#surpised emoji
ventique18 · 6 months
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"Hey, this egg... Is Malleus really in here? It looks more like a big, shiny stone than an egg."
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> Something moved inside! ... Like that?
> Hey! What if you break it!
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Silver: "For as long as I can remember, Lord Malleus looks the same as he does now.
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Silver: "I wonder what he looked like when he was born?"
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> I think he was born a dragon
> Maybe he looked like a human child?
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Silver: "Ah... Could it be that the reason why Lord Malleus couldn't interfere in this dream is because father's memories took place before he was born? Magic is limited only by one's imagination."
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"And that's why Lord Malleus is having a hard time controlling things he couldn't have known or imagine..."
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heartfullofleeches · 8 months
Loser catboy reader with cc???? Crackpost of them pls
[The ending is a bit crack, but I got a lil carried away and did a full mini fic. Hope you enjoy-]
Yan Incubus + Catboy [G.N] Reader
A new donation.
"Heyyyy, Bestie- Check out my new mix. Pretty sure it's my best work ever and comes from the heart - xoxo"
That guy again- And people call you lustful. You can still feel his hands around your waist and his breath on your neck. Your thighs and back are proof of his clinginess after your last encounter with him left you riddled with nail marks. It didn't surpise you much given his flirty persona to the public, but the sting almost made you feel bad for all the times you've used someone's face as a scratching post. Almost.
Adjusting your headphones, you click away from the game on stream - pulling up the chat room where the sound file had been sent. As in your face as he was, the demon was still one of your top members and a pretty big name in music and influencer spaces. Gained some new followers and a fair amount of pocket change just by posing for a few pictures with him and liking every comment he left on your posts. The guy was a pro at baiting fans with an alleged relationship. Even changed his status to taken with a cat emoji and a sea of hearts next to his name.
Right as you click on the file another message pops up on screen.
"You listen to it yet?:p"
"Just turned it on. Chill, it's been like three seconds."
"KK-ily. Call me when you're done. I'll be waiting~;)"
"Yeah, yeah....whatever." Moving your tail into your lap as you recline, you prop yourself against the back of your chair as the melody slowly fades in. The flow is more mellow than the house vibe the DJ is known for. You find yourself swaying - ears switching as vocals ease into the mix. A faint whisper barley audible over the thumping beat. The voice hitches, strained and breathy as another joins it. Your fur stands on end as a familiar chuckle plays through your ears - his voice as clear as the lip gloss coating his lips when he kissed you.
"You have no idea what you do to me... I need you.... say that you're mine.. Say it."
"I'm.... I'm yours, just - just shut up and kiss me again."
Rage floods your eyes. You throw your headphones across the room- quickly joining the video call C.C had been waiting for you in. His shit eating grin makes you want to send your monitor to the same fate as your headphones. He waves
"Hiii, baby. What's wrong? You look tense- Need me to come over and make you feel better?~"
"Did you fucking record us making out and put it into your song?!"
"Just thought it's about time we put those silly rumors to rest and come out as proper couple. Pretty obvious to everyone that we have something going on. I'll let you know the results in a few hours once it finishes uploading."
"Buh-bye, hun!"
C.C waves goodbye, blowing a kiss at the call abruptly ends. Using him as a scratching post sounds like a great idea, but something tells you he'd enjoy that.
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gojo-mochi · 6 months
writing this at 1 am but schdueling it for 10am!! SURPISE SOFTY REQUEST BOX OPEN
Send me a star emoji of any kind and the character you wanna smooch under the mistletoe and ill write up a little drabble on how you guys end up smooching (you could even put my name in if you want ) mostly gonna be sfw unless i feel spicy, anons will be sfw only, can put preferred pronouns if ya want
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sleepy--anon · 8 months
Day 7: Flustered
Reserved by anon
Reblog first, like later please, reblogs do more
You can still reserve unmarked days
Please check my writing list before you request
Dream couldn’t quite figure George out, he knew he got flustered but he couldn’t figure out what did it. He'd only ever seen Sapnap and Karl be purposefully successful, so, he asked.
"Hey Pandas, you got a second?" Dream asked, gently knocking on his doorframe. He didn't call him Pandas very often anymore but sometimes he will just to see him melt at the old, fond nickname.
