#the last point is funny if your cat or dog is big
Fl reacting to reader having a cat or dog.
just that.
:O a fluffy friend for Foul Legacy!!
no seriously, he's going to try to make friends with your pet, regardless of if it's a cat or a dog, but he does so very respectfully! if your pet is more sociable and friendly, then they get along splendidly, but if your fuzzy companion is more standoffish, then Foul Legacy takes his time. he's very patient with this sort of thing- he wants the animal to like him, after all! he approaches your pet slowly, first spending time in the same room, then sitting nearby, before finally daring to give them a gentle pat. Legacy's covered in arms, so any bites or scratches won't hurt him, only serve as a note that he needs to be even slower in his befriending process. when your pet finally approaches him by themselves, Legacy has to bite his tongue to keep himself from squeaking and chirping with joy
after that, they're absolutely inseparable. your animal companion and Foul Legacy are both united by their love for you and each other, and snuggles are now even more of a fluffy pile, with you, Legacy, and your pet all curled up in the blanket nest- speaking of which, you learn to be very careful in where you sit down on the blanket nest, since sometimes your pet likes to burrow themselves under the covers for a nap, and it's very easy to accidentally squish them. Legacy's lap is also PERFECT to curl up in, and you've come home to see him and your pet snoozing together multiple times, waiting for your return. when they hear the door open they both perk up, scrambling off the couch and over to you so they can bump their heads against you and say hello
Childe also carries some of Foul Legacy's scent, even in human form, so whenever he visits you pet immediately comes to greet him, confused as to why he's so much smaller and less armored but happy to see him nonetheless
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forgeofthenine · 6 months
Hi, I love your blog ♥️
I was hoping to get some headcanons for Zevlor and the others, for when their non-tiefling partner tells them that it's not that difficult to read tail language because they've had cats for most of their lives and tieflings are similar enough.
Since we're already likening Zevlor to a wet cat, might as well go all the way. Tell him to his face that he's just a grown up catboy >:3
I honestly cackled at the last line of this ask, this entire thing was a pleasure to write and I hope you enjoy!
The bachelors when you compare them to cats
You'd known Dammon for a while now, learning the blacksmiths little quirks and attributes
One think you'd picked up on a while ago was the way his tail moves
Your eyes were often drawn to the way it would wag and curl in your presence, how it never quite seemed to stay still
It was only when you'd been giving a stray cat hanging around Dammons forge a scratch that you'd connected the dots
The blacksmith definitely wasn't expecting you to understand what his tail language means the next time he sees you
Having your partner matter of factly point out your excited tail wags is enough to fluster even the most self assured tiefling
When you compare him to a cat he gets even more flustered, letting out a light laugh as he asks you to be a bit more specific
Honestly, Dammon kind of likes the comparison despite being more of a dog person
He'll join in on making jokes about Tieflings being half cat, or saying that he's secretly a cat in a tiefling suit
Dammon is very chill about the whole thing and definitely appreciates having a non tiefling partner that can read his body language
Zevlor has a habit of dragging his tail when he's tired or upset while in the privacy of your shared home
He gives big sad cat energy a lot when he's recovering from his time on the road
It definitely helps you to know when he needs a bit of extra care and affection, being able to read his mood through his tail
Seeing the way it sways slowly when he sees you despite how it was layed on the ground originally
After some time, Zevlor starts to wonder how you always seem to know when he's in a bad mood
Sometimes you know even before he does
When he asks, the last thing he expected you to say was that he acts like a sad cat whenever he's upset
Zevlor is quite literally speechless at that, you can even see the cogs turning in his brain
He'll be confused by the idea but it doesn't change how he moves his tail is when you're around
Every time you liken him to a wet cat it's like trying to explain an internet phenomenon to your out of touch grandad
The way Zevlor is always so adorably confused and accepting of it as a compliment is definitely a sight to see
This ever proud wizard is definitely an easy one to read, even if you aren't used to cats
His tail lashes behind him when he's annoyed, it curls in on itself when you praise him for his magical ability, it sways lightly when you enter the room
Bringing up his similarities to cats is something that just happens naturally
The two of you are reading in his study when he drops something and lashes his tail in annoyance
When you mention his annoyed tail language he assumes it's his siblings who explained it to you
He's halfway through cursing Cal and Lia under his breath when you say he's actually acting like a cat
It's enough to completely stop him in his tracks, furrowed brow as he considers your words
Rolans much too proud to let himself be compared to a cat without complaint, and bringing it up is an easy way to get under the wizards skin
His tail flicks around behind him and his face glows an even brighter red
Even better, get Cal and Lia in on the joke!
Make Rolan regret ever introducing you to his siblings, trust me, it'll be really funny
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souichieatr · 11 months
Lol can u do headcanons for erens icks(like the dumb funny ones). he’d be such a welcome nuisance
Love ur work btw💕
eren's icks hc
a/n: i was laughing so hard imagining eren do these 😭😭 also! these are mainly like random weird hcs more than icks and thank you sm i hope you enjoy<33
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- says "you look prettier in the passenger seat" but then makes you drive and honestly it wouldn't so bad if he didn't have the ugliest snoring face ever
- he drinks water so aggressively, doesn't come up for air or nothing, lets the bottle crinkle up and then lets out a deep exhale like bro were you dehydrated are you okay???
- adding on from the last point, will slurp his drinks says he needs to get his money worth and its so annoying especially when he does it in the movies
- when he's trying new shoes on he'll run around saying he needs to make sure the grip is good EWWWWW he'll come up to the clerk with the box out of breath saying he didn't like them
- picks his teeth with a straw IN PUBLIC. does not care if theres toothpicks at the counter or if you have the floss ones he still chooses the straw some occasions will take the straw with him
- struggles with making a caption for a post or a bio for any social media, he makes a big fuss for it to be so bad PLS HELP HIM
- on his rubber band he has old hair still on it like THE HAIR THAT WAS RIPPED OUT IS STILL ON THE BAND. he doesn't really care and it doesn't bother him so when his hair is down the band will be on his wrist with hair on it YUCK
- he also has smacked himself with his rubber band when he's tying his hair back he puts the band into his mouth and it breaks (has done this multiple times)
- at any sport he will chase the ball. he missed to hit the ping pong ball? will chase after it. doesnt catch the basketball? will follow it off the court.
- sometimes is rude to waiters/waitress he doesn't mean to but he is BABAH. he'll snatch things out of their hand if they're taking too long at the drive thru but he does feel bad
- the ickiest one is if you have a dog or cat he will pet your animal with his foot. HE IS SO GROSS will make a yelp when your pet bites his toe
- speaking of feet he picks things up with his feet all the time, he refuses to bend down so he'll pick something up with his foot and grab it nonchalantly
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not proofread
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bloomingdog · 1 month
word count: 2.7k a/n: hii i'm going through a depressive episode and this is my fic about soap with a depressed reader cos he's my babygirl. might expand on them idk i love soap i wanna keep writing for him
Johnny is a friend of Kyle’s, and Kyle is a friend of Farah, who is your friend. And Johnny, or Soap, is here because Kyle invited him since he had “nothing better to do”. And it’s alright, he’s fun and a little loud, he talks over people but always apologises. You were a little nervous to meet him, having been promised a get-together with people you were already well-acquaintances with, but the tears in your eyes, from laughing, that is, dismiss all previous nerves.
“And then he-” He’s cut off by his own wheeze, it’s been going for a couple of minutes; him and Kyle trying to retell a story about their captain, but they keep getting interrupted by their own laughter. You don’t think it’s that funny, if anything their reactions are the thing that make you all go into hysterics. It’s hard to feel sorry for all the other patrons. 
You feel drunker than you really are, save for Farah, you only had two to three beers each. It’s the kind of silly drunkenness induced by being with friends. The forgotten UNO cards on top of the table shake as Johnny’s fist hits the table trying to catch his breath.
And the pub’s playlist keeps playing every top #1 hit from the last 20 years. And at some point you’re all performing a rendition of smash hit “500 miles”. And you’re getting giggly with sleep. And Farah’s driving you home. And she’s asking you about Johnny, which makes you giggly all over. And she’s telling you he’s single. 
And then it’s morning. And there’s a message from an unknown phone number.
“Hey. This is Johnny. 
Just wanted to let you know I had a blast last night, loved meeting you :-)” 
It makes you smile trying to figure out what to write back. Why is it so hard to sound nonchalant while also a little interested in getting to know him? 
“So did I!
Haven’t laughed that hard in a while lol”
That’s cool, right? It’s half a good response at the very least, since you get a response back.
“Wanna meet sometime?”
Oh, that’s good. At best, you get a little attention and maybe a lay, at worst you get a new friend. You keep texting throughout the day, you two fit like a puzzle piece: talkative, extroverted and active. He sends you a picture of a squirrel he saw earlier on his morning run, you send him a picture of your cat back with the caption “my asshole son” to which he replies “don’t be mean to him”. Those little interactions keep getting exchanged. On Monday, you send him a fun fact about a shark that had a virgin birth. Tuesday, he’s telling you about his fear of dogs. Wednesday is the perfect occasion for a picture of your cat, Gus, sleeping in a funny position. Thursday, your phone pings with a string of texts ranting about Glasgow City. Friday you’re texting Johnny that you’re at the restaurant you’re meeting at, a hole-in-the-wall that mastered the art of oily food and crispy chips, he replies he’s running late.
“I’m so sorry for making you wait.” Is out of his mouth before any greeting. “Are ye hungry?” It’s more a conversation starter than an actual question.
“It’s okay! No worries.” You’re just happy to be hanging out, not bothered by his tardiness. 
The two of you sit and chat, you learn he has a tattoo of a revolver but won’t say where. He laughs at the face you make while imagining where it would be. “Don’t be dirty!” He chastises, it’s within the law that you steal one of his chips as payment for the teasing. You ask where does Soap come from.
“A’m good at cleaning.” It’s a short answer that explains enough, you’re not keen on pushing the topic any further. Luckily, he changes the topic rather quickly, it looks like he’s not a big fan of silences. “Tell me aboot Gus. How’d you get him?” 
“A colleague’s cat had kittens, she was trying to find them homes, Gus was the only one left, runt of the litter you know?” He nods, listening, interested in what you have to say. “Kept pushing and showing me pictures of the guy until I caved. When I took him home he wouldn’t stop screaming, I think he might be part siamese, they’re really vocal. So, he kept me up all night, I thought he was sick or something, I even took him to the emergency vet, turns out he’s just a dickhead.” He smiles at the insult. “A very cute one, though.” You add, it’s hard not to love him even if he wakes you up at 6 a.m. on the dot.
 “Can I meet him someday?” he might if you’re lucky enough.
You might as well thank every saint, divinity, and omnipotent being for your luck tonight. He accompanies you home, only because “he’s a gentleman”, according to him. The kind of gentleman that kisses you dizzy and gets invited into your flat.
You text Farah about the events of the evening before falling asleep, it’s not kiss and tell if she’s your best friend. And in the early morning you’re both woken up by an angry Gus, whose side of the bed has been stolen by a guy that almost doesn’t fit in it. You’re cuddled on his side, one leg over his.
“Gus-Gus….” It’s a groggy mumble of displeasure, you know he only wants to be beside you, but the hour doesn’t help your mood. Still, you move away from Johnny so he can jump onto your chest for cuddles.
“He does skirl alright.” That morning voice might actually be the death of you.
“Told you. He’s an asshole.” A breathy laugh makes his bare chest move as he turns to face you.
“He’s real cute though.”
“Are you not tired?” The early morning light peeks through your window, the sun isn’t even out yet and you can’t imagine anyone that is appreciative of being woken up so early.
“Naw, no’ really. ‘M used to it.” 
It feels weird, good weird, to have him in your bed like that. Barely a week since you met, and he feels so close, more like a friend than a one-night stand, more than a friends-with-benefits. He checks the time on his phone before speaking again.
“Ye want breakfast?” Your eyes are closed again, hugging Gus close to your chest, hand moving up and down his fur but not doing much to pet him. His call of your name is answered by a groan, it makes him chuckle. He scoots closer to you, you can feel his arm coming up for Gus to sniff and the cat readjusts himself so his head is closer to Johnny’s. “Hi”.
Oh but the warmth dissipating from his body is to much, that and the soft noise of Gus’ purr drives you to fall asleep again. You only half dream, a mixture of images that won’t make any sense once you’re awake again, which happens rather soon as the bed adjusts and you feel a hand run through your hair. 
“Can I make tea?” His voice sounds softer than earlier, you nod, opening your eyes just a smidge to look up at him.
“Biscuits in the cupboard…”That’s as much as you can muster now. “Wake me up when it's done?”
He left with Gus following behind, but you can’t seem to fall asleep again. That was…rather intimate. Your stomach feels hot and your chest tighter. Shooting your eyes open you’re quick to grab your phone again, Farah replied an hour ago.
“Wooo! Good for you”
“You’re gonna have to tell me everything about it btw”
“How pathetic is it to have a crush on your one night stand?”
Oh you don’t like that, calling him a one night stand, feels too impersonal, rude almost.
You’re getting out of bed, into your restroom and to the kitchen. 
“Good morning” He leans against the kitchen counter where your meds are,he’s looking at his phone waiting for the kettle to boil, clad in his boxers from last night, hair a mess and body soft under the morning light. Even though it’s the same body it feels so different from last night, scars, bigger and small, litter his body, it’s muscular and soft at the same time, big pecs a tad too inviting and a tattoo on his forearm. Reaching for the pills would mean standing next to him, probably brushing against—no, touching him, and that makes you nervous. Oh. You’re embarrassingly down bad. 
He stayed the entire weekend, Friday through Sunday. Next week it was picnic and football. You’re convinced any major team would be jealous of your 1-person teams and 5 meter field. He’s good, but you’re full of fear as he chases you for the ball, it’s the predator-prey kinda adrenaline that makes you score. 
“Offside! Offside!”
“What do you mean offside? There’s no one I can pass the ball to!” In fact, there’s not even a goal. You grab the ball and go back to him, looking straight into his eyes in fake defiance. 
“Talking back to the referee? That’s a red card.” He looks so handsome like this, standing tall and unmovable, even if only joking, and you let him know via a quick kiss to his lips. He’s pulling you back to his lips not even half a second after, deep and slow, giggly. “Bribin’ me, huh?” You let out a soft, happy, sigh and kiss him again.
“Wanna go home?”
You tell Farah everything over a cup of tea and a piece of cake, of course. And she laughs at you, not in a mean way at all, only friendly and amused, still you hit her arm.
And the following week it’s film night. This one’s more spontaneous than the others, it’s been a tough week at work, you want a quiet evening and some company so you ask him if he wants to come hang out, he replies saying that he’ll be there in 30.
It’s the two of you, your favourite take out, Gus-Gus sitting on the back of the sofa and Fargo on the TV. He’s not paying as much attention to the film as he is to you.
“What?” You say, turning to look at him.
“Ye’r a beauty.” You smile shyly and kick him on the leg with your foot slightly. “A’m serious. I like you a lot.” A big smile grows on your face, and it’s enough confirmation for him to know you feel the same.
Or at least he thought so. There are no plans for this weekend, not for lack of trying, that is, Soap’s been trying to text you all week, it’s a big shift from your daily texting. He misses the little life updates you send him. Tuesday, he thought you might just be busy. Wednesday he stops trying to contact you, did he do something wrong? Went too fast? Are you ghosting him? What did he do that was worth the silent treatment? Thursday, he tries calling you, multiple times. Friday all rational thoughts have left his brain, did something happen to you? Are you okay? Christ, what if you’re dead? He texts Farah, swallowing his embarrassment.
