#the last one is my favortie
etherealyoungk · 11 months
college boyfriend!chan
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because i really wanted to write something with these pictures of chan <3
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college bf!chan who had a crush on you ever since you joined, and it took him a whole year and a half before he gathered the courage to finally talk to you and (clumsily) ask you out. chan likes you so much and is always waiting for you by your locker or outside of your class so you both can go to lunch together. he's just so enamored by you really.
college bf!chan who would see your schedules for the new semester and see if you had any classes together. but you didn't since you both were doing different courses. you just happened to have one class a week together and he's just complaining about how he's supposed to spend the entire day without out?? that's a crime in his opinion. so the one class he's with you he's gonna flirt with you nonstop, sending you cute smiles and winks and air kisses because he didn't get a seat next to you and ended up sitting at the other end of the lecture hall. he'll def be the type to pass little love notes to you during class if he manages to sit next to you. and he's also gonna hold your hand underneath the table the one class you have together. he's just so enamored by you really.
college bf!chan who would always aks for a goodluck kiss before a test or exam because why not. "they really do help, last time you forgot to kiss me and my grade dropped", he says with the most serious face and how can you even say no to that cute face.
college bf!chan who loves having little library study dates with you and he brings all your favorite snacks. he'll say "okay let's study for 1 hour and then take a break", but he's getting distracted within the first 15 minutes and scooting his chair closer to yours as he leans his head against your shoulder. "one hour isn't over genius", you tell, knowing well what he's trying to do. "hm i think i need a recharge kiss", he says, lifting his head up as he looks at you. "please?", he adds, puckering his lips. you give him a knowing look but give him a peck anyways. he proceeds to feed you some chips and looks at what you're studying.
college bf!chan who convinced you to skip class to watch a movie and you couldn't even say no because he'd already booked the tickets. so that's how you were both in the theater watching a movie instead of being in class. but you didn't really care, seeing chan smiling and eagerly watching the movie he was so excited made your heart full. he'll spoil you with an added dinner date too, which ends up being mcdonalds but who are you to complain, these were the best kind of dates.
college bf!chan who would hate seeing you stressed out and anxious during exams season and complained about how exams are actually stupid and should be banned. he'll make sure you don't overwork yourself by staying up late, pulling all-nighters - because he knows you've done it before and hates seeing you breakdown later.
college bf!chan who attended a class for you when you were down with a nasty cold and took the time to make notes for you so you wouldn't miss out and have to stress out over catching up. the notes he took were cutely messy and scattered but he did mange to get down the important information. he'll even be ready to do the assignment for you, but you tell him it's okay, feeling bad. he cups his cheeks in his hands as he tells you he'd do anything for you and this is the least he can do before he's giving you a warm hug. you did end up getting a decent grade for the assignment because of chan.
college bf!chan who will spoil you after your exam, treating you to a cute lunch and buying you your favortie cake as a little celebration for getting through exam season. expect lots of handholding as you both walk hand in hand.
college bf!chan who would smile and be your biggest hypeman when you're presenting your presentation to the whole class. he'll also be a little goofy, shooting you smiles and winks and you're trying not to smile too hard and laugh at his antics. he'll even write a" y/n is the best" with a little heart on a small piece of paper and hold it up, shooting you a silly smile as you see what he's done and bite your lip, trying not to grin. the moment your presentation is over, you're gathering your stuff back and going back to your seat, whisper yelling at chan. "what were you doing!", you say as you put your stuff on the table and sit down. luckily you both were in the back so no one could hear or pay much attention to you both. "i was supporting my lovely partner who worked so hard on their presentation" "by trying to make me laugh?", you say deadpan. "what no i was being supportive...baby cmon. fine next time i won't be supportive i guess", he says, frowning as he crosses his arms. "you're such an idiot, my idiot", you say, smiling, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. "thank you", you add and he finally cracks into a smile and he intertwines his hand in yours.
college bf!chan who's always supportive of whatever you decide to do. he's your little pillar of support and you're so grateful to him for being with you.
taglist: @daisycheols @ylliris-hanniehae @naaaaafla @slytherinshua @joshuaahong @fairyhaos @rubywonu @gam3bo1z @cutiepatutie13 @ibsysbsfunsbs @rksbae @kyeomyun @icyminghao
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strwbrryeyes · 1 month
☼ intro (end of the world) ☼ (kageyama tobio x reader)
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⟡ cw: she/her pronouns used but not much, lmk if i miss anything else
⟡ a/n: i have been wanting to write for this album since the day it came out so im gonna do little drabbles for the songs as a way to make up for my lack of writings/requests that i actually need to upload so i hope you all enjoy it :3
⟡ eternal sunshine masterlist
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You had been dating Kageyama Tobio for a little over a year at this point. Everything was always moving so fast…for him. While Kageyama was constantly playing volleyball and traveling the country for official matches, you were in college working towards your dream career.
