#the day will come when I will learn how to draw nuanced facial expressions
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Orestes and Erinys
A bit over a month ago I had to give a short presentation on Aischylos‘ Oresteia as part of my coursework and reading it gave me the idea for this piece.
Specifically, it is referencing lines 1057-1058 of the Libation Bearers, where, for the first time, Orestes is seeing the Furies.
(The text does explicitly describe blood dripping from the Furies’ eyes, but when I noticed this, the idea of a blood-covered face had already developed, and I chose to keep it. Also I didn’t have the time or patience to paint more than two figures, so I suppose you can imagine the rest of the Furies somewhere off-screen or something)
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dreamcatchersza · 5 years
My Chat with Katt: The Afro Punk
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I remember my first encounter with Katt. I was having lunch with a few colleagues, most of them men, when I heard their indistinct chatter about someone they were seeing through the glass walls. My curiosity made me look up from the heavenly meal I was devouring and I saw her. This blue haired, mysterious lady who was now awkwardly waving at us, trying to demagnetize our fixed gazes.
 Almost a year later, after getting to know the person behind the garments, I get to feature this lady and her very interesting and beautiful relationship with fashion. This is My Chat with Katt:
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 ·         How would you describe your style to those curious?
I do not think that I have a particular style per se̒, but the word EMOTIVE comes close enough.
There are days when I wear torn, over-sided jeans with hoodies that fall just above my knees and there are days when I rock a flowery frilly frock with a pink cardigan. Then there are days that I look like a horror villain that’s stirring a witch’s brew and then the next day I look like I was sneezed out of Tim Burton’s imagination. It depends on the story, it depends on the feeling. It also depends on the lie I want to tell.
  ·         One of the biggest statement pieces I’ve seen you wear, is your hair. What draws you to changing your hair colour(s)?
In High School I was constantly told to wear my hair a certain way and colour was forbidden so all that money and hours of sitting down while someone is pulling on your roots lasted for a weekend. Sigh. So I suppose this is vengeful expression. I can be whoever I want to be every single day. It’s fun. Colour is fun. And it’s hard to have a frown on your face when you have pink and purple hair.
 ·         What is the difference between fashion and style, to you?
What’s the difference between the roots of a tree and its flowers? One is not less important than the other. It is a beautiful symbiosis. Fashion offers options to one’s style but how you assemble the pieces together, is where style comes in. Though the leaves and flowers might fall over the year, the roots are still clutching onto the earth. This is how I see the two. Fashion is seasonal, how you wear that particular item of clothing, hair, accessory or shoe pertains to your identity, your roots, your style.
Fashion says, “This is cool”. Style says, “This is me”.
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·         How has your experience been, navigating your way through society with your alternative style?
It was pretty difficult, especially given the fact that during my young adulthood, I was a township girl that wore full goth garb. It was weird. I have an awkward stance with social interactions so looking kinda weird, didn’t work in my favour. But I couldn’t help it. I had to navigate through the awkward stares and convince myself that I wasn’t doing anything particularly wrong. I made the right choice because I am expressively liberated today.
 ·         How have the African people, with their different layers and textures, influenced the way you view fashion?
I do not have Afrocentric pieces in my closet but what I have taken from Sechaba saka is how Aricans take such pride in who they are. When I look at our older generation and our younger pride, I see how they have taken ownership of their heritage.  It is inspiring to see how this generation is starting to wake up and engage in the history of their identity. I am most fascinated by those that are leaning towards Afro Punk. More and more of our generation are merging old African clothing with new age grunge. It’s beautiful. It’s Evolution.
 ·         Who is your style icon?
Where is a guillotine when you need one… LOL
This is a very difficult question because I do not really have one but I do “borrow” from everyone, even the IT guy. I have been inspired by @magavilhas, Billie Eilish (she reminds me of her at her age),  I can tell you who reminds me that it is ok to still be playful at this age; it is that bad badd that “has been stealing your man since 1928”, @baddiewinkle!
I literally watch the fashion channel as if I am watching the omnibus of a captivating series. This is perhaps my way of seeking new ideas that will inspire me to evolve my style. Can a mannequin be my style icon?
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·         How has your style changed over the years?
In my pre-teens I adored Aaliyah so I copied her A LOT! Baggy, baggy, baggy. I wish I could say with hint of sexy but the word was not in my vocabulary at the time. At about 15, Rock music found me. I was scrolling through radio stations and I happened to land on 5FM. 5FM in 2002, the days of Barney Simon. I was hooked. Being a tomboy, black jeans, studded belts and chains, spikes and printed shirts with customized boots were like uniform. In my early varsity years, I explored more with goth pieces and took a darker aesthetic to my look. Plenty of leather.
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At 22, I toned down the goth and started exploring with colors. LOTS of colours. LOTS of multi-coloured clothes. I even explored the skaterboi look, DC head to toe.
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The skirts and dresses came in at 25. I was seduced by this feminine aesthetic when I discovered “Jessica Day”. It actually turned out to be a form of therapy (topic for another day). Looking and feeling lighter helped me discover my playful side. But I still kept my grungy boots.
Today I am mosaic of every piece of cloth that has ever touched my skin. It’s a mess, but it works. I think I am going through another transition. I am not quite sure where it’s going but man oh man, is this journey going to be fun!!!
(LOL to myself: I was walking down the street wearing three different hats the other day and I thought to myself, Ï should do this more often”)
 ·         As a creative living in Jozi, what would you say has been the wildest thing you’ve ever witnessed when it comes to fashion?
 What is interesting nowadays is that a lot of people are trying so hard to be different that they start looking the same. A wild fashion statement for me comes from that creative misfit that does not succumb to “trends” or what’s cool out there. Nerds are my people; let them have their revenge. I don’t go out much so Instagram is my Jozi. After the AfroPunk festival, I discovered a duo called @adhiambondomba. Now they are an African version of Steam Punk! Their metallic pieces merge Science Fiction with Tribal Art. They are a little ahead of their time.
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·         Being an up and coming director, how would you describe your directorial style?
I am still peeling the layers so I am exploring different mediums and different ways of storytelling. What I will not waver from is telling an honest narrative that relays the human condition. When I was in film school, the worst film I directed was when I was trying to be “too cool” and show off with the medium. Worst mistake and most imperative lesson learned. I like to keep it simple and tell a clear, concise story that translates the hidden truths of mankind. I especially love subject matters that nobody wants to touch. Breaking Bad and Shameless are the best examples when it comes to the human conditions that I would like to confront.
 ·         Which actor do you dream of working with and why?
Another guillotine moment…
Locally – Craig Palm. I have not seen him in a while. He played a character named Angel on a South African drama series called YIZO YIZO.
Even though she is based in England now, I would like to work with Sade Giliberti. She is a muse for most of the kind of females I would like to write for and about.
Internationally – Michael Fassbender, I have plans for his teeth. His many, many teeth.
Ben Whishaw – He had my heart at Perfume : The story of a murderer. There are so many nuances that have worked for the dexterity of his facial muscles. He understand the power of countenance.
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·         If you could speak one thing into existence right now, what would it be?
My own house in a quiet place, with more garden than brick.
 @Katlego.Mojela on Instagram  
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frederator-studios · 6 years
Adetokumboh M’Cormack: The Frederator Interview
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Adetokumboh M’Cormack is an actor and producer who also (coolly neglected to mention to me that he) directs and writes. He just directed a live action, period-set short, The German King. You might recognize Ade from Lost, Heroes, 24, Captain America: The Winter Soldier or your pick of syndicated crime dramas - pick one, he’s probably appeared in it. We are very lucky to work with Ade on Castlevania, in which he plays Isaac, an ally of Dracula’s, Devil Forgemaster and new character in season 2. Read on for Ade’s perspective on acting, favorite vampire film (a surprisingly gooby pick for this serious Actor), and discussion of Isaac - including a clip of him in character!
Why did you choose to be an actor?
