#that everyone in our family is extremely unnerved by
DC x DP Prompt
To the delight of Gotham's citizens, and the dismay of her criminal underbelly, the GCPD has a new specialized unit that ACTUALLY apprehends criminals and brings them to justice!
It's a relatively small squad of mostly young adults, who looked fresh out of their teens. But age didn't matter once they got the work done. And they did, as they've already got criminals like Penguin, Riddler, and Bane behind bars for what looks to be 'for good'.
No one besides Commissioner Gordan knows anything about the squad as they operate as a mostly separate entity from GCPD. It was rare to see any of them, and any photos taken were unusually blurry. They are also extremely secretive; if you exclude their social media which are usually just shit posts, memes, and thirst edits of the Wayne family.
They were a total mystery. Almost as mysterious as Batman.
But those who have seen/worked with the squad before all had the same thing to say about them. They were cool. They had an unusually effective method. And their leader is a menace. With his sharp teeth and pointed smile. And bright blue eyes that spoke to your soul. It was a pleasure to see/ work with him, it really was. But they weren't planning on doing so again for a long time.
That being said, Gotham had been quiet for a while. A bit too quiet if you ask anyone, especially the Bats. Strangely, it didn't feel like the usual calm before the shit storm. The instinctual pit in their guts that usually formed just wasn't there. This was different. This wasn't the calm before the storm. This was the ocean receding. But no one seemed to realize it yet.
Not until the tsunami came crashing down on them.
The GCPD special unit accounts that had been inactive for the last three months suddenly pinged to life. Everyone who followed them clicked the notification almost immediately. With this unnerving calm surrounding them, who the hell didn't want to see what batshit crazy statement they would make after three months of radio silence.
What they didn't expect, was to see a crystal-clear picture of justice finally being served.
The picture was a selfie, taken in an abandoned warehouse. In the middle of the dirty floor was the Joker. He was tied up and his head hung low. You could see how beaten he was, his clothes torn and bloody. His face paint was also coming off, revealing pale blotchy skin. Reminding everyone that, he was still human, just like the rest of them.
Behind him, all lined up with smiles on their faces, was Team Phantom. They were a bit bloody and bruised as well but overall in much better condition. They weren't wearing the normal GCPD navy blue uniform, but black and white ones. All stylized to fit the wearers taste. They all looked so young, but their eyes looked like old tired eyes, finally getting some relief.
From in the corner was their leader. Only part of his face was in the picture. One glowing blue eye, and part of his Cheshire smile. His hand making a peace sign next to the Joker. Even with only part of his being shown, everyone could tell he was relived as well.
And while the picture itself was shocking, the caption was what really got them. The top was what you would usually expect from the team. A big bold 'GOT EM' ' at the top. But at the bottom in small, almost unnoticeable text was:
"He will face his punishment. We will get our retribution. May we finally rest in peace."
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AITA for threatening to have my friend's boyfriend removed when he crashed our outing?
This happened a few years ago now but I still feel really mixed about it and want a general consensus. Important context is that my friend (Jen) and her boyfriend (Dan) are both from Mormon families, they're getting out of it together slowly but it does heavily influence how they acted + how the situation was treated. Also, Dan was homeschooled and doesn't have a lot of experience in social situations or with friendships in general because he's super sheltered. We were all 19 when this went down.
So two years ago Jen was very abruptly told she was being sent out of state to a Mormon college in two weeks. I decided to go hang out with her for the weekend with my partner who is also her friend. The first day we hung out with both Jen and Dan. Then the day after we (me, my partner and Jen) wanted to have dinner together alone to say goodbye.
She had been hanging out with Dan before coming to dinner and asked him for a ride to the restaurant. He drops her off, we hang out and have a great time for about half an hour until she gets a text and tells us that Dan showed up to crash our dinner. My partner and I were pretty unnerved by this as we had only met this guy twice before. Jen tries to go explain to Dan why he needs to leave but he insists on sitting at a table I guess to just watch us the rest of the night.
At this point I'm feeling extremely creeped out and protective of Jen so I pull Dan aside and state plainly that him showing up like this is rude and freaking everyone out, and I calmly told him to leave. He doesn't acknowledge anything I say and asks if I hate him. I tell him I don't but I want to say goodbye to Jen properly, alone. He says that he'll sit further away from us and goes back to the tables before I can argue with him.
We try to continue ignoring him for a little while but I hit my boiling point and go to where he's sitting and tell him he needs to leave or I'll ask the staff to remove him. He finally leaves but starts having a breakdown over text with Jen. Apparently he wandered off and she left to go find him. Long story short, he has a breakdown and we all end up leaving before even ordering entrées to go find him.
HIS PARENTS called Jen to shame her for not inviting him and told her that she should have known this would happen, all of this is her fault. I didn't know that would happen, I assumed any reasonable person would think Dan was in the wrong, but I think I should have realized that their mormon families are not reasonable. Jen ended up taking a lot of shit from both her parents and his. I think this also ended up straining our relationship because she loves Dan and I hurt his feelings. She had a hard time really believing this wasn't her fault and that she shouldn't take all the responsibility for his actions like their families told her.
When I spell it out I feel like the plain fact is I did nothing wrong, but because of the emotional context I am really doubting myself. I knew that Dan was hyper-sensitive and has invited himself to events before then felt neglected when he was rejected. I knew that he might react this way so it feels partially like my fault for ruining the dinner. I don't know what I could have done instead to keep everything from escalating like this but I probably should have thought of something else instead of acting rash.
AITA for threatening my friend's boyfriend without regard for the heat she might take for it afterwards?
What are these acronyms?
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How does Yves celebrate our birthday?
(P.S. thank you for the delicious content!)
However you want to celebrate. It could be as simple as having you make a wish and blow the candle out on the succulent birthday cake in the solitude of his living room, or as grand as a ballroom party where you invite all your friends and families, you get to dance in the most intricate dresses and suits made by his own skilled hands.
You would think that he commissioned the world's best fashion designer to create your outfits, but it was all himself after months of preparation. Yves would painstakingly hand sew every sequin, every bead, and it's this level of detail that makes your dress stand out.
Yves would work with teams of event managers and certified professional hires to facilitate your birthday. He would lead, even having a hand in the kitchen. He creates the menu and ensures that everyone he hired has the same faces throughout, because training starts a year prior to your big day. He remembers everyone's names, everyone's probability of making mistakes and ability to handle a variety of strange and unlikely scenarios.
His staff members would be confused and terrified as to why Yves has protocols if an armed intruder were to crash the party. Each person has their designated evacuation sites and roles to keep you, the guests and themselves safe. Most would already decide to back out after he handed them a thick booklet that details all the programmes happening on the day and all the potential scenarios they might face. Yves has his lawyers present with briefcases of waivers, NDAs and other binding contracts.
They thought that he was some sort of dangerous figure, better not involve themselves into something that they're going to regret. No pay is high enough to compromise their safety. But those who stuck around for years realized that he's just an extremely careful man who loves his darling to death.
The bomb-diffusing classes he required them to take were never put to use, they never once had to use a firearm to protect themselves and the guests, they never had to apprehend anyone who tried poisoning the food and the intensive first aid, toxin control and chemical dossiers they had to memorize by heart wasn't too useful. At most, they just had to deal with minor scrapes and burns in the kitchen. It's just a normal, lavish birthday party with friendly faces. Where the special birthday person is just a civilian who Yves spoils rotten.
He has over two hundred members, yet he knows the details of every single one. Even if two had the same name, he knows which is which. Yves remembers and they know that, which added more pressure on their shoulders. It always freaked them out when Yves caught them slacking off and he called them by their full name, with perfect pronunciation no matter how ethnic.
They cannot trick him into thinking they're supposed to be on break. There are numerous other employees, there is no way he remembers the roster for the day, right? Wrong, he was the one who made the schedules after all. And that unnerves them, he's just like a machine!
However, they appreciate being seen and valued individually. They're not just another tool to him, they're human with their own specific strengths, weaknesses and Yves sees that. It in turn motivates them to do their best. That, and the fact they cannot worm their way out of trouble at all. Reward and fear go hand in hand.
While he prepares for the biggest annual event 12 months prior, Yves somehow managed to spend enough time with you without raising suspicions of the surprise. Of course, you know it is going to be outstanding every year, you just don't know the true magnitude of preparation conducted by Yves.
On the day of your celebration, Yves would be in the kitchen, cooking your meals. It's going to follow the same menu he and the other senior chefs crafted, but yours is a lot more personalized- salted, sweetened or spiced to your liking. The rest of his kitchen staff focused on massive batch production to cater to potentially thousands of attendees.
Only Yves would be allowed to do your makeup and hair. You wouldn't want anyone else anyways, they couldn't compare to his skills and his knowledge of what you're trying to go for.
You spend the entire day being praised, loved and revered on stage. Yves standing by your side at all times as his entertainment team facilitates the event.
Dozens of photographers capture every angle of the happiest possible moments. His personal hidden video cameras running and feeding data back to his vault in real time.
You get to eat with the group of people you cared for the most, or if you rather eat with him alone, he will also humor you.
In the end, you would go home exhausted but happy. He will take care of you; by preparing a fresh set of comfortable clothes while you take a shower. If there's something particularly difficult to remove, such as hairspray or silicone prosthetics, he will help you with no complaints. The mess is left to Yves's loyal team to clean up.
He will give his employees a week to recoup before jumping right back into planning for your next birthday. Yves has to rent a moving truck every year just to transport all your presents from the ballroom to his home.
Or, perhaps you think that's an overwhelming way to celebrate another year of being alive. Maybe you wanted a gathering, but in a much smaller scale.
Then, he would host a party at his house. Yves will be in charge of the food, the decor and the activities. You don't have to lift a single finger, a number of his hires would also be involved, just that you wouldn't see them around. Yves tried working with your friends and families for the surprise, but their intent mostly doesn't align his. It's either that they're grossly wrong in thinking what you really wanted, they're trying to put the spotlight on themselves or they just don't take it as seriously as they should.
You would notice on your special day, his living room looked quite different from what you're used to. His gothic flair wasn't as pronounced, anything fragile was hidden and all other doors aside from the kitchen's and the bathroom's are locked shut.
Colourful banners, posters and ribbons that fit the theme you wanted decorated the walls, inflated balloons made the place lively and there was constant upbeat background music playing.
He provides extra seating, there is a zone just for children and teenagers with a plethora of toys, gadgets, game consoles, books and art materials. He brought in a couple of his team members who he knows work great with children to supervise the area. Yves made it as appealing as possible to people who tend to be disruptive when bored (usually ages 16 and below), so that they would stay contained there and not interrupt the 'adults'.
If some happened to breach containment, he would send his handlers a death glare for not doing a good enough job as he guided them back into the room.
But otherwise, Yves would be going in and out of the kitchen, holding trays of homemade food. He allows you to mingle with your guests, even those who are in the wretched "zone". Yves will begrudgingly step foot inside just to be with you, everyone felt the horrifying aura emanating from him though.
The children would play with you, but avoid Yves like the plague.
He would fix your plate of food for you, filling your cup with your favourite drink when it's empty and generally babying you. Yves wants you to enjoy the day, to forget that report deadline, your exams or that urgent email. He is going to handle it.
Just tell him whenever you're tired, he will drive everyone out of his house in his own polite, manipulative, reality bending way almost instantly.
You could either spend the day opening gifts or taking a nap. Yves is simply happy you had a good time.
You perhaps prefer a much smaller audience to please. A dinner with your friends or family at a nice, trusted restaurant, a maximum of 10 guests. In all three scenarios, Yves must bake the cake and help you dress up. He is the only one you trust to do so.
Yves would send out the invitations to them, deeply observing their life so that he could ensure they're coming. It would mean the world to you for them to attend, he doesn't want to see you disappointed.
The week leading up to your special day, he will do everything in his power to clear their schedules for you, be it from sabotaging their romantic relationships so they wouldn't abandon your little gathering for date nights, to slipping subconscious reminders to take their medications so they wouldn't be too depressed, anxious or psychotic to come, to poisoning their lecturers so they would have an extended deadline for their assignments, to intercepting the news of their dead relative first, so they wouldn't go to their funeral or mourn on that day, to calling them and dishing out insane guilt trips and/or threats.
The effort was all worth it to see your gleeful face smiling at the full attendance.
Of course, this is all paid by Yves. At the end of the day, you would come back home a year older with a full heart and stomach. Your guests would come home to clean up the mess Yves made in order to make them show up.
You don't want anyone else. You just want him to be there with you on your birthday. And you wanted to be involved in the process.
He will be more than happy to set up a romantic candle lit dinner at home, cooking a delicious, well portioned meal for two. He follows whatever tradition you're used to doing well.
You will receive a present from Yves, usually it's something you desperately yearned for, but never told anyone. It's fascinatingly eerie how he could figure it out every year.
You could pipe icing onto the cake you and him baked earlier. Laughing at the lopsidedness of your handicrafts while Yves kisses you on the temple for helping him in the kitchen.
It wouldn't be as grand, as flashy or as lively as the first two. Not by a long shot.
It's quiet, peaceful and sweet. But never lonely or empty.
As Yves is right there with you, teaching you how to hold a piping bag correctly. A pint of handmade icing wasted later, you managed your first successful border.
He hugged you from behind and praised your abilities. You melted into his touch as he pressed his lips on the top of your head.
The two of you shared a slice, because you were stuffed from the main course. Anyone could tell that the edible decor was made by someone inexperienced. But Yves didn't care, neither should you.
It's your birthday, and you get to decide how to celebrate it.
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the-journal-in-law · 4 months
Prompt from: @creweemmaeec11
"You- you aren't going to kill me?"
"You're a rat, but an ecosystem crumbles without vermin. You still have a purpose to fulfill," Hero said shortly.
Logical and truthful; without sugarcoating.
It was different from the usual spiels about how the 'good side' could never stoop to the level of lowlifes such as Villain - as if the government hadn't done worse things in the shadows in the name of the greater good.
It was so unexpected, it made Villain stop short. A flicker of uncertainty pierced through their desperation, halting their struggle against the ropes binding them.
Hero noticed Villain's stare, and their face twisted into a scowl. "What? You think we murder people left and right?" they snapped. Like you? they meant.
Villain couldn't help it; they laughed. They laughed so hard their insides hurt, and tears leaked out of their eyes. They laughed until it was physically painful to do so.
Finally, they turned piercing eyes onto Hero. They looked young, Villain noticed. Much younger than the Agency usually let out its trainees. Apparently still innocent, and looking at the world with rose-tinted glasses. Not yet with the Agency's indoctrination carved into their bones.
Young meant easily impressionable.
Villain made themselves smile at the visibly unnerved Hero, soft and pitying, and holding back the wickedness that threatened to turn it into a smirk.
"That may seem obvious to you," they began slowly. "But many people hold the opinion that vermin are meant to be exterminated."
Hero scowled and crossed their arms. "Vigilantes are a different breed altogether. Their extreme views of how society should be can't be compared to ours."
Villain saw the opportunity immediately, and satisfaction curled in their chest like a snake. "'Ours'," they nearly purred. "I wonder if the agency thought the same as you when they dropped an airstrike on a small village of innocents last year."