Although you and kageyama have made so many efforts to keep in contact regularly by video calling and texting constantly or even travelling to see each other when possible, it has been difficult to come to terms with the fact that you do not spend as much time as you want to with each other. It has gotten to the point where you don’t know if keeping this relationship going is even worth it anymore. Both you and Kageyama want to get through it, you have had countless talks about wanting it to work out and you both always come to the agreement that neither of you wouldn’t trade anything for the world.
You think you’re meant for each other but you keep thinking to yourself ‘why dont i know that he is the one for me? Why do I only think it?’ but of course, you shake it off and continue on with the relationship. Even with all of these thoughts of figuring out if you are supposed to be with him for life or not, there are moments where the tough times make the good times worth it…and that is what keeps the both of you going. One of those moments was on your birthday a few weeks ago when Kageyama decided to surprise you with a visit.
☼ ⋆。𖦹˚⋆
After a long day of classes and your job at a doggy daycare, all you wanted to do was lay down in your bed with some comfy pajamas, eating chips without regard for the crumbs that would land on your bed sheets all while watching your favorite reality show. It was a pretty solid plan but it all went down the drain the minute you stepped foot into the hallway that had your apartment and saw that your door was opened. Your whole body filled with dread as you walked closer, worried that you had just been robbed but as you got closer you saw a small trail of silver confetti leading you through the doorway and as soon as you stepped foot infront of the entrance of your apartment, you stopped all of you belonging onto the ground and ran to the one thing that could be better than a lazy night. Your boyfriend.
“Tobio! What are you doing here?” you ask Kageyama as you jump into his arms while you become a giggling mess (who is also crying).
“I couldn’t have my angel be all alone on her birthday!” Kageyama chuckles as he embraces you in his arms but is quickly confused when you fall silent right after he finishes speaking. “[name]? You good there?” he questions you as he puts you down to be greeted with the blank expression on your face.
“My birthday..?” cocking your head to the side, you look behind Kageyama to see decorations all over your living area, eyes landing on the big ‘happy birthday’ sign. You had completely forgotten today was your birthday. 
“Babe, don’t tell me you forgot your birthday?” Kageyama laughs out before pulling you in for another hug “and you say i’m the dense one.” he flicks your forehead before kissing it and all you can do is laugh along with him.
The rest of the night was pure bliss as you layed in bed with your loved one, eating your favorite type of sweet from your favortie bakery down the stree, while watching your reality tv show.
☼ ⋆。𖦹˚⋆
Thinking about this small but memorable event, you can’t help but smile as it helps you become certain that you and Kageyama are meant to be. You now knew that Kageyama Tobio would be the first and last person you run to if the world were to ever end and honestly, as your pulled out of your thoughts by your ringing phone that is signaling you that your boyfriend is calling you, you wouldn’t have it any other day.
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sillyyuserr · 3 months
Terukane analysis <33
one of my favorties because it really shows how much they care and more about THEM less about how teru looks at akane or things like that
like i said in my last last LAST post, i wanted to write an analysis on what happened between terukane just before the severance so here i am. Writing this at 8:15pm on a sunday.
after getting back to the ”human realm”, akane realizes aoi isnt there with him, turns around in confusion, and sees teru with a saddened look on his face
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Teru looks saddened while explaining what happened to aoi and how she couldnt return
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Akane asks if teru knew the whole time, teru confesses to having had known that she wouldnt come back but didnt say anything, leading to akane being very clearly distressed and upset
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Akane grabs teru by the shirt/jacket or wtv hes wearing and punches him and shoves him against a wall
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Akane’s done with attacking teru, and turns around to try to go back and get her, falls to the ground in pain, his untreated wounds getting worse by the minute, gets back up to get her, teru forces him down, akane’s lying on the ground, disappointed and sad
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Yadayadayada idrc what happens after this thats not what we’re focusing on, now that im done with the ridiculously long recap lets break it down further
As seen here, teru is both feeling and looking, extremely guilty. He’s guilty ab not telling akane, but knowing he kind of had to keep it a secret
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Something you need to know ab terukane to really understand it, is their relationship is heavily built around their trust in one another so when teru hid how aoi couldnt come back from akane, he was hurt and confused as if he had never seen it coming, like it wasnt even a what if. He knows teru tries to be “perfect” to everyone else, but had never even CONSIDERED that he might lie to HIM. 