“She’s okay, I think.”
“Going through a bit of a depression episode at the moment.”
“She’s going recluse, I know she wouldn’t mind a bit of help.”
“I have a spare key to her flat if you want to come get it.”
The string of texts floats around his mind, spare key in hand in front of your front door. He’s been inside before, but he was invited in, this feels invasive, but Farah trusted him, and she knew you best. He sent you a message before showing up, the last bit of chivalry he can offer before showing up in your home, it went through, and he hoped you read it even if you didn’t reply. 
He calls your name upon entering, no response. Gus comes running up to him to headbutt his legs and meow, a quick look lets him know his water bowl is clean and automatic feeder full, that’s a good sign. His voice trembles as he calls for you again. 
“You know where she is?” Great, now he’s speaking to the cat, and he meows in response, great, an actual conversation with a cat. Gus takes off and squeezes himself into a room with the door ajar, your bedroom. He knocks before entering, not expecting a response. The room is dark except for the light coming from your laptop, empty and half-full glasses taking up most of the space on your desk, chair full of unfolded clothes and a doughnut of blankets on the bed.
“Go away.” The doughnut speaks. His heart breaks at the sad, much softer than usual tone of your voice.
“Love.” The pet name slips from his lips, he notices but doesn’t attempt to correct himself. He walks closer until he’s sitting next to you. “Can I help you?” 
You shake your head no, or what’s visible of it. “Go away, I stink.” He chuckles.
“That’s fine, smell better than the lads in base.” It’s a pathetic attempt at humour, you still shake your head no.
“You don’t have to do anything.” You don’t sound sad or angry like he thought you might, it’s emotionless, almost like an automatic generated response.
“But I want to. Want tae tak’ care o ye” He wants to make everything better, wants to fix everything, wants you happy and energetic and smiling. It’s silly how much he cares for you after barely a month of knowing eachother, scary now that he’s admitting it out loud. He pulls down the blankets for a full view of your face, his hand goes to your hair, it’s tangled, he’s careful not to pull on it. “Am gunna run you a bath.” It’s not a question, you laugh slightly and he smiles, realising what he said. “Didny mean it like that, c’mon.” 
He helps you up from the bed and into the restroom. From your seat ion the toilet, you observe the way he turns on the tap and rummages through your cabinet, trying to find something to put in the water, you assume. “The orange bar in the back.” He halts, looks for a second and comes up with it, he leaves it on the sink while he turns off the water, you grab the bar and crumble a bit of it into the tub. He looks at you and gets up, you take it as your cue to undress and get in. Johnny comes back with a change of pyjamas and underwear and leaves again. You can hear him moving around and making noise, talking to the cat in occasion, while you clean yourself, when he comes back it’s to put your dirty laundry in the hamper. You don’t know why that’s the thing that makes you break and start crying. As soon as he notices, he’s on his knees next to you, softly caressing your cheeks and moving your damp hair away from your face.
“Whit’s wrong?” 
“I don’t want you to do this.” Is no reply to his question. “I don’t want you to have to do this.”
“M’eudail.” He starts. “It’s okay.”
“No it’s not!” You look up at him” I’m so sad all the fucking time and I don’t want you to have to deal with that, it’s not fair to you, you know? I don’t want you to have to take care of me or put up with me.”
“But what if I want to? Wanna take care of you, wanna put up with you.” You shake your head no, looking back down.
“Johnny, I’m so much. I get so clingy and stupid.” 
“That’s fine by me.” There’s no deterring him. He lifts your head up by your chin to kiss your forehead, bright blue eyes staring at you. 
And you realise how ridiculous this is. You’re crying in the bathtub, your friend-situationship is on his knees next to you, again, crying in the bathtub. You let out a sigh and nod.
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Taming Siberius
"Ahahaha!" Your best friend Elan is nearly falling on the ground as he laughs, clutching his stomach.
"Will you stop?" You huff. "This isn't funny."
"Are you seriously thinking about buying that?" He wheezes. "He looks like he wants to kill you."
"If you were stuck in a cage, I'm sure you'd be pissed off too," you reason, and peer at the demon.
He looks like a model fixed up for a fantasy photo shoot. But no cameras are flashing in this display window. The horns, the silvery skin, and the platinum hair are very real. The part of the eyes that would typically be white is gold instead, and he has no irises, only pupils that are huge and cat-like as he stares, unblinkingly at you.
And you look back at him long enough to realize he's not looking at you. He's staring at nothing. It's the sort of faraway gaze you can expect from someone who is in a place they don't belong. Your heart sinks a little but you're brought back to the present when Elan says,
"Resting bitch face," and tosses a handful of popcorn at the window.
You catch the exact moment the demon snaps out of it because you see his pupils shrink and sharpen as he looks at your friend. Damn, you'd hate to be on the receiving end of that look.
"How much did you drink?" You scowl. "I knew having a night out today was a bad idea."
"So what, my boyfriend ditched me. Big deal," Elan says, wobbling. "Who gives a shit about him?"
"Can you move?" An irritated voice calls out. "The last thing I want is a drunk teenager throwing up all over my display window."
"I will have you know I'm twenty-two!" Elan calls out. "I'm a responsible adult now."
"Uh-huh, sure," the shop owner says, entirely unconvinced of the latter. "Go and be responsible somewhere else."
"Actually, I was looking to make a purchase," you pipe up.
The shop owner brightens up. "Why didn't you say so earlier? Come on in. Leave your friend outside, they should get some fresh air."
"I'll be fine!" Elan says in a sing-song voice. "Go and get yourself a little pet."
You roll your eyes and step into the shop. You wince as the heavy scent of incense hits you.
"It's for the smell," the shop owner says. "Demons have a smell you know."
"Did I need to know that?" You muse.
"You want one, don't you? It's best to be aware of all the small details. Demons aren't like dogs, you can't just send them to the pound when you get tired of 'em."
The shop owner thunks a heavy catalog onto the table and says, "Before you ask, you can order them for a fee and get them delivered as well."
"I already know which one I want to get. The demon in the display window is on sale?"
"Lord yes, please take him!" The shopkeeper says quickly.
Of course, that immediately makes you suspicious. "Why?"
The shopkeeper clears their throat and says sheepishly, "He bites."
Your confused expression probably tells them all they need to know because they sigh.
"Hold on a minute, I'll fetch him so you can have a look."
You watch as they approach the brooding demon. You can tell the shopkeeper is afraid by the way they snatch the trailing leash off the floor. You're beginning to doubt your choice as he stands up, towering head and shoulders above the shopkeeper. This demon might be the figurative mastiff of the demon world. He follows the shopkeeper, but only because he wants to.
It looks like he's a little curious about you as well.
"Open your mouth," the shopkeeper orders.
The only two things keeping the shopkeeper alive at this point are the muzzle the demon is wearing and the taser the shopkeeper holds. You know for a fact that there's enough electricity in there to kill a horse. The demon glances down at the shopkeeper, seeming to bask in the way it makes them squirm. And then those golden eyes fall on you and the demon leans down until his face is level with yours. You have a pretty good view through the bars of the muzzle as he parts his lips in a sarcastic smile. The sheer amount of needle teeth bracketed by large canines weakens your knees.
"He's bitten people with those?" You gawk. "Are those people dead or missing limbs?"
"Not that I know," the shopkeeper says. "He only bites when you're rough with him."
"Promise I'll be nice," the demon says in a cavernous rasp that startles the shopkeeper as well as you.
"Since when could you speak English?" The shopkeeper says scathingly.
The demon clamps his teeth together and says nothing else, looking vaguely amused.
"Um, he might be a little too much for me," you tell the shopkeeper. "I want a bodyguard of sorts, not a murder machine."
"This is his last chance," the shopkeeper says. "Sure you don't want him? If not, he's going to the pits."
You wince at that. As scary as he looks, this demon is almost too beautiful to get messed up in the fighting pits. You hesitate and then ask,
"Can I have a trial run with him?"
"Up to a week," the shopkeeper says.
"Okay," you say. "I'll try him out."
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I keep trying to nail down this idea I have that monsters are treated as pets, toys, or "guard dogs" at best and slaves and gladiators and scum of the earth at worst. I can't get it exactly how I want and it's making me mad.
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 10 months
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Assata (Callie-Anne) Brown
"She's little menace, this one." - Hobie
What if Hobie Brown became a dad overnight?
Meet Assata Callie-Anne Brown~
Hobie and Assata may not be related by blood, but she's still his daughter - through and through.
Assata's mother surrenders her to Spider-Punk in the last moments of her life, in order to save her baby. She doesn't know who he is under the mask, but she has only one dying wish - That Spider-Punk keep her baby safe.
But Hobie never got her name - the baby's or the mother's.
And he so names the one-year-old Assata - and decides to raise her himself.
[I did the thing I gave him a kid because I can't live without dad! Hobie]
(Headcanons under the cut)
Assata Brown Headcanons
Assata is the definition of energetic. And Hobie couldn't love it more.
She's a rambunctious kid, and loud, with big ideas and bigger dreams - even though she can barely speak.
She's around 2 - or maybe even 3.
Hobies been raising her a little under a year now, and she's been saying 2 for the whole time - so he's assuming she'll be 3 soon.
Assata is incredibly kind - she takes after her dad. And Hobie makes sure to teach kindness to her at every turn. It's something really important to him.
Assata loves sharing. She always shares half of her oranges with Mayday and likes offering people things she's 'found'.
Like Hobie, she's got sticky fingers - and its not rare for Assata to shove something in your hand (something she shouldn't have) saying 'Gift! Gift! Here.'
Assata is vocal. She is never not talking - and her and Hobie can talk for hours.
Miguel will often ask her to quiet down during meetings (to which she tells him one of the only Spanish words she knows - 'Cállate!')
She mimics Hobie a lot, dramatically sighing about 'Cab-it-all-ism' or yelling 'Anarchy!' at any chance.
And from nights backstage at shows (with huge earmuffs of course), watching her dad 'sing', Assata loves yelling. And she really loves singing.
Hobie calls her his little vocalist.
Sometimes, it can be hard to understand her at all, but Hobie seems to manage fine.
Assata really likes rhyming, and really loves Hobies rhyming slang, picking it up and shortening it in her own ways.
He knows a 'toilet' is called a 'Bog', and that in rhyming slang 'Bog' is 'Cat and Dog'. So if Assata tugs at his suspenders and asks for The Dog - he knows what she needs.
But if there's one thing she loves more than rhyming slang - it's BAD WORDS
Please do not cuss around this child - she will proceed to scream it at the top of her lungs.
Hobie has never said 'Oi!' louder than the first time he heard her yell 'BLOODY FUCKING BULLSHIT!!!'
just because she could. She can barely say her full name, but she can say that.
At this point Hobie is sure she genuinely thinks Miguel's last name is "The Wanker." He'd regret saying that in front of her if it weren't so funny.
Hobie takes Assata everywhere.
The rare times Hobie takes her to HQ, he never lets her out of his sight - and dear god, does she try.
She makes a break for it every chance she can get, and she's fast as hell too. Can break your ankles with the maneuvers.
But he catches her everytime, and she dies laughing. She's loves stuff like that, and Hobie adores the fact that she loves swinging with him. Assata's never scared, because she trusts him.
Assata definitely understands her dad is a hero, even if he'd never call himself that.
She spends so much time around Gwen and the other spider-people though, it can be hard for her to understand that not everyone can do what they do.
She LOVES lemonade. Runs on the stuff, the more sour the better. It's borderline concerning.
Gwen has also given her a taste for Mountain Dew, which according to her dad she's NOT allowed to have.
(But according to her she needs it to live.)
His suspenders are mainly there for her now. It's not unusual for him to tell her to hold on to one and follow along, or for Assata to give one a tug when she needs to tell him something.
Assata isn't from his universe. So Hobie made her a dimension stabilizer, with an emergency jump button to take her to Earth-138 if she needs it.
Although she doesn't understand what that means, she knows that she can't take off the bracelet her dad gave her, or else she can get hurt without it.
Hobie put dinosaurs on it, and she LOVES dinosaurs, so she keeps it on always. She shows it off to everyone, and says her dad is "Smart. Like computer brain. Like Lyla." But no touching.
The only downside is sometimes her dad makes her sit at the kitchen table on the boathouse so her bracelet can charge.
It's so boring, but he says it's to keep her safe.
Assata lives on the houseboat with her dad, though she doesn't have her own room yet. Says she's 'too scared'.
It can be hard, because Assata has some separation issues from Hobie. He's her parent, naturally she always wants to be around him, and she can get really upset and scared if she doesn't see him in a couple hours. And she can't sleep at night if he isn't there.
Hobie didn't realize this until the first time she had a sleep over with MayDay. Thankfully he's only a watch jump away, always.
Though there are some people she trusts; Mainly Diane, Gwen, and Ansi. She's starting to trust Pavi too, who she adores. (It's the hair)
She really likes having Jess's baby on campus.
Hobie homeschools Assata, and plans to as long as he can. He doesn't trust the system, besides, Assata reacts way better to alternative teaching.
Learning outside or with art or just listening to Hobie, Assata loves learning. Especially about punk stuff and the world.
Most of her clothing is up-cycled and sewn by Hobie - including her own vest
MayDay is Assata's best friend! And her second best friend is Lyla. She calls Lyla a fairy lady.
Her initials are ACAB.
Hobie gave her 'Callie-Anne' as a middle name for this exact reason. When she gets older, eventually Assata uses that to sign her name.
(My Spidersona) DiscoSpider X SpiderPunk below 💖
Diane & Assata
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[that's funny cause they hate labels also they have no idea themselves]
The period after adopting her was hard for Hobie, not being able to save her mother. In the beginning he actually considered really hard what to do.
Diane was actually the one to suggest the name Assata - after the Black Panther Assata Shakur.
She was also a large contributing factor to Hobie keeping Assata, back before they had a name - even offering to help watch her as he adjusted.
Diane never really planned on becoming a parent figure to Assata - mainly worried about whether or not it 'labeled' her and Hobie.
But over the first weeks Assata and Diane bonded a lot, and Assata kinda became her favorite person.
But it didn't take a lot of convincing, to keep her permanently.
Diane and Hobie have a non-conventional arrangement (how on brand) and co-parent Assata, with Hobie being her primary parent.
Diane lives back at her place - and thanks to watches, her living room is only a portal away.
When she's not juggling extracurriculars at HQ, being DiscoSpider back home, or doing her '9-5', Diane spends the rest of her time at the houseboat looking after Assata with Hobie.
And she cooks dinner most nights, letting Hobie take a break after Assata's lessons. She usually hangs out with them for a bit - either heading back home before bedtime, or helping out at bedtime and sticking after she's asleep.
Assata calls Diane 'Mum' or 'Di-di'.
Assata got her hair done in dreads after seeing @spidey-bie's Ansi. And she whined until Hobie gave her the same, and of course Hobie is down for her to express herself. She happily showed Ansi after.
Diane is super serious about Assata and self - love. Assata will often be found muttering affirmations to herself, and marching head tall.
