#the 2nd one came out last year tho
allpromarlo · 2 years
LMAO oh nah
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othercrossee · 1 year
School spirit au time
#z rambles#during the first semester. 1st years are not sorted into which dorm they want in yet so they still are studying doing club activities tgr#something def happened during one of the club trip or more that caused this fiery hate adsrida got for each other#tho no one ever notice the little petty things but adaman did came to school one day beaten up and irida was gone the whole day#but huh. they have their own pokemons now apparently? arent 1st years supposed to wait until the second semester#and since then both of them avoided each other in whichever actibity they had tigether until the semester#when theyd shown great leadership skills and was set to become the dorm leaders in their 2nd year#however what caused their relationship to wither even worse was the school festival and altho the festival was a success#which kickstart their each council. everyone do remember how in various activities they were bickering more than usual#tho many see this as a good thing better thsn when they werent talking. turns out the bickering did not turn into phase 3 of good relation#and here they are in their 2nd semester of year 3 still going at it. doesnt help melli was clesrly having fun with it too#the old diamond leader just wanted to take a piss at the pearl dorm and eveb worse ever since the young new teacher arrived#palina turns out to not really care much but wish to be open with her relstionship with iscan however she holds a grudge for irida a bit#despite being close friends. fhe fsct she couldnt show her love and be sstisfied passing her work as leader to irida meant a lot#and irida knew that. and god did she felt so guilty for being petty but only if adaman shared the same thought#she csnt back down and be weak toward the psrson she hates most. but god who knew what that hate even is#school life sure is messy#maybe things will grt better when 3rd year treasure ceremony happened? maybe itd ease their feelings a bit not seeing each other much#who knew being near each ithers vicinity fir the last 3 years and then apart. could make the treasure hunting so suffocating#spirit school au
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chaosandmarigolds · 1 month
you can skip this all u want but
I wanna know abt readers ex ngl
why does Ollie have attachment issues?
you seem like you could do soft angst, 👻
(I audibly giggled like a maniac when I opened this, because angst has my heart. it has my HEART- only when it ends in fluff tho, otherwise someone might as well just shove me in a ditch it feels the same- ahem, sorry, got sidetracked)
Let’s do a lil flashback and backstory to this whole…debacle shall we?
May 20th
“Annnn then we got get- got get, noo-no! Ister Riley no,” Ollie grumbles as he reaches over the block castle he had spent the last twenty minutes building to grab the toy Simon was holding- a tyrannosaurus, or as Ollie called him- The Superman. The little boy fixes the doll cape attached to the toy and then holds it back out, “Otay, is fix.”
Simon nods, “Good good, he needs to have his-his-“
“The cape gives him powers.”
“Oh!” Simon agrees and looks at the worn out toy, the cape like it would be found on an actual Superman toy but put on a dinosaur. He only looks back to Ollie as the boy goes on about grabbing the rest of the toys he thought they should have.
“Yeah, that what my daddy tell me. That-that my superhero cape make me have superpowers.” A short silence and he sets the toy fire truck down along with a tow truck, “It no give me power, but it does for Bo though.”
(Bo, the name of the T-Rex.)
Simon looks at the boy, watching his demeanor change and he holds how the toy, “‘ell your dad was right, Bo does have some super cool powers.”
To that Ollie takes the toy and then shrugs, “I guess. But my dad- he-he lies and you say lying is not good.”
“Ladd I’m sure your dad didn’t lie,” Simon returned, it was just a toy, and he couldn’t see the harm in letting a three year old believe in superpowers for his plastic T-Rex.
Ollie shakes his head, “But he do! He said he come back for-for my birthday and no come, he didn’t-he lie.”
“Oi, Olls, ‘m sure your dad wanted to come, he just couldn’t-
“My mom doesn’t like him anymore, I heard her talk to my Auntie Beth and she said my dad is lair and mean- so that mean he not good.”
Simon, upon a lot of other things, realized that little kids really did share anything that came to their mind. and that he should definitely do some more research.
July 2nd
“It is-“ you laugh out a sigh as you stumble into the entrance of Simon’s house, having left your umbrella outside, “Raining cats and dogs out there!”
Almost as it had fallen into some odd and domestic pattern, he helped you take off the coat and hang it off without much speaking and you then look to him as you take off your boots, “Thank you for watching him later, I didn’t know I would be working a double and it-“
“No problem, darling. Lil’ guy was out by seven.” He cut you off and hung up the coat beside Ollie’s on the rack, which hung beside his own, “You go’ dinner al’eady?”
You hum and stand back up, “Are you offering?”
“Aren’t I always?”
Dinner was a delicacy of dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets and oven cooked fries, matched with a hearty portion of sprite. And about an hour of what you would consider you yapping about your crappy day, and what he would consider it favorite part of the day- you finally faltered, leaning on the dinner table with a dull and lifeless laugh.
“I feel like…I owe you, god, I owe you my life or something.”
He furrows his eyebrows to that, “No’ why? ‘M no doing anything special.”
You give him a look, “Free babysitting for one. Not to mention the rides, you-you pay for him to go to soccer, and you go to the games and you buy him clothes and you love him and you care for him and-“ you cut yourself off and look up to stop the tears- which were threatening to flow, shaking your head, “I’m sorry. I’m…it’s just- no, it’s just been a day.”
Now, Simon was many things, a merciless killer and a solider was one of them but he always knew how to read body language. What really gave it away was how you messed with your ring finger, as if you were twisting a nonexistent ring, “What’s today?”
A glance up to him and you give a dull laugh, almost mocking yourself with your words, “I got married five years ago today. Wore the pretty dress and said ‘I do’ to a man that was a piece of shit but damn….i loved him. I did. I loved him so- and I’m, god, Simon you gotta tell me to shut up sometimes.”
He looks at you, and he knew you couldn’t read him, but there was sadness etched in his expression, “I never want you to shut up, luv.”
( That’s all the backstory you get for right now! Aka, I am doing this on my phone and my thumbs hurt…and all I’ve thought of rn- comments, feedback, and your ideas make my day!! Annnnyway that’s it! <33)
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colddelusionsheep · 7 months
So, this is my start of yandere hunger games, and before y'all read this. There are some things to take note of.
Everyone romantic (and y/n) is 18 or older. I am not going to mention age unless the story requires it.
This is going to be ocs x reader, and it will be based on the hunger games(with some differences.
The reader will also be fem.
And that is it! I hope you enjoy, and if you do, feel free to like and reblog(dni if you are under 18 tho)
2nd Part
The reaping
Humming softly, you buttoned up the last two buttons on your dress. The light green was worn with a few stitched up parts where the fabric use to be ripped. It was old and has seen better days, but even with those details, it still was the nicest thing you owned.
You hoped you could wear it again someday. A wish that you had each year during the reaping, and so far it came true each time. People would comment on how lucky you were to avoid the reaping each time. Weeping love ones of the reaped would curse your name and say you somehow cheated to save your own skin.
You don't blame them. With how many times you have sold your name to this game that is hell. You should of been reaped a long time ago.
Even you didn't know how your name wasn't pulled. The suppose luck that people would attribute to your was no where to been seen on any other day of the year. It was only on this one. However, if it was seen on any other day then maybe you wouldn't be so closed to starving each day.
Reaching down, you pulled your worn socks to your knees. Patches were half hazerdly stitched onto them. Soon you would need new socks and shoes for the winter. You would have to decide on which. Shoes seemed to be the priority in your mind. What good were socks without shoes anyway.
Giving one last look in your mirror. You let out a deep sigh. All you had to do is survive one more time. Then you would be forever free of this life. Once you were free from the reaping, maybe you would finally be accepted in district 12.
The walk to the town square was always a silent one. Each person was getting ready to die. You always thought that the suspense was the worst thing about this. The knowledge that it could be you was nerve wracking to say the least.
Passing by one of your neighbors, you could Hear them mutter under their breath. "I hope it's you."
The rumors you got use to, it was just part of your everyday life by now. Being the outcast was a role you took with stride. What you didn't get use to was the fact that many of those that live close to you wished you dead.
Just like they wished your parents dead, and it was a wish they got. Maybe they would get this wish also.
The check ins went by like a blur. A yearly routine that you would never have to do again. There was peace in that thought, and that peace would surely give you the strength to make it through this. No matter how false it may be.
Taking place behind Susie Mack, you took note of how nice her dress was. The blue color complemented her bright red hair. She even had matching blue ribbons in her two braids.
Late at night, you liked to imagine what it was like to be her, to be Susie Mack. Almost everyone loved her. She was bright and cheerful. You supposed it was easy to be bright and cheerful when you had a full stomach and a loving family. What you would give to be her. To be loved and beautiful. To not have to worry on whether you would have shoes for the winter or food in your stomach.
You hoped that she wouldn't be reaped, simply for the fact that you knew if she was. Then the entire district would come for you. You don't want to imagine how they would punish you this time.
The escort of the Capital made his appearance, and just like every year. His fashion sense was..... lacking.
A mix of fine fabrics made up his outfit, along with a mix of patterns. You were sure that his clothes had every color known to man. Diamonds littered his neck on their choker that they wore.
You couldn't imagine that he were comfortable. Tight and stiff silhouettes seemed to be the main trend in the Capital this year.
As the escort made the same speech that they did every year. You could feel the anxiety of the crowd. It was getting close to the pulling of the names.
You could practically feel the heart beating of each person here. Looking around, you could even see some of the younger ones silently crying.
The two large crystal vessels were brought out. Each full of names. If you did your math right, yours should be in there 80 times.
"Now, as always, ladies first." You never noticed how gentle his voice was. It reminded of the stream your parents use to take you too. The sound of the water would always make sooth you matter how upset you may of been. It was just too bad that that stream turned into a raging river.
"Our female tribute is." He, as always, paused for dramatic effect. " --/n"
Ringing, that's all you could hear, it wasn't till someone shook you that you could fully understand what was said. It wasn't till the peacekeepers roughly pulled you out of your spot that you understood that your wish was finally ignored. It wasn't till the dammed Capital escort kissed your cheek, and spoke of how lucky you were that you understood that luck was just a lie. That the odds were and would never be in your favor.
And the 1st part of the yandere hunger games is done! Hopefully I will have the next part soon. I did write this part very late at night so the are probably mistakes but that is okay.
Also, sorry I was gone so long, school really took everything happy that was in me away. Good news tho, I am graduated!. My blog is going to be open to asks and all, but for right now requests are going to be closed untill I feel more confident in my writing. It should be a lot more active now however!
That's all for right now! Love y'all <3
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magicalgirlmindcrank · 5 months
Top Ten Favorite Meeks of 2023
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This was a really fun abstract one, and we adore how it came out. The only think we kinda wish we did different make the outline even cleaner? Love it to bits tho.
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Just really like this one. It's cute, it's got good rendering, it's got a fun pose. If we made stickers, this would be one, and probably the style we made the set in.
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This feels almost contractually obligated XD Honestly we weren't very happy that Miku didn't look 'meaty' enough, but the background has just enough miasma to it that kinda makes for it. Even besides that, we do like this a lot more than our last stab at Phyrexian meek, so hey, maybe one day we'll make v3 and be truly happy with that!
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This one just memes, but we really do like the anatomy, posing and colors here. Even the interior looks pretty good, and we kinda just free styled it!
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Honestly we had to keep ourselves from just making this list half Hatslimey Migoo, so we kept it to maybe our favorite of last year (followed v closely with the headpat, Sewer grate, and halloween ones) but we really do love this one. It's just kinda charming and silly, and thats what Hatslimey Migoo is all about!
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THROW A FLAME!!! Honestly just still fucking adore the flames and pose here. All the coloring here was really fun tbh, could have maybe used a liiitle more rendering but w/e
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Weird that this made it here, weirder that it made it so high, but yeah. We like this piece a lot more than we though we would. It may have some poor coloring in places, and not be obviously Miku, but damn if it didn't capture the mood we wanted
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This one was based pretty heavily on some saint, but lord if I know which one. INSANELY fun to do the colors and line work here, and I honestly love how it came out.
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Did you know the first man made object in space was a manhole cover, propelled by a nuclear weapons test? This was us making art for an album cover but the album doesn't exist. While it could use stronger shading on the roots+grass as well as a few other things, this one still earns 2nd place just because we still love how it's concepts came through.
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This one honestly just might be our favorite out of all our Mikus, even above the Goya meek. It's still the background for our PC. We really nailed the exact feeling of looking at grainy CCTV or Trail cam footage of Cryptids that we wanted to capture. Funnily enough, this being posted May 22nd, it actually predates those two witches caught on trail cam eating a deer corpse by 15 days. We like to think this somehow caused that.
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Male Reader X Dreamcatcher Gahyeon (FT Dreamcatcher)
Length: 10,300 +
Tags: Teasing, Slapping, Creampie
A/n- Happy last day of NNN. I have had this idea since april so its nice to finally write it. actually kinda happy how this one came out even tho the smut is not the best but i hope you enjoy.
November. One of the final months of the year. There are plenty of things that come to mind when you think of this time of year. In America it could be thanksgiving, to others it could signify that winter is coming. Whatever it was, you didn’t really care much. 
It was the final day of October and you found yourself at home, doing what you do best. 
Gahyeons yells were your favorite things to listen to. As your throbbing cock plunged deep into the girl's pussy, you unleashed your load into her tunnel. The release of your semen served as a catalyst for your friend's orgasm. Her entire body began to shake, nearly falling to the ground. 
Holding Gahyeon up, you continued to move your cock in and out slowly until she came back to her senses. Pulling out, your semen leaked down her legs, onto the shower floor. 
