#the library lady
f4llingstrr · 1 year
just finished banana fish don't fucking touch me don't come near me what is this
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scramratz · 23 days
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pocketgalaxies · 10 months
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the women of CR + good notes (C3E34 || C3E42 || C3E68)
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weavingweb · 10 months
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on Swimming Pools
“Swimming Pool” by The Front Bottoms //“Portrait of an Artist (pool with two figures)” by David Hockney // “Jessica gives me a chill pill” (excerpt) by Angie Sijun Lou // The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) // “Crush” (excerpt) by Richard Siken
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detroitlib · 3 months
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From our picture files: Ladies' Home Journal July, 1950
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If u ever feel bad about yourself know that today at work I got so invested in a debate we were having surrounding whether social media was a good or a bad thing, that I loudly exclaimed "there's no library writing group that wants to read about my two favourite fictional guys kissing" and then had to exist while everyone stared at me like I'd grown two heads
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ladyhinna · 1 month
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sakura-rose12 · 11 months
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The colour wheel challenge I did on twitter! It was such a blast and it was awesome to see characters that people associate with the colours! Thanks everyone!
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ladykailolu · 6 months
You know, you just KNOW that it's a good fucking book when after you finish it, you put it down and remain in a silent melancholic fog like....
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eldiariodetiara · 9 months
There was beauty in the idea of freedom, but it was an illusion. Every human heart was chained by love.
Cassandra Clare, Lady Midnight
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stargirlfeyre · 22 days
Y’all more upset about Feysand flirting in the library than the priestesses were.
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kiwiplaetzchen · 2 months
"We do so adore restricted areas, don't we?"
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"We shouldn't go in there. Which is exactly why we should. Now take heed. There's a chance we could get caught."
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binah-beloved · 2 months
Birbna going through a molt... Maybe she'd let you help her with pin feathers. You ought to be very careful - they hurt when disturbed. But if you open the pins gently, you can free the stuck feathers and soothe the pain. Brushing Birbna's wings with a soft hairbrush, only to find out later that many birds only trust their mates to preen them anywhere but the head.
she tries not to let you see, not to force you to bear witness to this... mess. Binah knows she's hideous now, a warped beast of feathers and eyes and claws. you shouldn't have to deal with this. it's her burden to bear, her punishment
but alas, you're perceptive, as you always were, following the scattered feathers to where she's tucked herself away, hunched over and scratching erratically at her skin. she stiffens when you approach, then slowly slumps and extends one of her wings at your gentle request, trembling when you begin to carefully run your fingers through the feathers
you use the utmost care as you straighten bent feathers and remove loose ones, Binah leaning more and more of her weight on you until she abruptly sweeps her wings around you for a close hug. you're so gentle with her, so sweet and delicate despite how she's a monster now. or, more of a monster than she was. her claws run through her feathers, plucking a particularly glossy one with an iridescent sheen and pressing it into your hands. you'll keep it, won't you? to show that you're hers, and she's yours?
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lulublack90 · 2 days
Prompt 3 - Library
@wolfstarmicrofic June 3, word count 904
Previous part First part
The arts and crafts hadn’t been that bad. Remus thought it had probably been designed for younger campers, but each of the inhabitants of Gryffindor cabin now sported a red and gold woven friendship bracelet. 
“Shall we do the tour?” Sirius asked James. 
“Might as well,” James replied, looking at his watch. “We’ve still got about an hour until dinner.” 
“Where should we start?” Peter said, standing up from tying his shoelaces. 
“We’ll start with the boring and end with the good stuff.” Sirius grinned, grabbing Remus’s hand and leading him away from the main hall. Remus’s stomach flipped, and he willed his palms not to get sweaty. 
“This is the storeroom, don’t bother trying to get in, it’s really boring,” Sirius declared, not stopping. “There’s the kitchen. If you get hungry, the cooks are lovely and will make you something between meals, but don’t let Albus or Minnie catch you, because they will give you chores, and you do not want to do the chores,” Remus grinned, beginning to enjoy himself. “Then there’s the library,” Remus planted his feet at that one.
“A library?!” He asked excitedly. 
“Oh, don’t tell me you’re one of those,” Sirius rolled his eyes, but took Remus inside anyway. 
It was small but had a good selection of books. There were books on local flora and fauna, local hiking paths, emergency first aid books, but also novels. It was Remus’s turn to drag Sirius this time, as neither of them let go. 
Remus ran his fingers across the spines of the books in front of him and picked a few to pull off the shelves. 
“Can I take these with me now or should I come back?” He looked to Sirius, as he seemed to have taken over the tour. A crooked smile spread across Sirius’s face.
“You can get them now,” Remus’s face lit up. He picked up three and let Sirius lead him over to the stern-looking librarian.  “Irma, my sweet forest flower, how are you this morning?” Sirius crooned at the scowling middle-aged woman. 
“It is Madam Pince and you know it, Mr Black. Do not make me tell McGonagall on you.” She narrowed her eyes at the books in Remus’s hand. “What do you want?”
