at the curve of the cove. He made his way over, exhaling cigarette smoke and smiled as he realised he was right when Simon came bounding out from behind a rock to greet him.
 "Hey pal..." he said softly before he stopped at the entrance to the cave.
Hannah looked up at him, giving him a small smile as the dim light sparkled in her eyes.
"This isn't walking Firefly." Ari smiled, leaning against the rocky wall of the cave by the entrance as he looked down at her. 
"I walked here didn't I?" she raised an eyebrow. 
"Want me to leave you alone?" he asked, fully aware she had hidden in there for a reason. He’d got what he wanted, to know she was safe, so he was perfectly happy to let her be.
"You can sit if you want." she shrugged "But you can put that out before you step into my secret den…” He smiled and stubbed his cigarette out before he ducked into the rock cluster, sitting beside her.
“So, what you up to? Actually, no let me guess thinking..." he said and she gave a soft huff, shrugging “You know I meant what I said before, don't you ever wanna switch off your brain and just stop for a while?"
"Yup." she nodded “But it’s never that simple though is it?"
"Nothing is Simple." Ari sighed "I wish it was.
"I managed it for a bit today." Hannah looked at him. "Switching off I mean. When we were in the market and stuff...it was nice."
"Yeah, yeah it was Firefly." he agreed
She looked at him and smiled "I like that."
"You like what?”
"When you call me Firefly, not Hannah or Han."
"You'll always be Firefly to me." he shrugs "Although Hannah is your actual name, so..."
"Sorry, you mean Rosa Maria, Guy.”
Ari chuckled as did she. "I think we needed that" he smiled.
"Needed what?”
"A smile, and a laugh...chance to be away from it all for a little while." he looked at her.
"Maybe, like I said today was nice. Tonight was nice too...things have gone a bit overboard since we came back from the mission."
"You're telling me." He agreed.
They sat in silence for a while, watching the moonlight on the water as a slight gust of wind blew in from the Ocean, ruffling Ari’s hair slightly. He felt Hannah give a little shiver besides him and he looked at her as she tucked her knees into her chest. He hesitated for a second before he passed his arm over her shoulder.
"If I was wearing a jacket I'd offer it to you..." he nodded to the goose-bumps on her arm as explanation for his display of affection, fully expecting her to push him away but she didn’t.
"This is fine." she shrugged "Thanks”
"You're saying that a lot today Firefly." he looked at her before his attention went to Simon who was digging in the sand at the mouth of the cave, his tail wagging furiously.
"Well, you know, mama always told me to give thanks when it’s due so..."
"Good advice" he nodded.
“Seriously though, thank you Ari…” she looked at him for a moment before leaning up and kissing his cheek. 
He turned his head to look at her and her face was so close to his. “You’re welcome” he whispered, swallowing slightly and her eyes flickered down to his lips. It was quick, and had he blinked he would have missed it. But he didn't...and once more he was catapulted back to the night of her 21st outside the club.
The internal conflict that had been raging inside him back then reared once more with vengeance only this time it wasn’t just about Sammy. There was Andy and everything else that had happened over the past few days, and her question from before rang around his head, silencing the voices... 
“If I’d have told you I loved you, back then, would it have made a difference? Would you have fought harder?”
Whilst he couldn’t answer that, because he honestly didn’t know, he did know one thing. He didn’t regret them being together, at all.
“…do I regret anything that happened between us? No, not a damned second I’d do it all again in a heartbeat.”
And he would, one and a million fucking times over regardless of how it worked out, because he'd rather have had her for those few months than never at all.
He was aware she still hadn’t moved, her eyes were bouncing across his, like she was waiting for him to decide what he wanted, what he was going to do…so he did. His lips brushed hers, in a soft, gentle kiss, their noses bumping together slightly. And she didn't pull away. His arm tightened around her and he pulled her closer, his lips gliding over hers, the kiss deepening slightly. She was mimicking his movements, reciprocating, her tongue sliding against his and fuck he was in heaven, his stomach full of those familiar knots, until she pulled away, dropping her head slightly, her hand on his chest.
"Ari..I..." her voice was raspy, her chest rising and falling deeply as was his. And he shook his head before he pressed it to hers.
“I know.” he sighed. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.”
“It’s not your fault” she said softly.
He looked at her before he moved his arm from round her, running his hand through his hair as he sat back, shaking his head, looking down at his hands. There was a moment or two of silence, Ari mentally cursing himself again for being an idiot before Hannah spoke.
“I need to go…it’s late and I didn’t sleep much last night." she looked at him “Wanna walk me back?” He looked at her, noticing that she was smiling and he gave a soft laugh.
“Sure…come on.”
He stood up, ducking again as the cave wasn’t tall enough to accommodate his full height and held his hand out to help her up. She took it, and once she was stood, she didn’t let go.
**** “Have you seen Hannah?” Rachel asked, walking back out onto the patio “I need to ask her something about the Spanish guests.”
“She left for a walk.” Max said, looking up from the piece of drift wood he had been whittling into shape. As Rachel made to go find her, he suddenly realised he had sent Ari before and hastily stood up. “I’ll go, see if I can find her.” he offered.
Rachel smiled “Thanks.”
Max walked over the sand, down in the direction Hannah had headed in and then paused as he saw them in the distance, slowly making their way back towards the resort, hand in hand. Smiling to himself, Max turned to head back, giving one last glance over his shoulder at which point he saw them both stop at Hannah’s hut. Hannah looked up at Ari who wrapped his arms around her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. She pulled back, smiled and headed into her room with Simon. Ari paused as the door closed, his head dropping a little as his hand ran through his hair before he headed towards his own accommodation.
Max made his way back to the dining area and wanderd inside to the bar, pouring himself a scotch.
“Did you find her?”
He spun to look at Rachel and shook his head “Nah, no sign. Must have gone to bed”
She looked at him before nodding “Ok, it can wait until tomorrow. I’m turning in myself now then. You ok to shut up here when you’re done?” Max nodded and watched Rachel go before he resumed his previous position at the table, picking up his carving, a soft smile playing on his face.
This time, he wasn’t saying shit about what he’d seen.
**** Chapter 6
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effieduan · 3 years
The Fox, the Hound, and the Witch || Raina & Effie
TIMING: Present
LOCATION: Near the town common
PARTIES: @rainaim, @effieduan, and a Basset Hound
SUMMARY: Raina finds Effie in a tree.
“Nice doggy,” Effie called, her voice wavering as she clung to the tree branch. The rotund basset hound was still barking at her, and she swore she saw evil intent in its eyes. “Nice, nice doggy.” Look, it wasn’t like she disliked dogs. Her family had a golden retriever named Noodle growing up, and while Noodle preferred hanging out with her sisters, she would always let Effie pat her on the head in passing -- something Effie only did when wearing her gloves of course. Her big, bright pink gloves were doing nothing to help her stay clinging onto the branch. She had just wanted to go for a run like she always did, and now some owner’s dog was off their leash and decided to chase her. Foxes and hounds did not mix, even in real life, apparently. Effie scrambled slightly as she felt her grip slackening, heaving herself upright on the branch. Her small pack that had her phone in it fell off when she was scrambling up the tree. No hope for calling animal control. “Nice doggy,” she tried again. “Pretty doggy. Who’s a good dog? Who’s a good puppy.” The dog’s loud snarling answered her. She was going to be up here a while, huh?
Raina liked to mind her business. Or, she at least liked to try. She wasn’t the type of person to crane her ear at the sound of conversation, but when it came to shouting? Raina typically found it hard to ignore. Though it was hard to get herself to run towards the sound due to the embarrassment of possibly causing a scene, she felt like she couldn’t ignore the fear that hung in the stranger’s voice. It was evident. At least, to her it was. She’d experienced that same fear time and time again since arriving in White Crest and she wanted nothing more than to just… Well, help. She steadied herself against a tree once she arrived, searching for whoever it was that needed help. Instead, she was faced with a woman in a tree, and a dog who wouldn’t stop barking. She replayed the scene of herself and Milo in her head before taking a step back. Except what this scene had that hers had not was an actual dog. She looked between the two and awkwardly walked towards them, still keeping enough space between her and the pup in case it was feral. “Are you okay? He didn’t bite you or nothin’, did he?” She looked up into the tree, then to the dog who, in her opinion, wasn't barking as viciously as she had originally heard. “Heya,” She called to the dog, bending down to grab a stick. She could handle a normal dog. Normal was good. “Here, doggy!” She echoed the woman in the tree and waved the stick around, but it wouldn’t divert its attention. “Uhhh,” She paused looking around. “Gimme a minute!” She said before she started to dig into her bag.
Ah. Effie had a savior, apparently. “No, he didn’t bite me,” she called down to her. That didn’t mean he didn’t want to, though. She looked down at the dog. He was running around, his big floppy ears flapping as he ran around under the branch she was clinging too. It would be cute if Effie wasn’t convinced that the hound was going to eat her. “Don’t - Don’t call animal control,” she heard herself saying. “I don’t want him to go to the pound, he probably just got off his leash or something!” Though she couldn’t see a collar. Then again, she couldn’t count how many times Noodle had slipped her collar growing up. Hell, she even slipped her harness a few times. Dogs were houdinis. The latest round of barking broke her from her train of thought -- “I don’t think he likes the stick too much,” Effie said, disappointed. “You don’t happen to have dog cookies in your purse, do you?”
Raina decided to take it as a good sign that the dog hadn’t bit the woman. It had chased her up a tree, sure, but it hadn’t bit her. She pulled out a stick of beef jerky she’d purchased earlier from the convenience store and started to unwrap it. “Nah, but I got jerky!” She held it up as if a trophy to show off and shuffled closer to the dog who was now running laps around the tree. A part of her was afraid that he’d trip and stumble over his own ears. She held it in the air and wiggled it some more, but the dog seemed disinterested. It looked harmless. At least, from what she could tell. “C’mere, doggy,” She cooed, echoing the way she’d spoken that evening in the woods with Milo. The dog finally looked at her and broke free of the loop it ran around the woman’s tree and trotted over to her, whining for the treat she had. She knelt down and showed the back of her hand to the dog’s nose before offering the jerky. It took it gratefully. Raina looked back to the woman in the tree. “You don’t happen to got anythin’ on ya that’d make it act like that, huh?” She was no dog expert.
“Jerky??” Effie asked. Well, that would work. Dogs liked meat, right? Even if it was fake meat. Was it fake meat? Or just overly processed meat? Actually, Effie was certain she hadn’t had a piece of jerky in her life, which was probably good for her digestive system. Since the piece of jerky was currently saving her life, Effie was pretty certain she didn’t have room to judge the woman on her snack choices. Hell, maybe she’d even try some jerky if this worked. Effie watched in fascination as the dog sniffed the piece of meat, before taking it out of the woman’s hand gently. Gently. The dog that had been barking up a storm two seconds ago was wagging his tail and munching on the tough meat happily. “Uh, no, I don’t,” Effie said. Other than her being a fox. Effie carefully began to dismount the tree, and less than gracefully managed to get back down onto the grass, looking at the dog doubtfully. “I was jogging. Maybe he thought we were, I dunno, playing or something,” she said with a shrug. She was hesitant to go near the thing still, though. Hounds eat foxes!!! Effie looked back at the woman. “Do you, uh… How much do I owe you for the jerky? Thanks for, you know, saving me.” She eyed the dog warily, but he seemed tame now that he had a snack.
Raina watched as the dog began to work on the jerky. It wouldn’t take long before it devoured it, it wasn’t that big of a piece. She watched the woman as she scaled down the tree and she took a step back before looking down to the dog whose tail was now wagging. It was strange, she thought. That it’d be barking at this woman for no reason at all. Raina refrained from asking if something had happened, or if the stranger had scared it in some way. “Could be.” Raina hummed, “Don’t know too much ‘bout dogs, but it seems like it had some reason t’chase you.” She looked from the dog, then back to the woman and shook her head at the question of how much was owed for the jerky. “Nah, s’fine, I’ve got more back home.” The dog licked its chops and looked between the two women for a moment before sniffing the ground from where it had laid the jerky. “Are you afraid of dogs?” She asked innocently as she approached it once more, giving it a quick scratch behind its ears. It wagged its tail happily and tilted its head back, its ears lopping over its head.
The dog had some reason to chase her alright. What, did he sense she could turn into a snack? “It’s not that I’m afraid of dogs,” Effie said, though she knew she was absolutely afraid of this dog. Hound dog. Basset hounds. Those were hunting dogs, right? There was a whole disney animated movie about why fox and hounds did not mix. At least, that’s what she thought it was about. Truthfully, the disney phase had skipped over her growing up, likely because she had other more life threatening things to worry about. Effie examined the dog, who seemed to be content gnawing on his jerky and being pet by the other woman. “Alright,” Effie admitted. “I’m a little afraid of dogs,” she said with a sigh. She eyed the dog, and sighed turning her attention back to the woman. “Thank you for distracting him. Really. I don’t even want to know how long I was going to be stuck in that tree.”
Raina wondered silently why she’d been chased up a tree. She decided to shrug it off. It wasn’t hers to worry about, and besides, the situation had been resolved. The woman was out of the tree and the dog was happily snacking on the jerky that Raina had provided. When the stranger finally admitted to being afraid of dogs, Raina suppressed a laugh. “I think sometimes when they can sense you’re afraid, it makes ‘em anxious or somethin’.” She took out another piece of jerky from the 2-pack and offered it to the woman. “Maybe if you give this to ‘im he’ll understand that…” The witch thought for a moment, “well, that it was all a big misunderstandin’.” She smiled and shook her head at the thanks that was given. “No, no! I saw you in trouble, so of course I was gonna do somethin’. Not like you can hang out in a tree forever.” She knew that especially, considering the situation she’d gone through with Milo.
