#the cuddly toy was necessary
bookofhappyescapes · 27 days
My mum put ‘cuddly toy’ on the list of things to pack for our family holiday. It’s just so sweet.
Like, I am an adult. I have lived alone for 3 years. And yet I’m still being reminded to bring my cuddly toy on holiday.
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greenandsorrow · 1 month
~Her man child~
Headcanons 📺
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Vox is the definition of a manchild and I think it's kinda obvious.
He's the mean kind, acting with so much spite, sometimes without it being necessary or justified.
He NEEDS to be taken seriously. He tries so hard, blurring the lines between respect, fear and tolerance.
But when you two are alone... the telly-head man is a whiny boy.
He complains like it's a form of art. You can't help but roll your eyes playfully when he lets out a too loud sigh, but after doing so you're always ready to give him all the reassurance and attention he desperately craves.
Your man prefers being the little spoon. He's like a lap cat.
If anyone finds out about his cuddly nature, he's gonna die a second time...
Vox feels the need to constantly prove himself to Velvette and Valentino, but with you he feels safe. He can be overly emotional. And weak. And needy.
Very needy.
If you're not somewhere behind the camera admiring him and boosting his confidence, his day is ruined.
Grumpy, grumpy, grumpy.
In the mornings he doesn't even turn on his screen... settling for the protection setting instead.
You have to be patient with him.
Bring him a steaming cup of coffee and hug him from behind and he might as well start giggling like a schoolgirl.
He's too sensitive for harsh jokes. Being in Hell means ONLY dark and cruel humour, but Vox can't take it sometimes.
His ego is fragile.
In order to feel loved, Vox has to be showered in extravagant compliments on a daily basis. Whether it's about his appearance, his job, his amazing and very interesting personality... He needs them.
When you tell him he's better than the radio demon.... he literally gets rock hard.
Vox is in a constant dilemma between showing you off for all Pentagram City to know you're his, or keeping you secret.
It's the same as a boy with his favourite toy. If other kids see his toy, he's gonna have to share.
What if someone steals his favourite toy?! Or even worse... BREAK IT?!
That being said, he doesn't objectify you, but he's terrible at showing affection or appreciation.
He's gonna be there for you, help you with anything you need, laugh with you, spend quality time with you. Still, deep communication is a difficult subject for him.
Thank god you're observant enough to catch all the messages he tries to pass to you.
Such an attention seeker though.
Have you ever seen a six year old trying to impress his crush?
Just look at Vox trying to woo you. It's the same thing.
But he's not that bad... His self-esteem is an obstacle alright, but he becomes a rug for you to step on and use as you wish most of the time.
Vox would definitely go out of his way if you asked something from him. You're his rock. It's the least he can do.
The guy even whimpers in his sleep.
Vox loves to fill his hands with your thighs when it's bed time. They're warm and soothing to him, like stress toys. Being a walking television has its disadvantages temperature wise.
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He would bend you over and take you in front of a mirror so he could see himself while at it, but he hasn't done so yet. He wants to ask you beforehand and make sure it won't make you feel weird.
Vox is easy to rile up. A breathy compliment and a squeeze of his thigh and he's more than ready to go.
He doesn't actually feel dominant, but he tries to act like it. This Vee member has the stereotype man = dominance engraved in his subconsciousness and so he fights to live up to it.
But between you and me... Treat him like an inexperienced and innocent boy and he'll be crying out in pleasure.
Aka... be a femdom. Even a soft one. You won't even have to try that much.
Another thing. Vox is loud. (Like his name implies 🫣)
He also pants a lot. Almost like he's hyperventilating.
Unlike Alastor, this man is very insecure about both his performance and... size.
I'm not saying he's lacking in either though. It's just how his mind works. Always comparing himself to his opponents and in this case, his opponents are other men that could perhaps satisfy you more thoroughly than him.
Allow me to say that he fucks in an anxious way. Hands shaking and his mantra "Does that feel good to you darling?"
You just need to praise him a little. (A lot)
He doesn't last that long but he'll be sure to rub your clit so you don't either.
When it gets too real, he tears up at the end, like a baby that's holding back from crying. But you're there to hold him until he calms down.
He's usually too tired (and still nervous) afterwards for proper aftercare. Vox likes to be babied though. It's more personal attention after all.
Oh to be cleaned up and tucked to bed! Only then will he feel comfortable enough to run his fingers through your hair and mumble a faint thank you.
Vox's head has a bit of an awkward shape for cunnilingus. However, he has a surprisingly long tongue that can reach more than enough to have you moaning out how good of a boy he's being.
He usually cums in his pants while eating you out.
And when you return the favour it's usually to relieve his stress at work. He feels like a teenager when you do it. It's an act of service, really.
He low-key fucks your face, not enough to choke you but you do gag around him. It makes him feel in control. It makes him feel like a man.
To sum up, Vox is a bit dependent on you and on your validation, but he would never hurt you or become too overbearing.
He's needy, but not stupid.
He is the definition of a manchild and I think I proved my point.
But he's your manchild sis!
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my masterlist || Hazbin Hotel masterlist 🦷
Vox divider by @rubra-wav
Support divider by @cafekitsune
The explicit content one... I don't remember :(
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bunji-enthusiast · 4 months
No joke, I love reading your stuff! It always has me kicking and giggling :}
I hope you're not stressing yourself out with the writing tho!! I know you prod want it perfect or close enough to it, but please remember it always doesn't have to be 💕
I love dogday as much as the next person but- huggy was my first and even tho you barely even write him I still end up loving him so much when you do lol. I really liked your jealousy one! I was hoping you could do one with huggy?? With an employee reader pls. So sorry if that's every little information, not rlly the best at requesting still.
Tysm!! 💕💕
{So sorry if I send this when request r closed}
Jealous, Jealous Toy
Note || AHHH your so sweet, absolutely I’ll try to write Huggy for this :)
WC || 642
Sypnosis || What happens when a jealous toy gets possessive of an employee?
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Order was an important piece to your life, you liked to be orderly and keep things to an absolute T. Even if it had meant fraternizing with your superiors, though you weren’t much of a sociable person really. Being more so closed off and introverted, you simply had opted to be straightforward and cold when necessary, never to employees younger then you or even lower then your position at Playtime Co.
Many had viewed you as odd when you began talking to the life-sized huggy, made real and ready to always interact with children. Benign enough to be harmless one would guess, just nobody would ever truly understand the level of ferocity one would possess if you were there. If anyone in the room had seen the same thing you did when that very event had happened, nothing was estranged enough to be sure – yet you still couldn’t explain it to this day.
Huggy Wuggy was interesting, strange but very cuddly to hug (as he was made to do). You always had thought he was neat, clean and cool to a point. 
“Hey Huggy! How are you?” Yet ever as always, the Huggy Wuggy statue had remained cold and conclusive, never moving unless it was in strange specific circumstances. “Right.” You never expected him to move anyway, another voice had snapped you out of your thoughts. 
“Hey brat.” Your superior, though he was one of the many, he was like an older brother to you. You thought he was lazy for lack of a better word, but his work ethics and accountability of words from other employees had proved that otherwise. You let out a large breath, stifling a feigned huff. “Yo, what’s your deal Daniel?” You asked him.
He nodded his head at your weaponized words, then walked up to you, laying a hand on your shoulder. “Just needing you to fill out some paperwork, ain’t nothing major then I’ll–” A choked noise escaped his throat, causing you to look up from where you stood, eyeing him wearily as you began to get concerned as to why he looked so pale.
“Daniel.. You alright man?” His hand on your shoulder fell off from where it had laid so gently, Daniel’s other hand raised to the spot he seemed to be in such a ghostly panic about. You too had been shocked, seeing Huggy’s row of teeth hanging over Daniel’s head, you didn’t know what to do. Huggy never had behaved in such a way, leaving you to raise a brow – lips pursed as you maintained calm in the inconceivable silence. 
“Huggy..” You began, raising your hands as a gesture toward Daniel to back away slowly. “Chill out, that’s just my friend.” Daniel had obeyed you, inching away from Huggy who clearly seemed to be pissed off. Conveying a means of anger as his hands were outstretched toward Daniel ever so slightly, Daniel nodded once more and slowly he had done so, trying to get him to cool off at the same time as you were.
“Can you get him to stop.. This?” Daniel whisper-shouted, you shrugged. Then you looked up at Huggy, maintaining a sense of eye contact with his own eyes. It struck a sudden chill throughout your spine, causing you to flinch as you had noticed his murderous intent, now it was slowly dissipating the further away Daniel had gone. “I think he doesn’t like you very much, I’ll come later for those papers all right?” To which he had nodded with an exasperated sigh.
Finally once he was out of sight, Huggy seemed to be less tense now – teeth relaxed and resuming his original position. You sigh, crossing your arms as you try to coerce your own mind about the events that had happened just mere seconds ago.
“Jealousy is not a good look on you my friend.”
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keischreiber · 5 months
Tailored For You
Synopsis: He's your boyfriend, isn't it only natural that he observes you the most?
Contains: Fluff
Pairings: Reiner x reader
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Reiner's your boyfriend, so it's only natural the he observes you the most.
You're always eager to do things with your boyfriend, however you also know that he's busy. This is why you never demand him to go with you. Instead, you always invite him, giving him the option to say either yes or no.
※ "You do know that you can ALWAYS just tell me to go with you, right?"
He had a semi-apologetic look on his face, as if it was his fault why you can't just ask him upfront. But you explain that you don't want to bother him if he's busy because when it came to Reiner and work, things just tend to happen last minute.
This was one of the reasons why he can't help but to continuously grow in love with you. You were always so considerate.
As usual, he agrees to go with you. He never says no unless there was something more important. Thing is, there was simply nothing that was as important as you.
When you arrive at the mall, he knows that it's to get the essentials which often consisted of: Food, cleaning supplies, toiletries— the basics. Sometimes, he'll see that you'll get some things that he knows was for him.
※ "Is this really necessary?"
He'll ask, to which you just say yes because it's for him. You tend to spoil him when you can, knowing that he hardly does that for himself. He uses his money mostly for his mom, his cousin, his aunt and uncle, you.
The one thing that he doesn't usually see you get are things for yourself outside of the essentials. Sometimes, he would see you looking at a dress or two only to walk away mumbling things like, 'my pair at home is still pretty decent, I don't need that'.
He knows that you love stuffed animals, plush toys, anything that was soft and cuddly. There were instances where he'd see your eyes sparkle at the oddest looking one in the store, and then he remembers how your perception of cute was… unique. He saw your collection of monster and other odd plushies amid your zoo of a collection. Even from that you'd walk away, muttering to yourself that 'it's not within this month's budget, so maybe next time'.
Reiner also knows how fond you were of trinkets. You liked jewelry, no matter the price. You always seem to be in a good mood when you pass by a trinket shop that sold all kinds ranging from hair clips to anklets; some plain, others intricate in make. But again, to you it's more of a want than a need. So, it'll have to be for another time.
He knew why you were so tight when it came to money. The both of you have talked about your future together, and you wanted to save as much as you can so that he didn't have to shoulder everything. You even told him not to spend needlessly on you, but rather, spend it on his family. They come first.
And, to be honest, the fact that you care about the people who were important to him made you very endeared to him.
Which was why he honors this request.
But that doesn't mean that he can't spend a little. He never splurges, as per your request, but he does do what he can with what he has.
Because you'll scold him if he buys you new clothes, one time, he would invites you to his house, telling you to bring a few old white shirts, and maybe some old jeans while you were at it. You were curious why you needed to bring clothes, but you did anyway.
When you arrive at his modes home, he's waiting there for you with a do-it-yourself tie-dye kit. Gabi's there too, happily offering her help in turning your old white shirt into a masterpiece.
While you and Gabi did that, Reiner was with some needle and thread, sitting with his mom. There, Reiner was getting a quick lesson on how to do some embroidery, and when the day was over, you had a bunch of colorful shirts (Some being Reiner's whites which will now be yours), and jeans that looked like new because of the embroidery.
※ "I know it's nothin' special, but I hope this makes you happy."
But it was special. Not only that, it's priceless. A full-on Braun effort.
You love him for his consideration of you; and you love his family for making this day more memorable than just sitting alone at home with a good book.
These were now your favorite things to wear. Sometimes, when Reiner sees you in his (now yours) oversized tie-dyed shirt, he'd be a blushing mess. He always found it… uplifting… to see you in his clothes.
There was also a time when you caught Reiner red-handed.
※ "Wait, I can explain. This— I… I mean… I know it looks like a mess right now but I'll—"
But you cut him off with the tightest hug. Reiner thinks that it wasn't the cutest plush, after all, he had handmade it himself. He didn't really know how to sew, and everything skill that he employed into making the patterns and actually sewing was something he had asked his mother's help for. Teaching him how to make sure the patterns made sense, how to ensure that when he turned the material inside out, all the stiches were invisible… the success rate was… well, it was messy. But it was a plushie. Reiner wasn't satisfied with it, and was about to undo the stitches when you found him with it.
To Reiner, it looked like an abomination, but to you it was the most adorable thing. You take it from his hands and hugged it to yourself.
"Can I keep him?"
You ask him, and he just smiles in defeat, before pulling you against him.
※ "He's supposed to be yours to begin with… so of course you can."
You had noticed prior the bandages on his fingers. He worked so hard on this cute plush doll for you. It's now your treasure, something that means the world to you.
And then there was a day that was especially tough on you. You normally don't vent out to him, and instead, simply want to be close to him on days like these.
※ "Hold on, I have something for you."
He'll tell you, before reaching into his pockets. He's been waiting for a good opportunity to give you something, but felt short on occasions. However, today was as good a day as a birthday, or anniversaries, or Christmas. Today, you were feeling down, and he wanted to try and remedy that.
When his hands emerged from his pockets, he was clutching at something.
※ "C'mon, your hand. Give it."
He would demand sweetly of you, to which you show him your hand.
What he began putting on you was a bracelet. It was made of tumbled stones of varying shapes and sizes, stones whose colors complimented each other. Accented with small white beads that almost looked like tiny stars.
※ "I would've gotten you something more expensive, but I know you'll get mad."
He began to explains with a grin, trying to comfort you with a light joke.
※ "So, I picked everything out instead and made something myself. It's not much… but I hope it can cheer you up."
And since you were already vulnerable, you ended up crying against his chest. He said nothing thereafter and simply allowed you to cry for as long as you needed. He held you carefully, offering your back with gentle pats and soothing stroked up until you fell asleep in his arms.
As you drifted into the land of slumber, all you could think about was how every bit of Reiner's love and kindness meant everything to you.
You didn't need fancy, expensive things.
After all, the things that you've receive were enough.
More than the material things, you had Reiner who chose to stay in your life.
And that in itself was priceless.
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idontknowreallywhy · 23 days
A little Teeny Scott wip snippet because the little Scooter popped into my brain as he often does when I’m a bit overwhelmed.
Tis another snapshot of my OC Primary teacher POV (oh oops I have two! No, not THAT one the other one! The one who taught teeny Scott rather than the one who trolls adult Scott)
Like many a primary class store cupboard, the one in Felicity Miles’ domain was crammed full of everything under the sun that could plausibly be “useful for craft one day” alongside all the more formal stationery supplies, brightly coloured sports equipment, first aid items, cuddly toys with their own bandages (often deployed to greater effect than the official first aid items).