Grappling a bit of soap you began to clean the mess on Gahyeon’s legs and finished up your shower. Once done, both you and Gahyeon made your way to the bedroom and changed into your clothes for work. 
Once in the kitchen, your eyes went up to the clock and the wall and saw the time, it was already 7:30 am. 
Grabbing her hand, you ran to the garage of your house and jumped into your vehicle. As Gahyeon sat in the passenger seat, you backed out of your garage and began to speed towards your office. Your driving might have been a little erratic but you had to get to work. The sight that passed everyone was of a nice Porche, zooming past them at a rapid speed. 
“Jesus Oppa. Why are you driving so wild?” 
“Cause a certain little slut tempted me into having sex before work. Not only that, she continued to ask for more and more.” 
“Hmph. Sounds like your own problem.” 
As you started to get closer to the building, you began to hear a wet sound in your car. Taking a glance over, your eyes are met with a filthy sight. Gahyeon had her skirt raised a bit and she was playing with her folds. 
“God. I love it when you call me a slut. Why don’t you pull over and Fuck me in this nice car?” 
“First of all Gahyeon, we are already here so pull your skirt down!” 
As your sentence ended, you pulled up to the security gate of the building. As the security guard got closer, you couldn’t help but notice Gahyeon was still playing with herself. Your hands rushed towards Gahyeon's skirt, pulling it down as well as taking her hands off her pussy. 
Lowering the window, the security guard saw you and pressed the button to the gate. 
“Have a good day Mr.Go as well as you Mrs.Lee.” 
With a quick nod, you drove into the parking garage and sped your way up to the top floor. Once there you parked your car at the spot right next to the door. In front of you was a sign that always brought a little smile to your face. 
Reserved for the CEO of the company. 
Stepping out of the car, you made your way to the front door as Gahyeon ran behind you. 
“You could wait, idiot.” 
“I’m late! Hurry up.” 
Scanning your keycard in your wallet, the front door opened as you made your way through the 2nd lobby. Yes, your building had a second lobby that was only for employees. This one happened to be on the 15th floor, connected to the parking garage.
As you took your small journey throughout the lobby, various employees said their good mornings to both you and the small Korean girl who was running behind you. 
Luck must have been on your side as the elevator doors opened in front of you. As the employees who used the elevators exited, you began to enter until Gahyeon pushed you and went into the elevator first. With a glare, you entered the metal square and scanned your keycard on the reader. Once selected, muscle memory seemed to have taken over as you pressed the button to the Hundredth floor. 
As the doors closed, your body felt the little jolt from the elevator starting its climb. The mellow little tune that was played in the hoist echoed through the apparatus as it began to move a little faster. As you were In your own world, you began to feel a hand touch your chest. 
“What Gahyeon?” 
“Well, the ride up to the top floor takes about Five more minutes. Why don’t we have some fun?” 
A scoff is all that left your mouth as Gahyeon continued to move her hand around your chest. 
“Daddy. I want some cock.” 
Dropping to her knees, the young girl began to reach for your belt. Grabbing her hands, you managed to stop her before she got into your package. 
“No Gahyeon. First of all, what if the elevator stops and someone walks in? Second, we need to look presentable if I have any meetings today.” 
“Daddy, we both know your keycard gives you priority on the elevator. It will only stop at the floors you want. You also have spare clothes in your office for moments such as these. Please, Daddy.” 
The look into Gahyeon’s hazel puppy eyes almost got you, but your mind shook it off. Pulling her up, Gahyeon stood next to you. You didn’t even need to face her, your ears could just pick up the disappointment in her tone as she sighed. 
The next few minutes went by in silence between the two of you, the only source of sound being the mellow tune playing still. Those Five minutes passed by as you heard the ding of the elevator arriving at the top floor. 
As the doors opened l, you were face to face with one of your secretaries who wasn’t happy at all. 
“O-Oh. Hi Dami.” 
“You’re late. Gahyeon, go to your desk. Kang-Dae, let’s go to your office now.” 
With a nod, your legs followed behind the furious girl. Walking on the floor, you finally got close to your office doors and saw the rest of your coworkers there. The Five other women seemed to have mixed reactions to seeing you and Gahyeon. 
Some Looked mad like Dami, while others were just giggling at the sight of you being nervous. As Gahyeon took her seat, Two of the other girls stood up and followed Dami and yourself. As Dami opened your office door, everyone in the line entered your office quickly. 
Despite being the CEO of this company, these girls made you seem like the rookie intern with how they spoke to you when mad. As you sat down, the cold leather seeped through your suit’s material. Noticing a cup of coffee, your hand reached out and picked it up. 
Bringing the mug to your lips, you began to tilt the mug towards you to drink. Preparing for the hot coffee to burn your tongue, you took your first sip. Instead of scaled hot coffee pouring down your throat, you were met with a cup of ice-cold caffeine. 
“It was warm but got cold waiting for you to get to work on time. So what’s the excuse, Kangdae?” 
“Jiu. I- I was ready but-“ 
“I swear to god. If you give me a bullshit excuse I’ll murder you myself.” 
The glare which Handong gave you sent chills down your spine. 
“I- I was fucking Gahyeon in the shower.” 
“Wow, shocker there.” 
The sarcasm in Dami’s tone was almost poisonous as you just looked down. 
“Look Oppa. We get it, it’s fun to have sex but you still have a company to run. You had a meeting this morning that you missed. You are lucky Jiu unnie was here early and took your place.” 
Standing up, your legs brought you over to jiu. Wrapping your arms around her, you kept her in your embrace for a bit. 
“Thank you Jiu Noona. I knew I could count on my COO. I was stupid and let my lust take over.” 
“Well, you need to work on it. Whatever. The time for scolding you is over. We have a business to run.” 
With a nod, you all made your way back out of your office and looked at the girls at their desks. Jiu was your COO of Go Tech and had her secretary Kim Sua and Lee Siyeon. Handong was your Chief Marketing Officer and her secretary was Kim Yoohyeon. Finally, Dami and Gahyeon were your secretaries. The top floor had 3 offices for the main bosses of the company and outside the offices were the desks of all the secretaries. 
Standing in Secretaries Hall as you called it, all of the sitting women stood up and looked towards all of you. 
“Ladies. Good morning and sorry for being late. Now let’s have a rundown of what we have planned today.” 
Most of your schedules Intertwined with your own so it was common to have a daily meeting in the secretary hall before the rest of the day. 
“Well, today is actually a pretty boring day. That morning's meeting with Apple was the only thing planned and Jiu unnie took care of it. They approved of the partnership and will send over documents that need to be signed.” 
After hearing that from Dami, you looked over at Yoohyeon who began to talk about the other girl's Schedules. 
“Handong and Jiu are gonna meet up with the development team to go over the final looks for the camera systems we will be putting in iPhones. after that, it’s a free day just like Kangdae’s.” 
“Well then. Despite missing an important meeting it seems like the day is taken care of. Once again I would like to apologize for an issue arising.” 
“Yeah, I’m sure it really was rising this morning.” 
The sly comment from Yoohyeon was heard by everyone as the entire room filled with laughter. 
“Yeah yeah yeah. Gahyeon last night told me we had a full day so I panicked at being late.” 
“Well, she never was the brightest or best Secretary.”
The remark from Siyeon made Gahyeon pout. 
“Don’t worry sweetie. At least you're good at pleasing your daddy’s cock.” 
“Better than you at least.” 
At first, you thought it was gonna be a cat fight but both girls began to laugh once more. 
“Well then in that case I will go back to my office and look over some proposals that were sent in. I’ll meet you all for lunch across the street at noon.” 
“Yes sir!” 
With a quick bow, everyone went off to do their own thing as you went back to your office. Time to go over some small proposals then. Hours go by as you continued to go over plenty of idiotic proposals such as a phone cable that power a microwave. What the hell idea is that even? 
As hours went by, you found yourself getting bored and in need of a bit of relief. Let’s just say you were able to get it without much work. 
A sudden knock on the door brings you back to your senses. As the door opened you met face-to-face with Six of the girls. 
“Almost Luc- oh there’s Yoohyeon.” 
Sitting on your couch, your pants were pulled down to your ankles as the puppy bobbed her head on your cock. Despite having an audience, the young blonde girl continued having fun. Grabbing her hair, you formed it into a ponytail and began to push yoohyeon deeper into your rod. The constricting feeling around your shaft began to make your entire body get filled with chills. 
“Fuck. Just a minute g-girls.” 
The repeated sounds coming from Yoohyeon’s throat brought you closer and closer to your peak as you felt a pair of hands pull your face. Seeing the pink hair flash by, you feel Jiu latch her lips onto your own as your orgasm finally arrives. Your legs began to jolt as your load made its way down into Yoohyeon’s throat. 
A few seconds pass as the puppy removes her lips from your cock and gives your tip a few small kisses. The remaining bits of cum leaked out of your rod as yoohyeon stood back up, fixing her hair. From your lips, Jiu moved her head down and wrapped her mouth around your shaft. The small sucks on your tip made you squirm, your business partner milking the remaining cum out of you. 
Once done, the bunny stood up just as Yoohyeon did earlier and made herself presentable once more. Pulling up your pants, you followed the girl's Example and fixed your suit after that activity. Looking up, your eyes noticed a bit of cum still around Jiu’s lips. 
Just as you were about to mention to your friend that she had something still on her, a pair of feet went running closer to the three of you and pushed you to the side. Looking at the source, you see the small black-haired slut pulling Jiu closer to her. 
Like a happy pet, Gahyeon’s tongue began to lick all over your friend's lips. Gathering the remaining Semen off of the COO’s oral cavity, Gahyeon put her tongue back in her mouth. Closing her eyes, small purrs left the Makena's mouth as she savored her favorite fluid. 
“Alright alright. Everyone is good now. Let’s all go to lunch except for Gahyeon. I need you to drop off these documents to the legal department and you can meet us at the K-bbq restaurant.” 
“Awe. Why do I have to drop these off? Can’t Daddy do it?” 
“Gahyeon. We are at the office. It’s Mr. Go or Oppa to you. Secondly, he is the owner of this company. It falls on his secretaries to do things like this for him. Finally, you were the main reason he was late as well you were late yourself. You can work an extra five minutes for your tardiness.” 
“Ok ok. I’ll go drop them off Dami unnie. Make sure to get some rice for my side dish.” 
With a nod, you all left your office and made the small journey to the elevator. Pressing the button, you stood there having small talk with the girls until you heard the ding of the elevator. As the doors open, you are met once more with the same dull tune that was playing in the elevator earlier. 
Stepping in, you scanned your keycard and pressed the button to go down to the main lobby. Gahyeon’s hand stretched out as she pressed the button to go down to the eightieth floor. As the elevator moved, you all were looking at your phones for a bit until the ding from the machine played through the four walls. As the doors opened, a small sigh could be heard from the Maknea as she got ready to drop the papers off. 
“Don’t worry Gahyeon. We will be sure to save plenty of food for you.” 
“Thank you dongie. I’ll see you all there in a few then.” 
Stepping off the elevator, the door quickly closed as the rest of you went down to the lobby. Stepping off the elevator, you and your friends made your way through with employees saying their greetings. Despite Gahyeon, Yoohyeon, Dami, Siyeon, and Sua being secretaries, it’s very well known that they are to be treated as if they were company executives per your wishes. 
Might sound dumb but you never wanted these girls to ever suffer with the stories that you heard of different companies. Funny enough, all the girls ended up wanting to fuck you so that’s how this all started. Back to the point, the girls were all highly respected and treated well. 
Getting to the front door, your security Guards held the doors open and let the ladies and yourself out of the building. Walking for just a minute, your hand extended to open the front door to the restaurant. Pulling the door open, you held it for the ladies to enter and followed behind them. 
The strong aroma of marinated beef hits your nose the first thing you enter the place. From just that smell, your mouth began to water as you imagined the food. 
“Ah, Mr. Go. Your table is all set in the corner. We will bring various portions of meat as always but is there anything different you would like today?” 
“Oh. Gahyeon would like Rice today instead of Ramen. We will go to our table. She should be here soon, Somin.” 
“Very well then. I’ll have them bring over your food in just a moment.” 
Once done informing of the menu change, the girls as well as yourself made your way over to the table that already had beef cooking. Taking your seats, you took over from the worker who was taking care of the meat and began to flip it. Soon various sides as well as other raw meats began to fill the table. 
Every Tuesday, your entire bunch came to eat at this same place. It was just a habit at this point but it was always just as delicious as the first time you tried the food in this place. Quickly the meat that was on the charcoal stove cooked and reached the perfect temperature. 
Just as you finished cutting the beef up, the hungry wolves dug in. Piece after piece of the juicy protein left the stove, leaving you with only a few small pieces for your rice. Placing another order of raw meat, you began to finally enjoy your meal. 
“So. How did the morning meeting go? Was there any hesitation in our terms?” 
Finishing her mouthful, Jiu took a sip of her drink and spoke up. 
“When they heard the initial price we were asking yes but with the final demonstration of the product they couldn’t wait to sign the papers.” 
“Well thank you once more for taking care of it. Sometimes I don’t think much about some of my actions.” 
“Yeah. Cause most of your thinking is done with your dick. I don’t think I have ever met anyone who fucks as much as you do. Well, maybe Gahyeon but still, my point stands.” 
That statement from Siyeon caused all the girls to just nod their heads in agreement.
“Hey! I don’t think I’m that bad.” 
“Yoohyeon literally sucked you off before we came here. Shit, even Jiu unnie got some of your load.” 
