#that instant connection
harri-etvane · 7 months
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Because we have dignity and we will not allow our freedom to be taken away from us. Because we have to protect our freedom in order not to lose our dignity. Because we know and remember one of the important wisdoms we learned long ago: how important it is not to be afraid, how important it is to fight. - Volodymyr Zelenskyy
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padfootswhiskers · 4 months
listening to the poa audiobook and it’s crazy how harry sees himself in sirius even before he knows who he is 😭😭 he’s got messy hair?? uncle vernon doesn’t like him?? god, me too
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rockingtheorange · 1 month
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"We could not talk, or talk for hours" -tzp 2024
(From @/deadline on ig)
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banyanas · 18 days
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is this not what peachyville horror is
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yeah, diabetes sucks sometimes, but every once in a while I see someone in public with a dexcom or pump, and I point to my own, and despite being total strangers we have this mutual shared understanding that no one else gets, and it feels like a secret club that we’re in that no one else gets to be a part of
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lunar-goodness · 6 months
A girl makes one (1) X-files post and all of a sudden there’s 50 people in the tags chanting “join us join us join us”
I’m not mad about it though, I am thoroughly enjoying this show. I’m on episode 20 but let me just harp on about the fucking chemistry between these two. I don’t remember what episode it was or what was going on but Scully was turning away from Mulder and he grabbed the chain of her necklace to stop her…… sir, and then the episode where they’re up in Alaska and there’s a parasite that was dug up out of the ice and Scully checks that Mulder isn’t infected and then he checks her and there was no reason for his hand on her neck to be so sexy!! And it’s from the get go, this instant connection. Please tell me they end up together at some point???
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bogkeep · 3 months
there's been many times where i've felt like i'm posting into the void, and then years later someone finds the post and Understands The Vision. it's so gratifying
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laviejaguardia · 4 months
Thinking about kid Syd and kid Carmy spending an afternoon neither of them remember anymore playing under the tables of The Beef
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destielrotsmybrain · 28 days
Likely unpopular and controversial thoughts have been bouncing around my head as I’ve been trying to sleep.
So foetus Jack brainwashed Kelly and Cas into believing that he was going to be amazing for the world and was going to do great things and that’s why he should live. But what great things did he actually do?
Becoming god doesn’t count because that was something he had done to him rather than be a use of his powers.
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fore-seer · 6 months
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frozenartscapes · 26 days
I saw a poll for Mother’s Day that had Yor winning “Best Anime Mom” and I just thought how much that would mean to her. She’s got so much imposter syndrome and self-doubt about being a mother to Anya. She doesn’t see herself as coming anywhere close to Anya’s dead “real mother” despite just how much Yor cares about the girl. I don’t think she’s ever really admitted it (even to herself) but it’s so obvious that she loves Anya with her whole heart and then some.
I seriously cannot wait for her to find out that she’s not the stepmother. That she really is the mother Anya has always wanted and she’s not just second fiddle. The only thing holding her back is the belief that she’s replacing someone, but once that goes away…
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logically-asexual · 7 months
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so these frames gave the idea that there was some love triangle going on there (mostly because of nathalie’s shocked face in the second memory) while there actually wasn’t, because we later find that gabriel and emilie were already together then and not only falling in love. but here’s how i make sense of them:
in my head the timeline is that gabriel got together with emilie when they were like in their early 20’s. emilie left her family and gabriel began his business soon after and then they decided to have a child at around 25, but they couldn’t so they began their hunt a few years after. maybe gabriel is like 30.
this is when they meet nathalie who despite being very young is super talented and knows a lot so she’s perfect for the job and she’s like 21-23.
and the thing about this age is that. you’re kind of swinging back and forth between feeling like a teenager and feeling like an adult. so, like a teenager, you can still get these kind of naive crushes on older people, which aren’t actually love but infatuation, but as an adult, you start seeing these older people more as your peers, actually, so things can get confusing.
so this is what happens to nathalie when she feels attracted to gabriel. and sometimes her subconscious forgets that this isn’t college anymore, where someone having a girlfriend/boyfriend didn’t mean they couldn’t be available at some point later. she has to actively remind herself that she can’t have hope because he is married.
but she’s a romantic and one day there’s this moment when it’s just the two of them and they work so well together and rational thought goes out the window for a while because there’s a connection. and in her heart something shifts and for a moment it gets convinced that it’s possible, she and gabriel. but soon enough it all comes crashing down when they come back and she’s like oh right. emilie exists. and we’re adults. and they’re a literal married couple.
but still that little thing that shifted that day perseveres, even as she grows up and matures. her feelings that began as simply idolizing gabriel evolve to the constant background love she has no option but getting used to. and then they resurface when she’s helping him get the miraculous, when she can’t dismiss them as a childish admiration anymore.
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something i'm grateful for about Wally is the representation for people who love eye contact. we're underappreciated smh
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weaverofink · 11 months
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AU where Tim's family is connected to the Court of Owls rather than Dick's, and Tim decides to go undercover as a member of the Court
alt version and explanation under the cut
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(Disclaimer: I know the court of owls storyline happens in the n52 continuity, but for my own sake (as i don't really like tim's whole deal in it lol) this AU is using pre-n52 backstories and characterizations)
In this AU, Janet Drake was a member of the Court of Owls, unbeknownst to Jack and Tim. Bruce eventually finds this out, but chooses to keep it from Tim to protect him. Tim, of course, finds out that Bruce is keeping this from him, and, feeling betrayed both by Bruce and his own mother, decides to infiltrate the Court on his own. The court has been sending him cryptic invitations ever since Bruce announced his initiative to improve Gotham, looking for a way into both the Wayne family and WE. As a member of the Court, Tim is able to gather information to help stop them, but in order to maintain his cover, he is forced into many situations where he is forced to choose between compromising his morals or compromising his position in the Court.
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I looove your Hardison posting I remember in the juror #6 job when he talks about being dressed up in suits and brought door to door and suddenly his whole, everything, made sense to me. he's wired for public speaking presentation mode in miniature. Even his grift style, like you said Parker is always trying to hold her weirder self back and Eliot grifts shy or subdued or mysterious, but Hardison grifts like a standup comic or a kid selling something on your doorstep who expects the door to slam in his face if he stops to take a breath
yeah, absolutely! that's really well-put. i think comic/salesperson is a great way to frame it, because both rely on holding people's attention in an entertaining way and being sensitive to how people are reacting to you. one of my favorite character traits about hardison is that he's the powerpoint guy not just because he's the most technologically adept, but because he's good at communicating information to an audience. and i get that a lot of the presentation graphics and effects are designed for the audience at home, but i also think it's fully in-character for hardison to be staying up crafting the perfect powerpoint transition lol. like in the gold job when he goes out of his way to create silly codenames with animated graphics! how long did it take for him to find the perfect stock art? at what point did he go, "you know what will win over eliot? if i added a little three frame animation here"
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it's one of my favorite little character moments that shows off his thoughtfulness + creativity + humor lol
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blushingvisander · 6 months
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people of the old world(?) + recognition through the eyes Will & Katherine (Dark Rise, Chapter 17) // Will & James (Dark Rise, Chapter 20) // Will & Visander (Dark Heir, Chapter 42) // Will & James/Anharion (Dark Heir, Chapter 51)
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