#thanks for reading<333
buckttommy · 2 months
do you know how deep you'd have to be in this fandom to know about the couch theory. do you know how many fucking layers you have to sift through to get to the theories, the fic. like. i keep saying oliver is here among us but he is LITERALLY HERE. AMONG US.
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itsmariejanel · 3 months
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in my soul, I've got this feeling, i didn't know until i seen ya
🌌 the new arc is coming, catch up here 🌌
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basketobread · 7 months
that weird little wrinklemouth expression you draw (like karlach saying "stinky") is SO funny, i just had to tell you because i love it and it's been making my partner and i lose it every time we see your art
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truth be told, i did not expect so many people to find it funny but i'm VERY glad that it could become my trademark DHFIUFDSDS its like my favorite thing to draw in the world
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guzhufuren · 1 year
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VegasPete + petplay text posts for @petesbubblebutt (pt. 33/35)
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bizarrelittlemew · 7 months
Five Birthdays and a Funeral
When Ed and Stede's friend groups merge, they meet at a birthday party, and Stede's life is turned upside-down. As they collide again and again, he not only has to figure out what Ed means to him, but what he means to himself.
Or: The five times Stede wasn't ready, and the one time he was.
6 chapters | ∾58k words | E | modern au | COMPLETE
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this has: 5+1 things (kind of) ◈ slow burn but they fuck ◈ right person wrong mental state ◈ pining while fucking ◈ canon-typical (lack of) communication skills ◈ dealing with depression and anxiety ◈ found family ◈ Nova the Cat ◈ ketchup bottles
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yaekiss · 1 year
#Mailroom Open! ── hey my darling <3 letter delivery for kaeya and i’d love to have a yandere w/nsfw reply back! any petnames are good with me, i promise <3 letter below the pink!
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“To my dearest, Kaeya,
It’s almost shameful how you have me wrapped around my finger. There’s only so much a man can do when you fill my mind, and even in work, I can’t help but imagine what you’d be doing, how you’d let me shower you with all the affection such a jewel like yourself deserves. A day spent without you feels sacrilegious nowadays with how you’ve carved your place into it.
How are you faring back in Mondstadt? It must be a chore with so little to do without me there with you, but I know the wine will always be sweet and the flowers always in their lively beauty (though it can’t compare to yours, I’m sure.) I hope you’ve kept an eye on Diluc: you know how he works himself, so have him take it easy every now and then. He runs the tavern you love so much, after all.
I can’t see you soon enough. May the gods bless me so that I can be back home sooner than I know.
— Your love”
( in a box containing the letter, there’s a bottle of regional wine intricately wrapped with a gold bow, alongside a bouquet and a lace choker. you know i had to do it <3 )
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꩜ Letter Content: Dom! GN! Reader x Yan! Subby! Kaeya, no gendered terms for reader, Kaeya calls you "my heart", mentions of alcohol, mentions of blood, unhealthy and obsessive relationship from Kaeya, lmk if I missed out anything ! ꩜ Delivery Notes: Phew! He sure replied fast, it's almost as if he knew you were sending a letter to him! :3c Anyways, I wonder what he replied with? ꩜ Wanna write a love letter yourself? Check out it out here!
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In return, Kaeya sends back a box as well, no bigger than the envelope stuck to the top of it. The deep royal blue envelope’s material is glossy and pearlescent, holding it under the moonlight produces a faint shimmer, one that reminds you of his eye.
Upon opening the letter, your senses are greeted by the waft of Kaeya’s perfume, the same one you gifted to him months back when you returned to Mondstadt from yet another arduous work trip. Eyes scanning over the contents of his reply, the words are written in outstanding but legible cursive, impressive penmanship (tsk, always a showoff). His love letter reads:
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“Addressed to my one and only,
Much thanks for the presents, my heart. You truly know my tastes, the wine was magnificent and went down smooth, almost impeccable. The only thing that could improve it was if you were there as well. I do so dreadfully miss you too, I find myself sighing whenever I reach out for your hand only to remember you’re away in Fontaine for work. Are you sure I can’t convince you to leave your job? I could take care of you, you’d never find yourself needing anything, other than me, of course.
I digress. Back to the subject at hand, Mondstadt is, well, the same as always. Nothing much to report about. My days are immensely duller without you around, obviously. Diluc’s still not much fun to be around but I suppose he’s been well, so no need for you to… (There’s some words scribbled out here with a squiggly doodled arrow pointing to it, saying “Ignore this! :)”) fret over him at all.
It’s just that… I can’t bear to be away from you, my heart. You say I have you wrapped around my finger but it seems to be the opposite. Since you entered my life, it was as if you were Orpheus: coming to rescue me, but unlike the tragedy, I won’t lose you, and you won’t lose me. Not even the gods above could keep me from you. Not one moment does my mind stray from the thought of you and how I need you close by and the way I can’t bear to… (The words are scribbled out again, this time it’s messier, shaky lines uncharacteristic of his usual neat strokes. Another squiggly arrow points to the dark mass of ink, saying “Ignore this too! :)”)
All I want to say is, we are much closer than you might think, my heart. I’ll keep this short, I’d hate for you to bore of me.
Counting down the days till we truly meet again,
- Kaeya Alberich -
P.S. I have a picture in the box reserved for your eyes only, enjoy ♡”
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Removing the lid of the box, a vial on a gold chain catches your eye, it glistens, almost as if beckoning you to wear it immediately. Its contents are a deep red and swishing it around reveals how it clings to the sides of the bottle. Not wine then. There’s a tag hanging from a ribbon tied around the clasp, in Kaeya’s signature handwriting it reads, “So I’ll always be around my heart.” Flipping it around, there’s 2 reddish-brown thumbprints on the back, stamped so that it looks like a heart. 
After putting the accessory on, you move on to pull out a smooth card stock from the bottom of the box. How scandalous. The cavalry captain is shown, knees tucked under him on the bed as he’s clad in lacy white lingerie, hands on the sheets in front of him as his arms push his tits up to accentuate them. A white garter belt wraps around his thigh and fuck, the tip of his cock is peeking out of the sheer ivory fabric, precum already drooling from his slit. The bouquet you gifted him is in the shot as well but what really draws your attention are the dribbles of wine cascading from down his lips to his chest, staining some of the white lace a deep crimson. To top it all off, he’s wearing the lace choker you sent him, how obedient!