“Something like that. I think it’s the same thing with horses,” Effie said, trying to remember back when Emme had decided she was going to be a jockey. That dream was quickly changed to ballerina to tap dancer and then finally to journalism. The Duan household quickly became experts on many different activities. Effie still remembered that horrible knitted horse stuffed animal their mother knit for her for Christmas that looked like a blob. Effie looked at the jerky doubtfully, but she reached for it anyway, happy her gloves prevented contact with the greasy meat stick. “That’s true, I work out but I’m not exactly prone to hanging in things for a long period of time.” She knelt down, holding the jerky out to the basset hound. “I’ll have to give you a discount next time you come to my store though.” The dog looked up, finishing his first piece of jerky, and looked at Effie. His lip curled, and just before she was ready to snatch her hand back, the dog lurched forward, ripping the jerky from her hand before turning to run away. “... I guess that’s progress,” Effie said, flatly.
Raina was glad that her offer wasn’t being declined. She looked back towards the dog as the woman offered the jerky to it. It leapt up slightly, and as a shock to Raina, it nipped the food away from the woman before cantering in the opposite direction from where they were. To her, it seemed playful. Though, the witch could see the small amount of fear still etched onto the girl’s features. She offered the woman a smile. “I guess it is.” She readjusted the strap of her messenger bag over her shoulder and hummed, “well, I guess you ain’t gonna see him again, so no worries, right?” She wondered who the dog belonged to and had half a mind to go and track him down, to ensure its safety. Maybe it had run back to its owner. She looked down at the watch on her wrist and grit her teeth at the time. “I’m so sorry, but I gotta get to where I was goin’. It was real nice to meet you!” Raina beamed at the woman before she retreated the way she’d come, hopeful she’d make it to work before they’d call and ask where she was.
Effie watched the dog scamper away, slightly exasperated. “Yeah, no need to worry, I guess.” But she looked over at the woman when she said she had to go -- “Oh! Of course, I’m sorry if I made you late. Feel free to drop by my store any time if you need anything!” Effie called after her. She felt slightly bad for making her late, but grateful that she and her jerky had walked by. With a sigh, she blew a piece of hair out of her face, and bent to pick up her forgotten bag from the foot of the tree.
The walk back to her car was short, which she was grateful for. All that climbing made her sweaty, and honestly, Effie wanted to go home, take a shower, and take a nap. She opened her car door, going to shove her stuff in the trunk. Effie should have figured this would be a mistake. Yawning as she rounded the car, she heard a low bark. Effie froze, glancing up from her phone to see the Basset Hound sitting squarely in her passenger's seat. He barked louder now that she was paying attention to him, tail thumping against her leather seats.
“Nice… Doggy…” Effie said weakly, reaching forward. He let out a growl and she let out a loud shriek. “Nice doggy!!!”
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fanficmepage · 3 years
Chapter 16
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“Can we go on another walk, daddy?” Bruce looked down from his book down at the pleading child. Her hands tugged at his pants leg, “please, daddy?”
“We already went on two walks today, princess,” He picked up Raven and placed her on his knee, “daddy has work.”
“But you said no work,” a small pout formed on her face, “when no work, all-day playtime.”
“Says who?” Bruce joked.
“Me,” Raven crossed her arms, tipper nose up at her father with a smug little smile painted on her lips. 
Bruce let out a deep chuckle, “How can you make that decision, you’re just a baby.”
“I’m not a baby!” Raven’s smile dropped her smile to a pout, “I’m a big girl, daddy!”
“Oh really?” Bruce smirked 
“Yes,” Raven stood up on Bruce’s leg to meet him eye to eye, “I can tie my own shoes!”
“But you still fit perfectly in my arms,” Bruce sweeps his arms under her legs and cradles her in his arms, “see, you are still my baby.”
“Then when will I be a big girl?” Raven crossed her arms over her chest.
“Why do you wanna be big? What’s wrong with being little?”
“Cause I wanna be just like you, daddy,” Bruce stared down at Raven wide-eyed, the biggest smile plastered on her face, “You’re my favorite, Daddy. So I wanna be big like you.”
Bruce couldn’t find the words to respond. His heart was conflicted; on one hand, the feeling of pride filled him but on the hand other, sparks of fear grew. Scars littered his body as a warning: a warning to keep her from following in his footsteps. 
“Daddy?” Raven sat up in his arms and placed two little hands on his cheeks.
“Yes, princess?” Bruce looked down to see Raven, tears threatening to stream down her cheeks. He rubbed her cheeks with his thumb, “what happened, baby?” 
“I’m scared,” tears began to stream down.
“Why” Bruce gently rubbed her back, “what is scaring you, princess?”
Raven sniffled and rubbed her face on her father’s shirt, “I dunno.”
Raven trailed off as the tears fell, soft little whimpers muffled by Bruce. Bruce looked down at the forgotten book resting on the end table, “would it make my princess feel better if I read to you?”
Raven looked up and nodded; her eyes and cheeks puffy and red. Bruce sat back and laid Raven across his lap, “What book is it?”
“Oh sweetie, it’s in Latin.”
“What’s Latin?”
“It’s another language.”
“Then why are you reading it?” Raven questioned.
“Because,” Bruce contemplated for a second, “daddy has . . . important work so I need to study.”
“Sounds boring,” Raven gave a deadpan expression, “aren’t you too old?”
Bruce’s smile dropped, “too old for what?”
“Grandpa says old men are too stubborn to learn anything.”
“I’m not old, grandpa’s old.”
“Yes, you are,” Raven smiled.
Bruce furrowed his brows yet couldn’t contain his smile, “how am I old?”
“You always complain about your back.”
His face dropped, “you want me to read or not?”
“Yes please,” Raven snuggled up, her head resting on her father’s shoulder. The world seemed to disappear around them.
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Perched on the roof of one of many abandoned warehouses, Bruce waited for an opening. He slipped through the window into the dimly lit room. Bruce walked along the catwalk, staying out of the light. Looking down, two rows of cages, each one with a howling dog, sat under the flickering lamp. The door to the warehouse slammed open; two men step into the large room.
“We got a few new dogs from the breeders, one, in particular, might be to your liking,” the dogs barked and howled louder as the two approached. They stopped at a cage towards the center of the room, “this pup will be your best bet.”
The man opened and reached into the cage. A small black puppy barked while being dragged out, “Great Dane mix, five months old.”
“Check out the paws, he’s going to be huge,” the other man finally spoke up. He took the dog’s paws in his hands, inspecting it. Bruce watched closely from above. He recognized the buyer, part of a dogfighting ring. Police have raided most of his locations yet he always avoided capture. 
Bruce dropped down behind the cages in the shadows. He watched through the cages as the men discussed price. Bruce moved along shadows as the dogs snarled at him. He counted about forty different dogs varying in breeds. 
Before Bruce could investigate further, the doors slam open, revealing numerous police officers with guns drawn. Bruce retreats back up to the catwalk as the warehouse is railed. Chaos ensued as police and animal control flooded the abandoned warehouse. As dogs were let out of cages, the lone pup ran along the darkness. Bruce left before he was noticed. A little black dog watched as he sped off along the dock. 
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Raven gently rubbed her eyes as the morning sun shined through her window. She sat up in her bed, swaying slightly. Slipping out of her bed, she wobbly walked to her father’s room. Bruce snored lightly with his cheek pressed into the pillow.
“Daddy,” Raven stood in front of her father, poking his cheek. With a groan, Bruce rolled away with his back to her. Raven sighed after a few more pokes, “looks like daddy had another late night.”
She proceeded through the manor; yawning lightly. Walking past the porch doors, Raven spotted the small black dog sitting outside. Her eyes widened as she ran to the door and pressed her hands against the door. A large smile grew on her face as she turned and ran back to her father’s room.
“Daddy,” she yelled while pressing on his back, “Daddy there's a doggy at the door.”
Bruce remained asleep; barely moving a muscle. Raven huffed in annoyance. Grabbing his arm, She pulled as hard as she could.
“Princess?” Bruce turned over with his arm still being tugged on, “Princess, it’s Sunday, I need my sleep.”
“Daddy, I wanna show you something!”
Bruce took his arm back and groaned, “five more minutes then you can show me.”
Raven glared at her father with her hands on her hips in a fist, “fine! I’ll let the puppy in myself!” 
Raven shot back down the hallway as fast as her legs could take her; ignoring the man scrambling out of bed after her. 
“Raven!” Bruce called, “do not open that door, young lady.”
As Raven reached the puppy once again, Bruce pressed his hand against the door, “what did I say, young lady?”
“You said to let you sleep,” she smiled.
Bruce looked through the glass door at the dog. It sat patiently waiting for the door, tail wagging as fast it could go. Bruce recognized the pup and pushed Raven behind him. 
“Stay here,” Raven tried to sneak past as Bruce slipped through the door. He looked back to see a very angry toddler.
“I saw him first,” Raven placed her fist back on her hips glaring up at Bruce. She watched as her father slowly approached the dog. Right as his knees touched the floor the dog instantly jumped into Bruce’s arms. Bruce does his best to dodge the licks yet some slobber still coated his face. Raven pressed her hands to the door, “please daddy? I wanna play with the puppy too!”
Raven reached up to the door handle and opened it wide. The puppy turned its attention to her and tackled her down to her back. Raven giggled at the excited puppy’s licks. 
“Raven, I told you to stay inside,” Bruce pulled the dog off his daughter, “you need to listen to me, young lady.”
She scooted closer to her father, keeping her eyes on the dog, “I just wanted to play too.” 
Bruce took her hand and raised it in front of the dog’s face. It sniffed gently, tickling her hand, “I know sweetie, but you need to be safe. You could have gotten hurt.
“But it’s so cute,” Raven gently patted the dog’s head. Raven looked up to her father with the best puppy dog eyes she can pull, “can we keep him. Please, daddy?”
Bruce sighed, “I’m sorry, princess. It probably belongs to someone else.”
Her face fell, “but it’s so cute.”
“And there is probably a little girl just like you that is missing her dog,” Bruce picked up the dog and looked at its stomach to Raven’s confusion, “he probably misses her too.”
Raven grew quiet. She slowly raised to her feet and turned back into the house. She slowly walked back up to her room and tucked herself back into bed.
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Bruce sat in the veterinarian’s office. Somehow Alfred had worked it out so he could stay home with Raven and Bruce had to take the errand. Bruce stared at the still energetic puppy as he sat on the examination table. 
‘How the hell did you avoid the dog catchers last night,’ Bruce thought to himself. For a fighting dog, he was very friendly. He could barely stay off Bruce in the car, ‘You probably recognize me too, huh?’
The dog barked as its tail went ninety miles an hour.
‘I guess it’s happy to be away from the breeders.’
A knock at the door drew Bruce’s attention, “Mr. Wayne,” a man’s voice asked.
“Um, yes,” Bruce stood as the veterinarian walked into the room.
“We checked him and it looks like this little guy isn’t chipped,” the man read from the clipboard, “He seems to be perfectly healthy, just slightly underweight.”
“What do you plan to do with him?” Bruce asked.
“Well,” the vet collected his thoughts, “he will go to the pound. Although, due to his projected size, it will be difficult to find him a home.”
The room grew silent as the dog moved over to Bruce. It shoved its head under Bruce’s hand, barking and begging for attention.
“He seems to like you,” the vet spoke up, “they say animals pick their owners.”
Bruce looked up at the man who now wore a Cheshire grin and back down at the dog, “I’d like to register and chip this dog please.”
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Bruce saw Alfred waiting on the porch as he drove up. Bruce hoped out of the car, preparing for the storm.
“I see you found the pup a home, sir?”
“Well,” Bruce paused at the passenger door and opened it. The little black dog climbed out.
“Master Wayne,” Alfred warned, “I do recall requesting a warning when you decide to adopt life forms.”
“I thought you said a warning about adopting kids.”
“My apologies, I should have been specific,” Alfred said sarcastically.
“Look, the dog needed a home. He would have probably sat in the pound and well,” Bruce paused looking down at the dog, “he grew on me.”
“If you adopt everything that grew on, you would end up with ten kids and a zoo, sir.”
Bruce rolled his eyes. Raven finally came out to meet her father. Her eyes landed on the puppy and her sad demeanor returned, “you didn’t find his home, daddy?”
Bruce gestured for Raven to come closer as he kneeled. He picked her up and gently placed her on his knee, “Raven, meet Ace. Turns out this little guy needs a home.”
Her eyes widened, “can he stay with us, daddy? Please, daddy?”
“Do you promise to help take care of him?”
“Yes!” she responded excitedly.
“Then yes.”
“Thank you, daddy!” Raven wrapped her around Bruce’s neck and hugged him tightly. She turned her attention back to the puppy, “come on, Acey!”
Bruce watched as Ace and Raven disappeared back into the house, “I’ll grab the stuff in the back. I got the food and few toys.”
“Please no more abrupt adoptions, Master Bruce.”
“I don’t know, Al. I’m two for two now.”
Alfred gave Bruce a tired look and moved to unload the car. Bruce’s family was growing. Whether it terrified him or no, he couldn’t tell.
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Bruce sat beside Alfred on the couch watching over the worn-out Raven cuddling with Ace on the floor. 
“So are we just going to ignore the occurrence?” Alfred spoke up.
“I’m not ignoring it, Alfred.”
“I assume with the new dog, you are attempting to right some wrong you thought you committed.”
Bruce stayed silent, not wanting to face the truth. Whatever that truth was. 
Alfred continued, “Master Bruce, you can’t carry your guilt forever. What happened to Raven and me was not your fault. And that tremor well-”
“I need to know,” Bruce interrupted.