"Yeah, course, what's up?"
"I have a bit of a weird question, so don't laugh at me! It's just been eating at me for a while." He rambled, making his way to Sapnap’s couch in his office, taking a seat and fidgeting with his sleeves. Sapnap raised an eyebrow, urging him to continue, giving him his full attention.
"How do you fluster George!?" Dream asks, loud and fast, clearly embarrassed to be asking it. Sapnap takes a minute to process what he said before scoffing.
"The same way I fluster you Cutie, he's ticklish as hell! Use that, tease him, he's getting used to the compliments now, they won't work unless he's already worked up." Dream was surprised at how efficiently Sapnap broke that down for him, he gave him a quick thanks before running out. Hearing Sapnap yell something about keeping it downstairs so he could work. Dream found him in the cinema room anyway, laying on the floor with his eyes shut, with lo-fi music playing from the movie screen. He snuck his way over, soundlessly straddling the small boy, bracketing his hands on either side of his head.
"Watcha doing Georgie~?" George’s eyes flew open is surpise, his hands jumping to Dream’s chest, ready to shove him off.
"Oh my god Dream! You scared the shit out of me! What are you doing?!" Dream just smirked at his outburst, he could see George’s weary confusion as he somewhat relaxed. Dream curled his fingers into the carpet by George’s ears, making sure he heard it. Hearing George gasp and both his shoulders twitch, George’s eyes suddenly filled with shocked anticipation. He learned very quickly how easily Dream had him pinned to the floor without even using his hands, which in turn made his face turn hot pink.
"Awww~ Poor Georgie's all helpless now~ too flustered and all mine to play with until Sapnap comes down~" George stared at him in disbelief, his face a clear red, his voice not cooperating, cracking when he spoke.
"W-What do you mean when Sapnap comes down?" Dream chuckled lowly, pinning both his wrists with one hand in a flash. Lightly booping his flushed nose, which made him scrunch his whole face.
"You seriously didn't think I'd have all the fun did you~?" Showing George the text he sent Sapnap saying to come join the in the cinema whenever he's ready with the '😏😈' emojis. George squirmed like a fish on a hook yet went no where, looking up to see Dream just looking at him.
"You done?" He waited a couple seconds before finally squeezing his side, he was so worked up it was like hot wiring a car, back arched, head back, banshee screach, bicycle kicking legs.
"Oh Georgie~ how will you ever survive~?"
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mother-athena · 8 months
HII MAMA! I've missed you! I have so much to tell you, I bought three THREE new pacis. One is a little bunny, there a rainbow one with a cat in it and j forgot the last one but in not going to look before it comes in the mail ill wait so I can be a surpise. I am very proud of you for taking time for urself, mama has to stay healthy too!!! Have a great day <3
(also, can I have this emoji? 👾)
Hi baby! Oh, I missed you so much too! You can definitely have the 👾 for your icon, I'll mark it down for you.
And three pacis!? Wow, that's so cool! I bet they look so cute, especially your bunny paci. (bunnies are one of my favorite animals)
Thank you for being so patient with me though, angel. I am feeling much better now and I'm so excited to get back into posting and talking with all my kiddos! 💕
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wri0thesley · 1 year
the theme of that "baby its cold outside" christmas song but with pantalone. his tone getting more and more demanding (he is his sickly sweet and polite self still, ofc) as hes trying to persuade you to stay the night, through this cold snehznayan snow storm. The more you try to refuse, the more nervous you start to appear the more you start to notice his grin getting ever so slightly wider. He has you trapped inside with his back to the door and u realise, all that courting, the gifts u received, the surpise work promotions happening to your family members- with his hand places on the back of ur neck (if anyone were to see you two now, theyd take it as a sign of pure affection, esp with the way he looks at you. but u feel his grip being tighter than necessary) you realise he's decided to claim his payment now.
baby its cold outside is my favourite christmas song and something about the uuh. tom jones cerys matthews music video growing up always made me kinda (eyes emoji). if you haven't seen it. you should watch it.
and AHAHSNKJVFDN. yes. the snezhnayan cold is so bitter, and the storm is raging, and hasn't he been kind? hasn't he courted you and given you gifts worth far more than your station should allow?
he believes, most of all, in equivalent exchange. and it's time for you to pay up.