However, the more you look at the photograph, the more off putting the atmosphere becomes. The background looks suspiciously like the rooms of the hotel you’re currently staying at. The lighting is the same hue. The furniture matches up too. Everything is strikingly similar, right down to the carpeting. Squinting, you can just about make out the room number on the keys captured in the shot.
It’s the room next door.
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Thanks for reading! Consider supporting me on kofi if you enjoyed this or check out my other works hehe ♡
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acekindaneat · 6 months
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an evil spirit and an ex-terrorist getting along? mayhaps.
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kuni-kuun · 27 days
I wanted to write it for a while because I can't explain how much I love your arts 💔 Your arts brought me into kunizai and because of this I started writing my first one shot about them but anyway!!! I really adore your arts and they way how you draw Kunikida, he's so pookie in your style ❤️
And also happy birthday because I saw your post on twt!! ❤️❤️
I hope you guys are aware of how happy and flattered i feel when i receive messages like this <33 people saying i got them into kunizai makes me giggle and kick my feet,, its just so silly That i just decided to draw them for fun one day and now have the silliest community ever :))
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And also thank you for the birthday wishes!
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this appeared in my head as i was reading your essay and wouldnt leave me alone until i made it
THIS IS AMAZING??? and this is a canon fact btw!!! i would know i was there in the boardroom when alhaitham and kaveh were designed, i was the table <333
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losersimonriley · 2 months
At the tail end of a long, grueling mission that had them run around half of Eastern Europe, Laswell had given Ghost and Soap three days of leave before they'd be flying back home. She'd even booked them a hotel in a tiny spa town for two nights. Yet even though they arrived early in the day, Soap was still exhausted enough from the mission to just let Ghost handle the check in.
Something was off, though, when Ghost returned to him. He could tell by the square set of his shoulders and the slight frown on his brows. Even without his usual balaclava, his hood and face mask hid most of Ghost's expressions from inexperienced viewers.
"Good news: Laswell's paying for two dinners each at the in house restaurant. It's supposedly very good," Ghost reported.
"And the bad news?"
Ghost subtly shifted his weight. "Only had rooms with double beds left."
"You mind sharing?" Soap raised his eyebrows.
"Nah. Thought you might."
"Nah. Let's get up to our room then. I'm right knackered from the trip."
Ghost rolled his eyes at the phrasing, but didn't comment on it. When Soap punched his shoulder to signal go time, he obediently followed to the elevator.
As forewarned, the room only had one bed. But at least it was the softest, most cloud like bed Soap'd ever had the pleasure of sitting on. He wanted to immediately lie down and never get up. First things first, though.
"Mind if I take the first shower?"
Ghost shrugged. "Feel free. Thought I'd have a look around town. Find the spa. Try the public fountains. Look at the local attractions. Tourist shite."
"Have fun. I'll cover home base while you're out on recon, then."
Ghost huffed out a small laugh as he turned to leave the room.
Soap hopped into the shower for a quick wash, dried himself off with extremely fluffy towels and then got himself comfortable in the bed. He'd planned on a quick nap, but when he woke up again, it was because someone had chucked a paper bag at his head. It smelled deliciously like baked goods.
"Got you lunch, Sleeping Beauty."
"I'd be so mad at you for waking me like that," Soap said as he sat up and bit into the bun that'd smacked him in the ear. "If this weren't so good."
"Up for an afternoon trying all the healing springs? The park is twenty minutes from here and has at least ten different fountains with different properties. Maybe one can cure stupid."
"Maybe one can cure being a dick."
"You'll never know."
They spent the afternoon together trying the water from every single fountain in the park. It had clearly been built sometime in the nineteenth century, Soap pointed out, citing the architecture and decorations. The water was various kinds of salty. More than half the fountains were claimed to have uranium in the water, a fact that led both Ghost and Soap to come up with more and more outrageous movie mutations caused by too much of the spa water. Dinner at the hotel's restaurant was fantastic. The chef didn't skimp on the fat, nor on the herbs and spices.
Soap had almost forgotten about the bed in their room by the time they got ready for bed. "I can still sleep on the floor, LT."
"Dunno." Soap shrugged. "Thought it might be weird to you."
"'s not." Ghost took off his boots, stripped down to his undershirt and briefs before he slipped under the covers. "Fuck. 's like a cloud in here."
Quickly, before either of them could change their mine, Soap undressed and got into bed as well. His hammering heart forced him to keep a fair distance between himself and Ghost.
"Figured you'd be a cuddler," Ghost mused.
"That an offer?"
"Mh." Under the covers, Ghost reached out to pull Soap closer to him. "Don't mind if it's you."
Soap swallowed. He let himself be pulled against Ghost, head resting on a broad chest, hand over a heart that was beating it's staccato rhythm in tandem with Soap's own.
"G'night, Simon," Soap whispered, not trusting his mouth to say more.
"Night, Johnny."
When he woke up the next morning with his Johnny sprawled out on top of him, with his breath hot against his bare neck, Ghost was immensely glad he'd convinced the hotel clerk to give them a room with a double bed. Even if it was just for one more night, he'd treasure this closeness for the rest of his life.
This felt like getting tucked into a comfy warm hotel bed of my very own <3 I hope everyone else enjoys this cloud bed as much as I do god BLESS
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nonbinary-thot · 6 months
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Imagine riding Husband Nanami!, he would have his big hands on your hips, guiding you up and down, whispering breathy praises in your ear.
"doing s'good for me, darling.." he would whisper, licking a strip up the back of your ear, one of his hands sliding up to pinch your puffy and sore nipples from when he was harshly sucking and licking them.