“Of course, Master Bruce,” Alfred got up from the couch and retrieved the sleeping pup to return to his new crate, “do try to sleep tonight, unlike most nights.”
With that, Bruce was left alone with his sleeping daughter on the floor. He gazed at her for what seemed like hours. He got up and gently picked up the sleeping girl. Raven snuggled into his arms. Bruce broke into a small smile and gently pressed a kiss onto her forehead. He reflected on the past three years, somehow he has always found himself in this position: his daughter sleepily wrapped in his arms. He placed and tucked her into bed. Bruce gave her another goodnight kiss on her forehead and whispered, “please, please let me do this right. Let this be the only thing I do right.”
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Finally on Spring Break. It has been too long though. I hope you all enjoy this installment of the fic.
Big news, I hit 1000 hits on AO3!!! I honestly didn't think people would be interested enough to click but here we are ♥
Thank you all so much! I love writing this and I hope you enjoy reading♥♥♥♥♥
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Leave No One Behind Ch5: Doggy Style
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Co written with @icanfeelastormbrewing​
Episode Summary: Everyone at the resort feels the aftermath of the blow up from the night before…and they welcome a new member to the team.
Episode Warnings: Bad Language words. Tiny bit of smut via flashback- like blink and you miss it (NSFW no under18s)
Episode Pairings:  Ari Levinson x OFC Hannah Horowitz
Song for Episode:  Passenger Seat by Stephen Speaks
A/N: Yes we know this song isn’t an 80s one but we don’t care! It fits too well, please give it a listen. As always, we hope you enjoy!
Series Master List // WIYPT Master List   
I look at her and have to smiile, as we go driving for a while, her hair blowing in the open window of my car 
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When Hannah woke up the following morning her eyes were swollen and sore from crying. She winced at the rays of sun that hit her mercilessly and shut her eyes again as she stretched and sat up on her bed. Her head was pounding and she didn't feel like seeing anyone that morning, she was pissed at everyone. Well not everyone. Rachel and Jake hadn't wronged her in any way since they had met. On the contrary, Rachel had been the sister she had never had, her only girl friend in a place brimming with testosterone in a country hostile to women. She’d sat with Hannah, comforting her for a while the previous night, rubbing her back and calming her down till she had stopped sobbing. And Jake had been nothing but friendly and kind with her, he had made her laugh and had showed her the wonders of Red Sea bottom
The revelation of what Andy had done had sideswiped her greatly. Maybe that out of everything was what had hurt her more and what was worse, there was nothing she could do about it no matter how angry she felt, no face to punch either. She knew she had to move forwards and that there was no point dwelling in the past because as her mama always said, You can't change the past, but you can make your future. And she was determined to follow her mother's wise words but, that said, she still was ready to kill someone along the way. Starting with Sammy and she would probably have killed Andy too if he was there. She certainly wanted to rip Max's tongue off and feed it to the fish. And then there was Ari. Ari ... well, where to even start with that?
She pushed her evil thoughts aside as she got up and pulled a pair of shorts and a top. She brushed her teeth and headed out, deciding to go for a walk before taking a shower. She strolled in the kitchen and grabbed herself a coffee, greeting Rachel good morning and blatantly ignoring Max, who was eating toast.
"Don't you forget I need you to help me with the aerobics class, Han." Rachel reminded Hannah, looking between her and Max.
"Sure. I'll be back on time." Hannah said as she took her mug and headed off down the shore.
She walked mindlessly for five minutes, enjoying the early morning sea breeze and the calming feeling of the beach sand under her feet and between her toes. The walk took her to her favourite spot just where the shore curved round the bay. It was a huge crop of rocks which were ideal for sitting in between and hiding. It was almost like a little cave, her cave, with two large rocks either side and a flat one which formed a sort of roof. It reminded her of a dolmen, ideal for sitting under and cleansing one's mind and spirit.
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She was lost in her thoughts, dwelling on how she was determined to take the reins of her own life from that moment on and fuck the world, as her eyes scanned the ocean in front of her. Then, suddenly, something cold, then warm and wet nudged her hand. She gave a little yell and jumped as she thought it had been a jellyfish. But she didn't feel any itching or irritation, so she then thought it must have been some sort of fish or eel, something that was washed up.
Not that it was a more comforting thought.
Hannah looked around and saw a small, hairless dog cowering in the inner corner of the cave. Or at least it looked like a dog. She approached the animal cautiously to verify it was indeed a dog and not some other random form of life and was pleased to see her initial identification was correct.
"Hey puppy." she said gently, holding her hand out.
The dog was tentative. He looked at her hand but didn't move a muscle so she stayed still allowing him time to move and sniff her and then his tail gave a small wag and she reached out to scratch his ear. The dog then wagged his tail a little stronger.
"I like you too, buddy." Hannah said softly, smiling at him.
At the sound of her voice the dog came nearer and put his paws on her legs, wagging his tail before he sat down close next to her, his head resting against her legs. She noticed then the dog needed a bit of patching up as he had a few wounds over its back. He must have been a stray dog living in the cave, she thought, and she had intruded his safe place.
She drank her coffee in silence with the dog beside her. Then she got up and headed to the resort in order to take a shower and help Rachel with the damned aerobics class, but when she looked down she realised the dog had followed her instead of staying behind his home. Her mind travelled then to Cocoa, the dog they had as a kid. A chocolate Labrador who used to growl at Sammy whenever he was teasing her or messed with her dolls. Cocoa used to follow her all over, he was like her shadow and had never let her down. Of course he hadn't because dogs are better than people. They're loyal, which is not something many people at the resort could claim.
And that was that, she was keeping the dog. She made up her mind there and then. This dog had appeared when she most needed something to rely on and maybe he needed her too.
When Hannah entered the resort, followed by the dog, everyone was sat on a table at the patio, before the guests awoke fully and the busy hours of the day began.
"Oh my God! Whose dog is this? Hi fella?" Rachel said, immediately spotting the dog.
"Suppose he’s mine now." Hannah shrugged as she took a seat next to Jake and left the coffee mug on the table.  "Found him on the beach...or he found me."
"We're not keeping a dog...are you keeping him? Seriously?" Sammy asked, raising her voice with every question.
Hannah merely glared at him, she didn't say a word. She turned to Rachel instead before saying "I think I might keep him."
Simon then pottered over to Max, sitting down beside him, his ears forward, looking at his food.
"The dog wants my food." Max deadpanned.
"Give him some then." Hannah said, rolling her eyes.
Max hesitated before grabbing some beef bacon from Ari's plate and gave it to the dog.
"The dog wanted your food not mine." Ari protested, before taking a sip from his coffee.
He looked at the dog as he wolfed it down and then jumped up, paws on Max's leg, tail wagging so hard his butt was moving.
"Hey!  He likes me." Max chimed.
"He is kinda cute..hey buddy..." Jake said as he gave a sharp whistle and fed him a slice of toast.
"There's some leftover chicken in the fridge..." Rachel offered, seeing as the dog would guzzle all their breakfast if they let him.
"Oh, cool, he's hungry...poor thing..." Hannah said standing up.
She slapped her leg and the dog followed her unconditionally.
Once she was gone Sammy started his usual campaign against anything new.
"She can't keep him." he groaned.
"She's so keeping it." Jake snorted.
Ari who was now smoking a cigarette, his left arm leaning on the chair's back, asked "Why can't he stay?"
"He reminds me of Ethan...no hair" Max joked, with his signature grin. Rachel slapped him on the back of his head and everyone bar Sammy snorted.
"Seriously, Ari, she can't keep it. We're on a mission." Sammy tried again.
"You fucking tell her then..." Ari growled, not bothering to look at him.
"Chill out, it's only a dog. And what's wrong with you two?" Jake asked, looking between Sammy and Ari.  "You're throwing daggers at each other."  He then turned to Max "And you, you're being weird too."
Ari decided then he had had enough and stubbed out his cigarette on the ashtray. He too was pissed at Sammy and Max and wasn't in the mood to answer any of Jake's questions whatsoever.  "I'm going for a run." he said as he got up.
"Yeah. Get the fuck out of here..." Sammy snarled.
Ari stopped on his tracks and glared at him "I'm going now before I punch YOU in the jaw...and you wanna upset your sister again, be my guest, because I can't and I won't."
"Yeah, you've never been able to say no to her have you, Ari?" Sammy raised his voice again.  
"Ok, what have I missed?" Jake asked, his eyes darting between Sammy, Max and Rachel.
Ari just shot Sammy another glare, more like a death stare, thinking how he would love to drag him over the table and smash his face in.  But he simply left, his hands turning into fists.
"Just leave it" Max whispered, leaning over Jake.
The first guests started appearing in the dining room just as Rachel switched seamlessly into Angela, welcoming them. Max, Jake and Sammy stood up and cleared the table they had been having breakfast at. Hannah came back, the dog on her tail after having been fed and patched up, and greeted the guests in a perfect Spanish accent.
"Buenos días" she said to the woman she had spoken Spanish to the day before, and then ignored everyone and headed to her hut.
Just as she was about to reach her door she bumped into Ari as he emerged from his in his running gear complete with Walkman.
"Sorry firefly didn't see you..." Ari apologised.
"It's ok, I was distracted..." she said softly, taking him in but not daring to look him in the eyes.
Ari was in no better position and ran his hand through his hair struggling for words while she checked him out. And suddenly the dog jumped up at him.
"Hey pal..." Ari kneeled down to gently pat the puppy's head and scratch him behind his ears.
"Think he likes you." Hannah said, giving him a small smile.
Ari looked up, and saw Hannah was smiling, and he'd be damned if it wasn't a genuine smile. His eyes locked on hers for a second before he looked back at the dog who was now licking his face.
"Where did you find him?" he asked softly.
"My rocks." she said, pointing to the curve of the bay. Ari squinted his eyes and then he spotted the place she was pointing out. "I think I might call him Simon."
Ari laughed at the random name. "Simon?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. Hannah shrugged and just then he let out a snort as he realised "Still hoping Simon Le Bon is gonna come rescue you?"
"Well if you can't have Simon Le Bon, Simon Le Bone will do. What do you think, buddy?" Hannah cooed, bending to give him scratches.
"A substitute for the real thing?" Ari quipped. He sensed Hannah was in good spirits and decided it was worth giving a shot.
"Well, we don't always get what we want." she replied, looking up back at him.
Ari swallowed, remembering the dream he had had the other night and her saying those exact words to him on her 21st. His face then fell and though he tried to collect himself quickly Hannah noticed.
"What's wrong?" she asked, studying him.
"Nothing Firefly, just....I'm sorry." he answered quietly.
"Yeah, you said." she said as she looked down at the dog who was now rolling on the sand. She looked back at Ari and could see the pain was still in his eyes even though he had rearranged his face. She swallowed before admitting "I'm sorry too, Lobo."
"What for?" he frowned. Now, that was a surprise.
"Being so angry at you...I know you're hurting too." she said looking into his eyes, just to check they were still in turmoil.
Ari couldn't find the words, he didn't think he deserved her forgiveness. He knew he didn't. The only thing he could come up with was looking at her shrugging before stepping forward and in an automatic response, hugging her. He didn't even think about the possibility of her rejecting his touch, even his nearness. But, surprisingly, she rested her head against his chest as his hands gently rubbed at her back and he decided in a bold movement to kiss her head and whisper into her hair "I'm so sorry, Han."
"I know." she whispered back.
They stood there until a moment later she pulled back and wiped her eyes "Look I have to help Rachel with the tourists. Can you keep an eye on Simon?"
"So we're actually calling him that?" Ari snorted.
"We?" Hannah asked, arching her eyebrow.
Ari simply smiled "I've got you on this, I like him."
"Let me guess, the others want him to go." Hannah asked him, crossing her arms over her chest.
"No, just Sammy." Ari confessed. But just as the words left her mouth he internally face palmed himself realising he may have just made it worse between the siblings.
"Well Sammy can jump. I'm done letting him take things from me." she said, her eyes burning with determination.
Ari saw her open her mouth to say something, but she shut it almost instantly as she apparently had changed her mind and after a few seconds she spoke again "I don't think there's anything on this afternoon, do you wanna take me into Port Sudan? Simon's gonna need some stuff if he is staying, I was gonna go diving but..."
Ari's mind went directly to Jake and his diving experience the previous day and blurted out  "No!" and noticed Hannah's surprised expression before correcting himself "I mean, yeah, I'll take you...sure."
"Thanks, so you're ok watching him whilst I help Rachel?" she checked.
Ari looked at the dog who glanced up at him, tongue lolling out before replying "Sure Firefly."
Ari was in the dining area, reading the American paper they got once a week if they were lucky, with Simon led by his feet when Sammy walked in.
"Oh fuck me..." he said, stopping when he spotted the dog.
Ari looked at him, deciding if it was worth trying to speak to him or if he was actually in the mood to do so when Simon sat up and growled at Sammy.
"Oh look at that..." Ari grinned "He doesn't like you either."
"Fuck you Ari..." Sammy rolled his eyes "She convinced you, didn't she?"
"The dog stays, Sammy." Ari said sternly, his eyes on the newspaper.
"She did." Sammy said, shaking his head as he scoffed.
"Like I said, the dog stays." Ari looked at him again. "End of discussion."
"You're an idiot." Sammy spat
"It's just a dog Sammy." Ari sighed "What's the issue?"
"You really can't say no to her can you?" Sammy asked as a response to Ari's question.
"Again Sammy?" Ari groaned as Sammy glared at him.
"Don't even think of getting near her again Ari." Sammy threatened him.
"Fuck off Sammy." Ari bit back feeling his temper fray as he stood up and stormed out of the dining area, pushing past Sammy and headed towards the beach, Simon following him.