"Liar," Hero countered, unfazed. "You're trying to turn me against the Agency, but it won't work. Everyone knows that was the main base of Supervillain."
At the name, grief unexpectedly caught Villain in a chokehold. They found themselves unable to speak, the poisonous words they had prepared stuck in their throat.
Hero's gaze softened. "I know you two were close. I'm sorry."
"Don't - don't you dare pity me," they spat, suddenly feeling unbalanced at the uncharacteristic display of care from a hero. Villain wasn't someone they could - should - pity. "You think you're so righteous, but you don't even know of the victims your precious Agency's actions!"
"This again?" Hero scoffed, glaring again. "Look, I know you lost Supervillain but--"
"My children." The words were ripped out of their throat, raw and bleeding. "They were - they were caught in the crossfire. 7 and 10. Not even teenagers."
A horrified silence settled between them.
Villain couldn't believe they'd lost their composure in front of a fledgling hero. "Nevermind," they said sharply, turning away. "Forget that--"
"Your children," Hero cut off, voice high and shaky. "They were with Supervillain?"
"They were home." Now that they had started, Villain couldn't stop talking. "That village - it was a safe haven for our families. The spouses and siblings and children of Supervillain's subordinates."
Hero made a strangled sound. "Supervillain was seen entering and leaving the area multiple times--"
"A coverup by the Agency. My boss deliberately avoided the area just in case it was tied to them. The day the bom - it happened, I was sent away on a mission, so Supervillain was merely checking up on my family." Tears overflowed and dripped down Villain's cheeks, thankfully unseen by the hero. "I should've--" Their breath hitched as they admitted their deepest untold regret. "I should've been there. Comforted them in their last moments."
There was a long, long silence, broken only by Villain's soft sobs and hitched breaths. It took a while for them to realise it wasn't only them crying.
Their reddened eyes shot to Hero's matching ones.
"That's horrible," Hero whispered, trembling and small and looking so much like their age it hurt.
(Villain's own children should've been able to grow up like that).
Out of the blue, Hero held out their hand, and the binds around Villain loosened before falling to the ground. Villain stared at Hero with wide eyes.
"Go," Hero said, still sniffling. But their gaze was determined. "I promise to look into this. I won't serve an organisation whose values I don't agree with."
Villain shook their head, disbelieving. "Ridiculous," they muttered.
But before they made their escape, they couldn't help but steal one last glance at the young hero.
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butch-reidentified · 1 year
I have to apologize to everyone bc over the past several months-yearish, something has happened within me that defies my separatist sensibilities (though tbh our recent urban separatism attempt ended horrifically 🙃): I have met and platonically fallen for a man who I truly believe to be good and reasonable. I know the phrase "platonically fallen hard for" sounds unusual, but it's really the best way to describe the situation - the 3 of us (him, me, and my wife) went from first meeting to a close and deeply meaningful friendship in a startlingly short time period (for us anyway, as none of us tend to open up easily). I'm talking chosen family/introducing each other as family to new people. I don't attach terribly easily, and I don't CARE at this level for people easily at all, but this is someone I've become intensely protective toward in a matter of under a year. My wife and I are both legitimately baffled by how much and how quickly we've come to care for him, and he's expressed the same. My wife and I are extremely selective with people, and though we can get alone with just about anyone, it's extraordinarily rare for us to meet someone who we can genuinely relate to. We have a lot in common (and what we have in common are things 99.999% of people simply can never understand bc of the life we grew up in & are still in), but the three of us being so vulnerable and honest with each other, being able to be real with each other in a way we just can't with anyone else (bc of said life experiences), genuinely letting someone in on that level and caring about their wellbeing in an actual emotional and not purely cognitive way, is surreal and lowkey a bit unnerving to me. Especially considering how minimal the vast majority of my emotions are. He is always there for us in ways none of our friends really have been before. Even this past week, when my wife & I had a severe covid infection, he was the only one who showed up for us, without needing to be asked, cleaned the house, took care of the animals, and looked after us. So it was nice to have a person around with basic decency for once, but since then he's been going well above and beyond decency or even what a typical actually good friend would do.
My wife & I had promised ourselves no new male friends, but this has quickly become among the most important relationships we presently have to both of us (though tbf he's also our business partner, so that's pretty important). He's also helping us reopen the lesbian-focused bar near our house that closed last year. He was already a really good guy before we met, and I noticed almost immediately how his behaviors differ from other men I've known & how quick to call other men on their behavior he is, even in circumstances where doing so will negatively impact him or his life. Since becoming friends with us, he has been an active participant in our conversations about feminism, always wanting to listen and learn, fully takes critique and feedback to heart, and shows that he is committed to being a better ally to women every day through his behavior. I've known some fairly decent guys before, but they were always men who would be seen as soft/effeminate, and certainly didn't come from the life context we do (honestly one of the hardest contexts to be pro-woman in, even for women). This guy couldn't be further from that, yet is simultaneously honest, vulnerable, and deeply altruistic and caring. the whole situation is making my brain short out.
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auranecho · 10 months
* WRITING ABOUT MY SILLY GUYS actually just copying this from the Twitter post about it and adding some more details but shhh
The Lodowick Institute yipeee !!!
MARI KEMMI: Mari of course is our Archivist , and an avatar of The Eye . she is very paranoid and untrusting (trauma and The Eye both influencing this) . she is considered a prodigy , graduating college when she was 19 . she is extremely smart , but the trauma and also her job lead to her being reclusive . people in faraway tend not to have the greatest opinion on mari , often finding her fairly unsettling . the green eye marks on her skin don't help , but she often covers them up with makeup when not at work or home . basil is who she trusts the least out of her coworkers . she is unaware of people's emotions and often is seen as blunt or rude . lives based on facts , it's hard for her to realize when she has hurt people .. she trusts almost nobody . she can't . it isn't safe , not after what happened to the last archivist . her friendship bracelet is missing the charm for basil .
BASIL MARIANI: Basil is the main archival assistant , and researcher when others are unavailable . he used to be more nervous and shy , but since becoming a Spiral avatar , has become much more energetic and.. annoying . they lie very frequently , and always seem positive to an unnerving extent . he has few friends . he and stranger do not often get along , but they have a sense of respect and responsibility for each other . basil's only real friend is kel , who they refuse to tell the truth behind their nature to . loneliness has become their norm . he wishes the friend group was together again . nobody trusts them . he isn't ever to be trusted . their friendship bracelet is completely intact .
STRANGER MARIANI: when basil is not fronting , stranger takes over as archival assistant . it speaks very cryptically most of the time , especially when talking about he and basil's childhood , or The Dark . they're much quieter than basil is , and have a fairly monotone voice . stranger likes the kemmi siblings , they're his favorite people to talk to , and they both like him as well . stranger does not know kel is living under the institute . it believes kel is dead , as does nearly everyone else .
HERO FLORES: Hero is the only person mari trusts , and the head of artifact storage . spiders love her and serve as excellent ways to gain information , but he hates them . hero can " subconsciously manipulate " people , essentially things she tells people to do , they are compelled to do it . hero rarely leaves the institute , has barely left ever since her brother died . he has mari there to help process things , but tends to keep things to herself . hates going home , the stress from family gets to be a lot . he is uneasy around both basil and stranger . she keeps to herself a lot more since the "death" of kel , but is trying to still be there for everyone else . his friendship bracelet is missing the charms for basil and aubrey .
KEL FLORES: kel , as seen above , is considered dead . an unknown parasitic/fungal(?) infection killed him , but just days before the funeral , his body disappeared . nobody (except basil and polly) know what happened to him . kel became the host of a mushroom hivemind and he now lives underneath the institute . basil is his only visitor , and the only one who would even consider risking getting infected by the mushrooms . the mushrooms now growing out of kel can spread to others , growing rapidly once spread . they're easy to remove , but certainly painful . best to avoid him . his friendship bracelet went missing some time after his death and his body's disappearance , but before he began to live under the tunnels .
AUBREY BURKE: aubrey is part of the cult of the lightless flame (the hooligans .) she was born into it , her mother having been a member long before any of the newer ones . aubrey was born in the flames of The Desolation , her becoming an avatar something pushed on her since her very conception . aubrey's existence is for the cult . she takes pride in this fact , though despite it all , they wish they could've had a normal life .... her eyes glow with the light of a deadly fire , and it's said that looking at them alone could burn you . obviously , that part is an exaggeration , but as a result of her reason for being , she radiates with painful heat . she had only a few years of normalcy , her life now entirely consumed by the cult . during aubrey's brief time of normalcy , they met kim . their friendship grew into something more , and ended up being a main reason why kim eventually joins the cult , the rest of the group one by one joining as well . all the charms on their friendship bracelet have been replaced with ones for her close friends in the cult .
SUNNY KEMMI: sunny was (accidentally) captured by the circus of the other , where he was meant to be used as part of a ritual to bring The Stranger into the world . sunny escaped before the ritual began , though not after being basically turned to plastic . he has skin still , but it is not his . sunny doesn't know he's dead . he was told he was , but didn't believe it . after returning home , it was a major shock for faraway . a rumor started spreading that mari had built a sort of robotic replica of her brother out of grief from his 3 month disappearance . nobody corrects the rumors . how would anyone explain it ? sunny's friendship bracelet was broken during his time in the circus . he kept the broken charms .
MINCY AHN: mincy does any job around the institute . secretary work ? sure . HR ? yep . hell , she even manages the social media stuff . they're a jack of all trades , likes to busy herself with work so people don't talk to them . clouds of fog tend to linger around her . the only one mincy willingly talks to is cris , her girlfriend . mincy lives almost completely in solitude , she moved out of her house as soon as she turned 18 , and into a small apartment on her own . the only company she has is an orange cat . it reminds her of cris .
CRIS FAIRCHILD: cris is very peppy and extroverted , but .. still fairly dangerous . her love of the ocean led to obsession , and maybe a little bit of a murderous streak ... (yeah she throws people into the ocean .) she is related to the fairchilds , though has never met her biological family . she was technically adopted , but her last name stayed the same . (i have very little written about her , sorry)
POLLY CAMBRIDGE: polly is the head of the institute . she is near omniscient , and doesn't really .. tell anyone . due to the omniscience , she knows just about everything about the institute employees , and keeps an eye on them and keeps them as safe as she can . mostly . she not only is the head of the institute , but technically the founder . she has been around since the late 1700s , and founded the institute sometime in the 1800s . her original body brings life to the institute , and her consciousness transferring from body to body as she desires . she is also still basil's caretaker . basil's grandmother was the old archivist , not that basil knew this . polly and basil's grandmother had a fight over the future of the institute , which led to polly killing her . she aims to never let basil know .
Jjesus christ so many tags
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rothjuje · 2 years
Nap trapped at Costco. I have never seen so many white men in my life. It was the same last time I was nap trapped here as well.
In TX the only time I saw a bunch of white guys was at Kroger. I typically shopped at Target, and I don’t think there were very many men there in general. Here there are so many men that do errands, why is that? I’m guessing there are less stay at home moms here, more people out working to be able to afford to survive.
Also in TX I saw so many teenage girls. Part of it was Target, but I saw them socializing randomly as well. I don’t recall seeing any teenage boys outside of Whataburger. Here it’s like teenage girls don’t exist. Maybe it’s because the Target scene here is quite sad. Do they have malls here? Maybe that’s where they are (we didn’t have a real mall in my small town in TX). But teenage boys? They’re everywhere. I haven’t seen this many white teenage boys since I was a teenager.
Mainly I just can’t get over the volume of white people. Reminds me of coastal CA. TX was definitely more diverse.
I’m obsessed with all differences here. Anyway.
Justin found the tv mount!! He’s gonna sit with George tonight so I can paint and the tv will go up tomorrow. Woohoo! Progress.
Leg is almost healed minus the center of the wound. Clindamycin was no joke. I actually had to discontinue it early because I was having so many side effects. On Saturday I was having pretty significant wrist pain. On Sunday my wrists, shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles felt like glass, it was excruciatingly painful to walk. I couldn’t lift the kids up, I couldn’t even unlatch the baby gates. By evening the extreme joint pain had subsided but my muscles were so sore I slept for 12 hours straight before I could move normally again. Ready for this nightmare to be over.
Also, I’m kind of freaked out about it. So the original wound was in the center of my shin. But a couple days after that flared up, the same thing happened on my toe. Both wounds were red and swollen and gross (now scabby and peely and gross). Anyway. I had never heard of cellulitis in anyone under age 60. But everyone I have talked to here gets it themselves or their kids do. Um. That’s unnerving. Just another thing to be anxious about I guess. Sigh.
House is almost all unpacked now (minus dining room). Between that, two lights upstairs, some paint, some baby gates, and a handrail things are feeling pretty functional. And good. Justin and I got burgers and beer last night and it was so chill and nice. Still not sure if the move was worth it or not though. Just the stress. And sleep deprivation. And cellulitis. It’s been a lot and I’m actually proud that we kept it together as well as we did.
Over dinner Justin brought up that he always assumed we’d have another kid or two. Then mentioned that he doesn’t think we should now, given George’s needs. I think George will be George and whoever he grows up to be will be amazing. I’m more concerned about my body being able to handle another pregnancy (trauma from vein issues and severe preeclampsia). I’ve thought about donating our embryos to science but am not making any permanent decisions until the twins are 5. It’s romantic to think about donating our embryos so another can add to their family, but I also don’t know if it it’s right. I don’t want our embryos to go through any kind of adoption-related trauma because I wanted to give them life. Honestly the embryo dilemma haunts me and is usually what I end up thinking about when I can’t sleep.
Anyway. I mentioned foster care and he said he didn’t like how we went about it (only taking legal risk and legally freed sibling sets). He’d want to go about it more organically, only taking placements with the goal of reunification, and if it turned into something more it turned into something more. Which I think is a healthier mindset anyway.
We shall see. No decisions being made, just things I obsess over on a regular basis.
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gal-vanized · 8 months
thinking again about what members of different guilds would say if you attempted to join their guild while already joined in another and they refused.
Fighters Guild
(joining as mages guild) "Sorry, but we don't do magic here. Go cast your cheap parlor tricks somewhere else."
(joining as thieves guild) "No way, we've heard who you associate with! You're lucky we haven't caught you stealing anything otherwise we'd turn you into the guard, or worse. Get out before you get your hand cut off picking a coinpurse."
(joining as an arena fighter) "We don't take bloodthirsty glory-seekers here, dog. Go back to your cage matches."
(joining as dark brotherhood) "Rumors have spread about you and the things you've done... leave here and don't come back. We aren't killers for hire."
Mages Guild
(joining as fighters guild) "We have no need for hired help, thank you... what? You say you want to join as a student? Hah, sorry but that isn't happening! We'll let you know if your manual labor is ever needed, though."
(joining as thieves guild) "Hm? You want to become a student? What, so you can use magic to get away with your criminal activities unseen by the law? No, we know your ilk and will not allow it. The only thing you will learn here is not to steal from wizards, or else that lesson will be your last."
(joining as an arena fighter) "Eugh, no! You stink of blood. Get out of here, you mangy beast - this is a place of learning, not barbaric bloodsport!"