Husband Nanami! Loves to pinch your clit when you accidentally moan to loud, trying to help you conceal your moans so you don't get a noise complaint from your apartment manager. He just cares so much for you, he would never want you to get kicked out <3 (he secretly does though, he wants you to move in with him, so he can take care of you forever)
Husband Nanami! Is the best at aftercare, he would clean his cum off you with a soft wet rag, singing praises as he does. He would run a nice hot bath for you, with bath salts and lit lavender candles. (I soul-y believe he loves the smell of lavender) *he would help you get in the bath and bring you your favorite snacks, and even get in the tub with you <3 he's quite big, so you end up sitting on his lap <33
Husband Nanami! Is the standard guys <33
Reposts are appreciated !! (Eat these up cuties!! I have more c(u)ming!!
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angelizs · 1 year
[Octopus piercing - Jade Leech]
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Summary: Hand slipping down from his cheek to his chin, you pull away to take in the whole picture. Jade, octopus piercing covering his whole ear, skin flushed a delightful shade of light pink, eyes looking at you the whole time, entranced. 
Notes: gn!reader, based on the early concept of punk Jade, in this household we like flustered Jade who's down bad while also being a tease, now I'm certain he had a punk phase at some point and still has the piercings!
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"Oh? What's this?"
Your voice rings out in the otherwise silent room, being quickly replaced by the sound of clinking metal.
Jade turns his head around your direction, tilting it to the side in interest. If you had been looking at him, you might have noticed the ever so slight widening of his eyes as he realizes what you found (you always do, as attentive to his expressions as he is with yours), but alas, something else had caught your eye.
It's as if the air in his bedroom stilled and time had stopped for a moment as you lift up your hand to look closer at your finding. He watches attentively, wanting to drink in your reaction.
You don't disappoint (you never do). Your lips part as you let out a breath of amazement, your eyes shining as they reflect the light of the jewel. Something so simple managed to mesmerize you. Your fingers delicately, as if afraid they could break it, toy around it, spinning it from one side to the other, taking in the texture and the coldness.
Jade gets so deep in watching you he almost forgets his comeback. Almost.
"Prefect, you shouldn't mess with other people's things, it's not very polite."
You turn to him, making him feel exhiliration tickle down his spine from having your attention on him, your humorous smile directed at him and only him. 
"You didn't seem to share the sentiment a few months ago, huh?" You refer to the little... incident with Azul's contracts at the end of the year. It was all water under the bridge now, but you still liked to tease them about it.
"These were very different situations, wouldn't you say?" 
For emphasis, he lowers his voice and slides to the side you're seated on his bed, his leg touching yours and his face close enough you could count his eyelashes if you wanted to, but not enough for his nose to touch yours. 
There's a hitch in your breath, so quiet that if it was anyone else they would have missed it. Jade doesn't. His smile turns more genuine at the corners.
"No, I don't think so." 
Instead of trying to get away, you stay where you are, attracted like a moth to the flame. Your hand comes between your faces, putting the object of your fascination in display.
It was an octopus tentacle piercing, one that would curl around the top of the ear and pass through the earlobe. It was quite detailed, with all the suction cups carefully craved in silver.
"It's beautiful. I didn't know you had other earrings."
There it is, that curious look in your face, the one that promises to deliver endless entertainment. He decides to indulge you to see where you're heading with it, although he already has an inkling.
"That must be because I only use this one nowadays." He touches the signature scales earring he's using. "But there was a time I was still experimenting with my appearence. I suppose I couldn't bring myself to get rid of them."
"It's a bit hard to imagine you using anything other than this one, but..." Your gaze turns to the octopus earring, evaluating it, before sliding to his face again. Jade feels as if he was being examinated from the inside out, as if you could investigate his very soul from the intensity of your stare. "I think this one would look pretty good too."
"Shall we check?" 
His fingers do quick work of taking off the backing and pulling his current earring away from his ear, leaving it bare. He puts it on the nightstand and turns around, exposing his side to your ministrations.
You stare for a second, caught of guard. "May I?"
"Of course, go ahead."
You hesitate for a second longer, hearing him let out an amused huff of laughter, before your fingers approach him. You tuck the longer strand of black hair behind his ear to give you space to work. In the process, your warm hand brushes against it, making him shiver. 
Taking your time, you let your touch ghost his cold skin, captivated by such a rare chance to be so close to his space. You notice, for the first time, that there are more little holes alongside it, where other piercings might have been before. The image you conjure in your head is charming enough to make you smile.
The pad of your thumb strokes his earlobe before you insert the post and screw the back, holding it in place and sliding the cuff to hook it on his upper ear. 
Your hand stays in place as you admire your work, rubbing the helix absentmindedly. You hum, your other hand cupping his cheek to turn his head in your direction so you could see how it looked.
"Something's wrong?" You whisper, noticing how he feels warmer under your touch.
Jade's pupils look slightly blown when his eyes meets yours. "Go on." It comes out in a rushed breath. 
Humming once more, your smile widens. "As you wish." 
Hand slipping down from his cheek to his chin, you pull away to take in the whole picture. Jade, octopus piercing covering his whole ear, skin flushed a delightful shade of light pink, eyes looking at you the whole time, entranced. 
"What's the veredict?"
"I was right, you know. It does look good."
"Is that so?" There's something to his tone, something you can't quite name.
You turn his head around, enjoying the thrill you get when he complies and lets you do as you please.
"Actually, maybe I wasn't."
At this, he turns around by himself, a calculating look on his face, trying to guess what you where going to say. He catches up just before the words leave your mouth, but it doesn't make them any less enjoyable to say.
"It's more than good. You look lovely."
The sincerity in his answering laugh is elating.
"You flatter me, prefect. If this is the reaction I'll get, then I might change around my looks more often."
"There's more, right? I'd like to see them too!"
The pleased glint in Jade's expression turns into mischievousness as he pulls away from you, moving to get up.
"Perhaps another time. This would take time I can't afford without risking running late to my shift at Mostro."
"C'mon! Just one more!" You hold his arm before he can move out of your reach, looking through your lashes at his towering form. "Please?"
Sighing, he concedes. "If you insist so much, I suppose we could look at another one." You cheer, pulling him back to where he was, already looking through his other piercings in the drawer. "For a price, naturally."