Assata is really confident in herself because of it. Assata loves to stand in front of her Hobie and say "Dad, we are so cooool." ------------------------------------------------
I could not help myself i could not i had to give them a kid. Hobie with a young, wild child is seered into my brain and I need it. So here's Assata Brown.
She thinks her dad is the best thing on every earth ever
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satancopilotsmytardis · 4 months
Ooooh, I really liked the explaination as to why the transformation quirk stuck! And the thought of Dabi's hormones getting confused is so funny-
Poor Toga, had to smell all of that for the entire meeting.
Shigaraki going from amused to worried is also very important to me. He's really sweet about everything and trying his best to help, and Dabiis so embarassed about it!
I wonder if being turned into a heteromorph affects Dabi's reveal?
I have to justify my bullshit or it Haunts me, so I'm glad that it seemed reasonable!
Poor Toga was Suffering™️, and have we not all at some point in our lives heard about a loved one's dilemma and thought it was funny until we realized they were genuinely distressed over it? It's so important for me to put those humanizing moments into everything (except you, Dog Teeth)!
And oh, I imagine as soon as Dabi starts doing his speel things get out of hand.
Shoto raising his hand.
Dabi, in the middle of his speech: i-- what the fuck are you doing kid? This is not school, put your fucking hand down.
Shoto: my brother wasn't a heteromorph.
Dabi: yeah, no, the cat thing is new-- That's not the point!! I'm Toya Todoroki!
Shoto, visibly struggling not to raise his hand again: It's just that you were not a cat the last time I saw you, and I cannot help being confused over how this happened.
Dabi, exasperated: Does it matter? I didn't have my skin stapled on the last time you saw me either!
Shoto: I was referring to Kamino Ward, but I can understand why you would need those given how badly burned the mountain was. I don't understand how you became a cat.
And on and on until Dabi admits that he got kidnapped and experimented on for years and how when he went home, he found Shoto had replaced him and saw how Enji was "training" him in the exact same way. And then Sho gets quiet and says that he wishes that Dabi would have talked to any of them before he left, because they never replaced him, they always remembered him and Natsuo, mom, and Fuyumi missed him so much.
At this point, Dabi's big reveal is ruined, and sensing his boyfriend is in emotional distress and is about to cry and ruin his own image in a way he would be very upset about later, Tomura shakes AFO's influence, wakes the fuck back up and gets the League and Dabi the fuck out of dodge to deal with all of that later.
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evelhak · 7 months
I need to see what you can write for KagaKuro and the number 12 ♡
I had a talk about different points of view in writing with @lylakoi and I mentioned I only tend to use omniscient pov for satire or parody, because that's how I find it natural to create a sassy narrator voice. That made me want to challenge myself to writing something completely serious in that pov. I also tend to write all third person perspectives in past tense, so this time I'm going for present tense. I hope you'll enjoy reading this experiment! Thank you for the prompt. 💙
Mini(?) fic: Ripples Prompt: Things you said when you thought I was asleep Pairing: pansexual!Kagami/bigender!Kuroko Timeframe: Third year of high school Rating: Teen and up
The stairs creak as Kagami finally makes his way upstairs towards Kuroko's little attic room. It has only been about twenty minutes, but that's how it feels to him—like forever. A small eternity he has spent with Kuroko's granny and the jungle of houseplants that have left the living room in a state not far from a mud bath. The granny believes in chaos. It is far too satisfying to let go of control while you're immersed in what's in front of you. You can always clean up later. Kagami likes Granny's thinking. She can turn the simple, boring task of repotting the houseplants into an adventure. It reminds Kagami of childhood, when dirt under your nails was a mark of a successful day. Things like this make him think that Granny seems both younger and older than most people.
Indeed, Operation Save The Jungle, as Kuroko's Granny likes to call it, is not why Kagami feels like too much time has passed, after Granny has sent him to check on Kuroko. He doesn't mind doing things with Granny, hasn't for a long time, not since he realised she wasn't out to get him for daring to date her precious grandson. (It was always the father Kagami should have worried about.) He hurries to Kuroko now, because he always does. Whenever Kuroko shows signs of overexertion, Kagami feels the ghost of last spring, the big slump, and he can't quite sit still.
He can't believe it used to be funny. How everyone, including him, could just tell Kuroko... "Don't die". It was a joke. Kagami knows the exact moment it changed, and he could never joke about that again.
Kuroko is not in danger. He is sleeping on the covers of his bed, curled around two other sleeping creatures—Nigou, and the old black cat Shiro who has valiantly carried Granny's sense of humour for 16 years. Kagami will see them in a moment, but for those few more creaky steps he has left before his hand reaches the door handle, his heart races a little. He has seen Kuroko in danger for twice too often. It will take longer than he understands, for those memories to turn into background noise.
It was in the middle of repotting a spider plant that Kuroko suddenly needed to lie down. He didn't say that his vision was blacking out, but Kagami can guess this much by now. It doesn't happen as often as it did before summer, but Kagami can't tell if it happens more or less than first year of high school. He wasn’t paying enough attention back then. One thing is definitely different, though. The causation from a source of exhaustion towards losing consciousness is not as straightforward to follow as it once was.
Kagami enters the room as quietly as he can do anything. Kuroko's easy, steady breathing calms his mind in a second. His jaw unclenches, his shoulders relax, but these changes are so small that Kagami himself cannot tell they are happening. His focus is on the unlikely sight on the bed. The eager dog and the grumpy cat are getting along. It makes Kagami grin a little, he thinks they would only do that for Kuroko's sake. When they can tell it isn’t the time to fight for his attention.
Kagami sits down on the bed. It creaks too, but like a whisper. A strand of hair on Kuroko's face seems to call him to wipe it away. Kagami doesn't intend to wake Kuroko, but he wonders if his face is paler, or feels colder to the touch than normal. He cannot decide. Kuroko looks peaceful, and a sigh escapes Kagami. His own worry brings the thought of Kuroko’s father back to his mind now. As much as he isn't appreciative of the fact that his place in the man’s good graces could be taken away on a whim, no matter how hard he has worked to earn it... there's also the fact that Kagami understands his worry. It isn't as misplaced as one might think at first. Excessive, maybe, but not untrue.
Kagami hasn’t seen everything that happens under the roof of this house. He doesn’t know about the morning Kuroko was brushing his teeth in the bathroom, and suddenly he wasn’t. His father heard the sound of glass shattering against the floor tiles. He broke the door open. Kuroko wasn’t hurt, but afterwards he was no longer allowed to lock the bathroom door and his toothbrush would always sit in a plastic cup since then. Kagami is still unaware of all the incidents that have piled up over the years, because Kuroko is always a little too true to his life style. You won’t see what is happening behind the scenes, unless you make conscious effort to find out.
And yet, the ultimate point of discovery always comes. It is now demonstrably true that Kuroko’s father was not wrong about the dangers of fainting. Kagami is the last person to argue.
And then, there was always the other thing.
Now, looking at the love of his young life, asleep, unguarded, Kagami thinks that he understands Kuroko’s energy better. It's not that there's nothing coming from him. It's that most of it goes past people. But that doesn't mean there's no mark left, somewhere in their mind. A vague sense of having missed something. Kagami is not articulate enough to put it into words, but he can sense it with more clarity these days, an energy that dissolves itself to accentuate its duality. An energy that hits the point of full overlap. The mistake is easy to make, but it is not a neutral energy, it is not "neither". It is "either", it is both, and that's what confuses people. It doesn't fit into the dual world view despite of encapsulating it. It isn’t about the shoulds and shouldn’ts people assign each other. It isn’t about your role, even if crafting that can be used to communicate what’s deeper than that. The truth resides where the words to describe it end. People can tell on instinct. And you can see it in the underlying patterns of how they treat each other.
It took Kagami a while to see, but Kuroko's father's actions were never simple either. After a while though, they do speak louder than words. It becomes apparent to the one who knows what to look for, that the man isn't just punishing his son for kissing a boy. He is also, no matter how much discrepancy acting on the underlying instinct causes in him, protecting his daughter from said boy. There is no way Kuroko's father understands this, Kagami thinks. Kagami would not have been able to see it for what it is on his own before he had the right context. But that is how Kuroko’s father acts, regardless.
That man is far from the only one expressing a view of Kuroko more inconsistent, more easily shifting, than people on average have of each other. He’s only unique in that he’s the father, and the one most conflicted because of it.
After Kagami was aware of it, he could see it everywhere, in the smallest and the broadest strokes. To Kuroko’s father, the ultimate burden of proof always rested upon Kagami's shoulders. It wasn’t even an undertone. He made it perfectly clear he would accept their relationship, but only as long as Kagami had proved himself good enough. Just like that, the father’s frame of reference shifted from “I cannot let this half foreigner corrupt my son” to “I suppose I can accept this relationship as long as this boy’s affection appears to me as identical to a man’s love for a woman”. Because with someone like Kuroko, the shift in projection happens with an amount of incongruence that is right below the threshold. It’s just mild enough to ignore.
The question is… where do projection and the truth, the push and the pull, meet?
Kagami knows that identity doesn't always coincide with people's perceptions of you. But he is also beginning to see that it more often coincides with people's subconscious, underlying perception than the overt, literal one. He can't explain it, but he feels how it is in the ways people approach and respond to each other when they don’t think about it, in the ways those interactions make you feel, where the direction of pressure, stress, ease and flow are. He understands, on some, subconscious level, that it’s one thing to be viewed as something you “shouldn’t” be when it misses the mark, and another thing when something inside of you resonates with that perception reflected back to you in the eyes of others.
None of this was ever an issue to Kagami. Even the fact that the most reluctant person to accept that the truth resides somewhere in the contradictory ways people perceive him, is Kuroko himself, doesn't bother Kagami to any mentionable extent anymore. No, it's always the same crux in the end. It's because malicious people can pick and choose what they see. How it follows, that residing anywhere in the ambiguous territory makes it harder than average to anticipate what kind of violence you'll be the target for. It’s not necessarily more or less. It’s just less of one kind.
Kagami is not worried because he thinks that Kuroko inherently needs more protection than the average person. He’s worried because he can sense what he can’t explain. In his gut, he knows that a desire to deny the relationships between certain aspects of yourself and the world makes you blind to where exactly the crossroads with the biggest risks for you, are. And Kagami has seen Kuroko do that on multiple areas of his life. It’s not that it’s just Kuroko’s own fault. It’s not that he should know better. How could he know better?
In that sense, Kagami understands Kuroko's father, even if he doesn't agree with the man’s methods of protection. Kagami thinks there’s another kind of misdirection Kuroko can learn. The kind that allows him to control or at least anticipate how people will see him. Maybe then, Kuroko could feel more secure in all of this. Less reserved. Wouldn't have to so carefully put away anything he might wish to express about himself. Not for fear of attracting the wrong kind of attention.
What no one in this house, not even Granny for all her wisdom, understands in this particular instance, is how much comes down to a word. A word Kagami has, a word Kuroko has grudgingly accepted as the only explanation for the way he feels, a word Granny has accepted all too eagerly in Kuroko’s opinion, a word Kuroko’s father doesn’t have. Because a word; all the knowledge and understanding it opens, or the lack of it, translates into action. Kuroko’s father, quite literally, doesn’t know what he’s doing... or does he? Is it possible that he, in turn, has a word Kagami does not have?
Kagami never really felt like he needed words before. He was fine with just instinct. Kuroko confessed as much at one point too. Being with Kagami was like a wordless bubble where he could be fully who he was, no questions asked, because he felt that Kagami saw him and got him right from the beginning. But the rest of the world couldn’t measure up, and you have to live outside of the bubble too.
Kagami leans closer on the bed, caresses Kuroko's nose lightly with his, barely brushes against the sleepy lips with his own. They have agreed a long time ago that it's okay to kiss, even if the other is asleep. But Kagami is too in his head to notice the slight change to Kuroko's breathing, when he lets uncharacteristically quiet words into the air.
– Hey, I know you still... hide so many things. Even from me. Even from you.
Kagami thinks Kuroko is still asleep. He scratches his head.
– It's not like I'm holding my breath, or anything. You don't have to tell me. Even if you never want to share your unfinished thoughts... Even if they’ll just remain unfinished, I don't care. Not really. It's not like I haven't already got everything that matters, you know... with you.
Kagami lets out a dry sigh and looks away.
– I have no clue what the future holds for you. It's not like I spend much time thinking beyond tomorrow anyway... It's just... a feeling, I guess. That I sometimes have. When I look at you. Don’t know what makes me think it. But it's like... there's something left. Something... that has been in your words for so long. Not just words. Everything. Maybe since the beginning. Something you know but you don't know. If your mind doesn't know it, maybe your body knows it or something. I'm not smart enough to put it together for you. I would, if I could, but...
Had Kagami been aware that Kuroko was listening, he would have stopped talking already. For a while Kuroko was so torn over the possibility of any conflict of identity. Like it was literally the last thing he needed in his life. The worst nightmare. Kagami feels ashamed about not understanding how it could be that big of a deal. He barely had any prejudice about who he was attracted to, at any point in his life. He could on some level and contexts be described as a lot more gender-blind than average, although it’s too conceptual for him to put like that himself. That is the reason he didn’t care, regardless. Why it was difficult for him to understand how something that always fit their relationship perfectly as long as it was wordless, unspoken, never pointed at, suddenly made Kuroko insecure, when it had a name. Not just with the rest of the world, but around Kagami too.
Things with names begin to take a clearer shape. To become more visible. Words have the power to affect how we see and what we see.
Kagami is aware of his mistake now. Even after Kuroko admitted to the core of his complicated feelings, the sense of caution didn't leave Kagami. He said too much once.
Kagami is no longer gripped by his own insecurities it sparked, and his circumstances over the summer forced him to understand none of it was caused by anything in Kuroko. After the summer, Kagami no longer questions how letting something to the surface—or being ambushed by it from the depths, could cause a sudden aversion to that which was just going along with the flow before in the undercurrent, away from your immediate consciousness. He understands all too well. About things that can alter your sense of reality and self. About things you cannot control.
– I guess I just wish you knew that I don't care, but that’s like, in a good way, and I'll be there, because I obviously do care, you know. I’ll be there whatever you'll do. And I can't say this to you, because then you'll think that I think you'll do something specific which I’m just not saying out loud. But it's not like that. It's so much vaguer than that, it's... more like there's still a piece of the puzzle missing. The piece that will... tie everything together in some new way. Everything you don’t know what to do with.
Kagami rolls his eyes and leans the bridge of his nose on his knuckles.
– I sound mental...
He turns away from Kuroko and lies down on his back next to the sleepy trio. In truth, Kuroko is now aware of Kagami’s every word and every movement, and something in him illuminates from the inside for the thousandth time, clinging to all of that, not like a lifeline, not like a string of light, but like a microscopic pattern that shouldn’t matter but changes everything anyway.
And then, Kagami says one more thing.
– You’re gonna be fine, you know. Because where the world puts an “or” you’ll always find a way to have an “and”.
At the last word, Kuroko’s heart races, and his eyes sting, but none of it is visible from the outside, just like everything else that has been hidden inside him, everything that still never was, and never will be hidden as well as he would like, everything he believes should stay hidden. Kuroko will believe that for some time still. The clock is ticking past midnight. The ocean waves are crashing too hard. The lake seems perfectly still, but sometimes, especially when the boy lying on his back next to Kuroko is close, there are ripples.