“Well, it’s not my fault that they wanted to also, Sua.” 
“Oh, Kangdae. Let’s face it. You’re a sex addict basically. We just help feed your needs as you call them. You take one of us home every day. It’s even scheduled by what day it is now.” 
As your eyes moved from Siyeon, you were faced with more nods from all the other girls. That part was true. Last night being Monday was the night you took Gahyeon home. Tonight would be Yoohyeon who got a bit of a head start already. 
“Kangdae. We have been friends for almost ten years now and since I met you, there hasn’t been a day where you didn’t cum.” 
You couldn’t argue with Dami as she said those words. She slept over so often and helped you at times that she knew all your habits when it came to those matters. 
“Look Kangdae. We get that sex is fun but you need to have a little more control. I happen to have a great idea for that to happen.” 
Those words from Dami made you a bit nervous but interested. 
“Ok, Dami. What’s the so-called great idea you have?” 
“Easy. Tomorrow is the first day of November. Let’s see if you can last all of No Nut November without cuming. We can even make a little bet on it.”
“What does the winner get then?”
“Well if the ladies have any ideas they can pitch in.” 
Handong began to jump up and down at her idea. 
“2 Million USD each!”
Cheers came from each of the girls before you could even agree. At this point, it wasn’t a suggestion anymore. 
“Ok fine. If I lose you will get that money but what do I get if I win?” 
The sizzling of the grill was all that could be heard for a few seconds until a cough was heard from your right side. Looking at the source, you could see a certain pink-haired COO getting everyone’s attention. 
“I know what his reward should be. Our dear Kangdae had been asking for a vacation for almost two years now but with the new phone camera we were creating, we kept telling him no. Should you win, We will handle the rest of the Apple deal logistics as well as other things and you can head to a nice vacation.” 
The words vacation were music to your ears. Like Jiu had said before, it has been two years since your last vacation and that was even cut short to start work on your major deal. This is what you needed. 
You should have thought about this bet even more maybe, but the sound of relaxing by a beach with a drink in your hand was fabulous.
“Ok ladies. We have a deal. If I lose, you each get 2 Million USD but if I win I get to go on vacation early.” 
“That sounds like a plan. No cumming until December. All else is fair game. Shake on it, Kangdae?” 
Extending your hand out, you grabbed Jiu’s and shook it as she asked. 
“Very well Kim Minji. May the best man or woman win.” 
With that, the bet was on. Sitting back down, your server brought over Gahyeon’s bowl of rice and placed it at the empty seat. Your mind finally goes back to thinking of other things, such as where Gahyeon could be. The universe must have heard your thoughts as the young secretary came running towards the table. 
“God! Jin-Ho from legal would not shut up. He kept talking about himself and how he was such a catch for the ladies. I could tell he was hinting that he should take me on a date but the second I mentioned you he shut up.” 
“If he bothers you a lot, just let me know.” 
Serving yourself a few pieces of the cooked meat, you then grab your chopsticks ready to eat. The keyword was ready as Gahyeon began to eat the food off your plate. Rolling your eyes, you grabbed a few more pieces from the stove and began to eat.
“So what did I miss?” 
A giggle left the other girls' mouths as they faced Gahyeon. 
“Well, Gahyeon. Kangdae made a bet and if we win, we get 2 Million dollars. If he wins then he gets to go on vacation earlier than he had planned.” 
“So this is my chance to get rich! What does he have to do?” 
The smile and happy tone from Gahyeon showed you she was excited about this.
“He has to succeed in No Nut November.” 
Laughter filled the table once more as you looked around but when your eyes met Gahyeon’s, she didn’t look happy. 
Your hand reacted on its own as you covered the Korean girl's mouth. Looking around, you breathed a sigh of relief there was no one else but the girls around to hear that. 
“Don’t yell!”
Pulling your hand back, you saw the glare from Gahyeon continue. 
“So Oppa isn’t allowed to cum all of November?” 
“Correct our dear maknea. Why?” 
“Oppa should have asked me first! I love Oppa fucking me!”
“Gahyeon, it’s just a month. Plus there are also other ways Kangdae can satisfy you. He can still fuck you but just not cum. Or he can cum and just give us the 2 Million each. 
That statement from Sua made you think for a second. That was a loophole. You could fuck a girl but just not cum. Not a fun loophole though. 
“I don’t care about 2 Million dollars. I want Oppa to fuck me and fill me with cum. It’s no fun if he doesn’t stuff my pussy with his seed.”
“Ok Gahyeon, let's calm down. I don’t have to ask you for permission to do this ok? Also if you really want to get stuffed, go find a boy toy for November.” 
“Please Oppa. We both know you’re the only man that can properly satisfy me.” 
“Well, you will have to wait till December Little one. Let’s just enjoy our lunch now. Please Gahyeon.” 
“Yes, Gahyeon. Just eat your meal please.” 
As you and Dami reminded Gahyeon of her meal, the maknae picked up her chopsticks and ate begrudgingly. As soon as your meals were finished, the eight of you made your way back up to the office to finish your work day. 
Time was kind to you as the rest of the afternoon went by in a flash. With only 2 hours left in your day and nothing to do, you decided it was a good enough time to go home. As your legs pushed up from your seat, your hands put away the leftover documents on the desk. 
Once cleaned up, you made your way to the door and grabbed your suit jacket from the coat rack. Opening the door, you stepped out of your office and looked around. Most of the girls could be seen diligently working, except for yoohyeon who was typing away on her phone, and Gahyeon who wasn’t anywhere to be seen. 
“Heading home?” 
“Yeah, I finished what I needed to finish today. I’m sure there will be more to do tomorrow. What are you up to Dami?” 
“Just going through the proposals you denied to see if you might have missed any good ideas.” 
Some people might take offense to what Dami was doing but being your best friend, you trusted her to make sure you didn’t miss a good chance.
“Well then. I will leave you to it. I'm taking Yoohyeon home. Goodnight ladies. Yoohyeon, let’s go!” 
Just like the eager puppy she is, Yoohyeon jumped out of her seat and grabbed her things. She was ready in a matter of seconds and stood by your side. 
“Good night girls. I’ll drain him enough tonight so he thinks he has a chance.” 
Small giggles were heard from the girls as you just rolled your eyes. Extending out your arm, Yoohyeon took hold with her own and began walking with you. As you made the small journey to the elevator, you began to get closer to the break room on your floor. 
As you got within ear range, you began to hear a wet sound come from the room as well as moans. Slowing down a bit, you and Yoohyeon snuck up to the break room door and peeked inside. 
You would say it was a surprising sight but it really wasn’t. Gahyeon had her skirt up while she was sitting on the table, playing with a dildo. As the plastic toy plunged into her depths, you and Yoohyeon continued to watch as the young girl continued to play with herself. 
As Gahyeon’s eyes opened a bit, she noticed the two of you watching and just smirked. 
“Fuck. Are you sure y-you want to do this bet Oppa? You know how good we make you cum.” 
“Yeah, I’m sure Gahyeon. Just have your orgasm and get back over to your desk. Have a good night.” 
Walking away from that dirty scene, you can hear the wet sound of Gahyeon’s pussy swallowing the plastic penis. Walking away from that did happen to cause a rise in your pants. As you stood by the elevator waiting for it to arrive, you began to feel a hand rub over your clothed phallus. 
“No Yoohyeon. Later ok?” 
“Ugh fine.” 
At that exact time, the elevator arrived and opened up. As you both stepped in, you took a glance at Yoohyeon who just had a smirk on her face. 
Confused, you just looked forward and continued your ride down to the parking lot lobby. 
10 mins later 
Outside the little sounds of cars, beeping can be heard in the distance as a squeaking sound gets louder and louder. In an empty corner of the parking lot away from others. A nice blue car can be seen bouncing up and down. 
“F-Fuck Yoohyeon. I-I meant when we get home.” 
As the blonde girl rode your length, she grabbed her blouse and unbuttoned it. The white bra holding her perky tits came undone with your help. Yoohyeon always knew you loved to at least look at them. 
“P-Please. I need to fuck you as much as possible today.” 
Bringing your hands to the girl's hips, Yoohyeon brought her chest back a bit and began to grind on your length. Using your strength, you helped Yoohyeon increase her grinding on your rod. The grunts from the two of you continued to grow but you wanted to reach your peak quickly. 
Picking up your friend, you began to shove her down on your length once more. The sudden constriction from Yoohyeon’s walls let you know she was getting close. Normally, sex with Yoohyeon wouldn't be this quick but this wasn’t the best place to be having fun. 
Speeding up as fast as possible, the young woman began to shake all over your body l. The sudden pulses from her cavern caused you to reach your peak. Shot after shot of your semen filled her pussy to the brim. A minute passes as you raise the puppy off your length, helping her sit down in the passenger seat. Grabbing your clothes, you both changed back into your clothes and got ready to leave. 
The roar from your engine hit your ears as you pulled out of the parking spot. Best not to linger after your little session. 
“I’ll order some pizza so we don’t have to leave your home today.” 
“You read my mind.” 
Speeding home, you got home quickly and parked your car in the garage. Stepping out of your vehicle, you saw the delivery driver pull up with your food. Walking towards him, you grabbed the pizza and began to walk back to your home. Yoohyeon stood by your front door waiting for you to come in. 
“Let’s go eat.” 
“Absolutely. You're gonna need your energy.” 
Safe to say you didn’t get much sleep that night. 
November 2nd 
Day two of thirty. The first day was easier than you thought. Last night you took Handong home and her being one of the calmest girls didn’t push for sex after you said no. 
Your schedule with the girls was this. 
Sunday - Minji aka Jiu
Monday - Gahyeon
Tuesday -Yoohyeon
Wednesday - Handong
Thursday - Siyeon
Friday - Bora aka Sua
Saturday - Yubin aka Dami
Tonight Siyeon will be coming home with you which could be a little difficult. Compared to the other girls, Siyeon just screamed seductress. Her gaze alone at times made you just hard. 
As you were thinking about how the night would go, a sudden knock at the door got your attention. As the door flung open, you saw a black-haired girl walk into your office. As she walked over, she stared into your eyes lustfully. 
“I brought you some coffee, Kangdae. Here you go.” 
Placing the mug down, Siyeon then sat down on your desk and looked at you. Grabbing her pen, Siyeon then bit it and continued her glare at you. 
“You look good. Red was always a great color on you. I especially love the red shade I see when I’m sucking your throbbing cock.” 
Those words along with her gaze made shivers run down your spine. As your cock began to harden, Siyeon began to giggle at your discomfort.
“Aweeee Mr. Go. Are you getting hard?” 
Removing the pen from her mouth, Siyeon then threw it to the ground. 
Just like in your common porn video, the woman stood up and bent over in front of you. Her tight brown skirt did little to hide the shape of her ass. Out of reflex, your hand went forward and began to get a handful of it. 
“That’s it. Grab my ass sir.” 
Grabbing Siyeon’s hips, you pulled the young woman towards you and sat her on your legs. As Siyeon faced you once more, you grabbed her face and pulled her in for a kiss. No fighting was needed as you pushed your tongue into her mouth. It might have just been a kiss but it had all the ability to make you fuck this girl. That was until the small part in your brain reminded you of the bet. 
Despite all your senses telling you no, you pulled your face away from Siyeon. As you opened your eyes, you were met with an angry look from the wolf. 
“I wasn’t done.” 
“Sadly I have some work I need to get done. Thank you for the coffee.” 
“Oh come on. Work sounds so boring now. Why don’t you bend me over this table and pound the shit out of my pussy?”
“I-I have to look over this. I’ll see you later.” 
Rolling her eyes, Siyeon then hopped off your legs and walked out of the office. The rest of the day went by in a flash with The rest of the girls busy for the rest of the day. When you got home with Siyeon, she continued to try kissing you but you decided to limit those actions to not tempt yourself more. Safe to say she wasn’t happy you didn’t break. 
November 11th 
The last week was torture. All of the girls attempted all of their little teases But Gahyeon was the most motivated to get you to lose. Right now you found yourself at home, laying in bed. Sua had plans to hang out with an old high school friend so you were just resting. After a long day, sleep was all you needed. 
You weren’t sure what time it was as your body began to wake up. Your eyes were still closed yet your body seemed to have neurons firing off rapidly. A wet feeling could be felt down in your nether region as your eyes began to flutter open. 
Looking down, you saw the sheets covering your body. Taking hold, you removed the covers from your body, seeing a long black-haired figure over your cock. Moving her hair a bit, you immediately saw the Maknea licking your length with her tongue. 
“Fuck Gahyeon. More please.” 
With a little nod, the girl wrapped her lips around the tip of your rod and began to give it small sucks. With the feeling of Gahyeon’s mouth taking over your mind, you brought your hand to her head and began to push her down on your length. The tight sensation from her throat made you roll your eyes to the back of your head. After just a few days, you needed this. 
Bringing her head off your shaft, Gahyeon continued to drag her tongue around your penis.
“This is so much better than a bet. Right Oppa?” 
It wasn’t until the girl said those words that you remembered the wager with the girls. Despite that amazing sensation on your length, you wanted to see if you could last the full month. Your own body almost fought you as your hand pushed Gahyeon off your cock. 
“A-As much fun as this is. I want to win this bet sweetie. Let’s just go back to sleep.” 
“But I want to fuck. Let me hop on Oppa.” 
As your friend raised her waist to jump on your length, your hands grabbed her waist and threw her on the bed. 
“No Gahyeon. Let’s just sleep.” 