Gosh, I don’t think I really had much of choice to be honest (laughs). It’s always been something that I just knew I had to do. I grew up in Kenya and went to this school in Nairobi called Braeburn. It had a state of the art theatre where we performed all these plays. I made sure I was in every one - I just loved performing. My dad's story is that when I was around ten, I got cast in a musical called Rats - based on The Pied Piper of Hamelin. I played this awesome lead role as the Rat Leader! (laughs). But my dad took me out of the play because he wanted me to focus more on my studies. I just remember being super bummed about the whole thing. After a few days, the school’s Headmaster called my dad in for a meeting and said “Your son is sad. For goodness sake, you have to put him back in the play!” He did, and I immediately cheered up. My dad later told me that it was at this point that he knew this wasn’t just a hobby to me. I was actually serious about Acting. My parents were super supportive ever since.
What do you love about Acting? So many things! I love studying people. Humans are such wonderfully complex, nuanced creatures. So to get to walk in someone else’s shoes and become a different person, and discover who they are and what makes them tick and convey how they feel - it’s just fascinating. As people, we have so many layers. And I love putting those layers onto my characters. Why do they make certain choices? What secrets are they hiding? I have a lot of fun creating characters. Do you enjoy any aspect of voice acting in particular? I really enjoy doing different things with my voice and vocal register to create different characters, and I enjoy putting on different accents. But I really just love words. And languages. And how things like alliteration can convey a certain feeling. Take Edgar Allen Poe’s The Raven, or Shakespeare for example. When Macbeth says to Banquo, “To-night we hold a solemn supper sir,” there’s something very serpent-like and ominous because of the “s” sounds. So when the actor says it, the audience feels that. When I read a script, I look for how I can employ the rhythm of the words, the vowels, the use of consonance, to effectively set the picture for the scene. And Warren Ellis is such a talented writer, he uses a lot of these devices. Voice Acting in some ways is harder, because you cannot rely on anything else. People aren’t seeing your facial expressions or gestures. All you have is your voice and that microphone that picks up EVERYTHING. You cannot have one false moment because it’s amplified. So everything boils down to being truthful under imaginary circumstances. You put every ounce of your being into being truthful, and making it come through in your voice. Whenever I’m in the studio, I’m super animated. I fully act out the scene and try to make the situation as real for myself as possible. Only then can it be real for your audience/listener. I’m usually a sweaty mess by the end of it. But when you see it all put together with the animation, it’s awesome!
How were you introduced to Castlevania as a potential project? 
I really enjoy period pieces, and who doesn’t love a good Dracula story? So when my agent first told me about the project I was intrigued. And then when I started reading the script, I was blown away. I really liked the story and characters. And of course with Adi Shankar at the helm, you know you’re going to have something awesome. I remember after I watched his Power Rangers short a couple of years back I was like “whatever this guy does next, sign me up!” (laughs). Needless to say, I was really impressed by the finished product. What do you look for in a project? Do you gravitate toward certain genres? I definitely gravitate toward drama. And I’m a big fan of historical pieces. I’m getting ready to shoot a film called The German King about an African leader who rises up against German colonial rule in World War I. But the most important thing that draws me to a script is the writing. I love a well written piece with interesting, fleshed out characters. What about Isaac’s character compelled you to take the role? When you first meet Isaac in season 2, he’s having this intense, philosophical conversation with a dead creature. You start getting an insight into his intellect. Isaac is super smart. And you start understanding more about who he is, and what drives him. Villains are so often portrayed without much depth - everything’s black or white. But over the course of the season, you gain insight into Isaac’s complex mind, and you find that his motivation is seeded very, very deep. And the fact that it is written into the script that he is an African man. That made me jump at the chance to play this role. You don’t often get to see black people, or people of color portrayed in this way in period pieces, nor with the opportunity to have such rich dialogue. What more can you tell us about Isaac?
Isaac is a really interesting fellow. He has the outward appearance and quiet, peaceful demeanor of a Sufi ascetic. But there’s a lot going on within him. He had a very difficult childhood. He was severely abused. He traveled across much of Africa and the Middle East as a kid. He learned magic from a renegade occultist’s books. And when we meet him in season 2, he’s a Devil Forgemaster, and fiercely loyal to Dracula.
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Did his traumatic past present a challenge as you got in touch with his character? Isaac has lived a horrific life. I did a lot of research and read literally everything I could about him. Then I created his backstory, chronicling a timeline of when and where certain things happened to him. I made the people who hurt and abused him very specific. How old was he when this happened? How did that make him feel? When did he commit his first murder? What were the major turning points in his life that contributed to him becoming the man we meet in Castlevania season 2? I needed to make him as specific as possible, in order to make him real. As an actor, you have to go there, even if it’s very uncomfortable. What is your favorite media representation of Dracula / Vampires-at-large? I watched this film called What We Do In the Shadows recently. That has to be one of the funniest films I’ve ever seen about vampires. You’ve got these male vampires knitting and being very uncool and unsexy and it’s just hysterical. It definitely puts a different spin on the whole vampire genre. What do you think Castlevania brings to the canon that is unique or new? Well, Dracula and co. are certainly not the funny, awkward vampires we see in WWDITS, that’s for sure (laughs). Dracula is powerful. I mean, super powerful. And terrifying. The vampires in Castlevania can take on these massive beast like forms. They are next level. But at the same time, there is a very human side to this Dracula as well. You’re seeing someone who fell in love, and suffered loss. And over the course of seasons one and two, you get a better understanding of who he is and why he’s filled with so much hate for humanity.
What TV shows are you a fan of? Do you regularly watch animation? Right now Ozark and Wentworth are my favorite shows. Pamela Rabe is probably my new favorite villain. I'm still catching up so don’t tell me what happens! (laughs) I don’t normally watch animation, but I started to see what else was out there, especially in anime, after working on Castlevania. Right now I’m watching Last Hope which is really cool.
How has the experience of working on Castlevania been overall?
It’s been amazing. The team is really great. Our Director Sam Deats and Voice Director Meredith Layne, and Warren, Adi, and Kevin -  they have all been so incredible to work with. And I’ve had the chance to work with some brilliant actors whose work I’ve come to respect over the years. I’m a huge fan of Graham McTavish so getting to play off of him in the studio has been a really awesome experience. What do you like best about playing Isaac?  
The fact that he’s a badass with supernatural powers (laughs). He’s got these superhuman fighting skills and uses all these cool weapons in combat. He’s like a superhero. And he’s got all this dialogue that’s just fantastic. It’s fun to play this compelling, layered character who has an awesome character arc over the course of season 2. And I love the fact that he’s a black man. We never really see black characters portrayed like this in the media, especially during that time period: the 1400’s. I hope this opens doors to casting more people of color in interesting, robust roles that play against stereotypes.
Do you relate to any aspects of Isaac’s character?
Definitely his loyalty. I’m a loyal friend. And I like to think that I’m the type of person who would sacrifice a lot for someone I love. And also if there’s a cause that I believe in, then I throw myself into it 110 percent (laughs). I like to see things through.
Have anything to say to fans of the series, in advance of season 2?
Season 1 was amazing. But season 2 takes it to a whole new level. Get ready.
Follow Ade on Twitter and Instagram.
Thank you for the interview Ade, and your incredible work as Isaac this season! Can’t wait to see what you do next - in Wallachia and otherwise. 
- Cooper ❀
(ANOTHER!? Before you smash a mug on the floor, hit these links to Graham McTavish’s and Richard Armitage’s interviews)
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sshbpodcast · 5 years
Tales from the Holodeck: TNG Fanfic: Jake’s Story
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A Star to Steer Her By is closing the book on Star Trek: The Next Generation with our much anticipated fanfic series “Tales from the Holodeck”! With our random draws for our special guest characters in hand, we’ve written new adventures for the crew of the Enterprise-D for you to enjoy! Listen to the whole episode here, or read on below for Jake’s story!
[images © Paramount/CBS]
“Thank Hugh”
By Jake
Random picks: Juliana Tainer, Hugh
Captains Log, Stardate 48325.6. The Enterprise has entered drydock to undergo a routine refit. We have been joined by a contingent of former Borg Drones led by Hugh who will advise on upgrades to our defensive systems. The refit has afforded many of the crew some much-needed down time, while one member of the senior staff has disembarked to attend to a pressing matter of a personal nature.
