#tarlos au wedding
221bsunsettowers · 2 years
The Kingdom Lights Shine For Me and You: TK/Carlos Historical AU: Chapter 10: Honey Lips and Words So True
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(Photo credit to the amazing @jemmalynette​)
This is it, the last chapter! In which our boys are wed.
A bigger thank you than I can ever express to everyone who has shown such love to this story, and such patience as I struggle through writer's block to finish it. The love this story has received is more than I could ever have hoped for, and please know this isn't the true end. I love Prince TK and now-Prince Carlos far too much not to write some short stories of them in the future. Please feel free to continue this in your own way as well, if you wish to write stories in the verse, create fanart, etc.
Thank you all again <3 <3 <3
Upcoming Tarlos projects include the third story in the Preschool Teacher! Carlos series, and stuntman!TK/actor!Carlos.
Chapter 10: Honey Lips and Words So True (can also be found on Ao3)
T.K took his father's arm, leaning into his side.
"I fear I shall fall apart altogether," TK admitted, as they neared the velvet curtains that would soon part, revealing their pathway to the altar.
"Your love will keep you afloat," the King responded, with a laugh that made T.K. groan.
"Even now," he muttered, nudging Owen lightly, before straightening up again.
"It is time," Owen said, his tone proud and affectionate as he looked at his son. "Are you ready?"
"I feel I have always been ready for Carlos," TK said softly, his eyes shining. "I was merely waiting for him to arrive."
The Queen stepped towards them, taking TK's other arm, brushing a light kiss across his cheek, a smile gracing her face. The velvet curtains parted, and the three began a slow walk up the pathway. On either side TK could see their friends, their families, on either side, and his smile widened.
Then he reached the front, turned around, and saw Carlos begin his journey up the pathway, his mother and father holding close to his arms.
And TK felt as if he could sing from sheer joy. He was sure his face would split open from the width and warmth of his smile. Carlos' smile was a mirror of his own, blinding and beautiful, shining in an echo of the gold fabric they were both clothed in. When Carlos reached him, they joined hands, intertwining their fingers.
"We are here today to celebrate the joining of these two men, their families, their lands, and their lives," the officiant began. "Through their  vows, which they have penned together, they promise to be as one, in loving kindess,"
"TK, I vow to be your stronghold when the world outside is fearsome, your safety when all else is unsure," Carlos began, eyes holding TK's fond and teary gaze. "I will be your protector and your guardian. I will love you tomorrow as I do today-" Here Carlos broke off, voice trembling as his own eyes filled with joyful tears. "As I do today, ardently, always, eternally, forevermore."
"Carlos," TK began, raising Carlos' hands to his lips, kissing them gently before lowering them again. "I vow to be your stronghold when the world outside is fearsome, your safety when all else is unsure. I will love you tomorrow as I do today, ardently, always, eternally, forevermore."
Owen extended his hand, two rings glistening in his palm. TK carefully clasped one in his hand, slipping it onto Carlos' extended finger. Carlos then echoed the gesture, and this time it was he who raised their joined hands, kissing above TK's shining wedding band before lowering their hands again.
"May I present your Princes!" the King boomed, and the cheering was loud and joyful as Carlos and TK both leaned in, Carlos' hands cupping TK's cheeks as they kissed. The kiss continued in the nearest alcove as soon as they had processed down the pathaway, until Owen found them for their second presentation, this time to their people.
There was a wave of boisterous cheering from below as Carlos knelt in front of Owen, a gold circlet placed on Carlos' head, but Carlos could not bring himself to look away from TK, who was beaming at him with such fondness and heat in his eyes. The moment it was proper for them to exit the balcony, TK had him by the hand, and they were running through the palace, emerging into the butterfly garden.
"Was there a reason you brought me here, Your Highness?" Carlos teased, swaying closer to TK, who pulled him in tightly and brought their lips together. Carlos deepened the kiss, mouth parting, nipping at TK's bottom lip, and TK moaned, resting his forehead against his husband's.
"Perchance, Your Highness, we could simply skip the festivities and retire to our chambers?" TK suggested, trailing a line of kisses down Carlos' jawline.
"If only," Carlos gasped out, "but I fear our families and friends would be terribly hurt if we did not reappear and let them celebrate our union."
TK nodded and sighed. "We can celebrate our union privately at a later hour," he promised, lips finding Carlos' again.
"I would be most amenable," Carlos said, a laugh bursting from his lips as TK yelped endearingly.
"I would hope you would be most amenable," TK bantered back, grabbing onto Carlos' waist and bringing him playfully to the ground. "We are bound together for all eternity now, you and I."
"Time is on our side then," Carlos whispered, hand extended to tuck TK's hair behind his ear.
"It is, isn't it?" TK whispered back, his eyes filled with absolute awe, and Carlos lay a kiss between his eyebrows before rolling them over, grabbing TK's hand and pulling him to his feet.
"You owe me a dance, my love," Carlos said, smile bright, as he walked backwards, pulling TK towards him.
"Then dance we shall," TK vowed, closing the distance between them and finding Carlo's lips again. "And tonight we shall dance amongst our blankets together," TK murmured against Carlos' mouth, feeling Carlo's heartbeat increase as he pressed their chests together.
"Halt your sweet nothings and return, we wish to eat!" came Judd's booming, teasing voice. Carlos and TK met eyes and laughed, sharing one more kiss before running up the stone steps together, their future clear and bright.
