#that every time theres angst in an update
this-is-turtles · 8 months
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Be wary when approaching the goon... even in Gremlin Jail, Ace is still plenty capable of shenanigans!
Honestly couldn't get the mental image of Ace sitting in Gremlin Jail out of my my head, especially with all the tumultuous emotions they've been sending us on lately!!!
If yall havent seen @2aceofspades recent comic they've been working on.... I mean, they have that bat for a reason
the angst hurts so gooood tho i love iiitttt
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fallinfl0wers · 2 years
i love you more than you'll ever know
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fandom: genshin impact characters: albedo, venti, zhongli, xiao, wanderer reader type: gender neutral summary: yearning for someone came hand in hand with heartache. genre: angst and fluff, hurt/comfort. warnings: implied reader's death, also implied character death (xiao and wanderer kinda uh want to unlive themselves but not explicitly? i think?), mourning, slight sumeru spoilers for wanderer's. written as of 3.2 update. notes: inspired by hikaru utada's one last kiss. might do a part two, not sure when it'll be ready haha. xiao's and wanderer's are longer because i love them and i was feeling sadder as i wrote them so lol there they are. i'm sleepy but i wanted to finish these... i'll see if theres anything i need to edit tomorrow.
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The meaning of this world, the truth of this world, Albedo thinks, is held within your hands. It is perhaps not the one he was looking for, or the one he had been expected to find, but personally? He would take this as the truth of the world.
Love is the truth of this world, the meaning of all sentient existence. The love one takes and gives, selflessly yet selfish al the same. The kind of love one feels from friends and family and lovers. Love is what really gives the world a meaning for those who live in it.
And for him, it is your love that fills his life with a new meaning.
Love that made him step away from experiments and investigation to take a stroll through the city, love that made him blush and giggle, love that brought a foreign yet sweet warm sensation to his chest, love that you held within your hands every time your fingers intertwined.
Love that somehow, with no reasoning or explanation, survived through all the uncertainty of fate, and the undeniable, unescapable cycle of life and death.
When your and Albedo's story is forced to come to a stop, he won't deny he felt his whole world came crashing down. Yet, more than anything, he feels grateful.
Perhaps at that time, he still would not find the truth of the world his master wanted him to. But one thing is for sure, and that's because of you, and everything you taught him.
If time and chance allow it, his love for you will be immortalized in paintings exhibited in museums; depictions of you and him, and you, you, you and you. Even when he, himself, has long since disappeared, that last trace of your love, of the truth of his world, will be preserved.
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For Venti, freedom is everything. He would never tie you down so you could stay with him, even if that is what he would want the most. However, that also means he will not stop you if you, of your own free will, decide to spend the rest of your life with him.
He is selfish, just not selfish enough to decide what is best for you in your stead. This is why, he wholeheartedly decides to love you back without holding anything back, living each day like it is the last, enjoying the present doing anything and everything and nothing all at the same time.
It's ballads and tales, it's drinking and laughing at his silly shenanigans when he gets drunk, it's enjoying the breezes as you glide together and resting on the green hills and valleys of Mondstadt together, every day something new, every day a new memory to keep.
But, he knows, this won't last.
He is very well acquainted with loss, and the fragility of human life.
That is why he insisted on spending so much time together, it is why he was always clingy whenever the timing was right, why he insisted on making you laugh and smile every single day you were together.
The years spent together may seem long to you, even as you took your final breath. Yet, for him, it truly felt like it had been merely the blink of an eye. A momentary sigh, a brief instant of happiness.
Venti will sing ballads of you, for an audience of people or the always reliable, always present audience of the winds. And he knows that, even once his days come to an end, and until the end of this world, your love will be preserved, for eternities to come.
There is, after all, no world where the wind doesn't blow, even if it has come to an stop.
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For Zhongli, contracts are everything. In his eyes, promises made are promises kept, and that is precisely what he does.
To you, he promised his love. For better or for worse, in sickness and in health, in life and death. In his own experience and words, everything must come to an end and every journey has its final day, but there is no need to rush. This is why, he never makes it a point to consciously think about the clock mercilessly ticking by as you spend your life with him.
Zhongli, the human, lives with you and shares countless experiences after experiences with you. From the simplest glance to the longest conversation to the harshest of arguments to the sweetest of kisses, Zhongli makes sure to live it with you, in the present moment, mind focused on here and now, carving each memory into his heart with the same precision an artist would carve a statue out of the finest jade.
The former god understands and accepts your mortality, and accepts it as a part of what makes you be who you are. He accepts it, and holds your hand, ever so resilient, as you take your last breaths, and bids you goodbye with a grateful smile and teary eyes.
Perhaps the legends of the mighty God of Contracts will never talk about your love, but even if there is no one left to share your memories with him, until erosion eventually claims him too, his heart won't stop beating for you.
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Xiao would be lying if he said he never once doubted your sanity in the time he's known you. After all, why would you do something so terrible to yourself like willingly spending time with him? You must've been insane, he thought.
But, in reality, he was glad you were that little bit insane enough to open a space for him in your life.
From the very start, he's known you wouldn't be there forever. He is all too aware of how fragile life is, of how ephemeral you truly are. Like the sweetest of dreams, you feel like a fragile illusion of happiness that will be gone in the blink of an eye. Oh, but you are real, you are oh so real, and he knows it when you cradle his face with your hands and gently wipe the tears that silently fall down from his tired eyes that stare ahead, filled with complicated emotions, on a face far too unused to emoting, on a body far too small for the true amount of feelings that resided within it.