(joining as dark brotherhood) "No. We will not enable you to commit more heinous acts. You're lucky that we have no definite proof of your deeds, else you would be executed by the city guard."
Thieves Guild
(joining as fighters guild) "Ah... no. Sorry friend, but our type of work requires a bit more finesse than what you're used to. You'd get caught in days, and we'd have to deny ever associating with you. Aw, cheer up pal! Theres still plenty of work in your guild, eh?"
(joining as mages guild) "Let a wizard into the thieves guild? Gee wiz, sure. I'm sure you will draw no attention to yourself at all with your flashy spells, incinerating guards, and summoning daedra... I'm being sarcastic, no we will not let you join us."
(joining as an arena fighter) "No offense, but are you stupid? You DO know what we do here, yeah? No."
(joining as dark brotherhood) "*nervously* Uh... while I'm sure you are very skilled, we explicitly try NOT to kill people on the job. We're thieves, not assassins. You'll have to look somewhere else for work... you're not gonna kill me, are you?"
(joining as fighters guild) "You think you got what it takes, kid? Sure, maybe you got the skills for it, but do you have the stomach? Could you keep your composure after seeing a man's entrails used to whip himself? What about using someone's spine still attached to their skull as a flail? I can see you turning pale already... go home, kid."
(joining as mages guild) "Y'know in my experience, wizards are usually not very crowd pleasing. That, and they're extremely squishy, don't last long in the arena. I'd know, I've pulped many into bloodied paste myself... this is my way of telling you no, you aren't cut out for this."
(joining as thieves guild) "Is this a joke? What're you gonna do, pick your opponents pockets to death? Get outta here."
(joinging as dark brotherhood) "Judging by what I've heard of you, you'd certainly do well here. And you've definitely got the stomach for it... too much stomach for it, actually, so no. Besides, the Imperials outlawed execution by arena combat ages ago."
IRT the Dark Brotherhood, Lachance (who would know an unnerving amount about you) would comment on whatever guild you'd previously joined.
(joined fighters guild) "I'm aware that you're a part of the Fighters Guild, however I assure you that In our work stealth is merely encouraged, not mandatory. There are some family members who prefer the less subtle methods... such as beheading a mark in sight of everyone. Simple, but effective. You would be no less different, nor efficient."
(joined mages guild) "You are with the Mages Guild, yes? Many of our family members rely on magic, in many ways. Magics that allow one to become be a silent shadow, open locked doors, or kill marks in many creative ways are all very commonplace in the brotherhood."
(joined thieves guild) "Don't be misled by my finding of you; your skills at subterfuge are exceptional. Its no wonder why you joined the Thieves Guild - you make an excellent infiltrator... and would make an equally competent assassin."
(joined arena) "I've seen your work in the Imperial City Arena. You certainly are acquainted with killing... its good to have a stomach for that sort of thing in our line of work."
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searchmyheart · 1 year
How do I write about the Housing crisis?  
Where the government's  
Has Left Some of us  
The government needs to live in our shoes!  
To shop with inflation 
the expenses 
Of healthy foods.  
Don't be confused 
these are just as important  
And None of these should ever be excused: 
Poverty limits what you can choose. 
Sometimes like an animal forced to live in a zoo, 
There's limits to what you can choose.  
Where Mental health issues would be more than just the blues!  
The housing wait lists are so 
How do you stay extremely strong? 
When these situations are so very wrong? 
You should never be sent to a nursing home, 
A shelter, 
Or group home, 
O even have to  
live with family or friend at their home  
I wish there were more choices shown. 
On how you can do it on your own.  
Why are we being allowed to live in strife 
When we are the author of our own life.  
Let's Show the government through 
Your own eyes!  
That their perceptions 
Shows some lies.  
Educating others about their responsibilities and rights  Helps them fight their fight! 
Walking hand in hand  
Politely we demand 
By Helping the government transform  This now norm,  
We don't have to stay  
We change course of our directions  
We have reflections 
We are versatile.  
We can all Brainstorm 
With our help  
the government will be informed. 
And listen  
And we will not be ignored  
Thus the trust in our government can be restored. 
We don't have to stay  
this way. 
Well this I pray, everyday..  
Where people can live in  
Their own home 
And not feel withdrawn  
From being torn  
To give up what rightly is their 
Where workers can work  
With you 
Building a cozy home inside  
Where you can reside  
And AODA standards 
Raise no hazards 
  In subsidized apartments
They think it's important  
To build them fast and cheap.  
Just makes more waste 
As Mother Earth weeps 
With all that unnecessary waste 
From such haste. 
I know in my space 
My home is my secure place  
I am blessed to have a secure home, Not one made from  
mere Styrofoam. 
And I am warm  
And safe from harm 
I have workers not far from 
my arm 
Though my friends, 
There's others  
Like our fellow sisters and brothers  who have nowhere to go 
Where they are told 
For sure that is a big blow. 
To government and agencies above Please listen to the people that you serve, Together we can make a new process. for everyone deserves  
A home where their needs are met And they are unnerved. 
When you do this  
You will get less resistance  
From the people who are just living in existence, When you give us a fighting chance 
Please listen to our stories 
And hear each one of our Voices.  
To live richly  
Is to give everyone home equity.  To have the resources, tools and supports, Let’s face it, life is way to short  
To not  
To give every life, a home, with love. With a gentle nudge or a kindly shove,
Hear our call,  
We are calling you out  
Us fierce Activists 
Truly a team of powerful self-advocates To make a many ways  
To have a say where we live today. 
0 notes
flickeringart · 3 years
Uranus in the houses
Descriptions could be relevant for houses with the cusp in Aquarius or houses that contain Aquarius
1st house: This house is related to self-image, persona and outwardly projected identity. It represents the point of entrance into the world, the point of birth and emergence from the undifferentiated source as a singular entity. Uranus here points to someone that is not very happy with the denseness of physicality. The person is restless and fidgety, running on high voltage. It’s almost as if there’s more energy to the person than is able to integrate into their being. The person could be impulsive and might give off a vibe of wanting to “level up”, get out of the old and jump on board with the new. Coming into life might’ve been particularly jarring for the individual in one way or another. Perhaps the birth was abrupt and unexpected, fast and overwhelming. Since the 1sthouse represents beginnings, this person might find himself or herself thrown into new contexts and situations rapidly without much time to lean into things slowly. There’s something within that can’t stand how things are and must uproot and move on but it’s questionable if there ever was any rootedness to begin with. The energy of the person runs high, but it’s unpredictable and unreliable. It can prove difficult for this person to follow conventional norms, not necessarily because the motivation is lacking but because there’s an inexplicable urge to switch things up and change gear. Changing gear is a good metaphor for Uranus in general because once you’ve changed you’re on a completely different level of experience. This kind of person is in their own lane, going at their own pace in their own way. While “in the mode” one can accomplish a lot of things by virtue of being in a certain mind frame but once the mind frame changes the behavior and patterns of action are conducive to something else. The person is predictable to an extent, but there’s no way of knowing how long that “mode” will last. One is showing up in life from a certain standpoint but that standpoint might alter and then there’s nothing anyone can do about it – conforming is not something that is easily done for this type of individual. No amount of pushing or coercing from others will get the person out of their state. It’s a little bit like trying to reach an airplane by stretching one’s arms up and shouting. Once the person has “switched” there’s little connection to the previous context. It can be exciting to be around these individuals because they have the ability to switch the way they present themselves to the world by getting into completely different states of being on the flip of a dime. Needless to say it can also be unnerving. They come off as charming, a bit distant, quirky, somewhat irrational but stubbornly determined, completely unique and original. They can come off as detached from reality and fixed in their own perspectives. They are distinctly more open and easy to be oneself with than most.
2nd house: This house is related to value, safety and control on a tangible level. It has to do with one’s talents and one’s ability to generate wealth, to acquire money and possessions. Uranus in this house can make a person experience unpredictability when it comes to their income. It might be difficult for this person to create stability because of the inexplicable urge to break out of limiting structures regardless of the safety they provide. The person might find themselves in circumstances where it’s impossible to find a foothold in the world; there might be constant ambivalence around how things are going to work out financially and materially. This is the type of person that could have a lot going for them one month and then suddenly everything is switched up and there’s no longer any desire to produce or put innate abilities to use. The person probably has great potential for living a life that is on the edge, waiting for sudden bursts of energy or insight to kick in in order to be able to have it all under control again. The annoying thing is, that one can’t predict when the impulse comes or when the light bulb goes off. There’s no way of knowing how things are going to work out over time because Uranus is an extremely erratic and disruptive planet. There’s a risk of not being the least bit practical with this placement, seeing as Uranus operates on a higher plane of thought progression rather than personal security and stability in the material realm. The risk is to be too ahead of oneself, acting on premature convictions and causing unnecessary unease because one can’t stand to keep doing the same thing. “Isn’t money an outdated concept already?” Uranus in the 2nd might be too progressive in their thought patterns and too concerned with the possibility of a better system of doing things in order to align with conventional structure. These types may be the first one’s to subscribe to new ways of earning a living, more exciting and evolved methods of putting one’s skills to use. Doing things the same way for years, working in the same place, saving money or playing it safe might not be in the cards for this person. In the extreme case, this person might get rid of all their personal possessions only because they felt bored and deemed them outdated and boring. There could be perpetual dissatisfaction with the material situation since Uranus is about potential more then manifested reality. Once everything imagined is actualized, it no longer holds any value in the person’s mind. Uranus certainly keeps the person in constant pursuit of the future, but the future never comes, as we all know. Visualizing the perfect meal or getting an idea for the perfect way to decorate the living room might be very satisfying but when seen in the “flesh” it all seems very unappealing. It’s difficult to satisfy Uranus in the 2nd, but it’s a positive thing in the sense that it keeps the person reaching for the ultimate physical translation of the perfect thought version. One could be prone to be unintentionally careless with material objects, causing breakage easily and wearing things out because of the unrealistic expectations on the physical objects somehow survive despite themselves and their frailty.
3rd house: This house relates to communication, interaction with the environment, siblings, neighbors, as well as learning and early education. It’s basically the house of everyone and everything that one relates to mentally on a daily basis. Uranus makes for quite a highly charged mental sphere being placed here. There’s potentially a lot of changes and disruptions of the way one is interacting from day to day – it’s difficult to fit in or mold oneself to the pace and jargon of one’s close circle. The person might have a lot of unusual or unconventional methods of relating and is prone to bewilder and stir people up. It might be difficult to make friends, or rather, keep them, because of the unreliable pattern of relating. However, there’s the promise of being very exciting and surprising. Because Uranus is so characteristic of creative freedom this type of person might be a bit of a loner. One needs to be or do whatever one wants even if it means disrupting the status quo. The mold that conventional education forces on individuals might not work well with this kind of person. There needs to be more freedom and openness for originality and rapid changes of pace. This is the kind of person that is rebellious without trying to be, unable to relate in a consistent manner. One lacks boundaries for how to be in and conceive of the environment, which makes for potentially genius ways of operating and thinking. Albert Einstein had this placement (according to astrotheme.com) and his observation and ability to step out of the boundaries of conditioned thinking led him to great discoveries. Learning is done through lightning speed in bursts of insight with this placement. Lightning strikes from above and an idea has hatched that other people have a hard time understanding. These people might prefer being observers of people and the environment rather than actively engaging. They might relate to things with a cold and seemingly uncaring energy. This is because the mind is very far up in the sky of potentials and ideas, far removed from the fixed and permanent reality of the earth plane. Other people might feel as if they’re being related to as concepts rather than physically manifested beings. The very thing that makes these people revolutionary thinkers (and creative odd balls) will perhaps get them into difficulties when trying to adapt and fit into the environment they find themselves in. Since the 3rd house is about communication, these people might dress contrary or despite of the norm, use body language that is a bit eye-catching, and appear in a way that’s considered to be shocking and provocative. It’s not necessarily that they’re trying to be different; it’s just that they have very open minds and doesn’t see the purpose of performing within limits. If an idea and concept appeals, it’s not any less valid than the preexisting set of unspoken rules of conformity. Blending in is too boring and dull, it doesn’t allow for free thinking and free living.
4th house: This house relates to roots, family, home and the ancestral past. It’s the place at the bottom of the chart, hidden from view, constituting relational foundation, our emotional base, our heritage and sense of deep belonging. When Uranus is here, home is potentially something distant, something that is more conceptual and abstract rather than concrete. The sense of belonging isn’t very stable. Although it can be captured every now and then it is very ambivalent. Usually one’s sense of home is anywhere and everywhere or perhaps so far removed from reality that it doesn’t seem to exist at all. The people of one’s family and family past are experienced as individuals, not as inextricable marks on one’s soul. In a sense, the universe is these people’s home, they might feel unusually connected to the people of the world and deriving their sense of containment from larger movements and units rather than the family of origin. They’re children of the universe first and foremost – perhaps very much inclined to find people they really feel connected to and make them their base rather than focusing too much on the blood relatives. These people might change residence often, feeling too restless to settle anywhere or with anyone for too long. It’s likely that the people of one’s family were never truly present even they were in close proximity physically during the formative years. The family is never “had” in the real world, but ever present in the realm of potential. It can make for a dissatisfaction to never be able to be in the same space or feel any real emotional closeness to one’s family. Unpredictability and disruption might’ve been characteristic of the familial sphere. On a more positive note there could’ve been a space of high openness and room for unconventional and highly original streaks. Independence might be deeply rooted in this type of person who might be trying to find a connection to a deeper identity through going against the grain. Again, being a “rebel” is not necessarily intentionally pursued; it’s just a consequence of needing to be whatever one feels to constitute the path forward. Conforming is not an option, it’s deeply important to ride the wave of one’s own convictions and insights no matter how risky or unsettling it might be. “Breaking the rules” is not done out of aggression per se, it’s done because being a game changer establishes a connection with one’s soul, the archetypal father and hero myth. The 4th house is where legacies are born and carried out. Uranus is the legacy of the sky god, the creator of the universe, the maker of the blueprint, which makes these people extremely invested in progression and tuned in to the winds of change. They might be keen to generate large movements toward a cause, more in love with the expectancy than the actual manifestation of the results.