@laelipoo​ @ravens-words​ @ladytimekiller​ @buddie-buddie​ @morganaspendragonss​ @marceee24​ @a-l-ias​ @bikingthroughhawkins​ @i-had-bucky​ @pragmaticoptimist34​ @highqualitykhakis​ @meloingly​ @borntobewondering @justapoet
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mikereads · 1 year
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Au: After Buck gets invited to T.K and Carlos’s wedding. Buck brings Eddie as his plus one. While there things are revealed and feelings are brought to the surface. Buck thought he was content with being single but maybe he was wrong. He thought he knew everything already especially regarding Eddie but it seems he was wrong about two things that weekend.
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theghostofashton · 1 year
seven sentence sunday
tagged by @paperstorm thank you <3 
this is...... definitely not seven sentences i could not help myself
Carlos’s heart is racing. All he can do is stare.
TK looks good. Older, definitely. His face has filled out quite a bit more. His hair is shorter now. He’s wearing a floral button-up and jeans, with sunglasses tucked into the collar of his shirt, and carrying a shopping basket full of boxes of pasta, mineral water, and a bag of bagels. He doesn’t look that different, but the sight of him makes Carlos’s breath catch in his throat the same way it did all those years ago.
TK takes a step forward, and Carlos moves to meet him. He stretches his arms out for a hug, but freezes mid-air, hovering just inches away from TK’s neck. TK gives an awkward chuckle and Carlos swallows hard as he drapes his arms lightly around TK. He stands there for a couple seconds, holding his chin firmly in place, looking down at the spot on TK’s neck he used to tuck himself into without even thinking about it.
His brain knows the person standing in front of him is completely different, but his body reacts to TK’s as if no time has passed, like it’s greeting one of his own limbs. The hug is wrong, and awkward, because Carlos wants to slip his arms around TK’s back and let them linger there, bury his face in that spot of TK’s neck and exhale as TK rubs his back. He doesn’t know how to touch TK without allowing him the access he lost the right to have years ago.
i’m very late (as usual lol) so i think everyone’s been tagged so leaving an open tag!
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noxsoulmate · 2 years
😍 thank you, my friend!
🌠 5 times TK didn't spend the night +1 time he did
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Art made by: @chaotictarlos 💕
💍 Wedding fic
“So, little Miss Tami,” Marjan began, angling her phone just right. Andrea watched as the oldest of her granddaughters looked up expectantly, smiling at the woman that had quickly become a friend to all the little Reyes girls. “Do you want to tell our viewers about the beautiful tradition your family has?”
“Yes,” Tami exclaimed, Lily and Cami joining instantly and Andrea smiled at them fondly. It was such an old family tradition at every Reyes wedding, and the three girls had been giddy about their part in it for weeks.
💉 Dr. Nicky AU
“If you free me now, I might get out, yes,” Joe admitted before shaking his head. “But the chance that they catch me is just as high. And either way, it would mean your certain death. Nicky, that’s something I cannot bear.”
“And you think I can bear torturing you again?” Nicky cried out, his voice almost breaking. “I would rather die than cut you open again, don’t you get that?”
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126simp · 1 year
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Original picture by @tarlosweeklyprompts
Stress Can Push People Away
Tarlos Fic for @tarlosweeklyprompts March Daily One-Word Prompt Event!!
March 9th Word: Stress
Tags: Angst, Emotionally hurt! TK, Some communication is needed
Warnings: TK feels abandoned, Carlos is overexerting himself, Possible open ending
Relationships: TK/Carlos
Characters: TK, Carlos
Pieces of fabric mixed with food samplings covering the table, different kinds of cameras, and a stack of business cards sitting on of the chairs in the kitchen. This is all I see as I walk into my apartment, and sigh knowingly as I walk further into the room. I look to try and find my fiancé, but there are no clues that he is here except for the mess of the apartment with all the different parts of our wedding. Well, that is until I walk over to the table to organize it a little and turn and see Carlos looking to be worn out, sitting in just his boxers, and a button-up shirt as he is sleeping still with his phone in his hands. So, I walk over to try to pluck his phone out of his hands and he seems to startle awake.
Continue on AO3
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carlos-in-glasses · 6 months
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2023 Writing Round Up
Thank you for the tag @heartstringsduet @reasonandfaithinharmony @jesuisici33 @chicgeekgirl89 @thisbuildinghasfeelings @theghostofashton @orchidscript @welcometololaland @ladytessa74 @strandnreyes @reyesstrand @alrightbuckaroo
Rules: Share what you wrote this year! It can be works you posted to Ao3, Wattpad, Tumblr, or anywhere else! You can share everything you wrote or just the ones you're most excited about.
15 fics this year! I have loved writing and sharing every one of them. Thank you to everyone who has read or will at some point. Work is a lot busier these days, so I don’t anticipate writing the same volume in 2024…but we shall see! I just want whatever I share to be good quality, and it’s my New Year’s resolution to keep improving. I love Tarlos. I love writing Tarlos fic. I love this fandom.
The Ruins of Wonderland – a reimagining of TK and Carlos getting back together after their breakup. I posted this on New Year’s Day, resolving to start 2023 off on the right fanfic foot.
