#thanks for the idea and laughs sloane!
kiro-sveta · 1 year
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Was drawing with some friends on aggie.io today, and @sloaners mentioned this meme and joke and I needed draw it. Hope y'all like!
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ch0c0-cake · 2 years
five hargreeves x fem!reader
found this idea by a post by @col0rlord ! Apologies if it’s a little long ! I got a little carried away
summary - it’s the end of the world, and luther is getting married. once your ‘secret’ admirer sees you all dressed up, it’s all over for the poor boy. (i’m adding a little singing scene because i’m a cliché motherfucker)
warnings - spoilers for season three, cursing
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“I’ve barely even started and you look so good!” Sloane let out a happy squeal as she carefully applied the black eyeliner to your eyelid.
“I don’t how how you managed to convince me to let you to do this.” You tensely muttered, gingerly scratching at your thigh so you wouldn’t smack Sloane’s hand away from your face. “I hate shit near my eyes.” In fact, you knew exactly why you were letting Sloane do this. More than half her family was fucking dead. Marcus, Alphonso, Jayme, Fei, and Christopher. You didn’t know her well, but if Luther liked her so much to where they wanted to get married, she must be someone special. Sloane at least deserved this much.
“I know, but I promise I won’t be very long.” She hummed out, being very careful to not make you uncomfortable. Well, more uncomfortable than you already were as she was now applying mascara.
“Sloane, I swear if that thing gets in my eyes-”
“Shh, it won’t!” She said with a giggle, putting a hand on your shoulder to try and get you to relax. “This is nice, y’know? You’re like a little sister I’ve never had.” She smiled, and your shoulders relaxed.
“Keep in mind, I’m technically older than you.” You reminded her. “I just look like a prepubescent teenage girl who doesn’t know what foundation matches her skin tone.”
“Do you know what foundation matches your skin tone?”
“…Sloane, I wasn’t exactly wearing makeup while I lived in the end of the world.”
“I know that, silly.” She breathed out, finally pulling the mascara away from your eyelashes. You blinked uncomfortably, blowing a strand of hair from your face. “Oh, maybe I should have done shadow before mascara…” Sloane reached to her cotton candy pink makeup bag and pulled out a few palettes.
“You do know what you’re doing, yeah?” You grit your teeth a bit. “No offense, Sloane, I really do not want to go down there looking like a crazy person.”
She giggled and spread out the options for you to choose from. “You pick one of these, and I’ll go from there, okay?”
You hesitated and picked up the one that looked the most casual. You didn’t need bright and shiny colors, thank you very much. “Please take it easy.” You said as she excitedly grabbed the item from you and a couple brushes.
“Don’t worry, you’ll look gorgeous for Five. He’ll love it.” She cooed out, about to apply the first shade until you pulled your head back in surprise.
“Huh? Who said anything about Five?” You defended, but you could feel your face getting a little warm.
“Hm…I didn’t think I put that much blush on you.” She teased, gently guiding you forward so she could get started. “What, you and Five aren’t a thing at all?”
“What led you to think that?” You mumbled, the embarrassment written all over your face.
“Oh honey…” she giggled as you scrunched your face up while she applied the colors to your eyelids. “You may not have noticed over all the soft bickering you both like to indulge in…but the looks you give each other are very sweet. The way you both reach for each other when you sense danger.” She only laughed again when you furrowed your eyebrows in skepticism, eyes closed but the message getting across.
“…whatever…” you mumbled.
“Oh, I don’t think I told you how angry he got when our families first met.” Sloane hummed out. “Remember when I kinda tossed a vase at you and it broke over your head? Knocked you out?”
“Don’t remind me. That shit hurt, Sloane!”
“I know, I know! I’m sorry!” She quickly said, but continued here story. “Five saw your head bleeding and you on the floor, and I’ve never seen someone look angrier. I’ve never even seen Ben look that mad. It was like I had killed someone’s mother or something.” She said softly, pulling the brushes away which signaled she was done.
“He’s my friend, Sloane. Of course he was worried.” You softly defended, quietly cursing out yourself. Oh how badly you wanted Sloane to be right. But you really didn’t want your final emotion before the end of everything to be one of heartbreak after confessing and being rejected. Spending so much time with someone in the apocalypse can lead to some intense feelings. Five kept you sane for so long, while driving you mad at the same time with his stubbornness and sass.
“Hun, you aren’t understanding me.” Sloane sighed with a gentle smile as she grabbed a container of lip gloss. “There’s being worried, and then there’s being scared shitless. After he knocked me away, the way he picked you up was so gentle. You were like fine china in his arms. The fear in his eyes was so prominent. I really think he’s in love with you. Just wait until he sees you, his eyes are going to pop out of his head.” She held your face in her hands as she applied the lip gloss. “Dance with him tonight, okay? See how it goes.”
“…damn it, Sloane.” You breathed out with a chuckle, reluctantly agreeing and she squealed happily.
“Yay! Be sure to tell me all about it!” She said, standing up as she was now finished. She pulled you up and dragged you to a full-length mirror, and your eyes widened like quarters when you saw your reflection.
You were never one for dressing fancy in dresses. You usually stuck to suits, since that’s what you and Five did Commission work in. Dresses were hard to murder people in. Plus, you’d feel bad staining a beautiful dress with blood. You knew you could look good without dressing up, but this side of you wasn’t that bad. The way the dress fit your body perfectly astounded you. The makeup looked wonderful. You had truly underestimated Sloane. She’d done your hair exactly the way you wanted too.
“So..? Do you like it?” Sloane asked with a nervous smile.
“I look like a girl on prom night…gross…I love it.” You mumbled, trying to make up your mind. Sloane just laughed and pulled you in for a hug.
“I’m so glad you think so! Thanks for agreeing to be my maid of honor, by the way.” She smiled, and you could feel the pure joy radiating from her. You would never admit it, but you truly were glad you could help Sloane in this way.
“Yeah, it’s no big deal.” You shrugged with a cough, and Sloane pulled away, beaming.
“Let’s go, then! You gotta go get your man!” She started toward the door.
“Wait, Sloane.” You quickly called, staying at your spot in front of the mirror with a soft frown.
She turned and tilted her head. “Is everything okay?”
“Just…do you really think Five will like it?” You asked quietly, but just loud enough to hear. “He’s never seen me in this attire. What if he doesn’t like it, Sloane?”
She gave you a smile and walked back over to you, taking your smaller hands in her warm ones. She really was like a big sister, despite the fact you were technically much older. “You’re overthinking this. I know Five is going to be head over heels for you. How could he not be? If he has something else to say, he can march right over to me and tell me his complaint. Okay?”
“…thank you, Sloane.” You said softly, before pulling her into a hug. She was definitely shocked, as she didn’t expect you to initiate the hug. “Don’t tell anybody about this though, okay?”
“Aww…of course.” She smiled, hugging back for a few moments before pulling away. “Okay, now let’s go!”
“Where is she..?!” Five quietly hissed under his breath, pacing back and forth in the wedding venue that was managed to get set up. Everybody else was here, so where were you? You told him you would be there, that’s the only reason he agreed to go.
“Now, what are you so worried about this time?!”
Shit. He should have kept his mouth shut and have stayed still. Klaus came sauntering over, his usual carefree smile on his face.
“Nothing, Klaus.” Five breathed out in irritation.
“Ohhhh, you are waiting for your little girlfriend..!” Klaus teased, wiggling his shoulders suggestively.
Five turned and gave him a sharp glare. “How many times have I told you? She is not my girlfriend.”
“You want her to beeeee!”
“Klaus! Shut up or I’ll end you before the Kugelblitz does.”
“Ohh, don’t be so mean. It’s a wedding!” Klaus exclaimed, not paying much attention to Five’s irritation. “I bet she’s just getting all dressed up! With makeup and all!” He hummed. “And she’s gonna come down and have her Disney princess moment, and you’re gonna be all flabbergasted like ‘oh you look so beautiful, go out with me!’ Exactly like that!”
Five’s eye twitched. Klaus may be slightly right, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t annoying. Before Five could snap back with a response, the elevator dinged and the doors open. The sight that fell on Five’s eyes made his mouth fall open like a complete idiot.
There you were. Like a princess. Hair just the way he’d envisioned it would be, dressed in the color that just worked for you. The way it brought out your eyes astounded Five. The way it showed off your body perfectly, good god. There was a plethora of body types out there, all beautiful, but yours? Like a goddess. He’d been everywhere anybody could imagine, but never anywhere did Five see someone as remarkable as the girl he’d crushed on since he was a boy. He’d seen so many things, but nothing could take his breath away like you could.
Take his breath away was right, Five realized he wasn’t breathing. He turned away and quietly gasped for some air, turning back around as soon as he could.
“Well, who knew you could dress up so nice?!” Klaus announced with a big grin, soft claps coming from the others.
“Shut up or I’ll end you before the Kugelblitz does, Klaus.” You mumbled.
Klaus chuckled nonchalantly. “Funny, Five said something similar earlier.” He hummed, putting a hand on your back. “Speaking of! He was looking for you, go say hi!”
Five’s eyes widened. ‘Thanks a lot, brother,’ he thought with a hint of annoyance. He caught a glimpse of you whispering to Klaus for a sec, but Klaus didn’t seem much for conversation and he lightly pushed you over to him. You didn’t seem to like that considering the shoes you were in.
“Klaus, I’m in heels-!” You yelped, and Five watched as your foot slipped.
“Shit-!” He hissed and blinked right over to where you were and caught you before you could hit the ground. “Klaus, you absolute idiot!” What was Klaus thinking? She’s never worn heels a day in her life! He recalled that you hated heels. You always resorted to nice looking loafers for missions, never heels.
Klaus feigned shock and covered his open mouth with his hand. “Oh, I am so sorry! You caught her, though!”
Five rolled his eyes and simply blinked to somewhere else in the room, looking at you. Your eyes really were beautiful. “How bad did Sloane beg to get you to wear those, my friend?” He raised an eyebrow and cracked a smile, helping you stand up straight. He had to steady you before you spoke, and you crossed your arms.
“She just…has these eyes, Five.” You groaned, but you had that face where you were annoyed but were also endeared by something. He saw that look a lot.
“You shoulda just said no.” Five chuckled with a shake of his head. “You still would look astonishing without them.”
He only realized what he had said when the awkward silence hit the both of them like a truck. ‘I really just said that.’ Then he caught that smile. It was shy. Timid. Your face would darken with blush, and even though you would turn your face away, you were so perfect.
“…thanks, Five.” You said, rubbing your arm. “You look astonishing, too.”
Before he could respond, the elevator dinged and out came the bride. You smiled a mischievous smile.
“Gotta go, Five. We’ll talk later.” You pat his shoulder and people got in their ‘places’. Luther and Sloane at the altar, Klaus being the one officiating the wedding so he stood in between them. Viktor took his spot near Luther, while you took yours near Sloane.
As Klaus spat some wedding nonsense with his own little twist, Five found himself not able to focus on his brother and sister-in-law. His eyes were on you. What the hell was wrong with him? He could hardly even focus, and his face felt hot. His palms were sweaty and his stomach was churning. His throat felt tight, as if someone was choking him. But he knew what being choked felt like, and it definitely did not feel like this. It was like you had a chokehold on him. Every time his eyes flickered away from you, something made him look right back to your celestial figure.
Soon enough, the I do’s were said, and the group dispersed to allow Luther and Sloane their dance. Just as Five was about to go right to you, Sloane got to you first. She caught Five’s eyes and giggled softly, giving him a knowing smile before talking quietly to you. Five silently watched your facial expressions, trying to get a read on what was happening. He also just adored looking at your face.
Sloane smiled, and you made a face of annoyance. She made a face of pleading, and you hesitated before answering with a roll of your eyes, leading to a very happy Sloane.
Five wondered what it was about Sloane that made you agree to do things for her so easily. Nonetheless, he admired the way you would do things out of your comfort zone to make her happy after all that shit that went down the past few days. It was terrible just thinking that you had been dead in the apocalypse before he found you, so he could only imagine Sloane’s heartbreak after five of her siblings died so close together.
Five was about to blink and go see what you were up to, but he saw you grab the mic and he understood. Sloane wanted you to sing. Hell, he wasn’t complaining. You would sing a lot during the end of the world while you were together and he would never get sick of hearing your angelic voice. He shot you a smile and walked over to the alcohol. If Five wanted to dance at all with you, he was gonna need a little courage.
Luther and Sloane walked to the dance floor, and you tried finding an instrumental for a song you wanted. Five smiled at the look of concentration on your face. Eventually you found it and stepped in the opening and began to sing.
“When I was a child, my eyes were clear, I saw the good side
That's the kind of second sight that doesn't last too long
Then when I was lost, I heard a voice that brought me healing
That's the kind of special hope he brought me with his song
People only saw the doctor, lawyer, Indian chief
But he was just a lonely little boy to me
With his sweet and gentle touch he sure unlocked my soul
So in return I surely want to help to set him free”
You weren’t sure why you had picked this song. It was a wedding, so you needed to pick something lovey-dovey, right? Sloane didn’t specify what she wanted, would this be okay? A showtune? Maybe not the greatest wedding song ever. Then as you kept singing, you realized exactly why you picked this song. That lonely little boy…with a sweet and gentle touch was the boy you’d been in love with for so long.
“Yeah, now I wanna see him fly, fly
I’ll be your alibi, my baby
Fly, fly, fly away
We didn't get to say goodbye, goodbye
No need to tell me why, my baby
Maybe it's because you'll fly back home to me one day”
Five silently watched you stand and sing. He recognized the song very quickly, you’d heard it after the two of you returned home and you would quietly sing it to yourself. He watched as passion slowly started to fill those beautiful eyes. You chose this song for a reason.
“Men who they call real were really fakes who left me nothing
But this man they call a fake gave me something real
I've known cruel men with Christian names that taught me manners
But this man without a name taught me how to feel
They only saw the magic tricks, the smoke and mirrors
Was I the only one to ever see the boy?
So now they want to clip his precious wings and bring him down
But in his heart and soul's the kind of good they can't destroy”
You found your eyes wandering to Five sitting alone, a glass of alcohol in hand. Instead of focusing on his drink, he was looking directly at you. He usually had such an intense look on his face, but he looked so…gentle. And soft. It was the look of the boy you fell head over heels with. You met men at the Commission who gaped at you, stared in awe, but in reality they didn’t do anything for you. Five gave you everything you could ever ask for. Without trying, he’d taught you so much and you loved him for it. Sometimes you felt as if nobody knew this soft side of Five, not even his own siblings. Five getting attacked physically by Commission lackeys and emotionally by his siblings hurt you so bad. Deep down, you knew Five had such a good heart, and cared so much about you and his family.