The reason this hit like a fucking global pandemic is because akane trusted teru so much he didn’t even think ab the “what ifs” and even if he did, him lying wouldnt even be on there
and since he was really hurt, he lashed out and punched him. Teru knew he was hurt/betrayed and let him punch him, feeling guilty at himself for keeping this from him. Gosh they really do care about one another
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As seen here, akane tries to get aoi, but in his damaged state, he literally cannot. Teru knows this, and hurts inside seeing him like this, him having to literally shove him to the ground to stop him.
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Akane seems to be at like rock bottom rn. Just lost his childhood bsf and this dude he swears he hates just lied to him ab something this srs. my mans really going through it
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Forgot to add but teru looks especially heartbroken here looking at akane, it literally hurts him to do this to akane, but he knew he wouldnt leave aoi there so he did what was best for him, and brought him back. Also not to mention he literally travelled through the most notorious school mystery’s boundary (also the god of fucking death like wdym) just to save akane like what the fuck
teru’s so obvious istg if AidaIro doesnt make terukane canon thats one thing, but if they dont confirm or at least prove in some way teru has a crush on akane, my entire life is a fucking lie
pls give me ideas or stuff ab terukane that you’ve noticed and i havent im running out of analysis ideas 😭😭🙏
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bettertwin1 · 7 months
You like Sky colt? OMG! How long have you been playing?! what is your favorite season?
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housano · 9 months
About skateboarding
Since I'm bored out of my skull I thought I would talk about one of my other interests: skateboarding
Deck size: 8.125
Wheel size: 52mm
Trucks: Thunder
Favorite deck brand: Either Krooked or BBS Alien Workshop. Actually any deck brand made by BBS. If we're going with strictly aesthetics and graphics, then Magenta.
Least Favorite: Any brand made with Clutch wood. Those nose and tails are way to steep
Best trick: Frontside flip or frontside 360
Trick I want to learn: Overcoming my psychological barrier of switch ollieing up curbs. Other than that I would like to learn smith grinds
Advice on tricks: For frontside 360s, the key is to use the upper part of your body to complete the first 180, and then use your legs and bottom half to force the last 180. Learning how to do late 180s are extremely helpful.
Favorite skate video: 3 way tie between Tilt Mode Army "Man Down", PJ Ladd's Wonderful Horrible Life and Girl/Chocolate "Yeah Right"
Favortie Skaters: Mark Appleyard, Heath Kirchart, Rick McCrank, John Rattray, Gustav Tonnesen, Mark Suciu
Favorite Shoe brand: Hmm that's a tough one, but New Balance has consistently lives up to my expectations. More niche, I'm a sucker for DC, Kalis models always deliver. Anyone that makes a good cupsole and not focused on vulc (*cough* Vans *cough*).
Gear you would love to own: Enjoi with the Butterfly Lite concave, Lakai Howard 2, Lakai MJ1, Tum Yeto era Zero and Foundation, OG eS Accel Plus
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flodaya · 6 months
I just remembered your favorite color is pastel pink (right??) sooooo I'd love to see some of your favorite pastel pink or pink in general fashion moments <3
finally got around to this, i love pastel pink so much, it's such an underrated color, i know you said general but i'm going to limit it to red carpet looks
Z in custum Valentino, iconic spectacuar showstopping
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Elsa Hosk in Alberta Ferretti combining my favorite color with my two favortie things: bows and a train
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Sabrina Carpenter in pink, techically not pastel but it is one of my favorite looks ever, she is such a cutie
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Margot Robbie in Vivienne Westwood, she is literally a real world barbie
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Tinashe at the Grammys last year, again THE BOW!!! she did this for me
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Jorja, Stella, and Renée in these matching pink dresses, OBSESSED
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superbfirnacho · 1 day
Hye ppsspsp pass
Cute cunning kitties cuddling together!!!
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My favortie one is the last one cus of it's colors and because I rarely like the fur coat of the smaller kitties ehehehe
I like cats cuddling it always makes me happy
Also... I found this
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HAHAHAHAHAGAGS okay that’s pretty funny, and the cats are really cute. I just woke up and this made me feel better.
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bluu3berry · 12 days
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Wait delete the last one- I forgot blush blush
I don't think ANYBODY that doesn't know my stuff could guess who the creator is XC, you'd be surprised how many people picked south over Bluu lol!!!!
Also bluu's full name is actually bluuberry!!