“Thank you for coming on so quickly, I really didn’t know who else to contact.” Dr. Pran Tainer’s face was grave, perhaps apprehensive, and clearly expressing discomfort. The nuances of humanoid facial expressions remained elusive to Data, even after all his years in Starfleet. Dr. Tainer gestured down the hallway. “I’m hoping you may be able to answer some questions we have.”
“Certainly,” Data dutifully responded as the pair proceeded through the corridor.
“Tell me, Data: when did you become aware that your mother was an android?” Data paused in-stride. He had not expected this question. The message he had received only indicated that Juliana Tainer was ill, but did not suggest that her true nature as a Soong-type android had been revealed. He pondered the question.
“Juliana was injured in a fall during our mission here last year. It was at that time that I learned.”
Dr. Tainer’s expression had changed, and this time there was no ambiguity; he was angry. “And you didn’t feel it was necessary to inform her husband of this fact?” Data thought for a moment. The decision to keep his mother’s nature a secret from her and Dr. Tainer was done thoughtfully, and at the time had seemed to be in the best interest of everyone involved. Perhaps, Data considered, that was a miscalculation. Before he could conjure a response, Dr. Tainer continued, “It’s no matter. The secret’s out now.” The doctor proceeded along the hallway, and Data followed, “It’s a shame. If we’d known sooner, it’s possible we may have been able to do more for her. And now...”
Data interjectected, “Sir, could you tell me what has happened?”
“See for yourself.” Dr. Tainer stopped and pressed a keypad on the wall, opening a door. Beyond was a small, well-lit room. Modestly furnished with a bed, a small dresser and vanity, and a chair in which sat Juliana Tainer. As Data stepped in he noticed that she seemed to be staring vacantly, her shoulders slumped, her jaw slack. 
“Has she been deactivated?” Data asked. 
“The doctors didn’t know what to do. She was confused and erratic. At first I feared it was some form of dementia, but when they attempted to perform a neurological scan they discovered… what she was. It was then that she just... turned off.” 
“She is programmed to shut down if she discovers that she is an android.” Commander Data leaned closer to examine his mother. “She appears undamaged. Curious what could have triggered the failsafe subroutine.”
“Curious indeed,” grumbled Dr. Tainer. The Atrean let out a deep sigh. “Look commander, whether she’s an android or not, she’s still my wife. If there’s anyone who could do something for her, it would be you.”
“I will try, Doctor.” Data reached his arm around to the back of his mother’s neck. In an instant, she awoke. At first she appeared frightened and confused, her eyes scanning the room wildly, but when her gaze met Data’s she calmed immediately and a smile crept across her lips. “Data,” she said, warmly.
Data turned the corners of his mouth up by eleven degrees, an angle he had determined would suggest a calm and loving recognition. “It is good to see you, Mother.”
“Did you send a message that you were coming? If I’d known you were visiting I would have-”
Dr. Tainer excitedly stepped forward, shoving past Data, “Juliana! You’re awake!”
“Pran, what’s going on? Going on?” Suddenly, her neck twisted rapidly to the left. “Going on. Going On. On.” She jerked her neck several more times, then froze. 
“What happened?” the mortified Dr. Tainer asked.
Data had observed similar behavior once before in a Soong-type android. “Her failsafe engaged again. Doctor Tainer, I am afraid the facilities on Atrea will be insufficient to diagnose the cause of the malfunction.”
“Malfunction…” muttered Dr. Tainer.
“I must return with Juliana to my laboratory on the Enterprise.”
A sullen disposition overcame Pran Tainer. “Of course… Data… I know you’ll do everything possible for her.”
Data nodded.
Scene 1
“Impossible!” scoffed Lieutenant Worf. 
The Borg opposite him replied dryly, “I assure you, Mister Worf, with these modifications, explosive yield will be considerably increased. Our estimates suggest that an improvement of up to twenty-three per cent is possible.”
“Your estimates…” Worf muttered, dismissively.
“Worf, just let him try it,” Geordi La Forge pleaded, “What’s the worst that can happen?”
“Commander, when we agreed to allow these… Borg… access to our tactical systems, it was with the understanding that they would serve an advisory role-”
“And they will,” Commander La Forge had learned that a gentle reassurance tended to work best when dealing with an angry Klingon. “The Captain has ordered that any modifications recommended by the former Borg will be thoroughly reviewed by the senior staff before being implemented.”
Worf grunted in what could only be an acknowledgement and walked away. Hugh watched him as he left engineering. “Geordi, I believe the Lieutenant is angry with me.”
“It’s nothing personal, Hugh. Worf is just a little… uneasy with anyone going near the tactical systems. But he’ll come around. He just needs to learn to trust you as I have. Now, let’s see what we can do with the rotating shield-” 
“Bridge to La Forge,” the voice of Commander Riker cut in. 
Geordi pressed his comm badge, “Go ahead, Commander.”
“We just received word that Data’s shuttle will be arriving momentarily and he’s requested that you meet him in his lab.”
“Acknowledged.” Geordi tapped his badge again to end the call. “Hugh, the shield modifications can wait.”
Scene 2
There was no doubting what had caused the malfunction. Data had seen it before. The positronic brain is a remarkable feat of engineering, but ever so complex, and ever so fragile. It only takes one pathway among billions to destabilize, and by then it is too late. Surrounding pathways attempt to compensate, and become unstable themselves. The failures spread across the neural network like a fire consuming a forest.
It was only her failsafe program which managed to stave off the inevitable, but once reactivated the cascade would continue at an ever-accelerating rate. Data couldn’t be sure how long she would survive, let alone be lucid. 
“I’m sorry, Data,” Geordi lamented, reading the scans, “These are practically identical to the readings we got from Lal.”
“I am aware, Geordi. Were it not for her failsafe program, I believe her neural net would have already experienced total failure.” Geordi was certain he could hear a twinge of sadness in the android’s voice. “I would like you to help me establish a neural link so that I can transfer her memory engrams to mine.”
“Of course, Data. Would you like to activate her one last time? To say goodbye?”
Data considered it for a moment. He had observed in humanoid cultures the practice of “saying goodbye” to a loved-one. He, himself, had once reactivated his daughter Lal for the purpose, but Lal had known that she was an android... “If I reactivate her now, in this environment, she may realize that she is an android. It had been my Father’s wish that she be able ‘live out her days’ without knowing of her true nature.”
Geordi hadn’t considered that, “What if we took her somewhere else? We could configure the holodeck to resemble her home on Atrea.”
The thought had not occurred to Data, but the idea seemed to trigger an unusual response in Data’s subconscious programming.  “That may be acceptable.” 
Scene 3 
The program was a near-perfect recreation of an Atrean villa. The sun shone brightly through twin skylights illuminating a rustic sitting room. Juliana Tainer lay on a lavish day-bed, with her only surviving son seated beside her in a modest wooden chair. Data reached over and depressed her activation switch. Her eyes opened, peacefully.
Scanning the room briefly, her eyes connected with Data’s. Her lips formed a smile, as they had in the hospital on Atrea.
“Noonien, “ she said, calmly. 
“No, mother, I am Data.”
“Of course, son. I just had a wonderful dream that we were all back on Omicron, and you and your brother were- Oh, look at me, going on about dreams. Why are you here, on Atrea?”
“Doctor Tainer contacted me.”
“Pran contacted you? Whatever for?”
“He told me that you were feeling unwell.” Data hadn’t considered how this conversation would go.
“Oh, that’s nonsense,” Juliana let out a slight chuckle, “Pran worries about me too much. I’m fine. Tell me about you. What adventures have you been on since I last saw you?”
“Mother, I am afraid I do have much time.” Data again experienced an unusual response, he made a note to conduct a level two diagnostic of his physio-response subroutines.
“Why, where do you have to be? To be?” As it had in the hospital, her head darted swiftly to the left, then the right. “You must help him, Data. Help him, Data.” Her speech took on an unnatural cadence, no longer the comforting tone Data was accustomed to. He wondered if reactivating her had been a mistake. Juliana appeared confused and frightened.