“So now I wanna see him fly, fly
I'll be your alibi, my baby
Fly, fly, fly away
We didn't get to say goodbye, goodbye
No need to tell me why, my baby
Maybe it's because you'll fly back home to me one day,”
Five stood up immediately once he saw the tears start to form in your eyes during a particular line. We didn’t get to say goodbye. The two of you truly did not get to say goodbye when you both were sent off into the apocalypse. He had screwed up and landed the two of you in different time periods of the apocalypse. You were stuck in the past of the apocalypse, while he was further ahead. He had screwed you over so bad, but you forgave him and greeted him with open eyes. He spotted Diego and Lila slowly go over to the dance floor, and Five decided he wanted to dance with somebody.
“Baby, when you're in the clouds, please keep a lookout
Maybe, darling, find a hideaway for you and I, you and I”
You had to stop a grimace from appearing. Ew, feeling emotions. You felt the tears in your eyes and tried to force them down, but it was hard to stop them. That’s when you saw someone making his way toward you. The look on Five’s face was unreadable, which you never thought you’d say. You were usually able to tell somewhat what Five was thinking. Without a word, Five gently grabbed your waist, despite the fact you were occupied with singing a very emotional ballad, and he gently led you to the dance floor along with Luther, Sloane, Diego, and Lila. Looking into the eyes of the boy you’d pined after for so long…man, it does things.
“And now I wanna see you fly, fly
I'll be your alibi, my baby
Fly, fly, fly away
We didn't get to say goodbye, goodbye,”
Five felt terrible seeing the tears roll down your pretty face as you sang your sweet little heart out. Your eyes screwed shut and you maneuvered so that only he would be the one seeing you cry. He was the one who got to see you so vulnerable. The fact you were crying, singing, and now dancing in heels was incredible to him. All he wanted to do was make you feel safe. You two weren’t able to say goodbye before, but before this new apocalypse, you two would be able to say goodbye.
“No need to tell me why, my baby
Maybe it's because you'll fly back home to me one day
And I'll be waiting for you there
You'll fly back home to me one day”
You allowed yourself to weep openly in front of Five as you sang. You weren’t one to go rattling off your emotions all the time, and you despised thinking about your time in the apocalypse. This was the first time you released how you felt about it in some way. Five’s hand slowly reached up and touched the side of your face, using a thumb to wipe away a tear. Five took the mic, blinked away and put it back where you found it, and put on some other song. He was right back to you.
“You know…in all my years I never thought my breath would quite literally be taken away by someone.” Five said softly, his hands gentle on your waist.
“Oh, you’re just saying that.” You chuckled softly. “I sang a pretty song, that’s it. Wasn’t even too good. Her vocals do not match mine.” You replied, earning a soft sigh from Five.
“How many years have we spent our time together?” He asked seriously, tilting his head and squinting his eyes. He took a deep breath, like he was preparing himself. “Goddamn it, it’s the end of the world, so why not? I like you, okay?”
You hesitated. Was Five being serious? He wasn’t the type to pull pranks. “I…sure hope you would like me somewhat, we’ve seen each other almost every day for many years-”
“You know what kind of like I’m talking about.” He gave you an expectant look. Was he confessing to you right now? You never thought you’d see the day. “I’ve seen all sides of you and I like all of them. Even the one that argues with me when I’m right.” This earned a chuckle from you. “Like I said, it’s the end of the world, so might as well tell you now. I saw you tonight and knew you were the only one right for me. You have every right to reject me. Terrible timing, I know.” He chuckled lightly. “Judging by how passionately you stared at me while singing that song, I’m inclined to believe you feel the same. Do you?”
You were practically speechless. “Five…” you could feel your face heating up again. “Idiot, what the hell took you so long?”
“Well, better late than never.” He hummed, a smug smile on his face. “Come on, you have to admit it now.”
“I’m not admitting anything, Five.” You huffed, averting your eyes to Sloane, who looked very very excited as she looked at you both.
Five clicked his tongue. “Well then, I suppose I’ll just have to go get a drink.” He started to pull his hands away but you were quick to pull them back.
“No! God, you’re such an ass.” You mumbled in irritation, before closing your eyes and sighing. “I like you a lot, Five. Maybe even love you. I think I’ve loved you for a long time.”
“Finally you admitted it, you stubborn bastard.” He teased, and before you could start to protest, he had suddenly teleported the two of you to a more secluded area of the room. “Well, I love you too.” He hummed softly, gently taking your face in his hands. He cleared his throat, almost nervously. Was Five nervous? That was unusual for him.
“You have every right to say no, but…” he took a deep breath, averting eye contact for a few moments before looking you right in the eyes. “May I kiss you?” He breathed out shakily.
Now that was something you didn’t expect. Five was standing there, timidly asking if he could kiss you. His touch was sweet and gentle, like it usually was when you two touched.
“Of course you can kiss me, Five.” You chuckled softly, your own face very hot while you tried to play it off. You could see the relief in his eyes at your answer, and he stepped closer to you.
When Five’s lips touched yours, he was so incredibly mad at himself that he didn’t do this before. How long could he have been doing this with someone like you? How long could he have been holding you? Kissing you? Doing all these sickening, cheesy, romantic things with you? Why did his stubborn ass wait until the end of everything? He was such a dumbass. At the same time, he was addicted to this. The way your lips moved against his, like they belonged together. He could feel you smile into the kiss, and that made him feel things he’d never felt before. This was making you happy, and that’s what mattered.
When he pulled away, he lifted a finger to your lips to prevent you from saying anything.
“We’ll get to say goodbye this time, okay?” He said gently, keeping his hand on your face in hopes it would make you believe him. “I promise you that.”
He felt your face lightly lean into his hand. “We better, or I’ll kick your ass, Number Five.” You mumbled, and he laughed ever since slightly. That was you, ‘threatening’ him every ten seconds.
Suddenly, there was a loud obnoxious gasp from somewhere somewhat nearby, and Five cursed.
“I knew it!” Klaus cheered. “Luther, you owe me fifty bucks, dear brother!!”
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venture4treasure · 30 days
“Of course I dream of more”
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Words: 952
Premise: Servant!Reader washes Noble!Venture hair. They have a conversation. 
Warnings: A bit of forbidden love and mutual pining, but otherwise nothing! 
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“Lay down,” you instruct, gesturing at the cot – the edge of the bed frame is pressed against a tub of water. 
Venture does as you tell them, tilting their head back into the water. They try to look at you, but you’re a bit too far out of their peripheral vision. 
Pulling over a stool to sit down across from Venture, you dip your hand into the tub of water, it’s a pleasant warm temperature. You splash water onto dry locks of hair before reaching to brush back their bangs, submerging them. You’ve barely done anything and you can see dirt muddying the clear water.
“Thanks for making it warm,” Venture relaxes. 
“As opposed to… cold?” You raise a brow, “why would it be cold”. 
“Some of the other servants don’t bother with warm water,” Venture pouts, “I’m starting to think they hate me”. 
“I’m starting to think I might hate you,” you comment, brushing your hand through their hair and watching debris wash out, “how do you even get so much filth into your hair? Weren’t you supposed to be sword training today?” 
Venture laughs awkwardly. 
“Sloan…” you drawl. 
“Well… I may have been helping out in the mines instead today”. 
“The mines? Isn’t that below your station?” 
“They tell some of the best stories! Besides, father doesn’t need to know”. 
You sigh in disbelief, switching to massaging soap into their hair and head. Venture stops themselves from whatever they were planning to say to lean into your touch. You chase off the silence by humming fragments of a song you heard in passing – it’s not good singing but Venture doesn’t mind, they like to hear your voice. 
“So, do you ever think about doing something different from this?” Venture asks, waving their hand in the air.
“What do you mean?” 
“Like, don’t you ever want to try something different? A different line of work, like being a scholar! God, I wish father would’ve let me just study instead of trying to shape me up into some kind of perfect heir to the family – that’s what Mauga’s gonna be anyways!” Venture groans. 
You chuckle at their whining. 
“No, not really,” you answer, “I don’t think there’s anything else I can do to earn money. I am very lucky and grateful to be doing this in the first place”.
Venture goes quiet, their expression drops into a thoughtful one. They turn over the idea of needing money to live in their mind, it’s a concept so far detached from their day to day life, they don’t really understand it. There was always food if they were hungry, nice clothes for any occasion they could think of, and there was always a roof to go home to. Everything they needed was always there within arms reach.
“If you had the money, what would you do?” Venture wonders, both to you and themselves, “like, a lot of money”.
“I’d find a teacher to show me how to read and write,” you answer without hesitation, “and then… maybe I would travel to different kingdoms. I’d like to dance in those big ballrooms at least once. And… I’d probably find someone who treats me well to settle down with, in a nice and safe house close enough to the city market”. 
Venture glances up at you, taking in your face. Your eyes sparkle dreamily, a soft smile on your lips. Their heart aches at the sight combined with your words. 
You shake yourself out of the fantasy, “but my life now isn’t so bad either, it could be so much worse”. 
“What is your life right now?” 
“Right now, I work for your family, it pays enough to support me. One day, I’ll probably marry someone who’ll want kids, and I’ll try to raise them right…” you slightly cringe at your own reality, “protect them if I have to. I just hope I marry someone decent…” 
“You don’t plan to choose?” 
“I don’t really get a choice,” you shrug, “I have nothing to my name, I’ll probably just marry someone like me. Have kids so there’s someone to support me when I grow old. That’s how it usually goes”.
Venture doesn’t like your answers, they want to see you as happy as you were to share your dream. 
“Sit up a bit please,” you nudge them forward, and Venture pulls their hair from the dirty water so you can rinse out the soap. You comb their hair and lightly scratch their scalp as you clean away the soap. 
“Mann, that feels so nice”.
You make a noise of acknowledgement. 
Finally you’re done with their hair – you always forget how much of a pain it is when it gets dirt tangled in it. You wrap a towel over it so it doesn’t drip onto their clothes. 
“Okay, I’m done”, you announce, getting up to stretch. 
 Venture almost makes a noise of disappointment.
“Hey,” Venture calls out your name lightly, “would you like it if I taught you how to read and write?” 
You turn to face them, eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “why?” 
They walk over to you, taking your hands into theirs. 
“Because I think you deserve to have a chance at happiness,” they smile, and there’s so much more they want to say, but they keep it to themselves. 
Your face heats up from the touch.
“Ah-” you stammer, “that would be nice, I’d really like that. Thank you”. 
Venture glows at your reaction, smiling wide. 
“Okay, now help me dry my hair, pleaseee,” they beg. 
“You can do that yourself”.
“I’m going to shake”.
“Do not threaten me,” you shoot back.
Venture holds your stare with determination in their eyes and you falter. 
“Okay, fine!” 
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Author’s Note: I realized afterward that this setup doesn’t make sense at all and there’s so many logical issues with the concept but I really wanted to write it anyways. Spare me :( 
Mauga is Venture’s older brother in this. 
I just wanted an excuse to write about Venture’s hair. It’s so fluffy and needs to be appreciated. And they most definitely would shake to dry themselves and splash water everywhere. 
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lovedrruunk · 2 months
‘Awkward meetings ❀⋆.ೃ࿔
Venture (Overwatch x reader)
Authors note!! \(^▽^); second venture fic!! Tbh I just rlly rlly rlly hated my last one so I’m giving it another go bc I’m actually just so in love with them.. If you see me pocketing the HELL out of a venture mind yer damn business. also im having a pretty tough time coming up with scenarios so id rlly appreciate some ideas!
This was new. Sloane wasn’t nervous; they weren’t the nervous type! They’re bold, and fun, and eccentric (in a good way!) and they most definitely weren’t nervous! So why was it that each time you came around they seemed to trip over their words?
“Young love…” Tracer and Angela couldn’t help but smile, looking at the two of you from a distance as they were enjoying their coffee in Gibraltars HQ lounge.
Any regular person would call them crazy for seeing anything romantic about your awkward short interactions, but knowing both of you when you’re apart tells them everything they’d need to know.
“Yea!... I like your nails! They look… aesthetically pleasing…”
“Oh, thank you! Yea um- painted them myself!”
“Really? Wow! That must’ve taken like… a billion years!”
In the distance, both women were heavily facepalming. They couldn’t help but cringe at the conversation, and as cute as the two of you were, awkwardness had its limits and you two seemed to hit it a while ago.
Sloane didn’t plan on the conversation going this way, they promise! It’s just each time they try talking to you their palms start to sweat and their knees start to wobble and the only thing they can focus on is your face and your voice and trying to think of the right joke to make you laugh and suddenly all those late nights of coming up with scenarios in their head of what to say to you while giggling and kicking their feet are left completely forgotten. All the diary entries describing exactly what they would say and do in order to at least be your friend have now gone to waste.
To be more than an acquaintance to you, that's all they’re asking for, they’ve lowered their standard and yet they couldn’t even reach it!
With a heavy sigh, they turn to look at you, wanting to give the conversation one more try. “Look… I’m really sorry for how lame I'm being. To be honest, I just think you’re really cool and it feels like I have no idea how to approach you!” They smile as they feel their nerves calm now that they’ve confessed to their nervousness. You feel a weight lift off your shoulders, and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t happy they had decided to break the ice first.
“Oh gosh okay, I’m so glad I’m not the only one who felt that way!! I’ve always thought you were cool and funny, honestly I just really wanted to get to know you.”
At this point, you were both smiling and it seemed like the heavy atmosphere had completely vanished now that you were both being transparent.
In the background, Tracer and Angela celebrated quietly, proud of the two of you for finally being able to act normal around one another. You two spent the next couple of minutes warming up to each other as you laughed and joked making plans to hang out, a warm feeling now in your chests.
“Y’know I don’t even know why I was so intimidated in the first place…”
“You could sense my gay agenda.”
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ts19009 · 22 days
Hong's Anatomy: Prologue
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Pediatrician surgeon!  Joshua x pediatric surgeon!  Female Reader 
Synopsis: Coming to Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital wasn’t on your bucket list, that’s for sure, but when you meet the head of your department, Joshua Hong, it's one of the only things that constantly brightens your day. 
Warnings: swearing, made up medical terms and procedures, i have no idea if any of this is medically accurate it’s just for story, flirting, no smut…yet?