You only deadpan at him, earning an amused chuckle.
"My, my, what's with that face? Can you say you weren't expecting it?"
"Of course I was, it is you after all. What will it be then?"
A sharp grin exposing his teeth blooms. Most would be scared by it, but the only thing passing through your mind is how this expression goes quite well with this new piercing.
"Not backing down? Very well. How about you participate in this week's Mountain Lovers Club meeting?"
"Deal." There's not even a moment to blink before you agree. Truly, you didn't mind going on his club meetings. In fact, they were very enjoyable most of the time, and if that would make him happy you could sacrifice a few hours from your day. Besides, you were having a lot of fun with your new discovery. "Now, how about this one?" 
You show him the piercing you chose, a little fish skeleton that looked cheaper than the other one. You thought it would look quite cute.
"This was a gift from Floyd, so I'm rather fond of it." You can tell it's true from his softer tone. "We have a deal, you can go ahead."
Letting you have full access to his ear once more, you explore the options where you could put this new piercing. Since the other one covered a good part of the available space, you decided to insert it on the helix, where they wouldn't clash.
You carefully hold it on one hand while your other supports his ear. It's almost reverent the way you insert it, treating it like it was a precious jewel, watching intently as it pierces the skin and appears on the other side, nimble fingers screwing it in place.
Like before, you take his chin between your thumb and index finger, taking in the sight of him. Your lips pout as you think, his eyes darting to stare at them as if in a trance before quickly glancing back to meet yours.
"If feels like there's something missing..." You mumble, thinking out loud. "Oh! Maybe if I just..."
Without further explanation, your free hand combs his hair backwards, messing with it enough to get a spiky look that could rival his twin's. The strand of black hair you had tucked behind his ear gets loose, only half of it staying in the place you left.
Thumb gently rubbing his skin, you push his face away. The messy hair alongside the piercings made him resemble a delinquent. If it wasn't for his awestruck expression, Jade would look quite intimidating. 
"There you go! You look great!"
A second passes where he just stares at you, as if taking this moment in and commiting it to memory, before there's a signature smile adorning his face.
"I trust you did a good job then."
"Nah, you already did before, I just tweaked with a few things here and there."
The amused huff of breath he lets out warms your fingertip. You feel your cheeks getting hotter. 
"I see. In this case, thank you for your assistance. Hopefully Azul will be able to appreciate this new look as much as you do."
Imagining Azul's reaction to his usual put together employee going to work with such a carefree look makes you chuckle.
"I have no doubt that he'll love it. Not as much as I do, but close enough."
"That's a relief, seeing as I have to go now in order to not get late." 
He gets up again and extends his hand to you. You take it, letting him help pulling you up to your feet, standing so close you're pressed against his chest. You can feel his hum resonate through it. Your arms embrace his torso to keep you balanced.
Before you can make a comment, his hand holds your chin, mirroring the position you were in minutes ago, while his other tousles your hair.
"I enjoyed our time together, it's truly too bad it had to be cut short. Let's meet up another time for you to look at the other piercings, yes? There are quite a lot of them, after all."
"I'd like that." You close your eyes to enjoy his touch, leaning into it.
"I'm sure you do." Jade's teasing actions turn softer as he starts to stroke your hair affectionately. "I'll look forward to our next meeting, prefect." 
His tone makes you open your eyes to peek at him. It sounds far too tender, far too sincere. His smile betrays nothing of his thoughts, but you know he said the truth. 
"Me too. Make sure to prepare a special activity for the club meeting since you'll have a special guest!"
"I'll do my best to keep you entertained, don't you worry. I'm sure you'll enjoy what I have planned."
"You sure know how to make someone curious." You tease, hoping he'd give you a hint at what he had planned, but no luck.
"I'm afraid you'll have to wait and see."
You sigh exaggeratedly. "That I'll do." 
"I promise it'll be worth the antecipation. Now, I truly must get going." 
Leaning down while his hand combs your hair backwards, his lips leave a fleeting touch on your forehead, an almost kiss that leaves you wanting more.
"Until we meet again, dear."
With that, he leaves the room in quick strides, leaving you alone to process what happened. Your hands shoot up to your forehead as you splutter, trying to get your thoughts in order. 
Just what was that?
Sighing, you decide you'll have to wait until the mountain lovers club meeting to confront him. It's shaping up to be quite an eventful day and you can feel your excitement bubbling up.
Jade sure knew how to keep someone on their toes.
Glancing one last time at the nightstand, the light catching on his scales earring laying there innocently, you leave to go to your dorm.
Your thoughts turn to the mental picture of Jade, flushed face and blown pupils, messy hair and piercings on his ear. Involuntarily, your lips shape into a giddy smile. 
There was a jewellery shop at the island's city, right? Maybe you'd take a look at which piercings they had next time you go run errands.
"Azul! Jade's here!" Floyd's excited giggle rings out in the otherwise silent office as he opens the door with a bang.
"Finally! I was starting to think he forgot about his shift..." Azul trails off as he takes in the sight before him.
Right next to a smiling Floyd was Jade. His outfit was in perfect condition and his posture was as formal as always. Still, Azul couldn't stop staring at the different hairstyle and piercings he was using.
There was a time when they were first years and very new to living on land in which Jade decided to experiment with his appearence. He got a lot of piercings and cut his hair in what could be known as a "punk hairstyle", contrasting terribly with his buttlerly personality. He seemed to find it very amusing, but after getting in trouble with the teachers for breaking the dress code and getting bored of the usual reactions he'd get from the other students, he decided to take them off and let his hair grow, going back to his usual look.
So it was quite a shock to see them making a comeback, although in a much tamer way than how he used to be.
"What... what has brought this back?" Truly, Azul thought he'd gotten used to the twin's antics by now and couldn't be surprised anymore, but they always found a way of surpassing expectations. 
"Yeah, I wanna know too! When I asked you to put them back you just ignored me." Floyd pouts, crossing his arms and slouching dejectedly.
"It's a long story, but it started when the prefect and I were studying in my room..."
