#takes place after ep 107
matan4il · 2 years
Kinnporsche 107 sex scene meta
Me: I am not going to fall down yet another hyperfixation rabbit hole, I am not.
My brain: Yes, but have you considered Kinnporsche’s bathroom sex scene at the end of ep 107?
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(Below: going feral over why this is one of the best sex scenes ever)
This sex scene as a turning point
This scene tells a whole story, which is why it’s so emotionally evocative. It’s Kinn and Porsche’s turning point. Before it, they’ve done so many things together, they’ve felt attracted to the other man, they’ve felt anger, they’ve kissed, they’ve argued, they’ve fucked, and so often, they’ve pretended with each other. It isn’t easy for them to openly show what they feel and be vulnerable like that. Even after Kinn took a bullet for Porsche (!) at the end of 106, they still have moments when they pretend. Porsche tries to walk out of Kinn’s hospitalization room in the side story as if he didn’t nearly lose his damn mind at Khun making a joke about his brother’s condition, while Kinn in 107 tells Vegas he can do whatever he wants to with Porsche as if he won’t go apeshit crazy when he’ll think that’s happening... And this pretending takes place even after it’s already become so clear that they matter a lot to each other (for example, Porsche is staying as Kinn’s bodyguard despite them both knowing how much he hates certain inevitable parts of mafia life, and Kinn’s wishing for the first time in his life for the minor family’s success just so Porsche would return safely to him). They both have trust issues, and being that vulnerable with someone through honesty about their feelings and wants, it’s still just too damn much for them.
But not after this sex scene. They’ll still have their trials and issues, but this scene is what marks the end of them pretending to care less about each other than they do. Everything that will follow, even when there will be stuff that they keep from the other one, will still be so much more honest in terms of how they feel about each other and wanting to be together.
Which is why this scene is built as an emotional journey, signalling the change from the primal phase they were in during the first part of the season, to a new, deeper relationship in the second part. It’s why the scene starts with conflicted sex (which they’ve had before) and transitions into sweet, even joyful lovemaking (which they will have again afterwards). This scene encompasses a summary of their journey, while also being one of the most pivotal points in it. It is a mini reflection of the whole play. It’s brilliance.
That transition is why it has to start with anger, with a sense of betrayal (Kinn’s when he sees Porsche with Vegas, Porsche’s when he realizes Kinn blames him for Vegas’ unwanted advances), then passes through regret to reach the point where they both choose each other, not because they’re unaware of their points of conflict, but with a new understanding that they care enough about each other to be able to surpass them.
Defiant anger is built into what allowed them to happen in the first place. A part of why Kinn falls for Porsche to begin with is the fact that this man does NOT accept any of Kinn’s bullshit. We see it in 101 already. Porsche has the audacity to insist on getting paid for his help to the point of deciding he’s taking Kinn’s watch, the one right next to Kinn’s infamous mafia family ring (we have a clear shot of both in the same frame), and even as Kinn shows interest, Porsche doesn’t want to give him a phone number, and barely even gives him a first name (which Kinn will quickly discover is not the real one anyway). To truly emphasize how completely out of the ordinary this experience is for Kinn, right after Porsche rides away, we see a car pulling up next to Kinn and a stream of bodyguards pours out of it and bows in perfect sync to our mafia prince. This serves to highlight right away just how unique Porsche is and why Kinn HAS to take note of him.
So it’s no wonder that Porsche’s first time confessing his love to Kinn plays out along these lines. It’s not a sweet and docile confession. It’s a storm powered by Porsche’s anger. Which may not sound very romantic, except consider Kinn for a second. At the point where Porsche first meets him, he trusts no one. He’s guarded and closed, and surrounded by people who bow to his every wish. And he’s been deeply wounded by a man he did have feelings for. IDK if he was in love with Tawan, but Kinn felt enough for him that even after Tawan’s betrayal,  Kinn kept Tawan’s picture in his bedroom. We only get a small glimpse at what Kinn and Tawan’s relationship was like, whether it was fake from the start or if at first Tawan did feel something for Kinn, but the lying and manipulating had to have started back then, and in the present we see Tawan doing that by being extra available and seemingly very sweet and docile for Kinn. It must have been a very convincing act at the time, yet Kinn managed to realize that it was a lie, that while Tawan claimed to love him, his ex never did. 
So imagine how meaningful it was to Kinn that Porsche is nothing like Tawan. That he doesn’t try to appease and be subservient. That he stands up to Kinn, and gets angry, and shouts, and pushes Kinn away. The manipulative Tawan probably never did any of those things, he surely didn’t want to risk what he had with Kinn. Which is why it matters so much that Porsche’s first love confession is so angry and ready to call it quits. Because the tragedy of what Tawan did is that Kinn has trouble believing in soft love confessions. But Porsche getting angry, Porsche calling Kinn shitty in the very same sentence in which he admits his love? That’s honest. That Kinn can believe. And all of the softness we’re going to see between them after 107 is made possible because of that very HONEST anger. In that moment, Kinn can feel that Porsche is telling him the truth, which is why Kinn himself can apologize, because he really does grasp in that moment that he was wrong, that Porsche wouldn’t play with and manipulate him the way Tawan did.
And the second Kinn realizes his mistake, he apologizes right away. I wanna point out how this also connects to 101. We don’t know why Porsche is so insistent on getting 50,000 baht from Kinn until later on, when we meet Uncle Thee and realize Porsche needs the money to cover up this man’s debts. Despite everything that Thee puts Porsche and Porchay through, he never truly apologizes, he never sees how deeply his actions hurt these two orphaned brothers, or feels any genuine remorse for that, never mind attempt to compensate the two for what they’d gone through because of him. Worse, at first he actually spins things around in such a way that Porsche actually ends up apologizing himself to Thee, even though Porsche did nothing wrong. He just wanted to see to his brother’s education, which is valid and right, and a much better use of the money than covering Thee’s debts. Even when he does eventually apologize, it’s clear that his apology is of the “I’m sorry I got caught, still need you to bail me out of this” variety.
So once again, just think about how different it is for Porsche, seeing Kinn realize that he had mistaken Porsche’s intents with Vegas, that he had spoken too harshly, and witnessing how Kinn actually cares enough that he's ready and willing to do whatever it takes to fix things. He sincerely apologizes and then proceeds to show Porsche that he knows he got it wrong, that unlike the hurtful things he said, he actually adores Porsche, and that Kinn will expresses that by physically worshipping him. By taking the time and making Porsche feel good and profoundly appreciated. There is no evasion of responsibility or manipulation on Kinn’s side. And for a man as proud and stubborn as him (characteristics Porsche is already aware of by 107), admitting he was wrong and apologizing is no small thing. Porsche must know this because at the end of the day, he chooses not to walk away from Kinn.
We all know he could. Sure, Kinn’s strong, can fight and has a gun, but we’ve seen Porsche able to fight off even people with guns who seem stronger than him. We’ve even seen him and Kinn face off in 101, and Porsche being completely undaunted by the gun Kinn was carrying, being ferocious enough that he managed to get himself out of there despite Kinn’s skills, his gun, or his bodyguards’ weapons all pointed at Porsche. So if he managed to get out of that one, he could def get out of that bathroom if he wanted to.
But he doesn’t get out. He doesn’t want to, because on some level, he can feel the change in Kinn, the realization he was wrong, the regret, the willingness to make it up to Porsche. It’s their turning point. And maybe my most fave part about an entire scene full of beauty and emotion perfectly captured, is the way Porsche physically turns around towards Kinn. It’s their turning point, literally.
This isn’t just some bathroom quickie. This is the beginning of Kinn and Porsche being on the same page, trusting each other, because they finally grasp that there is real love there. The foundation for everything we’re going to see them building together in the second half of the season.
At the end of the day, this trust is going to be so crucial for them. It’s what they both are missing at the start of the show. Kinn, as a mafia prince, trusts no one, especially not after Tawan’s betrayal. But Porsche is really suspicious of people as well. Like Kinn he has a small circle of people around him that he cares about and trusts, mostly family, but not a lot beyond that. When he meets women at Yuk’s bar, he’s not interested in anything other than sex. That requires too much of him, including trust. And when Kinn wants his phone number and his name, Porsche doesn’t trust him with either. As much as we can understand Kinn’s lack of trust in terms of the mafia world he was born into, Porsche has a somewhat similar experience in terms of the world being an untrustworthy place. He lost both his parents at a young age, the people who should be there to protect him most of all. And then he had one parental figure in his life, Thee. But that man kept amassing debts, which Porsche had to regularly pay off, risking him, his brother, Porchay’s education, their house... In 103, Porsche explicitly talks about the violence and brutality he has experienced at the hands of debt collectors, even Porchay was used to it enough that we saw him in 101 taking care of Thee’s bruises without batting an eye. Add to this that Porsche has also been involved in street fighting, a world in which we saw the “ring master” cheating Porsche out of some of the money he was owed. So trust is a crucial element that neither of them get to have beyond a very small circle of immediate family and a couple of lifelong friends. 
That’s why the real test for their love is trust. Where love confessions and the realization those feelings are mutual, those are often the climax of a love story, for Kinnporsche that happens to a great degree in the 107 sex scene. Porsche admits to loving Kinn, while Kinn shows his love through his apology, and the sex being so consensual and equal-footed, that’s in a sense them coming together and realizing they’re on the same page. But that’s not enough, because the real question is, is what they feel for each other enough to build the trust they both lack and desperately need?
In the second half of the season, they’re going to come across two huge tests of trust. And not just any tests, these are going to be grounded in a shift in reality, the kind that makes people doubt themselves, let alone others.
Kinn’s test is gonna come first, when Tawan shows up, “back from the dead”. Just think about how mind boggling that had to be for Kinn. Porsche didn’t know Tawan, he wasn’t there when Tawan was shot, and he was so certain the guy was dead that he was convinced he was being haunted by his boyfriend’s dead ex. So just imagine how much Kinn’s sense of reality must have been challenged when he was there and convinced he killed Tawan himself... It’s not simple to still have faith in yourself or in your new boyfriend after being so deeply betrayed by your ex and when things you thought you knew for a fact get challenged. And yet, we’ll come to find out Kinn did, that he never lost his trust in Porsche, not even when it looked like he did. Kinn’s real challenge wasn’t in whether or not to believe Porsche over the “resurrected” Tawan. It was in trusting him enough to let him go when Porsche escaped imprisonment in 110.
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Yes, we’ve seen Kinn letting Porsche go at the end of 106, which was an incredibly important step for him. But it’s one thing to do that when they never got to be together as a couple, when Kinn never got to experience how happy they could be sharing their lives, and when he thought he was letting Porsche go in favor of pursuing his dream of opening a bar on the beach, getting away from the darkness of the mafia world. It’s a different thing to know how happy they can both be if Porsche doesn’t go, and that if he does, they may never get that. Because by now, Porsche is tangled too deeply in the webs of this dark world, if he leaves, it’s not in order to pursue freedom and lifelong dreams. It’s to get away from Kinn. And all along, Kinn knows it can all be resolved so easily if Porsche just stays and hears the explanation regarding Tawan. But Kinn understands that if he insists, if when Porsche is asking for Kinn’s trust he won’t get it, it may be over in any case. Letting him go at this point must have been hard enough considering how at the end of 105 we saw Kinn still being that man who insists on getting everything and everyone he wants. He had to really struggle not to express himself in that way. So just imagine how hard it had to be, how much trust it actually took for Kinn to let Porsche go at that moment, especially when he probably knew Vegas, the man Kinn already suspected of being behind Tawan’s betrayal, was most likely the guy behind breaking Porsche out of that prison cell. 
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Then it’s Porsche’s turn to have his trust tested. And if Kinn experienced a revelation that would put a dent in his sense of reality, this is even more true for Porsche. His parents dying in an accident is one of the most forming experiences of his life, and then he first discovers that’s not how they were killed, then later he finds out his mom is still alive, though in a sense she’s still out of his reach. Everything he knew collapses. His own memories turn out to be untrustworthy. We see him physically experience discomfort as he struggles with that. Thee was supposedly his uncle, the man who raised him and Porchay since they were little and orphaned, but he turns out to be some stranger inserted into their lives, while a man Porsche thought was a stranger turns out to be his uncle through adoption. All of that together, it’s so destabilizing, but remember Porsche had trust issues to begin with. So to now find out all of this, to know he can’t even trust his own mind... How does one even handle something like that? It could make anyone fall apart. Yet, before the end of 114, we get the answer. Porsche isn’t okay, his trust in Korn has been shaken up seemingly for good, yet there he is, choosing to put his trust in Kinn. Eventually even pledging Porsche’s own life to him.
Kinn himself, in a sense, is tested during that final battle, too. He has been raised his whole life to believe that only those who are loyal to Korn can be trusted. Even after all of the lies and manipulations, Kinn is still extremely loyal to his father, we never even see him getting to express any upset over Korn faking his death and all the turmoil, death and destruction that brought about. Kinn's whole identity has always revolved around being his father’s son, to the degree that he still asks for Porsche to declare his loyalty to the main family, meaning to Korn, at the big battle. And he doesn’t get what he’s asking for. Porsche refuses to pledge his allegiance to this mafia family. Yet despite that, he states he is loyal to Kinn. And that is maybe the first thing Kinn has ever had that is truly his, not something he got thanks to being a mafia prince. Porsche’s love and trust is actually something Kinn has earned despite his family. That’s not something Kinn is supposed to want or accept. Yet Kinn trusts Porsche, so that Porsche is loyal to him, despite not being loyal to the family or Korn? That’s good enough. That’s another small trust test they pass.
I can’t say enough about how powerful I think that is, which is why I also believe no matter what’s gonna come their way if we ever see a season 2, Kinnporsche can overcome it. Korn is still a very dubious figure, these love birds are still deep within the brutal mafia world, so challenges are bound to rise sooner or later. But they love and trust each other, so I feel no doubt they will come out on the other side of such challenges stronger than ever.
Yeah, basically the epicness of Kinnporsche’s love story is their trust and the way it manages to hold on and help them win even in the face of a reality bent out of shape. No matter what, by the end of 114, they know they can trust each other. And the moment when we first really see them committing to this trust, when they’re in sync for the first time and choose this trust (choose to trust the other man’s love confession and apologetic expression of love) is during this brilliant sex scene. There’s a reason I’m never gonna be over that scene, and it’s not just how hot it is. Which, for the record, is VERY.
This sex scene as a dance
It’s not just the idea behind the scene that’s powerful, or the meaning of it, its power is also in the way it was filmed. It is a dance. We can feel its rhythm. Half a step forward, one step back, sideways glide, turn and coming back together for the big, climactic jump.
When Kinn barges in there and kicks Vegas out, you can see Porsche is happy about it. Not only did Kinn just stop Vegas from continuing with those unwanted sexual advances, he was also damn sexy while doing it. Porsche is smiling at Kinn (the same hooded smile he had when they were on the balcony earlier in the ep, flirtingly discussing using Kinn’s “other gun”). 
You can tell that Kinn’s anger takes Porsche by surprise, see the joy draining out of him. In fact, this is so not what he expected that at first he doesn’t even know how to react to it, he just searches Kinn’s face for answers. Porsche knows he did nothing wrong, so how is he even in a situation to have to defend himself? It’s only when Kinn keeps pushing and even gives him a small slap that Porsche is moved into action. He gives Kinn a shove that mirrors the slap. It’s an expression of Porsche’s anger, but also puts them back on equal ground. He’s making it clear he will not be pushed around.
Porsche protests that he didn’t do anything, to which Kinn responds with a bitter, cynical smile, a physical sign of his hardship in believing this. And then trust comes up explicitly. That’s what was truly jarring for Porsche, not the slap, but realizing that Kinn still doesn’t trust him. “Shoot me already,” he says, because in this very ep he heard (from Vegas, who omitted Tawan’s betrayal) that Kinn’s paranoia led to him killing ex. That’s a freaking scary thought, to know the guy you’re into might kill you, because he’s done it before. But Porsche didn’t run away, instead he was still smiling when Kinn first leaned over him after getting Vegas out of that bathroom. He doesn’t run away now either. No, instead he challenges Kinn to shoot him. For a second, it’s as if he demands, “You will love me, and with that trust me for real, or I will die right here.”
But then he adds, “Just like how you shot your ex.” There. If the shove balanced off Kinn’s slap, it’s these words that balance his hurtful accusation. This is exactly when we see Kinn’s bitter smile slips off, just as Porsche’s genuine one disappeared earlier. These words hurt him so much, Kinn leans in closer, ready to hand out the real blow with deliberation. But it’s not a physical one, it’s the accusation that Porsche is sluttier than he thought.
And it lands. That was crossing the line. Which is ironic, because before Kinn came along, based on everything we see in 101 and hear Porsche tell Yuk in 108, Porsche was a bit of a slut (affectionate). He flirted with the women at the bar, if they were interested he slept with them right there at his work place, he never went on dates, we saw him going from zero to hot and heavy sex in no time, he showed no interest in seeing these women again, and had zero attachment to anyone. He was perfectly happy that way. Obviously, he had every right to be. But Kinn is clearly different for Porsche. Kinn was someone he was attracted to and grew emotionally attached to even before they first kissed. He felt enough that after they had sex, despite the murky circumstances, Porsche couldn’t get Kinn out of his head, he couldn’t sleep with someone else despite trying to, instead he kept flashing back to the way Kinn touched him, evidently wanting that over anything else he’s ever experienced with any of those other women. Kinn ruined Porsche by getting under his skin. Which is why this accusation is so deeply devastating. It completely erases Porsche’s love and how it affected him. If Kinn can’t see that, how can he possibly be convinced that he’s wrong?