The woman once more reached for your penis but you pushed her hands away. Standing up, you ran to the door as the grumpy girl ran after you. Leaving your room, you ran across the hallway and entered the next-door bedroom. With a quick swish, the bedroom door closed as you locked it behind Gahyeon. 
“Oppa, let me in. I need to cum on your cock please”
The pounding on the door continued for a few minutes until you were met with silence. Taking that chance, you closed your eyes and went back to dreamland. 
The sound of birds hit your ears the next morning. After shaking your limbs, you stood up from the bed and made your way to the door. Unlocking it, you took a quick peek outside and saw the coast was clear. 
Heading to the kitchen, you grabbed some coffee from the pot and drank some to wake yourself up. The sound of a door opening gets your attention as footsteps begin to get closer. Once passed the 
Hallways, the small brat from last night walks in and sits at the table. 
Her eyes were barely open so being a kind friend, you grabbed another mug and brought her a cup of coffee as well. As she took the coffee, you could see she was still grumpy about the night before. Sitting back down, the two of you drank your coffee in silence until the girl spoke up. 
“Can we fuck now?” 
“W-What? No Gahyeon.” 
The rest of your afternoon ended up being a lot the same. Gahyeon asking for sex and making moves and you saying no. Just a few more weeks of this. 
November 19th 
8 pm. You currently found yourself in a restaurant surrounded by three other people. Picking up your glass of wine, you are suddenly shocked by a question you’re asked. 
“So Kangdae sweetie. When are you and Yubin gonna give us grandchildren?” 
You nearly choked when you heard that question from your mother. Dami began to pat you on the back as she thought of a response. 
“Well, Mrs.Go. We are both pretty occupied with our careers. I’m his brain at times at the company so he needs me. Maybe once we get married.” 
“Well, then you should get married soon then.” 
“‘Mom. We will get married when we get married. Please don’t push the matter any further. Dad, can you back me up here?” 
“He’s right dear. That between them. Let’s just enjoy our dinner with them.” 
With a nod, you continued to enjoy your family dinner. Maybe a little too much as Yubin ended up tipsy from her glasses of wine. She never was the best drinker but wanted a sip every once in a while. Once the dinner was over, you drove yourself and your girlfriend home. 
Parking your vehicle in your garage, you stepped out of your car and made your way over to the passenger seat. As you pinned the door, you extended your hand and helped Yubin out. Despite being tipsy, Dami easily made her way into your home and then your bedroom. 
Entering your bedroom, you saw Yubin reaching back for the zipper of her dress. Getting next to her, you helped her bring her zipper down and removed her blue dress. As the dress fell from her body, your eyes were blessed with seeing the black bra and panties remaining on her body. 
Getting closer to you, Dami begins to help you remove your tie and dress shirt from your body. The cotton shirt quickly comes off as your girlfriend wrapped her arms around your neck. 
“Was a nice dinner. It was good to see your parents.” 
“Yeah. Next time we can meet up with your parents. I haven’t seen them in a little bit.”
“That would be nice. Just be ready for them to ask about babies like your own parents.” 
“Eh, I don’t mind the questions. It just caught me off guard.” 
“Yeah, I don’t mind either.” 
Looking into your girlfriend's eyes, you leaned down and gave her a quick peck on the lips. As you began to pull your face back, Dami pulled your face back towards her and on her neck. Taking that sign, you began to give her skin small kisses. As you continued to pepper her neck with kisses, you began to give her small bites to mark your territory. 
“Fuck. How long has it been since we had sex?” 
“Two months but who’s counting?” 
“Hehe. Maybe we should start that family your parents were talking about.” 
Sex with Dami was the rarest out of all the bunch despite her being your girlfriend. She didn’t have a big enough sex drive to keep up with you. That’s the main reason why she let you sleep around with the rest of the girls. 
“Fuck. You really want to tempt me huh sweetie?” 
“Come on. What’s the harm with a little fun?” 
“I want to win this bet Dami. I somehow have gotten this far. I’m proud of myself.” 
Dami must have sensed the sincerity in your tone as she kissed you on the cheek and pulled away. The smile on your face lets you know she wouldn't push you any further. You truly loved this woman. 
Just as you were gonna hop into bed, the bedroom door swung open. Both you and Dami looked at the door and saw a nude Gahyeon entering the bedroom. 
“If you won’t fuck him I will.” 
The small girl then started to run towards you and jumped in your direction. You were thankful the bed was behind you as you moved to the side, letting Gahyeon jump on top of it. Just like the week before you made a rush for the door, across the hallway with Dami in tow. 
Once in the spare bedroom, you closed the door and locked it behind the two of you. The pounding from the bratty girl started as you and Dami just laid down in bed. Guess she didn’t learn from the last time. 
November 27th
Your entire week got harder as the end of the month got closer. The girls would constantly flirt as well as touch you all over. You decided not to bring any of the girls home but Yubin for safety of losing the bet. Easy to say all the girls weren't fans of that, but a specific tiny Maknea was the maddest. 
It was a Sunday and you found yourself at the mall, buying a few new ties for work. As you walked around the store, a ping from your pocket got your attention. Bringing your phone out, you saw it was a message from Gahyeon and opened it. 
All eyes shot on you as a certain recording began to play. 
The repeated wet sloshing sound echoed as you tried to turn the video off. The universe must have wanted to embarrass you as your device froze at that moment. The only thing you could do at that moment was run out of the mall, all eyes staring and hearing what was playing on your phone. 
As you sat in your car, your phone finally forced restart and stopped the video. Wanting to get away, you began your engine and drove away from the mall. As you drove, your mind slowly went back to thinking about the video. 
From the looks of it, Gahyeon was on a couch with some fingers in her snatch. The thing was the video was at an angle that Gahyeon couldn’t have recorded the video herself. Probably something to think about later. 
As you finished the drive to your home, you began to pull up your driveway and see you got another message. Stopping a little short of the garage, you grabbed your phone and unlocked it. 
Come in daddy. We’re waiting.
Yeah, she was in your home. It was abundantly clear she was here to have sex so you shouldn't go in. Well, she certainly piqued your interest by saying “we’re here”. Who was the other person in your home right now?
Despite knowing you shouldn't, you made your way toward the front door, leaving your vehicle in the driveway. Pressing the key code, you hear the latch from the door lift itself unlocking it. Pushing the door open, sudden sounds hit your ears as you walked in. Closing the door behind you, your legs brought you to the living room and an amazing sight. 
Gahyeon had her legs split open while some other girl had her mouth down on her pussy. Gahyeon’s moans filled the room as she looked up and saw you. 
“Hi, Daddy. It’s so nice of you to join us. Come meet Ahn Yujin. She’s the newest intern at Go tech and a dear friend of mine. Say hi Yujin.” 
“Hi, sir or should I say, daddy? Gahyeon tastes so sweet. Would you like a try?” 
The tall girl then stood up from her knees and walked over to you. With each sway of her hips, the more you felt your pants tighten. Once in front of you, the young intern brought her face to yours and planted her lips on your own. You were a bit surprised but gave in to the kiss. As your tongue began to move around her lips, you began to get the aftertaste and Gahyeon’s juices. 
The stubble taste of her juices took over your mind. Pulling back from the kiss, you dropped down to your knees and crawled towards the brat. Wrapping both arms around her legs, you then pushed your face down to her snatch and gave it a quick kiss. 
Stretching out your tongue, you began to give her folds little licks to tease her. 
“Come on daddy. Just eat my pussy already.” 
Hearing those words, your tongue began to speed up with the licks to her folds. Bringing your hand towards her pussy, you then stretched open the lips of her cavern and found her little nub. Moving your tongue to the erect button, you repeatedly flicked your tongue on it causing the girl the jump from the stimulation. 
Looking up quickly, you saw Yujin wrapping her mouth around her senior's nipple. As you played with her clit, Yujin sucked on her breast causing Gahyeon to moan louder and louder. With each flick of your tongue, you have her pink clit a small suck, making the young woman jump around. 
Using all the strength and speed in your mouth, you repeatedly attacked her snatch with all you could. The multiple points of stimulation caused Gahyeon to reach her peak. As the woman jolted around, you held down on her lower body and continued to attack her folds. A rush of fluids hit your face as you continued to play with her pussy. The tangy taste of her juices blessed your mouth as you drank as much as possible. 
Finally calming down, Gahyeon began to gasp for air and calmed her muscles. Removing your face from her private parts, you saw that Yujin was still giving her breast a few sucks before removing her lips from her nipple. 
“That mouth really works its magic. Let’s get that cock out now.” 
As both girls reached out for your pants, your brain finally kicked back on as you jumped away. 
“U-Um another time.” 
Just like the other times you ran away from Gahyeon as well as Yujin and made it to your car. A hotel room ended up being your home for the night. 
November 29th 
Today was the final day. Somehow Kangdae lasted almost the full month. The other girls were interested in the money but you, you just wanted to fuck him. 
As you sat around the barbecue table, a sudden tap on the shoulder brought you back to your senses. 
“Gahyeon. What’s up? You aren’t eating.” 
“I want some cum.” 
All the girls took a glance at you and rolled their eyes. 
“Well, it seems that Kangdae will actually win this bet. All you need to do is wait one more day and you get to fuck him.” 
“But I want to fuck him today. It’s pure torture.” 
“We should have made the bet to see if you could go a month without sex.” 
“Funny. Now, what do I do?” 
“Gahyeon. I tell you this as your friend and his girlfriend. Sex with Kangdae is amazing but you can live without it. I don’t fuck him often. Maybe it will do you some good to try to last today as well. Plus what can you do? Tie him up and fuck him while he sleeps?” 
Everyone could tell you had a plan as a smirk appeared on your face. 
After a long day, you ended up going home. It was quite a busy day so you went home late. As you walked into your bedroom, you closed the door behind you and locked it. You weren’t sure if you could trust any of the girls tonight. 
Taking off your suit, you grabbed the pajamas off your bed and put them on. Laying down on your bed, you went under your covers. Looking to the side, your eyes saw the alarm clock. The time was 11:50 pm. As you closed your eyes, you quickly drifted off to sleep.
You weren’t sure what time it was as you felt a tight feeling on your cock. This was familiar. As you opened your eyes you saw the lights on in your room. Looking forward, you saw a figure standing over your length. As your hands tried to move forward you felt some resistance stopping you from grabbing the girl. As your eyes finally adjusted, you finally recognized who was riding you. It was Gahyeon. 
“G-Gahyeon. What are you doing?” 
“I- I need your cum in me. So just sit there daddy and enjoy.” 
Gahyeon had a long sleeve shirt on with a jean skirt. The shirt was tight enough to highlight her large breasts. Your mouth began to water a bit at the beautiful sight that was Gahyeon. As the girl lowered her upper body, she began to bounce harder on your length. The deeper you went into her walls the more pleasure you both received. 
As much fun as you were having, you wanted to win this bet. Your arms kept tugging at the restraints on your limbs. Seeing it was your ties, you continued to pull on them, getting them slowly undone. Gahyeon seemed to notice this as she grabbed your arms and continued to ride you. Slowing her hips a bit, Gahyeon began to grind her body on yours and rubbed her clit on your skin. 
Using this to reach her peak Gahyeon sped up her grinding and began to shake on top of you. The sudden pulsation from her walls overpowered your self-restraint as you began to thrust up into her cavern. It must have been the lack of cuming that your peak quickly arrived. With one final thrust, you pushed your length into her pussy and began to unload your semen into her cavern. 
Shot after shot of your load filled the young girl as she yelled. 
Your grunts and her yells were all that could be heard in your room. You honestly weren’t sure how much you came in her but the leaking cum from her pussy let you know it was a lot. Finally calming down, Gahyeon hopped off your dick and brought her face to it. Licking the remaining cum off your tip, you continued to jump around from the overstimulation. 
Once happy, the brat brought her face off your nether region and stood up. 
“Fucking finally. Do you know how long I was waiting for that?”
All you could do was grunt at the girl. You were angry at the girl And she could tell. With a small giggle, she walked over to your table and grabbed her phone. As she typed away on her device, you found your hands finally undoing the knots that were tied. As your hands finally got free, you quickly undid the ones on your legs and stood up. 
Gahyeon seemed to be very distracted as you stood behind her. A small giggle left her mouth as you put your hands on her shoulders. 
“Now you’ve done it.” 
With all your strength, you threw Gahyeon onto your bed and looked at her angrily.
“I could have won Gahyeon! I wanted to be able to do this!”
“U-Um Oppa. Look at the time.” 
Taking a small glance at the alarm clock, you finally noticed the time. It was 12:10 am. It couldn't have been more than 5 mins since you finished in her. 
“You won Oppa. I just happened to start a little late. Otherwise, you would have lost.” 
It was true. You did win the bet officially but you were still mad. Don’t get it wrong, Gahyeon didn’t force you, your body began to thrust on its own out of habit. It was just about seeing your limits.
“Well then. If you want to have sex with me so much then let’s have some fun.” 
Reaching up for Gahyeon’s shirt, you ripped it off her and saw her breasts without a bra on. Without any words, Gahyeon pulled down her skirt and threw it to the side. 
“Finally. Fuck me like you mean it, daddy.” 
You had every intention of making her eat those words. Dropping on top of Gahyeon, you attached your lips to her right nipple, sucking aggressively. With each suck you gave, your mouth also gave a little bite. Responding to the aggressive action towards her breast, Gahyeon just moaned and laughed at your actions. 
“I know you love my tits. You’re stupid for even going a day without sex.” 
Pulling your head back, you brought your left hand to her left nipple and pinched it. A small jolt came from her body as you gave her nipple another punch. Raising your right hand, you brought it down swiftly and slapped her right tit. 