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nataliewritez · 1 year
hi !! 🌴and🪸 for the ask game !
A/N: aaaaa!! ty dani for sending in first for the ask game!!
🌴: what's a tickle memory you'll never forget?
mine is rather long, but before i met my bf, i used to be deathly afraid of tks, so, coincidentally on april fools, i tazed peoples sides unkowingly that it tks alot qjxhhe, so after i did it to him, he transferred into my class and well, lets say he taught me that tks can be fun and nice!!
coral emoji because i don't have it: are you a screamer or a squealer?(surpise tks)
i'm a squealer!! i usually don't get surprise tks so its a nightmare delight to receive them!!
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mtsodie · 1 year
theres a surpising amount of shrugging emojis here
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nataliesnews · 4 months
Unwra,Talli Gottlieb etc 27.1.2024
This is the tent of the families in Balfour. And below the tent nearer the house of Netanyahu when the weather is good. How home in one of the busiest streets in Israel looks as if it is being protected against tanks.When there is a demonstration not only are all the streets blocked but the main road has  barricades one after another  all the way down to the junction. I said to one of the police.....do you think we are going to come in in tanks? His intelligent answer was that it is to protect us from drivers who want to knock us over. I restrained myself from asking him if he really believed the nonsense he was spouting.
I was pleased to hear that many countries are stopping contributions to Unwra as some of their people took part in the attack of the 7th. I understand the families who are not allowing aid to be sent to Gaza though I wish we could  help but seeing that most of the goods are going to the Hamas.....I actually went with the Baskins.....and Gershon also is not optimistic....but we did not realise that in the bad weather they were opening a bigger tent at Balfour an, finding no one there went home. But yesterday as I wrote a taxi driver put me right. They keep asking us not to forget them. 
These were the golden days when Eliezer Yaari and his story of Machsomwatch came to Cinematheque. As someone said last night the demonstrations at Balfour were the days of the Garden of Eden and now we are in the Garden of the Beasts.
Meet Talli Gotliv who is accusing the Mossad (Secret Service) of everythng she can think of. " Following the series of social media posts, Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar issued a strongly worded letter against Gotliv, accusing her of endangering the lives of security services personnel and their families by publishing their personal details." and this at a time when we are told that this is not the time for enquiries into the actions of the army. Are you surpised that we are so suspicious of everything that we hear.
   Protest leader demands Likud MK retract 'delusional conspiracy' of Mossad meeting
Shin Bet chief said to urge state commission be formed ‘now’ to probe Oct. 7 failures
Ronen Bar reportedly tells ministers public 'desperately needs this,' as does agency to put an end to 'lies and conspiracies' claiming it had foreknowledge of Hamas attack
There are those in the Likud who seem intent on endangering us more and more......there is Almog Cohen..Almog Cohen, who is listed in the seventh slot of Religious Zionism’s party list, posted a photo over the weekend referencing the alleged assault on his Facebook page. Cohen,a former riot police officer, can be seen kneeling on three men in the photo, who are tied-up and lying on the ground.Cohen captioned the photo saying that “those on the ground remember what I did in the army,” adding a winking face emoji. Just to give you a taste of the PDF below. But he did more damage when he started to report on the army finding babies hanging on a clothes line, about a woman who went through the Holocaust and gave her name......all this was denied by the army spokesman and yet he again repeated this to foreign networks.  There was no such horrible scene and there was no woman by the name he gave from the kibbutz. Was what the Hamas did not bad enough for him?. 
And then there was the woman politician Silman  who claims that she was slapped by a demonstrator though there is no video evidence. True, two people claimed they saw it happening. Maybe it did, but the police immediately arrested the woman. She was held overnight in the women's jail and was so stressed that she fainted in the witness stand and though there was a doctor in the courtroom, he was not allowed to go to her and in the end she was taken by ambulance to hospital. I don't know what the outcome will be but I would suggest they take both of them and the two witnesses to a test of truth.....forgottem what word is.
Woman detained for allegedly assaulting Minister Silman at Rehovot shopping center
Police say 52-year-old activist knocked phone out of environmental protection minister's hands and slapped her; suspect denies allegations
 and after that check this out....so on the one hand the police rush to attack and on the other hand in the army the extremists are taking hold more. 
