#tagging kyle because the kyle fans need to see this
firefly-sky · 3 months
i really hope tratt dont make an episode about the isr3@l genocide. i dont think i could be a fan anymore. it's too delicate for jokes and i know they would NOT treat it with any respect, or they'd just use the episode to be zionistic. free palestine
yeah. i wouldn’t like that much either. it would be in poor taste.
also like…not to get political but why censor israel and not palestine as well? it doesn’t make much sense to me. if you’re gonna censor one you should at least censor the other as well, pro israel or free palestine.
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wordstome · 6 months
What are the dads’ favorite bonding activities with their kids? 🥺
hello friend!!
Price: I like to imagine Price's girls are engaged in all sorts of extracurricular activities from ballet to the school play. I think his favorite bonding activity with them would be taking them out to eat after a recital or a performance. Just his little ladies and some good old greasy spoon diner food: what else could a man want? And you know that when the girls grow up, those nights are going to be some of their fondest childhood memories.
Ghost: Caden is a parallel play kind of kid. He's quietly doing his little crayon drawings next to Simon watching a tv show. I could also see them bonding when Simon takes Caden out to run errands with him, groceries and stuff. Caden gets a bit of socialization, and Simon is there if he gets overwhelmed and needs a bit of comfort. It really brings them together: the kid knows that no matter how distant his dad can be, he can always rely on Simon.
Soap: JOCK ALERT. His favorite bonding activity is taking his kids to the park. Impromptu soccer games, roleplaying on the playground equipment, buying them ice cream on a hot summer day. When Elodie's older, she stops going, preferring to hang out with friends or do her own thing. But I can see wayyyy in the future when she's an adult, she'll have a lot of nostalgia for those days and will love going on walks with her dad.
Gaz: Kyle is a planned activities kind of man, a very take the kids to Disney World and make lifetime memories sorta guy. Every summer the family gets an airbnb by the lake, and every winter they're off at a ski lodge. (Here's to that delicious, delicious dual income household.) Violet and Elliott are always the kids blowing into the first day of class full of stories about all the fun stuff they got up to over the summer.
König: Dress-up. Come on, you knew this was coming. He's so girldad. Ava can't keep her hands out of her dad's luscious locks, and loves making him paper crowns because of his callsign (he definitely speaks German with her at home so she knows what it means). He also buys Ava those big plastic playsets that are a grocery checkout or a little kitchen and roleplays little scenarios with her. Ava's a militant chef, by the way. She would make a great line cook.
Horangi: Concerts with his daughter, Ryujin. Probably a few raves, as well. Ryujin's a punk rock and indie scene kinda gal, but she'll listen to anything, and has a few favorite kpop groups whose concerts she's dragged Hong-jin to. He's a diehard Once (fan of the girl group Twice) himself. They've also definitely gotten a few tattoos/piercings together, which would be an odd thing to do with your dad if Ryujin's dad were not so cool.
Keegan: Same as Johnny, except instead of taking his kids to safe parks and soccer fields, he takes them into the woods. Camping, fishing, teaching them a bunch of useful skills. It's such a "things your divorced dad does with you when he doesn't know what else to do for the weekend you're staying with him" activity, but Jason and Cecelia have never had someone do those things with them before, so they're having a good time. Other than that, laser tag and airsoft is a big one. Keegan was hesitant to get them into stuff like that, but they've always been curious about his military career and things just sort of escalated from there. I saw this tiktok of a cosplayer in a Logan mask captioned "when you're playing airsoft with your 15-year spec ops dad" and it's the cosplayer plastering themselves against a wall in terror: that's Keegan's kids. He's not going to hold back when he plays, and they don't want him to.
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kynimdraws · 2 months
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Name: Kylee (they/them). 30+
A totally normal Korean American mostly known for my drawings, specifically my Pokemon nuzlocke comics. But I will talk about other things on occasion because I do have periods of being fixated on certain topics. I also am a doctor!
Interests: Pokemon, League of Legends (everything except the game lmao), Fire Emblem, Advance Wars, Animal Crossing, Mother series, Korean history/culture, character design
General FYIs: 
General inquiries/commission work/etc should be sent thru kynimdraws [at] gmail [dot] com! Tumblr messaging/asks/etc is not 100% reliable
I will not follow NSFW accounts but I am fine talking/interacting with them. There may be suggestive shitposting but I like keeping my content on the SFW side
I am VERY picky about who I follow/interact with online. Fandom content in particular is a minefield for me aka I have many things I dislike and don’t want to see, even if it might be a popular thing in media that I otherwise enjoy. Therefore, I will unfollow/block/mute liberally. There are times I accidentally block a blog bc I mistake them for bots. So if you got hit with that, just send me an ask or email me
I am very open about what I like and dislike, and none of those things are a direct attack on your sensibilities. I have never gone out of my way to directly send hate or whatever have you if I end up seeing shit I don’t like. My complaints in my little online space ain't a personal attack on you.
My ask/submission box/DMs  are open for criticisms if you have any issues you want to resolve in private. No one is perfect and I may have done ignorant shit that needs to be pointed out. I have deleted or edited posts in the past if people tell me what I did wrong. PS I get that some of my stuff may upset you, but try to act civil when pointing shit out please.
I try to tag all my things whenever I can. Again, send me a message if anything bothers you. I am all for good debate but if you send me excessive hate or threats bc I have different opinions about matters that are trivial, I will block/delete them.
If you wish to use any of my hcs, please credit me. And if you are comfortable with it, send me the works so I can check them out! Or @ me if that is easier.
FIRE EMBLEM FYI: Specifically for 3Houses/3Hopes because I need a separate one for this franchise specificially given how many crazy things I got due to being involved in this fanbase via my fanworks:
DO NOT try to convince me to like or tolerate Byleth/student ships, ESPECIALLY the ones with the lords (aka CIaude, Dimitri, EdeIgard). I already summarized why I don’t like FE3H Byleth ships with student chars here. While the spinoff game FEW3H has now removed that teacher/student problematic situation, the fandom keeps putting the FE3H elements into the FEW3H fanworks (i.e. remembering Byleth from “another life” trope)...so no thanks!! DO NOT SHOW ME IT!!!