She also had a small shelf, high up, she kept for the special pieces of work, the ones which demonstrated where a child had suddenly Got Excited - technicolour art, poetry with unashamed overuse of newly discovered adverbs, science projects, Scott Tracy’s poster about Pi. She always smiled to remember how after his initial disappointment about what the little squiggly symbol DIDN’T mean, how Absolutely he had adopted his new “favourite number”. She had a few from each class and when teacher life all got a bit overwhelming she’d take half an hour at the end of the day and reflect on why she did this in the first place. Retaining the space meant her marking piles were rather more crammed together and higgledy piggledy than ideal - her more organised colleagues would certainly raise an eyebrow - but it was worth it.
There was also a space about half a metre wide and about the same high on the very bottom shelf which it was important she kept empty. Again, the independent observer might have queries as to why, when space was at such a premium, this was necessary. She would probably just smile enigmatically and point at the tiny masking tape sign in wobbly 7-year old handwriting that said “The Octopus House” and leave them with more questions than they were ever going to get answers to.
The Octopus House wasn’t a secret but she didn’t advertise its existence. The few kids who knew about it found it because they needed it. The ones who needed to hide away for a moment, but not be too far away from the safety of their peers or the ones who needed to squeeze up small to process the big feelings without their limbs causing trouble.
It had received its name three years ago on that memorable day when she Lost a Student. He was just gone for at least 20 minutes which must have cost her at least a year of her life. Between the three adults in the class that day they’d subtly searched the corridors, the toilets, the lunch hall, the library and what could be seen of the playground but it was like the child had evaporated. Trying not to panic she’d sent the rest of the class out with the experienced TA and the very-green-but-compensating-with-extreme-enthusiasm NQT to do Olympic relay races on the playground (thank you Ancient Greek class project).
She leant on the back of the door for thirty seconds to catch her breath and psych herself up for the inevitable crisis meeting with the head and the moment at which that would turn in to needing to break the news to his Father.
The silence crowded in on her and she felt herself beginning to properly panic.
She didn’t even know exactly when he’d disappeared. He was there at the start of the lesson, seemed happy, seemed engaged. He’d been very excited about the task they had been given to recreate the Parthenon out of craft paper and had taken charge of his small group so naturally… they’d all been given their part of the mission and they were actually DOING it! Very effectively it seemed! She’d made a mental note to add “leadership skills” to the list of positive things she was going to put on his school report (because the previous few she’d read had made her nauseous with anger) and turned to assist a wailing child with no less than three glue sticks embedded in her hair. And that was… half an hour before? Oh hell that was a long time.
She and the other adults had been so busy mediating the minor battles breaking out in other groups that when a little voice piped up “where’s Scotty? He was sposed to make the lintels!” and her blood had suddenly run cold.
If he was hurt or in danger because she took her eye off him…
She blinked back tears and had just composed herself to pick up the phone to the head teacher’s office when she heard a tiny sniff and spun around to identify the source. Nobody was there.
Hardly daring to breathe, she tiptoed through the room checking under desks already checked three times.
Just as she was concluding she’d imagined it, there it was again - the tiniest noise but definitely a sniff and seemingly from the direction of the cupboard he couldn’t be in because the thumb turn bolt was still in the locked position.
Feeling like she was going crazy she unlocked the door and looked inside anyway.
Obviously it was empty. Her wishful thinking was wasting time. They needed to get a proper search party organised.
She turned to leave and heard it for a third time.
And it was that day, in her 5th year of teaching, she discovered just how small a ball a tall child could make themselves into. Seriously, the octopus had nothing on this kid.
The space was much smaller then, barely 30cm wide and only there at all because she’d taken out the long, thin box of baton-shaped sticks that had been wedged tightly in between stacks of who knew what. All she could see was a tangle of uniformed limbs and a mass of sweaty chestnut hair.
He obviously knew she was there and was holding his breath, clearly hoping not to be seen. Expecting to be in trouble.
Felicity picked up her phone and sent a quick “crisis averted” message to her TA and then, after ensuring the door was wedged wide open, she slowly lowered herself to the floor. Pulling her knees up to her chin to mirror his posture she rested her back on some boxes a few inches to the left of where he’d tucked himself away.
And she waited.
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dvzaiosamu · 3 months
Bungo Stray Dogs (cats) as cats!
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As the title says! Bungo stray dogs, or should I say bungo stray cats? Whatever, I hope you guys have fun reading this as much as I had while writing these random hc about them as cats.
The character included in this post are: Dazai, Chuuya, Nikolai, Fyodor, Ranpo and Sigma!
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Dazai, also known as Catzai!
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Dazai must be one of the strangest cats you've ever had in your life.
His personality.. He is always playful and energetic, rarely gets tired, and spends most of his time hunting and purposely bringing dead animals into your bed so that you are scared and disgusted.
He's rather lazy... And enjoys naping in boxes or drawers. If these are not open, he'll just open them. He's really clever!
One of his favorite activities is to throw everything he sees, and if that were not enough, he stares at you while he commits such an act, so that you are aware that he did it, even if he blackmails you later with that appearance and little eyes! Who won't forgive him?
Being a fairly energetic cat, you will rarely see him sleeping, but I can assure you that when he is bored and has no one to bother, he is very likely to fall asleep in the most remote places of your house, or if he is generous, in your bag. He loves to lie next to you in your bed and meow if you don't let him snuggle up next to you. It's quite a drama.
Without forgetting that he is a dramatic feline, it is not expected that he will spend most of his time meowing.
Normally he is a fairly affectionate cat, but somewhat radical. Sometimes he wants to, sometimes he doesn't. The times he wants to (and he doesn't ask you to pamper him, he forces you himself) he is very cuddly and constantly turns and repositions himself to receive more caresses, it doesn't matter where, he will like them.
But pay attention! Don't be fooled by how he allows himself to be petted all the time. Don't get too close to his bandaged paws, they are usually quite sensitive and contact can make him uncomfortable. As long as you are delicate and do not insist on those areas, Dazai will always allow himself to be caressed, whatever the moment.
Osamu's favorite toys are a couple of rolls of bandages that he rolls over and plays with. Other toys included are clearly your hands, makeup, or any belongings of yours that are welcome!
Speaking of his other favorite toys, Dazai is a cruel cat sometimes, he doesn't mind ruining your makeup with his little claws, but if you get really angry with him, I don't think he'll hesitate much to meow sadly, rubbing against you or snuggling near you. He will eventually feel guilty, and if you reject him, he will move away and give you space and maybe later try to approach you again. In the last few hours Dazai probably would not be in the mood to play, sleep, or do anything except lay with his head down, thinking.
When he accidentally scratches or bites you, whether intentionally or not, he will at first 'laugh' (rather look at you mischievously) at your exaggerated "ouch!" If it ever hurts more than necessary and he sees blood present, much or little, his ears will tilt slightly and he will come closer to clean your wound with his tongue. Dazai usually feels bad for hurting you, but he knows he doesn't have to be sad over something so small, right?
But not everything is so sad! Come on, let's cheer up! Osamu is agile when it comes to showing off, I mean, who's going to blame him? He is a beauty and model. Even if you don't like letting him out just because the female cats who need a male follow him home, Dazai always tends to run away, but he always comes back after an hour or two. Likewise, his loyalty is only to you!
A few days ago your pet, Dazai, had been a little suspicious, from time to time he tried to get into your bag, you didn't know the exact reason, but he tried to be as stealthy as possible. Until the day comes when you go shopping to buy food for Dazai, and when you open the bag, you find a little head poking out of the bag, followed by a pronounced meow. You are surprised and sigh, giving in to petting him for a while while he purrs. Maybe Dazai himself would like to choose his meal based on seafood after all.
Now, to close his section!
How does he sleep and how does he like to sleep? It's quite varied, there are times when he sleeps with his stomach visible, showing you that he trusts you! Other times in the form of a ball or the most common: sleeping curled up under your pajamas (he literally gets under your shirt and snuggles against your chest, this also means that it feels your heat and your body more closely).
Dazai likes to sleep in many ways, but his favorite will always be curled up close to you, enjoying the warmth of your body, and if not, he'll offer to be your fluffy heater himself.
Chuuya, also known as Chuucat!
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He must be one of the most expensive cats you have ever had, it was a sought-after breed, but not only for that, also because you spent a lot of money on hus toys, high-quality food and comforts of all kinds.
Chuuya and Dazai were almost always fighting, and several times they fought, and although Chuuya almost always won regardless of his height, Dazai would sometimes walk away, although other times he would fight back. And every time you saw them, you separated them and pushed them away.
Sometimes Chuuya and Dazai were quiet, side by side, doing nothing but lying down and watching TV, but that didn't stop Dazai from teasing him at times, although at those times Chuuya sometimes let himself be lightly hugged by Dazai.
Chuuya mostly meows at you to help him put on his not-so-cheap hat and collar. Once you put it on, he is always in a better mood.
Chuuya may not be the most affectionate cat, at first he doesn't allow himself to be petted but little by little he will allow himself to be petted until he gains confidence even if it costs him.
Chuuya is usually quite grateful, if you buy him a bed or house type toy he will not ignore it and will not use it since he knows that it has cost you money and he does not want to make you feel sad, so he will always use and enjoy what you buy if he can.
Although it's not too far-fetched an idea, sometimes Chuuya will lie down and curl up next to you, seeking attention. This happens when he feels sad or just want attention. When Chuuya is sad, he stands next to you, with not very loud meows, and waits for you to hug him or pet him while saying nice words to him.
Chuuya is a strong feline and likes to practice his new strategies when fighting, strategies he sometimes uses with Dazai as he refuses to attack other stray cats unless one intentionally provokes him, picks a fight, or is attacked for no reason.
Even if it costs him, Chuuya tries to trust you. Friends are important to him and whoever is his friend, he will be loyal and friendly towards him.
Nakahara approached you one day, with his tail raised and the tip to the side, indicating that he wants to interact and is friendly. Chuuya meowed as he sat next to you, watching what you were looking at on your phone, and waited patiently for you to finish answering him, but after a while, Chuuya sat in your arms, covering your phone and forcing you to pay attention to it.
He's really protective and loyal to you!
In conclusion, Chuuya is usually like this: Affectionate= sometimes, not all the time (7/10). The times he comes to force you to pamper him= quite strange (2/10), he usually doesn't care much if he receives pampering or not, but he also doesn't complain if you bombard him with affection.
Nikolai, also known as Nikocat or Catlai!
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Nikolai is the definition of chaos in the house.
When he is alone, when you get home, don't be surprised to see some scratched things nearby, or some hidden objects that you may not find for days.
Nikolai is a rather... energetic feline so to speak, you will see him all the time playing tricks, pranks and annoying you most of the time.
Pranks can range from hiding your belongings, playing with dangerous objects, or using your couch as something to sharpen his nails.
In his free time he sits in your arms and bothers you, not letting you finish your things, blocking your vision so you couldn't do anything while he was there.
His tail is fluffy and as a result of this, you can't help but put a pom pom or a bow on his tail.
He lets you pet him as long as you want, but he has moments where he just scratches or bites you on purpose.
One of his favorite activities is to disappear and return unexpectedly when you least expect it.
That is, one day you could be lying quietly looking for your pet, and when you couldn't find him, you would get agitated and desperately try to look for him, but it didn't appear, and just when you were about to do so. You went out to look for him and that's when you found him on top of a piece of furniture.
Don't worry when nothing scares you on Halloween! In your bed or in any unexpected place you will find a dead and bloody animal, be it a bird, a mouse, even insects...
Although Nikolai is very agile, he tends to get dirty quickly due to the color of his coat, a snow white with heterochromia and a feathered tail that looks like a braid.
You still remember when a friend came to visit and Nikolai, bored, decided to attack him till he eventually left.
In conclusion, he is a mischievous cat who makes jokes whenever he has the right moment. If he doesn't like a person, he won't hesitate to do everything in his power get rid of them so they won't come close to you or him, even if it means attacking them or scaring them. Although... Nikolai might like everyone.
Always get himself in trouble.
He also loves to sometimes go outside and catch birdies. He takes care of mouses and rats since they remind him of Fyocat.
Fyodor, also known as Fyocat!
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You could say that Fyodor is the typical feline stereotype: an independent cat who doesn't care about his owner and believes he owns everything.
He is too relaxed and carefree a cat to worry about doing meaningless things.
He is one of the most relaxed cats you have ever had in your life, he almost never meows, he always stays away from you and he also has no interest in hunting.
Hunting is not one of his favorite things, the truth is that he prefers to play and have a good time with any rodent he finds, especially rats. But that doesn't mean that he doesn't usually hunt, sometimes he hunts insects and crushes them, or simply bites them until they are split in half, and then takes care of grabbing them and throwing them in the trash on their own. He's not a fan of insects.
He is not a very affectionate cat either, he does not seek attention nor does he need it since everything he does he prefers to do alone, without background noises.
It's relatively easy for him to convince you to give him some pretty expensive snacks. Although he normally uses manipulation to get you to give it to him, the same goes for wanting something, if you don't want to give it to him he will resort to other psychological methods.
He doesn't usually sleep much as he takes care of other matters that don't concern you based on his body language. He almost never sleeps, and when it's morning he usually falls asleep accidentally, secretly.
He is not a cat that seeks caresses or needs them, but from time to time when he feels stressed and wants a break (which is not very possible) less than a minute of caressing is enough for him.
Other cats usually annoy him for the simple fact of being a little different from the others, but this doesn't matter too much to him.
The fact that he is very intelligent allows him to trick you and weaker cats. Also to plan strategies that helps him do things without using violence.
He doesn't usually go out because he stays in his place and doesn't know what he's doing. Fyodor is quite reserved.
Ranpo, also known as Rancat!
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He's the most... peculiar cat you've ever had, he seems much more like a dog than a cat.
He is very playful and usually has a lot of energy, he is also very playful and will not miss any opportunity to play!
On the other hand, he is energetic, but not capable of running or climbing like other cats, as he tires quickly, or simply refuses to do so without receiving anything in return.
His red flag is that he is not going to do anything if he does not receive something in return, whether it be some snacks or some caresses and cuddles.
He loves to receive attention and if he doesn't get it he forces you with meows and staring at you with his eyes until you feel compassion and pity for him.
Ranpo usually likes snacks that taste relatively sweet (even if they don't have sugar because otherwise it would hurt him).
He likes to play with toys, although after a few minutes he gets bored and starts playing with his fingers.
His little hat sometimes falls off quite frequently, so you'll have to help him put it on like a toddler.
One of Ranpo's favorite things is to lie down in front of you with his belly up so people can pet him.
Although nothing compares to your attention, whenever possible try to get everyone to pet him and praise him for how intelligent he is.
Ranpo's brown fur and brown eyes (yes, his eyes are originally brown, Bones changed them to green in the anime) make him look like chocolate.
He is a very friendly cat, but that doesn't mean that he sometimes gets "angry" with you.