“This is OR 2. It’s right down the hall from the CT room,” Rose said, leading you down the hallway and letting you peek your head into the OR room. “Do you have any questions?” 
“No, not right now. I’m a little overwhelmed, to be honest,” you smiled, trying to break the ice with the head Peds nurse. She smiled and placed a hand on your shoulder. 
“Its totally okay to feel overwhelmed, we’re a little overwhelmed as well. It’s been a while since we’ve had two Peds attendings, but you seem sweet, I’m sure you and Doctor Hong will get along greatly.” 
You had heard about Doctor Joshua Hong. He was a world renowned pediatrician who was desired all over the world. He was handsome, talented, and apparently very caring and nice towards all his patients. 
“Is he here today? Doctor Hong?” You ask as Rose nods, handing you a tablet. 
“He'll introduce himself a little bit later, he’s in surgery at the moment.”
In the meantime, Rose taught you how to operate the computers and system regarding patients and how to properly log. At around noon Rose left for her lunch break, leaving you to learn how to work things on your own. You were in the middle of trying to figure out how to look at patient files when you heard a voice over your shoulder. 
“Doctor L/N?” 
You looked up from your tablet to come face to face with none-other than the man himself. Joshua Hong. 
“Doctor Hong,” you smiled at him, standing up and offering your hand, “it’s nice to meet you!” 
“You too, I’ve heard great things about you,” he smiled back, shaking your hand before pointing to the tablet. “Do you need a hand? Where’s Rose?” 
“She went to lunch, she did teach me how to access patient files, but it’s been a long day, and I’m a little bit overwhelmed,” you chuckled. 
“That’s fair, the first day at a new job is always a lot, but you seem like your handling everything pretty well,” he said, taking a seat next to you and turning his attention to the tablet, not noticing the blush that arose on your cheeks. He slowly went through how to view and edit patient files and made sure that you understood how to do it yourself. 
“I think people forget that this is a teaching hospital and that even the attendings need some help once in a while,” he said, standing up and looking at his watch. “I have to go, but it was nice to meet you.” 
“Y/N!” You spun around to see Joshua running up to you as you left the hospital. “How was the first shift? Wanna back out, because you can’t after today?”
“You too, and thank you again,” you replied as you exchanged smiles before you watched him rush down the hall. Leaving you with a beating heart and flushed cheeks. 
“It was good, but god. I need a drink; I’m stressed.” You laugh, looking up at Joshua to see a glimmer in his eye. 
“Do you wanna go to Joe’s? It’s right across the street; it’s kinda the place all the surgeons go after work. It has cheap, shitty beer,” he asked, as you pondered his question. Did you have work tomorrow, and joke about getting drunk? Yes. But did you want to get to know and spend some time with your new co-worker? Also yes. 
“Sure, lead the way.” 
“Joe! I’ll take two beers please!” Joshua exclaimed as you both approached the bar. 
“Coming right u… Who is this Hong? Finally managed to score a date?” Joe teased as Joshua’s eyes widened and carefully looked over at you. 
“Joe,” Joshua warned, “no, this is my new coworker. Y/N.” 
“I see. Well, if you do wanna date Joshua, you’ll be doing us all a favor. I haven’t seen him on a date in all the years he’s lived here.” 
“Yeah, yeah, just get us our beers please,” Joshua chuckled and rolled his eyes, “don’t listen to him,” 
“You’ve been on a date recently?” You asked, raising an eyebrow as Joe handed you a beer, causing Joshua to stutter a little bit. 
“Uhh, no. Not recently, but I’ve lived here for six years,” Joshua emphasized, looking at Joe, who just chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. “What about you? When was the last time you went on a date?” 
“Woah, we just met,” you joked, taking a sip of your beer. 
“Fine,” Joshua sighed, “Why did you choose to come to Grey Slone then? I’ve read your work, you've done amazing things, you could of gone anywhere?” 
“ The answer I’m gonna tell you is that I like the idea of a teaching hospital and that I think there should be more out there,” you answered. 
“What’s the answer you’d tell someone else?” Joshua asked, taking a sip of his beer. 
“That I get to work with Joshua Hong, and that I’ve admired him for years and jumped at the opportunity to work with him,” you blush, “but don’t tell him that.” 
Joshua chuckled and set down his beer, fully facing you now. "Well, I’m sure he’d be very flattered to hear that.” 
Before anything else could happen, a whole bunch of guys came rushing into the bar and went to greet Joshua. 
“What’s up!” 
“What surgery did you have today?” 
“Guys, slow down. I’m here with someone,” Joshua chuckles, trying to soothe the twelve men. 
"Oh, sorry,” a tall man with dark hair and puppy eyes said, turning to face you. “I’m Mingyu, we all work with Joshua. We don’t mean to be rude…” 
“It’s okay guys, she’s the new peds attending,” Joshua interrupts as all their faces lighten. 
“You must be Doctor L/N! Josh told us about the new peds attending.” The man with longer hair spoke up, “I’m Jeonghan, I work in Plastic’s.” 
“I’m sorry that they interrupted us, they’re just excited to meet you,” he whispers, watching Sonyoung chug a whole can of beer. 
The whole group ended up going around and introducing themselves, their specialities, and ordering their own drinks to join you. While Soonyoung was telling a story, Joshua turned to you and leaned in. 
“It’s okay, I mean technically they’re my co-workers as well.” 
“You’re welcome.” 
“Stop flirting and listen to my story!” Soonyoung interrupted, as you too jumped apart from each other and awkwardly laughed at being caught. 
The rest of the night was filled with laughter, alcohol, and lingering glances back and forth between you and the head pediatrician. 
“Good morning!” Rose cheerfully greeted you as you made your way to the desk, coffee in hand. “Rough night?” 
“You could say that,” you muttered, setting down your bag and taking off your coat. After getting home, you tried to go to sleep, you really did. But the idea of seeing your first patient and seeing Joshua again in the morning was enough to keep you up the whole night. 
“Are you ready for your first patient?” Lia, one of the other nurses in the ward, asked, watching you chug your coffee. 
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” you sigh, before marching over to the first room where the patient and your surgical interns were waiting. “Good morning Miss Abigail, how are you today?” 
“Poor Abigail is a little scared today for her surgery,” her mother confessed. Abigail nodded, but didn’t say anything and reached out to hold her mothers hand. “She hasn’t spoken a word all morning.” 
“That’s normal, it’s pretty scary, but you’re going to go to sleep and then wake up with your mom right by your side. That’s not scary right?” You ask, watching Abigail shake her head. 
“Knock, Knock,” you whip your head around to see Joshua leaning against the doorframe and waving to Abigail. “I wanted to see you before you go into surgery.” 
“You know Abigail?” You ask, as Joshua nods. 
“I was the one who did Abigail’s first surgery. I didn’t know that you were back, what’s wrong?” He smiled softly at Abigail before turning to her mother with a more concerned face. 
“It’s her other valve this time, the doctor said that it wasn’t growing because of calcium build up,” her mother quickly responds before you can. Joshua’s eyebrows rise in surprise. 
“Really, I thoughtI had checked the other valve last time,” he muttered. 
“It’s not your fault Doctor Hong. The doctor said that it was a very quick build up and that you couldn’t have known,” she smiled, “we were wondering if you were going to stop by once we heard it wasn't you doing her surgery.” 
“Of course! I also came by to check up on Doctor L/N. It’s her first case here!” Joshua smiled, as you noticed Abigail's mother form a look of concern on her face. “Don’t worry though, she came all the way from Seoul, South Korea to take care of people. It’s one of the best hospitals in the world. You, Abigail, are in very safe hands,” he reassured. 
“Thank you Doctor Hong,” you chuckled before turning to the nurses to prepare Abagail for her surgery. A few minutes later, you informed Abigail and her parents that it was time to go up for her surgery and excused yourself to let her parent’s have a few moments alone. 
“Excited?” Joshua asked, as you nodded, handing your tablet back to the counter. 
“I'm a little bit nervous as well. She seems like a sweet girl,” you sighed, spinning around to see Joshua leaning against the counter. 
“She is. But I know that she’s in good hands,” he smiled. It helped calm you down a little bit knowing that Joshua believed in you, you really needed the verbal support. After a few minutes Joshua left to start his rounds and first surgery of the day, leaving you to head up to the OR. 
“Hi Abby, we’re going to help you fall asleep now okay?” Abby nodded, and let Rose put the mask to her face and fell asleep in a little under thirty seconds. You sighed looking at the little girl who’s entire life was in your hands and took a deep breath before holding our hand out for a scalpel, “let’s get started.” 
Halfway through your surgery, you looked up at the gallery to see Joshua sitting front and center, cup of coffee in hand and smiling from ear to ear. This was the first time you’ve worked with other people watching you this closely, so having so many eyes on you was a little nerve wracking, but thankfully the mask and scrubs you were wearing could hide the deep flush of your cheeks when looking at Joshua one last time. 
“Jonah, suction a little more to the right please,” you asked right before the monitor started beeping.
“What happened?” Jonah asked, as your eyes widened. 
“Shit, the calcium stuck to the valve wall and tore some skin from the valve, she’s bleeding through the valve. More suction! And can I get some lining?” The nurses in the room quickly started running around and one eventually handed you a sheet of lining that you carefully placed over the torn piece of skin. 
“Green, you hold this here while I stick the lining,” you ordered, while Joshua was watching everything take place. He was impressed at how quickly you had problems solved. Torn skin wasn’t very common in surgeries like this and he was quite impressed on how quickly you came up with the solution. He watched you quickly, but thoroughly stitch the lining to the valve’s wall and waited to see if she would stop bleeding out. A few seconds later, the monitor stopped rapidly beeping, which meant that the lining had worked. 
“Abigail's Surgery went well. We managed to clear the valve of all the calcium build up and replace the valve with one that should match her age,” you explained to Abigail's mother who was waiting in the waiting room. “She’s being taken back to her room right now, so when they get her settled they’ll come and get you and you can go right in and be with her.” 
“Well done Doctor, L/N.” Doctor Green said, as you nodded and continued the rest of the surgery. 
“Thank you so much,” Abigail’s mother smiled, as you nodded and then excused yourself. You made your way to the desk and watched as the nurse told Abigail's mother that she could sit with her and watched her cry as she walked into the room. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” A voice from behind you inquired. It was Joshua, you knew that, but you still turned around to face him and shrugged. 
“It’s moments like that that made me want to do Peds. I’ll never get tired of it.” Joshua smiles and nods. You both stand in silence for a few minutes watching as Abigail wakes up and gets a big hug from her mother. 
“You did an amazing job by the way. That was a great recovery with the lining.”  You shrug again and turn your attention back to your tablet.  
“Thank you, just protocol. Would you have done the same thing?” 
“Probably not, I don’t know what I would have done. I’ve never experienced a tear in the valve like that,” Joshua confessed, “ my first thought was to just clamp it, but that’s as far as I got.” 
“Well clamping it would have stopped the bleeding temporarily, but we can’t stitch her back up with a clamp,” you chuckled, slightly poking fun at Joshua. 
“I know, I’m just saying that it was genius of you to think that quickly and that efficiently,” he teased back. You noticed a few nurses looking your way and smiling at your teasing and tried your best not to blush again. 
“Do you want to go to Joe’s again after work? I noticed you don’t have to come in tomorrow, and I’m on call, so hopefully I can get out for a bit?” You asked, putting the tablet down and fully facing the doctor. 
“Couldn’t get enough of me?” Joshua asked, flexing one of his biceps playfully. 
“No, I just know your schedule since it’s plastered up on the wall,” you rolled your eyes, “I can take it back?” 
“No no, I’d love to get a drink with you after work.” 
taglist: @asasilentreader , @myjaeyunn
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venturelovebot · 2 months
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A/N: AAAAA Thank you for requesting this and I really hope you enjoy it!!! ・*・:≡( ε:) Sincerely!!! Y'all are the best!!! Link to request is here!!!
Premise: WHEN CUDDLE BUGS COLLIDE!!! Tooth rotting fluff ahead– ONLY READ IF YOU THINK YOUR HEART CAN TAKE IT!!! Rainy indoor date time!!! ✨
Warnings: None! Pure fluff!
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"It's perfect!"
Sloane haphazardly tosses one last blanket over your pillow fort before standing back to admire their hard work. You pop your head out from behind the blanket curtain and look around anxiously.
"Get in here before the thunder starts!" You warn, diving back into your warm safe space.
You snuggle up with your favorite stuffie as the rain begins pouring down outside. A brief flash of lightning lights up the sky before a loud crack of thunder follows in its presence. You jump and squeeze your stuffie close to your chest for safety and Sloane finally crawls inside the fort to join you.
"I almost forgot this!" They exclaim, turning on a star projection lamp they hold in their hands.
A soft yellow glow emanated from within and casted starry shadows on the blankets surrounding the two of you. Sloane sets it on the floor next to a nearby pillow for safekeeping.
"It's battery powered! That way if the electricity goes out we can still have light."
"Don't say that! The power isn't supposed to go out..." You frown.
"I know, but just in case!" They reassure you and reach out to squeeze your hand.
They nuzzle into your face and pull you close into a hug. Another sudden crack of thunder causes you to cling to them for support. They tighten their arms around you and pull you down on to the mountain of pillows beneath the two of you for emergency cuddles.
"I'm here, don't worry." Their voice is delicate and reassuring.
You rest your head comfortably on their chest and listen to their steady heartbeat. You wonder what it's like to be so calm during a storm– to be able to sleep without the fear of the elements raging on outside. It was a fear you've had since you were a child but unfortunately never grew out of as an adult.
"Is there anything you're scared of?" You ask curiously.
"Well, sure! Lots of things!" Sloane pauses and rubs your back. "Spiders are definitely scary, even if they are helpful."
"How? I always see you trap them and throw them back outside." You point out.
"Just because I save them doesn't mean I can't be scared of them, too!"
You giggle at the thought of Sloane being scared of anything. You've never seen them act anything but brave in the face of adversity. You definitely admired them for that. If only you had the amount of courage they had... maybe then you'd feel a lot more confident.
"Fine. I'll tell you what I'm scared of but you can't laugh, okay?" Their voice grows serious for a second. "Cause it's kind of silly..." They add.
"I promise I won't laugh." You look up at them with sincerity, stars slowly dancing across their skin.
"I'm scared of being alone." They admit. They smooth back your hair and place a kiss on your forehead. "Being around you makes me feel a lot braver."
You blush softly and reach for their hand to hold it in yours. "I'll make sure you're never alone then!" You promise.
