#t slur mention
just-antithings · 4 months
Can you believe this? So a friend of Ang (the disabled queer artist who got blacklisted in the animation industry over cartoons) has posted an update that Ang is still there but Ang’s chronic illness has progressed and Ang is still in end of life care
one of her tormentors, a white racist woman, came back to Twitter like “see see I was right! She’s not dead yet! Oh I’m so traumatized by this revelation that I’m going to be institutionalized!”
and her white followers all circlejerk around her, pat her on her back despite her openly sharing murder fantasies about Ang / other people AND she repeatedly said the n word and t slur
worse yet she behaves like someone who’d post on Kiwifarms. She even mocked Ang’s appearance and used an anti trans meme. Her followers also put “murderer” in their bio, like they treat the situation with Ang like a game
these people are evil
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thatonechaosentity · 1 year
Here's something that y'all should know.
"kinnie" the term itself was originally a term created by people who hated otherkin/therians/fictionkins.
The original word is derived from a offensive slur "tr-nnie/tr-nny" which was a word made by people who hated trans people.
Some might agree or disagree on the origin of the word but it's been used not only offensively, but as a way for non'kin to make fun of people who are 'kin and sets up a bad example of how otherkinity works to younger folk that don't necessarily have the resources or to find them.
Not everyone is ok with "kinnie" because it sounds as if you're making fun of the culture it originally represented.
It's also been noticably online that it's been replacing "copinglinker" which is a term used for someone who " 'kins to cope".
"Kinnie" is not cute. It's not aesthetic.
Yeah, some might try to "reclaim" it but not everyone is ok with the word and you shouldn't be labeling other people "kinnies." Because it sounds like a wholesome word. Because it's not.
You have a right to feel uncomfortable with the word, and nobody should try and force it on you or try to get you to "leave" the community because you don't like the "term."
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mogainursesoffice · 1 year
Why I identify as an AFAB Transgirl
Hey there! So you saw the title and may be a bit confused but don't worry I will explain. First off I would like to clarify some things; I am not cisgender, intersex, transphobic, a TERF, or trying to become oppressed. I have experienced transphobia and misgendering through the form of bullying. When I was younger than I currently am I was called a cross dresser/trap and told I have a penis despite presenting feminine and being AFAB. Currently as of now I have been told I look like a guy due to having short hair, called a tranny, been mocked such as people saying "she's trans" in a deeming manner as if it is an insult (it is not). I like to wear comfortable clothes and feel quite disconnected from myself and gender so even during times I identify/identified as transmasc these types of comments can still be upsetting to me. I feel a disconnect from femineity and often perceive myself as masc/a guy. I personally feel I should have born AMAB and have been able to be a transgirl that isn't AFAB. I also relate to/feel like a transgirl due to being treated as if I was one. I have also experienced dysphoria due to perceiving myself as masculine. I am also nobinary, neurodivergent, and use neopronouns so I feel and perceive my gender differently than others may. Overall I just want to be a girl in a trans way. Anyways there you have it that is why I identify as an AFAB Transgirl. Important thing to note nobody owes you an explanation to why they identify as something for them to be valid! If you don't support AFAB Transfems, AMAB Transmascs, and or AGAB Non-Conforming people then you are an exclusionist and using the same rhetoric as TERFs which is the idea that you can't be something due to your AGAB which is not in anyway inclusive!
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Dysphoric culture is thinking you might have non-standard private parts (such as bottom growth despite never being on T) but not looking into it because even looking at medical diagrams of those parts is extremely dysphoria inducing
Dysphoric culture is!
Also, if you get to the point where you're thinking that you might at all have a natural variation it's definitely worth checking out. Yes medical diagrams are not inclusive and unrealistic but having atypical genitals can signal other things (ex: being undiagnosed intersex) like hormone variations that your doctor should know about.
If it would make you less dysphoric you could maybe go to a trans medical/surgery site and see if they have any pictures? Or here is a less professional collection of bottom growth and pre-t photos (t-slur warning, no censoring on any of the images). Good luck figuring it out anon!
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i always forget this show is from the early 2000s until house drops the t slur casually
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angel-archivist · 1 year
people with the silliest and coolest usernames follow me and I’m kicking my little legs giggling like: target audience reached 🥰🥺✌️
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
you don't need to post this but I just want to rant
people assuming you can't use the word tranny because you identify as cis in headspace even though you've had transphobic comments towards you (i recall at least one) and yall collectively count as gender fluid... like how is that not inherently trans?
ofc i understand not wanting to use it since it's quite a heavy word (being a slur and all) but also... idk seeing so many people saying you can't say it is so weird. like are they trying to respect your inner cis identity? (which wouldn't make sense for all of them especially with that one user claiming we're all cis on the inside, even tho thats untrue and weird to say)
idk it's... makes me sad. like i know some of it ws before you came out and directly confirmed that you are afab in headspace but the body is amab and gender fluid, but.. also....
Yeah, this discourse is weird to me too.
Personally, it's not a term I feel comfortable reclaiming. Not only do I not identify as transgender, while I have had transphobic comments sent my way and been intentionally misgendered multiple times to hurt me, I've never been called that slur and neither has anyone else in my system.
For that reason, I stand by my apology and regret what I said.
(Although, for the record, I did reference considering the body being genderfluid at least as early as August. Obviously, not everyone on here is going to read and remember every post I make so I don't blame them for missing it, but I do want it on the record that I already identified the body as such. Also, pretty much every post where I identified as a cis woman mentioned in that the body was AMAB so there's no way they missed that.)
But... there's also an acknowledgement I need to make that many systems will be out publicly. That cis headmates may dress in ways that don't conform to gender standards and be called this particular slur because transphobes don't care whether you identify on the internally as "trans."
