#tag minibang 2022
lenle-g · 2 years
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“When enough of the snow was clear from Gordon, Virgil manoeuvred his brother out into the bigger space to get a better look at him, stopping still at what he saw. There was a tear in his suit at his waist, and he was bleeding. A quick glance over to where he had been laying showed Virgil that a small puddle had formed, staining the white red.” 
from Six (or more) Feet Under by @mrmustachious for the TAG Minibang 2022 <3
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halowritesthings · 2 years
take a chance (break a leg)
Fandom: Thunderbirds
Pairing: Jeff & Alan
Word Count: 3198
Summary: It appears that Alan has been repeatedly sneaking out without anyone knowing. None of the brothers are brave enough to confront him about it immediately. Fortunately—or unfortunately, it was hard to tell—the last eight years Jeff spent in space was just enough to rip away any sense of tact he might have had towards stuff like this, meaning he was more than ready to do the talking-to himself.
@tagminibang2022​ (@tagminibang) TIME WOOO
the artist i was given was the lovely @teapotteringabout​! when i was given them i was SO STOKED to write something since all of their art is amazing!! i had a hard time picking, there were a handful of pieces that tickled my muse with inspo, but ultimately, this one here gave my brain enough imagery to create a fully-fledged fic
this fic can also be found on my ao3 under the same title, and as always, i hope you enjoy! :D
Jeff remembered a very old college acquaintance.
They had to write a paper for a psychology class, and they curiously picked the topic of parents. They wondered that once an adult received the title of “parent,” would their mind continue to gravitate toward parental instincts even if they began to believe they would never see that child again for whatever reason. A sort of “nature vs. nurture” topic, a question about humanity’s tendency to pick kindness over their previous survival-based inhibitions.
Jeff never got a chance to read that paper, but he’s got the feeling he no longer needs to do so to know the answer.
“Guys, Alan’s a good kid, he’s not gonna do anything stupid. I seriously don’t see why you’re all so up-in-arms about this.”
“Of course you don’t, Gordon. You just want Alan to overtake your record of ‘amount of nights snuck out’ so you don’t have it held over your head anymore.”
“Hey, it wasn’t just me all those times you know! You know Virgil helped me out occasionally!”
“He did what?”
“Thanks, Gordon.”
“You haven’t told them yet?”
“Well, unlike you, I prefer living to see tomorrow.”
“Guys, don’t make me come down from Five to help you sort this out. What has already happened is over and done, now we gotta focus on the currently happening.”
“Right, sorry. Now, anybody know-”
Jeff took that cue to leave the listening-in behind and go to his room. Shutting the door with his back to it, Jeff let out a sigh. Okay, now it was time for him to think.
Alan was sneaking out. None of his kids knew why or how or even when. They only figured it out when John did a regular camera check and found old recordings of Alan somehow briefly disabling security measures that warned them of movement in the hangars to nab a car to fly out to the Mainland for a few hours before sneaking back as if nothing happened. Jeff had to admit that it was difficult to imagine Alan doing that. Sure, he had his moments of being your typical child, but nothing that gave Jeff the impression that he would do this.
And that was the thing, wasn’t it? Outside of Scott and John, Jeff doesn’t know what his kids got up to in their later-teenage years. He was gone, basically good as dead, for some of the most important years of their life. Now, your life doesn’t peak between the ages of fifteen and thirty or whatever those high-school-college jock has-beens insist, he still had plenty of time with them (something not a lot of other families had the miracle of saying), but he would still feel a ball of sorrow in his chest for leaving them alone for a long time coming.
The fact that Virgil was just as guilty of being sneaky put a smile on his face, though. He knew that kid was too quiet for his own good. It was vital for a child to break the rules a little; builds character, you know?
Walking over to his desk, Jeff picked up the singular picture frame he chose to be what accented the piece of furniture throughout him readjusting back to Earth. He had plenty of other pictures of his family, but this one was his pièce de résistance, in a manner of speaking. Running his finger over the corner of the wood, he grinned at the memory.
The first time they all went over to the Mainland together once Jeff was strong enough to do so. Even Kayo, his mother, and Brains were in the pic, though MAX and EOS weren’t there. Mostly because EOS refused to come and no one trusted MAX to be in the general public. Regardless, all nine of them were grouped for a picture that was possible thanks to something Brains made for specific instances like that, and Jeff considered it his favorite. His entire family all together once more; a sign that said things that may be tough now, but they will get better.
A knock on his door brought Jeff out of his thoughts, making him put the picture back in its spot just in time for him to turn around and lean back against his desk to watch his mother walk into the room. She spoke with a grin, “Knock knock?”
“Hey mom,” Jeff said, “to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?”
She closed the door behind her like Jeff did earlier, concerning him somewhat. That was a tell-tale sign that she wanted to tell him something without anyone from outside hearing the conversation. She crossed her arms, leaning against the entrance to doubly make sure no one could barge in, “I’m assuming you heard the boys talking about Alan as well?”
Jeff had no idea where he got his eavesdropping habit from, why do you ask, “Yeah, and I have just as little of an idea as they do. Sure, it makes sense that I specifically wouldn’t understand Alan sneaking out, but the fact they don’t probably means we won’t know for a while. Confronting him will just make him squirrely too.”
His mom walked across the room to brush some lint and dust off the shoulders of his shirt, “And you’re saying you’re the type of person to give up, then?”
Ah, so that’s why she shut the door, “Of course not. You think I’m giving up after eight years of not doing so?”
“Atta boy,” his mother grinned, turning ever so slightly to glance at the photo on his desk as well. “That kid practically kisses the ground his brothers walk on. I think you might have a better shot at getting him to open up with what might be a lack of pressure, you know?”
Jeff sighed, not all-too-positive about that supposed “lack of pressure” he had over their youngest, “I sure hope that’s the case.”
Something Jeff found to be hard to do again was sleep normally.
You would think being trapped in literal space meant a lot of time to rest, but when one second of things going wrong meant your demise, you had to be on your toes no matter what. It took Jeff a little bit of work, but he managed to create a sleep schedule that gave him the least amount of shut-eye for the perfect amount of energy he needed to survive. It wasn’t optimal, but he was already lost in space, so he took what he got without crying about it.
Also, John couldn’t get mad at his crappy sleep once it finally helped them solve this Alan case; Jeff took smug comfort in that.
From what it sounded like, there was no exact pattern to his escapades. Most of the footage showed random times he chose to leave the island, ranging from when his brothers were all passed out after a rescue to straight up just leaving in the middle of the afternoon. Jeff supposed half the reason none of them confronted Alan about it yet was that they didn’t want to open the can of worms that was them not realizing they weren’t paying as much attention to Alan as they thought they were.
So the fact that Jeff could stay up for three-fourths of the day and watch the garage for Alan’s presence was a big factor in finally catching him in the act.