You still remember the day when he was angry at you for such silly thing. It all started with one morning when you forgot to pet Ranpo like a good morning accompanied by a kiss (since yes, that's all part of Ranpo's routine) and since then, almost the entire day he was upset with you, both who ignored you and refused to even eat his favorite snacks in front of you (he only ate them once you left so he wouldn't give you the satisfaction of making him stop being upset). It wasn't until the evening that his anger passed and he decided to come to your room meowing and demanding attention while snuggling in your arms.
Sigma, also known as Sigcat!
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Sigma is a little... Interesting sometimes, but you know what they say, since he is an owner, so will his pet /hj.
He hates everything that has to do with beaches. Never try to take him to the beach as he will hate it. Sigma doesn't really like seeing sand, and although he hates deserts even more, he also can't help but feel uncomfortable when he sees sand on the beach since it reminds him of deserts.
It is a small kitty in which discomfort usually predominates. Every time there is guests he hides and doesn't come out until they leave.
Sigma is a big fan of cookies, but since he is a cat he can't eat them because it would cause problems, so sometimes you buy him cat food in the form of cookies, and when you can't find it, you mix types of feed you give it the shape.
One thing he loves is being up high, no matter where he is, he will always try to stay where there is more height, that's why you had to buy him a little house with enough scratching posts so that he can climb on them and sit or sleep on the top of the structure.
It only trusts his owner, no one else. He will only trust if his owner trusts that other person (although for that to work he has to be used to that person's presence).
He likes to be petted, although excessive contact can stimulate him too much and make him feel uncomfortable.
He has a unique coat! Almost all the people who saw your pet repeat it to you.
He is an indoor cat, he doesn't like to go out. He limits himself to observing nature and living beings from the window.
When you want him to come with you, you can buy him a comfortable bag with blankets and an opening so he can stick his head out. Above all, you want to be comfortable and be as inconspicuous as possible.
How are you going to blame this adorable feline when he accidentally ruins something? Whoever does it is heartless! Poor Sigma would surely be very nervous and guilty.
Good luck with taking care of his fur! It'll take a long time.
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That's all for today! Have a good time. Soon I'll try to post Chuuya's fluff oneshot!
Check more of my works here. Just scroll down until you find my list.
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Love language: acts of service
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Solomon is unusually eager to help you care for your newly acquired demonic features, even if you are unsure about it you accept his help
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Wc: 800
"Are you sure this is necessary?" You wonder, but it doesn't seem to truly bother you Solomon could assure by how comfortable you were against lap
"Well" he takes a small brush from the care bag he managed to buy last second "unless you want to avoid windows and going out of the house until I set the spell up again this seems the most efficient"
He slowly brushes your new horns, taking care of the creases to take off the dust
" Plus, i have heard Asmodeus talk about his care routine for a good hundred years so you can rest assured that you are in good hands" it's a strange occurrence that for once Solomon's smile reached his eyes, truly enjoying this
"Couldn't you have given me simpler horns? If I didn't know best I would say you enjoy taking care of-" his nimble fingers rub just where your horns connect making a pleasurable shiver down your back relaxing your muscles and making your new wings lie flat against your back "mhm, riight there"
" Just as an overgrown cat" he stops scratching your head to try and reach a different angle of your horns, too engrossed in brushing off dust to care about your whines
" Remember you also gave this cat claws" the new long black manicured fingers guide his hand from your horns to your scalp
" Such a cuddly kitty, I'm happy Satan isn't here to steal my cat away" he kissed in between your horns " so, would you prefer devildom belladonna wax or bloody sap wax?"
" wax?" You toy with the small containers pushing it back and forth
" To protect your horns from heat, acid, chipping, snapping in half-"
" They can snap in half!? What if mines break? I have been bumping intro walls and door a lot lately"
" I wouldn't really worry, at worst it would look silly but it seems that horns don't have a lot of nerves." His words calm you down, and you pick one of the waxes to give him
He grabs a white and blue rag and pours a bit of the wax "well, It won't hurt unless you…" the rag falls around one of your horns and Solomon pulls on it somewhat roughly "pull the whole horn out from the base!"
"HICK!" As you turn around to face Solomon his hand slips away leaving your horn shiny with wax
" Jajaja. Did I scare you?" His mischievous smile and evil laugh are truly inseparable from him, huh? " Now, down again, I have to truly wax your horns"
" As if!" You grasp your horns and lift your foot again his chest pushing him away
" There, there" he pats your head like a child lightly pushing you towards his lap "this time's for real"
Scrolling through your DDD you don't mind how tenderly he seems to be, slowly rubbing the wax on the other "I wonder how the brothers would react to this" he giggles like a teenager girl with her crush
" Oh? Why so?" He keeps rubbing over the same spot over and over, you are sure they are properly protected already but you would never deny little signs of affection from him
He sighs a little, his hands now spreading your wings, checking the membrane and the bones " well, usually grooming is such a private affair that even between couples they rarely do it together. Well unless…"
" Unless?"
" Unless they pretend to mate for life" he leaves your wings alone for a little while
"Oh? But didn't you help Asmodeus with grooming before?"
" not quite~" he slowly rubs the membrane connecting the different bones in your wings "I only helped with skincare in his human form or choosing nail art. Once I tried to touch his wings in demon form and he sent me flying against the wall from the hit his wings gave me!"
You laugh lightly looking up to him through your eyelashes teasing him slightly" Well, you don't have wings or tail… Can I wash your hair or cut your nails?"
His hands slap against his cheek with a soft smack as he looks to the side, over exaggerating his voice " Oh my~ who would have told me you were such a smooth talker" looking up to him you see the slightest blush on his face but before you are able to comment on it he pushes you off and walks out of the door " I forgot the big soft bristles brush. I will go buy one"
Looking toward the fabric bag he brought from the shop you find a big headed brush similar to a newborn brush. Running your fingers through the soft strands a warm feeling creeps up your chest
Such a silly sorcerer, he teases you freely but gets so bashful when you flirt back
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nichoskittycorner · 10 months
Kitty Play (A Nicholas Smut)
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>> Having to deal with your cat's rut/heat is never fun. Especially with all the horrifying sounds they make. But you love your sweet kitty so of course you'll help by having him neutered so this doesn't happen ever again! Well plans change when it's no longer the sound of a cat in distress that wakes you, but a man.. a sexy, albeit distressed because horny… cat-eared man in between your legs-
>> Cat hybrid!Nicho, sex toys, oral/penetrative sex, dacryphilia (crying), sorta somnophilia (sleep), dry humping, hand jobs, sub!Nicho but like in a very pathetic and desperate way, pet names, degradation, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, dick riding, breeding kink (like it's his rut what did you expect), reader is referred to as Master- at this point if I forgot anything please just tell me 
Word count: 6.1k
A/N: I was supposed to be writing fluff… how did I get here-
  A few weeks ago you decided to get yourself a pet. Your home was empty after moving out of the family house to start anew. At first, everything was exciting- learning a new routine, being independent, the whole nine yards!
  But loneliness quickly set in. You didn't want a roommate, that would be too complicated and you liked the privacy. So the next best thing, is a pet! 
  After doing tons of research, you decided a cat would be the best fit. Looking around shelters and the internet to find the perfect one for you. Was there even a perfect cat for you? 
  Well, the cat gods decided that for you when a black cat was splayed happily on your greeting mat one day. You nearly tripped over his fuzzy body as he rolled over and yawned. 
  A little meow left his mouth as he opened his stunning green eyes. Looking up as if to say, Hello! I'm home~ 
  You bend down and pat his head, a cat smile on his face as his head leaned more into your touch. Oh, he was adorable… 
 You did have to go to work but maybe a day off was necessary. Testing the waters, you picked up the small cat. Well small to a human but looked pretty grown up for a cat. 
  Much to your surprise, he didn't fight or scratch, just laid back happily and purred lowly in content. That sealed the deal for you. You took him inside and he was yours from that day on. 
  Naming the cat Nicholas, he seemed to adjust quickly to the life of a house pet. Lounging around, eating everything and anything you would give him (although he preferred when you fed him what was on your plate), snuggling and cuddling with him whenever. 
  He also seemed to be an attentive listener. His ears picked up and twitched whenever you would speak. Even meowing or purring in response when you'd ask a question. 
  Regardless of the fact that he couldn't speak, he quickly became your best friend. You loved that feline and hoped he loved you too. 
    Things were going great with Nicho until one day he started acting strange. First, it was all the extra attention seeking. Rubbing his head on your legs, chest, just about everywhere. He was always so close to you. He was a cuddly cat but not to this extent usually.  At first, you thought it just him becoming more affectionate. 
  But then he started rolling around, his backside was always up in that air and his tail swishing around. Then the smell- you started to notice the smell of his pee just everywhere. 
  Then the noise. The yowling was loud and it was late at night the first time it happened. Shooting up from your sleep, you held the squirming and screaming cat in your arms with tears in your eyes. 
   Was something wrong? What caused this massive pain? Did you do something wrong? 
  You rushed him to the nearest emergency vet hoping they could help. The hours in the waiting room were painful as you hoped your angel would be alright. 
  The vet greeted you with a smile upon returning from the exam and some tests. You were left confused. 
  After handing you Nicholas back, he seemed calmer which was a relief. The vet explained that nothing was wrong and that he was just in a rut. The weight that was lifted from your shoulders was tremendous. 
  Since the cycle had already started, the vet recommended sticking out this cycle and having him neutered when it was over. You agreed to set a date and headed home. 
  After setting Nicho down at home, you sighed in relief. Making sure he was comfortable in his cat bed next to yours before settling in. That was quite the rollercoaster but at least now you had an answer and could take care of your kitty better. 
   A light smile on your lips as the blanket you held tightly warmed your body and lulled you off to sleep.
  As you woke up, things seemed strange. Like why were you so cold and yet hot in certain places- the usual meow of your cat to greet you was replaced with a low grunting sound and most obviously, the bed was moving. 
  The first thought was an earthquake or an aftershock of one but opening your eyes revealed something much different. The blanket was haphazardly tossed to the side, someone who had a pair of large yet delicate hands was holding your thighs together. 
  And that shaking? Just the effect of your thighs being used as a makeshift fleshlight or something- your eyes landed on the red tip of a cock every time it pushed through fully before pulling back out again. 
  The shock was the biggest thing on your mind. What the heck was happening? Who the hell was this? And why your thighs…
  But it was clear they were either desperate or inexperienced because the thrusts were sloppy and almost dejected. 
  It made something feel strange inside of you. An exasperated sigh left your lips as you parted your legs, leaving the mystery humper with no relief. 
  As you sat up, you looked down at him. Not really getting a good look at his face before he was already latched onto your leg and humping that, still to no relief. You could hear a whimper leave him as he struggled. 
  "Um, excuse me? What are you doing?" That finally got the (naked) man to look at you. Eyes teary and a familiar shade of green, messy practically black hair, and honestly a beautiful well-sculpted face. Plump lips hung loosely in surprise. 
  As you spoke, you noticed his ears twitch… his cat ears? And the erratic swishing tail should've been a big clue too. But being half awake wasn't helping you catch clues.
  His lips shook as his eyes never left yours. A range of emotions swirls through his eyes. From desperation, pleading, needy, and even a familiar softness of love. Somehow embarrassment wasn't on that list. 
  "I-I, Master please help me, please…" 
  Master?! Who was this guy?! You didn't accidentally summon a sex demon, right? 
  "I'm sorry what? Who are you talking to? And how did you get into my house!?" The whole time you were questioning him, it seemed he was half listening, more preoccupied with rutting against your leg. 
  You had to get him to stop moving so he could focus. He was too big for you to hold him down so you had to do the next best thing- grabbing his hair. 
  It was a pretty firm grip you had on him. He luckily stopped moving but a loud moan left his lips. Just what was up with this guy?! 
  "Hey! What's your problem?! Are you some type of pervert?" All your questions seemed to go over his head. Like he was barely there. Too overtaken by his need to just hump, or fuck, or whatever it was. 
   You sat up, tucking your legs underneath you so he couldn't touch them anymore. He whined loudly, thrashing a bit in frustration. "Master, please! I need- please help me-" 
  "Look look, I'll try to help you but you need to answer my questions. Can you do that?" That seemed to get through to him, giving you a quick nod of confirmation. 
  You sighed and let him sit up, handing him a spare pillow to cover himself. Although he barely seemed to mind his nudity. That and he looked close to fucking the pillow already. 
  "I'll try to keep it quick. Who are you? And why are you calling me Master?" 
  His eyes lit up, his tail swinging in a more organized pattern immediately. "I'm Nicholas! You're my Master, my owner! I don't know your name…"
  Nicholas…As in Nicholas your cat?! No way- the confusion was clear on your face was evident. But the longer you looked, the more it made sense. The same coat color in his ears and tail, his stunning green eyes, even the way his ears twitched as you spoke. 
  You have heard about hybrids, they were pretty common actually. But to have unknowingly adopted one was odd. Maybe he was just delusional or pulling your leg. 
  "How do I know you're telling the truth? Maybe you could tell me something only we would know." Since your cat was here with you every day, he should know something too if he was being honest. 
  'Nicholas' tapped at his chin in thought before perking up. "Oh! I know! Your favorite bedtime toy is the long pink one! You always make a lot of noise and go to sleep smiling after playtime." 
   You're silent for a minute before a burning hot blush spreads across your entire body. How have you never realized your cat was in the room while you masturbated?! Probably because he never stirred or made noise. Plus he was a small walking void- hiding was his best trick. 
  "O-okay fine! I believe you're Nicho…and you're a hybrid so don't you live amongst humans?" 
  He shook his head. "Not really. I did as a kid but it was just easier to be a cat as I got older." So that could explain why he didn't know what a dildo was- 
  And now it seemed to be coming together- pushing aside the fact that this man was kind of freeloading- he was still your precious feline. You just had to help. 
  Remembering last night made his behavior make sense. His rut was making him so needy and desperate. And he must've turned human after hearing the idea of neutering. "So I guess… what you need help with is your rut?" 
  He nodded, his hips jerking a bit. From your research, you recalled it involved his need to mate. That was an easy fix! 
  Resting your hand on his cheek, he rested his cheek into your palm like he loved to do. The feeling warmed your heart. "Okay, I'll help you. You're my precious kitty right?" 
  A loud purr echoed in the room. Placing a soft kiss on his forehead, you told him to sit back against the headboard, tossing the pillow aside. 
  Now fully exposed, you could honestly admire his fit physique. From his face, broad shoulders, toned chest, and abs- and your eyes kept moving down to his thick and needy cock, even his balls were swollen and enlarged. His rut was in full swing.
  Clearly, you spent too long staring as he squirmed. His tail whipped around in need. "Master come on! You said you'd help!" His whiny tone and bratty demeanor made something inside you excited. 
  "I am helping kitty. But you should be nice to people who help you." Your hand grabbed the base of his cock, hard. Making him flinch but he still seemed grateful. Moaning at the warm contact as his hips moved slightly. 
  From a slight thrust back to the erratic jerking in frustration. This whole time, you hadn't moved your hand. Just held his cock as he fucked into it, still unable to get the pleasure he sought. 