So Porsche slaps Kinn, bigger this time, and angrily states he should have never loved such a shitty guy. This is his angry love confession and it comes from a wound, from a place of hopelessness. It’s so hurt and so raw, Kinn doesn’t doubt it. He can’t. But in that very moment, Porsche already turns to leave. He’s had it. This is their dance, perfect synched opposite movements. Porsche is ready to walk out precisely when Kinn realizes that he really does have this man’s love. That he can trust it. He’s ready to fight for it by making amends exactly when Porsche is ready to give up on it.
So Kinn has to stop him from leaving, but Porsche is in no place to hear him out. The result is they’re backed up against the wall. Kinn is so desperate to apologize and make things right. Porsche is physically surrounded by him. But something shifts in that moment. It doesn’t change completely, Porsche is still angry and hurt. But he’s also looking into Kinn’s eyes, and he sees there something that’s enough to stop from Porsche from fully trying to walk out. Like I mentioned, he could have fought Kinn, he could have gotten out of that bathroom. He chooses to let Kinn back him into the wall. Porsche is still upset, he turns his own back and raises his shoulders like another wall between them, but he’s not completely closed off. He doesn’t talk, but he’s there. He can hear whatever Kinn has to say.
What does he say? He just experienced sincere anger, indicating sincere love, and now he’s awash with sincere guilt. He’s searching for the right words, he’s straining, you can see it in the way the vein in his temple stands out, he’s hovering his lips, his breath, over Porsche’s skin. Then he finally settles for something that isn’t an explanation, and it isn’t some grand speech. It’s an honest apology. And he echoes it with every following adoring gesture ghosting over the nape of the man he loves.
And Porsche? He knows it doesn’t have to be some grand speech. He’s familiar with the actual rarity of an honest apology and a willingness to work to make things right. He lets Kinn kiss his nape. Just think about how vulnerable that area is. How sensitive. How many physical sensations can be evoked there. Porsche chooses to allow it. His head started out down, in a self-protective angle, but now it’s rising slightly. We still can’t quite see him, but the expression on his face is more visible than a moment ago. 
All along, the camera dances with them too, moving from a greater focus on Kinn (he was the center of the frame in the moment when he backed Porsche into the wall), to both of them, to them with their reflections in the mirror, then backing away from the reflections to being once more just them.
This is so important. Reflections in art are where people meet themselves, where they can reflect back on who they are, what they want, where their true self or happiness lies and how they can get there. Kinn has to look all of his doubts and shed them for his apology to be real. Porsche has to make a decision on whether he can trust Kinn enough to forgive him. But while reflections are an opening for insight and self-inspection, they’re also dangerous in art. Those who look at their reflections and fail to find the right insight, to act on it, to find their way from that reflection to their true self, might get caught in the unreal reflection. The horror genre is especially notorious for this (mirrors, doppelgangers, etc). So it matters that the camera pans over to the mirror, to give them that ability to form their insights, but then withdraws from their reflections back to Kinn and Porsche. And when does the camera start its movement back? Precisely when Kinn says he’s sorry. Precisely when the camera’s angle does lower, catches a better glimpse of Porsche’s eyes. They’re being honest. They could make it.
It’s then that Porsche begins to turn towards Kinn. Hesitantly. But this is a part of their dance. Porsche turns as the camera moves back from the mirror, turns as Kinn moves with him and backs away a bit to give him space, turns as there’s now just enough space for the background light to flood in from behind, take up the space between them and break into a thin, faint rainbow at the edge.
They just look at each other. This is so fragile. Kinn is apologizing, Porsche is willing to give it a chance, but this is still so uncertain. They clearly have the power to hurt each other deeply. That’s a reason to walk away. But they have that power because they love each other so much. That’s a reason to stay. They look at one another, and they see all that. They have to decide whether they want this with all of the risks attached.
And Kinn does. He raises his hand to grasp the hair at the back of Porsche’s neck, like a signal of what he’s about to do. That’s time for Porsche to stop this if he doesn’t want it to happen. He doesn’t. Kinn’s got implicit permission, and he dives into it, into making things better by worshipping Porsche, by making him feel good. It’s still hesitant and cautious. He doesn’t dare kiss Porsche on the lips. He’s not worthy yet. He knows what that kind of kissing means, it’s why he avoided it with everyone else after Tawan. Everyone but Porsche. Yet now, Kinn is denying himself that, and instead he starts kissing Porsche everywhere else. Who doesn’t stop it. So Kinn keeps going, and going, and eventually he circles back, works his way up, physically, to kissing Porsche on the mouth. Once again, he’s allowed to. Porsche had closed his eyes when Kinn started kissing him, starting his surrender to how it made him feel. And now, he actively joins the kiss, opens his mouth for it. And Kinn practically devours Porsche at this point. This is where you can really feel the desperation he’s been reigning in since the second Porsche was ready to walk away from them.
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But the kiss is stopped. Porsche pushes Kinn away, holds him by his neck at a small distance, and examines him. They’ve kissed and had sex and flirted in no uncertain terms before, but this will be the first time Porsche really chooses this. He looks at Kinn with the full understanding of what it means if he doesn’t stop them now. Kinn gives him a small nod, and Porsche’s hands are letting go of his throat, allowing the distance between them to dissipate, rising up to cup Kinn’s face, while his own go down to undo Porsche’s pants. It’s a dance. Synchronized timing, opposite motions, one final direction they’re both moving in. They’re finally moving with each other in perfect harmony.
Kinn pulls down Porsche’s pants like a revelatory act, feeling up his hips with so much reverie. The camera travels up and down their bodies to show us all that, in a similar manner to how Kinn’s hands were roaming over Porsche’s skin. There’s so much adoration in the gaze, as much as there is in the touch, and that’s amplified when the camera focuses back on their faces, intently focused on each other.
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Kinn starts jerking Porsche off. They start moaning loudly, their bodies tense and stretch, and Porsche’s hand joins Kinn down there. The intensity on their faces makes way for something more. Porsche’s delight. He’s relishing this. This sex and this man that he chose. Their hands start stroking at exactly the same time, and Kinn grabs Porsche’s hair tightly while repeating his name. It’s the first time we see this mafia prince, whose lives and the lives of his men have always depended on him being fully in control, start to unravel. After Tawan, Kinn didn’t intend on ever loving again, and now he gets to, and this time, it’s the real thing, with someone who’s honest with him, and loves him right back. That’s so intense, no wonder he’s not quite in control.
Which is exactly when Porsche steps up, takes charge as they both start smiling at each other, basking in how good this is. Porsche even stops for a second, licks his hand, and brings it back down to bring them both to completion.
Because this is their dance: the sex in this scene, just like their relationship overall, starts out with Kinn being the active one, the initiator, the one in control, but soon Porsche joins him, at first with trepidation, but then with more and more enthusiasm, with more commitment and passion poured into it, eventually matching Kinn, and even taking control himself, bringing them back to an equal footing. The initial choice is Kinn’s and the final one is Porsche’s, just like in the show overall. It matters so much that the sex itself is implied to be an act of mutual masturbation, it’s maybe the most “egalitarian” of sex acts that two men can have.
And when it’s over, they don’t let go of each other. Skin against clothes, we see them holding on and kissing. Hugging, and burying their faces in the crook of each other’s neck. That must have been the first time they felt that this is truly theirs. That they can have this. A joy and togetherness and love and fulfilment neither one of them was even hoping for. This was the big jump, the real leap of faith, and they took it together, completely in sync. All of the trust we’ll see later that will get them through everything, that will get them to the moment where they have their symbolic “wedding,” letting us know their commitment to each other doesn’t fall short of any heteronormative marriage, we’d have none of that if it weren’t for this perfect moment.
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Thank you so much to the wonderful @nattaphum​​ for her permission to add the beauty of her gifs (which everyone should check out) to this post, and help put this meta together. Cris, you’re a gift to your fandom, so this is kind of a belated bday gift to you. Buon compleanno! xoxox
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milominderbindered · 2 years
wtnv cecil/carlos episodes complete list
look, bc 200 eps is a lot to get through, i made a list of all the episodes with important and/or particularly good cecil/carlos moments. sort of a relationship timeline sort of just notable stuff !!
Episode 1 - Pilot
(First meeting.  “And I fell in love instantly”)
Episode 3 - Station Management
(Carlos gets his hair cut)
Episode 8 — The Lights in Radon Canyon
(Carlos drops by the station, but tragically does not mention weekend plans)
Episode 16 — The Phone Call
(Cecil gets a phone call from Carlos)
Episode 25 — One Year Later
(Their first big moment)
Episode 27 — First Date
(as it says on the tin)
Episode 30 — Dana
(Carlos studying the house that does not exist)
Episode 31 — A Blinking Light Up On The Mountain
(Carlos makes Cecil dinner)
Episode 35 — Lazy Day
(Carlos has a busy day)
Episode 38 — Orange Grove
(An email from Carlos)
Episode 46 — Parade Day
(Carlos calls in)
Episode 49 — Old Oak Doors
(Carlos and Cecil reunite after a disappearance)
Episode 50 — Capital Campaign
(Carlos is trapped, but scientists are always fine)
Episode 51 — Rumbling
(Carlos reports from the desert)
Episode 52 — The Retirement of Pamela Winchell
(An update on Carlos)
Episode 54 — A Carnival Comes to Town
(Carlos calls)
Episode 55 — The University of What It Is
(Carlos’s university say hi)
Episode 56 — Homecoming
(Cecil misses Carlos)
Episode 58 — Monolith
(Carlos asks Cecil to visit)
Episode 59 — Antiques
(Carlos calls)
(Cecil paints Carlos)
Episode 65 — Voicemail
(Carlos leaves Cecil voicemails)
Episode 68 — Faceless Old Woman
(Cecil is back from visiting Carlos)
Episode 70A — Taking Flight
(A Carlos heavy episode)
Episode 70B — Review
(Carlos and Cecil reunite)
Episode 71 — The Registry of Middle School Crushes
(A heist)
Episode 75 — Through The Narrow Place
(Cecil and Carlos have matching lycra shorts)
Episode 76 — An Epilogue
(Carlos makes a clever plan, and they go bowling)
Episode 78 — Cooking Stuff
(Carlos and Cecil are going to host Thanksgiving)
Episode 88 — Things Fall Apart
(Carlos calls, and they have nicknames)
Episode 89 — Who’s a Good Boy, Part 1
(Carlos tries to save the town with science)
Episode 100 — Toast
(A big step)
Episode 103 — Ash Beach
(Carlos & Cecil visit Old Woman Josie)
Episode 107 — The Missing Sky
(Another Carlos science mission)
Episode 108 — Cal
(Carlos & Cecil’s home)
Episode 111 — Summer 2017, Night Vale, USA
(Carlos with his scientists, and with Cecil)
Episode 119 - eGemony, Part 3: "Love, Among Other Things, Is All You Need"
(Scientists calibrate their instruments to the length of Carlos’s hair)
Episode 124 — A Door Ajar, Part 1
(Carlos doesn’t want to do science?)
Episode 125 — A Door Ajar, Part 2
(A memory of when they first met)
Episode 126 — A Door Ajar, Part 3
(Couples counselling)
Episode 133 — Are You Sure?
(Carlos’s hair is unusually perfect)
Episode 147 — The Protestor
(Cecil doesn’t know an astronomer, but he does know a scientist)
Episode 149 — The General
(Cecil and Carlos go on a ‘first date’)
Episode 150 — The Birthday of Lee Marvin
(Cecil and Carlos’s 6th anniversary)
Episode 153 — The Heist, Part 1
(Carlos does science at home)
Episode 154 — The Heist, Part 2
(Love is the most important news story)
Episode 155 — The Heist, Part 3
(Carlos is a person of interest, which Cecil has been saying for years)
Episode 159 — Cat Show
(Debates over whose last name Khoshekh should have)
Episode 163 — Bravo
(They go to the theatre)
Episode 165 — Charlie
(Remembering when Carlos was in Desert Bluffs)
Episode 166 — Delta
(Carlos bought….handcuffs….at Target….)
Episode 167 — Echo
(Cecil knows that Carlos liked him from the very first time he called)
Episode 176 — The Autumn Spectre
(Carlos meets Bloody Mary)
Episode 177 - Bloody Laws, Bloody Claws: The Murder of Frank Chen
(Carlos calls)
Episode 181 — C*****s
(Reminiscing… and a new addition)
Episode 182 — It Sticks With You
(A family hike)
Episode 192 - It Doesn't Hold Up
(Carlos falls asleep during movies)
Episode 198 — Them Woods Are A Maze
(They take a break from parenting)
Episode 205 — The Moon is Gone
(Carlos plays Elden Ring 23 hours a day)
Episode 208 - Cecil in The Big City
(Carlos and Cecil take a trip)
Episode 209 - The Black Coat
(It’s nearly ten years since Carlos arrived in Night Vale)
Episode 210 - Ten Years Later
(It’s ten years since Carlos arrived in Night Vale)
Episode 212 - The Campus
(Carlos calls in about his old University)
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loveheartgirl1 · 2 months
I've been writing a story to do with Miwa getting his motorbike as well as believeing that he had Kourin help him learn.
As I am writing, my brain sparks a new thought and its crazy it's just occured to me just now. So, we know when Shin and the team went to different places/countries he needed someone to look after the shop right? (I have another story idea for that btw) And we assumed Miwa did it cause you know he's really nice, likes to help out. But what if he also used this chance, to use the money he makes there to save up to buy a motorbike? And for the lessons.
I have sorta proof? Well, the timelines line up so well!
This is the first episode, Miwa gets to go on a motorbike. ep 44
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<He helps Misaki in the next season with some heavy boxes, doesn't really add anything, just thought it was cute to add> Then in ep 70 we actually do see him working there, as well as seeing him working in the credits for series 2, even before we see it happen in ep 70
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And through the episode of 107 the dub Miwa is hoping to get more shifts. To finally seeing the one ever shot of Miwa on his very own motorbike in the Link Joker ending song:
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What I'm saying is, it could line up to how long it takes to get a liscense, going to a school to learn and getting a tutor. Exams etc
And I find it so adorable, one lil time on a ride, could lead to him saving up for one. And also smart, because its not like he worked there just for the bike, cause he's still helping out when hes an adult.
This has probably been thought of before, but I dunno. Love talking about him like this.
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silentwolfkills · 7 months
Naruto Timeline in Order:
Minato One-Shot Manga: Naruto Gaiden: The whorl Within the Spiral:
This Manga is going to be about the secret story behind Minato's jutsu.
One year before 9 tails attack and 6 years after:
Naruto Chapter 239 - 244 Kakashi Chronicles 1 - 6: Kakashi Gaiden: Naruto Shippuden Ep 119 - 120:
During 3rd Ninja war which was the year it ended and takes place a year before the 9 tails attack.
Itachi Shinden Book of Bright Light: Naruto Shippuden Ep 451 - 454:
Itachi is 4 start of novel then is 11 at the end.
6 years after 9 tails attack and 8 years after 9 tails attack:
Itachi Shinden Book of Dark Night: Naruto Shippuden Ep 455:
Itachi is 11 start of Novel and said to have joined Anbu 6 months ago and Shisui dies then said to be 12 soon by Fugaku which a year passed and he kills clan at 12 turning 13.
12 years after 9 tails attack and 13 years after 9 tails attack:
Naruto Chapter 1 - 8: Naruto Ep 1-5:
Naruto 12 in Academy, Graduates Academy.
Rin-No-Sho: Scroll of Facing: Konoha Side Story: At the Ichiraku…: Naruto Ep 101:
To-No-Sho: Chapter of Creation: Insect Collection:
Fu-No-Sho: Book of Wind: The Truth of His Face….: Naruto Ep 469:
Naruto Chapter 9 - 238: Naruto Ep 6 - 25, 27 - 96, 98 - 100, 107 - 135, 141 - 142, 220:
Waves Arc, Chunin exams, Search for Tsunade, Sasuke retrieval mission and then 3 months after mission Naruto at 13 in Dec leaves leaf village with Jiraiya.
14-15 years after 9 tails attack:
Kai-No-Sho: Scroll of Everyone: The New Erotic Ninjutsu Completed!!:
Takes place during the 2 and half years, Naruto is with Jiraiya.
16 years after 9 tails attack and 17 years after 9 tails attack:
Naruto Chapter 245 - 401: Naruto Shippuden Ep 1 - 56, 72 - 90, 113 - 118, 121 - 141:
Naruto returns to the village after 2 years and a half.
Sasuke Jinraiden: The Day the wolf Howled:
is before the 4th ninja war and after Sasuke kills Itachi, this takes place between Chapter 401 and 402 after sasuke finds out the truth behind massacre in Chapter 401 and before meeting team Hebi and renaming them Taka in chapter 402.
Naruto Chapter 402 - 699: Naruto Shippuden Ep 141 - 143, 152 - 169, 172 - 175, 197 - 222, 243 - 256, 261 - 270, 272 - 278, 282 - 283, 296 - 302, 321 - 346, 362 - 375, 378 -387, 391 - 393, 414 - 415, 418 - 421, 424 - 426, 458 - 463, 469 - 479:
Naruto finds out about Jiraiya’s death, Pain attack the leaf village, Sasuke attacks Kage Summit, 4th ninja War start then 4th ninja war Ended and concluded everyone saved from infinite Tsuyukomi.
