#the constellation in the background is the lupus one :)
vancilart · 1 year
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❌ be a man
✔️ be swift as a coursing river
✔️ have the force of a great typhoon
✔️ have all the strength of a raging fire
✔️ be mysterious as the dark side of the moon
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sweet-star-cookie · 15 hours
what information do libra's library books contain? who is allowed to read them?
Good question, and I saw your other ask so I'll answer that one here too! Actually I should probably start with the library's appearance, though as usual I don't have much in the way of images yet 🥴 I basically have to drag my motivation kicking and screaming to do background design these days, but I did manage to sketch a part of what the back wall looks like in my head tonight at least:
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I picture it as an ornate but practical two-level library with high ceilings, lots of wood and warm lighting. Notably, its design and floor plan are entirely symmetrical, a deliberate reference to Libra's exactness and a more literal take on the idea of balance in general. The door on the bottom floor is where new or returned books are processed and then returned to the shelves, and beyond that is Lupus's private room. The door on the top floor leads down a hallway to Libra's private room where the scales that she's named after also reside.
Here's an old concept for another part of the building that might give you a better idea of the overall vibe and colours (though I need to update this too, this is from like 2019 lol)
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As for what it contains, the library functions similarly to other places that seek to preserve the Astral Plane's history. Any books that were remnants of past constellations, be they the author or the subject, are kept here.
For example, the previous incarnation of Lepus was a famous warrior known as The Great Hare, and she documented many of her adventures in her war diaries, of which there are several volumes. I have some side stories planned for what happens to the Chamaeleon Three after the events of the main story, and the current Lepus learns more about who came before him, hoping to maybe become more heroic and confident like she was.
Libra and Lupus spend a lot of time cataloguing all of the information in the library's books, both for archival purposes and especially for any that may provide even a hint at answering some of the more mysterious questions about the Astral Plane. The library has speculative and entirely fictional works as well though, and you can bet that Capricorn and Pegasus have penned written versions of their various plays as well.
The library is open to the public, as both Libra and Lupus strongly believe in the pursuit of knowledge for all, though there are strict rules in place for the patrons' behaviour to avoid any destruction or disorganization. Anyone can read any book, and accommodations needed for language, blindness, deafness, etc. are achieved magically, with the book itself changing in appearance and/or function to be tailored to the reader. While it is encouraged to read the books inside the library itself, they can be checked out like in any other library.
That is, with the exception of any books that can be used as weapons, like magical tomes, which are stored and guarded elsewhere. Libra's balancing magic is often used to ensure that, even if they were stolen, their magic could be negated to reduce their potential harm.
It is possible for books entirely from Earth to appear here though, albeit in specific circumstances and not every book either. How this is possible is a bit of a spoiler, though it's pretty nebulous for the characters anyway!
Because they lack context from their presumed origins on Earth, it can be hard to determine if some of these books are fact or fiction, though they're usually interesting enough regardless, and at least are another indicator of the connection between Earth and the Astral Plane's residents. Pegasus loves anything from other playwrights that she can find there, for instance.
Given Libra's various duties as the keeper of balance and the resident healer after Ophiuchus's disappearance, Lupus does much of the maintenance and running of the library himself, and he does so diligently, with great reverence for it and Libra herself. When on duty, he is very rarely seen standing still, constantly finding something to do. Libra's magic is always there to assist all throughout the library as well though, like her air magic carrying books in and out of high shelves so Lupus doesn't have to climb a ladder every time to get to it. Floating books are a common sight here!
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hannahmcgill · 2 years
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Gastronomy Chart A silly piece depicting my personal experiences with food linked to various constellations in the sky.
Image ID beneath Read More cut contains over 70 food puns in a list. This is a long list, and a lot of puns, so I'm not going to subject everyone to all that without their consent.
[img id] 1st image: Digital art depicting food-themed constellations. Blue constellations are on a flat black background. It is labeled 'Gastronomy' along the bottom.
2nd image: Labeled black-and-white diagram of first image so that everyone can appreciate the puns. The labels are as follows, in alphabetical order:
Andromeda - "Pan"-dromeda Antlia - "Anchovy"-a Apus - A-"Parsnip" Aquarius - Asparagus Aquila - Aq-"Waffles" Ara - A-"Radish" Aries - Berries (say this one aloud) Auriga - Auriga-no (say this one aloud, too) Boötes - "Beer"-tes Caelum - "Cake"-um Camelopardalis - "Caramel"-opardalis Cancer - Boiled Crab Canes Venatici - Canes "Penne"-tici Canis Major - "Soda Can"-is Major (so it's a big plastic bottle) Canis Minor - "Soda Can"-is Minor (just the cat) Capricornus - Capri-"Corn"-us Carina - "Calamari"-na Cassiopeia - "Spaghetti"-opeia Centaurus - "Gin"-taurus Cepheus - "Cereal"-phus Cetus - "Sushi"-tus Chamaeleon - Chamaele-"oolong" Circinus - "Citrus"-inus Columba - "Cola"-mba Coma Berenices - "Chicken Korma" Berenices Corvus - Cor-"Vanilla"-s Crater - Was already food-related, so no pun necessary. Crux - Slice of Cake Cygnus - Roast Swan Delphinus - Del-"Fondue" Dorado - "Doragon Fruit" Draco - "Drink"-o Equuleus - "Egg"-uuleus Eridanus - Eri-"Danishes" Fornax - For-"Nachos" Gemini - Ge-"Mint"-i Grus - "Au" Grus Hercules - "Burger"-cules Horologium - "Hors-d'œuvre"-logium Hydra - Hyd-"Ramen" Hydrus - Hy-"Drumstick" Indus - In-"Dessert" Lacerta - It's a gummy lizard! Leo - Le-"Orange" Leo Minor - Le-"Orange" Minor Lepus - "Leek"-us Libra - Li-"Bread" Lupus - Lu-"Pumpkin" Lynx - "Sausage" Lynx Mensa - Men-"Salmon" Microscopium - Monoceros - Mono-"Celery"-os Musca - "Mousse"-ca Norma - "Nori"-ma Octans - "Okra"-tans Ophiuchus - Ophiu-"Cous-cous" Orion - Ori-"Onion" Pegasus - "Egg"-asus Perseus - "Supper"-seus Phoenix - Phoen-"ice cream" Pictor - "Pickle"-tor Pisces - "Stargazy Pie"-sces Piscis Austrinus - Pisces Aus-"Tin"-Us Puppis - Pup-"Pizza" Pyxis - "Pizza" Reticulum - "Ratatouille"-um Sagittarius - Saggi-"Pear"-ius Scorpius - Roast Lobster Tail Sculptor - Sculp-"Tortilla" Scutum - Scu-"Toast" Taurus - A Steak Telescopium - "Tea"-loscopium Triangulum - Wedge of triangular cheese Triangulum Australe Tucana - "Tuna Can"-a Ursa Major - Ursa "Measure" Ursa Minor - Ur-"Salt" minor Vela - "Veal"-a Virgo - "Extra" Virgo "Olive Oil" Volans - Vo-"Lasagna" Vulpecula - "Full"-pecula