   A string of whines and pleas left him as his lips trembled. His eyes were ready to spill fresh tears at his predicament. "Master! I can't do it, please help me, please, please it hurts!" 
  His cries didn't fall on deaf ears but it made you feel… good in a way. That's probably from the warm pooling from your core. But you shook the thought to focus. "Aww, you don't realize how cute you are Nicho. I'll help you. You always need Master to help you huh?" 
  He just nodded desperately and you placed a kiss on his burning tip. A squirm shook through him as his eyes closed. You did have to release him but pulled something out of your nightstand. Opening a package and flicking a switch before turning it off again quickly. 
  You spit into your hand and gripped his length once again. Stroking from base to tip slowly. Gliding your thumb over his slit and repeating the process numerous times and picking up speed. 
  As your hands worked, his whines of pain and pent-up need turned into pleasure. His head rested on the headboard as he took in the sweet sensation of your rhythm. 
   Once he seemed lost in the pleasure, you turned on the vibrator you had in your free hand. Placing it just below his length and resting on his balls. A yelp left his body at the new addition. 
  "What a pretty sound from a pretty kitty~" Your words made him purr. Well, a mix of a purr and a moan. And you loved it. Moving your hand faster and alternating the pressure of your grip. 
  Just like before, his hips started to move up to thrust into your hand. It was clear he was close, his face blushing, ears pulled back and a bit of precum already seeping out. 
  Keeping pace, you brought him closer and closer. A flurry of sounds left his needy body. Nicholas clearly didn't know how stunning he was here. How he would glow when he finally got to cum. Trembling, all the pretty sounds he would make, not to mention how much of a mess he would make. 
  So just as he was about to burst, you pulled back. Removing your hand and the vibrator and leaving him bare. Realizing he didn't get his relief was quite the sight. He pouted and wiggled around. 
   A lone tear streaked down his face. Fuck why was that beautiful? "Master? Why? I wanted to- I was so close!" 
  A sly smile grew on your lips as you kissed his tear, licking up and savoring the slightly salty flavor. "It's simple kitty, you didn't ask if you could cum." 
  "Ask to… cum?" His ears stood up curiously. "What is that? Please I want to know! I need to know!" 
  It was only fair you would teach him. By not explaining and edging him on three more times. Bringing him so close to orgasm before pulling away. 
  Leaving him breathless, tear-filled, and frustrated. Although you were satisfied with his vulnerable and desperate state, you also had a plan for this. 
  By this time, he had clearly learned what your point was as you stroked him in your hand once again. Adding your mouth to the mix. 
  Taking his whole cock into your mouth, you sucked him off like it was your last meal. Swirling your tongue around his length with every bob of the head. Your expert movement only makes his head start to spin. 
  His hands held you by your hair, thrusting his hips as hard as he could as he chased his orgasm. As if to trap you from denying him what he so desperately craved. 
  His voice wavered from low purring to high-pitched mewling and crying. His face was stained with tears as he sobbed. God this was so hot of him. Your lap kitty fucking your throat so eagerly. Although it was hard to breathe, spit covered your face and you even had tears of your own starting to run, you wouldn't change this. 
  You felt him twitch in your throat and knew he was close again. This time, he managed to make the magic words come out. "M-Master! Please… mm, please, wanna cum, wanna cum please!" 
  You couldn't say no after that, running your hand along his inner thigh you sped up the pace. Clenching your throat and mouth to give him that final push before pulling back, using your hand to continue to stroke him. 
  And in no time, he came. It was hard, it was messy, and damn did you love it. His back arched off the pillows they rested on as he let out a loud cry of pleasure. Words became incoherent and faded into moans and mewls, pleasure-filled whimpers as his body shook uncontrollably. 
  His hot white seed sprayed onto his stomach, chest, and legs. Not to mention your hands and some even landing on your thighs. He was so cute as he trembled, coming down from such an intense high. 
  You gladly stroked him through his orgasm, letting his body come down before removing your hand. His eyes fluttered open to see you take a lick of his cum off of your hand. Making him gasp. 
  If it wasn't his rut, he would be fine. But that already had him hardening again. How was he even withstanding this?! 
  Taking notice of his dick standing once again you giggled. "Already wanting more kitty? Gosh, aren't you just a slut."
  And even if he wanted to stop it, his head nodded obediently. Whatever his Master thought, clearly you knew what you were doing, even if he was frustrated at some points. 
   Holding your cum covered hand near his mouth, you smiled. "Go on kitty. Clean Master up from the mess you made." 
  Nicholas held your gaze before obeying. Taking your hand and starting to lick up his cum. Soft licks of his tongue worked to clean up his mess. It was precious and stirred something inside you. Unknown to you, as badly as you were teasing him it was only making you want him more. 
  Especially now as he licked and sucked on your fingers to clean you up. Once he was done, he looked at you with soft, pleasing eyes. The same type when he wanted treats or cuddles. The type that would make you bend over backward for him. 
  "Master, can I-..." Only his eyes shifted down your body and landed on your clothed cunt. You couldn't even be embarrassed by the wet stain you knew was there. 
  You gave him a nod and fumbled to remove your shirt. Exposing your chest to him. The room was already warm but your nipples were already hard. 
  Nicholas marveled at your chest, latching his lips onto your nipple without hesitation. A gasp left your lips and your back arched, pushing yourself closer to him. 
  Your hand ran through and tangled into his dark locks as his tongue swirled around and he nibbled on the hard nub. His free hand pinching and pulling at your other breast. Your moans made his ears wiggle in satisfaction. 
  Whether he was loving the praise or just following his gut, his hands moved down into your shorts as his lips moved up to your neck, biting down slightly to bruise the skin.
  His hand went into your underwear, one held onto your ass and the other snaked down and landed at your cunt. His fingers moved around curiously settling in your clit. Only clued in on it being a sweet spot by the shock that went through you. 
  Your mind quickly clouded as he worked your body so well. Probably more than he thought. "Master, do you like this? Am I doing good?" 
  Fuck. You let out a nod, feeling yourself melt into his touch. "Yes, yes keep going kitty." The tip of his tail wagged at the praise. 
   Nicholas kissed down your body reaching above your waistband. Teasing could wait- he practically tore your shorts apart along with your underwear at record speed. 
  His lips and tongue explored your folds with a curiosity and need to please. Tasting your juices and letting out a moan. This was better than anything he could've imagined. 
  Especially as sounds of pleasure kept coming out as his tongue moved around. Nicholas was honestly pretty clueless but after seeing you touch this spot so often, he knew it would make you feel good. 
  He especially focused his efforts on your clit before taking his finger and pushing it inside your soaking wet pussy. Pushing the digit in and out slowly elicits louder sounds of pleasure. 
  Your grip on his hair tightens as you grind your hips against his face. Covering from his nose to chin in your juices. He felt himself strain down below as well. Your sweet words, desperate actions, and lewd sounds egged him on. 
  "Ah, ah! Nicho, good kitty! Keep going!" He was going to listen, bring you to your peak but something made him stop. Just like how you denied him what he wanted so badly for a bit, he would do the same. 
  Sure it was petty. But the gasp of shock was worth it when he pulled away, halting your orgasm. Without a word, he sat next to you on the bed and placed a kiss on your cheek. "You didn't ask Master." 
  So that's how he wanted to play. Leaving you high and dry like that? "Since when did you get to do that? I thought I was the Master here."
  In a stereotypical cat way, he tilted his head and smiled. Almost like he could care less that you had asked him to do something. How could you let it slip from your mind that he was still a cat in some ways? 
  Almost in a snarky fashion, he laid back on the bed getting comfortable. A part of you wanted to snap but instead turned away. Did he really think he had the last laugh? You would just give it time and he would be crawling back to you. 
  Keeping the thought to yourself, you pet his hair and picked up your discarded clothes. Ruffling up his hair before heading to the bathroom. Let's see how long he lasts… 
  You really debated going to work today. A part of you wanted to stay and watch as Nicho spiraled. The symptoms of his rut getting worse and worse until he was crying and groveling at your feet, begging for your help. 
  It would be amazing to see his eyes run with tears and his ears flattened as he rutted his hips pathetically against you, desperate to reach his orgasm. Maybe he would learn this lesson and not play with you when you were so close to completion. 
   You even decided to treat yourself (well you both but he didn't know), and got some food before heading home. A nice treat after the past 24 hours. And you purposely delayed getting home that night.
  The whiplash should've been more jarring for your scenario but it was just one of those silly little loopholes life throws at ya. One minute you have a cat, the next it's a sexy cat hybrid man… oh well!
  As you arrived home, you could already hear that familiar yowling sound from last night. And it brought a smile to your face. Good, hopefully, he was ready to submit like the good kitty he was. 
  Much to your surprise, you could hear him but not see him. Setting the food down in the kitchen, you followed the sound of his whining once again. 
  Ending up at your room, the sounds were the loudest. Along with a shuffling and the rustling of sheets. Without much fanfare, you pushed the door opened and were a bit shocked. 
  The little clothes you let Nicholas borrow earlier had been discarded, the room was stuffy and your box of toys had been opened. A low buzzing sound was heard and a bright pink piece was sticking out of him.  
  Well, you didn't expect him to have been so desperate to dig into your toys but it amazes you. Especially as you realized there were no stains showing his climax around. 
   You let out a chuckle as you approached him, sitting next to the needy cat hybrid. Only now did he realize you had arrived. He nuzzled his tear-stained face against your arm and dropped the vibrator in his hand. 
  "Master! You're back, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please help me!" 
  Resting your fingers under his chin, you made him look up at you. A triumphant smile gleamed across your features. "My, my what's this? Naughty kitty went into my stuff because you were so needy." 
  Whatever his rut was doing to him, made him react exactly how you wanted. His head nodded desperately with flattened ears. "Hmm, m'sorry- it hurts." 
  "Don't worry, I'll help you sweetheart, but you'll be good, right?" 
  "Promise! Promise I'll be good- wanna feel good again, please Master." Darnit, you can't say no to how precious he was being. 
  "Good, now lay back for me." Without hesitation, he detached himself from you and returned to his original position. Lying out on his back, hardened cock on full display. Oh, and your dildo still in him. 
  Deciding to remove your work clothes, you set them aside before sitting in between his open legs, noting his tail swaying in anticipation. 
  Fingers encircled his stretched hole before pulling the dildo out slightly and pushing it back in. A little groan fell from his lips as he shuttered. It moved in and out with ease, fueling your curiosity. 
  "Oh kitty, did you prep yourself? How would you even know how to use this?" Nicholas nodded slowly as you continued to pump the tool in him at a slow and consistent pace. 
  "Y-yes. Learned from you Master-" His voice melted into a purr as he spoke, enjoying the sensation more than he thought. 
  Ah. Right, he did watch me use these before- 
  Okay so at least you knew he was being safe… and learned it from you. And thankfully he didn't try sticking it in the other hole- That was another bridge you could cross when you got there. 
  As you continued to pleasure him, you couldn't help but play with his dick. It was obviously begging for some attention. If anything, it looked larger and swollen like he had used a cock ring. But no, it was just his rut fueling him. 
  A part of you wanted to tease him and make this last long and the other, just wanted you both messy and tired as soon as possible. 
  You went with the latter, taking as much of him into your mouth as you could manage. Pushing further and further until he was all the way in your throat. Starting to move and keep a quick pace.
  His pleasurable cries didn't go unheard as you sped up, both your mouth and the toy inside of him. Alternating speeds to mess with him a little bit but remained consistent for the most part. 
  You didn't even bother making him ask this time, just letting him explode in your mouth. Most of his cum shot into your throat and flowed out from your mouth. Landing on his hips and onto your sheets. 
   "Wow, looks like you really did need me to help you feel good kitty. Really pathetic isn't it?" 
  He whimpered but nodded. "Yes, I need Master to help me. Make me feel good." Your hand ran through his hair as he spoke, almost like petting him. 
   " We're gonna try something new, are you ready to go ahead?" There wasn't much thought before he agreed. "Please Master." 
  Pulling the dildo out, he whined and rolled his hips wanting the contact to return. You set it aside on the nightstand. And kissed his neck to console his complaint.
  Taking off your underwear and tossing it aside, you crawled into his lap, bare cunt grinding his shaft. The feeling made him forget all about the toy already. Warm juices mixed with leftover cum as you smeared it around with your heat. 
  Your fingers were already playing with your clit as the other ran into his hair, pulling you both together in a heated kiss. Only now did you realize this is the first time you've kissed. 
  His lips were sweet but you couldn't really savor the moment. The kiss instantly escalated into a feverish makeout. And he was honestly better at reading these signs than you thought. 
  But even that couldn't last long as his hips bucked, craving your touch or embrace. And honestly, with how wet you were as well, he wouldn't need to wait long. 
  Taking his cock into your hand again, you pumped it a few times before detaching your lips. "Are you ready to feel good kitty?" He tried to say words but it came out more as a mix of a meow and moan. 
   You placed another, much slower kiss on his lips this time. "Use your words kitty~." He instantly burst into a string of 'yes' and nodded. 
  Wasting not another moment, you lifted your hips, lining him up with your entrance, and sank onto him. 
  You nearly cursed as he stretched your hole, moaning as your warmth enveloped him. His hands shot to your hips to hold you still. Even with the use of your toys, you've never felt something like this. 
  After catching your breath, you sank lower and lower until he was completely inside you. Filling you whole and even making a little part of your tummy bulge out. 
  Fuck, fuck, fuck!  
  His hips rolled as he sighed and squirmed, pushing himself in slightly deeper. You had to bite your tongue to not cry out so loudly. 
  In contrast, Nicholas was loud and holding nothing back. Moaning, whining and just anything fell from his mouth as his eyes shut tightly. 
  You kissed him again, swallowing up his sounds as you started to move your hips. Shaking from the sensation but starting to get comfortable. Finding a rhythm that left you both breathless. 
  His fingers dug into your hips as he drank this in. He felt incredible and only wanted more. 
  From just holding you steady, his hands wandered down to your ass and squeezed. Giving him more leverage as he started to thrust into you. His lips once again finding your nipples and sucking away at them. 
  So here you were, ready to make him quiver and melt at your actions, only to be the one pressing into him further as you grew closer to the edge. 
  And you could tell he felt it too. His face was buried in your bouncing chest as he breathed heavily into the soft flesh. Your legs wrapped around his hips, giving him more room to dig in deeper. 
  Your pussy soaked and coating him and the bed in your arousal. Hands playing with his soft ears as he started to stutter. 
  "M-Master, please I need-" 
  He couldn't even finish before you nodded. "Yes Nicho!-" You were sure there were more words on your mind but they disappeared. 
  Your orgasm snuck up on you as you shook on his cock. Holding on tightly as your lips parted in a moan. Not long after, you were filled with his hot seed in your cunt. 
  Heavy breathing filled the air mixed with pleasured incoherent words. Your mind and body were reeling and just when you thought you would be preparing to rest, Nicholas pulled out rather quickly. 
  Grabbing you by the hips and flipping your position so he was on top. Putting your legs over his shoulders as he kissed you deeply. 
  His tongue searched your mouth as he grinded against you. Brushing against your sensitive cunt with his still-hard cock before entering you in a quick motion. 