“Help him, Data,” she repeated. 
“Help whom?” Data asked, unsure if she was lucid enough to know.
“Help, Noonien.” Data thought for a moment. Perhaps in her delirium she saw him as his father. “You must help. before it’s too late. Too late.”
“Mother, Doctor Soong is not here. I am Data.” She reached up and grasped Data’s arm, squeezing it tightly. Tighter than her programming should have allowed. She locked eyes with him. Her grasp continued to tighten. Data could detect stress vibrations in the servos in her fingers, and was concerned that they would be damaged if she continued. With his free hand, he reached behind her neck and depressed the switch to deactivate her, but her grasp persisted. The cascade had progressed faster than he expected. He pressed his Comm Badge.
“Data to transporter room three. Emergency site-to-site transport.”
Scene 4
Hugh stood in the back of the lab as Geordi and Data worked feverishly to set up the neural link. It had been in this room that the Borg first awoke, where he received his real name, and where he made his first friends. In many ways, Hugh mused, this was the room in which he became who he was. As he gazed at the panicked expression on the woman’s face, he recalled his own anxiety and confusion during those fledgling moments of individuality.
“Data, the pathways are collapsing too quickly,” Geordi’s voice was somehow both calming and apprehensive, “I can’t activate new connections fast enough.”
“Attempting to compensate.” Data’s eyes darted back and forth as he raced to establish the neural link. The lights in the optical cable strung between the androids blinked ever faster as each new connection caused another to fail. While Data appeared focused, the look on Geordi’s face betrayed the severity of the situation. 
Hugh stepped closer, “Geordi.”
“Not now, Hugh,” Geordi snapped. Hugh hadn’t expected the reaction, but he persisted.
“Geordi. I can help.”
Geordi paused for a moment and looked at Hugh. Realizing Geordi was no longer manipulating the connections, Data glanced in his direction, “Commander?”
“Wait, Data.” Geordi set down his opto-coupler and stepped back from Juliana, “I think he may be able to help. I trust him.”
Data removed the neural link cable as the Borg approached Juliana. Hugh raised his augmented arm up towards her chin. For a moment he locked eyes with the ailing woman, and he could sense fear from her. It was a fear he was all too familiar with, a fear he had seen hundreds of millions of times in the collective, a fear he had hoped to never see again. 
Two tubes emerged from Hugh’s wrist and contacted Juliana’s neck. Reacting as if by instinct, Data reached over and pulled the Borg away, but it was too late. Juliana’s eyes shut, and her shoulders slumped. Confused, Hugh stared at Data, unsure what he had done wrong. For a moment, all was still.
Suddenly, one of the panels began to chirp, and new data began to roll across the screen. Geordi looked at it, “Hang on Data, something’s happening.”
Data released Hugh and went to the panel. “The neural pathways are reestablishing on their own. It appears as though the Borg nanoprobes are repairing the damaged positronic connections.”
“Data?” The voice was that of Juliana Tainer. 
“Mother.” Data was yet again unable to identify the errant sensation.
“Data. I know... what I am. What your father did for me. What you did for me.” She turned to face Hugh, “And also what you did for me...”
“I am Hugh. Data is my friend.”
Captains log, supplemental. The Borg tactical upgrades have been completed. Hugh and the other Borg have disembarked for their home colony. Data informs me that his mother is expected to make a complete recovery, and will experience no negative effects from the Borg Nanoprobes. 
Data glanced up from his canvas and observed his mother. Her hand manipulated the brush rapidly, no longer encumbered by the restrictive programming his father had placed on her to appear more human. “May I see, mother?”
“Not just yet, Data. I’m nearly done.” Juliana went again to her palette, and briskly mixed a muddy gray color. Data considered his own painting, a landscape in the style of the second Bolian renaissance painter, Di’Rak. He was planning to present the painting to the Enterprise's barber at his birthday celebration next week, but felt there was still some work to be done on the shading.
“Ok, come have a look,” Juliana announced, smiling. Data rose and stood behind his mother. The painting was quite good, Data thought, if perhaps a bit lacking in technique. “It’s a family portrait.” 
Depicted was a woman resembling Juliana Tainer; an older gentleman Data recognized as Noonien Soong; two twin androids, arms over each other’s shoulders, one devilishly grinning, and the other tussling the hair of the figure beside him: a pale young boy, dressed in all black, smiling up at his big brother.
Again Data observed an anomalous sensation. He made a note to upgrade that diagnostic to level one.
We’re moving on to new Star Trek and Star Trek–related series we’re sure you’ll enjoy, so be sure to keep listening on SoundCloud, follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and upgrade your diagnostics to level one.
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theashemarie · 6 years
Ashe!!!!! my good pal!!!!! ily!!! also i've got two things to ask u: 1) pls tell me about something that katie did that was really cute/you really liked in the past few days. 2) how do you pick out concrete descriptions? sorry if that's a super general question but i wanna make my writing more solid as opposed to getting lost in abstractions. and i think i have a tendency to repeat the same descriptions a lot
Blurry! My dear friend!! ily too!!! 
1) I was feeling the Big Sads the other day so I was like “Hey baybee... can you draw me some bees to put up around my apartment to sweeten this place up?” and SHE DREW THE CUTEST BEES EVER! Every time I see their little faces I smile real big. 
2) There are two things you can do in conjunction to get better descriptions: 
Start paying attention to your surroundings. Even just focusing on how light interacts with objects will help you. Listen harder, sniff everything (within reason), touch things! Descriptions aren’t just sight or sound. The strongest details appeal to at least two senses. 
What I do in particular is filter every single detail through a character first. It keeps things varied and it characterizes both the character and the objects. When you filter, you write only the details that that specific character would find important. Every character has a different background and life experience, so they will notice different things, which gets you thinking about rooms not as just rooms but as possible minefields. 
(For example, in my Pearlina fic, Marina sees all of the giant spaces and giant things that Pearl has in the apartment because she comes from a world and a background that is very much centered around militarized cleanliness and utility. In any Sonuckles stuff I write, Sonic notices more nuance in Knuckles’s facial expressions because he grew up on the surface surrounded by people, while Knuckles gets more caught up in his physical surroundings. He notices things that don’t match other things, along with quick, sudden movements because he’s always on guard.)
Eventually, you learn to synthesize these two things (all of the sensory input that you’ve taken in vs. what individual characters might notice) and it enables you to pick a few details that really stand out. I have a very bare bones style of writing (no connective tissue between scenes, very few descriptive paragraphs describing places because I prefer individual details interspersed throughout the scene) so I usually just stick with these few details. That doesn’t mean you can’t have long descriptions of places, just make sure you keep your details interesting. No one wants to read about what a kitchen looks like--we all know what a kitchen looks like, the same way we all know what it’s like to wake up, slide out of bed, and touch our bare feet to the cold tile/wood floor/carpet. What we don’t know is what this character’s kitchen looks like. What is the significance of the stand mixer? The magnets on the fridge? The bowl of fruit? The spices all lined up in alphabetical order? Once you give these details life, they start to sing and harmonize with each other, and they carry a lot more weight throughout the piece. 
Phew, long answer, but I hope I helped even a little! 
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Facial exclamation mark - For amusement, sarcasm, yelling and making points.This is done by an O 👄 shape and widened eyes.
Facial question mark - For questions, confusion and when challenging someone. This is done by a simple raise of the eyebrows during the main word of the question. E.g, Name Yours What [raised eyebrows on what].
And some examples of how you might use these:
Anger - The signs become hard, sharp and fast. The fist isn’t just touched to his chest, it’s slammed in; elbows go everywhere. His face is widened in a facial exclamation mark, brow furrowed, the signs become ungainly and faster, just like speech can become faster and louder.
Fear - You know the expression small voice? Apply that to small signs: Slower actions, eyebrows knitted and arched, perhaps even mistakes are made such as hands knocking together or fingers in the wrong shape, just like people often stutter or trip over their words when 😨.