Chasers – A coda for 3x13. TK talks to Cooper about his past, while Carlos goes for a swim and thinks about his own. When Carlos gets home, he and TK have an important chat. The rection to this fic spurred me on to continue writing in the flashback/vignette/timeline format.
Man to Man – A coda for 2x11 and 2x12, which also looks at Carlos coming out to his parents and where he is now with it all.
Afterglow of a Supernova – When fiancés TK and Carlos help Carlos’ high school crush and his wife during a call, they end up having a dinner with them that leads to jealousy in an unexpected way. The feedback I’ve had on this fic sent me to the moon on rainbows.
The Heart Behind the Shield – My first chaptered fic! I'd been wanting to write a 2x08 coda, but it was 4x04 that made it possible. This combines events from both episodes where there’s duality, and was an absolute blast to write and post.
The Light of Our Life – Listen, I wrote this during an extended lunch break and posted it the same day. For somehow it’s my fifth most kudos’d fic of the year…Thank you!!! We were all deep in our Lou II feelings at this time. Never forget.
Fire Island – TK and Carlos travel to Fire Island, where an older gay couple talks to them about their experience of the AIDS crisis in 1980s New York. This fic by far had the most emotional impact on me while writing it, and based on feedback it seems to be the same for readers(?) People have shared personal stories and memories with me since I posted this, and I just want to say I’m truly grateful for the response, given I wrote it in January but didn’t feel brave enough to post it for a few months.
With Infinity Folded Into It – Written for the @tarlosweeklyprompts Countdown to the Wedding event (prompt was: Love). After TK proposes, Carlos remembers the first time they said “I love you.” It’s fluff, it’s smut, it’s kinda angsty because Carlos is trying to bake and baking is stressful.
The Center of the Maze – Another written for Tarlos Weekly Prompts Countdown to the Wedding. (Prompt: "I Never Thought I Would Get This Day".) I thought this was going to be a 2k one-shot; it turned into 20k split into 4 chapters… Seven times they thought they would never get married, and one time when they actually did. I was super inspired and happy with the writing in this one.
June into July
When Soulmates Swim – The closest I’ll ever come to writing a sports AU (….or is it?👀…) Sparks and splashes fly when TK and Carlos each take up swimming while they recover from workplace injuries. I really pushed myself with smut and humour in this fic and the feedback I’ve had has been incredible. One of the most enjoyable writing experiences I’ve ever had, this fic holds a special place in heart.
Release The Hand to Relax the Animal – TK and Carlos explore the world of tantric massage in their own way. Written because Rafael Silva has madly attractive hands, and @heartstringsduet and I thought we should celebrate. You can read Michelle’s hands fic, Take My Hand, Take My Whole Life, Too, here. It is BEAUTIFUL.
(Nothing in August)
Sweet Dreams and Flying Machines – A 3x08 coda, which also gets into TK and Carlos’ childhood memories of 9/11, and the way that event went on to impact their lives (to the point where it set them on the path to meeting each other). It recieved the most amazing comments, with people sharing their memories of 9/11, so like Fire Island this fic feels deeper to me in a social way.
Suddenly in the Silence – I’d ‘joked’ about the show giving us Ghost Gabriel in season 5, but a conversation with thisbuildinghasfeelings led me to explore that concept myself. In this fic, it’s up to the reader to decide whether they think the spirit of Gabriel is around, which made writing it challenging but a lot of fun. It’s so interesting to see what side people fall on!
Where All This Love Comes From – This is my Tarlos novel at ~90k words, due to finish posting in February. I began writing it in March, when a hefty amount of plot relied on Gabriel being alive after season 4. Substantial rewrites happened after May, which was pretty gutting at the time, but ultimately I think this has ended up being the best thing I’ve written so far in my life.
There is a smutty one-shot coming with a scream very soon…And I hope you like it!
I'm not sure who has already done this - tagging with no pressure if you want to share/haven't already - and open tag!
@cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @goodways @lemonlyman-dotcom @paperstorm @wandering-night19 @heartstringsduet @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @rmd-writes @rosedavid @chaotictarlos @lightningboltreader @taralaurel @three-drink-amy @redshirt2 @noxsoulmate @sanjuwrites @bonheur-cafe @liminalmemories21
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welcometololaland · 6 months
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2023 writing wrap up (for the mems) (part 1 - i want to do the stats one as well!)
Thanks for the tags @liminalmemories21 @alrightbuckaroo and @reyesstrand 💜 Rules: Share what you wrote this year! It can be works you posted to Ao3, Wattpad, Tumblr, or anywhere else! You can share everything you wrote or just the ones you're most excited about.
1. a long time ago (we used to be friends) (December / Tarlos / E / 166.6k)
Carlos is a former private investigator, and his runaway ex is being accused of murder.
2. Cursed is a State of Mind (September / Firstprince / E / 17.2k)
A commentary on Alex and @dustratcentral's cursed coffee habits. Also, a love story. For my angel @rmd-writes.
3. (Un)Professional Services (September / Tarlos / E / 63.3k)
The Tarlos Professional Services AU co-write with @rmd-writes.
4. Catch and Release (September / Firstprince / T / 4.8k)
Snippet of a Rowing AU. For a title challenge given to me by @tailoredshirt.
5. oh baby, i'm a fool for you (September / Tarlos / E / 3k)
Total crack. TK tries to get Carlos to watch Twilight (and fails). For the vampire enthusiasts @strandnreyes @lightningboltreader @rmd-writes.
