#thank you for the ask skelly
efingart · 1 month
13, 18, 22, and 24 for the otp + character asks. please and thank you <3
From this list.
Thank you Skelly it was fun to think some of these through!
13. Stay home/go-out? What are their date nights like?
They've had enough excitement in their lives. I think they're content to stay in most nights. Not that they never go out.
They're more likely to rent a movie and get takeout. They'll order the food ahead, but leave right away. The actual act of going out to get the food and a movie is part of the experience and if they can they'll walk to both. Using the wait time to browse the racks at the video store. The movies don't matter too much to Frank, he's seen so many, he'll make suggestions, but he usually will let her choose. The only thing he vetoes are musicals. Though he'll let the occasional Disney movie slip through.
Movie selected they head over to the restaurant to pick up their food. When they get home they'll spread the food out on the coffee table and pop in the movie while they eat and cuddle on the couch. Despite being full from the takeout about halfway through Frank will get up and make popcorn. Before the credits roll Mila will have fallen asleep on Frank's chest. Of course, he'll carry her to bed, where she does wake up and well - 😏
18. What are they like when they're drunk? How do they act together? & when 1 is drunk, while the other one's sober?
Mila definitely gets more flirty when she's drunk. She can be a handful for Frank. And if they're in a bar with a mechanical bull she's definitely getting on it. She does cool down relatively quickly and Frank will likely have to give her a piggyback ride on the way home. However, she will always make him stop on the way at Burger Town for some food.
Frank's more touchy-feely when he's drunk. Definitely holding her close and he can be a bit more open with his feelings.
Together they egg each other on to do silly things (karaoke when neither can sing, the aforementioned bull riding, etc). They're silly drunks together more than anything.
22. Love languages? How do they get around differences, if any?
Frank - Acts of Service, Physical Touch
Mila - Acts of Service, Quality Time
Their love languages line up well. Both tend to overcompensate on the Acts of Service, thinking the other is much more giving. Though Frank isn't going to complain about the fact that one of the ways Mila likes to care for him is through cooking. And she's pretty damn good at it.
24. Sleeping/cuddling positions? (Big spoon, little spoon, etc.)?
The human furnace is a cuddler- of course he is. He likes his partner close. They tend to start face-to-face, if they aren't too tired they might talk a little. Eventually, she'll bury her face in his chest. At some point he'll shift onto his back, wrapping an arm around her as she settles her head on his chest.
If one went to bed before the other, they might spoon. Frank does like waking up with Mila's arms around him (big guy likes to be the little spoon sometimes), her face pressed into his back. He'll place his hand over hers holding her there for a minute, but eventually will turn around and end up in the same position as above.
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erineas · 4 months
Did you see 6 skeletons 1 maid updated?
I was saving this ask to make a little comic of how that last chapter felt but- lets say it didn't turn out how i wanted. Instead, i just dug out some of my old Maid-chan drawings and stared at them blankly for the next days.
I'm still particularly fixed on this one little page:
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Mister Green was my absolute favorite and the only light i saw at the end of her tunnel. He was so kind and sweet, and pretty much the only one that treated her like a person (besides Yellow of course). When i first read this fic so many years ago i didn't trully realized the dark tone of this story but i still chose the only "healthy" option. I wanted MC to be happy and free, and oh how i wanted him to give her that. I held those drawings of him for years imagining a chapter where they would encounter again and that would drive her to a better ending (either skeletons overcoming their issues and treating her with respect or him taking her away).
But then this final chapter appeared and it was... a thing.
(Kinda spoilers for the babes that haven't read it)
Second of all, it didn't look good at all and it was getting worse as I read. But then good because it was a week alone for her to rest and Sans was eating with her?? But also that whole scene reminded me how bad her situation really was so it actually wasn't good at all.
And then the scene that broke me.
I was aware that I wanted her to flee before, but I never thought she could.
It was oddly satisfying, if not a bit anxiety inducing because of the thought that they would caught her eventually. As always.