Some appropriate music I listened to:
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dykeseesgod · 2 days
what well its just that you havent spoken to me in years except to call me a faggot or to dislocate my shoulder and you know what else is missing besides an attentive listener a segue i suppose forgive my bluntness please dont hit me but i could giv two shits about you or your vacant mind or your morbid curiosities or your dead fucking dog so why dont you just leave i never dislocated your shoulder according to my doctor you did in shop class last spring you twisted my arm behind my back and said you wouldnt let go until i said and i quote i like to get it up the ass i was just playing around with you oh that makes me feel so much better you know through my screams and the searing pain i can definely recall hearing laughter any way i can contribute to the fun of the group we were just messing around with you fuck you cb id rather you say we beat the shit out of you because we cant stand you rather than youre just messing with me that implies light teasing or slightly oproprious behavior i havent eaten in the cafeteria in 2 years for fear of going home with some part of it smeared across my shirt i havent been to the bathroom on campus since my head got slammed into a wall i believe you were there i didnt do that well you didnt stop it either and the faculty doesnt care you know what im tired of hearing they only pick on you because of your own insecurities aw jeez mrs blank now that you said that my head doesnt hurt so much and people wonder why kids bring guns to school to shoot you fuckers down maybe youre not the bully but you stand idly by and watch and to me thats even worse so please just go youre being hostile and im just trying to have a conversation with you like a civilized i dont want to talk to you i just want to be left alone i dont need social pointers i just want an apology for the five minutes youve stolen from my day see this is why you dont have friends i think we both know why i dont have any friends oh dont be so melodramatic youre in here crying about a dead dog and im being melodramatic shut the fuck up about my dog ok or what youll hit me go ahead ill show you how people get hurt and dont run away to cry like a big fucking baby whats so funny asshole im sorry nothing i dont see anything to laugh at its nothing its just that i was scared of you for like a second im sorry no its ok i deserved it promise me you wont bring a gun to school i dont even know where id get one you were one of my best friends you all were i just dont get it can i be honest if its any consolation none of us knew what to say to you after your dad got arrested it was pretty awkward it was more awkward for me im sorry we werent there for you that means a lot see now youre being sarcastic again no i wasnt its hard to tell with you truce i wasnt fighting a war but sure truce are you i dont know ive never had sex so kinda hard to tell at this point what about my dad im not sure thats considered sex you remember how my dog used to howl when you played the piano yeah i always found it pretty annoying he was singing along what do you think happens to animals when they die they go to heaven you believe in heaven sure there has to be some reward for living through all this and you think there are animals there in heaven the wolf will live with the lamb the lion will lie down with the goat and the calf the lion and the yearling together and a child will lead them the cow will feed with the bear their young will lie down together and the lion will eat straw like the ox the infant will play near the hole of the cobra and the child will put his hand into the vipers nest but my dog killed a living thing wouldnt god be mad he was sick cb he couldnt help it you know they say a dog sees god in his master and a cat looks in the mirror i hate cats me too
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awesamforehead · 7 months
Tag at least six people (can be more than six if you want), and say at least one nice thing about or to each of them. Can be mutuals, can be people you follow, can be people you don’t know but just happen to exist in the same circle(s) with. All you gotta do is tag them and say something nice about/to them :)
Thank you @mahikamihan (the nicest and sweetest person here) for the tag! Ignore that its been a few days shhhh I was actually thinking of doing this on my priv but then this showed up so perfect opportunity :D Its a big one so everyone will be under a read more so Im not clogging the dash
@gogtopia Jules, you were the first person I followed when I was revamping my blog last year, the first person that came to mind on who I knew was safe post October. Although this was long ago, I really enjoyed the discussions we had about lore and such on discord that was a fun time. And now you're on the path of getting my into The Yard more too lol
@i-anonymous-crow Crow crow crow crow. You were the first (literally the first) people to follow me and it was all because I was crying over the Las Nevadas gift for ckarlnapity. And since then we've cried some more together. And now we're here, thank you for giving me a chance
@foolishfreckles Moss my beloved. Actually one of the chillest people I know and a really great clipper. Another person who has been here since pretty much the beginning (like when I had 20 followers) and one of my biggest supporters. If you arent already following Moss what are you doing. I also love the Foolish screenies you try to get every stream
@traidyy LUCKY!!!!!!! :D SWEETEST PERSON AND GREAT ARTIST THEIR ART IS SO CUTE. also a karl fan so thats 1000 more attractive points. But actually one of my favorite people here, wuv u Lucky <3 the dog to my cat
@sapybara INY!! Somehow you are the most rational but also the most chaos inducing person here and I love you for that. Whenever dash is all fucky and im beginning to spiral, your post are usually the ones who help pull me back up. Also your sapybara pfp is the cutest thing ever.
@vadergf REY REY! The would be drolo of my heart and the realest person when it comes to the green man. Your anons are hilarious and your art is so cute, no matter what you might say. Also thank you for supporting me like with the dteam hourly account i really appreciate it
@simplepotatofarmer Loyal! :D this is a thank you for always wanting and trying to make the fandom a better place. So many people give you the worst shit and yet you try to give second chances and show kindness. Thats something very rare to find nowadays. I love your aus like the rabbit and black dog au, and your chicken posts are some of my favorite things (all hail dream (chicken) )
@toxicsapolo Hi Salty! The og sapolo, the one who paved the way. Even though I have no idea what you and Adora are talking about with the F1 fandom, Ive admired how passionate you are when it comes to your interests. Sapnap, fashion, cooking, your boyfriend.
@tinynap JO!!! Your liveblogs never fail to make me laugh, even if half of them give you a tummy ache. I also want to say im proud of you trying your best at college, even at your roughest nights. You're gonna do great, kid
@dralbum NIICCCKKK!!! Ok not only is your art gorgeous and gives the softest feeling, you are also one of the funniest motherfuckers here. I enjoy our time on privtwt where we ask to eat each others food lmao
@faehrys ARIA MY ARIA!!! Not only an awesome editor, but also an awesome person. I appreciated how you tried to keep a positive space during the rough time, but also knowing when to stand your ground. And as always, karl enjoyer so extra cool points :>
@negativepeanuthoarder PEANUT!!! A true squirrel in which they stick around and make a home in your heart. You are always the loudest supporter in my writing and I really appreciate that, especially on the harder days
@knffuckraw ACE!!! Another funny person here and also representing the inner haikyuu fans (along with Iny). You have the greatest comebacks for anons and the funniest tags. love you ace <3
@dreamnotnapss First, a thank you for your services they’re greatly appreciated and you be missed by many. Second, a thank you for supporting everyone you could within our circle and even beyond. We’ll remember you fondly
@selvish HI TENDER!! we interact much more on twitter lol but youre one of my favorite people, big karl enjoyer and created some of my favorite fics like Y&OY, Rules, Favorite Place, and when we’re older 💜
@secretkoalasandwich EMMI MY BELOVED. ok tbh when we first started following each other I was so nervous cause you had a Wil pfp but now youre one of my favorite people lol. My brethren of punzblr, always ready to simp with me. Also an amazing artist with the most amazing blending skills youve ever seen youre telling me this is a painting??? anyways 10/10 spectacular amazing wow
@canonicallykayfabe EACHTRA!! Some of the most beautiful art here, both in a more cartoony style and one that holds slight realism. The color choices are fantastic as well. Along with that, you have some really thought provoking posts that I really appreciate like the banter discussion post awhile ago.
@sapnapstummy BLAZE THE KINDEST PERSON HERE 100%. legit i dont think ive ever seen you post a neg post about anything thats impressive. also i want to say i love how youll go back to either dreamtummy or sapnaptummy, so iconic and so true.
@dnapsnfsapnap PIGEON!! We’re semi newish mutuals but I’ll always welcome new sapnap fans into my life. On par with Salty, Jo, and Blaze, you fit right in with the sapolo ideology and i think thats amazing. You can always get the cutest screenies of Sapnap and I love your frog posts as well ^-^
@snfbabydrop Ive said this multiple times but thank you for your work on dreamnotnapss. The safe haven for multishippers in our corner. Aside from that, you are one of the nicest people Ive met here, never let your sunshine get blocked out
Also shoutout to my awesome mutuals who I dont talk to often but still love 💜
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istherewifiinhell · 1 month
Least funny joke anyones ever told
Little bastard had to choose today. Thats gonna be a fun one. Just like. In general. I got to talk to a very nice vet. Cause our point person at the hospital is doing. Hmm. Poorly. Couldnt get facetime working. Techincal difficulties. Of all the times. But anyway, was looking for guidance on information they couldnt well communicate. And it was. Overnighting for more tests. Or... So i talked to a very nice vet. Cause thats what i do. Lifter of dead cats and talker to vets.
Well. Very nice vets like to give you options. And like to be gentle. And like to emphasis the emotional attachment you have to the animal. Listen pal. I know I love him and I held him at eight weeks. As big a melon. Whole body the size is head is now.
But I think I almost heard relief in their voice as i was chasing the answers. So it doesnt look good. So even if you did more tests. Your not optimistic. So you think he'd suffer less. Yeah. Yeah.
Damn place is 2 hours away. Do i wanna say goodbye. Obviously. Or well. I thought. I do think. But I'm not making anyone do that. Do I wanna see him ill. Do i wanna see the body. I keep thinking of the last one.
Im told its understandable if wouldn't want to. I'm told it was horrible how long we spend in the room last time. I'll let em think that. But part of me. Well you can't beat the emotional surety of that. Oh believe me, I've been thinking. We'd have to have him sleep eventually. In the course of time. I cant imagine anything more horrible than a 95 pound dog dying in your house. But I won't see him now. And I don't know if I'll see him later. And. I certainly don't want to collaspe at an animal hospital tomorrow. If it were an option.
So. Let's just ride this out. Wait however long it takes to hit me this time.
Apologies to the well wishers. I do appreciate what ya said.
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trashyswitch · 1 year
Luigi's Secret
Chapter 4: The Embarrassing Family Dinner
Mario and Luigi go to their parents' house for dinner. Mario starts to tell the story of what happened the other night, and craziness ensues.
Another one?! REALLY?! I just feel...really good. I feel like being extra kind tonight. I hope you all enjoy!
The next day: 
Luigi and Mario were riding in the car, heading over to their parents for dinner after work. Despite the fact that they had moved out already, their Mom and Dad still wanted them over for dinner as often as they could. When they managed to settle on weekday nights as ‘dinner nights with family’, they were happy to compromise. 
“That old cat was really cute at that last place.” Mario said. 
Luigi smiled. “Yeah…He was very mellow. And loved people. I could tell.” Luigi added. 
“I loved that he’d just chill out near the sink while we worked.” Mario added, laughing. “Also, the fact that he kept rubbing against your leg?” Mario included. 
Luigi giggled. “I always did prefer cats.” Luigi admitted, remembering the little purring sound the old cat made as he rubbed against his leg. It was really cute. The cat would even let him pet his ears and neck for a few moments. 
“But the fact that he almost tripped you too?” Mario added with a laugh. 
“I should’ve been looking where I was going, honestly. I’m not used to quiet animals.” Luigi admitted. 
Mario shook his head. “Always trying to give them the benefit of the doubt.” Mario muttered. “It’s funny that you’re scared of dogs, but not scared of cats. You’re the opposite of most people.” Mario added. 
Luigi shrugged his shoulders in response. “Guess that makes me unique?” 
Mario chuckled as he turned the wheel. “Guess so.” 
Mario and Luigi drove up into the driveway, and made sure to lock the door. They didn’t want any of their equipment being stolen while they were inside, after all. Mario put the keys into his overalls and knocked on the door before entering. “Now Luigi…” Mario poked his brother’s phone inside the pocket. “I want you to stay off the phone while we’re here.” Mario told him. 
Luigi rolled his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Mario…I know that. I’m not 16 anymore.” Luigi reminded him. 
“Don’t think I didn’t notice you poking around on it after dinner yesterday. No phone, at all.” Mario ordered. 
Luigi widened his eyes, before biting his lip and looking down. “Okay…” He mumbled. 
Mario chuckled. “We don’t want those stories about puppies making you red before I do.” Mario reminded him. 
Luigi looked up and at Mario with shock and slight horror. “W-What?!” 
Mario laughed and elbowed him. “Nothing, nothing. Just teasing you.” Mario said before the door opened. 
“Mario! Luigi!” She pulled them both into a big hug. 
“Hello Mama.” Mario said, hugging her back.  
Luigi hugged her back as well, just glad to enjoy her touch and company for these few seconds. They soon let go and she brought them in. “Dinner’s almost ready.” She told them. “I’m making your favorite!” She told them. 
“Lasagna?” Mario asked. 
“That’s right!” She replied. 
“Yes!!” Mario cheered, throwing his hands in the air. “Thank you!” Mario reacted. 
She cut up the lasagna and put it onto plates for them, while Luigi placed the Caesar salad and the tongs onto the table. Their Uncle Tony was sitting with his wife and kid, while their Uncle Arthur was sitting beside the boys. 
“Did work go well for you two?” Their mom asked. 
Mario shrugged his shoulders. “Still getting the usual quick jobs, but I’m not complaining.” Mario admitted. 
“There was a sweet old couple that tipped us $20 today, which was nice.” Luigi replied. 
“$40 altogether, $20 for each of us!” Mario reacted with shock. “I insisted that we didn’t need it-”
“But…” Luigi elbowed Mario. “I told the lady that we appreciate the gesture.” Luigi finished, pulling out the $20 bill. 
Mario chuckled and pointed to the little heart that was on Luigi’s bill. “She even added a little heart on Luigi’s bill.” Mario teased. 
Luigi tilted his head before looking at the bill and widened his eyes. Sure enough, there was a little red filled-in heart on his $20 bill. Luigi smiled brightly. “Makes me not wanna spend it.” Luigi admitted before putting it back in his pocket. 
“Did she give you a peck on the cheek too?” Uncle Arthur asked with a laugh. 
Luigi looked down, slightly blushing. “No…” He mumbled. 
Mario rolled his eyes. “He saves those kisses for his Mama.” Mario added. 
Luigi widened his eyes and smiled awkwardly as a mix of laughter and coo’s filled the dinner table. Mama walked over, and gave Luigi a peck on the cheek. “I love you too, Luigi.” She said, cupping his cheek. Luigi held her hand for a moment, before she let go and went back to eating. And though Luigi was a grown man, he always seemed to really miss his mother’s loving touch. 
“Luigi’s always been like his mother.” Their Papa said. “Even looks a lot like her too.” He added. 
Mario smiled as he looked at his Dad. “He’s a lot like you too, Dad. In more ways than one.” Mario added. 
Luigi bit his lip as he knew exactly what Mario was referring to. 
“How so?” Papa asked. 
Mario let out a laugh. “Now let me just get myself comfy and tell you the story of how Luigi utterly destroyed me last night.” Mario said. 
Luigi groaned and took a swig of water, before wiping his mouth and mentally preparing himself for the embarrassment he’s been anxiously waiting all day for. 
“Sounds like something to be proud of! I’m surprised Luigi isn’t gonna be the one telling the story.” their Papa said.
“I…” Luigi scratched the back of his head. “I didn’t think it was such a big deal, but…” Luigi admitted. “He insisted…” Luigi added. 
Mario laughed and started to tell the story. He spent a bit of time explaining how the videogame worked, and how they were being extra competitive because of this fact. Luigi helped out with the explanation a bit, which helped Mario out a lot. Then, Mario started to explain the boss fight. “We were in the middle of fighting the boss. I was annoyed because Luigi was winning, and I didn’t want him to.” Mario explained. 