6. Fifty First Dates (September / Firstprince / E / 26.4k)
Alex challenges Henry to go on fifty first dates and then wishes he was one of them. Also, oodies. For my baby girl @celeritas2997.
7. living at the centre of a wound still fresh (June / Tarlos / E / 43k)
The Tarlos honeymoon, reimagined.
8. all is near and can't be touched (May / Tarlos / T / 3.8k)
Season 4 Episode 16 coda.
9. Cause of Action (WIP / April / Hangster / T / 7.7k)
ARGH don't look here I need to finish it.
10. (Fl)oral Arrangements (March / Tarlos / E / 5.2k)
Tarlos smut made into a season 4 episode 8 coda.
11. Like Gravity (February / Hangster / E / 6.5k)
Flirting at a bar that turns into something else, with a twist.
12. Warm Whispers (February / Tarlos / E / 4.3k)
Gratuitous wedding night spec.
13. Hearbreak High (January / Tarlos / T / 6.8k)
Kidfic part 3 with a teenager experiencing heartache.
14. Love in Slow Motion (January / Tarlos / E / 32.7k)
Tennis AU prompt fills. Super soft.
15. Target Audience (January / Tarlos / E / 8.2k)
Carlos Reyes vs. TikTok. This fic is a damn comedy.
I'll leave an open tag for anyone who would like to share, please tag me if you decide to participate. I'll also yeet this into the rwrb fandom by tagging @rmd-writes @clottedcreamfudge @cha-melodius @cricketnationrise @kiwiana-writes @inexplicablymine @dumbpeachjuice @happiness-of-the-pursuit @everwitch-magiks and @indomitable-love just in case you haven't done it <3 and also @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut, @carlos-tk and @carlos-in-glasses just because.
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three-drink-amy · 6 months
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Thank you for the tag: @rmd-writes @reasonandfaithinharmony @carlos-in-glasses @cha-melodius @alrightbuckaroo @reyesstrand for the tag! Here’s a look back at my year in writing!
Aged Like a Fine Wine
E | 103k | 21/21
Older firstprince, Senator Alex, secret dating
Quit Playing Games With My Heart
E | 17k | 1/1
Firstprince, Henry’s POV, roommates, FWB, angst
It’s Not About the Awards
E | 7k | 1/1
Firstprince, follow up to Boy, I Fancy You, established relationship
Private Show
E | 2k | 1/1
Firstprince, Stripper!Henry, smut, feelings
Running Into You
T | 6k | 1/1
Tarlos, countdown to the wedding, running into each other in the field
First Monday in May
E | 4K | 1/1
Firstprince, 2020 Met Gala, secret relationship
Back to You and Me
E | 4k | 1/1
Tarlos, set after the Huntington’s results scene
There’s Always Tomorrow
E | 29k | 2/2
Tarlos, set next season, lots of angst, Carlos’s hunt for his dad’s killer
Teach You How Forever Feels
E | 103k (and counting) | 18/21
Tarlos, Teacher AU, grief, fluff, smut
Take It Back
E | 4k | 1/1
Firstprince, Chef!Henry, annoying customer!Alex
Make It Right
E | 5k | 1/1
Tarlos, canon divergence after season 1, getting together
Begging For You to Take My Hand
M | 4k | 1/1
Firstprince, past and present reflection at the Paris Olympics
All Booked Up
E | 11k | 1/1
Firstprince, Author!Henry, reconnecting after years apart
Were There Clues I Didn’t See
T | 5k | 1/1
Tarlos, Soulmates, Feeling each other’s injuries
No pressure tagging: @indomitable-love @clottedcreamfudge @everwitch-magiks @bonheur-cafe @danieljradcliffe (gifs?) @walkinginland @cricketnationrise @dumbpeachjuice @orchidscript @celaestis1 @celeritas2997 @catanisspicy @inexplicablymine @heybuddy-drabbles
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chicgeekgirl89 · 6 months
2023 Writing Roundup
Thanks to @liminalmemories21 and @ladytessa74 for the tags!
I guess the next time I'm mad at myself for not writing more I'll just...tell myself to shut up lol. Holy heck this is a lot of fic.
Paper Rings- A 5+1 of Tarlos wedding planning. I adore this one.
Packing a Piece- Early days Tarlos, T.K. taking care of Carlos as his feelings grow stronger.
My Pain Fits in the Palm of Your Freezing Hand- What a labor of love, Carlos' POV during the Ice Storm arc.
I Get it From You- 5+1 of habits the boys have picked up from each other. So fun to write!
Will You Take What's Left of Me?- Me trying to figure out the mess of Carlos having a secret wife 🙄
Like I'm Gonna Lose You- T.K. saving Carlos' life after his abduction and the aftermath.
Glitter and Be Gay- This one is so freaking funny lol. Carlos hates glitter and he suffers because of it. T.K. is amused.
How to Say Goodbye- My last NCIS LA Densi fic. That fandom has meant the world to me and I'm sad the show is over.
Love is Sitting on the Bathroom Floor- T.K. has food poisoning, Carlos takes care of him, it's so sweet!
The Luck O' the Irish- I truly love how this one turned out, my little fic about Tarlos doing a class project with their child in the future and Carlos being a neurotic dad lol.