  The new position opened up new pleasure for you both. In no time, he was jerking his hips and building your orgasm again. The sound of slapping skin and overflowing juices only drove him further. 
  Your hands ran down his back, trying to get a good grip on him. He didn't stop his desperate moves. It didn't matter though, you already felt yourself getting tipsy for his cock only wanting more. 
  You've only heard of being cock drunk but now you get it. He was buried deep in your pussy, bulging out your tummy with every strong stroke and teasing every corner inside. You were lucky he didn't know dirty talk or else you'd be done for. 
  But he was still making your head and body spin, begging for him regardless. Now you found your hips being the ones jerking up to chase his cock. 
  You could only moan and try to ground yourself to hold out from orgasming too soon. But a well-placed kiss on your neck and squeeze of your boob and you came undone once again. 
  Nicholas pulled out, continuing to work at his cock before he came on your pussy, decorating your entrance in the white substance. 
 It was a beautiful sight for sure. One he couldn't resist. Spreading your legs and licking away. Pushing his tongue inside and tasting the inside of your fucked cunt. 
  A long moan left your lips as he continued to eat you out. This was so surprising. His actions show experience but his words don't. It was like his instinct took over and he just wanted to feel damn good. 
  And you were enjoying it too. Especially as he removed his lips and flipped you over so you laid on your stomach, pulling your hips up a bit before burying his cock inside once again. 
  Was he really not tired?! But you also get it- your body just wanted more of him even as your cunt ached. The ache faded once you were filled once again. His large hands dug into your hips as he started to move again.
  He tried to start off slow but it was quickly abandoned. His grunts and moans mixed with yours. And it was only now did you realize you had begun to cry. Your body was overwhelmed by the pleasure he gave you tears started to flow. 
  Just like you had done before, he kissed your tears, licking them up softly. A world of difference to his merciless thrusting. 
  "Does Master feel good?" 
  It took everything in you not to just utter swears or moans. "Very good kitty, so so good!" 
  You could almost hear him perk up in excitement. His chest pressed against your back as he kept thrusting. His arms wrapped around your body and held on tightly. 
  He started to nip and suck on your neck as a light whimper left him. "Hmm, Master… wanna breed you. Fill you up with my cum. Please Master please-" 
  He was pleading once again, and it only made you feel more inclined to agree. Not like you didn't already love this feeling of being full or possibly bred as his cum was inside your pussy already, constantly being fucked deeper inside you. 
  But something about him asking permission so sweetly this time stirred you to lose yourself deeper in the pleasure. "Yes kitty, please bred your Master~" 
  He didn't need the extra encouragement to make you feel more fucked out but with his thrusts getting stronger, he ended up pressing your whole body deep into the sheets. Chasing his high with an animalistic level of fever. 
  Any movement you tried to make was halted by his grip. But it didn't matter for long as the building tension in your stomach finally exploded. Your mind bursts with an ecstasy you've never felt before. 
  His teeth sinking into your sweet spot barely registered as his cock twitched while he pounded your quaking body. Filling you up once again with his cum. There was so much it began to leak out, but his hips still moved to push it back in. 
 Slowing down into sweet long strokes as you both came down from such intense highs. Nicholas kissed along your shoulders and the now fresh mark on your neck. His hips halted with him still buried deep but no longer moving. 
  You didn't mind though, after that experience, you didn't want him out of you for a while. Even if that large amount of mixed fluids now covered your sheets, you didn't want to move. 
  "Master is mine now. And mine alone." He purred and rubbed his face against yours as reality was still starting to clear up. You could only reach back and pet his hair in response.
   "I'm yours, and you're mine now kitty." Although you weren't 100% sure what that meant, it was sweet and felt real so you'd agree. 
  That's how the night faded off. The two of you joined together in an exhausted but satisfied state.  And the food on the table- cold and long forgotten.
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notknickers · 9 months
you should have picked the killing machine
synopsis: another day. another crisis. another session.
warnings/tags: unethical power imbalance, dominant!reader/submissive!könig, mummy!reader/pup!könig, cocksucking, drooling, muffdiving, vaginal penetration, könig is a fast shooter (that's the real reason why he never made the cut for sniper),premature ejaculation fetish, crying, cum eating, praise, size difference
audiences: strictly adult
word count: 2736
a/n: this... uh... this is an impromptu fic that came out of nowhere, started a specific way, but then derailed towards the end because of a different idea that took hold of me, but refused to let me go until i wrote it.
also, yes, i am aware that littles usually go with caregivers (mummies, daddies, others) and handlers with pups and kittens. but i also firmly believe that we make our kind of relationships in a way that fits us, not the opposite.
if könig wants to be something in between a guard dog* and a cuddly puppy who's more in need of a mummy, than a handler, then, by all the gods real and imagined, that is what i will give him.
* i trust we shall get to this one, eventually.
people who asked to be tagged: @kathy-ifnt
as usual, no one under 18 below the cut
one would think könig’s disfigurement would make it unpleasant to stare at his face, the way his lips do not merge as fully as they should when his mouth is closed, due to all the thick scar tissue on them and his lower face that force some rigidity, interfering with the fluid movements of his facial muscles.
it’s barely noticeable, really, after all the years the colonel has had to live with his injuries and their consequences. but the way the two of you interact make it difficult to conceal even for him.
so, you’d think it grotesque, even to watch the colonel slobber, if he's not careful to suck in all his saliva before even considering saying what he has to say.
but to you, that is hardly an impediment. you wouldn't call it an enhancement either, out of respect for what tremendous acts of violence must lie at the base of those deep scars and what look like the remains acid burns, you guess.
yet, there is nothing, not the ruin of his face of all things, that could stand between you and the utter beauty of seeing that cruel, dangerous wolf of a man turn to a drooling, pliant puppy in your hands.
he could go out collecting maiming upon maiming as if it were a new extreme sport to him, and you would still accept his attentions. as könig does yours.
because what the colonel offers is too precious to be shallow, now.
these thoughts run through your head as he kneels before you, lower half of face the only nakedness on display, pink, wet, deformed lips parted as he obediently waits for your say so, to allow him to lock them around the silicon toy you plan on having him service as if it were a real, throbbing cock of flesh.
even when you can notice the impatience, driven to the edge by your scent easily finding way to him through the slit in your drawers, under which you wear the strap, he waits.
as he should.
if you let it up to him, the colonel would be swallowing down your cock in no time. but that's not what you want. he can be rushed and forcing… no, teaching him not to be is as much a torture, if not more, than any technique the both of you have picked up in your years of service.
it is also necessary.
he gauges the pressure of your hand when it strokes his skull through the stubble of his buzz cut, to see if this time it will not just be another gentle pet, but an invitation to taste you. once more, he has to choke down a displeasured whine in both reverence and pride, when it doesn't turn out to be it.
«are you ready, puppy?», you speak softly, but he's fully focussed on you and has no trouble hearing your voice.
his eyes lift to yours as he slowly nods, as if calculated movements could hide the anticipation.
«then unzip your trousers. i want to see how much you like sucking on me.»
he does, eyes still on yours and chin lifted, as with his mouth open and already trickling slightly, if he looked down all the collected saliva barely contained by the inclined posture of his neck would trickle down.
it still makes him slightly self-conscious. even with you. even if you both pretend it does not.
luckily, he doesn't need to see what he's doing to feed his swollen cock through the undone zip. the sight of it, protruding thick and proudly straight, pushes at the corners of your lips in a small, enticed grin.
you pet könig's head in approval: «good pup, so hard for me already. now put your arms behind your back and keep them there until the end.»
he folds his arms on the small of his back, hand clasped tight on opposite wrist, forcing his brawny chest outwards, but not so much that you lose sight of his length below.
«if you act like the very good pup you are, colonel, i'll have something for you, by the end of it. understood?»
könig nods again, another small movement.
«go on, then… but remember what we said, or you can say goodbye to all of it immediately!», only now do you let go of his very short hair pinched between your flattened fingers.
honouring your words right away, he doesn't even move. instead, his tongue peeps out, its tip to yours, leaving behind a shiny trail as it contours the ridges around the head of your cock.
«good! slow. like that. i want to see you work», you encourage, and the colonel's grey eyes gleam silvery in the lamplight at the praise.
he flutters his tongue along your whole length, before drawing back up to the tip, at which his moist lips wrap, gently sucking, never plunging mindlessly to let you fuck his throat. it is his job to be mindful about how you would like to be pleasured with his mouth and focus on it, not be a mindless toy.
there will be time for that, but that time is not now.
he teases you with tongue and lips and, here and there, even a graze of his teeth, when appropriate, soon followed by suction, wet and increasingly loud as he alternates in between touches.
and you softly whisper gentle praises to him, as your eyes wander more and more frequently to the white pearl of precum capturing more and more light as it melts into a dense, translucent tear that hangs from the slit at his engorged, round glans.
you frame his jaw, allowing him to swallow you down to half. you can't resist aiming for the roof of his mouth as you do, pressure slow but consistent.
the colonel fails to choke down wet sounds as you push a little further into the soft tissue. in fact, tears prickle at the corners of his eyes, roll down on undoubtedly crimson cheeks from under his mask, to mix with the mess of drool that floods through his lips and coats all it touches.
his scars glisten beautifully under the viscous, bubbly spit the colonel couldn't hold in even if he had no prior impediment in that department. the man is a leaky mess all over.
eyes. mouth. cock.
you could compete with him yourself, as the drawers now drenched in spit as you push deeper in his throat, were already soaking in your juices at the brilliant sight the colonel always makes on his knees.
you throw in another compliment, underlining the sincerity of your words by thumbing his cheeks under his mask. he makes for such sight, you wish he could see himself through you.
impossible of course. having a standing mirror brought to a colonel's quarters, however… less so. you make a mental note to bring up the suggestion when könig will not be so busy sensuously bobbing his head at your waist, taking more of you, under your guidance, with each downwards movement.
finally, his lips kiss your skin. he thinks he is being subtle, surely, indulging a little more each time he takes you all in to nuzzle his nose in your fragrant curls. still, you don't see the harm in letting him believe so, when he has choked down his hastiness to please you as you wanted.
so you trap him there, face pressed against you as he gags and huffs you in. blithe in discomfort. satisfied in use.
when you finally pull out, the slimy saliva from his throat keeps you connected, until you push the colonel back on his heels, leaving the strand to dangle from his already messed up face.
«you were so good there, pup!», you caress through his damp hair, «ready for your prize?», you ask with nonchalance, as what he probably focussed on throughout his service were nought but an afterthought, to you.
in between pants, you hear a distinct, if frazzled, sound of confirmation.
you take a few steps away and finger at the strap with firm hand, releasing it from around your hips. it falls down as you remove your drawers. they bunch at your ankles, where your boots keep them.
«be good and help mummy with the boots, will you, pup?»
the colonel doesn't hesitate to crawl on his knees, cock still stiff and leaking bobbing at the clumsy motion, and undo your laces, before carefully helping you out of your shoes, making sure not to unbalance you as he frees you from all your bunched up clothes.
as soon as he is done, his hands diligently return behind his back.
you go down on one knee, holding his wet chin between your fingers: «would my pup like to come into mummy?»
his uneven lips barely quiver before he immediately steadies them, but his eyes take a little longer to recover from their having grown wide. yet, the muscles on his abdomen flinch involuntarily, causing his cock to bounce lightly.
you chuckle, caressing a cheek: «hm, pup? what do you say?», your hand brushes his head as you stand up.
his hesitance, or whatever delays his answer, makes you scoff.
«is that such a difficult question, colonel?»
he stares at you: «no», voice low and brittle.
«then what’s the problem, here? am i really supposed to believe that you’ve never thought about it?»
he shakes his head.
«no? no, what? no, you’ve never though about it, or no, that’s not what you want me to believe?»
«i haven’t earned it.»
you can’t help but laugh at his words. his expression, in between angry and morose, only pulls more laughter out of you.
«but it’s not your decision. is it, colonel?»
he relaxes a little, exhaling his reply: «no.»
you stretch out a hand, inviting him closer: «come, pup. let’s ease into things a little, hm?»
what feeble fight in him he showed is gone when you guide his head between your thighs. to that, he has never objected. he laps at your folds with unrestrained gusto, all reluctance shed behind the moment his lips tasted yours.
you press him into you, rubbing your cunt all over his half-masked face – the way he likes – resting one leg on his shoulder to grant him more access to your core as he relishes in the feel of it holding him in place.
as if he would ever run…, you think to yourself as you watch him do with his face as you please.
pleasure rumbles within you as your hips thrust against him, his lips capturing your plumpened nub and sucking loudly at every push, until you are pressing hard into his open mouth, warm and soft around your whole sex, hips stilled yet shaking inside.
it’s hard to swallow with such a dry mouth. you try all the same as you recuperate, wiping loose hair from your forehead as you step back in need of reprieve from könig’s zeal, now that you are at the most sensitive.
something that sounds in between like a huff and a chuckle pushes out of you as you look down at the colonel, who is also busy in his post-meal routine of licking around his mouth for more of you.
you open the top of your fatigues, taking it off and dropping it on the floor, where you join it, only in your tank top, to feel the cold of the tiles against your sweaty skin.
you sigh at the contact as you keep fanning your face and neck with your hands, forgetting for a moment that könig is also on the floor, kneeling close-by. you are questioning whether you should join him: he often gets stuntedly emotional after your sessions and might need some affectionate skin contact – and a rolled-up cigarette with a glass of his disgusting apricot brandy, probably.
you usually provide and this time should be no different. however, he doesn’t give you the time to tend to your duties. you find him on you right away, hovering above you as he positions himself to mount you.
he must have undressed while you lay there, because he is naked in all his scarred and oversized glory. as always, he makes for a wonderful sight.
«changed your mind, puppy?»
he grunts in response and carefully lowers his heavy, solid body on yours, lifting your top as his cock grinds against your slit. you shuffle on the floor, slipping out of it entirely. the warm slickness makes the friction alluring, but hardly enough.
«waiting for mummy to let you inside?»
könig nods, showing a hint of impatience in his grinding you would find endearing, if you weren’t at your limit. you’re tired of waiting and, most certainly, not in the mood for begging.
however, there is one last thing you would like.