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Radiant protostars and shadowy clouds clash in stellar nursery he massive, star-forming interstellar cloud Lupus 3 is captured with the 570-megapixel US Department of Energy-fabricated Dark Energy Camera at NSF's NOIRLab's Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile. The dazzling central region of this sprawling cloud reveals a pair of infant stars bursting from their natal cocoons of dust and gas to illuminate the reflection nebula known as Bernes 149. These contrasting regions make this object a prime target of research on star formation. The clashing of energy and matter can lead to fantastical sites on Earth, such as glowing auroras and powerful lightning displays. The same can be said about space, where energy from bright young stars and protostars floods their surroundings, illuminating vast interstellar clouds of dust and gas to create spectacular objects known as reflection nebulae. One stunning example of these clashing forces is the star-forming interstellar cloud Lupus 3, captured here by the 570-megapixel US Department of Energy-fabricated Dark Energy Camera at NSF's NOIRLab's Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile. This star-forming nebula is located about 500 light-years from Earth in the direction of the constellation Lupus (the Wolf). The two blue stars blazing in the center of the sprawling nebula, known as HR 5999 and HR 6000, illuminate nearby gas and dust, creating the bright blue reflection nebula Bernes 149. These stars grew out of the dark nebula Lupus 3, which stretches like a blanket across the background of stars. This cloud is not just a coal-black cosmic blob, however. It is home to a fleet of infant stars known as T Tauri stars, which will eventually use the material of Lupus 3 to grow into fully fledged stars. At the relatively young age of about 1 million years, HR 5999 and HR 6000 are the oldest of the stars in the Lupus 3 region. These stars are pre-main-sequence stars, meaning that despite their brightness, they are not yet powered by nuclear fusion, like our sun. They are instead powered by gravity, which compresses and heats up the internal matter. These sibling stars have blown away nearby gas and dust, illuminating the remnants and creating the Bernes 149 reflection nebula. When the true nature of this nebula was first discovered, astronomers hoped that it and similar regions would be useful in finding areas of recent or active star formation. This hunch was proven correct and Lupus 3 has since provided many insights into the early stages of star formation. Lupus 3 is one of at least nine clouds within the massive Lupus cloud complex. Lupus 3 itself stretches across an area of the sky equivalent to about 24 moon-diameters as seen from Earth. With a whopping 2.2-degree field of view, DECcam can capture massive objects like Lupus 3 in a single image. The pairing of DECam's wide-field capabilities and the light-collecting capabilities of the Víctor M. Blanco 4-meter Telescope's 4-meter-wide mirror produces crisp, high resolution images. IMAGE....The massive, star-forming interstellar cloud Lupus 3 is captured with the 570-megapixel US Department of Energy-fabricated Dark Energy Camera at NSF's NOIRLab's Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile. The dazzling central region of this sprawling cloud reveals a pair of infant stars bursting from their natal cocoons of dust and gas to illuminate the reflection nebula known as Bernes 149. These contrasting regions make this object a prime target of research on star formation. Credit: CTIO/NOIRLab/DOE/NSF/AURA/ T.A. Rector (University of Alaska Anchorage/NSF's NOIRLab)Image Processing: D. de Martin & M. Zamani (NSF's NOIRLab)
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s-b-party · 1 year
Possible Role of Minor Constellations pt. 2
The link above provides more context about my further thoughts for this thread but basically, i previously discussed my reasoning for why some characters have the word "minor" (Latin for "lesser") in their animal constellations' names while other characters who also have animal constellations do not have "minor"; i thought that the characters that were  currently in the game at that time (Jean, Razor, Sayu) had minor in their constellation names bc they were considered "lesser" than ppl who either have had a strong impact on their lives or who taught them much (Vennessa for Jean, Varka for Razor, unnamed sensei for sayu) currently in the game at that time (Jean, Razor, Sayu) had minor in their constellation names bc they were considered "lesser" than ppl who either have had a strong impact on their lives or who taught them much (Vennessa for Jean, Varka for Razor, unnamed sensei for sayu)
**For some background info, Jean's constellation is Leo Minor (lesser lion), Razor's constellation is Lupus Minor (lesser wolf), and Sayu's constellation is Nyctereutes Minor (lesser raccoon dog; honestly sayu's constellation is a bit of a mess but here is the explanation for the discrepancy 
Heizou was not out at the time but we knew that his constellation name was Cervus Minor, meaning "Lesser Deer" and i wondered if we would get some lines/info about any potential future characters who would be the major/maior/greater w/ enough similarities to him
Currently based on what i've seen so far, we haven't rlly gotten much on any possible candidates that could fit the categories, but while we don't see much info about it now, there is still a possibility that hyv may come out w/ such a character in the distant future since characters can get updates to their voicelines; however i've also been trying to see other possible reasons for having "minor" in their constellation names, i was looking at the wikia for genshin looking for a pic of heizou's constellation and i hadn't realized that there was a page where the constellation is translated into other languages before (i believe there is an "in other languages" translation page for every constellation that is currently in-game rn) and when i checked the Chinese translation of Heizou's constellation, it says "Fawn constellation", so i was wondering if maybe minor/lesser simply refers to the characters in question being young/younger than the ppl who have had an impact/taught them many things? 
"Lesser" could be taken in different ways, like being "inferior" or "not as great" but it could also refer to being "younger" or "not mature", perhaps my initial interpretation was not what they meant; as for the other 3 characters, Jean's says "Lion cub constellation" and Razor's says "Little wolf constellation", Sayu's is the only one that maintains the word lesser in the translation; i wonder if it's mostly just differences in ppl translating the constellations since the wikia is a living website that can be edited any time or if the differences actually do mean something important in terms of lore for these characters' constellations
If you would be interested in seeing the constellations' translations in other languages, here are the quick links!
After finding out about the translations, i'm not sure on how to take the meaning of "minor", Latin has always been, how should i say this, abundant in vocabulary that could mean either one thing or several things & translating to other languages can be difficult at times bc we can't expect everything to translate smoothly and of course, everybody has different interpretations, but now i've found two possible reasons for the use/role of Minor in the names of certain constellations, it would be very cool if we get any characters with Major/Maior in their constellation names!