Oh and the cherry on the cake is that the extreme elements want to go and settle the Gaza strip. I said to a friend that I wished they would do so and maybe they would understand what those in the south went through. But my friend said to me that if the settlers did go there we can be sure that there will be all the protection they need from the army. Not as happened on the 7th October where practically all the soldiers in the area were sent to protect the settlers holding a party in Hawarra and I am sure that then every soldier serving in the area will be armed with guns if not cannons.
Thousands of right-wing activists are getting ready to resettle Gaza after the war
'Gaza City will be Jewish' says one leader; core groups of potential residents being assembled; MKs from all parties in Netanyahu-led bloc support the burgeoning movement
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ducknotinarow · 6 months
@aflockoffeathers said: MM MikeyDon -[🎄] our muses decorate a christmas tree together
| SEND AN EMOJI FOR A STARTER ! ↳ winter season & holiday based [part 1]
Mikey like all his brothers? Of course also loved Christmas it was always a special day for them Dad always did what he could to make the day special for them. And they always loved it. They look forward to even one of the few times they weren't always looking for an excuse to sneak up to the surface really either but. Mikey had notice this time? Well things seemed a bit different. Dad, was a bit hm scattered he feels was a decent word to use. trying to juggle the old traditions and find ways to inculcate everyone else in on it too and be open to other things. But then there were his brothers, Leo wasn't too bad really. Then you had Raph. Raph didn't seem to be holding the same spirit. Seeming a bit moody these day's lately considering he snapped over the tree. Don? he seemed to be in a whole other world himself. Not all to present in their usual traditions. All lost to some project he been working on.
That wasn't too out there for Donnie of course, Donnie was known to zero in when something grabs his attention. It was fine over all Mikey guessed it made sense this year was bond to be different after all. They weren't just the smaller family after all. They now had Mondo, Ray, Bepbop and Rocksteady, wingnut, leatherhead, Genghis, and well of course uh Scumbug as well. That was cool too he was happy that Dad seemed so happy with her. But Mikey had to admit the family didn't feel all that together this year. And sure changes will do that but it was like they were being pulled apart. Something he and Mondo had spoken about in the tunnels together. When he voiced his worries over all the changes. Mondo helping to reassure him everything was fine. Far as Mikey was concerned Mondo was the smarts mutant he knew.
Because the mutant he once thought fit that was currently being the biggest idiot of them all. Well Raph might be more so. Maybe they were the same equal level of idiot? Whatever he could understand his brother plight here but still. Leaning over to look at the paper Donnie was hunched over right now. Mikey felt it looked pretty good. It looked better than anything else he seen Donnie draw hell far better than the manga he and Von made that for some reason featured Casey in it? Or someone that was like Casey? Sometimes it truly was better not to question his brothers and just go with the flow like Mondo always said. But right now? Mikey didn't see how going with flow was the answer. Quirking his beak a little.
"Donnie, your being stupid." Mikey went on to state his tone was even and his brown was knitted into a unimpressed expression when he said it. "It looks great! And if anything that is the perfect gift for you to give to Von!" He went to add on. "You guys spend time drawing together you made your own story even? And now your making a drawing of Von" He paused a second "A portrait" He corrected. "You know something you went and pour all this time and effort into? And you wanna sit here and think it'd not good?"
He questions trying to see if Donnies was smart enough to follow on his line of thought of course he wasn't so Mikey rolled his eyes a little. "Dude Dad loves are dinky ordenaments so much he wraps them in news paper I wouldn't be surpised if Von frames that or something. You day she this great girl right?" It likely pointless for Mikey to keep trying but damn it he wasn't going to give up. They were going to gather and watch the tree together one way or another!
"Donnie, let me ask you something if Von Is as great a person as you claim her to be" his wording may be hard but it was on pu4pose, these improve games were really paying off. "Are you telling me she would be happy that you spent your family time working on her gift that you have poured your heart out into already but she apperntly wouldn't like now?" Mikey poses "I dunno Don makes me wonder what kind of girl your dating now." He waits a moment feeling pretty good about where he stands.