But then Asgore, and Orange. And nothing...
I got mad that he found her. Which was a weird feeling since I remember liking him a lot. It felt to me like he ruined her good enough ending. But despite that, it makes sense it was him so I don't complain.
What crushed me though, wasn't that she couldn't say goodbye or that Sans got tired of trying to get her back. It was the fact the Gs didn't even try looking for her. They didn't even got mentioned. What happened there, I wonder. Didn't they like her? Care for her? Mister Green wrote her letters, of course he liked her. But then why...?
Suddenly he looked like a fairytale.
The ending was great, finally lending her the ability to choose. It made absolutely everything worth it and the way it was written made me feel like I do have a say in the matter. And for the first time, i didn't choose the skeletons.
I realized she could find her happy ending alone.
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(My live reaction)
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triforce-of-mischief · 5 months
Hello! This is your secret santa gift and I’m SO sorry about it being so late the holidays have been a bit hectic and I haven’t had a chance to finish it until now, but I hope you had a happy holiday! :D
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AAAA thank you so much i love it i love it i love it!!! hes so cute in his scarf and hat 💜 i absolutely love the colors, it feels so vibrant and cozy at the same time :D
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This isn’t really a request, but what are some headcanons either for COD characters or Far Cry 5 characters that you love? And what’s your favorite piece of lore about your OCs?
Also I love your fics so much, WHERE did you learn to write like that
First of all, OH MY GOD THANK YOU SO MUCH!! 💜💜💜💜. The way this ask made my whole week and the compliment on top of it, consider me forever in your debt.
I have been writing stories since I was 4, read books and watched movies voraciously that were way out of my age range and thus my brain chemistry was forever rewired to be a bit strange to answer the last question lol
My headcanons are usually pretty boring in the grand scheme and relate back to my ocs a lot and how they interact with the verse, but here's some general ones:
- Faith and Tracey are lesbian ex-gfs, true in my heart
- Staci Pratt would be the type of guy to have a mirror hanging on the ceiling above his bed
- as far as i'm concerned, God is real in the world of FC5 (but also yes there is A LOT of mental illness and trauma going on)
- the mystery meat served in Jacob's cages is 100% grade A people who failed the trials
cod (or more accurately a few of my Captain Price hcs):
- Price is from Liverpool -- idc if he's not, he is (thank you Mr. Sloane for your wonderful voice and Scouser accent)
- Price grew up working class, single mom, military family, dad died in combat, joins up at 16 to honor his father and grandfather (*this is 100% a personal hc)
-Price is the type of guy to know the difference between scotch, whiskey and whisky and will come down on your ass if you try and pass one off as the other
Favorite OC lore:
Kit - Bliss has the opposite effect on her. Basically results in a bad trip every time if someone isn't guiding her through it (guess she shouldn't have gotten rid of Faith)
Rory - forgot to mention this in the oc name post for her before, but her last name is a direct reference to Sinclair Centre, which is a heritage building in Vancouver, BC (my hometown and hers, she may or may not be my most self insert-y of OCs)
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purplesovok05 · 7 months
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Is that what you wanted? Btw, I don't speak Spanish
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missnatzooie · 4 months
Kazooie + least favorite thing about her?
I love Kazooie's snarky attitude, but she sometimes gets a little too mean spirited, especially when she says that Bottles wasn't the favourite character after he's killed by Grunty in Banjo-Tooie (although she did apologise for that remark).
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skele8rity · 8 months
SKELLY ! What would you say is in your mind microwave at the moment? (What are you spinning around and around in your head?)