He nearly missed Max who was about to walk in the door and moved out of the way of Ari and looked at Sammy puzzled before saying "Wow, everyone loves you today, don't they?"
"Oh shut up Max." Sammy rolled his eyes and walked into the resort.
"Yeah, that's what I should have done." he muttered. He looked at Ari who was now walking down towards the ocean and turned to follow him.
"Ari..." he called, "Wait up buddy."
Ari stopped and turned and saw Simon ran towards Max as he stood with his hands on his hips, waiting for the man to reach his side.
"Yeah, I ain't got no food now pal...you ate it all."
Ari called Simon by his name to stop bothering Max and Max looked at him "Simon? Let me guess, Duran Duran..."
"You know Hannah." Ari snorted "Simon Le Bone, meet Max...or Irving...he's Maltese..."
"Le Bone?" Max laughed "Good call..."
"Yeah I thought so too." Ari smiled.
"Look, Ari.I want to apologise. I swear when I told Andy well, I didn't think he would go and do that..." Max spoke, looking at him shyly.
"Well, he did." Ari shrugged.  "But it doesn't matter anymore."
"Doesn't it?" Max asked. Not believing for a moment his leader was going to let him get away with it. But Ari just sighed. "I know you Ari, and I know Hannah too." Max insisted.
"Well, in that case why don't you tell me if it matters or not then Max?" Ari asked, a little tetchy.
"You know it does Ari." Max shrugged and patted him on the shoulder. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry man."  he added before leaving.
Ari breathed out and looked down at Simon before muttering "Everyone's fuckin' sorry... Well, except Sammy that is."
Simon just looked at him. The dog hadn't got a clue of what was going on so he happily headed down to the ocean, sticking his paws in the water.
Ari drove the truck down the main road heading towards Port Sudan. Neither of them were talking much, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. Both of them were glad to get away from the atmosphere that had descended on the Red Sea Diving resort, even if they were partially responsible for it despite that not being totally their fault.
Hannah was simply looking out of the window, every so often taking something in, an interesting landmark, an animal, whatever it was they passed by. Her passenger side window was opening, causing the strands of hair that had fallen loose from her bun to blow around her face. Ari stole a glance at her, taking in her profile, smiling softly to himself thinking it was probably a good job her eyes were covered by her shades because he really should be focussed on the road…
“Why are you looking at me Ari?” Hannah questioned as she turned to face him. He hastily averted his attention to the road as he gave her a sheepish smile.
"Was just thinking, it’s been a while since we've been alone in a car." he said, his elbow leaning on the door frame.
"Yeah well this ain’t gonna end the same way as the last time that happened." she said taking a deep breath as she looked back out of the window.
"What do you mean?" Ari frowned.
She turned to look at him "You forgotten that night after the McDonalds drive through?"
Oh…no, he hadn’t forgotten...just not thought about it for a while. But now he was.
Ari tossed the scrunched up cheeseburger wrapper into the paper bag as Hannah did the same, before he turned and dropped the trash into the rear foot well of his chevvy behind his seat. Hannah reached over for her coke, taking a large drink as she glanced out of the window.
“So tell me, mi Lobo…did you park this far away from everyone else for a reason?” she asked, turning to him.
“Firefly, I resent that accusation…” he said, shifting slightly so he was side on in his seat, facing her, one arm sneaking round the back of her headrest.
“You’re so full of shit…” she looked at him, and he arched an eyebrow.
“Ok, you got me…” he said, his other hand falling to her thigh just above where her long, over-knee socks finished “I just wanted to make sure no one dented the car…” She let out a laugh and he grinned, leaning over and pressing his lips to hers, his hand sliding up over her skin and under the hem of her tartan mini skirt.
“Been driving me crazy sat in the theatre next to you, wearing this…” he muttered into her mouth, as his fingers reached the top of her thighs. She let out a soft moan as she shifted slightly, his hand gently skating over her panty clad core. “I wasn’t concentrating much on the movie.”
“Kinda the point…” she whispered, his eyes locking onto hers.
“You know you give off this sweet, little innocent girl vibe when really you’re nothing but fucking minx…” he mumbled, his lips crashing onto hers as his fingers moved her underwear to one side and he found her hot and wet and so fucking ready. It hadn’t taken him long, as his fingers coaxed her gently he nipped at her neck, lavishing her with the praise and soft dirty talk she loved and just as she’d let out a soft cry of his name and arched her back as she came, wrapping her hand around his wrist, there was a sharp banging on the window which startled them both enough for Ari to jerk upwards, cracking his head on the roof of his car.
“Fuck!”  he said, massaging his head before he moved as Hannah straightened her clothing and he wound his window down.
“Officer…” he greeted the Cop who looked at him, then to Hannah, then to the back of the car and Ari glanced around, spotting for the first time that the windows had misted up. “We were errr…” “I know exactly what you were doing…” The officer looked at him “Take it home kids.”
“Kids…” Ari scoffed, watching him go. “I’m twenty-fucking-eight!”
Hannah laughed, “Must be your boyish good looks Lobo…”
“I’m not a boy, as well you know Firefly…” he shot her a look as he readjusted his pants and turned on the ignition to the car.
“Awww, would it make you feel better if I stroked your ego and told you that you were all man?” “You can stroke somethin’…” he quipped, shooting her a dirty grin as he pulled out of the parking lot and she laughed, and turned those blue eyes on him as they flashed in the dim street lighting.
“Well take me home and I will.” Yeah, he remembered that very well. And thanks to that memory, his not so little problem from yesterday morning was well on it’s way to reappearing.
"Well, I imagine with the sand and the dust around the place, getting the windows as steamy as we did then would be a challenge." he said, clearing his throat.
Hannah gave a laugh "We nearly got arrested.”
“Why break the habit of a lifetime, sweetheart?” he laughed and Hannah shook her head as her chuckles subsided and she once more fell silent.
Ari glanced at her again before he turned his eyes back to the road. It wasn’t long after that, 2 nights in fact, that following the Surgery Inauguration Party Sammy had turned up on his doorstep and punched him in the jaw, warning him off. Lost in his own thought, he nearly missed the almost whisper from Hannah a little while later when she spoke again.
"Thank you."
Ari frowned "What for firefly?"
"For backing me up with Simon." she turned to look at him.
“Like, shall I count the amount of times you backed me up since we came here?"
"I backed you up those times Lobo because you were right." she shrugged.
"Yeah, well and so were you about Simon." he said simply, his eyes back on the road.
"Well thanks anyway..."
"You're welcome Han. Besides, I kinda like him." he said, smiling at her.
At that she gave a snort "Sammy doesn't."
Ari rubbed at his eye, “Sammy doesn't like anyone, well not at the moment."
She let out a cheeky laugh, before she grinned and Ari looked at her again "That's part of the reason I wanted to keep him." she said, drawing a loud laugh from him. .
Jake entered the reception area in his diving gear and was about to say something but shut it closed when he realised only Rachel and Jake were there sorting some schedule for the following day.
"Where the hell is Hannah?" he asked them, his hands on his hips.
"She went with Ari to Port Sudan." Rachel deadpanned without taking her eyes from the folder.
"What the fuck?” Jake cursed, making both Rachel and Max lift their eyes to look at him. "I was gonna take her diving..."
Not missing the whiney tone to his voice, Max vaulted over the reception counter and put an arm round Jake "Come on man, I'll tell you a story..."
They walked towards the seafront part of the resort, the dog behind them. Hannah had instructed Max to babysit Simon while she was away. In fact her exact words had been to take care of her puppy and keep it as far away from Sammy as possible. As long as he didn't turn his whiney bitch mode on, in which case Max was fully allowed to unleash the dog on Sammy having been told by Ari about his little growling incident before.
Max explained to Jake everything he needed to know about the big fuck up that had taken place nearly nine years before and which was still altering their lives. Jake listened carefully, slack-jawed as he ran a hand over his face from time to time.
"Whoaa, talk about a fucked up story." was all Jake could muster as realisation of what had been happening in front of his own eyes hit him. "So, Ari and Hanna..." he trailed and Max nodded in reply.
Then they abruptly stopped talking realizing Simon was gone. They looked around, turning and walking frantically, searching for the dog but he was nowhere to be seen.
“Cracker is so gonna kill us…” Max groaned as they ran back to the resort. "Have any of you seen the dog? We can't find him." he asked, bending over his body and panting as they emerged into the reception area.
"What?" Rachel shrieked.
"We got distracted for a minute and bam, he gone. We lost him." Jake explained as he tried to steady his breathing.
"What the fuck do you mean you lost him?" Rachel asked fuming. "Find him.  Now!"
"Yeah, you better do it fast before mama bear comes back and rips your head off." Sammy snorted. He would be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying the show Dumb and Dumber were putting on.
"Yeah mama bear and wolf daddy." Max laughed.
Both Sammy and Jake glared at Max.
"Let's have a look around the buildings." Jake said, still pissed at Max's comment. He hadn't forgotten the fact that Hannah had bailed on him. That said, he was still quite fond of his head so didn’t want to give her any excuse to be pissed at him, so together they headed out looking for the dog at the front side of the resort but there wasn't any trace of him there either.
"You know it's a stray..." Jake sighed "He could have just fucked off home..."
"Yeah, I think he did...look" Max said, pointing to Simon who was stood outside Hannah's hut just like he was chilling. He looked at them, his ears pricking up, almost in a greeting.
Yo guys.
"Fucking dog." Jake hissed.
They tried calling him to them, both relieved, but the dog showed no intention of moving from his spot. He just observed the two sweaty men looking at him with squinting eyes and their hands on their hips.
"If he's waiting for Hannah, he won't move." Jake said. "Unless..." and he turned to look at Max with a hopeful grin.
So Max rushed to the kitchen to fetch some food for the dog and quickly came back, showing it to him. Simon then got up and headed over to Max wagging his tail.
"Like, if this is Hannah and Ari's kid..." Jake snorted "Does this make Sammy his uncle?" he asked as Max fed the dog.
"Grumpy uncle..." Max snorted, looking at Jake.
"Then you must be food uncle..." Jake offered and Max grinned satisfied with his title. “What am I?”
“Shit shirt uncle?” Max quipped, as Jake shot him a look before the three of them headed back to the main building.
Ari had to hand it to Hannah, she hadn’t lost a shred of that tenacity she’d possessed years ago. She was currently stood in a little pet shop on the high street describing Simon to the man behind the counter. The guy spoke really bad English, but had given a yell to someone who had wandered through from the back, who was now attempting to translate.
“No, no hair…” Hannah was saying “Grey, with pink patches…big ears.” “Ahhh…nem, nem!” The man said, and he hurried out from behind the counter and gestured for Hannah to follow him. Ari watched as she did, and he pulled a book from one of the shelves and thumbed through until he found the page.
“Yeah!” Hannah grinned, giving him a thumbs up “Sukran…” The man beamed and nodded, leaving her with the book whilst he went to ring up the total for the dog bowls, the basket bed, food, collar and leash Hannah had picked out.
“You find him?” Ari asked.
“Yup.” she said, as he looked over her shoulder at the page. “He’s an Abyssinian Sand Terrier, also known as an African Hairless dog…”
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“Sand Terrier is much better.” Ari said, “Makes him sound much more mysterious…”
“Says here they are fearless, loyal and willing to please…” Hannah mused.
“Sounds like someone I know.” Ari quipped and Hannah looked at him, rolling her eyes with a small smile on her face as she closed the book on Dog Breeds and placed it back on the shelf. She moved to the counter and pulled out her purse but Ari gently placed his hand on hers and shook his head.
“I’ll get it…” “Ari, no,it’s…” “I’m gonna ring it through on expenses.” Ari grinned “He’s a guest after all…” She looked at him before she shrugged “Good luck explaining that to Ethan.” “I think Ethan would like him, like Max said, they both have the same amount of hair.” Hannah laughed and Ari grinned and he paid the man, giving him a tip as a thanks for his help before they gathered the things and headed back to the car. They placed the stuff in the back and Hannah went to the passenger side to climb in, but Ari stopped her when he spoke.
“Whilst we’re here, why don’t we head to the Souk and then the market? I’m not in any particular rush to get back…that is unless you want to?” “No, a walk sounds good.” She smiled, her hands shifting to the scarf that was round her head, making sure it was adjusted properly.
Together they made their way through the relatively busy dusty street and found themselves in a large market place, which led in turn to smaller alleys off which the found the various Souks and Bazars. Ari allowed Hannah to direct, as they spent a bit of time looking at the clothing and the jewellery, a particular piece caught Ari’s attention due to the shape but before he could say anything Hannah’s focus was on a perfume stall which seemed like you could basically mix your own. After smelling a few components, some nice, some really not, they wandered back to the market place and there they spent a little more time at the food stalls. It was fun, they walked around, taking the free samples of the local breads, cheeses, meats and fruits they were offered along with pastries and sauces and dips…and once they’d decided what they liked at Ari’s suggestion they picked up a selection as a treat for the team later when they settled down for their usual end of day chat and drinks. Ari felt encouraged when Hannah agreed, that she was amenable to actually being round a table with Max and Sammy gain gave him hope that she was feeling a little less hostile towards the pair of them.
On their way back they passed a local café and Hannah stopped and asked Ari if they could grab a drink. Given that they’d been in the heat and sun most of the afternoon he conceded it was probably a good idea and they settled at a table, Ari lighting up a cigarette as they drank some form of sweet, iced tea. Hannah made some joke about how Max would be pissed about missing out on free food samples and Ari grinned, agreeing. For the most part, however, he was silent, simply letter her talk as he was happy she was relaxing and the Firefly he knew was coming back to him. It wasn’t just that though, his mind was clouding a little as she was stirring deep feelings, emotions he had been trying to ignore since she admitted the other night that she had loved him.