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myfeeds · 1 year
Hidden views of vast stellar nurseries
“In these images we can detect even the faintest sources of light, like stars far less massive than the Sun, revealing objects that no one has ever seen before,” says Stefan Meingast, an astronomer at the University of Vienna in Austria and lead author of the new study published today in Astronomy & Astrophysics. “This will allow us to understand the processes that transform gas and dust into stars.” Stars form when clouds of gas and dust collapse under their own gravity, but the details of how this happens are not fully understood. How many stars are born out of a cloud? How massive are they? How many stars will also have planets? To answer these questions, Meingast’s team surveyed five nearby star-forming regions with the VISTA telescope at ESO’s Paranal Observatory in Chile. Using VISTA’s infrared camera VIRCAM, the team captured light coming from deep inside the clouds of dust. “The dust obscures these young stars from our view, making them virtually invisible to our eyes. Only at infrared wavelengths can we look deep into these clouds, studying the stars in the making,” explains Alena Rottensteiner, a PhD student also at the University of Vienna and co-author of the study. The survey, called VISIONS, observed star-forming regions in the constellations of Orion, Ophiuchus, Chamaeleon, Corona Australis and Lupus. These regions are less than 1500 light-years away and so large that they span a huge area in the sky. The diameter of VIRCAM’s field of view is as wide as three full Moons, which makes it uniquely suited to map these immensely big regions. The team obtained more than one million images over a period of five years. The individual images were then pieced together into the large mosaics released here, revealing vast cosmic landscapes. These detailed panoramas feature dark patches of dust, glowing clouds, newly-born stars and the distant background stars of the Milky Way. Since the same areas were observed repeatedly, the VISIONS data will also allow astronomers to study how young stars move. “With VISIONS we monitor these baby stars over several years, allowing us to measure their motion and learn how they leave their parent clouds,” explains João Alves, an astronomer at the University of Vienna and Principal Investigator of VISIONS. This is not an easy feat, as the apparent shift of these stars as seen from Earth is as small as the width of a human hair seen from 10 kilometres away. These measurements of stellar motions complement those obtained by the European Space Agency’s Gaia mission at visible wavelengths, where young stars are hidden by thick veils of dust. The VISIONS atlas will keep astronomers busy for years to come. “There is tremendous long-lasting value for the astronomical community here, which is why ESO steers Public Surveys like VISIONS,” says Monika Petr-Gotzens, an astronomer at ESO in Garching, Germany, and co-author of this study. Moreover, VISIONS will set the groundwork for future observations with other telescopes such as ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope (ELT), currently under construction in Chile and set to start operating later this decade. “The ELT will allow us to zoom into specific regions with unprecedented detail, giving us a never-seen-before close-up view of individual stars that are currently forming there,” concludes Meingast.
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felikatze · 3 years
All Genshin Impact Constellation names translated into English, sorted alphabetically.
If anybody has a proper translation for Xiao, please enlighten me I am losing my mind. Is Nemeseos Greek? I don't do Greek I only do Latin.
Albedo - Princeps Cretaceus: Chalk-like Prince
Amber - Lepus: Rabbit
Barbara - Crater: Mixing Bowl / Crater / Abyss (most likely the first due to her background as a healer and a nun)
Beidou - Victor Mare: Winner from the Sea
Bennett - Rota Calamitas: Wheel of Calamity (edit: this may be a pun. yknow. wheel of (mis)fortune)
Chongyun - Nubis Caesor: Hewer of Clouds (According to dictionaries, "nubis" may also refer to a "gloomy expression")
Diluc - Noctua: Owl
Diona - Feles: Cat
Fischl - Corvus: Crow
Ganyu - Sinae Unicornis: One-horned China (as in the country)
Hu Tao - Papilio Charontis: Charon's Butterfly
Jean - Leo Minor: Smaller Lion
Kaeya - Pavo Occelus: Eye from a Peacock
Keqing - Trulla Cementarii: Mason's Trowel
Klee - Trifolium: Clover
Lisa - Tempus Fugit: Time Flees (Hers is the only constellation to include a verb in its title)
Mona - Astrolabos: Astrolabe (actually derived from the Greek word Astrolabos)
Ningguang - Opus Aequilibrium: Balanced Work
Noelle - Parma Cordis: Heart's Shield ("parma" specifically refers to small and round shields)
Qiqi - Pristina Nola: Former Bell (I personally do not think Nola refers to the city in Italy)
Razor - Lupus Minor: Smaller Wolf
Rosaria - Spinae Corona: Crown of Thorns
Sucrose - Ampulla: Ampoule
Tartaglia -Monoceros Caeli: Heaven's Unicorn
Traveler - Viator: Traveler (Lumine's is the same as Aether's, just feminine)
Venti - Carmen Dei: God's Song / God of Song
Xiangling - Trulla: Ladle
Xingqiu - Fabulae Textile: Woven Stories
Xinyan - Fila Ignium: String of Flames ("Fila" may also refer specifically to instrument strings)
Zhongli - Lapis Dei: God's Rock / God of Rock
You may note i left one out:
Xiao - Alatus Nemeseos.
Xiao is going to make me crack my own teeth open. "Alatus" means winged. The real problem comes in with "Nemeseos."
Identifying it in latin grammar lands you with a masculine accusative plural, which is freaking weird for a title since accusative is a case denoting the object of a sentence. Nemeseos is also not a word as far as i know? It seems derived from Nemesis, the goddess of retribution (or Nemesius, a philosopher who talked about human nature, but considering the Yaksha's whole karma deal, likely the former)
So if it was "Alatus Nemesis" I wouldn't bat an eye since that's "winged nemesis" which fits his jumpy powers and the retribution aspect of his character. But again, nemeseos is accusative plural. Girl what.
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Any current or former latin students crying with me
(Made via excessive use of a latin dictionary and my fading skills after 4 years of classes. Gotta use my Latinum for something.)
Me being bilingual, some of these are translated around two corners [latin -> german -> english] but they should be accurate enough.
Most words are pulled from Latein.me, which hasn't led me astray getting the aforementioned Latinum, so it's gotta count for something at least (Better than any Latin to English dictionaries I found in any case).
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kjs-violin · 3 years
Fox to the Flame: Pythia (Amari) Ragvindar Lupicus
Constellation: Vulpes Ignis
Vision: Pyro (Formerly), Abyss (Formerly), All (Current)
Amari is 10 years older than her brother, Diluc (22), meaning she is 33 years of age. She left her home at the Dawn Winery in search of “Dusk” at the age of 16. She arrived in Snezhnaya shortly after. There she took the liberty of speaking with the Cyro Archon, Tsaritsa, thus gaining her second vision- Cyro. She then travelled to Inazuma, the Land of Eternity, meeting with Baal. This was before the shogun had become twisted, and Amari had established ties- gaining her the Electro Vision. She changed her name from Pythia to Amari. On her way to Natlan, she came across a Mirror Cicin Mage and followed her. The mage bore a child in Wolvendom, Razor, and left the child. Amari decided to raise the child along with the Lupine Pack- whom believe in lupical. She named the silver-haired child Razor and raised him as her own. She was 17 at the time. Razor gained the power of the vision through her and the way to use it. She had taught Diluc the claymore when she was 15 (He was 5 at the time). She then made her way to Natlan 6 years later, and left Razor in the care of Lupus Bóreas, or Andrius. When she arrived in Natlan, she met with Murata- the Lady of Fire. She formed a bond in finding out that she is a Child of Murata, and eventually strengthened her Pyro vision. Amari decided that when she finished her journey, she would join Murata in Natlan. After a solemn goodbye, she made her way to Liyue and met the Adepti along with Zhongli. She gained a Geo vision during the Rite of Descension. On her way to Sumeru, she met a young Lisa and guided her to the Sumeru Academy and gifting her with her first catalyst, Dawn of Starry Nights. Cyno, an old acquaintance of Amari’s, agreed to take Lisa in. She met with the archon and gained yet another vision. The time came for the last stretch of her journey, Fontaine. She played in a circus act to gain the attention of the archon and got herself a Hydro vision. Her journey was over and it was time to return to Natlan. Though, when she was faced with a Dragon of Dimensions, her vision spiraled out of control, plunging her into the deepest parts of the Abyss. She was overtaken the power that lead her to give Ajax the Foul Legacy- The Devouring Deep. She taught Ajax everything she knew and gave him the same Hydro Vision he wears today. After Ajax left, she was freed of her “curse“ and returned to Natlan. She swore never to use all of her visions at once again.