5th house: This house relates to entertainment, leisure activities, uninhibited self-expression, creativity, play, romance and children. Basically, it’s the domain of anything that is done purely to have fun and enjoy life. When Uranus is active in this sphere, there’s detachment and innovative genius in approach to play. The person might have unusual ways of finding pleasure and enjoyment that is quite different from the norm. It’s also done with an urge to construct something of novelty, something fresh and exciting that hasn’t been experienced before. Playing around with the potential of doing something or exploring possibilities mentally might be a real thrill for these types. Ideas make these people excited, especially if it’s advanced and revolutionary and can be applied universally. These people are creative thinkers and have fun when catching some wind and can elevate above the ground for a while in their minds. When they can get to a place that feels elevated in terms of concept and ideas they are having the time of their lives. There’s an urge of wanting to express something profound and precious in the mental realm – to arrive at a conceptual point of perfection. Having children could be a very appealing idea, but one would do well to remember that the idea is more appealing than the actuality – especially when it comes to Uranus. The person might take an intellectual approach to having kids, insistent on doing things as properly as possible according to modern scientific discoveries – or simply according to one’s own “elevated” objective perspective. One aims to be progressive, not only with one’s children but also in romantic pursuits. These people might have a slightly odd style of courting their love interests, certainly well thought-through but a bit special in the sense that it has an unexpected element to it. There might be a feeling of not being seen in the present “here-and-now” by these people, being treated as a component in their mental narrative of the ultimate romantic situation. In any case, Uranus in the 5th certainly takes the experience of “having fun” to the next level in terms of planning and visualizing something unique and new. One might shock a few people in the process, some may like it and some may recoil from the strangeness of it all. It is possible to completely revolutionize entertainment with this placement, coming up with something that people haven’t experienced before, going a little overboard or testing the waters of what is acceptable. If it’s paired with enough finesse and good -will, one might be warmly received as someone who can be perform something that wouldn’t seem to belong on this plane of existence. That being said, it that which is foreign and unfamiliar is not always welcomed with open arms. It’s scary – and people might want to censor one’s self-expression.
6th house: This house relates to work, employment, the practical daily activities that needs to be performed in order to sustain health and well-being over time. This house is where one manages the technicalities and details of living in order to make the expression of life more pure, clean and organized. Uranus here can’t stand routine, which might cause the individual to be unable to stick to any routine or prior commitment. There’s a deep urge to break free from that which has become tedious and unexciting and one has no way of knowing when that famous restlessness is going to kick in. The person might go a long time doing the same things, keeping the same job or sticking to a set routine but it’s never because one does so consciously, it just happens to be the “mode” one is in for the time being. It could switch at any time and the individual might find it impossible to keep doing things the same way. One has to follow the spark of inspiration because it literally goes off like lightning and won’t be denied. This might not be comfortable for the conscious self that might be adamant about sticking to a set plan and operating out of reason. There’s not much to do than to trust and hope for the best with this placement. What one should do on a given day is not set in stone, even if one attempts to be very structured and conscious of what is being done. There’s a stronger push-and-pull force that dictates the daily activities. Some days there’s a lot of energy to put into projects and chores and work and some days are void of electric charge all together. Some days one is on fire and on others there’s no energy left at all. It’s wise to take advantage of the spurs when they come and work with the erratic pattern of energetic bursts because they might prove very useful. On a more negative note, the high productivity that can be generated by Uranus in this house might lead to burn out because of the high voltage of the planet. Exhaustion might be a high risk and all the related physical symptoms that come with it, since the 6th house rules physical (and mental) health. There might be temporary ills and pains that come and go – sickness might come from “out of the blue” and then disappear without apparent reason. The body might require very specific and unexpected nourishment and one might do well to yield to the impulses and insights received in the name of health. Keeping up unconventional dietary habits could be a thing, experimentation and change in the way one manages necessary activities such as eating, sleeping and exercising would be typical of this placement. Employment might also be irregular and unconventional in some way – working odd shifts and hours, having no set schedule, having undefined and unspecified tasks, not being able to go by anyone else’s guidance etc. Uranus in the 6th would have a hard time working “for” someone because of the strong emphasis on freedom and space, it can only be done if there’s complete integrity in the subordinate position, in which case one is really not subordinate at all. There’s no such thing as obligation, there’s only modes of being, which are set and carried out. These people could be very concerned with health and daily life as an experiment, like observers studying phenomena in order to get a grip of all the intricacies and details in order to change and explore potential. The boldness of experimentation can of course get out of hand and turn destructive, so one ought to be careful.
7th house: This house relates to other people, cooperation, union and commitment. Usually that which is in the 7th in the chart is projected onto other people and sought after through engagement with “that which is other”. It’s through looking to other people that the planet is discovered in one’s own life. When Uranus is here, innovation, change and genius is encountered through cooperation and deals, whether it’s marriage, business or any other social declaration of entanglement. Uranus is discovered through the consideration of other people and their perspectives. This type of person has a very liberal and open attitude to other people and is focused on progress and change as to make things better for the sake of social well-being and harmony. It’s no wonder that successful politicians have this placement such as Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Angela Merkel (as found on astrotheme.com). One is inclined to be open and insightful in relationships, detached, rational and impersonal. Emotional bonds could be difficult to form and stability in relationships could be hard to come by for these people. Somehow, other people might get up and leave for no reason and there’s no way of being sure that anyone will stay, especially not out of dependence. This kind of person is going to have to be in partnerships that allows for a lot of freedom of expression, to the point of there not being any ties that bind at all. Uranus has such force and charge that nothing is going to go according to convention. Everything is going to be a bit odd and erratic in relationships, for better or for worse. Saying “I love you” is never a guarantee for life-long commitment because the next day Uranus might’ve switched gears and the person has fallen out of love – not by choice of course, but because the feeling is gone and the mental frame is completely different suddenly. These people crave excitement and looks for it in others. They would find people who strictly lives inside the “box” of convention to be extremely boring and painfully narrow minded. If cooperation and engagement with others doesn’t bring some kind of fresh and new perspective, if it doesn’t feel exhilarating and revolutionary, one might not be able to stick around for too long. In the case of Uranus being projected on other people and not realized as part of oneself, one might be shook by other’s unpredictable and jerky behavior. One might see potential, genius and originality in others but fail to recognize it in oneself. The great ideas and insights that come from engaging with others might add a lot to the person’s life, but one might also feel sad that these qualities are absent outside of a social context. There’s no need for this of course, because Uranus will always have to be accessed through the house that it’s placed in. On a more negative note, people with this placement might scorn and reject others for being so “up in the clouds”, inconsiderate and individualistic. “Other people are so unpredictable and unreliable” might be the narrative, when in reality one is failing to recognize the same tendencies within oneself.
8th house: This house relates to the deep end of experience, death of all kinds and transformative yet traumatic experiences. It’s related to everything that is hidden, the most private, intimate and vulnerable dimensions of life, which includes shared finances and sex as byproducts of strong emotional attachment. Uranus here makes for potentially shocking discoveries of grim, taboo or soul-shattering realities about oneself or other people. Death of loved ones, random inheritances or unforeseen debt could surface from seemingly out of nowhere in the strangest of ways. However, one might be able to deal with it in an objective and detached manner without getting too drenched and sunk by the whole experience. A lot of things related to the most intimate sphere could change very quickly without a moments notice. The most personal and deep dimensions of life are never stable for this person - but the transformation is not that severe since there’s a simultaneous distance and objectivity in one’s way of relating to death and crises. Uranus here is a bit of a contra-intuitive placement because there’s coolness in the face of the most soul-shattering experiences. It’s as if this person is looking at everything but is never completely enmeshed in the emotions surrounding it all. Objectivity and rationality is sought in order to keep things light and up in the mental realm of clarity. The transformations this person goes through are quick and life altering, at the speed of light everything is turned upside down. There’s openness and fascination for everything occult and one might have quite an alarming universal perspective in personal and deep emotional matters. Death is related to primarily as a concept – and so is intimacy. Tying oneself to another can be done, but the risk of doing so is understood from a higher perspective. It’s easy to get into states of paranoia, fearing that important attachment will be broken because there’s a push for change from below the surface. When Uranus is in the 8th, socially/societally divergent behavior might lurk in the basement of the psyche and carefully kept out of sight from the conscious self and the rest of the world. Certain impulses and urges that don’t fit into a preconceived framework might be suppressed because of early conditioning and fear of losing something or someone. These people have the capacity to get a broad and clear view of the darkest facets of life and humanity with revolutionary insights into the depths of the psyche. There’s excitement in probing deeper and uncovering more and more through personal experience but also from looking into other people’s lives, what they invest in, support and might hide from view in order to stay in control and protect their interests. These people look for the unexpected and can therefore spot things that others don’t because they’re not blinded by the veil of convention.
9th house: This house relates to knowledge that is gained through experience and exploration. It’s the house of higher learning and the intuitive search for truth. It’s the house of exploring themes and patterns through life; in essence it’s the house of studying the archetypal realm. With Uranus here, there are bound to be life-altering discoveries and insights into the themes of life, how energies express themselves through the collective and what they ultimately mean in the context of life as a whole. There might be a strong push to discover the meaning behind things in order to change it and work with it to elevate humanity in the process – especially as it relates to the mental framework of people. One might be inclined to share one’s progressive perspective and insight in order to educate people and have them get more out of life that way. Belief systems and innate knowing can be thrown out the window with this placement and replaced in a heartbeat. Other people might be confused as to what one really thinks because it depends on what gear one is driving on at the moment but it could change at any time. There’s restlessness and a strong urge to look to the future for answers and reject the “old”. Openness to experience the strangest things could be characteristic of this placement – if one is in the right “mode” or mind frame to go along with it. Stubbornness and rigidity when it comes to certain opinions and insights could be typical, although it might change very quickly and won’t stick over time. Something the person is thoroughly convinced of today might seem foolish to them tomorrow. There would be strong push to go out of one’s way to discover things, no matter how impractical and inconvenient the pursuit. There’s electricity and charge to the person’s mental pursuits, to one’s observation and efforts to extract value out of experience. Although there’s force and intensity to the process of learning about life as a whole, there’s also a peculiar detachment to the whole thing as if one isn’t part of what one is learning about. In contrast to someone with say, Moon in the 9th, Uranus in the 9th doesn’t experience the overwhelm that it means to learn and experience existence because one is the “observer” not a living and breathing merged component of the experience. With this placement one might have an unusual outlook of life and a very rare and interesting life philosophy. In fact, one would not really subscribe to any one outlook and might identify solely as the observer because one has switched perspective so many times that one knows that none are ultimately real. This doesn’t make the person discouraged, it only confirms that life is complex and multi-dimensional and that truth is nowhere to be found within the hologram of existence.
10th house: This house relates to public image, career and our personal contribution to society. It’s represents worldly purpose and outward persona. When Uranus is here, the person has a certain protruding electricity and charge – there’s a lot of energy put towards moving forward into the future in revolutionary ways. The person could have a reputation for being unpredictable, eccentric and a bit irrational as a byproduct of only seeing potential and not taking note of the limitations. The person exist “outside of the box” and is somewhat of a stranger in society, presenting far-reaching ideas that might be difficult for the average person to digest. There’s probably great openness to all kinds of people and experiences, but the person is extremely jerky and fidgety, so it’s impossible to really know when there’s going to be resistance and when there’s going to be acceptance. More than any other placement, Uranus in the 10th is an indicator of someone to catch people’s attention because it’s so potent and forceful in an electric way – it’s so unsettling and unconventional that people can’t help but turn their heads. “I’m not like everyone else” is the kind of message these people convey, consciously or unconsciously. These are extremely flighty individuals – they can be miles away, seemingly living in their own fantasy world, except that they know that everyone else is doing the same thing and they’re just not aware of it. These people are likely pinned as the odd person that has a lot of energy and unusual opinions and modes of being. They can switch gears or “roles” frequently, unable to be bound by any standardized career path and pushed to carve their own lives, take risks and live on mental impulse. They probably have no idea what they’re doing most of the time, or at least it seems like it when taking the most contra intuitive paths and moving into unpaved territory in terms of vocation and worldly achievement. Some force of the unconscious is seemingly moving these people, pushing them and compelling them to take mental leaps. The curious thing is, that once the leap is made, there’s absolute certainty because one is not merely hoping to level up, one has switched gears and is now operating on a completely different level of existence that is just as real as the previous one. These people are really the pioneers and revolutionaries of society because they radiate a collective urge for change; they shake things up, perhaps even negatively in some people’s eyes. They are symbolizing the urge to break free from old shackles and to reinvent the ways of society. People might feel uncomfortable and put up a lot of resistance to this kind of energy, because it’s disruptive and destabilizing. These people might have “weirdo” painted all over their forehead, being misunderstood and taken for extreme creative individualists with no anchoring in the norm – or they might become the “hook” for collective unconscious forces as the leader of a collective movement. In the case of the latter, the individual becomes a public image for the winds of change for better or for worse. The career might be paved with unforeseen events sudden blessings and curses, as well as unpredictable turns of the road.
11th house: This house relates to collective movements, common goals, friends and shared interests, societal change and progression. Uranus is very much at home in this house, seeing as it is the planet of large-scale revolution and change. When Uranus is here, there’s a strong awareness of the differences and commonalities of human beings and a capacity to switch between groups of people and finding a common ground with all of them. This is the type of person to jump in between social groups – not belonging to any one group but open enough to partake in all of them. The humanitarian and liberal perspective is protruding and very strong – there’s no one more open and willing to find friendship with people from all walks of life than Uranus in the 11th. It’s likely that one views the self to not belong to any specific group or class of society, but to them all simultaneously. All people are part of the human family and this is profoundly clear to this person – religion, political opinion, ethnicity, sexuality or any other factor comes second to the fact that everyone depends on one another. This person might have great ideas about how humanity should organize itself in order to benefit everyone without the blood thirsty uncivilized game that is “survival of the fittest”. Of course, primitiveness is not innately bad, but the person with Uranus here aims to view things objectively and find new ways to make everyone live in a way that benefits the whole rather than merely themselves. That being said, this person could have some unconventional ideas and highly creative solutions to certain collective issues. One might be associated with various groups of people and have great insight into their way of viewing things, their needs and convictions, their character traits and innate disposition. More than anything, this person is an observer of humanity, a person of mental understanding of the inner workings of social systems and groupings. Prince Charles, Prince William and Prince Harry all have Uranus in this house (according to astrotheme.com), which makes sense considering that they are people who are supposed to have a connection to the people – they are essentially symbolic “agents of the divine”, supposedly anchored in Christian values of brotherhood, love, compassion and respect. They are involved in various social projects and aim to improve that quality of people’s lives through their work and presence. Whether it’s successful or impactful can be up for debate but it’s certainly their intention. People with this placement will likely seek to offer guidance or insight to the masses in some way, whether it’s through expressing certain values or bringing an objective perspective to the situation that equalizes the charge within people. This type of person would be phenomenal at reminding everyone of the commonalities and shared quirks, reminding people of their basic humanity and all the problems and gifts that come with it. By being radically open and honest, other people are allowed to show their weaknesses and strengths as they are without feeling the need to fit into a box.