He was about to call it quits on the third night, but his brain was telling him to give it one more shot, especially since the rest of his kids had a long rescue on the coast of Finland that day and were conked out until practically next year. He had never been more grateful for his intuition, as he came out to the car garage right at the same time Alan was about to open the door to one of their cars. He quickly noticed Jeff out of the corner of his eye and yanked his hand back like the handle burned him.
“Je- Dad!” Alan stuttered, shoving something behind his back with both arms. “What, uh, what fancies you around here at this time of night?”
Stepping out from the shadows, Jeff crossed his arms in the hopes he looked more stern than he did threatening, “Just taking a stroll around the house. Sleep hasn’t been coming to me all that easily, you know. I have the feeling that’s not why you’re here, though.”
Alan nervously cleared his throat, “Eh, you never know what might be going through one’s mind. The night tends to bring mysteries with it.”
So Alan was definitely taking after Gordon in terms of deflecting. Gordon was easy to break through with a little bit of digging, but that didn’t make his nonchalance less, mm, irritating was a strong word, but when you spent ten minutes with Gordon and all he did was crack jokes, it got a little draining. Jeff opened his mouth to continue gently drilling his son, but then he noticed the object Alan was trying to hide. It appeared to be an oddly shaped plank of wood, a bright red plastic wheel attached to it sticking out from behind Alan.
Was… Was Alan sneaking out to go skateboarding?
That relieved some of Jeff’s worries. At least Alan wasn’t into anything (obviously) illegal, and he was an adult however young that adult status may be, so it wasn’t like any of them could tell him no to leaving and partaking in a sports hobby. It just left the question of why Alan felt the need to sneak out to do something so inconsequential as skateboard.
“Well, since we’re here, I think we should talk a little,” Jeff extended an olive branch, not so subtly stepping between Alan and the car. “I haven’t had that much time to hang out with you yet, and since we’re two young men that obviously can’t sleep, we might as well make use of it. What do you like doing in your free time? Any sports? Something like basketball, soccer… maybe even skateboarding?”
Alan tensed up, and Jeff knew he hit it right on the money.
Jeff hoped his smirk was as subtle as he wanted it to be, “Man, I remembered when I skateboarded as a teen. Was always visiting the rink every other weekend if I could help it. Not sure it did as much for my calves as I wanted it to, but I tried my best.”
Alan thankfully and reluctantly took the branch for what it was, “You skateboarded?”
Jeff nodded, leaning his butt against the hood of the car above one of the tires, “Oh yes, just ask your grandma. She has lots of pictures of me with porcupine quills in my face while sitting in the emergency room of a Kansas hospital one time.”
Alan abruptly laughed before bringing one of his hands from his back to place over his mouth, “Sorry.”
Jeff shook his head while moving to the driver’s door, “Don’t be. It was an incredibly stupid day for me, and I quickly learned my lesson about what is a ‘cool’ trick and an ‘idiotic’ one.”
“Uh, what are…” Alan started to ask as Jeff opened the door to the car.
Jeff raised an eyebrow, “Well, I always hated when I missed one of my skateboard weekends because the farm needed extra help. Don’t want to keep you. Plus, we technically can’t sleep, remember? And there’s no point in standing around all bored when there’s much more fun things to take part in.”
The way Alan beamed excitedly made Jeff think the cold eight years in space might finally become water under the bridge for him one day.
Virgil had recently been taking Jeff in the car to let him practice driving again, so he wasn’t going into it blind. He knew Alan was capable of driving—clearly, if the kid could sneak off the island so often without a single scratch—but since he was there, “By the way, who taught you to drive? I figured you all would eventually get behind a wheel, but there’s thinking about it and then there’s actually seeing it.”
As the shotgun's door shut, Alan winced, “Oh, yeah, that… Hah, what if I told you it wasn’t anyone from the island that taught me technically?”
Sighing, Jeff shook his head as he started the ignition, “Of course.” He was going to have a talk with Parker, because really, who else could it be?
Alan gave him directions as he flew the two of them to the Mainland, eventually landing somewhere in New York City. The two of them sat in the car for a few minutes, Alan noticeably fidgeting with his board as a million thoughts raced through his head. “Hey, I’m sorry to be rude,” Alan interrupted. “But do you mind, um…”
Jeff stayed silent, letting Alan get to his question on his own time.
Alan swallowed the spit in his mouth, “Do you mind staying out of sight of the skatepark? You can watch me if you want, I just…”
Ah, Jeff didn’t need to ask why Alan felt the need to sneak out anymore.
His mother wasn’t too far off the marker when it came to the “pressure” Alan had on his shoulders. He was the youngest of five (six if Kayo involved herself in the equation) very talented and popular siblings that were birthed to one of the most notorious men of this century, not that Jeff was bragging. You couldn’t utter the name “Tracy” without someone in the vicinity having something to say about it, positive or negative.
“No problem, Alan,” Jeff answered before Alan could finish. He wasn’t offended in the slightest. Jeff knew what kind of presence he carried with him, especially after constantly being in the news for “coming back to life.” He was about to offer to stay in the car for Alan even because he knew he could disrupt the entire night if someone recognized him, so he was happy to have anything more than that.
Jeff couldn’t fault Alan for wanting a slice of normality before he dug his toes into their world. He clearly wanted to make a name for himself like Scott’s Air Force stint or Gordon’s gold medal, but everyone needed their moments to kick back and relax. To be your everyday common man that went home to recline on the couch and watch cheap TV dramas.
Alan sighed in relief, “Okay, cool, coolio… Thank you.” Alan began to step out of the car, “Now then, let’s get going. We don’t have all night!”
Jeff didn’t need to be told twice.
Standing carefully at the sidelines, Jeff watched as Alan put his skateboard down and rode it into the dip of the ring, voices echoing out as he disappeared.
“Dude, there you are!”
“We were wondering if you were going to show up.”
“I’ve been working on that trick I showed you last time!”
“That’s great to hear!” Alan’s voice finally jumped into the convo. “It’s not gonna be enough to beat me still, but I’m glad to see you’ve been trying!”
Jeff couldn’t help but quietly laugh at the sound of a bunch of voices playfully objecting.
After about two hours of watching Alan pull off some relatively cool tricks with his friends, Jeff was brought out of his thoughts by Alan waving and yelling goodbye, him soon popping over the edge of the ring with a big grin on his face. Jeff started turning around to head back to the car as Alan got closer, “Have fun down there?”
Alan nodded, absentmindedly spinning one of his skateboard wheels, “Definitely.”
The drive back was quiet. Jeff turned on the radio at a low volume when he noticed Alan drifting off. If he remembered correctly, when Alan had trouble sleeping as a small child, all they needed to do was play some gentle music and he would be out like a light. Finding a station with that kind of music, Jeff quickly learned that was still the case almost a decade later.