“Mario was being a sore loser.” Luigi added bluntly. 
“OOoohoho! Did Luigi finally get his win?!” Tony asked. 
Luigi rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Nope…In the middle of the fight, my controller stopped working, and Mario ended up getting just enough points to beat me.” Luigi explained. 
“Aww, that’s a shame.” Tony replied. 
“Do you need a new controller?” Mama asked. 
“Nope, thankfully. Turns out SOMEONE UNPLUGGED MY CONTROLLER MID-GAME!” Luigi said, looking at Mario with slight anger in his eyes. 
“BAHAHA! That sounds exactly like something your Papa would’ve done!” Arthur reacted. 
“Hey! I NEVER unplugged any of your controllers! We didn’t even HAVE controllers to unplug!” Papa reacted. 
“But he did cheat a fair few times during competitive games.” Tony added. 
Mario laughed and just listened to them. “Yeah, well…I was being a sore loser.” Mario admitted, scratching his forehead. “But the only reason I admit that now, is because Luigi made sure I regretted doing that.” Mario said. 
“Yeah…” Luigi added awkwardly. 
“What did you do?” Arthur asked. 
“I uh…Did what Dad always used to do when we were young…” Luigi mumbled a bit. 
Their Papa pointed to Luigi with his fork. “Which thing?” He asked before putting a piece of lasagna in his mouth. “I did plenty of things, so you gotta be specific.” He said, his mouth partly full. 
“Ya know…Y-You’d turn in-into the e-evil tickle monster and…tickle us?” Luigi attempted to explain. 
Mario pushed Luigi’s shoulder. “Dude scared me half to death! Gave me the most evil look I’ve ever seen from him, and then just about killed me by tickling my feet!” Mario explained. “I’m surprised I didn’t pass out!” Mario added.
Their Papa chuckled and swallowed his mouthful of lasagna. “It’s been years and years since that particular monster came out.” Their Papa mentioned. 
The table all laughed at them. 
“Did you seriously do that?!” Arthur asked Luigi. 
“I find it hard to believe, honestly.” Tony added, using a toothpick. “We were just talking about how soft and motherly Luigi is. And you’re telling us he dropped all of that last night?” Tony asked. 
“YES!” Mario replied, sounding somewhat angry. “I’m not kidding! It scared me, and I think he even scared himself by the end too!” Mario added. 
Luigi nodded. “I didn’t realize how much I was killing Mario until I heard him wheeze and go silent.” Luigi admitted. He bit his lip. “Sorry about that again, Mario.” Luigi whispered. 
Mario rolled his eyes and tweaked his side. “I told you, you’re fine.” Mario replied. 
Luigi squeaked and slapped Mario’s hand in response. “MArio!” Luigi yelled, narrowing his eyes at him. 
“Boys, really?” Mama asked. 
Papa placed his hand on his wife’s hand. “Hold on, I wanna see this.” Mario narrowed his eyes back. “Whatcha gonna do? Cower away?” Mario asked with a smirk. “Cryyy?” Mario teased. 
Papa smiled a bit as he saw what Mario was doing.
Luigi brought his face closer to his brother. “You really don’t learn…Do you?” Luigi asked in a warning voice. 
Mario smirked. “You think I’m scared, Mr. Giggles?” Mario asked. 
“Get his belly!” Arthur cheered. 
“I’d go for the armpits, if I were you.” Tony added. 
Luigi picked up Mario and flipped him around so Mario’s back was against his chest. Luigi hugged Mario close to himself and started tweaking his sides and belly first. “WahAHAHA! WAHAIT-” Mario yelled, pulling on Luigi’s arms to get out. 
But Luigi started skittering, scratching, even squeezing his sides for a bit. “You wanted it sooo bad? Congratulations! You’re getting it now in front of everyone.” Luigi declared. 
“AAHAHAHAHA GAHAHAHA!” Mario laughed, closing his eyes and already blushing up a storm. “Look who’s the blushy, giggly mess now?” Luigi teased, his voice going slowly and more smoothly. 
While Mario was laughing his head off and kicking his feet wildly, both their Uncles had started cheering Luigi on with the words “GO LUIGI GO!” and “TICKLE FIGHT! TICKLE FIGHT!”. Even their aunt was giggling as she watched. Though Mama wasn’t very impressed with the boys, Papa’s smile had grown bigger with pride. And seeing this, somewhat changed Mama’s reaction…at least a little bit. 
“Just keep on digging your own grave, big bro.” Luigi teased. 
“Oh you’ll KILL me?” Luigi asked. “Are you really trying to make me show off my evil side?” Luigi asked. 
“It’s working, isn’t it?!” Arthur asked. 
“Go for his belly button! That’s one of the worst spots!” Tony told him. 
“They’re twins, Arthur. He already knows that.” Papa clapped back. 
“Hmmm…” Luigi thought for a moment. “I just might…” 
“Okay Luigi, I think we get it. You’re an evil tickler now can we please get back-” Mama attempted to defuse the situation. “Let the man have the upper hand for once in his life.” Papa told him. “Now tell me, Luigi:” Papa smirked and leaned his cheek on his own fist. “What was my strategy for tickling Mario’s belly button back in the day?” He asked. 
Luigi smiled brightly as he started drawing a spiral around his belly button. “Liiiike-” He put his finger into Mario’s belly button right before saying the word “This.”. 
Mario screeched, wheezed and went silent. Luigi chuckled and repeated it one more time, for good measure. Mario wheezed and covered his mouth, just wiggling around and laughing silently at this point. 
Luigi quickly took this as a sign to stop. He placed Mario down onto the chair, and gave Mario his glass of water. 
“Here you go, Mario.” Luigi said. 
Mario took it and gulped some water down. “Hooo boy…Th…*huff*...Thank you…” Mario mumbled. 
“Sorry.” Luigi mumbled softly, feeling slightly bad. 
Mario couldn’t help the laugh that left his mouth. “Stop- Stop apologizing! You’re fine!” Mario told him. 
“Sor-” Luigi covered his mouth. 
Mario and the rest of the table laughed, while Luigi covered his eyes in embarrassment all over again. “Alright. Tickle fight is over.” Mama said, sitting down and grabbing her fork again. 
Mario wiped his forehead as he grabbed his fork again. “Oh!” Mario started, poking Luigi’s arm. “What was it you told me after last night’s fiasco again?” Mario asked as he grabbed some lasagna with his fork.
Luigi chuckled. “I said that “I learned from the best”.” Luigi replied. 
While Arthur and Tony were rolling their eyes and teasing Luigi for his ‘corny’ answer, Mama giggled and kissed her husband’s cheek. “He really did.” Mama added, poking her husband’s side. 
He jumped slightly and waved his finger. “No no no.” He warned with a smirk. 
Mama giggled and went back to eating. 
“But there’s one more quiz Luigi must pass in order to fully confirm he’s the new tickle monster in the family.” Papa said. 
Luigi bit his lip and nodded his head. “Okay.” Luigi replied. 
“Which way do you tickle the toes?” His father asked. “The big toe to the pinky?” He asked. “Or the pinky to the big toe?” 
Mario blushed and groaned, shielding his face with his hand. “Papaaa…” Luigi laughed at Mario’s reaction before looking at their Papa. “The pinky to the big toe, obviously.” Luigi replied. “The big toe’s the most ticklish out of all of them!” Luigi added. 
Papa slammed his hand on the table, shaking the table a bit. “THAT’S MY BOY!” He declared, laughing. “Pinky ALWAYS goes first! See Mama? He learns!” Papa added. 
Mama giggled. “He also remembers well.” Mama added. “The boy loved it so much…He wouldn’t stop bugging you until you brought out the tickle monster one last time before bed.” Mama added. 
Luigi widened his eyes and covered his eyes. “Ohno- I forgot I did that…” Luigi mumbled. 
“Oho yeah! Mario would just run into both their room to hide, while Luigi would keep yelling “Again! Again! Again!”.” Papa added, changing his voice into a little kid’s voice with a slight Italian accent mixed in. 
Luigi placed his head on his hands, attempting to hide his face while the rest of the table was laughing at him. Even Mario was poking him, and laughing at him. Though the pokes made him jump, they only made him blush even more. The only little solitude he could possibly think of that would help him in this situation…was those stories. And unfortunately…he promised his brother he was going to keep the phone off. 
So…This was going to be a long, long night…
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gin110881 · 10 months
In Another Life
This is the prologue to a story I'm writing on chapter 5 right now. It may be a while before I start posting as it won't happen until the story is almost done. But I thought I was posting this to feel obligated to keep writing. Lol.
Late September 1981, Godric's Hollow
  "Don't you think it's a bit too obvious?"
 "What do you mean, Padfoot?" James Potter gave his best friend a bewildered glance. "Who else would be our Secret Keeper? I can't think of anyone better suited."
 "Prongs, think about it. Anyone would immediately know I am your Secret Keeper. Wouldn't it be better if it was someone else, someone nobody expects?"
 Frowning, James studied his friend. Of course, he had a point. Everyone would immediately guess who their Secret Keeper was. "Who are you thinking of? Remus has been acting a little strange lately." James slowly shook his head. "Don't get me wrong. I'd trust Remus with my life. But he has his own problems."
 "What about Wormtail. I doubt anyone would even suspect he's your Secret Keeper," Sirius suggested.
 Wormtail, James thought pensively. Why not? Wormtail was a good friend who could be trusted. Then again… James shook his head. "I'd feel better if you were our Secret Keeper, Padfoot. After all, it's also about Lily and Harry's safety. I'd never gamble with that. It's too important."
 Sirius took a deep breath and raised his hands. "Okay, Prongs. Whatever you want. Of course, I'll be your Secret Keeper." Sirius grinned at his friend. "Otherwise, you'll think I'd chicken out."
 Halloween 1990, Godric's Hollow
 Harry Potter stood at the window in his bedroom, his nose pressed against the window pane, and stared sullenly out at the small Quidditch pitch behind the house. The moisture from his breath condensing on the glass matched the weather outside. Harry wanted to fly so badly, at least use the few moments when it was only drizzling and not raining cats and dogs, but his mother wouldn't let him.
 As so often lately, his gaze lingered longingly on the stone wall and the small patch of forest behind it, which formed the border of their property, and at the same time, the end of the world Harry knew. In his entire life, he'd rarely left this home, and every time he was allowed to, he'd been so excited to meet other children, even if they were much older or much younger than him. Harry once had a friend. Neville was even born almost the same day as Harry himself. But after visiting each other a few times, he'd never seen Neville again. His mother had said Neville's family had been attacked by the evil wizard, and he had left the country with his grandmother after his mother died in the attack. Ever since that day, Harry believed his parents that it was too dangerous to leave their home. That's why they lived here, tucked away in this cottage in Godric's Hollow that he wasn't allowed to leave.
 Of course, his parents were often out there. But it rarely happened that both were gone at the same time. And when it happened, Dora Tonks, his godfather's cousin, would drop by to look after Harry and his sister. And that only happened when Dora was on holiday and not at Hogwarts. Despite being much older than Harry, Dora was funny and could change her looks at will since she was a Metamorphmagus. Harry was deeply impressed by this ability. He really liked Tonks.
 Sullenly, Harry let his gaze wander around his room until his eyes fell on his broom, which had been sitting in the corner for the last week, and he sighed. If only he... A thought suddenly struck him. If he wasn't allowed to fly outside, he could do it in here, could he? Just like when he used to fly on the baby broom his godfather, Sirius, had given him. Without doubt his mum would scold him, but for now, he would have fun.
 Already in a better mood, Harry grabbed his broom and tried to turn a lap in his room, which wasn't easy because the room wasn't that big, at least not big enough to fly in it. Once he'd managed the third round without hitting the wall or doing any major damage, he got braver.
 Leaning forward as far as he could, he reached out to the door and pulled it open.
 "Mum, look what Harry's doing again!" wailed his sister Emily as he stormed down the stairwell into the living room, knocking over a chair and just managing to stop his broom in front of the dining table where his sister was sitting, leafing through a book.
 "What is he doing, luv?" his mother called from the kitchen. "And what's that noise?"
 "He's flying across the living room on his broomstick," she complained, giving Harry a indignant look. Frowning, she jumped up and cried, "If Harry can do it, so can I," and stomped off, probably to get his old kids broom.
 "Lily? Lily, are you there?" A voice suddenly came from the fireplace.
 Harry turned and spotted his godfather, Sirius, peering out of the fireplace flames with a worried expression on his face.
 "Sirius, what happened? Why don't you come in?" Harry asked, kneeling down to get a better look at his godfather.
 "Harry, can you call your Mum, please. It's important," Sirius replied with a grave voice, without smiling at him, which usually never happened. His godfather always had a smile for him.
 "Yeah, sure," Harry replied and ran to the kitchen.
 His mother must have heard that she was being called because she was already hurrying out of the kitchen. "What's the matter, Harry? Who's there?"
 "Uncle Sirius wants to talk to you, Mum," Harry explained, following his mother back into the living room.
 "What's it, Sirius?" she asked, worried while getting on her knees in front of the fireplace. "Something wrong with James?"
 "No, no. Prongs is fine," Sirius reassured Harry's mother. "He's with some others checking the wards around Hogwarts. There are rumours again that Voldemort is trying to take over Hogwarts."
 "What is it then?" asked Harry's mother, concerned.
 "I wanted to ask if you could look after two more children. It would only be for a day or two."
 "What kids are you talking about?"
 "D'you remember Molly Weasley?" asked Sirius tentatively. "Her husband, Arthur, was at the Ministry when Voldemort burned it down with Fiendfyre last year."
 "I remember her," Harry's mother said thoughtfully. "So many innocent people died that day. The Weasleys had seven children, didn't they? What happened to Molly? She's alive, isn't she?"
 "Molly was in Diagon Alley in the morning and was caught in a Death Eater attack. She was taken to St. Mungo's. Her two youngest, a boy Harry's age and a girl who should be a year younger, are home alone. Can you take them in for a day or two until Molly gets released? Kingsley is taking the kids to their mother right now. But they can't stay in the hospital, and Kingsley is needed at Hogwarts."
 "What about her other children?" Harry's mother asked, worried.
 "Her eldest is away on Order business, and the others are still at Hogwarts," Sirius replied.
 "Okay." Harry's mother sighed. "Then bring them both over here. You're the Secret Keeper. You're the only one who can bring them here."
 "Thanks, Lily. It may take a bit, though. While the kids are visiting their mother, I'll go to Hogwarts to see if they need any help. See you later," Sirius called, giving Harry a brief smile before disappearing into the flames, which then died out again.
 "I hope those two know how to fly," muttered Harry. "What's the weather supposed to be like tomorrow, Mum? Wouldn't it be nice if I could play outside with our visitors?"
 "With any luck, the sun might shine tomorrow," said Harry's mother. "But first, let's make the beds for our guests. After that, we'll prepare dinner. Come on, you two. I'm afraid you'll have to move a bit closer together in your rooms."
 "I want the girl to sleep with me in my room, Mum. What's the girl's name anyway, Mum?" Harry's sister cried, excited.
 "I don't know, luv. But I suspect the two would rather share a room. After all, everything here is unfamiliar to them," Harry's mother replied while opening the door to Emily's room.
 "But I don't want to sleep in Harry's room," Emily complained.