12th house: This house relates to the collective unconscious, undifferentiated reality and the absence of separate self. It is a house that is related to universal feeling, the truth of everything being one. This house is essentially the enemy of individuality and at the same time is the birthing place for it. The 12th is dual and paradoxical, the place where “reality” and dreams blend. With Uranus here, the person would feel as if collective forces govern his or her life to a large extent. Changes in the collective unconscious affect these people personally more than others, for better or for worse. They live in a perpetual atmosphere of Uranus, which means that mental impulses and insights flood them daily of the most new and jarring kind. The inner world is potentially absurd and strange and completely different from the mundane everyday life. In fact, these people might not find that there’s anything mundane about life because everything is a fascinating phenomena to them. There can be hidden feeling of not being of this world, of feeling things more objectively and from a standpoint of universal reality. These can be very creative individuals, able to channel some genius ideas through letting go of the defenses put up by the ego. This could potentially be done through sleep, drugs or any other method of releasing resistance. Since this house is related to hidden enemies, it might be that certain original ideas are detrimental to the separate self and to other people in one’s surroundings. Because the 12thhouse is the realm of no boundaries, doing the most destructive and weird things might come easier to these people. There’s a disruptive quality to these people that shines through their subtle aura – they’re not trying to act out of the norm but little twitches and pushes make them do things that they ultimately can’t control. In a sense, these people are sponges for collective energies and pushes for change. Adolf Hitler had this placement (according to astrotheme.com), which expressed itself extremely destructively. Uranus in the 12th reaches for the heavens and might end up in hell because ecstasy is only felt through complete disregard for the preservation of the individual even though one might argue that it is in the individual’s best interest. In a sense Uranus in the 12th is a push for societal structure and progression that comes the closest to ecstatic bliss and one might take the most insane actions to get there. On a more positive note, this placement can express itself as a positive force for changing group consciousness, and communicating a vision of a civilized and peaceful society based on humanitarian values, mutual respect and love. Whether the ideas are realistic and applicable might be another question, however, the dream of redemption can inspire people and instill hope in the darkest of times.
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allmightluver · 3 years
So, what is your take on the EM relationship? Who was the one to fall first and confess? Please support your speculations/opinions with canonical evident, if you'd like 😏 (BECAUSE YOU'RE SO DAMN GOOD AT IT ❤️) Thank you for your time 🙏
Oh goodness
You really want me to go all out huh Kunshi 😏
Well, I’ll try to summarize this as best I can ***(This may have some spoilers so be warned)**
The relationship between All Might and Eraserhead has been quite the journey. You can say, frenemies to “hey you’re not so bad”. They’ve known of each other for years, before the present timeline. Here in Vigilante’s, Eraserhead tells Tsukauchi that the situation they’re in is so dire, they need the Number 1. Aizawa acknowledges how powerful All Might is, despite disapproving of how handles media and fame.
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But they didn’t really know each other until All Might started at UA. 
Aizawa believed Yagi to be reckless, irresponsible, and foolish in taking a job he has no training for. Not to mention the obvious favoritism. Yagi believed Aizawa to be too harsh and cold hearted on the children. Though as the two got to know each other, and went through traumatic events together (USJ and Kamino), they started to warm up more to each other, actually taking the time to get to know one another. 
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All Might rushes to an injured Aizawa’s side, and the sight of how broken, bloodied and damaged his co-worker is visibly upsets him. The way Toshinori’s voice softens as he apologizes to Aizawa, unclear if it’s out loud or in his mind. Toshinori probably feels terrible whenever anyone’s been injured, but he seems particularly held up over Aizawa, most likely because he himself couldn’t be there when it happened. He was of being a hero all morning, and wasted all his time in his muscle form, so he wasn’t there with them like he should have been. Which meant Aizawa and (Thirteen) had to fight to protect the students, even if they were clearly unmatched. They were both badly injured in the process, all because Toshinori wasn’t there.
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Then after the fight, Toshinori cuts his friend, Tsukauchi, off and asks how Aizawa, wait, Eraserhead, is doing. Oh and Thirteen too. He was relieved to find he they were alright.
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When Kamino hit we see how intently Aizawa watches the news, watches All Might, watches Toshinori. He was clearly concerned, and in seeing AFO summon his many quirks in order to eliminate All Might once and for all, Aizawa’s concern only grows. And for good reason.
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As an after effect, the students needed to move into dorms. Aizawa and Toshinori are paired together to speak to 1A’s students. It’s in the car that Aizawa, awkwardly, offers to buy Toshinori a drink. To which Toshinori politely declines, as he can’t drink. (*face palm*) 
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However, after dealing with Bakugo’s...different family, Toshinori nudges Aizawa with an elbow his injured arm no less, and whispers that he now owes Aizawa a drink. 
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Dunno about you, but I’d have to be pretty comfortable with someone before I’m close enough to nudge them and whisper secrets. And Toshinori is always seeking to know Aizawa better, be closer, impress him.
They even go out on a date to get a drink together.  Toshinori’s inner dialogue is the most interesting, from “I’m going to be even better friends with Aizawa-kun...!” to “All Might, you just gotta push past the walls of Aizawa-kun’s heart!” ...uh huh. To which Mic and Midnight totally crash their “Secret Dinner Outing” and invite themselves to stay, much to Toshinori’s (”Or on second thought...probably not then.”) and Aizawa’s despair (”Go home!” x3). Get outta here, you’re ruining our date!  And after Toshinori takes his leave, Aizawa chases him down outside to say....? “Thank you very much. I’m drunk right now so I probably wouldn’t say this if I wasn’t. But because you fought at Kamino and took down AFO for us, I’ll do my part and look after the students as much as I can. That’s why I want to thank you for everything.” To which after a silence, Toshinori responds with, “Aizawa-kun, let’s watch over the students from here on out together.” ...to which Aizawa mentions he won’t remember any of this and to never bring it up ever again.  (*repeat face palm*)
This only proves they’re becoming much, much, closer. They’ve gone beyond plus ultra frenemies and onto true friends. They take each other’s words and thoughts into account in a serious manner, like how Yagi managed to convince Aizawa to let him go to Bakugo and Midoriya when they snuck out, as well as going easy on punishment for them.
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Aizawa’s also shown growing concern for Toshinori after his retirement. Firstly from seeing Toshinori out and about so soon after Kamino while he was still recovering from his injuries. And on the occasion a falling rock nearly connects to Toshinori’s head, you can see how quickly Aizawa reacts. The way you can almost see a flashback of his childhood friend’s unfortunate death running through his head as he tries to save Toshinori from the same fate. Once Midoriya saves Toshinori, Aizawa still reaches out to him, like he’s worried the man may get hurt, break, as he tells him that it’s not safe in this environment, and that Toshinori should leave, go where it’s safe.
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When Aizawa couldn’t attend Bakugo and Todoroki’s extra classes, he asks Toshinori to go in his place, and even makes Present Mic go along as a body guard. He’s clearly concerned for the former hero’s safety and well-being. Toshinori now often fills in for Aizawa if he can’t make it to his own class.
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When Midoriya’s new quirk is discovered, Aizawa takes Toshinori’s anxiety about the situation seriously, and they immediately go to put a stop to the training battle. 
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But once Midoriya’s quirk settles down, Aizawa decides to let this play out, and calms Toshinori, saying he’ll put a stop to it if the situation happens again.
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He later describes Toshinori as a genius, naturally talented, when explaining to Shinsou how he doesn’t expect the kid to be on the same level with the others in the hero course right off the bat. Aizawa has extreme respect for Toshinori.
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The biggest moment between the two is late on a snowy night, when Toshinori sits outside in the cold, alone, contemplating...well, his life honestly. Aizawa find’s him, “there you are,” apparently looking for the taller man. Toshinori at first automatically deflects any questions about himself, and asks about the children. He then offers to help Aizawa with training Eri, in which the underground hero gladly accepts (something that Aizawa would not have done in the past, as he hated even speaking to the older man before). But Aizawa can see through the façade, and asks what’s wrong. Aizawa is one of, if not the only, person Toshinori confides in so deeply.  Horkioshi confirmed recently that of everyone (adults, I assume), pro heroes included, Toshinori is the closest to Aizawa. Toshinori decides he can trust Aizawa with his mental weights. He’s decided to live, but feels useless staying alive, powerless, unable to help anyone, or at least how the children need him to. 
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Aizawa’s initially unnerved at the fact that Toshinori decided to live, as if the contemplation of otherwise was there. But he listens quietly, intently, to what Toshinori says. Finally, he tries to reason with the older man that being a workaholic, and never having time to rest, isn’t good either, points out that after holding up the country for decades, suddenly not having it has left an addiction. Toshinori doesn’t know what to do if he’s not running himself ragged. But also tells him that he is helping the students--by being alive, and by being here for them. There are a lot of people (Aizawa included?) that gain strength, just by Toshinori being there, alive. And he asks him to please keep on living and acting like his normal self. Toshinori’s overcome with emotion at his words.
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For a relationship between the two, I’m sure they both would have had feelings for quite some time before ever admitting to it. Knowing their personalities, Aizawa would feel his feelings were illogical and deceptive. Toshinori is just a tad older than him, has met probably thousands more people than Aizawa ever will, and he was the number one hero. Falling for a guy like that just seemed too predictable and annoying. But Aizawa soon learns the differences between All Might and Toshinori, and while the latter still rubs him the wrong way at times, the tall, willowy man has managed to capture his heart. He feels compelled to care for the other, make sure he’s taking proper care of himself. And yet he tells himself it’s too invasive of the other man’s privacy; none of his business. When Mic and Midnight drag him to the bar and question him why his mood was off, he’d give no answer save for a shrug, and down another beer.
Toshinori would have feelings rather early, but most likely not realize they were more than just finally getting the grouchy Aizawa-kun to tolerate him. As weeks go by, he would catch his heart racing at Aizawa’s presence, blushing when the scruffy man would make tea for him after a coughing fit, and way too elated when Aizawa accepted the invitation for a drink together, alone. One night it would hit him just exactly how he feels for the younger man, and his heart would clench. Surely Aizawa couldn’t feel the same way, especially for a man as old, sickly, and awkward as himself. Even if it were possible, his own death is due to come within the next year, and he couldn’t do that to Aizawa-kun. He’d spend several nights fighting and eventually failing to quietly let his tears fall into the pillow below him as he tries to sleep, alone.
The two would cautiously work together, stepping around their own feelings to keep things normal between them. All the while Aizawa’s brain would fight against his heart, and Toshinori’s chest would tighten until a bloody cough was produced.
Finally, finally, after Mic and Midnight pry it out of Aizawa like a game of Operation, they force him to ask Toshinori out. It takes a week, but Aizawa finally finds the right moment to ask the former hero out for a drink and bar food. Glamorous as always, especially for a first date. But Toshinori gladly accepts, and spends the rest of the day convincing himself it’s just a friendly supper, between friends, not a date.
That night the two have a lovely evening of greasy bar food (which Toshinori politely only orders a small plate of fries, as there’s nothing blander on the menu) and beer (Toshinori also drinks a plain water). Aizawa apologizes for not taking Toshinori’s diet into account when picking where they met, and says he’ll let Toshinori pick the restaurant next time. Toshinori freezes at his wording. Aizawa’s quick to try and resolve, but Toshinori stops him. Asks him what exactly this is. A friendly dinner? Or something more? Aizawa buries into his scarf, and answers with a question in return; what do you want it to be? It’s then Toshinori sets his glass down, takes a moment to breathe, before spilling that he’d hoped it was a date. He’s bright red as he explains how he believes he’s developed...feelings over the months working together. That he wanted to go out again, but that he hadn’t wanted to force his feelings on Aizawa. Who would want someone like him?
These two have so much chemistry. They’ve been through so much together already: disagreements, near deaths, critical injuries, awkward moments of a budding friendship, talking each other off the ledge. In all the ships of the series, EraserMight has one of the most obvious connections and chemistries.
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emiewritesthings · 3 years
the story of our life (2) - jay halstead
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jay halstead x fem!reader
part one
series summary: in which jay finds an old video camera and him and y/n decide to document their life as it progresses
a/n: this is about a year too late, but i finally got around to writing a part two to this, i was overwhelmed by the support last time. hope you enjoy :)
31st december 2013
if there was one thing that y/n hated, it was making small talk with a bunch of her neighbours. she knew how mean that sounded, but it was the truth. it was the way they worded their questions to serve both as jabs for informations with a hint of an insult, whilst covering it up with the largest fake smile that they could muster up. it was something mrs franklin, the 45 year old, mother of 4 had gotten well practised at, as y/n had the displeasure of finding out.
"so, how's the job hunt going? i know after you dropped out of university it must have been quite a struggle to keep afloat? isn't that why you are still living here with your mom?" she sneered, as she sipped innocently on the cheap bottle of wine y/n's mom had personally assigned just for her consumption. y/n had to restrain herself from slapping the glass clean out of her hand as she remembered what her mother had instilled in her for the last week in preparation for this exact moment.
"oops, i think i hear my mom calling. enjoy your night, yeah?" she stay posed, as she flashed one more faux smile before striding away from the living room and into the kitchen where she grabbed whatever was closest and downed it as quick as she could, frowning at the permanent numbness that hollowed out her entire body.
her head was ringing from the chatter that filled the house, and that would most likely continue until the new year had been welcomed in. the laughter and smiles that were being thrown around didn't sit right with y/n, for what was another year if it was just going to be like the last two. her life had imploded in her hands leaving nothing but a body behind that had no choice but to survive.
"y/n!" someone called out from the other room, however before they had a chance to find her, y/n grabbed two beers from the fridge and shimmied out the back door. the sudden fan of cold december air on her face made her entire chest burn, but y/n liked it, at least it broke the monotony. even if it was just for a couple minutes.
avoiding eye contacts with everyone she passed, y/n found herself rounding her own house until she was stood in the driveway of the neighbouring one. a small smile etching itself on her face as her eyes were met with the old, rotten porch swing that was missing the woman that would be doing her crossword or simply sipping on a cup of coffee no matter the hour. a shiver ran down the woman's back, realising there would not be another moment that she got to see that again.
the house had stayed the same even after all these years, the same paint was chipping away and the wood door was still damaged from where a football had hit it repeatedly during the early years of their sons' lives. however unlike the busy chaos that had once been habituated in the abode, no lights could be seen, no life. just a dull darkness that highlighted how the house she once had known, the family, couldn't be any more different.
pushing past the knot in her stomach, y/n approached the gate to the back garden that was slightly ajar. as she investigated further, a small smile etched itself upon her lips as she was met with two white plastic garden chairs, in one sat pat halstead, whilst the other remained empty.
"well, well, i thought your mother would have chained you to your seat to stop you from pulling a fast one." pat teased, as his eyes strayed away from the dark sky to inspect the woman. patting the seat besides him, the twenty something year old collapsed down into it, before handing one of the cans over to the man, receiving a whispered 'thank you'.
"she got distracted by the mini quiches like an hour ago and i haven't seen her since. couldn't stay there much longer, celia and claire were debating whose husband was the biggest deadbeat." she sighed, as the pair clinked their cans together before they took a longing sip of the liquid, and slipped further down the slightly cracked plastic. her eyes were drawn upwards into the pre-midnight bleakness. however where the winter clouds usually suffocated it, there was a small breaking where two stars shone proudly above them.
"beautiful aren't they?" pat pointed out, clearly confirming y/n's thoughts that the two stars had been the same thing that had caught his interest when she first arrived. running a hand over the wiry beard he had grown over the last two years, his eyes began to water. "uh, sometimes i like to think it's liz and your old man up there, sure she would be chatting his ear off about you and your brother. as well as watching over our jay wherever he may be."
y/n was taken off guard by the older man's comments, but she tried to contain it. in the years she had known pat halstead, it was extremely rare that he voiced his honest opinion about anything. or at least one that wasn't followed by a sarcastic grumble or insult. but to talk about his wife and his son, as well as his best friend, with such emotion brought tears to y/n's eyes.