I Won't Say I'm in Love- Carlos falling in love with T.K., Adriana and Francesca being their best/worst selves. This one has some of the best dialogue, god they're fun.
Mothers and Sons- Andrea caring for T.K. as they wedding plan. Made myself cry with this one.
Shiner- Coda for 4x15, Carlos finding out about T.K.'s black eye and taking care of him.
A Helping Hand- Lololol a fic based on my real life experience with rain and smoke detectors.
Happy Campers- Boys camping trip with whumped Carlos is just what the summer ordered!
We Have Suffered Enough- 4x16 post-ep. God did they really need the Huntington's scare?!
Day Zero- T.K. struggles after being drugged by Sadie.
Saturday Night's All Right for Fighting- This might be the best fic of the year. Mama and Papa Reyes getting into trouble at a bar with T.K. and poor Carlos having to sort it all out is the stuff my dreams are made of.
Rugby King- My sweet, sweet Heartstopper boys. I was so nervous writing this fic and I'm so glad I did. Whumpy Nick and worried Charlie are such perfection and it was so fun to jump into this fandom!
Come Sail Away- My magnum opus for this year lol. The longest thing I've written to date and a love letter to the drama and antics of Below Deck. Also my first AU! (Technically...)
Tío T.K.- T.K. being a freaking badass and helping Carlos' nephew. Adriana and Francesca return. A joy from start to finish.
Phew! What a year! Thanks to everyone who has read my work this year!
Tagging @lemonlyman-dotcom, @bonheur-cafe, @carlos-in-glasses, and @thisbuildinghasfeelings!
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Welcome to the Tarlos Wedding Celebration Event!
Now that TK and Carlos are finally hitched, I wanted to host an event where we could celebrate the couple and how far they've come. I want to spread all the love and appreciation for these two incredible characters who mean so much to so many of us.
Each week, I will be posting 3 sets of prompts. One will be aimed more towards gifsets and edits, and the others will be a short prompt, as well as a dialogue prompt, aimed at everything and anything else you'd like to create. All of which will be listed below. Of course, you can pick from whichever set you want, mix and match them, and create as many posts as you like for each week. Lastly, you can get involved in whichever weeks you'd like. There is zero pressure to create for all of them.
The event will run for 4 months / 19th May -> 7th Sept
Please be sure to tag either #tarlosweddingcelebration or #tarlosweddingevent in your posts, and on ao3.
☆— under the cut, you will find the 3 lists of prompts —☆
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list one
week 1 (19th - 25th May) — favourite tarlos centric episode(s)
week 2 (26th May - 1st June) — favourite tk and/or carlos rescue(s) / or favourite parallel(s)
week 3 (2nd - 8th June) — favourite s1 moment(s)
week 4 (9th - 15th June) — favourite quote(s)
week 5 (16th - 22nd June) — favourite s2 moment(s)
week 6 (23rd - 29th June) — favourite comedy moment(s) / or favourite outfit(s)
week 7 (30th June - 6th July) — favourite s3 moment(s)
week 8 (7th - 13th July) — favourite emotional moment(s)
week 9 (14th - 20th July) — favourite s4 moment(s)
week 10 (21st - 27th July) — favourite hug(s) OR moment(s) that means a lot to you personally
week 11 (28th July - 3rd August) — favourite background or underrated moment(s)
week 12 (4th - 10th August) — favourite musical moment(s)
week 13 (11th - 17th August) — favourite friendship (tarlos + ______)
week 14 (18th - 24th August) — favourite kiss(es)
week 15 (25th - 31st August) — free choice / or (themed prompt) tarlos + colours
week 16 (1st - 7th September) — free choice / or (themed prompt) the journey/evolution of tarlos
list two (each has two options - do with them what you want)
week 1 — alternate first meeting / disastrous first meeting
week 2 — hosting an event / out with friends
week 3 — career swap / s1 alternate ending
week 4 — three little words / pride month
week 5 — no more catan / trapped together
week 6 — honeymoon shenanigans / a furry friend
week 7 — alternate proposals / another coma
week 8 — sacrifice / regret
week 9 — shotgun wedding / one final bump in the road
week 10 — only one bed au / soulmate au
week 11 — under arrest / date night
week 12 — overworked / hyperactive
week 13 — hanging with 126 / dinner with parents
week 14 — making up after a fight / tattoos
week 15 — free choice / or wedding themed angst and/or comfort
week 16 — free choice / or wedding themed fluff and/or smut
list three
(a special thank you to the amazing @tarlosweeklyprompts/@chaotictarlos for contributing these prompts for us)
week 1 — "You saved my life... I feel like I owe you."
week 2 — "Honey, where are the limes?"
week 3 — "The only good thing in my life, is you."
week 4 — "I told you I would never leave you."
week 5 — "You're my soulmate. Nothing will change that."
week 6 — "When I think about forever, all I see is your face."
week 7 — "Not to be cheesy, but you're literally the love of my life."
week 8 — "Walking out on you is the worst thing I've ever done."
week 9 — "Each day of my life I get to have you by my side is worth living."
week 10 — "No, I meant every word." "Then why don't I believe you."
week 11 — "You want me to wear what!?"
week 12 — "You're so silly."
week 13 — "How did I get so lucky."
week 14 — "I think I'm ready to talk about it."
week 15 — free choice / or "You're lying. He's not hurt."
week 16 — free choice / or "Why is Lou on the counter!?"