Sloane laughs softly and squeezes your hand again. "I know that's physically impossible, but just knowing you're here– with me, in my life– that makes me feel a lot braver than I was before I met you."
For a brief moment you were left speechless and unsure how to proceed.
"Wow. Really? Why me?" Is all you can come up with.
"Honestly? I have no idea! I just think of you and I know I have nothing to worry about." They pause to think again for a second. "Maybe you're just good luck!"
They scoop you in, pull your face close to theirs and nuzzle you lovingly. The sudden affection causes you to giggle uncontrollably.
"You're my lucky charm. A blessed artifact! Every archeologists dream." They place their hand on top of your head and ruffle your hair. "Except you don't belong in a museum. You belong right here by side– uhh... if you want to be, that is."
"Of course I would. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else."
You snuggle tightly into their body and the heavy feeling of sleepiness overtakes you both.
"I love you, [Y/N]." They yawn before pulling you close again. "My precious little artifact..."
"I love you, too... my brave archeologist." You smile warmly.
Outside, the storm rages. Inside, all is safe... just as it should be.
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bingsooow · 18 days
Pizza delivery person Venture x reader (Amab venture x GN reader)
This is more of a modern AU
For Sloane working at a pizza place was one of the easiest side jobs they’ve had yet. Besides working on archeology whenever they could, during the week they spent a majority of their time working at a pizza place. Granted it got the bills paid but it wasn’t as exciting as digging and finding rocks.
They worked specifically in pizza delivery. It wasn’t what they applied for, but it paid more than the kitchen staff and they received tips on top of the regular pay. One particular Tuesday it the temperature was quite high for this time of year. They sat inside the restaurant fanning themself with one of the plastic menus they kept inside. They hoped to have gotten a chance to deliver an order so they can sit in their car with AC and relax.
Eventually they received their first order on their shift. It was two large pizza’s, two sodas some breadsticks and the stores cookie dough. They waited around communicating with their coworkers as per usual when it came to orders they had to deliver. They didn’t want to receive the heat of the blame if something were to have been messed up. There have been very hard shifts for them. After the staff finished the food, Sloane packed everything up into the bright red pizza bag to keep everything warm and up to temperature. And they were out the door.
It was beautiful outside, the sky was a bright blue and the clouds almost looked dreamlike in the sky. They opened their car door sitting inside and turning on the AC almost immediately. They then began to drive to the address on the GPS. The trip wasn’t far, only around 10 minutes away from the restaurant. They knocked on the door and tried to present themselves as nice as possible.
Sloane had messy brown hair and this bright red cap that sat on top of it. The uniform they wore was a red button up with the logo on the left pocket. They were required to either wear black or khaki pants. They chose the khaki. They also wore a nonbinary pin on the hat just to remind people what they went by without them having to say it.
The order didn’t take long and they received a $20 tip. Making their way back to their car they received a call from the kitchen staff that they have another order. They picked it up and it was pretty simple. A personal pan pizza, a sprite and some breadsticks. They followed the GPS and ended up at an apartment complex.
Once they got there and knocked on the door they looked at the person who came. They were attractive beyond means. They began to blush and stammer over their words. “I uh, I have a pizza for you!” How embarrassing.
“Thank you, how much do I owe?” Y/n asked as they grabbed their wallet. Sloane grabbed their phone to look at the price. It was only $20. “20 dollars.” They said trying to avoid looking at the person inside the home too intently.
“Oh shoot I don’t think I can pay..” Y/n said looking down at the ground before at them. They gave a smirk before an idea formed in their mind. “How else could I pay you pizza delivery person?” Y/n asked coming a little closer to them. Sloane didn’t think this was real. Their mind short circuited and they had the bright idea to use their tips to pay for it.
“Nah don’t worry about it I can use my tips, I mean pause not like that, unless-“ Sloane had to stop themselves. But it seemed to have amused Y/n. Hearing them laugh sparked something within them. They wanted to be the one to make them laugh all the time. “That’s sweet of you.” Y/n would peck their cheek making their cheeks as red as a crayola marker.
On the way back to the pizza place Sloane didn’t care that they had to use their tips to pay for the pizza, they had a newfound obsession in which they hoped they would see Y/n again as a more dominant pizza delivery person.
(Sorry if this isn’t the greatest, I seen a post on Twitter about pizza delivery Venture and had to write something about it. I considered making it smut however I’m not sure if I should. Maybe I could make a part 2 that is.)
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thewritingofamadwoman · 2 months
Hot Buns
A random snippet into the lives of Annalise & Mark Sloan. Technically a part 2.5? Let me know what you think & thank you for reading 🤗
Pairing: Mark Sloan x Fem!Reader
Warnings: allusions to smut but no actual smut, sickeningly sweet fluff
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To anyone who didn’t know Mark Sloan or Annalise Grey-Sloan, life at Seattle Grace was the same as it had been for the past few months. The ex-couple decided to give their relationship a try once more, with Annalise having gone so far as forgiving Mark and allowing him to take her out on a few dates.
No one picked up on the innocent flirting between the two; the looks and giggles shared, the secret touches whenever they stood in the same vicinity. No one had ANY idea of their little rendezvous in the on call rooms. Or at least, that’s what Mark and Annalise thought.
“So are they going to eye fuck each other the entire time or are we going to actually learn something today?” Alex Karev grunted, standing off to the side as Mark and Annalise “discussed” the case they were working on together. Cristina and Meredith rolled their eyes at him.
“Well I for one think it’s great that they’re speaking again. Little Jolie deserves to have both of her parents happy,” Meredith shrugged, smiling to herself at the sound of her sister’s giggle at whatever the “plastics God” said to her.
“I agree with Mer. A less angry Annalise means more surgeries for me to scrub in on. So if McSteamy wants to McGet-It-On with her, I’m all for it. I’ll even buy her condoms if she wants,” Cristina said cheerfully, not noticing the power couple creeping up behind her. Annalise cleared her throat.
“Well thank you for that, Dr Yang. I’ll keep that in mind. Are we good to start rounds or would you prefer I gave you details on which condoms I prefer for your future reference?” The brunette asked, an eyebrow raised playfully at Cristina and her sister. Annalise didn’t care about what was said about her when it came from friends, and she loved to torment interns as much as she could. Cristina had enough sense to blush and look away while Alex snickered before Mark called out to him.
“Oi, Karev! Let’s get a move on, these patients won’t heal themselves!” He barked, making his way down the hall but not before winking at Annalise.
Anna smiled, and rolled her eyes playfully at the intern who immediately followed after Mark. Her smile lingered a little too long on his retreating form, and when she turned back to Meredith and Christina, she couldn’t escape their teasing smirks.
“Wipe those grins off your faces,” Annalise scoffed, walking around them and doing her best to ignore the heat trying to creep up her face.
“Well you two look close,” Meredith teased, her signature smile on her face. Christina snorted in agreement.
“Close is an understatement. Sloan’s one step away from sticking his tongue down her throat with every passing longing glance,” she said dramatically as they stopped outside the patient’s room. Anna genuinely laughed at that, resulting in the patient, Mark and Alex to look over at the three doctors who stood by the door.
“Sorry Mrs Sheffield, I’m Doctor Grey-Sloan. These are my interns, Doctor Grey and Doctor Yang. I’ll be assisting Doctor Sloan with your procedure. I’ll be in charge of making sure your heart doesn’t give out while Doctor Sloan works on the external repairs on your abdomen while removing that superficial tumor and patching you up as good as new. I promise you, you’re in great hands,” Annalise reassured the patient gently, reaching over and giving her hand a squeeze. The older woman smiled back kindly and looked between Annalise and Mark, the latter already standing off to the side and prepping a game plan with Karev.
“You said your name was Grey-Sloan? Any relation to the stud?” Mrs Sheffield nodded towards Mark unabashedly, her voice hushed. Anna’s smile widened.
“Mhmm, he’s my husband.”
“Oh you’re one lucky girl. If I were 30 years younger I’d be climbing him like a tree. Do you see the buns on him? Oh the way I’d like to give’em a quick squeeze,” Mrs Sheffield went on, her voice not as hushed as she thought. Annalise chucked and noticed the tips of Mark’s ears slowly turning a light shade of red.
“Alright Mrs Sheffield, let’s keep that heart rate down,” Annalise teased. “We’ll be back later to get you prepped for surgery. In the meantime, Grey, please make sure we have an OR booked and Yang, please get Mrs Sheffield ready with the pre-surgical team. Karev, please follow up with pathology one final time about Mrs Sheffield’s most recent blood tests so we can confirm we’re good to start on time. ”
Christina, Meredith and Alex nodded and stepped out of the room to get started on their tasks immediately. Before Anna could make it out the door however, she heard Mark yelp. She turned around and found Mark rubbing his backside as he scurried out of the room, Mrs Sheffield winking at her and smirking to herself while rubbing her hands together. “I’ve still got it!” She cheered, and Mark pulled a tittering Annalise out the door with him.
“That was not funny, I feel violated and objectified,” Mark whined, his grip gentle on Annalise’s elbow, pulling her with him down the hall and around the corner. Anna’s chuckles broke into a full on belly laugh at Mark’s flushed face. They stopped walking, and Anna used the wall behind her as support while she laughed.
“You should have seen your face!” She giggled. Mark, who was thoroughly embarrassed, found his gaze softening at the sight of his wife laughing wholeheartedly. And yes while it was at his expense, he wouldn’t change it for anything in the world. He rolled his eyes, playfully annoyed, a smile playing on his lips as her own giggles were infectious.
“Are you done?” He asked, crossing his arms as he looked down at her.
Anna did her best to stop laughing, biting her lip and looking up at Mark with a somewhat innocent expression. Mark felt his heart flutter at the sight of her.
“I’m good, I’m good. God it’s been so long since I laughed like that,” she sighed, smiling brightly. Mark smiled back and shook his head.
“Yeah, and it took me being assaulted by an elderly woman squeezing my ass for you to laugh that hard. You’re welcome,” Mark sassed. Annalise quirked an eyebrow teasingly at him.
“You weren’t complaining when I was the one squeezing your ass in the on call room earlier…” she said, lowering her voice as she looked up at him coyly, daring him to play along.
Mark’s eyebrows shot up in surprise before he immediately collected himself and reacted accordingly, smirking while bringing his right arm up and above Anna, bracing it on the wall behind her. His other arm reached towards her, his hand engulfing her waist as he stepped closer to her, caging her between the wall and himself. What Mark didn’t do, however, was check to see if the coast was clear before speaking; his voice taking on a more deep and gravelly tone.
“Well, I am a gentleman. Who am I to deny my woman from grabbing my ass when she’s down on her knees for me with her mouth wrapped around my—“
“AH-DONT YOU FINISH THAT SENTENCE MARK SLOAN,” an incredulous voice spoke up and both doctors jumped apart at the sound of Miranda Bailey.
“This is a god damn hospital, not a whore house, keep that kind of talk OUT of the halls! What is wrong with people today, talking nasty while I’m trying to my damn job,” Miranda muttered to herself as she continued her way down the hall, glaring at the couple.
Mark and Annalise took one look at each other and cracked up at the hilarity of it all.
“I can see why the interns call her the Nazi,” he muttered, crossing his arms over his chest again. Annalise nodded and continued to watch Doctor Bailey make her way down the hall, before she turned back to glare at them once more before she turned the corner.
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swiftsdelucaa · 1 year
AAH! I have an Idea for Grey's Anatomy Mark Sloan x fem reader!
Here is the idea!
Fem reader went into the Military and had to go across seas. Her and Mark haven't seen each other in 10 months and after 10 months reader gets to go back home, but she doesn't tell mark. Instead she asks Derek and Meredith to help her surprise him. So as soon as his shift ends Mere and Derek tell him that they urgently need him for a patient who has a "heart" condition (the condition being she misses him). When Mark gets to the surgical room his girlfriend (reader) is standing in the middle of the room.
lots of fluffy!
❛ 𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 ❜
𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: Mark Sloan x reader ♡
𝘼/𝙣: Sorry if it took a little long anon, I has some things to do... But I liked so much writing this! And I hope you'll like it too :) Lol the gif I found is perfect ahah
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The first thing you did the morning of your return was call Meredith.
These ten months have felt like an eternity away from all the people you cared about, you missed them all so much. Of course, you loved your job, it made you feel like never before, but the most difficult thing was certainly not having the people you loved most with you.
Meredith was so happy for the news of your return. When you called her, you made sure she didn't tell Mark.
Oh God, that's the only thing you've never stopped thinking about. Every day helped you move forward stronger. It was so sad when you had to leave, it was the only reason you ever wanted to stay. You promised him that you would come back as soon as possible, and finally that day had come.
You planned a surprise that would make him very happy. Meredith and Derek would drive you to the hospital as soon as Mark started his surgery so he wouldn't see you.
All this time he had been just stressing those poor two. He kept insisting that you'd already gotten over him or started a new life with someone else. In short, it had become completely unbearable. But that meant that someone had finally really made him fall in love, and that someone was you.
After you got a text from Derek that they were on their way, you started getting ready. You took your sexiest dress out of your closet and put it on. It wasn't actually an over top dress, but he loved the effect it had on you.
You put the lipstick and a little makeup, not too much, but enough to make you even more presentable, and gave your hair a little touch-up.
"Damn, I look hot!" you said looking in the mirror.
You smiled at your reflection, grabbed your things, and walked over to Derek's car.
You got in sitting on the back seats.
"Hey, you're really-"
"Yes yes, now- just go!" you said interrupting Meredith and rushing Derek to leave. Oh, you couldn't wait to see him.
"So Mark won't see me?" you asked one last time to be sure before getting out of the car.
"No, he's finishing his surgery. We have booked another operating room, no one else will be able to use it, and later Meredith will call him and tell him that there will be another urgent case that we need him" you smiled and hugged both of them.
"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" they laughed.
"Well, go!" Meredith said smiling at you. You went out greeting and thanking them, and ran towards the hospital entrance. You went looking for the hall and entered.
You sat on the operating table, waiting. Wow, it was strange to be in an empty and silent operating room. Almost creepy...
"What's happening?!" you heard Mark's voice, he seemed confused not understanding what Meredith wanted to tell him. Then you saw him. And he saw you.
You stood up as he stood in front of you in the sink area. He took off his scrub cap and immediately entered the room.
"Mark-" you didn't even have time to smile at him or finish the sentence that the first thing he did as soon as he was in front of you was kissing you. It was a long kiss, and it was so intense that it was as if there was nothing for you anymore. He put his hands in your hair as you put your arms around his neck.