And he is quiet but his mind is loud, keeps him hyper aware of how short these moments of joy and peace are with you. And, although he would've never blamed you if you ever decided to leave him of your own will, he is glad you never did, he is glad that you would never do so. He is glad that you decided to spend your days with him, glad you were patient enough to wait for him to learn how to properly love you, glad you let him love you.
The days spent with you are easily the best fragment of Xiao's life. Short-lived, ephemeral, dreamlike, everything. Unforgettable.
He would like to keep you forever. His most selfish, impossible dream is for you to stay forever by his side. Greedy he is, but never enough to burden you with such thoughts. Instead, he took every opportunity he had to spend time with you, no matter what you were doing, he wanted to be there, even if it was in a place he didn't like, he didn't want to waste a single second of your life.
When you depart from the world of the living, a part of him leaves with you.
And, Xiao knew when he fell in love. You would be the death of him.
He won't last long after you leave.
He'll do his best to live, because he knows you would want him to live, but he truly won't be able to do so for long.
Legends will speak of the tragically beautiful love that Liyue's last Yaksha had towards a human, speak of how he learned how to be human for love, of how his love was so intense and pure it was the only thing that kept him tied to the world of the living for years to come.
And when Xiao's time comes, he smiles as he sheds tears and looks up at the infinite blue sky.
When the light leaves his eyes, and his last breath is a sweet proclamation of his everlasting love for you, he knows.
He will see you in another life, in another world.
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It took him three betrayals to finally understand: the world is an elaborated tapestry of lies.
It took him pain and humiliation, having his one purpose taken away, for him to understand: just because you want something, that does not mean you will get it. No matter what you do, if the world decides you won't have it, then you won't.
Receiving kindness from the dendro archon was and the blessing of an anemo vision were some of the things that set him on the right path to find his true wishes on his own, but most importantly, your existence in his life made something inside him turn and twist. You filled him with an achingly bittersweet yearning to love and be loved, you made him want to trust, made him willing to endure pain and betrayal if it meant he could spend eternity with you.
Eternity, the concept that his creator was (or still is, he wouldn't know) so obsessed with, obsessed with enough to discard him like worthless dross and abandon him to fend for himself with no instructions or expectations. Now, Wanderer felt as though he could understand her just a bit.
Or maybe a lot.
Eternity stretches things over a long time, but each moment within it becomes all the more fragile.
Nevertheless, when he had you, when you loved him, he finally understood why his mother was so desperate back then to attain eternity. He, too, when affronted with the harsh reality that you and your comforting warmth would not be around for long, desperately wished for a miracle to happen so he could stay forever with you. You living forever or him going with you once you left, he cared not, he only wanted you you you you and nothing else.
But, as he discovered, after long periods of anger and denial over painful feelings, acceptance is sure to come.
You are not like him in the slightest. Born human, with a heart of your own, knowing kindness and happiness from people around you, while his body was just a mere imitation of human flesh, an empty husk unfit for the only task he was created to perform. Yet, you still loved him as though he was not an easily replaceable abomination, but a human.
After you're gone, he cries the most he's ever cried. Rests his head on your chest that has long since stopped moving up and down with your breathing while his ears are met with silence when before he would listen to your comforting heartbeat, and he cries.
It will be long before the life of the Wanderer comes to an end- after all, he was created to endure an eternity functioning. Every dawn and every sunset, every passing breeze and station, he will remind the days you were together, and smile, as the empty space in his chest weeps silently, waiting, longing, hoping there exists a day in which he can meet you again.
For now, now that you're not with him anymore, he would simply keep walking, chasing the breeze that blows on a bright afternoon.
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fallinfl0wers. 2022.
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tapakah0 · 1 year
you know those play telephones that are just two cans and a peice of string? yeah, those are every where. (we cry into them every time theres a new update)
also because of the amount of angst that is created by the community, there are several designated crying rooms.
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chthonicgodling · 26 days
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briefly mentioned last night — [happening “live” the timeframe of Elysium is all fucked up as fenixe and I are doing this around our Real People Jobs shshshh yeah sure this is all in one day - don’t look at the weeklong timestamps]
[I desperately want to draw literally anything !!!!! but instead im scribbling unrelated things and fucking around saosooaosososooso OKAY TEXT POST-]
recap first, where we are:
Tory clocks Loki’s latent anxieties again (discussed at length here). Said Anxieties increase. how many times do I have to remind you Loki dissolves twitchy out of his mind every time he’s pregnant! As Loki to his frustrated chagrin starts to break down and Tory pulls him into a hug and comforts him - Loki kisses him softly. wistfully. apologetically. and fucking VANISHES.
so hhHah Loki’s just. GONE NOW????