Nearly a year after 4th ninja War:
Kakashi Hiden: Lightning in the Ice Sky:
is nearly a year after war and is before sasuke leaves Konoha.
Then Sasuke leaves in Chapter 699: Naruto Shippuden Ep 479:
Sasuke been Pardoned for his past actions with his help undoing the infinite Tsuyukomi and also Kakashi becoming 6th hokage and the wishes of Naruto the key figure in ending the war, helped.
Sasuke leaves the leaf village to know the Shinobi world and how the world looks with the current him and it’s a journey of atonement too, Sasuke leaves the village and Naruto gives sasuke his headband back outside the village.
Two years after 4th ninja War:
Shikamaru Hiden: A Cloud Drifting in Silent Darkness: Naruto Shippuden Ep 489 - 493:
Two years after the Great Ninja War, Shikamaru spends his days racing around, hands full as one of Konoha's key protectors. Then, large numbers of ninja from every region are reported missing. Even Sai disappears and the place where the missing shinobi end up is the mysterious empire, the Land of Silence. Shikamaru is sent with Ro and Hinoko/ Soku on an Anbu mission to find Sai.
Naruto The last: Naruto the Movie Novel: Naruto The last: Naruto the Movie:
Two years after the Fourth Shinobi World War, Naruto must stop Toneri Otsutsuki, a descendant of Hamura Otsutsuki, after Toneri causes the moon to descend toward Earth. Which takes place in the depth of Autumn, stated in page 16 of Naruto the last: Naruto the Movie Novel, Which Autumn in Japan is September to November.
Retsu-No-Sho: Naruto Special Extra Chapter: After the Last Movie:
Naruto and Hinata go on a Date.
Rai-No-Sho: Scroll of Lightning: The Beast that was Shot by Love:
It is set during the events of the Blank Period after the events of The Last: Naruto Movie. The omake is unique as it is through Akamaru's point of view on his thoughts on master/partner Kiba Inuzuka.
Sakura Hiden: Thoughts of love Riding Upon a Spring Breeze:
I'll see you soon." With those words, Sasuke left. Time has passed since Toneri Otsutsuki's attack, and spring has come once more. Sakura continues to develop her medical ninjutsu, her days busy but peaceful. But as she supports her friends through their own love lives, she can't help but wonder...how long must she wait? Then, he returns. But dark shadows follow him, and Sakura must face a new trial, as both the leading Medic Ninja of her time...and as a woman.
Konoha Hiden: The Perfect Day for a Wedding: Naruto Shippuden Ep 494 - 500:
Naruto’s and Hinata’s Wedding.
Three years after 4th ninja War:
Gaara Hiden: A sandstorm Mirage:
is set a few months after the Naruto’s and Hinata’s wedding.
Gaara has just turned twenty years old, so Sunagakure's elders think it's time for him get married.
They have already found a wife for him, which he is going to meet shortly and so, Gaara's toughest battle yet begins...
Akatsuki Hiden: Evil Flowering Full Bloom:
Nearly Three years after the end of the Fourth Shinobi World War, Sasuke Uchiha travels through a forest.
Despite having once been an international criminal, he was granted freedom and a new outlook because of the friendship of Naruto Uzumaki, the love of Sakura Haruno, and the trust of Kakashi Hatake.
With flash backs of the Akatsuki members Itachi and Kisame, then Flashbacks of Hidan and Kakuzu, then flashbacks of Sasori and Deidara, then Flashbacks of Konan and Nagato and Obito who was going by the name Madara back then and also flashbacks with Zetsu.
Sasuke Shinden: Book of Sunrise: Naruto Shippuden Ep 484 - 488:
Nearly Three years after the Fourth Shinobi World War.
As part of his redemption, Sasuke is still travelling around and protecting Konoha from afar.
In his journey, Sasuke still tackles missions sent by Kakashi while dealing with his own personal problems.
9 years after 4th ninja War:
Several years after Naruto The Last: Naruto Movie:
Naruto The Last: Naruto Movie Epilogue:
Shows Hinata Knitting and Boruto and Himawari Run by opening the door to go outside while it’s snowing and asking Naruto to play with them and jump on him, then it shows a photo frame of Hinata and Naruto’s wedding in the centre and on the left photos of Boruto as a baby and as a kid with Naruto and on the right photos of Himawari as a baby and a photo of her with Hinata and then Naruto has a snowball fight with the kids when then the kids ask Hinata to join in and play with them to.
Boruto stated to be 5 and Himawari stated to be 3.
9-10 Years After 4th Ninja War
Zai-No-Sho: The Day Naruto Became Hokage One Shot Manga: The Day Naruto Became Hokage OVA: Boruto Ep 18:
The Day Naruto becomes the Hokage and Kakashi retires from being Hokage.
Boruto is 122 cm and Himawari is 102 cm and in the last Epilogue, Boruto was 110 cm at 5 and Himawari was 93 cm at 3.
So Boruto is probably 6-7 and Himawari 4-5, Boruto’s birthday in March and Himawari’s birthday in Aug, 2 years age difference, Naruto had Boruto at 20 turning 21 that year and had Himawari at 22 turning 23 that year.
10-11 Years After 4th ninja War
Naruto Gaiden: The Road Illuminated by the Full Moon/ Boruto Chapter 0 also known as Chapter 3.5: Boruto Ep 39:
Mitsuki Origin story before meeting Boruto.
Boruto: The new leaves soaring through the blue sky! Novel 1: Boruto Ep 1 - 6:
Boruto enrolls into the ninja Academy.
Iwabee states the 4th Ninja War was 10 years ago the Academy starts in April and 4th Ninja War was in October meaning in October it would be 11 years ago meaning Boruto starts Academy at 7.
Boruto: A Call from the shadows! Novel 2: Boruto Ep 7 - 11:
The story of the dark shadow lurking in the Hidden Leaf! Someone's stalking Sarada, Cho-Cho, and Sumire at the Ninja Academy?! And what's this mysterious shadow that's making people lose control?! Perhaps a visit to his mother's family, the Hyuga Clan, will help Boruto get to the bottom of this and find out who's behind it!
Boruto: Those who Illuminate the Night of Shinobi! Novel 3: Boruto Ep 12 - 15:
The story of the ghost from the Hidden Leaf Village is stuck in another world! The identity of the specter haunting the village will be exposed as Boruto's new ocular power transports him to the location of his most fearsome enemy yet: the summoned beast, Nue! Class Representative Sumire Kakei's past is also revealed as the next generation of ninja fights against the darkness enveloping the Village Hidden in the Leaves!
15 years after 4th ninja War:
Naruto Chapter 700 Boruto:
Shino Aburame is now a teacher at the Academy, who is disrespected by his students, particularly Boruto Uzumaki. Hinata is accompanied by her daughter, Himawari, while visiting Neji's grave.
Rock Lee is training his son while Tenten is maintaining her own weapons shop.
Naruto Gaiden: The Seventh Hokage and Scarlet Spring/ Naruto Chapter 700+1 - 700+10: Boruto Ep 19 - 23 & 24:
fifteen years after the Fourth Ninja War, Sarada is concerned about the identity of her absent father, Sasuke Uchiha, and whether Sakura Uchiha is her birth mother, Sarada follows Naruto the Hokage 7th Hokage with Chocho and Naruto arranged to meet Sasuke and are encounter by Shin clone which Naruto protects both girls, The Hokage takes the girls with him to Sasuke's location and Sarada awakens her Sharingan at the thought of meeting him. Shortly afterward Shin, faces Naruto and Sasuke and immobilizes both of them. Despite this, he is defeated by Sakura, after which a creature controlled by Shin teleports him and Sakura to his hideout.
Sarada said to be 11.
Boruto: School Trip Bloodwinds Records Novel 4: Boruto Ep 25 - 31:
Boruto and his classmates leave for a school trip to the land of water hidden mist village However, revolutionary, Sakusaki Sumishin, who is trying to regain the former "village of the Bloody Mist", is plotting a war with the new Seven Swordsmen.
Boruto: The Last Day at the Ninja Academy! Novel 5: Boruto Ep 34 - 38:
Boruto and his Classmates take Academy graduation exam and pass it becoming Genin.
Boruto Road to B:
The heritage of the members of Team Konohamaru/ Team 3/ Team 7.
12 years after 4th ninja War and 16 years after 4th ninja War:
Konoha Shinden: Steam Ninja Scroll: Boruto Ep 106 - 111:
Mirai is seeing team team 15 trying to find cats, making Mirai 16 Mirai is 4 years older than Boruto and Boruto graduated the academy at 12 meaning Mirai is 16 at the time.
At the start of this Manga it starts of as Mirai as a Genin chasing Cat at this time Kakashi is still hokage, this would have to take place before Boruto was 7 and after he was 5 meaning 5-7 but age of graduating Academy is 11 or 12 unless Mirai somehow graduated early so possibly at 9 turning 10 that year.
While Novel is different doesn’t show Mirai as a kid Genin and it takes place when Boruto is in academy it takes place after chapter 700 but because manga shows them as genin then it takes place after they graduate academy and not while there in academy, so the Novel version takes place after Chapter 700 and Before Naruto Gaiden The Seventh Hokage and Scarlet Spring.
Boruto Chapter 1 - 10 and Boruto: Naruto the Movie: Boruto Ep 53 - 66:
Chunin Exams.
Naruto: Shinden: Parent and Child Day: Boruto Ep 93 - 95:
Shikamaru Nara the 7th Hokage’s Advisor, explains the holiday is meant to strengthen parents' bonds with their children. Because of his complicated relationship with his own children, Naruto suggests that they provide support systems in order to foster this parent—child bonding.
Sasuke Shinden: Teacher’s star Pupil:
Sasuke is put in charge of training Team Seven, and Boruto couldn't be happier! ...Except when it comes to actually listening to his new teacher. Now, famous pop star Lily Himeno has entered the spotlight with a new mission for the group! What does it mean to be a master? Or to be a student? And what future awaits these shinobi on the horizon?!
Shikamaru Shinden: A Cloud Dancing in Forlorn Falling Petals: Boruto Ep 141 - 151:
Disagreement at the Five Kage Summit causes a schism in the alliance that could trigger the Fifth Great Ninja War! Elsewhere, Shikamaru is dealing with a schism of his own, with his family beginning to drift apart... Can Shikamaru think up another genius solution to bring peace to both his family and the world?!
Boruto Chapter 11-15: Boruto Ep 148 - 151:
Mujina Gang.
Kakashi Retsuden: The Sixth Hokage and the Failure Boy:
Far from the Land of Fire, resting amid the mountain peaks, is the Land of Redaku. There, Kakashi takes another outcast boy under his wing, but soon learns that the country is on the brink of waging a new war... The battle between the Sixth Hokage and his new pupil is about to begin!
Sasuke Retsuden: The Uchiha Descendants and the Heavenly Stardust: Boruto Ep 282 - 286:
Sasuke travels far from the Land of Fire to an astronomical observatory to meet with Sakura.
Together, they go undercover in search of information on the Sage of the Six Paths, but end up discovering a plot already in motion that transcends life and death! Will the husband-and-wife duo be able to overcome this new threat?!
Naruto Retsuden: Naruto Uzumaki and the Spiral Destiny:
Naruto has lost his ability to use chakra, and who should appear offering their aid but Orochimaru with a new Scientific Ninja Tool...! Meanwhile, Kakashi, Sasuke, and Sakura are out of the country searching for clues pertaining to the Sage of the Six Paths when they find what may be the final piece to the puzzle! The true essence of friendship and what it means to each of the shinobi of the Hidden Leaf will bring them together once more!!This is the third book in the Naruto: Retsuden series!Cover illustration by Masashi Kishimoto!
Boruto Chapter 16 - 67: Boruto Ep 181 - 189, 193 - 208, 212 - 220, 287 - 293:
Ao Arc, Kawaki Arc, Code Arc.
Boruto chapter 47 No. 5 Rule of Otsusuki and Karma says Momoshiki attack the chunin exam tournament serveral months ago and implanted Boruto with Karma.
Boruto Chapter 68-80:
Omnipotence Arc. Boruto said to be 12 in Chapter 80.
20 years after 4th Ninja War:
Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 1-10/ Boruto Chapter 81-90:
Boruto’s Return Arc.
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mingus-archives · 1 year
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I posted 10,979 times in 2022
That's 9,288 more posts than 2021!
11 posts created (0%)
10,968 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 7,107 of my posts in 2022
Only 35% of my posts had no tags
#adrian - 4,857 posts
#tma - 874 posts
#giglia - 399 posts
#wtnv - 198 posts
#puppet history - 172 posts
#the sandman - 122 posts
#reference - 115 posts
#nope movie - 105 posts
#jom - 87 posts
#nope - 85 posts
Longest Tag: 107 characters
#a schoolgirl writing an essay while slowly being beaten over the head with a hammer and theres a time limit
My Top Posts in 2022:
Ahhh I hope all this renewed hype toward Goncharov inspires Shane and the Watcher team to feature it in an ep of puppet history! Can you imagine the Professor explaining the behind the scenes affair, the unsolved death of the assistant director? Picture cut-outs of Andrey and Goncharov making out like the oars? A song performed by Katya’s fur coat? I mean come on the ep writes itself.
46 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
Even More Nope (2022) Thoughts
The specificity of the vortex. In the desert, in the plains, the vortex is a singular tragedy. Floods, storms, fires, they hit everything. They touch everyone. But a tornado is specific. A tornado can take down a single house, a single horse, a single person. One building can be brought to its foundations and its neighbor left with just a broken window. And in the same way, a tornado can spare a single man.
Jean Jacket’s mouth is not a tractor beam. It’s a vortex. It’s a tornado. It’s choice of victim is specific. When JJ eats the TMZ reporter OJ makes it out unscathed, despite the fact that the two were mere feet apart. And that’s what makes it horrible.
But what makes it worse, you can see a tornado coming from miles away.
Gordy was a time bomb, an amalgamation of instincts placed into a setting made only to exacerbate them. In retrospect, it seems so obvious. Of course a chimpanzee, a species prone to violence, known to have man-killing strength, would cause a tragedy. But when Gordy does, all you can do is watch. All you can do is see the devastation approach and hope you’re not in its way. This is Jupe, caught in the wake of a tornado, in a singular act of havoc.
Em and potentially OJ’s survival can be attributed to their bond, their knowledge and expertise handling animals. But along with that is the tragedy, especially given that OJ may not have actually made it, that their survival was a stroke of luck. After all, when a tornado builds, there is no path or mercy, no story to tell, no motive. There is just those who survived and those who didn’t.
121 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
More Nope (2022) Thoughts
Nope is about the uncontrolled. The idea that you can conquer it, the reality of circumstance.
A balloon pops. A chimpanzee is riled into violence. Jupe survives the chimpanzee’s attack. A shoe sits on its heel.  These are all by chance, a random collection of events, the creation of trauma. The media fanatacizes it, obsesses over it, feeds on it. Makes it so Jupe can’t escape it. Years later, Jupe cannot escape it, lives in that single trauma. But by profiting off of it, by telling the story, he thinks he controls what happened to him. What the world did to him and that moment. He thinks he’s conquered the chaos.
He treats Jean Jacket the same. This creature comes to his ranch, by chance, and this time Jupe tries to own the narrative immediately. He thinks if he gives the voyeur the horses, attention, care, he has bonded with it. He has gained its favor. He can make it his. But the same chaos that let him survive lets him die this time. And in that last moment he stares at the beast and he is bewildered. He doesn’t understand why that happened to him, why that chimpanzee went wild. And he doesn’t understand why Jean Jacket eats him now. He is in the eye of the storm, wondering why it would rain.
375 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
One More Nope (2022) Thought
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The almost fist bump between Ricky and Gordy as subversion of ET, as inverse of an act of healing. Gordy reaches under the table, eyes obscured from Ricky, hand sticky with blood from the person he’s brutally beaten. Ricky, confused and terrified, reaches out to meet Gordy as if to perform a fist bump, an act the two had likely done many times during production of the sitcom. It’s an act of connection, Ricky desperately reaching out in hopes to calm the well-behaved chimp with whom he’d thought he’d bonded.
The scene horrifyingly echoes the iconic moment of connection in ET where ET touches Elliot and heals him. In Nope, this moment of touch is the opposite, leading to Gordy freezing long enough to be shot and killed and leading to the lifelong trauma or Ricky being witness to this violence. More than that, it shows how naive Ricky’s hope for connection is, the idea that this bloodied chimpanzee can be mollified with a gesture. How naive Ricky is for even thinking he understands Gordy at all. This is made even clearer by the fact that Gordy was not Gordy; he was a nameless chimpanzee, one of many used to play the role. Ricky is bonded with the idea of Gordy, but in reality he is just mimicking at friendship with a whole slew of chimpanzees it’s unclear if he can even tell apart.
In ET, the touch between ET and Elliot is a moment of humanity. Nope shows us how foolish that idea is in practice, and how dangerous it can be to superimpose human behaviors onto creatures we can never fully understand. Is Gordy actually connecting with Ricky? Is he reaching under to try to grab and beat him? Is there any motive to Gordy’s movement? There is no answer, and there will never be. Just like Ricky, we can’t see into the chimpanzee who played Gordy’s mind.