Neither of you could have ended that moment, but a few minutes later you snapped back to reality.
You opened your eyes smiling at him.
"Please just tell me that this isn't a dream cause you appeared here like a Godness..." his smile widened even more and his tone was still incredulous. "Well I've already dreamed you some nights ago..." He added making you laugh.
"It's everything real" you gave him another little kiss.
"When did you arrive?"
"This morning, I couldn't wait to see you" you said looking into his light blue eyes.
"Meredith knew it and didn't tell me?! Wait, you didn't tell me!" he said in a slightly offended tone still laughing as he put his hands on your hips bringing you closer to him.
"I wanted to surprise you"
"God, how much I love you" he hugged you picking you up, making you put your legs around his waist, and he started kissing you again.
"I love you too, and I missed you so much" you stopped the kiss to tell him.
"I don't know how I've been without you all these days" He made you on the table and took a moment to look at you better, sweeping his gaze up and down your entire body. "And you're hotter than I remembered..." you laughed shaking your head.
"I don't want you to leave me alone all this time anymore" he said caressing your cheek.
"You know I'm part of the military, there will be other departures..." just the thought saddened him.
"Ok, it means that I'll have to enjoy every single moment with you..." he moved closer to you holding you and placing his lips against yours again, always in a passionate and pleasant way. You loved him so much, every second of this moment and every time you were together was precious.
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roses-r-rosie3 · 11 months
Dancing With Your Ghost: Lost
Miguel O'Hara x M!Reader
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[Part 1] [Part 3] [Part 4]
warnings: Arguing, guilt, and angst
Summary: The reader is really self absorbed and Miguel starts to lose hope that he will ever love the reader, but the reader slowly starts to fall in love with Miguel
A/n: I wasn't really planning on making a part 2 for this story but I saw a comment from @strawberrycakecake with this idea so yea, thank you to them <3
Quote: "Listen, I am sorry for whoever you lost, but I do not love you, and I never will"
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It had been a few weeks after he unknowingly invited you, or an alternate version of you, to the society. He still wasn't over you. Everytime he looked into your e/c eyes, it reminded him of how he failed to save you. So everytime you were around, he would always lock himself inside of his office.
Most of the spider people wondered why Miguel constantly favored you over anyone else. But the only people who understood why were Jess and Peter. They were both aware about Miguel's relationship with you. And only they understood the grief he went through when he lost you. They tried comforting him the best they could, but each time they tried, Miguel would shoo them away.
But one thing stood out about this alternate version of you. This version was really snarky and a bit disrespectful. That's one thing that Miguel hated. His version of you was sweet and cordial, that's one of the main reasons why Miguel fell in love with you to begin with. But this version of you didn't care about anyone's feelings but your own.
Miguel was in his office, looking at old pictures and videos of you and him, but then Peter busted inside of Miguel's office.
"Miguel! Uh- you might wanna come fix this!" Peter said before he ran right back out of Miguel's office.
Miguel quickly ran after Peter to see what he was talking about. Peter lead him to the cafeteria where you and Gwen were arguing and two different spider people holding both of you away from each other. And as soon as Miguel came into the room, everyone went silent.
"What is going on in here" Miguel growled.
"I'm sick and tired of him being a narcissistic asshole! That's what!" Gwen screamed.
"Just because I cut you in line? Are we in middle school?" You scoffed.
"You pushed me, laughed about it, and didn't even say sorry!" Gwen responded.
"Well who's fault is that?" You mocked.
"Enough!" Miguel yelled.
Without a word Miguel immediately took your arm and lead you inside of his office.
"What the fuck is wrong with you y/n! Ever since you joined this damn society you have been nothing but rude to everyone! You used to be sweet and nice! What the fuck happened to you?!" Miguel cried.
"I don't know who you think I am! But I am not who you think I am! I am me! I don't know who you are! I don't know which y/n you are talking about, but you need to stop comparing me to him because I am not him!" " you yelled back.
"Listen, I am sorry for whoever you lost, but I do not love you, and I never will" you said before leaving the room.
Miguel's heart was shattered. That's when it hit him that he lost you. He could love his version of you but this alternate version of you would never love him.
After that whole fiasco happened, you had this gut feeling that was making you feel guilty. You have never felt any type of remorse before. It bothered you for some reason.
The next day Miguel came to the spider society he finally accepted the fact that you didn't love him. He lost hope in this new you, for all he knew you were just someone who looked like his version of you. He was not going to treat you differently than the other people anymore.
You on the other hand, you were a mess. You couldn't sleep all night because you were thinking about what you had said to Miguel. The look on his face
"Hey Boss man, I just wanted to say sorry for-"
"Get out" Miguel grumbled as he cut you off.
"I just wanted to say-"
"Did you not hear me? I won't warn you again" Miguel snarled.
You left his office with out saying a word. As you walked out all the spider people were giving you death glares. You couldn't help but to feel vulnerable. You wanted to go back in there and beg for Miguel to forgive you. Why were you feeling this? You have never felt this way before. And that's when it hit you, you were in love with Miguel.
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A/n: Part 3???? 🤔
Tag List: @honeydew-i, @loivre, @strawberrycakecake
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inkspiredwriting · 10 days
Tipsy Time Travelers
Five Hargreeves x Fem!reader
Warnings: Drinking
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Luther’s wedding was the event of the year. After all the chaos and near-apocalypses the Hargreeves siblings had endured, a celebration was long overdue. The venue was a beautifully decorated garden, fairy lights twinkling in the trees, and a live band playing softly in the background. Everyone was in high spirits, none more so than Number Five and his best friend, Y/N.
As the night wore on, the champagne flowed freely, and Five, despite his usual self-control, found himself with a glass perpetually in hand, thanks to a very enthusiastic Y/N. She was determined to see him let loose for once.
“Come on, Five,” Y/N giggled, her cheeks flushed from the alcohol. “You’ve got to admit, this is fun!”
Five, who had initially resisted the idea of getting drunk, was now swaying slightly and grinning like an idiot. “Okay, okay, it is pretty fun,” he admitted, taking another sip from his glass.
The two of them were sitting at a table near the dance floor, watching the newlyweds, Luther and Sloane, dance together. The sight of his usually stoic brother so happy made Five’s heart swell, and the champagne made it swell even more.
“Hey, Y/N,” Five said, leaning closer. “Wanna know a secret?”
Y/N eyes lit up. “Always.”
Five glanced around conspiratorially, then whispered loudly, “I can time travel.”
Y/N burst out laughing. “I know, silly. You’ve told me a hundred times.”
Five frowned, as if this was news to him. “Oh, right. Well, did I ever tell you about the time I got stuck in the apocalypse?”
“Yep, that too,” Y/N replied, still giggling.
“Damn, I need new material,” Five muttered, looking genuinely concerned.
Just then, Klaus sauntered over, a wide grin on his face. “Hey, lovebirds, how’s it going?”
“We’re not lovebirds,” Five and Y/N said in unison, then laughed at the coincidence.
“Whatever you say,” Klaus winked. “But seriously, it’s good to see you both having fun. Want to dance?”
Five raised an eyebrow. “I don’t dance.”
Y/N stood up, wobbling slightly but grabbing Five’s hand. “Well, you’re going to tonight! Come on!”
Before he could protest, Y/N dragged him onto the dance floor. The band had started playing a lively tune, and Y/N immediately began to twirl and sway with reckless abandon. Five, on the other hand, stood awkwardly, unsure of what to do with his hands.
“Just follow my lead,” Y/N said, grabbing his arms and moving them in time with the music.
Five, much to his surprise, found himself relaxing. The alcohol had dulled his usual self-consciousness, and Y/N infectious enthusiasm was hard to resist. He started moving a bit, matching her steps, and soon they were both dancing wildly, laughing uncontrollably.
At some point, Diego joined them, showing off his surprisingly good dance moves, and even Viktor and Allison couldn’t resist getting in on the fun. The dance floor became a whirlwind of Hargreeves siblings and their friends, all celebrating together.
After a particularly enthusiastic spin, Five found himself face-to-face with Y/N, both of them panting and laughing.
“You’re a pretty good dancer, Five,” Y/N said, her eyes twinkling.
“Thanks,” Five replied, feeling a strange warmth in his chest that had nothing to do with the alcohol. “You’re not so bad yourself.”
They stood there for a moment, caught up in the magic of the night, until Klaus’s voice cut through the music.
“Alright, everyone, let’s raise a glass to the happy couple!”
Everyone grabbed their drinks and gathered around Luther and Sloane. Five and Y/N stumbled back to their table, grabbing their glasses and raising them high.
“To Luther and Sloane!” Y/N cheered.
“To Luther and Sloane!” Five echoed.
As they clinked glasses and took a drink, Five couldn’t help but feel grateful. Grateful for his family, for this moment of peace and joy, and most of all, for Y/N. Even if he didn’t quite understand his feelings, he knew one thing for sure: he was happy. And that was enough for now.
The night ended with Y/N and Five sitting on the steps of the venue, watching the stars. Y/N leaned her head on Five’s shoulder, and he didn’t pull away.
“Thanks for tonight, Five,” Y/N murmured, her voice soft.
“Anytime,” Five replied, feeling a contentment he hadn’t known in a long time.
As they sat there, enjoying the quiet of the night and the warmth of each other’s company, Five realized that sometimes, the best moments in life were the simplest. And with Y/N by his side, he was ready to face whatever the future held.
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cevansbrat0007 · 26 days
Hey Britt☺️!! Hope you’re having a good weekend and are relaxing/getting plenty rest🌸! So from the list of questions I have two:
First for Duchess and Beast, describe their first date (I’m not sure if this has already been discussed👀). Or if it’s a potential spoiler, then I completely understand if you don’t want to answer and then pose the follow up question, what do they dislike about each other most?
Of course I can’t leave out my other fave couple, Babygirl and Andy so my question for them would be what do they love about each other the most?
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Describe their first date:
Well, if you listen to Bird, then she and Ari's first date took place at Sloane's Tavern, which is a little bar down the street from her house. I can't go into a lot of specifics because that particular fic is coming up very soon (provided I continue weaving in new prequel chapters into the current storyline), but I can tell you that Ari vehemently disagrees.
He DOES NOT want that to be their first date. Which is why he's been working very hard to plan something special for his lady before he goes away on a job. Unfortunately, he suffered from a particularly bad night terror the evening before the big date, so now he feels like he has twice as much to prove.
That story will also be coming down the pipeline relatively soon. You can expect it to fall after the fic, Worthy of You.
What do Bird and Ari dislike about each other the most?
At first, the fact that Bird could be a little uptight initially bothered Ari. That is...until he discovered just how much he enjoyed showing his girl how to unwind. If he had to pick something, it would probably be the fact Bird tends to run late. Constantly. Drives him up the wall.
Meanwhile, Bird has to resist the urge to strangle her man every time he misplaces his phone, wallet, keys, etc. Not because she's never done it, but because it happens all the time. She's even tried things like putting several hooks by the front door. And when that didn't work, she upgraded to a decorative bowl on his kitchen counter, as well as his nightstand.
It still doesn't stop him from bugging her about their whereabouts while they're trying to get reading in the morning. If she's being honest, she has no idea how he's survived on his own for this long.
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What do Andy and Baby Girl love about each other the most?
Even though he sometimes acts like he doesn't, Andy adores his sweet wife's sense of humor. While it's true that she can be a bit of a brat at times, his life is never boring with her. Not only does she make him laugh, but she is also able to get him to laugh at himself. Which is something he's struggled to do in the past.
He also loves her cooking. That's a big one as well.
As for Baby Girl, she loves that Andy makes her feel safe. She can be her most authentic self with him and never feel judged for it - which is part of the reason she feels free to be such a goofball.
She also loves how he manages to smell ridiculously good like all of the time.
Thanks for playing the Ship Ask Game!
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Would You? | Five Hargreeves
✦ pairing — Five Hargreeves x female!Plus Size Reader
✦ word count — 3.2k
✦ request — could i possibly have something with five where reader is in love with luther but luther is with sloane (can be a modern au) and five is pissed off that she still likes luther because he likes her and she gives him a chance and falls for him?
✦ warnings — angst, reader is a lonely person, reader has weak superpowers, mommy issues, Five still lives with his siblings, mentions of violence, mentions of food and beverages (alcohol included), fluff.
You didn't hate her. You were sure it was impossible to do so. Sloane was too bright, too kind in a world that only met her with despair. She was gentle, even with you, even when you knew she could tell you were in love with Luther.
Attending their second wedding was a mistake. You should have known better. In your head, you would take it well after witnessing the first one already, but you had only fooled yourself.
You were happy for them, happy they had found love, but it had been easier to ignore the pain when the world was about to end.
Saving the world should have been worth it, but the knots in your stomach as you watched them dance said otherwise.
"I don't understand what you see in him,” Five said from beside you.
You swirled your glass, looking down at the slowly shrinking ice sphere. "He's handsome, tall, nice, easy to talk to..."
"Oh, yeah? What do you talk about?"
Your eyes traced the wooden bar, perfectly polished yet scratched from wear. "Things."
"I don't see it."
Five always went to the point, you learned as much mere days after meeting him. Twisting your body, you faced him. He looked so different now, just a couple years older than you — his eyes, much like his jawline, were still sharp, hair dark and perfectly combed.
From what you remembered and the family photos you had seen, he was the one whose appearance changed the least with age. Still boyish, yet much taller than one would have thought he would be upon meeting his thirteen-year-old body, he was unbothered by the commotions around him, by the people dancing and laughing. Like they didn’t exist, like only you and Five Hargreeves were in that room.
As unapproachable as he was to strangers, he had that effect on people. You had seen it before, many times, people’s gazes lingered and they tried to give him smiles in the streets, some even tried to make small talk to no avail.
Five lifted his eyebrows, waiting for the answer brewing in your eyes.
You admitted, "Well, he doesn't either."
"Okay," he sighed. "Let's have your pity party."
"Thank you."
Rolling his eyes, he reached over and took the bottle of whisky from behind the counter. The bartender didn’t even blink. Five refilled your glass, ignoring the water pulling at the bottom from the now tiny ice sphere.
You gulped the watered-down liquid in one go, not wanting to ruin the experience of perfectly good whisky for a petty man who looked too proud of his little joke.
Whose sense of humor was more fucked up you would never know. His from finding it amusing, yours from agreeing, perhaps none — perhaps it was the idea itself that amused you, the thought behind his actions that made you feel something other than pitiful jealousy.