[hosted by @angeltk]
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sugdenlovesdingle · 8 months
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Hey look ma I made a thing for a thing!
I see your WIP Wednesday and Seven Sentence Sunday and all that... and I give you
Self Promo Saturday!
Because you're your own biggest fan, right?
The rules are simple: List 5 of your works that you're proud of.
Any medium (fic/art), any fandom, old or recent - anything goes.
For my five I'm going to limit myself to Tarlos fics (because if I had to include robron too it would be too hard to pick just five)
Love and Lou Vet!Carlos AU. Carlos helping with the bull stuck in the car call, coming to the rescue for Buttercup,and Lou I and II make an appearance. I had a lot of fun with this, it's slightly unhinged, but I'm happy with the way it turned out.
The perfect costume Nancy is throwing a Halloween party, TK wants the perfect costumes for him and Carlos. Again, slightly unhinged but the amount of research i put into Carlos' costume will make your head spin so it goes on the list. Also if the LS wardrobe department could make this happen on screen, I would be very happy.
PS I love you TK gets a letter from Gwyn on his wedding day. It's a little sad, a little bittersweet, and I think I wrote it in an hour but I'm really happy with it. The prompt I wrote it for was "Letter" and PS I love you is one of my favourite books, so I couldn't NOT write it.
California My reverse bang fic. An AU where TK checks himself into rehab in California after his OD instead of going to Austin with Owen. I really struggled with it even though I LOVE the art it's based on and I got the idea the first time I saw it. But my mental health was kind of *fart noise* while writing it. Though in the end it's almost twice as long as it was supposed to be and I'm happy with the result and proud of myself for finishing it and not giving up.
Under arrest 5 times Carlos had to arrest a member of the 126 +1 time he got arrested himself. My first 5+1! After many, many, MANY rewrites this is the result and the +1 got a little out of hand and *again* - unhinged. I basically wrote the entire fic around the last few lines.
I'm tagging @noxsoulmate @lightningboltreader @carlos-in-glasses @tailoredshirt @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @detective-giggles @bonheur-cafe @chaotictarlos @sanjuwrites @welcometololaland @largepeachicedtea @a-kinkajoukink
and an open tag for anyone who wants to play
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sanjuwrites · 3 months
several sentence sunday
thanks to @sznofthesticks, @carlos-in-glasses, and @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut for the tag!
i am being plagued in ideas for fics and i am so busy </3
firstprince - divorce fic
Alex stops at the door of what used to be their bedroom, messing with the drawstrings of his hoodie. The bottle of red wine that Catherine gave them on their wedding day six years ago dangles from his other hand. Henry is sitting on the mattress, knees folded up to his chest, and his head is resting on them. He’s staring out the bay window where the both of them spent hours curled into each other, drinking wine and laughing together. 
This room is the one room that their divorce didn’t touch, still sacred in the same way it was the night they got married – neither of them had slept in here once since everything had begun. 
“Hey,” Alex says quietly, and Henry looks over at him, his eyes shining with unshed tears. Alex blinks back some of his own, “One last bottle? For old times' sake?”
Henry just nods slightly, and Alex walks over to the window, pulling two glasses off the little wine glass rack they installed into the cabinet under the bench, sitting against the edge of the window. He looks at the clock on his old nightstand, the time reading 12:56 am.  “T minus 8 hours, Hen. If we want to finish this bottle and go to bed, you gotta chop chop.”
Henry just chuckles wetly, coming over and dropping to sit in between Alex’s legs, leaning his chest against his back.
tarlos - childhood best friends AU
TK’s facial expression cracks open and he nods softly, “I’ll be careful.”
Carlos lets go, knowing this is the best he’s going to get from him. He steps back, opening the door to tell dispatch that he’s code four when he hears a shot go off. 
His feet are taking off before he can even process what happened.
He skids to a stop in front of the room, eyes widening in horror as he takes in the scene in front of him. Michelle’s working on resuscitating the man with the heart attack, and Aish-
Well, Aish is currently applying pressure to TK’s shoulder with all her body weight and Oh, God, Carlos has been here before. 
Carlos feels sixteen all over again, feeling the palms of his hands digging into TK’s chest as he tries to keep TK’s heart pumping before an ambulance gets there.
He tries to snap out of it, reaching up with shaky hands to his radio, and pressing the button. “Dispatch, requesting additional RA unit to scene, gunshot victim, white male in his early 20s.” He takes a breath, “it’s Paramedic Strand, so if we could hurry up.”
It’s Grace’s voice that floats back over the radio, “Copy that, 363-H-20.” There’s a beat and then, “Are you okay, Carlos?”
“I’ll be better when that RA gets here,” and with that, he hits his knees on the floor next to Aish, pulling gloves out of her kit and putting them on. “Switch with me, I’ll apply pressure, and you can do the rest. I can at least do this.”
i'm going to tag @theghostofashton, @liminalmemories21, @alrightbuckaroo, @reyesstrand, @bonheur-cafe, @fallout-mars, and @chaotictarlos
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thebumblecee · 8 months
Cee’s Art Masterlist (2nd edition)
Tumblr ate the first one
1-6 of the hand painted Hands Series
Hand painted Tamale deleted scene
Hand painted Season One TK
Seeing their universe for the first time
That’s where his face goes
Let’s have some fun
Pumpkin spice Tarlos
The Lovers
Puppy Snuggles
TK’s Wedding Night
That’s his baby!