It seems wrong to me to say victims of transphobia who have been called this slur shouldn't be allowed to reclaim it.
Not only that, many transgender headmates share systems with cisgendered ones. So where is the line then? Does who has a right to reclaim a slur depend on the individual headmate? Should you not be allowed to reclaim a slur that's been used against other headmates in your system?
And if the inner-identity is more important than the body, where does this leave racial slurs in systems who are bodily that race, but individual headmates identify as different races?
I can't remember if it was an ask I deleted or in a reblog, but shortly after I made that post from before, someone asked rhetorically if it would be okay for a white person to say the N-word. And obviously, the answer to that is a strong no.
But there ARE systems with headmates who identify as other races, separate from the body. I remember reading an article written by a black-bodied system made up of many white-identifying headmates on the inside with only one black-identifying headmate. So would we say that the white-identifying headmates don't have a right to reclaim the N-word unless they explicitly identify as the race of the body first? Even if they've been called that slur themselves? Even if it was used to oppress them and their ancestors?
This, to me, feels like the logical conclusion of this line of discourse. And it feels wrong.
In my opinion, if the body is a certain thing, it seems that's what should determine if you can reclaim a slur.
I, personally, don't feel comfortable reclaiming the T-slur based on my life experience, and so I regret using it.
But I also don't want to support a hardline view that says "no cis-identifying headmates with different genders from their AGAB, even if they or their headmates have personally been called this slur and have been victims of transphobia, have the right to reclaim it."
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bli-o · 1 year
TW//transphobic slur
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roll-the-bones · 9 months
Omw to enchant everyone in my major with my tranny rizz
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transmascrage · 2 years
Hi sorry I just saw your comment on the queers in rural areas post and I just felt the need to say something as a queer person who got out of a conservative rural area
You do not need to sacrifice yourself for the betterment of your home town. You do not need to feel guilty about leaving.
Yes things need to change but you don't have to feel guilty if you are not the person that enacts that change.
Live your life and be happy and protest and make the changes where you can but don't sacrifice your life to fear and danger.
But do what feels right to you sorry if this comes off as rude. I was just in the same position 5 years ago and couldn't be happier having gotten out of my home town.
It's just tough, you know? I wanna start a queer youth group but it's so hard without knowing if anyone else is queer in town. And it's not like my family is exploding with support.
Like, I know that if no one does anything, nothing will change, but I also just want to get the fuck out of here and live somewhere where queer people other than me exist.
Like, part of me wants to stay and change this place, but part of me wants to meet other queer people and maybe get a shot at love. People in my town are either straight or straight AND too old for me.
Besides, nothing ever changes in this fucking country.
Not that others are perfect but good god, I can't stand to live in a country where politicians cheer as they shoot down a law on protecting queer and disabled folk, while TERFs giggle in the back because they managed to foil the evil trannies from having equal rights, and shooting themselves in the foot like the idiots they are because the law was supposed to protect women too.
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I’m telling you, the ai was this close to calling my oc the T slur
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why am I doing this to myself
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plague-vulture · 2 years
Trans people! What's the wackiest thing a transphobe/terf has called you in place of the t slur? For me it's probably "gendie" or "troon" like what the sh1t is that other than a replacement form of tranny??
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trapny · 2 years
kill yourself tranny
No thank you I try not to take advice from people who statistically aren't very smart.
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tastefulmoss · 2 years
“I shouldn’t be saying slurs in the target”
-me, realizing my horrible mistake after I, a transgender, called a shirt a ‘tranny crop top’
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randomcartoonbro · 2 years
I genuinely think people in recent years have forgotten the concept of context. Specifically talking about the use of slurs. There's a difference between derogatory language, reclamation, and explanation. If someone shouts f*ggot at me, that's derogatory and not okay. If I call myself, a gay man, a fag, that's reclamation. If I say "someone called me a f*ggot today :(", that's not me being "problematic or whatever. That's just me explaining what happened.
Then there's 2 specific media examples I've gotten in arguments over before. I don't really get why it had to be an argument, but still.
1. "Well, maybe I'm the f*ggot, America!" - American Idiot by Green Day (an example of reclamation)
2. "They tore my cotton granny dress and called me a hot damn tr*nny mess" - The Big Bad Wolf from Shrek the Musical during "Story of My Life" (an example of explanation)
As a gay trans man, I fail to see how either are problematic. Just think about context for five seconds, guys. Come one
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deliciousfoxcoffee · 2 years
The sexualisation of trans people is so tiring... Not even in the fetishistic way, just that its nearly all people seem to talk about us with.
One of the bigger debates about us, that no one who isn't attracted to our AGAB or has a ""tranny fetish"" would want to sleep with us (and all the BS that sparked off that). When people do think about you with someone its "how do you have sex though??", or people thinking they have a right to know about the state of your genitals.
Or that our trans-ness is the result of our sexuality, straight trans people are trans to escape homosexuality, gay trans people are auto(gyno/andro)philic, and ace trans people are just so sexually traumatised they can't handle sex to the point of being revolted by their AGAB, (I actually haven't seen a concrete argument for Bi folks specifically, if you know one could you let me know? I'm curious). It's like we can't just be trans for reasons outside of boning.
When I decided to start socially transitioning my parents didn't want me to because telling people I was trans would make them view me sexually, despite being like 13 at the time. And while I scoffed at it at the time (and to an extent still think its stupid), I understand. You can't exist as a trans person without your sexuality being a focal point. I guess I could understand, those who cant think of gender outside of sex can't think of someone changing their gender without thinking about their genitals! And transphobes need an excuse to prove we're misguided sexually. It all makes sense as much as I hate it.
I'm not proposing a huge social change, or saying this needs to be fixed right this moment (although itd be nice if it shifted away), it's just something thats been on my mind
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