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chocolate-pokemon · 4 years
Constellation Prompts
                             *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・‘Constellations'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
Some prompts I made up with the help of some friends on a discord server! Feel free to use them with whatever you’d like! All of the constellations are on the list except for the Zodiac ones because I might save those for a different list. I don’t know if Toruu and Zumi will actually see this or not, but I love you guys and I love writing for you so thank you guys for the inspiration. I’ll write you some Juza and Masu later
💫 Andromeda | what sacrifices would they make for their s/o? how much would they give up for them?
💫 Antlia - what things does their s/o do that makes them feel lighter than air? any small things that make their heart flutter?
💫 Apus - what would their ultimate paradise with their s/o? how do they imagine their future being?
💫 Aquila - how much do they hold on to their s/o? how much would they protest if their s/o said they’d think they should break up?
💫 Ara - do they place their s/o on a pedestal? or can they see the flaws they may have?
💫 Auriga - are they able to carry their s/o through any emotional issues? do they struggle to help their s/o or are they good at handling emotional distress?
💫 Boötes - how do they protect their s/o if they need to?
💫 Caelum - how do they gift their s/o? do they give physical items or do they do actions?
💫 Camelopardalis - would they want to get pets with their s/o?
💫 Canes Venatici - do they like cuddles or do they prefer their space?
💫 Canis Major - do they like going out or staying in for dates?
💫 Canis Minor - how do they take care of their s/o when their sick?
💫 Carina - do they prefer to give dirty talk or sweet nothings?
💫 Cassiopeia - do they like do brag about their s/o to others?
💫 Centaurus - do they like going on double dates?
💫 Cepheus - how do they like to be treated by their s/o?
💫 Cetus - how do they react when seeing their s/o in a swimsuit?
💫 Chameleon - do they act differently when trying to court their s/o?
💫 Circinus - do they like being in the lead or do they like being led by their partner?
💫 Columba - are they traditionally romantic or do they like to get creative with their love?
💫 Coma Berenices - would they fight for their s/o?
💫 Corona Australis - do they like giving chocolates or jewelry?
💫 Corona Borealis - love at first sight or falling in love over time?
💫 Corvus - how are they when their s/o is pregnant? are they nervous or are they confident?
💫 Crater - how are they around their s/o when they’re drunk?
💫 Crux - do they miss their s/o a lot when they leave for a while?
💫 Cygnus - what kind of parent are they?
💫 Delphinus - do they write love letters to their s/o or do they prefer to text?
💫 Dorado - do they like to tease their s/o? do they like being teased?
💫 Draco - what things does their s/o do that makes them blush?
💫 Equuleus - what are their turn on’s and turn off’s?
💫 Eridanus - favorite nicknames for their s/o?
💫 Fornax - what kind of clothes turn them on?
💫 Grus - do they like trying new things or do they like doing the same activities?
💫 Hercules - can they be strong for their s/o? are they good at supporting their s/o?
💫 Horologium - how much time do they wait to confess to their s/o?
💫 Hydra - grand gestures or small actions?
💫 Hyrdrus - are they afraid of spiders or do they kill the spiders?
💫 Indus - how do they spice things up?
💫 Lacerta - do they offer their s/o their clothes or does their s/o have to steal them?
💫 Lepus - do they like having sex regularly or do they like having it on special occasions? (birthdays, valentine’s day, etc.)
💫 Lupus - are they possessive or laid back?
💫 Lynx - do they like giving or receiving love bites?
💫 Lyra - can they sing? do they like to sing duets with their s/o?
💫 Mensa - can they cook? do they cook for they for their s/o?
💫 Microscopium - what do they do when someone criticizes their s/o?
💫 Monoceros - do they believe in soulmates?
💫 Musca - passionate make outs or short, sweet kisses?
💫 Norma - are they pretty vanilla in bed or do they lean to the more kinky side?
💫 Octans - do they have their phone background set as their s/o?
💫 Orphiuchus - what’s their love language?
💫 Orion - how do they court their s/o?
💫 Pavo - what do they admire the most about their s/o?
💫 Pegasus - do they like to braid their s/o’s hair?
💫 Phoenix - what is one phrase that can turn them on in an instant?
💫 Pictor - how do they react when their s/o sends them a suggestive picture?
💫 Piscis Austrinus - do they like to shower with their s/o?
💫 Puppis - do their friends ship them with their s/o?
💫 Pyxis - what happens if their s/o gives them a suggestive comment?
💫 Reticulum - stargazing on the roof or slow dancing in the kitchen?
💫 Sagitta - what do their parents think of their s/o?
💫 Sculptor - do they like to give their s/o massages? do the like receiving them?
💫 Scutum - how do they comfort their s/o?
💫 Serpens - what is an odd quirk they have in relationships?
💫 Sextans - spontaneous dates or planned dates?
💫 Telescopium - staying inside on a rainy day or playing in the puddles?
💫 Triangulum - would they ever consider a polyamorous relationship?
💫 Triangulum Australe - do they remember small details about their s/o?
💫 Tucana - do they want to propose or be proposed to?
💫 Ursa Major - how do they act around kids? do they want kids of their own?
💫 Ursa Minor - what’s their greatest fear in a relationship?
💫 Vela - how do they react if their s/o tells them they love them?
💫 Volans - what do they do when their s/o yells out “trust fall!”?
💫 Vulpecula - how do they unwind after a stressful day? 
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theartofilyatath · 6 years
ABOUT | Sirius
FULL NAME: Sirius Orion Black NICKNAME(S): Padfoot DATE OF BIRTH: November 3rd, 1959 GENDER: Male BLOOD STATUS: Pureblood NATIONALITY: United Kingdom (English) HERITAGE: English, distant French SPOKEN LANGUAGE(S): English RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single OCCUPATION: Student AFFILIATION: Anti Death Eaters (Order of the Phoenix)
FACE CLAIM: Alex Høgh Andersen VOICE CLAIM: Jamie Blackley ACCENT: Posh London accent HEIGHT: 1,70 m BUILD: Slender, athletic DOMINANT HAND: Left HAIR COLOR: Black EYE COLOR: Grey SKIN TONE: Fair SCARS: Yes ⋯ right thigh (outside):  a short thin scar  TATTOOS: Yes ⋯ left side: four constellations, two real one (Canis Major and Lupus) and two he created (Cervus and Rattus) that when a command his spoken, draw magic lines on his skin, writing ‘I solemnly swear’.