( in his defense he made it one whole trimester this time before disappearing as per all previous pregnancies. usually he’s gone right away! pros and cons of magically knowing the second ur knocked up… easier to get a head start bolting. but ohhh he was doing so GOOD THIS TIME,,)
where is he???? is he still even in the palace?!?! literaly who knows!!! and here we are!
currently: Tory and Maci have split up to see if he is somewhere in the palace, thinking optimistically I mean hey well maybe he’ll just cool off and come back right…. Right???? but just in case let’s maybe try to.,, get him.,, Maci, babbling in increasing alarm like,, he can’t actually be gone. not for fucking real. he— he promised he wasn’t going to leave. he promised—
they’re UPSET
and. no far no luck. yeah this is fine, emotionally unstable and fragile heavily pregnant god with a well recorded history of disappearing off the grid. now abandoning, in said fit of fragile emotional instability, his ummmmmmm ✨partners✨ who all together all three have enmeshed into one cohesive lovey mushy puddle and are now one short which is UNACCEPTABLE 😧
I would like it on the record that it’s not “Jesus christ I need to get the fuck away from these people,” it is INSTEAD that Loki also just can’t fucking handle having emotions and on top of signature pregnancy panic bulldozer, this time that’s part of this too: “oh god this is all so perfect and I’m going to ruin this— well might as well just fucking bite the bullet and ruin it”
🫣 ahh!! AHHHHHHHHH!!! I did warn you this was just the avenue for angst.
On the bright side, ongoing running joke suddenly with everyone Tory runs into has been:
“I’m looking for Loki”
“…🤨uh, you’re only just now noticing Loki hasn’t been around?? he hasn’t been around for months?”
anyway! maybe he’s just locked in his room and everything’s fine! (he’s not🫠) (updates to follow!)
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bug-decal-kissing · 5 months
Hey friends!
A new work, Cosmic Echoes by SheolRephaite, was published today, with 4/? Chapters released! It is Not Rated and Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, and Major Character Death, with additional tags "Sad, I'm Sorry, Old Gods, Every character will need hug after I'm done with them, Sacrifice, Friendship"
You can read it here:
Prison Cube, by Fluffyerflames, was updated today, with 3/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Teen And Up Audiences and No Archive Warnings Apply, with additional tags "Alternate Universe - Personality Swap, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, hurt/delayed comfort, Angst, Slow Burn, Threats of Violence, Action & Romance, Psychological Trauma, long term imprisonment, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Lawful joke (Alternate Universe), Unreliable Narrator, POV Third Person Limited, Prism thinks he knows more than he really does, Scrabby knows WAY more than he lets on, Scrabby is a smug asshole, Prism Has Anger Issues, Orbo Is NOT An Asshole In This, Theres Too Much Orbo Slander, Hurt/Comfort, Trigger Warnings Will Be In Notes If There Is Any, Emotionally Repressed, Author has no clue what theyre doing, Cosmic Owl is Chill as Hell"
You can read it here:
A new work, Shifting Jewels by DrakianDH, was published today, with 1/5 Chapters released! It has a rating of General Audiences and Graphic Depictions Of Violence, with additional tags "another one, i'm back again!!!, Prohibited wish - Freeform, scarab the god auditor - Freeform, prismo the wishmaster - Freeform, I got a beta we live like how Prismo came back!, More tags to be added"
You can read it here:
NSFW works are below the cut :].
A new work, going on a walk by aeshteticcrab, was published today, with 1/1 Chapters released! It has a rating of Mature and Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, with additional tags "Alternate Universe - Medieval"
You can read it here:
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dayurno · 1 year
idk if you've answered a question like this before but do you have any kandrew fic recs 😳
IVE BEEN debating whether i should update my kandrew fic recs since its been a while and they have more than 3 fics now (shocking news to me) so here you go!!!
i bet these memories follow you around by acidmeringue
ONE OF THE MOST RECENTS I READ ohhhh it was so good it was so soft it was so perfect.... when andrew thinks hes hurt kevin and kevin notices that andrew shuts down bc of it............. THE TS LYRIC TITLE i am a simple. person i really am:) no smut in this one but theres some heavy petting
So Kiss Me In The Dark by jaydreamz
AHHHHHH,,,,,,,, this one it was soooo heart fluttering to me because of the things andrew thinks about kevin as i mentioned im really easy when andrew is in love im like ihrfugjhdftfwiogjdf (foams at the mouth)!!!... its an au but a little canon adjacent too and its really sweet:) perfect if you just want something nice and simple
leave your heart at home by NanaMinyard
this was written by my friend nana and i quite like it ! canon compliant, a little breakup angst, kevin starts seeing other people when andrew pulls the "we're nothing" on him, truly very fun to me........ i love exes kandrew and i love even more when andrew is just so pathetic
But I Have Twice The Heart by sambutwithbooks for dayurno (hihi) BEAUTIFUL SAM WROTE THIS FOR ME....!!! for aftg mixtape 2023, its sooooo good and such a refreshing concept for them!! just your usual bad boy/prep au with kevin being the literal son of the mayor (:0 ! !) and andrew being the local delinquent
breaking every finger, praying that it makes me clean by orionauriga
EASILY ONE OF THE BEST KANDREW FICS EVER ACTUALLY..... theres background kandreil so if thats not your cup of tea thats fine but its a lovely lovely work about andrew and aaron and andrew and kevin, the lines drawn between those, kevaaron sobriety etc. truly beautiful and one of my favorites
missed sleep by @nanatsuyu
IVE RECOMMENDED THIS BEFORE AND ILL DO IT AGAIN! the beautiful nanatsuyu never disappoints and im always very happy whenever they post anything kandrew hehe..... an au of sorts, domestic married kandrew being old men together....... a glimpse of happiness between two eternities of darkness. etc
even if it takes __ years by @nanatsuyu
heh.... this is the last nana one i promise..... i have not personally read this one yet (its been on my list!) but i trust them to write any kandrew at any point in time so ill sign under whatever is written there. have fun
these should be enough for now! as i got this ask i thought to myself there would surely be a ton of kandrew fics i hadnt mentioned or talked about before but it seems that most of them were actually my own...... olmfaoo... um... well if youre interested in that you can check out my ao3 profile as well
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i’ve noticed that you update language barrier pretty much everyday with very little time or days between every update. i was wondering how you update it so fast? do you already have most of the story finished but just adding some last minute touch ups and/or checking for grammar mistakes? or do you just do one chapter a day in a impressively short time? i’m curious since what i noticed writers tend to take some time updating their stories so it was just really new to see someone update theirs so frequently. 