 "And I don't want to sleep in Emily's," Harry countered. "Why can't the boy sleep in my room, Mum?"
 "Okay, you two." Harry's mother shook her head and sighed. She raised her hands and suggested in a patient voice, "How about we let our guests decide for themselves?"
 "Good idea," Harry blurted out confidently. "The boy probably wants to sleep with me in my room anyway."
 "Good. That's settled then," Harry's mother said with a sigh. "But you two still have to tidy up your rooms before dinner."
 "Oh, Mum," Harry moaned. But the prospect of finally meeting someone his age again made his steps bounce with anticipation as he climbed the stairs to his room.
 "Mom, when are our guests coming?" Emily asked for the umpteenth time as they sat in the kitchen, waiting for their visitors. "I wanted to play with the girl before we have to go to bed."
 Harry rolled his eyes. Although he was also looking forward to having company, his sister's constant questioning got on his nerves. Especially since he'd noticed the worried looks his mother had already thrown at her watch several times.
 "I don't know either, luv," his mother replied. "Something seems to have stopped Uncle Sirius. Or the kids have found some other place to stay."
 "That's too bad," Emily said grumpily. "And I'm hungry."
 "Yeah. I'm also starving," Harry agreed.
 "Let's have something to eat then. I've prepared bangers and mash," Harry's mother said and began setting the table. "Harry. Please go and get something to drink for both of you."
 Harry grimaced and mumbled, "Okay, Mum." He took a jug of pumpkin juice out of the cooler, set it on the table and paused. 'Mum? Why isn't Dad home yet?"
 His mother froze. After a moment, she took a deep breath and turned to Harry with a worried expression. "I don't know what's taking him so long, luv. I can't imagine inspecting the security wards around Hogwarts with Dumbledore taking that long. Maybe another problem has occurred." Sighing, she murmured thoughtfully, "Dad will be home soon."
  "But you're worried?" Harry asked, and it was more of a statement than a question.
 "Yes, of course," admitted his mother. "It's dangerous out there. So many people disappear without a trace every day. And ever since the Ministry was gone..." She paused and looked at Harry. "But don't worry. Your dad knows what he's doing. He'll be home any moment."
 Dinner was a quiet affair. Harry kept watching his mother out of the corner of his eye. He was worried because she was only picking at her mashed potatoes listlessly. He'd never seen her like this before. Even his sister ate in silence, occasionally chancing a glance at her mother. Even she seemed to notice something.
 "Mum?" Emily asked, looking up from her plate.
 "Yes, luv."
 "Are the two children still coming?"
 "I really don't know, Emm," Harry's mother replied. "Why don't you two go to bed right after dinner? And tomorrow morning, when you get up, your dad will be back, and you can have breakfast with him."
 "Oh, Mum. I don't want to go to bed yet," groaned Harry.
 "If you want, you still can read a bit in bed, Harry. And you can take your dolls with you, Emm," said Harry's mother. "And in the meanwhile, I'll try to find out if Dad needs help."
 "You want to leave us alone at home?" Harry asked in astonishment. That had never happened before. When his mum and dad were away together, there was always someone else in the house. Usually, Dora or Sirius, although Sirius then mostly went out together with his parents.
 "No, of course not," his mother replied. She paused, sighed and shook her head abstractedly. "Maybe. But just for a minute. I need to find out where he is. Something is not right here. He usually lets me know when he's late." She glanced at Harry. "But I'll hurry and be right back."
 "Why don't you send your doe?" Harry asked, bewildered.
"I've already tried that. Twice actually," his mum replied, a sob escaping her. "But he didn't answer."
 Taken aback, Harry stared at his mother. He'd never seen her like this before. Had something happened to his father? Dazed, Harry nodded. "It's okay, Mum. Go find Dad. I'll take care of Emily." He turned to his sister. "Come on, Emm. Go, brush your teeth and put on your pyjamas. And no dawdling. I have to go to the bathroom before I go to bed too."
 At that moment, a brightly shining silver stag burst into the room and walked up and down once. Turning to Harry's mother, the stag said, "Lily, close the Floo connection and have everything ready for you and the kids to leave the house at short notice. Sirius is missing, and it looks like Voldemort is standing at the gates of Hogwarts with all the Death Eaters of Britain in tow. Be very careful. I love you!"
 Frightened, Harry glanced at his mother, who stood frozen in the middle of the kitchen, her face white as chalk. Her eyes wide open, she stared at his father's slowly fading Patronus and cried, "James!" After a short sob, she whispered, "James." Taking a deep, shaky breath, she turned towards her children. "Pack your things. Some warm clothes, underwear, and some fresh pyjamas. Harry, make sure to help Emily when you're done with your things. And don't forget your favourite toys."
 "And my broom," Harry added.
 His mother nodded. "Then bring your things down into the living room and wait there."
 Later, Harry would only remember that at some point, he'd fallen asleep on the sofa in the semi-darkness of the living room with Emily snuggled up to him. He'd slept very restlessly, and whenever he woke up in the night, his mother was either staring silently out the window into the darkness or pacing restlessly up and down in the kitchen next door.
 It was already starting to get light outside when Harry's mother gently shook him awake. "Harry, wake up," she whispered.
 Harry looked up at her drowsily. "Yes, Mum? What's it? Has Dad come home?" Reaching for his glasses, he realized he'd forgotten to take them off before he fell asleep.
 "No, Harry," his mother replied in a low voice. "I'll go and see where he is. I won't be gone long, I promise. Until then, take care of Emily. If anything strange happens or someone you don't know shows up here, you have to hide. Sneak out into the woodland behind the Quidditch pitch. You know best where to hide there."
 "Why would strangers show up here, Mum?" Harry asked, worried. "You always said nobody could find us here."
 "I don't know what happened to Uncle Sirius. He's our Secret Keeper. Your dad said he was missing. And if...if..." His mother sobbed, and Harry saw a tear slide down her cheek. She sniffled briefly and locked eyes with Harry. "Anyway. Run away if someone you don't know shows up here. I will hurry too. I promise. Take care, Harry, and let Emm sleep a little longer."
 Harry nodded and watched as his mother pulled on her winter robes and left the house through the back door.
 Careful not to wake Emily, he got up and quietly walked into the kitchen to check the front entrance through the window. The gate was barely visible in the morning fog. When he couldn't see anything suspicious, Harry went back into the living room and peered out the window. The far end of the Quidditch pitch wasn't visible in the fog, but everything seemed quiet.
 "Harry, where's Mum?" asked his sister, sitting on the sofa with her hair tousled, looking around searchingly.
 "She'll be right back," Harry replied, hoping that was true.
 "I'm hungry," Emily said grumpily, making a face like she was about to cry.
 "Then go and get yourself something to eat from the kitchen or you'll have to wait for Mum to get back," Harry said, raising an eyebrow at his sister. "You're old enough to get yourself something by yourself."
 "I'm only eight," Emily clarified.
 "That's what I said. You're a big girl and old enough," Harry replied, slightly annoyed. "And now be quiet. I have to watch out here."
 "Why do you have to watch out? And for what?" Emily asked curiously.
Harry took a deep breath. He wanted to stay calm. It wasn't his sister's fault that they were here alone, and he was in charge. "Please, just go and get yourself something to eat, Emm."
 With a reproachful look on her face, Emily climbed off the sofa and padded to the kitchen.
 More than an hour later, the morning mist had already cleared, and their mother wasn't back yet. Emily had got out her colouring book and started drawing, and Harry slowly was getting hungry too. He'd been pacing back and forth between the windows the whole time, but everything had remained silent outside.
 Harry was about to open the cooler to find something to eat when he suddenly heard a noise outside the house that he recognized from Apparating.
 "Emily, get your things. We have to get out of here," Harry whispered hastily, peering out the kitchen window. He breathed a sigh of relief when he recognized his mother and Dora Tonks. But something was wrong. Dora, who looked like she'd bathed in mud, was leaning heavily on his mother, who led her to the front door.
 As the two stepped through the door, Harry noticed that Dora wasn't covered in mud - it was blood, and her face was contorted with pain.
 After helping the older girl onto a chair, his mother straightened up and looked at Harry. It was only then that Harry realized that his mother was crying and shaking like a leaf.
 "They're all dead," she whispered in a toneless voice.
 "Who is dead?" Emily asked, standing in the kitchen doorway, eyes wide open.
 "Everyone," Harry's mother whispered. "Dad, Uncle Sirius and Remus. Mad-eye. Everyone. Hogwarts burned down, and most of the students inside died. Burned. by Fiendfyre."
 "Did the Death Eaters win?" asked Harry in horror.
 "No." His mother shook her head. "There are no winners, only very few survivors. And Dumbledore killed Voldemort."
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danceofthephilos · 11 months
Kaoru Sakurayashiki Character Intro + Hikaru Midorikawa Interview (spoon.2Di vol.71)
"Carla, calculate the angle."
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Kaoru Sakurayashiki
"S" Name: Cherry Blossom Birthday: March 27th One of the big names at "S". Assisted by his AI partner Carla, he calculates the theoretical best way to skate. His public face is that of a famous AI calligrapher. He and Nanjo are childhood friends, and fight like cats and dogs.
Hikaru Midorikawa Interview
—Midorikawa-san, what sort of person do you feel Cherry Blossom is? Could you tell us any dialogue or scenes you think are key to understanding Cherry Blossom's character?
He's an overly complicated character, so I still don't understand him very well. (wry laughter) However, if I make a mistake in my performance, I can be corrected on it, and that's a part of acting I enjoy as well. It'd be nice to see how he came to be like this depicted someday. (laughter) As for what's important at this stage, that would be his constant low-level arguments with Joe. (laughter)
—What do you consider important in portraying Cherry Blossom, and what direction did you receive?
Like I said just a moment ago, his fighting with Joe is over the top to the point of being childish. (laughter) And delivering lines with a low center of gravity to make it feel like he's riding his board.
—In the episodes up to 7 that have been broadcast so far, are there any of Cherry Blossom's scenes or dialog that have had a particularly lasting impression on you?
Naturally, his scenes with Joe. Is it that they get along so well they can argue? (laughter) I thought Cherry was a cool character type at first, so I had the feeling like, "You're really going that far!?" but now I've completely gotten used to it. (laughter) Also, I'm interested in how kind he is to Carla. Why? (laughter)
—Cherry Blossom is constantly arguing with Joe, but Midorikawa-san, how do you feel about Cherry Blossom and Joe's relationship? What did you consider important when you were playing their interactions?
If they really had a bad relationship, they probably wouldn't take things that far. (laughter) Because there are so many scenes like that, we have to be mindful of keeping up a good tempo. I'm sure they've known each other for a long time and been repeating themselves for aaaaaaages, so it has to feel smooth, doesn't it? (wry laughter)
—Regarding Cherry Blossom, Joe, and ADAM, what impression do you have of them? Could you also give us your impressions of ADAM's skating scenes in episodes 4 and 5?
Something definitely happened between them in the past, didn't it? It's funny how Cherry has some kind of burning desire to fight him, but keeps getting flippantly ignored by ADAM. (laughter) As for ADAM's skating, it's absolutely crazy. (laughter) But it makes me want to watch it over and over again, or rather, it's addictive. (wry laughter)
—And what are your impressions of the student characters, Reki and Langa?
Absolutely adorable! Pure! Please skate together for your whole lives! ♪
—Is there anything in the upcoming story you think we should pay particular attention to, or look forward to?
How will Reki, who hasn't yet gotten to do anything protagonist-like, shape up to fill the position of a protagonist? (wry laughter) Also, Reki and Langa's friendship. I'd like them to keep being friends for a loooooong time.
(from spoon.2Di, volume 71 - February 2021)
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HI hello can you tell me where you got that rooftop gang drawing or is it just from the last chapter!? (Which I haven't seen yet) 🥺
Sure thing! It’s from the final volume of Vigilantes (Vol 15) extras. Currently the extras are only available on the electronic version of the volume on ShonnenJumpPlus that requires a membership (though I could be wrong about this), but hopefully the extras will be posed to the MHA Vigilantes Fandom Wiki in a few days.
The sketch that I posted is the only one of the rooftop trio from the final volume but I wanted to make it worth your time so here are all the extra drawings I can find of the Rooftop gang:
Vol 5
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In private, Ms. Kayama keeps her sexy hero side subdued and comes off as more of an ordinary woman. Almost motherly even. The three little girls are cute and inoffensive, making them easy additions to any scene. By the way-they're in middle school, making them teenagers, just like Pop and the twins. [HIDEYUKI FURUHASHI, Author of Vigilantes]
For Midnight's casual look, I referenced her "house clothes" profile page from the main series. I’m a big fan of knit one-piece and boots, but sadly there weren't any really good angels of the boots in the story (LOL) In Furuhashi's rough draft, all three of the girls had the same face, but I decided to make one of the three a little off, just like with the Sturm and Drum perv brothers. It's becoming a trend. [BETTEN COURT, Artist of Vigilantes]
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(In case you can’t tell the taller woman is midnight undercover)
Kaori (Midnight) and Kazuha (Pop)
The original plan was for these two not to realize the huge age gap between them and just think they were in the same year at college, but that would make Midnight seem more oblivious than she is and stall the flow of the scene, so I changed it to "they're working an undercover mission together." I'm always happy with the results whenever I ask Betten-san to design a group of girls in street clothes. Show me all that fashion! [FURUHASHI]
I don't mind coming up with street fashion now and then, but when I have to do it for a whole group of characters at once? Kill me, please! I was pleased to discover that when you give Pop a different hairstyle, she actually comes out looking cute in an ordinary way. (LOL) [BETTEN]
Vol 7
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For the so-called cosplay chapter, I submitted a list of costumes ideas and Betten Sensei dew the best ones. Aizawa's such a serious guy so pretty much any costume looks funny on him. [FURUHASHI]
Often when reading the rough draft of a chapter, I think, "Wah ha ha, this is hilarious!" But when it comes times to draw, I'm stumped. This time was no different. I didn't want to piss anyone off! That was the main thing on mind while drawing. (LOL) A Japanse tennis player had just won some big tournament, so when I saw that on the news, I thought, why not have Aizawa Sensei play tennis too? [BETTEN]
Vol 8
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Vigilantes has always incorporated cameos of characters from the main series, and though the whole Young Aizawa arc is an example of that, we got a much more intense reaction from readers than usual demographic. [FURUHASHI]
The only snippet of Aizawa's and Mic's school days provided by Horikoshi himself came in "The Digression" page of volume 6 of the main series. When I realized that, I was at something of a loss. "Oh crap..." I thought. [BETTEN]
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There's a canon line of dialogue in the main series about Midnight's old costume having been even more scandalous in the past, so that was a point we had to touch on in the flashback arc. So many people asked if Sushi the cat was a parody of Sushi the dog in Tite Kubo's Burn the Witch one-shot, but actually it was more of a play on the series, Shota no Sushi...[FURUHASHI]
I received specifications and references images for Midnight's costume from Furuhashi-san, and upon reflection, I think I stuck a little too closely to the reference material. [BETTEN]
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Name: Oboro Shirakumo
Birthday: 5/5
Height: 187 CM
Favorite Things: Blue Skies, The Sun
Quirk: Cloud
Shirakumo's whole concept started with Horikoshi Sensei describing him as "a Mirio-like friend of Aizawa's during his school days." Then, through a lot of back-and-forth conversations between Horikoshi Sensei and the Vigilantes team, we came up with a more detailed profile, visual design and so on, until the character really took form. Shirakumo's presence meant that Aizawa's and Mic's personalities and roles had to be a little different in the past. That necessitated including that altered portrayal , as well as showing the way they changed moving towards the present day, so the Young Aizawa arc turned into a pretty extended affair. It'll keep going for several more chapters. [FURUHASHI]
Shirakumo's U.A. uniform design came from Horikoshi-san. The googles I designed as part of his costume just happened to look like Aizawa's, and I'm grateful that Furuhashi-san picked up on that and made a whole point of it. [BETTEN]
Vol 9
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For both these guys, my request were "lighter equipment than present day," "traditional period" and "shonen-ish." Once you add those googles, young Eraser Head is complete, so to speak. [FURUHASHI]
Since those two are in their powered-up forms in the main MHA story, I wanted to imagine these versions as an earlier stage of that. As if they would improve on these designs over time to achieve their eventual styles... Kind of like that. [BETTEN]
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“We got a gift illustration from Horikoshi sensei! Isn't that great, Shota?!”