HOMETOWN: London CURRENT RESIDENCE: Hogwarts FAMILY: ⋯ Walburga Black; mother ⋯ Orion Black; father ⋯ Regulus Black; younger brother ⋯ Andromeda, Bellatrix and Narcissa Black; cousins
SCHOOL: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy HOUSE / YEAR: Gryffindor, ‘78 FAVOURITE SUBJECT: Charms LEAST FAVOURITE SUBJECT: History of Magic BEST SUBJECT: Transfiguration WORST SUBJECT: Herbology CLUBS: Charms Club, Magical Theory, Muggle Music
PHYSICAL: Healthy (fit) ALLERGIES: None SLEEPING HABITS: Regular during school, six-seven hours of sleep per night EATING HABITS: Healthy, but not devoid of sweets or less healthy snacks EXERCISE HABITS: Doesn’t follow a exercise regiment, but highly active physical lifestyle ADDICTIONS: None DRUG USE: Rare ALCOHOL USE: Sparse; only at parties PHOBIAS: Claustrophobia
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good ELEMENT: Water ZODIAC: Scorpio ANIMAGUS FORM: Black Dog PATRONUS: Black Dog BOGGART: 12 Grimmauld Place's corridors WAND: 12 inches, unyielding, blackthorn wood, dragon heartstring core
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gloriousbanananana · 6 years
My OC, But I'll use the Y/N stuff so other people can
This character is sort of based in a Fairy Tail universe, but also the Avengers universe
Name: Y/N, Y/L/N
Gender: Female
Fairy Tail Emblem Placement: Right Thigh
Emblem Color: Sparkle Gold
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(emblem color)
Age is not really known
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown/Pink ombre
Personality: Whatever yours is
Favorite Food: Mine is cheesecake
Abilities: Magic, Supersoldier Strength
Dragon Slaying Magic(DSM)
Love DSM, Healing DSM, Requip DSM, Celestial DSM
Celestial Spirit Magic, Generating Magic, Requip Magic, Takeover Magic (like Mirajane)
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Love DSM:
Dragon Abilities: Strong Smell, Sight, Hearing, Strength
Pink Aura When in Use
Manipulating Peoples Feelings
Eats Pink/Red Auras
Secret Techniques:
Cupids Arrow
God of Loves Wrath
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Healing DSM:
Dragon Abilities
Blue Aura When in Use
Healing more than just people (plants/animals)
Eats light blue/green auras
Ability to heal the user
Healing Any Wound
Secret Techniques:
Rainbow Breath (Heals someone internally and externally)
Healing Club(Heals anyone in a one mile radius)
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Requip DSM:
Dragon Abilities
Gray Aura
Requip Magic + DSM
Eats Gray Aura
Secret Techniques:
Dancing Swords
Armory Attack
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Celestial DSM:
Dragon Abilities
Gold Aura
Celestial Spirit Magic + DSM
Eats gold auras
Secret Techniques:
Celestial Wrath
Milky Way
Black Hole
Stars and Comets
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Celestial Spirit Magic:
All silver keys (they summon celestial spirits which are like physical forms of constellations)
Canis Minor: The Little Dog
Canis Major: The Big Dog
Monoceros: The Unicorn
The Ship: Puppis(Shipdeck), Carina(Keel and Hull), Vela(Sails)
Columba: The Dove
Auriga: The Chariot Driver
Canes Venatici: The Hunting Dogs
Leo Minor: The Little Lion
Lepus: The Rabbit
Lupus: The Wolf
Lynx: The Lynx
Pavo: The Peacock
Pegasus: The Flying Horse
Phoenix: The Phoenix
Scutum: The Shield
Ursa Minor: The Little Bear
Character Background:
Shunned from the family at 4 years old for magical abilities
Trained with dragons for three years until they disappeared.
Captured by Tartoros, a dark guild of demons, for 5 years. There are demon particles in Y/N, making her super duper strong and have and etherious form(or demon form).
Traveled around for two years learning more magic and collecting keys.
At age 14 Y/N joins Fairy Tail, right before the seven year timeskip in x784
Stays with Fairy Tail for 12 years, recaptured by Tartoros, and is put into a sleep lasting for thousands of years, still being tested on and being woken up for training and becoming more stronger, from the year x796 to 1940
1940 is when Y/N was waken up to fight for Tartoros against Hydra. Y/N fails because the Hydra agents has magic restraint tools and knocks her out, theyre being too rough with her and beating her up, ending uo breaking her right leg and severely damaging and braking her left arm beyond repair.
Hydra gives Y/N a vibranium right leg and left arm, leaving the Fairy Tail emblem on the leg, but makes it red, and a red star on her left shoulder on the metal arm. After Y/N is brainwashed and her mind is wiped they pair her with Bucky Barnes to become the worlds most deadliest assassins.
The Events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier follows. And Y/N is able to escape from Hydra after 70 years in 2010, and she goes out on her own, but because she was asleep for so long, Y/N has no clue what to do. Eventually Y/N starts writing her memories down and becomes part of the Avengers initiative.
Everything follows the events of the movies.
But instead Bucky is also in the Avengers compound and Y/N and Bucky become best of friends.
After a while of being friends, Bucky and Y/N fall in love and become boyfriend and girlfriend.
They're both really protective of each other, cuddles, sweet kisses included. Bucky doesnt believe that you actually want him and questions the relationship, but you reassure him that you do everytime.
After the 'Civil War' and Y/N siding with Team Cap, Bucky goes to Wakanda (events of the movie follows) Y/N sticks with Steve Rogers on the run.
When the events of the beginning of Infinity War starts, Y/N and Bucky reunite. It is very emotional for them.
Y/N says his name loud enough for him to hear and Bucky turns from Steve to Y/N and she jumps into his arms and she's crying and they're kissing each other like it was the last time they would be able to. It was very cliche.
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When Bucky turns to ash Y/N is pissed and she picks up his gun and becomes super O.P. (like Thor but magically) and she is ready to kick ass.
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gojesli-blog · 6 years
Star-Forming Region Lupus 3 A dark cloud of cosmic dust snakes across this spectacular wide field image, illuminated by the brilliant light of new stars. This dense cloud is a star-forming region called Lupus 3, where dazzlingly hot stars are born from collapsing masses of gas and dust. This image was created from images taken using the VLT Survey Telescope and the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope and is the most detailed image taken so far of this region. The Lupus 3 star forming region lies within the constellation of Scorpius (The Scorpion), only 600 light-years away from Earth. It is part of a larger complex called the Lupus Clouds, which takes its name from the adjacent constellation of Lupus (The Wolf). The clouds resemble smoke billowing across a background of millions of stars, but in fact these clouds are a dark nebula. Nebulae are great swathes of gas and dust strung out between the stars, sometimes stretching out over hundreds of light-years. While many nebulae are spectacularly illuminated by the intense radiation of hot stars, dark nebulae shroud the light of the celestial objects within them. They are also known as absorption nebulae, because they are made up of cold, dense particles of dust that absorb and scatter light as it passes through the cloud. Famous dark nebulae include the Coalsack Nebula and the Great Rift, which are large enough to be seen with the naked eye, starkly black against the brilliance of the Milky Way. Lupus 3 has an irregular form, appearing like a misshapen snake across the sky. In this image it is a region of contrasts, with thick dark trails set against the glare of bright blue stars at the centre. Like most dark nebulae, Lupus 3 is an active star formation region, primarily composed of protostars and very young stars. Nearby disturbances can cause denser clumps of the nebula to contract under gravity, becoming hot and pressurised in the process. Eventually, a protostar is born out of the extreme conditions in the core of this collapsing cloud. The two brilliant stars in the centre of this image underwent this very process. Early in their lives, the radiation they emitted was largely blocked by the thick veil of their host nebula, visible only to telescopes at infrared and radio wavelengths. But as they grew hotter and brighter, their intense radiation and strong stellar winds swept the surrounding areas clear of gas and dust, allowing them to emerge gloriously from their gloomy nursery to shine brightly. Understanding nebulae is critical for understanding the processes of star formation — indeed, it is thought that the Sun formed in a star formation region very similar to Lupus 3 over four billion years ago. As one of the closest stellar nurseries, Lupus 3 has been the subject of many studies; in 2013, the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope at ESO’s La Silla Observatoryin Chile captured a smaller picture of its dark smoke-like columns and brilliant stars.