"you haven't heard from him have you?" she asked in a whisper, not knowing if she truly wanted the answer. the last communication she had with the youngest halstead had been throughout the last period of his mother's life until a little after the funeral, however after not receiving a reply once again and her life on a down spiral she surrendered.
"no, no i haven't," however y/n couldn't help notice that something didn't seem right. maybe it was the way that he shuffled in his chair, refusing to pull his eyes away from the sky to meet her own sad ones. however before she got the chance to confront him, he brought himself to his feet. "wait one moment, i have something for you." watching as he disappeared back into the house, y/n tried to figure out what was going on with him? maybe he wasn't sleeping again? it had been the same for months after the funeral, but she thought he was healing just slightly. she really hoped he had been.
a couple moments later, pat reemerged this time the thing he held in his hands had stolen every inch of y/n's focus. the metal lump that held a thousand memories was being cradled, similar to the way she had been holding it when he had handed it to pat. the sound of his wife's voice in the last clip was something that pat had severed for the last year and a half. it was the thing he would fall asleep to and the thing he would play when he woke up. his liz was still alive in the camera, she was still his liz.
"i thought- i thought you-." y/n couldn't muster up a single thought to vocalise as she was passed the camera. her eyes ran over each dint, scratch, stain that had been acquired over the years. every memory she severed had the image of the red flashing light in it, and yet the person in those videos was someone she no longer recognised.
"this is your life, and i know it feels like it's over, but you have so much to live for and if these videos don't show you that then i don't know what else will." in a rush of uncontrollable emotion, pat wrapped his arms around the daughter he never had and held her as she let out a quiet sob, unsure how to feel.
returning to their seats, pat held y/n's hand as they sat for what felt like days watching the sky deepen. as pat seemed to pray to the heavens that his liz was alright, y/n let her mind run ablaze with unresolved thoughts and emotions as she watched video after video.
it was moments before 2014 came along when her phone let out a painful shrill in search of attention. letting out a small groan, she pulled it from her back pocket, pausing the prom video to answer.
"hello?" she answered.
"y/n where are you? come on, the countdowns about to begin!" her mother yelled clearly unable to hear herself. sighing, looking over to pat who seemed to be hiding something in his eyes, she agreed before hanging up the phone.
"it's not too late for you to come with me you know..." she fluttered her eyes in a humorous attempt at convincing him. the deep chuckle that arose from pat's chest spoke enough for her to work out what was coming next.
"as much as i would love to chit chat with celia and clare over a mini quiche, i'm gonna have to decline." pushing herself off the chair, she leaned over to kiss his cheek softly, pulling away to see the small smile.
"happy new year, pat."
"happy new year, y/n."
the moment she reappeared in her house, she was pretty much been jostled around. somehow the camera that she had walked in with had disappeared from her gasp, and she had made her way to her mother's sight closest to the tv as the countdown clock appeared on the screen. the way her mother smiled at her was slightly unnerving, she knew the woman better than anyone in this world, and just like pat, she was hiding something.
"ten!" they began to chant.
"seven!" a drink was pushed into her hands, which she concerningly took without hesitation. she wasn't even sure who gave it her, but a drink was exactly what she needed right now.
"one!" suddenly the tv screen was a picturesque screen of fireworks exploding around the country before the whole room erupted in a cheer.
"happy new year!" suddenly everyone was locking lips with their loved ones, friends and whoever was closest to them. however y/n tried to step back, and disappear into the crowd offering a couple of smiles until suddenly she hit something, or someone.
"shit, i'm sorry." she immediately gasped as the drink she was holding splashed against the dress she was wearing, however when she turned to look at her victim her mouth dried out.
there, stood in her living room was jay halstead, in the same uniform that she had last seen him stood in on her doorstep the day he left. what felt like the whole world silencing was actually just everyone in the room turning to look at the pair of them, smiling as they watched the reunion of the couple that never was. however they neither jay or y/n could pull there eyes away from their counterpart.
for a moment they were 17 again, teenagers that didn't know a thing about the world whilst experiencing it together. but this was different, for they were older now. jay's face was more mature, with stumble around his jaw that made him look more in his twenties. y/n's hair was much longer and ever so slightly darker, but jay remembered how the winter did that to her.
"hi." jay smiled, reaching forward to move stands of her hair behind her ears to avoid it from covering up those eyes that were far more fragmented than they had been before. but then again y/n saw the exact same distortion in his own, like half a heart that was on the edge of collapsing.
but at the sound of his voice, y/n fell face first into reality. she remembered every unanswered letter, the loss of hope when she laid in bed completely alone wondering if he was even still alive. she recalled the nights she would sleep on the hospital chair besides his dying mother praying to every god out there that he would be brought back in time to to say goodbye. but it didn't happen, she was left in a void and she didn't know if she would ever be able to get out.
"i-i need to go." she suddenly mumbled, quickly brushing past the army ranger and through the crowd. the awkward, confrontational silence that remained in the room was already enough to tip her over the edge, which only worsened when she saw the red flashing light. stood on the stairs filming the whole debacle was her little brother, who wasn't so little anymore. noticing the shift in mood, he awkwardly lowered it and offered her a sad smile, before she escaped out the door.
what are you doing, she thought, you finally get him back and you are trying to create distance between you two? that was just one of the many nags that bounced off each memory relaying in her mind. so this was what was wrong with pat, he must of known. he knew what was planned, and he said nothing. y/n couldn't blame him, there was no one in this city that would have predicted that she would just walk out like that, well maybe one but he had only just rejoined her life so she couldn't be sure.
her feet lead her to where her heart wanted to be, she cursed herself out for being so stupid as to wear a dress and not grab a jacket during her whole walk out. but the bite of the wind wore off the more blocks that passed until she reached the old creaky gate.
pushing against the metal, even in the pitch black she knew her way. the amount of times she had ended up late at night in this very place gave her that advantage. as she approached the engraved slab that she had helped pat pay for, a sob raked through her body.
"god i wish you could be here right now," crouching down, she leaned forward to run her cold fingertips over the 'ELIZABETH HALSTEAD' scripture. mrs halstead always knew what to say, in any situation. jay and y/n used to blame it on the abundance of dr phil episodes she had watched over the years. yet there was a depth to her words that made your problem feel shared rather than suffocating. "although i'm sure you would be cursing me out right about now for being such an idiot." she thought out loud, remembering what the woman had said when she had told her about the kiss she had shared with the older's son.
she had joked about how it took long enough and what she was going to wear to their wedding, neither of them considering the possibility that she wouldn't get chance for her theory to prosper.
"if that's true, then she must despise me right now." the sudden introduction to the deep voice nearly produced a scream from the woman that turned to see jay staring longingly at the gravestone. just as he brought his eyes to her's, she quickly turned back around, running her hands over her face wondering if he would disappear and all of this would have just been a dream. only it wasn't it was something much more chaotic, filled with resentment, love and the unknown.
"your mom loved you and will more than anything, i don't think she could despise you if she tired," she hummed through a sigh, as jay took a seat besides her. similar to how she had, he leaned forward to run his fingertips over the softened stone, muttering something that he hoped only his mother would hear.
"i really fucked up, y/n/n," hearing the crack rip through his voice, had y/n's head snapping over to him as his shoulders shook slightly as he wrestled with his sadness. "i wasn't here when she needed me most, i wasn't here when you needed me most. she was dying and i wasn't even there to tell her i loved her, what kind of son am i?" the torment that was present in jay's eyes as he turned to look at the only woman that was on the earth to love him ate at y/n's soul, as she found herself wrapping her arms around him, comforting him like he did after the death of her father.
"you a son that made his mother unconditionally proud. she never stopped telling one everyone at hospital about her boys." swiping tears away from under his eyes, ignorant to her own that burnt a trail down her skin.
"i'm not the same guy that left 5 years ago, what i've seen, what i've done-," jay let out a deep breath trying not to fall into the a box of memories he wish he could set alight and never have to face ever again. thankfully the feeling of y/n's fingers tracing nothing in particular against his back grounded him, reminding him that he had been reunited with his home, with his family, with his first and only love. "i got out of there, but that doesn't mean that the war in my mind isn't still on going."
y/n wished she had the answer, a solution, something to help him but she just didn't know what to say. instead she pulled him in tighter, feeling every tip in the think material of the uniform. a uniform that wasn't the jay she knew, but the jay that the army had created, but she knew underneath the camo was still the boy that held her when she feared the lightening outside, or the teenager that broke bryson ellis' nose after he spread rumours about their brief romantic encounter. he was her saviour, he always had been.
"your letters, i did get them. got each one of them in my bag, used to read them before i went to bed. i tried writing back, but i couldn't think of anything to say. i couldn't make anything better and i didn't want you to worry, but i realise that i only made everything worse. i'm just so sorry." pulling away, now it was jay's turn to hold her. in fact he pulled her so close that she was practically in his lap, embracing his body heat with open arms.
"everything's changed, jay," she mumbled, her forehead resting on his chest as she spoke softly. "your mom's gone, your dad's lost, and- and then you and me. last time we saw each other we kissed, we kissed. i- just, i don't know what's happening but i can't stop it." for a moment they both sat there, taking in just how much had changed since they had last been y/n and jay not y/n and jay.
with much care, jay placed his hands around her jay prompting her to look at him. the intense look in his eyes didn't falter for a minute, as he admired the swirls of colour in her's.
"i have been in love with you my entire life, and that is one thing that will never change." declaring his love for y/n y/l/n had always been something jay fantasised about, even as he was stood in a war zone, however never had he imagined it would be in a grave yard nearly an hour into the new year as they fought against the frost. but then again, he didn't care where he was in the world as long as he was by the side of his girl, his love, his y/n.
in a rash moment of euphoria, y/n grabbed his face and pushed his lips against his as if making her own statement to the universe. every ounce of her own soul fuelled itself into something so powerful that was out of the pair's hands. as jay moved his lips against her own, the meaning burnt their insides until they had no choice but to pull away to catch their breath.
with their foreheads touching, for the first time in what felt like 5 years a genuine grin was mirrored on the pairs lips.
"i'm in love with you too." y/n breathed out ruggedly, clearly catching jay by suprised as his eyes widened before the smile on his face got wider.
"wait really?" those had been the words he had wished to hear for every birthday since he was 11, now hearing them made everything a little more brighter. his heart was bumping so quickly, y/n could feel it against her own, yet she said nothing, too caught up in the moment.
"i think it was ignorant of me to think i wasn't years ago. you are it for me, jay halstead." she smiled leaning forward to press another kiss on his lips, this time though it felt as though she was putting the final period on the end of a chapter that neither of them wanted to experience again. for this was a new beginning, the beginning of the story of their lives, together.
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joestarwhore · 3 years
Risotto Nero - A Price to Pay
{Being the only girl in the Bucci Gang has its perks. Your familia loved you, & were fiercely protective- but what’re they supposed to do when another Capo decides to have you to himself? He’s gotta have you.}
{one way or another.}
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“Bucciarati were almost to Napoli, should I head straight for the city or the safe house?”
Fugo’s sharp voice woke you from your nap. You & the team have been traveling for days tracking three stand users who’ve been smuggling contraband out of Passioné’s grasp. So far, the trail has led to Napoli- and to make it worse, no one knows what they look like. But luckily, you had the name of the man in charge of the operation.
“Go to the safe house. They’re not going to move anything in broad daylight, & we haven’t been able to stop for an actual break.” Bruno circled the location on Fugo’s map. “We can spare a few hours.”
You looked to your right to see Mista asleep against the window, drool slowly coming out of his mouth. You would’ve laughed if you had any right to, with the glimpse of yourself you caught in the rear view you were surprised no one woke you up with a camera flash.
You stretched your neck side to side, your movements slowly bringing your body back to life. You could hear Giorno, Abbachio, and Narancia gently start stirring to life as Bruno continued to talk about the location, not being able to keep in their loud ass yawns. Well, honestly, that was only Narancia’s problem.
Bruno swiveled the seat to face the back, his perfect black bob not moving an inch while he does it. “Now that we’re in Napoli, it’s time to be debriefed about our current situation. Would one of you please wake Mista?”
Abbachio wasted no time to slap Mista in the back of the head, causing Mista to lurch forward with a yelp. His hand immediately went to the back of his head as he whipped around towards Abbachio. “What the hell, you dumbass!! What was that for??”
“For debriefing you idiot, pay attention.”
You giggled, resulting in a hearty “Shut up!” from Mista. After Bruno’s scolding, he started to explain the facts.
“The intelligence we received stated that the man controlling the contraband operation is a Capo. His name is Risotto Nero, the leader of La Squandra. He’s been known to defy the Familia before, so it’d make sense that he would be the one running this show.”
Bruno’s face slowly grimmed as he continued, pausing after he spoke. “While he is a traitor to the Familia, he is also one of the most powerful Capo’s in the organization. Not just because of his title, but because of his stand.”
The tension grew substantially.
“What’s his stand, Boss? Does anyone have an idea?” Narancias question rung in the air like a bell.
“No. Because no ones lived to tell about it.”
The chill that ran down your spine was unnerving. No one knows what his stand is?? No one has even the slightest idea?? How can that be?
“Boss, how’re we supposed to find this cazzo when all we have to go on is a name?” you ask, “How’re we supposed to defend ourselves against a stand that no one has ever beat?”
“By keeping your stand close. Giorno’s Golden Wind can sense life, and Narancia can track anything that breathes. Abbachio’s Moody Jazz could very well be our ace in the hole, if we can simply find where he’s been- but that’s hard to do when you’re following a ghost.”
God, that wasn’t reassuring.
Soon, Fugo’s road rage landed you at the safe house, a 3 story cabin in the middle of the woods. Mista’s excitement blossomed as soon as he saw the giant flatscreen through the window, everyone else’s did when they finally got to leave the stuffy ass van.
Abbachio helped you out of the car, letting you hang on to his arm until you’ve cracked all the bones you needed to feel relief. “Thank you Abba, I’ve been needing to do that for a while now!”
Abbachio threw you a smirk. “Yeah yeah don’t get gross on me.” He could throw up any facade he wants- you see right through his badass tough guy wall. You gave him a grin back, & grabbed your duffel bag out from under your seat. You looked back to see that the other boys had already made it inside, Bruno & Giorno already setting up the radio & laptops to start working.
Bruno def wasn’t playing around when he was looking for a place to buy. This was the nicest cabin you had ever seen, pure dark wood walls with marble flooring, a grand staircase with a BEAUTIFUL bay window?? Capo DEFINITELY had perks.
[3:33 AM]
You bolted awake as thunder and lightning surrounded your bedroom. Your mind frantic as the open curtains revealed howling winds and light flashing through the skies.
You took some deep breaths and calmed yourself down. It’s only a storm, nothing to- why was your door open?
Adrenaline started to churn in your stomach as you swung your legs over your bed. You stepped carefully towards the hallway, peeking down to see that everyone else’s doors were open too. You tip toed down, peering into Bruno & Abbachio’s rooms, seeing them both empty; and upon further inspection, so were Giorno’s and Mista’s. Narancia and Fugo’s following suit.
Where the fuck is everyone, and why are you not with them?
You back tracked down the hall, your legs shaking as you slowly walked down the stairs.