It had shocked him, it truly had. As it was something that neither of them had ever said to one another, they’d never admitted to the feelings being that strong.
And now he was kicking himself for not doing so when he had the chance.
Mind you, to do so he would have had to have admitted it to himself and at the time he hadn’t. The old adage of not knowing what you had till it was gone had never been more apt.
“We should probably go if we want to get back to help with Dinner Service” Hannah said softly, glancing at her watch “Damned it…is that the right time?”
She held her wrist out and Ari then glanced at his and shook his head “No, it’s short by 30 minutes…”
She groaned “I only set it again this morning. Think it’s on its way out. Mind you, what do you expect when it only costs you 5 bucks huh?” “So it’s not a real Tag?” Ari raised an eyebrow, teasing and she gave him a look of mock indignance.
“That is a genuine fake I’ll have you know, Lobo.” she snorted before she sighed “I’ll get one, one day.”
Ari tossed down some money, thanked the guy who had served them and they headed back to the truck. As they made their way back, the sun was starting to dip, and with it Hannah’s mood as the closer they got to the Resort, the more withdrawn she started to get again.
"Do you regret it?" she suddenly blurted out.
"What?" he frowned.
"Regret being with me all those years ago?"
“Hannah…” he sighed “Why do you keep doing this to yourself? Raking over it all…” “Because I don’t understand Ari.” She looked at him, “Before on the beach, when you said you were sorry…I just wonder sometimes if...” she trailed off, “It doesn’t matter, forget it.” “It clearly does matter.” Ari said, his voice carrying a level of frustration. “Spit it out.” “If I’d have told you I loved you, back then, would it have made a difference? Would you have fought harder?”
Ari took a deep breath. "Han I hate the way we ended, I really do...and it tears me apart thinking about why it happened and there's a part of me that will never forgive Sammy for what he did, but he did it because he thought he was protecting you, and I know that doesn’t make it ok..." He cut her protests off before she could launch into another rant about her brother, continuing as he attempted to get his point across. “But I knew he was right. I wasn’t good for you. I was a selfish asshole, still am according to you remember?”
“I shouldn’t’ have said that…” she dropped her gaze to her hands which were clasped in her lap.
“But you’re right.” he shrugged “So I didn’t fight because I believed what Sammy was saying, I still do in some ways but do I regret anything that happened between us? No, not a damned second and I’d do it all again in a heartbeat.”
His words hit Hannah like a lightning bolt as she turned everything over in her mind. Over the course of less than 3 days she’d gone from believing that Ari had left because things were getting too serious for him and that he had gotten what he wanted and so cast her aside, to then believing that he had in fact been warned off by her brother and didn't fight because he didn't care enough but now she truly understood. He actually believed everything that Sammy had said. He genuinely thought he wasn’t good enough for her. So had done what in his mind was right, broken her heart to save it in the long term.
“I suppose it worked out for you in the end.” she said gently “You found Sarah, had Maya.”
Ari sighed “Yeah, and I wouldn’t change any of that in the world…but you know, you got Andy…”
He instantly knew he had said the wrong thing as her face darkened again and she looked out of the window.
"Han, don't be too angry at him..." he pressed.
"Angry? I'm fucking furious Ari.” she turned to him, tears in her eyes “I feel betrayed...like...well, my entire relationship happened because he broke us up. It’s like the whole thing was a fucking sham."
"Don't say that." Ari shaking his head "You loved him Hannah, and he did what he did for a reason. He loved you."
"Well I loved someone else back then." she wiped at her face "And he hardly knew me either at that point so he didn't have a right to do anything. It's like he saw me as some prize to be won in some fucked up competition"
“Hey, come on…” he reached out for her left hand which had fallen to her knee and he gave it a quick squeeze “I know it hurts, and I know you’re angry but everyone did what they did because they thought it was right.” “It should have been my choice though Ari.” she looked at him, shaking her head “And you all took that choice away from me whether you meant to or not.” “I know, and I’m sorry…” “I know, I know.” she said softly “And I believe you, I do…” she took a deep breath and she shook her head “Suppose you’re right…not like we can change any of it anyway, unless you’re hiding a TARDIS somewhere...” “Sorry Firefly, you’re The Doctor not me.” She looked at him, before her face creased up and she let out a huge howl of laughter.
Thankfully, the conversation took a lighter turn, Ari getting the impression that Hannah was as tired of being angry and bitter about things as he was and he hoped that she was ready to stop torturing herself over the past. He hated seeing her so upset and withdrawn.
Eventually they got to the resort and once the car had stopped, Hannah climbed out and grinned as Simon came trotting over to greet them, his tail wagging furiously. As Hannah stooped to greet him, Ari was pondering at how the dog seemed to actually be that bonded with her already considering she had found him only that morning, when his attention went to Sammy and Rachel who were emerging from the side entrance.
“Where the hell have you been? You've been gone for hours.”
"Hello to you too Sammy..." Ari rolled his eyes
"I didn't realise we were being timed" Hannah stood up and folded her arms. "Did I miss my curfew?" she asked sarcastically. "Ignore him." Rachel shot Sammy a look before she walked towards the truck where Hannah was now reaching into the back for the bags.
"Gladly" Hannah mumbled. Rachel took one of the bags from her, looking inside and immediately started cooing over the stuff they had bought, informing them that it looked great. Hannah started to tell her all about the fabrics and the perfumes at the souks as they walked inside, Simon mooching behind them.
Ari watched them go, ignoring Sammy and then smiling at Jake who had also emerged to help.
“Need a hand?”
“Yeah…thanks.” Ari said as Jake grabbed the bag of dog biscuits. Ari tossed the smaller pet items into the basket before he removed it from the truck, shutting the door with his hip. He nodded at Max who was leaning in the doorway eating a sandwich as he entered the resort.
“Where do you want this Firefly?” he asked. She turned to face him and placed the bag she was carrying down, fishing in her pocket.
“Can you take them to my hut?” “Sure.” She crossed towards him, placed the key in the basket he was carrying and he gave her a smile as he headed back outside and down to the hut that was 2 along from his. Unlocking the door he walked inside, placed the basket on her bed and stood up, taking a quick look around. The familiar vanilla notes he associated with her surrounded him and he simply took a deep breath before he turned to go, which was when he noticed that there was frame on her bed side table which was face down. He knew he shouldn’t look, but he couldn’t help himself and he gently picked it up. It was a photo of her and Andy in her Mama’s garden. Hannah was sat on his knee, smiling at the camera as Andy gently kissed her cheek. Fuck, she’d really, really taken what the man had done badly.
Captain fucking obvious, Levinson….
He understood where she was coming from, he really did, but she’d been happy with Andy. He had been a good guy, what he had done was selfish but he wasn’t a selfish man, not by nature…hell, he’d given his own life to save Ari’s…but as he stood there, Ari suddenly started to wonder whether there had been more to that. Had Andy felt some sort of guilt?
No, no. It had been a split, in the moment decision, one any agent would do for another. That was all.
Not wanting to think about it anymore, he replaced the photo so that it wouldn’t appear to have been moved and left, locking the door behind him and heading back to the dining area.
As usual everyone chipped in to help serve dinner to the guests, and then that was it. Their duties over for the day and they were free to do what they wanted. As the Guests started to thin out, either heading to the beach or to their huts the staff-slash-agents retreated to a table outside with a bottle of wine and the stuff Ari and Hannah had brought back. The chat was easy and it was comfortable, which Ari was thankful for. Rachel, in her full Angela role informed them they were booked now until the start of April, at which point Ari, or Guy, nodded and suggested that might be a good time to go scouting again for more diving locations…in other words, their next mission. They all nodded, and he agreed he would clear it upon his trip back to the US (Israel) to chat to their sponsors (Ethan).
“Well, before we go scouting anywhere…” Max spoke, in his Irving voice “It’s Rosa’s 30th…” There were subdued cheers around the table, and Hannah groaned.
“Don’t remind me…” she said, her accent impeccable as always.
“You know we should throw a party…” Sammy said “A proper beach one, like they do back home, in Aus…” Hannah looked at him, and then shook her head. Rachel looked at her “Oh come on!” “A party could be fun, Red.” Jake grinned at her and she sighed.
“Fine, but I am not going naked diving.” she pointed at him “Regardless of whether it’s a birthday tradition in the diving world…” “Isn’t that a 100th Dive Tradition?” Ari looked at Jake, raising an eyebrow. Jake shrugged, mischievously.
“You lying bastard!” Hannah scoffed, slapping his arm. Jake grinned and she shook her head.
“And on that note, I’m calling it a night.” he yawned “I have a double diving tour tomorrow morning.”
“Yeah, I should really sort some paper work too, ready for the check out tomorrow.” Rachel said, as they both stood up. Jake bid them all goodnight and Rachel headed into the resort, presumably to the office just behind the reception desk. Hannah watched as Sammy’s eyes trailed after her for a second before he too sighed and said he was heading to bed leaving Max, Hannah and Ari at the table. Hannah glanced down at Simon who sat up at the commotion, cocking his head to the side, his blue collar settled on his neck.
“Think I’ll take Simon for a little walk before bed” she rose from her seat. “Night boys.” “Good night Cracker.” Max smiled.
“Night.” Ari nodded and with that she left.
Ari watched her walk off down the sand. Simon trotting at her heels. The loose, pale yellow top she was wearing blew slightly in the breeze as she walked, barefoot and bare legged thanks to those navy blue shorts…
He turned to Max, the two of them striking up a conversation about Port Sudan, until Ari suddenly interrupted, unable to get the thought that had sprung up as Hannah walked off out of his mind.
“Think she’ll be ok?” Ari turned to Max. Max simply looked at him. “Hannah, you know, with the military being around…” Max considered Ari for a moment before he leaned forward “Why don’t you go keep an eye on her?”
“No, I don’t think she’d appreciate it.” Ari shook his head.
“She might.” Max shrugged.
Ari looked at him again, before he gave a nod and headed out. He couldn’t see Hannah, but he had a good idea where she would be, he remembered her talking about the cave she had found Simon in, just at the curve of the cove. He made his way over, exhaling cigarette smoke and smiled as he realised he was right when Simon came bounding out from behind a rock to greet him.
"Hey pal..." he said softly before he stopped at the entrance to the cave.
Hannah looked up at him, giving him a small smile as the dim light sparkled in her eyes.
"This isn't walking Firefly." Ari smiled, leaning against the rocky wall of the cave by the entrance as he looked down at her.
"I walked here didn't I?" she raised an eyebrow.
"Want me to leave you alone?" he asked, fully aware she had hidden in there for a reason. He’d got what he wanted, to know she was safe, so he was perfectly happy to let her be.
"You can sit if you want." she shrugged "But you can put that out before you step into my secret den…” He smiled and stubbed his cigarette out before he ducked into the rock cluster, sitting beside her.
“So, what you up to? Actually, no let me guess thinking..." he said and she gave a soft huff, shrugging “You know I meant what I said before, don't you ever wanna switch off your brain and just stop for a while?"
"Yup." she nodded “But it’s never that simple though is it?"
"Nothing is Simple." Ari sighed "I wish it was.
"I managed it for a bit today." Hannah looked at him. "Switching off I mean. When we were in the market and stuff...it was nice."
"Yeah, yeah it was Firefly." he agreed
She looked at him and smiled "I like that."
"You like what?”
"When you call me Firefly, not Hannah or Han."
"You'll always be Firefly to me." he shrugs "Although Hannah is your actual name, so..."
"Sorry, you mean Rosa Maria, Guy.”
Ari chuckled as did she.
"I think we needed that" he smiled.
"Needed what?”
"A smile, and a laugh...chance to be away from it all for a little while." he looked at her.
"Maybe, like I said today was nice. Tonight was nice too...things have gone a bit overboard since we came back from the mission."
"You're telling me." He agreed.
They sat in silence for a while, watching the moonlight on the water as a slight gust of wind blew in from the Ocean, ruffling Ari’s hair slightly. He felt Hannah give a little shiver besides him and he looked at her as she tucked her knees into her chest. He hesitated for a second before he passed his arm over her shoulder.
"If I was wearing a jacket I'd offer it to you..." he nodded to the goose-bumps on her arm as explanation for his display of affection, fully expecting her to push him away but she didn’t.
"This is fine." she shrugged "Thanks”
"You're saying that a lot today Firefly." he looked at her before his attention went to Simon who was digging in the sand at the mouth of the cave, his tail wagging furiously.
"Well, you know, mama always told me to give thanks when it’s due so..."
"Good advice" he nodded.
“Seriously though, thank you Ari…” she looked at him for a moment before leaning up and kissing his cheek.
He turned his head to look at her and her face was so close to his. “You’re welcome” he whispered, swallowing slightly and her eyes flickered down to his lips. It was quick, and had he blinked he would have missed it. But he didn't...and once more he was catapulted back to the night of her 21st outside the club.
The internal conflict that had been raging inside him back then reared once more with vengeance only this time it wasn’t just about Sammy. There was Andy and everything else that had happened over the past few days, and her question from before rang around his head, silencing the voices...
“If I’d have told you I loved you, back then, would it have made a difference? Would you have fought harder?”
Whilst he couldn’t answer that, because he honestly didn’t know, he did know one thing. He didn’t regret them being together, at all.
“…do I regret anything that happened between us? No, not a damned second I’d do it all again in a heartbeat.”
And he would, one and a million fucking times over regardless of how it worked out, because he'd rather have had her for those few months than never at all.
He was aware she still hadn’t moved, her eyes were bouncing across his, like she was waiting for him to decide what he wanted, what he was going to do…so he did. His lips brushed hers, in a soft, gentle kiss, their noses bumping together slightly. And she didn't pull away. His arm tightened around her and he pulled her closer, his lips gliding over hers, the kiss deepening slightly. She was mimicking his movements, reciprocating, her tongue sliding against his and fuck he was in heaven, his stomach full of those familiar knots, until she pulled away, dropping her head slightly, her hand on his chest.