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waveswordswhispers · 7 years
Little Things We Treasure Chapter One: Learn the Constellations
A Kakasaku fic here! I finally got it written lmao.
I don’t know how many chapters this will be but expect more than one!
For @yolkygoblin for dragging me into this hell (I love, you don’t worry and also THANK YOU VERY MUCH)
Please no ship bashing or hate, Sakura is over eighteen.
Possibly ooc, I’m sorry!
Kakashi has to be honest, he doesn’t think much about doing mundane, normally things that so many others have already done.
He doesn’t quite get the appeal of stargazing, not really, not even during the comet showers that has so many people clamouring about the shooting stars.
Not like there has been anyone to drag him outside before, and it reminds him of his old team, how they used to laugh and point out constellations, Obito and Rin screaming joyfully whenever they saw a shooting star, Minato always joining in, childishly making wishes with them while Kakashi ignored them.
It’s something he certainly regrets but there’s nothing he can change.
He’s walking home one night from his office, reading his Icha Icha Paradise books (Sakura lets him keep his collection as long as she never sees it and he never breathes a word of it to her) and he looks up for some unexplained reason.
He blinks, stopping in his tracks.
The sky is full of stars, shining as far as he can see.
He knows the constellation’s names by heart, Rin and Obito spent hours trying to teach him but he can’t quite pick them out.
He tries for bit more, footsteps in the background coming closer before stopping next to him.
“Kakashi,” Sakura suddenly says and Kakashi looks back down, Sakura looking up at him, raising an eyebrow, mud staining her clothing, dirt lining her hair. “What are you doing?”
Kakashi laughs sheepishly. “Ah, Sakura. Welcome back,” he greets her, lifting a hand in an attempt to comb the dirt of her now almost grey hair, the other quickly stowing the Icha Icha Paradise book in his pouch.
“Nice to see you too,” Sakura replies, her green eyes glittering with joy. Kakashi grins and looks up again.
Sakura follows his gaze, instantly pointing at a group of stars.
“Look, Aries!” she exclaims and Kakashi frowns, trying to follow her fingers that were connecting the stars. “And there’s the Big Dipper!”
“Hm?” Kakashi can only attempt to make sense of what she’s saying and pointing at, not quite getting it.
Sakura stops for a moment, staring at him curiously, a sudden look of realization spreading over her face.
“You don’t know the constellations!” Sakura shouts, eyes crinkling when her laughs rings out in the empty street, not an ounce of teasing in her tone, just surprise.
“Well, I know the names,” Kakashi defends himself, not quite ready to admit he doesn’t know anything she’s pointing at.
“It’s fine,” Sakura replies, grasping his hand yanking him down the street as she breaks into a run. “I’ll teach you!”
Kakashi lets himself be tugged along but stops right before they pass by their apartment, digging his heels in but it’s not enough to throw Sakura off balance in the slightest.
“You should shower and change first,” he explains when Sakura huffs in protest. “And eat. I’ll cook for you,” he adds.
“I’m fine!” Sakura answers playfully but listens anyways. “Don’t burn down the kitchen!” she calls over her shoulder, throwing a over the top, concerned look at the kitchen and then him.
Kakashi groans, shuddering as the one time incident floods back into his mind from where he had buried it.
“It was one time!” he yells and Sakura cackles. “Gai’s not here right now!” he adds and Sakura only laughs harder.
Kakashi manages to make sure the smoke alarms don’t go off and by the time Sakura’s finished eating, it’s later than he likes but according to Sakura, it’s the perfect time to see all the stars in the sky.
“I have a mission tomorrow,” he grumps. “Tsunade will kill me if I’m late.”
Sakura’s putting the last of the dishes away and she pauses, her lips quirking up into a smirk.
“Aw, Kakashi-sensei, didn’t realize you were actually scared enough to care about your, ahem, habit that you never bother to fix.”
Kakashi glares at her, pulling on his mask, grabbing a blanket in case it gets chilly out.
“She’s scary,” he mutters and he almost automatically adds, ‘have you met the woman?’ but his brain works for once in its life and bites it off at the last moment before his mouth can land him a death sentence.
Sakura seems to know that and grins cheekily before grabbing his hand and yanking him along with enough force to pull his arm out of its socket.
“Oh well, we won’t be that long!”
“That’s what you always say.”
“The sky’s clear tonight, you don’t get many chances like this! And if you listen,” she pauses, throwing a exasperated look at him, “maybe you’ll learn faster, and then it will be quick!”
Kakashi snorts and glances away quickly when Sakura’s grip tightens, her smile dangerously sweet.
“Got something to say, Hatake?”
Her tone is deceptively calm, the one she uses with people when they have particularly riled her, and she is zero point five seconds from unleashing her wrath on them, or prepared to give them the quickest, but most painful treatment she is capable of.
A gulp and Kakashi replies, “No,” oh so very quietly because, he wants to be able to walk tomorrow.
Sakura beams.
Two hours later and it’s quite pleasant.
Sakura has taken them to a quiet spot that he hasn’t known about, a pleasant surprise and the bonus is, it’s far, far, far away from anyone.
He has a new hiding spot and he thinks he’ll be stealing it from Sakura when he needs a break from social life.
Technically, Kakashi has learned and memorized all the constellations within the first fifteen minutes because he’s not that dumb, but Sakura looks like she’s having so much fun that he doesn’t want to end it.
It has nothing to do with the fact that he wants to see how long it takes before she figures out he’s faking it.
At all.
Okay, maybe a little.
“So, again, Big Dipper, Lupus-Hey!” Sakura punches him lightly in her terms, it might as well have been a hammer slamming into Kakashi’s arm but he manages to not make a noise. “Are you even listening?”
“Yes,” Kakashi lies, watching her stand up and loom over him, her eyes narrowed suspiciously, hair blowing in the slight breeze, her intimidating effect slightly ruined by her hitai-ate slipping down to cover one eye.
She quickly goes to push it back up and says, “You’re not!” with great conviction.
“Well there’s Leo,” Kakashi points, connecting the stars a lot slower than Sakura but connecting them nonetheless. “And then the Big Dipper. Virgo. Gemini. I am listening!” he rebuts firmly.
Sakura swats his head before plopping back down beside him, collapsing onto her back, rolling her eyes. Kakashi figures he’s won this round.
“What’s your favourite?” she asks after a bit of comfortable silence, stretching her arm out towards the sky, hand reaching upwards before it dropped back to her side.
“Hm,” Kakashi hums, tilting his head back and glancing at Sakura out of the corner of her eyes. “Let me see.”
Sakura props herself up on one arm and raises an eyebrow.
Kakashi notices how the moonlight falls on Sakura, her normally light pink hair appearing almost a silver with a touch of rose, green eyes reflecting a clear, turquoise colour, skin just barely glowing.
She’s beautiful.
“Aries,” Kakashi answers, connecting the stars with ease. “The best constellation there is.”
Sakura rolls onto her stomach, side eyeing Kakashi with a huff.