From that sound, you could tell the actions were a bit aggressive for the girl but you weren’t even close to done. Slap after slap you hit both of her breasts as you gave her nipples strong pinches in between each strike. As her breast turned red, your length came back to life matching the same shade as hers. 
Grabbing Gahyeon’s waist, you flipped her body over and saw her nice ass in front of you. Despite the rough actions on her mounds, your eyes picked up how wet her pussy was. 
“Jesus you slut. I slap your tits a bunch yet you still get wet?” 
Without warning, you lined up with her folds and pushed your way in. Despite being in her snatch just a few minutes ago, Gahyeon was still unbelievably tight. As your left hand took hold of her waist, you began to move your rod in and out of her pussy. Starting at a slower speed, you quickly began to fuck her snatch more aggressively. 
Just as you did earlier, you raised your hand and began to slap her body aggressively. This time her ass began to turn as red as her tits did. With each slap, you matched your thrust into her walls. The grooves from inside the maknea’s walls fit around your rod just perfectly. 
As her ass finally turned bright red, your hand moved from slapping her butt and moved up her body. Wrapping your right arm under Gahyeon’s, you brought her upper body closer to your own and began to kiss her ear. Moving back to her neck you continued as earlier and bit on her neck. As you continued to mark your territory, the bratty girl continued to moan repeatedly from your assault on her body. 
“F-Fuck. I-It’s cute you’re mad.” 
Just hearing her speak made you mad. Bringing your hand to her neck, you grabbed it and began to tighten your hold. The more you constrict your hand on the girl, the more her walls tighten around your cock. 
“God, you are a slut. A bratty slut. You’re probably enjoying this more than me.” 
“I-I f-fucking IM CUMMING!” 
You didn’t even get a chance to stop as the bratty girl came on your shaft. The hold on her neck must have gotten insanely tight as her body suddenly dropped a bit. Worried, you let go and saw Gahyeon gasp for air then laugh.
Annoyed that the girl was still playing even after all this, your length continued to ram into her pussy despite having just came. 
“H-Hold on daddy. I-I just came.” 
“I don’t give a shit.” 
Each thrust into her walls caused the spoiled brat to shake more and more in your hold. The fluids from her snatch began to leak out as your rod reached the depths of her walls. The sudden constriction around your shaft let you know she was about to cum again. Slowing down your movements. Gahyeon began to whine. 
“Please daddy. Let me cum again.” 
“Another orgasm. Greedy much Gahyeon?” 
Bringing her hips down on your length was enough for the brat to begin to shake all over your bed. The rush of fluids hit your legs as the girl just panted for air. Angry at her disobeying you, you took hold of her hips and rammed your length into her. As she continued to flop all over the place, you felt your peak finally arriving. 
Flipping Gahyeon over, you increase the speed at which you piston into her cavern. The screams from Gahyeon echoed throughout your home. Even though you were overstimulating Gahyeon you could see the hint of a smirk on her face. 
Using all the strength left at that moment you shoved your shaft into the deepest corner of Gahyeon’s pussy. The smirk was gone as her entire body began to shake all around. 
“D-Daddy S-Stop.”
“N-Not until I cum.” 
Raising her upper body, you attached your lips back to Gahyeon’s nipple and gave it a few more sucks. That was enough for Gahyeon to yell in your ears and cum once more. As her walls tightened around cock, you shoved yourself one more time into her walls. Your rod began to shoot shot after shot of semen into her womb. You somehow threw seven ropes of your load into the brat. 
The girl was nearly passed out on the bed after the constant orgasms you were giving to her. As your peak ended, you fell on the side of the bed and lay next to Gahyeon. 
Honestly. You weren’t sure how Gahyeon came that many times and that fast. Must have been a mix of things. You being aggressive, that lack of dick she had in the entire month. Must have been how you also had two major loads stored in your body. 
“Fuck that was good.” 
“God. The girls should have made that bet with you, not me.” 
“Funny, Dami said the exact same thing. I’m just glad we both had fun.” 
“Oh, we aren’t done Gahyeon. We are just getting started with this little session.” 
“W-Wait I’m sore!” 
You didn’t even give her a chance to react as your mouth moved down to her folds. Easy to say that both of you had your fill of sex for the day. 
December 1st. 
Walking out of the elevator, Gahyeon followed you walking funny towards her desk. The rest of the girls all noticed this and began to laugh. They had never seen Gahyeon this sore after one of your nights. All of the girls surrounded the girl's desk as you stood next to her. 
“So I hear congratulations are in order Kangdae. Gahyeon tested us last night to tell us she broke you but ten minutes too late.” 
“Well, I’m still mad she broke me ten minutes later but thank you. Actually, Gahyeon I had the door locked. How did you get in?” 
“I was hiding in your closet until you fell asleep. Then when you passed out I used your ties to get your limbs strapped down.” 
“Well, I think Kangdae got his revenge. I have never seen you wobble like that.” 
Everyone on the top floor began to laugh at Sua’s statement. 
“Well, either way. A bet is a bet and you won Kangdae. When will you leave for your vacation?” 
As Jiu finished asking her question, the ding from the elevator got everyone’s attention. A minute passed as you heard some footsteps get close until a person was in front of you. It was your security guard. 
“Ah, there you are, Sir. Your ride to the airport is here. They told me to tell you all the luggage was brought into your plane already.” 
“Thank you Hakkun. We will be down in a bit.” 
As your security guard left you felt a little tap on your shoulder. The source? Your girlfriend. 
“What do you mean we?” 
“Oh, I decided ladies. We are all heading to Mexico since vacation alone would be boring. I already got people to take care of the rest of the things for a week. Let’s go!” 
You didn’t need to repeat yourself as all the girls ran towards the elevator with you in tow. Stepping in, you all began to talk to each other and mess around. As you finally reached the lobby you felt a kiss on your cheek. Yoohyeon was standing next to you smirking. 
“Me and the ladies are gonna leave you limping like Gahyeon by the end of this vacation.” 
Looking around, you saw all the girls giving you a dangerous look. Honestly, you weren’t sure if you would survive this vacation but if you survived No Nut November then you can probably do this. 
You can, right?
A/n 2- So I hope you liked it. it real talk I'm a bit in the dumps towards writing smut so i might take a long break or just quit smut writing. who knows but I guess we will see. Ty again
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danmeiconfession · 4 months
Ik I'm late but Reply to: https://www.tumblr.com/danmeiconfession/739733352626749441/why-are-we-fighting-over-who-in-svsss-is-morally
Anon, it isn't about who rly is morally right in svsss. It's about how you stan your fav who is immoral. But hate on SJ, who only did 1 thing wrong; which is singling out LBH, might I add a PROTAGONIST, and abuse him. Cos if LBH wasn't a protag, no one would've care if he abused him or not. Cos I've some examples in svsss who did abuse children but got away with it.
SY is a lazy, 2nd Generation young master, neet and an internet hater. He bullied SQH to change his original plot, then had the audacity to hate on it. After transmigrating, his only plan was to survive, not to change LBM or the plot. He was okay if LBM DID turn out as a tyrant, as long as he is alive with his LIMBS INTACT. Had 3 yrs to prepare for LBM's abyss arc and stopping LBM's blackening fully. But instead, he DID NTH but to lazy around the Peak, coddling and spoiling LBM, giving him an assurance that demonic cultivation is okay in CQMS and when the time came, accused LBM of being a demon and pushed him in abyss after stabbing him. LBM wouldn't have turned out the way he did, if SY didn't pull that shit. He isn't a good teacher. He emotionally abused QJP disciples, abandoning them, getting irritated if anyone starts crying but coddles LBM if he did the same. He had also abused BZP disciples indirectly, using LQG to beat up his disciples ONLY COS they were bullying LBM, not any other QJP disciple. He still continued to abuse SQH, a fellow transmigrator. He is also a groomer, might I add, he was grooming LBM into a tyrant, who'll listen to him, tho he didn't know he was unintentionally grooming LBM sexually as well. And his biggest crime is till the end he is impersonating someone else, ik he didn't have a choice but he could've come clean that he isn't who they all think he is.
LBM is an obsessive freak, manipulating SY into having his way, he tortured SY just cos he 'thought' he got rejected by his shizun. Beat up SHL, used some innocent cultivators to satiate XM's hunger, tried to SA SY and last but not the least, tried to merge the 3 realms and killing n no. of innocent ppl with it.
Okay, LBG makes my blood boil, he is the worst out of all the immoral Gays out there. He is everything SJ was accused for! He is a mass murderer. He did genocide, he is behind the destruction on 3 realms, killing so many innocent humans and cultivators alike. He is a rapist, raping innocent women in 2 digits. He is fucking abuser himself! He abused and tortured SJ for years. Turned him into a human-stick! Just bcos he couldn't handle some whipping, which was a simple form of punishment in ancient China. He wasn't even abused to the extend SJ did, but had the audacity to cry about it to everyone, about how horrible his shizun is. He had also tortured SY and tried to rape him. And had to look pitiful when SY rejected him. Only cos SY was a nicer version of his shizun.
LQG may try to be a righteous man, but trust me he isn't. No righteous man will belittle anyone. He looked down upon sex workers. Belittled SJ, who he knew nth about. Abusing his own disciples, abandoning them whenever he felt like it. In Jinlan city arc he kidnapped civilians so MQF could experiment on them. Pls don't tell me it is morally right to you.
YQY's biggest crime is his silence. He was silent when PLs were accusing SJ and spreading rumours about him, when he knew about SJ. He never stopped those rumors from spreading. He never stopped the PLs to shit on SJ. He kept his silence. He was silent when SJ warned him about SQH. He NEVER listened to SJ, whenever he tried to warn him about smth and then SJ had to deal with the outcome. He was silent when LBG came to accuse SJ of his crimes. He NEVER opened his mouth. He never asked his martial siblings to get along with SJ, but expected that from SJ. He knew his brother but still believed the crimes against him.
SQH, og or airplane doesn't matter, is a mass murderer. He killed innocent young cultivators in IAC. He was conspiring with demons against his own kind! The only difference between them is, airplane was a little bit kind. Cos he didn't unleashed, dangerous and deadly monsters. He tried to help SJ when LQG accused him of backstabbing or gave him an advice for future Lingxi Caves event. He isn't rly that kind either. PIDW ended the way it did cos he got corrupt. He started licking his benefactors feet. Og did everything on his own volition. He never cared for anyone in this world.
MBJ, just like SQH, is a mass murderer. He is the mastermind behind the demon invasion in IAC, killing innocent young cultivators. He also abused SQH constantly.
Looking at your fav none of them are morally right but when it comes to staning one of them only SJ gets the backlash and says, "Stop staning SJ, stan SY he is kinder version of SQQ," "uwu LBH/LBM/LBG is a traumatized little meowmeow. He ended up like this cos he was abused in the past," "YQY is a traumatized little guy, he scared to loose everything in his life!" "SQH is forced to do everything!" And last, "LQG is a righteous cultivator, he'll never do anything wrong!"
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Hes gone
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Summary- yn potters boyfriend (cedric diggory)dies and she dosent handle it well.
Yn Potter was, of course, just as famous as her brother, maybe even a little more. It was no secret that everyone fancied the beautiful girl.
But everyone knew that her heart was already claimed by the one and only cedric diggory. The two of them had been together since the 2nd year and still going strong even tho they thought it wouldn't be anything important as they were both young.
Even tho they were two years apart it didn't stop them from falling more and more in love with each other everyday.
Even snape couldn't bring himself to hate the relationship between them, the relationship didn't just bring happiness to themselves but to everyone around them they were simply made for eachother nothing could ever come between the two.
The two would always be seen walking in the halls with each other as yn happily spoke about anything and everything on her mind, and Cedric simply let her, smiling as he looked at her with adoration and love.
They would hold each other tightly when they were scared of what the future held in front of them.
In the free time, they'd play in the yard playfully, tackling each other and laughing as they put fruit in each other's mouth.
Cedric had even memorised every Taylor swift song just so he could impress yn and sing her, her favourite songs.
When they argued, it never lasted longer than a day before they apologised and were back to how they were like, nothing had happened.
Their relationship was perfect. You couldn't describe it as anything over than perfect.
It was now the last stage of the triwizard tournament, and yn was wearing a gryffindor jumper and a hufflepuff scarf to support her twin brother and boyfriend.
"Who are you hoping to win, your twin or your boyfriend?" A girl spoke From next to where yn stood with hermiome and Ron.
"I don't really mind who wins as long as they are both ok im happy." Yn spoke with a kind smile waving at Cedric as he blew her a kiss.
She laughed a little, taking a photo of him and Harry on her polariod as he smiled at her happiness.
Cedric ran up to the stands and kissed yn whispering how he loved her before going back to stand in line waiting for the tournament to start.
-----harrys pov------------
I looked down at Cedric lifeless body crying ad I remembered they events that had just happened.
Voldemort had killed cedric and attempted to do the same to me, except my parents and cedrics spirit had helped me win against him.
I remember the last words out of Cedric mouth crystal clear.
"Bring my body back to my father and yn, please keep her safe for me and tell her I love her more than word could ever tell her"
I grabbed his body and the port key and was taken back where everyone was waiting.
Harry had arrived, and everyone cheered for him, but something wasn't right.
Cedric wasn't moving and Harry was clinging to his body with tears streaming down his face as he met my eyes mouthing that he was sorry.
Thats when I noticed how cold his body looked I stood up and ran over to where he was dropping to my knees screaming in distraught as his father joined crying in just as much pain as I was, we both cried while hugging his lifeless body.