As for the Byleth ships with faculty members, my response is here so don’t try to bait me about that topic either thanks.
I do not care whom you ingame S-support. 3Houses limits the dating-sim part of the game to that character, so I cannot care less about how you play the game. The main issue I have is when people treat Byleth the “character” as a legit ship material when I personally think they are a cool character ruined by fans who are too obsessed with badly executed self insert otome tropes bc they self-project super hard onto them. Just to be clear, any FE3H or FEW3H OC/Canon >>>>>>Byleth ships personally. Even Byleth-sonas that remove the teacher/student aspects are better than canon FE3H!Byleth
Please don't drag FE VA statements as some sort of “gotcha” on my opinions like this post here. IDC what other people prefer with ship shit, that’s their problem and not mine. I am not gonna bother them about it. So don’t bother ME about it.
Links to check out:
Myths of Unova + Episode Grey (Pkmn White/White2 Comic)
Tales of Sinnoh (Pkmn Diamond Comic)
Art Site (Portfolio)
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dreadfutures · 1 month
Fan Work Friday
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Rules: If you’re tagged, MAKE A NEW POST to showcase one fanartist and/or fanfic for any fandom you recommend (with links), and tag someone to give their recs next! Don’t forget to reblog the rec you were tagged in, and include these rules! :)
Bonus: Choose works by people you aren’t super tight with, or choose older works that maybe haven’t gotten some love in a while. :)
Fanartist: @kiivg
The first time I saw one of kiivg's pieces, I had the thought: I've never seen anything like this. Then I did a double-take, because even though I can't pinpoint it, this style strikes me as quintessentially storybook. It should be on the cover of a comic, or it should be a bonus chapter illustration in your favorite novel--both because of the striking style and the amount of STORY King packs into each single standalone piece.
The first of King's works I saw was one that I consider really KING now: oriented so that I had to tilt my head to get the full picture. I find it only pulls me in deeper, looking really closely at every detail before I get the full picture. Here's one of my favorites (give it a reblog!):
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Definitely give King a follow. When they do post art, they have plenty of Dragon Age, Cyberpunk, and BG3 art to wow you with!
Fanfic: its free son - SlinkySpiders
The note I had in my bookmarks was: "there are elotes in gotham and this author is my hero"
SURPRISE this is a fanfic for the Robert Pattinson The Batman film, which I think is a nearly perfect hopepunk movie, and the first Bruce Wayne I've ever seen on film who NEEDS A ROBIN. So here, have a batdad and his kid.
I love an awkward man trying his best to be a parent to a kid who has the same problems he did. Let's parent our inner childs through real children, that's my weakness. Also, Dick gets to be childhood friends with Barbara Gordon, so that's great.
It's "unfinished" but I think it does just fine for what it is, and I hope people enjoy!
Rating: G Pairing: Bruce Wayne & Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne & Alfred Pennyworth, Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne Chapters: 2 (unfinished) Length: 11,678 Summary: Three years after the events of the Riddler, Bruce finds himself taking care of an eleven-year old, completely out of his depth.
That's my post for this week! I'm excited to see what everyone tags me in. It's been great to find new artists and fics through this game. :)
(again, for any fandoms! let's spread the positivity <3)
@thedreadblog | @noire-pandora | @wolfsskull
@demarogue | @thevikingwoman | @anneapocalypse | @fiadhaisteach | @victoriousscarf
@warpedlegacy | @rakshadow | @rosella-writes | @effelants | @bluewren | @breninarthur
@ar-lath-ma-cully | @inquisimer | @crackinglamb | @theluckywizard | @nirikeehan
@oxygenforthewicked | @exalted-dawn-drabbles | @melisusthewee | @blarrghe | @delicatefade
@leggywillow | @about2dance | @plisuu
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noirvette · 1 year
[band smau]
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prev. | next.
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Kyle would've normally been on the sidelines and watched the band perform, however he decided to busy himself with making more connections.
His biggest connection laid with the Graveyard Soliders; they were a solid band, and the crowd really did love them. Of course ever since Reify had grown in the short few months, bands had started sprouting behind them, and Kyle felt the need to push them forward.
They had no official manager, as Michael opted as both the front man and the manager, however he did mention they were in the works of finding one.
So here he was, trading information and being added to a groupchat with other band managers here in South Park and with another small band in Denver. Kyle was planning on taking two bands for when Reify goes on a full tour later on.
One of them was the Graveyard Soldiers, if tonight showed Kyle anything, it was that they really knew how to wow a crowd. He wasn't sure about the other band to choose though, Stan wanted The VValters, a band that wasn't so fond of The Graveyard Soldiers and vice versa, however funnily enough Butters was the manager for them.
He had that band's contact info, Pete hesitantly handing their info over. He knew Mike Makowski was the bassist and Annie Gelson was the singer of The VValters but knew essentially nothing about them or any of the others.
"So anyways, just..contact us I guess if you need anything else. Don't contact us too often though.. I'd rather not talk to you." Pete sighed out, a slight scoff being heard at the end.
Kyle learned to not take offense to the goth kids after dealing with them because of Stan in high school, he knew of their hard exterior.
Kyle runs a hand through his hair, "No worries, I'll bug you only if I need too, if anything Stan'll probably contact you more than me."
"Whatever, I have merch to sell." Pete turns away from Kyle and that ends the conversation.
With that out of the way, Kyle sits at a bench, exhaustion hitting him as he does. Today was a tiring day and it wasn't even over. A twitter notification gets Kyle out of his head and he figures that he might as well check his phone waiting for your guys' set to finish.
Turning his phone on he realizes he's received nothing recent; the occasional likes and tags from fans about tonight's show is all he has in his mentions, but that was from a good forty minutes ago when Reify had started their set.