@anon-coke @anon-coke
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wander-whimsy · 2 months
The Tortured Poets Department: The Anthropology
Day 3: My Boy Only Breaks His Favortie Toys
Co-interns, are you ready to unpack the brilliance of Taylor Swift's latest creation, "My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toy"? Under the expert guidance of our esteemed chairman of the department, Taylor Swift herself, let's delve into the depths of these captivating lyrics and decode the emotions behind each word.
In "My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toy," Taylor Swift once again demonstrates her unparalleled ability to craft deeply resonant narratives that speak to the complexities of human relationships. As co-interns under the visionary leadership of our chairman of the department, Taylor Swift, let's embark on a journey through the poignant storytelling woven into these captivating lyrics.
From the very first verse, Swift paints a vivid picture of emotional turmoil and inner conflict. The imagery of voices in one's head and a plastic smile crumbling under the weight of hidden pain sets the stage for a narrative filled with raw vulnerability and self-discovery.
Throughout the song, Swift masterfully explores themes of love, loss, and self-realization. The chorus serves as a poignant reminder of the fragility of relationships, with lines like "My boy only breaks his favorite toys" and "I'm queen of sand castles he destroys" encapsulating the bittersweet nature of attachment and detachment.
As we analyze each line, we uncover layers of meaning that resonate deeply with Swifties everywhere. References to past collaborations, such as "Renegade," add depth to the narrative, while insights into Swift's personal life offer glimpses into the inspiration behind the lyrics. Additionally, the mention of "Kens" as male-presenting Barbies adds a playful yet poignant layer to the imagery, highlighting the disposable nature of the men in the protagonist's life.
The bridge, with its haunting repetition of "Once I fix me, he's gonna miss me," speaks to the universal struggle of self-acceptance and the realization that true happiness comes from within. Swift invites us to confront our own insecurities and fears, urging us to embrace our flaws and imperfections.
In the outro, Swift delivers a powerful conclusion that leaves a lasting impact. Through the imagery of a broken toy and shattered dreams, she reminds us of the importance of resilience and perseverance in the face of heartbreak.
In essence, "My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toy" is a testament to Taylor Swift's unparalleled talent as a songwriter and storyteller. Under the mentorship of our esteemed chairman, Taylor Swift, we gain invaluable insights into the intricacies of human emotion and the universal quest for love and understanding. As co-interns, let us continue to celebrate the brilliance of Taylor Swift's music and the profound impact it has on fans around the world.
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avesgraveyard · 11 months
hey hi sorry i just came on here to rant for a moment about your road trip au.
so i was rereading my favorite chapters cause ive been haing a bit of a DAY (chapter 3,4, and 6, by the way, i have quotes written in my ACTUAL JOURNAL from them). and ive come on here to make two things known.
first of all, the mix between humour and plot and pining and FUCKING HEARTBREAK is done soooo soooo well. i mean, how are 'James glances down quickly, not even having the decency to look embarrassed. “These? They’re my Jar Jar underwear. Evan got them for me. Are we really not going to have sex?”' and 'Evan scoffs dismissively, eyes rimmed with red, and Regulus feels like everything between his ribs is being ripped out.' be in the SAME FUCKING CHAPTER. HOW. and youve encapsulate each character so well, you've given them layers and plot and FEELINGS AND SHIT AND ITS SO COOL.
but also on a more serious not i feel like we need to talk about evan and chapter 6. what the fuck. what the fuck. the way his ed started because he wanted to look like reg so he was 'enough' for the man who he loved but wasnt in love with him. that is so fucking devastating but so real? everything about the chapter was so real and so twisted but at the same time like just waht the fic needed. and the fact that reg knew about the ed but doesnt know the reason is so upsetting too shit.
anyway i have a few questions for future chapters if you dont mind.
will regulus ever find out the reason behind evans ed?
mattheo from chapter 3 (dorcas' hot model canadian friend) will he show up and cause some drama?
whose pov is the next chapter?
how many chapters b4 the dorcas chapter?
sorry i dont mean to be a bitch but WHEN IS EVAN/ BARTY GONNA KISS HIM?? WHEN?? (im eating this shit up dw but ya girls gotta know)
weve had evan/barty/reg povs and we know we're getting a dorcas pov but are we gonna get james/marlene/pandora?
i adore your fic, its my favortie rosekiller story ever ever ever and i cant wait for the next chapter. thank you for writing this masterpiece have a good day:)))))))
hey sweetheart, first of all wow, thank you, I'm so glad that you enjoy the fic!!!