«can i see you?»
it wouldn’t be the first time, yet the colonel tenses up at the request, his rubbing slowing down.
you caress his face from under his mask: «let me take this off. i don’t want könig, the detached killing machine to fuck me. i want you… the man…»
you hear him suck in and swallow, before sighing as he slips his hood off and rests it on the floor nearby, fingers still gripping its folds. you hint a smile at him and he lets go of it when you trail a hand to the base of his cock, aiming it at your slicked entrance.
he sinks in slowly, cheek pressed against yours as he groans in your ear, aching walls stretching in the shape of him before he has barely filled you. his next few thrusts are tentative and out of rhythm. he groans at each one, before folding even more and bending his legs to rest his head on your chest while he’s inside you.
when he begins to thrust in earnest, large, heavy balls smacking against the tiles in a way you refuse to believe doesn’t hurt, he does so with the same panache and charm of a teenaged boy losing his virginity, whimpering and drooling on your tits as he slips out more than once. luckily, he always finds his way back in the appropriate hole.
you lie under him staring at the ceiling, arms hugging his nape and upper back as he relentlessly confuses passionately fucking with wanking into you, trying not to laugh at the situation, sure the two of you sweating on the floor and making inhuman noises must make for quite the grotesque sight that, hopefully, no one will ever witness.
perhaps you should reconsider that mirror delivery idea.
you tell yourself that he was so overwhelmed by your desire for him and so aroused by the previous use, that the shock of it made him forget how to fuck, as you are sure this might be the first time together, but certainly not the very first for either of you.
his pathetic whines turning to sobs take you from your thoughts, the telltale signs that he’s close. renewed tears wetting your breasts as he presses his face against them enough to hurt confirm it, as does the increasing, out-of-tempo fury of his hips.
he lifts his head for a moment, desperation in his eyes as he tries to form a sentence: «mum… mummy… please!»
he tries to hold back until your leave. a noble attempt, yet, he barely finishes speaking, that his face is back to your breasts. he shoots inside of you, like you wanted, cock pulsing frantically as he fills your cunt to the brim. it’s difficult to wrap your mind about the fact that the whole business lasted five – very intense, especially for könig – minutes or so.
you still manage a good pup, physically unsatisfied, yet unexpectedly very flattered by how it all turned out, as könig rocks inside of you a few times, before burying himself whole, safe and warm inside of you, not moving any more.
the breakneck beating of his heart echoes against yours, rivalling the sound of his weeping and sniffling, as he refuses to abandon the shelter of your bosom, if not to reposition his head to better suckle your nipples.
That relaxes him enough that the cathartic crying is soon a memory and he is ready – if not voracious – to clean up with his tongue the mess he made between your legs.
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corrodedseraphine · 1 year
playlist | #6 why don't you come a little closer?
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pairing: eddie munson x henderson!reader
summary: Just when you thought the boy you were in love with all through high school was gone, he suddenly reappears as your little brother's friend. Fate has once again decided to join your paths, however, everything turns out to be a bit complicated. Will Eddie Munson's sudden return to your life bring with it even more changes?
the story is also avaliable on ao3
masterlist | eddie munson masterlist | general masterlist
songs which I used in this chapter: Whitesnake - Fare Thee Well | Bleachers - Rollercoaster | Bill Medley, Jennifer Warnes - (I've Had) The Time Of My Life
I don't know how I feel about this chapter, so I won't say anything more about it just hoping that you will like it more than I do. But I can tell you that I have an idea for next one and things will get even moooore complicated.
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You haven't exchanged a word with Tom since that incident on the praty. Robin successfully knocked the idea of speaking first out of your head by explaining for the millionth time that you had done nothing wrong and he should be the one to apologize first, and if not apologize then at least say something. Despite the sadness you felt about the situation, you decided for the first time in your life to be stubborn enough not to give way and actually wait for him to make the first move. All week you focused only on work, so that you did not have time to think about anything else. But when Friday came and you had nothing to do in the afternoon, everything became a million times more tiring and difficult. Couldn't he really make that exception even on your birthday? As if the sadness wasn't enough it seemed that everyone except your mother had forgotten about it. You didn't expect anything big from anyone, but you made no secret of the fact that you were hoping for at least wishes from your friends.
After spending the evening at Eddie's, when he picked you and Robin up from the party, the next morning he sent you a link to the playlist you were listening to " in case you ever need it," as he stated. Yes, it was definitely the perfect time to use it. Your fluffy prince sensing the sad mood immediately jumped into place next to you on the bed where, with earphones in your ears, you lay snuggling with your new favorite cuddly toy scratching your dog lightly on the back. Taking a box of tissues with you also turned out to be a good idea because somewhere in the middle of Fare Thee Well the tears started to pour. There were more and more when you realized that this time there was nowhere near Eddie's arms to hide in.
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When Hellfire gathered in the Henderson's living room for another adventure, as soon as Naveen heard Eddie's voice he quickly jumped off the bed and rushed toward him.
"Hey buddy," said Eddie crouching down to pet the dog. The dog, however, was not interested in being petted. He started biting his pant leg and pulling him deeper into the house. "You want me to follow you?" he asked, following the little guide, who led him all the way to the slightly ajar door to your room. Striking it slightly with his body, he swung it open even wider so that Eddie was now able to see all of you. The first thing that caught his eye was that you were hugging the dinosaur you got from him, which made his heart speed up considerably. The warm joy quickly disappeared when he noticed a box of tissues next to you, around it lay several already used ones with black mascara marks. Black trails were visible under your eyes, where tears flowed. It looked like you had to cry yourself to sleep. He wondered what had happened, the thought even crossed his mind to wake you up and ask if you were okay, but he quickly gave up that idea wanting to let you rest. He took the dog in his arms and quietly closed the door leaving the room.
In the living room, the boys had already managed to set up most of the necessary things on the table, when the sound of knocking on the door echoed through the apartment. Without waiting for someone to open it Robin went inside with two bags full of snacks. Seeing all the Hellfire Club there, she furrowed her brow.
"Hello?" said an equally puzzled Dustin.
"Do you have- Are you going to play now?" she asked confused.
"Yeah? It's Friday, it's always Hellfire on Fridays." Mike replied.
"I know it's Friday, butthead. But today is not EVERY Friday."
"What do you mean?" asked Will.
"Dustin I want you to pick up your phone right now and look at the calendar." she instructed. As she said so he did. For a moment he stared blankly at the screen but after a moment understanding and then panic appeared on his face.
"Oh shit." he said, putting the phone down and catching his head with one hand.
"Oh shit." Robin repeated. "Has your mother already gone?"
"How do you know she was supposed to go?"
"Because I talked to her? People can communicate." She rolled her eyes and pulled out her phone, writing something on it. After a while, Steve also appeared in the apartment with all sorts of drinks, including percentages.
"What the hell? Do you really want to play D&D now?" he asked, seeing the set-up table.
"Someone can explain what this might be about?" Eddie finally asked watching Robin and Steve.
"I might have forgotten about y/n's birthafy today." said Dustin in a squeaky voice. "But she probably has some sort of date planned with Tom, so we can play."
"That idiot hasn't spoken a word to her in a week, I doubt he'll make an exception today," Robin commented.
Then everything became clear. Painfully clear.
"Okay guys, we're picking up our trash." Eddie said without even trying to argue. The campaign was important to him, but you were even more important.
"What? The last time we wanted to postpone the campaign you nearly killed us and now you're telling us to just pack up and go home?" asked Gareth in disbelief.
"Who said anything about going home? You're staying here! We were supposed to spend this evening with the three of us, but the more the merrier." said Steve going to the kitchen to lay out the drinks and unpack the bags.
"Where is y/n?" asked Robin.
"She's sleeping in her room." Eddie responded without thinking. Feeling the girl's suspicious gaze on him, it occurred to him that it might have sounded like he was peeping at you, so he quickly turned away so she wouldn't see him blush. Theoretically it was Naveen who led him there, the question was would Robin believe him?
It didn't take them too long to get everything in order and set up. In the meantime, Dustin brought a collection of board games from his room and Will and Mike quickly prepared paper caps by drawing colorful patterns on them with some old markers that had been lying untouched in the younger Henderson's desk for years. Now came the worst moment, which was to wake you up. While everyone else was sitting in the living room Robin stated that she and Eddie were going to go do it.
"I don't have the heart to wake her up." she whispered making the face of a sad puppy, watching you lie curled up on the bed. " I hate Tom. I hate him more every time I see her suffer because of him."
Eddie wanted to nod. He wanted to say that he agreed totally, and despite the fact that he didn't have the chance to meet him anyway, he despised him. "Maybe after she wakes up her condition will improve." He replied instead. Robin nodded and walked toward the bed. She pulled the earphone out of your ear and, laying down behind you, embraced you gently.
"Y/n..." she began to say in a calm voice and rocked you lightly. "Wake up, sleepyhead."
What if I was in her right now? He thought while watching Robin hug you. He wanted so much to have you in his arms.
"Robin?" you said sleepily rubbing your eyes. "What are you doing here?"
"I came to wish my best friend a happy birthday." she laughed quietly. Still feeling terribly vulnerable you hugged her tightly. When the quiet whine of your sobs reached Eddie's ears a moment later, his heart once again cracked. It cracked every time he saw in this condition. "I thought you had forgotten." you muttered.
"Of course not! I would never."
"Everyone else forgot, Tom didn't even make an effort to send wishes..." Your voice was breaking.
"Not everyone forgot silly. Right Eddie?" she looked at him with a significant look. At the sound of his name you freeze. Was he here? Wiping your cheeks quickly, you turned around to look behind you, where the said metalhead was standing. Meeting your gaze, he smiled widely and waved lightly, then walked over to the bed sitting down next to you.
"Happy birthday y/n." You could hear the affection in his voice and that he wanted to tell you many other things that he couldn't possibly say in addition to that. 
Happy birthday to the greatest person in the world. 
Happy birthday, I want to wish you a lot of happiness, preferably with me. 
Happy birthday y/n! By the way I think I'm falling in love with you and I definitely can't get you out of my head. 
So many possibilities, yet none of them left his lips, although they pressed outward awfully hard. Especially when you stopped hugging Robin and threw your arms around his neck pulling him close.
"Thank you, Eddie." Your voice was barely audible and soft. He was in such shock that at first he didn't register what was happening. Only when Robin sent him a wrenching do-something look did he closed you in a bear hug.
When you had brought yourself to heel you left the room where an even bigger surprise was waiting for you. Seeing you, everyone shouted out a loud happy birthday all at once and then everyone individually. The smile did not leave your face. You completely did not expect something like this. At that moment you thought that you didn't really need Tom to be happy. If he doesn't want to talk, that's his problem. You had people around you who really cared about you, so they deserved all your attention.
At first you started with something as simple as a charades. Divided into teams, you were talking over each other trying to guess what the presenter meant. The more alcohol was in the bloodstream of the older members of the group, the answers became crazier and crazier. You and Robin drank wine together, while the rest of you settled for beers. Dustin, Will and Mike begged you to let them have a drink too. You agreed to let Steve split one beer between the three of them. You laughed as you watched them twitching their faces while taking their first sips. You concluded that it was better for them to try it under your supervision than for them to get drunk god-knows where and with who.
After the charades you started playing twister which turned out to be a challenge. Rarely could any of you last more than five minutes before falling over and dragging the rest of you with you. Everyone had a great time, it was clear that even the Corroded Coffin crew, with whom you weren't as close as the rest, quickly acclimated as if they had been in the team forever.
The bomb of the evening, was playing Just Dance and the fact that the best person in it was Jeff. You all watched in shock as he scored points in the most difficult solo choreographies. Who would have thought that metalheads would be able to have so much fun playing this game? Later it was time for a moment of competition. You made name cards and dropped them into a jar while shaking it. Later, everyone had to draw their partner. Of course, fate slipped a card with your name under Eddie's fingers. The next step was to draw a song. Fate continued to play tricks making you get a song from nothing else but Dirty Dancing. That due to the fact that you and Robin played Just Dance quite often, the choreography was no stranger to you. Eddie, however, was lost in the steps trying to keep up and not trip over his own feet which made you giggle. There were moments, of course, when he did very well, though. These were the moments of the in which you were as close as too close to each other, during which a smile involuntarily crept onto your faces. As the moment of the famous lift approached, all the others began to cheer. Submitting to their influence, you tried to replicate it, but it all ended with a loud crash to the floor.
"Oh my God Eddie, are you okay?" you asked picking yourself up from the floor.
"Yeah, it was definitely the Time of my life." he commented breathing quickly as you burst out laughing after a while.
Once you were all too tired to continue dancing, a huge tower made up of wooden Jenga blocks appeared in the middle. Robin played music in the background and you all sat down in a circle. After a while you decided that you would prepare something to eat. Pulling out frozen pizzas and fries, you began to prepare everything. Now all you had to do was wait for everything to warm up. You sat down on the counter and started humming the song that had just started up.
It was summer when I saw your face Looked like a teenage runaway Oh God, I never thought we'd take it that far Some killer queen you are
From the corner of your eye you noticed someone entering the kitchen.
"Need some help?" asked Eddie playing with his hands. You smiled widely at the sight of him.
"We have to wait until the pizza is ready." you said. "Later you can help me cut it if you want."
Now I'm running and I can't stop Anywhere I go I think about it every day and night, I can't let go Man, I'm never the same We were shotgun lovers, I'm a shotgun running away
He stood next to you leaning against the countertop as you waited for the food to be ready. Every now and then you sent each other nervous smiles.
"Thank you Eddie." you broke the silence.
"For What?" he asked turning his face toward you
"Being here today."
"All the pleasure is mine m'lady" he bowed low standing in front of you.
"Your presence here is much appreciated honorable knight." You joked putting your hand on his shoulder.
At the same time, Steve and Robin watched your conversation in the kitchen with curiosity. Unable to decipher what you were saying they could only see that the conversation was going in a very good direction because you were both smiling like crazy.
"What are we looking at?" asked Gareth walking up to them.
"Shhh!" Robin shushed him. "Don't startle them!"
"Are they flirting with each other?" he asked.
"It seems so." Steve replied without taking his eyes off you.
"Doesn't she have a boyfriend by any chance?" Gareth continued the topic.
"She does."
Come a little closer Why don't you, come a little closer? Why don't you come a little closer? There's something I could tell, yeah You are such a rollercoaster Some killer queen you are
As the rhythm of the song began to slow down the words like a spell guided Eddie closer to you. Only a piece of paper would fit between your faces. You both fell silent. Your eyes would meet and after a while would go a little lower to the area around your mouth.
"Oh shit he is gonna kiss her!" Robin said patting the boys on the shoulders.
"Should we do something about it?" asked Gareth.
"We hate Tom." she said, to which Steve nodded. "And we like Eddie. Eddie makes her happy, Tom makes her cry. So what do you think drummer?"
"We hate Tom." He just repeated with a nod and went back to watching.
Holding back cost Eddie all the willpower he had. He wanted this. He wanted so badly to close the gap between the two of you, but the big red sign flashing BOYFRIEND kept showing up in front of  his eyes. When after concerts sometimes girls who were looking for an escape from their boyfriends offered him a quick meaningless adventure at the back of the bar he didn't care that they were taken. Why was this now suddenly the only obstacle to doing something he wanted so badly? Why did he care so much? Because he knew that you meant so much more to him than some random girl from the bar. He also knew that if he took another half step forward, that half step could make significant changes in your life. He didn't want to be the reason your relationship fell apart. He didn't want to be the one who destroyed it. He was also afraid that if you did, after time you would start to regret it and hate him. That's why when the song ended he came back to earth before he could do anything else. He slowly moved away from you saying it was time to check if the food was ready leaving you still sitting on the counter confused by your own feelings.
When you shook yourself off you jumped down to the floor. Eddie put the food on the plate and you carried it out into the room without saying a word, feeling numb. When you took the last of the plates out of sight and left him alone in the kitchen, where the three peepers attacked him.
"Why!" groaned Robin. "Why didn't you kiss her?"
"Dude I felt like going in there and pushing you towards her!" added Gareth.
"Why did you back off?" asked Steve finally.