Looking beside him, he finds your phone sitting out, right you were sitting here earlier. Kyle figures you must've just left your phone out and had forgotten to take it. He was about to put your phone on do not disturb and set it in your bag for you when the next notification stops him in his tracks.
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Kyle freezes; Kenny?
"He.. isn't he supposed to be here? In the crowd tonight?" Kyle wonders aloud with a whisper.
Kyle's second realization is that he's called you twenty four times. And numerous texts.
Kyle feels bad for seeing your messages, but he can't help but wonder what Kenny is blowing up your phone for. He has half a mind to text Kenny on his phone and tell him the band is playing right now and that you're busy.
It's then that the realization sets in; Twitter. Cartman tagged you and Kenny is telling you to NOT check it.
Kyle puts your phone in your bag and goes on his own for Twitter to check what's happening.
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"Jesus.." Kyle is engrossed in his phone, clicking on the Reify tag he starts scrolling through reading fan comments talking.
Fans tweets, things like 'Y/n doesn't deserve that', 'Y/n we're here for you', 'Kenny McCormick is a cheat', and 'Why Kenny McCormick was a terrible boyfriend; a thread' among many others was all in the top tweets for the tag.
Kyle couldn't believe his eyes, Kenny McCormick? A cheater? The guy who preached loyalty and honesty?
Thinking back on it.. "maybe that was a red flag in itself." Kyle thought.
Kyle goes back and clicks on the WKBK18 tag immediately he sees talks about WKBK exposing Kenny with proof, people unable to debunk the truth, and more threads; some being about "why Cartman is actually a good guy." and he even saw one that said "Why Y/n deserves to date me, a thread".
Kyle turns his phone off and takes a glance at you on stage, who is performing with the happiest smile he's seen on your face in a while.
He thinks about the fans who are unaware in the crowd, he thinks about the band, who have been friends with Kenny since elementary school, he thinks about you, Kenny's girlfriend, who is unaware and performing..
And he wonders how he's going to tell you the news.
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TAGLIST: @captivq @kimiesstuff @bwljules @the-cooler-kira @1one1person1 @kenny-the-ken @neenieweenie @n0tangeliccc @frogindisguise @revzxn @mirophobic @gonefiishiing @ryenwritess @musiclovebot @bootsieboo @bonez4brainz @s0l4riss @1996kj @sweetadonisbutbetter @scinclaitnoir @okarigold
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 months
I see a bird way up in a tree/I wanna be free
by Sticksfanfics What if Spider-Man existed in the DC universe instead? What if Peter Parker found himself homeless, afraid and alone in Gotham, before the idea of Spider-man came into his head? All he has now is a lot of hurt, a lot of memories, and a lot of anger. He isn't the only one craving justice in Gotham. ------ Another Peter Parker in Gotham fic because I've gotten into Batman recently (will ease into the Batman content cause I'm still a beginner Batman fan). The only difference with this fic is that Peter is from this universe. Updates every Sunday (not super strict though) Words: 2404, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Spider-Man - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Spider-Man: Spider-Verse (Sony Animated Movies), The Amazing Spider-Man (Movies - Webb), Ultimate Spider-Man (Cartoon 2012), Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), The Batman (Movie 2022), Batman: The Animated Series Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Peter Parker, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Barbara Gordon, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Selina Kyle, Damien Wayne Relationships: Batfamily Members & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Trans Peter Parker, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Hurt Peter Parker, Peter Parker Whump, Bisexual Peter Parker, Alternate Universe - Spider-Man Fusion, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Alternate Universe - Batman Fusion, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Feelings, Bruce Wayne Has Issues, Good Parent Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, Protective Alfred Pennyworth, Homeless Peter Parker, Found Family, BAMF Peter Parker, Identity Reveal via https://ift.tt/4Up8MbH
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projectbatman193 · 5 months
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This is obviously a very controversial topic, as it always is with typing a fictional character, but being an INFJ myself and a big fan of the Bat, I liked how the two could be linked together. If you don't agree with this typing is okay, I don't really care and neither should you. I'm just posting because I liked it!!
Forgot who I got the text from, or I'd tag them, but I think it came from reddit.
Batman is an INFJ. He’s often confused for an INTJ, but those that believe that either don’t understand INFJs or they don’t understand Batman. Granted there is overlap between INTJs and INFJs, so the confusion is understandable. Also, one must take into consideration the inconsistencies in the depiction of the character throughout his long history. Nonetheless, a well-written Batman is one that has a lot of feelings. INFJ males are the rarest combination in the world. It makes sense; Batman truly is one of a kind. INFJs feel deeper than other personality types. They don’t heal well. Think about how many superheros have lost their parents. Superman. Barry Allen. The list goes on and on. None react to those deaths the way that Batman reacted to his parents dying. It destroyed him. He never got over it. He felt that pain so deeply in a way that only an INFJ would understand. Batman didn’t become a superhero because he has super powers. He used that pain from his parents’ death as the impetus for becoming a superhero. To be clear, it wasn’t LOGIC that drove him to become the Bat, it was FEELING. And few people are capable of feeling to the depths that INFJs can. INFJs are notorious brooders. So is Batman. You can’t brood if you’re not emotional. INFJs feel an enormous amount of responsibility for the world’s problems. They suffer from a massive savior complex. Coupled with that complex comes an insane amount of guilt. The guilt and responsibility that Batman feels is overwhelming in his comic book history. Look at his relationship with Harvey Dent/Two Face. The amount of guilt he feels for not being able to save his friend is one of the key themes regarding that character. Batman feels so much guilt for not being able to save his parents, for not being able to save Jason Todd, and countless others. These experiences haunt him. He wants so desperately wants to reform criminals (for example Selina Kyle). Look at the compassion he has offered Mr. Freeze, Clayface, and countless others. He wants to save them. He wants to help them. Read the comics. You will find countless examples of him trying to reform and help the people he fights against. One could write a whole book on that topic alone. INFJs see the world not as it is but as it could be. And they are crazy enough to do something about it. They are dreamers, but unlike most dreamers, they act. INFJs are intense. They take on the problems of the world and carry that on their shoulders. They are self-sacrificing; willing to give up everything for the greater good, including relationships and their own life. He’s willing to be the bad guy if need be if it gets the job done. He takes on everyone’s burdens. INFJs are capable of so much compassion, their ability to feel empathy is a key characteristic. This characteristic people always get wrong about the Batman character. People view him as cold and unfeeling (more about this later), but they’re wrong. Batman has so much compassion. Look at all of the kids he has adopted or taken under his wing: Dick, Jason, Tim, Stephanie, Barbara. The list goes on and on. He’s like the Angelina Jolie of the DC universe! Look at the way he counsels Superman regarding his relationship with Superboy. Again, note how desperately he tries to reform people. He believes that people change. He has faith. He’s an optimist in so many more ways than we give him credit. That being said, INFJs don’t always make the best mentors. They are perfectionists that have insanely high expectations for themselves and anyone they care about. This constant pushing for more can backfire on the INFJ in a mentorship position and make the relationships with their mentees a bit rocky. When INFJs become stressed they revert to their tertiary function. In many ways they become what looks like an unbalanced ESTP (their opposite). They become very much about the present. This means indulging in sensory type behaviors: sex, food, exercise or physical fighting. I’ve seen some arguments that Batman can’t be an INFJ because he goes around punching people.