I shit u not, at this point im a degenerate neet
I wake up at 1pm, have one meal until 1:30pm abd then sit in front of the computer until 2am in the morning, typing away, each chapter i try to go for 4000 words but never able to reach them most of the time, so usually its around 3500 plus
It all started with me breaking my leg 💔 before that i had a job and shit but now nyeeh i cant really do shit without breaking down crying how painful my leg is, so im doing this to cope and stuff
If u look closer theres a lot of leg and foot injury mentions recently, especially when it comes to Yandere Best Friend
I dont do touchups and grammar check, or even check for plotholes or continuity- i rely on my vague recollection of the previous part , then i publish my chapters hot out of the oven, right after add a bunch of tags, link my masterpost and previous posts , at that point my brain is fried thru n thru and thars why my author's note looks like it was written by someone on fucking molly
How i write is by checkpoints or specific sentences that I want to be added in the story- and in between each checkpoints i pump out filler chapters, these filler chapters can range anywhere from one chapter or 7 fuckin chapters
U kno that wordy translation about "she who is divine" bullcrap? That is A checkpoint, everything else past the Giant vs 2718 fight was just filler lol
Fun fact, part 11 where theres a lot of angst with 2718 is considered a filler chapter 2 me
As soon as i put out a post, i go straight back to my drafts and work on the next part
The reason why thers so many fillers is cause i try not to use timeskips all that much, the pacing between chapters are usually within a 30 hour timeframe (with the exception where reader fell into a comas cause i dont want to write the entire journey back, i thought it would be boring as hell to just describe 2718 put a foot in front of his other foot repeatedly)
The next major checkpoint is probably like lightyears away, i try to churn out as much as i can before the end of this month, where ill restart uni and wont have any time to update AT ALL, lest i fall into dormancy until i break my other leg
Language Barrier is just one long bullshit session lol
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cinnamon-bunni · 5 months
hm... 4, 7, 11, 12, 17, 21, 22, 24! happy new year, bunni!
4. Total number of words you wrote this year That's hard to find tbh....I didn't end up posting a lot of fics, so i dont only have to just check my statistics on ao3, but all of my possible fics ive written this year in my wip docs as well. the total i got was 58,171 words (~35k of it being WIPs and not posted)! so definitely not as much as i wrote last year which was (i think over 100k), and also not including all of my notes ive written. i did not do a lot of writing this year, so hopefully next year i'll wrap up all of my big fics and post them all <3
7. longest completed fic you wrote this year Again, i did not write a lot this year, much less finish them lmao. if you were to ask about uncompleted fics, we would have a different story--but alas, the longest completed one was Once More, With Needles, sitting at 4,414 words!
11. fandom you enjoyed writing for the most this year hm....obey me, I suppose. its hard to say really, but enjoyment from writing specifically, i'd have to give it to obey me. what can i say, the cast is just really fun to write (even when levi is impossible to write, like what the hell man i have rewritten your part in my undead fic like 3 separate times and am continuing fixing it, like what the hell man i trusted you and then you dont behave for me). like this year specifically i realized how much i love each and every character--those like lucifer reminded me as to why i love the game and the characters, and people like mephisto and raphael randomly won a spot in my heart. theyre all just so so fun to write <333
12. favorite character to write about this year lucifer!!! even though i only have like, one fic that features him thats out and finished lmao; hes such an interesting and complex character, yet is one whose mind i can easily slip into when i need to write when its his pov. idk, sometimes i find myself struggling to write characters like levi or even asmo sometimes--mainly from my own failures to pay attention to their canon interpretations and making them not out-of-character--but lucifer is surprisingly one i can always rely on to be easy and fun to write!! he is angst galore and so emotionally constipated, hes great <3
17. fics you’ll continue next year Heart Melts for sure!! i originally wanted ch3 to be out before the new year, but ive been drafting and redrafting all of my future chapters (i am trying my best to make it a psychological horror in order to match the tag that i put on the fic, but idk if its going to live up to the hype that people have for this fic ^^;;) so i sadly didnt get time to finish it. maybe by the end of January ill have it out--heres to hoping its done by then! and maybe i might continue Dirty? I didn't even update it this year lol--its def one i dont wanna leave discontinued, as i have all of the chapters planned out, but i just have many other projects that i wanna focus on and also i really wanna rewrite it, so ive been debating doing that first or just to finish then rewrite it. in a perfect world, i'll update that one too lol
21. most memorable comment/review I have two that come to mind!!! in all honesty all comments make me sooo happy, but these ones specifically is just,,,idk man, they just hit a certain way that itches that scratch in my brain that needs validation lmao i love rereading these all the time <3 theres these comments for Messy Makeup:
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(make me go insane from them saying i wrote multiple fics that were their favorites <33) and of course there's this banger of a comment from @/snugglebunnies!!! idk if youre reading this but thank you thank you thank you for inspiring me so much with your fics!!! i love them so much, and this comment was just incredible! from the fic Heart Melts:
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(love when people leave quotes, no matter how long or short!!!! such deep analysis is what i live for!!!!) and of course, sending out so much love to everyone who leaves a comment on any of my fics, no matter how big or small they are <333
22. events you participated in this year i didnt participate in any events this year! i tend not to do events tbh, theyre not really my style, as i dont do well with due dates unless i have months in advance lol;; usually i might do one, maybe two, events a year, but those are usually simple gift exchanges or something. nothing caught my eye this year, and ones that did i just didnt have the time to do, sadly. but! i do plan on doing the sonic big bang next year, which will be my first ever "bigger" event ive been in! exciting, but also really nervewracking as ive never posted sonic content and idk how well i'll do staying on schedule. but its still something i really wanna do (have a great fic planned for it!) so i still wanna give it a shot and do my best on it lol
24. favorite fic you read this year from this year is really hard to say--i think all of my favorite fics were found last year lmao so its a struggle to think of one. @heleentje's BOTW fic Moonlight has been a fantastic read (even though i havent finished it yet;;; i promise will soon!!) and just hits all of the right notes for me!! The batman fic Performance Piece is also definitely up there for me, as it captures so well what i want in my own writing when it comes to writing characters, especially when it comes to inner-dialogue (i might just go back and reread that one again lmao)
as of posting, i have about twenty minutes left before the new year. so happy early 2024!! 🥳🎉💝
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first-edition · 2 years
Breaking Seasons
Spencer Reid x reader fan fiction 
Read previous chapter here
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Cw- violence, mature language and speak, gore, eventual smut, fluff, angst, abuse, childhood trauma, sexual themes, vewier discretion is advised.
Summary- When y/n takes her sick friends criminology class to take notes in the winter, she meets the guest speaker, BAU-FBI agent Spencer reid. After getting to know more about each other due to a college school related case, that ends up involving y/n herself, they naught just have each to keep warm.
                                  ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The entire rest of the day you and spencer sit on the couch and talk about lore. Lore of doctor who, Star Trek, Star Wars, even horror movies not knowing he would be such a fan a scary things. You tell him about your life and he tells you about his he even opens up the extremely personal details about his mother having Schizophrenia and his father leaving. He tells you about cases and being a profiler and how even now he's surprised he time to spend with you. You tell him how you wanted to get into astrology.
He mentions his love for card games so you introduce him, more like challenge him, to poker.
"3 card please." You say he nods and hands you three cards. 
"Three for the lady. And i will take one." He says you chuckle shaking your head 
"Only one. Straight or a flush dr. What are you trying to fill in?" You ask 
"Well considering the odds of filling an open ended straight with one card or five to one against, well.. a one card flush draw is more like four pint five to one....i guess hmm you'd say if i was smart, id draw into a flush." He rambles a bit leaving you. Raising your eyebrow in annoyance.
"No you know i think im gonna go all in on this." He says and puts the pretzels in the middle. You chuckle and put the peanuts in. He smiles and nods.
"So. Are you?" You ask. 
"Am I drawing to a flush or am i smart?' He asks smiling. 
You shrug. "Either."
"Well you know im provably a genius. But uh actually i was drawing into a full house, eights over sixes" he says placing down his cards. 
"Ah that's right your from Vegas." 
"Yep!" He says reaching for the pile. 
"Ah ah ah not so fast I two have a huge graft. Royal flush." You say placing down the full set of cards. 
"No fucking way." He huffs sitting back you giggle and nod. 
"You drew three cards to a royal flush that's 100 to one against." He says. 
"97 to one now. Thank you!" You say moving the pile towards you. 
He sits back and watches your smile on you face as you arrange them in neatly. 
"Oh i just remember what i was gonna ask you!" You reply looking up at him he nods to you. 
"That day at the coffee shop your were gonna ask me something but you were doing that stuttering thing... what was it?" You ask
He opens his mouth to finally tells you both how he feels and ask you out but gets interrupted by his phone ringing. 
"S-sorry." He replies. And answers his phone. 
"This is Dr. Spencer Reid?. Hey yeah. Okay on it." He says and hangs up "theres been another murder I gotta go, duty calls." He says and get up you get up as well walking him to the door.
"Do you mind if I leave this here?" He asks looking towards his jacket you shake your head no confused. 
"Good... that way i know you come back to you." He says your eyes widen a bit as he gives a small smile. 
"Good night y/n" he says smiling to you opening the door. 
"N-night" you say as he walks off you close the door after him. Smiling to your self and regretting the way you feel about him. You walk back to the couches and clean your your poker games and wine glasses. 
Spencer walks into the dorm of the victim.
"Where've you been?" Morgan asks him looking him up and down noticing he dosnt have his jacket from before. 
jj smiles "he was with y/n" she sings. Spencer chuckles looking down. 
"You were with a girl reid?" Hitch asks spencer nods 
"Her name is y/n." Spencer replies. 
Hitch nods and smiles 
"Finally here I've come to think you'd be alone." He says bending down to the victim. 
"I got 10 buck on 6 months." Morgan says. It's quiet as everyone turns to him. 
"20 on a year." Hotch says. Fist pumping Morgan. 