"Wait, you know what? You can stop right there, I don't want to know. Please just get to work." Azul sighs, massaging his temples.
Whenever Ramshackle's prefect was involved, there surely was some crazy story following, and they were already behind schedule as it was.
"Of course, as you wish." Jade agrees with his usual polite smile, but no one in the room was fooled by it. They both knew he was extremely amused by their curiosity. 
"Awn, I wanted to know." Floyd complains, whining. 
"Perhaps I'll tell you another time. Right now, let's get to work, shall we?"
With a groaning Floyd in town, Jade walks out of the door as if nothing was amiss. Azul simply accepts that he'll have to deal with this new development and decides to have a talk with the prefect later. Not that it would change much of anything. When Jade had his mind set on something, he didn't stop until he was satisfied, and for some reason or other he seemed to be interested in experimenting again.
The Octavinelle dorm leader could only wonder what had caused this sudden interest.
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albaqae · 10 months
Ppl: what’s that little white hippo
Me: just moomin! :)
Me in my head: the Moomins was a series of characters created by tove jansson sometime in the duration of WWII as a way to cope with the world’s lack for childlike wonder, it then surpassed multiple interpretations and adaptations, starting with the original books, then some animated series(part of these being the 90s moomins), there was also the felt Moomins and the stop motion Moomins at this time. Later on tove jansson did weekly comics starring the Moomins for a few years to support herself, because although the Moomins caught popularity, her income wasn’t stable, however after a about three years burnout caught up and she did a last Moomin book, which curiously omits the presence of the Moomin family! Instead they’re referenced through the perspective of surrounding characters trying to find solutions to their problems. The Moomins franchise has been most popular in Japanese and Finnish populations, however around 2020 it caught onto the western scene, most likely because of the pandemic causing a bigger need for comfort. Curiously, the Moomins is consistently compared to Ghibli movies, most likely because of it’s themes, how magic works, soothing soundtracks, character dynamics and overall wholesomeness met with intriguing plots. To this day a Moomin series continues, although currently hard to access from the U.S., it’s popularity hasn’t at all suffered. Many queer audiences also relate to the Moomins, as many characters tend to have queer subplots, many believe it could have been very much intended, considering Tove herself was a lesbian, or as she called it “full spook side”. Examples of this can be found on how all hemulen use dresses no matter their gender and moomin’s friendship with snufkin. It’s also connected with many neurodiverse individuals who find themselves kinning the most recent version of the snork, as well as the nature of Hemulens following a very similar script of a ‘special interest’. Overall, no matter where you are from and who you are, there’s bound to be a character that makes you feel seen.
In this essay I will
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slyandelusive · 6 months
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Roommate fate.
Summary: you find happiness in the form of your mothers intern. Tigris Snow x Whatnot!reader (Fabricia Whatnot’s daughter).
Fic note: I made Fabricia Whatnot act nicer towards Tigris in this than how she does in the actual book, also according to the thg wiki the currency in Panem in “panars” so that’s what I used when talking briefly about money in this. Speaking of money reader is completely unaware of the Snow’s financial situation but it’s hinted that Fabricia knows.
A/N: Posting this then legging it lmao💀🏃‍♀️ I had so much fun writing this but in the same breath it’s been years since I tried my hand at writing fics so yeah, I’m not claiming to be Shakespeare here haha. I have proof read this but sometimes mistakes slip through and if that happens here rest assured I’ll realise at some point, be consumed by embarrassment and then fix it. Hope you like this even if it’s just a little bit, mwah! <3
Also the bottom lace divider was made by @plutism :)
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It was hot and humid and you could hear her breathing.
It’s three months to the day since your mothers intern, Tigris Snow, had moved into your family home. Your mother had told you about the plan for Tigris to move in as casually as ever while at dinner, you can still remember how the hot tomato soup felt stuck in your throat as you began to cough in surprise. You had no idea why your mother would offer such a thing to a Snow, your family was far from poor but with your mother gaining her riches after the dark days you were classed as new money, why would a Snow want anything to do with that?
Your mother said it was nothing to worry about, that it was to do with some stylist guidance thing but the last thing you wanted was for her to accidentally offend a Snow.
You didn’t know what to think when it came to Tigris but she turned out to be kind, kinder than you ever expected. You hadn’t known her too personally before she moved in, only ever seeing her trailing after your mother or sat at a desk in your mothers studio completely engrossed in whatever was in front of her, you were convinced you could tap dance around her when she was in that state and she wouldn’t even turn her head. The night your mother told you about this arrangement you went to bed thinking about every time you’d heard someone describing the Snows as uptight and cold, you’d recounted every story, every rumour in your head before you made yourself snap out of it, your final thought about Tigris before she moved in was that if anything, you had to at least give the girl a chance.
The first month with Tigris was coated with a sense of giddiness, each time either of you saw the other it was like you were first years at school again, eager to make friends, eager to be comfortable and eager to know everything about the other.
You were out when Tigris first arrived but your mother was there to greet her and told her to make herself at home. Tigris got as settled as she could in a room that wasn’t originally hers, when she entered she was met with two seemingly untouched beds, she poked around enough to find that the oak chest of drawers had two left empty for her and the wardrobe also had room made for her. She stood in the middle of the room slowly turning trying to get a feel for it, her eyes fell upon two desks, one covered in books, notes and pens and the other touched only by a lollipop and a fashion magazine, Tigris smiled hard as she picked up the sweet and flicked through the magazine, she’d like it quite nicely here.
Unbeknownst to Tigris she had set up camp in the bed that was already yours. You returned home in the afternoon and as you walked into your bedroom ready to greet your new roommate you tried not to falter too much as you saw her sat on your bed painting her nails, you decided to go with it not wanting to make her uncomfortable or embarrassed in a situation that was probably harder for her.
As you walked into your room that night ready to go to bed you were ever so slightly taken aback seeing Tigris asleep in the bed that was bought for her, as you walked up to your bed you found a not laying on your pillow,
“You should’ve said this bed was yours and I would’ve switched sooner! Thank you for not being mad about it.”