"Do you see how insane thar aounds!" He yells suddenly. "That's clearly not who she is or how she be Donnie." He sighs put dropping the role he assigned himself. Letting his face fall a bit. "Could you please Donnie? It's always been a thing for use todo and we still need Raph too I think it be nice to get every together for the tree." He pleads a little hoping one of his two methods gets through his brother. But Donnie might just be that much of an idiot.
"Donnie, seriously, your being worse than Leo. And least you have Rizz." Something Leo will never live down. "Von gonna love thar I think it looks amazing it's like your best work! There's no reason to waste the whole of our holiday stuff on this. Von likely gonna love anything I mean your first date was just spent drawing and such right? So course shell llve this it's like a whole display of your relationship I a gift! What could be a better gift than that?" Hope mlre lole praying and wishing at once that finally he'll get through to Donnie maybe even a little.
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catboyrichardkarinsky · 9 months
Charlie + 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 13, 22, 23, 24, 25
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
he's just an autistic lil guy with roller skates how could i not like him??
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
I'm pretty sure proportionally he makes the most references to Sondheim musicals which is kind of surprising but it also isn't that surpising? i feel like it fits him in a way
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
&j to make the Fletcher-Charlie friendship canon
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
the tism mostly also i too am just saying shit that perhaps even I don't fully understand
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
oh absolutely we'd be vibing
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
gay gay homosexual gay. also if he's already semi canonically a Sondheim fan he GOTTA know William Finn i mean i feel like Bill Finn musicals were made for this guy. In trousers has strong Charlie vibes he should listen to it. he's the only person who can even understand it tbh
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
🛼<- the most obvious choice
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
there's like one fic that's like. about Caroline and Richard and that time fucking j*e cheated on Caroline but like all of it was from Charlie's perspective and it was really fun
23. Favorite picture of this character?
valentine's day revenge Charlie is something to think about a lot
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24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
Fletcher from & juliet as we've already established but also Phoebe from friends and there's a crossover fanfic where they interact actually
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
"what the hell is this guy's deal? oh he's just autistic okay makes sense"
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zinogirl · 1 year
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serxeinxx · 2 years
HELLOO !! congrats on 500 followers maia, u deserve it tons <3
I'd like to join your matchmaking event ! the fandom will be jujutsu kaisen :) my fav aesthetic is light/dark academia & my hobbies are cooking, painting & reading
✔︎ going on road trips & staying up late at night
✘ flying insects, hot & dry weather, shouting
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you have been matched with okkotsu yuuta (jjk) !!
; heaven and earth wont deny in such a pretty match!
⁰⁰¹: staying up with him in the night makes everyting feel good for both you and him <33 plus,, he would love to join with you, cooking !!
⁰⁰²: "yuuta?" your voice echoed through the hallway. you raised an eyebrow upon your confusion. It was weird. He was with you 30 minutes ago in tye kitchen. You went upstairs on your shared room.
You knocked on the door, waiting for a response that he was inside. But there's no answer. You went everywhere and went to the balcony lastly. To see him, doing something on the garage.
He heard your voice and panicked. Luck wasn't on his side today and you saw what he's been up to.
he was attempting to paint.
You couldn't helped it but to laugh, "You could've just asked me to paint with you."
"But i wanted to surpise you," he reasoned.
You dipped the white paint onto his nose.
"Y/n! Comeback here!"
"as if u can!"
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thank you anon !! hey, hey, what will be ur emoji as?? 🤓 <33
© 2022 serxeinxx. All Rights Reserved. Do not repost. Do not plagiarize.
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thatoneao3writer · 3 years
Been here before, but Gonna try this emoji thing: 💙
An idea for teen titans: Sam Nook’s Big Date
In which Punz asks out Sam’s hot cousin Sam Nook (still under the impression that he’s human) and to the surpise of all, Sam Nook agrees. The titans are rather apprehensive about this date, but when Sam tries to protest, Punz calls him stating Sam Nook is his own person and can make up his own mind.
The date commences with five worried titans and one jealous (of the attention not of the date) Tommy spying from the bushes. Sam Nook sends Punz on little erands to get random things. The titans panic, believing that Sam Nook doesn’t realize what a date actually is, and Sam and Puffy try to explain while Ant, Bad, and Ponk frantically try to make the errands more romantic. Tommy tries to help, but he is sent on random errands too, because he can’t say no to Sam Nook.