"100 they get married." Jj says 
"W-wait are you guys just betting on my life." Spencer gawks 
"Yeah." They all say finishing up the survey. Spencer scoffs and puts on gloves as someone hands him a stack of books. He walks over to the bed and sits noticing the covers and eventually finally looks around the room.
"Morgan...what room is this?" He asks. 
"33 B" he aswers
"And the victim..?" He asks 
"Mave Donovan" Spencer's heart sinks as he looks around the room seeing a familiar bullet hole from a few days ago. Your friend who you've known your entire life now laying lifeless in a black body bag being hauled out on a stretcher. And they have to be the one to tell you...no He has to be the one.
"Spence? You finished with he papers?" Jj says 
"Uh y-yeah almost.." he says and continues reading but can't fully focus as you are running through his mind thinking of your reaction to the new information about your friends death, no longer having to take notes for her, and having to pack up her stuff.
Finished reading he stands up and walks out with the rest of his team ready to deliver the profile.
Sleeping peacefully in your bed some how dreaming of your talks with spencer its cut off and you awaken to the sound of your phone ringing. You groan and reach over picking it up, being blinded by your screen on full brightness but answers seeing spencer calling you. 
"Spencer...its 2 am.." you huff. Your tired voice sounding out into his ears. 
"I- i know I'm sorry...I'm out side your door right now and was wondering if you could open the door?" He asks 
"What? Yeah sure ugh hold on." You say and get up and walk out of your room tiredly.
Meeting the door you unlock it and open it seeing Spencer his hands clasped together in anxiousness. 
"You okay?" You asks moving to the side to let him in.
"Yeah...um y/n..its about the case." He says softly dropping his hands. 
"Did you solve it or something. Spencer I really wanna go back to sleep-" 
"Mave is dead." He blurts out leaving you standing there now fully awake. 
You chuckle. "Th-that's not funny you can't just come over at 2 am and prank me like that you..." tears begin to fall down your cheeks as you see his straight face. 
"...You're telling the truth..y-you..." you stutter putting a hand over your heart it all of a sudden hurting. Your best friend. The person who means the most to you. Who's been there for you through everything. She's gone shes really gone. You stumble over your feet sobbing. 
"We've profiled the unsub is going after women at the college who fit the description of what mave looks like." He says stepping close to you you hold out your hand. 
"N-no ..no" you fall to your knees sobbing but despite your effort to keep him away he wraps you in his arms pulling you close to him. Braking down against him. He doesn't say or do anything. Just holds you as you cry.
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crxxnt-m · 2 years
hi!! i hope you’re having a great day! could you please write kaeya x gn! reader (they/them) where his s/o has self-doubts and thoughts how kaeya might leave them and all that since he’s flirting with everyone and he comforts them in the end? hurt/comfort would be nice :). thank you!!! and have a great day!!
here’s a hug for u :))
"You're my only one" » Kaeya A.
warnings: angst/fluff trope cuz i <3 angst and fluff
may contain swearing, insecurities mentioned, mentions of burns, mentions of stabb1ng sum1, (may contain more, update me if found)
enjoy ;)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
2 years, its been exactly two years the two of you have been walking around mondstadt hand-in-hand while Kaeya was on patrol duty.. Two years is enough to have you trust him dearly, and he clearly has shown it in all the possible ways there is. And yet for some reason theres still a light pounding in your heart whenever you find him talking to one of his co-knights.
She was everything you weren't, she had money, the hair that you know never tangled and was so soft to touch, the skin as fair as and fragile as a dandelion. Her life was basically a walking pinterest board, a life you wanted your whole life, she was perfect and yet here you are drinking coffee with the man who you know would have every girl and guy have on their knees if he wanted to.
No lie, you knew what you were going to get into in the beginning of the relationship. Everyone wanted him and you were just, well, there? a baker who wakes up early to make some mora earl in the morning kneading bread and having burns all over their arms and visible eyebags. There was almost nothing to compare, with how much difference the both of you have? its as if youre comparing black and white together.. total difference.
"you okay there? you seem spaced out." the thoughts you had going on your head was soon disturbed with the man with an iced americano on his left hand. "yeah, just thinking." you replied, with that slight smile on your face. For two years, you know kaeya can read your face even just the first few times the both of you had met. That 'slight smile' plastered on your face and immediately going back to that straight face of yours after looking away his direction, he immediately knew something was wrong.
About to say something, the blue-haired man suddenly was cut off by a woman, the same woman you were thinking of just a few moments ago, the woman that was the reason as to you you spaced out not too long ago, and the maybe even the reason why you smell a huge fight burning between you and kaeya.
"hey omg, i didnt know you and i had the same day off?" said the girl, who surprisingly looked very surprised while talking to your boyfriend.. The both of them continued, leaving you behind as if you were hiding behind kaeya serving as a shadow below him. you just wanted to leave and walk out the café, you couldnt bare seeing him with the woman who youve been jealous of for the last few weeks.