LMAO this is always a good question tbh it makes me Aware ive got the racing thoughts disease but dont know what its like to Not have it
thinking about my and my partners ocs being gay in a pokemon au, also, how do you draw a croagunk.... how do you draw a dreepy. these creatures boggle me im doing the spray and pray method of sketching
rude roommate took the bathroom while i was going to just go pee and brush my teeth and is showering and i am going to explode if they dont hurry but theyre not hurrying help
i must practice my french i have been Slacking for a few days (grieving ): family pet)
i have been working at subway for so long and have been making different sandwiches with the same veggies and i think i should Change The Veggies maybe but also maybe not??? change the veggies Sometimes
i would like to GET UP EARLY i have CHORES oh but i should CLEAN THE FRIDGE before i GROCERY SHOP and i should start the LAUNDRY EARLY but oh i want to go to the LIBRARY oh but library is CLOSED ON SUNDAYS i want to read books i need to make phone calls i will figure out how to draw. a croagunk... and maybe some other things,
MORE RELAXEDLY if we pick one thing its probably like. scorp (oc) or like. scaramouche (genshin impact) (i dont play but ive seen that whole story arc) and how GOOD that character is. and how much i love Sad Inside Characters. its very good. either him or just scorp, spinning on a little plate. me holding them in my hands. always thinking about an oc and a blorbo at any given time, it keeps my life balanced keeps me going brings me joy
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skullndaisy · 10 months
Will there be some Zelink moments in part 2 of your comics?
Link’s relationship with Zelda is very important in both games and they have a special place within my heart.
I would like see how Link’s feelings about her sacrifice, the promises he made the Champions, the students in their school, and his love for his princess since they spend their time together such as their time in the Lover’s Pond.
Even tells the Draconified Zelda that he still loves her, even if she is a worm.
I love all of this actually, as a newly indoctrinated Zelink shipper since the moment TOTK came out.
But I already had "finished" (lol its so old and not colored... Maybe one day I will complete it) the comic long before, though I do dip into "I still love u even if ur a Wyrm" territory for the final part.
I only split it into three parts since I had so many panels,,, Tumblr wont let me post more than ten at a time :\
Thank you for the ask!! Maybe I'll make more comics if an idea springs to mind, rn I've been busy with professional work and portfolio building. I hope when I eventually post those, you guys will enjoy it too!!
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trashworldblog · 1 year
bestie i just gotta reach out and say hello bc i see you literally everywhere and never talk to you, if you don’t count the through the tags lmfao— the final straw was the livestream today lol, and at this point i feel like i know you but also like i have never said two words to you. it’s kinda like the situation where you know someone for a long time and at one point it gets weird to ask them their name and you never remember it, but you get excited that you see them around? ya feel the vibes? anyways. hi. i’m kelli :)
hi kelli!! this is super nice, thank you! my name is beth :) i think thats how internet friends and mutuals work?? (im autistic so social stuff is pretty unstructured and loose with me) im so glad you reached out, i love making new friends and meeting ppl who are watcherinas/watcher weirdos :D i love your posts as well!! i always see you on my dash and its always great to interact w you. the livestream was super fun! all my twt moots were there having a little reunion (i had to leave early to catch a train, but ill rewatch it tonight).
its great to meet you kelli, feel free to dm me, start, or join in on shenanigans. anyone reading this can do these things too!! the more the merrier :)
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skelly i would like to know your 3 fav songs at the moment please 🙏🏻 also have a good day/night 🖤 (it’s an order🫡)
Oh damn, I shall look for them! 🫡
1 - How Far Will We Take It? - Orville Peck & Noah Cyrus
2 - Austin - Dasha
3 - Build a Bitch - Bella Poarch
(bonus 4 - Slumber Party - Ashnikko feat. Princess Nokia)
Thank you! 🖤 Have a good day/night too!
(Joke's on you I love obeying orders so I will do that no matter what it takes now 🫡 Sorry, that was weird! I'm still gonna leave it cause it's still a certified fact)
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💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
Thank you so much for this!
Well with the final chapter of All Along the Watchtower now posted, I think it's safe to say this is a creation I am very proud of. My first full length fic for COD, all 71K words of it, all because of my strong fixation on Captain Price lmao (that mutton chopped man fed the brain worms well)
Exploring the origins of how Rory Sinclair (my oc) and Captain Price end up in their relationship before the events of MW 2019. As one reader put it: "could so easily be a campaign in itself, with way more depth than a campaign of course" and if that's not some damn high praise I don't know what it is.