But INFJs can be very physical and carnal when angry, stressed, or off balanced. The INFJ that doesn’t adequately deal with the overflow of emotions can be explosive with their anger. When an INFJ is too overwhelmed with feelings or the weight of their responsibilities, they can actually turn off their compassion or empathy and become very cold, unfeeling, and judgmental. It’s a defense mechanism to deal with the insane amount of feelings trapped in their bodies. INFJs have a dark side that is terrifying. Google INFJ dark side to understand what I am talking about. INFJs are passionate about their causes, but always have to be careful about going too far; about falling into that abyss. Thus the endless brooding. INFJs make excellent actors (it’s often a proposed career choice) because of their ability to understand other people. They are adaptable and can play many characters. Bruce Wayne is a good example of this ability. He pretends to be the extrovert, the playboy, the rich brat. But its not who he is; it’s a mask. The Batman is his true form. INFJs run by their own moral code. They make their decisions ultimately using their powerful intuition or gut feeling. Batman follows his hunches. And he’s usually right. That’s what makes him such a great detective. INFJs love logic. They use it all the time. But unlike INTJs, logic is only a useful tool for INFJs, it’s never the end all factor in making split decisions. They use their gut for that. They are also master manipulators and interrogators because they understand people in a way few others can. The list goes on and on, but I think I will stop for now. Like I said, Batman has not always been written consistently over the last 80 years of his existence, so there may be versions of the character that you could argue is an INTJ. But the vast majority of representations of the character in the comics and animated series displays a very well developed INFJ. Final note—I’ve always been fascinated by the relationship between Batman and the Joker. Two sides to the same coin. Truly the inverse of the other. The Joker is indisputably an ESTP. I don’t think anyone argues otherwise (he’s definitely NOT an ESFP). ESTPs love chaos and breaking rules. The idea that Batman and the Joker are mirror opposites of each other is poignant. I feel it describes them so well, all the more reason why a well written Batman is an INFJ.
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bang-bang-gang · 6 months
Can you elaborate on the backstage drama around the tag belts? 🍵
sure! this is all baseless speculation to be clear
also biased as hell because i don't like FTR or jericho as performers. this answer turned into quite a rant, sorry. if i got any facts wrong i'm happy to be corrected. not coming after anyone who's an FTR or jericho fan, you do you
but, based on what i, as a fan, can see with my eyes on the screen:
FTR fought aussie open at wrestledream and mark davis injured his wrist. i think it's possible aussie open was meant to win this match but an audible was called, based on the next thing.
same ppv, there was a fourway tag match for a guaranteed title shot for the tag belts, between the bucks, ass boys, lucha bros, and hook&oc. the bucks won this. i think the bucks would have made a GREAT first feud for aussie open as new tag champs to reaaally establish themselves: in the past year everyone's been saying FTR and the bucks are the greatest tag teams in the world, it would have been AMAZING for the new tag champs to beat both of them in a short time period.
but FTR took the belts home and mark davis disappeared while for a couple of weeks, kyle fletcher was constantly put in singles matches on both AEW and ROH. i know fan consensus seems to be he has been lost to the don callis hole but i think we need to be patient lmao: he was fighting bryan danielson, kenny omega, and takeshita all in singles not too long ago.
the bucks didn't mention their guaranteed tag title shot at all. At. All. they actually also had the ROH 6-man belts (which is what i think confirms that they were never meant to win the AEW tag belts back with said title shot) and had one match against the hardys & isiah kassidy with it and then lost it to the guys they won it off in the first place. absolute mess of a booking.
jericho and kenny started teaming up because.. they're both canadians? both have beef with don callis? this storyline depresses me so i won't pretend to know what happened exactly. but at the last ppv they had a match against the bucks where they could win their guaranteed title shot off the bucks or they had to disband. jericho and kenny won.
in the meantime, FTR have dropped their tag belts. word is that FTR aggravated assault has a rib injury but they've been wrestling pretty quick again since so i don't know if that was the reason for them to drop it. they dropped it by being squashed by ricky starks and big bill (absolute bill). absolute bill is a makeshift tag team who, in their own words, had never even talked to each other since a few weeks before they won these belts. literally the only matches they've had so far (despite ricky being on tv every single week for other things) were a match against claudiyoots (WHO SHOULD HAVE WON) and a fourway ladder match at the most recent ppv because (according to dirtsheets) none of the other teams wanted to be pinned by absolute bill lmao
so what i extrapolate from all this information is the following:
aussie open was meant to be tag champs by wrestledream
young bucks were supposed to be their first feud hence the tag title shot they got
thanks to injuries FTR ended up dropping the belts to absolute bill
young bucks did not want to lose to absolute bill so they are not using their tag title shot
(nobody wants to lose to absolute bill except for wheeler yuta apparently)
chris jericho got his claws into kenny omega and his greasy hands on the title shit because he doesn't mind losing to absolute bill. or hell maybe the "golden jets" (kenny and jericho's tag team name, referencing a nazi sympathizer) will be the next tag champs
i don't know how long mark davis' injury is expected to last. i think that if the "golden jets" got the belts and kept them warm for aussie open it could pivot into a cool storyline, especially if will ospreay joins AEW around the same time. or fucking hell maybe jericho could betray kenny and kenny teams up with ibushi again and the golden lovers actually win the belts, that'd be more fun. the bucks are missing in action since last ppv and the dirtsheet report is they're going to return as heels with their own faction, and heel!bucks could take the belts off kenny & jericho too, though i'm not really excited about that idea.