His father stood up as dumbledore helped him up and escorted him away from the scene trying to do the same to me.
"No, please baby, please don't leave me, please don't leave me," I whispered over and over again into his shoulder.
Harry came over and hugged me from behind as I refused to let him go, not wanting to believe he was actually gone.
"I couldn't save him yn im sorry voldemort killed him to get to me im sorry I couldn't help I tried". Harry cried, trying his best to comfort me while telling me what had happened.
The news had only made me cry more, My boyfriend was murdered the same exact way my parents were murdered.
The grounds were cleared with only mcgonagall, snape, dumbledore, and Harry trying to coax me away from him gently.
Snape leaned down to my level, sympathy in his eyes. I had never seen any emotion except hate in his eyes when looking at me.
"Come on, yn, it's time to let him go," he whispered gently as he would break me if he spoke any louder.
Mcgonagall had pulled snape away and knelt down in front of me gently, grabbing me, pulling me away from the body sitting on the ground with me holding me tightly as the others covered cedrics body.
I grabbed her robes tightly, crying into them as she stroked my hair gently.
"His gone, Minnie, he's really gone, I can't live without him. I just can't please tell me it's not real"
"Im sorry, sweetheart, I'm so sorry," she spoke, cradling me gently.
"Come on dear lets go back to the common room and get warm" she spoke standing up and leading me to the gryffindor common room as I curled up into my bed clinging to a photo of Cedric, breaking down as she left the room to give me my space.
Mcgonagall made her way to dumbledores office where snape and dumbledore himself were waiting for an update on the girl.
"How is she?" Snape asked eagerly, voice filled with concern as soon as mcgonagall had entered the room.
"Broken, she's absolutely shattered," she spoke quietly, trying not to cry as she remembered the look on the girls face when she climbed into bed and saw a picture of the two.
They all looked to the ground, not knowing what to say about the events of the night before leaving and going back to their houses.
The day after his funeral, it was classes, and yn hadn't shown up to any classes. The teachers had noticed but left her to herself to grieve.
Instead, the girl spent her time in her room drinking till she passed out and smoked till she couldn't walk. It was the only way she knew how to numb the pain.
She had also begun cutting herself, blaming herself for every little thing that had ever happened.
She was slowly killing herself and wasn't making an effort to stop.
Mcgonagall and snape had decided that they should go and check up on the girl as she hadn't left the rooms since the incident.
When they entered the room, they hadn't expected what they saw.
The room was trashed cupboards were smashed and things were thrown on the floor, the floor was littered in empty alcohol bottles, empty pipe bottles, and burnt out cigarettes.
But there was no sign of yn.
But the bathroom door was slightly cracked open, making the professors think that's where she was.
Before they could walk to the door, Harry entered the room, witnessing the state it was in with the same shocked expression that mcgonagall and snape previously had shown before it changed into sorrow.
Harry walked to the door before knocking and not gaining any reply. He cautiously opened the door a little before gasping and running in.
Mcgonagall and snape followed his steps before laying their eyes on what harry had opened the door on.
They ran to the girls' side, trying to wake her, but it was pointless.
She was already gone.
Today was the day that the pain would finally end, I had decided it was time to finally let go and go somewhere peaceful.
Somewhere where I would meet my parents and finally be reunited with Cedric.
It had taken a lot of thought about not wanting to leave Harry behind, but I knew he'd be ok with his friends, and I'd still be with him just ad a spirit, though.
I grabbed my blade and pills, sitting down against the bathroom wall, writing a letter to whoever found me so that they had some sort of goodbye from me.
"Dear everyone,
Let's start with the most important person, harry, please dont dwell on it too much I know that this isn't the best way to go but I have no choice, we all know that staying here I would just continue destroying myself more and more everyday, so I want you to know that I am now in a better place with our parents and Cedric, and until the day that you die by old age I'll promise to watch after you everyday, im not saying don't be sad I mean of course you'll be sad im not they're to annoy you with my Taylor swift karaoke anymore, more along dont take this as a tragic suicide, take this as me finally meeting peace that we both know I needed, im not really gone I'll still show up randomly as a ghost and help you kill voldemort and embarrass you with karaoke in the great hall with nearly headless nick, so this isn't goodbye it's a I'll see you in heaven when you're old and wrinkly and I'll see ya around hogwarts when I randomly visit i love you hazza, and Minnie same goes for you I'll still continue to show up and gossip about all the people in the afterlife, and thank you, thank you for being my parental figure when I had no one else I love you minnie, snape and dumbledore I may not be your biggest fan nor are you mine but I'm still gonna say a partial goodbye even though you'll both soon be up here with me since your both extremely old anyways moving on again, to all the other professors that have taught me, thank you that's all ive gotta say is thank you and see ya soon, now for my friends I love all of you dearly and don't think you've finally escaped me, and Ron and hermione if you two don't hurry up and admit you love eachother I'll haunt you while you sleep, and to every other student in hogwarts heres a piece of advice just do what your scared of because if you don't you'll end up living with what ifs instead of im happy I did that, anyways thats all I've got for all of you just one more thing make sure you play the most out of pocket songs at my funeral, that's all so bye for now".
Love yn."
I placed the paper beside me before opening the bottle and taking a handful.
And finally, the darkness overtook me, and I smiled, feeling a sense of peace wash over me.
It was my sisters funeral today as I read out the letter she left a few laughs were shared along with some cries from the people who really knew her as I finished the letter I looked up at the sky saying a goodbye to her even though i knew it wasn't really goodbye.
We planted her beside Cedric, decorating the graves with photos with both of them and special things that belonged to the two.
I silently cried with Ron and hermiome but also smiling, knowing that she was finally at peace.
As I entered the white gates of heaven I couldn't help but laugh at how cliche it all was but that's when I noticed them standing there waiting for me.
My parents, they ran over to me, embracing me in a hug filled with tears and laughter.
We pulled away as my father grabbed my face and kissed my forehead.
"Hey sweetheart, welcome home," he said as Mum smiled, pushing the hair out of my face to look at me properly.
"Mum, dad, God, I've missed you," I spoke, and they smiled, holding my hand.
"We missed you two, sweetie, but first look behind you," they smiled as i turned around confused only to see him standing there.
"Couldn't stay away could you love" Cedric laughed smiling as I ran over to him jumping into his arms embracing him tightly, he held me laughing a little while slowly lowering me back down to the ground.
I wrapped my hands around his neck, and he wrapped his around waist, pulling me in and kissing me softly.
"I love you," we both whispered in sync, hugging each other tightly.
My parents joined the hug after a while as we all smiled happily.
I was finally at peace.
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
Weird question what is the importance of Jerusalem for Christians and Jews? Was Jerusalem the capital of ancient Israel and why Christians like the Templars wanted to retake it?
I got long, I'm gonna TL:DR; at the end ____________________
Jerusalem was the capital of the united kingdom of Israel, well after Saul at least David moved it there and Solomon built the temple there on the piece of land that is called "the temple mount" in English at least which is the single holiest site in Judaism, which if you speak to the remaining Samaritans you will hear different since they claim to be the ones following the true way and their capital was Samaria and their temple was on Mount Gerizim that was after the split of united Israel after the death of Solomon got Judea and Samaria.
Babylonians came in and destroyed and looted the first temple Solomon's Temple in in 587 BC, Assyrians had gotten Samaria and scattered it's people to the wing the best they could getting us The Ten Lost Tribes.
Eventually the Persian empire, (guys from the battle of Thermopylae aka 300 Spartan thing) KO'd the Babylonian empire and they were a lot nicer and also understood the politics of not getting in the way of local faiths because that's one of those things people will die for.
So Cyrus the Great gave his cup-bearer Nehemiah permission to go home and rebuild his city and its temple, so construction on the Second Temple started in 516 BC. (there's lots of extrabiblical stuff to back this up btw, in case you wondered it's not all just stuff from the Torah, names may be different that's fine tho) Ezekiel came in and rededicated it and began teaching "The Law ™" and over time it was expanded and eventually Herod the Great (same one from the Christmas story that killed all the babies looking for Jesus) got it all done and if we look at the timeline and that little bit of info about Herod we can see why Christians are so attached to the place too.
The Temple held the Holy of Holies, which is where the Ark of the Covenant (from Indiana Jones, lol) was kept had the original 10 commandment tablets a jar of mana and Aaron's staff in it and the actual location was considered the conduit between this world and the other, inelegant way to put it but still. It's where the high priest could go once a year and offer a sacrifice for the people, on Yom Kippur the holiest day in both Judaism and Samaratinsim (they agree mazel tov) I remember something about a rope being tied to their leg and they had to wear bells just in case they were "smited" and needed to be "removed" not sure how real that is.
With all of that it should be fairly simple to figure out why Jewish people are so attached to it, and the Jesus connection what with the whole bit about the money changers and flipping tables taking place in the courtyard of that temple, the whole last bit of each of the gospels starting well before the triumphal entrance on what Christians call Palm Sunday all the way through the crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension that was all in and around Jerusalem.
Jews were ending their Passover Seder with L'Shana Haba'ah B'Yerushalayim (Next year in Jerusalem) starting somewhere in the 1400's from what I can see as a wish to be able to go home and worship and fellowship in their own homeland among other reasons.
So here we have the previously mentioned Temple Mount
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That bit where it says "Western Wall" is a remnant from the 2nd temple, Jesus touched that and may have taught while using it to shade himself it's all happened there.
The city is in the DNA of every Jewish person and by extension Christians though not as deeply ingrained.
Then we get to Islam, as you see in the image up there they built a mosque on top of the location for the Jewish Temple, it's how history works may have been some middle finger flipping when it happened but as history goes that's how a invading conquering force does thing, always have.
Dome of the rock there on the inside looks like this
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The exposed bit there is goes by several names, "Foundation Stone" is one, it's believed by (some) Jews that this is the location where the Holy of Holies was/is and for Muslims it's where Muhammad ascended went on his "night journey" spoke directly to both Moses and Allah to get the law for Muslims some of it at least.
Spot under that rock is the "well of souls" bet you can guess what significance that has.
So bringing it all together and hitting the TL:DR at the same time. _____________________________-
TL:DR; all 3 Abrahamic faiths are very attached to the city of Jerusalem and its surrounding area because it plays a central part in the stories of them.
Jews were there first so they get the strongest claim imho but as it sits it is a holy and revered site for all 3 faiths because it's deeply connected to them all both physically and spiritually.
Slightly less holy to Muslims since their temple mount buildings are just the third most sacred place in Islam, but still dreadfully sacred. ______________
Sorry this was really long, hope it was slightly interesting at least if you read it, it's as accurate as I could make it without spending a lot more time fact checking myself too.
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chaotic-ravenclaw · 7 months
Heyy, just noticed that we don't have a ship name for Marlene and Dorcas, other than Dorlene, but the others get cool ship names.. so here are my ideas:
FieldBeater - coz Meadowes, and in most things I've read, Marlene is a beater in quidditch.. idk how I feel abt this tbh, kinda just gives the vibe of someone beating up grass, tho that kinda works anyways coz they would 😭😭
First one I came up with 7/10
LoveSeeker - okay, I did some research. Found out that the last name McKinnon has been loosely 'translated' into love, but I'm not sure which language (doesn't say) 😅 I also had to look up which quidditch position Dorcas played (if any) and found out her brothers forced her to play as seeker in family games coz she was the smallest. So now I headcanon her as Slytherin Seeker in her 2nd year, and stand in Seeker for when Regulus can't play.
I like this a lot 9/10
SeaGrass - Once again, I've been researching 🤓 so, sea, coz Marlene's name is a blend of Maria and Magdaline which mean 'star of the sea' and 'of Magdala' respectively. I took the sea part from that, obviously.. and then, obviously Meadowes = grasslands.
I also really like this.. I think I may have seen someone use this before actually 😭 9/10
I can't be bothered using anymore brain power, so this will have to do 😅
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neonstatic · 3 months
got tagged by braddy @rmnu hi mongi!!!!
1. Are you named after anyone? i was named after both my parents. i'm lowkey a jr c: i would add junior to my name list if i didn't already know a few...
2. When was the last time you cried? the day of my last driving lesson? my teacher was being super cold to me and i'm ridiculously sensitive so i came out of there feeling terribly down. haven't been to my lessons since teehee
3. Do you have kids? nope.
4. What sports do you play/have you played? i've done one year of soccer, didn't rly like it, then basketball from middle school to first year of high school. had to stop bc i was entering a program by my 2nd year and i needed to focus. i was not a super good shot but i did a solid defense
5. Do you use sarcasm? i've been told before that i am Mayor of Sarcasmtown. take that however you want
6. What's the first thing you notice about someone? their eyes, i guess?
7. Eye color? dark brown, look very black. (yes, i am His favourite)
8. Scary movies or happy endings? scary movies with happy endings?... ok that's a lie. i love scary movies w ambiguous or bad endings.
9. Any talents? i draw pretty well? i wouldn't say i'm talented tho. i have skills. is a talent just an advanced skill?
10. Where were you born? qc, canada
11. Hobbies? jewelry making, esp beadwork. drawing. playing video games. i'm learning to sew but veeery slowly...just doing small projects. my biggest accomplishment is a carebear backpack. she needs some fixing tho
12. Any pets? no :c i wanted a cat in the future but i developed an allergy 2 yrs ago ;c woe is me
13. Height? 148cm / 4'10
14. Favorite school subject? hmmm ethics and culture was always fun. we'd call our teacher jesus cus he looked the part. i also liked english, art and music.