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purplesovok05 · 7 months
More content on skelie-sona?
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I draw her according to my mood. I advise you to enjoy the content that I am drawing at the moment ;)
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averageyaoienjoyer · 5 days
'professional associates' dialogue masterpost (in hades 1)
hi im insane. here's a list of timestamps of instances charon and hermes are mentioned or associated with each other in the first game. thought i'd compile them since their dynamic is pretty miss-able and heavily implied through dialogue
using tazzie gaming's 94-run playthrough videos for these. thank you stranger, whoever you are
if anyone has any clips of other interactions lmk, i'll update this post. clips of other characters talking about these two together is fine too!
Hermes's dialogue
00:30 - first time hermes calls charon his "professional associate"
00:47 - hermes notices zag has charon's keepsake (bone hourglass); calls charon "a real gentleman"
2:44 - hermes talks about his job and charon
3:40 - hermes and his "one-sided chats" with charon
5:10 - hermes tells zagreus to keep his association with charon a secret
5:17 - hermes knows about persephone returning to the underworld despite it still being a secret at that point, implying charon (!) told him
6:05 - charon and questions
10:41 - what hermes thinks of charon :)
11:05 - hermes imitating charon
14:59 - how long hermes and charon have been working together
16:36 - charon dropping off hermes
16:58 - hermes about zag's first fight with charon
17:09 - hermes's bet with charon of zag beating charon twice in a row
17:30 - zagreus completing the bet
Charon's dialogue
shorter list because you know how charon is lmao
1:55 - zagreus first mentions hermes to charon
5:38 - zagreus asks charon why hermes is helping him escape the underworld
6:13 - zagreus asks charon if he can ask nyx why hermes is helping him, charon gets mad (lol)
9:04 - zagreus and charon after the feast with the olympians; charon and hermes "having a good time" (!!!!!!!)
11:17 - zagreus mentions hermes's bet with charon
13:06 zagreus to charon after beating him twice in a row
if there is ever a good hades 2 dialogue video of these two i'll use that to compile the dialogue in another post lol
edit 6/5/24 - found a charon compilation video that depicts how charon and hermes were subtly conspiring together. thanks youtube user opal!
i'll be listing some dialogue from other characters, and the lucky tooth saga included in the vid. i think it's very funny that skelly is also deep into this.
22:07 - alternate dialogue from hermes after completing the wager
23:50 - zagreus asks hades about hermes working with charon
24:38 to 24:50 - artemis and zeus wonders where hermes is
24:58 - hermes tells zagreus not to tell anyone he's helping him
25:26 - zagreus asks nyx about hermes
25:54 - hermes comments on skelly's keepsake (lucky tooth)
26:06 - zagreus asks skelly about hermes
26:48 - hermes admonishes zagreus to keep what skelly said to himself
27:00 - hermes about skelly
27:13 - zagreus asks skelly about what hermes said
27:35 - hermes about zagreus's friendship with skelly
33:28 - zagreus confronts skelly about who he's working for; gets confirmation that it's charon, and that hermes works for him too
35:54 - zagreus asks charon about skelly, charon gets mad (lol)
36:18 - hermes heard from charon (!) that zagreus knows the extent of charon's involvement; admonishes zagreus (again) to keep that to himself (lol)
36:33 - zagreus asks skelly if he told charon and hermes about their conversation
39:22 to 39:50 - various lines of dialogues from zagreus telling charon to say hi to hermes as he's exiting charon's shop (!!!!)
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S/o appears, dressed up nice for a date that skelly promised and forgot about until now. What will he do?