Were you being attacked?
The lightning lit your path down the stairs as you kept your eyes peeled for anything out of place. As you came down to the first platform, the stench of blood overwhelmed your senses, making your eyes grown wide and your hand go over your mouth and nose. This cannot be real, why is blood in the air??
“You know when I first saw you, I thought you were an angel among the saints & sinners of Napoli.”
Your hand gripped the banister as you stood in defense, looking everywhere for the source of the deep voice. Who was that?? Where the fuck is your team??
“& Then I saw Ghiaccio getting in a fight with another Mafioso. I thought it was just one of Bucciaratis boys, but oh was i so close yet so wrong.”
You slowly made your way down stairs, “I guess your a big fan of mine then, quite a shame I can’t see where you are for such occasion.”
A deep chuckle resonated through the estate. “Our life together will be wonderful, I am very sure.”
“The fuck are you-“
Your stomach dropped.
The blood. The gashes. The gore.
All of the boys were hanging by their hands, bloody chains protruding from their wrists and connecting them to the ceiling. Blood oozed from Fugos mouth, while Narancias unconscious form clearly had a broken nose and extreme loss of blood. They all were simply.. hanging by a thread.
“Jesus fucking Christ.. you’re fuc-fucking kidding..”
Invisible hands hold onto your sides as your body freezes in shock, the pressure and heat of them telling you they were quite large. Your heart beater out of your chest as you felt a muscular set of abs press against your back, those hands weaving over your chest to hold down your arms.
“Do you see, Amore? Do you see how powerful I am compared to them?” Your eyes tore away from the bloodied boys, closing them as tightly as you could. “When I saw how powerful you were and how you carried yourself, I knew we were soul mates. I had to have you. I had to have your body, your mind,” His hand rubbed gently against your clothes crotch, shooting heated adrenaline to your core, “& your pretty little cunt just full of my kids.”
Your cheeks turned violently red as you staggered to breathe. “Who..are you..”
Lips pressed against your temple as a deep chuckle vibrated your body. “Darling, I’m the whole reason you’re out here.”
Your heart froze.
“Risotto?? It’s you?!”
Suddenly two black clothed muscular arms appeared around you, one of them tilting your chin back to reveal two black and red eyes staring straight at you. “Surprised, Cara?”
You started to panic, the danger of your situation settling in. Bruno, Giorno, all of the boys, were out of action. There was no help for you, and you couldn’t summon your stand like this. Was this simply the end? Was he just saving you for last for his sick fantasy??
“Please.. what do you even want from me??”
Risotto put your hands behind your back and tied them together. “What I’ve wanted since I saw you; a life. With just you & me.” He placed you on a chair, kneeling before you with his hands tracing you and your skin. Your breath hitched as he ran over certain spots, his eyes growing darker and darker the more you react. You had to do something, you couldn’t let your family be killed over someone’s obsession over you.
“I’m going with you whether I like it or not, right?”
Risotto chuckled a humorless laugh. “A smart one! Oh i like that, I like that. Maybe our kids will get that trait.”
Dread sunk in your stomach. There’s no escape, is there?
“If I go with you, willingly with no struggle- will you allow me to use my stand on them so they atleast don’t die of their injuries?”
Risotto stared at you, looking for any sign of betrayal, but he wasn’t gonna find anything. You knew there wasn’t a way out, and you knew you didn’t stand a chance in hell against him. Atleast if you can save the boys, there wouldn’t be any death.
“Fine. But one slip up, Amore, and I’ll make your condition worse than theirs.”
Risotto unbinded your arms, helping you stand up and get your balance again. You walked towards the boys until you were a few meters away from them. You could sense their shallow breathing from your powers, you knew if you were gonna do this you had to act fast.
“Iron Maiden.”
A steam punk victorian girl emerged behind you, wielding a glowing white scythe, its jet black hair flowing behind her.
“Scythes Blessing.”
Iron Maiden hovered to the front of you, your scythe glowing bright white as it swung a mass of energy towards them all. Their wounds mended together, the blood returning to their bodies. After the act was done, the boys passed out on the floor, surely to wake up in a few hours.
“Now, we start our life, my sweet angel.”
Tears silently went down your cheeks as you turned to the beautiful, evil man. His eyes showed a softness towards you as he extended his giant hand. Your dainty one took his, holding it as he led you to the door.
“Where are you taking me?”
Risotto swung open the huge doors to reveal the storm still actively raging, his matte black sports car in the circle drive. “Home, cara. Our home.”
You hurried to get in his front seat, Risotto closing your door and going to the drivers door. He got in, revving the car to life and pulled the car out of the drive way. Risotto placed his hand on your thigh as he took you away from the estate. Your heart hurt for your boys, but this was for the best, right? Atleast this way they’re safe. They’re safe.
“Say your goodbyes Cara. Your life starts over with me.”
“Only me.”
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rowyn-writes · 3 years
Star Struck (Castiel x Angel!Reader)
Warnings: Language, a splash of angst, a little bit of fluff, make out scene
Pairings: Castiel x Angel!Reader
Characters: Cas, Sam, Dean, Gabriel, Jack (mentioned only) Mary (mentioned only)
Word Count: 1.6k
Summary: When the Winchester's and Cas call on you for your help, Cas can't help but be star struck by your presence.
Requested by: @danitisx
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You roamed the streets Dublin, Ireland. Fascinated by the beautiful scenery and amazing culture.
"It's wonderful, isn't it?" A handsome man beside you asked.
"Indeed." You agreed. "Do you live around here?"
"Yeah, just up the road a couple of blocks. I've lived here my entire life. What about you? Where are you from?"
"Uh," You laughed as you scratched the back of your head. "I'm from the States. New York." You decided. It's not exactly like you could tell him you were an Archangel from Heaven.
"I'm Charlie, by the way." He gave you a cheeky grin.
"Y/N." You introduced yourself.
"Would you like to go out for a drink?"
"I would l-" You broke off as you felt a strange tug on your body. "Damn."
You were surrounded by a circle if Holy fire. You took in your surroundings. You seemed to be in some sort of emergency bunker. "What in Dad's name." You mumbled. "Alright, whoever summoned me here, if you don't show yourself, I'll smite you!" You growled, trying your best to be intimidating.
"Y/N." A soft voice said.
You whirled around to see a familiar angel. "Castiel." You breathed. "You're the one who summoned me here? Why?" You tilted your head to the side, similar to how Castiel would do whenever he was confused.
Two other familiar men emerged from around the corner. "Winchester's. Hello."
"Y/N. Good to see you again." Sam nodded.
"Ya know, if you wanted me here so badly, you could've called instead of summoning me here with a ring of holy fire. Which, by the way, is extremely uncomfortable."
"Sorry," Dean shrugged, throwing a glass of water, extinguishing the fire. "Precautionary measure."
"Fair enough." You slid off your black over coat and set it on the back of a chair. "So, what can I do for you boys? Do you need an elixir of some sort? An herb, perhaps? A spell?"
"They need some of your grace."
Your eyes darted from Castiel's over to him. You thought he was dead, long dead. This didn't make sense.
"Me." Gabriel smirked. "Hello, little sister. Long time no see."
"Yeah," You scoffed, raising your voice. "Long time no see because you dumbass got yourself killed by our brother! Or so I thought. Because to me, you look perfectly fine."
You trembled with anger. You had thought your brother was dead. You mourned him for so long. You cried for him, and there he was, alive and healthy. For now.
"Y/N-" He sighed.
"No! You don't get to talk, asshat!" You growled. "You let me believe you were dead for years! I cried for you, I prayed to you, to Dad! And there you are, fine and dandy."
Sam, Dean and Cas stepped back a little, giving you and your brother some space. Out of everyone, they understood family problems.
"You son of a bitch!" You screamed, using your powers to slam Gabriel into a wall. He gave out a small grunt as his back hit the cold brick wall. "You let me think you were dead! How could you?!" You clenched your fist, making it harder for Gabriel to breathe. "You were my best friend! My brother! And you heard how much pain I was in and decided to let me keep suffering! You insufferable dick!" Your eyes were glowing a bright blue.
"Y/N!" Castiel called your name, trying to calm you down. "Y/N! Stop." He rested a hand on your shoulder, squeezing lightly. "You need to calm down. Let Gabriel explain."
"You guys have ten minutes to explain everything that's going on before I get my ass out of here and never come back."
The men sat you down and explained everything that happened in your absence. Including your nephew.
"You're telling me Lucifer has a son?" You questioned. "Someone actually wanted to have sex with my brother?"
"Uh, well, Kelly thought that Lucifer was the President." Sam coughed.
"The Presid-" You cut yourself off. "Okay. . . Clearly I've missed a lot. So, you want me to give you some of my grace in order to get Jack and your mother back?"
"Yes." Dean nodded. "You're our only option left. Gabriel tried to help, but most of his grace was drained by Asmodeus and it'll take time to replenish."
"Fine. I'll help."
"Really?" Cas said hopefully. "You'll help us?"
"Of course." You gave him a gentle smile. "Jack is my nephew after all. He needs a female figure in his life. And I refuse to let him be corrupted by Lucifer. My brother won't have any contact with Jack if I can help it."
"Why do you care so much about Jack?" Dean asked, his eyebrows furrowed. "You've never met him."
"Doesn't mean I love him any less. He's family. And until recently, I thought everyone I loved was dead. So I can deal with the fatigue and snappiness that comes with losing some of my grace."
"Thank you." Cas said gratefully. "Thank you so much."
"Okay." You took a deep breath. "Could I get some help with extracting my grace? I'd do it myself, but I can be a bit squeamish." You looked over at the beautiful blue eyed man in a trench coat. "Would you help me?"
"Oh," Cas seemed to be flustered. "O-of course." 
You grabbed the tool and headed into an empty bedroom. "Okay, let's get this over with." You said, pushing your hair to one side of you shoulder to let Castiel extract your grace. "Just. . . Be gentle, okay?"
Cas nodded, still seeming unnerved. "You're scared. Why?"
"Well. . . You're one of the most powerful angels to ever walk the earth. You were one of God's favorites and most trusted. You led an entire army of angels into battle with demons. You banished the Princes of Hell back into Hell. You're amazing!"
You gave Cas a soft smile. "That's very sweet of you, Castiel. But I'm not the same angel anymore. I'm certainly not Father's favorite anymore. He was the one that cast me out of Heaven after he found out I had relations with a human. I'm not amazing. I'm ordinary."
"Well, you're extraordinary to me. You're helping us get Jack and Mary back. Even though you don't have to."
"It's the least I can do." You dismissed him with a wave of your hand. "You and the Winchester's have saved the world more than once. Granted, you almost ended it as well, but at least you fixed it. Plus, I can tell these people mean a lot to you."
"They do. They're my family."
"And I'm very happy that you've found your family, Castiel." You cupped his face in both of your hands. "You were a wonderful servant to Heaven, and an even better leader when the time came. You deserve to be happy after all the havoc that's happened to you." You pulled away, resting your hands in you lap.
"You would have been far better than I was. You are a good angel, and an amazing leader."
"I'm no better than Lucifer."
"Y/N," Castiel said in astonishment. "You are nothing compared to Lucifer. You are compassionate and kind. You care about people."
"But when the world was ending, I was off galavanting around the world. And when people were in danger and dying, I turned a blind eye and let it all happened!" You cried, tears rolling down your cheeks. "If I don't help, then I'm part of the problem, Castiel. I yelled at Gabriel for disappearing, but I did the exact same thing. I left, I left Heaven, my brother's, all of the other angels, I left them. For a jackass human that never really loved me. So you ask me why I'm doing this for you? I'm doing it because I've never done anything good in my existence. Ending that war with the demons, sure, it saved humans in the long run, but I never cared about that. I was just following Dad's orders. Like a good little soldier."
"Y/N," Cas began.
"Just. . . Take my grace. . . Please?"
Castiel frowned as he gingerly brushed your hair aside. "This might sting." He warned as he plunged the extractor into your neck. You winced, gripping your leg in order to cope with the pain. Cas ended up getting five vials filled with your grace.
"It should replenish eventually, but it might take some time."
You went to stand up, but immediately felt lightheaded. Cas came behind you, holding you up. You inhibitions were lowered when you lost grace, and this time was no exception.
"Has anyone ever told you you have the most beautiful eyes?" You smiled. "They're like the ocean."
Castiel's face tinted pink and he gave a sheepish grin. "Thank you, Y/N. You have very beautiful eyes as well."
"Is that the only thing you find attractive about me, Castiel?" You ran a finger along the length of his arm.
"I- Um. . ." The angel was flustered once again. "Well, o-of course there are other things attractive about you. You're gorgeous. Your lips are perfect, t-they look very soft."
"Why don't you find that out yourself." You smirked. You pulled Cas down by his tie, his lips meeting yours.
Castiel was hesitant at first, and you knew he never really understood kissing. You moved your lips against his, and he finally understood. You didn't even know you had been moving until your back hit the brick wall.
You hands got tangled in his dark hair, while his wrapped around your waist.
There was a loud bang at the door, making Cas pull away from you. "If you're done making out with my sister, we kind of need this show on the road." Gabriel called from the other side of the door.
"Cockblocker." You grumbled. "That was one hell of a kiss, Cas. We should do it again sometime." You gave him a wink as you headed back to the library.
"I need a cold shower."
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lin-nin · 3 years
Tribulation & Tenderness - Chapter 5
Ship: Main Technoblade x Reader, some Dream x Reader
Plot: You're a princess in a Kingdom suffering a years long famine. In a desperate attempt to help your people, you accept one simple offer: Marriage to the crown prince of a neighboring kingdom. Anything to help your people survive. Surely it can't be too bad, can it?
Chapter List: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Disclaimer:   Cross-posted on Wattpad (discontinued) and Ao3. This is based off of everyone's CHARACTERS. I do not write fanfic based off the actual people.
-- Chapter 5: Confrontation < | Previous Chapter Technoblade Focal Point The two of them had sat in the library for a while after that, talking about only a few topics in between long spaces of silence. Techno had used that time to observe the princess. He noted the way her hair fell, the nervous shifting of her weight in the chair. She even would chew her lip in thought. Whatever she was thinking about was horribly hard to discern, though it was easy enough to see she was worried. Not that she could be entirely blamed.
She had looked worried and stressed this entire time. From the moment he had walked into the throne room and made eye contact with her. She was intimidated. He imagined he wasn't exactly the norm to what she often saw here. Her kingdom was known for its softness. Its inclination to avoid conflict. It was a point of confusion for why he was being made to marry her. His father had said that there were powerful allies in peace just as there often was in war. It was true, yet it was boring, in a way.
He was pulled from his reverie as she stood, glancing to the window. "It's nearing dinner time," A wistful sigh escaped her after the statement, "Do you want to take your books up to your room first? You didn't touch them, I assume you'd want to read them eventually." She had turned back towards him, gesturing to the few books he had picked out. That was his initial plan, in truth. Yet she was sitting there with that worried look on her face. It would have seemed wrong to not at least speak to her.
Slowly, Techno rose to his feet as well, pausing to get his books. "Yeah, I'll bring them back come morning." He turned, waiting for her as she came to his side. Once she had, he started walking, occasionally glancing at her from his peripheral.