IM SO HAPPY WITH THE HUMOUR/PINING/HEARTBREAK thing, cause I'm always so worried about making it too happy/sad so i try to mix it up a bit, so thank you!!
evans character is SO personal to me, he is just. writing him i couldn't stop, the words just kept going and i was like shit dude. well. that's truly upsetting, but the amount of people who told me afterwards how much the character and the situation meant to them made me fuckin SOB.
and the questions!
im so on the fence about this i will have to get back to you
yes he WILL, tysm for asking, he most definitely is making an entrance.
the chapter I'm CURRENTLY writing (8) is what i assume you mean, and it is split barty first and then evan.
babe idek i thought it was 1 last chapter and now there's another so maybe next next chapter (9) and if not then definitely the one after that.
HAHAHAH I HAVE NO IDEA!!! its gonna happen (they get close this chapter!!)
ummm we will defo be getting a pandora chapter at one point but that'll probably be a little ways away, and james. boy do i have a chapter for james. marlene may not get one but she will be featuring heavily in the james/dorcas/next (8) chapter.
thank you thank you for this ask is means the world
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famina · 2 years
School rumbles
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It’s a gray day. There are no windows where you are but everything about today is…gray. The monotone voice of your French teacher giving his lecture seems particularly more boring then usual. You fight the urge to just fall a sleep on your open notebook. Who ever said college life was exciting ?!  
Your eye lids are about to close for good when..
The whole class freezes…than burst into laughter. The one responsible for this glorious growl is the guy next to you. Ikarus was it..no ! Irakus ! A strange fella, he dresses like a victorian lord and is overly polite with everyone. Just right now he is shyly apologizing for disrupting the class with a big dumb smile on his face. Guess he skip lunch ?
A few days have passed since that incident. Today is a much brighter day ! The big windows in the cafeteria are lighting the whole room with warm sunshine. You are eating your lunch alone today, all your friends left for their respective classes. You enter the cafeteria with your lunch tray and are exposed to a sea of stranger. You hate eating alone, it’s so depressing. That is when you spot Irakus alone at a table. You don’t KNOW know him, but you at least know his name. And right now it’s better than nothing. You make your way to him.
Irakus is staring at the window and seems a bit troubled. But when you apprauch him he immediately smiles.
“O-oh ! (Y/N), what a pleasant surprise ! May I be of assistance to you in some way ?”
“Oh  You remember my name !”
“But of course ! I know the name of all of my classmate ! So what can I help you with on this fine day dear (Y/N)”
“Uuh…I just though…maybe you’d want to eat lunch together since we both have French class after.”
“B-but certainly ! Please take a seat.”
He scoots over a bit living you room to sit. He seems very happy that you came to meet him. You now notice he has no luch of his own.
“Are you skipping lunch again ?”
“W-wha…oh no..I simply…already ate ! That is all.”
“..okay.” He seems nervous all of the sudden.
“B-but I see you have a most delicious meal of your own (Y/N).”
“Uuh..yeah ! And it’s my favortie too !”
“…Favortie…I see..I see..”
He looks distant now and looks away from you. Maybe your boring him ? You try to ask about himself a little.
“What’s your favorote meal Irakus ?”
‘M-My favorite meal ???!! O-oh…hm..well…h-h-how can I choose ! There are…some many great delicacies in this world….haha..I wouldn’t know where to start…Hahahaha !”
Ok that is a weird response. Maybe you should change the subject.
“W-what about colors ?? What’s..your favorite color ?” you ask
“Ouh ! that is an easy pick ! It is blue without a doubt !”
“Cool ! I like (your fav color). And what about animal ?”
“Favorite animal…hmm..I would have to say..maybe frogs ? I find them truly adorable !”
“Yeah ! I find cold blooded animals cool too !”
You both stand in silence. Irakus is as red as a cherry.
“I…thought you said you had lunch..?” you begin.
“I-I…hm…oh dear…p-please excuse me (Y/N) I-I must…”
Without even finishing his sentence he stands up and awkwardly makes his way out of the cafeteria in a hurry. Leaving you confused and alone. That was when you concluded that Irakus..was a weirdo !
The young men avoided you in French class and sat in the opposite side of the classroom. You moved on to your other class and hung out with a few friends until it got dark out, and you were almost the last one left in school. You made your way to the locker room to pick up your coat and leave. The locker room is always bustling and cramped in the morning. It’s uneasy to see so quiet…and dark. Half the lights are closed.
You’ve got your coat and are ready to leave when you hear a sound in the next row. It made you jump….but you soon realize it’s probably another student who stayed late like you.
“H-hello ?...” You ask to calm your nerves. But only a heavy silence answers you back.
“I-is there someone here ??....” Your voice begins to crack, the fear is getting to you.