See the full post
949 notes - Posted September 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Another Nope (2022) Thought
What does it mean to be consumed? I am thinking of the moment after Jupe and the tourists are swept into the maw of Jean Jacket. When they are screaming, confused, trapped. As Jean Jacket hovers over the Haywood house, someone shouts and begs to be let out. Of what? Do they know that they are in Jean Jacket, the beast? That they are being digested? When Jean Jacket silences them, do they understand finally? There is something so horrifying, so visceral, about being in the maws of something and not even knowing it. Having your fate known by everyone but you.
And then I am thinking of the Haywood ranch. Of OJ and the horses, him slowly selling them away to Jupe, and thinking he can just buy them back. But the horses are already gone; Jean Jacket eats every single one of them. Jupe knows this, but lets OJ make his plan. He doesn’t tell OJ that his ranch is half-eaten, bleeding out in front of him. That he and Jean Jacket have been chewing on the Haywoods the whole time.
I am thinking about that horror, of being someone else’s meal, profit, plan, and of not knowing.
1,532 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lucky-aspen · 4 years
This is my first time posting my writing, so I hope you enjoy this one-shot. This is meant to be set some point after episode 107.
TW: there is talk about emotional and manipulative abuse.
Being back on the ocean was welcoming for the Aasimar. From fighting a fake volcano god to a dinosaur. Traveller-Con had come and now was gone. Now it was open seas and a world to explore. These past few weeks had been nothing but eventful. Stopping wars and a forming cult. The surrounding calm was strange but welcoming nonetheless. The distant storm clouds making another wave of reassurance hit her. The sun had finally disappeared from the sky and darkness was brought over the ship. The only light came from the small candlelights of the lanterns that rested on areas of the ship. Darkness sat around them, a large void they floated on.
Despite the eeriness of not really knowing what was in front of her or what was lurking underneath the water Yasha felt surprisingly calm. A calm she knew both Veth or Caduceus didn’t have out in the water. The party had gone and started their own small tasks on the ship leaving the top deck empty and silent just like the area around them. The only sounds were the moving water and the distant rumble of thunder after a brief flash of light in the sky.
She had no real reason to be out here, But there wasn’t much to do on a ship. Not at this moment at least. They weren’t being hunted by a Dragon Turtle and now they had a bigger boat. Most of the crew had gone to bed besides the few who kept watch. It wasn’t until the sound of footsteps against the wood of the deck that Yasha drew her eyes away from the coming storm that would greet them soon.
What she was greeted by were familiar bright blue eyes; eyes that made her breath get caught in her throat. Every time they meant her own different colored eyes she couldn’t help but stare. The barbarian was easily able to feel a small smile creep up on her lips.
“Hey,” Beau spoke first, breaking the silent night air with her words, “I saw you alone out here...so I thought maybe you’d like someone to talk to?” She said with an unsure shrug.
The cool charming behavior the monk had spent minutes trying to build up was already breaking away into a flustered mess. Beauregard could feel herself mentally slapping herself and secretly prayed she wouldn’t say something too stupid.
Yasha found herself looking at Beau, the candlelights casting heavy shadows on her face. The sharp features of her face standing out. It wasn’t until seconds later Yasha came to the realization she had been, in fact, staring far too long without an answer to give to her question. Yasha was quick to avert her eyes to the side of the ship that led to nothing but darkness. Her face flushing with a pink hue.
“Yeah, I’d like that a lot.”
The response was soft-spoken like most of the time Yasha spoke. If Beau had not been listening Yasha’s response could have been carried off by the wind without a problem. Soft spoke despite the rage she held in battle. It was strange seeing a woman so brutal in a fight look so vulnerable at the moment. As if she had just been caught stealing something of great value and part of Yasha felt like she had.
Beau had rested her lower back against the railing of the ship, one leg crossed over the other with her arms crossed over her chest. She stood inches away from Yasha who was also leaning against the same railing but with her forearms resting against it. Silence came over the two of them but in hope one would start the conversation up. As the Aasimar went to speak, the monk was already beating her to it.
A small chuckle escaped Yasha’s lips as Beau was stumbling over her own apologize for cutting the other woman off, “no, you go ahead.” Yasha insisted.
“It’s been a crazy few weeks,”
“Yeah. I guess now we finally get to wrap our heads around all that happened.”
“Yeah, I um, I actually want to talk to you about something.”
A raised eyebrow was what the human got in silent reply as Yasha stood to her full height towering over Beauregard. Yasha, a woman, so hard to read most of the time, broke. Concern crossed her face, only for a second, enough for Beau to catch a glimpse of. A side the monk had only seen from the barbarian a handful of times.
“Now that we’re out here, not having to worry about war and a dragon turtle chasing us I’ve had time to think. I’ve had time to think about going and helping Veth and Caduceus and now I’m thinking about the visit we had with my dad.”
Yasha didn’t interrupt, but she felt a certain sadness pull at her chest, and she found herself wanting to reach out and take hold of her hand. Part of her wondered why Beau came to her wanting to talk about her family. Yasha had never been good with feeling, or words. The monk could be with Jester or Caduceus spilling her guts out with all the thoughts she held in her mind. Yet she was here and Yasha knew this wasn’t just the only reason why the shorter woman had come to her during the middle of the night.
Beau stood there, her gaze never meeting Yasha's own. Her eyes glued to the deck floor in front of her. She remembered the night as if it were yesterday. Her father who she thought of as this giant monster who stood tall over her, and she had found herself in the belly of the beast when she walked in her home. The fear that had rested deep within her chest was a distant remainder to her constantly. Even with how the events played out one part stood out to her above most.
The time she had been escorted out with her friends, strong hands of support on her shoulders to know they were there to protect her as she felt like nothing more than a child again, helpless. The difference was she wasn’t alone in this conflict that rested in both her mind and the outside world. One last glance was all she needed, to look at the man who didn’t love her the way he should have.
Yasha stood there, mouth moving, talking in a voice only for him to hear. The wide eyes of the man was enough for Beau to tell Yasha had struck a nerve. He looked...small. Almost helpless as if he were the child getting lectured by the woman with a sword. It was a strange look on the male who did everything to keep order and power; yet the more the pale stranger talked the more his world around him crumbled apart. With that and without another word Yasha parted ways and joined the group as if though she never left at all.
Beau saw all the fear in her father’s eyes as he looked at the group once more before the door shut with a soft click. A man who she thought was bigger than the world around her was now just a coward trying to make a living on one stupid fortune. Beau was no longer that child, and she was no longer alone. She had her friends right behind, but like Beau, she was always seeking answers and the thoughts of what Yasha had said to her father rested in the back of her mind.
“You said something to him that clearly got him scared shitless, what did you say to him?” Beau cut straight to the point of her question, no sugarcoating it.
Yasha shoulders tensed. She hadn’t noticed Beau had seen her when she talked to her father. The spotlight was on her now, and she knew she’d have to give an answer to Beau. She couldn’t lie to her.
“I asked him if we were to kill the hag would all he have just go away. He didn’t know. I told him it’s something he should think about that. That he should be more appreciative toward what is important. That he should be proud of you.”
Beau could feel her throat dry as she listened to Yasha’s voice. Beau knew there was something more between the two of them, something unspoken; a tension that made her want to stay next to Yasha. Both knew there was something there and now that Obann was gone Beau noticed the bolder moves that came from the Aasimar. Before Beau could respond Yasha spoke up,
“I didn’t want to make a big deal of it, you know. He should be proud of you Beau. You’re so strong and a really good fighter.”
Beau looked up from the deck floor she had been looking at and her eyes meant Yasha’s own gaze. A small smile fell on the monk’s lips. A compliment, despite how small it was made Beau’s heart beat fast in her chest. Her stomach felt like it was doing flips and the pink against her cheeks was enough for Yasha to know her words hit Beau.
“Thank you Yash, I appreciate it. You did scare him shitless.” Beau chuckled but the pain that she held toward her father still sat there.
“Yeah.” Despite the chuckle Beau gave, Yasha didn’t return it and held a concerned look in her eyes, “are you alright?”
“Yeah! Yeah…” a sigh broke from the shorter woman, “like I said, now that everything has calmed I’ve had time to just sit and think. I realize my father doesn’t have any control over me anymore. That I shouldn’t fear him. Yet when we went to my old home all I felt was fear. I just wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible.”
“You know I could have killed him for you,”
This made Beau let out another halfhearted laugh, “As much of an asshole he is, he doesn’t deserve to die. Part of me still cares for him even with all the shitty stuff he has done.”
Beau took in Yasha’s form and looked at the chest piece she wore. The lights reflecting off it. They sat in silence for seconds before she spoke up.
“You still wear the breastplate.”
“Why is that? You had the bracers but you decided to keep the chest piece.”
“I don’t know. I guess it’s just hard to let go...”
Beau looked confused and part of Yasha just wanted to end the conversation right then and there. Would she even understand?
“Like I said, whenever Obann took control of me, parts of that were me. All my memories that were lost just came back. I did awful things Beau. He took me in when I thought I had lost everything. Before the Stormlord found me. Despite all he made me do, he treated me like a friend. He said all these kind things. He gave me this.” She said gesturing to the breastplate.
The painful look in the monk’s eyes was clear as day. The manipulation that Yasha has gone through was a lot. Everyone in the Mighty Nein knew that. The way Yasha had acted whenever they got her back broke Beau’s heart. The fear the tall woman had when she was back, that she had lost her found family. That she thought that they wouldn’t accept her back in. Yet here she was with the people she now saw as her family.
“He can’t control you any more Yasha.”
“I know that. He deserved what he got in the end. I’d just like to keep this as a reminder. Plus it’s done me some good in battle.”
“Yeah it has. You’ve done a lot of good since we’ve got you back.”
The small smile Yasha gave was sad as she looked down at her hands, despite them being cleaned, in the back of her mind she could feel the blood that stained them. All the innocent lives she had taken. Balling her hands into fists she let out a heavy sigh and turned her attention to Beau.
“I like to believe being with you guys I’ve done a lot of good. But it’s hard to just erase the past.”
“But that doesn’t mean we can’t have a bright future.”
Words similar to Caleb own, allow yourself a little happiness in your life. The events that happened on the island Yasha felt like she was doing just that. She had to be doing something right. She got her wings after all, she could fly. The chains no longer held her down and overall she felt…lighter, free. Hearing the words from the woman made Yasha’s heart flip. She was trying, believe her, she was. She found her happiness in her friends and one particular monk stood out against them all. Yasha would be trying for that happiness, now more than ever.
“I like to think I’m trying. I must be doing something right.”
The sound of a low rumble could be heard in the distance before flashes of white light could be seen in the dark sky. A silent word for the Stormlord himself telling Yasha she was. She could feel the eyes of Beau on her even as she looked out at the storm.
“Is that him?”
“I think so.”
“I leave you to your god then.”
With a slight sigh Beau pushed herself off the railing she leaned against, Yasha eyes were now on her once more and no longer on the storm that would be with them soon.
“Thank you for talking to me Beau.”
“Yeah, don’t mention it. I should be thanking you too. Not a lot of people stand up against my father.”
Yasha gave her a soft smile and a nod of her head in acceptance of her thanks. She watched as Beau turned to walk away. Part of her wanted to reach out for her; to ask her to stay, but she didn’t move. She wanted to spend more time with the monk. To talk to her, to hold her, to keep her safe, to just be with her, but she stood stiff. Her voice was caught in her throat before finally she spoke. Just before Beau could get too far away.
“Hey Beau. Would you just like to watch the storm with me?”
She was caught off guard, usually their conversations ended so awkwardly they would just call it there. To have Yasha ask her to stay. It made Beau's stomach do flips. Part of her had to make sure it wasn’t only her hearing it. She had to play it cool, their conversation hadn’t gone completely wrong tonight. She wasn’t going to lose this moment by saying something stupid.
Making her way back to where she had just been seconds ago, she sat down on the deck floor and looked up at the sky. Watching the flashes of lightning in the storm cloud. She hadn’t expected to see Yasha take a seat next to her, looking up at the sky with her.
“We don’t have to talk or anything, not if you don’t want to.”
She had blurted it out so suddenly, and she was now mentally facepalming herself, nice going Beau, you had to make it awkward. She could feel the heat rushing to her face once she knew Yasha was looking at her.
“If you’d like that. Just listening to the rain is nice.”
Another rumble of thunder in the distance made itself known, along with the light touch of another hand just next to Beau’s own, barely touching.
“Yeah, I always like waiting to hear the thunder.”
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deer-tokki · 3 years
SHINee’s Shows (2021)
With english subtitles
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Amazing Saturday - Key Ep.141 ☆ 210102 Ep.142 ☆ 210109 Ep.143 ☆ 210116 Ep.144 ☆ 210123 Ep.145 ☆ 210129 Ep.146 ☆ 210206 Ep.147 ☆ 210213 Ep.148 ☆ 210220 Ep.149 - Onew and Minho ☆ 210227 Ep.150 ☆ 210306 [VLIVE] Onew Came To Chuncheon ft Adorable Guest - Onew ☆ 210115 Legend Reboot!! (ft.Adorable Guest) - Onew ☆ 210115 Let's Hurry Up And Do It - Onew ☆ 210115 ‘Dongsik’ 👮‍♂️ Choi Minho first filming after discharge ☆ 210115 [VLIVE] Gather ♡ - Onew, Minho and Taemin ☆ 210216 My Little Old Boy - Minho Ep.225 ☆ 210117 [VLIVE] I Am Going To Dye My Hair! - Taemin ☆ 210119 [VLIVE] 🌧🌧🌧 RAIN - Onew, Minho and Taemin ☆ 210121 [VLIVE] 1AM🌙🌙🌙 - Key and Taemin ☆ 210121 [VLIVE] Onew ☆ 210122 2021 SHINee Season's Greetings  ☆ 210122 [INSTAGRAM LIVE] - Taemin ☆ 210123 The Devil Wears Jungnam - Minho Ep.7 Part 1 ☆ 210123 [VLIVE] 🏀🕓100 ☆ 210124 [VLIVE] Come on in - Onew, Key and Taemin ☆ 210127 Minho's TMI With GQ ☆ 210127 [VLIVE] Skunks - Taemin ☆ 210129 SHINee: The Ringtone ☆ 210131 [VLIVE] Practicing - Onew and Taemin Part 1, Part 2 ☆ 210207 Taemlog 6v6 Ep.14 ☆ 210207 [VLIVE] sunset 🌇 - Taemin ☆ 210208 [VLIVE] Do you want to go on a drive..?🥰 - Key and Taemin ☆ 210210 Idol Star Athletics Championship - Minho ☆ 210211 ☆ 210212 The Return Of Superman - Minho Ep.369 ☆ 210215 [VLIVE] D-7 spoilers 😀 ☆ 210215 [VLIVE] D-6 spoil alert 📢 - Key and Taemin ☆ 210216 SBS NOW Minho's Online Fansigning ☆ 210217 [VLIVE] D-5 come come ☆ 210217 ♡ Introducing Bros' Friends Interview ☆ 210217 Jessi's Showterview - Minho Ep.38 ☆ 210218 [VLIVE] D-4 hi (without subtitles) ☆ 210218 [VLIVE] D-3 two MIN💕 ☆ 210219 Law Of The Jungle: Pioneers - Minho Ep.1 ☆ 210220  Ep.2  ☆ 210227 Ep.3 ☆ 210306 Ep.4 ☆ 210313 ♡ Guess The Bahasa Indonesia Word With SHINee ☆ 210220 Knowing Brothers Ep.268 ☆ 210220 [INSTAGRAM LIVE] - Taemin ☆ 210220 [VLIVE] 👐🏻💋 - Taemin ☆ 210220  [VLIVE] D-1 SHINee's BACK!! - Taemin ☆ 210221 Don't Call Me Press Conference ☆ 210222 [VLIVE] SHINee's Calling: Answered ☆ 210222 Prison Interview Ep.19 ☆ 210223 Problem Child In The House - Minho Ep.118 ☆ 210223 [VLIVE] yes ☆ 210223 tvN-terview ☆ 210223  [Radio] Cultwo Show (without subtitles) ☆ 210223 Painful Date - Minho and Key Ep.3 ☆ 210224 Ep.4 ☆ 210310 SHINee Inc. / 'SHINee's Startup Bitdol Planning Ep.1 ☆ 210220 Soomi's Side Dishes - Key (without subtitles) Ep.107 ☆ 210225 SuperM Reaction To Don't Call Me Music Video - Taemin ☆ 210227 IU's Palette Ep.5 ☆ 210227 What if fashion icon K-pop idol meets fashion icon K-grandma? - Key ☆ 210227 Comedy Big League (without subtitles) Ep.398 ☆ 210228 Where is My Home - Key and Minho Ep.99 (without subtitles) ☆ 210228 IU Reaction To Don't Call Me Music Video ☆ 210228 What makes SHINee scared? | EXCLUSIVE! ☆ 210228 Meeting famous kpop idol group directly! Also teaching sunda language! - Onew and Taemin ☆ 210228 [VLIVE] the 1st week is done ^.~ - Taemin ☆ 210301 Sukkiri (without subtitles) ☆ 210301 [Radio] Noon Song of Hope - Key and Taemin (without subtitles) ☆ 210302 Don't Call Me Jacket Photoshoot Behind the SHINee ☆ 210302 Relay Dance ☆ 210302 [INSTAGRAM LIVE] - Taemin ☆ 210302 [VLIVE] Take out the mussels. Mussel family - Taemin ☆ 210302 [VLIVE] Woo-ong - Onew ☆ 210302 Kids Review K-Pop Star's Career ☆ 210303 [VLIVE] 6v6🌺 - Taemin ☆ 210303 [VLIVE] CØDE BeepBeepBeep 5×25÷93+07%-18=? - Taemin ☆ 210304 [VLIVE] first place - Key and Taemin ☆ 210302 [Radio] Volume Up - Onew and Minho (without subtitles) ☆ 210304 Don't Call Me MV Shooting | Behind the SHINee ☆ 210304  The Ringtone: SHINee is Back | Behind the SHINee ☆ 210308 [VLIVE] Voice To - Onew (without subtitles) ☆ 210308 Polaroid Decorating Interview With Dazed - Taemin ☆ 210308 Heart Attack Recording Behind | Behind the SHINee ☆ 210303 [Radio] Starry Night - Onew and Minho ☆ 210303 BE ORIGINAL: SHINee 'Don't Call Me' (Behind) ☆ 210312 [VLIVE] Long time no seeeee😭 - Taemin (without subtitles) ☆ 210314 ♡ [VLIVE] Not saying anything😷 - Taemin (without subtitles) ☆ 210315 ♡ [N’-161]  Sungchan's First Inkigayo MC Behind ☆ 210315 ♡
♡ new show added / subtitles added © shineeindex
602 notes · View notes
buchanans · 2 years
a few weeks ago i saw a twitter account that made a list of phase 4 projects saying when it takes place after endgame and i think they said that tfatws takes place during april/may 2024 so bucky should be 107 since his birthday is in march, right? but in ep 1 he says he’s 106 so i’m confused (turns out that maybe it’s the writers who are bad at maths?) 🤨
this makes the most sense! let's just blame the writers 😌
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cardest · 3 years
London playlist
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London - since 43 AD it has to be one of the more fascinating cities on Earth. Such a rich history. From Shakespeare Theatre to the music from there today. I just had to put a London playlist together. From Soho to Brixton, from Highgate to Clapham  what a collection of songs! It’s over 350 songs and it could easily expand to 400. **I have a separate England & Wales playlist coming, so, stay tuned for that**.