"Ari..I..." her voice was raspy, her chest rising and falling deeply as was his. And he shook his head before he pressed it to hers.
“I know.” he sighed. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.”
“It’s not just your fault” she said softly.
He looked at her before he moved his arm from round her, running his hand through his hair as he sat back, shaking his head, looking down at his hands. There was a moment or two of silence, Ari mentally cursing himself again for being an idiot before Hannah spoke.
“I need to go…it’s late and I didn’t sleep much last night." she looked at him “Wanna walk me back?” He looked at her, noticing that she was smiling and he gave a soft laugh.
“Sure…come on.”
He stood up, ducking again as the cave wasn’t tall enough to accommodate his full height and held his hand out to help her up. She took it, and once she was stood, she didn’t let go.
**** “Have you seen Hannah?” Rachel asked, walking back out onto the patio “I need to ask her something about the Spanish guests.”
“She left for a walk.” Max said, looking up from the piece of drift wood he had been whittling into shape. As Rachel made to go find her, he suddenly realised he had sent Ari before and hastily stood up. “I’ll go, see if I can find her.” he offered.
Rachel smiled “Thanks.”
Max walked over the sand, down in the direction Hannah had headed in and then paused as he saw them in the distance, slowly making their way back towards the resort, hand in hand. Smiling to himself, Max turned to head back, giving one last glance over his shoulder at which point he saw them both stop at Hannah’s hut. Hannah looked up at Ari who wrapped his arms around her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. She pulled back, smiled and headed into her room with Simon. Ari paused as the door closed, his head dropping a little as his hand ran through his hair before he headed towards his own accommodation.
Max made his way back to the dining area and wanderd inside to the bar, pouring himself a scotch.
“Did you find her?”
He spun to look at Rachel and shook his head “Nah, no sign. Must have gone to bed”
She looked at him before nodding “Ok, it can wait until tomorrow. I’m turning in myself now then. You ok to shut up here when you’re done?” Max nodded and watched Rachel go before he resumed his previous position at the table, picking up his carving, a soft smile playing on his face.
This time, he wasn’t saying shit about what he’d seen.
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the-headbop-wraith · 3 years
3 _ 39 The Land Time Forgot
  A rebounding thunder of cries tumbled across the vibrant blue sky, terror gushing forth, metal grinding and mashing and rattling. The clank and rasp howled forth, and then a yellow blur winked out as it hurtled through a subterranean burrow. Further wailing echoed within, until the terror-stricken voices extinguished, and silence curdled forth.
 “Oh my god, did you see that!” A blue blur dashed to the side of a rail and peered over into the hollowed pit, she leaned far over with her leg slung up high behind her. “That had to be sixty mph!” She’s joined at the shoulder by a snazzy dressed figure, his grin dazzling.
 “Vii, indoor voice. Save it for the rides, or you’ll go hoarse again.”
 She snickered. “Neigh!”
 Further from their station, another wail of cries exploded, hooting as a small train cart blazed across the tight woven and spiraling track. As far as the eye could see, the colorful flashes and whirls of other attractions, laughter and screaming – though a few of utter horror wound through the wild rush of adrenaline junkies. The theme park was a popular tourist destination, long established and flocked by trees and clean-cut brush winding among the many pathways dominating the sprawling acreage.
 It was slow season, a good time to take a vacation for young people who could nail down a select date that would allow minimal competition with typical season swarm. This was one of the rare occasions that the Mystery Skulls crew could set aside some time for a much needed vacation, in-between assignments and on the road. They totally did not travel a hundred miles out of the way for this.
 “Where d’we even start?” Vivi bounced at the rail. “Do we work our way up, or just hit up the biggest, scariest, heart attack?”
 Mystery borked. Maybe… work your way up. He gave his whole body a shake, his collar twittering with the vigorous motion.
 “C’mon guys” Arthur beseeched, hands in his pockets. “I think we’re gunna get evicted from the place before we even get through a line. This is not gonna work.”
 Vivi looked at him innocently. “What’s not going to work?”
 He pointed to the Mystery hound. “Stick a vest on Misty. It won’t work, they’ll figure it out. And he hates it.” On that note, Mystery gave himself another rigorous shake. “Knock that off, or they’ll catch on you’re not a real service dog.”
 Vivi went over to Mystery and wrapped her arms around his chest, lifting the hound by his front. “But we can’t exile our most devoted case worker.” She swayed Mystery. “This is as much our vacation, as it is his.”
 Mystery gave Arthur a snarky grin.
 “Lighten up, Art.” Lewis set his hands on his hips. “The park and staff don’t want to deal with regular puppers. Mystery’s better behaved than some teens.”
 “It’s not an insult. Work with me.”
 Arthur groaned and ran his hands over his head, pushing his spikey hair back. “Mind you, if we get caught this’ll be the fifth theme park we’re blacklisted from!”
 Lewis winced. “The ghosts in the spook house were so lifelike!”
 Vivi defended with, “You can’t tell me that magician wasn’t actually turning his audience volunteers into rabid hyenas!”
 Mystery barked! That whole buffet was going to waste!
 “You guys are nuts!” Arthur slapped his arms over his face and groaned. “I give us a half hour. We’re gunna beat our best record.”
 Lewis threw an arm over Arthur’s shoulders. “You worry too much, Artie. Relax for once.” He swept his other arm out, across the expanse of the theme park set before them. The looping coasters, the spinning gyros, lush fields of trees for the aesthetic. “This is our day to scream, not because crazy freaks in masks are chasing us. But because we’re having fun. You remember fun, right?”
 Vivi plucked Mystery up in her arms. “And I read the rules and regulations in-depth. No one’s allowed to ask invasive questions about our lovable teammate. All we have to do, is remind them he’s very important.” She did pouty eyes. “You wouldn’t say no to this face.”
 Mystery did pouty puppy eyes and made his lip quiver.
 Rolling his eyes, Arthur checked Lewis – who did eyebrow waggles – then returned his eyes to Mystery, who leaned forward and gave his nose a lick. “I get ‘Told you so’ rights, and unlimited churros, IF we get caught.”
 Vivi laughed and let Mystery drop out of her arms. “In the meantime! There are rides to check out and an assortment of foods to sample.” She bolted off, chasing Mystery.
 Lewis gave chase. “Vii! Honey! Don’t eat before the really big rides!”
 Arthur was not far behind. “Guys! Wait. Mystery! You can’t run, they’ll get wise to our illegal activities!”
 For the benefit of Arthur, the gang started off on some of the less thrilling rides. They tried the high-speed coasters, with tight turns and mild dips. In between the crazy coasters, they tried the wicked spinners or the high-flying swings that soared above the parks landscape. Most of the ride selection was based on Vivi spying the next tallest spire, and the group navigating towards that through the winding paths, and then getting distracted by rides or shows along the way.
 Though Mystery couldn’t go on some of the rides, there were a few picked out specifically by the group that he could participate on. Those being low speed with minimum restraints, the bumper cars – which he enjoyed excessively. There was a log ride, that allowed him to sit aboard and ride alongside Arthur. Or the leisure car ride, where Vivi let him drive his car; due to the karts being on magnet tracks, and not a lot he could sabotage.
 None of the ride attendants questioned the dog presence. The most they got was a ‘well, he seems large enough for this ride’. He was so well behaved, but it helped that the park was having a relatively quiet day. The lines for some of the main attractions were nonexistent, and even in the mellow themed districts of the park, there were not a lot of kids.
 At around eleven, the crew stopped in one of the Ages Gone district for some eats. The aroma of sauces and simmer meats enticed Mystery, and when it came to food Vivi tended to trust the canine. Each member of the Mystery Skulls elected a preferred food item from the one stop cafeteria they were drawn too, and then took trays off for a secluded space under a tree. It put them on the edge of a cool plot of land, which divided their location from a nearby coaster track Vivi was adamant about riding right after.
 “We’re not doing that,” Lewis denied. “We’re going on the low-key rides, have a little down time.”
 “Aye-aye,” Arthur chimed. He dug into his ultra-saucy, meat burrito, getting sauce all over his hands. “No rush anyway. I can’t believe how much free time we got, without every other family not coddling Mystery boy here.”
 Woof. Mystery dipped his nose into the Styrofoam box, nosing at some toasted apples.
 The group finished their meal, Vivi somewhat in thought and a little quiet. Lewis gathered up the trash and dumped it in one of the trash reciprocals. Then, they went on their way scoping out the rides on this side of the park. They strolled on one of the paths near the river rapids, where a circular boat transported riders across frothing waters and through tunnels with theme appropriate critters.
 “I know this is off season,” Vivi mentioned, while watching an empty boat sweep through, “but I’ve seen more people in line at the dentist for root canal specials.”
 Woof. Mystery gave a large yawn. He wasn’t fond of big, congested crowds bumping and brushing against his doggy shoulders. All that static was a nightmare.
 “Maybe that’s the latest attraction,” Arthur muttered. He was still sipping the liquified ice of his beverage from lunch. “Scariest attraction yet! The dental experience! Check it out, people are already fleeing in terror.”
 The group stalled, Arthur choked on his flat seltzer coffee. “Wait—”
 On the other side of a high fence, a roller coaster train thundered by, momentarily drowning out the factual and alarmed shrill of park goers vaulting through a small garden plot. People launched over fences, darting across pathways, someone landed in a small decorative pool but kept going, drenched.
 Lewis sided up by Arthur, pointing. “Um, is that supposed to be happening?” Upon a better examination of the action, the initiator of the stampede became apparent.
 A dinosaur! A legitimate dinosaur was rampaging across one of the attraction landscapes; one decorated with lush plants and tall fronds, elephant ears, and palms. Ride goers burst through the greenery, as the feathered and toothed monster lunged or ducked through the flora. The species of prehistoric nuisance was game for debate, but one factor was certain – it was a biped, with a sharp snout, dozens of teeth, and claws. It roamed to the edge of the boarder set around the acreage and gave a theatrical roar.
 Arthur frowned. “Oh crumb, it’s just one of those costume meet-and-greets. Ignore them.” He swung away and began walking. “I hate those, I always get heckled.”
 Mystery tilted his head, whining.
 “Those are screams of legit horror, not glee,” Vivi pronounced. She ran back and snagged Arthur by the shoulder. “You should know screams of horror! You’re a connoisseur.”
 Arthur stumbled backwards. “It’s a skill I’m not proud of!”
 Lewis had his head tilt. “Is that a dinosaur?”
 “It’s a guy in a suit!” Arthur spat.
 The dinosaur clambered over the fence and flopped to the pavement. With some effort, it righted itself and crawled across the pavement. It used the shorter front arms to lift up on its large, muscular back legs and trotted forward. It hissed, turning its snout and many teeth toward one of the tourist that had not scampered out of range. With a snarl, the prehistoric nightmare lunged at the man.
 Despite the clear panic and full retreat, the person now under attack made an attempt at snapping off a picture. He wound up dumping the camera in his newfound occupation of retreat, and darted across the pavement a rock formation that served as a makeshift barrier. He made it over the top but tumbled, and crashed into a bush on the other side.
 The dinosaur didn’t fool around with scaling the boulders, it charged at a section of fence built up beside the rocks. It bit through the decorative wood barrier, the glittering claws splintered chunks of bark. The fence collapsed, and the dinosaur prowled in among the shrubs.
 “Whoa!” Lewis yelped. He snatched Arthur’s drink and abandoned his group. “Hold up now!”
 Vivi tried to snatch his shirt back. “Lew! Wait! Art, Mystery! C’mon!” She charged after him. Mystery yapped and wasted no time.
 With a sigh, Arthur ambled after them. “No, Lew. Don’t. Ahh. Scary. Come back. Danger-Danger. Eek.”
 In seconds flat Lewis reached the destroyed barrier and chucked the drink at the dinosaurs shoulder. “Hey! Pick on someone your own size!”
 The dinosaur gave a low, cackling growl and spun away.
 “I said hey! You!” Lewis braced and leapt. “I said, pick on someone—” Before he could clear the brush tangled around the dinosaur, it lashed out with its tail and smacked the would-be hero clear off his feet. He hit a portion of fence that remained standing and flopped to his side, groaning. “Ow….”
 “Arf-Arf!” Mystery dove in and snagged his collar, with every intent to haul the large mortal back. His fur bristled as the dinosaur shoved its snout through the brush and growled through its many sharp teeth.
 Still a distance away from the drama, Arthur stalled in his tracks. “Wait! Holy shit! That’s a lawsuit right there!” And nearby, Vivi shrieked:
 On her way to assist Lewis, she happened by a cafeteria and caught sight of a fire extinguisher attached to a panel on the side of the building – along with a fire hose, and one of the emergency phones. The phone box was locked tight. How practical. She rolled her eyes and delivered a high kick to the fire extinguisher box. The glass shattered, and the door popped open.
 “That… was unlocked. Wasn’t it?” She sighed and took the red cylinder and unclipped the nozzle. “Good to know.”
 Meanwhile, Lewis kicked back from the snapping jaws. The dinosaur clamped down on the standing fence and the whole pole cracked. Lewis pushed Mystery back, while he scooted away from the thrashing menace.
 Right as the beast lunged, Vivi dove in with the fire extinguisher. “Eat therma frost, extinct reject!” She unleashed a torrent of white froth, making sure to cover the eyes and get as much as she could into the mouth. When she tried to move closer, Lewis snagged her leg and the back of her shirt.