You approach the next row of lockers, when you suddenly hear from behind you :
You turn around quickly to discover…Irakus. His head bent down and half in the shadows.
“I-Irakus !? You scared me to death ! What are y-..”
“P-Please (Y/N) !!....I-I’m begging you…”
He slowly makes his way towards you. Something about him is..different. You back away until your back is against the metal locker.
“I-Irakus ?..”
“…..I am sorry (Y/N)…I can’t anymore…I..I..”
And he falls over on your shoulder sobbing.
“ I’m hungryyyy !” At these words his belly emits the loudest cry you’ve ever heard.
“H-huh !?”
“Pleaaase…I won’t hurt you I swear !” He is now pleaing like a baby.
“I don’t understand ?? W-what do you want from me ??”
“B-blood ! Just a little should do…” He leans in towards your neck. You push him away.
“Are you crazy !! You’re not a freaking vam…a vamp….” You now only notice the red eyes, the pointy ears and the lonf canine coming from the boy’s mouth. He realizes he is scaring you so he timidly backs away and ^puts on a gentler sad look,
“I-I beg your pardon…I’m rarely this…savage…but you see…I haven’t have a drop to drink in weeks…I….I am at my utmost limit !”
‘Yeah well you can’t have MY blood !! Why don’t you…I don’t know..go rob a hospital or something ?!!.
“I would never !!! That blood was given to save lives ! It would be monstruous to do such a thing !”
“Uh..I-I guess..” You are still scared, and pissed but you see Irakus is still the same Irakus even if he is a blood sucking vampire !
“So…what is your plan then ?! Because I’m telling you, you CANNOT have my blood.”
“Not even…..an itty bitty bite ??..”
“Awww…” He whimpers softly and his tummy does the same. You feel bad, but you can’t agree to give your blood !
“But wait, you said you haven’t had anything in weeks ?? And you didn’t starve to death yet ?!”
“Oh ! It takes much more to kill me dear (Y/N)” He said with a proud smile.
“Ah !...Then you’re fine for a while still no ?”
“Whaat !? B-but…the pain…and…and….”
“I know….but…can you just bear with it…until we find a solution ?”
“……….I…..suppose I can…..” He sighs pathetically rubbing his crying stomach.
“Alright then ! W-well…I need to go home now….I’ll..talk to you tomorrow ?”
“Yes, I have a good night dear (Y/N)” He bows to you politely. You smile awkwardly and quickly get out of there. He is still a threat even do he seems to have accepted your refusal.
You get home and go straight to bed. It was a long day. You wonder if you should not help this boy. You could contact the authorities. Or just change school and never deal with him again. But you remember his whimpers and his tummy cries. He is counting on you.
You close your eyes. Goodnight.
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solarwindswriting · 2 years
SolarWindsWriting Holiday Event!
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It’s the Holidays and the end of No Content November. That means it is time! The first ever holiday writing event for this blog is here! Listed below are previews of the five main one-shots I will be posting and when. There will be a few shorter drabbles mixed in there as well. I will also be doing holiday related ships for the first 5 people who send in the required info mentioned below the cut!
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Rules of Entry:
Look at who I write for
You must be following me
You must send your ask off of anon.
Reblog this post (optional)
Slots Filled: 0/5
Here’s what to send in for the holiday ships:
What Fandom(s) you’d like (2 max)
Your pronouns
What specific holiday/winter activity is your favortie?
Your preferred gender of partner
What’s your personality like?
What are your hobbies?
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Scheduled Holiday One-Shots
12/4 - Thanksgiving with the Detective - Connor x HumanMale!Reader - Detroit: Become Human It’s been a couple of years since the android uprising, and life has started to feel normal again. Y/n and Connor have convinced Hank to let them host Thanksgiving at his house since he has the biggest kitchen of them. Hank relishes the feelings that Connor and Y/n bring to him in what are usually his lowest moments.
12/11 - Snowed into a Cabin - Izuku Midoriya x Male!Reader - My Hero Academia Izuku and Y/n are packed and ready to leave from the little secluded cabin vacation they took together, but as they open the door to pack the car, three feet of snow stands blocking the door.
12/18 - Sufganiyot Mishap - Adrian Chase x Male!Reader - Peacemaker (Subject to change) Y/n’s mother insists they bring their new boyfriend, Adrian to the final night of Hanukkah. He offers to help Y/n’s mom with cooking after the final candle is lit despite never making such a dish.
12/25 - Christmas on a Starship - William T. Riker x BetazoidGN!Reader - Star Trek: The Next Generation Y/n has lived on the USS Enterprise for about 8 months now after marrying William T. Riker. The couple’s first Christmas as a married couple was fast approaching and come Christmas Eve, Y/n thinks everything is in place for tomorrow. Internally, Will is freaking out, forgetting to get Y/n a gift during last leave.