Undertale Sans - Uh oh. He plays it casually like he totally didn't forget, saying it's just his normal clothes because he hid the dating one under. Just give him a second. He teleports in his room and runs like his life depends on it to his closet, trying to find something to wear in an emergency. He can hear Papyrus in his head screaming at him for never noting everything and that one of these days he's not going to be here and he will mess up bad. Well guess what, Papyrus was right!
Undertale Papyrus - He looks at you in shock. Wasn't it tomorrow? He swears it was tomorrow. When he goes into the kitchen to check the time and realizes he messed up, he screams in panic and runs to his room to change. Thank god he still prepared what he was going to wear three weeks before so he's fine in the hand. He clearly knew it was today!
Underswap Sans - .... Ah. He starts to sweat profusely, looking more and more distressed as you keep saying you two are going to have a lot of fun tonight. He forgot to book the reservation because he had too much work this week, and he forgot to tell you you should probably do that another time. He has no idea how he's going to save this honestly. He will completely improvise your date lol.
Underswap Papyrus - He has a sudden rise of anxiety and decides it's better to faint right here right now than assume in front of you he totally forgot your date. Good luck with that.
Underfell Sans - He is completely oblivious, flirting with you and commenting on your choice of clothes. That's only when you ask him after some time if he's ready to go that his smile suddenly disappear in horror. Oh shit. Uuuuuuh.... He's not sure how to tell you he completely forgot.
Underfell Papyrus - His eyes widened in shock seeing you. You widened even more as he suddenly rips off his clothes to reveal his dating clothes he was obviously wearing under his regular clothes. Ok, maybe he didn't have to rip off his clothes, but he panicked a little.
Horrortale Sans - Oopsie. He forgot. He just apologizes and goes to change. He's not sure where you were supposed to go though, and you quite realize it after he takes you to twenty different locations, watching your reaction to find out which one is the good one lol.
Horrortale Papyrus - He acts like he didn't forget at all, but he cooked dinner and kinda put everything on the table already so that's quite a big indicator. He pretends it's all for Oak but Willow literally cooked for 20 people so... Yeah, he's defeated. Sorry he forgot...
Swapfell Sans - He looks at you, then raises an eyebrow. "you're getting out tonight?" "Yes? With you? Like we planned last week?" ..... Nox freezes, then cough and sit straight. "of course i knew that." He's lucky he always dresses nicely or you would swear he's lying.
Swapfell Papyrus - He's lying on the couch, stuffing his ribcage with rubber chicken. He stares at you weirdly, but keeps doing it. You cross your arms. "You're not forgetting something?" He looks at you, confused. "no, i stuffed all 120 in there." "What?" "what?" You facepalm. Rus still has no idea what you're talking about though.
Fellswap Gold Sans - "IT'S TOMORROW." He's in denial and he refuses to say he forgets, so he acts like it's your fault and that you're too early. He won't give up with his bullshit. He organized the date, he knows when it's happening and it's tomorrow, now leave him alone.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - "Are you ready to go out?" "... go out? like, outside the house? why?" "Our date?" He stares at you in complete silence. You try to wave in front of his face, he's not reacting anymore. Coffee crashed...
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pokegalla · 11 months
Requested by @tryslogic
Ok- this is fucking hilarious- and fits Killer so well. Trust me. You’ll love it- Thank you for requesting this man-
Killer reacting to his S/o saying “Can you just fuck the sad outta me?”
* Ok so how did this even start? Well you being sad obviously. You were just in the blues and well you were getting sick of it! No one wants to be sad forever! But what shall you do?! Ah yes! Call Bonefriend over✨
* He will be there with Chinese food (or whatever you’re craving really) and just snuggle and chat away, tryna make you laugh. And you of course joke too! “Heh Kills. Since I is so sad…..can you just fuck the sad outta me?”
* Dis shit made yo mans stop mid laugh just to process what you said. Then holy shit look at that glorious red blush on his face✨ perfect opportunity to tease his flirtatious ass- a taste of sweet revenge after all those times he teased you!