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To play the songs, hit the link right here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC1_ntP663JhZl-hvn9EwFp9L
ENGLAND & WALES playlist is coming soon! What songs have I left out? Let me know! Add your own songs! Cheers. Pip pip, tally ho!
LONDON 001 Generation X -  Day By Day 002 The Clash - London Calling 003 Austin Powers  - theme song (Soul Bossa? Nova ) 004 The Kinks - Dedicated Follower Of Fashion 005 Killing Joke - Empire Song 006 Black Sabbath - Wicked World 007 The Who - Welcome 008 The Damned - Neat, neat, neat 009 GIRLSCHOOL - LONDON 010 007 theme song 011 Motorhead - Motorhead 012 Wire - Ex Lion Tamer 013 David Bowie - Maid of Bond Street 014 The Misfits - London Dungeon 015 Rolling Stones - 016 The Adverts - Bored Teenagers 017 Siouxsie & The Banshees -  Spellbound 018 Penny Dreadful - Soundtrack - Main Theme 019 Eurythmics - Love Is A Stranger 020 The Cure - Subway Song 021 Adam And The Ants -  Puss 'n' Boots 022 Iron Maiden - 22 Acacia Avenue 023 COIL - Fire of the mind 024 Public Image Ltd - One Drop. 025 LUSH - Breeze 026 Bliss Signal - Surge 027 The Pogues - Misty Morning, Albert Bridge 028 PhD - Won't Let You Down 029 Birthday Party - Hats On Wrong 030 Eddy Grant - Electric Avenue 031 Help Yourself - Reaffirmation 032 Grave Miasma - Gnosis of the summon 033 Roy Ayers - We Live In London Baby 034 Led Zeppelin - The Rover 035 Gang of Four - What we all want 036 Pet Shop Boys - West End Girl                 037 Sleaford Mods - 6 Horsemen (The Brixtons) 038 Paul Young - Love of the Common People 039 The Saint (original) - Theme 040 The Human League - Dont You Want Me 041 Sex Pistols - God Save The Queen 042 The Beatles - A Day In The Life 043 Def Leppard -  Love bites 044 The Stranglers - Another Camden Afternoon 045 The Kinks  - See My Friends 046 Elton John - Bennie and the Jets 047 Suede - Moving 048 Queen - Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy 049 Cliff Richard & the Shadows - She's Gone 050 The Rolling Stones - Start Me Up 051 Loop - Fade Out 052 Jah Wobble's Invaders Of The Heart - A13 053 The Magnetic Fields - All the Umbrellas in London 054 Wendy Carlos - Title Music From A Clockwork Orange (From Purcell's Music For The Funeral Of Queen Mary) 055 The Police - Every Little Thing she does it Magic 056 Cockney Rejects - The Greatest Cockney Rip Off 057 Spandau Ballet - Spandau Ballet Chant No.1 058 The Pretenders - Middle of the Road 059 The Who - Dogs 060 The Jam - London Girl 061 Cradle of Filth - Hurt and Virtue 062 Joy Division - Isolation 063 Nick Drake - At the Chime of a City Clock 064 Sham 69 - Cockney Kids Are Innocent 065 Deep Purple - Mandrake Root 066 Throbbing Gristle - Hit by a rock 067 David Bowie - Rubber Band 068 Roxy Music  - Do The Strand 069 Slaves - Cheer Up London 070 T. Rex - London Boys 071 Kirsty MacColl - Autumngirlsoup 072 New Model Army - Archway Towers 073 Scorpions - Lovedrive 074 Isaac Hayes - Doesnt Rain In London 075 Peter Tosh - Buk-In-Hamm Palace 076 The Slits - Typical Girls 077 Pharaoh Sanders - Midnight In Berkeley Square (Instrumental) 078 Blue Cheer - Girl From London 079 Sex Pistols - Satellite 080 Judas Priest - (The Hellion ) Electric Eye 081 UFO -  Lights Out 082 Joy Division - Digital 083 Muse - Uprising 084 George Harrison - All Things Must Pass 085 Robert Palmer - Addicted To Love 086 Fine Young Cannibals - Blue 087 New Order - Blue Monday 088 Würzel - Midnight In London 089 Rod Stewart - Gasoline Alley 090 The Wildhearts - Down On London 091 Supertramp - Nothing To Show 092 Motörhead - Metropolis 093 Current 93 - Lucifer Over London 094 The Pogues - Dark Streets of London 095 The Cult - All Souls Avenue 096 The Jam - In The City 097 The Undertones - Teenage Kicks 098 Iggy Pop -  Play It Safe 099 Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Jack the Ripper 100 The Cure  - Lets Go To Bed 101 Suede - Animal Nitrate 102 Wire - field day for the sundays 103 Black Books  TV Show - Opening Theme 104 Paul McCartney & Wings - London Town 105 Madness - Primrose Hill 106 The Troggs  - No. 10 Downing Street 107 Iron Maiden -  Gangland 108 PJ Harvey - The Last Living Rose 109 The Rollers - Soho 110 Electric Wizard - Lucifer's Slaves 111 The Buzzcocks -  Just Lust 112 Doctor Who Theme Tune 1980 113 Cathedral - Fountain Of Innocence 114 Pretenders - Swinging London 115 Hanoi Rocks - Tooting Bec Wreck 116 Es - 'Chemical 117 Bee Gees  - Trafalgar 118 The Peddlers    - Under London Lights 119 Cliff Richard - The Young Ones 120 Big Audio Dynamite - Sightsee M.C   121 ABC - Tower of London 122 Accept - London Leatherboys 123 Pitchshifter - Please Sir 124 Portishead -  We Carry On 125 John Lennon - Whatever Gets You Thru The Night 126 The Lurkers - Ain't Got a Clue 127 Iron Maiden - Die with your boots on 128 Siouxsie and the Banshees - Kiss Them For Me 129 Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds - From Her to Eternity 130 The Jam - London Traffic 131 The Cranberries - Waiting In Walthamstow 132 The Kinks - Victoria 133 Heads Hands & Feet - Pete Might Spook The Horses 134 Whitesnake -  Long Way From Home 135 Queensryche - London 136 Concrete Blonde - Walking in London 137 Deep Purple - Fireball 138 The Ruts - dope for guns 139 Wham! - Bad Boys 140 Generation X - One Hundred Punks 141 Joe Jackson - Down To London 142 Anti-Nowhere League - Streets of London 143 The Wildhearts - Shandy Bang 144 David Bowie - The London Boys 145 The Human League - Human 146 Cockney Rejects - East end 147 Dire Straits - Eastbound Train 148 Ian Drury - Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick 149 Sepultura -  Filthy rot 150 The Jam - Down In The Tube Station At Midnight 151 Fine Young Cannibals - She Drives Me Crazy 152 Purson -  Electric Landlady 153 Black Sabbath -  Tomorrow's Dream 154 The Clash - Guns of Brixton 155 Blood Ceremony - Lord Of Misrule 156 Monty Pythons The Meaning of Life - Penis Song 157 Gentlemans Pistols -  Hustler's Row 158 Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax 159 Jethro Tull - Cross Eyed Mary 160 The Yobs - The Ballad of the Warrington 161 Cradle of Filth - Principle Of Evil Made Flesh 162 Bruce Hornsby - The Black Rats Of London 163 Inspiral Carpets - How It Should Be 164 The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Foxy Lady 165 PETULA CLARK - WINCHESTER CATHEDRAL 166 Lush - Olympia 167 Hunters & Collectors - Blind Eye 168 Thompson Twins - Hold Me Now 169 David Bowie - The Man Who Sold the World 170 UK Subs - C.I.D. 171 Queen - Dont Stop Me Now 172 Bruce Dickinson - Accident of Birth 173 the clash - capital radio one 174 UB40 - Here I Am (Come And Take Me) 175 The Meads Of Asphodel - Guts For Sale 176 Horrible Histories: Savage Songs - Boudicca 177 Swallow the Sun - Labyrinth Of London (Horror Pt. IV) 178 Mad Professor  - Ben Gone Wrong 179 Howard Jones - Things Can Only Get Better 180 Genesis - The Battle Of Epping Forest 181 The Damned -  problem child 182 Squeeze  - Cool For Cats 183 Manfred Mann - Belgravia 184 The Bee Gees - Walking Back to Waterloo 185 Pink Floyd - Waiting For The Worms 186 Madness - Victoria Gardens 187 Paradise Lost - Soul Courageons 188 YES  - Roundabout 189 PJ Harvey - This Is Love 190 The Horrors - Jack The Ripper 191 King Crimson - Red 192 The Smiths - How Soon Is Now 193 Level 42 - Heathrow 194 Intaferon - Get Out Of London 195 Burt Bacharach - Bond street 196 David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust 197 The Clash - Londons Burning 198 Killing Joke - Follow The Leaders 199 Saxon - The Court of the Crimson King 200 Buzzcocks - Harmony in My Head 201 Fairport Convention - Fiddlesticks (Peel Session) 202 Napalm Death - Errors In The Signals 203 Empire  - Hot Seat 204 Anathema - Shroud of Frost 205 Pitchshifter - Condescension 206 The Beatles - Hey Jude 207 Affinity - Highgate 208 KLF - 3 A.M. Eternal (Pure Trance) 209 Warren Zevon - Werewolves of London 210 David Axelrod - London 211 The Wombles - Wellington Goes To Waterloo 212 EastEnders Theme 213 Cathedral - Hypnos 164 214 Tom Jones - It's Not Unusual 215 Alan Moore with Tim Perkins - The Highbury Working A Beat Seance 216 Transvision Vamp - Sex Kick 217 Elton John - Tell Me When The Whistle Blows 218 Firebird - Bow bells 219 The Jam - A' Bomb In Wardour Street 220 Caravan  - Waterloo Lily 221 Lord Sutch & Heavy Friends - Flashing Lights 222 David Bowie - Oh! You Pretty Things 223 Hot Chocolate - West End of Park Lane 224 Thames television ident 1984 225 Newtown Neurotics - Living With Unemployment 226 Peter Murphy - Cuts You Up 227 Suede - Metal Mickey 228 Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer 229 Killing Joke - The Gathering 230 Rolling Stones - You Can't Always Get What You Want 231 Kate Bush - Babooshka 232 Iron Maiden - The Prophecy 233 The Cure - Disintegration 234 The Damned - I Just Can't Be Happy Today 235 WIRE - Silk Skin Paws 236 Brian Eno - Here Come The Warm Jets 237 Souixee & the Banshees - Cascade 238 Jethro Tull - Jeffrey Goes to Leicester Square 239 AC/DC -  Rising Power 240 Alternative TV - Life After Life 241 Napalm Death - Deceiver (Peel Sessions) 242 Electric Light Orchestra - Last Train To London 243 Bucks Fizz - London Town 244 The Sweet - Blockbuster! 245 999 - Bent Cross 246 The Groundhogs - Split, Pt. 1 247 Bow Wow Wow - Go Wild in the Country 248 Blood Ceremony -  Half Moon Street 249 Ming Tea feat. Austin Powers - BBC One 250 Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song 251 Big Audio Dynamite - EMC2 252 Crass - Banned from the Roxy 253 Sleaford Mods - Chaos Down In SoHo 254 Big Ben Chimes of Westminster, London 255 PJ Harvey - A Place Called Home 256 The Ruts - Staring at the rude boys 257 The Times - Whatever Happened To Thames Beat 258 Quincy Jones - London Derriere 259 Lush - Hypocrite 260 PIL - Reggie Song 261 The Style Council - You're The Best Thing 262 UK Subs - Dirty Girls 263 COIL - Slur 264 Frank Zappa - Dead girls of London 265 Iron Maiden - Prowler 266 The Slits - Difficult Fun 267 Killing Joke -  Kings and Queens 268 Simple Minds - Chelsea Girl 269 Motorhead - Bomber 270 XTC - Towers Of London 271 Blitzkrieg  - Hell to pay 272 Gryphon - Opening Move 273 The Challengers - The Streets of London 274 Peggy March - In Der Carnaby Street 275 The Damned - Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 276 The Pogues - London You're a Lady 277 The Lords Of The New Church - Portobello 278 Rolling Stones - Hot Stuff 279 Joe Jackson - The Evil Eye 280 The Deviants - Garbage 281 Benny Hill Show  - Wild Women 282 Suzi Quatro - Crash 283 Madness - day on the town 284 SHAKESPEAR'S SISTER -  I Don't Care 285 Whitesnake - Wine Women An Song 286 Pink Floyd - Astronomy Domine 287 Rick Astley - Whenever You Need Somebody 288 Bauhaus - In the flat field 289 Dead Can Dance - In Power We Entrust The Love Advocated 290 Paul McCartney -  Old Siam, Sir 291 Lush - De-Luxe 292 AC/DC - let's get it up 293 Sophia Loren & Peter Sellers - Bangers and mash 294 Black Sabbath - Childfren of the grave 295 Psychic TV - The orchids 296 Miracle - The Strife Of Love In A Dream 297 Carter USM - Lean On Me I Won't Fall Over 298 Screaming Lord Sutch - Jack the Ripper 299 WIRE - the 15th 300 Mott the Hoople - Honaloochie Boogie 301 Soft Machine - The Camden Tandem 302 Are You Being Served Theme 303 CATHEDRAL - Serpent Eve 304 Booker T. & The MG's - Carnaby Street 305 Culture Club - It's A Miracle 306 Motorhead - Nothing Up My Sleeve 307 Killing Joke - Money is not our God 308 Bronski Beat - Smalltown Boy 309 WIRE - Please take 310 Bananarama - Hey young London 311 The Jam - Carnaby Street 312 Catapilla - Charing Cross   313 The Shadows - Chelsea Boot 314 Ride - Chelsea Girl 315 The Damned  - Grimly Fiendish 316 Marillion - Chelsea Monday 317 Slowdive - Celia's Dream 318 The Clash - Gates of the west 319 Thin Lizzy - Half Caste 320 David Bowie -  I dig everything 321  VUUR - Days Go By - London 322 Elvis Costello - [I Don't Want To Go To] Chelsea 323 Uriah Heep - Walking in your shadow 324 Genesis - Invisible Touch 325 Amy Winehouse - Me & Mr Jones 326 Curve - Fait Accompli   327 Silverfish ‎- Crazy 328 Iron Maiden - Killers 329 Killing Joke -  Ghost Of Ladbroke Grove 330 Sex Pistols - Anarchy In The UK 331 Paradise lost - remembrance 332 The Fall - Leave the Capitol 333 The Kinks - Waterloo Sunset 334 WIRE - Keep exhaling 335 The Peddlers - raining in London 336 Motorhead - damage case 337 10cc - Shock On The Tube (Don't Want Love) 338 Swervedriver - Rave Down 339 Spike Milligan - Tower Bridge 340 Phil Lynott - Solo In Soho 341 Adam and the Ants - Plastic Surgery 342 The Who - Pinball wizard 343 Pulp - Mile end 344 Generation X - Running with the Boss Sound 345 OMD - If You Leave 346 PiL - Public Image 347 Monty Python's Flying Circus TV show - theme song 348 Hall & Oates - London, Luck & Love 349 The Horrors - Three decades 350 Cathedral - Midnight Mountain 351 Killing Joke - glitch 352 Judas Priest - The Ripper 353 Air Raid Siren London Blitz 354 Dragonforce - Fury and the storm 355 Elastica - Connection 356 the Psychedelic Furs - Dumb waiters 357 Samantha Fox - Touch me 358 Wang Chung - Dance hall days 359 Kim Wilde - Water on glass 360 Siouxsie and the Banshees - Overground 361 Atomic Rooster - Tomorrow night 362 Fleetwood Mac - My Heart Beat Like a Hammer 363 Rainbow - Self Portrait 364 Billy Ocean - Love really hurts without you 365 Art of Noise - Beat box (division one) 366 Eurythmics - Never Gonna Cry Again 367 Samson - Grime Crime 368 Go West - we close our eyes 369 Ultravox - Saturday Night In The City Of The Dead 370 King Crimson - 21st Century Schizoid Man 371 Visage - Visage 372 Sandy Denny - Let's Jump The Broomstick 373 Brian Eno - Burning Airlines Give You So Much More 374 Fields Of The Nephilim - Blue water 375 Leftfield - Open Up 376 Blancmange - I've Seen The Word 377 Thomas Dolby - Flying north 378 Sisters of Mercy - Temple of love 379 Royal Orchestra - Royal Entrance Queen Elizabeth II 380 Pink Floyd - Goodbye blue sky 666 David Bowie -  London Bye Ta - Ta 
Play the songs here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC1_ntP663JhZl-hvn9EwFp9L
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snkpolls · 3 years
SnK Episode 68 Poll Results (for Manga Readers)
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The poll closed with 146 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results for the Manga Readers’ poll. If you wish to see the results for the Anime Only Watchers’ poll, click here.