Then they were home, Jeff pulling the car back into the garage like absolutely nothing happened. Turning the vehicle off, Jeff took a second to push himself back into the seat with the steering wheel and stretch his muscles. After, he carefully reached over to shake Alan awake.
“Hey, wake up,” Jeff nudged his shoulder. “We’re home, and while I’d love to carry you back to bed like old times, I’m sure Scott will have my head on a pike for picking up anything more than twenty pounds.”
Alan murmured, rubbing his eyes before using one hand to grab his skateboard from the floor and one to open the door, “‘m up, ‘m up.”
Jeff chuckled, nearly mirroring his son as they got out of the car, shut their doors, and went to Alan’s room. As Alan continued onward, Jeff took a moment to pause in the living area and take a deep breath. He might not be perfect, but it was nice to know that space didn’t make him forget everything.
He eventually got to Alan’s room, the door still wide open, and when he leaned inside to see what Alan was up to he almost jumped. Alan’s shoes were shoved in the corner by his door, his skateboard haphazardly shoved into his closest, and his own self? Was curled up on the floor and leaning on the edge of the bed, only using a tiny part of the mattress as a pillow.
Jeff wasn’t sure if he should find the situation funny or not, “Do you… normally sleep like this?”
Alan shrugged, “Gr’ndma may not be able to cook but she p’cks nice rugs.”
“I suppose so,” Jeff couldn’t argue with that as he looked around the room for a blanket, eventually landing on a navy blue one dotted with white stars. He brought it over to Alan, gently draping it across his son’s shoulders. “Goodnight, Alan, try not to cramp those muscles too much
Alan grumbled but otherwise did not acknowledge Jeff’s words.
Shutting Alan’s door once outside, Jeff took a moment to stand there with one hand on the handle and the other resting lightly against its flat surface. He could practically feel the tension ooze out of his body. Tonight went… well. Great even. Jeff couldn’t be happier that he still knew how to click with his family despite feeling awkward and out of place. He’s already stated this.
He couldn’t help but feel like there was still a lot to do in their family, though. Sure, tonight went relatively okay, but there were still some noticeable bumps along the way. Jeff was sure to disappoint his sons as sure as his sons were probably worried about disappointing him. Eight years of separation was not going to be fixed quietly if it could be fixed at all.
But Jeff knew they would try their best to get there eventually.
Jeff would take part in multiple midnight skatepark visits if it meant he wasn’t giving up just yet.
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officialroxy · 2 years
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[ID: A semi-realistic digital drawing of Sam, Danny, and Tucker. They all look older than in the show, and are sitting on a giant green pumpkin in front of an expanse of lunar surface with office buildings and purple trees. Behind them, the sky is dark blue with galaxies and nebulae close and visible. Sam is cracking open a giant green pumpkin seed with a knife, Tucker is eating a yellow apple and staring off, and Danny is lying between them glaring forward, with his tail wrapped around the other two. His eyes are red and his suit is torn. None of them look happy. End ID.]
here's my @invisobang minibang piece for @emeraldsandamethyst's story Ghost Cracker!! (heed the warnings!)
That is the "clean" version, the real piece has lots of ectoplasm, so I've put it below the cut. Warning for gore!
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[ID: the same drawing as before, but everyone's clothes and skin, as well as the pumpkin, are smeared with bright, but not glowing, ectoplasm. End ID.]
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soupsnspoons · 2 years
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the wonderful fic "blossom out" was written for the @klapollo-minibang by @seafoam-blues !!!!!! GO READ IT I PROMISE ITS REALLY REALLY GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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hate-mail-to-canon · 2 years
The Hour has Arrived!
Please use #naruto labor day minibang 2022 or @hate-mail-to-canon-2022 as you post! Go ahead and mention which prompts you used, too.
Reminder, our event runs today (9/2) until Monday, 9/5. Our late submission period will go until Friday, 9/9.
Enjoy and stay groovy ~ mod G-P 🌺
For our subscribers~
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gentlespace · 1 year
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I posted 468 times in 2022
That's 411 more posts than 2021!
124 posts created (26%)
344 posts reblogged (74%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 380 of my posts in 2022
Only 19% of my posts had no tags
#my art - 92 posts
#other peoples art - 77 posts
#star wars fanart - 68 posts
#obi wan kenobi - 63 posts
#fic rec - 56 posts
#star wars - 50 posts
#obi wan kenobi spoilers - 40 posts
#obi-wan kenobi - 39 posts
#anakin skywalker - 34 posts
#ahsoka tano - 32 posts
Longest Tag: 127 characters
#ahhh okay so this was very rushed as i realised at lunchtime i had messed up the order of the prompts and had nothing for today
My Top Posts in 2022:
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A post-mission nap. Apparently being a jedi is more tiring than expected
1,070 notes - Posted February 26, 2022
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He just really likes animals!!!
2,243 notes - Posted March 11, 2022
I really like how when Reva asks "have I become him?" Obi-Wan answers "no, you have chosen not to" - like YES !! Thank you for making it so so clear that Anakin made a choice to do what he did
2,548 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
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It’s like Poetry, it Rhymes
My art piece for the @star-wars-rebel-minibang for the incredible fic linked above by @ferretrade !!
I was SO happy to receive this fic, there’s something about jedi lineages and the things they pass down that is just so so good!! I can’t recommend reading this piece enough, I have done so many many times now!
Here are the individual drawings too!
See the full post
3,018 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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the return of mullet obi wan with clone wars armour!!!
3,933 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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quasar-concept · 2 years
A Lot of Sand
MerAU written for the TAG MiniBang 2022 (@tagminibang2022 )
My recipient is @soniabigcheese, and I was really inspired by this gorgeous art she did during MerMay, and had to write something for it! 
While it is, obviously, no longer MerMay, I decided to ignore that this wouldn't be posted in May and instead embrace my roots as a kid who used to exclusively play "mermaids" both in and out of the water haha 
Despite some recent difficulties I hope you enjoy because I had a lot of fun writing this! 
Feel free to enjoy under the cut or on Ao3!
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PS I'm terribly sorry I've posted this so late, it's been an unexpectedly hectic few months
Going to the beach was probably a bad idea.
Gordon knew that Scott would be livid if he knew—it was out of love, Scott’s overprotectiveness, but Gordon thought it would do Scott some good  to loosen up from time to time. 
 On this particular occasion, Gordon had to give it to Scott. Hanging upside down on a trawler, his golden-scaled tail trussed up above him and quickly drying out, Gordon thought that, just maybe, Going to the beach was a bad idea.
Gordon, along with his four brothers and adopted sister Kayo, were typically the defenders of the ocean—or rather, they protected other merfolk from the ocean, and other incredibly stupid merfolk. On occasion there was trouble with the landfolk, but for the most part they were dealt with by one Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward, an highly influential land dweller, and longtime family friend of the Tracy’s. 