Sometimes love is black and white
Mythology pt 1
Cutie patooties
Untitled: uniform
Yellow hoodie kiss
John Wick Au Masquerade Ball Scene
Carlos: baby boy
Paul: King Shit
Lou II
Scooby Gang
Eyes of Tarlos
They’re Married
Couch cuddle
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tarlosobsessed1 · 2 years
My favorite tarlos fics
one single thread (72937 words) by strandnreyes (professors AU)
I promise that it’s worth the risk (24209 words) by brilliantbanshee (Amnesia Carlos, the first fic i read)
Life, believe, is not a dream, so dark as sages say (17262 words) by imaginentertain (Carlos and Grace get stuck in a bank robbery)
let me take your heart (love you in the dark) (28687 words) by ksmalltalk (firefighter Carlos AU)
Begged And Borrowed Time (82199 words) by IBoatedHere (Ranch AU, this one is a fucking masterpiece)
Swing For The Fences, Run To The Line (52407 words) by IBoatedHere (Baseball AU)
So Many Somethings (22697 words) by IBoatedHere (AU based on a movie, enemies to lovers that we stan)
Secret Moments In A Crowded Room (52217 words) by strandnreyes (actors AU, this one is so good that is a crime)
When Snow Falls, We Listen (77826 words) by destimushi (the AU they got stuck together in a snowstorm, SO GOOD)
to live for the hope of it all (54102 words) by strandnreyes (the AU they are lost in an island, a masterpiece)
The Ring-In (87383 words) by ifyoustay, LolaLand (the one they go to a wedding in Hawaii)
Love Game (142953 words) by LolaLand (Tennis AU, i just fucking binged this even without having a clue about tennis, that's how good it is)
'tis the damn season (52401 words) by WeWereEmergencies (AU based on Taylor's song. This fic got me SOBBING and i love it)
time, curious time (51127 words) by strandnreyes (AU of reincarnation that got me SOBBING)
What You See Will Be (64120 words) by fiddlersgreen (beautiful, it's like their love through poetry)
Seven Ways (Back to You) (32.590 words) by LolaLand (Lola_di_Penates) (missing conversations 3x04, this whole serie is chef kiss)
into you (19677 words) by ksmalltalk (Tarlos College AU, Carlos painter)
Love in Slow Motion (32797 words) by LolaLand (A sequel to the Tennis AU)
Magnetic North (145796 words) by paperstorm (Hockey AU, so GOOD)
Is kinda obvious that i mostly enjoy AU's and long ones, right? LOL but i read A LOT and have a bunch bookmarked, this ones are just a little more especial to me <3
Last updated: February 01, 2023
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welcometololaland · 9 months
LolaLand - 911 Lone Star Fic List
Multi-Chap AU
a long time ago (we used to be friends) (Carlos/TK) 12/12 - E - Austin AU (166,000)
Series - The Tennis AU
Love Game (Carlos/TK) 11/11 - E - Tarlos tennis AU (~143,000)
Match Point (Carlos/TK) 6/6 - E - Tarlos tennis AU sequel (~20,000)
Love in Slow Motion (Carlos/TK) - 12/12 - E - Tarlos tennis AU prompt fill (~32,700)
Series - 3 x 04 Codas
Love, Immortal (Carlos/TK) 1/1 - T - 3 x 04 coda (~2,000)
Love, Enduring (Carlos/TK) - 1/1 - T - 3 x 04 coda (~3,400)
Love, Communicated (Carlos/TK) - 1/1 - T - 3 x 04 coda (~5,400)
Love, Healing (Carlos/TK) - 1/1 - T - 3 x 04 coda (~5,400)
Love, Inescapable (Carlos/TK) - 1/1 - T - 3 x 04 coda (~6,000)
Love, Hereafter (Carlos/TK) - 1/1 - M - 3 x 04 coda (~4,800)
Love, Indomitable (Carlos/TK) - 1/1 - T - 3 x 04 coda (~5,000)
Series - Seven Days of Smut
Still Waters Run Deep (Carlos/TK) 1/1 - E - 1 x 10 missing scene/coda (~6,300)
Phonography (Carlos/TK) 1/1 - E - Future fic (~6,000)
Nine Dart Finish (Carlos/TK) 1/1 - E - 1 x 03 coda (~5,300)
Illuminated (Carlos/TK) 1/1 - E - 3 x 04 coda/missing scene (~5,400)
Match in a Tinderbox (Carlos/TK) (Alex/Carlos) 1/1 - E - Austin AU (~5,300)
Sex Drive (Carlos/TK) 1/1 - E - 3 x 07 missing scene (~3,800)
And They Were Roommates (Carlos/TK) 1/1 - E - 2 x 10 missing scene (~6,900)
Series - Kid Fic
Baby, Make Your Move (Carlos/TK) 1/1 - T - Future fic/kid fic (~8,500)
Track Record (Carlos/TK) - 1/1 - T - Future fic/kid fic (~5,100)
Heartbreak High (Carlos/TK) - 1/1 - T - Future fic/kid fic (~6,800)
Co-Written Fic
The Ring-In (Carlos/TK) 7/7 - E - Hawaii AU (~87,300)
(Un)professional Services (Carlos/TK) - 7/7 - E - professional services AU (~63,300)
The Rainbow Fish (Carlos/TK) 8/8 - E - Pet store AU (~44,800)
Call Me (By My Name) (Carlos/TK) 4/12 - E - Accidental phone sex AU (~18,000)
One Shots - AU/Canon Spec
oh baby, i'm a fool for you (Carlos/TK) - 1/1 - E - twilight-inspired crack fic (~3,000)
Target Audience (Carlos/TK) - 1/1 - E - Carlos Reyes vs. TikTok (~8,200)
The Devil Works Hard (But Mesh Shirts Work Harder) (Carlos/TK) - 1/1 - E - PWP mesh shirt era (~10,000)