just to reiterate, this is just speculation based on what's happening on screen and i'm making theories about what's happening backstage for why the booking is so messy.
most of all i think the following is a good tldr
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idontlikeem · 6 months
Three things!
1) How is hot yoga like?
2) Saw your tags from the Pens LB and I do have to agree with you. Lots of fans on the bird platform are pointing out that this is mirroring the MJ era when he got canned after a 15-10 record and the roster underperformed as a whole. I still remember that SO loss to LAK before the coaching change back in '15. Feels like it, no? I mean if Hextall/Burke can get fired despite reassurances they will not...
3) Related to 2, but I'm shocked that even non-Penguins fans agree that there needs to be a change in the bench. All because this roster is too talented to underperform
hot yoga is painful and horrible and the most challenging exercise i've ever done. today i am barely able to walk normal because of how sore i am. i love it.
what i will say about this is, i didn't watch the game but i saw the clip of sid's shocking non-effort in OT that lead to the goal against. and yes, it looked like 2015. you don't normally see that from him. i wonder if kyle saw it too.
non-pens fans' opinions of this team should be utterly disregarded. 95% of other hockey fans have been waiting for the penguins to be bad since 2014, and half the national media pre-wrote the downfall of sidney crosby pieces that will get published when he finally does falter and slow a decade ago. they're like vultures circling and breathlessly waiting to swoop in. i'd ignore them.
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makethatelevenrings · 2 years
Kinktober Day 3 - Sweat
Pairing: Selina Kyle x gn!reader
Summary: There’s a heatwave in Gotham and your lover wears a skintight suit.
Warnings: it shouldn’t have to be said but if you’re under 18, go away
Pls let this show up in tags pls
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It was the sound of the window sliding open that alerted you. Selina said she would only be out for a short time tonight due to the heatwave that was cloaking Gotham. The humidity due to being basically an island was so heavy that you felt like you were choking on the air anytime you stepped outside. So you decided to stay inside, sucking on ice pops and fanning yourself pathetically with some lace fan Selina had swiped at a gala.
“Cat?” you called when you heard the window slide shut once more.
“It’s me, kitten,” she replied. You figured it was but it didn’t hurt to check. Your girlfriend had a few enemies turned allies and the last thing you needed right now was a batling to come hurtling through your apartment because they needed a place to crash away from the supreme overlord Bat.
You pulled yourself off of the couch and made your way to the bedroom before stopping short at the door. Selina leaned against the window, the zipper of her catsuit pulled down to rest at her navel. Her breasts strained against the kevlar-latex mix and your tongue darted out instinctively to wet your lips. Sweat beaded along her collarbones and trailed down her chest, disappearing behind the black fabric of her suit.
She cracked an eye open and offered you that damn sly grin that captured you the first time you saw it. The suit had to be boiling, even with the summer sun carefully tucked away for the night.
“Like what you see, kitten?” she purred. You swallowed harshly and stepped closer, your eyes never straying from the sweat that slowly slid against the skin between her breasts. Selina stayed still and waited for you to approach. Ducking your head, you pressed your tongue right above the zipper and then licked a solid stripe up her sternum.
Salty sweat coated your tongue and stung your taste buds. One of her hands went to the back of our head, holding you close to her chest as you nibbled on the skin of her breast and then soothed your bites with gentle licks. You reached up and slowly inched her zipper down, bit by bit, until it was fully unzipped. Selina shrugged off the top part of the suit, giving you leeway to ease it down her legs.
Kneeling down, you gazed up at the glimmering, shining body of the goddess above you. She had a thatch of dark hair between her thighs and you buried your nose in her curls, inhaling the musky scent of sweat and pussy and Selina.
“Thought you were supposed to cool me down, kitten.”
You mouthed at her thigh, sweeping more of her divine sweat onto your tongue, and slid your hands up her calves before parting her thighs so you could have better access to her pretty pink cunt.
“Sorry, cat,” you murmured. “But you just smell so good.”
She pressed your face closer to her cunt and moaned when you darted your tongue in and out of her folds, caressing her clit with short kitten licks. Maybe that’s where your nickname came from…
“Don’t you dare stop, kitten,” she groaned.
God, you could drown in the wetness that pooled in your mouth and you wouldn’t care. Stop? You had no intention of stopping. No. You wanted to lick her clean until she was crying your name.
It was a good way to pass the time until the heatwave was done, right?
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heartsoulrocknroll · 2 months
AEW Dynamite 3/6/24
Hook (c) vs. Brian Cage for the FTW Championship -- Super fun match. Good spots with the barricade and the tacks. Hook with some impressive feats of strength, including t-bone suplex on Cage. Hook locks in Redrum, Cage falls back and drives Hook into the tacks, but Hook holds on and Cage taps! Rating: 3
Kyle O'Reilly is backstage with Renee!!! I could cry just looking at him!! He says he has nothing but love for the Undisputed Kingdom, but he thought he might never wrestle again, and now that he is back, he has to choose which path to take. Teaming with his friends would be the easy path, so he has to do this on his own now. Hype!!!