RATE THE EPISODE 140 Responses
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The anime continues its positive streak with just over 90% of respondents rating the episode a 4 or 5. MAPPA appears to be blowing this season out of the water for most of us!
I liked it
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We got a pretty mixed pie chart this week. To be expected, given how many moments were in this episode. At a tie with the largest pieces of the pie were Hange’s eccentric attempt to greet the Marleyans and Eren’s gunshot figuratively hitting Sasha. Behind that two more options tied in each with 10.4% of the vote - EMA’s conversation at the shooting range and Sasha appreciating Nicolo’s cooking. This is followed closely by Eren’s mirror scene with 9.7% of the vote. Onyankopon explaining why he looks different when Sasha asks him about it took a solid 9% of the vote.
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This was almost too close to call, but Mikasa sitting alone managed to edge out just slightly over Connie’s “I’ve lost half of me” moment at Sasha’s grave. Trailing behind the two were Nicolo’s grief and the agreement between Papa Braus agreeing to a free meal from Nicolo.
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The larger chunk of respondents are feeling relieved to get a break from the action for a few episodes. 21.7% prefer the action but don’t mind a break here and there, while 21% state that they enjoy the exposition more than the action anyway, so they are content. A small handful don’t care either way. 
We needed this for another build-up to more action
I like the action but it’s important to move the story along 
These just feel mandatory fillers to me.
I miss the warriors
I feel fine with it. I thought that was going to be some happy-go-me episode, but gladly it still had a serious tones.
This episode felt like a very welcome respite after the absolute shitshow that was spoilers week and....whatever the fuck chapter 137 was. 
Nice breather of sorts, I always like seeing characters from action-heavy series in their downtime.
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The vast majority of respondents would prefer the slightly less lethal greeting given by Hange and Eren at the beginning of the episode. We’re not sure if the other 29.1% are masochists or just really love Levi and/or Armin that much more. Or perhaps they’re intrigued by the pig piss from the filthy island devils.
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Overall, fans are happy to be back in familiar territory and put into the perspective of the Survey Corps again. Let’s get ready to rumble!
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Though subtle, MAPPA did include some anime filler (such as Eren’s, erm, mouth breathing). 51.1% enjoyed the noticeable additions, while 37.4% are completely confused by the question and didn’t realize there were any. A handful generally don’t prefer additions but enjoyed what little ones we had this episode. A small sliver didn’t care for them.
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MAPPA is shuffling things around to pick up the pacing of this arc, and 48.2% of respondents are feeling very positively about it. 38.8% also feel that both the order of events in the original manga and the anime work out just fine regardless. A couple of smaller groups either felt that things were a bit off from the manga, or didn’t really care either way. 
I think it's great because it allows an episode to start and end on the same chapter if mappa ever wanted it, allowing the right twists or cliffhangers to be in the right episodes, all WITHOUT having to slow down, which I wholly appreciate.
I'm fine with the changes. Mappa is doing good job.
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Nearly half of voters feel that both MAPPA’s take and Isayama’s original take work just fine for Gabi’s character. 28.9% prefer the anime’s take on Gabi’s reaction to all that happened, while 14.8% feel that her more defeated posture in the manga makes more sense for her character. 
I'm a mix of both? Her defeated posture implies that she's not happy with the way things worked out with them in jail and Zeke betraying them. On the other hand, her angry face is realistic to the scene too because it implies she really blames Eren for their current predicament.
She looks like some female version of young, angry Tarzan. This time Mappa should have kept the original postures, because the defeated Gabi feels to be more realistic, than the crazy anime one. 
I think they both work but the anime's take might be the anime team beating us over the head that she's just like Eren when he was young.
Makes it clear to the anime-onlies that she really is psychotic
Gabi sucks
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The response to MAPPA’s take on Eren’s shot inadvertently hitting Sasha was overwhelmingly positive, with only a few people saying that they could have done better with it. 
Eren shot linked to Sasha's death was awesome. Mappa is nailing it!
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Exactly 50% felt that while having that JSC characterization would have been very much welcome, they’re okay with that small detail missing from the manga (granted, it was at least acknowledged by one panel being animated). 25.7% have a more nonchalant response, stating that if it helps with the pacing, they’re fine with small cuts like this. 10.7% are just let down by JSC’s lack of characterization in the anime overall and didn’t appreciate even more being taken from their characterization in this episode. 
I was more so interested in our Paradis Peeps talking about newly discovered technology but I’m happy with what we got.
Not dissappointed since I understand you can't show everything but I love them so sad
Why was it animated then?! I’m so confused
Normally I don't like it when they cut corners like this, but I wasn't fond of that scene in the first place so it's okay.
If by "anime" you mean the entirety of it including the past 3 seasons, then option 3. I'm always going to be salty about how much they took out or changed for these three during the uprising arc. So far mappa has done okay with them, I guess. 
Would have been a funny JSC moment, but it was really absolutely pointless. In manga format it works as just background words on a panel. Animating it takes seconds of an episode that could be used elsewhere. So I'm fine with it being cut out.
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43.5% were receptive of the anime only shots, but favor the way the scene was portrayed in the manga more. 34.1% felt that both versions were done well, with only 9.4% feeling that the impact was largely the same (if not better). Based on the write-ins, the main complaint seems to be the lighting/color scheme of the scene not quite meeting expectations, or that MAPPA made Eren’s back look weird. 
theyll make up for it when eren screeches at hange next ep
Impact was there, art just felt a bit wonky and toned down the scene overall. 9/11
This goes into my criticism of the color palette and shading style mappa uses, which is far more subdued. The contrast is lowered and the scene is very dark, and there is little rim lighting, so while the actual lineart has far more detail, the detail in the lighting is reduced. Damn I really am writing a wall text aren't I? I prefer Wit Studio's art style a lot but Mappa has honestly been doing great so I couldn't care less, manbun Eren is hot.
I prefer the manga version. I think the anime version have weirds shadows in eren's back. Plus the mirror don't have the same energy, less impactful
Cool scene in the anime, an unforgettable blow to the brains in the manga
Most of the time seeing things for the first time is what's really impactful. Feel this way towards Armin's transformation in the boat as well. It was definitely less impactful than when you first read it in the manga.
I understand the fandom because this moment was very popular when the chapter was out. I think that in the anime Eren lacks the anger he had in the manga. His voice was too calm while repeating his mantra. .
I didn't care for it in the anime, it was really underwhelming. 
I think most people are annoyed about the lighting than the impact. It’s a bit too dim and the lamp hides Eren’s new hair.
Didn't like the anime version at all
The animation wasn't good and they totally fucked his hair, face, and body up. Although the added shots were definitely welcome.
Eren could've been sexier/animated better, I hope they do better next ep 😭
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With Mikasa meeting Kiyomi presumably being inevitable in episode 69, we wondered if any opinions had changed on this. 34.1% feel hopeful that the tattoo will be retconned into the anime and that we will see this scene faithful to the manga. 28.9% think that Mikasa will happen to have some kind of embroidery on hand already. 25.9% don’t want to make a call either way, and a small handful think Mikasa’s going to just pull out an embroidery kit and go with it, lol.
The embroidery will be on the inside of her bandage.
Japanese are very taboo about tattoos because of the Yazuka... it will 100% be the embroidery.
I don't know but I hope it gets retconned. Never liked the embroidery thing.
It won't be included
Let’s just... ignore it..
I really really hope MAPPA retcons Mikasa's tattoo next episode. This will be the one retcon I will absolutely celebrate. Plus, it's not really a retcon if they're just amending Wit's changes.
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Uncertainty continues to loom over exactly how far MAPPA will get into this (first half of the?) season. Nearly 40% don’t want to make predictions one way or another, while 23.4% feel that it won’t make it quite to chapter 122. The rest believe it will make it to chapter 122, with 17.5% feeling there will only be minor cuts, if any, and the remaining 13.1% feeling that there will be major cuts to make the feat to chapter 122. 
116 (?) when the allied force attack paradis
122 with the amount of cuts being somewhere in between. They can cut a lot of the Gabi and Falco plotline and still have the story remain intact.
See, I'm not sure buy I'm also worried and curious about it all. It brings up the question of will the story continue in a possible second half of the season? With the manga ending very soon now, it makes sense to have the story wrap up in its anime medium as well. Fees like there's some kind of uncertainty surrounding this, it's unnerving tbh. 
119 with Eren's head being blown off.
gabi no scoping eren, ending creds is eren entering paths and we see ymir standing behind him, s4p2 starts w the ymir backstory
No idea and I don't think about it. I just enjoy the show. 
Your guess is as good as mine, I'm still fearing major cuts.
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With Nicolo now formally introduced in the anime, we were curious how you felt about his portrayal. Overall the reaction was positive, with 48.6% agreeing that he’s a “cutie pie chef”, and another 45.7% feeling that his design and seiyuu are absolutely great! A small handful were less happy with the voice, but happy with the design, and a sliver went in the opposite direction, preferring voice over animation.
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Respondents vastly appreciated the flower symbolism from MAPPA with 82.9% of the pie. 12.9% aren’t really sure what symbolism there even was, and a small amount either don’t care or felt the effort could have been spent on something other than flowers for Sasha.
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This pie chart wound up being almost eerily even. 42.7% are most looking forward to the 104th discussing Eren (hopeful for the train flashback?). 39.9% instead are looking more forward to Hange and Eren’s tense conversation at his jail cell. The remaining three preview moments were pretty evenly split as well.
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71.5% feel that there is a chance we will get the train flashback of the 104th in this episode, but don’t want to say for absolutely certain. 18.5% feel that it is a guarantee based on what we saw in the preview. 10% feel it is instead guaranteed that we will NOT get the scene in 69.
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The plotline that continues to be a frustrating mystery in the manga - Historia’s pregnancy. 34.3% aren’t particularly looking forward to seeing her in the rocking chair and aren’t very stoked about having to relive this plotline all over again. 33.6% mainly just care about seeing how the anime only fans react to the scene. 17.9% just miss Historia altogether and will take any scraps they can get. And a small handful, at 9.3%, are actually looking forward to seeing anime!Historia with a baby bump. 
Don't really care about historia
It's in MAPPA's hands now. I just hope they can add a little more of her screentime somehow.
I hope so. I want to see the design of her adult self. 
I honestly wouldn't mind if Historia's entire arc, which consists of equal parts pregnancy, irrelevance and uselessness, is just completely cut in the anime lol
not interest
I'm not interested 
I've hated this fucking plot line with all my being and what it's done to Historia since the leaks for this chapter were revealed years ago. So I'm not looking forward to anime-only people jumping in with their hot takes too. 🤮🤮
mikasa was shown in sasha's grave in the morning/afternoon and then she was shown again at dusk. SHE SPENT THE WHOLE DAY THERE. and annie... what a queen. and hisu's few scenes? so pretty.
Really glad the pacing was well done
nicosasha ship just flew in and took the spotlight
fantastic!! maybe it's just because this isn't my first time going through this arc anymore, but i feel like the anime feels chronologically less confusing than the manga—I remember being very confused my first time reading these chapters.
The lack of score by Hiroyuki Sawamo is negatively impacting my relationship with the anime. The depth of the emotion that could have been evoked was not present. I also did not get the sense that Nicolo and Sasha were in love, which was a major disappoinment. There were other aspects that weren't so bad, though; specifically, Levi's portrayal and Onyankopon's philosophy.
It felt a bit all over the place, but just seeing things from the manga being animated, I ain’t even mad.
I think that the scene between Sasha and Nicolo was made better in the anime. Isayama has problems with writing romantic moments, so in the manga the whole moment looked like it was taken from some light romance. Mappa made this scene more serene. I liked it. 
I think MAPPA is doing so great tbh! I just need them to hurry up and explain if there will be a part two to this final season or what?! I need to know if we get more anime or they'll diverge into movies or.... just tell us! Lol! 
How DAREEEE they not give Levi his black steed!!!! .....Although knowing what happens ummm yeah maybe his pony gets to live another day this way lol
Here comes the train wreck, choo choo!
I'm really sad I didn't get to hear Sasha call Jean a perv. I was really looking forward to that. LOL I love them. When EMA were at the shooting range, it looked too much like Mikasa wasn't wearing any pants. 
VERY solid. Not the biggest fan of the War for Paradis arc but I'm here for the ride.
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Thanks again to everyone who participated!
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 3 years
What do you think of chapters 109 and 114 being paired up? 🤔
I’m going to place my thoughts below:
Hmm, personally, I think they are going to pair up Chapter 109 (Kyoko’s Death Anniversary) with Chapters 112, 113, and likely some of the chapters that deal with Kyoko’s backstory. In this week’s episode we are seeing them take from about five different chapters, so I can see them continuing to do this for the rest of the season.
I can see Chapter 114 (Tohu and Kagura Fight) being paired up with Chapters 107 + 108. Chapters 107 and 108 take place at Kazuma’s place, as does Chapter 114, and they both deal with Tohru being stubborn and such. So I can see them meshing well together. If I were to hazard a guess:
Ep. 6 - Kyoko Backstory, Komaki and Kakeru, Sheets
Ep. 7 - Kazuma’s Place with Rin, Tohru and Kagura Fight, Shigure and Tohru’s Talk
Ep. 8 - Shit Starts To Go Down
After that it’s very unknown to me how they are going to handle everything. But I feel the above arrangement of events would make sense based on how they are currently placing events and such. I have no doubt some part of this prediction will be utterly wrong though, and I am okay with that, lol. Trying to predict the episode count and order is rather fun, and makes the season a bit more interesting from an interaction POV.
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arce-elliot · 3 years
Magnus Archives - First Impressions (101-125)
Back on my bullshit. Starting to get into the nitty-gritty of it now. Had 75% of the series spilled blah blah blah you know the drill!