Warm Whispers (Carlos/TK) - 1/1 - E - Wedding night spec (~4,300)
Waterproof (Carlos/TK) - 1/1 - E - Gratuitous fiancé smut (~4,000)
living at the centre of a wound still fresh (Carlos/TK) - 8/8 - E - post-season 4 (~43,000)
all is near and can't be touched (Carlos/TK) - 1/1 - T - 4 x 16 coda (~3,800)
(Fl)oral Arrangements (Carlos/TK) - 1/1 - E - 4 x 08 coda (~5,200)
get it right, to get around me (Carlos/TK) 1/1 - E - 1 x 04 coda (~5,800)
The Morning (Part 2) (Carlos/TK) 1/1 - E - 3 x 18 coda (~4,500)
Breathe, Baby (Carlos/TK) 1/1 - M - 3 x 04 coda (~5,100)
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detective-giggles · 1 year
Unexpected Dates
Three fics in a week, who even am I??? Okay, just another short little ficlet for the Tarlos Wedding Celebration. I love alternate meetings, can you tell? Anyway- truth is, this has been finished for a while and I’ve just been looking for an excuse to post it. @sanjuwrites and @chaotictarlos have been very encouraging with this one, so… A little college AU
Carlos pushed his way through the throng of mostly drunk college kids on his way up the stairs. This frat party was not his scene, and he was counting down the minutes until he could make his way back to the quiet of his dorm room.
The door to the roof was, surprisingly, unlocked and he let out a little sigh of relief as he escaped the overcrowded frat house to the rooftop. He was expecting that the roof wouldn’t be completely quiet but he wasn’t actually expecting to bump into another person up here.
“Oh! Sorry! I just had to get out of there for a few minutes, I didn’t mean to bother anyone.”
“You didn’t.” He shrugged and smiled, handing over a blue glass bottle. “Want a drink?”
“Huh? Um, no, thanks. I don’t…drink.” Carlos murmured.
The other man laughed and his green eyes twinkled in the moonlight. “I don’t either. It’s just mineral water.” He raised his eyebrows and offered Carlos the bottle again.
“Oh. Yeah, okay. Thanks.” Carlos took the drink gratefully, popped open the bottle and took a sip. “Uh, I’m Carlos.”
“Does that stand for something?”
“Sure does.” TK nodded but didn’t elaborate. “It’s nice out here.”
“Uh huh.” Carlos took another sip of water and leaned his forearms on the ledge, watching the students below.
“You know this is a rush party? You’re not really gonna make a good impression with the brothers hiding up here with me.”
“I’m fine with that. This isn’t my idea of a good time,” Carlos admitted. “Mateo, my roommate begged me to come and then promptly ditched me when we got here.”
“He’s not too bright is he?” TK asked. “For ditching you, I mean.”
“What about you? Not worried about making a good impression?”
TK shrugged. “I’m a legacy. They’re stuck with me, whether they want me or not.” When he caught Carlos’ blank look he explained, “My dad was an Alpha Beta Zeta. They have to take me. It’s like a rule or something.”
“How do you feel about that?” Carlos turned his gaze to TK who shrugged again. “Do you want to follow in your dad’s footsteps?”
“My dad’s a great guy. I’ll be lucky to be half the man that he is.”
“That doesn’t really answer the question.”
“You know, I actually think we have a math class together,” TK said.
The change in subject caught Carlos off-guard and he paused, trying to remember if he’d seen TK around the auditorium. “Maybe? That class is huge. I don’t know how you’d notice anyone in there.”
“You’re hard to miss. You sit in the second row. Glasses. And you chew your pen when you get anxious.”
Carlos felt his cheeks flush.
“I’m actually doing okay in that class- if you ever want a study partner,” TK offered.
“Oh, maybe? I mean, sure.” Carlos pulled his phone out of his back pocket, unlocked it, and handed it to TK. “I’d like that.”
TK grinned and typed in his number before handing it back to Carlos.
“So, your roommate is still down at the party?” TK confirmed.
“Yeah, I think so. He hasn’t texted me to tell me he left, so…”
“And we’ve both agreed that neither one of us wants to be here?”
Carlos flashed a little grin. “Definitely not. I’ll be happy if this is the only frat party I ever attend while I’m here.”
TK hopped off the ledge and dusted the dirt off his jeans and the back of his hoodie. “Excellent. I could walk you back to your place?” he offered with a mischievous grin.
“Come on.” TK put one hand on the small of Carlos’ back and opened the door with the other, leading Carlos back inside and down the stairs.
Taglist: @chaotictarlos @noxsoulmate @plaidbooks @tailoredshirt @meditating-honey-badger
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