"I would like to remind you that she has a boyfriend, so it's not appropriate for her to make out with weirdos in the kitchen," Eddie replied annoyed. Shouldn't they be angry at him?
"Who cares what's appropriate and what's not! That boyfriend you're talking about doesn't deserve her!"
"And do I deserve her?!" He didn't want it to sound so harsh. However, there was so much emotion in him now that he couldn't quite control himself. Seeing their shocked faces and lack of response, he sighed. "I thought so." He replied sadly and left the kitchen.
You still enjoyed the evening however now a small cloud of tension and questions of What if... weighed over you. What if he had kissed you?
That evening the decision was made. And no matter how much it hurt him, deep down he felt he had done the right thing. He preferred never to cross that line in his life and have you as a friend, rather than lose you once again.
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taglist: @i-me-mine
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flock-talk · 4 months
Hi! Was hoping you might have some advice for me? Bit of a long one sorry.
Ive had my green cheek for about 5 months now, and hes always super sweet. Hes only about 1 year old but hes picked up basic training and general manners really well, super cuddly velcro-bird.
The other day I got my hair cut for the first time in months, went from just below the shoulders to a fade, and when I came home he was fine? a bit shocked, but got over it after a bit, was acting his normal cuddly self. Then yesterday when I get him out of his cage in the morning he crawls up to my shoulder like normal and starts attacking me? Nothing else changed either.
I would often have my hair tucked behind my ear and he would try and nibble on my earrings, and he was easy enough to redirect onto his actual toys, but since getting my hair cut hes suddenly super violent and aggressive? When I let him out of his cage in the morning or just when I pick him up, he crawls straight up to my shoulder and starts biting my ears/cheek VERY hard. He'll give me a new piercing at this rate. And when I try to remove him he just starts biting my hands instead. Hard enough to draw blood too, which is the first time thats ever happened.
I've been trying to use treats to reward him for sitting calmly, distract him with toys, but nothings working. He'll forgo his favourite toys and treats that he normally goes crazy for in favour of biting me. I've been having to keep him in his cage for way longer than I want because I can't handle the constant attacks from him.
He's my first ever bird and I don't know what to do at this point :(
There's a number of reasons that behaviour can suddenly flip and without doing a super thorough background dig on your specific bird I can't guarantee a 100% correct answer here
based on the information provided it's very likely a defensive stress response. Birds ID each other visually so when you suddenly change your appearance you're no longer recognizable, they may have reacted 'fine' when you initially changed your hair due to increased stress suppressing behaviour. Think of how young birds react when you meet them in a store, many end up very complacent, slow moving, or even affectionate due to the stress of the environment and strangers handling them. Once they get home and relax their true mannerisms start to show up and they can present more aggressive behaviours and selectiveness as the stress that was suppressing these behaviours is no longer present. So they may have been stressed upon seeing the change and over the following days became more adjusted to the change and are now reacting to you as they may a completely unidentified stranger that has barged in and is taking over the home.
Conures also tend to be very sensitive to emotional changes, becoming overstimulated exceptionally easy and often default to nipping for communication. So it's another possibility that the conflict of figuring out who you are, confusion, and random bursts of excitement or stress release with the changes could be triggering events as well.
I would approach this situation as though he's a brand new bird you just brought home. Give him space, utilize target training for necessary handling, and go right back to the basics with building foundations and trust. I would ensure to keep interactions very short and successful, enter the room, drop off some snacks, and promptly leave sort of things. This may help him be able to observe you, recognize you aren't a threat, and form better associations about the change.
You may find it helpful to experiment with hats, some birds will become more aggressive around hats but others recognize it as being an accessory rather than a part of you and it could help bridge that recognition gap for them. Additionally if there are certain phrases you often say to them, certain tones, routines, or body language you presented with them often prior to the haircut I would ensure to lean heavily in to those to further help them connect your mannerisms to your identity.
As your foundations with this bird get stronger they will adjust to these changes easier and you are less likely to have these massive fallbacks. In the meantime it's important to recognize that they aren't behaving this way to spite you, they're behaving this way because they are distressed and don't know how to cope. During this time you have to meet them where they're at, move slow, and help them relearn that you aren't a threat.
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slaasherslut · 11 months
Milo Vess NSFW Alphabet
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Milo is cuddly and sleepy after sex. He likes to top and that tires him out a bit more so he is immediately pulling his partner into his arms to cuddle. He’ll do whatever his partner asks of him after he catches his breath. They want some clothes? Need a bit of cleaning up? Maybe a glass of water? Milo's got it. After everything is taken care of he's pulling them close and falling right to sleep.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Milo doesn't like many parts of himself, but if he had to pick he would say he likes his hands. He feels that he's a hard worker and it shows on his hands. His palms are rough from the constant hard labour and it can be felt when he touches his partner. He's also had a hook up in the past tell him he has really nice, veiny hands and he's been riding that high ever since.
On a partner he's real big on thighs and chest, specifically boobs. Milo is a major boob guy! He likes when a partner wears something that shows them off. Like a low or open shirt, short dresses, tiny shorts. During sex, he's always marking these spots up and grabbing them.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He loves to cum inside his partner. Any hole, doesn't matter,  he likes them all. If his partner isn't comfortable with that though he’ll wear a condom or happily pull out and cum on their skin.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
One of Milo's fantasies is that he really wants to have sex in the cemetery. Partner bent over a gravestone, in the grass, on the workbench in the cemetery tool shed. He's fantasized about it quite a bit. So much so he's jerked off in the tool shed.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Milo has just enough experience to get the job done but he's still very new to everything. The only sexual partners he's had are the handful of them he's met in bars for one night stands. He's never had sex with someone he loves.
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
He's a classic man and he loves missionary. A big part of him getting off is getting his partner off and what better way to do that than to watch his partner face contort in pleasure as they unravel under him. He also really likes doggy for the jiggle of his partners ass and the sound of skin on skin.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Milo tends to be more serious when it comes to sex. He's a soft dom and in the bedroom he has a job; please his partner to their hearts content and get himself off along the way. He also is terrified hes not going to do a good job which makes him even more eager to please. Once the relationship in more steady though he'll really start to open up. That isn't to say he isn't one to giggle with them if a toy flies out of their hands and onto the floor or if he thrusts too hard and smacks their head into the headboard.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
The carpet definitely matches the drapes. Dark brown and curly. He has a tendency to just let it grow unless he has a partner hes actively having sex with, then he does it more often. He doesn't fully shave either, he will just give it a trim. He doesn't like when the hair is too short because it looks weird to him, which is why he doesn't mind a little hair on his partner either.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Milo will naturally show his love and appreciation for his partner through praise, but if his partner wanted more he would be happy to oblige. Romance isn't necessary for Milo but it definitely lights a fire in his groin when he feels loved during the deed.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He usually saves jerking off for at night, right before bed. Cumming helps him fall asleep. But if he's really got the energy and the time he’ll pull out one of his toys for a longer session.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Knife play, size kink (his partner being smaller than him), praising, dacryphilia (but only if his partner is crying in reaction to pleasure, not pain), and possession.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
He much prefers the familiarity of his bedroom or his couch but if he's feeling adventurous he also likes the back of his car.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Milo is a pretty standard dude when it comes to turning him on. Skin to skin contact on his chest and stomach, dirty talking, and clothes that leave little to the imagination.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He's pretty open to try anything once but two things he knows he wouldn't like is pegging and anything that includes sharing his partner. Hes way too possessive to share.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He prefers receiving but he’ll never shy away from giving. He's not the most experienced with oral and that shows but he can still get the job done. 
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He tends to mostly be fast and rough but he’ll have small bursts of moments where he takes things slow. This happens mostly when his partner expresses love for him or when they ask for it. He likes to save the slow and sensual parts for foreplay.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Milo is always down for a quickie. He’d much prefer regular sex but he's always down to get out some of that pent up sexual frustration on his work break or between a chain of erotic texts.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Milo is willing to take risks if his partner is. He's open to trying most things once and since he's not super experienced he’d love to try out lots of things to see what he likes.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
His record is three rounds but it's usually two at max. If it's a faster, more aggressive session then he's looking at around 15-20 minutes per rounds. A slower, more teasing session can last around 30 minutes. 
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Milo isn't one to shy away from using toys with his partner. He doesn't view them as competition, he simply views them as tools for getting off. He has a couple of his own but they're more so for his own enjoyment. He definitely has a fleshlight he keeps in his nightstand for easy access.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Milo is a big tease. He gets off on teasing his partner and watching them writhe and beg. Being teased though? He can't stand it.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Milo is decently loud, he's not one to hold back how he's feeling. Sex with him is filled with low grunting and growling. You can tell he's close because his noises get deeper, he’ll slur his words, and his dirty talk slows. 
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Milo loves to watch his partner getting off without him even touching them but him still being in full control. There is something about watching them from other angles he wouldn't normally see that really turns him on. He would love to watch his partner ride one of those silicone male torsos or watch them get pounded by a fuck machine while he jerks off and controls the speed. Getting fucked while still having his partner all to himself. His partner feeling so helpless and Milo feeling in complete control.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Milo is cut, a solid 7 inches fully hard and thicker near the base than towards the tip. He's got 1.5 inches of girth near the base. His dick is also dotted with a few freckles. Most of them are down near the base but he has a few up near the head.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive is hardly ever zero, it's just a bit less if he worked that day and he's tired. But once he's with someone and he's getting sex regularly, he's almost always ready to go.  
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
If Milo knows he can relax and trusts his partner, afterwards he's out like a light. He might indulge in a bit of pillow talk before he passes out with them in his arms. If it's just a hookup though he’ll head home and pass right out. Regardless, post sex naps give him the best sleeps.
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☾ tag list: @rottent33th, @damien-mlm, @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better, @the-pinstriped-hood, @allthingsblood, @25bohemianmoons, @devil-doll13, @goldrose-star, @6lostgirl6
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Yes i do have some words of wisdom about bunnies! They need a lot of space to be happy, and bunny-secure rooms so to not get hurt. Not all of them are cuddly or like to be petted so dont get a bunny if thats what you expect. They need a friend! And if not, a lot of attention from you. Its completely safe to leave them for themselves as long as their space is bunny-secure and you leave them with food and water and toys. They need to be looked after at least once a day though so you cant leave them alone if you go away. Essentially they are pretty easy to handle, but a lot of thought and preparation is necessary beforehand. Not ready for that? Not ready to have a bunny! And id youre not sure if you can take it on or not, maybe look into if you could help foster some who have been dumped for example? Or if its possible to “lend” one for a bit from a farm or something to see if you can. Fostering is what i do through a rescue organisation and so i have different ones throughout the year. I can also say that i need a break from fostering if i dont have enough time or is going away, so that helps. I hope i answered your question with my rambling 😅
You did, and with so much thought and care, thank you so much! I'm heavy considering looking into fostering, it would be lovely to have a few buns around the house but my heart would absolutely shatter if anything happened to them or I end up being away from home too long. Very very good information, thank you so much!
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the-omega-artist · 3 months
Hello, just wanted to say that I love your style! Like, the way you design characters, especially the way you draw monster characters, is that perfect ratio of cuddly and horrifying and as a fellow artist I'm honestly so jealous (/pos). If I may ask, what is your process for designing characters, if you have one?
Ooh!!! Thank you so much!! I’m actually working on redesigning a character of mine now!
So, let me share some of my process!
It’s a revamp of a Playtime Co. character, so the theme of toys is big. I write out some basic necessary ideas; species, toys, just jotting down ideas.
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Then, I seek out references to implement. This can take some time, but is really helpful and important!
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Here are my main inspos at the moment. I decided on a dinosaur, because I feel a need to branch away from my typical chonky characters. It’s good to have variety!
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I do a REALLY FAST lazy sketch. Just shapes. Triangles for the body, but then adding round feathers for that still soft feel. I don’t want any super sharp edges besides the head and maybe the claws, which I then decided to cover with fabric feathers.
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This is where I’m currently at! It can take an awful long time scratching up these ideas. Many layers and ideas will flow. Once you find one that really clicks, start fleshing that out. Be flexible. For a moment, I really wanted one of the liquid timer floaty stim toys incorporated, but upon sketching up this dinosaur fella, I realized that would be hard to impliment. However, the baby sensory toys with various fabrics and materials felt like it could work nicely! Maybe some buttons and other attatchments too.
Most importantly you need to remember the first concepts will never be your final design… and your first final design probably won’t be your actual final design, either. Keep tinkering!!! Find what you enjoy and add themes as you go. In a month, you’ll probably find something PERFECT for your character that you didn’t even consider in the moment. I’m still working on this guy, even though I’ve been sketching up and brainstorming on and off for almost a week now. Don’t force inspiration either, but don’t be afraid to nudge it into happening! Some good music helps get the brain in the flow. :)
Happy creating!! I can’t wait to see what you make.
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“From Furry Friends to Feline Family: A Beginner’s Journey in Cat Parenthood”
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Welcome to the world of cat parenthood! Whether you’re a seasoned pet owner or a first-time feline parent, welcoming a new furry friend into your home is an exciting and rewarding experience. From their playful antics to their soothing purrs, cats have a way of stealing our hearts and becoming an integral part of our family. In this article, we’ll explore the journey from having a furry companion to building a feline family, and share some tips and insights for those embarking on this.
Deciding to Adopt a Cat:
As animal lovers, it’s natural for us to dream of welcoming a furry friend into our homes and hearts. And while the thought of having a cuddly companion to share our lives with is exciting, the decision to adopt a cat is not one that should be taken lightly. As a beginner in cat parenthood, it’s important to approach this decision with careful consideration and preparation.
First and foremost, it’s important to understand that adopting a cat is a long-term commitment. Cats can live anywhere from 12–20 years, so you have to be prepared to provide love, care, and attention for your feline friend for their entire life. This means ensuring that you have the time, resources, and willingness to make this commitment before moving forward with the adoption process.
Next, you’ll need to consider if your current living situation is suitable for a cat. If you rent your home or apartment, make sure that pets are allowed in your lease agreement. You’ll also need to assess if your living space is large enough for a cat to roam comfortably. Cats are known for their independent nature, but they still require enough space to play and explore.
Another important factor in deciding whether or not to adopt a cat is your lifestyle. While cats are relatively low maintenance pets compared to dogs, they.
Preparing for Your New Feline Family Member:
Welcoming a new furry friend into your home is an exciting and joyous experience. For those who have decided to become cat parents, the journey ahead is filled with love, laughter, and lots of purring. However, as with any new addition to the family, there are certain preparations that need to be made before bringing your new feline family member home.
The first step in preparing for your new cat is to ensure that you have all the necessary supplies. These include food and water bowls, a litter box, scratching post, toys, and a comfortable bed. It’s important to do some research on what type of food is best for your cat’s specific needs and also invest in high-quality products that will last longer and provide more comfort for your furry friend.
Next, it’s essential to create a safe and welcoming environment for your cat. Cats are naturally curious creatures and love to explore their surroundings, so it’s crucial to “cat-proof” your home by removing any potential hazards such as toxic plants or small objects that could be swallowed. It’s also a good idea to designate an area specifically for your new cat with their bed, litter box, and toys. This will help them feel secure in their own space while they adjust to their new surroundings.