The note was written in pink ink and she’d drawn a smiley face and a little butterfly at the end of it. You’d find out the next morning your mother had mentioned in passing how you loved staring out of that window watching whatever the world was offering, she said she couldn’t believe you’d given it up and that was when Tigris realised it probably wasn’t intentional.
Her note had left your mind till a few days later when you found that it had fallen down by the side of your bed, you picked it up and slipped it in a small trinket box not realising Tigris was watching you and not seeing the grin that graced her lips when she saw that your were keeping it.
After creating a foundation of stability the pair of you spent the second month exchanging every silly secret you’d ever kept. If you were getting paid every time one of you whispered “hey, you still awake?” across the bedroom you’d be accused of stealing from the Cranes, Tigris and you would stay up till stupid hours in the morning, till you had to relight the candles, talking about anything and everything, you both had the matching eye bags to prove it.
You liked talking to Tigris, she spoke like how you’d imagine a swan would if they could talk, her voice was soft and elegant, she spoke so gently yet still with so much conviction it made your head feel fuzzy. She’d give you her full attention when you were talking too, sometimes she’d look at you so intensely it’d make you forget what you were talking about completely.
All of that lead you to now, the third month came and plagued your mind with thoughts of why is it so hard to figure out if a girl likes girls and why does straight up asking a girl if she does paint your intentions out so obviously. It’s currently June making nighttime the sticky type of hot where you feel like you have to peel the sheets off of you if you even dare to use them, you’d spent around an hour tossing and turning before admitting you weren’t getting sleep any time soon, you decided on going to get something to eat, you know just incase tiredness could come in form of snacks.
You tiptoed out of your bedroom, careful not to wake the lucky Tigris who appeared to be sleeping and began to make your way down to the kitchen, now stood at the counter pooling jam onto your plate and trying to figure out which cheese you wanted before allowing yourself to think deeper. Far too much was at stake here, if Tigris didn’t feel the same and was uncomfortable about it not only would you lose a friend but she might want to stay away from you completely meaning your mother would lose her intern. You sighed and once more let your thoughts be consumed by sweeter things as you started slicing a peach.
Your eyes were focused solely on your plate as you made your back up the stairs and into your room, opening the door slowly trying to minimise both the creaking noises and the chance of you dropping your plate. Once inside you made a beeline to your bed not caring to look anywhere else, you sat with your head resting against the wall as you stared out your window, looking to see which neighbours still had their lights on, at the skipping ropes left on the curb by kids and the slightly drunk man that had tripped over them.
You were mindlessly reaching for a peach slice, eyes still on the window making your movements look somewhat robotic when a voice startled you.
“You not gonna share?” Spoken out of nowhere your head banged off the wall slightly before you snapped it to the other side.
“Jesus Christ Tigris!” You exclaimed in a rushed whisper, a scream kept stuck in your throat.
“What? Surely your mother told you sharing is caring and how to properly treat a guest.” Tigris stated casually with a small grin adorning her face.
“You’re not funny Tig.” Shaking your head as you spoke but holding no true offence in your voice.
Tigris let out a stifled laugh and threw her head back. “Actually I’m very funny, I’m a very funny person that wants in on your picnic.” Grinning again as she manoeuvred her way down the bed closer to you.
You rolled your eyes but shuffled down your bed too, holding the plate out and letting her take her pick. Tigris pulled away with the apple you’d already bitten, a slice of buttered bread and a sugared shortbread biscuit, you swatted at her hand as she stuck two fingers in the pile of jam you made and laughed.
You fell back into your regular routine of talking, well whispering, about whatever came to mind. Had you heard about the new drama with the Plinth prize? That a bakery had started charging nine panars for just one pastry? Or what about that man that’d dyed his hair for different colours had you seen him!? You told her about the drunk man you saw earlier and your night carried on with mindless questions.
“Hey I heard Festus Creed asked you on a date and you turned him down what’s all that about?” The line of questioning took you off guard even though it was spoken like every one of Tigris’ previous questions.
You stuttered slightly before fidgeting with the ends of your blanket in front of you and answering. “Oh uhm nothing really he’s just not my type.”
“What too young?” Tigris’ tone was still casual but slightly teasing, looking you directly in the eye.
“Yeah that and I’m not all that into guys.” You pushed the sentence out of your mouth fast enough before your mind convinced you not to, that decision was made on a mix of lack of sleep and not wanting to lie to her.
“Oh.” Her voice was somehow softer and she gulped slightly before replying. Tigris’ face was painted with confusion like she was expecting you to say anything but that.
“Oh?” Your voice held a sense of urgency, you licked your bottom lip to stop yourself from biting at it.
“No no no that’s like really uhm cool.” Tigris sat up as fast as she was speaking, head nodding in tow.
You let out a small snicker before speaking “It’s cool?” Your eyebrows were scrunched and your mouth had turned up into a grin.
“Super cool.” Tigris spoke like she was a high biology professor stating a proven fact.
Your hushed laughter filled the room you nodded in a agreement “Super cool.”
“Exactly.” Tigris voiced, you’d never seen her smile like this before.
Silence fell over the pair of you once again, Tigris lay back down and your attention returned to you plate, you both took turns trying to sneak glances at each other and then try to hold back your laughter when one of you would catch the other.
You were almost done with smothering the last bit of jam onto your last piece of bread when Tigris spoke up again.
“So, is there a girl you have your eye on?” Tigris spoke slowly, testing the waters.
The question caught you off guard, not wanting to look like a fool but also not wanting to misinterpret what Tigris was talking about.
“Uh well I’ve heard Vipsania Sickle’s older sister is recently single.” You gulped slightly before speaking and returned your attention back to your jam after stopping.
“You’d go out with a Sickle girl!” Tigris somewhat exclaimed, voice still held to a whisper but her shock was evident. The lengths the pair of you would go to to not wake up your mother!
“Yeah why not, I heard her family has their own box at the theatre and I’ve always loved the ballet.” You nodded your head to left, motioning toward your desk that held a stack of old tickets.
Tigris was left to think and the silence resumed, you finished your last bit of bread and situated yourself back laying down in your bed, ready to give sleep another go. Around twenty minutes passed before the last interruption of the night came.