EP 101 (Another Twist): - oh thank GOD some normalcy, hello Nikola - Nikola: Elias ur son is annoying - Michael: i'm going to kill you Jon: get in line lmao - poor little michael shelley he never stood a chance - bye bye michael EP 102 (Nesting Instinct): - BEETLE WIFE BEETLE WIFE - HOW DID I FORGET ABOUT BEETLE WIFE - also the boys are communicating kind of a bit maybe EP 103 (Cruelty Free): - this dude is so strange i love it - m o n s t e r  p i g - awwww rest in peace toby - LMAOOOOO JON finally using his powers for evil EP 104 (Sneak Preview): - hoo boy time to cry it's Timothy Time - my baby Tim :c EP 105 (Total War): - wheeee another war one - I feel like this woman knows more than she's saying - "i'm lucky i suppose" are u sure buddy - "how long would it be that i would have to wait for death" dude just die sounds like it'd be easy in this hellscape - "gerard keay after he faked his death?" nah u wish it were that simple jonny boy EP 106 (A Matter of Perspective): - M E L A N I E - yo space boy does not shut the FUCK up - AYYYY THERE'S MY ACE REP - Elias: I'm gonna have to dock points for the murder attempts - lmao Elias is gettin' tired of his employees asking him to kill them EP 107 (Third Degree): - time for the American leg of the tour - Gertrude what the actual fuck ma'am - Elias said "here's some eldritch tylenol" - ah yes, back to your regularly scheduled kidnapping - TREVOR'S JUST IN THE T R U N K EP 108 (Monologue): - as a theatre person this person sounds D R E A D F U L - this was an odd one but i like it EP 109 (Nightfall): - i love these two so much holy shit - listen I KNOW i’m gay but like,,,,,found family makes brain go brrrr EP 110 (Creature Feature): - TRANS STATEMENT GIVER AYYYY - lmao spider time EP 111 (Family Business): - GERARD TIME GERARD TIME - my poor darling boy - Mary Keay’s A+ Parenting way to go lady EP 112 (Thrill of the Chase): - "welcome to buzzfeed unsolved today we're going to kill a man" - JON'S BACK THANK FUCK - a w w daisy misses basira :C EP 113 (Breathing Room): - Jon's trying to stop the apocalypse but Martin just wants a travel diary - MARTIN STOP TOUCHING IT - oh ew wtf brain kebab - jon: wow. interesting. what the fuck did i just read. EP 114 (Cracked Foundation): - If y'all don't leave Hill Top Road ALONE - poor lady she's just trying to do her job right - oh wait she's not...real? the web confuses me but i guess that's kinda the point - Tim ouchie my feelings - What a right little investigator, you go Timmy EP 115 (Taking Stock): - FINALLY a Salesa statement it's about time - m e a t g r i n d e r - HELEN!!! - aww poor Helen :c she's being nice Jon don't be rude EP 116 (The Show Must Go On): - lmao love this Archival Staff Meeting - Elias trauma bonding is not the same as team building - GERTRUDE VOICE HELL YES - Chess Robot - what in the Spiral statement EP 117 (Testament): - aw hell yeah mini doomsday diaries - okay martin is actually really funny lmao - JON BURN THE FUCKING PAGE YOU SHITLORD - oh okay thank u EP 118 (The Masquerade): - SHOWTIME MOTHERFUCKERS - Martin deserves a little light arson - Elias can't you just behold the door opening what an eldritch loser - oooooh i love this Martin and Elias face-off this dialogue is superb - Tim: Jon needs to learn how to sacrifice people also Jon we have to save all these randos EP 119 (Stranger and Stranger): - I'm two minutes in and I'm already stressed - Daisy: level up - Gertrude and Leitner yelling at Jon is just a Sims Family Discussion - aaaand there goes my boy :C EP 120 (Eye Contact): - Again, I lose another precious character and I gotta listen to ELIAS - Time for the Season 1-3 recap - Peter said "lmao nice" - "be seeing you" okay elias that was funny - "i'll do my best to keep the place afloat" okay peter that was also funny EP 121 (Far Away): - season 4 baybeeee here we go - Oliver Banks Time - me, eatin my chef boyardee: alright Oliver gimme a good monologue - "i've learned to live with it" i dont think you LIVE with anything mr. banks - i love his voice it's nice - did he just...manifest a gun - A FUCKING SATELLITE LMAOOOOOOO - georgie: sir your vibes are rancid I'm going to have to ask you to leave - wakey wakey jonny boy! EP 122 (Zombie): - Basira Georgie no don't fight - poor Jon y'all lay off the poor man - this statement is too relatable bye - JON'S SO WORRIED ABOUT MARTIN PFFFF EP 123 (Web Development): - CAN'T ANYONE BE HAPPY FOR JON LMAOOO - Basira: "wehhh you're not human also Melanie being a whirlwind with a knife is 100% normal" - GOD imagine if Peter never existed and it had just been Martin lying his ass off trying to save face - wooooosh - Jon: at least Tim and Daisy have the good sense to be dead damn - "play dead" G O D - spoooooooky website EP 124 (Left Hanging): - oh what's good sky grandpa - MARTIN WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO YOUUUU EP 125 (Civilian Casualities): - baaaah - the 16th fear is Scotland - we love a good DIY surgery - god Melanie's VA is brilliant
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bboyplankton · 3 years
R&B/Pop/Alternative Albums 2020
1. Braxton Cook – Fire Sign
2. Thundercat – It Is What It Is
3. Leven Kali – HighTide
4. Cheakaity – Grown Man
5. Koshens – Soca Virgin
6. Dvsn – A Muse In Her Feelings
7. Chloe x Halle – Ungodly Hour
8. Kirby – Sis.
9. Kiana Ledé – KIKI (Deluxe)
10. Jade Novah – Stages
11. Ro James – Mantic
12. YellowStraps – Yellowckdown Project
13. Otis Kane – Therapy – EP
14. Kehlani – It Was Good Until It Wasn’t
15. Xavier Omär – if You Feel
16. Trey Songz – Back Home
17. DaniLeigh – Movie
18. Omar Apollo – Apolonio
19. Reveena – Moonstone – EP
20. YellowStraps – Goldress
21. Alina Baraz – It Was Divine
22. John Legend – Bigger Love
23. Cleo Sol – Rose in the Dark
24. Giveon – Take Time
25. Burna Boy – Twice As Tall
26. Teyana Taylor – The Album
27. Jhené Aiko – Chilombo (Deluxe)
28. Jacob Collier – Djesse, Vol. 3
29. Giveon – Take Time
30. THEY. – The Amanda Tape
31. Sammie – Such is Life…
32. Masego – Studying Abroad – EP
33. Raheem DeVaughn – What A Time To Be In Love
34. Steve Lacy – The Lo-Fis
35. IV Jay – 5th Element
36. PJ Morton – Gospel According to PJ
37. Ledisi – The Wild Card
38. JoJo – Good to Know
39. Jane Handcock & MyGuyMars – Fa Real
40. Vybz Kartel – To Tanesha
41. Tiwa Savage – Celia
42. Wizkid – Made in Lagos
43. RAAHiim – ii Knew Better
44. August Alsina – The Product III: stateofEMERGEncy
45. Chiiild – Synthetic Soul
46. Brent Faiyaz – F**k the World
47. Eric Bellinger – Hors D’oeuvres
48. Ariana Grande – Positions
49. Victoria Monét – Jaguar
50. Lianne La Havas – Lianne La Havas
51. Buju Banton – Upside Down 2020
52. Various Artists – No Caption Riddim
53. Giveon – When It’s All Said And Done – EP
54. Alicia Keys – Alicia
55. Pink Sweat$ – The Prelude – EP
56. Devvon Terrell – Vol. 2: Déjà vu
57. María Isabel – Stuck in the Sky
58. James Blake – Covers - EP
59. Brandy – B7
60. Ty Dolla $ign – Featuring Ty Dolla $ign
61. Vedo – For You
62. J. Holiday – Baecation
63. Kevin Ross – Audacity Complete
64. UMI – Introspection – EP
65. Terrace Martin, Robert Glasper, 9th Wonder, & Kamasi Washington – Dinner Party: Dessert
66. Låpsley – Through Water
67. Nieman J & Eric Bellinger – Optimal Music
68. Bosco – Car Therapy
69. Eric Bellinger – Eric B For President: Term 3
70. Alexis Ffrench – Dreamland
71. Q – The Shave Experiment – EP
72. Moonga K. – An ode to growth, pt. 1
73. Ricardo Drue – Homesick
74. Kali Uchis – To Feel Alive – EP
75. 6lack – 6pc Hot EP
76. St. Panther – These Days – EP
77. Kali Uchis – Sin Miedo (del Amor y Otros Demonios) ∞
78. Gorillaz – Song Machine, Season One: Strange Timez (Deluxe)
79. Mannywellz – Mirage
80. Tink – Hopeless Romantic
81. Childish Gambino – 3.15.20
82. Shay Lia – Solaris – EP
83. Bosco – Someday This Will All Make Sense
84. Tréi Stella – Sorry for the Wait
85. Mario – Closer to Mars – EP
86. Tank – Worth the Wait – EP
87. Summer Walker – Life On Earth – EP
88. Vivian Green – Love Absolute
89. Avant – Can We Fall In Love
90. Tems – For Broken Ears
91. Tiana Major9 – At Sixes And Sevens
92. Chrissy D – The Journey
93. Abby Jasmine – Who Cares?
94. Iyla – Other Ways To Vent
95. Fana Hues – Hues
96. Sam Smith – Love Goes
97. Alfa Mist & Emmavie – Epoch
98. 11:11 – The Night Before the Morning After
99. Tenelle – This Is X
100. Che Ecru – Prejection
101. Problem Child – The Vaccine – EP
102. Jadel – Call Me Jadel
103. Popcaan – Fixtape
104. Kaash Paige – Teenage Fever
105. Omarion – The Kinection
106. Ye Ali – Private Suite 3
107. Ant Clemons – Happy 2 Be Here
108. Moses Sumney – Grae
109. Mali Music – The Book of Mali
110. Shawn Mendes – Wonder
111. Terrace Martin – Conscious Conversations – EP
112. Brandon Banks – Static – EP
113. Good Girl – Good Girl
114. Jacob Latimore – Leo Season
115. Hayley Williams – Petals For Armor
116. Tank – While You Wait – EP
117. Black Eyed Peas – Translation
118. Kes – We Home
119. Terrace Martin – Impedance – EP
120. Black Atlass – Dream Awake
121. Gregory Porter – All Rise (Deluxe)
122. Brandon – Coming Clean
123. James Blake – Before – EP
124. Che Ecru – Til Death
125. Vybz Kartel – Of Dons & Divas
126. Bryson Tiller – Anniversary
127. Brown & Young Thug – Slime & B
128. Swarvy – Sunny Days Blue
129. Skip Marley – Higher Place
130. Tank and the Bangas – Friend Goals – EP
131. Destra – Queendom
132. Ellie Goulding – Brightest Blue
133.  Che Ecru – Still Single
134. The-Dream – SXTP4
135. Kem – Love Always Wins
136. Jessie Reyez – Before Love Came To Kill Us+
137. Tame Impala – The Slow Rush
138. Simi – Restless II – EP
139. Jus D – Other Side
140. Sy Ari Da Kid – A Toxic Heartbreak
141. PartyNextDoor – PartyMobile
142. Ye Ali – Ye Ali X Chill 2
143. MarMar Oso – Marvin’s Room
144. Jagged Edge – A Jagged Love Story
145. Luke James – To Feel Love/d
146. Toni Braxton – Spell My Name
147. Yung Bleu – Love Scars: The 5 Stages of Emotions (Deluxe)
148. Paloma Ford – X Tapes
149. Ayanis – Yani
150. The Weeknd – After Hours (Deluxe)
151. Jacob Latimore – C3
152. Keke Palmer – Virgo Tendencies Pt. I
153. Roy Woods – Dem Times – EP
154. Queen Naija – missunderstood
155. Rico Love – Rico Love Presents: Emerging Women of R&B
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Battle #25
Reatards: Grown Up, Fucked Up ( Side B )
The Jam: All Mod Cons ( Side 2 )
Reatards: Grown Up, Fucked Up ( Side B )
The Reatards were an American garage punk band formed in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1995. Originally a one-man project by guitarist Jay Reatard, the group's sound was marked by raw, stripped-down instrumentals and lo-fi recording quality. After distributing privately pressed cassettes and EPs, the band released their debut album Teenage Hate in 1998. It was followed by this album, Grown Up, Fucked Up a year later. By that time, the group only sporadically performed as Reatard began exploring other endeavors, but in 2005 he reformed the band for their third and final studio album. Much of the Reatards' discography remains a subject of interest, leading to reissues of their work years later. Jay unabashedly credits The Oblivians as a source of inspiration for their style of crude, distorted, lo-fi garage sound. Reatard was so enamoured with the Oblivians' music, he sent their guitarist Eric Friedl some of his home recordings hon which he did everything...guitar, vocals and drumming on a bucket. How’s THAT for DIY!?). It was impressing enough to Friedl to arrange a record deal on his independent label, Goner Records. Relatively short lived as they were, though, The Reatards put out some raw, high energy, REAL MUSIC. You can hear it in the chaos. Just as quickly as the6 formed, Jay went on to other things. Unfortunately he unexpectedly died in 2010. It seems he had died of "cocaine toxicity, and that alcohol was a contributing factor in his death. Sad because after he s time with a The Reatards, he went on to do quite a few things and become a pretty prolific musician in his own right. But this, this is his humble (?) beginnings. Keep in mind practically no song is over about 2 minutes. Every bit of it intense and from the perspective of a fresh faced teenager. First song Side B is “Tonight I’ll Come”. It’s tha5 fast nasty lo-fi you love. Born in the garage and surprisingly channeled and clear, consideration given t the aforementioned recording techniques. The next jab, “Get Outta Our Way”, is decidedly more rock ‘n’ roll than punk. “Who Are You” is another quick fix while “All the Walls Are Closing in” sees a desperation and violent undertones take hold. DT shakes level intensity. “Miss You” is pretty Stooges in nature...just raw power (#seewhatididthere). “Eat Your Heart Out” follows and you can really hear the young essence in Jay’s voice here. It’s a banger that lingers though. This kid did his homework. “I Want Sex” is of course on the mind of any teenage boy but it’s a cover not an original. Meh. I like the originals better. They don’t need to do covers and the6 certainly had the material!! “I’m Gonna Break Down” is very indicative of what this music sounds like. It could break down at any moment. Now, we’ve reached the bonus tracks and an obviously different recording session. That’s the only drawback of this style. You can almost never recapture the EXACT SOUND from any previous sessions because it’s so so happenstance. “Your So Lewd” (note, it IS misspelled ) and “She Will Always Be With Me” have a nasty, distorted vibe while the final cut “Busy Signal” has more garage slop grace and goodness. It’s quick licks with sick fits. His vocals are so young and raw. Recalling Teengenerate and The Motards or X-Ray Specs. 11 songs PER SIDE!! That’s a whole album or set list for most bands! This may be a new RRW RECORD (#seewhatididthere). R. I. P. Jay.
The Jam: All Mod Cons ( Side 2 )
The Jam have been RRW contenders before and went quite far. They were an English mod revival/punk rock band during the 1970s and early 1980s, which formed in 1972 at Sheerwater Secondary School in Woking, in the county of Surrey. They get lumped in with punk a lot but really blur the line between power pop and punk with blues riffs thrown in for good measure. They also drew off the energy of bands like The Who and The Kinks for that mod sound. At the helm was Paul Weller, the heartbeat of The Jam. He went on to form The Style Council and later had a successful solo career, of which he still enjoys. Weller wrote and sang most of the Jam's original compositions, and brought that distinct snotty, throaty, often gruff, and decidedly British sounding vocals. A great example is his pronunciation of the word flowers as flars. Though they shared an "angry young men" outlook, short hair, crushing volume and lightning-fast tempos, the Jam wore neatly tailored suits where others wore ripped clothes, played professionally where others were defiantly amateurish, and displayed clear 1960s rock influences. The Jam had political lyrics, condemning police brutality ("In the City") and expansionist development ("Bricks And Mortar"). Even condemning the monarchy, pre Sex Pistols. By only about 6 months though. All Mod Cons in specific was after the initial success and had put some pressure on the band to maintain. They released a few singles first which appear on the album but the album only came after positive reactions to the singles. “Billy Hunt” has something unique in the pronunciations. I love the way his name is said “Billy, Billy, Biiiiilll-eeeee”.
“It’s too Bad” has a lovely wandering bass line that has a warm, relaxing, inviting personality. Too bad it’s so short. “Fly” contains soft and slow acoustic introductions. It builds, like a baby bird learning to flap its wings until the point of flight. I suppose that’s the point. Some good, rockin’ guitar picking and slick riffs show up in “The Place I Love”. But this side really kicks in on the next two tunes. “ 'A' Bomb in Wardour Street" was a Weller original. And one of their hardest and most intense songs, as well as the aforementioned singles. Weller cursed the violent thugs that plagued the punk rock scene over a taut two-chord figure. It became their most successful release since ”All Around The World”. The cowbell is surprisingly catchy and is one of the more rocking tunes, and of course there is a bomb exploding at the end so literal truth in advertising. “Down in the Tube Station at Midnight” was the second single and helped The Jam really regain their former critical acclaim. The song was a dramatic account of being mugged by thugs who "smelled of pubs and Wormwood Scrubs and too many right-wing meetings". Rich and textured bass really drives the whole thing. Good harmonies with thundering drums. A train interrupts the tune so as to give it a realistic feeling. Like the Clash but cleaner and snappier dressers.
Today it was The Reatards who were grown up, but fucked up in the process. They burned 107 calories over 17 minutes and 11 songs. That is 9.73 calories per song and 6.29 calories burned per minute. The Reatards earned 26 out of 33 possible stars. The Jam put out the call for all Mod Cons. They took 20 minutes to burn 128 calories over 6 songs. They averaged 21.33 calories burned per song and 6.40 calories per minute. The Jam earned 14 out of 18 possible stars. Today it appears The Jam are RRW winners!
The Jam: “ ‘A’ Bomb in Wardour Street” (live, baby!)
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samiralula01 · 5 years
There’s No Place Like Home
“Go home. Go to your family. Forget what you saw here today.”
Sigh....I don’t even know where to start with this. If you’ve been reading my previous thoughts/theories, you know I was sort of on the loyal!Shibisaki train but I guess I was wrong there. He’s been loyal towards “Master” Yuuta all along. Not the Blood King. But, he is sympathetic towards the other side as we saw this episode.『Ep • 117』
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It was nice getting the Shibisaki & Daisuke friendship right though when I said that the quote Katsu spoke to the General was referring to Daisuke. 
“Yes, but at what cost? He was your closest ally, Shibisaki. And even after his death, you could’ve easily pardoned yourself from this servitude.” 『Ep • 51』
Shibisaki does not like a lot of people. Heck, he doesn’t like most people. But he did care about Daisuke and I think that’s important. It’s weird that he would have a thing for his younger sister later but I’m just going to ignore that for a moment here.
Shibisaki didn’t even want to harm Daisuke, forget killing him. He told him five times in the space of one episode to go home to his family. Not once or twice, but five times. He knew that all Daisuke ever wanted was to go home since he replaced his father as a decoy when he was young, so this was something that Daisuke would’ve confided in him it seems.
Daisuke has always struck me as a person who valued family above all, but the way the General puts it seems as though Daisuke was homesick. Sure, he put his heart and soul into his duty and country but he wanted nothing more than to just return to his family since he was separated from them. Not only was he close with his sister (we have no knowledge of the relationship he had with his younger brother) but he was quite close to his father as well. The Kihara’s sure are tight-knit, hm? Cute.