15. Dream job? as a kid, i wanted to be a therapist with a side-job as an author... in a perfect world rn i'd have a phd or bac in psych but work as a screenwriter.
i'm told i should tag 15 ppl but idk that i know 15 ppl? so i'm not even gonna try :D you're it!!! @satanasgf @vibrantlifeboringdeath @heftbyjapanesebreakfast @gayopinion @medium-guy @dyke-uncle @batboybisexualism no pressure ofc xx
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apersonwholikeslotus · 9 months
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ok so I couldn't get the age order to be the way I wanted and ignore the moms names they're just placeholders;
but here is Abby's immediate family for the bookseller and the florist. François was married to Anne and they had Matt; they got divorced and after the divorce François realized he was Bi. Such is life. Matt was an "every 3 days kid" until he was like 12 and something with the custody came up; he went to being with dad all the time and mom only every other weekend. And by the time he was 15-ish he just stayed with François (and Will) all the time.
Will was married to Dorothy (they were highschool sweethearts who got married at like 19 and everyone was like 'bad idea but go off ig'), they pretty quickly had Jack, and then about three years later Liam. William had some Stuff (TM) happened that made him realize he was gay, him and Dorothy were divorced by the time Liam was 1. They're still decently good friends, even though she moved pretty far away. Jack and Liam always spent summers with her, school year with William and then bounced back and forth for the allotted holidays.
{side note there's eight-ish years between François and Will so Matt is significantly older than Jack and Liam even tho their dads were about the same age when they had their first kid}
I haven't decided exactly but Abby was somewhere between 7-10 when she was adopted; she's older than Liam, about the same age as Jack, and younger than Matt (yes i know what the fic says i'm going to edit some things). Will and François had been together for about 3-ish years when they adopted Abby. (well, William adopted Abby, François got his name added when it became legal where they lived when she was about 12)
{side note pt 2. in this AU François and Will never actually get married due to a little thing called "it's not legal yet" & when it does become legal they just don't bc of a mutual "marriage was fun to try but i'm never doing that again sorry"; they might file for some sort of civil partnership eventually but besides that}
Years later, like Liam is in his 2nd year of highschool later, they get early on-set empty nest do some Debating, and end up getting a surrogate and having Peter. Officially they don't know who his bio dad is, but you look at the boy for two minutes and can tell he's a Kirkland. Just,,, Matt is back in town, Abby & Jack are back from College for fall break or smth, Liam is in highschool he's always home but; they sit all the kids down and are just "we have big news, we're having a baby!" and the general reaction is "what-what the fuck? aren't you two like,,, ancient?"
Anyway time goes on, Peter is like 3, Liam moved out to live with his mom and go to college around where she lives, Abby is back with an English degree to help Will run the shop (initially she was going to be a teacher but changed her mind); Jack is getting some long fancy degree no one quite understands but he's hyped about it and he's never been excited about school. And Matt is off wandering a national park and having a grand old time doing it.
Pete is down for a nap François slides in the room with a serious conversation to have with William;
within two years they've adopted Angelique, she's about six when Pete is five so they're close but not as close as Abby and Jack. It's so stereotypical but Abby was super happy to have a sister FINALLY she had kinda been hoping Peter was a girl but it's fine. She's fine.
And then last but def not least in the story there is actually going to be a future chapter when Abby drags Lars to meet her parents with the excuse of "you know that baby my parents have been fostering? Wendy? well the adoption papers finally went through, so legally she's their kid and legally she's my sister and they're throwing a little party and you should come and meet the rest of my family everyone is going to be there yes bring Emma and Henri"
anyway the age order is;
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buggedstar · 7 months
rant kinda ,, just rambling abt springtrap,spoilers asf abt the movie 👍 everything positive tho))
Nbjbnmm ok so,,,since fnaf 3 came out ive been a fan of springtrap itself (w/o knowing who was inside lol) and like,he stayed as my fav since that even later when i found out who he was,(i kinda still see springtrap as a character of its own) and when i watched the movie? bro the feeling of seeing william afton,,,,the springbonnie suit....that fucking entrance GODDD the way he just menacingly walks slowly,first the eyes glowing and then just appearing fully njkgdukh cheff kiss,,,all the little details we see when hes fully suited...when he tilts his head a bit and THE ROBOTIC VOICE EFFECTS!!! i cannot wait to see springtrap.....i was like 100% sure we will see it on the second one but now that i think of it maybe itll be on the last one? like,even more epic but i also dont think so since hes like,the only villain so,,,ghhhhh im so fucking excited to see the design of springtrap in the movie just thinking of it makes me vibrate out of existence like...hes such a character i love sm i never knew i needed to see him like that,moving,walking,talking..but now that i did i wanna see him forever o(-( ill never get enough nor get tired of movie springbonnie nor springtrap when he appears i just hope he gets A LOT of screen time since on the first one we only got it at the very end,speaking technically it would make sense that on the 2nd we get wayyy more of him
im also looking forward for his backstory like,since we know so far its a different story,i wonder how different the backstory of the afton family will be? like...will william have a dead son (akka evan) or not? caused by his own animatronic or not? if not,im rlly curious about what happened years ago
I wonder if Henry also existed on the movie story 👁👁,there are some theories only,we do know that someone was working on the animatronics in the guide of security thingy,and the guy does look veryyy similar to mike's dad,and the way will reacts to mike's last name? yeah....theres no way his working buddy didnt have the same last name,hence why that reaction,and the fact that he kidnapped his brother,leads me to think maybeee some drama happened between henry and will? like,as a kind of revenge maybe..
mmm thinkibg thoughts
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warmaidensrevenge · 2 years
Do i wanna request a eddie munson x plus!size reader where the reader finds out eddie is dating sone girl and he say's that there both so in love and the reader is like heart broken but stays happy for eddie since there best friends so a new kid come to hawks high and i want that new kid to be vance hopper so like him and reader have like some classes together they like hang out and then they start dating and eddie is sad bc he is in love with reader but hides it so he stays happy for her even tho he got a girlfriend "you can decide how it ends."
Decision, decision
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Oh gawd. I think I'm gonna cry. This is definitely gonna be a 2 part series
If you want to read my other work you can find it HERE
Eddie Munson x Plus size reader
Warning: angst, a touch of fluff, cursing, fighting, smoking, and slight body insecurity. Not proof read and no word count.
Part 2, Part 3
Part 1
This by far was the absolute worst summer you have ever had. 3 long grueling months spent with your grandparents in Nevada. You hated the dry heat. It was almost unbearable. But what you truly hated was being away from your best friend. You hadn't spent this much time apart since Eddie went to camp back in 7th grade. Where he inevitably got kicked out and was no longer able to return. In return made you happy because he got to spend summers with yours truly.
3 months of letter writing and phone calls weren't enough for you. You had to see him, hug him, sniff his cologne when he wasn't paying attention. You had love Eddie since your pretend wedding at the old oak tree you guys use to play at when you were 6 years old. Eddie had given you his mom's old ring that he taken before he went to live with his uncle. And you gave him a mood ring that you got from a cracker jack box. Your ring never did fit correctly so you had put it on a chain, still wearing it til this day. Eddie still had his ring too. Well kinda. He had broken the plastic band on it so he took the mood gem and glued it to a band that was a little more him. He wore it all the time. Even now as your senior year was about to start Eddie's 2nd time around. He wore it. Eddie was a year ahead of you but now you guys got to do senior year together. But this year was gonna be different. You were gonna finally tell Eddie how you feel. How you always felt. And if him still wearing that ring means something, you were gonna be going into senior year with a boyfriend.
Outside the Munson's trailer you were so giddy with anticipation. It was early, Eddie probably wasn't up yet. But you didn't care if you woke him. You need his hugs. You walked up to the door and before you knocked you heard Eddies guitar. It was coming from the living room. Your heart jumped. He was awake. You eagerly knocked. But your face fell when Eddie wasn't the one who answered the door.
"Hey y/n. How's it going?" Samantha greeted you with a smile.
She looked so different with out all that intense eye makeup she wore to parties. You didn't know her and Eddie were hanging out. He never mentioned her in his letters or phone calls.
"Uhhh hey" you faked a smile. "Is uhh Eddie-"
" There she is!" Eddie yelled from his couch.
You gave him a half smile as you watched him put down his 'one true love' his words. And came to the door. But instead of hugging you. He put his arm around Samantha's shoulder.
" Hey Munson. Uhhh I just wanted to come by and say I'm home." You smiled at both of them not wanting to give yourself away.
"Cool Samantha was just about to leave for work. So we can hang out for a bit before she gets off."
You nodded not sure in what else to do. You looked down to the ground when they kissed each other goodbye.
" I love you" Samantha said giving one last kiss before she left.
" Love you too babe."
What the hell happened this summer? Fuck.
Eddie and you hung out for about an hour. Before everything became to much for you to bear. He explained how he and Samantha Stone hooked up at the Hideout one night and they had been inseparable since. His eyes twinkled when he said her name. He was head over heels for her. That made your heart sink. You thought that maybe you missed your chance with him. But maybe you didn't have a chance at all. Samantha was pretty, thin, and blonde. Everything you were not. You never really had a problem with your weight. It just stung sometimes when the jocks or the cheerleaders would make fun of you. But it was whatever. You were used to it. However you were not use to sharing your best friend to another girl. And though your jealousy was eating at you, you decide as long as Eddie was happy. You had to be happy for him. You left the Munson's still not getting the hugs you waited so long for.
First day of school was always the worst. Halls filled with freshman laughing away. Being so damn loud. Stupid kids blocking your locker. Dumbass blondes stealing you guy right from under you.
Ok ok Samantha wasn't dumb to be fair. And she didn't quite steal Eddie away from you. But still that bitch.
You were gonna sit next to Eddie in your homeroom class. But the desk next to him was occupied by none other than the harlot Samantha. They were kiss on each other and that made you nauseous. But you turned your frown upside down when Eddie waved at you. You found a seat just a few rows ahead of the disgusting couple.
You looked up from your text book when the door opened. In came the principal followed by a frizzy blonde hair kid. He look super rough around the edges. He was wearing a denim choker, and a denim vest. He had a white shirt with the sleeves cut off. He wore a brown leather strap on one wrist and a chunky watch on the other holding onto a single notebook.
The principal introduced him to the class.
" Alright kids settle down. This is Vance Hopper. Hopper? Are you related to chief Hopper?"
" uh yeah his my uncle."
" Oh ok well then find a seat."
Vance scanned the class room and found an open seat next to you.
You returned your eyes to your text book. He was cute you thought. Definitely seems like you had a type. Just a few minutes after the tardy bell rang you felt a tap on your shoulder. Vance was looking at you.
" Hey uhh do you have a pencil I can borrow?" You smiled at him while handing him yours. You reached down into your pack stealing a glance at Eddie. They had pushed their desks together. Eddie was whispering sweet nothings into Samantha's ear.
Ugh gross
You pulled out another pencil and continued to work until class was over. You walked behind Eddie and Samantha. Watching them holding hands. You felt tears coming but someone tugged your arm. You turned to piercing blue eyes.
" Uhh I forgot to give you back your pencil."
" Oh no that's ok. You can keep it."
He smiled. " I'm Vance"
"Hi. I'm y/n." You offered up a smile.
" Uhh do you know where I can find this class?" Vance pointed at he scheduled putting the pencil behind his ear and moved closer to you.
You looked down at the sheet. The warmth radiating off his body made you shudder for a second. "Oh yeah I have him too. Ummm just follow me"
You guys walked to the next class. You studied his schedule seeing you had about half of the same classes as him. Making small talk you guys went to class. He sat next to you in all the classes. You quickly became friends. But you noticed how really rough he was. He was someone who definitely didn't shy away from a fight. And he cursed...a lot. guessing he's nothing like Eddie. That was a good thing you thought.
You started hanging out after school and on weekends. There would be times where Eddie would call to hang out, but you always had plans with Vance. It wasn't until one day did things went a step further.
You were at lunch and Vance was walking with you to an empty table. As you passed the hellfire table you saw Eddie watching you two. You gave him a wave and he gave you a small smirk.
When you sat down to eat Vance put his hand on the lower part of your back. You were in shock. A sudden fit of insecurity race to your mind. You face became flushed and your heart was racing. You were suddenly ashamed of your back rolls. But to your surprise Vance was making small circles with his thumb pressing a bit harder into your clothed skin. But a voice brought your focus somewhere else. You looked up and saw Jason Carver and some of his buddies making their way to the table.
" I see you have a habit making nice with the freaks" Jason sneered
" What did you say you dumb shit?" Vance tried to get up but you pulled him back down.
"Oh what. Your really know how to pick them huh thunder thighs. It's nice to know you can get around." Jason said giving you a wink.
" alright today's the day mother fucker" Vance was so quick you didn't even get the chance to stop him. You watched in horror as he took on Jason and all 3 of his buddies. He was totally kicking their ass. This making you feel some type of way. A way you haven't felt for anyone but Eddie.
For a guy of Vance stature he was really fucking strong. He picked Jason up off his feet.
" Come here you bitch! Don't you fuck with her again. Or I'll end your pathetic little life"
The jocks ran off and Vance stood there heaving. You got up and and checked his hands.
" Let's get out of here." He said
You agreed and let Vance pull you out of the cafeteria. Once outside you took the lead. Taking him to the picnic table Eddie usually used to make deals. After a few awkward seconds. You spoke.
" Jesus man that was narly."
" No one is gonna speak to my girl that way!"
His girl? When did that happen? Did you actually mind that sudden relationship change?
" That's cool right? I mean if you want to be." Vance had lost a bit of confidence.