Schiavone introduces the Bucks. Schiavone mentions the ass-kicking they got at Revolution. Nick freaks out. They tell Schiavone to get the hell out of their ring. Matt announces that Hangman Page is suspended from the Elite without pay for putting his hands on two refs at Revolution. And Kenny, who hasn't made any of his dates lately for no apparent reason, is fired from the Elite. Lmao. Eddie Kingston comes out to shut them up. Then Okada's music hits!!! HE IS HERE!!!!!! AAAAHHHHHH!!! Okada lays Eddie out with a Rainmaker!!! WTF!!!!!!!!! The Bucks announce that Okada is the newest member of the Elite!!! Wow!!!!!!!! Didn't see that coming, but it has great potential, especially if Omega ever gets back. What a great segment and introduction for Okada.
Kris Statlander vs. Riho -- Really great match here. Loved the contrast of Stat's power and Riho's quickness. Rating: 3.5
Schiavone introduces Darby, who enters with the tag titles and without Sting for the first time in what feels like forever. I am emotional. Darby says that he said he would stop at nothing to make sure Sting got the retirement he deserved, and he feels like he did that. He says he was homeless five years ago, but last weekend he main evented one of AEW's biggest pay-per-view events with the Icon Sting. He says he is preparing to climb Mount Everest at the end of the month, and he may not come back alive, so just in case, he wants to thank the fans for making this dream of wrestling possible for him. He says he is relinquishing the tag titles, rather than finding a new partner, because he cannot replace the Icon. 🥺
Jay White comes out. He says Darby jumping off the ladder and going through the glass at Revolution was stupid. He left Sting to fight the Bucks in a two on one situation. Jay asks what is Darby without Sting? A little lost puppy with no one to hold his leash. Jay says he doesn't need to wrestle Darby next week, instead Darby can hang out with the Bang Bang Scissor Gang. They already have a nickname for him, Darby Scissorhands. Darby asks if Jay is done. He says Jay main evented the Tokyo Dome twice and won titles all over the world, but since coming AEW, he has done nothing but play with cardboard cut-outs. Darby doesn't believe the hype. Darby will see Jay at Big Business, and if Jay is as good as he says, he will come alone. Nice segment here!!
Will Ospreay vs. Kyle Fletcher -- Fantastic back and forth here with lots of nearfalls between two guys who know each other very well. Ospreay finally gets the pinfall with an avalanche poison rana and a Hidden Blade!! Awesome match. Rating: 4
Danielson's music hits, and he comes out to stand with Ospreay in the ring. He is smiling!!!! Hype!!!!
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 5 months
hey, this is the same anon who just asked for the vamp fics, i just wanted to say THANKS, and i had another question lol, since u love giving recs you must read a lot!! have you ever read anything you didn’t like?? this might be messy but do u have authors u avoid bc of it, or do u tend to just enjoy and recommend everything you do read?
Great question my dude! And I seriously read CONSTANTLY lmfao but tbh, I’ve rarely met a fic I didn’t like! I do have some stuff I tend to avoid as a general rule like pedophelia, underage smut (not the biggest smut fan in general tbh) and really graphic sexual assault, plus I don’t seek out fics that center around ships I couldn’t care less about (for example I don’t give a shit abt dip but I’ll take it or leave it as a background pairing) I definitely don’t have any authors or concepts that I avoid wholeheartedly, though I do have my preferences for SURE!!!
I’m definitely one to read all pairings for the sake of a tag I like (I’ve said before that I don’t ship kyman but I’ve read some EXCELLENT stuff via that damn injury tag lmfao) it really helps to keep an open mind I feel like! I’ve been introduced to some really awesome ships through this fandom, plus it helps that I’m not particularly turned away by many tropes. I don’t usually seek out party fics (they feel juvenile to me personally, that’s not to say i hate parties in fics as long as they’re not the main plot ya feel me) or like zombie apocalypse aus (I do have exceptions) or high school aus (for me most of them get old fast and I generally prefer to read the guys closer to my own age and again, juvenility) I do avoid omegaverse for the most part too it just ain’t my realm. Oh yeah and if I’m reading smut I NEED a plot. ALSO anything that one-notes the characters, like puts them in a stereotypical box! While I’m definitely a oneshot girlie, I really try to avoid shit that’s like “Stan is a depressed alcoholic and that’s it” if ya catch my drift.
ALSO dude I HATEEEEE first person. Like other than abysmal grammar, that’s my biggest turn off lol. To each their own, of course, but I CANNOT truly get behind first person in fics. (I did write first person one time because I couldn’t see a way around it and Narrator Kenny as Hermes needed to happen, but I’ll never do it again)
Another thing that immediately makes me go NOPE is anyone/reader like absolutely tf not, not for me, AND if I see a “written with ai” HELLLLLL NO!!!
For the most part, I’m not super picky unless I don’t particularly care for the writing style, but I do only seek out whatever’s holding my interest the most at any point. Like right now I’m mostly digging Kyle centric fics and style, k2, or cryle as the main pairing, but who knows what I’ll be into next!
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sheinthatfandom · 5 months
Time to make my Worlds End predictions.
Even though it’s not until tomorrow I’m feeling pretty good and wanna focus on something that makes me happy soooo wrestling. Gonna just put everything under the cut cause it’s a lot of matches and I have thoughts.
Zero hour
20 man battle royale. Not putting the pic cause there’s no faces anyway.
Why are we having a battle royale for the PPV this coulda been a womens match. Oh or a women’s battle royale. I have no idea who in this but since Lee Moriarty isn’t already on any posters for this PPV I want him to win. Scorpio sky should not be in this or wardlow just no neither should go near this belt again. Also is Chuck healed yet? I’ll also accept Chuck winning
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The dream is for Yuta to walk out with two belts. Realistically, never gonna happen. Hook has never lost clean and after the last loss he shouldn’t lose to shenanigans again. What I do want is for Yuta to bring the monster out of hook. I want this to be a blood bath and for both of them to get the crowd on their feet and chanting fight forever. I want when this match is over for the ftw belt to mean the bloodiest hardcore shit in aew. Hook is most likely winning this but I want it to feel deserved.