Turns out, all the little errands were to put together a little gazebo with a picnic lunch on the beach, which is completed just as the sun is setting for a beautiful view. The titans are floored Sam Nook actually knew what he was doing, and Ponk turns to Sam and goes, “how come your robot is better at planning dates than you are?”
Punz and Sam Nook enjoy the meal, (with Sam Nook fake eating because he’s learned from watching Tommy this makes humans feel more comfortable). Then Sam Nook asks Punz a question, about what he meant when he called Sam Nook his own person.
Punz is a bit confused at the existential question at a date, but decides to give it a shot, telling Sam Nook that everyone is their own person because they have their own mind, thoughts, feelings and will. Sam Nook might politely argue he doesn’t think he does, but Punz reassures him that of course he does. Punz (with permission) guides Sam Nook’s hand to Sam Nook’s heart, where he mistakes the whirl of machinery for a heartbeat, and tells him as long as he has that, he’s his own person, just like Punz (and guides Sam Nook’s other hand to feel Punz’s heart beat).
Sam Nook feels the beats, feels how they are different, but kind of the same, and finds his circuits feel slightly warm.
“We should do this again,” he says, and Punz beams.
Then the titans promptly fall out of the bushes they were hiding in from the shock.
Ponk: really? Punz? You couldn’t have picked anyone else???
Sam (whipes tear): they grow up so fast
Punz: where did u come from? Wait, have you been spying? What the hell? Let Nooky live his life!!!
Ponk: Sam Nook, look at me, you can do so much better than this guy ok? So much better.
Sam Nook: ...If Ponk is feeling jealous, I am sure Punz would enjoy his company too.
Ponk: WHAT?!!! That wasn’t...how did u even reach that conclusion????
Punz: sorry Ponkie! Looks like I just got off the market!
Sam (sees ponk chasing punz around screaming): ...maybe its time to call it a day.
Oh my god you have no idea how much I’m smiling right now >< This is so sweet ggggghhhhhhhhh my freaking heart >~<
(Also, should I start calling you Heart Anon, Blue Anon, or Blue Heart Anon??)
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newobsessionweekly · 4 years
First fight🌿
a/n: yes, I’ll say that again. I’m not a writer, but I had an idea and yeah, I wrote it down.  word count: 2.081
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Arón Piper x reader🌿
You are probably more in love with Spain than with your boyfriend. And you love him terribly, but being here in Valencia, walking through the town with Arón’s hand holding yours, it feels like heaven. You never thought that you’ll had the chance to travel this soon, and this country never stops to surpise you. Someone saw your performance at one of the fashion shows and proposed to made a photoshoot for the Oysho’s new line of swimsuits. You were shoocked, this is a great opportunity and Arón pushed you from behind to accept it. The only problem was that you had to be in Valencia for the weekend. 
“There is nothing like a problem here.” he shooked his head and smiled so bright at you.
“What do you mean?” you frowned at him, but not for so long, he looks so adorable that he made you smile too. 
“Well, I can come with you. And you can meet my parents, amor.” he smiled even larger when he saw your terrified face.     
And you were terrified, you still are despite the fact that is the second day there. But everything is so beautiful, the town emanates so much happiness and love, and everywhere you can feel the sea breeze. The dinner was postponed for this night because yesterday after the shooting you were so tired that you fell asleep in the five minutes break before you were supossed to get ready for the dinner. You felt so bad because since you were there, you hadn’t have the chance to meet his parents properly. You saw them last evening when you arrived from the beach and in the morning while rushing through the door.   
His parents offered him the car to take you to the shooting, but he turned them down. He preferes to hold your hand while presenting the city he had grown up with. And for almost seven months since you were together, he had plenty of time to descover you and all the thoughts that were in your mind, especially that you adored long walks and creating sweet memories with him.
While padding on the cliff, you saw a man aproaching, imediately changing his face when he saw Arón, like something was happening between them, something unusual. Your boyfriend also let your hand slip apart on the image of the man. The misterious guy started jumping and laughing along with your boyfriend and then they hugged so tight as you laugh at the image. They looked so happy, it seems like they know for so long and maybe missed each other for too long.
” This gilipollas has been my best friend for more than fifteen years!” Aron proudly said and introduced you to aparentely his best friend.