“You sap.”
“But you love it.”
“Do not,” Sakura shoots back cheerfully, knocking him to the ground.
“So do.”
“I know you have your Icha Icha Paradise book in your pouch, and I am not adverse to stealing it and burning it or somewhere along the lines of making sure it’s not readable anymore.”
Kakashi immediately shuts his mouth. Sakura doesn’t make idle threats, at least not towards him.
He’s had to learn the hard way.
For a while, he lays there, listening to the soft whisper of leaves a gently breeze blows through the trees, the quiet melody of crickets lulling him into a somewhat relaxed manner.
He’s well aware that it is way, way too late and past the time to even get a decent amount of sleep.
He’s going to late tomorrow and Tsunade will most definitely kill him.
Sakura chuckles softly, seeming to follow his train of thought and pats his shoulder apologetically. Kakashi shakes his head and pats her head gently, making her giggle.
Sakura sighs sleepily, her eyes fluttering shut every now and then as she struggles to keep them open.
It looks like she’ll fall asleep right there and then and Kakashi is going to have to carry her back to their apartment before her eyes snap open.
“A shooting star!” She’s wide awake, sitting up so fast that Kakashi is convinced she’ll get whiplash, one hand accidentally smacking Kakashi in the face, the other pointing excitedly at the sky. “Make a wish, Kakashi!”
Kakashi lazily tracks the shooting star until it falls out of sight, choosing not to make a comment.
Sakura spins around, her expression ecstatic, her expression a mix of Rin’s sternness and Obito’s enthusiasm.
“What did you wish for?” she asks, eyes wide with wonder before she winces.
“For my nose to stop bleeding,” Kakashi replies dryly as Sakura mutters a sheepish, “Oops,” and grabs a handkerchief, gingerly dabbing at the blood.
Kakashi pulls off his mask, letting Sakura clean off the blood and healing what little pain he feels.
“I’m really sorry,” Sakura apologizes.
Kakashi shrugs.
“Didn’t hurt that much. How about a kiss?” he inquires slyly and Sakura jerks away, immediately slapping the back of his head.
“Pervert,” she grumbles. “I’ll really break your nose if you try that again.”
“Gomen, gomen.”
Sakura huffs and curls up next to him, leaching off his body warmth.
Kakashi doesn’t protest.
He throws the blanket over them, too far down the road to dreamland to even consider moving.
Sakura’s almost asleep, her breaths slow and steady when asks, “Kakashi?”
A loud yawn and then, “What did you really wish for?”
Kakashi opens one eye lazily and then shuts it.
“My wish? For you to be happy of course.”
Sakura laughs quietly.
“You didn’t have to wish for that. I already am.” Kakashi smiled and curled his arms around her.
“A wish well spent regardless,” he announces, drifting in and out of unconsciousness.
“Sap,” Sakura concludes.
“Your sap.”
Sakura chuckles, the sound muffled by Kakashi’s chest.
They fall asleep, the constellations twinkling above them in the clear night sky.
Kakashi wakes up the next morning with rain pouring down on them and Sakura sneezing, the blanket doing little to help them as they sprint home.
Tsunade berates him up for being late and Kakashi has to spend the next week sneezing and taking medicine while Shikamaru and Ino snicker at him.
Still, as Kakashi glances at the sky each night, when he can see the constellations, he recites them each slowly and surely.
He’ll have them memorized by heart by the next time he sees Sakura.
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ESO telescope reveals hidden views of vast stellar nurseries Using ESO's Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA), astronomers have created a vast infrared atlas of five nearby stellar nurseries by piecing together more than one million images. These large mosaics reveal young stars in the making, embedded in thick clouds of dust. Thanks to these observations, astronomers have a unique tool with which to decipher the complex puzzle of stellar birth. "In these images we can detect even the faintest sources of light, like stars far less massive than the sun, revealing objects that no one has ever seen before," says Stefan Meingast, an astronomer at the University of Vienna in Austria and lead author of the new study published in Astronomy & Astrophysics. "This will allow us to understand the processes that transform gas and dust into stars." Stars form when clouds of gas and dust collapse under their own gravity, but the details of how this happens are not fully understood. How many stars are born out of a cloud? How massive are they? How many stars will also have planets? To answer these questions, Meingast's team surveyed five nearby star-forming regions with the VISTA telescope at ESO's Paranal Observatory in Chile. Using VISTA's infrared camera VIRCAM, the team captured light coming from deep inside the clouds of dust. "The dust obscures these young stars from our view, making them virtually invisible to our eyes. Only at infrared wavelengths can we look deep into these clouds, studying the stars in the making," explains Alena Rottensteiner, a Ph.D. student also at the University of Vienna and co-author of the study. The survey, called VISIONS, observed star-forming regions in the constellations of Orion, Ophiuchus, Chamaeleon, Corona Australis and Lupus. These regions are less than 1,500 light-years away and so large that they span a huge area in the sky. The diameter of VIRCAM's field of view is as wide as three full moons, which makes it uniquely suited to map these immensely big regions. The team obtained more than one million images over a period of five years. The individual images were then pieced together into the large mosaics released here, revealing vast cosmic landscapes. These detailed panoramas feature dark patches of dust, glowing clouds, newly-born stars and the distant background stars of the Milky Way. Since the same areas were observed repeatedly, the VISIONS data will also allow astronomers to study how young stars move. "With VISIONS we monitor these baby stars over several years, allowing us to measure their motion and learn how they leave their parent clouds," explains João Alves, an astronomer at the University of Vienna and Principal Investigator of VISIONS. This is not an easy feat, as the apparent shift of these stars as seen from Earth is as small as the width of a human hair seen from 10 kilometers away. These measurements of stellar motions complement those obtained by the European Space Agency's Gaia mission at visible wavelengths, where young stars are hidden by thick veils of dust. The VISIONS atlas will keep astronomers busy for years to come. "There is tremendous long-lasting value for the astronomical community here, which is why ESO steers Public Surveys like VISIONS," says Monika Petr-Gotzens, an astronomer at ESO in Garching, Germany, and co-author of this study. Moreover, VISIONS will set the groundwork for future observations with other telescopes such as ESO's Extremely Large Telescope (ELT), currently under construction in Chile and set to start operating later this decade. "The ELT will allow us to zoom into specific regions with unprecedented detail, giving us a never-seen-before close-up view of individual stars that are currently forming there," concludes Meingast. IMAGE....This image shows the L1688 region in the Ophiuchus constellation. New stars are born in the colorful clouds of gas and dust seen here. The infrared observations underlying this image reveal new details in the star-forming regions that are usually obscured by the clouds of dust. The image was produced with data collected by the VIRCAM instrument, which is attached to the VISTA telescope at ESO’s Paranal Observatory in Chile. The observations were done as part of the VISIONS survey, which will allow astronomers to better understand how stars form in these dust-enshrouded regions. Credit: ESO/Meingast et al