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Andrade lost the c2 and with CJ still gone after the infection/surgery it would make sense for him to lose because she’s not around to cheer him on and manage him to greatness. This should be miros match to win but it would be great if Andrade mimicked some of miros moves making it seem like CJ might have taught Andrade her own husbands stuff. That’s for commentary to put over but if it’s the usual folks I doubt they’d do that and will most likely be talking about what they had for lunch 🙄
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So originally it was gonna be Kyle but I guess now we’re getting Takeshita. Which to me means they didn’t want the losing team to be3 people with belts so they moved him out. Hopefully it’s that and not an injury. Either way fuck this match Takeshita shoulda been in the battle royale. The only good thing about this match is Ricky and Will (Hobbs) being on the same team again and it could be interesting seeing them move fluidly together and Bill like 👀 are you trying to take a big booty princess???? Especially when Ricky makes it such a point that he and bill don’t know each other aren’t close aren’t friends and don’t even have a tag name and it’s all on purpose and by design. (Because the last person he trusted was will and will went after his neck.) And then Jericho is out here naming himself after nazi sympathizers. We already know whose winning and I hate it all.
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IF SWERVE DONT WIN I WILL PERSONALLY SHOVE MY FOOT UP TKS NARROW ASS!!!! This man needs to be put on the fast path to the world title and losing to Lee when I don’t see any legitimate story for Lee after this ain’t it. If they have to let it be Nana coming in with shenanigans and run this back when Swerve is world champ.
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I hope everyone has fun 🥰🥰
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I’m hoping Lethal gets knocked tf out early and we can just watch everyone fuck nasty for 20 mins before Danny pins Lethal for the win. (And then we get Danny in a winners room with only the BCC cause he’s a good boy and deserves it) also Danny should wear the panties since he’s teaming with Bryan. 🥵
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As much as I’m done with Christian as tnt champ adam doesn’t deserve it. I personally want Christian to walk out with the belt. But I can see tk giving it to Adam and with no dq maybe lucha helps adam and turns on Christian to keep a story going. But again I don’t want Adam to win here.
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I love you mox so much you’re my fave wrestler in the history of forever you are the heart and soul of professional wrestling… buuuuut Eddie is and should be the one to walk out with 3 belts. The story that has been building not even for months for years is for Eddie to take this and it’s the only ending. Nothing else this is for Eddie
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I’m not ready for Toni to lose the belt and I’ve never been a riho fan. I don’t hate her but I def don’t see her as champion at least not for aew. If Toni does lose it would be cause Mariah cost her but again I don’t want that. It could also be Mariah’s first match be against riho cause she costs riho this match if they don’t want riho to lose clean.
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I want mjf to win only because I do not want Joe as a transitional champion and I really really want swerve to get the belt early in 2024. The devil needs to show his face already. Also who tf is our roh tag team champs right now? It better be the kingdom. Plus if joe loses and he willingly gave up his tv belt like can you imagine how unhinged he will be? It’s gonna be so sexy 😏 and then imagine zack poking him like Samoa Joseph I guess we know whose the greatest television champ is don’t we. This man is gonna be a menace if he loses will make it everyones problem.
Here’s hoping the devil is Adam or Kyle 🤞
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thegoldfiles · 1 year
I wake up, and I see two posts that need to be analyzed, so let's discuss them one by one, shall we?
This first one was about Mob stealing characters from others... Which is again, with lies and missed issues.
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"When you were a clumsy teenager", yeah I get the old FON designs were pretty similar to Rebornica's, and Vincent in general, but what about with the characters from Plantae? What about with Kev's character?
Are you just gonna lie and ignore all that like it never happened, Mob?
So if she's leaving it, is she gonna sell the characters from Plantae? Is she gonna change Kyle's name or something? (I highly doubt these, but it would be kinda funny if she did)
TW: CP Mentions going forward:
This second one though, is about someone drawing NSFW of Brandy (Which is, well, disgusting, but the way Mob handled it in the replies is also really gross, and she also lied about Kev again there)
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There's a guy on Tumblr who's been doing the same thing, except with Brandy and Frederick, and it's embarrassing that he's flooding up the mobox87 here on tumblr tag with his reposts and everything
Now this reply here is, of course, Mobox doing her normal thing and lying:
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Mob... You made CP in 2020 and in 2021, it's the beginning of 2023 now! It wasn't "a long time ago"! Stop manipulating your fanbase like this and get off the internet!
Quit trying to ignore the issue and say these things out of damage control, my goodness!
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That first one she mentions here was the one I'm talking about, but still, sounds kind of hypocritical that she's complaining about it considering Mob has also drawn CP... Twice
And all of her fans are like in the replies: "Oh yeah, that's disgusting"! But they're cool when Mobox does it because she "apologized"?, alright then
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This is the reply where she's lying about Kev. Kev's not gonna debunk it this time and just ignore it because... It's already been debunked in her own video, for one thing, but if you want to see what actually happened just go look at the folder in our archive here
TL;DR: Analyzing posts of Mob where she talks about her stealing characters and nsfw art of Brandy, where she proceeds to lie and misinform out of damage control
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debbiechanclub · 10 months
My main problem with All In is and always has been that MJF and Adam Cole are being made to work twice, which is stupid and unnecessarily risky. There is no argument that can be made to convince me otherwise because it's the flat-out truth. We don't need them in that match to help emphasize or sow any more discord between them prior to the main event; the discord has BEEN well established. That match could have easily gone to another actual tag team on the roster who aren't already working the show: Kings of the Black Throne (which would be a champions vs. champions match), Dark Order, The Acclaimed, fuck, even BC Gold. I'd give my right arm to see Jay White vs. Kyle Fletcher, but that's just me.
But the point is, it literally makes zero logical sense that MJF and Adam Cole are working twice. Shit happens and Cole is one concussion away from being forced into retirement. Why would you risk him getting injured AT ALL prior to having to wrestle the main event of literally your biggest show ever??? Outside of that, why make fans who paid good money and might only get to see AEW once in their lifetime watch the same wrestlers multiple times in one night when they don't have to? Wouldn't you want to utilize as much of your roster as possible?