Agression/Challenging someone- use the facial question mark, but make it harder, more defined. The eyebrows are raised high and the 👄 quirks, or twists, and the signs become more agressive in the same way you would write anger.
Joy, enthusiasm and humour - the signs are bigger again, and the character would grin- eyes shining, maybe, and eyebrows raised in the facial exclamation mark for jokes. Also, you know how we use silly voices in verbal language? In sign, we also make the signs really over-exaggerated, like in charades, and accompany that with pulled faces. Examples of these would be the 👄 in an overlarge O, eyebrows raised too high, grinning in the middle of the O shape or mocking a grimace, so that the downwards pull of the 👄 is forced.
Lying - The facial expression might contradict the sign. Eg, someone who is lying to feel confident may inflect their words with a facial exclamation mark, but their hands may shake (a signed stutter). Facial tells such as quirks of 👄 could also be present, since people who use signed language as a primary language learn to have naturally expressive faces.
“How could I portray signed language in artistic media, eg, comics?”
If the speech can’t be heard, because the signing character is completely deaf and either doesn’t use hearing aids/implants or doesn’t have them, the dialogue bubbles are best left blank. When the speech is signed, it should come from the hands, and facial expressions should be drawn. You wouldn’t need to do the entire sequence of signs, but give important words or phrases their own boxes to highlight them. (I don’t draw comics so I don’t know any of the phrases but i hope this makes sense)
The best example I’ve found is the Hawkeye comics! Blue 👂 showed this so well.
Some extra points that have been brought up
Hearing aids get sweaty, dirty and uncomfortable if worn too long, and stop working so well. They also get clogged with wax and it’s really unpleasant
Cleaning kits should never be far off, especially in summer
Aids and implants can also withstand 🌧️, even heavy 🌧️, but sometimes the moulds of aids get clogged with 💧. They would not survive being submerged (but you can get waterproof ones as far as I know, the NHS just won’t supply them)
Some hearing aids will get through batteries faster than others. My old ones lasted a month if I used the hearing aids every day. With these new aids, the batteries for one last a week and two weeks for the other.
The sticky labels on the back of batteries are really fun but also really annoying, and get stuck on e v e r y t h i n g
Hearing aids and implants are not cure-alls for deafness. In my completely deaf 👂, I can only hear a buzz from my hearing aid that vaguely resembles speech; in my semi-hearing 👂, the hearing aid still misses some sounds and blurs others.
Some deaf people choose not to get implants, since sign language is available and deafness is widely considered a blessing.
There are huge nuances in the levels of deafness, so percentages are generally not as useful as medical professionals make them sound. This thread covers it very well (plus some other things, such as 🕶️ and reliance on facial reading as well as lip reading)
Lip-Reading is not a skill that everyone has, it’s tricky and, no, I can’t tell you what the kids over at that table are talking about Karen.
On the subject of mouths, it’s important to 👄 while signing words. In BSL, the words for 🔋 and aunt are the same. This could get strange if you were asking where to go dispose of your aunt.
So while a character might recognize 👄 shapes in connection with signs, they could still be awful at reading 👄
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
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Alexis J. Cunningfolk
During these hot summer months, cooling herbs are key allies for our health and wellbeing. There are a number of cooling herbs we can befriend, including Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis), Rose (Rosa damascena), and Aloe (Aloe vera). One of my favourites is Burdock because it has such a wonderful way of balancing heat in the body, is mild in taste, and is one of those herbs (like Oats) that act as much as food as it does medicine.
I created this profile for the students who attend The Plant Sabbat but thought it would be fun to share with you, too.
What are your favourite ways to use Burdock? Let me know in the comments below. If you're looking for all my plant profiles click here and you can learn how to connect with any plant with the Plant Ally Project. Enjoy!
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Common + Folk Names : Bardane, happy major, hardock, hareburr, cockleburr, clotbur, love leaves, hurt burr, beggar’s buttons
Element : Water
Zodiac Signs : Taurus
Planets : Venus, Jupiter
Moon Phase : Waning Moon
Parts used : Root and seed.
Habitat : Native to Eurasia and grows throughout North America. Thrives in damp areas, disturbed soil, and roadsides.
Growing Conditions : Self-seeding and relatively easy to grow. Prefers full sun and moist, rich soil.
Collection : Collect the root of a in the summer or fall of the plant’s first year or the spring of the second.
Flavor : Bitter, sweet
Temperature : Cool
Moisture : Dry
Tissue State : Dry/Atrophy, Damp/Stagnation
Constituents : Vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, polyacetylenes, chlorogenic acid, taraxosterol, arctigen, inulin, lactone, volatile oils, flavonoids, tannin, mucilage, resin, pectin.
Actions : Adaptogen, alterative, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-candida, antitussive, aperient, aphrodisiac, cholagogue, demulcent, diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge, galactagogue, mild laxative, nutritive. The seed is alternative, anti-inflammatory, depurative, diaphoretic, diuretic.
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Main Uses : Burdock is a clearing herb. It draws toxins out of the body, especially from the gut, the tissues, and the liver. As a blood-purifier, the herb helps to support the work of eliminatory organs like the liver and kidneys. It is a traditional remedy for kidney stones. As a cooling and moistening herb, Burdock is especially useful for issues that arise from excess heat including inflammation (especially when inflammatory skin conditions are an issues), fevers, and illnesses such as tonsillitis or dry coughs. Acting on the liver, Burdock helps with the secretion of bile and stimulates the actions of the gall bladder. The herb is indicated for poor glandular function in general including the lymph system, pancreas, endocrine glands, prostate, and spleen. As for most liver herbs, Burdock can be helpful for those in recovery from alcohol addiction. It is good to use cleansing Burdock with diuretic herbs such as Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) to make sure that you are pulling out toxins from the body effectively.
The heat and pain of arthritis and gout are alleviated by Burdock as the root breaks down excess uric acid in the joints. Some indicators for Burdock can seem contradictory - excess internal heat can result in a dry digestive tract (constipation and dry fecal matter are indicators) but it can lead also to weepy skin conditions. This is because hot and dry internal heat has pushed all moisture and oil in the body system to the extremities. Of course, to keep things interesting, Burdock can also be strongly indicated in the case of dry and scaly skin conditions. Remember, you are looking for excess heat and how it is manifesting the body when considering Burdock.
Traditionally, Burdock has been used since the Middle Ages for the treatment of cancer including by famed herbalist and mystic Hildegard of Bingen. Modern research continues to look at Burdock as a useful ally in the treatment of not only cancer but HIV, alerting us to Burdock’s immune-boosting qualities.
Burdock combines well with other nutritive herbs such as Milky Oat (Avena sativa) for creating a restorative tonic for undernourished body systems. Insulin rich, Burdock acts as a prebiotic in our gut, helping to cultivate healthy flora. It also helps with the digestion of fats and oils. Enjoy the tea 30 minutes before a meal for best results. Another indicator for Burdock is a sweet tooth and maybe even sugar addiction for those who rely on the quick fix of sugar for energy. There can be a deeper emotional tie to pleasure (or lack thereof) in life and the use of sugar as a quick but ultimately unsatisfying replacement. Approach all diet discussions with nuance and compassion, being sure to examine your own relationship to food and prejudices about size and appearance. Use the essences of Burdock, Crap Apple, and Pretty Face for help.
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Brigitte Mars offers an interesting insight into how Burdock is especially useful for city dwellers:
“During the Industrial Revolution, burdock was used as a medicine to help people cope with pollution or, as John Kelton said in 1870, ‘the constant deterioration of the blood from impure air and exhaustion by day, bad ventilation at night and want of attention to ordinary requirements of life.’” (The Desktop Guide to Herbal Medicine, 67)
Burdock has a low amount of estrogen content which means that it can be useful for folks experiencing menopause when combined with stronger estrogenic herbs such as Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis) and Wild Yam (Dioscorea villosa). Use with practitioner support for supporting transgender and gender variant transitions on the transfeminine spectrum.