The night had been long as it was and you weren’t even halfway through the celebrations. You were way past half the bottle, though.
In the middle of laughs and hushed gossip, Five and you moved to the outdoor area. Your dress would be ruined in the dirt, but so would his suit and he didn’t seem to mind.
Fairy lights hung between and around the trees. You looked up at them as Five guided you to the farthest tree from the entrance. Both of you sat against the bark, Five carried another bottle of whisky whilst you carried your shoes.
The garden looked as pretty as it had earlier, decorated with white flowers that stood out against the sheer amount of green you had only seen at a hillside when you were a child, back when people took more care of the environment.
The flower arrangements were pretty, yes, but the flowers that grew around the garden were gorgeous too.
Five’s eyes were on you. He opened his mouth to say something, but he clamped it shut and shook his head.
“What is it?” you asked.
"I've liked you for so long," he whispered. "But I'm not nice like him, am I?"
You frowned. "You're nice when you want to be. Like right now."
"'m not being nice, just too tired to fight."
You didn’t ask if he was tired of fighting with you or for you. Both would have been understandable, as shocking as the revelation of his feelings for you was.
Categorically, you weren’t each other’s type. Although his type was confusing seeing as the only partner of his you had known about was a mannequin —whom you presumed had been his only partner, to begin with— and yours often ended up being people who didn’t want you.
Heartbreak was a nagging presence in your life, at least in the romantic sense of it. Your relationships rarely lasted, and the ones that did ended so swiftly you didn’t really mourn them.
"Why did you save her?” he asked, taking you out of your thoughts, and bringing you back to the present from where you always ran away.
"What do you mean?"
"Last week. You could have let her die and comfort Luther. Maybe even seduce him."
"I considered it," you confessed, ashamed of your selfishness. "But I felt awful about it, I don't think I could live with myself if I did that."
Five hummed. "You're a better person than me."
"That's not true."
"It is,” he firmly insisted.
"Would you let your brother die just to seduce his partner?"
"It's different."
"Yeah,” you conceded. “But—”
He didn’t let you add anything else, your agreement was enough, even more so when he needed to say, “You’re also different.”
You were so predictable, you found. He had you all figured out, he knew how much you longed for this kind of attention.
“I mean it.”
“I believe you.” It came out as a whisper even though you didn’t intend for it to be one.
He craned his neck to the side, gazing at you with glazed eyes. “Good. I have no reason to lie and humiliate myself.”
“I wouldn’t let you humiliate yourself,” you told him, putting the bottle aside to scoot closer.
Five made a motion to reach over, then retracted his hand. “I know.”
Your foggy window was cold to the touch and your day boring. You were half a book and four cups of tea deep into a rainout and although you had always liked the rain, you wished it would relent just long enough for you to do the groceries you had put off a couple of days ago.
And yet, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from the window as heavy rain fell.
Rain reminded you of Five and his endless love for it. The pitter-patter mimicked his steps if you listened closely enough.
Closing the book, you decided to text him with the excuse of his beloved rain, jokingly asking if he had drowned in the courtyard already.
Twenty minutes and a few bantering texts later, he was knocking on your door, coffee and pastries in hand. You had never been so jealous of his powers.
He sat on the couch, neck craned towards the window while you looked for another blanket. You handed him the spare blanket, watching as he hesitated to take his eyes off the rain. It was endearing to see Five like that, like a curious child fascinated by nature.
“Do you want a mug for your coffee or…?”
“The paper cup is fine,” he assured you.
You sat next to him, with the rain behind you just outside the window. He fixed his eyes on you. “I take it your day has been boring too?”
“Exhausting. Diego wouldn’t stop complaining about the power being out.”
“Isn’t that boxing match he wanted to watch today?”
Five shrugged. “You pay more attention to the things he says than I do.”
You knew that wasn’t true. Five paid attention to everything; sometimes you thought it was a habit of his, others you assumed he did it just to have something to criticize people for. Either way, he paid attention to everything to a supernatural extent.
“I’m sure he’ll end up watching it at a bar or something.”
He huffed a laugh. “Probably a better experience than watching anything with Luther.”
“He hasn’t moved?” You had assumed he would move now that he was married.
“Nah. He likes his bedroom too much.” Five took a gulp of coffee, watching your reaction. “She doesn’t mind, though.”
You scrunched up your nose. “Sounds uncomfortable.”
“You dodged a bullet.”
“I dodged having you as a roommate,” you went along with his banter.
He rolled his eyes. “I am an amazing roommate.”
“I doubt it.”
“I’m never home!”
“Even worse.”
He shook his head, trying to hide the smile threatening to come out. But you wanted to see it, a relaxed Five was unparalleled.
“I’ve thought about moving,” he said casually. “But I like the big library and the stocked-up kitchen.”
“Like you couldn’t steal some of Reginald’s money and get a place big enough?”
“Eh.” Five shrugged, then shook his head. “It would be the same, wouldn’t it? Living off him.”
“Without all the things that bother you, but yeah.”
“Is that why you moved out of your mother’s?”
You never talked about it, and unlike him, you had never complained about living with your siblings. But your mother was an exhausting woman to live with.
“She’s re-marrying,” you opted for saying. “Only my youngest sibling will stay.”
“I didn’t know she was seeing somebody.”
“He’s in it for the money and she needs someone to drag to events.” You slid down the couch, getting more comfortable as you rested your head on the backrest. “He’s a painter. Divorced, no kids. Perfect for her.”
“Maybe he likes her.”
“Maybe. I doubt it.”
You pursed your lips. Five was expecting some kind of gossip, but you had none to share. “I know her well. We’re similar.”
“So he likes her.”
Shaking your head, you insisted, “Her powers make her insufferable, Five.” And you inherited them.
Luther would always tell you to lay off her, to see things from her perspective as if she hadn’t seen you as a bad omen for years. Maybe you were, that would explain the failed romances and fizzling friendships.
As though sensing you were on the verge of sinking into the sense that you would never amount to much that you undoubtedly got from your father, Five grasped your chin between his index and his thumb, gently nudging your head up. “Look at me.”
Despite yourself, you did look up at him.
“You aren’t your mother.”
“I know,” you said, doing your damnedest to keep your voice leveled. “But it’s hard to find differences sometimes.”
He nodded along and you wondered if he ever felt similar to Reginald too. “But there are,” he said. “Many.”
You stared at him, trying to find something to say, a way to change the topic. Something shined in his eyes and you could have sworn it was brighter than the sun.
He pulled you closer, fully grabbing your face in his hand. You parted your lips, eyes still on him.
Five tilted his head to the left, rolling his lips inward to then wet them with his tongue. Your eyes followed the movement of his tongue and leaned in, feeling his breath on your skin.
To your dismay, Five didn’t take the plunge. And so you closed the gap, not capable of bearing this tension any longer. Five’s lips were warm and a little chapped as he reciprocated, moving his hand to the back of your head.
His free hand reached to grasp your waist, squeezing when you reached up to grab at him too. Five dug his fingers into your hair, pulling your head back so he could deepen the kiss by pushing himself forward.
You let him, hands gripping his shoulders as he fully held you in his arms, kiss searing and heavy. Nipping at his bottom lip, you tasted a hint of chocolate from his favorite dark roast, as bold as his kiss.
That should have been it. What wrong could a kiss or two do? None, not when Five was good at hiding things from his siblings. But it didn’t stop there, you couldn’t get him out of your head or spend much of your free time away from him.
You had never seen it before, perhaps because you didn’t try, but Five was so easy to talk to and his eyes were so pretty from up close — they looked even prettier when he told you about the books he read in his spare time, like he had known no pain or suffering. You wished that had been the case, you did, you would even if you didn’t feel new emotions blossoming because of his now constant presence at your side.
It felt like you had missed out on many things. Not only was Five funny and clever, but insightful and a good listener; he liked his coffee a particular way, but could eat almost anything you put in front of him and was willing to try different things —in any sense— at any given moment.
Soon you started cooking for two and keeping his favorite wine in the fridge just in case. You got a French press to make him coffee in the afternoon and treasured the expensive tea he brought you from one of his research travels —if you could call zapping to another country traveling—.
Whilst your mother could see glimpses of the future through vague dreams and occasional visions, you only perceived a sense of danger in your premonitions, a heightened anxiety that you waited for every time you were in Five’s presence. It never manifested, only getting your hopes up.
But a bad day was enough to ruin things and you had an awful one a particular Friday. You were tired, in a bad mood after an all-nighter, and didn’t want to be alone. You didn’t want to call anybody either, not even your favorite sister. You felt awful for having a favorite sister, and even more for wanting to run away from the city and never be found.
Who would want that?
You went home directly from work and pretended your phone didn’t exist, pretended you hadn’t randomly thought about a childhood friend you thought would be with you forever, and pretended you wouldn’t give anything to share something, anything, with somebody who would be okay with not talking about it.
Everything would be okay once you got some sleep, it had to be. If only your brain would allow it. By 2 a.m. you stood in your spotless kitchen, exhausted, hopeful that sleep would surely take you in its embrace now that your feet and arms ached.
After a quick shower, you laid on the bed and turned the TV on just to have something in the background until you fell asleep.
And your luck, your stupid cursed luck, made it so the first thing you saw on your ‘keep watching’ section was a movie you saw with Five a couple days ago. Maybe you couldn’t call, but texting wouldn’t hurt — he didn’t like talking on the phone that much either way, and that way he wouldn’t be able to tell that you had such a fucked up day you were considering visiting your father just because he had a big patio where you could pretend to be a child without a care in the world again.
You decided against it. Although he was probably awake, it was too late to text him out of nowhere.
First thing in the morning, though, after a few hours of intermittent sleep, you picked up your phone to text Five only to find he had beaten you to it.
Your heart skipped a beat upon reading he had asked if you would like to come over and help him paint his room.
There was an eerie feeling on the third floor of the Academy, only aided by the lack of lightning and squeaky floors.
You struggled to balance the food you were carrying as you knocked on Five’s door. The dark stairs had been an odyssey to get through in your half-rested state, and you probably should have bought fewer things, but you were too indecisive and a little too emotional to decide between sweet and savory.
Five pulled the door open, revealing the work —or lack thereof— he had done.
“I thought you had gotten rid of the wallpaper already.”
“I tried.”
“You just scratched it, Five!”
He took the bags from your grasp, opening them to see the contents before softly placing them on his desk. “I don’t know what else to do to take it off,” he admitted. “The fabric softener with hot water didn't work.”
“You should have gotten a bottle or two of remover.”
“I did,” he said, indignant. “It doesn’t work.”
Five sounded frustrated, much like he had the last time the world was about to end, as if that bedroom was the closest thing he had to a treasured belonging.
“Why don’t we go to a hardware store?” you suggested, “someone there has to know what to do.”
He stared at you, silent. You offered your hand, he took it. Instead of leaving the room, whether by walking or zapping, Five tugged on your hand, making you let out a squeal, and brought you into his personal space.
Your eyes found his, already on your lips. You wanted him to kiss you until you were breathless, until your bones became brittle from the force of his lips against yours.
As though he had seen it on your semblance, Five dropped your hand and held your face, palm fully on your cheek as he pulled you into a kiss. His lips were warm in contrast to yours, free hand resting at the base of your neck.
You buried your fingers in his short hair and this time you were the one who deepened the kiss. Five smiled against your mouth, trapping your bottom lip between his to then graze it with his teeth.
You let him slip his tongue into your mouth and found yourself softly moaning into his senseless kiss, unsure as to what to do with your hands other than tug at his hair and grab at his shoulder.
“It’s like you’re trying to kill me,” he breathlessly said between kisses.
“No-uh.” You kissed him again, hands on his cheeks as you brought him flush to you. “You’re far too interesting to be killed,” you admitted against his now softer lips, a little surprised that he had started to take more care of his skin.
Five pressed his forehead against yours, eyes lidded closed. “If I asked…” He took a deep breath, then fully opened his eyes. “If I asked for something more than occasional kisses and shared silences,” he finally spoke his mind, “would you say yes?”
You nodded, brushing your nose against his.
“Say it,” he whispered. It sounded like a plea.
You found yourself thinking that you would give him the world if he asked. “Yes, Five,” you whispered back. “I would always say yes.”
He hummed. “Now… which hardware store should we go to?”
You laughed against his lips, prompting him to kiss you again.
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bluesyjean · 10 months
It's the last one, so I might as well do this. Very big thanks to @c0ffeeb1ack for organizing a rewatch. I really enjoyed all the commentary and going through the series one episode at a time rather than binging the whole thing, and it made me appreciate it so much more. (Especially s3, which got infinitely more fun on a rewatch without my Big Nerves about what was going to happen. s1 is forever my girl, but there are some genuinely great moments in s3.)
Extra hot takes for Oblivion:
SO HAPPY LUTHER AND KLAUS GOT TO DO SCENES TOGETHER. The entire Void sequence was quality. Knowing these two are such good buddies irl it's about damn time they got to hang out more on screen. They must have had so much fun doing this.
It took me a long long time, but Sparrow!Ben grows on you. He's hilariously trying SO HARD to be an asshole every time he opens his mouth you just have to laugh. So extra.
I forever wish Lila wasn't pregnant. I'm sorry, it just doesn't do a great service to her or Diego because now everything has to be about this. My relief when Stan wasn't theirs was so short lived.
Five whispering conspiracy theories with Viktor is so good. I missed them being besties, so happy he's still the one Five trusts. (In a "I'll kill you myself" if you fuck up again kind of way, but that's just Five for you.) We love paranoia.
Also was so happy to have Five and Allison actually talk to each other, even if it's just to fight. I've waited so long.
This episode had a lot of interesting character combos. Sloane and Ben with Five, Luther and Klaus, I could have had more of this.
Didn't notice before that the sigil thing is on the back of the guardians. Which means...? Nothing, but I did notice.
Love that they always turn blue when life is being sucked out of them. Just a bunch of little blue aliens.
The first time I watched this I was convinced that Five would eventually lose that arm again when they fix the universe. I hope not, poor left-handed little guy. He loves to write. :( But that might also mean deaths happen again. Fully prepared for bummers in s4.
I was not as enthralled with the soundtrack of s3 as I was in past seasons, but I will say the closing song is the only one that made its way into rotation on my playlist. Great choice.
Desperate for Abigail to be a horrific villain in s4. Please give me this, it's all I ask.
Anyway I might end up watching the last season this way. (One episode a day.) Great idea! Taking time to enjoy something, what a concept. Thanks all!