As for the rest of the show, there are only two other matches that I don't give a flip about, and that's down to my personal preference. (And with the legal allegations currently surrounding Cash Wheeler, keeping him on the card is definitely a choice.)
Oh. And there's only one women's match. Kris Statlander is arguably the most popular woman on AEW's roster and the current TBS Champion. Yet she's nowhere to be found on the card. Not even on the Zero Hour (as it stands now as I'm writing this). And that could be down to visa issues, but we don't know that.
Anyway. There's a lot to like about the All In card, but there's also a lot to comment on. And that's my thoughts on that.
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beautifulhigh · 2 years
I'm catching up on Tumblr - some rare downtime on this holiday which is supposed to be all about me having downtime! - so I'm pretty sure it's not fic writer appreciation day anymore. But every day should be fic writer appreciation day so there's that.
I was tagged by @sapphire11​ who is a gem for still tagging me in things, even when I take an age to get around to them.
My favourite five of my fics
1. The tender things are those we fold away (911 Lone Star, Tarlos)
That had been a surprise, a good one. An amazing one, really, and something Carlos had privately cherished for years. New York Firefly became someone who had made a difference to his life and Carlos would carry that gratitude with him for the rest of his life, along with the knowledge that this was some random guy on the internet who posted pictures and videos on a website which was infamous for its explicit content. He was some firefighter in New York, being himself and being amazing while doing it.
Except he wasn't.
New York Firefly, the man who'd changed Carlos' whole life and outlook without even realising it, was TK Strand and he was sitting in Carlos' living room.
And Carlos wasn't quite sure how he was still remembering to breathe.
The fic I wrote in a week because the Discord crew made a comment about TK having an Only Fans account. This was so much fun to write and I loved playing in the season 1 timeline.
2. Life, believe, is not a dream, so dark as sages say (911 Lone Star, 126 fire fam with a side of Tarlos)
Carlos had gotten to know TK intimately well over the last few years, in more ways than one. He knew how to read the slope of his shoulders to know if he was angry, sad, or overwhelmed. He knew how his mouth quirked up when he was teasing or playful or flirty, he knew how his chest flared with pride or defiance. He had seen him suffering and joyous and every emotion in between. Even from halfway across the room, seeped in the situation they were, he could read TK. He knew that look of horror and realisation, knew that TK understood something that he didn't.
He wished they could talk, swap notes on the situation. They were always better problem solving together, even when the issue wasn't in the other's area of expertise. TK had listened to Carlos talk through situations and cases he'd been involved with over the years; Carlos had listened while TK had talked about procedures and treatment options for patients in the field. They'd learned from each other in that time which had been half the reason he'd been confident to help treat Kyle's wound.
He wondered if TK had a plan, or an idea of what was coming next. If they could talk then maybe they could work it out, he could help or do something to get everyone out of here. The itch within him to help was almost unbearable: he was more than his career but it was also part of who he was.
He wondered if TK was as scared for him, as he was for TK.
Ah, the bank fic. God this one was hard going but it was so much fun to publish it and to see people enjoy the action and drama. I loved working out how each of the characters could play to their strengths, how they could work together, all when they weren’t able to talk to each other.
3. In the burned house I am eating breakfast (911 Lone Star, Tarlos - Carlos centric)
“Please don’t tell anyone,” Carlos says, his eyes wide with fear. “I’m not ready for people to know but you were going on about us maybe getting together and I love you but not like that and I couldn’t not tell you and—”
“Carlos, it’s OK,” Jessica says. “I won’t tell anyone, I promise.”
“Thank you.”
“Do you think your parents will OK with it?”
“I think so,” he says. “I hope so.”
Jessica leans in and gives him a hug but she doesn’t smell like he remembers. She smells of smoke and something metallic and she’s cold and hard to the touch.
“You need to work out what you want,” she says in a voice that isn’t hers.
God the love I have for this fic is feral. Rafa made the comment about wanting Carlos getting hurt on the way to the wedding, we all want a Carlos Begins, and my brain went “hey, how about we have them both?” and this was the result. Written in one day because the idea was just there, fully formed, and I just love it. A lot.
4. Rumours (Emmerdale, Robron)
"No.  Pat... my real mum, she was Divinus.  The crash killed her outright, that's why she died, and she never got a chance to tell Dad what I was.  But Mum – Sarah – she knew.  She saw some of the symptoms I guess.  She cut her hand on a knife and I just... fixed it.  Didn't think twice about it apparently, just held her hand and fixed it.  I don't remember much about what I did, but I just remember looking at the cut on her finger and seeing what the problem was, knowing I could put things back together.
"After that she took me to the doctor's and they confirmed it."
"You make it sound like an illness: symptoms and doctors."
"Curse more like," Robert said sadly.  "This isn't something I wanted, Aaron. I've worked so hard to not let this define who I am.  I don't want to be the Divinus everyone says they know, I don't want people to see me as a commodity or a secret weapon.  But like I said to you yesterday, I just want to be myself now, with you.  And this is who I am.  What I am."
My Emmerdale Big Bang fic and the longest one I’ve ever written. The world building I did for this fic, the detail and planning that went into it, the fact that so many places in this fic (especially the places in Ireland where I am right now) are real places. I put months into this fic and I’m still really proud of it.
5. Exponential (Emmerdale, Robron with a Robert focus)
"Why do I feel like you're always hiding something?" she asks.
"Because you don't trust me," Robert replies.  "And without trust we can't survive."
It's always easier when it's always their fault.
Speaking of being proud of a fic, this one was the most technically challenging. I remember driving to work one morning, mulling over the concept I had of writing a fic to explore Robert’s bisexuality and the impact it had on him and his relationships over the years. And then I had this line about how his love for Aaron just kept growing exponentially. Which then turned into a structural idea where each part would have a word count double of the last part. And so it went, exponentially.
Since I’m super late to this I’m giving YOU the excuse you want to post the five fics of your own that you love. Yes, you. Go for it, you wonderful writer you.
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