You wanted to cry, you wanted to scream, you wanted to stab her with the slanted part of the straw of your drink and quickly leave while she was just there, but no. here you are looking pathetic as your eyes are locked with the floor.. your staring contest with the floor went on a little while before you finally look up after you heard a laugh from the both of them
"yeah well, i gotta get going.. ill see you on monday then!" said the girl while she played with the loose strand of her hair while walking away and waving bye to the man infront of you.. at this point youve had it, youve had enough, the emotions youve been saving up has finally whistled like a teapot on a burning stove when its hot.
as soon as you see her leave the cafe, you gathered your things with tears forming in your eyes and exit the coffee smelling place leaving kaeya confused, but as soon as he saw a glimpse of the tear that slipped your cheek as you walked away he immediately ran after you not knowing what wrong had happened.
skipping through time as you finally end up to your shared bedroom, knowing very well to lock up the bedrooms door as you rush up to your side of the bed, curled yourself up and just started bawling. you felt so insecure, as if you yourself knew that you never deserved such a man like kaeya.. his annoying demeanor you knew very well and how much of a flirt he normally is, you tried once to tell him to stop and he did, knowing he is taken and its right to make it clearly sure about how his partner should never feel insecure about him. You know he keeps his promises, its you whos the problem.
black and white, they are two different shades but then, the similar thing about the two is that they are still colors, just like how you and the woman both likes kaeya.
"y/n, darling. Are you in there? can we talk please?"
said the man from the other side of the door knocking every now and then. Your no response just tells him that youre crying, and he speculates it is his fault.
you hears keys rattle from outside and soon after you hear the door creak and footsteps comming closer and closer, until a hand finds your back and rubs and pats it vigorously as if its assuring you to know someones there for you and you dont have to be scared for crying infront of them
"is it because of her, love? i just want to tell you, yes she may seem like she has an interest for me for a few week now, but it would be impolite of me to not entertain her questions mostly if its about work. but i promise you, it will always be you. no matter how ugly you think of yourself or how you compare yourself to someone it will always be you, after this life and even in another life ill always be your soulmate.. youre basically stuck with me now." said kaeya
"it will always be you. now come and lets cuddle, your prettier when you dont have those morning puffy eyes in the morning"
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lightlycareless · 4 months
hihi!! this is my first time writing an ask to anyone on tumblr you dont need to make a reply to this because this is just things i want to say to you theres this song called mascara by deftones that i came across on tiktok, and theres this one part that goes "you're married... to me." right before the beat drops and the way i literally GASPED because it reminded me of your fic and naoya and y/ns marriage 😭pls give it a listen if you have the time! its good i swear also even though im sure youve received a lot of compliments before, i just want to... genuinely thank you for just existing. youre such a wonderful person, in every one of your posts and replies youre so nice and understanding, and youre the most dedicated writer ive ever seen online. youve really made me so so happy with your writing and fic, and i just want you to know how amazing you are. thank you thank you thank you! i dont even realize when but my life went from "just got to make it to friday" to "just got to make it to the next first it hurts update" LOL anyway i hope everything in life goes well for you. once again, thank you. know that there are always people out there that appreciate you and love you!
First of all, thank you so much for your lovely words!! Like I still can't believe that after so many chapters after starting my story, I'd be getting the support I've had 😭❤️ and you,,,, ghjagjhagjhagka you saying those wonderful things about me just make it even harder to believe!
🥺 I'm a bit teary eyed, ngl... your words really moved me. 😭 thank you so much.
I'm really happy that my work is something you have been enjoying up until now, and while it might take me a while to get back to each reply/ask, I never forget about them and I appreciate them so so much—it's the least I could do after all this wonderful support! I will do my best to continue with my writing so you can keep enjoying it 😭❤️!!!!!! Hopefully the new chapter will be uploaded soon too 🤭 I also get excited when the update day is near hehe. ahhh!!!
Now, onto your song...
Omg… I listened to it and I immediately went to search for it’s meaning/interpretation because I was wow—if you think about it it’s really dark you know?
But going back to what it made me think about Naoya and Y/N—there's no denying it, the song covers the fact they're forced to be together. (or more like Naoya is forcing her, but he doesn't want to let go either, so...)
Highlighting the fact that no matter what the other does, or much they try to get away or act like it isn't happening, it's all for nothing because the papers are signed and they're officially bound to one another😭
That's not the only thing I got from the song though 👀
I also got the idea that it was kind of Naoya mockingly telling Y/N that she can continue fighting him, denying him, and so on... but it’s too bad because “you're [still] married to me.” jfc.
Or also, it could be referring to her longing for Naoaki and how Naoya is a hindrance to that. Damn. Bless you for sharing this song with me, it really gets the angst inspiration going on. And fortunately for us, there's still more to come in the main fic mwaahahahahahahha
Anyways 😏 thank you so much for sending in this lovely ask!! I went back to it here and there whenever I felt particularly down about my skills, or in general, so you don't know how much this meant for me 🥺❤️ I wish I could assertively express how much I appreciate you, your support, and your words 😭❤️ but I hope a thank you will be able to convey such sentiments.
Have a wonderful day, take care of yourself, and hope to see you soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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dottores · 2 years
Cat you know I love you and your writing (at least I think you should be aware) but you DESTROYED ME. I came here, happy because I passed my exams and to read my favorite fic and here I am, crying on the bus omw home.
But you know what? I can't complain. I LOVE ANGST. And you write every scene so well that is easy to picture everything in my mind. Also, the love that I have for the characters that you've created (yua, ayato)... you broke my heart with the words you wrote, and i admire you because of it.
I can't wait to read the next chapter. Thanks for making my Wednesdays worth it with your updates. You're amazing.
Hope you have the best week ever because you deserve it. Remember to drink water and take care of yourself!