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By the way, little side thought: How old was Daisuke when he was turned into a decoy?! Mei wasn’t even born yet; although she would probably be born soon since Aiko does look heavily pregnant at this point; and Daisuke couldn’t be that much of an age gap sibling to her, could he? I mean, he looks around 13 in this scene but I didn’t think he was that much older...but Ozuru did mention that he ‘wasn’t of age yet,’ whatever that means. Although coming-of-age ceremonies in Japan [Genpuku 元服]  used to be celebrated when boys were 15, girls 13. (Modern times have changed this to 20 years of age for both genders.) So I’ll just roll with that idea for now.
Anyway, I’m not sure where I was headed with that above point(s), it was more just writing out my thoughts on the episode. I’m pretty sure most of y’all follow me for my ridiculous theories and suspicions so I’ll deliver:
Daisuke’s playing a different game from the rest of the cast. In short, that’s my theory summed up nicely in a single sentence. 
If Ryusaki had a grudge against Kôzuke that’s one thing and explains why he would be so gosh-darn obsessed with tracking him down. But Shibisaki says this:
“Daisuke was obsessed with tracking him down since Ryusaki had a grudge to settle.” 『Ep • 117』
I know Ryusaki has mentioned on more than once occasion that he looked up to Daisuke as both a mentor and brother-figure and maybe they both felt that way towards each other, but Daisuke had known Ryu for, what? A year or two now? It just feels odd to me that Daisuke would be so obsessed (as well) just for Ryu’s sake.
Originally I thought, okay, maybe this is because Daisuke also had some personal grudges in this himself, what with finding Yuuta and his sister kissing that day and then dragging him off back to the then reigning Blood King...but, it doesn’t seem like that to me anymore. 
What’s Daisuke’s beef about anyway? 🤔 I mean Ryusaki’s was originally because he thought Shiori was ‘taken’ by Kôzuke but when he learnt that wasn’t the case, his anger focused on Daisuke’s murder whom he thought Kôzuke was responsible for. And he was out for blood for that.
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Daisuke, however. It seemed personal for him too in some way. Or it could have just been his feeling betrayed that one of his closest allies was playing them this whole time?
“I could never forget! I will not let him live!” 『Ep • 117』
I’m not sure why, but I’ve always laughed to myself about that old semi-popular “the Kiharas are royals,” theory that was always sorta floating around this fandom, and I’m not saying I believe it now! But in episode 108 I had this nagging feeling about that conversation between Sanjirou and Ozuru, particularly about his final words:
“--If you dare betray me, I will take much more than just your life...and your legacy.” 『Ep • 108』
The word “Legacy,” has been thrown around a lot in quotations also containing or referring to the Kihara family. The first time I read that chapter, I didn’t think too much into it. I thought that he was referring to Sanjirou’s children as his “legacy,” which would make sense since he took Daisuke and threatened to take Aiko, who was at the time, carrying Mei. 
Do any of you remember when I mentioned a while back about when somethings important to the plot, you’ll usually see a ‘shine’ in character’s eyes?
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I guess he could be referring to the legacy of the decoy as well, since Ryusaki refers to the role as a “legacy,” as well. 
“…and the daughter of a man who unknowingly gave me a legacy.”『Ep • 64』
But that doesn’t quite sit well with me as a final answer. Being a decoy wasn’t solely the Kihara’s legacy, as there were others unrelated who filled the role both before, between and after the father and son respectively. 
Maybe we’ll get more information in later chapters for me to build more upon this suspicion since I'm really stuck here. Sanjirou’s no help either since all he speaks on his own pre-decoy life is the one line:
“...I wasn’t always a farmer. When I was a young teen, I was drafted into the Blood King’s army.”『Ep • 107』
But then again, Sanjirou was noted as being a man of “secrets”『Ep • 55』so maybe there’s something else he hasn’t spoken of but who knows? 
Anyway, guess Daisuke’s alive now and was the scarred man who helped Ryu, and was also collaborating with Shiori to get Mei back to the palace. Is Daisuke still trying to undermine the Hebi gang? Or is he doing something completely different?
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I just realized that Shibisaki was cut off by Mei while he was still explaining.
“...I never meant for any harm to befall him. But...then...”『Ep • 107』
But then, what?! I’m thinking it was Shibisaki who got Daisuke out of that fire, but that would mean he knows that Daisue’s still alive when no one else does. Was he going to tell Mei that? 
Siiiiggggggghhhhhhh, I should be studying right now. What am I doing writing this ridiculously long, pointless essay? 
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gwydionae · 6 years
Dice, Camera, Action Timeline
(So. Uh. While going through DCA again I decided to keep track of how much time has passed. Don’t know if anyone already posted something like this, but after taking the time to type it up, I thought I’d share in case anyone else was interested. I am kind of amused by the fact that they were only originally in Barovia for less than two weeks. XD
All days are totaled according to the amount of time passing for the Waffle Crew and does not account for discrepancies between places like Barovia, the Shadowfell, Toril, etc. I am not adding the K’thrissmas Special as it was recorded earlier but aired months later, making it pretty impossible to properly place timeline-wise. If anyone has any corrections, feel free to let me know.)
SEASON 1 - CURSE OF STRAHD - 14 days total Ep 001 - Day 1 (Spend 1 night outside) Ep 001-003 - Day 2 (Spend 1 night outside) Ep 003-005 - Day 3 (Spend 1 night at hag windmill) Ep 005-008 - Day 4 (Travel to Krezk) *nighttime travel/rest not confirmed* Ep 008-009 - Day 5 (Spend 1 night in Krezk) Ep 009-013 - Day 6 (Spend 1 night outside) Ep 013-016 - Day 7 (Spend 1 night at winery) Ep 016-017 - Day 8 (Spend 1 night in tower) Ep 018 - Day 9 (Spend 1 night in Amber Temple) Ep 018-022 - Day 10 (Spend 1 night in Amber Temple) Ep 022-025 - Day 11 (Spend 1 night in Van Richten's tower) Ep 025 - Day 12 (Spend 1 night in Van Richten's tower) Ep 025-028 - Day 13 (Spend 1 night in Argynvostholt) Ep 028-031 - Day 14 (End of the first season) *end of day not confirmed*
SEASON 2 - STORM KING'S THUNDER - 51 days (+50 years) total Ep 032-033 - Day 15 (Spend 1 night at lodge) *beginning of day not confirmed* Ep 033-034 - Day 16 (Spend 1 night at lodge) Ep 034-035 - Day 17 (Travel to Citadel Adbar) Ep 035 - Days 18-26 (Travel to Citadel Adbar) *exact amount of days not confirmed - "in week 2"* Ep 035-036 - Day 27 (Spend 1 night outside) Ep 036 - Days 28-32 (Travel to Citadel Adbar) Ep 036-037 - Day 33 (Spend 1 night in hut) Ep 037 - Days 34-42 (Travel to Citadel Adbar) *exact amount of days not confirmed - estimated travel time left was 10 days in ep 36* Ep 037 - Day 43 (Spend 1 night with Ur'greys) Ep 037-038 - Day 44 (Spend 1 night with Bronzefires) Ep 038-039 - Day 45 (Travel to Yak Folk village) Ep 039 - Days 46-47 (Travel to Yak Folk village) Ep 039-048 - Day 48 (Spend 1 night in Ironslag) *exact amount of days in Ironslag not confirmed - based on group resting only* Ep 048-050 - Day 49 (Travel to Citadel Adbar) Ep 050 - Days 50-52 (Travel to Citadel Adbar) *conflicting travel times given by Chris - "1 day" plus "a couple more days" could equal the amount of time it took to get to Ironslag (3/4), but then he says they haven't seen Waffles in "a week or so"* Ep 050-052 - Day 53 (Spend 1 night in Citadel Adbar) Ep 052 - Days 54-55 (Spend 2 nights in Citadel Adbar) *exact amount of days in Citadel Adbar not confirmed - 3 days or less* Ep 052-056 - Day 56 (Magically goes from night to morning and XXX years in the past) Ep 056-058 - Day 57 (Everyone dead but Strix) *50 years pass in Ep 058* Ep 059 - Days 58-64 (Travel to Kronenheim) *exact amount of days not confirmed - enough to establish the Dragon Cultists using the sending stone "every couple of days"* Ep 059-061 - Day 65 (Spend 1 night on airship)
SEASON 3 - TOMB OF ANNIHILATION - 116 days total (almost 4 months) Ep 061 - Days 66-72 (Travel to Chult) Ep 061-062 Day 73 (Travel to Chult) Ep 062-064 Day 74 (Spend 1 night in Port Nyanzaru) Ep 064-065 Day 75 (Spend 1 night in hut) Ep 065 - Days 76-78 (???) *exact number of days lost due to the mostly missing episode - at least “3 to 4 days”* Ep 065-067 - Day 79 (Travel to Camp Vengeance) Ep 067 - Days 80-87 (Travel to Camp Vengeance) Ep 067-068 - Day 88 (Spend 1 night in jungle) Ep 068-070 - Day 89 (Travel to Oralunga) Ep 070 - Days 90-92 (Travel to Oralunga) Ep 070-071 - Day 93 (Spend 1 night in hut) Ep 071 - Days 94-101 (Travel to Oralunga) Ep 071-072 - Day 102 (Travel to Omu) Ep 072 - Days 103-109 (Travel to Omu) *Ep 073 takes place around days 107/108* Ep 072-074 - Day 110 (Travel to Omu) Ep 074 - Days 111-112 (Travel to Omu) Ep 074-077 - Day 113 (Spend 1 night in Omu) Ep 077-081 - Day 114 (Spend 1 night in Omu) Ep 081-083 - Day 115 (Search for Paultin) *passage of time is out of sync between Paultin and the rest of the Crew - I am going by days passing for the majority of the party for these numbers* Ep 083 - Days 116-152 (Travel in Shadowfell) *exact amount of days not confirmed - 32 days for sure plus some additional days as Chris lowers Diath and Strix's max HP further* Ep 083-085 - Day 153 (Travel in Shadowfell) Ep 085 - Days 154-182 (Travel in Shadowfell) Ep 085-087 - Day 183 (Spend 1 night in hut) Ep 087-089 - Day 184 (Spend 1 night with hags) Ep 089-091 - Day 185 (Spend 1 night in Port Nyanzaru)
Total time passed in 3 seasons: Almost exactly half a year (+50 lol)
SEASON 4 - WATERDEEP - 157 days total (a little over 5 months) Ep 091-093 - Day 186 (Travel to Waterdeep) Ep 093 - Days 187-191 (Travel to Waterdeep) Ep 094 - Days 192-215 (Travel to Waterdeep) Ep 094-097 - Day 216 (Spend 1 night in Waterdeep) Ep 098 - Day 217 (First night in the Wafflehaus) [ Ep 099 - Days 218-238 (Stay at the Wafflehaus) *exact number of days not confirmed - “some number of days and/or weeks”; at least 5 days needed for Diath’s journey to and from Red Larch, presumably including 1 night there, plus time for all of them including Diath to feel settled in* ] [ Ep 100 - Days 239-241 (Spend 1 night in Nightstone) *number of days based on Part One of the five part episode - Strix and Diath were taken by the mists the same day Strix got the message from Omin, but Paultin and Evelyn took a 2 day journey to Red Larch and were then spirited away* ] [ Ep 101 - Days 242-244 (Journey to Waterdeep) *exact number of days not confirmed - “multi-day journey”; estimated journey based on maps and compared distance to Red Larch* ] [ Ep 101-102 - Day 245 (Spend 1 night saving Waffles) ] [ Ep 102-103 - Day 246 (Stay at the Wafflehaus) ] [ Ep 103 - Days 247-248 (Stay at the Wafflehaus) ] [ Ep 103-104 - Day 249 (Stay at the Wafflehaus) ] [ Ep 104-105 - Day 250 (Stay at the Wafflehaus) ] [ Ep 105 - Days 251-253 (Stay at the Wafflehaus) *exact number of days not confirmed - “over the next day or two” and then “over the next day or two” again* ] [ Ep 105-110 - Day 254 (Operation in Xanathar’s lair) *the passing of a day isn’t specified, however the kids were at the neighbor’s long enough to know that elves don’t sleep* ] [ Ep 110 - Day 255 (Stay at the Wafflehaus) ] [ Ep 111 - Days 256-262 (Stay at the Wafflehaus) *exact number of days not confirmed - “some time has passed”, “a period of tranquility”, though Paultin is still an egg throughout so probably not too long* ] [ Ep 112 - Days 263-276 (Stay at the Wafflehaus) *exact number of days not confirmed - “some time has passed”* ] [ Ep 113 - Days 277-290 (Stay at the Wafflehaus) *exact number of days not confirmed* ] [ Ep 114 - Days 291-304 (Stay at the Wafflehaus) *exact number of days not confirmed* ] Ep 115-116 - Day 305 (Stay at the Wafflehaus) Ep 116-117 - Day 306 (Evelyn stays at Wafflehaus, Diath stays in jail, Strix and Paultin are out) *Talastin Aderagon visits in the morning and Diath has his first day in jail, so one night passes between 117 and 118* Ep 118 - Day 307 (Stay at the Wafflehaus, real Diath still in jail) Ep 118-121 - Day 308 (Stay at the Wafflehaus) Ep 122 - Day 309 (Stay at the Wafflehaus) *it is never specified how much time takes place before or after this episode* Ep 123-124 - Day 310 (Stay at the Wafflehaus) Ep 124 - Day 311 (Stay at the Wafflehaus) >Ep 125 - Days 312-327 (Stay at the Wafflehaus, Evelyn with Jarlaxle night 327)< Ep 126-127 - Day 328 (Stay at the Wafflehaus) *exact number of days between 127 and 128 not specified - ep 128 “recently” after 127, kids supposedly got gifts “about a week” since 128 which happened on day 310 (ep 123), so as that already conflicts, I made 128 the next day so it adds the shortest amount of time possible* Ep 128-131 - Day 329 (Stay at the Wafflehaus) Ep 131 - Days 330-331 (Diath and Strix travel to Rassalanter; Paultin and Evelyn stay in the Wafflehaus) Ep 131-132 - Day 332 (Stay at the Wafflehaus) Ep 132-134 - Day 333 (Stay at the Wafflehaus) <Ep 135 - Days 334-339 (Stay at the Wafflehaus; Evelyn travels to and from Red Larch?) *it is never specified how much time takes place before or after this episode*> Ep 136-137 - Day 340 (Saving kids from Jarlaxle) *ep 136 starts at midday, but ep 140 has it at evening after a long rest with no mention of night passing, so I am basing this off of the assumption that a night passed while dealing with Jarlaxle* Ep 137-140 - Day 341 (Stay at the Wafflehaus) Ep 141 - Day 342
[ *In 99, Chris says it is “the end of winter, going into spring”, and in 114, he says it is “late spring”, so I totaled the number of days between these episodes to equal a little less than 3 months.* ]
Also fun to point out that in 130 Chris says that the Crew has known Warrington about “4 to 5 months”, and as they met him in 94, this lines up perfectly, having known him a little over 4 months by my estimates. So I didn’t have to readjust anything! Yay! lol
>125 is a bit weird as it’s the live game where the cast was DMed through envelopes and everyone had a separate turn. Jared/Paultin took place over days 312 to 317; Nate/Strix took place over days 312 to 319 (calculated by assuming Strix brought Waffles to the circus after Simon came back); Anna/Diath took place over days 318 to 327 (calculated due to Strix talking to Diath about owlbear sex at the very start); and Holly/Evelyn took place all in one day and directly before episode 126, thus day 327. This is assuming that the “extras” took place between days 318 and 327. All numbers are approximated as there was a lot of “a few days later” type descriptors being thrown around.<
<Evelyn’s guest spot on the Pax East 2019 C-Team game conflicts heavily with the facts we have from DCA. 139 is supposedly after it, but 136 is supposedly before it. However, 136-139 is all one, unbroken narrative, so it couldn’t possibly fit between them, especially when Evelyn has to make the journey to and from Red Larch, which is at least 6 days by my earlier estimations. It’s possible it could fit after 134 and before 136 as the number of passing days is unspecified, but that would mean retconning things Evelyn said in regards to what happened in 136. So I added enough days to fit it there, but continuity-wise, it still doesn’t fully work.>
NOTE: In 117, Chris says that the theft of the Evelyn statue - which occurred in 106 - was “A week ago? Two weeks ago?” however unless 2.5 months pass at the beginning of 99 alone, this is impossible and should be chalked up to him being an “unreliable narrator”. This is not the only instance of him being one, but it was a fairly glaring contradiction, so I thought I’d point it out!
Interesting Facts (some numbers are approximate):
Evelyn was a construct for 127 days
Paultin was without a shadow for 41 days
Diath was a ghoul for 4 days
Simon 1.0 was with the party for 33 days; he had first met them 2 days prior; Simon 2.0 would be found 9 days after his death
Hooty McHootface was with the party for 17 days; Waffles was only 24 days old when 3/4ths of the party died
The Waffle Crew carried a nuke around for 72 days
If my numbers are correct, then it took the party 39 days to get from Port Nyanzaru to Omu, and Diath, Strix, and Paultin would have each lost 13 HP along the way
Anything in season 4 is nearly impossible to have accurate due to all the vague descriptors, and I’m sorry XD
But if my numbers are even remotely correct, season 4 took up almost half the amount of time that passed on the show as a whole
Also not even a full in game year passed - wild
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