There was a—very brief—time where Gordon had thought that Scott with his electric blue eyes and shiny shark-grey scales had a Thing going on with Penelope. This was, of course, before he realised how close John and Penelope were far closer that she and Scott, and had a brief heartbreak over that (also entirely nonexistent) relationship. 
Gordon was, admittedly, not paying attention to what the fishermen below were going on about. Probably looking to sell his tail or scales as some faux cure for some human illness. It wasn’t really important, though he was working on a time limit—his tail had already gone through enough trauma that drying it out was undoubtedly going to make swimming near-impossible. 
Though he would generally consider his brothers his best method of escape, there wasn’t a way to contact them now that he’d been hanging out of the water so long. Besides, he wasn’t particularly keen on getting any of them close to this trawler, especially not Alan.
Gordon... well, he had nothing. No ideas, no plan, and most certainly no backup. Penelope was easily his best shot at escape, but unless the fishermen were dumb enough to sail past the lighthouse, Gordon had no way of getting her attention either, since they seemed too dumb to sail the trawler anywhere (never mind that they caught him, he wasn't paying attention okay?) 
Waiting around for something to happen wouldn't get him anywhere. Gordon clenched his jaw and curled upwards towards where his tail was trapped and found (of course) that he didn't have enough momentum. With a quick glance below to make sure the fishers weren't paying attention to him, Gordon swung himself back and forth, and he missed his tail again, but now he was moving. He tried again and— yes! Though his tail was twinging in protest at the awkward angle, Gordon couldn't stop the grin that broke out on his face, his grip on the chains solid. He couldn't exactly break solid metal but maybe he could get enough of a gap to wiggle his tail free.
Even among merfolk, Gordon was a frightfully good swimmer, fast and deceptively powerful, which came in particularly handy during their rescues. Sure, he had lost a lot of his stamina after his accident, so he couldn't go particularly far on his own, but he was still quite easily one of the best swimmers anyone knew. 
Gordon tried to wedge his hand between the metal and his drying tail. The trawler shuddered, and he lost his grip, cursing quietly. An angry whir and the cackling of laughter drew his attention to the small group of fishers standing below him, the clank of chains as he was lowered—slowly but with little care, the chain jerking and twisting and stuttering all the way. 
"You we're quite the surprise, goldilocks." A woman with blonde hair stood over him, tail still hung mostly taut, his head rested against the foul-smelling deck, her face adorned with an ugly and self-satisfied smirk. "Didn't think we'd be bringing in an adult mer today, too."
Too? Who else had these barbarians captured? And it sounded to Gordon like they'd taken a child. He let the anger curl in his chest, and crushed it under a sunny smile. 
"Didn't think I'd be getting such a lovely tan, but you did such a wonderful job of making sure I didn't miss any spots!"
Someone laughed, but one glare from the lady in front of him and it stopped. 
"You try anything funny," she said. "And I'll make sure to rip your scales off one by one."
Unfortunately for her, Gordon thought, just that little bit of slack in the chain had given him the wiggle room he had needed before.
Gordon jerked his tail down, and with a thunderous shriek the chains fell to the deck.
Ignoring the bruises and cuts on his tail, Gordon launched at the woman and knocked her to the ground. Before any of the others could move out of their stunned stillness, Gordon pulled himself up the side of the boat.
"Well, I'll see you fellas later!" He said, and dropped into the cold ocean. 
The water on his skin, sliding over his scales, was bliss. He hummed to himself and let the calm seep into him. A moment of calm to connect back to himself before rescuing anyone else would do both him and the victim good.
Now that he was back in the water, Gordon could easily contact his brothers. In a way not unlike echolocation but also entirely different, they could communicate through the water with each other long-distances. 
"John, Thunderbird 5, come in." Gordon said, eye tracking the trawler's outline above.
"Gordon? Where have you been?"
"At the beach, but we have a situation."
Immediately, John's voice went smooth and controlled—unshakeable professionalism. "FAB, give me a sitrep."
"There is a child trapped on a trawler, but I don't know where exactly. I think the fishers intend to sell their tail as... something."
A beat. John sighed. "Gordon, this sounds like something for the GDF to handle, not an emergency.
Gordon pouted. "Then send Kayo and let Lady Penelope know so she can send the GDF to stop these guys!"
"I'm getting the kid off whether you think it's an emergency or not, so either send me some backup or don't but make sure Lady Penelope gets a message so she can put an end to this crew."
"FAB Gordon, I'll send Kayo to your location now, and alert Lady Penelope of the situation."
"Thanks John." Gordon grinned.
"Be careful."
"FAB Thunderbird 5, see you later."
Right. Now. First things first, Gordon needed to find out where exactly this kid was being held captive which, he thought, might prove a challenge. Staying clear of not only the whirring propellers of the engine but the nets they had cast over the sides would make casing the vessel harder, but Gordon was confident he could still get a good scan of the boat from a distance.
Gordon circled the boat, letting his breath bubble from his nose as he scanned. There weren't any people in the lower bowels of the trawler, just chains and crates full of ice and fish. No merfolk children, either. He'd need to get closer, once Kayo arrived.
"Gordon!" Kayo's voice floated up from the deep. Her tail rippled in the water, the iridescent red of her black scales shining, red dorsals dark in the blue of the water. 
"Good to see you, Kayo." Gordon smiled.
"I'm sure," she said. "You find the kid yet?"
Gordon shook his head. "I need to get closer, but they've got nets and harpoons hanging around."
"I'll distract them, you get closer for a scan and send me the details to give to Lady Penelope."
"FAB, Kayo," Gordon said. "Try not to get caught."
They sped in different directions, Kayo easily out-manoeuvring the screech of harpoons hitting the water, nets a non-issue for her speed and agility. Gordon swam straight up underneath the trawler. He ran his fingers across the mottled underbelly of the craft, and sent out a wave to scan the ship again.
There, in the front of the ship, below the helm. The shaking form of a child tied up in harsh ropes and whatever else. Gordon hoped their tail was still mostly undamaged but couldn't be sure. He had to get in there, somehow.
He surfaced near the front of the trawler. "Kayo, got the trawler's name," he said. "Tell Lady P that the Havoc Haven means trouble." Not a particularly subtle name, but Gordon had to admit it was, at least, catchy.
"FAB Gordon."
"I'm boarding now, just a few more minutes." Gordon hauled himself out of the water, Kayo's response cut off the moment his body was out of the water. Moving out of the water was always tricky, and Gordon's ability to shift to human legs was largely gone now, but he had tools to get both himself and the kid out of the ship without having to climb back up the stairs he was going to have to crawl down.
All the fishermen were conveniently preoccupied with Kayo at the stern, but Gordon was careful as he edged his way towards the hatch to the hold. The lady he'd smacked earlier was nowhere to be found, and he hoped she was somewhere out-cold because he wasn't sure he could fight her off and get the kid free at the same time.
Gordon made his way down the stairs, tail awkward in the cramped space. Right where he was expecting, there was the kid, shaking and green tail clearly dried out and starting to flake.