“Hey y/n.” Tigris spoke softly
“Yeah Tig.” You whispered back
“If things don’t take off with that Sickle girl, I’d love to take you out some time.” Tigris spoke again before you could reply. “You know cause we’re both super cool girls that like super cool girls.”
You laughed in response at first, a laugh that felt like summer, more like a happy giggle.
“Yeah I’d like that a lot Tig.” You thanked your lucky stars that there was enough street light gleaming into your room so you could see the way Tigris smiled and laughed too.
“You just run your plans past Sickle and I’ll be here waiting.” Tigris proclaimed with the teasing tone back in her voice, nodding her head and pointing her finger at you, you both knew you’d never speak to Vipsania’s sister for anything romantic again.
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weemssapphic · 11 months
do you get deja vu when she’s with you?
Larissa Weems x reader
“The truth is that you’ve always gravitated towards Larissa - always turning towards her like a sunflower turning to face the sun, as though you need to bask in her light to survive (you are honestly starting to think you might).” Or A collection of scenes post-breakup with Larissa Weems, based loosely on the song ‘deja vu’ by Olivia Rodrigo.
EDIT 17.1.2024: ao3 user levisha created a playlist inspired by this fic and it is absolutely fire! really sets the mood :')
A/N: This is a breakup fic - read at your own risk, I guess (I won’t be offended if you skip this one, I usually steer clear of hurt/no comfort - both in the reading and writing sense - but I felt weirdly compelled to write this. Was on the fence about posting it but here it is I guess).
Words: ~2.3k
Content/warnings: hurt/no comfort, angst, no happy ending, breakups, mentions of alcohol, mean!Larissa
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The sun bathes your face in a comforting warmth as you stroll along the pier. It’s the end of summer and there’s a cool breeze in the air as the days slowly turn shorter. You’ve visited this pier dozens of times this year, but today is the first day you’ve gone alone. The sounds of children playing and waves rolling rhythmically, the scent of salty sea air mixed with strawberry ice cream - all send waves of nostalgia crashing through your body.
You took Larissa here for the first time last summer. It was all she could talk about for weeks after, until you brought her here again. You pass by a bench, the bench where you sat back then, your head leaning on her shoulder, her hand on your thigh, alternating between talking about anything and everything, and watching the seagulls, wrapped in a comfortable silence. Your chest constricts but you walk on, passing by couples and families and groups of teenagers.
It’s been a month since you last saw her. A month of crying and screaming, a month of feeling like your heart has been torn out of your chest. Today is the first day in a month that you’ve successfully managed to make it to the afternoon without crying once. 
As you look across the pier, your gaze settles on a woman. She’s standing alone, watching the water ebb and flow. You notice her because of the sundress she’s wearing, the funky print - it’s something you could see yourself wearing, and it makes you smile. 
It appears that someone has called out to her - she turns her head and you can see from the side that her face lights up as she reaches out her hand, into which a cup of ice cream is deposited. The woman beams, but your own smile melts right off your face as you drink in the form of the tall blonde that has sidled up next to the young woman.
You already know that Larissa has found someone new - it isn’t exactly a secret, she’d told you so herself when she’d ended your relationship. Her heart had been captured by another. They’d met during a work conference. They’d hit it off. It wasn’t personal, she’d told you with doe-eyes and a sad smile as she cracked your heart in two. You just weren’t enough, that much you could infer. And that was that. A part of you knew from the start that this was exactly how Larissa would leave - she found someone more exciting, the next second she was gone.
You wonder what Larissa had said to her new girlfriend before leaving the house this morning. “I have the perfect spot for a date,” perhaps. “There’s a lovely spot by the ocean I’ve been meaning to show you,” maybe. Either way, you’re certain she left out the part about coming here with you.
That was our place, I found it first.
It hurts to look, and you know you should look away, but you can’t. Not when the woman slides closer to Larissa, when Larissa’s arm winds its way around her waist, when she presses a kiss to the top of the woman’s head, when they begin to share the ice cream - one spoon for two, just as you’d always insisted. 
You don’t know how long you’ve been standing there, but a gust of wind makes you shiver and you know the two women have felt it too, because Larissa rubs a hand over her bare arm and the woman shrugs off the cardigan she’s wearing to drape it over the taller woman’s shoulders. It looks tiny on her, and both women begin to laugh, and you feel you may be sick because you recall offering Larissa your own jacket on a day not unlike this and it feels so reused to you - you wonder if the thought crosses Larissa’s mind, too.
When you trudge home shortly after, you can’t help the tears that begin to stream down your cheeks, staining the front of your shirt. So perhaps today isn’t the first day you haven’t cried in a month.
You don’t want to, you don’t try to, but somehow you manage to run into Larissa and her new girlfriend everywhere. 
It’s a few weeks later and you’re standing in line at the Weathervane. The barista hands you your coffee and you turn to make your way back to your usual corner booth.
Except, it’s already occupied. The woman sitting there facing you looks vaguely familiar, but what’s even more familiar - so achingly familiar - is the back of a blonde head, soft curls pinned into elaborate loops. 
Your stomach churns as your eyes fall to the table, to the two mugs of hot chocolate, each covered with a generous heap of whipped cream. You step closer in spite of yourself, drawn like a moth to a flame - you know you will be scorched, burned alive, but you cannot help the trance you find yourself in as soon as Larissa is involved.
“Go on, try it,” comes a smooth, velvety voice - you’d almost forgotten her voice (almost made yourself forget), but now it comes flooding back to you and hits you straight in the gut. The lilting accent, dripping like honey from painted (always painted) lips - you can picture the way they curl up into a little smile, baring pearly white teeth as Larissa waits for the woman across from her to lift the mug to her own lips and take a sip.
The smile that lights up her face is bright, innocent. “It’s really good!” she says enthusiastically, and then Larissa reaches across the table to swipe her thumb over the little dollop of whipped cream that coats the woman’s upper lip. She giggles - they both giggle - and you feel tears prick your eyes as the ghost of Larissa’s thumb passes over your own lip.
She thinks it’s special.