External uses include using the oil and leaves as a poultice for skin inflammation and rashes including psoriasis, eczema, glandular boils, and ringworm. Make a hair rinse of the root for remedying dandruff and preventing hair loss. Use in after-sun care. Useful for case of hot and red acne that has not come to a head. Made into a facial toner, the root helps to regulate the excretion of sebaceous glands in the skin, making it especially useful for those with oily skin. Use as well for swellings, sprains, and tumours. Skin conditions are especially connected to deep seated emotional imbalances - use flower essences along herbal remedies. The tincture can internally to successfully treat external symptoms, too. “In the Native American healing tradition, the plant was used by the Malecite, Micmac, Ojibwa, and Menominee for skin health. Further, the roots were dried by the Iroquois over a fire and stored for food for the following year.” (1)
Burdock root is quite edible and pleasant in flavor. It’s a popular addition in Japanese, Hawaiian, and New Zealand cuisine.
Magickal Uses : Burdock is considered a protective herb and the root can be buried at the four corners of the home or powdered and traced around the home. The dried root can be cut and made into small button like beads as a protective amulet. The flowers are symbols of abundance. Use the burrs to help the magick stick to something. Use the plant to help you connect with Bear energy - Arctium comes from the Greek word for bear.
The Burdock Personality : The Burdock personality is very good as masking their emotional suffering, but eventually their physical suffering comes to the surface. They embody burnout - their internal heat has burned them up from the inside out. They tend to be anxious and worried about rocking the boat - until they find themselves so angry they can’t not express their anger. Irritability, crankiness, and explosive outbursts can follow and can feel especially overwhelming as this has not been their typical pattern. Burdock helps them to access the liberating powers of their anger. Anger on the surface goes after those we love and has a tendency to wreck relationships. Deep anger that is given space to come to the surface and allowed to breathe and burn off can be healing. The anger of a Burdock person is often from a much earlier period in their life when they weren’t able to safely express their anger then. Burdock helps them get the chance they never had to be angry - it clears the path for a clean, transformative burn.
Contraindications : Avoid use during first trimester of pregnancy - herbalist Anne McIntyre recommends avoiding throughout all trimesters and during breastfeeding. Avoid with insulin and other hypoglycemic medications. Needs careful monitoring of blood sugar levels with diabetic patients. Be aware that Burdock and Rhubarb leaves are similar looking but Rhubarb leaves are toxic.
Dosage : Standard dosage - 1 tsp per 8 oz water; Adults 30 - 60 drops tincture or 1 - 10 drops for drop dosage.
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Burdock + Dandelion Toffee
by Julie Bruton-Seal & Matthew Seal from Backyard Medicine
Dig several roots of burdock and dandelion, in spring or fall. Strip the root bark off, and clean and chop up the inner part. Weight out 3 to 4 ounces of each. Load into a saucepan and cover with a pint of water. Bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Allow to cool.
Simmer again until the roots are tasteless (i.e. have surrendered their content to the liquid). This reduces the mixture by about half. Strain and add 1 tablespoon butter and 12 tablespoons of sugar. Boil for 5 minutes then simmer for 20 minutes more. It will become toffee-like. Test the toffee by pouring a drip of it onto a cold plate, as you would in testing jam: when it crinkles into soft threads, it is ready. Pout it into a buttered shallow tin. Before it sets totally, mark out squares and save the toffee slab in greaseproof paper: or stretch it out by hand into taffy: this is ale and pliable, ideal for balls, plaits, etc.
(1) Quoted from https://www.mountainroseherbs.com/products/burdock-root/profile but the original source can be found here: Moerman, D.E. 1998. Native American Ethnobotany at http://herb.umd.umich.edu/.
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logh-icebergs · 7 years
Episode 9: The Klopstock Incident
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796/487. Duke Braunschweig throws a party! It doesn’t go very well. Klopstock, a noble who lost his standing in society after backing the wrong man (one of Friedrich IV’s brothers) for Kaiser, attempts to bomb the party and assassinate both Braunschweig and the Kaiser himself. Unfortunately for Klopstock, his plan fails, killing some randos but leaving his targets unharmed. Also among the unharmed in attendance are Reinhard and the beautiful Magdalena von Westfalen. Klopstock, learning of his failure, commits suicide. RIP. Meanwhile, Reinhard and Kircheis make moon-eyes at each other and Annerose gazes passive-aggressively at Reinhard.
Reinhard and Kircheis
You’ll recall that we left off on something of a cliffhanger concerning Reinhard and Kircheis’s relationship: There’s tension brewing due to Reinhard’s most recent hiring decision (the sinister Oberstein), and episode 8 ends with Reinhard and Kircheis spending an evening poignantly apart. Episode 9, by comparison, is kinda fun: Though the stakes are eventually high in that Reinhard’s life is temporarily at risk, overall Reinhard and Kircheis aren’t dealing with anything as dire as political or military strategy on a large scale, and as their distance from matters of state widens, so the distance between them seems to close back up, at least for now.
Over the course of this episode, we get to see our boys in a series of relatively “normal,” almost domestic situations—Kircheis makes Reinhard go to a party he doesn’t want to go to! Reinhard drags Kircheis along! Kircheis has to wait in the car because he doesn’t have an invitation! Reinhard tries to get back to him as soon as possible! et cetera—that taken together provide us with a window into how their relationship might function on a day-to-day basis.
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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Bratty Reinhard is the goddamn best. His diction in Japanese here (yada!) betrays a childishness that he reserves for Kircheis alone, and it’s adorable.
Because Reinhard is able to accumulate so much power, along with a cadre of loyal and talented followers, in such a short time and at such a young age—and because he’s so goddamn beautiful—it’s tempting to lump him in with a certain archetype of charismatic, charming leader. But like with most almost-archetypes in LoGH, that actually couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, this brings us to one of the most relatable and human aspects of Reinhard’s personality: He’s fucking terrible at parties.
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Kircheis coaxing Reinhard into participating in obligatory social engagements is some of the sweetest writing in this whole show—and also a chance for him to show off what turns out to be a well-hidden dry sense of humor.
Unfortunately for Reinhard, he’s been invited to attend Braunschweig’s gala, and social niceties dictate that he go. Luckily for us, that means we get to watch Kircheis convince him to do so. I cannot overstate how much I love watching Kircheis manage Reinhard when Reinhard is being a complete baby. Kircheis, who has clearly been doing this for years, treats him with so much warmth and patience; this scene is the perfect example of how throughout LoGH, small quiet moments are used—similarly to facial expressions—to convey more and deeper intimacy than words alone could do. We see several of these moments throughout episode 9, and each time I feel a little like I’m intruding on something private. Episode 9 is a gift.
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But why take time out of our busy schedule now to spend A Day In The Life with Reinhard and Kircheis while they’re just being cute boyfriends and not working especially hard to conquer the universe? Almost all the time we’ve spent with Reinhard and Kircheis so far has been in the context of battles or political machinations (or flashbacks). But episode 8 made it clear that for these two, the personal and the political are intertwined, and only getting more so.
We already know what the stakes are, politically: Reinhard intends to overthrow the Empire with Kircheis. The personal hasn’t been explored as much, outside of flashbacks, so it’s important to show the viewer exactly what is being threatened when a wedge is driven between Reinhard and Kircheis. To do that, we have to see them “at rest,” just being together—and, as the case may be, apart—which is what most of this episode does.
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Kircheis agrees to wait in the car while Reinhard is at the party because these two literally could not be more codependent. I love them.
And so, against his will, Reinhard arrives at Braunschweig’s party. When accosted by shitty nobles, Reinhard makes them regret interrupting his solitude, and otherwise he just stares at the clock, waiting for the Kaiser to arrive so he can get back to Kircheis without violating the social order.
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Behold, Imperial Marshal Reinhard von Lohengramm, standing alone holding a drink and awkwardly looking around at a party he’d rather have skipped: truly the representation we millennials have been craving.
Meanwhile, Kircheis sits in the parking lot and plays Spider Solitaire gets work done on his laptop while also watching a clock, presumably to keep track of how long Reinhard’s been away. Eventually, Klopstock walks past the car, suspiciously without the cane he’d been carrying earlier (because it was actually a bomb, and he planted it inside the party). Kircheis gets out to investigate, and has only just managed to convince Ansbach he should be allowed to talk to Reinhard despite not having a party invitation, when the bomb goes off.