 The dinosaur shrieked and sprang backwards. It shook its body and appeared to be trembling. One final roar, directed the groups way, signified its withdrawal. Lewis heaved Vivi backwards, before the tail could slice out and knock her down. The dinosaur didn’t hang around, and stormed across the pavement back to the attraction it may have emerged from. The Land that Time Forgot ride.
 It was only when Vivi allowed the mist to clear that the three could see, the creature had retreated. Arthur came over and barreled through the mystification of what occurred.
 “For that, we should get dibs on every ride in this darn park!” Arthur stooped and patted Lewis on the shoulder. “C’mon. Ya gotta check the guy.” Lewis grumbled confirmation, and let Arthur with Vivi haul him to his feet.
 Vivi inquired, “How you feel?”
 “Mostly shookin’ and stunned.” Lewis flexed his arms and stretched. “It takes more than that to rattle me.”
 Together, the group ventured into the thicket to check the guy that fell. For the most part he was well, a little scratched up from the brush but that broke his fall and saved him a broken bone or two. Not long following, the security force showed up like secret service agents to assess the damage. Secret service agents dressed in dark blue and sweating through their uniform. They gave out checks to everyone who signed a release form, in the presence of one of the parks attorneys, alleging they would not press charges or speak about events, or anything. The affidavit was vague on details.
 “So,” Lewis rolled out, pointing to one of the guys clearly younger than him and getting minimal wage. “This kind of thing happens often?”
 “Um… no?”
 The park attorney, a short lady, pushed her glassed up on her face. Then, pushed the park security aside, and stood up to Lewis. “They’re not authorized to say.”
 Vivi pulled Lewis back and got before the attorney, and pushed her own glasses up. “Y’know what I smell. I smell corporate cover ups. You guys do a lot of that?”
 The attorney glared at Vivi. “I’m not allowed to say.” The two had a stare off, the electricity sparked between them threatening to ignite.
 Lewis got his hands around Vivi’s arms and hauled her back. Park security took ahold of the attorney and ‘escorted’ her aside. “Vamos arándana, don’t antagonize the staff.” Under his breath, “We might yet not get blacklisted from this park.”
 Vivi tried to look back. “I don’t like her.”
 Nearby and with Mystery, Arthur sat on a rock. “Honest, what attorney type are you chill with? I say, don’t sign the slip. Munnies or not.”
 Mystery reached a rear leg up and scratched at the strap of his vest. Woof.
 “Are we going to get back to our vacation?” Arthur harped. “Didn’t really sign up for dino-wrangling.”
 Attorney lady pried out of securities hands, and approached the group. “You three won’t be able to continue your stay with Fanatical Hypes ™, unless you sign the release forms.”
 Lewis looked down at Vivi. “Could it hurt anything? Signing away our souls for corporate profit?”
 Vivi stroked her chin. “Depends.”
 Arthur jumped off the rock. “Oh boy, I know that look. Vii, please. Vacation.” He pressed his hands together. “I’ll sign—”
 “We’ll sign,” Vivi blurted. She went over to the attorney. “On one condition.”
 The attorney sighed. “I am not legally allowed to speak of anything, regarding… this.” She gestured to the damage, and the work crews arriving in golf carts and supplies to begin clearing up the area. Another work crew was off beside the attraction entrance, clipping a chain across the yawning portal.
 Vivi shook her head. “I don’t want to hear what YOU have to say. I want to speak to your manager.”
 Arthur dropped his face into his hands. “Lew, don’t let her do this. Speak some sense into her.”
 Lewis rubbed the back of his head and turned to Arthur. “I think we’re gunna go ahead and do this.”
 With a wet sob, Arthur hauled up Mystery and buried his face in his neck. “We’re getting blacklisted for sure, buddy.
 Mystery sighed and rolled his eyes. He patted Arthur on the head. There-there.
 It wasn’t so easy convincing Ms. Attorney lady that her employer should have a chat with the Mystery Skulls. What this all came down to, was they wouldn’t sign the release forms, and they were suspicious of the dinosaur creature which attacked visitors. Arthur had to pull up their work credentials on his phone, and show off some of the cases dealing with masked people getting into trouble and all that shenanigans for a profit. While Vivi handled pressuring the attorney with her shrewd businesses conduct, and disinterest with discussing further details with attorney lady until she spoke with top management. Lewis backed up his team, being kind of tall and scary when irritated, but mediating the two parties when his team got a little overbearing. The bottom line of their negotiations came down to:
 “And even if they won’t speak with us,” Vivi concluded, “We’ll sign your… sinister contract anyway.”
 Attorney lady blinked. “It’s just a release form.”
 “It’s a legally binding contract! Ya can’t fool me!”
 Now, the group sat in the large and luxurious office. A replica model of the Fanatical Hypes ™, theme park, on the table beside the large desk. A door off to the right led to another room, where the attorney lady vanished into. The trio sat in chairs, and Mystery lay curled beside Vivi’s feet. They examined the room over, gauging the personality and temperament of the manager-owner. Some photos hung in order on one wall, underscoring debut attractions through black and white lens.
 “Daylight’s a’wasting away,” Arthur mumbled.
 “How are we going to enjoy the remainder of our day, if that thing comes roaming again?” Vivi snarked back.
 Arthur leaned back in his chair, letting his head recline on the headrest. “We can’t be like those storm chases, but we’ll be dino chasers. We should get pay per encounter.”
 Lewis leaned a little his way. “We already do that professionally.”
 Arthur twitched. “So why are we tryin’ to get tangled in this mess, on our one day off?”
 Woof. Mystery raised his ears toward Arthur. We’ll get benefits! His bob tail wagged.
 The back door opened, and a man emerged. He wore a nice suit with stripes, along with a bright electrifying tie. He surveyed the group, a set of small but trendy sunglasses fitted over his eyes. Following him was the Ms. Attorney lady. She shut the door and stood to the side.
 “I’m told you three refuse to sign some release forms,” he stated. The attorney nodded.
 Vivi shrugged. “We’re willin’ to sign, but we want to know what that… nasty thing was first. It’s for a little insurance. Your people seem to have a problem, one which my crew is prepared to assist you with.”
 The manager took his seat at the desk. “You think the three of ya’ll can help with an issue my park staff is prepared to amend? With our standardized procedures and dozens of work crews, on standby?” He leaned forward over the desk. “What’s your pitch?”
 The group exchange glances. Lewis stood up. “To start, your go to solution for this gig is have people sign the ambiguous release form. So I ask you, sir, what have you managed to accomplish with all your resources and park staff?” He crossed his arms and grinned.
 Manager blinked and edged back in his seat. “Er, well, my people are adequately trained—”
 “Adequately ain’t cutting it.” Vivi stood up. “My people are experts in this field of work, and we’re gunna save you so much money.”
 Attorney lady inched toward her boss. “Sir, you don’t need to listen to them.” She brought her arms from behind her back, and revealed the sinister clipboard with the forms. “They agreed to sign, if you afforded a short audience. You need not go further with this discussion.” She jolted when Vivi snatched the clipboard away.
 “Oh dear, you’re tots right. Guys.” Vivi set the clipboard on the desk and twirled the pen around her finger. “Guess we’ll be signing and leaving. We’ll just head off to some other amusement park, one with better rides, and the less likely hood of getting mauled. Though I love-love-LOOOOVVE the thrill of danger!” She cackled.
 Lewis brightened. “I love her when she gets like this.”
 “You would.”
 Mystery put his paws up on the desk and looked up at her. Vivi gave his head a pat.
 “A shame, isn’t it Misty?” She put the pen to paper. “He’s so excited to solve mysteries. It’s our raison d'etre. Isn’t that right, Mystery?”
 Lewis reached over and pulled Arthur up by the collar of his vest. The whole group standing, ready to sign and be on their way. When the manager looked his way, Lewis dropped the big grin on his face.
 “Hold on a moment,” Manager stammered. “Let’s not be hasty. Your group is qualified, in this field of work?” He snapped his fingers, looking to the attorney lady. “The Mysterious Stalls?”
 “It’s Mystery Skulls,” Vivi huffed. “And that requires some assessment. What exactly is your problem here? We’ve seen the results,” she gestured around the room, “damaged property, terrified guests—”
 Arthur piped up, “Potential lawsuits. If that thing tangles with the wrong people.” He shrugged, “Those checks won’t cover an amputation, and our guy nearly lost his feet to the jaws of death.”
 Manager groaned and touched his head. “All right-all right.” He reached over the side of his desk and fumbled with the drawers. After a brief spell, he pulled up a pill bottle and a bottle of water. “Ms. Carter,” he turned to the attorney lady. “Can you draft up some new affidavits?” To the Mystery Skulls:
 “You won’t be signing these.” He took the clipboard from Vivi.
 “Sir?” Ms. Carter posed. “Are you certain? These are freelance….”
 “Investigators,” Vivi offered. “And we don’t have a long list of clients, since we are thorough with our work.”
 Manager waved her off. “A brief work contract, swearing their silence if they so choose to work for me. The details of compensation will come later, with the results. Go to it now, I’m paying you.”
 Ms. Carter cast her eyes towards the group, then her employer, before exiting the room by the back door.
 “Now,” Manager replied. “Where to begin?” Again, he rummaged around on the side of his desk. This time he brought forth some folders stuffed with files, and from between the documents tumbled blurred photographs.
 The attraction for The Land Time Forgot, had several independently mobile and free roaming dinosaur animatronics. Models were based around prominent carnivores and herbivores of the cretaceous period – such as stegosaur, the tyrannosaur, raptors, spinosaurus, to name a few. Guests partaking in the ride, rode in a small buggy that navigated through a preset path. The ride was always fresh and exciting due to the primary attraction, the dinosaurs, roaming around or other times interacting with each other. Naturally, certain fail safes were programmed in, which prevented the animatronics from becoming unruly with one another or getting into traffic jams, which would shatter the existence of a natural ecosystem. It was also imperative to keep the imposing machines from wandering through the buggy’s trail, or exiting the park – these features self-sabotaging, since the mobility of each animatronic was limited.
 Save for one.
 “It was a gimmick, an innocent error,” Manager admitted. “One animatronic, the baby Allosaur, began to… deviate from it’s program parameters. At first it was considered an acceptable risk, it was almost real with its behavior. Reacting to lights, the sounds, other animatronics – the flash of a riders camera. But now, it’s an issue.”
 The allosaur deviated further, no longer reacting to only flashing lights or screaming guests. It began lunging at the buggy’s, though it remained within the programmed barrier which kept it from passing onto the road. This as well changed, and now the machine was routinely venturing out of the attraction itself. It was fine for a while, but now the theropod was attacking guests and the outside rides. For the time, the park staff managed to keep a low profile on these events, but rumors spread that one of the rides went haywire and now attendance was dropping.
 “Before,” the manager went on, “Profits boomed. People wanted to come by and see where the Allosaur would appear next. What mischief it’d get up to. But now, it’s damaging property, and I have to pay a higher commission for my attorney to handle guests who encountered it. Profits have plummeted, and thus far we have not been able to contain it. The artificial interface is out of control.”
 While the park manager spilled his tale of woe, the Mystery Skulls crew had resumed sitting. When he dallied on further exposition, they sat quietly, brooding through the context of their situation. Arthur did not look impressed.
 Vivi cleaned her glasses, and spoke, “So… stupid question. Why don’t you, I dunno, shut it off?”
 Manager nodded. “I wouldn’t say that’s a stupid question, more intriguing if anything. There’s a remote kill switch, along with a switch on all the animatronics which cuts power flow. The remote, I guess signal – I’m not good with the technological tactics – the animatronic overrides it. It refuses to shut down.”
 Now Arthur spoke, “That’s some hella AI game there.”
 “It’s cutting edge!” Manager gushed. “The ride was refurbished recently. When I purchased this theme park, I was told it was because the latest innovations went well beyond the anticipated recurring profits the original owner intended to make. Now though? I’m not certain if that was the genuine issue.”
 Lewis held up a hand and began counting off fingers. “Okay, so that we’re on the same page. One, you can’t shut it down. Two, you haven’t been able to catch-slash-stop it.” Manager nodded. “Cool. I think we can manage one of those two things. How ‘bout it Vii? You think we can handle this?”
 Vivi crossed her arms. “I actually think we should. We can handle it sir….”
 “It’s Klayton.” He rose from the desk and extended his hand.
 In due time, Ms. Carter returned from the back room with the paperwork for the short-term contract. It was a few pages long of formality, barring the Mystery Skulls ™ from speaking about the park, or do anything aside from detaining the Allosaur. There was a termination order, should they fail within a week to fulfill their objective. The group signed, as with Mr. Klayton and it was notarized by Ms. Carter.
 From there, the Mystery Skulls exited the managers headquarters, and returned to the attraction which housed the disastrous Allosaur.
 The first stop was the small disaster zone, where the Allosaur rampaged. Caution tape and some mobile barriers had been set up, barring guests from the traumatized site. Arthur slipped under a slant of the tape and examined the splintered pole from the fence. A couple meters away, Vivi stood examining the blocked entrance of the attraction. On the pavement, Lewis checked a muddy footprint.
 “What’d you take from all that?” Lewis called. “About the AI going haywire, and targeting guests?”
 Arthur dropped a splinter of wood. “Utter bullshit. I think it could still be some guy in a costume, like those meet-and greets.” He pulled out his phone and began swiping through the internet. “Allosaurs are much bigger, so why not make an animatronic to scale? Also, the movement was too smooth for a machine.” He approached Lewis and gave him a show of the images. Lewis nodded.
 “What about the Walking with Dinosaurs show? They mix people in costume and animatronics.” He poked Arthur’s phone, swiping away the images.
 Arthur muttered under his breath, “I can’t believe we’re doing this.”