* Though don’t push your luck too far if you think you’re getting away with it. Ohohoho you’d be dead wrong- he will GLADLY take you up on the offer and pound you into the mattress~
* Can’t feel Dah sad if yah can’t feel Dah legs✨
Mini story time:
Killer was laughing only to stop out of pure confusion. You…..you said WHAT-? Nah he must be hearing shit now. But…..what if you’re not joking-?!
He sat up quickly, “Woah wait- babe? Babe? You for real?!” You started laughing at his reaction, “Baaaaaabe! C’mon yah can’t just throw that at me like that!!!”
“Why?” You ask in a teasing tone, “Let me guess…..you were ready to pounce on me the moment I confirm that weren’t you?” What’s this?! A tint of red has appeared on your Skellie’s cheekbones!
“Heh…..h-hey Y’know a guy gotta make sure…..,” Killer said, rubbing the back of his skull. Is he…..nervous? Oh he messed up-
“Awwww my sweet baby boy is getting all shy on me~? Awwww look at that pretty blush! I bet I can make it glow even brighter~” You circled around him teasing him nonstop until Killer’s whole skull was beet red. When you finally decided to get away while you still could, you were suddenly yoinked back and pinned on the bed.
“Yah think yer so funny huh kitten~? Well I got just what the doctor ordered~,” He cupped your chin, thumb grazing your bottom lip, “One extra hard fucking to chase the blues away coming right up~”
And you ended up having to call out of work the very next day due to….the inability to walk~
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voidandabyssal · 2 months
Heyyy sorry to annoy you with another ask but I really need this rn-
I stepped into a big shard of glass today because I am just silly like that /hj
Anyway,I wanted to know what will the skeletons react to there fem!s/o literally stepping on a piece of glass and trying to play it off as if she was alright-
Specific skelly boys:UT sans,HT sans,SF papyrus,SF sans,US sans,US papyrus
Have a nice day
the sillyness rlly hits hard, also I only did the first four, as per my requirements, sorry!
his face drops completely when he sees your foot landing down on the glass
you and him were just joking around the kitchen, as usual
when you dropped a glass and it shattered completely.
he insists you sit down, though he's lowkey panicking a little from the blood
he'll never get used to the fact that humans just leak blood
But he manages to lull you into sitting on the couch and quickly calls Toriel over
she's a much more experienced with human medical care
breathes a sigh of relief once your cleared to walk again
"thank the stars that's over, let's never get injured again"
Axe (HT sans):
you're not fooling him
sit back down!
he didn't spend years hunting down humans, learning what makes them tick just for his s/o to tell him she's fine when she's got a shard of glass sticking out of her!
he grabs you by the waist and plops you down on a chair
he yanks out the shard harder than intended and quickly feels guilty once he hears your yelp
he wraps your foot up and carries you to the couch
there, now you can't hurt yourself anymore :)
though you may be stuck on that couch for a while.
Axe needs some cuddles to feel better!
Mutt (SF Papyrus):
oh that's not good, that's really not good!
Blacks going to be so mad at the both of you
blood in his designer carpet and all
this time, it was Mutts fault.
you were both chasing each other around the house. Like some scarier version of tag
when Mutt corners you and you end up accidentally slipping and cutting yourself on the glass table
he feels so bad
Mutt just lifts you off the floor completely. He's not actually acknowledging anything you're saying he just panics
despite the tough front he puts on, Mutt never wants to hurt those he cares about
It scares him a little how easy it is to hurt you
Black (SF Sans)
"sit down"
"no, no, I'm fine, really!"
Black levels the most unimpressed look he can offer.
It quickly gets you settled back down onto the chair.
How you managed to injure yourself so quickly, he'll never know. He was gone for five minutes! How?!
Luckily Black came prepared, he knew, given that there was a human living with him now, that one day medical attention would be required
ergo, he bought a whole medkit to store inside one of the kitchen cabinets
It's a little overkill, but now the shard is out of your foot and its nice and tightly wrapped.
No infections in this household!
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