"Hey there, I'm Gordon with International Rescue," he said. "I'm gonna get you out of here." The kid sniffled. "Can you tell me your name?" Gordon moved closer to start cutting off the chorded ropes, careful of the hooks the were protruding into the kid's scales and skin, net tangled around their forked caudal tail.
"My name is Aara," they said. "It hurts."
"You're doing really well, Aara, you've been so brave and I promise it'll stop hurting soon, alright?" Gordon smiled at them.
They nodded.
"How'd you end up with this lot? They kind of suck." Gordon kept working gently but swiftly, pulling out hooks and untangling unforgiving lines of rope.
"I went to the beach." They said. "My older brother told me not to but... I didn't listen."
Gordon laughed. "I didn't listen to my big brother either." He smiled at Aara. "They're annoying but sometimes they might have a point."
Aara laughed wetly. "Not often."
"No," Gordon said lightly. "There we go, good job! That's all of them. We're getting out of here." Using a tool from his belt, Gordon melted a hole in the side of the ship. They were still above water level, so there was a drop beneath them, but the oceans below were clear of any nets or propellors.
"Aara, I'm gonna need you to hold onto me while we get back into the water, alrighty?"
They nodded, and wrapped their arms around Gordon's shoulders. "Alright, here we go!"
They hit the water, and Gordon heard Aara gasp behind him as the water seeped into their dry scales. They'd need to go to hospital, but they seemed otherwise uninjured. Gordon swam them deeper into the ocean, out of reach of the trawler. "Kayo, we're clear!"
"FAB Gordon, I'm breaking off and heading to brief Lady Penelope at the lighthouse."
Gordon's heart stuttered with disappointment that he wouldn't be going to see Lady Penelope, but he shook it off. Aara was more important than his pining (and he had plenty of time for it later.)
"FAB. Thanks for the help, Kayo, I'll see you at home. Gordon out."
To Aara, Gordon turned, smile on his face. "I'm going to swim you out to the hospital near the southernmost lighthouse to get you checked over and have your tail rehydrated. You'll be able to contact your family from there, and you'll be good as new!"
Aara smiled back at him, dark eyes glimmering with relief. "Thank you so much."
Gordon shrugged. "Nah, of course! Couldn't let those gross fishers take off with you, you're far too cool."
Aara laughed.
"Well, we'd better get going, if you're ready?"
Aara nodded. "Sure am, let's get going."
Gordon figured that Scott wouldn't be too mad if he made a new friend at the beach, so long as he left out the part about being held captive.
(Gordon was grounded, and didn't find it nearly as amusing as John and Kayo.)
The End! Thank you so much for reading <3
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whatgaviiformes · 2 years
Fic: Tracy Seaside Orchard and Farm - Part 9
Summary: Alternate Universe. Gordon is a farmer. And he seems to have nothing to do with International Rescue. Now on AO3!  
New to this fic? Please be aware for this story that parts are posted in sections here on tumblr before I upload the chapter to Ao3. You can either select part 8 below before reading this, or select the new Ao3 link for chapter 4 to read the chapter in full. 
Prologue here Chapter 1: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Ao3 Chapter 2: Part 4 | Part 5  | AO3 Chapter 3: Part 6  | Part 7 |  Ao3 Chapter 4: Part 8 | Part 9 (you are here) | Ao3 (NEW)
Hey, hey you! Did you know there’s art of Chicken!Dad? Check out this awesome artwork made by @godsliltippy of our boys in this story, made for the TAG Minibang 2022. I adore them, and Tippy is the greatest and I want to hug all three of you and the hens. Go give her some love for being so awesome. (Chiiiiiiiiiikkeeeeeeen Daaaaaaaad)
Chapter A/N: one more update before I head to vacation the end of this week. Please enjoy farmer’s market day and some more OCs. The boys are making progress. Unfortunately no chickens in this part, so go click the artwork if you need a dose of cute :D 
***** (Or Read on Ao3)
Part 9
Everett had the van filled to the ceiling with boxes and crates stacked in an elaborate game of real life Jenga by the time they met up with him, all except the front passenger seat for whomever would be joining them. As discussed, Gordon had messaged and snagged Jules on the way, and she and Virgil were lingering behind him as he finalized the inventory list with Everett. No doubt his brother was learning the ins and out of the Moretti pastries from a primary source.
“Cap, can you fit this last crate of apples in the truck?”
The back of the truck was full and wrapped snuggly with a tarp and bungee cords. Gordon glanced over at Virgil; he hadn’t been moving too stiffly. He could easily carry it on his lap without jostling his ribs. It wasn’t technically lifting as long as he let Everett do the hard work.  
“Yep, bring it over.”
Everett was only a bit older than Gordon himself. In many ways he reminded Gordon of a mix between his older brothers, with Virgil’s build, John’s attention to detail, and Scott’s hair color though Everett kept his curls free with the sides shaved. He was as tenacious as all of them, and though his main role was to operate the heavy machinery, he was more than muscle. It had only been a few months since coordinating farmer’s market day, but even before that they knew he was going to be one of the ones that stayed.
Like all of them, he’d been through Hell and back.
“In you get, Virgil,” Gordon called, swinging the passenger door side of the truck open, and leaning in to shift his cane from where it had fallen into a sideways position between the dash and the seat to give Virgil the legroom he’d need.
Once he was settled in the passenger seat with Gordon’s cane pressing against his leg and the seat belt secured with the cushion surrounding it moved down to protect his ribs, Gordon climbed around to the driver’s side.
“Apples?” A head of curly hair peered into the truck from the open passenger door.
“You got this, Virgil?” Gordon asked, and Virgil nodded. “Be honest and tell me if it’s too heavy. We can spare a crate of fruit –“
“No, no. I got it,” Virgil assured him. “Can’t let the future cider donuts down.”  
Everett gently passed the crate off to Virgil, resting it on his legs with ease. Virgil tensed beside him, not because of the weight, but with surprise as he caught sight of Everett’s arm scars, quickly schooling his expression back into calm.
“It’s ok.” Everett’s smiled at Gordon over Virgil’s head. “I get that a lot.” He twisted to look down at the crook of his arm, a thoughtful grin, and Lord, Gordon was so proud of him for it, for the smile instead of the self-loathing. “I’ll be clean three years this September,” he beamed at them.
“Congratulations,” Virgil said seriously. “Everett, right? That’s something to be proud of.”
The man smiled. “I am. See you there, Cap.”
He gently closed the door, and Virgil spun as quickly as he could, which wasn’t quickly at all, to his brother.
“Why do they do that?”
Gordon turned the key and revved the engine, pulling out of the drive to lead them into town. “Do what?”
“Call you Cap? Everett and Jules both do it. The only one that knows you as anything different is Scraps.”