"Great! I mean, ah, obviously you can keep them longer if needed. I don't expect you to read them all tonight." She stammered over her words again, looking away. Techno laughed quietly in response. Seemed like the brief comfort didn't last. It was definitely amusing to watch, though. She had a habit of stumbling over her words.
"Depends how well I'm able to sleep. Either way I won't hold onto them for long." Reassuring her seemed to ease her some, her shoulders relaxing. She was certainly a character. She simply walked with him then, staring ahead of them. She stood and waited outside his room, letting him take the few moments he needed to set the books down. He set them down atop the trunk sitting at the foot of his bed, pausing for a few seconds. Hopefully their parents had worked out their problems. He warned his father long ahead of time that this arrangement wouldn’t be received well.
His fingers brushed the book and he sighed, head shaking. If they hadn’t, he just wouldn’t deal with it. It wasn’t worth it. He had little to gain from this. He had his doubts the marriage would be jeopardized under any circumstance. There would be too much worry about upsetting his kingdom. They also had the food that was desperately needed here. Even if they were unsettled about his presence as opposed to Wilbur’s, they would deal with it.
He blew out a small puff of air, leaving the room once more. He glanced at the princess again, and she offered up a smile. Did she know of the unrest among her parents? Perhaps she did, but she didn’t show it. That, or she didn’t know enough to give her reason to be afraid of him. Ignorance of some form, then. That or a good actress, but she didn’t exactly give off that vibe.
“You’ll have to forgive our dinner. As you know we’ve been rather tight of food lately. Of course, you’re helping with that and it means… a lot. To both me and my citizens, I imagine.” Moments like this, it shone that she was a princess raised with diplomacy and respect. When she had to be this way, she would be. Even though she seemed to be so bumbling and awkward outside of diplomacy.
“It was in our best interest. We aren’t exactly hurting for food ourselves,” He explained. They had quite a surplus, in truth. Their lands had been generous for a few years. It made sense to give extra to a neighboring kingdom. It wouldn’t do if someone took advantage of their weakened state for an invasion.
“All the same, you have our eternal thanks.” She smiled softly, wandering along towards the dining hall with him. The silence wasn’t entirely awkward like the past ones. This one was a touch more comfortable, even as they walked into the dining hall, which was filled with soft chatter. Almost immediately, he felt a gaze on him. His head turned, seeking out the holder.
At the same time he spotted the blonde-headed man, the girl beside him bounded forward with a shout of, “Dream!” She settled into the spot beside him, having left Techno as if he wasn’t there in the first place. Dream, as she had called him, offered her a smile. His green eye never left him, though. It bore into him almost resentfully. In a way, it was unnerving. In the same way it was familiar in a way he couldn’t name. His other eye was hidden beneath an eyepatch of gold fabric, the gold filigree lace covering some of the scar that tried to peak out from the bottom.
Other than that he was almost plain. His clothes were dark green and simple, fairly understated for someone sitting beside a princess. Techno pursed his lips, but moved into the seat across from his fiancee. She seemed fairly content with the set up, though the other did not.
“Right! Dream, this is Prince Technoblade. Techno, this is Dream. My best friend,” She introduced with a grin, reaching for a cup nearby to sip from. The two looked at each other for a long moment. Waiting for the other to say something first.
“Your reputation precedes you, Technoblade.” Dream spoke in a calculated tone, causing Techno to narrow his eyes. The princess nudged him, shooting him a look. Like she could tell he was not happy.
“I’m surprised you’ve heard of me. Everyone seems surprised by my arrival,” He mused. Prodding, almost. He could already tell Dream did not like him. He didn’t even care that much.
“We weren’t expecting you. I trust you’ll take care of her all the same.” An embarrassed expression crossed the princess’s face, nose scrunching a little. Like she looked dissatisfied with the implication she needed taking care of.
“I think I’m capable of taking care of her. I don’t let harm befall my family,” He fired back. A smug smirk curled his lips as Dream huffed. The girl across from him looked to the side with her own little huff, though they seemed to mean different things.
“I can take care of myself, thank you,” she grumbled, crossing her arms.
“You can’t even hold a sword.” Dream was quick to retort, causing an almost frustrated pout to cover her face.
“I can very well teach her, even if she doesn’t know. It’s good knowledge to have, regardless of status and who she’s with.” The look Dream sent Techno at this was dirty, clearly unhappy with the words. The princess, however, looked a little more interested. A light sparkled in her eyes, and Techno had a feeling she just hadn’t been allowed to learn. As expected from a soft kingdom like this.
Dinner proceeded a little more calmly, with the princess and Dream firing back and forth to each other multiple times. Techno only chimed in when he saw fit, otherwise resigning himself to his meal. As the meal closed, both he and Dream stood. He leveled Dream with a stare, resisting the urge to grab onto one of his swords.
“I’ll walk you to your room,” He finally broke the silence. Mainly just to irritate the man, and see the look on his face. She, however, smiled up at Techno, and gently patted Dream’s arm. This barely seemed to placate him as he huffed, turning to leave the dining hall.
“Thank you, Techno,” She hummed, waiting for him near the door. He nodded, walking with her outside of the hall. Habitually he put a hand on the pommel of one of his swords, well aware of the dangers that came with it being night. She led him towards the other side of the castle, seeming rather content with the silence for a few moments.
“Did you mean it?” She finally asked, looking up at him. He turned his head just slightly, looking at her curiously.
“Mean what?”
“That you’d teach me to hold a sword. Or fight with it,” She explained quietly, looking away. Like she was unsure about the whole idea.
“I’m willing to teach you to fight with something. It doesn’t make sense for you to not be able to defend yourself should you need to.” They rounded a corner, and she seemed extremely content with the answer.
“My parents wouldn’t teach me, and neither would Dream.” She hardly seemed happy at that, but the contentment she expressed at being able to learn at some point was rather nice. An eager student was a good one, truthfully.
“We’ll have to figure out what will fit you best when we get to my kingdom. Maybe after the wedding.” He tried to ignore how awkward it felt to say that, and she seemed equally flustered. She hesitated outside her door, as if contemplating if there were anything else she needed to say.
“That sounds good to me. Thank you, Techno. I’ll speak to you tomorrow.” She smiled up at him, and he nodded. Once she was safe inside her room, he turned to head towards his room. Silence fell around him, beyond the soft tapping of his boots. That, and a second, quieter pair trailing him. He wasn’t an idiot.
“You can quit trailing me and just talk to me,” He finally called out after a few seconds. He came to a stop in the hall, turning towards the sound. He didn’t technically need to look, either. He knew who it was. Dream slipped from the shadows, eye narrowed at him suspiciously. He eyes the hand Techno was resting on his pommel, almost warily. Like he would draw it at any second. Not that he planned to, unless provoked into doing such.
“Why get engaged to her?” He said bitterly, causing Techno to quirk his lips. Was that jealousy? Of course, he should have seen that coming. How cliche.
“What’s it matter to you? You clearly weren’t going to do it.” It was a cruel taunt, but deserved in a way. He wasn’t fond of Dream already, and he wasn’t sure if it was the possessiveness he expressed over his now fiancee.
“That doesn’t answer my question.” Dream practically bristled defensively. He looked ready to attack, and in truth it was amusing.
“I have no reason to answer. Besides, you won’t even teach her to defend herself. You want her dependent on you, don’t you?” His head tilted, a grin on his face. It was too easy to read him from an outside view.
“No. She’s just clumsy. If you so much as hurt her, I swear I’ll-”
“You’ll what? Kill me. Good luck. I told you I wouldn’t harm her and I have no intention to. She is my fiancee, not yours, Dream. Let me worry about her.” He spun on his heel, the movement almost militaristic. He didn’t care to listen to Dream’s possessive and jealous ramblings. Whatever chances he had had at one point, he had very clearly lost somewhere before Techno came along. Next Chapter | >
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aight I'm already inlove with your work with just that one obey me fic, angst runs in my blood so I'm wondering if I could request some obey me angst? Like,, maybe mc missing their own siblings and feels homesick and jealous of the brothers and maybe hates them for it because they brought the mc there??? when they could be w/ their sibs?
Heyyy! I’m glad you enjoy my writing! I loved the idea of this and definitely went a different route than I originally planned. I just couldn’t help myself! MC is a total badass and deserves to be portrayed as such. I hope you love it!! @sundaezznap
Homesick MC Taking It Out on The Demon Brothers
⚠️TWs: Cursing, yelling, crying, derogatory terms (not aimed at reader), hanging with rope (male being hung by his feet), abusive behavior, hitting, angst, threatening⚠️
Gender neutral reader. ✅
Word count: 1,393
Glancing over at the photo that laid on your night stand, a deep feeling of anger and resentment began to reside in the back of your mind. Sitting up, you reached over and grabbed the photo. It had been taken a long time ago; specifically when you had last seen your family. Your last birthday before the Devildom.
The picture consisted of your two younger brothers, yourself, your mom, and your dad. You always seemed to smile when you saw the way your brothers had wrapped their arms around you, seemingly begging for you to stay. However, this time when you looked at the photo, you couldn’t hide the distinct frown that overcame your features.
It had now been 9 months since you came to the Devildom and it pained you to be away from the ones you loved for so long. Even if you had found more people to love around you, you couldn’t help the feelings of homesickness and resentment that resided within you.
Feeling a deep sense of dread, you found yourself aimlessly wandering the halls. Whenever you felt homesick, you usually went to find the brothers and listen to their sibling bickering; it reminded you of your own brothers and made you feel like not so much had changed.
This time, instead of finding the brothers engaging in a hopeless argument with no winner, you found an upsetting scene before you. In this situation, there were 6 winners and 1 particular loser: Mammon. You couldn’t believe what you were watching.
Standing there, taking in the scene, your eyes flickered between all of the brothers in disbelief. The first thing that had caught your eye was the dangling second eldest brother that hang from the ceiling of the stairwell. Beside him, the eldest brother winded up his arm, preparing to once again hit his younger sibling with the shiny, black paddle that glimmered in the dim lighting.
Once the paddle struck, you heard a distinct chuckle from your right. This is when you had seen Satan and Asmo kneeling on the ground below Mammon, laughing at his tear-stained face as he couldn’t stop himself from breaking down in front of his brothers. One thing you did not expect to see, however, was Beel, Belphie, and Levi standing in the back, smirking and laughing to themselves as they leaned against the stair railing. This is what brought you over the edge.
Lucifer winds his arm back up again, Mammon’s crys growing louder. “Please! It wasn’t me! I swear! Please! I cant take it anymore, ya raging psycho!!” He closed his eyes tightly, the fear evident on his face as his tears fall to the floor beneath him.
Mere seconds before solid wood met skin, you furiously stepped in between Lucifer and Mammon, shielding the brother. Firmly, with no fear, you demanded, “Stop this nonsense.”
None of the brothers had expected this. You had teased Mammon just as much as anyone else; it made no sense for you to step in. But you did and they wanted to know why. All of the 6 brothers straightened their backs, tensing up at the fury radiating off of you as they awaited an explanation. “What..is the matter with you all?!” Full of anger and disgust, you bitterly demanded an explanation.
“What’s the matter with us?! What’s the matter with you?!” Asmo chirped as he rose from his knees. “This Jackass took my brand new limited edition red peppermint scented Devildom lipstick!” With this, he pointed an accusatory finger at Mammon, raising his eyebrows, waiting for you to defend his thief of a brother.
With this ridiculous accusation, you crossed your arms. Calm and steadily, you rose to the challenge Asmo had thrown at you. “It’s behind the bathroom sink. It rolled off the counter and got stuck there while we were gossiping in the bathroom this morning while you got ready. You said you would get it later. I guess you must’ve forgotten.”
The cold stare you gave Asmo spoke paragraphs. He hesitantly lowered his arm, admitting defeat. “Would any more of you like to accuse your brother of anything else?” In shame, 5 of the demon brothers before you not only lowered their heads in shame, but slightly shook their heads no as well. “Then we’ll be on our way then. Beel, untie the end of the rope and let Mammon down. Now.”
Beel does as you say, no retort to be heard. Once he was lowered onto the floor, you strode over to Mammon, beginning to untie the rope that covered his body. In response, Lucifer spoke up, “Why are you defending this scoundrel?” Furious and even more upset than before, you whirled around, leaving Mammon’s hand free to finish untying himself.
“That ‘scoundrel’ is your little brother, Lucifer! I would’ve thought that you out of everyone here would’ve known the importance of being a big brother. Your job is to protect and love him!! Not perform public beatings as amusement!!” As much as Satan loved watching you blow up at Lucifer, he was as equally concerned for you and the emotions you were feeling.
Taking a step forward, Satan held his hand out and gently questioned, “MC, why are you so upset about this? We’ve done this a million times before.” The look of concern on his face made your stomach twirl. The lack of respect Satan had for his own flesh and blood compared to the admiration he showed a random human being was devastating.
“That’s exactly what the problem is. You’re all so caught up in your own bullshit that you decide to spontaneously throw it on Mammon without acknowledging the consequences and pain that comes as a result. It’s absolutely disgusting and makes me feel repulsed.” You hesitated for a moment before seething the harsh words on your mind. “If I was back home, I would protect and love my brothers, no matter the cost. You all are pathetic excuses for brothers.”
Mammon, finally having enough with all he had heard, lightly grasped your hand, forcing you to look away from the demons in front of you. “C’mere. It’s ‘kay.” You soon felt yourself being embraced by Mammon, his strong arm holding your head against his chest. It hadn’t been until you felt the wetness on Mammon’s shirt that you realized that you’d have been crying. Feeling utterly hopeless, you let out a sob.
After a few moments of complete silence, you gently double-tapped Mammon’s shoulder blade, letting him know that you were okay now. Once free of his hold, you straighten your back, closed your eyes, and calmed yourself with a deep sight. Having regained your composure, you whirled around to face the monsters in front of you with a gentle smile.
“Being that you’re the reason I’m here in the first place, Lucifer; I wish to not speak with you for the remainder of my stay here at the Devildom.” With these words, all that could be heard was the sound of leather gloves tightening around the wooden paddle in Lucifer’s hand in desperation. “I also wish the privilege to go see my family whenever I ask, no matter what you’re doing.” The scowl on Lucifer’s face deepened. “Because I actually care for my brothers, afterall.”
The room had become so silent that the sound of a single crumb dropping to the floor could be heard. “Is that understood, Lucifer?” Your eyes bore into Lucifer’s, challenging him to protest. With no reply given, you giddly turned around and placed your hand on Mammon’s chest, urging him to leave. “Great! Then we’ll be on our way then!”
Confused and unnerved, all of the remaining six brothers could do was watch you start to walk away. You, however, decided to stop in your tracks. Back still turned to the demons, you coldly stated, “If I ever find any of you taking advantage of or abusing the brotherly bond you’re able to share with each other ever again: I won’t think twice before I go before Lord Diavolo and wish for my return to the human world.”
Having made your case extremely clear, you began walking again. There was one last thing you had to say, however. “You’ll do well to remember this incident the next time you even think of stealing an innocent human away from their life again.”
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