She thinks she’s special.
You look away. You take a step back towards the counter. “Actually, can I have this to go?” The barista gives you a funny look but takes the mug from you, pouring your drink into a to-go cup and pressing the lid firmly in place. You leave. You cannot stand it anymore, and you leave. Before the woman catches you staring at her, before Larissa turns and pins you in place with what would surely be a look of pity or disgust - or worse, apathy.
New Year’s Eve. A party at a local bar. A party that everyone goes to. A party that you managed to drag Larissa to the previous year. You aren’t sure you even want to go - you are sure that the memory of Larissa will be everywhere, the memory of the New Year’s kiss, of singing together, of whispered resolutions to fall even more in love and travel the world together.
But you need to get out, you cannot sit at home drowning in memories. Not after months have passed since the breakup - you should be moving on. And they’re only memories. You should be safe, you think - Larissa never was one for crowded parties, she would’ve rather spent her New Year’s Eve on the balcony of her apartment with a glass of wine in hand. “Please, Larissa,” you would beg. “I wouldn’t go for anyone else,” she would purr. 
So you go. And for a few blissful minutes, it is pleasant, and the music invigorates you and the alcohol numbs you and maybe, just maybe, you can forget about Larissa Weems for a few hours.
But as you stand in the dimly lit bar, clutching a bottle of beer to your chest, you spot her. More specifically, you spot her first, all bouncy and giddy and wrapped in a sparkly dress that catches the light and throws specks of silver across the floor in front you. You think - it’s possible - she could be alone, but then Larissa is standing there, tall and regal and grinning from ear to ear. Her eyes sparkle in amusement as she looks down at her girlfriend and it’s as though time has slowed to a complete stop. Her hand settles on the woman’s lower back and you find yourself shivering in response, recalling how it felt the first time it was your back that her fingers pressed into.
“Uptown Girl" by Billy Joel starts to play. You cannot escape this damned deja vu that sneaks up on you every time you see Larissa with her girlfriend. All of your senses are invaded by the feeling of standing in this very same bar with Larissa, drunk and singing along, giddy at the prospect of another year together, another year of falling even more madly in love. 
You wonder, as you watch the woman turn her head up to meet Larissa’s gaze, as you watch her mouth form the words to the song, as you watch Larissa sing back to her, leaning in until they are practically shouting the lyrics into each other’s faces, grinning giddily - does Larissa feel it too? The deja vu? Does Larissa have a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach just like you do? Does the memory cross her mind of you yelling “it’s our song” whenever “Uptown Girl” began to play? Does she think about how you teased her for getting the lyrics wrong? Does she still get those lyrics wrong? Maybe her new girlfriend teases her about that, too. Maybe Larissa whispers “I love you” to this woman after the chorus, too, just like she always did with you.
You try to spend the evening as far from Larissa as possible, try not to look for her in the crowd as you might have once done. Your efforts are futile. The truth is that you’ve always gravitated towards Larissa - always turning towards her like a sunflower turning to face the sun, as though you need to bask in her light to survive (you are honestly starting to think you might). 
She never turns to face you, though. Not once. You aren’t sure if she doesn’t know you’re there or if she is actively ignoring you - you aren’t sure which would be worse. That she can walk directly past you without registering your presence, even though you could pick her out of a crowd of hundreds in an instant, irrespective of her height? Or that she cannot even bear to look at the person she once swore she’d spend forever with?
Your throat is dry and you aren’t nearly drunk enough to get through the evening - but Larissa is sitting at that damned bar once again, elbows on the counter and chin resting in her hands as she listens intently to something her girlfriend is saying to her - she used to hang onto your every word like that, like she was held captive by your voice. It used to make you feel like the most special person in the world, that Larissa Weems would choose you, that she would value what you have to say.
Larissa speaks - it’s too loud in the bar to hear their conversation, but she must have said something funny because her girlfriend throws her head back with laughter, and Larissa simply watches her with sparkling eyes and parted lips that curve up into an adoring smile. You cannot help but wonder if you’ve heard the joke she’s told before - if it’s one of the jokes you’ve taught her, that she loves to retell. You cannot help the bitter taste this leaves in your mouth. 
No more drinks for you then - not when Larissa is at the bar and you’d have to brush against her to get the bartender’s attention. It’s nearing midnight anyway, and most people are starting to turn towards the TVs hanging in the corners of the bar - a news program covering the Ball Drop in Times Square plays.
The countdown begins:
“10, 9, 8…” 
The entire room chants as the countdown on the TVs continues. 
“…2, 1 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!”
Confetti begins to fall around you. It catches in your hair, blurs your vision with kaleidoscope colors. Music and screaming and laughter fill your ears, deafening you. But all you can do is watch as Larissa kisses her girlfriend - right at midnight. They kiss and kiss and just as you feel you’re about to be sick, Larissa pulls back. And then she smiles, she smiles like she used to smile at you, and reaches up to gingerly pluck a piece of neon pink confetti out of her girlfriend’s hair, and her girlfriend’s shoulders shake with laughter as her hands slide down from Larissa’s neck to her waist to tug her closer - even closer. 
Then Larissa, beautiful, sweet, merciless Larissa, begins to laugh as well, and as she does so she turns her head and her eyes (half-lidded as her face scrunches up with unadulterated joy) pierce your own. And it is the worst feeling you have ever felt, and a knot begins to form in your throat, because her gleeful expression does not change. Not into one of guilt, not into one of pity - not even into one of recognition. It is as if you are two strangers, accidentally and fleetingly making eye contact in a bar.
Tears prick at your vision and for a moment, Larissa is blurred. You blink the tears away and when you can see clearly again, her attention is back on her girlfriend. She’ll never feel sorry for the way you hurt, you realize.
A new year. A fresh start - for everyone but you. You will always be stuck in a bar with Larissa Weems on New Year’s Eve, with nothing but your memories and an overwhelming sense of deja vu.
Taglist: @oceansblooming @alexusonfire @brienneswife @rosieathena @pro-weems-places @bigolgay @kimiinou @imprincipalweemspet @h-doodles
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