“That’s not true,” Gordon insisted. “The chickens know me as Dad. It sounds very similar to the squawk that means food.” When his joke fell flat, earning nothing but a raised brow, Gordon sighed, “Tough crowd.”
He paused, content to just let it sit, but Virgil was still watching him intently.
“I didn’t ask for it, you know. It just kind of happened.”
“Gordon,” Virgil prodded.
“Captain, okay? It’s short for Captain,” He squeezed the wheel in front of him. “I don’t even know who started it anymore. But one day it got around I used to be in WASP, used to sail, and it kind of stuck. At first it was the way folks use the title ‘Boss’ at TI, then eventually it just became my nickname and got shorted along the way to just Cap.”
Their turn was coming up.
He spared a glance at his brother as he turned the wheel, adding, “I’ve always preferred that. I tried telling them I’d only made it to sub-lieutenant. But it didn’t seem to matter.”
“They respect you.”
“I respect them,” he countered.
“Sounds like the makings of a good captain to me.”
“You have—” The words stick in his throat. He was about to say you have to say that; you’re my brother. But in truth, he didn’t really know where he stood with Virgil. Out of all of them, Virgil was the one sibling that didn’t have to say anything about him at all. Watching the road, he coughed, “You have some hay in your hair.”
“Thanks.” He gave his head a shake, carding his fingers through the dark strands. “We should go sometime.”
“Sailing. You said you used to sail. It’s obvious you’ve spared little time for yourself. So we should go.”
“Maybe,” he agreed, his heart thundering in his chest.
The morning sun glinted off the rearview mirror from the van behind them, bass thumping from the radio turned up high and rumbling both vehicles. He grinned, waving Virgil towards the radio dials in the truck and giving him full control to either find a way to drown out the others or challenge them.
Gordon navigated the narrow streets of the main town like he wasn’t driving a truck large enough that the one set of wheels hugged the center line. Once they arrived at the location of the market, he backed into a non-marked spot in the grass near where they set up their booth every week, with Everett and Jules sliding into an imaginary spot beside him.
A few other stalls were already there setting up as well.
Before Virgil could maneuver his way out of the truck, Everett was there taking the crate out of his grasp, and Gordon was grateful for his intervention.
“Uh-huh. Jules and I got this.”
Gordon hopped out of the truck, swinging around to the passenger side to help Virgil out and then to grab his cane. He handed Virgil a couple bills and pointed out the café along the main strip of town and sent him off to grab another coffee for himself, as it was going to be a long morning.
It gave him enough time to locate and set up the four collapsible outdoor chairs and offer the one he usually used for himself to Virgil once he returned. It sat a bit higher off the ground than the others and had some cushioning to better support his back, but considering the ribs, Virgil would need it more than him. At least today.
“Did you study our prices?” Gordon asked him from the other chair while the others continued to unload, happily accepting the latte Virgil had acquired for him. Virgil waved his phone to show Gordon the digital file he’d sent him the night before.
“Yes, just reviewing again.”
“Good. It can move fast. Time to put that engineering math to good use.”
“I’ll be fine,” he assured him. “I used to work retail, remember? This can’t be as hard as working movie theater concessions as a teenager.”
Gordon grinned, knowing their list of inventory was much larger than the popcorn, candy, and drinks of a movie theater. “You say that now. And I do remember. I remember that you hated that job.”
“I came home smelling like butter. Wouldn’t you?”
“Nope!” And Gordon could admit the truth to that statement. Movie theater popcorn was second only to salted caramel in his opinion.
They were interrupted by the first visitors soon after. Surrounding them were booths of other vendors, the promised pastry strands, rows of craft vendors with yarn product and homemade jewelry and custom printed totes, locally made dog treats, and flower stands, and antiques and collectibles. The Tracy Seaside Farm and Orchard represented themselves mostly as a produce stand, but they carried a selection as well of their fresh local honey and honey-based snacks. As long as it was packaged well and unopened – and they had no problems so far – they brought along a small inventory of Gordon’s mead and wine. They favored their animals over pressing for food production, which meant that they did carry some eggs and milk for the farmer’s market, but it was only what little excess they had left over after supplying the estate.
Gordon preferred it that way, and he knew there were other farms that could fill the need.  But in the meantime, it meant they had an early rush of regulars swinging by their stand first to check their wares. Because early on it was a one stop shop.
With this early rush, Everett and Jules both manned their U shaped set up, with Everett taking the checkout while Jules swung the customers around her produce sales pitch before passing them along to Virgil in case they wanted any of Gordon’s artisan products. Gordon himself stood by the entrance, greeting their visitors, answering any questions, and directing them to Jules or Virgil based on what he knew about them.
“Over there Ms. Mayfield,” he told an older lady. “The one that looks like a lumberjack.” He smirked as she waved her hand over her face catching sight of his older brother.
“Thank you, deary. My, my aren’t I a lucky gal!”
“That you are Ms. Mayfield,” he smiled at Virgil, gathering items for another customer. “He’s one of the best. Just don’t go poking at him, please!”
“I wouldn’t dare, dear boy!” She gleamed, white curls bouncing on her head as she hobbled away from him.
One the first rush was over, Gordon shifted back behind the booth, thanking the other three for their help, and relieving Everett to peruse the stands to give him a break for all his hard work preparing for the event. Everett’s job started the night before, and there were aspects of this job that Gordon just couldn’t do on his own with his leg. Everett never complained once for the amount of hard labor that came from loading and unloading the vehicles.
Right before the second rush he returned, donut in hand and waving it teasingly towards a drooling Jules.
“Soon, you pastry fiend,” Gordon laughed, swatting at her grabby hands as Everett slid around to take over. “Give it an hour, and you and Virgil can both go.” His brother had been working hard through that morning, trying his best to learn quickly, to adapt to the fast pace of the market, and stay on his feet whenever possible. Virgil’s best was always above and beyond, and Gordon glanced over to where he was taking a breather in the chair and swiping a shaky hand along his brow.  
He handed them both a honey stick from the mason jar by their check out. “To hold you over.”
If they weren’t about to be slammed, he would’ve relieved them sooner. But the natural sugar, if anything, would perk them up. He grabbed one for himself too and threw one over to Everett.
They made it through the mid-market rush, all four of them. Sweaty and exhausted with the sun starting to beam down on them.  
Everett gave a nod, and Gordon sent the other two off to venture out as promised. Jules linked her arm around Virgil’s, leading him directly towards the Moretti’s, and already waving emphatically to the family behind the booth that knew her well.
He was in good hands.
Gordon shook his head, pulling his gaze away, and trying to distract himself with re-stocking some of the wine on the table to replace where their sales had left spaces.  
“Cap?” A warm hand came to rest on his shoulder. “Why don’t you sit down for a bit? You didn’t take your usual morning break either.”
He shrugged, his hand trembling. “Virgil needed me.”
“And you need to sit.” He pressed the cane into Gordon’s grasp and pointed to the chair Virgil had vacated. “It’ll be slow from here on out. You can help from over there. Do you need food or water?”