”Marco, ¡mucho gusto!” the two of you shook hands.
” (y/n). ¡Encantada!” you smiled at Marco and looked at your watch. Five more minutes until the shooting starts and you are not there.
” You go with him and catch up, I'll call you when I'm done, alright? It'a a three minutes walk, no one is gonna kidnap me. ” you laugh as you faced Aron.
”Be careful, amor!” he hugged you softely and kissed you so sweet that you had to take a few seconds to came down to earth. You couldn’t get used to the fact that you are dating this amazing man and he actually likes you. You are in love, a hundred percent, but when it comes to his feelings, is not that he doesn’t like you, but you don’t really know if he is in love with you as strongly as you are with him.
The ride towards the restaurant was awkwardly silent and Arón seemed strange, but you blamed the meeting with his friend, maybe he misses now the other friends of his.
The restaurant was at the last floor, the walls were made of glass and you could see the sun kissing the sea while it went down. You love Valencia even more now, with all these amazing places, you could imagine how it would be to live here, maybe with Arón. Owning a flat on the last floor like the one you have back in Madrid or maybe a beautiful tiny house near the sea. This place made you dream so deeply, but it was a beautiful dream you want to plan with Arón. Ah, you are so in love.
“(y/n)! It’s so nice to finally meet you!” Arón’s mom greeted for the both of them, while you kissed each other on the cheeks.
“Lo siento! I am really sorry for being literally a ghost. I didn’t mean to be rude!” you apologised.
“De nada! We understand, querida! This way used to be Arón as well when he still lived with us.” his mom caressed your hand and smiled at you.
You getting along with his parents so well should make him happy, but he’s smoking already the third cigarette and never looked at you. Taking a sip from the wine you ordered, you let yourself admire this handsome man and tried to figure out what happened with him.
“Are you ok?” you asked him silently. He looked at you just one second then moved his sight on the window.
“Yeah, perfect.” he eventually answered.
You frowned at him, trying so desperately to catch his sight, but he fiercely refused to look at you. Ok, you did something wrong, but what? You started getting mad because he wouldn’t tell you what is bothering him so you could took that away and made him happy again.
“Perdonanos!” you grabbed his arm and made him follow you unwillingly into the toilet.
“What is wrong, cariño?” you placed a hand on his cheek but he grabbed your arm and pulled you away.
“Nothing. Just you are fucking him behind my back, I had to pretend it’s ok and never happend, especially in front of my parents because they like you so much.” he finally looked at you but he gave you the most indifferent look.
“What are you talking about?” you asked him. You didn’t want to make him even more angrier, but you seriously didn’t knew what was he talking about.
“I had suspicions for a while, all those hugs and touches, all the kisses on the forehead or cheek. And now you basically threw my suspicions in my face and told me I am right.” and now he’s the one that throws at you spicy words. What the fuck? You and Miguel? That could never happen. You know each other too well, you told him the strong feelings you have for Arón. You could never do that to Arón and especially not with Miguel.
“Miguel is like my brother. And he is the only family I’ve got here. Would you calm down for a minute and try to think what the fuck are you saying? He just add a comment on my post and I responded! It doesn’t mean that I’m fucking with him!” the adrenaline started running through your veins while the anger just got at a higher level.
“He sends you heart emojis and says he loves you and you replied with kisses.I am the one that is not thinking, right...” he rolled his eyes, having his arms crossed over his chest.
“I am here, with you at a fucking dinner to meet your fucking parents and you are saying that I am cheating on you! You know what? I better leave, before I say something and ruin this whole damn think. Because I basically ruin everything, right?” you walked away from the toilet, tears running down your face, not caring at all about all the people staring. You approached the table where his parents were staying concerned about you two and grabbed you purse.
“Where are you going? You don’t even know this city!” you can tell he’s worried, but for now you nedded to calm down and think.
“Don’t follow me, please!” you could hear his fist making contact with the table and him swearing, but you just ran outside.
You were walking on the cliff, only in your dress, you forgot your jacket at the restaurant. The sound of the waves smashing on the sand calmed you down, you weren’t angry anymore, but still couldn’t stop crying. Your head hurted as much as the heart and on your chest was pressing all the worries and the doubts he had been through because of you. You hate yourself right now. You didn’t do anything wrong, Miguel is like a brother to you, but something made Arón think otherwise.