In addition to physical preparations,
Introducing Your New Cat to Your Home and Current Pets:
Bringing a new cat into your home is an exciting and rewarding experience. However, it can also be a bit nerve-wracking, especially if you already have other pets in the house. Introducing a new cat to your established furry family members requires patience, understanding, and careful planning. In this blog section, we will discuss some tips and tricks to help make the transition smoother for you and your pets.
First and foremost, it’s essential to remember that every cat is different and may have their own unique personality quirks. Some cats may be more outgoing and social, while others may be shy or territorial. It’s crucial to take these individual traits into consideration when introducing them to other pets.
Before bringing your new cat home, make sure to prepare a safe and comfortable space for them. This space should include all the necessary items such as food, water, litter box, scratching post, and toys. Your new cat will need time to adjust to their new surroundings before meeting other pets in the household.
When it comes to introducing your new cat to your current pets, slow and steady wins the race. It’s best not to rush this process as it can cause unnecessary stress for all animals involved. Start by allowing your new cat to explore their designated space while keeping them separated from other.
Understanding Your Cat’s Health Needs and Care:
Welcome to the second part of our blog series on “From Furry Friends to Feline Family: A Beginner’s Journey in Cat Parenthood”. In our previous blog, we discussed the joys and challenges of welcoming a new furry friend into your life. Now, as you settle into your new role as a cat parent, it is important to understand your cat’s health needs and how to provide them with proper care.
As pet owners, we all want our beloved felines to live long and healthy lives. However, unlike dogs, cats are known for hiding any signs of illness or discomfort until it becomes too severe. This makes it crucial for cat owners to be vigilant and proactive when it comes to their cat’s health.
One of the first steps in understanding your cat’s health needs is by familiarizing yourself with their breed-specific traits and common health issues. Different breeds may have different predispositions to certain diseases or conditions. For example, Maine Coon cats are more prone to heart disease while Siamese cats may be more susceptible to respiratory problems. By knowing your cat’s breed-specific health risks, you can take preventive measures and monitor their health accordingly.
Another important aspect of understanding your cat’s health needs is being aware of their daily habits and behaviors. As mentioned earlier, cats are experts at hiding
Creating a Bond with your Furry Friend through Playtime and Training:
Welcome to our blog series, “From Furry Friends to Feline Family: A Beginner’s Journey in Cat Parenthood.” In this segment, we will be discussing the importance of creating a bond with your new furry friend through playtime and training.
As a new cat parent, it can be overwhelming to bring a new feline into your home. You want to ensure that they are happy and well-adjusted in their new environment. This is where building a strong bond with your cat comes into play.
Playtime is crucial in developing a strong bond with your cat. Cats are natural hunters and thrive on mental and physical stimulation. By engaging in regular play sessions with your cat, you are not only providing them with the necessary exercise but also building trust and strengthening the bond between you two.
It’s important to understand that each cat has their own unique personality and preferences when it comes to playtime. Some may enjoy chasing toys while others may prefer interactive games such as hide-and-seek or puzzle toys. It’s essential to try out different types of toys and games to see what your cat responds best to.
In addition to playtime, training is another great way to create a bond with your furry friend. Contrary to popular belief, cats can be trained just like dogs. Training not only provides
Embracing the Joys and Challenges of Being a Cat Parent:
Welcoming a new furry friend into your home is an exciting and rewarding experience. As you embark on this journey of cat parenthood, you will undoubtedly encounter both joys and challenges along the way. In this blog section, we will delve into the various aspects of being a cat parent — from the joys of bonding with your feline companion to the challenges of raising a happy and healthy cat.
One of the most fulfilling aspects of being a cat parent is the strong bond that forms between you and your feline family member. Cats are known for their independent nature, but they also have a strong need for affection and companionship. As you spend time with your cat, playing, cuddling, and grooming them, you will develop a deep bond that will bring joy to your life every day. This bond is what makes cats such wonderful companions and beloved members of our families.
However, along with the joys come challenges that every cat parent must face. One common challenge is providing proper care for your cat’s physical and emotional needs. Cats require regular grooming, exercise, and mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy. As a new cat parent, it can be overwhelming to learn all about these needs and how to fulfill them. But don’t worry — we have got you covered! Our blog section provides helpful
The Importance of Responsible Ownership in Nurturing Happy Cats:
As animal lovers, many of us have dream of having a furry friend to call our own. And for those who have decided to take the plunge into cat parenthood, it can be an exciting and rewarding experience. However, with great love comes great responsibility, and it is important for us to understand the significance of responsible ownership in nurturing happy cats.
The first step towards being a responsible cat owner is in understanding the needs and nature of these independent creatures. Cats may seem low maintenance compared to other pets, but they still require proper care and attention. This includes providing them with a suitable living environment, regular visits to the veterinarian, and ensuring they have a nutritious diet.
Creating a comfortable home for your feline family member is essential for their well-being. Cats are territorial animals and need a space that they can call their own. This could be a designated area in your home or even a cozy cat tree where they can climb and scratch to their heart’s content. Providing them with toys and scratching posts not only keeps them entertained but also helps prevent destructive behavior.
It is also crucial to establish a routine for regular check-ups with your veterinarian. Cats may appear healthy on the outside, but regular check-ups can help detect any underlying health issues early on. This not only ensures the longevity of your.
You can visit our website to discover wonderful things about your cats.
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ailendolin · 1 year
ThemThere Thursday - 01 - Yonderland
Title: Menace [AO3]
Characters: Negatus & Debbie, the demons, the twins, Voltari
Prompt: Negatus adopting his mangey (compliment) little Yorkie. - Prompt sent in by the lovely @tonystarksfabulousass.
A/N: While this is a sequel to my fic Scratchy, it's not really necessary to have read it to understand this one.
Prompts are open, so if you want me to write a story for you just send me an ask with the fandom, characters and your prompt. I’m writing for Ghosts, Yonderland, Horrible Histories and Bill at the moment.
“Don’t you think it’s time to get a little of that feeling Scratchy gave you back?”
Negatus could still hear Debbie’s quiet laugh ringing in his ear when he’d asked her, “Are you telling me to get another dog?”
“No, not quite,” she had said. “But I’ll gladly go with you to the shelter if you’re thinking of adopting one.”
He had told her he would think about it – and he had, every day and every night since her birthday party. Now that the idea had been planted in his head, he couldn’t seem to get rid of it anymore. No matter where he looked or what he did, something always reminded him of it; be it Jeff every time he went a little too feral and nearly shredded the newspaper instead of giving it to him like a good little demon, or Neal who seemed to have adopted a stray flutterbug he’d found half-dead in the Chamber of Evil Misdeeds. It was even worse when he left his Fortress. Just yesterday he had seen that good for nothing Payne give his son some sort of lizard, of all things. The lad had beamed up at his father as if Thanktival had come early, looking like he was about to cry. Negatus gave the poor lizard three days tops before it found its head parted from its body and up on one of Payne’s walls.
He’d always despised the old bugger.
All of this made it incredible hard not to give in to temptation and ask Debbie if she’d really meant what she said. Telling himself that he sort of already had a pet in Jeff or that dogs were too high maintenance with their walks three times a day and special dog food and all the toys they left lying around didn’t help either because he’d inevitably remember how kind and loyal they were too. How they managed to calm you down and make you smile even when you felt like crying just a moment ago by simply looking at you with their big brown eyes and wagging their stupid tails.
Negatus closed his eyes and sighed. He’d never stood a chance, had he? Even though he had lost Scatchy years ago, he’d never forgotten how safe he’d felt with the little guy curled up next to him at night. There had been precious little in his childhood that hadn’t terrified him one way or another but Scratchy had made those fears disappear simply by being there.
Negatus rarely allowed himself to think about him these days but when he did he missed him so fiercely it felt like his heart was missing a piece. A new dog wouldn’t change that, wouldn’t ever replace Scratchy – he knew that. But maybe … maybe it would give his life a new purpose now that being evil had gone out of fashion so spectacularly with Cuddly Dick’s defeat.
“Demons!” he called, decision made. It only took a second for Rita, Jeff and Neil to appear out of nowhere.
“You called, oh not-so-dark Lord?” Rita asked.
“Fetch me my helmet. We need to find the elf. I’m going to get myself a dog.”
Rita and Neill shared a look that didn’t seem as surprised as Negatus had expected it to be. Jeff merely cocked his head to the side. “I thought you were a cat person.”
“Ugh,” Negatus said and shoved him away.
“We can’t take the demons with us to the shelter, Negatus,” Debbie said for the third time.
Also for the third time, Negatus frowned at her. “Why not? They’re my minions – that’s almost like pets, innit? No one will notice a few more scraggly beasts running around the shelter. I mean, look at them.”
The demons all gave a little wave. Debbie groaned.
“They,” she said, pointing at the demons, “are your employees. We’ve talked about this, Negatus.”
“Have we?” Negatus asked, glancing at Rita and Neil. They nodded, and so did Ben and Hayley who sat next to them. “Okay, fine. But it won’t be my fault if they won’t get along with the dog.”
Jeff looked up from the drawing he was making. “Dog? I thought we were here to see James McAvoy.”
Before Negatus could do so much as roll his eyes, Debbie marched over to the TV and turned on the film with the magical cupboard the demons and children had been watching the last time Negatus had been in Debbie’s world.
“Not again,” Neil groaned at the same time as Ben and Hayley shouted, “Mr Tumnus!” drowning out Jeff’s equally excited, “Look! That’s him!”
“That’ll keep them busy,” Debbie murmured before she added a little more loudly, “All right, kids, I’m off with Negatus. Daddy’s upstairs fixing the leak in the bathroom so if you need anything, just shout for him.”
She gave both Ben and Hayley a kiss before she took off Negatus’s helmet and gestured for him to say goodbye as well. He waved at the demons. “See you later, losers.”
“Unbelievable,” Debbie muttered as she pulled him out of the room. “Pete! We’re going! Love you!”
“Love you more!” Pete’s voice echoed down the stairwell, followed by a loud thump and a quiet, “Ow,” that Debbie chose to ignore.
“Shall we?”
Negatus hadn’t known what to expect when she told him to get into the car – something similar to a taxi ride in Yonderland, perhaps, where the slow pace allowed one to really appreciate the scenery. It certainly wasn’t Debbie driving them to the shelter at neck-breaking speed and nearly getting them both killed on the way. She even had the audacity to laugh in his face when she saw him desperately clinging to the door upon their arrival. “Bit too fast?”
Negatus merely glowered at her.
The shelter didn’t look like much at first glance, he found, and that impression didn’t change when they stepped inside. He considered the possibility that it was meant to appear a little rundown and uninviting – he had never been in a shelter in Debbie’s world before, after all, so who knew how these places were supposed to look. But he got the distinct impression that lack of funding made it difficult, perhaps even impossible, for the staff to give the animals the love they needed despite obviously pouring their hearts and souls into their work. The took good care of the animals, yes – all of them had food and water bowls, as far as Negatus could tell, and sometimes even the odd little toy – something that couldn’t be said for the hunting dogs his father used to own or the horses Negatus had watched wasting away in the dark stables. But good care alone wasn’t enough. If he had learned anything from Scratchy then that food and water might be needed to survive but were rarely enough to live.
As he went down the corridor and looked at the kennels with Debbie at his side, sad eyes glanced up at him wherever he looked. Some of the dogs came running up to the doors, barking in excitement; others curled up in the corner, whimpering. Some didn’t move at all, already having resigned themselves to their fate.
It tugged at Negatus’s heart, and he found himself stopping and turning to Debbie with a helpless look on his face. “How am I supposed to just … choose one? I mean, look at them.”
He gestured at all the sad faces around them, each and every one of them deserving of a home.
After a moment of silent consideration, Debbie said, “Maybe you’re not supposed to.”
At first, Negatus thought she was telling him to take all of them home. While he certainly would have the space in his Fortress, he didn’t have the time to take care of that many dogs nor the capacity to love them as they deserved.
Debbie gently touched his arm. “Maybe someone else is meant to choose.”
She nodded towards the caretaker who had been showing them around and was currently kneeling in front of a door, trying to coax one of the dogs closer, and Negatus finally understood.
Asking to see, “The dog everyone just walks past and no one wants,” ended up with him walking out of the animal shelter with a three-legged and half-blind Yorkshire Terrier – that’s what Debbie and the caretaker had called the pitiful little bundle of matted fur in his arms, anyway. Apparently, she had been found on the streets half a year ago and the caretakers had lovingly called her Princess even though she gnarled and growled at anyone who came too close to her.
Negatus instantly fell in love. Princess as a name, however, wouldn’t do so he had chosen a new, appropriately evil name for her that was similar enough to her old name for her not to get too confused.
“Demons!” he called when Debbie opened the front door. “Meet your new housemate – Menace!”
Rita and Neil gave him looks that clearly said he had lost his mind and carefully kept their distance from the little growling thing in his arms. Jeff, on the other hand, came right up to him and reached up to pet Menace without any hesitation.
“She’s fluffy,” he declared happily even though most of Menace’s fur was awfully matted and in desperate need of both a bath and a cut. She bared her teeth at him but allowed the touch. “Aw look, she’s smiling at me!”
“Right,” Rita muttered and took another step back as Ben and Hayley rushed past her. They were crowding the little dog before Debbie had a chance to stop them.
“She smells,” Hayley said with a mix of disgust and delight. Ben scrunched up his nose and nodded in agreement but didn’t let that stop him from petting the dog.
Menace, it turned out, was – well, not exactly friendly with children and demons but willing to tolerate them. The same couldn’t be said for most adult humans. Debbie wasn’t allowed to pet her and neither were the Elders when Negatus brought her around for the first time, much to Choop’s disappointment. She seemed to like Nick and Elf well enough, though, and loved to play fetch with the Youngers.
There was only one exception to her no-adults rule aside from Negatus: Voltari. Whenever Menace saw him, she would follow him around like a – well, like a lost puppy. Negatus was sure Voltari kept sneaking her treats when he wasn’t looking but so far hadn’t been able to catch him doing it.
“That’s my dog, you know? Get your own if you want one so bad.”
Voltari shared an amused look with Dissectus before he pointedly gave Menace a scratch behind her ears. “Oh no, we’re just fine, aren’t we, sweet girl?”
Menace, the little traitor, closed her eyes in bliss.
He might not have been completely sure about getting a dog at first but now that he had her, Negatus couldn’t imagine life without Menace anymore. She slept next to him at night, licked his face in the morning to wake him up, chased the demons around the kitchen table for fun during breakfast and nearly killed him twice a day by leaving one of her toys lying around in an unfortunate place – though that could have also been Jeff, now that Negatus thought about it. Most importantly, she made him laugh with her goofy antics and silly barks – more than anyone else had in a very long time.
She wasn’t Scratchy – and that was okay because Scratchy would always have a place in his heart that no one else could possible take. There was space there for Menace too, and Negatus liked to think that Scratchy would be happy for him.
“He would have liked you,” he murmured fondly as he lifted Menace up onto his lap. She growled but closed her eyes in bliss when he petted her behind her ears, making him chuckle fondly. “You little menace, you.” It was nice to have a buddy again.
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