Vol 11
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In Vigilantes, Midnight's character is basically an obliging woman who loves to look after others, which I extrapolated from her presentation in the main series (where she's a teacher who interacts with students a lot, and is someone whose, let's say, "proclivities," influence her words and actions). I can always count on her to discuss things with Koichi and the gang. [FURUHASHI]
For some reason, I get a lot of chances to show Midnight Sensei in street clothes or disguises. (LOL) I don't know if I'm nailing her whole image correctly or not, but I'm having fun at any rate. [BETTEN]
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Midnight is always stylish in just the right way for the occasion, so her hero costume isn’t the way it is just to please the crowds. It’s a deliberate choice, stemming from her progressive sense of aesthetics. Probably. [FURUHASHI]
I’m quickly running out of wardrobe ideas for Midnight’s noncostumed appearances. With the draping, cape-like coat, I was trying to evoke a crisp, military-style look. [BETTEN]
And that’s all I can find! Hope this helps.
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googoobabajogwick · 1 year
Hot knife chpt:2
description: the day had finally came.
triggers: talks of violence against women, mentions of smut but not graphic, unhealthy coping mechanisms and unhealthy relationships, a break up.. reader is still unhinged...
word count: 6.8k
mini authors note: lol surprise ! things wont always be this fast...
Hot Knife Chapter Two: Watch Him Rain on My Parade
Well his promise lasted for longer than you thought.
Sixteen years to be exact. 
You couldn't lie, it was the best time of your life. Living with your soulmate felt like living in paradise. It was a very messy break up. Of course you had tried several times to hurt him, destroy his cars, houses, steal his money, everything. Although you weren’t married you made his life a living hell for the first year after breaking up.
It hurt, really bad. You did not like being hurt. Thoughts of marriage, real marriage, were running through your head. The two of you had best decided that since your lifestyles were so much different than the average civilians you both just ended up giving each other your own marker. That was the closest thing to marriage you were going to get. Plus it was so much more intimate, a blood oath. 
Yet when you were with him, you still thought about rings, would you take his last name or would he take yours? You’d ask him, never one to shy away from what you were thinking and he’d entertain them like he’d always had but that’s all it was, entertaining. Then it happened. What was just a small scratch on your brain became a full on obsession. 
It was on your mind all the time. Spending holidays together, neither of you ever waking up to an empty bed to complete a private contract, a dog and a cat. You imagined a small little cabin in the woods, you with your best friend, your boyfriend maybe even someday husband in solitaire. Hunting, fishing, gardening, sitting by the fire at night…
That was your life before and you wanted to bring him to that life. You knew he’d do well because if he loved you then he’d have to love the outdoors but you also knew that he was a man who loved the quiet life and to be alone. The obsession grew and grew to the point you were so sure even he’d want to follow you. 
The two of you were filthy rich at this point.. What if you just did it? Then you could actually have a life together. It was funny at first because you were the crazy one. You loved taking hits and leaving there bloodier than you entered, why would you ever want to leave this job? But your Jardani or should you now say John, was in his prime and living out the fame of being the most feared man on earth. 
You scoffed at the name John Wick. You knew he said he made that his name due to a rough translation/ homage to his real name, but it was quite funny the name he used to instill fear in peoples minds, was the same name you used to degrade him during sex. You still could remember the first time you brought up leaving and when you left like it was yesterday. 
Laughing, you straddled John— who was back in his boxers after a good couple rounds of sex— as he now prefered to be called. The two of you were horndogs and that never went away the entire sixteen years you were together. You were wearing his U.S. Marines shirt from his service time many years ago. It was your favorite, big and comfortable.
You had just gotten back from cleaning yourself up in the bathroom. He had scolded you for calling him Jardani. It was John now, John Wick officially. Though he’d never care if you continued to call him by his real name. Especially when it sounded so sweet coming from your lips. 
Things had been tense but like always, he made everything better. He knew what to say every time or should you say, he always knew what to do. How to make you feel loved. You gave him a slight smack for his comment while you were in the bathroom.
“I just still can’t get over it, Jonathan Wick? Like John Wick?” You laughed, “I’m going to feel like I’m domming you every time I address you.” He laughed.
“I wouldn’t call it “domming” me, more like, me worshiping the woman I love by letting her have her way?” John was not a man who was dominated.
“Fine but I know your dirty little secret.” You smiled.
Before you could say anything else he pulled you down so your head was on his shoulder. His cue for ‘no more talking.’ The two of you laid there cuddling, with you on top of him for what felt like hours before you just couldn’t get the idea out of your head. You tried to push it away but it wasn’t working. Deciding to trust communication once again you asked, 
“Dani, what if we left? You change your name to John Wick— or something else, I change mine and we just go live together somewhere in the woods? I think you’d do well out there.”
You’d opened up to John about how you grew up in the woods, before you were orphaned, your parents killed by cops. Hunting was in your blood and you also craved isolation. Being off the grid sounded nice. You really were all over the place. A girl who everyone thought was attractive, confident, smart, every aspect that would lead to someone being extroverted but instead you were blunt, quiet and you often disliked conversation. 
The cover didn’t not match the book. 
Even when John met you all those years ago at twelve when he met you with The Director. There was something dark and cold about you that made her sure you’d be a good team. You’d marched right up to him and ordered him to go get you a glass of water from wherever was closest and when he refused you called him swine and spit on his face. He couldn’t lie, although he really wanted to punch you across the face, you were cute. 
How far you two came was crazy. You were hopeful but a lot of that hope went down the drain when you saw his face. It was something between a, ‘you can't be serious.’ And a, ‘You’ve got to be joking.’ You felt like you were going to puke, which you had done the day before. The idea of leaving plagued your mind and the nerves got to you. 
Nervous thoughts that you’d make yourself out to be the idiot you were scared of becoming all those years ago. Perhaps you were as stupid as you were afraid you were going to get. Your heart started to race and you wanted to be anywhere but in front of him.
You stood up and pulled up your pants without even looking at him. It was starting, all the hurt you knew was eventually going to happen had caught up. John was confused, grabbing for his shirt while calling your name. You glared at him and were so furious you almost hit him. It didn’t take a lot to get you angry, but angry enough to want to hit him was a lot. 
“Woah! What are you doing?” He asked.
“You take me for a fool you asshole. Well, you genius, I do want to get out. I’m done with this shit. You have days to decide, I’m doing a couple hits and I’m gone. Ghost.” You sneered at him. 
The two of you had already been arguing a lot lately and it didn’t help that you could go from zero to one hundred real quick. He was always taking contracts but the long ones and the big ones. The ones that took weeks to months, ones where he’d come home bleeding a life threatening amount. Jardani no doubt was a natural, you were too but you preferred to be fastidious with the hits you’d take. 
It was like when you both started dating the two of you switched personalities. You became more open with him and he got harder to talk to. Either choosing to not talk at all or acting like everything was fine. Then he joined the Marines and you would miss him for months, he'd come back and accept some contracts. That’s not to say you didn’t spend any time together but he was always gone.
Always promising that he’d take you on vacation only to call the day before your flight and tell you that he had to stay a couple more days. It was a cycle. John would come home, you’d be sobbing, he’d stand there in silence, making you feel like you were going insane, as you yelled at him, the two of you would sleep in separate rooms until he’d apologize. Then the two of you would have sex and everything would be right in the world again.
Till the next time and there was always a next time. All you wanted was to spend time with him and to be with him. His solution? Take more hits together. You almost smacked him. Why in the world would you want to go out and risk your life assassinating someone— or more like some people because a hit designed for two people wasn’t small— when cuddling, eating and sex were on your mind?
“I think we should talk about this.” Jardani grabbed your wrist and you ripped it away. 
He looked shocked but was glad you didn’t smack him across the face like you would every time he’d touch you when you didn’t want to be touched. This was normal as of late but you never acted so upset over words that weren’t even said! 
You glared at him while running around the apartment to find a to go bag so you could stay at The Continental for two days while you prepared your leave. John was playing stupid, at least that’s what you told yourself. Your eyes burned but you held the tears back.
“No. I want a yes or no. Two days.” You grabbed your bag and left. 
Physically leaving was going to be easy as you had made a friend named Algo. Algo was short for Algorithm. She was a woman you met through a friend’s friend. She needed help with an abusive boyfriend, so you helped her. Algo happened to be an amazing hacker, so much so she had helped you make real deal fake IDs and hack into government records. 
You could never get away with living a normal life so that’s what you planned to be, a vigilante, but one that helped women who needed help. Algo would be your right hand woman. She would and could find anything you needed, she could also erase anything you needed or even hide. She’d become a good friend in the past few months you’ve known her.
You took the hits being more brutal than ever. Much more blunt force, knives stranglings and dismembering than usual. You were perfect with a gun but sometimes preferred to get dirtier, scarier. 
Like John had his pencil story, due to your medical knowledge your story was that you sedated a man till he was half asleep and amputated his leg off, you told him his sons would be eating it if he didn’t fess up what you wanted to know. 
Making a man watch his own amputation was a story that got around. Mad doctor they called you, Dr. Death, Angel of death (a popular one it seemed) and Hel, the Goddess of Death. Sometimes even you couldn’t understand your constant comparison to Goddesses but it certainly fed your ego. How could it not? It’s not how you wanted to live your life though. 
So many missed calls from Jardani, voicemails asking you to please talk to him, texts telling you he loved you but you should think about everything. That this was so sudden and you weren’t thinking right. After that text you blocked him. How dare he. You knew he’d show up to The Continental, he already had, but Charon wouldn’t let him know what room you were in. Even for multiple gold coins. 
“I’m sorry sir, she does not wish to be disturbed.” Charon’s proper and deep voice would respond every time. 
John had gotten so desperate he’d hang around the hotel or even outside. Still he never saw you. The anguish got terrible to the point he was convinced you were sneaking out somehow and scared a poor maid, stopping her in her tracks to look through her cart. You weren’t there and Winston scolded him for scaring the life out of his staff. He went home, if you didn’t want him finding you, you wouldn’t be found. 
You were always too good at that. 
The day finally came as you sat packing your bags. John walked into your shared apartment and stared at your actions. This was the first time he’d seen you since you left. He looked at you with sadness in his eyes that you didn’t want to look at. You heard a sigh and still didn’t look up as you packed the last of your things. If you looked at him, you may change your mind.
“You were being serious?” 
You were going to hit him.
“Was I being serious? Why the fuck would I lie about that? And how I just left you? Also if you haven’t noticed I’ve been pretty dry. Are you fucking stupid?” Yes, you were being rude but you also felt like he was flushing sixteen years down the drain. 
“Mia dea, Why would we leave? We are invincible in this world.”
“Maybe I just want to feel normal.” You cried.
“Maybe we aren’t normal.” 
You paced while biting your nails on one hand while the other rubbed your stomach. The two of you had been together so long, you loved him so much. The more you thought about it though, what if you did want kids in the future? Jardani would be the only man you’d ever let father your kids, if you were to have them. You couldn’t bring yourself to tell him your whole vision. This was humiliating enough. 
“We could try…” You sniffled.
Jardani sighed. Was this really the end? Being the most feared came with a lot of bombs in cars, home break ins, jumpings just when you wanted to run to the grocery store. They never learned their lesson, and you didn’t want to live that life anymore. Plus you hated working for the high table, you wanted to do your own shit. 
“Are you saying no? Are we ending things right now? You felt defeated and like you were about to throw up. 
“I would never want things to end, I just don’t think we should leave. Why don’t you try thinking about it more? Please.” He pleaded with you.
John walked up to you and pulled you into a hug. He kissed where your scar was, then your neck and your ear. His grip was tight and you almost wondered if he was even going to let go. Your boyfriend’s hands rubbed up and down along your hips. He pressed his forehead in the crook of your neck. 
“Come on, we can talk about this.” He went on to say more but you gaged and ripped yourself away from him. 
You ran into the bathroom and threw up. Without a second thought he came into the bathroom. 
“Get the fuck out of here!” John took a step back at how loud you screamed. 
“You just threw up. You also did a couple days before you left me, I’m worried you’re sick.” He considered kneeling by you as you threw up some more but you seemed pretty pissed. 
“It happens when I’m upset, big whoop. You should know that.” Your cheek was laying on the back of your hand that gripped the seat. “That was because I was starting to think about this.” You sobbed. 
After waiting for the nausea to pass you flushed, stood up and pushed past him to wash your hands and brush your teeth. You ignored him as you brushed but you looked exhausted. You dissociated in that bathroom going back and forth and back and forth with that stupid toothbrush but no matter how imaginative you were you couldn’t escape the horrible reality that you were breaking up. Tears streamed down your face like the faucet you were standing right in front of. 
When you finished you turned to look at him. You cried even harder at how sad he looked. You’d never seen such desperation in his watery eyes. No matter what you thought, this crushed him. John loved you so much he was almost tempted but he couldn’t, not now and not yet. Plus it seemed impossible. Everyone usually died trying, and the few that made it, never really retire. They would kill you. Too many loose ends in a life like this. 
“They will kill you… Sweetheart, please.” He wanted to hold you one more time, his skin itched to reach out and grab you.  
“You seem so sure.” You snapped at him and he looked at you like you stabbed him. 
“Don’t you ever accuse me of that. I never would, I love you, you’re my heart. No amount of money ever.” Jardani couldn’t even say it. 
You felt a bit bad because you knew he’d never hurt you, ever. To insinuate that he would kill you, well it was the thing that made John Wick cry. If he did that he couldn’t live with himself, ever. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t never feel angry with you; just deep, painful sorrow. A couple tears dripped down his face but not many.
John was raised to conceal his emotions even more than you, to the point that even in private it was difficult for him to be open with you. You began to cry harder wanting to hold and comfort him because it was more than rare for him to cry. It could be counted on one hand the amount of times he cried in front of you and each time you were there to embrace him. 
He had no idea where this was coming from. The last time you were together you went out to eat and had sex and laughed and…. Everything seemed so amazing. Still though, your mind was set. He was done with you. Your eyes flickered to your markers that were on display in your bedroom and you saw him tense.
“Please don’t.” It was a whispered plea and warning. 
Don’t leave and don’t force me.
You pushed past him, out of the bathroom, walked up to it and grabbed it. Your lip trembled as you looked at it and with one sharp intake you shoved it into your pocket and turned to grab your bags. It wouldn’t work anyways, they could always be canceled out if either one of you tried to do something evil to one another. 