He shook his head honestly and listened to his friend, sitting to regain the strength to finish out the day and drive them home. His heart light, his body heavy and rebelling but capable by the time Virgil and Jules returned, arms laden with goodies from both the food stalls and jewelry booths in Jules’ case and the antique stall in Virgil’s.
“I’m going to make a radio!” It looked like a pile of junk, but Virgil’s smile was so bright that Gordon had to cover his eyes from the glint of the sun.
It left a pang of hurt in his chest, for he hadn’t seen that smile in ages.
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yennskier-feed-ao3 · 2 years
where the sky meets the sea
where the sky meets the sea
by chaptersinprogress
Watching the destined trio make plans after the encounter with the Deathless Mother—plans which don't include him—Jaskier was fully prepared to make his way off another mountain on his own (preferably without any yelling involved).
He doesn't expect Yennefer of all people to demand he come with them—offering to both heal his injuries and a place by her side—irrespective of what the other members of the bound family might have to say about that.
jaskier minibang 2022
Words: 11121, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: The Witcher (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Jaskier | Dandelion, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg
Relationships: Jaskier | Dandelion/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg
Additional Tags: Mentioned Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Mentioned Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, One-Sided Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Past Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Fire Related Injuries, mentioned canonical torture, detailed pain description, No Sex, twn!djinn wish fucking sucks
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lenle-g · 2 years
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“Virgil, I need you to stay awake for me” John said as he worked, setting Virgil up with an IV. To his credit he tried. Eyelids dragged themselves upwards and eyes cast about before settling on John. Virgil reached out as soon as John had finished settling the line.
from I Will Find You by @lockuptherain for the TAG Minibang 2022 <3 
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theyilinglaozus · 2 years
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
I was tagged by the very lovely @ajfanfic! Thanks so much dear! 💖
Favourite Colour:
A mix between pastel blue and pink.
Currently Reading:
Volume 3 of Scum Villain’s Self Saving System. I recently finished reading A Prayer for the Crown-Shy, which is the second book in Becky Chambers’ Monk and Robot duology. They’re really lovely little stories, and they always make me feel all warm and happy whilst reading them.
Last Song:
Let Go - Shea Couleé. Shea’s newest music has to be some of the strongest out of the family of Drag Race stars, and I’ve had Let Go and Your Name on repeat since the music video dropped. Please, go check the above music video(s) out, it’s well worth watching!
Last Series:
Recently finished Goodbye, My Princess, and now I’m watching Alchemy of Souls, which now that I’ve gotten into it more I find I’m really enjoying. I need to find the time at some point to check out the newest adaption of The Sandman too.
Last Movie:
Prey (2022). And holy shit, I think this is my favourite movie in the Predator franchise after the first movie! I really didn’t expect this to be as good as it was, but it really goes to show that you can breathe new life into an existing horror franchise. Plus I love that the dog in this movie was just an adorable disaster on set who had no prior film training.
Currently Working on:
Too much, probably! My main focus is my entry for Qi Ye minibang, but aside from that I’m also trying to work on a piece for this months Rare Pairings Event with Immortal Wanderers. If I have an opportunity at all this month I’d also like to work on a gifset to celebrate two years since I first watched the Untamed, as well as finish off a pile of gifsets that are currently in the pipeline.
@ashinlae, @baoshan-sanren, @gusucloud, @carmine-sunlight, @nanjiangshamanet, @huaschengs and @danhoemei.
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rdrbigbang · 2 years
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It’s that time folks; posting time!
For all those hours tapping away furiously at your keyboards, and days perfecting your art, it’s time to share you efforts and reveal the amazing collaborations that have come together under the RDR Mini-Bang Banner! You have until Nov 12th, 2022 to post your fic or artwork. Remember to tag us ( @rdrbigbang ) and use the #rdrMiniBang22 tag on your post see we can find and reblog your work. If your post has been up for a little while and not reblogged, drop us a message and we’ll rectify that oversight!
If you are running behind on your minibang
Please get in touch ASAP! If we know what’s up we can help and facilitate you, so please don’t be afraid to let us know if you need a bit more time or if you have any other issues.
Happy posting!
~ Mod L
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hate-mail-to-canon · 2 years
Happy WIP Wednesday for our Labor Day MiniBang! Feel free to @hate-mail-to-canon-2022 or tag us to have any wips reblogged; I'll be at wor most of the day but will be checking from my laptop periodically
Also, if you don't have anything for this WIP Wednesday, just remember that these are entirely optional and you have plenty of time to get prepared for the real show ;)
For our subscribers~
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nimata-beroya · 1 year
End of Year Wrap Up
I was tagged by my bestie @takadasaiko Thanks dearie!
Total number of completed works
6 in total: Welcome to Yavin IV (Part of Road to Lira San series); Running Out of Air, Something in the Dark, Ramaanla, and The Tables are Turned (as part of Whumptober); and High Above the Ground (for Foxiyo Week).
Total number of WIPs worked on this year
3 new works plus 1 old one. The Enemy Within (from Road to Lira San series); How to Save a Life (for Whumptober); and Deconstructed Reality (Kalluzeb minibang) are the new ones. I also updated Sandawuni Va Umtidagir (Unbreakable Bond) that it was first published in 2020.
WIPs neglected this year
The only one that I truly neglected and was first published in 2022 was Deconstructed Reality, but I have Rough Awakening from the previous year that is even more neglected. Oops 😅
Fandoms I've written in
1 (Counting Star Wars as a whole, or 4 sub fandoms)
Total word count
37,083 words published (+ over 15k words written for unpublished new works/updates)
Looking back, did you write more than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you expected?
*sighs* A lot less 😞 I thought 2022 was going to be the year of my comeback to writing, big time! It was not.
Did you take any writing risks this year?
I think I did in 2 instances. I started writing for my own OCs in a massive project that will expand to at least 4 multichaptered fics, if not more (Yikes 😬), and I did a little experiment with changing the type of narrator in one of my Whumptober fics.
Do you have any goals for the new year?
My goal is updating the WIPs I neglected last year and continue on the ones are still halfway in the story, and write and publish the 2 first installments of my "Insurrection" series, and work on the third, which is the longest on the series. If I can manage, I'll post that as well if I finish writing it.
Biggest disappointment?
The lack of inspiration brought up by the writer's block that hit me a large part of the year. I thought I was going to write a lot more, since I got my new laptop at the beginning of 2022, but it never happened.
Biggest surprise? 
How the idea of participating in febuwhump (which I never actually did) with a single multichap fic, stringing up all the prompts together, turned into the "Insurrection" series. How 28 whump prompts turned into not less than 4 long fics, I don't know. I guess it was my head adding plot points after plot points. This project seems daunting but I'm determined to pull it off.
Most popular story of the year?