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noodyl-blasstal · 3 months
number 9 or 19 for the prompt list for taakitz if you're feeling inspired? :)
Thank you so much for this prompt which is from this list (I’m still open to requests.) Sorry the reply itself is un-prompt (I spiralled), but hopefully you'll forgive me!
Read below or on Ao3.
Man, that’s going to stain…How’s it going?/ Well, haha, (doesn’t answer)
Kavitz screws all his courage to his sticking point and opens his eyes. He looks at the cake. He looks at his hands. He looks at the kitchen counter. They’re all still the same; bright red, unpleasantly sticky, and mocking him. The ‘icing’ could have at least had the decency to dry slightly in the air by now, but no, he’s made some kind of sugar based slime that is intent on eating everything - especially Taako’s worktops. 
Taako’s worktops… Taako definitely absolutely loves these worktops more than Kravitz. Kravitz knows this, everyone knows this, so why on earth had he decided to try his hand at baking at Taako’s house instead of his own? Maybe it was because he spent more of his non-death crime battling time here than anywhere else, he hadn’t spent a non-work night on the Astral Plane since well… hmm… and all his stuff was here, so it made sense, perfect sense. Or it would, if he hadn’t just committed a crime against baking, nature, and kitchens in general, there was no way Taako wasn’t going to notice.
He’s stuck, is the problem. He can’t operate his phone with his sugary murder hands even though it will absolutely be worth Sloane laughing at him if she can save him from this. Sadly it’s not like he can just go over there… although, no, actually, it’s exactly like he can just go over there! Kravitz reaches out his hand, and only winces slightly at the wet sound his scythe makes as it zoops into it. It’s fine. It’ll clean, and if not he can just tell people it’s blood and they’ll think he’s extra fearsome probably definitely maybe.
He cuts a very careful rift, if he can place it just right then… Kravitz leans his face gingerly into the rift and uses his nose to press the doorbell. He learned very quickly after Sloane and Hurley started dating that it was important to rift outside and wait for someone to answer the door. Sloane tugs said door open as he’s reaching his nose out to press the bell for a second time.
“Kravitz? What, and I cannot stress this enough, the fuck?” She folds her arms and gives him a look which means he’s definitely never going to hear the end of this.
“I need some help.”
Sloane raises her eyebrows.
“It’s a cake problem.”
“You didn’t!?”
“Kravitz! After last time? And the time before… and…”
“I thought it might be different.”
“Taako’s good at baking.”
“And you figured cake osmosis was a thing?” Sloane’s lack of sympathy would be hurtful if she wasn’t entirely correct.
“On reflection, it wasn’t the best idea I’ve had in my life.” An understatement, but he doesn’t have time to properly catalogue this error right now. It can haunt him when he’s lying awake at 3am for the rest of his life instead.
“How bad is it?”
“It’s not sentient.” He’s remaining optimistic.
“Yet…” She mutters.
“I gave it a bit and it seems fine.”
“Uh huh.”
“I know that’s what I said last time, but I really think it’s okay.”
“If I had a gold piece for every time…” Sloane begins.
“Please just help.” Kravitz must sound pathetic enough because Sloane just rolls her eyes, and smiles fondly.
“Okay, are you coming to me or am I coming to you?”
Kravitz holds up his non-scythed hand.
“I’m coming to you,okay. Gimme a minute and a me-sized rift?”
“Thank you.” Kravitz nods and splices.
There’s a shuffling noise and Sloane opens the door again.
“Why do you even have a hazmat suit?” Kravitz tries not to feel offended, he doesn’t succeed.
“It’s not a hazmat, that would be overkill, it’s a tyvek.”
“And you have it because?”
“Do you wanna know?” The distinct edge to her question tells him he definitely doesn’t.
“Is it for work?”
“The flower shop job?”
“Nope, and you said you don’t wanna know anything that you could be compelled to give up in a court of law so…”
“So I won’t ask any further questions and should instead be grateful that you’re coming to help save me and Taako’s worktops?”
“You got it on Taako’s worktops? Kravitz! I’m going to miss you.”
“I don’t know if he can kill me.”
“Here lies Kravitz…” Says Sloane as she steps through the rift. “... The bestest friend a gal could ask for. I’ll miss his ability to transport me without paying bus fare most of all.”
“Thanks Sloane, you always know how to make me feel better.” Kravitz says dryly.
“So you sure fucked this up, yeah?” Sloane looks around at the general devastation.
“The cake might be nice?” Kravitz points with a sticky hand.
“Mmhmm.” Says Sloane like she wants to believe him but can’t.
“But… it’s just… yeah…” He trails off.
“Have you tried anything yet?” 
“I can’t touch the tap.” Kravitz brandishes his free-hand. Tries for a second time to banish his scythe, fails. Maybe he doesn’t need to mention that specific issue to Sloane yet. “It’s really sticky.”
“Right. I’ll try water first. Do you have sponges you don’t care about?”
“As opposed to the sponges I do care about?”
“Hey, Kravitz, do you remember who you live with? The man who cares about nothing more than his kitchen and nearly broke up with you when you scrubbed the cast iron? You think he doesn’t have opinions about your sponges?”
She has a point. “There’s some in the garage.” He starts to move towards the door.
“No!” Sloane grabs the back of his suit and pulls. “You stay here, we need to keep the crime scene secured. By which I mean you specifically. Don’t move.
It’s a good point. Kravitz is going to stay so still. “I can’t quite remember where they…”
Sloane’s gone before he can finish and back too quickly for him to think about in depth. There’s definitely no reason for that which relates to her ability to case a joint.
“I’m going to try cold water first in case hot water makes it harden… or, you know, go on fire.” 
“That was one time!” 
“One time too many, Kravitz. One time too many.”
He opens his mouth and shuts it firmly again. The ‘gift to science’ defence doesn’t really work when he still doesn’t know how he did it.
Sloane dabs gingerly at the very edge of the worktop spatter. They both lean away in anticipation. Nothing happens. “No explosions is a good start.” She  says cheerfully, as she walks back to the sink. “I’ll test hot now.” She repeats the leaning, runs the hot tap directly onto the red spot on the sponge.
“Is it helping?”
She tries. “Nope.”
“How hard do you think it is to replace an entire kitchen and also me in… er…” Kravitz glances at the clock. “2 hours?”
“If anyone can do it’s Magnus. Well… maybe not you. You could ring your Mum?”
“She’s not my Mum.”
“Then why did I have to get my parents to call her before I was allowed to come play and why did I have to call her Mrs The Raven Queen when I came to visit?”
“That’s manners.”
“So anyway, call your Mum.”
“I’m not calling my Mum… I mean. Fuck. Sloane! Stop laughing! Can you help me ring Magnus?”
“Why can’t you…” Kravitz brandishes his hand again. “Ah. Fine. Where’s your phone?”
Kravitz swings a hip towards her.
She rolls her eyes. Hard. “It’s a good job I love you, you know that?”
“Like I haven’t earned this.”
“Hey, I’ve never…”
“Don’t make me bring up The Plantcident.” Kravitz side eyes her as she reaches for his phone.
“Urgh, you’ll never let me forget that, will you? I maintain it could have happened to anyone.”
“But instead it happened to you and I had to talk the bank manager down so he didn’t press charges.”
“It’s a good thing you’re so clean cut and know all the fancy words. Now, sssh... “Sloane holds his phone up to his ear.” … it’s ringing.” 
“Wait, how did you know my code?”
Sloane doesn’t answer, she just smiles unnervingly instead. Kravitz worries sometimes about how much and how little he knows her all at once.
Magnus picks up before Kravitz can ask any more ill-advised questions (because he definitely doesn’t want to know the answers to them.)
“Hello Magnus, I just had a quick…. Yes? Oh… yes… No of course I think he’s a very clever boy… No, it’s okay, you don’t have to put me on to hi… Hello Johann. Magnus says you did a very good job today. Well done… Magnus? … Magnus?... Johann, can you get Magnus?... …. … MAGNUS?” Sloane winces. Kravitz mouths a quick sorry her way. “Great! Magnus, I… No, don’t hang up, I rang because I had a question, you know the kitchen worktops? … Mmmhm, yeah, they’re incredible, how long did they take you to make?... Oh? A week? Wow… And that was quick?” Kravitz widens his eyes at Sloane, her face doesn’t give anything away. “... and if it was a rush order? Oh… it was? Wow. Yeah. Lots of intricate bits…. Mmm… yes, you’re right, it is a funny shape in here. Good point… okay, so if someone had say, for example, stained them, how would one go about getting that stain out?... No it’s not a sex thing!... Magnus!... Do you really want to know the answer to that?... I didn’t think so… Look, it’s a hypothetical question which I  need the answer to please?... Yes, haha, you’re right it is a good thing it’s hypothetical, Taako would be really upset yes, but if you could just tell me… you know, for the thought exercise, yes, right… It would depend on the stain? So if something was sticky and had food dye?... Magnus please, you have to focus… Okay… Yep… Water… nail polish remover… baking powder and vinegar… toothpaste… yes we’ll try that… yes of course hypothetically… no, please don’t tell him… Because nothing has happened. Everything’s fine. Sloane can tell you.” 
Kravitz gives Sloane a pleading look and she retracts the phone to speak to Magnus herself. “Hey Magnus, yep, all fine here… Ha, yeah, just playing a fun hypothetical game, you know how we do that… give my love to Julia and Johann... Yeah, thanks from both of us… Bye!”
“So water didn’t work, but we can try the nail polish remover and the toothpaste, and I’m fairly sure Taako has the baking powder and vinegar.
“Be right back.” Sloane’s gone before Kravitz can tell her where anything is.
He tries to un-summon his scythe again while he waits. Nothing happens. He tries again, double hard, it tries to leave, there’s a second where it might, but no. Stuck fast. The door creaks open slowly before he can try a third time.
“I didn’t even know it was possible to get magic stuck to you.” He sighs.
Sloane doesn’t reply.
There’s a skittering noise. No. Oh fuck no.
“SLOANE!” Kravitz yells, hoping she’ll hear him before whichever one of them it is can get themselves stuck too.
“Pss pss pss pss pss.” He keeps his arms well out of reach, and moves slowly towards the door.
It’s Tiny Taco, of course it’s Tiny Taco. 
“Hello there, why don’t you go back out into the hall? You can play with your toys and your friends. It’ll be so nice out there in the rest of the house, in literally any room but this room.” 
Tiny Taco struts confidently forward and rubs his head fondly against Kravitz’s legs. This is the most affection he has ever shown him. Kravitz fights the impulse to lean into it, it’s all part of the ploy. Maybe if he slowly shuffles towards the door?
“You yelled?” Sloane asks from the doorway?
Kravitz turns to look at her. It’s all the distraction Tiny Taco needs and he makes a break for it.
“No no no no no no no!” Kravitz tries to block him with his body, Taco dodges. “Sloane can you…?”
She tries, she does. She moves fast. It’s not fast enough.
Kravitz reaches out and grabs him.
“Kravitz!” Sloane thwacks her palm against her head. “You had one job and it was standing still.”
Taco’s already squirming in his hand, this is going to get ugly fast.
“Shout at me later. Help, please?”
Sloane sighs unnecessarily loudly. “I’m taking a photo.”
“What? Sloane, no.”
“Do you want my help or not?”
Kravitz knows better than to try and bargain with her. “Fine.”
Kravitz is not going to smile.
“Smile or I’m not helping.”
Kravitz smiles.
“Okay, what goes best with cat? Toothpaste?”
Taco wriggles again and digs his claws sharply into Kravitz’s arm.
“Ouch! Anything, just try.”
Sloane shrugs and brandishes the Aquafresh. “Brace yourself.”
It works, eventually. Kravitz has fresh scratches, but Taco has been pasted (and slightly snipped) clean and returned to the ‘anywhere but the kitchen’ exclusionary zone with enough Dreamies to buy his silence.
“One down. Shall we try it on the worktop or your hands first?” 
“The worktop’s more important.”
“Oh wait, your phone’s going.”
“Who is it?”
Sloane checks. “Taako. There’s a few missed calls too.”
Kravitz smiles as endearingly as he can manage. Surely Sloane wouldn’t stand in the way of speaking to his boyfriend, not after how much he helped when she was worried about telling Hurley. “Would you mind?”
“Fine.” Sloane holds the phone to his ear.
“Hello Taako! It’s so nice to hear from you, love, how’s your day going? … mmhm… incredible… I hope you told him off… Maybe not the words I would have used, but as you say, it’s your school… Another award? Congratulations! Very much deserved as far as I’m concerned… How am I? Oh you know, fine… My day? Nothing much, just missing you… You can’t fireball me through a phone dearest… No, actually I don’t think you should try, if anyone can it’s you..” 
Sloane prods him hard and makes a ‘wind it up’ gesture.
“Ow… I mean… How is your afternoon looking?... Wonderful… Anyway, I should let you go. I know you’re busy… No no, honestly… I’ll see you later, I know you have so much on… Love you… Goodbye, Taako!”
“Gross.” Says Sloane loudly.
“Shut  up, you love your girlfriend.” She doesn’t have a leg to stand on as far as Kravitz is concerned.
“Yeah, you’re not wrong… I was actually thinking of… Wait, now’s super not the time. Let’s try and fix… you know, all of this?” Sloane gestures to the whole of everything.
Kravitz nods.
The layer of toothpaste doesn’t have the same effect on the counter as it did on Taco.
“Nail polish remover?” Sloane asks.
“Yes, whatever you think.” Kravitz eyes the clock warily.
It doesn’t work either, although it does remove the toothpaste effectively.
“Vinegar explosion?” Sloane sounds more excited than he’d like her to about this option.
“Did Magnus say how much to use?”
“Nope!” She says, happily, shaking powder across the worktop.
“Maybe you should start with a test patch?”
“Uh huh.” Sloane looks him dead in the eyes as she pours vinegar over it all.
The fizzing is far more dramatic than it would be on a small scale, he’ll give her that. Especially when it turns red.
It’s unfortunate that it’s still going when they hear the door open.
“Home, I’m honey!” Taako shouts from the entrance hall.
“Hi Honey, I’m Kravitz.” Yells Kravitz, automatically.
Sloane stops watching the fizzening long enough to pretend to puke. Kravitz glares at her. He can be gross in his own home. Taako’s own home. He doesn’t live here. Obviously.
“Where are you, Kraveroo? … Oh, hey there hi hello, Taco, most precious baby angel, how’re you doing this fine d… KRAVITZ!” 