“Well fuck you Jardani. So much for worshiping, serving and loving me.” 
With that you grabbed your final suitcase, you could buy whatever you didn’t have and walked to leave. He moved to grab your arm but you screamed at him making him jump back in shock before running. It was better than punching that pretty face of his. You couldn’t stop the sob that left your throat as you made your way down the street. 
“Wait! Y/N! Please let’s just talk about this!” He called out to you. 
You knew he was running after you, but all you knew was that you had to get to a certain law firm that was close by that Algo had told you about. Of course this happened. Even though you were in your thirties at this point you couldn’t help but feel like that scared nineteen year old girl was laughing in your face. Tears streamed down your face as you wiped the snot from your nose as you ran. 
He followed you until he lost you in the crowd of people. At the law firm was a woman who went by the name Anna. You would be safe there. The word safe made you cringe, you knew he’d never hurt you but safe as in, he would not be welcomed and you knew if you really didn’t want to see him, he would respect your wishes. 
That was almost twenty years ago but you still felt hatred for the man, even though you loved him so. Your hair had started to gray and small age wrinkles had started to appear but you were still beautiful. Aging in women is a beautiful thing and you don’t doubt that but fighting definitely isn’t as easy as it used to be. 
You had almost become “The Director” yourself, but a better one in your opinion. Using your skills you opened a secret sanctuary for women called The Izanami no Mikoto, suggested by one of the first members, a Japanese woman named Shizuoka. Women had a choice to join and all had been saved from sort of violence. All the pledge was that everyone was to get a tattoo that said F.W.I, standing for female-who-invites. 
The goal was just to protect women, that was it. You were actually surprised the organization had gone under the radar for as long as it had been but it was hard to find you with your new nickname Kalika. It was given to you by a Hindi woman who believed you emerged from the Goddess of all Goddesses. Her story, more complicated than a simple, “good or evil?” 
You always tried to push that ‘Kalika’ was everyone in the INM. Every member agreed to protect the innocent and destroy all evil.  It broke your heart to know that these women put you on such a high pedestal because you chose to protect and save them. Every woman was the goddess of her own life. Plus you didn’t want to be worshiped by the same people you considered friends. You were still just an ordinary woman.
Okay, maybe not that ordinary. 
Everyone close to you still called you by your real name but the little title helped keep you hidden. You did very good for yourself, you had the money and honestly helping women gave you a purpose you felt. Torturing evil men made you very happy. Yet there was one secret, a secret so big that nobody knew except the women of your sanctuary, that by the odds of everything you birthed, two, beautiful twin girls. 
Only months after your disappearance and break up and you found out you were pregnant. You couldn’t believe it, children were just a mere thought, nothing you ever had planned. Multiple times you had thought to tell John, perhaps that would change his mind, but you were selfish and angry. If he only wanted to leave because you had kids you would feel like he didn’t want you, and that he’d hate you. 
Instead all the women of the Izanami no Mikoto helped raise and take care of your daughters. In a way they had multiple mothers and made up so much more for the loss of a father figure, but that didn’t stop you from informing them who their father was. They just had no desire to meet him themselves. It still hurt you to know he would’ve been an amazing father. 
In fact in the twenty years since your break up you had only visited him in the ten year mark. You showed up to his house, your girls were about nine when you realized there was one more thing tying you to John. 
Thunder was booming in the sky as you knocked on the wooden door, your body shivered as the cold wind blew. A beautiful woman with long brown hair answered the door. Your heart was crushed at the sight but it didn’t stop the reason you were there.
“Hello, who are you?” She sounded so sweet but she looked confused and you could hear a hint of worry for you in her tone.
“Hello ma’am, I’m sorry to bother you but I’m looking for uh… Jonathan Tick?” You improvised looking down at the book and acted like you were flipping through the files in your brain for this name you knew so well. 
“Well, no Tick’s live here but the Wick’s do.” She laughed
Wick’s as in more than one. They were married. It took all your willpower to not leave right then and there.  
“Sorry, I knew it was something with Ick…” You faked a nervous laugh. “There’s a very important book I need restored and someone told me he could help.”
You’d heard he was into that business from Emily. A young girl who worked at an antique book shop but she never met him, just answered calls and paged him through to her boss. That’s all you wanted and needed to know. So you grabbed an old book you had lying around and used it as an excuse to talk to him. 
She gave you a smile but a questioning look before calling for John. When he showed up to the door his eyes widened and he felt his heart drop to his stomach. Like it was second nature he pushed Helen behind him. You being here could either be very bad or very goo- Well, there would be no good reason for you to be here. If anything could make you feel even more sick it was that action. He looked like he’d seen a ghost. 
Like you were strangers. Guess ten years would do that to you. 
You explained how you found him and why you were at his house— The book. Your ex-lover made an excuse and brought you down to the basement where before he could say anything, you pulled out the marker he gave you. The smile on your face was gone, you looked pissed and all you wanted to do was get out of there. For once you saw him look sick. 
“I don’t want this in my box of things, so I need you to do me my favor.” 
He took a deep breath, getting ready for whatever outburst could come from you after he uttered the sentence,
“I’m not in the business anymore.” 
Those simple words broke your heart more than it already was. 
John for once looked uncomfortable and out of control. He stepped from one foot to the other and bit his lip. You had never seen him look so nervous and so guilty. 
“I retired, for Helen.”
Ah. So Helen was her name. 
The tears threaten to fall from your eyes but after all the shit you’ve been through you wouldn’t let them, well you’d try to keep it in. You bit your lip and nodded while praying them away. Once you felt you had it under control, you walked up to him and slammed the marker into his chest.
“You dishonest piece of fucking shit, you have to honor this. Don’t make me drag you back in, except the request and live your life peacefully you dumbass.” You for once were trying to be calm and not explode. 
John looked like he was thinking for a bit. Did you not know The High Table put a hit out on you? Worldwide? After such a long time, you stopped being a priority for them. You couldn’t bring him back without bringing yourself back. What was scarier to him was the look in your eyes. It screamed that you didn’t care. Your ex lover almost wanted to ask you what you’d been up to but it wasn’t the time. 
He sighed and grabbed the marker from your hand and stared at it. The round object reminded him of so many memories you had together. He’d hear you out. If it was doable he’d honor it but if it was too dangerous he’d decline. Knowing you though, he was scared of what your request was. 
“What do you want?”
You wouldn’t even look him in the eye. As you looked around all the work in progress books and finished books that were ready to be returned to their buyers. All the framed photos of him and Helen…  The tears almost started streaming. You wanted this life and you so badly wanted to tell him that you had two beautiful daughters who were about ten. 
Then you turned to look at him. Your hands were in your pockets and your hood was still up. John was still as handsome as you remembered. Almost even looked as young as you could remember but you saw the age lines that were starting to appear. You whimpered at what you could’ve had but covered it up quickly by telling him the favor you needed.
“I need you to talk to Jimmy, a friend I have, Zuri, she killed her pimp and the police are after her. I need you to make sure they stop.” 
“You know Jimmy you could ask him your-“ You cut him off. 
“I want this fucking marker gone! I’d appreciate you letting me finish mine but I know you Jardani. You’ll wait till it’s needed. Well not me, we aren’t bound together anymore and I want this completed so you can fully be out of my life.” 
Your pants were loud, you were trying to be quiet but there was no doubt Helen heard you yelling. A tear fell, after so long of keeping them in you cried. You wiped at them in a violent manner. John wanted to hug you but he knew he couldn’t. For multiple reasons. 
“Please. Please just do this for me.” It came out as a whisper.
After a few moments of silence besides the sound of you sniffling he nodded. He could never say no to you. John couldn’t believe you were even standing in front of him. Ten years it had been. He honestly believed he’d never see you again. The whole moment felt so surreal. 
The High Table had put a bounty on your head. 
Not too big but big enough to raise the heads of a few.
Nothing ever came of it though, your name was on the list for years before it was just… Gone. 
This is why he’d do it for you, he told himself. If you dragged him back in, you’d be killed. Although it had been easier pretending you were dead instead of living your life without him at first, he even believed it once your name was off the board. Deep down he always knew you weren’t. Seeing you was weird. There was no other way to put it. 
As soon as he agreed you ran out of the house, you ignored even the questions coming from Helen as you ran. All you wanted was to get back to your girls. They were the only people you could say you ever loved more than John. 
You could try and say you never hated Helen, to say you didn’t would be a lie. Against everything you tried to tell yourself it wasn’t her. It was an obvious fact that John had mentioned you in the past, you saw it in her eyes, but did not tell her about the deepness of your love. 
Still, you couldn’t help but think, what did she have to make him leave that you didn’t? All the promises he made to you in sixteen years seemed nothing compared to the ones he made to her in five years. You didn’t want to sound like a child but it wasn’t fair. 
That’s not to say life was fair to John either, a small, muffled voice yelled to you as you listened to the information your fellow women brought to you. Helen Wick was dead, from an unknown illness. Your heart broke for the woman who died. A loss of a woman was a loss to the INM, no matter the affiliation. The thing you thought about but also told yourself you couldn’t care about was how he was feeling. 
That is until Algo informed you John Wick was going on a rampage and that it seemed he had one hour until he was excommunicato. Fourteen million was a lot, and that was a lot you could put towards helping your women. Your daughters, now at twenty were prepared and ready to go after him. After all, you trained them, with the help of your fellow survivors. 
Still you told them no. If John had known they were his kids he’d let them chop him up in a heartbeat but since he didn’t even know of their existence they’d be just another enemy, another pair of bodies. You stayed out of it. Your organization didn’t work for the high table, you were just a vigilante organization with the cover of a women's treatment facility, which it was, the fighting and training was just behind the scenes. 
To them, Kalika was another woman who just was doing what she thought was right, not the Goddess of destruction, the young girl who once trained beside Jardani Jonovoich. You thought you were safe, you thought your daughters were safe but you knew he had your marker. You’d like to believe he wouldn’t drag you into his mess but the thought scratched at the back of your head and bubbled deep within your stomach. 
That feeling in your stomach was right. You don’t know how, but he found you. Well maybe you had a mini idea but you didn't even want to think about that right now. Avoidance; That was common with you. Your daughters were busy helping the workers in the treatment facility as you sat with him in your office. He looked tired but prepared for whatever war he started. 
You listened to his whole story. By the end of it you were on your second shot of vodka. That was the bad habit you had, you were a big drinker and this, this was a reason to drink. Immediately you took two more and looked up at him. The buzz was strong but you weren’t drunk. He looked so tired as he let his eyes wander around the room, analyzing all your photographs. 
You had two photos on your desk. John recognized the person in one of them, it was of you with Algo, he had met her a couple times. The other one piqued his interest a little more. You were with two girls who were young. He didn't think much of it as you had an abundance of photos all over your office, but this one was on your desk. John felt like he may have been hallucinating, those two girls look a lot like you…
“You fell off a fucking roof and survived?” You gave him an incredulous look. 
John looked uncomfortable as he shifted his attention back to you. He shuffled in his seat. He knew you hated him and you were going to hate him even more after this, but he had an idea you already guessed why he was here. He nodded his head yes. 
“Jesus fucking Christ.” You just stared at him. 
“Well good, you deserved it. What brainless fucker would give D’Antonio their marker? Oh wait.” A condescending chuckle left your mouth. “He’s sitting right in front of me.”
He let out an obnoxious and loud sigh. John expected you to be hostile towards him but already? 
“Yeah, I get it. I've heard it before.” He snapped at you. 
“Let me guess? Winston?” He could tell by the way you bit your bottom lip while grinning you already knew the answer.
Even though you were arguing and not at all happy to see him, it felt unreal that he was talking and sitting across from you, updating you on his life. It had crossed his mind more than enough times, wondering what you would think. While he was hunting down Losef, when he was forced back to kill Gianna, as he was falling off the roof…  John should've known it would bring you some kind of satisfaction to see him struggling. 
After all, you made it clear you hated him. How could it not be when you hacked into multiple of his bank accounts, sent multiple people after him the first month and a half, sabotaged his contracts and blew up multiple of his luxury cars. Still, it didn't go unnoticed that you left his prized mustang alone. You loved that car almost as much as he did. He shook his head yes. 
“Thought so. Now get it over with where’s the marker?” You put your hand out and waited for him to place it in your palm. 
Your throat felt tight when you felt the metallic disk hit your skin, the humorous mood you found yourself in seconds before, gone. You knew this day would come. You knew it, you knew it, you knew it. In the past you loved looking at your markers. You had them displayed in your old apartment. A scream almost escaped your throat but still it. What you couldn’t help were the tears that started to stream down your cheeks. This wasn’t a sad cry  though, it was an angry one. The alcohol wasn’t helping either. 
You stood up and without even thinking just began to destroy everything in your office. Your computer went flying, the curtains were ripped down, pictures, all the glass Knick Knacks were thrown and shattered. John tried to dodge the flying objects you whipped at him all while calling your name. 
Your shoulders and chest heaved as you gained your breath back. The tears still poured as you picked up the somehow unharmed vodka bottle and just started to chug. John tried to stop you but you finished it before he could. There wasn’t much in it anyways, most of it had spilt all over the floor during your rampage. 
Next you tried to shatter the bottle over his head, which you achieved but it wasn’t that easy as you swung it in a blind rage at him. Glass went flying everywhere as he cradled his head and yelled your name. 
“Can we please just talk!” 
“I don’t want to talk to you!” You screamed.
Sensing his moment of weakness you lunged at him and wrestled him to the ground. In a way you felt a little guilty, this was much easier since you knew he could never have fully recovered from falling off that roof. Against all odds though he was able to flip you over and hold you down with his legs and his arms. 
You still flailed everywhere screaming your head off. The feeling of being held down sent you to places you didn’t want to go, especially if it was by a man. You head butted him, getting him to let you escape his grip. Like a scared animal you crawled to the other side of the room, not caring about the glass shards that were embedded in your hands. Then John heard the most heart wrenching sob of his life. You were hyperventilating.
“Don’t touch me! I hate you! All I asked was for you to talk to a friend. Now you come here, to my own sanctuary asking me to help you because you fucked up.” Coughs wrecked your body. 
“All because you were sad your wife and her puppy died. Yeah well John, I’ve been pretty fucking sad too and I didn’t go and kill almost the entire Russian mafia and get excommunicato!” 
John watched you from where he still sat on the floor, his nose bleeding. He loved Helen, he did but he could never have that connection like he had with you. The two of you were partners, you both grew up in the Roma Ruska together. You were together for sixteen years. Now he watched you have a panic attack on the floor, and it was all because of him. 
You staggered up and held your bloodied hands in front of you. John heard you groan as the blood started to drip down your arms. The cuts were deep. Damn you were going to be in a world of hurt later, your body just wasn’t what it used to be. Only sniffles left you as you started towards the door, forgetting about him on the floor. You needed to see your daughters. 
“I have to go see Kat and Darya..” Your mind was moving a mile a minute. 
“Are they the doctors here?” John questioned while looking at the photo of you with the two young girls that now laid on the ground next to him.
That must be them.  
A deranged laugh left your mouth as you turned and looked at him. 
“Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that you have two twenty year old daughters. Twins.” You talked about your daughters in a soft tone while his eyes shot to the photo once more, this time wider.
Before he could even respond you walked right out the door.0
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