Welcome to Yavin IV, definitely. It's the one that has more hits, likes, and bookmarks of all the works I published in 2022. Although, Deconstructed Reality is the most commented and with more subscriptions, but being for a mini-bang, that it was expected.
What's your own favorite story of the year? 
Oof! That's hard to decide. There's always something special in each of my fics, for a reason or another. I can't choose, so all of them 😆
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion
I think it might be The Tables Are Turned. If I compare its stats with that of the rest of my Kalluzeb fics, it has a noticeable less engagement from readers. I think that since I hinted at kink stuff very mildly in it (and tagged it as such), people were scared off. It's a shame, because the kink stuff I mentioned in the story is so mild, and it's not even smut, which is probably what people think they'll find inside. To be honest, I knew this could happen. I knew that by tagging BDSM in it, some people would run. It's a risk I took because I'd rather tag correctly and not having as many comments than not tagging and receive hate comments for not doing so. I do my part in facilitating that everyone can curate their experience to their liking.
Other story of mine that I could say it's underappreciated is High Above the Ground, which has about the same stats than The Tables are Turned, but being a fic for a rarepair, it's not exactly surprising that has less than 200 kudos.
Most fun story to write
Again, The Tables are Turned. I had so much fun writing it, because for the first time I put the good guys as whumpers and the bad guy as whumpee. It was hilarious to me having an imperial officer sweating in fear.
Most unintentionally telling story
Maybe High Above the Ground. It turned out to be very differently than what I first had in mind when I started writing it. I love the result though ☺️ even if nobody else thinks so.
My favorite part of fandom this year
That I became more confident in writing in this fandom, mostly because I've expanded my lore knowledge watching old shows I haven't watched before and getting very slowly into both canon and legend books. Also I made more good new friends.
Tagging anyone who wants to do this!!!
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apinklion01 · 1 year
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I posted 20,342 times in 2022
57 posts created (0%)
20,285 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 9,897 of my posts in 2022
#danny phantom - 1,119 posts
#the owl house - 766 posts
#owl house - 765 posts
#pokémon - 637 posts
#video - 606 posts
#comic - 574 posts
#toh spoilers - 488 posts
#the owl house spoilers - 484 posts
#gif - 429 posts
#breath of the wild - 391 posts
Longest Tag: 87 characters
#perry realizing monogram's letter could've been read by any of the flynn-fletchers: o-o
My Top Posts in 2022:
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[[ A little sneak peak at a scene that’ll appear in @strawberrycamel​’s minibang fic, Welcome to Lake Eerie! I just had to draw this scene, though I’ll admit it took a while to draw. ]]
[[ Please go read the fic, and take a look at chronosabyss’s drawing as well! ]]
[[ Edit: It’s in Ch. 4 ]]
189 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
[[ Okay I know how the phandom as a whole loves writing angst for Danny and the other characters, but I also think it might be nice to have a week where they get a break. Like a week where we get to write or draw them having fun or relaxing. ]]
[[ I think sometime in July since not only is it in the middle of summer, but it might allow some of us to get a small break from everything else going on. We could also lean into the summer aspect and give a different aspect on things that happen in the summertime for Amity Park. ]]
[[ If anyone’s interested in this event idea, which I think might be called Jolly July as suggested by @drawinggheys on the DP Artist server, give a like or a reblog! ]]
227 notes - Posted May 19, 2022
So a few weeks ago I had a thought about who in the show was the best parent overall.
Sure, Jack and Maddie had their moments, but neither were there for Danny all the time, either too focused on catching ghosts or inventing. We even see how this affects the family dynamic with Jazz trying to grow into an adult figure even though she’s not entirely ready for that responsibility.
Then I realized that there was one parent on the show who was attentive to the needs of their child the most, and even the needs of other: Damon Gray, aka, Valerie’s dad.
And in case you can’t tell, this is indeed an essay. Well, kind of, if you push away any grammatical errors, but I don’t have time for that so we’re diving right into this.
Damon only appears in six episodes in the show, and only speaks lines in five of them. Therefore I’ll be eliminating D-Stabilize, as well as Phantom Planet as he doesn’t do anything there.
We first get to know about Damon in the episode Shades of Gray, which not only shows Valerie with the voice we hear for the rest of the show, but the start of her ghost hunting and subsequent interactions with Danny Phantom. Valerie mentions her dad right away in this shot, where she states "$579 and worth every one of my dad's pennies.”
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We’re made aware of not only Valerie’s status as an A-Lister, but the fact that Damon makes enough money to be able to buy her expensive clothes as well as the home that they live in which shows up later in the same episode.
See the full post
450 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
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[[ Day 8: stained glass. ]]
[[ Little late but its better than nothing at all. I’ll be busy with finals approaching but I tried doing something. ]]
512 notes - Posted May 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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1,345 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Venus Fly Trap - HuaLesbians Fic - 2022 MXTX Femslash Minibang
Hello all!
It's my posting day for the 2022 MXTX Femslash Minibang (@mxtxfemslash)! I had the pleasure of working with two talented artists, mew and sigma, whose art is featured in the fic. Please be sure to give them love and let them know on Twitter how awesome they are!
This idea was in my queue for a while, so I'm glad I had the opportunity to get it written. I've never agonized over anything so short in my life. ^^;
The fic link, summary, and tags below!
Read on AO3
“I would stare at literally anyone else, if I were you,” He Xuan grumbled from behind Shi Qingxuan.
Xie Lian felt parched, but was unable to move, rooted on her barstool, staring up at the balcony. “But…why?” she asked. Xie Lian was still reeling from the question of why Hua Cheng would single her out and talk to her and had not heard what He Xuan said, but that did not stop the somber woman from responding.
“She’s a venus fly trap,” He Xuan said flatly, her back to the balcony. “Anything that gets too close, she devours.”
Tags (below cut)
Archive Warning:
No Archive Warnings Apply
天官赐福 - 墨香铜臭 | Tiān Guān Cì Fú - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
Huā Chéng/Xiè Lián (Tiān Guān Cì Fú)
Xiè Lián (Tiān Guān Cì Fú)
Shī Qīngxuán
Hè Xuán (Tiān Guān Cì Fú)
Huā Chéng (Tiān Guān Cì Fú)
Additional Tags:
Alternate Universe - Modern Setting
Alternate Universe - Gender Changes
Female Xiè Lián
Female Huā Chéng
Female Huā Chéng/Female Xiè Lián (Tiān Guān Cì Fú)
Female Shī Qīngxuán
Female Hè Xuán
club setting
First Dates
Coffee Shops
Semi-Public Sex
It occurs in Hua Cheng's office and it's locked FYI
Making Out
Vaginal Fingering
Huā Chéng and Xiè Lián are in Love (Tiān Guān Cì Fú)
Huā Chéng and Xiè Lián Invented Love
Lesbian Huā Chéng/Xiè Lián (Tiān Guān Cì Fú)
Art Embedded
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