12/31 - A Punch Bowl Waltz - Colin Bridgerton x Female!Reader - Bridgerton The Duke and Duchess have invited the rest of the Bridgerton family to their home for their annual new years ball, one that starts later and goes into the wee hours of the morning. While there, Colin quite literally runs into Y/n whilst she turns away from the punch bowl, ruining her dress in the process.
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Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
re: last name marriage discourse, personally i’m fond of the headcanon that both blair and dan adopt waldorf-humphrey as a double-barreled last name, so that way they both have to change it. i think it fits the whole “we’re a team” vibe <3
awwww yeah I do love the "we're a team" vibe. but, and this is just my personal preference, hyphenated last names are sooooo clunky, and not really my thing. and in writing fic there's just....something really delicious about one character taking the name of their partner. like, the intimacy and the tie and the..."we are a family and so we have the same name" I mean, the latest song lyric title of mine in my latest fic (wow that was so timely of me well done liz) is one of my favortie lyrics ever:
Always remember there's nothing worth sharing Like the love that let's us share our name
that's what it's all about for me babey! though I will admit, in the case of Dair, I like them just holding on to their own names, maybe it's a bit of that fictional character thing that their names are so perfect as is, but it's also about Blair being and staying Blair Waldorf. and maybe it's bc this show is so old but when she gets married her changing her name ain't even a question. It's Blair Grimaldi. It's Blair Bass (ick.) and if her arc is about her learning to become her own self in all her dualities and contradictions (which is how *I* choose to see it), then her keeping her maiden name in her marriage to Dan is just *chef's kiss* for me.
there are specific qualifications where I do love Blair Humphrey more because I am a soft romantic sap and I can direct you to those offerings on my ao3 ;)
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dykebeeduo · 1 year
ctommy + 😇 a headcanon about their religion/lack thereof (or any character if you dont wanna do dsmp/ctommy)
oh my god yes oh a hundred percent yes, i can talk about ctommy religion (and dsmp religion in general) FOR DAYS!!!!
okay so to start a bit of backstory, about me and my ideas around dsmp religion, in january i started writing a pre SMP, cannon? what cannon?, c!dnf religion fic..... theres no punchline that is just something that i wrote in january 2022. i didnt finish it, nor did i get a chapter done enough to publish but i planned out the whole fic and i spent HOURS thinking about dsmp religion, and yes that included tommy.
so very early on i established what religion on the smp looked like, it was modeled after the denomination i grew up in in terms of "progressiveness" aka matching the smps established homonormativity, as well as the ideals that i grew up with being normal in terms of a "good congregation" (emphasis on children, and teaching them, it sounds weird its not weird it links back to jesus and his preachings about the importance of children in congregations) MIXED with a more anglican british/english canadian countryside parrish cerca 1910 in terms of visuals and community. the parish being the center of the social scene, hosting both religious as well as legal and social functions, and a widdle bit of catholicism to add a little bit of spice, i also established that my version of church prime worshiped dreamDX (it links back to the plotline, basically george was having dreams where he was being confronted by dxd to "save prime" from eret, who was under a funky herobrine spell and was trying to end life as they knew it)
alright! i think that a good primer on my idea of dsmp religion, basically its progressive protestant christianity but with a rural and nostalgic feeling in terms of what church was.
okay so here in all of its glory is what i wrote for ctommy in my notes doc for this now abandoned fic....
Tommy is like 8 and is a karen of the primble, he is church primes youngest and most prolific devotees, he can often be found around in the holy-land with tubbo or ranboo making daisy chains or spying on Eret and her herobrine shenanigans.
because it was precanon i aged down tommy tubbo and ran, but i knew that i needed one of them to be very devote to make the social and political ramifications of the plot (dream was gonna be all torn up about his faith when george opened upto him about his dream of dxd) seem real, its very hard for adult religious characters to come across as genuine without becoming cardboard standees of XYZ religion stereotypes, but with kids (imho) you can make them and their beliefs more believable and translatable to an audience without falling into these stereotypes.