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ESO telescope reveals hidden views of vast stellar nurseries mages. These large mosaics reveal young stars in the making, embedded in thick clouds of dust. Thanks to these observations, astronomers have a unique tool with which to decipher the complex puzzle of stellar birth. “In these images we can detect even the faintest sources of light, like stars far less massive than the Sun, revealing objects that no one has ever seen before,” says Stefan Meingast, an astronomer at the University of Vienna in Austria and lead author of the new study published today in Astronomy & Astrophysics. “This will allow us to understand the processes that transform gas and dust into stars.” Stars form when clouds of gas and dust collapse under their own gravity, but the details of how this happens are not fully understood. How many stars are born out of a cloud? How massive are they? How many stars will also have planets? To answer these questions, Meingast’s team surveyed five nearby star-forming regions with the VISTA telescope at ESO’s Paranal Observatory in Chile. Using VISTA’s infrared camera VIRCAM, the team captured light coming from deep inside the clouds of dust. “The dust obscures these young stars from our view, making them virtually invisible to our eyes. Only at infrared wavelengths can we look deep into these clouds, studying the stars in the making,” explains Alena Rottensteiner, a PhD student also at the University of Vienna and co-author of the study. The survey, called VISIONS, observed star-forming regions in the constellations of Orion, Ophiuchus, Chamaeleon, Corona Australis and Lupus. These regions are less than 1500 light-years away and so large that they span a huge area in the sky. The diameter of VIRCAM’s field of view is as wide as three full Moons, which makes it uniquely suited to map these immensely big regions. The team obtained more than one million images over a period of five years. The individual images were then pieced together into the large mosaics released here, revealing vast cosmic landscapes. These detailed panoramas feature dark patches of dust, glowing clouds, newly-born stars and the distant background stars of the Milky Way. Since the same areas were observed repeatedly, the VISIONS data will also allow astronomers to study how young stars move. “With VISIONS we monitor these baby stars over several years, allowing us to measure their motion and learn how they leave their parent clouds,” explains João Alves, an astronomer at the University of Vienna and Principal Investigator of VISIONS. This is not an easy feat, as the apparent shift of these stars as seen from Earth is as small as the width of a human hair seen from 10 kilometres away. These measurements of stellar motions complement those obtained by the European Space Agency’s Gaia mission at visible wavelengths, where young stars are hidden by thick veils of dust. The VISIONS atlas will keep astronomers busy for years to come. “There is tremendous long-lasting value for the astronomical community here, which is why ESO steers Public Surveys like VISIONS,” says Monika Petr-Gotzens, an astronomer at ESO in Garching, Germany, and co-author of this study. Moreover, VISIONS will set the groundwork for future observations with other telescopes such as ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope (ELT), currently under construction in Chile and set to start operating later this decade. “The ELT will allow us to zoom into specific regions with unprecedented detail, giving us a never-seen-before close-up view of individual stars that are currently forming there,” concludes Meingast. IMAGE....This image shows the L1688 region in the Ophiuchus constellation. New stars are born in the colourful clouds of gas and dust seen here. The infrared observations underlying this image reveal new details in the star-forming regions that are usually obscured by the clouds of dust. The image was produced with data collected by the VIRCAM instrument, which is attached to the VISTA telescope at ESO’s Paranal Observatory in Chile. The observations were done as part of the VISIONS survey, which will allow astronomers to better understand how stars form in these dust-enshrouded regions. CREDIT ESO/Meingast et al.
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GLORY FROM GLOOM A dark cloud of cosmic dust snakes across this spectacular wide field image, illuminated by the brilliant light of new stars. This dense cloud is a star-forming region called Lupus 3, where dazzlingly hot stars are born from collapsing masses of gas and dust. This image was created from images taken using the VLT Survey Telescope and the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope and is the most detailed image taken so far of this region. The Lupus 3 star forming region lies within the constellation of Scorpius (The Scorpion, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scorpius), only 600 light-years away from Earth. It is part of a larger complex called the Lupus Clouds, which takes its name from the adjacent constellation of Lupus (The Wolf, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lupus_(constellation)). The clouds resemble smoke billowing across a background of millions of stars, but in fact these clouds are a dark nebula (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_nebula). Nebulae (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nebula) are great swathes of gas and dust strung out between the stars, sometimes stretching out over hundreds of light-years. While many nebulae are spectacularly illuminated by the intense radiation of hot stars, dark nebulae shroud the light of the celestial objects within them. They are also known as absorption nebulae, because they are made up of cold, dense particles of dust that absorb and scatter light as it passes through the cloud. Famous dark nebulae include the Coalsack Nebula (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coalsack_Nebula) and the Great Rift (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Rift_(astronomy)), which are large enough to be seen with the naked eye, starkly black against the brilliance of the Milky Way (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milky_Way). Lupus 3 has an irregular form, appearing like a misshapen snake across the sky. In this image it is a region of contrasts, with thick dark trails set against the glare of bright blue stars at the centre. Like most dark nebulae, Lupus 3 is an active star formation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_formation) region, primarily composed of protostars and very young stars. Nearby disturbances can cause denser clumps of the nebula to contract under gravity, becoming hot and pressurised in the process. Eventually, a protostar is born out of the extreme conditions in the core of this collapsing cloud. The two brilliant stars in the centre of this image underwent this very process. Early in their lives, the radiation they emitted was largely blocked by the thick veil of their host nebula, visible only to telescopes at infrared and radio wavelengths. But as they grew hotter and brighter, their intense radiation and strong stellar winds swept the surrounding areas clear of gas and dust, allowing them to emerge gloriously from their gloomy nursery to shine brightly. These two stars are still very young -- so young that nuclear fusion has not yet been triggered in their cores. Instead, their brightness is caused by the conversion of gravitational energy into heat as their turbulent cores contract. Understanding nebulae is critical for understanding the processes of star formation -- indeed, it is thought that the Sun formed in a star formation region very similar to Lupus 3 over four billion years ago. As one of the closest stellar nurseries, Lupus 3 has been the subject of many studies; in 2013, the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope (https://www.eso.org/public/teles-instr/lasilla/mpg22) at ESO’s La Silla Observatory (https://www.eso.org/public/teles-instr/lasilla) in Chile captured a smaller picture of its dark smoke-like columns and brilliant stars (http://www.eso.org/public/news/eso1303). TOP IMAGE...A dark cloud of cosmic dust snakes across this spectacular wide field image, illuminated by the brilliant light of new stars. This dense cloud is a star-forming region called Lupus 3, where dazzlingly hot stars are born from collapsing masses of gas and dust. This image was created from images taken using the VLT Survey Telescope and the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope and is the most detailed image taken so far of this region. Credit: ESO/R. Colombari CENTRE IMAGE...This wide-field view shows a dark cloud where new stars are forming along with cluster of brilliant stars that have already burst out of their dusty stellar nursery. This cloud is known as Lupus 3 and it lies about 600 light-years from Earth in the constellation of Scorpius (The Scorpion). It is likely that the Sun formed in a similar star formation region more than four billion years ago. This view was created from images forming part of the Digitized Sky Survey 2. Credit: ESO/Digitized Sky Survey 2 Acknowledgement: Davide De Martin LOWER IMAGE...This chart shows the location of the dark cloud Lupus 3 in the constellation of Scorpius (The Scorpion). This map shows most of the stars visible to the unaided eye under good conditions, and the location of the cloud and newly formed hot young stars is marked with a red circle. The brightest two stars in this object can easily be seen with a small telescope or binoculars and form an attractive double star. The dark cloud itself only shows up in longer exposure images. Credit: ESO, IAU and Sky & Telescope
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