“Remus, here wants to take some books out. He appears to be a bit of a bookworm. Should have guessed really, he looks like a bookworm.” Sirius teased. Remus quietly handed the books over to Madam Pince. 
“You’ll need to fill out this form before you can take them.” She said, passing Remus a sheet of paper asking for his name, date of birth and address. “If you lose or damage a book you will be expected to replace it.” Remus nodded. He’d have to be careful, his dad would blow a gasket if he had to pay for new books that Remus wouldn’t even be keeping. 
“Yes Madam Pince,” He said politely. 
“Hmmm,” She grunted at them. She peered at Remus's form, but unable to find anything wrong with it, she made a note of the books Remus wanted to borrow and handed them over. 
When they came out of the quietness of the library it was to shouting and swearing. 
Peter and James were rolling around on the grass, wrestling. 
“Oi, you two, pack it in. Let’s finish this up, Remus wants to read his books.” When they didn’t listen, Sirius let go of Remus’s hand and launched himself on top of James and Peter. The shouting intensified until Sirius managed to separate them. They were all laughing and joking. Remus relaxed as he realised they’d been messing about and not actually fighting. “Right back to the tour!” Sirius exclaimed as he took Remus’s hand again and dragged him to the next stop.  
“That’s the dock, that’s the boathouse and, obviously, that’s the lake. I’ll tell you about the monster that dwells in the depths of it later.” Sirius grinned wildly at Remus over his shoulder. “Okay, next is make out point.”
“Yeah, but it’s pretty useless until the girls come over for the dance,” Peter groaned. “It’s got a nice view when it doesn’t have couples all over it,” Peter added. Remus looked down at his and Sirius’s entwined hands and gulped. Sirius caught him looking and waggled his eyebrows, making Remus blush from his head to his toes. He tried to pull his hand away, but Sirius held it tightly, not letting him let go. Remus had no idea what that meant. He had to force his brain to not start picking that apart now.
“And finally, my most favourite place in the entire camp. Our den.” Sirius pulled Remus through a line of trees and into a tiny circle with a ring of logs to sit on. It felt very enclosed as the surrounding trees had almost woven together, forming a shelter of sorts.
Sirius led him over to a log and pulled him down next to him. James and Peter came and sat opposite them. Sirius let go of his hand and leant backwards, moving a few rocks out of the way and picking up a small metal box. “And this is what we do in our den.” He opened the box and inside was a lighter, a pouch of loose tobacco, papers and a small baggy of green buds. Remus instantly knew what this little group got up to in their den. 
Next part
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usnatarchives · 2 years
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Promo photo for Jazz at the Philharmonic Concert in Paris 1957, NARA ID 20012478.
#OTD 1934: Ella Fitzgerald Debuts at Amateur Night at the Apollo! First Lady of Song AND Civil Rights activist By Miriam Kleiman, Public Affairs
On the evening of November 21, 1934, 17 year-old Ella Fitzgerald took the stage on Amateur Night at Harlem’s Apollo Theater and launched her longtime career as the “First Lady of Song.” She sang for presidents, was the first Black woman to win a Grammy (she won 13 Grammy awards) and sold over 40 million albums. 
She was also a Civil Rights activist who used her talent to break racial barriers. In recognition of her work she was awarded the NAACP Equal Justice Award and the American Black Achievement Award. The National Archives holds records documenting the discrimination she faced -- and fought.
Ella Fitzgerald et al v. Pan Am: Racism or “honest mistake”? On tour in 1954 en route to a concert in Australia she was denied the right to board a Pan American flight. She had to spend three days in Hawaii before other transportation to Australia could be secured, and she missed her concert dates.
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She sued Pan Am, claiming racism and seeking financial compensation. Pan Am claimed it was “an honest mistake” due to a reservation mix-up. The district judge dismissed the complaint, but the plaintiffs appealed. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit reversed that decision, ruling in favor of the plaintiffs.
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New York Times, 12/31/1954.
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Complaint, Ella Fitzgerald, John Lewis, Georgiana Henry, and Norman Granz v. Pan American, Inc., 12/23/1954 Records of U.S. District Courts NARA ID 2641486.
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Ella Fitzgerald Performs at Birthday Salute to JFK at Madison Square Garden 5/19/1962, JFK Library ID ST-212-15-62.
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President Gerald R. Ford and First Lady Betty Ford with Ella Fitzgerald at White House Bicentennial concert 6/20/1976, Ford Library, NARA ID 7840021.
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Ella Fitzgerald Performs at the White House State Dinner for King Juan Carlos I of Spain, 10/13/1981, Reagan Library, NARA ID 75855955.
More online:
See the complaint in the Documented Rights online exhibit under “Challenging Discrimination.”
DocsTeach: Complaint in the Case of Fitzgerald v. Pan American Airways, 12/23/1954
DocsTeach: Judgment in the Case of Fitzgerald v. Pan American World Airways, 1/26/1956.
Hear Fitzgerald discuss this incident, the lawsuit, and her legal victory: Ella Fitzgerald kicked off a plane because of her race: CBC Archives.
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ladyhinna · 3 days
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Novas imagens da 3° temporada de Bridgerton ❤️
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