I send you the biggest hug🌸🤍
- your n°1 supporter, Marta
(ps: I read what happened to your dad, and i hope your family is okay 🤍)
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yk i was so worried bringing ocs into this (yua ayato sugawara uncle ichiro n kruger) bc ik theres usually a big stigma against adding too many of them in fics </3 so it rlly means the world to hear you actually loved yua n ayato 🥹 cuz i loved writing their relations w yn but even more so how their relationship w rin n ran evolved (even if it wasn’t a key aspect of the story) sm
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pacifymebby · 2 years
If you won’t be updating your fics anymore could you tell us what you had planned out to happen hehehe ! xx
I'll think about it, honestly theres a few i miss but I'm still not sure i should go back to them. Some of them weren't planned out so i don't know what was going to happen.
Van and Eponine were getting a happy ending eventually though, i know you probably want to know what was going to happen to miss groupie, and i do kind of know, but i dont want to tell you because i think im going to go back and rewrite it with 100% original characters? Idk if people would still be into it then though haha
Ummm Her Pacifier was going to be pretty sad for awhile, they were going to break up, Amelia was going to blame Van for how things went down, she was going to hold that grudge, stop talking to him and comoletely cut him off.
The twist would have been that when she finally got to move out and go to uni she picked newcastle uni, even though bondy was away with the band she felt close to him there. Whilst she was there she was gonna get a job at lowlights, meet Sam, they'd have been besties but he'd have taken her under his wing like an older brother. When Johnny came back home he'd end up meeting her for the first time all over again, she'd be quite different, but still the same shy/blushing little dove he'd fallen in love with.
She'd probably not have been able to stay in the room with him for very long, made an excuse to leave. He'd know why but Sam would be confused. This avoiding him would have gone on for ages and then one day he'd have gotten her alone and confessed everything to her, that hed missed her every day since he'd ended things, that he shouldn't have let Van get between them, that if he could go back he'd give everything he had with the band up for her. He says he'll leave the band if he has to but she doesn't want that for him. She blames her cousin for everything not Johnny anyway.
Theyd have ended up together after a long time and lots of angst basically.
If i decide to go back to any or that i know what would have happened I'll let you know haha
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stayxlix · 6 months
You deserve so much more recognition for your writing! Off the deep end is such a masterpiece, it’s so new and refreshing to read in the fanfic community. The plot building is insane and the way you’re so descriptive with words makes it easy to imagine the settings. I literally get so immersed into the story whenever I’m reading it, my obsession is eating me alive lol.
Each of the characters are so unique and interesting, I love being able to learn more about them in every chapter, especially with Minho and Jisung! Hyunjin is still a hard one to crack and more closed off compared to the others so it would be really interesting to see how his attitude towards mc will turn out in future chapters, will he remain hostile or be more accepting. The almost relationship between Hyunjin and Felix has me crying because it’s so heartbreaking to read. Sometimes I wonder what goes through Hyunjin’s mind when he sees the evolving relationship between Felix and mc :’(
However, Felix finding that comfort with mc that he never found within Hyunjin has me screaming and him confessing that he’s in love with mc... like FINALLY?! The last few paragraphs of chapter 7 literally gave me goosebumps, I had to put my phone down and take a deep breath before I started tearing up 😭
LOVE the angst so much and how troubled felix is with his own past and emotions because it makes it feel so much more real.  Thank you for continuing to update each chapter despite how busy you are with life. As a reader, I appreciate that a lot! 
hi sweet anon.<3 oh this brought the biggest smile to my face.😭💕i cannot thank you enough for taking the time to share your thoughts, you are incredibly kind. im so grateful for the community of readers like you that ive been lucky enough to connect with. your enthusiasm and curiosity about the characters really touches my heart. referring to the story as something new and refreshing in the fanfic community…wow just wow. this is everything to me, and im going to be thinking about your words for a very long time. its really special to hear that the characters are resonating with you too. theres just so much i want to say about each of their stories/backgrounds, and for them to grow more with mc. i really feel like this story could go on for a very long time.🥹
ah the almost relationship between hyunjin and felix..this has certainly tugged at my heartstrings too. it stems a bit from personal experience i guess, but i really wanted to show that relationships (even between friends) arent always straightforward, you know? lines can blur and despite caring deeply about someone else, things don't always align as neatly as we'd hope in the end. its a bit bittersweet i suppose, but either way, the depth of their connection and the love they have for each other is still undoubtedly present.🥹
omg and the confession at the end of chapter 7—im so happy you were able to feel the intensity of felix's emotions in that moment. i feel like it had been building for quite some time so it was really important for me to do my best to get it right, you know?? i practically held my breath as i wrote those paragraphs too and i definitely had to take a break after it was all over!!😂😭 your reaction was exactly what i hoped to evoke though, and im honored to be part of that emotional experience with you.<3 thank you for allowing it to reach you in this way. im really glad felix's character and his background are resonating with you too, because that really is the heart of the story.🥹
my sweet anon, thank you for jumping into the different layers of the story with such depth. thank you for not only taking the time to read, but for sharing your thoughts with me as well. i really appreciate your understanding of the challenges in updating chapters in the middle of life's chaos...but i can assure you that even if things do get a little crazy from time to time, this story isnt going anywhere.<3 im going to keep updating, and i can't wait to share what lies ahead with you. much love, take care.🤗💕
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yume-fanfare · 4 years
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun updated chapter 71 and...I will not say anything except HAVE FUN.
oh yeah i already read it lmao that's why the amount of mtskou posts lately slfkskds
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bonetools · 2 years
i really need to learn how to make animatics :/
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