 Lewis grinned. “C’mon, it’ll be fun. And we can bargain in free food and lifelong passes.” Mystery came over to them, and he reached down to pet the hound. “And there’s no way we’ll get Blacklisted.” He unclipped the vest from Mystery and folded up under his arm. “You won’t be needing that.”
 Mystery had a full body shake. His hair poofed up all across his formerly lean dog shape, making him look vaguely pufferfish.
 “This was our holiday.” Arthur snorted, and pulled up some more search sites with images. “Let corporate avarice deal with berserk Jurassic Park gone exactly as expected.” When Vivi came over, he handed his phone to her and gave a brief of the speculations.
 “Don’t get confused,” Vivi stated. “We’re not doing this for Park Avarice. We’re doing it for the people that come here, unaware that the ride is dangerous ‘cause of the coverups. Still, someone is out there spreading the rumors, and persuading people to stay away. That’s definitely not done out of any kind of Whistle Blowing moral obligation.”
 Lewis cooed, “You think someone tampered with the animatronic.”
 “Yup. Someone wants to sabotage the park, and they don’t care if anyone get’s hurt along the way.” She turned to Arthur and handed back his phone.. “You wanna help people, right? And you’re good with electronics, maybe better than the engineers enlisted here.”
 Arthur pocketed his phone. “I work engines. There’s a distinct difference between circuits and engines.”
 “Anyway,” Vivi announced. She brushed past the guys and climbed onto one of the lower rocks, within the small garden plot. “We’re gonna solve this case, and prove once again you don’t mess with professional investigators!” She pointed her finger high, a playful gust whipped around her hair. Mystery hopped up onto the rock beside her and posed.
 Arthur leaned into Lewis. “She’s doing the pose again.”
 Lewis slipped a hand beside his face, and stage whispered, “The pose is empowering. It speaks to the spirits, beseeches their protection.”
 Arthur sighed. “We’re cursed now. Our quest is doomed.”
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Puppy Love
Forgive me, but I combined two request into one. It happened on accident, cause I realized the prompt could fit the situation I get Frank and Joe into, but don’t worry @ladylindaaa it’s a fun fluffy situation. Also based off of my sims game. This is also an apology for those I hurt after posting Catch of the Day
Warning: Cute dogs and cute boys
Word Count: 2,340
Prompt: “Don’t you think that’s a little extreme?”
Summary: After a stakeout, The Hardy Boys convince their family to adopt two dogs. The responsibility ends up a lot greater than Frank and Joe originally thought. 
Joe Hardy sat slumped in the seat of their car. Chin in hand, his bored stare remained fixed on a very interesting brick wall.
Frank on the other hand was taking the stakeout much more seriously, His gazed remained fixed on the jewelry store. “Would you pay attention?” He smacked his brother’s arm.
“To what? Nothing’s happening!” Joe defended himself, sitting up.
“We promised Dad.” Frank reminded his younger brother. Earlier that same evening Fenton Hardy had asked his sons to take his place in watching Alyssa’s Jewels for a few hours until he could take over. They had nothing better to do, so they agreed. Joe just didn’t expect for time to move so slow. Usually, the brothers wait for a few minutes, have a quick conversation, and then boom! They get attacked by the criminal. They either win or knocked out (or both). They probably shouldn’t be used to that.
“It’s not like you’re the perfect watchmen.” Joe snapped back. He reached out to grab Frank’s phone, “Who are you texting?” Frank contorted his body away from him. They glared at each other, both knew that his brother wouldn’t back down. Within seconds they started wrestling.
Joe, being the stronger Hardy Boy, soon overpowered his brother. He laughed triumphantly, waving the phone away from his brother, who had pressed against the other door with his foot. “Now let’s see who you’ve been texting.” His joy vanished after he looked at the notifications and saw practically all of their friends. “You’re in a group chat with Nancy, Bess, and George! Since when did you group chat anyway?”
“Since tonight, and they’re on a stake-out too.”
“Well, I wouldn’t know that because SOMEONE didn’t invite me!”
“I’m sorry. I’ll add you to it.” Frank apologized. The street lamp illuminating the hurt look on Joe’s face made him look pathetic.
“You made me sit in silence for 45 minutes, while you texted our friends. Some brother you are.”
“Stop yelling.” He rubbed his temples, “I invited you isn’t that- Wait what’s that?” He looked past his brother into an alleyway next to the store. There was movement behind the garbage can. Joe saw it too. The brothers leaped out of the car, but quietly as they could so they wouldn’t draw attention to themselves. They pressed themselves to side of the nearest building.
A man dressed in all black approached the store, entering the alley. The boys looked at one another, someone else was in the alley. Would they catch the criminal before they did? The brothers asked each other without saying a word. They bolted forward, not willing to risk it. As they came closer, they heard a deep growl.
The man came shooting out, chased by a black blur. It shocked Frank and Joe as the chase ignored them. The man ducked into the next alley. The blur nipped at his heels. When the boys entered the scene, the man pressed himself against the wall, a large black dog snarled at him. A bag overflowing with jewelry spilled on the ground.
“Get this crazy mutt away from me! I’ll turn myself in, I swear!” The man pleaded. He looked seconds away from wetting his pants. The Hardy Boys both tried to hide their laughter and failed. “Hey it’s not funny! This dog is crazy.”
While the brothers knew how serious dog attacks could be, the sight of the nervous thief was a little funny. Frank moved forward, keeping the vicious dog in sight as he walked so he’d be prepared if the dog changed targets. Strangely enough, it didn’t. He felt more at ease and walked closer. The thief let Frank tie up his hands with his belt.
At that, the black dog stopped and left the alley. Joe checked to see if his brother was as confused as he was about the dog’s behavior. Frank was. Joe left in time to see the dog return to the other alley. Cautiously, the younger Hardy followed.
He had lost the dog when he entered. “Hey.” He gently called, pairing that with a whistle. The dog poked his head out from behind a dumpster. So did another dog. The other is white with brown splotches of varying sizes. The black dog didn’t seem as scary now. His big brown eyes searched Joe adorably. He was trying to figure out why this human was looking down at him.
“I’m a friend, don’t worry.” He promised, kneeling a few feet away. He put out his hand for the dogs to sniff. The dogs stood still, as if they were deciding if they should trust him. “C’mon. Come here.” His voice raised a few octaves when he said this. The brown and white dog walked towards him. Sniffing then nuzzling his hand, it looks like Joe had made a new friend. The black dog came closer, but wasn’t as friendly.
A couple minutes later, Joe exited the alley with two furry friends. An officer loaded the thief into the back of a police car, while Frank watched. He must have seen his brother out of the corner of his eye, because when he left the alley he immediately broke off. “Who are they?”
“Well, this is the dog that chased that guy, and this is his friend.” Joe smiled.
“Joe we can’t keep them.”
“Why not? This guy can chase criminals better than we can. Dad will love him.” He patted the black dog’s head. He accepted this praise with a strong, determined look. It was oddly human for a dog, Frank didn’t know if he liked it or was freaked out by it. “And this little sweetheart is so adorable.” Joe bent down and hugged the second dog. “She’s perfect for mom.”
“I don’t know Joe.” Frank shrugged. He knew their aunt wasn’t very fond of dogs, even if their parents were. It would take a lot of convincing to let her keep them. His heart melted at the sight of them. They were making it very difficult to say no. In the back of his mind, he started listing the chore he would promise to do for his aunt for the dogs.
Joe laughed, he realized just how weak his brother was in the presence of these two spectacular mutts. His broad, lopsided grin hid how much he wanted to jump for joy. He was finally getting the dog he’s always wanted.
“What’s the worst that can happen?”
“This is the worst that can happen.” He answered a month later. He knew he shouldn’t have said that. He always regrets it when he says that.
“You’re being dramatic.”
“Dude, Aunt Trudy’s gonna kill us.” Joe raked his fingers through his blond curls.
“Don’t you think that’s a little extreme?” Frank raised an eyebrow at his younger brother.
“No, it’s not extreme at all. That the good tablecloth, Frank! The good tablecloth!” He was shaking his brother by the shoulders. Who then shrugged off his brother’s grasp.
They looked down at what Joe was being dramatic about. The brown and white dog, now named Laika, had made a nest in the hall closet with the dreaded good tablecloth. Along with that, Frank saw his dad’s old coat, two of his mother’s dresses, a few of his brother’s shirts, and some of his own. He didn’t understand why the dog used clothes and a tablecloth for her puppies, but Frank wasn’t a mother.
Laika continued to press the various items together until she decided it was comfortable enough. She laid down and glanced up at her owners. Completely wrapped up in the joy of impending motherhood, she didn’t realize the stress she was causing them.
“Aunty only takes it out for special occasions and this is pretty special.” Frank chuckled quietly, squeezing himself into the small closet so he could comfort Laika. He stoked her head, which she thanked him for by licking his hand. Eventually, he couldn’t ignore the feeling of the daggers that Joe was glaring at him with. “What?”
“I’m stressed and you’re making jokes.” Joe threw up his arms in frustration. “I never agreed to the Freaky Friday switch.” He slid down the wall, utterly defeated.
“Neither did the characters in Freaky Friday.” The brunet brother reminded, pointing at his brother. “Switch with me, I’m gonna go call the vet.” He eased himself out of the closet and walked into the kitchen.
Joe took his brother’s place as a doggy midwife. As he traced little shapes in her fur, he thought back to only three hours before when he promised his parents that they would have a boring night so they could have some alone time. Unfortunately, Mr. and Mrs. Hardy rarely got the time for a date night. Right about now they were probably rushing home from that really fancy restaurant after getting the text about Laika.
Ranger, the black dog and probably Laika’s baby daddy, howled from Laura’s office. The boys put him in there once they realized Laika was in labor. He continued to be vocal about how much he hated the situation he was in. Joe didn’t like it much either.
Laika whined, Joe felt bad for her. She knew that. She nuzzled Joe, trying to comfort him even though she felt so terrible. He tried to do the same for her. Trapping them in an endless cycle of love and sadness.
“I’m sorry girl, I don’t know what’s taking the vet so long.” He said as an effort to make her feel better.
Frank returned, “Dr. Cohen said he’s having car trouble and just to keep her comfortable.” He sat against the opposite wall. The brothers sat in silence. Laika let out an occasional whine while Ranger yelled things that were probably uncomplimentary in dog. This lasted for a few minutes.
“Tonight blows.” Joe sighed, “First you cooked dinner, then the washing machine explode, I forgot to write that essay, and now Laika.” He pulled his knees to his chest and by the end of his sadness list, his head was buried in his arms.
Frank ignored the jab at his cooking skills and the fact that it was Joe who broke the washing machine. He enjoyed teasing his brother like every other sibling in existence, but it was hard to see him so upset. “I’m sorry about dinner, we fixed the washing machine, you can write the essay later, and Laika will be fine.”
The doorbell rang, causing both brothers to jump to their feet. Frank reached the door first and opened it. Outside stood Dr. Cohen with his vet bag in hand. Behind him was his son and close friend of the Hardys, Phil.
“She’s in the closet, Dr. Cohen.” Frank gestured. The vet nodded and followed him over. Joe and Phil lagged a bit, neither wanted to crowd the patient.
“Is that your Aunt’s good tablecloth?” Phil asked, peering into the nest.
“Don’t remind me.” Joe grumbled.
“You remember that?” Frank raised his brow at his short friend.
“Of course, she takes it out for every party.” Phil said as a matter-of-factly.
“Well, this party already has another guest.” Dr. Cohen announced. The three boys noticed the little puppy that had been born while they were distracted. “Still waiting on a few others.”
They heard a car door slam from the driveway, followed by the rushing tap of high heels on stone. Laura Hardy threw open the door, “Is she alright? Did we miss anything?” She asked breathlessly.
“Only one mom. Another’s coming any minute.” Frank shuffled over and gave his mother a quick hug, his brother did the same.
“Oh, good.” She smiled, then pushed past her sons to see her dog. They weren’t surprised, Laura and Laika formed a close bond over the past month. Frank and Joe found it a little unnerving that so much of their mother’s attention wasn’t on them. They had no doubt that she was fretting the whole way home. When their father finally joined them, his tired face only confirmed their theory.
“Oh this one looks like Ranger.” She cooed.
It was a long night, but by the end of it Ranger and Laika were the proud parents of seven puppies. Dr. Cohen and Phil said their goodbyes and left the family. Ranger sat by Fenton, finally freed from Laura’s office. He watched his children curiously.
“I’m not telling Gertrude.” Fenton spoke up.
“Coward.” Laura teased.
“Why can’t we just let her find out for herself when she comes home from her vacation?” Joe asked. The rest of his family considered this.
“It’s gonna be pretty obvious when she opens her craft room and finds them.” Frank added. They laughed before falling into a happy lull. The family felt exhausted, but the puppies were too cute to ignore.
“We’re not gonna get rid of all of them, right?” Joe piped up. They had a big house, but it wasn’t big enough for nine dogs and five people. “Because I really like this one, and I think he likes me. Isn’t that right, Bear?” He held up a puppy with a similar coloring to Laika.
“I kinda like this one.” Frank quietly referred to the black puppy sleeping on his lap. “I’m gonna call him Scout.”
Laura smiled at her husband and wrapped her arms around his waist. She sweetly looked up at him and said, “I think we should keep two. Ranger and Laika would be so upset if we gave all their babies away.” The boys knew their father was too weak to resist. She knew how to get what she wanted from him.
“You’re right.” He conceded. His wife and sons cheered. Fenton raised his hand, signaling that he had more to say. He met his wife’s eyes and said, “But only if you, my dear, tell Gertrude about the puppies and the tablecloth.”
Laura begrudgingly agreed to these terms. Mentally, she prepared herself for the ranting and raving she would have to endure. Her sons were happy. That’s all that mattered.
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