“Aye, Chica, I hope your calling me to tell me you finally slept together, otherwise I am about to end this call.” Miguel laughed at the other end and didn’t let you say a word since the call started.
“Well, he thinks I’m cheating on him with you so the only people fucking here is you and I in his head.” you tried to talk properly and not to let a sigh out of your mouth.
“Wait, you are joking, right?” Miguel responded.
“What on earth does he have on that head? Rice?” you stayed silent for a while then he talked again: “Where are you? Can you get him on the phone please?”
“I’m not with him right now, but don’t do anything stupid, I’ll go and talk to him!”
“Ok, but be careful out there, don’t go too far away, ok?”
“Sure. I love you, like in a brother and sister way.” you finally wiped you last tear. You couldn’t ask for a better friend, he cares 
“Yeah, like Valerio and Lu loves each other. “ he was joking, obviously, but made you laugh. You ended the call and headed towards the building to find Arón and fix up this misunderstanding.
When you entered in the apartment, his parents were on the couch, catching up with the late night news. They both looked your way, but his mother shooked her head. He wasn’t in his room, but where? You frozed for a second thinking maybe he tried to find you and to talk to you, and maybe he’s now looking for you in the town. ¡Joder! How stupid!
“He’s on the rooftop.” his dad smiled softly at you.
When you got up on top of the building, the view was breathtaking. You could see the moon and it’s reflection on the sea through the other buildings. And you could see Arón, standing on the edge, facing the sea. You could still hear the sound of the waves, and you hoped that it would mask the sound of your footsteps.
“You are here!” he faced you, and smiled a little.
“Of course I’m here. I will always be.”  you approached with baby steps.
“You don’t know how sorry I am, baby-“ he tried to talk, but you stopped him.
“I am actually very sorry. I’ve been so busy these days, I didn’t really showed you how much you mean to me.” you grabbed his cheek.
“It was stupid of me to assume that you are fucking with Miguel.” he closed his eyes.
“Yeah, it was. But the only man I wanna fuck is you, gilipollas!” you finally speak the truth out loud.
He laughed, actually finding very funny your spanish pronunciation, expecially when you try to be serious but speak dirty words. He closed the distance between the two of you with a soft kiss. You always think that this man deserves the world, and deserves to know how much he’s loved, especially by you.
“I am so in love with you, tanto!” you told him and kissed him again. “Yeah, pretty bad then, because I just wanna fuck you.” both of you laughed and he hugged you tight, while watching the sea from the rooftop. “It’s really beautiful up here. And I guess your parents don’t like me very much now.” you just stayed there in his arms where it felt like home. “You are the first one I’m with here, so you are pretty special. And my parents actually adore you, amor.” he lights a cigarette, but still holds you in his arms. You are not a fan of the cigarettes, but you let him smoke near you anyway  because it can take his uncertainties away. Smoking helps him more than you could and you are ok with it. And besides, he looks so hot while doing that. 
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lemonfezt · 4 years
Oooooh. I love this gameee. Thank u for asking. slight spoilers coming thru
🐈 favorite introduction
Definitely Hatsuharu omg 😂. I still replay that scene. The bycicle part had me rolling to the floor and when Tohru thought he was an old man, I cracked up. His character introduction is one of my favorite episodes and chapter in the manga.
🐗 my otp
No surpise but iz kyo and tohru. Tho I'm still and will forever be an ot3 fan (kyo tohru and yuki), one of the reasons I love about this ship is the foundation of it. It's not super cliche and obvious. It's deeply rooted with a lot understanding and heartfelt moments that you can't help but root for them. And they're not a couple that's super annoying when they finally finally realized their feelings (coz I know how it feels when you want to throttle a couple whenever they kept dismissing their feelings for one another) their slow burn romance is handled beautifully and deserves the love the fans give to them..alsooo my runner ups are rin and haru then yuki and machi
📱- favorite scene in emojis
Oh myyyy I have three actually coz im that extra (they're all in the same level so I can't compare them)
All interchangeable
this was fun. Ask me some moreeee ❤❤❤
(og source from: @floraltohru)
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