“Fuck.” Say Kravitz and Sloane in tandem. 
“I can’t believe he told, we gave him so many treats!” Sloane shakes her head.
“He hates me.” Says Kravitz, mournfully. “We should never have trusted him.” 
“Kravitz? Where are you and why have you given the cat a shit haircut?” Taako’s voice is hovering somewhere between pissed off and amused and Kravitz would love to be able to tip it over into the latter category. He can’t deal with being in any more trouble right now.
He widens his eyes at Sloane, sadly she’s doing the same right back.
“I feel like we’ve gotta let it fizz? That’s what’s doing the cleaning, right?” Sloane hisses.
“Yes. That sounds logical, but how do I?” Kravitz holds his free hand up.
“You could poke your head out through the door?” 
“He can’t see your hands if you’re just a head at the kitchen door.”
“Of course, thanks Sloane.” Kravitz makes it all the way to the door before realising his error. “Er…”
Sloane sighs heavily and dashes over to crack the door open before retreating to the counter.
“Hello my love.” Kravitz shouts, head poking into the hall and foot firmly wedged to stop the door opening any further.
Taako careens round the corner. “Why’re you in the kitchen?” His eyes narrow dangerously.
“I’m just doing something. A surprise.” 
Taako doesn’t look any less suspicious. “What’s that smell?”
“Surprise smell.” Kravitz smiles his most reassuring smile.
Apparently it’s less reassuring than he thinks because Taako disappears, and, if the “what the fuck?” From behind him is anything to go by, blinks into the kitchen.
“It’s not what it looks like!” Sloane’s hands are in the air and her head’s swivelling frantically, looking for escape.
“Cha’boy hasn’t a clue what it looks like… what the actual fuck is going on in here?”
“There may have been a slight incident.” Kravitz decides that there’s not many routes other than honesty left at this point.
“Slight?” Taako raises a single, reproachful eyebrow.
“It’s not all of the things. Just some of them.” Kravitz tries not to sound sulky, he does.
“Why’re you holding your scythe?”
“Why’re you red?”
“Did you try to bake?”
“No.” Kravitz replies before he can remember his plan to the tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. “I mean, yes. I did bake! The baking wasn’t the bit that went wrong. Look!” Kravitz points triumphantly at the cake.
Taako’s eyes soften for the barest moment. “It’s heart shaped.”
“It’s for you!” 
“And the red stuff?”
“I had to ice it.” 
“That you made from…?”
“I’m not actually entirely sure I remember.”
“Okay. Well first things first, Krav, Kraverino, beloved… you’re a skeleton. You, my guy, are made of bones. Meat you isn’t real.”
“Meat you isn’t real!” Sloane repeats. “I forgot.”
“Oh.” Kravitz unravels himself immediately and feels his scythe release into the ether, thank goodness. Not that he didn’t love it, but it’s a pain in the arse to lug around all the time, plus the drama of the reveal is always fun. “Thank you Taako.”
“Is this why you chopped Taco?” 
“There was an incident.” Says Sloane. “But I toothpasted him out.”
“And he only bit me twice!” Kravitz adds.
“See, cha’boy said you he was coming round to you!” Taako sounds genuinely delighted. To be fair, it is an improvement.
“So that’s one down.” Sloane says. “Just… this to go.”
“Have you tried, you know, magic?”
“Er…” There’s a long pause. A very long pause.
“I rifted to Sloane.”
Taako pinches his fingers at the bridge of his nose. “So just to clarify, neither of you, including you, handsome man, literally made of magic. tried any kind of mending, purifying,…” he lowers his hand to glance at the mess again. “... banishing?”
“Well…” Sloane starts, as if there’s any way to get them out of this.
“We rang Magnus!” Says Kravitz quickly. He can’t leave it all to Sloane.
“Ah, well if you rang Magnus, notoriously magical Magnus! Of course he would have thought to suggest all of the best wizardly crafts, he’s always casting spells, punch, chop, harder punch, Magical Magnus, we all call him.”
“Can you get rid of it?I think the fizzing has stopped now.” Sloane points at the still definitely-more-red-than-it-should-be counter.
“Can Taako get rid of it? This lowly idiot wizard? I suppose I can maybe see my way to trying, but what good could cha’boy possibly do against something so fearsome as icing?” Taako waves his hands dramatically. 
The red gets redder.
“Did… have you just made it stronger?” Sloane asks in disbelief.
“I meant to do that. It was just a warm up. Natch.” Taako’s voice doesn’t waver.
Kravitz tries very hard not to feel too smug. 
A small chunk disappears, but the rest remains just as vibrant.
“Fuck. That was high level too. Uh. Cha’boy’s out of ideas, have you called your Bird Mom, Krav?”
“She’s not my Mu…” 
Taako gives him a hard look. “Because, cha’boy’s just saying, these worktops, they’re good worktops, and it’d be a real shame if anything were to irreversibly stain them.”
“Taako, I can’t contact the god who oversees the natural order of life and death and ask her to take some time out to come fix… this.”
Taako raises an eyebrow.
Sloane gives him a look.
Kravitz snatches his phone back from her with his now blissfully un-gunked bone hands. “Fine, but I’m not communing, I’m texting.”
“She always rings you straight back anyway.” Taako says.
“Classic Mum behaviour.” Sloane adds.
Kravitz needs to spend less time with both of them, he refuses to be bullied like this.
His phone rings. “Hello M…y queen.” Kravitz glares at them both as they snicker. “We’re experiencing some issues with an, er, substance… No, not like that… No, we wouldn’t take anything that’s bad for us or the people around us… Thank you… Do you think there’s anything you can… yes. Yes, I know… I promise, this is the last time… I thought that maybe I’d be better… not just proximity… yes, okay, yes. Proximity… Thank you… I promise I won’t… I know I did, but this time I really mean it… Thank you very much… I love-you-too-bye.”
“What did your Mum say?” They chorus wearing their most pointed smiles.
“She’s going to have a look at it.” All of the fight has gone out of him. Kravitz has accepted his fate.
The counter shakes violently. Nothing happens.
It shakes again.
Kravitz’s phone rings.
He doesn’t want to answer. Less than anything does he want to answer, but he cannot ignore direct summons.
“Hello… yes… No… I can’t remember… I’m sorry… I don’t think… Okay. Yes. I’ll ask him…” Kravitz turns to Taako. “How attached are you to your kitchen?”
Taako narrows his eyes. “Very.”
“How would you feel if the counters had to be banished into a secure dimension?”
Taako’s mouth forms into a tight line.
“It may also not really be a question of whether you’re happy for it to happen or not because Raven checked with Istus and there’s a strand of fate which needs to be snipped right now…”
“So what you’re saying is that cha’boy’s losing a chunk of the kitchen he spent what feels like a century planning? That his best friend in the world hand crafted for him?” Taako presses his hand to his forehead and pretends to faint.
Kravitz opens his mouth and shuts it again. Guilt gnaws at him. He wants more than anything to fix this, but he doesn’t know how.
“Shall I tell Magnus you said he was your best friend?” Sloane asks.
“Take the counter.” Taako replies immediately.
“Taako, I’m so sorry.”
Taako smiles and waves his hand. “Honestly, Taako was bored of them.”
“Magnus hasn’t really been challenged lately. I think he needs this. We’ll do it as a favour to him.”
“Are you…?” 
“Honestly, Taako made the kitchen with himself in mind, but it’s not just cha’boy living here anymore, is it?” Taako waves his hand flippantly.
Kravitz pauses. “I… Taako.”
“Tell her to do it now.”
His tone leaves absolutely no room for disagreement, Kravitz gives the answer.
There’s a brief moment of nothing, enough time for Kravitz to chance a tentative look at Taako. He meets Kravitz’s eyes confidently, doesn’t even flinch as reality twists around them and there’s a gentle pop. Kravitz doesn’t need to check to know the counter is gone. 
Taako smiles at him.
“I’m gonna head out. Kravitz could you…?” Sloane asks.
He cuts the rift without looking at her. “Thank you for helping.”
It seals behind her.
“I’m sorry.” Kravitz says again, because he is.
“You made me a cake.” Taako says again.
“Yes.” Kravitz replies, because he did. Regardless of everything else, he did.
“Because you wanted to fuck my kitchen up?”
“No! I, look, you made the me the pastries.”
“The date ones?”
“Yes. The ones from home. You spent weeks working at it and you didn’t even have a recipe, just me trying to explain a taste I can barely remember.”
“And cha’boy nailed it.” Taako grins smugly and Kravitz loves him in all his brash confidence.
“You did. You really did.”
“So you decided I needed cake too?”
“No one ever bakes for you.” Kravitz says quietly.
“Ango did that one time.” 
“Yes, that’s true. But it’s been ages and they got set on fire, and no one else does. You deserve it. You deserve to be taken care of right back.”
“Hey, Krav. Quick question, just a teensy smidgey one. Who got the shoe organiser after cha’boy kept falling over them?”
Kravitz tilts his head, uncertain what this has to do with anything.
“Go on, don’t get shy on me, who did that?”
“Me.” Says Kravitz. He’d been sick of worrying that Taako was going to fall over and get lost in a shoe pile and need help when he wasn’t there to give it.
“And who actually puts the shoes on the shoe organiser when cha’boy forgets?”
“Me?” It’s not like he does it all the time, just now and again.
“And who got the cats those extra perches to go round the walls because I was worried they were bored?” Taako doesn’t wait for an answer. “Oh, yeah, that was you too.”
“Bones, you care for Taako in so many different ways, so leave the baking to the professionals because so help me fantasy Jesus if you wreck any more of our house.” 
“Our house?”
“Yeah. Now shut up and tell me what your perfect kitchen looks like so I can fix it.”
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messedupfan · 9 months
Taylor Sloane Draft (Might Not Continue)
A/n: Hello! I thought I'd share something from the drafts that I've kind of abandoned haha. So read at your own discretion that this is possibly all that you'll get from this story. But I am open to any and all ideas, so if you have one let me know in the comments, asks, or even my dms. Enjoy!
Taylor plays with the ring on her finger. She has just accepted a proposal from a man she didn’t love, but that was good for her image. She downs the rest of her champagne and makes a face. She didn’t enjoy the beverage at all, but it was an expensive bottle that he bought special for the occasion. Although it was a sham, he said it was still something to be celebrated. And he wasn’t wrong. Taylor Sloane was no longer going to just be known as a freelance photographer and social media influencer. She was going to be the fiancé of a respected actor who is at the height of his career. Which means that she is going to be getting a lot of attention once their publicists have the photos of their secret engagement “leaked” to the press. 
Looking out on the balcony of the restaurant, she can’t admire the view of the city much without being haunted by the memory of the first time she saw it. With you. It wasn’t at a fancy restaurant like this. No, back then the two of you could barely afford to splurge on McDonalds. It was after the first month of living in California. She was losing hope on ever getting an apprenticeship with a professional photographer. She hated the part-time job she had so she could help pay the bills. She was losing all hope of ever achieving her goals and chasing her dreams. 
 So, to cheer her up and help remind her where she is and of the endless possibilities, you grabbed her camera and drove her to the Hollywood sign. The two of you couldn’t actually get to the sign with security lurking around. But you could hike above it without getting into trouble. At the top of Mount Lee in the middle of the night, Taylor found inspiration again. You handed her the camera and she took a few different shots. She kissed you and thanked you well into the next morning. She truly loved you the best that she knew how. 
Taylor looks at the ring and scoffs. There was a time when she believed the only person to ever put a ring on her finger would be you. Now she was far from that ever happening today. It was rare for her to regret her decision. Until it came to moments like these that woke her up. That reminded her of what she lost on her way here. 
“I think this is going to be great,” Chris says as he joins her side. “Are you okay?” 
Taylor flashes a quick smile at him and moves her gaze back to the city. She knew you had to be living in one of the neighborhoods. But she couldn’t know for certain. The two of you lost touch a long time ago and she could never find you on social media. The mutual friends the two of you had together haven’t spoken to her in years because eventually Taylor blew them off as well. They were holding her back, is what she would tell herself anytime she missed any of them. Including you. “I’m going to be, just, this isn’t how I imagined my first marriage. Maybe second or third,” she quips. 
He laughs and looks down for a second, “I understand, and we still don’t have to go through with this. Y’know? It’s in the contract, we’re allowed to bow out at any point.”
“No, I’m not saying,” she turns her whole body towards him. “I’m okay. We’re going to make a great power couple for the next few years. And who knows, it might last longer than that,” she leans in to give him a kiss. He smiles against her lips. 
“I’m happy to hear that you want to make this work,” he kisses her back and brings her closer to him. “I never saw this for myself either but I think this will be the best decision of my career. Maybe even my life.” 
Taylor felt the exact opposite. She was already regretting this one so much. But she doesn’t show it. She hums as she kisses him again. She pats his chest and the two separate. 
After they go their separate ways for the night, Taylor goes driving around town. She doesn't really leave the house to explore anymore. Anytime she goes out it's only to promote a place that has paid her to be there. But tonight, for the first time in a long time, she doesn't want to do anything that will boost her image. That was well taken care of for now. 
“You really want to drive across the country?” You ask skeptically after Taylor presented her idea to you. Graduation was creeping closer and closer. The both of you hoped you would have access to more money by now. But life was too tempting and the “You only live once,” mentality wasn't financially beneficial. 
Taylor assumed she'd have access to her trust fund straight out of college but with the example she showcased to her parents in the past four years — not to mention how Nicky blew through his in a matter of months — the Sloane's only saw it fitting for Taylor to have to work a little harder for her money. She wasn't eligible for access until she was thirty-five. However, she could have it sooner if she got married and had a stable job. 
Taylor knows that you would have easily married her if she asked. But she didn't want that to be the story. Even if she never told you that was why. She would know and it would eat her alive because that's not what you deserved. 
Your parents gave you access to your money after you graduated high school. They thought you would be responsible with the money but with the spring break and summer vacation trips you paid for and the weekends spent in clubs, and the expensive dates and gifts that you would get for your girlfriend all started to add up and left you with barely enough to get you and Taylor something to rent in California. Not a nice place either. And there wasn't much left over to help the two of you get there. Not unless you drove across the country as Taylor has suggested.
“Come on, it could be an adventure,” Taylor boasts. 
You laugh because she was volunteering to sleep in the car packed with yours and hers belongings when she was known for refusing to sleep anywhere that wasn't a five star hotel. But you haven't seen her so willing to do something like this. “Okay, yeah, we could do it. As long as I’m not the only one driving.”
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