of the small amount of the fic that i wrote it actualy featured more tubbo then tommy (tubbo runs into foolish and gets a bump on the head before church and it hurts not just because foolish is made of gold but because tubbo has little baby horn buds growing in, this scene just sets up doctor ponk for background samponk/foolponk/samfoolish, oh and yeah foolish is the decon, and dream is the minister) but i did give tommy tiny bit of characterization writing simply
“It made a clanging noise” Tommy the most devoted of the three adds.*
*the thing that made a clanging noise was tubbo running into foolish
after dream takes a look at tubbo's injury this little bit happens (and its my favortie part that i actualy wrote for the fic)
...Tubbo yells neatly knocking me over with how quickly he grabs my hand and stands up before grabbing he turns towards Tommy and Ranboo, grabbing one of each of their hands and begins running full speed towards the baptismal font, the three of cupping their hands underneath the flowing water before bringing it up to their mouths and splashing any remaining water on each other...
okay and the last part that got written that meantioned tommy was this small bit of him (aged like 7ish) interacting with little baby fundy flora who is two (yes fundy is a girl, me likey like trans fundy headcanons and also itsmybrolbo.png, also fundy being two and simultaneously acticling 5ish is explained about by him being a strange hybrids (also wilbur makes a joke about fish sex in his three minute conversation with dream))
“Okay!” And with that Flora is off running towards the baptismal font where Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo have sat down and started playing with marbles.
so yeah, all this to say i think ctommy is a very religious character, his devotion to prime/dxd is based on his desire for spiritual "wealth" that is promised through "primes" something that i interpret to be something that the character feels like a warmth in the heart that they get if they prey enough.however something that i touch on in the epilogue (the epilogue is the walls being put up around lmanbeyrg) tommy grows to think of primes not as something that you get when you prey, but as something that you get when yo do something that makes a scene, like killing someone, or setting shit on fire, he grows more and more restless and eventually stop praying taking to chaos to get primes.
anyways, writing thi9s huge long post about ctommy and dsmp religion is making me want to cannibalize this wip more then i already did, possibly release a few bits like the entire scene of tubbo running into foolish, or the part about wilbur and fundy (also its fridgebur!!! hes fridgebur, i love fridgebur so much) so i think reworking this wip, and writing out dream is moving very quickly up my todo list.
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moeanguish · 1 month
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OC's from a project i started in early 2020. The original iteration of it was EXTREMELY different to this one, where in the first there was 6 operators (each one being known as a "Dice") in their "Die Squad". This current iteration is them far into the future after the events of the original game.
When i was working on the original back then, i think i had over 30 documets with anywhere from 2 to roughly 12 pages worth of world building details and characters, and that's not including the concept art pieces and everything else, all of which would go into making a game about them. The project took many forms over time, going from a turn based RPG to becoming an intense action game top down shooter, and so on, with heavy tactical and RPG elements and a story with several possible endings.
Some time later, I'd end up canceling the project due to some personal issues where i became stubborn about not following through with it, not out of a belief i could have "done this quickly" yet i failed my own expectations, because i expected to spend years on this and i was happy with that. I always felt like maybe i should have continued with it, so i made this a while back last year (this is a reupload), which brings us to our current day.
I'm working on a small game with this iteration of them following an interesting "meditation experience" that reminded me of how much i cared for that project (since i never put that amount of effort into JUST world building and writing for one game down to details such as gun specs and different inside jokes and history). The meditation experience in itself was an extremely hard to explain one, but i was convinced working on something about quite possibly my most favortie OC's and story again after these years is a good idea. So i hope i can bring my favorite OC's to life in a good form soon enough.
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mynovia · 9 months
hiii i just saw your “anonymously message me (3) things you want to know about me” post and im here to drop my questions hehe👀 first of all, how are you? im not just asking btw.... how are you feeling really? hope you're good:)
—what is your fav color(s) and season(s)?👀
—what is your top3 hobbies
—what is your “safe place(s)”
take care of yourself! xoxo
thank you so much <3 to answer your question about how i'm feeling; i feel tired! more mentally more than physically. i'm sort of losing touch of everything and everyone around me even though i don't want to. i think i'm in a deeper slump than others i've gone through, but i'm sure i'll pick myself up again. it'll just take me a little more time. <3
my favortie colored are anything muted! mostly earhty colors, they're just so pretty. my favorite season above all, is autumn. not just because my birthday is in fall, but i think a lot of beautiful things wither and wait to bloom again after a period of time, including me. <3
my top three hobbies would have to be drawing (even though it makes me miserable and i haven't drawn anything in so long :( it'll always be a part of me, haha) another would be learning new words (i keep a journal where i write down the word and meaning because it also helps me when my anxiety is really high. helps me focus) and the last would be writing!
one of my safe places would have to be with my best friend. she always looks out and cares for me. and my other safe place would be my bedroom. not that there's something special, i just like being alone to recharge and be alone wth my thoughts <3
thank you so much, please take care of yourself as well xx
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