You met his gaze. " umm yeah no it's uhh cool"
He made his way to you and pulled you in for a kiss. Grabbing your ass. You wrapped your fingers in his messy curls as the kiss became heated. He pulled you close so that you could feel his growing erection. But the sounds of twigs breaking pulled you two apart. You looked up and saw Eddie standing there looking like a dear in head lights.
You pulled out of Vance's embrace.
" Uh hey bud" you said nervously
" Shit sorry didn't mean to interrupt. I uhhh just want to see if you were ok?"
" She's fine" Vance spoke for you.
Eddie nodded and turned to leave.
" What's with that guy? Your ex or something."
You pause for a second. " yeah or something. He's uhh my best friend."
A few weeks went by and you and Vance had started seeing each other. Constantly hooking up. He was very forward when it came to sex. It was a nice change of pace for you. He was wild. You couldn't get enough of him. You barely noticed that you hadn't been speaking to Eddie. Though you missed him. Vance made you forget how much.
Vance seemed to be getting into a lot of trouble at school. Constant yelling and fighting became the norm for you. But one day did he really screw things up. He was fighting and accidentally hit a teacher. Causing him to get suspended for 2 weeks. You guys got into a heated argument about it. Which eventually lead to some of the best sex you've had.
The next day you were looking for somewhere to eat at lunch when Eddie waved you over. Samantha wasn't sitting in the spot you sat in before Eddie started to date her. It was weird to say the least. She must be sick or something.
" Hey stranger." Eddie said while you sat in the chair to his right.
" Hey" you replied
As if no one else was at the table Eddie was chatting away. It wasn't until he mention Vance did you feel like a complete ass. You never properly introduced them. But honestly how could you. Eddie was always around Samantha. And well you and Vance were busy with... Stuff.
" You're guy has a real bad temper huh?"
Eddie's question made you move your eyes to his. Oh God how you missed him looking at you. Fuck he was so beautiful. Shit no no you have a boyfriend. You returned your eyes back to your tray.
" umm just a bit"
" A bit?! Jesus H Christ y/n. He literally took out half the basketball team." Eddie paused when you didn't look at him. " Hey he didn't or he doesn't lose it on you does he?"
" Only where it counts" shit...fuck. why did you say that. Ugh now Eddies gonna think you're some type of sadist.
Well more like a submissive. Vance was definitely a dominant. Which it wasn't until this moment did you realize that though it felt good. It never felt nice. Like being cared for.
Eddie didn't say anything to your comment. But he definitely wanted to. He wanted to say that that guy wasn't good enough for you. You needed someone to show you they loved you. Not get into random frivolous fights over meaningless things. To not be so rough with you all the time. To smother you with kisses whenever they got the chance. To show you how much they loved you every second of every day. You were beautiful. You've always been beautiful. Eddie wanted you when he was finally old enough to understand the wanting he had for you was love. He wanted to tell you but he was afraid that it would ruin your friendship. He was scared that you wouldn't feel the same. And his thoughts were confirmed when you acted all nonchalantly when you saw Samantha. You didn't like him back. And what finally broke Eddies heart was when he saw you two kissing in the woods. He was first angry that Vance was touching you but the sudden thought of Samantha made him change his feelings.
She was supposed to be just a hook up. Eddie had missed you so much that he was drinking a lot to fill the hole in his heart that developed when you left for the summer. He was really hoping you would ask him to come with but he knew that was impossible.
So he hooked up with Samantha. But she never left. He had gotten use to her warm body next to him every night. Most of the time wishing it was you he was spooning. You who he was kissing. But he felt bad. He shouldn't be doing that to Samantha. She was a nice girl who deserved someone to actually give her their full attention. So Eddie did that. He shoved his love for you away so that he could give him and Samantha a chance.
But then you came back. And all his feelings returned the moment he saw you. But Samantha was there. So he couldn't. He wanted to hug you so bad. But he just couldn't. He wouldn't hurt Samantha that way. Then she left and said she loved him. Sure they said it before. But you were there, looking as beautiful as the day you two met. Eddie shook off the his feelings and said he loved her too. He immediately regret it. Yes it was wrong of him to say it if he didn't actually mean it. But what could he do. He should have broken up with her and confessed his love for you, but he was a coward. That would be the day he would regret for the rest of his life.
The remainder of lunch was filled with awkward glances and silence between you two. Eddie had decided that if you were happy, he would force himself to be happy for you. But he voiced how he missed you. And made plans for you to come over and watch a movie, like old times.
You were apprehensive about it at first. But you agreed. You missed him very much. And a night alone would be a perfect reminder of how deep your friendship went. But unbeknownst to you things were gonna change that night. You were gonna be forced in making a decision you didn't think you would ever have to make.
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danthropologie · 2 years
I wasn't around but why are people saying its a bad idea for daniel to go back to rbr? They're saying its bc he left bc he didn't want to be a 2nd driver?
this whole fucking narrative is straight up stupid if you ask me, so disclaimer: everything that follows will be coming from that perspective.
brief daniel at rbr synopsis: he was pulled up from toro rosso to join red bull in 2014. he was teammates with seb, who had just come off winning 4 world championships back to back (to back to back), and not only was competitive but BEAT seb in the wdc that year, 3rd to seb's 5th.
fast forward to 2016, they pull up max from toro rosso 5 races into the season. max is literally a child, 18 years old. that very first race max is with the team, daniel out-qualifies him (3rd to max's 4th), but ends up being put on the worse strategy, which leaves daniel in 4th place while max wins. it's obviously massive news because max is the youngest winner ever, it's his first race with the team, and is basically used to prove he's the second coming of christ on wheels. from there, there's just kind of a general feeling and consensus that max is the future of the team.
obviously daniel wants priority, feels like he's earned it, as any driver would, especially when he continues to beat and be neck-and-neck competitive with max over the next few seasons. so when rumors started happening about daniel leaving red bull, the overriding narrative—and the narrative that has lived on since—is that he was running from a fight. he wanted to be number one driver, he didn't want to be number two to max, and red bull wasn't willing to give him that, so he walked.
now what's NOT talked about is the fact that red bull was planning to move to honda engines the next year, and honda's previous foray into f1 had been an abysmal failure with mclaren (2015-2017, so literally had JUST happened too). there was also the fact that simon rennie, his engineer for years upon years, and a few other key people on his team were stepping back or moving to jobs at the factory. it's portrayed as if his move from red bull was because of this One Specific Thing, and yes, maybe that WAS the biggest factor idk, but it wasn't the only factor.
so looking at these rumors now, it seems like there's a tendency for people to boil it down to a very simple "he left because he didn't want to be 2nd driver, now he's coming back to be 3rd driver lmao" or act like because he left over priority disputes, he would nEVER (or should never) ~lower himself going back without guarantee of priority, basically ignoring everything that's happened since and how the situations are COMPLETELY different.
sure, on some level there's a bit of pride swallowing that would need to be done in order to go back to a team that he originally left in hopes of finding bigger and better things, but at the same time, these past few years have been rough. he was brilliant at renault, he had some of his best drives with them and showed he has what it takes to be a champion, but the team and the car were never going to surpass the glass ceiling of the midfield. and despite his win last year and the occasional flashes of brilliance, mclaren overall has been a shitshow, tho obviously not all from his own doing. red bull has really been the only place where the machinery and support they were giving him as a team came close to matching the level of talent and skill he was bringing to the track each week, and if he has a shot at having that back, who wouldn't take it after how awful the past few years have been for him.
and on top of that, there's also personal connections there too. he drove christian to his wedding for god's sake! he spent summer break in 2020 with max! they aren't just coworkers, they're people that genuinely care about him and want to see him succeed. at the end of the day, it's obviously still a sport and a business and depends entirely on the results he'd be able to bring them, but as it stands now, they seem to still see him for what he could (and probably should!) have been as a competitor, rather than just what he can bring them in terms of monetary value
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rpgchoices · 1 year
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2022 WRAP UP: Games played this year - useless recs list (with small review, and in vague order of my personal enjoyment):
01. Enderal: It climbed up to become one of my favourite games ever. I played it twice in a row (still finishing the second playthrough), really enjoyed the story, fell in love with the characters and definitely cried. I am reading the novel now.
02. Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous: I love this series of games, Kingmaker is still my favourite, but I loved the story of Wrath so much more. The mystery, the paths, the customizations! The only thing I missed was romance, I still have to find a romance I like and reply is hard because of how long the game is.
03. The Forgotten City: Beautiful adventure game recommended by lairofsentinel, great (basically) detective story. Interesting characters and definitely had a lot of fun trying to find out what the hell was going on.
04. Mass Effect Andromeda: For all the bad rep this game gets, I expected worse? I actually really really enjoy it. The story was nothing too exciting, and many quests were just fetch quests, but I still liked the characters a lot. The feeling of found family? Yes please. Jaal romance? Bring it on.
05. Gamedec: Among the new games that came out in recent years, this has to be one of my favs. The overall story was quite interesting, and the investigation really makes you feel like a detective. My only criticism is that there is little to no customization as by the end of the game you end up levelling up all skills, basically. Still enjoyable and good characters too.
06. Spellforce 3: Soul Harvest: I am at the very last mission. This game is adorable, even if the rpg element is a bit linear. I think, from what I understand, the dialogue choices do not have much impact. Basically, only the romance choice change the plot. Still, the art is very beautiful, the companions lovely and they are also all voiced. The plot was nothing special tho, kinda boring, but I had fun playing minimal Age of Empire tactics alongside the fighting.
07. Hatoful Boyfriend: WHAT TO SAY - this game is a big joke - not in a bad way, just in a "oh my god what am I playing" way. I would definitely recommend it. Do not take the romances seriously, the characters are just parody of usual visual novel romances - but the murder mystery is so eery and absurd!
08. Ash of Gods: I think this game is the better version of Banner Saga. The characters feels more like characters, and the story is a bit less linear and even if sometimes confusing, still enjoyable. For personal enjoyment, I would choose this over other games most times - and I did, I played it three times in a row. I am liking some of the characters so much that I am actually thinking of writing fanfics.
09. Tower of Time: If the ending had been different, this game would be in the top 3. I really enjoyed the plot, the mystery, the way you can explore this fantastical tower - the orcs!! I loved the orcs subplot! But it all comes to a big nothing that left a bit of a bitter taste in my mouth. So - well, fun but disappointing.
10. Boyfriend Dungeon: HEAR ME OUT - this game is a visual novel with hack and slash fighting. The visual novel part is a bit... meh, and the plot is kind of absurd, but I enjoyed the idea of increasing your romance with character by using them to fight. In general I actually enjoyed it even if I won't ever play it again.
11. The Banner Saga: Interesting story, that gets a bit better the more you play. Some characters are pretty good - but generally they are not the main driver of this game. Still, I liked the gameplay enough that I will probably play 2nd and 3rd, even if the plot really did not leave a big impression on me... I barely remember it.
12. The Talos Principle: This game is amazing. The story is so well crafted... my problem is that I am bad at puzzles and easily frustrated. If you like puzzle games, I recommend this one because discovering the plot/lore of the world is amazing.
13. Hades: Okay, this game is great, just not for me. I am not a fan of hack and slash, and I get frustrated pretty easily, so playing the full game multiple times to reach the ending - it gets boring a bit too easily for me.
14. Black Geyser: A classic isometric rpg. I really did want to like it, but somehow... the plot is okay, but the characters are so flat. I felt no real connection to any of them, even the companions who join you end up joining you in such random ways and the ending seemed abrupt. Still if you want an isometric game to play, go for it.
15. Gods will be watching: I am still playing this one and I am eternally confused. The plot is quite interesting and the way the playthrough is incorporated is too, but it also looks quite random - as in there is no exact rule on how to pass every level, but a big level of randomization.
16. A golden wake: I love Wadjet Eye Games and A Golden Wake was one of their older ones that I wanted to play. It was a nice good combination of puzzle and characters, but I did not enjoy the setting too much. I won't probably replay it.
17. Seven: I just started it so I have no opinion yet - a part for the fact that I am somehow very bad at it!
19. Starfighter Eclipse: This is a very very short visual novel/dating sim - the plot is minimal and the romances non existent. It is basically a very short predictable event that allow you to get sex scenes in cut scenes and that is it.
Other games played from Itch.io and in random order:
Brassica: A Marry Tale: Cute AMAZING visual novel, with wlw and mlm content. Unfortunately it is unfinished... but it will be finished! I will wait for the next chapters.
One Night Stand: HORRIBLE. I HATE this game with a passion, because everything in this game seemed to led to crime (you wake up from a one night stand and can't remember anything, and the consent was so iffy, but somehow the game is supposed to be about humans connecting??)
Speed Dating for Ghosts: Beautiful small indie game about meeting different ghosts and going on "dates", mainly dealing with their deaths. I cried at least three times.
A Short Hike: Currently one of my favourite non rpg games. This game was beautiful and so calming. I loved everything about it, and cried a couple of times too. There is so much humor too. I definitely recommend it.
Overland: Fun game where you have to escape zombies. Sad that the characters are not really characters
Arcade Spirits: I am still playing this, sadly I am not big on visual novels. The characters are all interesting so I might try to finish this one.
The corner of SHAME: Games I never finished and never will (maybe).
Greedfall - this game is one of the most boring well packaged game I have ever played Hard West - I did not even... understand the plot Stardew Valley - not for me Wasteland 2 - I expected something completely different and was disappointed Fallout New Vegas - I will definitely play it because of the great recs, but I usually do not like action games of this type Danganronpa Happy Trigger Havoc - not for me
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