Kircheis sprints into the hall with no regard for his personal safety, yelling Reinhard’s name and searching desperately for him amid the rubble. It’s the first time we’ve seen Kircheis react to a potential direct threat to Reinhard’s life and it instantly transforms him from the calm, collected character to whom we’ve become accustomed.
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Notice how Kircheis, usually physically contained enough that you might forget he’s actually kind of huge (at 6’3”, he’s one of the tallest characters in LoGH), suddenly takes up every possible square millimeter of real estate in the frame.
In episode 5, Annerose shut Kircheis down when he insisted that he depended on Reinhard at least as much as Reinhard depended on him, if not more. If there was ever any doubt that he was telling the truth, this scene dispels that definitively. Kircheis’s expressions and gestures here are not those of someone who might have lost his military superior, or lord, or whatever; they’re the raw, open emotion of someone who might have lost the person he loves. There’s absolutely nothing one-sided about Reinhard and Kircheis.
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You can see the exact moment when Kircheis, horrified, realizes that if other party guests are dead from the explosion, Reinhard could be too...
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...followed, of course, by Kircheis calling Reinhard’s name with renewed vigor, until he finally responds.
Thankfully, we don’t have to see how Kircheis would react if he did lose Reinhard, because Reinhard is fine, but Kircheis’s responses, this time to relief, are still entirely unguarded and not behind his usual unshakable facade.
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We rarely see Kircheis initiate physical contact with Reinhard, but the averted threat of immediate physical harm seems to have lowered some of his natural inhibitions. Also, how precious is that smile?
And so we’ve seen a day in the lives of Reinhard and Kircheis—complete with bickering, teasing, emotional support, separation anxiety, a near-death experience, and a happy reunion. Oh, and plans for a breakfast date:
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Now that Kircheis can rest assured that Reinhard is safe, they snap back to their usual dynamic—Reinhard being bratty, and Kircheis loving it.
In some ways this whole episode has been one of those “small moments” I was talking about earlier on in the post: It would be easy to tell us how important Reinhard and Kircheis are to one another, how much they depend on each other, and how enmeshed their lives are. But this is LoGH, and with all the anime team’s considerable stores of subtlety, nuance, and depth of human understanding at their disposal, why tell us about a relationship between two people, when they can show us?
Braunschweig and Ansbach?
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“We’re not so different, you and I.”
It’s worth mentioning, because we’ll be spending a significant amount of time with Braunschweig and his top retainer Ansbach, that some pretty heavy parallels are drawn here between Ansbach and Kircheis. In the aftermath of the explosion, Kircheis and Ansbach both frantically search the rubble for their respective... companions, and the camera switches rapidly between the two of them in strikingly similar positions and states of emotional distress.
Are Braunschweig and Ansbach romantically connected in some way? That’s definitely the implication here, but we don’t really know enough about Ansbach at this point to draw conclusions beyond, “huh, I guess we’re supposed to be comparing these two.” So we’ll come back to it later.
Remember in Kircheis’s episode 5 flashback when I talked about Annerose’s tendency to undermine Reinhard behind his back? Well, apparently that’s something she does to his face too, as we see in a short but very telling scene that takes place after Reinhard attempts to report Klopstock to the Kaiser for his crime. It turns out Braunschweig’s already done the honors, so Reinhard and Kircheis stop to visit with Annerose on their way out.
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Annerose’s relationship with Reinhard is, as always, complicated—and more complicated than he thinks it is.
Annerose, wearing her usual placid smile, expresses irritation with Reinhard’s plan to aid in Klopstock’s arrest—irritation that only increases when Reinhard explains that the only reason he cared so much was that Annerose could have been injured if she had been traveling with the Kaiser that night.
It’s becoming clearer that Annerose harbors some resentment towards her brother. There are a few possible reasons for this, the simplest being that she’s romantically jealous. Just because it’s simple, of course, doesn’t make it untrue, but we don’t have enough information at this point to determine if Annerose’s feelings about Kircheis are romantic, not to mention how much she knows about Reinhard and Kircheis’s relationship, so we’ll come back to that later.
What we do know, however, is that the latest source of her aggravation stems from Reinhard, for lack of a better phrase, meddling in her life. His intentions are good, but Annerose didn’t ask for his protection, or his help. This isn’t the last time we’ll see Annerose basically tell Reinhard to fuck off and leave her alone, and I understand where she’s coming from, even though it still makes me cringe every time. Reinhard can’t help that he’s free and Annerose is imprisoned, but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s another in a long line of men who act when she cannot. Annerose, who again has never been afforded any agency whatsoever (at least since she was fifteen), exercises her free will when she can—even if that’s usually nothing more than telling her brother to mind his own business. Reinhard, true to form, seems slightly hurt, but doesn’t fight her.
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Kircheis’s gaze here is deliberately ambiguous and can be interpreted in several different ways: a fond smile at Annerose, a polite smile at Annerose, a “wtf why are you being mean to Reinhard” smile at Annerose, or simply an “I’m still really happy Reinhard’s okay” smile at no one in particular.
Stray Tidbits
DO NOT get on Reinhard’s bad side. Do not. *fans self*
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I, for one, am glad you survived, Magdalena.
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Episode 9 may feel a bit out of place amid all the High Drama currently going on in the Empire, and there’s a reason for that! The titular Klopstock Incident actually comes from a chapter of one of Tanaka’s Gaiden novels, not from the main storyline. Yes, like Julian’s cat, and Dusty’s entire presence early on, episode 9 is a deviation from Tanaka’s text.
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romansmironov · 4 years
16 Tips for Amazing Long-Distance Relationships in 2020 (That Actually Work)
In this post, I’m going to show you EXACTLY how to maintain a long-distance relationship. (With insanely actionable tips.)
In fact, these tips help me with maintaining a long-distance relationship with my family in Russia while I’m in Canada.
Let's dive right in.
Companion audio
I talked to a communication expert Lauren Sergy. She shared a lot of practical tips that you can start using right away. Listen to her interview if you don't want to read: https://romanmironov.com/blog/maintaining-a-long-distance-relationship/
1. Just pick up the phone…
This is the easiest way. It doesn't need to be through fancy conference apps. Don't make it overly complicated in your mind.
Most people are hanging out by the phone, waiting to hear someone. It also became unusual for us to have long voice-only conversations. And it can be quite lovely.
Lauren likes to multitask, especially with kids at home. She will talk to your mom while unloading the dishwasher or doing laundry. That's also a productivity tip right there!
2. … But do video calls when you can
Making a quick phone call is good but it's important to lay eyeballs on each other, too. That's the reason why the usage of video chat apps rose during the COVID-19 pandemic.
So get a basic app such as FaceTime, Facebook Messenger, or Skype depending on your device. It's important to see expressions of the person you're talking to. That's how you can connect at a deeper level.
3. Don't overthink it
When it comes to staying in touch even five minutes matters. Use those little chunks of time to connect. Don't think you can't make a call just because you don't have half an hour.
And also don't worry about your camera too much. Making the actual call is what's most important.
4. Slow down
The difference between Internet-based and face-to-face communication lies in non-verbal cues. In a video call, you're cut off from the shoulders up. And if you see someone on the phone, it's a smaller image. A lot of nuances of non-verbal communication fall away. Cues such as when it's your turn to speak and so on.
As a result, we're more likely to interrupt one another. Which is frustrating and can dissuade us from connecting online. That's why slowing down helps a lot. Speak slower especially if the other person is on a line with a lot of interference or low bandwidth.
5. Make deliberate pauses
Making pauses is difficult because many people dislike silence. We want to fill in the pause. But a pause allows the other person to speak. Be deliberate with them by taking breaths:
·        Breathe in
·        Breathe out
·        Breathe in
·        And then speak again unless the other person says something
6. Stop loneliness
When people are alone at home, being together with someone online can make a difference. It doesn't even need to involve talking.
So yeah, tell a friend or a colleague that you need company. Ask them to hang out with you and you don't need to talk. There's comfort in seeing them on the screen, making you feel less lonely.
Lauren went to a piano bar with her husband once. They were just sitting there without talking to each other, enjoying their drink and listening to music. And another couple asked them if they were reading each other's minds.
The truth was, they didn't need to fill the night with chatter.
7. Pay attention to physical tension
Physical tension is another non-verbal cue.
·        Is the other person shifting a lot, indicating they're uncomfortable?
·        Are their shoulders tense?
Make the image bigger or watch more closely. You'll see if the other person gets uncomfortable. With that feedback, you can adjust what you're saying or how you're saying it.
8. Stop misunderstanding
When you read a message, your brain inserts the melody of words, or vocal expression. But the first voice that you hear might not be the intended voice. So if you react badly to a message, you might be inserting the wrong intonation in your head.
Be a little more cautious interpreting written stuff. If it seems aggressive, read it out loud. You'll then notice the intonation you're adding. And then say it differently, e.g., in a happy tone.
9. Let people talk (and they'll love you)
Don't interrupt the other person. When you give them the space to speak without interrupting, they might go for 15 minutes at a time.
·        As a result, they'll say things they didn't think of before.
·        They'll become more self-aware.
·        They'll feel heard out (which feels great).
·        And you'll learn more about them.
10. Talk like a radio pro
Lauren had a radio career and worked to develop enunciation during that time. She did short promotional slots for advertisers. People were listening to them in their cars, with a lot of background noise. Pronouncing everything clearly was very important. And she made sure to work her mouth when she spoke.
So yeah, how clearly you say your words matters. Put in a little more effort to pronounce individual consonants or vowels.
Practical tip:
1.       Take a wine cork or a carrot.
2.      Stick it between your teeth, a centimeter and a half into your mouth.
3.     Then say tongue-twisters, enunciating things as clearly as you can. It'll work the muscles needed for clearer speech.
11. Dial up your charisma
Being more expressive on video calls is crucial if you want to engage the other person. That's because people can't read you as subtly as in-person. There's a little element of performance to this—as if you are on stage. Amplify things. Dial it up just a few notches and you'll boost your charisma.
That said, a big part of charisma is also feeling that mental connection:
I get you, you get me, and we're in this together. I'm letting you into my inner world.
Use expressiveness and body language for creating that connection and maintaining a long-distance relationship.
12. Anything but a poker face, please
The facial expression is one of those non-verbal cues.
1.       If you want to sound happy, make a big grin. As your facial expression brightens, the words become a little bit tighter. The voice may pitch up a little bit, too.
2.      If you're not a natural smiler, raise your eyebrows to show you're paying attention. Eyebrow flash is one of the universal signals for interest and attention.
3.     Practice expressions in front of a mirror (Hint: A good post-shower activity.)
4.     Put the camera away from you so that the other person sees your facial expression more easily. Look straight into the camera.
13. Let them see the stuff of your life
No, you don't need to create a different persona for online communication. You don't have to look polished and refined. It's a common myth.
People want to connect with you because they like you and not because your kitchen is spotlessly clean.
Practical tips:
·        Have a presentable background but let them see a personal photo.
·        If it's friends and family, let them see a messy kitchen.
·        If it's work, let them see pictures of your kids. It adds a new dimension to your work relationship because they've never seen that side of you before.
14. Draw a line between love and everything else
Couples can use a separate communication format for all things related to their romantic relationship.
For example, create email addresses that only two of you know. And use them to talk only about your love. Discuss your daily tasks elsewhere. Separating love and everything else brings back novelty, surprise, and excitement.
That's what boosts your passion.
That said, how about throwing creative offline communication in the mix?
15. Write letters (seriously)
Writing letters is great for maintaining a long-distance relationship (LDR). You normally talk to the other person through video and then, boom, they get a letter. And they feel excited and significant immediately.
Lauren made her kids send letters to their great grandparents in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. It lighted their folks up.
We all love surprise and getting a letter in the mail is exactly that. In the age of online communication, the fine art of letter writing can be revived.
So yeah, make the other person feel special to develop a stronger bond with them.
16. Send Valentine Day cards
This year, Lauren sent Valentine Day cards instead of Christmas ones.
I sent them to my colleagues, friends, and clients. And they loved it! ("I actually got a Valentine.")
It's delightful because there's this physical element to it. Holding something that the other person touched and put together. It's a great way to maintain that personal relationship with people in our network.
0 notes
darkstar6782 · 6 years
Thoughts on SPN 13x12: Various and Sundry Villains
I definitely loved this episode. There were so many good character moments in it, and so many character parallels done well, that I actually had a hard time remembering the overarching story after giving myself a day to ruminate on what I liked so much about it. So here are my thoughts on the episode, in no particular order:
- Obviously, the story of the witch sisters wasn’t meant to be much on its own; they were a vehicle for bringing Rowena back and to draw parallels to Sam and Dean, so I don’t have much to say about them other than I found the conversation where they talked about their feelings--which sounded (I presume intentionally) like something that a fanfic writer might have Sam and Dean say to one another--made me laugh very hard, and that, though I considered it to be a smart move, the fact that they killed their victims with a sledgehammer was very disturbing, as was the way Rowena killed them by having them tear each other apart.
- Rowena’s back, and I love it! It felt like we saw more nuance to her character here than we have previously, and I am honestly not sure if the show is going to make her an ally of the Winchesters or an antagonist now that she has her full power back. I can definitely see her taking Crowley’s place in that regard, only her positive connection to the pair will be through Sam rather than Dean. I loved the way that she and Sam connected, and how, through her, Sam was able to open up about some very old traumas, which I hope the show will continue to address.
- I am also all-in for Sam’s emotional journey this episode, and I hope that the show continues to allow him to address his traumas, rather than burying and forgetting them once again like it has a tendency to do. This kind of emotional arc has been a long time coming back for Sam--he hasn’t really gotten a chance to address his feelings or the way his experiences have affected him since season 5. And the way he has chosen to handle his experiences is something that I can definitely sympathize with, because I also find myself spinning my wheels and drowning in negative emotions when I don’t have a plan to deal with something difficult or when my plans fall apart or don’t lead to the outcome I was expecting. Fortunately for me, I have someone by my side who is able to ground me in those moments, and help me bring my emotions back under control by reminding me what’s really important or by stepping up to lead the way when I am feeling lost, and that is exactly the role that Dean plays in Sam’s emotional life too. Their conversation at the end of the episode was so important because, even though Sam wasn’t quite as soul-baring with Dean as he was with Rowena, he was honest about the ways in which he was feeling out-of-control, and he was asking Dean to help bring him back onto solid ground, and Dean seemed to realize that. Thought it wasn’t clear whether his words really brought Sam much comfort in the moment, I think they were still exactly what he needed to hear, and I hope that Dean follows through on supporting Sam and that the show doesn’t just paper over this emotional growth as the season progresses.
(thoughts on Cas and Lucifer under the cut)
- Am I the only one who still isn’t sure if Cas is really Cas? Because there were so many moments during his scenes with Lucifer where I was convinced that he wasn’t Cas. His facial expressions, some of the things he said, and especially the fact that he seemed perfectly content to be locked up there, waiting patiently for something to happen, when it feels like he should have been showing more concern about Sam and Dean and wanting to get back to helping them find Jack... but then there were moments when he seemed like his old self again. I am almost certain now that something is very off about him, and I can’t wait to find out what it is.
- I will admit to cheering when Cas stabbed Lucifer. Learning form his mistakes indeed! (It was also a great contrast to Dean’s abject stupidity in announcing that their guns contained “witch-killing bullets” and then allowing the witches a chance to react to that news rather than just shooting them. I mean, I know the fight scene was fun and all, but... really?!) As much as I enjoy Mark Pellegrino’s portrayal of Lucifer, I do feel like his story has gone on too long, and I loved seeing the show doing something unexpected like killing a major villian out of nowhere, with no fanfare. To say that I was disappointed to see in the “Next Episode” preview that Lucifer is not actually dead would be a dramatic understatement. There was much cursing at the TV over that.
0 notes